
Sample records for ambiental bajo iso

  1. Diseño e implantación de un sistema integrado de calidad y medio ambiente (ISO 9001: 2008 e ISO14001:2004) en una empresa de obra civil


    Campano Calleja, Juan Manuel


    El Proyecto Fin de Carrera tiene como objetivos el diseño, desarrollo e implantación de un Sistema de Gestión Integrado de Calidad y de Medio Ambiente según las normas ISO 9001:2008 e ISO 14001:2004 para una empresa ficticia llamada MID EXCAVACIONES S.L.

  2. Propuesta de un sistema de gestión ambiental basado en la norma ISO 14001 para industrial pesquera Santa Priscila S.A.


    Montiel Morán, Miguel


    Este trabajo se inicia con la obtención de toda la información existente y disponible sobre el funcionamiento de la gestión ambiental en Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A., el cumplimiento de la normativa ambiental vigente y de la norma ISO 14001:2004 aplicables a dicha organización, la cual nos otorga el establecimiento y la propuesta de un manual con sus respectivos procedimientos para la implementación de un sistema de gestión ambiental basado en la norma ISO 14001:2004. This rese...

  3. Indicadores de desempeño ambiental en el marco de la ISO 2600 RS

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    María Ángela Jiménez Montañés


    Full Text Available La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC es un instrumento que ayuda a conciliar objetivos económicos, sociales y medioambientales, a empresas de todos los tamaños, en cooperación con sus interlocutores o partes interesadas, defendiendo valores comunes y aumentando el sentido de la solidaridad y la cohesión, dentro del debate de la globalización, la competitividad y la sostenibilidad.El impacto de la RSC en la organización se manifiesta en tres dimensiones: económica, social y medioambiental, siendo en esta última, en donde vamos a centrar el trabajo. En el campo medioambiental es necesario la aplicación de sistemas de gestión que garanticen el cumplimiento de los objetivos dentro del marco de la RSC, bien basados en modelos europeos EMAS o bien según lo establecido por la ISO 14000 y por las primeras aproximaciones de la ISO 26000 RS.Uno de los instrumentos necesarios para la aplicación de los sistemas de gestión son los indicadores cuantitativos, que nos sirven como cuantificación del desempeño ambiental conseguido por las organizaciones en base a la política establecida. Los indicadores por sí mismos no nos van a proporcionar demasiada información útil, salvo que sean considerados bajo la práctica de otros métodos adicionales como puede ser el análisis DAFO o bien el benchmarking, para seleccionar estrategias en base a la comparativa de la posición de la organización en relación al resto del entorno económico.Corporate social responsibility is an instrument that helps to reconcile economic, social and environmental objectives to businesses of all sizes, in cooperation with its partners or stakeholders, to defend common values and increase the sense of solidarity and cohesion, within the debate of globalisation, competitiveness and sustainability.The impact of CSR in the organization is shown in three dimensions: economic, social and environmental; where we will focus our paper in the latter. In the environmental

  4. Diseño de un sistema de gestión integrados de calidad y ambiente en el centro de servicios técnicos y transferencia tecnológica ambiental de la ESPOCH según las normas ISO 9001:2008 e ISO 14001:2004


    Erazo Veloz, Marcela


    This research was conducted at the Center for Technical Services and Environmental Technology Transfer (CESTTA) located in the city of Riobamba. The main objective is to develop an Integrated Management System for Quality and Environment according to ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2004, and improve the processes of quality management and environment. El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en el Centro de Servicios Técnicos y Transferencia Tecnológica Ambiental (CESTTA) ubicado en l...

  5. Desarrollo de un sistema de gestión ambiental ISO-14001 en un laboratorio de investigación y desarrollo


    Cortés Colín, Rocio Eugenia


    Este trabajo surge de la necesidad que tienen los Laboratorios de Investigación y Desarrollo de establecer un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental basado en la norma ISO 14001, que permita combinar su avanzada tecnología, infraestructura, metodologías y herramientas con el Medio Ambiente con el fin de facilitar un proceso de innovación interactivo y sustentable y que permita dar cumplimiento a requisitos gubernamentales y estándares internacionales de cuidado del ambiente en las diversas actividades ...

  6. Evaluación del desempeño ambiental bajo enfoque de cadena de abastecimiento verde

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    William Ariel Sarache-Castro


    Full Text Available Entre los enfoques existentes de gestión ambiental, la gestión de cadenas de abastecimiento verde (Green Supply Chain Managemen t, GSCM, se ha convertido en uno de los más relevantes en los últimos años. El en foque GSCM aborda todos los procesos y actividad es que componen la cadena de abastecimiento en los eslabones de aprovi sionamiento, manufactura y entregas, incluyendo también el diseñ o, las compras, el marketing y la logística inve rsa. Aunque la revisión bibliográfica permiti ó identificar la existencia de una gran v ariedad de indicadores de desempeño ambiental que se enmarcan en el enfoque PresiónEstadoRes puesta, no se encontraron indicadores aplica dos bajo un enfoque GSCM. Por tanto, el presente ar tículo expone una metodología para la cons trucción de un indicador de corte multicrit erio que permite evaluar el desempeño ambiental desde el enfoque GSCM, con base en 8 procesos y 32 actividades detectadas en la revisión de literatura. El indicador fue aplicado en un grupo de 14 empresas de la región cafetera de Colombia. Los resultados indican un d esempeño heterogéneo entre las compañías analizadas y un rezago importante en algunos procesos.

  7. Proyecto Turístico de Cabañas de Bajo Impacto Ambiental en la Paz Km70


    Quito, Natali


    El método que servirá de base para la realización del presente proyecto turístico de “Cabañas de Bajo Impacto Ambiental en la Paz Km70”, es el inductivo, por cuanto se efectuará los análisis de los temas mencionados en el esquema de contenidos, también me apoyaré en la investigación exploratoria de campo debido a que se deben realizar visitas al lugar, ayudándome en las técnicas de investigación como son: observación, entrevistas, grupos focales, así también se empleará la investigación bibli...

  8. Calidad de abonos orgánicos empleados en la depresión de Quíbor-Venezuela bajo ambientes protegidos

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    Duilio Torres Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La depresión de Quíbor es una de las zonas agrícolas más importante de Venezuela, donde en los últimos años se han introducido sistemas de producción bajo ambientes protegidos, los cuales están acompañados por el uso de abonos orgánicos, no certi cados. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la calidad de los abonos orgánicos empleados en sistemas de producción bajo ambientes protegidos en la depresión de Quíbor, Venezuela. Se realizó un diseño experimental completamente al azar y se evaluaron once (11 abonos orgánicos (cuatro sólidos y siete líquidos por triplicados. Los abonos sólidos fueron colectados en la parte superior, inferior y media de las pilas, mientras que los líquidos fueron tomados directamente de los tanques de almacenamiento. Para la caracterización de los abonos se empleó el protocolo TMECC, la materia orgánica se determinó por calcinación a 450°C, el nitrógeno por Kjeldahl y los macronutrientes (potasio y calcio y micronutrientes (cobre, manganeso, hierro y zinc en extracto acuoso 1/20 (v/v del material y cuantificación por absorción atómica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el vermicompost y compost de gallinaza presentaron los valores más altos de macronutrientes, mientras, para los abonos líquidos Macro®, fue quien presentó la mayor concentración de nitrógeno, humus1 los valores más altos de Ca y Mg y Micro® y humus2 los mayores contenidos de manganeso, hierro, cobre y zinc fueron encontrados, todos los abonos sólidos presentaron valores bajos de micronutrientes.

  9. Treinamento ambiental em organizações com certificação ISO 14001: estudo de múltiplos casos e identificação de coevolução com a gestão ambiental Environmental training in organizations with ISO 14001 certification: a multiple case study and identification of co-evolution with environmental management

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    Charbel José Chiappetta Jabbour


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender as características do treinamento ambiental em algumas empresas brasileiras. Para tanto, foram realizados nove estudos de caso com empresas certificadas pela norma ISO 14001, todas líderes em seu segmento de mercado. Foram conduzidas diversas entrevistas em cada caso, coletados documentos e realizadas visitas para observação direta. Como resultado, apresentam-se as classificações dos casos nos estágios evolutivos da gestão ambiental, os temas mais frequentes do treinamento ambiental, a diferenciação dos temas de treinamento ambiental segundo o nível hierárquico organizacional, a classificação das empresas segundo o nível de aderência às atividades de treinamento ambiental recomendadas pela literatura e as boas práticas de treinamento ambiental oferecidas pelas empresas. A principal contribuição desta pesquisa é a identificação de coevolução entre o estágio de gestão ambiental das organizações e o nível do treinamento ambiental que elas possuem.The objective of this research is to understand the characteristics of environmental training at some Brazilian companies. Nine case studies were carried out in firms certified by ISO 14001. These companies are leaders in their market segments. Several interviews were conducted in each case. Documents were collected and visits for direct observation were made. Results present the classification of companies in evolutionary stages of environmental management, the most common topics of the training environment, the differentiation of environmental training topics according to the hierarchical levels and the best practices offered on environmental training. The main contribution of this research is the identification of the co-evolution between the stage of corporate environmental management and the level of environmental training.

  10. Readecuación del laboratorío para análisis de materiales metalicos bajo la norma de calidad ISO 17025 y elaboración del manual de procedimientos basados en norma astm


    Padilla Paredes, Carlos; Paredes V., Cecilia


    Este trabajo se fundamenta en la propuesta de un proyecto que consiste en desarrollar la readecuación del Laboratorio de Materiales - Área de Ensayos Metalográficos de la FIMCP bajo lineamientos de la norma ISO 17025. Para esto, se realizará una descripción clara del manejo y las características de cada uno de los equipos e instrumentos a utilizarse en el mencionado laboratorio, el cual nos permitirá complementar de manera práctica tanto la parte didáctica el estudio de los materiales ...

  11. Processos operacionais e resultados de empresas brasileiras após a certificação ambiental ISO 14001 Operation process and results of Brazilian companies according to the ISO 14001 environmental certification

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    Gilberto Jesus Avila


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os resultados operacionais obtidos pelas empresas brasileiras certificadas na Norma ISO 1400. Para alcançar este objetivo, procurou-se identificar os fatores relacionados aos processos de operação e ao desempenho das operações após a certificação ambiental. O método de pesquisa se orientou pela busca de integração entre a análise quantitativa e a análise qualitativa. A análise quantitativa foi baseada no tratamento estatístico de dados atuais resultantes da participação de empresas brasileiras no projeto DEVISO (Developing Countries and ISO 14000. A análise qualitativa, por sua vez, utilizou como mecanismo para coleta de dados a técnica de entrevista pessoal a Gerentes do Sistema de Gestão Ambiental de duas empresas participantes do projeto. A análise quantitativa fundamentou-se na análise fatorial (Análise de Componentes Principais - PCA e na comparação entre médias dos fatores resultantes por meio do teste t de médias emparelhadas. Esta análise possibilitou elaborar uma hierarquia para o desempenho destes fatores quando comparados a um limite máximo. Posteriormente, os fatores identificados foram aprofundados em dois casos. Os fatores identificados para os processos de operação foram: Gerenciamento Ambiental, Fornecedores, Reciclagem e Cooperação. Para o desempenho das operações resultaram os fatores Imagem, Cumprimento de Padrões, Resíduos Tóxicos e Uso Eficiente.The aim of this work was to analyze the operational results achieved for ISO 14001 certificated Brazilian companies. In order to achieve this objective, the factors related to the operation process and the performance of operations according to the certification were identified. The research method integrated qualitative and quantitative analyses. The quantitative step was based on the analysis of the database created by the DEVISO project (Developing Countries and ISO 14000. The qualitative analysis was

  12. Diseño y operación de sistemas de distribución bajo un ambiente de redes inteligentes de tensión


    Grisales Noreña, Luis Fernando


    En este trabajo se presenta una metodología para el diseño y operación de sistemas de distribución bajo un ambiente de redes inteligentes, considerando como elementos de análisis la ubicación y dimensionamiento de generación distribuida, elementos almacenadores de energía y elementos de protección para aislamiento de fallas y transferencia de carga (reconectadores normalmente cerrados y abiertos, respectivamente). Como técnicas de solución se emplearon tres algoritmos de optimización: algorit...

  13. Implantação de sistemas de gestão ambiental ISO 14001: uma contribuição da área de gestão de pessoas Implantation of environmental management systems iso 14001: a contribution of the personnel management area

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    Otávio José de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os sistemas certificáveis de gestão ambiental, como a norma ISO 14001, têm sido uma opção cada vez mais utilizada pelas organizações para equacionarem suas demandas ambientais, padronizarem seu processo produtivo, reduzirem custos de produção e melhorarem sua imagem. Entretanto, seu processo de implantação em indústrias gera mudanças significativas na cultura e estrutura destas empresas e devem ser devidamente consideradas por gestores e consultores. Pelo exposto, o principal objetivo deste artigo é apresentar práticas, sistematizadas à luz da teoria com especial contribuição da área de gestão de pessoas e com base em dois estudos de caso, para implantação de sistemas de gestão ambiental ISO 14001 em empresas industriais. Para tanto, foram realizados dois estudos de caso: um em uma empresa de baterias automotivas e outro em uma empresa moveleira. Os dados foram coletados a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os gestores diretamente responsáveis por estes sistemas e com colaboradores-chave, observação in loco e análise de documentos. Ao final do artigo são apresentadas sugestões de práticas relacionadas aos seguintes elementos: alta direção, gestão de pessoas, comitê de gestão ambiental, missão e políticas, treinamento e comunicação.Certifiable environmental management systems such as ISO 14001 have been an option increasingly used by organizations to review their environmental responsibilities, standardize production processes, reduce costs and improve their image. However, its implementation in industries generates significant changes in culture and structure and needs to be seriously considered by managers and consultants. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to propose practical strategies - in the light of theory and based on two case studies - for the implementation of environmental management systems based on ISO 14001 in industrial enterprises. Thus, we performed two case studies

  14. Auditoría al sistema de gestión ambiental de una cementera para determinar los porcentajes de adecuación a la norma venezolana covenin - iso 14001:2005

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    Colmenárez, Alexis


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo consiste en la combinación de técnicas de evaluación propias de estudios ambientales con procedimientos de auditoría tradicionales, con el objetivo de auditar el Sistema de Gestión Ambiental (SGA de una empresa cementera venezolana llamada Cementos Carora C. A. siguiendo los lineamientos de la norma venezolana COVENIN ISO 14001:2005 para determinar los porcentajes de adecuación a la norma. Se escoge este sector por el impacto ambiental que produce.

  15. Modelo Hackefors para obtenção de certificado ambiental ISO-14.001 em pequenas e médias empresas: uma discussão sobre sua aplicação em empresas brasileiras

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    José Jorge Abdalla

    Full Text Available Baseado em estudo feito no Distrito Industrial Fazenda Botafogo, no município do Rio de Janeiro, este artigo analisa a possibilidade de aplicação conjunta em distritos industriais brasileiros de um modelo de sistema de gestão ambiental (SGA, o modelo Hackefors, criado para facilitar a obtenção da certificação ambiental ISO 14.001 por empresas de pequeno e médio porte de distritos industriais na Suécia. O modelo Hackefors, surgido em 1997 no distrito sueco que lhe deu o nome, foi adotado por 450 empresas de 24 distritos industriais daquele país, basicamente, por ter possibilitado a certificação ambiental a cada empresa que a ele aderiu, com ganhos individuais e coletivos para as mesmas. Para a elaboração deste artigo, foi analisada a literatura sobre distritos industriais e sistemas de gestão ambiental e, também, consultados documentos relativos ao modelo Hackefors e ao Distrito Industrial Fazenda Botafogo. Além disso, foram entrevistados consultores que trabalharam na implantação do referido modelo, representantes das empresas do distrito industrial carioca e especialistas em certificação ISO 14.001. Esse esforço permitiu comparar as duas situações e fazer algumas considerações sobre a aplicação do modelo sueco em Fazenda Botafogo. O resultado mostra que as diferenças entre as situações iniciais de atuação ambiental nos dois distritos não são um empecilho à construção de redes. Revela ainda que as semelhanças existentes sugerem que a aplicação do modelo Hackefors no distrito industrial do Rio de Janeiro poderia ser bem-sucedida. Por outro lado, em Fazenda Botafogo não foi identificado nenhum fator que transformasse a busca individual por um sistema de gestão ambiental nos moldes da ISO 14.001 numa busca coletiva, como ocorreu nos distritos industriais suecos.


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    Encarnación Gil Meseguer


    Full Text Available En España, más de 62.000 ha regadas se cultivan en ambiente controlado, bajo determinadas cubiertas. Dos tercios se localizan en Andalucía, y más de la cuarta parte, en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica. En el espacio surestino, delimitado por la coincidencia de las isolíneas climáticas (isoyeta de los 400 mm anuales e isoterma de 16ºC de TMA y la línea de costa mediterránea entre Almería y Alicante, sobresalen una serie de estructuras con cubiertas de plásticos y mallas para la producción de cultivos intensivos en las comarcas del Levante Almeriense-Bajo Almanzora, Lorca y Valle Guadalentín, Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor, Meridional de Alicante-Vega Baja, etc. Los avances tecnológicos aplicados al riego y al ciclo natural de la planta, se incorporan al cultivo forzado bajo cubierta, logrando modificar el ciclo de cultivo, con una amplitud en los calendarios para presentar el producto en los momentos de mayor demanda. El interés de esta agricultura intensiva de invernaderos, mallas y acolchados radica en su mayor productividad, empleo y precio final del producto.

  17. Estudio comparativo del agar Iso-Sensitest y el agar Mueller-Hinton

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    Margaret Ordoñez Smith de Danies


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 710 cepas bacterianas provenientes de diferentes muestras para comparar las zonas de inhibición de los diámetros obtenidos en agar Iso-Sensitest y el agar Mueller Hinton. Se realizaron bajo la técnica de difusión en disco de la NCCLS (Comité Nacional para los Estándares de Laboratorio Clínico. Estadísticamente, al analizar el chi-cuadrado de las muestras estudiadas, se observó una confiabilidad del 99%, por lo tanto no hay diferencia entre los dos medios de cultivo. En el agar Iso-Sensitest se obtuvo una mejor nitidez con los diámetros de los halos de inhibición, se encontró un 62,0% de mejor lectura o mayor visibilidad en los diámetros de las zonas de inhibición con los cultivos de Enterococcus sp., un 21,4% con el Staphylococcus aureus y 20,0% en el caso de la Providencia stuartii.

  18. Participación del consejo comunitario de la comunidad negra de Bellavista en la consulta previa para la formulación del plan de manejo ambiental de la central hidroeléctrica del bajo Anchicayá

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    Nixon Arboleda Montaño


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza el proceso de participación que se llevó a cabo en el marco de la consulta previa entre el Consejo Comunitario de la Comunidad Negra de Bellavista (CCCNB, situado en el distrito de Buenaventura y la Empresa de Energía del Pacífico (EPSA con motivo de la formulación del Plan de Manejo Ambiental para la actual operación y mantenimiento la Central Hidroeléctrica del Bajo Anchicayá (Colombia. Se presentan los antecedentes de la evaluación de impacto ambiental en el ámbito internacional y en Colombia, y se explica en qué consiste el proceso de la consulta previa en los proyectos que requieren licencia ambiental. Posteriormente se analizan las etapas del proceso (etapa previa; estudios ambientales y socioeconómicos; identificación y evaluación de impactos ambientales; y construcción de medidas de manejo ambiental y finalmente se analiza el proceso de consulta previa, identificando los valores agregados que pudo generar el proceso.

  19. A gestão dos recursos naturais nas organizações certificadas pela norma NBR ISO 14001 Managementof natural resources in organizations certified by NBR ISO 14001 standard

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    Celso Machado Junior


    Full Text Available O estudo destaca um conjunto de variáveis associadas aos processos de controle e às ações para mitigar o consumo dos recursos nas operações com o objetivo de verificar se as empresas certificadas pela norma NBR ISO 14001 apresentam procedimentos de gestão ambiental significativamente diferentes dos adotados pelas empresas não certificadas por essa norma. É uma pesquisa descritiva assentada em uma amostra composta por 649 empresas de diferentes ramos de atividade, que disponibilizaram informações para a publicação na revista Análise Gestão Ambiental (2008. Foram objeto de estudo os seguintes recursos: água, energia elétrica, combustíveis, lenha/carvão e recursos minerais. A utilização de tratamento estatístico, consubstanciada na regressão logística e no quiquadrado, permitiu evidenciar que as empresas certificadas pela norma NBR ISO 14001 acentuam um conjunto maior dos fatores ambientais em sua gestão por meio de controles, ações e programas estruturados, demonstrando assim maior preocupação socioambiental.This study focuses on a set of variables associated with control processes and actions to mitigate the consumption of resources in operations in order to determine whether the companies certified by NBR ISO 14001 standard have environmental management procedures significantly different from those adopted by the companies which are not certified. It is a descriptive research based on a sample of 649 companies of different businesses which provided information for publication in the journal "Análise Gestão Ambiental" (2008. The objects of this study were the following: water, electricity, fuel, wood/coal and mineral resources. Using statistical analysis, embodied in the logistic regression and chi-square test, it was observed that the companies certified by NBR ISO 14001 standard invest in a larger set of environmental factors in their management, through controls, actions, and programs structured to reduce the

  20. Diagnóstico da integração dos sistemas de gestão ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e OHSAS 18001

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    Samuel Vinícius Bonato


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que teve por finalidade o diagnóstico do nível de integração de sistemas de gestão baseados nas normas ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e OHSAS 18001 em empresas do ramo metal-mecânico. Inicialmente foi descrito o método de diagnóstico e posteriormente realizada a sua aplicação em uma empresa já certificada nas três normas, mas que possui dois sistemas de gestão distintos: o Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ baseado na norma ISO 9001 e o Sistema de Gestão de Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente (SSM baseado nas normas ISO 14001 e OHSAS 18001. Entre os principais resultados, destaca-se a aceitação favorável do diagnóstico da integração na empresa estudada. Com a realização do diagnóstico, verificou-se que a organização não atende totalmente a integração de nenhum dos requisitos avaliados. Foram sugeridas oportunidades de melhoria para integração dos requisitos normativos comuns, reduzindo custos e recursos para manutenção do sistema de gestão da empresa.

  1. Efecto de la certificación ISO 14001 en el desempeño ambiental de las organizaciones: caso de estudio, industrias de la República de Colombia


    Vargas Bejarano, Carlos Hernando


    El proceso de certificación ambiental con base en el modelo ISO 14001 se inicia en el año de 1997 cuando el ICONTEC certifica la primera empresa en Colombia cuyo objeto social es la producción de tuberías y accesorios en PVC. A partir de esa fecha se han certificado, por parte del ICONTEC y de otros organismos internacionales de certificación, diversos tipos de compañías que van desde empresas que prestan servicios de ingeniería, fabricantes de productos químicos, alimentos y petroleras. Pues...

  2. Alfabetización ambiental en estudiantes de ingeniería de la universidad de sonora


    Marco Alberto a La Torre Islas; Andrea Zavala Reyna; Juana Alvarado Ibarra.


    La presente investigación muestra el nivel de alfabetización ambiental de los alumnos de la División de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Sonora en cuanto a las variables: actitud ambiental, conducta ambiental y conocimiento ambiental, derivados de la aplicación de un instrumento de investigación diseñado por el Centro de Educación Ambiental en Wisconsin (WCEE), E.U.A. de ingeniería es bajo (58.79%); mientras que el análisis por componentes ambientales, indica que el nivel de actitud ambient...

  3. An Experimental Measurement on Laminar Burning Velocities and Markstein Length of Iso-Butane-Air Mixtures at Ambient Conditions

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    Yousif Alaeldeen Altag


    Full Text Available In the present work, experimental investigation on laminar combustion of iso-butane-air mixtures was conducted in constant volume explosion vessel. The experiments were conducted at wide range of equivalence ratios ranging between Ф = 0.6 and 1.4 and atmospheric pressure of 0.1 MPa and ambient temperature of 303K. Using spherically expanding flame method, flame parameters including stretched, unstretched flame propagation speeds, laminar burning velocities and Markstein length were calculated. For laminar burning velocities the method of error bars of 95% confidence level was applied. In addition, values of Markstein lengths were measured in wide range of equivalence ratios to study the influence of stretch rate on flame instability and burning velocity. It was found that the stretched flame speed and laminar burning velocities increased with equivalence ratios and the peak value was obtained at equivalence ratio of Ф = 1.1. The Markstein length decreased with the increases in equivalence ratios, which indicates that the diffusion thermal flame instability increased at high equivalence ratios in richer mixture side. However, the total deviations in the laminar burning velocities have discrepancies of 1.2-2.9% for all investigated mixtures.

  4. Evaluating the Sensitivity of the Mass-Based Particle Removal Calculations for HVAC Filters in ISO 16890 to Assumptions for Aerosol Distributions

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    Brent Stephens


    Full Text Available High efficiency particle air filters are increasingly being recommended for use in heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC systems to improve indoor air quality (IAQ. ISO Standard 16890-2016 provides a methodology for approximating mass-based particle removal efficiencies for PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 using size-resolved removal efficiency measurements for 0.3 µm to 10 µm particles. Two historical volume distribution functions for ambient aerosol distributions are assumed to represent ambient air in urban and rural areas globally. The goals of this work are to: (i review the ambient aerosol distributions used in ISO 16890, (ii evaluate the sensitivity of the mass-based removal efficiency calculation procedures described in ISO 16890 to various assumptions that are related to indoor and outdoor aerosol distributions, and (iii recommend several modifications to the standard that can yield more realistic estimates of mass-based removal efficiencies for HVAC filters, and thus provide a more realistic representation of a greater number of building scenarios. The results demonstrate that knowing the PM mass removal efficiency estimated using ISO 16890 is not sufficient to predict the PM mass removal efficiency in all of the environments in which the filter might be used. The main reason for this insufficiency is that the assumptions for aerosol number and volume distributions can substantially impact the results, albeit with some exceptions.



    Lorenzo-Losada, Raúl


    El objetivo general de este trabajo fin de máster será poner en práctica y aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en el Máster SIG. Específicamente en el ámbito de los sistemas de gestión de la calidad y el medio ambiente basados en las normas ISO 9001:2008 e ISO 14001:2004. Así como el proceso de integración de ambos sistemas de gestión bajo un único sistema integrado. Como objetivos específicos se establecerán el desarrollo de la siguiente documentación, Manual de Gestión...



    Flórez, Margarita


    En este documento se presentan algunas consideraciones alrededor de la relación entre comercio y medio ambiente a la luz de las repercusiones que podría tener, para la normatividad e institucionalidad ambiental, un Tratado de Libre Comercio. Bajo esta perspectiva, la primera parte del artículo examina las implicaciones de la extensión de los derechos de propiedad intelectual al caso específico de la diversidad biológica. En la segunda, se adelantan algunas observaciones acerca de la vigencia ...

  7. The international ISOE programme. ISOE European technical centre activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ascenzo, L. d'; Crouail, P.; Levy, F.; Livolsi, P.; Schieber, C.; Lefaure, C.


    The CEPN has been involved from the beginning in the NEA Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE). As ISOE European Technical Centre, the CEPN is responsible for the collection and distribution of European data to the various ISOE partners, the collection of data from the other regional technical centres, and the custodianship of the full ISOE data base. This full data base is updated annually and distributed to all the European participating utilities and to other Regional Technical Centres. The European data are also sent to the European Commission (EC) as a contribution to their own occupational exposure data base. In addition to these activities, the CEPN has developed two computer programmes under Windows to facilitate the management of ISOE data bases. The first software, called ASPIC, allows participating utilities to electronically complete NEA1 and NEA3 questionnaires, as well as to consult the NEA3 data base using key words search routine. This software is available in six different languages. The second programme is a relational data base for the performance of statistical analyses using data from NEA1. The CEPN also contributes significantly to the efficient flow of information through the ISOE Network. This includes participation in the preparation and distribution of the ISOE Annual Report (which presents and analyses NEAI data), ISOE Information Sheets (providing short synthesis using NEA1 and NEA3 data), and Technical Reports. Participating Authorities and Utilities have each made information requests to the CEPN concerning dosimetric data, radiation protection experiences, policies and practices. Some examples of these requests, and of the types of data provided, will be presented. (author)

  8. Integrated management system: The integration of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 31000 (United States)

    Muzaimi, Hafizzudin; Chew, Boon Cheong; Hamid, Syaiful Rizal


    The implementation of integrated management system (IMS) for better quality management has become a preference for many organizations. This can be seen as many organizations used the combination of quality ISO 9001, an environment ISO 14001 and occupational health and safety management system OHSAS 18001 as a core for the IMS that largely implemented. Besides, the linked between quality management with risk management system need to be identified as the management system that enhance the effectiveness of IMS. Therefore, the risk management system ISO 31000 also presented as a part of integration. In nowadays competitive environment, the increasing pressure and needs from customer or stakeholders make it compulsory for the organization to propose the new system and standards. This paper presents and discusses about the benefit of integration, the management system components that can be converged and the implementation approach. A series of interview was conducted through in-depth interviews with 8 experts in this field, while data collected were analyzed qualitatively. The results consist of 16 factors of IMS implementation that have been identified and the use of PDCA approach for an effective implementation of IMS. As a conclusion, the paper proposes the integration of four management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 31000) and on how the IMS can be used to structure the process of management for quality management towards sustainability practices in the organization.

  9. Propuesta de metodología para la implantación de un sistema de gestión ambiental basado en la norma ISO 14001 en la industria cementera en República Dominicana


    García de la Cruz, Isaura


    El presente trabajo fin de master (TFM) se centra en la propuesta de la metodología para la implantación de un sistema de gestión ambiental en la industria cementera en República Dominicana basado en la Norma Internacional ISO 14001:2015. Uno de los objetivo principales de esta investigación es el proponer dicha metodología para que sirva de soporte común en la industria cementera, en cualquier de los diversos tipos de organización (de tamaño promedio o multinacionales) para facilitar la imp...

  10. El Informe de Progreso en Justicia Ambiental de la EPA para el Año Fiscal 17 demuestra resultados tangibles para comunidades vulnerables (United States)

    La EPA publicó su Informe de Progreso en Justicia Ambiental AF2017 destacando los continuos logros en crear ambientes más limpios, más seguros y más saludables para comunidades minoritarias, de bajos ingresos, tribales e indígenas.

