
Sample records for anticuerpos igg al

  1. Prevalencia de anticuerpos antifosfolípidos en pacientes con conectivopatías

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    Óscar Emilio Ruiz-Franco


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos antifosfolípidos en pacientes con conectivopatías. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Institución: Hospital Dos de Mayo e Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas de la UNMSM, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Pacientes con diagnóstico de colagenopatía y sujetos sanos. Intervenciones: En 100 pacientes con diagnóstico de colagenopatía y 50 sujetos sanos, todos provenientes de Lima Metropolitana y atendidos entre enero y noviembre de 2008, se determinó fibrinógeno, tiempo de protrombina, tiempo parcial de tromboplastina activada, anticuerpos anticardiolipina y anticoagulante lúpico. Principales medidas de resultados: Presencia de anticuerpos anticardiolipina y anticoagulante lúpico. Resultados: Los pacientes con conectivopatías presentaron anticuerpos antifosfolípidos en 17%, anticoagulante lúpico en 13% y anticardiolipina IgG 4%. Al dividir el grupo por conectivopatías, en los 70 pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico 10 resultaron positivos para anticoagulante lúpico y 3 tuvieron anticardiolipina IgG; de los 30 pacientes con artritis reumatoide, 3 tuvieron anticoagulante lúpico positivo y 1 presentó anticardiolipina IgG. En el grupo de 50 personas sanas, solo se encontró un caso positivo para anticoagulante lúpico. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de anticuerpos antifosfolípidos en pacientes con conectivopatías fue 17%. La conectivopatía estudiada más frecuente fue el lupus eritematoso sistémico. El anticuerpo antifosfolípido más frecuente fue el anticoagulante lúpico.

  2. Concentración de anticuerpos contra proteínas de las glándulas salivales de Aedes aegypti e historia de la exposición al virus del dengue en residentes de una zona endémica colombiana

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    Berlin Londoño-Rentería


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las proteínas salivales de los mosquitos son capaces de inducir la producción de anticuerpos, lo que a su vez refleja el grado de contacto hombre-vector. Además, los anticuerpos IgG contra el virus del dengue son indicadores de una exposición previa a este virus. El riesgo de transmisión del virus del dengue está asociado no solo con factores relacionados con la biología del mosquito, o factores virales, sino también, con factores socioeconómicos, como la disponibilidad de agua en el hogar, que pueden desempeñar un papel importante durante la temporada epidémica. Objetivo. Determinar el efecto de la presencia de mosquitos Aedes aegypti en las casas y la exposición previa al virus del dengue, sobre los niveles de anticuerpos contra mosquitos en el contacto humano-vector en habitantes de un área endémica de Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio piloto de 58 casas y 55 participantes en Norte de Santander, Colombia. Se empleó un cuestionario para recopilar la información sobre los factores socioeconómicos y se examinaron las casas para detectar la presencia de sitios de cría de Ae. aegypti. Se recolectó una muestra de sangre humana total en papel de filtro y se estableció el nivel de anticuerpos IgG contra el virus del dengue, además del de los anticuerpos IgG e IgM anti-Ae. aegypti de extracto de glándula salival mediante ELISA. Resultados. Los resultados revelaron un mayor nivel de anticuerpos IgG de extracto de glándula salival en sujetos que vivían en casas con presencia de mosquitos Ae. aegypti en la fase acuática. Asimismo, se encontró una mayor concentración de anticuerpos IgG de extracto de glándula salival en personas previamente expuestas al virus del dengue. Los resultados evidenciaron una correlación positiva significativa entre los niveles de IgM de extracto de glándula salival y los de IgG anti-virus del dengue de extracto de glándula salival, y una correlación negativa con

  3. Anticuerpos IgG anti-toxoplasma gondii en pacientes con síntomas atribuíbles a toxoplasmosis

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    Jorge E. Collazo


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron 6.520 pacientes con síntomas atribuíbles a toxoplasmosis por la presencia de anticuerpos IgG anti - Toxoplasma gondii mediante la técnica de inmunofluorescencia indirecta. El 51,27% de los evaluados resultaron positivos.El 60,85% de los pacientes con trastornos oculares son seropositivos a IgG anti - T. gondii; seguidos del 56,25 y 48,10% para aquellos con trastornos generales y gineco-obstétricos. Los síntomas o manifestaciones que evidenciaron mayor porcentaje de positividad fueron: astenia, coriorretinitis, trastornos menstruales, cefaleas y uveítis.

  4. Rabbit IgG antibodies against Phospholipase A2 from Crotalus durissus terrificus neutralize the lethal activity of the venom Los anticuerpos IgG de conejos anti-fosfolipasa A2 de Crotalus durissus terrificus neutralizan la actividad letal del veneno

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    Juan P. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Crotalus durissus terrificus (C.d.t. (South American rattlesnake venom possesses myotoxic and neurotoxic activities, both of which are also expressed by crotoxin, the principal toxin of this venom. Crotoxin contains a basic phospholipase A2 (PLA2 and a non toxic acidic protein, crotapotin. We have produced and investigated the ability of IgG antibodies raised in rabbits against PLA2 to neutralize the lethality of the whole venom. PLA2 was isolated by gel filtration chromatography (Sephadex G-75. Specific antibodies were obtained by subcutaneous and intramuscular inoculation of PLA2 (700 µg with Freund adjuvant. Groups of six mice (20 + 2 g were inoculated with 0.5 ml i.p. of C. d. t. venom (4 µg or a mixture of venom that had been preincubated with the desired volume of IgG antibodies. Mortality, recorded 24 and 48 h after inoculation, showed that IgG anti-PLA2 were more effective than anticrotalic serum in neutralizing the lethal activity. These results demonstrate that it could be possible to obtain an anti-venom made by specific antibodies with a high level of protection against the lethal component of C.d.t. venom, and/or the inclusion of these antibodies as a supplement in heterologous anti-venoms.El veneno de Crotalus durissus terrificus (C.d.t. (Cascabel de Sud América posee actividad miotóxica y neurotóxica, actividades que también exhibe el complejo crotoxina, principal componente tóxico de este veneno. El complejo crotoxina está constituido por una fosfolipasa A2 básica (PLA2 y una proteína acídica no tóxica, el crotapotín. En este trabajo se estudió la capacidad neutralizante de anticuerpos IgG anti-PLA2 sobre la letalidad inducida por el veneno entero. El antígeno PLA2, fue aislado por cromatografía de filtración en gel (Sephadex G-75. Se inocularon conejos machos por vía subcutánea e intramuscular, con 700 µg de PLA2 y adyuvante para la obtención de anticuerpos específicos. La capacidad neutralizante del

  5. Detección de Anticuerpos IgG Específicos para Sarampión mediante la Técnica de Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta

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    Mónica Nieto Z


    Full Text Available La técnica de ínmunofluorescencia indirecta para detectar anticuerpos IgG específicos a sarampión (IFI-IgG fue evaluada con la prueba de neutralización por reducción de placas (PRN con 128 muestras de suero de personas con edades entre 0 y 15 años, 64 con antecedente de vacunación y 64 sin éste antecedente. El IFI-IgG alcanzó una sensibilidad de 80,4% y una especificidad de 100,0%, mostrando ser una prueba sencilla, reproducible, y tener correlación con PRN, aunque menos sensible que ésta última, especialmente cuando la PRN estimó títulos bajos de anticuerpos. Se concluye que la técnica IFI-IgG puede ser usada como método de rutina para la confirmación de sarampión en muestras de fase aguda y convalesciente de la enfermedad (sueros pareados, así como para estudios de prevalencia de anticuerpos en la comunidad, aunque no reemplazaría a la PRN.

  6. Antisperm autoantibodies and infertility Anticuerpos antiespermatozoides e infertilidad

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    Jorge Eliécer Ossa Londoño


    Full Text Available Fourteen human infertile couples were studied along with seven fertile control couples in order to determine the presence of antisperm au. toantibodies and to correlate results with their clinical reproductive status, spermogram parameters and the quality of cervical mucus. Immunoglobulins of IgG and IgA isotypes were evaluated on spermatozoa by the direct immunobead technique and in serum and cervical mucus by the indirect method. The following differences were found: Nine of 14 male patients but only 1 of 7 male controls had IgG on spermatozoa (p= 0.042 and OR= 10.8. Seven out of 14 male patiens and 1 of 7 controls were positive for IgA on spermatozoa (p= 0.12. Infertile males had a higher frequency of abnormal spermogram parameters as compared to controls (p= 0.0029 and OR= 3.32. Interestingly, the presence of only IgG in serum appeared to be a "protective factor" against IgG on sperm; only one out of the 16 positive males contradicted this observation. Para determinar la presencia de anticuerpos antiespermatozoides y correlacionarla con la situación reproductiva, el espermograma y la calidad del moco cervical, se estudiaron 7 parejas sanas, con hijos, y 14 infértiles. Se determinaron por las técnicas directa e indirecta de inmunoesferas los anticuerpos de los isotipos IgG e IgA en espermatozoides, suero y moco cervical. En 9 de los 14 hombres infértiles y en 1 de los 7 fértiles se encontraron anticuerpos IgG en la superficie de los espermatozoides (p= 0.042 y una Razón de disparidad [RD] = 10.8 y 8 de éstos también tuvieron IgA en los espermatozoides. El número de pruebas alteradas en el espermograma de los hombres infértiles fue significativamente mayor (p= 0.0029 y RD = 3.32. Tanto en los hombres infértiles como en los fértiles la presencia de sólo IgG en el suero parece ser un "factor de protección" contra IgG en los espermatozoides; de los 16 hombres que presentaron anticuerpos, fuera en el suero o en los espermatozoides, s

  7. Prevalencia de anticuerpos IgG al toxoide tetánico en trabajadores sanitarios

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    B. Pérez Bermúdez


    Full Text Available Introducción: En el año 2009 el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo de España publica una nueva guía para la vacunación de la Difteria y Tétanos. Existen discrepancias con los tiempos de inoculación de las dosis de recuerdo con otros países y sociedades médicas. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo. Las variables analizadas fueron: IgG-Toxoide Tetánico, tiempo última dosis de vacunación, dosis totales, edad, sexo, hospital, habito tabáquico e índice de masa corporal. Se construyó un modelo de Regresión Logística. Con el fin de determinar los puntos de corte más sensibles y específicos para las variables temporales (tiempo desde la última dosis y edad se calcularon las curvas R.O.C Resultados: Las variables, edad O,R= 17,56 (1,840 - 167,760, dosis de vacuna inoculadas al trabajador, O,R= 0,064 (0,006 - 0,908 y tiempo de la última dosis de vacunación, O,R= 1,03 (1,017 - 1,047, son las variables significativas en el análisis multivariante. Los puntos de cortes, para la edad son 54 años (Sensibilidad S= 0,72, Especificidad SP=0,77 y 15 años tras la última dosis años (S= 0,88, SP=0,86, por encima de este corte la probabilidad de no tener anticuerpos al Tétanos es alta. Conclusiones: Ante un trabajador que refiere o documenta que hace más de 15 años de la ultima dosis deberíamos plantearnos la revacunación, si además este trabajador refiere no tener más de 5 dosis inoculadas y tiene más de 54 años la revacunación sería muy recomendable.

  8. Asociación entre enfermedad cardiovascular y anticuerpos contra Chlamydia pneumoniae

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    García-Elorriaga Guadalupe de los A


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Precisar si existe asociación entre enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV y anticuerpos contra Chlamydia en población mexicana. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal, realizado en la Unidad de Investigación en Inmunología e Infectología -Hospital de Infectología del Centro Médico Nacional La Raza (CMNR- y en el Servicio de Cirugía Cardiovascular y Asistencia Circulatoria, del Hospital General del CMNR, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, de agosto de 1998 a abril de 2000. Se determinaron anticuerpos IgG e IgM contra C. psittaci, C. trachomatis y C. pneumoniae mediante microinmunofluorescencia, en suero de 70 pacientes con ECV hospitalizados en el CMNR, mayores de 30 años, de uno u otro sexo, y se compararon con 140 sanos, pareados por edad y sexo. Se utilizaron muestras aleatorias simples, con un tamaño poblacional de 110, una prevalencia de 50% y un nivel de confianza de 99%. Para establecer la diferencia entre las proporciones de los títulos se utilizó ji cuadrada y se calculó la razón de momios. Resultados. El 94.3% (66/70 de los pacientes presentó IgG en contra de C. pneumoniae vs 37% (52/140 de los individuos sanos (p<0.001. Conclusiones. Existe una fuerte asociación entre anticuerpos IgG hacia C. pneumoniae y ECV.

  9. Prevalencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra los serotipos del virus dengue en universitarios de Tabasco, México Prevalence of neutralizing antibodies to dengue virus serotypes in university students from Tabasco, Mexico

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    Gilma Guadalupe Sánchez-Burgos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes de los serotipos del virus dengue en estudiantes universitarios de Tabasco, México, durante los meses de septiembre a noviembre del año 2005. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se determinó la presencia de IgG contra el virus en el suero de estudiantes que acudieron al centro clínico de la universidad; en los sueros positivos se determinaron los anticuerpos neutralizantes mediante el ensayo de reducción de placa lítica. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de IgG contra el dengue fue de 9.1%; de esta proporción, los anticuerpos neutralizantes fueron DENV-1 (20%, DENV-2 (100%, DENV-3 (4% y DENV-4 (68%. CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio muestra que el serotipo transmitido con mayor frecuencia en el estado de Tabasco es el DENV-2, aunque no ha sido el aislado con más frecuencia. La elevada prevalencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra el DENV-4, al parecer de reacción cruzada, podría explicar la baja circulación de este serotipo en Tabasco.OBJECTIVE: Determine the seroprevalence of neutralizing antibodies to dengue virus in students from the state university of Tabasco, Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A transversal study was conducted of serum collected from students between September and November, 2005. The sera were screened for anti-dengue IgG and those that had evidence of dengue antibodies were analyzed by a plaque reduction neutralization test. RESULTS: Prevalence of anti-dengue IgG was 9.1%. The frequency of neutralizing antibodies was 100% for DENV-2, 68% for DENV-4, 20% for DENV-1, and 4 % for DENV-3. CONCLUSIONS: We found that in this population, DENV-2 circulates more than DENV-3 despite the fact that DENV-3 is more frequently isolated. Unexpectedly, neutralizing antibodies against DENV-4 were frequently found even though this serotype is almost extinct; thus, it is probable that cross-immunity could suppress DEN-4 transmission, as has been suggested.

  10. Sensibilidad y especificidad de los exámenes de anticuerpos antigliadina y antiendomisio




    La enfermedad celíaca se presenta con una gran heterogeneidad: formas sintomáticas, silentes y latentes. La determinación de anticuerpos antigliadina y antiendomisio es útil para definir a qué pacientes realizar biopsia de intestino delgado y para el seguimiento de los celíacos ya conocidos. Estas técnicas fueron incorporadas en 1994 en el Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell. Objetivo: conocer la sensibilidad y especificidad de los anticuerpos antigliadina (IgG) y antiendomisio (IgA) para el ...

  11. Evaluación de la respuesta de anticuerpos hacia antígenos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    Aniel Moya


    Full Text Available Pseudomonas aeruginosa es un patógeno extracelular que genera una respuesta de anticuerpos específicos con utilidad para el diagnóstico y vacunas. En el presente estudio nos propusimos evaluar en suero humano los niveles de anticuerpos contra antígenos relevantes de P. aeruginosa. Realizamos la determinación de anticuerpos IgG contra tres exoenzimas, consideradas como factores de virulencia de mayor importancia en infecciones. Este resultado dio paso a la evaluación del reconocimiento de IgG e IgA hacia antígenos de la envoltura celular bacteriana por ELISA de células enteras. Todos los sueros evaluados mostraron títulos de IgG e IgA superiores a los individuos sanos, con excepción de dos muestras de pacientes que no mostraron alto título. Este ensayo permitió analizar el nivel de reconocimiento hacia los antígenos más expuestos de la bacteria que incluyen principalmente LPS y proteínas de membrana externa. Se encontró diferencias entre los valores de densidad óptica a 450 nm de individuos sanos y enfermos. El método usado permitió seleccionar dos sueros de pacientes de diferentes tipos de infecciones que fueron comparados por Western blot. Se observó que aunque los sueros tenían reacción hacia distintos serotipos de P. aeruginosa, la intensidad del reconocimiento variaba según el tipo de infección.

  12. Obtención de anticuerpos monoclonales de ratón contra proteasa de cisteína 5 recombinante de Entamoeba histolytica

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    Juanita Trejos S.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Obtener anticuerpos monoclonales de ratón contra la proteasas de cisteína 5 (EhCP5 de Entamoeba histolytica. Materiales y métodos. Se inmunizaron ratones BALB/c por vía intraperitoneal con adyuvante de Freund completo e incompleto con la proteína recombinante EhCP5 obtenida a partir del cultivo de E.coli DH5α trasfectada con el vector recombinante pJC45 que expresa dicha proteína. Se seleccionó el animal con mejor respuesta de anticuerpos. Al cual se le extrajo su bazo como fuente de linfocitos B, los cuales se fusionaron utilizando PEG con células de mieloma de ratón SP2-0/Ag14. Se procedió a selección de los hibridomas y a la evaluación de los sobrenadantes de las colonias que crecieron a los 7 días mediante ELISA. Los hibridomas con valores más altos de anticuerpos específicos contra la proteína EhCP5r se seleccionaron, y los clones obtenidos por diluciones limitantes fueron expandidos. Resultados. A partir de un clon secretor estable se purifico el anticuerpo monoclonal anti EhCP5r del isotipo IgG1 por cromatografía de afinidad con proteína G. Los clones fueron expandidos in vivo e in vitro. Con el anticuerpo purificado se diseñaron tres sistemas de captura para evaluar la aplicabilidad del anticuerpo monoclonal anti EhCP5r como método inmunodiagnóstico. Conclusiones. Se logro la producción de un anticuerpo monoclonal específico contra EhCP5r que permite diferenciar Entamoeba histolytica de Entamoeba dispar.

  13. Anticuerpos aviares: alternativa en producción y diagnóstico

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    Carmen E. Alarcón


    Full Text Available El uso de anticuerpos para investigación y diagnóstico se realiza desde hace varias décadas en todo el mundo. Normalmente, estos anticuerpos se obtienen a partir del suero de mamíferos (roedores, caprinos, equinos, etc.. De acuerdo con el tamaño del huésped, se pueden producir pequeñas o grandes cantidades de suero, haciendo siempre sangrías regulares para su recolección. En los últimos anos, se han utilizado cada vez con mayor frecuencia anticuerpos purificados a partir de huevos de gallinas inmunizadas, los cuales presentan diferencias con los anticuerpos producidos en mamiferos en su estructura y caracteristicas fisicoquímicas, pero, además, son una alternativa que disminuye el estrés e injuria al huésped y tiene alta productividad y facilidad para su recolección. Se ha informado el uso de estos anticuerpos aviares en ensayos inmunoquímicos, producción de conjugados y en terapéutica con un éxito similar al de los anticuerpos en mamiferos y a un costo menor. En este trabajo, se hace una revisión del tema y se plantean sus posibles usos tanto en investigación y diagnóstico, como en terapia.

  14. Aplicación de una biblioteca de anticuerpos lineales humanos frente al polisacárido capsular de Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo B

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    Emigdio León-Toirac


    Full Text Available Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo B produce aún morbimortalidad significativa. Su polisacárido capsular muestra similitud estructural con proteínas humanas y pobre inmunogenicidad, obstaculizando así el desarrollo de vacunas y anticuerpos monoclonales (AcM y policlonales contra esta bacteria. Recientemente se han creado bibliotecas artificiales de anticuerpos humanos expresados en bacteriófagos que reconocen específicamente a moléculas diana existentes, con la ventaja sobre los AcM convencionales por su rápida obtención, sin utilización de animales de laboratorio, lo que emerge como alternativa atractiva para la producción de AcM contra antígenos peculiares o complejos. Se realizó un trabajo de investigación básica, utilizando una biblioteca de fagos filamentosos que expresan constitutivamente regiones variables de anticuerpos humanos, que se enfrentó al polisacárido capsular de N. meningitidis serogrupo B. Los resultados que se obtuvieron mediante ELISA policlonal sugieren la existencia de anticuerpos humanos expresados en fagos que lo reconocen.

  15. Determinación de anticuerpos anti-β2glicoproteína I en pacientes con síndrome antifosfolípido Anti- β2 glycoprotein antibodies in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome

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    Oscar Uribe Uribe


    Full Text Available EL objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la presencia de anticuerpos anti-β2glicoproteína I (anti- β2GPI con las pruebas convencionales de laboratorio de anticuerpos anticardiolipina (aCL y anticoagulante lúpico, y con las manifestaciones clínicas del síndrome antifosfolípido (SAF. Se incluyeron en el estudio 80 mujeres con SAF; 35 de ellas de la consulta de Reumatología y las otras 45 con historia de aborto recurrente espontáneo (ARE; 5 mujeres de la consulta de Reumatología sin SAF, 27 mujeres con ARE, sin SAF y un grupo control de 20 mujeres sanas en edad reproductiva. Se investigaron la presencia de anticuerpos IgG e IgM anticardiolipina (aCL e IgG anti- β2GPI por la técnica de ELISA, y el anticoagulante lúpico por la determinación del tiempo parcial de tromboplastina activado. Adicionalmente, se registraron las manifestaciones clínicas asociadas al SAF. De las pacientes con SAF, 25.7% del grupo de Reumatología (9/35 y 4.4% de las pacientes con ARE (2/45 fueron positivas para anticuerpos anti-β2GPI, mientras que ninguna de las mujeres sin SAF, ni de las mujeres del grupo control, fue positiva. La asociación entre la presencia de anti- β2GPI y los anticuerpos IgG e IgM aCL mostró una diferencia significativa en los títulos de 3+ (altamente positivos en contraste con los individuos negativos para anti- β2GPI. La positividad del anticoagulante lúpico también se correlacionó con la presencia de anticuerpos anti- β2GPI. No hubo diferencia significativa entre las diversas manifestaciones clínicas del SAF y la presencia de dichos anticuerpos. En conclusión, la determinación de anticuerpos anti- β2GPI tiene una alta especificidad en pacientes con SAF pero no se asoció con ninguna manifestación clínica en particular. The objective of this study was to compare the presence of anti-β2glycoprotein (anti- β2GPI antibodies with the conventional laboratory tests of anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL and lupus anticoagulant

  16. Bajo índice de sospecha para deficiencia de anticuerpos en niños sometidos a procedimientos quirúrgicos de Otorrinolaringología

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    AB Ramírez-López


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: las inmunodeficiencias primarias están subdiagnosticadas en todo el mundo, aun en centros de tercer nivel de atención. Los defectos de anticuerpos constituyen el grupo más prevalente y suelen manifestarse clínicamente después de los 6 meses de edad como infecciones respiratorias recurrentes causadas por bacterias encapsuladas. Algunas cirugías de oído-nariz y garganta se indican en pacientes con infecciones respiratorias recurrentes o complicadas que no han respondido adecuadamente al tratamiento médico. Estos niños sometidos a procedimientos quirúrgicos luego de una historia de infecciones respiratorias recurrentes pueden constituir un grupo de alto riesgo para inmunodeficiencias primarias.   OBJETIVO: indagar qué tan frecuentes son los defectos de anticuerpos en niños sometidos a cualquiera de tres cirugías de otorrinolaringología.   MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: revisamos los expedientes electrónicos de niños que hubieran sido sometidos a adenoamigdalectomía (ATT, drenaje endoscópico de senos paranasales (ESD y colocación de tubos timpánicos de ventilación (TVT en nuestro instituto durante 2011-2012, en busca de niveles séricos de inmunoglobulinas (IgE, IgG, IgA, IgM.   RESULTADOS: encontramos 112 procedimientos quirúrgicos en 87 pacientes, de los cuales la indicación para cirugía fue infecciosa en 37 (21 varones, 1 muerto, edad media 7.3 años, más frecuentemente rinosinusitis (19/37 y amigdalitis (9/37 crónicas. Los procedimientos incluyeron: 24 adenoamigdalectomías, 13 drenajes endoscópicos de senos paranasales y 6 colocaciones de tubos timpánicos de ventilación, para un total de 43; ocho pacientes (21.6% fueron sometidos a más de una cirugía. La IgE sérica se encontró en el expediente de 27 pacientes (72.9%, y “al menos IgG” en 18 (48.6%. Sólo 70% de las pruebas fueron ordenadas antes de la cirugía. Los resultados anormales incluyeron: IgE elevada en 10/27, IgG

  17. Estudio de la enfermedad celíaca mediante el desarrollo de un ensayo inmunocromatográfico para la determinación de anticuerpos antitransglutaminasa


    Galván Cabrera, José Armando


    En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados del desarrollo y la evaluación de un sistema inmunocromatográfico rápido y sencillo para la detección de anticuerpos antitransglutaminasa, que es un importante marcador serológico en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad celíaca (EC). Con este sistema se pueden detectar en una misma prueba tanto anticuerpos de tipo IgA como IgG. Se obtuvieron niveles de sensibilidad, especificidad y concordancia elevados cuando se compararon con la biopsia de yeyuno...

  18. Asma y deficiencia de subclases de IgG Asthma and IgG subclases deficiency

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    Lucía Santamaría Ortiz


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    Se estudiaron 45 pacientes asmáticos adultos de difícil manejo, de más de 5 años de evolución, 37 de ellos esteroide dependientes y 8 no dependientes, con asma alérgica o intrínseca y algunos con Infecciones respiratorias recurrentes de predominio viral. Por nefelometría se midieron los niveles séricos de las IgsG, M y A, y por ELISA se determinó la IgE total. Se encontraron 4 pacientes con deficiencia de IgG total, en el grupo de los esteroide dependientes. Mediante ELISA tipo sandwich y con anticuerpos monoclonales específicos para las sub clases de IgG se investigaron los niveles sé ricos de IgG1, 2, 3 y 4. En el 55.6% de los enfermos se encontraron una O más deficiencias de sub clases. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos esteroide y no esteroide dependientes, ni entre los asmáticos alérgicos e intrínsecos, ni entre los con infección recurrente o sin ella. predominó la deficiencia de IgG1; en total el 46.7% de los pacientes tenían deficiencia aislada o combinada de IgG1, el 31.1% de IgG2, el 24.4% de IgG3 y el 17.8% de Igd4. La alta incidencia de deficiencia de sub clases podría deberse a la acción de los esteroides o a una alteración en la regulación de la síntesis de Igs producida por un defecto Inmune primario. Esta deficiencia sería la responsable del comportamiento agresivo de la enfermedad.

    We studied 45 adult asthmatic patients with difficult to care disease and who had more than five years of evolution; they suffered from elther allergic or intrinsic asthma and some had experienced recurrent respiratory tract infections. predominantly of viral etiology. Serum levels of IgA, IgG and IgM were measured by nephelometry and total lgE was determined by an Enzyme-Linked immunosorbent Assay (ELISA. Total lg

  19. Preparación de un conjugado peroxidasa-anti IgG humana (cadena en conejo Preparation of a peroxidase-anti human IgG conjugate (chain g in rabbit

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    Julio C Merlín Linares


    Full Text Available Se preparó un conjugado con peroxidasa a partir de los anticuerpos específicos aislados de un suero de conejo anti cadenas g de la IgG humana. Los anticuerpos específicos se aislaron por cromatografía de afinidad, y el conjugado se preparó por el método de oxidación con peryodato. El conjugado obtenido presentó una relación molar IgG/peroxidasa de 1,07, un valor de RZ de 0,33 y resultó evaluado satisfactoriamente en cuanto a su especificidad y reactividad en los ensayos inmunoenzimáticos realizadosA peroxidase conjugate was prepared starting from the specific antibodies isolated from an anti-chain rabbit serum and from human IgG. The specific antibodies were isolated by affinity chromatography and the conjugate was prepared by the method of oxidation with periodate. The conjugate obtained presented a molar IgG/peroxidase relation of 1.07, a RZ value of 0.33 and it was satisfactorily evaluated as regards its specificity and reactivity in the immunoenzimatic assays carried out

  20. Prevalencia de anticuerpos contra Leptospira en personas asintomáticos y en perros de Chancay, Lima 2001

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    Manuel Céspedes


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra Leptospiras en personas asintomáticas dedicadas a la agricultura, pesca y comercio y en perros domésticos de localidades de Chancay (Huaral, Lima. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal analítico, se tomó muestras de suero de 268 pobladores de tres localidades, en quienes se evaluó la presencia de anticuerpos totales contra Leptospiras por el método de ELISA IgG y la prueba de microaglutinación (MAT. Se buscaron los factores asociados con la positividad a Leptospiras calculando el OR con su intervalo de confianza al 95%. De la misma manera, se tomó muestras de suero de 241 perros a los que se realizó la prueba de MAT. Resultados. La prevalencia de anticuerpos contra Leptospira en población asintomática fue de 10,1% (IC95%: 6,3-13,9, la cual estuvo asociada con el abastecimiento de agua para consumo en quebrada o pozo (OR: 3,48, IC95%: 1,39-8,74, con el antecedente de nadar en el río o acequia (OR: 4,75, IC95%: 1,51-14,92 y con tener una edad entre 21-40 años (OR: 2,47, IC95%: 1,10-5,52. Los serovares más frecuentes fueron Icterohaemorrhagiae y Canicola según MAT. En canes, 27,8% (67/241 tuvieron serología positiva a leptospiras. Conclusiones. Existe una mediana prevalencia de serología positiva para Leptospiras en la población general asintomática y condiciones favorables para la presencia de Leptospiras en las localidades estudiadas. En estas zonas se recomienda realizar actividades educativas preventivas frecuentes, tomando en cuenta los resultados de este estudio y el personal de salud debe sospechar de la leptospirosis como una causa de enfermedad febril.

  1. Presencia de anticuerpos IgG del virus de la rubéola, virus herpes simple y citomegalovirus en embarazadas residentes en Ciudad de La Habana

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    Carmen Acosta


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio seroepidemiológico con 207 gestantes, residentes en el municipio Marianao de Ciudad de la Habana, con la finalidad de conocer la presencia de anticuerpos IgG anti-rubéola, anti-citomegalovirus y anti-herpes simple (1 y 2; el nivel de positividad se expresó como la relación de la fluorescencia de la muestra con respecto a la del control positivo, para un nivel de corte de 0,3 para rubéola, 0,2 para citomegalovirus y 0,185 para herpes simple. Las seroconversiones se expresaron como el incremento de esta relación con respecto a la determinación realizada en el primer trimestre de embarazo. El 91,3% de las gestantes resultaron positivas para rubéola, el 92,7% para citomegalovirus y el 98,1% para herpes simple. Se sugiere la valoración de aspectos fundamentales relacionados con estas infecciones dentro del Programa Nacional de Atención a las Embarazadas.

  2. Asociación entre la presencia de anticuerpos anti-Ras y anti-VPH16 E4/E7 y lesiones intraepiteliales del cérvix

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    Vázquez-Corzo Sara


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar si anticuerpos séricos contra E4, E7 y Ras pueden ser utilizados como marcadores de lesiones tempranas del cérvix uterino asociadas al virus del papiloma humano. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Entre marzo de 1999 y abril de 2000 se realizó un estudio sero-epidemiológico de casos y controles en la clínica de displasias del Hospital General Doctor Gea González, en la Ciudad de México, en 116 muestras de suero para evaluar la presencia de anticuerpos anti-E4, E7 y Ras utilizando un ELISA de captura. Se estimaron razones de momios e intervalos de confianza de 95% RESULTADOS: Anticuerpos anti-E7 se asociaron a mujeres con lesiones NIC III, mientras que anticuerpos anti-E4 y anti-Ras fueron más frecuentes en lesiones NIC I-II. Al evaluar el perfil de anticuerpos que presentaron las mujeres, encontramos que a anticuerpos contra dos proteínas predicen la existencia de una lesión NIC I-II, y b la presencia de tres anticuerpos predicen una lesión NIC III. CONCLUSIONES: La detección de anticuerpos séricos contra E4, E7 y Ras en combinación con otras técnicas de diagnóstico, podrían ser de utilidad para detectar oportunamente a mujeres con lesiones tempranas asociadas al Virus del Papiloma Humano y en riesgo de desarrollar cáncer.

  3. Neuromielitis óptica con alta expresión de acuaporina-4 y anticuerpos anti-acuaporina-4 positivos en suero

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    Alejandra Báez


    Full Text Available La presencia de anticuerpos IgG en suero, con blanco en los canales de acuaporina-4, es específica de la neuromielitis óptica (NMO. El 60% de los pacientes con NMO presentan lesiones cerebrales en la resonancia magnética (RM; en un 8% (mayoría niños estas lesiones se consideraron "atípicas". Presentamos dos pacientes con NMO y lesiones en el SNC de alta expresión de acuaporina-4. Caso 1: varón de 50 años, que comenzó con pérdida de visión en ojo derecho (OD. Recibió tratamiento empírico con metilprednisolona 1 g/d x 3 días. Al mes presentó dolor generalizado y hemiparesia derecha; nuevamente recibió metilprednisolona 1 g/d x 5 días e IgG IV 400 mg/kg/d × 5 días. Recuperó la deambulación persistiendo el dolor y fenómenos paroxísticos en los 4 miembros. Potenciales evocados visuales: P100, ojo izquierdo (OI 123 mseg. OD sin respuesta. La RM de cerebro (FLAIR mostró hiperintensidad en nervio óptico derecho, hipotálamo y comisura blanca anterior. RM cervical: lesión medular extensa (5 cuerpos vertebrales. Caso 2: mujer de 53 años, con disminución de la agudeza visual en ambos ojos y parestesias en miembros inferiores que remitieron espontáneamente. Evolucionó al mes con cuadriparesia e incontinencia esfinteriana. Recibió metilprednisolona 1 g/d x 5 días, sin mejoría. Potenciales evocados visuales: P100 OI 124 mseg. OD 128 mseg. RM cerebro: (FLAIR hiperintensidad hipotalámica y periacueductal. RM cervical: lesión medular extensa (7 cuerpos vertebrales. Anticuerpos anti-acuaporina-4 positivos en ambos pacientes (inmunofluorescencia indirecta. Las lesiones consideradas "atípicas", como aquí, en sitios con alta densidad de proteínas canales de agua AQP4 deberán considerarse para el diagnóstico diferencial.

  4. Antimalaric antiobodies in school children in El Bagre, Colombia Detección de anticuerpos antimaláricos en un grupo de escolares del municipio de El Bagre, Antioquia

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    Isabel Polanco


    Full Text Available A cases and controls study was carried out in 1996 in El Bagre, Colombia, endemic zone for malaria, in order to determine the relationship between nutritional situation and immune response to malaria in 51 children with malaria and 49 without it; IgG and IgM antibodies were determined by means of indirect inmunofluorescence .against P. falciparum antigens (Strain FCB2. Nutritional situation was evaluated according to USA National Center for Health Statistics. No child was found positive for IGM antibodies; concerning IgG response, it was positive in 29 (56.9% malaric children but only in 4 (8.2% of the non-malaric ones (p<0.00001 . Difference was also signjficant (p<0.00001 for malarja antecedents in the previous year (70.6% in malaric children vs 10.2% jn the nonmalaric ones. Of the 29 malaric seropositive children 20 (69% were malnourished (p<0.01 . En 1996, en el municipio de El Bagre (Antioquia-Colombia, zona endémica para malaria y con altos niveles de desnutrición, se realizó un estudio de casos y controles con el objeto de determinar la relación entre el estado nutricional y la respuesta inmune humoral de niños con y sin malaria. Se trabajó con un grupo de 100 niños entre 4 y 9 años de edad, 51 con malaria y 49 sin ella, al cual se le determinaron los niveles de anticuerpos antimaláricos IgG e IgM por la técnica de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI, empleando antigenos de P. falciparum cepa FCB 2 mantenida en cultivo continuo. El estado nutricional se evaluó por comparación de las medidas antropométricas con la referencia de crecimiento del National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS de los Estados Unidos. Los resultados mostraron diferencias en la tasa de positividad de anticuerpos IgG entre los niños maláricos y los no maláricos. En efecto: Veintinueve niños maláricos (56.9% y sólo 4 de los no maláricos (8.2% tenían dichos anticuerpos (P<0.00001 ; la diferencia también fue significativa para el antecedente de


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    Ruud M. Buijs


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se describe un procedimiento por medio del cual pueden ser obtenidos anticuerpos a partir de moléculas pequeñas de neurotransmisores usando glutaraldehido como agente acoplador. Este procedimiento fue desarrollado bajo la condición de que el inmunógeno usado para la preparación del anticuerpo fuera, hasta donde fuese posible, de la misma identidad que la molécula transmisora fijada al tejido. Con el de fin de lograr mayor éxito, los péptidos, aminas o aminoácidos1 fueron conjugados a una proteína acarreadora usando glutaraldehido. Los anticuerpos obtenidos fueron usados en estudios de inmunohistoquímica permitiendo la detección de estos transmisores después de un proceso de fijación con glutaraldehido o paraformaldehido para los péptidos.

  6. Producción de anticuerpos policlonales IgG contra la proteina iduronato-2-sulfato sulfatasa y desarrollo de un sistema de detección para IDS humana recombinante.

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    Olga Peña


    Full Text Available Introducción. La enfermedad de Hunter es un trastorno lisosómico caracterizado por la deficiencia de la enzima iduronato-2-sulfato sulfatasa (IDS (EC Esta enfermedad, al igual que muchos trastornos metabólicos, son patologías intratables mediante la terapéutica convencional; sin embargo, existe la posibilidad de ser tratada alternativamente mediante terapia génica o terapia de reemplazo enzimático. Objetivo. El Instituto de Errores Innatos del Metabolismo (IEIM ha desarrollado un sistema de expresión de sulfatasas para producir IDS humana recombinante (IDShr en Escherichia coli y Pichia pastoris, con resultados favorables. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue desarrollar un sistema de detección de IDS humana recombinante. Materiales y métodos. Para el efecto, se inmunizaron con IDS comercial de TKT (Cambridge, MA dos conejos de raza Nueva Zelanda blanca y los anticuerpos purificados a partir del suero se utilizaron en el desarrollo de una técnica semicuantitativa por dot-blot. Diferentes muestras de extractos crudos de fermentaciones con P. pastoris y E. coli se procesaron con el fin de poder determinar la presencia de la enzima. Resultados. Se demostró que los anticuerpos eran específicos en el reconocimiento de la IDS sin presentar reactividad cruzada con proteínas contaminantes de los extractos crudos. Conclusión. Por consiguiente, los anticuerpos se podrán usar en el desarrollo de una técnica ELISA tipo sandwich como método de detección y cuantificación de la enzima y en procesos de purificación de la misma mediante cromatografía de afinidad.

  7. Seroprevalencia de anticuerpos contra Toxocara canis y factores de riesgo en niños, Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá, D.C., 2000

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    Myriam Acero


    Full Text Available La toxocariasis humana es una zoonosis causada por larvas de los nemátodos Toxocara canis y Toxocara cati, cuyo hábitat es el intestino de perros y gatos, respectivamente. Para estimar la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra T: canis y su relación con algunos factores de riesgo, se estudiaron 193 niños entre 4 y 14 años de edad procedentes de establecimientos oficiales de educación básica primaria de la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar en Bogotá durante el año 2000. Asimismo, para determinar la proporción de cachorros positivos al parásito T: canis, se estudiaron las muestras fecales de 21 perros que convivían con los niños en el momento del estudio. Se determinó la seropositividad de anticuerpos IgG por el método de ELlSA y la prevalencia de infección por T canis en heces de cachorros por el método modificado de McMaster. La prevalencia de seropositividad observada fue de 7,3%, con una mayor proporción en niños menores de 5 años; sin embargo, el promedio de títulos aumentó con la edad. La prevalencia de infección en cachorros fue de 66,7%. El factor de riesgo para la presencia de títulos de anticuerpos positivos contra T: canis que resultó estadísticamente significativo, fue el de no lavarse las manos antes de comer (RR=9,91; IC 95%=1,27-77,21. Sin embargo, condiciones como la edad, el sexo, la geofagia y el incremento de la densidad poblacional canina pueden favorecer la transmisión de esta zoonosis en la localidad.

  8. Prevalencia de anticuerpos contra HTLV-1 en una población negra de Colombia

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    María C. Navas


    Full Text Available El virus linfotrópico humano 1 (HTLV-1 ha sido asociado con la leucemia de células T del adulto (ATL y la paraparesia espástica tropical (PET o mielopatía asociada con HTLV-1 (HAM. Aunque la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra el HTLV-1 ha sido descrita en diversos países, especialmente en Japón, poco se conoce acerca de este marcador de contacto viral en nuestra población. En este artículo describimos la ausencia de niveles de anticuerpos anti-HTLV-1 en el suero, medidos por la prueba de ELISA, en una población negra de la costa atlántica de Colombia. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que: a este grupo descendiente de África no se ha expuesto al virus; b puede ser que algunos de los individuos incluidos en el estudio estén en período de incubación y, que debido a su juventud, no fue posible demostrar una respuesta humoral contra el virus; y, c como ha sido descrito en otros estudios, la prevalencia de anticuerpos anti-HTLV- 1 varía entre las diferentes regiones de Colombia.

  9. Diagnóstico diferencial en la encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor NMDA (United States)

    González-Valcárcel, J.; Rosenfeld, M.R.; Dalmau, J.


    Resumen Introducción La encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA (NMDAR) suele desarrollarse como un síndrome característico de evolución multifásica y diagnóstico diferencial amplio. Pacientes Presentamos a 2 pacientes diagnosticadas de encefalitis por anticuerpos NMDAR con un cuadro clínico típico, pero que inicialmente señaló otras etiologías. Discusión La afectación frecuente de pacientes jóvenes con manifestaciones psiquiátricas prominentes indica frecuentemente otras consideraciones diagnósticas; las más frecuentes son las encefalitis virales, los procesos psiquiátricos y el síndrome neuroléptico maligno. Varios síndromes previamente definidos de manera parcial o descriptiva en adultos y pacientes pediátricos probablemente eran casos de encefalitis anti-NMDAR. Conclusiones La encefalitis anti-NMDAR debe considerarse en pacientes jóvenes con manifestaciones psiquiátricas subagudas, movimientos anormales y alteraciones autonómicas. La caracterización clínica e inmunológica de esta enfermedad ha llevado a la identificación de nuevos anticuerpos que afectan a procesos de memoria, aprendizaje, conducta y psicosis. PMID:20964986

  10. Identificación de infección primaria y secundaria al virus de la rubéola mediante la detección de la avidez de la IgG en muestras de un brote en el 2004 en Cuba

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    Yahisel Tejero


    Full Text Available La rubéola es una enfermedad infectocontagiosa que afecta a niños y adultos jóvenes, y cuando esta se produce en el primer trimestre del embarazo ocasiona malformaciones congénitas en el feto. En el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia de Sarampión, Rubéola y Parotiditis del Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí", se realizó la detección del índice de avidez relativo (IAR de la IgG en 15 pares de sueros correspondientes a igual número de pacientes adultos que enfermaron durante un brote de rubéola ocurrido en dos provincias de Cuba en el 2004, los cuales fueron positivos a anticuerpos de tipo IgM específicos al virus, y en algunos se encontró seroconversión o un aumento de cuatro veces el título entre los sueros de la fase aguda y convaleciente con la técnica de inhibición de la hemaglutinación. En 13 (86,6% de los pacientes estudiados se detectó infección primaria, mientras que en dos (13,3% de ellos la infección fue secundaria. La detección de la avidez de la IgG constituye un método alternativo útil para distinguir una infección primaria de una secundaria al virus de la rubéola y fortalece el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad en Cuba.

  11. Patrón de immunoblotting y niveles de anticuerpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii en suero y humor acuoso de pacientes con lesiones de toxoplasmosis ocular

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    Morella Bouchard Pereira


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar en muestras de suero y humor acuoso los niveles de anticuerpos anti-toxoplasma a través del Coeficiente de Goldmann y Witmer (CGW y el patrón de reconocimiento antigénico a través del immunoblotting (IB, en pacientes con serología positiva con y sin lesiones de toxoplasmosis ocular. Se recogieron simultáneamente muestras de suero y humor acuoso de 26 pacientes: un grupo de casos que poseían lesiones retinales de toxoplasmosis ocular en fase activa e inactiva (n=17 y un grupo control que requería cirugía ocular por presencia de cataratas (n=9. Las determinación de IgM e IgG específicas se realizó por ELISA de inmunocaptura e indirecto, respectivamente. Se utilizó la inmunodifusión radial para la cuantificación de la IgG total. El CGW resultó >2, indicativo de producción local de anticuerpos específicos en 12/17 de los casos, mientras que en los controles no se observó, esto evidenció una sensibilidad del 71% y una especificidad de 100%. En IB, la aparición de bandas diferentes en humor acuoso, indicativo de producción local de anticuerpos específicos se observaron en 11/17 de los casos y 1/9 de los controles, reflejando una sensibilidad de 65% y una especificidad de 89%. Al considerar las dos pruebas la sensibilidad se incrementó a un 73%, pero la especificidad disminuyó a 89%. En conclusión el IB es útil como prueba confirmatoria para diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis ocular, pero sólo como un complemento del coeficiente de GW especialmente en pacientes con lesiones atípicas donde el diagnóstico clínico es difícil. Aqueous humor and serum immunoblotting profiles and anti–toxoplasma gondii antibodies in patients with toxoplasmosis-induced retinal lesions Abstract The purpose of this study was to analize the anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies levels in serum and aqueous humor samples in patients with ocular toxoplasmosis by using Goldman and Witmer Coefficient (GWC and the

  12. Anticuerpo anticitrulina y manifestaciones extra articulares en artritis reumatoidea

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    María Jezabel Haye Salinas


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con artritis reumatidea (AR pueden desarrollar manifestaciones extra articulares (MExA, relacionadas a su morbi-mortalidad. Los anticuerpos anti-péptidos citrulinados cíclicos (ACCP son específicos para la AR y estan relacionados con el daño articular; y podrían tener rol patogénico en las MExA. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la relación entre los anticuerpos ACCP y MExA en pacientes con AR. Se incluyeron 74 pacientes con diagnóstico de AR (ACR 1987 mayores de 18 años, de más de 6 meses de evolución, con MExA, y un control apareado por sexo y edad sin MExA por cada paciente. Las variables demográficas, clínicas y de laboratorio se compararon con test t, chi cuadrado o Mann-Whitney. Se realizó análisis multivariado; p ≤ 0.05. Los pacientes con MExA presentaron mayor título de anticuerpo ACCP (116 vs. 34, p < 0.01 y de factor reumatoideo (FR (108 vs. 34.5, p < 0.01. En el análisis multivariado hubo asociación entre la presencia de MExA y tabaquismo activo (p = 0.02, OR: 3.78, IC 95%: 1.17-12.2, FR positivo (p = 0.04, OR: 3.23, IC95%: 1.04-11.8 y anticuerpo ACCP positivo (p = 0.04, OR: 3.23, IC 95%: 1.04-10. Presentaron mayor título de anticuerpo ACCP que los controles los pacientes con xerostomía (109 vs. 34, p = 0.04, xeroftalmia (150 vs. 34, p < 0.01, nódulos sub-cutáneos (NSC (141 vs. 34, p < 0.01 y fibrosis pulmonar (158 vs. 34, p = 0.04. En conclusión, el anticuerpo ACCP positivo, el FR positivo y el tabaquismo activo fueron factores de riesgo independientes para el desarrollo de MExA.

  13. Control externo de la calidad del diagnóstico serológico del dengue en laboratorios de países de las Américas, 1996-2001

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    María G. Guzmán


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Dar a conocer los resultados de cuatro controles externos de la calidad del diagnóstico serológico del dengue realizados en la Región de las Américas en el período de 1996- 2001 y presentar los resultados obtenidos por los laboratorios participantes. MÉTODOS: Se realizaron controles externos de la calidad del diagnóstico serológico del dengue en 1996-1997, 1998-1999, 1999-2000 y 2000-2001. Paneles compuestos por 20 sueros (12 de estos positivos a anticuerpos IgM contra el dengue fueron enviados a laboratorios de la Región para que participaran en los controles realizados. Los sueros de los paneles eran negativos a anticuerpos contra el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y el virus de la hepatitis C, así como al antígeno de superficie de la hepatitis B, y fueron almacenados a -20 °C hasta su envío en refrigeración a los laboratorios participantes. La presencia de anticuerpos IgM se determinó mediante un ensayo inmunoenzimático (ELISA de captura, mientras que el título de anticuerpos IgG se determinó por inhibición de la hemoaglutinación o ELISA de IgG. Los resultados de la determinación de anticuerpos IgM contra el dengue que no coincidían con los del centro de referencia se consideraron discordantes. El título de anticuerpos IgG se consideró discordante cuando los resultados difirieron en dos diluciones o más con respecto al resultado del centro de referencia. RESULTADOS: Un total de 27 laboratorios recibió 59 paneles de sueros de 1996 a 2001, y se recibieron los resultados del análisis de 54 de esos paneles (91,5%. De 1 080 sueros (20 X 54, 95,6% coincidieron con el laboratorio de referencia en cuanto a los resultados de la detección de anticuerpos IgM contra el dengue. Además, en 47 paneles (87% la coincidencia con el laboratorio de referencia se observó en 90% de las muestras del panel o más. De los 27 paneles para los cuales se recibieron los resultados de los títulos de anticuerpos IgG contra el

  14. Asociación entre enfermedad cardiovascular y anticuerpos contra Chlamydia pneumoniae Association between cardiovascular disease and antibodies against Chlamydia pneumoniae

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    Guadalupe de los A García-Elorriaga


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Precisar si existe asociación entre enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV y anticuerpos contra Chlamydia en población mexicana. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal, realizado en la Unidad de Investigación en Inmunología e Infectología -Hospital de Infectología del Centro Médico Nacional La Raza (CMNR- y en el Servicio de Cirugía Cardiovascular y Asistencia Circulatoria, del Hospital General del CMNR, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, de agosto de 1998 a abril de 2000. Se determinaron anticuerpos IgG e IgM contra C. psittaci, C. trachomatis y C. pneumoniae mediante microinmunofluorescencia, en suero de 70 pacientes con ECV hospitalizados en el CMNR, mayores de 30 años, de uno u otro sexo, y se compararon con 140 sanos, pareados por edad y sexo. Se utilizaron muestras aleatorias simples, con un tamaño poblacional de 110, una prevalencia de 50% y un nivel de confianza de 99%. Para establecer la diferencia entre las proporciones de los títulos se utilizó ji cuadrada y se calculó la razón de momios. Resultados. El 94.3% (66/70 de los pacientes presentó IgG en contra de C. pneumoniae vs 37% (52/140 de los individuos sanos (pObjective. To evaluate the association between cardiovascular disease (CVD and antibodies against Chlamydia in Mexican population. Material and Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted from August 1988 to April 2000, at the Immunology and Infectology Research Unit of Hospital de Infectología, Centro Médico Nacional La Raza (CMNR- and at the Cardiovascular Surgery and Circulatory Care, Hospital General CMNR, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS. Study subjects were 70 CVD hospitalized patients, older than 30 years, from both genders. Serum IgG and IgM antibodies against C. psitaccii, C. trachomatis and C. pneumoniae were determined by microimmunofluorescence in study subjects and compared with those from 140 healthy individuals, matched by age and sex. Simple random sampling was used

  15. Frecuencia de anticuerpos anti Trypanozoma cruzi en pacientes portadores de marcapasos de la Clinica San Pedro Claver de Bogotá

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    Guillermo Mora


    Conclusiones. La prevalencia de anticuerpos anti-T. cruzi en pacientes portadores de marcapaso es alta. La implantación de marcapasos se presentó más tempranamente en el grupo seropositivo. No hay adecuada sospecha clínica ni información al paciente sobre el diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Chagas.

  16. Anticuerpos monoclonales contra la gonadotropina coriónica humana (hCG para su uso en la detección de embarazo Monoclonal antibodies against human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG for their use in pregnancy detection

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    Bertha V. Rodríguez Pendás


    Full Text Available Se reporta la generación de 2 anticuerpos monoclonales (AcM de ratón dirigidos contra la hormona gonadotropina coriónica humana (hCG, a partir de la inmunización de ratones BALB/c con hCG humana, purificada en el Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología (INEN. Los AcM obtenidos son de la clase IgG y fueron purificados a partir de líquido ascítico, mediante cromatografía de afinidad en proteína G Sepharosa. El estudio de afinidad y especificidad demostró que estos anticuerpos podían ser útiles en ensayos inmunoenzimáticos, con el uso de uno de ellos en el sistema microELISA, de nuestra institución, para la detección cualitativa de embarazo en orina.The generation of 2 mouse monoclonal antibodies directed against the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (CGh, starting from the immunization of BALB/c mice with human CGh purified at the National Institute of Endocrinology (NIEN is reported. IgG monoclonal antibodies were obtained. They were purified starting from the ascitic fluid by affinity chromatography in protein G Sepharose. The affinity and specificity study showed that these antibodies could be useful in immunoenzimatic assays, using one of them in the microELISA system of our institution for the qualitative detection of pregnancy in urine.

  17. ELISA Ureasa para selección primaria y monitoreo de anticuerpos monoclonales

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    Gladys Thalía Cortes


    Full Text Available Se empleó el método de Elisa Ureasa indirecto para detectar anticuerpos monoclonales obtenidos a partir de ratones inmunizados con merozoítos libres de Plasmodium falciparum. Se seleccionaron los anticuerpos monoclonales que mostraron ser muy estables en posteriores ensayos de caracterización. Los anticuerpos obtenidos no fueron específiCos contra antígeno de Plasmodium falciparum pero permitieron identificar la proteína Espectrina del citoesqueleto de eritrocito humano. En el ensayo fue empleado un antígeno de esquizontes concentrados y solubilizados. Se obtuvo la determinación del punto final de la reacción a través de lectura visual semicuantitativa. A partir de la enzima Ureasa de alta pureza que se encuentra disponible comercialmente y, empleando métodos muy sencillos se prepararon los reactivos utilizados en el ensayo.

  18. Determinación de anticuerpos anti Neospora caninum en vacas de la provincia de Sugamuxi, Colombia

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    Martín Orlando Pulido Medellín


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue determinar la presencia de anticuerpos anti Neospora caninum en vacas mediante la técnica de ELISA indirecta en el valle de Sugamuxi, Colombia, identificando las variables que influyen en la susceptibilidad de los bovinos al protozoo. Se tomaron muestras de sangre a 400 hembras bovinas y fueron evaluadas por medio de ELISA indirecta. Se determinó una seroprevalencia de Neospora caninum del 57.5 %; no se halló relación entre las hembras en gestación y la presencia del parásito; para la presencia de celo se encontró que el 27.7 % de vacas infectadas por el parásito presentaron repetición de éste. La presencia del parásito fue del 100 % en hembras con historial de cinco partos. Los resultados de este estudio muestran la presencia de anticuerpos anti Neospora caninum en los animales pertenecientes a fincas lecheras de la provincia de Sugamuxi, y la alta prevalencia muestra el riesgo potencial para este tipo de explotaciones.

  19. Anticuerpos policlonales contra la proteína recombinante NS3 del virus del dengue

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    Liliana Morales


    Resultados. Los anticuerpos producidos fueron útiles en ensayos de Western blot e inmunofluorescencia y se reportó por primera vez un anticuerpo policlonal anti-NS3 que permitió la inmunoprecipitación de la proteína viral y la detecta con Western blot sin necesidad de inducir sobreexpresión de NS3 o de usar extractos de células marcados metabólicamente con radioisótopos. Conclusión. Las proteínas recombinantes expresadas y los anticuerpos producidos constituyen herramientas valiosas para estudiar procesos infecciosos del DENV que involucren a la proteína NS3 y evaluar pruebas dirigidas a interferir las funciones de esta proteína.

  20. Prevalencia de anticuerpos contra dengue y leptospira en la población de Jáltipan, Veracruz Prevalence of dengue and leptospira antibodies in the state of Veracruz, Mexico

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    Joel Navarrete-Espinosa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conocer la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra dengue y leptospira en Jáltipan, Veracruz, México MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal en 500 habitantes de Jáltipan, Veracruz, mediante un muestreo por hogares, aplicación de cuestionario y toma de muestras sanguíneas. Se buscaron anticuerpos IgG y se evaluaron factores asociados a sus seroprevalencias mediante regresión logística RESULTADOS: La seroprevalencia global para denguevirus fue 79.6% (IC95% 76-81; los principales factores vinculados con la infección fueron la edad (pOBJECTIVE: To discover the prevalence of antibodies against denguevirus and leptospira. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 500 inhabitants of Veracruz, Mexico through household sampling, administration of a questionnaire and collection of blood samples. The presence of IgG antibodies was determined and factors associated with seroprevalence were evaluated using a logistic regression model. RESULTS: Total denguevirus seroprevalence was 79.6% (IC95% 76-81. The main factors associated with infection were age and residence in neighborhoods with higher vectorial indices (RMP=2.94, IC95% 1.46-6.1. Overall seroprevalence against leptospira was 4% (IC95% 2-6. Prevalence was higher in the 25 to 44 years age group (35%, IC95% 15-59. Seroprevalence in individuals who referred to living with dogs, pigs, cows and rats was 25% (IC95% 0.63-80. Eighty-five percent of individuals who were leptospira positive were also dengue positive. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of denguevirus antibodies suggests the risk of serious dengue hemorrhagic outbreaks. Although leptospirosis prevalence was low, the coexistence of both agents was confirmed.

  1. Detección de anticuerpos antiplasmodium por ELISA en donantes de sangre

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    Patricia Olaya de Morales


    Full Text Available La malaria, una enfermedad transmitida por mosquitos del genero anopheles, puede ser inducida a través de transfusiones de sangre infectada con alguna de las especies de Plasmodium que afectan al hombre. Con el objeto de determinar el riesgo potencial de infección inducida por transfusiones, se analizaron durante 9 meses y mediante la técnica de E.L.I.S.A., las muestras de suero tomadas a los donantes de sangre del Hospital Militar Central de Bogotá. El 8.6 por mil de las 3114 muestras analizadas, resultaron positivas para anticuerpos antimaláricos y durante el tiempo del estudio fueron detectados 3 casos de malaria inducida por transfusiones.

  2. Diagnóstico rápido de citomegalovirus (CMV en pacientes inmunocomprometidos mediante anticuerpos monoclonales que reconocen proteinas precoces virales Rapid diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in immunocompromised patients by using monoclonal antibodies against early viral antigens

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    Maritza Alvarez


    Full Text Available Se aplicó la técnica de detección de antigenos precoces fluorescentes (DAPF usando el anticuerpo monoclonal E-13 McAb, mediante el cual se lograron detectar 15 casos positivos a CMV de 75 muestras de orina o sangre ("buffy coat" tomadas de 52 pacientes inmunocomprometidos ingresados en el Instituto de Nefrología de ciudad Habana. Aplicando las técnicas clásicas de aislamiento en fibroblastos humanos diploides (MRC-5, se lograron aislar 12 cepas de CMV de casos previamente positivos por DAPF; lográndose además un aislamiento en una muestra reportada negativa por fluorescencia. Se observó una coincidencia de un 80% entre ambas técnicas. Se detectó la presencia de anticuerpos IgG contra CMV en todos los casos estudiados, utilizando para ello la técnica ELISA.A technique was applied to detect early fluorescent antigens (DEFA of cytomegalovirus (CMV using the E13 monoclonal antibodies in 52 immunocompromised patients hospitalized in the Nephrology Institute of Havana. Of the 75 urine or blood (buffy coat samples taken, 15 were found positive to CMV. Using classical diploide human fibroblast isolation technique, 12 CMV strains were isloation of previously detected positive samples by DEFA. In addition, CMV was isolated from one sample reported to be negative by DEFA. A coincidence of 80% was found between both techniques. With the ELISA test, all the sample studied have IgG antibodies to CMV.

  3. Prevalencia de anticuerpos IgG específicos dirigidos a Mycobacterium avium en caprinos y ovinos en el sur de la Guajira y norte del Cesar

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    María Fernanda Cepeda


    enviados para su procesamiento al Laboratorio de Investigaciones Biomédicas y Biotecnológicas (LIBB del programa de Bacteriología y Laboratorio Clínico de la Universidad de Santander UDES Bucaramanga. Los resultados del procesamiento de las pruebas de ELISA serán ingresados en una base de datos proporcionada por la institución responsable del control de calidad de pruebas, Laboratorios VECOL, para su posterior análisis. El análisis estadístico será realizado mediante la aplicación del paquete estadístico Graphpad Prism (La Jolla, CA, USA. Resultados: Como resultado de este trabajo se plantea la determinación de la prevalencia de anticuerpos específicos de tipo IgG dirigidos a M. avium en caprinos y ovinos, información que aportará herramientas encaminadas a la construcción de un perfil sanitario en los municipios del sur de la Guajira y el Norte del Cesar. Conclusiones: El conocimiento de la prevalencia de M. avium en ovinos y caprinos de la región del sur de la Guajira y el norte del Cesar, se concibe como un aspecto de importancia epidemiológica al ser considerada una infección de notificación obligatoria según la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE según su sigla en inglés dado que estos departamentos encabezan el listado de las regiones con mayor actividad económica basada en la producción y consumo de estos animales y sus productos, adicionalmente, los ovinos y caprinos tienen la capacidad de ser reservorios para este agente infeccioso, llegando a convertirse en potencial causa del desarrollo de enfermedades en estas poblaciones específicas, así como, la importancia que pueden representar desde el punto de vista de su potencial zoonótico.

  4. Prevalencia de anticuerpos antimaláricos en donantes del banco de sangre del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl de Medellín, Colombia

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    Jhon M. Ortíz


    Full Text Available Se determinó la prevalencia de anticuerpos antimaláricos, tipo IgG, mediante la técnica de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI, en 392 sueros de donantes voluntarios de sangre del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, recolectados durante los meses de septiembre y octubre del año 1995 y mantenidos en congelación a -70 ""C durante 36 meses. La prevalencia de seropositividad fue de 1,8% (7 donantes, de los cuales, tres tenían el antecedente de haber vivido en zona endémica para malaria; de éstos, dos habían sufrido malaria, por lo menos, una vez en la vida; los cuatro donantes restantes no habían vivido en zona endémica para malaria ni tenían antecedentes de haberla padecido. Todos los donantes tuvieron gotas gruesas negativas para Plasmodium. Para tratar de reducir el riesgo de malaria transfusional, se recomienda informar en forma clara a los donantes sobre lasáreas endémicas para malaria en el departamento, complementar la encuesta que realizan los bancos de sangre con gota gruesa en todas las unidades de sangre que se vayan a transfundir y determinar anticuerpos antimaláricos en todos los donantes de riesgo con encuestas sospechosas y que puedan ser transmisores potenciales de Plasmodium.

  5. Los niveles de anticuerpos anti factor plaquetario 4-heparina y el índice 4T para trombocitopenia inducida por heparina

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    Marta E. Martinuzzo


    Full Text Available La trombocitopenia inducida por heparina (HIT es un efecto adverso del tratamiento con heparina, mediada por anticuerpos anti complejo factor plaquetario 4 (PF4-heparina (HPIA. La HIT es frecuentemente moderada pero pueden desarrollarse complicaciones trombóticas. El diagnóstico precoz es importante. La detección de HPIA por ELISA tiene alta sensibilidad pero baja especificidad (títulos bajos sin significación clínica. El índice de las 4T (índice 4T puede detectar pacientes con alto riesgo de HIT. El propósito del estudio fue correlacionar los niveles de HPIA y el índice 4T de un grupo de pacientes derivados a nuestro centro. Evaluamos 84 pacientes, 34 de ellos desarrollaron trombosis. Cada médico completó un cuestionario clínico que fue remitido con la muestra a nuestro centro. Los cuestionarios fueron analizados por un investigador externo y el índice 4T se calculó previamente al ensayo. Los HPIA se determinaron por un ELISA (Asserachrom HPIA que detecta los 3 isotipos, IgG, IgM e IgA, único reactivo disponible en Argentina. Los resultados se expresaron como porcentaje de absorbancia (%ABS. La correlación del índice 4T con los HPIA fue 0.472 (rho spearman, p < 0.001. Los pacientes con índice 4T ≥ 6 presentaban %ABS mayores que los ≤ 5 (67 vs. 39, p < 0.001. Aquéllos con trombosis presentaron títulos mayores que los que no la desarrollaron (%ABS 59 vs. 39, p = 0.017. En conclusión: Los títulos altos de HPIA medidos por ELISA, que detecta los 3 isotipos, correlacionaron claramente con el índice 4T ≥ 6 y fueron más frecuentes en los pacientes con trombosis, coincidiendo con lo ya descripto para ensayos de ELISA específicos para isotipo IgG.

  6. Inhibition of complement activation by IgG4 antibodies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Zee, J. S.; van Swieten, P.; Aalberse, R. C.


    Prolonged exposure to antigens may result in high IgG4 antibody titres as was shown in a previous paper (Aalberse et al., 1983b). In novice bee keepers, a shift in the IgG1/IgG4 ratio of the response against phospholipase-A (PLA; a major component of bee venom) occurred. This resulted in an

  7. Gingivitis y Anticuerpos Anticitoplasmáticos de Neutrófilos en niños y adolescentes con leucemia


    Viera, Ninoska T.; Rojas de Morales, Thais; Navas, Rita M.; Zambrano, Olga R.; Paz de Gudiño, Mercedes


    Introducción: Las enfermedades sistémicas pueden originar y exacerbar alteraciones en el periodonto. Se ha demostrado la presencia de Anticuerpos Anticitoplasmáticos de neutrófilos (ANCA) en pacientes con enfermedad periodontal destructiva y con enfermedades sistémicas. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre gingivitis y los ANCA en niños y adolescentes con leucemia que asistieron al Servicio Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo y a la Fundación del Hospital de Especialidades Pediátri...

  8. Evaluación serológica de una proteína recombinante a partir de una cepa aislada del virus de la fiebre amarilla en el Perú: un estudio piloto

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    Carlos Yábar V


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar serológicamente una proteína recombinante de 66 kDa (Er66 de una cepa del virus de la fiebre amarilla aislada en el Perú usando anticuerpos inmunoreactivos. Material y métodos: La proteína Er66 fue expresada in vitro en la bacteria Escherichia coli y enfrentada a títulos de 1/100, 1/50 y 1/25 de anticuerpos monoclonales, y a sueros con anticuerpos IgM e IgG inmunoreactivos contra el virus de la fiebre amarilla mediante ensayos de Western blot (WB. Asimismo, se evaluaron proteínas totales de las cepas de referencia del virus dengue (DEN y fiebre amarilla como controles de antigenicidad. Resultados: La proteína recombinante Er66 presentó antigenicidad contra títulos de 1/50 y 1/25 de anticuerpo monoclonal (MAB8701; sin embargo, no se observó inmunoreactividad en sueros positivos para fiebre amarilla y dengue. Los ensayos con extractos crudos de la cepa de fiebre amarilla Asibi 17D (PTFA revelaron que la antigenicidad de las proteínas virales comprendidas entre 60 y 80 kDa fue afectada negativamente a temperaturas desnaturalizantes de 100°C. En cambio, tratamientos con ß-mercaptoetanol sin calor generó un aumento de la antigenicidad de dichas proteínas. Siguiendo este mismo principio, la proteína Er66 fue sometida a tratamientos desnaturalizantes con ß-mercaptoetanol sin incluir calor y fue enfrentada nuevamente a los sueros reactivos. El resultado final reveló que la proteína Er66 generó inmunoreactividad frente a sueros con altos títulos de anticuerpos IgM e IgG para fiebre amarilla mientras que en otras muestras se observó una débil señal. Conclusiones: Los datos obtenidos en este trabajo demuestran que la Er66 pudo ser reconocida por anticuerpos IgM e IgG específicos para fiebre amarilla presentes en sueros de pacientes infectados. Los datos presentados en este artículo sugieren el uso de proteínas recombinantes como posibles candidatas de valor diagnóstico para la FA.

  9. Thyroid autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases Anticuerpos antitiroideos en enfermedades autoinmunes

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    Regina M. Innocencio


    Full Text Available Abnormalities in the thyroid function and thyroid autoantibodies have been frequently described in patients with autoimmune diseases but seldom in antiphospholipid syndrome patients. In order to determine the prevalence of thyroid function and autoimmune abnormalities, we compared serum thyrotropin (TSH, serum free thyroxine (T4 levels, thyroid antithyroglobulin (TgAb and antithyroperoxidase (TPOAb levels of 25 patients with systemic sclerosis, 25 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 13 patients with antiphospholipid syndrome to a control group of 113 healthy individuals. Evaluation included a thorough clinical examination with particular attention to thyroid disease and a serologic immune profile including rheumatoid factor, antinuclear and anticardiolipin antibody measurements. Subclinical hypothyroidism (4.2Ciertas anormalidades en la función tiroidea y anticuerpos antitiroideos han sido frecuentemente descriptos en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes, y más raramente en pacientes con el síndrome antifosfolipídico. Para determinar la prevalencía de anormalidades en la función tiroidea y de autoinmunidad, comparamos los niveles séricos de tirotropina (TSH tiroxina libre en suero (T4 anticuerpos antitiroglobulina (TgAb y antitiroperoxidasa (TPOAb en 25 pacientes con esclerosis sistémica, 25 pacientes con artritis reumatoidea y 13 pacientes con el síndrome antifosfolipídico con un grupo control de 113 individuos aparentemente sanos. La evaluación incluyó un completo examen clínico con particular atención para las enfermedades de la tiroides y una evaluación inmunológica incluyendo dosaje del factor reumatoideo, anticuerpos antinucleares y anticardiolipina. Hipotiroidismo subclínico (4.2anticuerpos anti-tiroglobulina (TgAb y/o anti-peroxidasa (TPOAb estaban presentes en 21/63 (33% de los

  10. Gingivitis y Anticuerpos Anticitoplasmáticos de Neutrófilos en niños y adolescentes con leucemia


    Viera, Ninoska; Rojas de Morales, Thais; Navas, Rita; Zambrano, Olga; Paz de Gudiño, Mercedes


    Introducción: Las enfermedades sistémicas pueden originar y exacerbar alteraciones en el periodonto. Se ha demostrado la presencia de Anticuerpos Anticitoplasmáticos de neutrófi los (ANCA) en pacientes con enfermedad periodontal destructiva y con enfermedades sistémicas. Objetivo: Determinar la re la ción entre gingivitis y los ANCA en niños y ado les cen tes con leucemia que asistieron al Servicio Autónomo Hospital Uni ver si ta rio de Maracaibo y a la Fundación del Hosp...

  11. Anticuerpos monoclonales: desarrollo físico y perspectivas terapéuticas Monoclonal antibodies: physical development and therapeutic perspectives

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    Full Text Available Los anticuerpos monoclonales son glucoproteínas especializadas que hacen parte del sistema inmune, producidas por las células B, con la capacidad de reconocer moléculas específicas (antígenos. Los anticuerpos monoclonales son herramientas esenciales en el ámbito clínico y biotecnológico, y han probado ser útiles en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades infecciosas, inmunológicas y neoplásicas, así como también en el estudio de las interacciones patógeno-hospedero y la marcación, detección y cuantificación de diversas moléculas. Actualmente, la incorporación de las técnicas de biología molecular e ingeniería genética y proteica han permitido ampliar el horizonte de la generación de anticuerpos monoclonales y sus usos, y se han encontrado técnicas como la hibridación, la quimerización, la humanización y la producción de anticuerpos monoclonales totalmente humanos. Es una de las áreas de mayor crecimiento en la industria biotecnológica y farmacéutica; en el mercado se encuentran cerca de 29 anticuerpos monoclonales aprobados por la Food and Drug Administration (FDA de los Estados Unidos para uso en humanos.

  12. Obtención de anticuerpos monoclonales dirigidos contra antígenos solubles de P. Falciparum

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    Zuleima Rubio


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se describe la producción de los anticuerpos monoclonales dirigidos contra proteínas solubles de P. falciparum (FCB-1. Uno de los anticuerpos identificados como M-45 detectó una proteína de 72 Kd y dos más de menor peso molecular de 30 y 26 Kd, y el otro, identificado como G-172, detectó una proteína de 120 Kd, cuando se enfrentaron a un extracto de esquizontes por inmunoelectrotransferencia. Estos anticuerpos monoclonales mostraron patrones de fluorescencia diferente en eritrocitos infectados con esquizontes; M-45 (isotipo M produjo una fluorescencia uniforme y generalizada, mientras que el G-172 (isotipo G2a mostró regiones con parches de mayor intensidad. Posteriormente, los monoclonales se utilizaron en una prueba de ELlSA sandwich, como anticuerpos de captura para antigenos solubles de P. falciparum, en sobrenadantes de cultivo y en cinco sueros de pacientes con infección malárica aguda. Los resultados mostraron un 100% de sensibilidad y especificidad para la dilución 1/20 de los sueros y un 80% de sensibilidad para la dilución 1/40. Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados preliminares se abre la posibilidad de utilizar estos monoclonales en una prueba de ELlSA que permita el seguimiento de una infección malárica.

  13. Asociación entre la presencia de anticuerpos anti-Ras y anti-VPH16 E4/E7 y lesiones intraepiteliales del cérvix Association between anti-Ras and anti-HPV16 E4/E7 antibodies with cervical intraepithelial lesions

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    Sara Vázquez-Corzo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar si anticuerpos séricos contra E4, E7 y Ras pueden ser utilizados como marcadores de lesiones tempranas del cérvix uterino asociadas al virus del papiloma humano. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Entre marzo de 1999 y abril de 2000 se realizó un estudio sero-epidemiológico de casos y controles en la clínica de displasias del Hospital General Doctor Gea González, en la Ciudad de México, en 116 muestras de suero para evaluar la presencia de anticuerpos anti-E4, E7 y Ras utilizando un ELISA de captura. Se estimaron razones de momios e intervalos de confianza de 95% RESULTADOS: Anticuerpos anti-E7 se asociaron a mujeres con lesiones NIC III, mientras que anticuerpos anti-E4 y anti-Ras fueron más frecuentes en lesiones NIC I-II. Al evaluar el perfil de anticuerpos que presentaron las mujeres, encontramos que a anticuerpos contra dos proteínas predicen la existencia de una lesión NIC I-II, y b la presencia de tres anticuerpos predicen una lesión NIC III. CONCLUSIONES: La detección de anticuerpos séricos contra E4, E7 y Ras en combinación con otras técnicas de diagnóstico, podrían ser de utilidad para detectar oportunamente a mujeres con lesiones tempranas asociadas al Virus del Papiloma Humano y en riesgo de desarrollar cáncer.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether serum antibodies anti-E4, E7 and Ras could be used as markers for early cervical lesions associated with HPV (human papillomavirus. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A seroepidemiological case-control study was conducted between March 1999 and April 2000 at the dysplasia clinic of Hospital General Doctor Gea Gonzalez, in Mexico City, to evaluate the presence of antibodies anti-E4, E7, and Ras through a sandwich ELISA. Analysis was done using odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: Anti-E7 antibodies were associated to women with CIN III lesions, while anti-E4 and Ras antibodies were strongly associated with CIN I-II lesions. The antibody profile of women with different

  14. Estandarización de una prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE en pacientes con equinococosis quistica y su utilidad en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes tratados con albendazol: reporte preliminar

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    Herman Vildózola


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar las diluciones y concentraciones optimas de una prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE, así como su sensibilidad, espécificidad y valor predictivo en pacientes con equinococosis quistica. Analizar si los niveles de anticuerpos IgE especificos se correlacionan con la respuesta al tratamiento médico con albendazol en un periodo mayor a un año de finalizado el tratamiento. Diseño: Estudio cuasiexperimental con grupo control. Institución: Instituto de Medicina Tropical Daniel A. Carrión, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM, Lima, Perú. Material de estudio: Prueba de ELISA para anticuerpo IgE. Intervenciones: Estandarizacion de la prueba de ELISA para anticuerpo IgE y diseño preexperimento con preprueba y posprueba en un solo grupo, para evaluar su valor en el diagnóstico y seguimiento postratamiento de pacientes con quiste hidatidico hepatico tratados con albendazol. Para la estandarizacion de la prueba de ELISA, se utilizó suero de cinco pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de equinococosis quistica, y la sensibilidad y especificidad de la prueba se usó suero de 30 pacientes aparentemente sanos. Para determinar las reacciones cruzadas, se utilizó 16 muestras de suero de pacientes con otras helmintiasis (ascariasis, strongiloidiasis, toxocariosis, trichuriasis, himenolepiasis, cisticercosis y teniasis. Para el diagnóstico y seguimiento postratamiento de equinocococosis quística, se utilizó el suero de 17 pacientes. Principales medidas de resultados: Sensibilidad y especificidad de prueba estandarizada de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE. Resultados: La prueba estandarizada de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE tuvo una sensibilidad de 95,6% y una especificidad de 100%. En los pacientes con quiste hidatídico hepático considerados curados, uniformemente disminuyeron los niveles de anticuerpo tipo IgE hasta la negativización. Se obtuvo elevación de los niveles de IgE en los pacientes que presentaron

  15. Anticuerpos séricos contra la enfermedad de Newcastle e Influenza Aviar en aves rapaces de Chile.

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    Daniel González-Acuña


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Detectar la presencia de anticuerpos séricos sanguíneos contra los virus de la Enfermedad de Newcastle (ENC e Influenza aviar (IA, para comprender la contribución de las aves silvestres en la transmisión de estos virus en Chile. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron 63 aves pertenecientes a los órdenes Falconiformes y Strigiformes desde centros de rehabilitación de aves de las zonas central y sur de Chile. Se realizaron las pruebas de inhibición de la hemoaglutinación (IHA para detectar anticuerpos contra el virus ENC e inmunodifusión en gel agar (IDGA y ELISA para IA. Resultados. Se detectaron 14 aves positivas (22.2% para anticuerpos séricos contra el virus de la ENC. En cambio, no se registraron anticuerpos séricos sanguíneos para el virus de la IA. Conclusiones. La presencia de aves rapaces positivas en los centros de rescate a los anticuerpos séricos contra el virus de la ENC puede ser explicada por el consumo de carne de pollos que han sido vacunados contra ENC o consumo de aves que han adquirido directamente el virus vacunal a través de los distintos procedimientos de administración (aerosoles, bebederos de la vacuna o por el ingreso a los centros de rescate de aves rapaces migratorias, las que podrían facilitar la diseminación de la infección desde los países de origen, hecho que debe ser investigado.

  16. Asociación entre variables reproductivas y anticuerpos anti Neospora caninum en bovinos lecheros de un municipio de Colombia

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    Martín Orlando Pulido Medellín


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue determinar el porcentaje de vacas seropositivas a Neospora caninum y la identificación de las variables reproductivas que se encuentran relacionadas con la presencia de anticuerpos contra este protozoo. Se tomaron 1,000 muestras de sangre a hembras bovinas del municipio de Sotaquirá, Boyacá, las cuales fueron evaluadas por medio de ELISA indirecta. Se determinó una seroprevalencia de Neospora caninum del 45 %; las variables reproductivas asociadas con la positividad de N. caninum fueron: la presencia de distocia en el parto, el intervalo de edad (3-4 años y la raza de los bovinos (Holstein, mientras que las variables de presencia de aborto, inseminación artificial, muerte embrionaria, repetición de celo, presentación de terneros débiles al nacer y monta directa con toro, no presentaron relación con la positividad de los bovinos. Los resultados de este estudio muestran la presencia de anticuerpos contra Neospora caninum en animales de producción lechera, siendo esta prevalencia encontrada una muestra del riesgo potencial que representa esta enfermedad sobre el estado reproductivo dentro de los hatos.

  17. Normalización y validación de ensayos inmunoenzimáticos para cuantificar IgG humana antileptospira serovares canicola canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae copenhageni y pomona mozdok.

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    Xenia Ferriol


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar la respuesta inmune inducida por la vacuna cubana vax-SPIRAL se desarrollaron tres ELISAs de tipo indirecto para la cuantificación de IgG humana antileptospira, en el cual se emplearon como antígenos de captura las células enteras de Leptospira interrogans de los serovares canicola canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae copenhageni y pomona mozdok, inactivadas con formaldehído y posteriormente desecadas a 33 °C durante 16-20 h en placas para ELISA. Para la cuantificación se empleó un suero estándar al que se le asignaron unidades arbitrarias, correspondientes al recíproco del título obtenido por microaglutinación (MAT. Estos fueron 31, 12 y 58 U/mL respectivamente para los tres serovares señalados que se incluyen en el preparado vacunal. Se utilizó un conjugado anti IgG humana-peroxidasa, el cual se une a los anticuerpos específicos contra cada serovar, la reacción se evidencia por la acción de la enzima sobre la mezcla sustratocromógeno (ortofenilendiamina que genera color. El método normalizado se validó para los tres serovares; la precisión intra e interensayos fueron excelentes, con coeficientes de variación inferiores al 10%. Las desviaciones de la recuperación y linealidad fueron también inferiores al 10%. El suero control se ubicaron para los tres serovares en la zona de mayor interés para las muestras. Los ELISAs mostraron un 100% de sensibilidad para los tres serovares y se obtuvieron valores de 93,33% de especificidad para los serovares canicola canicola e icterohaemorrhagiae copenagheni y de 100% para el serovar pomona mozdok. El límite de detección para cada uno de los serovares fue de 0,478; 0,127 y 0,632 U/mL respectivamente.

