
Sample records for amicacina aspectos ultra-estruturais

  1. Amiloidose na cavidade bucal: aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e ultra-estruturais

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    Faria Paulo Rogério de


    Full Text Available Amiloidose refere-se à deposição extracelular e progressiva de proteínas fibrilares patogênicas com características microscópicas e ultra-estruturais similares. A amiloidose pode ser sistêmica ou localizada. Descrevemos três pacientes que desenvolveram amiloidose intra-oral, sendo que dois casos manifestaram amiloidose localizada e o outro caso apresentou amiloidose sistêmica com acometimento de língua. Nos três casos, o exame histopatológico evidenciou depósitos de amilóide, os quais foram confirmados pela coloração de vermelho-congo. A ultra-estrutura mostrou material fibrilar compatível com amilóide. Apesar de infreqüente, a cavidade bucal pode ser um importante local de acometimento de amiloidose.

  2. Aspectos ultra-estruturais da forma epimastigota do Trypanosoma cruzi em meio LIT

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    Wanderley de Souza


    Full Text Available E feito um estudo da ultra-estrutura da forma epismastigota do Trypanosoma cruzi mantida em meio de cultivo acelular. O núcleo das formas em divisão apresenta um aspecto homogêneo. Microtúbulos intranucleares são observados durante a divisão. No entanto, a membrana nuclear permanece íntegra. O citoplasma apresenta-se com vacúolos de dimensões e aspectos variados. Com o método do ácido periódico-tiosemicarbazida-proteinato de prata, polissacaríáeos e/ou glicoproteínas foram localizados na membrana celular e na membrana que delimita certos vacúolos citoplasmáticos.

  3. Espermiogênese em Eupemphix nattereri (Anura, Leiuperidae: aspectos ultra-estruturais Spermiogenesis in Eupemphix nattereri (Anura, Leiuperidae: ultrastructural aspects

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    Rodrigo Zieri


    Full Text Available A maturação dos espermatozóides envolve um extenso e complexo processo que começa com a proliferação e diferenciação das espermatogônias, passa pela meiose e finaliza com a espermiogênese. Nessa fase, eventos envolvendo alterações morfológicas e bioquímicas transformam espermátides em espermatozóides. Aspectos ultra-estruturais da espermiogênese e do espermatozóide do anuro Eupemphix nattereri (Steindachner, 1863 foram analisados através de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. A espermiogênese envolve condensação da cromatina e alongamento nuclear, com visível eliminação de citoplasma. Nesse estágio, grande quantidade de microtúbulos e glicogênio podem ser visualizados no citoplasma das células de Sertoli, rodeando cada espermátide. O espermatozóide é fusiforme e o acrossomo forma uma capa na região anterior do núcleo. A bainha mitocondrial é encontrada ao redor da porção proximal da cauda. A cauda apresenta o axonema com o modelo 9+2, uma fibra axonemal, a membrana ondulante e ausência de bastão axial. Esta organização apresenta algumas similaridades com espécies do gênero Physalaemus (Leiuperidae como P. biligonigerus (Cope, 1861, P. gracilis (Boulenger, 1883 e P. fuscomaculatus (Steindachner, 1864.Spermatozoon maturation involves an extense and complex process beginning with proliferation and differentiation of spermatogonia, passing through meiosis, and ending with spermiogenesis. The later event involves morphological and biochemical changes in order to transform spermatids into spermatozoa. Ultrastructural aspects of the spermiogenesis and testicular spermatozoa of the anuran Eupemphix nattereri (Steindachner, 1863 were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis involves chromatin condensation and nuclear elongation, with visible cytoplasmic elimination. At this stage, a large amount of microtubules and glycogen can also be seen in Sertoli cell cytoplasm, surrounding each

  4. Efeito da oxigenação hiperbárica em lesão ototóxica produzida pela amicacina em cobaias The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy upon ototoxic injuries produced by amikacin in guinea pigs

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    Luciana de Albuquerque Salviano Amora


    Full Text Available A oxigenação hiperbárica têm favorecido a prevenção e o tratamento de afecções auditivas como a ototoxicidade. OBJETIVO: Estudar os efeitos da oxigenação hiperbárica em lesão ototóxica promovida pela amicacina. Forma de estudo: Experimental. MÉTODO: Avaliados aspectos funcionais de 12 cobaias albinas por meio das emissões otoacústicas produtos de distorção e do potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico, antes e após o uso de amicacina (600 mg/kg/dia e das sessões com oxigenação hiperbárica (2 ATA, 60 minutos. Aspectos morfológicos foram avaliados por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Grupos de estudo com três animais: grupo 1 - solução salina + oxigenação hiperbárica; grupo 2 - amicacina 8 dias; grupo 3 - amicacina + 7 dias de repouso e grupo 4 - amicacina + oxigenação hiperbárica. RESULTADOS: Grupo 1 apresentou preservação da funcionalidade e da morfologia durante todo experimento. Grupo 2 demonstrou, ao final do experimento, lesões estatisticamente significantes das células ciliadas com alterações funcionais. Grupos 3 e 4 apresentaram alterações estatisticamente significantes dos aspectos funcionais e morfológicos após o uso da amicacina, mantendo estas alterações após os procedimentos propostos. CONCLUSÃO: A oxigenação hiperbárica não promoveu alterações na morfologia das células ciliadas da cóclea e aos limiares eletrofisiológicos das cobaias submetidas à amicacina.Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT has enhanced the prevention and treatment of auditory ailments such as ototoxicity. OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of HBOT upon ototoxic injuries produced by amikacin. METHOD: This experimental study included 12 albino guinea pigs, whose auditory function was assessed through distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs and brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs before and after the administration of amikacin (600 mg/kg/day and HBOT sessions (2 ATA, 60 minutes

  5. Perfis tubulares : aspectos arquitetônicos e estruturais.


    Gerken, Fernanda de Sousa


    Programa de Pós Graduação em Engenharia Civil. Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma visão geral da utilização das estruturas tubulares no contexto da evolução das estruturas metálicas em geral, com destaque para o estudo de obras que mostram o estado da arte da construção tubular no Brasil. A utilização dos perfis tubulares estruturais é abordada tanto do ponto de vista da ...

  6. Laminite experimental: aspectos morfológicos, morfométricos e ultra-estruturais das lâminas dérmicas e epidérmicas do casco de eqüinos tratados com a trinitroglicerina


    Sampaio, Rita de Cássia de Lima [UNESP


    As alterações ultra-estruturais ocorridas nas lâminas epidérmicas e dérmicas de eqüinos com laminite são responsáveis pela rotação ou afundamento da falange distal dentro do casco. Com o objetivo de prevenir esta ocorrência foram estudados os efeitos da sobrecarga de carboidratos (SCHO), assim como da utilização de trinitroglicerina na fase prodrômica da laminite, nas lâminas epidérmicas do casco de quinze eqüinos. A indução da laminite por meio da sobrecarga de carboidratos alterou siginific...

  7. Modelos de equações estruturais em psicologia: conceitos e aplicações

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    Ronaldo Pilati

    Full Text Available O debate sobre procedimentos e técnicas de tratamento de dados é relevante para o contexto de produção e avanço do conhecimento em várias áreas do saber. Os Modelos de Equações Estruturais são um conjunto de técnicas de tratamento de dados que têm recebido grande atenção de pesquisadores, especialmente nos últimos 10 anos. Esse procedimento de tratamento de dados possui suas raízes relacionadas a distintas áreas do conhecimento: a biometria, a econometria e a psicometria. Como conseqüência de suas peculiaridades, o relato científico em Modelos de Equações Estruturais deve considerar vários aspectos relevantes, como a definição teórica do modelo a ser testado, a especificação e identificação do modelo, além de aspectos de estimação e mensuração dos índices de adequação. Vários desses elementos são apresentados e discutidos no presente artigo focando-se nas possibilidades de aplicação na Psicologia e em ciências correlatas. Perspectivas futuras e limitações dos Modelos de Equações Estruturais são discutidas.

  8. Aspectos Estruturais e Fitoquímicos de partes vegetativas de Costus spicatus (Jacq. Sw. (Costaceae

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    L.S. Paes


    Full Text Available As folhas de Costus spicatus são amplamente empregadas na medicina popular para o tratamento de várias doenças entre elas: malária, hepatite e doença do aparelho urinário. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar aspectos da anatomia dos órgãos vegetativos (folhas, caules, raízes e rizomas associados à triagem fitoquímica visando contribuir com informações relevantes para o desenvolvimento de estudos taxonômicos e farmacológicos. A análise anatômica por meio da microscopia óptica e de varredura evidenciou folha anfi-hipoestomática, com estômatos e tricomas tectores filamentosos simples. O mesofilo é constituído por parênquima clorofiliano, que se divide em duas regiões intercaladas por cordão de fibras e feixes vasculares. O caule é do tipo atactostélico como no rizoma. A raiz é poliarca. Os testes histoquímicos indicaram a presença de amido, proteínas estruturais, alcaloides, cristais de oxalato de cálcio. A prospecção química com extratos hidroalcoólico e aquoso constatou a presença de saponinas, taninos, alcaloides, compostos fenólicos e heterosídeos cianogênicos.

  9. Homogalactanas sulfatadas da macroalga verde Codium isthmocladum: aspectos estruturais e farmacológicos


    Farias, Eduardo Henrique Cunha de [UNIFESP


    Galactanas e o termo utilizado para designar polissacarideos que contem galactose. Homogalactanas sulfatadas, SG 1 e SG 2, foram extraidas de macroalga marinha verde Codium isthmocladum apos proteolise, fracionamento por acetona a frio e cromatografia de troca-ionica. A massa molecular foi determinada por cromatografia de gel-filtracao em HPLC e deteccao por indice de refracao e UV, sendo que SG 1 apresenta massa molecular media ao redor de 12 kDa e SG 2 de 15,0 kDa. Analises estruturais empr...

  10. Aspectos ultra-estruturais da doença de Parkinson

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    James Pitágoras de Mattos


    Full Text Available A análise de cinco encéfalos humanos, quatro de pacientes parkinsonianos e um de controle, pela microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, evidenciou as seguintes mais freqüentes alterações: empobrecimento de fibras nervosas, grande aumento do espaço intersticial, desintegração do neurópilo e tumefação e degeneração das mitocôndrias. Com exceção das alterações mitocondriais, as demais ocorreram em todos os encéfalos dos parkinsonianos, fato não observado no caso controle, o que torna difícil atribuí-las à fixação. Traduzem, em última análise, a perda neuronal crônica. Houve, também, presença de depósitos amorfos no interior das mitocôndrias, dos axônios, do citoplasma e do espaço intersticial.

  11. Anatomia foliar de microtomateiros fitocromo-mutantes e ultra-estrutura de cloroplastos Leaf anatomy of micro-tomato phytochrome-mutants and chloroplast ultra-structure

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    Hyrandir Cabral de Melo


    Full Text Available Plantas fitocromo-mutantes têm sido utilizadas com o intuito de caracterizar isoladamente, dentre os demais fotorreceptores, a ação dos fitocromos sobre eventos ligados à fotomorfogênese. Raros são os estudos que relatam a ação dos fitocromos sobre aspectos estruturais, embora sejam fundamentais à compreensão do desenvolvimento das plantas. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se analisar características ultraestruturais de cloroplastos e aspectos anatômicos foliares dos microtomateiros (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom fitocromo-mutantes aurea (subexpressa fitocromos, hp1 e atroviolacea (ambos supra-responsivos a eventos mediados por fitocromo em plantas em estágio de floração. Observou-se que os fitocromos são responsáveis pela expressão de muitas características anatômicas da epiderme foliar, assim como do mesofilo e da ultraestrutura dos cloroplastos.Phytochrome-mutant plants have been used for phytochrome action characterization among all photoreceptors, in events of photomorphogenesis. Studies relating the phytochrome action on structural aspects, which are fundamental to the comprehension of plant development, are rare. The objective of this work was to analyze chloroplast ultra structure and leaf anatomical characteristics of micro-tomatos (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Micro-Tom phytochrome-mutants aurea (sub express phytochrome, hp1 and atroviolacea (both super express phytochrome events-mediated in plants in the flowering stage. The results show that phytochromes are responsible for the expression of many characteristics of leaf epidermis, mesophyll and chloroplast ultra-structure.

  12. Aspectos clínicos, ultra-sonográficos e venográficos da tromboflebite jugular experimental em equinos

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    Carlos Alberto Hussni


    Full Text Available A tromboflebite jugular ocorre frequentemente em equinos, decorrendo geralmente de processos mórbidos associados à iatrogenia, podendo levar a perda de função, edema cefálico, diminuição do desempenho atlético e ainda causar o óbito. Esta enfermidade nos equinos apesar de frequente é pouco conhecida quanto à sua evolução e tratamentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a evolução da tromboflebite jugular experimental em equinos, quanto às alterações clínicas e estruturais envolvidas na enfermidade, observando-se os aspectos clínicos, ultra-sonográficos e venográficos no contexto do trombo e do vaso, quanto à possibilidade de recanalização do trombo produzido e da vascularização compensatória. A tromboflebite da veia jugular foi induzida, unilateralmente, em 05 equinos nos quais previamente à indução da tromboflebite e diariamente após foram observadas manifestações clínicas e realizados exames ultra-sonográficos. Venografias foram feitas nos momentos pré-indução, na indução e a cada seis dias após a indução da tromboflebite, verificando-se a recanalização do trombo oclusivo e a presença de vasos na drenagem sanguínea compensatória. Observou-se a ocorrência de edema moderado das regiões parotídea, massetérica e supra-orbitária e discreto edema submandibular que reduziram até o 6º dia, permanecendo apenas discreto aumento parotídeo. O ingurgitamento da jugular cranial a região da indução permaneceu durante todo o período de avaliação. A porção caudal à tromboflebite mostrou ingurgitamento frente ao garrote na entrada do tórax desde o primeiro dia após a indução. Os exames ultra-sonográficos mostraram formação de trombo oclusivo total durante todo o período de observação em 3 animais e o restabelecimento parcial do fluxo na jugular em 2 animais e a presença de vasos colaterais conduzindo o sangue da porção cranial para a porção caudal à obstrução. As venografias

  13. Aspectos ultra-sonográficos da trombose da veia porta Ultrasonographic features of portal vein thrombosis

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    Márcio Martins Machado


    Full Text Available A trombose da veia porta pode estar associada a várias alterações, como a presença de tumores (por exemplo: hepatocarcinoma, doença metastática hepática e carcinoma do pâncreas, pancreatite, hepatite, septicemia, trauma, esplenectomia, derivações porto-cava, estados de hipercoagulabilidade (por exemplo: gravidez, em neonatos (por exemplo: onfalite e cateterização da veia umbilical e desidratação aguda. Os autores discutem, neste artigo, os aspectos ultra-sonográficos da trombose de veia porta e alguns aspectos de relevância clínica.Portal vein thrombosis may be associated with many alterations, such as the presence of tumors (for example, hepatocellular carcinoma, metastatic liver disease and carcinoma of the pancreas as well as pancreatitis, hepatitis, septicemia, trauma, splenectomy, portacaval shunts, hypercoagulable conditions (for example, pregnancy, in neonates (for example, omphalitis and umbilical vein catheterization and in acute dehydration. The authors discuss herein the sonographic features of portal vein thrombosis as well as some aspects of clinical relevance.

  14. Aspectos estruturais e funcionais do apoio social de idosos do Município de São Paulo, Brasil


    Rosa,Tereza Etsuko da Costa; Benício,Maria Helena D'Aquino; Alves,Maria Cecília Goi Porto; Lebrão,Maria Lúcia


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a distribuição das redes sociais e de apoio em idosos no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, por características sócio-econômicas e demográficas. Estudou-se amostra probabilística de 1.568 idosos (60 ou mais anos) da cidade de São Paulo (inquérito sobre Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento - SABE), focalizando-se as dimensões estruturais e funcionais das redes sociais. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se a regressão logística simples e múltipla. As melhore...

  15. Persistência do efeito otoprotetor: qual a duração da otoproteção à amicacina? Persistence of the otoprotective effect: how long does otoprotection against amikacin lasts?

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    Andreia Ardevino de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Há comprovação de que o fenômeno de resistência ocorre quando a dose não lesiva da amicacina protege as células ciliadas contra a ototoxicidade da própria amicacina. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se o fenômeno de resistência é temporalmente persistente. MÉTODO: Estudo experimental com 14 cobaias albinas (Cavia porcellus divididas em três grupos. Avaliação da função auditiva por emissões otoacústicas por produto de distorção (EOAPD: na pré-exposição à amicacina, no 15º dia de aplicação da dose não lesiva, no final da aplicação da dose lesiva e antes da decapitação. RESULTADOS: O Grupo A (controle apresentou função auditiva e padrão histológico normais. No Grupo B (amicacina 20mg/kg/dia intramuscular por 30 dias e dose lesiva (400 mg/kg/dia por 12 dias e no Grupo C (mesmo esquema do grupo B, porém mantidos por 60 dias e sacrificados, as OEA-PD confirmaram função auditiva normal no período pré-exposição e manutenção do padrão após dose não lesiva, porém, houve perda importante da função auditiva após término do período de aplicação da dose lesiva. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve manutenção do fenômeno da autodefesa estendida por um período de 30 a 60 dias após a aplicação de doses lesivas de amicacina.There is evidence that a "resistance phenomenon" occurs when a none-damaging dose of amikacin protects the hair cells from ototoxicity. Our goal is to prove that this resistance is persistent. METHOD: Experimental study - 14 albino guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus divided into three groups. The auditory function was assessed by distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE: before exposure to amikacin, on the 15th day after the non-damaging dose was injected, at the end of the damage dose injection and prior to decapitation. RESULTS: Group A (control presented normal hearing and histological pattern. Group B (amikacin 20mg/kg/day (IM for 30 days and affecting dose (400 mg / kg

  16. ASPECTOS ULTRA-SONOGRÁFICOS DA ESQUISTOSSOMOSE HEPATOESPLÊNICA Ultrasound findings in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis

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    Márcio Martins Machado


    Full Text Available A ultra-sonografia representa uma importante contribuição no diagnóstico da forma hepatoesplênica da esquistossomose. A ultra-sonografia permite a identificação das principais alterações, como espessamento periportal, perivesicular, aumento do lobo hepático esquerdo, redução do lobo hepático direito e esplenomegalia. Adicionalmente, os padrões hemodinâmicos podem ser avaliados com o Doppler, sendo possível a análise das veias porta, mesentérica superior e esplênica, além de facilitar o estudo dos vasos venosos colaterais. Em áreas endêmicas, a ultra-sonografia assume papel de destaque, sendo superior à avaliação clínica na identificação da hepatoesplenomegalia e possibilitando o acompanhamento dos pacientes submetidos a tratamento clínico. Neste trabalho, os autores apresentam uma revisão dos principais achados sonográficos e ao Doppler da esquistossomose hepatoesplênica, sendo demonstrada, também, a relação destes achados com os aspectos clínico-patológicos desta doença.Ultrasound represents an important contribution to the diagnosis of hepatosplenic mansonic schistosomiasis. Abnormalities such as hyperechoic fibrotic bands along the portal vessels, volumetric reduction of the right hepatic lobe, enlargement of the left lobe, perivesicular fibrotic thickening and splenomegaly can be recognized. Moreover, the hemodynamic status of the portal venous system may also be evaluated by Doppler analysis, including the identification of collateral veins and portosystemic venous shunts. In endemic areas, ultrasound is of great value in the identification of hepatosplenomegaly, allowing follow-up of patients under clinical treatment. This review presents the ultrasonographic and Doppler features of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. The relationship between these findings and the clinical and pathological characteristics of this disease are also discussed.

  17. Benefícios económicos e ambientais inerentes ao uso de materiais estruturais naturais em habitações unifamiliares

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    António Murta

    Full Text Available Em Portugal, a indústria de construção habitacional tem recorrido essencialmente às estruturas de betão armado e de alvenaria de tijolo cerâmico. As estruturas metálicas, de madeira e de alvenaria de pedra têm tido expressão reduzida nesse setor da construção, e são muito pontuais as aplicações da terra crua como solução construtiva. Nesse contexto, pretende-se estudar soluções construtivas mais sustentáveis, recorrendo a materiais de construção naturais. Para o efeito, foram estudadas para uma habitação unifamiliar com tipologia típica três soluções estruturais: estrutura porticada de betão armado e lajes aligeiradas pré-fabricadas; solução estrutural à base de materiais naturais; e solução que contempla a reutilização de madeira proveniente de demolições habitacionais. As soluções estruturais com recurso a materiais naturais estudadas são definidas por paredes resistentes de bloco de terra comprimida (BTC e estrutura de madeira nos pavimentos e cobertura. Essas soluções estruturais são comparadas em termos de custo, gastos energéticos e teor de emissão de CO2 associados à construção. Verificou-se que as soluções mais sustentáveis são muito mais vantajosas no que diz respeito a esses três aspectos.

  18. Alterações ultra-estruturais do glomérulo na pré-eclâmpsia Ultrastructural glomerular alterations in preeclampsia

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    Suzana Maria Pires do Rio


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: identificar as alterações ultra-estruturais glomerulares em pacientes com pré-eclâmpsia grave, assim como avaliar a evolução destas lesões e sua relação com o momento de realização da biópsia renal. MÉTODOS: dentre as 72 gestantes com síndrome hipertensiva que se submeteram à biópsia renal no puerpério, em 39 o material obtido mostrou-se adequado para exame à microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, assim distribuídas: 25 eram portadoras de pré-eclâmpsia pura e 14 tiveram diagnóstico de pré-eclâmpsia superposta à hipertensão arterial crônica. As apresentações morfológicas estiveram representadas por rim normal, edema das células endoteliais, expansão do mesângio, interposição mesangial, depósitos subendoteliais e fusão dos pés dos podócitos. RESULTADOS: as alterações mais freqüentes nos dois grupos foram os depósitos subendoteliais e a fusão dos pés dos podócitos. O edema da célula endotelial ocorreu em 84% das pacientes com pré-eclâmpsia pura e 92,9% das pacientes com pré-eclâmpsia superposta. Não foi observada associação entre a gravidade da doença e a intensidade do edema da célula endotelial. Verificou-se tendência de interposição mesangial em pacientes biopsiadas após o sétimo dia pós-parto. A fusão dos podócitos apresentou associação significativa com a proteinúria de 24 horas. CONCLUSÕES: as alterações glomerulares citadas representam espectro de lesões complexas e dinâmicas que, em conjunto, constituem as características ultra-estruturais da pré-eclâmpsia, que não deve, pois, ser identificada somente pela presença do edema da célula endotelial.PURPOSE: to investigate the glomerular alterations in patients with severe preeclampsia, as well as to evaluate the evolution of these lesions, relating them to the moment of the renal biopsy. METHODS: seventy-two pregnant women with hypertensive syndrome underwent renal biopsy in the puerperium. Appropriate

  19. Considerações de interesse sobre a avaliação em laboratório de elementos estruturais em situação de incêndio: contribuições à revisão da NBR 5628:2001

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    Armando Lopes Moreno Junior

    Full Text Available Existe um crescente interesse sobre a pesquisa sobre a segurança das estruturas em situação de incêndio no Brasil, mas ainda existem aspectos que carecem de discussão. A simulação e avaliação em laboratório de elementos estruturais em situação de incêndio é um desses aspectos, principalmente no que diz respeito à metodologia de ensaio. A norma técnica brasileira NBR 5628:2001 necessita de revisão com vistas à adaptação das metodologias internacionais à realidade brasileira ou, até mesmo, à definição de novas metodologias que considerem variáveis relevantes para o contexto local. Este trabalho apresenta um ponto de partida para essas discussões e reúne os parâmetros que norteiam os procedimentos metodológicos para a avaliação de elementos estruturais, em escala natural, com carga, e em situação de incêndio. Parâmetros de interesse como dimensões mínimas dos elementos, taxas de elevação de temperatura com o tempo, infraestrutura para o ensaio, instrumentação dos elementos estruturais, entre outros, são avaliados à luz da normalização nacional e internacional vigente. Espera-se que este trabalho forneça subsídios para a futura revisão da NBR 5628:2001 e estimule pesquisadores brasileiros a ingressar nessa nova e árdua linha de pesquisa.

  20. Aspectos ultra-estruturais das vilosidades intestinais após o clampeamento do pedículo hepático de ratos

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    Camargo Lázaro Manoel de


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar a ultra-estrutura das vilosidades intestinais de ratos após diferentes tempos de clampeamento total do pedículo hepático. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 40 ratos, machos, divididos em quatro grupos de 10 animais cada um. O grupo Sham não foi submetido a isquemia. Os grupos E1, E2 e E3 sofreram isquemia de 10, 20 e 30 minutos, respectivamente. Ao final do experimento, fragmentos do intestino delgado (íleo foram retirados e processados para microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. RESULTADOS: Nos grupos E1 e E2 observou-se infiltração de leucócitos, dilatação vascular e áreas eletrolúcidas na lâmina própria das vilosidades. Já no grupo E3 observou-se desprendimento do revestimento epitelial, desintegração das microvilosidades e núcleos em apoptose. Na lâmina própria notamos áreas hemorrágicas, vasos sangüíneos e linfáticos dilatados e inúmeros leucócitos. CONCLUSÕES: o clampeamento do pedículo hepático hepático provoca congestão esplâncnica, tempo dependente, sendo que aos 30 minutos se nota desprendimento das células epiteliais, apoptose e hemorragia.

  1. Análise de desempenho de medidas estruturais e não estruturais de controle de inundações em uma bacia urbana

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    Thiago Galvão Tiradentes Decina


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar, por meio de simulações hidrológicas e hidráulicas, o desempenho de algumas medidas de controle de inundação, estruturais e não estruturais. Para tanto, os mapas e demais informações espaciais da bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Gregório, em São Carlos (SP, foram digitalizadas com auxílio do software de geoprocessamento ArcGIS(r e imagens de satélite de alta resolução. Com base nessas informações, foram propostos cenários alternativos que incorporaram as medidas de controle. Através da utilização dos softwares HEC-HMS e HEC-RAS realizaram-se as modelações hidráulicas e hidrológicas, utilizando tempos de retorno de 25, 50 e 100 anos para a chuva de projeto. Com os resultados obtidos (hidrogramas de cheia e manchas de inundação referentes a cada tempo de retorno, foi possível analisar as medidas, comparando-se os diferentes cenários. Concluiu-se, para este caso, que os melhores resultados correspondem à associação das medidas estruturais e não estruturais. Contudo, também foi verificado que, mesmo com a concretização do cenário mais favorável, o problema das inundações não seria satisfatoriamente equacionado, o que revela a necessidade de se considerar outras medidas para minimizar os prejuízos decorrentes das inundações, tais como medidas de controle na fonte, seguros contra inundações e sistemas de alerta antecipados.

  2. Evolução das lesões histológicas e ultra-estruturais no fígado de ovinos e bovinos experimentalmente intoxicados por Myoporum laetum Histological and ultrastructural evolution of liver lesions in experimental Myoporum laetum poisoning of sheep and cattle

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    Josiane Bonel-Raposo


    Full Text Available Amostras de Myoporum laetum foram colhidas durante a primavera e verão e administradas a cinco ovinos e seis bovinos em doses únicas de 20 e 30 g/kg. Biópsias hepáticas foram colhidas antes (controles e 1, 3 e 7 dias após a dosagem da planta. Estas biópsias foram analisadas histológica e ultra-estruturalmente. Os sinais clínicos, em ovinos, caracterizaram-se, especialmente, por depressão, diminuição dos movimentos ruminais, fezes ressequidas, tenesmo, ranger de dentes, dispnéia e lesões típicas de fotossensibilização. Em bovinos, o quadro clínico foi discreto. Os principais achados histológicos, em ovinos, incluíram vacuolização de hepatócitos, fibrose portal, proliferação de ductos biliares e necrose de hepatócitos periportais. Os estudos ultra-estruturais, em ovinos, revelaram hiperplasia do retículo endoplasmático liso, tumefação de hepatócitos, degranulação e vesiculação do retículo endoplasmático rugoso, presença de cristais aciculares, retenção biliar, tumefação de mitocôndrias e várias outras alterações degenerativas. Em bovinos, tanto os achados histológicos, quanto os ultra-estruturais foram menos evidentes.Green leaves of Myoporum laetum were collected during spring and summer, and administered to five sheep and six steers at dosages of 20 and 30 g/kg. Liver biopsies were taken before (Controls and 1, 3 and 7 days after dosage. In sheep, the clinical signs were depression, rumen hypomotility, dried feces, tenesmus, teeth grinding, dyspnea and typical lesions of photosensitization. In cattle, the clinical picture was much less pronounced. The main histological findings in sheep were vacuolization of hepatocytes, portal fibrosis, bile duct proliferation and necrosis of periportal hepatocytes; the ultrastructural examination revealed hyperplasia of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, hepatocellular hydropic degeneration, presence of crystals and several other degenerative changes. In cattle both

  3. Características ultra-estruturais do nó sinoatrial de rato Wistar Superstructural features of the wistar strain male rats' sinoatrial node (SAN

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    Carlos Alberto Mandarim de Lacerda


    Full Text Available As características ultra-estruturais do nó sinoatrial (NSA de 5 ratos machos da variedade Wistar, com 3 meses de idade, foram estudadas por meio de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET. Fragmento pequeno, contendo a região do NSA e área adjacente do átrio direito do coração, foi retirado e fixado em glutaraldeído 2,5% e processado de acordo com técnica convencional para MET. A morfologia do nó sinoatrial de ratos é semelhante a de outros mamíferos. O NSA é uma estrutura anatômica independente do miocárdio atrial, constituído por células típicas (miócitos nodais, células de transição e, principalmente, células nodais imersos em matriz extracelular, na qual predominam fibras colágenas, fibroblastos e nervosThe superstructural features of five Wistar strain male rats' sinoatrial node (SAN at 3-mo-old were studied through transmission electron microscopy (TEM. Small fragments with the regions containing the SAN were cut off, fixed in glutaraldehyde 2.5% and processed according to the conventional technique for TEM. The morphology of the sinoatrial node of the rats is similar as found in other mammals. The SAN is an independent anatomic structure of the atrial myocardial, constituted of typical cells (nodal myocytes, transition cells and nodal cells principally immersed in the extra cellular matrix where collagen fibers, fibroblasts and nerve predominate

  4. Elementos estruturais do pensamento crítico de enfermeiros atuantes em emergências


    Crossetti, Maria da Graça Oliveira; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Bittencourt, Greicy Kelly Gouveia Dias; Universidade Federal da Paraíba/PNPD.; Lima, Ana Amelia Antunes; Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre UFCSPA); Goés, Martha Georgina Oliveira de; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Saurin, Gislaine; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


    Objetivou-se neste estudo analisar os elementos estruturais do pensamento crítico (PC) do enfermeiro no processo de tomada de decisão clínica. Estudo exploratório, qualitativo, com 20 enfermeiros de emergências em três hospitais do sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados deu-se de abril a junho de 2009; aplicou-se um caso clínico validado, deste os enfermeiros listaram problemas de saúde, cuidados prescritos e ordenaram os elementos estruturais no PC. Na análise de conteúdo, desvelaram-se categorias...

  5. Caracterização dos ovarios e do desenvolvimento ovocitario, e da recuperação ovariana pos-parto do platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) (Teleostei, Poeciliidae) em condições laboratoriais controladas e sob ação do hormonio de crescimento


    Laercio dos Anjos Benjamin


    Resumo: Os poecilídeos são peixes ovovivíparos de ampla utilização na piscicultura ornamental. Apesar disso, pouco se conhece sobre aspectos reprodutivos dessas espécies. O estudo das características histológicas e ultra-estruturais dos ovócitos constitui etapa básica e primordial para se estabelecer a biologia reprodutiva das diferentes espécies de peixes, essencial para a compreensão da fertilização, desenvolvimento inicial do embrião e crescimento das larvas. Como o sucesso da criação de p...

  6. Monitoramento geodésico tridimensional em ensaios estruturais de madeira

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    Camila Zonta

    Full Text Available Uma parceria entre o Laboratório de Instrumentação Geodésica e o Laboratório de Tecnologia da Madeira, ambos da Universidade Federal do Paraná, possibilitou o desenvolvimento deste projeto. Optou-se em inserir métodos geodésicos, aplicáveis ao monitoramento de estruturas, em ensaios estruturais de madeira. Realizaram-se ensaios de flexão estática em painéis compensados de madeira, com uso de uma Máquina Universal de Ensaios, aplicando-se juntamente o monitoramento de deslocamentos de pontos de interesse através do método de irradiação tridimensional. Ao final do ensaio estrutural foram analisadas e comparadas as flechas de deslocamento (deformação na componente vertical dos corpos de prova obtidas pela máquina de ensaios e pelo monitoramento geodésico. Como também, observou-se o comportamento tridimensional dos corpos de prova no decorrer dos ensaios. Desta forma, testando técnicas e método geodésico como uma nova proposta de verificação de deslocamentos em ensaios estruturais de madeira. Estatisticamente comprovou-se que os valores dos deslocamentos centrais dos painéis - flechas máximas - obtidos pelo monitoramento geodésico foram iguais aos resultados da máquina universal de ensaios. Confirmando assim, que o método proposto e as técnicas geodésicas testadas, podem também, ser aplicadas em laboratório em ensaios estruturais de madeira.


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    David Stark


    Full Text Available Os grupos empresariais enfrentam um desafio duplo: reconhecer e implementar novas ideias. O presente artigo sugere que oempreendedorismo está mais relacionado com a geração de novos conhecimentos, por meio da recombinação de recursos, doque com a importação de ideias. Em contraste com a perspectiva “intermediação mais fechamento”, enfocamos a sobreposiçãode estruturas coesas de grupos. Ao analisar processos de intercoesão de redes, identificamos uma topologia de rede distinta:a dobra estrutural. Os atores de uma dobra estrutural são membros de múltiplos grupos, o que facilita o acesso familiar a diversosrecursos. Nosso conjunto de dados permite observar laços pessoais entre as 1.696 maiores empresas húngaras de 1987a 2001. Primeiro, testamos se dobras estruturais contribuem para o desempenho de grupos. Segundo, como o empreendedorismoé um processo de ruptura generativa, testamos a contribuição das dobras estruturais para a instabilidade do grupo.Terceiro, passamos de métodos dinâmicos à análise histórica de redes, e demonstramos que a coerência é uma propriedadede genealogias entrelaçadas de coesão, construídas por meio de repetidas separações e reunificações.

  8. Anatomia e ultra-estrutura foliar de Cyperus maritimus Poir. (Cyperaceae: estratégias adaptativas ao ambiente de dunas litorâneas Leaf anatomy and ultrastructure of Cyperus maritimus Poir. (Cyperaceae: adaptive strategies for coastal dune environment

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    Shirley Martins


    Full Text Available Foram analisados aspectos anatômicos e ultra-estruturais foliares de Cyperus maritimus Poir. visando identificar caracteres adaptativos ao ambiente de dunas litorâneas. Para isto, indivíduos ocorrentes nas dunas da Praia de Pipa, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, tiveram as folhas submetidas a diferentes análises: microscopia de luz, eletrônica de varredura e de transmissão. Em vista frontal, a epiderme possui tricomas unicelulares, corpos de sílica, cutícula estriada e depósitos de cera. Em secção transversal, a epiderme é unisseriada com parede periclinal externa espessa. Os estômatos são paracíticos, podendo o ostíolo estar obstruído por cera. Abaixo da face adaxial observa-se o parênquima aqüífero. Os feixes vasculares ocorrem em múltiplas fileiras, sendo as periféricas compostas por feixes de diâmetro menor que os feixes da fileira central. Foram observados caracteres relacionados à síndrome Kranz do tipo clorociperóide. Aspectos ultra-estruturais, como cloroplastos presentes na bainha do feixe, esses sem grana evidentes, entre outras características, reforçam a possível ocorrência da via C4 nesta espécie. É a primeira citação para o gênero Cyperus de cloroplasto nas celulas do tecido vascular. Neste trabalho foi possível observar vários caracteres importantes para plantas submetidas a estresse hídrico e salino, como: cera, células epidérmicas com parede periclinal externa espessada, parênquima aqüífero e síndrome Kranz.Anatomical and ultrastructural aspects of Cyperus maritimus Poir. were analyzed with the aim of identifying adaptive features for the dune environment. Collections were made at Pipa beach, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Leaves were submitted to different analyses: light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In frontal view, the epidermis has unicellular trichomes, silica bodies, a striate cuticle and wax deposits. In transverse section, the epidermis is uniseriate

  9. Propriedades eletrônicas e estruturais de nanotubos de carbono


    Mario Sergio de Carvalho Mazzoni


    Nesta tese, empregamos cálculos de primeiros princípios para investigar duas questões relacionadas com propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas de nanotubos de carbono. Na primeira delas, estudamos a influência de deformações mecânicas nas pripriedades eletrônicas dos nanotubos. Especificamente, procuramos responder à pergunta "de que maneira a estrutura eletrônica de um nanotubo é alterada quando ele é dobrado?" Mostramos que a região mais tensionada do tubo deformado comporta-se como um ponto...

  10. Aspectos ultra-sonográficos dos hamartomas dos ductos biliares (complexo de von Meyenburg: resultado de uma busca ativa de oito anos Ultrasonography findings in patients with bile duct hamartomas (von Meyenburg complex: result of an active search of eight years

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    Márcio Martins Machado


    Full Text Available A correta identificação de tumores hepáticos benignos é importante, pois a maioria não necessita de conduta intervencionista. Os autores relatam os aspectos ultra-sonográficos dos hamartomas de ductos biliares (complexo de von Meyenburg em 16 pacientes estudados prospectivamente, resultados de uma busca ativa de oito anos. Em 14 pacientes foram identificadas múltiplas lesões menores ou iguais a 0,8 cm, e em dois, apenas duas lesões em cada (medindo de 0,4 cm a 1,3 cm. O aspecto ultra-sonográfico que predominou foi o de múltiplas pequenas imagens hiperecogênicas com ou sem reverberação sonora posterior e margens irregulares (14 pacientes. Menos comumente, foi encontrado o aspecto "em alvo", com centro com maior ecogenicidade que a periferia (dois pacientes com duas lesões cada e margens bem definidas.The recognition and identification of benign liver tumors is important since most of these tumors do not require any intervention. The authors report the ultrasonography findings in 16 patients with bile duct hamartomas (von Meyenburg complex that were evaluated prospectively by an active search of eight years. Multiple lesions with size equal or less than 0.8 cm were identified in 14 patients. Two other patients had only two lesions measuring 0.4 cm to 1.3 cm. The most common ultrasonographic pattern was that of multiple small hyperechogenic lesions (with or without posterior acoustic reverberation with irregular margins (14 patients. A less common finding (two patients with two lesions each was the "target" pattern with echogenic center and well defined limits.

  11. Aspectos ultraestruturais de hemócitos de Biomphalaria glabrata Say (1818 (Gastropoda: Planorbidae analisados sob microscopia eletrônica de transmissão Ultrastructural aspects of hemocytes from Biomphalaria glabrata Say (1818 (Gastropoda: Planorbidae analysed with transmission eletronic microscopy

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    Marco Antonio Vasconcelos Santos


    Full Text Available Os hemócitos do caramujo Biomphalaria glabrata, um importante transmissor do trematódeo Schistosoma mansoni no Brasil, foram coletados de especimens na região Bragantina, localizada a oeste do estado do Pará. Os hemócitos foram examinados por meio de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. As células foram fixadas pelo método de rotina com o uso do tampão PHEM (PIPES, HEPES, EGTA e Magnésio. Foram descritos os aspectos ultra-estruturais celulares como inclusões citoplasmáticas limitadas por membranas, mitocôndrias, retículos endoplasmáticos e outros. As observações mostram que esse tampão possui a propriedade de preservação do citoesqueleto celular, apresentando bons resultados na preservação das estruturas dos hemócitos e suas organelas.The blood cells of the pulmonate snail Biomphalaria glabrata from the region of Bragantina in the state of Pará, an important vector of the trematode Schistosoma mansoni in Brazil, were collected and fixed by routine method with PHEM buffer and examined with transmission electron microscopy. Ultrastructural cellular aspects like cytoplasmic inclusions, mitochondrion, vesicles and others organelles are described. The buffer used resulted in good preservations of the hemocytes and their organelles.

  12. Pontes integrais: aspectos de projeto e construção


    Fernando Pinho, Mauricio


    As pontes são estruturas em que os efeitos referentes à variação de temperatura, retração e fluência possuem fundamental importância. Nas pontes em vigas as movimentações horizontais das superestruturas são usualmente acomodadas com a utilização de juntas estruturais e aparelhos de apoio. O elevado custo de manutenção das juntas e da recuperação dos danos estruturais relacionados a elas é o principal fator que tem levado diversos países a adotar a construção de pontes sem juntas. ...


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    Full Text Available Estudaram-se as alterações anatômicas em folhas e caules de ramos de cafeeiros infectados com X. fastidiosa visando compreender as causas dos seus distúrbios fisiológicos. Analisaram-se amostras dos cultivares comerciais de Coffea arabica L. - Catuaí Vermelho IAC H 2077-25-81 e Mundo Novo 515-20 enxertados sobre a progênie IAC 2258 de C. canephora - e de Catuaí Vermelho IAC H 2077-25-81 sem enxertia (pé franco. As amostras foram coletadas no campo, no Núcleo Experimental de Campinas, IAC, em cafezais onde foi detectada a presença da bactéria. Analisou-se também a estrutura da folha e do caule de ramos com e sem sintomas visuais da bactéria, sendo estimada a porcentagem de obstrução dos vasos do xilema do caule. Os ramos infectados apresentaram um encurtamento dos entrenós e, com o agravamento da doença, senescência foliar precoce na sua base, resultando em pequeno número de folhas no ápice. O número e a posição dos ramos por indivíduo com tais sintomas variaram entre as plantas, sendo mais freqüentes na região basal. Esses ramos também mostraram pecíolos e área foliar reduzidos e frutos menores e agrupados, em vista de um encurtamento dos pedicelos e dos entrenós, além de uma deposição de "goma" nos vasos do xilema do caule, pecíolo e folha, assim como divisões celulares anormais no xilema, floema e córtex daquelas partes. As células do mesofilo das folhas afetadas apresentaram número reduzido de cloroplastos, associado a maior concentração de cristais de oxalato de cálcio. Sugere-se que a presença da bactéria esteja induzindo a senescência foliar que se relaciona a um ou mais fatores de estresse.Leaf and stem anatomical changes were studied in coffee plants infected with X. fastidiosa looking for the causes of the observed physiological disturbances. Samples of commercial cultivars of Coffea arabica L. were analysed - Catuaí Vermelho IAC H 2077-25-81 and Mundo Novo 515-20 grafted on the progenie IAC 2258 of C. canephora - and of Catuaí Vermelho IAC H 2077-25-81 without grafting. Samples were collected in the field, at the Centro Experimental de Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in a coffee plantation where the presence of the bacteria was detected. The leaf and stem structures of branches with and without visual symptoms of the bacteria were analysed. It was also estimated the percentage of obliterated stem xylem vessels. The infected branches presented internode shortening, and early foliar senescence in the base of the branches, in a more severe degree of the disease, resulting in a reduced number of leaves in the apex. The number and position of branches with symptoms varied among plants, but were more frequent in the lower parts of the plants. These branches also presented reduced petiole and leaf area, smaller and grouped fruits due to the pedicels and internodes shortening. A deposition of "gum" was observed in the xylem vessels of the stems, petioles and leaves, and an abnormal cellular division in the xylem, phloem and cortex of the stem, petiole and in the mesophyll. The leaf mesophyll cells also presented reduced chloroplast number, associated with a larger concentration of calcium oxalate crystals. It was suggested that the presence of the bacteria may induce leaf senescence which is related to one or more stress factors.


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    Tiane Alves Rocha Gastardelo


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo foi verificar alguns dos determinantes para o desempenho das exportações dos Estados Unidos, utilizando quebras estruturais para localizar mudanças nos impactos destes determinantes. Para isso, foram coletadas séries trimestrais e aplicado o método de mínimos quadrados com quebras estruturais. Duas quebras estruturais foram localizadas, resultando em três regimes. O primeiro período (1990T1-1999T4 foi um período de com maior impacto de variáveis sistêmicas (PIB e inflação, no qual o país buscava ganhos de eficiência produtiva e maior competitividade na Cadeia de Valor Global. O segundo período (2000T1-2008T3 com maior impacto do PIB, inflação, taxa de juros e abates de suínos, já com a eficiência garantida por um sistema de contratos com coordenação vertical intensa. Um terceiro período (2008T4-2014T2 mais sensível às variáveis, tanto setoriais quanto sistêmicas, resultante da crise de 2008 além dos surtos de H1N1.

  15. Estudo de propriedades estruturais e opticas de multicamadas epitaxiais emissoras de luz baseadas em InGaN/GaN (United States)

    Pereira, Sergio Manuel de Sousa

    Esta tese apresenta os resultados de uma investigacao experimental em filmes epitaxiais emissores de luz baseados em InxGa1-xN. O InxGa1-xN e uma liga semicondutora ternaria do grupo III-N muito utilizada como camada activa numa gama de dispositivos optoelectronicos em desenvolvimento, incluindo diodos emissores de luz (LEDs) e diodos laser (LDs), para operacao na regiao do visivel e ultravioleta do espectro electromagnetico. Neste estudo, caracterizam-se as propriedade opticas e estruturais de camadas simples e pocos quânticos multiplos (Multiple Quantum Wells, MQWs) de InxGa1-xN/GaN, com enfase nas suas propriedades fisicas fundamentais. O objectivo central do trabalho prende-se com a compreensao mais profunda dos processos fisicos que estao por tras das suas propriedades opticas, preenchendo o fosso existente entre aplicacoes tecnologicas e o conhecimento cientifico. Nomeadamente, a tese aborda os problemas da medicao da fraccao de InN (x) em multicamadas ultrafinas sujeitas a tensoes, a influencia da composicao e das tensoes microscopicas nas propriedades opticas e estruturais. A questao relativa a segregacao de fases em multicamadas de InxGa1-xN/GaN e tambem discutida a luz dos resultados obtidos. A metodologia seguida assenta na integracao de resultados obtidos por tecnicas complementares atraves de uma analise sistematica e multidisciplinar. Esta abordagem passa pela combinacao de: 1) Crescimento de amostras por deposicao epitaxial em fase de vapor organometalico (MOVPE) com caracteristicas especificas de forma a tentar isolar parâmetros estruturais, tais como espessura e composicao; 2) Caracterizacao nanoestrutural por microscopia de forca atomica (AFM), microscopica electronica de varrimento (SEM), difraccao de raios-X e retro-dispersao de Rutherford (RBS); 3) Caracterizacao optica a escalas complementares por: espectroscopia de absorcao optica (OA), fotoluminescencia (PL), catodoluminescencia (CL) e microscopia confocal (CM) com analise espectral. Com

  16. Propriedades ópticas e estruturais de óxido de zinco contendo enxofre


    Gabriela Zanotto Bosshard


    Resumo: O objetivo deste projeto foi investigar a síntese de óxido de zinco contendo enxofre obtido a partir de sulfeto de zinco nas fases wurtzita (hexagonal) e blenda de zinco (cúbica), assim como fazer a caracterização e estudar as alterações estruturais e ópticas dos materiais sintetizados e compará-las às propriedades do óxido de zinco sintetizado a partir de hidroxicarbonato de zinco. O método de síntese utilizado permite a obtenção de sulfeto de zinco hexagonal ou cúbico a baixa temper...

  17. Aspectos ultra-estruturais da fibra muscular cardíaca de ratas albinas durante o ciclo gravídico-puerperal

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    Liberatori Filho A.W.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. No presente estudo avaliamos, por intermédio da microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, a morfologia dos cardiomiócitos do ventrículo esquerdo de ratas albinas no decorrer do ciclo gravídico-puerperal. MÉTODOS. Obtida a prenhez, 77 ratas foram divididas ao acaso em dois grupos denominados, respectivamente, de: gestação (G e puerpério (P. Os animais pertencentes ao grupo gestação foram ainda subdivididos em quatro subgrupos, de acordo com a idade gestacional; 1o (G-A, 7o (G-B, 14o (G-C e 21o (G-D dias de prenhez. O grupo definido como puerpério foi também subdividido em três subgrupos; 7o (P-A, 14o (P-B e 21o (P-C dias de puerpério. Findo o período estabelecido para cada subgrupo, os animais foram sacrificados, sendo coletados fragmentos do terço médio do ventrículo esquerdo, os quais após processamento apropriado, permitiram observação adequada à microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. RESULTADOS. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram hipertrofia gradativos dos cardiomiócitos no decorrer da prenhez (aumento das miofibrilas, que ao final da gestação apresentaram-se entremeadas de numerosas mitocôndrias. As paredes dos capilares sangüíneos, progressivamente, tornaram-se mais delgadas, com aumento das vesículas de pinocitose no interior das células endoteliais. Revelou ainda, acentuadas dobras do sarcolema em nível dos túbulos T (túneis capilares. No grupo puerpério, notamos gradativa regressão nessas alterações, com retorno às características pré-gestacionais. Os achados demonstram a ocorrência de hipertrofia no decorrer da gestação. CONCLUSÃO. Durante a prenhez há hipertrofia em cardiomiócito do ventrículo esquerdo com regressão durante o puerpério.

  18. Causas estruturais e consequências dos regimes internacionais: regimes como variáveis intervenientes


    Krasner, Stephen D.


    Os regimes internacionais são definidos como princípios, normas, regras e procedimentos de tomada de decisões ao redor dos quais as expectativas dos atores convergem em uma dada área-tema. Como ponto de partida, os regimes são conceituados como variáveis intervenientes, estando entre fatores causais básicos e os resultados e comportamentos relacionados. Há três visões a respeito da importância dos regimes: as orientações estruturais convencionais desvalorizam os regimes como sendo, na melhor ...

  19. Análise crítica em organizações sociais: apropriando teoria e prática de seus componentes estruturais e culturais

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    Leane Mota Araujo dos Santos

    Full Text Available As organizações sociais encontram-se em expansão e em reconhecimento por parte do governo e da sociedade, mas ainda carecem de estudos acadêmicos a partir das práticas da sua dinâmica organizacional. O propósito deste artigo é analisar as particularidades da gestão das ONGs no que concerne aos aspectos culturais e estruturais, identificando se os elementos encontrados se apresentam de forma congruente com o que se espera de uma ONG. Dessa forma, busca contribuir para a análise crítica à transposição inapropriada de conceitos da teoria organizacional tradicional para a gestão das ONGs e, também, para o delineamento de um arcabouço teórico específico para a compreensão dessas organizações, considerando a realidade nacional. A pesquisa foi conduzida em 10 ONGs, com abordagem predominantemente qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas com os fundadores e/ou principais dirigentes das ONGs. Os resultados confirmam as particularidades identificadas em estudos anteriores e avança à medida que faz uma análise crítica e revela congruências com relação à cultura e incongruências referentes à estrutura social, principalmente, quando da utilização acrítica de instrumentos das organizações tradicionais.

  20. Análise da eficiência dos sistemas estruturais para edifícios em concreto

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    Gildemir Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo Nos últimos anos houve uma evolução dos métodos construtivos empregados no Brasil, principalmente no que se refere às estruturas de concreto. Embora a literatura sobre eficiência na construção civil seja vasta, a proposição de métodos não paramétricos para a análise de eficiência de processos construtivos ainda é bastante limitada. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo para análise de eficiência baseado na técnica Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA para uma análise comparada da eficiência dos sistemas estruturais de edifícios em concreto, avaliando a utilização eficiente dos insumos de produção (capital e trabalho para a produção da estrutura. No trabalho foram comparados diversos sistemas estruturais, entre os quais pavimentos formados por lajes nervuradas apoiadas em faixas protendidas, formados por lajes apoiadas em vigas altas e formados por lajes apoiadas diretamente nos pilares, em um total de 23 obras, de 16 construtoras com reconhecida atuação no mercado imobiliário, monitoradas periodicamente, o que permite um diagnóstico do setor. O modelo proposto pode ser usado pelos planejadores com vantagens significativas. Os resultados apontam que pode haver ganhos financeiros substanciais ao melhor alocar mão de obra para o mesmo método construtivo.

  1. A família do p53: aspectos estruturais e funcionais do p73 e do p63 The p53 family: structural and functional aspects of p73 and p63

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    Alfredo Ribeiro-Silva


    Full Text Available O p53 é um gene regulador chave do ciclo celular que, quando sofre mutações, leva ao desenvolvimento de neoplasias, atuando, portanto, como um gene supressor tumoral em condições normais. Recentemente foram identificados genes homólogos ao p53 denominados p73 e p63, provavelmente oriundos de um gene ancestral comum. Apesar da grande homologia estrutural, os membros da família do p53 possuem diferenças funcionais entre si. O presente artigo tem por finalidade discorrer sobre os principais aspectos estruturais e funcionais do p73 e do p63, ressaltando seus papéis na tumorigênese humana. O p73 ativa vários genes responsivos ao p53 e, quando superexpresso, inibe a ação do p53. Raramente encontra-se mutado em neoplasias, e seu papel na tumorigênese humana ainda é motivo de controvérsias. O p63 não é um gene supressor tumoral clássico, sendo essencial para a manutenção de uma população de células precursoras (células-tronco em vários tecidos epiteliais. O p63 marca as células basais de vários órgãos epiteliais, como a pele e a próstata, podendo ser considerado um marcador de indiferenciação celular. O p63 é um marcador recentemente descrito e ainda requer maior investigação para determinar seu papel no desenvolvimento de neoplasias em humanos.The p53 gene has a key role in the cell cycle control. When mutated, it promotes the development of neoplasms, acting in so far as a tumor suppressor gene in normal conditions. Recently, genes homologue to p53 were identified, named p73 e p63, probably originated from a common ancestral gene. Despite the great structural homology, the members of p53 family have functional differences. This article aims to discourse about the major structural and functional aspects of p73 and p63, reinforcing their role in human tumorigenesis. P73 activates several p53 responsive genes and, when overexpressed, inhibits the p53 action. It is rarely mutated in neoplasms and its role in human

  2. Análise da organização competitiva de crianças e jovens: adaptações estruturais e funcionais

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    Michel Milistetd


    Full Text Available O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi analisar a organização de competições em federações esportivas de diferentes modalidades. A partir da análise de documentos oficiais, foram avaliadas 14 federações esportivas e suas respectivas idades de início da participação competitiva, a divisão de categorias, alterações estruturais e alterações funcionais. Os resultados encontrados apontam que o início das competições oficiais em todas as modalidades esportivas, com exceção do atletismo e da natação, ocorre antes dos 10 anos de idade. Com relação às modificações estruturais, a federação de futebol é a que menos propõe mudanças, alterando apenas o seu tempo de jogo. As federações de basquetebol, handebol e ginástica estabelecem o maior número de mudanças estruturais, respeitando as particularidades do público infantojuvenil. Quanto às modificações funcionais, a federação de voleibol apresenta o maior número de alterações, que se referem à execução de fundamentos (saque, bloqueio, ações de jogo (levantamento, número de atacantes e limitações táticas nas primeiras categorias. As alterações apresentadas pelas federações paranaenses revelam clara preocupação com adaptações para o melhor aproveitamento da prática esportiva pelos jogadores, respeitando pressupostos pedagógicos da formação esportiva a longo prazo. No entanto, o início do envolvimento competitivo parece ocorrer antes das idades recomendadas pela literatura especializada, favorecendo o surgimento de um quadro de especialização esportiva precoce destes jovens atletas.

  3. Comportamento de blocos cerâmicos estruturais produzidos a partir da mistura de lama vermelha e argila

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    Alcebíades Negrão Macêdo

    Full Text Available A utilização de novas técnicas de aproveitamento de resíduos tem-se tornado cada vez mais importante na construção civil, principalmente quando se trata da utilização de resíduos de outros segmentos industriais e da redução de consumo de matérias-primas naturais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a utilização da lama vermelha, resíduo proveniente da produção de alumina metalúrgica, na produção de blocos cerâmicos vazados estruturais. A produção dos blocos foi realizada em uma indústria cerâmica, a partir de uma mistura de 60% de lama vermelha (LV e de 40% de argila. Após a produção dos blocos, realizaram-se ensaios de acordo com as normas técnicas, tais como absorção de água e compressão axial simples. A partir da análise dos resultados, observou-se que os blocos estruturais produzidos a partir da mistura de LV e argila atenderam aos parâmetros normativos quanto ao índice de absorção de água e de resistência à compressão, e que as resistências médias e características desses blocos foram superiores às dos blocos cerâmicos de referência.

  4. Monitoramento geodésico tridimensional aplicado em ensaios estruturais de painéis compensados de madeira


    Zonta, Camila


    Resumo: Uma parceria entre o Laboratório de Instrumentação Geodésica e o Laboratório de Tecnologia da Madeira, ambos da Universidade Federal do Paraná, possibilitou o desenvolvimento deste projeto. A junção das áreas, Levantamento Geodésico e Tecnologia da Madeira, mostra-se um conjunto inovador na avaliação de ensaios estruturais e monitoramento de estruturas de madeira. Desta forma, realizaram-se neste trabalho ensaios de flexão estática em painéis compensados de madeira com uso de uma Máqu...

  5. Vibração transversal: um método eficiente para classificação de peças estruturais de madeira Transverse vibration: an efficient method for structural timber classification

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    Carlito Calil Júnior


    Full Text Available A classificação de peças estruturais de madeira é uma tendência mundial, mas ainda deficiente no Brasil. O uso de métodos não-destrutivos para classificação e, conseqüentemente, para racionalização do uso de madeira em estruturas, melhora a posição da madeira quando em competição com materiais estruturais mais uniformes. Este trabalho mostra a existência de forte correlação linear entre o módulo de elasticidade estático e o módulo de elasticidade dinâmico, obtidos a partir de testes de flexão estática e de vibração transversal, em 326 peças estruturais de madeira da espécie Southern Pine, e indica a eficiência do método de vibração transversal para determinação do módulo de elasticidade e para classificação de peças estruturais de madeira.The classification of structural components of timber is a worldwide tendency but is still deficient in Brazil. The application of nondestructive methods for classification and consequently, optimization of the use of timber in structures improves the position of the timber in comparison to more uniform structural materials. This work shows the existence of high linear correlation between the static elasticity modulus and the dynamic elasticity modulus, obtained from flexion static test and from transverse vibration test, in 326 structural pieces of Southern Pine specie, and indicates the efficiency of the transverse vibration test for elasticity modulus determination and for classification of structural pieces of timber.

  6. Ultrastructural analysis of bovine oocytes from ovarian follicles with different diametersAnálise ultra-estrutural de oócitos bovinos provenientes de folículos ovarianos com diferentes diâmetros

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    Cesar Roberto Esper


    Full Text Available In vitro embryo production is an important technique for facilitating the reproduction of animals with high genetic merit. The greatest challenge for the reproducibility of this technique is the quality of the oocyte that is submitted for in vitro maturation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the ultrastructural characteristics of oocytes from follicles of different diameters using transmission electron microscopy. The animals were divided into 2 groups and were given a single i.m. injection of 250 IU FSH (Pluset, Serono, Italy. To synchronize the follicular growth, all follicles > 2 mm were aspirated during the estrous cycle, which was considered day zero (D0. Group 1 (G1; n = 4 received FSH on day 1 (D1, and the 2- to 5-mm follicles were aspirated on day 2 (D2. The animals in group 2 (G2; n = 5 received FSH on day 2 (D2, and their 10- to 15-mm follicles were aspirated on day 5 (D5. After aspiration, the oocytes from both groups were fixed and prepared for ultrastructural analysis. The oocytes analyzed from both groups had similar ultrastructural characteristics. The presence and distribution of organelles in the cytoplasm of the oocytes did not differ between groups, suggesting that, in relation to the ultrastructural characteristics, oocytes from 2 to 5 mm and 10 to 15 mm follicles are similar.A produção in vitro de embriões é uma técnica importante para facilitar a reprodução de animais com elevado mérito genético. O maior desafio para a reprodutibilidade desta técnica é a qualidade do oócito destinado à maturação in vitro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características ultra-estruturais de oócitos provenientes de folículos com diferentes diâmetros por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos e receberam uma única injeção im de 250 UI de FSH (Pluset, Serono, Itália. Para sincronizar o crescimento folicular, todos os folículos > 2 mm foram aspirados durante o ciclo

  7. Aspectos que interfieren en la movilidad estudiantil

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    María Mercedes Ramírez-Ordoñez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar los aspectos que interfieren en la realización de movilidad estudiantil. Materiales y Métodos: Esta investigación es cuantitativa de tipo descriptivo transversal por conveniencia, constituida por 243 estudiantes que hacen parte de un programa de enfermería en una institución de educación superior X, de los cuales se entrevistaron a 237. Para la recolección de la información se diseñó un cuestionario donde se evalúa el aspecto económico, académico y familiar y su interferencia con el programa de movilidad de la institución. Para su estructuración se realizó revisión bibliográfica, evaluación de expertos, alfa de cronbach y prueba piloto. Resultados: El aspecto económico ocupa el primer lugar en interferir en la movilidad estudiantil con un 73%, es importante resaltar que la población encuestada pertenece al estrato 2 por lo tanto cuentan con pocos recursos. El segundo lugar fue para el aspecto académico con un 63.45% y en menor dimensión el aspecto familiar con 26%; el 77% manifiesta tener un interés por participar del programa de movilidad, de los cuales el 43.78% prefiere el nivel internacional, el 29,79 % nacional y ambas opciones el 25,95%. Conclusiones: Al relacionar los aspectos económicos, académicos y familiares con el total de la población se encontró que solo el 12% de los estudiantes cumplen la totalidad de estos requisitos y pueden participar de la movilidad estudiantil.