  11. ISO27001 / ISO27002 a pocket guide

    CERN Document Server

    Calder, Alan


    Information is one of your organisation's most important resources. Keeping it secure is therefore vital to your business. This handy pocket guide is an essential overview of two key information security standards that cover the formal requirements (ISO27001:2013) for creating an Information Security Management System (ISMS), and the best-practice recommendations (ISO27002:2013) for those responsible for initiating, implementing or maintaining it.

  12. Alfabetización ambiental en estudiantes de ingeniería de la universidad de sonora

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    Marco Alberto a La Torre Islas


    Full Text Available La presente investigación muestra el nivel de alfabetización ambiental de los alumnos de la División de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Sonora en cuanto a las variables: actitud ambiental, conducta ambiental y conocimiento ambiental, derivados de la aplicación de un instrumento de investigación diseñado por el Centro de Educación Ambiental en Wisconsin (WCEE, E.U.A. de ingeniería es bajo (58.79%; mientras que el análisis por componentes ambientales, indica que el nivel de actitud ambiental fue de 71.76%; en cambio en conducta ambiental y conocimiento ambiental se obtuvieron valores promedio de 47.69% y 56.92% respectivamente. Asimismo, se muestra el análisis de los resultados por género.

  13. Diseño e implantación de un sistema de gestión de la calidad y el medio ambiente certificables según ISO 9001:2000 e ISO 14001:2004


    Boullón Cortés, Francisco Manuel


    El siguiente proyecto consiste en el diseño de un sistema integrado de gestión de calidad y medioambiente certificable por las normas ISO 9001 e ISO 14001. Dicho sistema está diseñado para una lavandería/tintorería industrial situada en la provincia de Cádiz llamada lavandería HISPANIA.

  14. La identificación de espacios mineros e industriales abandonados: el caso del Bajo Besaya


    García Valiente, Nieves; Nogués Linares, Soledad


    La recuperación de los terrenos conocidos como “brownfields” es un tema recurrente en las políticas del suelo y el medio ambiente de la Unión Europea para el horizonte 2020. Con una tradición eminentemente industrial y minera, el Bajo Besaya presenta, en la actualidad, amplios espacios abandonados degradados, que son el resultado del cese de las actividades productivas anteriores. Éstos suponen un detrimento para la zona, por lo que es necesaria su transformación de pasivos ambientales y soci...

  15. IsoBank workshop held at IsoEcol10 - University of Tokyo 2016


    Hayden, Brian


    IsoBank is a repository for stable isotope values and relevant metadata. These slides were presented at a workshop held during IsoEcol10 to refine and design the IsoBank for the needs of a diverse group of researchers.

  16. ISO radiation protection standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Becker, K.; West, N.


    After a brief description of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and its Technical Committee (TC) 85 ''Nuclear Energy'', the work of its Sub-Committee (SC) 2 ''Radiation Protection'' is described in some detail. Several international standards on subjects closely related to radiation protection have already been published, for example ISO-361 (Basic radiation protection symbol), ISO-1757 (Photographic dosimeters), ISO-1758 and 1759 (Direct and indirect-reading pocket exposure meters), ISO-2889 (Sampling of airborne radioactive materials), ISO-4037 (X and gamma reference radiations for calibration) and ISO-4071 (Testing of exposure meters and dosimeters). TC 85/SC 2 has currently eight active Working Groups (WG) dealing with 14 standards projects, mostly in advanced stages, in such fields as neutron and beta reference radiations, and X and gamma radiations of high and low dose-rates and high energies for calibration purposes, reference radiations for surface contamination apparatus, ejection systems for gamma radiography apparatus, industrial and laboratory irradiators, lead shielding units, protective clothing, thermoluminescence dosemeters, radioelement gauges, and surface contamination and decontamination. (author)

  17. ISO radiation sterilization standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lambert, Byron J.; Hansen, Joyce M.


    This presentation provides an overview of the current status of the ISO radiation sterilization standards. The ISO standards are voluntary standards which detail both the validation and routine control of the sterilization process. ISO 11137 was approved in 1994 and published in 1995. When reviewing the standard you will note that less than 20% of the standard is devoted to requirements and the remainder is guidance on how to comply with the requirements. Future standards developments in radiation sterilization are being focused on providing additional guidance. The guidance that is currently provided in informative annexes of ISO 11137 includes: device/packaging materials, dose setting methods, and dosimeters and dose measurement, currently, there are four Technical Reports being developed to provide additional guidance: 1. AAMI Draft TIR, 'Radiation Sterilization Material Qualification' 2. ISO TR 13409-1996, 'Sterilization of health care products - Radiation sterilization - Substantiation of 25 kGy as a sterilization dose for small or infrequent production batches' 3. ISO Draft TR, 'Sterilization of health care products - Radiation sterilization Selection of a sterilization dose for a single production batch' 4. ISO Draft TR, 'Sterilization of health care products - Radiation sterilization-Product Families, Plans for Sampling and Frequency of Dose Audits'

  18. Accreditation - ISO/IEC 17025 (United States)

    Kaus, Rüdiger

    This chapter gives the background on the accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories according to ISO/IEC 17025 and sets out the requirements of this international standard. ISO 15189 describes similar requirements especially tailored for medical laboratories. Because of these similarities ISO 15189 is not separately mentioned throughout this lecture.

  19. Análise da relação entre normas de sistema de gestão (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, NBR 16001 e OHSAS 18001 e a sustentabilidade empresarial

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    Camila dos Santos Ferreira

    Full Text Available Resumo A sustentabilidade pode ser inserida no contexto empresarial como uma forma de minimizar impactos causados pelos processos produtivos. Organizações utilizam as normas dos sistemas de gestão para satisfazer os anseios das partes interessadas. Sendo assim, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar a relação entre normas de sistemas de gestão (ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 e NBR 16001 e a sustentabilidade empresarial. O objetivo foi alcançado seguindo as seguintes etapas: Primeiramente, os requisitos da sustentabilidade empresarial foram identificados, baseados em Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial, Indicadores Ethos e Global Reporting Initiative. Posteriormente, a matriz que relaciona os requisitos da sustentabilidade e os das normas foi construída. A matriz foi preenchida pela pesquisadora e por mais seis especialistas. As respostas foram consolidadas, gerando-se a Matriz de Relação Consolidada, a qual foi analisada e interpretada. As relações foram classificadas como forte, moderada, fraca ou nula. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que ISO 9001 e OHSAS 18001 possuem relação fraca com a sustentabilidade empresarial. A ISO 14001 apresenta relação moderada e a NBR 16001, relação forte. A pesquisa concluiu que os padrões normativos podem auxiliar as empresas a introduzirem a sustentabilidade em seu contexto, no entanto, ISO 9001 e OHSAS 18001 são normas que abordam apenas alguns elementos da sustentabilidade empresarial. A NBR 16001 é a norma que mais apresenta elementos da sustentabilidade em seu escopo. Sendo assim, empresas que objetivam introduzir a sustentabilidade no ambiente corporativo poderiam focar na implementação da NBR 16001.

  20. Internal Audit Status For ISO 9001 And ISO/ IEC 17025 In Malaysian Nuclear Agency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fazila Said; Nurul Huda Mudri; Nik Arlina Ali


    The development of MS ISO 9001 and MS ISO/ IEC 17025 in Malaysian Nuclear Agency is the basic step to enhance and improve the Quality Management System (QMS) for processes and laboratories that involve customers and suppliers in delivering products and services. The effectiveness of QMS is monitored by Research and Innovation Management Centre (RIMC) to ensure that all activities related to audit such as Internal Audit are well organized and implemented as documented in quality manual and procedure. This paper will discuss the status of internal audit for processes that implement MS ISO 9001 and laboratories that accredited with MS/ ISO IEC 17025 in year 2008, 2009 and 2010. The total of non-conformance (nc) and opportunity for improvement (ofi) for processes and laboratories and their numbers as per clause in MS ISO 9001 and MS ISO/ IEC 17025 are the indicators that reflects the effectiveness of QMS. Then, the total effectiveness of QMS for MS 9001 and MS ISO/ IEC 17025 is also determined via the number of conformance clause versus non-conformance clause for those three years. (author)

  1. Food service compliance with ISO 14001 and ISO 22000

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    Laura Lyra Santos


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess food service environmental and food safety management systems according to two checklists based on ABNT ISO 22000 and 14001. METHODS: This exploratory and descriptive study investigated a-la-carte food services of the Federal District, Brazil. Two checklists were developed to investigate ISO 14001 and 22000 compliance. A total of 37 food services were selected from the list of the Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants by simple random sampling. Checklist results were analyzed according to ANVISA resolution nº 275/2002. RESULTS: Only five food services employed dietitians to supervise meal production. These establishments achieved the highest ISO compliance. However, no establishment had more than 50% ISO 14001 or 22000 compliance. Restaurants showed little concern for the environment and disobeyed waste disposal laws by not separating recyclables from non-recyclables. CONCLUSION: The study food services do not have safe meal production systems, evidenced by non-conformity with the reference standards. Additionally, they do not attempt to reduce the environmental impact of their wastes. Food services supervised by dietitians are better prepared to produce safe foods.

  2. ISO 9000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graham, J.F.


    The European Community has adopted the Single European Act. The act states that in order to do business in Europe after 1992, a supplied is expected to be ISO 9000 registered. This paper reports on ISO 9000, which is a systematic approach to implementing a quality system. It is not in the category of technical or product standards, but a standard relating to management of quality in that sector of a company seeking registration. If a company is already systematically practicing quality improvement, these efforts will be applicable to the ISO 9000 certification process. A company will need to refine and update procedures and develop a quality manual. An internal auditing and a corrective action system will also have to be established. The latter addresses audit results, customer complaints, quality system problems, and internal quality improvement suggestions

  3. El mejoramiento de procesos y su aplicación bajo norma ISO 9004: caso compañía de aceites

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    Full Text Available Este artículo se centra en la elaboración de una propuesta de mejoramiento para el problema que presenta el proceso de Despacho de Pedidos de la línea de producción de la marca MOTOR PLUS en una empresa dedicada al envase de aceite para vehículos. Para esto se utilizó la teoría sobre mejoramiento de procesos de Harrington y la norma NTC ISO 9001:2000.

  4. Sistema aprimorado de gestão ambiental : um estudo de caso na empresa Tritec Motors Ltda


    Caroline Chiele


    Um sistema de gestão ambiental fornece uma estrutura eficiente para uma empresa gerenciar suas responsabilidades ambientais, sendo também um componente essencial em sua estratégia comercial. O presente trabalho descreve a implantação de um sistema de gestão ambiental na empresa Tritec Motors Ltda, de acordo com a norma NBR ISO 14001:1996, a fim de garantir um gerenciamento adequado de riscos, com um desempenho ambiental melhorado, refletindo na imagem corporativa, entre outros benefícios. Par...

  5. Tinjauan Kritis Terhadap Implementasi Iso 9000


    Purnama, Nursya’bani


    ISO 9000 telah diterima secara luas sebagai acuan sistem manajemen kualitas dan penjaminan kualitas. Perusahaan-Perusahaan yang memperoleh sertifikasi ISO dari tahun ke ke tahun mengalami pertumbu¬han yang pesat. Dengan implementasi dan memperoleh sertifikasi ISO 9000, banyak Perusahaan di dunia mem¬peroleh peningkatan kinerja. Meskipun demikian, implementasi ISO 9000 juga dihadapkan pada sejumlah ham¬batan. Implementasi ISO 9000 seringkali dikaitkan dengan Total Quality Management (TQM). Ban...

  6. The stability of iso-α-acids and reduced iso-α-acids in stored blood specimens. (United States)

    Rodda, Luke N; Gerostamoulos, Dimitri; Drummer, Olaf H


    The long-term stability of the iso-α-acids, and three structurally similar but chemically altered iso-α-acids (known as 'reduced iso-α-acids' and consisting of the rho-, tetrahydro- and hexahydro-iso-α-acid groups) were investigated in whole blood. Pools of blank blood spiked with the four beer-specific ingredient congener groups at two different concentration levels were stored at 20°C, 4°C and -20°C; and extracted in duplicate in weeks 1, 3, 5 and 8, using a previously published method. A loss of 15% of the initial concentration was considered to indicate possible instability and losses greater than 30% demonstrated significant losses. The individual analytes within the four iso-α-acid groups were also measured to determine which iso-α-acids were subject to greater degradation and were responsible for the overall group instability. All four iso-α-acid groups showed significant losses after 8 weeks of storage under room temperature conditions in particularly the natural iso-α-acid group where major losses were observed (96% and 85% losses for low and high concentrations, respectively). Some degradation in all iso-α-acid groups were seen at 4°C samples predominantly due to the 'n' analogs of the groups showing an increased instability in blood. The -20°C storage conditions resulted in minimal changes in concentrations of all analytes. Higher than frozen storage temperatures can result in substantial changes on the stability of the iso-α-acid type groups in blood. The aim of this study was to highlight the stabilities of the IAA analytes in order to assist in the interpretation of IAA in stored blood specimens. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Auditoria interna de sistema de gestão ambiental: estudo de caso no Verdegreen Hotel


    Adriano Lucena da Silva; Isaiane Vieira de Melo; Diego Rodrigues de Lucena


    Esta pesquisa analisa as contribuições e os desafios associados às auditorias internas no Verdegreen Hotel, empreendimento hoteleiro de grande destaque na cidade de João Pessoa-PB, selecionado como unidade de estudo por dispor de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA) ISO 14001 implantado e certificado. Este estudo trata de uma pesquisa descritiva, baseada em um estudo de caso qualitativo. As técnicas utilizadas na metodologia foram: levantamento bibliográfico sobre as normas ISO que abordam as...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Myriam Angélica Dornelas


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 RESUMO De fato, toda atividade humana, principalmente de caráter empresarial, tem algum efeito ambiental. Os gestores tem se preocupado em adotar uma Gestão Ambiental visando reduzir e controlar os problemas introduzidos por um empreendimento sobre o meio ambiente. É sob esse prisma que se busca uma maior compreensão dos processos de adaptação das empresas às inovações que envolvem o ambiente organizacional, sobretudo aquelas relacionadas ao meio ambiente e à gestão ambiental. Portanto, pretende-se neste trabalho, verificar os efeitos causados pelas organizações nas questões ambientais, além de suas possíveis reações em virtude das alterações no meio em que se inserem. Neste sentido, o artigo será apresentado da seguinte forma: primeiramente discutir-se-á a relação do meio ambiente com as organizações, em seguida abordar-se-á a atuação das organizações diante da questão ambiental, para em seqüência tratar das conseqüências das mudanças para o mercado para, finalmente chegar às conclusões finais. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: ISO 14000, meio ambiente, organizações.    ABSTRAT In fact, all activity human being, mainly of enterprise character, has some ambient effect. The managers if have worried in adopting an Ambient Management aiming at to reduce and to control the problems introduced for an enterprise on the environment. It is under this prism that if searchs a bigger understanding of the processes of adaptation of the companies to the innovations that involve the organizational environment, over all those related to the environment and the ambient management. Therefore, it is intended in this work, to verify the effect caused for the organizations in the ambient questions, beyond its possible reactions in virtue of the alterations in the way where if they insert. In this direction, the article will be presented of the following form

  9. Bajo peso al nacer y defectos congénitos en relación con sitios mineros y campos agrícolas en Sonora, México. Prevalencia 2008-2012

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    Javier Valdés Hernández


    Full Text Available Existen evidencias de contaminación ambiental debido a minas y campos agrícolas en Sonora, México. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar espacialmente la prevalencia de los defectos al nacimiento, los del tubo neural y el bajo peso al nacer en los municipios donde hay minas de metales y en los distritos de riego. Para ello se emplearon las bases de datos de nacimiento y muerte fetal de 2008 a 2012. Se estimaron tasas de prevalencia nacional, estatal, municipal y por localidad. Se utilizó información georreferenciada del país y los estados, de localidades, ríos, distritos de riego, minas de metales y subcuencas hidrológicas de Sonora. Se encontró que las prevalencias están asociadas con los lugares donde se concentran las actividades económicas y los problemas de contaminación ambiental. Los resultados hacen suponer la probable influencia de estos últimos en la prevalencia de los defectos mencionados y el bajo peso al nacer en todo el estado

  10. ISO 14000 : environmental management systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boutin, C.; Emard, C.; Lalonde, G.; Levesque, A.; Robitaille, R.; Rollin, A.L.; Thibeault, I.


    This book is addressed to the managers, professionals, and government agents which wish to know the philosophy of the step as well as the stages to be followed for the establishment of a system of environmental management in conformity with the standards of the series ISO 14000. This work locates ISO 14000 in the historical context of its development by describing the bonds with other standards in place of which those of the series ISO 9000. This book answers questions that arise regarding a companies step toward accreditation to ISO 14000

  11. NDT technical assessment for ISO 17025 and ISO 17020 certification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamad Pauzi Ismail


    ISO 17025 is an international standard that states the requirement criteria for testing and calibration laboratory, while ISO 17020 is for inspection body. Standard Malaysia is the accreditation body for both standards. The author involved in the technical assessment for both standards both in Nuclear Malaysia and outside. The experience in performing NDT assessment activity is explained and discussed. The comparison between both standards is also discussed. (author)

  12. Explanation and practice on ISO 9000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, Dong Myeong


    This book reveals introduction on revision of ISO 9000:2000 with full account and contents of revision and change method change into ISO 9001:2000, the basic principle on ISO 9000:2000 and improvement and aim, definition on explanation, method for detail term, demand for ISO/KS A 9001:2000, quality management system development and transition way, standardization for quality management, manual of quality and making procedure and guide, case of quality manual and procedure and guide and ISO 9001:2000 / KS A 9001:2001 an English-Korean translation.

  13. Laadun- ja riskienhallinta johtamisjärjestelmässä ISO 9001:2015 ja ISO 31000:2009 mukaisesti


    Reinvall, Niko; Karhunen, Joonas


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on tarkastella riskienhallinnan ja laadunhallintajärjestelmien suhdetta ISO 9001:2015 ja ISO 31000:2009-standardien viitekehyksessä, tutkimuskysymyksen ollessa ”miten ja miksi integroida ISO 9001 mukaista laadunhallintaa ja ISO 31000 mukaista riskienhallintaa organisaation johtamisjärjestelmään”. Lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan standardien välisiä yhtymäkohtia ja riskienhallinnan merkitystä ISO 9001:2015 mukaisessa laadunhallintajärjestelmässä. Työn tilaaja...

  14. 75 FR 7581 - RTO/ISO Performance Metrics; Notice Requesting Comments on RTO/ISO Performance Metrics (United States)


    ... performance communicate about the benefits of RTOs and, where appropriate, (2) changes that need to be made to... of staff from all the jurisdictional ISOs/RTOs to develop a set of performance metrics that the ISOs/RTOs will use to report annually to the Commission. Commission staff and representatives from the ISOs...



    Alarcón Arroyo, Elisa


    El cambio climático es un hecho inequívoco en la últimas décadas (olas de calor, fuertes lluvias, sequías, ciclones, aumento del nivel del mar, etc.).Además, recientes estudios sugieren que está ocurriendo más rápido de lo esperado. Sin embargo el mundo necesita incrementar el suministro energético para sustentar el crecimiento económico y el desarrollo. El problema radica en que los recursos energéticos están bajo presión y las emisiones de CO2 amenazan nuestro clima y medio ambiente. La efi...

  16. As Escalas Geográficas da Certificação ISO 14001: um panorama da gestão ambiental empresarial

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    Henrique Elias Pessoa Gutierres


    Full Text Available Environmental certification, especially ISO 14001, demonstrates the existence of internal and external factors for improving the environmental performance of companies. Thus, this article aims to present a current overview of ISO 14001 certification at different scales of analysis (global, national, regional and state, seeking its territoriality by considering factors of location, extent and connection. The following procedures were adopted: a survey of the theoretical reference, the acquisition of data from the ISO (International Organization for Standardization and INMETRO (National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality on the quantity of companies certified by ISO 14001. After organizing the data, there was systematization through tables via spreadsheet, presentation and finalization of graphs and data analysis relating to the Human Development Index (HDI and Gross Domestic Product (GDP. It is understood that most of these certificates is concentrated in developed countries, where the headquarters of large companies are located. Considering the Brazilian reality, the ratio (number of certifications, GDP and HDI by state was not so obvious, since there are states with lower GDP and HDI, but with higher certificates compared to some states that are better positioned socio-economically. This feature has to do with economic aspects of the companies that have a strong influence on the occurrence of these certificates. Therefore, we present a spatially uneven reality where the environmental certification is not always related to the local reality, being a requirement of external factors, such as a continuing relation with customers and suppliers who hold environmental certification. Therefore, it is something external acting in local reality.



    Oziel Lugo Espinosa


    El monitoreo ambiental en invernaderos, en particular en México, representa un alto costo de inversión para su adopción, por lo que en ocasiones, el productor opta por omitir esta infraestructura tecnológica. Esta condición suprime las ventajas del monitoreo y control climático del invernadero, lo cual repercute en la cantidad y calidad de la producción. En el presente trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un paquete tecnológico de bajo costo para el monitoreo ambiental de invernaderos. El paq...

  18. Sistema de gestión ambiental en una planta de regasificación de gas natural


    Santiago Carrillo, Manuel


    En este trabajo de fin de grado se ha realizado la elaboración de un sistema de gestión ambiental para una planta de regasificación natural ficticia. Para la realización de dicho sistema de gestión ambiental se han seguido las directrices recogidas por la norma UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 realizada por la organización AENOR. Para la realización de este sistema de gestión ambiental en la planta ficticia de regasificación de gas natural en primer lugar se ha realizado un estudio previo acerca del...

  19. ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2: International Standards for Language Codes. ISO 15924: International Standard for Names of Scripts. (United States)

    Byrum, John D.

    This paper describes two international standards for the representation of the names of languages. The first (ISO 639-1), published in 1988, provides two-letter codes for 136 languages and was produced primarily to meet terminological needs. The second (ISO 639-2) appeared in late 1998 and includes three-letter codes for 460 languages. This list…

  20. M.G.J.A. - método para o gerenciamento jurídico-ambiental: uma aplicabilidade prática em um empreendimento termelétrico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Burlani


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo sugerir para as organizações um método para o gerenciamento jurídico-ambiental, visando à identificação das leis ambientais quando da implantação de um sistema de gestão ambiental. Para a concepção de tal prognóstico foi realizada a aplicação do método em um empreendimento termelétrico na oportunidade em que este realizava o levantamento de aspectos e impactos ambientais para a posterior implantação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental baseado na norma NBR ISO 14001. Para a implantação de tal normativo de caráter voluntário, a norma NBR ISO 14001, é explícita na imposição do dever das organizações em atenderem a legislação ambiental. Além disto, existem as pressões dos órgãos ambientais, da justiça brasileira e da sociedade em si que exigem das organizações um adequado relacionamento de suas atividades com a manutenção, prevenção e a defesa do meio ambiente. Por fim, este trabalho oportunizou o desenvolvimento de um método de gestão jurídico-ambiental, com a finalidade de auxiliar as organizações que pretendam certificar-se com a norma NBR ISO 14001, e por conseqüência estarem de acordo com os limites e parâmetros instituídos pelas legislações ambientais.

  1. Control: the effects of ISO

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laura Ilzarbe; PhD Everard van Kemenade; Maria-Jezus Alvarez


    De effecten van ISO-certificering zoals gerapporteerd in wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Met speciale aandacht voor de resultaten in het onderwijs. ISO 9000:2000 doet het nadrukkelijk beter dan haar vorige versies.

  2. The intangible legacy of the Indonesian Bajo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chandra Nuraini


    Full Text Available The Sama-Bajau, or Bajo diaspora, extends from the southern Philippines and Sabah (Malaysian Borneo to the eastern part of Indonesia. The Indonesian Bajo, now scattered along the coasts of Sulawesi (Celebes and East Kalimantan, the Eastern Lesser Sunda Islands and Maluku, were once mostly nomadic fishermen of the sea or ocean freight carriers. Today, the Bajo are almost all fishermen and settled. Their former and present ways of life made them favour intangible forms of culture: it is impossible to transport bulky artefacts when moving frequently by boat, or when living in stilt houses, very close to the sea or on a reef. It is therefore an intangible legacy that is the essence of the Bajo’s culture. Sandro healers have a vast range of expertise that allows them to protect and heal people when they suffer from natural or supernatural diseases. On the other hand, music and especially oral literature are very rich. In addition to song and the pantun poetry contests, the most prestigious genre is the iko-iko, long epic songs that the Bajo consider to be historical rather than fictional narratives. The Bajo’s intangible heritage is fragile, since it is based on oral transmission. In this article, I give a description of this heritage, dividing it into two areas: the knowledge that allows them to “protect and heal” on the one hand, and to “distract and relax”, on the other.

  3. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15189. (United States)

    Schneider, Frank; Maurer, Caroline; Friedberg, Richard C


    The College of American Pathologists (CAP) offers a suite of laboratory accreditation programs, including one specific to accreditation to the international organization for standardization (ISO) 15189 standard for quality management specific to medical laboratories. CAP leaders offer an overview of ISO 15189 including its components, internal audits, occurrence management, document control, and risk management. The authors provide a comparison of its own ISO 15189 program, CAP 15189, to the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program. The authors conclude with why laboratories should use ISO 15189. © The Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine.

  4. MGE2: A framework for cradle-to-cradle design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María-Estela Peralta-Álvarez


    Full Text Available El diseño y la ecología son temas cruciales en el sector industrial. Los productos están sometidos a revisiones constantes para sobrevivir en el mercado y a optimizaciones que los mantienen bajo los límites de impacto sobre el planeta. Las decisiones acerca de un nuevo producto afectan su ciclo de vida, los consumidores, y sobre todo el medio ambiente. Con el fin de lograr soluciones de calidad, Eco - eficacia debe considerarse, por lo tanto, en el diseño de un proceso, su desarrollo de productos y el sistema asociado. Una metodología ordenada es esencial para ayudar a la creación de productos que satisfagan tanto las necesidades de los usuarios y los requisitos medioambientales actuales, bajo los paradigmas que crean valor ambiental. Hasta la fecha, la industria ha desarrollado técnicas en un intento de abordar estas expectativas bajo la cuna a la cuna (C2C, que está vagamente estructurada alrededor de los marcos conceptuales y técnicas de diseño. El presente trabajo describe un nuevo marco que abarca todas las etapas de diseño, y permite la interacción bajo un conjunto de principios desarrollados por C2C. En virtud de este nuevo e innovador paradigma surge el Modelo de Genómica de Ecoinnovación y el diseño ecológico, propuesto como una metodología para el diseño de productos que satisfagan las necesidades individuales y colectivas, y que permite el diseño de productos respetuosos del medio ambiente, mediante su integración en el marco de las normas ISO de Análisis de Ciclo de vida (ACV, el ecodiseño, ecoetiquetado y la certificación C2C.

  5. A practical synthesis of long-chain iso-fatty acids (iso-C12–C19 and related natural products

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark B. Richardson


    Full Text Available A gram-scale synthesis of terminally-branched iso-fatty acids (iso-C12–C19 was developed commencing with methyl undec-10-enoate (methyl undecylenate (for iso-C12–C14 or the C15 and C16 lactones pentadecanolide (for iso-C15–C17 and hexadecanolide (for iso-C18–C19. Central to the approaches outlined is the two-step construction of the terminal isopropyl group through addition of methylmagnesium bromide to the ester/lactones and selective reduction of the resulting tertiary alcohols. Thus, the C12, C17 and C18 iso-fatty acids were obtained in three steps from commercially-available starting materials, and the remaining C13–C16 and C19 iso-fatty acids were prepared by homologation or recursive dehomologations of these fatty acids or through intercepting appropriate intermediates. Highlighting the synthetic potential of the iso-fatty acids and various intermediates prepared herein, we describe the synthesis of the natural products (S-2,15-dimethylpalmitic acid, (S-2-hydroxy-15-methylpalmitic acid, and 2-oxo-14-methylpentadecane.

  6. ISO 9000 Quality Management System (United States)

    Hadjicostas, Evsevios

    The ISO 9000 series describes a quality management system applicable to any organization. In this chapter we present the requirements of the standard in a way that is as close as possible to the needs of analytical laboratories. The sequence of the requirements follows that in the ISO 9001:2008 standard. In addition, the guidelines for performance improvement set out in the ISO 9004 are reviewed. Both standards should be used as a reference as well as the basis for further elaboration.

  7. The European Large Area ISO Survey

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oliver, S.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Alexander, D.M.


    We describe the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS). ELAIS was the largest single Open Time project conducted by ISO, mapping an area of 12 deg(2) at 15 mu m with ISOCAM and at 90 mu m with ISOPHOT. Secondary surveys in other ISO bands were undertaken by the ELAIS team within the fields of the...

  8. Mednarodni standardi - veličine in enote (ISO 31-0 do 31-13): International standards - quantities and units (ISO 31-0 to 31-13):


    Glavič, Peter


    In this paper the international standards ISO 31 (Quantities and units) are presented with the following parts: ISO 31-0 (General principles), ISO 31-1 (Space and time), ISO 31-2 (Periodic and related phenomena), ISO 31-3 (Mechanics), ISO 31-4 (Heat), ISO 31-5 (Electricity and magnetism), ISO 31-8 (Physical chemistry and molecular physics), ISO 31-12 (Characteristic numbers)and others. The emphasis is given on the basic principles, which is important for writing of reports, presentations, art...

  9. ISO27001 in a Windows Environment

    CERN Document Server

    Honan, Brian


    Ideal for project managers, IT and security staff, this book plugs the gap in current guidance literature for ISO27001. ISO27001, the information security management standard (ISMS), is providing a significant challenge for many organisations. One of the key areas of confusion is the relationship between the ISO27001 ISMS project manager and those responsible for implementing the technical controls.

  10. Certification of ISO 9001: SSDL experiences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noriah Mod Ali


    Efforts given to maintain the quality management based on the ISO 9000 requirement able to improved the existing system, strengthen the customer confidence and to satisfied the worker needs. It gives direct impact on the harmonization of the Radiation Protection Program in the country. SSDL experiences towards obtaining the the ISO 9002/ISO 9001 certification and its maintenance are discussed in details. (Author)

  11. From ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015: Significant changes and their impacts to aspiring organizations (United States)

    Sari, Y.; Wibisono, E.; Wahyudi, R. D.; Lio, Y.