  18. Seroprevalencia de anticuerpos bactericidas frente al meningococo C en Cantabria 10 meses tras la campaña de vacunación

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    Aledo Linos Alvaro Gonzalez de


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: En febrero-marzo de 1997 se realizó en Cantabria (Comunidad Autónoma del Estado Español con 541.885 habitantes, de los cuales 107.787 tienen una edad entre 18 meses y 19 años una campaña de vacunación antimeningocócica dirigida a niños entre 18 meses y 19 años, que abarcó a todos sus municipios y alcanzó una cobertura mayor del 95%. En los 12 meses posteriores la eficacia vacunal fue del 95.68% en todas las edades. Para ayudar a decidir una revacunación se realizó un estudio de seroprevalencia de anticuerpos bactericidas en la población vacunada. MÉTODOS: en diciembre de 1997 se analizaron muestras de sangre de 414 niños vacunados, obtenidas al azar de extracciones oportunistas realizadas en Atención Primaria y en Hospitales Públicos de la Comunidad, y de niños escolarizados en las guarderías públicas dependientes de la Dirección General de Bienestar Social de Cantabria. Se analizó la tasa de anticuerpos bactericidas en el Centro Nacional de Microbiología, estableciéndose el nivel de "efecto vacunal" en la dilución 1/8. RESULTADOS: se obtuvieron los siguientes porcentajes de títulos > o = 1/8 (entre paréntesis, grupos de edad al vacunarse: 0% (18-24 meses, 4% (1.5 a 4 años, 7.1% (1.5 a 6 años, 51.3% (6 a 12 años y 81.2% (12 a 19 años. Debido a que la definición de "efecto vacunal" se cifró en la dilución 1/8 de forma artificial, y a que otros trabajos la cifran en 1/4, en 287 sueros con resultado <1/8 se repitió el ensayo bactericida con la dilución 1/4, resultando que 286 (el 99.6% también dieron negativo. Es decir, que el resultado final no variaría si situásemos el punto de corte en la dilución 1/4 en vez de en 1/8. No se encontraron diferencias significativas según la procedencia de municipios donde hubiera habido casos de meningitis C o no los hubiera habido. CONCLUSIONES: la actividad bactericida es muy baja en los menores de 4-6 años, inferior a lo publicado, y mayor por encima de esa

  19. Encefalitis autoinmunitaria asociada a anticuerpos contra el receptor N-metil-D-aspartato: presentación de dos casos


    José Bustos; Yasmin Sánchez; Jhon Medina; Rommy Olivieri; Julián Mojica; Johan Ortiz


    La encefalitis asociada a anticuerpos contra receptores N-metil-D-aspartato es un síndrome neurológico que se presenta más comúnmente en mujeres jóvenes y frecuentemente se asocia al teratoma de ovario. Se caracteriza por un cuadro clínico agudo con síntomas generales inespecíficos que evoluciona hacia deterioro neurológico, psicosis y convulsiones; en su etapa más avanzada, se asocia con movimientos anormales y disautonomía. Se reportan dos casos en mujeres de 23 y 12 años. Dada su baja i...


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    Pinto, J.


    Full Text Available Inmunizando un grupo de diez gallinas de postura raza Lohmann de 16 semanas de edad con parvovirus canino (CPV cepa vacunal, se obtuvieron anticuerpos IgY policlonales contra CPV en yema de huevo.En la extracción de los anticuerpos de la yema se requirieron dos pasos, el primero para la remoción de lípidos y el segundo para la precipitación de proteínas. Para la remoción de lípidos se usó el método PBS:Cloroformo y para la precipitación de los anticuerpos solubles (Inmunoglobulinas-IgY se usó el método de salting-out con sulfato de amonio ((NH42SO4. La evaluación del proceso se efectuó empleando el método comercial estándar “EGGstract IgY Purification System®” de PROMEGA.La metodología empleada permitió la obtención de anticuerpos IgY policlonales contra CPV a partir de yema de huevo de gallina en concentraciones altas por mililitro de yema, con una pureza aceptable y títulos altos; los resultados fueron comparables con el método comercial.

  1. Serum IgG2 and tissue IgG2 plasma cell elevation in orbital IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD): Potential use in IgG4-RD assessment. (United States)

    Chan, Anita S Y; Mudhar, Hardeep; Shen, Sunny Yu; Lang, Stephanie S; Fernando, Malee; Hilmy, Maryam Hazly; Guppy, Naomi Jayne; Rennie, Ian; Dunkley, Lisa; Al Jajeh, Issam


    To determine the role of serum and tissue IgG2 in orbital biopsies with the histological features of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) in comparison with non-IgG4-related orbital inflammatory disorders (OID), including autoimmune disorders. This is an international (Sheffield, UK, and Singapore) collaborative, retrospective case review of 69 patients (38 from Singapore National Eye Centre and 31 from Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield) with orbital inflammatory biopsies between 2002 and 2016. Clinical information and histology were reviewed and cases were classified into three groups: Group 1: IgG4-RD orbital inflammation (n=43); Group 2: idiopathic OID (n=12) and Group 3: autoimmune OID (n=14). Serum IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 levels were collated where available and immunohistochemistry (IHC) for tissue IgG2 plasma cells was performed. Dual IHC showed IgG2 plasma cells as a distinct population from IgG4 plasma cells. Significant (twofold) serum IgG2 elevation was noted among IgG4-RD (group 1), idiopathic (group 2) and autoimmune OID (group 3). Similarly, significant elevation of tissue IgG2 plasma cells was also seen among IgG4-RD (group 1), idiopathic and autoimmune OID (groups 2 and 3). Significant elevations of serum IgG2 and tissue IgG2 plasma cells are present in orbital IgG4-RD in comparison with non-IgG4 orbital inflammation (idiopathic and autoimmune OID), suggesting that IgG2 may play a role in IgG4-RD. A serum IgG2 cut-off >5.3 g/L was found to be 80% sensitive and 91.7% specific for orbital IgG4-RD, with an accuracy of 0.90. Tissue IgG2 and IgG4 subclass reporting may provide additional insight regarding the 'IgG4-RD' pathogenesis. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  2. Canakinumab: un anticuerpo monoclonal prometedor en el tratamiento de enfermedades cardiovasculares

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    Fernando Manzur, MD., FACC


    Full Text Available El canakinumab es un anticuerpo monoclonal anti-IL-1β totalmente humano desarrollado por Novartis, cuyo mecanismo de acción se basa en la neutralización de la señalización IL-1β, lo cual conduce a la supresión de la inflamación en pacientes con trastornos de origen autoinmune. La IL-1β actúa como un mediador de la respuesta inmune periférica durante la infección y la inflamación. Mediante la unión antígeno-anticuerpo el canakinumab inhibe la acción de la IL1-β evitando sus efectos pro-inflamatorios. En la actualidad, está en evaluación como un nuevo posible agente dirigido frente a la IL-1β, con el objetivo de reducir la tasa de eventos cardiovasculares y la diabetes de aparición reciente (estudio CANTOS.

  3. Control externo de la calidad del diagnóstico serológico del dengue en laboratorios de países de las Américas, 1996-2001 Quality control of the serological diagnosis of dengue in laboratories throughout the Americas, 1996-2001

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    María G. Guzmán


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Dar a conocer los resultados de cuatro controles externos de la calidad del diagnóstico serológico del dengue realizados en la Región de las Américas en el período de 1996- 2001 y presentar los resultados obtenidos por los laboratorios participantes. MÉTODOS: Se realizaron controles externos de la calidad del diagnóstico serológico del dengue en 1996-1997, 1998-1999, 1999-2000 y 2000-2001. Paneles compuestos por 20 sueros (12 de estos positivos a anticuerpos IgM contra el dengue fueron enviados a laboratorios de la Región para que participaran en los controles realizados. Los sueros de los paneles eran negativos a anticuerpos contra el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y el virus de la hepatitis C, así como al antígeno de superficie de la hepatitis B, y fueron almacenados a -20 °C hasta su envío en refrigeración a los laboratorios participantes. La presencia de anticuerpos IgM se determinó mediante un ensayo inmunoenzimático (ELISA de captura, mientras que el título de anticuerpos IgG se determinó por inhibición de la hemoaglutinación o ELISA de IgG. Los resultados de la determinación de anticuerpos IgM contra el dengue que no coincidían con los del centro de referencia se consideraron discordantes. El título de anticuerpos IgG se consideró discordante cuando los resultados difirieron en dos diluciones o más con respecto al resultado del centro de referencia. RESULTADOS: Un total de 27 laboratorios recibió 59 paneles de sueros de 1996 a 2001, y se recibieron los resultados del análisis de 54 de esos paneles (91,5%. De 1 080 sueros (20 X 54, 95,6% coincidieron con el laboratorio de referencia en cuanto a los resultados de la detección de anticuerpos IgM contra el dengue. Además, en 47 paneles (87% la coincidencia con el laboratorio de referencia se observó en 90% de las muestras del panel o más. De los 27 paneles para los cuales se recibieron los resultados de los títulos de anticuerpos IgG contra el

  4. Sistema inmune y genética: un abordaje diferente a la diversidad de anticuerpos.


    Matta Camacho, Nubia Estela


    RESUMEN Es común encontrar en los libros de inmunología o de genética un capítulo con el título de “sistema inmune y genética”, sin embargo su asociación se centra en cómo la generación de anticuerpos rompió el paradigma “un gen, una proteína”, pues en el caso de la producción de anticuerpos, un gen produce millones de proteínas. El sistema inmune tiene muchos vínculos con la genética y la herencia; esta asociación se da porque cualquier sustancia o compuesto que produzca un organi...

  5. Desarrollo de una técnica de inmunoelectrotransferencia "Westernblot" para la detección de anticuerpos contra componentes proteínicos de Salmonella Typhi

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    Miguel Guzmán Urrego


    Full Text Available Desde su desarrollo la lnmunoelectrotransferencia (INMET ha sido una herramienta útil en biología molecular así como también en el diagnóstico de diferentes enfermedades infecciosas. Tradicionalniente la demostración de anticuerpos contra Salmonella typhi, se ha enfocado hacia la detección de aquellos, que se producen contra lipopolisacáridos, especialmente los que se relacionan con el antígeno somático "0". Pero pocos trabajos, se han realizado para la detección de anticuerpos contra otros antígenos tales como proteínas protoplasmáticas. Este trabajo intenta demostrar si tales anticuerpos se producen en conejos inmunizados experimentalmente, así como también en voluntarios vacunados contra la fiebre Tifoidea con lavacuna oral (cepa Ty21a. El antígeno preparado y purificado a partir de una cepa de Salmonella typhi, fue suspendido en una solución tampón y sonicado para obtener sus productos celulares; de esta manera y con la adecuada concentración de proteínas fue separado en gel de poliacrilamida en sus diferentes fracciones antigénicas y luego transferidos a membranas de nitrocelulosa en donde por medio de reacción inmunoenzimática, se visualizó la banda característica, al poner en contacto la membrana con el antisuero hiperinmune obtenido en conejos (Modelo Experimental y el suero de voluntarios antes y después de la inmunización (Modelo  Humano. La banda visualizada correspondió a un peso aproximado de 38.000 kd. Trece de los voluntarios (32.5%, presentaron esta misma banda antes de la inmunización, la cual, aunque más tenue, representó un complejo antígeno-anticuerpo, lo cual, induce a pensar en un posible contacto con el microorganismo en el pasado. La posibilidad de la reacción cruzada se descartó realizando el mismo procedimiento con lisados de Escherichia coli.

  6. Estudio de inmunogenicidad de la vacuna antitifoídica cubana de polisacárido Vi vax-TyVi® en ratones

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    Juan Carlos Ramírez


    Full Text Available Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi es un microorganismo que provoca más de 16 millones de casos de fiebre tifoidea con aproximadamente 600 000 muertes al año en todo el mundo. Dentro de las vacunas antitifoídicas la de polisacárido capsular Vi ha encontrado, gracias a sus incuestionables ventajas, una gran aceptación entre productores y consumidores. El presente trabajo aborda el estudio de inmunogenicidad de la vacuna antitifoídica cubana de polisacárido Vi vax-TyViâ en ratones. El estudio estuvo conformado por un grupo control no inoculado y un segundo grupo que recibió 0,05 mL de la vacuna por vía intramuscular. Se tomaron muestras de sangre a los -3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 42, 56 y 84 días. La actividad de anticuerpos IgG antipolisacárido Vi de los sueros individuales fue determinada por ELISA. Los datos fueron analizados por grupo y por sexo y se calculó el porcentaje de seroconversión, considerándose respondedor aquel animal que al menos aumentara en cuatro veces su título inicial. La respuesta de anticuerpos inducida por la vacuna mostró un aumento notable de los títulos de IgG antipolisacárido Vi en el grupo vacunado (100% de seroconversión, mientras que el grupo control no incrementó sus niveles mínimos iniciales (0% de respondedores. Aunque más dispersa, la respuesta de anticuerpos antiVi fue significativamente mayor en las hembras que en los machos.

  7. In vitro study of protein release from AFCo1 and implications in mucosal immunisation

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    José Raúl Dopico


    Full Text Available Los anticuerpos aviares (IgY presentan algunas ventajas con relación a los anticuerpos IgG de mamíferos, debido a su fácil obtención y purificación y su bajo costo de producción. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la factibilidad de acoplar anticuerpos IgY a partículas de poliestireno y evaluar su desempeño en ensayos de látex-aglutinación en lámina. Para este propósito se utilizó como modelo la detección del antígeno de superficie de la hepatitis B (HBsAg. Gallinas Leghorn se inmunizaron con el ingrediente farmacéutico activo que se utiliza en la elaboración de la vacuna recombinante cubana Heberbiovac-HB. Los anticuerpos obtenidos se purificaron y emplearon en la preparación de reactivos de látex-aglutinación (0,8 µm para la detección del HBsAg, los cuales se evaluaron con 50 muestras de suero frente a un reactivo comercial similar. Los resultados se evaluaron de satisfactorios. Se demostró la factibilidad de acoplar anticuerpos aviares a partículas de látex y se abre una perspectiva al empleo de este tipo de ensayo para el diagnóstico rápido de diversas enfermedades.

  8. Desarrollo de improntas para el diagnóstico del virus Epstein-Barr por inmunofluorescencia indirecta Development of slides for Epstein-Barr virus diagnosis by indirect immunofluorescence

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    Germán R. Pérez


    Full Text Available El virus de Epstein-Barr (VEB es el principal agente oncogénico linfotrópico dentro de la familia Herpesviridae y se encuentra mundialmente distribuido. La primoinfección se produce en adultos jóvenes y se manifiesta como mononucleosis infecciosa. La detección de anticuerpos anti-viral capside antigen (VCA indica infección previa o presente con VEB. Además, se observan títulos elevados de anticuerpos anti-VCA en las enfermedades neoplásicas asociadas al VEB como los linfomas, en individuos HIV-positivos. El objetivo de este estudio fue el desarrollo y puesta a punto de improntas de células P3HR1 para la detección serológica del VEB por técnicas de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI. Se estimularon cultivos de células P3HR1 en crecimiento exponencial con phorbol-12-mirystoil-13-acetato, y se recolectaron alícuotas a distintos tiempos para realizar improntas. Se realizó una IFI con cada impronta usando como anticuerpo primario un suero VEB-positivo. Se observó un aumento del 11% en la expresión del VCA a las 40 horas post-estimulación, decayendo al 3.5% a las 48 horas. Estos datos fueron corroborados por ensayo de western blot con inmunodetección. La precisión intra- e inter-lote de las improntas fue evaluada para anticuerpos IgM e IgG, con sueros probados previamente por equipos para esta determinación disponibles en el mercado para el VEB y con sueros reactivos para otros miembros de la familia Herpesviridae. No se obtuvieron resultados falsos-negativos ni falsos-positivos para el VEB ni se observó reactividad cruzada con otros herpesvirus. Las improntas desarrolladas constituyen un instrumento para el diagnóstico de la primoinfección del VEB y la detección serológica de anticuerpos IgG anti-VCA de neoplasias asociadas al VEB.Epstein-Barr virus (EBV is the main oncogenic lymphotropic agent of the Herpesviridae family and is globally distributed. EBV acute infection occurs in young adults producing infectious

  9. Pathogenicity of IgG in patients with IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Shiokawa, Masahiro; Kodama, Yuzo; Kuriyama, Katsutoshi; Yoshimura, Kenichi; Tomono, Teruko; Morita, Toshihiro; Kakiuchi, Nobuyuki; Matsumori, Tomoaki; Mima, Atsushi; Nishikawa, Yoshihiro; Ueda, Tatsuki; Tsuda, Motoyuki; Yamauchi, Yuki; Minami, Ryuki; Sakuma, Yojiro; Ota, Yuji; Maruno, Takahisa; Kurita, Akira; Sawai, Yugo; Tsuji, Yoshihisa; Uza, Norimitsu; Matsumura, Kazuyoshi; Watanabe, Tomohiro; Notohara, Kenji; Tsuruyama, Tatsuaki; Seno, Hiroshi; Chiba, Tsutomu


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a systemic disease characterised by elevated serum IgG4 and IgG4-positive lymphoplasmacytic infiltration in the affected tissues. The pathogenic role of IgGs, including IgG4, in patients with IgG4-RD, however, is unknown. We examined the pathogenic activity of circulating IgGs in patients with IgG4-RD by injecting their IgGs into neonatal male Balb/c mice. Binding of patient IgGs to pancreatic tissue was also analysed in an ex vivo mouse organ culture model and in tissue samples from patients with autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP). Subcutaneous injection of patient IgG, but not control IgG, resulted in pancreatic and salivary gland injuries. Pancreatic injury was also induced by injecting patient IgG1 or IgG4, with more destructive changes induced by IgG1 than by IgG4. The potent pathogenic activity of patient IgG1 was significantly inhibited by simultaneous injection of patient IgG4. Binding of patient IgG, especially IgG1 and IgG4, to pancreatic tissue was confirmed in both the mouse model and AIP tissue samples. IgG1 and IgG4 from patients with IgG4-RD have pathogenic activities through binding affected tissues in neonatal mice. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  10. Producción y caracterización de anticuerpos monoclonales frente a albúmina humana : Aplicación al estudio de la estructura antigénica de esta proteina


    García Pacheco, José Marcos


    Se han producido 10 anticuerpos monoclonales frente a albúmina humana, los cuales reconocen 6 epitopos de naturaleza conformacional sobre la superficie de la albúmina de esta molécula, habiéndose detectado diferencias antagónicas entre albúmina humana de diferente procedencia.

  11. ¿Es necesario investigar anticuerpos IgM contra el virus de la hepatitis A cuando el enzimograma hepático es normal?

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    C. Coitinho

    Full Text Available La hepatitis por virus A (VHA es la más frecuente de las hepatitis virales en el mundo, especialmente en los países subdesarrollados. Donde esta enfermedad es endémica, se suelen realizar un gran número de estudios de laboratorio para confirmarla. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la utilidad de investigar anticuerpos IgM anti hepatitis A (IgM anti-VHA para el diagnóstico de la VHA en pacientes con niveles séricos normales de aspartato y alanina aminotransferasas (AST/ALT. Todos los pacientes que concurrieron al laboratorio con solicitud de enzimograma hepático y anticuerpos IgM anti-VHA durante el período octubre 2005-marzo 2006 fueron evaluados en este estudio. Los datos clínicos más frecuentes fueron presunción de hepatitis e ictericia (27,5 y 12,7%. La determinación de IgM anti-VHA se realizó por ensayo inmunoenzimático de micropartículas (MEIA; la de enzimas hepáticas en un multianalizador. De los 158 pacientes estudiados, 84 tenían valores elevados de AST/ALT; dentro de este grupo, el 82% fue reactivo para IgM anti-VHA. Los 74 pacientes restantes mostraron niveles normales de AST/ALT y solo 7 de ellos, bajo control de evolución por VHA ya confirmada, fueron reactivos para IgM anti-VHA. El 49% de los pacientes IgM anti-VHA reactivos correspondió a menores de 10 años. De acuerdo con estas observaciones, sugerimos que los estudios de laboratorio para confirmar infección aguda por VHA deberían realizarse en forma secuencial, ya que es innecesaria la determinación de anticuerpos IgM anti-VHA cuando las aminotransferasas séricas son normales.

  12. Marcadores inflamatórios e anticorpos anti-chlamydia em pacientes com síndrome metabólica Marcadores inflamatorios y anticuerpos anti-chlamydia en pacientes con síndrome metabólico Inflammatory markers and antichlamydial antibodies in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    Rosecler Riethmuller Franco


    ão mostraram diferença significativa em pacientes com SM, com e sem eventos.FUNDAMENTO: El síndrome metabólico está asociado al aumento de riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares. Marcadores inflamatorios y anticuerpos anti-Chlamydia han sido relacionados al desarrollo y a la progresión de la aterosclerosis y de los eventos cardiovasculares. OBJETIVO: Evaluar los marcadores inflamatorios interleucina-6 (IL-6 y factor de necrosis tumoral-alfa (TNF-α y los anticuerpos anti-Chlamydia pneumoniae en pacientes con síndrome metabólico (SM, con y sin eventos cardiovasculares. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal constituido por 147 individuos. De estos, 100 (68% con SM y sin eventos cardiovasculares; y 47 (32% con SM y con eventos cardiovasculares. De los individuos que habían sufrido eventos cardiovasculares, 13 (6,11% presentan infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM, y diez (4,7%, accidente cerebro vascular (ACV. El diagnóstico del SM fue determinado por los criterios del NCEP-ATPIII. RESULTADOS: La media de edad de los sujetos con eventos cardiovasculares fue de 61,26 ± 8,5 y de 59,32 ± 9,9 en los individuos sin esos eventos (p=0,279, habiendo predominio del sexo femenino. El grupo con SM y sin evento presentó mayor peso, altura, IMC y circunferencia abdominal. Para los individuos con eventos cardiovasculares (p=0,001, los marcadores inflamatorios IL-6 y TNF-α y la enfermedad vascular periférica fueron significativamente mayores. Se obtuvieron niveles elevados de anticuerpos IgG para Chlamydia pneumoniae en el grupo SM, sin eventos y de IgA en el grupo con eventos cuando fueron comparados los dos grupos. Con relación al IAM y al ACV, los anticuerpos anti-Chlamydia pneumoniae no demostraron significación estadística, comparados al grupo sin eventos cardiovasculares. Asociación fue observada con el uso de estatinas, hipoglicemiantes orales, inyectables y antiinflamatorios no esteroides en el grupo con esos eventos. CONCLUSIÓN: Marcadores inflamatorios se encuentran

  13. Histopathology of IgG4-Related Autoimmune Hepatitis and IgG4-Related Hepatopathy in IgG4-Related Disease. (United States)

    Nakanuma, Yasuni; Ishizu, Yoji; Zen, Yoh; Harada, Kenichi; Umemura, Takeji


    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a systemic disease involving many organs; it includes IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis and inflammatory pseudotumor in the hepatobiliary system. Two types of hepatic parenchymal involvement have been reported in IgG4-RD: IgG4-related autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and IgG4-hepatopathy. Moreover, only three cases of IgG4-related AIH have been reported. Immunoglobulin G4-related AIH is clinicopathologically similar to AIH, except for an elevated serum IgG4 level and heavy infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells in the liver tissue. Interestingly, IgG4-related AIH can be complicated by well-known IgG4-RD(s). Immunoglobulin G4-hepatopathy, which includes various histopathological lesions encountered in the liver of patients with type I autoimmune pancreatitis, is classified into five histological categories: portal inflammation, large bile duct damage, portal sclerosis, lobular hepatitis, and cholestasis. Immunoglobulin G4-hepatopathy is currently a collective term covering hepatic lesions primarily or secondarily related to IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis and type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis. In conclusion, the liver is not immune to IgG4-RD, and at least two types of hepatic involvement in IgG4-RD have been reported: IgG4-related AIH and IgG4-hepatopathy. Additional studies are required to clarify their precise clinical significance with respect to IgG4-RD and inherent liver diseases. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  14. Efectividad y duración de la inmunidad de la vacuna frente al meningococo serogrupo A y C

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    Luis García Comas


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: La Comunidad de Madrid detectó a partir de 1995 un incremento del número de casos de enfermedad meningocócica por serogrupo C. En 1997 se realizó una campaña de inmunización masiva sobre la población de 18 meses a 19 años. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la respuesta inmunitaria producida por la vacuna y su relación con la edad. MÉTODOS: Se seleccionó una muestra de 1.003 niños vacunados durante la campaña. Se extrajo una muestra de sangre antes de la vacunación y tras uno, seis (solo <5a y doce meses. Para valorar la respuesta inmune se midieron niveles de anticuerpos bactericidas y totales. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de seroconversión medida por anticuerpos bactericidas es 89,6%. La respuesta es baja en menores de 3 años (34,8%, aumenta con la edad y a partir de los 7 años supera el 90%. A los 6 meses, la prevalencia de niveles protectores en menores de 5 años desciende notablemente (31,3%. Al año, la prevalencia desciende notablemente, especialmente en menores de 7 años. La proporción de individuos con respuesta de anticuerpos totales al mes supera el 90% y se mantiene elevada al año en todos los grupos edad (97,5%. CONCLUSIONES: La respuesta medida mediante anticuerpos totales entra en contradicción con la respuesta clínica a la vacunación y la medida mediante anticuerpos bactericidas infraestima la protección si se compara con los resultados de efectividad vacunal, por lo que es necesario buscar indicadores biológicos que se correlacionen de manera adecuada con la respuesta clínica tras la vacunación.

  15. Inducción de IgA e IgG anti-omp48 en conejos inmunizados intragástricamente con una fracción extracelular de Aeromonas veronii

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    Eduardo Ruiz-Bustos


    Full Text Available Una proteína de membrana externa de 48 kDa (omp48 de Aeromonas veronii (A. veronii, que tiene afinidad por secreciones de la mucosa (tal como mucina, lactoferrina, inmunoglobulinas o colágeno, induce una respuesta inmune estadísticamente significativa al ser administrada intragástricamente a conejos blancos de Nueva Zelanda. Estudios posteriores mostraron una correlación positiva entre las inmunoglobulinas y la respuesta de células productoras de anticuerpo (CPA. La administración intragástrica del antígeno induce una respuesta vigorosa, tanto local como sistémica, principalmente de inmunoglobulinas A y G contra la omp48 de A. veronii. Estas se evidenciaron por la presencia de (i células productoras de anticuerpos contra omp48 en el tracto gastrointestinal, bazo y sangre, y (ii elevados niveles de anticuerpos circulantes.La estimulación del sistema inmune de mucosa mediante antígenos bacterianos inmunogénicos, puede ser una importante alternativa para el control y prevención de enfermedades asociadas a Aeromonas.

  16. Serum total IgG and IgG4 levels in thyroid eye disease

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    Sy A


    Full Text Available Aileen Sy, Rona Z Silkiss Department of Ophthalmology, California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, USA Purpose: To investigate the relationship between immunoglobulin G (IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD and thyroid eye disease (TED with respect to IgG levels. Patients and methods: A retrospective review of total IgG, IgG subclass, and thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI levels in 24 patients with TED. Results: Five patients (20.8% demonstrated serum IgG4 levels consistent with IgG4-RD without any additional systemic disease. Total IgG and IgG subclass levels were found to be an inadequate proxy for TSI elevation. Conclusion: There may be a subtype of TED patients with elevated IgG4 in the absence of IgG4-RD systemic findings. Keywords: thyroid eye disease, IgG subclass, IgG4, Graves’ disease, Graves’ ophthalmopathy, IgG4-RD

  17. Enolasa específica de neurona en dos recién nacidos con depresión ligera al nacer Neuron- specific Enolase in two newborns presenting with moderate depression at birth

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    Raisa Bu-Coifiu Fanego


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La enolasa específica de neurona es una isoenzima que se vierte al torrente sanguíneo después de un episodio de daño neuronal. En los procesos de hipoxia neonatal estos valores enzimáticos en suero suelen estar alterados. El objetivo del presente artículo fue estudiar la enolasa específica de neurona en suero de 2 recién nacidos con Apgar bajo y determinar si, en el seguimiento durante un año, dichos pacientes presentaban trastornos del desarrollo psicomotor. MÉTODOS. Se tomaron muestras de suero al momento del nacimiento y a las 72 h siguientes. Se determinaron los niveles de enolasa específica de neurona por un método inmunoenzimático de tipo ELISA. Cada muestra fue evaluada por el método de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa para citomegalovirus, en el Instituto de Inmunología de Wuersburg (Alemania. También se cuantificaron anticuerpos contra citomegalovirus de clase IgM e IgG, en el Laboratorio de Neuroquímica de la Universidad Georg August de Goettingen (Alemania. Se recogieron los datos clínicos de interés de cada recién nacido y al año se citaron a estos pacientes y se les realizó un examen físico para evaluar su neurodesarrollo. RESULTADOS. Las cifras de enolasa estuvieron incrementadas tanto al nacimiento como a las 72 h, con anticuerpos anticitomegalovirus de clase IgG que fueron transferidos de la madre a través de la placenta. No se encontró presencia de este virus en el momento del nacimiento. En el examen físico y neurológico realizado al año se constató que los niños evolucionaban satisfactoriamente hasta esa fecha. CONCLUSIONES. Se recomienda extender el estudio hasta los 3 años de vida y aumentar el número de pacientes estudiados, con énfasis en aquellos casos cuyo Apgar es menor de 5 a los 5 min del nacimiento.INTRODUCTION: Neuron-specific Enolase of is an isoenzyme present in blood stream after a neuronal damage episode. In processes of neonatal hypoxia, these enzymatic values

  18. Serum levels of IgG and IgG4 in Hashimoto thyroiditis. (United States)

    Kawashima, Sachiko-Tsukamoto; Tagami, Tetsuya; Nakao, Kanako; Nanba, Kazutaka; Tamanaha, Tamiko; Usui, Takeshi; Naruse, Mitsuhide; Minamiguchi, Sachiko; Mori, Yusuke; Tsuji, Jun; Tanaka, Issei; Shimatsu, Akira


    Although IgG4-related disease is characterized by extensive infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells and lymphocytes of various organs, the details of this systemic disease are still unclear. We screened serum total IgG levels in the patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) to illustrate the prevalence of IgG4-related thyroiditis in HT. Twenty-four of 94 patients with HT (25.5%) had elevated serum IgG levels and their serum IgG4 was measured. Five of the 24 cases had more than 135 mg/dL of IgG4, which is the serum criterion of IgG4-related disease. One was a female patient who was initially treated as Graves' disease and rapidly developed a firm goiter and hypothyroidism. The biopsy of her thyroid gland revealed that follicular cells were atrophic with squamous metaplasia, replaced with fibrosis, which was compatible with the fibrous variant of HT. Immunohistochemical examination revealed diffuse infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells, and the serum IgG4 level was 179 mg/dL. The levels of IgG and IgG4 were positively correlated with the titers of anti-thyroglobulin antibody or anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody. In conclusion, at least a small portion of patients with HT with high titers of anti-thyroid antibodies may overlap the IgG4-related thyroiditis.

  19. Seroprevalencia de Helicobacter pylori en la población infantil ecuatoriana


    Gómez, Néstor A; Salvador, Alexandra; Vargas, Paola E; Zapatier, Jorge A; Álvarez, José


    Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos IgG contra el Helicobacter pylori (anti-Hp) en la población infantil ecuatoriana y si existe relación con la presencia de sintomatología gastrointestinal recurrente. Materiales y Métodos: Se incluyeron niños de manera aleatoria de las diferentes áreas geográficas, y se investigó la presencia de anticuerpos séricos utilizando una prueba de ELISA. Asimismo, se relacionó la sintomatología gastrointestinal entre los pacientes con y sin anticuerpo...

  20. Determinación de anticuerpos contra Cryptococcus neoformans en un grupo de colombófilos

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    Carmen Sofía Corrales


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la respuesta humoral, medida como anticuerpos específicos anti-Criptococcus neoformans, en 69 sueros de un grupo de colombófilos de Bogotá; grupo considerado como de alto riesgo dado el frecuente contacto con el material contaminado con el microorganismo. Además se estudiaron 65 sueros de un grupo control constituído por personas dedicadas a actividades diferentes. En las pruebas de inmunofluorescencia indirecta y aglutinación en tubo, no se evidenció diferencia entre los niveles de anticuerpos de ambos grupos. Se estudiaron adicionalmente 15 palomares con el objeto de aislar el microorganismo lo que se logró en el 66,7% de ellos. En 8 de los aislamientos se hizo serotipificación del hongo encontrándose que la totalidad correspondía a C. neoformans var. neoformans.

  1. Modelo de detección de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra IFN-β mediante citometría de flujo

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    Juan Carlos Villa-Camacho


    Full Text Available Introducción. El interferón beta (IFN-β se usa para tratar la forma recaída-remisión de la esclerosis múltiple. Sin embargo, el uso de proteínas recombinantes como medicamentos puede generar la producción de anticuerpos, disminuyendo así la efectividad del tratamiento. Objetivo. Estandarizar una técnica de detección de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra IFN-β, mediante citometría de flujo. Materiales y métodos. Se cultivaron dos líneas tumorales humanas (U937 y K562 con IFN-β1a humano recombinante y mediante citometría de flujo se determinó la expresión de la proteína ISG15 intracelular. Los sueros se obtuvieron de un conejo Nueva Zelanda antes y después de la inmunización con 100.000 UI de IFN-β1a en adyuvante de Freund. Para la detección de anticuerpos neutralizantes, se estimularon células K562 con IFN-β1a preincubado con sueros de conejos a una dilución 1:20. Después de 24 horas de incubación se determinó la expresión de la proteína ISG15. Resultados. La expresión de ISG15 fue mayor en células K562 estimuladas. La intensidad media de fluorescencia para la ISG-15 entre células en ausencia IFN-β1a, mostró una mediana de 198 unidades arbitrarias (UA (p25-75= 173-231 UA y, en presencia de IFN-β1a, 430 UA (p25-75 =316-611,5, con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0,008. La presencia de anticuerpos anti-IFN-β1a en el suero del conejo inmunizado, hizo disminuir de forma acentuada la expresión de la ISG15 en células K562 cultivadas con IFN-β1a, en comparación con el control (mediana=3,040 UA Vs. 43,644 UA, respectivamente. Conclusiones. Este trabajo muestra la detección de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra IFN-β en conejos, utilizando la expresión de la proteína ISG15 por citometría de flujo.   doi:

  2. Cutoff Values of Serum IgG4 and Histopathological IgG4+ Plasma Cells for Diagnosis of Patients with IgG4-Related Disease

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    Yasufumi Masaki


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease is a new disease classification established in Japan in the 21st century. Patients with IgG4-related disease display hyper-IgG4-gammaglobulinemia, massive infiltration of IgG4+ plasma cells into tissue, and good response to glucocorticoids. Since IgG4 overexpression is also observed in other disorders, it is necessary to diagnose IgG4-related disease carefully and correctly. We therefore sought to determine cutoff values for serum IgG4 and IgG4/IgG and for IgG4+/IgG+ plasma cells in tissue diagnostic of IgG4-related disease. Patients and Methods. We retrospectively analyzed serum IgG4 concentrations and IgG4/IgG ratio and IgG4+/IgG+ plasma cell ratio in tissues of 132 patients with IgG4-related disease and 48 patients with other disorders. Result. Serum IgG4 >135  mg/dl demonstrated a sensitivity of 97.0% and a specificity of 79.6% in diagnosing IgG4-related disease, and serum IgG4/IgG ratios >8% had a sensitivity and specificity of 95.5% and 87.5%, respectively. IgG4+cell/IgG+ cell ratio in tissues >40% had a sensitivity and specificity of 94.4% and 85.7%, respectively. However, the number of IgG4+ cells was reduced in severely fibrotic parts of tissues. Conclusion. Although a recent unanimous consensus of all relevant researchers in Japan recently established the diagnostic criteria for IgG4-related disease, findings such as ours indicate that further discussion is needed.

  3. Cubeta para la incubación y lavado de anticuerpos


    Revilla Novella, Yolanda; Nogal París, María Luisa


    Cubeta para la incubación y lavado de anticuerpos. La cubeta comprende un cuerpo (1) lavable, inerte y no poroso, que está dotado de unos pocillos (2) ubicados en su interior, cuyo número y tamaño puede variar en función del requerimiento experimental. En dichos pocillos (2) se introducen preferiblemente fragmentos o tiras (3) de nitrocelulosa, que contienen proteínas que han sido previamente transferidas desde un gel de poliacrilamida utilizando un campo eléctrico. Esta cubeta ti...

  4. Human IgG4 binds to IgG4 and conformationally altered IgG1 via Fc-Fc interactions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rispens, Theo; Ooievaar-de Heer, Pleuni; Vermeulen, Ellen; Schuurman, Janine; van der Neut Kolfschoten, Marijn; Aalberse, Rob C.


    The Fc fragment of IgG4 can interact with the Fc fragment of another IgG molecule. This interaction is a confounding factor when measuring IgG4 rheumatoid factor levels. Recently, we demonstrated that half-molecules of IgG4 can exchange to form a bispecific Ab. We expected these two phenomena to be

  5. Neuromielitis óptica con alta expresión de acuaporina-4 y anticuerpos anti-acuaporina-4 positivos en suero Neuromyelitis optica with high aquaporin-4 expression and positive serum aquaporin-4 autoantibodies

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    Alejandra Báez


    Full Text Available La presencia de anticuerpos IgG en suero, con blanco en los canales de acuaporina-4, es específica de la neuromielitis óptica (NMO. El 60% de los pacientes con NMO presentan lesiones cerebrales en la resonancia magnética (RM; en un 8% (mayoría niños estas lesiones se consideraron "atípicas". Presentamos dos pacientes con NMO y lesiones en el SNC de alta expresión de acuaporina-4. Caso 1: varón de 50 años, que comenzó con pérdida de visión en ojo derecho (OD. Recibió tratamiento empírico con metilprednisolona 1 g/d x 3 días. Al mes presentó dolor generalizado y hemiparesia derecha; nuevamente recibió metilprednisolona 1 g/d x 5 días e IgG IV 400 mg/kg/d × 5 días. Recuperó la deambulación persistiendo el dolor y fenómenos paroxísticos en los 4 miembros. Potenciales evocados visuales: P100, ojo izquierdo (OI 123 mseg. OD sin respuesta. La RM de cerebro (FLAIR mostró hiperintensidad en nervio óptico derecho, hipotálamo y comisura blanca anterior. RM cervical: lesión medular extensa (5 cuerpos vertebrales. Caso 2: mujer de 53 años, con disminución de la agudeza visual en ambos ojos y parestesias en miembros inferiores que remitieron espontáneamente. Evolucionó al mes con cuadriparesia e incontinencia esfinteriana. Recibió metilprednisolona 1 g/d x 5 días, sin mejoría. Potenciales evocados visuales: P100 OI 124 mseg. OD 128 mseg. RM cerebro: (FLAIR hiperintensidad hipotalámica y periacueductal. RM cervical: lesión medular extensa (7 cuerpos vertebrales. Anticuerpos anti-acuaporina-4 positivos en ambos pacientes (inmunofluorescencia indirecta. Las lesiones consideradas "atípicas", como aquí, en sitios con alta densidad de proteínas canales de agua AQP4 deberán considerarse para el diagnóstico diferencial.Disease-specific aquaporin-4 antibodies (NMO-IgG are the main effector of lesions in neuromyelitis optica (NMO patients. Brain MRI lesions are detected in 60% of them, with 8% (almost infants at sites of high

  6. Producción y caracterización de un anticuerpo policlonal dirigido contra la fosfoproteína del virus de la rabia

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    Nadia Yadira Castañeda


    Materiales y métodos. El gen P que codifica para la proteína P del virus de la rabia, fue amplificado por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa de transcriptasa reversa y clonado en el vector de expresión PinPointTM Xa-1 T (PROMEGA. La proteína recombinante P fue expresada en E. coli purificada por cromatografía de afinidad y usada para la producción del anticuerpo policlonal anti-P. El anticuerpo obtenido fue purificado y caracterizado por inmunocitoquímica con un sistema enzimático, inmunofluorescencia, Cell-ELISA fluorométrica y Western blotting. Resultados. La proteína recombinante se expresó eficientemente como una proteína de fusión biotinilada de aproximadamente 50 kd, que corresponde a la forma completa de la proteína P del virus de la rabia. El anticuerpo policlonal anti-P detectó con alta especificidad la proteína P en cultivos de neuronas sensoriales infectados con el virus de la rabia. Conclusión. La proteína P recombinante expresada en E. coli se constituyó en un antígeno específico para producir un anticuerpo policlonal que reconoce la proteína P nativa en células infectadas con el virus de la rabia.

  7. Seroprevalencia de leishmaniosis visceral canina en la comuna 8 de Neiva y en cuatro municipios de Huila, Colombia


    José Fernández; Felio Bello; Myriam Consuelo López; Ligia Inés Moncada; Jimmy Jolman Vargas; Martha Stella Ayala; Rubén Santiago Nicholls; Carlos Alberto Lozano


    Introducción. La leishmaniosis visceral canina en áreas endémicas de Colombia se constituye en un factor de riesgo para la salud pública, dado el carácter zoonótico de la enfermedad. Durante el año 2004 se registraron 96 casos de leishmaniosis visceral humana en el país, de los cuales cinco correspondieron al departamento del Huila, zona de influencia del vector Lutzomyia longipalpis. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos IgG contra Leishmania chagasi en sueros de caninos rec...

  8. IgG4 Cholangiopathy

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    Yoh Zen


    Full Text Available IgG4 cholangiopathy can involve any level of the biliary tree which exhibits sclerosing cholangitis or pseudotumorous hilar lesions. Most cases are associated with autoimmune pancreatitis, an important diagnostic clue. Without autoimmune pancreatitis, however, the diagnosis of IgG4-cholangiopathy is challenging. Indeed such cases have been treated surgically. IgG4-cholangiopathy should be diagnosed based on serological examinations including serum IgG4 concentrations, radiological features, and histological evidence of IgG4+ plasma cell infiltration. Steroid therapy is very effective even at disease relapse. A Th2-dominant immune response or the activation of regulatory T cells seems to be involved in the underlying immune reaction. It is still unknown why IgG4 levels are specifically elevated in patients with this disease. IgG4 might be secondarily overexpressed by Th2 or regulatory cytokines given the lack of evidence that IgG4 is an autoantibody.

  9. La criptosporidiosis en la región andina de Colombia: seroprevalencia y reconocimiento de antígenos

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    Vergara Castiblanco Claudia


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar, por primera vez, la seroprevalencia de la criptosporidiosis en habitantes urbanos y rurales de distintos departamentos de la región andina de Colombia. Se estudió también el reconocimiento de antígenos de Cryptosporidium parvum por los sueros. Entre junio de 1996 y octubre de 1998 se recogieron 1 778 muestras séricas de personas seleccionadas mediante un muestreo "de conveniencia". La detección de anticuerpos (IgM, IgA e IgG anti-C. parvum se realizó mediante la técnica de ELISA y el reconocimiento de antígenos, por una técnica de inmunoelectrotransferencia. Se halló una prevalencia de 83,3%, mientras que los porcentajes de anticuerpos fueron 72,2% de IgM; 27,7% de IgA y 27,6% de IgG. Los porcentajes de seropositividad más altos se obtuvieron en mujeres, menores de 30 años de edad y personas de procedencia rural. Se observó que la seroprevalencia de IgM disminuye a medida que aumenta la edad, mientras que las de IgG e IgA aumentan al par que la edad. Estos tres isotipos reconocieron con mayor frecuencia los antígenos de 51 a 69 kDa, que pueden considerarse inmunodominantes. Se destacó la inmunorreactividad de IgM e IgA a fracciones proteínicas de 12 a 14 kDa y de 42 a 48 kDa, respectivamente, lo que podría indicar exposición al parásito. Estos resultados parecen indicar que la criptosporidiosis es endémica en esa región de Colombia, por lo que es posible atribuir muchos casos de síndrome diarreico a C. parvum.

  10. Papel de los anticuerpos en la protección contra micobacterium tuberculosis

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    Nesty Olivares


    Full Text Available Convencionalmente se asume que la defensa del hospedero contra Mycobacterium tuberculosis se basa en los mecanismos de inmunidad celular exclusivamente y se descarta el papel de los anticuerpos en la protección. En este trabajo se analizan evidencias recientes que retan este dogma y sugieren la importancia de considerar la manipulación de la respuesta inmune humoral como una alternativa en la investigación de vacunas contra la tuberculosis.

  11. Endothelial cells the site of the regulation of IgG LEVEL by salvaging and transcytosis of immunoglobulin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antohe, Felicia; Radulescu, Luminita; Simionescu, Maya; Ghetie, Victor


    In order to function properly, cells in the human body must continuously exchange nutrients and energy with the external environment. The main source of nutrients is the blood stream. To reach the cells nutrients, growth factors and hormones must cross the endothelial cell barrier. The mechanisms involved in endocytosis and transcytosis, including vesiculation, membrane sorting, membrane fusion, organelle translocation are particularly studied in polarized epithelial cells. Among these the endothelial cells, highly specialized epithelial cells have been less or not at all considered. Under the influence of local physiological condition, vascular endothelium has undergone sequential differentiations involving to various degrees its basic cellular constituents (especially the occurrence and frequency of plasmalemmal vesicles, channels and fenestrae and their diaphragms) as well as its biochemical and functional properties (Simionescu N., Simionescu M. - Handbook of Physiology 1984). Especially in microvascular endothelial cells the transcytotic pathway is prevalent as compared with the endocytic pathway. Transcytosis may occur simultaneously over both apical and basolateral cell surfaces with very specific and selective destination. The mechanisms controlling the early biochemical steps in transcytosis in endothelial cells are largely unknown. Lately the search for the molecular basis of the endothelial transcellular pathways has gained a large interest bearing on the potential implications that a receptor mediated process may have for cell biology, physiopathology and pharmacology, especially for the locally specific drug targeting. The investigation at cellular and molecular level of the IgG transcytosis in endothelial cells is reported in this paper. Although endothelial specific binding, internalization and/or transport mechanisms were described for many macromolecules like albumin (Ghitescu et al 1986), lipoproteins (Baker et al 1984), insulin (King et al 1985

  12. IgG4-related prostatitis progressed from localized IgG4-related lymphadenopathy. (United States)

    Li, Dujuan; Kan, Yunzhen; Fu, Fangfang; Wang, Shuhuan; Shi, Ligang; Liu, Jie; Kong, Lingfei


    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently described inflammatory disease involving multiple organs. Prostate involvement with IgG4-RD is very rare. In this report, we describe a case of IgG4-related prostatitis progressed from localized IgG4-related lymphadenopathy. This patient was present with urine retention symptoms. MRI and CT examination revealed the prostatic enlargement and the multiple lymphadenopathy. Serum IgG4 levels were elevated. Prostatic tissue samples resected both this time and less than 1 year earlier showed the same histological type of prostatitis with histopathologic and immunohistochemical findings characteristic of IgG4-RD. The right submandibular lymph nodes excised 2 years earlier were eventually proven to be follicular hyperplasia-type IgG4-related lymphadenopathy. This is the first case of IgG4-RD that began as localized IgG4-related lymphadenopathy and progressed into a systemic disease involving prostate and multiple lymph nodes. This patient showed a good response to steroid therapy. This leads us to advocate a novel pathogenesis of prostatitis, and a novel therapeutic approach against prostatitis. Pathologists and urologists should consider this disease entity in the patients with elevated serum IgG4 levels and the symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia to avoid ineffective medical or unnecessary surgical treatment.

  13. Producción de la proteína de choque térmico HSC70 Recombinante en Escherichia Coli BL21 (DE3 para generar anticuerpos policlonales

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    Rocio Cely Castro


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Los organismos vivos responden al estrés aumentando la síntesis de proteínas. El estrés por choque térmico ha sido el más estudiado y las proteínas que se inducen, se han denominado genéricamente como proteínas de choque térmico. Objetivo.En este trabajo se establecieron las condiciones óptimas de producción de la proteína HSC70, expresada en E.coli BL21 (DE3 y de los anticuerpos policlonales que permitan identificarla. Material y métodos. Mediante varios ensayos se establecieron las concentraciones óptimas del agente inductor isopropil- -D-thiogalacto­piranosido (PTG, del inóculo bacteriano, de empleo de los plásmidos de expresión pET-3a y pET-28a (+; y el método más eficiente para la recuperación de las formas soluble o insoluble de la proteína y de anticuerpos policlonales que la identifiquen. Resultados. Encontramos que el inóculo de cinco colonias con IPTG (2mM en tubos con cinco mililitros de medio modificado e incubadas por 24 horas a 37°C con agitación constante (200 r.p.m y tratamiento de sonicación, produce el mejor rendimiento de HSC70. La calidad de la proteína inducida se estableció mediante "Western blotting". Conclusión. La proteína recombinante así obtenida permitió, generar anticuerpos policlonales que a su vez permiten detectar la proteína HSC70 natural en la membrana citoplasmática de diferentes células por inmunofluorescencia, en ELISA, en Western Blot y en pruebas de bloqueo de infección de rotavirus.

  14. Efecto de la ciclosporina A en ratones C57BL/6 infectados con Encephalitozoon intestinalis.

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    Ana Luz Galván


    Full Text Available Introducción. Encephalitozoon intestinalis es un microsporidio parásito del intestino, que puede diseminarse en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Existen referencias de modelos animales inmunosuprimidos para el estudio de la microsporidiosis utilizando fármacos que producen supresión total de la respuesta inmune; sin embargo, no se han estudiado los efectos de inmunosupresores con acción selectiva sobre los componentes de esta respuesta. Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto de la inmunosupresión con ciclosporina A (CsA en ratones C57BL/6 infectados con E. intestinalis. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 80 ratones C57BL/6 distribuidos en cuatro grupos: infectados, inmunosuprimidos e infectados, inmunosuprimidos no infectados y controles. La inmunosupresión con CsA (50 mg/kg se realizó vía intraperitoneal durante todo el estudio. En la semanas 2, 3, 4 y 6 posteriores a la infección se obtuvo sangre para determinar los anticuerpos, y materia fecal para evaluar la cinética de excreción de esporas. Además, se extrajeron varios órganos para estudiar la histopatología y observar la posible diseminación del parásito. Resultados. La producción de anticuerpos IgG fue mayor en los ratones inmunocompetentes infectados que en los inmunosuprimidos infectados con E. intestinalis. No se encontró el parásito en órganos diferentes al intestino delgado en los dos grupos infectados. Sin embargo, la excreción de esporas, tanto en heces como en líquido duodenal, fue mayor en el grupo inmunosuprimido infectado. Conclusión. La CsA en el modelo en ratón no indujo la diseminación de E. intestinalis ni la exacerbación de la enfermedad, pero contribuyó al aumento en la cinética de excreción de esporas y la disminución de la producción de anticuerpos IgG en los ratones inmunosuprimidos infectados.

  15. IgG4 related sclerosing mastitis: expanding the morphological spectrum of IgG4 related diseases. (United States)

    Chougule, Abhijit; Bal, Amanjit; Das, Ashim; Singh, Gurpreet


    IgG4 related disease (IgG4RD) is a recently recognised condition characterised by mass forming lesions associated with storiform fibrosis, obliterative phlebitis, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate rich in IgG4 positive plasma cells and elevated serum IgG4 levels. Although rare, mammary involvement has been reported as IgG4 related sclerosing mastitis, the morphological counterpart of a growing family of IgG4 related diseases. A total of 17 cases belonging to mass forming benign inflammatory breast lesions such as plasma cell mastitis, granulomatous lobular mastitis, non-specific mastitis and inflammatory pseudotumour were investigated as a possible member of IgG4 related sclerosing mastitis. Clinical, radiological, histopathological and immunohistochemistry findings were noted in all cases. Cases diagnosed as inflammatory pseudotumour showed all the histopathological features of IgG4RD along with increased number of IgG4 positive plasma cells and IgG4/IgG ratio >40%. However, only a few IgG4 positive cells were seen in plasma cell mastitis, granulomatous lobular mastitis and non-specific mastitis cases. These cases also did not fulfill the morphological criteria for the diagnosis of IgG4 related diseases. IgG4RD should be excluded in plasma cell rich lesions diagnosed on core biopsies by IgG4 immunostaining. This can avoid unnecessary surgery as IgG4 related diseases respond to simple and effective steroid treatment.

  16. PCSK-9: papel en las hipercolesterolemias y anticuerpos monoclonales específicos inhibitorios

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    Álvaro J. Ruiz


    Los anticuerpos monoclonales contra PCSK9, evolocumab y alirocumab, son una novedosa herramienta terapéutica de gran utilidad en los casos de hipercolesterolemia familiar heterocigota, en algunos casos de hipercolesterolemia familiar homocigota y de personas con alto riesgo cardiovascular, cuyos niveles de cLDL no pueden ser controlados con dosis máximas toleradas de las estatinas de mayor efectividad, además de ezetimibe y cambios en el estilo de vida.

  17. IgG4-Related Tubulointerstitial Nephritis. (United States)

    Zhang, Pingchuan; Cornell, Lynn D


    Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a fibroinflammatory disorder that can involve nearly any organ. The disorder has increasingly become known as a distinct clinical entity during the last decade. IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis (IgG4-TIN) is the most common manifestation of IgG4-RD in the kidney. Many patients with IgG4-TIN are diagnosed after IgG4-RD has been recognized in other organ systems, but the kidney may also be the first or only site involved. The presenting clinical features of IgG4-TIN are most commonly kidney insufficiency, kidney mass lesion(s), or both. On biopsy, IgG4-TIN shows a dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, increased IgG4+ plasma cells, storiform fibrosis, and often tubular basement membrane immune complex deposits. Elevation of serum IgG4 often accompanies IgG4-RD; however, it is not specific in reaching the diagnosis. Like IgG4-RD in other organs, IgG4-TIN characteristically responds promptly to steroids, although there is a high relapse rate on discontinuation of immunosuppression. The pathogenesis of IgG4-RD is not understood. Copyright © 2016 National Kidney Foundation, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. IgG4-related disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Detlefsen, Sönke; Klöppel, Günter


    disease (IgG4-RD). The histologic key findings are lymphoplasmacytic infiltration rich in IgG4-positive plasma cells combined with storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis. Among the organs mainly affected by IgG4-RD are the pancreas and the extrahepatic bile ducts. The pancreatic and biliary...... alterations have been described under the terms autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and sclerosing cholangitis, respectively. These diseases are currently more precisely called IgG4-related pancreatitis (or type 1 AIP to distinguish it from type 2 AIP that is unrelated to IgG4-RD) and IgG4-related sclerosing...... cholangitis (IgG4-related SC). Clinically and grossly, both diseases commonly imitate pancreatic and biliary adenocarcinoma, tumors that are well known for their dismal prognosis. As IgG4-RD responds to steroid treatment, making a resection of a suspected tumor unnecessary, a biopsy is often required...

  19. Prevalencia de anticuerpos séricos contra la bacteria Brucella sp. en una población humana tropical

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    Grettel Chanto


    Full Text Available La brucelosis es una enfermedad bacteriana generalizada con tendencia a la cronicidad si no se trata adecuadamente. El diagnóstico de laboratorio se realiza por el aislamiento e identificación del agente o en la mayoría de los casos mediante pruebas serológicas. En este estudio se informa la prevalencia de anticuerpos séricos contra Brucella sp. en habitantes de comunidades rurales de Cartago dedicadas principalmente a la ganadería de leche. Se analizó un total de 714 muestras representativas de la población mediante la técnica de aglutinación Rosa de Bengala en lámina (RBT y la prueba de aglutinación en microplaca (SAT. Se encontró una prevalencia de 0.87 %, y en ninguna persona seropositiva se demostró seroconversión. Aún, cuando el 71 % de la población refirió consumir leche no pasteurizada, no se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa (1.09 %, IC 0.30-2.77 entre el consumo de leche no pasteurizada y la presencia de anticuerpos sugestivos de infección por Brucella sp. A pesar de ser una zona de alta prevalencia de brucelosis bovina por Brucella abortus, la ausencia de síntomas en la población y los bajos títulos de anticuerpos observados sugieren una escasa exposición previa al agente.Prevalence of serum antibodies for the bacterium Brucella sp. in a tropical human population. Brucellosis is a systemic bacterial disease that can last years if not treated properly. The laboratory diagnosis is made by serological tests or isolation of the agent. We studied the prevalence of antibodies against Brucella sp. in inhabitants of rural communities of Cartago, Costa Rica, who are dedicated mainly to dairy cattle activities. We analyzed 714 representative samples with the Rose Bengal plate agglutination test (RBT and the standard agglutination test in microplate (SAT. The overall prevalence was 0.87 %. No seroconversion was demonstrated for seropositive individuals. Even though 71 % of the population mentioned

  20. Prevalencia de anticuerpos antirrubéola y antiparvovirus B19 en embarazadas de la ciudad de Córdoba y en mujeres en edad fértil de la ciudad de Villa Mercedes, San Luis Prevalence of anti-rubella and anti-parvovirus B19 antibodies in pregnant women in the city of Córdoba, and in women of fertile age in the city of Villa Mercedes, province of San Luis

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    M. S. Pedranti


    Full Text Available Se determinó la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra virus rubéola en 100 muestras de suero de mujeres embarazadas que concurrían a chequeos de rutina en una institución privada de la ciudad de Córdoba y en 100 muestras de suero de mujeres en edad fértil (42 de ellas embarazadas que concurrían a dispensarios de la ciudad de Villa Mercedes, provincia de San Luis. En las muestras tomadas en la ciudad de Córdoba también se determinaron anticuerpos IgG contra parvovirus B19. Por inhibición de la hemoaglutinación, los resultados de los sueros de Córdoba mostraron una prevalencia de anticuerpos antirrubéola del 98%; en las muestras de Villa Mercedes se observó una prevalencia del 96%. La prevalencia de anticuerpos antiparvovirus B19 en los sueros de Córdoba fue del 66%. Estos datos se asemejan a los de la bibliografía mundial y fundamentan el interés en continuar estudios de este tipo para monitorear el plan de inmunización para rubéola, que en Argentina se lleva a cabo desde 1997, como así también la relevancia de la determinación de IgM antiparvovirus B19 en aquellas embarazadas sintomáticas con resultado negativo para rubéola, a fin de elaborar un diagnóstico diferencial.We determined the prevalence of anti-rubella antibodies in 100 serum samples from pregnant women who attended routine examination at a private institution in the city of Córdoba, and in 100 serum samples from women of gestational age, 42 of whom were pregnant, attending health centres in the city of Villa Mercedes, province of San Luis. IgG antibodies against parvovirus B19 were also determined in the serum samples from Córdoba. Using the hemmagglutination inhibition test, we found a 98 % prevalence of anti-rubella antibodies among pregnant women in Córdoba and of 96 % among the women in Villa Mercedes, whereas the prevalence of anti-parvovirus B19 was 66% in the serum samples from Córdoba. These results coincide with those reported for other cities in the

  1. Efecto de medidas preventivas contra la toxoplasmosis en embarazadas


    María Mercedes Santacruz; Reinaldo Heredia; Augusto Corredor Arjona


    La incidencia de la infección por Toxoplasma gondii, fue estudiada en el laboratorio de Parasitología del Instituto Nacional de Salud en los sueros de 1000 mujeres embarazadas, seleccionadas entre las que asistieron al control prenatal en la Caja de Previsión, durante los años de 1987 a 1990. En los sueros se midieron anticuerpos específicos IgG contra el Toxoplasma gondii, por la técnica de Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta. El 59% de las mujeres fueron positivas con títulos entre 1:16 y 1:4.096...

  2. A condition closely mimicking IgG4-related disease despite the absence of serum IgG4 elevation and IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltration. (United States)

    Hara, Satoshi; Kawano, Mitsuhiro; Mizushima, Ichiro; Yamada, Kazunori; Fujita, Kentaro; Harada, Kenichi; Matsumura, Masami; Yamagishi, Masakazu; Sato, Yasuharu; Yamaguchi, Yutaka; Nakanuma, Yasuni; Nagata, Michio


    We describe a 74-year-old Japanese man with systemic fibroinflammatory conditions closely resembling those of immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD). Radiology and histology showed characteristics of IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis, despite normal serum IgG4 value and scanty IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltration in each organ. This case suggests that a condition closely mimicking IgG4-RD may develop without IgG4-positive plasma cells and those exceptional cases should also be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of IgG4-RD.

  3. IgG4-related nephropathy. (United States)

    Quattrocchio, Giacomo; Roccatello, Dario


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently recognized disorder, often with multiple organ involvement, characterized by dense tissue infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells, storiform fibrosis, obliterative phlebitis and frequently elevated serum IgG4 concentration. The kidney can be involved either directly or indirectly. The most frequent direct renal manifestations of IgG4-RD are IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) and membranous glomerulonephropathy. Retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF) is another condition that is frequently IgG4-related and that can indirectly affect the kidney causing ureteral obstruction and hydronephrosis. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography show different imaging findings and are useful tools for monitoring therapeutic response. Steroid treatment is the first line of therapy, but relapsing or refractory forms of the disease are frequently observed and require more aggressive therapeutic approaches. At our centre, we treated three cases of aggressive IgG4-related TIN and two cases of IgG4-related RPF with an intensified, immune suppressive protocol, obtaining good results without severe adverse effects.

  4. Vasculitis asociadas a anticuerpos anti-citoplasma de neutrófilos: Clínica y tratamiento

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    María Virginia Paolini


    Full Text Available Las vasculitis asociadas a anticuerpos anti-citoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA comprenden a un grupo de enfermedades caracterizadas por la inflamación de la pared de pequeños vasos. Analizamos las características epidemiológicas y clínicas en una serie de 47 pacientes: 23 (49% granulomatosis de Wegener (GW, 15 (32% poliangeítis microscópica (PAM y nueve (19% vasculitis limitada al riñón (VLR. La edad media al inicio de los síntomas fue de 50.7 ± 14.9 años. La manifestación clínica más frecuente fue el compromiso renal en 41 (87% pacientes, seguido por el pulmonar en 26 (55% y el otorrinolaringológico en 17 (36%. En 26 (55% se asoció compromiso renal y pulmonar. La forma clínica más frecuente fue la generalizada en 23 (49%, seguida por la grave en 18 (38%. El 89% presentaron determinaciones de ANCA positivas. Cuatro (8% no recibieron tratamiento inmunosupresor de inicio. De los 43 que recibieron tratamiento de inicio, 29 (67% tuvieron remisión completa, con un tiempo de remisión promedio de 35.3 meses. Once (26% presentaron recaídas, diez (91% recaídas mayores y uno (9% menor. Doce (28% fallecieron, siete en forma temprana y cinco durante la evolución de la enfermedad. Quince (31% evolucionaron a insuficiencia renal crónica. Los 26 pacientes en seguimiento tuvieron respuesta al tratamiento y 20 (77% de ellos estaban en remisión al finalizar el estudio. Las vasculitis asociadas a ANCA continúan siendo enfermedades de alta morbilidad y mortalidad, a pesar de las mejorías logradas con los tratamientos inmunosupresores.

  5. Seroprevalence of dengue virus antibodies in asymptomatic Costa Rican children, 2002-2003: a pilot study La seroprevalencia de anticuerpos contra el virus del dengue en niños costarricenses asintomáticos, 2002-2003: estudio piloto

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    Roberto Iturrino-Monge


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Since 1993 dengue has become more frequent in Costa Rica. Adults have been the most affected population, while children have remained virtually unharmed. So far no studies have investigated how many asymptomatic children have been affected by this virus. This pilot study documents the seroprevalence, measured as the presence of IgG antibodies, of dengue virus in asymptomatic children from two different geographical areas. METHODS: This descriptive, prospective epidemiologic study compared the presence of antibodies in children who live in a coastal region of a tropical country where dengue is endemic, and an inland area where dengue is not endemic. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to test the serum for dengue virus IgG antibodies. None of the children had a prior history of dengue, fever, immunosuppressive therapy or underlying disease. RESULTS: During the period from July 2002 to July 2003, 103 children were recruited from each area. In the costal region we found a seroprevalence of 36.9%. In the inland area seroprevalence was 2.9% CONCLUSIONS: We found a substantial number of asymptomatic infections in Costa Rican children. This greatly increases the risk of dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome in these children, in whom previous dengue infection had gone undetected. Preventive efforts should be targeted at the costal region due to the higher prevalence in this area.OBJETIVOS: Desde 1993, la frecuencia de dengue en Costa Rica ha venido aumentando. La población de adultos ha sido la más afectada, mientras que en los niños apenas se han presentado casos. Hasta el momento no se han realizado estudios para determinar cuántos niños asintomáticos se han visto afectados por el virus de la enfermedad. Este estudio piloto documenta la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos de tipo IgG contra el virus del dengue en niños asintomáticos procedentes de dos zonas geográficas distintas. MÉTODOS: En este estudio

  6. Fibrosis pulmonar asociada a vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos positivos


    Marcelo Fernández Casares; Alejandra González; Flavia Caputo; Yanina Bottinelli; Patricia Nastavi; Marcelo Zamboni


    Las complicaciones pulmonares más conocidas de las vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos de los neutrófilos (ANCA) positivos (VAA), son la hemorragia alveolar, los granulomas y la estenosis de la vía aérea. En los últimos años han aparecido algunos informes aislados que muestran la asociación con fibrosis pulmonar (FP), sugiriendo que ésta sería otra complicación de las VAA. En este trabajo informamos dos casos con dicha asociación describiendo sus características clínicas, tomográfi...

  7. IgG4 plasma cell myeloma: new insights into the pathogenesis of IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Geyer, Julia T; Niesvizky, Ruben; Jayabalan, David S; Mathew, Susan; Subramaniyam, Shivakumar; Geyer, Alexander I; Orazi, Attilio; Ely, Scott A


    IgG4-related disease is a newly described systemic fibroinflammatory process, characterized by increase in IgG4-positive plasma cells. Its pathogenesis, including the role of IgG4, remains poorly understood. Plasma cell myeloma is typically associated with a large monoclonal serum spike, which is frequently of IgG isotype. We sought to identify and characterize a subset of IgG4-secreting myeloma, as it may provide a biological model of disease with high serum levels of IgG4. Six out of 158 bone marrow biopsies (4%) from patients with IgG myeloma expressed IgG4. Four patients were men and two were women, with a mean age of 64 (range 53-87) years. Imaging showed fullness of pancreatic head (1), small non-metabolic lymphadenopathy (1), and bone lytic lesions (6). Two patients developed necrotizing fasciitis. All had elevated serum M-protein (mean 2.4, range 0.5-4.2 g/dl), and none had definite signs or symptoms of IgG4-related disease. Four myelomas had plasmablastic morphology. Four had kappa and two had lambda light chain expression. Three cases expressed CD56. Two patients had a complex karyotype. In conclusion, the frequency of IgG4 myeloma correlates with the normal distribution of IgG4 isoform. The patients with IgG4 myeloma appear to have a high rate of plasmablastic morphology and could be predisposed to necrotizing fasciitis. Despite high serum levels of IgG4, none had evidence of IgG4-related disease. These findings suggest that the increased number of IgG4-positive plasma cells is not the primary etiologic agent in IgG4-related disease. Elevated serum levels of IgG4 is not sufficient to produce the typical disease presentation and should not be considered diagnostic of IgG4-related disease.

  8. Avaliação das subclasses IgG1 e IgG3 na doença hemolítica perinatal Assessment of IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses in perinatal hemolytic disease

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    Maria A. Araújo


    Full Text Available A doença hemolítica perinatal (DHPN ainda é um problema clínico. Nenhum teste isolado prediz, com segurança, a gravidade do quadro hemolítico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar as subclasses de anticorpos IgG1 e IgG3 por citometria de fluxo no soro de 42 gestantes isoimunizadas e correlacionar os dados obtidos com a gravidade da DHPN. A distribuição dos fetos ou neonatos segundo a gravidade do quadro hemolítico evidenciou 13 casos com doença leve, 16 casos com doença moderada e 13 com doença grave. As subclasses foram detectadas em 33/42 (79% amostras. A subclasse IgG1, isoladamente, foi evidenciada em 14/33 (42,4% casos. Na relação entre gravidade da doença e subclasses de IgG, observou-se que IgG1 isolada foi encontrada em todos os grupos, e os valores da mediana de intensidade de fluorescência (MIF foram significativamente mais altos nas formas mais graves da DHPN (pThe hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN continues to be a clinical problem in spite of prophylaxis. To date, none of the available tests, developed to predict the severity of HDN, has provided complete reliability. The objective of the present study was to determine the IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses in 42 isoimmunized pregnant women, and to correlate them with clinical severity of hemolytic disease. The IgG subclasses were determined employing flow cytometry. According to the clinical severity of HDN, fetuses and newborn babies were classified as 13 mild, 16 moderate and 13 severe cases. The IgG subclasses were detected in 33 of the 42 pregnant women. Of these, IgG1 was predominant in 72.7% of the cases; either isolated (42.4% or in association with IgG3 (30.3%. IgG1 was present in all the three clinical severity categories, however, its values were significantly higher in cases with greater clinical severity of HDN (p<0.01. On the other hand, the distribution of IgG3 values within each group was not statistically significant (p=0.11. IgG3 seems to be more

  9. Detection of Serum IgG4 Levels in Patients with IgG4-Related Disease and Other Disorders (United States)

    Wang, Chenqiong; Wu, Xuefen; Miao, Ye; Xiong, Hui; Bai, Lin; Dong, Lingli


    Objective Elevated serum IgG4 levels are an important hallmark for diagnosing IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD), but can also be observed in other diseases. This study aimed to compare two different testing methods for IgG4: ELISA and nephelometric assay. Both assays were used to measure serum IgG4 concentrations, and to assess the prevalence of high serum IgG4 levels in both IgG4-RD and non-IgG4-RD diseases. Methods A total of 80 serum samples were tested using the nephelometric assay and ELISA method that we established. Serum IgG4 concentrations were determined by ELISA for 957 patients with distinct diseases, including 12 cases of IgG4-RD and 945 cases of non-IgG4-RD. Results IgG4 levels from 80 selected serum samples examined by ELISA were in agreement with those detected using the nephelometry assay. Meanwhile, the serum IgG4 concentrations measured by ELISA were also consistent with the clinical diagnoses of patients with IgG4-RD during the course of disease. The Elevated levels of serum IgG4 (>1.35 g/L) were detected in all IgG4-RD (12/12) patients, and the prevalence of high IgG4 serum levels was 3.39% in non-IgG4-RD cases. Among them, the positive rates of serum IgG4 were 2.06% in patients with carcinoma and 6.3% in patients with other non-IgG4 autoimmune diseases. Conclusion Our established ELISA method is a reliable and convenient technique, which could be extensively used in the clinic to measure serum IgG4 levels. High levels of IgG4 were observed in IgG4-RD. However, this phenomenon could also be observed in other diseases, such as carcinomas and other autoimmune diseases. Thus, a diagnosis of IgG4 disease cannot only be dependent on the detection of elevated serum IgG4 levels. PMID:25885536

  10. Anticuerpos frente a virus West nile y otros virus transmitidos por artropodos en la poblacion del Delta del Ebro

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    Lozano Alvaro


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: El virus West Nile (VWN es un Flavivirus que se transmite al hombre a través de distintas especies de mosquitos y produce brotes y casos esporádicos de enfermedad en distintas regiones del Viejo Mundo, incluída la Cuenca Mediterránea. Las zonas húmedas europeas que acogen aves migratorias procedentes de África constituyen áreas de alto riesgo para esta infección, así como para otras infecciones víricas transmitidas por artrópodos. MÉTODOS: Con objeto de investigar la prevalencia de la infección por el VWN y otros virus de transmisión similar en la población humana del Delta del Ebro, se estudiaron 1037 muestras de suero, obtenidas en 10 localidades de la zona, para presencia de anticuerpos frente a VWN y otros 12 virus transmitidos por artrópodos (3 Alfavirus, 8 Flaviviridae y 1 Bunyaviridae mediante titulación por inhibición de la hemaglutinación (IHA. En algunos casos se estudió la presencia de IgM específica por IHA tras fraccionar el suero por centrifugación en gradientes de sacarosa. RESULTADOS: En total, se encontró reactividad significativa frente a alguno de los virus probados en 130 casos (12.5%; 4.1% frente a Alfavirus, 8.0% frente a Flaviviridae y 0.4% frente a Bunyaviridae. El análisis de los títulos de anticuerpos reveló porcentajes significativos de muestras con títulos elevados frente a antígenos de VWN y otros. La distribución de la seroprevalencia fue muy desigual, concentrándose fundamentalmente en 3 localidades del interior del Delta (Ampolla, San Jaime y Montells, donde la prevalencia de anticuerpos frente a Flaviviridae llegó a alcanzar el 30% y se observaron niveles residuales de IgM frente a VWN en algunos sueros. CONCLUSIONES: Estos resultados y los obtenidos previamente en otras regiones de la Península Ibérica sugieren que el VWN circula en la población humana de las zonas de riesgo y produce brotes epidémicos periódicos. Habida cuenta del alto porcentaje de

  11. Diagnostic Performance of Serum IgG4 Levels in Patients With IgG4-Related Disease (United States)

    Yu, Kuang-Hui; Chan, Tien-Ming; Tsai, Ping-Han; Chen, Ching-Hui; Chang, Pi-Yueh


    Abstract The aim of this study is to study the clinical features and diagnostic performance of IgG4 in Chinese populations with IgG4-related diseases (IgG4-RDs). The medical records of 2901 adult subjects who underwent serum IgG4 level tests conducted between December 2007 and May 2014 were reviewed. Serum concentrations of IgG4 were measured in 2901 cases, including 161 (5.6%) patients with IgG4-RD and 2740 (94.4%) patients without IgG4-RD (non-IgG4-RD group). The mean age of the IgG4-RD patients was 58.4 ± 16.1 years (range: 21–87), and 48 (29.8%) were women. The mean serum IgG4 level was significantly much higher in IgG4-RD patients than in non-IgG4-RD (1062.6 vs 104.3 mg/dL, P IgG4 >135 mg/dL, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), likelihood ratio (LR)+, and LR− were 86%, 77%, 18%, 99%, 3.70, and 0.19, respectively. When the upper limit of normal was doubled for an IgG4 >270 mg/dL, the corresponding data were 75%, 94%, 43%, 98%, 12.79, and 0.26, respectively. For IgG4 >405 mg/dL (tripling the upper limit of normal), the corresponding data were 62%, 98%, 68%, 98%, 37.00, and 0.39, respectively. When calculated according to the manufacturer's package insert cutoff (>201 mg/dL) for the diagnosis of IgG4-RD, the corresponding sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, LR+, and LR− were 80%, 89%, 29%, 99%, 7.00, and 0.23, respectively. For IgG4 >402 mg/dL (>2× the upper limit of the normal range), the corresponding data were 62%, 98%, 68%, 98%, 36.21, and 0.39, respectively. For IgG4 >603 mg/dL (>3× the upper limit of the normal range), the corresponding data were 50%, 99%, 84%, 97%, 90.77 and 0.51, respectively. The optimal cutoff value of serum IgG4 (measured by nephelometry using a Siemens BN ProSpec instrument and Siemens reagent) for the diagnosis of IgG4-RD was 248 mg/dL, the sensitivity and specificity were 77.6% and 92.8%, respectively. The present study demonstrated that 2 or

  12. Falsely low immunoglobulin (Ig)G4 in routine analysis: how not to miss IgG4 disease. (United States)

    Egner, W; Swallow, K; Lock, R J; Patel, D


    Immunoglobulin (Ig)G4 disease can have apparently 'normal' levels of IgG4 due to antigen excess conditions. IgG4 measurement therefore appears falsely low. UK National External Quality Assurance Scheme (UK NEQAS) data and other reports have suggested that this problem occurred despite pre-existing antigen excess detection steps. To determine the clinical relevance of the problem, we examined the prevalence and characteristics of prozoning in our laboratory and patient cohorts. We establish that the prevalence of raised IgG4 in routine IgG4 analysis is low (IgG4 samples in our patients. This may explain the previous reports of low sensitivity of raised IgG4 for IgG4RD, and predictive values should be re-evaluated in this disease using modified prozone-resistant protocols. All laboratories providing IgG4 measurements should verify that their assays are fit for the clinical quality requirement of detection raised IgG4 levels and must verify the upper limit of their reference ranges and freedom from prozoning. © 2016 British Society for Immunology.

  13. IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Bozzalla Cassione, Emanuele; Stone, John H


    Remarkable insights have been gleaned recently with regard to the pathophysiology of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). These findings have direct implications for the development of targeted strategies for the treatment of this condition. Oligoclonal expansions of cells of both the B and T lymphocyte lineages are present in the blood of patients with IgG4-RD. Oligoclonal expansions of plasmablasts are a good biomarker for disease activity. An oligoclonally expanded population of CD4+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes is found not only in the peripheral blood but also at tissue sites of active disease. This cell elaborates cytokines that may drive the fibrosis characteristic of IgG4-RD. T follicular helper cells (Tfhc), particularly the Tfhc2 subset, appear to play a major role in driving the class switch to IgG4 that typifies this disease. The relationship between malignancy and IgG4-RD remains an area of interest. Advances in understanding the pathophysiology of IgG4-RD have proceeded swiftly, leading to the identification of a number of potential targeted treatment strategies. The completion of classification criteria for IgG4-RD, an effort supported jointly by the American College of Rheumatology and the European League Against Rheumatism, will further facilitate studies on this disease.

  14. Radioimmunoassay of IgG and IgM rheumatoid factors reacting with human IgG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carson, D.A.; Lawrance, S.; Catalano, M.A.; Vaughan, J.H.; Abraham, G.


    Although IgG rheumatoid factor may play a central role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, previously there have been no precise methods for its specific measurement in serum and synovial fluid. This paper describes a solid phase radioimmunoassay for the independent quantification of IgM and IgG rheumatoid factor reacting with the Fc fragment of human IgG. As measured by this assay, serum IgG rheumatoid factor levels differed significantly between patients with seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis and normal control subjects. In addition, several sera and joint fluids from patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, even without vasculitis, were shown by gel chromatography to have acid-dissociable complexes of IgG rheumatoid factor suggestive of IgG-IgG dimer or trimer formation

  15. IgG4-producing lymphoma arising in a patient with IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Igawa, Takuro; Hayashi, Toshiaki; Ishiguro, Kazuya; Maruyama, Yumiko; Takeuchi, Mai; Takata, Katsuyoshi; Yoshino, Tadashi; Sato, Yasuharu


    We herein report a case in which an IgG4-producing lymphoma arose in a patient with a previous diagnosis consistent with an IgG4-related disease. A 43-year-old man presented with enlarged cervical lymph nodes and was treated with steroids and radiation for what was initially assumed to be Kimura's disease, although the lesions were later histologically re-diagnosed as IgG4-related lymphadenopathy. Fourteen years later, when the patient was 58-years-old, he presented with retroperitoneal fibrosis and swollen lymph nodes. The suspicious lesions were not histologically examined as the patient did not give consent. However, the serum IgG4 concentration was high (1400 mg/dL) and he was clinically diagnosed with systemic IgG4-related disease. Although steroid administration reduced the size of the lesions, tapering the dose finally resulted in systemic, prominently enlarged lymph nodes. Analysis of the biopsy specimen revealed that these multiple lymph node lesions were marginal zone B cell lymphomas that themselves expressed IgG4. Complete remission was achieved after a total of six courses of chemotherapy including rituximab. This case suggests that the infiltrating IgG4-expressing cells observed in IgG4-related disease can clonally expand to malignant lymphomas.

  16. Asociación del anticuerpo anti-C1q con las manifestaciones clínicas, hematológicas e inmunológicas en el Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico : Estudio observacional retrospectivo de 135 casos.


    Córica, María Emilia


    : Las concentraciones de anticuerpo anti-C1q están elevadas en los pacientes afectados de LES. Según algunos estudios la presencia de este anticuerpo está asociada a la nefropatía lúpica, sin embargo en otros estudios esta relación no se comprobó. En nuestro trabajo relacionamos la positividad del anticuerpo anti-C1q con las manifestaciones clínicas, hematológicas e inmunológicas de la enfermedad. A diferencia de estudios previos sólo pudimos establecer una relación estadísticamente significa...

  17. Prevalencia de anticuerpos contra Brucella sp. En donantes del banco de sangre de un hospital de Lima

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    Abel Ortega


    Full Text Available El Perú es un país endémico de Brucelosis, por lo que existe el riesgo de transmisión a través de sangre donada por no ser parte del tamizaje regular que realizan los bancos de sangre. Para conocer la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra Brucella en donantes del banco de sangre del Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, se analizó 1003 muestras de suero. La prueba tamiz fue Rosa de Bengala (RB; las muestras positivas fueron evaluadas por las pruebas de aglutinación en tubo (AT y 2-Mercaptoetanol (2-ME. Dos donantes fueron positivos a RB, confirmados por AT y 2-ME, se encontró una prevalencia de 0,20% (IC99%: 0,01-0,92. Se demostró la presencia de donantes portadores de anticuerpos contra Brucella con posible Brucelosis activa, evidenciándose la posibilidad de transmisión de esta infección. Se debe realizar mayores estudios con la finalidad de conocer la realidad de otros bancos de sangre.

  18. IgG4-Related Sclerosing Cholangitis. (United States)

    Nakazawa, Takahiro; Shimizu, Shuya; Naitoh, Itaru


    More men than women develop immunoglobulin G4-related sclerosing cholangitis (IgG4-SC). Age at clinical onset is significantly older in patients with IgG4-SC. Patients with IgG4-SC appear similar to those with cholangiocarcinoma and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). The association between IgG4-SC and autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is useful for the diagnosis of IgG4-SC. However, some IgG4-SC cases are isolated from AIP and are difficult to diagnose. The authors focus on three distinct features of IgG4-SC. First, diffuse inflammation induces a longer stenosis on cholangiography in contrast to the short stenosis of patients with PSC. Second, fibroinflammatory involvement is observed mainly in the stroma of the bile duct wall, whereas the bile duct epithelium is intact. Third, steroid therapy results in remarkable improvement. Although the prognosis of patients with IgG4-SC is good, some cases have developed portal hypertension and liver cirrhosis during their clinical course. Further study is needed to elucidate the long-term outcomes and mechanism of IgG4-SC. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  19. Histopathologie der IgG4-RD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Detlefsen, S; Klöppel, G


    infiltrate, 2) storiform fibrosis and 3) obliterative phlebitis. The diagnosis is further supported by immunohistochemical demonstration of an increased infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells and an elevated IgG4/IgG ratio. The morphological criteria of IgG4-RD are in most cases detectable in biopsies...

