
Sample records for anemia con eritropoyetina

  1. Eficacia y seguridad de la eritropoyetina en la anemia de la prematuridad

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    Anett Sijó Yero

    Full Text Available Introducción: la eritropoyetina alfa recombinante forma parte del tratamiento de la anemia de la prematuridad. En Cuba su uso ha sido limitado y controvertido en cuanto a esquema y dosis empleada. Métodos: ensayo clínico prospectivo, multicéntrico, no aleatorizado, de eficacia y seguridad de eritropoyetina en la disminución de transfusiones en el recién nacido pretérmino de muy bajo peso. Se incluyeron 72 neonatos con edad gestacional menor de 34 semanas posmenstruales, y peso al nacer menor o igual a 1 500 g, con más de 7 días posnatales e ingesta de 50 mL/kg/día. Resultados: todos recibieron eritropoyetina 300 U/kg, subcutánea, 3 veces/semana, hasta las 40 semanas de edad gestacional y suplemento de hierro y vitaminas. La eritropoyetina fue muy segura, solo se notificó con relación posible una retinopatía de la prematuridad, ligera y recuperada. Conclusiones: se transfundieron 7 pacientes (9,7 % en el curso del estudio. El uso tardío de eritropoyetina en el pretérmino de muy bajo peso confirma su eficacia y seguridad.

  2. Tratamiento con eritropoyetina humana recombinante Human recombinant erythropoietin therapy

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    Hugo Donato


    Full Text Available La eritropoyetina recombinante (rHuEPO se ha transformado en la citoquina más utilizada terapéuticamente en el mundo. Luego del éxito obtenido en pacientes con insuficiencia renal terminal, se pudo establecer la utilidad de la terapia con rHuEPO para mejorar otras anemias, incluso en pacientes pediátricos y neonatos. El tratamiento o la prevención de la anemia del prematuro mediante el uso de rHuEPO llevó a una significativa reducción en cantidad de transfusiones y en exposición a dadores. Aún debe establecerse una clara definición sobre cuáles niños prematuros deben recibir tratamiento rutinariamente. Otras indicaciones en período neonatal incluyen anemias hiporregenerativas y hemolíticas. La eficacia de la rHuEPO en niños mayores, con excepción de la insuficiencia renal crónica, no ha sido tan exhaustivamente evaluada como en adultos. Mientras que durante los últimos años se han realizado gran cantidad de estudios en adultos con anemia asociada al cáncer o a infección por HIV, permitiendo establecer conclusiones claras sobre su eficacia, sólo escasa cantidad de estudios con pequeño número de pacientes han sido realizados en niños. Hasta la fecha, los resultados sugieren que la terapia con rHuEPO en niños es tan útil como en adultos, pero la realización de estudios aleatorizados prospectivos incluyendo gran número de pacientes es esencial para alcanzar conclusiones definitivas. Los resultados de estudios dirigidos a evaluar la eficacia de la rHuEpo para mantener una dosis adecuada de ribavirina en pacientes en tratamiento por hepatitis C son alentadores. La utilización potencial de los efectos no hemopoyéticos de la rHuEPO en neonatos es un terreno novedoso y apasionante. El rol de la Epo como citoprotector para sistema nervioso central y mucosa intestinal está bajo investigación exhaustiva.Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo has become the most widely used cytokine in the world. Following the success of

  3. Fundamentos del uso clínico de la eritropoyetina como neuroprotector Foundations of the clinical use of erythropoietin as a neuroprotective agent

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    Alain Valdivia Acosta


    Full Text Available Hace aproximadamente una década, se reportaron por primera vez, las propiedades neuroprotectoras de la eritropoyetina en estudios preclínicos. Todavía no se ha podido esclarecer con firmeza el posible mecanismo de acción neuroprotector de esta hormona, pero existen varias hipótesis. La eritropoyetina ha mostrado buenos resultados en preclínica como agente neuroprotector y todavía queda mucho camino por recorrer para lograr una adecuada efectividad y seguridad en la clínica en este sentido. Se investiga para lograr una eritropoyetina con actividad neuroprotectora que carezca, o al menos tenga disminuida su actividad hematopoyética. Disminuir sus efectos adversos, lograr una significativa biodisponibilidad al sistema nervioso central, alargar el tiempo de vida media y con ello evitar una alta frecuencia de administración al paciente, es lo que principalmente se está buscando. En este trabajo se realizó una búsqueda sobre los mecanismos de acción neuroprotectora hasta ahora propuestos para la eritropoyetina y se detallaron importantes consideraciones a tomar en cuenta, que pudieran influir sobre su utilización en la clínica.The neuroprotective properties of erythropoietin were reported for the first time in preclinical studies approximately a decade ago. The possible mechanism of neuroprotective action of this hormone has not been cleared yet, but here are diverse hypotheses. Erythropoietin has showed good results in preclinic as a neuroprotective agent and there is still a long way to go to attain an adequate effectivity and safety in the clinic in this sense. Research is being carried out to obtain an erythropoietin with neuroprotective activity that lacks or at least has a diminished hematopoietic activity. To reduce its adverse effects, to achieve a significant bioavailability to the central nervous system, to prolong its mean life and to avoid this way a high frequency of administration to the patient, is our main objective. In

  4. Evaluación de los niveles plasmáticos de hepcidina en pacientes con anemia ferropénica y cáncer colorectal


    Vila Montañés, María


    RESUMEN TESIS DOCTORAL TITULO: “Evaluación de los niveles plasmáticos de hepcidina en pacientes con anemia ferropénica y cáncer colorectal.” AUTOR: María Vila Montañés INTRODUCCIÓN El objetivo general de este trabajo fue determinar los niveles plasmáticos de hepcidina y su posible relación con el tratamiento con hierro intravenoso. El hierro es una terapia clave en el manejo de la anemia preoperatoria en los pacientes con cáncer colorectal. La anemia preoperatoria es una en...

  5. Anemia e insuficiência cardíaca na comunidade: comparação com um ambulatório especializado Anemia e insuficiencia cardiaca en la comunidad: comparación con un consultorio especializado Anemia and heart failure in a community-based cohort: comparison with a specialized outpatient clinic

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    Eduarda Barcellos dos Santos


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A anemia é comum em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC. Sua prevalência em pacientes com IC na comunidade é desconhecida em nosso meio. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência e características de pacientes com anemia em uma população não selecionada com IC na comunidade, comparando-a a uma população com IC atendida em um ambulatório especializado. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, prospectivo, observacional, realizado de janeiro de 2006 a março de 2007. Os pacientes com IC preenchiam os critérios de Boston, com pontuação >8. Anemia foi definida pelos critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde, como valores de hemoglobina FUNDAMENTO: La anemia es común en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC. Su prevalencia en pacientes con IC en la comunidad es desconocida en nuestro medio. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la prevalencia y características de pacientes con anemia en una población con IC no seleccionada en la comunidad, comparándola a una población con IC atendida en un consultorio especializado. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal, prospectivo, observacional, realizado de enero de 2006 a marzo de 2007. Los pacientes con IC cumplían los criterios de Boston, con puntuación >8. La anemia fue definida por los criterios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, como valores de hemoglobina BACKGROUND: Anemia is common in patients with heart failure (HF. Its prevalence in patients with HF from a community-based cohort is unknown in our country. OBJECTIVE: evaluate the prevalence and characteristics of patients with anemia in a non-selected population with HF from a community-based cohort, comparing it with that of a HF population treated at a specialized outpatient clinic. METHODS: This was a transversal, prospective, observational study, carried out from January 2006 to March 2007. The patients with HF met the Boston criteria, with a score > 8. Anemia was defined through the criteria of the World Health Organization as hemoglobin levels

  6. Anemia y anemia por déficit de hierro en niños menores de cinco años y su relación con el consumo de hierro en la alimentación. Turbo, Antioquia, Colombia Anemia and iron deficit anemia in children under five years of age and their relation with iron consumption in alimentation, Turbo, Antioquia, Colombia

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    Gloria Margarita Alcaraz López


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de anemia y de anemia por deficiencia de hierro y su relación con el contenido de hierro en la alimentación en niños de 6 meses a 5 años. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en el que se estudiaron 113 niños que asistieron a la consulta de crecimiento y desarrollo y al programa de vacunación de la ESE Hospital Francisco Valderrama de Turbo entre el mes de septiembre de 2001 y el mes de junio de 2002. Las pruebas de laboratorio empleadas fueron Hb, ferritina, coprológico directo y sangre oculta en heces. El hierro dietario se estudió con una encuesta semiestructurada. Resultados y discusión: Promedio de Hb 11,3 g/dl (DE 1,4; presentan anemia 48,7%, los más afectados fueron los menores de un año. Promedio de ferritina 47,1 µg/L (DE 58,7, mediana 23,3 µg/L.; 50,4% presentan ferritina baja y de estos, 23,9% presentan agotamiento en los depósitos de hierro. De los 55 niños con anemia 23,6% presentan anemia con deficiencia de hierro. Promedio en el consumo de hierro 7,1 mg/día (DE 3,96; promedio de hierro hemínico de 3,9 mg/día. Promedio de lactancia materna exclusiva: 3 meses. La lactancia se alterna con leche de vaca pasteurizada. De cada 10 menores de un año, 6 tienen anemia con déficit de hierro. Conclusiones: La anemia, la ferritina baja y el bajo consumo de hierro en los niños estudiados perfilan un grave problema de salud pública. Se requiere una política clara y articulada a la cultura de la población para prevenir este problema y sus secuelas en el crecimiento, el desarrollo y en la capacidad cognitiva de los niños.Objective: to determine the frequency of anemia and iron deficit anemia in relation to the iron content in the alimentation of children from 6 months to five years in Turbo. Methodology and materials: transversal descriptive study of 113 children attending the growth, development and vaccination program clinic, from September 2001 to June 2002

  7. Modificaciones funcionales ventilatorias en pacientes con anemia drepanocítica y antecedentes de síndrome torácico agudo Respiratory functional changes in patients with sickle cell anemia and history of acute chest synd

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    José René Mesa Cuervo


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo para evaluar la función ventilatoria en pacientes con anemia drepanocítica (AD y antecedentes de síndrome torácico agudo (STA atendidos en consulta externa del Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología de septiembre de 1999 a septiembre del 2000. El universo de estudio se dividió en 2 grupos: el primero constituido por 36 pacientes con el diagnóstico de AD y antecedente de STA, y el segundo por 17, con una distribución por edades y sexos similar al anterior con AD, pero sin el antecedente de STA. A todos los pacientes seleccionados se les realizaron las pruebas funcionales ventilatorias (PFV siguiendo criterios internacionales. La disfunción ventilatoria restrictiva se observó en todos los pacientes con AD independiente del antecedente de STA, sin embargo, el antecedente de 2 y más STA mostró los mayores porcentajes. La edad y el sexo no influyeron en los resultados espirométicosA prospective descriptive study was made to evaluate the respiratory function in patients with sickle cell anemia and history of acute chest syndrome seen at the outpatient service of the Institute of Hematology and Immunology from September 1999 to September 2000. The universe of study was divided into 2 groups: the first was made up of 36 patients diagnosed with sickle cell anemia and history of acute thoracic syndrome; and the second included 17 patients with sickle cell anemia, distributed by age and sex in a similar way as in the first one, but without history of acute chest syndrome. All the selected patients were applied the respiratory function tests according to the international criteria. Restrictive respiratory dysfunction was observed in all patients with sickle cell anemia regardless of their history of acute chest syndrome; however, the history of two or more syndromes showed the highest percentages. Age and sex did not influence the results

  8. Las variantes genéticas asociadas con niveles de hemoglobina fetal señalan diversos orígenes étnicos en pacientes colombianos con anemia falciforme

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    Cristian Fong


    Full Text Available Introducción. La hemoglobina fetal es un importante factor modulador de la gravedad de la anemia falciforme, cuya expresión está muy condicionada por el factor genético. Los loci asociados con el incremento de la hemoglobina fetal pueden presentar frecuencias alélicas específicas para cada población. Objetivo. Investigar la presencia y el efecto de las variantes genéticas rs11886868, rs9399137, rs4895441 y rs7482144 asociadas con la persistencia de hemoglobina fetal, en 60 pacientes colombianos con anemia falciforme. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo la genotipificación de los polimorfismos de nucleótido simple (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNP mediante la técnica de polimorfismos de longitud de fragmentos de restricción (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms, RFLP y el procedimiento TaqMan. La hemoglobina fetal (HbF se cuantificó utilizando la técnica de desnaturalización alcalina de la oxihemoglobina. Las frecuencias genotípicas se compararon con las reportadas en poblaciones de referencia global. Resultados. Se observaron variantes genéticas ya reportadas para aumento de HbF en los cuatro SNP. La asociación genética entre los SNP y el incremento de la HbF no alcanzó significancia estadística. La frecuencia de estos alelos reflejó la siguiente composición específica en esta muestra de pacientes colombianos: una gran prevalencia de rs7482144-‘A’, lo que indica que el origen de la mutación para la anemia falciforme es África occidental, y una gran frecuencia de rs4895441-‘G’ y rs11886868-‘C’, lo que denota la influencia significativa del origen genético amerindio. Conclusión. Los resultados evidenciaron que la población con anemia falciforme de Colombia no tiene un único origen genético, sino que existen dos (africano y amerindio. Esta situación genética única ofrece la oportunidad de llevar a cabo un estudio más amplio de estos loci a nivel molecular. Se espera que el estudio de pacientes

  9. Estudio longitudinal de anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos en pacientes con anemia drepanocítica Longitudinal study of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in patients with sickle cell anemia

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    Ana María Guerreiro Hernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal para detectar anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA en 13 pacientes con anemia drepanocítica en crisis vasooclusiva y en estado basal, mediante un método de inmunofluorescencia indirecta. Del total de 34 muestras de suero obtenidas, 16 fueron en crisis vasooclusiva y en 12 de ellas, correspondientes a 10 pacientes, se demostró la presencia de p-ANCA. En el resto de las muestras en crisis vasooclusiva y en estado basal no se observó la presencia de p-ANCA o c-ANCA. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la posible participación de los p-ANCA en el daño isquémico, así como la importancia de su medición en el diagnóstico de las crisis vasooclusivas (CVO en los pacientes con anemia drepanocítica (ADA longitudinal study was made to detect antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA in 13 patients with sickle cell anemia in vasocclusive crisis and basal state by using an indirect immunofluorescence method. Of 34 serum samples, 16 were in vasocclusive crisis and 12 of them corresponding to 10 patients revealed the presence of p-ANCA. Neither p-ANCA nor c-ANCA was observed in the rest of the samples taken in vasoclussive crisis and in basal state. The results achieved signaled a possible involvement of p-ANCA in ischemic damage as well as the importance of their measurement in the diagnosis of vasocclusive crisis in patients with sickle cell anemia

  10. Influencia de la parasitemia sobre los valores de hemoglobina y anemia en niños con malaria por Plasmodium falciparum no complicada: experiencia en un hospital de Tanzania

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    Melkzedeck P. Mansi


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar la importancia de la parasitemia, su relación con los valores de hemoglobina y anemia en niños internados con malaria por Plasmodium falciparum no complicada, y su potencial uso como variable en la predicción de la hemoglobina y la anemia. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio clínico epidemiológico en el Hospital de Nzega, provincia de Tabora, Tanzania entre el 2001-2005, haciendo el diagnóstico con gota gruesa y extendido para investigar la presencia de hemoparásitos. Resultados: En el período de estudio fueron evaluados 165 pacientes con una edad media de 4,1 años (61,2% <5 años. La malaria se confirmó en 87,3% de ellos (100% por P. falciparum. La densidad parasitaria media fue de nueve parásitos por cada 200 glóbulos blancos (IC95% 6,69-11,24 y su Hb 8,4 (±1,6g/dL (82,42% con anemia. La edad y la parasitemia fueron predictores significativos de la anemia (F=13,622; p<0,001, teniendo mayor importancia la parasitemia (p=0,001 que la edad (p=0,014. Conclusión: El nivel de parasitemia de P. falciparum se asocia significativamente con menores niveles de hemoglobina en niños.

  11. Beneficios de la suplementación con L-carnitina en pacientes pediátricos hemodializados. Reporte de casos

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    JA Martínez-Morales


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la mayoría de los pacientes pediátricos con insuficiente renal crónica desarrollan desnutrición y anemia. Para tratar esta última se administra eritropoyetina como tratamiento de elección, pero no se logra recuperar la situación nutricional del paciente, por lo que la L-carnitina es una alternativa que mejora el estado nutricional y, al mismo tiempo, disminuye la frecuencia de anemia. OBJETIVO: mejorar los parámetros bioquímicos y antropométricos después de la suplementación con L carnitina en pacientes pediátricos.  MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio analítico y longitudinal, de una serie de casos en 25 participantes, ambos sexos, de 3 a 16 años de edad, con insuficiencia renal crónica y en tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Se les suministró L-carnitina por vía intravenosa (50 mg/ kg/sesión 30 minutos antes de terminar las sesiones de hemodiálisis, durante tres meses (36 sesiones. Antes y después de la maniobra se compararon algunos indicadores bioquímicos (hemoglobina, albumina, colesterol, triglicéridos, creatinina y antropométricos. Se realizó una comparación con T de Student y por proporciones (casos que mejoraron después de maniobra y la reducción del riesgo absoluto. RESULTADOS: la edad promedio de los casos fue 12.4 años (rango de 3 a 16 años. Al comparar los casos con T de Student se obtuvo una mejora significativa con la suplementación para el peso seco (p=0.004; índice de masa corporal (p=0.04; albúmina (p=0.02 y colesterol (p=0.003. Con el cálculo por proporciones de los casos que mejoraron con la maniobra se observó la reducción del riesgo atribuible en un rango de 12 a 68% de todas las variables de interés (hemoglobina, albúmina, colesterol, triglicéridos, peso seco e índice de masa corporal. CONCLUSIONES: la suplementación con L-carnitina intravenosa (50 mg/kg/sesión 30 minutos antes de terminar cada sesión de hemodiálisis, durante tres meses

  12. Anemias hemolíticas

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    Ricardo Cediel Ángel


    Full Text Available Hayem (1898 y más tarde Widal (1907 señalaron que, al paso que la forma congénita clásica de anemia hemolítica de Minkowski y Chauffard a menudo causaba pocos síntomas, otro tipo que ellos clasificaron como adquirido, con frecuencia' se asociaba con anemia severa y acentuada incapacidad. Incluyeron allí casos de excesiva destrucción de sangre asociada a diversas infecciones ó intoxicaciones lo mismo que casos de etiología desconocida. Chauffard fue capaz de demostrar autohemolisinas en el suero de unos pocos casos de anemia hemolítica aguda adquirida y se refirió a ellos como "ictericias hemolisínicas". Sin embargo por muchos años existió la duda de que hubiera un verdadero tipo de anemia hemolítica adquirida y muy poco fue tenida en cuenta la posibilidad de que pudiera jugar papel en estos casos una reacción inmunológica.

  13. El programa de suplementación con "Prenatal" para la prevención de la anemia en el embarazo

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    Magaly Padrón Herrera


    Full Text Available La anemia por deficiencia de hierro es el más frecuente problema nutricional en nuestro país y en especial en la población de gestantes. Para su prevención y control se utiliza la suplementación con preparados farmacéuticos como una forma práctica y efectiva para aliviar el problema. Para este fin se utiliza en la atención primaria el suplemento prenatal especialmente diseñado para el Programa de Atención Maternoinfantil. En el presente trabajo se exponen conocimientos esenciales del problema, los aspectos básicos para lograr una real efectividad en la acción preventiva y la función que debe desempeñar el médico de la familia en el programa de suplementación con prenatal para la prevención de la anemia en el embarazoIron-deficiency anemia is the most frequent nutritional problem in our country, and specially among pregnant women. For its prevention and control it is used the supplementation with pharmaceutical preparations as a practical and effective way to alleviate the situation. To this end, the prenatal supplement specially designed by the Program of Maternal and Child Care is used at the primary health care level. The essential knowledge of the problem, the basic aspects to achieve a real effectiveness in the preventive action, and the role the family physician should played in the supplementation program with prenatal for the prevention of anemia during pregnancy are approached in this paper

  14. Prevalencia de anemia y factores asociados en adultos mayores peruanos

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    Carolina Tarqui-Mamani

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia de anemia y factores asociados en los adultos mayores del Perú. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal durante el año 2011. El muestreo fue probabilístico, estratificado y multietápico. La muestra de viviendas fue 5792 y se incluyó 2172 adultos mayores. Se definió anemia como hemoglobina 23 a 80 años (OR 2,1; IC 95%: 1,4-3,0 y la delgadez (OR 1,7; IC 95%:1,2-2,3 se asociaron con la anemia. Los departamentos con mayor prevalencia de anemia fueron Ayacucho (57,6%, Ancash (40,1%, Lambayeque (37,7% y Apurímac (36,9%. Conclusiones. Aproximadamente la cuarta parte de los adultos mayores tuvieron anemia, siendo más predominante en los analfabetos, procedentes de áreas rurales y pobres. La mayor edad y la delgadez se asocian con la presencia de anemia en los adultos mayores peruanos

  15. DEGENERACIÓN COMBINADA SUBAGUDA, ANEMIA MEGALOBLÁSTICA Y MANIFESTACIONES NEUROPSIQUIÁTRICAS Caracterización clínica de catorce casos con deficiencia de cianocobalamina

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    Tomás Omar Zamora Bastidas


    Full Text Available La degeneración combinada subaguda es un desorden neurológico que afecta los cordones posteriores de la médula y se manifiesta precozmente con disestesia, parestesias y astenia severa. En pacientes de riesgo, es la manifestación inicial (y a veces única de una deficiencia de vitamina B12. El cerebro, el nervio óptico y los nervios periféricos pueden afectarse igualmente. Presentamos catorce casos de degeneración combinada subaguda por deficiencia de vitamina B12, con niveles bajos y anemia en la mayor parte de pacientes. Una revisión de la literatura muestra también estados carenciales en grupos poblacionales pobres de adultos mayores con otros factores de riesgo; y deficiencias subclínicas con depósitos hepáticos de vitamina B12 casi exhaustos. Puede haber clínica neuropsiquiátrica en casos sin niveles bajos de vitamina B12 ni anemia.

  16. Prevalencia de anemia en la población pediátrica de una comunidad rural del Paraguay y su asociación con el estado nutricional


    Bruno Zavala M.; Fabrizio Vire; Leilah Graciela Cabral P.; Fabrizio Achon F.


    INTRODUCCIÓN: La anemia prevalece como un problema de salud pública en la población pediátrica de países en desarrollo. El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia de anemia en niños de la comunidad de Yvyraty (Paraguarí, Paraguay) y evaluar su asociación con el estado nutricional. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transverso con componente analítico. Se colectaron datos antropométricos y se extrajo sangre a una muestra de 94 niños entre 2 y 18 años. Para determina...

  17. Beneficios de la terapia con hidroxiúrea en niños con anemia de células falciformes = Benefits of hidroxyurea therapy in children with sickle cell disease

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    Donado Gómez, Jorge Hernando


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir la toxicidad y los beneficios de la hidroxiúrea (HU en el tratamiento de niños con anemia de células falciformes (ACF.Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional descriptivo-retrospectivo de pacientes con ACF tratados con HU en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe (HPTU de Medellín, Colombia, entre mayo de 2004 y septiembre de 2009. Se trató con este medicamento a 16 pacientes menores de 15 años, 11 de ellos (68,8% de sexo masculino. Todos los pacientes tenían anemia falciforme (Hb SS. Las variables se estudiaron antes y después del inicio de la HU. Resultados: se encontró una media de crisis dolorosas por ACF de 3,31 antes y 1,13 después de la HU (p = 0,006; la media de la necesidad de transfundir glóbulos rojos fue de 2,69 antes y 0,75 después (p = 0,112; los episodios de síndrome torácico agudo (STA tuvieron una media de 0,19 antes y 0,13 después (p = 0,705; la media de la necesidad de hospitalización por ACF fue de 1,94 antes y 1,06 después de la HU (p = 0,155. Un paciente (6,3% presentó toxicidad hematológica y dos (12,5% tuvieron toxicidad hepática, pero no hubo casos de toxicidad renal; tres pacientes (18,8% presentaron accidentes cerebrovasculares. No se encontraron neoplasias. Conclusión: la HU redujo significativamente la frecuencia de crisis dolorosas en los pacientes con ACF. La toxicidad fue en general aceptable. Se requieren estudios prospectivos, multicéntricos, doble ciego, controlados con placebo, para definir el papel de la HU en pacientes pediátricos.

  18. Anemia muy precoz del prematuro con peso ≤ 1 500 g:: prevalencia y factores asociados Very early anemia in premature weighing ≤ 1 500 g:: prevalence and associated factors

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    Yusleivy Milagros López Negrín


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. En el Hospital Ginecoobstétrico Docente «Ramón González Coro» no se ha estudiado la prevalencia de la anemia muy precoz de la prematuridad y los factores asociados a su aparición. Se decidió realizar esta investigación para dar respuesta a esta interrogante y proporcionar bases a las autoridades administrativas para el trazado de estrategias preventivas más eficaces, que reduzcan esta complicación y sus consecuencias. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, de corte transversal, donde se incluyeron todos los recién nacidos (RN ≤ de 1 500 g nacidos antes de las 37 semanas y atendidos en el servicio de neonatología del hospital durante el año 2008. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por 25 neonatos. Se determinó en cada uno la presencia o no de anemia muy precoz. Se determinó la prevalencia de esta enfermedad y los factores maternos, perinatales y posnatales asociados. RESULTADOS. Presentó anemia muy precoz el 52 % de los neonatos (13/25. La hemoglobina materna baja no se asoció a la anemia muy precoz (RP 0,62; IC 95 % 0,21-1,80. Ninguna variable perinatal se asoció a la anemia muy precoz, aunque se encontró que la prevalencia de esta enfermedad disminuye al aumentar la edad gestacional al nacer (tendencia lineal: X² 4,33; gl 1; p 0,037. Los RN con alguna morbilidad grave tuvieron 2,44 veces más probabilidad de presentar anemia muy precoz (RP 2,44; IC 95 % 1,01-5,87. La prevalencia de la anemia muy precoz se incrementó al aumentar los mililitros por kilogramo de peso de sangre extraída (tendencia lineal: X² 7,6195; gl 1; p 0,0058. Los RN con extracciones entre 5 y 10 mL/kg y > 10 mL/kg tuvieron 5,3 y 4,5 veces más probabilidad de presentar anemia (RP 5,33; IC 95 % 1,4739-19,2988 y RP4,5 ; IC 95 % 1,1254-17,9930, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES. Un poco más de la mitad de los casos presentaron anemia muy precoz y los factores independientes asociados a su aparición fueron la presencia de

  19. Anemia y fiebre en el postrasplante renal: su relación con el parvovirus humano B19

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    Yanet Parodis López


    Presentamos el caso clínico de un varón de 65 años con trasplante renal de donante cadáver en septiembre de 2014. A los 38 días del trasplante comienza con anemia progresiva y resistente a los agentes estimulantes de la eritropoyesis. A los 64 días se produce hipertermia, con deterioro progresivo de su estado general. La serología vírica resultó negativa, al igual que la PCR inicial en sangre del parvovirus humano B19. A los 4 meses y 19 días se realiza una biopsia de médula ósea en la que se observan eritroblastos gigantes con inclusiones víricas nucleares compatibles con parvovirus, por lo que se realiza una PCR en dicho tejido que confirma el diagnóstico. Una segunda PCR en sangre resultó positiva. Tras el tratamiento con inmunoglobulinas intravenosas (IGIV y la suspensión temporal del micofenolato de mofetilo, se produce una remisión completa de la enfermedad, aunque persistía positiva la PCR para el parvovirus B19 en sangre, lo que hace necesario vigilar probables recidivas.

  20. Nutritional causes of anemia in Mexican children under 5 years: results from the 2006 National Health and Nutrition Survey Causas nutricionales de anemia en niños menores de 5 años: resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2006

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    Vanessa De la Cruz-Góngora


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe the frequency and severity of anemia and the nutritional variables associated to hemoglobin levels (Hb in children OBJETIVO: Describir las causas y severidad de la anemia y los factores nutricionales asociados con hemoglobina en niños anémicos <5 años. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudiamos los niveles de hemoglobina y las concentraciones séricas de ferritina, receptores solubles de transferrina, proteína C reactiva (CRP, zinc, hierro, cobre, magnesio, vitamina B12 y folato en 981 niños. Se utilizaron modelos de regresión ordinal y regresiones lineales múltiples para evaluar el riesgo de severidad de anemia y la variabilidad en hemoglobina. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de anemia fue de 20.6%; el 14 y 6.38% tenían anemia leve y moderada. La anemia se asoció con deficiencia de hierro (DH en 42.17%; la DH coexistió con deficiencia de folatos y vitamina B12 en 9%. Sólo 2% de la anemia se asoció con deficiencia de folatos o vitamina B12. CRP (coef: 0.17 g/dl y el tercer tercil de cobre (coef: -0.85 g/dl se asociaron con anemia sin explicar (p<0.05. CONCLUSIONES: DH es la principal causa de anemia en niños <5 años. Las concentraciones de folato y vitamina B12 se asociaron con anemia. La CRP se asoció con anemia sin explicar. Sin embargo, la deficiencia de vitamina A, que se asocia con anemia, no fue estudiada.

  1. Incidencia y mortalidad por anemia en pacientes gravemente enfermos Incidence and mortality due to anemia in acutely ill patients

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    Maicelys Ramírez Zaldívar


    Full Text Available Introducción: la anemia es una de las enfermedades más conocidas y evaluadas en la práctica médica diaria. Objetivo: determinar la morbilidad y mortalidad de pacientes graves con anemia. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo de 118 pacientes ingresados en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva del Hospital General Universitario "Vladimir Ilich Lenin" de Holguín, desde agosto hasta diciembre de 2010. Las variables discretas fueron comparadas mediante el test de £i al cuadrado y el de Fisher, y las continuas, por medio de las pruebas de T-Student y Mann-Whitney (la hemoglobina media, para á=0,05. Resultados: la anemia afectó 79,6 % de los integrantes de la serie y aumentó evolutivamente, con el consecuente empeoramiento de estos, de los cuales fallecieron 34,0 %, quienes tenían mayor edad (p=0,0004, necesitaron más transfusiones sanguíneas (p=0,005 y presentaron el trastorno de la hemoglobina más tardíamente (5,1 días. De los pacientes con anemia grave (hemoglobina:0,05. Conclusiones: la anemia en los pacientes graves se relacionó con una mayor mortalidad, estadía, necesidad de transfusiones de glóbulos rojos y causas médicas (neurológicas, en tanto, la edad avanzada y la gravedad de la anemia de aparición tardía se asociaron fundamentalmente a la mortalidad.Introduction: anemia is one of the well-known and evaluated diseases in the daily medical practice. Objective: to determine the morbidity and mortality of acutely ill patients with anemia. Methods: a prospective study of 118 patients admitted in the Intensive Therapy Unit of "Vladimir Ilich Lenin" General University Hospital in Holguín was carried out from August to December, 2010. Discrete variables were compared by means of the X² and Fisher tests, and the continuous variables, by means of the T-Student and Mann-Whitney tests (the mean hemoglobin, for á =0.05. Results: anemia affected 79.6% of the members of the series and it increased progressively, with the

  2. Consulta de enfermagem a gestantes com anemia ferropriva Consulta de enfermería a mujeres embarazadas con anemia ferropénica Nursing care to pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia

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    Sonia Maria Oliveira de Barros


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivos: construir um protocolo de levantamento de dados e diagnósticos de enfermagem, e conhecer os diagnósticos de enfermagem mais freqüentes. O protocolo construído foi aplicado em 52 consultas de enfermagem para as gestantes que apresentavam valores de hemoglobina menores que 11,0g/dl. Os diagnósticos de enfermagem mais freqüentes foram: nutrição alterada, risco para infecção, manutenção do lar prejudicada; déficit de conhecimento sobre a alimentação, risco para lesão fetal relacionada a diminuição da perfusão útero-placentária.; risco de não-comprometimento. A partir dos diagnósticos de enfermagem foram planejadas as intervenções e os resultados esperados com a sua aplicação.Realizamos este trabajo con los siguientes objetivos: construir un protocolo de levantamiento de datos y conocer los diagnósticos de enfermería más frecuentes entre las mujeres embarazadas con anemia ferropénica. El protocolo fue aplicado en 52 consultas de enfermería para las gestantes que presentaban valores de hemoglobina abajo de 11,0 g/dl. Los diagnósticos de enfermería más frecuentes fueron: nutrición alterada, riesgo de infección, manutención del hogar perjudicada, déficit de conocimiento sobre la alimentación, riesgo de lesión fetal relacionada con la disminución de perfusión útero-placentária, riesgo de no comprometimiento. A partir de los diagnósticos de enfermería fueron planeadas las intervenciones y los resultados esperados con su aplicación.This study was carried out with the following objectives: to set up a protocol of data survey and nursing diagnosis, and to detect the most frequent nursing diagnosis among pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia. The protocol was applied in 52 nursing visits to pregnant women who presented hemoglobin values lower than 11.0g/dl.The most frequent nursing diagnosis were: altered nutrition, risk to infection, impaired maintenance of the home

  3. Anemia hipocrómica y microcitaria por insuficiencia de aporte inicial (Congénita

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    P. J. Sarmiento


    Full Text Available Todas las anemias hipocrómicas y microcitarias están caracterízadas por un síndrome hematológico común: a Son anemias simples, bilirrubinemia normal o baja: b Hipocromas, valor globular inferior a la unidad (o si se prefiere menor de 30 microgramos predominio de los microcitos, raros los macrocitos, escasa policromatofilia, poco numerosos los reticulocitos; c Son anemias hiperplásticas con hiperma-duración-mieloide; d Son anemias que mejoran con hierro.

  4. Análisis espacial de la anemia gestacional en el Perú, 2015

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    Akram Hernández-Vásquez

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Establecer las prevalencias regionales e identificar conglomerados distritales con altas prevalencias deanemia en gestantes atendidas en los establecimientos de salud públicos del Perú en el 2015. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio ecológico de datos de gestantes con anemia, registrados en el Sistema de Información del Estado Nutricional (SIEN, que fueron atendidas en 7703 establecimientos públicos de salud durante el 2015. Se calcularon prevalencias de anemia gestacional regionales y distritales. Mediante el índice de Moran se identificaron conglomerados distritales con alta prevalencia de anemia gestacional. Resultados. Se recolectó información de 311 521 gestantes, distribuidas en 1638 distritos del Perú. La prevalencia nacional de anemia fue de 24,2% (IC 95%: 24,0-24,3 y 30,5% en el área rural vs. 22,0% en el área urbana. Las regiones de Huancavelica (45,5%; IC 95%: 44,2-46,7, Puno (42,8%; IC 95%: 41,9-43,7, Pasco (38,5%; IC 95%: 36,9-40,0, Cusco (36,0%; IC 95%: 35,3-36,8 y Apurímac (32,0%; IC 95%: 30,8-33,1 tuvieron las mayores prevalencias de anemia. El índice local de Moran identificó 202 distritos (12,3% (44 urbanos y 158 rurales de alta prioridad (alto-alto o hot spots situados en Ancash, Apurímac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Junín, La Libertad, Lima, Pasco y Puno, que muestran conglomerados distritales con altas prevalencias. Conclusiones. La anemia gestacional en Perú concentra sus mayores prevalencias en las áreas rural y sur de la sierra. Los conglomerados distritales con altas prevalencias de anemia gestacional coinciden con las zonas de alta prevalencia regional.

  5. Anemia em gestantes brasileiras antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ferro Anemia en gestantes brasileñas antes y después de la fortificación de harinas con hierro Anemia in Brazilian pregnant women before and after flour fortification with iron

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    Elizabeth Fujimori


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar prevalência de anemia e valores de hemoglobina (Hb em gestantes brasileiras, antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ferro. MÉTODOS: Estudo de avaliação de painéis repetidos, desenvolvido em serviços públicos de saúde de municípios das cinco regiões brasileiras. Dados retrospectivos foram obtidos de 12.119 prontuários de gestantes distribuídas em dois grupos: antes da fortificação, com parto anterior a junho de 2004, e após a fortificação, com última menstruação após junho de 2005. Anemia foi definida como Hb OBJETIVO: Comparar prevalencia de anemia y valores de hemoglobina (Hb en gestantes brasileñas, antes y después de la fortificación de las harinas con hierro. MÉTODOS: Estudio de evaluación de paneles repetidos, desarrollado en servicios públicos de salud de municipios de las cinco regiones brasileñas. Datos retrospectivos se obtuvieron de 12.119 prontuarios de gestantes distribuidas en dos grupos: antes de la fortificación, con parto anterior a junio de 2004, y posterior a la fortificación, con última menstruación después de junio 2005. Anemia fue definida como HbOBJECTIVE: To compare prevalence of anemia and hemoglobin (Hb levels in Brazilian pregnant women before and after flour fortification with iron. METHODS: A repeated cross-sectional panel study of public health care centers of municipalities in the five Brazilian regions was conducted. Retrospective data were obtained from 12,119 medical records of pregnant women distributed in two groups: before fortification (delivery prior to June 2004 and after fortification (date of last period after June 2005. Anemia was defined as Hb<11.0 g/dl. Hb levels according to gestational age were assessed using two references from the literature. Statistical analysis was carried out using chi-squared tests, Student's t tests, and logistic regression, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: In the total sample, prevalence of anemia fell from

  6. Prevalencia de anemia en gestantes, Hospital Regional de Pucallpa, Perú

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    Becerra César


    Full Text Available Las encuestas demográficas de salud y población del Perú indican que las tasas globales de fecundidad, la proporción de adolescentes embarazadas y la mortalidad maternoinfantil son más altas en la selva que en otras zonas del país. Las parasitosis intestinales endémicas agravan el riesgo de anemia ya generalmente presente en las embarazadas por deficiencias de hierro, ácido fólico y otros nutrientes. En muchos países latinoamericanos, esa es la complicación más frecuente del embarazo y está asociada con partos pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer y mortalidad perinatal. Los estudios realizados sobre este tema en la selva peruana son escasos y no se dispone de estimaciones confiables de la prevalencia de anemia durante la gestación. Los autores se propusieron determinar la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres gestantes que acudían al Hospital Regional de Pucallpa, en la selva del Perú, entre enero de 1993 y junio de 1995. El estudio de corte transversal se basó en los registros de control prenatal y de parto de 1 015 embarazadas y permitió estudiar la asociación entre la prevalencia de anemia y variables como edad cronológica, escolaridad, número de gestaciones previas y peso de la madre al inicio del embarazo. También se compararon los valores de la hemoglobina materna con el peso de los recién nacidos. La prevalencia de anemia en la población de gestantes fue de 70,1%, valor que no se modificó por efecto de la edad materna, la escolaridad ni el intervalo intergenésico. La prevalencia de anemia se asoció directamente con el número de gestaciones e inversamente con la ganancia de peso durante el embarazo. La tasa de mortalidad perinatal fue de 37,7 por 1 000 nacidos. Ni esta tasa ni el peso de los recién nacidos resultaron asociados con el grado de anemia de la madre. El análisis de regresión multivariado muestra que el peso de la madre al inicio de la gestación (P = 0,0001, el peso ganado durante la gestación (P = 0

  7. Efecto de la anemia en el desarrollo infantil: consecuencias a largo plazo

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    Nelly Zavaleta

    Full Text Available RESUMEN La anemia en niños menores de tres años es un problema de salud pública en el Perú y el mundo. Se estima que la causa principal de la anemia, aunque no la única, es la deficiencia de hierro. Existen muchos estudios y revisiones sobre cómo esta carencia en los infantes impacta negativamente en el desarrollo psicomotor y, a pesar de corregirse la anemia, los niños con este antecedente presentan, a largo plazo, un menor desempeño en las áreas cognitiva, social y emocional. Estos hallazgos se describen en estudios observacionales, de seguimiento, así como en experimentales con grupo control. La anemia puede disminuir el desempeño escolar, y la productividad en la vida adulta, afectando la calidad de vida, y en general la economía de las personas afectadas. Se describen algunos posibles mecanismos de cómo la deficiencia de hierro, con o sin anemia, podría afectar el desarrollo en la infancia; por ello, causa preocupación la alta prevalencia de anemia que se observa en este grupo de edad. La prevención de la anemia en el primer año de vida debe ser la meta para evitar consecuencias en el desarrollo de la persona a largo plazo.

  8. Caracterización de la anemia en niños menores de cinco años de zonas urbanas de Huancavelica y Ucayali en el Perú

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    Elena Gonzales

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Caracterizar la anemia en niños entre 12 a 59 meses pertenecientes a de zonas urbanas de las provincias de Huancavelica y Coronel Portillo en el Perú. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal desarrollado en dos etapas: a estudio de base poblacional para la identificación de niños con anemia mediante un muestreo probabilístico multietápico, y b caracterización de los niveles séricos de ferritina, vitamina B12, ácido fólico intraeritrocitario y presencia de parasitosis en los niños con anemia. Para el análisis estadístico se aplicaron los factores de expansión calculados a partir del plan de muestreo. Resultados. La prevalencia de anemia en Huancavelica fue 55,9% y en Coronel Portillo 36,2%. En Huancavelica la coexistencia de anemia con deficiencia de hierro fue del 22,8% y de anemia con deficiencia de vitamina B12 del 11%, en Coronel Portillo la coexistencia de anemia con deficiencia de hierro y déficit de vitamina B12 fueron del 15,2 y 29,7% respectivamente. Los tipos de anemia más frecuentes en Huancavelica fueron anemia concurrente con parasitosis (50,9%; anemia ferropénica y parasitosis (12,3%, y solo ferropénica (6,4%; en Coronel Portillo fue anemia y parasitosis (54,4%; deficiencia de vitamina B12 y parasitosis (18,4% y anemia ferropénica y parasitosis (6,3%. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de anemia es superior al promedio nacional, siendo la anemia concurrente con parasitosis y la anemia concurrente con dos o más causas el tipo más frecuente. Se debe considerar etiologías diferentes a la deficiencia de hierro en los programas de control de la anemia en niños peruanos

  9. Estudio del sistema nervioso central en pacientes con anemia drepanocítica Study of the central nervous system in patients with drepanocytic anemia

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    Edgardo Espinosa Martínez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 35 pacientes adultos con anemia drepanocítica. Se establecieron 2 grupos: grupo 1: 24 enfermos sin antecedentes de crisis del sistema nervioso central (15 hombres; 9 mujeres y grupo 2: 11 casos con antecedentes de crisis (6 hombres; 5 mujeres. El promedio de edad fue de 31 años en el sexo masculino y de 29 años en el femenino. Todos los enfermos estaban en condiciones basales. El tiempo transcurrido entre la crisis y el estudio fue de 4,7 años. No hubo diferencia significativa en las cifras de hemoglobina y los reticulocitos entre ambos grupos. Se encontró aumento significativo de la velocidad sanguínea cerebral en todos los pacientes del grupo 1 y del grupo 2 (p 35 adult patients with drepanocytic anemia were studied. They were divided into 2 groups: group 1 was composed of 24 patients without history of central nervous system crisis (15 males and 9 females, whereas group 2 included 11 cases with crisis history (6 males and 5 females. Average age was 31 years old for males and 29 for females. All the patients were under basal conditions. The time elapsed between the crisis and the study was 4.7 years. No significant differences were observed between the hemoglobin figures and the reticulocytes of both groups. A marked increase of the brain blood velocity was found in all the patients from group 1 and group 2 (p < 0.05 y p < 0.001, respectively. In 13 patients from group 1 (54.1 % the brain blood flow presented modifications, whereas it was altered in all patients from group 2. In 13 cases from group 1 (76.4 % the electroencephalogram was normal, but it was altered in 87.5 % of the patients from group 2. In 4 patients from group 1 (23.5 %, the brain electrical activity showed some modification. Computerized axial tomography was normal in 19 patients from group 1. Some alteration was detected in 3 cases from group 2 (37.5 %.

  10. Anemia por deficiencia de hierro en mujeres mexicanas en edad reproductiva: historia de un problema no resuelto Iron deficiency anemia among Mexican women on reproductive age: history of an unresolved problem

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    Esther Casanueva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir la prevalencia informada de anemia por deficiencia de hierro en mujeres mexicanas en edad reproductiva en los últimos 66 años y analizar la eficacia de las intervenciones informadas para su prevención y manejo. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Revisión de estudios epidemiológicos observacionales, clínicos y programas gubernamentales de intervención, publicados entre 1939 y 2005 con información original. Se consultaron las bases de datos de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos, Artemisa e índices de revistas mexicanas. La calidad de los ensayos clínicos se evaluó con base en la escala Jadad. Las tendencias de la prevalencia de anemia se analizaron con una regresión lineal ponderada por el tamaño muestral. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 46 trabajos de investigación; nueve correspondieron a ensayos clínicos y cuatro a programas operativos; 17 informaron la prevalencia de anemia en no embarazadas y 23 en gestantes. En el primer grupo, la prevalencia ponderada de anemia ha descendido de 39.6 a 15.5%, en tanto que en las gestantes ha disminuido 10 puntos porcentuales, hasta 25%. De los estudios clínicos, 55% se consideraron con un nivel de evidencia adecuado. CONCLUSIONES: La anemia en mujeres en edad reproductiva, y particularmente en las embarazadas, aún constituye un problema de salud pública. De seguir con los esquemas actuales, se requerirían cerca de 57 años para erradicar la anemia entre las no gestantes y 121 para las gestantes. Es necesario evaluar las estrategias de intervención y hacer estudios consistentes que permitan tomar las medidas adecuadas para controlarla.OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in the past 66 years among Mexican women on reproductive age, and to analyze the efficacy of interventions implemented for its prevention and control. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Observational and clinical epidemiological studies as well as federal intervention programs published

  11. Aplasia pura de serie roja post-trasplante alogeneico de células progenitoras hematopoyeticas ABO incompatible

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    E. Bulliorsky


    Full Text Available El trasplante alogeneico de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas (TCPH con incompatibilidad ABO entre el donante y el receptor puede en ocasiones asociarse a trastornos en la progenie eritroide desarrollada a partir de la médula ósea trasplantada, caracterizado por un funcionamiento tardío, inadecuado e incompleto de la misma. En este contexto, la aplasia pura de serie roja es la complicación más severa. Se han intentado tratamientos para la aplasia pura de serie roja post-TCPH con eritropoyetina o plasmaféresis, con relativo éxito. Algunos autores han informado también la utilización de globulina antilinfocitaria, asumiendo que dicha aplasia selectiva de la serie roja en la médula ósea trasplantada es mediada por un mecanismo inmune. En este trabajo se describe un paciente portador de una leucemia aguda en quien se realizó un TCPH alogeneico (ABO incompatible con su donante. Teniendo niveles bajos de aglutininas contra el grupo sanguíneo de la donante, desarrolló una aplasia pura de serie roja post - TCPH. La misma no mejoró con tratamiento con eritropoyetina o con un refuerzo de progenitores hematopoyéticos de sangre periférica de la misma donante (boost, resolviéndose totalmente luego de un tratamiento exitoso con globulina antilinfocitaria de origen equino.