  8. Da Missão Histórico-pedagógica dos Museus


    Magalhães, Justino


    Ao publicar, em 1903, a obra Der moderne Denkmalkultus [o culto moderno dos monumentos] Aloïs Riegl abriu o debate sobre património histórico, distinguindo valor histórico-artístico e valor de rememoração, cujos contornos se revelaram estruturais para um cruzamento interdisciplinar. Deixando de lado os aspectos centrais da preservação e do restauro, áreas em constante inovação, com destaque designadamente para a obra e a acção de Cesare Brandi; tomando como referência, entre outros aspectos, ...

  9. Caracteres estruturais foliares de espécies de Arachis e sua relação com a cercosporiose


    Pablo Rodrigues Sanine; Roberto Antonio Rodella


    A cercosporiose, causada pelo fungo Cercosporidium personatum, é uma doença de grande importância para a cultura do amendoim (Arachis hypogaea). O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar caracteres estruturais do limbo foliar, em dois cultivares e quatro acessos de três espécies de Arachis, procurando relacioná-los com graus de resistência à cercosporiose. Foram amostradas porções do terço médio da região internvervural, do terceiro ou quarto folíolo da segunda folha contada a partir do ápice...



    Alexsandro Bayestorff da Cunha; Jorge Luis Monteiro de Matos


    A madeira sempre foi utilizada estruturalmente na construção civil na forma sólida, com baixo grau de processamento e inovação tecnológica e, muitas vezes, em outros componentes como em pisos, paredes e telhados. Entretanto, a mudança nos padrões adotados envolveu o aperfeiçoamento da tecnologia, bem como a mudança do conceito estético e funcional requerido nas construções. Dessa forma, surgiram as vigas estruturais em madeira como a Madeira Laminada Colada (MLC) e com Perfil em I que apresen...

  11. Rigidez e resistência de vigas estruturais de madeira laminada colada e com perfil I compostas por diferentes adesivos.

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    Alexsandro Bayestorff da Cunha


    Full Text Available A madeira sempre foi utilizada estruturalmente na construção civil na forma sólida, com baixo grau de processamento e inovação tecnológica e, muitas vezes, em outros componentes como em pisos, paredes e telhados. Entretanto, a mudança nos padrões adotados envolveu o aperfeiçoamento da tecnologia, bem como a mudança do conceito estético e funcional requerido nas construções. Dessa forma, surgiram as vigas estruturais em madeira como a Madeira Laminada Colada (MLC e com Perfil em I que apresentam uma série de vantagens como à alta resistência em relação ao seu peso. O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tipo de adesivo sobre a resistência e rigidez de vigas estruturais de Madeira Laminada Colada (MLC e com perfil em I de Pinus taeda. Os adesivos utilizados no experimento foram a Resorcina Fenol Formaldeído (RFF, a Melamina Uréia Formaldeído (MUF e o Poliuretano (PUR. O processo de fabricação das vigas envolveu a classificação das peças, fabricação de emendas, junção, montagem e prensagem. Os ensaios envolveram a avaliação das propriedades estruturais sob flexão como Módulo de Elasticidade (MOE e Ruptura (MOR. Na análise dos valores médios obtidos para as variáveis não foram encontradas diferenças significativas para as vigas de MLC, entretanto, nas vigas com perfil em I, verificouse a superioridade do adesivo PUR no valor médio do MOR. Em relação aos tipos e gramaturas de adesivos utilizados, observou-se que o adesivo RFF necessita de maior quantidade do produto para atender ao mecanismo da adesão, 500 g/m2. Dois parâmetros tornaram o adesivo PUR diferenciado em relação aos demais; o tempo de cura 24 vezes mais rápido, tornando-o mais vantajoso sob o ponto de vista de volume de produção e o tempo em aberto mais curto que requer procedimentos especiais. As vigas de MLC apresentaram valores médio superiores, mas a escolha do modelo de viga deve ser analisada cuidadosamente

  12. Osteossarcoma parosteal: aspectos na radiologia convencional


    Nanci Neto,Francisco; Marchiori,Edson; Vianna,Alberto Domingues; Aymoré,Ierecê Lins; Almeida,Ana Luiza Brito de; Irion,Klaus L.; Collares,Felipe Birchal


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar os achados clínicos mais importantes do osteossarcoma parosteal e descrever os seus aspectos mais comuns na radiologia convencional. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 26 pacientes com osteossarcoma parosteal, provenientes do arquivo do Clube do Osso, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, e análise dos principais achados clínicos e aspectos radiológicos. RESULTADOS: A doença predominou em pacientes do sexo feminino e teve idade média de acometimento na terceira década de vida. Os a...

  13. Hacia lenguajes de metamodelado orientados a aspectos


    Reina Quintero, Antonia María; Torres Valderrama, Jesús; Toro Bonilla, Miguel


    En este artículo se propone la extensión de los lenguajes de metamodelado con constructores de la orientación a aspectos. Tras justificar brevemente el interés que en la actualidad está teniendo el metamodelado, y sentar las bases necesarias para entender la propuesta, se presenta, a través de ejemplos, la necesidad de extender un lenguaje de metamodelado como Kermeta con conceptos introducidos en el ámbito de la orientación a aspectos

  14. Tipologia das regiões de saúde: condicionantes estruturais para a regionalização no Brasil

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    Ana Luiza D´Ávila Viana


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento socioeconômico, a oferta e a complexidade das ações e dos serviços de saúde no contexto regional podem ser considerados condicionantes estruturais para o êxito do atual processo de regionalização da saúde no Brasil. O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar os condicionantes estruturais do processo de regionalização por meio da construção de uma tipologia das regiões de saúde no Brasil. Foi construída tipologia das regiões de saúde brasileiras a partir de fonte de dados secundários disponível. A identificação das dimensões e dos grupos - que compõem a tipologia - foi realizada por meio de análise fatorial e de agrupamentos/clusters. Também foram identificados o tipo de prestador de ações e os serviços predominantes na região tanto para a produção ambulatorial quanto para a internação. As regiões foram classificadas em cinco grupos, de forma independente, de acordo com suas características socioeconômicas e de oferta de serviços de saúde. A caracterização das regiões de saúde brasileiras, a partir da tipologia apresentada, demonstra heterogeneidade do território nacional e a complexidade de organizar sistemas de saúde regionais. A tipologia proposta pode auxiliar na investigação e no melhor entendimento desse cenário contraditório e complexo, apoiando o urgente desenvolvimento de políticas públicas regionais integradas que envolvam, concomitantemente, desenvolvimento econômico e social; e o fortalecimento dos espaços de governança regional, a fim de promover a organização de sistemas de saúde regionais alicerçados nos princípios do SUS e numa gestão compartilhada e solidária que tenha como imagem-objetivo a garantia do direito à saúde.

  15. Variabilidade sazonal no ducto epididimário de codorna doméstica: observações morfológicas Seasonal variability in epididymal duct of the domestic quail: morphologic features

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    Antônio M. Orsi


    Full Text Available O ducto epididimário (DE de codorna doméstica mostrou, ao longo do ano, variabilidade pequena, porém muito expressiva no outono, o qual corresponde à fase quiescente do ciclo testicular anual. A morfologia do DE na primavera foi, em termos, similar à verificada no verão e inverno. Nestas fases notaram-se aumento significante do calibre tubular do DE; estocagem intraluminal de espermatozóides e ocorrência de mitocôndrias, lamelas do RE, vesículas variáveis quanto à forma, dimensões e conteúdos e presença de alguns lisossomos localizados, principalmente, no citoplasma apical das células principais (P, no epitélio epididimário. Estas características ultra-estruturais das células P parecem ser indicativas da ocorrência de processos ativos de endocitose e de secreção micromerócrina. A quiescência outonal foi caracterizada pelo aspecto anfractuoso do DE; ausência de espermatozóides e pouco material intraluminal, observados à microscopia de luz. Características ultra-estruturais degenerativas foram verificadas ao nível do citoplasma supranuclear das células P epididimárias no outono.Small but expressive variability was noted on the epididymidis duct (ED of domestic quail along the year, with more evidence in autumn of the quiescent phase of the annual testis cycle in this species. Spring features of ED had a general similar pattern in summer and winter. They were characterized by enlargement of epididymis tubule, storage of spermatozoa into the luminal compartment and presence of mitochondria, ER lamellae, several variable vesicles, and lysosomes localized mainly on the apical cytoplasm of principal cells (P of the epididymal epithelium. These P cells features indicated a process of endocytosis and perhaps protein secretion. Autumn quiescence was marked by a convolute pattern of the epididymis tubule, lacking of spermatozoa and small amount of exfoliate heterogeneous material inside the luminal compartment at light


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fred Sabins


    The objective of this project is to develop an improved ultra-lightweight cement using ultra-lightweight hollow glass spheres (ULHS). Work reported herein addresses Task 1: Assess Ultra-Lightweight Cementing Issues, Task 2: Review Russian Ultra-Lightweight Cement Literature, Task 3: Test Ultra-Lightweight Cements, and Task 8: Develop Field ULHS Cement Blending and Mixing Techniques. Results reported this quarter include: preliminary findings from a literature review focusing on problems associated with ultra-lightweight cements; summary of pertinent information from Russian ultra-lightweight cement literature review; laboratory tests comparing ULHS slurries to foamed slurries and sodium silicate slurries for two different applications; and initial laboratory studies with ULHS in preparation for a field job

  17. Structural aspects of some hydrobenzofuran neolignans; Aspectos estruturais de algumas neolignanas hidrobenzofuranicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoshida, Massayoshi, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (IQ/USP), SP (Brazil). Inst. de Quimica; Centro de Biotecnologia da Amazonia, Manaus, AM (Brazil)


    The neolignans are defined as dimers of allylphenol and propenylphenol between itself or crossed, whose bond does not occur by the 8-8' carbons like lignans. This review centered on stereochemical aspects of the hydrobenzofuran type, a widespread skeleton among neolignans. The chemical structures established based on spectrometric data are registered in the literature. The absolute configurations reported previously were determined by chiroptical techniques. Some chemical transformations with neolignans, performed in previous studies, afforded products which are accumulated in other vegetal species and contributed to assign the unknown stereochemistry of these natural compounds. Possible biosynthetic pathways are also proposed. (author)

  18. Aspectos biopsicosociales asociados al embarazo adolescente

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    Regina Cogollo Jiménez


    Full Text Available Introducción: El embarazo en la adolescencia, es un evento inesperado, sorpresivo. Este artículo establece la importancia de identificar los aspectos biopsicosociales asociados al embarazo adolescente en las embarazadas asistentes al programa de Control Prenatal de una Empresa Social del Estado de nivel 1 en Montería en 2009, para comprender las actitudes y los comportamientos asociados a esta etapa tan temprana. Materiales y Métodos: Es un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, de corte transversal. Población y muestra: 30 adolescentes embarazadas asistentes al Programa, el muestreo por conveniencia. Se utilizó la encuesta y la observación directa, previa autorización del Director de la empresa. Resultados: Caracterización de la población: predominó la edad de 15 a 19 años (adolescencia tardía, uniones libres, baja escolaridad debido a la deserción escolar, ingreso económico menor al salario mínimo legal vigente. Aspectos Biológicos: la menarquía a temprana edad (9 a 14 años, y en ella la mitad de los embarazos. La mayoría de los segundos embarazos terminaron en parto, la minoría en cesárea y aborto. La captación para los controles prenatales fue tardía, algunas no cumplieron con las citas programadas. Aspectos Psicológicos: inestabilidad con la pareja al enterarse del embarazo, tuvieron soporte familiar moral y económico, abandonaron sus estudios y presentaron malestares como estrés, depresión y tristeza. Aspectos Sociales: predominó la convivencia con la familia extensa. Hubo aceptación en el colegio y en los amigos. Discusión y Conclusiones: Se plantean estrategias para disminuir estos aspectos: elaboración de una cartilla sobre “Cuidado de la adolescente embarazada”, creación de espacios de reflexión, jornadas lúdicas educativas, entre otros. (Rev Cuid 2012; 3(3:385-93.Palabras clave: Embarazo en Adolescencia, Bienestar Materno, Atención Prenatal. (Fuente: De

  19. Do ultra-orphan medicinal products warrant ultra-high prices? A review

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    Picavet E


    Full Text Available Eline Picavet,1 David Cassiman,2 Steven Simoens1 1Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 2Department of Hepatology, University Hospital Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Abstract: Ultra-orphan medicinal products (ultra-OMPs are intended for the treatment, prevention, or diagnosis of ultra-rare diseases, ie, life-threatening or chronically debilitating diseases that affect less than one per 50,000 individuals. Recently, high prices for ultra-OMPs have given rise to debate on the sustainability and justification of these prices. The aim of this article is to review the international scientific literature on the pricing of ultra-OMPs and to provide an overview of the current knowledge on the drivers of ultra-OMP pricing. The pricing process of ultra-OMPs is a complex and nontransparent issue. Evidence in the literature seems to indicate that ultra-OMPs are priced according to rarity and what the manufacturer believes the market will bear. Additionally, there appears to be a trend between the price of an ultra-OMP and the number of available alternatives. Patients, third-party payers, and pharmaceutical companies could benefit from more transparent pricing strategies. With a view to containing health care costs, it is likely that cost-sharing strategies, such as performance-based risk sharing arrangements, will become increasingly more important. However, it is vital that any measures for price control are consistent with the intended goals of the incentives to promote the development of new OMPs. Ideally, a balance must be struck between attaining affordable prices for ultra-OMPs and securing a realistic return on investment for the pharmaceutical industry. Keywords: ultra-orphan medicinal product, ultra-rare disease, pricing

  20. Aspectos gerais do poliestireno


    Montenegro, Ricardo Sá Peixoto; Serfaty, Moysés Elias


    O presente trabalho pretende dar uma visão geral e atualizada do poliestireno, o mais antigo termoplástico fabricado comercialmente no mundo. Apresenta-se uma visão simplificada do cenário mundial, da América do Sul e do Brasil, bem como alguns aspectos das tecnologias de fabricação e ambiental. Bibliografia: p. 136


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    Emerson Galvani


    Full Text Available As pesquisas desenvolvidas na área de climatologia têm sido, voltadas para a escala regional e local. Entretanto, devido à atenção dada, atualmente, aos estudos ambientais e, com isso, à necessidade de estudos em escalas inferiores do clima, com análises mais detalhadas, os estudos microclimáticos acabaram ganhando destaque. Os manguezais que se destacam no Sistema Costeiro Cananéia-Iguape representam comunidades vegetais adaptadas a várias condicionantes físicas atuantes nas zonas costeiras, entre elas, as climáticas. Neste sentido, a vegetação de uma determinada área está relacionada às características físicas, químicas e biológicas do meio em que está inserida. Assim, a presente pesquisa tem como finalidade realizar uma análise fisionômica da vegetação de manguezal, identificando a relação existente entre as principais características físicas do ambiente, com destaque aos aspectos microclimáticos. Ao comparar os dados estruturais da vegetação e relacioná-los com os atributos climáticos, confirmou-se a importância da vegetação como controlador climático, principalmente quando a escala de trabalho é a microclimática.

  2. Caracterização completa da madeira da espécie amazônica Paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum Herb em peças de dimensões estruturais

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    Diego Henrique de Almeida


    Full Text Available A espécie amazônica Paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum Herb apresenta rápidos incrementos em altura e diâmetro em poucos anos de cultivo e desenvolve uma madeira com pequena quantidade de nós e defeitos, característica fundamental na sua utilização para fins estruturais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as propriedades de resistência e rigidez de peças da madeira Paricá em dimensões estruturais, de acordo com a norma ABNT NBR 7190: 2011, bem como realizar a classificação visual das peças para determinação de defeitos como: nós, inclinação de fibras, empenamentos, rachas e fendas. Conclui-se que a madeira de Paricá é classificada como classe C 20 das dicotiledôneas e possui baixa densidade, boa resistência à compressão paralela, grande potencial de utilização na construção civil quando comparada com outras espécies e, em relação à classificação visual, poucos nós, grã direita e poucos empenamentos e distorções.

  3. O home-office e a criatividade

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    Vicente Volnei de Bona Sartor


    Full Text Available Esse artigo apresenta alguns aspectos relacionados com o home-office e a criatividade em um contexto de mudanças estruturais nas carreiras dos profissionais em organizações competitivas e globalizadas. O home-office é uma estratégia muito eficaz para as empresas e para os profissionais, pois torna o modelo organizacional eficaz sobre o ponto de vista da produtividade, constituindo-se em um diferencial competitivo diante das necessidades do mercado atual.


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    Carlito Calil Júnior

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho apresenta algumas recomendações para o uso da madeira em construções rurais, com ênfase para pontes e coberturas. São apresentados sistemas estruturais e construtivos de pontes para pequenos e médios vãos utilizando postes roliços, que são os mais adequados para pontes de estradas vicinais. Uma introdução do sistema estrutural e construtivo de pontes com protensão transversal é também apresentada. As estruturas para cobertura são introduzidas com ênfase à industrialização do sistema construtivo, por ser tendência natural da construção civil, já consagrada no meio internacional; são apresentados, também, os aspectos principais da nova norma NBR7190 (1997 - Projeto de Estruturas de Madeira, relacionados à preservação da madeira para fins estruturais.

  5. Ovários policísticos em meninas e adolescentes normais: uma avaliação ultra-sonográfica


    Teixeira Rosimere J.; Silva Valéria C.G.; Freitas Josele R.; Henriques Jodélia L.M.; Guimarães Marília M.


    Realizamos ultra-sonografia pélvica em tempo real e de alta resolução em 140 meninas com idade entre dois e 18 anos, para descrever a prevalência de ovários policísticos durante o desenvolvimento puberal normal. O volume dos ovários foi calculado e sua estrutura classificada como homogênea, microcística, multicística, policística e folicular. O volume aumentou e a freqüência das classes ovarianas variou de acordo com o status puberal. Os ovários eram de aspecto policístico em 8% (duas meninas...

  6. Aspectos histológicos da pele de cães e gatos como ferramenta para dermatopatologia Histological aspects of canine and feline skin as a tool for dermatopathology

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    Tatiana M. Souza


    Full Text Available A pele não é histologicamente igual nas diferentes espécies animais. Muito do que se sabe sobre a morfologia da pele humana não pode ser aplicado para cães e gatos. Dessa forma, o conhecimento dos aspectos histológicos básicos da pele nas diferentes espécies se faz necessário para todo profissional da área da patologia veterinária. Além disso, o reconhecimento das principais semelhanças e diferenças estruturais da pele em diferentes regiões do corpo desses animais é fundamental para o exercício da dermatopatologia. Este artigo revisa os principais aspectos da anatomia microscópica da pele de cães e gatos, a fim de auxiliar aqueles patologistas veterinários que estão iniciando no campo da dermatopatologia, pois somente com o reconhecimento das características peculiares desse órgão será possível compreender o método de diagnóstico através de padrões de lesão.Skin morphology differs among different animal species and most part of our knowledge on the morphology of human skin can not be applied for dogs and cats. Thus, the understanding of the basic morphologic aspects of the skin from different species is an invaluable tool for every professional in the field of veterinary pathology. Furthermore, the ability to recognize the main similarities and main differences in the skin morphology from different anatomical signs within the same animal is fundamental to the practice dermatopathology. This paper reviews the major aspects of the microscopic anatomy of the skin in dogs and cats, aiming to help those veterinary pathologists that are starting in the field of dermatopathology, since only with the knowledge of the peculiarities of this organ it will be possible to apply the diagnostic approach through lesion patterns.

  7. Causas estruturais e consequências dos regimes internacionais: regimes como variáveis intervenientes

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    Stephen D. Krasner


    Full Text Available Os regimes internacionais são definidos como princípios, normas, regras e procedimentos de tomada de decisões ao redor dos quais as expectativas dos atores convergem em uma dada área-tema. Como ponto de partida, os regimes são conceituados como variáveis intervenientes, estando entre fatores causais básicos e os resultados e comportamentos relacionados. Há três visões a respeito da importância dos regimes: as orientações estruturais convencionais desvalorizam os regimes como sendo, na melhor das hipóteses, ineficazes; as orientações grocianas vêem os regimes como componentes íntimos do sistema internacional; as perspectivas estruturalistas modificadas vêem os regimes como significativos somente em certas condições restritas. Para os argumentos grociano e estruturalista modificado - que concordam com a visão de que os regimes podem influenciar resultados e comportamentos - , o desenvolvimento de regimes é visto como uma função de cinco variáveis causais básicas: auto-interesse egoísta; poder político; normas e princípios difusos; usos e costumes; conhecimento.

  8. Metodologia da pesquisa em psicolinguística: desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para a geração automática de pseudoverbos = Research methods in psycholinguistics: developing a tool for the automatic generation of pseudo-verbs

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    Mota, Mailce Borges


    Full Text Available O uso de pseudopalavras tem beneficiado estudos psicolinguísticos dedicados à aquisição e processamento da linguagem em seus diversos aspectos, incluindo o processamento da leitura e escrita. No entanto, em uma grande parte dos estudos que fazem uso de pseudopalavras, a combinação de fonemas em uma sequência geralmente é realizada com base na intuição dos pesquisadores, sem levar em conta as ocorrências estruturais mais frequentes na língua. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de procedimentos que possam auxiliar pesquisas que utilizam pseudopalavras em seus designs. Neste artigo, apresentamos uma ferramenta computacional desenvolvida com o objetivo específico de gerar pseudoverbos. O processo de criação da ferramenta envolveu a análise dos padrões estruturais dos 500 verbos mais frequentes do português do Brasil, empregando técnicas do PLN e mineração de dados para coletar e extrair padrões. O presente estudo contou com uma abordagem não supervisionada de aprendizado de máquina, uma vez que utilizou um algorítmo de agrupamento de dados (cluster para extração dos padrões estruturais dos verbos

  9. Sun Ultra 5

    CERN Multimedia


    The Sun Ultra 5 is a 64-bit personal computer based on the UltraSPARC microprocessor line at a low price. The Ultra 5 has been declined in several variants: thus, some models have a processor with less cache memory to further decrease the price of the computer.

  10. Conversão do metanol em olefinas catalisada por zeólitas com diferentes características ácidas e estruturais


    Flávia Figueiredo Almaraz


    A reação de transformação de metanol em olefinas leves foi investigada sobre as peneiras moleculares HZSM-5, HFER, SAPO-34 e HMCM-22. A caracterização físico-química das amostras foi realizada através das técnicas de FRX, DRX, fisissorção de nitrogênio, MEV, espectrometria no IV com adsorção de piridina e TPD de NH3. O desempenho catalítico das mesmas foi comparado em condições de isoconversão inicial de 755%. Verificou-se que as características ácidas e estruturais exerceram forte influência...

  11. Aspectos morfológicos da ultra-sonografia hepática de ovinos Morphologic aspects of hepatic ultrasonography in sheep

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    Pedro B. Néspoli


    Full Text Available A ultra-sonografia (US é uma das técnicas de exame complementar eletivas para o diagnóstico de enfermidades hepáticas de diversas espécies domésticas. Em ovinos, no entanto, existem poucos relatos sobre o aspecto ultra-sonográfico de enfermidades hepáticas e não há definição precisa dos padrões anatômicos da US normal do fígado. Neste estudo foram utilizados 58 ovinos da raça Santa Inês: n1=8 machos, n2=10 fêmeas não gestantes e n3=40 fêmeas gestantes. Os animais foram escaneados do 12º ao 8º espaços intercostais (EI para se observar a localização da veia cava caudal (VC, veia porta (VP e vesícula biliar (VB e para se aferir a espessura do fígado sobre a VC e VP no 11º e 10º EI. O fígado foi examinado de forma satisfatória do 12º até o 8º EI. Nesta área, tanto a VC como a VP, foram observadas do 12º ao 9º EI, porém a VC não foi examinada de forma adequada em 11 animais, 10 com peso acima de 50kg. Entre os dois grupos de fêmeas, a VC e a VP foram observadas com maior freqüência no 11º e 10º EI e em todos os machos examinados do 12º ao 10º EI. A localização da vesícula biliar oscilou entre o 10º e o 8º EI, com maior incidência a nível do 9º e 8º EI nas fêmeas gestantes e não gestantes, e sobre o 9º EI nos machos. Comparativamente, a ecogenicidade do parênquima hepático foi mais intensa do que a do córtex renal. Houve correlação significativa entre o peso do fígado e a espessura hepática sobre a veia porta no 11º e o 10º EI no grupo de fêmeas gestantes. A US forneceu informações importantes quanto a topografia e ecogenicidade do fígado e mostrou ser uma ferramenta útil para estimar o peso do órgão.The ultrasonography (US is a complementary technique of choice for the diagnostic of hepatic diseases in many domestics' species. In sheep however there are few reports about ultrasonography in hepatic diseases and there is not precise definition about the anatomic standards of

  12. Aspectos estruturais da membrana eritrocitária Structural aspects of the erythrocyte membrane

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    Priscila Murador


    Full Text Available Este artigo descreve as estruturas e funções da membrana eritrocitária e sua importância na medicina transfusional. A membrana eritrocitária é uma das membranas mais conhecidas em termos de estrutura, função e genética. Como qualquer membrana plasmática, tem como função mediar transportes e, ainda, fornece ao eritrócito resistência e maleabilidade. De acordo com a International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT, são mais de 500 antígenos expressos na membrana das hemácias e, destes, cerca de 270 estão envolvidos nos casos de reação transfusional e doença hemolítica do feto e do recém-nascido. Na classificação feita pela ISBT, destaca-se a série de alta freqüência representada por antígenos presentes em mais de 99% dos indivíduos de uma população. Estes antígenos são conhecidos também como antígenos públicos e a maioria, quando ausente, determina problemas graves do ponto de vista transfusional. Como exemplo dessa problemática, uma gestante com ausência do antígeno P já sofreu seis abortos de repetição por insuficiência placentária devido ao anticorpo formado pela ausência do antígeno. Proteínas importantes são descritas nesta revisão como: banda 3, glicoforinas, espectrina e outras. A banda 3 é a mais abundante proteína integral da membrana do eritrócito e sua principal função é mediar a troca de cloro e ânions de bicarbonato através da membrana plasmática. A segunda proteína integral mais abundante é a sialoglicoproteína glicoforina A (GPA. Com um alto conteúdo de ácido siálico, a GPA contribui com a rede de carga negativa na superfície da membrana do eritrócito, minimizando, assim, a interação célula-célula e prevenindo sua agregação. Glicoforina C (GPC é o receptor para PfEBP-2 (baebl, EBA-140, o mais novo local de ligação identificado para o Plasmodium falciparum.O complexo terciário - espectrina, actina e 4.1R - define a rede de citoesqueleto da membrana do eritrócito e é ainda responsável pela estabilidade sob mecanismos de estresse. Essa revisão da membrana eritrocitária é importante para um melhor entendimento das reações transfusionais, onde a formação de anticorpos contra antígenos de alta freqüência dificulta a transfusão compatível. O estudo da diversidade antigênica, a caracterização bioquímica de diferentes proteínas trará uma contribuição para o estabelecimento da saúde, assim como para o diagnóstico, desenvolvimento de tecnologias, como a produção de anticorpos monoclonais e conduta terapêutica para muitas enfermidades.This article describes the structures and functions of the erythrocyte membrane and its importance in transfusional medicine. The erythrocyte membrane is one of the best known membranes in terms of structure, function and genetic disorders. As any other plasma membrane, it mediates transport functions. It also provides the erythrocytes with their resilience and deformability. According to the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT, more than 500 antigens are expressed in the erythrocyte membrane, and around 270 are involved in transfusion reaction cases and hemolytic diseases of the fetus and newborn. In the ISBT classification, the high frequency series is represented by antigens in more than 99% of population (high prevalence antigen. In transfusion, the absence of these antigens determines severe problems as for example, one woman without the P antigen suffered 6 repetitive miscarriages due to placental insufficiency, which was caused by an antibody formed against the absent P antigen. Some important erythrocyte membrane proteins are described here including Band 3, Glycophorins and spectrin. The most abundant integral membrane protein is Band 3 and its main function is to mediate exchange of chloride and bicarbonate anions across the plasma membrane. The second most abundant integral membrane protein in the human erythrocyte is sialoglycoprotein glycophorin A (GPA. With its high sialic acid content, GPA is the main contributor to the net negative cell-surface charge and is thus critical for minimizing cell-cell interactions and preventing red cell aggregation. Glycophorin C (GPC is the receptor for PfEBP-2 (baebl, EBA-140, the newly identified erythrocyte binding ligand of Plasmodium falciparum. The ternary complex of spectrin, actin and 4.1R defines the nodes of the erythrocyte membrane skeletal network, and is inseparable from membrane stability when under mechanical stress. This erythrocyte membrane review is important for a better understanding of transfusion reactions, where the antibody formation against high prevalence antigens makes compatible transfusions difficult. The study of antigen diversity and biochemical characterization of different proteins will contribute to healthcare, as well as diagnosis, development of technology such as monoclonal antibody production and the therapeutic conduct of many diseases.

  13. Análise sociométrica da rede de relacionamento das bibliotecas que constituem o Consórcio das Universidades Federais do Sul-Sudeste de Minas Gerais

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    Nivaldo Oliveira

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a estrutura da rede de relacionamentos das Bibliotecas que constituem o Consórcio das Universidades Federais do Sul-Sudeste de Minas Gerais e verificar quais instituições se mostram mais centrais na estrutura de relacionamentos. Para isto, foi adotada a metodologia de estudo de caso, considerando abordagens qualitativas (aspectos relacionais e quantitativas (indicadores estruturais, com auxílio dos softwares Ucinet® e Netdraw®, para a elaboração das matrizes sociométricas, proporcionando análises de centralidade de cada ator na rede, a presença de laços fracos/fortes e a existência de buracos estruturais na rede. Como resultado de pesquisa, foi evidenciada grande centralidade da UFJF e UFV, o que representa uma posição favorável para a busca e trocas de informações com melhores condições para gerar inovação na rede.

  14. Evolução das lesões histológicas e ultra-estruturais no fígado de ovinos e bovinos experimentalmente intoxicados por Myoporum laetum


    Bonel-Raposo Josiane; Driemeier David; Barros Severo Sales; Gevehr-Fernandes Cristina


    Amostras de Myoporum laetum foram colhidas durante a primavera e verão e administradas a cinco ovinos e seis bovinos em doses únicas de 20 e 30 g/kg. Biópsias hepáticas foram colhidas antes (controles) e 1, 3 e 7 dias após a dosagem da planta. Estas biópsias foram analisadas histológica e ultra-estruturalmente. Os sinais clínicos, em ovinos, caracterizaram-se, especialmente, por depressão, diminuição dos movimentos ruminais, fezes ressequidas, tenesmo, ranger de dentes, dispnéia e lesões típi...

  15. Entrevista continuada na clínica de linguagem infantil

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    Ana Paula Ramos de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar as demandas mais comuns nas entrevistas continuadas entre Fonoaudióloga e os pais de duas meninas com retardo de aquisição da linguagem. MÉTODO: foram gravadas as entrevistas com os pais e filmadas as interações mãe-filhas. Posteriormente, esses dados foram transcritos e analisados. RESULTADOS: as demandas foram de orientação dos aspectos instrumentais, escuta de aspectos estruturais e da dinâmica familiar. CONCLUSÕES: verificou-se a importância dessas entrevistas e o quanto questões da dinâmica do casal interferiam no desenvolvimento das filhas. Houve evolução na terapêutica e nas interações a partir das entrevistas e encaminhamento dos pais à terapia de casal.

  16. Fratura tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar: correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada

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    Matheus Luís da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar e fazer a correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 72 pacientes com fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar. O estreitamento do canal vertebral, o colapso vertebral e a cifose local foram avaliados em três segmentos distintos: torácico, transição toracolombar e lombar. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatística significativa (p < 0,05 dos valores do estreitamento do canal vertebral e cifose local nos diferentes segmentos da coluna vertebral avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: As fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar, embora apresentem características semelhantes, independentemente do local de ocorrência, sofrem influência direta do segmento biomecânico sagital no que diz respeito às alterações estruturais que ocorrem na vértebra fraturada.

  17. Presentación del Libro, “Epilepsia. Aspectos Clínicos y Psicosociales”.

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    Carlos Medina Malo


    aspectos biológicos. Es excelente porque muestra el equipo que reunió el Dr. Medina, a los integrantes de la Liga contra la Epilepsia, que se ve reflejada en ese aspecto biopsicosocial de la persona con epilepsia.

  18. Módulo de elasticidade em vigas de madeira de dimensões estruturais pelo método dos mínimos quadrados

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    André Luis Christoforo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia alternativa de cálculo fundamentada no Método dos Mínimos Quadrados para a obtenção do módulo de elasticidade na flexão de vigas de madeira com dimensões estruturais. As equações desenvolvidas requerem o conhecimento de um ou cinco pontos de deslocamentos medidos ao longo do comprimento das peças. Esse método permite maior precisão sobre a variável resposta e tem como base o ensaio de flexão estática a três pontos. A metodologia proposta foi empregada em concordância com as recomendações da norma Brasileira NBR 7190:1997, adaptada para peças de dimensões estruturais. Os ensaios mecânicos foram realizados em sete peças de madeira Corymbia citriodora com 540cm de comprimento, 15cm de altura e 5cm de largura. Em testes preliminares determinou-se o valor da força responsável por provocar um deslocamento vertical no meio do vão de L/200, sendo L a distância entre os apoios das vigas. A força obtida foi dividida em sete incrementos iguais (39,60N, fornecendo sete valores de deslocamento distintos. Os resultados de ambas as metodologias mostraram-se convergentes à medida que os deslocamentos se aproximaram da razão L/200, validando o uso desta relação. Os resultados do intervalo de confiança entre médias indicaram equivalência estatística entre os módulos de elasticidade por ambas as formas de cálculo e para os sete incrementos de deslocamentos. Em razão da possível presença de defeitos e da heterogeneidade da madeira, os resultados obtidos não devem ser extrapolados para outras madeiras de mesma ou de espécies diferentes, justificando o uso da presente metodologia de cálculo em cada pesquisa desenvolvida.

  19. Economia de combustíveis e tecnologia de fogueiras em sítios Proto-Jê do Sul


    de Azevedo, Leonardo Waisman; Scheel-Ybert, Rita


    O estudo de fogueiras de quatro sítios Proto-Jê do Sul da região de Pinhal da Serra (RS) permitiu compreender questões relacionadas à economia de combustíveis e à tecnologia de fogueiras dessa sociedade. As fogueiras foram analisadas a partir de uma perspectiva qualitativa, considerando suas características estruturais e contextuais; os combustíveis foram analisados a partir de uma metodologia antracológica. Foi possível reconhecer aspectos recorrentes relativos às práticas de aquisição e uso...

  20. Designable ultra-smooth ultra-thin solid-electrolyte interphases of three alkali metal anodes. (United States)

    Gu, Yu; Wang, Wei-Wei; Li, Yi-Juan; Wu, Qi-Hui; Tang, Shuai; Yan, Jia-Wei; Zheng, Ming-Sen; Wu, De-Yin; Fan, Chun-Hai; Hu, Wei-Qiang; Chen, Zhao-Bin; Fang, Yuan; Zhang, Qing-Hong; Dong, Quan-Feng; Mao, Bing-Wei


    Dendrite growth of alkali metal anodes limited their lifetime for charge/discharge cycling. Here, we report near-perfect anodes of lithium, sodium, and potassium metals achieved by electrochemical polishing, which removes microscopic defects and creates ultra-smooth ultra-thin solid-electrolyte interphase layers at metal surfaces for providing a homogeneous environment. Precise characterizations by AFM force probing with corroborative in-depth XPS profile analysis reveal that the ultra-smooth ultra-thin solid-electrolyte interphase can be designed to have alternating inorganic-rich and organic-rich/mixed multi-layered structure, which offers mechanical property of coupled rigidity and elasticity. The polished metal anodes exhibit significantly enhanced cycling stability, specifically the lithium anodes can cycle for over 200 times at a real current density of 2 mA cm -2 with 100% depth of discharge. Our work illustrates that an ultra-smooth ultra-thin solid-electrolyte interphase may be robust enough to suppress dendrite growth and thus serve as an initial layer for further improved protection of alkali metal anodes.

  1. Aspectos psicosociales en universitarias embarazadas


    Estupiñán-Aponte, María R.; Rodríguez-Barreto, Lucía


    Objetivo Determinar los aspectos psicosociales relacionados con el embarazo en estudiantes universitarias.Metodología A partir de la revisión de archivos y el muestreo intencional, se seleccionaron 68 estudiantes que tuvieron un embarazo adolescente. Mediante relatos de vida y entrevistas en profundidad se analizan las implicaciones del embarazo en la condición personal, familiar y académica.Resultados Durante el primer trimestre de embarazo, se generan crisis y ajustes en la estructura famil...

  2. Mastite granulomatosa idiopática: aspectos clínicos, radiológicos e ultra-sonográficos Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis: clinical, mammography and ultrasound findings

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    Cristina Caetano Stefanon


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é descrever as características clínicas, mamográficas e ultra-sonográficas de três casos de mastite granulomatosa idiopática. Esta afecção pode simular câncer de mama nos exames clínico e mamográfico, porém os achados ultra-sonográficos de múltiplas imagens tubulares hipoecóicas, contíguas e confluentes em mulheres jovens com história de lactação recente sugerem o diagnóstico de mastite granulomatosa idiopática.The aim of this study is to describe the clinical, mammography and ultrasound findings of three cases of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. This disease can mimic breast carcinoma on clinical and mammographic examinations. However, ultrasound examinations showing multiple clustered and often contiguous tubular hypoechoic lesions in young women with history of recent lactation suggest the diagnosis of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis.

  3. Morphogenetic and structural characteristics of xaraés palisadegrass subjected to grazing intensitiesCaracterísticas morfogênicas e estruturais do capim-xaraés submetido a intesidades de pastejo

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    Leandro Galzerano


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of residual leaf area index (rLAI, years of evaluation and grazing cycles on the morphogenetic and structural characteristics of xaraés palisadegrass subjected to grazing intensities in two summers (years of evaluation. The experiment was carried out at the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” - UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil and the intensities of grazing were defined by four rLAI: 0.8, 1.3, 1.8 and 2.3. When the canopy intercepted 95% of incident light, the animals were placed on the pasture for grazing and kept until the rLAI target has been reached. Pastures were grazed by non-lactating Holstein cows (Bos Taurus Taurus L., using the technique of mob-stocking. The morphogenetic and structural characteristics of xaraés palisadegrass respond effectively to weather conditions. There is variability in morphogenetic and structural characteristics in response to years and grazing cycles within years. O objetivo com este trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de índices de área foliar residual (IAFr, anos de avaliação e ciclos de pastejo sobre as características morfogênicas e estruturais do capim-xaraés sob pastejo, em dois verões agrostológicos (anos de avaliação. O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” - UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil e as intensidades de pastejos foram definidas por quatro IAFr: 0,8; 1,3; 1,8 e 2,3. Quando o dossel interceptou 95% da luz incidente, os animais foram colocados no piquete para o pastejo e permaneceram até que o IAFr alvo foi alcançado. Os pastejos foram realizados por vacas da raça Holandesa (Bos taurus taurus L. não lactantes, utilizando-se a técnica de mob-stocking. As características morfogênicas e estruturais do capim-xaraés respondem de forma efetiva as mudanças nas condições climáticas. Observa-se variabilidade nas caracter

  4. Physiology and Pathophysiology in Ultra-Marathon Running

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    Beat Knechtle


    Full Text Available In this overview, we summarize the findings of the literature with regards to physiology and pathophysiology of ultra-marathon running. The number of ultra-marathon races and the number of official finishers considerably increased in the last decades especially due to the increased number of female and age-group runners. A typical ultra-marathoner is male, married, well-educated, and ~45 years old. Female ultra-marathoners account for ~20% of the total number of finishers. Ultra-marathoners are older and have a larger weekly training volume, but run more slowly during training compared to marathoners. Previous experience (e.g., number of finishes in ultra-marathon races and personal best marathon time is the most important predictor variable for a successful ultra-marathon performance followed by specific anthropometric (e.g., low body mass index, BMI, and low body fat and training (e.g., high volume and running speed during training characteristics. Women are slower than men, but the sex difference in performance decreased in recent years to ~10–20% depending upon the length of the ultra-marathon. The fastest ultra-marathon race times are generally achieved at the age of 35–45 years or older for both women and men, and the age of peak performance increases with increasing race distance or duration. An ultra-marathon leads to an energy deficit resulting in a reduction of both body fat and skeletal muscle mass. An ultra-marathon in combination with other risk factors, such as extreme weather conditions (either heat or cold or the country where the race is held, can lead to exercise-associated hyponatremia. An ultra-marathon can also lead to changes in biomarkers indicating a pathological process in specific organs or organ systems such as skeletal muscles, heart, liver, kidney, immune and endocrine system. These changes are usually temporary, depending on intensity and duration of the performance, and usually normalize after the race. In

  5. Aspectos subjetivos relacionados con la violencia intrafamiliar. Caso municipio de Sabaneta Antioquia

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    Naidalis Yadira Martínez


    Full Text Available El artículo identifica las interacciones en aspectos familiares y subjetivos. En el artículo se desarrollan los aspectos subjetivos de las dinámicas familiares que justifican el uso y la implementación de la violencia intrafamiliar, se da cuenta de la naturalización de la violencia intrafamiliar en la interacción de los grupos familiares, convirtiéndola en un elemento de la relación que se establece entre los miembros de la familia. En el análisis realizado se identifican aspectos coyunturales asociados a situaciones que se vivieron en la dinámica de la familia de origen, pero que al momento han sido pocas las condiciones que permiten la modi- ficación de estas conductas ya que las familias han asumido estas expresiones de violencia intrafamiliar como parte de sus vidas.

  6. Exploración de repositorios de software y análisis de potenciales extensiones a aspectos

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    Graciela Beatriz Vidal


    Full Text Available Tanto el Desarrollo basado en Componentes como el Desarrollo de Software orientado a Aspectos son enfoque propuestos para abordar diversos problemas que surgen en el proceso de desarrollo de aplicaciones. Ambos enfoques tienen como objetivo el reuso de software, ante esta situación surge la necesidad de que componentes y aspectos compartan un espacio común en el cual puedan ser publicados, recuperados y reutilizados. Los repositorios actuales parecen no proveer aspectos de manera explícita, en ocasiones los aspectos son utilizados para especificar el componente, pero no son reusables. La tarea de publicar y recuperar componentes es muy compleja, existen diversos métodos de publicación y recuperación a tal fin. En este trabajo se exploraron diferentes repositorios analizando criterios al igual que se exponen los métodos de publicación y recuperación con el fin de determinar si es posible la adaptación o extensión de los repositorios a aspectos.

  7. Análise de sistema de contraventamento híbrido aço/concreto para edifícios de múltiplos andares


    Alexandre Luiz Vasconcellos


    Resumo: Sistemas mistos e híbridos aço/concreto tem sido objeto de diversos estudos pela comunidade científica. Estruturas de aço e de concreto armado tem vantagens que podem ser maximizadas e desvantagens que podem ser minimizadas por meio da associação de ambos, não apenas em termos estruturais, mas também nos aspectos construtivos, funcionais e estéticos. O resultado da eficácia dessa associação é um número crescente de edifícios de múltiplos andares com estruturas híbridas, principalmente...

  8. Da partilha do sensível no Brasil: uma leitura de \\'A hora e a vez de Augusto Matraga\\' e \\'Buriti\\'


    Thaís Travassos


    Este trabalho propõe uma leitura dos aspectos estruturais de narração, construção de personagens e enredo a partir de uma perspectiva que os considera como dados essenciais para aquilo que Rancière (2004) chamou de política da literatura. Os textos escolhidos, A hora e a vez de Augusto Matraga, de Sagarana, e Buriti, de Corpo de baile, foram considerados dentro de uma tradição brasileira da fala sobre um outro cultural, presente desde os românticos até os modernos. Tentou-se compreender como ...

  9. Inequalities in educational opportunities of adolescents in Brazil and Mexico


    Marteleto, Letícia J.; Carvalhaes, Flavio; Hubert, Celia


    O objetivo desse artigo é examinar tendências recentes da estratificação educacional para adolescentes do Brasil e México em três períodos distintos: a década de 1980, de severa recessão; os anos 1990, um período de ajustes estruturais; e os anos 2000, década de crescimento. Além de matrículas escolares e probabilidades de transições educacionais, é examinada também a matrícula em escolas particulares, um aspecto importante da desigualdade educacional pouco abordado em estudos sobre o tema. F...

  10. organizado pelo Ibracon

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    Nivaldo Venâncio da Silva


    Full Text Available Concursos podem proporcionar vivência prática em problemas de caráter técnico, como a idealização de uma forma adequada para a construção de um pórtico em concreto armado, considerando-se os aspectos estruturais e a formulação dos materiais constituintes, tais como cimento, agregados, fibras, aditivos e aço. Este trabalho deve basear-se tanto em informações adquiridas durante o curso de graduação quanto em técnicas modernas e apropriadas para a aplicação no projeto.



    Fabrício Antonio Lopes; Danielle Piuzana Mucida; Valdiney Amaral Leite; Alcione Rodrigues Milagres


    O estudo do padrão de drenagem da porção cimeira da bacia hidrográfica do Jequitinhonha foi realizado neste trabalho tendo como objetivos: a) Correlacionar as direções dos canais fluviais e respectivas ordens hierárquicas às estruturas geológicas regionais; b) Verificar o grau de influência dos aspectos litológicos e estruturais no padrão de drenagem da bacia e; c) Identificar estruturas que atuam como níveis de base locais em perfis longitudinais. Foram empregadas análises quantitativas de t...

  12. Criminalidade violenta e fragmentação urbana na Grande Vitória

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    Cláudio Zanotelli


    Full Text Available Esse texto trata da análise e representa-ção de índices dos homicídios nos bairros das municipalidades da Aglomeração de Vitória no Espírito Santo. Partimos do pressuposto que os índices dos homicí-dios são mais elevados em alguns bairros com certo grau de segregação sócio-espacial. Configura-se assim uma organização espacial dos homicídios fundada na desigualdade sócio-econômica e em certos aspectos estruturais e conjunturais dessas zonas urbanas.

  13. Diferenciação de espécies daninhas aquáticas pela análise multivariada de caracteres estruturais foliares Differentiation of aquatic weeds by multivariate analysis of foliar structural characters

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    N.V. Costa


    Full Text Available Algumas espécies de plantas aquáticas têm-se tornado problemáticas em reservatórios hidrelétricos no Brasil, devido a sua grande capacidade de reprodução. O objetivo destes trabalho foi diferenciar Brachiaria mutica, Brachiaria subquadripara, Panicum repens, Eichhornia crassipes, Heteranthera reniformis, Typha ubulata e Enhydra anagallis, utilizando-se 19 caracteres estruturais quantitativos do limbo foliar, que se relacionassem com a penetração e translocação de herbicidas. Amostras do terço médio do limbo foram fixadas em FAA 50, cortadas transversalmente em micrótomo com 8 mm de espessura e coradas com azul-de-toluidina. Foram quantificados (% os seguintes caracteres estruturais da nervura central (NC e da região internervural (IN: epidermes adaxial e abaxial, feixe vascular, bainha do feixe vascular, esclerênquima, parênquima e lacunas do aerênquima, além da espessura da folha, do número de estômatos e do número de tricomas nas faces adaxial e abaxial. Os 19 caracteres estruturais foram submetidos à Análise de Agrupamento e Análise de Componentes Principais. Houve a formação de três grupos principais: grupo 1 B. mutica, B. subquadripara e P. repens (Poaceae; grupo 2 E. crassipes e H. reniformis (Pontederiaceae e E. anagallis (Asteraceae; e grupo 3 apenas T. subulata (Typhaceae. Os caracteres com maior poder discriminatório foram: porcentagem de epiderme adaxial (IN; porcentagem de epiderme abaxial; feixe vascular; bainha do feixe vascular; esclerênquima e lacunas do aerênquima (NC e IN; espessura da folha e número de estômatos das faces adaxial e abaxial. Concluiu-se que os caracteres estruturais quantitativos permitiram diferenciar essas espécies daninhas aquáticas em fase vegetativa.Some aquatic plant species have caused great damage to hydroelectric power dams in Brazil, due to their great capacity of reproduction. Nineteen quantitative structural characters of leaf blades were used to differentiate

  14. Ultra-high temperature direct propulsion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araj, K.J.; Slovik, G.; Powell, J.R.; Ludewig, H.


    Potential advantages of ultra-high exhaust temperature (3000 K - 4000 K) direct propulsion nuclear rockets are explored. Modifications to the Particle Bed Reactor (PBR) to achieve these temperatures are described. Benefits of ultra-high temperature propulsion are discussed for two missions - orbit transfer (ΔV = 5546 m/s) and interplanetary exploration (ΔV = 20000 m/s). For such missions ultra-high temperatures appear to be worth the additional complexity. Thrust levels are reduced substantially for a given power level, due to the higher enthalpy caused by partial disassociation of the hydrogen propellant. Though technically challenging, it appears potentially feasible to achieve such ultra high temperatures using the PBR


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fred Sabins


    The objective of this project is to develop an improved ultra-lightweight cement using ultra-lightweight hollow glass spheres (ULHS). Work reported herein addresses tasks performed in the fourth quarter as well as the other three quarters of the past year. The subjects that were covered in previous reports and that are also discussed in this report include: Analysis of field laboratory data of active cement applications from three oil-well service companies; Preliminary findings from a literature review focusing on problems associated with ultra-lightweight cements; Summary of pertinent information from Russian ultra-lightweight cement literature review; and Comparison of compressive strengths of ULHS systems using ultrasonic and crush methods Results reported from the fourth quarter include laboratory testing of ULHS systems along with other lightweight cement systems--foamed and sodium silicate slurries. These comparison studies were completed for two different densities (10.0 and 11.5 lb/gal) and three different field application scenarios. Additional testing included the mechanical properties of ULHS systems and other lightweight systems. Studies were also performed to examine the effect that circulation by centrifugal pump during mixing has on breakage of ULHS.

  16. O exercício físico e os aspectos psicobiológicos El ejercicio físico y los aspectos psicobiológicos Physical exercise and the psychobiological aspects

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    Marco Túlio de Mello


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta revisão é trazer parte dos estudos sobre um assunto pouco explorado: a relação entre o exercício físico e os aspectos psicobiológicos. A importância da compreensão desses aspectos e como eles afetam a qualidade de vida do ser humano é o que estimula as pesquisas sobre esse assunto. A literatura destaca que a prática regular de exercício físico traz resultados positivos não somente ao sono e aos seus possíveis distúrbios, mas também aos aspectos psicológicos e aos transtornos de humor, como a ansiedade e a depressão, e aos aspectos cognitivos, como a memória e a aprendizagem. Contudo, há indivíduos que se envolvem na prática de exercícios físicos com tal intensidade e/ou freqüência ou, ainda, fazem uso de drogas ilícitas que podem trazer prejuízos à saúde, como, por exemplo, o dependente de exercício físico e o usuário de esteróides anabolizantes. O exercício físico provoca alterações fisiológicas, bioquímicas e psicológicas, portanto, pode ser considerado uma intervenção não-medicamentosa para o tratamento de distúrbios relacionados aos aspectos psicobiológicos.El objetivo de esta revisión es trazer parte de los estudios sobre un asunto poco explorado: la relación ejercicio físico y los aspectos psicobiológicos. La importancia de la comprensión de estos aspectos y como ellos afectan la calidad de vida del ser humano és lo que estimula las pesquisas sobre este asunto. La literatura destaca que la práctica regular del ejercicio físico trae resultados positivos no solamente al sueño y a los posibles distúrbios, más también a los aspectos psicológicos y los trastornos del humor, como la ansiedad y la depresión, y los aspectos cognitivos, como la memoria y el aprendizaje. Con todo hay individuos que se envuelven en la práctica de ejercícios físicos con tal intensidad y / o frecuencia o, donde, hacen usos de drogas ilícitas que pueden traer perjuicios a la salud, como

  17. Consumers' conceptualization of ultra-processed foods. (United States)

    Ares, Gastón; Vidal, Leticia; Allegue, Gimena; Giménez, Ana; Bandeira, Elisa; Moratorio, Ximena; Molina, Verónika; Curutchet, María Rosa


    Consumption of ultra-processed foods has been associated with low diet quality, obesity and other non-communicable diseases. This situation makes it necessary to develop educational campaigns to discourage consumers from substituting meals based on unprocessed or minimally processed foods by ultra-processed foods. In this context, the aim of the present work was to investigate how consumers conceptualize the term ultra-processed foods and to evaluate if the foods they perceive as ultra-processed are in concordance with the products included in the NOVA classification system. An online study was carried out with 2381 participants. They were asked to explain what they understood by ultra-processed foods and to list foods that can be considered ultra-processed. Responses were analysed using inductive coding. The great majority of the participants was able to provide an explanation of what ultra-processed foods are, which was similar to the definition described in the literature. Most of the participants described ultra-processed foods as highly processed products that usually contain additives and other artificial ingredients, stressing that they have low nutritional quality and are unhealthful. The most relevant products for consumers' conceptualization of the term were in agreement with the NOVA classification system and included processed meats, soft drinks, snacks, burgers, powdered and packaged soups and noodles. However, some of the participants perceived processed foods, culinary ingredients and even some minimally processed foods as ultra-processed. This suggests that in order to accurately convey their message, educational campaigns aimed at discouraging consumers from consuming ultra-processed foods should include a clear definition of the term and describe some of their specific characteristics, such as the type of ingredients included in their formulation and their nutritional composition. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Sex Difference in Draft-Legal Ultra-Distance Events - A Comparison between Ultra-Swimming and Ultra-Cycling. (United States)

    Salihu, Lejla; Rüst, Christoph Alexander; Rosemann, Thomas; Knechtle, Beat


    Recent studies reported that the sex difference in performance in ultra-endurance sports such as swimming and cycling changed over the years. However, the aspect of drafting in draft-legal ultra-endurance races has not yet been investigated. This study investigates the sex difference in ultra-swimming and ultra-cycling draft-legal races where drafting - swimming or cycling behind other participants to save energy and have more power at the end of the race to overtake them, is allowed. The change in performance of the annual best and the annual three best in an ultra-endurance swimming race (16-km 'Faros Swim Marathon') over 38 years and in a 24-h ultra-cycling race ('World Cycling Race') over 13 years were compared and analysed with respect to sex difference. Furthermore, performances of the fastest female and male finishers ever were compared. In the swimming event, the sex difference of the annual best male and female decreased non-significantly (P = 0.262) from 5.3% (1976) to 1.0% (2013). The sex gap of speed in the annual three fastest swimmers decreased significantly (P = 0.043) from 5.9 ± 1.6% (1979) to 4.7 ± 3.1% (2013). In the cycling event, the difference in cycling speed between the annual best male and female decreased significantly (P = 0.026) from 33.31% (1999) to 10.89% (2011). The sex gap of speed in the annual three fastest decreased significantly (P = 0.001) from 32.9 ± 0.6% (1999) to 16.4 ± 5.9% (2011). The fastest male swimmer ever (swimming speed 5.3 km/h, race time: 03:01:55 h:min:s) was 1.5% faster than the fastest female swimmer (swimming speed 5.2 km/h, race time: 03:04:09 h:min:s). The three fastest male swimmers ever (mean 5.27 ± 0.13 km/h) were 4.4% faster than the three fastest female swimmers (mean 5.05 ± 0.20 km/h) (P swimming and cycling, the sex difference in the annual top and annual top three swimmers and cyclists decreased (i.e. non-linearly in swimmers and linearly in cyclists) over the years. The sex difference of the

  19. Criptococose pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada

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    Silva Ana Carina Gamboa da


    Full Text Available A criptococose pulmonar é uma doença causada pelo Criptococcus neoformans, um fungo unimórfico que possui distribuição mundial, existindo na mesma forma tanto no seu habitat natural quanto em animais e humanos. A doença possui apresentações clínica e patológica variáveis e pode manifestar-se tanto em pacientes com a imunidade normal como em imunocomprometidos, que representam a maioria dos casos. Neste trabalho são analisados os aspectos encontrados nas tomografias computadorizadas do tórax de 14 pacientes com criptococose pulmonar confirmada. Os achados mais freqüentes na tomografia do tórax foram as massas e os nódulos pulmonares. Outros aspectos observados foram as áreas de escavação, as consolidações, o espessamento do interstício peribroncovascular e o reticulado difuso. Massa pulmonar foi o achado isolado mais comum (64,2%, seguido dos nódulos isolados ou múltiplos (35,7%. Doença pulmonar difusa foi vista em apenas 14,2% dos casos. Os lobos superiores foram os mais comprometidos, sendo a doença mais comum nas regiões anteriores. A tomografia do tórax permitiu avaliar com precisão o grau de comprometimento do parênquima pulmonar.

  20. Contenedores: Aspectos tecnicos, biologicos y economicos (United States)

    Tara Luna; Thomas D. Landis; R. Kasten Dumroese


    La elección del contenedor es una de las consideraciones más importantes al establecer un nuevo vivero o empezar a producir una especie nueva. El tipo y tamaño de contenedor no sólo determina la cantidad de agua y nutrientes minerales que están disponibles para el crecimiento de una planta, sino que también afecta otros aspectos operativos del vivero, como el tamaño de...

  1. The chemistry of ultra-low concentrations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vertes, Attila; Kiss, Istvan


    Methods for the separation and enrichment of radionuclides in the ultra-low concentration range (coprecipitation, adsorption of radioactive substances on crystals) are disscussed in this chapter of the textbook. The properties and behaviour of ultra-dilute solutions, radiocolloids and the electrochemistry of ultra-dilute solution are also overviewed

  2. Meningites bacterianas no lactente aspectos neurológicos

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    M. Valeriana L. de Moura-Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Aspectos clínicos, neurológicos e laboratoriais das meningites bacterianas agudas no lactente são criticamente analisados em função da experiência da autora. São apresentadas considerações fisiopatológicas sobre os eventos que ocorrem na fase aguda desses processos.

  3. O programa nacional de alimentação escolar em escolas públicas municipais

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    Dixis Figueroa Pedraza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Caracterizar o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE em escolas públicas municipais, considerando aspectos estruturais, processuais e a aceitação da alimentação. Métodos: Estudo transversal e descritivo do PNAE em 18 escolas públicas da zona urbana de Campina Grande, Paraíba, envolvendo informações relativas a 85 professores, 18 merendeiras e 1.081 escolares. Analisaram-se, por meio de questionários e da observação, aspectos sobre a estrutura, as atividades complementares do programa, o perfil das merendeiras, os conhecimentos sobre alimentação e nutrição dos professores e a aceitação da alimentação escolar. Resultados: As condições estruturais tiveram avaliação média regular, estando oito escolas (44,44% classificadas nessa categoria e sendo os itens refeitório e área da cozinha os mais deficitários. Constatou-se um déficit de ações complementares ao programa; apenas duas escolas (11,11% tinham horta escolar e cinco (27,77% desenvolviam atividades de saúde e nutrição. Entre as merendeiras, destacou-se um perfil adequado ao exercício da profissão. Na avaliação dos conhecimentos dos professores, a identificação das características nutricionais dos alimentos foi a principal falha constatada. A rejeição e a não adesão à alimentação escolar foram estimados em torno de 25% e 35% dos escolares, respectivamente. Conclusão: Apontam-se falhas estruturais e processuais na execução do PNAE que precisam ser sanadas em cumprimento às leis vigentes. Destacam-se deficiências no refeitório, na cozinha e no desenvolvimento de atividades educativas. Além disso, hortas escolares foram escassas. Melhorias nessas condições podem repercutir positivamente na aceitação e adesão dos escolares à alimentação escolar.