  20. On the role of IgG4 in inflammatory conditions: lessons for IgG4-related disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trampert, David C.; Hubers, Lowiek M.; van de Graaf, Stan F. J.; Beuers, Ulrich


    The pathophysiology of immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) and its most common manifestations, IgG4-associated (sclerosing) cholangitis and autoimmune pancreatitis, remains largely unknown, but IgG4 is presumably involved. IgG4 is a promiscuous antibody, which could be directly pathogenic,

  1. A Comparative Analysis of Serum IgG4 Levels in Patients With IgG4-Related Disease and Other Disorders. (United States)

    Wang, Li; Chu, Xinmin; Ma, Yan; Zhang, Min; Wang, Xue; Jin, Li; Tan, Zhen; Li, Xiangpei; Li, Xiaomei


    Elevated serum IgG4 levels are an important hallmark for diagnosing IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) but can also be found and reported in other diseases. The present study intended to compare the serum IgG4 levels in both IgG4-RD and non-IgG4-RD and determine the serum IgG4 levels in patients with IgG4-RD before and after glucocorticoid therapy. The study included 323 patients from Anhui Medical University Affiliated Provincial Hospital (China) and was conducted from July 2014-January 2016. A total of 25 patients were eventually diagnosed as having IgG4-RD, according to the IgG4-RD diagnostic criteria. Our study also included 108 patients with connective tissue disease, 94 patients with pancreatic lesions, 66 patients with bile duct lesions, 13 patients with carcinoma of the duodenal papilla and 20 control participants. The assay for serum IgG4 detection was peformed using the nephelometric method. Elevated levels of serum IgG4 (>1.35g/L) were detected in all patients with IgG4-RD, and reduced levels of serum IgG4 (IgG4-RD. The serum IgG4 level in patients with IgG4-RD after glucocorticoid therapy was significantly lower than that before glucocorticoid therapy (t = 2.426, P = 0.04). High levels of IgG4 were observed in IgG4-RD. However, a diagnosis of IgG4 disease can not only be dependent on the detection of elevated serum IgG4 levels but also may need clinical manifestations, serology, histopathology and other comprehensive information for verification. Copyright © 2017 Southern Society for Clinical Investigation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Histopathological Diagnostic Value of the IgG4+/IgG+ Ratio of Plasmacytic Infiltration for IgG4-Related Diseases (United States)

    Deng, Chuiwen; Li, Wenli; Chen, Si; Zhang, Wen; Li, Jing; Hu, Chaojun; Wen, Xiaoting; Zhang, Fengchun; Li, Yongzhe


    Abstract This article aims to perform a meta-analysis to evaluate the diagnostic value of the immunoglobulin G (IgG)4+/IgG+ ratio of plasmacytic infiltration for IgG4-related diseases. Four databases—EMBASE, ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library—were systematically searched. Approximately 200 participants from several studies were included in this research. STATA 11.2 software (Stata Corporation, College Station, TX) and Meta-DiSc 1.4 (Unit of Clinical Biostatistics, Ramon y Cajal Hospital, Madrid, Spain) were used to perform the meta-analysis. Nine studies were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled diagnostic odds ratio was 18.94 [95% confidence interval (CI), 2.89–124.30]. The sensitivity was 58.80% (95% CI, 50.90–66.30) and the specificity was 90.20% (95% CI, 81.20–95.80). The positive and negative likelihood ratios were 3.12 (95% CI, 1.07–9.16) and 0.26 (95% CI, 0.09–0.70), respectively. The area under the curve of the summary receiver-operating characteristic was 0.88. To conclude, the IgG4+/IgG+ ratio of plasmacytic infiltration is modestly effective in diagnosing IgG-related disease. PMID:25738476

  3. Serological blind spots for variants of human IgG3 and IgG4 by a commonly used anti-immunoglobulin reagent. (United States)

    Howie, Heather L; Delaney, Meghan; Wang, Xiaohong; Er, Lay See; Vidarsson, Gestur; Stegmann, Tamara C; Kapp, Linda; Lebedev, Jenna N; Wu, Yanyun; AuBuchon, James P; Zimring, James C


    Human immunoglobulin G (IgG) includes four different subtypes (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4), and it is also now appreciated that there are genetic variations within IgG subtypes (called isoallotypes). Twenty-nine different isoallotypes have been described, with 7, 4, 15, and 3 isoallotypes described for IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4, respectively. The reactivity of anti-IgG with different isoallotypes has not been characterized. A novel monoclonal anti-K antibody (PugetSound Monoclonal Antibody 1 [PUMA1]) was isolated and sequenced, and a panel of PUMA1 variants was expressed, consisting of the 29 known IgG isoallotypes. The resulting panel of antibodies was preincubated with K-positive red blood cells (RBCs) and then subjected to testing with currently approved anti-IgG by flow cytometry, solid phase systems, gel cards, and tube testing. A US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved monoclonal anti-IgG (gamma-clone) failed to recognize 2 of 15 IgG3 isoallotypes (IgG3-03 and IgG3-13) and 3 of 3 IgG4 isoallotypes (IgG4-01, IgG4-02, and IgG4-03). In contrast, an FDA-approved rabbit polyclonal anti-IgG recognized each of the known human IgG isoallotypes. These findings demonstrate "blind spots" in isoalloantibody detection by a monoclonal anti-IgG. If a patient has anti-RBC antibodies predominantly of an IgG3 subtype (the IgG3-03 and/or IgG3-13 variety), then it is possible that a clinically significant alloantibody would be missed. IgG-03 and IgG-13 have an estimated frequency of 1% to 3% in Caucasian populations and 20% to 30% in certain African populations. Nonreactivity with IgG4 is a known characteristic of this monoclonal anti-IgG, but IgG4 isoallotypes have not been previously reported. © 2016 AABB.

  4. Increased IgG4-Positive Plasma Cells in Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis: A Diagnostic Pitfall of IgG4-Related Disease

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    Sing Yun Chang


    Full Text Available Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener’s (GPA may mimic IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD on histologic examination of some biopsies, especially those from head and neck sites. IgG4 immunostain is often performed in this context for differential diagnosis with IgG4-RD. However, the prevalence of IgG4+ cells in GPA has not been explored. We examined the IgG4+ cells in 26 cases confirmed as GPA by a thorough clinical and pathologic assessment. Twenty-six biopsies consisted of 14 sinonasal/oral cavity/nasopharynx, 7 orbit/periorbital, 3 lung/pleura, 1 iliac fossa/kidney, and 1 dura specimens. Eight of 26 (31% biopsies revealed increased IgG4+ cells (>30/HPF and >40% in IgG4+/IgG+ ratio. The IgG4+ cells and IgG4+/IgG+ ratio ranged 37–137/hpf and 44–83%, respectively. Eight biopsies with increased IgG4+ cells were from sinonasal (n=4 or orbital/periorbital (n=4 sites. In conclusion, increased IgG4+ cells are not uncommonly seen in sinonasal or orbital/periorbital biopsies of GPA, which could pose as a diagnostic pitfall.

  5. Secondary IgG responses to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide. II. Different cellular requirements for induction and elicitation. (United States)

    Braley-Mullen, H


    Mice primed with a thymus- (T) dependent form of Type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (S3), i.e., S3 coupled to erythrocytes (S3-RBC) produce S3-specific IgG antibody after secondary challenge with either S3 or S3-RBC. The production of IgG antibody by mice challenged with S3 was shown to be T independent since secondary responses were enhanced when mice were treated with anti-lymphocyte serum (ALS) at the time of secondary challenge with S3 and T-depleted spleen cells responded as well as unfractionated spleen cells to S3 in an adoptive transfer system. Secondary S3-specific IgG responses in mice challenged with S3-RBC were shown to be T dependent by the same criteria. The results obtained by using S3 as the antigen indicate that IgG-producing B cells (B lambda cells) can recognize and respond to antigen in the absence of helper T cells. On the other hand, T cells were required for the induction of S3-specific memory B lambda cells since mice depleted of T cells by treatment with ALS at the time of priming with S3-RBC failed to produce S3-specific IgG antibody after secondary challenge with either S3-specific IgG antibody after secondary chall-nge with either S3 or S3rbc. Since RBC-specific memory cells were induced in T-deprived mice the results suggest that T cell regulation of IgG antibody production may vary for different antigens.

  6. Obtención y caracterización de un anticuerpo específico contra la hormona luteinizante humana

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    Adriana Umaña


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se describe la obtención del anticuerpo policlonal específico contra la hormona luteinizante humana (HL. La hormona fue purificada a partir de una fracción rica en glicoproteínas, obtenida de hipófisis humanas, siguiendo el método desarrollado previamente en el proyecto basado en diferencias de solubilidad y constante dieléctrica entre las diferentes proteínas. El antisuero específico se obtuvo por inoculación del antígeno en conejos raza Nueva Zelanda y su producción controlada valorando el título por RIA. La caracterización parcial del antisuero se realizó mediante la determinación del título óptimo, afinidad, especificidad y su aplicabilidad para la cuantificación en términos de curva estándar y control de calidad, en comparación con un antisuero de referencia internacional. Los resultados indicaron que el anticuerpo obtenido puede emplearse en la cuantificación de HL por RIA.

  7. IgG4 Aortitis: A Case Report. (United States)

    Marketkar, Shivali; LeGolvan, Mark


    IgG4 aortitis is one of the entities seen in the spectrum of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). It is characterized by serologic (elevated serum IgG4) and histologic features including a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with increased numbers of IgG4-positive plasma cells, storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis. Some studies have described a correlation between infections and IgG4 aortitis. We describe a patient with an aneurysm of the infrarenal descending abdominal aorta with features of IgG4-RD, as well as culture evidence of Streptococcus sanguis. [Full article available at].

  8. Relative stabilities of IgG1 and IgG4 Fab domains: Influence of the light–heavy interchain disulfide bond architecture (United States)

    Heads, James T; Adams, Ralph; D'Hooghe, Lena E; Page, Matt J T; Humphreys, David P; Popplewell, Andrew G; Lawson, Alastair D; Henry, Alistair J


    The stability of therapeutic antibodies is a prime pharmaceutical concern. In this work we examined thermal stability differences between human IgG1 and IgG4 Fab domains containing the same variable regions using the thermofluor assay. It was found that the IgG1 Fab domain is up to 11°C more stable than the IgG4 Fab domain containing the same variable region. We investigated the cause of this difference with the aim of developing a molecule with the enhanced stability of the IgG1 Fab and the biological properties of an IgG4 Fc. We found that replacing the seven residues, which differ between IgG1 CH1 and IgG4 CH1 domains, while retaining the native IgG1 light-heavy interchain disulfide (L–H) bond, did not affect thermal stability. Introducing the IgG1 type L–H interchain disulfide bond (DSB) into the IgG4 Fab resulted in an increase in thermal stability to levels observed in the IgG1 Fab with the same variable region. Conversely, replacement of the IgG1 L–H interchain DSB with the IgG4 type L–H interchain DSB reduced the thermal stability. We utilized the increased stability of the IgG1 Fab and designed a hybrid antibody with an IgG1 CH1 linked to an IgG4 Fc via an IgG1 hinge. This construct has the expected biophysical properties of both the IgG4 Fc and IgG1 Fab domains and may therefore be a pharmaceutically relevant format. PMID:22761163

  9. IgG4-related spinal pachymeningitis. (United States)

    Lu, Zhang; Tongxi, Liu; Jie, Luo; Yujuan, Jiao; Wei, Jiang; Xia, Liu; Yumin, Zheng; Xin, Lu


    The aim of this study is to study the clinical, laboratory, imaging pathology, and prognosis features of IgG4-related spinal pachymeningitis. We worked with a 55-year-old man suffering from IgG4-related spinal pachymeningitis who had the most widespread lesion in his dura mater. We also review previous related studies and discuss the clinical characteristics of this rare disease. In total, eight IgG4-related spinal pachymeningitis patients have been reported in the literature since 2009. They were mostly male patients, 51.7 ± 11.9 years old on average. Cervical and thoracic vertebrae were the most common sites for lesions. The most prominent symptom was varying numbness and weakness of the limbs and/or body associated with spinal cord compression. There was one patient (1/5) with elevated serum IgG4 levels and three patients (3/3) with increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) IgG4 index. Positive histopathologic findings are the strongest basis for a diagnosis. All the patients with IgG4-related spinal pachymeningitis responded well to glucocorticoid therapy. IgG4-related spinal pachymeningitis is an orphan disease that mainly occurs in cervical and thoracic vertebrae. Older males are the most susceptible group. Serum IgG4 levels were consistently normal in these cases, so analysis of CSF for IgG4 production (IgG4 index) could become a useful tool. Pathological findings remain the gold standard for diagnosis. Most patients responded favorably to glucocorticoid treatment.

  10. Detección de anticuerpos circulantes en donantes de sangre en México Detection of antibodies present in blood donors in Mexico

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    José J. Serrano Machuca


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Detectar anticuerpos circulantes contra seis infecciones transmisibles por sangre en donantes de una institución de seguridad social en Querétaro, México. MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo retrospectivo con datos del Banco de Sangre del Hospital General Regional No. 1, del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS. Se registraron 6 929 donantes, entre los cuales se identificó a los diagnosticados con cualquier anticuerpo circulante contra brucelosis, enfermedad de Chagas, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, sífilis y VIH. Los casos identificados con cualquiera de estas infecciones se analizaron según edad, género, estado civil, escolaridad, lugar de residencia y número de donaciones. Para estimar la prevalencia total se dividió el número de personas identificadas con cualquiera de los anticuerpos circulantes por el total de donantes, y luego por cada una de las diferentes infecciones. RESULTADOS: De los 6 929 donantes, 144 fueron detectados con algún tipo de anticuerpo circulante de las seis infecciones potencialmente transmisibles por sangre, lo cual da una prevalencia total de 2,07% (0-4,4. Las prevalencias más altas por tipo de anticuerpo circulante correspondieron a la hepatitis C, con 0,721% (IC 95%, 0,522-0,920, y a la enfermedad de Chagas, con 0,649% (IC 95%, 0,460-0,838. CONCLUSIÓN: La identificación de la prevalencia de donantes de sangre con anticuerpos circulantes de alguna de estas seis infecciones potencialmente transmisibles por vía sanguínea permite establecer un perfil epidemiológico propio del banco de sangre del Hospital General Regional No. 1. La enfermedad de Chagas se presenta como emergente, dando pauta a dirigir los esfuerzos para su control.OBJECTIVE: To detect antibodies to six potentially blood-borne infections in blood donors at a social security institute in Querétaro, Mexico. METHODS: A cross-sectional, retrospective, descriptive study was performed using data from the blood

  11. [IgG4 immunohistochemistry in Riedle thyroiditis]. (United States)

    Wang, S; Luo, Y F; Cao, J L; Zhang, H; Shi, X H; Liang, Z Y; Feng, R E


    Objective: To observe the histopathological changes and immunohistochemical expression of IgG4 in Riedle thyroiditis (RT) and to study the relationship between RT and IgG4-related diseases (IgG4-RD). Methods: A total of 5 RT patients were collected from the Department of Pathology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital during April 2012 to August 2014. The clinical and immunohistochemical features were analyzed in the 5 patients. Histopathologic analysis was performed on hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections. Results: There were one male and four female patients, aged 52 to 78 years (median 59 years). Five cases were characterized by multiple nodules of thyroid, which increased year by year. All patients were found to have surrounding tissue compression symptoms and signs. Two female patients were found to have hypothyroidism. The serum concentration of IgG was elevated in 2 cases, and the serum concentration of IgG was not tested before operation in the remaining patients. By ultrasound, all presented as low echo or medium low echo. Strong echo occasionally appeared in hypoechoic nodules. Microscopically, fibrous tissue hyperplasia was infiltrated with varying numbers of lymphocytes and plasma cells. The occlusion of phlebitis was found in 4 cases and eosinophils were found in 3 cases. IgG4 counts and IgG4/IgG ratios in 5 cases were 20/HPF, 16%; 60/HPF, 82%; 22/HPF, 28%; 400/HPF, 266% and 33/HPF, 71%, respectively. Conclusions: With the similar pathological manifestations between RT and IgG4-RD, immunohistochemical staining shows that the number of IgG4 positive plasma cells and IgG4/IgG ratio of RT are increased in varying degrees. Some cases meet the diagnostic criteria of IgG4-RD, and speculate that some cases of RT belong to IgG4-RD.

  12. Cholangiocarcinoma with respect to IgG4 Reaction

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    Kenichi Harada


    Full Text Available IgG4 reactions marked by infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells in affected organs occur in cancer patients and in patients with IgG4-related diseases. Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas including gall bladder cancer are often accompanied by significant IgG4 reactions; these reactions show a negative correlation with CD8-positive cytotoxic T cells, suggesting that the evasion of immune surveillance is associated with cytotoxic T cells. The regulatory cytokine IL-10 may induce IgG4-positive plasma cell differentiation or promote B cell switching to IgG4 in the presence of IL-4. Cholangiocarcinoma cells may function as nonprofessional antigen presenting cells that indirectly induce IgG4 reactions via the IL-10-producing cells and/or these may act as Foxp3-positive and IL-10-producing cells that directly induce IgG4 reactions. Moreover, IgG4-related disease is a high-risk factor for cancer development; IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis (IgG4-SC cases associated with cholangiocarcinoma or its precursor lesion biliary intraepithelial neoplasia (BilIN have been reported. IgG4-positive cell infiltration is an important finding of IgG4-SC but is not a histological hallmark of IgG4-SC. For the diagnosis of IgG4-SC, its differentiation from cholangiocarcinoma remains important.

  13. Overview of IgG4 - Related Disease. (United States)

    Opriţă, R; Opriţă, B; Berceanu, D; Diaconescu, I B


    Rationale (hypothesis): IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a pathological entity recently recognized by the medical world that can affect any organ or system. However, there is insufficient data about this disease in medical literature. Aim (objective): A more extensive clarification of the IgG4 molecule, the diversified aspects of IgG4-related disease, and the response of this disease to treatment, will provide a crucial understanding of the immune system and other diseases now known to be associated with IgG4. The MEDLINE online medical database was used, and, after a comprehensive review of medical articles regarding IgG4-RD, published after 2003, using the search words "IgG4- related disease" and "IgG4 molecule", we have described the clinical, pathological and therapeutic features of IgG4-RD, as well as the presence of the IgG4 molecule in the evolution, diagnosis and management of this syndrome. We characterized the potential disease mechanisms and discussed early observations related to treatment. Given the response to immunosuppressive therapy, it is hypothesized that IgG4-related disease is most likely an autoimmune disease. Therefore, IgG4-related disease is a fibro-inflammatory condition that can affect any organ and can lead to the formation of pseudotumoral lesions requiring differential diagnosis with various malignancies. Positive diagnostic criteria are histopathological and require at least two features out of the following three: dense limphoplasmocitary infiltrate, storiform fibrosis, obliterative phlebitis.

  14. Potential of Murine IgG1 and Human IgG4 to Inhibit the Classical Complement and Fcγ Receptor Activation Pathways

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    Gina-Maria Lilienthal


    Full Text Available IgG antibodies (Abs mediate their effector functions through the interaction with Fcγ receptors (FcγRs and the complement factors. The main IgG-mediated complement activation pathway is induced through the binding of complement C1q to IgG Abs. This interaction is dependent on antigen-dependent hexamer formation of human IgG1 and IgG3 to increase the affinity for the six-headed C1q molecule. By contrast, human IgG4 fails to bind to C1q. Instead, it has been suggested that human IgG4 can block IgG1 and IgG3 hexamerization required for their binding to C1q and activating the complement. Here, we show that murine IgG1, which functionally resembles human IgG4 by not interacting with C1q, inhibits the binding of IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3 to C1q in vitro, and suppresses IgG2a-mediated complement activation in a hemolytic assay in an antigen-dependent and IgG subclass-specific manner. From this perspective, we discuss the potential of murine IgG1 and human IgG4 to block the complement activation as well as suppressive effects of sialylated IgG subclass Abs on FcγR-mediated immune cell activation. Accumulating evidence suggests that both mechanisms seem to be responsible for preventing uncontrolled IgG (autoAb-induced inflammation in mice and humans. Distinct IgG subclass distributions and functionally opposite IgG Fc glycosylation patterns might explain different outcomes of IgG-mediated immune responses and provide new therapeutic options through the induction, enrichment, or application of antigen-specific sialylated human IgG4 to prevent complement and FcγR activation as well.

  15. Analysis of IgG4-positive clones in affected organs of IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Kakuchi, Yasushi; Yamada, Kazunori; Ito, Kiyoaki; Hara, Satoshi; Fujii, Hiroshi; Yamagishi, Masakazu; Kawano, Mitsuhiro


    We investigated class switch reaction (CSR) in affected organs and evaluated whether the same or genetically related clones exist in IgG4-RD. We studied three patients with IgG4-RD. Total cellular RNA was extracted from salivary glands and peripheral blood and lung tissue. Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) and immunoglobulin heavy chain third complementarity determining region (IgVH-CDR3) of IgM and IgG4 were detected by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). We analyzed the clonal relationship of infiltrating IgG4-positive cells, as compared with IgM. We determined the existence of common clones among organs and patients. AID was expressed in salivary glands of all patients and lung tissue in one. Closely related IgVH-CDR3 sequences in infiltrating IgG4-positive cells were detected in salivary glands and lung tissue. Identical IgVH-CDR3 sequence between IgM and IgG4 in salivary glands was detected in one patient, indicating CSR in salivary glands. Identical IgVH-CDR3 sequences of IgG4-positive cells were detected between salivary glands and peripheral blood in two patients. Four identical sequences of IgVH-CDR3 existed between patients. Interestingly, one of the four sequences was detected in all patients. Our results demonstrate the existence of common antigen(s) shared by patients with IgG4-RD.

  16. Human IgG4: a structural perspective. (United States)

    Davies, Anna M; Sutton, Brian J


    IgG4, the least represented human IgG subclass in serum, is an intriguing antibody with unique biological properties, such as the ability to undergo Fab-arm exchange and limit immune complex formation. The lack of effector functions, such as antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and complement-dependent cytotoxicity, is desirable for therapeutic purposes. IgG4 plays a protective role in allergy by acting as a blocking antibody, and inhibiting mast cell degranulation, but a deleterious role in malignant melanoma, by impeding IgG1-mediated anti-tumor immunity. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the interaction between IgG4 and Fcγ receptors. Despite a wealth of structural information for the IgG1 subclass, including complexes with Fcγ receptors, and structures for intact antibodies, high-resolution crystal structures were not reported for IgG4-Fc until recently. Here, we highlight some of the biological properties of human IgG4, and review the recent crystal structures of IgG4-Fc. We discuss the unexpected conformations adopted by functionally important Cγ2 domain loops, and speculate about potential implications for the interaction between IgG4 and FcγRs. © 2015 The Authors. Immunological Reviews Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. Anticuerpos anti-HLA y rechazo agudo del injerto renal en los niños


    Galeas, Rubén Arturo; Gomezchico-Velasco, Rebeca; Valverde, Saúl; Ramón-García, Guillermo; Velásquez-Jones, Luis; Romero-Navarro, Benjamín; Hernández, Ana María; Vargas, Arindal; Leo, Claudia de; Medeiros, Mara


    Introducción. A pesar de que las nuevas terapias inmunosupresoras han mejorado notablemente la evolución clínica de los trasplantes renales, los rechazos agudo y crónico siguen limitando la sobrevida a largo plazo del injerto. En base a lo anterior, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la presencia de anticuerpos séricos contra antígenos de histocompatibilidad (HLA) clase I y clase II en niños con rechazo agudo del injerto renal. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio clínico prospectivo en pac...

  18. Encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA: experiencia con seis pacientes pediátricos. Potencial eficacia del metotrexato (United States)

    Bravo-Oro, Antonio; Abud-Mendoza, Carlos; Quezada-Corona, Arturo; Dalmau, Josep; Campos-Guevara, Verónica


    Introducción La encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de N-metil-D-aspartato (NMDA) es una entidad cada vez más diagnosticada en edad pediátrica. A diferencia de los adultos, en muchos casos no se asocia a tumores y las manifestaciones iniciales en niños más frecuentes son crisis convulsivas y trastornos del movimiento, mientras que en los adultos predominan las alteraciones psiquiátricas. Casos clínicos Presentamos seis casos pediátricos confirmados con anticuerpos contra la subunidad NR1 del receptor de NMDA en suero y líquido cefalorraquídeo. Cinco de los casos comenzaron con crisis convulsivas como manifestación clínica inicial antes de desarrollar el cuadro clásico de esta entidad. En todos los casos se utilizaron esteroides como primera línea de tratamiento, con los que sólo se observó control de las manifestaciones en uno, por lo que el resto de los pacientes requirió inmunomoduladores de segunda línea. Todos los pacientes recibieron metotrexato como tratamiento inmunomodulador para evitar recaídas y la evolución fue a la mejoría en todos ellos. Conclusiones En nuestra serie de pacientes con encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA, ninguno se asoció a tumores. Todos los casos recibieron metotrexato por lo menos durante un año, no observamos eventos adversos clínicos ni por laboratorio, ni hubo secuelas neurológicas ni recaídas durante el tratamiento. Aunque es una serie pequeña y es deseable incrementar el número y tiempo de evolución, consideramos el metotrexato una excelente alternativa como tratamiento inmunomodulador para esta patología. PMID:24150952

  19. Immunochemical characteristics of IgG4 antibodies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Zee, J. S.; Aalberse, R. C.


    Although a small part of the IgG4 subclass probably can bind to basophils (and mast cells), IgG4 antibodies usually do not behave as anaphylactic antibodies. Therefore, detection of IgG4 antibodies in serum is not a suitable in vitro assay for IgG-S-TS activity. Furthermore, differences between IgG4

  20. Does the Maternal Serum IgG Level during Pregnancy in Primary Antibody Deficiency Influence the IgG Level in the Newborn?

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    Vasantha Nagendran


    Full Text Available Purpose. To find out if the serum IgG level in the newborn baby was affected by low maternal serum IgG during pregnancy in two newly diagnosed primary antibody deficient patients. Method. Infant cord blood IgG level was compared with maternal IgG level in 2 mothers with newly diagnosed primary antibody deficiency, who declined replacement IgG treatment during pregnancy. Results. Both mothers delivered healthy babies with normal IgG levels at birth. Conclusions. The normal IgG levels and sound health in these 2 babies in spite of low maternal IgG throughout pregnancy raise interesting discussion points about maternofoetal immunoglobulin transport mechanisms in primary antibody deficiency.

  1. Determinación de anticuerpos contra Cryptococcus neoformans en un grupo de colombófilos


    Carmen Sofía Corrales; Nelly Ordóñez; Luisa Marcela Londoño; Elizabeth Castañeda


    Se evaluó la respuesta humoral, medida como anticuerpos específicos anti-Criptococcus neoformans, en 69 sueros de un grupo de colombófilos de Bogotá; grupo considerado como de alto riesgo dado el frecuente contacto con el material contaminado con el microorganismo. Además se estudiaron 65 sueros de un grupo control constituído por personas dedicadas a actividades diferentes. En las pruebas de inmunofluorescencia indirecta y aglutinación en tubo, no se evidenció diferencia entre los niveles de...

  2. Producción y caracterización de un anticuerpo monoclonal que reconoce el fragmento 28-30 kDa de la proteína MSP-1 de Plasmodium falciparum

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    Nina M. Muñoz


    Full Text Available Los merozoitos del parásito Plasmodium falciparum contienen en su superficie los fragmentos producidos por el primer procesamiento proteolítico de la proteina MSP-1 (merozoite surface protein-1. Dichos fragmentos tienen pesos moleculares relativos aproximados de 83, 42, 38 y 28-30 kDa, respectivamente. En este estudio se describe la producción y caracterización de un anticuerpo monoclonal, denominado 8F4, que reconoce la proteina MSP-1 dadas las siguientes características del antigeno: 1 localización subcelular, 2 peso molecular relativo, 3 período de expresión durante el ciclo eritrocítrico, 4 tipo de asociación con la membrana plasmática del parásito y 5 presencia de epítopes compartidos con MSP-1. Adicionalmente. se estableció que 8F4 reconoce el fragmento de 28-30 kDa, producto del primer procesamiento proteolitico de MSP-1. Los análisis realizados permiten confirmar que MSP-1, 28-30 , no permanece en la superficie del merozoito desoués de ocurrida la invasión. lo cual suoiere oue hace oarte del com.o de polipéptidos que es liberado por el merozoito previamente al evento de la invasión. 8F4 es el primer anticuerpo monoclonal reportado hasta el momento que reconoce específicamente este fragmento.

  3. IgG4 breaking the rules

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aalberse, Rob C.; Schuurman, Janine


    Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) antibodies have been known for some time to be functionally monovalent. Recently, the structural basis for this monovalency has been elucidated: the in vivo exchange of IgG half-molecules (one H-plus one L-chain) among IgG4. This process results in bispecific antibodies that

  4. Vacunación antineumococo en pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico

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    C. Pisoni


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la respuesta de anticuerpos específicos, aparición de autoanticuerpos y actividad de la enfermedad en pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES luego de la inmunización con vacuna polivalente para neumococo. Se inoculó, con vacuna 23 valente para neumococo, a 37 pacientes con diagnóstico de LES; previamente y a las 12 semanas post vacunación se determinó los autoanticuerpos, el nivel de complemento sérico y la actividad de la enfermedad aplicando el índice SLEDAI y la respuesta de los anticuerpos IgG contra antígenos polisacáridos capsulares. En 30 pacientes (85.7% los anticuerpos duplicaron el valor basal alcanzando de esta manera, el nivel estimado protector. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los índices de actividad post vacunación. En conclusión: en esta serie de pacientes lúpicos, la inmunización con vacuna 23 valente no provocó reactivación de la enfermedad, e indujo una adecuada respuesta de anticuerpos en el 85% del grupo. No se registraron efectos adversos generales o locales que motivaran alguna medicación o internación de ningún paciente.The objective of the study was to evaluate antibody response, autoantibodies induction and disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE patients after polyvalent pneumococcal vaccination. SLE patients (n 37 were vaccinated with 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine. Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI and specific IgG antibodies against pneumococcus were measured before and after vaccination. After inoculation 30 patients (85.7% duplicated IgG anti pneumococcus baseline value, reaching protective levels of antibodies. We did not find significant differences in disease activity up to three months after vaccination. In conclusion: after vaccination of this lupus population an 85.0% antibody response was obtained, without temporal associated disease flare or any serious adverse event.

  5. Procedimientos para la detección e identificación de anticuerpos eritrocitarios


    Alfonso Valdés , Yalile; Bencomo Hernández, Antonio


    En Inmunohematología se ha desarrollado una amplia gama de procederes de detección e identificación de anticuerpos eritrocitarios in vitro, por lo cual se realiza una revisión de técnicas y métodos empleados con este objetivo, como son el método que utiliza eritrocitos pretratados con enzimas proteolíticas y las técnicas de Polibreno, que utiliza solución de baja fuerza iónica (LISS), la de antiglobulina indirecta, la de aglutinación en gel, la inhibición de la aglutinación, la hemólisis y la...

  6. Anti-HBc testing for blood donations in areas with intermediate hepatitis B endemicity Detección de anticuerpos anti-HBc en sangre donada en lugares donde la hepatitis B tiene endemicidad intermedia

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    Celina Maria Turchi Martelli


    Full Text Available En otros estudios se ha evaluado el menor riesgo de infecciones transmitidas por transfusión sanguínea que acarrea el tamizaje de anticuerpos contra los antígenos nucleares de la hepatitis B (anti-HBc, sumado a la prueba detectora de antígenos de superficie (HbsAg. No obstante, la mayoría de estos estudios se basaron en datos procedentes de zonas con baja endemicidad por hepatitis B o de bancos de sangre de países desarrollados, donde la mayoría de la sangre proviene de personas que han donado previamente. A fin de examinar los pros y los contras del tamizaje de anticuerpos anti-HBc en el Brasil, los autores describen los antecedentes y la interpretación de las pruebas de tamizaje para prevenir la hepatitis postransfusión. También presentan los datos sobre el tamizaje de la hepatitis B en todas las regiones del Brasil. No hay pruebas suficientes para suspender el tamizaje de los anticuerpos anti-HBc en el país. Debe darse alta prioridad a comparar el costo-efectividad de un marcador basado en la biología molecular con el de la actual prueba detectora de anticuerpos anti-HBc aplicada comúnmente, a fin de mejorar las medidas de tamizaje que garantizan la inocuidad de la sangre.


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    Nubia Estela Matta Camacho


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Es común encontrar en los libros de inmunología o de genética un capítulo con el título de “sistema inmune y genética”, sin embargo su asociación se centra en cómo la generación de anticuerpos rompió el paradigma “un gen, una proteína”, pues en el caso de la producción de anticuerpos, un gen produce millones de proteínas. El sistema inmune tiene muchos vínculos con la genética y la herencia; esta asociación se da porque cualquier sustancia o compuesto que produzca un organismo, es un antígeno potencial cuando es reconocido como extraño por el sistema inmune de otro organismo, sea este de la misma o de diferente especie. La producción de proteínas que potencialmente pueden ser antigénicas están ligadas al genotipo del individuo. La capacidad de responder y el tipo e intensidad de respuesta a los antígenos también ha sido demostrado que está correlacionado con el genotipo del individuo en cuestión, así como deficiencias en las respuestas inmunes pueden estar asociadas con mutaciones o polimorfismos genéticos que resultan en la susceptibilidad a enfermedades infecciosas. Este artículo se busca presentar ejemplos de la relación del sistema inmune y la genética, en la misma dirección de la conferencia ofrecida para la cátedra de Sede “Todo lo que usted quiere saber de genética y nunca se atrevió a preguntar”. Palabras claves: HLA, respuesta inmune, grupos sanguíneos, antígenos. ABSTRACT It is common to find in immunology or genetic books a chapter entitled “immune system and genetics”; this association focuses on how the generation of antibodies broke the paradigm “one gene, one protein”, since in this case one gene generates millions of proteins. However, the immune system has many more links to genetics and heredity. For example, any substance or compound that an organism produces is a potential antigen, when it is recognized as foreign by the immune system of another organism from

  8. Polymyositis with elevated serum IgG4 levels and abundant IgG4+ plasma cell infiltration: A case report and literature review. (United States)

    Anan, Ryusuke; Akiyama, Mitsuhiro; Kaneko, Yuko; Kikuchi, Jun; Suzuki, Kazuko; Matsubara, Shiro; Takeuchi, Tsutomu


    Polymyositis (PM) is a type of autoimmune, inflammatory myopathy. IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently recognized disease entity characterized by elevated serum IgG4 levels and IgG4 plasma-cell infiltration of various organs. However, several reports have described cases of other diseases that present with those features, suggesting the importance of careful differential diagnosis. Herein, we report the first case of PM with elevated serum IgG4 levels and IgG4 plasma cells in the muscles, mimicking IgG4-RD.A 73-year-old woman visited our hospital because of proximal muscle weakness of both thighs. Her blood test showed high levels of serum creatinine kinase, aldolase, and IgG4. Magnetic resonance imaging of the thighs showed muscle edema. Needle electromyography showed findings typical of myositis. Histological analysis of her left quadriceps revealed infiltration of IgG4 plasma cells as well as CD8 T cells. Scattered necrotic and regenerating muscle fibers with no specific findings for IgG4-RD (storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis) were typical for PM. We diagnosed her condition as PM and treated her with 40 mg/day of prednisolone that decreased levels of muscle enzymes and improved muscle weakness. Our case indicated that PM could present with high serum IgG4 levels and IgG4 plasma-cell infiltration, mimicking IgG4-RD. Although the mechanism of IgG4 elevation in such PM is unclear, our case highlights the necessity to recognize that high serum IgG4 levels and IgG4 plasma-cell infiltration in organs are not specific for IgG4-RD.

  9. Epstein-Barr virus-infected cells in IgG4-related lymphadenopathy with comparison with extranodal IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Takeuchi, Mai; Sato, Yasuharu; Yasui, Hiroshi; Ozawa, Hiroaki; Ohno, Kyotaro; Takata, Katsuyoshi; Gion, Yuka; Orita, Yorihisa; Tachibana, Tomoyasu; Itoh, Tomoo; Asano, Naoko; Nakamura, Shigeo; Swerdlow, Steven H; Yoshino, Tadashi


    IgG4-related lymphadenopathy with increased numbers of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-infected cells has been reported but not fully described. We analyzed 31 cases of IgG4-related lymphadenopathy and 24 cases of extranodal IgG4-related diseases for their possible relationship with EBV. Other types of reactive lymph nodes (22) and angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) (10) were also studied for comparison. EBV-encoded RNA (EBER) in situ hybridization revealed EBER(+) cells in 18 of 31 cases (58%) of IgG4-related lymphadenopathy. Increased EBER(+) cells were found in only 4 of 22 (18.1%) non-IgG4-related reactive lymphoid hyperplasia in patients of a similar age (P=0.002) and in only 5 of 24 (21%) extranodal IgG4-related biopsies (P=0.006). Interestingly, all patients with EBER(+) progressively transformed germinal center-type IgG4-related lymphadenopathy had systemic lymphadenopathy and/or extranodal involvement. AITL also is associated with EBV, and IgG4-related lymphadenopathy sometimes mimics the morphology of AITL; however, the number of IgG4(+) cells in AITL was significantly less than that in IgG4-related lymphadenopathy (Pdisease; however, there was not a significant difference between the EBER(+) and EBER(-) cases. In conclusion, the presence of increased numbers of EBV-infected cells in IgG4-related lymphadenopathy, compared with other reactive lymphadenopathy or extranodal IgG4-related disease, suggests that there may be a relationship at least between nodal IgG4-related disease and EBV. It is important to avoid overdiagnosing these cases as malignant lymphomas or EBV-related lymphoproliferative disorders.

  10. Prevalencia de anticuerpos contra Trypanosoma cruzi en donadores de sangre del IMSS, Orizaba, Veracruz, México


    Ramos-Ligonio Angel; Ramírez-Sánchez Michaía Elián; González-Hernández Juan Carlos; Rosales-Encina José Luis; López-Monteon Aracely


    OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra Trypanosoma cruzi en donadores del Hospital General Regional del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) en la ciudad de Orizaba, Veracruz. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se examinaron muestras de donadores del banco de sangre del Hospital General Regional (HGRO) del IMSS para la búsqueda de antiT. cruzi por ELISA, Western blot e IFI, utilizando una proteína recombinante (MBP::Hsp70) y un extracto crudo de epimastigotes. Las muestras fueron o...

  11. IgG and IgG subclasses antibody responses to rK39 in Leishmania donovani infections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daifalla, N.S.; El Hassan, A.M.


    Leishmania donovani infection cause a wide spectrum of human diseases ranging from self-healing subclinical infections to severe visceral leishmaniasis, post kal-azar dermal leishmaiasis, and mucosal leishmaiasis. The infection associated with high levels of anti-leishmania antibodies which offer a potential parameter for the serological diagnosis of L. donovani infection replacing the invasive parasitological methods. rK39, a cloned antigen of L. chagasis was reported to have high levels of anti-leishmania antibodies in Sudanese and American visceral leishmaniasis patients. In an assessment of rK39-ELISA in detecting L. donovani infection we found that the antigen detected visceral leishmaniasis, post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis, and mucosal leismaniasis with the sensitives of 96.6%, 95.91% and 90.91% respectively. The test has the specificity of 96.7%. Further investigation of 25 visceral leishmaniasis patients showed elevated anti-rK39 antibody responses of IgG subclasses with IgG1 and IgG3 significantly higher than IgG4. igG3 showed the highest sensitivity (84.00%) whereas IgG1 showed the highest sensitivity (100%). The dynamics of the serological reactivity to rK39 in l.donovani infections will be discussed in relation to exposure, infection, cure and relapse.(Author)

  12. Establishment of a serum IgG4 cut-off value for the differential diagnosis of IgG4-related disease in Chinese population. (United States)

    Li, Ping; Chen, Hua; Deng, Chuiwen; Wu, Ziyan; Lin, Wei; Zeng, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Wen; Zhang, Fengchun; Li, Yongzhe


    This study was performed to better know diagnosis associated with serum IgG4 concentration, and to explore the possibility for development of a serum IgG4 for IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) in Chinese populations. We studied retrospectively 497 IgG4 serum subclass measurements from Peking Union Medical College Hospital during the four-year period, including 242 IgG4-RD, 130 other diseases and 125 healthy individuals. Serum IgG4 concentrations were significantly higher in IgG4-RD than in other pathologies (1662.9 ± 3760.9 mg/L, p IgG4 level between other pathologies group and healthy individuals (p = 0.075). Among the 242 IgG4-RD patients analyzed, serum IgG4 concentrations were normal in 46 patients (19.0%). We found 32 patients (24.6%) with elevated serum IgG4 levels among the 130 patients who suffered from other pathologies. There were seven (5.6%) with serum IgG4 over 1350 mg/L in healthy individuals. The ROC curve analysis revealed that the optimal sensitivity and specificity were 80.0% and 88.2%, respectively, at the concentration of 1575 mg/L for Chinese patients. Our study demonstrated that serum IgG4 elevation was not specific of IgG4-RD. Further studies are needed to define the sensibility and specificity of IgG4 values for the diagnosis of IgG4-RD.

  13. Current Concept of IgG4-Related Disease. (United States)

    Okazaki, Kazuichi; Umehara, Hisanori


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a fibroinflammatory disease of unknown etiology, which is characterized by a tendency to form tumefactive lesions, increased serum levels of IgG4, and massive infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells with storiform fibrosis and/or obliterative phlebitis. Patients with IgG4-RD have frequently multiorgan involvements such as the pancreas, biliary tree, salivary glands, periorbital tissues, kidneys, lungs, lymph nodes, and retroperitoneum. IgG4-RD mainly affects middle-aged to elderly men except for involvement in lachrymal and salivary glands, so-called Mikulicz's disease. The clinical manifestations of IgG4-RD depend on individually involved organs and respond well to steroid, but the prognosis still remains unclear. Some patients develop serious complications such as obstructive jaundice due to hepatic, gallbladder, or pancreatic lesions; hydronephrosis due to retroperitoneal fibrosis; or respiratory symptoms due to pulmonary lesions. Nomenclatures of individual organ manifestation of IgG4-RD have been internationally consented.

  14. Clinical features of IgG4-related rhinosinusitis. (United States)

    Hanaoka, Machiko; Kammisawa, Terumi; Koizumi, Satomi; Kuruma, Sawako; Chiba, Kazuro; Kikuyama, Masataka; Shirakura, Satoshi; Sugimoto, Taro; Hishima, Tsunekazu


    IgG4-related disease is a systemic disease that affects various organs of the body. Aim of this study is to elucidate the clinical characteristics of IgG4-related rhinosinusitis. Clinical features, laboratory findings, radiological and endoscopic findings, associated disease, treatment and prognosis were retrospectively examined in 10 patients with IgG4-related rhinosinusitis. The age was 59.1±11.3 years old and male-to-female ratio was 1:1. The chief nasal complaints were hyposmia (n=4), nasal obstruction (n=3), and nothing (n=3). Serum IgG4 levels were elevated in all patients and the value was 740.4±472.4mg/dl. Other IgG4-related diseases were associated in all 10 patients, including IgG4-related sialadenitis (n=6), IgG4-related dacryoadenitis (n=5), and autoimmune pancreatitis (n=5). Imaging findings on CT/MRI were obstruction of the way of elimination (n=10), thickening of the sinus mucous membrane (n=10), and fluid in the sinus (n=6). All of the cases had bilateral findings. Nasal endoscopic findings were chiefly deviated nasal septum (n=5), polyps (n=4), edema of the mucous membrane (n=3). Histologically, abundant infiltration of IgG4 positive plasma cell and lymphocyte and an elevated IgG4+/IgG+ cell ration was detected in all 8 patients and 5 patients, respectively. Endoscopic sinus surgery was performed in 8 patients. Eight patients were treated with steroid therapy for other associated IgG4-related diseases. Symptoms improved in all 6 patients after an initial treatment (endoscopic surgery (n=5) and steroids (n=1)), but one patient suffered relapse. IgG4-related rhinosinusitis is a distinct entity of IgG4-related disease, and is associated in patients with multiple IgG4-related diseases. Copyright © 2017 Medical University of Bialystok. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Nivel de corte de los ELISAs para cuantificación de anticuerpos inducidos por la vacuna antimeningocócica VA-MENGOC-BC

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    Rolando Ochoa


    Full Text Available Para medir el grado de protección inducido por vacunas antimeningocócicas se ha establecido el Ensayo Bactericida en Suero (EBS y se perfeccionan otros ensayos inmunobiológicos, sin embargo, es necesario contar con pruebas sencillas como el ELISA, capaz de evaluar un gran número de muestras. Se estimó el nivel de corte de los ELISAs para la cuantificación de IgG humana contra los antígenos de VA-MENGOC-BC, vacuna antimeningocócica compuesta por vesículas proteicas de membrana externa de meningococo B y polisacárido capsular de meningococo C, con respecto a un panel de muestras de suero de lactantes, caracterizado por Ensayo Bactericida en Sangre Total (EBST. Los valores correspondientes a la máxima sensibilidad y especificidad fueron respectivamente; 2 μg/mL y 12 μg/mL para antipolisacárido C, y 1000 U/mL y 7000 U/mL para antiproteínas de membrana externa. La mayor coincidencia se obtuvo con 6 μg/mL y 2500 U/mL. Se evaluó otro panel de muestras de suero de adolescentes entre 14 y 18 años, por ELISA y EBS para Neisseria meningitidis serogrupos B y C, alcanzándose una buena concordancia. Doce años después de la inmunización con VA-MENGOC-BC persiste una importante concentración de anticuerpos contra los antígenos vacunales en los sueros estudiados.

  16. Detection of IgG1 and IgG4 subtypes reactive against potato apyrase in schistosomiasis patients

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    Priscila de Faria-Pinto


    Full Text Available In this paper, we showed for the first time that the conserved domains within Schistosoma mansoni ATP diphosphohydrolase isoforms, shared with potato apyrase, possess epitopes for the IgG1 and IgG4 subtypes, as 24 (80% of the 30 schistosomiasis patients were seropositive for this vegetable protein. The analyses for each patient cured (n = 14 after treatment (AT with praziquantel revealed variable IgG1 and IgG4 reactivity against potato apyrase. Different antigenic epitopes shared between the vegetable and parasite proteins could be involved in susceptibility or resistance to S. mansoni AT with praziquantel and these possibilities should be explored.

  17. IgG4-related kidney disease – an update (United States)

    Kawano, Mitsuhiro; Saeki, Takako


    Purpose of review IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently recognized systemic inflammatory disorder that can affect most organs/tissues such as sarcoidosis. The kidney is a frequently affected organ with tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN), the representative lesion of IgG4-RD. This review focuses on the latest knowledge of IgG4-related kidney disease (IgG4-RKD). Recent findings A wide range of renal manifestations of IgG4-RD, that is TIN, membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN) and other glomerular lesions, and pyelitis, are collectively referred to as IgG4-RKD. Clinically, decreased renal function, or characteristic imaging findings such as multiple low-density lesions on contrast-enhanced computed tomography or diffuse thickening of the renal pelvic wall, are typical presenting features. Although a rapid response to corticosteroid therapy is a very important feature of IgG4-TIN, in cases in which renal function is moderately to severely decreased before therapy, only partial recovery of renal function is obtained. Summary TIN with characteristic imaging findings is a typical manifestation of IgG4-RKD in the interstitium, while MGN is a representative manifestation of the glomerular lesions. Although IgG4 is a central feature of IgG4-RD, the recent discovery of IgG4-negative IgG4-RD raises questions about the causative role of the IgG4 molecule in this context. PMID:25594543

  18. Intrathoracic Manifestations of IgG4-Related Disease

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    Sian Yik Lim


    Full Text Available Intrathoracic involvement with IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is frequently overlooked in IgG4-related disease patients. In this article we review the intrathoracic findings of IgG4-RD which are variable and protean. IgG4-related disease has been reported to affect the lung parenchyma, pleura, mediastinal/hilar lymph nodes, vasculature, and pericardium within the thorax. Mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy is the most common intrathoracic manifestation of IgG4-RD. Four main patterns of pulmonary disease have been described, including the solid nodular type, the bronchovascular type, the alveolar interstitial type, and the round shaped ground glass type. When feasible, a biopsy should be obtained to confirm the diagnosis. Most lesions show characteristic pathologic findings of IgG4-RD: dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, storiform fibrosis, and obliterative phlebitis. While this helps establish the diagnosis, the interpretation of pathology findings in the clinical context is key in making an accurate diagnosis. Mimickers of IgG4-RD should be ruled out, before making a diagnosis. The intrathoracic findings of IgG4-RD can be treated effectively with prednisone, but may require additional immunosuppressive therapies, including rituximab.

  19. Value of serum IgG4 in the diagnosis of IgG4-related disease and in differentiation from rheumatic diseases and other diseases. (United States)

    Yamamoto, Motohisa; Tabeya, Tetsuya; Naishiro, Yasuyoshi; Yajima, Hidetaka; Ishigami, Keisuke; Shimizu, Yui; Obara, Mikiko; Suzuki, Chisako; Yamashita, Kentaro; Yamamoto, Hiroyuki; Hayashi, Toshiaki; Sasaki, Shigeru; Sugaya, Toshiaki; Ishida, Tadao; Takano, Ken-Ichi; Himi, Tetsuo; Suzuki, Yasuo; Nishimoto, Norihiro; Honda, Saho; Takahashi, Hiroki; Imai, Kohzoh; Shinomura, Yasuhisa


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a novel disease entity that includes Mikulicz's disease, autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP), and many other conditions. It is characterized by elevated serum IgG4 levels and abundant IgG4-bearing plasmacyte infiltration of involved organs. We postulated that high levels of serum IgG4 would comprise a useful diagnostic tool, but little information is available about IgG4 in conditions other than IgG4-RD, including rheumatic diseases. Several reports have described cutoff values for serum IgG4 when diagnosing IgG4-RD, but these studies mostly used 135 mg/dL in AIP to differentiate from pancreatic cancer instead of rheumatic and other common diseases. There is no evidence for a cutoff serum IgG4 level of 135 mg/dL for rheumatic diseases and common diseases that are often complicated with rheumatic diseases. The aim of this work was to re-evaluate the usual cutoff serum IgG4 value in AIP (135 mg/dL) that is used to diagnose whole IgG4-RD in the setting of a rheumatic clinic by measuring serum IgG4 levels in IgG4-RD and various disorders. We therefore constructed ROC curves of serum IgG4 levels in 418 patients who attended Sapporo Medical University Hospital due to IgG4-RD and various rheumatic and common disorders. The optimal cut-off value of serum IgG4 for a diagnosis of IgG4-RD was 144 mg/dL, and the sensitivity and specificity were 95.10 and 90.76%, respectively. Levels of serum IgG4 were elevated in IgG4-RD, Churg-Strauss syndrome, multicentric Castleman's disease, eosinophilic disorders, and in some patients with rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, chronic hepatitis, and liver cirrhosis. The usual cut-off value of 135 mg/dL in AIP is useful for diagnosing whole IgG4-RD, but high levels of serum IgG4 are sometimes observed in not only IgG4-RD but also other rheumatic and common diseases.



    segovia miranda, fabian josue


    El potencial patogénico de los auto-anticuerpos en las disfunciones del sistema nervioso central ha atraído gran interés en los últimos años. La identificación de autoanticuerpos neuropatogénicos dirigidos contra componentes de la superficie neuronal ayuda a entender la influencia que el sistema inmune puede ejercer sobre procesos que involucran memoria, cognición y comportamiento. También provee herramientas para entender mejor la función de componentes ya conocidos, o de nuevos com...

  1. Concurrent IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis and IgG4 myeloperoxidase-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive crescentic glomerulonephritis: A case report. (United States)

    Su, Tao; Yang, Li; Cui, Zhao; Wang, Su-Xia; Zhao, Ming-Hui


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a newly recognized systemic disease. The typical pathological finding in the kidney is abundant IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltration with characteristic storiform fibrosis in the interstitium. Antibodies of the IgG4 subclass have been linked to certain autoimmune diseases including antiproteinase 3 (PR3) anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) of the IgG4 subclass. Here, we report a rare case of kidney injury with concurrent typical IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis and IgG4 subclass of myeloperoxidase (MPO) ANCA-positive necrotizing crescentic glomerulonephritis. A 42-year-old Chinese man presented with repeated epigastric pain, sausage-shaped pancreas observed morphologically in computed tomography, effectiveness of prednisone therapy and was diagnosed with autoimmune pancreatitis. He subsequently developed acute kidney injury. The patient had an elevated serum IgG4, eosinophilia, and positive MPO-ANCA of IgG4-dominant subclass. Renal biopsy revealed necrotizing crescentic nephritis and typical IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis. The patient was treated with a combination of corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide, and a course of rituximab was later added to deplete peripheral B cells. The patient responded well and his renal function improved. This is the first case report of an IgG4-RD with concurrent IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis and IgG4 MPO-ANCA-associated necrotizing crescentic glomerulonephritis. It raises the difficulty in differentiation diagnosis of the two separate diseases that is worthy of further study.

  2. Increase in serum concentrations of IgG2 and IgG4 by selenium supplementation in children with Down's syndrome. (United States)

    Annerén, G; Magnusson, C G; Nordvall, S L


    In a previous study on children with Down's syndrome a reduced rate of infections was reported by their parents after the children had received six months' treatment with selenium supplements. In the present study the concentrations of the four IgG subclasses were measured in 29 of these children in samples of serum obtained before and immediately after the period of supplementation and one year after it had finished. Selenium had a significant augmentative effect on the serum concentrations of IgG2 and IgG4, but not of IgG1 and IgG3. This effect was not related to age, as among children over the age of 6 years the serum concentrations of IgG2 and IgG4 had decreased significantly one year after the treatment had been stopped. This study suggests that selenium has an immunoregulatory effect, which might be of importance in both basic research and clinical practice. PMID:2148668

  3. Fc-Glycosylation in Human IgG1 and IgG3 Is Similar for Both Total and Anti-Red-Blood Cell Anti-K Antibodies

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    Myrthe E. Sonneveld


    Full Text Available After albumin, immunoglobulin G (IgG are the most abundant proteins in human serum, with IgG1 and IgG3 being the most abundant subclasses directed against protein antigens. The quality of the IgG-Fc-glycosylation has important functional consequences, which have been found to be skewed toward low fucosylation in some antigen-specific immune responses. This increases the affinity to IgG1-Fc-receptor (FcγRIIIa/b and thereby directly affects downstream effector functions and disease severity. To date, antigen-specific IgG-glycosylation have not been analyzed for IgG3. Here, we analyzed 30 pregnant women with anti-K alloantibodies from a prospective screening cohort and compared the type of Fc-tail glycosylation of total serum- and antigen-specific IgG1 and IgG3 using mass spectrometry. Total serum IgG1 and IgG3 Fc-glycoprofiles were highly similar. Fc glycosylation of antigen-specific IgG varied greatly between individuals, but correlated significantly with each other for IgG1 and IgG3, except for bisection. However, although the magnitude of changes in fucosylation and galactosylation were similar for both subclasses, this was not the case for sialylation levels, which were significantly higher for both total and anti-K IgG3. We found that the combination of relative IgG1 and IgG3 Fc-glycosylation levels did not improve the prediction of anti-K mediated disease over IgG1 alone. In conclusion, Fc-glycosylation profiles of serum- and antigen-specific IgG1 and IgG3 are highly similar.


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    Derly Andrade Molina


    últiples submuestras por tejido bajo análisis. Con el fin de ampliar el rango de herramientas para la detección de PMTV, se obtuvieron anticuerpos dirigidos al dominio RT de la proteína CP-RT. Se secuenció dicho dominio en el aislamiento colombiano R25 de PMTV y se realizaron análisis bioinformáticos para ubicar regiones peptídicas con alto potencial inmunogénico. El péptido seleccionado fue inoculado en conejos para obtener anticuerpos, cuya utilidad fue evaluada a partir de pruebas de ELISA indirecto en plantas señuelo de Nicotiana benthamiana inoculadas con quistosoros de Sss y en plantas de papa obtenidas en La Unión (Antioquia. Estas pruebas estuvieron acompañadas con evaluaciones de RT-PCR. Se obtuvo la totalidad del dominio RT, así como 441 nt del gen CP. Los análisis filogenéticos identificaron la cepa R25 como asociada al linaje de PMTV mundialmente distribuido. Se obtuvieron 19,26 mg de anticuerpos, los que resultaron efectivos para detectar PMTV. Ya que CP-RT es responsable de la transmisión del PMTV por Sss, estos anticuerpos permitirán no sólo apoyar los programas de diagnóstico, sino también estudios básicos y epidemiológicos tendientes a evaluar las interacciones del PMTV y Sss.

  5. IgG4-Related Disease: A Multispecialty Condition

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    Iuri Usêda Santana


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a recently recognized group of conditions, characterized by tumor-like swelling of involved organs, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate rich in IgG4-positive plasma cells, variable degrees of fibrosis, and elevated serum IgG4 concentrations. Currently IgG4-RD is recognized as a systemic condition that can affect several organs and tissues. Herein we report the case of a 34-year-old male patient who was admitted to our hospital with diffuse abdominal pain, weight loss, and painful stiffness in his neck. He had a history of tumoral mass of the left maxillary region, right palpebral ptosis with protrusion of the eyeball, and chronic dry cough for about 6 years. Laboratory tests revealed polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia and increased serum IgG4 levels. Immunohistochemical staining of the maxillary biopsy was compatible with IgG4-RD. He had an excellent response to corticosteroid therapy. This case highlights that IgG4-RD should be included in the differential diagnosis with multisystem diseases.

  6. IgG4-Associated Cholangitis--A Mimic of PSC

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beuers, Ulrich; Hubers, Lowiek M.; Doorenspleet, Marieke; Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Lucas; Klarenbeek, Paul L.; Boonstra, Kirsten; Ponsioen, Cyriel; Rauws, Erik; de Vries, Niek


    IgG4-associated cholangitis (IAC) is an inflammatory disorder of the biliary tract representing a major manifestation of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) often with elevation of serum IgG4 levels, infiltration of IgG4+ plasma cells in the affected tissue and good response to immunosuppressive


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    E. V. Sokol


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a fibroinflammatory condition characterized by the occurrence of tumor-like foci in different organs with a unique histological pattern (moirо-like fibrosis, obvious lymphoplasmacytic infiltration with large numbers of IgG4+ plasma cells, and obliterating phlebitis and elevated serum IgG4 levels in the majority of patients. Its first-line therapy is glucocorticoids at a starting dose of 0.6 mg/kg/day (equivalent to prednisolone; however, this treatment entails a great number of adverse events and high recurrence rates. The paper provides a review of today's literature on the treatment of IgG4-RD; particular emphasis is laid on the description of therapy with glucocorticoids and rituximab.

  8. Diagnosis of IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis (United States)

    Nakazawa, Takahiro; Naitoh, Itaru; Hayashi, Kazuki; Miyabe, Katsuyuki; Simizu, Shuya; Joh, Takashi


    IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis (IgG4-SC) is often associated with autoimmune pancreatitis. However, the diffuse cholangiographic abnormalities observed in IgG4-SC may resemble those observed in primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), and the presence of segmental stenosis suggests cholangiocarcinoma (CC). IgG4-SC responds well to steroid therapy, whereas PSC is only effectively treated with liver transplantation and CC requires surgical intervention. Since IgG4-SC was first described, it has become a third distinct clinical entity of sclerosing cholangitis. The aim of this review was to introduce the diagnostic methods for IgG4-SC. IgG4-SC should be carefully diagnosed based on a combination of characteristic clinical, serological, morphological, and histopathological features after cholangiographic classification and targeting of a disease for differential diagnosis. When intrapancreatic stenosis is detected, pancreatic cancer or CC should be ruled out. If multiple intrahepatic stenoses are evident, PSC should be distinguished on the basis of cholangiographic findings and liver biopsy with IgG4 immunostaining. Associated inflammatory bowel disease is suggestive of PSC. If stenosis is demonstrated in the hepatic hilar region, CC should be discriminated by ultrasonography, intraductal ultrasonography, bile duct biopsy, and a higher cutoff serum IgG4 level of 182 mg/dL. PMID:24282356

  9. Papel de los anticuerpos antiplaquetarios en la infección viral: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    Yenny M. Montenegro-Medina


    Conclusiones. Aunque la aparición de anticuerpos antiplaquetarios no se considera el único mecanismo que explica la trombocitopenia desarrollada en las infecciones virales mencionadas, de acuerdo con la literatura científica disponible, su presencia se asocia con la gravedad de la trombocitopenia y con potenciales implicaciones clínicas en los pacientes.

  10. IgG4-related Disease of the Genitourinary Tract

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    Mukul K. Divatia


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a recently established albeit well recognized fibro-inflammatory condition with distinctive features including a characteristic histopathological appearance; a propensity to develop tumefactive lesions in multiple body sites; and oft elevated serum IgG4 levels. The consensus statement on IgG-4 RD equips practicing pathologists with a set of working guidelines for the diagnosis of pathologic lesions identified in a host of different organ system affected with this disease. The diagnosis of IgG4-RD requires the combined presence of the characteristic histopathological appearance and increased numbers of IgG4-positive plasma cells. The essential histopathological features include a dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, a storiform pattern of fibrosis, and obliterative phlebitis. Tissue IgG4-positive plasma cell counts and IgG4: IgG ratios are significant ancillary aids in establishing the diagnosis. The spectrum of IgG4-RD continues to expand and involve multiple body sites. The genitourinary system comprising of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, prostate gland, testes and penis is one of the multiple organ systems to be affected by IgG4-RD. This review describes the clinical and histopathologic patterns of involvement of the genitourinary system by IgG4-RD, in association with serologic and radiological features. [J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2014; 2(1.000: 3-18

  11. IgG4 antibodies in Egyptian patients with schistosomiasis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Iskander, R.; Das, P. K.; Aalberse, R. C.


    Serum immunoglobulins were determined in 40 Egyptian patients with schistosomiasis. In addition to the well-established elevation in total IgE, a striking imbalance in the IgG subclass levels was found: IgG3 and IgG4 levels were markedly elevated, whereas IgG2 levels were normal. The IgG4 level did

  12. IgG4-gerelateerde ziekte

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Lucas J.; Doorenspleet, Marieke E.; Verheij, Joanne; de Vries, Niek; Beuers, Ulrich


    The diagnosis IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is often difficult to make. The clinical spectrum is diverse, with a variety of organ systems that may be affected simultaneously or sequentially. Patients often present with symptoms that mimic a malignant disease, for example, symptoms compatible with a


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    Rafael Manuel Ortí Lucas


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La enfermedad de Chagas es una patología emergente en nuestro medio debido principalmente al incremento de las migraciones. La prevalencia y el difícil manejo terapéutico hacen del Chagas un problema de salud pública creciente. Pretendemos analizar la prevalencia y perfil epidemiológico de mujeres gestantes latinoamericanas atendidas en el área de influencia del Hospital Clínico de Valencia (HCUV y estimar el riego de transmisión vertical. Métodos: Se estudió a 383 mujeres gestantes asistidas en el HCUV entre febrero de 2005 y julio de 2007. Utilizamos para el cribado la técnica de inmunoprecipitación ID-PaGIA-DiaMed, confirmada mediante Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta (IFI - Inmunoflour Chagas-Inverness Medical. En hijos de mujeres positivas: Microhematocrito, PCR y detección de anticuerpos IgM por IFI, al nacer, e IgG, a los 6 y 12 meses. Resultados: El 9,7% de las mujeres presentaban anticuerpos específicos del parásito. De ellas el 54,1% eran bolivianas, el 13,5% argentinas y 8,1 % colombianas. 81,1% vivieron en zonas rurales y casas de adobe, el 89,2% tenía antecedentes familiares y el 100% conocían la enfermedad y el vector. La seroconversión en un niño de 8 meses supuso una transmisión vertical del 2,7% y una incidencia en mujeres procedentes de zona endémica del 0,3%. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de enfermedad de Chagas en mujeres gestantes latinoamericanas es elevada y supone un riesgo de transmisión vertical importante que obliga a detectar anticuerpos frente al parásito en los exámenes de salud de este colectivo. En el cribado son factores de riesgo los antecedentes familiares de tripanosomiasis y la residencia previa en hábitat rural.

  14. IgG4-Associated Cholangitis Can Mimic Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma. (United States)

    Zaydfudim, Victor M; Wang, Andrew Y; de Lange, Eduard E; Zhao, Zimin; Moskaluk, Christopher A; Bauer, Todd W; Adams, Reid B


    IgG4-associated cholangitis can mimic hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Previously reported patients with IgG4-associated cholangitis mimicking cholangiocarcinoma had elevated serum IgG4 levels and long-segment biliary strictures. However, in the absence of other diagnostic criteria for malignancy, IgG4-associated cholangitis should remain a consideration among patients with normal serum IgG4 and a hilar mass suspicious for cholangiocarcinoma. The presence of a hilar mass and a malignant-appearing biliary stricture in two patients with normal serum IgG4 prompted further evaluation and subsequent concomitant liver and bile duct resection and reconstruction. The diagnosis of IgG4-associated cholangitis was established during the pathologic evaluation of the resected specimens. IgG4-associated cholangitis is a known imitator of hilar cholangiocarcinoma and should be considered in the differential diagnosis even among serologically IgG4-negative patients with a hilar mass prior to operative resection.

  15. Isolated Mass-Forming IgG4-Related Cholangitis as an Initial Clinical Presentation of Systemic IgG4-Related Disease

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    Seokhwi Kim


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD may involve multiple organs. Although it usually presents as diffuse organ involvement, localized mass-forming lesions have been occasionally encountered in pancreas. However, the same pattern has been seldom reported in biliary tract. A 61-year-old male showed a hilar bile duct mass with multiple enlarged lymph nodes in imaging studies and he underwent trisectionectomy under impression of cholangiocarcinoma. Gross examination revealed a mass-like lesion around hilar bile duct. Histopathologically, dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and storiform fibrosis were identified without evidence of malignancy. Immunohistochemical stain demonstrated rich IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltration. Follow-up imaging studies disclosed multiple enlarged lymph nodes with involvement of pancreas and perisplenic soft tissue. The lesions have been significantly reduced after steroid treatment, which suggests multi-organ involvement of systemic IgG4-RD. Here, we report an unusual localized mass-forming IgG4-related cholangitis as an initial presentation of IgG4-RD, which was biliary manifestation of systemic IgG4-related autoimmune disease.

  16. Estudio del perfil de anticuerpos contra Helicobacter pylori producidos por pacientes con diferentes patologías gastroduodenales

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    Olga María Bermúdez


    de la subclase 1 en los pacientes con gastritis atrófica y adenocarcinoma gástrico, indica que la presencia de anticuerpos hacia esta proteína podría ser usada como un marcador de cáncer, mientras que el estudio del reconocimiento de los demás antígenos principales (70 kDa, 90 kDA y VacA puede convertirse en una herramienta de importante valor para la caracterización de cada enfermedad.

  17. Prevalencia de anticuerpos contra leptospira en población urbana humana y canina del departamento del tolima


    Romero, Marlyn H.; Sánchez, Jorge A.; Hayek, Linda C.


    Objetivo Determinar la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos contra Leptospira sp. y los serovares dominantes, en población urbana humana y canina de tres municipios del departamento del Tolima, Colombia. Materiales y Métodos Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico trasversal con selección de sujetos por conveniencia en 62 barrios. Se obtuvieron muestras de 850 personas.y 850 caninos durante los meses de junio, julio y agosto de 2007, las cuales fueron procesadas utilizando la prueba de microaglutinaci...

  18. A three-layer immunoradiometric assay for determination of IgG subclass antibodies in Human Sera (''IgG subclass RAST'')

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Djurup, R.; Soendergaard, I.; Weeke, B.; University of Copenhagen, Denmark); Magnusson, C.G.M.


    We report the development of a three-layer immunoradiometric assay (TIRA) for measurement of IgG antibodies of all four subclasses in human sera. The first layer consists of diluted human serum, the second layer is monoclonal mouse antibodies to human IgG subclasses, and the third layer is 125 I-labelled rabbit anti-mouse IgG. Monoclonal anti-IgGI, anti-IgG3 and anti-IgG4 reacted only with their complementary IgG subclass, whereas the anti-IgG2 showed slight cross-reactivity to immunoglobins of other subclasses and classes and to light chain proteins. The observed cross-reactivity was found to be without importance, when the TIRA was applied to measurement of IgG subclass antibodies. Equipotency was established by use of appropriate dilutions of the monoclonal antibodies, and the assay was calibrated by use of human reference serum. The TIRA therefore permits reliable inter-individual and intra-individual comparisons of the IgG antibody response in all four subclasses. Non-specific binding obtained with pooled normal human serum was below 0.33%. Inter-assay coefficient of variation was between 18 and 27%. The TIRA was applied to measurement of IgG subclass antibodies to timothy grass pollen in sera from grass pollen allergies undergoing immunotherapy. (author)

  19. The autoimmune IgG4 -associated endocrine pathology

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    Marina Yu. Yukina


    Full Text Available Immunoglobulin G4-associated diseases (IgG4-AD arethe group of chronic progressive autoimmune fibro-inflammatory pathology of various organs and tissues, characterized by their enlargement and abundant infiltration of immunoglobulin G4-positive plasma cells, as well as an increase in the level of serum immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4.In most patients, the disease is characterized by a mild course.However, there is evidence of a high incidence of malignancies in patients with IgG4-AD.Among endocrine IgG4-associated pathologies, pancreatitis with outcome in diabetes mellitus, hypophysitis and thyroiditis are described. Laboratory examination usually reveals an increased level of IgG4. However, the concentration of IgG4 could not be used as the only diagnostic criterion.The possibility of plasmablastsdetermining as a marker of the disease is discussed.Among the imaging techniques CT, MRI and 18F-FDG-PET/CT are used.However, the most informative method of diagnosis is biopsy. Randomized clinical trials to determine clear recommendations for the treatment of IgG4-AD were not conducted.In most cases, glucocorticoids are prescribed, and immunosuppressive therapy is sometimes used.According to the results of recent studies, the genetically engineered drug rituximab is relatively effective in inducing remission of the disease.Given the high recurrence rate and the risk of malignancy, patients with IgG4-AD require careful long-term follow-up. Thus, the review describes the clinical manifestations of IgG4-AD, examines the possibilities of their diagnosis and presents the existing methods of treatment.However, given the fact that IgG4-AD became a separate group of autoimmune pathology less than 20 years ago, there are insufficient data on these diseases. Researches related to epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and effective treatment of IgG4-AD are actual.

  20. Seroprevalencia de Hantavirus, Rickettsia y Chikungunya en población indígena del municipio de Tuchín, Córdoba

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    Samia Barrera

    Full Text Available Introducción: La vigilancia de las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores es importante para establecer medidas de control en salud pública. Las poblaciones indígenas de Córdoba viven en condiciones geoclimáticas que favorecen la presencia de vectores que podrían permitir la diseminación y aparición de hantavirosis, rickettsiosis y fiebre por el virus Chikungunya. Objetivo: Establecer la seroprevalencia de Hantavirus, Rickettsia sp. y Chikungunya en la población indígena de Tuchín, Córdoba. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en 190 individuos del resguardo indígena del municipio de Tuchín; el muestreo fue realizado entre agosto y diciembre del 2012. La detección de anticuerpos IgG contra Hantavirus se llevó a cabo con la prueba IgG DxSelectTM (Focus Technologies, EL1600G, California, EE. UU., anticuerpos IgG contra Rickettsia sp. se determinaron por inmunofluorescencia indirecta y se realizó detección de anticuerpos IgG contra el virus Chikungunya mediante ELISA de captura (Nova-Tec, inmunodiagnostica GmbH, CHIG0590, Alemania. Resultados: De 190 sueros analizados, el 5,2% (10/190 fueron positivos para Rickettsia sp. del grupo de la fiebre manchada, para Hantavirus 7 de 87 (8% fueron positivos y no se encontraron positivos para Chikungunya. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (p = 0,05 entre los seropositivos de Hantavirus y Rickettsia sp. para las variables género, edad y ocupación. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos demuestran exposición previa a Rickettsia sp. y a Hantavirus en la población indígena de Tuchín. Los resultados pueden ser útiles para establecer una alerta sobre estas fiebres hemorrágicas. Aunque no se hallaron seropositivos para Chikungunya, este fue el primer trabajo de vigilancia epidemiológica realizado en Colombia sobre este virus.

  1. IgG4-related disease in autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome. (United States)

    van de Ven, Annick A J M; Seidl, Maximilian; Drendel, Vanessa; Schmitt-Graeff, Annette; Voll, Reinhard E; Rensing-Ehl, Anne; Speckmann, Carsten; Ehl, Stephan; Warnatz, Klaus; Kollert, Florian


    A patient with autoimmune lymphoproliferative disorder (ALPS) developed IgG4-related disease. In retrospect, he had high levels of serum IgG4 for several years prior to presenting with IgG4-related pancreatitis. These high IgG4 levels were masked by hypergammaglobulinemia, a common feature of ALPS. We next screened 18 ALPS patients; four of them displayed increased levels of IgG4. Hence, IgG4-related disease should be considered in ALPS patients, especially in those manifesting lymphocytic organ infiltration or excessive hypergammaglobulinaemia. Screening of IgG4-related disease patients for ALPS-associated mutations would provide further information on whether this disease could be a late-onset atypical presentation of ALPS. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Descripción de un inmunoensayo enzimático que reconoce anticuerpos anti-factor VIII/von Willebrand obtenidos a partir de hibridomas múridos Description of an enzime immunoassay that recognizes anti-factor VIII/von Willebrand antibodies obtained from murine hybridomas

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    Renée González Sampedro


    Full Text Available Se describe un inmunoensayo enzimático (ELISA que detecta anticuerpos anti-Factor-VIII/von Willebrand (FVIII/vW, con una relación de enlace > 5, que permite reconocer dichos anticuerpos tempranamente en los cultivos de hibridomas múridos. Para la adsorción de las placas del inmunoensayo se utilizaron preparados semipurificados de FVIII/vW obtenidos en Cuba. Se inmunizaron ratones Balb/c con la finalidad de generar los anticuerpos monoclonales detectados por este ELISA. Se obtuvo un clon con crecimiento estable y varios subclones positivos por el ELISA con actividad biológica específica de anticuerpos inhibidores de FVIIIAn enzime immunoassay (ELISA that detects anti-Factor VIII/von Willebrand (FVIII/vw antibodies with a binding relationship > 5 that allows the early recognition of such antibodies in the cultures of murine hybridomas is described. Semipurified preparations of FVIII/vw obtained in Cuba were used for the adsorption of the immunoassay plates. Balb/c mice were immunized in order to generate the monoclonal antibodies detected by this ELISA. A clone with stable growth and several positive subclones were obtained by ELISA with specific biological activity of FVIII-inhibiting antibodies

  3. The Histopathology of IgG4-Related Disease. (United States)

    Avincsal, Mehmet Ozgur; Zen, Yoh


    IgG4-related disease is a multi-organ immune-mediated chronic fibroinflammatory condition characterized by elevated serum IgG4 concentrations, tumefaction, and tissue infiltration by IgG4-positive plasma cells. The exact etiology of IgG4-related disease remains unclear with no known role of the IgG4 molecule itself being identified. Although the pancreas and salivary glands are the main organs affected, the involvement of other organs has also been reported. This multi-organ disease mimics a large number of malignant, infectious, and inflammatory disorders; therefore, a prompt differential diagnosis is important for selecting the right therapeutic strategy. Early steroid therapy assists in preventing tissue fibrosis, parenchymal extinction, and severe functional impairments in the affected organs. The definitive and prompt diagnosis of IgG4-related disease requires both histopathological confirmation and clinicopathological correlations. A histopathological examination is mandatory to exclude neoplastic or inflammatory conditions that mimic IgG4-related disease. The histological changes that occur are basically similar in any organ manifestation, with several site-specific findings being recognized. This chapter summarizes general rules for the pathological examination of IgG4-related disease, as well as the histopathological features and differential diagnoses of major organ manifestations.

  4. IgG4 subclass antibodies impair antitumor immunity in melanoma (United States)

    Karagiannis, Panagiotis; Gilbert, Amy E.; Josephs, Debra H.; Ali, Niwa; Dodev, Tihomir; Saul, Louise; Correa, Isabel; Roberts, Luke; Beddowes, Emma; Koers, Alexander; Hobbs, Carl; Ferreira, Silvia; Geh, Jenny L.C.; Healy, Ciaran; Harries, Mark; Acland, Katharine M.; Blower, Philip J.; Mitchell, Tracey; Fear, David J.; Spicer, James F.; Lacy, Katie E.; Nestle, Frank O.; Karagiannis, Sophia N.


    Host-induced antibodies and their contributions to cancer inflammation are largely unexplored. IgG4 subclass antibodies are present in IL-10–driven Th2 immune responses in some inflammatory conditions. Since Th2-biased inflammation is a hallmark of tumor microenvironments, we investigated the presence and functional implications of IgG4 in malignant melanoma. Consistent with Th2 inflammation, CD22+ B cells and IgG4+-infiltrating cells accumulated in tumors, and IL-10, IL-4, and tumor-reactive IgG4 were expressed in situ. When compared with B cells from patient lymph nodes and blood, tumor-associated B cells were polarized to produce IgG4. Secreted B cells increased VEGF and IgG4, and tumor cells enhanced IL-10 secretion in cocultures. Unlike IgG1, an engineered tumor antigen-specific IgG4 was ineffective in triggering effector cell–mediated tumor killing in vitro. Antigen-specific and nonspecific IgG4 inhibited IgG1-mediated tumoricidal functions. IgG4 blockade was mediated through reduction of FcγRI activation. Additionally, IgG4 significantly impaired the potency of tumoricidal IgG1 in a human melanoma xenograft mouse model. Furthermore, serum IgG4 was inversely correlated with patient survival. These findings suggest that IgG4 promoted by tumor-induced Th2-biased inflammation may restrict effector cell functions against tumors, providing a previously unexplored aspect of tumor-induced immune escape and a basis for biomarker development and patient-specific therapeutic approaches. PMID:23454746

  5. Performance Evaluation of the VIDAS® Measles IgG Assay and Its Diagnostic Value for Measuring IgG Antibody Avidity in Measles Virus Infection (United States)

    Dina, Julia; Creveuil, Christian; Gouarin, Stephanie; Viron, Florent; Hebert, Amelie; Freymuth, Francois; Vabret, Astrid


    The objective of this study is primarily to compare the performance of the VIDAS® Measles immunoglobulin (Ig)G assay to that of two other serological assays using an immunoassay technique, Enzygnost® Anti-measles Virus/IgG (Siemens) and Measles IgG CAPTURE EIA® (Microimmune). The sensitivity and the agreement of the VIDAS® Measles IgG assay compared to the Enzygnost® Anti-measles Virus/IgG assay and the Measles IgG CAPTURE EIA® assay are 100%, 97.2% and 99.0%, 98.4%, respectively. The very low number of negative sera for IgG antibodies does not allow calculation of specificity. As a secondary objective, we have evaluated the ability of the VIDAS® Measles IgG assay to measure anti-measles virus IgG antibody avidity with the help of the VIDAS® CMV IgG Avidity reagent, using 76 sera from subjects with measles and 238 other sera. Different groups of populations were analyzed. In the primary infection measles group, the mean IgG avidity index was 0.16 (range of 0.07 to 0.93) compared to 0.79 (range of 0.25 to 1) in the serum group positive for IgG antibodies and negative for IgM. These data allow to define a weak anti-measles virus IgG antibody avidity as an avidity index (AI) 0.6. The VIDAS® Measles IgG assay has a performance equivalent to that of other available products. Its use, individual and quick, is well adapted to testing for anti-measles immunity in exposed subjects. PMID:27556477

  6. IgG4-Related Disease of Bilateral Temporal Bones. (United States)

    Li, Lilun; Ward, Bryan; Cocks, Margaret; Kheradmand, Amir; Francis, Howard W


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is an idiopathic inflammatory condition that causes pseudotumor formation in single or multiple organs, including those of the head and neck. Temporal bone involvement is rare, with only 3 cases of unilateral temporal bone IgG4-RD described in the literature. We report the first known case of IgG4-RD of bilateral temporal bones and describe its clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. The patient was a 52-year-old man with latent tuberculosis (TB) who presented with a 10-year history of bilateral profound hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated bilateral labyrinthine destruction with invasion of the posterior fossa. Immunoglobulin level testing showed elevated total serum IgG levels with normal IgG4 levels. Bilateral mastoidectomies were performed, with biopsy samples demonstrating IgG4 staining with IgG4-positive plasma cells up to 40/HPF (high power field) on the right and 20/HPF on the left, consistent with bilateral IgG4-RD. IgG4-RD of bilateral temporal bones presents with chronic and progressive bilateral hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction. Clinical presentation and radiologic findings are nonspecific, and definitive diagnosis must be made with histopathology and immunostaining. Corticosteroids are therapeutic, but surgical resection may be necessary for temporal bone IgG4-RD to improve long-term remission.

  7. Riedel's thyroiditis association with IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Stan, Marius N; Sonawane, Vikram; Sebo, Thomas J; Thapa, Prabin; Bahn, Rebecca S


    IgG4-positive (+) plasma cells have been reported in both Riedel's thyroiditis (RT) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT). These cells are the hallmark of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). We sought to determine whether RT is part of IgG4-RD spectrum. This was a case-control study performed at a tertiary medical centre. We included RT cases from the period 1958 to 2008 that had sufficient paraffin-embedded tissue for IgG4 immunostaining. Controls were patients with HT, age and gender matched, with similar pathology criteria. The main outcome measures were the intensity of the IgG4 staining and the clinical and histological correlates with IgG4-RD. Six pairs of RT and HT were analysed. The mean age was 44·7 years. In both groups, 5/6 cases had positive IgG4 staining. The mean number of IgG4 + cells/ HPF, normalized to the degree of inflammation, was 3·2 ± 3·0 SD (RT) vs 0·9 ± 0·7 (HT), P = 0·15, for fibrotic areas and 2·1 ± 2·3 SD vs 1·0 ± 0·8 (P = 0·39) for areas with lymphoid aggregates. We found the number of IgG4 +  cells in RT to be inversely correlated with the duration of disease (P = 0·046). Three RT cases had associated comorbidities from the IgG4-RD spectrum while none of the HT cases had such conditions. Riedel's thyroiditis is a component of IgG4-RD with the density of the IgG4 +  lymphocytic infiltrate being time dependent. In this small study, we did not identify differences in IgG4 infiltration between RT and HT, minimizing the utility of this marker in RT diagnosis. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Pathomorphological characteristic of IgG4-related diseases

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    O. O. Dyadyk


    Full Text Available IgG4-related diseases are a relatively new group of diseases of unknown etiology which are characterized by the development of fibrosis of organs with the presence of big amounts of IgG4-positive plasma-cells in the area of the lesions and increased levels of IgG4 in serum. The organs that may be affected are pancreas, salivary gland, and others, clinical cases of kidney damage are described as well. Renal involvement in IgG4-related diseases most often occurs on the type of tubulointerstitial nephritis, with the further development of acute or chronic kidney injury. The clinic may be represented by the pseudotumor of kidney, renal tissue heterogeneity on the results of CT-studies; acute or chronic renal disease; combination with other organ damage (autoimmune pancreatitis, sclerosing cholangitis, sclerosing lymphoplasmacytic cholecystitis, colitis, sialadenitis, retroperitoneal fibrosis, etc.. Laboratory findings include an increased level of IgG4 in the blood serum, hypocomplementemia, eosinophilia. Histologically, there is interstitial inflammation with many plasma cells, interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, thickening of the tubular basement membrane, some cases are a type of membranous glomerulonephritis. The aim of the study is to identify the patients with IgG4-related diseases with renal impairment and widening the pathological database of such patients with renal impairment to determine the classification criteria of this pathological condition. Materials and methods will include the deceased kidney screening, screening of patients with autoimmune and allergic diseases, nephrological patients screening with the lifetime biopsy (in some cases – repeat biopsy with chronic or acute kidney impairment. There will be clinical and pathological comparison in kidney damage and other diseases with the development of criteria for the classification of lesions in the presence of IgG4-positive substrates and further development of practical

  9. Obtención de anticuerpos policlonales IgY antiparvovirus canino y evaluación en un sistema de aglutinación con látex

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    Jannet González-Figueredo


    Full Text Available La parvovirosis canina es una de las principales infecciones que provoca gastroenteritis, fundamentalmente en cachorros, con altos índices de morbiletalidad. Los diagnosticadores más utilizados se basan en la detección de partículas virales excretadas durante la fase aguda de la enfermedad. Algunos requieren equipos especializados, lo que aumenta los costos y el tiempo de diagnóstico. Por esto, la simplificación de estos métodos con alta sensibilidad y especificidad es prioritaria. En Cuba solo se logra un diagnóstico presuntivo sin la completa confirmación de la enfermedad, principalmente por la escasez o ausencia de un medio diagnóstico en toda la red de consultorios y clínicas veterinarias, rápido, eficaz y ajustable a nuestras condiciones. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo obtener anticuerpos policlonales IgY a partir de yema de huevo de gallina y evaluarlos mediante un sistema de látex-aglutinación, para su posible uso como terapia y principalmente en el diagnóstico. Se inmunizaron por vía intramuscular dos gallinas de raza Leghorn con una cepa atenuada de parvovirus canino (PVC tipo 2. Se aplicaron 8 inoculaciones por ave cada 15 días. Se cosecharon los huevos y se purificaron los anticuerpos por el método de sulfato de dextrana/sulfato de sodio. Se determinó el título de IgY anti-PVC por el método de Inhibición de la Hemoaglutinación (IH y con antígeno de PVC acoplado a partículas de látex de poliestireno. Por IH se obtuvo un título de IgY anti-PVC de 1:1024. Las mezclas de anticuerpos con títulos alto y medio de ambas gallinas aglutinaron con los reactivos preparados con 230 y 460 µg/mL de antígeno. La mayor intensidad de la reacción y la mejor detectabilidad correspondieron a los reactivos elaborados con los anticuerpos de mayor título.