  12. Estudio del sistema nervioso periférico en pacientes con anemia drepanocítica Study of the peripheral nervous system in patients with sickle cell anemia

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    Edgardo Espinosa Martínez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron al azar 35 pacientes adultos con anemia drepanocítica (AD, de los cuales 15 (42,9 % eran del sexo masculino y 20 (57,1 % del femenino. El promedio de edad en los hombres fue de 31 años (rango 16 - 44 años y en las mujeres de 29 años (rango 16 - 49 años. Todos los casos se encontraban en condiciones basales en el momento de realizar la investigación. Sólo en 8 enfermos (22,5 % se detectaron síntomas y signos clínicos relacionados con una posible neuropatía periférica. En el estudio de conducción nerviosa se comprobó aumento significativo de la latencia y disminución significativa de la velocidad de conducción en los nervios mediano, peroneo y sural en el total de pacientes en relación con el grupo control. En 24 enfermos (75 % se encontró algún tipo de alteración en el electromiograma (EMG. En ningún paciente hubo actividad eléctrica en el EMG en estado de reposo. No se encontró diferencia significativa en la amplitud del potencial de contracción muscular en el EMG realizado durante la contracción voluntaria entre los pacientes y el grupo control. Los músculos estriados que presentaron más alteraciones electromiográficas fueron el tibial anterior y el gemelo interno. En ningún caso se detectó el patrón de contracción muscular de oscilaciones simples. Los hallazgos de este estudio permiten plantear que en la AD la polineuropatía es frecuente y que esta es de localización periférica, de tipo mixto, con lesión axonal mínima y de curso subclínico35 adult patients with sickle cell anemia of whom 15 (42.9 % were males and 20 (57.1 % females, were studied at random. Average age in men was 31 (range 16 - 44 and in women 29 (range 16 - 49. All the cases were under basal conditions at the moment of the research. Symptoms and clinical signs related with a possible peripheral neuropathy were only detected in 8 patients (22.5 %. During the nervous conduction study, a significant increase of latency and a

  13. Prevalencia de anemia en gestantes en un área de salud

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    Marianela de la C Prendes Labrada


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en el período comprendido entre enero y septiembre de 1998 en el área del Policlínico Santos Suárez con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de la anemia en gestantes, su relación con la edad, el estado nutricional materno y el peso al nacer. La muestra estuvo constituida por las 209 gestantes que se captaron en este período. Se realizó revisión de las historias clínicas obstétricas y los datos se recogieron en planilla confeccionada al efecto, se utilizó el cálculo porcentual para su procesamiento. La prevalencia de la anemia en las embarazadas estudiadas fue del 64,59 %, el 83,74 % tenían entre 20 y 35 años. Las gestantes con valoración ponderal inicial (V.P.I. peso bajo I-II-III-IV y peso adecuado desarrollaron anemia con mayor frecuencia. Predominó la hemoglobina entre 109-100 g/l en los 3 trimestres de la gestación independientemente de la V.P.I. La mayoría de las gestantes anémicas (80,74 % se trataron con tabletas prenatales solamente y aportaron recién nacidos con un peso menor de 3 000 gA descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted between January and September, 1998, in the area of the "Santos Suárez" Polyclinic in order to determine the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women, its relatioship with age, maternal nutritional state and birth weight. The sample was composed of 209 pregnant women that were caught in this period. The obstetric medical histories were reviewed and the data were collected in forms created to this end. The percentage calculstion was used for their processing. The prevalence of anemia among the studied expectants was of 64. 59 %. 83.74 % were between 20 and 35 years old. Those pregnant women with initial weighted assessment (IWA considered as low weight I-II-III-IV an adequate weight developed anemia with higher frequency. Haemoglobine from 109 to 100 g/L predominated during the 3 trimesters of pregnancy independently of I

  14. Modificaciones hematológicas inducidas por eritropoyetina frente a hipoxia normobárica intermitente Hematologic changes induced by erythropoietin versus intermittent normobaric hypoxia

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    F. Sanchis-Gomar


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    Publicaciones recientes reflejan la preocupación de las autoridades antidopaje por el uso de sistemas simuladores de altitud y la posibilidad de considerarlos métodos dopantes. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue el de comparar las modificaciones hematológicas inducidas por dos tratamientos con eritropoyetina recombinante humana (rHuEpo a diferentes dosis, frente a un protocolo de hipoxia normobárica intermitente (HNI en un modelo animal.
    Veinticuatro ratas Wistar macho jóvenes fueron divididas en 3 grupos experimentales: grupo sometido a HNI (12h pO2 12% /12h pO2 21% (n=8; grupo tratado con una dosis de 300 UI de rHuEpo (n=8 y grupo tratado con 500 UI de rHuEpo (n=8. Se extrajeron dos muestras de sangre a cada uno de los grupos experimentales (antes y después de los tratamientos. Nuestros resultados muestran incrementos muy similares, y estadísticamente significativos, en los valores de hemoglobina, de hematocrito y de reticulocitos, tanto en el grupo HNI como en el grupo tratado con 300 UI de rHuEpo tras los 15 días de tratamiento. El tratamiento con 500 UI de rHuEpo produjo un incremento significativamente mayor.
    La principal conclusión de nuestro estudio es que las modificaciones de los parámetros hematológicos obtenidas mediante un protocolo de HNI son similares a las obtenidas con un tratamiento con 300 UI de rHuEpo.
    Palabras clave: Hemoglobina, hematocrito, reticulocitos, dopaje

    Recent publications reflect the anti-doping authorities’ concern about the use of altitude simulator systems, since these technologies could be considered as doping methods. The major aim of our study was to compare the effect of two different rHuEpo treatments with a normobaric intermittent hypoxic (NIH protocol regarding the modifications of hemoglobin, hematocrit and reticulocytes values in an animal model. Although these hematological parameters are of secondary nature, some international sport federations

  15. Prevalencia de la anemia ferropénica en mujeres embarazadas


    Sánchez Salazar, Francisca Rosa; Castanedo Valdés, Raquel; Trelles Aguabella, Edilia; Pedroso Hernández, Patricia; Lugones Botell, Miguel


    Con el objetivo de identificar la prevalencia de la anemia por deficiencia de hierro, se estudió en la consulta de nutrición del Hospital Docente Ginecoobstétrico "Eusebio Hernández", desde enero de 1993 a diciembre de 1999 a 11 904 gestantes; de ellas 5 169 eran portadoras de anemia ferropénica. La prevalencia alcanzó el 43,1 % y el grupo de edad más vulnerable fue el de 20 a 24 años. Las gestantes con bajo peso preconcepcional y las comprendidas entre las 14 y 23 semanas de gestación fueron...

  16. Parasitosis intestinal y anemia en indígenas del resguardo Cañamomo-Lomaprieta, Colombia

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    Jaiberth Antonio Cardona Arias


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las parasitosis intestinales son un problema de salud pública; producen deficiencias nutricionales y se asocian a determinantes demográficos y socioeconómicos. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal y anemia y su asociación con determinantes demográficos, socioeconómicos y sanitarios en indígenas. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico transversal con fuente de información primaria. Se estimaron medidas de resumen, pruebas de estadística paramétrica y no paramétrica, proporciones y regresión logística multivariante. Resultados: Prevalencia de anemia del 23% y parasitosis intestinal del 73%. Hubo asociación significativa de la anemia con la parasitosis intestinal y se identificó la forma de eliminación de excretas, el nivel educativo y los ingresos económicos como los principales factores de riesgo para la parasitosis intestinal en el grupo de estudio. Conclusión: Existe una elevada prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal que se asocia con la presencia de anemia y se atribuye a condiciones higiénico-sanitarias de las comunidades del resguardo indígena.

  17. Análisis espacial de la anemia gestacional en el Perú, 2015


    Hernández-Vásquez, Akram; Azañedo, Diego; Antiporta, Daniel A; Cortés, Sandra


    Objetivos. Establecer las prevalencias regionales e identificar conglomerados distritales con altas prevalencias deanemia en gestantes atendidas en los establecimientos de salud públicos del Perú en el 2015. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio ecológico de datos de gestantes con anemia, registrados en el Sistema de Información del Estado Nutricional (SIEN), que fueron atendidas en 7703 establecimientos públicos de salud durante el 2015. Se calcularon prevalencias de anemia gestacional...

  18. Concepts of anemia among low income Nicaraguan women Conceptos de anemia entre mujeres nicaragüenses de baja renta Conceitos de anemia entre mulheres nicaragüenses de baixa renda

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    Rita L. Ailinger


    Full Text Available Anemia is a common health problem among women throughout the world, however, there has been minimal research on women's concepts of anemia. The purpose of this study was to examine concepts of anemia in low income Nicaraguan women. A qualitative design was used. Audio-taped open-ended interviews in Spanish with 14 women were used to obtain data. Tapes were transcribed and content analyzed. The findings indicate that few of the women had biomedically accurate concepts of anemia, such as that it was due to lack of iron from poor eating. Others held folk medical beliefs including home remedies, for example drinking the milk of a mare or beet juice and eating certain foods such as bean soup. Most of the women did not know any symptoms of anemia and a few reported that it can develop into leukemia. These concepts of anemia are instructive for nurses working with patients from Nicaragua and will be useful in developing nursing interventions to alleviate this public health problem.La anemia es un problema de salud común entre las mujeres alrededor del mundo, sin embargo, se han realizado pocas investigaciones sobre los conceptos de anemia entre las mujeres. El propósito de este estudio fue examinar los conceptos de anemia en mujeres Nicaragüenses de bajos ingresos económicos. La investigación fue de orden cualitativa. Para la recolección de datos, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, grabadas en castellano, con 14 mujeres. Las cintas grabadas fueron transcritas y se realizó un análisis de contenido. Los resultados indican que pocas mujeres poseen conocimientos biomédicos sobre anemia, por ejemplo, la ingestión de alimentos pobres en hierro. Otras expresaron creencias populares, como remedios caseros, ingestión de leche de yegua o jugo de remolacha y ciertos alimentos como sopa de judías. La mayoría de las mujeres no conocía ningún síntoma de anemia y pocas relataron que creían que esta enfermedad podría transformarse en

  19. Anemia en la enfermedad renal crónica: protocolo de estudio, manejo y derivación a Nefrología

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    Aleix Cases


    Full Text Available El objetivo del protocolo es conocer qué estudios deben solicitarse ante una anemia en un paciente con enfermedad renal crónica, el diagnóstico diferencial de la anemia renal, conocer y corregir otras anemias carenciales y los criterios de remisión del paciente anémico con enfermedad renal crónica a Nefrología u otras especialidades.

  20. Programa de prevención de anemia falciforme (II: Evaluación del seguimiento de gestantes con hemoglobinas anormales

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    MarcosRaúl Martín Ruiz


    Full Text Available Algunos aspectos del Programa Cubano de Prevención de Anemia Falciforme fueron analizados en Ciudad de La Habana durante 1992. Todas las gestantes detectadas con hemoglobinas anormales fueron citadas por telegrama para explicarles el significado del hallazgo. El 62,2 % acudió con prontitud a la citación. El 21,6 % vino más tardíamente y se requirieron otros mecanismos de comunicación. El 16,2 % no acudió. Todas las gestantes que asistieron, aceptaron recibir asesoramiento genético y se hizo el seguimiento de los casos. El 47,6 % concluyó el estudio del cónyuge en tiempo útil para optar por diagnóstico prenatal. Los resultados muestran la necesidad de reducir la edad gestacional en que se determina el riesgo de la pareja. Ello sería posible mediante el pesquisaje en la primera consulta prenatal, métodos más eficientes en comunicar con las gestantes positivas, y más agilidad en la realización de los análisis y en informar los resultados.Some aspects of the Cuban Programme for Prevention of Sickle Cell Anemia were analyze in Havana City during 1992. All pregnants detected with abnormal hemoglobins received an appointment by telegram to get an explanation about the significance of findings; 62,2 % attended promptly to the appointment; 21,6 % came later, making necessary the use of other mechanisms of communication with pregnants; and 16,2 % never attended. All pregnants who went to the appointment accepted genetic counseling and were followed up. Only 47,6 % concluded testing of partner early enough for consideration of prenatal diagnosis. The results showed the need to reduce gestational age in order to determine the risk of the couple. This is possible by screaning pregnants at the first prenatal visit, by using more efficient methods for contacting with positive women, and by doing the test and informing the results faster.

  1. Caracterización de la anemia durante el embarazo y algunos factores de riesgo asociados, en gestantes del municipio regla

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    Clara Irania San Gil Suárez

    Full Text Available Introducción: la anemia como problema mundial constituye un indicador general de pobre salud. En Latinoamérica la anemia ferripriva afecta a los grupos vulnerables como las embarazadas. Cuba no está exenta de esta carencia nutricional y su prevalencia alcanza el 25 % de las embarazadas. Objetivo: caracterizar la anemia durante la gestación y su relación con posibles factores asociados. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal en 68 gestantes entre 28 y 32 semanas del Policlínico Lidia y Clodomiro, en el período de octubre a noviembre de 2010. Se aplicó una encuesta con datos sociodemográficos, antecedentes obstétricos y del embarazo actual y se determinó la hemoglobina. Resultados: se observó una disminución de los valores medios de hemoglobina entre el primer trimestre (112 g/L y el tercero (108 g/L. También se constató una alta frecuencia de anemia tanto en el primer trimestre (35,3 % como en el tercer trimestre del embarazo (56,0%, con una anemia moderada más alta. La anemia al inicio del embarazo resultó un factor de riesgo (ρ=0,02 de la existencia de anemia al tercer trimestre. Conclusiones: existió una alta frecuencia de anemia, siendo la anemia moderada la más frecuente, tanto en el primer trimestre como en el tercer trimestre de las embarazadas estudiadas. La anemia al inicio del embarazo resultó ser el factor de riesgo más importante encontrado en nuestro estudio a la existencia de anemia en el tercer trimestre, con independencia de otros posibles factores involucrados.

  2. Prevalencia de la anemia ferropénica en mujeres embarazadas

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    Francisca Rosa Sánchez Salazar


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de identificar la prevalencia de la anemia por deficiencia de hierro, se estudió en la consulta de nutrición del Hospital Docente Ginecoobstétrico "Eusebio Hernández", desde enero de 1993 a diciembre de 1999 a 11 904 gestantes; de ellas 5 169 eran portadoras de anemia ferropénica. La prevalencia alcanzó el 43,1 % y el grupo de edad más vulnerable fue el de 20 a 24 años. Las gestantes con bajo peso preconcepcional y las comprendidas entre las 14 y 23 semanas de gestación fueron las más afectadas. La anemia de mayor prevalencia fue la leve, y representó el 75,8 %, mientras que las variables maternas más involucradas fueron: los deficientes hábitos alimentarios, la hiperemesis gravídica y los antecedentes de 3 o más abortos. Este estudio evidenció la magnitud y el grado de severidad de la anemia ferropénica en las gestantes atendidasIn order to identify the prevalence of iron-deficiency anemia, 11 904 pregnant women were studied at the nutrition consulting room of "Eusebio Hernández" Gynecoobstetric Hospital from January, 1993, to December, 1999. 5 169 of them were carriers of iron-deficiency anemia. There was a prevalence of 43,1 % and the age group 20-24 was the most vulnerable. The expectants with low preconceptional weight as well as those between the 14th and the 23rd week were the most affected. Mild anemia prevailed and accounted for 75,8 %, whereas the most involved maternal variables were: deficient food habits, hyperemesis gravidis and history of 3 or more abortions. This study proved the magnitude and degree of iron-deficiency anemia of the pregnant women that were attended

  3. La anemia por deficiencia de hierro en la población infantil de Cuba. Brechas por cerrar Iron deficiency anemia in the child population of Cuba. Gaps to be bridged

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    Gisela Pita-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La anemia es un problema de salud mundial que afecta tanto a los países desarrollados como a aquellos en desarrollo. Sus causas pueden ser multifactoriales y frecuentemente pueden coexisitir varias de ellas; la principal es la baja ingestión de alimentos con fuentes adecuadas de hierro, tanto en cantidad como en calidad. En Cuba se está trabajando desde el año 1987 en el desarrollo de programas de intervención para la prevención de la anemia por deficiencia de hierro en la población, pero a pesar de todo el esfuerzo, no se han obtenido los impactos esperados, y existen diversos factores que pueden estar incidiendo en ello y que pueden sinergizarse. Evidencias científicas nacionales muestran que la baja prevalencia de lactancia materna, el escaso consumo de frutas y vegetales y la deficiencia vitamínica, ejercen influencia en la prevalencia de la anemia en Cuba. El parasitismo intestinal y la infección con H. pylori no están asociados con la prevalencia de anemia en el país. La obesidad e inflamación crónica a bajo tenor requerirían de estudios epidemiológicos que describan las posibles asociaciones entre estos factores.Anemia is a global health problem affecting both developed and developing countries. The causes of anemia may be multifactorial, and several of them are often present at the same time. The main cause of anemia is the low intake of foods with adequate sources of iron both in quantity and quality. Work is being done in Cuba since the year 1987 aimed at developing intervention programs for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in the population, but despite the great effort, the expected impact has not been achieved, due to the combined influence of various factors. National scientific evidence shows that the low incidence of breastfeeding, the low intake of fruits and vegetables, as well as vitamin deficiency, have an influence on the prevalence of anemia in Cuba. Neither intestinal parasitism nor infection with H

  4. Hookworm infection and anemia in adult women in rural Chiapas, Mexico Anemia e infección por Necator americanus en mujeres en Chiapas, México

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    Paula E. Brentlinger


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe associations between anemia and hookworm (Necator americanus infection in hospitalized women in rural Chiapas, Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the hospital records of 68 anemic women (defined as having a hemoglobin level OBJETIVO: Describir la asociación entre anemia severa e infección con Necator americanus en una población de mujeres hospitalizadas en el estado de Chiapas, México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: En el registro de ingresos del año 1999 de un hospital rural en Altamirano, Chiapas, se identificaron a las pacientes con diagnósticos de egreso de anemia (definida como hemoglobina<10mg/dl y/o parasitosis intestinal. También se revisó el registro de transfusiones para identificar a las mujeres mayores de 14 años de edad que recibieron sangre. La revisión de expedientes y el análisis de datos se llevó a cabo en el año 2000. Las comparaciones de las características de las pacientes se hicieron con la prueba t de Student (para variables continuas y la prueba ji2 (para variables categóricas. La significancia estadística se estableció con un valor de p< 0.01. RESULTADOS: En las mujeres en quienes se realizó examen coproscópico, 50% tuvieron N. americanus. La presencia de N. americanus no excluyó la presencia de otro factor de riesgo para anemia, por ejemplo embarazo o hemorragia. Los niveles de hemoglobina de las mujeres infectadas con N. americanus fueron significativamente más bajos (promedio 4.1 g/dl que los de las demás mujeres anémicas (promedio 7.0 gm/dl, y la prevalencia de N. americanus en mujeres anémicas fue más alta (50.0% que en la población atendida por el hospital (1.9%. CONCLUSIONES: Aunque la prevalencia de infección con N. americanus no se considera alta en la población general mexicana, fue importante en las mujeres anémicas que se sometieron a coproscopía en nuestro estudio. Las mujeres anémicas ameritan coproscopía donde existe N. americanus, y pueden

  5. Factores de riesgo de la anemia por deficiencia de hierro en lactantes de un área de salud Risk factors of iron-deficiency anemia in infants from a health area

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    Hortensia Gautier du Défaix Gómez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 57 lactantes, supuestamente sanos y tomados al azar, de la población urbana entre 6 y 12 meses de edad de un policlínico de la Ciudad de La Habana, con el objetivo de determinar la frecuencia de anemia por deficiencia de hierro y sus factores de riesgo. Se observó anemia por deficiencia de hierro relacionada con la lactancia materna exclusiva de menos de 4 meses de duración, la introducción temprana e ingestión exagerada de leche de vaca y el antecedente de diarreas e ingresos por esta causa. Se halló además correlación directa y significativa del peso al nacer con la ferritina y de la edad gestacional en el momento del parto con la hemoglobina, así como correlación directa de todos los indicadores de la deficiencia de hierro con la duración de la lactancia materna. El rápido crecimiento corporal, la dieta cuyo componente principal fue la leche de vaca y el aumento de las pérdidas por diarreas, constituyen las causas más frecuentes de deficiencia de hierro en este estudio57 infants who were apparently spund were selected at random from the urban population aged 6-12 months of a polyclinic in Havana City aimed at determining the frequency of iron-deficiency anemia and its risk factors. It was observed that iron-deficiency anemia was connected with exclusive breast feeding of less than 4 months of duration, the early introduction and exagerated ingestion of cow milk and the history of diarrheas and admissions for this cause. A direct and significant correlation was found between birth weight and ferritin and between gestational age at delivery and hemoglobin. A direct correlation of all the indicators of iron-deficiency anemia with the duration of breast feeding was also noted. The rapid body growth, the diet with cow milk as the main component and the increase of losses due to diarrheas were the commonest causes of iron-deficiency anemia according to this study

  6. La anemia ferropénica como presentación de enfermedad celíaca subclínica en una población argentina


    J.S. Lasa; P. Olivera; L. Soifer; R. Moore


    Introducción: Existe una extensa heterogeneidad en los reportes de la prevalencia de enfermedad celíaca en el contexto de la anemia ferropénica. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de enfermedad celíaca en pacientes con anemia ferropénica. Materiales y métodos: Pacientes adultos con anemia ferropénica fueron reclutados para realizarse una endoscopia digestiva alta con biopsia duodenal. Se reclutaron asimismo voluntarios sanos de la comunidad como controles. Resultados: Se reclutó a 1...

  7. La anemia por deficiencia de hierro: estrategias de la OPS/OMS para combatirla Iron deficiency anemia: PAHO/WHO strategies to fight anemia

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    Full Text Available La anemia por deficiencia de hierro es uno de los problemas nutricionales de mayor magnitud en el mundo. A pesar de conocer su etiología y tener a disposición el conocimiento de cómo enfrentarla y de saber que las intervenciones son de bajo costo, aún no se ha podido superar este problema. Este documento parte de una estimación de la magnitud del problema y plantea los elementos necesarios para el diseño, la ejecución y la medición del impacto de la suplementación con hierro y la fortificación, como las intervenciones más efectivas para disminuir considerablemente la dimensión de la anemia por falta de hierro. Propone una lista de pasos a seguir previos a la elaboración de un proyecto y recomienda una serie de elementos a considerar en ello. Define, asimismo, los aspectos que se deben incluir en una propuesta de fortificación y en otra de suplementación. El documento concluye con un listado de actividades complementarias que la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud ofrece dentro de su paquete de cooperación técnica.Iron deficiency anemia is among the greatest nutritional problems in the world. Although its etiology is understood and intervention at low cost is available, the problem persists. The present review begins with a general estimate of the dimensions of the problem. It suggests the necessary elements for the design, implementation, and measurement of the impact of iron supplementing and fortification as the most effective forms to intervene and diminish iron deficiency anemia. Several preliminary steps are proposed previous to the preparation of a project and several recomendations are made to be included in a project for fortification and iron supplementing. A list of complementary activities offered by PAHO/WHO as part of the package of technical cooperation is included.

  8. Refractory iron-deficiency anemia and gluten intolerance: Response to gluten-free diet Anemia ferropénica refractaria e intolerancia al gluten: respuesta a la dieta sin gluten

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    Luis Rodrigo-Sáez


    Full Text Available Introduction: refractory iron-deficiency anemia has a multifactorial origin related to various gastrointestinal conditions, with celiac disease plus malabsorption and IBD together with isolated gluten intolerance being most common. Objectives: to determine the prevalence of serum, genetic, and histological markers for gluten intolerance, and to analyze the response to gluten withdrawal from the diet in these patients. Methods: a number of patients with refractory anemia were prospectively and consecutively enrolled. A protocol to measure serum (TGt-2, genetic (HLA-DQ2/DQ8, and histological markers for celiac disease was applied. All followed a gluten-free diet for a median 3.6 years. Sustained remission of anemia during follow-up was interpreted as positive response. Results: ninety-eight patients (84% females with a mean age of 54 years were studied. Anti-TGt2 antibodies were positive in 5% of cases. A total of 67 cases (68% were haplotype HLA-DQ2 or -DQ8 (+. We found villous atrophy (Marsh III in 13% of patients, and an inflammatory pattern (Marsh I or II in 13%. All remaining 72 patients (74% had no histological duodenal changes. Age, anemia duration, number of transfusions, number of parenteral iron doses, and time on a gluten-free diet were all compared according to the presence or absence of villous atrophy and HLA-DQ2/8 positivity, and no significant differences were found for any of the analyzed variables. Response was positive in 92% of subjects. Conclusions: celiac disease with villous atrophy is rarely a cause of refractory anemia. Gluten intolerance with no histological lesions is seen in almost 75% of patients, and therefore plays a relevant role in its development.Introducción: la anemia ferropénica refractaria presenta un origen multifactorial, relacionado con diversas enfermedades digestivas, siendo las más frecuentes la enfermedad celiaca con malabsorción y la EII junto con la intolerancia al gluten aislada. Objetivos

  9. Eriptosis. Mecanismos involucrados y efecto protector de la eritropoyetina


    Vota, Daiana Marina


    Los procesos inflamatorios, frecuentemente asociados a anemia de enfermedades crónicas, podrían cumplir un rol en la inhibición de la eritropoyesis. La existencia de señales intracelulares comunes entre los procesos que regulan la eritropoyesis y la respuesta inflamatoria sugiere que la desregulación de un sistema podría explicar la disminución de la función del otro. Por otro lado, un daño directo sobre los eritrocitos maduros en circulación, causado por factores presentes en dichos procesos...

  10. Factores asociados y consecuencias clínicas de la anemia post trasplante renal

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    Mónica Freiberg


    Full Text Available Un porcentaje considerable de pacientes presentan anemia post trasplante renal. Su origen es multifactorial y sus principales etiologías dependen de la etapa post trasplante que se considere. Estudiamos en un grupo de 134 pacientes los factores asociados con anemia tardía (6 meses post trasplante y sus implicaciones clínicas a mediano plazo. En el análisis de regresión múltiple, la duración de la oliguria post trasplante y el número de episodios de rechazo fueron las variables significativamente asociadas con esta complicación. La supervivencia del órgano mostró una diferencia significativa a los 36 meses entre los grupos (83% en los anémicos versus 96% de los no anémicos p < 0.01. No observamos diferencias en mortalidad o eventos cardiovasculares. Concluimos que la presencia de anemia al sexto mes post trasplante renal está independiente y significativamente asociada con factores que condicionan la masa renal funcionante que explicarían además la menor supervivencia del injerto renal observada en estos pacientes.

  11. Factores asociados con la anemia en niños menores de tres años en Perú: análisis de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar, 2007-2013

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    José Enrique Velásquez-Hurtado


    Conclusiones. La ENDES proporcionó información valiosa sobre los factores asociados con la anemia en niños de seis a 35 meses, cuyo conocimiento debe mejorar la cobertura y la efectividad de prácticas adecuadas de cuidado materno-infantil.

  12. Anemia in Mexican women: results of two national probabilistic surveys Anemia en mujeres mexicanas: resultados de dos encuestas nacionales probabilísticas

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    Teresa Shamah-Levy


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of anemia in Mexican women and analyze its trends with information from the last two national nutrition surveys. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The prevalence of anemia in women was analyzed. Anemia was adjusted by socioeconomic profile and by potentially explanatory variables. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of anemia for pregnant women was 20.2% (95% CI 15.9, 26.2% and 15.5% for non-pregnant women (95% CI 14.7, 16.4%. The prevalence of anemia in women decreased from 1999 to 2006 in all socioeconomic profiles. Adolescent women living in the northern and in the southern regions had a greater risk of anemia than those in Mexico City (p= 0.05. Significant risk was found among low socioeconomic level (pOBJETIVO: Describir la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres y analizar su tendencia a través de las dos últimas encuestas nacionales de nutrición. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizó la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres. La prevalencia de anemia se ajustó por perfil socioeconómico y por posibles variables que la expliquen. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia global de anemia fue de 20.2% (IC95% 15.9, 26.2% para mujeres embarazadas y de 15.5% (IC95% 14.7, 16.4% para mujeres no embarazadas. La prevalencia de anemia en mujeres disminuyó de 1999 a 2006 en todos los niveles socioeconómicos. Las mujeres adolescentes que viven en las regiones norte y sur tuvieron mayor riesgo de anemia que las que viven en la Ciudad de México (p= 0.05. Se encontró un riesgo significativo asociado con el nivel socioeconómico bajo (p< 0.06. La mayor paridad resultó ser un factor de riesgo significativo (p< 0.05. CONCLUSIONES: Aun cuando la presencia de anemia en mujeres en edad reproductiva en México ha disminuido, continúa siendo un problema de salud pública.

  13. Efecto de la anemia en el desarrollo infantil: consecuencias a largo plazo


    Zavaleta, Nelly; Centro Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición, Instituto Nacional de Salud. Lima, Perú. Médico cirujano, master science en Nutrición; Astete-Robilliard, Laura; Centro Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición, Instituto Nacional de Salud. Lima, Perú. Escuela de Nutrición, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Lima, Perú. nutricionista, magíster en Nutrición Pública


    La anemia en niños menores de tres años es un problema de salud pública en el Perú y el mundo. Se estima que la causa principal de la anemia, aunque no la única, es la deficiencia de hierro. Existen muchos estudios y revisiones sobre cómo esta carencia en los infantes impacta negativamente en el desarrollo psicomotor y, a pesar de corregirse la anemia, los niños con este antecedente presentan, a largo plazo, un menor desempeño en las áreas cognitiva, social y emocional. Estos hallazgos se des...

  14. Evaluación del impacto de los multimicronutrientes en polvo sobre la anemia infantil en tres regiones andinas del Perú

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    César V Munayco

    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar el impacto de la administración con multimicronutrientes (MMN en polvo sobre la anemia infantil en tres regiones andinas del Perú, se estableció un sistema de vigilancia centinela en 29 establecimientos de Andahuaylas, Ayacucho y Huancavelica, en niños de 6 a 35 meses de edad, a quienes se les indicó MMN por un periodo de 12 meses, entre el 2009 y 2011. Además de los datos sociodemográficos de los menores y las madres, se determinó los niveles de hemoglobina al inicio y al final del estudio. Entre los menores que culminaron la suplementación, la prevalencia de anemia se redujo de 70,2 a 36,6% (p<0,01, y se evidenció que el 55,0% y el 69,1% de niños con anemia leve y moderada al inicio del estudio, la habían superado al término del mismo. Se concluye que la suplementación con MMN en polvo puede ser una estrategia efectiva en la lucha contra la anemia.

  15. Pernicious anemia (United States)

    ... malabsorption); Anemia - intrinsic factor; Anemia - IF; Anemia - atrophic gastritis ... of pernicious anemia include: Weakened stomach lining (atrophic gastritis) An autoimmune condition in which the body's immune ...

  16. Increased radiosensitivity of a subpopulation of T-lymphocyte progenitors from patients with Fanconi's anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knox, S.J.; Wilson, F.D.; Greenberg, B.R.; Shifrine, M.; Rosenblatt, L.S.; Reeves, J.D.; Misra, H.


    In vitro radiation survival of peripheral blood T lymphocytes was studied in 15 clinically normal adults and 4 patients with Fanconi's anemia. Tritiated thymidine incorporation in a whole blood lymphocyte stimulation test (LST) and a newly developed whole blood T-lymphocyte colony assay were used to measure lymphocyte blastogenesis and colony formation in response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or concanavalin-A (Con-A) stimulation. Lymphocyte colony formation was found to be consistently more sensitive than the LST for detection of low-level radiation effects using both normal cells and lymphocytes from Fanconi's anemia patients. Lymphocytes from patients with Fanconi's anemia were significantly more sensitive to in vitro x irradiation than lymphocytes from clinically normal individuals as measured by their ability to divide when stimulated by PHA in the LST and colony formation assay. No significant difference in the radiosensitivity of the Con-A response was observed between the two groups. The PHA-responsive T-lymphocyte subpopulation in Fanconi's anemia patients appears to be intrinsically defective. The nature of this defect, significance in the disease process, and relevancy of these findings to the establishment of radiation protection standards are discussed

  17. Manifestaciones cardiovasculares de anemia de células falciformes

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    Fernando Manzur


    Full Text Available La anemia de células falciformes es una hemoglobinopatía hereditaria producida por la presencia de hemoglobina S, que disminuye la solubilidad y a través del proceso de polimerización da lugar a hematíes en forma de hoz que obstruyen la red microvascular. Se caracteriza por episodios de daño por isquemia-reperfusión que contribuyen a la disfunción de órganos vitales. El advenimiento de la terapia inductora de hemoglobina fetal, asociada a la profilaxis antibiótica, ha permitido prolongar la supervivencia. Sin embargo, al incrementar la longevidad, las complicaciones cardiovasculares se hacen evidentes con el desarrollo de vasculopatía sistémica, infarto agudo de miocardio, hipertensión arterial pulmonar y disfunción ventricular. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la fisiopatología y el tratamiento de las principales manifestaciones cardiovasculares en pacientes con anemia de células falciformes.

  18. Anemia de células falciformes: una revisión

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    Alfonso J. Ayala Viloria


    Full Text Available La anemia hemolítica más frecuente en la población mundial es la anemia de células falci - formes ( ACF , con una incidencia de 1/600 recién nacidos en Estados Unidos y en algunas regiones de España con incidencia de 1/5000 neonatos; en Colombia no hay registros respecto a la incidencia y prevalencia. La transmisión de la ACF es autosómica dominante. Los homocigotos ( SS no sintetizan Hb A y poseen eritrocitos con un 90 % de Hb S. El portador o heterocigoto ( AS tiene hematíes con Hb A mayor que 50 % y Hb S de 20 - 40 % y son usualmente asintomáticos. La Hb S se debe a una mutación en el gen de la cadena beta de globina, lo cual conlleva a la polimerización de la Hb en condiciones de baja oxigenación, lo cual origina un cambio en la morfología del eritrocito que adquiere la forma falciforme. La sintomatología es secundaria a la anemia hemolítica crónica, la vaso-oclusión en los diferentes órganos y la asplenia funcional, la cual predispone a la infección. Otras mani - festaciones asociadas son el secuestro esplénico, la aplasia eritroide y las complicaciones órgano - especificas, que disminuyen la calidad de vida y predisponen a mayor mortalidad. Su manejo debe realizarse en centros de referencia donde haya un manejo integral, incluyendo el recurso humano y físico, ya que el manejo inadecuado y sus complicaciones disminuyen la sobrevida, la cual no es superior a los 45 años según reportes.

  19. Hipertensión pulmonar en el adulto con anemia drepanocítica. Resultados preliminares Pulmonary hypertension in adults with sickle cell anemia. Preliminary results

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    Edgardo Espinosa Martínez


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron 104 pacientes adultos con anemia drepanocítica clasificados en: grupo 1 (G1 pacientes sin hipertensión pulmonar (HTP (n=74; y grupo 2 (G2 pacientes con HTP (n=30. Se observó disminución estadísticamente significativa para la hemoglobina, el hematócrito y la oximetría de pulso, y aumento significativo de los leucocitos, la deshidrogenasa láctica, la bilirrubina total e indirecta, la creatin-kinasa MB y la creatinina en los pacientes del G2. La prueba de X² mostró diferencia significativa entre los grupos para el síndrome torácico agudo (p=0,05 con mayor frecuencia en el G2. La frecuencia de HTP en el total de enfermos evaluados fue del 28,8 %. Las extrasístoles ventriculares fueron las alteraciones más frecuentes en el electrocardiograma en el G1, y la hipertrofia del ventrículo izquierdo en el G2; mientras que en el ecocardiograma Doppler fue la dilatación del ventrículo izquierdo en ambos grupos. De los casos diagnosticados con HTP (n=30, 27 (73,3 % fueron clasificados como grado 1; 7 (23,3 % grado 2 y 1 (3,4 % grado 3.A total of 104 adult patients presenting with sickle cell disease were assessed and classified into: group 1 (G1 patients without pulmonary hypertension (PHT (n = 74 and group 2 (G2 patients with PHT (n = 30. There was a statistically significant decrease for hemoglobin, hematocrit and pulse oximeter and a significant increase of leukocytes, the lactic dehydrogenase, the total and indirect bilirubin, la MB creatine kinase and the creatinine in the G2-patients. The X² test demonstrate a significant difference among groups for the acute thoracic syndrome (p = 0,05 more frequent in the G2. The PHT frequency in all patients assessed was of 28,8%. The ventricular extrasystoles were the more frequent alterations in the electrocardiogram in the G1 and the left ventricle hypertrophy in the G2; whereas in the Doppler echocardiogram the more frequent as the left ventricle dilatation in both groups. From the

  20. Morbiletalidad en pacientes adultos con drepanocitosis Morbimortality rates in adult patients with sickle cell disease

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    Sergio Machín García


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 397 pacientes adultos con drepanocitosis, seguidos entre enero de 1973 y diciembre de 1997; 200 del sexo femenino y 197 del masculino. De estos, 305 con anemia drepanocítica, 63 con hemoglobinopatía SC y 29 con Sb talasemia. La mediana de seguimiento fue de 14,3 años. La media anual de ingresos y transfusiones fue menor en la hemoglobinopatía SC (pA study was performed on 397 adult patients with sickle cell anemia, who had been followed up from January 1973 to December 1997. Two hundred were females and 197 males; 305 of these patients presented with sickle cell anemia, 63 with SC hemoglobinopathy and 29 with Sb thalassemia. The mean follow-up period was 14,3 years. The yearly admission and blood transfusion mean was lower in SC hemoglobinopathy(p<0,001. Painful vasoocclusive crisis was more frequent in Sb thalassemia whereas infections often occurred in sickle cell anemia (p<0,001. One hundred four pregnancies were developed from 87 females. There were 4 maternal deaths and 10 perinatal deaths. Differences were found in hemoglobin and reticulocyte values among hemoglobinopathies (p<0,001 but no difference was seen between sexes or among age groups (18-29 y, 30-40 y and over 40 y. Fetal hemoglobin values did not show significant difference between sexes, although they were higher in sickle cell anemia. Global survival estimates were 53 years in sickle cell anemia, 59 years in SC hemoglobinopathy and 48 in Sb thalassemia (p< 0,05. The most frequent cases of death were hepatic complications, encephalic vascular attacks and infections

  1. The prevalence of anemia decreased in Mexican preschool and school-age children from 1999 to 2006 La prevalencia de anemia disminuyó en niños prescolares y escolares mexicanos entre 1999 y 2006

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    Salvador Villalpando


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To compare the distribution of anemia in children, based on information from Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 (ENSANUT 2006 and Mexican National Nutrition Survey 1999 (ENN-99, and examine the association of anemia with potentially explanatory variables. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Adjusted prevalence and means as well as associations with potentially explanatory variables were assessed by multiple linear and logistic regression models for complex samples. RESULTS: From 1999 to 2006, the prevalence of anemia decreased 13.8 percentage points (pp in toddlers and 7.8 pp in children 24-35 months of age; it also decreased 0.7 pp/year in urban and rural populations, 1.8 pp/year in indigenous and 0.61 pp/year in non-indigenous toddlers, 1.5 pp/year in children 5-8 years of age and 0.78 pp/year in children 9-11 years of age. In toddlers served by Oportunidades, Hb was inversely associated with indigenous ethnicity (p=0.1 and they had a lower risk of anemia (OR=0.002. In school-age children, age (OR=0.98, affiliation to Liconsa (OR=0.42 and living in the central region (OR=0.56 were protective factors for anemia. CONCLUSIONS: The national prevalence of anemia in Mexico has decreased in the past seven years, especially in toddlers. Being a beneficiary of Liconsa or Oportunidades was protective for anemia.OBJETIVO: Comparar la distribución de la anemia en niños con base en la información de la Encuesta Nacional de Nutrición 2006 (ENSANUT 2006 y la Encuesta Nacional de Nutrición 1999 (ENN99. Asimismo, examinar la asociación de la anemia con variables potencialmente explicativas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se calcularon las prevalencias y las medias ajustadas, así como las asociaciones mediante modelos de regresión múltiple lineal y logística para muestras complejas. RESULTADOS: Entre 1999 y 2006 la anemia disminuyó 13.8 puntos porcentuales (pp en lactantes de 12-23 meses de edad y 7.8 pp en los de 24-35; 0.7 pp/año en prescolares

  2. Correlación entre niveles de ferritina sérica y unidades de transfusión recibidas por pacientes con anemias hereditarias hemolíticas en el estado de Zulia, Venezuela

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    Ana Z. Ruiz E


    Full Text Available La hipertransfusión es un tratamiento comúnmente utilizadas en pacientes con anemias hemolíticas hereditarias (AHH, como la anemia de células falciformes (ACS y/o beta talasemia (βT. Las concentraciones de ferritina sérica son constantemente monitoreadas en estos pacientes para detectar rápidamente la presencia de sobrecarga de hierro. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar si hubo correlación entre los valores de ferritina sérica y el número de unidades de transfusión de concentrado eritrocitario suministradas a los pacientes con ACS y βT mayor o intermedia durante un año. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de 39 pacientes,22 fueron diagnosticados de ACS y 17 con βT, en edades comprendidas entre los 4 y 82 años. Estos pacientes fueron tratados en el "Instituto Hematológico de Occidente -Banco de Sangre del Estado Zulia y el Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo Venezuela”. Ferritina sérica se determinó por el método de quimioluminiscencia. La media y la desviación estándar de ferritina fueron 915,4 ± 567,8 ng/ml para los pacientes con ACS y 3.338 ± 874,6 para βT (p: 0.0001 Las unidades de concentrado eritrocitario transfundidas fueron 6 ± 2,3 y 21 ± 7,5 respectivamente (p: 0.0001. Hubo correlación estadísticamente significativa entre el número de unidades de concentrado eritrocitario transfundidas y los valores de ferritina sérica en el grupo de ACS (r=0,832, p=0,0001 y el grupo βT (r=0,491, p=0,045. Los resultados del presente estudio sugieren una estrecha correlación entre las concentraciones de ferritina sérica y las unidades de concentrado eritrocitario transfundidas en los pacientes con ACS pero no en los pacientes con βT. Correlations between ferritin levels and transfusion units received by pacients with hereditary hemolytic anemia in the state of Zulia, Venezuela Abstract Blood transfusions are a commonly used treatment or patients with hereditary hemolytic anemias, such as: sickle cell anemia (SCA and

  3. Increased radiosensitivity of a subpopulation ot T-lymphocyte progenitors from patients with Fanconi's anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knox, S.J.; Wilson, F.D.; Greenberg, B.R.; Shifrine, M.; Rosenblatt, L.S.; Reeves, J.D.; Misra, H.


    In vitro radiation survival of peripheral blood T lymphocytes was studied in 15 clinically normal adults and 4 patients with Fanconi's anemia. Tritiated thymidine incorporation in a whole blood lymphocyte stimulation test (LST) and a newly developed whole blood T-lymphocyte colony assay were used to measure lymphocyte blastogenesis and colony formation in response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or concanavalin-A (Con-A) stimulation. Lymphocyte colony formation was found to be consistently more sensitive than the LST for detection of low-level radiation effects using both normal cells and lymphocytes from Fanconi's anemia patients. Lymphocytes from patients with Fanconi's anemia were significantly more sensitive to in vitro x-irradiation than lymphocytes from clinically normal individuals as measured by their ability to divide when stimulated by PHA in the LST (patients, D37 . 198 R; normals, D37 . 309 R, p . 0.057) and colony formation assay (patients, D37 . 53 R; normals, D37 . 109 R, p . 0.016). No significant difference in the radiosensitivity of the Con-A response was observed between the two groups. The PHA-responsive T-lymphocyte subpopulation in Fanconi's anemia patients appears to be intrinsically defective. The nature of this defect, significance in the disease process, and relevancy of these findings to the establishment of radiation protection standards are discussed

  4. Pregnancy Complications: Anemia (United States)

    ... online community Home > Complications & Loss > Pregnancy complications > Anemia Anemia E-mail to a friend Please fill in ... anemia at a prenatal care visit . What causes anemia? Usually, a woman becomes anemic (has anemia) because ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia (United States)

    ... To Health Topics / Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer en español Iron-deficiency ... anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen for iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor ...

  6. Asociación entre la ingesta de nutrientes hematopoyéticos y el origen nutricional de la anemia en mujeres en edad fértil en Colombia Association between hematopoietic nutrient intake and the origin of nutritional anemia in women of childbearing age in Colombia

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    Luz Mariela Manjarrés


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar el origen de la anemia nutricional según las variables sociodemográficas y analizar su asociación con la deficiencia en la ingesta de nutrientes hematopoyéticos. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó la base de datos de la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional de Colombia, 2005. Los datos se obtuvieron por muestreo complejo representativo de la población y se procesaron con el programa SPSS, v.15. Se seleccionaron mujeres en edad fértil con anemia y se clasificaron en dos grupos según la ferritina sérica. Se determinó la ingesta usual de nutrientes hematopoyéticos y el riesgo de deficiencia. Se compararon las proporciones de los tipos de anemia según las variables sociodemográficas utilizando la prueba F de Rao-Scott de segundo orden (P OBJECTIVES: Compare the nutritional origin of anemia by sociodemographic variables and analyze its association with deficient hematopoietic nutrient intake. METHODS: The database of Colombia's 2005 National Survey of Nutritional Status was used. The data were obtained through complex representative sampling of the population and processed using SPSS v.15. Anemic women of childbearing age were selected and divided into two groups according to serum ferritin levels. Their customary hematopoietic nutrient intake and risk of deficiency were determined. The proportions of anemia types were compared by sociodemographic variables using the F-distribution, the Rao-Scott second order correction (P < 0.05. The association between the origin of the anemia and classification of the nutrient was analyzed using the odds ratio (OR. RESULTS: Sample: 595 women. Non-hypoferric anemia (67.2% predominated, with no statistical difference by sociodemographic variable, except in the Pacific region (hypoferric anemia, 52.1%. The prevalence of deficiency in the customary intake of hematopoietic nutrients was high. There was no significant association between the deficit in consumption and the origin of the anemia

  7. Anemia (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Anemia KidsHealth / For Parents / Anemia What's in this article? ... Deficiency Anemia in My Kids? Print What Is Anemia? Anemia is when the level of healthy red ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... To Health Topics / Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer en español Iron-deficiency ... anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen for iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor ...

  9. Infartos cerebrales de repetición y anemia drepanocítica en un niño:: revisión de la literatura médica Repeated brain infarctions and sickle cell anemia in a child:: medical literature review

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    José Vargas Díaz


    Full Text Available Una de las complicaciones neurológicas más devastadoras de la anemia drepanocítica son los ictus, tanto isquémicos como hemorrágicos. El 11% de los pacientes con hemoglobina SS (HbSS tienen un ictus antes de los 20 años de edad. Se presenta el caso de un niño de 14 años, congolés, gravemente desnutrido, con anemia drepanocítica y antecedentes de ictus isquémicos de repetición, que fue atendido en la Clínica Internacional «Cira García». La resonancia magnética evidenció signos de infartos antiguos a diferentes niveles en ambos hemisferios y zonas de encefalomalacia. Este paciente muestra la evolución natural de las complicaciones cerebrovasculares de la anemia de células falciformes.Among the most devastating neurologic complications from sickle-cell anemia are the ischemic and hemorrhagic ictus. The 11% of patients with SS hemoglobin (HbSS has ictus before the twenties. This is the case of a child from the Congo aged 14 severely undernourished presenting with sickle-cell anemia and backgrounds of repeated ischemic ictus, seen in the "Cira García" International Clinic. Magnetic resonance showed signs of an old infarction at different levels of both hemispheres and encephalomalacia zones. This patient shows the natural course of the cerebrovascular complications of sickle-cell anemia.

  10. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Research Home / < Back To Health Topics / Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer en español Iron-deficiency ... iron-deficiency anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen for iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor ...

  11. Incidencia de factores de riesgo asociados a la anemia ferropénica en niños menores de cinco años

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    Mercedes Silva Rojas


    Full Text Available Se estima que más de 2 mil millones de personas en el mundo presentan déficit de hierro, más de la mitad está anémica y que la población infantil es más susceptible, por tener escasos depósitos y un crecimiento acelerado. Con el objetivo de identificar la presencia de factores de riesgo asociados a la anemia en niños de seis meses a cinco años de edad, en un Consultorio Médico de Familia (CMF del municipio Güines, provincia Mayabeque, se realizó esta investigación. Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal, del 1ro de abril al 30 de septiembre de 2013, con el universo de niños de este grupo de edad, pertenecientes al CMF No1 del Policlínico Docente “Luis Li Trigent” del referido municipio y provincia; y la muestra quedó conformada por 32 niños, a los que se les diagnosticó anemia. El 46,9 % de los niños de seis a 23 meses de edad presentaron anemia con ligero predominio en el sexo masculino (53,1 %. Los factores de riesgo asociados más frecuentes en la muestra de estudio fueron: la anemia materna, 75 %; la no profilaxis a los niños con sales de hierro, 71,9 %; la no lactancia materna exclusiva hasta los seis meses de edad (65,7 % y las infecciones, 81,2 %. La anemia ligera fue más frecuente, 90,6 %. Estos resultados permiten identificar la incidencia de factores de riesgo asociados a la anemia, paso previo para realizar acciones que los modifiquen

  12. Hemolytic anemia (United States)

    Anemia - hemolytic ... bones that helps form all blood cells. Hemolytic anemia occurs when the bone marrow isn't making ... destroyed. There are several possible causes of hemolytic anemia. Red blood cells may be destroyed due to: ...

  13. Incidencia y factores asociados con las reacciones adversas del tratamiento antirretroviral inicial en pacientes con VIH

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    Juan Astuvilca


    Full Text Available La alta incidencia de reacciones adversas medicamentosas (RAMA al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA en pacientes con VIH/SIDA puede afectar la calidad de vida y adherencia al tratamiento. Objetivos: Determinar la incidencia de RAMA del TARGA inicial e identificar los factores asociados con la ocurrencia de RAMA al recibir dicha terapia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte histórica con todos los pacientes VIH (+ mayores de 18 años que recibieron TARGA por primera vez en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, con un seguimiento de 360 días desde la primera prescripción. Se recabó las RAMA de las historias clínicas y tarjetas de control. Resultados: Se incluyeron 353 pacientes, se encontró una incidencia acumulada de 66,7% de efectos adversos al TARGA inicial y una densidad de incidencia de 9,1 eventos de RAMA por 10 personas año de seguimiento (IC95%: 8,1-10,1. Anemia (23,4%, náuseas (20,6% y rash (17,2% fueron las RAMA más frecuentes. El uso de drogas (OR 2,40; IC95% 1,01-5,67; consumo de alcohol (OR 0.32; IC95%: 0,19-0,55 y estadio SIDA (OR 0,20; IC95%: 0,04-0,95 estuvieron asociadas con la presencia de RAMA. Conclusiones: Existe un alta incidencia de RAMA, siendo la anemia la más frecuente. El uso de drogas es un factor de riesgo para presentar RAMA.

  14. Síndrome torácico agudo en pacientes con anemia de células falciformes.

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    Paula ECKARDT


    Full Text Available We report an unusual lethal complication of sickle cell anemia. The patient was admitted with a diagnosis of acute chest syndrome and died shortly thereafter of respiratory failure. Autopsy revealed numerous deposits of bone marrow hematopoietic tissue occluding the microvascular circulation of the lung. Numerous causes of acute chest syndrome in sickle cell anemia have been identified, including pulmonary embolism from infartion of bone marrow. However, the release of bone marrow hematopoietic tissue leading to pulmonary vascular occlusion is not generally recognized pre-mortem by treating physicians. (Rev Med Hered 1997; 8:112-115.

  15. Are erythropoiesis-stimulating agents beneficial for anemia in chronic heart failure patients?

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    Diego Araneda


    Full Text Available Resumen La anemia es común en la insuficiencia cardiaca, y se asocia a una mayor morbimortalidad. Sin embargo, no está claro si corregirla con agentes estimulantes de la eritropoyesis se traduce en un beneficio clínico. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en 30 bases de datos, identificamos 11 revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen 17 estudios aleatorizados. Realizamos un metanálisis y tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que el uso de agentes estimulantes de la eritropoyesis en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca y anemia no disminuye la mortalidad, y que no está claro si disminuye las hospitalizaciones o si mejora la capacidad funcional porque la certeza de la evidencia es muy baja. Probablemente aumenta el riesgo de eventos tromboembólicos totales.

  16. Factores de riesgo de la anemia ferropénica en lactantes del policlínico “Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima”


    Eldir Diéguez Velázquez; Emilio Diéguez Comendador; Arley Fajardo Ochoa; Mariela González Acosta


    La incidencia de lactantes con anemia ferropénica, a pesar de existir un programa de prevención de esta anemia en estas edades, sobre todo en el área de salud del policlínico “Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima”, ha sido la motivación de un estudio, con el objetivo de determinar los factores de riesgo que guardan asociación causal con esta problemática. La investigación se llevó a cabo durante el período de enero de 2010 a junio de 2012; analítica de casos y controles. El grupo de enfermos estuvo fo...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... en español Iron-deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia that occurs if you do not ... iron-deficiency anemia and help rule out other types of anemia. Treatment will explain treatment-related complications ...