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    monica seixas mello


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar os aspectos norteadores na orientação de monografia na modalidade a distância a partir de relato de experiência em curso de pó-graduação Lato Sensu em Gestão Pública., constatando-se que na orientação a distância em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem as interações entre professor e aluno observam os seguintes aspectos: pedagógico, gerencial, social e técnico Palavras-chaves: educação, distância, orientação, monografia, pos-graduação.

  5. Aspectos sociotécnicos das TI & Relacionamento Humano & Sinergia

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    Sergio Vieira Holtz Filho


    Full Text Available As Tecnologias de Informação (TI estão entre os principais agentes de mudança sociais. Para gerir tais mudanças, uma miríade de áreas do conhecimento humano têm muito a contribuir para a abordagem dos aspectos sociotécnicos das TI e promover sinergia. Como uma organização empresarial atua no sentido de provocar mudanças no comportamento das pessoas, visando a melhoria contínua, esse processo de mudança provocada chama-se aprendizagem. Isto posto, neste artigo apresentaremos resultados observados em empresas em processo de reengenharia e submetidas a utilização de metodologias integradas (PDCA, Método Paulo Freire e Roteiro Integração de Equipes, abordando os aspectos sociotécnicos das TI & relacionamentos humanos pela praxe da pedagogia como elemento de sinergia.

  6. Aspectos atuais na fisiopatologia do edema macular diabético Recent aspects on physiopathology of diabetic macular edema

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    Mário Martins dos Santos Motta


    Full Text Available O edema macular é a principal causa de baixa visual em pacientes diabéticos. Seu mecanismo de formação é complexo e envolve alterações bioquímicas e estruturais. Os autores fazem uma revisão e atualização dos conceitos fisiopatológicos envolvidos na maculopatia diabética.Macular edema is the leading cause of poor vision in diabetic patients.The mechanism of edema formation is complex and involves biochemical and structural changes. The authors review and update the physiopathologic concepts related to diabetic maculopathy.

  7. La gestión por procesos, su surgimiento y aspectos teóricos

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    Daysi Ruiz - Fuentes


    Full Text Available Abordó aspectos históricos y teóricos relacionados con la gestión por procesos, se precisa las potencialidades de su aplicación para el perfeccionamiento de la dirección de las empresas. Presentó un análisis de diferentes definiciones de este término a partir del c ual se determinan las regularidades que lo caracterizan. Se puntualizan algunos aspectos teóricos vinculados con esta forma de gestión empresarial.

  8. La gestión por procesos, su surgimiento y aspectos teóricos


    Daysi Ruiz-Fuentes; Rosa Mercedes Almaguer-Torres; Isabel Cristina Torres-Torres; Alejandro Miguel Hernández-Peña


    Abordó aspectos históricos y teóricos relacionados con la gestión por procesos, se precisa las potencialidades de su aplicación para el perfeccionamiento de la dirección de las empresas. Presentó un análisis de diferentes definiciones de este término a partir del c ual se determinan las regularidades que lo caracterizan. Se puntualizan algunos aspectos teóricos vinculados con esta forma de gestión empresarial.

  9. Ultra-orthodox Jewish Women Go to Work

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    Foscarini, Giorgia


    Full Text Available In the last three decades the ultra-orthodox community in Israel has experienced great changes in its internal social functioning. More specifically, these developments were linked to the education of ultra-orthodox women. Through an accurate review of the existing literature and a series of in-depth interviews with Israeli scholars, rabbis, educators and women of the ultra-orthodox community in Jerusalem, it was found that the introduction of new vocational and academic training tracks in women's education, is gradually changing the internal social structure of the ultra-orthodox family and community. The main consequence is expressed in a renegotiation of gender roles within the ultra-orthodox community and in a subversion of the traditional patriarchal framework. As a result of their participation in the labor market and in higher education institutions, women are more and more exposed to the Israeli secular culture, introducing in the traditional and segregated ultra-orthodox community customs typically modern, narrowing the gap between the ultra-orthodox community and the mainstream Israeli society.

  10. Aspectos nutricionales de la anorexia nerviosa


    Delgado Santirso, Pablo


    El estudio que se presentará en las siguientes líneas pretende la actualización de los datos sobre los aspectos nutricionales de uno de los principales Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA), la Anorexia Nerviosa (AN), así como aportar información acerca de sus características generales, etiopatogenia, evaluación y diagnóstico y tratamiento. Se centrará fundamentalmente en las medidas higiénico-dietéticas necesarias del tratamiento nutricional y en el establecimiento de la función del di...

  11. Estilo de vida materno e aspectos nutricionais do pré-escolar


    Érica Bezerra Nobre


    INTRODUÇÃO: Muitos dos comportamentos de saúde envolvidos no aparecimento das doenças crônicas não comunicáveis são originados na infância sob influência dos pais. A mãe é a pessoa mais envolvida na educação e nos cuidados de saúde da criança. O estilo de vida (EdV) é um determinante social da saúde. Nunca se compreendeu características de EdV materno associadas com aspectos da nutrição infantil. OBJETIVO: Verificar a associação dos EdV materno comportamental e não comportamental com aspectos...

  12. Ultra-short laser pulses. Petawatt and femtosecond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemoine, P.


    This book deals with a series of new results obtained thanks to the use of ultra-short laser pulses. This branch of physics has made incredible progresses during the last 25 years. Ultra-short laser pulses offer the opportunity to explore the domain of ultra-high energies and of ultra-short duration events. Applications are various, from controlled nuclear fusion to eye surgery and to more familiar industrial applications such as electronics. (J.S.)

  13. Aspectos prosódicos da fala de sujeitos parkinsonianos

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    Lourenço Chacon


    Full Text Available

    Problemas de prosódia na fala de parkinsonianos têm sido apontados nos estudos sobre parkinsonismo. Contudo, nesses estudos a prosódia é freqüentemente desvinculada dos fatores comunicativos da fala. O propósito deste artigo foi investigar fatores comunicativos relacionados a aspectos prosódicos da fala de sujeitos com doença de Parkinson. As amostras 'de fala foram extraídas de conversas espontâneas de dois sujeitos parkinsonianos, do sexo masculino. A análise mostrou que os elementos prosódicos ocorreram em diversas combinações, possibilitando a identificação de: a atos de fala; b alguns aspectos da organização conversacional; e c diferentes vozes no discurso. Foram destacadas algumas implicações desses resultados para uma melhor compreensão da atividade verbal em condições patológicas, bem como para avaliação, diagnóstico e terapia de parkinsonianos.

  14. Aspectos ergonômicos e estatísticos no projeto de um carro do metrô

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    Costa Neto Pedro Luiz de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este artigo descreve experimentos realizados como parte de um trabalho envolvendo aspectos do projeto de um carro para uma nova linha do Metrô de São Paulo. Nele são considerados aspectos ergonômicos relacionados com a posição de barras de segurança e assentos, bem como aspectos estatísticos relacionados com o fluxo de passageiros entrando e saindo do carro na estação. Nesse estudo, é de particular interesse o uso da técnica do quadrado latino na análise de regressão múltipla, como forma de reduzir o porte do experimento.



    Barbosa, Wallison Carlos de Souza; Chater, Latif C; e Cavalcante, Otávio R de Oliveira; Bezerra, Luciano Mendes


    Resumo. As estruturas mistas apresentam grandes vantagens quanto a aspectos estruturais e construtivos, sendo os conectores de cisalhamento determinantes para a obtenção da interação entre os materiais (aço e concreto). Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um conector de cisalhamento com barras de aço CA50-A, proposto para uso em viga mista de aço e concreto. O conector proposto é de fácil execução e pode servir como alternativa viável ao uso dos conectores stud e ‘U’. Foi idealizada ...

  16. Aspectos Técnicos en la Producción de Caucho Hevea

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    Uribe Henao Alfonso


    Full Text Available El propósito primordial de este trabajo es el de hacer una exposición de los principales factores o aspectos técnicos que deben tenerse en cuenta en el planeamiento y desarrollo del cultivo de la Hevea, para poder obtener de él en la forma más económica el máximo beneficio. Se ha dacio preferencia a los aspectos técnicos concernientes al Hevea de mayor importancia, sin pretender exponerlos todos. No es pues su objetivo dar a conocer todos aquellos detalles y sistemas aconsejables y necesarios en su explotación que pudieran considerarse como principios elementales, y que más bien vienen a ser prácticas corrientes del cultivo.

  17. Faça o que digo, não faça o que eu faço: Como Aspectos individuais e relacionais influenciam as Denúncias de Fraudes Organizacionaisis e relacionais influenciam as Denúncias de Fraudes Organizacionais

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    Bernardo de Abreu Guelber Fajardo


    Full Text Available As fraudes são um grande dilema nas organizações e as denúncias são um dos principais mecanismos de detecção e prevenção desses atos. O processo de whistleblowing, porém, difere fortemente de país para país, devido às diferenças culturais. No contexto brasileiro, ao se levar em conta as peculiaridades da cultura nacional (como o “jeitinho brasileiro”, a cordialidade, a aversão a riscos e uma sociedade altamente hierarquizada, tem-se em conta que a denúncia pode não ser um curso de ação natural. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar influências de aspectos individuais e relacionais na intenção de denunciar atividades fraudulentas identificadas pelos indivíduos. Para testar as hipóteses foi utilizado um Modelo de Equações Estruturais (SEM com variáveis latentes coletadas por meio de um questionário respondido por 124 contabilistas. Os resultados destacam o caráter dual da influência social tanto na intensidade moral como no comportamento ético do indivíduo, evidenciado pela intenção de denunciar fraudes organizacionais observadas. Os resultados destacam a dualidade moral evidenciada por Srour (1994 para as culturas latino-americanas, bem como ressaltam possíveis contribuições para a formação do profissional de contabilidade.

  18. Aspectos de regulación sanitaria en Brasil

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    Jose Carlos Buzanello


    Full Text Available Mira a algunos aspectos de la regulación de los servicios de saneamiento en Brasil, específicamente la política de regulación resultante del proceso de reforma del Estado de 1995. Cuestiona los resultados de la productividad de los servicios de agua y alcantarillado de los concesionarios y el alcance de estas medidas al consumismo usuario.

  19. Aspectos éticos de la obesidad


    de Santiago Martín, Sandra


    El sobrepeso y la obesidad se están convirtiendo en uno de los problemas de salud de mayor preocupación, convirtiéndose en los últimos años en una verdadera pandemia mundial. Los objetivos de esta revisión bibliográfica son analizar los aspectos éticos de la obesidad, desde el punto de vista de la familia y la sociedad, las buenas prácticas sanitarias, los principios bioéticos y de los derechos del paciente obeso. Para realizar este trabajo de investigación se accedieron a las bases de ...

  20. Aspectos puntuales del estado vegetativo persistente


    Hodelín Tablada, Ricardo


    El estado vegetativo persistente es una condición clínica caracterizada por la ausencia completa de conciencia sobre uno mismo y el entorno, unido a ciclos de sueño-vigilia, con preservación total o parcial de las funciones hipotalámicas y autonómicas del tallo encefálico. En el presente artículo, el autor discute aspectos puntuales sobre la entidad clínica, basado en su experiencia y en la revisión de la bibliografía sobre el tema; igualmente se exponen elementos clínicos y epidemiológicos d...

  1. Aspectos comportamentais na gestão de projetos: uma análise bibliométrica (1988-2014

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    Diane Aparecida dos Reis Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo A demanda por gerentes de projetos é crescente. Um dos principais fatores que impactam no desempenho desse profissional relaciona-se ao aspecto comportamental, ou seja, àquele em que as relações e o entendimento entre os indivíduos de um grupo são fundamentais. Ante essa problemática, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma análise bibliométrica sobre aspectos comportamentais na gestão de projetos, buscando identificar as relações entre aspectos comportamentais e o gerenciamento de projetos. Para tanto, utilizou-se a metodologia bibliométrica: as bases de dados que compõem a amostra foram coletadas em ISI Web of Science e Scopus, desde que os artigos da Scopus também estivessem na base principal da ISI Web of Science. As análises sugerem ou evidenciam que os aspectos comportamentais, o “lado humano”, se apresenta como fator essencial para o sucesso na gestão de projetos.

  2. Relações entre bem-estar subjetivo e satisfação conjugal na abordagem da psicologia positiva Relations between subjective well-being and marital satisfaction on the approach of positive psychology

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    Fabio Scorsolini-Comin


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se investigar as correlações existentes entre os três fatores do bem-estar subjetivo (BES - afetos positivos, afetos negativos e satisfação com a vida - e os três fatores da satisfação conjugal (SC - interação conjugal, aspectos estruturais e aspectos emocionais. Participaram 106 voluntários de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 42±11 anos, casados e com tempo médio de união de 16,11±11,35 anos. Foram aplicadas as escalas de BES (EBES e de Satisfação Conjugal (ESC. Os resultados foram analisados pela técnica de regressão múltipla stepwise. Não foram encontradas associações entre os fatores satisfação com a vida (fator do BES, aspectos emocionais (fator da SC, aspectos estruturais (SC e interação conjugal (SC. O BES e a SC, fatores gerais, também não apresentaram associações significativas. Destaca-se o papel dos afetos positivos (fator do BES na percepção da satisfação conjugal (SC, o que é congruente com o enfoque da Psicologia Positiva, que atesta que as pessoas que experimentam emoções positivas tendem a se engajar em relacionamentos mais satisfatórios.The objective of the present study was to investigate the correlations between subjective well-being (SWB and marital satisfaction (MS among married people. A hundred six married people (53 couples with an average age of 42 yrs (SD=11 participated in the study. The following instruments were used: Subjective Well-being Scale and Marital Satisfaction Scale. In this study, correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that there were no associations among satisfaction with life (SWB factor, emotional aspects (MS factor, structural aspects (MS factor and marital interaction (MS factor. The SWB and the MS (general factors were not significantly correlated. According to the findings of the current study, there is the role of positive affect (SWB factor on the perception of MS, which is consistent with the approach of Positive

  3. The UltraLightweight Technology for Research in Astronomy (ULTRA) Project (United States)

    Twarog, B. A.; Anthony-Twarog, B. J.; Shawl, S. J.; Hale, R.; Taghavi, R.; Fesen, R.; Etzel, P. B.; Martin, R.; Romeo, R.


    The collaborative focus of four academic departments (Univ. of Kansas Aerospace Engineering, Univ. of Kansas Physics & Astronomy, San Diego State University Astronomy and Dartmouth College Astronomy) and a private industry partner (Composite Mirror Applications, Inc.-CMA, Inc.) is a three-year plan to develop and test UltraLightweight Technology for Research in Astronomy (ULTRA). The ULTRA technology, using graphite fiber composites to fabricate mirrors and telescope structures, offers a versatile and cost-effective tool for optical astronomy, including the economical fabrication and operation of telescopes ranging from small (1m or smaller) aperture for education and research to extremely large (30m+) segmented telescopes (ELTs). The specific goal of this NSF-funded three-year Major Research Instrumentation project is to design, build, and test a 1m-class optical tube assembly (OTA) and mirrors constructed entirely from composites. In the first year of the project, the team has built and is field-testing two 0.4m prototypes to validate the optical surfaces and figures of the mirrors and to test and refine the structural dynamics of the OTA. Preparation for design and construction of the 1m telescope is underway. When completed in late 2005, the ULTRA telescope will be operated remotely from Mt. Laguna Observatory east of San Diego, where it will undergo a period of intensive optical and imaging tests. A 0.4m prototype OTA with mirrors (12 kg total weight) will be on display at the meeting. Support of this work by NSF through grants AST-0320784 and AST-0321247, NASA grant NCC5-600, the University of Kansas, and San Diego State University is gratefully acknowledged.

  4. 21 CFR 177.2910 - Ultra-filtration membranes. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2010-04-01 2009-04-01 true Ultra-filtration membranes. 177.2910 Section 177... Components of Articles Intended for Repeated Use § 177.2910 Ultra-filtration membranes. Ultra-filtration membranes identified in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(4) of this section may be safely used in...


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    Neusa Maria Cosía Alexandre

    Full Text Available Determinados fatores ambientais inadequados podem provocar lesões na coluna vertebral. Este trabalho discute certos aspectos ergonômicos e posturais específicos em Centro de Material com o objetivo de desenvolver uma consciência crítica a respeito dos efeitos do local de trabalho sobre a saúde.

  6. Aspectos da tomografia computadorizada craniana na neurocisticercose na infância

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    Marilisa M. Guerreiro


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam aspectos tomográficos da neurocisticercose na infância a propósito da análise de 27 exames em 18 pacientes, que foram distribuídos em três grupos segundo o quadru clínico e os achados tomográficos. O grupo 1 foi caracterizado basicamente por epilepsias e calcificações. O grupo 2 caracterizou-se por hipertensão intracraniana e diversos aspectos tomográficos: edema, cistos e nódulos em três pacientes; hidrocefalia e calcificações em dois pacientes e normal em um paciente. O grupo 3 consistiu clinicamente de epilepsia e cefaléia, com vários padrões tomográficos. Os resultados são discutidos à luz da literatura disponível.

  7. Algunos aspectos éticos en la práctica de la obstetricia

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    DR. P. Sergio Valenzuela


    Full Text Available La obstetricia ejercida en el contexto clínico asistencial es una fuente permanente de cuestionamientos éticos para los especialistas. En este artículo, que tiene carácter de ensayo, se aborda una primera parte introductoria, que da cuenta de la dimensión antropológica del cuidado obstétrico. Luego se destaca la necesidad de referirse a un número mayor de principios en la fundamentación del quehacer obstétrico. Por último, profundiza principalmente en los aspectos éticos de su ejercicio como obstetricia de urgencia y la ética del diagnóstico; quedando aspectos importantes para discutir en una futura oportunidad.

  8. Planificación estratégica: aspectos introductorios (I)


    Galindo Reyes, Fuensanta Carmen; De la Varga Salto, José María


    Transparencias como material docente para la asignatura de Administración de Organizaciones. Se corresponden con la etapa primera del proceso administrativo de las organizaciones, la planificación estratétiga. En concreto, incluyen aspectos introductorios relacionados con los conceptos y elementos principales de la planificación estratégica. Planificación estratégica


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    Maurício Pinheiro Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os adesivos utilizados na colagem de madeiras para aplicações não estruturais normalmente contêm uma emulsão de poli(acetato de vinila (PVAc estabilizada com poli(álcool vinílico e alguns aditivos. A ligação adesiva formada com essa classe de adesivo é pobre quando exposta à umidade e à temperatura. Nesse contexto, a classificação prévia dos adesivos utilizados para aplicações não estruturais, com resistência à umidade e à temperatura, é muito importante para a qualidade e durabilidade das juntas adesivas. Neste trabalho, foi estudada a influência de três espécies de madeiras (Fagus sylvatica L., Mimosa scabrella Bentham e Micropholis cf. venulosa Mart. & Eichler na resistência ao cisalhamento das juntas adesivas preparadas com três adesivos vinílicos, sintetizados com diferentes concentrações do N-butoximetilacrilamida (NBMA. Os ensaios de resistência ao cisalhamento, na linha de colagem, foram realizados sob diferentes ciclos de acondicionamento das juntas adesivas. Os resultados indicaram que há diferenças significativas na resistência de colagem das juntas adesivas e na porcentagem de falha na madeira provocada, tanto pela espécie de madeira quanto pelo tipo de adesivo utilizado. Os adesivos produzidos foram classificados de acordo com a classe de durabilidade, após várias etapas de acondicionamento. Os valores mais altos de resistência ao cisalhamento foram observados nas juntas coladas com as madeiras de Micropholis cf. venulosa Mart. & Eichler e Fagus sylvatica L., com o adesivo AD-3. O menor valor de resistência ao cisalhamento foi observado nas juntas adesivas preparadas com a madeira da espécie Mimosa scabrella Bentham. A madeira Micropholis cf. venulosa Mart. & Eichler mostrou-se mais adequada para a substituição da madeira Fagus sylvatica L.

  10. Aspectos sociales de la malaria importada en Latinoamérica

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    Alfonso J. Rodríguez-Morales


    Full Text Available La malaria continúa siendo un grave problema de salud pública mundial, ya no sólo en países endémicos, sino comenzando a representar un dilema médico en países distantes por la llegada de casos importados. Ahora bien, aun cuando en términos de las disciplinas médicas convencionales se ha publicado muchos estudios clínico-epidemiológicos y reportes de caso, los aspectos sociales, que parecerían obvios en el contexto de la malaria importada por supeditarse a la migración de la población, no han sido exhaustivamente explorados en relación con este fenómeno. Por estas razones, en esta revisión se analiza los aspectos sociales relacionados con el fenómeno de la malaria importada con énfasis al contexto epidemiológico de América Latina.

  11. Aspectos éticos en Pediatría, las inmunodeficiencias primarias

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    Martha Leonor Paradoa Pérez


    Full Text Available Las inmunodeficiencias primarias son enfermedades genéticas, caracterizadas por infecciones crónicas devastadoras que conllevan a la muerte, al desarrollo de tumores y a enfermedades autoinmunes, y la mayoría de estas enfermedades cursan en la edad pediátrica. Desde la última década del pasado siglo, el desarrollo de la tecnología, el surgimiento del Proyecto del Genoma Humano y la profundización en los aspectos bioéticos, han dado lugar a especificidades en la atención médica e investigativa del paciente pediátrico y del que desarrolla una enfermedad inmunológica. Este trabajo recoge los aspectos bioéticos más importantes y los dilemas éticos con los que se enfrenta el inmunólogo pediátrico en la atención al paciente con inmunodeficiencia primaria, el cual demanda la atención de, prácticamente, todas las especialidades pediátricas.

  12. Aspectos geopolíticos en el desarrollo de la zona franca industrial de Ilo


    Cardenas Nuñez, Gilberto; Cardenas Nuñez, Gilberto


    El presente trabajo de Tesis enfatiza el aspecto geopolítico en el desarrollo de la Zona franca Industrial de Ilo (ZOFRI-IL0). La razón de tal énfasis es simple: por este aspecto específicamente es que se creó la ZOFRI-ILO. En consecuencia, el tratamiento del tema tiene que ver con la influencia geopolítica en las sucesivas etapas de su desarrollo, considerando sus posibilidades de desarrollo a futuro en el marco de las tendencias internacionales de la globalización de la economía mundial. ...

  13. Módulo de elasticidade aparente em vigas roliças estruturais de madeira Pinus elliottii

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    André Luiz Zangiácomo

    Full Text Available Este trabalho investiga, com o auxílio da norma brasileira ABNT NBR 7190:1997 (Projeto de Estruturas de Madeira e do ensaio de flexão estática a três pontos, a influência das medidas entre o comprimento (L e o diâmetro (d de peças estruturais de madeira roliça da espécie Pinus elliottii no cálculo do módulo de elasticidade (MOE. Foram ensaiadas, de forma não destrutiva, 24 peças de madeira (verde com comprimento médio de 750 cm e diâmetro médio de 30 cm. Para tanto, foram determinados os valores dos módulos de elasticidade para seis relações (L/d distintas entre comprimento e diâmetro (9; 12; 15; 18; 21; 24, fornecendo seis valores distintos de MOE por peça utilizada. Os resultados da análise de variância indicaram equivalências dos módulos de elasticidade apenas entre as relações L/d iguais a 24, 21, 18 e 15, revelando ser de 15 o menor valor da relação responsável por minorar significativamente o efeito das forças cisalhantes. Isso implica que, para o uso adequado da equação de cálculo do módulo de elasticidade pela norma brasileira para as peças de roliças de madeira Pinus elliottii, faz-se necessário respeitar a relação L/d>15.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fred Sabins


    The objective of this project is to develop an improved ultra-lightweight cement using ultralight hollow glass spheres (ULHS). Work reported herein addresses Task 1: Assess Ultra-Lightweight Cementing Problems and Task 3: Test Ultra-Lightweight Cements. Results reported this quarter include a review and summary of Halliburton Energy Services (HES) and BJ Services historical performance data for lightweight cement applications. These data are analyzed and compared to ULHS cement and foamed cement performances. Similar data is expected from Schlumberger, and an analysis of this data will be completed in the following phases of the project. Quality control testing of materials used to formulate ULHS cements in the laboratory was completed to establish baseline material performance standards. A testing protocol was developed employing standard procedures as well as procedures tailored to evaluate ULHS and foamed cement. This protocol is presented and discussed. Results of further testing of ULHS cements are presented along with an analysis to establish cement performance design criteria to be used during the remainder of the project. Finally, a list of relevant literature on lightweight cement performance is compiled for review during the next quarter

  15. Characterisation of baroreflex sensitivity of recreational ultra-endurance athletes. (United States)

    Foulds, Heather J A; Cote, Anita T; Phillips, Aaron A; Charlesworth, Sarah A; Bredin, Shannon S D; Burr, Jamie F; Drury, Chipman Taylor; Ngai, Shirley; Fougere, Renee J; Ivey, Adam C; Warburton, Darren E R


    Altered autonomic function has been identified following ultra-endurance event participation among elite world-class athletes. Despite dramatic increases in recreational athlete participation in these ultra-endurance events, the physiological effects on these athletes are less known. This investigation sought to characterise changes in surrogate measures of autonomic function: heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure variability (BPV) and baroreceptor sensitivity (BRS) following ultra-endurance race participation. Further, we sought to compare baseline measures among ultra-endurance athletes and recreationally active controls not participating in the ultra-endurance race. Recreational ultra-endurance athletes (n = 25, 44.6 ± 8.2 years, 8 females) and recreationally active age, sex and body mass index matched controls (n = 25) were evaluated. Measurements of HRV, BPV and BRS were collected pre- and post-race for recreational ultra-endurance athletes and at baseline, for recreationally active controls. Post-race, ultra-endurance athletes demonstrated significantly greater sympathetic modulation [low frequency (LF) power HRV: 50.3 ± 21.6 normalised units (n.u.) to 65.9 ± 20.4 n.u., p = 0.01] and significantly lower parasympathetic modulation [high frequency (HF) power HRV: 45.0 ± 22.4 n.u. to 23.9 ± 13.1 n.u., p HRV and BPV measures. Recreational ultra-endurance athletes experienced increased sympathetic tone and declines in BRS post-race, similar to previously reported elite world-class ultra-endurance athletes, though still within normal population ranges.

  16. Treinamento em corrida de baixa intensidade: propriedades estruturais e mecânicas da epífise proximal do fêmur de ratas osteopênicas

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    Bárbara Braga Fernandes Maia


    Full Text Available Este estudo investigou os efeitos do treinamento em corrida de baixa intensidade (TCBI sobre propriedades estruturais e mecânicas da epífise proximal do fêmur de ratas osteopênicas. Ratas Wistar [idade = 20 semanas; massa corporal = 271,42 ± 17,6 g] foram submetidas à ovariectomia (OVX ou laparotomia (SHAM e alocadas em quatro grupos: corrida OVX (CO, n = 12, controle OVX (CONO, n = 12, corrida SHAM (CS, n = 12 e controle SHAM (CONS, n = 12. Quinze dias pós-cirurgia, os grupos CO e CS foram submetidos ao TCBI em esteira (16 m/min, 60 min/dia, cinco dias/semana por 10 semanas. O TCBI não alterou os efeitos deletérios da osteopenia induzida por ovariectomia sobre a densidade mineral do fêmur, a quantidade de osso trabecular no trocanter e colo do fêmur, a tenacidade e a força máxima de fratura do colo do fêmur de ratas.

  17. 7 CFR 58.144 - Pasteurization or ultra-pasteurization. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Pasteurization or ultra-pasteurization. 58.144 Section... Service 1 Operations and Operating Procedures § 58.144 Pasteurization or ultra-pasteurization. When pasteurization or ultra-pasteurization is intended or required, or when a product is designated “pasteurized” or...


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    Inês Moresco Danni-Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente texto aborda as feições morfo-estruturais assumidas por Curitiba diante de seu crescimento urbano e dos Planos Diretores a ela aplicados neste século, na perspectiva de suas interações com as questões de qualidade do ar da cidade. Considerations about air pollution in Curitiba-PR in vew of its urbanization Abstract This paper is concerning about the morpho-estructural characters given to Curitiba by its urban growing and its urban planning in this century, under the perspective of their interaction with the city air quality problems.

  19. Structural aspects of crotoxin modified by ionizing radiation; Aspectos estruturais da crotoxina modificada pela radiacao ionizante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Karina Corleto de; Albero, Felipe Guimaraes; Zezell, Denise Maria; Spencer, Patrick Jack; Nascimento, Nanci do, E-mail: kcorleto@usp.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Ionizing radiation has proven to be an excellent tool for reducing the toxicity of venoms and isolated toxins, resulting in better immunogens for serum production, the only effective treatment in case of snake bites, and contributing to the welfare of serum-producing animals. Since the action of gamma radiation of venoms and toxins has not been yet fully clarified from the structural point of view, we proposed in this paper, to characterize the crotoxin, a venom protein of the species Crotalus durissus terrificus by Circular Dichroism (CD) and Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques. After chromatographic techniques, crotoxin was irradiated with 2.0 kGy ({sup 60}Co source). The CD spectra obtained of native and irradiated crotoxin solutions showed changes between the samples in characteristic regions of -sheet and-helix . The Infrared analyse showed expressive changes in the spectra of the native and irradiated crotoxin (amide I band region). These tests showed that crotoxin when subjected to gamma radiation, showed changes in their structural conformation compared with the samples in the native state. Such changes probably occur in the secondary structure and may explain its neurotoxic activity loss. (author)

  20. Motion graphics: linguagem e tecnologia - anotações para uma metodologia de análise


    João Carlos Pacheco Rodrigues Velho


    Estudo da produção de motion graphics como um fenômeno original de linguagem e tecnologia, visando o levantamento de subsídios para uma metodologia de análise adequada à produção da área. A pesquisa aborda aspectos projetuais e propõe três grandes dimensões estruturais para o entendimento do motion graphics: a dimensão da matemática e da computação gráfica; a dimensão plástica; e a dimensão da linguagem. No final do trabalho a análise de um spot comercial de televisão exemplifica e testa a ap...

  1. Aspectos “Subjetivos” do Fetichismo da Mercadoria Cultural no Ensaio Sobre Música Popular de T. W. Adorno

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    Fábio César da Silva


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, apresento uma leitura do ensaio Sobre Música Popular (1941 de T. W. Adorno (1903-1969, enfatizando os aspectos “subjetivos” do fetichismo da mercadoria cultural. Considero aspectos “subjetivos” do fetichismo quando se enfatiza o consumo de mercadorias. Esse ensaio fez parte dos resultados de pesquisa de rádio da Universidade de Princeton, feita nos Estados Unidos entre 1938 a 1940, cujo objetivo era analisar as programações radiofônicas. Focarei a leitura na seção Teoria do Ouvinte, pois nela Adorno enfatizou esses aspectos “subjetivos” por meio de análises específicas do consumo da música popular americana supondo seus modos de recepção.

  2. Changes in the ultrastructure of soybean cultivars in response to manganese supply in solution culture Alterações na ultra-estrutura de genótipos de soja em resposta ao fornecimento de manganês em solução nutritiva

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    José Lavres Junior


    alterações anatômicas e de ultra-estrutura, em relação ao suprimento de Mn. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar os efeitos do fornecimento de três doses de Mn (0,5; 2 e 200 µmol L-1, em solução nutritiva, nas ultra-estruturas de folhas de cultivares de soja Glycine max (L.: Santa Rosa, IAC-15 e IAC-Foscarin 31, contrastantes quanto à aquisição e ao uso do Mn. Os sintomas visuais de deficiência foram observados primeiramente em Santa Rosa e IAC-15 (ineficientes, os únicos a exibirem sintomas de toxidez. As concentrações de Mn nas folhas com sintomas variaram de 8,6 (deficiência a 886,3 mg kg-1 (toxidez. Não houve alterações no comprimento e no número de estômatos nos limbos foliares. Em condição de toxidez, constatou-se no IAC-15, citoplasma desorganizado, vacuolado em excesso e denso evidenciando alterações nas membranas dos tilacóides. Não ocorreram alterações ultra-estruturais nas mitocôndrias e no núcleo das células dos três genótipos. Constatou-se presença de glóbulos de lipídios nos cloroplastos do cultivar IAC-15, em todas as condições de fornecimento de Mn. Houve aumento no número de plastídeos e grãos de amido, bem como no tamanho destes no IAC-Foscarin 31 com o suprimento de Mn. Os genótipos, tanto na condição de deficiência quanto de excesso, exibiram distintos graus de organização das ultraestruturas, notadamente, os cloroplastos. O IAC-15 exibiu maiores alterações das ultra-estruturas em função das desordens nutricionais em manganês.

  3. Introduction to Ultra Wideband for Wireless Communications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nikookar, Homayoun; Prasad, Ramjee

    wireless channels, interference, signal processing as well as applications and standardization activities are addressed. Introduction to Ultra Wideband for Wireless Communications provides easy-to-understand material to (graduate) students and researchers working in the field of commercial UWB wireless......Ultra Wideband (UWB) Technology is the cutting edge technology for wireless communications with a wide range of applications. In Introduction to Ultra Wideband for Wireless Communications UWB principles and technologies for wireless communications are explained clearly. Key issues such as UWB...... communications. Due to tutorial nature of the book it can also be adopted as a textbook on the subject in the Telecommunications Engineering curriculum. Problems at the end of each chapter extend the reader's understanding of the subject. Introduction to Ultra Wideband for Wireless Communications will aslo...

  4. Innovation: study of 'ultra-short' time reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This short article presents the new Elyse facility of Orsay-Paris 11 university for the study of ultra-short chemical and biochemical phenomena. Elyse uses the 'pump-probe' technique which consists in two perfectly synchronized electron and photon pulses. It comprises a 3 to 9 MeV electron accelerator with a HF gun photo-triggered with a laser. Elyse can initiate reactions using ultra-short electron pulses (radiolysis) or ultra-short photon pulses (photolysis). (J.S.)

  5. Los aspectos socioculturales de la migración en la frontera norte

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    Oscar Priego Hernández


    Full Text Available México se considera el país de emigrantes más importante del mundo y Estados Unidos el principal país de inmigrantes. Su posición geográfica en la frontera Norte lo convierten atractivo para los flujos migratorios de los países centroamericanos. Hoy enfrenta los retos de la crisis financiera internacional de los últimos años que afecta las economías y las relaciones bilaterales. Este trabajo consiste en realizar un estudio de la problemática de los aspectos socioculturales provocada por la migración de personas, analizar fortalezas y debilidades, identificar los nuevos aspectos de la migración y proponer alternativas para mejorar las condiciones de vida de los migrantes mexicanos.

  6. Fratura tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar: correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada


    Silva,Matheus Luís da; Tisot,Rodrigo Arnold; Vieira,Juliano Silveira Luiz; Santos,Renato Tadeu dos; Tisot,Orley Fauth


    OBJETIVO: Analisar as fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar e fazer a correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 72 pacientes com fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar. O estreitamento do canal vertebral, o colapso vertebral e a cifose local foram avaliados em três segmentos distintos: torácico, transição toracolombar e lombar. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatística si...

  7. Ultra wide band antennas

    CERN Document Server

    Begaud, Xavier


    Ultra Wide Band Technology (UWB) has reached a level of maturity that allows us to offer wireless links with either high or low data rates. These wireless links are frequently associated with a location capability for which ultimate accuracy varies with the inverse of the frequency bandwidth. Using time or frequency domain waveforms, they are currently the subject of international standards facilitating their commercial implementation. Drawing up a complete state of the art, Ultra Wide Band Antennas is aimed at students, engineers and researchers and presents a summary of internationally recog

  8. Ultra-high-speed Optical Signal Processing using Silicon Photonics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oxenløwe, Leif Katsuo; Ji, Hua; Jensen, Asger Sellerup

    with a photonic layer on top to interconnect them. For such systems, silicon is an attractive candidate enabling both electronic and photonic control. For some network scenarios, it may be beneficial to use optical on-chip packet switching, and for high data-density environments one may take advantage...... of the ultra-fast nonlinear response of silicon photonic waveguides. These chips offer ultra-broadband wavelength operation, ultra-high timing resolution and ultra-fast response, and when used appropriately offer energy-efficient switching. In this presentation we review some all-optical functionalities based...... on silicon photonics. In particular we use nano-engineered silicon waveguides (nanowires) [1] enabling efficient phasematched four-wave mixing (FWM), cross-phase modulation (XPM) or self-phase modulation (SPM) for ultra-high-speed optical signal processing of ultra-high bit rate serial data signals. We show...

  9. Ultra high energy gamma-ray astronomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wdowczyk, J.


    The experimental data on ultra high energy γ-rays are reviewed and a comparison of the properties of photon and proton initiated shower is made. The consequences of the existence of the strong ultra high energy γ-ray sources for other observations is analysed and possible mechanisms for the production of ultra high energy γ-rays in the sources are discussed. It is demonstrated that if the γ-rays are produced via cosmic ray interactions the sources have to produce very high fluxes of cosmic ray particles. In fact it is possible that a small number of such sources can supply the whole Galactic cosmic ray flux

  10. Planificación estratégica: aspectos introductorios (II)


    Galindo Reyes, Fuensanta Carmen; De la Varga Salto, José María


    Transparencias como material docente para la asignatura de Administración de Organizaciones. Se corresponden con la etapa primera del proceso administrativo de las organizaciones, la planificación estratégica. En concreto, incluyen aspectos introductorios relacionados con el análisis del entorno y el análisis interno, así como con el concepto y las características de los objetivos estratégicos.

  11. Variáveis morfogênicas e estruturais de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam. manejado em diferentes alturas

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    Pontes Laíse da Silveira


    Full Text Available Variáveis morfogênicas e estruturais foram quantificadas a partir da técnica de "perfilhos marcados" no período de agosto a outubro de 1999 numa pastagem de azevém anual, mantida em quatro diferentes alturas (5, 10, 15 e 20 cm através de lotação contínua em carga variável com ovinos. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos casualizados com três repetições. Utilizaram-se 50 perfilhos marcados por unidade experimental, distribuídos ao longo de transectas. As observações foram efetuadas em dois períodos: no primeiro, da entrada dos animais até a obtenção das alturas pretendidas, não se observaram diferenças entre os tratamentos. No segundo (fase de estabilização das alturas pretendidas, a taxa de elongação foliar, o comprimento da lâmina verde total por perfilho e o tamanho das folhas apresentaram resposta positiva frente a maiores alturas de manejo, enquanto o tempo de elongação da lâmina foliar diminui com a altura. As variáveis taxa de surgimento de folhas, tempo de vida das folhas, densidade populacional de perfilhos e número de folhas vivas por perfilho não foram afetadas pelos tratamentos.

  12. Radiobiological response to ultra-short pulsed megavoltage electron beams of ultra-high pulse dose rate. (United States)

    Beyreuther, Elke; Karsch, Leonhard; Laschinsky, Lydia; Leßmann, Elisabeth; Naumburger, Doreen; Oppelt, Melanie; Richter, Christian; Schürer, Michael; Woithe, Julia; Pawelke, Jörg


    In line with the long-term aim of establishing the laser-based particle acceleration for future medical application, the radiobiological consequences of the typical ultra-short pulses and ultra-high pulse dose rate can be investigated with electron delivery. The radiation source ELBE (Electron Linac for beams with high Brilliance and low Emittance) was used to mimic the quasi-continuous electron beam of a clinical linear accelerator (LINAC) for comparison with electron pulses at the ultra-high pulse dose rate of 10(10) Gy min(-1) either at the low frequency of a laser accelerator or at 13 MHz avoiding effects of prolonged dose delivery. The impact of pulse structure was analyzed by clonogenic survival assay and by the number of residual DNA double-strand breaks remaining 24 h after irradiation of two human squamous cell carcinoma lines of differing radiosensitivity. The radiation response of both cell lines was found to be independent from electron pulse structure for the two endpoints under investigation. The results reveal, that ultra-high pulse dose rates of 10(10) Gy min(-1) and the low repetition rate of laser accelerated electrons have no statistically significant influence (within the 95% confidence intervals) on the radiobiological effectiveness of megavoltage electrons.

  13. Eugenia vinculada a aspectos bioéticos: uma revisão integrativa

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    Vanessa Cruz Santos

    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo é analisar o que versam as produções científicas sobre eugenia, vinculando-as com aspectos bioéticos. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura. Os dados foram coletados nas bases de dados Lilacs e SciELO, por meio dos descritores: eugenia, etnia e saúde, ética e bioética. Para a análise e posterior síntese dos artigos foi utilizada figura sinóptica. Verificou-se que a eugenia viola os direitos humanos, contradiz com o princípio da solidariedade e coloca em risco a diversidade humana. Conclui-se que houve déficit de artigos que abordem aspectos bioéticos vinculados à eugenia, assim, este estudo poderá contribuir para a reflexão sobre essa articulação.

  14. Ultra Deep Wave Equation Imaging and Illumination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alexander M. Popovici; Sergey Fomel; Paul Sava; Sean Crawley; Yining Li; Cristian Lupascu


    In this project we developed and tested a novel technology, designed to enhance seismic resolution and imaging of ultra-deep complex geologic structures by using state-of-the-art wave-equation depth migration and wave-equation velocity model building technology for deeper data penetration and recovery, steeper dip and ultra-deep structure imaging, accurate velocity estimation for imaging and pore pressure prediction and accurate illumination and amplitude processing for extending the AVO prediction window. Ultra-deep wave-equation imaging provides greater resolution and accuracy under complex geologic structures where energy multipathing occurs, than what can be accomplished today with standard imaging technology. The objective of the research effort was to examine the feasibility of imaging ultra-deep structures onshore and offshore, by using (1) wave-equation migration, (2) angle-gathers velocity model building, and (3) wave-equation illumination and amplitude compensation. The effort consisted of answering critical technical questions that determine the feasibility of the proposed methodology, testing the theory on synthetic data, and finally applying the technology for imaging ultra-deep real data. Some of the questions answered by this research addressed: (1) the handling of true amplitudes in the downward continuation and imaging algorithm and the preservation of the amplitude with offset or amplitude with angle information required for AVO studies, (2) the effect of several imaging conditions on amplitudes, (3) non-elastic attenuation and approaches for recovering the amplitude and frequency, (4) the effect of aperture and illumination on imaging steep dips and on discriminating the velocities in the ultra-deep structures. All these effects were incorporated in the final imaging step of a real data set acquired specifically to address ultra-deep imaging issues, with large offsets (12,500 m) and long recording time (20 s).

  15. A low-cost, ultra-fast and ultra-low noise preamplifier for silicon avalanche photodiodes (United States)

    Gasmi, Khaled


    An ultra-fast and ultra-low noise preamplifier for amplifying the fast and weak electrical signals generated by silicon avalanche photodiodes has been designed and developed. It is characterized by its simplicity, compactness, reliability and low cost of construction. A very wide bandwidth of 300 MHz, a very good linearity from 1 kHz to 280 MHz, an ultra-low noise level at the input of only 1.7 nV Hz-1/2 and a very good stability are its key features. The compact size (70 mm  ×  90 mm) and light weight (45 g), as well as its excellent characteristics, make this preamplifier very competitive compared to any commercial preamplifier. The preamplifier, which is a main part of the detection system of a homemade laser remote sensing system, has been successfully tested. In addition, it is versatile and can be used in any optical detection system requiring high speed and very low noise electronics.

  16. Aspectos valorizados por porfissionais de enfermagem na higiene pessoal e na higiene corporal do paciente

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    Elóide André Oliveira


    Full Text Available Survey descritivo, com o qual se objetivou identificar que aspectos da higiene corporal são valorizados pelos componentes da equipe de enfermagem, na higiene corporal pessoal e na higiene corporal do paciente. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em oito instituições públicas de saúde e a amostra foi composta por 126 profissionais de enfermagem, correspondendo a 12,8% do total de 986 componentes das equipes de enfermagem destas instituições. Na higiene corporal pessoal, chamou a atenção o fato de que os cuidados com as unhas e com os cabelos tenham suplantado, no número de citações dos profissionais de enfermagem, aspectos básicos como o cuidado com as mãos. Na higiene corporal do paciente, o banho foi o aspecto considerado mais importante pelas três categorias profissionais; a higiene oral, pelas(os enfermeiras(os e auxiliares de enfermagem; e as unhas, pelas(os enfermeiras(os e técnicas(os de enfermagem.

  17. Ultras in Trnava: History, Activities and Ideology

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    Kušnierová Daniela


    Full Text Available The environment of football fans is unknown phenomenon for the rest of the public. This article offers basic view on formation and functioning of the most numerous and the most active ultras group in Slovakia, Trnava fans. First part of the text encompasses a history overview of ultras movement, as well as an overview of basic activities of ultras fans during a football match and also outside of it. The second part of this text deals with the most debated activity of football fans, which is violence during a football match.

  18. Aspectos bioéticos del consentimiento informado en investigación con población vulnerable

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    Fabio Alberto Garzón Díaz


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es el resultado de 10 años de investigación en el tema del Consentimiento Informado en Investigación Biomédica. Este artículo presenta un análisis sistemático de los aspectos teóricos y prácticos del consentimiento informado en personas y poblaciones vulnerables. Aborda la cuestión a partir de todos los ángulos pertinentes, desde el histórico hasta el jurídico, pasando por la fundamentación filosófica, psicológica, antropológica y didáctica del consentimiento informado. La profundidad en el recorrido por los aspectos teóricos se ve complementada por la presentación de los aspectos más prácticos, que llega hasta la formulación de propuestas muy concretas para la mejora del consentimiento informado.

  19. Ultra-thin chip technology and applications

    CERN Document Server


    Ultra-thin chips are the "smart skin" of a conventional silicon chip. This book shows how very thin and flexible chips can be fabricated and used in many new applications in microelectronics, microsystems, biomedical and other fields. It provides a comprehensive reference to the fabrication technology, post processing, characterization and the applications of ultra-thin chips.

  20. Stretchers and compressors for ultra-high power laser systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yakovlev, I V [Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhnii Novgorod (Russian Federation)


    This review is concerned with pulse stretchers and compressors as key components of ultra-high power laser facilities that take advantage of chirped-pulse amplification. The potentialities, characteristics, configurations and methods for the matching and alignment of these devices are examined, with particular attention to the history of the optics of ultra-short, ultra-intense pulses before and after 1985, when the chirped-pulse amplification method was proposed, which drastically changed the view of the feasibility of creating ultra-high power laser sources. The review is intended primarily for young scientists and experts who begin to address the amplification and compression of chirped pulses, experts in laser optics and all who are interested in scientific achievements in the field of ultra-high power laser systems. (review)

  1. Aspectos biopsicossociais na surdocegueira Bio psycho social aspects in deaf blindness

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    Susana Maria Mana de Aráoz


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir aspectos biopssicossociais referentes a pessoas com surdocegueira e suas famílias com o objetivo trazer a tona estas questões que se tem mostrado importantes para o desenvolvimento dos atendimentos aos surdocegos. Está baseado em dados bibliográficos de pesquisas com pais e outras divulgações abordando as causas que são, principalmente, Rubéola Congênita, prematuridade, infecções, acidentes, síndromes genéticas ou não. Coloca as conseqüências das mesmas, o desenvolvimento educacional alcançado e as necessidades das famílias em aspectos ligadas às áreas da saúde, educação, lazer, segurança e inclusão social. Também trata da adaptação das famílias ao impacto produzido pela surdocegueira tendo em conta aspectos orgânicos, afetivo-relacional, sócio-culturais e de produtividade. Reflete sobre a necessidade da divulgação dos conhecimentos e da ação conjunta de todas as partes envolvidas nos mais diversos aspectos da vida dos surdocegos para conseguir o desenvolvimento dos atendimentos para os surdocegos.The objective of the present article is to discuss bio-psycho-social aspects related to people with deaf blindness and their families so as to highlight those issues that have become important for the development of working methods in deaf blindness. It is based on bibliographic data found in research with parents of deaf blind children and other publications that deal with the causes of the condition. The main causes are congenital German measles, prematurity, infection, genetic or non genetic syndromes. The authors discuss the results of the various presentations, the expected educational development and the needs of the families in aspects related to health, education, leisure, safety and social inclusion. They also discusses issues of family adaptation to the impact produced by deaf blindness, taking into account organic, social-cultural, affect and inter

  2. Consumption of ultra-processed foods predicts diet quality in Canada. (United States)

    Moubarac, Jean-Claude; Batal, M; Louzada, M L; Martinez Steele, E; Monteiro, C A


    This study describes food consumption patterns in Canada according to the types of food processing using the Nova classification and investigates the association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and the nutrient profile of the diet. Dietary intakes of 33,694 individuals from the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey aged 2 years and above were analyzed. Food and drinks were classified using Nova into unprocessed or minimally processed foods, processed culinary ingredients, processed foods and ultra-processed foods. Average consumption (total daily energy intake) and relative consumption (% of total energy intake) provided by each of the food groups were calculated. Consumption of ultra-processed foods according to sex, age, education, residential location and relative family revenue was assessed. Mean nutrient content of ultra-processed foods and non-ultra-processed foods were compared, and the average nutrient content of the overall diet across quintiles of dietary share of ultra-processed foods was measured. In 2004, 48% of calories consumed by Canadians came from ultra-processed foods. Consumption of such foods was high amongst all socioeconomic groups, and particularly in children and adolescents. As a group, ultra-processed foods were grossly nutritionally inferior to non-ultra-processed foods. After adjusting for covariates, a significant and positive relationship was found between the dietary share of ultra-processed foods and the content in carbohydrates, free sugars, total and saturated fats and energy density, while an inverse relationship was observed with the dietary content in protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, D, B6 and B12, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, as well as zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Lowering the dietary share of ultra-processed foods and raising consumption of hand-made meals from unprocessed or minimally processed foods would substantially improve the diet quality of Canadian. Copyright © 2016

  3. Linguagem e aspectos visuo-espaciais : uma abordagem neurolinguistica


    Carla Queiroz Pereira


    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa é investigar como o sujeito JS - não afásico após sofrer três acidentes vasculares cerebrais isquêmicos (AVCi?s) que lesionaram regiões parieto-occipitais de ambos os hemisférios cerebrais - realiza determinadas atividades lingüístico-cognitivas que envolvem aspectos vísuo-espaciais relacionados ao corpo, à escrita, à leitura de textos e de horas. Com base na Neurolingüística discursivamente orientada, na Neuropsicologia luriana e nas bases biológ...

  4. Comparison of ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography, ultra high performance liquid chromatography, and gas chromatography for the separation of synthetic cathinones. (United States)

    Carnes, Stephanie; O'Brien, Stacey; Szewczak, Angelica; Tremeau-Cayel, Lauriane; Rowe, Walter F; McCord, Bruce; Lurie, Ira S


    A comparison of ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography, ultra high performance liquid chromatography, and gas chromatography for the separation of synthetic cathinones has been conducted. Nine different mixtures of bath salts were analyzed in this study. The three different chromatographic techniques were examined using a general set of controlled synthetic cathinones as well as a variety of other synthetic cathinones that exist as positional isomers. Overall 35 different synthetic cathinones were analyzed. A variety of column types and chromatographic modes were examined for developing each separation. For the ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography separations, analyses were performed using a series of Torus and Trefoil columns with either ammonium formate or ammonium hydroxide as additives, and methanol, ethanol or isopropanol organic solvents as modifiers. Ultra high performance liquid chromatographic separations were performed in both reversed phase and hydrophilic interaction chromatographic modes using SPP C18 and SPP HILIC columns. Gas chromatography separations were performed using an Elite-5MS capillary column. The orthogonality of ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography, ultra high performance liquid chromatography, and gas chromatography was examined using principal component analysis. For the best overall separation of synthetic cathinones, the use of ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography in combination with gas chromatography is recommended. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Influência das características estruturais sobre a processabilidade do polibutadieno alto cis Influence of structural characteristics on the high-cis polybutadiene processability

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    Ivana L. Mello


    Full Text Available Características físicas, tais como peso molecular, distribuição de peso molecular e ramificações, têm importância significativa na processabilidade do polibutadieno. Assim, deve haver um balanceamento dessas características a fim de se obter boas propriedades mecânicas e boa processabilidade. Este Trabalho apresenta uma breve revisão sobre a influência das características estruturais na processabilidade do polibutadieno produzido por diferentes sistemas catalíticos. São apresentadas também algumas técnicas encontradas na literatura para melhorar a processabilidade desse elastômero.Physical characteristics, such as, molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and branching, have a significant influence on polybutadiene processability. Thus, a balance should exist in these characteristics for good mechanical properties and processability. This work brings a brief review of the influence of structural characteristics on the processability of polybutadiene produced by different catalyst systems. Also presented are some techniques from the literature aimed at improving processability of this elastomer.

  6. Apparatus And Method For Wireless Monitoring Using Ultra-wideband Frequencies

    KAUST Repository

    Sana, Furrukh


    A system for and a method of wirelessly monitoring one or more patients can include transmitting ultra-wideband pulses toward the one or more patients, receiving ultra-wideband signals, and sampling the ultra-wideband signals. Sampling the ultra-wideband pulses can be performed with a sample rate that is less than the Nyquist rate. Impulse response can be estimated and/or recovered by exploiting sparsity of the impulse response.

  7. Una plataforma multiagente para la búsqueda de recursos educacionales considerando aspectos culturales

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    Bender, Cristina


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propone una arquitectura multiagente para la recuperación de recursos educacionales, que ayude a los usuarios a encontrar cursos que se adecuen a sus características personales y aspectos culturales. En este trabajo, se considera como aspectos culturales a las características que permiten distinguir las preferencias de estudiantes pertenecientes a distintas regiones geográficas. La plataforma multiagente planteada incluye varios tipos de agentes que tienen funcionalidades diferentes. En particular, se modela el Educational Resources Finder Agent como un agente BDI Graduado. Este agente se encarga de la recuperación de los mejores cursos de acuerdo al perfil de cada estudiante. Se describe el sistema multiagente completo y se presenta un ejemplo ilustrativo del proceso de búsqueda.

  8. Li-Ion, Ultra-capacitor Based Hybrid Energy Module

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Daboussi, Zaher; Paryani, Anil; Khalil, Gus; Catherino, Henry; Gargies, Sonya


    .... To determine the optimum utilization of ultra-capacitors in applications where high power density and high energy density are required, an optimized Li-Ion/Ultra-capacitor Hybrid Energy Module (HEM...


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    María O. Peña O.


    Full Text Available Un aspecto ambiental se considera como cualquier material o elemento físico o químico que el hombre arroja al agua, al aire y al suelo o que interactúe con el ambiente y propicie un riesgo para la salud y para el medio ambiente. Los residuos originados durante el desarrollo de actividades relacionadas con la experimentación química, aunque en una proporción menor que en un proceso industrial, ellos pueden ser residuos peligrosos al medio ambiente. Los aspectos ambientales se asocian con las actividades de generación de residuos, derrames, emisión a la atmósfera, el consumo de recursos naturales y ruido. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo proponer directrices para identificar y clasificar a los residuos que son generados en una experimentación química e introducir aspectos de seguridad para la salud y para el medio ambiente dentro de los procedimientos analíticos. Se inició con una evaluación diagnóstica sobre el conocimiento de la normativa en materia de gestión de los residuos o desechos, dirigida a técnicos y profesores que realizan actividades en ocho laboratorios para la enseñanza de la Química. Se siguió con la selección de un procedimiento analítico, como caso estudio, para revisar y aplicar estrategias de reusar, reciclar y reducir la generación de los residuos. Se encontró un desconocimiento de la normativa ambiental, representada por el 73% de los encuestados y un escaso tratamiento de residuos. Se concluye que la extensión de aspectos ambientales en los procedimientos analíticos puede ayudar a prevenir la contaminación ambiental, a fortalecer aspectos toxicológicos, de seguridad y de prevención de riesgos laborales.


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    René E. Díaz T., DR.


    Full Text Available Las técnicas de laboratorio de análisis hormonales han experimentado grandes progresos en las últimas décadas, actualmente se pueden realizar determinaciones hormonales con gran precisión y automatización, sin embargo, existen muchos elementos que es necesario tener en consideración al momento de interpretar un examen hormonal. El elegir el examen adecuado para la condición que estamos estudiando, el conocer sus limitaciones y potenciales falsos positivos y negativos es parte del conocimiento que es fundamental tener como clínicos. En este artículo se pretende entregar una breve revisión de las principales determinaciones hormonales, orientado a aspectos que puedan ser de utilidad al médico no especialista en su práctica clínica.

  11. Aspectos podológicos en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud

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    Antonio Martínez Sabater

    Full Text Available Objetivo: la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (ENS es el instrumento para detectar el nivel de salud de la población, por lo que se plantea como objetivo el análisis de las diferentes ediciones para valorar la presencia de los aspectos podológicos y de la figura del profesional de podología en la atención a las personas mayores. Metodología: se ha realizado un análisis de contenido de las diferentes ENS tras la recopilación de las diferentes ediciones (8. Después de la lectura en profundidad y análisis por parte de dos investigadores, se han cumplimentado las fichas de análisis y se han categorizado los diferentes transcriptores, y se ha realizado el análisis e interpretación de la información encontrada. Resultados: en las diferentes ediciones no aparece ninguna mención a la profesión de podología; sí que aparecen referencias a otras figuras como naturópatas, quiroprácticos, entre otros. En relación con los descriptores sobre las afecciones de los pies, solo aparece una referencia en la edición de 1987. No obstante, la referencia a aspectos podológicos es prácticamente inexistente. Conclusiones: la ENS es el instrumento básico para conocer el estado de salud de la población general, pero presenta limitaciones al omitir los aspectos podológicos que suponen una merma en el diagnóstico de las necesidades y, por consiguiente, en la calidad de vida de las personas, principalmente mayores. Al igual que ocurre con la cartera de servicios del SNS, obvia a los/as profesionales formados para la atención básica de los problemas podológicos en el equipo de salud.

  12. New solid laser: Ceramic laser. From ultra stable laser to ultra high output laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueda, Kenichi


    An epoch-making solid laser is developed. It is ceramic laser, polycrystal, which is produced as same as glass and shows ultra high output. Ti 3+ :Al 2 O 3 laser crystal and the CPA (chirped pulse amplification) technique realized new ultra high output lasers. Japan has developed various kinds of ceramic lasers, from 10 -2 to 67 x 10 3 w average output, since 1995. These ceramic lasers were studied by gravitational radiation astronomy. The scattering coefficient of ceramic laser is smaller than single crystals. The new fast ignition method is proposed by Institute of Laser Engineering of Osaka University, Japan. Ultra-intense short pulse laser can inject the required energy to the high-density imploded core plasma within the core disassembling time. Ti 3+ :Al 2 O 3 crystal for laser, ceramic YAG of large caliber for 100 kW, transparent laser ceramic from nano-crystals, crystal grain and boundary layer between grains, the scattering coefficient of single crystal and ceramic, and the derived release cross section of Yb:YAG ceramic are described. (S.Y.)

  13. Ultra-low-power and ultra-low-cost short-range wireless receivers in nanoscale CMOS

    CERN Document Server

    Lin, Zhicheng; Martins, Rui Paulo


    This book provides readers with a description of state-of-the-art techniques to be used for ultra-low-power (ULP) and ultra-low-cost (ULC), short-range wireless receivers. Readers will learn what is required to deploy these receivers in short-range wireless sensor networks, which are proliferating widely to serve the internet of things (IoT) for “smart cities.” The authors address key challenges involved with the technology and the typical tradeoffs between ULP and ULC. Three design examples with advanced circuit techniques are described in order to address these trade-offs, which specially focus on cost minimization. These three techniques enable respectively, cascading of radio frequency (RF) and baseband (BB) circuits under an ultra-low-voltage (ULV) supply, cascoding of RF and BB circuits in current domain for current reuse, and a novel function-reuse receiver architecture, suitable for ULV and multi-band ULP applications such as the sub-GHz ZigBee. ·         Summarizes the state-of-the-art i...

  14. Ultra-high wear resistance of ultra-nanocrystalline diamond film: Correlation with microstructure and morphology (United States)

    Rani, R.; Kumar, N.; Lin, I.-Nan


    Nanostructured diamond films are having numerous unique properties including superior tribological behavior which is promising for enhancing energy efficiency and life time of the sliding devices. High wear resistance is the principal criterion for the smooth functioning of any sliding device. Such properties are achievable by tailoring the grain size and grain boundary volume fraction in nanodiamond film. Ultra-nanocrystalline diamond (UNCD) film was attainable using optimized gas plasma condition in a microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MPECVD) system. Crystalline phase of ultra-nanodiamond grains with matrix phase of amorphous carbon and short range ordered graphite are encapsulated in nanowire shaped morphology. Film showed ultra-high wear resistance and frictional stability in micro-tribological contact conditions. The negligible wear of film at the beginning of the tribological contact was later transformed into the wearless regime for prolonged sliding cycles. Both surface roughness and high contact stress were the main reasons of wear at the beginning of sliding cycles. However, the interface gets smoothened due to continuous sliding, finally leaded to the wearless regime.