    ISO 9001:2015 is the latest version of ISO Quality Management System standard that has been updated recently from ISO 9001:2008. It is necessary for all organizations that have implemented and been certified with ISO 9001:2008 to prepare the transition and upgrade their Quality Management System because the certification will expire by September 2018. This paper attempts to provide knowledge on the significant changes from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015, what new requirements are added, and how they would impact the organizations. An exploratory and applied research was chosen as the research approach and aimed to explore what transition designs are needed to anticipate the changes as well as their impacts. The research applied a methodology of Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle into four organizations and their results were compared and discussed to explain the transition designs. Some qualitative methods such as observation and interview were used to collect the data. By addressing the new requirements, three transition designs that should be prepared are: (i) identifying needs from interested parties, (ii) analyzing internal and external factors of the organizations to formulate relevant strategies and quality objectives, and (iii) registering risks associated to business processes as well as organizational strategies.

  12. ISO specifications and unclear energy quality certification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Tae Hun


    This book indicates necessity of quality management and change of company environment, basic conception of quality management and thinking way, role of each class for quality management, necessity and purpose of introduction of ISO9000 family, authentication process and construct method of ISO9000 family, authentication effect of ISO9000 family, present condition of ISO9000 family, standard of quality certification and quality management and explanation of 2001 requirement of KSA9000.

  13. ISO specifications and unclear energy quality certification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Tae Hun


    This book indicates necessity of quality management and change of company environment, basic conception of quality management and thinking way, role of each class for quality management, necessity and purpose of introduction of ISO9000 family, authentication process and construct method of ISO9000 family, authentication effect of ISO9000 family, present condition of ISO9000 family, standard of quality certification and quality management and explanation of 2001 requirement of KSA9000.

  14. Adopting ISO 9712:2005 and ISO/IEC 17024:2003 as Philippine national standard for NDT for global competitiveness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banaga, Renato T.; Mateo, Alejandro J.


    This paper describes and promotes the adoption of ISO 9712: 2005 edition and the ISO/IEC 17024: 2003 edition by the Philippines to be globally competitive. ISO 9712 is a standard for qualifications and certification of nondestructive testing (NDT) personnel while ISO/IEC 17024 is conformity assessment-general requirements for bodies operating certification of persons. ISO 9712 defies that the effectiveness of an application of nondestructive testing depends on the capabilities and qualifications of personnel performing the NDT test. The Philippines through the national certifying body (NCB) implements the certification of proficiency of NDT personnel in accordance with the Philippine National Standards (PNS-146: 1998) This standard (formerly PNS-146: 1987) was originally based from the draft ISO/TC-135/SC7N35.3 and was later revised to conform to the latest ISO FDIS 9712: 1997 and rename PNS-146: 1998. Now with the issuance of the latest ISO 9712:2005 edition and to keep abreast with the current trends of NDT technology, present time and conditions dictates for us to revise our NDT personnel certification to the latest edition of ISO 9712. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) supports the establishment of a common NDT standard. The IAEA is promoting af financially supporting the establishment in developing countries of only one NDT standard. The IAEA through the Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) has initiated the harmonization of the NDT qualification and certification of personnel in the RCA member states. In October 2001, the IAEA sponsored the Dhaka meeting where the International Committee for Nondestructive Testing (ICNDT), Asia-Pacific Committee (APCNDT) and RCA member states representatives drafted a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for the Asia-Pacific NDT (APCNDT) personnel certification schemes acording to ISO 9712. Last August 2005, IAEA/RCA sponsored the Colombo meeting for the harmonization of regional NDT applying ISO 9712 and ISO

  15. Promoting Strong ISO 50001 Outcomes with Supportive National Infrastructure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McKane, Aimee, T.; Siciliano, Graziella; de los Reyes, Pamela


    The ISO 50001 standard is a key mechanism for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving energy efficiency globally. An increasing number of companies are seeking certification, creating the need for personnel that are competent to conduct ISO 50001 certification audits. The growth of ISO 50001 is expected to accelerate as more companies integrate ISO 50001 into their corporate sustainability strategies and supplier requirements. Robust implementation of ISO 50001 represents an important tool for countries with climate change mitigation goals. Because of its dual focus on continual improvement of an organization’s energy management system (EnMS) and its energy performance improvement, ISO 50001 requires skills of both implementers and certification auditors that are not well-supported by current credentials and training. This paper describes an effort to address skill gaps of certification auditors, a critical factor to ensure that ISO 50001 implementations are robust and result in continued energy performance improvement. A collaboration of governments through the Energy Management Working Group (EMWG), formerly under Global Superior Energy Performance (GSEP), has formed to build workforce capacity for ISO 50001 certification audits. The EMWG is leading the development of an internationally-relevant certification scheme for ISO 50001 Lead Auditor that meets requirements for ISO/IEC 17024 accreditation and ISO 50003 for defining ISO 50001 Lead Auditor competency. Wider availability of competent ISO 50001 Lead Auditors will ultimately increase the impact and market value of ISO 50001 certification and improve consistency of ISO 50001 certification outcomes by establishing a standardized and high level of knowledge and skills globally.

  16. Improving Earth Science Metadata: Modernizing ncISO (United States)

    O'Brien, K.; Schweitzer, R.; Neufeld, D.; Burger, E. F.; Signell, R. P.; Arms, S. C.; Wilcox, K.


    ncISO is a package of tools developed at NOAA's National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI) that facilitates the generation of ISO 19115-2 metadata from NetCDF data sources. The tool currently exists in two iterations: a command line utility and a web-accessible service within the THREDDS Data Server (TDS). Several projects, including NOAA's Unified Access Framework (UAF), depend upon ncISO to generate the ISO-compliant metadata from their data holdings and use the resulting information to populate discovery tools such as NCEI's ESRI Geoportal and NOAA's CKAN system. In addition to generating ISO 19115-2 metadata, the tool calculates a rubric score based on how well the dataset follows the Attribute Conventions for Dataset Discovery (ACDD). The result of this rubric calculation, along with information about what has been included and what is missing is displayed in an HTML document generated by the ncISO software package. Recently ncISO has fallen behind in terms of supporting updates to conventions such updates to the ACDD. With the blessing of the original programmer, NOAA's UAF has been working to modernize the ncISO software base. In addition to upgrading ncISO to utilize version1.3 of the ACDD, we have been working with partners at Unidata and IOOS to unify the tool's code base. In essence, we are merging the command line capabilities into the same software that will now be used by the TDS service, allowing easier updates when conventions such as ACDD are updated in the future. In this presentation, we will discuss the work the UAF project has done to support updated conventions within ncISO, as well as describe how the updated tool is helping to improve metadata throughout the earth and ocean sciences.

  17. El ambiente emocional del aula y su influencia en el aprendizaje del niño de 4 a 5 años


    Benavides Yépez, Diana Paola


    El presente trabajo bajo el tema “El ambiente emocional del aula y su influencia en el aprendizaje” está concebido para conocer y comprender mejor la relación y adaptación persona – ambiente y cómo los ambientes sociales en donde se lleva a cabo el aprendizaje pueden motivar o desmotivar a los niños a aprender y a comportarse. La vida del niño, como continuación del hogar, es la ampliación de su círculo de vida social al encontrar en el nivel preescolar nuevas condiciones de adaptación al ...

  18. Complexing properties of α-iso-saccharinate: thorium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allard, S.; Ekberg, C.


    Full text of publication follows: In the alkaline conditions of the intended Swedish repository for long-lived, low to intermediate level waste, SFL3-5, cellulose based items will degrade with iso-saccharinate being the dominant end-product. Iso-saccharinate is a strong complexing agent for tetravalent actinides, as well as for trivalent lanthanides, and its complexation properties are of interest for the long-term repository assessment. In the presented study, the complexation of 234 Th-α-iso-saccharinate is examined using liquid-liquid- extraction and radioanalytical techniques. An organic phase consisting of 0.1 M acetylacetone in toluene was used with a 1.0 M NaClO 4 aqueous phase kept at pH 8 in a thermostated AKUFVE unit. Since the α-iso-saccharinic system consists of three species - the carboxylic α-iso-saccharinic acid, α-iso-saccharinate and α-D-iso-saccharino-1,4-lactone - care must be taken when choosing the operational pH. Keeping the aqueous phase at pH 8 results in negligible concentrations of all but the α-iso-saccharinate form while at the same time being an excellent pH for the 234 Th-acetylacetone complexation with very limited hydrolysis effect. The α- iso-saccharinate concentration was incrementally increased, and samples of equal volumes were taken from the two phases and analyzed in a liquid scintillation detector once the radioactive equilibrium between 234 Th and 234 Pa had been reached. Two complexation constants were used to fit a distribution equation to the experimental data. (authors)

  19. La organización social en los barrios bajos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William Foote Whyte


    Full Text Available

    Por mucho tiempo, los sociólogos han estudiado los barrios bajos en términos de desorganización social. El interés en los mismos parece provenir de dos fuentes: una urgencia por promover reformas sociales y un esfuerzo para comprender el proceso de urbanización. Observando el quiebre de los controles del grupo primario en la vida de ciudad, algunos sociólogos han considerado analizar la situación resultante en términos del concepto de desorganización social. Los barrios bajos han sido caracterizados por ciertos sociólogos, como áreas de almas perdidas y misiones, áreas donde individuos y familias viven en intimidad forzada con personas a las cuales normalmente rechazan y evitan; áreas donde no se aprecian estándares de decencia o buena conducta excepto los impuestos por una autoridad externa. Según la opinión de otros sociólogos, los barrios bajos son un área de libertad e individualismo. Harvey Zorbaugh dice que la política en el distrito bajo no es como la política en el distrito de clase media. Como no se ajusta a los estándares de la clase media, no es más que un juego. Más aún, la preocupación con el estudio de la desorganización familiar ha conducido a algunos sociólogos a subestimar cualquier grado de organización que se pueda encontrar en los barrios bajos

  20. ISO standards on the evaluation of contamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swinth, K.L.; Tamberg, T.A.


    The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops radiation calibration standards through Subcommittee 2 (titled ''Radiation Protection'') of Technical Committee 85 (ISO/TC85/SC2). The subcommittee has also developed standards providing guidance on the performance of measurements. ISO/TC85/SC2 consists of international technical experts who represent their countries through the international consensus process in providing guidance in several radiation protection areas. The purpose of this paper is to summarize ISO's is guidance provided in the area of contamination measurements

  1. Usability evaluation of mobile applications using ISO 9241 and ISO 25062 standards. (United States)

    Moumane, Karima; Idri, Ali; Abran, Alain


    This paper presents an empirical study based on a set of measures to evaluate the usability of mobile applications running on different mobile operating systems, including Android, iOS and Symbian. The aim is to evaluate empirically a framework that we have developed on the use of the Software Quality Standard ISO 9126 in mobile environments, especially the usability characteristic. To do that, 32 users had participated in the experiment and we have used ISO 25062 and ISO 9241 standards for objective measures by working with two widely used mobile applications: Google Apps and Google Maps. The QUIS 7.0 questionnaire have been used to collect measures assessing the users' level of satisfaction when using these two mobile applications. By analyzing the results we highlighted a set of mobile usability issues that are related to the hardware as well as to the software and that need to be taken into account by designers and developers in order to improve the usability of mobile applications.

  2. [ISO 15189 medical laboratory accreditation]. (United States)

    Aoyagi, Tsutomu


    This International Standard, based upon ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9001, provides requirements for competence and quality that are particular to medical laboratories. While this International Standard is intended for use throughout the currently recognized disciplines of medical laboratory services, those working in other services and disciplines will also find it useful and appropriate. In addition, bodies engaged in the recognition of the competence of medical laboratories will be able to use this International Standard as the basis for their activities. The Japan Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment (AB) and the Japanese Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (CCLS) are jointly developing the program of accreditation of medical laboratories. ISO 15189 requirements consist of two parts, one is management requirements and the other is technical requirements. The former includes the requirements of all parts of ISO 9001, moreover it includes the requirement of conformity assessment body, for example, impartiality and independence from any other party. The latter includes the requirements of laboratory competence (e.g. personnel, facility, instrument, and examination methods), moreover it requires that laboratories shall participate proficiency testing(s) and laboratories' examination results shall have traceability of measurements and implement uncertainty of measurement. Implementation of ISO 15189 will result in a significant improvement in medical laboratories management system and their technical competence. The accreditation of medical laboratory will improve medical laboratory service and be useful for patients.

  3. Microturbogas cogeneration systems for distributed generation: Effects of ambient temperature on global performance and components’ behavior

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caresana, F.; Pelagalli, L.; Comodi, G.; Renzi, M.


    Highlights: • Electrical power reduces with temperature, heat recovery remains almost constant. • Thermal-to-electrical power ratio increases with ambient temperature. • Not only the density of sucked air decreases but also its volumetric flow. • Putting a limit to shaft speed causes TIT to decrease with ambient temperature. • Power reduction with ambient temperature more than doubles that of great GTs. - Abstract: Microturbines (MGTs) are a relatively new technology that is currently attracting a lot of interest in the distributed generation market. Particularly interesting is their use as backup source for integrating photovoltaic panels or/and wind turbines in hybrid systems. In this case the sensitivity to ambient conditions of the MGT adds to that of the renewables and the knowledge of the effects of ambient conditions on its performance becomes a key subject both for the sizing of the energy system and for its optimal dynamic control. Although the dependence of medium/large gas turbines performance on atmospheric conditions is well known and documented in literature, there are very limited reports available on MGTs and they regard only global parameters. The paper aims at filling this lack of information by analyzing the ambient temperature effect on the global performance of an MGT in cogeneration arrangement and by entering in detail into its machines’ behavior. A simulation code, tuned on experimental data, is used for this purpose. Starting from the nominal ISO conditions, electrical power output is shown to decrease with ambient temperature at a rate of about 1.22%/°C, due to a reduction of both air density and volumetric flow. Meanwhile, thermal to electrical power ratio increases at a rate of about 1.30%/°C. As temperature increases compressor delivers less air at a lower pressure, and the turbine expansion ratio and mass flow reduce accordingly. With the in-use control system the turbine inlet temperature reduces at a rate of 0.07%/

  4. Intermediate species measurement during iso-butanol auto-ignition

    KAUST Repository

    Ji, Weiqi


    © 2015 The Combustion Institute.Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. This work presents the time histories of intermediate species during the auto-ignition of iso-butanol at high pressure and intermediate temperature conditions obtained using a rapid compression machine and recently developed fast sampling system. Iso-butanol ignition delays were acquired for iso-butanol/O2 mixture with an inert/O2 ratio of 7.26, equivalence ratio of 0.4, in the temperature range of 840-950 K and at pressure of 25 bar. Fast sampling and gas chromatography were used to acquire and quantify the intermediate species during the ignition delay of the same mixture at P = 25.3 bar and T = 905 K. The ignition delay times and quantitative measurements of the mole fraction time histories of methane, ethene, propene, iso-butene, iso-butyraldehyde, iso-butanol, and carbon monoxide were compared with predictions from the detailed mechanisms developed by Sarathy et al., Merchant et al., and Cai et al. It is shown that while the Sarathy mechanism well predicts the overall ignition delay time, it overpredicts ethene by a factor of 6-10, underpredicts iso-butene by a factor of 2, and overpredicts iso-butyraldehyde by a factor of 2. Reaction path and sensitivity analyses were carried out to identify the reactions responsible for the observed inadequacy. The rates of iso-butanol hydrogen atom abstraction by OH radical and the beta-scission reactions of hydroxybutyl radicals were updated based on recently published quantum calculation results. Significant improvements were achieved in predicting ignition delay at high pressures (25 and 30 bar) and the species concentrations of ethene and iso-butene. However, the updated mechanism still overpredicts iso-butyraldehyde concentrations. Also, the updated mechanism degrades the prediction in ignition delay at lower pressure (15 bar) compared to the original mechanism developed by Sarathy et al.

  5. Intermediate species measurement during iso-butanol auto-ignition

    KAUST Repository

    Ji, Weiqi; Zhang, Peng; He, Tanjin; Wang, Zhi; Tao, Ling; He, Xin; Law, Chung K.


    © 2015 The Combustion Institute.Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. This work presents the time histories of intermediate species during the auto-ignition of iso-butanol at high pressure and intermediate temperature conditions obtained using a rapid compression machine and recently developed fast sampling system. Iso-butanol ignition delays were acquired for iso-butanol/O2 mixture with an inert/O2 ratio of 7.26, equivalence ratio of 0.4, in the temperature range of 840-950 K and at pressure of 25 bar. Fast sampling and gas chromatography were used to acquire and quantify the intermediate species during the ignition delay of the same mixture at P = 25.3 bar and T = 905 K. The ignition delay times and quantitative measurements of the mole fraction time histories of methane, ethene, propene, iso-butene, iso-butyraldehyde, iso-butanol, and carbon monoxide were compared with predictions from the detailed mechanisms developed by Sarathy et al., Merchant et al., and Cai et al. It is shown that while the Sarathy mechanism well predicts the overall ignition delay time, it overpredicts ethene by a factor of 6-10, underpredicts iso-butene by a factor of 2, and overpredicts iso-butyraldehyde by a factor of 2. Reaction path and sensitivity analyses were carried out to identify the reactions responsible for the observed inadequacy. The rates of iso-butanol hydrogen atom abstraction by OH radical and the beta-scission reactions of hydroxybutyl radicals were updated based on recently published quantum calculation results. Significant improvements were achieved in predicting ignition delay at high pressures (25 and 30 bar) and the species concentrations of ethene and iso-butene. However, the updated mechanism still overpredicts iso-butyraldehyde concentrations. Also, the updated mechanism degrades the prediction in ignition delay at lower pressure (15 bar) compared to the original mechanism developed by Sarathy et al.

  6. Aplikace ISO norem v oblasti vývoje softwaru


    Ullrich, Jan


    Thesis evaluates ISO standars used for software developement and their relationship to methodologies. It also describes processes according to international standard ISO/IEC 12207 and quality management systems according to ISO 9000. It evaluates also mothodlogy RUP and agile methodollogies. The goal of the thesis to tailor processes related to ISO 9001 to be compliant to the ISO/IEC 12207 in a small company.

  7. Caracterización nutricional del cactus nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica bajo diferentes tratamientos de fertilización

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    Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez-M.


    Full Text Available Nuestro planeta se enfrenta actualmente a grandes cambios en su ambiente natural, no sólo como consecuencia de su evolución, sino también del acelerado proceso de degradación antrópica. Dentro de este contexto se origina la necesidad de buscar soluciones que mitiguen el bajo nivel de vida del campesino, dadas las precarias condiciones de muchos de los actuales ecosistemas, que no permiten implementar los modelos tradicionales de explotación desmesurada de los recursos. El cactus nopal  (Opuntia ficus-indica ofrece ventajas en la producción animal, presentándose como una alternativa agroecológica, fácil de implementar en zonas semiáridas bajo condiciones adversas y con un mínimo de insumosagropecuarios. El  objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el desempeño nutricional del cactus nopal bajo cuatro tipos de fertilización, mediante el análisis proximal de alimentos, implementado en el laboratorio de nutrición animal de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, UPTC sede Tunja, en los especímenes de cactus nopal existentes en el jardín botánico de la misma. Se utilizaron cuatro tipos de tratamientos para la fertilización: 1.Químico, 2.Orgánico, 3. Químico + Orgánico y 4.Testigo, aplicados en intervalos de veinte (20 días, por tres veces, aplicando también agua en un riego semanal; tiempo al cabo del cual se realizó la valoraciónnutricional, en donde el Tratamiento 2 (Orgánico fue el de mejor desempeño, seguido por el Tratamiento 3, luego el tratamiento 1 y, por último, el tratamiento 4 (testigo.

  8. La dinámica del subdesarrollo y su relación con el deterioro ambiental

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    Carlos Dionisio Pérez-Blanco


    Full Text Available ¿Son los países desarrollados los culpables del deterioro ambiental?, y por tanto, ¿tienen los países subdesarrollados derecho a contaminar más? En este artículo se rebate esta tesis para mostrar que una dinámica de crecimiento que conduce al desarrollo de un territorio de renta baja debe ser por necesidad sostenible, si este país no desea liquidar sus posibilidades de desarrollo. Partiendo de las principales aportaciones teóricas de la economía del desarrollo, el artículo defiende la reciprocidad entre desarrollo y calidad ambiental. Se señala la dificultad que tienen los países subdesarrollados para abandonar un equilibrio de bajo nivel, y lo que esto implica en su riqueza (en concreto su capital ambiental, que es la que en última instancia determina su capacidad de generar renta en el futuro. Se requiere por tanto una comprensión profunda de la dinámica del subdesarrollo para frenar el deterioro ambiental.

  9. Peningkatan Mutu Proses Perguruan Tinggi Melalui Sistem Mutu Iso 9000

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    Th. Widia Soerjaningsih


    Full Text Available Article was made to answer these several questions;  what is acreditation and the application in the college; what is ISO 9000 quality system; why is ISO 9000 needed by the college; how ISO 9000 can support the achievement of the defined quality level; how ISO  9000 guarantee the achievement of BAN target including quality, efficiency, and relevance; what is the difference between BAN Acreditation and ISO 9000 Certification; ISO 9000 Consultant: why it is necessary, how to choose it, the line of the contract; ISO 9000 Assessor and the achieve certification: SGS and etc.; and ISO 9000 Certification Proccess Cost Aspect.   

  10. ISO science - observations of dusty discs. (United States)

    Heske, A.


    ISO, the Infrared Space Observatory, will be an infrared observing facility in space. Via submission of observing proposals, use of this facility will be open to the astronomical community. The scientific payload consists of two spectrometers, a camera and a photo-polarimeter. Following an overview of the ISO mission, this paper describes the highlights of the Central Programme - proposals which are being prepared by the instrument groups, the mission scientists and the astronomers of the ISO Science Operations Team - with special emphasis on the proposals concerned with dusty discs.

  11. Launching the chaotic realm of iso-fractals: A short remark

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    O' Schmidt, Nathan [Department of Mathematics, Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725 (United States); Katebi, Reza [Department of Physics, California State University in Fullerton, 800 North State College Boulevard, Fullerton, CA 92831 (United States); Corda, Christian [Institute for Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics Einstein-Galilei (IFM), Via Santa Gonda 14, 59100 Prato (Italy)


    In this brief note, we introduce the new, emerging sub-discipline of iso-fractals by highlighting and discussing the preliminary results of recent works. First, we note the abundance of fractal, chaotic, non-linear, and self-similar structures in nature while emphasizing the importance of studying such systems because fractal geometry is the language of chaos. Second, we outline the iso-fractal generalization of the Mandelbrot set to exemplify the newly generated Mandelbrot iso-sets. Third, we present the cutting-edge notion of dynamic iso-spaces and explain how a mathematical space can be iso-topically lifted with iso-unit functions that (continuously or discretely) change; in the discrete case examples, we mention that iteratively generated sequences like Fibonacci’s numbers and (the complex moduli of) Mandelbrot’s numbers can supply a deterministic chain of iso-units to construct an ordered series of (magnified and/or de-magnified) iso-spaces that are locally iso-morphic. Fourth, we consider the initiation of iso-fractals with Inopin’s holographic ring (IHR) topology and fractional statistics for 2D and 3D iso-spaces. In total, the reviewed iso-fractal results are a significant improvement over traditional fractals because the application of Santilli’s iso-mathematics arms us an extra degree of freedom for attacking problems in chaos. Finally, we conclude by proposing some questions and ideas for future research work.

  12. La importancia de la educación ambiental ante la problemática actual

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    Róger Martínez-Castillo


    Full Text Available Recibido 15 de febrero de 2010 • Aceptado 17 de marzo de 2010 • Corregido 05 de abril de 2010   El sistema de desarrollo dominante, con sus políticas neoliberales y enfoques mercado-céntricos contribuye a agravar los problemas socio-ambientales, bajo un contexto de la globalización del mercado. Por eso, la preocupación por el manejo sustentable del ambiente, hace imperiosa la necesidad de estructurar una educación ambiental que forme e informe acerca de esta problemática. En este sentido, la educación ambiental viene a constituir el proceso educativo que se ocupa de la relación del ser humano con su ambiente (natural y artificial y consigo mismo, así como las consecuencias de esta relación. De esta manera, la educación ambiental debe constituir un proceso integral, que juega su papel en todo el entramado de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Para ello, es necesario establecer un proceso educativo que cuestione la relación de cualquier tema o actividad del ser humano, dentro de un análisis de la importancia o incidencia en la vida social y ambiental, como es la parte pedagógica y su esencia política.

  13. Lessons learned with ISO 14001 at DOE sites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilkinson, C. H., LLNL


    ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental management systems (EMS). The standard applies the `plan, do, check, act` management system model to assure that the environmental impacts of operations are fully considered in planning and facility operations. ISO 14001 has grown in popularity in both the public and the private sector and has seen increasing utility within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). While there is no final DOE policy or requirement for ISO 14001 EMS implementation, ISO 14001 commands an active presence at many DOE sites. In general, the impetus for ISO 14001 in the DOE complex has been either an initiative by site management contractors to improve performance, or an actual requirement in the new management contracts for the sites. Several DOE sites now are committed to implement EMS`s in conformance with ISO 14001: Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Hanford, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), Kansas City Plant, Nevada Test Site, Savannah River Site (SRS), Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP), West Valley. Several other DOE sites are expected to proceed in the near future with an EMS consistent with ISO 14001. However, not all sites are proceeding with an ISO 14001 EMS based on individual site business considerations. This paper describes the status of EMS implementation at these sites and identifies lessons learned that may be of use to other DOE sites.

  14. Implantação do sistema de gestão ambiental em uma universidade pública

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    Márcio Sgarbi


    Full Text Available RESUMOFoi a partir dos anos sessenta que surgiram iniciativas claras a favor da preservação ambiental, decorrentes de uma série de fatores negativos resultantes da ação do homem no ambiente. Conferencias mundiais, debates e publicações fizeram com que o assunto gradativamente ganhasse espaço na mídia e mais importante, na lista de tarefas dos governantes. Hoje, a exemplo do Brasil, projetos governamentais como a A3P e instruções normativas como a ABNT NBR ISO 14001: 2004, são alicerces para a busca da minimização dos impactos gerados pelo homem no ambiente. A Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul desenvolveu, então, uma ferramenta com o intuito de auxiliar a implantação de seu sistema de gestão ambiental, a qual carrega conceitos da ISO 14001: 2004 e adaptações da ferramenta FMEA, amplamente utilizada pela indústria automobilística. Elaboram-se diagnósticos para os prédios da Universidade em relação aos seus potenciais impactos ambientais e, a partir destes, desenvolvem-se planos de ação, conhecidos como 5W2H, caracterizando a implementação da gestão ambiental. Como representantes para análise do desempenho ambiental, foram selecionadas 12 Unidades da Universidade, das quais, quatro já passaram por três ciclos da ferramenta. Através do acompanhamento do valor do Índice de Risco Ambiental Total, é possível afirmar que há uma tendência de diminuição do risco ambiental destas Unidades pelo fato de haver ao menos três medições do índice para cada uma em sequência decrescente ao longo do tempo. A ferramenta mostrou-se competente por se adaptar a qualquer situação diagnosticada até agora sem perder qualidade de análise, podendo, então, ser utilizada por outros tipos de instituições com diferentes estruturas, processos e produtos.

  15. The international ISOE programme. ISOE IAEA technical centre activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gustafsson, M.


    The objective of the sub-programme on Occupational Radiation Protection in the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, is to promote a harmonized approach to optimizing occupational radiation protection by developing guidelines for controlling radiation doses in the workplace and on current occupational radiation protection techniques. A significant part of this programme is the provision of assistance to developing member states to bring their radiation safety infrastructure to an appropriate level for the usage of radiation in the state. In consistence with these objectives the IAEA has been involved with the ISOE programme from its inception and has contributed actively to its growth. In 1993 an arrangement was agreed between the IAEA and the Nuclear Energy Agency, NEA, by which the IAEA co-sponsors ISOE inviting those IAEA member states which are not members of the NEA to participate cost-free in the programme. (author)

  16. A graded approach to ISO 9000 implementation for records managers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pasterczyk, C.E.


    ISO 9000 is a series of quality system standards developed by Technical Committee 176 of the International Standards Organization. The series includes three standards, ISO 9001 `Quality systems--Model for quality assurance in design/development, production, installation and serving,` ISO 9002 `Quality systems--Model for quality assurance in production and installation,` ISO 9003 `Quality systems--Model for quality assurance in final inspection and test,` and two guidelines, ISO 9000 `Quality management and quality assurance standards` and ISO 9004 `Quality management and quality system elements--Guidelines.` In companies with quality programs already in place, the structure of the ISO series lends itself to augmenting those policies, procedures, and instructions where problems exist or where the risks of failure are greater. The objectives of this paper are to provide a basic familiarity to ISO 9000 and quality assurance concepts; provide a higher level of familiarity to the records management and document control portions of the ISO 9000 series; and to discuss a graded approach to meeting the intent of ISO 9000.

  17. ISO 14001

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Tine Herreborg


    The aim of this paper is to discuss a number of issues related to ISO 14001, the international standard for environmental management systems (EMS). The standard is a process standard that leaves room for interpretation at company level as well as among lead auditors from certifying bodies...

  18. Thermogravimetric analysis of anthracite and waste plastics by iso-conversional method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ren, Shan; Zhang, Jianliang


    Highlights: • Co-combustion kinetic analysis of solid fuels was made by iso-conversional method. • Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of combustion for blends were determined. • WP can improve the combustion characteristic of high ash anthracite. • Reasonable utilization the energy of WP is important for industrial production. - Abstract: Combustion mechanisms and kinetics of plastics-coal blends with 0, 10, 20, 40 and 100% waste plastics (WP) are studied separately by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) from ambient temperature to 900 °C in air atmosphere. These blends are combusted at different heating rates. The results indicate that, with the increase of waste plastics content, the combustion processes of blends could be divided into one stage, two stages, three stages and one stage. Meanwhile, the ignition and final temperatures of them both decrease. The maximum weight loss rate of WP is much higher than that of other samples. The iso-conversional method is used for the kinetic analysis of the non-isothermal thermogravimetric data and results indicate that, when the waste plastics content varied from 0% to 40%, the values of activation energy increase from 113.3 kJ mol −1 to 156.0 kJ mol −1 , and the value of activation energy for pure WP is 278.8 kJ mol −1

  19. Risk in Management Systems according to ISO standard

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    P. Królas


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article was to present selected management standards in context of risk management. It presents main ISOmanagement standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 27001, BS 25999, ISO 31000 that apply to polish enterprises. In thefirst part of this article there are analyzed management standards regarding quality, environment, occupational health and safety,information security, as well as business continuity management and risk management. The second part of the article discusses the processof dealing with risk based on chosen management standard.