  18. Anemia (For Teens) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Anemia KidsHealth / For Teens / Anemia What's in this article? ... Enough Iron Print en español Anemia What Is Anemia? Lots of teens are tired. With all the ...

  19. Efetividade da suplementação diária ou semanal com ferro na prevenção da anemia em lactentes Efectividad en el suplemento diario o semanal de hierro en la prevención de anemia en lactantes Effectiveness of daily and weekly iron supplementation in the prevention of anemia in infants

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    Elyne Montenegro Engstrom


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade da suplementação universal profilática com sulfato ferroso, em administração diária ou semanal, na prevenção da anemia em lactentes. MÉTODOS: Ensaio de campo randomizado com crianças de seis a 12 meses de idade, atendidas em unidades básicas de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro, em 2004-2005. Foram formadas três coortes concorrentes com suplementação universal com sulfato ferroso com grupos: diário (n=150; 12,5mgFe/dia, semanal (n=147; 25mgFe/semana e controle (n=94. A intervenção durou 24 semanas e foi acompanhada por ações educativas promotoras de adesão. A concentração de hemoglobina sérica foi analisada segundo sua distribuição, média e prevalência de anemia (HbOBJETIVO: Evaluar la efectividad del suplemento universal profiláctico con sulfato ferroso, en administración diaria o semanal, en la prevención de la anemia en lactantes. MÉTODOS: Se realizo un ensayo de campo aleatorio con niños de seis a 12 meses de edad, atendidos en unidades básicas de salud del municipio de Río de Janeiro (Sureste de Brasil, en 2004-2005. Se formaron tres cohortes coincidentes con suplemento universal con sulfato ferroso con grupos: diario (n=150; 12,5mgFe/dia, semanal (n=147; 25mgFe/semana y control (n=94. La intervención duró 24 semanas y fue acompañada por acciones educativas promotoras de adhesión. La concentración de hemoglobina sérica fue analizada de acuerdo a su distribución, promedio y prevalencia de anemia (HbOBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of universal prophylactic targeting with iron sulfate on daily or weekly basis in the prevention of anemia in infants. METHODS: Randomized clinical field trial with children between ages six and 12 months seen at primary health care units in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 2004 and 2005. Three concurrent cohorts were compared: daily group (n=150; 12.5mg Fe/day; weekly group (n=147; 25mg Fe/week and control

  20. Factores de riesgo de la anemia ferropénica en lactantes del policlínico “Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima”

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    Eldir Diéguez Velázquez


    Full Text Available La incidencia de lactantes con anemia ferropénica, a pesar de existir un programa de prevención de esta anemia en estas edades, sobre todo en el área de salud del policlínico “Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima”, ha sido la motivación de un estudio, con el objetivo de determinar los factores de riesgo que guardan asociación causal con esta problemática. La investigación se llevó a cabo durante el período de enero de 2010 a junio de 2012; analítica de casos y controles. El grupo de enfermos estuvo formado por 25 pacientes diagnosticados clínicamente y por estudios hematológicos. El grupo de control estuvo constituido por 50 niños no afectados, escogidos al azar. Los resultados se expusieron en tablas de contingencia de 2 x 2, que permitieron determinar los antecedentes prenatales, natales y postnatales,  favorecedores de anemia.

  1. Manejo de la anemia en el paciente crítico

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    María Fernanda Domínguez Freire


    Full Text Available La etiología de la anemia del paciente crítico se establece como multifactorial. Las pérdidas de sangre pueden causarse por cirugía, hemorragias, traumatismos, extracciones sanguíneas repetidas, entre otros factores que incluyen mecanismos inmunológicos. En ciertos casos, la aparición de la anemia del paciente crítico resulta anterior al ingreso en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y en otros se establece como un síntoma o comorbilidad de la patología médica o quirúrgica que ha provocado el ingreso, resultando uno de los principales factores de morbimortalidad en estos pacientes. Es, entonces, imprescindible dominar su etiopatogenia con el objetivo de su prevención, la realización de un diagnóstico correcto y la ejecución de un tratamiento apropiado con el fin de impedir o reducir sus efectos deletéreos. Este artículo se orienta a revisar el manejo y las metas del tratamiento antianémico del paciente crítico.

  2. Fanconi anemia (United States)

    ... possibly given through a vein) to treat infections Blood transfusions to treat symptoms due to low blood counts ... have regular check-ups to screen for cancer. Alternative Names Fanconi's anemia; Anemia - Fanconi's Images Formed elements of blood References Bagby GC. Aplastic anemia and related bone ...

  3. Hemolytic Anemia (United States)

    ... worsen your condition or lead to complications. Hemolytic Anemia and Children Parents of children who have hemolytic anemia usually ... members, friends, and your child's classmates about hemolytic anemia. You also may want to tell your child's teachers or other caregivers about the condition. Let ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... anemia, your doctor may order the following blood tests to diagnose iron-deficiency anemia: Complete blood count (CBC) to ... than normal when viewed under a microscope. Different tests help your doctor diagnose iron-deficiency anemia. In iron-deficiency anemia, blood ...

  5. Factores asociados y consecuencias clínicas de la anemia post trasplante renal


    Mónica Freiberg; Carlos Chiurchiu; Raúl Capra; Andrea Eckhardt; Jorge de la Fuente; Walter Douthat; Javier de Arteaga; Pablo U. Massari


    Un porcentaje considerable de pacientes presentan anemia post trasplante renal. Su origen es multifactorial y sus principales etiologías dependen de la etapa post trasplante que se considere. Estudiamos en un grupo de 134 pacientes los factores asociados con anemia tardía (6 meses post trasplante) y sus implicaciones clínicas a mediano plazo. En el análisis de regresión múltiple, la duración de la oliguria post trasplante y el número de episodios de rechazo fueron las variables significativam...

  6. What Is Aplastic Anemia? (United States)

    ... Home / Anemia Aplastic Anemia Also known as What Is Aplastic anemia (a-PLAS-tik uh-NEE-me-uh) is ... heart, heart failure , infections, and bleeding. Severe aplastic anemia can even cause death. Overview Aplastic anemia is ...

  7. Nutrición, suplementación, anemia y embarazo


    Sánchez Salazar, Francisca Rosa; Trelles Aguabella, Edilia; Terán García, Reineria María; Pedroso Hernández, Patricia


    Se estudió, en el Hospital Ginecoobstétrico “Eusebio Hernández”, durante el período 1996 al 1997, a 180 gestantes, cuyas edades estaban entre 20 y 29 años, con anemia ferropénica. El objetivo fue conocer el efecto de la atención nutricional y la suplementación con hierro sobre los niveles de hierro sérico. Se crearon 2 grupos de 90 embarazadas cada uno: el grupo estudio, intolerantes a las sales ferroosas por vía bucal, recibió bioestimulin a razón de 9 mg de hierro hemínico diario y el contr...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Blood Transfusion Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Changes Heart Failure Hemolytic Anemia Hemophilia Pernicious Anemia Restless Legs Syndrome Von Willebrand Disease Other Resources NHLBI resources Your Guide to Anemia [ ...

  9. What Is Anemia? (United States)

    ... Intramural Research Home / Anemia Anemia Also known as Iron-poor blood , Low blood , ... you or your child diagnosed with Diamond-Blackfan anemia? The registry is collecting information from people with ...

  10. Anemia (United States)

    ... child might have anemia. They will do a physical exam and review your health history and symptoms. To diagnose anemia, your doctor ... and Wellness Staying Healthy Healthy Living Travel Occupational Health First Aid and ... Pets and Animals myhealthfinder Food and Nutrition Healthy Food ...

  11. Anemia and Pregnancy (United States)

    ... Advocacy Toolkit Home For Patients Blood Disorders Anemia Anemia and Pregnancy Your body goes through significant changes ... becoming anemic. back to top Is Pregnancy-Related Anemia Preventable? Good nutrition is the best way to ...


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    Nur Handayani Utami


    Full Text Available Anemia masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan pada wanita hamil. Zat besi dianggap sebagai salah satu zat gizi mikro yang berperan terhadap terjadinya anemia. Kekurangan gizi besi dalam tingkat lanjut dapat menyebabkan anemia, yang disebut sebagai anemia gizi besi. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan antara asupan protein dan gizi mikro serta menghitung odd ratio (OR kejadian anemia dan anemia gizi besi akibat asupan protein dan gizi mikro pada wanita hamil di lokasi studi. Analisis ini merupakan analisa dari data studi kohor Tumbuh Kembang anak pada tahun pertama, yang dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Kebon Kalapa dan Ciwaringin, Kota Bogor yang dianalisa menggunakan disainkasus kontrol. Sebanyak 47 ibu hamil menjadi sampel dalam analisa ini. Kategori untuk anemia yaitu apabila kadar hemoglobin (Hb ibu hamil ≤11 g/dL. Kekurangan gizi besi dikategorikan apabila kadar serum transferrin reseptor (sTfR diatas 4.4 mg/L. Sedangkan Anemia Gizi Besi dikategorikan apabila memiliki kadar Hb < 11 g/dL dan sTfr > 4.4 mg/L. Tes one way anova digunakan untuk menganalisa adanya perbedaan asupan energi, protein dan zat gizi mikro antara ibu hamil yang mengalami anemia, anemia gizi besi maupun yang normal. Odd ratio dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji chi square. Nilai signifikan ditentukan apabila nilai p value < 0.05 dan perhitungan OR> 1. 27.7% dari ibu hamil di lokasi studi mengalami anemia, 14.9% tergolong dalam anemia ringan, 10.6% anemia sedang dan 2.1% anemia berat. Anemia gizi besi dialami oleh 17% dari wanita hamil. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara keparahan anemia dan terjadinya anemia gizi besi. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan antara asupan protein, besi, folate dan zink pada wanita yang mengalami anemia, anemia gizi besi maupun yang normal. Akan tetapi terdapat kecenderungan bahwa asupan zat besi dan seng pada ibu yang anemia dan anemia gizi besi lebih rendah daripada ibu yang normal. Anemia masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan pada ibu

  13. Inborn anemias in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernstein, S.E.; Barker, J.E.; Russell, E.S.


    hereditary anemias of mice have been the chief objects of investigation. At present under study are four macrocytic anemias, five hemolytic anemias, nonhemolytic microcytic anemia, transitory siderocytic anemia, sex-linked iron-transport anemia, an α-thalassemia, and a new target-cell anemia. Each of these blood dyscrasias is caused by the action of a unique mutant gene, which determines the structure of different intracellular molecules, and thus controls a different metabolic process. Thus our wide range of different hereditary anemias has considerable potential for uncovering many different aspects of hemopoietic homeostatic mechanisms in the mouse. Each anemia is studied through: (a) characterization of peripheral blood values, (b) determinations of radiosensitivity under a variety of conditions, (c) measurements of iron metabolism and heme synthesis, (d) histological and biochemical study of blood-forming tissue, (e) functional tests of the stem cell component, (f) examination of responses to erythroid stimuli, and (g) transplantation of tissue between individuals of differently affected genotypes

  14. Anemia Due to Excessive Bleeding (United States)

    ... Hemolytic Anemia Hemoglobin C, S-C, and E Diseases Iron Deficiency Anemia Sickle Cell Disease Thalassemias Vitamin Deficiency Anemia (See ... Hemolytic Anemia Hemoglobin C, S-C, and E Diseases Iron Deficiency Anemia Sickle Cell Disease Thalassemias Vitamin Deficiency Anemia NOTE: ...

  15. Prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal, anemia y desnutrición en niños de un resguardo indígena Nasa, Cauca, Colombia, 2015

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    Luisa María Gaviria


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal, anemia y desnutrición en niños de un resguardo indígena Nasa de Caldono, en el departamento del Cauca, y su distribución según variables clínicas, sociodemográficas y de infraestructura sanitaria. Metodología: estudio transversal con fuente de información primaria. La muestra de estudio estuvo formada por 62 niños, a quienes se les hicieron evaluación parasitológica en materia fecal, mediciones antropométricas para evaluar el estado nutricional y determinar la prevalencia de diferentes tipos de desnutrición y medición de hemoglobina para establecer la anemia. La descripción del grupo se realizó con medidas de resumen para la edad y frecuencias para las demás variables, se calculó la prevalencia de los tres eventos (parasitosis, desnutrición, anemia y se exploró su asociación con variables independientes mediante pruebas de hipótesis. Se usó el programa SPSS 22.0. Resultados: se encontró una prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal de 95,2%, anemia de 21,0% y desnutrición crónica de 35,5%. A pesar de no hallar asociación estadística con las condiciones sociodemográficas y sanitarias, se encontró elevada frecuencia de factores de riesgo para los tres eventos, como la baja escolaridad de los padres, baja disponibilidad de acueducto y alcantarillado, y una elevada morbilidad sentida. Conclusión: la comunidad indígena evaluada presentó altas prevalencias de parasitosis intestinal, anemia y desnutrición, lo que representa implicaciones prácticas para la orientación de los programas de salud indígena; la exploración de asociaciones requiere estudios con mayor tamaño de muestra que garanticen una mayor potencia estadística.

  16. From Bad to Worse: Anemia on Admission and Hospital-Acquired Anemia. (United States)

    Koch, Colleen G; Li, Liang; Sun, Zhiyuan; Hixson, Eric D; Tang, Anne S; Phillips, Shannon C; Blackstone, Eugene H; Henderson, J Michael


    Anemia at hospitalization is often treated as an accompaniment to an underlying illness, without active investigation, despite its association with morbidity. Development of hospital-acquired anemia (HAA) has also been associated with increased risk for poor outcomes. Together, they may further heighten morbidity risk from bad to worse. The aims of this study were to (1) examine mortality, length of stay, and total charges in patients with present-on-admission (POA) anemia and (2) determine whether these are exacerbated by development of HAA. In this cohort investigation, from January 1, 2009, to August 31, 2011, a total of 44,483 patients with POA anemia were admitted to a single health system compared with a reference group of 48,640 without POA anemia or HAA. Data sources included the University HealthSystem Consortium database and electronic medical records. Risk-adjustment methods included logistic and linear regression models for mortality, length of stay, and total charges. Present-on-admission anemia was defined by administrative coding. Hospital-acquired anemia was determined by changes in hemoglobin values from the electronic medical record. Approximately one-half of the patients experienced worsening of anemia with development of HAA. Risk for death and resource use increased with increasing severity of HAA. Those who developed severe HAA had 2-fold greater odds for death; that is, mild POA anemia with development of severe HAA resulted in greater mortality (odds ratio, 2.57; 95% confidence interval, 2.08-3.18; P < 0.001), increased length of stay (2.23; 2.16-2.31; P < 0.001), and higher charges (2.09; 2.03-2.15; P < 0.001). Present-on-admission anemia is associated with increased mortality and resource use. This risk is further increased from bad to worse when patients develop HAA. Efforts to address POA anemia and HAA deserve attention.

  17. Your Guide to Anemia (United States)

    ... Inherited Causes l Folate or iron deficiency l Fanconi anemia from poor diet l Shwachman-Diamond l Demand ... cells, leading to aplastic anemia. These conditions include Fanconi anemia, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, dyskeratosis congenita, Diamond- Blackfan anemia, ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... to moderate iron-deficiency anemia, or red blood cell transfusion for severe iron-deficiency anemia. You may ... body needs iron to make healthy red blood cells. Iron-deficiency anemia usually develops over time because ...

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... view the colon directly. What if my doctor thinks something else is causing my iron-deficiency anemia? ... deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in premature ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... you are diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. Risk Factors You may have an increased risk for iron- ... iron-deficiency anemia if you have certain risk factors , including pregnancy. To prevent iron-deficiency anemia, your ...

  1. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... detect signs of iron-deficiency anemia and help rule out other types of anemia. Treatment will explain ... your blood. More testing may be needed to rule out other types of anemia. Tests for gastrointestinal ...

  2. About Anemia (For Kids) (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español About Anemia KidsHealth / For Kids / About Anemia What's in this ... to every cell in your body. What Is Anemia? Anemia happens when a person doesn't have ...

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... for iron-deficiency anemia if you have certain risk factors , including pregnancy. To prevent iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor may recommend you eat heart-healthy foods or control other conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Home / < Back To Health Topics / Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer en español ... bleeding Consuming less than recommended daily amounts of iron Iron-deficiency anemia can be caused by getting ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... may require intravenous (IV) iron therapy or a blood transfusion . Iron supplements Your doctor may recommend that you ... Anemia Aplastic Anemia Arrhythmia Blood Donation Blood Tests Blood Transfusion Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Changes Heart Failure Hemolytic Anemia ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer en español Iron-deficiency anemia is a ... address the cause of your iron deficiency, such as any underlying bleeding. If undiagnosed or untreated, iron- ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Medicine (TOPMed) Program Non-NHLBI resources Anemia (National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus) Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease ( ... Supplement Fact Sheet (NIH) Iron-Deficiency Anemia (National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus) Building 31 31 Center Drive ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... anemia if you have certain risk factors , including pregnancy. To prevent iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor may recommend you eat heart-healthy foods or control other conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Blood tests to screen for ...

  9. Valores del hematocrito y prevalencia de anemia en escolares jujeños

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    I. F. Bejeran


    Full Text Available El hematocrito (Hto, como indicador de anemia en individuos y poblaciones, experimenta variaciones en función de factores mesológicos y genéticos. La anemia constituye una enfermedad endémica cuya prevalencia en Argentina, en distintos grupos de edad y de riesgo y particularmente en escolares, es insuficientemente conocida. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la variación del Hto en escolares de la ciudad de San Salvador de Jujuy localizada a 1200 m.s.n.m., evaluar la prevalencia de anemia y relacionar estas variaciones con las características socioeconómicas de la población. Los datos del Hto procedieron de 17.580 escolares de escuelas públicas y privadas. Para su análisis se agruparon por edad, sexo y nivel socio-económico. Se consideró como anémicos a los niños cuyo Hto se encontró por debajo de: a el valor mínimo aceptado para el nivel de 1200 m; b -2 desviaciones estándar. Para el análisis se empleó: ANOVA, c2 y coeficiente de correlación. Los valores promedio del Hto, independientemente de la edad, sexo y nivel socioeconómico, coinciden con los de la referencia ajustados para la altura. Se observaron: a diferencias intersexuales estadísticamente significativas, presentando los varones, valores superiores a los de las mujeres; b una tendencia al aumento del Hto con relación al incremento del nivel socioeconómico. La prevalencia de anemia, independientemente del criterio utilizado, fue baja en ambos sexos, grupos de edad y en todos los niveles socioeconómicos. Los valores del hematocrito: a son representativos de una población escolar situada a una altitud moderada; b pese a la tendencia a disminuir en el nivel socioeconómico bajo no superan, en la mayoría de los casos, el nivel crítico de anemia; c no indican presencia de desnutrición en la población escolar examinada.The hematocrit (Ht, as an indicator of anemia in individuals and populations, shows variations in relation to mesologic and genetic factors

  10. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... exploring about iron-deficiency anemia. Read more New treatments for disorders that lead to iron-deficiency anemia. We are ... and other pathways. This could help develop new therapies for conditions that ... behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in ...

  11. Iron deficiency anemia (United States)

    Anemia - iron deficiency ... iron from old red blood cells. Iron deficiency anemia develops when your body's iron stores run low. ... You may have no symptoms if the anemia is mild. Most of the time, ... slowly. Symptoms may include: Feeling weak or tired more often ...

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Topics News & Resources Intramural Research Home / < Back To Health Topics / Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron-Deficiency Anemia Also known as Leer ... and symptoms as well as complications from iron-deficiency anemia. Research for Your Health The NHLBI is part of the U.S. Department ...

  13. Efficacy of intravenous iron in treating iron deficiency anaemia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Are there predictors of response? Eficacia del hierro intravenoso en el tratamiento de la anemia ferropénica en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal: ¿Existen factores predictivos de respuesta?

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    Rocío Ferreiro Iglesias


    Full Text Available Introduction: in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD iron deficiency anaemia (IDA is a very common disorder. Until recently, oral iron has been the mainstay therapy, nevertheless it has been associated with intolerance and noncompliance. Therefore, the goal of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of intravenous iron in IDA in IBD patients and the secondary aim was to investigate whether other potential factors could influence in the response to the treatment. Design: an open-label, prospective, consecutive, single centre study. Material and methods: we performed our study in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC or Crohn's disease (CD with severe anaemia or intolerance with oral iron. All of them received intravenous sacarose iron and did biochemistry profile with haemoglobin (Hb. Moreover, the correlation with other variables was studied: age, sex, smoking habit, IBD type, previous surgery and type of surgery and other treatments. Response was defined as Hb increase of ≥ 2 g/dL or normalization of the levels. Results: fifty-four patients were included into the study, 34 (63% with UC y 20 (37% with CD, 18 (33.3% men and 36 women (66.6% and the average was 48 ± 14 years. The total proportion of responders was 52% (SD ± 05; 43% of the patients reached Hb ≥ 2 g/dl and y 9% of them normalized Hb. Only the utilization of 5-ASA was associated with low response to iron treatment (p Introducción: la anemia por déficit de hierro es un problema frecuente en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII. Un número no despreciable de pacientes no responde o presenta intolerancia al hierro oral. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es evaluar la eficacia del hierro sacarosa intravenoso (Venofer® en los pacientes con EII así como los potenciales factores que pueden influir en la respuesta al mismo. Diseño: estudio abierto, unicéntrico y con una inclusión consecutiva de casos. Material y métodos: se incluyeron pacientes con colitis ulcerosa (CU y enfermedad

  14. Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (United States)

    ... artérielle Heart Disease Mineral & Bone Disorder Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease What is anemia? Anemia is a condition in ... as they should. How is anemia related to chronic kidney disease? Anemia commonly occurs in people with chronic kidney ...

  15. Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (United States)

    ... Cysts Solitary Kidney Your Kidneys & How They Work Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease What is anemia? Anemia is a condition in which the body ... function as well as they should. How is anemia related to chronic kidney disease? Anemia commonly occurs ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Topics section only, or the News and Resources section. NHLBI Entire Site NHLBI Entire Site Health ... español Iron-deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia that occurs if you do not have enough iron in your body. People with mild or moderate iron-deficiency anemia ...

  17. Predictors of anemia in preschool children: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project (United States)

    Aaron, Grant J; Huang, Jin; Varadhan, Ravi; Temple, Victor; Rayco-Solon, Pura; Macdonald, Barbara


    Background: A lack of information on the etiology of anemia has hampered the design and monitoring of anemia-control efforts. Objective: We aimed to evaluate predictors of anemia in preschool children (PSC) (age range: 6–59 mo) by country and infection-burden category. Design: Cross-sectional data from 16 surveys (n = 29,293) from the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project were analyzed separately and pooled by category of infection burden. We assessed relations between anemia (hemoglobin concentration anemia (hemoglobin concentration anemia with concomitant iron deficiency (defined as an inflammation-adjusted ferritin concentration anemia in >50% of surveys. Associations between breastfeeding and anemia were attenuated by controlling for child age, which was negatively associated with anemia. The most consistent predictors of severe anemia were malaria, poor sanitation, and underweight. In multivariable pooled models, child age, iron deficiency, and stunting independently predicted anemia and severe anemia. Inflammation was generally associated with anemia in the high- and very high–infection groups but not in the low- and medium-infection groups. In PSC with anemia, 50%, 30%, 55%, and 58% of children had concomitant iron deficiency in low-, medium-, high-, and very high–infection categories, respectively. Conclusions: Although causal inference is limited by cross-sectional survey data, results suggest anemia-control programs should address both iron deficiency and infections. The relative importance of factors that are associated with anemia varies by setting, and thus, country-specific data are needed to guide programs. PMID:28615260

  18. Aplastic Anemia (United States)

    Aplastic anemia is a rare but serious blood disorder. If you have it, your bone marrow doesn't make ... blood cells. There are different types, including Fanconi anemia. Causes include Toxic substances, such as pesticides, arsenic, ...

  19. Necesidades de investigación para el diagnóstico de anemia en poblaciones de altura


    Gonzales, Gustavo F.; Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Fisiológicas, Facultad de Ciencias y Filosofía, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú Instituto de Investigaciones de la Altura, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú Doctor en Ciencias; doctor en Medicina; Fano, Diego; Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Fisiológicas, Facultad de Ciencias y Filosofía, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. licenciado; Vásquez Velásquez, Cinthya; Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Fisiológicas, Facultad de Ciencias y Filosofía, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. licenciado


    Tanto la deficiencia como la sobrecarga de hierro son situaciones que ponen en riesgo la salud y la vida de las personas, por lo que es importante mantener su homeostasis. Como la hemoglobina contiene 70% del hierro del organismo, la OMS recomienda su medición para determinar la prevalencia de anemia por deficiencia de hierro (ID), a pesar que ellos mismos reconocen que la anemia no es específica de ID. Como la hemoglobina aumenta con la altitud de residencia, la OMS recomienda corregir el pu...

  20. Prevalence of anemia in children 1 to 12 years of age: results from a nationwide probabilistic survey in Mexico Prevalencia de anemia en niños de 1 a 12 años de edad: resultados de una encuesta probabilística nacional de México

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    Salvador Villalpando


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology and analyze factors associated with iron deficiency anemia in a probabilistic sample of the Encuesta Nacional de Nutrición 1999 (ENN-99 [National Nutritional Survey 1999 (NNS-99]. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample included 8 111 children aged 1 to 12 years, and was nationaly representative by rural and urban strata and by four geographical regions. Capillary hemoglobin was measured using a portable photometer (HemoCue. The analysis of the determining factors of anemia was performed by odds ratios derived from a logistic regression model and multiple regression models. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia was 50% in infants OBJETIVO: Describir la epidemiología y analizar los determinantes de la anemia en una muestra probabilística de la Encuesta Nacional de Nutrición 1999 (ENN-99. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: La muestra del estudio, hecho en 1999, incluyó 8 111 menores de entre 1 a 12 años de edad, representativa a escala nacional, de estratos rural y urbano y de cuatro regiones geográficas de México. La hemoglobina capilar fue medida mediante un fotómetro portátil (HemoCue. El análisis de los determinantes de anemia se hizo mediante razón de momios obtenidas con un modelo de regresión logística y modelos de regresión múltiple. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de anemia fue más alta (50% en menores de dos años de edad, sin diferencias entre urbanos y rurales en las cuatro regiones geográficas. La prevalencia general de anemia varió entre 14 y 22% en niños y niñas de 6 a 12 años de edad, y fue más alta en la región sur y en los niños indígenas. La ingestión de hierro fue muy baja en menores de dos años de edad (50% de la ingesta diaria recomendada, pero no en los mayores; la ingestión de fitatos (»500-800 mg/d y taninos (»19 mg/d fue muy alta en niños >7 años de edad. El nivel de hemoglobina se asoció positivamente con el estado nutricio de los niños (p=0.01 y el nivel socioecon

  1. Magnitude, tendência temporal e fatores associados à anemia em crianças do Estado da Paraíba Magnitud, tendencia temporal y factores asociados a la anemia en niños del Estado de Paraíba Magnitude, time trends and factors associate with anemia in children in the state of Paraíba, Brazil

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    Sheila Sherezaide Rocha Gondim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da anemia em crianças, sua tendência temporal e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal, de base populacional, envolvendo 1.108 crianças, com idade entre seis e 59 meses, de ambos os sexos, do Estado da Paraíba, em 2007. A hemoglobina foi analisada em sangue venoso com contador automático. Foram considerados para anemia valores OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de la anemia en niños, su tendencia temporal e identificar factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio de corte transversal, de base poblacional, involucrando 1.108 niños, con edad entre 6 a 59 meses, de ambos sexos, del Estado de Paraíba, en 2007. La hemoglobina fue analizada en sangre venosa con contador automático. Se consideraron para anemia valores OBJECTIVE: To estimate the magnitude of the anemia, to analyze the time trends and investigate the factors associated with this disturbance in children in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey, of population-based, with 1108 children, aged 6 to 59 months, both sexes in the state of Paraíba. Hemoglobin (Hb in venous blood was analyzed with an automatic counter. The social-economic and demographic characteristics of children were obtained by questionnaire. Proportions were compared by Pearson's chi-squared test, and the association between hemoglobin concentrations and potential risk factors was tested by regression model Poisson. The time trend of anemia was assessed by the increase/decreased in the prevalence of anemia, using as comparison the prevalence observed in the years 1982, 1992 and 2007. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia (Hb < 11.0 g/dl in the state of Paraíba was 36.5% (CI95% 33.7 to 39.3. It was observed that 1.3% (CI95% 0.7 to 1.8 were in severe form (Hb <7.0 g/dl, 11% (CI95% 9.4 to 13.5 in a moderate form and 87.6% (CI95% 79.1 to 91.2 in the mild form. There was an increase 88.5% in cases of anemia between the years 1982-1992 and

  2. Mouse models of Fanconi anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parmar, Kalindi; D'Andrea, Alan; Niedernhofer, Laura J.


    Fanconi anemia is a rare inherited disease characterized by congenital anomalies, growth retardation, aplastic anemia and an increased risk of acute myeloid leukemia and squamous cell carcinomas. The disease is caused by mutation in genes encoding proteins required for the Fanconi anemia pathway, a response mechanism to replicative stress, including that caused by genotoxins that cause DNA interstrand crosslinks. Defects in the Fanconi anemia pathway lead to genomic instability and apoptosis of proliferating cells. To date, 13 complementation groups of Fanconi anemia were identified. Five of these genes have been deleted or mutated in the mouse, as well as a sixth key regulatory gene, to create mouse models of Fanconi anemia. This review summarizes the phenotype of each of the Fanconi anemia mouse models and highlights how genetic and interventional studies using the strains have yielded novel insight into therapeutic strategies for Fanconi anemia and into how the Fanconi anemia pathway protects against genomic instability.

  3. Mouse models of Fanconi anemia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parmar, Kalindi; D' Andrea, Alan [Department of Radiation Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 02115 (United States); Niedernhofer, Laura J., E-mail: [Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Cancer Institute, 5117 Centre Avenue, Hillman Cancer Center, Research Pavilion 2.6, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-1863 (United States)


    Fanconi anemia is a rare inherited disease characterized by congenital anomalies, growth retardation, aplastic anemia and an increased risk of acute myeloid leukemia and squamous cell carcinomas. The disease is caused by mutation in genes encoding proteins required for the Fanconi anemia pathway, a response mechanism to replicative stress, including that caused by genotoxins that cause DNA interstrand crosslinks. Defects in the Fanconi anemia pathway lead to genomic instability and apoptosis of proliferating cells. To date, 13 complementation groups of Fanconi anemia were identified. Five of these genes have been deleted or mutated in the mouse, as well as a sixth key regulatory gene, to create mouse models of Fanconi anemia. This review summarizes the phenotype of each of the Fanconi anemia mouse models and highlights how genetic and interventional studies using the strains have yielded novel insight into therapeutic strategies for Fanconi anemia and into how the Fanconi anemia pathway protects against genomic instability.

  4. Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA) (United States)

    ... page Print this page My Cart Severe aplastic anemia (SAA) Severe aplastic anemia (SAA) is a disease ... leukemia (ALL) Other diseases What is severe aplastic anemia (SAA)? SAA is a bone marrow disease. The ...

  5. Fanconi's Anemia Effect or Sickle Cell Anemia Effect: That is the Question. (United States)

    Unal, Sule; Chui, David H K; Gumruk, Fatma


    A 16-year-old boy who was diagnosed to have sickle cell anemia was referred to our center. The parental consanguinity, growth retardation and dysmorphic features prompted a search for possible Fanconi's Anemia (FA). The diepoxybutane (DEB) test was positive, confirming FA. The interaction of both diseases might account for his relatively mild phenotype in terms of both sickle cell anemia (or Hb S, HBB: c.20A > T) and FA. The high Hb F level that might be related to concomitant FA, may have caused a milder phenotype of sickle cell anemia, whereas nitric oxide (NO) depletion as a consequence of sickle cell anemia, may have caused a delay in the bone marrow failure of FA.

  6. Anemia hemolítica autoinmune postinfección por virus de la hepatitis A. Informe de caso; Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia associated to hepatitis A. Case report

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    Claudia Lucía Sossa Melo, MD


    Full Text Available La anemia hemolítica autoinmune se asocia con una variedad de virus hepatotrópicos, en particular citomegalovirus (CMV, virus del Epstein-Barr y de la hepatitis B. No es frecuente dentro de la historia natural de la hepatitis A, la aparición de anemia hemolítica, y cuando se presenta, generalmente se asocia a deficiencia de glucosa-6-fosfato deshidrogenasa. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino sin hemólisis previa, con astenia e ictericia de dos meses de evolución y hepatomegalia 14 cm por debajo del reborde costal derecho. Los hallazgos en los exámenes de laboratorios mostraron anemia hemolítica con Coombs directo positivo, anticuerpos tipo inmunoglobulina M contra el virus de la hepatitis A positivos, niveles de bilirrubinas 20 veces y aminotrasferasas cuatro veces por arriba del rango normal; con estos datos el paciente fue diagnosticado como hepatitis A complicada con anemia hemolítica y probable hepatitis autoinmune asociada, por lo que se inició manejo con corticoides, alcanzándose mejoría clínica. Resaltamos la importancia de descartar la infección por el virus de la hepatitis A como posible etiología de anemia hemolítica autoinmune.______________________________________________________________________ Acute auto inmune haemolytic anaemia is associated with a variety of hepatotropic viruses, in particular cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus and hepatitis B. The typical course of hepatitis A is rarely complicated with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Wepresent the case of a man without previous haemolysis, he had been unwell for two months with fatigue and jaundice, the liver edge was palpable and tender 14 cm below the costal margin. Clinical chemistry showed haemolytic anaemia with positive direct coombs test, immunoglobulin M antibodies to hepatitis A virus were detected, the total bilirrubin concentration 20 times the upper and transaminase 4 times upper limit for normal levels; with this

  7. The Prevalence of Anemia and Moderate-Severe Anemia in the US Population (NHANES 2003-2012) (United States)


    Since anemia is associated with poor health outcomes, the prevalence of anemia is a significant public health indicator. Even though anemia is primarily caused by iron deficiency, low oxygen-carrying capacity may result from other conditions such as chronic diseases, which remain a relevant health concern in the United States. However, studies examining current rates of anemia in the total US population and in more specific subgroups are limited. Data from five National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) from 2003 to 2012 were analyzed to assess two outcomes: anemia and moderate-severe anemia, which were based upon serum hemoglobin levels (Hb) as per World Health Organization (WHO) definitions. Statistical analysis using SAS examined temporal trends and the prevalence of anemia among sexes, age groups, and races/ethnicities. The study estimated that an average of 5.6% of the U.S. population met the criteria for anemia and 1.5% for moderate-severe anemia during this 10-year period. High-risk groups such as pregnant women, elderly persons, women of reproductive age, non-Hispanic blacks, and Hispanics were identified, and relationships between multiple risk factors were examined. Rates of anemia in men increased monotonically with age, while that of women increased bimodally with peaks in age group 40–49 years and 80–85 years. The effect of risk factors was observed to compound. For instance, the prevalence of anemia in black women aged 80–85 years was 35.6%, 6.4 times higher than the population average. Moreover, anemia is a growing problem because of the increased prevalence of anemia (4.0% to 7.1%) and moderate-severe anemia (1.0% to 1.9%), which nearly doubled from 2003–2004 to 2011–2012. Thus, these results augment the current knowledge on anemia prevalence, severity, and distribution among subgroups in the US and raised anemia as an issue that requires urgent public health intervention. PMID:27846276

  8. Recomendaciones para el diagnóstico y manejo de la anemia por déficit de hierro en la mujer embarazada

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    Daniel Ernst


    Full Text Available La anemia es una condición altamente prevalente a nivel mundial y, el déficit de hierro, la causa más frecuente, sin excepción; la mujer embarazada está particularmente en riesgo dada la mayor demanda de hierro que la gestación significa. La anemia se asocia a mayor morbilidad y mortalidad materno-perinatal. En mujeres embarazadas sin anemia, la prevención, mediante el uso de multivitamínicos que contienen hierro en dosis de 30-60 mg de hierro elemental, ha demostrado ser efectiva y se recomienda durante todo el embarazo. En casos de anemia, el diagnóstico de déficit de hierro se establece cuando la ferritina es menor a 30 ug/L y/o la saturación de transferrina es menor a 20%. La severidad de la anemia y la situación temporal en el embarazo, son factores modificantes del tratamiento. En mujeres embarazadas, con hemoglobina ≥9.0 g/dL y que tengan <34 semanas de embarazo, la indicación es tratamiento con hierro oral, en dosis de 100 mg al día, en días alternos, hasta normalizar los parámetros antes mencionados. Si la hemoglobina es <9.0 g/dL, o el embarazo es ≥34 semanas, el uso de hierro intravenoso ha demostrado ser más efectivo en corregir la anemia y el déficit de hierro y en disminuir la morbilidad materno-perinatal. En estos casos, sugerimos el uso del hierro carboximaltosa, dado su perfil de seguridad y efectividad favorable. Recomendamos conocer y practicar estas recomendaciones para el diagnóstico y manejo de la anemia por déficit de hierro durante el embarazo.

  9. Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (United States)

    ... Support Publications Fundraising News What is the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund? Fanconi anemia is an inherited disease that can lead to ... population. Lynn and Dave Frohnmayer started the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, in 1989 to find effective treatments ...

  10. Increased radiosensitivity of a subpopulation of T-lymphocyte progenitors from patients with Fanconi's anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knox, S.; Wilson, F.D.; Greenberg, B.R.; Shifrime, M.; Rosenblatt, L.S.; Reeves, J.D.; Misra, H.P.


    In vitro radiation-survival of peripheral blood T-lymphocytes was studied in fifteen clinically normal adults and four patients with Fanconi's anemia (FA). Lymphocyte blastogenesis and cloning were measured following phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or Concanavalin-A (Con-A) stimulation. PHA-responsive lymphocytes from FA patients were significantly more radiosensitive than lymphocytes from normal individuals

  11. Iron deficiency anemia and megaloblastic anemia in obese patients. (United States)

    Arshad, Mahmoud; Jaberian, Sara; Pazouki, Abdolreza; Riazi, Sajedeh; Rangraz, Maryam Aghababa; Mokhber, Somayyeh


    The association between obesity and different types of anemia remained uncertain. The present study aimed to assess the relation between obesity parameters and the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia and also megaloblastic anemia among Iranian population. This cross-sectional study was performed on 1252 patients with morbid obesity that randomly selected from all patients referred to Clinic of obesity at Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital in 2014. The morbid obesity was defined according to the guideline as body mass index (BMI) equal to or higher than 40 kg/m2. Various laboratory parameters including serum levels of hemoglobin, iron, ferritin, folic acid, and vitamin B12 were assessed using the standard laboratory techniques. BMI was adversely associated with serum vitamin B12, but not associated with other hematologic parameters. The overall prevalence of iron deficiency anemia was 9.8%. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia was independent to patients' age and also to body mass index. The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency was totally 20.9%. According to the multivariable logistic regression model, no association was revealed between BMI and the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia adjusting gender and age. A similar regression model showed that higher BMI could predict occurrence of vitamin B12 deficiency in morbid obese patients. Although iron deficiency is a common finding among obese patients, vitamin B12 deficiency is more frequent so about one-fifth of these patients suffer vitamin B12 deficiency. In fact, the exacerbation of obesity can result in exacerbation of vitamin B12 deficiency.

  12. Iron, Anemia, and Iron Deficiency Anemia among Young Children in the United States


    Gupta, Priya M.; Perrine, Cria G.; Mei, Zuguo; Scanlon, Kelley S.


    Iron deficiency and anemia are associated with impaired neurocognitive development and immune function in young children. Total body iron, calculated from serum ferritin and soluble transferrin receptor concentrations, and hemoglobin allow for monitoring of the iron and anemia status of children in the United States. The purpose of this analysis is to describe the prevalence of iron deficiency (ID), anemia, and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) among children 1–5 years using data from the 2007–201...

  13. Parasitosis intestinal y anemia en indígenas del resguardo Cañamomo-Lomaprieta, Colombia


    Jaiberth Antonio Cardona Arias; Yennifer Rivera Palomino; Osman Mauricio Llanes Agudelo


    Introducción: Las parasitosis intestinales son un problema de salud pública; producen deficiencias nutricionales y se asocian a determinantes demográficos y socioeconómicos. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal y anemia y su asociación con determinantes demográficos, socioeconómicos y sanitarios en indígenas. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico transversal con fuente de información primaria. Se estimaron medidas de resumen, pruebas de estadística par...

  14. Evaluación de anemia ferropénica en la primera infancia del Municipio de Sonsón-Antioquia, 2007

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    Tulia Isabel Castillo Salgado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de anemia por deficiencia de hierro en niños de la primera infancia del municipio de Sonsón – Antioquia, en el año 2007. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 391 niños de 0 a 84 meses de edad del Municipio de Sonsón, Antioquia. Se estudiaron los parámetros de hemoglobina y ferritina sérica utilizando puntos de corte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS. Se calcularon las medidas de frecuencia y de resumen y los intervalos de confianza para proporciones y las pruebas de estadística paramétrica y no paramétrica. Resultados: La prevalencia de anemia ferropénica fue de 4,3% y la media de ferritina sérica y de hemoglobina para la población del estudio fue de 29,9 ng/mL y 12,6 g/dL respectivamente. Adicionalmente se halló significancia estadística de la prevalencia de anemia ferropénica por grupo de edad (p<0,0001; pero no se encontró significancia estadística de la  prevalencia de anemia con el sexo (p= 1,0000.  Conclusión: La prevalencia de anemia ferropénica en los niños de la primera infancia del Municipio de Sonsón fue baja de acuerdo con los parámetros de hemoglobina y ferritina sérica establecidos por la OMS, hay variación de la anemia ferropénica por grupo de edad pero no por sexo.

  15. Globulina antilinfocítica en el tratamiento de la anemia aplásica severa

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    Víctor Ulloa Perez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en nuestro hospital en el tratamiento de anemia aplásica severa con globulina antilinfocítica. Materiales y Metodos: Se estudiaron 58 pacientes con AAS diagnosticados entre 1988-1998 de los cuales 25 recibieron Globulina antilinfocítica (GAL, 56% de ellos eran menores a 20 años de edad,19 de los pacientes tratados con GAL son del sexo masculino . Resultado: Respondieron favorablemente 68%(17pacientes,la mayoría de ellos (64%alcanzaron esta respuesta durante los primeros 6 meses. Un paciente evolucionó a Hemoglobinuria paroxística nocturna (HPN, efectos adversos fueron leves y de corta duración. (Rev Med Hered;1999 ;10:132 - 136 .

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... your doctor may recommend you eat heart-healthy foods or control other conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... from developing iron-deficiency anemia. Foods that are good sources of iron include dried beans, dried fruits, eggs, lean red meat, ... signs of iron-deficiency anemia include: Brittle nails ...

  18. Poliglobulia e hidronefrosis de riñón en herradura


    Gómez-Ferrer Lozano, A.; Navarro Antón, J.A.; Mola Arizo, M.J.; Polo i Peris, A.C.


    Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente en el que se asoció eritrocitosis e hidronefrosis del hemirriñón derecho de un riñón en herradura. El paciente presentaba hidronefrosis masiva avanzada secundaria a obstrucción pieloureteral ocupando todo el hemiabdomen derecho. Después de la nefrectomía la masa eritrocitaria descendió a valores normales. La poliglobulia secundaria puede ser debida a una producción inadecuada de eritropoyetina y se ha descrito en asociación con patología renal de div...

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... for iron-deficiency anemia. Lifestyle habits Certain lifestyle habits may increase your risk for iron-deficiency anemia, including: Vegetarian or vegan eating patterns. Not eating enough iron-rich foods, such ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Hemophilia Pernicious Anemia Restless Legs Syndrome Von Willebrand Disease Other Resources NHLBI resources Your Guide to Anemia [PDF, 1.54MB] Cardiovascular Health Study Recipient Epidemiology Donor Studies (REDS) program ...

  1. Sickle cell anemia (United States)

    Anemia - sickle cell; Hemoglobin SS disease (Hb SS); Sickle cell disease ... Sickle cell anemia is caused by an abnormal type of hemoglobin called hemoglobin S. Hemoglobin is a protein inside red blood cells ...

  2. Vitamin Deficiency Anemia (United States)

    ... are unique to specific vitamin deficiencies. Folate-deficiency anemia risk factors include: Undergoing hemodialysis for kidney failure. ... the metabolism of folate. Vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia risk factors include: Lack of intrinsic factor. Most ...

  3. Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia (United States)

    Immune hemolytic anemia secondary to drugs; Anemia - immune hemolytic - secondary to drugs ... Drugs that can cause this type of hemolytic anemia include: Cephalosporins (a class of antibiotics), most common ...

  4. Thiamine– Responsive Megaloblastic Anemia Syndrome

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    F Motavaselian


    Full Text Available Thiamine Responsive megaloblastic anemia in DIDMOA (Wolfram syndrome has an autosomal- recessive mode of inheritance . Megaloblastic anemia and sideroblastic anemia is accompanied by diabetes insipidus (DI, diabetes mellitus (DM ,optic atrophy (OA and deafness (D. Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia are also present. We report a 7 month old girl with congenital macrocytic anemia; a rare clinical feature of Wolfram,s syndrome with increased plasma levels of blood glucose, both of which dramatically responded to administration of thiamine in large doses . The patient also had neurosensorial deafness, but no improvement was observed in the deafness. We presented the case because thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia is a rare clinical presentation of Wolfram syndrome and after institution of treatment with thiamine, the anemia and hyperglycemia returned to normal.

  5. La anemia por deficiencia de hierro en la población infantil de Cuba. Brechas por cerrar


    Pita-Rodríguez, Gisela; Jiménez-Acosta, Santa


    La anemia es un problema de salud mundial que afecta tanto a los países desarrollados como a aquellos en desarrollo. Sus causas pueden ser multifactoriales y frecuentemente pueden coexisitir varias de ellas; la principal es la baja ingestión de alimentos con fuentes adecuadas de hierro, tanto en cantidad como en calidad. En Cuba se está trabajando desde el año 1987 en el desarrollo de programas de intervención para la prevención de la anemia por deficiencia de hierro en la población, pero a p...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... may be diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia if you have low iron or ferritin levels in your blood. More testing may be needed to rule out other types of anemia. Tests for gastrointestinal ...

  7. Anemia of Chronic Disease and Iron Deficiency Anemia in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. (United States)

    Murawska, Natalia; Fabisiak, Adam; Fichna, Jakub


    Anemia coexists with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in up to two-thirds of patients, significantly impairing quality of life. The most common types of anemia in patients with IBD are iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease, which often overlap. In most cases, available laboratory tests allow successful diagnosis of iron deficiency, where difficulties appear, recently established indices such as soluble transferrin-ferritin ratio or percentage of hypochromic red cells are used. In this review, we discuss the management of the most common types of anemia in respect of the latest available data. Thus, we provide the mechanisms underlying pathophysiology of these entities; furthermore, we discuss the role of hepcidin in developing anemia in IBD. Next, we present the treatment options for each type of anemia and highlight the importance of individual choice of action. We also focus on newly developed intravenous iron preparations and novel, promising drug candidates targeting hepcidin. Concurrently, we talk about difficulties in differentiating between the true and functional iron deficiency, and discuss tools facilitating the process. Finally, we emphasize the importance of proper diagnosis and treatment of anemia in IBD. We conclude that management of anemia in patients with IBD is tricky, and appropriate screening of patients regarding anemia is substantial.

  8. Anemia of Chronic Liver Diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Hyun Chung; Lee, Jhung Sang; Koh, Chang Soon; Lee, Mun Ho


    The pathogenetic mechanisms of anemia in patients with chronic liver disease were observed. Seventeen patients with moderate to advanced hepatic diseases were studied by various methods. Only patients without previous blood loss were included : 14 had cirrhosis, 2 had active chronic hepatitis, and one had inferior vena cava obstruction with associated liver cirrhosis. The followings were the results: 1. The anemia based on red blood cell count, Hb., and Ht. was found in 76.5-78.6% of the patients. 2. Red cell indices indicated that normo-macrocytic and normochromic anemia was present is the majority of the patients. 3. No evidence of megaloblastic anemia was found on the basis of the morphological examinations. 4. Serum iron, TIBC, % saturation and iron content in the bone marrow indicated that iron deficiency anemia was present in about half of the patients. 5. In the view of the erythrocyte dynamics, primary increase in the red cell destruction was ascribed to the cause of the anemia. 6. Decrease in the red cell survival time was not correlated with MCV, % saturation and S.L. ratio. Also, hemoglobin level was not correlated with MCV, % saturation and T 50 Cr. Therefore, multiple causes may be involved in the pathogenesis of the anemia. 7. Anemia as determined by the red cell volume was found in only 60% of the patients. It may be possible that hemodilutional anemia is present.

  9. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... deficiency anemia can cause serious complications, including heart failure and development delays in children. Explore this Health ... to iron-deficiency anemia include: End-stage kidney failure, where there is blood loss during dialysis. People ...

  10. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... deficiency anemia can cause serious complications, including heart failure and development delays in children. Explore this Health ... lead to iron-deficiency anemia include: End-stage kidney failure, where there is blood loss during dialysis. ...

  11. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in ... Visit Children and Clinical Studies to hear experts, parents, and children talk about their experiences with clinical ...

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... contribute to differences in disease severity and how patients respond to treatment. The NHLBI Strategic Vision highlights ... Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Avoiding Anemia (National ...

  13. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... to improve health through research and scientific discovery. Improving health with current research Learn about the following ... deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in premature ...

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how ... Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Avoiding Anemia (National ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia. These conditions include: Intestinal and digestive conditions, such as celiac disease; inflammatory bowel diseases, ... iron-deficiency anemia , such as bleeding in the digestive or urinary tract or heavy menstrual bleeding, your ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... mg and women need 18 mg. After age 51, both men and women need 8 mg. Pregnant ... for iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about exciting research areas that NHLBI is exploring about iron-deficiency anemia. ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... heart failure . Increased risk of infections Motor or cognitive development delays in children Pregnancy complications, such as ... for iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about exciting research areas that NHLBI is exploring about iron-deficiency anemia. ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... heavy menstrual periods. Individuals with a gene for hemophilia, including symptomatic female carriers who have heavy menstrual ... Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Changes Heart Failure Hemolytic Anemia Hemophilia Pernicious Anemia Restless Legs Syndrome Von Willebrand Disease ...