  10. Development of an IgG4-RD Responder Index

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    Mollie N. Carruthers


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a multiorgan inflammatory disease in which diverse organ manifestations are linked by common histopathological and immunohistochemical features. Prospective studies of IgG4-RD patients are required to clarify the natural history, long-term prognosis, and treatment approaches in this recently recognized condition. Patients with IgG4-RD have different organ manifestations and are followed by multiple specialties. Divergent approaches to the assessment of patients can complicate the interpretation of studies, emphasizing the critical need for validated outcome measures, particularly assessments of disease activity and response to treatment. We developed a prototype IgG4-RD Responder Index (IgG4-RD RI based on the approach used in the development of the Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score for Wegener’s granulomatosis (BVAS/WG. The IgG4-RD RI was refined by members of the International IgG4-RD Symposium Organizing Committee in a paper case exercise. The revised instrument was applied retrospectively to fifteen IgG4-RD patients at our institution. Those scores were compared to physician’s global assessment scale for the same visits. This paper describes the philosophy and goals of the IgG4-RD RI, the steps in the development of this instrument to date, and future plans for validation of this instrument as an outcome measure.

  11. IgG4-related Disease and the Liver. (United States)

    Chen, Jonathan H; Deshpande, Vikram


    Pathologists are likely to encounter IgG4-related disease in several organ systems. This article focuses on helping pathologists diagnose IgG4-related disease in the hepatobiliary system. Missing the diagnosis can result in unnecessary organ damage and/or unnecessary surgical and cancer therapy. In the liver, tumefactive lesion(s) involving the bile ducts with storiform fibrosis and an IgG4-enriched lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate are highly concerning for IgG4-related disease. The recent identification of oligoclonal populations of T cells and B cells in IgG4-related disease may lead to molecular tests, new therapeutics, and a greater mechanistic understanding of the disease. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Fibrosis pulmonar asociada a vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos positivos

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    Marcelo Fernández Casares


    Full Text Available Las complicaciones pulmonares más conocidas de las vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos de los neutrófilos (ANCA positivos (VAA, son la hemorragia alveolar, los granulomas y la estenosis de la vía aérea. En los últimos años han aparecido algunos informes aislados que muestran la asociación con fibrosis pulmonar (FP, sugiriendo que ésta sería otra complicación de las VAA. En este trabajo informamos dos casos con dicha asociación describiendo sus características clínicas, tomográficas e inmunológicas. Dado que en la asociación de FP y VAA notificada en los últimos años, la FP puede ser su primera manifestación, podría ser necesaria la búsqueda de ANCA en pacientes con FP, como causa de la misma y por el posible desarrollo posterior de vasculitis.

  13. IgG4-related sialadenitis and Sjögren's syndrome. (United States)

    Fragoulis, G E; Zampeli, E; Moutsopoulos, H M


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) has emerged as a new entity in the last decade. It comprises numerous conditions previously thought to be unrelated. Macroscopically, these diseases cause diffuse organ swelling and formation of pseudotumorous masses. Histopathologically, they are characterized by a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with increased IgG4+ plasma cells and storiform fibrosis. Despite rapid progress within the last years, our knowledge on these conditions is still fragmented. To date, more than forty organs have been reported to be included in IgG4-RD, and salivary gland involvement is amongst the most common organs affected [IgG4-related sialadenitis (IgG4-RS)]. Interestingly, IgG4-RS shares commonalities with Sjögren's syndrome (SS), like glandular enlargement, sicca symptoms, arthralgias, hypergammaglobulinemia, hypocomplementemia, and circulating antinuclear antibodies. Nonetheless, they differ in that the incidence of anti-Ro and anti-La reactivity is not frequently found in patients with IgG4-RS, their salivary glands are infiltrated by a large number of IgG4+ plasma cells and IgG4-RS symptoms respond promptly to steroids. The aim of this review was to describe the clinical, serological, histopathological and pathophysiological aspects of IgG4-RS in the context of IgG4-RD and highlight the differences between IgG4-RS and SS. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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    Vladimir Ivanovich Vasilyev


    Full Text Available IgG4-related diseases are a new nosological entity that encompasses a few previously known diseases. IgG4-related systemic disease is diagnosed if two or more affected organs are detected. This group of diseases has two similar signs: serological (elevated serum IgG4 subclass concentrations and histological (organ and tissue infiltration from plasmo-cytes secreting IgG4, and eosinophils, and the development of fibrosclerosis and phlebitis obliterans. The paper describes two cases. In one case, a multisystemic disease was observed virtually at its onset whereas in the other this lesion was diagnosed several years after the natural course of the disease.

  15. Generación de anticuerpos policlonales para la detección de la variante genotípica GIII de PVY, en cultivos de tomate de árbol y papa de Colombia

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    Yuliana Gallo García


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Generation of policlonal antibodies for detection of the PVY genotypic variant GIII in tamarillo and potato crops from Colombia Resumen: El potyvirus PVY es uno de los agentes causales más frecuentemente asociados a problemas virales en cultivos de papa y tomate de árbol en Colombia. Dada la importancia económica de las enfermedades causadas por PVY y a la necesidad de generar material de siembra certificado por su sanidad viral, es fundamental la generación de herramientas de diagnóstico que permitan la detección temprana de este virus. En este trabajo se reporta la obtención de anticuerpos policlonales específicos, útiles para la detección del genotipo III de PVY (GIII, una de las tres variantes que recientemente han sido reportadas en cultivos de papa y tomate de árbol de la región Andina de Colombia. Como antígeno, se utilizó un péptido sintético diseñado a partir de la región variable del extremo N-terminal del gen de la cápside viral. La sensibilidad de los anticuerpos fue evaluada mediante pruebas de ELISA y dot-blot utilizando péptidos sintéticos. Se realizó una prueba piloto para validar el uso de los anticuerpos a partir de plantas sintomáticas y asintomáticas obtenidas de una región donde confluyen cultivos de ambas solanáceas, encontrándose que los anticuerpos generados ofrecen mayores niveles de detección que los anticuerpos comerciales comúnmente utilizados para detectar los serotipos PVY-O,C y PVY-N de este virus. Palabras clave: anticuerpos policlonales; ELISA; potyvirus; RT-PCR; virus Y de la papa Abstract: PVY is one of the potyvirus more frequently associated with viral infections in tomato and tamarillo crops in Colombia. Due to the economic impact of PVY and the need to certify seeds as virus-free it is important to develop diagnostic tools that allow its premature detection. In this work, the obtention of antibodies detecting the genotype III of PVY is reported. This genotype

  16. Prevalencia de anticuerpos para Trypanosoma cruzi en caninos de dos municipios endémicos de Boyacá

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    Diego Manrique Abril


    Full Text Available Objetivo. evaluar la prevalencia de anticuerpos anti Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi en una muestra de caninos domésticos residentes en dos municipios endémicos. Materiales y métodos. Se tomaron muestras séricas de 20 caninos procedentes de hogares donde residen mujeres gestantes seropositivas y 40 perros habitantes de hogares de mujeres gestantes seronegativas en Miraflores y Moniquira, Boyacá. El análisis se realizó mediante prueba diagnóstica rápida dipstick de InBios. Resultados. Se encontró prevalencia del 16.7% en Moniquirá y del 13.3% Miraflores respectivamente con una prevalencia general del 15% en los dos municipios. Se halló riesgo 3 veces mayor de que ocurra la infección en caninos, en los hogares donde residen gestantes seropositivas; además la infestación por pulgas y garrapatas en el animal, hábitat cercano a la vivienda, se relacionan con mayor seropositividad en el canino. Conclusiones. La raza, el sexo, la presencia de aves en la casa y al examen clínico general son considerados factores pronósticos en en la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en caninos. Como factores protectores se identificó la desparasitación y vacunación de los animales.

  17. IgG4-Related Perineural Disease

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    Dai Inoue


    Full Text Available Aims. To elucidate characteristics of IgG4-related disease involving the peripheral nervous system. Methods. Retrospective review of 106 patients with IgG4-related disease identified 21 peripheral nerve lesions in 7 patients. Clinicopathological and radiological features were examined. Results. Peripheral nerve lesions were commonly identified in orbital or paravertebral area, involving orbital (=9, optic (=4, spinal (=7, and great auricular nerves (=1. The predominant radiological feature was a distinct perineural soft tissue mass, ranging 8 to 30 mm in diameter. Histologically, the epineurium was preferentially involved by massive lymphoplasmacytic infiltration rich in IgG4+ plasma cells. All lesions were neurologically asymptomatic and steroid-responsive at the first presentation, but one recurrent lesion around the optic nerve caused failing vision. Conclusion. IgG4-related disease of the peripheral nervous system is characterized by orbital or paravertebral localization, perineural mass formation, and rare neurologic symptoms. The term “IgG4-related perineural disease” seems appropriate to describe this entity.

  18. Estimation of polyclonal IgG4 hybrids in normal human serum. (United States)

    Young, Elizabeth; Lock, Emma; Ward, Douglas G; Cook, Alexander; Harding, Stephen; Wallis, Gregg L F


    The in vivo or in vitro formation of IgG4 hybrid molecules, wherein the immunoglobulins have exchanged half molecules, has previously been reported under experimental conditions. Here we estimate the incidence of polyclonal IgG4 hybrids in normal human serum and comment on the existence of IgG4 molecules with different immunoglobulin light chains. Polyclonal IgG4 was purified from pooled or individual donor human sera and sequentially fractionated using light-chain affinity and size exclusion chromatography. Fractions were analysed by SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting, ELISA, immunodiffusion and matrix-assisted laser-desorption mass spectrometry. Polyclonal IgG4 purified from normal serum contained IgG4κ, IgG4λ and IgG4κ/λ molecules. Size exclusion chromatography showed that IgG4 was principally present in monomeric form (150 000 MW). SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting and ELISA showed the purity of the three IgG4 samples. Immunodiffusion, light-chain sandwich ELISA and mass spectrometry demonstrated that both κ and λ light chains were present on only the IgG4κ/λ molecules. The amounts of IgG4κ/λ hybrid molecules ranged from 21 to 33% from the five sera analysed. Based on the molecular weight these molecules were formed of two IgG4 heavy chains plus one κ and one λ light chain. Polyclonal IgG (IgG4-depleted) was similarly fractionated according to light-chain specificity. No evidence of hybrid IgG κ/λ antibodies was observed. These results indicate that hybrid IgG4κ/λ antibodies compose a substantial portion of IgG4 from normal human serum. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Asociación entre variables reproductivas y anticuerpos anti Neospora caninum en bovinos lecheros de un municipio de Colombia


    Martín Orlando Pulido Medellín; Adriana María Díaz Anaya; Roy José Andrade Becerra


    El objetivo fue determinar el porcentaje de vacas seropositivas a Neospora caninum y la identificación de las variables reproductivas que se encuentran relacionadas con la presencia de anticuerpos contra este protozoo. Se tomaron 1,000 muestras de sangre a hembras bovinas del municipio de Sotaquirá, Boyacá, las cuales fueron evaluadas por medio de ELISA indirecta. Se determinó una seroprevalencia de Neospora caninum del 45 %; las variables reproductivas asociadas con la positividad de N. cani...

  20. IgG4-associated sclerosing cholangitis masquerading as hilar cholangiocarcinoma. (United States)

    Yadav, Kamal Sunder; Sali, Priyanka Akhilesh; Mansukhani, Verushka M; Shah, Rajiv; Jagannath, P


    IgG4-sclerosing cholangitis (IgG4-SC) commonly presents with type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis. Isolated IgG4-SC is rare. Differentiating IgG4-SC from cholangiocarcinoma preoperatively is challenging due to overlapping radio-clinical manifestations and difficult preoperative histology. We present three cases preoperatively diagnosed and surgically treated as hilar cholangiocarcinoma. First and second cases presented with cholangiocarcinoma with portal vein involvement and third with a malignant-appearing hilar stricture. On histopathology, IgG4-SC was diagnosed in the first two cases. Third patient had raised serum IgG4, and histopathology was inconclusive for IgG4-SC and negative for malignancy. However, she responded to steroid therapy.

  1. Serologic aspects of IgG4 antibodies. II. IgG4 antibodies form small, nonprecipitating immune complexes due to functional monovalency

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Zee, J. S.; van Swieten, P.; Aalberse, R. C.


    Human IgG4 antibodies directed against phospholipase A, the P1 antigen from Dermatophagoïdes pteronyssinus extracts, and cat albumin were found unable to cross-link antigen. Previously, it was demonstrated that IgG4 antibodies, in contrast to IgG1 antibodies, did not cross-link Sepharose-bound

  2. Rendimiento diagnóstico del Western Blot para detectar simultáneamente anticuerpos en pacientes con cisticercosis, hidatidosis y fascioliasis humana

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    Kelly Davelois

    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar el rendimiento diagnóstico de la técnica de Western Blot para detectar simultáneamente anticuerpos en pacientes con cisticercosis, hidatidosis y fascioliasis humana. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal de evaluación de prueba diagnóstica. Se obtuvieron los antígenos de excreción-secreción de las larvas de Taenia solium, quistes de Echinococcus granulosus; y la forma adulta de Fasciola hepática; que luego fueron separados electroforéticamente en geles de poliacrilamida individuales, transferidos y fijados a una membrana de nitrocelulosa para ser enfrentados con sueros de pacientes con las tres parasitosis. La sensibilidad de la técnica se evaluó empleando 300 sueros individuales, 60 pools de dos parasitosis y 20 pools de tres parasitosis y la especificidad con 75 sueros de pacientes con otras parasitosis, 10 de pacientes con otras enfermedades y 15 sueros de personas no parasitadas. Resultados. La técnica reconoció trece glicoproteínas (GP: GP 35, 31, 24, 23, 18, 17, 14 y 13 kDa para cisticercosis, GP 8,16 y 21 kDa para hidatidosis y GP: 17 y 23 kDa para fascioliasis. La prueba detectó la presencia de anticuerpos alcanzando una sensibilidad de 96% (IC95%: 94,62-98,54% en la detección de una o las trece bandas, una especificidad de 100% (IC95%: 99,50 - 100,00%; individualmente, se tuvo una sensibilidad para cisticercosis de 97% (IC95%: 93,16-100%, para hidatidosis de 94% (IC95%: 88,85-99,15% y para fascioliasis de 96% (IC95%: 91,66-100%. Conclusiones. La prueba de Western blot es eficaz en la detección, simultanea de anticuerpos en pacientes con cisticercosis, hidatidosis y fascioliasis humana, y puede ser utilizada como prueba de descarte o confirmatoria en zonas endémicas.

  3. Evaluation of treatment of colostrum-deprived kittens with equine IgG. (United States)

    Crawford, P Cynda; Hanel, Rita M; Levy, Julie K


    To evaluate equine IgG as a treatment for kittens with failure of passive transfer of immunity (FPT). 13 specific pathogen-free queens and their 77 kittens. Kittens were randomized at birth into 9 treatment groups. One group contained colostrum-fed (nursing) kittens; the other groups contained colostrum-deprived kittens that were administered supplemental feline or equine IgG PO or SC during the first 12 hours after birth. Blood samples were collected at serial time points from birth to 56 days of age for determination of serum IgG concentrations. The capacity of equine IgG to opsonize bacteria for phagocytosis by feline neutrophils was determined via flow cytometry. Kittens that received feline or equine IgG SC had significantly higher serum IgG concentrations than those of kittens that received the supplements PO. In kittens that were administered supplemental IgG SC, serum IgG concentrations were considered adequate for protection against infection. The half-life of IgG in kittens treated with equine IgG was shorter than that in kittens treated with feline IgG. Feline IgG significantly enhanced the phagocytosis of bacteria by feline neutrophils, but equine IgG did not. Serum concentrations of equine IgG that are considered protective against infection are easily attained in kittens, but the failure of these antibodies to promote bacterial phagocytosis in vitro suggests that equine IgG may be an inappropriate treatment for FPT in kittens.

  4. Diagnosis and Treatment of IgG4-Related Disease. (United States)

    Kamisawa, Terumi; Okazaki, Kazuichi


    It is critical to differentiate IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) from malignant tumor and similar disease of the affected organ to apply appropriate therapy and avoid unnecessary surgery. IgG4-RD is diagnosed on combination of typical radiological findings; elevation of serum IgG4 levels; histopathological findings of abundant infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells and lymphocytes, storiform fibrosis , and obliterative phlebitis ; association with other IgG4-related diseases; and response to steroids. Histopathological approach is particularly recommended. Systemic glucocorticoids are currently the first-line approach for IgG4-RD, and the indications are symptoms. The initial recommended dose of oral prednisolone for induction of remission is 0.6 mg/kg/day, administered for 2-4 weeks. This dose is gradually tapered to a maintenance dose of 2.5-5 mg/day over a period of 2-3 months. As IgG4-RD sometimes relapses after steroids, maintenance therapy is usually performed in Japan. However, as IgG4-RD patients are typically elderly and are at high risk of developing steroid-related complications, cessation of the medication should be attempted at least within 3 years. For relapsed IgG4-RD, re-administration or dose up of steroid is effective, but the addition of immunomodulatory drugs such as azathioprine has been considered to be appropriate. B cell depletion with rituximab (an anti-CD20 antibody) is effective, even in many patients in whom treatment with immunomodulatory drugs was unsuccessful. The short-term clinical, morphological, and functional outcomes of most IgG4-RD patients treated with steroid therapy are good, but the long-term outcomes are less clear due to several unknown factors such as relapse, developed fibrosis, and associated malignancy.

  5. Neuron-derived IgG protects neurons from complement-dependent cytotoxicity. (United States)

    Zhang, Jie; Niu, Na; Li, Bingjie; McNutt, Michael A


    Passive immunity of the nervous system has traditionally been thought to be predominantly due to the blood-brain barrier. This concept must now be revisited based on the existence of neuron-derived IgG. The conventional concept is that IgG is produced solely by mature B lymphocytes, but it has now been found to be synthesized by murine and human neurons. However, the function of this endogenous IgG is poorly understood. In this study, we confirm IgG production by rat cortical neurons at the protein and mRNA levels, with 69.0 ± 5.8% of cortical neurons IgG-positive. Injury to primary-culture neurons was induced by complement leading to increases in IgG production. Blockage of neuron-derived IgG resulted in more neuronal death and early apoptosis in the presence of complement. In addition, FcγRI was found in microglia and astrocytes. Expression of FcγR I in microglia was increased by exposure to neuron-derived IgG. Release of NO from microglia triggered by complement was attenuated by neuron-derived IgG, and this attenuation could be reversed by IgG neutralization. These data demonstrate that neuron-derived IgG is protective of neurons against injury induced by complement and microglial activation. IgG appears to play an important role in maintaining the stability of the nervous system.

  6. Anti-dog IgG secondary antibody successfully detects IgG in a variety of aquatic mammals (United States)

    Roehl, Katherine; Jankowski, Mark D.; Hofmeister, Erik K.


    Serological tests play an important role in the detection of wildlife diseases. However, while there are many commercial assays and reagents available for domestic species, there is a need to develop efficient serological assays for wildlife. In recent years, marine mammals have represented a wildlife group with emerging infectious diseases, such as influenza, brucellosis, and leptospirosis. However, with the exception of disease-agent-specific assays or functional assays, few reports describe the use of antibody detection assays in marine mammals. In an indirect enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) or an immunofluorescence assay, antibody is detected using an antitarget species secondary conjugated antibody. The sensitivity of the assay depends on the avidity of the binding reaction between the bound antibody and the detection antibody. A commercial polyclonal antidog IgG conjugated antibody was tested in an EIA for its ability to sensitively detect the IgG of seven marine mammals including sea otter (Enhydra lutris), polar bear (Ursus maritimus), grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris), California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) and one freshwater mammal: Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea). With the exception of Asian small-clawed sea otters, the detection of IgG in these marine mammals either exceeded or was nearly equal to detection of dog IgG. The use of the tested commercial antidog IgG antibody may be a valid approach to the detection of antibody response to disease in sea mammals.

  7. Immunology of IgG4-related disease (United States)

    Della-Torre, E; Lanzillotta, M; Doglioni, C


    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a fibroinflammatory condition that derives its name from the characteristic finding of abundant IgG4+ plasma cells in affected tissues, as well as the presence of elevated serum IgG4 concentrations in many patients. In contrast to fibrotic disorders, such as systemic sclerosis or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in which the tissues fibrosis has remained largely intractable to treatment, many IgG4-RD patients appear to have a condition in which the collagen deposition is reversible. The mechanisms underlying this peculiar feature remain unknown, but the remarkable efficacy of B cell depletion in these patients supports an important pathogenic role of B cell/T cell collaboration. In particular, aberrant T helper type 2 (Th2)/regulatory T cells sustained by putative autoreactive B cells have been proposed to drive collagen deposition through the production of profibrotic cytokines, but definitive demonstrations of this hypothesis are lacking. Indeed, a number of unsolved questions need to be addressed in order to fully understand the pathogenesis of IgG4-RD. These include the identification of an antigenic trigger(s), the implications (if any) of IgG4 antibodies for pathophysiology and the precise immunological mechanisms leading to fibrosis. Recent investigations have also raised the possibility that innate immunity might precede adaptive immunity, thus further complicating the pathological scenario. Here, we aim to review the most recent insights on the immunology of IgG4-RD, focusing on the relative contribution of innate and adaptive immune responses to the full pathological phenotype of this fibrotic condition. Clinical, histological and therapeutic features are also addressed. PMID:25865251

  8. Anticuerpos monoclonales contra la Gonadotropina Corionica Humana (HCG y su empleo en el diagnóstico precoz del embarazo.

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    Torres E


    Full Text Available Se describe la obtención y caracterización de anticuerpos monoclonales contra la hormona gonadotropina cariónica humana (HCG, seleccionados de la inmunización subcutánea en ratones BALB/c. Se reporta también el desarrollo del sistema rápido HeberFast Line® Embarazo, para la detección de la hormona en muestras de orina, basado en los anticuerpos obtenidos y la tecnología del flujo lateral desarrollada en membranas de nitrocelulosa como soporte sólido. El nivel de sensibilidad alcanzado con este sistema diagnóstico es de 20 UI/L de HCG en muestra de orina, y no se observó reactividad cruzada en analitos similares conteniendo concentraciones de las glicohormonas relacionadas; 1000 IU de LH, 5000 IU de FSH, y 1000 µIU de TSH respectivamente. Los estudios de estabilidad arrojaron, que el diagnosticador mantine las características de funcionalidad por un tiempo de 15 meses a temperaturas entre 2 y 30 ºC, conformando este el tiempo de vigencia del sistema. De poseer en Farmacias, Consultorios Médicos de la Familia y Hospital Gineco-Obstétricos, un sistema rápido y sencillo como el establecido en este trabajo, se pueden evitar todos los riesgos e inconvenientes que acarrean los procesos de interrupción del embarazo en la mujer.

  9. IgG4-Related Autoimmune Prostatitis: Is It an Unusual or Underdiagnosed Manifestation of IgG4-Related Disease?

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    María T. Bourlon


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD encompasses a wide range of extrapancreatic manifestations. Albeit some are relatively well known, others such as autoimmune prostatitis remain poorly described. We present a 61-year-old Latin-American male with autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP who presented with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS, normal prostate specific antigen (PSA test, and prostate enlargement attributed to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH. He underwent a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP after which symptoms were resolved. On histopathology, prostatic stroma had a dense inflammatory infiltrate rich in plasma cells and lymphocytes; immunohistochemical morphometric assessment showed >10 IgG4-positive plasma cells/high power field (HPF. The diagnosis of IgG4-related prostatitis was postoperatively. We compared the patient characteristics with those of previous reports on Asian patients. Shared findings included prostate enlargement, LUTS (symptoms that can be confused with BPH, and PSA within normal limits or mild elevations. IgG4-related prostatitis is rarely considered as a preprocedural diagnosis, even in patients with evidence of IgG4-RD. Involved prostate zones include mainly central and transitional zones and less frequently the peripheral. Currently, there is insufficient data about the natural history and outcome. Whether steroids, transurethral resection, or both are the treatment of choice needs to be elucidated.

  10. Fluorescent IgG fusion proteins made in E. coli (United States)

    Luria, Yael; Raichlin, Dina; Benhar, Itai


    Antibodies are among the most powerful tools in biological and biomedical research and are presently the fastest growing category of new bio-pharmaceutics. The most common format of antibody applied for therapeutic, diagnostic and analytical purposes is the IgG format. For medical applications, recombinant IgGs are made in cultured mammalian cells in a process that is too expensive to be considered for producing antibodies for diagnostic and analytical purposes. Therefore, for such purposes, mouse monoclonal antibodies or polyclonal sera from immunized animals are used. While looking for an easier and more rapid way to prepare full-length IgGs for therapeutic purposes, we recently developed and reported an expression and purification protocol for full-length IgGs, and IgG-based fusion proteins in E. coli, called “Inclonals.” By applying the Inclonals technology, we could generate full-length IgGs that are genetically fused to toxins. The aim of the study described herein was to evaluate the possibility of applying the “Inclonals” technology for preparing IgG-fluorophore fusion proteins. We found that IgG fused to the green fluorescent proteins enhanced GFP (EGFP) while maintaining functionality in binding, lost most of its fluorescence during the refolding process. In contrast, we found that green fluorescent Superfolder GFP (SFGFP)-fused IgG and red fluorescent mCherry-fused IgG were functional in antigen binding and maintained fluorescence intensity. In addition, we found that we can link several SFGFPs in tandem to each IgG, with fluorescence intensity increasing accordingly. Fluorescent IgGs made in E. coli may become attractive alternatives to monoclonal or polyclonal fluorescent antibodies derived from animals. PMID:22531449

  11. Anticuerpos antinucleares, imágenes y características obtenidas por inmunofluorescencia: Importancia de los isotipos IgA, IgM e IgG Antinuclear antibodies, patterns and characteristics obtained by immunofluorescence: The importance of the IgA, IgM and IgG isotypes

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    Miriam Arcavi


    Full Text Available La técnica de elección para el screening de anticuerpos antinucleares (ANA es la inmunofluorescencia indirecta que utiliza como sustrato una línea de células epiteliales de carcinoma de laringe humano (IFI-HEp2, y como antisuero, anti-IgG o anti-Ig totales. Los ANA-IgG son los más importantes para el diagnóstico y monitoreo de las enfermedades del tejido conectivo (ETC, mientras los ANA-IgM son de menor relevancia clínica en estos pacientes. Sin embargo, poco se sabe de los ANA-IgA ya que estos Ac han sido menos investigados. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la prevalencia de los diferentes isotipos de inmunoglobulinas de anticuerpos antinucleares en los pacientes con ETC y evaluar la conveniencia de utilizar conjugados monovalentes o polivalentes. Se procesaron 100 sueros de pacientes con diversas ETC empleando IFI-HEp2, en los cuales se detectó 38% de ANA-IgA (títulos ≥ 1:80 y 12% de ANA-IgM (títulos ≤ 1:160. En 29 casos se detectó IgA en ausencia de IgM, en 3 casos IgM en ausencia de IgA. En todos los casos los ANA-IgG estuvieron presentes. En 6 sueros se observó un cambio de imagen con conjugado anti-IgA y en 3 con conjugado anti-IgM. Debido a la alta prevalencia de ANA-IgA detectada por IFI-HEp2, se destaca la conveniencia de utilizar conjugado anti-Ig totales en lugar de anti-IgG, mientras se desconozca la relevancia de los ANA-IgA en el diagnóstico, pronóstico y seguimiento de las enfermedades reumáticas sistémicas.The indirect immunofluorescence with epitelial cell line from human laryngeal carcinoma as substrate (IIF-HEp2 and anti-IgG or anti-total Ig as antisera, is the technique currently used for the detection of antinuclear antibodies. The most important antibodies for the diagnosis and follow-up of connective tissue diseases (CTD are the IgG-ANA, while the IgM-ANA have no clinical relevance. However the IgA-ANA have not been thoroughly investigated so far. The aim of this work was to study the prevalence

  12. Producción de anticuerpos policlonales IgG contra una proteína con actividad de óxido nítrico sintetasa de Toxoplasma gondii recombinante (NOS-Tg-r y marcación inmunológica en taquizoítoso Production of Polyclonal Antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii Recombinant protein with Nitric Oxide Synthase activity and immunologic marking in Tachyzoites

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    Jonathan Mauricio Padilla-Londoño


    Full Text Available La enzima óxido nítrico sintetasa ha sido estudiada en mamíferos; en los últimos años se ha descrito que existe también en protozoos, pero se desconocen aspectos importantes de su función. Se logró producir anticuerpos policlonales contra la proteína recombinante con actividad de óxido nítrico sintetasa (NOS-Tg-r de Toxoplasma gondii y realizar marcación inmunológica en taquizoítos. Se usaron dos conejos Nueva Zelanda (Oryctolagus cuniculusque se inmunizaron por vía intramuscular con NOS-Tg-r, y dos tipos de adyuvantes, hidróxido de aluminio y adyuvante de Freund. Se comprobó la presencia de anticuerpos policlonales con la técnica de ensayo inmunoenzimático indirecto. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que a NOS-Tg-r con adyuvante de Freund indujo mayor respuesta inmune que la de la NOS-Tg-r con hidróxido aluminio p 0,005. Para verificar si había reacción cruzada, se realizó una prueba ELISA utilizando como antígenos: metaloproteasa de T. gondii recombinante, cisteína proteasa 5 de Entamoeba histolytica recombinante, albúmina al 2%, hidróxido de aluminio y adyuvante de Freund. Los valores obtenidos con sueros preinmunes y contra proteínas alternas no superaron el punto de corte (0,069, lo cual indica que los anticuerpos policlonales obtenidos son específicos para NOS-Tg-r. Se realizó marcación inmunológica en taquizoítos de Toxoplasma gondii con inmunofluorescencia indirecta que mostró una marcación difusa a nivel de citoplasma y confirmó la presencia de esta proteína en los taquizoítos.The nitric oxide synthase (NOSis an enzyme well described on mammals but little is known about the role of these enzymes on pathogenic parasites. We produced polyclonal antibodies against a recombinant NOS enzyme from Toxoplasma gondii nd e lso er formed n mmunol locali zation of the enzyme on tachyzoites. We used two New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus to perform intramuscular immunization and we used two types of

  13. Dynamics evaluation of total IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a in the serum of mice immunized with radioattenuated paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martins, Estefania M.N.; Andrade, Antero S.R.; Reis, Bernardo S.; Goes, Alfredo M.


    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the fungus agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, a deep-seated systemic infection of humans. Up to the moment no vaccine has still been reported. The potential of gamma radiation for pathogens attenuation and vaccine development was explored in this work. In our laboratory we developed radioattenuated yeast cells of P. brasiliensis and the aim of the present work was to evaluate the antibody production dynamics in mice immunized with this cells. Were analyzed the IgG antibodies titers as well as the type of response by analyzing the IgG1 and IgG2a antibody pattern in the course of infection. The mice were divided in two groups that were immunized one time and two times respectively. The mice infected with the virulent P. brasiliensis showed a high level of antibody production while the infection with the radioattenuated yeast did not significantly change the antibody level. The level of IgG raised in both immunized groups after the challenge. In the group immunized one time was not observed a significant difference between the levels of both subclasses when compared with the control. After the challenge of the group immunized two times the IgG2a levels increased significantly when analyzed 90 days post challenge. We concluded that a pattern related to the disease control was apparent in the group submitted to two immunizations. The mice had not developed a totally polarized pattern of TH1/TH2 response but a trend to a TH1 response was evident. (author)

  14. Dynamics evaluation of total IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a in the serum of mice immunized with radioattenuated paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martins, Estefania M.N.; Andrade, Antero S.R. [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)]. E-mail:;; Reis, Bernardo S.; Goes, Alfredo M. [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Dept. de Bioquimica e Imunologia]. E-mail:;


    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the fungus agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, a deep-seated systemic infection of humans. Up to the moment no vaccine has still been reported. The potential of gamma radiation for pathogens attenuation and vaccine development was explored in this work. In our laboratory we developed radioattenuated yeast cells of P. brasiliensis and the aim of the present work was to evaluate the antibody production dynamics in mice immunized with this cells. Were analyzed the IgG antibodies titers as well as the type of response by analyzing the IgG1 and IgG2a antibody pattern in the course of infection. The mice were divided in two groups that were immunized one time and two times respectively. The mice infected with the virulent P. brasiliensis showed a high level of antibody production while the infection with the radioattenuated yeast did not significantly change the antibody level. The level of IgG raised in both immunized groups after the challenge. In the group immunized one time was not observed a significant difference between the levels of both subclasses when compared with the control. After the challenge of the group immunized two times the IgG2a levels increased significantly when analyzed 90 days post challenge. We concluded that a pattern related to the disease control was apparent in the group submitted to two immunizations. The mice had not developed a totally polarized pattern of TH1/TH2 response but a trend to a TH1 response was evident. (author)

  15. IgG2 immunodeficiency: association to pediatric patients with bacterial meningoencephalitis Inmunodeficiencia de IgG2: asociación en pacientes pediátricos con meningoencefalitis bacterianas

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    Full Text Available An IgG subclass deficiency is often associated with bacterial infections. We studied four pediatric patients suffering from meningoencephalitis, two of them due to Streptococcus pneumoniae and two due to Haemophilus influenzae type b. Simultaneous diagnostic serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples were taken during income. The four subclasses of IgG and albumin were quantified in both biologic fluids by radial immunodiffusion. Very low levels of seric IgG2 with non detectable cerebrospinal fluid IgG2 were found in the patients. No intrathecal IgG subclass synthesis was found in two patients. One patient with S. pneumoniae had IgG3 intrathecal synthesis. Intrathecal IgG1, IgG3 and IgG4 synthesis was found in one patient suffering from H. influenzae according with reibergrams. Substitutive therapy with intravenous gammaglobulin was given to the patients as part of the treatment.Las deficiencias por subclases de IgG se asocian frecuentemente con infecciones de origen bacteriano. Se estudian cuatro pacientes en edad pediátrica con meningoencefalitis, dos de ellos a Streptococcus pneumoniae y dos a Haemophilus influenzae tipo b. Se toman muestras simultáneas diagnósticas de suero y líquido cefalorraquídeo en el momento del ingreso. Se cuantificaron las cuatro sublclases de IgG y albúmina en ambos líquidos biológicos por inmunodifusión radial. Se encontró que los pacientes presentaban cifras muy disminuidas de IgG2 sérico y ningun exhibia IgG2 en el líquido cefalorraquídeo. Dos pacientes no sintetizaron ninguna subclase de IgG intratecalmente. Un paciente con S. pneumoniae sintetizó IgG3 intratecal. Uno de los pacientes con meningoencefalitis a H. influenzae sintetizó IgG1, IgG3 e IgG4 intratecalmente de acuerdo com el reibergrama. Estos pacientes recibieron terapia substitutiva com gammaglobulina intravenosa como parte de la medicación.

  16. Change of Serum IgG4 in Patients with Ocular Adnexal Marginal Zone B Cell Lymphoma Associated with IgG4-Related Ophthalmic Disease After Treatment. (United States)

    Wu, Yuan-Hung; Wang, Lei-Chi; Yen, Sang-Hue; Yu, Wei-Kuang; Kao, Shu-Ching; Kau, Hui-Chuan; Tsai, Chieh-Chih; Liu, Catherine Jui-Ling


    To investigate the change of serum IgG4 concentrations correlated with clinical evolution in patients with ocular adnexal marginal zone B cell lymphoma associated with IgG4-related ophthalmic disease (IgG4-ROD). Three consecutive patients with histopathologically confirmed ocular adnexal marginal zone B cell lymphoma associated with IgG4-ROD were evaluated. Two patients received radiotherapy and 1 patient received steroid therapy. Treatment outcome was evaluated by clinical symptoms, radiologic examination, and change of serum IgG4 level in these patients. All patients had elevated serum IgG4 before treatment (462, 338, and 780 mg/dL respectively.) The 2 patients who received radiotherapy achieved complete remission and the serum IgG4 decreased to 345 and 92 mg/dL, respectively. The patient who underwent systemic steroid achieved partial remission and the serum IgG4 decrease to 161 mg/dL. Our study showed elevated serum IgG4 in all patients with ocular adnexal marginal zone B cell lymphoma associated with IgG4-ROD. In addition, the elevated serum IgG4 may decrease or keep stable after treatment, accompanied by improvement in clinical symptoms and reduction of lesions.

  17. IgG4-related disease in the eye and ocular adnexa. (United States)

    Derzko-Dzulynsky, Larissa


    IgG4-related disease is a multi-organ fibro-inflammatory disease with characteristic histopathology showing lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, increased IgG4+ plasma cells and elevated IgG4/IgG ratios (>40%). The lacrimal gland is the most common ocular site of involvement. Scleritis and intraocular involvement in IgG4-related ophthalmic disease (IgG4-ROD) have recently been reported. The purpose of this review is to describe orbital and intraocular IgG4-ROD with a focus on publications since 2016. Case reports of scleritis and uveitis in IgG4-ROD have been described since 2012. Systemic prednisone is recommended as the first-line treatment, but immunosuppressive therapy may be required for steroid-sparing or in steroid-resistant cases. High rates of systemic IgG4-RD involvement exist in patients with bilateral IgG4-ROD or if the lacrimal gland is involved. Rituximab is the most specific immune targeted therapy available with high rates of remission. IgG4-ROD is an emerging cause of scleritis and uveitis and should be considered in any patient with multisystem inflammatory disease. New targeted immune therapies may improve outcomes and lead to clinical remission.

  18. Overview of IgG4-Related Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Its Mimickers

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    Hyeon Joo Jeong


    Full Text Available Tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN is the most common form of renal involvement in IgG4-related disease. It is characterized by a dominant infiltrate of IgG4-positive plasma cells in the interstitium and storiform fibrosis. Demonstration of IgG4-positive plasma cells is essential for diagnosis, but the number of IgG4-positive cells and the ratio of IgG4-positive/IgG-positive plasma cells may vary from case to case and depending on the methods of tissue sampling even in the same case. IgG4-positive plasma cells can be seen in TIN associated with systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren syndrome, or anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody–associated vasculitis, which further add diagnostic confusion and difficulties. To have a more clear view of IgG4-TIN and to delineate differential points from other TIN with IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltrates, clinical and histological features of IgG4-TIN and its mimickers were reviewed. In the rear part, cases suggesting overlap of IgG4-TIN and its mimickers and glomerulonephritis associated with IgG4-TIN were briefly described.

  19. Kinetics of IgG antibody to cytomegalovirus (CMV) after birth and seroprevalence of anti-CMV IgG in Chinese children. (United States)

    Chen, Jie; Hu, Lingqing; Wu, Meiling; Zhong, Tianying; Zhou, Yi-Hua; Hu, Yali


    Prevalence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is 90-100% in developing countries; however, the kinetics of anti-CMV IgG in infants remains elusive. Sera from 112 mother-newborn pairs and longitudinal samples from 41 infants up to 2-year old were tested for anti-CMV IgG and IgM. Additionally, samples from 837 healthy children were included. Of 112 mothers, 108 (96.4%) were anti-CMV IgG positive; their 108 newborns were also seropositive. In a 2-year follow-up among 40 infants of positive mothers, anti-CMV IgG level in 8 individuals decreased with time and became undetectable by age of 3.5-8 months, and that in 32 others decreased at 1- and 3.5-month old, and then increased. Based on the positive IgM, rising IgG levels, and low anti-CMV IgG avidity index, 76.7% of the primary infections were demonstrated to occur during 1-3.5 months of age. The overall seroprevalence of anti-CMV in 837 children was 82.4%, which was generally constant from 2 to 8 years old (χ2 = 3.150, p = 0.790). The maternally acquired anti-CMV IgG in infants disappears before 8-month old. Primary CMV infection in Chinese children mostly occurs during 1-3.5 months of age. Whether the relatively lower seroprevalence of anti-CMV in Chinese children found in this survey may reflect the positive rate in child-bearing age women in the future remains to be further studied.

  20. Perfil de isotipos de imunoglobulinas e subclasses de IgG na leishmaniose tegumentar americana Immunoglobulin isotype and IgG subclass profiles in american tegumentary leishmaniasis

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    Maria Aparecida de Souza


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho avaliou o perfil de anticorpos em amostras de soro de 37 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico confirmado ou compatível com leishmaniose tegumentar americana atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, MG. Os perfis das classes de imunoglobulinas e subclasses de IgG foram analisados pelo teste ELISA indireto, utilizando-se antígeno solúvel de Leishmania (Leishmania amazonensis. A avidez dos anticorpos foi determinada pelo tratamento com uréia a 6 M, após incubação dos soros com o antígeno. Observou-se que 97%, 94,6%, 57,5 e 21,5% das amostras testadas apresentaram anticorpos anti-Leishmania das classes IgE, IgG, IgA e IgM, respectivamente e, os perfis das subclasses de IgG demonstraram, IgG1>IgG3>IgG2>IgG4. Os anticorpos IgE anti-Leishmania de alta avidez corresponderam a 44,4%. Por outro lado, IgG e IgA anti-Leishmania foram em sua maioria (62,8 e 47,8%, respectivamente, de média avidez. A variação do perfil de isotipos, bem como a avidez das imunoglobulinas refletiu a complexidade da resposta imune humoral contra a leishmaniose tegumentar americana.The present work investigated the serum antibody profiles in 37 patients with American tegumentary leishmaniasis, who were attended at Hospital de Clinicas - Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. The immunoglobulin class and IgG subclass profiles were analyzed by indirect ELISA using Leishmania (Leishmania amazonensis soluble antigen. The antibody avidity was determined by 6 M urea treatment after incubation with immunoenzymatic conjugate. It was observed that 97% of the serum samples presented anti-Leishmania antibodies for IgE class, 94.6% IgG, 57.5% IgA and 21.5% IgM class. For IgG subclasses the profiles were in the following order of frequency: IgG1>IgG3>IgG2>IgG4. High avidity of anti-Leishmania IgE antibodies was found in 44.4% of the samples. On the other hand, moderate avidity of specific IgG and IgA was observed in 62

  1. Therapeutic IgG4 antibodies engage in Fab-arm exchange with endogenous human IgG4 in vivo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Labrijn, Aran F.; Buijsse, Antonio Ortiz; van den Bremer, Ewald T. J.; Verwilligen, Annemiek Y. W.; Bleeker, Wim K.; Thorpe, Susan J.; Killestein, Joep; Polman, Chris H.; Aalberse, Rob C.; Schuurman, Janine; van de Winkel, Jan G. J.; Parren, Paul W. H. I.

    Two humanized IgG4 antibodies, natalizumab and gemtuzumab, are approved for human use, and several others, like TGN1412, are or have been in clinical development. Although IgG4 antibodies can dynamically exchange half-molecules(1), Fab-arm exchange with therapeutic antibodies has not been

  2. Therapeutic IgG4 antibodies engage in Fab-arm exchange with endogenous human IgG4 in vivo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Labrijn, Aran F.; Buijsse, Antonio Ortiz; van den Bremer, Ewald T. J.; Verwilligen, Annemiek Y. W.; Bleeker, Wim K.; Thorpe, Susan J.; Killestein, Joep; Polman, Chris H.; Aalberse, Rob C.; Schuurman, Janine; van de Winkel, Jan G. J.; Parren, Paul W. H. I.


    Two humanized IgG4 antibodies, natalizumab and gemtuzumab, are approved for human use, and several others, like TGN1412, are or have been in clinical development. Although IgG4 antibodies can dynamically exchange half-molecules, Fab-arm exchange with therapeutic antibodies has not been demonstrated

  3. Generación de anticuerpos policlonales para la detección de la variante genotípica GIII de PVY, en cultivos de tomate de árbol y papa de Colombia

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    Yuliana Gallo García


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-CO X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Título en ingles: Generation of policlonal antibodies for detection of the PVY genotypic variant GIII in tamarillo and potato crops from Colombia Resumen: El potyvirus PVY es uno de los agentes causales más frecuentemente asociados a problemas virales en cultivos de papa y tomate de árbol en Colombia. Dada la importancia económica de las enfermedades causadas por PVY y a la necesidad de generar material de siembra certificado por su sanidad viral, es fundamental la generación de herramientas de diagnóstico que permitan la detección temprana de este virus. En este trabajo se reporta la obtención de anticuerpos policlonales específicos, útiles para la detección del genotipo III de PVY (GIII, una de las tres variantes que recientemente han sido reportadas en cultivos de papa y tomate de árbol de la región Andina de Colombia. Como antígeno, se utilizó un péptido sintético diseñado a partir de la región variable del extremo N-terminal del gen de la cápside viral. La sensibilidad de los anticuerpos fue evaluada mediante pruebas de ELISA y dot-blot utilizando péptidos sintéticos. Se realizó una prueba piloto para validar el uso de los anticuerpos a partir de plantas sintomáticas y asintomáticas obtenidas de una región donde confluyen cultivos de ambas solanáceas, encontrándose que los anticuerpos generados ofrecen mayores niveles de detección que los anticuerpos comerciales comúnmente utilizados para detectar los serotipos PVY-O,C y PVY-N de este virus. Palabras clave: anticuerpos policlonales; ELISA; potyvirus; RT-PCR; virus Y de la papa Abstract: PVY is one of the potyvirus more frequently associated with viral infections in tomato and tamarillo crops in Colombia. Due to the economic impact of PVY and the need to certify seeds as virus-free it is important to develop diagnostic tools that allow its premature detection. In this work, the

  4. Orbital Pseudotumor: Uncommon Initial Presentation of IgG4-Related Disease

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    Teresa Carbone


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD encompasses a group of fibroinflammatory conditions recognized in recent times. The main clinical features include variable degrees of tissue fibrosis, tumorlike expansions, perivascular lymphocytic infiltration rich in IgG4-positive plasma cells, and elevated serum IgG4. A case has been reported of an elderly patient with an unexplained unilateral exophthalmia; biopsy was performed and revealed lymphocytic infiltration, suggesting IgG4-RD. High serum levels of IgG4, in association with a good response to steroid therapy and to the exclusion of other diagnoses, confirmed the hypothesis of orbital pseudotumor by IgG4-RD.

  5. Elevated IgG4 serum levels in patients with cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Clerc, Axelle; Reynaud, Quitterie; Durupt, Stéphane; Chapuis-Cellier, Colette; Nové-Josserand, Raphaële; Durieu, Isabelle; Lega, Jean Christophe


    Serum immunoglobulin (Ig) G4 elevation has been associated with several pathological conditions other than IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). In cystic fibrosis (CF), an elevation of specific IgG4 has been associated with colonization and infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. IgG4 elevation may be a marker of chronic infection or inflammatory stimulation. The aim of this study was to explore the prevalence of elevated IgG4 levels in CF and its correlation with the major clinical and microbiological features found in CF patients. In a cross-sectional study, we analyzed data from a large cohort of adult CF patients attending the CF center of Lyon University Hospital. An elevated IgG4 level was defined as being above the cut-off value of 135 mg/dL. One hundred and sixty-five CF patients were analyzed. An IgG4 elevation was detected in 43 patients (26%). Compared with the control group (≤ 135 mg/dL), high IgG4 patients exhibited a greater prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus colonization and higher IgG, IgG1, IgG2 and IgE levels. No significant differences were observed in terms of pulmonary function, colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, or the annual rate of bronchial exacerbations. An elevated IgG4 serum level was frequently detected in adult CF patients and did not appear to be associated with poor lung function. We suggest that IgG4 elevation is a marker of the activation of tolerance. Its clinical significance remains to be demonstrated.

  6. Nuevos esquemas de inmunoterapia específicas con alérgenos

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    José Fernando Cantillo


    Con estos nuevos esquemas se han diseñado vacunas basadas en alérgenos recombinantes y variantes o péptidos derivados de éstos, para ser administrados solos o con adyuvantes en preparaciones que favorecen la captación y presentación antigénica por las células dendríticas o tienen como blanco las células efectoras, como mastocitos y basófilos. Los estudios in vitro, en modelos animales y algunos en fase clínica en humanos, indican que estas preparaciones pueden brindar protección frente a la exposición alergénica o mejorar la sintomatología, al inducir la producción de anticuerpos bloqueadores de la actividad de la IgE, de células T reguladoras y de citocinas del perfil Th1.

  7. Inmunodeficiencias humorales: Un estudio en tres Centros de Inmunología Clínica de adultos en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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    Diego S. Fernández Romero


    Full Text Available Las inmunodeficiencias humorales (IDH comprenden a un grupo de enfermedades caracterizadas por la imposibilidad de desarrollar una respuesta inmune efectiva mediada por anticuerpos. Estos pacientes presentan infecciones, principalmente por bacterias extracelulares capsuladas, del tracto respiratorio. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue describir las características clínicas de una población de 128 pacientes derivados con sospecha o diagnóstico de IDH a tres centros para inmunodeficiencias de adultos, asistidos entre junio de 2004 y diciembre de 2009. Tres (2.3% consultaron por infecciones recurrentes en una sola oportunidad sin datos suficientes para su adecuada clasificación y fueron excluidos del estudio. De los 125 pacientes restantes, en 21 (16.8% se descartó IDH, en 8 (6.4% se diagnosticó inmunodeficiencia humoral secundaria (IDHS y en 96 (76.8% inmunodeficiencia humoral primaria (IDHP. Las causas de IDHS fueron: en un caso enfermedad renal, en uno uso de fenitoína, dos casos: gammapatía monoclonal y en 4 linfoma B. Las causas de las 96 IDHP fueron: 57 inmunodeficiencia común variable, 12 agammaglobulinemia ligada al cromosoma X, 10 deficiencia selectiva de IgA, 7 deficiencia de IgG1, 3 síndrome hiper-IgM, 3 deficiencia de IgM, 2 síndrome linfoproliferativo ligado al cromosoma X, un síndrome de Good y una deficiencia funcional de anticuerpos. Sesenta y siete pacientes estaban en seguimiento en el momento de la finalización del estudio, 25 de ellos estaban en seguimiento al iniciarse el estudio. De los 58 pacientes en seguimiento con indicación de tratamiento sustitutivo con gammaglobulina, 54 se encontraban en tratamiento al finalizar el estudio. En cuatro pacientes no se pudo confirmar el diagnóstico de IDHP.

  8. Implementación de un método de purificación consistente y virológicamente seguro del anticuerpo monoclonal CB.Hep-1 empleado en la purificación el antígeno de superficie del virus de la hepatitis B


    Valdés Véliz, Rodolfo


    Aborda la implementación de un método eficiente y consistente para la purificación del anticuerpo monoclonal (AcM) CB.Hep-1 empleado en la purificación del antígeno de superficie del virus de la Hepatitis B (AgsVHBr), así como la demostración de su capacidad de eliminación de virus. También se exploró la potencialidad del tratamiento térmico del AgsVHBr en presencia de KSCN para inactivar virus. El empleo de este AcM brinda una alta selectividad y originalidad al método de obtención del AgsVH...

  9. Utility of Serum IgG4 Levels in a Multiethnic Population. (United States)

    Qi, Ruyu; Chen, Luke Y C; Park, Sujin; Irvine, Robert; Seidman, Michael A; Kelsall, John T; Collins, David; Yin, Vivian; Slack, Graham W; Mattman, Andre; Lam, Eric; Carruthers, Mollie N


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently recognized condition defined by characteristic histopathologic findings in affected organs. Serum IgG4 concentration is often but not always elevated. The sensitivity and specificity of serum IgG4 vary greatly across studies and has been anecdotally associated to ethnicity. Our study was conducted to investigate the difference in serum IgG4 levels between Asian and non-Asian patients with IgG4-RD. This is a single-center retrospective study of 26 Asian and 10 non-Asian patients with histologically confirmed IgG4-RD. Serum IgG4 levels, clinical features and other laboratory findings were compared between the 2 groups, 31 Asian and 11 non-Asian patients with non-IgG4-RD rheumatic diseases were randomly identified to evaluate test characteristics of serum IgG4 measurement. Median serum IgG4 at time of diagnosis was significantly higher in Asian (median = 11.2g/L, interquartile range: 4.6-19.7) than non-Asian patients (median = 2.9g/L, interquartile range: 0.7-5.4, P = 0.0094), as well as the median serum IgG and total protein. Asian patients had more eosinophilia and polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia than non-Asian patients (P = 0.016 and 0.001, respectively). Test sensitivity was higher in Asian (96%) than non-Asian patients (67%), whereas test specificity was higher in non-Asian patients (91% versus 71%). Asian patients with IgG4-RD have more exuberant serum IgG4, IgG and polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia than non-Asian patients; the mechanism of this difference requires further study. These findings have significant clinical importance and must be accounted for in the diagnostic workup of patients in multiethnic settings. Copyright © 2018 Southern Society for Clinical Investigation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Kinetics of IgG antibody to cytomegalovirus (CMV after birth and seroprevalence of anti-CMV IgG in Chinese children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen Jie


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Prevalence of cytomegalovirus (CMV infection is 90–100% in developing countries; however, the kinetics of anti-CMV IgG in infants remains elusive. Methods Sera from 112 mother-newborn pairs and longitudinal samples from 41 infants up to 2-year old were tested for anti-CMV IgG and IgM. Additionally, samples from 837 healthy children were included. Results Of 112 mothers, 108 (96.4% were anti-CMV IgG positive; their 108 newborns were also seropositive. In a 2-year follow-up among 40 infants of positive mothers, anti-CMV IgG level in 8 individuals decreased with time and became undetectable by age of 3.5–8 months, and that in 32 others decreased at 1- and 3.5-month old, and then increased. Based on the positive IgM, rising IgG levels, and low anti-CMV IgG avidity index, 76.7% of the primary infections were demonstrated to occur during 1–3.5 months of age. The overall seroprevalence of anti-CMV in 837 children was 82.4%, which was generally constant from 2 to 8 years old (χ2 = 3.150, p = 0.790. Conclusions The maternally acquired anti-CMV IgG in infants disappears before 8-month old. Primary CMV infection in Chinese children mostly occurs during 1–3.5 months of age. Whether the relatively lower seroprevalence of anti-CMV in Chinese children found in this survey may reflect the positive rate in child-bearing age women in the future remains to be further studied.

  11. IgG4 immunostaining and its implications in orbital inflammatory disease.

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    Amanda J Wong

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: IgG4-related disease is an emerging clinical entity which frequently involves tissue within the orbit. In order to appreciate the implications of IgG4 immunostaining, we analyzed gene expression and the prevalence of IgG4- immunostaining among subjects with orbital inflammatory diseases. METHODS: We organized an international consortium to collect orbital biopsies from 108 subjects including 22 with no known orbital disease, 42 with nonspecific orbital inflammatory disease (NSOI, 26 with thyroid eye disease (TED, 12 with sarcoidosis, and 6 with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA. Lacrimal gland and orbital adipose tissue biopsies were immunostained for IgG4 or IgG secreting plasma cells. RNA transcripts were quantified by Affymetrix arrays. RESULTS: None of the healthy controls or subjects with TED had substantial IgG4 staining. Among the 63 others, the prevalence of significant IgG4-immunostaining ranged from 11 to 39% depending on the definition for significant. IgG4 staining was detectable in the majority of tissues from subjects with GPA and less commonly in tissue from subjects with sarcoidosis or NSOI. The detection of IgG4+ cells correlated with inflammation in the lacrimal gland based on histology. IgG4 staining tissue expressed an increase in transcripts associated with inflammation, especially B cell-related genes. Functional annotation analysis confirmed this. CONCLUSION: IgG4+ plasma cells are common in orbital tissue from patients with sarcoidosis, GPA, or NSOI. Even using the low threshold of 10 IgG4+ cells/high powered field, IgG4 staining correlates with increased inflammation in the lacrimal gland based on histology and gene expression.

  12. Anti-pituitary antibodies against corticotrophs in IgG4-related hypophysitis. (United States)

    Iwata, Naoko; Iwama, Shintaro; Sugimura, Yoshihisa; Yasuda, Yoshinori; Nakashima, Kohtaro; Takeuchi, Seiji; Hagiwara, Daisuke; Ito, Yoshihiro; Suga, Hidetaka; Goto, Motomitsu; Banno, Ryoichi; Caturegli, Patrizio; Koike, Teruhiko; Oshida, Yoshiharu; Arima, Hiroshi


    IgG4-related disease is a systemic inflammatory disease characterized by infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells into multiple organs, including the pituitary gland. Autoimmunity is thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of IgG4-related disease. The diagnosis of IgG4-related hypophysitis (IgG4-RH) is difficult because its clinical features, such as pituitary swelling and hypopituitarism, are similar to those of other pituitary diseases, including lymphocytic hypophysitis and sellar/suprasellar tumors. The presence and significance of anti-pituitary antibodies (APA) in IgG4-RH is unclear. In this case-control study, we used single indirect immunofluorescence on human pituitary substrates to assess the prevalence of serum APA in 17 patients with IgG4-RH, 8 control patients with other pituitary diseases (lymphocytic infundibulo-neurohypophysitis, 3; craniopharyngioma, 2; germinoma, 3), and 9 healthy subjects. We further analyzed the endocrine cells targeted by the antibodies using double indirect immunofluorescence. APA were found in 5 of 17 patients with IgG4-RH (29%), and in none of the pituitary controls or healthy subjects. The endocrine cells targeted by the antibodies in the 5 IgG4-RH cases were exclusively corticotrophs. Antibodies were of the IgG1 subclass, rather than IgG4, in all 5 cases, suggesting that IgG4 is not directly involved in the pathogenesis. Finally, antibodies recognized pro-opiomelanocortin in 2 of the cases. Our study suggests that autoimmunity is involved in the pathogenesis of IgG4-RH and that corticotrophs are the main antigenic target, highlighting a possible new diagnostic marker for this condition.

  13. IgG4 Immunostaining and Its Implications in Orbital Inflammatory Disease (United States)

    Wong, Amanda J.; Planck, Stephen R.; Choi, Dongseok; Harrington, Christina A.; Troxell, Megan L.; Houghton, Donald C.; Stauffer, Patrick; Wilson, David J.; Grossniklaus, Hans E.; Dailey, Roger A.; Ng, John D.; Steele, Eric A.; Harris, Gerald J.; Czyz, Craig; Foster, Jill A.; White, Valerie A.; Dolman, Peter J.; Kazim, Michael; Patel, Payal J.; Edward, Deepak P.; Katan, Hind al; Hussain, Hailah al; Selva, Dinesh; Yeatts, R. Patrick; Korn, Bobby S.; Kikkawa, Don O.; Rosenbaum, James T.


    Objective IgG4-related disease is an emerging clinical entity which frequently involves tissue within the orbit. In order to appreciate the implications of IgG4 immunostaining, we analyzed gene expression and the prevalence of IgG4- immunostaining among subjects with orbital inflammatory diseases. Methods We organized an international consortium to collect orbital biopsies from 108 subjects including 22 with no known orbital disease, 42 with nonspecific orbital inflammatory disease (NSOI), 26 with thyroid eye disease (TED), 12 with sarcoidosis, and 6 with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). Lacrimal gland and orbital adipose tissue biopsies were immunostained for IgG4 or IgG secreting plasma cells. RNA transcripts were quantified by Affymetrix arrays. Results None of the healthy controls or subjects with TED had substantial IgG4 staining. Among the 63 others, the prevalence of significant IgG4-immunostaining ranged from 11 to 39% depending on the definition for significant. IgG4 staining was detectable in the majority of tissues from subjects with GPA and less commonly in tissue from subjects with sarcoidosis or NSOI. The detection of IgG4+ cells correlated with inflammation in the lacrimal gland based on histology. IgG4 staining tissue expressed an increase in transcripts associated with inflammation, especially B cell-related genes. Functional annotation analysis confirmed this. Conclusion IgG4+ plasma cells are common in orbital tissue from patients with sarcoidosis, GPA, or NSOI. Even using the low threshold of 10 IgG4+ cells/high powered field, IgG4 staining correlates with increased inflammation in the lacrimal gland based on histology and gene expression. PMID:25303270

  14. Aplicaciones terapéuticas de las inmunoglobulinas humanas en Pediatría

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    Amauri Lázaro Noda Albelo

    Full Text Available En la actualidad existen diversos productos farmacéuticos constituidos por inmunoglobulinas (fundamentalmente IgG, purificadas por diversos métodos, lo que implica que pueden ser administradas por diversas vías (intramuscular, intravenosa y subcutánea. Estos productos tienen un amplio espectro de indicaciones en diversas enfermedades. Las inmunoglobulinas son los efectores finales de la respuesta inmune humoral, por lo que sus indicaciones fundamentales incluyen la terapia de reemplazo en enfermedades que cursan con déficit en la producción de anticuerpos, las situaciones en que se necesita de manera inmediata la presencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes, como en las terapias posexposición, y en enfermedades que cursan con disrregulación de la respuesta inmune.

  15. IgG4 autoantibodies are inhibitory in the autoimmune disease bullous pemphigoid. (United States)

    Zuo, Yagang; Evangelista, Flor; Culton, Donna; Guilabert, Antonio; Lin, Lin; Li, Ning; Diaz, Luis; Liu, Zhi


    The IgG4 subclass of antibodies exhibits unique characteristics that suggest it may function in an immunoregulatory capacity. The inhibitory function of IgG4 has been well documented in allergic disease by the demonstration of IgG4 blocking antibodies, but similar functions have not been explored in autoimmune disease. Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is a subepidermal autoimmune blistering disease characterized by autoantibodies directed against BP180 and an inflammatory infiltrate including eosinophils and neutrophils. Animal models have revealed that the NC16A region within BP180 harbors the critical epitopes necessary for autoantibody mediated disease induction. BP180 NC16A-specific IgG belong to the IgG1, IgG3, and IgG4 subclasses. The purpose of this study was to determine effector functions of different IgG subclasses of NC16A-specific autoantibodies in BP. We find that IgG4 anti-NC16A autoantibodies inhibit the binding of IgG1 and IgG3 autoantibodies to the NC16A region. Moreover, IgG4 anti-NC16A blocks IgG1 and IgG3 induced complement fixation, neutrophil infiltration, and blister formation clinically and histologically in a dose-dependent manner following passive transfer to humanized BP180-NC16A mice. These findings highlight the inhibitory role of IgG4 in autoimmune disease and have important implications for the treatment of BP as well as other antibody mediated inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Kinetics of IgG antibody to cytomegalovirus (CMV) after birth and seroprevalence of anti-CMV IgG in Chinese children


    Chen, Jie; Hu, Lingqing; Wu, Meiling; Zhong, Tianying; Zhou, Yi-Hua; Hu, Yali


    Abstract Background Prevalence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is 90–100% in developing countries; however, the kinetics of anti-CMV IgG in infants remains elusive. Methods Sera from 112 mother-newborn pairs and longitudinal samples from 41 infants up to 2-year old were tested for anti-CMV IgG and IgM. Additionally, samples from 837 healthy children were included. Results Of 112 mothers, 108 (96.4%) were anti-CMV IgG positive; their 108 newborns were also seropositive. In a 2-year follow-u...

  17. Increased IgG4 responses to multiple food and animal antigens indicate a polyclonal expansion and differentiation of pre-existing B cells in IgG4-related disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Culver, Emma L.; Vermeulen, Ellen; Makuch, Mateusz; van Leeuwen, Astrid; Sadler, Ross; Cargill, Tamsin; Klenerman, Paul; Aalberse, Rob C.; van Ham, S. Marieke; Barnes, Eleanor; Rispens, Theo


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a systemic fibroinflammatory condition, characterised by an elevated serum IgG4 concentration and abundant IgG4-positive plasma cells in the involved organs. An important question is whether the elevated IgG4 response is causal or a reflection of immune-regulatory

  18. Neisseria meningitidis Group A IgG1 and IgG2 Subclass Immune Response in African Children Aged 12–23 Months Following Meningococcal Vaccination (United States)

    Holme, Daniel; Findlow, Helen; Sow, Samba O.; Idoko, Olubukola T.; Preziosi, Marie-Pierre; Carlone, George; Plikaytis, Brian D.; Borrow, Ray


    Background. A group A meningococcal conjugate vaccine, PsA-TT, was licensed in 2010 and was previously studied in a phase 2 clinical trial to evaluate its safety and immunogenicity in African children 12–23 months of age. Methods. Subjects received either PsA-TT; meningococcal group A, C, W, Y polysaccharide vaccine (PsACWY); or Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (Hib-TT). Forty weeks following primary vaccination, the 3 groups were further randomized to receive either PsA-TT, one-fifth dose of PsACWY, or Hib-TT. Group A–specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclass response was characterized using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results. The predominant IgG subclass response, regardless of vaccine, was IgG1. One month following primary vaccination, the geometric mean concentrations (GMCs) of IgG1 and IgG2 in the PsA-TT group were 21.73 µg/mL and 6.27 µg/mL, whereas in the PsACWY group the mean GMCs were 2.01 µg/mL and 0.97 µg/mL, respectively (P Group A–specific IgG1 and IgG2 GMCs remained greater in the PsA-TT group than in the PsACWY group 40 weeks following primary vaccination (P vaccines. Conclusions. Vaccination of African children aged 12–24 months with either PsA-TT or PsACWY elicited a predominantly IgG1 response. The IgG1:IgG2 mean ratio decreased following successive vaccination with PsACWY, indicating a shift toward IgG2, suggestive of the T-cell–independent immune response commonly associated with polysaccharide antigens. Clinical Trials Registration. SRCTN78147026. PMID:26553689

  19. Recurrent Mastoiditis Mimics IgG4 Related Disease: A Potential Diagnostic Pitfall. (United States)

    Deshpande, Vikram; Zane, Nicolas A; Kraft, Stefan; Stone, John H; Faquin, William C


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently recognized entity that causes progressive fibrosis and formation of mass lesions. IgG4-RD can be diagnosed histologically by its hallmarks of storiform fibrosis, prominent lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, and obliterative phlebitis, accompanied by the infiltration of excessive numbers of IgG4-positive plasma cells as well as elevations in serum IgG4 concentrations. A recent publication reported a case of IgG4-RD in the mastoid sinus, representing a new anatomic location for this disease. We report two additional cases of IgG4-RD occurring in the mastoid and causing clinical mastoiditis. The presenting symptoms were varied-tinnitus, hearing loss, and cranial nerve palsies. All three cases showed a dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, storiform type fibrosis as well as elevated numbers of IgG4 positive plasma cells. The three patients responded to immunosuppressive therapy that included steroids and Rituximab. We further investigated 162 consecutive mastoiditis cases at our institution in order to determine the frequency of IgG4-RD as a previously unrecognized cause of mastoiditis. Within this latter cohort we identified nine cases of mastoiditis that had two of the histologic features of IgG4-RD, specifically storiform fibrosis and a dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Two of these cases showed >50 IgG4-positive plasma cells per high-power field with IgG4-IgG ratio of >40 %, thus fulfilling histological criteria for IgG4-RD. However, both were due to severe acute or chronic infection. In conclusion, we reaffirm IgG4 related mastoiditis as a distinct but uncommon cause of recurrent mastoiditis. The diagnosis of IgG4-related mastoiditis should be rendered with caution, and only after the exclusion of potential mimickers, particularly infection.

  20. Estandarización en Colombia de una prueba ELISA para la evaluación de los niveles séricos de anticuerpos IgG contra diez serotipos de Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Lucía Carolina Leal-Esteban


    Conclusión. Esta prueba ELISA cuantifica de forma confiable los niveles de IgG sérica contra diez serotipos de S. pneumoniae y, de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en individuos sanos de nuestra población, en este trabajo se validan los parámetros internacionales para considerar adecuada la respuesta a la vacuna 23-valente contra este microorganismo.   DOI:

  1. Hybrid IgG4/IgG4 Fc antibodies form upon 'Fab-arm' exchange as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE or size-exclusion chromatography

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rispens, Theo; den Bleker, Tamara H.; Aalberse, Rob C.


    Human IgG4 antibodies are dynamic molecules that in vivo exchange half-molecules to become bispecific antibodies. Here we show that IgG4 antibodies and IgG4 Fc fragments similarly exchange resulting in hybrid antibodies (a single Fab + Fc) with a molecular weight of ca. 100 kDa. These antibodies can

  2. Structural characterization of the Man5 glycoform of human IgG3 Fc

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shah, Ishan S.; Lovell, Scott; Mehzabeen, Nurjahan; Battaile, Kevin P.; Tolbert, Thomas J. (Kansas); (HWMRI)


    Immunoglobulin G (IgG) consists of four subclasses in humans: IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4, which are highly conserved but have unique differences that result in subclass-specific effector functions. Though IgG1 is the most extensively studied IgG subclass, study of other subclasses is important to understand overall immune function and for development of new therapeutics. When compared to IgG1, IgG3 exhibits a similar binding profile to Fcγ receptors and stronger activation of complement. All IgG subclasses are glycosylated at N297, which is required for Fcγ receptor and C1q complement binding as well as maintaining optimal Fc conformation. We have determined the crystal structure of homogenously glycosylated human IgG3 Fc with a GlcNAc2Man5 (Man5) high mannose glycoform at 1.8 Å resolution and compared its structural features with published structures from the other IgG subclasses. Although the overall structure of IgG3 Fc is similar to that of other subclasses, some structural perturbations based on sequence differences were revealed. For instance, the presence of R435 in IgG3 (and H435 in the other IgG subclasses) has been implicated to result in IgG3-specific properties related to binding to protein A, protein G and the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). The IgG3 Fc structure helps to explain some of these differences. Additionally, protein-glycan contacts observed in the crystal structure appear to correlate with IgG3 affinity for Fcγ receptors as shown by binding studies with IgG3 Fc glycoforms. Finally, this IgG3 Fc structure provides a template for further studies aimed at engineering the Fc for specific gain of function.

  3. Factores de riesgo asociados a la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos a Neospora caninum en ganado lechero de Aguascalientes, México


    Rocío Conzuelo Sierra; Leticia Medina-Esparza; Miguel Ramos Parra; Zeferino García-Vázquez; Carlos Cruz-Vázquez


    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar potenciales factores de riesgo, incluyendo laposible presencia de contaminación del agua de bebida con ooquistes del parásito, asociados con la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos a N. caninum en hatos lecheros de Aguascalientes, México. Se tomaron muestras de suero sanguíneo de 150 vacas, mismas que fueron analizadas por la técnica de ELISA, se detectó la presencia de ADN de N. caninum en el agua de bebida mediante una prueba de PCR anidada, y se a...

  4. Invasive cervical cancer accompanied by IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Mizuno, Rin; Yamanishi, Yukio; Uda, Satoko; Terashima, Tsuyoshi; Higashi, Tatsuya; Higuchi, Toshihiro


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a systemic disease that affects multiple organs and generates nodules or thickening. Discriminating these diseases from malignancy is important because glucocorticoid treatment is effective for patients with IgG4-RD. Coexistence of IgG4-RD with various malignant diseases has been reported, but there are few reports with regard to gynecologic malignant diseases. We encountered a case of invasive cervical cancer stage IIB accompanied by IgG4-RD. The patient was a 46-year-old woman. On pelvic magnetic resonance imaging, fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography and computed tomography, systemic multiple lymph node swelling was seen, including in the neck and the mediastinum in addition to uterine cervix. Diagnosis (and hence, appropriate treatment choice) was achieved on pathology of the submandibular gland and uterus, and analysis of serum IgG4. IgG4-RD should be suspected in patients presenting with malignancy and unusual multiple lymph node swelling. © 2016 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  5. IgG4-Seronegative Autoimmune Pancreatitis and Sclerosing Cholangitis

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    Allon Kahn


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease is a relatively novel clinical entity whose gastrointestinal manifestations include type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP and IgG4-associated sclerosing cholangitis. The presence of elevated serum IgG4 is suggestive but not essential for the diagnosis of type 1 AIP and is a pervasive feature of the proposed diagnostic criteria. The differential diagnosis of type 1 AIP includes malignant conditions, emphasizing the importance of a deliberate, comprehensive evaluation. Management of patients with a suggestive clinical presentation, but without serum IgG4 elevation, is difficult. Here we present three cases of IgG4-seronegative AIP and sclerosing cholangitis that responded to empiric steroid therapy and discuss approach considerations. These cases demonstrate the value of meticulous application of existing diagnostic algorithms to achieve a clinical diagnosis and avoid surgical intervention.

  6. Human placenta: relative content of antibodies of different classes and subclasses (IgG1-IgG4) containing lambda- and kappa-light chains and chimeric lambda-kappa-immunoglobulins. (United States)

    Lekchnov, Evgenii A; Sedykh, Sergey E; Dmitrenok, Pavel S; Buneva, Valentina N; Nevinsky, Georgy A


    The specific organ placenta is much more than a filter: it is an organ that protects, feeds and regulates the growth of the embryo. Affinity chromatography, ELISA, SDS-PAGE and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry were used. Using 10 intact human placentas deprived of blood, a quantitative analysis of average relative content [% of total immunoglobulins (Igs)] was carried out for the first time: (92.7), IgA (2.4), IgM (2.5), kappa-antibodies (51.4), lambda-antibodies (48.6), IgG1 (47.0), IgG2 (39.5), IgG3 (8.8) and IgG4 (4.3). It was shown for the first time that placenta contains sIgA (2.5%). In the classic paradigm, Igs represent products of clonal B-cell populations, each producing antibodies recognizing a single antigen. There is a common belief that IgGs in mammalian biological fluids are monovalent molecules having stable structures and two identical antigen-binding sites. However, similarly to human milk Igs, placenta antibodies undergo extensive half-molecule exchange and the IgG pool consists of 43.5 ± 15.0% kappa-kappa-IgGs and 41.6 ± 17.0% lambda-lambda-IgGs, while 15.0 ± 4.0% of the IgGs contained both kappa- and lambda-light chains. Kappa-kappa-IgGs and lambda-lambda-IgGs contained, respectively (%): IgG1 (47.7 and 34.4), IgG2 (36.3 and 44.5), IgG3 (7.4 and 11.8) and IgG4 (7.5 and 9.1), while chimeric kappa-lambda-IgGs consisted of (%): 43.5 IgG1, 41.0 IgG2, 5.6 IgG3 and 7.9 IgG4. Our data are indicative of the possibility of half-molecule exchange between placenta IgGs of various subclasses, raised against different antigens, which explains a very well-known polyspecificity and cross-reactivity of different human IgGs. © The Japanese Society for Immunology. 2015. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  7. IgG isotypic antibodies to crude Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Methods: Levels of IgG (IgG1-IgG4) and IgM to crude P. falciparum blood stage antigen ... dosage influenced P. falciparum-specific isotypic antibody responses to blood stage .... exposed Swedish donors. ..... with adverse pregnancy outcomes.

  8. IgG4- related disease: an orphan disease with many faces (United States)


    Immunoglobulin G4- related disease (IgG4-RD) is a rare systemic fibro-inflammatory disorder (ORPHA284264). Although patients have been described more than 100 years ago, the systemic nature of this disease has been recognized in the 21st century only. Type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis is the most frequent manifestation of IgG4-RD. However, IgG4-RD can affect any organ such as salivary glands, orbits, retroperitoneum and many others. Recent research enabled a clear clinical and histopathological description of IgG4-RD. Typically, lymphoplasmacellular inflammation, storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis are found in IgG4-RD biopsies and the tissue invading plasma cells largely produce IgG4. Elevated serum IgG4 levels are found in many but not all patients. Consequently, diagnostic criteria for IgG4-RD have been proposed recently. Treatment is largely based on clinical experience and retrospective case series. Glucocorticoids are the mainstay of therapy, although adjunctive immunosuppressive agents are used in relapsing patients. This review summarizes current knowledge on clinical manifestations, pathophysiology and treatment of IgG4-RD. PMID:25026959

  9. Solución adyuvante CM-95 tratada magnéticamente en comparación con el adyuvante de Freund para la obtención del suero de Coombs en conejo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clara Martínez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se evaluó la aplicación de la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente como adyuvante inmunológico, en comparación con el adyuvante de Freund, para la obtención del suero de Coombs en conejos, de gran demanda en bancos de sangre y hospitales, para el diagnóstico clínico de conflictos Rh y la enfermedad hemolítica del recién nacido, entre otras. Conejos Nueva Zelanda Blancos se inocularon por la vía subcutánea con suero humano obtenido de 30 donantes O+, unido con la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente como adyuvante inmunológico. Se empleó un esquema de inmunización de 40 días, donde se evaluó la dinámica en el título de anticuerpos anti IgG humano por la técnica de hemoaglutinación en tubos. Al antisuero se le determinó la calidad inmunológica por el título de heteroaglutininas de los grupos sanguíneos A, B y O, de anticuerpos anticomplemento C3b, C3d y C4b y anti IgG, antes y después de su purificación. El suero de Coombs con la solución adyuvante CM-95 tratada magnéticamente mostró valores similares a los obtenidos con el adyuvante de Freund. En el mismo se cumplió con los requisitos establecidos por el Centro Estatal para el Control de la Calidad de los Medicamentos, según las normativas de la FDA para este diagnosticador. Estos resultados abren nuevas perspectivas para el uso de la solución adyuvante en la obtención del suero de Coombs.

  10. Large vessel involvement by IgG4-related disease (United States)

    Perugino, Cory A.; Wallace, Zachary S.; Meyersohn, Nandini; Oliveira, George; Stone, James R.; Stone, John H.


    Abstract Objectives: IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is an immune-mediated fibroinflammatory condition that can affect multiple organs and lead to tumefactive, tissue-destructive lesions. Reports have described inflammatory aortitis and periaortitis, the latter in the setting of retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF), but have not distinguished adequately between these 2 manifestations. The frequency, radiologic features, and response of vascular complications to B cell depletion remain poorly defined. We describe the clinical features, radiology findings, and treatment response in a cohort of 36 patients with IgG4-RD affecting large blood vessels. Methods: Clinical records of all patients diagnosed with IgG4-RD in our center were reviewed. All radiologic studies were reviewed. We distinguished between primary large blood vessel inflammation and secondary vascular involvement. Primary involvement was defined as inflammation in the blood vessel wall as a principal focus of disease. Secondary vascular involvement was defined as disease caused by the effects of adjacent inflammation on the blood vessel wall. Results: Of the 160 IgG4-RD patients in this cohort, 36 (22.5%) had large-vessel involvement. The mean age at disease onset of the patients with large-vessel IgG4-RD was 54.6 years. Twenty-eight patients (78%) were male and 8 (22%) were female. Thirteen patients (36%) had primary IgG4-related vasculitis and aortitis with aneurysm formation comprised the most common manifestation. This affected 5.6% of the entire IgG4-RD cohort and was observed in the thoracic aorta in 8 patients, the abdominal aorta in 4, and both the thoracic and abdominal aorta in 3. Three of these aneurysms were complicated by aortic dissection or contained perforation. Periaortitis secondary to RPF accounted for 27 of 29 patients (93%) of secondary vascular involvement by IgG4-RD. Only 5 patients demonstrated evidence of both primary and secondary blood vessel involvement. Of those treated with

  11. Histopathologic Overlap between Fibrosing Mediastinitis and IgG4-Related Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tobias Peikert


    Full Text Available Fibrosing mediastinitis (FM and IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD are two fibroinflammatory disorders with potentially overlapping clinical and radiological features. In this paper, we looked for histopathologic features of IgG4-RD and enumerated infiltrating IgG4-positive plasma cells within mediastinal tissue biopsies from FM patients. We identified 15 consecutive FM surgical mediastinal tissue biopsies between 1985 and 2006. All patients satisfied the clinical and radiological diagnostic criteria for FM. All patients had either serological or radiological evidence of prior histoplasmosis or granulomatous disease, respectively. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections of all patients were stained for H&E, IgG, and IgG4. Three samples met the predefined diagnostic criteria for IgG4-RD. In addition, characteristic histopathologic changes of IgG4-RD in the absence of diagnostic numbers of tissue infiltrating IgG4-positive plasma cells were seen in a number of additional cases (storiform cell-rich fibrosis in 11 cases, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in 7 cases, and obliterative phlebitis/arteritis in 2 cases. We conclude that up to one-third of histoplasmosis or granulomatous-disease-associated FM cases demonstrate histopathological features of IgG4-RD spectrum. Whether these changes occur as the host immune response against Histoplasma or represent a manifestation of IgG4-RD remains to be determined. Studies to prospectively identify these cases and evaluate their therapeutic responses to glucocorticoids and/or other immunosuppressive agents such as rituximab are warranted.