  20. Análisis descriptivo del impacto de Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad (EFQM e ISO en centros de Educación Primaria de la Comunidad Autónoma Gallega

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    Eva María Espiñeira-Bellón


    Full Text Available La necesidad de mejora de los centros educativos a través de la implantación de Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad (SGC, es cada vez más frecuente. Los modelos de gestión de calidad más empleados para ello son la familia de normas UNE-­‐EN-­‐ISO 9000 (ISO 9001 y el modelo de excelencia de la European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM. El impacto de dichas implantaciones, sin embargo, no es tan abordado, por lo que, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar un análisis descriptivo acerca del impacto percibido por equipos docentes y directivos en 24 instituciones educativas gallegas (35 casos de la etapa de Educación Primaria como consecuencia de la implantación de un SGC. Los resultados indican que, si bien el grado de aplicación del Modelo EFQM es bajo en este tipo de centros, parece ser apropiado para ellos. Los resultados generales son más positivos en los centros en los que se ha implantado la Norma ISO. Mediante el análisis de resultados, se ha podido conocer en qué medida el esfuerzo dedicado a la implantación del modelo EFQM o de la norma ISO 9001 en centros educativos de la etapa de primaria produce realmente los objetivos o resultados esperados.

  1. Implementation and Impact of ISO 9001

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    B. Manders (Basak)


    markdownabstract__Abstract __ The ISO 9001 quality management standard has been implemented by more than one million organizations in 187 countries since its introduction in 1987. A newer version of ISO 9001 is planned to be introduced in 2015. Even though it is widely used by organizations to

  2. Evaluation of the ORYZA2000 Rice Growth Model under Nitrogen-Limited Conditions in an Irrigated Mediterranean Environment Evaluación del Modelo de Crecimiento de Arroz ORYZA2000 bajo Condiciones Limitadas de Nitrógeno en un Ambiente Mediterráneo Regado

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    Pamela Artacho


    Full Text Available ORYZA2000 is a growth model for tropical lowland rice ( Oryza sativa L. developed by the International Rice Research Institute and Wageningen University. This model has been evaluated extensively in a wide range of environments. However, reports examining japonica cultivars growing in temperate climates are scarce. In this study, ORYZA2000 was calibrated and evaluated using data from experiments carried out in the South-Central area of Chile. These experiments were performed on a japonica rice cultivar growing under an irrigated Mediterranean environment at various N rates. ORYZA2000 was then applied to explore potential yield and grain yield response to N fertilization under likely weather conditions in the major rice-producing area in Chile. ORYZA2000 was sufficiently accurate to simulate grain yield and crop N uptake at the end of the season. Final crop N uptake was simulated with a root mean squared error (RMSE of 20 kg ha-1 (15% and grain yield with a RMSE of 1666 kg ha-1 (19%. However, the prediction of biomass and N uptake of individual organs throughout the season was poor. A long-term simulation study confirmed a potential yield as high as 12 000 kg ha-1 in the Parral area, as well as the existence of a scope for yield increase. The yield response to N fertilization was predicted even at rates of 300 kg ha-1, although a significant probability of low yields was also observed. This trend supports the need to incorporate dynamic N management in Chilean rice production.ORYZA2000 es un modelo para arroz tropical regado desarrollado por el Instituto Internacional de Investigación en Arroz y Universidad de Wageningen, que ha sido evaluado en un amplio rango de ambientes. Sin embargo, los reportes para cultivares japónica creciendo en ambientes templados son escasos. En este estudio, ORYZA2000 fue calibrado y evaluado usando datos de experimentos realizados en el centro-sur de Chile, que incluyeron una variedad japónica cultivada bajo un

  3. Estímulos de mercado às ações institucionais socioambientais: os selos de qualidade assegurada são decodificados? Consumer reactions to ISO environmental certification seal on products

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    Alex Coltro


    Full Text Available Em pesquisa denominada "Descobrindo o consumidor consciente", realizada pelo Instituto Akatu (2004, 44% dos consumidores entrevistados entendem que a atuação das empresas deve estabelecer padrões éticos mais elevados. Tal pesquisa identificou que 82% dos denominados consumidores conscientes pagariam mais por produtos advindos de empresas que realizam projetos em favor do meio ambiente; ao mesmo tempo, revelou que somente 14% dos consumidores conscientes conhecem a ISO 14001 e, destes, somente 6% identificam tal selo com a Qualidade Ambiental e a preservação do meio ambiente em uma prática de Gestão Ambiental. Este trabalho procura identificar a utilidade para uso e consumo, do ponto de vista do comprador, dos selos de certificação de qualidade assegurada constantes dos rótulos de produtos comercializáveis, verificando se os consumidores conscientes que identificam tais selos decodificam o seu significado, notadamente em termos de qualidade ambiental, compreendendo os hábitos de compra deste consumidor consciente e identificando as práticas, os costumes, as preferências, o discernimento quando do ato de comprar. Esta pesquisa vem sendo desenvolvida na cidade de Piracicaba - SP, mediante um conjunto de técnicas em que os participantes têm atuação direta e efetiva. Assinale-se que o principal público estudado neste trabalho é aquele que possui comportamentos de solidariedade, traço distintivo do consumidor consciente (INSTITUTO AKATU, 2004, e que a amostra é não probabilística e intencional. Estes primeiros dados consolidados e analisados identificam o público-alvo desta pesquisa: os consumidores conscientes. A seguir, busca-se identificar os critérios de avaliação e escolha de uma empresa ou produto, investigando os aspectos não ligados diretamente a preço e qualidade e que levaram o pesquisado a decidir a compra, particularmente a compreensão dos significados dos selos de certificação estampados nas embalagens de

  4. El ambiente marino costero de la Región La Libertad 2010


    Rebaza Castillo, Víctor; Tresierra, Alvaro; Alfaro Mudarra, Santos; Vásquez Ruiz, Cinthia


    Entre el 26 abril y 10 mayo 2010, se efectuó la evaluación del ambiente costero de la región La Libertad, determinándose que Huanchaco, Salaverry y Magdalena de Cao tienen el más alto grado de contaminación marina. Salaverry y Magdalena de Cao presentan los valores más bajos de diversidad bentónica y de volumen de plancton. Las variables oceanográficas primarias se debieron a procesos de surgencia recientes. La concentración de sólidos suspendidos totales de Chérrepe cumplió con los Estándare...

  5. The new international standard ISO 14001: 2004 environmental management system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oheba, Jamal Basher


    ISO 14001 is one standard in the ISO 14000 series of standards developed by International Organization of Standardization (ISO). Since it was published in 19096, it has rapidly become the most important environmental standard in the world. ISO 14001 is an environmental management system (EMS) that can be classified into environmental technologies provides a systematic procedure to all kind of organizations to prevent pollutions, protect environment and to improve their overall environmental performance. This new standard ISO 14001 2004 was published on November 15, 2004. It cancels and replaced the old ISO 14001-1996. Because the important of the previous standard for our local industries, firms, ...etc, this paper presents ISO 14001 concepts, issues, benefits and focuses on the stages of implementation to achieve ISO 14001-2004 certification which includes general requirements environmental policy, planning (objectives, targets ..), implementation and operations, checking and management review ...etc and presents how to apply isotop time saver software to design records, and to save time to implement ISO 14001 2004 and finally a conclusion is provided.(Author)


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    Nury Zaride Alfonso Ávila


    Full Text Available Los sistemas de gestión ambiental permiten a las empresas involucrar la variable ambiental de una forma sistemática y ordenada. Este artículo da a conocer en forma resumida algunos de los resultados obtenidos en la investigación desarrollada en los laboratorios fotográficos de las zonas 2 y 3 de la ciudad de Bogotá. Es evidente la necesidad de involucrar en los procesos de producción la variable ambiental y verificar el cumplimiento de la norma ISO 14000, uno de los modelos más conocidos en el mundo.

  7. Application Security in the ISO27001 Environment

    CERN Document Server

    Vinod, Vasudevan; Firosh, Ummer


    Application Security in the ISO27001 Environment demonstrates how to secure software applications within a best practice ISO/IEC 27001 environment and supports implementation of the PCI DSS Payment Application Security Standard.

  8. Tietoturvallisuusauditointi ISO 27000-viitekehyksessä


    Luoma, Ilmari


    Tiedon olemassaolo eri olomuodoissa muodostaa vaikeasti hallittavan uhkakentän, jonka käsittelyyn kansainvälisesti hyväksytty ISO 27000 -standardi on hyvä väline. Työn tarkoitus on perehtyä ISO/IEC 27000 -standardisarjaan, soveltaa standardin vaatimuksia laatimalla tietoturvallisuuden auditointiaineisto ja -menetelmä, sekä toteuttaa tietoturvallisuusauditointi käytännössä. Työssä esitellään tietoturvallisuuden kytkeytyminen yritysturvallisuuteen, tietoturvallisuuden osa-alueittainen ...


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    Novri Ilmiawan


    Full Text Available The object of this research was to merge the application of HACCP system and ISO 9001:2008 in ISP company into ISO 22000:2009. The  research method used was case study method. The study was conducted on three stages. The first was the arrangement gap analysis conducted by comparing the conditions of the company with ISO 22000:2009 standards. The second was by observing sanitation and pre requisite programs. The third was by observing traceability system. The data in this research were reported descriptively, consisted of ISO 9001:2008 and HACCP application in the company and the gaps of principles in ISO 22000:2009 toward ISO 9001:2008 and HACCP. The result showed that ISP company has applied 12 steps which covered in HACCP system, and also the ISO 9001 system were appropriate with ISO 9001:2008 standards in every clauses. Pre requisite program (GMP and SSOP have been effectively applied. GMP in ISP company is categorized on the first spot (excellent. The eight keys of SSOP have been fulfilled. ISP company has been fulfilling 54 from 57 (94.74% criteria in ISO 22000:2009 standards, yet there still several things needed to be improved, which are the quality manual content  and HACCP table plan and its monitoring. The  traceability system has been applied well in ISP. Keywords : HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP, SSOP.


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    Erlantz Allur


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the dissemination of ISO 9001, the main global management standards, within Africa. The work refers to the diffusion of ISO 9001 standard in terms of its certification intensity. In this article, the dissemination of ISO 9001 in Africa has been analyzed. The findings reveal that the diffusion of the standard in this continent is not very relevant, what might be seen as an indicator of the process of Africa's trade marginalization in the age of globalization. The general certification intensity of the continet is of 0.18; in other words, the proportion of the contribution of Africa to the global GDP of the world is more than five times superior to the proportion of ISO 9001 certificates located in Africa. By means of the logistic model the dissemination of ISO 9001 is forecasted, and it has been observed that the diffusion of ISO 9001 in Africa is in an 85% of its saturation point. Taking into account this model, it's expected that the dissemination of ISO 9001 will be growing until 2020.

  11. Análisis comparativo de esquemas de balanceo de carga en ambientes de procesamiento distribuido


    Scarpa, Diego; Baraldi, Waldemar A.; Vázquez, Gustavo Esteban; Ponzoni, Ignacio; Ardenghi, Jorge Raúl


    En este trabajo se presentan distintos enfoques para resolver el problema de balanceo de carga sobre ambientes de procesamiento distribuido. Las arquitecturas propuestas están organizadas bajo un filosofía Master-Worker y su implementación fue realizada en C++ utilizando la librería de pasaje de mensajes PVM. Las distintas políticas de balanceo de carga fueron comparadas para una amplia variedad de casos de estudio con el objetivo de estableces los alcances y limitaciones que cada alternativa...

  12. Verification the 25-kgy dose using the iso standard iso/tr 13409 for the production of bone grafts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otero, I.; Barrera, L.; Diaz, A.; Napoles, D.; Sanchez, E


    The purpose of this work was to verify the 25 Gy dose using the ISO standard ISO/TR 13409 for the production of bone grafts from the Tissue Bank ORTOP of the Complejo Cientifico Ortopedico Internacional Frank Pais. We performed two principal microbiological activities: bioburden estimate, pre-sterilization count plus a compensation for the efficiency of the recovery method, by ISO 11737-1 and test of sterility by ISO 11737-2. The techniques for Bioburden estimation could be direct or indirect. Choice of direct vs. indirect depends on number of contaminating micro-organisms, product configuration, ability to remove microbial contamination, effect of removal method on microbial viability, types and location of micro-organisms, nature of product and culture conditions. For a test of sterility, he product unit or SIP putted direct immersion in educated culture medium and incubate. Keep precaution to minimize level to the false positives is necessary

  13. Factores de riesgo en el bajo peso al nacer

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    Guillermo Díaz Alonso

    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de tipo caso control en el área del Policlínico Docente "Luis A. Turcios Lima" del municipio 10 de Octubre durante el período de 1990 a 1993, con el objetivo de identificar el comportamiento del bajo peso al nacer, establecer la existencia y la intensidad de esta entidad con los factores de riesgo seleccionados, e identificar el grado de influencia individual de dichos factores. La muestra quedó conformada por 92 recién nacidos de bajo peso y 468 con normopeso. Las variables estudiadas fueron la edad materna, la valoración ponderal, las complicaciones obstétricas, las enfermedades asociadas con la gestación, el hábito de fumar y el período intergenésico. Se aplicó el test chi-cuadrado, el odds- -ratio y el de riesgo atribuible en los nacimientos expuestos y en la población total. Todas las variables estuvieron asociadas significativamente con el bajo peso al nacer, y fueron identificadas como factores de riesgo con influencia marcada: la edad materna de 35 años o más, la amenaza de parto prematuro, la rotura prematura de membranas, la toxemia y la diabetes mellitus; con efecto moderado, el bajo peso materno, un período intergenésico menor de 1 año, la hipertensión arterial, el asma bronquial, el hábito de fumar, la sepsis urinaria, y con influencia ligera, la edad materna inferior a los 20 años.

  14. ISO 9001 quality management systems

    CERN Document Server

    Natarajan, Dhanasekharan


    This book explains the requirements of ISO 9001 for establishing quality management system (QMS) for an organization. The requirements are illustrated with examples from industries for understanding the requirements and preparing the documents of QMS with high clarity. Methods of integrating ISO 9001 requirements with enterprise resource planning (ERP) software are presented. The software integrated approach enables process owners to focus on their core tasks of achieving the planned outputs of processes and the software generates quality records automatically.

  15. Lean principles adoption in environmental management system (EMS - ISO 14001

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    Perumal Puvanasvaran


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristic of the lean principles into ISO 14001 and to propose linkage of the lean principles and ISO 14001.Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the objective of the study, literature survey and quantitative research method using questionnaires survey are used.Findings and Originality/value: The findings of this study confirm that ISO 14001 certified company adopted lean production practices.  The study also proves that lean principles have positive and significant relationship with ISO 14001 EMS and the linkage can be made between lean principles and ISO 14001 to achieve Continual Improvement.Research limitations/implications: The small sizes of the sample of the participating companies are the main limitations of this study and this research mainly focuses on the manufacturing environment and services industry.Practical implications: This research show that all ISO 14001 companies do adopt at least one lean production practices and the main findings are lean principles has positive and highly significant relationship with ISO 14001 requirements.  This is because the integration of lean principles into ISO 14001 will serve practical methods for ISO14001 EMS to achieve the continual improvement.Originality/value: This research is amongst the first to study the combined lean principles with ISO 1400.  Based on the current situation, there is no integration within this two management system. 

  16. Standardization of Image Quality Analysis – ISO 19264

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wüller, Dietmar; Kejser, Ulla Bøgvad


    There are a variety of image quality analysis tools available for the archiving world, which are based on different test charts and analysis algorithms. ISO has formed a working group in 2012 to harmonize these approaches and create a standard way of analyzing the image quality for archiving...... systems. This has resulted in three documents that have been or are going to be published soon. ISO 19262 defines the terms used in the area of image capture to unify the language. ISO 19263 describes the workflow issues and provides detailed information on how the measurements are done. Last...... but not least ISO 19264 describes the measurements in detail and provides aims and tolerance levels for the different aspects. This paper will present the new ISO 19264 technical specification to analyze image quality based on a single capture of a multi-pattern test chart, and discuss the reasoning behind its...

  17. Twenty new ISO standards on dosimetry for radiation processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farrar IV, H.


    Twenty standards on essentially all aspects of dosimetry for radiation processing were published as new ISO standards in December 1998. The standards are based on 20 standard practices and guides developed over the past 14 years by Subcommittee E10.01 of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The transformation to ISO standards using the 'fast track' process under ISO Technical Committee 85 (ISO/TC85) commenced in 1995 and resulted in some overlap of technical information between three of the new standards and the existing ISO Standard 11137 Sterilization of health care products - Requirements for validation and routine control - Radiation sterilization. Although the technical information in these four standards was consistent, compromise wording in the scopes of the three new ISO standards to establish precedence for use were adopted. Two of the new ISO standards are specifically for food irradiation applications, but the majority apply to all forms of gamma, X-ray, and electron beam radiation processing, including dosimetry for sterilization of health care products and the radiation processing of fruit, vegetables, meats, spices, processed foods, plastics, inks, medical wastes, and paper. Most of the standards provide exact procedures for using individual dosimetry systems or for characterizing various types of irradiation facilities, but one covers the selection and calibration of dosimetry systems, and another covers the treatment of uncertainties using the new ISO Type A and Type B evaluations. Unfortunately, nine of the 20 standards just adopted by the ISO are not the most recent versions of these standards and are therefore already out of date. To help solve this problem, efforts are being made to develop procedures to coordinate the ASTM and ISO development and revision processes for these and future ASTM-originating dosimetry standards. In the meantime, an additional four dosimetry standards have recently been published by the ASTM but have

  18. A Stepwise ISO-Based TQM Implementation Approach Using ISO 9001:2015

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen Chi-kuang


    Full Text Available The lack of an implementation roadmap always deters enterprises from choosing Total Quality Management (TQM as its major management approach. This paper proposes a stepwise ISO-based TQM implementation approach which is based on the notion of the new three-dimensional overall business excellence framework developed by Dahlgaard et al. [1]. The proposed approach consists of nine steps comprising three categories: “TQM faith building”, “TQM tools and techniques learning”, and “system development”. The steps in each of the three categories are arranged to span across the proposed nine-step approach. The ISO 9001:2015 standard is used as a case study to demonstrate the proposed approach. The ideas and benefits of the proposed approach are further discussed in relation to this illustration.

  19. New ISO standard - personnel photographic film dosemeters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brabec, D.


    The ISO Standard 1757 ''Personnel Photographic Film Dosemeters'', issued in June 1980, is briefly described. UVVVR's own dosemeter developed for use in the national film dosimetry service in Czechoslovakia is evaluated in relation to this ISO Standard. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leo Willyanto Santoso


    Full Text Available All sectors of society including softwere industry, have a big concern about quality, both of product quality and service quality. The need to manage risk, has a strong relation with quality and increases system complexity. Standarization in determining quality, ISO is a must for all software developer. If we study further, ISO 9001:2000 still has some weakness especially for implementation in software product. This paper presents a comparative analysis of quality approaches to risk management. This paper also provide a general overview of all the risks aspects treated in ISO 9001:2000 standards and CMMI model version 1.1. In this research, we obtain a strategy to implement ISO 9001:2000 and CMMI together when we make a planing to increase software process. Besides it produces analysis how to change position from ISO 9001:2000 to CMMI. In the implementation on software industry PT 'X', obtain get various benefits that has never been obtained before. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Semua hal dalam hidup ini selalu memperhatikan masalah kualitas, baik itu berupa kualitas produk ataupun kualitas layanan. Pada industri perangkat lunak, hal ini tidak dibedakan, kebutuhan untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas akan meningkatkan kekompleksan dari sebuah sistem. Standarisasi dalam penentuan kualitas, ISO sudah menjadi keharusan bagi para pengembang perangkat lunak. Apabila diteliti lebih lanjut, ISO 9001:2000 masih mempunyai banyak kekurangan, khususnya untuk diaplikasikan dalam produk perangkat lunak.Pada penelitian ini, akan dibahas analisis perbandingan dengan melakukan pendekatan kualitas untuk meningkatkan proses perangkat lunak dengan melakukan mapping antara ISO 9001:2000 dengan CMMI. Hal-hal yang dibahas berupa aspek-aspek dari standard ISO dan CMMI versi 1.1. Pada penelitian ini, dapat diperoleh strategi untuk menerapkan ISO 9001:2000 dan CMMI secara sinergi ketika merencanakan untuk melakukan peningkatan proses perangkat lunak. Selain itu

  1. Actualización en el manejo del colesterol hdl bajo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rigotti R. Attilio, Dr.


    Full Text Available Los niveles plasmáticos bajos de colesterol transportado en las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL constituyen un elemento independiente de riesgo cardiovascular ateroesclerótico. Algunos protocolos clínicos enfocados en el manejo farmacológico de los niveles bajos de colesterol HDL en pacientes de alto riesgo cardiovascular han mostrado resultados favorables. Por otro lado, existen nuevas formulaciones de la niacina, el agente farmacológico disponible más efectivo para el manejo del colesterol HDL bajo, y se están desarrollando nuevos fármacos más potentes para aumentar los niveles plasmáticos de colesterol HDL. En el futuro, nuevos medicamentos que modulen el metabolismo de HDL y demuestren beneficio sobre el control del riesgo cardiovascular ateroesclerótico, podrían mejorar aún más el manejo actual de esta condición patológica que se basa esencialmente en el uso de estatinas.

  2. An introduction to information security and ISO27001:2013

    CERN Document Server

    Watkins, Steve


    Up to date with the latest version of the Standard (ISO27001:2013), An Introduction to information security and ISO27001:2013 is the perfect solution for anyone wanting an accurate, fast, easy-to-read primer on information security from an acknowledged expert on ISO27001.

  3. Análisis de las condiciones de sostenibilidad del sector productor de plátano del departamento del Quindío bajo el contexto del reporte de iniciativa global (GRI)


    Mejía Giraldo, Luis Miguel


    Trabajo de grado (Maestría en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Contables, Económicas y Administrativas, 2013 El presente trabajo de investigación gira en torno al análisis de las condiciones de sostenibilidad bajo el contexto del Reporte de Iniciativa Global (Global Reporting Initiative, GRI) para el sector productor de plátano en el Departamento del Quindío, implicando el abordaje de la sostenibilidad en el esperado equilibrio entre ...

  4. Information security risk management for ISO27001/ISO27002

    CERN Document Server

    Calder, A; Watkins, S


    Drawing on international best practice, including ISO/IEC 27005, NIST SP800-30 and BS7799-3, the book explains in practical detail how to carry out an information security risk assessment. It covers key topics, such as risk scales, threats and vulnerabilities, selection of controls, and roles and responsibilities, and includes advice on choosing risk assessment software.

  5. ISO 9001 2000 : the quality management process

    CERN Document Server

    Tricker, Ray


    With the publication of ISO 9001:2000, there is now a single quality management ?requirements? standard that is applicable to all organisations, products and services. ISO 9001:2000 is the only standard that can be used for the certification of a QMS and its generic requirements can be used by any organisation.ISO 9001:2000 applies to all types or organisations. It is the quality standard which specifies the requirements of quality management systems for use where organisations need to demonstrate their capability to provide products and services which meet both customer needs and relevant reg

  6. [ISO 9001:2015 Certification in Quality Management]. (United States)

    Enders, Christian; Lang, Gabriele E; Lang, Gerhard K; Werner, Jens Ulrich


    Quality management improves the structures, processes and results of organizations of all kinds. Many practices and clinics have their existing quality management system certified according to ISO 9001, (e.g., to check their own quality management system or to obtain a testimonial against third parties). The latest version ISO 9001:2015 contains some changes, both structurally and in terms of content. These changes can be met with reasonable efforts. An ISO 9001:2015 certification represents a value for your organization, but these advantages are often not directly measurable. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  7. ISO 9001 and ISO 14001: An Integrated Quality Management System for an MTR Facility SAFARI-1 Research Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Bruyn, J.F.; Piani, C.S.B.


    The SAFARI-1 research reactor, owned and operated by the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa), initially obtained ISO 9001 accreditation of its Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental (QHSE) management system via international affiliation from the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) during 1998 and re-certification according to ISO 9001 (2000) in 2003. With ever-increasing demands on nuclear facilities to demonstrate conformance to environmental policies, SAFARI-1 has now developed an Environmental Management System (EMS) that is compliant with ISO 14001 (1996) and is fully integrated with the SAFARI-1 Quality Management System (QMS). The dynamic involvement of SAFARI-1 in commercial applications demanded that any transition of the original QMS to a fully incorporated QHSE system had to be done in a way that would ensure sustained delivery of a safe and reliable service with continuous quality. At the same time, the primary vision of operating a facility under an efficient financial management programme was essential. The criteria established by the original ISO 9001 compliant QMS were appraised against the additional requirements of ISO 14001 and a suitable superstructure derived for generation and implementation of an inclusive EMS. The transitional integration of this system was planned so as to produce a QMS suitable to quality, environmental and other management related issues for application to the unique function of a nuclear research reactor. (author)

  8. Sertifikatõ ISO - mafioznaja struktura so znakom pljuss / Olesja Bõkova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bõkova, Olesja


    Esimesed ISO sertifikaadid, mille aluseks on briti kvaliteedi standardite süsteem, anti Euroopa Liidus välja 1987. a. ISO sertifikaadid Eestis. Diagramm: Välja antud ISO 9000 sertifikaadid 1994-2004

  9. Metrological management evaluation based on ISO10012: an empirical study in ISO-14001-certified Spanish companies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beltran, Jaime; Rivas, Miguel; Munuzuri, Jesus; Gonzalez, Cristina


    Environmental management systems based on the ISO 14001 standard rely strongly on metrological measurement and confirmation processes to certify the extent to which organizations monitor and improve their environmental behavior. Nevertheless, the literature lacks in studies that assess the influence of these metrological processes on the performance of environmental management in organizations, even now that the international standard ISO 10012 is already available to establish requisites and guidelines for the development of a metrological management system that is compatible with any other standardized management system. This work seeks to assess that influence through the development of an evaluation model for metrological management, which is then validated through an experimental analysis of the results obtained from the application of an audit process in 11 Spanish companies, all ISO-14001-certified and operating in different industrial sectors. (author)

  10. El crecimiento y desarrollo ante la prematuridad y el bajo peso al nacer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine Baccarat de Godoy Martins


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo de prematuros y/o de bajo peso al nacer. Metodología: Se utilizaron las bases de datos lilacs, medline y scielo. Se encontraron 64 trabajos: 10 publicados en 2005, 10 en 2006, 12 en 2007, 16 en 2008, 8 en 2009 y 8 en 2010. Las publicaciones halladas pertenecían a las áreas de medicina (59,4%, nutrición (7,8%, enfermería (7,8%, salud pública (7,8%, psicología (6,2%, epidemiología (4,7%, fisiología (3,1% y fonoaudiología (3,1%. Resultados:Los textos encontrados permitieron la organización del conocimiento producido según las siguientes categorías de análisis: Factores asociados al bajo peso en el nacimiento/prematuridad; Repercusiones del bajo peso en el nacimiento/prematuridad para el crecimiento y desarrollo y medidas de prevención; y Supervivencia de los recién nacidos prematuros o de bajo peso. Conclusión: Los niños nacidos prematuramente y de bajo peso generalmente presentan déficit de desarrollo. Un acompañamiento postnatal centrado en el crecimiento y desarrollo es fundamental.

  11. Significance of ISO 9000 Quality Management System for ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Significance of ISO 9000 Quality Management System for Performance ... of ISO 9000 Quality Management System implementation for performance improvement. ... to find out the relationship between certification and process variability.

  12. Neuroprotective effects of α-iso-cubebenol on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. (United States)

    Park, Sun Young; Choi, Yung Hyun; Park, Geuntae; Choi, Young-Whan


    α-Iso-cubebenol is a natural compound isolated from Schisandra chinensis, and is reported to have beneficial bioactivity including anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor activities. Glutamate-induced oxidative neuronal damage has been implicated in a variety of neurodegenerative disorders. Here we investigated the mechanisms of α-iso-cubebenol protection of mouse hippocampus-derived neuronal cells (HT22 cells) from apoptotic cell death induced by the major excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate. Pretreatment with α-iso-cubebenol markedly attenuated glutamate-induced loss of cell viability and release of lactate dehydrogenase), in a dose-dependent manner. α-Iso-cubebenol significantly reduced glutamate-induced intracellular reactive oxygen species and calcium accumulation. Strikingly, α-iso-cubebenol inhibited glutamate-induced mitochondrial depolarization, which releases apoptosis-inducing factor from mitochondria. α-Iso-cubebenol also suppressed glutamate-induced phosphorylation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinases. Furthermore, α-iso-cubebenol induced CREB phosphorylation and Nrf-2 nuclear accumulation and increased the promoter activity of ARE and CREB in HT22 cells. α-Iso-cubebenol also upregulated the expression of phase-II detoxifying/antioxidant enzymes such as HO-1 and NQO1. Subsequent studies revealed that the inhibitory effects of α-iso-cubebenol on glutamate-induced apoptosis were abolished by small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of CREB and Nrf-2. These findings suggest that α-iso-cubebenol prevents excitotoxin-induced oxidative damage to neurons by inhibiting apoptotic cell death, and might be a potential preventive or therapeutic agent for neurodegenerative disorders. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Bajo peso al nacer y defectos congénitos en relación con sitios mineros y campos agrícolas en Sonora, México. Prevalencia 2008-2012


    Javier Valdés Hernández; Aldelmo Eloy Reyes Pablo; Eduardo Navarrete Hernández; Sonia Canún Serrano


    Existen evidencias de contaminación ambiental debido a minas y campos agrícolas en Sonora, México. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar espacialmente la prevalencia de los defectos al nacimiento, los del tubo neural y el bajo peso al nacer en los municipios donde hay minas de metales y en los distritos de riego. Para ello se emplearon las bases de datos de nacimiento y muerte fetal de 2008 a 2012. Se estimaron tasas de prevalencia nacional, estatal, municipal y por localidad. Se utilizó in...