  15. Bloqueios nervosos guiados por ultra-som Bloqueos nerviosos guiados por ultrasonido Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks

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    Pablo Escovedo Helayel


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As técnicas de bloqueios nervosos guiados por ultra-som são baseadas na visualização direta das estruturas nervosas, da agulha de bloqueio e das estruturas anatômicas adjacentes. Desta maneira, é possível depositar a solução de anestésico local precisamente em torno dos nervos e acompanhar a sua dispersão em tempo real, obtendo-se, assim, um bloqueio mais eficaz, de menor latência, menor dependência de referências anatômicas, menor volume de solução anestésica e maior segurança. CONTEÚDO: O artigo revisa os aspectos relativos aos mecanismos físicos para formação de imagens, a anatomia ultra-sonográfica do neuroeixo e dos plexos braquial e lombossacral, os equipamentos e materiais empregados nos bloqueios, os ajustes do aparelho de ultra-som para melhorar as imagens, os planos de visualização das agulhas de bloqueio e as técnicas e o treinamento em bloqueios guiados por ultra-som. CONCLUSÕES: Os passos para se obter sucesso em anestesia regional incluem a identificação exata da posição dos nervos, a localização precisa da agulha, sem lesões nas estruturas adjacentes e, finalmente, a injeção cuidadosa de anestésico local junto aos nervos. Embora a neuroestimulação forneça grande auxílio na identificação dos nervos, esta não consegue, isoladamente, preencher todas essas exigências. Por isso, acredita-se que os bloqueios guiados por ultra-som serão a técnica de eleição para anestesia regional num futuro não muito distante.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Las técnicas de bloqueos nerviosos guiados por ultrasonido se basan en la visualización directa de las estructuras nerviosas, de la aguja de bloqueo y de las estructuras anatómicas adyacentes. De esa manera, se puede depositar la solución de anestésico local precisamente en torno de los nervios y acompañar su dispersión en tiempo real, obteniéndose así, un bloqueo más eficaz, de menor latencia, menor dependencia de

  16. Further demonstration of the VRLA-type UltraBattery under medium-HEV duty and development of the flooded-type UltraBattery for micro-HEV applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Furukawa, J.; Takada, T.; Monma, D. [The Furukawa Battery Co., Ltd., R and D Division, 23-6 Kuidesaku, Shimofunao-machi, Joban, Iwaki-city, 972-8501 (Japan); Lam, L.T. [CSIRO Energy Technology, Bayview Avenue, Clayton South, Vic. 3169 (Australia)


    The UltraBattery has been invented by the CSIRO Energy Technology in Australia and has been developed and produced by the Furukawa Battery Co., Ltd., Japan. This battery is a hybrid energy storage device which combines a super capacitor and a lead-acid battery in single unit cells, taking the best from both technologies without the need of extra, expensive electronic controls. The capacitor enhances the power and lifespan of the lead-acid battery as it acts as a buffer during high-rate discharging and charging, thus enabling it to provide and absorb charge rapidly during vehicle acceleration and braking. The laboratory results of the prototype valve-regulated UltraBatteries show that the capacity, power, available energy, cold cranking and self-discharge of these batteries have met, or exceeded, all the respective performance targets set for both minimum and maximum power-assist HEVs. The cycling performance of the UltraBatteries under micro-, mild- and full-HEV duties is at least four times longer than that of the state-of-the-art lead-acid batteries. Importantly, the cycling performance of UltraBatteries is proven to be comparable or even better than that of the Ni-MH cells. On the other hand, the field trial of UltraBatteries in the Honda Insight HEV shows that the vehicle has surpassed 170,000 km and the batteries are still in a healthy condition. Furthermore, the UltraBatteries demonstrate very good acceptance of the charge from regenerative braking even at high state-of-charge, e.g., 70% during driving. Therefore, no equalization charge is required for the UltraBatteries during field trial. The HEV powered by UltraBatteries gives slightly higher fuel consumption (cf., 4.16 with 4.05 L/100 km) and CO{sub 2} emissions (cf., 98.8 with 96 g km{sup -1}) compared with that by Ni-MH cells. There are no differences in driving experience between the Honda Insight powered by UltraBatteries and by Ni-MH cells. Given such comparable performance, the UltraBattery pack

  17. Aspectos psicossociais da homofobia intrafamiliar e saúde de jovens lésbicas e gays

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    Juliana Perucchi


    Full Text Available O número de pesquisas sobre diferentes aspectos da homofobia cresceu nos últimos dez anos. Entretanto, há uma carência de estudos que analisem os aspectos psicossociais que envolvem as experiências de jovens lésbicas e gays mediante situações de violência e os desdobramentos destas na sua saúde. O presente artigo busca relatar os resultados de uma pesquisa que objetivou analisar como se constituem as situações de homofobia no âmbito das relações familiares vividas por jovens lésbicas e gays, analisando os aspectos psicossociais dos processos de ruptura ou afastamento temporário ou permanente do vínculo familiar. A hipótese confirmada ao longo desses anos de pesquisa é de que o preconceito se articula no contexto familiar como dispositivo de legitimação da violência e, consequentemente, ocasiona a ruptura do vínculo, o afastamento temporário ou permanente entre jovens lésbicas e gays e seus familiares, levando, muitas vezes, à saída ou à expulsão da casa dos pais em circunstâncias complexas e, frequentemente, dolorosas.

  18. Apresentação

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    Elsie Rockwell


    Full Text Available Resumo Neste artigo refletimos sobre diferenças e semelhanças entre os sete artigos incluídos neste dossiê, que representam linhas consolidadas de pesquisa etnográfica em cinco países das Américas. As contribuições concentram-se sobre aspectos do tema do XIII Simposio Interamericano de Etnografía de la Educación (UCLA, 2003: “Maiorias, minorias e migrantes”. Estudos recentes nessas linhas examinam de que modos os recursos diversos de comunidades e de redes, desigualdades estruturais e realidades transnacionais impactam os processos educacionais tanto dentro quanto além da escolaridade formal. Em conjunto, eles propõem importantes desafios conceituais e metodológicos para a pesquisa educacional.

  19. Numerical evaluation of the modulus of longitudinal elasticity in structural round timber elements of the Eucalyptus genus Avaliação numérica do módulo de elasticidade longitudinal em peças roliças estruturais de madeira do gênero Eucalyptus

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    André L. Christoforo


    Full Text Available Currently, the standards that deal with the determination of the properties of rigidity and strength for structural round timber elements do not take in consideration in their calculations and mathematical models the influence of the existing irregularities in the geometry of these elements. This study has as objective to determine the effective value of the modulus of longitudinal elasticity for structural round timber pieces of the Eucalyptus citriodora genus by a technique of optimization allied to the Inverse Analysis Method, to the Finite Element Method and the Least Square Method.Atualmente, os documentos normativos que tratam da determinação das propriedades de rigidez e resistência para elementos estruturais roliços de madeira, não levam em consideração em seus cálculos e modelos matemáticos a influência das irregularidades existentes na geometria dessas peças. Este trabalho tem como objetivo determinar o efetivo valor do módulo de elasticidade longitudinal para peças estruturais roliças de madeira do gênero Eucalyptus citriodora, por intermédio de uma técnica de otimização aliada ao Método da Análise Inversa, ao Método dos Elementos Finitos e ao Método dos Mínimos Quadrados.

  20. Aspectos estruturais e funcionais do apoio social de idosos do Município de São Paulo, Brasil Structural and functional aspects of social support for the elderly in the city of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Tereza Etsuko da Costa Rosa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a distribuição das redes sociais e de apoio em idosos no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, por características sócio-econômicas e demográficas. Estudou-se amostra probabilística de 1.568 idosos (60 ou mais anos da cidade de São Paulo (inquérito sobre Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento - SABE, focalizando-se as dimensões estruturais e funcionais das redes sociais. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se a regressão logística simples e múltipla. As melhores condições nas redes sociais foram observadas nos menores patamares de renda e as piores entre os mais velhos e os "não casados". Para as mulheres, as chances de estarem "não casadas" aumentaram significativamente quanto pior era o seu nível educacional. O "status de coabitação" foi o que mais influenciou o apoio funcional, onde "morar só" aumentou significativamente as chances de não ocorrerem as trocas sociais. Os modelos de regressão logística múltipla construídos separadamente por gênero sugerem que idade, estado civil, renda per capita e escolaridade estão associados com as redes sociais entre os idosos. No entanto, essas relações manifestam-se de modos desiguais entre gêneros e entre as características sócio-demográficas para as diferentes dimensões da rede social.This study aimed to describe the distribution of social support networks for the elderly in the City of São Paulo, Brazil, based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. A probability sample of 1,568 elderly persons (> 60 years was studied (SABE query, focusing on structural and functional dimensions of social networks. Univariate and multiple logistic regression models were used to analyze the data. The best conditions in social networks were in the lowest income levels and the worst among older and unmarried people. For women, unmarried marital status was significantly associated with lower schooling. Cohabiting had the strongest influence on

  1. El maltrato infantil: aspectos psicológicos y programas de tratamientos


    González Díaz, Adriana


    La presente revisión recoge los aspectos psicológicos derivados del maltrato infantil. Expone la tipología, así la evaluación psicológica de los menores en estos casos y las patologías asociadas al maltrato. Finalmente se exponen los principales programas de intervención y tratamiento en estos casos

  2. La obesidad: aspectos psicológicos y conductuales


    Bersh, Sonia


    Introducción: La obesidad es un problema médico de creciente gravedad por su morbilidad y su alta y creciente prevalencia. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión actualizada acerca de la obesidad y su tratamiento, con énfasis en los aspectos de mayor interés para la práctica psiquiátrica. Resultados: La obesidad es una enfermedad crónica de difícil manejo y alta tasa de recurrencia, que se asocia con complicaciones médicas graves. Los factores psicológicos y conductuales son muy relevantes en el cur...

  3. Uma análise da pobreza multidimensional do Nordeste metropolitano com uso de modelo de equações estruturais

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    Lucilena Ferraz Castanheira Corrêa


    Full Text Available ResumoA pobreza é um fenômeno social altamente complexo e a problemática desse estágio de privação é constituída pela agregação de vários fatores sociais. Diante dessa perspectiva, quanto mais informação for sendo incorporada aos estudos que envolvem esse estágio de privação, mais preciso será o diagnóstico dessa realidade. Este artigo utiliza como instrumento analítico o método de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE, empregando microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD de 2009, com foco nas regiões metropolitanas do Nordeste: Fortaleza, Recife e Salvador. Foram definidas quatro dimensões da pobreza (capacidade, bem-estar econômico, inclusão econômica e inclusão por meio das condições de moradia, em que é efetuada análise de correlação. No segundo momento, essas dimensões passam a ser analisadas sob a ótica dos seus impactos sobre a pobreza. Os resultados desse estudo reforçam a existência multidimensional das características desse estado de privação social e econômica já apontada por outros trabalhos a partir de uma modelagem mais adequada ao arcabouço teórico.


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    Zoila Edith Hernández Zamora


    Full Text Available La presente investigación expone, a partir de una serie de entrevistas realizadas a una muestra de adultos mayores, aspectos relativos a la satisfacción general en la vida, así como las actitudes, conocimientos y prácticas de la sexualidad de un grupo de adultos mayores que asisten regularmente a una estancia diurna de la ciudad de Xalapa, Veracruz, México, misma que fue diseñada especialmente para este grupo etario. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la actitud hacia el ejercicio de la sexualidad de las personas mayores entre los hombres y las mujeres de la muestra, y entre .las personas que tienen pareja con relación a las que no tienen; así como que hay una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre aquellas personas que tiene una o ninguna enfermedad y las que tienen dos o más enfermedades con respecto a su frecuencia de actividad sexual. Es de resaltar la escasez de conocimientos sobre aspectos básicos de la sexualidad que poseen estas personas mayores, lo que hace necesario el establecimiento de programas educativos que incluyan al personal de salud y a los mismos senectos.

  5. Microscopic tomography with ultra-HVEM and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takaoka, Akio; Hasegawa, Toshiaki; Yoshida, Kiyokazu; Mori, Hirotaro


    The ultra-HVEM with an accelerating voltage of 3 MV at Osaka University is capable of achieving excellent penetration and resolution for thick specimens. We obtained images of 5-μm-thick slices tilted at angles of up to 70 o for biological samples and observed stick-shaped samples of Si devices free from missing zone. These features make the ultra-HVEM an invaluable extension of 3D observation by electron tomography. In this paper, we introduce aspects of ultra-HVEM tomography; specifically, the magnification, the amount of image blurring for thick samples and the electron staining method. Finally, we give some typical applications in the fields of cell biology, pathology and electrical engineering



    Castro Rangel, Jesus David; Garcia Vargas, Kristhell; Sepulveda Mora, Myriam


    La presente investigación comprende un estudio en un grado fundamental y a nivel general del Derecho Aduanero y una herramienta pedagógica dirigida a facilitar, a los alumnos de Pregrado de la Universidad Libre de Cúcuta, el entendimiento y aprendizaje de los aspectos básicos del Derecho Aduanero, teniendo en cuenta que Cúcuta es una zona fronteriza. El estudiante a través del presente trabajo encontrará las herramientas que le permitirán ubicarse dentro del contexto aduanero y...

  7. Contribuição à Caracterização do Pantanal de Paiaguás

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    Camila Leonardo Mioto


    Full Text Available O Pantanal é uma das regiões de maior riqueza em biodiversidade do Brasil, abrangendo parte do território do Brasil, Paraguai e Bolívia. Apresenta características internas distintas que o subdividem em diversos Pantanais e, ao se pesquisar na literatura, podem ser encontradas diversas subdivisões, que variam em número de sub-regiões (10 a 18 Pantanais e em área total (133.465 a 168.000 km2 . Assim, objetivou-se neste trabalho contribuir para a delimitação do Pantanal do Paiaguás através de diferentes geotecnologias, priorizando-se a utilização de dados e SIGs livres e gratuitos, imagens de satélite (Landsat 8, modelos digitais de superfície e malha hidrográfica, além de um conjunto de lineamentos estruturais. Os critérios adotados na delimitação foram os aspectos relacionados à inundação, altimetria, hidrografia, vegetação e padrões geológico-estruturais. Como principal resultado obteve-se a delimitação do Pantanal do Paiaguás com 17.808 km², a qual difere dos demais limites encontrados na literatura, principalmente por não englobar dentro de si o Pantanal do Taquari e por terem sido utilizados materiais e metodologia diferentes dos trabalhos anteriores.

  8. Aspectos moleculares da anemia falciforme

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    Galiza Neto Gentil Claudino de


    Full Text Available No presente artigo abordaram-se vários aspectos relacionados à natureza molecular da anemia falciforme, desordem hematológica de caráter hereditário que acomete expressivo número de indivíduos em várias regiões do mundo. As pesquisas realizadas em torno desta patologia da hemácia, ao longo de quase um século, a partir de 1910, cooperaram para a criação de um novo e importante segmento da ciência, denominado biologia molecular. A descoberta dos polimorfismos da mutação (GAT->GTG no gene que codifica a cadeia beta da hemoglobina, originando diferentes haplótipos da doença, permitiu um melhor e mais amplo conhecimento em torno da heterogeneidade clínica nos pacientes falcêmicos. Analisando a hemoglobina na sua estrutura normal e mutante, sua produção e evolução, pode-se ter um entendimento mais completo da fisiopatologia desta doença e da sua complexidade clínica.

  9. Aspectos Comportamentais no Julgamento Profissional dos Auditores Independentes

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    José Emerson Firmino


    Full Text Available Alguns estudos evidenciam que a adoção das International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS proporcionou melhorias na qualidade das informações contábeis. Mas, o conjunto de Procedimentos descritos nas IFRSs é fortemente afetado pelo julgamento profissional dos contadores. O mesmo fato ocorre com o auditor, que deve avaliar se a aplicação das normas resulta em fair presentation. Esse julgamento dependerá da interpretação do auditor sobre o nível de probabilidade associada a determinadas expressões presentes no texto das normas contábeis. Alguns autores evidenciam que existem diferenças significativas na interpretação das expressões verbais de probabilidade entre os auditores e que aspectos comportamentais estão influenciando a emissão do parecer de auditoria. Diante desse cenário, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar como se comportam os auditores no julgamento de situações subjetivas, inseridos em um cenário pessimista ou otimista, no momento da avaliação dos critérios de reconhecimento e/ou mensuração, quando da execução dos trabalhos da auditoria. A amostra desta pesquisa é composta por 258 auditores independentes com registro de responsáveis técnicos junto à Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM. Os resultados obtidos, por intermédio da análise das respostas dos auditores para situações subjetivas, sugerem que o julgamento do auditor em situações de subjetividade é influenciado por aspectos comportamentais, sendo que eles podem apresentar opiniões distintas em seus relatórios.

  10. Production ultra propre

    CERN Document Server

    Morvan, Gilles


    L'ultra propreté se caractérise par l'absence de particules et la maîtrise de la contamination dans un environnement défini. Largement appliquée dans diverses industries (pharmacie, cosmétiques, dispositifs médicaux, chimie fine, biotechnologies, électronique et secteurs de pointe, agroalimentaire, plasturgie…), la technicité dans ce domaine est élevée, car principalement liée à la maîtrise des différentes sources de contaminations (eau, air ambiant, fluides, etc.). Véritable guide pratique, cet ouvrage détaille les points techniques essentiels pour permettre à l’ingénieur de trouver des solutions adéquates à chaque type de projet. La démarche passe par la rédaction de spécifications rigoureuses pour : - l’eau, essentielle à toutes productions, - les équipements de production ultra propre, - la démarche qualité et environnementale, - la démarche de suivi du projet.

  11. Ultra-low power integrated circuit design circuits, systems, and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Li, Dongmei; Wang, Zhihua


    This book describes the design of CMOS circuits for ultra-low power consumption including analog, radio frequency (RF), and digital signal processing circuits (DSP). The book addresses issues from circuit and system design to production design, and applies the ultra-low power circuits described to systems for digital hearing aids and capsule endoscope devices. Provides a valuable introduction to ultra-low power circuit design, aimed at practicing design engineers; Describes all key building blocks of ultra-low power circuits, from a systems perspective; Applies circuits and systems described to real product examples such as hearing aids and capsule endoscopes.

  12. A informação e o conhecimento como insumo ao processo de desenvolvimento

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    Maria Alice Guimarães Borges


    Full Text Available As mudanças estruturais e conjunturais, das últimas décadas do século XX, trouxeram um novo paradigma econômico, social e tecnológico, onde a informação, o conhecimento e as tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC surgem como elementos potenciais de transformação, interferindo em diferentes aspectos da vida social, econômica, educacional, cultural, política e do cotidiano do cidadão. O surgimento da Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento, como sucessora da Sociedade Industrial, reforçou a importância e a necessidade da informação e do conhecimento em todos os aspectos da realidade atual, constituindo-se num dos principais insumos do processo de desenvolvimento de uma nação, de uma organização e de um povo. Essa nova sociedade revela-se como paradigma norteador no cenário da crise econômica mundial, demonstrando as tendências das relações entre as nações.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boër, M.; Gendre, B. [CNRS-ARTEMIS, Boulevard de l' Observatoire, CS 34229, 06304 Nice Cedex 4 (France); Stratta, G., E-mail: [Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, I-61029 Urbino (Italy)


    The discovery of a number of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with duration exceeding 1000 s has opened the debate on whether these bursts form a new class of sources, the so-called ultra-long GRBs, or if they are rather the tail of the distribution of the standard long GRB duration. Using the long GRB sample detected by Swift, we investigate the statistical properties of long GRBs and compare them with the ultra-long burst properties. We compute the burst duration of long GRBs using the start epoch of the so-called ''steep decay'' phase detected with Swift/XRT. We discuss also the differences observed in their spectral properties. We find that ultra-long GRBs are statistically different from the standard long GRBs with typical burst duration less than 100-500 s, for which a Wolf-Rayet star progenitor is usually invoked. Together with the presence of a thermal emission component we interpret this result as indication that the usual long GRB progenitor scenario cannot explain the extreme duration of ultra-long GRBs, their energetics, as well as the mass reservoir and size that can feed the central engine for such a long time.

  14. Ultra-thin zirconia films on Zr-alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Joong Il Jake; Mayr-Schmoelzer, Wernfried; Mittendorfer, Florian; Redinger, Josef; Diebold, Ulrike; Schmid, Michael [Institute of Applied Physics, Vienna University of Technology (Austria); Li, Hao; Rupprechter, Guenther [Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)


    Zirconia ultra-thin films have been prepared by oxidation of Pt{sub 3}Zr(0001) and showed a structure equivalent to (111) of cubic zirconia. Following previous work, we have prepared ultra-thin zirconia by oxidation of a different alloy, Pd{sub 3}Zr(0001), which resulted in a similar structure with a slightly different lattice parameter, 351.2 ±0.4 pm. Unlike the oxide on Pt{sub 3}Zr, where Zr of the oxide binds to Pt in the substrate, here the oxide binds to substrate Zr via oxygen. This causes stronger distortion of the oxide structure, i.e. a stronger buckling of Zr in the oxide. After additional oxidation of ZrO{sub 2}/Pt{sub 3}Zr, a different ultra-thin zirconia phase is observed. A preliminary structure model for this film is based on (113)-oriented cubic zirconia. 3D oxide clusters are also present after growing ultra-thin zirconia films. They occur at the step edges, and the density is higher on Pd{sub 3}Zr. These clusters also appear on terraces after additional oxidation. XPS reveals different core level shifts of the oxide films, bulk, and oxide clusters.

  15. Synthesis of Cu Doped ZnO Nanostructures for Ultra Violet Sensing

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    Nazar Abbas SHAH


    Full Text Available This paper mainly focused on the synthesis of zinc oxide nanostructures, their characterization and their ultra violet light sensing response at room temperature. Nanowires, nanobelts and nanosheets were synthesized by varying doping material copper by using vapor transport technique governed by the vapor-liquid-solid or vapor-solid mechanisms. The structural, morphological and optical characterization was carried out using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-Ray and ultra violet visible spectroscopy techniques. Finally the ultra violet light sensing response of these nanostructures was observed by using Keithley meter. The high ultra violet photosensitivity and fast response time justifies the effective utilization of these ZnO nanostructures as ultra violet sensors in different areas.

  16. Aspectos motivacionais e afetivos na mediação de professores alfabetizadores

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    Azevedo, Cleomar


    Full Text Available Este artigo é o resultado de uma pesquisa que parte da seguinte questão: o que diferencia o professor que obtém sucesso no processo de alfabetização? Levanto a hipótese que na mediação os aspectos motivacionais e afetivos são componentes que se fazem presente na atuação desses professores alfabetizadores. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de levantar os aspectos motivacionais e afetivos na mediação do processo de alfabetização, através da fala de professores alfabetizadores. Foram entrevistados 18 professores com a premissa de serem bons alfabetizadores. Investigar o que mobiliza e caracteriza a ação dos docentes, que mesmo possuindo inúmeras variáveis que interfiram negativamente nesse processo, conseguem obter êxito no desenvolvimento da alfabetização de seus alunos é uma possibilidade de levantar questões voltadas à problemática da aprendizagem do processo de alfabetização

  17. Satisfacción con el aspecto dental general y tratamientos deseados en estudiantes universitarios

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    Clarisse Virginia Díaz Reissner


    Full Text Available La apariencia dental es considerada un componente de la belleza facial, que al ser restaurada por el odontólogo, podría influir con un efecto positivo en la valoración personal y la calidad de vida. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la satisfacción general con la apariencia dental en estudiantes de las carreras de Artes Visuales y Diseño de Indumentaria del Instituto Superior de Arte de la Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, matriculados en el 2014. Se aplicó un cuestionario que contenía preguntas sobre datos demográficos, satisfacción con el aspecto dental general y con diversos aspectos dentales, así como también sobre el tratamiento estético deseado. La muestra quedó conformada por 108 estudiantes, que corresponde al 49,1% de la población. Se observó que el 48,2% se encontraba insatisfecho con el aspecto general de sus dientes, siendo los tratamientos de elección: blanqueamiento (63,9% y ortodoncia (47,2%. Los factores predisponentes a la insatisfacción fueron residir en Gran Asunción e interior del país y percibir sus dientes como desalineados. Por otro lado, favoreció la satisfacción el haberse sentirse a gusto con el color de sus dientes.


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    Johnny Ibrahim


    Full Text Available An acts is ultra vires when corporation is without authority to perform it under any circumstance or for any purpose beyond the scope of the powers of corporation, as defined by its charter or by law of incorporation. Some countries restrict the application of the doctrine of ultra vires but do not abolish it. Indonesia adopt doctrine of ultra vires in some of its law such as Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Company and Law No. 25 of 2003 concerning Anti Money Laundering. The provisions of ultra vires doctrine has impact to other legal person than Limited Liability Company.

  19. An Analog Correlator for Ultra-Wideband Receivers

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    Tu Chunjiang


    Full Text Available We present a new analog circuit exhibiting high bandwidth and low distortion, specially designed for signal correlation in an ultra-wideband receiver front end. The ultra-wideband short impulse signals are correlated with a local pulse template by the correlator. A comparator then samples the output for signal detection. A typical Gilbert mixer core is adopted for multiplication of broadband signals up to . As a result of synchronization of the received signal and the local template, the output voltage level after integration and sampling can reach up to , which is sufficient for detection by the comparator. The circuit dissipates about from double voltage supplies of and using SiGe BiCMOS technology. Simulation results are presented to show the feasibility of this circuit design for use in ultra-wideband receivers.

  20. On the time delay between ultra-relativistic particles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fleury, Pierre, E-mail: [Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town (South Africa); Department of Physics, University of the Western Cape, Robert Sobukwe Road, Bellville 7535 (South Africa)


    The time delay between the receptions of ultra-relativistic particles emitted simultaneously is a useful observable for both fundamental physics and cosmology. The expression of the delay when the particles travel through an arbitrary spacetime has been derived recently by Fanizza et al., using a particular coordinate system and self-consistent assumptions. The present article shows that this formula enjoys a simple physical interpretation: the relative velocity between two ultra-relativistic particles is constant. This result reveals an interesting kinematical property of general relativity, namely that the tidal forces experienced by ultra-relativistic particles in the direction of their motion are much smaller than those experienced orthogonally to their motion.

  1. On the time delay between ultra-relativistic particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fleury, Pierre


    The time delay between the receptions of ultra-relativistic particles emitted simultaneously is a useful observable for both fundamental physics and cosmology. The expression of the delay when the particles travel through an arbitrary spacetime has been derived recently by Fanizza et al., using a particular coordinate system and self-consistent assumptions. The present article shows that this formula enjoys a simple physical interpretation: the relative velocity between two ultra-relativistic particles is constant. This result reveals an interesting kinematical property of general relativity, namely that the tidal forces experienced by ultra-relativistic particles in the direction of their motion are much smaller than those experienced orthogonally to their motion.

  2. Atitudes frente a aspectos relevantes da prática médica: estudo transversal randomizado com alunos de segundo e sexto anos

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    Adriana Rainha Mascia

    Full Text Available Estudo transversal com duas amostras randomizadas de 50 alunos do segundo e 50 do sexto ano de graduação em Medicina. Foi aplicado um questionário com questões abertas e a escala "Instrumento de avaliação de atitudes de estudantes de medicina frente a aspectos relevantes da prática médica" (Colares, 2002. A escala contém 52 questões referentes à: 1. Aspectos psicológicos e emocionais nas doenças orgânicas e mentais; 2. Manejo de situações relacionadas à morte; 3. Atenção primária à saúde; 4. Aspectos relacionados à doença mental; 5. Contribuição do médico ao avanço científico da medicina; 6. Outros aspectos relacionados à atuação médica e às políticas de saúde. As atitudes são categorizadas em positivas, negativas e conflitantes. Observou-se que os estudantes apresentaram atitudes positivas frente a pelo menos três dos seis aspectos abordados; os alunos do segundo ano e do sexto ano apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa (chi² = 6,901, g.l. = 1, p < 0,05 nas atitudes relacionadas ao fator 2 (manejo de situações relacionadas à morte.

  3. UltraVISTA : a new ultra-deep near-infrared survey in COSMOS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    McCracken, H. J.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Dunlop, J.; Franx, M.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Le Fevre, O.; Holt, J.; Caputi, K. I.; Goranova, Y.; Buitrago, F.; Emerson, J. P.; Freudling, W.; Hudelot, P.; Lopez-Sanjuan, C.; Magnard, F.; Mellier, Y.; Moller, P.; Nilsson, K. K.; Sutherland, W.; Tasca, L.; Zabl, J.

    In this paper we describe the first data release of the UltraVISTA near-infrared imaging survey of the COSMOS field. We summarise the key goals and design of the survey and provide a detailed description of our data reduction techniques. We provide stacked, sky-subtracted images in YJHK(s) and

  4. Direito a moradia e inclusão social: aspectos positivos e negativos do "programa minha casa minha vida"


    Desordi, Jordana Laís; Strücker, Bianca


    O presente artigo pretende analisar aspectos conceituais e doutrinários referentes ao direito à moradia e à inclusão social, fazendo referência aos aspectos positivos e negativos do programa habitacional brasileiro “Minha Casa Minha Vida” (PMCMV). A pesquisa dá ênfase ao PMCMV, momento em que é analisada a legislação que cria e institui o Programa em suas duas versões existentes até este momento. Destaca-se, ainda, os reflexos que o programa causou ao proporcionar o acesso do indivíduo a sua ...

  5. A import??ncia dos aspectos psicomotores na educa????o infantil


    Silva, ??talo Cardoso Barreto da


    Introdu????o: Os aspectos psicomotores proporcionam atribui????es significativas para o desenvolvimento do aluno e pode ainda contribuir para sua evolu????o cognitiva, o tornando h??bil para realiza????o de diferentes movimentos. A educa????o f??sica escolar tem o poder de criar, estimular uma ampla gama de a????es motoras, novas viv??ncias que iriam estimular e desenvolver as crian??as. Criando tamb??m a capacidade de inclus??o, diversidade, respeito entre elas e quem as cerca. Objetivo: O p...

  6. Tillandsia recurvata L. (Bromeliaceae: aspectos farmacognósticos

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    Alex Lucena de Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available A cobertura superior das florestas tropicais, formada pelas copas das árvores, constitui um ambiente de extrema diversidade vegetal. Contribuindo com a grande riqueza dessas florestas encontram-se as espécies botânicas epífitas, cuja importância pode ser observada do ponto de vista ecológico, faunístico, etnobotânico e até mesmo farmacológico. Dentre as espécies adaptadas à vida epifítica podemos citar as bromeliáceas, que compõem uma das famílias mais representativas dessa flora com elevada variabilidade genética. Tillandsia recurvata é uma espécie epífita cosmopolita, nativa, adaptada a habitats áridos, utilizada para o tratamento de diversas doenças, mas pouco se tem publicado a respeito das comprovações científicas de suas propriedades. O presente trabalho revisa os aspectos etnofarmacológicos, atividades biológicas e compostos químicos relacionados à espécie em questão, pertencente à Bromeliaceae. A partir do levantamento de dados realizado, observa-se que esta se trata de uma espécie de conhecido uso popular no tratamento de diferentes distúrbios, com alguns estudos farmacológicos que comprovam suas propriedades terapêuticas. Do ponto de vista químico observa-se a presença de terpenos, flavonoides e derivados cinâmicos em sua constituição, em que alguns compostos isolados ilustram a potencialidade desta espécie como fonte de biomoléculas de interesse. Todos estes aspectos considerados nesta revisão contribuem para o conhecimento a respeito da importância biológica e o potencial terapêutico acerca dos metabólitos desta promissora espécie.

  7. Ultra-processed foods and the nutritional dietary profile in Brazil (United States)

    Louzada, Maria Laura da Costa; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto; Canella, Daniela Silva; Baraldi, Larissa Galastri; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Claro, Rafael Moreira; Moubarac, Jean-Claude; Cannon, Geoffrey; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of consuming ultra-processed foods on the nutritional dietary profile in Brazil. METHODS Cross-sectional study conducted with data from the module on individual food consumption from the 2008-2009 Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF – Brazilian Family Budgets Survey). The sample, which represented the section of the Brazilian population aged 10 years or over, involved 32,898 individuals. Food consumption was evaluated by two 24-hour food records. The consumed food items were classified into three groups: natural or minimally processed, including culinary preparations with these foods used as a base; processed; and ultra-processed. RESULTS The average daily energy consumption per capita was 1,866 kcal, with 69.5% being provided by natural or minimally processed foods, 9.0% by processed foods and 21.5% by ultra-processed food. The nutritional profile of the fraction of ultra-processed food consumption showed higher energy density, higher overall fat content, higher saturated and trans fat, higher levels of free sugar and less fiber, protein, sodium and potassium, when compared to the fraction of consumption related to natural or minimally processed foods. Ultra-processed foods presented generally unfavorable characteristics when compared to processed foods. Greater inclusion of ultra-processed foods in the diet resulted in a general deterioration in the dietary nutritional profile. The indicators of the nutritional dietary profile of Brazilians who consumed less ultra-processed foods, with the exception of sodium, are the stratum of the population closer to international recommendations for a healthy diet. CONCLUSIONS The results from this study highlight the damage to health that is arising based on the observed trend in Brazil of replacing traditional meals, based on natural or minimally processed foods, with ultra-processed foods. These results also support the recommendation of avoiding the consumption of these kinds of foods

  8. Ultra-processed foods and the nutritional dietary profile in Brazil. (United States)

    Costa Louzada, Maria Laura da; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto; Canella, Daniela Silva; Baraldi, Larissa Galastri; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Claro, Rafael Moreira; Moubarac, Jean-Claude; Cannon, Geoffrey; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of consuming ultra-processed foods on the nutritional dietary profile in Brazil. METHODS Cross-sectional study conducted with data from the module on individual food consumption from the 2008-2009 Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF - Brazilian Family Budgets Survey). The sample, which represented the section of the Brazilian population aged 10 years or over, involved 32,898 individuals. Food consumption was evaluated by two 24-hour food records. The consumed food items were classified into three groups: natural or minimally processed, including culinary preparations with these foods used as a base; processed; and ultra-processed. RESULTS The average daily energy consumption per capita was 1,866 kcal, with 69.5% being provided by natural or minimally processed foods, 9.0% by processed foods and 21.5% by ultra-processed food. The nutritional profile of the fraction of ultra-processed food consumption showed higher energy density, higher overall fat content, higher saturated and trans fat, higher levels of free sugar and less fiber, protein, sodium and potassium, when compared to the fraction of consumption related to natural or minimally processed foods. Ultra-processed foods presented generally unfavorable characteristics when compared to processed foods. Greater inclusion of ultra-processed foods in the diet resulted in a general deterioration in the dietary nutritional profile. The indicators of the nutritional dietary profile of Brazilians who consumed less ultra-processed foods, with the exception of sodium, are the stratum of the population closer to international recommendations for a healthy diet. CONCLUSIONS The results from this study highlight the damage to health that is arising based on the observed trend in Brazil of replacing traditional meals, based on natural or minimally processed foods, with ultra-processed foods. These results also support the recommendation of avoiding the consumption of these kinds of foods.

  9. Comparação entre os modelos norteamericano (ACSI e europeu (ECSI de satisfação do cliente: um estudo no setor de serviços

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    Humberto Elias Garcia Lopes


    Full Text Available O objetivo central deste trabalho é comparar os modelos norte-americano (ACSI eeuropeu (ECSI de satisfação do cliente, preservando as relações estruturais entreas variáveis latentes tal como originalmente estabelecidas. Para tanto, optou-sepor uma abordagem quantitativa, centrada na modelagem de equações estruturaispor meio da análise fatorial confirmatória. Foram pesquisados 2.145 clientesde empresas do setor de serviços, atuantes no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os principaisresultados indicaram que o ACSI pode mensurar a satisfação de maneiramais precisa do que o ECSI. Outro aspecto é que a reclamação apresentou umefeito significativo sobre a satisfação e a lealdade com o serviço prestado.

  10. UltraSail CubeSat Solar Sail Flight Experiment (United States)

    Carroll, David; Burton, Rodney; Coverstone, Victoria; Swenson, Gary


    UltraSail is a next-generation, highrisk, high-payoff sail system for the launch, deployment, stabilization, and control of very large (km2 class) solar sails enabling high payload mass fractions for interplanetary and deep space spacecraft. UltraSail is a non-traditional approach to propulsion technology achieved by combining propulsion and control systems developed for formation- flying microsatellites with an innovative solar sail architecture to achieve controllable sail areas approaching 1 km2, sail subsystem area densities approaching 1 g/m2, and thrust levels many times those of ion thrusters used for comparable deep space missions. UltraSail can achieve outer planetary rendezvous, a deep-space capability now reserved for high-mass nuclear and chemical systems. There is a twofold rationale behind the UltraSail concept for advanced solar sail systems. The first is that sail-andboom systems are inherently size-limited. The boom mass must be kept small, and column buckling limits the boom length to a few hundred meters. By eliminating the boom, UltraSail not only offers larger sail area, but also lower areal density, allowing larger payloads and shorter mission transit times. The second rationale for UltraSail is that sail films present deployment handling difficulties as the film thickness approaches one micrometer. The square sail requires that the film be folded in two directions for launch, and similarly unfolded for deployment. The film is stressed at the intersection of two folds, and this stress varies inversely with the film thickness. This stress can cause the film to yield, forming a permanent crease, or worse, to perforate. By rolling the film as UltraSail does, creases are prevented. Because the film is so thin, the roll thickness is small. Dynamic structural analysis of UltraSail coupled with dynamic control analysis shows that the system can be designed to eliminate longitudinal torsional waves created while controlling the pitch of the blades

  11. Jeroky Mbaekua - aspectos da etnoarte indígena.

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    Oseias de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A idéia de arte compartilhada na cultura ocidental tradicionalmente tem sido entendida a partir de elementos conceituais e categorizações que não podem ser aplicados na cultura indígena. Assim, considerar a arte indígena significa observar sua complexidade, de forma a perpassar todas as instâncias da vida desses sujeitos. Desta forma, o texto busca discutir aspectos da etnoarte indígena que não é focada em uma noção de arte centralizada e homogeneizadora mas, sim atenta à uma perspectiva que busca contemplar melhor o seu modo de construção de símbolos, significados e representações culturais.

  12. Lacaziose (doença de Jorge Lobo: revisão e atualização Lacaziosis (Jorge Lobo’s disease: review and update

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    Arival Cardoso de Brito


    Full Text Available Lacaziose ou doença de Jorge Lobo é micose crônica, granulomatosa, causada por implantação traumática do fungo Lacazia loboi - patógeno não cultivável até o presente - nos tecidos cutâneo e subcutâneo, manifestando-se clinicamente por lesões nodulares queloidianas predominantes, envolvendo sobretudo pavilhões auriculares, face, membros superiores e inferiores, e não comprometendo as mucosas. A maioria dos casos humanos está registrada em países da América do Sul. Entretanto, a enfermidade apresenta aspectos epidemiológicos destacados, como o aparecimento em tribo Caiabi, no Brasil Central e em mamíferos não humanos, golfinhos de duas espécies (Tursiops truncatus e Sotalia guianensis capturados na costa da Flórida (EUA, na foz do rio Suriname, na costa de Santa Catarina (Brasil, no golfo de Gasconha (baía de Biscaia-Europa, com manifestações cutâneas e achados histopatológicos muito similares às encontradas no homem. O artigo objetiva abordar características do fungo e sua taxonomia, e aspectos históricos, ecoepidemiológicos, clínicos, imuno-histoquímicos, histopatológicos, ultra-estruturais e terapêuticos.Lacaziosis, also known as Jorge Lobo’s disease, lobomycosis and keloidal blastomycosis, is a chronic cutaneous and subcutaneous fungal granulomatous disease, caused by Lacazia loboi - an uncultivated fungal pathogen - characterized by the development of nodular keloidal lesions, particularly on the pinnae, face, upper and lower limbs, and with no involvement of mucous membranes. Most cases in humans were reported in South America, including the Caiabi Indians, in Central Brazil. The disease was described in non-human mammals, such as two species of dolphins (Tursiops truncatus and Sotalia guianensis inhabiting the coasts of Florida (USA, South America (Suriname River estuary, Santa Catarina-Brazil coast and Gulf of Gascony (Biscaya Bay, in Europe. The histopathological findings in dolphins were very similar

  13. Tabaco y salud infantil: un aspecto no suficientemente valorado


    Rubio, Ivonne; Kanopa, Virginia


    La campaña que se desarrolla en Uruguay contra el consumo de tabaco enfatiza sobre los efectos nocivos que produce el cigarrillo en la salud de la población adulta que fuma y en fumadores pasivos. La disminución de afecciones cardiovasculares como el infarto de miocardio y del cáncer de pulmón ha mostrado resultados alentadores en relación a la disminución del número de consumidores, si bien aún no se ha logrado el descenso esperado. La campaña enfoca varios aspectos dirigidos a la presentaci...

  14. Ultra-wide-field imaging in diabetic retinopathy. (United States)

    Ghasemi Falavarjani, Khalil; Tsui, Irena; Sadda, Srinivas R


    Since 1991, 7-field images captured with 30-50 degree cameras in the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study were the gold standard for fundus imaging to study diabetic retinopathy. Ultra-wide-field images cover significantly more area (up to 82%) of the fundus and with ocular steering can in many cases image 100% of the fundus ("panretinal"). Recent advances in image analysis of ultra-wide-field imaging allow for precise measurements of the peripheral retinal lesions. There is a growing consensus in the literature that ultra-wide-field imaging improves detection of peripheral lesions in diabetic retinopathy and leads to more accurate classification of the disease. There is discordance among studies, however, on the correlation between peripheral diabetic lesions and diabetic macular edema and optimal management strategies to treat diabetic retinopathy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Solutions for ultra-high speed optical wavelength conversion and clock recovery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oxenløwe, Leif Katsuo; Galili, Michael; Mulvad, Hans Christian Hansen


    This paper reports on our recent advances in ultra-fast optical communications relying on ultra-short pulses densely stacked in ultra-high bit rate serial data signals at a single wavelength. The paper describes details in solutions for the network functionalities of wavelength conversion and clock...... recovery at bit rates up to 320 Gb/s...

  16. Calidad de servicio (QoS en procesos: Escenarios de procesamiento con aspectos

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    Hector Manuel Soto Pérez


    En resumen el presente trabajo estudia conceptos básicos de calidad de servicio y algunos de sus marcos de aplicación siguiendo un enfoque aspectual. Planteando posibles casos de uso genéricos para aplicar mejoras en la prestación de la QoS mediante aspectos en la planificación y gestión de recursos de aplicaciones tradicionales.

  17. Sobressalto patológico: aspectos clínicos e eletrencefalográficos

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    Frederico Dahne Kliemann


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam o caso de um paciente apresentando crises de sobressalto provocadas por estímulos auditivos, sensitivos e visuais, sem crises epilépticas espontâneas nem retardo psicomotor. Estudam os aspectos clínicos e eletrencefalográficos e revisam a situação da entidade entre as assim chamadas epilepsias reflexas.


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    Marta Silvia Tabares

    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un análisis acerca de la trazabilidad de los intereses de un sistema de software, desde el enfoque del desarrollo de software orientado a aspectos. Para esto se abordarán los conceptos generales de trazabilidad, de la orientación a aspectos y de las características que esta técnica puede proveer para verificar la fiabilidad y evolución de los requisitos en el proceso de desarrollo de software. Tratar la trazabilidad desde este enfoque pretende orientar al desarrollador a identificar elementos generales para determinar la traza de los intereses de corte transversal cuando estos afectan otros intereses del sistema y a su vez cómo diferentes piezas de un artefacto de software asociadas a este tipo de intereses han evolucionado y afectado a otras a lo largo del ciclo de vida de desarrollo.

  19. Ultra-low noise supercontinuum source for ultra-high resolution optical coherence tomography at 1300 nm (United States)

    Gonzalo, I. B.; Maria, M.; Engelsholm, R. D.; Feuchter, T.; Leick, L.; Moselund, P. M.; Podoleanu, A.; Bang, O.


    Supercontinuum (SC) sources are of great interest for many applications due to their ultra-broad optical bandwidth, good beam quality and high power spectral density [1]. In particular, the high average power over large bandwidths makes SC light sources excellent candidates for ultra-high resolution optical coherence tomography (UHR-OCT) [2-5]. However, conventional SC sources suffer from high pulse-to-pulse intensity fluctuations as a result of the noise-sensitive nonlinear effects involved in the SC generation process [6-9]. This intensity noise from the SC source can limit the performance of OCT, resulting in a reduced signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) [10-12]. Much work has been done to reduce the noise of the SC sources for instance with fiber tapers [7,8] or increasing the repetition rate of the pump laser for averaging in the spectrometer [10,12]. An alternative approach is to use all-normal dispersion (ANDi) fibers [13,14] to generate SC light from well-known coherent nonlinear processes [15-17]. In fact, reduction of SC noise using ANDi fibers compared to anomalous dispersion SC pumped by sub-picosecond pulses has been recently demonstrated [18], but a cladding mode was used to stabilize the ANDi SC. In this work, we characterize the noise performance of a femtosecond pumped ANDi based SC and a commercial SC source in an UHR-OCT system at 1300 nm. We show that the ANDi based SC presents exceptional noise properties compared to a commercial source. An improvement of 5 dB in SNR is measured in the UHR-OCT system, and the noise behavior resembles that of a superluminiscent diode. This preliminary study is a step forward towards development of an ultra-low noise SC source at 1300 nm for ultra-high resolution OCT.

  20. Added sugars and ultra-processed foods in Spanish households (1990-2010). (United States)

    Latasa, P; Louzada, M L D C; Martinez Steele, E; Monteiro, C A


    To study the association between ultra-processed foods acquisitions and added sugar content of total food purchases in Spanish households in 2010. Changes over time (1990-2000-2010) in ultra-processed food purchases and added sugars content of total food purchases are also compared. We used data from three nationally representative Household Budget Surveys (HBS) conducted in 1990, 2000 and 2010. Number of studied households was 21,012, 33,730 and 22,116, respectively. Purchased foods and drinks were classified according to NOVA food groups as ultra-processed foods, processed foods, unprocessed or minimally processed foods, or processed culinary ingredients. Linear and Poisson regressions were used to estimate the association between quintiles of energy contribution of ultra-processed foods and added sugars contents of total food purchases in 2010. Changes over time were assessed using tests of linear trend and Student's t test. In 2010, ultra-processed foods represented 31.7% of daily energy acquisitions and 80.4% of all added sugars. Added sugars content of food purchases raised from 7.3% in the lowest to 18.2% in the highest quintiles of energy contribution of ultra-processed foods. The risk of exceeding 10% energy from added sugars quadrupled between the lowest and highest quintiles. The percentage of ultra-processed foods on all food purchases almost tripled between 1990 and 2010 (from 11.0 to 31.7%), paralleling the increase of added sugars content (from 8.4 to 13.0%). Cutting down exceeding added sugars availability in Spain may require a reduction in ultra-processed food purchasing.

  1. Prótesis dental en el paciente anciano: aspectos relevantes


    Almeida, Erika Oliveira de; Silva, Eulália Maria Martins da; Falcón Antenucci, Rosse Mary; Freitas Junior, Amílcar Chagas


    Para el paciente anciano la prótesis dental es una integradora familiar, social, mantenedora de la salud general y elevadora de la expectativa de vida. Algunos cambios fisiológicos, patológicos y funcionales que ocurren con los elementos dentales en la tercera edad pueden repercutir en el tratamiento protésico. La siguiente revisión de literatura destaca los aspectos  fundamentales que deben ser considerados en el tratamiento protésico de pacientes ancianos. Se destacan las particularidades d...

  2. Danish Ultras

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Havelund, Jonas; Joern, Lise; Rasmussen, Kristian


    It is well documented that knowledge of supporter culture is crucial when assessing the risk of disorder at football matches and thereby ensuring a balanced approach by police and stewards (Stott & Pearson 2007). Both within Denmark and internationally, there is a weak understanding of risk suppo....... The article aims to create knowledge concerning ultra supporter culture with the purpose of gaining the information necessary for building differentiated and balanced action on the part of the police and security services....

  3. Troublesome Thugs or Respectable Rebels? Class, Martyrdom and Cairo’s Revolutionary Ultras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carl Rommel


    Full Text Available This ethnographic article explores the politics of Egypt’s Ultras football supporters. The Ultras have frequently been heralded as some of the Egyptian Revolution’s most prominent rebels, in particular, after the Port Said stadium massacre in February 2012, when 72 Ultras members were killed. However, this essay focuses on the earlier phase of violent clashes in central Cairo when the Ultras were highly ambivalent about the ongoing protests. As the article shows, the fan groups were hesitant to join the demonstrations, which at the time were heavily associated with “thuggery” (balṭaga. Only after the death of one of its members did the Ultras whole-heartedly take on their rebellious subjectivity.

  4. Ultra Low Concentration Adsorption Equilibria

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Mahle, John J; Buettner, Leonard C; LeVan, M. D; Schindler, Bryan J


    .... Specifically this work focuses on novel experimental and modeling methods to characterize and predict at ultra-low chemical vapor concentrations the protection afforded by adsorption-based vapor filtration systems...

  5. Ultra wideband antennas design, methodologies, and performance

    CERN Document Server

    Galvan-Tejada, Giselle M; Jardón Aguilar, Hildeberto


    Ultra Wideband Antennas: Design, Methodologies, and Performance presents the current state of the art of ultra wideband (UWB) antennas, from theory specific for these radiators to guidelines for the design of omnidirectional and directional UWB antennas. Offering a comprehensive overview of the latest UWB antenna research and development, this book:Discusses the developed theory for UWB antennas in frequency and time domainsDelivers a brief exposition of numerical methods for electromagnetics oriented to antennasDescribes solid-planar equivalen

  6. Processamento e caracterizações estruturais, microestruturais e ferroelétricas do composto magnetoelétrico BiFeO3-PbTiO3 obtido pelo método de Pechini

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    V. F. Freitas

    Full Text Available Resumo Neste trabalho uma rota alternativa de síntese, o método de Pechini modificado, foi utilizada para obter nanopartículas do composto BiFeO3-PbTiO3 (BFPT. As imagens obtidas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura revelaram tamanhos de partículas inferiores a 120 nm. Análises estruturais apontaram a organização estrutural do composto (formação de estruturas com simetria tetragonal como função da temperatura de síntese. Cálculos da polarização espontânea indicaram a intensidade alcançada no composto BFPT. As análises de densidade eletrônica obtidas pelo método da máxima entropia indicaram a configuração das ligações químicas presentes no composto.

  7. Aspectos metodologicos de la medición en el sitio de ocurrencia de lesiones por accidentes de tráfico

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    Híjar-Medina Martha C.


    Full Text Available Os acidentes de trânsito de veículos a motor representam problema de saúde pública, em nível mundial. No México, a pesquisa, nesse campo, é limitada e a metodologia para seu estudo é pouco desenvolvida. Na literatura científica internacional são escassos os artigos que discutem os aspectos metodológicos de pesquisa nesse campo. Assim, realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de apresentar alguns aspectos metodológicos úteis para os interessados em pesquisar lesões por acidentes de trânsito. Foram discutidos aspectos sobre como medir, no local de ocorrência, as variáveis básicas para o estudo dessas lesões, tais como: se o motorista sofreu ou não lesões, uso de cinto de segurança, velocidade e consumo de álcool.

  8. Lax pairs for ultra-discrete Painleve cellular automata

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joshi, N; Nijhoff, F W; Ormerod, C


    Ultra-discrete versions of the discrete Painleve equations are well known. However, evidence for their integrability has so far been restricted. In this letter, we show that their Lax pairs can be constructed and, furthermore, that compatibility conditions of the result yield the ultra-discrete Painleve equation. For conciseness, we restrict our attention to a new d-P III . (letter to the editor)

  9. Aspectos de diseño de un entorno de programación colaborativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Bracho


    Full Text Available ResumenLa programación colaborativa, o programación en par, es una de las áreas más estudiadas actualmente debido a su impacto en el proceso de desarrollo de software. El propósito de la presente investigación consistió en determinar los aspectos básicos de diseño que un entorno de programación colaborativo debe ofrecer a los desarrolladores. La metodología utilizada consistió en realizar un análisis documental sobre la propuesta de Lussier acerca de la programacióncolaborativa con la finalidad de determinar los aspectos de diseño, estructura e implementación de este tipo de entornos. Como resultado se obtuvo que desde el punto de vista del diseño, la comunicación entre desarrolladores, la revisión de código y la construcción del proyecto de software son los principales aspectos a considerar, y desde el punto de vista de la implementación se propone utilizar el modelo cliente - servidor y una arquitectura multiplataforma.AbstractCollaborative programming or pair programming is today one of the most studied areas, because of its impact on the software developing process. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the basic design aspects that a collaborative programming environment must offer to developers. The methodology used was a documental review of Lussier’s work about collaborative programming, to determine the design aspects, the structure and the implementation aspects of this type of environments. As result, from the design point of view, the communication between developers, code review and the construction of software project are the basic aspects to consider, and from the implementation point of view, the use of the client - server model and a multiplatform architecture are proposed.

  10. Super Boiler: First Generation, Ultra-High Efficiency Firetube Boiler

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This factsheet describes a research project whose goal is to develop and demonstrate a first-generation ultra-high-efficiency, ultra-low emissions, compact gas-fired package boiler (Super Boiler), and formulate a long-range RD&D plan for advanced boiler technology out to the year 2020.

  11. Benchmark ultra-cool dwarfs in widely separated binary systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jones H.R.A.


    Full Text Available Ultra-cool dwarfs as wide companions to subgiants, giants, white dwarfs and main sequence stars can be very good benchmark objects, for which we can infer physical properties with minimal reference to theoretical models, through association with the primary stars. We have searched for benchmark ultra-cool dwarfs in widely separated binary systems using SDSS, UKIDSS, and 2MASS. We then estimate spectral types using SDSS spectroscopy and multi-band colors, place constraints on distance, and perform proper motions calculations for all candidates which have sufficient epoch baseline coverage. Analysis of the proper motion and distance constraints show that eight of our ultra-cool dwarfs are members of widely separated binary systems. Another L3.5 dwarf, SDSS 0832, is shown to be a companion to the bright K3 giant η Cancri. Such primaries can provide age and metallicity constraints for any companion objects, yielding excellent benchmark objects. This is the first wide ultra-cool dwarf + giant binary system identified.

  12. Low velocity impact behaviour of ultra high strength concrete panels

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Ultra high strength concrete; panel; drop weight test; impact analysis;. ABAQUS. 1. Introduction. Ultra high strength concrete ... Knight (2012) investigated the dynamic behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete plates under impact loading with ...

  13. Tumores em animais de produção: aspectos comparativos


    Ramos,Adriano Tony; Souza,Arlete Benta de; Norte,Diego Mollerke; Ferreira,João Luiz Montiel; Fernandes,Cristina Gevehr


    Com o objetivo de realizar um estudo retrospectivo de tumores em animais de produção (bovinos, ovinos, eqüinos e suínos), foi realizada uma revisão nos casos suspeitos de neoplasmas recebidos pelo Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas num período de 24 anos (1978-2002). Os aspectos epidemiológicos dos neoplasmas nessas espécies foram relatados, e uma classificação concisa para padronizar a nomenclatura, seguindo padrões internaciona...

  14. Ultra-som terapêutico na cicatrização tecidual Therapeutic ultrasound in the tissue healing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Débora Cristina Olsson


    Full Text Available Visando a minimizar o período de tratamento cicatricial em diversos tecidos, buscam-se alternativas à terapia convencional que colaborem com o processo reparativo criando um microambiente ideal para sua ocorrência. Dentre os inúmeros benefícios das técnicas aplicáveis à medicina regenerativa, o ultra-som terapêutico (UST é prática adjuvante cada vez mais freqüente. Os modelos experimentais de terapia sonora em animais têm propiciado informações relevantes para o tratamento de vários tipos de lesões; todavia, apesar de serem muito utilizados, ainda existem controvérsias em relação aos seus potenciaia biológicos de acordo com a modalidade e a dosimetria indicadas para cada caso. Os efeitos biofísicos do ultra-som (US sobre o reparo tecidual são pouco compreendidos, sendo seu uso muitas vezes negligenciado ou fundamentado na experiência prática, o que resulta em procedimentos errôneos. O objetivo desta revisão bibliográfica é apresentar informações sobre o UST, relatar a existência de riscos de danos celulares decorrentes da inadequada aplicação e revelar a importância de seus mecanismos de ação nos tecidos, tanto no sentido físico, como nos seus aspectos biológicos.Aiming to minimize the cicatricial treatment period, alternatives have been searched to conventional therapy, among which the therapeutic ultrasound is a practice more and more frequent. However, despite of being used in the treatment of various lesions types, there are still controversies related to its real therapeutical value and the indicated dosimetry for each case. The ultrasound effect on the tissue repair is little understood, and its use is seldom based on the practical experience, what sometimes results in wrong procedures. This review has the objective to show the therapeutic ultrasound information and to reveal the importance of its mechanisms in the tissues in the physical and biological aspects.

  15. Aspectos Morfológicos e Relação Estrutura-Propriedades de Poliestireno de Alto Impacto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grassi Vinícius G.


    Full Text Available A tenacificação da matriz vítrea de poliestireno (PS pela adição de borracha polibutadiênica, que tem como conseqüência um aumento de sua resistência ao impacto, origina um polímero com características singulares, o Poliestireno de Alto Impacto (HIPS. Durante a polimerização in situ de estireno em uma solução de borracha, ocorre a formação de cadeias graftizadas de poliestireno no polibutadieno, as quais aumentam a interação interfacial borracha-PS. O HIPS é um material com ampla aplicação na indústria de embalagens e, principalmente, em gabinetes de refrigeradores, a chamada linha branca. O objetivo deste artigo é destacar e discutir as características estruturais e morfológicas do HIPS e a implicação destas na determinação de suas propriedades. Também foram revisadas as técnicas comumente utilizadas na caracterização morfológica e estrutural do HIPS.

  16. Feasibility of Ultra-Thin Fiber-Optic Dosimeters for Radiotherapy Dosimetry. (United States)

    Lee, Bongsoo; Kwon, Guwon; Shin, Sang Hun; Kim, Jaeseok; Yoo, Wook Jae; Ji, Young Hoon; Jang, Kyoung Won


    In this study, prototype ultra-thin fiber-optic dosimeters were fabricated using organic scintillators, wavelength shifting fibers, and plastic optical fibers. The sensor probes of the ultra-thin fiber-optic dosimeters consisted of very thin organic scintillators with thicknesses of 100, 150 and 200 μm. These types of sensors cannot only be used to measure skin or surface doses but also provide depth dose measurements with high spatial resolution. With the ultra-thin fiber-optic dosimeters, surface doses for gamma rays generated from a Co-60 therapy machine were measured. Additionally, percentage depth doses in the build-up regions were obtained by using the ultra-thin fiber-optic dosimeters, and the results were compared with those of external beam therapy films and a conventional fiber-optic dosimeter.

  17. Caracteres estruturais foliares de espécies de Arachis e sua relação com a cercosporiose

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Rodrigues Sanine


    Full Text Available A cercosporiose, causada pelo fungo Cercosporidium personatum, é uma doença de grande importância para a cultura do amendoim (Arachis hypogaea. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar caracteres estruturais do limbo foliar, em dois cultivares e quatro acessos de três espécies de Arachis, procurando relacioná-los com graus de resistência à cercosporiose. Foram amostradas porções do terço médio da região internvervural, do terceiro ou quarto folíolo da segunda folha contada a partir do ápice caulinar, sendo as amostras infiltradas em historresina, seccionadas com 7 µm de espessura e coradas com azul de toluidina. Os caracteres quantificados foram: área da secção da região internervural; área, espessura, e porcentagem da epiderme das faces adaxial e abaxial, da hipoderme, e do parênquima; área e espessura do mesofilo; área do complexo estomático; espessura da folha; número de tricomas, estômatos, cristais de oxalato de cálcio e idioblastos de mucilagem; e comprimento dos ostíolos. Os dados foram submetidos aos testes estatísticos multivariados de Análise de Agrupamento e Análise de Componentes Principais. Os caracteres referentes à epiderme da face abaxial, hipoderme, parênquima, , tricomas, estômatos e idioblastos de mucilagem permitiram diferenciar A. hypogaea, A. magnae A. stenosperma. O cultivar IAC-Tatu de A. hypogaeae o acesso 9017 de A. stenospermacaracterizaram-se como suscetíveis à cercosporiose, enquanto o cultivar 850 de A. hypogaea, os acessos 30097 e 13748 de A. magna, e o acesso 10229 de A. stenospermaforam considerados resistentes.