  12. Are Classification Criteria for IgG4-RD Now Possible? The Concept of IgG4-Related Disease and Proposal of Comprehensive Diagnostic Criteria in Japan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kazuichi Okazaki


    Full Text Available Recent studies suggest simultaneous or metachronous lesions in multiorgans characterized by elevated serum levels of IgG4 and abundant infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells with various degrees of fibrosis. Two Japanese research committees for IgG4-RD, one from fibrosclerosis (Okazaki team and the other from lymph proliferation (Umehara team supported by the “Research Program for Intractable Disease” of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of Japan, have agreed with the unified nomenclature as “IgG4-RD” and proposed the comprehensive diagnostic criteria (CDC for IgG4-RD. Validation of the CDC demonstrated satisfactory sensitivity for the practical use of general physicians and nonspecialists but low sensitivity in the organs to be difficult in taking biopsy specimens such as type1 autoimmune pancreatitis (IgG4-related AIP, compared with IgG4-related sialadenitis/dacryoadenitis (Mikulicz's disease and IgG4-related kidney disease. Although the diagnostic criteria covering all IgG4-RD are hard to be established, combination with the CDC and organ-specific diagnostic criteria should improve sensitivity.

  13. IgG4-Related Disease Presenting as Isolated Scleritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eran Berkowitz


    Full Text Available A rare case of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD manifesting as nodular scleritis is presented in a 20-year-old female. Patient complained of left eye pain and redness for one week. Ocular examination together with ancillary testing led to the diagnosis of nodular scleritis. Since the patient did not show apparent improvement after one week of systemic steroidal treatment, she underwent a biopsy of the affected area revealing histopathological characteristics of IgG4-RD. Long-term treatment with corticosteroids and a steroid-sparing agent (methotrexate led to significant improvement in signs and symptoms. This case highlights the significance of IgG4-RD in the differential diagnosis of scleritis and raises the question as to whether various organs affected by IgG4-RD may have different underlying pathophysiological mechanisms in which pathogenic T cells play a role.

  14. Clinical pathology observation on orbit IgG4 related disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ji-Hua Guo


    Full Text Available AIM:To discuss clinical pathological features of orbit IgG4 related disease(IgG4-RD. METHODS: The clinical pathological materials of 23 patients(35 eyeswith orbit IgG4-RD were collected. They were observed in terms of histology and immunohistochemistry, and its clinical and pathologic characteristics were summarized. RESULTS: There were 23 patients(35 eyeswith orbit IgG4-RD(8 male patients, 9 eyes; 15 female patients, 26 eyes, with an average age of 52.1 year-old(from age 28 to 72. 19 patients(30 eyesoccured in lacrimal gland and 4 cases(5 eyesin other places, and they went to hospital for lacrimal gland cyst or exophthalmos. There were 11 cases in one side and 12 cases in both sides. The disease lasted from 1mo to 10a, averaging 27mo. It recureded in one patient(1 eyeafter 1mo. In general inspection: Gray nodular goiter, thin fibrous coat wrapping around the lacrimal gland could be observed. Histologic characteristics: lacrimal gland bubble and catheter group shrinked or even disappeared, substituted by lymphocyte, plasma cells and lymphoid follicle and accompanied with fibrosis. Immunohistochemical staining: IgG4 positive plasma cells of 23 cases(35 eyeswas >50/HPF, and IgG4/IgG ratio of positive plasma cells was >40%. CONCLUSION: Orbit IgG4-RD mainly occures in lacrimal gland tissue, and expression of IgG4 can be detected through histologic characteristics and immunohistochemical staining. IgG4-RD should be screened, prevented and treated in the early phase.

  15. [IgG4-related disease - a case report]. (United States)

    Milczarek-Banach, Justyna; Brodzińska, Kinga; Jankowska, Anna; Ambroziak, Urszula; Szczepankiewicz, Benedykt; Nałęcz-Janik, Jolanta; Miśkiewicz, Piotr


    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a comparatively new condition that may involve more than one organ. The lack of characteristic, pathognomonic clinical symptoms may delay the diagnosis of this disease. The diagnosis is based upon clinical manifestation, elevated serum levels of IgG4 and histopathologic examination with immunohistochemical staining to reveal infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells. The first line treatment is oral glucocorticoids. 38-year-old woman with Hashimoto disease, chronic sinusitis and chronic hepatitis of unknown etiology was admitted to the Department of Endocrinology because of moderate eyelids swelling accompanied by redness for 3 years. Graves' orbitopathy and systemic vasculitis were suspected, however both were excluded (negative antibodies results: anty-TSHR, ANCA, ANA). Serologic investigation of Sjögren's syndrome was also negative. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of orbits there were described bilateral mild extension of lateral rectus muscles, normal signal of adipose tissue and bilateral lacrimal glands enlargement. Moreover, increased IgG4 serum levels were detected. The material derived from perinasal sinuses surgery was analyzed in histopathology examination with immunohistochemical staining, which revealed characteristic features of chronic inflammatory process and increased numbers of IgG4 - positive plasma cells (>50 in a large field of view). The diagnosis of IgG4-RD was established. Because of non-effective oral methylprednisolone therapy in the past, the patient was referred to Clinic of Rheumatology for further treatment. After the therapy with methylprednisolone and azathioprine there were observed the significant reduction of symptoms. Because of lack of characteristic symptoms of IgG4- RD, it should be always considered in differential diagnosis of chronic inflammatory diseases of various organs.

  16. The blocking activity of birch pollen-specific immunotherapy-induced IgG4 is not qualitatively superior to that of other IgG subclasses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ejrnaes, Anne M; Bødtger, Uffe; Larsen, Jørgen N


    IgE were detected using 125I-labelled rBet v 1.2801, a recombinant variant of the major allergen of Betula verrucosa pollen. Results show that IgG4-depletion resulted in equivalent reductions in binding and blocking activities. In contrast, a significant but less than two-fold higher relative...... for the clinical efficacy of SIT. In this study, fractionated serum samples from 14 SIT-treated birch pollen allergic individuals enabled determination of the inhibitory capacity of IgG4 alone versus non-IgG4 IgG. Allergen-binding activities of IgG and the IgG-mediated inhibition of allergen binding to autologous...

  17. The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) binds independently to both sites of the IgG homodimer with identical affinity. (United States)

    Abdiche, Yasmina Noubia; Yeung, Yik Andy; Chaparro-Riggers, Javier; Barman, Ishita; Strop, Pavel; Chin, Sherman Michael; Pham, Amber; Bolton, Gary; McDonough, Dan; Lindquist, Kevin; Pons, Jaume; Rajpal, Arvind


    The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) is expressed by cells of epithelial, endothelial and myeloid lineages and performs multiple roles in adaptive immunity. Characterizing the FcRn/IgG interaction is fundamental to designing therapeutic antibodies because IgGs with moderately increased binding affinities for FcRn exhibit superior serum half-lives and efficacy. It has been hypothesized that 2 FcRn molecules bind an IgG homodimer with disparate affinities, yet their affinity constants are inconsistent across the literature. Using surface plasmon resonance biosensor assays that eliminated confounding experimental artifacts, we present data supporting an alternate hypothesis: 2 FcRn molecules saturate an IgG homodimer with identical affinities at independent sites, consistent with the symmetrical arrangement of the FcRn/Fc complex observed in the crystal structure published by Burmeister et al. in 1994. We find that human FcRn binds human IgG1 with an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 760 ± 60 nM (N = 14) at 25°C and pH 5.8, and shows less than 25% variation across the other human subtypes. Human IgG1 binds cynomolgus monkey FcRn with a 2-fold higher affinity than human FcRn, and binds both mouse and rat FcRn with a 10-fold higher affinity than human FcRn. FcRn/IgG interactions from multiple species show less than a 2-fold weaker affinity at 37°C than at 25°C and appear independent of an IgG's variable region. Our in vivo data in mouse and rat models demonstrate that both affinity and avidity influence an IgG's serum half-life, which should be considered when choosing animals, especially transgenic systems, as surrogates.

  18. Mitochondrial-dependent Autoimmunity in Membranous Nephropathy of IgG4-related Disease (United States)

    Buelli, Simona; Perico, Luca; Galbusera, Miriam; Abbate, Mauro; Morigi, Marina; Novelli, Rubina; Gagliardini, Elena; Tentori, Chiara; Rottoli, Daniela; Sabadini, Ettore; Saito, Takao; Kawano, Mitsuhiro; Saeki, Takako; Zoja, Carlamaria; Remuzzi, Giuseppe; Benigni, Ariela


    The pathophysiology of glomerular lesions of membranous nephropathy (MN), including seldom-reported IgG4-related disease, is still elusive. Unlike in idiopathic MN where IgG4 prevails, in this patient IgG3 was predominant in glomerular deposits in the absence of circulating anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibodies, suggesting a distinct pathologic process. Here we documented that IgG4 retrieved from the serum of our propositus reacted against carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) at the podocyte surface. In patient's biopsy, glomerular CAII staining increased and co-localized with subepithelial IgG4 deposits along the capillary walls. Patient's IgG4 caused a drop in cell pH followed by mitochondrial dysfunction, excessive ROS production and cytoskeletal reorganization in cultured podocytes. These events promoted mitochondrial superoxide-dismutase-2 (SOD2) externalization on the plasma membrane, becoming recognizable by complement-binding IgG3 anti-SOD2. Among patients with IgG4-related disease only sera of those with IgG4 anti-CAII antibodies caused low intracellular pH and mitochondrial alterations underlying SOD2 externalization. Circulating IgG4 anti-CAII can cause podocyte injury through processes of intracellular acidification, mitochondrial oxidative stress and neoantigen induction in patients with IgG4 related disease. The onset of MN in a subset of patients could be due to IgG4 antibodies recognizing CAII with consequent exposure of mitochondrial neoantigen in the context of multifactorial pathogenesis of disease. PMID:26137589

  19. IgG levels in mother-father-cord trios: evidence for a large reduction of maternal IgG at birth

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Williams, R C; Gershowitz, H


    Cord plasmas have a higher concentration of IgG than do the mothers, although autologous, fetal immunoglobulin G is only a small fraction of the neonate's complement. Maternal IgG levels are significantly lower than the nonpregnant adult female, a loss of about one third, which cannot be explained completely by maternal immunization of the fetus.

  20. Enhanced IgG4 production by follicular helper 2 T cells and the involvement of follicular helper 1 T cells in the pathogenesis of IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Akiyama, Mitsuhiro; Yasuoka, Hidekata; Yamaoka, Kunihiro; Suzuki, Katsuya; Kaneko, Yuko; Kondo, Harumi; Kassai, Yoshiaki; Koga, Keiko; Miyazaki, Takahiro; Morita, Rimpei; Yoshimura, Akihiko; Takeuchi, Tsutomu


    The aim of this study was to elucidate the function of circulating follicular helper T (Tfh) cell subsets in helping B cells in patients with active, untreated IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) and determine their relationship with disease activity. Seventeen consecutive patients with active, untreated IgG4-RD, 20 with primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS), 5 with multicentric Castleman's disease (MCD), and 12 healthy controls (HC) were enrolled. Tfh cell subset function was evaluated by co-culture with naïve B cells in vitro. Activated Tfh cell subsets were defined as a CCR7(low)PD-1(high) subset among Tfh cell subsets. Disease activity was evaluated by IgG4-RD responder index (IgG4-RD RI) score. The number of Tfh2 cells was significantly higher in IgG4-RD compared to pSS, MCD, or HC, and correlated with serum IgG4 level or the number of plasmablasts. In vitro, Tfh2 cells more efficiently induced the differentiation of naïve B cells into plasmablasts compared to Tfh1 or Tfh17 cells. Of note, while IgG production in culture supernatants of Tfh2 cells was comparable between IgG4-RD and HC, IgG4 production was significantly higher with Tfh2 cells from patients with IgG4-RD than in those from HC. Accordingly, the IgG4:IgG ratio in culture supernatants was also significantly higher with Tfh2 cells from IgG4-RD compared to HC. Moreover, the number of activated Tfh2 cells was higher in IgG4-RD compared to pSS, MCD, or HC, and strongly correlated with IgG4-RD RI score in the baseline active phase. Particularly, the number of activated Tfh2 cells was associated with the number of affected organs and serum IgG4 level. Importantly, the number of activated Tfh2 cells was decreased after glucocorticoid treatment and paralleled disease improvement. Moreover, the number of activated Tfh1 cells was also increased in IgG4-RD compared to pSS, MCD, or HC, correlating with IgG4-RD RI score, but not with serum IgG4 level. Tfh2 cells, but not Tfh1 or Tfh17 cells, induce the differentiation of

  1. The Geoepidemiology and Clinical Aspects of IgG4-Related Disease. (United States)

    Uchida, Kazushige; Tanaka, Toshihiro; Gershwin, M Eric; Okazaki, Kazuichi


    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently described systemic inflammatory disease characterized by increased serum IgG4 concentrations, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrations, storiform fibrosis, and obliterative phlebitis. However, although IgG4-RD has become increasingly recognized, the number of patients with IgG4-RD remains unclear. Data from several studies indicate that patients who have a T-helper type 2 (Th2-) dominant immune response, which leads to the hyperproduction of Th2 cytokines, then progress to IgG4-RD. Glucocorticoids are the most common treatment for IgG4-RD and generally, patients have a good response-a characteristic of IgG4-RD. However, relapses during the tapering of glucocorticoid therapy are common. Second-line therapy after glucocorticoids includes immunosuppressant agents. Although the long-term outcome still remains unclear, there is increased interest in the relationships between IgG-RD and malignancies. In this review, the authors provide a detailed overview of the geoepidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic features, treatment, and prognosis of IgG4-RD. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  2. The Emerging Importance of IgG Fab Glycosylation in Immunity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Bovenkamp, Fleur S.; Hafkenscheid, Lise; Rispens, Theo; Rombouts, Yoann


    Human IgG is the most abundant glycoprotein in serum and is crucial for protective immunity. In addition to conserved IgG Fc glycans, ∼15-25% of serum IgG contains glycans within the variable domains. These so-called "Fab glycans" are primarily highly processed complex-type biantennary N-glycans

  3. Anticuerpos antiprotrombina y resistencia adquirida a la proteína C activada en el síndrome antifosfolipídico


    Muñoz Rodríguez, Francisco José


    El síndrome antifosfolipídico (SAF) se caracteriza clínicamente por la aparición de fenómenos trombóticos recurrentes, complicaciones obstétricas, tales como abortos o pérdidas fetales recurrentes, y trombocitopenia. Inmunológicamente se define por la presencia de los anticuerpos antifosfolipídicos (AAF), un grupo heterogéneo de autoanticuerpos que reconocen complejos constituidos por fosfolípidos de membrana y proteínas plasmáticas que actúan como cofactores. Los mejor conocidos y que ayudan...

  4. The role of IgG antibodies in allergy and immunotherapy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aalberse, R.


    In specific immunotherapy (SIT), a beneficial response is associated with an increase in allergen-specific IgG(4) . This does not indicate that IgE-producing B cells have switched to IgG(4) production, because in human DNA, IgE is downstream from IgG(4) . Thus, by conventional switching, B cells

  5. Fibrosing variant of Hashimoto thyroiditis is an IgG4 related disease. (United States)

    Deshpande, Vikram; Huck, Amelia; Ooi, Esther; Stone, John H; Faquin, William C; Nielsen, G Petur


    Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) and the fibrosing variant of Hashimoto thyroiditis (FVHT) are immune-mediated tumefactive lesions of the thyroid. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is now a widely recognised multi-organ system disease characterised by elevated serum and tissue concentrations of IgG4. In this study, the authors address several unresolved questions pertaining to the relationship between HT and FVHT, and the association of each of these diseases with IgG4-RD. The authors evaluated 28 consecutive cases of HT and nine cases of FVHT. The clinical, demographic and serological data were recorded. The slides were stained immunohistochemically using antibodies to IgG4 and IgG and the quantitative analysis was recorded. Data on thyroid function tests were available on seven cases of FVHT and 14 cases of HT. Based on the availability of data, hypothyroidism was noted in 62% (9/14) of HT and 86% of FVHT (6/7). FVHT demonstrated an exaggerated lobular pattern with lobules separated by cellular storiform-type fibrosis, resembling fibrosis seen in other forms of IgG-RD. The median IgG4 counts per high power field (×40) in HT and FVHT were 2.3 and 22, respectively. The median IgG4:IgG ratios in HT and FVHT were 0.11 and 0.58, respectively. The authors propose that FVHT belongs to the spectrum of IgG4-RD. Although a proportion of cases of HT show elevated numbers of IgG4 positive plasma cells, these cases lack the histological features typically associated with IgG4-RD, and thus the relationship between HT and IgG4-RD remains unproven.

  6. IgG and IgE antibodies to Chironomidae in asthmatic patients. (United States)

    Yamashita, N; Ito, K; Nakagawa, T; Haida, M; Okudaira, H; Nakada, S; Miyamoto, T; Shibuya, T; Kamei, K; Sasa, M


    IgG antibodies to Chironomidae and its correlations to radioallergosorbent and skin reactions were examined with the aim of clarifying the relationship between asthma and Chironomidae. The level of specific IgG antibody in asthmatic patients (0.698 +/- 0.034, n = 104) was significantly greater than that in normal subjects (0.367 +/- 0.032, n = 52) (P less than 0.01). The specific IgG level was not correlated to skin reaction, nor to IgE RAST scores. Specific IgG1 and IgG4 levels in asthmatic patients were significantly greater than in control subjects (n = 14) (P less than 0.01). Images Fig. 5 PMID:3652516

  7. IgG4-Related Disease in a Urachal Tumor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Travis W. Dum


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease is a newly recognized fibroinflammatory disorder that has the ability to affect nearly every organ system. It is characterized by tumefactive lesions and fibrosis and closely mimics neoplasms. Only one case of IgG4-related bladder mass has been reported in the literature, but there are no reports of IgG4-related disease in a urachal mass. Herein, we report a 26-year-old male who initially presented with symptoms of recurrent UTI. Work-up revealed a 6 cm urachal tumor, a 1.4 cm pulmonary lesion, and mediastinal lymphadenopathy; all metabolically active on PET scan and suspicious for urachal adenocarcinoma. Lung lesion fine needle aspiration and TURBT pathology revealed inflammation but no evidence of malignancy. The patient underwent a partial cystectomy and umbilectomy with pathology demonstrating dense plasmacytic cells, a high rate of immunohistochemistry staining positive for IgG4 plasma cells, a storiform pattern of fibrosis, and an obliterative phlebitis. Furthermore, the patient had an elevated serum IgG4 level of 227 mg/dL (range 2.4–121 mg/dL. IgG4-related disease is a newly recognized fibroinflammatory disorder that can mimic neoplastic processes and a high index of suspicion and accurate tissue pathology is necessary for an accurate diagnosis.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marlyn Romero P


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la circulación del virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle (ENC en aves de traspatio de siete municipios del eje cafetero por medio de la técnica ELISA. Materiales y métodos. Fueron encuestados 465 predios para evaluar las normas de bioseguridad de las aves de traspatio de los municipios de Armenia, Circasia, Quimbaya, Montenegro, Filandia, Calarcá y La Tebaida del Departamento del Quindío. Se analizaron 662 muestras de suero para detectar anticuerpos IgG contra el virus de la ENC por ELISA. Resultados. La seroprevalencia de la ENC en la población de aves evaluada fue del 30.7%.(203/662, que corresponde al 38.5% de los predios encuestados. No se encontró asociación entre la especie y la seroreactividad (p=0.21, ni entre la distribución de los anticuerpos por grupos productivos y la edad (p>0.05. Los predios de traspatio son manejados de forma extensiva, albergan en las mismas instalaciones aves de diferentes especies y edades en el 64.3% (299/465, con edades en intervalos entre tres meses y cinco años. Fueron detectadas malas prácticas de manejo de la gallinaza y la mortalidad, sin encontrar asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables evaluadas y la presencia de anticuerpos anti-virus de ENC (p>0.05. Conclusiones. Es necesario el establecimiento de planes adecuados de vacunación de las aves de traspatio, la vigilancia epidemiológica activa, la observación de los casos sospechosos, sin dejar de lado la educación y capacitación, sobre el adecuado manejo de los animales, dirigida a los propietarios de las aves como medidas de control de la enfermedad.

  9. Retroperitoneal disorders associated with IgG4-related autoimmune pancreatitis (United States)

    Hara, Noboru; Kawaguchi, Makoto; Takeda, Keisuke; Zen, Yoh


    IgG4-related autoimmune pancreatitis is frequently accompanied by relevant lesions in the genitourinary tract and retroperitoneal organs, which cause various clinical problems, ranging from non-specific back pain or bladder outlet obstruction to renal failure. The diagnosis of IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis requires a multidisciplinary approach, including serological tests, histological examination, imaging analysis, and susceptibility to steroid therapy. Radiological examinations are helpful to diagnose this condition, but surgical resection is occasionally unavoidable to exclude malignancy, particularly for patients with isolated retroperitoneal involvement. Steroid therapy is the treatment of choice for this condition, the same as for other manifestations of IgG4-related disease. For patients with severe ureteral obstruction, additional ureteral stenting needs to be considered prior to steroid therapy to preserve the renal function. Some papers have suggested that IgG4-related disease can affect male reproductive organs including the prostate and testis. IgG4-related prostatitis usually causes lower urinary tract symptoms, such as dysuria and pollakisuria. Patients sometimes state that corticosteroids given for IgG4-related disease at other sites relieve their lower urinary tract symptoms, which leads us to suspect prostatic involvement in this condition. Because of the limited number of publications available, further studies are warranted to better characterize IgG4-related disease in male reproductive organs. PMID:25469023

  10. A Two-pronged Binding Mechanism of IgG to the Neonatal Fc Receptor Controls Complex Stability and IgG Serum Half-life

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Pernille Foged; Schoch, Angela; Larraillet, Vincent


    The success of recombinant monoclonal immunoglobulins (IgG) is rooted in their ability to target distinct antigens with high affinity combined with an extraordinarily long serum half-life, typically around 3 weeks. The pharmacokinetics of IgGs is intimately linked to the recycling mechanism...... half-life of ∼8 days. Here we dissect the molecular origins of excessive FcRn binding in therapeutic IgGs using a combination of hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry and FcRn affinity chromatography. We provide experimental evidence for a two-pronged IgG-FcRn binding mechanism involving direct...

  11. Prevalencia de anticuerpos contra diarrea viral bovina, virus sincitial bovino, rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina, leucosis bovina, Neospora caninum, parainfluenza bovina (PI3 y paratuberculosis, en ganadería bovina de fincas ubicadas en Aguachica y Rio de Oro, Cesar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiana Gálvis García


    Full Text Available Introducción: En el área de la ganadería los problemas caracterizados por infertilidad, abortos, muerte embrionaria, crías con malformaciones neurológicas y físicas son de gran importancia, ya que hay múltiples etiologías y se encuentran ampliamente distribuidos a nivel mundial. Lo anterior ocasiona serias pérdidas económicas y afectando la exportación de carne de los bovinos debido a la restricción de normas de sanidad, donde se encuentran las enfermedades como diarrea viral bovina, rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina, leucosis bovina y Neospora caninum. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra diarrea viral bovina (DVB, virus sincitial respiratorio bovino (BRSV, virus de la rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina (IBR, leucosis enzoótica bovina (BLV, N. caninum, Parainfluenza bovina (PI3 y paratuberculosis (ParaTBC, en bovinos de Aguachica y Rio de Oro, Cesar. Materiales y métodos: Tipo de estudio: Descriptivo de corte transversal, se realizó en 27 fincas ubicadas en zona rural de los municipios de Aguachica y Rio de Oro, Cesar. El Tamaño de la muestra se estimó en 905 bovinos. De cada animal se tomó sangre por punción venosa de la vena coccígea en tubos sin anticoagulante mediante el uso de sistema de vacío Vacutainer®. Cada muestra fue etiquetada adecuadamente con los códigos de identificación asignada, las muestras se centrifugaron a 1500 rpm y se transportó al laboratorio en recipientes con hielo. Se realizó alícuotas en viales de 1,5 ml y se almacenaron a -20 ° C para su posterior procesamiento. Determinación de anticuerpos específicos: Las pruebas para detectar anticuerpos específicos fue mediante ensayo de inmunoabsorción enzimática (ELISA, de las casas comerciales INGEZIM (BRSV, DBV, BLV, N. caninum, IBR, PARACHEK 2 (ParaTBC y BIO-X DIAGNOSTIC (PI3. La validación de las pruebas se realizó mediante los respectivos controles positivos y negativos los cuales se procesaron por duplicado. Resultados

  12. A small subgroup of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is associated with IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Jokisch, Friedrich; Kleinlein, Irene; Haller, Bernhard; Seehaus, Tanja; Fuerst, Heinrich; Kremer, Marcus


    IgG4-related disease is a newly identified syndrome characterized by high serum IgG4 levels and increased IgG4-positive plasma cells in involved organs. The incidence of IgG4-related thyroiditis in the Caucasian population of Europe is unknown. We investigated formalin-fixed thyroid gland samples of 216 patients (191 Hashimoto's thyroiditis, 5 Riedel's thyroiditis, and 20 goiters, as controls), morphologically, and immunohistochemically. Cases were divided into two groups: IgG4-related Hashimoto's thyroiditis (24 cases) together with Riedel thyroiditis (1 case) and 171 non-IgG4-related thyroiditis. Compared to the non-IgG4-related cases, IgG4-related thyroiditis showed a higher IgG4/IgG ratio (0.6 vs. 0.1, p thyroiditis was diagnosed in 23 of the 24 IgG4-related cases (96 %) and in 13 of 167 (18 %, p > 0.001) non-IgG4-related cases. The single case of IgG4-related Riedel's thyroiditis also showed a higher median IgG4 plasma cell count (56.3 vs. 14.3) and a higher IgG4/IgG ratio (0.5 vs. 0.2) than the four cases of non-IgG4-related Riedel's thyroiditis. Our data suggests the incidence of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) of the thyroid gland in Europe is considerably lower than that observed in other studies. A significant elevation of IgG4-positive plasma cells was only found in a small group of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and then accompanied by intense fibrosis, indicating an association with IgG4-RD. Morphologically, IgG4-RD of the thyroid gland differs from that in other organ systems, exhibiting a dense fibrosis without intense eosinophilia or obliterative phlebitis.

  13. Extrapancreatic findings of IgG4-related disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan, T.J.; Ng, Y.L.; Tan, D.; Fong, W.S.; Low, A.S.C.


    IgG4-related disease is a systemic fibro-inflammatory condition, which includes autoimmune pancreatitis as part of the disease spectrum. Imaging has been demonstrated to play a major role in the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis. Recognizing the wide spectrum of extrapancreatic manifestations of IgG4-related disease coupled with a high clinical index of suspicion will allow for an accurate and timely diagnosis to be made, thus avoiding unnecessary invasive procedures and ensuring that early effective corticosteroid therapy is commenced. This review aims to serve as a concise reference tool for both clinicians and radiologists in the diagnosis of extrapancreatic IgG4-related disease

  14. Antibody isotypes, including IgG subclasses, in Ecuadorian patients with pulmonary Paragonimiasis

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    Angel Guevara E.


    Full Text Available An ELISA test was developed to detect Paragonimus-specific antibodies, including IgG subclasses, using P. mexicanus crude water-soluble antigens. The test was standardized to detect antibodies in sera of Ecuadorian patients with pulmonary paragonimiasis and negative controls from the endemic area. The detected mean levels of IgG (0.753, SEM: 0.074 and IgM (0.303, SEM: 0.033 were significantly elevated (P<0.05. Within the IgG subclasses, IgG4 showed the highest detected mean level (0.365, SEM: 0.116 and the other three subclasses showed considerably lower mean levels (IgG1, 0.186 SEM: 0.06; IgG2, 0.046 SEM: 0.01; IgG3, 0.123 SEM: 0.047. The number of P. mexicanus eggs found in sputum of infected individuals showed a positive correlation with the level of antibodies detected for IgM, IgG and its subclasses (P<0.001. The relevance of these findings in Ecuadorian patients suffering from pulmonary paragonimiasis is discussed.

  15. IgG4-related disease simulating Hodgkin lymphoma in a child

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Eric Ewing, MD


    Full Text Available Immunoglobulin (Ig G4-related disease is a recently described syndrome characterized by mass forming lymphoplasmacytic tissue infiltration and elevated serum IgG4 concentrations usually affecting middle-aged or older individuals. Lymphadenopathy is frequently observed and is sometimes the first or only manifestation of the disease. We report a case of IgG4-related disease mimicking Hodgkin lymphoma in a 13-year-old girl. The patient presented with progressive unilateral cervical lymphadenopathy of several months duration. Biopsy showed follicular hyperplasia with progressive transformation of germinal centers. Interfollicular areas were expanded by small lymphocytes, histiocytes, eosinophils and fibrosis with occasional CD30 positive cells initially concerning for interfollicular Hodgkin lymphoma. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed an intrafollicular plasmacytosis with an IgG4-positive/IgG-positive plasma cell ratio of 50% supporting a diagnosis of IgG4-related lymphadenopathy, progressively transformed germinal centers type. Laboratory studies were supportive with elevated serum IgG4 (178 mg/dL and IgE (30.40 kU/L levels along with an elevated serum IgG4/IgG ratio (0.16. Very few cases of IgG4-related disease have been described in children. Within this age group, there is considerable clinical overlap between IgG4-related disease associated lymphadenopathy and Hodgkin lymphoma. In addition, lymphadenopathy secondary to IgG4-related disease demonstrates substantial histologic diversity with the potential to simulate the inflammatory background and fibrosis of Hodgkin lymphoma. The importance of accurate diagnosis is underscored by the prognostic implications considering the marked response of the syndrome to steroid therapy. In addition, appropriate follow up is critical to monitor for relapse and additional organ involvement.


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    R. Castañeda


    Full Text Available Con el in de evaluar el catabolismo de los anticuerpos maternos y su interferencia con tres planes vacunales diferentes contra la enfermedad de Gumboro se realizó un estudio utilizando pollos de la estirpe Ross 308, divididos en cuatro grupos: grupo 1: control (sin vacuna; grupo 2: vacunado los días 1, 7 y 15; grupo 3: vacunados los días 1 y 12; y grupo 4: vacunado el día 12. En el primer experimento el biológico se suministró en el agua de bebida, y en el segundo se hizo en el pico. Se sacriicaron 15 aves de cada grupo a los 1, 12, 21 y 42 días de edad y se evaluó peso corporal, tamaño y peso de la bolsa de Fabricio, relación peso bolsa/peso corporal (PB/PC, grado de depleción linfoide, presencia de cepas estándar y/o variantes del virus y los títulos de anticuerpos para la enfermedad de Gumboro. El catabolismo de los anticuerpos maternos ocurrió entre los 21 y 28 días de edad. En los grupos vacunados no se evidenció una respuesta inmune activa frente a ningún plan vacunal. La relación PB/PC no indicó atroia de la bolsa en el experimento 1, aunque las lesiones histopatológicas en el último muestreo fueron grado 3; en el segundo experimento solamente el grupo 3 presentó una disminución en la relación PB/PC; las lesiones histopatológicas en el tercer y cuarto muestreos, en todos los grupos, fueron clasiicadas como grado 3 y 4. En los dos experimentos se detectó la presencia de cepas tanto clásicas como variantes y una baja respuesta humoral. Ninguno de los tres planes vacunales conirió adecuada protección a las aves.


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    Robin O. J.


    Full Text Available Con el in de evaluar el catabolismo de los anticuerpos maternos y su interferencia con tres planes vacunales diferentes contra la enfermedad de Gumboro se realizó un estudio utilizando pollos de la estirpe Ross 308, divididos en cuatro grupos: grupo 1: control (sin vacuna; grupo 2: vacunado los días 1, 7 y 15; grupo 3: vacunados los días 1 y 12; y grupo 4: vacunado el día 12. En el primer experimento el biológico se suministró en el agua de bebida, y en el segundo se hizo en el pico. Se sacriicaron 15 aves de cada grupo a los 1, 12, 21 y 42 días de edad y se evaluó peso corporal, tamaño y peso de la bolsa de Fabricio, relación peso bolsa/peso corporal (PB/PC, grado de depleción linfoide, presencia de cepas estándar y/o variantes del virus y los títulos de anticuerpos para la enfermedad de Gumboro. El catabolismo de los anticuerpos maternos ocurrió entre los 21 y 28 días de edad. En los grupos vacunados no se evidenció una respuesta inmune activa frente a ningún plan vacunal. La relación PB/PC no indicó atroia de la bolsa en el experimento 1, aunque las lesiones histopatológicas en el último muestreo fueron grado 3; en el segundo experimento solamente el grupo 3 presentó una disminución en la relación PB/PC; las lesiones histopatológicas en el tercer y cuarto muestreos, en todos los grupos, fueron clasiicadas como grado 3 y 4. En los dos experimentos se detectó la presencia de cepas tanto clásicas como variantes y una baja respuesta humoral. Ninguno de los tres planes vacunales conirió adecuada protección a las aves.

  18. IgG subclass reactivity to Trypanosoma cruzi in chronic chagasic patients. (United States)

    Hernández-Becerril, N; Nava, A; Reyes, P A; Monteón, V M


    The anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies isotype profile in Chagas' disease has been studied in relation to different clinical manifestations. A high titer of IgG anti-T. cruzi antibodies is found in patients with cardiac involvement, while a high titer of IgA anti-T. cruzi antibodies is associated with digestive forms. The aim of this work was to analyze the IgG subclass reactivity of anti-T. cruzi antibodies in patients with chronic Chagasic cardiomyopathy. Twelve consecutive chagasic patients were analyzed for IgG subclass reactivity to a T. cruzi antigenic extract. They had a complete clinical evaluation, peripheral EKG, echocardiography, left ventriculogram, and coronariography. All patients came from rural areas of Mexico and had lived in endemic zones for over seven years. They presented left ventricular endsystolic dimension above 42 mm in 58% (7/12) and ejection fraction below 50% in 58% (7/12). We found that IgG1 and IgG2 anti-T. cruzi antibodies showed higher titer than IgG3 antibodies, with consistently low titer of IgG4 antibodies. Expression of the four IgG subclasses of anti-T. cruzi antibodies suggest a mixed Th1/Th2-like immune response under a probably continuous chronic antigenic stimulation. On the other hand, high levels of IgG2 anti-T. cruzi antibodies showed a tendency to be associated with severe cardiomegaly. Our results suggest that a mixed Th1/Th2-like immune response may take place in chronic chagasic patients under a chronic antigenic stimulation.

  19. Presencia del virus del oeste del Nilo en el noreste de México Presence of west Nile virus in northeast Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ildefonso Fernández-Salas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Detectar la presencia del virus del oeste del Nilo (VON en aves, equinos y seres humanos en el noreste de México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se buscó en diferentes localidades del noreste de México la presencia de anticuerpos antivirus del oeste del Nilo (anti-VON en suero de 33 aves, 24 caballos y 237 personas mediante pruebas de ELISA durante el periodo de julio de 2003 a julio de 2006. En los sueros humanos se buscó también el RNA-VON mediante RT-PCR. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron tres aves seropositivas y 15 equinos. En el hombre, 40% de los sueros fue positivo para anticuerpos IgG y ninguno para anticuerpos IgM. CONCLUSIONES: El VON se encuentra activo en México y se suma a otras enfermedades emergentes transmitidas por vectores que representan un reto a la investigación y a los programas de prevención.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the presence of WNV in birds, horses and humans in northeast Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Serum samples from 33 birds, 24 horses and 237 humans were screened by ELISA for Anti-WNV antibodies. Human serum samples were also screened for WNV RNA using an RT-PCR assay. RESULTS: Positive sera were found in three birds and 15 horses. Forty percent of the human serum samples were positive for IgG antibodies and 0% for IgM antibodies and viral RNA. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study show that WNV is present in northeast Mexico and it is a new emergent infectious agent that represents a challenge for research and prevention programs in Mexico.

  20. The apparent monovalency of human IgG4 is due to bispecificity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aalberse, R. C.; Schuurman, J.; van Ree, R.


    A hypothesis is put forward to explain the apparent monovalency of human IgG4. It is based upon the known instability of the IgG4 hinge. IgG4 is secreted as a regular bivalent antibody, but after secretion interacts with another IgG4 molecule. This interaction results in the exchange of half

  1. Salivary Gland Pathology in IgG4-Related Disease: A Comprehensive Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilaria Puxeddu


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a rare fibroinflammatory condition that can affect almost any organ, characterized by swollen lesions and often by eosinophilia and elevated serum IgG4 concentrations. The diagnosis of IgG4-RD is a challenging task: in fact, single or multiple organs can be affected and clinical, serological, and histological findings can be heterogeneous. In IgG4-RD, the involvement of salivary glands is observed in 27% to 53% of patients. Several organ-specific conditions, now recognized as different manifestations of IgG4-related sialadenitis (IgG4-RS, were viewed in the past as individual disease entities. The study of salivary glands may sometimes be complex, because of the number of pathological conditions that may affect them, often with overlapping clinical pictures. Integration of different imaging techniques is often required in the case of swelling of salivary glands, even though biopsy remains the gold standard for a definite diagnosis of IgG4-RS. Thus, in this review, we discuss new insights in the pathogenesis of IgG4-RD, focusing on its clinical aspects and the tools that are currently available for a correct differential diagnosis when the salivary glands are involved.

  2. IgG4-related disease-experience of 100 consecutive cases from a specialist centre. (United States)

    Bateman, Adrian C; Culver, Emma L


    To describe the features of 100 consecutive cases referred to a single UK institution in which a diagnosis of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) was under consideration. The histological features were reviewed by a single histopathologist, and cases were categorized according to the 2012 Boston criteria: Category 1-histologically highly suggestive of IgG4-RD; Category 2-probable histopathological features of IgG4-RD; and Category 3-insufficient histopathological evidence of IgG4-RD. A 'global assessment' was performed with the available clinical information: Assessment group 1-'definite/very likely IgG4-RD'; Assessment group 2-'possible IgG4-RD'; Assessment group 3-'not IgG4-RD'; and Assessment group 4-insufficient information. The mean IgG4+ plasma cell count and IgG4+/IgG+ ratio were highest in Category 1 [134/high-power field (HPF); 57%] and Assessment group 1 (113/HPF; 52%), and lowest in Category 3 (11/HPF; 18%) and Assessment group 3 (43/HPF; 31%) (Category comparison of IgG4+ count and ratio, both P IgG4+ count, P IgG4-RD diagnosis was rare in Category 1 (7%) but common in Category 2 (60%) and Category 3 (47%). Stromal reactions to neoplasia and chronic oral ulceration were simulants of IgG4-RD. The Boston criteria are linked to the likelihood of IgG4-RD. Other conditions may show some histological features of IgG4-RD. The likelihood of IgG4-RD is much greater when the histological features reach the threshold for Category 1 than when they reach the thresholds for Categories 2 and 3. Despite the utility of the Boston criteria, this study highlights the crucial importance of careful clinicopathological correlation when a diagnosis of IgG4-RD is under consideration. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Flexibility and conformational change of IgG molecule

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alpert, Y.; Ostanevich, Yu.M.


    The dynamic behaviour of pig anti-Dnp-immunoglobulin (IgG) investigated by the neutron spin echo technique gave evidence of internal motion of a biological macromolecule. It is suggested that this motion belongs to the wobbling of the Fab parts of the investigated IgG molecule around its so called hinge region. (author)

  4. Seropositivity and determinants of immunoglobulin-G (IgG ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: This study is the first documented prevalence of IgG antibody against HSV-1&-2 in Port Harcourt, Nigeria and thus provides baseline data for future in-depth studies on HSV infection in South-South, Nigeria. Objective: This study determined the seropositivity and determinants of serum IgG antibody against ...

  5. Abnormal serum IgG subclass pattern in children with Down's syndrome. (United States)

    Annerén, G; Magnusson, C G; Lilja, G; Nordvall, S L


    Susceptibility to infections is a well known feature of Down's syndrome. The possible relation between this predisposition and the serum concentrations of the IgG subclasses was studied in 38 children with Down's syndrome aged 1-12 years. An age matched group of 50 healthy children served as controls. The serum concentrations of IgG1 and IgG3 were significantly raised among children with Down's syndrome in all three age groups studied (that is 1-2.5, 4-8, and 9-12 years). The serum concentrations of IgG2 were normal in the first two groups but significantly reduced in the third age group. In contrast, the concentrations of IgG4 among children with Down's syndrome were significantly reduced in all three age groups. Moreover, among the children with Down's syndrome aged 4-12 years 68% (15/22) had IgG4 concentrations below 2 SDs of the geometrical mean of the controls. The results may partially explain the proneness of children with Down's syndrome to infections with encapsulated bacteria. Although the underlying cause of these abnormalities is unknown, IgG subclass determination seems relevant in the clinical evaluation of children with Down's syndrome.

  6. The Relationship of Gamma Immunoglobin (IgG) Density and Apgar ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The transfer of maternal IgG provides the neonate with humoral immunity during early life. The population of transferred IgG or IgG density (IgGρ) was estimated to find out if it has any relevance to the condition of an infant 1-5 minutes after birth or APGAR score which gives an insight into the state of health of the infant and ...

  7. Identidad de la vacuna contra Streptococcus pneumoniae “Quimi-Vio” mediante la técnica Dot Blot empleando los anticuerpos monoclonales contra los polisacáridos capsulares 1,5, 6B, 14 y 19F de la bacteria

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    Elizabeth González Aznar


    Full Text Available Streptococcus pneumoniae (neumococo constituye una de las principales causas de enfermedades infecciosas bacterianas, particularmente en niños menores de 2 años de edad. Basadas en el polisacárido capsular (PsC, su principal factor de virulencia, existen dos tipos de vacunas aprobadas para uso en humanos: las vacunas polisacarídicas planas y las vacunas polisacarídicas conjugadas. Quimi-Vio, la vacuna antineumocócica cubana, pertenece al segundo grupo y está compuesta por los PsC de los siete serotipos de mayor incidencia y circulación en Cuba (1, 5, 6B, 14, 18C, 19F y 23F. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar el ensayo de identidad de la vacuna cubana Quimi-Vio empleando los AcM contra los PsC 1, 5, 6B, 14, y 19F de Sp obtenidos recientemente en el Instituto Finlay de Vacunas, teniendo en cuenta que los Ensayos de identidad de las vacunas son requisito indispensable para la liberación final de los lotes. La técnica empleada para la realización del ensayo de identidad de Quimi-Vio fue el Dot Blot, donde empleando membrana de Nitrocelulosa se realizó la captura de tres lotes de vacuna Quimi-Vio y como control positivo de la técnica los respectivos PsC de los serotipos 1, 5, 6B, 14, y 19F sin conjugar y una vacuna comercial Prevenar-13. Para la identidad de los PsC de neumococo se emplearon los respectivos AcM a una concentración de 10µg/mL y como segundo anticuerpo anti IgG de ratón conjugado a peroxidasa teniendo en cuenta que los AcMs empleados son murinos. Cada AcM fue capaz de identificar de forma altamente especifica al PsC homologo (mismo serotipo, tanto en su forma no conjugada y monovalente como en el contexto de las vacunas Quimi-Vio y Prevenar 13V, donde además de estar conjugado al TT se encuentra mezclado con otros PsC de forma multivalente. La técnica Dot Blot empleando los AcMs contra los PsC serotipos 1, 5,6B, 14 y 19F permite identificar de forma específica cada PsC en la formulación multivalente, por lo

  8. Characteristic tubulointerstitial nephritis in IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Yamaguchi, Yutaka; Kanetsuna, Yukiko; Honda, Kazuho; Yamanaka, Nobuaki; Kawano, Mitsuhiro; Nagata, Michio


    Nephropathy associated with IgG4-related disease is characterized by tubulointerstitial nephritis. To better identify its pathology, the present study analyzed clinicopathologic features of IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis cases from across Japan. Sixteen cases were identified as IgG4-related nephropathy using the criterion of high serum IgG4 levels (>135 mg/dL) with abnormal kidney computed tomography or elevated serum creatinine levels. Male predominance (75%) and advanced age (average, 62.0 years) were noted. Eight cases displayed no autoimmune pancreatitis. Renal computed tomography abnormalities were found in 12 of 13 cases examined. Renal dysfunction was found in 15 of 16 cases at biopsy. Distinctive features of tubulointerstitial lesions included (1) well-demarcated borders between involved and uninvolved areas; (2) involvement of the cortex and medulla, often extending beyond the renal capsule and with occasional extension to retroperitoneal fibrosis; (3) interstitial inflammatory cells comprising predominantly plasma cells and lymphocytes, with a high prevalence of IgG4-positive cells often admixed with fibrosis; (4) peculiar features of interstitial fibrosis resembling a "bird's-eye" pattern comprising fibrosis among inter-plasma cell spaces; and (5) deposits visible by light and immunofluorescent microscopy in the tubular basement membrane, Bowman capsule, and interstitium that are restricted to the involved portion, sparing normal parts. Ultrastructural analysis revealed the presence of myofibroblasts with intracellular/pericellular collagen accompanied by plasma cell accumulation from an early stage. Histology could not discriminate between IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis with and without autoimmune pancreatitis. In conclusion, the distinctive histologic features of IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis can facilitate the differential diagnosis of tubulointerstitial nephritis, even without autoimmune pancreatitis or an abnormal

  9. Atypical IgG4+ Plasmacytic Proliferations and Lymphomas: Characterization of 11 Cases. (United States)

    Bledsoe, Jacob R; Wallace, Zachary S; Deshpande, Vikram; Richter, Joshua R; Klapman, Jason; Cowan, Andrew; Stone, John H; Ferry, Judith A


    To report the clinicopathologic features of monotypic immunoglobulin G4+ (IgG4+) lymphoid and plasmacytic proliferations. Cases were identified from the pathology files. Pathology and clinical materials were reviewed. Eleven cases of monotypic IgG4+ proliferations were identified at nodal, orbital, or salivary sites. Six cases (three men, three women; age, 57-94 years) met criteria for lymphoma or plasma cell neoplasia. Most contained frequent Mott cells. Five cases (three men, two women; age, 40-80 years) had restricted proliferations of atypical/monotypic IgG4+ plasma cells in a background of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia or inflammation. Monotypic IgG4+ proliferations include lymphomas, plasmacytic neoplasms, and a previously uncharacterized group of proliferations not meeting criteria for conventional hematolymphoid neoplasia. Distinct features included prominent Mott cells and/or monotypic plasma cells within follicles. The proliferations were infrequently associated with IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). Our findings raise questions regarding the relationship between clonal IgG4+ proliferations, reactive/inflammatory processes, and IgG4-RD. © American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2017. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  10. Bilateral IgG4-related ophthalmic disease: a strong indication for systemic imaging. (United States)

    Wu, Albert; Andrew, Nicholas H; McNab, Alan A; Selva, Dinesh


    To investigate whether bilateral or unilateral IgG4-related ophthalmic disease (IgG4-ROD) is associated with extra-ophthalmic IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). Twin-centre retrospective observational case series of biopsy-confirmed IgG4-ROD. Clinical and radiology data were reviewed for laterality of IgG4-ROD and presence of extra-ophthalmic disease. The literature was reviewed for case series of IgG4-ROD. 40 IgG4-ROD cases were identified, with median follow-up of 36 months. At diagnosis of IgG4-ROD, all cases were screened for extra-ophthalmic disease with physical examination and blood testing. Systemic imaging was performed in 20 (50%) cases due to clinical suspicion of extra-ophthalmic disease. Of the 21 unilateral IgG4-ROD cases, 3 (14%) had extra-ophthalmic involvement. Of the 19 bilateral cases, 15 (79%) had extra-ophthalmic involvement. Extra-ophthalmic involvement was strongly associated with bilateral IgG4-ROD (pIgG4-ROD is strongly associated with extra-ophthalmic IgG4-RD. We recommend that imaging of the neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis be performed for all bilateral cases. Systemic imaging should also be considered in unilateral cases as a significant proportion of these patients will also have extra-ophthalmic disease. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  11. Detection of FMD virus type specific IgG1, IgG2 and IgA antibodies in milk and serum of buffaloes vaccinated with oil adjuvanted polyvalent FMD vaccine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Sharma


    Full Text Available The present investigation was carried out on 15 randomly selected milch buffaloes divided into three groups on the basis of lactation at an organized farm, to study the foot and mouth disease virus type specific antibodies in milk and serum following FMD vaccination. Milk and serum samples collected before vaccination i.e. 0 day and on 7, 14, 28, 42 and 56 days post vaccination, were analyzed for the detection of FMD virus specific IgG1, IgG2 and IgA antibody response by indirect double antibody sandwich ELISA. Significant FMD virus type specific antibody titres (IgG1, IgG2 and IgA were detected in milk and serum of buffaloes on different days post vaccination, though the levels of antibodies were lower in milk as compared to serum. FMD virus type specific IgG1 was found to be the predominant subclass as compared to IgG2 and IgA both in milk and serum of vaccinated buffaloes. Milk and serum IgG1, IgG2 and IgA antibody titres were positively correlated with values of regression coefficient (R as 0.506, 0.434 and 0.396, respectively.

  12. IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis: a newly characterized disease. (United States)

    Lian, Linjuan; Wang, Cong; Tian, Jian-Li


    Retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF) is a rare disease characterized by chronic, nonspecific inflammatory and sclerotic or fibrotic tissue in the periaortic or periiliac retroperitoneum that encases adjacent structures. There will be a series of clinical manifestations once the proliferated fibrous tissues encase the abdominal aorta, iliac arteries and urinary duct. RPF is generally divided into two types: idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis (IRPF) without identified pathogenesis, making up about two-thirds of cases, and secondary retroperitoneal fibrosis. Recent studies on Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) reveal that abundant infiltration of IgG4 positive plasma cells is found in biopsies on the mass of RPF of some IRPF patients, which is identified as one spectrum of IgG4-RD and is named IgG4-related RPF. IgG4-related RPF is often misdiagnosed as retroperitoneal visceral malignancy and is treated with surgery. In addition, because of its good response to glucocorticoid, early detection and treatment is important. We review the definition, epidemiology, clinical features, diagnostic criteria, treatment and prognosis of IgG4-related RPF in this article to raise awareness of this newly characterized disease. © 2016 Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  13. IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis overlapping with autoimmune hepatitis: Report of a case. (United States)

    Li, Hongyan; Sun, Li; Brigstock, David R; Qi, Lina; Gao, Runping


    IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis (IgG4-SC) is the biliary manifestation of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) but the presence of IgG4-SC in the porta hepatis is difficult to differentiate from hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HCCA). IgG4-related autoimmune hepatitis (IgG4-related AIH) is extremely rare and it is not fully clear whether IgG4-related AIH is a hepatic manifestation of IgG4-RD or a subtype of AIH. We present a rare case of a 52-year-old male who was admitted with obstructive jaundice and itchy skin. He primarily presented a severe bile duct stricture in the porta hepatis and an elevated serum level of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) mimicking HCCA. The patient underwent a surgical resection of the left hepatic lobular and cholecyst as well as common bile duct with a right hepatico-jejunostomy. He was finally diagnosed as IgG4-SC accompanied with IgG4-related AIH by immunohistochemistry, but he lacked conventional autoantibodies. The patient responded well to steroid therapy and remains healthy with no signs of recurrence at six-month follow-up. This is the first case report that hepatic portal IgG4-SC overlapping with IgG4-related AIH without the presence of conventional autoantibodies. Additionally, we suggest that IgG4-RD should be always considered in case of a bile duct stricture in the porta hepatis to avoid unnecessary surgical operation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  14. Molecular cloning and differential IgG responses to a histidine-rich ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    C1 immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclass levels were assessed by ELISA in 15 pairs and 18 pairs of selected and cross-matched infected and putatively immune subjects from Cameroon and Ecuador, respectively. IgG3 and IgG4 levels were shown to be significantly higher in putatively immune (immune protected) subjects.

  15. Seroprevalencia de leishmaniosis visceral canina en la comuna 8 de Neiva y en cuatro municipios de Huila, Colombia

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    José Fernández


    Full Text Available Introducción. La leishmaniosis visceral canina en áreas endémicas de Colombia se constituye en un factor de riesgo para la salud pública, dado el carácter zoonótico de la enfermedad. Durante el año 2004 se registraron 96 casos de leishmaniosis visceral humana en el país, de los cuales cinco correspondieron al departamento del Huila, zona de influencia del vector Lutzomyia longipalpis. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos IgG contra Leishmania chagasi en sueros de caninos recolectados en los municipios de Rivera, Palermo, Villavieja, Algeciras y la comuna 8 de la ciudad de Neiva, Huila, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una encuesta epidemiológica a los propietarios de 610 caninos y previo consentimiento se llevó a cabo examen clínico general y recolección de muestra de sangre de cada una de las mascotas. Los sueros fueron analizados mediante el test de ELISA empleando como antígeno promastigotes de Leishmania chagasi, de la cepa MHOM/CO/84/CL044B. El análisis de datos empleó estadística descriptiva. Resultados. En la población canina 85% fueron mestizos, la edad promedio fue 2,5 años y 67,3% de los animales fueron machos. Al examen clínico las manifestaciones más frecuentes fueron: onicogrifosis 24,3%, linfadenitis 10% y lesiones cutáneas 5%. La frecuencia de anticuerpos IgG contra Leishmania chagasi en la comuna 8 de la ciudad de Neiva fue 28,1%, en Villavieja 28%, en Rivera 14,9%, en Palermo 10% y en Algeciras 5,1%. Adicionalmente, se observó un promedio de cinco personas convivientes por canino seropositivo. Conclusiones. Estos datos demuestran la exposición de los caninos que habitan los ambientes rurales y urbanos de las zonas en estudio a Leishmania chagasi y deben tenerse en cuenta para el fortalecimiento de los programas de control y prevención de esta zoonosis en el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud.

  16. IgG4-related disease of the biliary tract and pancreas: clinical and experimental advances. (United States)

    Hubers, Lowiek M; Beuers, Ulrich


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is an immune-mediated disease of unknown cause. It predominantly affects the biliary tract [IgG4-associated cholangitis (IAC)] and pancreas [autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP)] of mostly elderly men. Accurate diagnostic tests are lacking. Patients benefit from predniso(lo)ne treatment. However, disease relapse is often seen. This review will address pathophysiological aspects and advances in diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. The role of IgG1 and IgG4 in the pathophysiology of IgG4-RD was studied in mice which showed more intense organ damage of pancreas and salivary glands when IgG1 rather than IgG4 of patients with IgG4-RD was injected. Coadministration of IgG1+IgG4 led to dampening of IgG1-mediated injury supporting the view that IgG4 exerts immune-dampening effects. IgG4+ B-cell receptor clones identified by next-generation sequencing and the IgG4/IgG RNA ratio in human blood assessed by quantitative PCR were able to accurately distinguish IAC/AIP from primary sclerosing cholangitis or pancreatobiliary malignancies. Long-term treatment with low-dose prednisolone was safe and reduced the number of flare-ups in patients with AIP. Early diagnosis by a novel accurate and easy-to-use qPCR test may prevent life-threatening complications, unnecessary interventions and fatal course because of misdiagnosis. Prednisolone treatment remains the standard of care in patients with IgG4-RD.

  17. Some histopathological aspects of the disease related to IgG-4

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    Minerva Lazos-Ochoa


    Full Text Available The IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a recurrent chronic fibroinflammatory disease, probably of autoimmune origin, recently recognised. Its diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical, radiological, serological, histopathological and immunohistochemical data. However, the histopathology is considered as the golden “standard” for diagnosis. In most of the cases, the sum of lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate with abundant IgG4+ plasma cells, storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis makes a reliable diagnosis. Patients usually show elevated serum IgG4 concentrations and respond well to steroid therapy. Nowadays, IgG4-RD has been described in almost every organ: pancreatobiliary tract, liver, salivary glands, nasopharynx, bone marrow, lacrimal gland, extra-ocular muscles and retrobulbar space, kidney, lung, lymph nodes, meninges, aorta, skin, breast, prostate, thyroid gland and pericardium.

  18. Spectrum of Disorders Associated with Elevated Serum IgG4 Levels Encountered in Clinical Practice

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    Jay H. Ryu


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a recently described systemic fibroinflammatory disease associated with elevated circulating levels of IgG4 and manifests a wide spectrum of clinical presentations. Although serum IgG4 level has been described to be the most sensitive and specific laboratory test for the diagnosis of IgG4-RD, it is recognized that an elevated serum IgG4 level can be encountered in other diseases. In this study, we sought to identify the frequency of IgG4-RD and other disease associations in patients with elevated serum IgG4 levels seen in clinical practice. Among 3,300 patients who underwent IgG subclass testing over a 2-year period from January 2009 to December 2010, 158 (4.8% had an elevated serum IgG4 level (>140 mg/dL. IgG4 subclass testing was performed for evaluation of suspected IgG4-RD or immunodeficiency. Twenty-nine patients (18.4% had definite or possible IgG4-RD. Among those patients without IgG4-RD, a broad spectrum of biliary tract, pancreatic, liver, and lung diseases, as well as systemic vasculitis, was diagnosed. We conclude that patients with elevated serum IgG4 levels encountered in clinical practice manifest a wide array of disorders, and only a small minority of them has IgG4-RD.

  19. Clinical Features of Patients with Basedow's Disease and High Serum IgG4 Levels. (United States)

    Torimoto, Keiichi; Okada, Yosuke; Kurozumi, Akira; Narisawa, Manabu; Arao, Tadashi; Tanaka, Yoshiya


    Objective IgG4-related disease is a recently characterized condition presenting with high blood IgG4 levels, swelling of organs, and hypertrophic lesions. This disease is associated with thyroid disease, Hashimoto's disease, and Riedel's thyroiditis. However, there is little information on the association between IgG4-related disease and Basedow's disease. We herein defined the clinical features of patients with Basedow's disease and high IgG4 levels. Methods We compared two groups of patients with Basedow's disease (n=72) who had either normal IgG4 levels (IgG4 levels (≥135 mg/dL; n=5 [6.9%], mean IgG4: 206±116 mg/dL, IgG4/IgG ratio: 10.6%±3.3%). Patients Seventy-two newly diagnosed, untreated patients with Basedow's disease. Results Compared to the normal IgG4 group, patients in the high IgG4 group were predominantly male and showed a significantly higher thyroid low-echo score (1.8±0.4 vs. 1.2±0.5) and eosinophil count (363±354/mm 2 vs. 136±122/mm 2 ). Five patients had high IgG4 levels: one had a pancreatic lesion, and four had thyroid lesions. Conclusion Patients with Basedow's disease and high IgG4 levels may represent a new subtype of Basedow's disease. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed.

  20. Development of a polyclonal anti-dugong immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody with evaluation of total plasma IgG in a living dugong (Dugong dugon) population. (United States)

    Wong, Arthur; Lanyon, Janet M; McKee, Sara J; Linedale, Richard; Woolford, Lucy; Long, Trevor; Leggatt, Graham R


    Species-specific antibodies (Ab) for the measurement of immunoglobulins (Ig) are valuable tools for determining the humoral immune status of threatened and endangered wildlife species such as dugongs. However, no studies have reported antibody reagents against dugong immunoglobulin. The object of this study was to develop an Ab with specificity for dugong IgG and apply this tool to survey total IgG levels in plasma samples from a live wild population of dugongs in southern Queensland, Australia. Dugong IgG was isolated from plasma by protein A/G column chromatography and a polyclonal antiserum was successfully raised against the dugong IgG through immunization of mice. The anti-dugong antiserum was reactive with dugong serum but not immunoglobulin from other species such as rats and humans. When tested against a panel of dugong plasma samples, relative IgG levels from dugongs (n = 116) showed biologically relevant relationships with pregnancy status and a principal component of Body Mass Index (BMI)/globulin/fecal glucocorticosteroid (chronic stress) levels combined, which together accounted for 9.2% of the variation in total Ig levels. Together these data suggest that dugongs show variation in total IgG and that this correlates with some physiological parameters of dugong health. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. A new support material for IgG adsorption: Syntrichia papillosissima (Copp.) Loeske. (United States)

    Demir, Mithat Evrim; Aktaş Uygun, Deniz; Erdağ, Adnan; Akgöl, Sinan


    In this presented work, Syntrichia papillosissima (Copp.) Loeske (S. papillosissima) was used as a natural phytosorbent for IgG purification. These moss species were collected for the natural habitat and prepared for IgG adsorption studies by cleaning, drying, and grinding to uniform size. Syntrichia papillosissima samples were characterized by using FTIR and SEM studies. Functional groups of S. papillosissima were identified by FTIR analysis, while surface characteristics were determined by SEM studies. A batch system was used for the adsorption of IgG onto S. papillosissima surface and physical conditions of the IgG adsorption medium were investigated by modifying the pH, IgG concentration and temperature. Maximum IgG adsorption onto S. papillosissima was found to be 68.01 mg/g moss by using pH 5.0 buffer system. Adsorption kinetic isotherms were also studied and it was found that, Langmuir adsorption model was appropriate for this adsorption study. Reusability profile of S. papillosissima was also investigated and IgG adsorption capacity did not decrease significantly after 5 reuse studies. Results indicated that S. papillosissima species have the capacity to be used as biosorbent for IgG purification, with its low cost, natural and biodegradable structure.

  2. Severe IgG4-Related Disease in a Young Child: A Diagnosis Challenge

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susana Corujeira


    Full Text Available Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD is an increasingly recognized syndrome that can appear with multiple organ involvement, typically with tumor-like swelling, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate rich in IgG4-positive plasma cells, and elevated serum IgG4 concentrations. We report the case of a 22-month-old female child with failure to thrive and recurrent respiratory tract infections since 8 months of age. Physical examination was normal except for pulmonary auscultation with bilateral crackles and wheezes. Laboratory tests revealed elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and elevated serum IgG and IgG4 with polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia. Thoracic CT and MRI showed multiple mediastinal lymphadenopathies and a nodular posterior mediastinal mass in right paratracheal location with bronchial compression. Initial fine needle aspiration biopsy was compatible with reactive lymphadenopathy but after clinical worsening a thoracoscopic partial resection of the mass was performed and tissue biopsy revealed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and increased number of IgG4-positive plasma cells and a ratio of IgG4/IgG positive cells above 40%. Glucocorticoids therapy was started with symptomatic improvement, reduction in the size of the mass, and decrease of serum IgG4 levels after 6 weeks. There are very few reports of IgG4-RD in children. Long-term follow-up is necessary to monitor relapses and additional organ involvement.

  3. Deconstructing IgG4-related disease involvement of midline structures: Comparison to common mimickers. (United States)

    Lanzillotta, Marco; Campochiaro, Corrado; Trimarchi, Matteo; Arrigoni, Gianluigi; Gerevini, Simonetta; Milani, Raffaella; Bozzolo, Enrica; Biafora, Matteo; Venturini, Elena; Cicalese, Maria Pia; Stone, John H; Sabbadini, Maria Grazia; Della-Torre, Emanuel


    A series of destructive and tumefactive lesions of the midline structures have been recently added to the spectrum of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). We examined the clinical, serological, endoscopic, radiological, and histological features that might be of utility in distinguishing IgG4-RD from other forms of inflammatory conditions with the potential to involve the sinonasal area and the oral cavity. We studied 11 consecutive patients with erosive and/or tumefactive lesions of the midline structures referred to our tertiary care center. All patients underwent serum IgG4 measurement, flow cytometry for circulating plasmablast counts, nasal endoscopy, radiological studies, and histological evaluation of tissue specimens. The histological studies included immunostaining studies to assess the number of IgG4 + plasma cells/HPF for calculation of the IgG4+/IgG + plasma cell ratio. Five patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), three with cocaine-induced midline destructive lesions (CIMDL), and three with IgG4-RD were studied. We found no clinical, endoscopic, or radiological findings specific for IgG4-RD. Increased serum IgG4 and plasmablasts levels were not specific for IgG4-RD. Rather, all 11 patients had elevated blood plasmablast concentrations, and several patients with GPA and CIMDL had elevated serum IgG4 levels. Storiform fibrosis and an IgG4+/IgG + plasma cell ratio >20% on histological examination, however, were observed only in patients with IgG4-RD. Histological examination of bioptic samples from the sinonasal area and oral cavity represents the mainstay for the diagnosis of IgG4-RD involvement of the midline structures.

  4. Maternofetal transplacental transport of recombinant IgG antibodies lacking effector functions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathiesen, Line; Nielsen, Leif K; Andersen, Jan Terje


    alloimmunity, which may be lethal. A novel strategy to control pathogenic antibodies would be administration of a non-destructive IgG antibody blocking antigen binding while retaining binding to FcRn. We report on two human IgG3 antibodies with a hinge deletion and a C131S point mutation (IgG3ΔHinge...

  5. Genetic and infectious profiles influence cerebrospinal fluid IgG abnormality in Japanese multiple sclerosis patients.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Satoshi Yoshimura

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Abnormal intrathecal synthesis of IgG, reflected by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF oligoclonal IgG bands (OBs and increased IgG index, is much less frequently observed in Japanese multiple sclerosis (MS cohorts compared with Western cohorts. We aimed to clarify whether genetic and common infectious backgrounds influence CSF IgG abnormality in Japanese MS patients. METHODOLOGY: We analyzed HLA-DRB1 alleles, and IgG antibodies against Chlamydia pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen (EBNA, and varicella zoster virus (VZV in 94 patients with MS and 367 unrelated healthy controls (HCs. We defined CSF IgG abnormality as the presence of CSF OBs and/or increased IgG index (>0.658. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: CSF IgG abnormality was found in 59 of 94 (62.8% MS patients. CSF IgG abnormality-positive patients had a significantly higher frequency of brain MRI lesions meeting the Barkhof criteria compared with abnormality-negative patients. Compared with HCs, CSF IgG abnormality-positive MS patients showed a significantly higher frequency of DRB1 1501, whereas CSF IgG abnormality-negative patients had a significantly higher frequency of DRB1 0405. CSF IgG abnormality-positive MS patients had a significantly higher frequency of anti-C. pneumoniae IgG antibodies compared with CSF IgG abnormality-negative MS patients, although there was no difference in the frequency of anti-C. pneumoniae IgG antibodies between HCs and total MS patients. Compared with HCs, anti-H. pylori IgG antibodies were detected significantly less frequently in the total MS patients, especially in CSF IgG abnormality-negative MS patients. The frequencies of antibodies against EBNA and VZV did not differ significantly among the groups. CONCLUSIONS: CSF IgG abnormality is associated with Western MS-like brain MRI features. DRB1 1501 and C. pneumoniae infection confer CSF IgG abnormality, while DRB1 0405 and H. pylori infection are positively and negatively

  6. Timothy-specific IgG antibody levels vary with the pollen seasons. (United States)

    Nordvall, S L; Larsson, P H; Johansson, S G


    Serum samples were collected from eight grass pollen hypersensitive children during a 4-year period. The sera were assayed for contents of timothy-specific IgE antibodies by RAST. Timothy-specific IgG and IgA antibodies were quantified by a refined ELISA in which covalent binding of the antigen to the polystyrene solid phase had been performed. IgG antibodies were also assayed by a Sepharose-protein-A technique with radiolabelled timothy allergens as the antigen. It was possible to register clearcut seasonal variations with postseasonally boosted antibody levels not only of timothy-specific IgE but also of IgG antibody. Both IgG1 and IgG4 antibodies specific for timothy showed seasonal variations of a similar degree. It was not possible to register seasonal variations of the same magnitude of timothy-specific IgA antibodies.

  7. Auto-anticorpos anti-β2-glicoproteína I e síndrome metabólica Anticuerpos anti-β2-glicoproteína I y síndrome metabólico Anti-beta2-glycoprotein I autoantibodies and metabolic syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo B. Krás Borges


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A síndrome metabólica (SM é uma entidade pró-aterogênica. Autoanticorpos tais como β2-glicoproteína I (β2-gpI podem influenciar o aparecimento de ateromas. Estudos anteriores confirmaram uma associação entre anticorpos IgA anti-β2-gpI e isquemia cerebral, infarto do miocárdio, doença arterial periférica e doença da carótida. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desse estudo de caso-controle foi avaliar uma possível associação entre anticorpos anti-β2-gpI e anticardiolipina (aCL com SM não-complicada. MÉTODOS: Pacientes com SM sem histórico de eventos vasculares e indivíduos-controle, consistindo em pacientes da Enfermaria de Ortopedia admitidos devido a doenças musculoesqueléticas foram incluídos no estudo. Idade, sexo, etnia, histórico de hipertensão, tabagismo, hipercolesterolemia e diabetes mellitus foram avaliados como fatores de risco em ambos os grupos. Anticorpos IgG, IgM, e IgA anti-β2-gpI e aCL foram detectados através de imunoensaios enzimáticos. RESULTADOS: Um total de 68 pacientes com SM e 82 controles foram estudados. Os pacientes com SM tinham média de idade superior à dos controles (P = 0,001, enquanto homens (P = 0,003; OR 0,31; IC95%: 0,15-0,16 e etnia caucasiana (P = 0,004; OR 0,25; IC95%:0,10-0,60 eram predominantes nos controles. Histórico de hipertensão, hipercolesterolemia e diabetes mellitus foi mais prevalente nos pacientes com SM do que nos controles (P FUNDAMENTO: El síndrome metabólico (SM es una entidad pro-aterogénica. Autoanticuerpos tales como β2-glicoproteína I (β2-GPI pueden influir en la aparición de ateromas. Estudios previos han confirmado una asociación entre anticuerpos IgA anti-β2-GPI y la isquemia cerebral, infarto de miocardio, enfermedad arterial periférica y enfermedad carotidea. OBJETIVO: El objetivo de este estudio de caso-control fue evaluar una posible asociación entre los anticuerpos anti-β2-GPI y anticardiolipina (aCL con SM complicada. MÉTODOS: Se

  8. The emerging mysteries of IgG4-related disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smit, Wouter; Barnes, Eleanor


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is increasingly recognised in Western societies as a multi-system, inflammatory, fibrosing disease of unknown aetiology that typically, though not exclusively, presents in older men. The clinical manifestations are diverse and almost any organ may be affected. The

  9. What is IgG4? A review of the biology of a unique immunoglobulin subtype. (United States)

    Nirula, Ajay; Glaser, Scott M; Kalled, Susan L; Taylor, Frederick R; Taylora, Frederick R


    Recent descriptions of the group of clinical disorders collectively defined as IgG4-related systemic disease (IgG4-RSD) have prompted this review of the unique biology of the IgG4 antibody. This article will discuss IgG4 structure and function, the unique phenomenon of half-antibody exchange, and the implications of IgG4 biology for its proposed role in immunologic diseases. IgG4 antibodies have unique structural and functional properties and undergo 'half-antibody exchange' in vivo, resulting in recombined antibodies composed of two different binding specificities. The production of IgG4 antibodies appears to be driven in part by T helper 2 (Th2) cytokines that mediate allergic responses and IgE production. Although serum IgG4 levels in healthy individuals vary significantly, data from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients suggest tight regulation of individual IgG4 levels over time. IgG4-RSD represents a diverse group of clinical disorders unified by elevated IgG4 levels and specific histopathologic findings. A key unanswered question is whether IgG4, a relatively weak activator of effector cells, is pathogenic in these disorders. IgG4 is a unique antibody biologically and structurally. Increased understanding of its precise role in the clinical syndromes that comprise IgG4-RSD may ultimately elucidate the underlying pathogenesis.

  10. Evaluation of cysticercus-specific IgG (total and subclasses and IgE antibody responses in cerebrospinal fluid samples from patients with neurocysticercosis showing intrathecal production of specific IgG antibodies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisandra Akemi Suzuki

    Full Text Available In the present study, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA standardized with vesicular fluid of Taenia solium cysticerci was used to screen for IgG (total and subclasses and IgE antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF samples from patients with neurocysticercosis showing intrathecal production of specific IgG antibodies and patients with other neurological disorders. The following results were obtained: IgG-ELISA: 100% sensitivity (median of the ELISA absorbances (MEA=1.17 and 100% specificity; IgG1-ELISA: 72.7% sensitivity (MEA=0.49 and 100% specificity; IgG2-ELISA: 81.8% sensitivity (MEA=0.46 and 100% specificity; IgG3-ELISA: 63.6% sensitivity (MEA=0.12 and 100% specificity; IgG4-ELISA: 90.9% sensitivity (MEA=0.85 and 100% specificity; IgE-ELISA 93.8% sensitivity (MEA=0.60 and 100% specificity. There were no significant differences between the sensitivities and specificities in the detection of IgG-ELISA and IgE-ELISA, although in CSF samples from patients with neurocysticercosis the MEA of the IgG-ELISA was significantly higher than that of the IgE-ELISA. The sensitivity and MEA values of the IgG4-ELISA were higher than the corresponding values for the other IgG subclasses. Future studies should address the contribution of IgG4 and IgE antibodies to the physiopathology of neurocysticercosis.

  11. Multiple nuclear dots and rim-like/membranous IgG isotypes in primary biliary cirrhosis. (United States)

    Muratori, Paolo; Granito, Alessandro; Ferri, Silvia; Pappas, Georgios; Volta, Umberto; Menichella, Rita; Bianchi, Francesco B; Lenzi, Marco; Muratori, Luigi


    Anti nuclear (ANA) immunomorphological patterns such as multiple nuclear dots (MND) and rim-like/membranous (RL/M) are considered highly specific but little sensitive for primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) diagnosis. To evaluate frequency and clinical significance of MND and RL/M in PBC patients when investigated at the level of immunoglobulin G isotypes. MND and RL/M pattern have been tested in 141 PBC sera and 230 pathological controls using HEp-2 cells as substrate and anti- total IgG and individual IgG subclasses (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4) as specific antisera. One hundred and fourteen of 141 (80%) PBC patients had RL/M or MND pattern when IgG subclasses were used as revealing reagents (vs. 34% when anti total IgG were used, p < 0.0001). The prevalent isotype was IgG1 for RL/M, and IgG2 for MND pattern. None of controls was positive. No clinical differences in terms of severity and outcome of disease have been observed in PBC patients positive for MND and RL/M when investigated with IgG isotypes. The research for RL/M and MND pattern at level of IgG isotype determines a wide gain in terms of sensitivity without a loss of specificity. In Italian PBC patients MND and RL/M pattern did not seem to characterize any subgroup of patients with a poorer prognosis.

  12. Persistent Lymphadenopathy due to IgG4-Related Disease (United States)


    capsid IgM negative), CMV (IgM negative, IgG negative), parvovirus B19 (IgM negative, IgG negative), Hepatitis (HBs Ag negative, HBc Ab negative, HBs...lymphadenopathy). Figure 2: Hematoxylin and eosin stain of a resected lymph node, 2x magnification. This preparation shows nonspecific reactive follicular

  13. Application of Food-specific IgG Antibody Detection in Allergy Dermatosis

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    Yine Hu


    Full Text Available The application of food-specific IgG antibody detection in allergy dermatoses was explored. 181 patients with allergy dermatoses were diagnosed from January to September 2014 and 20 healthy subjects were selected. Fourteen kinds of food-specific IgG antibodies were detected by ELISA method among all the subjects. The positive rates of IgG antibody of the patient group and the healthy group were respectively 65.2% and 5.0%. The positive rates of IgG antibody of egg, milk, shrimp and crab took a large proportion in three groups of patients with three kinds of allergy dermatoses of urticaria, eczema and allergic dermatitis, the proportion of which was respectively 70.2%, 77.8% and 71.7%. Among urticaria and allergic dermatitis patients with positive antibody, the positive rate of children was significantly higher than that of adults (p0.05. Allergy dermatoses are closely related to food-specific IgG antibodies, and the allergy dermatoses patients have a high incidence rate of food intolerance; detecting IgG antibody in the serum of patients is of great significance for the diagnosis and treatment of allergy dermatoses.

  14. Obtención de extractos de membrana externa de Vibrio cholerae O1, mediante el uso de diferentes detergentes

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    José Luis Pérez


    Full Text Available En la actualidad existen dos variantes principales de vacunas orales contra el cólera: una basada en células inactivadas de diferentes biotipos y serotipos y otra basada en la administración de cepas vivas genéticamente atenuadas. Una vacuna por subunidades pudiera ser una variante muy atractiva. Este trabajo describe la purificación parcial y caracterización preliminar de extractos de proteínas de membrana externa-lipopolisacárido (PME-LPS, obtenidos a partir de Vibrio cholerae O1, con el interés de seleccionar un proteoliposoma que posteriormente será estructurado en forma de cocleatos para su uso por vía oral en humanos. Las preparaciones fueron obtenidas a través del uso de diferentes detergentes. La cantidad de LPS en cada preparación fue estimada mediante la determinación de las unidades endotóxicas en el ensayo del Limulus (LAL. La composición de cada muestra fue evaluada mediante SDS-PAGE y Dot Blot. La inoculación intranasal (IN en ratones Balb/c se utilizó para la evaluación de la inmunogenicidad de las preparaciones, y la respuesta inmune fue determinada por ELISA y el título de anticuerpos vibriocidas. El tamaño molecular de la preparación con mejores resultados en inmunogenicidad se estimó mediante la cromatografía en Sephacryl S-1000. Se obtuvieron diferentes perfiles electroforéticos de acuerdo con el tipo de detergente utilizado. El LPS fue identificado en todas las preparaciones y aquella obtenida con el SDS al 15% mostró la más baja relación proteínas/LPS y los mejores resultados en los ensayos de inmunogenicidad. Adicionalmente se comprobó que su tamaño molecular es similar al observado en el proteoliposoma de VAMENGOC- BC. La preparación obtenida con el SDS al 15% constituye un proteoliposoma, con capacidad para estimular altos niveles de anticuerpos IgG anti-LPS y altos títulos de anticuerpos vibriocidas, luego de su administración por vía intranasal en ratones. Estos resultados constituyen

  15. In-depth analysis of subclass-specific conformational preferences of IgG antibodies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tian, Xinsheng; Vestergaard, Bente; Thorolfsson, Matthias


    IgG subclass-specific differences in biological function and in vitro stability are often referred to variations in the conformational flexibility, while this flexibility has rarely been characterized. Here, small-angle X-ray scattering data from IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 antibodies, which were designe...... properties and tailored effector functions. In addition, this advanced computational approach is applicable to other flexible multi-domain systems and extends the potential for investigating flexibility in solutions of macromolecules by small-angle X-ray scattering....

  16. Monoclonal IgG in MGUS and multiple myeloma targets infectious pathogens (United States)

    Bosseboeuf, Adrien; Feron, Delphine; Tallet, Anne; Rossi, Cédric; Charlier, Cathy; Garderet, Laurent; Caillot, Denis; Moreau, Philippe; Cardó-Vila, Marina; Pasqualini, Renata; Nelson, Alfreda Destea; Wilson, Bridget S.; Perreault, Hélène; Piver, Eric; Weigel, Pierre; Harb, Jean; Bigot-Corbel, Edith; Hermouet, Sylvie


    Subsets of mature B cell neoplasms are linked to infection with intracellular pathogens such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), or Helicobacter pylori. However, the association between infection and the immunoglobulin-secreting (Ig-secreting) B proliferative disorders remains largely unresolved. We investigated whether the monoclonal IgG (mc IgG) produced by patients diagnosed with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) or multiple myeloma (MM) targets infectious pathogens. Antigen specificity of purified mc IgG from a large patient cohort (n = 244) was determined using a multiplex infectious-antigen array (MIAA), which screens for reactivity to purified antigens or lysates from 9 pathogens. Purified mc IgG from 23.4% of patients (57 of 244) specifically recognized 1 pathogen in the MIAA. EBV was the most frequent target (15.6%), with 36 of 38 mc IgGs recognizing EBV nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1). MM patients with EBNA-1–specific mc IgG (14.0%) showed substantially greater bone marrow plasma cell infiltration and higher β2-microglobulin and inflammation/infection–linked cytokine levels compared with other smoldering myeloma/MM patients. Five other pathogens were the targets of mc IgG: herpes virus simplex-1 (2.9%), varicella zoster virus (1.6%), cytomegalovirus (0.8%), hepatitis C virus (1.2%), and H. pylori (1.2%). We conclude that a dysregulated immune response to infection may underlie disease onset and/or progression of MGUS and MM for subsets of patients. PMID:28978808

  17. IgG4-related disease and its pathogenesis—cross-talk between innate and acquired immunity (United States)

    Nakajima, Akio; Nakamura, Takuji; Kawanami, Takafumi; Tanaka, Masao; Dong, Lingli; Kawano, Mitsuhiro


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a novel clinical entity proposed in Japan in the 21th century and is attracting strong attention over the world. The characteristic manifestations of IgG4-RD are increased serum IgG4 concentration and tumefaction by IgG4+ plasma cells. Although the clinical manifestations in various organs have been established, the pathogenesis of IgG4-RD is still unknown. Recently, many reports of aberrant acquired immunity such as Th2-diminated immune responses have been published. However, many questions still remain, including questions about the pathogenesis of IgG4-RD and the roles of IgG4. In this review, we discuss the pathogenesis of IgG4-RD by focusing on the cross-talk between innate and acquired immunity. PMID:25024397

  18. Circulating plasmablasts/plasma cells: a potential biomarker for IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Lin, Wei; Zhang, Panpan; Chen, Hua; Chen, Yu; Yang, Hongxian; Zheng, Wenjie; Zhang, Xuan; Zhang, Fengxiao; Zhang, Wen; Lipsky, Peter E


    Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a multisystem fibroinflammatory disease. We previously reported that a circulating cell population expressing CD19 + CD24 - CD38 hi was increased in patients with IgG4-RD. In this study, we aimed to document that this cell population represented circulating plasmablasts/plasma cells, to identify the detailed phenotype and gene expression profile of these IgG4-secreting plasmablasts/plasma cells, and to determine whether this B-cell lineage subset could be a biomarker in IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). A total of 42 untreated patients with IgG4-RD were evaluated. Peripheral B-cell subsets, including CD19 + CD24 - CD38 hi plasmablasts/plasma cells, CD19 + CD24 + CD38 - memory B cells, CD19 + CD24 int CD38 int naïve B cells, and CD19 + CD24 hi CD38 hi regulatory B cells, were assessed and sorted by flow cytometry. Microarray analysis was used to measure gene expression of circulating B-cell lineage subsets. Further characterization of CD19 + CD24 - CD38 hi plasmablasts/plasma cells was carried out by evaluating additional surface markers, including CD27, CD95, and human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR, by flow cytometric assay. In addition, various B-cell lineage subsets were cultured in vitro and IgG4 concentrations were measured by cytometric bead array. In untreated patients with IgG4-RD, the peripheral CD19 + CD24 - CD38 hi plasmablast/plasma cell subset was increased and positively correlated with serum IgG4 levels, the number of involved organs, and the IgG4-related Disease Responder Index. It decreased after treatment with glucocorticoids. Characterization of the plasmablast/plasma cell population by gene expression profiling documented a typical plasmablast/plasma cell signature with higher expression of X-box binding protein 1 and IFN regulatory factor 4, but lower expression of paired box gene 5 and B-cell lymphoma 6 protein. In addition, CD27, CD95, and HLA-DR were highly expressed on CD19 + CD24 - CD38 hi

  19. Exposición a Estreptococo del grupo B en mujeres mexicanas en edad reproductiva

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    Palacios-Saucedo Gerardo


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la seroprevalencia de la infección por Estreptococo del grupo B (EGB en una muestra representativa de mujeres en edad reproductiva de la República Mexicana. Material y métodos. Se estudió una muestra representativa de sueros de la población femenina mexicana de 15 a 40 años de edad, de todos los niveles socioeconómicos. La muestra fue seleccionada del Banco Nacional de Sueros por muestreo aleatorio simple por computadora. Los sueros se obtuvieron durante la última encuesta seroepidemiológica nacional realizada en 1987 y 1988. Los ensayos para la estandarización y la evaluación de la seroprevalencia se llevaron a cabo en el Hospital de Pediatría del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI, del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS entre enero y noviembre de 1995. Se midieron anticuerpos IgG antipolisacárido de grupo de EGB usando un ensayo inmunoenzimático (ELISA estandarizado y validado en el laboratorio, utilizando un antígeno específico de grupo, producido y purificado a partir de la cepa de referencia de EGB 110. Resultados. Se estudió un total de 2 669 muestras de suero, de las cuales 2 405 fueron positivas para la presencia de anticuerpos IgG contra el antígeno de grupo de EGB. Esto corresponde a una seroprevalencia de 90.2 %. No hubo diferencia en los porcentajes de seropositividad por grupos de edad ni por entidades federativas. Conclusiones. Se detectó una elevada prevalencia de anticuerpos contra el antígeno de grupo del EGB. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que existe una elevada exposición de las mujeres mexicanas jóvenes a este microrganismo.