  14. SISTEM HACCP KE DALAM SISTEM MANAJEMEN KEAMANAN PANGAN ISO 22000:2009 (STUDI KASUS DI PT INDOKOM SAMUDRA PERSADA [The Merger of Quality Assurance System ISO 9001:2008 and HACCP system into Food Safety Management SystemISO 22000:2009 (Case Study at Indoko

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Novri Ilmiawan


    Full Text Available The object of this research was to merge the application of HACCP system and ISO 9001:2008 in ISP company into ISO 22000:2009. The  research method used was case study method. The study was conducted on three stages. The first was the arrangement gap analysis conducted by comparing the conditions of the company with ISO 22000:2009 standards. The second was by observing sanitation and pre requisite programs. The third was by observing traceability system. The data in this research were reported descriptively, consisted of ISO 9001:2008 and HACCP application in the company and the gaps of principles in ISO 22000:2009 toward ISO 9001:2008 and HACCP. The result showed that ISP company has applied 12 steps which covered in HACCP system, and also the ISO 9001 system were appropriate with ISO 9001:2008 standards in every clauses. Pre requisite program (GMP and SSOP have been effectively applied. GMP in ISP company is categorized on the first spot (excellent. The eight keys of SSOP have been fulfilled. ISP company has been fulfilling 54 from 57 (94.74% criteria in ISO 22000:2009 standards, yet there still several things needed to be improved, which are the quality manual content  and HACCP table plan and its monitoring. The  traceability system has been applied well in ISP .   Key words : HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP, SSOP.

  15. [Accreditation of clinical laboratories based on ISO standards]. (United States)

    Kawai, Tadashi


    International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have published two international standards (IS) to be used for accreditation of clinical laboratories; ISO/IEC 17025:1999 and ISO 15189:2003. Any laboratory accreditation body must satisfy the requirements stated in ISO/IEC Guide 58. In order to maintain the quality of the laboratory accreditation bodies worldwide, the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) has established the mutual recognition arrangement (MRA). In Japan, the International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan) and the Japan Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment (JAB) are the members of the ILAC/MRA group. In 2003, the Japanese Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (JCCLS) and the JAB have established the Development Committee of Clinical Laboratory Accreditation Program (CLAP), in order to establish the CLAP, probably starting in 2005.

  16. Environmental Management System ISO 14001

    CERN Document Server

    Haider, Syed


    This is a must-have tool for any company in the process of adopting and incorporating the ISO 14001:2004 requirements, this book and accompanying CD-ROM provides the latest updates and amendments and translates the ISO language into actionable strategy. Offering administrative solutions to managers of all sorts, it includes practical examples of policies with objectives, targets, and action plans applicable to any process related industry or an ordinary organization. With template formats and hands-on flow charts to describe step-by-step system development, documentation, and implementation ph

  17. Biota acuática en la Amazonía Peruana: diversidad y usos como indicadores ambientales en el Bajo Urubamba (Cusco - Ucayali

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernán Ortega


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se aplican índices biológicos de calidad ambiental y conservación, basados en el monitoreo biológico realizado entre año 2003 y 2009, en cinco localidades del río Bajo Urubamba. Fueron estudiadas las comunidades del plancton, bentos y peces. La diversidad del plancton comprendió 170 especies, basadas principalmente en Chlorophyta y Bacillariophyta. El bentos incluyó 112 especies, principalmente larvas y adultos de Arthropoda (Insecta. La diversidad de peces, incluye 176 especies, representadas por 26 familias y seis órdenes. El Índice Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera (%EPT, califico el área de estudio entre normal a muy buena calidad. El índice de Integridad Biológica (IBI que determina el estado de conservación de los ambientes acuáticos, dio los mayores valores en Miaría y Sepahua. La elevada diversidad de las comunidades estudiados estaría relacionada a la heterogeneidad de hábitats y mayores recursos observados en la parte baja del área de estudio.

  18. Synthesis and Biological Activity of 2',3'-iso-Aryl-abscisic Acid Analogs. (United States)

    Wan, Chuan; Wang, Mingan; Yang, Dongyan; Han, Xiaoqiang; Che, Chuanliang; Ding, Shanshan; Xiao, Yumei; Qin, Zhaohai


    2',3'- iso -Benzoabscisic acid ( iso -PhABA), an excellent selective abscisic acid (ABA) analog, was developed in our previous work. In order to find its more structure-activity information, some structural modifications were completed in this paper, including the substitution of phenyl ring and replacing the ring with heterocycles. Thus, 16 novel analogs of iso -PhABA were synthesized and screened with three bioassays, Arabidopsis and lettuce seed germination and rice seedling elongation. Some of them, i.e., 2',3'- iso -pyridoabscisic acid ( iso -PyABA) and 2',3'- iso -franoabscisic acid ( iso -FrABA), displayed good bioactivities that closed to iso -PhABA and natural (+)-ABA. Some others, for instance, substituted- iso -PhABA, exhibited certain selectivity to different physiological process when compared to iso -PhABA or (+)-ABA. These analogs not only provided new candidates of ABA-like synthetic plant growth regulators (PGRs) for practical application, but also new potential selective agonist/antagonist for probing the specific function of ABA receptors.

  19. Búsqueda y reconocimiento de los enemigos naturales y hospedantes alternos de las principales plagas. En flores bajo invernadero en la sabana de Bogotá

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha E. Andrade


    Full Text Available Las plagas que atacan cultivos de llores bajo invernadero son cada vez más importantes por la gravedad de su daño y por la alta densidad con que suelen presentarse. Para su control se ha acudido principalmente a la utilización de productos químicos, lo cual conduce a un aumento en los costos de producción, a contaminar el medio ambiente, a afectar la salud humana y a crear resistencia de los insectos a los insecticidas. Debido a esto, es necesario incluír dentro de los programas de control a los reguladores naturales de las plagas: parasitoides, depredadores y microorganismos entornógenos. En el presente trabajo se registran los enemigos naturales más importantes de las principales plagas en llores bajo invernadero (crisantemo, rosa y clavel: Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard, L. trifolii Burgess (Diptera: Agrornyzídae; Myzuz persicae Sulzer (Homoptera: Aphididae; Tetranychus urticae Koch y T. cinnabarinus Boísduval (Acarina: Tetranychidae; también se señalan las plantas hospedantes alternas presentes en las localidades donde se realizó la investigación.

  20. Information security in accordance with ISO/IEC 27000


    Košćak , Damjan


    The diploma assignment discusses Information Technology Security according to standards ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002. Diploma consists of two parts. In the first part of the diploma a theoretical bases of information security are presented. The second part presents the introduction of ISO/IEC 27001 security standard in the company »X« in wich I performed a practical training. In the closure my diploma work is upgraded with results of my research work and their analysis as well as wit...

  1. GDI fuel sprays of light naphtha, PRF95 and gasoline using a piezoelectric injector under different ambient pressures

    KAUST Repository

    Wu, Zengyang; Wang, Libing; Badra, Jihad A.; Roberts, William L.; Fang, Tiegang


    This study investigates fuel sprays of light naphtha (LN), primary reference fuel (PRF) and gasoline under different ambient pressures with an outwardly opening piezo gasoline direct injection (GDI) fuel injector. The tested gasoline fuel (regular grade with up to 10% ethanol, E10) was obtained by mixing fuels with AKI (the average of the research octane number (RON) and the motor octane number (MON)) of 87 from three local gas stations. Primary reference fuel (PRF) is commonly used as gasoline surrogate fuel and is blended by iso-octane and n-heptane. PRF95 is the blend of 95% iso-octane and 5% n-heptane by volume. LN fuel was provided by Saudi Aramco Oil Company. Five different ambient pressure conditions varied from 1 bar to 10 bar were tested. The spray was visualized by applying a Mie-scattering technique and a high-speed camera was employed to capture the spray images. The spray structure, spray angle, spray penetration length and spray front fluctuation were analyzed and compared among three fuels. Spray images show that a clear filamentary hollow-cone spray structure is formed for all three fuels at atmospheric conditions, and toroidal recirculation vortexes are observed at the downstream spray edges. A higher ambient pressure leads to a stronger vortex located closer to the injector outlet. Generally speaking, larger spray angles are found under higher ambient pressure conditions for all three fuels. Gasoline fuel always has the largest spray angle for each ambient pressure, while PRF95 has the smallest at most time. For each fuel, the spray front penetration length and spray front penetration velocity decrease with increasing ambient pressure. LN, PRF95 and gasoline show similar penetration length and velocity under the tested conditions. A two-stage spray front fluctuation pattern is observed for all three fuels. Stage one begins from the start of the injection and ends at 450–500 μs after the start of the injection trigger (ASOIT) with a slow

  2. GDI fuel sprays of light naphtha, PRF95 and gasoline using a piezoelectric injector under different ambient pressures

    KAUST Repository

    Wu, Zengyang


    This study investigates fuel sprays of light naphtha (LN), primary reference fuel (PRF) and gasoline under different ambient pressures with an outwardly opening piezo gasoline direct injection (GDI) fuel injector. The tested gasoline fuel (regular grade with up to 10% ethanol, E10) was obtained by mixing fuels with AKI (the average of the research octane number (RON) and the motor octane number (MON)) of 87 from three local gas stations. Primary reference fuel (PRF) is commonly used as gasoline surrogate fuel and is blended by iso-octane and n-heptane. PRF95 is the blend of 95% iso-octane and 5% n-heptane by volume. LN fuel was provided by Saudi Aramco Oil Company. Five different ambient pressure conditions varied from 1 bar to 10 bar were tested. The spray was visualized by applying a Mie-scattering technique and a high-speed camera was employed to capture the spray images. The spray structure, spray angle, spray penetration length and spray front fluctuation were analyzed and compared among three fuels. Spray images show that a clear filamentary hollow-cone spray structure is formed for all three fuels at atmospheric conditions, and toroidal recirculation vortexes are observed at the downstream spray edges. A higher ambient pressure leads to a stronger vortex located closer to the injector outlet. Generally speaking, larger spray angles are found under higher ambient pressure conditions for all three fuels. Gasoline fuel always has the largest spray angle for each ambient pressure, while PRF95 has the smallest at most time. For each fuel, the spray front penetration length and spray front penetration velocity decrease with increasing ambient pressure. LN, PRF95 and gasoline show similar penetration length and velocity under the tested conditions. A two-stage spray front fluctuation pattern is observed for all three fuels. Stage one begins from the start of the injection and ends at 450–500 μs after the start of the injection trigger (ASOIT) with a slow

  3. Aulas-laboratorios de bajo costo, usando TIC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia E. Calderón


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una propuesta educativa orientada a promover el desarrollo de un pensamiento critico y un mayor interes por las ciencias experimentales. Con este fin desarrollamos propuestas de proyectos educativos susceptibles de ser destinadas a las aulas y laboratorios de las escuelas secundarias y primeros anos de la universidad, que resaltan los aspectos metodologicos de las ciencias. Aqui, realizamos una compilacion de varios proyectos, que ilustran formas de incorporar las tecnologias de la informacion y la comunicacion (TIC en diversos experimentos de ciencias, muchos de ellos publicados individualmente anteriormente, y que en conjunto se pueden utilizar para implementar un aula-laboratorio de bajo costo. Con TIC hacemos referencia a la convergencia de computadoras, sistemas audiovisuales, Internet, telefonia, y diversos equipos que se integran con algunos de ellos. Los proyectos intentan integrar areas como fisica, matematica, quimica, informatica, arte, etc. y apuntan a que los estudiantes puedan responder a las preguntas: .Como sabemos esto?, .Por que creemos en aquello? Preguntas que ilustran la naturaleza del pensamiento cientifico. Nuestra contribucion mas significativa es haber desarrollado ≪aulas-laboratorios≫ de muy bajo costo, usando TIC. Con el advenimiento de programas como ≪Una Laptop por Nino≫ que se estan implementando en varios paises de Latinoamerica, resulta oportuno utilizar este recurso como base para generar laboratorios de bajo costo, que creemos pueden ser una herramienta util para mejorar el aprendizaje de las ciencias, incentivar vocaciones y contribuir a desarrollar un pensamiento critico, a la par de desarrollar habilidades con el uso de las TIC que pueden ser de utilidad en diversos ambitos academicos y laborales.

  4. ISO sertifikaat kuulutab tootja mainet üle maailma / Ain Alvela

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alvela, Ain, 1967-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 12. apr. lk. 24-25. ISO standardi rakendamine tagab toodangu kvaliteedi ja annab firmale usaldusväärsuse. Kommenteerib Ain Noormägi. Vt. samas: ISO 9001; ISO 14 001; Universaalne standard kohandub ettevõtte vajadustega


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    Roberto Naime


    Full Text Available A partir da Revolução Industrial, nos séculos XVIII e XIX, a força humana foi substituída pela máquina e o aumento da escala de produção e a geração de novas tecnologias iniciaram a gerar problemas no meio ambiente. Mas foi a partir da segunda metade do século XX, com o notável desenvolvimento da informática e a introdução de um mercado globalizado, que os problemas ambientais começaram a se tornar agudos e sem fronteiras nacionais. A consciência da situação do meio ambiente produz uma nova situação para a humanidade, que reage criando legislações ambientais severas e privilegiando organizações que tenham bom desempenho ambiental. Nesse contexto, a “International Organization for Standardization” cria uma discussão e chega a um consenso sobre o conjunto de normas para regular as relações entre as organizações e o meio ambiente. (ISO 14000. A importância da aplicação destas normas, conhecidas no Brasil por Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental (SGAs, na competitividade empresarial foi pesquisada em 20 empresas do setor coureiro-calçadista dos municípios de Taquara e Parobé no Rio Grande do Sul, sendo apresentada neste trabalho. Palavras-chave: Gestão. Meio ambiente. Vantagem competitiva.

  6. Antioxidant mechanisms of iso-6-cassine in suppressing seizures induced by pilocarpine

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    Rivelilson Mendes de Freitas


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant effects of 12-[(2R,5R,6R-5-hydroxy-6-methylpiperidin-2-yl]dodecan-2-one (iso-6-cassine; ISO and the anticonvulsant effects of ISO on pilocarpine-induced seizures in rats. Wistar rats were treated with 0.9% saline (i.p., control group, pilocarpine (400 mg/kg, i.p., pilocarpine group, and the association of ISO (1.0 mg/kg, i.p. plus pilocarpine (400 mg/kg, i.p., 30 min after administration of ISO (ISO plus pilocarpine group. After the treatments all groups were observed for 1h. The antioxidant effect of ISO on the pilocarpine model was assessed by determining the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx, glutathione-S-transferase (GST and catalase (CAT as well as the levels of reactive species (RS and lipid peroxidation (LP. In vitro, ISO (5 μM reduced RS and LP. ISO (1.0 mg/kg and abolished seizures and death induced by pilocarpine in rats. ISO protected against the increase in the RS and LP levels, GST activity as well as the inhibition of GPx activity caused by pilocarpine. In addition, ISO increased the catalase activity in hippocampus of seized rats. In conclusion, the dta suggest that ISO can present anticonvulsant and antioxidant properties in the pilocarpine model of seizures in rats.

  7. ISO developments in the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hogan, William W.


    An important feature of the restructuring process in the United States is the creation of independent system operators (ISOs) to coordinate dispatch and access to transmission grids. A number of ISOs have been proposed and are summarized here. Perhaps the greatest challenge is the pricing of transmission to give proper economic signals to market participants, and the locational pricing scheme now operating in the PJM system offers the best hope for efficient pricing. (author)


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    Katiane Crotti

    Full Text Available RESUMO Aliar as necessidades dos negócios às ambientais, trata-se de um desafio para as organizações. Os sistemas de gestão ambiental certificados pela NBR ISO 14001:2004 visam facilitar este processo, além de propiciar visibilidade positiva às organizações. No entanto, para adotar tal certificação, exige-se o atendimento de diversos requisitos e o desenvolvimento de estratégias de ecoinovação. Sob tal enfoque, esta pesquisa levantou os seguintes questionamentos: como a indústria de papel atendeu as exigências da NBR ISO 14001:2004? Quais estratégias de ecoinovação foram realizadas para a indústria conquistar a certificação? O objetivo geral buscou identificar e analisar as ações realizadas para a implantação da certificação ISO 14001:2004 em uma indústria de papel da região Centro-Sul do Paraná. Para isso utilizou-se do estudo de caso, no contexto da abordagem qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas, observação e pesquisa documental, e o tratamento destes se deu pela análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados apontam que essa indústria atendeu aos requisitos de maneira satisfatória, demonstrando sua capacidade de adequar-se à norma. Observou-se também que as estratégias de ecoinovação desenvolvidas contribuíram para o alcance da certificação, o que exigiu da empresa adotar um processo de inovação capaz de subsidiar o atendimento de requisitos fundamentais de gestão ambiental.

  9. ISO 9001 in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). (United States)

    Vitner, Gad; Nadir, Erez; Feldman, Michael; Yurman, Shmuel


    The aim of this paper is to present the process for approving and certifying a neonatal intensive care unit to ISO 9001 standards. The process started with the department head's decision to improve services quality before deciding to achieve ISO 9001 certification. Department processes were mapped and quality management mechanisms were developed. Process control and performance measurements were defined and implemented to monitor the daily work. A service satisfaction review was conducted to get feedback from families. In total, 28 processes and related work instructions were defined. Process yields showed service improvements. Family satisfaction improved. The paper is based on preparing only one neonatal intensive care unit to the ISO 9001 standard. The case study should act as an incentive for hospital managers aiming to improve service quality based on the ISO 9001 standard. ISO 9001 is becoming a recommended tool to improve clinical service quality.



    Granda Carazas, Segundo Eloy


    El tema "la insatisfacción laboral como factor del bajo rendimiento del trabajador" es importante, ya que se puede constatar que en algunas organizaciones, pese a sus significativos esfuerzos para ampliar y modernizar su infraestructura, afrontan problemas de rendimiento laboral. Este artículo se orienta a determinar en qué medida la insatisfacción laboral se asocia al bajo rendimiento laboral en una organización. Como factores constituyentes de la insatisfacción laboral se considerar...

  11. Exploratory Research of ISO 14001:2015 Transition among Portuguese Organizations

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    Luis Miguel Fonseca


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is the assessment of the ISO 14001:2015 transition process among Portuguese ISO 14001 certified organizations, including those that successfully have already achieved ISO 14001:2015 certification. A considerable number of the surveyed companies proceeded with the transition to the ISO 14001:2015 by introducing slight adjustments and were supported by external consultants. Nearly all of the respondent companies (97% intend to transition until 15th September 2018. The highest ranked reported benefit is the “integrated approach with other management sub-systems” with a well-consolidated perception from the surveyed companies. This is aligned with the ISO 14001:2015 goal of improving the compatibility of management standards supported on the Annex SL. “Alignment with business strategy”, “improved top management commitment” and “improved internal and external communication” are also perceived to obtain significant benefits from ISO 14001:2015. The statistical tests carried out (Kruskal–Wallis confirmed that the perception of some achieved ISO 14001:2015 certification benefits is dependent on the size of the organization. Concerning the motivations to proceed with certification, results suggest that there is not a particular company profile that is compelled to certify their EMS based on a specific type of motivation (Internal or External. Due to ISO 14001:2015 novelty, these exploratory results should be subjected to additional research confirmation.

  12. Boiling Patterns of Iso-asymmetric Nuclear Matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tõke, Jan


    Limits of thermodynamic metastability of self-bound neutron-rich nuclear matter are explored within the framework of microcanonical thermodynamics of interacting Fermi Gas model in Thomas-Fermi approximation. It is found that as the excitation energy per nucleon of the system is increased beyond a certain limiting value, the system loses metastability and becomes unstable with respect to joint fluctuations in excitation energy per nucleon and in isospin per nucleon. As a result, part of the system is forced to boil off in a form of iso-rich non-equilibrated vapors. Left behind in such a process, identifiable with distillation, is a more iso-symmetric metastable residue at a temperature characteristic of its residual isospin content. With a progressing increase in the initial excitation energy per nucleon, more neutron-rich matter is boiled off and a more iso-symmetric residue is left behind with progressively increasing characteristic temperature. Eventually, when all excess neutrons are shed, the system boils uniformly with a further supply of excitation energy, leaving behind a smaller and smaller residue at a characteristic boiling-point temperature of iso-symmetric matter.

  13. Temperatura y rangos de confort térmico en viviendas de bajo costo en clima árido seco

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    Luis Herrera Sosa


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta los resultados de un estudio de campo para determinar la temperatura de confort de habitantes de viviendas de bajo costo en dos ciudades de clima cálido-seco al norte de México: Chihuahua (28º LN, 106º LO y Ciudad Juárez (31ºLN, 106ºLO. El estudio de campo se realizó con el enfoque adaptativo de confort térmico y de acuerdo con los requerimientos de la ISO 10551. El estudio fue aplicado a 531 habitantes de viviendas construidas por el Instituto de Vivienda de Chihuahua, durante dos periodos: temporada de invierno (febrero y temporada de verano (julio. Como el clima de la región tiene características de climas "asimétricos", llamado así por Nicol (1993, los datos obtenidos en el estudio de campo se analizaron mediante el Método Intervalos de los Promedios de Sensación Térmica (IPST (Gómez-Azpeitia, et. al, 2009. La investigación tiene como objetivos evaluar este tipo de viviendas que ofrece el gobierno local y proponer recomendaciones para el diseño de nuevas viviendas.

  14. PRAPI: post-transcriptional regulation analysis pipeline for Iso-Seq. (United States)

    Gao, Yubang; Wang, Huiyuan; Zhang, Hangxiao; Wang, Yongsheng; Chen, Jinfeng; Gu, Lianfeng


    The single-molecule real-time (SMRT) isoform sequencing (Iso-Seq) based on Pacific Bioscience (PacBio) platform has received increasing attention for its ability to explore full-length isoforms. Thus, comprehensive tools for Iso-Seq bioinformatics analysis are extremely useful. Here, we present a one-stop solution for Iso-Seq analysis, called PRAPI to analyze alternative transcription initiation (ATI), alternative splicing (AS), alternative cleavage and polyadenylation (APA), natural antisense transcripts (NAT), and circular RNAs (circRNAs) comprehensively. PRAPI is capable of combining Iso-Seq full-length isoforms with short read data, such as RNA-Seq or polyadenylation site sequencing (PAS-seq) for differential expression analysis of NAT, AS, APA and circRNAs. Furthermore, PRAPI can annotate new genes and correct mis-annotated genes when gene annotation is available. Finally, PRAPI generates high-quality vector graphics to visualize and highlight the Iso-Seq results. The Dockerfile of PRAPI is available at

  15. ISO's analysis of Comet Hale-Bopp (United States)


    The European Space Agency's Infrared Space Observatory ISO inspected Comet Hall-Bopp during the spring and autumn of 1996. The need to keep ISO's telescope extremely cold restricts the spacecraft's pointing in relation to the Sun and the Earth and it ruled out observations at other times. The analyses of the 1996 observations are not yet complete, but already they give new insight into the nature of comets. Comet Hale-Bopp is believed to be a large comet with a nucleus up to 40 kilometres wide. It was discovered in July 1995 by two American astronomers working independently, Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp. At that time, the comet was a billion kilometres away from the Sun, but 200 times brighter than Halley's Comet was, when at a comparable distance. Comet Hale-Bopp will make its closest approach to the Earth on 22 March, and its closest approach to the Sun (perihelion) on 1 April 1997. Some scientific results from ISO The discovery of Comet Hale-Bopp occurred before ISO's launch in November 1995. When first observed by ISO in March and April 1996, the comet was still 700 million kilometres from the Sun, and almost as far from the Earth and ISO. With its privileged view of infrared wavebands inaccessible from the Earth's surface, ISO's photometer ISOPHOT discovered that carbon dioxide was an important constituent of the comet's emissions of vapour.ISOPHOT measured the temperature of the dust cloud around Comet Hale-Bopp. In March 1996, when the comet was still more than 700 million kilometres from the Sun, the dust cloud was at minus 120 degrees C. When ISOPHOT made similar observations in October 1996, the comet was 420 million kilometres from the Sun, and the dust cloud had warmed to about minus 50 degrees C. Intensive observations of Comet Hale-Bopp were also made by ISO's Short-Wave Spectrometer SWS, the Long-Wave Spectrometer LWS, and the ISOPHOT spectrometer PHOT-S. Results are due for publication at the end of March. They will give details about the composition

  16. CNEN, IAEA and ISO normative requirements for measurement management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kibrit, Eduardo


    International standard ISO 10012:2003 establishes requirements for measurement management systems, including requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment. ISO 9001:2008 presents requirements for quality management systems, including requirements for the control of monitoring and measuring equipment. ISO 17025:2005 presents general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. In the nuclear field the requirements for measurement management are established by standards published by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and in Brazil, by the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN). The present paper presents and discusses the normative requirements for measurement management, considering requirements established by National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). (author)


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    Tatiana Martins Rocha


    Full Text Available Nowadays the central concern in the world’s mind is the "environmental issue", which similarly to profitability, became a functional issue to be accepted by all. Environmental management and ISO certification have become important factors in the culture of companies and even indicators of how these companies are committed to the environment, promote sustainability and have a strategic organizational capacity to win the extreme competitive market. This paper is an overview of the consequences and the way an ISO 14001 certification has become a benefit and a value. The paper also shows why food production sector should associate environmental management to its product quality while guaranteeing no harm to the environment.

  18. Bajo rendimiento escolar: una perspectiva desde el desarrollo del sistema nervioso

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    K. Shapiro Bruce, MD.


    Full Text Available El bajo rendimiento escolar es un problema frecuente y tiene múltiples causas; las alteraciones que lo caracterizan, se expresan fundamentalmente en las áreas de funcionamiento cognitivo, académico y conductual. El bajo rendimiento escolar es una vía final común de diferentes trastornos, etiologías y mecanismos. Es habitual la presencia de múltiples alteraciones, porque la disfunción cerebral en la niñez generalmente afecta a muchas funciones. Consecuente con lo anterior, los programas de manejo deben ser individualizados, comprensivos e incorporar aspectos del niño en particular, la escuela y la familia. La planificación del tratamiento incluye, educación y entrenamiento de los padres, adecuaciones académicas, técnicas para mantener la autoestima y un enfoque psicofarmacológico. Es necesario monitorear en forma continua los programas de manejo especialmente para detectar comorbilidades importantes que puedan emerger, para realizar modificaciones que se adecuen a los cambios en las demandas académicas y sociales a las diferentes edades del niño y para proveer de información actualizada. Las consecuencias que tenga el bajo rendimiento escolar para el niño dependerán en medida importante de las alteraciones subyacentes. El personal de salud tiene múltiples roles en la prevención, detección, diagnóstico y manejo del niño con bajo rendimiento escolar.

  19. Estratificación del bajo peso al nacer desde un enfoque de determinantes sociales

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    Hilda María Delgado Acosta


    Full Text Available Fundamento: el área materno-infantil requiere de un enfoque en sus determinantes para aumentar el alcance estratégico de sus programas. Objetivo: estratificar el bajo peso al nacer en el municipio de Cienfuegos y caracterizar el bajo peso de acuerdo a determinantes sociales seleccionadas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio epidemiológico, descriptivo, correlacional sobre la estratificación del bajo peso al nacer en los consejos populares del municipio Cienfuegos, en el período comprendido entre los años 2003 y 2007. Los estratos se definieron según el valor de la media del índice de bajo peso al nacer en este periodo. Para realizar el análisis de las variables cualitativas en muestras independientes se utilizó la prueba de independencia u homogeneidad utilizada en el caso de dos muestras con resultado dicotómico o más. El procesamiento estadístico se realizó en el programa SPSS versión 15,0 y se utilizaron como medidas matemáticas para las variables cualitativas el porcentaje, y para las variables cuantitativas la media aritmética. La técnica estadística para relacionar las variables fue la prueba Chi-cuadrado. Resultados: se mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los estratos de bajo, mediano y alto riesgo, en el nivel de escolaridad, estado civil, ocupación, evaluación nutricional, hábito de fumar, antecedentes de bajo peso al nacer, período ínter genésico. La única enfermedad asociada que mostró diferencias entre ellos fue la hipertensión gestacional. Conclusiones: el bajo peso al nacer continúa siendo un serio problema de salud en el municipio Cienfuegos, cuestión esta que debe ser abordada desde sus determinantes para realizar intervenciones futuras y el logro de mejores resultados.

  20. Die bestuur en opleiding van SABS ISO 9000 reeks



    With the lifting of sanctions, South African businesses are faced with a new challenge to compete against their international counterparts on the international and domestic markets. Competing on the international markets is dependant on conforming to a recognised quality management system standard such as ISO 9000 (ISO International Standards Organisation). The South African equivalent for this standard is SABS ISO 9000. (SABS - South African Bureau of Standards). It is thus important for Sou...

  1. Application of ISO 9001:2000 in a Nuclear Medicine Department

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rayo, J.I.; Serrano, J.; Martin, R.; Corral, C.


    Since 1947 ISO has been developing voluntary technical standards over almost all sectors of business, industry, and technology. The ISO 9000 standards were published in 1987, and new versions of the standards saw daylight in 1994 and 2000. The highlights of ISO 9001:2000 are: quality management system, management responsibility, resource management, product realization and measurement, analysis and improvement. Aim: Application of ISO 9001:2000 to a Nuclear Medicine Department for provides the organization with a model to follow, customer focus, people will understand the goals of the organization and are motivated to work for objectives and lower costs and shorter cycle times through effective use of resources. Conclusion: ISO 9001:2000 focuses on continual improvement of business processes that should be a permanent objective of the Nuclear Medicine Department

  2. Prevalencia de los mecanismos de adaptación del paciente con enfermedad renal bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis

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    David Jahel García Avendaño


    Full Text Available Introducción: La enfermedad renal crónica es resultante de diversas enfermedades crónico degenerativas. El paciente con dicha enfermedad y sometido a hemodiálisis sufre muchos cambios en su estilo de vida. Es por ello que es importante evaluar la prevalencia de los mecanismos de adaptación en el paciente en los aspectos psicológico, afectivo y social. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de los mecanismos adaptativos en el área de lo psicológico, afectivo y social que utiliza el paciente con insuficiencia renal crónica bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Materiales y Métodos: Es un estudio descriptivo de tipo cuantitativo, se utilizó el cuestionario “Mecanismos de adaptación de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en terapia de hemodiálisis”. Se realizó en el año 2010; y presentó un coeficiente del Alfa de Cronbach de 7.0, los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados y Discusión: El estudio arrojó una prevalencia en los mecanismos afectivos, con un 71.4% en la adaptación comprometida; los mecanismos  sociales sobresalen con un 61.9% en la adaptación compensatoria; no evidenciando porcentajes favorables en los mecanismos psicológicos. Conclusiones: La mayoría de las personas con enfermedad renal bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis, utilizan diferentes mecanismos de adaptación a su proceso lo cual depende completamente del ambiente en el que se desarrollan y el acompañamiento familiar que reciben. Cómo citar este artículo: García DJ, Ochoa MC, Martínez NE, Gonzáles B, Sánchez M, Martínez M. Prevalencia de los mecanismos de adaptación del paciente con enfermedad renal bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Rev Cuid. 2016; 7(1: 1144-51.