  18. Analysis of ultra-narrow ferromagnetic domain walls

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jenkins, Catherine; Paul, David


    New materials with high magnetic anisotropy will have domains separated by ultra-narrow ferromagnetic walls with widths on the order of a few unit cells, approaching the limit where the elastic continuum approximation often used in micromagnetic simulations is accurate. The limits of this approximation are explored, and the static and dynamic interactions with intrinsic crystalline defects and external driving elds are modeled. The results developed here will be important when considering the stability of ultra-high-density storage media.

  19. O uso de implantes orbitários de polietileno granulado de ultra-alto peso molecular no reparo de cavidades anoftálmicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Edward Soranz Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Alterações oculares, em especial a perda de volume nas cavidades evisceradas, promovem uma série de modificações ao paciente tanto funcional do órgão quanto psicológica e estética. Para tanto a procura de um material de baixo custo e com biocompatibilidade tem sido uma constante na literatura. Portanto, esse trabalho teve como objetivo testar experimentalmente implante de polietileno granulado de ultra-alto peso molecular, material de baixo custo, em órbitas de coelhos submetidos à evisceração cirúrgica em vários tempos experimentais, onde foram avaliados aspectos macroscópicos e microscópicose de toxicidade sistêmica do material. MÉTODOS: Para esse estudo foram utilizados coelhos Oryctolaguscuniculus submetidos à evisceração do globo ocular direito e posteriormente implantados com esfera de polietileno granulado de ultra-alto peso molecular e analisados por 15, 30, 90 e 180 dias pós-implante, com parâmetros macro, microscópios e bioquímicos. Os animais controles foram submetidos ao mesmo procedimento sem, entretanto a colocação do implante. RESULTADOS: Os resultados desse trabalho mostram que o material utilizado no implante de cavidade não apresenta alteração significativa nos parâmetros de peso e bioquímicos quando comparados ao grupo controle. O material implantado apresentou uma grande interação com o tecido do hospedeiro. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam que implante de polietileno granulado de alto peso molecular desenvolvido por uma indústria nacional tem alto potencial para se realizar testes em humanos.

  20. Evaluation of Ultra Clean Fuels from Natural Gas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robert Abbott; Edward Casey; Etop Esen; Douglas Smith; Bruce Burke; Binh Nguyen; Samuel Tam; Paul Worhach; Mahabubul Alam; Juhun Song; James Szybist; Ragini Acharya; Vince Zello; David Morris; Patrick Flynn; Stephen Kirby; Krishan Bhatia; Jeff Gonder; Yun Wang; Wenpeng Liu; Hua Meng; Subramani Velu; Jian-Ping Shen, Weidong Gu; Elise Bickford; Chunshan Song; Chao-Yang Wang; Andre' Boehman


    ConocoPhillips, in conjunction with Nexant Inc., Penn State University, and Cummins Engine Co., joined with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) in a cooperative agreement to perform a comprehensive study of new ultra clean fuels (UCFs) produced from remote sources of natural gas. The project study consists of three primary tasks: an environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), a Market Study, and a series of Engine Tests to evaluate the potential markets for Ultra Clean Fuels. The overall objective of DOE's Ultra Clean Transportation Fuels Initiative is to develop and deploy technologies that will produce ultra-clean burning transportation fuels for the 21st century from both petroleum and non-petroleum resources. These fuels will: (1) Enable vehicles to comply with future emission requirements; (2) Be compatible with the existing liquid fuels infrastructure; (3) Enable vehicle efficiencies to be significantly increased, with concomitantly reduced CO{sub 2} emissions; (4) Be obtainable from a fossil resource, alone or in combination with other hydrocarbon materials such as refinery wastes, municipal wastes, biomass, and coal; and (5) Be competitive with current petroleum fuels. The objectives of the ConocoPhillips Ultra Clean Fuels Project are to perform a comprehensive life cycle analysis and to conduct a market study on ultra clean fuels of commercial interest produced from natural gas, and, in addition, perform engine tests for Fisher-Tropsch diesel and methanol in neat, blended or special formulations to obtain data on emissions. This resulting data will be used to optimize fuel compositions and engine operation in order to minimize the release of atmospheric pollutants resulting from the fuel combustion. Development and testing of both direct and indirect methanol fuel cells was to be conducted and the optimum properties of a suitable fuel-grade methanol was to be defined. The results of the study are also

  1. 8th conference on Ultra-Wideband Short-Pulse Electromagnetics

    CERN Document Server

    Tyo, J. Scott; Baum, Carl E; Ultra-Wideband Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 8; UWBSP8


    The purpose of the Ultra-Wideband Short-Pulse Electromagnetics Conference series is to focus on advanced technologies for the generation, radiation and detection of ultra-wideband short pulse signals, taking into account their propagation and scattering from and coupling to targets of interest. This Conference series reports on developments in supporting mathematical and numerical methods and presents current and potential future applications of the technology. Ultra-Wideband Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 8 is based on the American Electromagnetics 2006 conference held from June 3-7 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Topical areas covered in this volume include pulse radiation and measurement, scattering theory, target detection and identification, antennas, signal processing, and communications.

  2. Aspectos relativos a la salud laboral y los riesgos psicosociales de los equipos de proyectos


    Donate Fernández, Alejandro


    Es el objetivo del presente trabajo presentar una serie de directrices relacionadas con la salud laboral y los riesgos psicosociales de los equipos de proyectos y, en algunos aspectos centrándose en el principal responsable: el director de proyecto.

  3. Ultra thin continuously reinforced concrete pavement research in south Africa

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Perrie, BD


    Full Text Available Ultra thin continuously reinforced concrete pavements (UTCRCP), in literature also referred to as Ultra Thin Reinforced High Performance Concrete (UTHRHPC), have been used in Europe successfully as a rehabilitation measure on steel bridge decks...

  4. Feasibility study of ultra-long life fast reactor core concept - 028

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, T.K.; Taiwo, T.A.


    An ultra-long life core concept is proposed targeting capital and operational cost reductions and ultra-high discharge burnup in a fast reactor system. The core concept is achieved by de-rating the power density and adopting annular core geometry to maintain criticality for more than 40 years without refueling. The ultra-long life core has a specific power of ∼10 MW/t and an average driver fuel discharge burnup of ∼300 GWd/t. It is assumed such ultra-high burnup fuel can be developed within an advanced fuel cycle program. Several benefits are expected from the ultra-long life core concept such as capital and operational cost reductions, low proliferation risk, and effectively holding LWR spent fuel without disposal until technologies for a closed nuclear fuel cycle are developed and deployed. As future work, safety analysis, development of the advanced core cooling methods, and comparative cost analysis are expected. (authors)

  5. Ultra-processed food products and obesity in Brazilian households (2008-2009). (United States)

    Canella, Daniela Silva; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto; Claro, Rafael Moreira; Moubarac, Jean-Claude; Baraldi, Larissa Galastri; Cannon, Geoffrey; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    Production and consumption of industrially processed food and drink products have risen in parallel with the global increase in overweight and obesity and related chronic non-communicable diseases. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between household availability of processed and ultra-processed products and the prevalence of excess weight (overweight plus obesity) and obesity in Brazil. The study was based on data from the 2008-2009 Household Budget Survey involving a probabilistic sample of 55,970 Brazilian households. The units of study were household aggregates (strata), geographically and socioeconomically homogeneous. Multiple linear regression models were used to assess the relationship between the availability of processed and ultra-processed products and the average of Body Mass Index (BMI) and the percentage of individuals with excess weight and obesity in the strata, controlling for potential confounders (socio-demographic characteristics, percentage of expenditure on eating out of home, and dietary energy other than that provided by processed and ultra-processed products). Predictive values for prevalence of excess weight and obesity were estimated according to quartiles of the household availability of dietary energy from processed and ultra-processed products. The mean contribution of processed and ultra-processed products to total dietary energy availability ranged from 15.4% (lower quartile) to 39.4% (upper quartile). Adjusted linear regression coefficients indicated that household availability of ultra-processed products was positively associated with both the average BMI and the prevalence of excess weight and obesity, whereas processed products were not associated with these outcomes. In addition, people in the upper quartile of household consumption of ultra-processed products, compared with those in the lower quartile, were 37% more likely to be obese. Greater household availability of ultra-processed food products in

  6. Ultra-thin ZnSe: Anisotropic and flexible crystal structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bacaksiz, C., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35430 Izmir (Turkey); Senger, R.T. [Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35430 Izmir (Turkey); Sahin, H. [Department of Photonics, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35430 Izmir (Turkey)


    Highlights: • Ultra-thin ZnSe is dynamically stable. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is electronically direct-gap semiconductor. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is ultra-flexible. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is mechanically in-plane anisotropic. - Abstract: By performing density functional theory-based calculations, we investigate the structural, electronic, and mechanical properties of the thinnest ever ZnSe crystal . The vibrational spectrum analysis reveals that the monolayer ZnSe is dynamically stable and has flexible nature with its soft phonon modes. In addition, a direct electronic band gap is found at the gamma point for the monolayer structure of ZnSe. We also elucidate that the monolayer ZnSe has angle dependent in-plane elastic parameters. In particular, the in-plane stiffness values are found to be 2.07 and 6.89 N/m for the arm-chair and zig-zag directions, respectively. The angle dependency is also valid for the Poisson ratio of the monolayer ZnSe. More significantly, the in-plane stiffness of the monolayer ZnSe is the one-tenth of Young modulus of bulk zb-ZnSe which indicates that the monolayer ZnSe is a quite flexible single layer crystal. With its flexible nature and in-plane anisotropic mechanical properties, the monolayer ZnSe is a good candidate for nanoscale mechanical applications.

  7. Ultra-thin ZnSe: Anisotropic and flexible crystal structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bacaksiz, C.; Senger, R.T.; Sahin, H.


    Highlights: • Ultra-thin ZnSe is dynamically stable. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is electronically direct-gap semiconductor. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is ultra-flexible. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is mechanically in-plane anisotropic. - Abstract: By performing density functional theory-based calculations, we investigate the structural, electronic, and mechanical properties of the thinnest ever ZnSe crystal . The vibrational spectrum analysis reveals that the monolayer ZnSe is dynamically stable and has flexible nature with its soft phonon modes. In addition, a direct electronic band gap is found at the gamma point for the monolayer structure of ZnSe. We also elucidate that the monolayer ZnSe has angle dependent in-plane elastic parameters. In particular, the in-plane stiffness values are found to be 2.07 and 6.89 N/m for the arm-chair and zig-zag directions, respectively. The angle dependency is also valid for the Poisson ratio of the monolayer ZnSe. More significantly, the in-plane stiffness of the monolayer ZnSe is the one-tenth of Young modulus of bulk zb-ZnSe which indicates that the monolayer ZnSe is a quite flexible single layer crystal. With its flexible nature and in-plane anisotropic mechanical properties, the monolayer ZnSe is a good candidate for nanoscale mechanical applications.

  8. Ultra high field magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lethimonnier, F.; Vedrine, P.


    Understanding human brain function, brain development and brain dysfunction is one of the great challenges of the twenty first century. Biomedical imaging has now run up against a number of technical constraints that are exposing limits to its potential. In order to overcome the current limits to high-field magnetic resonance cerebral imaging (MRI) and unleash its fullest potential, the Cea has built NeuroSpin, an ultra-high-field neuroimaging facility at its Saclay centre (in the Essonne). NeuroSpin already boasts three fully operational MRI systems. The first is a 3-tesla high-field system and the second is a very-high-field 7-tesla system, both of which are dedicated to clinical studies and investigations in humans, while the third is an ultra-high-field 17.65-tesla system designed for studies on small animals. In 2011, NeuroSpin will be commissioning an 11.7-tesla ultra-high-field system of unprecedented power that is designed for research on human subjects. The level of the magnetic field and the scale required will make this joint French-German project to build the magnet a breakthrough in the international arena. (authors)

  9. Ultra low bit-rate speech coding

    CERN Document Server

    Ramasubramanian, V


    "Ultra Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding" focuses on the specialized topic of speech coding at very low bit-rates of 1 Kbits/sec and less, particularly at the lower ends of this range, down to 100 bps. The authors set forth the fundamental results and trends that form the basis for such ultra low bit-rates to be viable and provide a comprehensive overview of various techniques and systems in literature to date, with particular attention to their work in the paradigm of unit-selection based segment quantization. The book is for research students, academic faculty and researchers, and industry practitioners in the areas of speech processing and speech coding.

  10. Consumption of ultra-processed foods : an assessment of the literature on determinants of ultra-processed food consumption and an investigation of the potential effect of time scarcity


    Djupegot, Ingrid Laukeland; Nenseth, Camilla Bengtson


    Masteroppgave folkehelsevitenskap - Universitetet i Agder 2016 Background Highly processed foods have been classified as ultra-processed, and consumption of such foodstuffs have expanded rapidly over the last decades. Ultra-processed foods are characterized as being accessible, attractive, palatable and often time-saving. An excess intake of ultra-processed foods has been associated with increased risk of e.g. overweight/obesity and diabetes type II. The aim of this master’s pr...

  11. Dor neuropática central após lesão medular traumática: capacidade funcional e aspectos sociais


    Vall, Janaina; Braga, Violante Augusta Batista


    Estudo de caso comparativo com o objetivo de avaliar a capacidade funcional e os aspectos sociais de dois pacientes, ambos com lesão medular traumática, sem e com dor neuropática central associada, respectivamente. Para avaliar a capacidade funcional, foi utilizado como instrumento o Functional Independence Measure ou Escala de Independência Funcional. E para avaliar os aspectos sociais foi construído o ecomapa de cada paciente, preconizado pelo modelo Calgary de avaliação de famílias. Ambos ...

  12. Ultra-relativistic heavy-ion physics with AFTER@LHC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rakotozafindrabe, A.; Arnaldi, R.; Brodsky, Stanley


    We outline the opportunities for ultra-relativistic heavy–ion physics which are offered by a next generation and multi-purpose fixed-target experiment exploiting the proton and ion LHC beams extracted by a bent crystal.......We outline the opportunities for ultra-relativistic heavy–ion physics which are offered by a next generation and multi-purpose fixed-target experiment exploiting the proton and ion LHC beams extracted by a bent crystal....

  13. Aspectos cuantitativos de los programas universitarios de administración de empresas en Colombia

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    Carlos Henao Restrepo


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La estabilización o el crecimiento en la oferta universitaria de este programa, en términos  cuantitativos como cualitativos, es uno de los aspectos críticos para las instituciones que postulan mejoras de calidad dentro de las nuevas reglas del mercado educativo.

  14. Ultra low-power integrated circuit design for wireless neural interfaces

    CERN Document Server

    Holleman, Jeremy; Otis, Brian


    Presenting results from real prototype systems, this volume provides an overview of ultra low-power integrated circuits and systems for neural signal processing and wireless communication. Topics include analog, radio, and signal processing theory and design for ultra low-power circuits.

  15. Ultra-short time sciences. From the atto-second to the peta-watts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book presents the recent advances in the scientific and technical domains linked with ultra-short time physics. It deals first with the conceptual and technological aspects of ultra-intense and ultra-brief lasers. Then, it describes the different domains of research (atoms, molecules and aggregates; gaseous phase dynamics using the pump-probe technique; femto-chemistry in dense phase; condensed matter; plasma physics; consistent control; aerosols; functional femto-biology) and the different domains of application (medical diagnosis; ophthalmology; telecommunications; technological and industrial developments). A last part is devoted to the teaching of ultra-short time sciences. (J.S.)

  16. Características estruturais de ácidos húmicos isolados de solos com adição de resíduos orgânicos de origem urbana: composição elementar, análise de RMN 13C e Pi-CG/EM


    L. P. Canellas; A. A. Moraes; V. M. Rumjanek; M. R. Garcia; F. Guridi; G. A. Santos; A. C. X. Velloso; R. Braz-Filho


    Foram avaliadas as alterações nas características estruturais de ácidos húmicos (AH) decorrentes da adição de matéria orgânica de resíduos urbanos. Os AH foram extraídos da camada superficial (0-20 cm) de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Seropédica, RJ) e de um Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo (Piraí, RJ), ambos tratados com o equivalente a 80 t ha-1 (em base seca) de composto de lixo urbano e lodo de estação de tratamento de esgotos. O tempo de incubação em laboratório foi de 24 semanas à temperatur...

  17. Ultra-peripheral collisions of relativistic heavy ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klein, S.; STAR Collaboration


    We report the first observation of exclusive ρ production in ultra-peripheral collisions at RHIC. The ρ are produced electromagnetically at large impact parameters where no hadronic interactions occur. The produced ρ have a small perpendicular momentum, consistent with production that is coherent on both the photon emitting and scattering nuclei. We observe both exclusive ρ production, and ρ production accompanied by electromagnetic dissociation of both nuclei. We discuss models of vector meson production and the correlation with nuclear breakup. We also observe e + e - pair production in these ultra-peripheral collisions

  18. Silicon nanowires for ultra-fast and ultrabroadband optical signal processing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ji, Hua; Hu, Hao; Pu, Minhao


    In this paper, we present recent research on silicon nanowires for ultra-fast and ultra-broadband optical signal processing at DTU Fotonik. The advantages and limitations of using silicon nanowires for optical signal processing are revealed through experimental demonstrations of various optical...

  19. Endometrial safety of ultra-low-dose estradiol vaginal tablets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simon, James; Nachtigall, Lila; Ulrich, Lian G


    To evaluate the endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma rate after 52-week treatment with ultra-low-dose 10-microgram 17ß-estradiol vaginal tablets in postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy.......To evaluate the endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma rate after 52-week treatment with ultra-low-dose 10-microgram 17ß-estradiol vaginal tablets in postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy....

  20. Endometrial safety of ultra-low-dose estradiol vaginal tablets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simon, James; Nachtigall, Lila; Ulrich, Lian G


    To evaluate the endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma rate after 52-week treatment with ultra-low-dose 10-microgram 17β-estradiol vaginal tablets in postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy.......To evaluate the endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma rate after 52-week treatment with ultra-low-dose 10-microgram 17β-estradiol vaginal tablets in postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy....

  1. Responsabilidad de directores de sociedades en Estados Unidos. Aspectos procesales

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    Héctor José Miguens


    El objeto de este artículo es describir este régimen en su totalidad y realizar un juicio crítico de las normas que rigen las acciones procesales de la responsabilidad de los directores de sociedades comerciales en el derecho societario en Estados Unidos. La metodología utilizada en este trabajo responde a la sistemática de los autores norteamericanos citados, que se caracteriza por centrarse en los aspectos prácticos, la solución de problemas particulares y el comentario crítico de la jurisprudencia aplicable a la cuestión.

  2. Aspectos das relações interpessoais em Freud: questionamentos morais


    Virginia Helena Ferreira da Costa


    O objetivo principal da dissertação é problematizar, a partir de textos de Freud, o prolongamento de expectativas e fantasias próprias da infância em aspectos sociais e políticos da vida adulta. Para tanto, as relações interpessoais são consideradas mediante dois pontos de vista da teoria freudiana, a saber, o do desenvolvimento individual e das relações e estruturas sociais. Como pano de fundo para tal problemática, são abordadas a experiência edípica infantil e a situação de desamparo como ...

  3. Aspectos psicológicos del paciente con cáncer

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    R. Labarca B.


    Full Text Available El profundo cambio que ha experimentado lamedicina en los últimos años, ha traído como consecuencia un deterioro en la relación médico-paciente. La consecuencia de este hecho es un distanciamiento entre médico y enfermo, situación que afecta seriamente a los pacientes con enfermedades incurables o terminales. El presente artículo revisa los aspectos psicológicos principales del enfermo con cáncer y concluye que la única actitud que cabe ante el enfermo canceroso es la verdadera relación médico-paciente.



    Dr. Octavio Peralta; Dr. Tulio Rodríguez; Dra. Adela Camus


    Se analizan diferentes aspectos reproductivos en mujeres portadoras de mutaciones genéticas BRCA. Se revisa la evidencia científica del riesgo que agrega el uso de anticoncepción hormonal a mujeres con diferentes niveles de riesgo concluyendo que con las formulaciones recientes después del 2010 no hay aumento del riesgo de cáncer de mama. En portadoras de mutaciones BRCA, el uso prolongado antes de los 25 años se asocia a un leve mayor riesgo de diagnóstico temprano de cáncer de mama. Se a...

  5. Sociabilidade e subjetividade: aproximações para o serviço social = Sociability and subjectivity: approaches to social work

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gentilli, Raquel de Matos Lopes


    Full Text Available Este artigo de natureza teórica relaciona, à luz do pensamento marxiano, argumentos referentes às condições estruturais de transformação das sociedades capitalistas recentes às atuais condições de acumulação e à emergência de uma nova forma de manifestação da sociabilidade e da subjetividade conexa às mesmas. Tal reflexão tem como objetivo contribuir para o avanço da reflexão destas relações no Serviço Social. Nesse sentido, após problematização teórica das categorias sociabilidade e subjetividade, apontam-se alguns aspectos da realidade concreta da profissão, assinalando algumas possibilidades de materialização das mesmas em alguns fazeres da prática do Serviço Social

  6. Ultra-thin lithium micro-batteries. Performances and applications; Microaccumulateurs ultra minces au lithium. Performances et applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, M.; Terrat, J.P. [Hydromecanique et frottement (HEF), 42 - Andrezieux Boutheon (France); Levasseur, A.; Vinatier, P.; Meunier, G. [Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), 33 - Talence (France). Institut de Chimie de la Matiere Condensee et Physique de Bordeaux


    This short paper (abstract) describes the characteristics and performances of prototypes of ultra-thin lithium micro-batteries (thickness < 0.2 mm) which can be incorporated into microelectronic circuits. (J.S.)

  7. Ultra-thin lithium micro-batteries. Performances and applications; Microaccumulateurs ultra minces au lithium. Performances et applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, M; Terrat, J P [Hydromecanique et frottement (HEF), 42 - Andrezieux Boutheon (France); Levasseur, A; Vinatier, P; Meunier, G [Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), 33 - Talence (France). Institut de Chimie de la Matiere Condensee et Physique de Bordeaux


    This short paper (abstract) describes the characteristics and performances of prototypes of ultra-thin lithium micro-batteries (thickness < 0.2 mm) which can be incorporated into microelectronic circuits. (J.S.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Gehlen


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o conceito de empreendedorismo corporativo – conhecido também como empreendedorismo interno ou intra-empreendedorismo, seus aspectos relacionados aos fatores de criatividade, inovação e mudança organizacional como fatores de competitividade das organizações, bem como o perfil do empreendedor corporativo e o ambiente organizacional necessário para que o empreendedorismo interno aconteça. Palavras-chave: empreendedorismo corporativo, empreendedorismo interno, intra-empreendedorismo, inovação, mudança organizacional.

  9. Household availability of ultra-processed foods and obesity in nineteen European countries. (United States)

    Monteiro, Carlos Augusto; Moubarac, Jean-Claude; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Canella, Daniela Silva; Louzada, Maria Laura da Costa; Cannon, Geoffrey


    To assess household availability of NOVA food groups in nineteen European countries and to analyse the association between availability of ultra-processed foods and prevalence of obesity. Ecological, cross-sectional study. Europe. Estimates of ultra-processed foods calculated from national household budget surveys conducted between 1991 and 2008. Estimates of obesity prevalence obtained from national surveys undertaken near the budget survey time. Across the nineteen countries, median average household availability amounted to 33·9 % of total purchased dietary energy for unprocessed or minimally processed foods, 20·3 % for processed culinary ingredients, 19·6 % for processed foods and 26·4 % for ultra-processed foods. The average household availability of ultra-processed foods ranged from 10·2 % in Portugal and 13·4 % in Italy to 46·2 % in Germany and 50·4 % in the UK. A significant positive association was found between national household availability of ultra-processed foods and national prevalence of obesity among adults. After adjustment for national income, prevalence of physical inactivity, prevalence of smoking, measured or self-reported prevalence of obesity, and time lag between estimates on household food availability and obesity, each percentage point increase in the household availability of ultra-processed foods resulted in an increase of 0·25 percentage points in obesity prevalence. The study contributes to a growing literature showing that the consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with an increased risk of diet-related non-communicable diseases. Its findings reinforce the need for public policies and actions that promote consumption of unprocessed or minimally processed foods and make ultra-processed foods less available and affordable.

  10. Ultra-Wideband Transceivers for Cochlear Implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reisenzahn Alexander


    Full Text Available Ultra-wideband (UWB radio offers low power consumption, low power spectral density, high immunity against interference, and other benefits, not only for consumer electronics, but also for medical devices. A cochlear implant (CI is an electronic hearing apparatus, requiring a wireless link through human tissue. In this paper we propose an UWB link for a data rate of Mbps and a propagation distance up to 500 mm. Transmitters with step recovery diode and transistor pulse generators are proposed. Two types of antennas and their filter characteristics in the UWB spectrum will be discussed. An ultra-low-power back tunnel diode receiver prototype is described and compared with conventional detector receivers.

  11. Toxicologia do tolueno: aspectos relacionados ao abuso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Forster Letícia M.K.


    Full Text Available O tolueno está presente em muitos produtos de uso doméstico e industrial e é o principal solvente envolvido no abuso de substâncias e na exposição ocupacional. O problema mais grave no estudo de patologias relacionadas ao tolueno é que este está geralmente associado, em suas preparações comerciais, a outras substâncias. O potencial tóxico do tolueno foi abordado nos seguintes aspectos: parâmetros farmacológicos; características físico-químicas; exposição; estudos clínicos; diagnóstico; pesquisa experimental; tolerância e dependência; efeitos agudos e crônicos; neurotoxicidade; teratogenicidade; doenças psiquiátricas; carcinogenicidade e tratamento. Conclui-se ser de grande importância e urgência que se realizem estudos clínicos com amostras maiores para definição mais precisa das conseqüências do uso crônico

  12. Toxicologia do tolueno: aspectos relacionados ao abuso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Letícia M.K. Forster


    Full Text Available O tolueno está presente em muitos produtos de uso doméstico e industrial e é o principal solvente envolvido no abuso de substâncias e na exposição ocupacional. O problema mais grave no estudo de patologias relacionadas ao tolueno é que este está geralmente associado, em suas preparações comerciais, a outras substâncias. O potencial tóxico do tolueno foi abordado nos seguintes aspectos: parâmetros farmacológicos; características físico-químicas; exposição; estudos clínicos; diagnóstico; pesquisa experimental; tolerância e dependência; efeitos agudos e crônicos; neurotoxicidade; teratogenicidade; doenças psiquiátricas; carcinogenicidade e tratamento. Conclui-se ser de grande importância e urgência que se realizem estudos clínicos com amostras maiores para definição mais precisa das conseqüências do uso crônico

  13. Impacto de las redes sociales e internet en la adolescencia: aspectos positivos y negativos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Elías Arab, Dr.


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una revisión teórica del impacto, tanto positivo como negativo, de las redes sociales en los adoles- centes y de la relación directa entre esto y el uso o abuso de las nuevas tecnologías. A su vez, se establece el vínculo entre las formas de utilizarlas y las características psicológi- cas individuales, los desarrollos previos de personalidad y el control parental. Se toma como punto de partida el desa- rrollo adolescente asociado a la construcción de la identidad juvenil en el contexto de un nuevo paradigma comunica- cional (cibercomunicación, donde el límite entre lo públi- co y lo privado se torna cada vez más difuso. Se expone la terminología propia de las redes sociales y se pone énfasis en las estrategias de supervisión y control adulto. Se deta- llan los aspectos positivos que las nuevas tecnologías ofre- cen (diversas oportunidades de aprendizaje, entretención, socialización, desarrollo de habilidades, creatividad y me- jora de la motivación al aprendizaje especialmente en ado- lescentes, entre otros y los aspectos negativos asociados (distanciamiento afectivo, pérdida de límites en la comuni- cación y pérdida de la capacidad de escucha, entre otros. Este artículo destaca la necesidad de entregar y estimular modelos de comunicación social reales y una educación en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías. El objetivo es actualizar y orientar a profesionales de la salud sobre los aspectos posi- tivos y/o negativos de las redes sociales en los adolescentes.

  14. Ultra-processed food products and obesity in Brazilian households (2008-2009.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Silva Canella

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Production and consumption of industrially processed food and drink products have risen in parallel with the global increase in overweight and obesity and related chronic non-communicable diseases. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between household availability of processed and ultra-processed products and the prevalence of excess weight (overweight plus obesity and obesity in Brazil. METHODS: The study was based on data from the 2008-2009 Household Budget Survey involving a probabilistic sample of 55,970 Brazilian households. The units of study were household aggregates (strata, geographically and socioeconomically homogeneous. Multiple linear regression models were used to assess the relationship between the availability of processed and ultra-processed products and the average of Body Mass Index (BMI and the percentage of individuals with excess weight and obesity in the strata, controlling for potential confounders (socio-demographic characteristics, percentage of expenditure on eating out of home, and dietary energy other than that provided by processed and ultra-processed products. Predictive values for prevalence of excess weight and obesity were estimated according to quartiles of the household availability of dietary energy from processed and ultra-processed products. RESULTS: The mean contribution of processed and ultra-processed products to total dietary energy availability ranged from 15.4% (lower quartile to 39.4% (upper quartile. Adjusted linear regression coefficients indicated that household availability of ultra-processed products was positively associated with both the average BMI and the prevalence of excess weight and obesity, whereas processed products were not associated with these outcomes. In addition, people in the upper quartile of household consumption of ultra-processed products, compared with those in the lower quartile, were 37% more likely to be obese. CONCLUSION: Greater

  15. Inertial fusion with ultra-powerful lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tabak, M.; Hammer, J.; Glinsky, M.; Kruer, W.; Wilks, S.; Woodworth, J.; Campbell, E.M.; Perry, M.D.; Mason, R.


    Ultra-high intensity lasers can be used to ignite ICF capsules with a few tens of kilojoules of light and can lead to high gain with as little as 100 kilojoules of incident laser light. We propose a scheme with three phases. First, a capsule is imploded as in the conventional approach to inertial fusion to assemble a high density fuel configuration. Second, a hole is bored through capsule corona composed of ablated material, pushing critical density close to the high density core of the capsule, by employing the ponderomotive force associated with high intensity laser light. Finally, the fuel is ignited by suprathermal electrons, produced in the high intensity laser plasma interactions, which propagate from critical density to this high density core. This paper reviews two models of energy gain in ICF capsules and explains why ultra-high intensity lasers allow access to the model producing the higher gains. This new scheme also drastically reduces the difficulty of the implosion and thereby allows lower quality fabrication and less stringent beam quality and symmetry requirements from the implosion driver. The difficulty of the fusion scheme is transferred to the technological difficulty of producing the ultra-high-intensity laser and of transporting this energy to the fuel

  16. Radio frequency acceleration and manipulation of ultra-cold electron bunches

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Franssen, J.G.H.; Vredenbregt, E.J.D.; Luiten, O.J.


    We are developing an ultra-fast and ultra-cold electron source based on a grating magneto optical trap, RF acceleration and RF (de-) compression techniques. The electrons will be created by near-threshold, femtosecond photoionization of a laser-cooled and trapped gas. The electron cloud is extracted

  17. Ultra-sonografia transcraniana em cães com distúrbios neurológicos de origem central Transcranial ultrasonography in dogs with central neurologycal disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C.F. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se 55 cães com distúrbios neurológicos e verificou-se a ocorrência de afecções neurológicas de origem central, detectadas pela ultra-sonografia transcraniana (USTC. Vinte e nove (52,9% animais apresentaram diagnóstico compatível com hidrocefalia, e destes, 16 (55,1% eram fêmeas e 15 (51,7% tinham menos de dois anos. Quinze (27,3% cães apresentaram lesões focais, quatro (7,2%, alterações difusas e quatro (7,2% apresentavam imagens sugestivas de lissencefalia; em três (5,4% não foram detectadas alterações pela USTC. A hidrocefalia foi o distúrbio neurológico de origem central mais freqüente e a USTC é uma alternativa viável para auxiliar na rotina clínica veterinária como ferramenta diagnóstica na detecção de alterações morfológicas e estruturais do cérebro no cão.In this work, 55 dogs with neurologycal disorder were examined and central neurological affections were detected by transcranial ultrasonography (TCUS. They were classifyed in hydrocephaly, lissencephaly, focal and difuse parenchimal disorders, and none changes. From the examinated dogs, 52.9% presented diagnosis compatible with hydrocephaly, being 55.1% female and 51.7% younger than 2 year-old. Fifteen dogs (27.3% presented focal lesions, 7.2% diffuse lesions, 7.2% images that suggested lissencephaly, and in 5.4% no changes were detected by TCUS. It was concluded that hydrocephaly was the most frequent central neurologycal disorder and TCUS is a valuable alternative to be used in clinical routine as a tool of diagnostic to detect morphological and structural cerebral disorders in dogs.

  18. Evidências neuropsicológicas da existiência de um nódulo de aspecto

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    Celso Novaes


    Full Text Available Assumindo que todas as línguas naturais compartilham das mesmascategorias funcionais, mostrando assim um alto grau de uniformidade,este trabalho apresenta algumas evidências neuropsicológicas quedizem respeito à dissociação entre a expressão lingüística de tempoe a expressão lingüística de aspecto, em indivíduos com patologiada linguagem – afasia de Broca. Essas evidências nos permitemdefender a hipótese de que a camada flexional seria formada de pelomenos duas subcamadas, sendo uma dessas a camada que projetaindependentemente os traços de aspecto. Essa hipótese vem aoencontro da proposta de Pollock (1989 de que a camada flexionalseria constituída de dois nódulos e da proposta de Chomsky (1995de que somente os traços semanticamente interpretáveis nas interfaceslingüísticas projetariam uma categoria funcional.

  19. Aspectos ergonômicos relacionados com o ambiente e equipamentos hospitalares Aspectos ergonómicos relacionados con el ambiente y aparatos hospitalarios Ergonomic aspects of the hospital working environment and equipment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neusa Maria Costa Alexandre


    Full Text Available A ergonomia tem sido difundida como uma das mais importantes estratégias para reduzir os problemas originados por situações de trabalho que causam lesões no sistema músculo-esquelético. O presente trabalho discute determinados aspectos do ambiente como espaço de trabalho, altura da superfície de trabalho, limites de alcance e equipamentos, relacionando-os com as atividades ocupacionais da enfermagem.La ergonomía ha sido difundida como una de las más importantes estratégias para disminuir los problemas originados por situaciones de trabajo que causan lesiones en el sistema musculosquelético. El presente trabajo discute determinados aspectos del ambiente como espacio de trabajo, altura de la superficie de trabajo, limites del alcance y aparatos, relacionándolos con las actividades ocupacionales de enfermería.Ergonomics has been one of the most important strategies for reducing musculoskeletal injuries caused by working conditions. The present report discusses particular aspects of the working environment such as work space, working heights, as well as the limits of reach and of the equipment used, and attempts to relate these to the occupational activities in nursing.

  20. Detection of multiple tumor markers using ultra-long carbon nanotube devices (United States)

    So, Hye-Mi; Park, Dong-Won; Kim, Beom Soo; Kong, Ki-Jeong; Buh, Gyoung-Ho; Chang, Hyunju; Lee, Jeong-O.; Kong, Jing


    For the simultaneous detection of multiple tumor markers, we have fabricated ultra-long carbon nanotube sensors that can detect carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and prostate specific antigen (PSA), simultaneously. Ultra-long carbon nanotubes, several millimeters long, were grown by ethanol CVD, and fabricated as FET sensors by using conventional photolithography. To functionalize each segment of a single ultra-long nanotube device with multiple-tumor markers, we first functionalize the entire device with CDI-Tween 20 linking molecules, and then immobilized CEA and PSA antibodies using the microfluidic channel. The electrical conductance from CEA-antibody functionalized and PSA-antibody functionalized segment of a ultra-long carbon nanotube device was monitored simultaneously with Ag/AgCl reference electrode as a liquid gate. We will discuss the advantages of long-nanotube device in detail.

  1. Nanocoatings and ultra-thin films technologies and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Tiginyanu, Ion


    Gives a comprehensive account of the developments of nanocoatings and ultra-thin films. This book covers the fundamentals, processes of deposition and characterisation of nanocoatings, as well as the applications. It is suitable for the glass and glazing, automotive, electronics, aerospace, construction and biomedical industries in particular.$bCoatings are used for a wide range of applications, from anti-fogging coatings for glass through to corrosion control in the aerospace and automotive industries. Nanocoatings and ultra-thin films provides an up-to-date review of the fundamentals, processes of deposition, characterisation and applications of nanocoatings. Part one covers technologies used in the creation and analysis of thin films, including chapters on current and advanced coating technologies in industry, nanostructured thin films from amphiphilic molecules, chemical and physical vapour deposition methods and methods for analysing nanocoatings and ultra-thin films. Part two focuses on the applications...

  2. Alterações morfológicas induzidas por butirato, propionato e lactato sobre a mucosa ruminal e epiderme de bezerros: II. Aspectos ultra-estruturais Lactate, propionate, and butyrate induced morphological alterations on calf ruminal mucosa and epidermis: II. Ultra-structurals aspects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.F. Costa


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o efeito de ácidos graxos voláteis (AGV sobre a integridade do epitélio no rúmen, no plano nasolabial, na epicera e no perioplum traseiro e dianteiro de bezerros e validou-se a feitura de biópsias tegumentares como indicadores de alterações morfológicas da mucosa ruminal. Dezessete bezerros, com sonda no rúmen, receberam infusões intra-ruminais de AGV ou salina, durante 37 dias. Aos 89 dias de vida, após o abate, foram colhidas amostras dos tecidos. Os AGV aumentaram a área de epitélio total e a área de células metabolicamente ativas no epitélio ruminal, embora o butirato não tenha induzido ao desenvolvimento papilar. A área de epitélio não queratinizado no plano nasolabial foi reduzida pela infusão de AGV. Butirato e lactato foram mais indutores de alterações patológicas no epitélio ruminal. Não foram observadas lesões histológicas nos epitélios do plano nasolabial, da epicera e do perioplum, mostrando que essas são conseqüências do efeito direto dos AGV sobre o epitélio ruminal. Os efeitos indireto e direto dos AGV sobre a morfologia dos tecidos epiteliais queratinizados não foram iguais. Biópsias tegumentares podem ter utilidade como indicadores de alterações morfológicas da mucosa ruminal.The effect of volatile fatty acids (VFA on rumen wall, epidermis of nasolabial surface, perioplum, and epicera of calves was evaluated. The experiment also aimed to validate the procedure of tegument biopsies as indicators of ruminal mucosa alterations. Seventeen neonatal calves with foley catheters received intraruminal infusions of VFA or saline, during 37 days. At 89-day-old, the animals were slaughtered and tissue samples were collected from rumen, nasolabial surface, epicera, and perioplum from face and hindquarters. VFA infusion increased total epithelium area and metabolically active ruminal cell area; although butirate did not induce the papilar development. The effect of nasolabial surface VFA infusion was the opposite to that observed in the rumen. No histological lesion was observed on nasolabial surface, epicera, and perioplum, demonstrating that these are consequences of VFA direct effect on ruminal epithelium. Butyrate and lactate induced more alterations on the ruminal epithelium. Indirect and direct VFA effects on keratinized epithelium tissues morphology were not identical. Tegumentary biopsies may be useful as indicators of morphological alterations of ruminal mucosa.

  3. Aplicação do método de ensaio das frequências naturais de vibração para obtenção do módulo de elasticidade de peças estruturais de madeira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Gutemberg de Alcântara Segundinho


    Full Text Available Existem diversas técnicas para caracterização do módulo de elasticidade de madeiras e, dentre as atualmente empregadas, destacam-se aquelas que utilizam as frequências naturais de vibração, por serem técnicas não destrutivas e, portanto, apresentarem resultados que podem ser repetidos e comparados ao longo do tempo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia, dos métodos de ensaios baseados nas frequências naturais de vibração comparando-os aos resultados obtidos na flexão estática na obtenção das propriedades elásticas em peças estruturais de madeira de reflorestamento que são usualmente empregadas na construção civil. Foram avaliadas 24 vigas de Eucalyptus sp. com dimensões nominais (40 x 60 x 2.000 mm e 14 vigas de Pinus oocarpa com dimensões nominais (45 x 90 x 2.300 mm, ambas sem tratamento; 30 pranchas com dimensões nominais (40 x 240 x 2.010 mm e 30 pranchas com dimensões nominais (40 x 240 x 3.050 mm, ambas de Pinnus oocarpa e com tratamento preservativo à base de Arseniato de Cobre Cromatado - CCA. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram boa correlação quando comparados aos resultados obtidos pelo método mecânico de flexão estática, especialmente quando empregada a frequência natural de vibração longitudinal. O emprego da frequência longitudinal mostrou-se confiável e prático, portanto recomendada para a determinação do módulo de elasticidade de peças estruturais de madeira. Verificou-se ainda que, empregando a frequência longitudinal, não há necessidade de um suporte específico para os corpos de prova ou calibrações prévias, reduzindo assim o tempo de execução e favorecendo o ensaio de grande quantidade de amostras.

  4. Unusual Suspects: "Ultras" as political actors in the Egyptian Revolution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Woltering, R.


    The article presents an examination into the mobilization of Ultras, a social group of aggressive football fans, within the Egyptian revolution as part of the larger Arab Spring uprisings of 2011. Comments are given noting how the Ultras are a good example of how non-political groups became active

  5. Spectroelectrochemical properties of ultra-thin indium tin oxide films under electric potential modulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Xue, E-mail:; Mendes, Sergio B., E-mail:


    In this work, the spectroscopic properties of ultra-thin ITO films are characterized under an applied electric potential modulation. To detect minute spectroscopic features, the ultra-thin ITO film was coated over an extremely sensitive single-mode integrated optical waveguide, which provided a long pathlength with more than adequate sensitivity for optical interrogation of the ultra-thin film. Experimental configurations with broadband light and several laser lines at different modulation schemes of an applied electric potential were utilized to elucidate the nature of intrinsic changes. The imaginary component of the refractive index (absorption coefficient) of the ultra-thin ITO film is unequivocally shown to have a dependence on the applied potential and the profile of this dependence changes substantially even for wavelengths inside a small spectral window (500–600 nm). The characterization technique and the data reported here can be crucial to several applications of the ITO material as a transparent conductive electrode, as for example in spectroelectrochemical investigations of surface-confined redox species. - Highlights: • Optical waveguides are applied for spectroscopic investigations of ultra-thin films. • Ultra-thin ITO films in aqueous environment are studied under potential modulation. • Unique spectroscopic features of ultra-thin ITO films are unambiguously observed.

  6. Ultra-wideband indoor communications using optical technology


    Mirshafiei, Mehrdad


    La communication ultra large bande (UWB) a attiré une énorme quantité de recherches ces dernières années, surtout après la présentation du masque spectral de US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Les impulsions ultra-courtes permettent de très hauts débits de faible puissance tout en éliminant les interférences avec les systèmes existants à bande étroite. La faible puissance, cependant, limite la portée de propagation des radios UWB à quelques mètres pour la transmission sans fil à l’in...

  7. Cinema novo e sua relação com o Modernismo literário: reflexões sobre aspectos similares

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    Julierme Morais


    Full Text Available No presente artigo visamos problematizar a relação entre os movimentos culturais brasileiros do Cinema Novo e do Modernismo literário, buscando demonstrar como o movimento cinematográfico potencializado nos anos de 1960 possui alguns aspectos similares ao movimento literário iniciado oficialmente na Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922. Para tanto, abordamos dois aspectos fundamentais. A saber: a adoção das conquistas artísticas de vanguarda, acompanhada da desintegração da linguagem artística tradicional, e a busca da “legítima” expressão artística nacional.

  8. No improvement in race performance by naps in male ultra-endurance cyclists in a 600-km ultra-cycling race. (United States)

    Knechtle, Beat; Wirth, Andrea; Knechtle, Patrizia; Rüst, Christoph Alexander; Rosemann, Thomas; Lepers, Romuald


    Ultra-endurance performance is of increasing popularity. We investigated the associations between anthropometry, training and support during racing, with race performance in 67 male recreational ultra-endurance cyclists participating in the 'Swiss Cycling Marathon' over 600 kilometres, an official qualifier for the cycling ultra-marathon 'Paris-Brest-Paris'. The 54 finishers showed no differences in anthropometry and did not train differently compared to the 13 non-finishers. During the race, the finishers were significantly more frequently racing alone than being followed by a support crew. After bivariate analysis, percent body fat (r = 0.43), the cycling distance per training unit (r = -0.36), the duration per training unit (r = -0.31) and the sleep time during the race (r = 0.50) were related to overall race time. The 23 non-sleepers in the finisher group completed the race within (mean and IQR) 1,567 (1,453-1,606) min, highly significantly faster than the 31 sleepers with 1,934 (1,615-2,033) min (P = 0.0003). No variable of support during the race was associated with race time. After multivariate analysis, percent body fat (P = 0.026) and duration per training unit (P = 0.005) remained predictor variables for race time. To summarize, for a successful finish in a cycling ultra-marathon over 600 kilometres such as the 'Swiss Cycling Marathon', percent body fat and duration per training unit were related to race time whereas equipment and support during the race showed no association. Athletes with naps were highly significantly slower than athletes without naps.

  9. La Entomofagia en México. Algunos aspectos culturales

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    Felipe Carlos Viesca González


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se abordan aspectos culturales del consumo de insectos con fines alimenticios en México y el mundo; particularmente se analiza la entomofagia en la época prehispánica y nuestros días, así como las causas por las cuales ha disminuido el consumo de estos artrópodos. Se explica porqué se ha creado una aversión hacia los insectos en diversos países y algunas regiones de México. Se reflexiona acerca del valor nutritivo de los insectos y las distintas culturas que han hecho posible que sobreviva esta práctica culinaria en el centro y sur del territorio nacional, algunas formas de preparar platillos basados en insectos, así como los problemas que enfrenta actualmente esta costumbre alimenticia entre los mexicanos y sus perspectivas.

  10. Instability of ultra-spinning black holes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Emparan, Roberto; Myers, Robert C.


    It has long been known that, in higher-dimensional general relativity, there are black hole solutions with an arbitrarily large angular momentum for a fixed mass. We examine the geometry of the event horizon of such ultra-spinning black holes and argue that these solutions become unstable at large enough rotation. Hence we find that higher-dimensional general relativity imposes an effective 'Kerr-bound' on spinning black holes through a dynamical decay mechanism. Our results also give indications of the existence of new stationary black holes with 'rippled' horizons of spherical topology. We consider various scenarios for the possible decay of ultra-spinning black holes, and finally discuss the implications of our results for black holes in braneworld scenarios. (author)

  11. Ultra-realistic imaging advanced techniques in analogue and digital colour holography

    CERN Document Server

    Bjelkhagen, Hans


    Ultra-high resolution holograms are now finding commercial and industrial applications in such areas as holographic maps, 3D medical imaging, and consumer devices. Ultra-Realistic Imaging: Advanced Techniques in Analogue and Digital Colour Holography brings together a comprehensive discussion of key methods that enable holography to be used as a technique of ultra-realistic imaging.After a historical review of progress in holography, the book: Discusses CW recording lasers, pulsed holography lasers, and reviews optical designs for many of the principal laser types with emphasis on attaining th

  12. Observation of Ultra-Slow Antiprotons using Micro-channel Plate (United States)

    Imao, H.; Torii, H. A.; Nagata, Y.; Toyoda, H.; Shimoyama, T.; Enomoto, Y.; Higaki, H.; Kanai, Y.; Mohri, A.; Yamazaki, Y.


    Our group ASACUSA-MUSASHI has succeeded in accumulating several million antiprotons and extracting them as monochromatic ultra-slow antiproton beams (10 eV-1 keV) at CERN AD. We have observed ultra-slow antiprotons using micro-channel plates (MCP). The integrated pulse area of the output signals generated when the MCP was irradiated by ultra-slow antiprotons was 6 times higher than that by electrons. As a long-term effect, we also observed an increase in the background rate presumably due to the radioactivation of the MCP surface. Irradiating the antiproton beams on the MCP induces antiproton-nuclear annihilations only on the first layer of the surface. Low-energy and short-range secondary particles like charged nuclear fragments caused by the "surface nuclear reactions" would be the origin of our observed phenomena.

  13. Aspectos legales al utilizar las principales redes sociales en Colombia

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    Manuel Adolfo Alvarado Carmona


    Full Text Available Se analizaron los aspectos legales al utilizar las dos principales redes sociales en Colombia como los son facebook y twitter. Cuando un usuario se conecta a cualquiera de las redes sociales debe hacerlo de forma responsable porque de lo contrario puede incurrir en la violación de la normatividad Colombiana en la cual se encuentran los delitos informáticos, la protección de la información y los datos, injuria y calumnia, ciberacoso y derechos de autor. Se determinaron los problemas que conllevan cuando no se utiliza bien la información en las redes sociales en el ámbito jurídico.

  14. Punção Aspirativa por Agulha Fina Orientada por Ultra-Sonografia em Lesões Não-palpáveis Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Guided by Ultrasound in Nonpalpable Lesions

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    Cláudio Kemp


    Full Text Available Objetivo: correlacionar os achados citológicos obtidos por punção com agulha fina dirigida pela ultra-sonografia de lesões não-palpáveis da mama, císticas ou sólidas, os aspectos ultra-sonográficos e os respectivos resultados histopatológicos das lesões que foram submetidas a cirurgia. Métodos: foram analisadas 617 lesões não-palpáveis visualizadas ao ultra-som. Realizou-se a punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF orientada pela ultra-sonografia, com análise citológica do material, diferenciando-as em cistos ou nódulos sólidos. Estes tiveram seu resultado citológico confrontado com o resultado histopatológico, nos casos em que foi realizada a biópsia cirúrgica. Resultados: das 617 lesões não-palpáveis, 471 eram cistos, sendo 451 cistos simples que apresentaram citologia negativa em todos os casos e 20 casos foram considerados cistos complexos. Destes, 3 (15% tiveram resultado citológico positivo ou suspeito e em 2 casos confirmou-se malignidade. Dos 105 nódulos sólidos, 63 apresentaram citologia negativa, sendo 59 concordantes com a biópsia e houve 4 casos (0,3% de resultado falso-negativo pela citologia. Todos, porém, apresentavam discordância entre imagem e citologia. Em 14 nódulos sólidos (13%, a citologia foi suspeita e, destes, 5 foram diagnosticados como carcinoma. Em outros 14 (13%, o material foi insatisfatório e 1 era carcinoma. Em 51 casos, o tríplice diagnóstico foi concordante e optou-se por seguimento clínico. Conclusão: a análise citológica do material dos cistos mamários simples é desnecessária, porém quando são complexos, a citologia é imperativa. Nas lesões sólidas não-palpáveis, é fundamental a correlação da citologia com o aspecto ultra-sonográfico e mamográfico; caso sejam discordantes, deve-se sempre prosseguir a investigação da lesão.Purpose: to determine the relationship between fine needle aspiration cytology guided by ultrasound of nonpalpable breast lesions

  15. Fabrication of Ultra-thin Color Films with Highly Absorbing Media Using Oblique Angle Deposition. (United States)

    Yoo, Young Jin; Lee, Gil Ju; Jang, Kyung-In; Song, Young Min


    Ultra-thin film structures have been studied extensively for use as optical coatings, but performance and fabrication challenges remain.  We present an advanced method for fabricating ultra-thin color films with improved characteristics. The proposed process addresses several fabrication issues, including large area processing. Specifically, the protocol describes a process for fabricating ultra-thin color films using an electron beam evaporator for oblique angle deposition of germanium (Ge) and gold (Au) on silicon (Si) substrates.  Film porosity produced by the oblique angle deposition induces color changes in the ultra-thin film. The degree of color change depends on factors such as deposition angle and film thickness. Fabricated samples of the ultra-thin color films showed improved color tunability and color purity. In addition, the measured reflectance of the fabricated samples was converted into chromatic values and analyzed in terms of color. Our ultra-thin film fabricating method is expected to be used for various ultra-thin film applications such as flexible color electrodes, thin film solar cells, and optical filters. Also, the process developed here for analyzing the color of the fabricated samples is broadly useful for studying various color structures.

  16. Ultra-Reliable Communications in Failure-Prone Realistic Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gerardino, Guillermo Andrés Pocovi; Lauridsen, Mads; Alvarez, Beatriz Soret


    We investigate the potential of different diversity and interference management techniques to achieve the required downlink SINR outage probability for ultra-reliable communications. The evaluation is performed in a realistic network deployment based on site-specific data from a European capital....... Micro and macroscopic diversity techniques are proved to be important enablers of ultra-reliable communications. Particularly, it is shown how a 4x4 MIMO scheme with three orders of macroscopic diversity can achieve the required SINR outage performance. Smaller gains are obtained from interference...

  17. Ultra Reliable Closed Loop Life Support for Long Space Missions (United States)

    Jones, Harry W.; Ewert, Michael K.


    Spacecraft human life support systems can achieve ultra reliability by providing sufficient spares to replace all failed components. The additional mass of spares for ultra reliability is approximately equal to the original system mass, provided that the original system reliability is not too low. Acceptable reliability can be achieved for the Space Shuttle and Space Station by preventive maintenance and by replacing failed units. However, on-demand maintenance and repair requires a logistics supply chain in place to provide the needed spares. In contrast, a Mars or other long space mission must take along all the needed spares, since resupply is not possible. Long missions must achieve ultra reliability, a very low failure rate per hour, since they will take years rather than weeks and cannot be cut short if a failure occurs. Also, distant missions have a much higher mass launch cost per kilogram than near-Earth missions. Achieving ultra reliable spacecraft life support systems with acceptable mass will require a well-planned and extensive development effort. Analysis must determine the reliability requirement and allocate it to subsystems and components. Ultra reliability requires reducing the intrinsic failure causes, providing spares to replace failed components and having "graceful" failure modes. Technologies, components, and materials must be selected and designed for high reliability. Long duration testing is needed to confirm very low failure rates. Systems design should segregate the failure causes in the smallest, most easily replaceable parts. The system must be designed, developed, integrated, and tested with system reliability in mind. Maintenance and reparability of failed units must not add to the probability of failure. The overall system must be tested sufficiently to identify any design errors. A program to develop ultra reliable space life support systems with acceptable mass should start soon since it must be a long term effort.

  18. Associations of ultra-processed food and drink products with asthma and wheezing among Brazilian adolescents. (United States)

    Melo, B; Rezende, L; Machado, P; Gouveia, N; Levy, R


    Although both consumption of ultra-processed products and asthma are common during adolescence, the epidemiological evidence in regarding their association is unclear. We investigated the associations of ultra-processed products consumption with asthma and wheezing in a representative sample of Brazilian adolescents. We used data from a representative sample of 109,104 Brazilian adolescents enrolled in the National Survey of School Health, 2012. The consumption of ultra-processed products was based on the weekly consumption (0-2, 3-4, ≥5 days/week) of sweet biscuits, salty biscuits, ultra-processed meats, sweets/candies, soft drinks, and packaged snacks over the previous seven days. We also calculated an ultra-processed consumption score by adding partial scores corresponding to weekly frequency intake of each ultra-processed product. The ultra-processed consumption score ranged from 0 to 42, the higher score, the higher the intake of these products. Presence of wheezing in the previous 12 months and asthma at any time in the past were self-reported. The adjusted odds ratios of asthma comparing the extreme categories ranged from 1.08 (95% CI 1.03-1.13) for sweets/candies to 1.30 (1.21-1.40) for ultra-processed meats. Similar magnitude of associations was found for wheezing outcome. The ultra-processed consumption score was positively associated with presence of asthma and wheezing in a dose-response manner. The adjusted OR of asthma and wheezing comparing highest to lowest quintile of ultra-processed consumption score were 1.27 (95% CI 1.15-1.41) and 1.42 (1.35-1.50), respectively. The consumption of ultra-processed products was positively associated with the presence of asthma and wheezing in adolescents. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  19. Determination of Proper Peaking Time for Ultra Lege detector at Medium Energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karabidak, S. M.


    Reducing count losses and pile-up pulse effects in quantitative and qualitative analysis is necessary for accuracy of analysis. Therefore, the optimum peaking time for particular detector systems is important. For this purpose, pure Se and Zn elements were excited by 59.5 keV γ-rays from a 50 mCi 241 A m annular radioactive source in this study. The characteristic x-rays emitted from pure Se and Zn elements were detected by using an ultra low energy Ge (Ultra-LEGe) detector connecting Tennelec TC 244 spectroscopy amplifier at different peaking time modes. Overall pulse widths were determined by HM 203-7 oscilloscope connecting amplifier. The proper peaking time for ultra low energy germanium detector (Ultra-LEGe) is determined about 4 μs

  20. Audición espacial en ambientes reverberantes: aspectos teóricos relevantes


    Claudia Arias; Oscar A. Ramos


    En ambientes reverberantes el sonido se propaga en múltiples direcciones sufriendo cambios físicos de importancia. El sistema auditivo debe se capaz de resolver la competencia perceptual que se produce entre el sonido original y sus reflexiones. En este artículo se presentan aspectos teóricos relevantes de la audición espacial con especial tratamiento del efecto precedente. Se trata de una estrategia inconciente que el individuo utiliza para enfrentar la información sonora conf...

  1. Nanowire decorated, ultra-thin, single crystalline silicon for photovoltaic devices. (United States)

    Aurang, Pantea; Turan, Rasit; Unalan, Husnu Emrah


    Reducing silicon (Si) wafer thickness in the photovoltaic industry has always been demanded for lowering the overall cost. Further benefits such as short collection lengths and improved open circuit voltages can also be achieved by Si thickness reduction. However, the problem with thin films is poor light absorption. One way to decrease optical losses in photovoltaic devices is to minimize the front side reflection. This approach can be applied to front contacted ultra-thin crystalline Si solar cells to increase the light absorption. In this work, homojunction solar cells were fabricated using ultra-thin and flexible single crystal Si wafers. A metal assisted chemical etching method was used for the nanowire (NW) texturization of ultra-thin Si wafers to compensate weak light absorption. A relative improvement of 56% in the reflectivity was observed for ultra-thin Si wafers with the thickness of 20 ± 0.2 μm upon NW texturization. NW length and top contact optimization resulted in a relative enhancement of 23% ± 5% in photovoltaic conversion efficiency.

  2. Medicina Genómica Aspectos éticos, legales y sociales del Genoma Humano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodolfo E. Ávila


    Full Text Available La Medicina Genómica es el uso de la inf ormación de los genomas y sus deriv ados (ARN, proteínas y met abolitos que permite guiar la toma de decisiones médicas, es un c omponente clave de la medicina personalizada. La Medicina Genómica permite conocer la cartografía del genoma hum ano y proporciona una valiosa información a tener en cuenta a la hora de detect ar genes implicados en ciert as enfermedades. Esto conlleva a que en la actualidad nos centremos más en la predicción de patologías que en l a prevención, por lo que la tendencia es que en el futuro la Medicina Genómica acabe desbancando a la Medicina P reventiva. El Proyecto Genoma Humano presenta diversas aplicaciones que, al no tener una clara cobert ura legal, traen consigo un nuevo paradigma con problemas éticos, sociales y legales que la comunidad científica trat a de resolver para compaginar los aspectos morales con el progreso en la investigación. El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir brevemente los aspectos éticos, legales y sociales del Genoma Humano.

  3. Ultra-processed food consumption and excess weight among US adults. (United States)

    Juul, Filippa; Martinez-Steele, Euridice; Parekh, Niyati; Monteiro, Carlos A; Chang, Virginia W


    Ultra-processed foods provide 58 % of energy intake and 89 % of added sugars in the American diet. Nevertheless, the association between ultra-processed foods and excess weight has not been investigated in a US sample. The present investigation therefore aims to examine the association between ultra-processed foods and excess weight in a nationally representative sample of US adults. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of anthropometric and dietary data from 15 977 adults (20-64 years) participating in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2014. Dietary data were collected by 24-h recall. Height, weight and waist circumference (WC) were measured. Foods were classified as ultra-processed/non-ultra-processed according to the NOVA classification. Multivariable linear and logistic regression was used to evaluate the association between ultra-processed food consumption (% energy) and BMI, WC and odds of BMI≥25 kg/m2, BMI≥30 kg/m2 and abdominal obesity (men: WC≥102 cm, women: WC≥88 cm). Prevalence of BMI≥25 kg/m2, BMI≥30 kg/m2 and abdominal obesity was 69·2, 36·1 and 53·0 %, respectively. Consuming ≥74·2 v. ≤36·5 % of total energy from ultra-processed foods was associated with 1·61 units higher BMI (95 % CI 1·11, 2·10), 4·07 cm greater WC (95 % CI 2·94, 5·19) and 48, 53 and 62 % higher odds of BMI≥25 kg/m2, BMI≥30 kg/m2 and abdominal obesity, respectively (OR 1·48; 95 % CI 1·25, 1·76; OR 1·53; 95 % CI 1·29, 1·81; OR 1·62; 95 % CI 1·39, 1·89, respectively; P for trendprocessed food consumption was found for BMI (F 4,79=4·89, P=0·002), WC (F 4,79=3·71, P=0·008) and BMI≥25 kg/m2 (F 4,79=5·35, Pprocessed food is associated with excess weight, and that the association is more pronounced among women.