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen ... the size of your liver and spleen. Blood tests Based on results from blood tests to screen ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... less than 12 g/dl for women is diagnostic of anemia. In iron-deficiency anemia, red blood ... both full-term and preterm infants. Look for Diagnosis will explain tests and procedures that your doctor ...

  1. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-fortified foods that have iron added. Vegetarian diets can provide enough iron if you choose nonmeat ... Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Avoiding Anemia (National ...

  2. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... less than 12 g/dl for women is diagnostic of anemia. In iron-deficiency anemia, red blood ... physical exam, or order blood tests or other diagnostic tests. Physical exam Your doctor may ask about ...

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... and pregnancy. Good sources of iron are meat, poultry, fish, and iron-fortified foods that have iron ... Anemia Restless Legs Syndrome Von Willebrand Disease Other Resources NHLBI resources Your Guide to Anemia [PDF, 1. ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... learning how having iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. ... iron-deficiency anemia in blood donors affects the quality of donated red blood cells, such as how ...

  5. Side Effects: Anemia (United States)

    Anemia is a side effect of cancer treatments, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It can make women and men feel fatigued, dizzy, and short of breath. Learn how to manage fatigue caused by anemia during cancer treatment.

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... endoscopy or colonoscopy, to stop bleeding. Healthy lifestyle changes To help you meet your daily recommended iron ... iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... leaving cells where it is stored or from being absorbed in the duodenum, the first part of ... treatments for iron-deficiency anemia. Living With After being diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia, it is important ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia. Search the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) to learn about research that ... iron-deficiency anemia in blood donors affects the quality of donated red blood cells, such as how ...

  9. Cancer-related anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Rzaeq, Hikmat N.


    Anemia is the most common hematological abnormality in cancer patients is often under-recognized and undertreated. The pathogenesis of cancer anemia is complex and most of time multifactorial; involving factors related to the tumor itself or its therapy. While anemia can be present in a wide range of symptoms, involing almost every organ, it is beleived that it contributes much to cancer-related-fatigue, one of the most common symptoms in cancer patients. In addition there is increasing evidence to suggest that anemia is an independent factor adversely affecting tumor reponse and patient survival. While blood transfusion was the only option to treat cancer related anemia, the use of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) is becomig the new standard of care, more so with the recent studies demonstrating the feasibility of a sigle weekly injection .Things are even getting better with the recent approval of a new form of rHuEPO; Darbepoetin an analogue with a 3-fold longer half-life. In addition to its effects in raising homoglobin, several well controlled studies demonstrated decrease in transfusion requirementsand better qualify of life assessed objectively using standard assesments scales. (author)

  10. Iron deficiency or anemia of inflammation? : Differential diagnosis and mechanisms of anemia of inflammation. (United States)

    Nairz, Manfred; Theurl, Igor; Wolf, Dominik; Weiss, Günter


    Iron deficiency and immune activation are the two most frequent causes of anemia, both of which are based on disturbances of iron homeostasis. Iron deficiency anemia results from a reduction of the body's iron content due to blood loss, inadequate dietary iron intake, its malabsorption, or increased iron demand. Immune activation drives a diversion of iron fluxes from the erythropoietic bone marrow, where hemoglobinization takes place, to storage sites, particularly the mononuclear phagocytes system in liver and spleen. This results in iron-limited erythropoiesis and anemia. This review summarizes current diagnostic and pathophysiological concepts of iron deficiency anemia and anemia of inflammation, as well as combined conditions, and provides a brief outlook on novel therapeutic options.

  11. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... other conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Blood tests to screen for iron-deficiency anemia To screen ... check the size of your liver and spleen. Blood tests Based on results from blood tests to screen ...

  12. Sickle cell anemia.


    ŘÍHOVÁ, Tereza


    This thesis is about the disease called sickle cell anemia, or drepanocytosis. In this thesis is described the history of the disease, pathophysiology, laboratory features, various clinical features, diferencial diagnosis, quality of life in sickle cell anemia and therapy.

  13. Aplasia pura de serie roja post-trasplante alogeneico de células progenitoras hematopoyeticas ABO incompatible Pure red cell aplasia after ABO incompatible bone marrow transplantation

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    E. Bulliorsky


    Full Text Available El trasplante alogeneico de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas (TCPH con incompatibilidad ABO entre el donante y el receptor puede en ocasiones asociarse a trastornos en la progenie eritroide desarrollada a partir de la médula ósea trasplantada, caracterizado por un funcionamiento tardío, inadecuado e incompleto de la misma. En este contexto, la aplasia pura de serie roja es la complicación más severa. Se han intentado tratamientos para la aplasia pura de serie roja post-TCPH con eritropoyetina o plasmaféresis, con relativo éxito. Algunos autores han informado también la utilización de globulina antilinfocitaria, asumiendo que dicha aplasia selectiva de la serie roja en la médula ósea trasplantada es mediada por un mecanismo inmune. En este trabajo se describe un paciente portador de una leucemia aguda en quien se realizó un TCPH alogeneico (ABO incompatible con su donante. Teniendo niveles bajos de aglutininas contra el grupo sanguíneo de la donante, desarrolló una aplasia pura de serie roja post - TCPH. La misma no mejoró con tratamiento con eritropoyetina o con un refuerzo de progenitores hematopoyéticos de sangre periférica de la misma donante (boost, resolviéndose totalmente luego de un tratamiento exitoso con globulina antilinfocitaria de origen equino.ABO incompatibility in allogeneic bone marrow transplantation may be associated with incomplete or delayed erythroid engraftment, being pure red cell aplasia (PRCA the most severe complication in this setting. Attempts for the treatment of PRCA have been made with erythropoietin or with plasmapheresis with relative success, and some authors have reported the reversibility of PRCA with antilymphocyte globulin (ALG or ATG, based on the assumption that PRCA might be immunologically mediated. We report herewith a patient with acute leukemia who developed post - BMT pure red cell aplasia. His sibling donor (sister was HLA identical and ABO incompatible, having low agglutinin

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... blocks the intestine from taking up iron. Other medical conditions Other medical conditions that may lead to iron-deficiency anemia ... daily amount of iron. If you have other medical conditions that cause iron-deficiency anemia , such as ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... hemoglobin levels. This was associated with a greater risk of death even with mild anemia. Now, anemia in older adults is recognized as an important condition. NHLBI Small Business Program. Through the NHLBI Small Business Program , we ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... loss and lead to iron-deficiency anemia. Common causes of blood loss that lead to iron-deficiency anemia include: Bleeding in your GI tract, from an ulcer, colon cancer, or regular use of medicines such as aspirin ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... for iron-deficiency anemia. Lifestyle habits Certain lifestyle habits may increase your risk for iron-deficiency anemia, including: Vegetarian or vegan eating patterns. Not eating enough iron-rich foods, such as meat and fish, may result in ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... even with mild anemia. Now, anemia in older adults is recognized as an important condition. NHLBI Small Business Program. Through the NHLBI Small Business Program , we fund research and development for domestic small businesses that have strong potential ...

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... anemia. Return to Signs, Symptoms, and Complications to review signs and symptoms as well as complications from iron-deficiency ... NIH]) Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Centers for Disease Control and ... Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet (NIH) Iron-Deficiency Anemia (National Library ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... be at risk for iron-deficiency anemia. Lifestyle habits Certain lifestyle habits may increase your risk for iron-deficiency anemia, ... you are experiencing side effects such as a bad metallic taste, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or upset stomach. ...

  1. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... how we are using current research and advancing research to prevent iron-deficiency anemia. Participate in NHLBI Clinical Trials will explain our ongoing clinical studies that are investigating prevention strategies for iron-deficiency anemia. Signs, Symptoms, and Complications ...

  2. Iron-Deficiency Anemia (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Videos for Educators Search English Español Iron-Deficiency Anemia KidsHealth / For Parents / Iron-Deficiency Anemia What's in ... common nutritional deficiency in children. About Iron-Deficiency Anemia Every red blood cell in the body contains ...

  3. Anemia of Chronic Liver Diseases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Hyun Chung; Lee, Jhung Sang; Koh, Chang Soon; Lee, Mun Ho [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The pathogenetic mechanisms of anemia in patients with chronic liver disease were observed. Seventeen patients with moderate to advanced hepatic diseases were studied by various methods. Only patients without previous blood loss were included : 14 had cirrhosis, 2 had active chronic hepatitis, and one had inferior vena cava obstruction with associated liver cirrhosis. The followings were the results: 1. The anemia based on red blood cell count, Hb., and Ht. was found in 76.5-78.6% of the patients. 2. Red cell indices indicated that normo-macrocytic and normochromic anemia was present is the majority of the patients. 3. No evidence of megaloblastic anemia was found on the basis of the morphological examinations. 4. Serum iron, TIBC, % saturation and iron content in the bone marrow indicated that iron deficiency anemia was present in about half of the patients. 5. In the view of the erythrocyte dynamics, primary increase in the red cell destruction was ascribed to the cause of the anemia. 6. Decrease in the red cell survival time was not correlated with MCV, % saturation and S.L. ratio. Also, hemoglobin level was not correlated with MCV, % saturation and T{sub 50} Cr. Therefore, multiple causes may be involved in the pathogenesis of the anemia. 7. Anemia as determined by the red cell volume was found in only 60% of the patients. It may be possible that hemodilutional anemia is present.

  4. Characterization of anemia in children under five years of age from urban areas of Huancavelica and Ucayali, Peru


    Gonzales, Elena; Huamán-Espino, Lucio; Gutiérrez, César; Aparco, Juan Pablo; Pillaca, Jenny


    Objetivos. Caracterizar la anemia en niños entre 12 a 59 meses pertenecientes a de zonas urbanas de las provincias de Huancavelica y Coronel Portillo en el Perú. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal desarrollado en dos etapas: a) estudio de base poblacional para la identificación de niños con anemia mediante un muestreo probabilístico multietápico, y b) caracterización de los niveles séricos de ferritina, vitamina B12, ácido fólico intraeritrocitario y presencia de parasitosis en los niñ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... if you are diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. Risk Factors You may have an increased risk for iron-deficiency anemia because of your age, ... or sex. Age You may be at increased risk for iron deficiency at certain ages: Infants between ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Are you curious about how inflammation from chronic diseases can cause iron-deficiency anemia? Read more When there is ... DBDR) is a leader in research on the causes, prevention, and treatment of blood diseases, including iron-deficiency anemia. Search the NIH Research ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in premature or very small newborns . In collaboration with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron supplements work best to treat iron-deficiency anemia in children who do not consume the daily recommended amount ... and Clinical Studies to hear experts, parents, and children talk about their experiences with clinical ... Anemia Arrhythmia Blood Donation Blood Tests Blood ...

  9. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... stores are developed during the third trimester of pregnancy. Children between ages 1 and 2, especially if they drink a lot ... Resources NHLBI resources Your Guide to Anemia [PDF, ... (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Avoiding Anemia (National ...

  10. Severe Anemia in Malawian Children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Calis, J.C.J.; Kamija, S.P.; Faragher, E.B.; Brabin, B.J.; Bates, I.; Cuevas, L.E.; Haan, de R.J.; Phiri, A.I.; Malange, P.; Khoka, M.; Hulshof, P.J.M.; Lieshout, L.; Beld, M.G.H.M.; Teo, Y.Y.; Rockett, K.A.; Richardson, A.; Kwiatkowski, D.P.; Molyneux, M.E.; Hensbroek, van M.B.


    Background Severe anemia is a major cause of sickness and death in African children, yet the causes of anemia in this population have been inadequately studied. Methods We conducted a case¿control study of 381 preschool children with severe anemia (hemoglobin concentration,

  11. Anemia in the general population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martinsson, Andreas; Andersson, Charlotte; Andell, Pontus


    predictor of mortality, with the highest mortality observed for macrocytic anemia, which was less prevalent than microcytic and normocytic anemia. Dietary intake of iron and vitamin B12 were significantly lower and use of antithrombotic medications was significantly higher in subjects with anemia. The World...

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... how having iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in premature or very small newborns . In collaboration with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how ...

  13. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... anemia, including: Vegetarian or vegan eating patterns. Not eating enough iron-rich foods, such as meat and fish, may result in ... deficiency anemia, your doctor may recommend heart-healthy eating and choosing iron-rich foods, especially during certain stages of life when more ...

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood during adolescence. Treating anemia in premature or very small newborns . In collaboration with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how best to treat ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... over 65 years of age had low hemoglobin levels. This was associated with a greater risk of death even with mild anemia. Now, anemia in older adults is recognized as an important condition. NHLBI Small Business Program. Through the NHLBI Small Business Program , we ...

  16. Lactancia materna en puérperas con estimulación acupuntural

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    Dunia Alvarez Matos


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, de casos y controles, en el Policlínico Docente "30 de Noviembre" de Santiago de Cuba, de enero de 2013 a igual mes del 2014, conformado por 20 puérperas pertenecientes al consultorio No. 29, en quienes se aplicó auriculoterapia para estimular la secreción láctea (grupo de estudio, e igual número de madres del consultorio homólogo No. 28, que no recibieron tratamiento (grupo de control, con vistas describir la práctica de la lactancia materna durante los primeros 6 meses de vida. En la serie, 40,0 % de las pacientes con auriculoterapia lactaron de forma exclusiva hasta los 6 meses y 25,0 % hasta los 5 meses, mientras que 40,0 % de las madres que no recibieron el tratamiento lo hicieron hasta los 4 meses y 35,0 % hasta los 3. Los niños del grupo de control presentaron, con mayor frecuencia, anemia (70,0 %, afecciones respiratorias (40,0 % y enfermedades diarreicas (20,0 %, así como más ingresos hospitalarios (35,0 %. En el grupo de estudio 40,0 % de los lactantes presentó anemia, y se redujeron en 50 % las enfermedades y en 10 % los ingresos hospitalarios

  17. Anemia: An approach to evaluation, 2014

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    Philip Kuriakose


    Full Text Available Anemia is very commonly encountered in general clinical practice among all age groups. The more commonly used way to classify anemia has been to categorize it as being microcytic (mean corpuscular volume [MCV] 100 fL, which in turn allows for a more practical way to attempt to come up with a cause for any decrease in hemoglobin. Microcytic anemias are usually due to iron deficiency (in turn, a result of a number of different etiologies ranging from decreased intake, malabsorption, or blood loss, hemoglobinopathies (thalassemic syndromes, and some cases of severe anemia resulting from chronic disease. Normocytic anemia is often a result of anemia of chronic disease, hemolysis, or secondary to bone marrow failure. Macrocytic anemias are frequently caused by deficiencies of folic acid and/or Vitamin B12, exposure to toxic agents like drugs that interfere with DNA metabolism and alcohol, as also bone marrow failure states, such as from myelodysplastic syndrome. A comprehensive history, physical examination, and directed laboratory evaluation will help to identify a specific cause for anemia.

  18. Severe anemia in Malawian children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Calis, Job C. J.; Phiri, Kamija S.; Faragher, E. Brian; Brabin, Bernard J.; Bates, Imelda; Cuevas, Luis E.; de Haan, Rob J.; Phiri, Ajib I.; Malange, Pelani; Khoka, Mirriam; Hulshof, Paul J. M.; van Lieshout, Lisette; Beld, Marcel G. H. M.; teo, Yik Y.; Rockett, Kirk A.; Richardson, Anna; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P.; Molyneux, Malcolm E.; Boele van Hensbroek, Michael


    Background Severe anemia is a major cause of sickness and death in African children, yet the causes of anemia in this population have been inadequately studied. Methods We conducted a case-control study of 381 preschool children with severe anemia (hemoglobin concentration, <5.0 g per deciliter) and

  19. Severe anemia in Malawian children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Calis, Job Cj; Phiri, Kamija S.; Faragher, E. Brian; Brabin, Bernard J.; Bates, Imelda; Cuevas, Luis E.; de Haan, Rob J.; Phiri, Ajib I.; Malange, Pelani; Khoka, Mirriam; Hulshof, Paul Jm; van Lieshout, Lisette; Beld, Marcel Ghm; teo, Yik Y.; Rockett, Kirk A.; Richardson, Anna; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P.; Molyneux, Malcolm E.; van Hensbroek, Michaël Boele


    Severe anemia is a major cause of sickness and death in African children, yet the causes of anemia in this population have been inadequately studied. We conducted a case-control study of 381 preschool children with severe anemia (hemoglobin concentration, <5.0 g per deciliter) and 757 preschool

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... also are hoping to determine which iron supplements work best to treat iron-deficiency anemia in children who do not consume the daily recommended amount of iron. Read less Participate in NHLBI Clinical Trials We lead or sponsor many studies related to iron-deficiency anemia. See if you ...

  1. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Precision Medicine Activities Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Population and Epidemiology Studies Women’s Health All Science A- ... to help your body absorb iron. Avoid drinking black tea, which reduces iron ... was associated with a greater risk of death even with mild anemia. Now, anemia in older ...

  2. La anemia por deficiencia de hierro: estrategias de la OPS/OMS para combatirla

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    Full Text Available La anemia por deficiencia de hierro es uno de los problemas nutricionales de mayor magnitud en el mundo. A pesar de conocer su etiología y tener a disposición el conocimiento de cómo enfrentarla y de saber que las intervenciones son de bajo costo, aún no se ha podido superar este problema. Este documento parte de una estimación de la magnitud del problema y plantea los elementos necesarios para el diseño, la ejecución y la medición del impacto de la suplementación con hierro y la fortificación, como las intervenciones más efectivas para disminuir considerablemente la dimensión de la anemia por falta de hierro. Propone una lista de pasos a seguir previos a la elaboración de un proyecto y recomienda una serie de elementos a considerar en ello. Define, asimismo, los aspectos que se deben incluir en una propuesta de fortificación y en otra de suplementación. El documento concluye con un listado de actividades complementarias que la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud ofrece dentro de su paquete de cooperación técnica.

  3. Resultados perinatales en mujeres mexicanas con lupus eritematoso sistémico

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    B. Farfan-Labonne


    Conclusiones: Las mujeres mexicanas con lupus eritematoso sistémico tienen una alta incidencia de nacimiento pretérmino, preeclampsia, anemia, preeclampsia de inicio temprano, restricción del crecimiento intrauterino y cesárea, si bien la incidencia de nacidos vivos está entre las más altas reportadas en la literatura.

  4. Severe anemia in Malawian children. (United States)

    Calis, Job Cj; Phiri, Kamija S; Faragher, E Brian; Brabin, Bernard J; Bates, Imelda; Cuevas, Luis E; de Haan, Rob J; Phiri, Ajib I; Malange, Pelani; Khoka, Mirriam; Hulshof, Paul Jm; van Lieshout, Lisette; Beld, Marcel Ghm; Teo, Yik Y; Rockett, Kirk A; Richardson, Anna; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P; Molyneux, Malcolm E; van Hensbroek, Michaël Boele


    Severe anemia is a major cause of sickness and death in African children, yet the causes of anemia in this population have been inadequately studied. We conducted a case-control study of 381 preschool children with severe anemia (hemoglobin concentration, <5.0 g per deciliter) and 757 preschool children without severe anemia in urban and rural settings in Malawi. Causal factors previously associated with severe anemia were studied. The data were examined by multivariate analysis and structural equation modeling. Bacteremia (adjusted odds ratio, 5.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.6 to 10.9), malaria (adjusted odds ratio, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.6 to 3.3), hookworm (adjusted odds ratio, 4.8; 95% CI, 2.0 to 11.8), human immunodeficiency virus infection (adjusted odds ratio, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.0 to 3.8), the G6PD -202/-376 genetic disorder (adjusted odds ratio, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3 to 4.4), vitamin A deficiency (adjusted odds ratio, 2.8; 95% CI, 1.3 to 5.8), and vitamin B 12 deficiency (adjusted odds ratio, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.4 to 3.6) were associated with severe anemia. Folate deficiency, sickle cell disease, and laboratory signs of an abnormal inflammatory response were uncommon. Iron deficiency was not prevalent in case patients (adjusted odds ratio, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.22 to 0.60) and was negatively associated with bacteremia. Malaria was associated with severe anemia in the urban site (with seasonal transmission) but not in the rural site (where malaria was holoendemic). Seventy-six percent of hookworm infections were found in children under 2 years of age. There are multiple causes of severe anemia in Malawian preschool children, but folate and iron deficiencies are not prominent among them. Even in the presence of malaria parasites, additional or alternative causes of severe anemia should be considered.

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... grams per deciliter (g/dl) for men and less than 12 g/dl for women is diagnostic of anemia. In iron-deficiency anemia, ... blood levels of iron will be low, or less than 10 micromoles per liter (mmol/L) for both men and women. Normal levels are 10 to 30 mmol/L. ...

  6. Anemia in the Newborn (United States)

    ... Overview of Horseshoe Kidney Additional Content Medical News Anemia in the Newborn By Andrew W. Walter, MS ... for the Professional Version Blood Problems in Newborns Anemia in the Newborn Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn ...

  7. Genetics Home Reference: Diamond-Blackfan anemia (United States)

    ... Home Health Conditions Diamond-Blackfan anemia Diamond-Blackfan anemia Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Diamond-Blackfan anemia is a disorder of the bone marrow . The ...

  8. Método práctico para el diagnóstico de la anemia ferropénica en niños

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    Neyda Luz Nocedo Albuerne


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de 100 pacientes atendidos en el Policlínico “Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima” de la provincia de Las Tunas, Cuba; en el período comprendido entre noviembre de 2013 y noviembre de 2014, con el objetivo de brindar un enfoque práctico y a la vez sencillo para el diagnóstico de la anemia ferropriva o ferropénica en niños, aplicable a cualquier nivel de este sistema de salud. El análisis de los resultados mostró que es normal encontrar hasta un 4,3 % de microcitosis y un 4,3 % de hipocromía en niños sin anemia, y cifras superiores a éstas en niños con anemia. En todos los casos estudiados se demostró que la causa de la hipocromía y de la microcitosis fue el déficit de hierro. Resultó evidente que la palidez cutáneo-mucosa, la astenia y la anorexia fueron los elementos clínicos más frecuentemente encontrados, mientras que la esplenomegalia no fue tan frecuente como se plantea. El análisis de la extensión de sangre teñida constituye un parámetro eficaz para el diagnóstico. Se insiste en la divulgación del método y en la aplicación en el diagnóstico de la anemia ferropénica

  9. Representaciones sociales relacionadas a la anemia en niños menores de tres años en comunidades Awajún y Wampis, Perú

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    Julio Mayca-Pérez

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivos Conocer las representaciones sociales de las comunidades awajún y wampis en torno a síntomas y tratamiento de la anemia en niños menores de 03 años, la relación con sus simbolismos, constructos y tipo de alimentación. Materiales y métodos Estudio cualitativo realizado entre junio y agosto del 2015, en los distritos de Río Santiago, Cenepa y Nieva (región Amazonas, Perú; que incluyó entrevistas en profundidad (EP para personal de salud, autoridades de la comunidad y padres de familia, y grupos focales (GF para madres de familia. Resultados Se realizaron 38 EP y 13 GF. La población no tuvo un significado claro sobre la anemia, ni manejaba la misma descripción del personal de salud; sino que lo relacionaba con una sintomatología en base a sus representaciones sociales y manifestaciones culturales. Esto aplicaba en la decisión de los padres por el tratamiento a optar, no necesariamente, lo indicado por el personal de salud, y que prefieren el consumo de ciertos alimentos que podrían curar el putsumat. El acudir al establecimiento de salud o utilizar multimicronutrientes no era entonces su primera opción de tratamiento. Conclusiones Las representaciones sociales y prácticas tradicionales continúan existiendo y poseen sistemas interpretativos sobre la salud, la enfermedad y su manejo, con lógicas, sentidos y coherencia según grupo cultural. El putsumat o putsuju es un modelo interpretativo equivalente para la anemia, con una sintomatología presentada por los niños con palidez, delgadez, cansancio, sustentado en el sistema cultural simbólico de las poblaciones awajún y wampis.

  10. Anemia of Inflammation and Chronic Disease (United States)

    ... AI/ACD. AI/ACD is easily confused with iron- deficiency anemia because in both forms of anemia levels of ... cell production. Low blood iron levels occur in iron-deficiency anemia because levels of the iron stored in the ...

  11. Síndrome de TAR y estado de heterocigosis para anemia falciforme

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    Pilar Garavito


    Full Text Available Presentación de un paciente con el cuadro clínico del síndrome de TAR, quien presenta además un estado de heterocigosis para anemia falciforme. El síndrome de TAR, descrito por primera vez en 1959 por Shaw y Oliver, es un trastorno genético no común que ocurre con una prevalencia aproximada de 1: 500.000 a 1: 1.000.000 de nacidos vivos. En 1969 Hall y col. delinearon los criterios diagnósticos de este síndrome que incluyen ausencia bilateral del radio con presencia de ambos pulgares y trombocitopenia. Otras anomalías descritas en menor frecuencia son: Alteraciones óseas del húmero y cúbito, en los casos severos, focomelia, malformaciones de expresión variable en extremidades inferiores, malformaciones cardiacas e intolerancia a la leche de vaca (1, 2. Los hallazgos encontrados en este caso se comparan con los de la literatura y se discute su posible etiología, además de resaltar la importancia de realizar un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz y preciso especialmente de la trombocitopenia

  12. Capacidad neurocognitiva en niños con drepanocitosis y su relación con el valor de la hemoglobina Neurocognitive ability in children with sickle cell disease and its relationship with the hemoglobin value

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    Raúl Martínez Triana


    Full Text Available Desde hace décadas se conoce que existe un déficit de la capacidad cognitiva en niños con drepanocitosis y se ha considerado a la anemia como una de las causas. Se obtuvieron mediciones neuropsicológicas con la escala de inteligencia de Wechsler en 119 pacientes entre 6 y 18 años, y se compararon con 42 niños sanos de la misma edad y sexo. En 87 de los casos se obtuvieron los promedios anuales de los valores de hemoglobina (Hb recogidos de las historias clínicas en las consultas de seguimiento, hasta el momento de la evaluación. Se observó una disminución en los cocientes de inteligencia de la escala total (ET, p= 0,024, de la escala ejecutiva (EE, p= 0,008 y también en las subescalas información (p= 0,004, ordenar figuras (p= 0,017 y diseño de bloques (p= 0,003, con respecto a los sanos. Se observaron diferencias entre los resultados de los pacientes con los genotipos considerados más severos (SS y Sb0 talasemia con los menos severos (SC y Sb+ talasemia, en la ET (p= 0,033 y la EE (p= 0,011. Se encontró una relación significativa entre los promedios anuales de Hb, de los 4 a los 6 años de edad con la ET (p= 0,023, la escala verbal (p= 0,028, las subescalas información (p= 0,010, comprensión (p= 0,024, vocabulario (p= 0,022 y diseño de bloques (p= 0,011. Estos resultados confirman el déficit cognitivo en los pacientes con drepanocitosis y lo relacionan con la severidad de la anemia en la edad preescolar.

  13. Predictors of anemia in women of reproductive age: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project. (United States)

    Wirth, James P; Woodruff, Bradley A; Engle-Stone, Reina; Namaste, Sorrel Ml; Temple, Victor J; Petry, Nicolai; Macdonald, Barbara; Suchdev, Parminder S; Rohner, Fabian; Aaron, Grant J


    Background: Anemia in women of reproductive age (WRA) (age range: 15-49 y) remains a public health problem globally, and reducing anemia in women by 50% by 2025 is a goal of the World Health Assembly. Objective: We assessed the associations between anemia and multiple proximal risk factors (e.g., iron and vitamin A deficiencies, inflammation, malaria, and body mass index) and distal risk factors (e.g., education status, household sanitation and hygiene, and urban or rural residence) in nonpregnant WRA. Design: Cross-sectional, nationally representative data from 10 surveys ( n = 27,018) from the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project were analyzed individually and pooled by the infection burden and risk in the country. We examined the severity of anemia and measured the bivariate associations between anemia and factors at the country level and by infection burden, which we classified with the use of the national prevalences of malaria, HIV, schistosomiasis, sanitation, and water-quality indicators. Pooled multivariate logistic regression models were constructed for each infection-burden category to identify independent determinants of anemia (hemoglobin concertation <120 g/L). Results: Anemia prevalence was ∼40% in countries with a high infection burden and 12% and 7% in countries with moderate and low infection burdens, respectively. Iron deficiency was consistently associated with anemia in multivariate models, but the proportion of anemic women who were iron deficient was considerably lower in the high-infection group (35%) than in the moderate- and low-infection groups (65% and 71%, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, inflammation, vitamin A insufficiency, socioeconomic status, and age were also significantly associated with anemia, but malaria and vitamin B-12 and folate deficiencies were not. Conclusions: The contribution of iron deficiency to anemia varies according to a country's infection

  14. Predictors of anemia in women of reproductive age: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project (United States)

    Woodruff, Bradley A; Petry, Nicolai; Macdonald, Barbara; Aaron, Grant J


    Background: Anemia in women of reproductive age (WRA) (age range: 15–49 y) remains a public health problem globally, and reducing anemia in women by 50% by 2025 is a goal of the World Health Assembly. Objective: We assessed the associations between anemia and multiple proximal risk factors (e.g., iron and vitamin A deficiencies, inflammation, malaria, and body mass index) and distal risk factors (e.g., education status, household sanitation and hygiene, and urban or rural residence) in nonpregnant WRA. Design: Cross-sectional, nationally representative data from 10 surveys (n = 27,018) from the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project were analyzed individually and pooled by the infection burden and risk in the country. We examined the severity of anemia and measured the bivariate associations between anemia and factors at the country level and by infection burden, which we classified with the use of the national prevalences of malaria, HIV, schistosomiasis, sanitation, and water-quality indicators. Pooled multivariate logistic regression models were constructed for each infection-burden category to identify independent determinants of anemia (hemoglobin concertation Anemia prevalence was ∼40% in countries with a high infection burden and 12% and 7% in countries with moderate and low infection burdens, respectively. Iron deficiency was consistently associated with anemia in multivariate models, but the proportion of anemic women who were iron deficient was considerably lower in the high-infection group (35%) than in the moderate- and low-infection groups (65% and 71%, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, inflammation, vitamin A insufficiency, socioeconomic status, and age were also significantly associated with anemia, but malaria and vitamin B-12 and folate deficiencies were not. Conclusions: The contribution of iron deficiency to anemia varies according to a country’s infection burden. Anemia

  15. Anemia y deficiencia de hierro en mujeres en edad reproductiva usuarias del Hospital Regional de Villa Hayes, Paraguay

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    Jessica Riveros


    Full Text Available La anemia es un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. En Paraguay, existen datos limitados sobre la frecuencia de anemia en mujeres en edad reproductiva no gestantes. Este estudio piloto descriptivo de corte transverso tuvo como objetivo determinar la frecuencia de anemia y deficiencia de hierro, el estado nutricional, hábitos alimentarios y tóxicos en 99 mujeres no gestantes en edad reproductiva de 18 a 48 años que acudieron al Hospital Regional de Villa Hayes en Octubre del 2.014. La anemia se determinó tomando como punto de corte una concentración de hemoglobina <12 g/dL. La deficiencia de hierro se evaluó según la saturación de la transferrina. Además, se evaluó el índice de masa corporal (IMC y los hábitos nutricionales a través de una encuesta. La frecuencia de anemia fue de 15,1% (IC95% 8,7-23,8%, de éste el 33,3% (IC95% 12,8-61,6% correspondió a anemia ferropénica. Se observó asociación entre la presencia de anemia y los niveles disminuidos tanto del hematocrito (<38% como del número de glóbulos rojos (<4,2x 106/uL. Todas las mujeres con anemia ferropénica tenían peso <64 kg e IMC <24,5 kg/m2. Además, se detectó una alta frecuencia de sobrepeso y obesidad (45,4%, alto consumo de grasas, y bajo consumo de legumbres, frutas y verduras. A partir de estos resultados, se sugiere mantener la vigilancia e implementar programas que incluyan a estas mujeres, tanto para evitar deficiencias nutricionales como excesos.


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    Ni Made Dharma Laksmi


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Aplastic Anemia describes a disorder of the clinical syndrome is marked by a deficiency of red blood cells, neutrophils, monocytes and platelets in the absence of other forms of bone marrow damage. Aplastic anemia is classified as a rare disease in developed countries the incidence of 3-6 cases / 1 million inhabitants / year. The exact cause of someone suffering from aplastic anemia also can not be established with certainty, but there are several sources of potential risk factors. Prognosis or course of the disease varies widely aplastic anemia, but without treatment generally gives a poor prognosis /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}

  17. Fanconi Anemia — Case Report of Rare Aplastic Anemia at Child

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    Deaconu Alina


    Full Text Available Introduction: Fanconi anemia is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by congenital abnormalities, defective haematopoiesis, and a high risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia, myelodysplastic syndrome and cancers. FA was first described in 1927 by the Swiss pediatrician Guido Fanconi. The diagnosis is based on morphological abnormalities, hematologic abnormalities (pancytopenia, macrocytic anemia and progressive bone marrow failure and genetic tests (cariograma.

  18. Prevalencia de anemia en escolares de la zona amazónica de Ecuador

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    Quizhpe Edy


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de anemia en niños campesinos de edad escolar en la región amazónica de Ecuador. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio transversal durante los meses de mayo a octubre de 2000 en dos cantones de la provincia de Orellana, al noreste de Ecuador. Se eligieron 17 escuelas aleatoriamente hasta completar el tamaño muestral deseado, que fue de 626 niños. Se recogieron los datos demográficos y antropométricos (peso y talla; se determinaron los valores de hemoglobina y de protoporfirina eritrocitaria, y se analizaron muestras de heces en busca de infestación por parásitos. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia general de anemia fue de 16,6% y de los escolares afectados, 75,5% tenían anemia por déficit de hierro. La prevalencia de desnutrición crónica moderada fue de 28,8% y la de desnutrición crónica grave, de 9,3%. Asimismo, se encontró una prevalencia de desnutrición aguda moderada de 8,4% y de desnutrición aguda grave de 3,4%. Las infecciones parasitarias fueron muy frecuentes (82,0%. Los parásitos más comunes fueron Entamoeba coli (30,3% y Ascaris lumbricoides (25,0%. No se encontró ninguna relación entre la prevalencia de anemia y anemia por déficit de hierro por un lado, y los indicadores nutricionales o de infección parasitaria por el otro. CONCLUSIÓN: La anemia no es un problema grave de salud pública en la población estudiada. No obstante, la elevada prevalencia de niños con desnutrición crónica apunta a la necesidad de mejorar las características de la dieta. La falta de asociación entre la prevalencia de desnutrición y la anemia podría deberse a una baja biodisponibilidad o absorción de hierro, más que a una ingestión insuficiente. Se necesitan estudios que evalúen el tipo de dieta consumida habitualmente por esta población.

  19. Genetic diagnosis for congenital hemolytic anemia. (United States)

    Ohga, Shouichi


    Congenital hemolytic anemia is a group of monogenic diseases presenting with anemia due to increased destruction of circulating erythrocytes. The etiology of inherited anemia accounts for germline mutations of the responsible genes coding for the structural components of erythrocytes and extra-erythrocytes. The erythrocyte abnormalities are classified into three major disorders of red cell membrane defects, hemoglobinopathies, and red cell enzymopathies. The extra-erythrocyte abnormalities, typified by consumption coagulopathy and intravascular hemolysis, include Upshaw-Schulman syndrome and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. The clinical manifestations of congenital hemolytic anemia are anemia, jaundice, cholelithiasis and splenomegaly, while the onset mode and severity are both variable. Genetic overlapping of red cell membrane protein disorders, and distinct frequency and mutation spectra differing among races make it difficult to understand this disease entity. On the other hand, genetic modifiers for the phenotype of β-globin diseases provide useful information for selecting the optimal treatment and for long-term management. Recently, next generation sequencing techniques have enabled us to determine the novel causative genes in patients with undiagnosed hemolytic anemias. We herein review the concept and strategy for genetic diagnosis of inherited hemolytic anemias.

  20. Anemia y estado nutricional en lactantes de dos a cinco meses atendidos en establecimientos del Ministerio de Salud del Perú, 2012

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    Guillermo Gómez-Guizado

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar las características de los niveles de anemia en lactantes de dos a cinco meses de edad atendidos en los establecimientos del Ministerio de Salud del Perú durante el año 2012. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal utilizando la base de datos del Sistema de Información del Estado Nutricional del Centro Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Perú del año 2012. Se analizaron los registros de 7513 lactantes de dos a cinco meses de edad atendidos en puestos, centros y hospitales del Ministerio de Salud de las 25 regiones del Perú. Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas y de regresión logística. Resultados. El 10,2% (IC 95%: 9,5-10,9 de los lactantes presentaron anemia, con diferencias en las frecuencias según los meses de edad (p<0,001, altitud a nivel del mar (p<0,001, regiones (p<0,001 y tipo de establecimiento (p<0,001. En el análisis multivariable se encontraron como factores asociados con tener anemia la edad de 4 meses (OR 1,2; IC 95%: 1,0-1,5 y 5 meses (OR 1,4; IC 95%: 1,2-1,6, presentar obesidad (OR 0,7; IC 95%: 0,5-1,0 y desnutrición crónica (OR 1,3; IC 95%: 1,0-1,6. Conclusiones. Se evidencio la presencia de anemia y desnutrición crónica antes de los 6 meses de edad y que la probabilidad de tener anemia se incrementa conforme aumenta la edad y está asociada a algunos componentes del estado nutricional

  1. Hemorragia macular en anemia aplásica: reporte de un caso

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    Alfonso Cardenas Merino


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una paciente mujer de 31 años, con diagnóstico de anemia aplásica, quién refería disminución de agudeza visual central en el ojo derecho. Al examen del segmento anterior no había signos de sangrado. A la fundoscopía se encontraron hemorragias retinales en mancha en distinto cuadrante en cada ojo; hemorragia macular que comprometía la fovea en el ojo derecho y hemorragia preretinal con nivel en el cuadrante temporal inferior en el ojo izquierdo. Su evolución fue desfavorable, a la semana, presentó gran compromiso del sensorio, malestar general y al examen oftalmológico se encontraron hematomas subconjuntivales en ambos ojos como signo evolutivo de la severa plaquetopenia.(Rev Med Hered 2007;18:45-48.

  2. Relación entre la anemia y el desempeño escolar en niños y adolescentes en México


    Mosiño, Alejandro; Villagómez-Estrada, Karen P.; Prieto-Patrón, Alberto


    La anemia es un problema de salud pública que afecta alrededor del 25% de la población mundial. Se ha asociado, además, con la reducción en las habilidades cognitivas tanto en niños como en jóvenes en edad escolar. En el presente artículo estudiamos la relación que existe entre la asistencia a la escuela, el rezago estudiantil y la anemia utilizando como muestra la población estudiantil mexicana de entre 12 y 19 años de edad. Para lo anterior, hemos desarrollado una base de datos original que...

  3. Genetics Home Reference: iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia (United States)

    ... refractory iron deficiency anemia Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... expand/collapse boxes. Description Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia is one of many types of anemia , which ...

  4. The challenge of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

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    Hassanain Hani Hassan


    Full Text Available Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA is a Coomb's-negative hemolytic anemia characterized by red cell fragmentation (schistocytes. Thrombotic microangiopathy anemia, including thrombotic thrombocytopenia and hemolytic-uremic syndrome, malignant hypertension, preeclampsia are among the most common causes. We present a case of MAHA presenting with thrombocytopenia initially diagnosed as MAHA secondary to thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and received five sessions plasmapheresis without improvement but with worsening of anemia and thrombocytopenia. On further inquiry, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency was identified, and the patient showed dramatic recovery after the trial of B12 and folate.

  5. Metformin Therapy for Fanconis Anemia (United States)


    AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-16-1-0300 TITLE: Metformin Therapy for Fanconis Anemia PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Markus Grompe CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION... Anemia 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-16-1-0300 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Markus Grompe 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK...298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 This award pertains to the treatment of the inherited bone marrow failure syndrome Fanconi’s Anemia

  6. Anemia and survival in human immunodeficiency virus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundgren, Jens Dilling; Mocroft, Amanda


    The prospective, multicenter cohort study EuroSIDA has previously reported on predictors and outcomes of anemia in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. In a Cox proportional-hazards model with serial measures of CD4+ cell count, plasma viral load, and degrees of anemia fitted...... as time-dependent variables, the relative hazard of death increased markedly for patients with anemia versus no anemia. A clinical scoring system was developed and validated for patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy using the most recent laboratory measures. Mild and severe anemia were...... independently (Panemia. The mechanisms underlying why hemoglobin is such a strong prognostic...

  7. Genetics Home Reference: X-linked sideroblastic anemia (United States)

    ... Conditions X-linked sideroblastic anemia X-linked sideroblastic anemia Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... the expand/collapse boxes. Description X-linked sideroblastic anemia is an inherited disorder that prevents developing red ...

  8. Special Issues for People with Aplastic Anemia (United States)

    ... Menu Donate Special Issues for People with Aplastic Anemia Because you have aplastic anemia , everyday events can ... bleeding, such as contact sports. Pregnancy and Aplastic Anemia Pregnancy is possible for women who have been ...


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    Febrianti Febrianti


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN 2 Bogor adalah sekolah dengan angka  prevalensi anemia tertinggi di kota Bogor. Dari pemeriksaan Puskesmas Bogor Timur pada tahun 2009, ada 65,8 persen  siswi sekolah tersebut yang menderita anemia. Tujuan:  Identifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian anemia. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan potong lintang. Variabel dependen adalah kejadian anemia. Variabel independen terdiri atas lama haid, frekuensi makan, kebiasaan makan buah-buahan, kebiasaan makan protein hewani, kebiasaan makan protein nabati, dan kebiasaan minum teh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dua tahap yaitu pengisian kuesioner dan pengambilan sampel darah. Data dianalisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil:  Ditemukan  hubungan  yang  bermakna  antara  lama  haid  dengan  kejadian  anemia remaja  putri  (p value=0.028. Variabel lain tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan anemia.  Kesimpulan: Prevalensi anemia di MAN 2 Bogor berhubungan dengan lama haid dan tidak berhubungan dengan variabel lain.  Kata kunci: anemia remaja putri, faktor-faktor anemia, lama haid.

  10. Hidroxiurea en el tratamiento de niños y adolescentes con depranocitosis Hydroxyurea in the treatment of children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia

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    Gretel González Gilart


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de intervención terapéutica, a fin de determinar la mejoría clínica y de los resultados de laboratorio en 163 niños afectados por drepanocitosis y tratados con hidroxiurea, los cuales fueron atendidos en el Hospital Infantil Sur de Santiago de Cuba desde septiembre de 2009 hasta igual mes de 2010. Para ello se seleccionó una muestra intencional de 22 pacientes, teniendo en cuenta criterios de inclusión y exclusión, número de eventos clínicos, parámetros de laboratorio, transfusiones e ingresos al año con el uso del medicamento; meses después de iniciado el tratamiento, fueron comparados con los mismos indicadores. Al finalizar la investigación se constató que la hidroxiurea había aumentado los niveles de hemoglobina fetal y disminuido la aparición de eventos clínicos, entre los cuales se encontraban: crisis vasooclusivas y del sistema nervioso central, síndrome torácico agudo e infecciones.A study of therapeutic intervention was carried out, in order to determine the clinical improvement and laboratory results in 163 children affected by sickle cell anemia and who were treated with hydroxyurea, and who were assisted in the Southern Children Hospital in Santiago de Cuba from September, 2009 to the same month of 2010. For this, an intentional sample of 22 patients was selected, taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria, number of clinical events, laboratory parameters, transfusions and admissions in a year with the use of the medication. After some months of initiating the treatment, they were compared with the same indicators. When concluding the investigation it was verified that hydroxyurea had increased the fetal hemoglobin levels and decreased the occurrence of clinical events, among which there were: vasoocclusive and central nervous system crisis, acute thoracic syndrome and infections.

  11. Avoiding Anemia: Boost Your Red Blood Cells (United States)

    ... Issues Subscribe January 2014 Print this issue Avoiding Anemia Boost Your Red Blood Cells En español Send ... Disease When Blood Cells Bend Wise Choices Preventing Anemia To prevent or treat iron-deficiency anemia: Eat ...

  12. Factores que inciden en la anemia ferropénica de la embarazada


    Rodríguez Ganen, Odalis; Fernández Monagás, Sol Amalia; Gazapo Pernas, Raoul; Fernández Manzano, Edita; Rodríguez Acosta, Tania; Sánchez Salazar, Rosa; Castanedo Valdés, Raquel; Cutié León, Eduardo


    Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo en 292 gestantes del municipio Marianao, de ellas 145 anémicas (hemoglobina < 110 g/L) y 147 no anémicas (grupo control), desde marzo de 1999 a mayo de 2000. Se evaluó la hemoglobina al inicio y a partir de las 20 semanas de la gestación, variables asociadas con el suplemento "Prenatal", y factores epidemiológicos pregestacionales y gestacionales que influyen en la anemia ferropénica. Se concluyó que la hemoglobina disminuyó significativamente par...

  13. Socio-economic and demographic determinants of childhood anemia

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    Sankar Goswmai


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate socio-economic and demographic determinants of anemia among Indian children aged 6–59 months. Methods: Statistical analysis was performed on the cross-sectional weighted sample of 40,885 children from 2005 to 2006 National Family Health Survey by using multinomial logistic regression to assess the significance of some risk factors in different degrees of child anemia. Anemia was diagnosed by World Health Organization (WHO cut-off points on hemoglobin level. Pearson's chi-squared test was applied to justify the associations of anemia with different categories of the study population. Results: The prevalence of anemia was 69.5%; 26.2% mild, 40.4% moderate, and 2.9% severe anemia. Overall prevalence rate, along with mild and moderate cases, showed an increasing trend up to 2 years of age and then decreased. Rural children had a higher prevalence rate. Of 28 Indian states in the study, 10 states showed very high prevalence, the highest being Bihar (77.9%. Higher birth order, high index of poverty, low level of maternal education, mother's anemia, non-intake of iron supplements during pregnancy, and vegetarian mother increased the risks of all types of anemia among children (p < 0.05. Christian population was at lower risk; and Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, and Other Backward Class categories were at higher risk of anemia. Conclusion: The results suggest a need for proper planning and implementation of preventive measures to combat child anemia. Economically under-privileged groups, maternal nutrition and education, and birth control measures should be priorities in the programs. Resumo: Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos determinantes de anemia em crianças indianas com idade de 6 a 59 meses. Métodos: A análise estatística foi realizada na amostra transversal ponderada de 40885 crianças da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde da Família de 2005–2006, Governo da Índia, utilizando a técnica de

  14. Anemia Aplástica e Gravidez: Relato de Caso Aplastic Anemia and Pregnancy: A Case Report

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    Rosiane Alves de Sousa Teles


    Full Text Available A anemia aplástica é distúrbio caracterizado por pancitopenia e medula óssea hipocelular, com substituição gordurosa dos elementos e sem nenhum sinal de transformação maligna ou doença mieloproliferativa. Acomete geralmente adultos jovens e idosos, sem preferência sexual. A maioria dos casos é adquirida, mas pode ocorrer hereditariamente, por distúrbio molecular (anemia de Fanconi. A associação com gravidez é rara, estando relacionada com alta morbidade e mortalidade materna e fetal. Os autores descrevem o caso de uma paciente com anemia aplástica, diagnosticada previamente, cuja gestação complicou com infecção do trato urinário, doença hipertensiva específica da gestação e restrição de crescimento fetal, com parto prematuro eletivo. Apesar das condições adversas na gravidez e parto, mãe e recém-nascido tiveram evolução clínica satisfatória.Aplastic anemia is characterized by a circulating pancytopenia, hypocellularity, and fatty replacement of cellular marrow elements, without evidence of malignant transformation or myeloproliferative disease. It usually affects young and senior adults, without any sexual preference. Most cases of aplastic anemia are acquired, but the disease may also be inherited due to a molecular disorder (Fanconi's anemia. Aplastic anemia in pregnancy is an extremely rare condition with high maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality rates. The authors describe a case of a patient with previously diagnosed aplastic anemia, whose pregnancy was complicated with urinary tract infection, preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction, with elective preterm birth. In spite of the adverse conditions in pregnancy and delivery, mother and newborn had a satisfactory clinical evolution.