  3. Gloss uniformity measurement update for ISO/IEC 19751 (United States)

    Ng, Yee S.; Cui, Chengwu; Kuo, Chunghui; Maggard, Eric; Mashtare, Dale; Morris, Peter


    To address the standardization issues of perceptually based image quality for printing systems, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC28, the standardization committee for office equipment chartered the W1.1 project with the responsibility of drafting a proposal for an international standard for the evaluation of printed image quality1. An ISO draft Standard2, ISO/WD 19751-1, Office Equipment - Appearance-based image quality standards for printers - Part 1: Overview, Procedure and Common Methods, 2004 describes the overview of this multi-part appearance-based image quality standard. One of the ISO 19751 multi-part Standard"s tasks is to address the appearance-based gloss and gloss uniformity issues (in ISO 19751-2). This paper summarizes the current status and technical progress since the last two updates3, 4. In particular, we will be discussion our attempt to include 75 degree gloss (G75) objective measurement5 in differential gloss and within-page gloss uniformity. The result for a round-robin experiment involving objective measurement of differential gloss using G60 and G75 gloss measurement geometry is described. The results for two perceptual-based round-robin experiments relating to haze effect on the perception of gloss, and gloss artifacts (gloss streaks/bands, gloss graininess/mottle) are discussed.

  4. The Relationship between the Training Function and ISO-9000 Registration. (United States)

    Maxwell, Randy C.; Jost, Karen L.

    ISO 9000 is one of a series of international standards providing guidelines and governing quality of products and services. The ISO 9000 certification demonstrates the capability of a supplier to control the processes that determine the acceptability of the product or service being supplied. This paper focuses on the training aspects of ISO 9000…

  5. API and ISO standards can be combined

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weightman, R.T.; Warnack, M.F.


    This paper reports that oil field equipment and product manufacturers can maintain a competitive advantage and minimize costs by integrating American Petroleum Institute (API) licensing programs with International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001 standards under one quality system. A combined quality system approach can position a company for quality system certification under ISO 9001 while maintaining API specifications. Furthermore, only one quality system manual is needed for API licensing and ISO certification, avoiding duplication of effort. The benefits of a documented quality program include the flowing: Job descriptions and personnel qualification requirements are documented; The improved documentation allows direct tracing of specific production activities; Laboratory test methods and calibration of test equipment follow accepted standards for more reliable and reproducible test data; Quality control becomes proactive, not reactive, through internal process controls previously not implemented; Employee attitudes improve through appreciation for the overall goals of the company; Ambiguous quality issues, such as documenting special customer requirements, are easily resolved; and The company image improves with customers, particularly for those that require API Specification Q1 or ISO 9001 compliance or those having their own quality performance standards

  6. Experience with ISO quality control in assisted reproductive technology. (United States)

    Alper, Michael M


    Assisted reproductive technology (ART) programs are complex organizations requiring the integration of multiple disciplines. ISO 9001:2008 is a quality management system that is readily adaptable to an ART program. The value that ISO brings to the entire organization includes control of documents, clear delineation of responsibilities of staff members, documentation of the numerous processes and procedures, improvement in tracking and reducing errors, and overall better control of systems. A quality ART program sets quality objectives and monitors their progress. ISO provides a sense of transparency within the organization and clearer understanding of how service is provided to patients. Most importantly, ISO provides the framework to allow for continual improvement. Copyright © 2013 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. On the composition of ISO 25964 hierarchical relations (BTG, BTP, BTI)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alexiev, A; Isaac, A.H.J.C.A.; Lindenthal, J


    Knowledge organization systems (KOS) can use different types of hierarchical relations: broader generic (BTG), broader partitive (BTP), and broader instantial (BTI). The latest ISO standard on thesauri (ISO 25964) has formalized these relations in a corresponding OWL ontology (De Smedt et al., ISO

  8. Bajo Peso al Nacer. Factores de riesgo y calidad de la atención Prenatal. Buenaventura. 2008-2009

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    Luis Enrique Gallardo-Ibarra


    Full Text Available Se realizó estudio descriptivo sobre Bajo Peso al Nacer, Área de Salud Buenaventura, bienio 2008-2009, sobre factores de riesgo y calidad de la atención médica recibida por las gestantes que aportaron recién nacidos bajo peso. Los datos estadísticos se obtuvieron mediante revisión de historias clínicas familiares, obstétricas y hospitalarias. Se emplearon métodos estadísticos histórico lógico, análisis y síntesis e inducción-deducción. Se obtuvo predominio del CIUR como variedad de Bajo Peso al Nacer, mostraron asociación con el bajo peso al nacer la valoración nutricional Bajo Peso materna al inicio de la gestación, insuficiente ganancia de peso, ingreso percápita bajo, malas condiciones de vivienda, antecedentes de dos o más abortos, multigestación, período intergenésico corto, HTA y sepsis cervicovaginal. La Atención Prenatal fue deficiente. No existió relación entre grupos de edades menores de 20 o mayor de 35 años y hábitos tóxicos con la aparición del bajo peso al nacer.

  9. ISO 14000 information platform. Quarterly report, January 1--March 31, 1998

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    GETE, through its ISO 14000 Information Platform, globeNet{trademark} (, seeks to provide FETC and the US Department of Energy (DOE) with a timely, accurate, and reliable information resource on the issue of environmental management standards. This resource allows FETC to keep track of the latest developments in the ISO 14000 arena, in DOE as well as throughout the federal complex and industry. Utilizing this information, FETC and DOE can make critical decisions on their own use and implementation of the ISO 14000 standards. The information platform also provides FETC with a forum to present information on its activities, such as the DOE ISO 14000 Pilot Projects, and as an information gathering and dissemination resource for its publications. GETE works with an array of national and international contacts and content sources to gather information and provide daily updates on ISO 14000 and related environmental management issues.

  10. El turismo como instrumento de política ambiental en el Santuario de la Mariposa Monarca El Rosario

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    Susana Esquivel-Ríos


    Full Text Available La política ambiental en México se implementó como un mecanismo para frenar el deterioro en áreas naturales como la Reserva de la Biosfera de la Mariposa Monarca, sin embargo, se cuestiona su eficacia debido al continuo deterioro, la pérdida de bosques, la mortandad de la mariposa, y la disminución de mantos freáticos; todo esto acentuado por el turismo masivo. Esto es consecuencia de las dificultades de implementación de la política ambiental y de los actores que participan en ella. El análisis se realizó bajo el enfoque de Redes de Política Pública. La principal conclusión es que existe una limitada coordinación interinstitucional y esto dificulta la comunicación y acuerdo entre actores.

  11. ISO 9001 certification for hospitals in Bulgaria: does it help service? (United States)

    Stoimenova, Assena; Stoilova, Ani; Petrova, Guenka


    The aim of our study is to review the published literature on establishment and implementation of ISO 9001 QMS in European hospitals, to study the availability of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) quality management systems (QMS) in Bulgarian hospitals and to outline the main advantages of ISO implementation in the hospitals in Bulgaria. The information on availability of ISO QMS in the hospitals in Bulgaria was gathered via Bulgarian certification register, the registries of various quality associations, websites of hospitals and certification companies presented in Bulgaria. A total number of 312 hospitals in Bulgaria were screened for the availability of QMS certified against the ISO 9001 requirements. The experience of European hospitals that implemented QMS is positive and the used approaches to improve the processes and the demonstrated effects from ISO implementation are analysed by the researchers. Unlike other European Union member states, the establishment of quality management systems in Bulgaria is not compulsory. However, our study revealed that 14.42% of the hospitals in Bulgaria have implemented and have certified quality systems against the requirements of ISO 9001. Our study confirmed that a quality management system using the ISO 9001 standard is useful for the hospitals as it can help to increase the operational efficiencies, to reduce errors, improve patient safety and produce a more preventive approach instead of a reactive environment.

  12. Inter ISO Market Coordination by Calculating Border Locational Marginal Prices

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    BABIC, A. B.


    Full Text Available In this paper the methodology for solving Locational Marginal Price (LMP differences (inconsistency of LMPs that arise at the boundary buses between separate power markets is proposed. The algorithm developed enables us to obtain consistent LMP values at the boundary buses between interconnected ISOs. A Primal-Dual Interior Point based optimal power flow (OPF is applied, with complete set of power system physical limit constraints, to solve a regional spot market. The OPF is implemented such that producer and consumer behaviors are modeled simultaneously, while the welfare is maximized. In this paper a generalized methodology for multiple ISOs case is proposed and later it is practically applied on two interconnected independent entities. The algorithm for approximation of cost coefficients of generators and dispatchable loads for neighboring ISOs is proposed. The developed algorithm enables participating ISOs to obtain LMPs at the boundary buses with other interconnected ISOs. By controlling interchange of electric power at the scheduled level, regional spot markets are resolved eliminating possible exercise of market power by individual interconnected ISOs. Results of proposed methodology are tested on the IEEE 118-bus power system.

  13. The dark side of ISO 14001: The symbolic environmental behavior

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    Vera Ferrón Vílchez


    Full Text Available Some of the academic research on ISO 14001 has focused on analyzing the benefits of its adoption. However, this international standard has also received some criticism, particularly in respect of the adoption of ISO 14001 when not accompanied by significant improvements in environmental performance. This study analyzes the relationship between the symbolic environmental behavior and the adoption of ISO 14001. In so doing, it uses binary logistic regression to analyze an international sample of 1961 manufacturing facilities that each employs more than 50 people. The results indicate that the higher the symbolic environmental performance of the firm, the greater the probability of adopting ISO 14001.

  14. Social Change of Bajo Tribe Society in Karimunjawa: From "Sea Tribe" to "Land Tribe"

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    Titiek Suliyati


    The result of the research shows that there is a social change in Bajo society living permanently in Karimunjawa that is, the change of daily behavior in the society, social interaction with other tribes, values held by the society and social institution, structure and social classes. Social change occurring to Bajo society in Karimunjawa brings positive influences. The social changes among others are awareness towards the importance of education, Bajo society has new jobs other than fisherman, the increase of income, living standard, also modernization in fisheries system. The negative impact as a consequence of the social changes is faded culture, changes in life orientation and views of life, and consumerism in the society.

  15. La construcción del estado a partir de los conflictos territoriales en el bajo atrato

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    Jessica Corredor Villamil


    Full Text Available Resumen: La región del Bajo Atrato, en el departamento del Chocó en Colombia, es una región codiciada por actores económicos políticos y militares. Esto ha conllevado a la articulación de diferentes movilizaciones en torno a la tierra y sus recursos por parte de la población local. La promulgación de la ley 70 de 1993, que otorgó derechos colectivos sobre la propiedad de la tierra a las “comunidades negras”, es un eslabón en el proceso de movilización que se ha llevado a cabo en la región. Este proceso fue interrumpido por la violencia del conflicto armado y el desplazamiento forzoso masivo luego de las operaciones militares de carácter contrasubversivo en 1997. A raíz de esta situación, una parte de los habitantes de las cuencas de los ríos Jiguamiandó y Curvaradó decide organizarse para retornar sobre sus tierras. Las Zonas Humanitarias y de Biodiversidad son el resultado de este proceso. A partir de estos espacios de movilización, los habitantes intentan resistir a los intereses de los diferentes actores sobre sus tierras y proponer una alternativa al modelo que se está desarrollando en la región del Bajo Atrato. Este artículo se propone explorar la manera en que, a través de las reconfiguraciones territoriales en la cuenca del Curvaradó en la región del Bajo Atrato, considerada como una región periférica del país, olvidada por el Estado y sus instituciones, está siendo renegociada una nueva manera de concebir el Estado y la ciudadanía. Palabras clave: Bajo Atrato, Zonas Humanitarias y de Biodiversidad, Estado, Ciudadanía, Reconfiguraciones territoriales.  *** Abstract: The Lower Atrato region, located in the department of Chocó in Colombia, is a region coveted by economic political and military actors. This has led to the articulation of different mobilizations over the land and its resources by the local inhabitants. The enactment of Law 70 of 1993, which granted collective rights over the land to the

  16. ISO certification pays off in quality improvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vermeer, F.J.G.


    This paper reports that by obtaining and maintaining International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001 certification, a company can improve its quality control system, cut waste, and motivate its employees. In so doing it improves its competitive position in both international and domestic markets. The success of a number of countries (notably Japan) in the world markets has focused the attention of the industrialized countries on improving quality levels and striving for a unified, worldwide quality standard. This has been particularly true in Europe; with several countries competing in a single market, a common quality standard has been a highly desirable goal for decades. One of the first multinational quality standards evolved in the European Community, which is estimated to become a single market with a gross national product of $4.5 trillion by 1992. As a consequence, in 1987 the International Standards Organization created ISO 9000, a single standard to ensure uniform quality in products and services offered with this growing market. U.S. petroleum and natural gas companies must recognize and implement the ISO 9000 standards or possibly lose international markets. If the present worldwide trend towards ISO 9000 continues (and there is no reason to believe that it will not), the standards will be just as important in the domestic market

  17. Secuelas del neurodesarrollo de recién nacidos prematuros de extremadamente bajo peso y de muy bajo peso a los dos años de edad, egresados de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins 2009-2014


    Fernández Sierra, Carmen; Matzumura Kasano, Juan; Gutiérrez Crespo, Hugo; Zamudio Eslava, Luisa; Melgarejo García, Giannina


    Objetivo: Describir las secuelas del neurodesarrollo de los recién nacidos prematuros de extremadamente bajo peso y de muy bajo peso a los dos años de edad, egresados de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal en una población de 190 prematuros de extremadamente bajo peso y de muy bajo peso que nacieron durante enero 2009 a junio del 2014, egresados de la Unidad de Cuida...

  18. The impact of ISO 14000 on developing world businesses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamed, S.T.


    ISO 14000 has attracted interest from industry, international organizations and governments around the globe. Policy-makers and industry both appear to be looking to the standards as a key component of a new paradigm for cooperation between regulators and industry. This realization seems to have resulted from a growing awareness that the fragmented, reactive approach to environmental management in the past has not produced optimal results. Businesses are realizing the value of integrating their compliance procedures for each regulation into a broader system. Compliance problems can often be linked to system problems such as inadequate training, lack of responsibility at the right level, inadequate data, and other related causes. An effective Environmental Management System (EMS) eliminates these pitfalls. The evolution of the EMS is being shaped by market forces, ISO 9000, regulatory shifts, public awareness, and cost implications for ISO certifications. The transformation of these management practices is not limited to industrialized countries. In anticipation of the non-tariff trade barriers that could be erected as a result of these standards, many developing countries are seeking avenues of compliance with ISO 14000's requirements. Egypt should be concerned with the implementation of this system, for firms in countries of the European Community (EC) have been given explicit instructions by the three prevalent European standard-setting organizations to ''familiarize'' themselves with the requirements of ISO 14000. This paper will focus primarily on the expected effects of ISO 14001. (author)

  19. Revisión ambiental inicial en la empresa gráfica Sancti-Spíritus.

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    Jesús Valentín Cuellar Díaz


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se origina a partir de la necesidad de las empresas gráficas cubanas de adoptar herramientas eficaces de gestión ambiental. Con el objetivo de conocer la brecha existente entre el estado actual de la Empresa Gráfica Sancti-Spíritus y los requisitos de la ISO 14001 para la implantación de un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental (SGA; se realizaron entrevistas, inspecciones in situ, revisiones de informes de auditorías y revisiones ambientales previas. Este trabajo permitió conocer los aspectos ambientales significativos de la organización, identificar las fortalezas y debilidades relacionadas con su desempeño actual, aportó los elementos básicos para establecer la política ambiental y diseñar el SGA que implantará la organización. Permitió elaborar un plan de acción, cuyo cumplimiento posibilitará reducir las no conformidades existentes, que constituyen barreras para la implantación del SGA.

  20. Iso-α-acids, bitter components of beer, prevent obesity-induced cognitive decline. (United States)

    Ayabe, Tatsuhiro; Ohya, Rena; Kondo, Keiji; Ano, Yasuhisa


    Dementia and cognitive decline have become worldwide public health problems, and it was recently reported that life-style related diseases and obesity are key risk factors in dementia. Iso-α-acids, hop-derived bitter components of beer, have been reported to have various physiological functions via activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ. In this report, we demonstrated that daily intake of iso-α-acids suppresses inflammations in the hippocampus and improves cognitive decline induced by high fat diet (HFD). Body weight, epididymal fat weight, and plasma triglyceride levels were increased in HFD-fed mice, and significantly decreased in iso-α-acids supplemented HFD-fed mice. HFD feeding enhances the production of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, such as TNF-α, which was significantly suppressed by iso-α-acids administration. HFD-induced neuroinflammation caused lipid peroxidation, neuronal loss, and atrophy in hippocampus, and those were not observed in iso-α-acids-treated mice. Furthermore, iso-α-acids intake significantly improved cognitive decline induced by HFD-feeding. Iso-α-acids are food derived components that suppressing both lipid accumulation and brain inflammation, thus iso-α-acids might be beneficial for the risk of dementia increased by obesity and lifestyle-related diseases.

  1. New water and remote galaxies complete ISO's observations (United States)

    ISO's operational teams at ESA's ground station at Villafranca near Madrid have been hurrying to provide the world's astronomers with as many observations as possible. They have long anticipated the exhaustion of ISO's vital supply of liquid helium, which cooled the infrared telescope and its instruments to their operating temperatures, close to absolute zero. Two weeks after ISO was put into orbit on 17 November 1995 by an Ariane 44P launcher, the external parts of the cooling system had settled to the operating temperature. The specification required that ISO should then operate for at least 18 months -- implying that operations might have to end in May 1997. Thanks to superb engineering by European industry, which built the spacecraft and its super-cool telescope, ISO has given astronomers almost a year longer than that. During the extra time the count of ISO's observations of cosmic objects has risen from 16,000 to about 26,000. Among the benefits of ISO's longevity has been the chance to examine an important region of the sky, in and around the constellation of Orion. This was not accessible in the nominal mission but has now been observed in two periods. Four inter national teams, supported by national funding agencies, supplied the instruments to analyse the infrared rays received by ISO's telescope. The principal investigators leading the teams are Dietrich Lemke (Heidelberg, Germany) for the versatile photometer ISOPHOT, Catherine Cesarsky (Saclay, France) for the camera ISOCAM, Thijs de Graauw (Groningen, the Netherlands) for the Short Wavelength Spectrometer SWS, and Peter Clegg (London, UK) for the Long Wavelength Spectrometer LWS. Water vapour on Titan A big difference between ISO and the only previous infrared astronomy satellite (IRAS 1983) has been its ability to examine individual objects across a wide range of accurately defined infrared wavelengths. Many spectra showing patterns of intensities at the different wavelengths have enabled astronomers

  2. The ISO 50001 Impact Estimator Tool (IET 50001 V1.1.4) - User Guide and Introduction to the ISO 50001 Impacts Methodology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Therkelsen, Peter L. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Rao, Prakash [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Aghajanzadeh, Arian [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); McKane, Aimee T. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    ISO 50001-Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, is an internationally developed standard that provides organizations with a flexible framework for implementing an energy management system (EnMS) with the goal of continual energy performance improvement. The ISO 50001 standard was first published in 2011 and has since seen growth in the number of certificates issued around the world, primarily in the industrial (agriculture, manufacturing, and mining) and service (commercial) sectors. Policy makers in many regions and countries are looking to or are already using ISO 50001 as a basis for energy efficiency, carbon reduction, and other energy performance improvement schemes. The Impact Estimator Tool 50001 (IET 50001 Tool) is a computational model developed to assist researchers and policy makers determine the potential impact of ISO 50001 implementation in the industrial and service (commercial) sectors for a given region or country. The IET 50001 Tool is based upon a methodology initially developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that has been improved upon and vetted by a group of international researchers. By using a commonly accepted and transparent methodology, users of the IET 50001 Tool can easily and clearly communicate the potential impact of ISO 50001 for a region or country.

  3. Pontos de integração entre a gestão ambiental e da qualidade

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    Eliacy Pordeus


    Full Text Available A aceitação do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade ISO 9000 pelo mercado mundial é inegável. Diversos estudos têm registrado os resultados das empresas que implantaram tal sistema em seu processo produtivo, mostrando como a norma está sendo interpretada de acordo com a realidade de setores diversos. Este artigo visa contribuir para a descrição de um sistema de gestão da qualidade ISO 9002, no setor industrial de bebidas, em uma filial da AMBEV. Uma análise dos resultados mostra um rígido controle no processo produtivo, porque uma pequena variação na produção já diferencia o tipo de produto. Além disso, ações de natureza ambiental têm o controle documental e operacional realizados pela gestão da qualidade, concretizando-se, então, a possibilidade de pontos de integração entre as duas gestões.

  4. ISO 50001 and SEP Faster and Cheaper - Exploring the Enterprise-Wide Approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Jingjing [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Rao, Prakash [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Therkelsen, Peter [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Sheaffer, Paul [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Scheihing, Paul [USDOE, Washington, DC (United States); Tamm, Yannick [Energetics, Inc. (United States)


    ISO 50001 and other management systems (e.g., ISO 9001 and ISO 14001) allow for implementation and certification at the enterprise level. The "Central Office" concept, which allows a small group of employees to manage and facilitate the organization’s energy management system (EnMS) at the enterprise level, was introduced within the ISO 50003 standard to provide guidance to ISO 50001 certification bodies. Four industrial companies have partnered with the United States Department of Energy to pilot the enterprise-wide ISO 50001/SEP concept under the Better Buildings Superior Energy Performance (SEP) Enterprise-wide Accelerator. Each organization developed a Central Office to host their EnMS while implementing ISO 50001/SEP at multiple physically separated sites. The four corporate partners tailored their Central Office implementation model to meet their own specific circumstances and needs. This paper reviews the commonalities, differences, and benefits of each of these enterprise-wide implementation models, including organizational structures, Central Office staff responsibilities, and key strategies. The cost savings and benefits of using the enterprise-wide approach were assessed, including the cost per site compared with that of a conventional, single-site ISO 50001/SEP implementation approach. This paper also discusses the drivers for the cost reductions realized through these enterprise-wide approaches. The four partner companies worked with 30 total sites. On average, these 30 sites improved energy performance by 5% annually over their SEP achievement periods, saved more than $600,000 annually in energy costs and reduced implementation cost for ISO 50001 and SEP by $19,000 and 0.8 Full Time Equivalent × years (FTE-yr) of staff time per site. The results can inform other organizations seeking to implement enterprise-wide ISO 50001/SEP, as well as energy efficiency organizations seeking to promote wider adoption of ISO 50001 implementation.

  5. Implementation of ISO guide 25 in a medical dosimetry secondary standards calibration laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeWerd, L.A.


    Currently, there is a great deal of discussion among industry and government agencies about ISO 9000 accreditation. U.S. manufacturers with ISO 9000 accreditation are regarded more favorably by European countries. The principles behind the ISO 9000 accreditation are based on the Total Quality Management (TQM) principles that are being implemented in many U.S. industries. This paper will deal only with the calibration issue. There is a difference in the areas covered by ISO 9000 and ISO Guide 25 documents. ISO 9000, in particular ISO 9001 - ISO 9003, cover the open-quotes calibrationclose quotes of inspection, measuring and test equipment. This equipment is basically used for open-quotes factory calibrationsclose quotes to determine that equipment is performing within manufacturer specifications. ISO Guide 25 is specifically for open-quotes calibration and testing laboratories,close quotes generally laboratories that have painstaking procedures to reduce uncertainties and establish high accuracy of the transfer of calibration. The experience of the University of Wisconsin Accredited Dosimetry Calibration Laboratory in conforming to ISO Guide 25 will be outlined. The entire laboratory staff must become familiar with the process and an individual with direct authority must become the one to maintain the quality of equipment and calibrations in the role of open-quotes quality-assurance manager.close quotes


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    Roberto Naime


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta a estruturação do Sistema de Gestão Ambiental segundo as orientações da norma NBR ISO 14.001 na Rio Grande Energia S/A, concessionária de distribuição de energia elétrica que atua no Rio Grande do Sul. O trabalho ressalta a importância da questão ambiental nas organizações e a necessidade de adotar e manter uma política ambiental responsável, tanto em função da pressão pública, como em função das exigências crescentes das legislações ambientais. A Rio Grande Energia está na fase final de estruturação de seu Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA visando sua adequação ao mercado e objetivando uma futura certificação. Serão abordadas as principais ações da empresa objetivando o cumprimento da sua política ambiental, o atendimento às legislações e a satisfação dos clientes. Palavras-Chave: Gestão. Meio Ambiente. Implantação.

  7. Perancangan SMKI Berdasarkan SNI ISO/IEC27001:2013 dan SNI ISO/IEC27005:2013 (Studi Kasus DPTSI-ITS

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    Furqon Mauladani


    Full Text Available Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS adalah salah satu universitas di Surabaya. ITS telah menggunakan TIK untuk keperluan operasional bisnisnya (contohnya isi kartu program studi, proses absensi, pembaharuan informasi, dan lainnya. Penggunaan TIK tidak dapat dipisahkan dari ancaman yang dapat mengganggu operasional TIK. Ancaman terdiri dari ancaman yang berasal dari luar (penyebaran malware, aktifitas social engineering, orang dalam (sengaja, tidak sengaja, kegagalan teknis (kesalahan penggunaan, kegagalan perangkat keras/lunak ataupun bencana alam (kebakaran, gempa, banjir. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah melakukan manajemen resiko keamanan informasi berdasarkan SNI ISO/IEC 27005 dan perancangan dokumen SMKI berdasarkan SNI ISO/IEC 27001. Hasil penelitian ini adalah 60 resiko yang tidak diterima dari total 228 resiko yang telah teridentifikasi. Dari 60 resiko tersebut, terdapat 58 risk modification, 1 risk avoidance, dan 1 risk sharing. Tata kelola keamanan informasi yang dirancang berdasarkan SNI ISO/IEC 27001 adalah ruang lingkup SMKI, kebijakan SMKI, proses penilaian resiko, proses penanganan resiko, statement of applicability, dan sasaran keamanan informasi.

  8. Standardization by ISO to Ensure the Sustainability of Space Activities (United States)

    Kato, A.; Lazare, B.; Oltrogge, D.; Stokes, H.


    The ISO / Technical Committee 20 / Sub-committee 14 develops debris-related standards and technical reports to mitigate debris and help ensure mission and space sustainability. While UN Guidelines and the IADC Guidelines encourage national governments and agencies to promote debris mitigation design and operation, the ISO standards will help the global space industry promote and sustain its space-related business. In this paper the scope and status of each ISO standard is discussed within an overall framework. A comparison with international guidelines is also provided to demonstrate the level of consistency. Finally, as a case study, the ISO standards are applied to a CubeSat mission, thus demonstrating their usability on a relatively recent and popular class of satellite.

  9. Isoe - information system on occupational exposure. Ten years of experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) was created in 1992 to provide a forum for radiation protection experts from both utilities and national regulatory authorities to discuss, promote and co-ordinate international co-operative undertakings in the area of worker protection at nuclear power plants. The ISOE System is jointly managed by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This report provides an overview of the experience gained from, and benefits provided by, the ISOE System over the past ten years. Active participation of a large number of utilities in ISOE has contributed to a reduction in occupational exposure at nuclear power plants worldwide. (authors)

  10. Contabilidade ambiental: um estudo sobre sua aplicabilidade em empresas Brasileiras

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    Adalto de Oliveira Santos


    Full Text Available A globalização da economia e a conscientização da sociedade estão forçando, atualmente, as empresas a adotarem uma postura responsável perante o meio ambiente, isto é, produzir sem agressão à natu-reza.Para isto elas estão implantando um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental de acordo com as normas da série ISO 14000. Fazer este gerenciamento exige a aplicação de um considerável montante de recursos financeiros, devendo-se ter constante preocupação em controlá-los. En-tende-se que a contabilidade é uma das ferramentas mais eficientes e eficazes para este processo. Observa-se, no entanto, que poucas empresas, no Brasil, utilizam a contabilidade na sua gestão ambiental. Portanto, o principal objetivo da realização deste estudo é verificar qual o grau de desenvolvimento da Contabilidade Ambiental nas empresas brasileiras. Após uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, foi elaborada uma pesquisa de campo que consistiu no envio de um questionário aos departamentos de contabilidade de indústrias potencialmente poluidoras. O universo compreendeu as empresas listadas no guia "As 500 maiores empresas do Brasil", edição 2000, da revista Exame; e a amostra foi de 50 empresas cujo faturamento, em 2000, ultrapassou US$ 50 bilhões.The globalization of the economy and the awareness of the society are forcing, currently, the companies to adopt a responsible position before the environment, that is, to produce without aggression the nature. For this they are implanting a System of Environmental Management in accordance with the norms of series ISO 14000. To make this management demands the application of a considerable sum of financial features, having itself to have constant preoccupation in controlling them. One understands that the accounting is one of the efficient tools most for this process. It is observed, however, that few companies, in Brazil, use the accounting in its environmental management. Therefore, the main objective of the

  11. Ambient Space and Ambient Sensation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Ulrik

    The ambient is the aesthetic production of the sensation of being surrounded. As a concept, 'ambient' is mostly used in relation to the music genre 'ambient music' and Brian Eno's idea of environmental background music. However, the production of ambient sensations must be regarded as a central...... aspect of the aesthetization of modern culture in general, from architecture, transport and urbanized lifeforms to film, sound art, installation art and digital environments. This presentation will discuss the key aspects of ambient aesthetization, including issues such as objectlessness...