  4. Ultra-high resolution protein crystallography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takeda, Kazuki; Hirano, Yu; Miki, Kunio


    Many protein structures have been determined by X-ray crystallography and deposited with the Protein Data Bank. However, these structures at usual resolution (1.5< d<3.0 A) are insufficient in their precision and quantity for elucidating the molecular mechanism of protein functions directly from structural information. Several studies at ultra-high resolution (d<0.8 A) have been performed with synchrotron radiation in the last decade. The highest resolution of the protein crystals was achieved at 0.54 A resolution for a small protein, crambin. In such high resolution crystals, almost all of hydrogen atoms of proteins and some hydrogen atoms of bound water molecules are experimentally observed. In addition, outer-shell electrons of proteins can be analyzed by the multipole refinement procedure. However, the influence of X-rays should be precisely estimated in order to derive meaningful information from the crystallographic results. In this review, we summarize refinement procedures, current status and perspectives for ultra high resolution protein crystallography. (author)

  5. Ultra-fast framing camera tube (United States)

    Kalibjian, Ralph


    An electronic framing camera tube features focal plane image dissection and synchronized restoration of the dissected electron line images to form two-dimensional framed images. Ultra-fast framing is performed by first streaking a two-dimensional electron image across a narrow slit, thereby dissecting the two-dimensional electron image into sequential electron line images. The dissected electron line images are then restored into a framed image by a restorer deflector operated synchronously with the dissector deflector. The number of framed images on the tube's viewing screen is equal to the number of dissecting slits in the tube. The distinguishing features of this ultra-fast framing camera tube are the focal plane dissecting slits, and the synchronously-operated restorer deflector which restores the dissected electron line images into a two-dimensional framed image. The framing camera tube can produce image frames having high spatial resolution of optical events in the sub-100 picosecond range.

  6. An ultra-broadband multilayered graphene absorber

    KAUST Repository

    Amin, Muhammad; Farhat, Mohamed; Bagci, Hakan


    An ultra-broadband multilayered graphene absorber operating at terahertz (THz) frequencies is proposed. The absorber design makes use of three mechanisms: (i) The graphene layers are asymmetrically patterned to support higher order surface plasmon

  7. Characterisation of surface roughness for ultra-precision freeform surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Huifen; Cheung, C F; Lee, W B; To, S; Jiang, X Q


    Ultra-precision freeform surfaces are widely used in many advanced optics applications which demand for having surface roughness down to nanometer range. Although a lot of research work has been reported on the study of surface generation, reconstruction and surface characterization such as MOTIF and fractal analysis, most of them are focused on axial symmetric surfaces such as aspheric surfaces. Relative little research work has been found in the characterization of surface roughness in ultra-precision freeform surfaces. In this paper, a novel Robust Gaussian Filtering (RGF) method is proposed for the characterisation of surface roughness for ultra-precision freeform surfaces with known mathematic model or a cloud of discrete points. A series of computer simulation and measurement experiments were conducted to verify the capability of the proposed method. The experimental results were found to agree well with the theoretical results

  8. Basic physics with ultra cold neutrons; Physique fondamentale avec des neutrons ultra froids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Protasov, K. [Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, CNRS-IN2P3, Universite Joseph Fourier, INPG, Grenoble (France)


    A short introduction to the physics of Ultra Cold Neutrons (UCN) is given. It covers different aspects from their discovery, their major properties as well as their using in the three experiments of fundamental physics: measurements of the neutron life time and of its electric dipole moment and studies of neutrons quantum states in the Earth's gravitational field. (author)

  9. Ultra-Reliable Communication in a Factory Environment for 5G Wireless Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Singh, Bikramjit; Lee, Zexian; Tirkkonen, Olav


    The focus of this paper on mission-critical Communications in a 5G cellular communication system. Technologies to provide ultra-reliable communication, with 99:999 % availability in a factory environment are studied. We have analysed the feasibility requirements for ultra-reliable communication...... are compared. Last, the importance of multi-hop communication and multi-point coordination schemes are highlighted to improve the reliable communication in presence of interference and clutter. Keywords—5G; mission-critical communications; ultra-reliable communication; availability; reliability...

  10. Ultra-Processed Food Products and Obesity in Brazilian Households (2008–2009) (United States)

    Canella, Daniela Silva; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto; Claro, Rafael Moreira; Moubarac, Jean-Claude; Baraldi, Larissa Galastri; Cannon, Geoffrey; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    Background Production and consumption of industrially processed food and drink products have risen in parallel with the global increase in overweight and obesity and related chronic non-communicable diseases. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between household availability of processed and ultra-processed products and the prevalence of excess weight (overweight plus obesity) and obesity in Brazil. Methods The study was based on data from the 2008–2009 Household Budget Survey involving a probabilistic sample of 55,970 Brazilian households. The units of study were household aggregates (strata), geographically and socioeconomically homogeneous. Multiple linear regression models were used to assess the relationship between the availability of processed and ultra-processed products and the average of Body Mass Index (BMI) and the percentage of individuals with excess weight and obesity in the strata, controlling for potential confounders (socio-demographic characteristics, percentage of expenditure on eating out of home, and dietary energy other than that provided by processed and ultra-processed products). Predictive values for prevalence of excess weight and obesity were estimated according to quartiles of the household availability of dietary energy from processed and ultra-processed products. Results The mean contribution of processed and ultra-processed products to total dietary energy availability ranged from 15.4% (lower quartile) to 39.4% (upper quartile). Adjusted linear regression coefficients indicated that household availability of ultra-processed products was positively associated with both the average BMI and the prevalence of excess weight and obesity, whereas processed products were not associated with these outcomes. In addition, people in the upper quartile of household consumption of ultra-processed products, compared with those in the lower quartile, were 37% more likely to be obese. Conclusion Greater household

  11. Aspectos claves relacionados con la gestión del e.Learning


    Francisco Lupiáñez Villanueva


    La introducción y uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, especialmente Internet, en el ámbito de la salud, la medicina y los sistemas sanitarios enfrenta a todos los agentes e instituciones ante numerosos retos. La educación y la formación, como actividades claves tanto de la sociedad de la información como de los sistemas sanitarios, también se ven afectadas por este proceso de cambio. La finalidad de este artículo es identificar y analizar algunos de los aspectos claves...

  12. ASPECTOS TAXONÔMICOS, FITOGEOGRÁFICOS E USOS DE Pectis uniaristata DC. var. jangadensis (S.Moore) Keil (ASTERACEAE)




    Este trabalho discute os aspectos taxonômicos, fitogeográficos e outros relacionados à Pectis uniaristata var. jangadensis (S. Moore) Keil (Asteraceae) uma planta de ocorrência na vegetação do cerrado e do pantanal de Mato Grosso.

  13. Correlação clínica e ultra-sonográfica na esclerodermia localizada cutânea Clinical and ultrasonographic correlation in localized cutaneous scleroderma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcio Bouer


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar os aspectos ultra-sonográficos da esclerodermia localizada e relacioná-los com os aspectos clínicos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas 23 lesões de esclerodermia localizada em 21 pacientes. Foi utilizado equipamento Logiq 700 com transdutor linear de 6-14 MHz. Foram avaliados, pelo dermatologista, o estágio da doença (inflamatório ou atrófico, e pelo radiologista, a espessura e a ecogenicidade da derme nas regiões afetadas e sãs adjacentes. Foi feito acompanhamento de sete casos após tratamento. RESULTADOS: Todas as lesões apresentaram perda do padrão ultra-sonográfico normal da derme. Os casos de lesão clinicamente atrófica (52,2%; 12/23 corresponderam a redução da espessura e aumento da ecogenicidade da derme e os casos de lesão clinicamente inflamatória (47,8%; 11/23 corresponderam a aumento da espessura e redução da ecogenicidade da derme. Controles pós-tratamento mostraram alterações na espessura da derme. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados ultra-sonográficos nos permitem associar o aumento da espessura e a redução da ecogenicidade da derme com a fase inflamatória da doença, e a redução da espessura e o aumento da ecogenicidade da derme com a fase atrófica da doença. Notamos também que é possível quantificar a espessura da derme e usar essa informação no controle pós-tratamento associada à avaliação clínica.OBJECTIVE: To describe ultrasonographic findings of localized cutaneous scleroderma and correlating them with clinical findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-three lesions of localized cutaneous scleroderma in 21 patients were evaluated with a Logiq 700 equipment coupled with a 6-14 MHz linear transducer. The disease stage (athrophic or inflammatory was evaluated by a dermatologist, and the ultrasonographic findings (skin thickness and echogenicity for both the affected and adjacent healthy regions were evaluated by a radiologist. Seven of the cases underwent post

  14. ULTRA SCWR+: Practical advanced water reactor concepts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duffey, Romney; Khartabil, Hussam; Kuran, Sermet; Zhou, Tracy; Pioro, Igor


    Modern thermal power plants now utilize supercritical steam cycles with thermal efficiencies of over 45%. Recent developments have lead to Ultra-SuperCritical (USC) systems, which adopt reheat turbines that can attain efficiencies of over 50%. Because these turbines are already developed, demonstrated and deployed worldwide, and use existing and traditional steam cycle technology, the simplest nuclear advance is to utilize these proven thermal cycle conditions by coupling this turbine type to a reactor. This development direction is fundamentally counter to the usual approach of adopting high-temperature gas-cooled (helium-cooled) reactor cycles, for which turbines have yet to be demonstrated on commercial scale unlike the supercritical steam turbines. The ULTRA (Ultra-supercritical Light water Thermal ReActor) SCWR+ concept adopts the fundamental design approach of matching a water and steam-cooled reactor to the ultra-supercritical steam cycle, adopting the existing and planned thermal power plant turbines. The HP and IP sections are fed with conditions of 25 MPa/625degC and 7 MPa/700degC, respectively, to achieve operating plant thermal efficiencies in excess of 50%, with a direct turbine cycle. By using such low-pressure reheated steam, this concept also adopts technology that was explored and used many years ago in existing water reactors, with the potential to produce large quantities of low cost heat, which can be used for other industrial and district processes. Pressure-Tube (PT) reactors are suitable for adoption of this design approach and, in addition, have other advantages that will significantly improve water-cooled reactor technology. These additional advantages include enhanced safety and improved resource utilization and proliferation resistance. This paper describes the PT-SCWR+ concept and its potential enhancements. (author)

  15. Generation of ultra-short relativistic-electron-bunch by a laser wakefield

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khachatryan, A.G.; Boller, Klaus J.; van Goor, F.A.


    The possibility of the generation of an ultra-short (about one micron long) relativistic (up to a few GeVs) electron-bunch in a moderately nonlinear laser wakefield excited in an underdense plasma by an intense laser pulse is investigated. The ultra-short bunch is formed by trapping, effective


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boris Agustín Nef Ulloa


    Full Text Available RESUMO: As cartas são um dos instrumentos literários de comunicação muito utilizados pelo cristianismo primitivo, como meio de transmissão de conteúdo e orientação para comunidades e indivíduos. Esse instrumento é dotado de convenções estruturais e expressivas muito bem desenvolvidas no mundo antigo greco-judaico. Paulo de Tarso, situado nesse ambiente, apropria-se dessas convenções, adaptando-as às necessidades de cunho teológico e pastoral de suas comunidades. Esse artigo ocupa-se de apresentar os elementos estruturais da epistolografia clássica e suas aplicações nas cartas paulinas. Para, então, descrever e destacar os aspectos específicos da epistolografia paulina, por meio dos quais pode-se compreender melhor a evolução do pensamento e da teologia do Apóstolo. ABSTRACT: The letters are one of the literary communication tools widely used by early Christians to delivery content and guidance for communities and individuals. This instrument is equipped with structural and expressive conventions very well developed in the Greco-Jewish ancient world. Paul of Tarsus, situated in that environment, appropriates those conventions, adapting them to the theological and pastoral nature needs of his communities. This article is concerned to present the structural elements of classical epistolography and its applications in the Pauline letters. To then describe and highlighting the specific aspects of Pauline epistolography, through which one can better understand the evolution of thought and theology of the Apostle.

  17. Mudanças recentes no perfil da distribuição ocupacional da população brasileira Recent changes in the profile of occupational distribution of the Brazilian population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anita Kon


    Full Text Available Este estudo visou contribuir com subsídios para a análise das transformações recentes no perfil da estruturação do trabalhador brasileiro, segundo a segmentação setorial e em grupos específicos de ocupações, particularmente na década de 90. Foram examinadas inicialmente questões teóricas sobre as causas da segmentação do mercado de trabalho na atualidade. Em seqüência, analisaram-se aspectos empíricos relacionados às mudanças estruturais da distribuição no mercado de trabalho em economias mundiais, procurando situar o Brasil neste contexto internacional. Para o Brasil, foram elaborados Índices de Estruturação Ocupacional e de Quocientes de Diferenciação Regional. Os resultados da análise mostram que, apesar de transformações ocupacionais significativas constatadas, as mudanças estruturais foram intra e não inter-regionais.This article analyzes recent changes in the profile of the Brazilian labor structure, according to sector segmentation and specific occupational groups, especially during the 1990s. Theoretical aspects on the causes of the segmentation of the labor market are first examined. Empirical information related to structural changes in labor markets in the worldwide economy are then discussed, in order to locate Brazil in this context. Specifically, Indexes of Occupational Structure and Regional Difference Quotients for Brazil were drawn up. The results show that, besides significant occupational transformations, structural changes occurred in the regions, but not among them.

  18. Polímeros com condutividade iônica: desafios fundamentais e potencial tecnológico Polymers with ionic conductivity: fundamental challenges and technological potential

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virgínia P. R. Silva


    Full Text Available Polímeros condutores iônicos ou eletrólitos poliméricos constituídos por um sistema de sal dissolvido em uma matriz polimérica sólida são materiais que apresentam interesse científico e potencial tecnológico. A dissolução de sais em uma matriz polimérica amorfa ou semicristalina sólida leva a estudos sobre intrigantes aspectos estruturais, que podem ser abordados por técnicas físico-químicas diversas tais como RMN, Raman e Espectroscopia de Vida Média de Pósitrons. Os estudos estruturais são correlacionados com propriedades eletroquímicas visando à utilização desses materiais em dispositivos tais como baterias, supercapacitores e células solares. Grupos brasileiros têm gradativamente ampliado os estudos e aplicações de eletrólitos poliméricos sólidos.Ionic conducting polymers or polymer electrolytes prepared with the addition of a soluble salt in a solid polymeric matrix are very important materials, associated with an intense research activity and technological efforts. Structural studies in a system of salt dissolved in an amorphous or semicrystalline solid polymeric matrix can be done with various techniques, such as NMR, Raman and Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy. The structural studies are correlated with electrochemical properties in order to evaluate these materials for applications in batteries, supercapacitors and solar cells. Brazilian researchers are contributing to the fundamental research and development of new applications of polymeric electrolytes.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The collisions of ultra-relativistic nuclei provide a window on the behavior of strong interactions at asymptotically high energies. They also will allow the authors to study the bulk properties of hadronic matter at very high densities

  20. [A technological study on the extraction of ultra-fine powder of Panax notoginsen]. (United States)

    Huang, Yaohai; Huang, Mingqing; Zeng, Huifang; Guo, Wei; Xi, Ping


    To investigate the extraction of ultra-fine powder Panax notoginsen. The extraction rate of ginseng saponin Rg1, Re, Rb1, notoginseng saponin R1 and filtrated time were determined by alcoholic and aqueous extraction of Panax notoginsen in tablet, coarse powder, ultra-fine powder and recostitution granules of ultra-fine powder. The filtered time of ultra-fine powder of Panax notoginsen extraction and that of the tablet of Panax notoginsen extraction were similar, while the extraction rates of various saponins of it were high. The method of aqueous extrction in ltra-fine powder of Panax notoginsen is easy in filtrationer, higher in extraction rate of Panax notoginsen and lower in production cost.

  1. Análise musical de Six Melodies (1950, de John Cage: contexto e procedimentos composicionais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Leticia Crozetta Zomer


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho apresentamos uma análise da obra Six Melodies, do compositor norte-americano John Cage (1912-1992. Criada em 1950, a obra pertence ao seu segundo período composicional, denominado Período Romântico (1938-1950 por Solomon (1998, 2002. A análise musical se deu a partir da investigação dos processos composicionais (micro-macrocosmic form e gamut technique, abordando aspectos formais e estruturais da obra. Dessa forma, procuramos revelar detalhes a respeito da estética de Cage durante seus primeiros anos como compositor e da influência que seu companheiro, Merce Cunningham, exerceu sobre as obras deste período. O estudo das técnicas composicionais desenvolvidas durante o Período Romântico reflete a mudança no pensamento estético-filosófico do compositor.

  2. Performance Improvement of Receivers Based on Ultra-Tight Integration in GNSS-Challenged Environments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Feng Qin


    Full Text Available Ultra-tight integration was first proposed by Abbott in 2003 with the purpose of integrating a global navigation satellite system (GNSS and an inertial navigation system (INS. This technology can improve the tracking performances of a receiver by reconfiguring the tracking loops in GNSS-challenged environments. In this paper, the models of all error sources known to date in the phase lock loops (PLLs of a standard receiver and an ultra-tightly integrated GNSS/INS receiver are built, respectively. Based on these models, the tracking performances of the two receivers are compared to verify the improvement due to the ultra-tight integration. Meanwhile, the PLL error distributions of the two receivers are also depicted to analyze the error changes of the tracking loops. These results show that the tracking error is significantly reduced in the ultra-tightly integrated GNSS/INS receiver since the receiver’s dynamics are estimated and compensated by an INS. Moreover, the mathematical relationship between the tracking performances of the ultra-tightly integrated GNSS/INS receiver and the quality of the selected inertial measurement unit (IMU is derived from the error models and proved by the error comparisons of four ultra-tightly integrated GNSS/INS receivers aided by different grade IMUs.

  3. Impact of ultra-processed foods on micronutrient content in the Brazilian diet. (United States)

    Louzada, Maria Laura da Costa; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto; Canella, Daniela Silva; Baraldi, Larissa Galastri; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Claro, Rafael Moreira; Moubarac, Jean-Claude; Cannon, Geoffrey; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the impact of consuming ultra-processed foods on the micronutrient content of the Brazilian population's diet. METHODS This cross-sectional study was performed using data on individual food consumption from a module of the 2008-2009 Brazilian Household Budget Survey. A representative sample of the Brazilian population aged 10 years or over was assessed (n = 32,898). Food consumption data were collected through two 24-hour food records. Linear regression models were used to assess the association between the nutrient content of the diet and the quintiles of ultra-processed food consumption - crude and adjusted for family income per capita. RESULTS Mean daily energy intake per capita was 1,866 kcal, with 69.5% coming from natural or minimally processed foods, 9.0% from processed foods and 21.5% from ultra-processed foods. For sixteen out of the seventeen evaluated micronutrients, their content was lower in the fraction of the diet composed of ultra-processed foods compared with the fraction of the diet composed of natural or minimally processed foods. The content of 10 micronutrients in ultra-processed foods did not reach half the content level observed in the natural or minimally processed foods. The higher consumption of ultra-processed foods was inversely and significantly associated with the content of vitamins B12, vitamin D, vitamin E, niacin, pyridoxine, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and zinc. The reverse situation was only observed for calcium, thiamin and riboflavin. CONCLUSIONS The findings of this study highlight that reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods is a natural way to promote healthy eating in Brazil and, therefore, is in line with the recommendations made by the Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira (Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population) to avoid these foods.

  4. Ultra-Wideband, Short Pulse Electromagnetics 9

    CERN Document Server

    Rachidi, Farhad; Kaelin, Armin; Sabath, Frank; UWB SP 9


    Ultra-wideband (UWB), short-pulse (SP) electromagnetics are now being used for an increasingly wide variety of applications, including collision avoidance radar, concealed object detection, and communications. Notable progress in UWB and SP technologies has been achieved by investigations of their theoretical bases and improvements in solid-state manufacturing, computers, and digitizers. UWB radar systems are also being used for mine clearing, oil pipeline inspections, archeology, geology, and electronic effects testing. Ultra-wideband Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 9 presents selected papers of deep technical content and high scientific quality from the UWB-SP9 Conference, which was held from July 21-25, 2008, in Lausanne, Switzerland. The wide-ranging coverage includes contributions on electromagnetic theory, time-domain computational techniques, modeling, antennas, pulsed-power, UWB interactions, radar systems, UWB communications, and broadband systems and components. This book serves as a state-of-the-art r...

  5. Hydrodynamics of ultra-relativistic bubble walls

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leitao, Leonardo, E-mail:; Mégevand, Ariel, E-mail:


    In cosmological first-order phase transitions, gravitational waves are generated by the collisions of bubble walls and by the bulk motions caused in the fluid. A sizeable signal may result from fast-moving walls. In this work we study the hydrodynamics associated to the fastest propagation modes, namely, ultra-relativistic detonations and runaway solutions. We compute the energy injected by the phase transition into the fluid and the energy which accumulates in the bubble walls. We provide analytic approximations and fits as functions of the net force acting on the wall, which can be readily evaluated for specific models. We also study the back-reaction of hydrodynamics on the wall motion, and we discuss the extrapolation of the friction force away from the ultra-relativistic limit. We use these results to estimate the gravitational wave signal from detonations and runaway walls.

  6. An ultra-broadband multilayered graphene absorber

    KAUST Repository

    Amin, Muhammad


    An ultra-broadband multilayered graphene absorber operating at terahertz (THz) frequencies is proposed. The absorber design makes use of three mechanisms: (i) The graphene layers are asymmetrically patterned to support higher order surface plasmon modes that destructively interfere with the dipolar mode and generate electromagnetically induced absorption. (ii) The patterned graphene layers biased at different gate voltages backedup with dielectric substrates are stacked on top of each other. The resulting absorber is polarization dependent but has an ultra-broadband of operation. (iii) Graphene\\'s damping factor is increased by lowering its electron mobility to 1000cm 2=Vs. Indeed, numerical experiments demonstrate that with only three layers, bandwidth of 90% absorption can be extended upto 7THz, which is drastically larger than only few THz of bandwidth that can be achieved with existing metallic/graphene absorbers. © 2013 Optical Society of America.

  7. A comparison of ultra-endurance cyclists in a qualifying ultra-cycling race for Paris-Brest-Paris and Race Across America-Swiss cycling marathon. (United States)

    Knechtle, Beat; Wirth, Andrea; Knechtle, Patrizia; Rüst, Christoph Alexander; Rosemann, Thomas


    Ultra-endurance events test the adaptation of human physiology to extreme physical and mental demands, high levels of training, motivation, and physical conditioning among participants. To understand basic differences among participants according to the severity of the race, participants in qualifying events for two ultra-endurance cycling races, differing in length and intensity, were compared on measures of anthropometry, training, and support. One race was four times longer, required supporting teams, and racers typically had little sleep, which should lead to the qualifiers being substantially more highly trained than those from the shorter race. The qualifiers in the longer race had greater intensity in training while the qualifiers in the shorter race relied more on training volume. Different strategies and types of training reflected the different demands of the races. Future studies should evaluate personality and motivational differences in ultra-endurance events and between these athletes and athletes in other sports.

  8. Ultra-high energy cosmic rays and prompt TeV gamma rays from ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    physics pp. 789-792. Ultra-high energy cosmic rays and prompt. TeV gamma rays from gamma ray bursts ... The origin of the observed ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) events with ... are proton and electron rest mass, respectively.

  9. Velocity selection for ultra-cold atoms using bimodal mazer cavity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irshad, A.; Qamar, S.


    In this paper, we discuss the velocity selection of ultra-cold three-level atoms in Λ configuration using a micromazer. Our model is the same as discussed by Arun et al., for mazer action in a bimodal cavity. We have shown that significantly narrowed velocity distribution of ultra-cold atoms can be obtained in this system due to the presence of dark states. (author)

  10. An innovative ultra-capacitor driven shape memory alloy actuator with an embedded control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Peng; Song, Gangbing


    In this paper, an innovative ultra-capacitor driven shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator with an embedded control system is proposed targeting high power high-duty cycle SMA applications. The ultra-capacitor, which is capable of delivering massive amounts of instantaneous current in a compact dimension for high power applications, is chosen as the main component of the power supply. A specialized embedded system is designed from the ground up to control the ultra-capacitor driven SMA system. The control of the ultra-capacitor driven SMA is different from that of a regular constant voltage powered SMA system in that the energy and the voltage of the ultra-capacitor decrease as the system load increases. The embedded control system is also different from a computer-based control system in that it has limited computational power, and the control algorithm has to be designed to be simple while effective so that it can fit into the embedded system environment. The problem of a variable voltage power source induced by the use of the ultra-capacitor is solved by using a fuzzy PID (proportional integral and derivative) control. The method of using an ultra-capacitor to drive SMA actuators enabled SMA as a good candidate for high power high-duty cycle applications. The proposed embedded control system provides a good and ready-to-use solution for SMA high power applications. (paper)

  11. Note: Ultra-low birefringence dodecagonal vacuum glass cell

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brakhane, Stefan, E-mail:; Alt, Wolfgang; Meschede, Dieter; Robens, Carsten; Moon, Geol; Alberti, Andrea [Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Bonn, Wegelerstr. 8, D-53115 Bonn (Germany)


    We report on an ultra-low birefringence dodecagonal glass cell for ultra-high vacuum applications. The epoxy-bonded trapezoidal windows of the cell are made of SF57 glass, which exhibits a very low stress-induced birefringence. We characterize the birefringence Δn of each window with the cell under vacuum conditions, obtaining values around 10{sup −8}. After baking the cell at 150 °C, we reach a pressure below 10{sup −10} mbar. In addition, each window is antireflection coated on both sides, which is highly desirable for quantum optics experiments and precision measurements.

  12. Shock characterization of an ultra-high strength concrete

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erzar, B.; Pontiroli, C.; Buzaud, E.


    Nowadays, the design of protective structures may imply ultra-high performance concretes. These materials present a compressive strength 5 times higher than standard concretes. However, few reliable data on the shock response of such materials are available in the literature. Thus, a characterization of an ultra-high strength concrete has been conducted by means of hydrostatic and triaxial tests in the quasi-static regime, and plate impact experiments for shock response. Data have been gathered up to 6 GPa and a simple modelling approach has been applied to get a reliable representation of the shock compression of this concrete. (authors)

  13. Ultra-processed Food Intake and Obesity: What Really Matters for Health-Processing or Nutrient Content? (United States)

    Poti, Jennifer M; Braga, Bianca; Qin, Bo


    The aim of this narrative review was to summarize and critique recent evidence evaluating the association between ultra-processed food intake and obesity. Four of five studies found that higher purchases or consumption of ultra-processed food was associated with overweight/obesity. Additional studies reported relationships between ultra-processed food intake and higher fasting glucose, metabolic syndrome, increases in total and LDL cholesterol, and risk of hypertension. It remains unclear whether associations can be attributed to processing itself or the nutrient content of ultra-processed foods. Only three of nine studies used a prospective design, and the potential for residual confounding was high. Recent research provides fairly consistent support for the association of ultra-processed food intake with obesity and related cardiometabolic outcomes. There is a clear need for further studies, particularly those using longitudinal designs and with sufficient control for confounding, to potentially confirm these findings in different populations and to determine whether ultra-processed food consumption is associated with obesity independent of nutrient content.

  14. Cistos primários do epitélio pigmentar da íris e corpo ciliar: aspectos de biomicroscopia ultra-sônica Primary cysts of the iris and ciliary body pigment epithelium: ultrasound biomicroscopy features

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    Bernadete Ayres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever as características, incidência e distribuição dos cistos primários de epitélio pigmentar de íris e corpo ciliar ao exame de biomicroscopia ultra-sônica, que devem ser diferenciados de lesões sólidas. Métodos: Foram estudados de modo retrospectivo os prontuários de 73 pacientes, 82 olhos, com diagnóstico ecográfico de cisto primário de íris ou corpo ciliar durante o período de janeiro/97 a dezembro/99. Utilizou-se o biomicroscópio ultra-sônico, aplicando técnicas padronizadas de imersão. Resultados: À biomicroscopia ultra-sônica os cistos caracterizaram-se por apresentarem paredes finas e regulares, e conteúdo anecóico. Quarenta e oito pacientes (65,7% eram do sexo feminino. A maior incidência (28,8% ocorreu para o grupo incluído no intervalo de 20 a 29 anos de idade. Observou-se uma característica distribuição, predominantemente nos quadrantes temporais inferiores. Conclusões: A biomicroscopia ultra-sônica mostrou-se útil no diagnóstico de cistos primários do epitélio pigmentar da íris e do corpo ciliar, auxiliando na diferenciação de patologias tumorais e avaliando possíveis complicações. O conhecimento dos critérios ecográficos e da distribuição epidemiológica facilitam o diagnóstico destas lesões.Purpose: To describe the ultrasound biomicroscopic characteristics, incidence, distribution and location of primary cysts of the iris and ciliary body pigment epithelium, and to differentiate them from solid lesions. Methods: A retrospective study was performed through a review of charts of 73 patients, 82 eyes, with echographic diagnosis of primary cysts of the iris and ciliary body pigment epithelium during a 36-month period (January/97 through December/99. All examinations were performed using an ultrasound biomicroscope applying standard immersion techniques. Results: Ultrasound biomicroscopy revealed typical findings of the primary cysts of the pigment epithelium such as thin

  15. Characterization of a scintillating lithium glass ultra-cold neutron detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jamieson, B.; Rebenitsch, L.A.; Hansen-Romu, S.; Mammei, R.; Martin, J.W. [University of Winnipeg, Department of Physics, Winnipeg (Canada); Lauss, B. [Paul Scherrer Institute, Laboratory for Particle Physics, Villigen (Switzerland); Lindner, T. [TRIUMF, Vancouver (Canada); University of Winnipeg, Department of Physics, Winnipeg (Canada); Pierre, E. [TRIUMF, Vancouver (Canada); Osaka University, Research Centre for Nuclear Physics, Osaka (Japan)


    A {sup 6}Li-glass-based scintillation detector developed for the TRIUMF neutron electric dipole moment experiment was characterized using the ultra-cold neutron source at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The data acquisition system for this detector was demonstrated to perform well at rejecting backgrounds. An estimate of the absolute efficiency of background rejection of 99.7±0.1% is made. For variable ultra-cold neutron rate (varying from < 1 kHz to approx. 100 kHz per channel) and background rate seen at the Paul Scherrer Institute, we estimate that the absolute detector efficiency is 89.7{sup +1.3}{sub -1.9}%. Finally a comparison with a commercial Cascade detector was performed for a specific setup at the West-2 beamline of the ultra-cold neutron source at PSI. (orig.)

  16. Ultra-precision bearings

    CERN Document Server

    Wardle, F


    Ultra-precision bearings can achieve extreme accuracy of rotation, making them ideal for use in numerous applications across a variety of fields, including hard disk drives, roundness measuring machines and optical scanners. Ultraprecision Bearings provides a detailed review of the different types of bearing and their properties, as well as an analysis of the factors that influence motion error, stiffness and damping. Following an introduction to basic principles of motion error, each chapter of the book is then devoted to the basic principles and properties of a specific type of bearin

  17. Age at introduction of ultra-processed food among preschool children attending day-care centers. (United States)

    Longo-Silva, Giovana; Silveira, Jonas Augusto C; Menezes, Rísia Cristina Egito de; Toloni, Maysa Helena de Aguiar

    To identify the age of introduction of ultra-processed food and its associated factors among preschool children. Cross-sectional study carried out from March to June 2014 with 359 preschool children aged 17 to 63 months attending day-care centers. Time until ultra-processed food introduction (outcome variable) was described by the Kaplan-Meier analysis, and the log-rank test was used to compare the survival functions of independent variables. Factors associated with ultra-processed food introduction were investigated using the multivariate Cox proportional hazards model. The results were shown as hazard ratios with their respective 95% confidence intervals. The median time until ultra-processed food introduction was six months. Between the 3rd and 6th months, there is a significant increase in the probability of introducing ultra-processed food in the children's diet; and while the probability in the 3rd month varies from 0.15 to 0.25, at six months the variation ranges from 0.6 to 1.0. The final Cox proportional hazards model showed that unplanned pregnancy (1.32 [1.05-1.65]), absence of prenatal care (2.50 [1.02-6.16]), and income >2 minimum wages (1, 50 [1.09-2.06]) were independent risk factors for the introduction of ultra-processed food. Up to the 6th month of life, approximately 75% of preschool children had received one or more ultra-processed food in their diet. In addition, it was observed that the poorest families, as well as unfavorable prenatal factors, were associated with early introduction of ultra-processed food. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.

  18. Ultra-processed foods and added sugars in the Chilean diet (2010). (United States)

    Cediel, Gustavo; Reyes, Marcela; da Costa Louzada, Maria Laura; Martinez Steele, Euridice; Monteiro, Carlos A; Corvalán, Camila; Uauy, Ricardo


    To assess the consumption of ultra-processed foods and analyse its association with the content of added sugars in the Chilean diet. Cross-sectional study of national dietary data obtained through 24 h recalls and classified into food groups according to the extent and purpose of food processing (NOVA classification). Chile. A probabilistic sample of 4920 individuals (aged 2 years or above) studied in 2010 by a national dietary survey (Encuesta Nacional de Consumo Alimentario). Ultra-processed foods represented 28·6 (se 0·5) % of total energy intake and 58·6 (se 0·9) % of added sugars intake. The mean percentage of energy from added sugars increased from 7·7 (se 0·3) to 19·7 (se 0·5) % across quintiles of the dietary share of ultra-processed foods. After adjusting for several potential sociodemographic confounders, a 5 percentage point increase in the dietary share of ultra-processed foods determined a 1 percentage point increase in the dietary content of added sugars. Individuals in the highest quintile were three times more likely (OR=2·9; 95 % CI 2·4, 3·4) to exceed the 10 % upper limit for added sugars recommended by the WHO compared with those in the lowest quintile, after adjusting for sociodemographic variables. This association was strongest among individuals aged 2-19 years (OR=3·9; 95 % CI 2·7, 5·9). In Chile, ultra-processed foods are important contributors to total energy intake and to the consumption of added sugars. Actions aimed at limiting consumption of ultra-processed foods are being implemented as effective ways to achieve WHO dietary recommendations to limit added sugars and processed foods, especially for children and adolescents.

  19. Effects of Dissociation/Recombination on the Day–Night Temperature Contrasts of Ultra-hot Jupiters (United States)

    Komacek, Thaddeus D.; Tan, Xianyu


    Secondary eclipse observations of ultra-hot Jupiters have found evidence that hydrogen is dissociated on their daysides. Additionally, full-phase light curve observations of ultra-hot Jupiters show a smaller day-night emitted flux contrast than that expected from previous theory. Recently, it was proposed by Bell & Cowan (2018) that the heat intake to dissociate hydrogen and heat release due to recombination of dissociated hydrogen can affect the atmospheric circulation of ultra-hot Jupiters. In this work, we add cooling/heating due to dissociation/recombination into the analytic theory of Komacek & Showman (2016) and Zhang & Showman (2017) for the dayside-nightside temperature contrasts of hot Jupiters. We find that at high values of incident stellar flux, the day-night temperature contrast of ultra-hot Jupiters may decrease with increasing incident stellar flux due to dissociation/recombination, the opposite of that expected without including the effects of dissociation/recombination. We propose that a combination of a greater number of full-phase light curve observations of ultra-hot Jupiters and future General Circulation Models that include the effects of dissociation/recombination could determine in detail how the atmospheric circulation of ultra-hot Jupiters differs from that of cooler planets.

  20. Cómo realizar una comunicación científica. Aspectos tipográficos (III

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gutierrez Couto, U


    Full Text Available Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es revisar los principales aspectos tipográficos para facilitar la legibilidad y la facilidad de lectura en la Web de un texto científico escrito.Abstract: The aim of this paper is review main typographical aspects to improve the legibility and readability of a scientific writing in the Web.


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    IONESCU Simona


    Full Text Available The ultras phenomenon in Timisoara has been represented by the gallery of the PolitehnicaTimisoara football team and has identified itself as „Commando Viola Ultra Curva Sud”. It is not at all a newphenomenon and its analysis implies radiography of the white-violet group.The aim of the present paper is the research on the model of the Timisoara supporter, his or hercharacteristic features and peculiarities, both as an individual and as a group. The investigation method used inorder to collect the research data has consisted of observation and questionnaire. It has been noticed that there are two types of supporters within the group: mere supporters, present at the games in order to encourage their team and the ultras, active membersin Commando Viola. The main differences between the two categories of supporters being defined at the identification level: to the ultras, the local team means everything, while to the supporters it means to identify themselves to the concept “to be born in the Banat region”.

  2. Consumption of ultra-processed foods and obesity in Brazilian adolescents and adults. (United States)

    Louzada, Maria Laura da Costa; Baraldi, Larissa Galastri; Steele, Euridice Martinez; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto; Canella, Daniela Silva; Moubarac, Jean-Claude; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Cannon, Geoffrey; Afshin, Ashkan; Imamura, Fumiaki; Mozaffarian, Dariush; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and obesity indicators among Brazilian adults and adolescents. We used cross-sectional data on 30,243 individuals aged ≥10 years from the 2008-2009 Brazilian Dietary Survey. Food consumption data were collected through 24-h food records. We classified food items according to characteristics of food processing. Ultra-processed foods were defined as formulations made by the food industry mostly from substances extracted from foods or obtained with the further processing of constituents of foods or through chemical synthesis, with little if any whole food. Examples included candies, cookies, sugar-sweetened beverages, and ready-to-eat dishes. Regression models were fitted to evaluate the association of the consumption of ultra-processed foods (% of energy intake) with body-mass-index, excess weight, and obesity status, controlling for socio-demographic characteristics, smoking, and physical activity. Ultra-processed foods represented 30% of the total energy intake. Those in the highest quintile of consumption of ultra-processed foods had significantly higher body-mass-index (0.94 kg/m(2); 95% CI: 0.42,1.47) and higher odds of being obese (OR=1.98; 95% CI: 1.26,3.12) and excess weight (OR=1.26; 95% CI: 0.95,1.69) compared with those in the lowest quintile of consumption. Our findings support the role of ultra-processed foods in the obesity epidemic in Brazil. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Aspectos sociopsicológicos del climaterio y la menopausia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dayana Couto Núñez


    Full Text Available El climaterio y la menopausia adquieren mayor trascendencia con el transcurso del tiempo. Al respecto, el concepto de calidad de vida se ha ido convirtiendo en un aspecto importante cuando la mujer climatérica se presenta ante el especialista, en busca de un mayor bienestar posible. En la edad mediana, el organismo se torna más frágil como consecuencia de las variaciones fisiológicas naturales del climaterio y la repercusión del contexto social sobre la persona, cuya sobrecarga física y mental favorece la aparición de procesos que deterioran la salud femenina y hacen más crítico el cuadro sintomático en este período, todo lo cual puede agravarse si existen un trastorno psicogénico previo y algunos elementos desfavorables del medio circundante

  4. Aspectos claves-tiempo dependientes que amenazan la vida en el prehospitalario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricio A. Cortés P., Dr.


    En esta misma perspectiva, la resolución de oportunidad y calidad se logra apuntando hacia los aspectos claves-tiempo dependientes que amenazan la vida del paciente, siendo estos clínicos (parocardiorespiratorio, compromiso de la vía aérea y la ventilación, compromiso de la perfusión tisular y el enfrentamiento al dolor torácico con su expresión máxima que es el síndrome coronario agudo, como también organizacionales (entre algunos la presencia de médicos en el Prehospitalario (Ph o el uso de determinados recursos sensibles como el traslado heliportado.

  5. Ultra-wideband radar sensors and networks (United States)

    Leach, Jr., Richard R; Nekoogar, Faranak; Haugen, Peter C


    Ultra wideband radar motion sensors strategically placed in an area of interest communicate with a wireless ad hoc network to provide remote area surveillance. Swept range impulse radar and a heart and respiration monitor combined with the motion sensor further improves discrimination.

  6. Hydrodynamics of ultra-relativistic bubble walls

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    Leonardo Leitao


    Full Text Available In cosmological first-order phase transitions, gravitational waves are generated by the collisions of bubble walls and by the bulk motions caused in the fluid. A sizeable signal may result from fast-moving walls. In this work we study the hydrodynamics associated to the fastest propagation modes, namely, ultra-relativistic detonations and runaway solutions. We compute the energy injected by the phase transition into the fluid and the energy which accumulates in the bubble walls. We provide analytic approximations and fits as functions of the net force acting on the wall, which can be readily evaluated for specific models. We also study the back-reaction of hydrodynamics on the wall motion, and we discuss the extrapolation of the friction force away from the ultra-relativistic limit. We use these results to estimate the gravitational wave signal from detonations and runaway walls.

  7. Presencia, tendencias y aspectos diferenciadores de la formación sobre derechos de autor en la alfabetización informacional a nivel universitario


    Uribe Tirado, Alejandro


    Objetivo. Analizar la presencia de la temática de los derechos de autor, de los aspectos legales de la información académica y científica, en distintos programas, cursos o programas de aprendizaje de alfabetización informacional (ALFIN) de diferentes universidades alrededor del mundo, para identificar las tendencias y aspectos diferenciadores que se están presentando en la actualidad respecto a la formación en estas temáticas en relación con la información digital. También se a...

  8. Los Derechos de admisión y permanencia en los partidos políticos : aspectos constitucionales


    Escobar Roca, Guillermo


    En este trabajo se estudia un doble aspecto del Derecho de partidos (la admisión y permanencia en los mismos), seguramente no central, pero cuyo correcto tratarniento jurídico puede coadyuvar a la ruptura de la impermeabilidad característica de estas organizaciones, formalmente privadas pero que desempeñan funciones públicas.

  9. Aspectos Farmacológicos y Socioculturales del consumo de hoja de coca en indígenas Koguis respecto al consumo de cocaína en ambientes urbanos

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    Katiuska Vera Zambrano


    Full Text Available La investigación compara los aspectos farmacológicos y socioculturales del consumo de la hoja de coca en indígenas Kogui de la Sierra Nevadade Santa Marta en Colombia frente a los aspectos farmacológicos y socioculturales del  consumo de cocaína en los ambientes urbanos, relacionados con los conceptos de tolerancia y dependencia a sustancias psicoactivas. Los resultados aportan al desarrollo  y diseño de programas de prevención, tratamiento y reducción de riesgo y daño en fármaco dependencia, al igual que sugiere la inclusión de aspectos relevantes en futuras políticas sociales de prevención en drogas.

  10. Biodiesel as a lubricity additive for ultra low sulfur diesel

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    Subongkoj Topaiboul1 and 2,*


    Full Text Available With the worldwide trend to reduce emission from diesel engines, ultra low sulfur diesel has been introduced with thesulfur concentration of less than 10 ppm. Unfortunately, the desulfurization process inevitably reduces the lubricity of dieselfuel significantly. Alternatively, biodiesel, with almost zero sulfur content, has been added to enhance lubricity in an ultralow sulfur diesel. This work has evaluated the effectiveness of the biodiesel amount, sourced from palm and jatropha oil,and origin in ultra low sulfur diesel locally available in the market. Wear scar from a high-frequency reciprocating rig isbenchmarked to the standard value (460 m of diesel fuel lubricity. It was found that very small amount (less than 1% ofbiodiesel from either source significantly improves the lubricity in ultra low sulfur diesel, and the biodiesel from jatropha oilis a superior lubricity enhancer.

  11. Ultra-fast ipsilateral DPOAE adaptation not modulated by attention? (United States)

    Dalhoff, Ernst; Zelle, Dennis; Gummer, Anthony W.


    Efferent stimulation of outer hair cells is supposed to attenuate cochlear amplification of sound waves and is accompanied by reduced DPOAE amplitudes. Recently, a method using two subsequent f2 pulses during presentation of a longer f1 pulse was introduced to measure fast ipsilateral adaptation effects on separated DPOAE components. Compensating primary-tone onsets for their latencies at the f2-tonotopic place, the average adaptation measured in four normal-hearing subjects was 5.0 dB with a time constant below 5 ms. In the present study, two experiments were performed to determine the origin of this ultra-fast ipsilateral adaptation effect. The first experiment measured ultra-fast ipsilateral adaptation using a two-pulse paradigm at three frequencies in the four subjects, while controlling for visual attention of the subjects. The other experiment also controlled for visual attention, but utilized a sequence of f2 short pulses in the presence of a continuous f1 tone to sample ipsilateral adaptation effects with longer time constants in eight subjects. In the first experiment, no significant change in the ultra-fast adaptation between non-directed attention and visual attention could be detected. In contrast, the second experiment revealed significant changes in the magnitude of the slower ipsilateral adaptation in the visual-attention condition. In conclusion, the lack of an attentional influence indicates that the ultra-fast ipsilateral DPOAE adaptation is not solely mediated by the medial olivocochlear reflex.

  12. Metasurface base on uneven layered fractal elements for ultra-wideband RCS reduction (United States)

    Su, Jianxun; Cui, Yueyang; Li, Zengrui; Yang, Yaoqing Lamar; Che, Yongxing; Yin, Hongcheng


    A novel metasurface based on uneven layered fractal elements is designed and fabricated for ultra-wideband radar cross section (RCS) reduction in this paper. The proposed metasurface consists of two fractal subwavelength elements with different layer thickness. The reflection phase difference of 180° (±37°) between two unit cells covers an ultra-wide frequency range. Ultra-wideband RCS reduction results from the phase cancellation between two local waves produced by these two unit cells. The diffuse scattering of electromagnetic (EM) waves is caused by the randomized phase distribution, leading to a low monostatic and bistatic RCS simultaneously. This metasurface can achieve -10dB RCS reduction in an ultra-wide frequency range from 6.6 to 23.9 GHz with a ratio bandwidth (fH/fL) of 3.62:1 under normal incidences for both x- and y-polarized waves. Both the simulation and the measurement results are consistent to verify this excellent RCS reduction performance of the proposed metasurface.

  13. Ultra-low temperature curable nano-silver conductive adhesive for piezoelectric composite material (United States)

    Yan, Chao; Liao, Qingwei; Zhou, Xingli; Wang, Likun; Zhong, Chao; Zhang, Di


    Limited by the low thermal resistance of composite material, ultra-low temperature curable conductive silver adhesive with curing temperature less than 100 °C needed urgently for the surface conduction treatment of piezoelectric composite material. An ultra-low temperature curable nano-silver conductive adhesive with high adhesion strength for the applications of piezoelectric composite material was investigated. The crystal structure of cured adhesive, SEM/EDS analysis, thermal analysis, adhesive properties and conductive properties of different content of nano-silver filler or micron-silver doping samples were studied. The results show that with 60 wt.% nano-silver filler the ultra-low temperature curable conductive silver adhesive had the relatively good conductivity as volume resistivity of 2.37 × 10-4 Ω cm, and good adhesion strength of 5.13 MPa. Minor micron-doping (below 15 wt.%) could improve conductivity, but would decrease other properties. The ultra-low temperature curable nano-silver conductive adhesive could successfully applied to piezoelectric composite material.

  14. Ultra-high field MRI: Advancing systems neuroscience towards mesoscopic human brain function

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dumoulin, Serge O; Fracasso, A.; Van der Zwaag, W.; Siero, Jeroen C W; Petridou, Natalia


    Human MRI scanners at ultra-high magnetic field strengths of 7 T and higher are increasingly available to the neuroscience community. A key advantage brought by ultra-high field MRI is the possibility to increase the spatial resolution at which data is acquired, with little reduction in image

  15. Development of Dynamic Compaction Technology for Ultra High Strength Powder Products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rhee, Chang Kyu; Lee, M. K.; Uhm, Y. R.; Park, J. J.; Lee, J. G.; Ivanov, V. V.; Hong, S. J.


    A synthesis of ultra fine powder and its compaction have been considered as a new generation and high value added technology in various industrial fields such as automobile, machine tool, electronic chip, sensor and catalyst because of its special characteristics of high toughness, strength and wear resistance which are not shown in conventional process. In this study, ultra hard and fine powders, such as Fe-Si, CuNi and Al 2 O 3 , have been fabricated by the pulsed wire evaporation (PWE) method and mechanical alloying (MA) method. In addition, with ultra hard and fine powders, the magnetic core, diamond tool and water jet nozzle with high density were made by a uniaxial dynamic compaction for the purpose of the real industrial application

  16. UWB Bandpass Filter with Ultra-wide Stopband based on Ring Resonator (United States)

    Kazemi, Maryam; Lotfi, Saeedeh; Siahkamari, Hesam; Mohammadpanah, Mahmood


    An ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter with ultra-wide stopband based on a rectangular ring resonator is presented. The filter is designed for the operational frequency band from 4.10 GHz to 10.80 GHz with an ultra-wide stopband from 11.23 GHz to 40 GHz. The even and odd equivalent circuits are used to achieve a suitable analysis of the proposed filter performance. To verify the design and analysis, the proposed bandpass filter is simulated using full-wave EM simulator Advanced Design System and fabricated on a 20mil thick Rogers_RO4003 substrate with relative permittivity of 3.38 and a loss tangent of 0.0021. The proposed filter behavior is investigated and simulation results are in good agreement with measurement results.

  17. Morphogenic and structural characteristics of guinea grass pastures submitted to three frequencies and two defoliation severities Características morfogênicas e estruturais de pastos de capim-tanzânia submetidos a três frequências e duas severidades de desfolhação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Amorim Barbosa


    Full Text Available It was evaluated the morphogenic and structural characteristics of guinea grass under rotational at three grazing intervals and two defoliation intensities. Grazing intervals corresponded to the time needed by the forage canopy to reach 90, 95 or 100% of incident light interception during regrowth and they were evaluated combined to two defoliation severities (post-grazing conditions, 25 and 50 cm of height, being allocated to experimental units according to a complete randomized design, with three replicates and 3 × 2 factorial arrangement. The experiment was conducted from July 2003 to May 2004. For evaluation of morphogenetic and structural characteristics, ten tillers per experimental unit were selected. Morphogenetic and structural characteristics were strongly influenced by seasons of the year inasmuch as leaf elongation rate increased 3.5 fold from winter to summer. In addition to year season effect, there was also an effect of defoliation frequencies on tiller population density, which was greater in the defoliation period corresponding to 90% of light interception, especially if evaluated in relation to the interval corresponding to 100% of light interception. Defoliation frequency is determinant in expression of phenotypic plasticit, acting on the control of stem elongation.Foram avaliadas as características morfogênicas e estruturais do capim-tanzânia sob lotação rotativa em três intervalos de pastejo e duas severidades de desfolhação. Os intervalos de pastejo corresponderam aos tempos necessários para que o dossel forrageiro atingisse 90, 95 ou 100% de interceptação da luz incidente, durante a rebrotação e foram avaliados em combinação a duas severidades de desfolhação (condições pós-pastejo, 25 e 50 cm de altura, sendo alocados às unidades experimentais segundo um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com três repetições e arranjo fatorial 3 × 2. O experimento foi realizado de julho de 2003 a maio

  18. mrsFAST-Ultra: a compact, SNP-aware mapper for high performance sequencing applications. (United States)

    Hach, Faraz; Sarrafi, Iman; Hormozdiari, Farhad; Alkan, Can; Eichler, Evan E; Sahinalp, S Cenk


    High throughput sequencing (HTS) platforms generate unprecedented amounts of data that introduce challenges for processing and downstream analysis. While tools that report the 'best' mapping location of each read provide a fast way to process HTS data, they are not suitable for many types of downstream analysis such as structural variation detection, where it is important to report multiple mapping loci for each read. For this purpose we introduce mrsFAST-Ultra, a fast, cache oblivious, SNP-aware aligner that can handle the multi-mapping of HTS reads very efficiently. mrsFAST-Ultra improves mrsFAST, our first cache oblivious read aligner capable of handling multi-mapping reads, through new and compact index structures that reduce not only the overall memory usage but also the number of CPU operations per alignment. In fact the size of the index generated by mrsFAST-Ultra is 10 times smaller than that of mrsFAST. As importantly, mrsFAST-Ultra introduces new features such as being able to (i) obtain the best mapping loci for each read, and (ii) return all reads that have at most n mapping loci (within an error threshold), together with these loci, for any user specified n. Furthermore, mrsFAST-Ultra is SNP-aware, i.e. it can map reads to reference genome while discounting the mismatches that occur at common SNP locations provided by db-SNP; this significantly increases the number of reads that can be mapped to the reference genome. Notice that all of the above features are implemented within the index structure and are not simple post-processing steps and thus are performed highly efficiently. Finally, mrsFAST-Ultra utilizes multiple available cores and processors and can be tuned for various memory settings. Our results show that mrsFAST-Ultra is roughly five times faster than its predecessor mrsFAST. In comparison to newly enhanced popular tools such as Bowtie2, it is more sensitive (it can report 10 times or more mappings per read) and much faster (six times or

  19. Aspectos discursivos em As Bruxas de Salem: peça e filme


    Pinheiro, Eder Sergio


    Esta pesquisa, cujo título é Aspectos Discursivos em As Bruxas de Salem: eça e Filme, propõe discutir a transposição da linguagem escrita, neste caso, as rubricas da peça de teatro para a linguagem fílmica, devido a problemática das duas linguagens se diferenciarem, convergirem-se e cruzarem-se ao mesmo tempo. Deste modo, dois fragmentos foram escolhidos para análise, sendo eles: um trecho da peça escrita As Bruxas de Salem (1953) e outro do filme (1976), ambos os trechos são correspondent...





    El periodo del climaterio es una etapa de transición en la vida de la mujer caracterizada por cambios físicos, psicológicos y sociales. Es una etapa dinámica marcada por la repercusión de los cambios hormonales, principalmente por la paulatina disminución de los estrógenos. La presente revisión bibliográfica describe las características generales del periodo, cambios que ocurren y aspectos a educar en las mujeres durante el climaterio y la postmenopausia, con el propósito de dar una visión ac...

  1. Estudo dos aspectos éticos dos transplantes na América Latina


    Virgínia Maria Coelho de Holanda; Francélia Loureiro Nery; Marta Barrozo Azevedo; Tânia Cristina Botelho Mendes


    Respeitando recomendações da OMS, foi feito estudo retrospectivo comparativo das Legislações de 16 Países da América Latina, a saber Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, Equador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, República Dominicana e Venezuela, do período de 1963 a 1992, enfatizando-se os aspectos éticos referentes a doação, determinação da morte, conflito de interesses, seleção do receptor, comercialização e intercâmbio internacional de órgãos. ...

  2. Ultra high resolution tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haddad, W.S.


    Recent work and results on ultra high resolution three dimensional imaging with soft x-rays will be presented. This work is aimed at determining microscopic three dimensional structure of biological and material specimens. Three dimensional reconstructed images of a microscopic test object will be presented; the reconstruction has a resolution on the order of 1000 A in all three dimensions. Preliminary work with biological samples will also be shown, and the experimental and numerical methods used will be discussed.

  3. Aspectos nutricionais na população de pacientes com síndrome do intestino irritável atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo


    Daiana Amarante


    INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome do intestino irritável (SII) é uma doença funcional do trato gastrintestinal que afeta até 20% da população adulta. Os principais sintomas envolvem o mau funcionamento do intestino, associados com dores abdominais, manifestação de diarreia ou constipação, sem alterações estruturais e bioquímicas do intestino. A maneira mais adequada de tratar o paciente é por meio de uma abordagem ampla e integral, porém individualizada, com identificação dos fatores desencadeantes e/ou...

  4. Ultra-high Efficiency DC-DC Converter using GaN Devices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramachandran, Rakesh


    properties of GaN devices can be utilized in power converters to make them more compact and highly efficient. This thesis entitled “Ultra-high Efficiency DC-DC Converter using GaN devices” focuses on achieving ultra-high conversion efficiency in an isolated dc-dc converter by the optimal utilization of Ga...... for many decades. However, the rate of improvement slowed as the silicon power materials asymptotically approached its theoretical bounds. Compared to Si, wideband gap materials such as Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) are promising semiconductors for power devices due to their superior...... in this thesis. Efficiency measurements from the hardware prototype of both the topologies are also presented in this thesis. Finally, the bidirectional operation of an optimized isolated dc-dc converter is presented. The optimized converter has achieved an ultra-high efficiency of 98.8% in both directions...

  5. An Ultra-wideband and Polarization-independent Metasurface for RCS Reduction. (United States)

    Su, Pei; Zhao, Yongjiu; Jia, Shengli; Shi, Wenwen; Wang, Hongli


    In this paper, an ultra-wideband and polarization-independent metasurface for radar cross section (RCS) reduction is proposed. The unit cell of the metasurface operates in a linear cross-polarization scheme in a broad band. The phase and amplitude of cross-polarized reflection can be separately controlled by its geometry and rotation angle. Based on the diffuse reflection theory, a 3-bit coding metasurface is designed to reduce the RCS in an ultra-wide band. The wideband property of the metasurface benefits from the wideband cross polarization conversion and flexible phase modulation. In addition, the polarization-independent feature of the metasurface is achieved by tailoring the rotation angle of each element. Both the simulated and measured results demonstrate that the proposed metasurface can reduce the RCS significantly in an ultra-wide frequency band for both normal and oblique incidences, which makes it promising in the applications such as electromagnetic cloaking.

  6. Accurate depth profiling for ultra-shallow implants using backside-SIMS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hongo, Chie; Tomita, Mitsuhiro; Takenaka, Miyuki


    We studied methods for accurate depth profiling for ultra-shallow implants using backside-SIMS. For the measurement of ultra-shallow profiles, the effects of surface transient and atomic mixing are not negligible. Therefore, we applied backside-SIMS to analyze ultra-shallow doping in order to exclude these effects. Backside-SIMS profiles show a sharper ion implantation tail than surface-side-SIMS profiles. In addition, the primary ion energy dependence becomes weaker when backside-SIMS is used [Surf. Interf. Anal. 29 (2000) 362; Appl. Surf. Sci. 203-204 (2003) 264; J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21 (2003) 1422]. However, the peak concentration of the backside sample was lower than that of the surface-side sample. Therefore, the sample flatness was estimated using the SIMS response function. Furthermore, SIMS profiles were simulated using SIMS response functions. This simulation shows how the sample flatness affects the SIMS profile

  7. Ultra-processed foods and the limits of product reformulation. (United States)

    Scrinis, Gyorgy; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    The nutritional reformulation of processed food and beverage products has been promoted as an important means of addressing the nutritional imbalances in contemporary dietary patterns. The focus of most reformulation policies is the reduction in quantities of nutrients-to-limit - Na, free sugars, SFA, trans-fatty acids and total energy. The present commentary examines the limitations of what we refer to as 'nutrients-to-limit reformulation' policies and practices, particularly when applied to ultra-processed foods and drink products. Beyond these nutrients-to-limit, there are a range of other potentially harmful processed and industrially produced ingredients used in the production of ultra-processed products that are not usually removed during reformulation. The sources of nutrients-to-limit in these products may be replaced with other highly processed ingredients and additives, rather than with whole or minimally processed foods. Reformulation policies may also legitimise current levels of consumption of ultra-processed products in high-income countries and increased levels of consumption in emerging markets in the global South.