  15. Anemia intrahospitalaria y descenso de hemoglobina en pacientes internados Hospital-acquired anemia and decrease of hemoglobin levels in hospitalized patients

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    Carina V. Gianserra


    Full Text Available Es frecuente observar el desarrollo de anemia durante la internación, especialmente en pacientes graves. Esto se ha relacionado a extracciones de laboratorio. Pocos estudios evaluaron su prevalencia y factores asociados en pacientes internados en sala general. El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia, características y factores clínicos asociados a anemia intrahospitalaria y descenso de hemoglobina en pacientes internados. Se efectuó un estudio transversal, prospectivo, descriptivo. Se analizaron 192 internaciones consecutivas en sala general. Se determinó aquellas que presentaron un descenso del valor de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl y se analizaron factores de riesgo asociados. Presentaron anemia 139 pacientes (72.4%, 89 (46.4% al ingreso y 50 (26% durante la internación. Se presentaron 47 casos de descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl (24.47%, en los que se observaron los valores más bajos de hematocrito y hemoglobina al alta (p = 0.01, hidratación parenteral con mayor volumen (p = 0.01 y estadías hospitalarias más prolongadas (p = 0.0001. En el análisis univariado las variables leucocitosis = 11 000mm³ (OR; IC95%: 2.02; 1.03-4; p = 0.01, días de internación = 7 (OR; IC95%: 3.39; 1.62-7.09; p = 0.0006, hidratación parenteral = 1500 ml/día (OR; IC95%: 2.47; 1.06-6.4; p = 0.01, vía central (OR; IC95%: 10.29; 1.75-108.07, p = 0.003 y anemia intrahospitalaria (OR; IC95%: 7.06; 3.41-15.83; p = 0.00000004 fueron estadísticamente significativos como factores de riesgo para descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl. En el análisis multivariado las variables leucocitosis = 11 000 mm³ (OR; IC95%:2.45; 1.14-5.27; p = 0.02; días de internación = 7 (OR; IC95%: 5.15; 2.19-12.07; p = 0.0002; hidratación parenteral = 1500 ml/día (OR; IC95%: 2.95; 1.13-7.72; p = 0.02 y vía central (OR; IC95%:8.82; 1.37-56.82; p = 0.02 fueron factores predictivos independientes de descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl. La anemia intrahospitalaria tuvo una elevada prevalencia. La

  16. Aplastic anemia in Japanese radiological technicians

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitabatake, T.; Watanabe, T.; Saito, A.; Nakamura, M.; Shiohama Hospital, Mie


    Among the Japanese radiological technicians, four deaths from aplastic anemia have been reported after 1930. On the other hand, during the period from 1930 to 1960, the population of radiological technicians is estimated to be 74,400 man-years, in which 0.5 aplastic anemias are expected. However, actually three died from aplastic anemia. This difference is statistically significant at the 1% level. While, in the period from 1961 to 1973, the observed value is 1 against 0.7 expected. It is concluded that aplastic anemia had been induced frequently among the Japanese radiological technicians in the era when there was much exposure to occupational radiation. (orig.) [de

  17. The incidence of gastrointestinal pathology and subsequent anemia in young men presenting with iron deficiency without anemia. (United States)

    Carter, Dan; Bardan, Eytan; Derazne, Estela; Tzur, Dorit; Avidan, Benjamin


    The etiology of iron deficiency (ID) without anemia in young men is unclear, and there are no evidence-based recommendations for the required gastrointestinal (GI) evaluation. The aims of this study were to examine the incidence of significant GI pathology and the development of anemia during the follow-up of young men presenting with ID, but without anemia. All young men (18-30 years) who served in the Israel Defense Forces during the years 2005-2013 and had at least a single laboratory test indicative of ID without anemia were followed until the diagnosis of significant GI pathology or discharge from military service. The study population included 2061 young men (mean age 20.7±1.8). During follow-up of 3150 person years, significant GI pathologies were diagnosed in 39 patients: inflammatory bowel disease in 25 (1.2%), celiac disease in 8 (0.4%), and peptic disease in 4 (0.1%). No cases of GI-related cancer were diagnosed. ID anemia developed during follow-up in 203 (9.8%). Lower baseline hemoglobin levels, lower ferritin levels, and younger age at diagnosis were more common among those who developed anemia. The development of anemia was a predisposing factor for the diagnosis of GI pathology (risk ratio=3.60, 95% confidence interval 1.34-8.32, P=0.012). Significant GI pathology is very uncommon in young men presenting with ID. Overt anemia developed in close to 10% of the study cohort. Therefore, we advise simple GI evaluation (celiac serology, C-reactive protein or fecal calprotectin, and urease breath test) as well as follow-up in this population.

  18. Estudio de la deficiencia de hierro en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva: una práctica clínica que precisa mayor atención

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    Lara Belmar Vega


    Conclusión: La ICC se asocia con alta frecuencia a anemia, deficiencia de hierro e insuficiencia renal. El estudio de los parámetros férricos en los pacientes que ingresan con ICC, pese a que la corrección de la deficiencia de hierro se asocia a mejoría de la sintomatología, no se realiza con la frecuencia necesaria.

  19. Anemia en mujeres en edad fértil de la Comunidad Nativa Ese’eja - Palma Real, Madre Dios, Perú

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    J. Antonio Grandez-Urbina


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres en edad fértil en comunidades nativas Ese’eja en Madre de Dios, Perú. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, un muestreo tipo censal, se determinó la concentración de hemoglobina mediante la técnica de micro hematocrito. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el paquete estadístico STATA 11.0 (STATA Corp. Texas, US. Resultados: El 77,63% de las mujeres mostró cifras de hemoglobina inferiores a 12 g/dl de ellas, el 29,5% se encontraba entre 11,0 y 11,9 g/dl, lo que se considera como anemia leve; el 70,5% restante tenía la hemoglobina entre 7,0 y 10,9 g/dl. Conclusiones: La anemia es una alteración altamente prevalente en mujeres en edad fértil de la comunidad nativa Ese’eja Palma Real.

  20. Hemoglobina materna en el Perú: diferencias regionales y su asociación con resultados adversos perinatales Maternal hemoglobin in Perú: regional differences and its asociation with adverse perinatal outcomes

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    Gustavo F. Gonzales


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Establecer la frecuencia de anemia y eritrocitosis en gestantes de diferentes regiones del Perú y la asociación con los resultados adversos perinatales utilizando los datos del Sistema de Información Perinatal (SIP del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA. Materiales y métodos. Se obtuvieron datos de 379 816 partos de 43 centros asistenciales del Ministerio de Salud entre los años 2000 y 2010. Se determinó la frecuencia de anemia y eritrocitosis en cada región geográfica así como de los resultados adversos perinatales. Resultados. La frecuencia de anemia leve fue mayor en la costa (25,8 % y en la selva baja (26,2 %. La frecuencia de anemia moderada/severa es más alta en la selva baja (2,6 % seguido de la costa (1,0 %. En la sierra, las frecuencia más alta de anemia moderada/severa se observa en la sierra sur (0,6 %. La mayor frecuencia de eritrocitosis (Hb>14,5 g/dL fue encontrada en la sierra centro (23,7 %, seguido de 11,9 % en la sierra sur y 9,5 % en la sierra norte. La anemia severa y la eritrocitosis estuvieron relacionadas con los resultados adversos perinatales. Conclusiones. Hay diferencias por región geográfica en la frecuencia de anemia. En la sierra central se encontró mayor frecuencia de eritrocitosis con respecto a la sierra sur. Tanto la anemia severa como la eritrocitosis aumentan los resultados adversos perinatales.Objectives. To evaluate hemoglobin (Hb levels in pregnant women from different geographical regions from Peru; to establish anemia and erythrocytocis rates and to establish the role of Hb on adverse perinatal outcomes using the Perinatal Information System (PIS database of Peruvian Ministry of Health. Materials and methods. Data were obtained from 379,816 births of 43 maternity care units between 2000 and 2010. Anemia and erythrocytocis rates were determined in each geographical region as well as rates of adverse perinatal outcomes. To analyze data the STATA program (versión 10.0,Texas, USA was used

  1. Programa de prevención de anemia falciforme (III: La electroforesis de hemoglobina: indicación e interpretación

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    Marcos Raúl Martín Ruiz


    Full Text Available Se presenta una guía práctica para la indicación de electroforesis de hemoglobina, utilizada en el pesquisaje de hemoglobinas anormales en el Programa de Prevención de Anemia Falciforme, actualmente vigente en Cuba, así como la interpretación del fenotipo y el riesgo de tener hijos afectados con hemoglobinopatías SS y SC.A practical guide is presented for the indication of hemoglobin electrophoresis used in the screening of abnormal hemoglobins in the Programme for Prevention of Sickle Cell Anemia, standing in Cuba at present, as well as the interpretation of phenotype and the risk of having children with hemoglobinopathies SS or SC.

  2. The Evidence-Based Evaluation of Iron Deficiency Anemia. (United States)

    Hempel, Eliana V; Bollard, Edward R


    Anemia is a prevalent disease with multiple possible etiologies and resultant complications. Iron deficiency anemia is a common cause of anemia and is typically due to insufficient intake, poor absorption, or overt or occult blood loss. Distinguishing iron deficiency from other causes of anemia is integral to initiating the appropriate treatment. In addition, identifying the underlying cause of iron deficiency is also necessary to help guide management of these patients. We review the key components to an evidence-based, cost-conscious evaluation of suspected iron deficiency anemia. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Anemia (United States)

    ... a hemoglobin value of less than 13.5 gm/dl in a man or less than 12.0 gm/dl in a woman. Normal values for children ... types of anemia cannot be prevented, eating healthy foods can help you avoid both iron-and vitamin- ...

  4. Anemia em adolescentes segundo maturação sexual Anemia among adolescents according to sexual maturation

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    Bianca Assunção Iuliano


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência de anemia em adolescentes (hemoglobina0,05. Observou-se aparente aumento do nível médio de hemoglobina com o desenvolvimento do adolescente. Detectou-se anemia em 11,0% dos adolescentes, a maioria na fase púbere, classificada como ''prevalência leve'' segundo a World Health Organization. Não foi encontrada associação entre indicadores sociais e anemia. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo apontou baixa prevalência de anemia, mas acima do esperado entre púberes de escola particular e indica tendência de aumento dos níveis de hemoglobina com o desenvolvimento sexual dos adolescentes. Devem ser realizados novos estudos de prevalência de anemia para se determinar sua causa entre adolescentes de diferentes níveis socioeconômicos.OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of anemia (hemoglobin level <12g/dL in adolescents, according to their sexual maturation stage. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with all adolescents enrolled in 5th - 8th grades in a private school in the city of São Paulo. Their hemoglobin level was measured (using Hemocue® and sexual development was self-evaluated (with the aid of pictures of the maturation stages proposed by Tanner. The social indicators evaluated were the per capita family income and maternal schooling. Student t test and non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test were used for mean comparison and Chi-square-test for associations (p<0.05. RESULTS: We analyzed 118 students, of which 66.9% were females (aged 12.2±1.13 years and 33.1% were males (aged 12.0±1.18 years. The mean hemoglobin level was 13.2±1.08 g/dL for females and 13.3±1.21 g/dL for males, with no significant difference. An apparent increase in the mean hemoglobin level was verified along with sexual development of the adolescents. Anemia was detected in 11% of them, most in the pubertal stage, which is classified by the World Health Organization as ''mild prevalence''. No association was found between social

  5. Management of Anemia of Inflammation in the Elderly

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    Antonio Macciò


    Full Text Available Anemia of any degree is recognized as a significant independent contributor to morbidity, mortality, and frailty in elderly patients. Among the broad types of anemia in the elderly a peculiar role seems to be played by the anemia associated with chronic inflammation, which remains the most complex form of anemia to treat. The origin of this nonspecific inflammation in the elderly has not yet been clarified. It seems more plausible that the oxidative stress that accompanies ageing is the real cause of chronic inflammation of the elderly and that the same oxidative stress is actually a major cause of this anemia. The erythropoietic agents have the potential to play a therapeutic role in this patient population. Despite some promising results, rHuEPO does not have a specific indication for the treatment of anemia in the elderly. Moreover, concerns about their side effects have spurred the search for alternatives. Considering the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of anemia of inflammation in the elderly population, an integrated nutritional/dietetic approach with nutraceuticals that can manipulate oxidative stress and related inflammation may prevent the onset of this anemia and its negative impact on patients’ performance and quality of life.

  6. Management of Anemia of Inflammation in the Elderly (United States)

    Macciò, Antonio; Madeddu, Clelia


    Anemia of any degree is recognized as a significant independent contributor to morbidity, mortality, and frailty in elderly patients. Among the broad types of anemia in the elderly a peculiar role seems to be played by the anemia associated with chronic inflammation, which remains the most complex form of anemia to treat. The origin of this nonspecific inflammation in the elderly has not yet been clarified. It seems more plausible that the oxidative stress that accompanies ageing is the real cause of chronic inflammation of the elderly and that the same oxidative stress is actually a major cause of this anemia. The erythropoietic agents have the potential to play a therapeutic role in this patient population. Despite some promising results, rHuEPO does not have a specific indication for the treatment of anemia in the elderly. Moreover, concerns about their side effects have spurred the search for alternatives. Considering the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of anemia of inflammation in the elderly population, an integrated nutritional/dietetic approach with nutraceuticals that can manipulate oxidative stress and related inflammation may prevent the onset of this anemia and its negative impact on patients' performance and quality of life. PMID:23091709



    Jaramillo Llontop, Adela; Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo; Vergara Espinoza, Martha Arminda; Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo


    RESUMEN El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal y anemia en niños de 1 a 6 años, beneficiarios del Programa de Vaso de leche de la Municipalidad Distrital de Patapo - anexo La Cría, departamento de Lambayeque 2017. Fueron seleccionados 60 niños  a quienes se les realizó un diagnóstico de parasitosis intestinal con la técnica coproparasitológica simple y el test de Graham y se les determinó anemia por el metodo de hematocrito. La prevalencia de parasitos...

  8. Socio-economic and demographic determinants of childhood anemia

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    Sankar Goswmai


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate socio-economic and demographic determinants of anemia among Indian children aged 6-59 months. METHODS: Statistical analysis was performed on the cross-sectional weighted sample of 40,885 children from 2005 to 2006 National Family Health Survey by using multinomial logistic regression to assess the significance of some risk factors in different degrees of child anemia. Anemia was diagnosed by World Health Organization (WHO cut-off points on hemoglobin level. Pearson's chi-squared test was applied to justify the associations of anemia with different categories of the study population. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia was 69.5%; 26.2% mild, 40.4% moderate, and 2.9% severe anemia. Overall prevalence rate, along with mild and moderate cases, showed an increasing trend up to 2 years of age and then decreased. Rural children had a higher prevalence rate. Of 28 Indian states in the study, 10 states showed very high prevalence, the highest being Bihar (77.9%. Higher birth order, high index of poverty, low level of maternal education, mother's anemia, non-intake of iron supplements during pregnancy, and vegetarian mother increased the risks of all types of anemia among children (p < 0.05. Christian population was at lower risk; and Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, and Other Backward Class categories were at higher risk of anemia. CONCLUSION: The results suggest a need for proper planning and implementation of preventive measures to combat child anemia. Economically under-privileged groups, maternal nutrition and education, and birth control measures should be priorities in the programs.

  9. Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia (United States)

    Jimenez, Kristine; Kulnigg-Dabsch, Stefanie


    Anemia affects one-fourth of the world’s population, and iron deficiency is the predominant cause. Anemia is associated with chronic fatigue, impaired cognitive function, and diminished well-being. Patients with iron deficiency anemia of unknown etiology are frequently referred to a gastroenterologist because in the majority of cases the condition has a gastrointestinal origin. Proper management improves quality of life, alleviates the symptoms of iron deficiency, and reduces the need for blood transfusions. Treatment options include oral and intravenous iron therapy; however, the efficacy of oral iron is limited in certain gastrointestinal conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, and autoimmune gastritis. This article provides a critical summary of the diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia. In addition, it includes a management algorithm that can help the clinician determine which patients are in need of further gastrointestinal evaluation. This facilitates the identification and treatment of the underlying condition and avoids the unnecessary use of invasive methods and their associated risks. PMID:27099596

  10. Unexpected Anemia and Reticulocytopenia in an Adolescent With Sickle Cell Anemia Receiving Chronic Transfusion Therapy. (United States)

    Blauel, Emily R; Grossmann, Lily T; Vissa, Madhav; Miller, Scott T


    In a patient with sickle cell disease receiving chronic transfusion, exacerbation of anemia with reticulocytopenia must prompt consideration of a delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction with hyperhemolysis, as further transfusion may worsen this condition; definitive diagnosis is sometimes difficult. Anemia evolving during parvovirus B19-induced erythroid hypoplasia (transient aplastic crisis) should be attenuated in chronic transfusion patients due to superior survival of transfused over endogenous red blood cells. A 16-year-old with sickle cell disease receiving chronic transfusion of modified intensity (goal to maintain hemoglobin S<50%) who developed symptomatic anemia with reticulocytopenia was later shown to have had transient aplastic crisis.

  11. Genetics Home Reference: thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome (United States)

    ... Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable ... the expand/collapse boxes. Description Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome is a rare condition characterized by hearing ...

  12. 9 CFR 311.34 - Anemia. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Anemia. 311.34 Section 311.34 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION... CERTIFICATION DISPOSAL OF DISEASED OR OTHERWISE ADULTERATED CARCASSES AND PARTS § 311.34 Anemia. Carcasses of...

  13. Family structure and child anemia in Mexico. (United States)

    Schmeer, Kammi K


    Utilizing longitudinal data from the nationally-representative Mexico Family Life Survey, this study assesses the association between family structure and iron-deficient anemia among children ages 3-12 in Mexico. The longitudinal models (n = 4649), which control for baseline anemia status and allow for consideration of family structure transitions, suggest that children living in stable-cohabiting and single-mother families and those who have recently experienced a parental union dissolution have higher odds of anemia than those in stable-married, father-present family structures. Interaction effects indicate that unmarried family contexts have stronger associations with anemia in older children (over age five); and, that the negative effects of parental union dissolution are exacerbated in poorer households. Resident maternal grandparents have a significant beneficial effect on child anemia independent of parental family structure. These results highlight the importance of family structure for child micronutrient deficiencies and suggest that understanding social processes within households may be critical to preventing child anemia in Mexico. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Tissue Factor and Thrombin in Sickle Cell Anemia


    Chantrathammachart, Pichika; Pawlinski, Rafal


    Sickle cell anemia is an inherited hematologic disorder associated with hemolytic and vaso-occlusive complications. An activation of coagulation is also a prominent feature of sickle cell anemia. Growing evidence indicates that coagulation may contribute to the inflammation and vascular injury in sickle cell anemia. This review focuses on tissue factor expression and its contribution to the activation of coagulation, thrombosis and vascular inflammation in sickle cell anemia.

  15. Iron Deficiency, Anemia and Mortality in Renal Transplant Recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eisenga, Michele F.; Minovic, Isidor; Berger, Stefan P.; Kootstra-Ros, Jenny E.; van den Berg, Else; Riphagen, Ineke J.; Navis, Gerjan; van der Meer, Peter; Bakker, Stephan J. L.; Gaillard, Carlo A. J. M.

    Anemia, iron deficiency anemia (IDA), and iron deficiency (ID) are highly prevalent in renal transplant recipients (RTR). Anemia is associated with poor outcome, but the role of ID is unknown. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association of ID, irrespective of anemia, with all-cause mortality

  16. Iron Deficiency, Anemia and Mortality in Renal Transplant Recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eisenga, Michele F.; Minovic, Isidor; Berger, Stefan P; Kootstra-Ros, Jenny E.; van den Berg, Else; Riphagen, Ineke J.; Navis, Gerjan J.; Van der Meer, Peter; Bakker, Stephan J. L.; Gaillard, Carlo A. J. M.


    Anemia, iron deficiency anemia (IDA), and iron deficiency (ID) are highly prevalent in renal transplant recipients (RTR). Anemia is associated with poor outcome, but the role of ID is unknown. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association of ID, irrespective of anemia, with all-cause mortality

  17. Anemia intrahospitalaria y descenso de hemoglobina en pacientes internados

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    Carina V. Gianserra


    Full Text Available Es frecuente observar el desarrollo de anemia durante la internación, especialmente en pacientes graves. Esto se ha relacionado a extracciones de laboratorio. Pocos estudios evaluaron su prevalencia y factores asociados en pacientes internados en sala general. El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia, características y factores clínicos asociados a anemia intrahospitalaria y descenso de hemoglobina en pacientes internados. Se efectuó un estudio transversal, prospectivo, descriptivo. Se analizaron 192 internaciones consecutivas en sala general. Se determinó aquellas que presentaron un descenso del valor de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl y se analizaron factores de riesgo asociados. Presentaron anemia 139 pacientes (72.4%, 89 (46.4% al ingreso y 50 (26% durante la internación. Se presentaron 47 casos de descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl (24.47%, en los que se observaron los valores más bajos de hematocrito y hemoglobina al alta (p = 0.01, hidratación parenteral con mayor volumen (p = 0.01 y estadías hospitalarias más prolongadas (p = 0.0001. En el análisis univariado las variables leucocitosis = 11 000mm³ (OR; IC95%: 2.02; 1.03-4; p = 0.01, días de internación = 7 (OR; IC95%: 3.39; 1.62-7.09; p = 0.0006, hidratación parenteral = 1500 ml/día (OR; IC95%: 2.47; 1.06-6.4; p = 0.01, vía central (OR; IC95%: 10.29; 1.75-108.07, p = 0.003 y anemia intrahospitalaria (OR; IC95%: 7.06; 3.41-15.83; p = 0.00000004 fueron estadísticamente significativos como factores de riesgo para descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl. En el análisis multivariado las variables leucocitosis = 11 000 mm³ (OR; IC95%:2.45; 1.14-5.27; p = 0.02; días de internación = 7 (OR; IC95%: 5.15; 2.19-12.07; p = 0.0002; hidratación parenteral = 1500 ml/día (OR; IC95%: 2.95; 1.13-7.72; p = 0.02 y vía central (OR; IC95%:8.82; 1.37-56.82; p = 0.02 fueron factores predictivos independientes de descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl. La anemia intrahospitalaria tuvo una elevada prevalencia. La

  18. Multidisciplinary approach to anemia

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    Anca Ghiațău


    Full Text Available Introduction: We present the case of a 65 years- old woman who was admitted with a severe macrocytic anemia Hb= 5.7g/dl and diffuse bone pain. Biologically she has moderate thrombocytopenia 35 000/µl, a hepatic cytolysis and cholestatic syndrome. Material and method: The patient was extensively evaluated before presentation for a mild iron - deficiency anemia for which she underwent endoscopic examination of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract- normal. The bone marrow aspiration on admission revealed a marked hyperplasia of the erythroblastic line with ~50% basophilic erythroblasts suggesting a regenerative erythroid hyperplasia. These changes along with the marked reticulocytosis on the peripheral blood smear oriented us towards a hemolytic anemia; Folic acid, vitamin B12, autoimmune tests and hemolytic tests were all normal. We continued the investigations with a thoraco-abdominopelvic computed tomography which identified diffuse demineralization, vertebral compactation and pelvic stress fractures. The breast examination revealed a right breast nodule, but the breast ultrasonography pleaded for benignity. Lacking a clear definitive diagnosis we decided to perform a bone marrow biopsy. Results: The osteo- medullary biopsy pointed towards a medullar invasion from a lobular mammary carcinoma; In these circumstances we performed an ultrasound guided biopsy of the right mammary lump thus histologically confirming a tumoral invasion of the bone marrow with subsequent anemia. The patient started chemotherapy in the Oncology ward. Conclusion: The particularity of this case consists in the pattern of anemia, which initially seemed iron deficient and afterwards macrocytic – apparently hemolytic and was actually due to the tumoral medullar invasion and also the nonspecific ultrasonographic appearance of the breast tumor.

  19. Factors Associated with Anemia in the Institutionalized Elderly.

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    Emanuelle Cruz da Silva

    Full Text Available As a common problem in long-term care facilities (LTCFs, anemia affects 25-63% of the elderly. The aim of the present study was to describe the prevalence and characteristics of anemia and its associated factors in the institutionalized elderly. The cross-sectional study was carried out with three hundred thirteen individuals aged ≥ 60 years, of both genders, living in long-term care facilities for the elderly in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Poisson regression (PR with robust variance estimates was used to assess the factors related to anemia. The prevalence of anemia was 38%. Mild anemia was predominant in both genders (male: 26.8%; female: 21.1%, as normocytic and normochromic anemia, with no anisocytosis (69.75%. Anemia was associated with thinness (PR: 1.68; 95% CI: 1.04-2.72 and with moderate (PR: 1.98; 95% CI: 1.07-3.63 and total (PR: 2.61; 95% CI: 1.34-5.07 dependence in the final model. Severe dependence exhibited borderline significance (PR: 1.94; 95% CI: 1.00-3.77. The prevalence of anemia was high in the institutionalized elderly in both genders, with characteristics suggesting chronic diseases as the causal factor, and the frequency of occurrence was higher in thinness elderly with moderate to total dependence.

  20. Leucemia viral felina simultánea con otras patologías en tres casos clínicos diferentes


    Ortiz A, José F


    La leucemia viral felina (ViLeF) es una patología, que se asocia con la presentación de varias enfermedades; el artículo presenta tres casos de pacientes cada uno con patologías diferentes que a su vez fueron positivos a ViLeF; no se descarta que esta enfermedad esté relacionada o sea la causa de las tres patologías, en el primer caso se encontró una anemia arregenerativa, en el otro, un carcinoma mamario y en el último, un proceso compatible con una peritonitis felina. Se describen la sintom...

  1. Genetics Home Reference: congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (United States)

    ... Facebook Twitter Home Health Conditions CDA Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia ( CDA ) is an inherited blood disorder that affects ...

  2. FastStats: Anemia or Iron Deficiency (United States)

    ... this? Submit What's this? Submit Button NCHS Home Anemia or Iron Deficiency Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share ... visits Number of visits to emergency departments with anemia as the primary hospital discharge diagnosis: 188,000 ...

  3. Treatment of anemia with darbepoetin alfa in systolic heart failure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Swedberg, Karl; Young, James B; Anand, Inder S


    Patients with systolic heart failure and anemia have worse symptoms, functional capacity, and outcomes than those without anemia. We evaluated the effects of darbepoetin alfa on clinical outcomes in patients with systolic heart failure and anemia.......Patients with systolic heart failure and anemia have worse symptoms, functional capacity, and outcomes than those without anemia. We evaluated the effects of darbepoetin alfa on clinical outcomes in patients with systolic heart failure and anemia....

  4. Prevalence and Correlates of Maternal Anemia in Rural Sidama ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In order to assess the prevalence and correlates of prenatal anemia, a survey was conducted among 700 randomly selected pregnant women in rural Sidama, Southern Ethiopia. The prevalences of anemia, Iron Deficiency (ID) and ID anemia were 31.6%, 17.4% and 8.7%, respectively. The burden of anemia was ...

  5. Correction of anemia in pregnancy

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    Analía Cánepa


    Se observó que en el 50% de las pacientes estudiadas no se logró corregir la anemia. Concluimos que existe una dificultad en la corrección de la anemia y una necesidad de realizar futuros estudios que permitan conocer las causas de este problema e implementar acciones en base a ellas.


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    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Anemia is defined as haemoglobin level in the blood below the lower extreme of the normal range for the age and sex of the individual. According to WHO, in developing countries the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women averages 60%, ranging between 35 to 100% among different regions of the world. A hemoglobin concentration below 11.0g/dl or packed cell volume (PCV of less than 33.0% is regarded as anemia during pregnancy by the WHO. It occurs in 40 - 80% of the pregnant women. Iron and folic acid defici encies, malaria, intestinal parasitic infections and hemoglobinopathies are the principal causes of anemia in pregnancy. Predisposing factors include young age, grand multiparity, low socioeconomic status, illiteracy, ignorance and short intervals of pregn ancy. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To study various patterns of anemia in pregnant women having haemoglobin level < 11 gm%. 2. To determine the most common pattern of anemia in pregnancy based on red cell morphology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is a prospe ctive study over a period of one year from September 2014 to August 2015 in the department of pathology, Andhra medical college, Visakhapatnam . The study was conducted on 120 pregnant women whose haemoglobin level is < 11 gm/dl. All the haemotological parameters & peripheral blood smear stained by Leishman’s stain were evaluated. Complete clinical & obstetric history was recorded. Socioeconomic status was also noted. RESULTS: Out of 120 cases of anemia, we found 47 patie nts (39.1% having dimorphic anemia, 36(30% – microcytic hypochromic anemia, 23(19.1% - normocytic hypochromic anemia, 11(9.16% - sickle cell anemia and 1(0.83% case of pancytopenia. Maximum cases were seen in the age group of 21 - 30 years. 52 cases (43. 3% were primigravida and remaining 68 cases (56.6% were gravida two to four. 20 cases (16.6% were diagnosed in the first trimester, 38 cases (31.6% in the second trimester & 62 cases (51.6s% in the

  7. Correlative study on anemia and radiotherapy effects in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Jinsheng; Jiang Yuanshi; Cao Xibiao; Zhan Yongzhong; Yang Liye; Chen Jianxiu; Chen Chengwu; Li Yang


    Objective: To study the effect of oxygen-carrying ability of blood efficacy of radiotherapy for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods: Altogether 161 cases of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma were classified according to severity of anemia, and Hb, RBC, MCH, HCT, MCV, MCHC and RDW were tested before, during and after radiotherapy. The patients were followed-up for up to 5 years, the relationship and mechanism among anemia, radiotherapy effects and survival rate was discussed. Results: The survival rate between anemia group and non-anemia group was different significantly (P<0.05). Anemia before radiotherapy, anemia appearance or anemia deterioration during radiotherapy were sensitive factors affecting radiotherapy results. The anemia more severe, the radiotherapy worse. Conclusion: Anemia-hypohemoglobinemia leads to decrease of oxygen-carrying capacity of blood, resulting in oxygen deficiency of tumor cells and their radiotherapy resistance. Therefore this method is worthy of further studies

  8. Aplastic anemia due to radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakai, Kunio; Saito, Akira


    The relationship between radiation exposure and aplastic anemia, clarified previously, is discussed. When persons such as radiological technicians receive whole-body irradiation in rather large doses, it is possible that aplastic anemia will result later on. However, this is difficult to determine because the irradiated region is limited despite large doses of radiation. (Bell, E.)

  9. Necesidades de investigación para el diagnóstico de anemia en poblaciones de altura

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    Gustavo F. Gonzales

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Tanto la deficiencia como la sobrecarga de hierro son situaciones que ponen en riesgo la salud y la vida de las personas, por lo que es importante mantener su homeostasis. Como la hemoglobina contiene 70% del hierro del organismo, la OMS recomienda su medición para determinar la prevalencia de anemia por deficiencia de hierro (ID, a pesar que ellos mismos reconocen que la anemia no es específica de ID. Como la hemoglobina aumenta con la altitud de residencia, la OMS recomienda corregir el punto de corte para definir anemia en la altura. Una objeción a esta corrección es que el aumento de la hemoglobina en la altura no es universal ni aumenta de manera lineal. Además, las poblaciones de mayor antigüedad generacional tienen menos hemoglobina que las más recientes. En infantes, niños, gestantes y adultos, la prevalencia de anemia usando hemoglobina corregida es 3-5 veces mayor que usando marcadores del estatus de hierro. Los programas estatales buscan combatir la anemia mediante la suplementación de hierro; no obstante, resultan ineficaces, especialmente en las poblaciones de altura. Entonces, ¿hay deficiencia de hierro en la altura? Los niveles de hepcidina sérica, hormona que regula la disponibilidad de hierro, son similares a los de nivel del mar indicando que en la altura no hay deficiencia de hierro. Un problema adicional al corregir la hemoglobina por la altura, es que las prevalencias de eritrocitosis disminuyen. En conclusión, la corrección del punto de corte de la hemoglobina en la altura para determinar deficiencia de hierro es inadecuada.

  10. Prevalence of Anemia in Latin America and the Caribbean. (United States)

    Mujica-Coopman, María F; Brito, Alex; López de Romaña, Daniel; Ríos-Castillo, Israel; Coris, Héctor; Olivares, Manuel


    In Latin America and the Caribbean, anemia has been a public health problem that affects mainly women of childbearing age and children under 6 years of age. However, the current prevalence of anemia in this region is unknown. To examine the latest available prevalence data on anemia in Latin America and the Caribbean. A systematic review was conducted in 2011 and updated in 2014. Studies determining the prevalence of anemia conducted in apparently healthy populations with national or regional representativeness were included in the review. The lowest prevalence rates of anemia among children under 6 years of age were found in Chile (4.0%), Costa Rica (4.0%), Argentina (7.6%), and Mexico (19.9%). In Nicaragua, Brazil, Ecuador, El Panama, and Honduras, anemia was a moderate public health problem, with prevalence ranging Salvador, Cuba, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Peru, from 20.1% to 37.3%. Anemia was a severe public health problem in Guatemala, Haiti, and Bolivia. The prevalence of anemia among women of childbearing age was lowest in Chile (5.1%). In Colombia, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Honduras, and Argentina, anemia was a mild public health problem, with prevalence ranging from 7.6% to 18.7%. In Guatemala, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Bolivia, anemia was a moderate public health problem, with prevalence ranging from 21.4% to 38.3%. Panama and Haiti had the highest reported prevalence rates (40.0% and 45.5%, respectively), and anemia was considered a severe public health problem in those countries. Anemia remains a public health problem in children under 6 years of age and women of childbearing age in most Latin America and Caribbean countries for which data are available.

  11. Prevalence of high blood pressure, heart disease, thalassemia, sickle-cell anemia, and iron-deficiency anemia among the UAE adolescent population. (United States)

    Barakat-Haddad, Caroline


    This study examined the prevalence of high blood pressure, heart disease, and medical diagnoses in relation to blood disorders, among 6,329 adolescent students (age 15 to 18 years) who reside in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Findings indicated that the overall prevalence of high blood pressure and heart disease was 1.8% and 1.3%, respectively. Overall, the prevalence for thalassemia, sickle-cell anemia, and iron-deficiency anemia was 0.9%, 1.6%, and 5%, respectively. Bivariate analysis revealed statistically significant differences in the prevalence of high blood pressure among the local and expatriate adolescent population in the Emirate of Sharjah. Similarly, statistically significant differences in the prevalence of iron-deficiency anemia were observed among the local and expatriate population in Abu Dhabi city, the western region of Abu Dhabi, and Al-Ain. Multivariate analysis revealed the following significant predictors of high blood pressure: residing in proximity to industry, nonconventional substance abuse, and age when smoking or exposure to smoking began. Ethnicity was a significant predictor of heart disease, thalassemia, sickle-cell anemia, and iron-deficiency anemia. In addition, predictors of thalassemia included gender (female) and participating in physical activity. Participants diagnosed with sickle-cell anemia and iron-deficiency anemia were more likely to experience different physical activities.

  12. Anemia as a risk factor for childhood asthma

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    Ramakrishnan K


    Full Text Available Objective: This prospective-(cohort study was conducted to evaluate whether anemia is a risk factor for childhood asthma. Materials and Methods: Two hundred children in the age group of 2-18 years who attended the Outpatient Department with upper respiratory / lower respiratory tract infections were included in this study. One hundred children with anemia were taken as the study group and another 100, age - and sex-matched children without anemia were taken as the control.They were subjected to complete blood count (CBC C-reactive protein (CRP estimation, Mantoux test and chest X-ray. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs were performed on those above six years showing evidence of asthma. Peripheral smear, serum ferritin and serum iron-binding capacity were estimated for all anemic children. Results: Asthma was present in 74 (74% children in the study group and in 33 (33% children in the control group. Iron-deficiency anemia was present in 85 (85% anemia of chronic infection in 20 (20% and the other five (5% had hemolytic anemia. Anemia was found to be a risk factor for childhood asthma. Conclusion: Anemic children were 5.75 times more susceptible to asthmatic attacks when compared with nonanemic children.

  13. Protrusio acetabuli in sickle-cell anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinez, S.; Apple, J.S.; Baber, C.; Putman, C.E.; Rosse, W.F.


    Of 155 adults with sickle-cell anemia (SS, SC), radiographs of the pelvis or hip demonstrated protrusio acetabuli on at least one side in 14 (3 men and 11 women), as indicated by projection of the acetabular line medial to the ilio-ischial line. All 14 patients had bone changes attributable to sickle-cell anemia, including marrow hyperplasia and osteonecrosis; however, the severity of femoral or acetabular osteonecrosis did not appear directly related to the protrusion. The authors conclude that sickle-cell anemia can predispose to development of protrusio acetabuli

  14. Magnitude of Anemia at Discharge Increases 30-Day Hospital Readmissions. (United States)

    Koch, Colleen G; Li, Liang; Sun, Zhiyuan; Hixson, Eric D; Tang, Anne; Chagin, Kevin; Kattan, Michael; Phillips, Shannon C; Blackstone, Eugene H; Henderson, J Michael


    Anemia during hospitalization is associated with poor health outcomes. Does anemia at discharge place patients at risk for hospital readmission within 30 days of discharge? Our objectives were to examine the prevalence and magnitude of anemia at hospital discharge and determine whether anemia at discharge was associated with 30-day readmissions among a cohort of hospitalizations in a single health care system. From January 1, 2009, to August 31, 2011, there were 152,757 eligible hospitalizations within a single health care system. The endpoint was any hospitalization within 30 days of discharge. The University HealthSystem Consortium's clinical database was used for demographics and comorbidities; hemoglobin values are from the hospitals' electronic medical records, and readmission status was obtained from the University HealthSystem Consortium administrative data systems. Mild anemia was defined as hemoglobin of greater than 11 to less than 12 g/dl in women and greater than 11 to less than 13 g/dl in men; moderate, greater than 9 to less than or equal to 11 g/dl; and severe, less than or equal to 9 g/dl. Logistic regression was used to assess the association of anemia and 30-day readmissions adjusted for demographics, comorbidity, and hospitalization type. Among 152,757 hospitalizations, 72% of patients were discharged with anemia: 31,903 (21%), mild; 52,971 (35%), moderate; and 25,522 (17%), severe. Discharge anemia was associated with severity-dependent increased odds for 30-day hospital readmission compared with those without anemia: for mild anemia, 1.74 (1.65-1.82); moderate anemia, 2.76 (2.64-2.89); and severe anemia, 3.47 (3.30-3.65), P < 0.001. Anemia at discharge is associated with a severity-dependent increased risk for 30-day readmission. A strategy focusing on anemia treatment care paths during index hospitalization offers an opportunity to influence subsequent readmissions.



    A. G. Rumyantsev


    Anemia in children is one of the most frequent somatic diseases. Criteria of anemia diagnosis are strictly regulated as decrease of hemoglobin/erythrocytes level accompanies majority of infectious, inflammatory, autoimmune, hereditary diseases and, in several cases, it is estimated as transitory disease in some periods of children’s growth and development. The article presents main classification and differential diagnostic schemes of anemia. Diagnostics makes accent on laboratory analysis; t...

  16. An unusual cause of anemia and encephalopathy

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    Sanjeev Kumar Sharma


    Full Text Available The authors present here an interesting case of recent onset anemia that was associated with an encephalopathy of the unusual cause.Although severe anemia can theoretically result in anemic hypoxia and can then lead to hypoxic encephalopathy, it is not a primary cause of encephalopathy. More frequently anemia can contribute together with other multiple causes of encephalopathy, such as infections, metabolic abnormalities, trauma, hepatic dysfunction, hypertension, toxins.

  17. Anemia, tumor hypoxemia, and the cancer patient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varlotto, John; Stevenson, Mary Ann


    Purpose: To review the impact of anemia/tumor hypoxemia on the quality of life and survival in cancer patients, and to assess the problems associated with the correction of this difficulty. Methods: MEDLINE searches were performed to find relevant literature regarding anemia and/or tumor hypoxia in cancer patients. Articles were evaluated in order to assess the epidemiology, adverse patient effects, anemia correction guidelines, and mechanisms of hypoxia-induced cancer cell growth and/or therapeutic resistance. Past and current clinical studies of radiosensitization via tumor oxygenation/hypoxic cell sensitization were reviewed. All clinical studies using multi-variate analysis were analyzed to show whether or not anemia and/or tumor hypoxemia affected tumor control and patient survival. Articles dealing with the correction of anemia via transfusion and/or erythropoietin were reviewed in order to show the impact of the rectification on the quality of life and survival of cancer patients. Results: Approximately 40-64% of patients presenting for cancer therapy are anemic. The rate of anemia rises with the use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormonal therapy for prostate cancer. Anemia is associated with reductions both in quality of life and survival. Tumor hypoxemia has been hypothesized to lead to tumor growth and resistance to therapy because it leads to angiogenesis, genetic mutations, resistance to apoptosis, and a resistance to free radicals from chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Nineteen clinical studies of anemia and eight clinical studies of tumor hypoxemia were found that used multi-variate analysis to determine the effect of these conditions on the local control and/or survival of cancer patients. Despite differing definitions of anemia and hypoxemia, all studies have shown a correlation between low hemoglobin levels and/or higher amounts of tumor hypoxia with poorer prognosis. Radiosensitization through improvements in tumor oxygenation/hypoxic cell

  18. [Effect of anemia on child development: long-term consequences]. (United States)

    Zavaleta, Nelly; Astete-Robilliard, Laura


    Anemia in children younger than 3 years is a public health problem in Peru and worldwide. It is believed that one of the primary causes of anemia is iron deficiency. Numerous studies and reviews have reported that iron deficiency limited psychomotor development in children and that, despite the correction of anemia, children with iron deficiency experienced poorer long-term performance in cognitive, social, and emotional functioning. These outcomes were reported in observational studies, follow-up studies, and experimental studies with a control group. Anemia can decrease school performance, productivity in adult life, quality of life, and the general income of affected individuals. Here we describe possible mechanisms underlying the effect of iron deficiency, with or without anemia, on childhood development. The high rate of anemia in this age group is a cause for concern. Moreover, anemia should be prevented in the first year of life to avoid long-term negative effects on individual development.

  19. Transient Ischemic Attack Caused by Iron Deficiency Anemia

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    Ufuk Emre


    Full Text Available Transient Ischemic Attack Caused by Iron Deficiency Anemia Transient ischemic attacks are episodes of transient focal ischemia involving the brain or brainstem. They are commonly two to thirty minutes in duration and lasting less than 24 hours. Anemia of iron deficiency isn’t frequently cause for transient ischemic attack. It has been reported as a risk factor for childhood ischemic strokes. In the iron deficiency anemia, T‹A may develop as result of hypercoagulable state and increased viscosity that is caused by anemic hypoxia that is result of reduce hemoglobine level, seconder thrombosis and microcytose As iron deficiency anemia has been reported so rarely in adult patients with transient ischemic attacks as a cause, we aimed to discuss the clinical and outcome features of two cases with iron deficiency anemia and transient ischemic attacks in this study. Materials and methods: Routine neurologic examination, biochemical screen, serological tests, vasculitic markers, thyroid function tests, vitamin B 12 level, cranial imaging, vertebral carotid doppler USG examination was conducted in the two patients. Anemia of iron deficiency was found as the only risk factor for TIA and the two patients were treated with replacement of iron and antiagregan therapy. Neurological examination revealed no abnormality through the two years of follow-up. The iron deficiency anemia may be cause of many neurologic problems such a irritability, lethargy, headache, development retardation except from T‹A. In the iron deficiency anemia, early diagnosis and treatment is important

  20. Thyroid storm and warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia. (United States)

    Moore, Joseph A; Gliga, Louise; Nagalla, Srikanth


    Graves' disease is often associated with other autoimmune disorders, including rare associations with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA). We describe a unique presentation of thyroid storm and warm AIHA diagnosed concurrently in a young female with hyperthyroidism. The patient presented with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and altered mental status. Laboratory studies revealed hemoglobin 3.9g/dL, platelets 171×10 9 L -1 , haptoglobin storm and warm AIHA. She was started on glucocorticoids to treat both warm AIHA and thyroid storm, as well as antithyroid medications, propranolol and folic acid. Due to profound anemia and hemodynamic instability, the patient was transfused two units of uncrossmatched packed red blood cells slowly and tolerated this well. She was discharged on methimazole as well as a prolonged prednisone taper, and achieved complete resolution of the thyrotoxicosis and anemia at one month. Hyperthyroidism can affect all three blood cell lineages of the hematopoietic system. Anemia can be seen in 10-20% of patients with thyrotoxicosis. Several autoimmune processes can lead to anemia in Graves' disease, including pernicious anemia, celiac disease, and warm AIHA. This case illustrates a rarely described presentation of a patient with Graves' disease presenting with concurrent thyroid storm and warm AIHA. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Pyrexia due to megaloblastic anemia: An Unusual Case

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    Singh PS, Vijay Verma, Vidyasagar, Granth Kumar


    Full Text Available Postmenopausal vegetarian female presented with short febrile illness associated with generalized weakness Clinical and investigative findings evidenced megaloblastic anemia Since none of investigations could pinpoint the cause for pyrexia and patient did not respond to empirical antibiotic and conservative antimalarial therapy, megaloblastic anemia itself was suspected to be cause for febrile episode Patient was treated with parenteral B12 and oral folic acid for megaloblastic anemia and she responded to it and became afebrile within 72 hours. Subsequently megaloblastic anemia was correlated to be cause of febrile illness.

  2. Genetics Home Reference: X-linked sideroblastic anemia and ataxia (United States)

    ... linked sideroblastic anemia and ataxia X-linked sideroblastic anemia and ataxia Printable PDF Open All Close All ... the expand/collapse boxes. Description X-linked sideroblastic anemia and ataxia is a rare condition characterized by ...

  3. [Prevalence of anemia in reproductive-age Mexican women]. (United States)

    Shamah-Levy, Teresa; Villalpando, Salvador; Mundo-Rosas, Verónica; De la Cruz-Góngora, Vanessa; Mejía-Rodríguez, Fabiola; Méndez Gómez-Humarán, Ignacio


    To update the prevalence of anemia and its trend in Mexican women of childbearing age over the past 13 years using information from the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2012 and 2006 (ENSANUT 2012 and ENSANUT 2006, respectively) and from the National Nutrition Survey 1999 (ENN 99). Data came from three national probabilistic surveys, representative at regional and rural / urban level. Hemoglobin (Hb) in women was measured using a HemoCue photometer and classified as anemia according to the WHO criteria. Frequencies and CI95% were estimated for each survey (ENSANUT 2012, ENSANUT 2006 and ENN 99) as well as percentage changes in anemia prevalence among pregnant and non-pregnant women in this survey sequence. The national prevalence of anemia in 2012 in non-pregnant women was 11.6% and in pregnant women was 17.9%. Between 1999 and 2012, a 10 percentage point (pp) decreasing in anemia prevalence was observed in the first ones and a 13.5 pp in the second ones. Although it has declined in the past 13 years, anemia in women of childbearing age remains as a serious public health problem. It is considered necessary to design strategies to prevent iron deficiency and for the early detection of anemia in women.

  4. Prevalence of Anemia in Children Three to 12 Months Old in a Health Service in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil La prevalencia de anemia en niños de 3 a 12 meses de vida en un servicio de salud de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil Prevalência de anemia em crianças de 3 a 12 meses de vida em um serviço de saúde de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil

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    Márcia Cristina Guerreiro dos Reis


    Full Text Available Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency among children. This cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study is part of a multicenter project, which verified the prevalence of anemia in children aged three to 12 months, treated by a health service unit in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Interviews with mothers and determining hemoglobin dosage were carried out with 121 children who participated in the study. Two international criteria were adopted as parameters of anemia according to the children's age. Descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency and associations were used for data analysis. The prevalence of anemia among 69 children aged three to 5 months was 20.2% and 48.0% among 52 children aged six to 12 months. The total prevalence of anemia was 32.2%. There was significant association between anemia and children's age, and anemia and the consumption of liquid cow's milk.Entre las carencias nutricionales de niños, la anemia ferropénica es la más frecuente. Estudio transversal, descriptivo, cuantitativo es un extracto de un proyecto multicéntrico que verificó la prevalencia de anemia en niños de 3 a 12 meses de edad, en un servicio de salud de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. Fueron realizadas entrevistas y dosificación de hemoglobina en los 121 niños. Dos criterios internacionales fueron adoptados como parámetro de anemia, de acuerdo con la edad del niño. Estadística descriptiva, medidas de tendencia central y testes de asociación fueron usados para el análisis de datos. La prevalencia de anemia en los 69 niños de 3 a 5 meses fue del 20,2%, y en los 52 niños de 6 a 12 meses fue del 48,0%. En total, la prevalencia de anemia fue del 32,2%. Encontró asociación significativa entre anemia y edad del niño y anemia y el consumo de leche de vaca liquido.Das carências nutricionais entre crianças, a anemia ferropriva constitui-se no evento mais frequente. Este é um estudo transversal, descritivo

  5. Reticulocyte parameters in hemoglobinopathies and iron deficiency anemia

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    Cortellazzi Laura C.


    Full Text Available Flow cytometric reticulocyte analysis allows the evaluation of reticulocyte maturity. New reticulocyte parameters have been used in the diagnosis and management of anemias, in the bone marrow transplant setting and in the monitoring of iron replacement or erythropoiet in therapy. Reticulocyte numbers and maturation levels have been studied in different hemoglobinopathies and the results have been correlated with the degree of ineffective erythropoiesis. In order to verify differences in reticulocyte parameters in various types of anemias and to test the absolute number of immature reticulocytes as a possible discriminating factor among various types of anemias, reticulocyte counts were performed on 219 samples from patients with sickle cell anemia (SS (n= 62, hemoglobin S trait (n=9, Sbeta thalassemia (n=7, hemoglobin SC disease (n=11, beta thalassemia trait (n=33 and iron deficiency anemia (n= 47, and non-anemic individuals (n= 50. Mean fluorescence index (MFI was defined as representative of the degree of reticulocyte immaturity and it was evaluated as a percentage and in absolute values. Reticulocyte counts and MFI values were significantly higher in SS, Sbeta thalassemic and SC groups when compared to controls, but not different among the three anemia groups. Patients with hemoglobin S trait, iron deficiency anemia and beta thalassemia trait showed reticulocyte parameters similar to the non-anemic group. There was no difference between the b thalassemic trait and iron deficiency anemia in relation to any parameters. MFI in absolute numbers were significantly higher in anemias that develop with the hemolytic process, although this was not evident in MFI percentage values. Our results showed that the erythoid expansion in sickle cell diseases (SS, SC and Sb thalassemia leads to an enhanced immature reticulocyte release from bone marrow and that the phenomena is more evident by the MFI counting in absolute figures than in percentages. We

  6. Prevalence, severity, and related factors of anemia in HIV/AIDS patients

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    Mohsen Meidani


    Full Text Available Objective: The prevalence of anemia in HIV infected patients has not been well characterized in Iran. This study aimed to describe the prevalence of anemia and related factors in HIV positive patients. Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study, anemia prevalence and risk factors of 212 HIV positive patients were assessed, at the behavioral disease consulting center in Isfahan. The relationship between anemia, demographic variables, and clinical histories were analyzed. Mild to moderate anemia was defined as hemoglobin 8-13 g/dL for men and 8-12 g/dL for women. Severe anemia was defined as hemoglobin, 8 g/dL. Results: A total of 212 HIV positive patients with a mean±SD age of 36.1 ± 9.1 years were assessed. We found that hemoglobin levels were between 4.7 and 16.5 gr/dL. In this study, the overall prevalence of anemia was 71%, with the majority of patients having mild to moderate anemia. Mild to moderate anemia and severe anemia occurred in 67% and 4% of patients, respectively. The mean absolute CD4 count was 348 ± 267.8 cells/cubic mm. Sixty one of 212 patients were at late stage of HIV infection (males=51 and female=10. Of the 212 HIV positive patients enrolled, 17 (8% had a positive history of tuberculosis. We found a strong association between anemia and death. Conclusion: Normocytic anemia with decreased reticulocyte count was the most common type of anemia in overall. Prevalence of anemia in this study is relatively higher than other similar studies. Such a high prevalence of anemia needs close monitoring of patients on a zidovudine-based regimen. Better screening for anemia and infectious diseases, and modified harm reduction strategy (HRS for injection drug users are primary needs in HIV seropositive patients.