  12. [Efforts to achieve and effects of acquiring ISO 15189 in Tokushima University Hospital]. (United States)

    Shono, Kazuko; Kishi, Misako; Satou, Mituyo; Nagamine, Yasunori; Doi, Tosio


    The medical laboratory of Tokushima University Hospital acquired ISO 15189, an international standard for medical laboratories, on July 6th, 2007, resulting in it achieving the 24th place in Japan and 5th place among national university hospitals. The first surveillance was just performed on October 6th, 2008. Tokushima University Hospital, in which our medical laboratory is included as one section, already succeeded in acquiring ISO 9001, PrivacyMark System, and Quality Health Care ver. 5 before accomplishing ISO 15189. To achieve ISO 15189, we prepared documents based on ISO 9001 without any consultation, resulting in a review of the difference between ISO 9001 and ISO 15189 after the preliminary survey. Although achieving ISO 15189 resulted in an improvement in the reliability of laboratory results and accuracy, leading to the development of our technical skills and awareness, and sharing of knowledge, we consider that the considerable investment of time to prepare the requirements remains to be overcome.

  13. Implantación de la norma UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 a una empresa de producción y distribución de productos fitosanitarios


    Chafer Llopis, Esteve


    El objeto de este TFG es implantar la ISO 14001:2015: 1.- Planificar la estructura de alto nivel de la organización y su contexto 2.- Integrar la gestión ambiental en la estrategia de la organización, desde una perspectiva del Ciclo de vida. 3.- Planificación y soporte 4.- Operación 5.- Evaluación del desempeño y mejora Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

  14. Condiciones de trabajo materno y bajo peso al nacer en la Ciudad de México

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estudiar la asociación entre condiciones de trabajo materno y bajo peso al nacer en la Ciudad de México. Material y métodos. Se encuestaron 2 623 trabajadoras que atendieron sus partos en tres grandes hospitales de la Ciudad de México en 1992. Se obtuvo información sobre los principales factores biológicos y sociales que se asocian al bajo peso al nacer; asimismo, se determinó el estrés ocupacional utilizando el instrumento desarrollado por Karasek. Se utilizaron modelos de regresión logística para evaluar la relación de las condiciones de trabajo con el bajo peso al nacer, controlando por variables confusoras. Resultados. El bajo peso al nacer fue más alto en trabajadoras con jornadas mayores a 50 horas semanales (RM= 1.6; IC= 1.17, 2.28 y con conflictos laborales (RM= 1.5; IC= 1.0, 2.25. La falta de apoyo social tangible fue identificado como un factor de riesgo de bajo peso al nacer (RM= 1.7; IC= 1.20, 2.33. Las medidas preventivas laborales como el cambio de tareas, disminución de la jornada y las salidas por enfermedad no mostraron un efecto benéfico en el peso al nacer, a excepción de la licencia de maternidad; las madres que no la tuvieron mostraron una probabilidad 2.2 veces mayor para bajo peso al nacer (IC= 1.66, 2.93. Conclusiones. Estos hallazgos resaltan la importancia de identificar los factores de riesgo ocupacional en el embarazo..

  15. Transición nutricional en tres ciudades con diferente complejidad urbano ambiental

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    Oyhenart, Evelia Edith


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en analizar el estado nutricional en niños residentes en tres ciudades argentinas con diferente complejidad urbano ambiental, en el contexto de la transición nutricional. Se realizó un estudio antropométrico transversal sobre una muestra de 5190 niños de ambos sexos de 4.0 a 14.9 años que asisten a escuelas públicas de las ciudades de La Plata y Brandsen (Provincia de Buenos Aires y General Alvear (Provincia de Mendoza. Se relevaron peso corporal y talla y se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC. Los datos fueron estandarizados a puntaje z empleando NHANES I y II. Se utilizó -2DS para determinar bajo peso para la edad, baja talla para la edad y bajo peso para la talla. Los valores de IMC mayores al percentilo 85 y menores o iguales al percentilo 95 definieron sobrepeso, mientras que los mayores al percentilo 95 obesidad. Las prevalencias para cada indicador fueron comparadas mediante pruebas de Chi2. El procesamiento de los datos se realizó mediante el programa SPSS 7.5. Los resultados obtenidos confirman lo hallado en otras poblaciones latinoamericanas, caracterizadas por un predominio de retraso lineal de crecimiento y bajos niveles de emaciación. Las tres ciudades presentaron coexistencia de desnutrición y obesidad. No obstante, las diferencias halladas sugieren distintos estadios de transición nutricional: La Plata y Brandsen se ubicarían en un estadio más avanzado, con altas prevalencias de desnutrición y obesidad, mientras que General Alvear reflejaría un estadio menos avanzado de dicha transición.

  16. 77 FR 11532 - Notice of Attendance at ISO New England and NEPOOL Meetings (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Notice of Attendance at ISO New England... members of the Commission and Commission staff may attend upcoming ISO New England Inc. (ISO-NE) and New..., the Commission and Commission staff may monitor the various meetings posted on the ISO-NE Web site...


    Two new USEPA documents address environmental management systems (EMS) from the perspectives of government and industry and are offered as tools for understanding the process of the ISO 14000 Standards development and usefulness of an EMS approach. The first document, ISO 14001 -...


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    P.R. Ramesh


    Full Text Available ISO certification was a great hope for many stakeholders in India for making the country strong in terms of quality practices. It was a blessing in disguise when in early nineties; buyers were imposing conditions that you should be ISO compliant to do business with them. ISO was a great system to bring in improvements in the way an organization functions. But unfortunately some have adopted a short cut approach in getting the certification done. It is only just before the audit team comes for re-inspection that firms start removing dust from the quality manual files so that they can pretend that that they follow those systems. But a real commitment to adhering to these systems is missing. The paper describes such scenario existing in some quarters in India and warns against such practices for the overall good of the system.

  19. ISO Results Presented at International Astronomical Union (United States)


    Some of the work being presented is collected in the attached ESA Information Note N 25-97, ISO illuminates our cosmic ancestry. A set of six colour images illustrating various aspects have also been released and are available at or in hard copy from ESA Public Relations Paris (fax:+33.1.5369.7690). These pictures cover: 1. Distant but powerful infrared galaxies 2. A scan across the milky way 3. Helix nebula: the shroud of a dead star 4. Supernova remnant Cassiopeia A 5. Trifid nebula: a dusty birthplace of stars 6. Precursors of stars and planets The International Astronomical Union provides a forum where astronomers from all over the world can develop astronomy in all its aspects through international co-operation. General Assemblies are held every three years. It is expected that over 1600 astronomers will attend this year's meeting, which is being held in Kyoto, Japan from 18-30 August. Further information on the meeting can be found at: . ISO illuminates our cosmic ancestry The European Space Agency's Infrared Space Observatory, ISO, is unmatched in its ability to explore and analyse many of the universal processes that made our existence possible. We are children of the stars. Every atom in our bodies was created in cosmic space and delivered to the Sun's vicinity in time for the Earth's formation, during a ceaseless cycle of birth, death and rebirth among the stars. The most creative places in the sky are cool and dusty, and opaque even to the Hubble Space Telescope. Infrared rays penetrating the dust reveal to ISO hidden objects, and the atoms and molecules of cosmic chemistry. "ISO is reading Nature's recipe book," says Roger Bonnet, ESA's director of science. "As the world's only telescope capable of observing the Universe over a wide range of infrared wavelengths, ISO plays an indispensable part in astronomical discoveries that help to explain how we came to exist." This Information Note

  20. Um estudo sobre a certificação ISO 9001 no Brasil: mapeamento de motivações, benefícios e dificuldades

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    Rafael Maekawa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as principais motivações, benefícios e dificuldades na certificação de Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade ISO 9001 em empresas brasileiras. Adicionalmente investigaram-se as principais práticas de gestão da qualidade que dão suporte a este tipo de certificação e qual o seu relacionamento com outros tipos de sistemas, tais como a ISO 14001 (Gestão Ambiental e a OHSAS 18001 (Gestão da Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho. A abordagem metodológica utilizada foi a pesquisa tipo survey, cuja amostra conteve 191 empresas. As principais motivações para implementação da ISO 9001 identificadas foram: possibilidade de melhoria na organização interna, maior eficiência produtiva e maior confiabilidade na marca. A resistência dos funcionários foi apontada como a maior dificuldade. Já os principais benefícios obtidos foram: melhoria da qualidade nos processos e maior conscientização dos empregados em relação à qualidade. Os resultados revelam que os programas e ferramentas da qualidade mais utilizados são: 5S, brainstorming e diagrama de Ishikawa; enquanto os menos utilizados são: o Servqual e o QFD.


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    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se evaluó el crecimiento y la eficiencia fotosintética de Ludwigia decurrens (Onagraceae, a partir de la estimación de la fluorescencia de la clorofila bajo diferentes concentraciones de nitrógeno (0 mg/L, 465 mg/L y 930 mg/L en condiciones de laboratorio. Como parámetros de crecimiento se utilizaron la longitud total del tallo y el área foliar. Durante el periodo de estudio se observó un incremento en el crecimiento y la eficiencia quántica con el aumento en la concentración de nitrógeno. Sin embargo, no se presentaron diferencias significativas (p<0,05 en los valores de fluorescencia de la clorofila entre los tratamientos. Los resultados del comportamiento de la eficiencia fotosintética (Fv/Fm y el crecimiento de las plantas tratadas con diferentes concentraciones de nitrógeno, demuestran que la macrófita Ludwigia decurrens crece en ambientes relativamente altos de nitrógeno.

  2. Revision of the ISO and EN radiation sterilization standards

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Miller, A.; Hansen, J.


    The radiation sterilization standards, ISO 11137 and EN 552, are now being revised under "ISO lead", with the aim of producing only one international standard, although in four parts: (1) requirements. (2) dose-setting methods, (3) dose-substantiation methods and (4) dosimetry. Several aspects...

  3. El sistema de gestión ambiental y su influencia en el mejoramiento de los impactos ambientales en una empresa de refractarios


    Chávez Vivas, Rodrigo Enrique; Chávez Vivas, Rodrigo Enrique; Chávez Vivas, Rodrigo Enrique


    La empresa es una organización privada bajo la denominación societaria de Sociedad responsabilidad limitada, esta empresa tiene como rubro la producción y comercialización de revestimientos cerámicos para pisos, paredes y complementos decorativos, ángulos y cenefas. Actualmente tiene el problema que la Municipalidad Provincial, la Dirección Regional de Salud (DIRESA), le han planteado que deben mejorar su proceso productivo y elaborar su estudio de impacto ambiental con la finalidad de red...

  4. Measuring the Software Product Quality during the Software Development Life-Cycle: An ISO Standards Perspective


    Rafa E. Al-Qutaish


    Problem statement: The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published a set of international standards related to the software engineering, such as ISO 12207 and ISO 9126. However, there is a set of cross-references between the two standards. Approach: The ISO 9126 on software product quality and ISO 12207 on software life cycle processes had been analyzed to invistigate the relationships between them and to make a mapping from the ISO 9126 quality characteristics to the ISO 1...

  5. USGIN ISO metadata profile (United States)

    Richard, S. M.


    The USGIN project has drafted and is using a specification for use of ISO 19115/19/39 metadata, recommendations for simple metadata content, and a proposal for a URI scheme to identify resources using resolvable http URI's(see The principal target use case is a catalog in which resources can be registered and described by data providers for discovery by users. We are currently using the ESRI Geoportal (Open Source), with configuration files for the USGIN profile. The metadata offered by the catalog must provide sufficient content to guide search engines to locate requested resources, to describe the resource content, provenance, and quality so users can determine if the resource will serve for intended usage, and finally to enable human users and sofware clients to obtain or access the resource. In order to achieve an operational federated catalog system, provisions in the ISO specification must be restricted and usage clarified to reduce the heterogeneity of 'standard' metadata and service implementations such that a single client can search against different catalogs, and the metadata returned by catalogs can be parsed reliably to locate required information. Usage of the complex ISO 19139 XML schema allows for a great deal of structured metadata content, but the heterogenity in approaches to content encoding has hampered development of sophisticated client software that can take advantage of the rich metadata; the lack of such clients in turn reduces motivation for metadata producers to produce content-rich metadata. If the only significant use of the detailed, structured metadata is to format into text for people to read, then the detailed information could be put in free text elements and be just as useful. In order for complex metadata encoding and content to be useful, there must be clear and unambiguous conventions on the encoding that are utilized by the community that wishes to take advantage of advanced metadata

  6. ISO CD 14492

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martins, Bo; Kossentini, F.; Arps, R.


    This Recommendation | International Standard, informally called JBIG2, defines a coding method for bilevel images, that is, images consisting of a single rectangular bit plane, with each pixel taking on one of just two possible colors. Itis being drafted by the Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group ...... (JBIG), a "Collaborative team" that reports both to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 and to ITU-T/SG8....

  7. Implications of ISO 9000 for personnel dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoder, R.C.


    Landauer, Inc. has gained approval to provide personnel dosimetry services in several countries. Each experiene reflects the different concerns adopted by national approval agencies. None have adopted ISO 9000 registration as evidence of a suitable quality system of management. Instead, each organization has prepared its own set of requirements with no provisions for recognizing the results of performance tests or audits conducted by other approval organizations. As ISO 9000 has become a communication symbol for commercial organizations dealing with each other, it has not been similarly viewed by radiation regulation bodies. A key reason arises from a tradition to regulate bodies. A key reason arises from a tradition to regulate, not promote, international trade, not encourage innovation, nor foster economic competition. A second reason is the inability to separate the technical requirements from quality assurance. ISO 9000 may become useful once the national technical organizations learn to trust those of other countries


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    Mardi Wiyono


    Full Text Available Abstract: The implementation of ISO 9001:2000 quality management system in vocational school. The needs of quality products and services is largerly expanded in various organizations including education. Recently, the vocational schools also realize how important the quality product and service is. For achieving the quality product or service, some organizations implement the concept of ISO 9001:2000 quality management system. In 2006/2007 it is reported that there are some vocational schools have been certified with ISO 9001:2000. ISO 9001 is a serial document consists of Quality Management System Standard which has been refised from its previous standard. ISO 9001:2000 gives a number of prerequisites for organizations having business initialized by design and development, production, installations, and services. The vocational schools which have been certified with ISO 9001:2000, have to be re-accredited after three years of implementation.

  9. Modelovanje georeferenciranih podataka u katastru nepokretnosti primenom ISO 19100 serije standarda / Spatial data modeling in the real estate cadastre using ISO 19100 series of standards

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirko N. Petrović


    Full Text Available Potreba za standardizacijom u oblasti geografskih informacionih sistema odavno postoji. Međunarodne aktivnosti na ovom polju rezultirale su uspostavljanjem ISO 19100 serije standarda, kojima se regulišu različiti aspekti na polju geoinformatike. U članku su opisane mogućnosti primene relevantnih standarda iz serije ISO 19100 u modelovanju georeferenciranih podataka za katastar nepokretnosti. / Introduction Standardization in geo-information technologies contributes to the establishment of efficient information functions, their greater stability and easier transition. Application of international, national and internal standards in the process of developing software products in the field of geo-information technology creates conditions for the development of efficient, low cost, reliable and secure software products. Spatial data modeling basics for real estate cadastre In terms of modeling, the spatial information of real estate cadastre is based on the vector data model which is suitable for modeling objects with a smaller number of properties with emphasis on the position. The vector spatial data model consists of two components: spatial and descriptive. The basis of the spatial one is geometry that contains metric data usually given in coordinates of a reference system. Geometry and Topology uniquely determine the shape, size and position of the object model in space, i.e. they represent its spatial component. Merging the spatial component with the descriptive one results in a completely defined object from the real world. Elements of spatial data quality Spatial data quality can be reviewed through a set of the following elements: origin, positional accuracy, attribute accuracy, completeness, logical consistency, semantic accuracy and the time information. The elements of spatial data quality listed above are provided using ISO 19100 series of standards. Application of ISO19100 series of standards in spatial data modeling for real

  10. Reasons to Adopt ISO 50001 Energy Management System

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    Frederic Marimon


    Full Text Available Purpose: The main aim of this paper is to analyze the relationships between the corporate motivations that lead organizations to establish the ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS standard, and the difficulties and benefits derived from its adoption. Design/methodology/approach: Three independent exploratory factor analyses (EFA were conducted in order to identify (i sources of motivation: social requirements, ecology drivers, and competitive advantage; (ii the difficulties of an ISO 50001 adoption: operational difficulties and organizational difficulty; and (iii types of benefits: ecological benefits and operational benefits. In a second step, an exploratory path analysis, performed through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM, was used to analyze the relations among motivation, difficulties, and benefits related to the adoption of the ISO 50001 standard. Findings: Social requirements explain operational difficulties, which in turn impacts on operational benefits. Ecology drivers are directly related to ecological benefits. Organizational difficulties have an inverse relationship with operational and ecological benefits. Operational difficulties are related to operational benefits and ecological benefits. Research limitations/implications: The questionnaire was disseminated to 87 Spanish companies with ISO 50001 certification. Managers and other practitioners such as consultants, auditing companies, and official organizations in charge of developing standards might find useful implications. Originality/value: The standard was published in 2011 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO. This paper contributes to assessment of the benefits of the standard by collecting information directly from the pioneer organizations that have adopted it, and provides clues on how to implement the standard and improve it in future.

  11. Energy care in relation to your management system. Linking lists between the Reference Energy Care and ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and HACCP; Energiezorg in relatie tot uw zorgsysteem. Linking lists tussen de Referentie Energiezorg en ISO 14001, ISO 9001 en HACCP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Several so-called care systems are in use at institutes and companies. For efficiency reasons it makes sense to integrate an energy care system to the existing care system. For the so-called Reference Energy Care, developed by the Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment (Novem) links to three of the most important care systems have been elaborated: environmental care according to ISO 14001, the quality care system ISO 9001:2000 and the food safety system Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP). The elaboration resulted in three tables, indicating the connections ('linking lists') between each of those care systems and the Reference Energy Care system and how energy care can be integrated into those systems. [Dutch] Bij instellingen en bedrijven zijn diverse zorgsystemen in gebruik. Het is zinvol om energiezorg - waar mogelijk - in een dergelijk bestaand systeem op te nemen. Meerdere zorgsystemen naast elkaar in stand houden is minder efficient dan de systemen integreren tot een systeem. Novem heeft daarom voor haar Referentie Energiezorg de link laten uitwerken naar drie van de meest voorkomende systemen: milieuzorg volgens ISO 14001, het kwaliteitszorgsysteem ISO 9001:2000 en het voedselveiligheidssysteem HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points). Hieruit zijn drie tabellen voortgekomen, die aangeven welke verbanden er zijn tussen elk van deze zorgsystemen en de Referentie Energiezorg en hoe u energiezorg kunt integreren in elk van deze systemen. Deze tabellen worden aangeduid als 'linking lists' en u kunt ze gebruiken als hulpmiddel bij het integreren van energiezorg in uw eigen zorgsysteem. U vindt ze in deze brochure.

  12. Energy care in relation to your management system. Linking lists between the Reference Energy Care and ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and HACCP; Energiezorg in relatie tot uw zorgsysteem. Linking lists tussen de Referentie Energiezorg en ISO 14001, ISO 9001 en HACCP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Several so-called care systems are in use at institutes and companies. For efficiency reasons it makes sense to integrate an energy care system to the existing care system. For the so-called Reference Energy Care, developed by the Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment (Novem) links to three of the most important care systems have been elaborated: environmental care according to ISO 14001, the quality care system ISO 9001:2000 and the food safety system Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP). The elaboration resulted in three tables, indicating the connections ('linking lists') between each of those care systems and the Reference Energy Care system and how energy care can be integrated into those systems. [Dutch] Bij instellingen en bedrijven zijn diverse zorgsystemen in gebruik. Het is zinvol om energiezorg - waar mogelijk - in een dergelijk bestaand systeem op te nemen. Meerdere zorgsystemen naast elkaar in stand houden is minder efficient dan de systemen integreren tot een systeem. Novem heeft daarom voor haar Referentie Energiezorg de link laten uitwerken naar drie van de meest voorkomende systemen: milieuzorg volgens ISO 14001, het kwaliteitszorgsysteem ISO 9001:2000 en het voedselveiligheidssysteem HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points). Hieruit zijn drie tabellen voortgekomen, die aangeven welke verbanden er zijn tussen elk van deze zorgsystemen en de Referentie Energiezorg en hoe u energiezorg kunt integreren in elk van deze systemen. Deze tabellen worden aangeduid als 'linking lists' en u kunt ze gebruiken als hulpmiddel bij het integreren van energiezorg in uw eigen zorgsysteem. U vindt ze in deze brochure.

  13. 21 CFR 184.1165 - n-Butane and iso-butane. (United States)


    ... FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION (CONTINUED) DIRECT FOOD SUBSTANCES AFFIRMED AS GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS SAFE Listing of Specific Substances Affirmed as GRAS § 184.1165 n-Butane and iso-butane. (a) n-Butane and iso..., odorless, flammable gases at normal temperatures and pressures. They are easily liquefied under pressure at...

  14. Juhtimissüsteemide selgroog. Lean ning ISO - terviklahendused tootmise haldamiseks / Anton Ovsjankin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ovsjankin, Anton


    Kasvanud on juurutatavate Lean ja ISO süsteemide arv, kuid on kasvanud ka nende juurutamise ja arendamisega seotud ebaõnnestumiste arv. Põhjustest, miks jäävad paljud Leani ja ISO juurutanud ettevõtted ilma lubatud tulemusteta. Leani ja ISO haldamiseks vajalikest teguritest

  15. Percepción social y comportamiento ambiental de comunidades cercanas a un río urbano tropical en Costa Rica


    Santos, Claudio Ureña; Barrientos, Zaidett


    ResumenLas áreas verdes urbanas son de gran importancia para mantener el equilibrio en las ciudades, sin embargo, hay pocos estudios que analicen la percepción social sobre estas áreas. Realizamos una evaluación comparativa de la percepción ambiental que existe en dos comunidades urbanas de San José, Costa Rica. Las comunidades evaluadas se encuentran separadas por el río Ocloro; una presenta un nivel socioeconómico bajo y la otra un nivel medio-alto. Aplicamos encuestas en 40 casas ubicadas ...

  16. ISO 14000: Review and guidelines for the photovoltaic industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    DePhillips, M.P.


    The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has released and is in the process of ratifying a new set of environmental management system standards, ISO 14000. These voluntary international standards will have a significant impact on how companies throughout the international community manage their environmental programs. Initially this impact will result in increased international trade opportunities due to the anticipated customer requirement for suppliers to demonstrate certification. Other potential impacts will benefit both companies engaged in international commerce and companies with a domestic focus. These would include installing a cohesive system to manage environmental matters, participation within a new regulatory paradigm, and adhering to a potentially new set of legal standards. The wide range of potential environmental, commercial, legal and regulatory benefits offered by ISO 14000 offer most companies significant reason to explore the possibilities of implementing an environmental management system. Organizations will be able to anticipate and meet growing environmental expectations and to ensure ongoing compliance with national and international requirements as well as satisfy the growing demands of customers, stakeholders and the interested public. As an emerging industry with significant international ties, the photovoltaic (PV) community will be effected from these standards if they do become globally adopted. In fact some major players in the PV industry have recently received certification to ISO 9000. This again demonstrates a trend within the industry to move toward a uniform system approach to management. This paper will expose interested parties within the PV industry to the details of ISO 14000 and will assist decision makers assess the various possibilities for implementation certification of ISO 14000 for an individual facility.

  17. ISO 9000. Guidelines to increased costs and reduced product quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reedy, R.F.


    Many US companies are considering being registered to the provisions of ISO 9000, International Standards for Quality Management. One important problem with the document is that ISO 9000 is not focused on control of product quality. The quality assurance rules established in ISO 9000 have been used in the US for more than 25 years with disastrous financial consequences and little, if any, improvement in quality and safety. These rules are so reliant on documentation and strict compliance that ensuring products comply with specifications has become a secondary issues. That is not what was intended, but it is the result. ISO 9000 program can work effectively only when the top executive responsible for engineering or production takes full responsibility for interpretation and implementation of the quality assurance program. 3 refs., 1 tab

  18. OntoCR: A CEN/ISO-13606 clinical repository based on ontologies. (United States)

    Lozano-Rubí, Raimundo; Muñoz Carrero, Adolfo; Serrano Balazote, Pablo; Pastor, Xavier


    To design a new semantically interoperable clinical repository, based on ontologies, conforming to CEN/ISO 13606 standard. The approach followed is to extend OntoCRF, a framework for the development of clinical repositories based on ontologies. The meta-model of OntoCRF has been extended by incorporating an OWL model integrating CEN/ISO 13606, ISO 21090 and SNOMED CT structure. This approach has demonstrated a complete evaluation cycle involving the creation of the meta-model in OWL format, the creation of a simple test application, and the communication of standardized extracts to another organization. Using a CEN/ISO 13606 based system, an indefinite number of archetypes can be merged (and reused) to build new applications. Our approach, based on the use of ontologies, maintains data storage independent of content specification. With this approach, relational technology can be used for storage, maintaining extensibility capabilities. The present work demonstrates that it is possible to build a native CEN/ISO 13606 repository for the storage of clinical data. We have demonstrated semantic interoperability of clinical information using CEN/ISO 13606 extracts. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. 75 FR 51996 - Notice of Commission Staff Attendance at Midwest ISO Meetings (United States)


    ... Midwest ISO Meetings August 16, 2010. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission hereby gives notice that members of the Commission and Commission staff may attend the following Midwest ISO-related meetings...., St. Paul, MN) [cir] September 15 [cir] October 20 [cir] November 17 [cir] December 1 Midwest ISO...

  20. ISO celebrates its prolonged life with a video of Jupiter (United States)


    This is excellent news for astronomers and especially for the multinational teams, with leaders in France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, who spent many years devising the four instruments served by ISO's telescope. The camera ISOCAM, the photometer ISOPHOT, the Short Wavelength Spectrometer and the Long Wavelength Spectrometer span between them an unprecedented range of infrared wavelengths from 2 to 200 microns. The atmosphere of Jupiter is one of the cool and cloudy places attracting ISO's attention, and ESA today releases a video of unprecedented images of Jupiter. The planet changes its appearance drastically as the camera ISOCAM scans a range of 90 different infrared wavelengths. Picture by picture, ISOCAM picks out different features of the atmosphere's composition and behaviour. These and other results from ISO will enable scientists to sharpen their ideas about how Jupiter's weather works. "ISO is giving us a new impression of the giant planets of the Solar System," comments Roger Bonnet, ESA's director of science. "Not just Jupiter, but Saturn, Uranus and Neptune too. By observing the planets across its very wide range of infrared wavelengths, ISO can see features overlooked even by spacecraft visiting the planets. The remarkable movie of Jupiter released today represents only a few per cent of ISO's wavelength range, yet every image tells its own story." More information about the Jupiter video appears later in this Information Note. How ISO's cold telescope beat the calendar The need to keep ISO's telescope and instruments chilled to a very low temperature sets a limit to their useful operating life. ISO was supplied with more than 2000 litres of superfluid helium to cool it. Slow evaporation maintains key parts of the spacecraft at temperatures close to absolute zero, below minus 271 degrees C. The rate of loss of helium was expected to be about 3 litres a day, but the cryogenic system could not be tested in exactly the conditions

  1. Response of radiation monitors for ambient dose equivalent, H*(10)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grecco, Claudio Henrique dos Santos


    Radiation monitors are used all over the world to evaluate if places with presence of ionising radiation present safe conditions for people. Radiation monitors should be tested according to international or national standards in order to be qualified for use. This work describes a methodology and procedures to evaluate the energy and angular responses of any radiation monitor for ambient dose equivalent, H*(10), according to the recommendations of ISO and IEC standards. The methodology and the procedures were applied to the Monitor Inteligente de Radiacao MIR 7026, developed by the Instituto em Engenharia Nuclear (IEN), to evaluate and to adjust its response for H*(10), characterizing it as an ambient dose equivalent meter. The tests were performed at the Laboratorio Nacional de Metrologia das Radiacoes Ionizantes (LNMRI), at Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD), and results showed that the Monitor Inteligente de Radiacao MIR 7026 can be used as an EI*(10) meter, in accordance to the IEC 60846 standard requirements. The overall estimated uncertainty for the determination of the MIR 7026 response, in all radiation qualities used in this work, was 4,5 % to a 95 % confidence limit. (author)

  2. ISO standardization in nuclear technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brabec, D [Ustav pro Vyzkum, Vyrobu a Vyuziti Radioisotopu, Prague (Czechoslovakia); Cermak, O [Urad pro Normalizaci a Mereni, Prague (Czechoslovakia)


    The activity is described of the technical commission ISO/TC 85 which is currently divided into 4 subcommissions (SC) and 24 working groups. SC 1 ''Terminology, definitions, units, abbreviations'' has one working group. The most important document of this SC is ISO 921-1972 (Dictionary of nuclear technology). SC 2 ''Radiation protection'' has 9 working groups and has processed standards in dosimetry. SC 3 ''Technology of power reactors'' has 6 working groups and its work is related to IAEA activities within the NUSS program. SC 4 ''Technology of nuclear fuels'' has 8 working groups. SC 4 has compiled the basic standards for sealed sources and methods of testing their tightness. The results of the work of this group have been reflected into the standardization work of CMEA. A list is given of published international standards within TC 85.

  3. Pressure-dependent kinetics of initial reactions in iso-octane pyrolysis. (United States)

    Ning, HongBo; Gong, ChunMing; Li, ZeRong; Li, XiangYuan


    This study focuses on the studies of the main pressure-dependent reaction types of iso-octane (iso-C8H18) pyrolysis, including initial C-C bond fission of iso-octane, isomerization, and β-scission reactions of the alkyl radicals produced by the C-C bond fission of iso-octane. For the C-C bond fission of iso-octane, the minimum energy potentials are calculated at the CASPT2(2e,2o)/6-31+G(d,p)//CAS(2e,2o)/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory. For the isomerization and the β-scission reactions of the alkyl radicals, the optimization of the geometries and the vibrational frequencies of the reactants, transition states, and products are performed at the B3LYP/CBSB7 level, and their single point energies are calculated by using the composite CBS-QB3 method. Variable reaction coordinate transition state theory (VRC-TST) is used for the high-pressure limit rate constant calculation and Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus/master equation (RRKM/ME) is used to calculate the pressure-dependent rate constants of these channels with pressure varying from 0.01-100 atm. The rate constants obtained in this work are in good agreement with those available from literatures. We have updated the rate constants and thermodynamic parameters for species involved in these reactions into a current chemical kinetic mechanism and also have improved the concentration profiles of main products such as C3H6 and C4H6 in the shock tube pyrolysis of iso-octane. The results of this study provide insight into the pyrolysis of iso-octane and will be helpful in the future development of branched paraffin kinetic mechanisms.