  20. Exposure to occupational antigens might predispose to IgG4-related disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Buy Wenniger, Lucas J. Maillette; Culver, Emma L.; Beuers, Ulrich


    Evidence is mounting that the immune system of patients with IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) shows indications of chronic antigenic stimulation. Hypothesizing a possible role for occupational antigenic exposure, we observed in two independent cohorts of patients with IgG4-RD that the majority had had

  1. The Emerging Importance of IgG Fab Glycosylation in Immunity. (United States)

    van de Bovenkamp, Fleur S; Hafkenscheid, Lise; Rispens, Theo; Rombouts, Yoann


    Human IgG is the most abundant glycoprotein in serum and is crucial for protective immunity. In addition to conserved IgG Fc glycans, ∼15-25% of serum IgG contains glycans within the variable domains. These so-called "Fab glycans" are primarily highly processed complex-type biantennary N-glycans linked to N-glycosylation sites that emerge during somatic hypermutation. Specific patterns of Fab glycosylation are concurrent with physiological and pathological conditions, such as pregnancy and rheumatoid arthritis. With respect to function, Fab glycosylation can significantly affect stability, half-life, and binding characteristics of Abs and BCRs. Moreover, Fab glycans are associated with the anti-inflammatory activity of IVIgs. Consequently, IgG Fab glycosylation appears to be an important, yet poorly understood, process that modulates immunity. Copyright © 2016 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  2. Obtención, purificación y caracterización de anticuerpos policlonales IgY desarrollados en gallina, dirigidos contra aislamientos colombianos de Giardia duodenalis.

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    Dabeiba Adriana García


    Full Text Available Introducción. El desarrollo de anticuerpos policlonales requiere de animales de laboratorio, generalmente, el conejo, que deben sangrarse para su obtención. Como alternativa, se han utilizado las gallinas. Objetivo. Desarrollar anticuerpos policlonales IgY anti-Giardia duodenalis y evaluar diferentes métodos para su purificación a partir de yema de huevo. Materiales y métodos. Se inmunizaron tres gallinas intramuscularmente con trofozoítos del parásito: las inmunizaciones se realizaron a los 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 y 120 días. Se recolectaron huevos en cada etapa de la inmunización y se purificó la IgY por deslipidación (D y precipitación (P mediante cinco protocolos diferentes: M1: (P: sulfato de amonio/D: dextrán sulfato-cloruro de calcio, M2: (D: dextrán sulfato-cloruro de calcio/P: sulfato de amonio, M3: (D: cloroformo/ P: sulfato de amonio 50%, M4: (D: solución A/P:solución B y M5: (D: cloroformo/P: sulfato de amonio 30%. Se realizó evaluación inmunoquímica de la IgY anti-Giardia duodenalis mediante inmunodifusión, contrainmunoelectroforesis e inmunoelectrotransferencia (Western blot; la pureza de IgY por SDS-PAGE en presencia y ausencia de reductor y la concentración de la inmunoglobulina (mg/mL por espectrofotometría y densitometría. Resultados. La IgY anti-G. duodenalis mediante evaluación inmunoquímica presentó títulos hasta de 1:32. La inmunoglobulina en ausencia de reductor mostró una banda de 180 kd y en su presencia bandas de 30 y 68 kd, características de sus cadenas liviana y pesada, respectivamente. Las mayores concentraciones de inmunoglobulina se recuperaron con el método dos (M2, 4,6 mg de IgY por mL de yema de partida. Conclusiones. Por su facilidad y economía de producción en gallinas, los anticuerpos policlonales IgY anti-Giardia así obtenidos podrán utilizarse para desarrollar inmunoensayos que detecten el parásito en eluídos de heces.

  3. Case report: A female case of isolated IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis mimicking cholangiocarcinoma. (United States)

    Xiao, Jianchun; Li, Guanqiao; Yang, Gang; Jia, Congwei; Li, Binglu


    IgG4-related disease is a newly recognized fibroinflammatory disorder, characterized by tumefactive lesions, storiform fibrosis and IgG4-positive plasma cells infiltration. IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis (IgG4-SC) is the most common extrapancreatic manifestation of IgG4-related disease, but it is frequently associated with autoimmune pancreatitis(AIP). Only few case was reported to be diagnosed with IgG4-SC in the absence of AIP, with a striking male preponderance. Here we report a female case of isolated IgG4 related sclerosing cholangitis mimicking cholangiocarcinoma. A 58-year-old woman complaint of one-month history of jaundice and right upper quadrant discomfort, and the biliary reconstruction showed full-length wall thickening and segmental stenosis. Cholangiocarcinoma was then diagnosed. Choledochoplasty was performed, followed by Roux-en-Y anastomosis. However, pathological examination revealed IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis (IgG4-SC) and the retrospective measurement of serum IgG4 was 346 mg/dL post-operatively. The patient was followed for another nine monthswithout recurrence. The differential diagnosis between cholangiocarcinoma and IgG4-SC is challenging due to significant overlap of clinical manifestations, lab tests and imaging characteristics. However, as an afterthought of this case, typical cholangiocarcinoma rarely presents full-length wall thickening. What the case taught us was pre-operative IgG4 measurement for patients with long bile duct involvement was highly recommended in order to rule out IgG4-SC.

  4. IgG4-related pleural disease presenting as a massive bilateral effusion. (United States)

    Ishida, Atsuko; Furuya, Naoki; Nishisaka, Takashi; Mineshita, Masamichi; Miyazawa, Teruomi


    A 74-year-old woman with massive bilateral pleural effusion, which was exudative in nature, and with mononuclear cell predominance underwent a pleuroscopy. Parietal pleura were thickened and partly reddish in color. Biopsy specimens taken from the parietal pleura revealed lymphoplasmacytic inflammation with fibrosis. As her performance status rapidly worsened with thoracentesis, we performed bilateral pleurodesis using talc. Pathologic evaluation of the pleural biopsy specimen with immunohistochemical staining revealed 91 IgG4-positive plasma cells per high-power field and an IgG4/IgG ratio of 91%. Thus, the diagnosis of pleuritis from IgG4-related disease was established. Our case suggests that IgG4-related disease is one of the causes of pleural effusion, and it should be included in the differential diagnosis of unexplained pleuritis.

  5. Prohibitin Is Involved in Patients with IgG4 Related Disease.

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    Hongwu Du

    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a chronic systemic disease involved in many organs and tissues. As only limited autoantigens have been found since the beginning of this century, the aim of this study was to reveal new candidate autoantigens of IgG4-RD.Multiple cell lines including HT-29, EA.hy926, HEK 293 and HepG2 were used to test the binding ability of circulating autoantibodies from IgG4-RD sera. The amino-acid sequence was then analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight tandem (MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry. After the cloning and expression of recombinant putative autoantigen in a bacterial expression system, the corresponding immuno assay was set up and utilized to observe the prevalence of serum autoantibodies in a large set of confirmed clinical samples.One positive autoantigen was identified as prohibitin. ELISA analysis showed that a majority of patients with IgG4-RD have antibodies against prohibitin. Anti-prohibitin antibodies were present in the sera of patients with definite autoimmune pancreatitis (25/34; 73.5%, Mikulicz's disease (8/15; 53.3%, retroperitoneal fibrosis (6/11; 54.5%, other probable IgG4-RD (26/29; 89.7% and Sjögren's syndrome (4/30; 13.3% but not in apparently healthy donors (1/70; 1.4%.An association between prohibitin and patients with some IgG4-RD was observed, although the results were quite heterogeneous among different individuals within autoimmune pancreatitis, Mikulicz's disease and retroperitoneal fibrosis.

  6. Indel Group in Genomes (IGG) Molecular Genetic Markers1[OPEN (United States)

    Burkart-Waco, Diana; Kuppu, Sundaram; Britt, Anne; Chetelat, Roger


    Genetic markers are essential when developing or working with genetically variable populations. Indel Group in Genomes (IGG) markers are primer pairs that amplify single-locus sequences that differ in size for two or more alleles. They are attractive for their ease of use for rapid genotyping and their codominant nature. Here, we describe a heuristic algorithm that uses a k-mer-based approach to search two or more genome sequences to locate polymorphic regions suitable for designing candidate IGG marker primers. As input to the IGG pipeline software, the user provides genome sequences and the desired amplicon sizes and size differences. Primer sequences flanking polymorphic insertions/deletions are produced as output. IGG marker files for three sets of genomes, Solanum lycopersicum/Solanum pennellii, Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) Columbia-0/Landsberg erecta-0 accessions, and S. lycopersicum/S. pennellii/Solanum tuberosum (three-way polymorphic) are included. PMID:27436831

  7. Canakinumab: un anticuerpo monoclonal prometedor en el tratamiento de enfermedades cardiovasculares Canakinumab: a promising monoclonal antibody in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

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    Fernando Manzur


    Full Text Available El canakinumab es un anticuerpo monoclonal anti-IL-1β totalmente humano desarrollado por Novartis, cuyo mecanismo de acción se basa en la neutralización de la señalización IL-1β, lo cual conduce a la supresión de la inflamación en pacientes con trastornos de origen autoinmune. La IL-1β actúa como un mediador de la respuesta inmune periférica durante la infección y la inflamación. Mediante la unión antígeno-anticuerpo el canakinumab inhibe la acción de la IL1-β evitando sus efectos pro-inflamatorios. En la actualidad, está en evaluación como un nuevo posible agente dirigido frente a la IL-1β, con el objetivo de reducir la tasa de eventos cardiovasculares y la diabetes de aparición reciente (estudio CANTOS.Canakinumab is a totally human monoclonal antibody anti-IL-1β developed by Novartis, whose mode of action is based on the neutralization of IL-1β signaling, which leads to suppression of inflammation in patients with autoimmune disorders. The IL-1β acts as a mediator of the peripheral immune response during infection and inflammation. By the antigen-antibody binding, canakinumab inhibits the action of IL1-β avoiding its pro-inflammatory effects. Currently, it is being evaluated as a new possible agent directed against IL-1β, with the goal of reducing the rate of cardiovascular events and new onset diabetes (study CANTOS.

  8. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitides and IgG4-related disease: A new overlap syndrome. (United States)

    Danlos, François-Xavier; Rossi, Giovanni Maria; Blockmans, Daniel; Emmi, Giacomo; Kronbichler, Andreas; Durupt, Stéphane; Maynard, Claire; Luca, Luminita; Garrouste, Cyril; Lioger, Bertrand; Mourot-Cottet, Rachel; Dhote, Robin; Arlet, Jean-Benoit; Hanslik, Thomas; Rouvier, Philippe; Ebbo, Mikael; Puéchal, Xavier; Nochy, Dominique; Carlotti, Agnès; Mouthon, Luc; Guillevin, Loïc; Vaglio, Augusto; Terrier, Benjamin


    Atypical manifestations have been described in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitides (AAV), such as pachymeningitis, orbital mass or chronic periaortitis. Because these manifestations have been associated to the spectrum of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD), we hypothesized that both diseases could overlap. We conducted a European retrospective multicenter observational study including patients fulfilling ACR and Chapel Hill criteria for AAV and IgG4-RD Comprehensive Diagnostic Criteria. Eighteen patients were included (median age 55.5years, 13 men). AAV and IgG4-RD were diagnosed concomitantly in 13/18 (72%) patients; AAV preceded IgG4-RD in 3/18 (17%) while IgG4-RD preceded AAV in 2/18 (11%). AAV diagnoses included granulomatosis with polyangiitis in 14 (78%), microscopic polyangiitis in 3 (17%), and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis in one case. IgG4-RD diagnosis included definite IgG4-RD in 5 (28%) cases, probable IgG4-RD in 5 (28%) and possible IgG4-RD in 8 (44%). IgG4-RD manifestations were chronic periaortitis in 9/18 (50%) patients, orbital mass and tubulointerstitial nephritis in 4 (22%) cases, prevertebral fibrosis in 3 (17%), pachymeningitis and autoimmune pancreatitis in 2 (11%) cases. Patients required median number of 2 (range 0-4) lines of immunosuppressants in combination with glucocorticoids. During the follow-up (median 49,8months, range 17,25-108months), AAV manifestations relapsed in 10/18 (56%) cases and IgG4-RD lesions in 5/18 (28%). When used, mainly for relapses, rituximab showed response in all cases. AAV and IgG4-RD may overlap. Clinicians should consider that atypical manifestations during AAV could be related to IgG4-RD rather than to refractory granulomatous or vasculitic lesions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. El ácido siálico N-acetilado es inmunogénico e induce anticuerpos protectores contra Neisseria meningitidis

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    Gregory R. Moe


    Full Text Available Recently, we showed that monoclonal antibodies (mAbs that are reactive with derivatives of polysialic acid containing de-N-acetylated neuraminic acid (Neu residues are protective against N. meningitidis group B strains (Moe et al. 2005, Infect Immun 73:2123; Flitter et al., in preparation. In addition, we found that fully de-N-acetylated PSA (i.e. poly alpha 2,8 Neu conjugated to tetanus toxoid (DeNAc elicits IgM and IgG antibodies of all subclasses in mice that bind to group B strains, activate human complement deposition, are protective in an infant rat model of meningococcal bacteremia and are bactericidal against group C strains (Moe et al, in press. We show here that anti-DeNAc mAbs, DA1 and DA2 (both IgM, are reactive with polysaccharides containing Neu, bind to group B, C, W135 and Y but not X strains grown in chemically defined media (CDM. However, when the group X strain is grown in CDM supplemented with human plasma, DA2 binds. Also both mAbs mediate bactericidal activity against B, C, W135, and X strains with human complement. The esults suggests that N. meningitidis express and/or acquire zwitterionic de-N-acetyl sialic acid antigens that can be the target of protective antibodies.

  10. Perivascular fibrosis and IgG4-related disease: a case report

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    S. Monti


    Full Text Available Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a newly recognized fibroinflammatory condition which can potentially involve any organ. Some characteristic histopathologic features with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, an increased number of IgG4+ cells, storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis are the mainstay for diagnosis. Serum IgG4 levels often increase. We report the case of a patient with perivascular fibrotic lesions involving the aortic arch and the splenic hilum, with a surgical biopsy-proven diagnosis of IgG4-related disease. The patient is now undergoing a low-dose corticosteroid maintenance therapy without evidence of new localizations of the disease. This case highlights the need for increasing awareness and recognition of this new, emerging clinical condition.

  11. Associations between an IgG3 polymorphism in the binding domain for FcRn, transplacental transfer of malaria-specific IgG3, and protection against Plasmodium falciparum malaria during infancy: A birth cohort study in Benin.

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    Celia Dechavanne


    Full Text Available Transplacental transfer of maternal immunoglobulin G (IgG to the fetus helps to protect against malaria and other infections in infancy. Recent studies have emphasized the important role of malaria-specific IgG3 in malaria immunity, and its transfer may reduce the risk of malaria in infancy. Human IgGs are actively transferred across the placenta by binding the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn expressed within the endosomes of the syncytiotrophoblastic membrane. Histidine at position 435 (H435 provides for optimal Fc-IgG binding. In contrast to other IgG subclasses, IgG3 is highly polymorphic and usually contains an arginine at position 435, which reduces its binding affinity to FcRn in vitro. The reduced binding to FcRn is associated with reduced transplacental transfer and reduced half-life of IgG3 in vivo. Some haplotypes of IgG3 have histidine at position 435. This study examines the hypotheses that the IgG3-H435 variant promotes increased transplacental transfer of malaria-specific antibodies and a prolonged IgG3 half-life in infants and that its presence correlates with protection against clinical malaria during infancy.In Benin, 497 mother-infant pairs were included in a longitudinal birth cohort. Both maternal and cord serum samples were assayed for levels of IgG1 and IgG3 specific for MSP119, MSP2 (both allelic families, 3D7 and FC27, MSP3, GLURP (both regions, R0 and R2, and AMA1 antigens of Plasmodium falciparum. Cord:maternal ratios were calculated. The maternal IgG3 gene was sequenced to identify the IgG3-H435 polymorphism. A multivariate logistic regression was used to examine the association between maternal IgG3-H435 polymorphism and transplacental transfer of IgG3, adjusting for hypergammaglobulinemia, maternal malaria, and infant malaria exposure. Twenty-four percent of Beninese women living in an area highly endemic for malaria had the IgG3-H435 allele (377 women homozygous for the IgG3-R435 allele, 117 women heterozygous for the IgG

  12. IgG4-related disease: a systemic condition with characteristic microscopic features

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Detlefsen, Sönke


    that a significant proportion of the AIP patients had a variety of extrapancreatic fibroinflammatory lesions, and that AIP therefore was the pancreatic manifestation of a systemic disease. Among these extrapancreatic manifestations, the extrahepatic bile ducts, salivary glands, thyroid, lymph nodes......During the first decade of the 21st century, IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD), a fibroinflammatory condition occurring at multiple sites of the body, has been newly recognized. As indicated by its name, elevation of IgG4 in the serum and tissue is a common denominator of IgG4-RD. Since...... diseases on their own, others have been included under the umbrella of "multifocal fibrosclerosis". Biopsies or resection specimens from affected organs in IgG4-RD reveal several common microscopic features irrespective of the site of the lesion. Cellular and storiform fibrosis, lymphoplasmacytic...

  13. Increased number of IgG4-positive plasma cells in chronic rhinosinusitis. (United States)

    Ohno, Keiko; Kimura, Yurika; Matsuda, Yoko; Takahashi, Masatoki; Honjyou, Motomu; Arai, Tomio; Tsutsumi, Takeshi


    High levels of IgG4-positive plasma cells were observed in tissue samples from ∼30% of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis who satisfied the comprehensive diagnostic criteria for IgG4-related disease. Detection of increased numbers of IgG4-positive plasma cells in the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses might not be sufficient to make a diagnosis of IgG4-related rhinosinusitis, and a comprehensive evaluation is required. This study aimed to clarify the clinicopathological characteristics of IgG4-positive plasma cells in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. This study examined nasal mucosal specimens from 35 patients and assigned them to high-IgG4 and low-IgG4 groups based on infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells. It compared the pathological characteristics of the two groups, including the presence of fibrosis, phlebitis, hyperplasia of the nasal glands and infiltration of inflammatory cells. No cases of chronic rhinosinusitis showed storiform fibrosis or obliterative phlebitis. The mean number of IgG4-positive plasma cells in samples from all patients was 29.8 ± 40.3/high-power field. Eleven of the 35 cases (31.4%) were classified as high-IgG4. Hyperplasia of the nasal glands was observed significantly more frequently in the high-IgG4 group than in the low-IgG4 group (p = .03).

  14. Thoracic Paravertebral Mass as an Infrequent Manifestation of IgG4-Related Disease

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    Melissa Matzumura Kuan


    Full Text Available Case. A 50-year-old African American male presented with abdominal pain and significant weight loss. On physical examination, he had parotid and submandibular gland enlargement associated with right eye proptosis. Computed tomography showed a thoracic paravertebral soft tissue mass, enlarged lymph nodes, and ascending aortic aneurysm. Laboratory results were remarkable for elevated total IgG and IgG4 subclass. The submandibular gland pathology revealed chronic sclerosing sialadenitis, with a large subset of inflammatory cells positively staining for IgG4. The histology of the paravertebral mass demonstrated fibrosclerosis with increased lymphocytic infiltrate, associated with increased IgG4 plasma cells. He was diagnosed with immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD. Steroid therapy initially yielded improvement; however, after steroids were stopped, there was disease recurrence. Prednisone was restarted, and the plan was to start him on rituximab. Interestingly, the patient’s brother also had IgG4-RD. Conclusion. IgG4-RD can present as a paravertebral mass which is usually responsive to steroids; however, recurrent and resistant disease can be seen for which steroid-sparing agents such as rituximab should be considered. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of IgG4-RD in two family members presenting as a paravertebral mass, highlighting an exciting area for more research in the future.

  15. IgG4-related Pleuritis with Elevated Adenosine Deaminase in Pleural Effusion: A Case Report. (United States)

    Nagayasu, Atsushi; Kubo, Satoshi; Nakano, Kazuhisa; Nakayamada, Shingo; Iwata, Shigeru; Miyagawa, Ippei; Fukuyo, Shunsuke; Saito, Kazuyoshi; Tanaka, Yoshiya


    An 81-year-old man was admitted with bilateral pleural effusion. A clinical examination showed lymphocytic pleura effusion and elevated serum IgG4 levels, so that IgG4-related disease was suggested, whereas tuberculous pleurisy was suspected because of high adenosine deaminase (ADA) levels in the pleural effusion. A surgical pleural biopsy revealed that there were large numbers of IgG4-positive cells and IgG4/IgG positive cell ratio exceeded 40% in several sites. Accordingly, we diagnosed IgG4-related pleuritis and treated with the patient with glucocorticoid therapy. The ADA levels in pleural effusion can increase in IgG4-related pleuritis, and it is therefore important to perform a pleural biopsy.

  16. Enterocolic lymphocytic phlebitis as a newly recognized manifestation of IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Laco, Jan; Örhalmi, Július; Bártová, Jolana; Zimandlová, Dana


    Herein we present a case of a 65-year-old woman with enterocolic lymphocytic phlebitis (ELP) who presented with anemic syndrome and in whom severe stenosis of the right flexure of large bowel was detected. The microscopic examination revealed fibrosis of the submucosa and lymphoplasmacytic phlebitis of small veins and venules, whereas arteries were spared. There were 110 IgG4-positive and 160 IgG-positive plasma cells in 1 high-power field, respectively, with corresponding IgG4/IgG ratio of 0.69. The IgG4 serum level was 2.42 g/L. According to the currently proposed criteria, this ELP case is the first that may be diagnosed as definite IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). Although based on the sole case description, taken together with a recent review and a case report, we presume that a subset of ELPs is a manifestation of IgG4-RD. © The Author(s) 2014.

  17. [IgG4-related kidney disease: what the nephrologist needs to know]. (United States)

    Galeano, Dario; Zanoli, Luca; Scarfia, Viviana Rosalia; L'Imperio, Vincenzo; Malatino, Lorenzo; Fatuzzo, Pasquale; Granata, Antonio


    IgG4 related disease is a systemic fibro-inflammatory disorder characterized by multiple organ and multiple tissue lesions. The real pathogenesis is currentlyactually unknown. For these reasons many authors compare IgG4 related disease to sarcoidosis. Lesions are often localized in the pancreas, salivary and lacrimal glands, biliary ducts, retroperitoneum and in many other organs. The diagnosisis difficult because of mild symptoms and the possibility of mimicking other severe diseases. Therefore, histopathology together with clinical and radiological typical findings are mandatory tools for diagnosis. Steroidtherapy usually enables disappearance of tumor like lesions and complete recovery. Kidney has an extensive organ involvement in the contextof IgG4-related disease. Historically, tubule - interstitial nephritis(TIN) is considered the main renal feature of renal lesions, however recent studies extend the spectrum of renal lesions also to glomerular tuft. These findings allow to introduce in the nosography the term of IgG4related kidney disease (IgG4 RKD). This review focuses on renal involvement in IgG4related disease, in order to help nephrologists to improve their clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic approach to this emerging pleiotropic clinical pattern.

  18. Absolute Quantitation of Glycoforms of Two Human IgG Subclasses Using Synthetic Fc Peptides and Glycopeptides (United States)

    Roy, Rini; Ang, Evelyn; Komatsu, Emy; Domalaon, Ronald; Bosseboeuf, Adrien; Harb, Jean; Hermouet, Sylvie; Krokhin, Oleg; Schweizer, Frank; Perreault, Hélène


    Immunoglobulins, such as immunoglobulin G (IgG), are of prime importance in the immune system. Polyclonal human IgG comprises four subclasses, of which IgG1 and IgG2 are the most abundant in healthy individuals. In an effort to develop an absolute MALDI-ToF-MS quantitative method for these subclasses and their Fc N-glycoforms, (glyco)peptides were synthesized using a solid-phase approach and used as internal standards. Tryptic digest glycopeptides from monoclonal IgG1 and IgG2 samples were first quantified using EEQYN(GlcNAc)STYR and EEQFN(GlcNAc)STFR standards, respectively. For IgG1, a similar glycopeptide where tyrosine (Y) was isotopically labelled was used to quantify monoclonal IgG1 that had been treated with the enzyme Endo-F2, i.e., yielding tryptic glycopeptide EEQYN(GlcNAc)STYR. The next step was to quantify single subclasses within polyclonal human IgG samples. Although ion abundances in the MALDI spectra often showed higher signals for IgG2 than IgG1, depending on the spotting solvent used, determination of amounts using the newly developed quantitative method allowed to obtain accurate concentrations where IgG1 species were predominant. It was observed that simultaneous analysis of IgG1 and IgG2 yielded non-quantitative results and that more success was obtained when subclasses were quantified one by one. More experiments served to assess the respective extraction and ionization efficiencies of EEQYNSTYR/EEQFNSTFR and EEQYN(GlcNAc)STYR/EEQFN(GlcNAc)STFR mixtures under different solvent and concentration conditions.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salim Máttar


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Establecer la seroprevalencia de Bartonella spp, Anaplasma phagocytophilum (antesErlichia y Coexiella burnetii. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron sueros representativos de unsector de la población en el año 2003, recolectados de personas que trabajan en actividades delcampo en los departamentos de Córdoba y Sucre que sirvieron como población base de las muestrasque se obtuvieron. Los trabajadores rurales elegidos a participar tenían entra 16 – 65 años deedad. Los sueros fueron examinados por IFA para detección de anticuerpos contra IgG para Bartonellaspp, Erlichia Anaplasma phagocytophilum y Coexiella burnetii. Resultados. La seroprevalencia deanticuerpos de todos los microorganismos estudiados fue de 56.8%. De 81 muestras de sueroanalizadas el 26.6% fueron seropositivas contra C. burnetii, el 37.7% tuvieron anticuerpos contraBartonella y el 20% de los individuos evaluados fueron seropositivos para Anaplasmaphagocytophilum. Conclusiones. Nuestros datos indican que la prevalencia de anticuerpos contraBartonella, A. phagocytophilum y C. burnetii son altos en nuestra región. Los resultados indicanque estas enfermedades zoonoticas son muy comunes en las personas que residen en el área delcaribe colombiano. Este estudio demuestra por primera vez la presencia de estos microorganismosen Colombia.

  20. IgG4-related hypophysitis is highly prevalent among cases of histologically confirmed hypophysitis. (United States)

    Bernreuther, Christian; Illies, Christopher; Flitsch, Jörg; Buchfelder, Michael; Buslei, Rolf; Glatzel, Markus; Saeger, Wolfgang


    IgG4-related disease is an immune-mediated disease with manifestations in most organ systems among them the pituitary gland. To date, few cases of histologically confirmed cases of IgG-related hypophysitis have been reported. The aim of this study was to retrospectively determine the prevalence of IgG4-related hypophysitis among cases previously diagnosed as primary hypophysitis (lymphocytic hypophysitis, granulomatous hypophysitis and hypophysitis not otherwise specified). Histological and immunohistochemical analysis revealed that 12 of 29 cases (41.4%) previously diagnosed as primary hypophysitis fulfilled the criteria for IgG4-related disease and, thus, IgG4-related hypophysitis should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of primary hypophysitis. All cases of IgG4-related hypophysitis showed a dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with more than 10 IgG4-positive cells per high power field and a ratio of IgG4/IgG-positive cells of more than 40%, whereas storiform fibrosis was an inconsistent histological feature and was also seen in few cases of non-IgG-related hypophysitis, thus lacking sensitivity and specificity. Obliterative phlebitis was not seen in any case. Thus, histological criteria defined for IgG4-related disease in other organs should be modified for IgG4-related hypophysitis, accordingly. © 2016 International Society of Neuropathology.

  1. Immunoradiometric assay for cytomegalovirus-specific IgG antibodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klapper, P.E.; Cleator, G.M.; Prinja-Wolks, D.; Morris, D.J.


    An immunoradiometric assay (radio-immunosorbent test; RIST) for the detection of IgG antibodies to human herpesvirus 4 [human cytomegalovirus (CMV)] has been developed. The technique utilizes CMV antigen passively adsorbed to a polyvinyl microtitration plate and a radiolabelled murine monoclonal anti-human IgG antibody to detect binding of human antibody to the 'solid phase' reagent. The assay was optimized, and its specifity confirmed by testing paired acute and convalescent sera from patients with acute CMV or other human herpesvirus infections. To determine the assay's sensitivity 1433 blood donor sera were examined. The RIST was more sensitive than a standard complement fixation (CFT). Use of a monoclonal anti-human IgG antibody in the RIST reduced non-specific binding to the control uninfected cell antigen such that blood donor sera could be tested in the assay using only a CMV antigen without generating an unacceptable false positive rate. (author). 23 refs.; 1 tab

  2. Overlapping Morphologic and Immunohistochemical Features of Hashimoto Thyroiditis and IgG4-Related Thyroid Disease. (United States)

    Raess, Philipp W; Habashi, Arlette; El Rassi, Edward; Milas, Mira; Sauer, David A; Troxell, Megan L


    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is an emerging clinicopathologic entity characterized by both IgG4+ plasma cell infiltration and fibrosis in one or more organs, prototypically pancreas or salivary/lacrimal glands. IgG4-RD in the thyroid (IgG4-RTD) is an area of active study, and the relationship between IgG4-RTD and Hashimoto thyroiditis is not fully delineated due to their overlapping histologic features. Retrospective review was performed of all thyroidectomy cases demonstrating lymphocytic inflammation at a single institution over a 4-year period. Approximately half (23/38) of patients had a clinical diagnosis of Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT). Nine of the 38 patients had increased absolute and relative numbers of IgG4+ plasma cells. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of HT had increased lymphoplasmacytic inflammation, but the relative proportion of IgG4+ plasma cells was not increased compared to patients without HT. There was no correlation between IgG4 levels and the amount of fibrosis in patients with or without HT. Patients identified as having the fibrosing variant of HT were not more likely to have increased levels of IgG4+ plasma cells than those without. There is significant morphologic and immunohistochemical overlap between HT and IgG4-RTD. Future studies to identify specific characteristics of IgG4-RTD involving the thyroid are necessary to accurately define this entity.

  3. IgG4-related multiorgan disease: report of the first autopsy case. (United States)

    Ochoa, Minerva Lazos; López, Belem Gabiño; Cabello, Raúl Romero; Feregrino, Raúl Romero


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4RD) is a chronic recurring fibro-inflammatory pathology that is considered to be of autoimmune origin. Histopathology is considered to be the gold standard method for diagnosis. IgG4RD affects multiple organs. IgG4RD was first identified in the pancreas and was called autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP). During the following years, the disease spectrum was expanded and it was realised that the extrapancreatic lesions can precede, coexist or appear after the diagnosis of AIP. At present, several illnesses such as Mikulicz disease, Küttner tumour, multifocal fibrosclerosis, etc, are considered to be part of the IgG4RD spectrum. The symptoms of the disease tend to appear over months and years and diagnosis is achieved on average 13.5 months (4-60 months) after the onset. The purpose of this report was to provide information about a case that was sadly fatal but that permitted a complete histopathological study of the damaged tissues.

  4. Síndrome de anticuerpos antifosfolípidos Syndrome of antiphospholipid antibodies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Omar Pouymiró Pubillones


    Full Text Available El síndrome antifosfolípido es un trastorno multisistémico adquirido y una importante causa de trombosis venosas o arteriales, así como también de morbilidad en el embarazo. Puede ser primario o secundario, este último sobre todo en pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico, infecciones y consumo de algunas drogas. Se exponen determinados elementos sobre sus manifestaciones clínicas y los criterios de clasificación actualizados para el diagnóstico. El tratamiento se basa en medidas de profilaxis antitrombóticas y control de los factores de riesgo asociados; pero aún muchos aspectos clínicos y de laboratorio concernientes a esta hipercoagulabilidad por la presencia de anticuerpos contra los fosfolípidos, se hallan sujetos a discusión e investigación.The antiphospholipid syndrome is an acquired multisystemic disorder and an important cause of venous or arterial thrombosis, as well as of morbidity in pregnancy. It can be primary or secondary, the last one mainly in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, infections and consumption of some drugs. Certain elements on its clinical manifestations and the updated classification criteria for the diagnosis are exposed. The treatment is based on antithrombotic prevention measures and control of the associated risk factors; but many clinical and laboratory aspects concerning this hypercoagulability due to the presence of antibodies against phospholipids, are still under discussion and research.

  5. A revised method of labeling mouse IgG with yttrium-90

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arbab, A.S.; Koizumi, Kiyoshi; Araki, Tsutomu


    We report the successful labeling of mouse IgG with yttrium-90 (Y-90) using isothiocyanatobenzyl-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (SCN-Bz-EDTA) as a chelating agent and compared the result with labeling by indium-111 (In-111). After conjugating IgG with SCN-Bz-EDTA, a predetermined volume of conjugated IgG was mixed with different volumes of either Y-90 or In-111 acetate and incubated at 37degC. Labeling efficiency was assessed at specific intervals upto 3 hr. After 3 hr, the mixtures were challenged with Na 2 EDTA to evaluate the transchelation of labeled Y-90 or In-111. All mixtures showed labeling efficiency of around 50% with Y-90 and the leveling was fairly preserved even after Na 2 EDTA challenge. However, labeling with In-111 was unsuccessful when conjugated IgG was not separated from the unconjugated form. When separated, however, In-111 showed more than 80% labeling efficiency though labeling with In-111 could not tolerate Na 2 EDTA challenge. In conclusion IgG was efficiently labeled by Y-90 using SCN-Bz-EDTA though labeling with In-111 showed some problems associated with this method. (author)

  6. Comparison of four methods to assess colostral IgG concentration in dairy cows. (United States)

    Chigerwe, Munashe; Tyler, Jeff W; Middleton, John R; Spain, James N; Dill, Jeffrey S; Steevens, Barry J


    To determine sensitivity and specificity of 4 methods to assess colostral IgG concentration in dairy cows and determine the optimal cutpoint for each method. Cross-sectional study. 160 Holstein dairy cows. 171 composite colostrum samples collected within 2 hours after parturition were used in the study. Test methods used to estimate colostral IgG concentration consisted of weight of the first milking, 2 hydrometers, and an electronic refractometer. Results of the test methods were compared with colostral IgG concentration determined by means of radial immunodiffusion. For each method, sensitivity and specificity for detecting colostral IgG concentration hydrometer 1, 0.75; hydrometer 2, 0.76; refractometer, 0.75), but no significant differences were identified among the other 3 methods with regard to sensitivity. Specificities at the optimal cutpoint were similar for all 4 methods. Results suggested that use of either hydrometer or the electronic refractometer was an acceptable method of screening colostrum for low IgG concentration; however, the manufacturer-defined scale for both hydrometers overestimated colostral IgG concentration. Use of weight of the first milking as a screening test to identify bovine colostrum with inadequate IgG concentration could not be justified because of the low sensitivity.

  7. Glycation, oxidation and glycoxidation of IgG: a biophysical, biochemical, immunological and hematological study. (United States)

    Islam, Sidra; Moinuddin; Mir, Abdul Rouf; Raghav, Alok; Habib, Safia; Alam, Khursheed; Ali, Asif


    Glycation and oxidation induce structural alterations in the proteins in an interdependent manner with consequent pathological implications. The published literature presents wide range of modifications in conformational characteristics of proteins by glycation and oxidation; however, there is little data that could elaborate the cumulative effect of both the processes. This study has analysed the modifications in IgG by methylglyoxal (MG) (glycative stress), hydroxyl radical ([Formula: see text]) (oxidative stress) and by their combined action i.e. [Formula: see text] treatment of MG glycated IgG (glycoxidation). It further addresses the implications of the altered structural integrity of IgG on its immunological characteristics and impact on haematological parameters in rabbits. Using circular dichroism, FTIR, SDS-PAGE analysis, thioflavin-T fluorescence assay, congo red absorbance analysis, dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, ELISA, blood cell counts and rectal temperature studies, we report that the glycoxidative modification caused maximum alteration in the IgG as compared to the glycatively and oxidatively modified protein. Far-UV CD results confirmed the highest decline in the beta-pleated sheet content of the protein by glycoxidation. The damage led to the reduced flexibility and enhanced electronic interactions in IgG as observed by near-UV CD. Modifications caused cross-linking and adduct formation in the serum protein. The electron micrograph confirmed amorphous aggregation in modified IgG. The modifications increased the hydrodynamic radius of IgG by allowing the attachment of [Formula: see text] and MG residues. The glycoxidatively modified IgG induced the maximum antibody titres that showed high specificity towards the altered IgG. The glycoxidation of IgG leads to activation of inflammatory pathways.

  8. IgG4-related disease and lymphocyte-variant hypereosinophilic syndrome: A comparative case series. (United States)

    Carruthers, Mollie N; Park, Sujin; Slack, Graham W; Dalal, Bakul I; Skinnider, Brian F; Schaeffer, David F; Dutz, Jan P; Law, Joanna K; Donnellan, Fergal; Marquez, Vladimir; Seidman, Michael; Wong, Patrick C; Mattman, Andre; Chen, Luke Y C


    To compare the clinical and laboratory features of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) and lymphocyte-variant hypereosinophilic syndrome (L-HES), two rare diseases that often present with lymphadenopathy, gastrointestinal symptoms, eosinophilia, and elevated immunoglobulins/IgE. Comparative case series of 31 patients with IgG4-RD and 13 patients with L-HES. Peripheral blood eosinophilia was present in eight of 31 patients with IgG4-RD compared to 13 of 13 patients with L-HES (median eosinophils 0.4 vs 7.0 giga/L, P=.001) and 12 of 20 patients with IgG4-RD had increased serum IgE compared to eight of 13 patients with L-HES, P=.930. Twenty-seven of 30 patients with IgG4-RD had elevated serum IgG4 compared to five of 12 patients with L-HES (median IgG4 9.6 g/L vs 0.80 g/L, P=.002). Flow cytometry demonstrated an aberrant T-cell phenotype in 7 of 23 patients with IgG4-RD and 13 of 13 patients with L-HES (PIgG4-RD vs 10 of 13 patients with L-HES (P=.143). Patients in both groups received corticosteroids as first-line therapy. For refractory disease in IgG4-RD, rituximab was the most common steroid-sparing agent, whereas in L-HES, it was pegylated interferon-α-2a. The overlapping features of these two diseases with divergent treatment options demonstrate the importance of familiarity with both entities to optimize diagnosis and treatment. © 2016 The Authors. European Journal of Haematology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Utility of FDG PET/CT in IgG4-related systemic disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakatani, K., E-mail: [Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto (Japan); Nakamoto, Y.; Togashi, K. [Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto (Japan)


    IgG4-related systemic disease (IgG4-RSD) is an emerging clinical entity about which much remains to be elucidated, in terms of its aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and outcome. Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and Mikulicz disease (MD) are the two major, well-studied constituents of IgG4-RSD. AIP and MD have common characteristics of forming tumour-mimicking lesions that consist of lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates and fibrosclerosis with numerous immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-positive plasma cells, as well as various multi-organ manifestations of IgG4-RSD. 2-[{sup 18}F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron-emission tomography/ computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) enables the acquisition of whole-body images and provides functional information about disease activity; as such it has a valuable role in staging extent of disease, guiding biopsy, and monitoring response to treatment. However, FDG PET/CT is likely to be only one component of the management strategy, and clinical, laboratory, imaging and histological findings are crucial in the overall diagnosis of the condition. At present FDG PET/CT does not have a well-established role in the assessment of patients with IgG4-RSD and future prospective studies are required to define the cost-effectiveness and clinical impact in this patient group more accurately.

  10. Utility of FDG PET/CT in IgG4-related systemic disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakatani, K.; Nakamoto, Y.; Togashi, K.


    IgG4-related systemic disease (IgG4-RSD) is an emerging clinical entity about which much remains to be elucidated, in terms of its aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and outcome. Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and Mikulicz disease (MD) are the two major, well-studied constituents of IgG4-RSD. AIP and MD have common characteristics of forming tumour-mimicking lesions that consist of lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates and fibrosclerosis with numerous immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-positive plasma cells, as well as various multi-organ manifestations of IgG4-RSD. 2-[ 18 F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron-emission tomography/ computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) enables the acquisition of whole-body images and provides functional information about disease activity; as such it has a valuable role in staging extent of disease, guiding biopsy, and monitoring response to treatment. However, FDG PET/CT is likely to be only one component of the management strategy, and clinical, laboratory, imaging and histological findings are crucial in the overall diagnosis of the condition. At present FDG PET/CT does not have a well-established role in the assessment of patients with IgG4-RSD and future prospective studies are required to define the cost-effectiveness and clinical impact in this patient group more accurately.

  11. Induction of IgG memory responses with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is antigen dose dependent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lite, H.S.; Braley-Mullen, H.


    Irradiated recipients of spleen cells from mice primed with a very low dose (0.0025 μ/g) of the thymus-independent (TI) antigen polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) produced PVP-specific IgG memory responses after secondary challenge with a T-dependent (TD) form of PVP, PVP-HRBC. The IgG memory responses induced by low doses of PVP were similar in magnitude to those induced by the TD antigen PVP-HRBC. The induction of IgG memory by the TI form of antigen was markedly dependent on the dose of PVP used to prime donor mice. Spleen cells from mice primed with an amount of PVP (0.25 μg) that induces an optimal primary IgM response did not produce significant IgG antibody after challenge with PVP-HRBC. The inability of higher doses of PVP to induce IgG memory may be due, at least in part, to the fact that such doses of PVP were found to induce tolerance in PVP-specific B cells and could suppress the induction of memory induced by PVP-HRBC. Low doses of PVP did not interfere with the induction of memory by PVP-HRBC. Expression of IgG memory responses in recipients of PVP-HRBC or low-dose PVP-primed cells was found to be T cell dependent. Moreover, only primed T cells could reconstitute the respnse of recipients of primed B cells, suggesting that the ability of PVP to induce IgG memory may be related to its ability to prime T helper cells. Expression of the IgG memory response in recipient mice also required the use of a TD antigen for secondary challenge, i.e., mice challenged with PVP did not develop IgG

  12. Riedel's thyroiditis and multifocal fibrosclerosis are part of the IgG4-related systemic disease spectrum. (United States)

    Dahlgren, Mollie; Khosroshahi, Arezou; Nielsen, G Petur; Deshpande, Vikram; Stone, John H


    Riedel's thyroiditis is a chronic fibrosing disorder of unknown etiology often associated with "multifocal fibrosclerosis." IgG4-related systemic disease is characterized by IgG4+ plasma cell infiltration and fibrosis throughout many organs. We hypothesized that Riedel's thyroiditis is part of the IgG4-related systemic disease spectrum. We searched our institution's pathology database using the terms "Riedel's," "struma," "thyroid," and "fibrosis," and identified 3 cases of Riedel's thyroiditis. Riedel's thyroiditis was diagnosed if there was a fibroinflammatory process involving all or a portion of the thyroid gland, with evidence of extension of the process into surrounding tissues. Immunohistochemical stains for IgG4 and IgG were performed. The histopathologic and immunohistochemical features of each involved organ were evaluated. The clinical features of one patient with multiple organ system disease were described. All 3 thyroidectomy samples stained positively for IgG4-bearing plasma cells. One patient had extensive extrathyroidal involvement diagnostic of IgG4-related systemic disease, including cholangitis, pseudotumors of both the lung and lacrimal gland, and a lymph node contiguous to the thyroid that stained intensely for IgG4+ plasma cells. The histologic features of all organs involved were consistent with IgG4-related systemic disease. Patient 3 had 10 IgG4+ plasma cells per high-power field initially, but rebiopsy 2 years later demonstrated no IgG4+ plasma cells. That patient's second biopsy, characterized by fibrosis and minimal residual inflammation, further solidifies the link between IgG4-bearing plasma cells in tissue and the histologic evolution to Riedel's thyroiditis. Riedel's thyroiditis is part of the IgG4-related systemic disease spectrum. In many cases, multifocal fibrosclerosis and IgG4-related systemic disease are probably the same entity.

  13. Resultados del estudio serológico tras la vacunación frente a Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo C en niños

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Espín Ríos María Isabel


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: El aumento de incidencia de enfermedad meningocócica en la Región de Murcia en la temporada 1996/97 motivó que la Dirección General de Salud desarrollara en septiembre-octubre de 1997 una Campaña de Vacunación frente al meningococo serogrupo C. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer el porcentaje de niños menores de 5 años de edad que mostraban seroconversión postvacunal al mes de la vacunación y el porcentaje de los mismos que conservaban inmunidad al año de la vacunación. MÉTODO: Estudio de seguimiento de 296 niños entre 18 y 59 meses de edad. Las determinaciones serológicas ser realizaron antes de la vacunación, al mes y al año de la vacunación. La titulación de anticuerpos se determinó según el "ensayo bactericida" de los Centers for Disease Control. RESULTADOS: De los 296 niños estudiados únicamente 11 (3,7% mostraron títulos de anticuerpos bactericidas antes de la vacunación. Al mes, de los niños que no mostraban anticuerpos antes de la vacunación, 167 (63,7% seroconvirtieron. Se observó una tendencia lineal estadísticamente significativa (p<0.001 de aumento del porcentaje de seroconversión con la edad de vacunación. Al año de la vacunación, de entre los niños seroconvertidos al mes de la vacunación, únicamente 6 (4,3% mostraban anticuerpos bactericidas. CONCLUSIÓN: El porcentaje de seroconversión en menores de 5 años de edad, tras la administración de la vacuna de polisacárido capsular C, presentó un claro incremento con la edad. La seroprotección adquirida en niños vacunados declina rápidamente en el año siguiente a la vacunación.

  14. IgG4-Related Disease Combined with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia and Steroid-Responsive Transient Hypercalcemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sho Hasegawa


    Full Text Available A 67-year-old man with elevated serum immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4 levels, systemic lymphadenopathy infiltrated by IgG4-positive plasma cells, and Coombs-positive autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA showed marked hypercalcemia. Although the intact parathyroid hormone (PTH level was elevated, 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy and thyroid ultrasonography revealed no evidence of primary hyperparathyroidism. Liver biopsy showed marked infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells, which confirmed the diagnosis of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD. Corticosteroid therapy was initiated, and subsequently, intact PTH and serum calcium levels gradually normalized. Transient hypercalcemia in a patient with AIHA may therefore be associated with IgG4-RD.

  15. Lesional CD4+ IFN-γ+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in IgG4-related dacryoadenitis and sialoadenitis (United States)

    Maehara, Takashi; Mattoo, Hamid; Ohta, Miho; Mahajan, Vinay S; Moriyama, Masafumi; Yamauchi, Masaki; Drijvers, Jefte; Nakamura, Seiji; Stone, John H; Pillai, Shiv S


    Objectives IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a chronic, systemic, inflammatory condition of unknown aetiology. We have recently described clonally expanded circulating CD4+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in IgG4-RD that infiltrate affected tissues where they secrete interleukin (IL)-1β and transforming growth factor -β1 (TGF-β1). In this study, we sought to examine the role of CD4+ CTLs in the pathogenesis of IgG4-related dacryoadenitis and sialoadenitis (IgG4-DS) and to determine whether these cells secrete interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) at lesional sites. Methods Salivary glands of 25 patients with IgG4-DS, 22 patients with Sjögren’s syndrome (SS), 12 patients with chronic sialoadenitis (CS) and 12 healthy controls were analysed in this study. Gene expression analysis was performed on submandibular glands (SMGs) from five patients with IgG4-DS, three with CS and three healthy controls. Infiltrating CD4+ CTLs were examined by quantitative multicolour imaging in tissue samples from 20 patients with IgG4-DS, 22 patients with SS, 9 patients with CS and 9 healthy controls. Results In IgG4-DS tissues, nine genes associated with CD4+ CTLs were overexpressed. The expression of granzyme A (GZMA) mRNA was significantly higher in samples from patients with IgG4-RD compared with corresponding tissues from SS and healthy controls. Quantitative imaging showed that infiltrating CD4+ GZMA+ CTLs were more abundant in patients with IgG4-DS than in the other groups. The ratio of CD4+GZMA+ CTLs in SMGs from patients with IgG4-DS correlated with serum IgG4 concentrations and the number of affected organs. A large fraction of CD4+GZMA+ CTLs in SMGs from patients with IgG4-DS secreted IFN-γ. Conclusions The pathogenesis of IgG4-DS is associated with tissue infiltration by CD4+GZMA+ CTLs that secrete IFN-γ. PMID:27358392

  16. Serum Concentrations of IgG4 in the Spanish Adult Population: Relationship with Age, Gender, and Atopy (United States)

    Carballo, Iago; Alvela, Lucía; Pérez, Luis-Fernando; Gude, Francisco; Vidal, Carmen; Alonso, Manuela; Sopeña, Bernardo; Gonzalez-Quintela, Arturo


    Background and Aim Serum IgG4 concentrations are commonly measured in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to investigate serum IgG4 concentrations in adults and their potential relationship with demographic, lifestyle, metabolic, and allergy-related factors. Methods Serum IgG4 concentrations were measured with a commercial assay in 413 individuals (median age 55 years, 45% males) who were randomly selected from a general adult population. Results Median IgG4 concentration was 26.8 mg/dL. Five out of the 413 individuals (1.2%) exhibited IgG4 concentrations >135 mg/dL, and 17 out of 411 (4.1%) exhibited an IgG4/total IgG ratio >8%. Serum IgG4 concentrations were significantly higher in males than in females and decreased with age. After adjusting for age and sex, serum IgG4 concentrations were not significantly influenced by alcohol consumption, smoking or common metabolic abnormalities (obesity and the related metabolic syndrome). Serum IgG4 concentrations were not significantly correlated with serum concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines and inflammation markers. Serum IgG4 concentrations were significantly correlated with IgE concentrations. Serum IgG4 concentrations tended to be higher in atopics (individuals with IgE-mediated sensitization to aeroallergens) than in non-atopics, particularly among atopics without respiratory symptoms. Serum IgG4 concentrations were not significantly correlated with total eosinophil blood count. Cases of IgG4-related disease were neither present at baseline nor detected after a median of 11 years of follow-up. Conclusions Studies aimed at defining reference IgG4 values should consider partitioning by age and sex. Further studies are needed to confirm the potential influence of atopy status on serum IgG4 concentrations. PMID:26910567

  17. Human IgG subclass antibodies to the 19 kilodalton carboxy ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    IgG2 or IgG4 antibodies were virtually nonexistent. The cross-reactivity between the 4 sequence variants (E-KNG, E-TSR, Q-KNG and. Q-TSR) of MSP119 was confirmed; however, a minority of sera preferentially recognised the KNG but not the TSR variants. All 33 P. falciparum isolates from different parts ofm Uganda

  18. Consensus statement on the pathology of IgG4-related disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Deshpande, Vikram; Zen, Yoh; Chan, John Kc; Yi, Eunhee E.; Sato, Yasuharu; Yoshino, Tadashi; Klöppel, Günter; Heathcote, J. Godfrey; Khosroshahi, Arezou; Ferry, Judith A.; Aalberse, Rob C.; Bloch, Donald B.; Brugge, William R.; Bateman, Adrian C.; Carruthers, Mollie N.; Chari, Suresh T.; Cheuk, Wah; Cornell, Lynn D.; Fernandez-del Castillo, Carlos; Forcione, David G.; Hamilos, Daniel L.; Kamisawa, Terumi; Kasashima, Satomi; Kawa, Shigeyuki; Kawano, Mitsuhiro; Lauwers, Gregory Y.; Masaki, Yasufumi; Nakanuma, Yasuni; Notohara, Kenji; Okazaki, Kazuichi; Ryu, Ji Kon; Saeki, Takako; Sahani, Dushyant V.; Smyrk, Thomas C.; Stone, James R.; Takahira, Masayuki; Webster, George J.; Yamamoto, Motohisa; Zamboni, Giuseppe; Umehara, Hisanori; Stone, John H.


    IgG4-related disease is a newly recognized fibro-inflammatory condition characterized by several features: a tendency to form tumefactive lesions in multiple sites; a characteristic histopathological appearance; and-often but not always-elevated serum IgG4 concentrations. An international symposium

  19. Respuesta de anticuerpos inducidos por la vacuna antimeningocócica cubana VA-MENGOC-BC® frente a la cepa de Neisseria meningitidis B:4:P1.19,15 en adolescentes después de 12 años de inmunizados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María A. Camaraza


    Full Text Available Se estudió la respuesta de anticuerpos inducida por la vacuna antimeningocócica cubana VA-MENGOC-BC® contra la cepa de Neisseria meningitidis B:4:P1.19,15 mediante el Ensayo Bactericida del Suero (EBS y ELISA de tipo indirecto, para medir anticuerpos contra vesículas de membrana externa (VME de N. meningitidis B a 184 adolescentes de un politécnico de Ciego de Ávila que fueron inmunizados en campañas masivas 12 años antes. Se realizaron extracciones de sangre antes de aplicar la primera dosis (T0, 4 semanas después de ésta (T1 y 4 semanas después de la segunda dosis (T2. Transcurridos 12 años de esta vacunación el 42% de los adolescentes presentó títulos bactericidas ≥ 1:4 frente a la cepa homóloga (B:4:P1.19,15 y el 98% mostró anticuerpos detectables contra las VME. En el EBS; el porcentaje de seroconversión T1/T0 fue del 57% y T2/T0 del 60%. Mediante ELISA la seroconversión fue del 59% y 54%, respectivamente, por lo que se demostró que la aplicación de una sola dosis después de 12 años indujo una respuesta inmune importante que puede sugerir una respuesta anamnésica.

  20. [IgG4-related lung disease: analysis of 8 cases and literature review]. (United States)

    Han, G J; Hu, H; Mao, D; Bai, X; She, D Y; Zhao, S F; Wen, Z L; Gao, J


    Objective: To improve the understanding and treatment of IgG4-related lung disease (IgG4-RLD). Methods: The clinical characteristics, serum IgG4 levels, pathological features, chest CT, therapy and prognosis of 8 patients with IgG4-RLD were retrospectively analyzed. These patients were admitted to the People's Liberation Army General Hospital and the pathological diagnosis was made between December 2005 and March 2016. Relevant literatures were reviewed. Results: The 8 patients with IgG4-RLD included 4 men and 4 women, with an average age of (59±4) years (range, 37-74). The respiratory symptoms included shortness of breath, cough, and expectoration. Extra-pulmonary symptoms included abdominal pain, facial edema, and fever. Extrapulmonary organs were involved in 7 cases. Serum IgG4 levels were elevated in 8 cases, with an average concentration of(17±6)g/L. Chest CT showed solid lung nodules in 6, alveolar-interstitial infiltration in 5, bronchovascular lesions in 3 and ground glass shadows in 2 cases. PET/CT was performed in 2 cases and it showed multiple organ involvement with higher radioactivity uptake(SUVmax2.9-4.2). The pathological examination found lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltration in 7, fibrous tissue hyperplasia in 5, and occlusive vasculitis in 2 cases. On immunohistochemical staining, the ratio of IgG4-positive plasma cells to IgG-positive plasma cells was higher than 40%in 3 cases. The number of IgG4-positive plasma cells was 10-50/HP in 8 cases. The misdiagnosis rate was 100% before the final diagnosis was made. Three cases received glucocorticoids with immunosuppressant therapy, 2 received surgery combined with glucocorticoid therapy, 2 received glucocorticoid therapy alone, and 1 only received surgery. The follow-up time was 4-132 months, with remission in 7 cases, and disease progression in 1 case, but no death. A total of 195 cases of IgG4-RLD were reviewed from the literature, among whom 111 cases were admitted with respiratory symptoms

  1. IgG4 autoantibodies against muscle-specific kinase undergo Fab-arm exchange in myasthenia gravis patients. (United States)

    Koneczny, Inga; Stevens, Jo A A; De Rosa, Anna; Huda, Saif; Huijbers, Maartje G; Saxena, Abhishek; Maestri, Michelangelo; Lazaridis, Konstantinos; Zisimopoulou, Paraskevi; Tzartos, Socrates; Verschuuren, Jan; van der Maarel, Silvère M; van Damme, Philip; De Baets, Marc H; Molenaar, Peter C; Vincent, Angela; Ricciardi, Roberta; Martinez-Martinez, Pilar; Losen, Mario


    Autoimmunity mediated by IgG4 subclass autoantibodies is an expanding field of research. Due to their structural characteristics a key feature of IgG4 antibodies is the ability to exchange Fab-arms with other, unrelated, IgG4 molecules, making the IgG4 molecule potentially monovalent for the specific antigen. However, whether those disease-associated antigen-specific IgG4 are mono- or divalent for their antigens is unknown. Myasthenia gravis (MG) with antibodies to muscle specific kinase (MuSK-MG) is a well-recognized disease in which the predominant pathogenic IgG4 antibody binds to extracellular epitopes on MuSK at the neuromuscular junction; this inhibits a pathway that clusters the acetylcholine (neurotransmitter) receptors and leads to failure of neuromuscular transmission. In vitro Fab-arm exchange-inducing conditions were applied to MuSK antibodies in sera, purified IgG4 and IgG1-3 sub-fractions. Solid-phase cross-linking assays were established to determine the extent of pre-existing and inducible Fab-arm exchange. Functional effects of the resulting populations of IgG4 antibodies were determined by measuring inhibition of agrin-induced AChR clustering in C2C12 cells. To confirm the results, κ/κ, λ/λ and hybrid κ/λ IgG4s were isolated and tested for MuSK antibodies. At least fifty percent of patients had IgG4, but not IgG1-3, MuSK antibodies that could undergo Fab-arm exchange in vitro under reducing conditions. Also MuSK antibodies were found in vivo that were divalent (monospecific for MuSK). Fab-arm exchange with normal human IgG4 did not prevent the inhibitory effect of serum derived MuSK antibodies on AChR clustering in C2C12 mouse myotubes. The results suggest that a considerable proportion of MuSK IgG4 could already be Fab-arm exchanged in vivo. This was confirmed by isolating endogenous IgG4 MuSK antibodies containing both κ and λ light chains, i.e. hybrid IgG4 molecules. These new findings demonstrate that Fab-arm exchanged antibodies

  2. Multi-organ IgG4-related disease: Demystifying the diagnostic enigma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Bhardwaj


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a multisystemic mass forming immune-mediated disease entity, commonly creating confusion and diagnostic challenges. We present a case of a 25-year-old female who presented with bilateral orbital masses, lymphadenopathy, paraspinal and renal masses, which clinicoradiologically simulated lymphoma. The lymph node biopsy revealed interfollicular sheets of plasma cells creating confusion with Castleman's disease and marginal zone lymphoma. The orbital biopsy revealed ductular destruction, periductular plasma cells, and fibrosis, mimicking Sjogren's syndrome and Castleman's disease. However, the correlation of the clinical features with histopathological findings, IgG4 immunopositivity, and serum studies helped in clinching the diagnosis. This case presents an uncommon combination of clinical features infrequently reported in literature. Furthermore, and more importantly, it highlights the need to keep a differential of IgG4-RD in mind, to aid early and correct treatment of the disease.

  3. Clinicopathological features of Riedel's thyroiditis associated with IgG4-related disease in Japan. (United States)

    Takeshima, Ken; Inaba, Hidefumi; Ariyasu, Hiroyuki; Furukawa, Yasushi; Doi, Asako; Nishi, Masahiro; Hirokawa, Mitsuyoshi; Yoshida, Akira; Imai, Ryoukichi; Akamizu, Takashi


    Riedel's thyroiditis (RT) is a rare chronic fibrosing disorder characterized by a hard, infiltrative lesion in the thyroid gland, which is often associated with multifocal fibrosclerosis. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is typified by infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells into multiple organs, resulting in tissue fibrosis and organ dysfunction. In order to evaluate the clinicopathological features of RT and its relationship with IgG4-RD, we performed a Japanese literature search using the keywords "Riedel" and "Riedel's thyroiditis." We used the electronic databases Medline and Igaku Chuo Zasshi, the latter of which is the largest medical literature database in Japan. The diagnosis of RT was based on the presence of a fibroinflammatory process with extension into surrounding tissues. Only 10 patients in Japan fulfilled RT diagnostic criteria during the 25-year period between 1988 and 2012. Two patients with confirmed IgG4/IgG immunohistochemical findings demonstrated 43 and 13 IgG4-positive plasma cells per high-power field, respectively, and the IgG4-positive/IgG-positive plasma cell ratios of 20% and less than 5%. Of the 10 patients with RT, two received glucocorticoids, one of whom experienced marked shrinkage of the thyroid lesion. One patient had extra-thyroid involvement in the form of retroperitoneal fibrosis. Although the clinicopathological features of RT suggest that IgG4-RD may be the underlying condition in some cases, further investigation is needed to clarify the etiology of RT in relation to IgG4-RD.

  4. IgG4-related cardiovascular disease. The emerging role of cardiovascular imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mavrogeni, Sophie, E-mail:; Markousis-Mavrogenis, George; Kolovou, Genovefa


    Highlights: • Assessment of serum IgG4 levels and involved organ biopsy are necessary for diagnosis of IgG4-related disease. • CV involvement may manifest as cardiac pseudotumors, inflammatory periaortitis, coronary arteritis and/or pericarditis. • Echocardiography and vascular ultrasound are the most commonly used non-invasive, non-radiating imaging techniques. • CT can assess periarteritis and coronary artery aneurysms, while 18FDG-PET shows FDG uptake at the area of the lesion. • CMR offers an integrated imaging of CV system, including assessment of disease acuity, extent of fibrosis and can guide further treatment. - Abstract: Immunoglobulin 4-related disease (IgG4-related disease) is a systemic inflammatory disease that presents with increases of serum IgG4. It may affect various systems, including the cardiovascular (CV) system. Assessment of serum IgG4 levels and involved organ biopsy are necessary for diagnosis. IgG4-related disease is characterized by fibrosclerosis, lymphocytic infiltration and presence of IgG4-positive plasma cells. The disease usually responds to treatment with corticosteroids and/or immunosuppressive medication. CV involvement may manifest as cardiac pseudotumors, inflammatory periaortitis, coronary arteritis and/or pericarditis. IgG4-related cardiovascular disorders can severely affect patient prognosis. Various imaging techniques, including echocardiography, Computed Tomography (CT), 18FDG-PET, Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) and cardiac catheterisation, have been successfully used for early disease detection and follow-up. Echocardiography and vascular ultrasound are the most commonly used non-invasive, non-radiating imaging techniques for the evaluation of IgG4-related CV disease. Periaortitis/periarteritis can be also assessed by CT, showing a soft tissue thickening around arteries. Coronary artery aneurysms can be easily diagnosed by coronary CT. In case of active periarterial or coronary artery inflammation, 18

  5. IgG4-related cardiovascular disease. The emerging role of cardiovascular imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mavrogeni, Sophie; Markousis-Mavrogenis, George; Kolovou, Genovefa


    Highlights: • Assessment of serum IgG4 levels and involved organ biopsy are necessary for diagnosis of IgG4-related disease. • CV involvement may manifest as cardiac pseudotumors, inflammatory periaortitis, coronary arteritis and/or pericarditis. • Echocardiography and vascular ultrasound are the most commonly used non-invasive, non-radiating imaging techniques. • CT can assess periarteritis and coronary artery aneurysms, while 18FDG-PET shows FDG uptake at the area of the lesion. • CMR offers an integrated imaging of CV system, including assessment of disease acuity, extent of fibrosis and can guide further treatment. - Abstract: Immunoglobulin 4-related disease (IgG4-related disease) is a systemic inflammatory disease that presents with increases of serum IgG4. It may affect various systems, including the cardiovascular (CV) system. Assessment of serum IgG4 levels and involved organ biopsy are necessary for diagnosis. IgG4-related disease is characterized by fibrosclerosis, lymphocytic infiltration and presence of IgG4-positive plasma cells. The disease usually responds to treatment with corticosteroids and/or immunosuppressive medication. CV involvement may manifest as cardiac pseudotumors, inflammatory periaortitis, coronary arteritis and/or pericarditis. IgG4-related cardiovascular disorders can severely affect patient prognosis. Various imaging techniques, including echocardiography, Computed Tomography (CT), 18FDG-PET, Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) and cardiac catheterisation, have been successfully used for early disease detection and follow-up. Echocardiography and vascular ultrasound are the most commonly used non-invasive, non-radiating imaging techniques for the evaluation of IgG4-related CV disease. Periaortitis/periarteritis can be also assessed by CT, showing a soft tissue thickening around arteries. Coronary artery aneurysms can be easily diagnosed by coronary CT. In case of active periarterial or coronary artery inflammation, 18

  6. Comunicación preliminar sobre la presencia de Trypanosoma cruzi en departamentos del norte y nororiente del Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hilda Solís


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Realizar un estudio epidemiológico de la zona norte y nororiental del Perú sobre la presencia de enfermedad de Chagas y sus vectores. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Institución: Instituto de Medicina Tropical Daniel A. Carrión, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Triatominos positivos a Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas 1909, ratones machos Swiss-Webster de un mes de edad. Intervenciones: En septiembre de 2008, se visitó las localidades de Chilete, Paredones, en la Provincia de Contumazá, Cajamarca, y las localidades de Pampa Larca, La Puerta, Guitarras y Suyo en la provincia de Ayabaca, Piura, colectándose 10 especímenes de Panstrongylus chinai (Del Ponte, 1929 en Piura y 12 especímenes de Panstrongylus herreri (Wygodzinsky, 1948, en Chilete, Cajamarca. Se aisló las cepas de Trypanosoma en ratones blancos, machos, de un mes de edad, cepa Swiss webster, siendo estos mantenidos en el laboratorio por traspasos sucesivos. Se hizo la curva de parasitemia y el estudio morfométrico de los tripomastigotes sanguíneos. Los ratones infectados fueron sacrificados a los 30 días de inoculados, se separó las vísceras y en estas se hizo el estudio anatomopatológico. Se tomó 59 muestras de sangre a los habitantes de las zonas en estudio, de pulpa digital, en papel filtro, para búsqueda de anticuerpos IgG anti-T. cruzi por ELISA y reacción de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI. Principales medidas de resultados: Identificación de los triatominos y determinar su infección por Trypanosoma cruzi; presencia de anticuerpos IgG anti- T. cruzi en los pobladores. Resultados: De los especímenes de triatominos colectados, se encontró dos especímenes de P. chinai y uno de P. herreri positivos a Trypanosoma cruzi. El pico máximo de la curva de parasitemia, ocurrió a los 20 días y se halló nidos de amastigotes de T. cruzi en miocardio y músculo esquelético de los ratones

  7. A methodological approach for production and purification of polyclonal antibody against dog IgG. (United States)

    Sadeghi, Somayeh; Aghebati-Maleki, Leili; Nozari, Samira; Majidi, Jafar


    Antibodies are a class of biomolecules that has an important role in the immune system and lots of applications in biotechnological methods and in pharmaceutics. Production and purification of antibodies in laboratory animals is one of the first ways to manufacture of these prominent tools. The obtained antibodies from these process could be used in various types of bioassay techniques such as enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), radioimmunoassay, etc. Also, antibodies employed in diagnostics applications in humans and other animals in order to detect specific antigens. In this study, we aimed to produce and purify anti-dog IgG via immunizing rabbits with dog IgG in combination with Freund's adjuvant. Polyclonal IgG were purified by ion exchange chromatography and then the purified antibody was labeled with horse radish peroxidase (HPR). Direct ELISA was used to determine the optimum titer and cross-reactivity of HRP conjugated IgG. The purity of various IgG preparations and the optimum dilution of prepared HRP conjugated IgG, respectively, was about 95.00% and 1:8000. This study showed that efficiency ion-exchange chromatography could be an appropriate method for purification of IgG antibodies. This antibody could be a useful tool for future dog immune diagnosis tests. This product characterization shown here sets the foundations for future work on dog IgGs.

  8. Fine needle aspiration cytology of IgG4-related disease: A potential diagnostic pitfall? (United States)

    Kaur, Rajwant; Mitra, Suvradeep; Rajwanshi, Arvind; Das, Ashim; Nahar Saikia, Uma; Dey, Pranab


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a tumefactive fibro-inflammatory lesion that can affect any organ system in the body. Till date, no cytological data on IgG4-RD are available and this is the first study depicting the cytopathology features of IgG4-RD. To describe the cytopathological features and potential diagnostic errors of IgG4-RD. The cytological features of 10 histopathology proven IgG4-RD cases (11 samples) were retrospectively reviewed along with corresponding histopathology. The cellularity of the cytology smears was low (36.4%) to moderate (45.4%) to high (18.1%). The low cellularity correlated well with the pattern C in histopathology (predominant fibrosis pattern). The non-epithelial background showed a preponderance of lymphocytes along with polymorphs and spindle-shaped fibroblasts. Most of these cases showed the presence of plasma cells and eosinophils. Epithelial atypia was seen in 18.2% cases. The causes of misdiagnosis were low cellularity, epithelial atypia, and non-representative background. The important diagnostic clues to suspect a diagnosis of IgG4-RD include low cellularity despite adequate effort, inflammatory background rich in lymphocytes and spindle cells admixed with a few plasma cells and eosinophils along with radiological features and raised serum IgG4 Diagn. Cytopathol. 2017;45:14-21. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia común variable a propósito de un caso

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    Teresa Mendoza Altuna


    Full Text Available La inmunodeficiencia común variable (IDCV es la inmunodeficiencia primaria que con más frecuencia encontramos en la práctica clínica. Clínicamente se define como la presencia de infecciones recurrentes y una reducción en suero de IgG (al menos 2 desviaciones estándar por debajo de los valores de referencia para su edad y al menos otra de las Ig (IgA o IgM y una reducción o ausencia de producción de anticuerpos La clínica que presentan estos pacientes son múltiples infecciones pulmonares, infecciones bacterianas sistémicas y complicaciones gastrointestinales, siendo las infecciones la manifestación clínica más frecuente. Se conoce muy poco acerca de los mecanismos etiopatogénicos que conducen a esta anormalidad inmunológica. Presentamos un caso de IDCV en una trabajadora sanitaria pretendiendo revisar los síntomas del cuadro clínico así como hacer una reflexión sobre los efectos de la prevención de riesgos para el trabajador.

  10. Granulocyte-associated IgG in neutropenic disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cines, D.B.; Passero, F.; Guerry, D.; Bina, M.; Dusak, B.; Schreiber, A.D.


    We applied a radiolabeled antiglobulin test to a study of patients with a variety of neutropenic disorders. After defining the nature of the interaction of radiolabeled anti-IgG with the neutrophil, we studied 16 patients with neutropenia of uncertain etiology and adequate bone marrow granulocyte precursors. Twelve of these 16 patients had increased neutrophil-associated IgG (PMN-IgG). Patients with the highest levels of PMN-IgG had the lowest neutrophil counts. The majority of patients with neutropenia and increased PMN-IgG had an underlying immunologic disorder that included immune thrombocytopenic purpura in 5 patients and autoimmune hemolytic anemia in 1 patient. In some patients, elevated PMN-IgG preceded other evidence for immunologic disease. The direct antiglobulin test helped to distinguish neutropenic patients with increased PMN-IgG both from patients with neutropenia due to a known nonimmune disorder and from nonneutropenic patients with rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosis. Each of four patients with increased neutrophil-associated IgG treated with systemic corticosteroids responded clinically with an associated fall in neutrophil IgG and a rise in the circulating neutrophil count. The radiolabeled antiglobulin test appears useful in defining a subpopulation of patients with neutropenia due to an underlying immunologic disorder

  11. Effects of adjuvants on IgG subclasses elicited by virus-like Particles

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    Visciano Maria Luisa


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Virus-Like Particles (VLPs represent an efficient strategy to present and deliver conformational antigens to the immune system, inducing both arms of the adaptive immune response. Moreover, their particulate structure surrounded by cell membrane provides an adjuvanted effect to VLP-based immunizations. In the present study, the elicitation of different patterns of IgG subclasses by VLPs, administered in CpG ODN1826 or poly(I:C adjuvants, has been evaluated in an animal model. Results Adjuvanted VLPs elicited a higher titer of total specific IgG compared to VLPs alone. Furthermore, while VLPs alone induced a balanced TH2 pattern, VLPs formulated with either adjuvant elicited a TH1-biased IgG subclasses (IgG2a and IgG3, with poly(I:C more potent than CpG ODN1826. Conclusions The results confirmed that adjuvants efficiently improve antigen immunogenicity and represent a suitable strategy to skew the adaptive immune response toward the differentiation of the desired T helper subset, also using VLPs as antigen.

  12. Primary cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant Egyptian women confirmed by cytomegalovirus IgG avidity testing. (United States)

    Kamel, N; Metwally, L; Gomaa, N; Sayed Ahmed, W A; Lotfi, M; Younis, S


    To determine the frequency of primary cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in pregnant Egyptian women using CMV IgG avidity testing. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Suez Canal University Hospital, Ismailia, Egypt. A total of 546 pregnant women, presenting for routine antenatal screening, were tested for CMV IgG and IgM using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Sera from CMV IgM-positive women were tested by CMV IgG avidity assay. All the 546 pregnant women were seropositive for anti-CMV IgG. Of the 546 women, 40 (7.3%) were positive or equivocal for IgM antibodies. All sera from the 40 women (IgG+/IgM+) showed a high or intermediate CMV IgG avidity index. Of the 40 women, 23 (57.5%) were in the second or third trimesters of pregnancy and had their first-trimester blood retrieved, and the tested CMV IgG avidity assay showed a high avidity index. Women who were IgM positive had no primary CMV infection in the index pregnancy as evidenced by the high CMV IgG avidity testing. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  13. Selective localization of IgG from cerebrospinal fluid to brain parenchyma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørch, Marlene Thorsen; Forsberg Sørensen, Sofie; Khorooshi, Reza M. H.


    the cerebrospinal fluid and induce subpial and periventricular NMO-like lesions and blood-brain barrier breakdown, in a complement-dependent manner. To investigate how IgG trafficking from cerebrospinal fluid to brain parenchyma can be influenced by injury. IgG from healthy donors was intrathecally injected...... into the cerebrospinal fluid via cisterna magna at 1, 2, 4, or 7 days after a distal stereotactic sterile needle insertion to the striatum. Antibody deposition, detected by staining for human IgG, peaked 1 day after the intrathecal injection and was selectively seen close to the needle insertion. When NMO...

  14. A subset of ocular adnexal marginal zone lymphomas may arise in association with IgG4-related disease (United States)

    Ohno, Kyotaro; Sato, Yasuharu; Ohshima, Koh-ichi; Takata, Katsuyoshi; Miyata-Takata, Tomoko; Takeuchi, Mai; Gion, Yuka; Tachibana, Tomoyasu; Orita, Yorihisa; Ito, Toshihiro; Swerdlow, Steven H.; Yoshino, Tadashi


    We previously suggested a relationship between ocular immunoglobulin (Ig)G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) and marginal zone lymphomas (MZLs). However, the cytokine background associated with these disorders and whether it differs between ocular adnexal MZLs with (IgG4-associated MZL) and without (IgG4-negative MZL) numerous IgG4+ plasma cells are unknown. In this study, we identified the mRNA expression pattern of Th2 and regulatory T-cell (Treg) cytokines in IgG4-RD and in IgG4-associated MZL and IgG4-negative MZL using real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Ocular IgG4-RD and IgG4-associated MZL exhibited significantly higher expression ratios of interleukin (IL)-4/β-actin, IL-10/β-actin, IL-13/β-actin, transforming growth factor (TGF) β1/β-actin, and FOXP3/β-actin than did IgG4-negative MZL (p IgG4-RD. Furthermore, the presence of a different inflammatory background in IgG4-negative MZLs suggests that IgG4-associated MZLs may have a different pathogenesis. PMID:26311608

  15. Measurement of spesific IgG to 14 foods in the serum of 32 alleric patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zou Hanbing; Xu Yiping


    To evaluate the serum specific IgG to 14 food allergens in allergic patients, the food specific IgG was measured by ELISA in 32 allergic patients as well as 22 normal subjects. Results showed that the food specific IgG increased in 32 allergic patients. The positive rates for allergic patients were: shrimp: 34.4%, peanut:21.9%, egg:18.8%, crab:15.6%, wheat:12. 5%, ling:9.4%, corn:6.3%, soja:6.3%, beef:3.1%, mushroom:3.1%, tomato:3.1%, chicken:0, pork:0, rice:0. Only low increased levels of specific IgG to egg and pork in normal subjects were found with the same positive rate of 4.5% and the specific IgG to other food were negative. The fact that the food specific IgG increased in allergic disease patients means that not only IgE but also IgG could be prodused in allergic patients and there exists some relation between the two antibodies. It suggests that the measurement of food specific IgG in patients suffering from food allergy might be useful for diagnosis, prevention and treatment for such patients. (authors)

  16. IgG4-related disease: with emphasis on the biopsy diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis and sclerosing cholangitis. (United States)

    Detlefsen, Sönke; Klöppel, Günter


    In 2011, chronic fibroinflammatory processes occurring simultaneously or metachronously in various organs and associated with elevated IgG4 serum levels and/or tissue infiltration with IgG4-positive plasma cells have been recognized as manifestations of a systemic disorder called IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). The histologic key findings are lymphoplasmacytic infiltration rich in IgG4-positive plasma cells combined with storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis. Among the organs mainly affected by IgG4-RD are the pancreas and the extrahepatic bile ducts. The pancreatic and biliary alterations have been described under the terms autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and sclerosing cholangitis, respectively. These diseases are currently more precisely called IgG4-related pancreatitis (or type 1 AIP to distinguish it from type 2 AIP that is unrelated to IgG4-RD) and IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis (IgG4-related SC). Clinically and grossly, both diseases commonly imitate pancreatic and biliary adenocarcinoma, tumors that are well known for their dismal prognosis. As IgG4-RD responds to steroid treatment, making a resection of a suspected tumor unnecessary, a biopsy is often required to establish the preoperative diagnosis. This review discusses the morphologic spectrum of IgG4-related pancreatitis and IgG4-related SC and focuses on the biopsy relevant histologic features for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these diseases.

  17. IgG subclasses in previously healthy adult patients with acute ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    t Ccmparing mean values of 19G1, 19G2, JgG3 and IgG4 between the critically ill and. rlOfl-sevet1! groups of patiems. Combined cases. Pooling of data on all cases allowed comparison of the various parameters indicating severity of pneumonia and the. IgG subclass levels between survivors and non-survivors. The results ...

  18. IgG4-related cardiovascular disease. The emerging role of cardiovascular imaging. (United States)

    Mavrogeni, Sophie; Markousis-Mavrogenis, George; Kolovou, Genovefa


    Immunoglobulin 4-related disease (IgG4-related disease) is a systemic inflammatory disease that presents with increases of serum IgG4. It may affect various systems, including the cardiovascular (CV) system. Assessment of serum IgG4 levels and involved organ biopsy are necessary for diagnosis. IgG4-related disease is characterized by fibrosclerosis, lymphocytic infiltration and presence of IgG4-positive plasma cells. The disease usually responds to treatment with corticosteroids and/or immunosuppressive medication. CV involvement may manifest as cardiac pseudotumors, inflammatory periaortitis, coronary arteritis and/or pericarditis. IgG4-related cardiovascular disorders can severely affect patient prognosis. Various imaging techniques, including echocardiography, Computed Tomography (CT), 18FDG-PET, Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) and cardiac catheterisation, have been successfully used for early disease detection and follow-up. Echocardiography and vascular ultrasound are the most commonly used non-invasive, non-radiating imaging techniques for the evaluation of IgG4-related CV disease. Periaortitis/periarteritis can be also assessed by CT, showing a soft tissue thickening around arteries. Coronary artery aneurysms can be easily diagnosed by coronary CT. In case of active periarterial or coronary artery inflammation, 18FDG-PET will show FDG uptake at the area of the lesion. CMR, due to its capability to perform function and tissue characterisation, can offer an integrated imaging of aorta, coronary arteries and the heart, assessment of disease acuity, extent of fibrosis and guide further treatment. However, multimodality imaging may be necessary for assessment of disease activity and fibrosis extent in those cases with multifocal CV involvement. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Electrostatic interactions between immunoglobulin (IgG) molecules and a charged sorbent

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bremer, M.G.E.G.; Duval, J.; Norde, Willem; Lyklema, J.


    The influence of electrostatic interactions on the adsorption of IgG is examined both theoretically and experimentally. The long-range interaction between IgG and the charged sorbent surface is treated in terms of the DLVO theory taking into account the possibility of charge- and potential


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    Katja Strašek


    Full Text Available Background. We wish to introduce specific IgG avidity test as a supplementary assay in serological screening for Epstein-Barr virus infection if the status of patient cannot be resolved from a single serum sample with routine testing.Methods. Avidity of IgG antibodies was determined in sera of 57 patients with different stage of Epstein-Barr virus infection. Enzyme-immuno assay was used with a short incubation of 6-molar urea included in the procedure. Urea should remove low avidity antibodies. Avidity was expressed as the avidity index. Avidity testing with commercial kit was done as well.Results. Low avidity index was found for IgG antibodies of acute phase sera and high for those of past infection, recent infection and reactivation of endogenic virus.Conclusions. Avidity test for IgG antibodies might be supplementary assay to prove acute infection but also to resolve some other clinical states related to Epstein-Barr virus.