  7. Iron Deficiency and Anemia Predict Mortality in Patients with Tuberculosis123 (United States)

    Isanaka, Sheila; Mugusi, Ferdinand; Urassa, Willy; Willett, Walter C.; Bosch, Ronald J.; Villamor, Eduardo; Spiegelman, Donna; Duggan, Christopher; Fawzi, Wafaie W.


    Many studies have documented a high prevalence of anemia among tuberculosis (TB) patients and anemia at TB diagnosis has been associated with an increased risk of death. However, little is known about the factors contributing to the development of TB-associated anemia and their importance in TB disease progression. Data from a randomized clinical trial of micronutrient supplementation in patients with pulmonary TB in Tanzania were analyzed. Repeated measures of anemia with iron deficiency, anemia without iron deficiency, and iron deficiency without anemia were assessed as risk factors for treatment failure, TB recurrence, and mortality. The prevalence of anemia (hemoglobin iron deficiency (mean corpuscular volume , 80 fL). We found no evidence of an association between anemia (with or without iron deficiency) or iron deficiency without anemia at baseline and the risk of treatment failure at 1 mo after initiation. Anemia without iron deficiency was associated with an independent, 4-fold increased risk of TB recurrence [adjusted RR = 4.10 (95% CI = 1.88, 8.91); P Iron deficiency and anemia (with and without iron deficiency) were associated with a 2- to nearly 3-fold independent increase in the risk of death [adjusted RR for iron deficiency without anemia = 2.89 (95% CI = 1.53, 5.47); P = 0.001; anemia without iron deficiency = 2.72 (95% CI = 1.50, 4.93); P = 0.001; iron deficiency anemia = 2.13 (95% CI = 1.10, 4.11); P = 0.02]. Efforts to identify and address the conditions contributing to TB-associated anemia, including iron deficiency, could play an important role in reducing morbidity and mortality in areas heavily affected by TB. PMID:22190024

  8. Profilaxia da anemia ancilostomótica: sindrome de carencia Prophylaxis of Hookworm Anemia-carencial syndrome

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    W. O. Cruz


    Full Text Available É apresentada uma revisão das recentes aquisições na anemia ancilostomótica, assinalando a importância de alimentação qualitativamente deficiente junto á infestação helmíntica na gênese desta doença. Acentuou-se que a anemia ancilostomótica é uma doença de carência. Profilaxia clássica da Ancilostomose resume-se em evitar a infestação do homem pelos ancilostomídeos. Critica-se a aplicabilidade destas medidas e eficiência das mesmas no que diz respeito á incidência da anemia. O presente trabalho mostra aquisições preliminares sôbre fundamentos de uma profilaxia de carência (tipo profilaxia do bócio endêmico da anemia ancilostomótica, baseada na administração de alimentos contaminados por um sal de ferro. As misturas sulfato ferroso-farinha de mandióca e citrato férrico amoniacal-caldo de feijão, mostraram-se eficientes em prevenir a queda das cifras hemáticas durante largos períodos de tempo em indivíduos maciçamente infestados (6-8 meses. Não foi verificada a dose diária mínima eficiente dêstes sais, obtendo-se resultados satisfatorios mesmo com 0.1 g diária de sulfato ferroso (correspondendo a 0.037 g de ferro metálico. Numerosos alimentos e sais de ferro foram experimentados com resultados infrutíferos por diferentes razões. A influência dos helmintos, pela hemorragias intestinais que acarretam poude ser mais uma vez estudada, nos casos de sais de ferro administrados em doses ineficientes ou em períodos de prova sem medicação marcial. É proposta nova classificação de intensidade de infestação, levando em consideração o conhecido fato de ser a atividade dos helmintos, exclusivamente expoliadora. Em conclusão, nos parece exequível a profilaxia da anemia ancilostomótica mediante ingestão de alimentos contaminados por quantidades eficientes de sais de ferro. Êste método profilático extremamente econômico será na prática, provàvelmente, muito superior aos métodos de profilaxia

  9. Salmonella osteomyelitis by sickle cell anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rausch, H.; Tran, V.T.; Boeckmann, U.; Duesseldorf Univ.


    Case report of a 28 year old black sickle cell anemia patient with salmonella osteomyelitis of the radius. Aside from sickle cell anemia patients this skeletal complication of enteric salmonellosis is an extreme rarity. Description of the typical roentgenological features includes intracortical fissures and sequestration. (orig.) [de

  10. Fanconi anemia (cross)linked to DNA repair. (United States)

    Niedernhofer, Laura J; Lalai, Astrid S; Hoeijmakers, Jan H J


    Fanconi anemia is characterized by hypersensitivity to DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) and susceptibility to tumor formation. Despite the identification of numerous Fanconi anemia (FANC) genes, the mechanism by which proteins encoded by these genes protect a cell from DNA interstrand crosslinks remains unclear. The recent discovery of two DNA helicases that, when defective, cause Fanconi anemia tips the balance in favor of the direct involvement of the FANC proteins in DNA repair and the bypass of DNA lesions.

  11. Anemia and iron deficiency before and after bariatric surgery. (United States)

    Salgado, Wilson; Modotti, Caue; Nonino, Carla Barbosa; Ceneviva, Reginaldo


    Iron deficiency and anemia are changes often associated with obesity. Bariatric surgery is responsible for increasing the iron loss and reducing its absorption. The objective of this study was to evaluate anemia and iron deficiency before and after bariatric surgery and to relate them to possible predisposing factors. A retrospective study was conducted on obese patients submitted to open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, in which clinical and laboratory data were obtained up to 48 months postoperatively. Patients were divided into groups according to the presence or absence of anemia and to the presence or absence of iron deficiency (even without anemia), and all data were compared between these groups. Preoperatively, 21.5% of patients had anemia and 20% had iron deficiency. The number of patients with anemia did not vary through the 4 years of the study, but ferritin levels significantly decreased with time (Panemia. Female gender was a variable associated with a greater incidence of iron deficiency. Anemia and iron deficiency are frequent in obese patients and must be treated before surgery. Medical and nutritional surveillance is important in the postoperative period of bariatric surgery. Management of each condition must be directed at correcting the 2 major sources of iron deficiency and anemia: food intolerance (mostly meat intolerance) and losses (frequently due to menstruation). These are the factors more related to iron deficient anemia. Copyright © 2014 American Society for Bariatric Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Iron deficiency, anemia, and mortality in renal transplant recipients. (United States)

    Eisenga, Michele F; Minović, Isidor; Berger, Stefan P; Kootstra-Ros, Jenny E; van den Berg, Else; Riphagen, Ineke J; Navis, Gerjan; van der Meer, Peter; Bakker, Stephan J L; Gaillard, Carlo A J M


    Anemia, iron deficiency anemia (IDA), and iron deficiency (ID) are highly prevalent in renal transplant recipients (RTR). Anemia is associated with poor outcome, but the role of ID is unknown. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association of ID, irrespective of anemia, with all-cause mortality in RTR. Cox regression analyses were used to investigate prospective associations. In 700 RTR, prevalences of anemia, IDA, and ID were 34%, 13%, and 30%, respectively. During follow-up for 3.1 (2.7-3.9) years, 81 (12%) RTR died. In univariable analysis, anemia [HR, 1.72 (95%CI: 1.11-2.66), P = 0.02], IDA [2.44 (1.48-4.01), P anemia with mortality became weaker after adjustment for ID [1.52 (0.97-2.39), P = 0.07] and disappeared after adjustment for proteinuria and eGFR [1.09 (0.67-1.78), P = 0.73]. The association of IDA with mortality attenuated after adjustment for potential confounders. In contrast, the association of ID with mortality remained independent of potential confounders, including anemia [1.77 (1.13-2.78), P = 0.01]. In conclusion, ID is highly prevalent among RTR and is associated with an increased risk of mortality, independent of anemia. As ID is a modifiable factor, correction of ID could be a target to improve survival. © 2016 The Authors. Transplant International published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Steunstichting ESOT.

  13. [Spatial analysis of gestational anemia in Peru, 2015]. (United States)

    Hernández-Vásquez, Akram; Azañedo, Diego; Antiporta, Daniel A; Cortés, Sandra


    To establish regional prevalences of anemia in pregnant women receiving care at public clinics in Peru in 2015 and identify high-prevalence district conglomerates. An ecological study was carried out on data from pregnant women with anemia registered on the Nutritional Status Information System (SIEN) who received care in 7703 public clinics in 2015. Regional and district prevalences of gestational anemia were calculated. District conglomerates with a high prevalence of gestational anemia were identified using the Moran Index. Information was gathered from 311,521 pregnant women distributed in 1638 districts in Peru. The national prevalence of anemia was 24.2% (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 24.0-24.3%), the rural prevalence was 30.5%, and the urban prevalence was 22.0%. The regions of Huancavelica (45.5%; 95% CI: 44.2-46.7%), Puno (42.8%; 95% CI: 41.9-43.7%), Pasco (38.5%; 95% CI: 36.9-40.0%), Cusco (36.0%; 95% CI: 35.3-36.8%), and Apurímac (32.0%; 95% CI: 30.8-33.1%) had the highest prevalences of anemia. The local Moran Index identified 202 high-priority districts (hot spots) (12.3% of total; 44 urban and 158 rural) located in Ancash, Apurímac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Junín, La Libertad, Lima, Pasco, and Puno containing high-prevalence district conglomerates. Gestational anemia in Peru has its highest prevalence rates in rural and southern mountainous areas. The district conglomerates with high prevalence rates of gestational anemia coincide with the areas of high regional prevalence.

  14. Severe anemia in 3 toddlers with gastric lactobezoar. (United States)

    Klein-Franke, A; Kropshofer, G; Gassner, I; Meister, B; Salvador, C; Scholl-Bürgi, S; Mueller, T; Heinz-Erian, P


    Anemia in toddlers may result from many disorders including excessive feeding with cow's milk. Another sequel of age-inadequate cow's milk nutrition may be gastric lactobezoar (GLB), a dense lump of coagulated milk and mucus in the stomach. 3 toddlers presented with a history of excessive intake of full cream cow's milk, abdominal distension, vomiting, dehydration, fatigue, marked pallor and tachycardia. Diagnostic imaging revea-led large GLBs as the likely origin of the abdominal symptoms. Laboratory evaluation showed severe anemia with depleted iron stores and signs of protein catabolism. Non-cow's milk-induced causes of anemia including defects of erythropoiesis, hemoglobin structure, RBC-enzymes and blood coagulation, hemolysis, immune disorders, infection, inflammation, extraintestinal hemorrhage, nephropathy were - according to the available data - unlikely to cause the anemia in our patients. Thus their anemia is thought to be due to age-inadequate cow's milk nutrition leading to 1) low intake, decreased absorption/bioavailability and increased intestinal loss of iron, and 2) GLB which induced blood loss following mechanical irritation of the gastric mucosa and vomiting causing high gastric pH and decrease in duodenal iron absorption. The anemia in our patients is due to both exaggerated feeding with cow's milk and adverse effects of GLBs. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that, after erythrocyte transfusion, iron substitution, age-adapted nutrition and GLB-dissolution, the anemia did not recur. We propose to include GLB in the differential diagnosis of anemia in cow's milk fed small children. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  15. An Etiologic Profile of Anemia in 405 Geriatric Patients

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    Tabea Geisel


    Full Text Available Background. Anemia is a common condition in the elderly and a significant risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality, reducing not only functional capacity and mobility but also quality of life. Currently, few data are available regarding anemia in hospitalized geriatric patients. Our retrospective study investigated epidemiology and causes of anemia in 405 hospitalized geriatric patients. Methods. Data analysis was performed using laboratory parameters determined during routine hospital admission procedures (hemoglobin, ferritin, transferrin saturation, C-reactive protein, vitamin B12, folic acid, and creatinine in addition to medical history and demographics. Results. Anemia affected approximately two-thirds of subjects. Of 386 patients with recorded hemoglobin values, 66.3% were anemic according to WHO criteria, mostly (85.1% in a mild form. Anemia was primarily due to iron deficiency (65%, frequently due to underlying chronic infection (62.1%, or of mixed etiology involving a combination of chronic disease and iron deficiency, with absolute iron deficiency playing a comparatively minor role. Conclusion. Greater awareness of anemia in the elderly is warranted due to its high prevalence and negative effect on outcomes, hospitalization duration, and mortality. Geriatric patients should be routinely screened for anemia and etiological causes of anemia individually assessed to allow timely initiation of appropriate therapy.

  16. Características nutricionales de niños con parálisis cerebral: ARIE - Villa El Salvador, 2004

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aníbal Del Águila


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y tipos de desnutrición en niños con parálisis cerebral (PC e identificar problemas que conducen a ella. Diseño: Estudio clínico descriptivo. Lugar: Centro de Medicina y Rehabilitación Infantil ARIE, en el distrito de Villa El Salvador. Pacientes: Cincuenta y tres niños con PC que asistían para su rehabilitación. Intervenciones: La información clínica fue obtenida por entrevista con la madre y para el diagnóstico nutricional se utilizó la clasificación de Waterlow. Para el diagnóstico de anemia, se evaluó los valores de hemoglobina y hematocrito. La enteroparasitosis fue diagnosticada por examen directo de heces y examen de Graham, en forma seriada. El procesamiento de información y análisis estadístico se realizó utilizando el programa SPSS 11.0. Principales medidas de resultados: Presencia de desnutrición, dificultades para alimentación, reflujo gastroesofágico, anemia y enteroparasitosis. Resultados: Se encontró desnutrición en 81,1% de niños, siendo la desnutrición crónica el diagnóstico más frecuente, en 43,5%. Entre los problemas asociados a malnutrición, las dificultades para la alimentación estuvieron presentes en 94,3% de los niños y síntomas de reflujo gastroesofágico, en 81,1%. La prevalencia de anemia fue 32,4% y de enteroparasitosis, 54,1%. Conclusiones: Los niños con parálisis cerebral evaluados presentan una elevada prevalencia de desnutrición, relacionada al hallazgo frecuente de dificultades para la alimentación, reflujo gastroesofágico y enteroparasitosis. Este grupo de niños constituye una población de riesgo alto de morbilidad y mortalidad.

  17. Cytokine overproduction and crosslinker hypersensitivity are unlinked in Fanconi anemia macrophages. (United States)

    Garbati, Michael R; Hays, Laura E; Rathbun, R Keaney; Jillette, Nathaniel; Chin, Kathy; Al-Dhalimy, Muhsen; Agarwal, Anupriya; Newell, Amy E Hanlon; Olson, Susan B; Bagby, Grover C


    The Fanconi anemia proteins participate in a canonical pathway that repairs cross-linking agent-induced DNA damage. Cells with inactivated Fanconi anemia genes are universally hypersensitive to such agents. Fanconi anemia-deficient hematopoietic stem cells are also hypersensitive to inflammatory cytokines, and, as importantly, Fanconi anemia macrophages overproduce such cytokines in response to TLR4 and TLR7/8 agonists. We questioned whether TLR-induced DNA damage is the primary cause of aberrantly regulated cytokine production in Fanconi anemia macrophages by quantifying TLR agonist-induced TNF-α production, DNA strand breaks, crosslinker-induced chromosomal breakage, and Fanconi anemia core complex function in Fanconi anemia complementation group C-deficient human and murine macrophages. Although both M1 and M2 polarized Fanconi anemia cells were predictably hypersensitive to mitomycin C, only M1 macrophages overproduced TNF-α in response to TLR-activating signals. DNA damaging agents alone did not induce TNF-α production in the absence of TLR agonists in wild-type or Fanconi anemia macrophages, and mitomycin C did not enhance TLR responses in either normal or Fanconi anemia cells. TLR4 and TLR7/8 activation induced cytokine overproduction in Fanconi anemia macrophages. Also, although TLR4 activation was associated with induced double strand breaks, TLR7/8 activation was not. That DNA strand breaks and chromosome breaks are neither necessary nor sufficient to account for the overproduction of inflammatory cytokines by Fanconi anemia cells suggests that noncanonical anti-inflammatory functions of Fanconi anemia complementation group C contribute to the aberrant macrophage phenotype and suggests that suppression of macrophage/TLR hyperreactivity might prevent cytokine-induced stem cell attrition in Fanconi anemia. © Society for Leukocyte Biology.

  18. [Anemia: guidelines comparison]. (United States)

    Del Vecchio, Lucia


    The development of recombinant human erythropoietin and its introduction into the market in the late 1980s has significantly improved the quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and reduced the need for blood transfusions. Starting from a cautious target, a progressive increase in the recommended hemoglobin levels has been observed over the years, in parallel with an increase in the obtained levels. This trend has gone together with the publication of findings of observational studies showing a relationship between the increase in hemoglobin levels and a reduction in the mortality risk, with the conduction of clinical trials testing the effects of complete anemia correction, and with the compilation of guidelines on anemia control in CKD patients by scientific societies and organizations. In the last two years, evidence of a possible increase in the mortality risk in those patients who were randomized to high hemoglobin levels has resulted in a decrease in the upper limit of the recommended Hb target to be obtained with erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESA), and consequently in a narrowing of the target range. Comparison of guidelines on anemia control in CKD patients is an interesting starting point to discuss single recommendations, strengthen their importance, or suggest new topics of research to fill up important gaps in knowledge.

  19. Frequency of anemia in chronic psychiatry patients

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    Korkmaz S


    Full Text Available Sevda Korkmaz,1 Sevler Yildiz,1 Tuba Korucu,1 Burcu Gundogan,1 Zehra Emine Sunbul,1 Hasan Korkmaz,2 Murad Atmaca1 1Department of Psychiatry, 2Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Firat University, Elazig, Turkey Purpose: Anemia could cause psychiatric symptoms such as cognitive function disorders and depression or could deteriorate an existing psychiatric condition when it is untreated. The objective of this study is to scrutinize the frequency of anemia in chronic psychiatric patients and the clinical and sociodemographic factors that could affect this frequency.Methods: All inpatients in our clinic who satisfied the study criteria and received treatment between April 2014 and April 2015 were included in this cross-sectional study. Sociodemographic data for 378 patients included in the study and hemoglobin (Hb and hematocrit values observed during their admission to the hospital were recorded in the forms. Male patients with an Hb level of <13 g/dL and nonpregnant female patients with an Hb level of <12 g/dL were considered as anemic.Findings: Axis 1 diagnoses demonstrated that 172 patients had depressive disorder, 51 patients had bipolar disorder, 54 patients had psychotic disorder, 33 patients had conversion disorder, 19 patients had obsessive-compulsive disorder, 25 patients had generalized anxiety disorder, and 24 patients had other psychiatric conditions. It was also determined that 25.4% of the patients suffered from anemia. Thirty-five percent of females and 10% of males were considered as anemic. The frequency of anemia was the highest among psychotic disorder patients (35%, followed by generalized anxiety disorder patients (32%, and obsessive-compulsive disorder patients (26%. Anemia was diagnosed in 22% of depressive disorder patients, 25% of bipolar disorder patients, and 24% of conversion disorder patients.Results: The prevalence of anemia among chronic psychiatry patients is more frequent than the general population

  20. Oral human papillomavirus is common in individuals with Fanconi anemia. (United States)

    Sauter, Sharon L; Wells, Susanne I; Zhang, Xue; Hoskins, Elizabeth E; Davies, Stella M; Myers, Kasiani C; Mueller, Robin; Panicker, Gitika; Unger, Elizabeth R; Sivaprasad, Umasundari; Brown, Darron R; Mehta, Parinda A; Butsch Kovacic, Melinda


    Fanconi anemia is a rare genetic disorder resulting in a loss of function of the Fanconi anemia-related DNA repair pathway. Individuals with Fanconi anemia are predisposed to some cancers, including oropharyngeal and gynecologic cancers, with known associations with human papillomavirus (HPV) in the general population. As individuals with Fanconi anemia respond poorly to chemotherapy and radiation, prevention of cancer is critical. To determine whether individuals with Fanconi anemia are particularly susceptible to oral HPV infection, we analyzed survey-based risk factor data and tested DNA isolated from oral rinses from 126 individuals with Fanconi anemia and 162 unaffected first-degree family members for 37 HPV types. Fourteen individuals (11.1%) with Fanconi anemia tested positive, significantly more (P = 0.003) than family members (2.5%). While HPV prevalence was even higher for sexually active individuals with Fanconi anemia (17.7% vs. 2.4% in family; P = 0.003), HPV positivity also tended to be higher in the sexually inactive (8.7% in Fanconi anemia vs. 2.9% in siblings). Indeed, having Fanconi anemia increased HPV positivity 4.9-fold (95% CI, 1.6-15.4) considering age and sexual experience, but did not differ by other potential risk factors. Our studies suggest that oral HPV is more common in individuals with Fanconi anemia. It will be essential to continue to explore associations between risk factors and immune dysfunction on HPV incidence and persistence over time. HPV vaccination should be emphasized in those with Fanconi anemia as a first step to prevent oropharyngeal cancers, although additional studies are needed to determine whether the level of protection it offers in this population is adequate. ©2015 American Association for Cancer Research.

  1. The Student with Sickle Cell Anemia. (United States)

    Tetrault, Sylvia M.


    Sickle cell anemia is the most common and severe of inherited chronic blood disorders. In the United States, sickle cell anemia is most common among the Black population. Among the most commonly occurring symptoms are: an enlarged spleen, episodes of severe pain, easily contracted infections, skin ulcers, and frequent urination. (JN)

  2. A novel ubiquitin ligase is deficient in Fanconi anemia.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meetei, AR; Winter, de J.P.; Medhurst, A.L. dr.; Wallisch, M; Waisfisz, Q.; Vrugt, van der H.J.; Oostra, A.B.; Yan, Z; Ling, C; Bishop, CE; Hoatlin, M.E.; Joenje, H.


    Fanconi anemia is a recessively inherited disease characterized by congenital defects, bone marrow failure and cancer susceptibility. Cells from individuals with Fanconi anemia are highly sensitive to DNA-crosslinking drugs, such as mitomycin C (MMC). Fanconi anemia proteins function in a DNA damage

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... for gastrointestinal bleeding To see if gastrointestinal bleeding is causing your iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor may order the following procedures to guide treatment . Fecal ...

  4. Sickle Cell Anemia: MedlinePlus Health Topic (United States)

    ... Cell Disease Also called: Hemoglobin SS disease, Sickle cell anemia On this page Basics Summary Start Here Diagnosis ... red blood cells. This is a condition called anemia , and it can make you feel tired. The ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Supplement Fact Sheet (NIH) Iron-Deficiency Anemia (National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus) ... Privacy Policy Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Accessibility Copyright and Usage No FEAR ...

  6. Epidemiology of aplastic anemia in Japanese radiological technicians

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitabatake, Takashi; Watanabe, Tsuyoshi; Saito, Akira; Nakamura, Minoru.


    Among Japanese radiological technicians, four deaths from aplastic anemia have been recorded. Based on this fact, some epidemiological considerations are tried. During the period from 1930 to 1960, the population of radiological technicians is estimated to be 74,400 man-years, in which 0.5 aplastic anemias are expected. However actually three died from aplastic anemia. This difference is statistically significant at the 1% level. On the other hand, in the period from 1961 to 1973, the observed value is 1 against 0.7 expected. It is concluded that aplastic anemia had been frequently induced among Japanese radiological technicians in the era when there was much exposure to occupational radiation. (auth.)

  7. Aplastic anemia and related disorders in atomic bomb survivors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ichimaru, Michito; Tomonaga, Yu; Matsunaga, Masako; Sadamori, Naoki; Ishimaru, Toranosuke.


    Whether the incidence of aplastic anemia significantly increases due to the later effect of atomic-bomb radiation was studied. After the data of aplastic anemia which occurred within 1950 - 1973 were evaluated and the diagnoses of the cases were certified, the incidence of aplastic anemia per 109,000 inhabitants of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was calculated and compared according to the dose of atomic-bomb radiation. There was no increase in the incidence according to an increase in radiation dose, and there was no fact that aplastic anemia increased in a certain period either. Most of the atomic-bomb survivors who were close to the epicenter and were clinically diagnosed as aplastic anemia had leukemia lesion or myeloid proliferating lesion, and it is likely to be that pathological changes resembling aplastic anemia may appear in a certain phase of myeloid proliferation or as a phenotype of myeloid proliferation. An evaluation was made on cases of aplastic anemia of other groups, but the doses of atomic-bomb radiation which they received were not so much to give effect on the bone marrow except only two cases. (Ueda, J.)

  8. Problemas médicos habituales relacionados con la paciente embarazada

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    V. Lorena Quiroz, DRA.


    Full Text Available Problemas médicos como enfermedades del tiroides, deficiencia de vitamina D, anemia, infecciones del tracto urinario e insulino resistencia entre otros, pueden complicar el embarazo. Dado las molestias propias de la gestación, muchas de estas patologías no son diagnosticadas ni tratadas, aumentando la morbilidad materna y fetal. Algunas de estas enfermedades tienen diferentes criterios diagnósticos comparados con la mujer no embarazada. Se revisan los criterios diagnósticos y tratamientos de los problemas médicos más frecuentes en el embarazo.


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    Dewi Permaesih


    Full Text Available Anemia in Indonesia is a public health problem. The prevalence still have a tendency to increase. The main antecedent factor for anemia is the lack of iron intake. The purpose of this analysis is to learn and find other factors besides iron. Sources of data were from the study of morbidity and disability of the Household Health Survey, 2001. The respondents were adolescents between 10-19 years of age. Data on social economic status, illness records, medicine consumption, physical activities and smoking habits were collected by interview during household visits. Data on anemia were identified from the results of hemoglobin determination by HemoCue. The nutrition status was found from the calculation of Body Mass Index. Data on energy consumption were taken from food expenditure for meal data from SUSENAS. Variable used for the purpose of this analysis were age, gender, smoking habit, alcohol drinking, breakfast, the use of time for physical activities, IMT, hemoglobin value and energy consumption. Data analyse were conducted in 3 stages,i.e., univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyse. Overall, the prevalence of anemia among adolescents was found to be 25.5%; 21% for adolescent boys and 30% for adolescent girls. Around 27.1% adolescents reside in the village and 22.6% in the city. Adolescents who consume > 70% energy from being suggested were around 38% respondents. Seventeen percent was classified as thinny adolescent based on IMT indicator. The result on bivariate analyse showed that respondents who were less educated have a significant relation (p < 0.05 with getting anemia (OR=3.8; 95% CI=1.9-7.2. Male adolescents have lower risk to get anemia (OR=0.6; 95% CI 0.5-7.3. Other variables that showed significant relation with anemia were smoking (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1-1.8, breakfast habit (OR 0.6 ;95% CI 0.4-0.9 and sufficient energy consumption (OR 0.7; 95% CI 0.6-0.9. Result of multiple regression logistic test indicate that variables related

  10. Iron deficiency and anemia in heart failure. (United States)

    Çavuşoğlu, Yüksel; Altay, Hakan; Çetiner, Mustafa; Güvenç, Tolga Sinan; Temizhan, Ahmet; Ural, Dilek; Yeşilbursa, Dilek; Yıldırım, Nesligül; Yılmaz, Mehmet Birhan


    Heart failure is an important community health problem. Prevalence and incidence of heart failure have continued to rise over the years. Despite recent advances in heart failure therapy, prognosis is still poor, rehospitalization rate is very high, and quality of life is worse. Co-morbidities in heart failure have negative impact on clinical course of the disease, further impair prognosis, and add difficulties to treatment of clinical picture. Therefore, successful management of co-morbidities is strongly recommended in addition to conventional therapy for heart failure. One of the most common co-morbidities in heart failure is presence of iron deficiency and anemia. Current evidence suggests that iron deficiency and anemia are more prevalent in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction, as well as those with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction. Moreover, iron deficiency and anemia are referred to as independent predictors for poor prognosis in heart failure. There is strong relationship between iron deficiency or anemia and severity of clinical status of heart failure. Over the last two decades, many clinical investigations have been conducted on clinical effectiveness of treatment of iron deficiency or anemia with oral iron, intravenous iron, and erythropoietin therapies. Studies with oral iron and erythropoietin therapies did not provide any clinical benefit and, in fact, these therapies have been shown to be associated with increase in adverse clinical outcomes. However, clinical trials in patients with iron deficiency in the presence or absence of anemia have demonstrated considerable clinical benefits of intravenous iron therapy, and based on these positive outcomes, iron deficiency has become target of therapy in management of heart failure. The present report assesses current approaches to iron deficiency and anemia in heart failure in light of recent evidence.

  11. Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) presenting with neonatal aplastic anemia. (United States)

    Scott, Angela; Glover, Jason; Skoda-Smith, Suzanne; Torgerson, Troy R; Xu, Min; Burroughs, Lauri M; Woolfrey, Ann E; Fleming, Mark D; Shimamura, Akiko


    Aplastic anemia in the neonate is rare. We report a case of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) presenting with neonatal aplastic anemia. This report highlights the importance of considering SCID early in the evaluation of neonatal aplastic anemia prior to the development of infectious complications. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Anemia: monosymptomatic celiac disease. A report of 3 cases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Depla, A. C.; Bartelsman, J. F.; Mulder, C. J.; Tytgat, G. N.


    Patients with monosymptomatic celiac disease (CD) can escape diagnosis for a long period. Anemia is a common finding in CD, although anemia as the sole symptom is relatively unknown. We report on three patients who presented with iron deficiency anemia and no other symptom, in whom CD was considered

  13. Observação de anemia hemolítica auto-imune em artrite reumatóide Observation of autoimmune hemolytic anemia in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Ricardo A. S. Souza


    Full Text Available Artrite reumatóide é uma doença difusa do tecido conjuntivo que se caracteriza pelo acometimento articular e sistêmico. Disfunções hematológicas como anemia ocorrem em até 65% dos pacientes, sendo a anemia das doenças crônicas a forma mais comum. A anemia hemolítica auto-imune pode estar associada à difusa do tecido conjuntivo, sendo classicamente associada ao lúpus eritematoso sistêmico e fazendo parte dos seus critérios de classificação. A presença de anemia hemolítica auto-imune em artrite reumatóide é relatada raramente na literatura e os mecanismos etiopatogênicos para o seu desenvolvimento ainda não estão esclarecidos. Descrevemos um caso de artrite reumatóide no adulto e outro de artrite reumatóide juvenil que desenvolveram anemia hemolítica auto-imune e discutimos os prováveis mecanismos etiopatogênicos envolvidos.Rheumatoid arthritis is a connective tissue disease characterized by articular and systemic involvement. Hematological abnormalities such as anemia may occur in up to 65% of the patients, with chronic disease anemia being the commonest form. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia can be associated with different connective tissue diseases, particularly systemic lupus erythematosus and it is part of its classification criteria. On the other hand, the presence of autoimmune hemolytic anemia in rheumatoid arthritis has rarely been described in the literature and the pathogenic mechanisms for its development remain unclear. We describe here a case of rheumatoid arthritis and another of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that developed to autoimmune hemolytic anemia and present the probable etiopathogenic mechanisms.

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Learn more about participating in a clinical trial . View all trials from . Visit Children and Clinical ... Resources NHLBI resources Your Guide to Anemia [PDF, 1. ...

  15. Signaling Pathways in Pathogenesis of Diamond Blackfan Anemia (United States)



  16. Prevalence and risk factors of anemia in children

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    Cristie Regine Klotz Zuffo


    Full Text Available Objective: To identify the prevalence and factors associated with anemia in children attending Municipal Early Childhood Education Day Care Center (Centros Municipais de Educação Infantil [CMEI] nurseries in Colombo-PR. Methods: Analytical, cross-sectional study with a representative sample of 334 children obtained by stratified cluster sampling, with random selection of 26 nurseries. Data collection was conducted through interviews with parents, assessment of iron intake by direct food weighing, and hemoglobin measurement using the finger-stick test. Bivariate association tests were performed followed by multiple logistic regression adjustment. Results: The prevalence of anemia was 34.7%. Factors associated with anemia were: maternal age younger than 28 years old (p = 0.03, male children (p = 0.02, children younger than 24 months (p = 0.01, and children who did not consume iron food sources (meat + beans + dark green leafy vegetables (p = 0.02. There was no association between anemia and iron food intake in CMEI. However, iron intake was well below the recommended levels according to the National Education Development Fund resolution, higher prevalence of anemia was observed in children whose intake of iron, heme iron, and nonheme iron was below the median. Conclusions: In terms of public health, the prevalence of anemia is characterized as a moderate problem in the studied population and demonstrates the need for coordination of interdisciplinary actions for its reduction in CMEI nurseries. Resumo: Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à anemia em crianças que frequentam berçários de Centros Municipais de Educação Infantil (CMEI de Colombo-PR. Métodos: Estudo analítico, de caráter transversal, com amostra representativa de 334 crianças obtida por amostragem estratificada por conglomerados, com seleção aleatória de 26 berçários. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista com os

  17. Hematocrit, anemia, and arm preference for blood sample collection ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Anemia in pregnancy is a common cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Regular review of hematocrit (HCT) and anemia patterns in pregnancy is necessary in our environment. Aim: The aim was to determine the average HCT, prevalence, and pattern of anemia, as well the arm ...

  18. The Effects of Anemia on Pregnancy Outcome in Patients with Pyelonephritis

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    Sarah K. Dotters-Katz


    Full Text Available Objective. Pyelonephritis is a common infectious morbidity of pregnancy. Though anemia is commonly associated with pyelonephritis, there are little data describing the effect of pyelonephritis with anemia on pregnancy outcomes. The purpose of this study was to further assess the association of anemia with infectious morbidity and pregnancy complications among women with pyelonephritis. Study Design. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of pregnant women admitted to Duke University Hospital between July 2006 and May 2012 with pyelonephritis. Demographic, laboratory, and clinical data from the subject’s pregnancy and hospitalizations were analyzed. Patients with pyelonephritis and anemia (a hematocrit < 32 were compared to those without anemia. Descriptive statistics were used to compare the two groups. Results. 114 pregnant women were admitted with pyelonephritis and 45 (39.5% had anemia on admission. There was no significant difference in age, race, preexisting medical conditions, or urine bacterial species between patients with anemia and those without. Women with anemia were more likely to deliver preterm (OR 3.3 (95% CI 1.07, 11.4, . When controlling for race and history of preterm delivery, women with anemia continued to have increased odds of preterm birth (OR 6.0, CI 1.4, 35, . Conclusion. Women with pyelonephritis and anemia are at increased risk for preterm delivery.

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... making new blood cells. Visit our Aplastic Anemia Health Topic to learn more. Read ... to review family history, lifestyle, unhealthy environments, or other factors that increase your risk of ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... complications, including heart failure and development delays in children. Explore this Health ... red blood cells. Iron-deficiency anemia usually develops over time because your body’s intake of iron ...

  1. Immune hemolytic anemia (United States)

    ... intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or removal of the spleen (splenectomy) may be considered. You may receive treatment to ... need special treatment. In most people, steroids or splenectomy can totally or partially control anemia.

  2. Prevalence and association of post-renal transplant anemia

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    Hesham Elsayed


    Full Text Available In some renal allograft recipients, anemia persists or develops following transplantation. Anemia is associated with pre-operative blood loss and allograft dysfunction, including delayed graft function, acute rejection and chronic allograft dysfunction. To study the prevalence and association of post-renal transplant anemia, we studied 200 renal transplant recipients; 131 (65.5% patients were males and 69 (34.5% patients were females, and age ranged from 17 to 67 years, with a mean of 37.7 ± 10.8 years. All patients were receiving cyclosporine, prednisolone and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF. Complete blood count was done at two times: three and six months post-renal transplant. There were 74% anemic patients three months after renal transplantation and 45% anemic patients six months after renal transplantation. High creatinine value, female gender, delayed graft function, episodes of acute rejection, perioperative blood loss and infections were the only significant independent risk factors for prevalence of anemia post-renal transplant. In our study, we did not find an association between MMF and cyclosporine nor angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs or angiotensin receptors blocker (ARBs with anemia. This study demonstrates that anemia is a common complication during the first six months after kidney transplantation, with several risk factors precipitating this complication.

  3. Association of mild anemia with cognitive, functional, mood and quality of life outcomes in the elderly: the "Health and Anemia" study.

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    Ugo Lucca

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: In the elderly persons, hemoglobin concentrations slightly below the lower limit of normal are common, but scant evidence is available on their relationship with significant health indicators. The objective of the present study was to cross-sectionally investigate the association of mild grade anemia with cognitive, functional, mood, and quality of life (QoL variables in community-dwelling elderly persons. METHODS: Among the 4,068 eligible individuals aged 65-84 years, all persons with mild anemia (n = 170 and a randomly selected sample of non-anemic controls (n = 547 were included in the study. Anemia was defined according to World Health Organization (WHO criteria and mild grade anemia was defined as a hemoglobin concentration between 10.0 and 11.9 g/dL in women and between 10.0 and 12.9 g/dL in men. Cognition and functional status were assessed using measures of selective attention, episodic memory, cognitive flexibility and instrumental and basic activities of daily living. Mood and QoL were evaluated by means of the Geriatric Depression Scale-10, the Short-Form health survey (SF-12, and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Anemia. RESULTS: In univariate analyses, mild anemic elderly persons had significantly worse results on almost all cognitive, functional, mood, and QoL measures. In multivariable logistic regressions, after adjustment for a large number of demographic and clinical confounders, mild anemia remained significantly associated with measures of selective attention and disease-specific QoL (all fully adjusted p<.046. When the lower limit of normal hemoglobin concentration according to WHO criteria was raised to define anemia (+0.2 g/dL, differences between mild anemic and non anemic elderly persons tended to increase on almost every variable. CONCLUSIONS: Cross-sectionally, mild grade anemia was independently associated with worse selective attention performance and disease-specific QoL ratings.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rakesh Kakkar


    Full Text Available Background: Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common form of malnutrition, early intervention during adolescence (girls can prevent high morbidity and mortality of these future mothers. Objectives: To study prevalence & factors contributing to anaemia among adolescent school girls. Material and Methods: Area or region addressed – Iron deficiency anemia in adolescent girls. Present study was conducted among 317 adolescent (10-19Yrs government schoolgirls of Bhopal city from June2005-July2006. Three study groups were selected from three different girls’ school by random sampling method. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS. Result & Conclusion: Overall prevalence was 58.4% among adolescent schoolgirls. Prevalence of anemia was dependent on the knowledge about prevention of anemia, literacy level, food habits, birth order & also frequency of Iron rich source viz. green leafy vegetable & non vegetarian diet. While there was no significant relation of anemia with duration of menstrual flow but there was significant (P<0.05 difference in number of anaemic cases with age at menarche i.e. with higher age at menarche; there was more chances of anemia. Level of anemia was higher (p<0.05 in early adolescent (10 -13 Years age group (81% as compared to middle (58.3% and late adolescent (17-19 years age group girls (48.7%.

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... improved health for people with iron-deficiency anemia. Recipient Epidemiology Donor Studies program findings help to protect blood donors . NHLBI’s Recipient Epidemiology Donor Studies (REDS) program , which began in ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... also often take other medicines—such as proton pump inhibitors, anticoagulants, or blood thinners—that may cause iron-deficiency anemia. Proton pump inhibitors interfere with iron absorption, and blood thinners ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... lead to iron-deficiency anemia include: End-stage kidney failure, where there is blood loss during dialysis. People who have chronic kidney disease also often take other medicines—such as ...

  8. Anemia do lactente: etiologia e prevalência Anemia in infancy: etiology and prevalence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Claret C.M. Hadler


    Full Text Available Objetivo: verificar a prevalência de anemia, anemia ferropriva e deficiência de ferro em lactentes, de unidade pública de saúde, no município de Goiânia, Brasil, analisar e correlacionar as variáveis bioquímicas e hematológicas. Métodos: realizou-se estudo transversal. De 120 mães entrevistadas, foram incluídos 110 lactentes de 6 a 12 meses de idade, a termo e não gemelares. Dados socioeconômicos e hematológicos foram obtidos. Colheu-se sangue venoso dos lactentes em jejum para realização do hemograma completo por contagem eletrônica, ferro sérico, ferritina sérica e proteína C-reativa, os quais foram utilizados na avaliação da etiologia ferropriva nos anêmicos. Crianças com hemoglobina Objective: To verify the prevalence of anemia, iron deficiency anemia and iron deficiency in infants, at a Public Health Unit in the city of Goiânia - Brazil; to analyze and to correlate the hematologic and biochemical variables. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. One hundred and ten full-term infants of the 120 mothers interviewed were included. The infants aged between six and twelve months and there were not twins. Socioeconomic and hematologic data was obtained. Venous blood was taken from fasting infants in order to carry out a complete hemogram through electronic cell counting, serum iron, serum ferritin and C-reactive protein, which were used in the evaluation of the etiology of iron deficiency in the anemic infants. Children with hemoglobin < 11g/dL were considered anemic. Results: The prevalence of anemia was 60.9%. In the diagnosis of the iron deficiency etiology in infants without an inflammation process, when considering the alteration of hemoglobin plus two more indices among mean corpuscular volume (MCV or mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH or serum ferritin or serum iron, the prevalence of the iron deficiency was 87%. Nevertheless, when red cell distribution width (RDW was included in the indices, the

  9. Sideropenic anemia in preschool children and risk factors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stojanović Dušica


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Sideropenic anemia is one of the most common nutritional disorders in the world. The children are at higher risk of iron deficiency than adults due to their rapid growth during infancy and relatively higher requirements of iron. OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to investigate the prevalence of sideropenic anemia in pre-school children and relevant risk factors. METHOD: Study on sideropenic anemia of preschool children was performed in Zaječar Municipality in 2003. Subjects: all children, age 6-7 years, who lived in the Zaječar Municipality (554 children. The investigation included: interview of children's parents and laboratory analysis of blood. RESULTS: The frequency of sideropenic anemia was 5.23% in tested children (hemoglobin level less than 11g/dl. Sex and place of residence had no significant impact on hemoglobin concentration in blood of children. Likewise, social status and education of parents had no significant impact on iron deficiency anemia. Higher incidence of infections was found in children with lower hemoglobin concentration in blood (p<0.05. It made no difference if children attended the kindergarten or not. Nutrition of children in kindergarten does not correct domestic nutrition, which should be one of its basic roles. CONCLUSION: Since sideropenic anemia gives rise to serious health problems, such as poor cognitive and motor development and behavioral problems, it is important to take corrective measures regarding domestic and social nutrition of children. Therefore, it is necessary to take action in preventing the sideropenic anemia and provide normal growth and development.



    I Wayan Wawan Lismana


    Aplastic anemia is anemia that occurs because of a failure of hematopoiesis is relatively rarebut can be life threatening. The cause of aplastic anemia itself is still largely unknown oridiopathic. Minority of cases mainly due to a virus infection, one of which is viral hepatitishas long been known to cause symptoms of aplastic anemia. This report discusses thesuspected aplastic anemia caused by hepatitis virus infection. Course of the disease or theprognosis of aplastic anemia varies, but a ...

  11. Assessment of anemia during CT pulmonary angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Caroline; Groth, Michael; Bley, Thorsten A.; Henes, Frank O.; Treszl, András; Adam, Gerhard; Bannas, Peter


    Objectives: Anemia is associated with increased mortality in patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of Hounsfield unit (HU) measurements on the single unenhanced trigger slice of pulmonary CT angiography scans for diagnosis of anemia. Material and Methods: 150 consecutive patients (median age 64 ± 16 years) with suspected PE underwent pulmonary CT angiography. Two radiologists, blinded to laboratory results, performed HU measurements in the single unenhanced trigger scan independently by region-based analysis (ROI). HU values from ascending and descending aorta and the calculated mean of both were correlated with serum hemoglobin levels. Inter- and intraobserver variability was determined for HU measurements, and ROC analysis was performed for diagnosis of anemia. Calculated linear models were used to assess formulas for estimation of hemoglobin levels from HU measurements. Results: HU measurements revealed high intra- and interrater reliability (ICC > 0.981 and ICC > 0.965, respectively). Calculated mean HU values showed a strong correlation with serum hemoglobin levels (r = 0.734), which allowed generation of different formulas for calculation of hemoglobin levels from HU measurements. ROC analyses confirmed a high sensitivity (80.4 for men; 91.3 for women) and specificity (84.0 for men; 84.9 for women) for diagnosing anemia. Conclusion: Diagnosis of anemia and quantification of hemoglobin levels upon a single unenhanced trigger scan of pulmonary CT angiography is feasible. We suggest disclosing the anemic state in the radiological report, independent of the presence of PE, since anemia carries increased risks of morbidity and mortality.

  12. Assessment of anemia during CT pulmonary angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Caroline, E-mail: [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, 20246 Hamburg (Germany); Groth, Michael; Bley, Thorsten A.; Henes, Frank O. [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, 20246 Hamburg (Germany); Treszl, András [Department of Medical Biometry and Epidemiology, University Hospital Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, 20246 Hamburg (Germany); Adam, Gerhard; Bannas, Peter [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, 20246 Hamburg (Germany)


    Objectives: Anemia is associated with increased mortality in patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of Hounsfield unit (HU) measurements on the single unenhanced trigger slice of pulmonary CT angiography scans for diagnosis of anemia. Material and Methods: 150 consecutive patients (median age 64 ± 16 years) with suspected PE underwent pulmonary CT angiography. Two radiologists, blinded to laboratory results, performed HU measurements in the single unenhanced trigger scan independently by region-based analysis (ROI). HU values from ascending and descending aorta and the calculated mean of both were correlated with serum hemoglobin levels. Inter- and intraobserver variability was determined for HU measurements, and ROC analysis was performed for diagnosis of anemia. Calculated linear models were used to assess formulas for estimation of hemoglobin levels from HU measurements. Results: HU measurements revealed high intra- and interrater reliability (ICC > 0.981 and ICC > 0.965, respectively). Calculated mean HU values showed a strong correlation with serum hemoglobin levels (r = 0.734), which allowed generation of different formulas for calculation of hemoglobin levels from HU measurements. ROC analyses confirmed a high sensitivity (80.4 for men; 91.3 for women) and specificity (84.0 for men; 84.9 for women) for diagnosing anemia. Conclusion: Diagnosis of anemia and quantification of hemoglobin levels upon a single unenhanced trigger scan of pulmonary CT angiography is feasible. We suggest disclosing the anemic state in the radiological report, independent of the presence of PE, since anemia carries increased risks of morbidity and mortality.

  13. Anemia and hemoglobin levels among Indigenous Xavante children, Central Brazil. (United States)

    Ferreira, Aline Alves; Santos, Ricardo Ventura; Souza, July Anne Mendonça de; Welch, James R; Coimbra, Carlos E A


    To evaluate the prevalence of anemia, mean hemoglobin levels, and the main nutritional, demographic, and socioeconomic factors among Xavante children in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. A survey was conducted with children under 10 years of age in two indigenous Xavante communities within the Pimentel Barbosa Indigenous Reserve. Hemoglobin concentration levels, anthropometric measurements, and socioeconomic/demographic data were collected by means of clinical measurements and structured interviews. The cut-off points recommended by the World Health Organization were used for anemia classification. Linear regression analyses with hemoglobin as the outcome and Poisson regression with robust variance and with the presence or absence of anemia as outcomes were performed (95%CI). Lower mean hemoglobin values were observed in children under 2 years of age, without a significant difference between sexes. Anemia was observed among 50.8% of children overall, with the highest prevalence among children under 2 years of age (77.8%). Age of the child was inversely associated with the occurrence of anemia (adjusted PR = 0.60; 95%CI 0.38-0.95) and mean hemoglobin values increased significantly with age. Greater height-for-age z-score values reduced the probability of having anemia by 1.8 times (adjusted PR = 0.59; 95%CI 0.34-1.00). Presence of another child with anemia within the household increased the probability of the occurrence of anemia by 52.9% (adjusted PR = 1.89; 95%CI 1.16-3.09). Elevated levels of anemia among Xavante children reveal a disparity between this Indigenous population and the national Brazilian population. Results suggest that anemia is determined by complex and variable relationships between socioeconomic, sociodemographic, and biological factors.

  14. Multivariable Discriminant Analysis for the Differential Diagnosis of Microcytic Anemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eloísa Urrechaga


    Full Text Available Introduction. Iron deficiency anemia and thalassemia are the most common causes of microcytic anemia. Powerful statistical computer programming enables sensitive discriminant analyses to aid in the diagnosis. We aimed at investigating the performance of the multiple discriminant analysis (MDA to the differential diagnosis of microcytic anemia. Methods. The training group was composed of 200 β-thalassemia carriers, 65 α-thalassemia carriers, 170 iron deficiency anemia (IDA, and 45 mixed cases of thalassemia and acute phase response or iron deficiency. A set of potential predictor parameters that could detect differences among groups were selected: Red Blood Cells (RBC, hemoglobin (Hb, mean cell volume (MCV, mean cell hemoglobin (MCH, and RBC distribution width (RDW. The functions obtained with MDA analysis were applied to a set of 628 consecutive patients with microcytic anemia. Results. For classifying patients into two groups (genetic anemia and acquired anemia, only one function was needed; 87.9% β-thalassemia carriers, and 83.3% α-thalassemia carriers, and 72.1% in the mixed group were correctly classified. Conclusion. Linear discriminant functions based on hemogram data can aid in differentiating between IDA and thalassemia, so samples can be efficiently selected for further analysis to confirm the presence of genetic anemia.