  8. Relacionamentos de Marketing em Empresas Varejistas: Aspectos Positivos e Negativos

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    Cléria Donizete da Silva Lourenço


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender as relações de trocas comerciais sob a ótica dos clientes, funcionários e proprietários de empresas varejistas. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, foi feita utilizando-se como método a etnografia. Os dados foram coletados em cinco empresas varejistas de um município de pequeno porte no Sul de Minas Gerais – um supermercado, uma farmácia, uma panificadora, um posto de combustíveis e uma loja de hortifrutigranjeiros – durante o período de um ano (dez/2008 a dez/2009. A observação participante e a entrevista em profundidade foram utilizadas como técnicas de coleta de dados. Para tratamento dos mesmos, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. Por meio da análise empreendida, identificou-se que os relacionamentos de marketing são compostos tanto por aspectos positivos quanto negativos. Contudo, os aspectos positivos são predominantes, especialmente pelo fato de que o cultivo de relacionamentos nas empresas varejistas analisadas é uma ocorrência natural, podendo, portanto, ser caracterizado como “genuíno”. Em termos teóricos, uma das principais descobertas feitas nesta pesquisa é que o relacionamento de marketing pode trazer também implicações negativas para as empresas confirmando as descobertas de Grayson and Ambler (1999 quando eles afirmam que o marketing de relacionamento pode trazer benefícios, mas também desvantagens inerentes. Em termos gerenciais, há que se ressaltar o papel fundamental que os funcionários exercem na construção de relacionamentos duradouros. Sendo assim, maior atenção deveria ser dispensada ao desenvolvimento de habilidades de relacionamentos daqueles que estão face a face com o cliente. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v12i3.2513

  9. How far does a big push really push? : Mitigating ultra-poverty in Bangladesh

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    F.A. Misha (Farzana); W.A. Raza (Wameq); J. Ara (Jinnat); E. Van de Poel (Ellen)


    textabstractBRAC implemented the Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction: Specially Targeted Ultra-Poor (CFPR) program in 2002 to mitigate ultra-poverty in the poorest districts of Bangladesh, providing multifaceted support in the form of asset-transfer, food-stipends, education, healthcare

  10. Antioxidant system for the preservation of vitamin A in Ultra Rice. (United States)

    Li, Yao Olive; Lam, Jane; Diosady, Levente L; Jankowski, Shirley


    Ultra Rice grains are micronutrient-fortified, extruded rice grains designed to address specific nutritional deficiencies in populations where rice is a staple food. Vitamin A and some of the B vitamins, as well as iron and zinc, are target nutrients for fortification through Ultra Rice technology. Vitamin A is sensitive to degradation. Therefore, the original Ultra Rice formulations included stabilizers, some of which were not approved as food additives in all of the receiving markets. To develop a new antioxidant system for improving vitamin A storage stability in Ultra Rice grains, while complying with international food regulations. Ten formulations were prepared containing various combinations of hydrophilic and hydrophobic antioxidants, as well as moisture stabilizers. Accelerated vitamin A storage stability tests were conducted at 25 degrees, 35 degrees, and 45 degrees C with 70% to 100% relative humidity. The most stable samples contained one or more phenolic antioxidants, a water-soluble antioxidant, and stabilizing agents. The best results were obtained by using butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) in combination with butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) as the hydrophobic antioxidants and ascorbic acid as the hydrophilic antioxidant. Citric acid and sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) were used to chelate metal ions and to stabilize moisture, respectively. The best formulations retained more than 85% and approximately 70% of the added vitamin A at 25 degrees and 45 degrees C, respectively, after 24 weeks storage. The best antioxidant system, composed of generally accepted food additives, improved vitamin A stability while reducing the price, thus greatly improving the commercial viability of Ultra Rice grains for use as a ricefortificant.

  11. Ultra-Deepwater Production Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ken L. Smith; Marc E. Leveque


    The report herein is a summary of the work performed on three projects to demonstrate hydrocarbon drilling and production methods applicable to deep and ultra deepwater field developments in the Gulf of Mexico and other like applications around the world. This work advances technology that could lead to more economic development and exploitation of reserves in ultra-deep water or remote areas. The first project is Subsea Processing. Its scope includes a review of the ''state of the art'' in subsea components to enable primary production process functions such as first stage liquids and gas separation, flow boosting, chemical treatment, flow metering, etc. These components are then combined to allow for the elimination of costly surface production facilities at the well site. A number of studies were then performed on proposed field development projects to validate the economic potential of this technology. The second project involved the design and testing of a light weight production riser made of composite material. The proposed design was to meet an actual Gulf of Mexico deepwater development project. The various engineering and testing work is reviewed, including test results. The third project described in this report encompasses the development and testing of a close tolerance liner drilling system, a new technology aimed at reducing deepwater drilling costs. The design and prototype testing in a test well are described in detail.

  12. El aspecto lúdico en la enseñanza del ELE

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    Varela, Patricia


    Full Text Available Jugar y aprender son dos acciones íntimamente relacionadas, de forma que su complementación da lugar a un ambiente ameno en clase haciendo que el alumno se sienta más cómodo y abierto al aprendizaje. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la importancia de la motivación en el alumno y los medios con los que contamos los docentes para desarrollarla de la forma más amena posible. Tendremos en cuenta la importancia del aspecto lúdico en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera y a la vez poner en práctica diversas posibilidades de aplicación del mismo

  13. Miastenia grave: aspectos históricos Myasthenia gravis: historical aspects

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    Full Text Available Foram pesquisados aspectos históricos da miastenia grave desde as primeiras descrições da doença em 1672, pelo clínico inglês Thomas Willis. São descritas as dificuldades encontradas no manuseio dos primeiros pacientes diagnosticados. Pesquisaram-se fatos históricos ligados à investigação da doença, o tratamento, bem como curiosidades pouco citadas na literatura.We studied historical aspects of myasthenia gravis starting from its first description by the English physician, Sir Thomas Willis, in 1672. We also describe the difficulties in managing triating the first diagnosed patient. Historical facts related to the investigation and the initial treatment of this disorder as well as curiosities seldom mentioned in the literature are part of this paper.

  14. Using ultra-rapid insulin analogs in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    О.V. Bolshova


    Full Text Available Background. The purpose of the study was a retrospective comparative analysis of using insulin analogues of the prolonged and ultra-short action and human genetically engineered insulins of middle and short action in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM. Materials and methods. The influence of ultra-rapid insulin analog in comparison with human rapid-action insulin on the course of type 1 DM in 100 children and adolescents was studied. It was applied as basal-bolus regimen of insulin therapy. Analysis of parameters which reflect criteria of insulin therapy effectiveness, positive effect of ultra-rapid insulin analog on the course of DM has been performed. Results. Application of ultra-rapid insulin analog before each meal improved parameters of pre- and postprandial glycemia, decreased the range of fluctuations of blood sugar during the day, reduced and maintained HbA1c level without augmentation of frequency and intensity of hypoglycaemia, and also decreased the level of noctural hypoglycaemia. Conclusions. The ultra-rapid insulin analog is the drug of choice for the effective use in insulin pumps.

  15. Roman wall-painting technical aspects | Aspectos técnicos de la pintura mural romana | Aspectos técnicos de la pintura mural romana

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    Lorenzo Abad Casal


    Full Text Available Se estudian diversos aspectos técnicos de la pintura mural romana: composición de los morteros, sistemas de unión entre las diversas capas, trazados previos, técnica pictórica y técnicas de conservación y restauración. Todo ello se plasma en una serie de gráficas que ilustran las técnicas romanas y su evolución a través de los siglos. | Etude des divers aspects techniques de la peinture murale romainne: composition des mortiers, systèmes d'union entre les différents couches, dessins préparatoires, technique de la peinture et procedés de conservation et de restauration. Un resumé sous forme graphique permet une vision synoptique de l'évolution des techniques de peinture romaine au cours des siècles.

  16. Dor neuropática central após lesão medular traumática: capacidade funcional e aspectos sociais Dolor neuropático central después de lesión medular traumática: capacidad funcional y aspectos sociales Central neuropathic pain after traumatic spinal cord injury: functional capacity and social aspects


    Janaina Vall; Violante Augusta Batista Braga


    Estudo de caso comparativo com o objetivo de avaliar a capacidade funcional e os aspectos sociais de dois pacientes, ambos com lesão medular traumática, sem e com dor neuropática central associada, respectivamente. Para avaliar a capacidade funcional, foi utilizado como instrumento o Functional Independence Measure ou Escala de Independência Funcional. E para avaliar os aspectos sociais foi construído o ecomapa de cada paciente, preconizado pelo modelo Calgary de avaliação de famílias. Ambos ...


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    Laura Rueda Castro


    Full Text Available La presente monografía busca establecer un nexo interdisciplinario entre la bioética y los aspectos clínicos y jurídicos que se conectan en la atención, protección y rehabilitación de las personas afectadas por enfermedades psiquiátricas. El análisis se centra en aquellas personas adultas, privadas de razón como consecuencia de un proceso psicopatológico, titulares de todos sus derechos civiles, pero que, por motivos de la enfermedad, se encuentran con dificultades para ejercerlosA presente monografia busca estabelecer nexo interdisciplinar entre bioética e aspectos clínicos e jurídicos na atenção, proteção e reabilitação de pessoas portadoras de enfermidades psiquiátricas. A análise é centrada em pacientes adultos privados de razão em decorrência de processo psicopatológico, titulares de todos direitos civis, mas que, em função da enfermidade, encontram-se em dificuldades para exercê-losThis monography seeks to establish an interdisciplinary link between bioethics and the clinical and juridical aspects that connect with attention, protection and rehabilitation of persons with psychiatric illness. The analysis is centered those adults, on deprived of reasoning because of a psycopathologic process, entitled to civil rights, but with dificulties to exercise them due to their illness

  18. Unkosher Sex: Vulnerable Narcissism and Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Men. (United States)

    Schapiro-Halberstam, Sara; Josephs, Lawrence


    Narcissistic men that engage in out-of-control extra-marital sex can be challenging to treat when their cultural background reinforces their misogyny and sense of entitlement, as it does among ultra-Orthodox Jewish men. A case study illustrates the challenges for a female clinician helping an unfaithful, married, narcissistic ultra-Orthodox Jewish male refrain from seeing prostitutes. He devalued the approach of his female therapist and the client had to learn that he was not entitled to women's love and respect, but that he needed to earn it by transcending his egocentrism and demonstrating empathy rather than contempt for women.

  19. Boundary Lax pairs from non-ultra-local Poisson algebras

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avan, Jean; Doikou, Anastasia


    We consider non-ultra-local linear Poisson algebras on a continuous line. Suitable combinations of representations of these algebras yield representations of novel generalized linear Poisson algebras or 'boundary' extensions. They are parametrized by a boundary scalar matrix and depend, in addition, on the choice of an antiautomorphism. The new algebras are the classical-linear counterparts of the known quadratic quantum boundary algebras. For any choice of parameters, the non-ultra-local contribution of the original Poisson algebra disappears. We also systematically construct the associated classical Lax pair. The classical boundary principal chiral model is examined as a physical example.

  20. New Nanoparticles Dispersing Beads Mill with Ultra Small Beads and its Application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inkyo, M; Tahara, T; Imajyo, Y


    Two of the major problems related to nanoparticle dispersion with a conventional beads mill are re-agglomeration and damage to the crystalline structure of the particles. The Ultra Apex Mill was developed to solve these problems by enabling the use of ultra-small beads with a diameter of less than 0.1mm. The core of this breakthrough development is centrifugation technology which allows the use of beads as small as 0.015mm. When dispersing agglomerated nanoparticles the impulse of the small beads is very low which means there is little influence on the particles. The surface energy of the nanoparticles remains low so the properties are not likely to change. As a result, stable nanoparticle dispersions can be achieved without re-cohesion. The Ultra Apex Mill is superior to conventional beads mills that are limited to much larger bead sizes. The technology of the Ultra Apex Mill has pioneered practical applications for nanoparticles in various fields: composition materials for LCD screens, ink-jet printing, ceramic condensers and cosmetics.

  1. Ultra-wide-field angiography improves the detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy. (United States)

    Wessel, Matthew M; Aaker, Grant D; Parlitsis, George; Cho, Minhee; D'Amico, Donald J; Kiss, Szilárd


    To evaluate patients with diabetic retinopathy using ultra-wide-field fluorescein angiography and to compare the visualized retinal pathology with that seen on an overly of conventional 7 standard field (7SF) imaging. Two hundred and eighteen eyes of 118 diabetic patients who underwent diagnostic fluorescein angiography using the Optos Optomap Panoramic 200A imaging system were included. The visualized area of the retina, retinal nonperfusion, retinal neovascularization, and panretinal photocoagulation were quantified by two independent masked graders. The respective areas identified on the ultra-wide-field fluorescein angiography image were compared with an overly of a modified 7SF image as outlined in the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study. Ultra-wide-field fluorescein angiograms imaging, on average, demonstrated 3.2 times more total retinal surface area than 7SF. When compared with 7SF, ultra-wide-field fluorescein angiography showed 3.9 times more nonperfusion (P diabetic retinopathy. Improved retinal visualization may alter the classification of diabetic retinopathy and may therefore influence follow-up and treatment of these patients.

  2. Imaging Frontostriatal Function in Ultra-High-Risk, Early, and Chronic Schizophrenia During Executive Processing (United States)

    Morey, Rajendra A.; Inan, Seniha; Mitchell, Teresa V.; Perkins, Diana O.; Lieberman, Jeffrey A.; Belger, Aysenil


    Context Individuals experiencing prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia (ultra-high-risk group) demonstrate impaired performance on tasks of executive function, attention, and working memory. The neurobiological underpinnings of such executive deficits in ultra-high-risk individuals remains unclear. Objective We assessed frontal and striatal functions during a visual oddball continuous performance task, in ultra-high-risk, early, and chronic schizophrenic patients with the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging. Design Cross-sectional case-control design. Setting Community; outpatient clinic. Patients Fifty-two individuals (control, n = 16; ultra-high risk, n = 10; early, n = 15; chronic, n = 11) from a referred clinical sample and age- and sex-matched control volunteers underwent scanning. Main Outcome Measures Percentage of active voxels and percentage signal change calculated for the anterior cingulate gyrus (ACG), middle frontal gyrus (MFG), inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), basal ganglia, and thalamus. Performance on the visual oddball task was measured with percentage of hits and d′ (a measure based on the hit rate and the false-alarm rate). Results The ultra-high-risk group showed significantly smaller differential activation between task-relevant and task-irrelevant stimuli in the frontal regions (ACG, IFG, MFG) than the control group. Frontostriatal activation associated with target stimuli in the early and chronic groups was significantly lower than the control group, while the ultra-high-risk group showed a trend toward the early group. Conclusions Our findings suggest that prefrontal function begins to decline before the onset of syndromally defined illness and hence may represent a vulnerability marker in assessing the risk of developing psychotic disorders among ultra-high-risk individuals. PMID:15753238

  3. A decomposição do Estado e o protagonismo da sociedade civil no enfrentamento da questão social no Brasil: os dilemas da cidadania e da democracia na contemporaneidade

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    Freire, Silene de Moraes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo foi elaborado a partir de preocupações profissionais voltadas para desvelar a presença e o enfrentamento, por parte do Estado e da sociedade civil, da questão social no cenário histórico-cultural da sociedade brasileira, evidenciado a partir da década de noventa, sobretudo, quando observamos a guinada do Estado brasileiro para a “mentalidade privatizante” que as reformas estruturais de cunho neoliberal promoveram. No caso brasileiro, tal projeto reafirma uma das particularidades de nossa cultura política: o moderno se constitui por meio do “arcaico”, recriando nossa herança histórica ao atualizar aspectos persistentes e, ao mesmo tempo, transformando-os no contexto da globalização. Pretendemos, assim, discutir de que modo a permanência histórica da desigualdade social, dos limites da cidadania e da democracia serviram como elemento facilitador para a implementação da agenda neoliberal no Brasil

  4. Avaliação da inteligência com testes não-verbais em afásicos

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    Janete Simiema Ceschin


    Full Text Available Foram estudados 8 pacientes com quadro clínico de acidente vascular cerebral e afasia, internados logo após o ictus. Foram avaliados os aspectos clínico, neuropsiquiátrico, eletrencefalográfico e neuroradiológico. Os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação psicológica e fonoaudiológica. Este trabalho correlaciona a lesão neurológica às alterações estruturais da inteligência, às alterações práxicas e estereognósicas e também aos distúrbios da linguagem. Para a classificação do nível intelectual foram usados os critérios da Organização Mundial da Saúde e a classificação genética de Jean Piaget. Este estudo mostra que a inteligência, medida pelo teste não-verbal de Leither, está melhor preservada em alguns tipos de afásicos.

  5. Expectations for ultra-high energy interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feynman, R.P.


    Strong interactions at ultra-high energies are discussed with emphasis on the hadrons produced in high energy collisions. Evidence is considered that quantum chromodynamics might be the right theory, and also some estimates are given of quantum chromodynamics asymptotic-freedom phenomena, the work under discussion being very preliminary. 6 references

  6. [Food prices in Brazil: prefer cooking to ultra-processed foods]. (United States)

    Claro, Rafael Moreira; Maia, Emanuella Gomes; Costa, Bruna Vieira de Lima; Diniz, Danielle Pereira


    This study aims to describe the prices of food groups consumed in Brazil considering the nature, extent, and purpose of their processing. Data were obtained from the Brazilian Household Budget Survey for 2008-2009. The mean prices of the groups (natural, cooking ingredients, processed, and ultra-processed) and their respective food subgroups were estimated for Brazil according to income, region, and area. Natural products and cooking ingredients showed lower prices per calorie when compared to the other groups, suggesting an economic advantage to preparing meals at home when compared to replacing them with ultra-processed foods. Families with the highest income paid the highest prices for their food, while families in the Northeast and North regions and rural areas paid the lowest. While fresh foods (meat, milk, fruit, and vegetables) tend to cost more than ultra-processed foods, dry grains (like rice and beans) are a more economical alternative for adopting healthy eating practices.

  7. Effect of shot peening using ultra-fine particles on fatigue properties of 5056 aluminum alloy under rotating bending

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kikuchi, Shoichi, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo 657-8501 (Japan); Nakamura, Yuki [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Toyota College, 2-1 Eisei-cho, Toyota-shi, Aichi 471-8525 (Japan); Nambu, Koichiro [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College, Shiroko-cho, Suzuka-shi, Mie 510-0294 (Japan); Ando, Masafumi [Innovation Team, IKK SHOT Co. Ltd., 412-4, Nunowari, Minami-Shibata-machi, Tokai-shi, Aichi 476-0001 (Japan)


    Shot peening using particles 10 μm in diameter (ultra-fine particle peening: Ultra-FPP) was introduced to improve the fatigue properties of 5056 aluminum alloy. The surface microstructures of the Ultra-FPP treated specimens were characterized using a micro-Vickers hardness tester, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), non-contact scanning white light interferometry, and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The Ultra-FPP treated specimen had higher hardness than the conventional FPP treated specimen with a short nozzle distance due to the high velocity of the ultra-fine particles. Furthermore, the surface hardness of the Ultra-FPP treated specimen tended to increase as the peening time decreased. Fatigue tests were performed in air at room temperature using a cantilever-type rotating bending fatigue testing machine. It was found that the fatigue life of the Ultra-FPP treated specimen tended to increase with decreasing peening time. Mainly, the Ultra-FPP improved the fatigue properties of 5056 aluminum alloy in the very high cycle regime of more than 10{sup 7} cycles compared with the un-peened specimens. This is because the release of the compressive residual stress is small during fatigue tests at low stress amplitudes.

  8. Gold ultra-microelectrode arrays: application to the steady-state voltammetry of hydroxide ion in aqueous solution. (United States)

    Ordeig, Olga; Banks, Craig E; Davies, Trevor J; del Campo, F Javier; Muñoz, Francesc Xavier; Compton, Richard G


    Gold ultra-microelectrode arrays are used to explore the electrochemical oxidation of hydroxide ions and are shown to be analytical useful. Two types of ultra-microelectrode arrays are used; the first consist of 256 individual electrodes of 5 microm in radius, 170 of which are electrochemically active in a cubic arrangement which are separated from their nearest neighbour by a distance of 100 microm. The second array compromises 2597 electrodes of 2.5 microm in radius and of which 1550 of which are electrochemically active in a hexagonal arrangement separated by the nearest neighbour by 55 microm. Well defined voltammetric waves are found with peak currents proportional to the concentration of hydroxide ions in the range 50 microM to 1 mM. Detection limits of 20 microM using the 170 ultra-microelectrode and 10 microM with the 1550 ultra-microelectrode array are shown to be possible but with a higher sensitivity of 4 mA M(-1) observed using the 1550 ultra-microelectrode array compared to 1.2 mA M(-1) with the 170 ultra-microelectrode array.

  9. Impedance self-matching ultra-narrow linewidth fiber resonator by use of a tunable π-phase-shifted FBG. (United States)

    Jing, Mingyong; Yu, Bo; Hu, Jianyong; Hou, Huifang; Zhang, Guofeng; Xiao, Liantuan; Jia, Suotang


    In this paper, we present a novel ultra-narrow linewidth fiber resonator formed by a tunable polarization maintaining (PM) π-phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating and a PM uniform fiber Bragg grating with a certain length of PM single mode fiber patch cable between them. Theoretical prediction shows that this resonator has ultra-narrow linewidth resonant peaks and is easy to realize impedance matching. We experimentally obtain 3 MHz narrow linewidth impedance matched resonant peak in a 7.3 m ultra-long passive fiber cavity. The impedance self-matching characteristic of this resonator also makes itself particularly suitable for use in ultra-sensitive sensors, ultra-narrow band rejection optical filters and fiber lasers applications.

  10. All-optical ultra-high-speed OFDM to Nyquist-WDM conversion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guan, Pengyu; Røge, Kasper Meldgaard; Mulvad, Hans Christian Hansen


    We propose an all-optical ultra-high-speed OFDM to Nyquist-WDM conversion scheme based on complete OFT. An 8-subcarrier 640 Gbit/s DPSK OFDM super-channel is converted to eight 80-Gbit/s Nyquist-WDM channels with BER <10−9 performance for all channels.......We propose an all-optical ultra-high-speed OFDM to Nyquist-WDM conversion scheme based on complete OFT. An 8-subcarrier 640 Gbit/s DPSK OFDM super-channel is converted to eight 80-Gbit/s Nyquist-WDM channels with BER

  11. Percepção de Valor dos Consumidores de Serviços de Restaurantes: Um Estudo com Modelagem de Equações Estruturais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    George Bedinelli Rossi Bedinelli Rossi


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa objetivou a elaboração de um modelo que explicasse a percepção de valor de consumidores em restaurantes freqüentados aos domingos na cidade de São Paulo. Foi realizada em duas fases: uma pesquisa exploratória tipo grupo de foco com dois grupos de oito elementos cada cujo para descobrir as principais variáveis que influem na percepção de valor de consumidores. Gerando-se uma escala do tipo Likert, equilibrada e com ponto neutro, com sete níveis de concordância. Esta foi submetida a cinco especialistas para validação teórica e aplicada em uma amostra não probabilística por julgamento de 360 consumidores. Em seguida (segunda fase, procedeu-se à validação da escala pelo método de Análise Fatorial Confirmatória e à construção e análise de cinco modelos causais pelo método de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. O modelo final com melhor ajuste mostrou que é composto por PREÇO como a variável endógena e AMBIENTE, ATENDIMENTO, COMIDA e LIMPEZA como as variáveis exógenas. Tais conclusões indicam a visualização do processo decisório de escolha de restaurante em duas fases: (1 onde escolhe uma com junto de restaurantes e (2 momento em que a variável PREÇO assume o papel de definir o valor entregue por restaurante, o que animará a escolha. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v11i3.2291

  12. Ultra-short X-ray sources generated through laser-matter interaction and their applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rousse, A.


    This work is dedicated to the sources of ultra-short X-rays. The K α source, the non-linear Thomson source, the betatron source and the X-γ source are presented. We show that a pump-probe experiment where the pump is a laser excitation and the probe is the X-K α ultra-short radiation, can be used to study the dynamics of material structure with a time resolution of 100 femtosecond. We describe 2 applications that have been achieved in the field of solid physics by using the diffraction technique with a time resolution in the range of the femtosecond. The first application has permitted the observation and characterization of the ultra-quick solid-phase transition that occurs on the surface of a semiconductor crystal. The second experiment deals with the role of optical phonons in the antecedent processes that lead to such ultra-quick solid-phase transitions. (A.C.)

  13. Budget impact analysis of drugs for ultra-orphan non-oncological diseases in Europe. (United States)

    Schlander, Michael; Adarkwah, Charles Christian; Gandjour, Afschin


    Ultra-orphan diseases (UODs) have been defined by a prevalence of less than 1 per 50,000 persons. However, little is known about budget impact of ultra-orphan drugs. For analysis, the budget impact analysis (BIA) had a time horizon of 10 years (2012-2021) and a pan-European payer's perspective, based on prevalence data for UODs for which patented drugs are available and/or for which drugs are in clinical development. A total of 18 drugs under patent protection or orphan drug designation for non-oncological UODs were identified. Furthermore, 29 ultra-orphan drugs for non-oncological diseases under development that have the potential of reaching the market by 2021 were found. Total budget impact over 10 years was estimated to be €15,660 and €4965 million for approved and pipeline ultra-orphan drugs, respectively (total: €20,625 million). The analysis does not support concerns regarding an uncontrolled growth in expenditures for drugs for UODs.

  14. Synthesis of ultra-long cadmium telluride nanotubes via combinational chemical transformation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Kee-Ryung; Cho, Hong-Baek; Choa, Yong-Ho, E-mail:


    Synthesis of high-throughput cadmium telluride (CdTe) nanotubes with an ultra-long aspect ratio is presented via a combination process concept combined with electrospinning, electrodeposition, and cationic exchange reaction. Ultra-long sacrificial silver (Ag) nanofibers were synthesized by electrospinning involving two-step calcination, and were then electrodeposited to create silver telluride nanotubes. These nanotubes underwent cationic exchange reaction in cadmium nitrate tetrahydrate solution with the aid of a ligand, tributylphosphine (TBP). Analysis showed that ultra-long pure zinc blende CdTe nanotubes were obtained with controlled dimension and uniform morphology. The thermodynamic driving force induced by the coordination of methanol solvent and TBP attributed to overcome the kinetic barrier between Ag{sub 2}Te and CdTe nanotubes, facilitating the synthesis of CdTe nanotubes. This synthetic process involving a topotactic reaction route paves a way for high-throughput extended synthesis of new chalcogenide hollow nanotubes for application in photodetectors and solar cells. - Highlights: • High throughput synthetic route of hollow CdTe nanotubes with ultra-long aspect ratio. • Chemical combination of electrospinning, electrodeposition & cation exchange reaction. • Pure zinc blende CdTe by controlled dimension & structural variation of Ag nanofibers. • Potential for the high throughput synthesis of new exotic chalcogenide nanotubes.

  15. Nonlinear Filtering with IMM Algorithm for Ultra-Tight GPS/INS Integration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dah-Jing Jwo


    Full Text Available Abstract This paper conducts a performance evaluation for the ultra-tight integration of a Global positioning system (GPS and an inertial navigation system (INS, using nonlinear filtering approaches with an interacting multiple model (IMM algorithm. An ultra-tight GPS/INS architecture involves the integration of in-phase and quadrature components from the correlator of a GPS receiver with INS data. An unscented Kalman filter (UKF, which employs a set of sigma points by deterministic sampling, avoids the error caused by linearization as in an extended Kalman filter (EKF. Based on the filter structural adaptation for describing various dynamic behaviours, the IMM nonlinear filtering provides an alternative for designing the adaptive filter in the ultra-tight GPS/INS integration. The use of IMM enables tuning of an appropriate value for the process of noise covariance so as to maintain good estimation accuracy and tracking capability. Two examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the design and demonstrate the effective improvement in navigation estimation accuracy. A performance comparison among various filtering methods for ultra-tight integration of GPS and INS is also presented. The IMM based nonlinear filtering approach demonstrates the effectiveness of the algorithm for improved positioning performance.

  16. Ultra-capacitors in power conversion systems analysis, modeling and design in theory and practice

    CERN Document Server

    Grbovic, Petar J


    Divided into five parts, this book is focused on ultra-capacitors and their applications in power conversion systems. It discusses ultra-capacitor analysis, modelling and module design from a macroscopic (application) perspective. It also describes power conversion applications, interface dc-dc converter design and entire conversion system design. Part One covers the background of energy storage technologies, with particular attention on state-of-the-art ultra-capacitor energy storage technologies. In Chapter four of this part, power conversion systems with integrated energy storage is discus

  17. Consumption of ultra-processed foods and body fat during childhood and adolescence: a systematic review. (United States)

    Costa, Caroline Santos; Del-Ponte, Bianca; Assunção, Maria Cecília Formoso; Santos, Iná Silva


    To review the available literature on the association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and body fat during childhood and adolescence. A systematic review was conducted in the PubMed, Web of Science and LILACS databases. Studies that evaluated the association between consumption of ultra-processed food (exposure) and body fat (outcome) during childhood and adolescence were eligible. Healthy children and adolescents. Twenty-six studies that evaluated groups of ultra-processed foods (such as snacks, fast foods, junk foods and convenience foods) or specific ultra-processed foods (soft drinks/sweetened beverages, sweets, chocolate and ready-to-eat cereals) were selected. Most of the studies (n 15) had a cohort design. Consumption was generally evaluated by means of FFQ or food records; and body composition, by means of double indirect methods (bioelectrical impedance analysis and skinfolds). Most of the studies that evaluated consumption of groups of ultra-processed foods and soft drinks/sweetened beverages found positive associations with body fat. Our review showed that most studies have found positive associations between consumption of ultra-processed food and body fat during childhood and adolescence. There is a need to use a standardized classification that considers the level of food processing to promote comparability between studies.

  18. A New Ultra-lightweight Authentication Protocol for Low Cost RFID Tags

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xin Wang


    Full Text Available The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID system has been widely used in almost every aspects of the society. At present, the problem of security and privacy become a key factor of severely blocking the widespread of its usage. However, due to restraints on RFID tag’s manufacturing cost, the traditional methods of encryption are not good candidate to defend the security of wireless communication channel between reader and tag. Designing lightweight or ultra-lightweight RFID authentication protocol has become a hot research topic recently. This paper proposes a new ultra-lightweight RFID authentication protocol with high robustness and execution efficiency. The proposed protocol requires only simple bit-wise operations, it has the characteristics of low storage requirement and communication cost. At the same time, through elaborate mechanism design, avoid the vulnerability of the existing ultra-lightweight authentication protocols.

  19. Depressão na infância e adolecência: aspectos sociais


    Lúcia Helena Siqueira Barbosa


    Este trabalho contém três partes. Uma primeira intitulada Introdução. Uma segunda focalizada sob o título de Material Clínico :apresentação, comentários e considerações sobre a prática do Serviço Social e, uma terceira, Considerações Finais. A primeira tenta discutir dois pontos: - algumas considerações sobre o conceito de depressão na infância e adolescência: caracterização de quadros clínicos com aspectos depressivos nítidos, mais ou menos "puros" e de "reações depressivas", em que tais asp...

  20. Estudo dos aspectos éticos dos transplantes na América Latina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virgínia Maria Coelho de Holanda


    Full Text Available Respeitando recomendações da OMS, foi feito estudo retrospectivo comparativo das Legislações de 16 Países da América Latina, a saber Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, Equador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, República Dominicana e Venezuela, do período de 1963 a 1992, enfatizando-se os aspectos éticos referentes a doação, determinação da morte, conflito de interesses, seleção do receptor, comercialização e intercâmbio internacional de órgãos.

  1. Aproximación Neuropsicológica al Constructo de Empatía: Aspectos Cognitivos y Neuroanatómicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa Arán Filippetti


    Full Text Available Los modelos integradores definen a la empatía como un constructo multidimensional que incluye aspectos afectivos (EA; empatía afectiva y aspectos cognitivos (EC; empatía cognitiva. El objetivo del presente trabajo es exponer el estado del arte de la asociación entre la empatía y las funciones ejecutivas (FE y tratar de proponer una integración de las ideas al respecto. Para esto, se adopta un marco conceptual y se revisan estudios que conciben a la EA y a la EC como aspectos complementarios pero diferenciados tanto desde el punto de vista funcional como neurobiológico; ambos componentes se activarían conjuntamente durante la interacción social, pero podrían actuar por separado tal como se evidencia, por ejemplo, en el daño cerebral y en la psicopatología. Desde una perspectiva multidimensional, la relación empatía-FE podría explicarse a partir de la relación ECfTeoría de la MenteFE, así como mediante un modelo que admita la influencia de procesos top-down - a través de funciones ejecutivas - en el proceso empático. Adoptar una visión multidimensional de la empatía no sólo es relevante desde el punto de vista funcional, sino que aporta evidencia significativa para el diagnóstico, la evaluación y la comprensión del déficit empático en la clínica neurológica y psiquiátrica.

  2. High Heat Load Properties of Ultra Fine Grain Tungsten

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, Z.; Du, J.; Ge, C.; Linke, J.; Pintsuk, G.; Song, S.X.


    Full text of publication follows: Tungsten is increasingly considered as a promising candidate armour materials facing the plasma in tokamaks for medium to high heat flux components (EAST, ASDEX, ITER). Fabrication tungsten with ultra fine grain size is considered as an effective way to ameliorate some disadvantages of tungsten, such as its brittleness at room temperature. But the research data on the performance of ultra fine grain tungsten is still very limit. In this work, high heat load properties of pure ultra-fine grain tungsten have been studied. The ultra fine grain tungsten samples with average grain size of 0.2 μm, 1 μm and 3 μm were fabricated by resistance sintering under ultra high pressure. The annealing experiments for the investigation of the material resistance against grain growth have been done by annealing samples in a vacuum furnace at different temperature holding for 2 hours respectively. It is found that recrystallization and grain growth occur at heating temperature of 1250 deg. c. The finer the initial grain sizes of tungsten, the smaller its grain growth grain. The effects of transient high thermal loads (off normal events like disruptions) on tungsten surface morphology have been performed in electron beam test facility JUDITH. The thermal loads tests have been carried out with 4 ms pulses at different power density of 0.22, 0.33, 0.44, 0.55 and 0.88 GW/m 2 respectively. Horizontal cracks formed for all tungsten samples at 0.44 GW/m 2 . Particle erosions occurred for tungsten with 3 μm size at 0.33 GW/m 2 and for tungsten with 0.2 and 1 μm size at 0.55 GW/m 2 . The weight loss of tungsten with 0.2, 1 and 3 μm size are 2,0.1,0.6 mg respectively at 0.88 GW/m 2 . The effects of a large number of very short transient repetitive thermal loads (ELM-like) on tungsten surface morphology also have been performed by using a fundamental wave of a YAG laser. It is found that tungsten with 0.2 μm size has the best performance. (authors)

  3. High Heat Load Properties of Ultra Fine Grain Tungsten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, Z.; Du, J.; Ge, C. [Lab. of Special Ceramic and P/M, University of Science and Technology, 100083 Beijing (China); Linke, J.; Pintsuk, G. [FZJ-Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Association Euratom-FZJ, Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Postfach 1913, D-52425 Juelich (Germany); Song, S.X. [Research Center on Fusion Materials (RCFM), University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), 100083 Beijing (China)


    Full text of publication follows: Tungsten is increasingly considered as a promising candidate armour materials facing the plasma in tokamaks for medium to high heat flux components (EAST, ASDEX, ITER). Fabrication tungsten with ultra fine grain size is considered as an effective way to ameliorate some disadvantages of tungsten, such as its brittleness at room temperature. But the research data on the performance of ultra fine grain tungsten is still very limit. In this work, high heat load properties of pure ultra-fine grain tungsten have been studied. The ultra fine grain tungsten samples with average grain size of 0.2 {mu}m, 1 {mu}m and 3 {mu}m were fabricated by resistance sintering under ultra high pressure. The annealing experiments for the investigation of the material resistance against grain growth have been done by annealing samples in a vacuum furnace at different temperature holding for 2 hours respectively. It is found that recrystallization and grain growth occur at heating temperature of 1250 deg. c. The finer the initial grain sizes of tungsten, the smaller its grain growth grain. The effects of transient high thermal loads (off normal events like disruptions) on tungsten surface morphology have been performed in electron beam test facility JUDITH. The thermal loads tests have been carried out with 4 ms pulses at different power density of 0.22, 0.33, 0.44, 0.55 and 0.88 GW/m{sup 2} respectively. Horizontal cracks formed for all tungsten samples at 0.44 GW/m{sup 2}. Particle erosions occurred for tungsten with 3 {mu}m size at 0.33 GW/m{sup 2} and for tungsten with 0.2 and 1 {mu}m size at 0.55 GW/m{sup 2}. The weight loss of tungsten with 0.2, 1 and 3 {mu}m size are 2,0.1,0.6 mg respectively at 0.88 GW/m{sup 2}. The effects of a large number of very short transient repetitive thermal loads (ELM-like) on tungsten surface morphology also have been performed by using a fundamental wave of a YAG laser. It is found that tungsten with 0.2 {mu}m size has

  4. Connections in Precast Buildings using Ultra High-Strength Fibre Reinforced Concrete

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Pilegaard


    Ultra high-strength concrete adds new dimensions to the design of concrete structures. It is a brittle material but introducing fibres into the matrix changes the material into a highly ductile material. Furthermore, the fibre reinforcement increases the anchorage of traditional reinforcement bar...... and the fire resistance. Such a fibre reinforced ultra high-strength material has been used to develop a simple joint solution between slab elements in a column - slab building system....

  5. Ultra high performance concrete made with rice husk ash for reduced autogenous shrinkage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Breugel, K.; Van Tuan, N.


    Ultra High Strength Concrete (UHPC) is generally made with low w/c mixtures and by adding silica fume. Low w/c mixtures, however, exhibit high autogenous shrinkage, while a high amount of silica fume increases the price of these mixtures. For designing ultra high strength mixtures with low

  6. HI-bearing Ultra Diffuse Galaxies in the ALFALFA Survey (United States)

    Leisman, Lukas; Janowiecki, Steven; Jones, Michael G.; ALFALFA Almost Darks Team


    The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (Arecibo L-band Feed Array) extragalactic HI survey, with over 30,000 high significance extragalactic sources, is well positioned to locate gas-bearing, low surface brightness sources missed by optical detection algorithms. We investigate the nature of a population of HI-bearing sources in ALFALFA with properties similar to "ultra-diffuse" galaxies (UDGs): galaxies with stellar masses of dwarf galaxies, but radii of L* galaxies. These "HI-bearing ultra-diffuse" sources (HUDS) constitute a small, but pertinent, fraction of the dwarf-mass galaxies in ALFALFA. They are bluer and have more irregular morphologies than the optically-selected UDGs found in clusters, and they appear to be gas-rich for their stellar mass, indicating low star formation efficiency. To illuminate potential explanations for the extreme properties of these sources we explore their environments and estimate their halo properties. We conclude that environmental mechanism are unlikely the cause of HUDS' properties, as they exist in environments equivalent to that of the other ALFALFA sources of similar HI-masses, however, we do find some suggestion that these HUDS may reside in high spin parameter halos, a potential explanation for their "ultra-diffuse" nature.

  7. Water and sodium intake habits and status of ultra-endurance runners during a multi-stage ultra-marathon conducted in a hot ambient environment: an observational field based study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Costa Ricardo JS


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Anecdotal evidence suggests ultra-runners may not be consuming sufficient water through foods and fluids to maintenance euhydration, and present sub-optimal sodium intakes, throughout multi-stage ultra-marathon (MSUM competitions in the heat. Subsequently, the aims were primarily to assess water and sodium intake habits of recreational ultra-runners during a five stage 225 km semi self-sufficient MSUM conducted in a hot ambient environment (Tmax range: 32°C to 40°C; simultaneously to monitor serum sodium concentration, and hydration status using multiple hydration assessment techniques. Methods Total daily, pre-stage, during running, and post-stage water and sodium ingestion of ultra-endurance runners (UER, n = 74 and control (CON, n = 12 through foods and fluids were recorded on Stages 1 to 4 by trained dietetic researchers using dietary recall interview technique, and analysed through dietary analysis software. Body mass (BM, hydration status, and serum sodium concentration were determined pre- and post-Stages 1 to 5. Results Water (overall mean (SD: total daily 7.7 (1.5 L/day, during running 732 (183 ml/h and sodium (total daily 3.9 (1.3 g/day, during running 270 (151 mg/L ingestion did not differ between stages in UER (p vs. CON. Exercise-induced BM loss was 2.4 (1.2% (p p > 0.05 vs. CON pre-stage. Asymptomatic hyponatraemia (n = 8 UER, corresponding to 42% of sampled participants. Pre- and post-stage urine colour, urine osmolality and urine/plasma osmolality ratio increased (p p  Conclusion Water intake habits of ultra-runners during MSUM conducted in hot ambient conditions appear to be sufficient to maintain baseline euhydration levels. However, fluid over-consumption behaviours were evident along competition, irrespective of running speed and gender. Normonatraemia was observed in the majority of ultra-runners throughout MSUM, despite sodium ingestion under benchmark recommendations.

  8. Ultra-thin film encapsulation processes for micro-electro-mechanical devices and systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoldt, Conrad R; Bright, Victor M


    A range of physical properties can be achieved in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) through their encapsulation with solid-state, ultra-thin coatings. This paper reviews the application of single source chemical vapour deposition and atomic layer deposition (ALD) in the growth of submicron films on polycrystalline silicon microstructures for the improvement of microscale reliability and performance. In particular, microstructure encapsulation with silicon carbide, tungsten, alumina and alumina-zinc oxide alloy ultra-thin films is highlighted, and the mechanical, electrical, tribological and chemical impact of these overlayers is detailed. The potential use of solid-state, ultra-thin coatings in commercial microsystems is explored using radio frequency MEMS as a case study for the ALD alloy alumina-zinc oxide thin film. (topical review)

  9. Stellar by Day, Planetary by Night: Atmospheres of Ultra-Hot Jupiters (United States)

    Hensley, Kerry


    Move over, hot Jupiters theres an even stranger kind of giant planet in the universe! Ultra-hot Jupiters are so strongly irradiated that the molecules in their atmospheres split apart. What does this mean for heat transport on these planets?Atmospheres of Exotic PlanetsA diagram showing the orbit of an ultra-hot Jupiter and the longitudes at which dissociation and recombination occur. [Bell Cowan 2018]Similar to hot Jupiters, ultra-hot Jupiters are gas giants with atmospheres dominated by molecular hydrogen. What makes them interesting is that their dayside atmospheres are so hot that the molecules dissociate into individual hydrogen atoms more like the atmospheres of stars than planets.Because of the intense stellar irradiation, there is also an extreme temperature difference between the day and night sides of these planets potentially more than 1,000 K! As the stellar irradiation increases, the dayside atmosphere becomes hotter and hotter and the temperature difference between the day and night sides increases.When hot atomic hydrogen is transported into cooler regions (by winds, for instance), it recombines to form H2 molecules and heats the gas, effectively transporting heat from one location to another. This is similar to how the condensation of water redistributes heat in Earths atmosphere but what effect does this phenomenon have on the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters?Maps of atmospheric temperature of molecular hydrogen dissociation fraction for three wind speeds. Click to enlarge. [Bell Cowan 2018]Modeling Heat RedistributionTaylor Bell and Nicolas Cowan (McGill University) used an energy-balance model to estimate the effects of H2 dissociation and recombination on heat transport in ultra-hot Jupiter atmospheres. In particular, they explored the redistribution of heat and how it affects the resultant phase curve the curve that describes the combination of reflected and thermally emitted light from the planet, observed as a function of its phase angle

  10. Ultra-wideband MMICs for remote sensing applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Tom Keinicke; Vidkjær, Jens; Krozer, Viktor


    This paper presents an overview of the current activity at the Technical University of Denmark in the field of ultra-wideband monolitic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) for next-generation high-resolution synthetic aperature radar (SAR) systems. The transfer function requirements for MMIC co...

  11. Ultra Safe And Secure Blasting System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hart, M M


    The Ultra is a blasting system that is designed for special applications where the risk and consequences of unauthorized demolition or blasting are so great that the use of an extraordinarily safe and secure blasting system is justified. Such a blasting system would be connected and logically welded together through digital code-linking as part of the blasting system set-up and initialization process. The Ultra's security is so robust that it will defeat the people who designed and built the components in any attempt at unauthorized detonation. Anyone attempting to gain unauthorized control of the system by substituting components or tapping into communications lines will be thwarted in their inability to provide encrypted authentication. Authentication occurs through the use of codes that are generated by the system during initialization code-linking and the codes remain unknown to anyone, including the authorized operator. Once code-linked, a closed system has been created. The system requires all components connected as they were during initialization as well as a unique code entered by the operator for function and blasting.

  12. Modelo integral de productividad, aspectos importantes para su implementación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Eduardo Medina Fernández de Soto


    Full Text Available El Modelo Integral busca la optimización de la productividad, a partir de los objetivos estratégicos empresariales y el análisis y mejoramiento de la propuesta de valor para el cliente, identificando el nivel de operación óptimo y los recursos tangibles realmente necesarios. También identifica los procesos empresariales de creación de valor y es una guía hacia el desarrollo de la propuesta de valor. Además, analiza las inversiones necesarias para las nuevas propuestas de valor, buscando un crecimiento estratégico sostenible. El artículo explica en primer lugar los fundamentos y componentes del modelo y luego algunos aspectos importantes para su implementación.

  13. Ultra-wideband RCS reduction using novel configured chessboard metasurface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuang Ya-Qiang; Wang Guang-Ming; Xu He-Xiu


    A novel artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) metasurface is proposed with ultra-wideband 180° phase difference for radar cross section (RCS) reduction. It is composed of two dual-resonant AMC cells, which enable a broadband phase difference of 180°±30° from 7.9 GHz to 19.2 GHz to be achieved. A novel strategy is devised by dividing each rectangular grid in a chessboard configuration into four triangular grids, leading to a further reduction of peak bistatic RCS. Both full-wave simulation and measurement results show that the proposed metasurface presents a good RCS reduction property over an ultra-wideband frequency range. (paper)

  14. Optical soliton communication using ultra-short pulses

    CERN Document Server

    Sadegh Amiri, Iraj


    This brief analyzes the characteristics of a microring resonator (MRR) to perform communication using ultra-short soliton pulses. The raising of nonlinear refractive indices, coupling coefficients and radius of the single microring resonator leads to decrease in input power and round trips wherein the bifurcation occurs. As a result, bifurcation or chaos behaviors are seen at lower input power of 44 W, where the nonlinear refractive index is n2=3.2×10−20 m2/W. Using a decimal convertor system, these ultra-short signals can be converted into quantum information. Results show that multi solitons with FWHM and FSR of 10 pm and 600 pm can be generated respectively. The multi optical soliton with FWHM and FSR of 325 pm and 880 nm can be incorporated with a time division multiple access (TDMA) system wherein the transportation of quantum information is performed.

  15. System and method for magnetic current density imaging at ultra low magnetic fields (United States)

    Espy, Michelle A.; George, John Stevens; Kraus, Robert Henry; Magnelind, Per; Matlashov, Andrei Nikolaevich; Tucker, Don; Turovets, Sergei; Volegov, Petr Lvovich


    Preferred systems can include an electrical impedance tomography apparatus electrically connectable to an object; an ultra low field magnetic resonance imaging apparatus including a plurality of field directions and disposable about the object; a controller connected to the ultra low field magnetic resonance imaging apparatus and configured to implement a sequencing of one or more ultra low magnetic fields substantially along one or more of the plurality of field directions; and a display connected to the controller, and wherein the controller is further configured to reconstruct a displayable image of an electrical current density in the object. Preferred methods, apparatuses, and computer program products are also disclosed.

  16. La actitud crítica un aspecto fundamental en la educación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduard Mauricio Wong Jaramillo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se reflexiona sobre el papel de la actitud crítica en la educación, dado que la capacidad de pensar por sí mismo y decidir de acuerdo con criterios racionales son aspectos decisivos que todo estudiante debe desarrollar, con el fin de propiciar sujetos que evalúen el saber. Otra razón que la hace necesaria es que la enseñanza pretende incentivar la formación de personas autónomas, que participen activamente en la vida política, social y cultural, aspectos que implican el ejercicio crítico y reflexivo. En la primera parte del documento se presentan algunos rasgos que identifican a la educación crítica, en tanto modelo que propende por formar seres humanos que piensen por sí mismos. Luego, se indaga acerca del fomento de prácticas educativas que permiten el desarrollo de competencias lógicas y argumentativas dado que la actitud crítica implica una evaluación racional. Por último, se resalta el papel de la filosofía y de la ciencia, pues en ellas se promueven deliberaciones sobre problemas teóricos y prácticos. En conclusión, la necesidad de estimular la actitud crítica es un elemento prioritario que la educación debe tener en cuenta, si lo que desea es promover seres humanos y sociedades que enfrenten de forma racional los problemas actuales

  17. Aspectos morfológicos da placenta da preguiça, Bradypus variegatus Shinz, 1825


    Marleyne José Afonso Accyoli Lins Amorin; Maria Angélica Miglino; Adelmar Afonso Amorin Júnior; Tatiana Carlesso dos Santos


    Estudaram-se os aspectos morfológicos da placenta e das membranas fetais de 03 placentas de bichos-preguiça (Bradypus variegatus), adultas e prenhes, originárias da Zona da Mata do Estado de Pernambuco. Essas estruturas foram obtidas de 03 fêmeas doadas pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, das quais duas encontravam-se congeladas e a terceira foi colhida mediante realização de cirurgia cesariana, onde mãe e feto foram preservados. Depois de descongeladas, as placentas foram fixadas em sol...

  18. Feasibility of UltraFast Doppler in Post-operative Evaluation of Hepatic Artery in Recipients following Liver Transplantation. (United States)

    Kim, Se-Young; Kim, Kyoung Won; Choi, Sang Hyun; Kwon, Jae Hyun; Song, Gi-Won; Kwon, Heon-Ju; Yun, Young Ju; Lee, Jeongjin; Lee, Sung-Gyu


    To determine the feasibility of using UltraFast Doppler in post-operative evaluation of the hepatic artery (HA) after liver transplantation (LT), we evaluated 283 simultaneous conventional and UltraFast Doppler sessions in 126 recipients over a 2-mo period after LT, using an Aixplorer scanner The Doppler indexes of the HA (peak systolic velocity [PSV], end-diastolic velocity [EDV], resistive index [RI] and systolic acceleration time [SAT]) by retrospective analysis of retrieved waves from UltraFast Doppler clips were compared with those obtained by conventional spectral Doppler. Correlation, performance in diagnosing the pathologic wave, examination time and reproducibility were evaluated. The PSV, EDV, RI and SAT of spectral and UltraFast Doppler measurements exhibited excellent correlation with favorable diagnostic performance. During the bedside examination, the mean time spent for UltraFast clip storing was significantly shorter than that for conventional Doppler US measurements. Both conventional and UltraFast Doppler exhibited good to excellent inter-analysis consistency. In conclusion, compared with conventional spectral Doppler, UltraFast Doppler values correlated excellently and yielded acceptable pathologic wave diagnostic performance with reduced examination time at the bedside and excellent reproducibility. Copyright © 2017 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Ultra high-energy cosmic ray composition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Longley, N.P.


    The Soudan 2 surface-underground cosmic ray experiment can simultaneously measure surface shower size, underground muon multiplicity, and underground muon separation for ultra high energy cosmic ray showers. These measurements are sensitive to the primary composition. Analysis for energies from 10 1 to 10 4 TeV favors a light flux consisting of predominantly H and He nuclei

  20. Basic physics with ultra cold neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Protasov, K.


    A short introduction to the physics of Ultra Cold Neutrons (UCN) is given. It covers different aspects from their discovery, their major properties as well as their using in the three experiments of fundamental physics: measurements of the neutron life time and of its electric dipole moment and studies of neutrons quantum states in the Earth's gravitational field. (author)

  1. Li-Ion, Ultra-capacitor Based Hybrid Energy Module

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Daboussi, Zaher; Paryani, Anil; Khalil, Gus; Catherino, Henry; Gargies, Sonya


    Ultra-capacitors in multi kilo-farad ranges are now starting to be considered as alternatives or complimentary to batteries for products ranging from toys to hybrid vehicles as well as for space applications...

  2. Ultra-Lightweight Large Aperture Support Structures, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Ultra-lightweight membranes may prove to be very attractive for large aperture systems, but their value will be fully realized only if they are mated with equally...

  3. Detailed abundances in stars belonging to ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxies


    François, P.; Monaco, L.; Villanova, S.; Catelan, M.; Bonifacio, P.; Bellazzini, M.; Bidin, C. Moni; Marconi, G.; Geisler, D.; Sbordone, L.


    We report preliminary results concerning the detailed chemical composition of metal poor stars belonging to close ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (hereafter UfDSphs). The abundances have been determined thanks to spectra obtained with X-Shooter, a high efficiency spectrograph installed on one of the ESO VLT units. The sample of ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal stars have abundance ratios slightly lower to what is measured in field halo star of the same metallicity.We did not find extreme abundances in...

  4. Ultra-peripheral collisions of heavy ions at RHIC and the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Nystrand, J


    This paper deals with so-called Ultra-Peripheral Collisions (UPCs) of heavy ions. These can be defined as collisions in which no hadronic interactions occur because of the large spatial separation between the projectile and target. The interactions are instead mediated by the electromagnetic field. Two types of ultra-peripheral collisions can be distinguished: purely electro-magnetic interactions (two-photon interactions) and photonuclear interactions, in which a photon from the projectile interacts with the hadronic component of the target.

  5. Ultra thin metallic coatings to control near field radiative heat transfer (United States)

    Esquivel-Sirvent, R.


    We present a theoretical calculation of the changes in the near field radiative heat transfer between two surfaces due to the presence of ultra thin metallic coatings on semiconductors. Depending on the substrates, the radiative heat transfer is modulated by the thickness of the ultra thin film. In particular we consider gold thin films with thicknesses varying from 4 to 20 nm. The ultra-thin film has an insulator-conductor transition close to a critical thickness of dc = 6.4 nm and there is an increase in the near field spectral heat transfer just before the percolation transition. Depending on the substrates (Si or SiC) and the thickness of the metallic coatings we show how the near field heat transfer can be increased or decreased as a function of the metallic coating thickness. The calculations are based on available experimental data for the optical properties of ultrathin coatings.

  6. La dispepsia funcional: Aspectos biopsicosociales, evaluación y terapia psicológica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefano Vinaccia Alpi


    Full Text Available Se abordan los aspectos conceptuales del trastorno gastrointestinal Dispepsia funcional (DP, en lo que se refiere a su definición, prevalencia, clasificación y diagnóstico.; las causas y consecuencias de la DF desde una perspectiva biopsicosocial (variables socioeconómicas, demandas psicosociales, evaluación cognitiva y estrategias de afrontamiento, personalidad y comportamiento, mecanismos psicobiológicos, calidad de vida, tratamiento y evolución; la evaluación psicológica de la DF desde la perspectiva procesual; y la intervención psicológica, con énfasis en el enfoque cognitivo conductual.

  7. Advanced Power Ultra-Uprates of Existing Plants (APPU) Final Scientific/Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rubiolo, Pablo R. [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Science and Technology Dept.; Conway, Lawarence E. [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Science and Technology Dept.; Oriani, Luca [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Science and Technology Dept.; Lahoda, Edward J. [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Science and Technology Dept.; DeSilva, Greg [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Science and Technology Dept.; Hu, Min H. [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Nuclear Services Division; Hartz, Josh [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Nuclear Services Division; Bachrach, Uriel [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Nuclear Services Division; Smith, Larry [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Nuclear Services Division; Dudek, Daniel F. [Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, Pittsburgh, PA (United States). Nuclear Services Division; Toman, Gary J. [Electric Power Research Inst. (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA (United States); Feng, Dandong [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States); Hejzlar, Pavel [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States); Kazimi, Mujid S. [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)


    This project assessed the feasibility of a Power Ultra-Uprate on an existing nuclear plant. The study determined the technical and design limitations of the current components, both inside and outside the containment. Based on the identified plant bottlenecks, the design changes for major pieces of equipment required to meet the Power Ultra-Uprate throughput were determined. Costs for modified pieces of equipment and for change-out and disposal of the replaced equipment were evaluated. These costs were then used to develop capital, fuel and operating and maintenance cost estimates for the Power Ultra-Uprate plant. The cost evaluation indicates that the largest cost components are the replacement of power (during the outage required for the uprate) and the new fuel loading. Based on these results, the study concluded that, for a standard 4-loop plant, the proposed Power Ultra-Uprate is technically feasible. However, the power uprate is likely to be more expensive than the cost (per Kw electric installed) of a new plant when large capacity uprates are considered (>25%). Nevertheless, the concept of the Power Ultra-Uprate may be an attractive option for specific nuclear power plants where a large margin exists in the steam and power conversion system or where medium power increases (~600 MWe) are needed. The results of the study suggest that development efforts on fuel technologies for current nuclear power plants should be oriented towards improving the fuel performance (fretting-wear, corrosion, uranium load, manufacturing, safety) required to achieve higher burnup rather focusing on potential increases in the fuel thermal output.

  8. Advanced Power Ultra-Uprates of Existing Plants (APPU) Final Scientific/Technical Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rubiolo, Pablo R.; Conway, Lawarence E.; Oriani, Luca; Lahoda, Edward J.; DeSilva, Greg; Hu, Min H.; Hartz, Josh; Bachrach, Uriel; Smith, Larry; Dudek, Daniel F.; Toman, Gary J.; Feng, Dandong; Hejzlar, Pavel; Kazimi, Mujid S.


    This project assessed the feasibility of a Power Ultra-Uprate on an existing nuclear plant. The study determined the technical and design limitations of the current components, both inside and outside the containment. Based on the identified plant bottlenecks, the design changes for major pieces of equipment required to meet the Power Ultra-Uprate throughput were determined. Costs for modified pieces of equipment and for change-out and disposal of the replaced equipment were evaluated. These costs were then used to develop capital, fuel and operating and maintenance cost estimates for the Power Ultra-Uprate plant. The cost evaluation indicates that the largest cost components are the replacement of power (during the outage required for the uprate) and the new fuel loading. Based on these results, the study concluded that, for a ''standard'' 4-loop plant, the proposed Power Ultra-Uprate is technically feasible. However, the power uprate is likely to be more expensive than the cost (per Kw electric installed) of a new plant when large capacity uprates are considered (>25%). Nevertheless, the concept of the Power Ultra-Uprate may be an attractive option for specific nuclear power plants where a large margin exists in the steam and power conversion system or where medium power increases (∼600 MWe) are needed. The results of the study suggest that development efforts on fuel technologies for current nuclear power plants should be oriented towards improving the fuel performance (fretting-wear, corrosion, uranium load, manufacturing, safety) required to achieve higher burnup rather focusing on potential increases in the fuel thermal output


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Rongsan Chen; Dekang Mao


    The Entropy-Ultra-Bee scheme was developed for the linear advection equation and extended to the Euler system of gas dynamics in [13].It was expected that the technology be applied only to the second characteristic field of the system and the computation in the other two nonlinear fields be implemented by the Godunov scheme.However,the numerical experiments in [13] showed that the scheme,though having improved the wave resolution in the second field,produced numerical oscillations in the other two nonlinear fields.Sophisticated entropy increaser was designed to suppress the spurious oscillations by increasing the entropy when there are waves in the two nonlinear fields presented.However,the scheme is then not efficient neither robust with problem-related parameters.The purpose of this paper is to fix this problem.To this end,we first study a 3 × 3 linear system and apply the technology precisely to its second characteristic field while maintaining the computation in the other two fields be implemented by the Godunov scheme.We then follow the discussion for the linear system to apply the Entropy-Ultra-Bee technology to the second characteristic field of the Euler system in a linearlized field-byfield fashion to develop a modified Entropy-Ultra-Bee scheme for the system.Meanwhile a remark is given to explain the problem of the previous Entropy-Ultra-Bee scheme in [13].A reference solution is constructed for computing the numerical entropy,which maintains the feature of the density and flats the velocity and pressure to constants.The numerical entropy is then computed as the entropy cell-average of the reference solution.Several limitations are adopted in the construction of the reference solution to further stabilize the scheme.Designed in such a way,the modified Entropy-Ultra-Bee scheme has a unified form with no problem-related parameters.Numerical experiments show that all the spurious oscillations in smooth regions are gone and the results are better than that

  10. Mechanism and experimental research on ultra-precision grinding of ferrite (United States)

    Ban, Xinxing; Zhao, Huiying; Dong, Longchao; Zhu, Xueliang; Zhang, Chupeng; Gu, Yawen


    Ultra-precision grinding of ferrite is conducted to investigate the removal mechanism. Effect of the accuracy of machine tool key components on grinding surface quality is analyzed. The surface generation model of ferrite ultra-precision grinding machining is established. In order to reveal the surface formation mechanism of ferrite in the process of ultraprecision grinding, furthermore, the scientific and accurate of the calculation model are taken into account to verify the grinding surface roughness, which is proposed. Orthogonal experiment is designed using the high precision aerostatic turntable and aerostatic spindle for ferrite which is a typical hard brittle materials. Based on the experimental results, the influence factors and laws of ultra-precision grinding surface of ferrite are discussed through the analysis of the surface roughness. The results show that the quality of ferrite grinding surface is the optimal parameters, when the wheel speed of 20000r/mm, feed rate of 10mm/min, grinding depth of 0.005mm, and turntable rotary speed of 5r/min, the surface roughness Ra can up to 75nm.