  1. Application of hanging drop technique to optimize human IgG formulations. (United States)

    Li, Guohua; Kasha, Purna C; Late, Sameer; Banga, Ajay K


    The purpose of this work is to assess the hanging drop technique in screening excipients to develop optimal formulations for human immunoglobulin G (IgG). A microdrop of human IgG and test solution hanging from a cover slide and undergoing vapour diffusion was monitored by a stereomicroscope. Aqueous solutions of IgG in the presence of different pH, salt concentrations and excipients were prepared and characterized. Low concentration of either sodium/potassium phosphate or McIlvaine buffer favoured the solubility of IgG. Addition of sucrose favoured the stability of this antibody while addition of NaCl caused more aggregation. Antimicrobial preservatives were also screened and a complex effect at different buffer conditions was observed. Dynamic light scattering, differential scanning calorimetry and size exclusion chromatography studies were performed to further validate the results. In conclusion, hanging drop is a very easy and effective approach to screen protein formulations in the early stage of formulation development.

  2. Infección oculta por el virus de la hepatitis B en hijos de madres positivas al HBsAg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marité Bello-Corredor


    Full Text Available La infección oculta por el virus de la hepatitis B (IOB, se caracteriza por la presencia en suero o plasma del genoma viral (ADN-VHB y anticuerpos contra la proteína de la cápside (anti-HBc en ausencia del antígeno de superficie (HBsAg, marcador que tradicionalmente se emplea para identificar la presencia del virus. Con el objetivo de caracterizar la presencia de IOB en hijos de madres positivas al HBsAg, se estudiaron 291 muestras séricas de niños con la condición de ser HBsAg (- y anticuerpos anti-HBsAg (anti-HBs menores de 50 UI/L, conservadas en la seroteca del Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Hepatitis Virales. Se realizaron ensayos para determinar la exposición al virus (anti-HBc, a los sueros anti-HBc (+ se les realizó Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa en Tiempo Real (RCP-TR para determinar y cuantificar el ADN-VHB. La prevalencia de exposición al VHB (anti-HBc fue 16,8% (49/291. El ADN viral se cuantificó en el 14% (6/43 de los casos anti-HBc (+, observándose cargas virales que oscilaban entre 2,15 x 101 hasta 3,42 x 101 UI/mL. La prevalencia de la IOB para el total de los pacientes analizados fue 2,1% (6/291, considerada relativamente baja. No se encontró asociación significativa entre las variables sociodemográficas analizadas tales como: edad, sexo y provincia de procedencia. La IOB está presente en hijos de madres positivas al HBsAg, a pesar de la profilaxis contra la hepatitis B. Por lo tanto, se requiere de pesquisajes adecuados para detectar dicha entidad. Las implicaciones clínicas y epidemiológicas de la misma, requieren de un estrecho monitoreo y atención de estos pacientes. Este estudio se realiza por primera vez en Cuba y aporta conocimientos útiles para el diagnóstico, prevención y control de esta enfermedad en niños.

  3. Detection of PMTV Using Polyclonal Antibodies Raised Against a Capsid-Specific Peptide Antigen / Detección de PMTV Utilizando Anticuerpos Policlonales Contra un Péptido Antigénico Derivado de la Cápside Viral

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    Yuliana Gallo García


    Full Text Available Potato mop-top virus (PMTV; genus Pomovirus;family Virgaviridae is the causing agent of the spraing disease in potato (Solanum tuberosum. PMTV is transmitted by Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (Sss. This disease has a widespread distribution in potato growing regions around the world. The possibility of obtaining strain specific antibodies at low cost can greatly increase the sensitivity and use of serological tests in seed certification programs, plant breeding and quarantine regulations to avoid dissemination of this injurious virus. This work presents an alternative procedure for the production of PMTV specific antibodies useful in serological test such as ELISAand lateral flow. In contrast to standard methods requiring theisolation of viral particles or expression of recombinant capsid, this method uses peptides mimicking the N-terminal region of PMTV capsid protein as antigen for the production of specific polyclonal antibodies. The antibodies were tested against bait plants grown in soil infested with viruliferous Sss, as well as potato plants obtained from naturally Sss infested fields in Colombia. PMTV was detected in 9/14 and 24/28 foliage samples of N. benthamiana and S. phureja, respectively. In the case of field plants, the virus wasdetected in eight out of 12 root tissues evaluated. The minimumpeptide concentration detected by ELISA was of the order of 0.1 nM. / Potato mop-top virus (PMTV; género Pomovirus; familia Virgaviridae es transmitido por Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (Sss, agente causal de la sarna polvosa de la papa. Esta enfermedad tiene una amplia distribución en las regiones cultivadoras de papa alrededor del mundo. La posibilidad de obtener anticuerpos específicos contra cepas de este virus, puede incrementar la sensibilidad y la utilización de pruebas serológicas en programas de certificación de semilla, mejoramiento genético y regulaciones cuarentenarias que eviten su diseminaci

  4. Anti Helicobacter pylori IgG and IgA response in patients with gastric cancer and chronic gastritis. (United States)

    Manojlovic, Nebojsa; Babic, Dragana; Filipovic-Ljeshovic, Ivana; Pilcevic, Dijana


    Immune response against Helicobacter pylori is important for the course and outcome of infection. We conducted study looking for the difference in anti H. pylori IgG and IgA between patients with intestinal type of gastric cancer, superficial and atrophic gastritis. For this study, 133 patients infected with H. pylori were enrolled: 50 with superficial gastritis, 42 with atrophic gastritis and 41 with gastric cancer. Anti H. pylori IgG and IgA ELISA tests were performed. The difference in antibody titers of IgG and IgA, frequency of IgA > IgG ratio and combination of low IgG and IgA > IgG ratio were analyzed. The patients with gastritis had higher titer of IgG that the patients with gastric cancer (p gastritis had higher titer of IgA than the patients with gastric cancer (p IgG ratio is more frequent in patients with gastric cancer than in the patients with superficial gastritis (p IgG is more frequent in the patients with gastric cancer than in the patients with gastritis (p cancer elicit different anti H. pylori IgG and IgA response than the patients with superficial and atrophic gastritis. Low IgG and IgA predominance seems characteristic for gastric cancer.

  5. Retroperitoneal disorders associated with IgG4-related autoimmune pancreatitis


    Hara, Noboru; Kawaguchi, Makoto; Takeda, Keisuke; Zen, Yoh


    IgG4-related autoimmune pancreatitis is frequently accompanied by relevant lesions in the genitourinary tract and retroperitoneal organs, which cause various clinical problems, ranging from non-specific back pain or bladder outlet obstruction to renal failure. The diagnosis of IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis requires a multidisciplinary approach, including serological tests, histological examination, imaging analysis, and susceptibility to steroid therapy. Radiological examinations are ...

  6. Clonal expansion of CD4+ Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in IgG4-related disease (United States)

    Mattoo, Hamid; Mahajan, Vinay S.; Maehara, Takashi; Deshpande, Vikram; Della-Torre, Emanuel; Wallace, Zachary S.; Kulikova, Maria; Drijvers, Jefte M.; Daccache, Joe; Carruthers, Mollie N.; Castellino, Flavia; Stone, James R.; Stone, John H.; Pillai, Shiv


    Background IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a systemic condition of unknown etiology, characterized by highly fibrotic lesions with dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. CD4+ T cells constitute the major inflammatory cell population in IgG4-RD lesions. Objective We used an unbiased approach to characterize CD4+ T cell subsets in IgG4-RD subjects based on their clonal expansion and their ability to infiltrate affected tissue sites. Methods We used flow cytometry to identify CD4+ effector/memory T cells (TEM) in a cohort of 101 IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) patients. These expanded cells were characterized by gene expression analysis and flow cytometry. Next-generation sequencing of the T cell receptor β chain gene was performed on CD4+SLAMF7+ CTLs and CD4+GATA3+ TH2 cells in a subset of patients to identify their clonality. Tissue infiltration by specific T cells was examined using quantitative multi-color imaging. Results CD4+ effector/memory T cells with a cytolytic phenotype were expanded in IgG4-RD patients. Next-generation sequencing revealed prominent clonal expansions of these CD4+CTLs but not CD4+GATA3+ memory TH2 cells in subjects with IgG4-RD. The dominant T cells infiltrating a range of inflamed IgG4-RD tissue sites were clonally-expanded CD4+CTLs that expressed SLAMF7, granzyme A, IL-1β, and TGF-β1. Clinical remission induced by rituximab-mediated B cell depletion was associated with a reduction in disease-associated CD4+ CTLs Conclusions IgG4-RD is prominently linked to clonally-expanded, IL-1β, and TGF- β1 secreting, CD4+ CTLs in peripheral blood as well as in inflammatory tissue lesions. These active, terminally-differentiated, cytokine-secreting effector CD4+ T cells are now linked to a human disease characterized by chronic inflammation and fibrosis. PMID:26971690

  7. IgG4-related disease with cavernous sinus and intra-orbital lesions diagnosed by nasal mucosa biopsy. (United States)

    Nakata, Ruka; Yoshimura, Shunsuke; Motomura, Masakatsu; Tsujino, Akira; Hayashi, Tomayoshi; Hara, Minoru


    IgG4-related disease is a systemic disease characterized by lesions with IgG4 positive plasma cell infiltration in the involved organs and a raised serum IgG4 level. We report a patient of 70-year-old male presented orbital inflammation of IgG4-related disease. The patient developed right eye pain, double vision, and reduced eye sight. MRI image revealed mild right ocular proptosis and swelling of right carvenous sinus, bilateral intraorbital extraocular muscles and right optic nerve. Right optic nerve showed ring-like enhancement. IgG4-related disease was suspected with increased serum IgG4 level of 355 mg/dl, mediastinal lymphadenopathy and prostate enlargement. Transbronchial lung biopsy and prostate needle biopsy were administered with negative results. The eye related symptoms resolved with time, but serum IgG4 continuously increased. IgG4-related disease was diagnosed by nasal mucosa biopsy, which showed IgG4 positive plasma cells within the inflammatory infiltrate. This report emphasizes the usefulness of nasal mucosa biopsy for the diagnosis of IgG4 related disease with lesions difficult to approach.

  8. IgG4-Related Sclerosing Disease, an Emerging Entity: A Review of a Multi-System Disease (United States)

    Divatia, Mukul; Kim, Sun A


    Immunoglobulin G4-related systemic disease (IgG4-RSD) is a recently defined emerging entity characterized by a diffuse or mass forming inflammatory reaction rich in IgG4-positive plasma cells associated with fibrosclerosis and obliterative phlebitis. IgG4-RSD usually affects middle aged and elderly patients, with a male predominance. It is associated with an elevated serum titer of IgG4, which acts as a marker for this recently characterized entity. The prototype is IgG4-related sclerosing pancreatitis or autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP). Other common sites of involvement are the hepatobiliary tract, salivary gland, orbit, and lymph node, however practically any organ can be involved, including upper aerodigestive tract, lung, aorta, mediastinum, retroperitoneum, soft tissue, skin, central nervous system, breast, kidney, and prostate. Fever or constitutional symptoms usually do not comprise part of the clinical picture. Laboratory findings detected include raised serum globulin, IgG and IgG4. An association with autoantibody detection (such as antinuclear antibodies and rheumatoid factor) is seen in some cases. Steroid therapy comprises the mainstay of treatment. Disease progression with involvement of multiple organ-sites may be encountered in a subset of cases and may follow a relapsing-remitting course. The principal histopathologic findings in several extranodal sites include lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, lymphoid follicle formation, sclerosis and obliterative phlebitis, along with atrophy and destruction of tissues. Immunohistochemical staining shows increased IgG4+ cells in the involved tissues (>50 per high-power field, with IgG4/IgG ratio >40%). IgG4-RSD may potentially be rarely associated with the development of lymphoma and carcinoma. However, the nature and pathogenesis of IgG4-RSD are yet to be fully elucidated and provide immense scope for further studies. PMID:22187229

  9. Neuromyelitis optica IgG stimulates an immunological response in rat astrocyte cultures. (United States)

    Howe, Charles L; Kaptzan, Tatiana; Magaña, Setty M; Ayers-Ringler, Jennifer R; LaFrance-Corey, Reghann G; Lucchinetti, Claudia F


    Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a primary astrocyte disease associated with central nervous system inflammation, demyelination, and tissue injury. Brain lesions are frequently observed in regions enriched in expression of the aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channel, an antigenic target of the NMO IgG serologic marker. Based on observations of disease reversibility and careful characterization of NMO lesion development, we propose that the NMO IgG may induce a dynamic immunological response in astrocytes. Using primary rat astrocyte-enriched cultures and treatment with NMO patient-derived serum or purified IgG, we observed a robust pattern of gene expression changes consistent with the induction of a reactive and inflammatory phenotype in astrocytes. The reactive astrocyte factor lipocalin-2 and a broad spectrum of chemokines, cytokines, and stress response factors were induced by either NMO patient serum or purified IgG. Treatment with IgG from healthy controls had no effect. The effect is disease-specific, as serum from patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, Sjögren's, or systemic lupus erythematosus did not induce a response in the cultures. We hypothesize that binding of the NMO IgG to AQP4 induces a cellular response that results in transcriptional and translational events within the astrocyte that are consistent with a reactive and inflammatory phenotype. Strategies aimed at reducing the inflammatory response of astrocytes may short circuit an amplification loop associated with NMO lesion development. Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Neuromyelitis optica IgG in the cerebrospinal fluid induces astrocytopathy in optic nerve

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Soelberg, Kerstin; Lillevang, Søren Thue; Mørch, Marlene

    (anti-CD59a). A total of five mice received AQP4-IgG + C + anti-CD59a, four mice received normal-IgG + C + anti-CD59a, four mice received AQP4-IgG+ C and one normal-IgG + C. Mice were killed four days later. The optic nerves were isolated and fixed in paraformaldehyde. Paraffin embedded optic nerves...... was coincident with deposition of complement. Histopathological lesions were markedly enhanced with extensive/long-segment astrocytopathy of optic nerve and optic chiasm involvement in AQP4- IgG+ C + anti-CD59a treated mice. Such pathology was not seen in mice receiving normal human IgG, C and anti-CD59a...

  11. Isolated Liver Hilar Infiltration by IgG4 Inflammation Mimicking Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Laurent Bochatay


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease represents a heterogeneous group of disease characterized by infiltration of various tissues by IgG4 plasmocytes. In case of liver infiltration, this condition classically mimics primary sclerosing cholangitis or multifocal cholangiocarcinoma due to inflammation that preferentially affects the intra- and extrahepatic bile duct. Diagnostic criteria have recently been reviewed in order to better define the disease and help physicians make the diagnosis. Herein, we present the case of a patient who died after liver surgery for suspected cholangiocarcinoma that finally turned out to be IgG4-associated liver disease, a condition being out of current consensual criteria. The patient presented with progressive cholestasis identified by MR cholangiography as an isolated hilar mass responsible for dilatation of the left and right intrahepatic bile duct suspicious for a Klatskin tumor. The IgG4 blood level was normal as was biliary cytology. The patient underwent right portal embolization followed by right extended hepatectomy. Pathologic examination found no tumor but intense fibrosclerotic infiltration with a marked inflammatory infiltrate characterized by IgG4-positive plasmocytes. Despite immunosuppressive treatment, cholestasis was never controlled and successive biopsies of the remaining liver showed progressive cholestasis, liver infiltrate and no bile duct regeneration. The patient finally presented an upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage leading to death 4 months after hepatectomy and appropriate immunosuppressive therapy.

  12. Multifocal fibrosclerosis and IgG4-related disease involving the cardiovascular system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishizaka, Nobukazu; Terasaki, Fumio; Sakamoto, Aiko; Imai, Yasushi; Nagai, Ryozo


    The cardiovascular system may be involved as a target organ of multifocal fibrosclerosis, which may manifest as idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, inflammatory aortic aneurysm, inflammatory periarteritis, and inflammatory pericarditis. These pathological conditions can sometimes occur concomitantly. Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis and inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm are both characterized by the presence of fibro-inflammatory tissue around the abdominal aorta expanding into the surrounding retroperitoneal structures, and together they may be termed 'chronic periaortitis'. Cardiovascular fibrosclerosis has become non-uncommonly encountered condition since imaging modalities have made its diagnosis more feasible. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated that a certain fraction, but not all, of cardiovascular fibrosclerosis may have a link with immunoglobulin-G4 (IgG4)-related sclerosing disease (IgG4-SD). IgG4-SD is histologically characterized by dense fibrosclerosis and infiltration of lymphocytes and IgG4-positive plasma cells, and these histopathologic findings seem to be essentially similar regardless of the organs involved. In this mini review, we summarize what is known so far about multifocal fibrosclerosis of the cardiovascular system and its association with IgG4-SD, and what remains to be clarified in future investigations. (author)

  13. Recent advances in knowledge regarding the head and neck manifestations of IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Takano, Kenichi; Yamamoto, Motohisa; Takahashi, Hiroki; Himi, Tetsuo


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder, characterized by elevated serum IgG4 levels as well as abundant infiltration of IgG4-positive plasmacytes and fibrosis in various organs, including the head and neck region. In particular, the salivary glands, orbit, and thyroid are common sites of disease involvement. IgG4-RD is diagnosed based on various clinical, serological, and histopathological findings, none of which are pathognomonic. Hence, various differential diagnoses, which exhibit elevated serum IgG4 levels and infiltration of IgG4-postive cells into tissues, need to be excluded, especially malignant diseases and mimicking disorders. Systemic corticosteroids are generally effective in inducing IgG4-RD remission; however, recurrent or refractory cases are common. In addition, although the pathogenic mechanisms of IgG4-RD remain unclear, an antigen-driven inflammatory condition is believed to be involved. Recent studies have indicated the important pathogenic role of B cell/T cell collaboration and innate immunity in this disease. Nevertheless, additional research and discussions are needed to resolve many remaining questions. In this review, we provide an overview of the recent insights on the history, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of IgG4-RD in the head and neck region. Furthermore, we have also addressed the pathogenesis of this disease. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Prognostic significance of IgG4+ plasma cell infiltrates following neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for esophageal adenocarcinoma. (United States)

    Yakirevich, Evgeny; Lu, Shaolei; Allen, Danisha; Mangray, Shamlal; Fanion, Jacqueline R; Lombardo, Kara A; Safran, Howard; Resnick, Murray B


    Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates in esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) tissue following chemoradiotherapy (CRT) reflect alterations in the tumor immunoenvironment. The presence and role of plasma cells in this process are poorly understood. Our aim was to characterize the IgG4+ plasma cell population in EAC following CRT. Seventy-one esophagectomy specimens post-CRT were compared with a surgery-only group of 31 EACs. The distribution, density, and ratio of IgG4+ and IgG+ plasma cells were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and correlated with clinicopathologic features, treatment response, and survival. In the CRT group, the presence of higher numbers of IgG4+ (≥ median of 94/high-power field) and IgG+ (≥ median of 225/high-power field) plasma cells and increased IgG4+/IgG+ ratio (≥ median of 41%) within ulcers was associated with complete or near-complete treatment response (P = .0077, P = .0503, and P = .0063, respectively). Lower tumor grade, smaller tumor size, and higher levels of IgG4+ plasma cells in posttherapy ulcers significantly correlated with better overall survival, whereas pretherapy clinical stage, posttherapy pathologic stage, smaller tumor size, and lower tumor grade were associated with longer recurrence-free survival. Multivariate analysis revealed that both posttherapy pathologic stage and high IgG4+ plasma cells in ulcers were independent predictors of overall survival (P = .05 and P = .01), whereas only posttherapy pathologic stage was associated with recurrence-free survival (P IgG4+ plasma cell infiltrate in EAC following CRT. The presence of increased IgG4+ plasma cells may be a novel reliable factor to predict prognosis of EAC patients following CRT. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. The role of IgG4 (+) plasma cells in the association of Hashimoto's thyroiditis with papillary carcinoma. (United States)

    Taşli, Funda; Ozkök, Güliz; Argon, Asuman; Ersöz, Didem; Yağci, Ayşe; Uslu, Adam; Erkan, Nazif; Salman, Tarik; Vardar, Enver


    Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is considered to be a risk factor for the formation of papillary carcinoma. The association of IgG4-related sclerosing disease with tumor is reported to be as sporadic cases in many organs. In this study, it was intended to re-classify the HT diagnosed cases on the basis of the existence of IgG4 (+) plasma cells; to investigate the clinicopathologic and histopathologic features of the both groups; and in addition, to evaluate the papillary carcinoma prevalence in IgG4 (+) and IgG4 (-) HT cases as well as the prognostic parameters between these groups. Totally 59 cases between the years 2008-2013, 29 of which contain Hashimoto thyroiditis diagnosis in total thyroidectomy materials, and 30 of which contain the diagnosis of HT+papillary carcinoma, were included in the study. The materials were immunohistochemically applied IgG and IgG4; and the cases were classified in two groups as IgG4-positive HT and IgG4-negative HT containing cases, on the basis of IgG4/IgG rate. All histopathologic and clinicopathologic parameters between these two groups, as well as their association with papillary carcinoma were investigated. Thirty eight (64.4%) of total 59 cases were NonIgG4 thyroiditis, and 21 (35.5%) were IgG4 thyroiditis. Tumors were detected in 14 (36.8%) of the NonIgG4 thyroiditis cases, and in 16 (76.1%) of the IgG4 thyroiditis cases. The association of IgG4 thyroiditis with tumor is statistically significant (p thyroiditis cases. Perithyroidal extension was detected in six of the cases with tumor, and five of the six cases were IgG4 thyroiditis cases. The association of IgG4 (+) HT cases with increased papillary carcinoma prevalence is suggestive of that IgG4 (+) plasma cells can play a role in carcinogenesis in papillary carcinomas developed in HTs, without a chronic sclerosing ground. In addition, although the number of cases is limited, the high-association of IgG4 (+) plasma cells with adverse prognostic parameters such as

  16. Effect of biotherapeutics on antitoxin IgG in experimentally induced Clostridium difficile infection

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    S Kaur


    Full Text Available Purpose: Recurrent diarrhoea after successful treatment of primary Clostridium difficile associated disease (CDAD occurs due to bowel flora alterations and failure to mount an effective antibody response. Apart from antibiotics, risk factors include immunosuppressive and acid-suppressive drug administration. Biotherapeutics such as probiotic and epidermal growth factor (EGF may offer potential effective therapy for CDAD. Materials and Methods: The effect of biotherapeutics in mounting an antibody response against C. difficile toxins was studied in BALB/c mice challenged with C. difficile after pre-treatment with ampicillin, lansoprazole or cyclosporin. Sera from sacrificed animals were estimated for antitoxin IgG by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Antitoxin IgG was significantly higher (P0.05 in animals in which C. difficile was given after pre-treatment with cyclosporin compared to those without any pre-treatment, or pre-treatment with antibiotic or lansoprazole. In inter-subgroup comparisons also significant anomaly in production of antitoxin IgG was found. The antitoxin IgG levels were raised in animals administered C. difficile after pre-treatment with ampicillin, but lower in animals administered cyclosporin. High levels of antitoxin IgG were also found in the serum samples of animals receiving lansoprazole and C. difficile. Conclusions: Probiotics showed their beneficial effect by boosting the immune response as seen by production of antitoxin IgG. Oral administration of EGF did not affect the immune response to C. difficile toxins as significant increase was not observed in the serum antitoxin IgG levels in any of the groups investigated.

  17. Antiradiation Antitoxin IgG : Immunological neutralization of Radiation Toxins at Acute Radiation Syndromes. (United States)

    Popov, Dmitri; Maliev, Slava

    Introduction: High doses of radiation induce apoptotic necrosis of radio-sensitive cells. Mild doses of radiation induce apoptosis or controlled programmed death of radio-sensitive cells with-out development of inflammation and formation of Radiation Toxins. Cell apoptotic necrosis initiates Radiation Toxins (RT)formation. Radiation Toxins play an important role as a trig-ger mechanism for inflammation development and cell lysis. If an immunotherapy approach to treatment of the acute radiation syndromes (ARS) were to be developed, a consideration could be given to neutralization of radiation toxins (Specific Radiation Determinants-SRD) by specific antiradiation antibodies. Therapeutic neutralization effects of the blocking anti-radiation antibodies on the circulated RT had been studied. Radiation Toxins were isolated from the central lymph of irradiated animals with Cerebrovascular(Cv ARS),Cardiovascular (Cr ARS),Gastrointestinal(Gi ARS) and Haemopoietic (Hp ARS) forms of ARS. To accomplish this objective, irradiated animals were injected with a preparation of anti-radiation immunoglobulin G (IgG) obtained from hyperimmune donors. Radiation-induced toxins that we call Specific Radiation Determinants (SRD) possess toxic (neurotoxic, haemotoxic) characteristics as well as specific antigenic properties. Depending on direct physiochemical radiation damage, they can induce development of many of the pathological processes associated with ARS. We have tested several specific hyperimmune IgG preparations against these radiation toxins and ob-served that their toxic properties were neutralized by the specific antiradiation IgGs. Material and Methods: A scheme of experiments was following: 1.Isolation of radiation toxins (RT) from the central lymph of irradiated animals with different form of ARS. 2.Transformation of a toxic form of the RT to a toxoid form of the RT. 3.Immunization of radiation naive animals. Four groups of rabbits were inoculated with a toxoid form of SRD

  18. IgG4-related membranous glomerulonephritis and generalized lymphadenopathy without pancreatitis: a case report. (United States)

    Huart, Justine; Grosch, Stéphanie; Bovy, Christophe; Moutschen, Michel; Krzesinski, Jean-Marie


    IgG4-related disease is a recently described pathologic entity. This is the case of a patient with nephrotic syndrome and lymphadenopathy due to IgG4-related disease. Such a kidney involvement is quite peculiar and has only been described a few times recently. Renal biopsy showed a glomerular involvement with membranous glomerulonephritis in association with a tubulo-interstitial nephropathy. Moreover, the patient was not suffering from pancreatitis. The patient is a middle-aged man of Moroccan origin. He has developed recurrent episodes of diffuse lymphadenopathies, renal failure and nephrotic syndrome. Renal biopsies showed membranous glomerulonephritis. The diagnostic approach of this atypical presentation is discussed in this case report as well as diagnostic criteria, therapeutic strategies, biomarkers and pathophysiology of IgG4-related disease. IgG4-related membranous glomerulonephritis is a well-established cause of membranous glomerulonephritis. It must be sought after in every patient with a previous diagnosis of IgG4-related disease and in every patient with this histological finding on renal biopsy. Corticoids are still the first-line treatment of IgG4-related disease. New therapeutic strategies are needed to avoid glucocorticoids long term side-effects. Interestingly, the patient was prescribed cyclophosphamide in addition to glucocorticoids for an immune thrombocytopenia. This treatment had a very good impact on his IgG4-related disease.

  19. Vasculitis inducida por metimazol: Reporte de caso

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    Miguel Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente con enfermedad de Graves, que presentó vasculitis asociada al uso de metimazol. Mujer de 14 años, que acudió a consulta por presentar intolerancia al calor, tremor distal y palpitaciones. El examen físico mostró bocio difuso, y el perfil tiroideo, TSH suprimida y hormonas tiroideas elevadas. Los anticuerpos antiperoxidasa tiroidea fueron positivos. Se inició tratamiento con metimazol y beta bloqueadores. Después de 20 días, la paciente regresó por presentar malestar general, fiebre, poliartralgia, lesiones cutáneas maculopapulares y edema de miembros inferiores. Los anticuerpos antinucleares fueron negativos y los anticuerpos anticitoplasma de los neutrófilos (ANCA, positivos. Se suspendió el metimazol y se inició prednisona. Después de 10 días de tratamiento, las molestias desaparecieron y la paciente recibió I 131.Las vasculitis asociadas al uso de tionamidas son poco frecuentes, no dependen de la dosis y están asociadas a la presencia de anticuerpos tipo ANCA. Clásicamente, afectan a los vasos pequeños de la piel; sin embargo, también pueden afectar los riñones y pulmones. El cuadro clínico se caracteriza por artralgias y mialgias. En algunos casos puede ocurrir insuficiencia renal de grado variable. En la mayoría de casos, el cuadro remite con la suspensión de la droga; pero, en algunos se requiere el uso de glucocorticoides o inmunosupresores.(Rev Med Hered 2011;22:147-150.

  20. A Challenging Diagnosis of IgG4-Related Disease When Understanding Limitations of Laboratory Testing Was Pivotal

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    Victoria Y. Y. Xu


    Full Text Available A 76-year-old man was incidentally found on a CT scan to have lymphadenopathy and bilateral kidney enlargement suggestive of infiltrative renal disease. He was largely asymptomatic but had bilateral salivary and lacrimal gland enlargement. A grossly elevated serum IgG (>70 g/L with concomitant suppression of other immunoglobulins, a small IgG restriction, and a parotid biopsy revealing lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with slight kappa light chain excess all suggested a lymphoproliferative disorder (LPD. The diagnostic workup was further confounded by a normal serum IgG4 concentration. Moreover, bone marrow and renal biopsies did not reveal evidence of LPD. Discussion with the laboratory not only clarified that the markedly increased total IgG could not be accounted for by the small IgG restriction, but also identified a discrepancy in the IgG4 measurement. Repeat analysis of a follow-up sample revealed an elevated IgG4 of 5.94 (reference interval: 0.039–0.864 g/L, which prompted a repeat parotid biopsy that showed predominant IgG4+ lymphocytic infiltrates. Despite the deluding presentations, a final diagnosis of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD was made based on elevated serum IgG4 concentrations and histopathological findings. This case highlights the importance of recognizing limitations of laboratory testing and the benefit of close communications among clinical subspecialties and the laboratory.

  1. IgG4-positive cell infiltration in various cardiovascular disorders - results from histopathological analysis of surgical samples. (United States)

    Hourai, Ryoto; Kasashima, Satomi; Sohmiya, Koichi; Yamauchi, Yohei; Ozawa, Hideki; Hirose, Yoshinobu; Ogino, Yasuhiro; Katsumata, Takahiro; Daimon, Masahiro; Fujita, Shu-Ichi; Hoshiga, Masaaki; Ishizaka, Nobukazu


    The diagnosis of Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related disease (IgG4-RD), in general, depends on serum IgG4 concentrations and histopathological findings; therefore, diagnosis of IgG4-RD in cardiovascular organs/tissues is often difficult owing to the risk of tissue sampling. Prevalence of IgG4-positive lymphoplasmacytic infiltration in 103 consecutive cardiovascular surgical samples from 98 patients with various cardiovascular diseases was analyzed immunohistochemically. The diagnoses of the enrolled patients included aortic aneurysm (abdominal, n = 8; thoracic, n = 9); aortic dissection (n = 20); aortic stenosis (n = 24), aortic regurgitation (n = 10), and mitral stenosis/regurgitation (n = 17). In total, 10 (9.7%) of the 103 specimens showed IgG4-positive cell infiltration with various intensities; five of these were aortic valve specimens from aortic stenosis, and IgG4-positive cell infiltration was present at >10 /HPF in three of them. In one aortic wall sample from an abdominal aortic aneurysm, various histopathological features of IgG4-RD, such as IgG4-positive cell infiltration, obliterating phlebitis, and storiform fibrosis, were observed. IgG4-positive cell infiltration was observed in 9.7% of the surgical cardiovascular specimens, mainly in the aortic valve from aortic stenosis and in the aortic wall from aortic aneurysm. Whether IgG4-positive cell infiltration has pathophysiological importance in the development or progression of cardiovascular diseases should be investigated in future studies.

  2. Early diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis in newborn infants using IgG subclasses against two Toxoplasma gondii recombinant proteins

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    Carlos Henryque de Souza e Silva


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to evaluate the utility of ELISA-based testing of total IgG (IgGt antibodies and its subclasses (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 against soluble (STAg and recombinant (rSAG1 and rMIC3 antigens of Toxoplasma gondii for diagnosing congenital toxoplasmosis. Sera from 217 newborns initially testing positive for specific IgM in filter paper dried blood spots were tested for specific IgM and IgG by ELFA-VIDAS®. Congenital toxoplasmosis was confirmed in 175 and ruled out in 42 infants. The validity of the ELISA tests was determined using the persistence of IgG antibodies (ELFA-VIDAS® kit at the end of 12 months, which is considered the reference test for the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis. The frequency of positivity with IgGt against STAg, rSAG1 and rMIC3 was found in 97.2%, 96.3% and 80.2%, respectively, of the newborns with confirmed congenital toxoplasmosis. IgG1 reacted with all three antigens, while IgG3 and IgG4 reacted preferentially with rMIC3. Higher mean values of reactivity (sample optical density/cut-off were found for all subclasses when using rMIC3. All of the antigens showed high sensitivity and low specificity in detecting anti-T. gondii IgGt and IgG1 and low sensitivity and high specificity in detecting IgG3 and IgG4. In conclusion, the combined detection of IgG antibody subclasses against recombinant toxoplasmic antigens may be useful for the early diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis.

  3. High Expression of Galectin-3 in Patients with IgG4-Related Disease: A Proteomic Approach

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    Adeeb Salah


    Full Text Available Objectives. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a multiorgan condition manifesting itself in different forms. This study aimed to investigate protein expression profiles and to find the possible biomarker for IgG4-RD by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS using tissue sections in IgG4-RD patients. Methods. Protein expression profiles in five IgG4-related pancreatitis and three normal pancreatic samples were compared using LC-MS and were validated by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR, immunoblotting, and immunohistochemistry. ELISA was employed in the serum of 20 patients with systemic IgG4-RD before and during steroid treatment. Results. LC-MS indicated that the levels of 17 proteins were significantly higher and 12 others were significantly lower in IgG4-related pancreatitis patients compared to controls. Among these proteins, galectin-3 levels were 13-fold higher in IgG4-related pancreatitis (P<0.01. These results were confirmed by immunoblotting and qRT-PCR. The average number of galectin-3 + cells in various organs of IgG4-RD patients, including salivary glands, lungs, and lymph nodes, was higher than in controls. Galectin-3 was detectable in macrophages, dendritic cells, and stromal myofibroblast-like cells, but not in lymphocytes by immunofluorescence staining. Serum galectin-3 levels were higher in patients with IgG4-RD compared with healthy donors and remained high during steroid therapy. Conclusion. Galectin-3 was overexpressed in IgG4-RD and the levels were indirectly related to clinical activity.

  4. Use of IgG avidity ELISA to differentiate acute from persistent infection with Salmonella Dublin in cattle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, K.R.; Nielsen, L.R.; Lind, Peter


    Aims: To investigate whether an immunoglobulin (Ig)G avidity ELISA can be used to differentiate between acute and persistent infection with Salmonella (S.) Dublin in cattle. To determine whether the IgG isotype, IgG(1) and IgG(2) responses in acute and persistent infections differ. Methods...

  5. Catalase activity of IgG antibodies from the sera of healthy donors and patients with schizophrenia. (United States)

    Ermakov, Evgeny A; Smirnova, Ludmila P; Bokhan, Nikolay A; Semke, Arkadiy V; Ivanova, Svetlana A; Buneva, Valentina N; Nevinsky, Georgy A


    We present first evidence showing that some electrophoretically homogeneous IgGs from the sera of patients with schizophrenia (36.4%) and their Fab and F(ab)2 fragments as well as from healthy donors (33.3%) possess catalase activity. The relative catalase activity of IgGs from the sera of individual schizophrenia patients (and healthy donors) significantly varied from patient to patient, but the activity of IgGs from healthy donors is on average 15.8-fold lower than that for schizophrenia patients. After extensive dialysis of purified IgGs against EDTA chelating metal ions, the relative catalase activity of IgGs decreases on average approximately 2.5-3.7-fold; all IgGs possess metal-dependent and independent catalase activity. The addition of external Me2+ ions to dialyzed and non-dialyzed IgGs leads to a significant increase in their activity. The best activator of dialyzed and non-dialyzed IgGs is Co2+, the activation by Cu2+, Mn2+, and Ni2+ ions were rare and always lower than by Co2+. Every IgG preparation demonstrates several individual sets of very well expressed pH optima in the pH range from 4.0 to 9.5. These data speak for the individual repertoire of catalase IgGs in every person and an extreme diversity of abzymes in their pH optima and activation by different metal ions. It is known that antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutases, catalases, and glutathione peroxidases represent critical defense mechanisms preventing oxidative modifications of DNA, proteins, and lipids. Catalase activity of human IgGs could probably also play a major role in the protection of organisms from oxidative stress and toxic compounds.

  6. Comparison of in-house IgM and IgG ELISAs for the serodiagnosis of melioidosis in Malaysia. (United States)

    Hii, Shirley Yi Fen; Ali, Noor Azila; Ahmad, Norazah; Amran, Fairuz


    Melioidosis is an endemic infectious disease in Southeast Asia and northern Australia, caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei. However, the incidence rate in Malaysia is not well documented. The high mortality rate and broad range of clinical presentations require rapid and accurate diagnosis for appropriate treatment. This study compared the efficacy of in-house IgM and IgG ELISA methods using a local B. pseudomallei strain. The diagnostic accuracy of the in-house IgG ELISA was better than that of the IgM ELISA: sensitivity (IgG: 84.71 %, IgM: 76.14 %) and specificity (IgG: 93.64 %, IgM: 90.17 %); positive predictive value (IgG: 86.75 %, IgM: 79.76 %) and negative predictive value (IgG: 92.57 %, IgM: 89.66 %); likelihood ratio (LR) [IgG: 13.32, IgM: 7.75 (LR+); IgG: 0.16, IgM: 0.26 (LR-)], and was supported by the observation of the absorbance value in comparisons between culture and serology sampling. In-house IgG ELISA was shown to be useful as an early diagnostic tool for melioidosis.

  7. Dose-dependent platelet stimulation and inhibition induced by anti-PIA1 IgG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryu, T.; Davis, J.M.; Schwartz, K.A.


    The PIA1 antibody produces several clinically distinct and severe thrombocytopenias. Investigations have demonstrated divergent effects on platelet function; prior reports demonstrated inhibition, while a conflicting publication showed platelet activation. We have resolved this conflict using anti-PIA1 IgG produced by a patient with posttransfusion purpura. Relatively low concentrations stimulated platelet aggregation and release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) whereas high concentrations inhibited platelet function, producing a thrombasthenia-like state. The number of molecules of platelet-associated IgG necessary to initiate aggregation and ATP release (2,086 +/- 556) or produce maximum aggregation (23,420 +/- 3,706) or complete inhibition (63,582 +/- 2654) were measured with a quantitative radiometric assay for bound anti-PIA1. Preincubation of platelets with high concentrations of PIA1 antibody inhibited platelet aggregation with 10 mumol/L adenosine diphosphate and blocked 125I-labeled fibrinogen platelet binding. Platelet activation with nonfibrinogen dependent agonist, 1 U/ml thrombin, was not inhibited by this high concentration of PIA1 IgG. In conclusion, anti-PIAI IgG produces (1) stimulation of platelet aggregation and ATP release that is initiated with 2000 molecules IgG per platelet and is associated with an increase of 125I-fibrinogen binding; (2) conversely, inhibition of platelet aggregation is observed with maximum antibody binding, 63,000 molecules IgG per platelet, and is mediated via a blockade of fibrinogen binding

  8. Clinical and imaging diagnosis of IgG4-related disease in the head and neck

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Changliang; Liu Bin; Yu Yongqiang


    IgG4-related disease in the head and neck is a newly recognized multi-organ system disease characterized by elevated serum IgG4, infiltration of numerous IgG4-positive plasma cells, tissue fibrosis, and dramatic response to corticosteroid treatment. IgG4-related disease of the head and neck has some relative characteristics on CT and MRI, which can provide valuable information for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis, and are helpful for the clinical treatment, evaluation of therapeutic effects and prediction of prognosis. (authors)

  9. Hepatitis C viremia is associated with cytomegalovirus IgG antibody levels in HIV-infected women.

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    Mark H Kuniholm

    Full Text Available Individuals with HIV infection exhibit high cytomegalovirus (CMV IgG levels, but there are few data regarding the association of hepatitis C virus (HCV with the immune response against CMV.Associations of HCV with CMV seropositivity and CMV IgG levels were studied in 635 HIV-infected women, 187 of whom were HCV-seropositive, with adjustment in multivariable models for age, race/ethnicity, and HIV disease characteristics. Eighty one percent of the women reported receipt of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART prior to or at CMV testing.In adjusted models women with chronic HCV had higher CMV IgG levels than those without HCV RNA (β = 2.86, 95% CI:0.89 - 4.83; P = 0.004. The association of HCV RNA with CMV IgG differed by age (P(interaction = 0.0007, with a strong association observed among women in the low and middle age tertiles (≤ 45.3 years of age; β = 6.21, 95% CI:3.30 - 9.11, P<0.0001 but not among women in the high age tertile. CMV IgG levels were not associated with non-invasive measures of liver disease, APRI and FIB-4, or with HCV RNA level and adjustment for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV IgG levels did not affect the association between HCV and CMV.CMV IgG levels are higher in HCV/HIV co-infected women than in HIV mono-infected women. Further research on the association of HCV with CMV IgG is indicated because prior studies have found CMV IgG to be associated with morbidity and mortality in the general population and subclinical carotid artery disease in HIV-infected patients.

  10. Serological IgG avidity test for ocular toxoplasmosis

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    Suresh S


    Full Text Available Subramaniam Suresh1, Saidin Nor-Masniwati1, Muhd Nor Nor-Idahriani1, Wan-Hitam Wan-Hazabbah1, Mohamed Zeehaida2, Embong Zunaina11Department of Ophthalmology, 2Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, MalaysiaBackground: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immunoglobulin (Ig G avidity of serological toxoplasmosis testing in patients with ocular inflammation and to determine the clinical manifestations of ocular toxoplasmosis.Methods: A retrospective review of all patients presenting with ocular inflammation to the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia between 2005 and 2009 was undertaken. Visual acuity, clinical manifestations at presentation, toxoplasmosis antibody testing, and treatment records were analyzed.Results: A total of 130 patients with ocular inflammation were reviewed retrospectively. The patients had a mean age of 38.41 (standard deviation 19.24, range 6–83 years. Seventy-one patients (54.6% were found to be seropositive, of whom five (3.8% were both IgG and IgM positive (suggestive of recently acquired ocular toxoplasmosis while one (0.8% showed IgG avidity ≤40% (suggestive of recently acquired ocular toxoplasmosis and 65 patients (50.0% showed IgG avidity >40% (suggestive of reactivation of toxoplasmosis infection. Chorioretinal scarring as an ocular manifestation was significantly more common in patients with seropositive toxoplasmosis (P = 0.036. Eighteen patients (13.8% were diagnosed as having recent and/or active ocular toxoplasmosis based on clinical manifestations and serological testing.Conclusion: Ocular toxoplasmosis is a clinical diagnosis, but specific toxoplasmosis antibody testing helps to support the diagnosis and to differentiate between reactivation of infection and recently acquired ocular toxoplasmosis.Keywords: ocular toxoplasmosis, chorioretinal scar, toxoplasmosis antibody, IgG avidity test

  11. Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis with severe renal impairment associated with multisystem IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Beltrame, Rafael Coimbra Ferreira; Friderichs, Maurício; Fior, Bárbara Rayanne; Schaefer, Pedro Guilherme; Thomé, Gustavo Gomes; Silva, Dirceu Reis da; Barros, Elvino José Guardão; Seligman, Renato; Veronese, Francisco Veríssimo


    The IgG4-related disease has a wide clinical spectrum where multiple organs can be affected, and the diagnosis depends on typical histopathological findings and an elevated IgG4 expression in plasma cells in the affected tissue. We describe the clinical presentation and evolution of a patient with acute tubulointerstitial nephritis, severe kidney failure and systemic manifestations such as lymphadenomegaly and chronic pancreatitis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the clinical picture and kidney and lymph node histopathology, in which immunohistochemistry of the lymphoid tissue showed policlonality and increased expression of IgG4, with a IgG4/total IgG ratio > 80%. The patient was treated with prednisone at a dose of 60 mg/day, followed by mycophenolate mofetil, and showed clinical and renal function improvement at 6 months of follow-up. The high index of suspicion of IgG4-related disease with multisystem involvement and the early treatment of this condition are essential to improve the prognosis of affected patients. Resumo A doença relacionada à IgG4 tem um espectro clínico amplo em que múltiplos órgãos podem ser afetados, e o diagnóstico depende de achados histopatológicos típicos e elevada expressão de IgG4 em plasmócitos no tecido afetado. Descrevemos o quadro clínico e a evolução de um paciente com nefrite túbulo-intersticial aguda, insuficiência renal grave e manifestações sistêmicas como linfoadenomegalias e pancreatite crônica. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelas características clínicas e pela histopatologia renal e de linfonodo, na qual a imunohistoquímica mostrou tecido linfoide com policlonalidade e expressão aumentada de IgG4, com uma relação IgG4/IgG total > 80%. O paciente foi tratado com prednisona na dose de 60 mg/dia, seguido de micofenolato mofetil, e apresentou melhora clínica e da função renal depois de 6 meses de tratamento. O alto índice de suspeição da doença relacionada ao IgG4 com comprometimento multissist

  12. Performance of two Aspergillus IgG EIA assays compared with the precipitin test in chronic and allergic aspergillosis. (United States)

    Baxter, C G; Denning, D W; Jones, A M; Todd, A; Moore, C B; Richardson, M D


    Detection of Aspergillus IgG antibodies is important in the diagnosis of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Immunoprecipitation techniques to detect these antibodies appear to lack sensitivity and accurate quantitation compared with enzyme immunoassays (EIA). This study assessed the performance of two commercial EIAs compared with counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE). This was a prospective cohort study of 175 adult patients with chronic or allergic pulmonary aspergillosis. Aspergillus IgG antibodies were detected using CIE, Phadia ImmunoCap Aspergillus IgG and Bio-Rad Platelia Aspergillus IgG. Inter-assay reproducibility was determined for each method and 25 patients had two serum samples analysed within a 6-month interval. When compared with CIE, both ImmunoCap and Platelia Aspergillus IgG had good sensitivity (97 and 93%, respectively) for detection of Aspergillus IgG antibodies. The level of agreement between the two EIAs for positive results was good, but the concentration of antibodies was not correlated between the tests or with CIE titre. ImmunoCap IgG inter-assay coefficient of variation was 5%, whereas Platelia IgG was 33%. Median ImmunoCap IgG values for CPA and allergic aspergillosis were 95 and 32 mg/L, respectively, whereas Platelia IgG values were >80 and 6 AU/mL. The direction of CIE titre change over 6 months was mirrored by ImmunoCap IgG levels in 92% of patients, and by Platelia IgG in 72% of patients. Both ImmunoCap and Platelia Aspergillus IgG EIAs are sensitive measures of Aspergillus IgG antibodies compared with CIE. However, ImmunoCap appears to have better reproducibility and may be more suitable for monitoring patient disease. © 2012 The Authors Clinical Microbiology and Infection © 2012 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

  13. IgG4-Related Kidney Disease: Report of a Case Presenting as a Renal Mass

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    Daniele Bianchi


    Full Text Available IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD is a nosological entity defined as a chronic immune-mediated fibro-inflammatory condition characterized by a tendency to form tumefactive, tissue-destructive lesions or by organ failure. Urologic involvement in IgG4-RD has been described in some short series of patients and in isolated case reports, most often involving the kidneys in so-called IgG4-related kidney disease (IgG4-RKD. The disease can occasionally mimic malignancies and is at risk of being misdiagnosed due to its rarity. We report the case of a 56-year-old man presenting with a right renal mass suspected of being malignant. Laboratory tests showed normal creatinine levels, a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and high levels of C-reactive protein and microalbuminuria. The patient underwent radical right nephroureterectomy and histopathologic examination revealed features proving IgG4-RKD. He was therefore referred to immunologists. Typical clinical presentation of IgG4-RKD includes altered renal function with inconstant or no radiologic findings. Conversely, in the case we presented, a single nodule was detected upon imaging evaluation, thus mimicking malignancy. This raises the issue of a proper differential diagnosis. A multidisciplinary approach can be useful, although in clinical practice the selection of patients suspected of having IgG4-RKD is critical in the cases presenting with a renal mass that mimics malignancy.

  14. IgG4 related renal disease: A wolf in sheep′s clothing

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    A Rohan


    Full Text Available IgG4 related disease is a fibro-inflammatory condition with involvement of renal and extra renal organs, characterized by lymphoplasmacytic infiltration with organ dysfunction. We describe three cases of IgG4 related renal disease from a tertiary care hospital in south India.

  15. Cutting Edge: The murine high-affinity IgG receptor FcγRIV is sufficient for autoantibody-induced arthritis. (United States)

    Mancardi, David A; Jönsson, Friederike; Iannascoli, Bruno; Khun, Huot; Van Rooijen, Nico; Huerre, Michel; Daëron, Marc; Bruhns, Pierre


    K/BxN serum-induced passive arthritis was reported to depend on the activation of mast cells, triggered by the activating IgG receptor FcγRIIIA, when engaged by IgG1 autoantibodies present in K/BxN serum. This view is challenged by the fact that FcγRIIIA-deficient mice still develop K/BxN arthritis and because FcγRIIIA is the only activating IgG receptor expressed by mast cells. We investigated the contribution of IgG receptors, IgG subclasses, and cells in K/BxN arthritis. We found that the activating IgG2 receptor FcγRIV, expressed only by monocytes/macrophages and neutrophils, was sufficient to induce disease. K/BxN arthritis occurred not only in mast cell-deficient W(sh) mice, but also in mice whose mast cells express no activating IgG receptors. We propose that at least two autoantibody isotypes, IgG1 and IgG2, and two activating IgG receptors, FcγRIIIA and FcγRIV, contribute to K/BxN arthritis, which requires at least two cell types other than mast cells, monocytes/macrophages, and neutrophils.

  16. Increased transcapillary escape rate of albumin and IgG in essential hypertension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Parving, H H; Jensen, H A; Westrup, M


    Transcapillary escape rates of albumin and IgG (fractions of intravascular mass of albumin and IgG that pass to the extravascular space per unit time) were determined simultaneously from the initial disappearance of intravenously injected 131I human albumin and 125I human IgG in seven untreated...... subjects suffering from essential hypertension. The average mean arterial blood pressure of these subjects 193/119 mmHg; four subjects had grade I-III funduscopic changes. Transcapillary escape rates of albumin (TERalb) and IgG (TERIgG) were found significantly increased in the hypertensive subjects......, average 7.8 +/- 0.9 (SD) and 4.7 +/- 1.0 (SD) %/h, respectively, compared with normal values of mean 5.2 +/- 1.0 (SD) and 3.0 +/- 0.7 (SD) %/h, respectively (P less than 0.01). There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the mean arterial blood pressure and TER of albumin and of Ig...

  17. IgG4-Related Disease: Baseline clinical and laboratory features in 125 patients with biopsy-proven disease (United States)

    Wallace, Zachary S.; Deshpande, Vikram; Mattoo, Hamid; Mahajan, Vinay S.; Kulikova, Maria; Pillai, Shiv; Stone, John H.


    Purpose IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is an immune-mediated fibroinflammatory condition that can affect nearly any organ. No detailed clinical and laboratory assessments have been reported in large numbers of patients with IgG4-RD diagnoses established by strict clinicopathological correlation. Methods We reviewed the baseline features of 125 patients with biopsy-proven disease. The diagnosis was confirmed by pathology review according to consensus diagnostic criteria. Disease activity and damage were assessed by the IgG4-RD Responder Index (RI). Flow cytometry was used to assess levels of circulating plasmablasts. Results Of the 125 patients, 103 had active disease and 86 were on no treatment. Only 51% of the patients with active disease had elevated serum IgG4 concentrations. However, patients with active disease and elevated serum IgG4 concentrations were older, had a higher RI, a greater number of organs involved, lower complement levels, higher absolute eosinophil counts, and higher IgE levels compared to those with active disease but normal serum IgG4 (PIgG4+ plasmablast level and RI (R=0.45, P=0.003) was stronger than that of total plasmablasts and RI. Seventy-six (61%) of the patients were male, but no significant differences according to gender were observed with regard to disease severity, organ involvement, or serum IgG4 concentrations. Glucocorticoids failed to produce sustained remission in the majority of patients. Conclusion Nearly 50% of this patient cohort with biopsy-proven, clinically-active IgG4-RD had normal serum IgG4 concentrations. Serum IgG4 elevation identify a subset with more inflammatory features. IgG4+ plasmablasts correlate well with disease activity. PMID:25988916

  18. Structural and immunological characterization of hydroxyl radical modified human IgG: Clinical correlation in rheumatoid arthritis (United States)

    Islam, Sidra; Mir, Abdul Rouf; Arfat, Mir Yasir; Khan, Farzana; Zaman, Masihuz; Ali, Asif; Moinuddin


    Structural alterations in proteins under oxidative stress have been widely implicated in the immuno-pathology of various disorders. This study has evaluated the extent of damage in the conformational characteristics of IgG by hydroxyl radical (OHrad) and studied its implications in the immuno-pathology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Using various biophysical and biochemical techniques, changes in aromatic microenvironment of the IgG and the protein aggregation became evident after treatment with OHrad . The SDS-PAGE study confirmed the protein aggregation while far ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopy (Far-UV CD) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) inferred towards the alterations in secondary structure of IgG under OHrad stress. Dynamic light scattering showed that the modification increased the hydrodynamic radius and polydispersity of IgG. The free arginine and lysine content reduced upon modification. OHrad induced aggregation was confirmed by enhanced thioflavin-T (ThT) fluorescence and red shift in the congo red (CR) absorbance. The study on experimental animals reiterates the earlier findings of enhanced immunogenicity of OHrad treated IgG (OHrad -IgG) compared to that of native IgG. OHrad -IgG strongly interacted with the antibodies derived from the serum of 80 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. The overwhelming and strong tendency of OHrad -IgG to bind the antibodies derived from the serum of RA patients points towards the modification of IgG under patho-physiological conditions in RA that generate neo-epitopes and eventually cause the generation of auto antibodies that circulate in the patient sera. Further studies on this aspect may possibly lead to the development of a biomarker for RA.

  19. Effect of IgG subclasses on in vivo bioavailability and metabolic fate of immune-complexed insulin in Lewis rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arquilla, E.R.; Stenger, D.; McDougall, B.; Ulich, T.R.


    The bioavailability, distribution, and metabolic fate of 125 I-labeled insulin complexed to antibodies in guinea pig antiserum, purified guinea pig IgG1, IgG2, a mixture of IgG1 and IgG2, and homologous Lou/m rat antiserum were studied in inbred Lewis rats. 125 I-insulin complexed to purified guinea pig IgG2 antibodies was rapidly cleared from the blood and sequestered in increasing amounts with time in the liver. Large amounts of the 125 I-insulin complexed to guinea pig IgG1 antibodies remained in the blood for at least 30 min. The bioavailability of 125 I-insulin bound to IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies was inhibited for at least 30 min because significantly less was available for rapid binding to insulin receptors on hepatocytes and renal tubular cells and its subsequent rapid degradation. The bioavailability of 125 I-insulin was further decreased when bound to antibodies in native guinea pig antiserum or a mixture of IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies compared with the 125 I-insulin complexed to either purified IgG1 or IgG2 antibodies alone. The 125 I-insulin bound to antibodies in native guinea pig antiserum or a mixture of IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies was distributed in vivo in a manner reflecting the relative concentrations of the IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies present. The bioavailability, distribution, and metabolic fate of 125 I-insulin in immune complexes prepared with homologous Lou/m rat insulin antiserum was qualitatively similar to that observed with immune complexes prepared with guinea pig insulin antiserum. It appears that the Lewis rat can be used as an in vivo model to study the bioavailability,distribution,and metabolic fate of insulin bound to xenogenic or homologous insulin antibodies

  20. IgG4-related lung disease presenting as interstitial lung disease with bronchiolitis: A case report. (United States)

    Chen, Chiu-Fan; Chu, Kuo-An; Tseng, Yen-Chiang; Wu, Chang-Che; Lai, Ruay-Sheng


    IgG4-related disease is a rare and novel disease entity that tends to involve multiple organs. The pulmonary manifestation of this disease is highly variable and may mimic lung cancer, pneumonia, interstitial lung disease (ILD), sarcoidosis, and so forth. Small airway disease is rarely reported in IgG4-related lung disease (IgG4-RLD). In the current study, we describe a rare case of IgG4-RLD with patterns of ILD and bronchiolitis. A 43-year-old man had chronic cough and dyspnea on exertion for 4 years. Initial chest radiography showed diffuse interstitial infiltration. Follow-up chest computed tomography 4 years later revealed bilateral diffuse centrilobular nodules with tree-in-bud pattern, bronchial wall thickening, and mediastinal lymph nodes. Bilateral diffuse multifocal ground-glass opacities and mosaic attenuation were also observed. Pulmonary function test revealed mixed restrictive and obstructive ventilatory impairment. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) lung biopsy showed interstitial fibrosis with lymphoplasmacytic infiltration rich in IgG4-positive plasma cells. Serum IgG4 level also showed remarkable elevation. Therefore, IgG4-RLD is confirmed. VATS wedge resection of right upper lobe and mediastinal lymph node. The patient responded well to steroid and immunosuppression therapy, and was regular followed-up in outpatient clinic. IgG4-RLD should be considered not only in ILD, but also in small airway disease. Serum IgG4 level may be a useful tool for screening.

  1. Jugular Foramen Collision Tumor (Schwannoma and Plasma Cell Pseudotumor), a Probable IgG4-Related Disease. (United States)

    Bakhit, Mudathir S; Fujii, Masazumi; Jinguji, Shinya; Sato, Taku; Sakuma, Jun; Saito, Kiyoshi


    Lower cranial nerve sheath tumors are relatively rare. Cases of schwannoma collision tumors have rarely been reported, with most of the reported cases describing schwannoma and meningioma collision tumors. We report a very rare case of a cerebellopontine angle collision tumor of the ninth cranial nerve schwannoma with an IgG4 plasma cell pseudotumor. IgG4 plasma cell pseudotumors comprise a group of diseases called IgG4-related diseases (IgG4-RDs). These diseases usually affect organs such as the pancreas and salivary gland. Few cases of nervous system IgG4-RDs have been reported. Under intraoperative microscopy, the tumor in our case did not appear different from usual cases of schwannoma, but histopathology showed significant infiltration of IgG4 plasma cells. IgG4-RDs have a distinctive histopathologic pattern; however, their pathophysiology remains unclear. Special attention must be paid to the diagnosis of such diseases because they mimic other diseases and can be missed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Development of a scoring system for differentiating IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis from primary sclerosing cholangitis. (United States)

    Moon, Sung-Hoon; Kim, Myung-Hwan; Lee, Jong Kyun; Baek, Seunghee; Woo, Young Sik; Cho, Dong Hui; Oh, Dongwook; Song, Tae Jun; Park, Do Hyun; Lee, Sang Soo; Seo, Dong Wan; Lee, Sung Koo


    Recent research has shown that a substantial number of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) can also have elevated serum/tissue IgG4. The aim of our study was to develop a simple scoring system for the discrimination of IgG4-related sclerosing cholangits (IgG4-SC) from PSC. Patients with IgG4-SC (n = 39) and PSC (n = 76) who had intrahepatic/hilar strictures were included. Candidate-differentiating variables included patient age, other organ involvement (OOI), inflammatory bowel disease, serum IgG4, and cholangiographic features. A scoring system was developed on the basis of these variables, and its performance was internally validated using a bootstrapping-based method. The scoring system in the final model included age (IgG4-SC. The discrimination between IgG4-SC and PSC using the scoring system was excellent (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.986). A reliable differentiation of IgG4-SC from PSC can be made using the scoring system presented here. We suggest the diagnosis of IgG4-SC at a cutoff of 7 points or higher and the indication of diagnostic steroid trial at 5 or 6 points. External validation of our scoring system is warranted.

  3. Biotin-avidin sandwich elisa with specific human isotypes IgG1 and IgG4 for Culicidae mosquito blood meal identification from an epizootic yellow fever area in Brazil

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    AM Marassá


    Full Text Available With a view toward investigating the feeding behavior of Culicidae mosquitoes from an area of epizootic yellow fever transmission in the municipalities of Garruchos and Santo Antônio das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, specimens were collected by aspiration from September 2005 to April 2007. The engorged females were submitted to blood meal identification by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. A total of 142 blood-engorged samples were examined for human or monkey blood through species-specific IgG. Additional tests for specificity utilizing isotypes IgG1 and IgG4 of human monoclonal antibodies showed that only anti-human IgG1 was effective in recognizing blood meals of human origin. The results indicated a significant difference (p = 0.027 in detection patterns in samples of Haemagogus leucocelaenus recorded from human blood meals at Santo Antônio das Missões, which suggests some degree of exposure, since it was an area where epizootic outbreaks have been reported.

  4. IgG4-Related Disease Presenting as Recurrent Mastoiditis With Central Nervous System Involvement

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    April L. Barnado MD


    Full Text Available We report a case of a 43-year-old female who presented with right ear fullness and otorrhea. She was initially diagnosed with mastoiditis that was not responsive to multiple courses of antibiotics and steroids. She was then diagnosed with refractory inflammatory pseudotumor, and subsequent treatments included several mastoidectomies, further steroids, and radiation therapy. The patient went on to develop mastoiditis on the contralateral side as well as central nervous system involvement with headaches and right-sided facial paresthesias. Reexamination of the mastoid tissue revealed a significantly increased number of IgG4-positive cells, suggesting a diagnosis of IgG4-related disease. The patient improved clinically and radiographically with rituximab and was able to taper off azathioprine and prednisone. IgG4-related disease should be considered in patients with otologic symptoms and be on the differential diagnosis in patients with inflammatory pseudotumor. Staining for IgG and IgG4 is essential to ensure a prompt diagnosis and treatment.

  5. Does the Intensity of IGG4 Immunostaining Have a Correlation with the Clinical Presentation of Riedel’s Thyroiditis?

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    C. A. Simões


    Full Text Available Riedel’s thyroiditis (RT represents one type of IgG4-related thyroid disease (IgG4RTD and the diagnosis involves quantitative immunohistochemistry showing dense lymphoplasmacellular inflammatory infiltrate consisting of IgG4-positive plasma cells with storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis. We report a case of RT with progressive enlargement of the anterior neck, severe dysphagia, odynophagia, and dyspnea. The patient underwent surgical decompression of the airway, protection tracheotomy, and gastrostomy for nutritional intake 6 months after first symptoms. Complete resolution occurred after surgical treatment combined with prednisolone. Immunostaining revealed IgG4-positive plasma cells 12/HPF (high-power field and the IgG4/IgG ratio 25%, values that were disproportionate to the intensity of the patient’s symptoms. As to this case and the few cases described and analyzed in the literature, our impression is that there is no relation between the intensity of symptoms in RT with the total number of IgG4-positive plasma cells and the IgG4/IgG ratio, but more studies are needed.

  6. Low anti-streptokinase IgG concentrations following streptokinase-streptodornase treatment of leg ulcer patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munkvad, S; Breuning, L; Tvedskov, Jesper


    We have evaluated whether neutralising anti-streptokinase IgG antibodies are produced following streptokinase-streptodornase therapy of leg ulcer patients. Serum anti-streptokinase IgG concentrations in 10 leg ulcer patients were determined before, and 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks following the t...... the treatment. We observed only a negligible increase in neutralizing anti-streptokinase IgG concentrations during the observation period, which was probably of no therapeutical significance....

  7. Unusual IgG4-related hypophysitis: one case report and analysis of clinicopathological characteristics

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    Zhen-qi LI


    Full Text Available Background Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4-related disease is a recently characterized autoimmune disease entity marked by elevated serum IgG4 levels and tissue infiltration by IgG4-positive plasma cells in multiple involved organs. Hypophysitis is a rare inflammatory disorder and IgG4-related sclerosing disease involving the ituitary alone is especially rare. Imaging studies may reveal a mass lesion in the sellar area or a thickening of pituitary stalk, mimicking a pituitary tumor. Due to its rarity and non-specific appearance in radiological examination, it is a diagnostic challenge for clinicians and histopathologists to differentiate solitary IgG4-related hypophysitis from other pituitary lesions. The aim of this study is to summarize the clinicopathological features of unusual IgG4-related hypophysitis and discuss the differential diagnosis of histologically similar inflammatory lesions in pituitary. Methods The clinical manifestation of a patient with solitary IgG4-related hypophysitis was presented retrospectively. Resected mass was routinely paraffin-embedded and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Dako EnVision immunohistochemical staining system was used to detect the tumor antigen expressions, including vimentin (Vim, S-100 protein (S-100, pan cytokeratin (PCK, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA, CD3, CD20, CD68, CD1a, κ-light chain, λ-light chain and progestrone receptor (PR.  Results A 47-year-old male patient presented with 1-year history of mild limb weakness and hyposexuality. Laboratory examination revealed hypopituitarism with low levels of serum testosterone, cortisol, luteinizing hormone (LH and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH, although his serum IgG4 level was high. MRI of the pituitary gland revealed a mass lesion in the sellar area with T1WI mild hyperintense and homogeneous enhancement after gadolinium administration. The patient underwent a transsphenoidal mass resection of the pituitary gland. Histological examination

  8. Clinicopathological Analysis of Ocular Adnexal Extranodal Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma with IgG4-Positive Cells (United States)

    Lee, Min Joung; Kim, Namju; Choe, Ji-Young; Khwarg, Sang In; Jeon, Yoon Kyung


    This study aims to analyze clinical and pathological characteristics of ocular adnexal extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (EMZL) accompanying IgG4-positive cells. Fifty patients with a diagnosis of primary non-conjunctival ocular adnexal EMZL were enrolled in this study. The number of IgG4-positive cells and the ratio of IgG/IgG4 were evaluated by immunohistochemistry in the biopsy specimens. The patients were divided into two groups based on the absolute number and the ratio of IgG4-positive cells (IgG4-posivite vs IgG4-negative groups). The demographic data, clinical staging at diagnosis, histopathological characteristics, and response to initial treatment were comparatively analyzed between the 2 groups. Five (10%) of 50 patients were defined as IgG4-positive group, and all the cases showed characteristic histological features such as extensive plasma cell infiltration and dense fibrosis. Most of these patients (4 of 5 patients) had lymphoma of the lacrimal gland. The patients from the IgG4-positive group showed a lower response rate to initial treatment (87.5 vs 33%, p = 0.03) than IgG4-negative group with a median follow-up period of 38 months. A part of the ocular adnexal EMZLs were accompanied with IgG4-positive cells. Significantly, most IgG4-positive ocular adnexal EMZLs occurred in the lacrimal gland, and can be related with a more frequent treatment failure. PMID:26111022

  9. Hepatitis C Viremia Is Associated with Cytomegalovirus IgG Antibody Levels in HIV-Infected Women (United States)

    Kuniholm, Mark H.; Parrinello, Christina M.; Anastos, Kathryn; Augenbraun, Michael; Plankey, Michael; Nowicki, Marek; Peters, Marion; Golub, Elizabeth T.; Lurain, Nell; Landay, Alan L.; Strickler, Howard D.; Kaplan, Robert C.


    Background Individuals with HIV infection exhibit high cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG levels, but there are few data regarding the association of hepatitis C virus (HCV) with the immune response against CMV. Methods Associations of HCV with CMV seropositivity and CMV IgG levels were studied in 635 HIV-infected women, 187 of whom were HCV-seropositive, with adjustment in multivariable models for age, race/ethnicity, and HIV disease characteristics. Eighty one percent of the women reported receipt of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) prior to or at CMV testing. Results In adjusted models women with chronic HCV had higher CMV IgG levels than those without HCV RNA (β = 2.86, 95% CI:0.89 – 4.83; P = 0.004). The association of HCV RNA with CMV IgG differed by age (P interaction = 0.0007), with a strong association observed among women in the low and middle age tertiles (≤45.3 years of age; β = 6.21, 95% CI:3.30 – 9.11, P<0.0001) but not among women in the high age tertile. CMV IgG levels were not associated with non-invasive measures of liver disease, APRI and FIB-4, or with HCV RNA level and adjustment for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) IgG levels did not affect the association between HCV and CMV. Conclusions CMV IgG levels are higher in HCV/HIV co-infected women than in HIV mono-infected women. Further research on the association of HCV with CMV IgG is indicated because prior studies have found CMV IgG to be associated with morbidity and mortality in the general population and subclinical carotid artery disease in HIV-infected patients. PMID:23613990

  10. IgG4 and IgE co-positive group found in idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease

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    Peng-Xiang Zhao


    Full Text Available AIM: To reveal the cytokines involved in idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease (IOID and the relationship between Th17 cells, IgE and IOID pathogenesis. METHODS: Whole blood samples were processed immediately after collection and serological IgG4, IgG, and IgE antibodies were tested using ELISA. IOID and orbital cavernous hemangioma (CH tissue samples underwent Bio-Plex multiplex cytokine detection. Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE staining of all paraffin samples suggested the histological features of IOIDs, and expressions of IgG4 and IL-17A in affected tissues were detected by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Among 40 IOID plasma samples, 52.5% (21/40 were positive for IgG4 and 25% (10/40 were positive for IgE. Overlapped IgG4 or IgE positive samples accounted for 22.5% (9/40. Therefore, IOID samples were separated into three groups. The IgE+/IgG4+ group had a relevantly lower level of pro-inflammatory cytokine expression. IL-4 (Th2 cell related, IL-10 and TGF-β1 (Treg cell immunity related were elevated in all three groups. Some of the Th17 cell related cytokines (i.e. IL-17A/F, IL-25, IL-23, and IL-33 displayed higher expression levels in the IgE-/IgG4- group compared to the other two groups. CONCLUSION: We discovered an IgG4-IgE co-positive group as well as Th17 cell immune involvement in IgG4-IgE co-negative subgtroup in IOID for the first time. The pathogenesis of IOID could differ from different subgroups according to the IgG4 and IgE detection. Therefore, we recommend that, Treatment stratagy should be made according to the clinical assessment of IgG4-IgE and Th17 profile detection.

  11. Reactivation of the Chagasic Infection in Wistar Rats in Gestation


    Moreno B, Elio; Méndez I, Maidé; Alarcón M, Maritza; Araujo A, Sonia; Lugo de Yarbuh, Ana


    En este trabajo investigamos en ratas Wistar crónicamente infectadas con Trypanosoma cruzi, la reactivación de la infección durante la gestación y después del parto, mediante un estudio parasitológico, inmunológico, histopatológico e inmunohistoquímico. Los resultados mostraron un control de las parasitemias patentes y/o subpatentes; títulos elevados de anticuerpos específicos anti-T. cruzi, detectándose en las ratas gestantes una disminución en los niveles de IgG y un incremento significativ...

  12. Surgical management of isolated mesenteric autoimmune disease: addressing the spectrum of IgG4-related disease and sclerosing mesenteritis. (United States)

    Greenbaum, Alissa; Yadak, Nour; Perez, Steven; Rajput, Ashwani


    IgG 4 -related disease (IgG 4 -RD) is a rare form of autoimmune sclerosing disease, characterised by elevated serum IgG 4 and tissue IgG 4 levels, specific histopathological findings, multiorgan involvement and adequate response to glucocorticoid treatment. The low incidence and the heterogeneous nature of the disease has made consensus on diagnostic criteria for IgG 4 -RD difficult. Whether sclerosing mesenteritis (SM) is considered a manifestation of IgG 4 -RD is strongly debated. We present the case of a patient with a history of rheumatoid arthritis who presented with a calcified abdominal mass. She was found to have an isolated, pedunculated mesenteric mass positive for IgG 4 and concurrently elevated serum IgG 4 levels. Clinical features did not classify her disease as either SM or IgG 4 -RD as currently described in consensus statements. Concurrent diagnoses of IgG 4 -RD, SM and other autoimmune disorders, as well as postoperative recommendations for resected isolated IgG 4 -positive masses, are discussed. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  13. Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis with severe renal impairment associated with multisystem IgG4-related disease

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    Rafael Coimbra Ferreira Beltrame

    Full Text Available Abstract The IgG4-related disease has a wide clinical spectrum where multiple organs can be affected, and the diagnosis depends on typical histopathological findings and an elevated IgG4 expression in plasma cells in the affected tissue. We describe the clinical presentation and evolution of a patient with acute tubulointerstitial nephritis, severe kidney failure and systemic manifestations such as lymphadenomegaly and chronic pancreatitis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the clinical picture and kidney and lymph node histopathology, in which immunohistochemistry of the lymphoid tissue showed policlonality and increased expression of IgG4, with a IgG4/total IgG ratio > 80%. The patient was treated with prednisone at a dose of 60 mg/day, followed by mycophenolate mofetil, and showed clinical and renal function improvement at 6 months of follow-up. The high index of suspicion of IgG4-related disease with multisystem involvement and the early treatment of this condition are essential to improve the prognosis of affected patients.

  14. Seroprevalence of serum IgG of HSV-1 coinfected with HIV infected ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To determine the seroprevalence of IgG of HSV-1 coinfected HIV patients who attended Offa General Hospital, Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Clinic (HAART). Methods: A cross sectional study used to study the seroprevalence of IgG of HSV-1 coinfected HIV infected patients that attended Offa Highly Active ...

  15. Evaluation of cysticercus-specific IgG (total and subclasses and IgE antibody responses in cerebrospinal fluid samples from patients with neurocysticercosis showing intrathecal production of specific IgG antibodies Avaliação das respostas de anticorpos anti-cisticercos IgG (total e subclasses e IgE em amostras de líquido cefalorraquidiano de pacientes com neurocisticercose apresentando produção intratecal de anticorpos específicos IgG

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    Lisandra Akemi Suzuki


    Full Text Available In the present study, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA standardized with vesicular fluid of Taenia solium cysticerci was used to screen for IgG (total and subclasses and IgE antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF samples from patients with neurocysticercosis showing intrathecal production of specific IgG antibodies and patients with other neurological disorders. The following results were obtained: IgG-ELISA: 100% sensitivity (median of the ELISA absorbances (MEA=1.17 and 100% specificity; IgG1-ELISA: 72.7% sensitivity (MEA=0.49 and 100% specificity; IgG2-ELISA: 81.8% sensitivity (MEA=0.46 and 100% specificity; IgG3-ELISA: 63.6% sensitivity (MEA=0.12 and 100% specificity; IgG4-ELISA: 90.9% sensitivity (MEA=0.85 and 100% specificity; IgE-ELISA 93.8% sensitivity (MEA=0.60 and 100% specificity. There were no significant differences between the sensitivities and specificities in the detection of IgG-ELISA and IgE-ELISA, although in CSF samples from patients with neurocysticercosis the MEA of the IgG-ELISA was significantly higher than that of the IgE-ELISA. The sensitivity and MEA values of the IgG4-ELISA were higher than the corresponding values for the other IgG subclasses. Future studies should address the contribution of IgG4 and IgE antibodies to the physiopathology of neurocysticercosis.No presente estudo, uma reação imunoenzimática (ELISA padronizada com o fluido vesicular de cisticercos de Taenia solium foi utilizada para avaliar as respostas de anticorpos anti-cisticercos IgG (total e subclasses e IgE em amostras de líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR de pacientes com neurocisticercose apresentando produção intratecal de anticorpos específicos IgG e pacientes com outras desordens neurológicas. Os seguintes resultados foram obtidos: ELISA-IgG: 100% de sensibilidade (mediana das absorbâncias das reações ELISA (MAE=1,17 e especificidade 100%; ELISA-IgG1: sensibilidade 72,7% (MAE=0,49 e especificidade 100%; ELISA-IgG2

  16. Local IgG synthesis in three pediatric patients with cuban epidemic neuropathy Sintesis local de IgG en tres pacientes pediátricos com neuropatía epidêmica cubana

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    Alberto Dorta-Contreras


    Full Text Available Three pediatric patients with Cuban epidemic neuropathy were studied. Cerebrospinal fluid and sera were simultaneously obtained. Albumin and IgG were quantified by immunodifusion. Albumin quotient and local synthesis of IgG were calculated by Reiber/Felgenhauer formula. A patient with optic neuritis had a dysfunction of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. All the group had local synthesis of IgG.Se estudiaron tres pacientes pediátricos con neuropatia epidêmica cubana. Se obtuvieron suero y liquido cefalorraquídeo simultaneamente. Se cuantificaran los niveles de albúmina e IgG por inmunodifusion radial. Se calculo la razón albúmina y la fórmula de Reiber/Felgenhauer. Un paciente con neuritis óptica tuvo una disfunción de la barrera sangre-líquido cefaloraquídeo. Todo el grupo tuvo síntesis local de IgG.

  17. Solely lung-involved IgG4-related disease : a case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiao-Qin; Chen, Guo-Ping; Wu, Sheng-Chang; Yu, Sa; Wang, Hong; Chen, Xuan-Yi; Ren, Zhuo-Chao


    By analyzing the clinical data of 1 case of IgG4-related lung disease(IgG4-RLD) and the review of literature, the author investigated the clinical characteristics of IgG4-RLD. IgG4-RLD is a rare disease characterized by significant elevation of serum IgG4 and infiltration of a large number of IgG4+ plasma cells. The clinical manifestations of the disease were nonspecific, and the imaging features were mixed with several types. The disease can only be involved in the lung, but also multiple organ involvement. Solely lung-involved IgG4-RD is not only extremely rare but also easily misdiagnosed as tuberculosis, lung cancer, lymphoma and other common pulmonary diseases. Histopathological examination is the key to the diagnosis of the disease. Corticosteroids are the first choice of treatment, and the overall prognosis is good.

  18. Clonally expanded cytotoxic CD4+ T cells and the pathogenesis of IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Mattoo, Hamid; Stone, John H; Pillai, Shiv


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a systemic condition of unknown cause characterized by highly fibrotic lesions, with dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates containing a preponderance of IgG4-expressing plasma cells. CD4 + T cells and B cells constitute the major inflammatory cell populations in IgG4-RD lesions. IgG4-RD patients with active, untreated disease show a marked expansion of plasmablasts in the circulation. Although the therapeutic depletion of B cells suggests a role for these cells in the disease, a direct role for B cells or IgG4 in the pathogenesis of IgG4-RD is yet to be demonstrated. Among the CD4 + T-cell subsets, Th2 cells were initially thought to contribute to IgG4-RD pathogenesis, but many previous studies were confounded by the concomitant history of allergic diseases in the patients studied and the failure to use multi-color staining to definitively identify T-cell subsets in tissue samples. More recently, using an unbiased approach to characterize CD4 + T-cell subsets in patients with IgG4-RD - based on their clonal expansion and ability to infiltrate affected tissue sites - CD4 + CTLs have been identified as the major CD4 + T-cell subset in disease lesions as well as in the circulation. CD4 + CTLs in affected tissues secrete pro-fibrotic cytokines including IL-1β, TGF-β1, and IFN-γ as well as cytolytic molecules such as perforin and granzymes A and B. In this review, we examine possible mechanisms by which activated B cells and plasmablasts may collaborate with the expanded CD4 + CTLs in driving the fibrotic pathology of the disease and describe the lacunae in the field and in our understanding of IgG4-RD pathogenesis.

  19. IgG4-related disease in thymus. A very rare case of chronic fibrosis mimicking sarcoidosis. (United States)

    Simonetti, Sara; Pérez Muñoz, Noelia; López Vivancos, Josefa; Sanchez Sitjes, Lluís; Herranz Pérez, Javier Cesar; Leal Bohorquez, Nelson; Maestre Alcacer, José Antonio; de García, Inessa Koptseva; Carrasco García, Miguel Ángel


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a multi-organ immune-mediated chronic fibroinflammatory condition, with unclear certain etiology. It is morphologically characterized by storiform fibrosis, dense IgG4-positive lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, and obliterative phlebitis. It was recognized as a systemic condition as recently as 2003. IgG4-RD has been described in virtually every organ, forming sclerosing masses, and often mimicking tumors. Clinically, patients present unspecific symptoms and this condition is often recognized incidentally. The epidemiology remains poorly studied, but it has been noted that in the majority of recorded instances, patients are middle-aged men. IgG4-RD could mimic conditions other than tumors, such as infection, inflammation, or other systemic disorders. To ensure accuracy of diagnosis, an exhaustive histopathological analysis is required, together with clinical, radiological, and serological data. Thymic fibrosis in the absence of other primary thymic lesions is a very rare occurrence; in English literature only 1 case has been reported with scattered IgG4 plasma cells infiltrate and focal obliterative phlebitis. We will describe, for the first time, the case of a 49-year-old man displaying an anterior mediastinic, hilar, and intramyocardial mass simulating a sarcoidosis, with a definitive diagnosis of IgG4-related thymic fibrosis extending to the mediastinum and the heart. At the histological examination, we found many features of IgG4-RD in the thymic tissue, such as diffused storiform fibrosis, dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with abundant plasma cells IgG4 positive (ratio IgG/IgG4: 40%), obliterative phlebitis, eosinophilic infiltrate, and Castleman-like lymphoid follicles. We discussed the differential diagnosis and reviewed the literature and the other cases of IgG4-related diseases that had been diagnosed in our department.

  20. A simple solid-phase radioimmunoassay for the measurement of IgG secreted in vitro by human lymphocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romagnani, S.; Prete, G.F. del; Giudizi, G.M.; Almerigogna, F.; Ricci, M.


    A radioimmunoassay is described for measuring IgG, based on the ability of immunoglobulins of this class to inhibit the binding of radioiodinated staphylococcal protein A to IgG linked to a solid phase. The solid phase is represented by ox erythrocytes coated with anti-ox erthrocyte rabbit IgG, a reagent used for detecting cells equipped with receptors for the Fc fragment of IgG. By this assay the IgG secreted in vitro by human peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated with PWM and those present in samples of very diluted human sera were measured. It was found that the assay is a very rapid, simple and and reproducible procedure for the detection of IgG immunoglobulin at the nanogram level. (Auth.)