  15. Retinal phlebitis associated with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. (United States)

    Chew, Fiona L M; Tajunisah, Iqbal


    To describe a case of retinal phlebitis associated with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Observational case report. A 44-year-old Indian man diagnosed with autoimmune hemolytic anemia presented with a 1-week history of blurred vision in both eyes. Fundus biomicroscopy revealed bilateral peripheral retinal venous sheathing and cellophane maculopathy. Fundus fluorescent angiogram showed bilateral late leakage from the peripheral venous arcades and submacular fluid accumulation. The retinal phlebitis resolved following a blood transfusion and administration of systemic steroids. Retinopathy associated with autoimmune hemolytic anemia is not well known. This is thought to be the first documentation of retinal phlebitis occurring in this condition.

  16. Reticulocyte maturity indices in iron deficiency anemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muriel Wollmann


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the reticulocyte maturity indices (low, medium, and high fluorescence ratios in iron deficient 1- to 6-year-old children, and identify the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in this population. Methods: The present study included 39 subjects, divided into two groups: control subjects (n = 33, and subjects with iron deficiency anemia (n = 6. The results were analyzed by Student's t-test for comparison of means. Differences were considered significant when two-tailed p-value < 0.05. Results: Subjects with iron deficiency anemia presented increases in the proportion of mean (10.3 ± 4.7% vs. 6.0 ± 3.4%; p-value = 0.003, and high fluorescence reticulocytes (2.3 ± 0.87% vs. 0.9 ± 0.9%; p-value = 0.03 compared to the control group. The prevalence of anemia in this population was 15% (n = 6. Conclusion: The indices related to immaturity of reticulocytes are higher in the presence of iron deficiency, thus demonstrating a deficiency in the raw material to form hemoglobin and are, therefore, possible early markers of iron deficiency and anemia. We emphasize the need to standardize these indices for use in clinical practice and lab test results.

  17. Prevalence of anemia in children 6-59 months old in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil Prevalencia de la anemia en niños de 6 a 59 meses en el estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Mônica M. Osório


    Full Text Available Objective. To determine the prevalence of anemia in children 6-59 months old in Pernambuco, a state in northeastern Brazil, so as to help guide health and nutrition policies there. Methods. In 1997 a representative sample of 777 young children had their hemoglobin concentration measured. The sampling process was in three stages. First, 18 municipalities were randomly selected to represent the state and its three geographic areas (metropolitan region of Recife, urban interior, and rural interior. Next, using census lists, 45 census sectors were randomly chosen. Finally, 777 children aged 6-59 months old were selected. Blood was collected by venipuncture, and hemoglobin was measured with a portable hemoglobinometer. In the analysis, prevalence was weighted to reflect the census age distribution. Results. The prevalence of anemia among children 6-59 months old was 40.9% for the state as a whole. Prevalence in the metropolitan region of Recife was 39.6%, and it was 35.9% in the urban interior. The rural interior had the highest prevalence, 51.4%. Prevalence was twice as high in children aged 6-23 months as among those 24-59 months old, 61.8% vs. 31.0% (chi² = 77.9, P Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia de la anemia en niños de 6 a 59 meses en Pernambuco, un estado del nordeste de Brasil, con el fin de ayudar a establecer las políticas de salud y nutrición. Métodos. En 1997 se determinaron las concentraciones de hemoglobina en una muestra representativa de 777 niños. El proceso de muestreo se realizó en tres fases. Primero se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 18 municipios representativos del estado y de sus tres zonas geográficas (la región metropolitana de Recife, el interior urbano y el interior rural. A continuación, utilizando las listas del censo, se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 45 sectores censales. Finalmente, se seleccionaron 777 niños de 6 a 59 meses de edad. La sangre se recogió por punción venosa y la hemoglobina se midió con un

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... an increased risk for iron-deficiency anemia because of your age, unhealthy environments, family ... 12 months, especially if they are fed only breast milk or are fed formula that is not fortified ...

  19. Fanconi anemia proteins in telomere maintenance. (United States)

    Sarkar, Jaya; Liu, Yie


    Mammalian chromosome ends are protected by nucleoprotein structures called telomeres. Telomeres ensure genome stability by preventing chromosome termini from being recognized as DNA damage. Telomere length homeostasis is inevitable for telomere maintenance because critical shortening or over-lengthening of telomeres may lead to DNA damage response or delay in DNA replication, and hence genome instability. Due to their repetitive DNA sequence, unique architecture, bound shelterin proteins, and high propensity to form alternate/secondary DNA structures, telomeres are like common fragile sites and pose an inherent challenge to the progression of DNA replication, repair, and recombination apparatus. It is conceivable that longer the telomeres are, greater is the severity of such challenges. Recent studies have linked excessively long telomeres with increased tumorigenesis. Here we discuss telomere abnormalities in a rare recessive chromosomal instability disorder called Fanconi Anemia and the role of the Fanconi Anemia pathway in telomere biology. Reports suggest that Fanconi Anemia proteins play a role in maintaining long telomeres, including processing telomeric joint molecule intermediates. We speculate that ablation of the Fanconi Anemia pathway would lead to inadequate aberrant structural barrier resolution at excessively long telomeres, thereby causing replicative burden on the cell. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  20. [Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA)]. (United States)

    Kaiser, A; Meier, H P; Straub, R; Gerber, V


    Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) is a reportable, eradicable epizootic disease caused by the equine lentivirus of the retrovirus family which affects equids only and occurs worldwide. The virus is transmitted by blood, mainly by sanguivorous insects. The main symptoms of the disease are pyrexia, apathy, loss of body condition and weight, anemia, edema and petechia. However, infected horses can also be inapparent carriers without any overt signs. The disease is diagnosed by serological tests like the Coggins test and ELISA tests. Presently, Switzerland is offi cially free from EIA. However, Switzerland is permanently at risk of introducing the virus as cases of EIA have recently been reported in different European countries.

  1. An analysis of anemia and child mortality

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brabin, B. J.; Premji, Z.; Verhoeff, F.


    The relationship of anemia as a risk factor for child mortality was analyzed by using cross-sectional, longitudinal and case-control studies, and randomized trials. Five methods of estimation were adopted: 1) the proportion of child deaths attributable to anemia; 2) the proportion of anemic children

  2. Management of Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole Haagen; Ainsworth, Mark; Coskun, Mehmet


    Anemia is the most frequent complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but anemia, mostly due to iron deficiency, has long been neglected in these patients. The aim was to briefly present the pathophysiology, followed by a balanced overview of the different forms of iron replacement...... available, and subsequently, to perform a systematic review of studies performed in the last decade on the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in IBD. Given that intravenous therapies have been introduced in the last decade, a systematic review performed in PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library......, and the websites of WHO, FDA, and EMA covered prospective trials investigating the management of iron-deficiency anemia in IBD published since 2004. A total of 632 articles were reviewed, and 13 articles (2906 patients) with unique content were included. In general, oral supplementation in iron-deficiency anemia...

  3. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 in aplastic anemia, Fanconi anemia and hematopoietic stem cells. (United States)

    Van Wassenhove, Lauren D; Mochly-Rosen, Daria; Weinberg, Kenneth I


    Maintenance of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) compartment depends on the ability to metabolize exogenously and endogenously generated toxins, and to repair cellular damage caused by such toxins. Reactive aldehydes have been demonstrated to cause specific genotoxic injury, namely DNA interstrand cross-links. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) is a member of a 19 isoenzyme ALDH family with different substrate specificities, subcellular localization, and patterns of expression. ALDH2 is localized in mitochondria and is essential for the metabolism of acetaldehyde, thereby placing it directly downstream of ethanol metabolism. Deficiency in ALDH2 expression and function are caused by a single nucleotide substitution and resulting amino acid change, called ALDH2*2. This genetic polymorphism affects 35-45% of East Asians (about ~560 million people), and causes the well-known Asian flushing syndrome, which results in disulfiram-like reactions after ethanol consumption. Recently, the ALDH2*2 genotype has been found to be associated with marrow failure, with both an increased risk of sporadic aplastic anemia and more rapid progression of Fanconi anemia. This review discusses the unexpected interrelationship between aldehydes, ALDH2 and hematopoietic stem cell biology, and in particular its relationship to Fanconi anemia. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Comprehensive Review of Preschool Age Anemia in the Pacific Island Jurisdictions. (United States)

    Lin, Tiffany F; Huang, James N; Cash, Haley L


    Anemia can be an indicator of poor nutrition and health, and it can have significant consequences. Children are disproportionately affected by anemia. This comprehensive review summarizes the available literature on anemia prevalence in young children in the islands of the Oceania region. The anemia prevalence, the criteria used for diagnosis, the date the data was reported, and the types of samples collected were reviewed. Anemia prevalence estimates were reported for eighteen of the Pacific Island Jurisdictions. From the fifteen data sources that were evaluable, anemia prevalence ranged from 12.3% to over 70%. A major limitation in the data is a lack of representative primary data from many of the jurisdictions in the region. Prevalance estimates reported for those jurisdictions are estimated by regression analysis from the World Health Organization (WHO). Moreover, the primary data available does not use standardized reporting criteria. Nevertheless, this review serves as a new baseline for further investigations on the prevalence of anemia and a baseline for evaluating public health prevention and treatment measures to detect and improve anemia prevalence in the Pacific.

  5. Management of Anemia in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). (United States)

    Patel, Dhruvan; Trivedi, Chinmay; Khan, Nabeel


    Anemia is the most common complication as well as an extra intestinal manifestation of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is associated with a significant impact on patient's quality of life (QoL); as well it represents a common cause of frequent hospitalization, delay of hospital inpatient discharge and overall increased healthcare burden. In spite of all these, anemia is still often underdiagnosed and undertreated. Our aim in this review is to provide a pathway for physicians to help them achieve early diagnosis as well as timely and appropriate treatment of anemia which in turn would hopefully reduce the prevalence and subsequent complications of this condition among IBD patients. The etiology of anemia among IBD patients is most commonly due to iron deficiency anemia (IDA) followed by anemia of chronic disease. Despite this, more than a third of anemic ulcerative colitis (UC) patients are not tested for IDA and among those tested and diagnosed with IDA, a quarter are not treated with iron replacement therapy. A new algorithm has been validated to predict who will develop moderate to severe anemia at the time of UC diagnosis. While oral iron is effective for the treatment of mild iron deficiency-related anemia, the absorption of iron is influenced by chronic inflammatory states as a consequence of the presence of elevated levels of hepcidin. Also, it is important to recognize that ferritin is elevated in chronic inflammatory states and among patients with active IBD, ferritin levels less than 100 are considered to be diagnostic of iron deficiency. Newer formulations of intra-venous (IV) iron have a good safety profile and can be used for replenishment of iron stores and prevention of iron deficiency in the future. Routine screening for anemia is important among patients with IBD. The cornerstone for the accurate management of anemia in IBD patients lies in accurately diagnosing the type of anemia. All IBD patients with IDA should be considered appropriate for

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... A-Z Clinical Trials Publications and Resources Health Education and Awareness ... If your doctor diagnoses you with iron-deficiency anemia, your treatment will depend on the cause and severity of the condition. Your ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... making new blood cells. Visit our Aplastic Anemia Health Topic to learn more. ... recommend that you take iron supplements, also called iron pills or oral iron, by mouth once or several times a ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... anemia may cause the following complications: Depression Heart problems. If you do not have enough hemoglobin-carrying red blood cells, your heart has to work harder to move oxygen-rich blood through your ...

  9. Anemia of chronic disease is the more frequent type of anemia seen in patients with chronic idiopathic neutropenia of adults. (United States)

    Papadaki, H A; Eliopoulos, D G; Valatas, V; Eliopoulos, G D


    This study describes the frequency and the type of anemia seen in patients with nonimmune chronic idiopathic neutropenia of adults (NI-CINA). We found that NI-CINA patients had low hemoglobin levels and increased serum concentrations of erythropoietin (EPO), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta). The hemoglobin levels correlated positively with the number of circulating neutrophils and inversely with the levels of EPO and TNF-alpha but not of IL-1beta. Anemia, defined as the reduction of the hemoglobin below 12.0 g/dl for women and 13.3 g/dl for men, was found in 23 out of 148 patients studied, a proportion of 15.5%. Two of the anemic patients had iron deficiency anemia (8.7%), 11 had anemia of chronic disease (ACD; 47.8%) presenting with normal or slightly reduced erythrocytic indices, low serum iron, and increased serum ferritin, and the remaining ten had anemia of undefined pathogenesis (AUP; 43.5%) with normal or slightly decreased erythrocytic indices, serum iron ranging from 43 to 88 microg/dl, and ferritin values ranging from 12 to 50 ng/ml. We conclude that ACD is the more frequent type of anemia seen in patients with NI-CINA, and that pro-inflammatory cytokines, notably TNF-alpha, may be involved in the pathogenesis of both ACD and AUP, given that serum levels of the cytokine were significantly increased and that the EPO response to anemia was blunted in these patients. These findings further support our previously reported suggestion for the possible existence, in NI-CINA patients, of an unrecognized low-grade chronic inflammatory process that may be involved in the pathogenesis of the disorder.

  10. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... tests, especially in infants and small children Heavy menstrual periods Injury or surgery Urinary tract bleeding Consuming ... iron-deficiency anemia from trauma, surgery, or heavy menstrual periods. Individuals with a gene for hemophilia, including ...

  11. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... and naproxen Certain rare genetic conditions such as hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, which causes bleeding in the bowels ... iron-deficiency anemia may cause the following complications: Depression Heart problems. If you do not have enough ...

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... A-Z Clinical Trials Publications and Resources Health Education and Awareness The Science Science Home Blood Disorders ... infancy has lasting effects. We are interested in learning how having iron-deficiency anemia early in life ...

  13. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... heart failure . Increased risk of infections Motor or cognitive development delays in children Pregnancy complications, such as ... iron-deficiency anemia may require intravenous (IV) iron therapy or a blood transfusion . Iron supplements Your doctor ...

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... absorb iron and lead to iron-deficiency anemia. These conditions include: Intestinal and digestive conditions, such as ... tract. Inflammation from congestive heart failure or obesity . These chronic conditions can lead to inflammation that may ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... is caused by strong muscle contractions and the impact of feet repeatedly striking the ground, such as ... funding on iron-deficiency anemia. We stimulate high-impact research. Our Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... common type of anemia that occurs if you do not have enough iron in your body. People ... make it hard to find the energy to do normal activities. Headache Irregular heartbeat. This is a ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... anemia? Read more When there is inflammation, your liver makes more of a hormone called hepcidin. Hepcidin ... your abdomen to check the size of your liver and spleen. Blood tests Based on results from ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... body to absorb iron from the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). Blood loss When you lose blood, you ... to iron-deficiency anemia include: Bleeding in your GI tract, from an ulcer, colon cancer, or regular ...

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... diagnoses you with iron-deficiency anemia, your treatment will depend on the cause and severity of the ... of iron. The recommended daily amounts of iron will depend on your age, sex, and whether you ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... from developing iron-deficiency anemia. Foods that are good sources of iron include dried beans, dried fruits, ... iron is needed, such as childhood and pregnancy. Good sources of iron are meat, poultry, fish, and ...

  1. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... your blood may be normal even if the total amount of iron in your body is low. ... iron-deficiency anemia in blood donors affects the quality of donated red blood cells, such as how ...

  2. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... and Strategic Vision Leadership Scientific Divisions Operations and Administration Advisory Committees Budget and Legislative Information Jobs and ... may recommend you eat heart-healthy foods or control other conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. ...

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... increase your risk for iron-deficiency anemia, including: Vegetarian or vegan eating patterns. Not eating enough iron- ... factors , such as if you are following a vegetarian eating pattern, your doctor may recommend changes to ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... deficiency anemia. Proton pump inhibitors interfere with iron absorption, and blood thinners increase the likelihood of bleeding ... oranges, strawberries, and tomatoes, may help increase your absorption of iron. If you are pregnant, talk to ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... striking the ground, such as with marathon runners. Sex Girls and women between the ages of 14 ... developing iron-deficiency anemia. Foods that are good sources of iron include dried beans, dried fruits, eggs, ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... screen for iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor may order a blood test called a complete blood count ( ... your risk factors , do a physical exam, or order blood tests or other diagnostic tests. Physical exam ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... fatigue or tiredness, shortness of breath, or chest pain. If your doctor diagnoses you with iron-deficiency ... Common symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia include: Chest pain Coldness in the hands and feet Difficulty concentrating ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... Health and Human Development, we are investigating how best to treat premature newborns with low hemoglobin levels. ... are hoping to determine which iron supplements work best to treat iron-deficiency anemia in children who ...

  9. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... red blood cells, called hemolysis . Hemolysis, in this case, is caused by strong muscle contractions and the ... to prevent iron-deficiency anemia. Participate in NHLBI Clinical Trials will explain our ongoing clinical studies that ...

  10. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia may cause the following complications: Depression Heart problems. If you do not have enough ... these usually go away within a day or two. Red blood cell transfusions. These may be used ...

  11. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... more. Read less Reminders Return to Causes to review how blood loss, not consuming the recommended amount ... iron-deficiency anemia. Return to Risk Factors to review family history, lifestyle, unhealthy environments, or other factors ...

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... our clinical trials . Are you a frequent blood donor living in New York City? This study is looking at how iron-deficiency anemia in blood donors affects the quality of donated red blood cells, ...

  13. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... risk for iron-deficiency anemia, including: Vegetarian or vegan eating patterns. Not eating enough iron-rich foods, ... iron-fortified foods that have iron added. Vegetarian diets can provide enough iron if you choose nonmeat ...

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... of Intramural Research , which includes investigators in our Hematology Branch , performs research on anemia. We fund research. ... Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how best to treat ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... you do not have enough iron in your body. People with mild or moderate iron-deficiency anemia ... and where to find more information. Causes Your body needs iron to make healthy red blood cells. ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... starch. Restless legs syndrome Shortness of breath Weakness Complications Undiagnosed or untreated iron-deficiency anemia may cause ... as complete blood count and iron studies. Prevent complications over your lifetime To prevent complications from iron- ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about the current and future NHLBI efforts to improve health through research and ... blood donors. Cardiovascular Health Study identifies predictors of future health problems in older adults. The NHLBI-sponsored ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... be at risk for iron-deficiency anemia. Lifestyle habits Certain lifestyle habits may increase your risk for ... Surgery, upper endoscopy or colonoscopy, to stop bleeding. Healthy lifestyle changes To help you meet your daily ...

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... breastfeeding women older than 18 need 9 mg. Problems absorbing iron Even if you consume the recommended ... interested in learning how having iron-deficiency anemia early in life affects later behavior, thinking, and mood ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia may cause the following complications: Depression Heart problems. If you do not have enough ... prevent complications such as abnormal heart rhythms and depression. Learn the warning signs of serious complications and ...

  1. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Treatment will explain treatment-related complications or side effects. Diagnosis Iron-deficiency anemia may be detected during ... to your doctor if you are experiencing side effects such as a bad metallic taste, vomiting, diarrhea, ...

  2. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... blood tests, especially in infants and small children Heavy menstrual periods Injury or surgery Urinary tract bleeding ... of iron-deficiency anemia from trauma, surgery, or heavy menstrual periods. Individuals with a gene for hemophilia, ...

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... developing iron-deficiency anemia. Foods that are good sources of iron include dried beans, dried fruits, eggs, ... is needed, such as childhood and pregnancy. Good sources of iron are meat, poultry, fish, and iron- ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... may recommend erythropoiesis stimulating agents (esa) . These medicines stimulate the bone marrow to make more red blood ... NHLBI is funding on iron-deficiency anemia. We stimulate high-impact research. Our Trans-Omics for Precision ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... vegetables. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, strawberries, and tomatoes, may help increase your absorption ... deficiency anemia, your doctor may recommend erythropoiesis stimulating agents (esa) . These medicines stimulate the bone marrow to ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... bleeding. If undiagnosed or untreated, iron-deficiency anemia can cause serious complications, including heart failure and development ... iron is too low. Low intake of iron can happen because of blood loss, consuming less than ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... Safety Sleep Science and Sleep Disorders Lung Diseases Heart and Vascular Diseases Precision Medicine Activities Obesity, Nutrition, ... iron-deficiency anemia can cause serious complications, including heart failure and development delays in children. Explore this ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... symptoms. More severe iron-deficiency anemia may cause fatigue or tiredness, shortness of breath, or chest pain. ... in the hands and feet Difficulty concentrating Dizziness Fatigue, or feeling tired, is the most common symptom. ...

  9. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... counts, hemoglobin or hematocrit levels, or mean corpuscular volume (MCV) that would suggest anemia. Different tests help ... complete blood count measures hemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). Hemoglobin of less than 13 grams per ...

  10. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... Look for Treatment will discuss medicines and eating pattern changes that your doctors may recommend if you ... iron-deficiency anemia, including: Vegetarian or vegan eating patterns. Not eating enough iron-rich foods, such as ...

  11. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... may recommend you eat heart-healthy foods or control other conditions that can cause iron-deficiency anemia. ... heavy menstrual bleeding, your doctor will want to control these other conditions to prevent you from developing ...

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... to learn more about iron-deficiency anemia, our role in research and clinical trials to improve health, ... of Blood Diseases and Resources (DBDR) is a leader in research on the causes, prevention, and treatment ...

  13. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... Individuals with a gene for hemophilia, including symptomatic female carriers who have heavy menstrual periods, may be ... anemia. Endurance activities and athletes. Athletes, especially young females, are at risk for iron deficiency. Endurance athletes ...

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... family history and genetics , lifestyle habits, or sex. Age You may be at increased risk for iron ... Signs, Symptoms, and Complications Iron-deficiency anemia can range from mild to severe. People with mild or ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... may be at risk for iron-deficiency anemia. Lifestyle habits Certain lifestyle habits may increase your risk ... upper endoscopy or colonoscopy, to stop bleeding. Healthy lifestyle changes To help you meet your daily recommended ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... Chest pain Coldness in the hands and feet Difficulty concentrating Dizziness Fatigue, or feeling tired, is the ... Our support of SBIR/STTR programs is helping advance research in iron-deficiency anemia, in part by ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... deficiency anemia. We stimulate high-impact research. Our Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Program now includes ... Studies (REDS) program Blood Disorders and Blood Safety Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Program Non-NHLBI ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... breastfeeding women older than 18 need 9 mg. Problems absorbing iron Even if you consume the recommended ... anemia may cause the following complications: Depression Heart problems. If you do not have enough hemoglobin-carrying ...

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia in blood donors affects the quality of donated red blood cells, such as how ... Cells From Iron-deficient Donors: Recovery and Storage Quality. Learn more about participating in a clinical trial . ...

  20. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... infancy has lasting effects. We are interested in learning how having iron-deficiency anemia early in life ... Customer Service/Center for Health Information Email Alerts Jobs and Careers Site Index About NHLBI National Institute ...

  1. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron to prepare for blood loss during delivery. Screening and Prevention Your doctor may screen you for ... and symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia. Return to Screening and Prevention to review tests to screen for ...

  2. Syngeneic transplantation in aplastic anemia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gerull, Sabine; Stern, Martin; Apperley, Jane


    Aplastic anemia is usually treated with immunosuppression or allogeneic transplant, depending on patient and disease characteristics. Syngeneic transplant offers a rare treatment opportunity with minimal transplant-related mortality, and offers an insight into disease mechanisms. We present here...... a retrospective analysis of all syngeneic transplants for aplastic anemia reported to the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Between 1976 and 2009, 88 patients received 113 transplants. Most transplants (n=85) were preceded by a conditioning regimen, 22 of these including anti-thymocyte globulin...


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    Idrus Jus’at


    Full Text Available Anemia, terutama anemia defisiensi  besi, masih merupakan  masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Prevalensi anemia masih tinggi pada kelompok risiko tinggi yaitu ibu hamil, menyusui, balita, anak usia sekolah dan WUS. Selain kekurangan zat besi dalam  konsumsi  makanan dan penyakit infeksi, berbagai faktor mempunyai kontribusi relatif terhadap anemia. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi relatif  status  retinol  terhadap  anemia  pada  anak  usia  sekolah.  Penelitian  dilakukan  di   Tasikmalaya  dan Ciamis  pada  173  anak  umur  5-9  tahun  dari  keluarga  miskin.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  prevalensi anemia  14,5  persen, prevalensi kurang vitamin A  (KVA  10,9  persen. Konsumsi energi, protein, zat besi, vitamin  C,  vitamin  B12,  folat,  dan  seng  masih  di  bawah  AKG  (2004.  Setelah  dikontrol  dengan  asupan energi,  protein,  dan  vitamin  B12  anak  yang  menderita  KVA  memiliki  odds  ratio  3,33  kali  untuk  menjadi anemia (p=0.063, 95%, CI 0,93-11.84 dibandingkan anak yang tidak KVA. Kata kunci: anemia, defisiensi vitamin A, anak usia sekolah

  4. Terapia transfusional en pacientes pediátricos con drepanocitosis Transfusional therapy in pediatric patients with sickle cell disease

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    Lázaro Cortina Rosales


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 158 niños con drepanocitosis, 114 con anemia drepanocítica (AD, 30 con hemoglobinopatía SC (HSC y 14 con Sb talasemia (Sb Tal. Del total, 134 fueron transfundidos, de estos 108 (94,7 % con AD, 14 con HSC (46,6 % y 12 con Sb Tal (85,6 %. Se agruparon por edades en: menores de 6 años, entre 6 y 12 años y de 13 a 18 años. La transfusión se empleó con mayor frecuencia en los menores de 6 años y sus causas fundamentales fueron: la crisis de secuestro esplénico (CSE, el síndrome torácico agudo (STA y las infecciones; estas causas variaron con la edad. Se realizó exanguinotransfusión en la crisis hepática, en la crisis vaso-oclusiva del sistema nervioso central (CVO del SNC y en el STA. El régimen de hipertransfusión se reservó para las CVO del SNC y las CSE. Las complicaciones detectadas fueron: la reacción febril no hemolítica, la aloinmunización eritrocitaria, la reacción hemolítica y las hepatitis B y C158 children with sickle cell disease, 114 with sickle cell anemia (SCA, 30 with SC haemoglobinopathy (SCH and 14 with Sb thalasemia (Sb Tal., were estudied. Of the total, 134 were transfused, 108 of them (94.7 % with SCA, 14 with SC haemoglobinopathy (SCH (46.6 % and 14 with Sb thalasemia (Sb Tal (85.6 %. They were grouped by age as follows: under 6, betweeen 6 and 12 and from 13 to 18. The transfusion was used more frequently among those under 6 and the main causes were splenic sequestration crisis (SSC, acute thoracic syndrome (ATS and infections. These causes varied according to age. Exanguinotransfusion was performed in the hepatic crisis, in the vasoocclusive crisis of the central nervous system (VOC-CNS and in the ATS. The regimen of hypertransfusion was reserved for the VOC-CNS and SSC. The complications detected were: nonhaemolytic febrile reaction, erythrocytary alloimmunization, haemolytic reaction and hepatitis B and C

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... lead in their blood from their environment or water. Lead interferes with the body’s ability to make ... iron-deficiency anemia in blood donors affects the quality of donated red blood cells, such as how ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... interferes with the body’s ability to make hemoglobin. Family history and genetics Von Willebrand disease is an ... deficiency anemia. Return to Risk Factors to review family history, lifestyle, unhealthy environments, or other factors that ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... and dark green leafy vegetables. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, strawberries, and tomatoes, may ... of other nutrients in your blood, such as vitamin B12 or folic acid. Visit our Pernicious Anemia ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... infection. A history of gastrointestinal surgery, such as weight-loss surgery—especially gastric bypass—or gastrectomy. Certain rare ... prevention and treatment of heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders, including iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about the ...

  9. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... your blood, such as vitamin B12 or folic acid. Visit our Pernicious Anemia Health Topic to learn ... recommend options such as taking your supplements with food, lowering the dose, trying a different type of ...

  10. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... as most of a newborn’s iron stores are developed during the third trimester of pregnancy. Children between ... This makes it harder to stop bleeding and can increase the risk of iron-deficiency anemia from ...

  11. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... Activities Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Population and Epidemiology Studies Women’s Health All Science A-Z Grants ... health for people with iron-deficiency anemia. Recipient Epidemiology Donor Studies program findings help to protect blood ...

  12. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... in our clinical trials . Are you a frequent blood donor living in New York City? This study is looking at how iron-deficiency anemia in blood donors affects the quality of donated red blood cells, ...

  13. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... Iron-Deficiency Anemia (National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus) Building 31 31 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892 Learn ... and Usage No FEAR Act Grants and Funding Building 31 31 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892 Learn ...

  14. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... were born prematurely may be at an even higher risk, as most of a newborn’s iron stores ... men of the same age. Women are at higher risk for iron-deficiency anemia under some circumstances, ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... an MCV of less than 80 femtoliters (fL). Prevention strategies If you have certain risk factors , such ... explain our ongoing clinical studies that are investigating prevention strategies for iron-deficiency anemia. Signs, Symptoms, and ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... and Strategic Vision Leadership Scientific Divisions Operations and Administration Advisory Committees Budget and Legislative Information Jobs and ... blood cells. Iron-deficiency anemia usually develops over time because your body’s intake of iron is too ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... MCV of less than 80 femtoliters (fL). Prevention strategies If you have certain risk factors , such as ... our ongoing clinical studies that are investigating prevention strategies for iron-deficiency anemia. Signs, Symptoms, and Complications ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... red blood cells, called hemolysis . Hemolysis, in this case, is caused by strong muscle contractions and the ... anemia. Search the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) to learn about research that NHLBI is ...

  19. Inborn anemias in mice. Progress report, 1 May 1977--31 July 1978

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernstein, S.E.; Russell, E.S.


    Hereditary anemias of mice have been the chief objects of investigation. At present under study are four macrocytic anemias, four hemolytic anemias, nonhemolytic microcytic anemia, transitory siderocytic anemia, sex-linked iron-transport anemia, and the autoimmune hemolytic anemia of NZB. Each of these blood dyscrasias is caused by the action of a unique mutant gene, which determines the structure of different intracellular molecules, and thus controls a different metabolic process. Thus our wide range of different hereditary anemias has considerable potential for uncovering many different aspects of hemopoietic homeostatic mechanisms in the mouse. Each anemia is studied through: characterization of peripheral blood values, determinations of radiosensitivity under a variety of conditions, measurements of iron metabolism and heme synthesis, histological and biochemical study of blood-forming tissue, functional tests of the stem cell component, examination of responses to erythroid stimuli, and transplantation of tissue between individuals of differently affected genotypes. Considerable effort is devoted to perfection of hematologic, cell culture, and transplant methods to make these techniques useful in dealing with special problems associated with abnormal function.

  20. Inborn anemias in mice. Progress report, 1 August 1979-15 July 1980

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernstein, S.E.; Russell, E.S.


    Four macrocytic anemias, four hemolytic anemias, nonhemolytic microcytic anemia, transitory siderocytic anemia, sex-linked iron-transport anemia, an ..cap alpha..-thalassemia, and a new target-cell anemia are under investigation in mice. Each of these blood dyscrasias is caused by the action of a unique mutant gene, which determines the structure of different intracellular molecules, and thus controls a different metabolic process. Thus the wide range of different hereditary anemias has considerable potential for uncovering many different aspects of hemopoietic homeostatic mechanisms in the mouse. Each anemia is studied through: (a) characterization of peripheral blood values; (b) determinations of radiosensitivity under a variety of conditions; (c) measurements of iron metabolism and heme synthesis; (d) histological and biochemical study of blood-forming tissue; (e) functional tests of the stem cell component; (f) examination of responses to erythroid stimuli; and (g) transplantation of tissue between individuals of differently affected genotypes.

  1. Hemoperitoneum from corpus luteum rupture in patients with aplastic anemia. (United States)

    Wang, Huaquan; Guo, Lifang; Shao, Zonghong


    Aplastic anemia is a rare hematopoietic stem-cell disorder that results in pancytopenia and hypocellular bone marrow. Women with aplastic anemia usually are at increased risk of corpus luteum rupture due to thrombocytopenia and infection. Here we report two cases had hemoperitoneum from corpus luteum rupture in patients with aplastic anemia in our center. Case 1 involved two episodes of hemoperitoneum resulting from rupture of the corpus luteum in a 23-year-old unmarried female with severe aplastic anemia. This patient was managed conservatively with platelet and packed red cell transfusion. Case 2 involved two episodes of hemoperitoneum resulting from rupture of the corpus luteum in a 33-year-old married patient with aplastic anemia. Emergency laparoscopy revealed massive hemoperitoneum. Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy were performed successively with platelet and packed red cell transfusion. Hemoperitoneum resulting from a ruptured corpus luteum is a life-threatening condition in patients with aplastic anemia. Prompt and appropriate evaluation of corpus luteum rupture and emergent therapy are needed.

  2. Anemia em crianças indígenas da etnia Karapotó Anemia in indigenous children of Karapotó ethnic backgrounds

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    Janaína Ferro Pereira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: identificar a prevalência e fatores associados à anemia em crianças indígenas Karapotó. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal em que foi realizada dosagem de hemoglobina com fotômetro portátil Hemocue, coletadas medidas de peso e estatura e dados socioeconômicos de 99 crianças de 6 a 59 meses da etnia karapotó. Foi analisada a associação entre a prevalência de anemia e variáveis referentes às crianças, às mães e às famílias utilizando teste qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: a prevalência de anemia nas crianças foi de 57,6%, as prevalências de baixa estatura para idade, baixo peso para estatura e baixo peso para idade entre as crianças foram de 15,6%, 3,0% e 2,0%, respectivamente. A ocorrência de anemia associou-se à menor idade da criança, a um menor tempo de estudo materno, a um maior número de membros da família, à menor posse de itens de consumo e à moradia fora da aldeia (desaldeados. CONSLUSÕES: os resultados evidenciam que a anemia é um grave problema de saúde entre as crianças Karapotó, principalmente naquelas desaldeadas, coexistindo com problemas como sobrepeso e déficit estatural.OBJECTIVES: to identify the prevalence and factors associated with anemia in children of Karapotó ethnic backgrounds. METHODS: a cross-sectional study of hemoglobin dosage levels using a portable Hemocue photometer to collect measurements of weight and height along with socioeconomic data for 99 children between 6 and 59 months of age, all of Karapotó ethnicity. The association between the prevalence of anemia and variables related to children, mothers and families were analyzed, using chi-square tests or Fisher Exact Tests. RESULTS: the prevalence of anemia in the children was 57.6%, the prevalences of low height for age range, low weight-to-height ratios and low weight for age range in the children were 15.6%, 3.0% and 2.0% respectively. The occurrence of anemia was associated with younger children

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Blood Disorders and Blood Safety Sleep Science and Sleep Disorders Lung Diseases Heart and Vascular Diseases Precision Medicine ... prevention and treatment of heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders, including iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about the current ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... as a TMRPSS6 gene mutation that causes a person’s body to make too much of a hormone ... anemia from trauma, surgery, or heavy menstrual periods. Individuals with a gene for hemophilia, including symptomatic female ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... blood loss during dialysis. People who have chronic kidney disease also often take other medicines—such as proton ... anemia or who have chronic conditions such as kidney disease or celiac disease may be more likely to ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Sleep Disorders Lung Diseases Heart and Vascular Diseases Precision Medicine Activities Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Population and ... stimulate high-impact research. Our Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Program now includes participants with anemia, which ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... small children Heavy menstrual periods Injury or surgery Urinary tract bleeding Consuming less than recommended daily amounts of ... anemia , such as bleeding in the digestive or urinary tract or heavy menstrual bleeding, your doctor will want ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... blood cells. Iron-deficiency anemia usually develops over time because your body’s intake of iron is too ... clamping of your newborn’s umbilical cord at the time of delivery. This may help prevent iron-deficiency ...

  9. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

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    Full Text Available ... do not have enough iron in your body. People with mild or moderate iron-deficiency anemia may ... as a TMRPSS6 gene mutation that causes a person’s body to make too much of a hormone ...

  10. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... whether your bone marrow is healthy and making new blood cells. Visit our Aplastic Anemia Health Topic to learn more. Read less Reminders Return to Causes to review how blood loss, not consuming the recommended amount ...

  11. Kejadian Anemia pada Ibu Hamil Ditinjau dari Paritas dan Usia

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    Willy Astriana


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Anemia merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat terbesar di dunia terutama bagi kelompok wanita usia reproduksi (WUS. Menurut WHO secara global prevalensi anemia pada ibu hamil di seluruh dunia adalah sebesar 41,8 %. Salah satu penyebab anemia pada kehamilan yaitu paritas dan umur ibu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Tanjung Agung Kabupaten OKU  pada periode Agustus – Oktober 2017 didapatan sampel berjumlah 277 orang. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square, dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%. Pada analisa univariat, Dari 277 responden yang mengalami kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil sebanyak 118 responden (42,6% dan 159 responden (57,4% yang tidak mengalami kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil, paritas beresiko sebanyak 226 responden (81,6% dan paritas tidak beresiko sebanyak 51 responden (18,4%, umur beresiko sebanyak 199 responden (71,8% dan umur tidak beresiko sebanyak 78 responden (28,2%. Analisa statistik menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil dengan paritas (p value 0,023 dan usia (p value 0,028. Petugas kesehatan diharapkan dapat melakukan promosi kesehatan dengan memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya mengkonsumsi tablet zat besi yang tepat, makan makanan yang mengandung sumber zat besi, dan pentingnya vitamin C untuk meningkatkan penyerapan zat besi di dalam tubuh. Kata Kunci: kejadian anemia, ibu hamil, paritas, umur ibu THE OCCURRENCE OF ANEMIA IN PREGNANT WOMEN BASED ON PARITY AND AGE Abstract: Anemia is the largest public health problem in the world, especially for women of reproductive age. According to WHO globally the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women around the world is 41.8%. One of the causes of anemia in pregnancy is parity and maternal age.This research use analytical method with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all pregnant women

  12. MRI evaluation of cranial bone marrow signal intensity and thickness in chronic anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yildirim, Tulin; Agildere, A. Muhtesem; Oguzkurt, Levent; Barutcu, Ozlem; Kizilkilic, Osman; Kocak, Rikkat; Alp Niron, Emin


    Background and purpose: The aim is to assess the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings for cranial bone marrow (CBM) signal intensity and thickness in patients with chronic anemia and compared these with findings in healthy subjects. We also investigated the relationships between CBM changes and age, type of anemia (hemolytic versus non-hemolytic), and severity of anemia. Methods: We quantitatively evaluated CBM signal intensity and thickness on images from 40 patients with chronic anemia (20 with congenital hemolytic anemia (HA) and 20 with acquired anemia) and compared these to findings in 28 healthy subjects. The intensity of CBM relative to scalp, white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and muscle intensity was also investigated in patients and subjects in the control group. The sensitivity and specificity of CBM hypointense to GM and CBM hypointense to WM as markers of anemia were evaluated. Relationships between age and CBM thickness/intensity, and between anemia severity (hemoglobin (Hb) level) and CBM thickness/intensity were evaluated. Results: Cranial bone marrow signal intensity was lower in the chronic anemia patients than in the controls (P 0.05 for both). There were no correlations between age and CBM intensity or thickness, or between anemia severity and CBM intensity or thickness. Conclusion: Patients with chronic anemia exhibit lower CBM signal intensity on MRI than healthy subjects. Patients with hemolytic anemia have thicker CBM than patients with non-hemolytic anemia or healthy individuals. Decreased CBM intensity may indicate that the patient has anemia, and increased CBM thickness may specifically point to hemolytic anemia. These MRI findings may signal the need for further evaluation for the clinician

  13. Oral manifestations of anemia in HIV/AIDS patients without ARV treatment

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    Wahyu Hidayat


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS is  a set of symptoms caused by decreases of the immune system that was infected by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV. Blood disorders often found in patient with HIV and associated with HIV infection. Mostly found disorders is anemia of chronic disease. The prevalence of anemia in HIV/AIDS patients reaches 70%. Oral manifestations of anemia are atrophy of the papillae on tongue, glossodynia, pallor, angular cheilitis, glossitis, aphthous ulcers/erosive lesions, candidiasis, and geographic tongue. There are many publications that uses anemia as indicator to determine the prognosis of HIV infection, thus the description of oral manifestation of anemia in the non-ARV HIV/AIDS patients is a necessity. The purpose of this study was to describe the oral manifestation of anemia in the non-ARV HIV/AIDS patients. Methods: The methods used were purposive random sampling. Samples were new HIV/AIDS patients who have not got antiretroviral (ARV treatment. The study included 40 patients in Teratai Clinic Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung. Results: Oral manifestations of anemia were found amongst non-ARV HIV/AIDS patients, which were candidiasis in  37 patients, glossodynia in 28 patients, glossitis in 10 patients, and angular cheilitis in 1 patient. Conclusion: From the study found that oral manifestations of anemia that found in non-ARV HIV/AIDS patients were candidiasis, glossodynia, glossitis and angular cheilitis. HIV/AIDS patients with anemia needed to treat more intensive for better prognosis and quality of life. Keywords: Anemia, HIV/AIDS, Candidiasis, Glossitis, Glossodynia

  14. Folate-deficiency anemia (United States)

    ... raise your risk for this type of anemia: Alcoholism Eating overcooked food Poor diet (often seen in the poor, the older people, and people who do not eat fresh fruits or vegetables) Pregnancy Folic acid is needed to help a baby ...

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... is blood loss during dialysis. People who have chronic kidney disease also often take other medicines—such as proton ... reduces iron absorption. Other treatments If you have chronic kidney disease and iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor may recommend ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Science Science Home Blood Disorders and Blood Safety Sleep Science and Sleep Disorders Lung Diseases Heart and Vascular Diseases Precision ... prevention and treatment of heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders, including iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about the ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... 2, especially if they drink a lot of cow’s milk. Cow’s milk is low in iron. Teens, who have ... our Pernicious Anemia Health Topic to learn more. Bone marrow tests help your doctor see whether your ...

  18. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Working at the NHLBI Contact and FAQs Accessible Search Form Search the NHLBI, use the drop down list to ... treatment of blood diseases, including iron-deficiency anemia. Search the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) ...

  19. Tratamiento con dosis moderada de hidroxiurea en la drepanocitosis Treatment with moderate doses of hydroxyurea in drepanocytosis

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    Sergio Machín García


    Full Text Available En el período comprendido entre junio del 2003 y junio del 2005 se trataron con hidroxiurea 45 pacientes con anemia drepanocítica; 16 niños y 29 adultos, al menos con una de las manifestaciones siguientes: más de 3 crisis vasooclusivas (CVO dolorosas al año en los 3 años previos al estudio, uno o más episodios de síndrome torácico agudo (STA al año en los 2 años previos al estudio, o accidente vascular encefálico (AVE en el año anterior. La hidroxiurea se administró en dosis de 15mg/kg/día. El número de CVO dolorosas, STA, AVE, ingresos y transfusiones disminuyó significativamente (pFrom June 2003 to June 2005, 45 patients with drepanocytic anemia, 16 children and 29 adults, with at least one of the following manifestations were treated with hydroxyurea: more than 3 painful vasoocclusive crises (VOC at a year and 3 years before the study, one or more episodes of acute thoracic syndrome (ATS at a year and 2 years previous to the study, or vascular encephalic accident (VEA in the previous year. Hydroxyurea was administered at doses of 15mg/kg/day. The number of painful VOC, ATS, VEA, admissions and transfusions decreased significantly (p<0.001. There was not either reduction of the hematological parameters or increase of creatinin or alanine aminotransferase. An important rise of fetal hemoglobin values (p<0.008 was reported. There were no toxic manifestations and the fulfilment was good. It was proved in this paper that it is not necessary to take the maximum tolerated dose of hydroxyurea to improve the clinical picture in drepanocytic anemia. Two of its advantages are its lower toxicity and the less expensive treatment. This would make possible that a greater amount of children in those countries with scarce resources may benefit from the treatment.


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    Nila Eza Fitria


    Full Text Available Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR is one indicator of the success of health services in a country. Maternal deaths occur for several reasons, including anemia The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of knowledge of pregnant women with Fe tablet with anemia occurrence in jorong Koto Malintang Puskesmas Agam District 2014. This research is cross sectional research design conducted in Jorong Koto Malintang Puskesmas Kamih Agam on 23 s / d 29 August 2014. The sample in this study pregnant women in Jorong Koto Malintang 30 people. Univariate analysis has been done descriptive and bivariate analysis using chi-square test. The results showed 30 respondents classified as less knowledgeable (36.7% and more than half of pregnant women (63.3% suffered from anemia. The result of bivariate analysis with trust level 0,05 indicates a significant relationship between the existence of Knowledge about Tablet Fe Pregnancy with Genesis Anemia where value p = 0,002 (p = <0,05. Can be concluded in this research there is a significant relationship between mother's knowledge about Fe tablet with anemia. It is expected to improve the knowledge of pregnant women about the importance of Fe tablets consumed by pregnant women during pregnancy to prevent anemiaAngka Kematian Ibu (Maternal Mortality Rate / MMR merupakan salah satu indikator keberhasilan pelayanan kesehatan di suatu negara. Kematian ibu terjadi karena beberapa alasan, termasuk anemia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan ibu hamil dengan tablet Fe dengan kejadian anemia di jorong Koto Malintang Puskesmas Kabupaten Agam tahun 2014. Penelitian ini adalah rancangan penelitian cross sectional yang dilakukan di Jorong Koto Malintang Puskesmas Kamih Agam pada 23 s/d 29Agustus 2014. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ibu hamil di Jorong Koto Malintang 30 orang. Analisis univariat telah dilakukan analisis deskriptif dan bivariat menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasilnya menunjukkan 30 responden

  1. George Hoyt Whipple and the Impact of Liver on Anemia (United States)

    dropdown arrow Site Map A-Z Index Menu Synopsis George Hoyt Whipple and the Impact of Liver on Anemia cases of anemia". George Hoyt Whipple Courtesy of University of Rochester Medical Center Whipple's main research was concerned with anemia and with the physiology and pathology of the liver. He won the

  2. [Meta-analysis of association between organophosphorus pesticides and aplastic anemia]. (United States)

    Zhang, Ji; Yang, Tubao


    To evaluate the association between organophosphorus pesticides and aplastic anemia, and provide scientific evidence for the primary prevention of aplastic anemia. The published papers of case control studies on the association between organophosphorus pesticides and aplastic anemia from January 1990 to August 2014 were collected from Chinese BioMedical Literature Base (CBM), Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), PubMed and EMBASE. The papers which met the inclusion criteria were evaluated. The pooled odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of organophosphorus pesticides were calculated with software Review Manager 5.0. Subgroup analysis were conducted for different population and different usage of organophosphorus pesticides. A total of 9 papers were selected, involving 5 833 subjects (1 404 cases and 4 429 controls). The results showed that organophosphorus pesticides could increase the risk of aplastic anemia (OR=1.97, 95% CI: 1.60-2.44) . Subgroup analysis showed that Asian (OR=2.01, 95% CI: 1.52-2.66) had higher risk of aplastic anemia than American or European (OR=1.93, 95% CI: 1.39-2.67) . Using pure organophosphorus pesticides (OR=2.15, 95% CI: 1.60-2.88) was more prone to cause aplastic anemia than using the mixture of organophosphorus pesticides (OR=1.82, 95% CI: 1.34-2.47). The analysis indicated that organophosphorus pesticides might be a risk factor for aplastic anemia. Reducing organophosphorus pesticides exposure in daily life and industrial or agricultural production could prevent the incidence of aplastic anemia.

  3. Neonatal outcome after fetal anemia managed by intrauterine transfusion. (United States)

    Garabedian, C; Rakza, T; Thomas, D; Wibaut, B; Vaast, P; Subtil, D; Houfflin-Debarge, V


    In-utero transfusion is now well under control and improves the survival of foetuses monitored for fetal anemia with a survival rate of more than 80 %. The aim was to evaluate short-term neonatal outcome after fetal severe anemia managed by intrauterine transfusions. We did a retrospective study of all neonates born after management of severe fetal anemia (n = 93) between January 1999 and January 2013 in our regional center. The two main causes of anemia were maternal red blood cell alloimmunization (N = 81, 87 %) and Parvovirus B19 infection (N = 10, 10.8 %). In the alloimmunization group, phototherapy was implemented in 85.2 % of cases with a maximum level of bilirubin of 114.4 ± 60.7 (mg/dl). Transfusion and exchange transfusion were, respectively, required in 51.9 % and in 34.6 % of cases. One neonate presented a convulsive episode, and we observed three neonatal deaths. In the parvovirus group, none of the child had anemia at birth and no management was necessary. Contemporary management of Rhesus disease is associated with encouraging neonatal outcomes. In case of Parvovirus infection, no specific management is necessary at. But, in all cases of fetal anemia, children should be followed up with particular attention to neurologic development. • In-utero transfusion is now well under control and improves the survival of fetuses monitored for fetal anemia. • Limited studies are available on the effect of IUT on postnatal outcome in infants with a history of fetal anemia. What is New: • Contemporary management of severe Rhesus disease is associated with encouraging neonatal outcomes. • The majority of infants can be managed with phototherapy and a limited number of top-up transfusions and exchange transfusions. In case of Parvovirus infection, the short-term neonatal outcome is excellent.

  4. Management of Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (United States)

    Nielsen, Ole Haagen; Ainsworth, Mark; Coskun, Mehmet; Weiss, Günter


    Abstract Anemia is the most frequent complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but anemia, mostly due to iron deficiency, has long been neglected in these patients. The aim was to briefly present the pathophysiology, followed by a balanced overview of the different forms of iron replacement available, and subsequently, to perform a systematic review of studies performed in the last decade on the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in IBD. Given that intravenous therapies have been introduced in the last decade, a systematic review performed in PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, and the websites of WHO, FDA, and EMA covered prospective trials investigating the management of iron-deficiency anemia in IBD published since 2004. A total of 632 articles were reviewed, and 13 articles (2906 patients) with unique content were included. In general, oral supplementation in iron-deficiency anemia should be administered with a target to restore/replenish the iron stores and the hemoglobin level in a suitable way. However, in patients with IBD flares and inadequate responses to or side effects with oral preparations, intravenous iron supplementation is the therapy of choice. Neither oral nor intravenous therapy seems to exacerbate the clinical course of IBD, and intravenous iron therapy can be administered even in active disease stages and concomitantly with biologics. In conclusion, because many physicians are in doubt as to how to manage anemia and iron deficiency in IBD, there is a clear need for the implementation of evidence-based recommendations on this matter. Based on the data presented, oral iron therapy should be preferred for patients with quiescent disease stages and trivial iron deficiency anemia unless such patients are intolerant or have an inadequate response, whereas intravenous iron supplementation may be of advantage in patients with aggravated anemia or flares of IBD because inflammation hampers intestinal absorption of iron. PMID:26061331

  5. Anemia caused by low iron -- infants and toddlers (United States)

    ... tongue Have headaches or dizziness With more severe anemia, your child may have: Blue-tinged or pale whites of ... and prevention of iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia in infants and young children (0-3 years of age). Pediatrics. 2010;126( ...