  11. Trends in consumption of ultra-processed foods and obesity in Sweden between 1960 and 2010. (United States)

    Juul, Filippa; Hemmingsson, Erik


    To investigate how consumption of ultra-processed foods has changed in Sweden in relation to obesity. Nationwide ecological analysis of changes in processed foods along with corresponding changes in obesity. Trends in per capita food consumption during 1960-2010 were investigated using data from the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Food items were classified as group 1 (unprocessed/minimally processed), group 2 (processed culinary ingredients) or group 3 (3·1, processed food products; and 3·2, ultra-processed products). Obesity prevalence data were pooled from the peer-reviewed literature, Statistics Sweden and the WHO Global Health Observatory. Nationwide analysis in Sweden, 1960-2010. Swedish nationals aged 18 years and older. During the study period consumption of group 1 foods (minimal processing) decreased by 2 %, while consumption of group 2 foods (processed ingredients) decreased by 34 %. Consumption of group 3·1 foods (processed food products) increased by 116 % and group 3·2 foods (ultra-processed products) increased by 142 %. Among ultra-processed products, there were particularly large increases in soda (315 %; 22 v. 92 litres/capita per annum) and snack foods such as crisps and candies (367 %; 7 v. 34 kg/capita per annum). In parallel to these changes in ultra-processed products, rates of adult obesity increased from 5 % in 1980 to over 11 % in 2010. The consumption of ultra-processed products (i.e. foods with low nutritional value but high energy density) has increased dramatically in Sweden since 1960, which mirrors the increased prevalence of obesity. Future research should clarify the potential causal role of ultra-processed products in weight gain and obesity.

  12. Analisis experimental de la propagacion en redes de area corporal para la banda de ultra wideband. experimental characterization of the propagation in ultra wideband body area networks (United States)

    Garcia Serna, Ruben Gregorio

    Diferentes dispositivos capaces de obtener informacion sobre parametros fisiologicos, cinematicos o contextuales del cuerpo pueden interconectarse de manera inalambrica dando lugar a las denominadas Redes de Area Corporal Inalambricas (WBAN, Wireless Body Area Networks). De entre las posibles tecnologias para establecer los enlaces, Ultra Wideband (UWB) esta captando cada vez un mayor interes debido a caracteristicas tales como el bajo nivel de potencia de transmision requerido (bajo nivel de exposicion a campos electromagneticos), el alto ancho de banda disponible y la alta resolucion temporal/espacial. El diseno de sistemas centrados en el cuerpo requiere de modelos de canal que describan de manera precisa la propagacion de senales en este tipo de entornos. Esta tesis se plantea con el objetivo de contribuir al estudio experimental de la propagacion en sistemas centrados en el cuerpo operando en la banda UWB. En primer lugar, se presenta un marco introductorio a las redes WBAN, sus elementos constitutivos, bandas de frecuencia, estandarizacion y modelos de canal. Ademas, se introducen los fundamentos de la tecnologia UWB y sus aplicaciones en este area. Seguidamente, se analiza en terminos de las perdidas de propagacion y la dispersion de retardo la propagacion en el canal off-body entre un transmisor fijo y un dispositivo receptor colocado sobre la superficie del cuerpo de un sujeto. Se considera la influencia de diferentes aspectos, tales como el entorno de medidas, la posicion de colocacion de una antena sobre el cuerpo y la postura adoptada por un sujeto. Finalmente, se analiza el canal de propagacion in-body considerando el movimiento relativo entre dos dispositivos causado por efecto de la respiracion. Las condiciones de propagacion en el interior del cuerpo se emulan por medio de un phantom liquido para UWB y la caracterizacion se plantea tanto en frecuencia, en terminos del modelado de la forma y el ensanchamiento del espectro Doppler, como en tiempo, por

  13. Ultra-weak FBG and its refractive index distribution in the drawing optical fiber. (United States)

    Guo, Huiyong; Liu, Fang; Yuan, Yinquan; Yu, Haihu; Yang, Minghong


    For the online writing of ultra-weak fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in the drawing optical fibers, the effects of the intensity profile, pulse fluctuation and pulse width of the excimer laser, as well as the transverse and longitudinal vibrations of the optical fiber have been investigated. Firstly, using Lorentz-Loren equation, Gladstone-Dale mixing rule and continuity equation, we have derived the refractive index (RI) fluctuation along the optical fiber and the RI distribution in the FBG, they are linear with the gradient of longitudinal vibration velocity. Then, we have prepared huge amounts of ultra-weak FBGs in the non-moving optical fiber and obtained their reflection spectra, the measured reflection spectra shows that the intensity profile and pulse fluctuation of the excimer laser, as well as the transverse vibration of the optical fiber are little responsible for the inconsistency of ultra-weak FBGs. Finally, the effect of the longitudinal vibration of the optical fiber on the inconsistency of ultra-weak FBGs has been discussed, and the vibration equations of the drawing optical fiber are given in the appendix.

  14. Towards the production of an ultra cold antihydrogen beam with the AEGIS apparatus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Storey, James William, E-mail: [University of Zurich, Physik-Institut (Switzerland); Collaboration: AEGIS Collaboration


    The AEGIS (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) experiment is an international collaboration, based at CERN, with the experimental goal of performing the first direct measurement of the Earth's gravitational acceleration on antihydrogen. In the first phase of the experiment, a gravity measurement with 1% precision will be performed by passing a beam of ultra cold antihydrogen atoms through a classical Moire deflectometer coupled to a position sensitive detector. The key requirements for this measurement are the production of ultra cold (T{approx}100 mK) Rydberg state antihydrogen and the subsequent Stark acceleration of these atoms. The aim is to produce Rydberg state antihydrogen by means of the charge exchange reaction between ultra cold antiprotons (T{approx}100 mK) and Rydberg state positronium. This paper will present details of the developments necessary for the successful production of the ultra cold antihydrogen beam, with emphasis on the detector that is required for the development of these techniques. Issues covered will include the detection of antihydrogen production and temperature, as well as detection of the effects of Stark acceleration.

  15. Ultra-widefield fundus autofluorescence in age-related macular degeneration.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abhilash Guduru

    Full Text Available Establish accuracy and reproducibility of subjective grading in ultra-widefield fundus autofluorescence (FAF imaging in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD, and determine if an association exists between peripheral FAF abnormalities and AMD.This was a prospective, single-blinded case-control study. Patients were consecutively recruited for the study. Patients were excluded if there was a history of prior or active ocular pathology other than AMD or image quality was insufficient for analysis as determined by two independent graders. Control patients were those without any evidence of AMD or other ophthalmic disease apart from cataract. Using the Optos 200Tx (Optos, Marlborough, MA, USA, a ResMax central macula and an ultra-widefield peripheral retina image was taken for each eye in both normal color and short wavelength FAF. Ultra-widefield photographs were modified to mask the macula. Each ResMax and ultra-widefield image was independently graded by two blinded investigators.There were 28 AMD patients and 11 controls. There was a significant difference in the average age between AMD patients and control groups (80 versus 64, respectively P<0.001. There was moderate, statistically significant agreement between observers regarding image interpretation (78.4%, K = 0.524, P<0.001, and 69.0% (K = 0.49, P<0.001 agreement between graders for FAF abnormality patterns. Patients with AMD were at greater risk for peripheral FAF abnormalities (OR: 3.43, P = 0.019 and patients with FAF abnormalities on central macular ResMax images were at greater risk of peripheral FAF findings (OR: 5.19, P = 0.017.Subjective interpretation of FAF images has moderate reproducibility and validity in assessment of peripheral FAF abnormalities. Peripheral FAF abnormalities are seen in both AMD and control patients. Those with AMD, poor visual acuity, and macular FAF abnormalities are at greater risk.

  16. Sintering of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is a high performance polymer having low coefficient of friction, good abrasion resistance, good chemical ... In this study, we report our results on compaction and sintering behaviour of two grades of UHMWPE with reference to the powder morphology, sintering ...

  17. Ultra-Compact linear chirped microwave signal generator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yan, Siqi; Zhou, Feng; Dong, Jianji


    A novel concept to generate linear chirped microwave signal is proposed and experimentally verified. The frequency to time mapping method is used while the Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on the photonic crystal waveguide is employed as the key device with its significant advantages of the ultra...

  18. 77 FR 5246 - Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... development and implementation of programs related to ultra-deepwater architecture and technology to the... least three business days prior to the meeting, and reasonable provisions will be made to include all... meeting to facilitate the orderly conduct of business. Public comment will follow the three-minute rule...

  19. A New Time-Hopping Multiple Access Communication System Simulator: Application to Ultra-Wideband

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José M. Páez-Borrallo


    Full Text Available Time-hopping ultra-wideband technology presents some very attractive features for future indoor wireless systems in terms of achievable transmission rate and multiple access capabilities. This paper develops an algorithm to design time-hopping system simulators specially suitable for ultra-wideband, which takes advantage of some of the specific characteristics of this kind of systems. The algorithm allows an improvement of both the time capabilities and the achievable sampling rate and can be used to research into the influence of different parameters on the performance of the system. An additional result is the validation of a new general performance formula for time-hopping ultra-wideband systems with multipath channels.

  20. Design of ultra-low power impulse radios

    CERN Document Server

    Apsel, Alyssa; Dokania, Rajeev


    This book covers the fundamental principles behind the design of ultra-low power radios and how they can form networks to facilitate a variety of applications within healthcare and environmental monitoring, since they may operate for years off a small battery or even harvest energy from the environment. These radios are distinct from conventional radios in that they must operate with very constrained resources and low overhead.  This book provides a thorough discussion of the challenges associated with designing radios with such constrained resources, as well as fundamental design concepts and practical approaches to implementing working designs.  Coverage includes integrated circuit design, timing and control considerations, fundamental theory behind low power and time domain operation, and network/communication protocol considerations.   • Enables detailed understanding of the design space for ultra-low power radio; • Provides detailed discussion and examples of the design of a practical low power ...

  1. Fast and sensitive analysis of beta blockers by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with ultra-high-resolution TOF mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Tomková, Jana; Ondra, Peter; Kocianová, Eva; Václavík, Jan


    This paper presents a method for the determination of acebutolol, betaxolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, nebivolol and sotalol in human serum by liquid-liquid extraction and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with ultra-high-resolution TOF mass spectrometry. After liquid-liquid extraction, beta blockers were separated on a reverse-phase analytical column (Acclaim RS 120; 100 × 2.1 mm, 2.2 μm). The total run time was 6 min for each sample. Linearity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, matrix effects, specificity, precision, accuracy, recovery and sample stability were evaluated. The method was successfully applied to the therapeutic drug monitoring of 108 patients with hypertension. This method was also used for determination of beta blockers in 33 intoxicated patients. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  2. Aspectos psicosociales del embarazo en la adolescencia, año 2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Ávila Gálvez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio explicativo-observacional, de tipo estudio de casos y controles, en adolescentes entre 10 y 19 años, del sexo femenino, provenientes del Policlínico Docente "Wilfredo Pérez Pérez", en el año 2000, compartidos en 2 grupos: el estudio, con 53 casos que se embarazaron, y el control con 106 adolescentes que no lo hicieron. Se compararon diferentes aspectos de la sexualidad, esfera familiar y sociodemográficos, con el fin de determinar la influencia de algunos aspectos psicosociales del embarazo en la adolescencia. La mayoría de las adolescentes del grupo estudio se incluían en la adolescencia tardía, con inestabilidad en la pareja, mejor nivel de instrucción de los padres, mayor porcentaje que no estudiaba ni trabajaba, con padres divorciados, criadas solamente por la madre, de familias disfuncionales, con inicio precoz de la actividad sexual sin anticonceptivos, con problemas psicológicos que se enmarcaban en el hogar y la familia.An explanatory-observational case-control type-study was performed on female adolescents aged 10-19 years from "Wilfredo Pérez Pérez Teaching Polyclinics in the year 2000. They were divided into two groups: the study group comprising 53 pregnant patients and the control group including 106 adolescents who were not pregnant. Several aspects related to sexuality, family environment and also socio-demographic questions were compared to determine the impact of some psychosocial aspects of pregnancy in adolescence. Most of the adolescents in the study group were in their late adolescence, they had no permanent partner, their parents had a higher level of education; a high number of them neither studied nor worked, their parents were mostly divorced, they were raised by their mothers only, they were from dysfunctional families, with early beginning of sexual intercourse without contraceptives and psychological problems involving the family and the house.

  3. Aspectos médicos, genéticos y psicosociales del síndrome Usher


    Dyce Gordon, Elisa; Mapolón Arcendor, Yolanda; Santana Álvarez, Jorge


    Fundamento: el síndrome Usher es una enfermedad genética, que se caracteriza por hipoacusia neurosensorial progresiva bilateral congénita, pérdida de visión debida a la retinosis pigmentaria y en ocasiones presenta también trastornos vestibulares. Objetivo: describir los principales aspectos médicos, genéticos y psicosociales presentes en los pacientes con síndrome Usher. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 14 pacientes con diagnóstico de síndrome Usher atendidos en el Ce...

  4. Conjecturas da Epistemológia Jurídica e Aspectos da Teoria da Linguagem


    Oliveira, Rita de Cássia Cartelli de; Cesumar; Motta, Ivan Dias; Cesumar


    Apresentar-se-ão reflexões em torno da epistemologia jurídica e alguns aspectos da teoria da linguagem; a necessidade de acompanhamento e aprimoramento da linguagem jurídica, para que o direito não se distancie da realidade, mantendo-se apenas como um sistema do status quo; uma breve análise de algumas teorias da ciência do direito e da linguagem; as especificidades dos termos lingüísticos para a análise da ciência do direito, pautada na contemporaneidade sob a perspectiva humanista, buscando...

  5. Aspectos da aposentadoria por tempo de serviço nos estados-partes do Mercosul


    Oliveira, Aldemir de.


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito. O objeto desta tese são os aspectos da Aposentadoria por tempo de serviço nos Estados-Partes do MERCOSUL. A escolha do tema é dar uma contribuição jurídica, para que os trabalhadores mercosulinos, em especial argentinos, paraguaios e uruguaios, na qualidade de segurados obrigatórios, por prestarem, ou terem prestado serviços, nesses territórios, e sujeitos à legis...

  6. Age, sex and (the) race: gender and geriatrics in the ultra-endurance age. (United States)

    Whyte, Greg


    Ultra-endurance challenges were once the stuff of legend isolated to the daring few who were driven to take on some of the greatest physical endurance challenges on the planet. With a growing fascination for major physical challenges during the nineteenth century, the end of the Victorian era witnessed probably the greatest ultra-endurance race of all time; Scott and Amundsen's ill-fated race to the South Pole. Ultra-endurance races continued through the twentieth century; however, these events were isolated to the elite few. In the twenty-first century, mass participation ultra-endurance races have grown in popularity. Endurance races once believed to be at the limit of human durability, i.e. marathon running, are now viewed as middle-distance races with the accolade of true endurance going to those willing to travel significantly further in a single effort or over multiple days. The recent series of papers in Extreme Physiology & Medicine highlights the burgeoning research data from mass participation ultra-endurance events. In support of a true 'mass participation' ethos Knetchtle et al. reported age-related changes in Triple and Deca Iron-ultra-triathlon with an upper age of 69 years! Unlike their shorter siblings, the ultra-endurance races appear to present larger gender differences in the region of 20% to 30% across distance and modality. It would appear that these gender differences remain for multi-day events including the 'Marathon des Sables'; however, this gap may be narrower in some events, particularly those that require less load bearing (i.e. swimming and cycling), as evidenced from the 'Ultraman Hawaii' and 'Swiss Cycling Marathon', and shorter (a term I used advisedly!) distances including the Ironman Triathlon where differences are similar to those of sprint and endurance distances i.e. c. 10%. The theme running through this series of papers is a continual rise in participation to the point where major events now require selection races to remain

  7. The Time Lens Concept Applied to Ultra-High-Speed OTDM Signal Processing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Anders; Palushani, Evarist; Mulvad, Hans Christian Hansen


    This survey paper presents some of the applications where the versatile time-lens concept successfully can be applied to ultra-high-speed serial systems by offering expected needed functionalities for future optical communication networks.......This survey paper presents some of the applications where the versatile time-lens concept successfully can be applied to ultra-high-speed serial systems by offering expected needed functionalities for future optical communication networks....

  8. An ultra-low-power CMOS temperature sensor for RFID applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu Conghui; Gao Peijun; Che Wenyi; Tan Xi; Yan Na; Min Hao, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System, Fudan University, Shanghai 201203 (China)


    An ultra-low-power CMOS temperature sensor with analog-to-digital readout circuitry for RFID applications was implemented in a 0.18-mum CMOS process. To achieve ultra-low power consumption, an error model is proposed and the corresponding novel temperature sensor front-end with a new double-measure method is presented. Analog-to-digital conversion is accomplished by a sigma-delta converter. The complete system consumes only 26 muA and 1.8 V for continuous operation and achieves an accuracy of +-0.65 deg. C from -20 to 120 deg. C after calibration at one temperature.

  9. An ultra-low-power CMOS temperature sensor for RFID applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Conghui; Gao Peijun; Che Wenyi; Tan Xi; Yan Na; Min Hao


    An ultra-low-power CMOS temperature sensor with analog-to-digital readout circuitry for RFID applications was implemented in a 0.18-μm CMOS process. To achieve ultra-low power consumption, an error model is proposed and the corresponding novel temperature sensor front-end with a new double-measure method is presented. Analog-to-digital conversion is accomplished by a sigma-delta converter. The complete system consumes only 26 μA and 1.8 V for continuous operation and achieves an accuracy of ±0.65 deg. C from -20 to 120 deg. C after calibration at one temperature.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Vanessa Leguízamo León


    Full Text Available La semántica es un elemento necesario en cualquier actividad de aprendizaje, independientemente del contexto en el que nos encontremos. Los entornos virtuales de formación, como instituciones sociales mediadas por tecnología, tienen también una semántica asociada, que muchas veces es poco valorada por las personas que los diseñan. El componente semántico en estos entornos facilita la negociación de significados, que debe ocurrir para que los estudiantes puedan apropiarse de conocimiento y asociarlo con alguno de los patrones semánticos que ya posee, o crear uno nuevo. Se muestran aquí los aspectos semánticos que deben estar presentes en los entornos virtuales de formación, para situar al estudiante en el contexto semántico propuesto por el docente y que lo conduzca a un aprendizaje significativo.

  11. Aspectos biológicos y control de un gracilláriido (Gracillariidae: Lepidóptera) en Caesalpinia spinosa (Mol.) Kuntze (1898), en Cajamarca, Perú


    Murga Orrillo, Hipólito; Abanto Rodriguez, Carlos; Polo Vargas, Ana Rosa


    Se tuvo por objetivo determinar aspectos biológicos, identificar enemigos naturales, y establecer periodos oportunos de control de un gracillariido plaga de tara. Los aspectos biológicos y los enemigos naturales se evaluaron en campo y en laboratorio, los periodos oportunos de control se determinó por interacción hospedero-plaga. Los resultados, el huevo dura 7,8 días y mide 0,34x0,21mm; la larva presenta 4 instares y dura 35,7 días, variando de medidas entre 1o y 4o instar de 0,09 a 0,65 mm ...

  12. Vacuum Bloch-Siegert shift in Landau polaritons with ultra-high cooperativity (United States)

    Li, Xinwei; Bamba, Motoaki; Zhang, Qi; Fallahi, Saeed; Gardner, Geoff C.; Gao, Weilu; Lou, Minhan; Yoshioka, Katsumasa; Manfra, Michael J.; Kono, Junichiro


    A two-level system resonantly interacting with an a.c. magnetic or electric field constitutes the physical basis of diverse phenomena and technologies. However, Schrödinger's equation for this seemingly simple system can be solved exactly only under the rotating-wave approximation, which neglects the counter-rotating field component. When the a.c. field is sufficiently strong, this approximation fails, leading to a resonance-frequency shift known as the Bloch-Siegert shift. Here, we report the vacuum Bloch-Siegert shift, which is induced by the ultra-strong coupling of matter with the counter-rotating component of the vacuum fluctuation field in a cavity. Specifically, an ultra-high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas inside a high-Q terahertz cavity in a quantizing magnetic field revealed ultra-narrow Landau polaritons, which exhibited a vacuum Bloch-Siegert shift up to 40 GHz. This shift, clearly distinguishable from the photon-field self-interaction effect, represents a unique manifestation of a strong-field phenomenon without a strong field.

  13. Galaxy collisions as a mechanism of ultra diffuse galaxy (UDG) formation (United States)

    Baushev, A. N.


    We suggest a possible mechanism of ultra diffuse galaxy formation: the UDGs may occur as a result of a central collision of galaxies. If the galaxies are young and contain a lot of gas, the collision may kick all the gas off the systems and thus strongly suppress any further star formation. As a result, the galaxies now have a very low surface brightness and other properties typical of the ultra diffuse galaxies. We use the Coma cluster (where numerous UDGs were recently discovered) to test the efficiency of the process. The mechanism works very well and can transform a significant fraction of the cluster population into ultra diffuse galaxies. The UDGs formed by the process concentrate towards the center of the cluster, and their globular cluster systems remain undamaged, in accordance with observational results. The projected surface density of UDGs in the cluster may help us to recognize the mechanism of UDG formation, or clarify relative contributions of several possible competitive mechanisms at work.

  14. Activation and thermal stability of ultra-shallow B+-implants in Ge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yates, B. R.; Darby, B. L.; Petersen, Dirch Hjorth


    The activation and thermal stability of ultra-shallow B+ implants in crystalline (c-Ge) and preamorphized Ge (PA-Ge) following rapid thermal annealing was investigated using micro Hall effect and ion beam analysis techniques. The residual implanted dose of ultra-shallow B+ implants in Ge...... from 5.0 × 1013 to 5.0 × 1015 cm-2 was studied using micro Hall effect measurements after annealing at 400-600 °C for 60 s. For both c-Ge and PA-Ge, a large fraction of the implanted dose is rendered inactive due to the formation of a presumable B-Ge cluster. The B lattice location in samples annealed...... was characterized using elastic recoil detection and was determined to correlate well with simulations with a dose loss of 23.2%, 21.4%, and 17.6% due to ion backscattering for 2, 4, and 6 keV implants in Ge, respectively. The electrical activation of ultra-shallow B+ implants at 2, 4, and 6 keV to fluences ranging...

  15. Interaction of ultra-short ultra-intense laser pulses with under-dense plasmas; Interaction d'impulsions laser ultra-courtes et ultra-intenses avec des plasmas sous denses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solodov, A


    Different aspects of interaction of ultra-short ultra-intense laser pulses with underdense plasmas are studied analytically and numerically. These studies can be interesting for laser-driven electron acceleration in plasma, X-ray lasers, high-order harmonic generation, initial confinement fusion with fast ignition. For numerical simulations a fully-relativistic particle code WAKE was used, developed earlier at Ecole Polytechnique. It was modified during the work on the thesis in the part of simulation of ion motion, test electron motion, diagnostics for the field and plasma. The studies in the thesis cover the problems of photon acceleration in the plasma wake of a short intense laser pulse, phase velocity of the plasma wave in the Self-Modulated Laser Wake-Field Accelerator (SM LWFA), relativistic channeling of laser pulses with duration of the order of a plasma period, ion dynamics in the wake of a short intense laser pulse, plasma wave breaking. Simulation of three experiments on the laser pulse propagation in plasma and electron acceleration were performed. Among the main results of the thesis, it was found that reduction of the plasma wave phase velocity in the SM LWFA is crucial for electron acceleration, only if a plasma channel is used for the laser pulse guiding. Self-similar structures describing relativistic guiding of short laser pulses in plasmas were found and relativistic channeling of initially Gaussian laser pulses of a few plasma periods in duration was demonstrated. It was shown that ponderomotive force of a plasma wake excited by a short laser pulse forms a channel in plasma and plasma wave breaking in the channel was analyzed in detail. Effectiveness of electron acceleration by the laser field and plasma wave was compared and frequency shift of probe laser pulses by the plasma waves was found in conditions relevant to the current experiments. (author)

  16. Ultra high frequency induction welding of powder metal compacts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Çavdar, Uǧur


    Full Text Available The application of the iron based Powder Metal (PM compacts in Ultra High Frequency Induction Welding (UHFIW were reviewed. These PM compacts are used to produce cogs. This study investigates the methods of joining PM materials enforceability with UHFIW in the industry application. Maximum stress and maximum strain of welded PM compacts were determined by three point bending and strength tests. Microhardness and microstructure of induction welded compacts were determined.Soldadura por inducción de ultra alta frecuencia de polvos de metal compactados. Se ha realizado un estudio de la aplicación de polvos de metal (PM de base hierro compactados por soldadura por inducción de ultra alta frecuencia (UHFIW. Estos polvos de metal compactados se utilizan para producir engranajes. Este estudio investiga los métodos de uni.n de los materiales de PM con UHFIW en su aplicación en la industria. La máxima tensión y la máxima deformación de los polvos de metal compactados soldados fueron determinadas por flexión en tres puntos y prueba de resistencia. Se determinó la microdureza y la microestructura de los polvos compactados por soldadura por inducción.

  17. Pedophiles in the Ultra-Orthodox Haredi Sector in Israel: Thought Processes Regarding their Actions. (United States)

    Hamo, Gil; Idisis, Yael


    This study explores thought patterns of Jewish Ashkenazi Ultra-Orthodox pedophiles in Israel and how they resolve the contradiction between their commitment to Jewish Law and having committed sexual offenses against minors. Ten adult men participated in this study. Using open semistructured interviews, their cognitive distortions before, during, and after the abuse were examined. Content analysis revealed that participants used cognitive distortions based on their own world of Jewish Law and social-cultural values. The insular nature of Ultra-Orthodox society and its many prohibitions, especially regarding sexuality, tempted offenders to test boundaries. When sexual drive was high, internal control mechanisms were ineffective even in presence of external control mechanisms. Some participants recognized the contradiction between their behaviors and being Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and others did not. Based on the findings, a flow chart was devised describing the cognitive processes of Jewish Ultra-Orthodox pedophiles. Theoretical and practical implications of the results were examined.

  18. Importancia de los aspectos psicosociales en la enfermedad celíaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trini Fragoso Arbelo


    Full Text Available Se revisan los conceptos clínicos actuales sobre la enfermedad celíaca. Se definen con precisión los términos enfermedad celíaca activa, silente, latente y potencial. Se enfatiza en los aspectos psicosociales que influyen en su tratamiento y se trazan pautas generales acerca del manejo integral de los pacientes afectados, dada la importancia de la dieta sin gluten de por vida como único tratamiento.The current clinical concepts of celiac disease are reviewed. The terms active, silent, latent and potential related to celiac disease are accurately defined. Emphasis is made on the psychosocial aspects influencing its treatment and general guidelines are drawn on the comprehensive management of the patients suffering from this disease, given the importance of diet without gluten as the only lifelong treatment.

  19. Paper-based inkjet-printed ultra-wideband fractal antennas

    KAUST Repository

    Maza, Armando Rodriguez; Cook, Benjamin Stassen; Jabbour, Ghassan E.; Shamim, Atif


    For the first time, paper-based inkjet-printed ultra-wideband (UWB) fractal antennas are presented. Two new designs, a miniaturised UWB monopole, which utilises a fractal matching network and is the smallest reported inkjet-printed UWB printed

  20. 77 FR 10487 - Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... development and implementation of programs related to ultra-deepwater architecture and technology to the... Committee will lead the meeting for the orderly conduct of business. Individuals who would like to attend... telephone number listed above. You must make your request for an oral statement at least three business days...

  1. 78 FR 70931 - Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... ultra-deepwater architecture and technology to the Secretary of Energy and provide comments and... business. Individuals who would like to attend must RSVP to [email protected] no later than 5:00 p... an oral statement at least three business days prior to the meeting, and reasonable provisions will...

  2. 78 FR 58292 - Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee (United States)


    ...-deepwater architecture and technology to the Secretary of Energy and provide comments and recommendations... the orderly conduct of business. Individuals who would like to attend must RSVP by email to: Ultra... number listed above. You must make your request for an oral statement at least three business days prior...

  3. Processed and ultra-processed foods are associated with lower-quality nutrient profiles in children from Colombia. (United States)

    Cornwell, Brittany; Villamor, Eduardo; Mora-Plazas, Mercedes; Marin, Constanza; Monteiro, Carlos A; Baylin, Ana


    To determine if processed and ultra-processed foods consumed by children in Colombia are associated with lower-quality nutrition profiles than less processed foods. We obtained information on sociodemographic and anthropometric variables and dietary information through dietary records and 24 h recalls from a convenience sample of the Bogotá School Children Cohort. Foods were classified into three categories: (i) unprocessed and minimally processed foods, (ii) processed culinary ingredients and (iii) processed and ultra-processed foods. We also examined the combination of unprocessed foods and processed culinary ingredients. Representative sample of children from low- to middle-income families in Bogotá, Colombia. Children aged 5-12 years in 2011 Bogotá School Children Cohort. We found that processed and ultra-processed foods are of lower dietary quality in general. Nutrients that were lower in processed and ultra-processed foods following adjustment for total energy intake included: n-3 PUFA, vitamins A, B12, C and E, Ca and Zn. Nutrients that were higher in energy-adjusted processed and ultra-processed foods compared with unprocessed foods included: Na, sugar and trans-fatty acids, although we also found that some healthy nutrients, including folate and Fe, were higher in processed and ultra-processed foods compared with unprocessed and minimally processed foods. Processed and ultra-processed foods generally have unhealthy nutrition profiles. Our findings suggest the categorization of foods based on processing characteristics is promising for understanding the influence of food processing on children's dietary quality. More studies accounting for the type and degree of food processing are needed.

  4. The share of ultra-processed foods determines the overall nutritional quality of diets in Brazil. (United States)

    Louzada, Maria Laura da Costa; Ricardo, Camila Zancheta; Steele, Euridice Martinez; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Cannon, Geoffrey; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    To estimate the dietary share of ultra-processed foods and to determine its association with the overall nutritional quality of diets in Brazil. Cross-sectional. Brazil. A representative sample of 32 898 Brazilians aged ≥10 years was studied. Food intake data were collected. We calculated the average dietary content of individual nutrients and compared them across quintiles of energy share of ultra-processed foods. Then we identified nutrient-based dietary patterns, and evaluated the association between quintiles of dietary share of ultra-processed foods and the patterns' scores. The mean per capita daily dietary energy intake was 7933 kJ (1896 kcal), with 58·1 % from unprocessed or minimally processed foods, 10·9 % from processed culinary ingredients, 10·6 % from processed foods and 20·4 % from ultra-processed foods. Consumption of ultra-processed foods was directly associated with high consumption of free sugars and total, saturated and trans fats, and with low consumption of protein, dietary fibre, and most of the assessed vitamins and minerals. Four nutrient-based dietary patterns were identified. 'Healthy pattern 1' carried more protein and micronutrients, and less free sugars. 'Healthy pattern 2' carried more vitamins. 'Healthy pattern 3' carried more dietary fibre and minerals and less free sugars. 'Unhealthy pattern' carried more total, saturated and trans fats, and less dietary fibre. The dietary share of ultra-processed foods was inversely associated with 'healthy pattern 1' (-0·16; 95 % CI -0·17, -0·15) and 'healthy pattern 3' (-0·18; 95 % CI -0·19, -0·17), and directly associated with 'unhealthy pattern' (0·17; 95 % CI 0·15, 0·18). Dietary share of ultra-processed foods determines the overall nutritional quality of diets in Brazil.

  5. Association between overweight and consumption of ultra-processed food and sugar-sweetened beverages among vegetarians

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jonas Augusto Cardoso da SILVEIRA

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the consumption of ultra-processed food and sugar-sweetened beverages and to identify the association of this consumption with overweight among vegetarians. Methods: A cross-sectional study with a convenience sampling method was conducted. Data were collected using an online questionnaire from 8/24/2015 to 10/8/2015. Subjects were male and female vegetarians aged >16 years. Using a food frequency questionnaire, we assessed the weekly consumption of ultra-processed food and sugar-sweetened beverages and described the frequency of daily consumption overall and according to type of vegetarianism. The association between overweight and excessive daily intake of ultra-processed food was analyzed by multiple logistic regression (OR [95CI%]. Results: Information was retrieved from 503 individuals (29.8±8.5 years old; 83.7% were women. The most frequent types of vegetarianism in our sample were ovo-lacto (45.5% and vegan (41.7%, and the median time of vegetarianism was 5.3 years. The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (≥2x/day and ultra-processed food (≥3x/day was 21.0% and 16.0%, respectively, and regarding the different vegetarianism types, vegans showed the lowest frequency of excessive daily sugar-sweetened beverages and ultra-processed food consumption. In the multivariable analysis, consumption of ultra-processed food ≥3x/day (2.33 [1.36-4.03], male sex (1.73 [1.01-2.96], age ≥35 years (2.03 [1.23-3.36] and not preparing one’s food (1.67 [0.95-2.94] were independently associated with overweight. Conclusion: Although vegetarianism is frequently associated with a healthier diet and, consequently, prevention of poor health outcomes, this study found that the excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and ultra-processed food was associated with overweight.

  6. UltraPse: A Universal and Extensible Software Platform for Representing Biological Sequences. (United States)

    Du, Pu-Feng; Zhao, Wei; Miao, Yang-Yang; Wei, Le-Yi; Wang, Likun


    With the avalanche of biological sequences in public databases, one of the most challenging problems in computational biology is to predict their biological functions and cellular attributes. Most of the existing prediction algorithms can only handle fixed-length numerical vectors. Therefore, it is important to be able to represent biological sequences with various lengths using fixed-length numerical vectors. Although several algorithms, as well as software implementations, have been developed to address this problem, these existing programs can only provide a fixed number of representation modes. Every time a new sequence representation mode is developed, a new program will be needed. In this paper, we propose the UltraPse as a universal software platform for this problem. The function of the UltraPse is not only to generate various existing sequence representation modes, but also to simplify all future programming works in developing novel representation modes. The extensibility of UltraPse is particularly enhanced. It allows the users to define their own representation mode, their own physicochemical properties, or even their own types of biological sequences. Moreover, UltraPse is also the fastest software of its kind. The source code package, as well as the executables for both Linux and Windows platforms, can be downloaded from the GitHub repository.

  7. Mechanical and electrical properties of ultra-thin chips and flexible electronics assemblies during bending

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Den Ende, D.A.; Van De Wiel, H.J.; Kusters, R.H.L.; Sridhar, A.; Schram, J.F.M.; Cauwe, M.; Van Den Brand, J.


    Ultra-thin chips of less than 20 μm become flexible, allowing integration of silicon IC technology with highly flexible electronics such as food packaging sensor systems or healthcare and sport monitoring tags as wearable patches or even directly in clothing textile. The ultra-thin chips in these

  8. Endocrine response to an ultra-marathon in pre- and post-menopausal women. (United States)

    Copeland, J L; Verzosa, M L S


    Ultra-endurance competitions are becoming increasingly popular but there is limited research on female participants. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in estrogen and the IGF-I system in women after an ultra-marathon. Six pairs of pre- and post- menopausal women were matched for race finish times;mean finish time was 20 hours. Blood samples were drawn 24 hours before the race, at the finish, and 24 hours into recovery. Samples were analysed for estradiol, total IGF-I, IGFBP-1, and intact IGFBP-3. There was a significant increase in estradiol following the race in both groups (P recreational female runners, an ultra-marathon is associated with IGF system changes that are consistent with an energy-deficient, catabolic state. Further research is needed to confirm the effect of these endocrine changes on health and performance.

  9. Consumption of ultra-processed foods and likely impact on human health. Evidence from Canada. (United States)

    Moubarac, Jean-Claude; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto; Claro, Rafael Moreira; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Cannon, Geoffrey; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    To investigate consumption of ultra-processed products in Canada and to assess their association with dietary quality. Application of a classification of foodstuffs based on the nature, extent and purpose of food processing to data from a national household food budget survey. Foods are classified as unprocessed/minimally processed foods (Group 1), processed culinary ingredients (Group 2) or ultra-processed products (Group 3). All provinces and territories of Canada, 2001. Households (n 5643). Food purchases provided a mean per capita energy availability of 8908 (se 81) kJ/d (2129 (se 19) kcal/d). Over 61·7 % of dietary energy came from ultra-processed products (Group 3), 25·6 % from Group 1 and 12·7 % from Group 2. The overall diet exceeded WHO upper limits for fat, saturated fat, free sugars and Na density, with less fibre than recommended. It also exceeded the average energy density target of the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research. Group 3 products taken together are more fatty, sugary, salty and energy-dense than a combination of Group 1 and Group 2 items. Only the 20 % lowest consumers of ultra-processed products (who consumed 33·2 % of energy from these products) were anywhere near reaching all nutrient goals for the prevention of obesity and chronic non-communicable diseases. The 2001 Canadian diet was dominated by ultra-processed products. As a group, these products are unhealthy. The present analysis indicates that any substantial improvement of the diet would involve much lower consumption of ultra-processed products and much higher consumption of meals and dishes prepared from minimally processed foods and processed culinary ingredients.

  10. Aspectos éticos e estratégias para a participação voluntária da criança em pesquisa Aspectos éticos y estrategias para la participación voluntaria de niños en la investigación Ethical issues and strategies for the voluntary participation of children in research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecília Helena de Siqueira Sigaud


    Full Text Available A literatura de saúde tem abordado os aspectos éticos da investigação com seres humanos há décadas, mas ainda há desafios a serem reconhecidos e superados, tais como os referentes à pesquisa com crianças. Este artigo apresenta e discute aspectos éticos da pesquisa com crianças. Descreve estratégias de abordagem conformes às necessidades infantis, segundo seu processo de desenvolvimento e características individuais, para garantir a participação voluntária da criança na pesquisa.La literatura de salud ha tratado de los aspectos éticos de la investigación con seres humanos hace décadas, pero aun hay retos que deben ser reconocidos y superados, tales como los referentes a la investigación con la población infantil. Este artículo presenta y discute aspectos éticos de la investigación con niños y niñas. Describe estrategias de abordaje adecuadas a las necesidades infantiles, según su proceso de desarrollo y características individuales, para garantizar la participación voluntaria de niños y niñas en investigaciones.Ethical issues about research with human beings have been addressed in health literature since decades. In spite of this, it is necessary to enhance actions to face many challenges, like the ones related to investigation of childhood. This paper presents and discusses ethical issues in research with children. It describes some strategies to perform with children, considering their developmental process and individual characteristics, in order to guarantee their voluntary participation in research.

  11. SimProp: a simulation code for ultra high energy cosmic ray propagation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aloisio, R.; Grillo, A.F.; Boncioli, D.; Petrera, S.; Salamida, F.


    A new Monte Carlo simulation code for the propagation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays is presented. The results of this simulation scheme are tested by comparison with results of another Monte Carlo computation as well as with the results obtained by directly solving the kinetic equation for the propagation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. A short comparison with the latest flux published by the Pierre Auger collaboration is also presented

  12. Consumption of Ultra-processed Foods and Obesity in Brazilian Adolescents and Adults


    da, Costa Louzada Maria Laura; Baraldi, Larissa Galastri; Steele, Euridice Martinez; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto; Canella, Daniela Silva; Claude-Moubarac, Jean; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Cannon, Geoffrey; Afshin, Ashkan; Imamura, Fumiaki; Mozaffarian, Dariush; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and obesity indicators among Brazilian adults and adolescents. Methods: We used cross-sectional data on 30,243 individuals aged ≥ 10 years from the 2008–2009 Brazilian Dietary Survey. Food consumption data were collected through 24-h food records. We classified food items according to characteristics of food processing. Ultra-processed foods were defined as formulati...

  13. Model of hot-carrier induced degradation in ultra-deep sub-micrometer nMOSFET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lei Xiao-Yi; Liu Hong-Xia; Zhang Yue; Ma Xiao-Hua; Hao Yue


    The degradation produced by hot carrier (HC) in ultra-deep sub-micron n-channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (nMOSFET) has been analyzed in this paper. The generation of negatively charged interface states is the predominant mechanism for the ultra-deep sub-micron nMOSFET. According to our lifetime model of p-channel MOFET (pMOFET) that was reported in a previous publication, a lifetime prediction model for nMOSFET is presented and the parameters in the model are extracted. For the first time, the lifetime models of nMOFET and pMOSFET are unified. In addition, the model can precisely predict the lifetime of the ultra-deep sub-micron nMOSFET and pMOSFET. (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  14. Study on creep of fiber reinforced ultra-high strength concrete based on strength (United States)

    Peng, Wenjun; Wang, Tao


    To complement the creep performance of ultra-high strength concrete, the long creep process of fiber reinforced concrete was studied in this paper. The long-term creep process and regularity of ultra-high strength concrete with 0.5% PVA fiber under the same axial compression were analyzed by using concrete strength (C80/C100/C120) as a variable. The results show that the creep coefficient of ultra-high strength concrete decreases with the increase of concrete strength. Compared with ACI209R (92), GL2000 models, it is found that the predicted value of ACI209R (92) are close to the experimental value, and the creep prediction model suitable for this experiment is proposed based on ACI209R (92).

  15. Status of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    I will review the recent results on Ultra-High energy cosmic rays obtained by the Auger and Telescope Array Observatories, and discuss some of the Astrophysical scenarios that could account for them, a connection with LHC results  as well as the possible connections to neutrino and gamma ray observations.


    The article discusses the formulation of ultra-low volatile organic compound (VOC) wood furniture coatings. The annual U.S. market for wood coatings is about 240, 000 cu m (63 million gal). In this basis, between 57 and 91 million kg (125 and 200 million lb) of VOCs are emitted i...

  17. 77 FR 53191 - Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... Secretary of Energy on development and implementation of programs related to ultra-deepwater architecture... Chairman of the Committee will lead the meeting for the orderly conduct of business. If you would like to... three business days prior to the meeting, and reasonable provisions will be made to include all who wish...

  18. Development of an ultra-portable ride quality meter. (United States)


    FRAs Office of Research and Development has funded the development of an ultra-portable ride quality meter (UPRQM) under the Small Business and Innovative Research (SBIR) program. Track inspectors can use the UPRQM to locate segments of track that...

  19. Ultra-processed products are becoming dominant in the global food system. (United States)

    Monteiro, C A; Moubarac, J-C; Cannon, G; Ng, S W; Popkin, B


    The relationship between the global food system and the worldwide rapid increase of obesity and related diseases is not yet well understood. A reason is that the full impact of industrialized food processing on dietary patterns, including the environments of eating and drinking, remains overlooked and underestimated. Many forms of food processing are beneficial. But what is identified and defined here as ultra-processing, a type of process that has become increasingly dominant, at first in high-income countries, and now in middle-income countries, creates attractive, hyper-palatable, cheap, ready-to-consume food products that are characteristically energy-dense, fatty, sugary or salty and generally obesogenic. In this study, the scale of change in purchase and sales of ultra-processed products is examined and the context and implications are discussed. Data come from 79 high- and middle-income countries, with special attention to Canada and Brazil. Results show that ultra-processed products dominate the food supplies of high-income countries, and that their consumption is now rapidly increasing in middle-income countries. It is proposed here that the main driving force now shaping the global food system is transnational food manufacturing, retailing and fast food service corporations whose businesses are based on very profitable, heavily promoted ultra-processed products, many in snack form. © 2013 The Authors. Obesity Reviews published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

  20. Culturas Juvenis, culturas digitais e Ensino Médio: quando o diálogo é necessário

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sueli Salva


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir acerca do uso das tecnologias digitais no contexto escolar de ensino médio a partir da compreensão dos professores. Apresenta análises da pesquisa “Mídias e Juventude: aspectos educativos e culturais em (desencontro”. A produção dos dados foi realizada no Brasil, na cidade de Santa Maria, em algumas escolas públicas de ensino médio e na Itália em algumas escolas Secundárias de Segundo Grau. Autores como Gil e Micheli (2011, Barbero (2008, Belonni (2013 se constituem como referencial teórico que busca dialogar com as políticas públicas para o ensino médio no Brasil. Foi possível perceber que apesar dos documentos legais preverem a utilização das tecnologias digitais nos contextos escolares, seu uso ainda é restrito em ambos os países em decorrência, da deficiência na formação dos professores, da estrutura rígida da instituição escolar, das frágeis condições estruturais das escolas, falta de compreensão acerca dos aspectos culturais que envolve a vida juvenil, da pouca reflexão acerca da mudança na relação com o saber, provocada pelas tecnologias digitais cujo tema ainda não foi suficientemente explorado.

  1. Pneumonia bacteriana em jabuti-piranga (Chelonoidis carbonaria: aspectos clínicos, microbiológicos, radiológicos e terapêutica

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    Marcelo M. Silveira


    Full Text Available A pneumonia é uma doença respiratória comum na clínica de répteis. Agentes infecciosos são capazes de causar pneumonia primária em répteis mantidos em cativeiro, porém na maioria dos casos, são secundárias a problemas de manejo, higiene e nutricionais. O objetivo desse trabalho foi relatar a ocorrência de pneumonia bacteriana em jabuti-piranga (Chelonoidis carbonaria, e descrever o diagnóstico clínico, microbiológico, radiográfico e a conduta terapêutica. O animal apresentava sinais de distúrbios respiratórios e foi descrito durante a anamnese que houve um diagnostico anterior de pneumonia. Os achados radiográficos foram sugestivos de pneumonia/edema pulmonar. Baseado nos exames radiográficos e sinais clínicos apresentados iniciou-se o tratamento com administração de Cloranfenicol (40mg/kg/SID/IM por 10 dias. Foram isoladas Klebsiella spp. e Citrobacter spp. da cultura bacteriana realizada da coleta de lavado endotraqueal. Ambas com perfil de resistência múltipla aos antibióticos testados. Instituiu-se protocolo terapêutico utilizando Gentamicina (5mg/kg/IM, em sete aplicações com intervalos de 72h. Após o segundo protocolo terapêutico notou-se melhora dos sinais clínicos do animal, porém foi observada a persistência de secreção nasal. Foi realizado novo exame radiográfico, demonstrando discreta diminuição na opacidade do campo pulmonar direito e nenhuma alteração significativa no campo pulmonar esquerdo na projeção craniocaudal. Devido à permanência do sinal clínico apresentado, nova coleta de material endotraqueal foi realizada, e houve isolamento de Citrobacter spp. e Enterobacter spp. A partir dos resultados obtidos no antibiograma, instituiu-se novo protocolo com uso de amicacina (2,5mg/kg/IM, em sete aplicações com intervalos de 72h. Após antibioticoterapia, outro exame radiológico foi realizado, e demonstrou redução satisfatória do quadro pulmonar, e sinais clínicos.

  2. Inteligencias artificiales y ensayos ultrasónicos para la detección de defectos

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    Barrera Cardiel, Gerardo


    ón de ondas ultrasónicas. El método de rayos X, además de ser peligroso al trabajar con radiación, requiere de personal, que además de su especialización tenga licencia del organismo oficial correspondiente,, por lo que su uso es restringido. El método de ultrasonido, a pesar de ser el que más se usa como ensayo no destructivo para la detección de defectos volumétricos, y sin contar con la limitación que supone el aspecto geométrico de la pieza, requiere también de personal con amplia experiencia en la interpretación de los ecogramas que, sin embargo, no necesita requisitos de autorización oficial, además de que su ejecución podría consumir mucho más tiempo que la alternativa de rayos X, lo que necesariamente encarece el ensayo. La técnica propuesta demuestra ser un método libre de riesgos personales, fiable, barata y sencilla de implantar para la solución de este importante problema.

  3. Tres reformas educativas europeas: Reino Unido, Francia y España: aspectos comparativos.

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    Inmaculada Egido Gálvez


    Full Text Available Desde una perspectiva unicamente aproximativa, este trabajo lleva a cabo un breve repaso de las reforrnas realizadas en los ultimos afios en el sistema educativo de tres paises europeos: Reino Unido, Francia y Espana. Tras la consideracion de los principales cambios introducidos por las leyes de reforma en relaci6n con la estructura del sistema, el curriculum, el profesorado y el gobiemo y la administraci6n de la educacion, se presenta lavaloraci6n crftica de algunos de los aspectos mas relevantes de las reformas. Por ultimo, se realizan algunas reflexiones globales derivadas de la comparaci6n entre los tres casos tratados

  4. Equilibrio liquido-liquido-vapor de misturas ternarias : algoritimo de calculo e aspectos termodinamicos


    Maria Helena Cano de Andrade


    Resumo: Este trabalho é uma contribuição ao estudo de processos de separação envolvendo fases em equilibrio liquido-liquido-vapor. Os seguintes aspectos são abordados: (1) desenvolvimento de um algoritmo eficiente de cálculo de flash liquido-liquido-vapor e sua aplicação para gerar diagramas de fases e em cálculos de destilação; (2) avaliação da utilização de parâmetros binários do modelo UNIQUAC obtidos de dados bifásicos em cálculos trifásicos de misturas ternárias; (3) medidas experimentai...

  5. Portoan Ultra Group Members’ Social Representation of Lisbon and Sport Lisboa and Benfica and Its Influence on the Discourses and Practices of the Portoan Ultra Groups and Their Members

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    Seabra Daniel


    Full Text Available The following text relates to a more recent approach to the problem of hooliganism and the Ultra Movement. It does not focus on a broad theory aimed to explain these two phenomena, but rather concentrates on the use of concepts that are relevant for a multifaceted understanding of them. Therefore, this text is the result of an investigation carried out on the four Ultra groups who support clubs in Oporto.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In this report the author describes the current status of the antiproton deceleration (AD) facility at CERN, and highlights the physics program with ultra-low energy antiproton at this installation. He also comments on future possibilities provided higher intensity antiproton beams become available at Fermilab, and review possibilities for initial experiments using direct degrading of high energy antiprotons in material has been developed and proven at CERN.

  7. Bake hardening of ultra-fine grained low carbon steel produced by constrained groove pressing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alihosseini, H.; Dehghani, K.


    Highlights: ► BH of UFG low carbon steel sheets was studied. ► Three passes of CGP are used for producing of UFG sheets. ► Maximum BH was achieved to the UFG specimen pre-strained 8% by baking at 250 °C. - Abstract: In the present work, the bake hardening of ultra-fine grained low carbon steel was compared with that of its coarse-grain counterpart. The ultra-fine grained sheets were produced by applying three passes of constrained groove pressing resulting the grains of 260–270 nm. The microstructure of ultra-fine grain specimens were characterized using electron back-scatter diffraction technique. Then, the bake hardenability of ultra-fine grain and coarse-grain samples were compared by pre-straining to 4, 6 and 8% followed by baking at 150 °C and 250 °C for 20 min. The results show that in case of baking at 250 °C, there was an increase about 108%, 93%, and 72% in the bake hardening for 4%, 6% and 8% pre-strain, respectively. As for baking at 150 °C, these values were 170%, 168%, and 100%, respectively for 4%, 6% and 8% pre-strain. The maximum in bake hardenability (103 MPa) and final yield stress (563 MPa) were pertaining to the ultra-fine grain specimen pre-strained 8% followed by baking at 250 °C.

  8. Ultra-low magnetic damping in metallic and half-metallic systems (United States)

    Shaw, Justin

    The phenomenology of magnetic damping is of critical importance to devices which seek to exploit the electronic spin degree of freedom since damping strongly affects the energy required and speed at which a device can operate. However, theory has struggled to quantitatively predict the damping, even in common ferromagnetic materials. This presents a challenge for a broad range of applications in magnonics, spintronics and spin-orbitronics that depend on the ability to precisely control the damping of a material. I will discuss our recent work to precisely measure the intrinsic damping in several metallic and half-metallic material systems and compare experiment with several theoretical models. This investigation uncovered a metallic material composed of Co and Fe that exhibit ultra-low values of damping that approach values found in thin film YIG. Such ultra-low damping is unexpected in a metal since magnon-electron scattering dominates the damping in conductors. However, this system possesses a distinctive feature in the bandstructure that minimizes the density of states at the Fermi energy n(EF). These findings provide the theoretical framework by which such ultra-low damping can be achieved in metallic ferromagnets and may enable a new class of experiments where ultra-low damping can be combined with a charge current. Half-metallic Heusler compounds by definition have a bandgap in one of the spin channels at the Fermi energy. This feature can also lead to exceptionally low values of the damping parameter. Our results show a strong correlation of the damping with the order parameter in Co2MnGe. Finally, I will provide an overview of the recent advances in achieving low damping in thin film Heusler compounds.

  9. Developing Ultra Reliable Life Support for the Moon and Mars (United States)

    Jones, Harry W.


    Recycling life support systems can achieve ultra reliability by using spares to replace failed components. The added mass for spares is approximately equal to the original system mass, provided the original system reliability is not very low. Acceptable reliability can be achieved for the space shuttle and space station by preventive maintenance and by replacing failed units, However, this maintenance and repair depends on a logistics supply chain that provides the needed spares. The Mars mission must take all the needed spares at launch. The Mars mission also must achieve ultra reliability, a very low failure rate per hour, since it requires years rather than weeks and cannot be cut short if a failure occurs. Also, the Mars mission has a much higher mass launch cost per kilogram than shuttle or station. Achieving ultra reliable space life support with acceptable mass will require a well-planned and extensive development effort. Analysis must define the reliability requirement and allocate it to subsystems and components. Technologies, components, and materials must be designed and selected for high reliability. Extensive testing is needed to ascertain very low failure rates. Systems design should segregate the failure causes in the smallest, most easily replaceable parts. The systems must be designed, produced, integrated, and tested without impairing system reliability. Maintenance and failed unit replacement should not introduce any additional probability of failure. The overall system must be tested sufficiently to identify any design errors. A program to develop ultra reliable space life support systems with acceptable mass must start soon if it is to produce timely results for the moon and Mars.

  10. Investigação sobre a satisfação do usuário dos serviços prestados pelo Metrô de São Paulo: um estudo exploratório, descritivo e ilustrativo com a utilização do modelo de equações estruturais User satisfaction with the Metro of Sao Paulo: an exploratory, descriptive and illustrative study using structural equation modeling


    André Castilho Ferreira da Costa; Saulo Soares de Souza; Letticia Caruso Thomaz da Silva


    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi discutir a aplicabilidade da metodologia do American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) a situações da realidade brasileira, com base no modelo de equações estruturais. Para tanto, foi realizada uma verificação empírica do comportamento do modelo, aplicando-o à amostra de dados colhida entre usuários dos serviços prestados pela Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo - Metrô. Os resultados confirmaram apenas em parte as relações do modelo, sugerindo, principalmen...

  11. Ultra high energy cosmic rays and magnetic fields

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stanev, Todor; Engel, Ralph; Alvarez-Muniz, Jaime; Seckel, David


    We follow the propagation of ultra high energy protons in the presence of random and regular magnetic fields and discuss some of the changes in the angular and energy distributions of these particles introduced by the scattering in the magnetic fields.

  12. Ultra high energy cosmic rays and magnetic fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stanev, Todor; Engel, Ralph; Alvarez-Muniz, Jaime; Seckel, David


    We follow the propagation of ultra high energy protons in the presence of random and regular magnetic fields and discuss some of the changes in the angular and energy distributions of these particles introduced by the scattering in the magnetic fields

  13. PFC Performance Improvement of Ultra-supercritical Secondary Reheat Unit

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    Li Jun


    Full Text Available Ultra-supercritical secondary reheat unit has been widely used in the world because of its advantages of large capacity, low consumption and high efficiency etc., but rapid load change ability of the turbines to be weakened which caused by its system organization, cannot meet the requirements of power grid frequency modulation. Based on the analysis of the control characteristics of ultra-supercritical once-through reheat unit, the primary frequency control based on feed-water flow overshoot compensation is proposed. The main steam pressure generated by the feed-water is changed to improve the primary frequency control capability. The relevant control strategy has been applied to the 1000MW secondary reheating unit. The results show that the technology is feasible and has high economical efficiency.

  14. Arc Shape Characteristics with Ultra-High-Frequency Pulsed Arc Welding

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    Mingxuan Yang


    Full Text Available Arc plasma possesses a constriction phenomenon with a pulsed current. The constriction is created by the Lorentz force, the radial electromagnetic force during arc welding, which determines the energy distribution of the arc plasma. Welding experiments were carried out with ultra-high-frequency pulsed arc welding (UHFP-AW. Ultra-high-speed camera observations were produced for arc surveillance. Hue-saturation-intensity (HSI image analysis was used to distinguish the regions of the arc plasma that represented the heat energy distribution. The measurement of arc regions indicated that, with an ultra-high-frequency pulsed arc, the constriction was not only within the decreased arc geometry, but also within the constricted arc core region. This can be checked by the ratio of the core region to the total area. The arc core region expanded significantly at 40 kHz at 60 A. A current level of 80 A caused a decrease in the total region of the arc. Meanwhile, the ratio of the core region to the total increased. It can be concluded that arc constriction depends on the increased area of the core region with the pulsed current (>20 kHz.

  15. Barriers to and facilitators of ultra-processed food consumption: perceptions of Brazilian adults. (United States)

    Almeida, Luara Bellinghausen; Scagliusi, Fernanda Baeza; Duran, Ana Clara; Jaime, Patricia Constante


    To explore how individuals perceive the availability of ultra-processed foods in their neighbourhoods and the barriers to and facilitators of consumption of such foods. A qualitative design was chosen. In-depth, face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted and a content analysis was performed. São Paulo, Brazil. A purposeful sample of adults (n 48), stratified by sex and age group (20-39 years and 40-59 years). All participants perceived their neighbourhoods as favourable regarding the availability of ultra-processed foods. Three barriers were identified: health concerns, not appreciating the taste of these foods and not being used to eating them. Five facilitators, however, were identified: appreciating the taste of these foods, their children's preference, convenience, addiction and cost. Participants perceived their neighbourhoods as favourable to the consumption of ultra-processed foods and reported more facilitators than barriers to their consumption. Reported barriers point to the need to include measures promoting a healthy food system and traditional eating practices. The facilitators reinforce the idea that these foods are habit-forming and that regulatory measures to offset the exposure to ultra-processed foods are necessary.

  16. Ultra-compact Ku band rectenna


    Takacs , Alexandru; Aubert , Hervé; Charlot , Samuel


    International audience; This paper addresses an innovative and ultra-compact rectenna designed for energy harvesting or wireless power transfer applications. The presented rectenna uses a printed cross dipoles antenna array and a rectifier implemented with only one silicon Schottky diode. Experimental results show that 1.15 mW of DC power can be obtained for an optimal load impedance of 500 Ω using a compact rectenna (2.5 cm 2 or 0.6 square wavelength) illuminated by an electric field of 60 V...

  17. Advanced Technology for Ultra-Low Power System-on-Chip (SoC) (United States)


    was proposed for lower power applications with Ioff=10pA/μm and VDD=0.5V. In this project, the optimized structure shows great potential in both Lg...AFRL-RY-WP-TR-2017-0115 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FOR ULTRA-LOW POWER SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (SoC) Jason Woo, Weicong Li, and Peng Lu University of California...September 2015 – 31 March 2017 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FOR ULTRA-LOW POWER SYSTEM-ON- CHIP (SoC) 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER FA8650-15-1-7574 5b

  18. Ultra-Structure database design methodology for managing systems biology data and analyses

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    Hemminger Bradley M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Modern, high-throughput biological experiments generate copious, heterogeneous, interconnected data sets. Research is dynamic, with frequently changing protocols, techniques, instruments, and file formats. Because of these factors, systems designed to manage and integrate modern biological data sets often end up as large, unwieldy databases that become difficult to maintain or evolve. The novel rule-based approach of the Ultra-Structure design methodology presents a potential solution to this problem. By representing both data and processes as formal rules within a database, an Ultra-Structure system constitutes a flexible framework that enables users to explicitly store domain knowledge in both a machine- and human-readable form. End users themselves can change the system's capabilities without programmer intervention, simply by altering database contents; no computer code or schemas need be modified. This provides flexibility in adapting to change, and allows integration of disparate, heterogenous data sets within a small core set of database tables, facilitating joint analysis and visualization without becoming unwieldy. Here, we examine the application of Ultra-Structure to our ongoing research program for the integration of large proteomic and genomic data sets (proteogenomic mapping. Results We transitioned our proteogenomic mapping information system from a traditional entity-relationship design to one based on Ultra-Structure. Our system integrates tandem mass spectrum data, genomic annotation sets, and spectrum/peptide mappings, all within a small, general framework implemented within a standard relational database system. General software procedures driven by user-modifiable rules can perform tasks such as logical deduction and location-based computations. The system is not tied specifically to proteogenomic research, but is rather designed to accommodate virtually any kind of biological research. Conclusion We find

  19. Soliton-based ultra-high speed optical communications

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    All these facts are the outcome of research on optical solitons in fibers in spite of the fact that the commonly used RZ format is not always called a soliton format. The overview presented here attempts to incorporate the role of soliton-based communications research in present day ultra-high speed communications.

  20. Photochemical reaction monitoring by ultra-violet spectrophotometry. (United States)

    Roig, B; Touraud, E; Thomas, O


    Within the framework of the monitoring of the trichloroacetylchloride (TCAC) photosynthesis, ultra-violet (UV) spectrophotometry is proposed as a simple and rapid tool allowing, in real time, the control of the process efficiency. A good correlation has been obtained between the results acquired by this alternative method and the standard gas chromatography.