  1. Seroprevalencia de anticuerpos contra el poliovirus 1 en niños mexicanos Seroprevalence of antibodies against poliovirus type 1 in Mexican children

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    Juan Ruiz-Gómez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analizar la frecuencia y distribución de la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra el virus de la poliomielitis tipo 1 en niños menores de 10 años en México, además de contribuir a la evaluación del programa de vacunación. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se estudió la presencia de anticuerpos contra el poliovirus tipo 1 en una muestra de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2000. Los sueros se recolectaron entre noviembre de 1999 y junio de 2000 a nivel nacional. La muestra constó de 6 270 niños de uno a nueve años de edad y se utilizó la técnica de neutralización. RESULTADOS: La seropositividad fue de 99.3% (IC95%99.1-99.7. Se identificaron como factores de riesgo de susceptibilidad el analfabetismo (RM= 1.5, p= 0.002 y el bajo ingreso familiar (RM= 1.4, p= 0.0487 y como factor protector el acceso a la seguridad social (RM= 0.41, p=0.04. CONCLUSIONES: Las actividades del programa de vacunación que han llevado a cabo las instituciones de salud han dado resultados en el control y eliminación de la enfermedad. Sin embargo, los programas de vacunación no deben interrumpirse, incluso si se ha registrado 99.3% de seropositividad; no puede soslayarse que al convertir el 0.7% restante, se calcula que hay 190 000 niños susceptibles de contraer la enfermedad. Estos niños se localizan sobre todo en el sur del país.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the frequency and distribution of the prevalence of antibodies against the poliomyelitis type 1 virus in children 1-9 years old in Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Antibodies against poliovirus type 1 (neutralization method were studied in 6 270 sera selected from the 24 232 sera from children one to nine years old, collected by the 2000 National Health Survey (ENSA 2000 that was conducted from November 1999 to June 2000. RESULTS: Overall seroprevalence was 99.3% (95%CI: 99.1-99.7. Using bivariate analysis, absence of antibodies was shown to be associated with illiteracy (OR= 1.5, p=0.002 and low household income (OR= 1

  2. Genus and species-specific IgG and IgM antibodies pulmonary tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Butt, T.; Abbassi, S.A.; Ahmad, R.N.; Mahmood, A.; Karamat, K.A; Malik, H.S.; Anwar, M.


    Objective: To evaluate three different enzyme immunoassays for serological diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and to compare their diagnostic accuracy in different combinations. Subjects and Methods: Sera from patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis (n=94) with sputum positive for acid fast bacilli (AFB) and sera from control group of healthy individuals (n=90) with sputum negative for AFB were tested by Pathozyme-Myco G EIA, Pathozyme-TB Complex Plus EIA and Pathozyme Myco M EIA kits for the genus-specific IgG and IgM, and the species-specific IgG antibodies against antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Results: The detection of IgG against genus-specific antigens by Pathozyme-Myco G had a sensitivity of 46% and a specificity of 93%, of IgG against species-specific antigens by Pathozyme- TB Complex Plus had a sensitivity of 64% and specificity of 97% and of IgM against genus-specific antigens by Pathozyme Myco M had a sensitivity of 67% and specificity of 98%. When the results of these immunoassays were evaluated in combination, their sensitivity improved. Combination of genus-specific IgM and species-specific IgG yielded best results with a sensitivity of 87% and specificity of 93%. Conclusion: The sensitivity of serological diagnosis of tuberculosis is low, but it can be increased by utilizing a combination of several antigens. (author)

  3. A soluble form of IL-13 receptor alpha 1 promotes IgG2a and IgG2b production by murine germinal center B cells. (United States)

    Poudrier, J; Graber, P; Herren, S; Gretener, D; Elson, G; Berney, C; Gauchat, J F; Kosco-Vilbois, M H


    A functional IL-13R involves at least two cell surface proteins, the IL-13R alpha 1 and IL-4R alpha. Using a soluble form of the murine IL-13R alpha 1 (sIL-13R), we reveal several novel features of this system. The sIL-13R promotes proliferation and augmentation of Ag-specific IgM, IgG2a, and IgG2b production by murine germinal center (GC) B cells in vitro. These effects were enhanced by CD40 signaling and were not inhibited by an anti-IL4R alpha mAb, a result suggesting other ligands. In GC cell cultures, sIL-13R also promoted IL-6 production, and interestingly, sIL-13R-induced IgG2a and IgG2b augmentation was absent in GC cells isolated from IL-6-deficient mice. Furthermore, the effects of the sIL-13R molecule were inhibited in the presence of an anti-IL-13 mAb, and preincubation of GC cells with IL-13 enhanced the sIL-13R-mediated effects. When sIL-13R was injected into mice, it served as an adjuvant-promoting production to varying degrees of IgM and IgG isotypes. We thus propose that IL-13R alpha 1 is a molecule involved in B cell differentiation, using a mechanism that may involve regulation of IL-6-responsive elements. Taken together, our data reveal previously unknown activities as well as suggest that the ligand for the sIL-13R might be a component of the IL-13R complex or a counterstructure yet to be defined.

  4. Seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii infection among patients admitted to al-zahra hospital, isfahan, iran

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohaghegh, M.A.; Yazdani, H.; Hadipour, M.; Namdar, F.


    Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) infection is one of the most common parasitic infections among humans and other warm-blooded animals worldwide. The aim of this study was to evaluate toxoplasmosis status in patients admitted to Al-Zahra hospital, Isfahan, Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2012 to January 2015. During this period, 716 patients referred to Al-Zahra hospital in Isfahan city, Iran, were studied to investigate the IgG and IgM antibodies against T. gondii using ELISA kit. The data were analysed by Chi-square and Fishers exact tests. In addition, the relation of data with age and sex were also examined. Results: Among 716 patients, 21 patients (2.9%) had positive IgM and 288 patients (40.2%) had positive IgG titer against T. gondii. Data analysis by Chi-square and Fishers exact tests revealed that there was no significant relationship between IgG titer and age (p>0.05). Additionally, there was no relationship between IgM titer and age (p>0.05). The data showed that there was no relationship between IgG and IgM antibody titer and sex (p>0.05). Conclusion: The prevalence of toxoplasmosis in Isfahan inhabitants seems fairly high but it can be concluded that the rate of seropositive patient is moderate comparing to other regions of country. Accordingly, the authors propose that all sensitive patients have to be tested for T. gondii antibody in order to prevent the consequences of disease. (author)

  5. Cutting Edge: A Critical Role of Lesional T Follicular Helper Cells in the Pathogenesis of IgG4-Related Disease. (United States)

    Kamekura, Ryuta; Takano, Kenichi; Yamamoto, Motohisa; Kawata, Koji; Shigehara, Katsunori; Jitsukawa, Sumito; Nagaya, Tomonori; Ito, Fumie; Sato, Akinori; Ogasawara, Noriko; Tsubomatsu, Chieko; Takahashi, Hiroki; Nakase, Hiroshi; Himi, Tetsuo; Ichimiya, Shingo


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a newly recognized systemic chronic fibroinflammatory disease. However, the pathogenesis of IgG4-RD remains unknown. To determine the pathophysiologic features of IgG4-RD, we examined T follicular helper (Tfh) cells in lesions and blood from patients with IgG4-RD. Patients with IgG4-related dacryoadenitis and sialadenitis (IgG4-DS) showed increased infiltration of Tfh cells highly expressing programmed death 1 and ICOS in submandibular glands. Tfh cells from IgG4-DS submandibular glands had higher expression of B cell lymphoma 6 and a greater capacity to help B cells produce IgG4 than did tonsillar Tfh cells. We also found that the percentage of programmed death 1 hi circulating Tfh cells in IgG4-DS patients was higher than that in healthy volunteers and was well correlated with clinical parameters. Our findings indicate that anomalous Tfh cells in tissue lesions of IgG4-RD have features distinct from those in lymphoid counterparts or blood and potentially regulate local IgG4 production in IgG4-RD. Copyright © 2017 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  6. Cloning of pCDNA3-IgG4 and pQE-2-IgG4 human hinge region ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 16, 2011 ... diseases and in allergy-related immunoassays, thus, anti-hIgG4 antibody is of interest in the development of ... pQE-2-. IgG4 will be used for protein expression in M15 prokaryotic .... Solution conformation of wild-type and ...

  7. Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii IgG and IgM and associated risk ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii IgG and IgM and associated risk factors among HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients in Vhembe district of South Africa. ... shown a high prevalence of T. gondii (IgG) among patients attending different HIV clinics in the Vhembe district with no current infections among pregnant women.

  8. Current approach to the diagnosis of IgG4-related disease - Combination of comprehensive diagnostic and organ-specific criteria. (United States)

    Umehara, Hisanori; Okazaki, Kazuichi; Nakamura, Takuji; Satoh-Nakamura, Tomomi; Nakajima, Akio; Kawano, Mitsuhiro; Mimori, Tsuneyo; Chiba, Tsutomu


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a fascinating clinical entity proposed by Japanese investigators, and includes a wide variety of diseases, formerly diagnosed as Mikulicz's disease (MD), autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP), interstitial nephritis, prostatitis, retroperitoneal fibrosis, etc. Although all clinicians in every field of medicine may encounter this new disease, a unifying diagnostic criterion has not been established. In 2011, the Japanese IgG4 team, organized by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) of Japan, published comprehensive diagnostic criteria for IgG4-RD. Several problems with these criteria have arisen in clinical practice, however, including the difficulty obtaining biopsy samples from some patients, and the sensitivity and the specificity of techniques used to measure serum IgG4 concentrations. Although serum IgG4 concentration is an important clinical marker for IgG4-RD, its diagnostic utility in differentiating IgG4-RD from other diseases, called IgG4-RD mimickers, remains unclear. This review describes the current optimal approach for the diagnosis of IgG4-RD, based on both comprehensive and organ-specific diagnostic criteria, in patients with diseases such as IgG4-related pancreatitis (AIP), sclerosing cholangitis, and renal, lung and orbital diseases.

  9. Evaluation of IgG4+ Plasma Cell Infiltration in Patients with Systemic Plasmacytosis and Other Plasma Cell-infiltrating Skin Diseases

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    Shintaro Takeoka


    Full Text Available Systemic plasmacytosis is a rare skin disorder characterized by marked infiltration of plasma cells in the dermis. IgG4-related disease is pathologically characterized by lymphoplasmacytic infiltration rich in IgG4+ plasma cells, storiform fibrosis, and obliterative phlebitis, accompanied by elevated levels of serum IgG4. Reports of cases of systemic plasmacytosis with abundant infiltration of IgG4+ plasma cells has led to discussion about the relationship between systemic plasmacytosis and IgG4-related disease. This study examined IgG4+/IgG+ plasma cell ratios in 4 patients with systemic plasmacytosis and 12 patients with other skin diseases that show marked infiltration of plasma cells. Furthermore, we examined whether these cases met one of the pathological diagnostic criteria for IgG4-related disease (i.e. IgG4+/IgG plasma cells ratio of over 40%. Only one out of 4 patients with systemic plasmacytosis met the criterion. These results suggest that systemic plasmacytosis and IgG4-related disease are distinct diseases.

  10. Production of double antibody for radioimmunoassay (sheep anti-rabbit IgG antiserum)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, S.R. da.


    A second antibody (sheep anti-rabbit IgG antiserum) to be used in RIAs in which the first antibody is raised in rabbits was produced. For this production, initially the IgG was isolated from rabbit serum and purified by sodium sulphate precipitation followed by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. Four sheep were immunized with 500 u g of purified rabbit IgG, emulsified in Freund Complete Adjuvant and administered by multisite subcutaneous injections. These injections were repeated at 20-days intervals and blood samples (40 ml) were taken from the jugular vein 10 days after the boosts for the evaluation of the antisera title. After each four boosts a great bleeding was done by the same route. Approximately 500 ml of serum were obtained in each bleeding per animal. The antisera were evaluated by the human thyrotropin RIA developed at IPEN laboratories employing reagents provided by NIDDKD, USA. These evaluations referred to the determination of the antisera title and of the ideal concentration of carrier IgG, to the study of the kinetic of precipitation and to the confirmation of the inexistent cross-reactivity with human IgG, in comparison with a reference antiserum of know precipitation characteristics supplied by the Radioassay System Laboratories. Approximately 3,6 l of antiserum (sheep anti-rabbit IgG serum) were produced from the four sheep, which presented title and precipitation characteristics very similar to those exhibited by the imported commercial product, even presenting higher titles. The results obtained in this work indicated that it was created enough experience for the production of this biological reagent for RIA, that could be done integrally in the country in greater scale, and at a very reduced cost. (author). 81 refs, 36 figs, 33 tabs

  11. Immunohistochemical analysis of IgA expression differentiates IgG4-related disease from plasma cell-type Castleman disease. (United States)

    Manabe, Akihiro; Igawa, Takuro; Takeuchi, Mai; Gion, Yuka; Yoshino, Tadashi; Sato, Yasuharu


    Plasma cell-type Castleman disease (PCD) is often encountered when differentiating IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD). Given that serum IgA is often elevated in Castleman disease, we investigated whether IgA expression levels in histological specimens can be used to differentiate between the two diseases. Lymph node lesions obtained from 12 IgG4-RD and 11 PCD patients were analysed by immunohistochemistry with anti-IgG, -IgG4, and -IgA antibodies. In addition to all 12 cases of IgG4-RD, 8/11 cases (72.7 %) of PCD also met the diagnostic criteria of IgG4-RD (serum IgG4 ≥135 mg/dl and IgG4/IgG-positive cells ≥40 %). IgA-positive cells were sparsely and densely distributed in IgG4-RD and PCD cases, respectively. The median number of IgA-positive cells ± SD in all 12 cases of IgG4-RD was 31 ± 37 cells per three high-powered fields (3HPFs) (range 4-118 cells/3HPFs). In contrast, the median number of IgA-positive cells, which was significantly higher in all 11 cases of PCD, was 303 ± 238 cells/3HPFs (range 74-737 cells/3HPFs) (P IgG4-RD.

  12. In-depth analysis of subclass-specific conformational preferences of IgG antibodies

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    Xinsheng Tian


    Full Text Available IgG subclass-specific differences in biological function and in vitro stability are often referred to variations in the conformational flexibility, while this flexibility has rarely been characterized. Here, small-angle X-ray scattering data from IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 antibodies, which were designed with identical variable regions, were thoroughly analysed by the ensemble optimization method. The extended analysis of the optimized ensembles through shape clustering reveals distinct subclass-specific conformational preferences, which provide new insights for understanding the variations in physical/chemical stability and biological function of therapeutic antibodies. Importantly, the way that specific differences in the linker region correlate with the solution structure of intact antibodies is revealed, thereby visualizing future potential for the rational design of antibodies with designated physicochemical properties and tailored effector functions. In addition, this advanced computational approach is applicable to other flexible multi-domain systems and extends the potential for investigating flexibility in solutions of macromolecules by small-angle X-ray scattering.

  13. Measurement of the IgG2 response to Pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides may identify an antibody deficiency in individuals referred for immunological investigation. (United States)

    Parker, Antony; Irure Ventura, Juan; Sims, Dawn; Echeverría de Carlos, Ainara; Gómez de la Torre, Ricardo; Tricas Aizpún, Lourdes; Ocejo-Vinyals, J Gonzalo; López-Hoyos, Marcos; Wallis, Gregg; Harding, Stephen


    IgG2 is the most efficient subclass for providing protection against pneumococcal pathogens. We hypothesised that some individuals may be unable to mount an effective pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide (PCP) IgG2 response despite having a normal PCP IgG concentration (PCP IgG2 deficient). The median pre-vaccination PCP IgG2 concentration was significantly lower in individuals referred for immunological investigation compared to healthy controls (2.8 mg/L range, 95% CI 1.1-88 vs. 29.5mg/L, 95% CI 13.5-90, p = 0.0002). PCP IgG:IgG2 ratios were significantly higher for the referral population than for healthy controls suggesting the increased production of PCP specific subclasses other than IgG2. The percentage of individuals with PCP IgG2 deficiency was significantly higher in referral groups compared to controls (31% vs. 5%; p = 0.0009) and in an individual with PCP IgG2 deficiency, the balance of PCP specific IgG subclass antibodies post vaccination changed from IgG2>IgG1>IgG3>IgG4 to IgG1>IgG3>IgG2>IgG4. The median PCP IgG2 concentration in those with PCP IgG2 deficiency was significantly lower in the referral groups compared to controls (7.8 mg/L, 95% CI 1.1-12 vs. 12.7 mg/L, 95% CI 11.8-13.1; p = 0.006). The data suggests a defect in the production PCP IgG2 may be present in individuals with normal PCP IgG referred for immunological investigation.

  14. Persistent Low Toxoplasma IgG Avidity Is Common in Pregnancy: Experience from Antenatal Testing in Norway.

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    Gry Findal

    Full Text Available The parasite Toxoplasma gondii might harm the fetus if a woman is infected during pregnancy. IgG seroconversion and significant increase in IgG antibody amount in pregnancy indicates maternal infection. Presence of toxoplasma immunoglobulin M (IgM, immunoglobulin G (IgG and low IgG avidity in a single serum sample indicates possible maternal infection, but positive toxoplasma IgM and low IgG avidity may persist for months and even years. We aimed to evaluate avidity development during pregnancy in a retrospective study. Serial blood samples from 176 pregnant women admitted to Oslo University Hospital 1993-2013 for amniocentesis because of suspected toxoplasma infection were included. Data were obtained from journals and laboratory records. The avidity method used was based on Platelia Toxo IgG assay. Mean maternal age at first serology was 29.9 years (SD 5.2, range 18-42. In 37 (21% women only the avidity increased from low to high in < 3 months. In 139 (79% the IgG avidity remained below the high threshold ≥ 3 months and within this group 74 (42% women had stable low IgG avidity during the observation period. Median gestational age at first test was 10.6 weeks (range 4.6-28.7. Fetal infection was detected in four children, but none among children whose mother had stable low IgG avidity. The first antenatal toxoplasma serology should ideally be collected in early pregnancy and if stable values of toxoplasma IgM and low IgG-avidity are detected in a second sample after three to four weeks, the need for amniocentesis can be questioned.

  15. Ensayo de neutralización in vitro de aplicación en la evaluación de inmunógenos contra la hepatitis A, obtenidos mediante la tecnología de expresión en fagos filamentosos

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    Alicia Aguilar


    Full Text Available La inmunidad contra el virus de la hepatitis A (VHA se debe en primera instancia a la inducción de anticuerpos neutralizantes. Disponer de ensayos de neutralización es indispensable para evaluar nuevos candidatos vacunales contra este patógeno. En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un ensayo de neutralización in vitro que permitió evaluar la inmunogenicidad de mimotopos del VHA obtenidos mediante la tecnología de expresión en fagos al ser inmunizados ratones Balb/c. Diferentes diluciones de anticuerpos se incubaron con 103 o 102 Dosis Infecciosas en Cultivo de Tejidos 50% (DICT50 del clon citopático HM175/18f de VHA, y se inocularon en placas con células FRhK4. Después de 7 días de incubación el título neutralizante se determinó como el recíproco de la dilución del suero capaz de reducir la multiplicación viral al 50%. Tanto 103 como 102 DICT50 fueron neutralizadas por el anticuerpo monoclonal 7E7 y los sueros humanos (A12 y A31 positivos a anticuerpos anti-VHA. Los controles negativos del ensayo no neutralizaron al virus. Los títulos neutralizantes de los sueros de ratones inmunizados con fagos portadores de mimotopos de VHA oscilaron entre 4 y 16, mientras que los sueros preinmunes y los de ratones inmunizados con fago salvaje M13 no neutralizaron la infectividad viral. Este ensayo de neutralización resultó adecuado para la evaluación de los inmunógenos propuestos

  16. Detección y expresión de una proteína de unión a calmodulina en Plasmodium falciparum

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    Angela P. Guerra


    Full Text Available Se produjo un anticuerpo monoclonal a partir de proteinas de unión a calmodulina (PUCaM aisladas por cromatografia de afinidad. Utilizando el inmunoensayo Western blot se detectó una proteina de 30 kDa en extractos de glóbulos rojos parasitados con Plasmodium falciparum. Esta señal no se observó en extractos de eritrocitos no infectados. adicionalmente, este anticuerpo presentó una reacción con dos bandas de alto peso molecular localizadas en 260 y 240 kDa, siendo mucho más intensa la señal para 240 kDa. Estas mismas bandas fueron reconocidas por un anticuerpo policlonal anti-espectrina. Lo anterior implica que el anticuerpo monoclonal 1G3 presenta una reacción cruzada con las cadenas de la espectrina y sugiere la presencia de un epítope similar o una estructura estrechamente relacionada en ambas proteinas. Se estudió la expresión de esta proteína durante el ciclo de desarrollo del parásito y se pudo definir su presencia en las fases tardías del ciclo. La cantidad de la PUCaM de 30 kDa no sólo aumenta de manera absoluta, sino también relativamente con relación a las demás proteínas del parásito. El hecho de que se presente señal en los estadios avanzados de desarrollo y no en el estadio de anillos está indicando que tiene un patrón de expresión diferencial durante el desarrollo del parásito.

  17. Antigen-Specific IgG ameliorates allergic airway inflammation via Fcγ receptor IIB on dendritic cells

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    Karasuyama Hajime


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There have been few reports on the role of Fc receptors (FcRs and immunoglobulin G (IgG in asthma. The purpose of this study is to clarify the role of inhibitory FcRs and antigen presenting cells (APCs in pathogenesis of asthma and to evaluate antigen-transporting and presenting capacity by APCs in the tracheobronchial mucosa. Methods In FcγRIIB deficient (KO and C57BL/6 (WT mice, the effects of intratracheal instillation of antigen-specific IgG were analysed using the model with sensitization and airborne challenge with ovalbumin (OVA. Thoracic lymph nodes instilled with fluorescein-conjugated OVA were analysed by fluorescence microscopy. Moreover, we analysed the CD11c+ MHC class II+ cells which intaken fluorescein-conjugated OVA in thoracic lymph nodes by flow cytometry. Also, lung-derived CD11c+ APCs were analysed by flow cytometry. Effects of anti-OVA IgG1 on bone marrow dendritic cells (BMDCs in vitro were also analysed. Moreover, in FcγRIIB KO mice intravenously transplanted dendritic cells (DCs differentiated from BMDCs of WT mice, the effects of intratracheal instillation of anti-OVA IgG were evaluated by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL. Results In WT mice, total cells and eosinophils in BAL fluid reduced after instillation with anti-OVA IgG1. Anti-OVA IgG1 suppressed airway inflammation in hyperresponsiveness and histology. In addition, the number of the fluorescein-conjugated OVA in CD11c+ MHC class II+ cells of thoracic lymph nodes with anti-OVA IgG1 instillation decreased compared with PBS. Also, MHC class II expression on lung-derived CD11c+ APCs with anti-OVA IgG1 instillation reduced. Moreover, in vitro, we showed that BMDCs with anti-OVA IgG1 significantly decreased the T cell proliferation. Finally, we demonstrated that the lacking effects of anti-OVA IgG1 on airway inflammation on FcγRIIB KO mice were restored with WT-derived BMDCs transplanted intravenously. Conclusion Antigen-specific IgG ameliorates

  18. The incidence of IgG4-positive plasma cells staining TIN in patients with biopsy-proven tubulointerstitial nephritis. (United States)

    Mac, Kathy; Wu, Xiao Juan; Mai, Jun; Howlin, Kenneth; Suranyi, Michael; Yong, Jim; Makris, Angela


    IgG4 disease is rare. However, IgG4 tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) is the most common renal manifestation. IgG4 disease is usually associated with elevated serum IgG4 levels and other organ involvement, low-density renal lesions on enhanced CT imaging and immune activation. The incidence of IgG4-TIN may be underestimated, as staining for IgG4 is not routine. This study sought to describe the prevalence of previously undiagnosed IgG4-TIN. Due to the complexity of the diagnosis, we only attempt to look at IgG4-positive plasma cell TIN as a potential indication for IgG4 renal disease. A retrospective review of native renal biopsies performed between 2002 and 2012 with a primary diagnosis of TIN was selected. Samples for which interstitial nephritis was secondary to a glomerular disease were excluded. The tissues were stained for IgG4 and scored by two blinded observers. Demographic and follow-up details were collected. This study was approved by the local ethics committee. 82 cases of interstitial nephritis from a total of 1238 renal biopsies (2002-2012) were available after staining for further assessment. 12 samples demonstrated staining consistent with the criteria for IgG4-positive plasma cell TIN, of which 3 had mildly positive staining, 7 moderately positive staining and 2 had markedly positive staining. There were no statistically significant differences in the baseline characteristics between the positive and negative staining groups. A number of cases of IgG4-positive plasma cell TIN were observed histologically that had been previously diagnosed as non-specific chronic TIN. IgG4-positive plasma cell TIN made up 1% of all renal biopsies performed over 10 years and 13% of all biopsies demonstrating TIN not related to glomerular disease. IgG4 staining should be considered routinely in biopsies demonstrating primary TIN. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  19. Hinge-deleted IgG4 blocker therapy for acetylcholine receptor myasthenia gravis in rhesus monkeys. (United States)

    Losen, Mario; Labrijn, Aran F; van Kranen-Mastenbroek, Vivianne H; Janmaat, Maarten L; Haanstra, Krista G; Beurskens, Frank J; Vink, Tom; Jonker, Margreet; 't Hart, Bert A; Mané-Damas, Marina; Molenaar, Peter C; Martinez-Martinez, Pilar; van der Esch, Eline; Schuurman, Janine; de Baets, Marc H; Parren, Paul W H I


    Autoantibodies against ion channels are the cause of numerous neurologic autoimmune disorders. Frequently, such pathogenic autoantibodies have a restricted epitope-specificity. In such cases, competing antibody formats devoid of pathogenic effector functions (blocker antibodies) have the potential to treat disease by displacing autoantibodies from their target. Here, we have used a model of the neuromuscular autoimmune disease myasthenia gravis in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) to test the therapeutic potential of a new blocker antibody: MG was induced by passive transfer of pathogenic acetylcholine receptor-specific monoclonal antibody IgG1-637. The effect of the blocker antibody (IgG4Δhinge-637, the hinge-deleted IgG4 version of IgG1-637) was assessed using decrement measurements and single-fiber electromyography. Three daily doses of 1.7 mg/kg IgG1-637 (cumulative dose 5 mg/kg) induced impairment of neuromuscular transmission, as demonstrated by significantly increased jitter, synaptic transmission failures (blockings) and a decrease in the amplitude of the compound muscle action potentials during repeated stimulations (decrement), without showing overt symptoms of muscle weakness. Treatment with three daily doses of 10 mg/kg IgG4Δhinge-637 significantly reduced the IgG1-637-induced increase in jitter, blockings and decrement. Together, these results represent proof-of principle data for therapy of acetylcholine receptor-myasthenia gravis with a monovalent antibody format that blocks binding of pathogenic autoantibodies.

  20. IgG4-related disease with sinonasal involvement: A case series

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prabhu, Shailesh M; Yadav, Vikas; Irodi, Aparna; Mani, Sunithi; Varghese, Ajoy Mathew


    We present the imaging findings in two cases of IgG4-related disease involving the sinonasal region in the pediatric age group. Imaging findings in IgG4-related disease affecting the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses have been rarely reported in literature. The diagnosis is made by a combination of clinical, imaging, and histopathologic findings. Radiologists should be aware of the imaging findings of this condition to ensure early diagnosis and treatment

  1. IgG4-positive extranodal marginal zone lymphoma arising in Hashimoto's thyroiditis: clinicopathological and cytogenetic features of a hitherto undescribed condition. (United States)

    Tan, Char-Loo; Ong, Yew-Kwang; Tan, Soo-Yong; Ng, Siok-Bian


    Hashimoto's thyroiditis was recently divided into IgG4-plasma cell-rich and IgG4-plasma cell-poor subtypes. The former, also known as IgG4 thyroiditis, is associated with clinical, serological, sonographic and morphological features that are distinctive from those of the non-IgG4 subgroup. We describe an interesting case of IgG4-positive mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma arising in a background of IgG4 thyroiditis. The thyroid gland showed typical features of IgG4 thyroiditis, including characteristic patterns of fibrosis. A dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate diffusely involved the entire gland without formation of a destructive tumour mass. Lymphoepithelial lesions were prominent. There were abundant IgG4-positive plasma cells, with the IgG4/IgG ratio exceeding 40%. The IgG4-positive plasma cells were monotypic for kappa light chain, and there was monoclonal IGH rearrangement. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization revealed IGH translocation without translocation of MALT1, bcl-10, or FOXP1. This represents the first case of IgG4-producing MALT lymphoma associated with IgG4 thyroiditis. IGH translocation with an unknown partner gene was identified. We suggest the performance of serum and immunohistochemical investigations for IgG and IgG4 in all cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis to diagnose IgG4 thyroiditis. In addition, clonality assays and light chain studies are useful to exclude a low-grade lymphoma arising in this context. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. [Analysis of Correlation between IgG Titer of Pregnant Women and Neonatal Hemolytic Complications of Different Blood Groups]. (United States)

    Ye, Hai-Hui; Huang, Hong-Hai; Wang, Xiao-Lin; Pi, You-Jun


    To study the relationship between IgG titer of pregnant women and hemolytic disease of newborn(HDN) with different blood groups. Four hundred pregnant women, including pregnant women with type O blood, were selected from May 2014 to January 2015 in our hospital for inspection and a couple of different blood groups, the IgG titer of pregnant women were detected in the inspection process. According to neonatal HDN, newborns were divided into 2 groups: HDN group(85 cases) and non-HDN group(315 cases). The incidence of postpartum neonatal hemolytic disease was tracked and the correlation of IgG titers with HDN were systematically analyzed. In the production and inspection process, the IgG titer in pregnant women was divided into groups. the comparison of HDN incidence rate in 4 groups of IgG titer >64 and IgG titer group showed that the prevalence of ABO hemolytic disease of newborn were 96.9%, 79.6%, 63, 7% and 28.8%, there was a certain correlation of pregnant women IgG titers with ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn, that is, with the increase of IgG titer, the incidence of hemolytic disease of newborns increased in certain degree (r=0.8832), the risk in 4 groups of neonatal HDN was higher than that in IgG titer 64 HDN group. There is a certain corelation between prevalence of ABO-HDN and IgG titer of pregnant women. For these pregnant women, the control of the pregnant women IgG titer has a positive clinical significance to reduce the incidence of hemolytic disease of the newborn.

  3. Enhancement of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity by endowing IgG with FcαRI (CD89) binding. (United States)

    Borrok, M Jack; Luheshi, Nadia M; Beyaz, Nurten; Davies, Gareth C; Legg, James W; Wu, Herren; Dall'Acqua, William F; Tsui, Ping


    Fc effector functions such as antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and antibody-dependent cell-mediated phagocytosis (ADCP) are crucial to the efficacy of many antibody therapeutics. In addition to IgG, antibodies of the IgA isotype can also promote cell killing through engagement of myeloid lineage cells via interactions between the IgA-Fc and FcαRI (CD89). Herein, we describe a unique, tandem IgG1/IgA2 antibody format in the context of a trastuzumab variable domain that exhibits enhanced ADCC and ADCP capabilities. The IgG1/IgA2 tandem Fc format retains IgG1 FcγR binding as well as FcRn-mediated serum persistence, yet is augmented with myeloid cell-mediated effector functions via FcαRI/IgA Fc interactions. In this work, we demonstrate anti-human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 antibodies with the unique tandem IgG1/IgA2 Fc can better recruit and engage cytotoxic polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells than either the parental IgG1 or IgA2. Pharmacokinetics of IgG1/IgA2 in BALB/c mice are similar to the parental IgG, and far surpass the poor serum persistence of IgA2. The IgG1/IgA2 format is expressed at similar levels and with similar thermal stability to IgG1, and can be purified via standard protein A chromatography. The tandem IgG1/IgA2 format could potentially augment IgG-based immunotherapeutics with enhanced PMN-mediated cytotoxicity while avoiding many of the problems associated with developing IgAs.

  4. IgG Responses to Tissue-Associated Antigens as Biomarkers of Immunological Treatment Efficacy

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    Heath A. Smith


    Full Text Available We previously demonstrated that IgG responses to a panel of 126 prostate tissue-associated antigens are common in patients with prostate cancer. In the current report we questioned whether changes in IgG responses to this panel might be used as a measure of immune response, and potentially antigen spread, following prostate cancer-directed immune-active therapies. Sera were obtained from prostate cancer patients prior to and three months following treatment with androgen deprivation therapy (=34, a poxviral vaccine (=31, and a DNA vaccine (=21. Changes in IgG responses to individual antigens were identified by phage immunoblot. Patterns of IgG recognition following three months of treatment were evaluated using a machine-learned Bayesian Belief Network (ML-BBN. We found that different antigens were recognized following androgen deprivation compared with vaccine therapies. While the number of clinical responders was low in the vaccine-treated populations, we demonstrate that ML-BBN can be used to develop potentially predictive models.

  5. Epstein-Barr virus in the enlarged salivary tissues of patients with IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Furukawa, Takatoshi; Shimotai, Yoshitaka; Ohta, Nobuo; Ishida, Akihiro; Kurakami, Kazuya; Suzuki, Hitoshi; Yamakawa, Mitsunori; Hongo, Seiji; Kakehata, Seiji


    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently recognized disease entity characterized by high-serum IgG4 concentration and IgG4-producing plasma cell production with fibrotic or sclerotic changes in affected organs. We aimed to clarify the roles of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in patients with IgG4-RDs. A retrospective clinical study at the Yamagata University School of Medicine, Yamagata, Japan. The patient group consisted of four males and four females with an average age of 62 years (range: 48-73). Expression of IgG4, latent member protein 1, EBV nuclear antigens-2, and EBV-encoded RNA in affected salivary glands from patients with IgG4-RD was examined by using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. The copy number of EBV DNA in the salivary glands was also investigated by real-time polymerase chain reaction. All patients had hard masses in the salivary or lacrimal glands, or both, bilaterally. Serum concentrations of IgG4 were elevated in all cases (mean 589.1, range 129-1750), and IgG4-positive plasmacytes were observed in the involved salivary glands. Four patients developed potentially life-threatening systemic involvement after initial salivary gland swelling. EBV-associated molecules (EBNA and EBER) were overexpressed in the affected salivary glands. The copy number of EBV DNA was significantly higher in patients with potentially life-threatening systemic involvement than in patients without systemic involvement (P < 0.05). These results suggest that the copy number of EBV DNA could be useful as diagnostic findings in IgG4-RD to predict potentially life-threatening systemic involvement. 4. © 2015 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

  6. Malaria resistance genes are associated with the levels of IgG subclasses directed against Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage antigens in Burkina Faso

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    Afridi Sarwat


    Full Text Available Abstract Background HBB, IL4, IL12, TNF, LTA, NCR3 and FCGR2A polymorphisms have been associated with malaria resistance in humans, whereas cytophilic immunoglobulin G (IgG antibodies are thought to play a critical role in immune protection against asexual blood stages of the parasite. Furthermore, HBB, IL4, TNF, and FCGR2A have been associated with both malaria resistance and IgG levels. This suggests that some malaria resistance genes influence the levels of IgG subclass antibodies. Methods In this study, the effect of HBB, IL4, IL12, TNF, LTA, NCR3 and FCGR2A polymorphisms on the levels of IgG responses against Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage extract was investigated in 220 individuals living in Burkina Faso. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient among IgG subclasses was determined. A family-based approach was used to assess the association of polymorphisms with anti-P. falciparum IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 levels. Results After applying a multiple test correction, several polymorphisms were associated with IgG subclass or IgG levels. There was an association of i haemoglobin C with IgG levels; ii the FcγRIIa H/R131 with IgG2 and IgG3 levels; iii TNF-863 with IgG3 levels; iv TNF-857 with IgG levels; and, v TNF1304 with IgG3, IgG4, and IgG levels. Conclusion Taken together, the results support the hypothesis that some polymorphisms affect malaria resistance through their effect on the acquired immune response, and pave the way towards further comprehension of genetic control of an individual’s humoral response against malaria.

  7. Endogenous IgG hypogammaglobulinaemia in critically ill adults with sepsis: systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Shankar-Hari, Manu; Culshaw, Nicholas; Post, Benjamin; Tamayo, Eduardo; Andaluz-Ojeda, David; Bermejo-Martín, Jesús F; Dietz, Sebastian; Werdan, Karl; Beale, Richard; Spencer, Jo; Singer, Mervyn


    Plasma immunoglobulin concentrations are acutely altered in critically ill patients with sepsis. However, the association between immunoglobulin levels on the day of sepsis diagnosis and subsequent mortality is inconsistent. Systematic review of studies that report immunoglobulin measurements and mortality among adults with sepsis managed in a critical care setting. Fixed and random effect meta-analyses were conducted using low IgG levels as primary exposure and acute mortality as the primary outcome. Both variables were used as defined in individual studies. The prevalence of a low immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration on the day of sepsis diagnosis was variable [58.3% (IQR 38.4-65.5%)]. Three cut-off points (6.1, 6.5 and 8.7 g/L) were used to define the lower limit of IgG concentrations in the included studies. A subnormal IgG level on the day of sepsis diagnosis was not associated with an increased risk of death in adult patients with severe sepsis and/or septic shock by both fixed and random effect meta-analysis (OR [95% CI] 1.32 [0.93-1.87] and 1.48 [0.78-2.81], respectively). This systematic review identifies studies of limited quality reporting heterogeneous sepsis cohorts with varying lower limits of normal for IgG. Although our data suggest that a subnormal IgG measurement on the day of sepsis diagnosis does not identify a subgroup of patients with a higher risk of death, further studies are needed to confirm or refute this finding, and whether optimal cut-offs and time windows can be defined for IgG measurement. This would determine whether patients receiving intravenous immunoglobulin therapy for sepsis could be stratified using IgG levels.

  8. New radioimmunoassay for IgM and IgG rheumatoid factors, based on a double antibody method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nordfang, O. (Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen (Denmark)); Hoeier-Madsen, M.; Lieberkind, J. (Statens Seruminstitut, Copenhagen (Denmark)); Halberg, P. (Medical Department, Division of Rheumatology, Hvidovre Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark)


    A new radioimmunoassay has been developed for measuring IgM and IgG rheumatoid factors. Diluted sera from donors and patients were incubated with immunoprecipitates prepared from sheep serum and rabbit anti-sheep IgG antiserum. The precipitates were washed, and radioiodinated rabbit F(ab')/sub 2/ fragments specific for human IgM or IgG were added. The precipitates were isolated by filtration and measured in a gamma counter. With this assay IgM rheumatoid factors were detected in sera from all patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis and in sera from 40% of patients with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. IgG rheumatoid factors were found in sera from 68% of the seropositive and 40% of the seronegative patients. Gel filtration experiments demonstrated that it is possible to detect monomeric IgG rheumatoid factors and IgM rheumatoid factors of molecular weight smaller than pentameric IgM. Furthermore it has been shown that IgG rheumatoid factor activity is still present after reduction of IgM rheumatoid factors with dithiotreitol.

  9. Monovalent IgG4 molecules (United States)

    Wilkinson, Ian C.; Fowler, Susan B.; Machiesky, LeeAnn; Miller, Kenneth; Hayes, David B.; Adib, Morshed; Her, Cheng; Borrok, M. Jack; Tsui, Ping; Burrell, Matthew; Corkill, Dominic J.; Witt, Susanne; Lowe, David C.; Webster, Carl I.


    Antibodies have become the fastest growing class of biological therapeutics, in part due to their exquisite specificity and ability to modulate protein-protein interactions with a high biological potency. The relatively large size and bivalency of antibodies, however, limits their use as therapeutics in certain circumstances. Antibody fragments, such as single-chain variable fragments and antigen binding-fragments, have emerged as viable alternatives, but without further modifications these monovalent formats have reduced terminal serum half-lives because of their small size and lack of an Fc domain, which is required for FcRn-mediated recycling. Using rational engineering of the IgG4 Fc domain to disrupt key interactions at the CH3-CH3 interface, we identified a number of point mutations that abolish Fc dimerization and created half-antibodies, a novel monovalent antibody format that retains a monomeric Fc domain. Introduction of these mutations into an IgG1 framework also led to the creation of half-antibodies. These half-antibodies were shown to be soluble, thermodynamically stable and monomeric, characteristics that are favorable for use as therapeutic proteins. Despite significantly reduced FcRn binding in vitro, which suggests that avidity gains in a dimeric Fc are critical to optimal FcRn binding, this format demonstrated an increased terminal serum half-life compared with that expected for most alternative antibody fragments. PMID:23567207

  10. Characteristics of primary Sjögren's syndrome patients with IgG4 positive plasma cells infiltration in the labial salivary glands. (United States)

    Liu, Chang; Zhang, Huayong; Yao, Genhong; Hu, Yunxia; Qi, Jingjing; Wang, Yan; Chen, Weiwei; Tang, Xiaojun; Li, Wenchao; Lu, Liwei; Gu, Luo; Sun, Lingyun


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) patients with IgG4 positive (IgG4 + ) plasma cell infiltration in labial salivary glands (LSGs). Paraffin sections of LSGs from 336 pSS patients were stained with IgG4 and IgG monoclonal antibodies. According to the infiltration of IgG4 + plasma cells, patients were divided and clinical and serological characteristics were analyzed and compared. Based on the infiltration of IgG4 + plasma cells in the LSGs, patients were divided into three subgroups, low IgG4, moderate IgG4, and high IgG4 groups. A negative association between the number of infiltrated IgG4 + plasma cells and the disease characteristics was observed. We found that the higher the IgG4 + expression in plasma cells, the lower the positive rates of serum anti-SSA antibodies, anti-SSB antibodies, antinuclear antibodies (ANA), and rheumatoid factor (RF). Besides, patients from the high IgG4 group had the highest frequency of interstitial lung disease (ILD, 30.6%) and tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN, 13.9%), but the lowest frequency of leucopenia (13.9%), thrombocytopenia (11.1%), and abnormal thyroidal function (0%). PSS patients with different IgG4 + plasma cells infiltration in the LSGs had distinctive clinical and laboratory characteristics. It may help us to further understand the role of IgG4 + plasma cells in pSS.

  11. Amylolytic activity of IgM and IgG antibodies from patients with multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Saveliev, Andrew N; Ivanen, Dina R; Kulminskaya, Anna A; Ershova, Nadezhda A; Kanyshkova, Tat'yana G; Buneva, Valentina N; Mogelnitskii, Alexander S; Doronin, Boris M; Favorova, Olga O; Nevinsky, Georgy A; Neustroev, Kirill N


    IgG and IgM antibodies from the sera of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) were found to possess amylolytic activity hydrolyzing alpha-(1-->4)-glucosyl linkages of maltooligosaccharides, glycogen, and several artificial substrates. Individual IgM fractions isolated from 54 analyzed patients with the clinically definite diagnoses of MS had approximately three orders of magnitude higher specific amylolytic activity than that for healthy donors, whereas IgG from only a few patients had high amylolytic activity. Strict criteria were used to prove that the amylolytic activity of IgMs and IgGs is their intrinsic property and is not due to any enzyme contamination. Fab fragments produced from IgM and IgG fractions of the MS patients displayed the same amylolytic activity. IgMs from various patients demonstrated different modes of action in hydrolyzing maltooligosaccharides.

  12. The Pathogenicity of Anti-β2GP1-IgG Autoantibodies Depends on Fc Glycosylation

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    Christoph Fickentscher


    Full Text Available To analyze the glycosylation of anti-β2GP1, we investigated purified IgG from healthy children, patients with APS, and asymptomatic adult carriers of antiphospholipid antibodies. We observed that in the sera of healthy children and of patients with APS, IgG3 and IgG2 were predominant, respectively. The potentially protective anti-β2GP1-IgM was lower in the sera of healthy children. Although anti-β2GP1-associated C1q did not differ between children and patients with antiphospholipid syndrome, the associated C3c was significantly higher in the sera of healthy children. This indicates a more efficient clearance of anti-β2GP1 immune complexes in the healthy children. This clearance is not accompanied by inflammation or coagulatory events. It is likely that the most important pathogenic factor of the anti-β2GP1-IgG is related to the different glycosylation observed in healthy and diseased individuals. We detected a significantly higher sialylation of anti-β2GP1-IgG isolated from the sera of healthy children and asymptomatic adults when compared with that of patients with clinically apparent antiphospholipid syndrome. Low sialylated IgG reportedly ameliorates inflammation and inflammation promotes hyposialylation. Thus, both reactions create a vicious circle that precipitates the pathology of the antiphospholipid syndrome including thrombus-formation. We conclude that the increased sialylation of anti-β2GP1-IgG of sera of healthy individuals limits their pathogenicity.

  13. The Induction of IgM and IgG Antibodies against HLA or MICA after Lung Transplantation

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    Annelieke W. M. Paantjens


    Full Text Available The production of IgG HLA antibodies after lung transplantation (LTx is considered to be a major risk factor for the development of chronic rejection, represented by the bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS. It has recently been observed that elevated levels of IgM HLA antibodies also correlates with the development of chronic rejection in heart and kidney transplantation. This study investigates the relationship between IgM and IgG antibodies against HLA and MICA after lung transplantation. Serum was collected from 49 patients once prior to transplantation and monthly for up to 1 year after lung transplantation was analyzed by Luminex to detect IgM and IgG antibodies against HLA and MICA. The presence of either IgM or IgG HLA and/or MICA antibodies prior to or after transplantation was not related to survival, gender, primary disease, or the development of BOS. Additionally, the production of IgG alloantibodies was not preceded by an increase in levels of IgM, and IgM levels were not followed by an increase in IgG. Under current immune suppressive regimen, although the presence of IgM antibodies does not correlate with BOS after LTx, IgM high IgG low HLA class I antibody titers were observed more in patients with BOS compared to patients without BOS.

  14. Igg Subclasses Targeting the Flagella of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Can Mediate Phagocytosis and Bacterial Killing (United States)

    Goh, Yun Shan; Armour, Kathryn L; Clark, Michael R; Grant, Andrew J; Mastroeni, Pietro


    Invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella are a common cause of invasive disease in immuno-compromised individuals and in children. Multi-drug resistance poses challenges to disease control, with a critical need for effective vaccines. Flagellin is an attractive vaccine candidate due to surface exposure and high epitope copy number, but its potential as a target for opsonophacytic antibodies is unclear. We examined the effect of targeting flagella with different classes of IgG on the interaction between Salmonella Typhimurium and a human phagocyte-like cell line, THP-1. We tagged the FliC flagellar protein with a foreign CD52 mimotope (TSSPSAD) and bacteria were opsonized with a panel of humanised CD52 antibodies with the same antigen-binding V-region, but different constant regions. We found that IgG binding to flagella increases bacterial phagocytosis and reduces viable intracellular bacterial numbers. Opsonisation with IgG3, followed by IgG1, IgG4, and IgG2, resulted in the highest level of bacterial uptake and in the highest reduction in the intracellular load of viable bacteria. Taken together, our data provide proof-of-principle evidence that targeting flagella with antibodies can increase the antibacterial function of host cells, with IgG3 being the most potent subclass. These data will assist the rational design of urgently needed, optimised vaccines against iNTS disease. PMID:27366588

  15. Sialylated Autoantigen-Reactive IgG Antibodies Attenuate Disease Development in Autoimmune Mouse Models of Lupus Nephritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Yannic C. Bartsch


    Full Text Available Pro- and anti-inflammatory effector functions of IgG antibodies (Abs depend on their subclass and Fc glycosylation pattern. Accumulation of non-galactosylated (agalactosylated; G0 IgG Abs in the serum of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE patients reflects severity of the diseases. In contrast, sialylated IgG Abs are responsible for anti-inflammatory effects of the intravenous immunoglobulin (pooled human serum IgG from healthy donors, administered in high doses (2 g/kg to treat autoimmune patients. However, whether low amounts of sialylated autoantigen-reactive IgG Abs can also inhibit autoimmune diseases is hardly investigated. Here, we explore whether sialylated autoantigen-reactive IgG Abs can inhibit autoimmune pathology in different mouse models. We found that sialylated IgG auto-Abs fail to induce inflammation and lupus nephritis in a B cell receptor (BCR transgenic lupus model, but instead are associated with lower frequencies of pathogenic Th1, Th17 and B cell responses. In accordance, the transfer of small amounts of immune complexes containing sialylated IgG Abs was sufficient to attenuate the development of nephritis. We further showed that administration of sialylated collagen type II (Col II-specific IgG Abs attenuated the disease symptoms in a model of Col II-induced arthritis and reduced pathogenic Th17 cell and autoantigen-specific IgG Ab responses. We conclude that sialylated autoantigen-specific IgG Abs may represent a promising tool for treating pathogenic T and B cell immune responses in autoimmune diseases.

  16. IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis with plasma cell-rich renal arteritis. (United States)

    Sharma, Shree G; Vlase, Horia L; D'Agati, Vivette D


    Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related tubulointerstitial nephritis is a newly recognized clinicopathologic entity that may occur as an isolated renal lesion or as part of a multisystem disorder. It is characterized by plasma cell-rich interstitial nephritis with abundant IgG4-positive plasma cells and IgG-dominant tubulointerstitial immune deposits. We report the first case of IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis with multifocal plasma cell-rich renal arteritis presenting as acute kidney injury in a 72-year-old man. Seven weeks of prednisone therapy led to nearly complete recovery of kidney function. This case enlarges the morphologic spectrum of this disorder and emphasizes the need to distinguish it from other causes of renal vasculitis. Copyright © 2013 National Kidney Foundation, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Comparison of Salivary Anti Helicobacter pylori IgG with Serum IgG and Bacteriological Tests in Detecting Helicobacter pylori Infections

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    H Ghasemian safaei


    Full Text Available Background: This study was conducted to compare the efficacy of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA for detecting anti-Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori specific IgG antibodies in specimens of oral fluid and serum with bacteriological tests. Methods: Antral biopsy specimens, as well as serum and oral fluid samples were collected from 97 patients who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The presence or absence of current H. pylori infection was determined by culture, histology and urease detection. Anti-H. pylori specific IgG was detected in serum and oral fluid, using an established lab-made, and a commercial ELISA kit. The obtained data were compared with results of bacteriological tests. Results: In all, 62 (64% of 97 patients were positive for H. pylori by one or more of the gold standard tests (culture, histology and urease detection. Lab-made enzyme-linked immunoassay of oral fluid had a sensitivity and specificity of 92% and 83% respectively. A sensitivity and specificity of 87% and 83%, respectively, was obtained with the commercial kit. Lab-made enzyme-linked immunoassay of serum samples had a sensitivity and specificity of 90% and 88%, respectively. A sensitivity of 86% and specificity of 86% was obtained with the commercial kit. Conclusion: Detection of anti-H. pylori specific IgG in oral fluid by ELISA is comparable in sensitivity and specificity with serum based methods. Oral fluid based ELISA could provide a reliable, non-invasive method for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection. Saliva testing may have a role in epidemiological studies. Keywords: Helicobacter pylori, ELISA, Oral fluid

  18. Prevalencia de hepatitis viral A y B y factores de riesgo asociados a su infección en la población escolar de un distrito de Huánuco - Perú

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    C Heriberto Hidalgo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de marcadores serológicos para la infección por el virus de la hepatitis A y B en la población escolar del distrito de Huánuco e identificar los factores asociados a dichas infecciones. Materiales y métodos: en este estudio transversal analítico se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria y estratificada de 270 del total de escolares registrados en los diferentes centros educativos del distrito de Huánuco, Departamento de Huánuco-Perú, de abril a diciembre del 2000, en quienes se evaluó la presencia de HBsAg y anticuerpos anti-HAV, anticuerpos totales, anticuerpos IgM anti-HBcAg, anti-HDV y antígeno "e" en sangre (Estos últimos tres sólo a los HBsAg reactivos. La presencia de factores de riesgo para la infección por estos dos virus fue evaluada por una encuesta epidemiológica. Resultados: 257 (95,2% escolares tuvieron Anticuerpos anti-HAV, 8 (3,0% resultaron ser portadores de HBsAg, 62 (23,0% tuvieron anticuerpos anti- HBcAg y ninguno de los 8 portadores de HBsAg tuvieron anticuerpos anti-HDV, anticuerpos IgM anti-HBcAg, ni antígeno "e" (HBeAg. La edad mayor a 11 años estuvo asociada a la presencia de anti-HAV (OR=14,3, p<0,001. El tener vivienda de adobe estuvo asociado a la reactividad al HBsAg (OR=5,1, p=0,045 y el tener relaciones sexuales estuvo asociado a la presencia de anticuerpos anti-HBcAg (OR=6,49, p=0,003. Conclusiones: el distrito de Huánuco tiene una alta endemicidad para HAV y endemicidad intermedia para el HBV. La edad mayor de 11 años estuvo asociada a una mayor infección por HAV y el tener vivienda precaria y relaciones sexuales a una mayor infección por HBV.

  19. Salivary IgG assay to detect Helicobacter pylori infection in an Indian adult population

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    Ramya Thirumala Krishnaswamy


    Conclusion: EIAgen H. pylori IgG assay is a noninvasive, moderately accurate, and sensitive method for the detection of H. pylori infection in saliva. Salivary anti H. pylori IgG test prior to endoscopy is a useful screening test for seroepidemiological studies.

  20. A case developing minimal change disease during the course of IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Yamada, Kazunori; Zoshima, Takeshi; Ito, Kiyoaki; Mizushima, Ichiro; Hara, Satoshi; Horita, Shigeto; Nuka, Hiromi; Hamano, Ryoko; Fujii, Hiroshi; Yamagishi, Masakazu; Kawano, Mitsuhiro


    We describe a 66-year-old male with immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) presenting with minimal change disease (MCD). Three years prior to this admission, the patient had been diagnosed with IgG4-RD. The development of sudden massive proteinuria (4+; 16.7 g/gCr) with a weight gain of 8 kg within a two-week period was noted, and nephrotic syndrome was suspected. The patient's serum IgG4 level did not increase and hypocomplementemia was not found. A renal biopsy showed no cellular infiltration in the renal interstitium, and no spiking or bubbling was found on periodic acid methenamine silver staining. On electron microscopy, foot process effacement was seen, but no subepithelial electron-dense deposits were found. The patient was diagnosed with MCD. Ten days after starting prednisolone (60 mg/day), proteinuria was negative. Since IgG4-RD and MCD share a T-helper 2-dominant immunoreaction, the development of MCD in IgG4-RD patients may reflect more than a mere coincidence.

  1. Exposición a Estreptococo del grupo B en mujeres mexicanas en edad reproductiva Serologic evidence of high exposure to Group B streptococci (Streptococcus agalactiae in Mexican women of reproductive age

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    Gerardo Palacios-Saucedo


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la seroprevalencia de la infección por Estreptococo del grupo B (EGB en una muestra representativa de mujeres en edad reproductiva de la República Mexicana. Material y métodos. Se estudió una muestra representativa de sueros de la población femenina mexicana de 15 a 40 años de edad, de todos los niveles socioeconómicos. La muestra fue seleccionada del Banco Nacional de Sueros por muestreo aleatorio simple por computadora. Los sueros se obtuvieron durante la última encuesta seroepidemiológica nacional realizada en 1987 y 1988. Los ensayos para la estandarización y la evaluación de la seroprevalencia se llevaron a cabo en el Hospital de Pediatría del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI, del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS entre enero y noviembre de 1995. Se midieron anticuerpos IgG antipolisacárido de grupo de EGB usando un ensayo inmunoenzimático (ELISA estandarizado y validado en el laboratorio, utilizando un antígeno específico de grupo, producido y purificado a partir de la cepa de referencia de EGB 110. Resultados. Se estudió un total de 2 669 muestras de suero, de las cuales 2 405 fueron positivas para la presencia de anticuerpos IgG contra el antígeno de grupo de EGB. Esto corresponde a una seroprevalencia de 90.2 %. No hubo diferencia en los porcentajes de seropositividad por grupos de edad ni por entidades federativas. Conclusiones. Se detectó una elevada prevalencia de anticuerpos contra el antígeno de grupo del EGB. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que existe una elevada exposición de las mujeres mexicanas jóvenes a este microrganismo.Objective. To assess the prevalence of IgG antibodies against Group B streptococci (GBS among women of reproductive age in Mexico. Material and Methods. Serum specimens were drawn from 15 to 40 year-old women, representative of all regions and socioeconomic levels of the country. The sample was randomly selected from Banco Nacional de Sueros (National

  2. Tubulointerstitial fibrosis in patients with IgG4-related kidney disease: pathological findings on repeat renal biopsy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arai, Haruna; Hayashi, Hiroki; Takahashi, Kazuo; Koide, Shigehisa; Sato, Waichi; Hasegawa, Midori; Yamaguchi, Yutaka; Aten, Jan; Ito, Yasuhiko; Yuzawa, Yukio


    Renal parenchymal lesions in patients with IgG4-related kidney disease (IgG4-RKD) are characterized by tubulointerstitial nephritis with storiform fibrosis and infiltration by high numbers of IgG4-positive plasma cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and pathological effects of

  3. Recurrent meningitis in a child with IgG3 subclass deficiency. (United States)

    Vehapoglu, Aysel; Ozgurhan, Gamze; Demir, Aysegul Dogan; Uzuner, Selcuk; Nursoy, Mustafa Atilla; Turkmen, Serdar


    Recurrent meningitis is an uncommon life-threatening condition. Here, the case of a 6-year-old boy is reported who had two episodes of meningitis with an IgG3 subclass deficiency. The boy had aseptic meningitis at the age of 3 years, followed by bacterial meningitis at the age of 4 years. Primary immunoglobulin deficiencies are a group of disorders associated with an increased incidence and/or severity of infection. Recurrent infections, sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia are the most frequently observed illnesses in patients with IgG subclass deficiencies, of which an IgG3 subclass deficiency is the most common, especially in adults. Although cases of recurrent viral or bacterial meningitis have been reported, herein a patient is presented with recurrence of aseptic and bacterial meningitis 1 year after the initial episode. Some researchers recommend that all children with episodes of recurrent meningitis should be screened for primary immunoglobulin or complement deficiencies.

  4. IgG4-Related Disease Simulating Carcinoma Colon With Diffuse Peritoneal Carcinomatosis on 18F-FDG PET/CT. (United States)

    Vadi, Shelvin Kumar; Parihar, Ashwin Singh; Kumar, Rajender; Singh, Harmandeep; Mittal, Bhagwant Rai; Bal, Amanjit; Sinha, Saroj Kumar


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) continues to be a diagnostic challenge and a great mimicker of malignancies. We report here a case of young man who presented with subacute intestinal obstruction with initial imaging and clinical features suggestive of carcinoma colon. 18F-FDG PET/CT showed diffuse peritoneal carcinomatosis pattern typically seen with abdominal malignancies. However, the histopathology and the raised IgG4 levels diagnosed it to be IgG4-RD. Although 18F-FDG PET/CT has typical patterns corresponding to the multisystemic involvement of IgG4-RD, the index case did not show any such findings.

  5. The Fab Conformations in the Solution Structure of Human Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) Restrict Access to Its Fc Region (United States)

    Rayner, Lucy E.; Hui, Gar Kay; Gor, Jayesh; Heenan, Richard K.; Dalby, Paul A.; Perkins, Stephen J.


    Human IgG4 antibody shows therapeutically useful properties compared with the IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 subclasses. Thus IgG4 does not activate complement and shows conformational variability. These properties are attributable to its hinge region, which is the shortest of the four IgG subclasses. Using high throughput scattering methods, we studied the solution structure of wild-type IgG4(Ser222) and a hinge mutant IgG4(Pro222) in different buffers and temperatures where the proline substitution suppresses the formation of half-antibody. Analytical ultracentrifugation showed that both IgG4 forms were principally monomeric with sedimentation coefficients s20,w0 of 6.6–6.8 S. A monomer-dimer equilibrium was observed in heavy water buffer at low temperature. Scattering showed that the x-ray radius of gyration Rg was unchanged with concentration in 50–250 mm NaCl buffers, whereas the neutron Rg values showed a concentration-dependent increase as the temperature decreased in heavy water buffers. The distance distribution curves (P(r)) revealed two peaks, M1 and M2, that shifted below 2 mg/ml to indicate concentration-dependent IgG4 structures in addition to IgG4 dimer formation at high concentration in heavy water. Constrained x-ray and neutron scattering modeling revealed asymmetric solution structures for IgG4(Ser222) with extended hinge structures. The IgG4(Pro222) structure was similar. Both IgG4 structures showed that their Fab regions were positioned close enough to the Fc region to restrict C1q binding. Our new molecular models for IgG4 explain its inability to activate complement and clarify aspects of its stability and function for therapeutic applications. PMID:24876381

  6. IgA, IgE e subclasses de IgG anti-Candida albicans no soro e lavado vaginal de pacientes com candidíase vulvovaginal IgA, IgE and IgG subclasses to Candida albicans in serum and vaginal fluid from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis

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    Ricardo José Victal de Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar níveis de anticorpos IgA, IgE, IgG e subclasses (IgG1, IgG4 específicos a C. albicans no soro e lavado vaginal de mulheres com ou sem candidíase vulvovaginal para avaliar o papel destes anticorpos na imunopatogênese desta doença. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 30 mulheres com sintomas clínicos de candidíase vulvovaginal (15 com cultura de secreção vaginal positiva para C. albicans, 11 com cultura negativa e quatro com cultura positiva para Candida não-albicans e 12 mulheres controles assintomáticas (nove com cultura negativa. Amostras de soro e lavado vaginal foram obtidas para a detecção de anticorpos anti-C. albicans por ELISA. RESULTADOS: Pacientes sintomáticas com cultura positiva apresentaram níveis de IgA específicas significativamente maiores no lavado vaginal e menores no soro do que aquelas com cultura negativa. Níveis séricos de IgE específica foram extremamente baixos em relação ao lavado vaginal. Altos níveis de IgG total específica foram encontrados no soro e lavado vaginal em ambos os grupos, independente da presença do fungo. Níveis de IgG1 e IgG4 específicas foram significativamente maiores somente no lavado vaginal de mulheres sintomáticas e cultura positiva, com relação IgG1/IgG4 ligeiramente maior, indicando que a resposta de anticorpos IgG1 possa estar predominantemente envolvida na resolução da infecção fúngica. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados indicam resposta acentuada de IgA, IgG1 e IgG4 anti-C. albicans no lavado vaginal de mulheres sintomáticas com cultura positiva, sugerindo importante papel destes anticorpos na resposta imune local estimulada pela presença do fungo.PURPOSE: To determine the levels of IgA, IgE, IgG and subclasses (IgG1, IgG4 antibodies specific to C. albicans in serum and vaginal washes from women with or without vulvovaginal candidiasis in order to evaluate the role of these antibodies in the immunopathogenesis of the disease. METHODS: Thirty women

  7. Clonal expansion of CD4(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes in patients with IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Mattoo, Hamid; Mahajan, Vinay S; Maehara, Takashi; Deshpande, Vikram; Della-Torre, Emanuel; Wallace, Zachary S; Kulikova, Maria; Drijvers, Jefte M; Daccache, Joe; Carruthers, Mollie N; Castelino, Flavia V; Stone, James R; Stone, John H; Pillai, Shiv


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a systemic condition of unknown cause characterized by highly fibrotic lesions with dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. CD4(+) T cells constitute the major inflammatory cell population in IgG4-RD lesions. We used an unbiased approach to characterize CD4(+) T-cell subsets in patients with IgG4-RD based on their clonal expansion and ability to infiltrate affected tissue sites. We used flow cytometry to identify CD4(+) effector/memory T cells in a cohort of 101 patients with IgG4-RD. These expanded cells were characterized by means of gene expression analysis and flow cytometry. Next-generation sequencing of the T-cell receptor β chain gene was performed on CD4(+)SLAMF7(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and CD4(+)GATA3(+) TH2 cells in a subset of patients to identify their clonality. Tissue infiltration by specific T cells was examined by using quantitative multicolor imaging. CD4(+) effector/memory T cells with a cytolytic phenotype were expanded in patients with IgG4-RD. Next-generation sequencing revealed prominent clonal expansions of these CD4(+) CTLs but not CD4(+)GATA3(+) memory TH2 cells in patients with IgG4-RD. The dominant T cells infiltrating a range of inflamed IgG4-RD tissue sites were clonally expanded CD4(+) CTLs that expressed SLAMF7, granzyme A, IL-1β, and TGF-β1. Clinical remission induced by rituximab-mediated B-cell depletion was associated with a reduction in numbers of disease-associated CD4(+) CTLs. IgG4-RD is prominently linked to clonally expanded IL-1β- and TGF-β1-secreting CD4(+) CTLs in both peripheral blood and inflammatory tissue lesions. These active, terminally differentiated, cytokine-secreting effector CD4(+) T cells are now linked to a human disease characterized by chronic inflammation and fibrosis. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. State of IgG4-positive plasma cells in the colon mucosa of chronic inflammatory bowel disease

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    Yu.А. Gaidar


    Full Text Available Background. The diagnosis of IgG4-associated sclerosing disease, IgG4-associatied condition, is based on a comprehensive evaluation of characteristic clinical, radiographic, serologic, histological and immunohistochemical features. The histopathological is the main examination in the diagnosis of IgG4-associatied diseases. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the state of IgG4-positive plasma cells in the mucosa of the colon in patients with established morphological and endoscopic diagnosis of ulcerative colitis (UC and Crohn’s disease (CD. Materials and methods. The study used biopsies material from 14 patients treated at the Institute of Gastroenterology, in the department intestine diseases, with established morphological and endoscope diagnosis of UC (8 and CD (6 in the acute stage. All patients had no evidence of autoimmune pancreatitis type I and II. Biopsy were fixed in 10.0% neutral formalin, dehydrated in alcohols of increasing concentration and embedded in paraffin for histological studies. Histological sections of 3–5 µm were colored with hematoxylin and eosin. There were used monoclonal IgG4 antibodies for immunohistochemical studies (Abcam, USA. Results. Our results show that with ulcerative colitis in 37.5 % of cases IgG4-positive plasma cells in the colon mucosa have not been identified. In 25 % of cases, sporadic IgG4-positive plasma cells were identified. In 37.5 % of cases, the groups of IgG4-positive plasma cells not exceeding 5 cells in one group were found. In Crohn’s disease, groups of IgG4-positive plasma cells were observed in all cases, in addition it should be noted that the group included 10 or more cells. Conclusions. It is shown that in UC, IgG4-positive plasma cells may be absent, solitary or gathered in small groups to 5 cells, and in CD, the groups consisting of 10 or more cells are observed.

  9. IgG4-related disease -Mechanistic insights from both clinical and immunologic understanding of this condition. (United States)

    Maehara, Takashi


    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by tumescent lesions with characteristic storiform fibrosis, obliterative phlebitis and a marked lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate that includes a large number of IgG4 positive plasma cells. It's widely accepted that rituximab-mediated B cell depletion therapy is effective for this disease. Important mechanistic insights correlated with the pathogenesis of IgG4-RD have been gradually disclosed from studies of patients treated by B cell depletion. 1) IgG4-RD patients have the large clonal expansion of activated plasmablasts and CD4 + CTLs, so this disease might be antigen-driven. 2) CD4 + CTLs are the dominant population in affected tissues, on the other hands direct examination of T H1 and T H2 cells in tissues reveal that these subsets are sparse. 3) CD4 + CTLs into affected lesions secret cytotoxic, inflammatory, and pro-fibrotic cytokines, indicating reactivation by antigen in tissue sites. 4) The decline in CD4 + CTLs number by B cell depletion is associated with clinical remission of IgG4-RD patients. 5) CD4 + CXCR5 + T FH cells that express IL-4 are located outside germinal centers and specialized T FH cells that expanded dramatically in conditions with polarized class switching to IgG4. These results suggested that the disease pathogenesis might be based on orchestrating of activated plasmablasts, CD4 + CTLs, and T FH cells.

  10. LatY136F knock-in mouse model for human IgG4-related disease. (United States)

    Yamada, Kazunori; Zuka, Masahiko; Ito, Kiyoaki; Mizuguchi, Keishi; Kakuchi, Yasushi; Onoe, Tamehito; Suzuki, Yasunori; Yamagishi, Masakazu; Izui, Shozo; Malissen, Marie; Malissen, Bernard; Kawano, Mitsuhiro


    The adaptor protein Linker for activation of T cell (LAT) is a key signaling hub used by the T cell antigen receptor. Mutant mice expressing loss-of-function mutations affecting LAT and including a mutation in which tyrosine 136 is replaced by a phenylalanine (LatY136F) develop lymphoproliferative disorder involving T helper type 2 effector cells capable of triggering a massive polyclonal B cell activation that leads to hypergammaglobulinemia G1 and E and to non-resolving inflammation and autoimmunity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the phenotypes of LatY136F knock-in mice resemble the immunohistopathological features of immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD). LatY136F knock-in mice were sacrificed at 4-20 weeks of age, and pancreas, kidney, salivary gland and lung were obtained. All organs were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and with Azan for estimation of collagen in fibrosis, and the severity scores of inflammation and fibrosis were evaluated. Immunostainings were performed to analyze the types of infiltrating cells. In addition, the effects of corticosteroid treatment on the development of tissue lesions and serum levels of IgG1 were assessed. Tissue lesions characterized by inflammatory mononuclear cell infiltration and fibrosis were detected in pancreas, kidney, and salivary gland starting from 6 weeks of age. Immunostainings showed pronounced infiltration of plasma cells, CD4-positive T cells, and macrophages. Infiltrating plasma cells predominantly expressed IgG1. The extent of inflammation in pancreas and salivary glands was markedly reduced by corticosteroid treatment. LatY136F knock-in mice displayed increased production of Th2-type IgG1 (a homologue of human IgG4) and developed multiple organ tissue lesions reminiscent of those seen in patients with IgG4-RD. Moreover, the development of these tissue lesions was highly sensitive to corticosteroid treatment like in IgG4-RD. For these reasons we consider the LatY136F knock-in mouse

  11. Natural Mosquito-Pathogen Hybrid IgG4 Antibodies in Vector Borne Diseases: A Hypothesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Berlin L. Londono-Renteria


    Full Text Available Chronic exposure to antigens may favor the production of IgG4 antibodies over other antibody types. Recent studies have shown that up to a 30% of normal human IgG4 is bi-specific and is able to recognize two antigens of different nature. A requirement for this specificity is the presence of both eliciting antigens in the same time and at the same place where the immune response is induced. During transmission of most vector-borne diseases, the pathogen is delivered to the vertebrate host along with the arthropod saliva during blood feeding and previous studies have shown the existence of IgG4 antibodies against mosquito salivary allergens. However, there is very little ongoing research or information available regarding IgG4 bi-specificity with regards to infectious disease, particularly during immune responses to vector-borne diseases such as malaria, filariasis or dengue virus infection. Here, we provide background information and present our hypothesis that IgG4 may not only be a useful tool to measure exposure to infected mosquito bites, but that these bi-specific antibodies may also play an important role in modulation of the immune response against malaria and other vector-borne diseases in endemic settings.

  12. Induction of IgG3 to LPS via Toll-like receptor 4 co-stimulation.

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    Francisco J Quintana

    Full Text Available B-cells integrate antigen-specific signals transduced via the B-cell receptor (BCR and antigen non-specific co-stimulatory signals provided by cytokines and CD40 ligation in order to produce IgG antibodies. Toll-like receptors (TLRs also provide co-stimulation, but the requirement for TLRs to generate T-cell independent and T-cell dependent antigen specific antibody responses is debated. Little is known about the role of B-cell expressed TLRs in inducing antigen-specific antibodies to antigens that also activate TLR signaling. We found that mice lacking functional TLR4 or its adaptor molecule MyD88 harbored significantly less IgG3 natural antibodies to LPS, and required higher amounts of LPS to induce anti-LPS IgG3. In vitro, BCR and TLR4 signaling synergized, lowering the threshold for production of T-cell independent IgG3 and IL-10. Moreover, BCR and TLR4 directly associate through the transmembrane domain of TLR4. Thus, in vivo, BCR/TLR synergism could facilitate the induction of IgG3 antibodies against microbial antigens that engage both innate and adaptive B-cell receptors. Vaccines might exploit BCR/TLR synergism to rapidly induce antigen-specific antibodies before significant T-cell responses arise.

  13. Regulation of hippocampal synaptic plasticity by the tyrosine kinase receptor, REK7/EphA5, and its ligand, AL-1/Ephrin-A5. (United States)

    Gao, W Q; Shinsky, N; Armanini, M P; Moran, P; Zheng, J L; Mendoza-Ramirez, J L; Phillips, H S; Winslow, J W; Caras, I W


    The Eph-related tyrosine kinase receptor, REK7/EphA5, mediates the effects of AL-1/Ephrin-A5 and related ligands and is involved in the guidance of retinal, cortical, and hippocampal axons during development. The continued expression of REK7/EphA5 in the adult brain, in particular in areas associated with a high degree of synaptic plasticity such as the hippocampus, raises the question of its function in the mature nervous system. In this report we examined the role of REK7/EphA5 in synaptic remodeling by asking if agents that either block or activate REK7/EphA5 affect synaptic strength in hippocampal slices from adult mouse brain. We show that a REK7/EphA5 antagonist, soluble REK7/EphA5-IgG, impairs the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) without affecting other synaptic parameters such as normal synaptic transmission or paired-pulse facilitation. In contrast, perfusion with AL-1/Ephrin-A5-IgG, an activator of REK7/EphA5, induces a sustained increase in normal synaptic transmission that partially mimics LTP. The sustained elevation of normal synaptic transmission could be attributable to a long-lasting binding of the AL-1/Ephrin-A5-IgG to the endogenous REK7/EphA5 receptor, as revealed by immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, maximal electrical induction of LTP occludes the potentiating effects of subsequent treatment with AL-1/Ephrin-A5-IgG. Taken together these results implicate REK7/EphA5 in the regulation of synaptic plasticity in the mature hippocampus and suggest that REK7/EphA5 activation is recruited in the LTP induced by tetanization. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.

  14. Dynamics of Inter-heavy Chain Interactions in Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Subclasses Studied by Kinetic Fab Arm Exchange

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rispens, Theo; Davies, Anna M.; Ooijevaar-de Heer, Pleuni; Absalah, Samira; Bende, Onno; Sutton, Brian J.; Vidarsson, Gestur; Aalberse, Rob C.


    Background: Fab arm exchange requires weak interactions between CH3 domains, such as in human IgG4. Results: CH3-CH3 interactions differ >1,000,000-fold between human subclasses and allotypes due to variations Lys/Asn-392, Val/Met-397, and Lys/Arg-409. Conclusion: For IgG2 and IgG3, but not IgG1,

  15. IgG4-related kidney disease: MRI findings with emphasis on the usefulness of diffusion-weighted imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Bohyun; Kim, Jin Hee, E-mail:; Byun, Jae Ho; Kim, Hyoung Jung; Lee, Seung Soo; Kim, So Yeon; Lee, Moon-Gyu


    Objectives: To investigate the imaging findings of immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related kidney disease (IgG4-KD) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and to evaluate the usefulness of DWI in lesion detection. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 31 patients with IgG4-KD who underwent MRI covering both kidneys. Two radiologists reviewed in consensus the MR images to determine the distribution pattern (location, laterality, and multiplicity) and the visually assessed signal intensity (hypointense, isointense or hyperintense) of the renal lesions compared to the normal renal parenchyma on each sequence. Per-patient sensitivity for detecting IgG4-KD and the number of detectable lesions were compared in T2-weighted images, DWI, and dynamic contrast-enhanced images. Results: IgG4-KD typically manifested as bilateral (83.9%), multiple (93.5%), and renal parenchymal (87.1%) nodules appearing isointense (93.5%) on T1-weighted images, hypointense (77.4%) on T2-weighted images, hyperintense (100%) on DWI (b = 1000), and hypointense (83.3%) in the arterial phase and with a progressive enhancement pattern on dynamic contrast-enhanced images. The sensitivity of DWI for detecting IgG4-KD was significantly higher than that of T2-weighted images (100% vs. 77.4%, P = 0.034). The median number of detectable lesions was significantly greater in DWI (n = 9) than in T2-weighted images (n = 2) and dynamic contrast-enhanced images (n = 5) (P ≤ 0.008). Conclusions: The characteristic MRI findings of IgG4-KD were bilateral, multiple, renal parenchymal nodules with T2 hypointensity, diffusion restriction, and a progressive enhancement pattern. As DWI was useful in the detection of IgG4-KD, adding DWI to conventional MRI for patients suspected of having IgG4-KD may enhance the diagnosis.

  16. IgG4-related kidney disease: MRI findings with emphasis on the usefulness of diffusion-weighted imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Bohyun; Kim, Jin Hee; Byun, Jae Ho; Kim, Hyoung Jung; Lee, Seung Soo; Kim, So Yeon; Lee, Moon-Gyu


    Objectives: To investigate the imaging findings of immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related kidney disease (IgG4-KD) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and to evaluate the usefulness of DWI in lesion detection. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 31 patients with IgG4-KD who underwent MRI covering both kidneys. Two radiologists reviewed in consensus the MR images to determine the distribution pattern (location, laterality, and multiplicity) and the visually assessed signal intensity (hypointense, isointense or hyperintense) of the renal lesions compared to the normal renal parenchyma on each sequence. Per-patient sensitivity for detecting IgG4-KD and the number of detectable lesions were compared in T2-weighted images, DWI, and dynamic contrast-enhanced images. Results: IgG4-KD typically manifested as bilateral (83.9%), multiple (93.5%), and renal parenchymal (87.1%) nodules appearing isointense (93.5%) on T1-weighted images, hypointense (77.4%) on T2-weighted images, hyperintense (100%) on DWI (b = 1000), and hypointense (83.3%) in the arterial phase and with a progressive enhancement pattern on dynamic contrast-enhanced images. The sensitivity of DWI for detecting IgG4-KD was significantly higher than that of T2-weighted images (100% vs. 77.4%, P = 0.034). The median number of detectable lesions was significantly greater in DWI (n = 9) than in T2-weighted images (n = 2) and dynamic contrast-enhanced images (n = 5) (P ≤ 0.008). Conclusions: The characteristic MRI findings of IgG4-KD were bilateral, multiple, renal parenchymal nodules with T2 hypointensity, diffusion restriction, and a progressive enhancement pattern. As DWI was useful in the detection of IgG4-KD, adding DWI to conventional MRI for patients suspected of having IgG4-KD may enhance the diagnosis

  17. Comparison of the multidetector-row computed tomography findings of IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yata, M.; Suzuki, K.; Furuhashi, N.; Kawakami, K.; Kawai, Y.; Naganawa, S.


    Aim: To compare the multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) findings of IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis (IgG4-SC) and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (EH-CCA). Materials and methods: Two radiologists who had no knowledge of the patients' clinical information retrospectively evaluated the CT findings of patients with IgG4-SC (n=33) and EH-CCA (n=39) on a consensus basis. Another radiologist measured the biliary lesions. IgG4-SC was diagnosed using the Japan Biliary Association criteria (2012) or the Mayo Clinic's HISORt criteria. EH-CCA was diagnosed based on surgical findings. Results: Compared with EH-CCA, IgG4-SC exhibited the following findings significantly more frequently: (a) wall thickening alone, (b) concentric wall thickening, (c) smooth inner margins, (d) homogeneous attenuation in the arterial phase, (e) a lesion involving the intrapancreatic bile duct, (f) smooth outer margins, (g) fully visible lumen, (h) a funnel-shaped proximal bile duct, (i) skip lesions, and (j) abnormal pancreatic findings. Conversely, (k) dual-layered attenuation in all phases was significantly more common in EH-CCA. The specificity values of parameters (e–k) were >80%. Regarding dimensions, (l) the biliary lesions were longer in IgG4-SC than in EH-CCA. (m) The diameters of the dilated proximal common bile duct and (n) the dilated proximal intrahepatic bile duct were smaller in IgG4-SC than in EH-CCA. Conclusion: A number of CT findings are useful for differentiating between IgG4-SC and EH-CCA. CT findings (e–k) are particularly useful for this purpose. - Highlights: • Some CT findings are useful for differentiating between IgG4-SC and EH-CCA. • Homogeneous attenuation in all phases was more common in IgG4-SC than in EH-CCA. • Abnormal pancreatic findings showed high sensitivity and specificity values. • Dual-layered attenuation in all phases was more common in EH-CCA than in IgG4-SC.


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    DC Álvarez


    Full Text Available El virus de bronquitis infecciosa (IBV causa una enfermedad altamente contagiosa, distribuida mundialmente, que conlleva graves pérdidas económicas. En algunas oportunidades se asocia con otras entidades como los virus de las enfermedades de Gumboro y de Newcastle, Mycoplasma gallisepticum y Escherichia coli. La alta variabilidad genética del virus ha generado una gran cantidad de cepas virales con diferentes cuadros clínicos. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la dinámica de anticuerpos del IBV en aves vacunadas y no vacunadas contra IBV, alojadas en una explotación de pollo de engorde donde se detectó el agente por RT-PCR, en Fusagasugá, Colombia, y aves vacunadas en semiaislamiento en Bogotá. Para esto se organizaron 3 grupos de aves (Ross 308 de 1 día de edad (44 aves/grupo, las cuales fueron vacunadas con un virus vivo atenuado, cepa Massachusetts H120, y se evaluó la respuesta inmune a través de la prueba de Elisa. Desde el primer día hasta el día 24 de edad se observó una disminución progresiva de los títulos de anticuerpos en los tres grupos, aunque en las aves vacunadas y no vacunadas mantenidas en granja se observaron niveles de anticuerpos superiores al grupo en condiciones de semiaislamiento. A partir del día 28 en las aves alojadas en campo se incrementaron levemente los títulos hasta final de ciclo. El leve aumento en el nivel de anticuerpos puede ser consecuencia de exposición al virus vacunal que generó reversión de patogenicidad, persistencia viral o una exposición tardía al virus de campo.

  19. Anti-inflammatory activity of human IgG4 antibodies by dynamic Fab arm exchange

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Neut Kolfschoten, Marijn; Schuurman, Janine; Losen, Mario; Bleeker, Wim K.; Martínez-Martínez, Pilar; Vermeulen, Ellen; den Bleker, Tamara H.; Wiegman, Luus; Vink, Tom; Aarden, Lucien A.; de Baets, Marc H.; van de Winkel, Jan G. J.; Aalberse, Rob C.; Parren, Paul W. H. I.


    Antibodies play a central role in immunity by forming an interface with the innate immune system and, typically, mediate proinflammatory activity. We describe a novel posttranslational modification that leads to anti-inflammatory activity of antibodies of immunoglobulin G, isotype 4 (IgG4). IgG4

  20. Effects of aerobic activity on serum IgG concentration in male physical education students

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    Arshadi Arshadi


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of aerobic activity on Serum IgG concentration. Consequently, 10 male physical education students with age ranging from 21 to 24 years old and mean body mass index 22.22 kg m2 volunteered to participate in this study. Aerobic activity was performed on bicycle ergometer for 30 minutes at intensity of 70 to 75 percent of maximum heart rate. Blood samples were obtained from subjects before and after aerobic activity. Changes in serum IgG concentration in pre-test and post-test were analyzed by dependent t-test using spss software. The results showed that aerobic activity not significantly effect on Serum IgG concentration (p=0.357. This study concludes that sub maximal aerobic activity does not affect on serum IgG concentration and there is no concern for athletes and coaches that sub maximal aerobic activity can impair immune function.