  6. Craving and Chewing Ice: A Sign of Anemia? (United States)

    ... constantly craving and chewing ice a sign of anemia? Answers from Rajiv K. Pruthi, M.B.B.S. Possibly. Doctors use the term " ... often associated with iron deficiency, with or without anemia, although the reason is unclear. At least one ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Complications Undiagnosed or untreated iron-deficiency anemia may cause the following complications: Depression Heart problems. If you do not have enough hemoglobin-carrying red blood cells, your heart has to work harder to move oxygen-rich blood through your ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Topics A-Z Clinical Trials Publications and Resources Health Education and Awareness The Science Science Home Blood Disorders ... Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and ... of Health [NIH]) Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Centers for Disease Control ...


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    Parra Velasco Pedro


    Full Text Available La púrpura trombocitopénica trombótica (PTT pertenece a las microangiopatías trombóticas (MAT; un grupo de enfermedades caracterizadas por la presencia de anemia hemolítica microangiopática, trombocitopenia y trombosis microvascular. Ésta última característica, es causante de isquemia que puede manifestarse a diferentes niveles tales como el riñón y sistema nervioso central. Las MAT incluyen varias patologías dentro de las cuales se destacan además de la PTT, el síndrome hemolítico urémico (SHU y el síndrome hemolítico urémico atípico (SHUa, cuyas alteraciones fisiopatológicas difieren de acuerdo a la enfermedad. La pentada clásica de la PTT describe trombocitopenia, anemia hemolítica microangiopática, fiebre, síntomas neurológicos y falla renal. A pesar de que en la PTT la afectación neurológica es más frecuente que la disfunción renal, los síntomas pueden solaparse entre las 3 enfermedades, dificultando un diagnóstico preciso. Es por ello que en la actualidad se observa más casos de PTT con manifestaciones atípicas, como lo son la disfunción renal como manifestación principal, en ausencia de sintomatología neurológica. Esto ha llevado a que las pruebas moleculares se vuelvan imprescindibles para un diagnóstico preciso. A continuación, se describe el caso de un paciente con PTT y déficit severo de ADAMTS 13, quien debutó con disfunción renal, sin afectación neurológica, respondiendo al tratamiento con plasmaferesis. Palabras Clave: Púrpura trombocitopénica trombótica, síndrome hemolítico urémico, anemia hemolítica.


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    Hapisah Hapisah


    Full Text Available Abstract: The Correlation Of Teenage Pregnancy With Anemia In Region Cempaka Health Centers Banjarbaru. The purpose of research is to know the correlation of teenage pregnancy with anemia in regional Cempaka Health Centers Banjarbaru. The research is using the design of survey analyzing with the cross-sectional approach. The population is all of the pregnant women in working area of Cempaka Health Centers Banjarbaru from January to July in 2013 is 382 people with the sample is 80 people. The sampling uses Random sampling with (systematic sampling. The result of research showed 18 people (22.5% respondent with teenage pregnancy, respondent have anemia during pregnancy is 31 people (38.75% and there is a correlation between teenage pregnancy with anemia cases, the result of Chi-Square test showed the value of p = 0.013 < α = 0.05. Keywords: pregnancy, teenage, anemia Abstrak : Kehamilan Remaja Terhadap Kejadian Anemia Di Wilayah Puskesmas Cempaka Kota Banjarbaru. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kehamilan remaja dengan kejadian anemia di wilayah Puskesmas Cempaka Kota Banjarbaru. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan Survei analitik dengan pendekatan adalah cross sectional. Populasi adalah semua ibu hamil yang berada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Cempaka Banjarbaru dari bulan Januari sampai dengan Juli tahun 2013 sebanyak 382 orang dengan sampel sebanyak 80 orang. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara Random Sampling dengan sistematis (systematic sampling. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sebanyak 18 orang (22,5% responden dengan kehamilan remaja, sebanyak 31 orang (38.75% responden mengalami anemia dalam kehamilan dan terdapat hubungan antara kehamilan remaja dengan kejadian anemia, hasil uji Chi-Square didapatkan nilai p = 0,013<α = 0,05. Kata kunci: kehamilan, remaja, anemia

  11. Genetic/metabolic effect of iron metabolism and rare anemias

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    Clara Camaschella


    Full Text Available Advances in iron metabolism have allowed a novel classification of iron disorders and to identify previously unknown diseases. These disorders include genetic iron overload (hemochromatosis and inherited iron-related anemias, in some cases accompanied by iron overload. Rare inherited anemias may affect the hepcidin pathway, iron absorption, transport, utilization and recycling. Among the genetic iron-related anemias the most common form is likely the iron-refractory iron-deficiency anemia (IRIDA, due to mutations of the hepcidin inhibitor TMPRSS6 encoding the serine protease matriptase-2. IRIDA is characterized by hepcidin up-regulation, decrease iron absorption and macrophage recycling and by microcytic- hypochromic anemia, unresponsive to oral iron. High serum hepcidin levels may suggest the diagnosis, which requires demonstrating the causal TMPRSS6 mutations by gene sequencing. Other rare microcytic hypochromic anemias associated with defects of iron transport-uptake are the rare hypotransferrinemia, and DMT1 and STEAP3 mutations. The degree of anemia is variable and accompanied by secondary iron overload even in the absence of blood transfusions. This is due to the iron-deficient or expanded erythropoiesis that inhibits hepcidin transcription, increases iron absorption, through the erythroid regulator, as in untransfused beta-thalassemia. Sideroblastic anemias are due to decreased mitochondrial iron utilization for heme or sulfur cluster synthesis. Their diagnosis requires demonstrating ringed sideroblasts by Perl’s staining of the bone marrow smears. The commonest X-linked form is due to deltaamino- levulinic-synthase-2-acid (ALAS2 mutations. The recessive, more severe form, affects SLC25A38, which encodes a potential mitochondrial importer of glycine, an amino acid essential for ALA synthesis and thus results in heme deficiency. Two disorders affect iron/sulfur cluster biogenesis: deficiency of the ATP-binding cassette B7 (ABCB7 causes X

  12. Prevalencia de anemia ferropénica en escolares y adolescentes, Medellín, Colombia, 1999 Prevalence of iron-deficiency anemia in schoolchildren and adolescents, Medellín, Colombia, 1999

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    Gloria M. Agudelo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de anemia ferropénica y describir el consumo de hierro en la dieta de escolares y adolescentes matriculados en colegios oficiales y privados de la zona urbana de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, en el año escolar 1999­2000, así como explorar la asociación entre grupo de edad, sexo, clase socioeconómica y parasitismo intestinal por un lado, y anémica ferropénica y deficiencia de hierro por el otro. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en 960 estudiantes de 6 a 18 años de edad que fueron elegidos por muestreo aleatorio simple tras un muestreo polietápico estratificado y por conglomerados de colegios oficiales y privados en comunas de la zona de Medellín. Se evaluaron el contenido corporal de hierro mediante determinaciones de ferritina, hemoglobina, volumen corpuscular medio y amplitud de la distribución eritrocitaria; la presencia de parásitos intestinales mediante análisis coprológico; el estado nutricional por medio de mediciones antropométricas; y el consumo de hierro y vitamina C mediante un cuestionario semicuantitativo de ingesta alimentaria. Para definir los casos de anemia ferropénica y de deficiencia de hierro se usaron las definiciones estándar de la Organización Mundial de la Salud basadas en los valores de ferritina y hemoglobina. También se examinó la asociación entre grupo de edad, sexo, clase socioeconómica y presencia de parásitos intestinales por un lado y la presencia de anemia por el otro mediante pruebas no paramétricas con un nivel de significación de 0,05. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de deficiencia de hierro fue de 4,9% y la de anemia ferropénica, de 0,6%. Se encontró una mayor prevalencia de ambas en mujeres adolescentes (P OBJECTIVE: This research had two objectives: (1 to determine the prevalence of iron-deficiency anemia and describe iron consumption in the diet of schoolchildren and adolescents enrolled in public and private schools of the

  13. Anemia and associated factors among school-age children in Cape ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Anemia is a problem affecting a large group of school children in sub-Saharan Africa, contributing to morbidity in this region. In Cape Verde the magnitude of anemia in school-age children is unknown. The study aimed to assess the prevalence of anemia and associated factors among children in Cape Verde. The data are ...

  14. Anemia and growth retardation associated with Schistosoma haematobium infection in Mali

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stecher, Chalotte W; Sacko, Moussa; Madsen, Henry


    BackgroundThe aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate a possible association of Schistosoma haematobium with child growth development and describe a plausible schistosomiasis-related anemia in children and adults in a highly schistosomiasis endemic area of Mali. MethodsUrine, feces...... associated with anemia; i.e., odds of having anemia in the highest and the next highest category was 3.25 (95% CL 1.61–6.55; p... factors. Anemia was most pronounced in the 2–5 year olds males (55.5%, n=98). P. falciparum infection was not significantly associated with anemia. Stunting (body mass index [BMI] for age z-score

  15. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... supplements. Iron supplements can change how certain medicines work. Your doctor may suggest check-ups to make sure your ... To prevent complications from iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor may ... during certain stages of life when more iron is needed, such as childhood ...

  16. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... A-Z Clinical Trials Publications and Resources Health Education and Awareness The Science Science Home Blood Disorders ... Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) ... We are interested in learning how having iron-deficiency anemia early in life ...

  17. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... normally stores but has used up. Increase your intake of vitamin C to help your body absorb iron. Avoid drinking black tea, which reduces iron absorption. Other treatments If you have chronic kidney disease and iron-deficiency anemia, your doctor may recommend ...

  18. Un esquema conceptual para identificar localidades com poblaciones em riesgo de anemia y desnutrición crónica


    Vesga Varela, Andrea Liliana; Pachón, Helena; Hyman, Glenn; Monserrate Rojas, Fredy Alexander; Zapata-Caldas, Emmanuel


    Datos nacionales e incluso departamentales de anemia y desnutrición crónica se recolectan con periodicidad. Es raro encontrar datos a nivel municipal del estado nutricional de una población, información necesaria para focalizar intervenciones. Un esquema conceptual se desarrolló, aplicó y válido. Datos bioquímicos (prevalencia departamental de hemoglobina infantil < 11 g/dL), antropométricos (prevalencia departamental de talla/edad infantil < -2 Desviación Estándar) y socioeconómicos (a nivel...

  19. The ecology of anemia: Anemia prevalence and correlated factors in adult indigenous women in Argentina. (United States)

    Goetz, Laura G; Valeggia, Claudia


    The Toba/Qom of Namqom are an indigenous community native to the Gran Chaco region of northern Argentina. Historically seminomadic foragers, the diet of peri-urban community members has rapidly changed from high-protein, high-fiber to hypercaloric, processed. This study aims to understand the impact of this nutritional transition on aspects of women's health by exploring the relationship between prevalence of anemia and current diet composition, place of birth, and reproductive history. We measured the capillary hemoglobin (Hb) levels of 153 adult women. Each participant was also given two interviews characterizing reproductive history and a 24-hour food recall. The average Hb level was 12.6 g/dL (range 5.8-15.7 g/dL). In our sample, 28% of participants were anemic and 31% were borderline anemic. Iron and vitamin C consumption were negatively associated with Hb levels. Body mass index was marginally associated with Hb levels. Being born in a peri-urban setting, a proxy for early Westernized diet was associated with higher risk of anemia, suggesting developmental experience may play a role. Pregnant and lactating women had lower Hb levels than menstruating and menopausal women. Age, height, parity, and age at first pregnancy were not found to be statistically significant predictors of anemia. Iron deficiency represents a serious health concern for women, particularly pregnant ones. Our results suggest that both past and current nutritional ecology variables may be associated with the risk of anemia. These findings inform public health interventions, since reproductive history may be more difficult to modify than current diet. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Association between food insecurity and anemia among women of reproductive age

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    Bishwajit Ghose


    Full Text Available Background: Food insecurity and hidden hunger (micronutrient deficiency affect about two billion people globally. Household food insecurity (HFI has been shown to be associated with one or multiple micronutrient (MMN deficiencies among women and children. Chronic food insecurity leads to various deficiency disorders, among which anemia stands out as the most prevalent one. As a high malnutrition prevalent country, Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of anemia among all Asian countries. In this study, we wanted to investigate for any association exists between HFI and anemia among women of reproductive age in Bangladesh. Methodology: Information about demographics, socioeconomic and anemia status on 5,666 married women ageing between 13 and 40 years were collected from a nationally representative cross-sectional survey Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS 2011. Food security was measured by the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS. Capillary hemoglobin concentration (Hb measured by HemoCue® was used as the biomarker of anemia. Data were analysed using cross-tabulation, chi-square tests and multiple logistic regression methods. Results: Anemia prevalence was 41.7%. Logistic regression showed statistically significant association with anemia and type of residency (p = 0.459; OR = 0.953, 95%CI = 0.840–1.082, wealth status (Poorest: p < 0.001; OR = 1.369, 95%CI = 1.176–1.594; and average: p = 0.030; 95%CI = 1.017–1.398, educational attainment (p < 0.001; OR = 1.276, 95%CI = 1.132–1.439 and household food insecurity (p < 0.001; 95%CI = 1.348–1.830. Women who reported food insecurity were about 1.6 times more likely to suffer from anemia compared to their food secure counterparts. Conclusion: HFI is a significant predictor of anemia among women of reproductive age in Bangladesh. Programs targeting HFI could prove beneficial for anemia reduction strategies. Gender aspects of food and nutrition insecurity should be taken

  1. Association Between Atopic Disease and Anemia in US Children. (United States)

    Drury, Kerry E; Schaeffer, Matt; Silverberg, Jonathan I


    Atopic disease is associated with chronic inflammation, food allergen avoidance, and use of systemic immunosuppressant medications. All these factors have been shown to be associated with anemia. To investigate whether atopic disease is associated with increased risk of childhood anemia. A cross-sectional survey and laboratory assessment were conducted using data from the 1997-2013 US National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) that included 207,007 children and adolescents and the 1999-2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) that included 30,673 children and adolescents. Analysis of the data was conducted between August 1, 2014, and August 28, 2015. Caregiver-reported history of eczema, asthma, hay fever, and/or food allergy. Anemia was defined by caregiver report in the NHIS and by hemoglobin levels for age and sex in the NHANES. Data were collected on 207,007 children and adolescents from NHIS, representing all pediatric age, sex, racial/ethnic, household educational level, and income groups. The US prevalence was 9.5% (95% CI, 9.4%-9.7%) from all years of the NHIS for health care-diagnosed eczema, 12.8% (95% CI, 12.6%-13.0%) for asthma, 17.1% (95% CI, 16.9%-17.3%) for hay fever, 4.2% (95% CI, 4.1%-4.3%) for food allergy, and 1.1% (95% CI, 1.1%-1.2%) for anemia. In multivariable logistic regression models controlling for age, sex, race/ethnicity, annual household income, highest educational level in the family, insurance coverage, number of persons in the household, birthplace in the United States, and history of asthma, hay fever, and food allergy, anemia was associated with eczema in 14 of 17 studies, asthma in 11, hay fever in 12, and food allergy in 12. In multivariable analysis across the NHIS (with results reported as adjusted odds ratios [95% CIs]), children with any eczema (1.83; 1.58-2.13), asthma (1.31; 1.14-1.51), hay fever (1.57; 1.36-1.81), and food allergy (2.08; 1.71-2.52) had higher odds of anemia (P < .001 for all). In the

  2. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how best to treat premature newborns with low hemoglobin levels. We also are hoping to determine which iron supplements work best to treat iron-deficiency anemia in children ...

  3. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... and save lives. We are committed to advancing science and translating discoveries into clinical practice to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders, including iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about the current and future NHLBI efforts to improve health through ...

  4. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how best to treat premature newborns with low hemoglobin levels. We also are hoping to determine which iron supplements work best to treat iron-deficiency anemia in children ...

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... iron-deficiency anemia, including: Vegetarian or vegan eating patterns. Not eating enough iron-rich foods, such as meat and fish, may result in you getting less than the recommended daily amount of iron. Frequent blood donation. Individuals who donate blood often may be ...

  6. Tratamiento con trofín en niños intolerantes a las sales de hierro Treatment with trofin in children who do not tolerate iron salts

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    Norma Fernández Delgado


    Full Text Available Se realizó tratamiento con Trofín, producto cubano de origen natural con propiedades antianémicas, a 14 niños entre 6 y 36 meses de edad con anemia ferripriva, que no toleraban las sales de hierro oral. Se observó una recuperación de las cifras de hemoglobina en el 86 % de los casos. Se presentaron reacciones adversas ligeras en el 36 % de los pacientes, sin que ello impidiera la continuación del tratamiento. El Trofín constituye una alternativa eficaz en el tratamiento de este déficit nutricional en pacientes intolerantes a las sales ferrosasTreatment with Trofin, a Cuban-made natural product with anti-anemic properties, was given to 14 children aged 6-36 months of age suffering from iron deficiency anemia, who do not assimilate oral iron salts. Adequate levels of hemoglobin figures were observed to be restored in 80% of the cases. 36% of patients showed minor adverse reactions without interrupting the treatment. Trofin is an effective alternative in treating this nutritional disorder in patients who do not tolerate iron salts

  7. ORIGINAL ARTICLE Anemia among HIV Infected Individuals Taking ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 1, 2018 ... reactions (18). The magnitude and characteristics of ZDV associated anemia among Ethiopian patients has not been well documented. Thus, the aim of this study was to provide a comparative information about the magnitude, severity and characteristics of anemia among HIV/AIDS patients initiated with.

  8. Orofacial manifestations of hematological disorders: Anemia and hemostatic disorders

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    Titilope A Adeyemo


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to review the literature and identify orofacial manifestations of hematological diseases, with particular reference to anemias and disorders of hemostasis. A computerized literature search using MEDLINE was conducted for published articles on orofacial manifestations of hematological diseases, with emphasis on anemia. Mesh phrases used in the search were: oral diseases AND anaemia; orofacial diseases AND anaemia; orofacial lesions AND anaemia; orofacial manifestations AND disorders of haemostasis. The Boolean operator "AND" was used to combine and narrow the searches. Anemic disorders associated with orofacial signs and symptoms include iron deficiency anemia, Plummer-Vinson syndrome, megaloblastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, thalassaemia and aplastic anemia. The manifestations include conjunctiva and facial pallor, atrophic glossitis, angular stomatitis, dysphagia, magenta tongue, midfacial overgrowth, osteoclerosis, osteomyelitis and paraesthesia/anesthesia of the mental nerve. Orofacial petechiae, conjunctivae hemorrhage, nose-bleeding, spontaneous and post-traumatic gingival hemorrhage and prolonged post-extraction bleeding are common orofacial manifestations of inherited hemostatic disorders such as von Willebrand′s disease and hemophilia. A wide array of anemic and hemostatic disorders encountered in internal medicine has manifestations in the oral cavity and the facial region. Most of these manifestations are non-specific, but should alert the hematologist and the dental surgeon to the possibilities of a concurrent disease of hemopoiesis or hemostasis or a latent one that may subsequently manifest itself.

  9. Acquired aplastic anemia treatment in a developing country

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanif, S.; Naz, F.; Siddiqui, E.U.; Raza, J.


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical presentation of aplastic anemia as well as to assess the efficacy of Cyclosporin -A in patients with aplastic anemia. This is a hospital based interventional study. During the three year study period, 44 children were enrolled. Mean age was 9.3 years and there was a male predominance. Most common clinical presentation was anemia and bleeding. Four children died before therapy was started. Cyclosporin-A was started in 40 patients. Eleven patients died before completion of therapy and three patients were lost to follow-up. Out of 26 patients who completed therapy, 11 were cured and 9 were responders while 6 were non responders according to the selected criteria. In developing third world countries like Pakistan majority of the patients with aplastic anemia cannot afford BMT. Alternative modalities of treatment must therefore be looked into. Cyclosporin-A seems to be a reasonable therapeutic option in such cases. (author)

  10. Conjugated Bilirubin Triggers Anemia by Inducing Erythrocyte Death (United States)

    Lang, Elisabeth; Gatidis, Sergios; Freise, Noemi F; Bock, Hans; Kubitz, Ralf; Lauermann, Christian; Orth, Hans Martin; Klindt, Caroline; Schuier, Maximilian; Keitel, Verena; Reich, Maria; Liu, Guilai; Schmidt, Sebastian; Xu, Haifeng C; Qadri, Syed M; Herebian, Diran; Pandyra, Aleksandra A; Mayatepek, Ertan; Gulbins, Erich; Lang, Florian; Häussinger, Dieter; Lang, Karl S; Föller, Michael; Lang, Philipp A


    Hepatic failure is commonly associated with anemia, which may result from gastrointestinal bleeding, vitamin deficiency, or liver-damaging diseases, such as infection and alcohol intoxication. At least in theory, anemia during hepatic failure may result from accelerated clearance of circulating erythrocytes. Here we show that bile duct ligation (BDL) in mice leads to severe anemia despite increased reticulocyte numbers. Bilirubin stimulated suicidal death of human erythrocytes. Mechanistically, bilirubin triggered rapid Ca2+ influx, sphingomyelinase activation, formation of ceramide, and subsequent translocation of phosphatidylserine to the erythrocyte surface. Consistent with our in vitro and in vivo findings, incubation of erythrocytes in serum from patients with liver disease induced suicidal death of erythrocytes in relation to their plasma bilirubin concentration. Consistently, patients with hyperbilirubinemia had significantly lower erythrocyte and significantly higher reticulocyte counts compared to patients with low bilirubin levels. Conclusion: Bilirubin triggers suicidal erythrocyte death, thus contributing to anemia during liver disease. (Hepatology 2015;61:275–284) PMID:25065608

  11. Diagnosis and treatment of unexplained anemia with iron deficiency without overt bleeding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahlerup, Jens Frederik; Eivindson, Martin; Jacobsen, Bent Ascanius


    A general overview is given of the causes of anemia with iron deficiency as well as the pathogenesis of anemia and the para-clinical diagnosis of anemia. Anemia with iron deficiency but without overt GI bleeding is associated with a risk of malignant disease of the gastrointestinal tract; upper...... gastrointestinal cancer is 1/7 as common as colon cancer. Benign gastrointestinal causes of anemia are iron malabsorption (atrophic gastritis, celiac disease, chronic inflammation, and bariatric surgery) and chronic blood loss due to gastrointestinal ulcerations. The following diagnostic strategy is recommended...... for unexplained anemia with iron deficiency: conduct serological celiac disease screening with transglutaminase antibody (IgA type) and IgA testing and perform bidirectional endoscopy (gastroscopy and colonoscopy). Bidirectional endoscopy is not required in premenopausal women

  12. UV-repair is impaired in fibroblasts from patients with Fanconi's anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwaiger, H.; Hirsch-Kauffmann, M.; Schweiger, M.; Innsbruck Univ.


    Fanconi's anemia, a hereditary autosomal disease with chromosomal instability, elevated incidence of cancer and clinical symptoms is accompanied by a DNA repair deficiency. Fibroblasts from patients with Fanconi's anemia were found to be impaired in the DNA repair of UV damage. Nucleoid decondensation and recondensation after UV irradiation were less efficient in fibroblasts from patients with Fanconi's anemia than in those from a healthy proband. These data confirm our earlier findings that DNA ligase is deficient in Fanconi's anemia. (orig.)

  13. Interferentes eritrocitários e ambientais na anemia falciforme

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    Naoum Paulo C.


    Full Text Available A anemia falciforme tem um desenvolvimento clínico extremamente variável que se caracteriza principalmente por diferentes graus de intensidade da anemia hemolítica. As razões dessa variabilidade são parcialmente conhecidas na expressão fenotípica da doença. Apesar de ter um mesmo defeito genético, a anemia falciforme pode estar associada com níveis diferentes de Hb Fetal e interações com talassemia alfa que atuam como modeladores genéticos da doença. Entretanto, outros defeitos genéticos dos eritrócitos, com destaques para a deficiência de G-6PD, a esferocitose e as deficiências de enzimas anti-oxidantes (SOD, GPx e catalase certamente interferem no curso clínico da doença. Os diferentes haplótipos da Hb S denominados por Banto, Benin, Senegal, Camarões e Asiático, tem sido apontados também como possíveis causas da heterogeneidade fenotípica da anemia falciforme. Toda essa diversidade que caracteriza a anemia falciforme está, em parte, relacionada à sua origem multicêntrica e que envolvem populações com diferentes anormalidades genéticas de proteínas e enzimas eritrocitárias. Por outro lado, além desses fatores caracterizados como interferentes eritrocitários, há os interferentes do meio ambiente em que está inserido o doente com anemia falciforme. Entre os interferentes ambientais destacam-se as situações sociais, econômicas e culturais do doente, e que tem influência no curso de sua doença. Diante desse quadro complexo e interativo, o presente artigo mostra a influência de certos interferentes eritrocitários e ambientais na anemia falciforme. Ao finalizar o artigo é proposto um protocolo de monitoramento laboratorial das síndromes falcêmicas, com destaque para a anemia falciforme.

  14. [Prevalence of anemia and associated factors in elderly residing in peruvian households]. (United States)

    Tarqui-Mamani, Carolina; Sanchez-Abanto, José; Alvarez-Dongo, Doris; Espinoza-Oriundo, Paula; Jordan-Lechuga, Teresa


    To estimate the prevalence of anemia and associated factors in elderly residing in Peruvian households. the study deals with a cross-sectional design and was conducted in 2011. The sample was probabilistic, stratified and multistage independent in department of Peru. The required sample housing was 5792, we included 2172 elderly. We asked informed consent of all elderly. The anemia was defined as hemoglobin 23 to anemia was 23,3% (mild anemia 17.1%, moderate: severe 5,7% and 0,5%). The age 70 to 79 years (OR 1.5; CI 95%:1.1; 2.0),> 80 years (OR 2.1; CI 95%: 1.4; 3.0) and thinness (OR 1.7; CI 95%: 1.2, 2.3) associated with anemia. Ayacucho, Ancash, Lambayeque and Apurimac were the departments with the highest prevalence of anemia. Approximately one quarter of elderly were anemic, being more prevalent in the illiterate, rural and poor. Older age and thinness are associated with anemia in elderly Peruvians.

  15. Niña con erucismo hemorrágico por Lonomia spp.: reporte de un caso

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    Walter Peña-Vásquez

    Full Text Available Los accidentes causados por las setas urticantes o venenosas de las orugas de lepidópteros, se conocen como erucismo. Estos accidentes se producen por el contacto accidental, especialmente por los niños, con las cerdas sobre el cuerpo del insecto, conectadas con glándulas venenosas. Los síntomas pueden ser locales o sistémicos, con presentaciones clínicas fatales. El accidente ocasionado por las orugas del género Lonomia spp. puede desencadenar síndromes hemorrágicos, constituyendo estos la forma más grave de erucismo. Se reporta el caso de una niña de 5 años, procedente del poblado de Villarondos, en la Amazonía del Perú, departamento de Huánuco, la cual incidentalmente se hinca con las cerdas de una oruga, cursando luego con anemia hemolítica, plaquetopenia y trastorno de la coagulación. El diagnóstico fue establecido por la anamnesis, cuadro clínico, exámenes de laboratorio y respuesta al suero antilonómico. Se discuten los aspectos clínicos, laboratoriales y terapéuticos de erucismo por Lonomia spp.

  16. Prospective assessment of the occurrence of anemia in patients with heart failure: results from the Study of Anemia in a Heart Failure Population (STAMINA-HFP) Registry. (United States)

    Adams, Kirkwood F; Patterson, James H; Patterson, John H; Oren, Ron M; Mehra, Mandeep R; O'Connor, Christopher M; Piña, Ileana L; Miller, Alan B; Chiong, Jun R; Dunlap, Stephanie H; Cotts, William G; Felker, Gary M; Schocken, Douglas D; Schwartz, Todd A; Ghali, Jalal K


    Although a potentially important pathophysiologic factor in heart failure, the prevalence and predictors of anemia have not been well studied in unselected patients with heart failure. The Study of Anemia in a Heart Failure Population (STAMINA-HFP) Registry prospectively studied the prevalence of anemia and the relationship of hemoglobin to health-related quality of life and outcomes among patients with heart failure. A random selection algorithm was used to reduce bias during enrollment of patients seen in specialty clinics or clinics of community cardiologists with experience in heart failure. In this initial report, data on prevalence and correlates of anemia were analyzed in 1,076 of the 1,082 registry patients who had clinical characteristics and hemoglobin determined by finger-stick at baseline. Overall (n = 1,082), the registry patients were 41% female and 73% white with a mean age (+/-SD) of 64 +/- 14 years (68 +/- 13 years in community and 57 +/- 14 years in specialty sites, P 70 years affected. Initial results from the STAMINA-HFP Registry suggest that anemia is a common comorbidity in unselected outpatients with heart failure. Given the strong association of anemia with adverse outcomes in heart failure, this study supports further investigation concerning the importance of anemia as a therapeutic target in this condition.

  17. Faktor Risiko yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Anemia pada Remaja Putri

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    Mahmut Jaelani


    Full Text Available Teenage girls are one of the groups who are prone to anemia. Anemia in teenage girls is still a big public health problem because the prevalence is still ≥20% that is equal to 21,7%. This study aimed to examine the dominant factors associated with the incidence of anemia and determinants in teenage girls in MTsN 02 Kota Bengkulu with a cross-sectional design. The population was all female adolescents in MTsN 02 Kota Bengkulu and the sample was taken by using simple random sampling as much as 100 respondents taken from class VII and class VIII. The results showed that the anemia was 33.0% and there was a relationship between menstrual period (p=0,028, nutritional status (p=0,000, breakfast habits (p=0,000, iron intake (p=0,000, intake protein (p=0,017, consumption pattern of iron absorption inhibitor (p=0,045 and there was no significant correlation between maternal education level (p=0,265 with incidence of anemia in Young women at MTsN 02 Kota Bengkulu. Variable nutritional status is the most dominant associated anemia in young women.

  18. A study of anemia among adolescent girls in eastern part of Nepal

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    Piush Kanodia


    Full Text Available Background & Objectives: Anemia is a global health problem. About 40% of the world's population suffers from anemia and adolescence is one of the most vulnerable age group. Hence the objective of the study was to determine prevalence and distribution of anemia among adolescent girls in eastern part of Nepal.Materials & Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in a Government School of Dharan over a period of one year. There were total 433 participants, whose clinical and demographic profile were recorded and analyzed. Hemoglobin estimation was done by using cyanmethaemoglobin method and anemia was defined as per WHO cut-off.Results: The overall prevalence of anemia was found to be 51.3%. Prevalence was significantly more in pre-menarche age and undernourished girls (p<0.05. However factors like diet (vegetarian/non-vegetarian, worm infestation and parental education did not have a significant impact on occurrence of anemia.Conclusion: Anemia is the major health problem among adolescent girls in eastern part Nepal with high prevalence rate and nutrition is one of the leading causative factors for anemia.JCMS Nepal. 2016;12(1:19-22.

  19. Hemolytic Anemia after Aortic Valve Replacement: a Case Report

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    Feridoun Sabzi


    Full Text Available Hemolytic anemia is exceedingly rare and an underestimated complication after aortic valve replacement (AVR.The mechanism responsible for hemolysis most commonly involves a regurgitated flow or jet that related to paravalvar leak or turbulence of subvalvar stenosis. It appears to be independent of its severity as assessed by echocardiography. We present a case of a 24-year-old man with a history of AVR in 10 year ago that developed severe hemolytic anemia due to a mild subvalvar stenosis caused by pannus formation and mild hypertrophic septum. After exclusion of other causes of hemolytic anemia and the lack of clinical and laboratory improvement, the patient underwent redo valve surgery with pannus and subvalvar hypertrophic septum resection. Anemia and heart failure symptoms gradually resolved after surgery

  20. Epidemiological inference on induction of aplastic anemia following radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitabatake, Takashi; Saito, Akira; Sakai, Kunio; Inakoshi, Hideki; Watanabe, Tsuyoshi


    Some epidemiological inferences on possibility of induction of aplastic anemia following radiotherapy are tried. In Japan after 1969, there are detected and reported 11 cases of radiation-related aplastic anemia after radiotherapy diagnosed by hematologists. Of 11 cases, 2 are males and 9 are females, ranging 28 to 66 years of age. All these patients were irradiated for malignant diseases. The population at risk after 1969 was estimated to be 674, 660 man-years, based on the additional survey on number and survival rate of patients irradiated. The expected value of aplastic anemia calculated from this population at risk is 10.2, against 11 cases observed above-described. There is no statistically significant difference. Namely, there is no epidemiological evidence that aplastic anemia is induced by local-body irradiation such as radiotherapy. (auth.)

  1. Diagnosis of Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease. (United States)

    Bahrainwala, Jehan; Berns, Jeffrey S


    Anemia is a common and clinically important consequence of chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is most commonly a result of decreased erythropoietin production by the kidneys and/or iron deficiency. Deciding on the appropriate treatment for anemia associated with CKD with iron replacement and erythropoietic-stimulating agents requires an ability to accurately diagnose iron-deficiency anemia. However, the diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia in CKD patients is complicated by the relatively poor predictive ability of easily obtained routine serum iron indices (eg, ferritin and transferrin saturation) and more invasive gold standard measures of iron deficiency (eg, bone marrow iron stores) or erythropoietic response to supplemental iron. In this review, we discuss the diagnostic utility of currently used serum iron indices and emerging alternative markers of iron stores. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Pediatric gastric ganglioneuroma presenting as anemia

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    Katrina M. Morgan


    Full Text Available Primary gastric masses are rare in childhood, and a gastric ganglioneuroma has not been reported in the pediatric population. In this report, we describe a 12-year-old female who presented with iron deficiency anemia and melena. Endoscopy was performed to elucidate the source of her symptoms, and revealed a gastric mass with overlying ulceration. Following resection and pathologic examination, the mass was diagnosed as a solitary polypoid ganglioneuroma. A solitary polypoid ganglioneuroma is an uncommon, benign tumor of neural crest cell origin. They are most often asymptomatic and found incidentally, but can present with rectal bleeding, obstruction, pain, and changes in bowel function. Complete resection is the therapy of choice to prevent progression of symptoms or rare transformation into a malignant neuroblastic tumor, like neuroblastoma. As of the patient's last post-operative appointment, she was healthy with resolution of her anemia. Keywords: Ganglioneuroma, Pediatric, Gastric mass, Anemia, Neuroblastic tumor

  3. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia with Iron Deficiency Anemia

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    Ramy Ibrahim


    Full Text Available We report a rare case of anemia and thrombocytopenia as a result of uterine fibroid and adenomyosis, complicated by immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP. Symptoms were presented as menorrhagia and metrorrhagia in a 34-year-old African American woman, who was later treated with blood and platelet transfusion and iron therapy with steroids. Uterine fibroids are commonly found to cause hematologic disturbances such as anemia and reactive thrombocytosis and, less commonly, thrombocytopenia. Moreover, such hematologic disturbances are secondary to heavy and irregular uterine bleeding, which is typically presented. A previous uterine fibroid diagnosis was made and reconfirmed by pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound to exclude other locoregional pathologies. ITP was suggested by Coombs test and several other serologies, leading to confirmation via bone marrow biopsy. In a previous case study, we reported positive responses in hemotecrit and platelet count after the introduction of iron therapy to an iron-depleted middle-aged female presenting severe anemia and thrombocytopenia. 1

  4. Anemia como problema de saúde pública: uma realidade atual Anemia as a public health problem: the current situation

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    Malaquias Batista Filho


    Full Text Available Em 1990, as Nações Unidas promoveram a Reunião de Cúpula de Nova Iorque, onde foram traçadas metas para o decênio vindouro, dentre as quais, a redução de um terço na prevalência das anemias nas mulheres em idade fértil. Porém, apesar de percentual modesto, indícios epidemiológicos apontam no sentido inverso, ou seja, indicam a crescente e grave ocorrência de anemia em diferentes regiões do mundo, inclusive no Brasil. Ao reunir esses informes, constata-se que a anemia continua, desde a antiguidade, a ser uma das entidades nosológicas mais prevalentes e difundidas nas populações humanas. A partir daí surge uma série de questionamentos ainda sem respostas em relação às reais prevalência e etiopatogenia do problema, ao grau de implantação e à efetividade das medidas de controle.In 1990, the United Nations held a World Summit in New York, in which goals for the upcoming decade were established. One of these goals was a one-third reduction in the prevalence of anemia among women at childbearing age. Despite this modest percentage, epidemiological indicators point to the opposite direction, indicating an increasing occurrence of anemia in different regions of the world, including in Brazil. These data show that anemia has continued since the antiquity to be one of the most prevalent and widespread diseases in human populations. Thus, a number of questions without answers arise regarding the actual prevalence and etiopathogenesis of the problem as well as with respect to the degree of implantation and the effectiveness of control measures.

  5. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Services’ National Institutes of Health (NIH)—the Nation’s biomedical research agency that makes important scientific discoveries to improve ... efforts for iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about exciting research areas that ... This could help develop new therapies for conditions that affect the balance of iron ...

  6. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... This is sometimes used to deliver iron through a blood vessel to increase iron levels in the blood. One benefit of IV iron ... over 65 years of age had low hemoglobin levels. This was associated with a greater risk of death even with mild anemia. ...

  7. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... to advancing science and translating discoveries into clinical practice to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, ... Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how best to treat premature newborns with low hemoglobin ... resources Your Guide to Anemia [PDF, 1. ...

  8. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we are investigating how best to treat premature newborns with low hemoglobin levels. We also are hoping to determine which iron ... anemia in children who do not consume the daily recommended amount ...

  9. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... or even heart failure . Increased risk of infections Motor or cognitive development delays in children Pregnancy complications, ... Upper endoscopy to look for bleeding in the esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the ... blood, and sleep disorders, including iron-deficiency anemia. Learn about the current ...

  10. A importância do aconselhamento genético na anemia falciforme The importance of genetic counseling at sickle cell anemia

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    Cínthia Tavares Leal Guimarães


    Full Text Available O aconselhamento genético tem a finalidade de nortear as pessoas sobre a tomada de decisões a respeito da procriação, ajudando-as a entender como a hereditariedade pode colaborar para a ocorrência ou risco de recorrência de doenças genéticas, como é o caso da anemia falciforme. Esta anemia é a doença hereditária de maior prevalência no Brasil, com complicações clínicas que podem prejudicar o desenvolvimento, a qualidade de vida e levar à morte. O presente artigo tem o intuito de elucidar a importância do aconselhamento genético para os portadores de anemia ou traço falciforme, visando salientar as principais características dessa doença, suas complicações e como é feito o diagnóstico e a captação desses doentes. O estudo realizado foi embasado no método bibliográfico, buscando estudos que dissertam sobre esse tipo de anemia e aconselhamento genético, correlacionando-os com as diretrizes e dados do Ministério da Saúde. A partir dos dados encontrados, infere-se a importância do aconselhamento genético para os indivíduos que apresentam a forma heterozigota da anemia falciforme - o traço falcêmico - e destaca-se a necessidade de implantação de programas de diagnóstico precoce e de orientação tanto genética quanto social e psicológica para as pessoas que possuem a doença ou o traço falciforme.The genetic counseling has the purpose of guiding people through a conscientious and balanced decision making process regarding procreation, helping them to understand how the hereditary succession can contribute for the occurrence or risk of recurrence of genetic illnesses, as it is the case of the sickle cell anemia. This type of anemia is the most prevalence hereditary illness in Brazil and has clinical complications that can harm the development, the quality of life and lead to death. The present article has the objective to clarify the importance of the genetic counseling for the anemia carriers or falciform

  11. 21 CFR 250.201 - Preparations for the treatment of pernicious anemia. (United States)


    ... anemia. 250.201 Section 250.201 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND... Drugs and Foods § 250.201 Preparations for the treatment of pernicious anemia. (a) The ninth announcement of the Anti-anemia Preparations Advisory Board of the United States Pharmacopeia is concerned with...


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    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES : Anemia in Protein energy malnutrition (PEM is common and its pathogenesis is multifactorial. Since the clinico - pathological patterns are reflected by their underlying etiopathogenic factors, it is important to study the associated morbidity and mortalit y and to establish their causes for an effective management. The purpose of the present study is to determine the prevalence, patterns, clinico - pathological and morphological types of anemia in protein energy malnutrition children. The objectives of the st udy are: (1 To study the clinico - pathological and morphological patterns of anemia in PEM children of age group 6 month – 5 years. (2 To assess the resultant morbidity and mortality. (3 To determine the ideal parameter for iron deficiency anemia. METHOD S: This study was conducted on 75 clinically diagnosed Protein energy malnutrition patients of age group 6 months to 5 years. Detailed clinical history elicitation and thorough clinical examination was performed. Peripheral smears of these patients were ex amined. The complete hemogram including reticulocyte count was done. The special investigations like bone marrow study, Hb electrophoresis, iron studies and stool examination were done whenever required. RESULTS: In our study, anemia in PEM affected female population more than the males of age 36 - 47 months. Most of children had Grade III PEM and Microcytic hypochromic anemia was most prevalent. Most of the children had Iron deficiency anemia. This study also indicated that Serum iron assay and TIBC are the better indicators of iron deficiency anemia in patients with PEM and it is the investigation of choice when compared to serum ferritin as it gets falsely elevated in these patients with infections confirmed by elevated CRP level. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUS ION: Malnutrition, Infection and Anemia show a synergistic relationship. So it necessitates prompt screening and early diagnosis through proper

  13. Índice de anisocitose eritrocitária (RDW: diferenciação das anemias microcíticas e hipocrômicas Red blood cell distribution width (RDW: differentiation of microcytic and hypochromic anemias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Januária F. Matos


    Full Text Available A anemia ferropriva, talassemia menor e anemia de doença crônica são as anemias microcíticas e hipocrômicas mais comuns em nosso meio. O diagnóstico diferencial das referidas anemias é de grande importância clínica; contudo, muitas vezes é complexo em virtude de concomitância de doenças, além de demandar tempo e apresentar custos significativos. Com o propósito de conferir maior simplicidade e eficiência ao diagnóstico diferencial destas anemias, o uso de índices derivados de modernos contadores automáticos tem sido sugerido. Entre estes, pode ser citado o índice de anisocitose eritrocitária (RDW, que indica o grau de variabilidade do tamanho das hemácias. Neste estudo, o poder de discriminação deste índice quanto ao tipo de anemia microcítica e hipocrômica foi avaliado em um grupo de 159 pacientes sabidamente portadores de um quadro de anemia causado por deficiência de ferro, beta talassemia menor ou uma anemia de doença crônica. Não foi observada diferença significativa para o RDW entre os três grupos de anemias microcíticas, indicando não ser este índice uma ferramenta útil para a diferenciação entre anemia ferropriva, beta talassemia menor e anemia de doença crônica.Iron deficiency anemia, the thalassemia trait and chronic disease anemia are the most common microcytic and hypochromic anemias in the Brazilian population. Differential diagnosis of these anemias is of great clinical importance however, frequently, it is complex due to coexistence of diseases, as well as being time consuming and expensive. In order to simplify and increase efficiently of checking the differential diagnoses of these anemias, the use of indexes derived from modern blood cell counters has been suggested. Among them, is the index called red blood cell distribution width which indicates the variability in red blood cell size. In this study, the discriminative power of the red blood cell distribution width in differentiating

  14. Hemolytic anemias during pregnancy and the reproductive years

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mintz, U.; Moohr, J.W.; Ultmann, J.E.


    Anemia is a common phenomenon in women during the reproductive years. In pregnancy, it is associated with an increased incidence of maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality. The approach to the investigation of anemic women suspected of having hemolytic anemia of either congenital or acquired etiology is the subject of this article. Various conditions in the pregnant women can have hematologic consequences for the newborn infant; these conditions include sensitization to fetal blood cells, infections, drug ingestion and the possession of genes for hereditary hemolytic disorders, which may be transmitted to the fetus. Because several forms of hemolytic anemias are hereditary or are caused by an altered gene, genetic consultation is important.

  15. Anemia in inflammatory bowel disease: A neglected issue with relevant effects (United States)

    Guagnozzi, Danila; Lucendo, Alfredo J


    Anemia, a common complication associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is frequently overlooked in the management of IBD patients. Unfortunately, it represents one of the major causes of both decreased quality of life and increased hospital admissions among this population. Anemia in IBD is pathogenically complex, with several factors contributing to its development. While iron deficiency is the most common cause, vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies, along with the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines, hemolysis, drug therapies, and myelosuppression, have also been identified as the underlying etiology in a number of patients. Each of these etiological factors thus needs to be identified and corrected in order to effectively manage anemia in IBD. Because the diagnosis of anemia in IBD often presents a challenge, combinations of several hematimetric and biochemical parameters should be used. Recent studies underscore the importance of determining the ferritin index and hepcidin levels in order to distinguish between iron deficiency anemia, anemia due to chronic disease, or mixed anemia in IBD patients. With regard to treatment, the newly introduced intravenous iron formulations have several advantages over orally-administered iron compounds in treating iron deficiency in IBD. In special situations, erythropoietin supplementation and biological therapies should be considered. In conclusion, the management of anemia is a complex aspect of treating IBD patients, one that significantly influences the prognosis of the disease. As a consequence, its correction should be considered a specific, first-line therapeutic goal in the management of these patients. PMID:24707137

  16. Anemia em menores de seis anos: estudo de base populacional em Pelotas, RS Anemia in children under six: population-based study in Pelotas, Southern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cecília Formoso Assunção


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de anemia em crianças menores de seis anos, em uma amostra probabilística de área urbana. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo com crianças de zero a cinco anos de idade, na cidade de Pelotas, RS, em 2004. Foram coletadas informações sobre características demográficas, socioeconômicas, antropométricas, de morbidade e sobre alimentação, por meio de questionário aplicado às mães ou responsáveis. As crianças foram pesadas e medidas. A concentração de hemoglobina foi medida com hemoglobinômetro portátil, HemoCue e anemia foi definida como valores de hemoglobina OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of anemia among children under six years of age in a probabilistic sample from an urban area. METHODS: A study was conducted comprising children aged zero to five years in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2004. Data were collected on demographic, socioeconomic, and anthropometric characteristics, morbidity and nutrition using a questionnaire applied to the mothers and guardians. Children's weight and height measurements were obtained. Hemoglobin concentration was measured using the HemoCue portable hemoglobinometer and anemia was defined as hemoglobin <11 g/dL. The association between anemia and predictors was expressed as prevalence ratio. Multivariate analysis was carried out using Poisson regression following a conceptual model and taking into account the study design effect. RESULTS: There were identified 534 children and total losses and refusals were 27 (5.1%. The prevalence of anemia was 30.2% (95% CI 23.5%;37.0%. In the multivariate analysis, only age and family income remained significantly associated with anemia. CONCLUSIONS: Anemia was largely socially determined in the population studied. Interventions aiming at reducing anemia should be developed to lessen this condition in the short run targeting disadvantaged populations.

  17. Consumo de leite de vaca e anemia ferropriva na infância Cow's milk consumption and iron deficiency anemia in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria A. A. Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Revisar aspectos do consumo de leite de vaca associados à anemia na infância. FONTES DOS DADOS: As informações foram coletadas a partir de artigos publicados nas 2 últimas décadas, pesquisados nas bases de dados Lilacs e MEDLINE, livros técnicos e publicações de organizações internacionais. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A anemia ferropriva é um grave problema de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento. Até os 6 meses de idade, o leite materno supre as necessidades de ferro das crianças nascidas a termo. A partir daí, torna-se necessária a ingestão de uma alimentação complementar rica em ferro. Considerando a importância da dieta na determinação da anemia e o alto consumo de leite de vaca na infância, discute-se neste artigo a relação desse alimento com a deficiência de ferro. A introdução precoce ou a substituição do leite materno por leite de vaca pode ocasionar problemas gastrintestinais e alérgicos. Além disso, esse alimento apresenta baixa biodisponibilidade e densidade de ferro, excesso de proteínas e minerais, especialmente cálcio, interferindo na absorção do ferro de outros alimentos, e associa-se às micro-hemorragias intestinais, principalmente nas crianças menores. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização do leite de vaca em detrimento de outros alimentos ricos em ferro biodisponível constitui um risco para o desenvolvimento da anemia. O estímulo ao aleitamento materno exclusivo até os 6 meses de vida e sua continuidade até pelo menos 24 meses, juntamente com uma dieta complementar rica em ferro são medidas de grande importância para a prevenção da anemia e de suas conseqüências na infância.OBJECTIVE: To thoroughly investigate the association between the consumption of cow's milk and anemia in childhood. SOURCES OF DATA: The information was gathered from papers catalogued in Lilacs and MEDLINE and published during the last two decades, and also from textbooks and publications by international

  18. Anemia - Multiple Languages (United States)

    ... XYZ List of All Topics All Anemia - Multiple Languages To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Arabic (العربية) ... Bethesda, MD 20894 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Page last updated on 30 April 2018

  19. Iron-Deficiency Anemia

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... of the body. When your heart has to work harder, this can lead to several conditions: irregular heartbeats called arrhythmias , a heart murmur , an ... chronic conditions, iron-deficiency anemia can make their condition worse or result in treatments not working as well. Look for Diagnosis will discuss any ...

  20. Colon cancer in a patient with underlying aplastic anemia: A clinical challenge


    Wong, Hilda; Chan, Pierre; Yau, Thomas


    The association of gastrointestinal malignancy with aplastic anemia has rarely been reported in the literature. Although it is not clear whether there is any direct relationship between aplastic anemia and gastrointestinal cancers, a retrospective analysis did suggest the notion that patients with aplastic anemia might have a higher incidence of colorectal cancer. Here, we report the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in managing a patient with aplastic anemia and advanced colorectal cance...