  4. Energy management systems in the practice. ISO 50001. A guideline for companies and institutions; Energiemanagementsysteme in der Praxis. ISO 50001. Leitfaden fuer Unternehmen und Organisationen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kohlenborn, Walter; Kabisch, Sibylle; Klein, Johanna; Richter, Ina; Schuermann, Silas


    The guideline under consideration is an updated version of the guideline to the regulation EN 16001 and amended to ISO 50001. This contribution supports institutes in the implementation of an energy management system according to ISO 50001. The differences and commonalities to the European environment management system EMAS as well as to the regulation ISO 14001 are described. EMAS certified companies fulfil regularly all conditions of an energy management system. A practised energy management system is an excellent platform for the implementation of EMAS.

  5. 76 FR 4104 - Notice of Commission Staff Attendance at Midwest ISO Meetings (United States)


    ... Midwest ISO Meetings January 13, 2011. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission hereby gives notice that members of the Commission and Commission staff may attend the following Midwest ISO-related meetings...] September 14 [cir] October 19 [cir] November 16 [cir] December 6 Midwest ISO Informational Forum (3 p.m.-5 p...

  6. 75 FR 3228 - Notice of Commission Staff Attendance at Midwest ISO Meetings (United States)


    ... Midwest ISO Meetings January 12, 2010. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission hereby gives notice that members of the Commission and Commission staff may attend the following Midwest ISO-related meetings...] November 17 [cir] December 1 Midwest ISO Informational Forum (3 p.m.-5 p.m., ET) [cir] January 19 [cir...

  7. KSC Center Director Bridges accepts an ISO 9001 certificate from DNV (United States)


    Center Director Roy Bridges displays the ISO 9001 certificate he was awarded by Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Inc., an international ISO certification organization, at a ceremony at KSC. Dalton Lyon of DNV made the presentation, which included a 2000th ISO Certificate Plaque. ISO 9001 comprises the most detailed, comprehensive set of standard requirements for quality programs established by the International Standards Organization. The presentation followed a successful independent audit by DNV of the KSC Management System in May of this year. The third-party auditors examined about 20 elements of KSC's system, including management responsibility, design control, documentation, test and inspection, and corrective action procedures. DNV found that KSC met or exceeded the stringent quality standards in all areas. KSC will use this certification as a tool to improve an already world-class team. All NASA centers are required by NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin to be ISO 9001 registered by September 1999. NASA is the first federal agency to seek the quality certification.

  8. Competence Requirements of ISO/IEC Standards for Information Security Professionals

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    Natalia G. Miloslavskaya


    Full Text Available The rapid progress in the filed of information security (IS puts one in a need of periodic revision of professional competencies (formulated in the federal state educational standards –FSESs and working functions (formulated in the professional standards – PSs. Under these conditions, a timely reaction to everything new that emerges or will appear in modern regulatory documents (primarily in standards is extremely important. We make a forecast for the content of the ISO/IEC 27021 and ISO/IEC 19896 standards drafted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO, which should contain the requirements for the competencies of IS management system professionals and the competence of IS testers and evaluators. Our forecast takes into account the requirements of the ISO/IEC 27000 standard group and the recommendations of the European e-Competence Framework e-CF 3.0.

  9. Migración de un SGSI basado en ISO/IEC 27001:2005 a la versión ISO/IEC 27001:2013


    Espol; Rendón Freire, María José


    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo identificar los cambios en los requisitos de la norma ISO/IEC 27001:2013 respecto a la versión 2005, para lograr la actualización de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información basado en ISO/IEC 27001:2005 acorde a lo establecido en el nuevo estándar. Guayaquil Magíster en Seguridad Informática Aplicada

  10. Acidification evidences of no-tilled soils of the central region of argentina Evidencias de acidificación de suelos de la región central de la argentina bajo siembra directa

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    Laura Antonela Iturri


    Full Text Available Empiric evidences indicate that agricultural soils of Argentina tend to acidify. The objective of this study was to determine the pH values of no-tilled and urea-fertilized-agricultural soils of Argentina during several years. Results indicated that both the actual pH (pH A and the potential pH (pH P values were lower in humid than in dry environments. The ratio between «mean annual precipitation:mean annual temperature» of the sites explained between 60 and 80% of the variability in pH values. This suggests that climatic conditions were responsible for current soil pH values. The pH A was 1.14 points higher tan pH P in all studied sites (pEvidencias empíricas indican que los suelos agrícolas de la Argentina tienden a la acidificación. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar valores de pH de suelos agrícolas de la Argentina bajo siembra directa de larga duración y fertilización con urea. Los resultados indican que tanto los valores de pH actual (pH A como de pH potencial (pH P fueron más bajos en ambientes húmedos que en los más secos. El cociente entre «precipitación media anual : temperatura media anual» de los sitios explicó entre un 60 y un 80% de la variabilidad de los valores de pH. Esto sugiere que las condiciones climáticas fueron responsables de los valores de pH presentes en estos suelos. El pH A fue 1,14 puntos mayor que el pH P en todos los sitios estudiados (p < 0,01 indicando que existió un proceso natural generalizado de acidificación. En suelos de ambientes más secos, las diferencias entre el pH A y el pH P fueron, en promedio, mayores a 1,21. Esto indicaría una acidificación más intensa. Sin embargo, los valores de pH no fueron lo suficientemente bajos como para afectar el normal crecimiento de cultivos y de organismos del suelo. En suelos de ambientes húmedos, las diferencias entre el pH A y el pH P fueron superiores a 1,10, siendo los valores de pH A (6,17 and 5,80 lo suficientemente ácidos como para

  11. Sifting through the ISO 9000 maze

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abraham, K.S.


    Various forces in the global upstream market are more frequently pressuring equipment and services firms to be certified according to the latest international standards in order to do business. However, understanding and completing the registration process can appear confusing and intimidating at first glance. This paper reviews the ISO's 9000 series of generic standards that provide quality assurance requirements and management guidance. It describes its applicability to the oil and gas industry which often found itself cut out of international markets because they were not recognized as registered ISO participants. It then describes the registration process, evaluation process, and time tables involved. It also describes the difference performance standards of the 9000 series


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    Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman Khan


    Full Text Available This paper presents the implementation of a Customer Satisfaction Promise (CSP that requires nurses to introduce themselves and explain the care plan to the patients of a hospital unit in Canada. The CSP implementation, maintenance and improvement activities were based on ISO 10001:2007. Qualitative and quantitative performance data were collected from nurses, the unit manager and patients, and improvement suggestions were made. During the implementation, nurses introduced themselves 95% of the time and explained the care plan 86% of the time. When interviewed, some nurses stated that the CSP was a good reinforcement of a practice already expected of them, which made patients happy, satisfied and more comfortable. Data from a small sample of patients was not adequate in clearly indicating the CSP's performance or improvement, but was useful in validating the survey and the feedback form. To our knowledge, applications of ISO 10001:2007 in health care have not been studied. Furthermore, this paper may be the first example of the integrated use of ISO 10001 and ISO 10002 in health care.

  13. Perubahan Sosial Pada Komunitas Suku Bajo Di Pesisir Teluk Tomini

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Obie


    Full Text Available Abstract: Society and culture of human being always change as an ever –present phenomena in the world. A distinction is sometimes made then between processes of change within the social structure, which serve in part to maintain the structure, and, even the processes itself can be slow or fast through evolusion and revolusion.   One of the factors that quicken the social change process is the government interventions. This study aims at analyzing the social change on the Bajo Tribe community as the impact of various government programs at Tomini bay coastal. This research used strategy of historical sociology. The kinds of data collected were primer and secondary data that were analyzed by using qualitative approac. The result showed that various   government programs at Tomini bay, such as designating conservation area, granting concession license to private sectors through forest concession right (FCR, indefeasible right of use (IRU, and fishing industry at the bay had caused the loss of access of the Bajo tribe community to coastal and marine resources area. Various interventions of government programs had implication on resettlement of the Bajo tribe community, causing the Bajo tribe divided into sea Bajo and land Bajo. The loss of access of the Bajo tribe to coastal and marine resources caused traditional institution weaken which made its philosophy of living in harmony with nature, and  conservation ethics fade away, its local wisdom, and self identity lose, and its social capital destructed.  الملخص: كان المجتمع وحضارته متغيّرين في أيّ كان المجتمع وهذه الحضارة. ويكون الفرق في كون هذا التغيّر. قد تكون عملية التغيّر متمهّلة أو سريعة وقد تكون عن طريق التطوّر والثّورة. وأحد العناصر المسرعة في عملية هذا التغيّر هو تدخّل الحكومة. حاولت هذه

  14. Factores que inciden en la penalización del maltrato animal relacionado con el medio ambiente en Tacna periodo 2012 - 2014


    Larico Portugal, Jorge Josmell


    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal exponer cuáles son los factores que inciden y justifican que el bien jurídico protegido en la penalización como delito del maltrato animal esté considerado en los delitos de medio ambiente. De acuerdo a la Metodología empleada, se catalogó como Descriptiva y Explicativa, bajo la modalidad de (proyecto factible), siendo su diseño de campo, no experimental Descriptivo Explicativo (ex post facto). La Población estuvo constituida por los casos...

  15. Towards better GHG emissions savings with use of ISO GHG standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan Kook Weng


    The 15th Conference of Parties (COP 15) at Copenhagen, Denmark in December 2009 highlighted the need to combat climate change by facing the challenge of committing to reducing our emissions at all three levels with locally appropriate mitigation actions (LAMAs) at the local level to be linked to the nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) and then contribute onwards to globally appropriate mitigation actions (GAMAs). The aim is to find solutions for both adaptation and mitigation by ensuring sufficient means are made available to support such efforts. This is because the world in entering a new phase that will be characterised by green growth in business. Thus be it agriculture that uses local knowledge of specific crop and livestock varieties to help in secure food supply, bio-energy, transport, industries, there must be policies to understand ecosystem-based to link people, biodiversity, energy, water and carbon so as to be more resilient and adaptable to the need for a low carbon economy in todays society.Climate change therefore affects organisations in many areas and they include legal compliance, carbon market, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. Promoting sustainability requires making efficient use of energy, water and natural resources, decrease in waste load through recycling and streamlining the processes leading to everything that decreases their CO 2 and water footprints. Currently there are many GHG schemes and programmes and the issues centres around compatibility, costs and most importantly credibility. Achieving real GHG emissions reduction requires controlled and verified emissions reductions and quantification that are sound and verifiable. Thanks to the development of the ISO suite of standards on GHG and related matters, the use of these harmonised standards has given the assurance that a tonne of carbon is a tonne of carbon be it in Malaysia, Mali or Mongolia.The use of these standards like ISO 14064 Part 1

  16. Evaluating Education Quality in Terms of ISO9000 Standards (United States)

    Fengchun, Cheng; Vogel, Linda R.; Zhaoyu, Zheng


    While nations measure the quality of educational systems by different standards, many nations, such as China, have adopted the ISO9000 quality standards to assess the quality of schools. This article explores the various elements of the the ISO9000 standards and how each element relates to the various groups that are consumers or stakeholders in…

  17. Evaluación del impacto ambiental generado por el establecimiento de los sistemas silvopastoriles en el municipio del Valle del Guamuez departamento del Putumayo


    Molina Castillo, Jaime Orlando; Yandar Barahona, Aldemar Yury


    Tesis (Maestría en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Contables, Económicas y Administrativas. CIMAD, 2013 El sistema silvopastoril (SSP); es un tipo de sistema agroforestal, que implica la presencia de animales entre o bajo los árboles y/o arbustos; interactuando directa (ramoneo) o indirectamente (corte y acarreo del forraje) (Ojeda et al, 2003). En las últimas décadas, el hombre ha aumentado las áreas destinadas al pastoreo del ganado...

  18. Bajo materialismo y surrealismo. El debate Bataille-Breton

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noelia Denise Dunan


    Full Text Available Hacia 1923 Georges Bataille era un joven desconocido que comenzaba a entablar amistades y también enemistades en el núcleo del movimiento surrealista e intelectual de París. Alentado por algunos de aquellos vínculos, lee a Mauss y Durkheim, Nietzsche y Freud y, comienza a delinear un pensamiento que se plasmará en la creación de Documents. Resulta difícil comprender la relevancia de esta revista y la producción batailleana sin referir a sus primeras lecturas y al debate que tempranamente entabló con el máximo exponente del movimiento surrealista, André Breton. Bataille coordinó allí un grupo de disidentes y convirtió la publicación en una máquina contra el surrealismo. El presente artículo desarrolla la formación de Bataille para hacer hincapié en la categoría de bajo materialismo construida en tensión entre el idealismo surrealista y los distintos materialismos. Así puede verse que Documents y el bajo materialismo conjugan las preocupaciones que perseguirá toda su vida.

  19. Establishing an ISO 10001-based promise in inpatients care. (United States)

    Khan, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman; Karapetrovic, Stanislav


    The purpose of this paper is to explore ISO 10001:2007 in planning, designing and developing a customer satisfaction promise (CSP) intended for inpatients care. Through meetings and interviews with research participants, who included a program manager, unit managers and registered nurses, information about potential promises and their implementation was obtained and analyzed. A number of promises were drafted and one was finally selected to be developed as a CSP. Applying the standard required adaptation and novel interpretation. Additionally, ISO 10002:2004 (Clause 7) was used to design the feedback handling activities. A promise initially chosen for development turned out to be difficult to implement, experience that helped in selecting and developing the final promise. Research participants found the ISO 10001-based method useful and comprehensible. This paper presents a specific health care example of how to adapt a standard's guideline in establishing customer promises. The authors show how a promise can be used in alleviating an existing issue (i.e. communication between carers and patients). The learning can be beneficial in various health care settings. To the knowledge, this paper shows the first example of applying ISO 10001:2007 in a health care case. A few activities suggested by the standard are further detailed, and a new activity is introduced. The integrated use of ISO 10001:2007 and 10002:2004 is presented and how one can be "augmented" by the other is demonstrated.

  20. Correspondence of ISO 9001:2008 with IAEA GS-R-3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kibrit, Eduardo


    This article identifies, characterises and analyses International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) normative requirements for the development and implementation of quality management systems in nuclear organisations. The structures of the applicable standards, ISO 9001:2008 and IAEA GS-R-3, are characterised. The differences and similarities of objective, focus, scope, level of application, structure, vocabulary, management system, management responsibility, resource management, process implementation, measurement, assessment and improvement verified in the applicable standards are deeply reviewed. A correspondence of the applicable standards' requirements is presented topic by topic. A correlation of the applicable standards' requirements is made, showing IAEA GS-R-3 topics that have no correlation with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2008 topics that have no correlation with IAEA GS-R-3. Conclusive remarks advise the pros and cons of using one of the applicable standards or the other. (author)

  1. Reflexiones teórico-metodológicas sobre la cultura de sustentabilidad en el manejo de aguas transfronterizas del bajo río Colorado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfonso Andrés Cortez Lara


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la problemática relacionada con el manejo de aguas transfronterizas México-Estados Unidos en la región del bajo río Colorado. Se revisan las principales características físicas e institucionales y se hace una reflexión teórica sobre la perspectiva de sustentabilidad utilizada en el manejo local y binacional del agua. Dicha perspectiva parte de los supuestos de la economía ambiental y de los recursos naturales. El propósito eselucidar los enfoques y procesos que rigen las relaciones generadas en torno al agua; al final, se busca visualizar tanto las causas de los conflictos como las oportunidades para mejorar la gestión del recurso hídrico totalmente asignado y altamente competido.

  2. Factores de riesgo de bajo peso al nacer en un hospital cubano, 1997-2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Escobar José Andrés Cabrales


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar qué factores de riesgo materno durante el embarazo se asocian a la incidencia de bajo peso al nacer (menos de 2 500 g. Métodos. Se diseñó un estudio de casos y testigos con 764 casos de nacimiento simple con un peso al nacer de menos de 2 500 g, y 1 437 testigos del Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Provincial de Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, durante el cuatrienio de 1997-2000. Los datos se obtuvieron de historias clínicas, registros de partos y entrevistas personales con las madres. Se realizó un análisis con dos variables y se controlaron los posibles factores de confusión mediante regresión logística dicotómica con el programa SPSS. Se usó un modelo final de múltiples variables para identificar los factores de riesgo maternos asociados con el bajo peso al nacer. Resultados. El análisis con múltiples variables mostró una asociación significativa del bajo peso al nacer con la presencia de anemia en la madre cuando se detectó el embarazo, la sepsis urinaria durante el embarazo, el asma bronquial, un aumento de peso materno menor de 8 kg durante todo el embarazo, el hábito de fumar durante el mismo, antecedentes de bajo peso al nacer en partos anteriores, la presencia de hipertensión arterial desde antes de la gestación y la consulta prenatal extemporánea. Conclusiones. A partir de estos resultados se concluyó que, independientemente de la medida de impacto utilizada, es importante tratar de disminuir los factores de riesgo identificados a fin de reducir la incidencia del bajo peso al nacer en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus.

  3. Factores de riesgo de bajo peso al nacer en un hospital cubano, 1997-2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Andrés Cabrales Escobar


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar qué factores de riesgo materno durante el embarazo se asocian a la incidencia de bajo peso al nacer (menos de 2 500 g. Métodos. Se diseñó un estudio de casos y testigos con 764 casos de nacimiento simple con un peso al nacer de menos de 2 500 g, y 1 437 testigos del Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Provincial de Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, durante el cuatrienio de 1997-2000. Los datos se obtuvieron de historias clínicas, registros de partos y entrevistas personales con las madres. Se realizó un análisis con dos variables y se controlaron los posibles factores de confusión mediante regresión logística dicotómica con el programa SPSS. Se usó un modelo final de múltiples variables para identificar los factores de riesgo maternos asociados con el bajo peso al nacer. Resultados. El análisis con múltiples variables mostró una asociación significativa del bajo peso al nacer con la presencia de anemia en la madre cuando se detectó el embarazo, la sepsis urinaria durante el embarazo, el asma bronquial, un aumento de peso materno menor de 8 kg durante todo el embarazo, el hábito de fumar durante el mismo, antecedentes de bajo peso al nacer en partos anteriores, la presencia de hipertensión arterial desde antes de la gestación y la consulta prenatal extemporánea. Conclusiones. A partir de estos resultados se concluyó que, independientemente de la medida de impacto utilizada, es importante tratar de disminuir los factores de riesgo identificados a fin de reducir la incidencia del bajo peso al nacer en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus.

  4. [Approval of ISO/IEC 17025 and quality control of laboratory testing]. (United States)

    Yamamoto, Shigeki; Asakura, Hiroshi; Machii, Kenji; Igimi, Shizunobu


    First section of Division of Biomedical Food Research, National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) was approved by ISO/IEC 17025 as a laboratory having an appropriate laboratory testing technique. NIHS is the first national laboratory approved by ISO/IEC 17025. NIHS has also been accepted the appropriate technique and facility for the BSL3 level pathogens by ISO/IEC 17025. NIHS is necessary to take an external audit almost every year. This approval is renewed every 4 years.


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    Jasni Abdul Latif


    Full Text Available The study examines the relationship between the perceptions of the employees about ISO 9000 implementation and perceived organisational outcomes. A conceptual framework linking the level of employee influence and involvement, their perception of ISO 9000 and the perceived impact on their work and the organisational outcomes is posited. Data was collected from a random sample of 64 employees of a service organisation. Contrary to expectations, the work impact of ISO 9000 was not correlated with the efficiency and market outcomes of ISO 9000 certification but the employee involvement, influence and perception of ISO 9000 were. The conceptualization of the influence path of ISO 9000 implementation on the organisational outcomes may require rethinking as perception may have a direct effect on the outcomes without the mediation of the impact on work. In short, employees may report benefits or positive outcomes even though no change is reported in their work.

  6. ISO 14000 and the nuclear licensing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martins, Nadia Soido Falcao


    As concern grows for maintaining and improving the quality of the environment and protecting human health, all the world is turning its attention to the potential environmental in pact of their industrial activities. One of the most important contribution in that way is the International Standard ISO 14000 series. In the utilization of nuclear energy, right from the inception, the safety of personnel, environment and the population has been the basic consideration. Over the years well established licenses criteria have been proposed to limit and control the environmental impact of the plant operation and emergencies situation. In this paper are discussed some specific requirements for implementation of the environmental management system specified by ISO 14000 compared to the environmental requirements for nuclear licensing. (author)

  7. Definition of a CDI metadata profile and its ISO 19139 based encoding (United States)

    Boldrini, Enrico; de Korte, Arjen; Santoro, Mattia; Schaap, Dick M. A.; Nativi, Stefano; Manzella, Giuseppe


    The Common Data Index (CDI) is the middleware service adopted by SeaDataNet for discovery and query. The primary goal of the EU funded project SeaDataNet is to develop a system which provides transparent access to marine data sets and data products from 36 countries in and around Europe. The European context of SeaDataNet requires that the developed system complies with European Directive INSPIRE. In order to assure the required conformity a GI-cat based solution is proposed. GI-cat is a broker service able to mediate from different metadata sources and publish them through a consistent and unified interface. In this case GI-cat is used as a front end to the SeaDataNet portal publishing the original data, based on CDI v.1 XML schema, through an ISO 19139 application profile catalog interface (OGC CSW AP ISO). The choice of ISO 19139 is supported and driven by INSPIRE Implementing Rules, that have been used as a reference through the whole development process. A mapping from the CDI data model to the ISO 19139 was hence to be implemented in GI-cat and a first draft quickly developed, as both CDI v.1 and ISO 19139 happen to be XML implementations based on the same abstract data model (standard ISO 19115 - metadata about geographic information). This first draft mapping pointed out the CDI metadata model differences with respect to ISO 19115, as it was not possible to accommodate all the information contained in CDI v.1 into ISO 19139. Moreover some modifications were needed in order to reach INSPIRE compliance. The consequent work consisted in the definition of the CDI metadata model as a profile of ISO 19115. This included checking of all the metadata elements present in CDI and their cardinality. A comparison was made with respect to ISO 19115 and possible extensions were individuated. ISO 19139 was then chosen as a natural XML implementation of this new CDI metadata profile. The mapping and the profile definition processes were iteratively refined leading up to a

  8. BiBTeX styl pro ČSN ISO 690 a ČSN ISO 690-2


    Pyšný, Radek


    Tato práce popisuje průběh vytváření bibliografického stylu pro nástroj BibTeX, pomocí něhož lze v LaTeXu sázet bibliografické citace v souladu s normou ČSN ISO 690. V úvodu práce je proveden rozbor ČSN ISO 690. Následuje popis spolupráce mezi systémem LaTeX a nástrojem BibTeX. Podstatná část práce je věnována popisu struktury souborů, které BibTeX potřebuje pro svou funkci, tj. bibliografická databáze a bibliografický styl. Závěr této práce je věnovaný popisu vlastností vytvořeného bibliogra...

  9. [ISO 9001-2000 certification for refractive laser treatment]. (United States)

    Lebuisson, D A; Arson, B; Abenhaïm, A; Albou-Ganem, C; Assouline, M; Chong Sit, D; Danan, A; Montefiore, G; Montin, J-F; Nguyen-Khoa, J-L; Pietrini, D; Saragoussi, J-J; Trong, Th; Amar, R


    To obtain ISO 9001-2000 certification for laser corneal refractive treatment, never before sought in Europe. The consulting firm Veritas led the certification process with the clinic's staff manager. This ISO norm is dedicated to the implementation of a quality management system. We assessed and optimized all necessary resources, evaluating customer satisfaction using patient and referring-physician surveys. We started quality rounds including surgeons, nurses, and technicians. Based on this preparation, we redefined and explained all processes including staff responsibilities and necessary resources in the quality manual. The procedure lasted 14 months with substantial involvement on the part of the management. Unconditional ISO 9001-2000 certification was granted by the independent audit firm, BVQI, in december 2003 for refractive laser treatment. The 2000 version of the new ISO 9001-2000 seeks to meet the demand for improving health care delivery in this field, most particularly by establishing a clear procedural orientation. Such certification enhances team work, stabilizes methodologies, and reinforces cohesion and self-audit. Patients notice that the center follows a consistent quality policy and are assured that the clinic respects rules and regulations. Certification is an advantageous alternative when accreditation cannot be considered. Our article discusses the steps taken in upper management, quality management, procedural guidance, as well as customer and staff counselling. It also discusses the project's cost/benefit ratio for the organization.

  10. Environmental psychology in the bioclimatic design; La psicologia ambiental en el diseno bioclimatico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cubillas Talamante, Lorena Gpe [Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexicali, Baja California (Mexico)


    The bioclimatic design profits of the natural resources for the improvement of the construction quality as well as the user's life. The combination of these two concepts within the architectonic design generates an interesting duality to consider within the understanding of the user's physical and psychological environment and the obtaining of a correlation of reality and dreams. Environmental psychology is focused on the researching of the psychological effects of the architectonic environment on the human experience and behavior. Human behavior works under parameters established during its development. Through the habits and styles of life practiced in childhood those parameters establish themselves to later on obtain satisfiers in the search of the life quality of human beings. [Spanish] El diseno bioclimatico aprovecha los recursos naturales para el mejoramiento de la calidad de la construccion y vida del usuario. La combinacion de estos dos conceptos dentro del diseno arquitectonico, genera dualidad interesante de entender el medio ambiente fisico y psicologico de los usuarios y obtener una identificacion entre la realidad y los suenos. La psicologia ambiental se ha enfocado a investigar sobre la relacion de los efectos psicologicos del ambiente construido o arquitectonico sobre la conducta y la experiencia humana. La conducta humana trabaja bajo parametros establecidos durante el desarrollo del mismo, a traves de los habitos y estilos de vida desde su infancia van marcando esos parametros que despues sirven para lograr satisfactores en la busqueda de la calidad de vida de los seres humanos.


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    Benny Baskara


    Full Text Available On the one one hand, the Bajo people are well-known as ‘the sea people’ who have their own indigenous belief system – belief in the Lord of the Sea. On the other hand, they also acknowledge themselves as Muslims. Thus, the religious identity of the Bajo people reflects a unique combination of Islamic teachings and their indigenous beliefs. This unique combination is not only expressed in their religious life, in their rituals and worship practices, but also in the values found in their customary practices (adat as a guiding system for their life. This paper examines the construction and contestation of the religious identity of the Bajo people, especially how they construct their identities in relation to their natural, social, and religious environments. The contestation of the Bajo religious identity covers three aspects: the contestation of the Islam of ‘the sea people’ against the Islam of ‘the land people’, the contenstation of the ‘official’ Islam against the ‘traditional’ Islam, and the challenges of modernity, especially the commodification of the Bajo religious expressions. This contestation, in turn, reconstructs their religious identity into a more adaptive one.

  12. Framework for establishing records control in hospitals as an ISO 9001 requirement. (United States)

    Al-Qatawneh, Lina


    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present the process followed to control records in a Jordanian private community hospital as an ISO 9001:2008 standard requirement. Design/methodology/approach Under the hospital quality council's supervision, the quality management and development office staff were responsible for designing, planning and implementing the quality management system (QMS) using the ISO 9001:2008 standard. A policy for records control was established. An action plan for establishing the records control was developed and implemented. On completion, a coding system for records was specified to be used by hospital staff. Finally, an internal audit was performed to verify conformity to the ISO 9001:2008 standard requirements. Findings Successful certification by a neutral body ascertained that the hospital's QMS conformed to the ISO 9001:2008 requirements. A framework was developed that describes the records controlling process, which can be used by staff in any healthcare organization wanting to achieve ISO 9001:2008 accreditation. Originality/value Given the increased interest among healthcare organizations to achieve the ISO 9001 certification, the proposed framework for establishing records control is developed and is expected to be a valuable management tool to improve and sustain healthcare quality.

  13. Conflitos de transparência e confidencialidade na certificação de sistemas de gestão ambiental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre de Oliveira e Aguiar

    Full Text Available Todo o processo de certificação pela norma ISO 14001 está baseado em princípios de transparência e disponibilidade de informações. Isto é determinado pela norma ISO / IEC 17021 que é a base para a atuação dos organismos certificadores de sistemas de gestão ambiental ISO 14001. A norma ISO / IEC 17021 estabelece princípios de transparência das informações e determina aos organismos certificadores a obrigação de disponibilizar a lista de clientes certificados. No entanto, muitos organismos certificadores se negam a proporcionar esta informação ao público. Não foram localizados estudos anteriores sobre esta questão em bases científicas. Para tratar do assunto, que se considera importante para a confiabilidade do processo de certificação, foi desenvolvido o presente estudo, tendo como objetivo verificar as dificuldades para se obter informações junto aos organismos certificadores, caracterizando o estado de transparência dessas organizações. Foi solicitada a lista de clientes certificados junto aos 20 organismos certificadores que operam no Brasil sob a acreditação do INMETRO (Instituto Brasileiro de Metrologia, normalização e Qualidade Industrial. Além da acreditação do INMETRO, muitos desses organismos também operam sob acreditações estrangeiras. Somente dez deles fornecem a informação requerida pela norma ISO / IEC 17021 e foram obtidas informações de 934 clientes certificados. Os organismos certificadores que não apresentaram as informações especificadas pela norma ISO / IEC 17021 afirmaram que o sigilo é necessário para preservar a confidencialidade da informação dos clientes. Outras razões foram apresentadas: prevenir os ataques de certificadores competidores, as políticas corporativas e também que não é necessário fornecer a informação. Este estudo conclui que as empresas nem sempre cumprem os requisitos de transparência da norma ISO / IEC 17021 e que são requeridas no sistema de

  14. Vocational High School Effectiveness Standard ISO 9001: 2008 for Achievement Content Standards, Standard Process and Competency Standards Graduates

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    Yeni Ratih Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Efektivitas Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Berstandar ISO 9001:2008 terhadap Pencapaian Standar Isi, Standar Proses dan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the effectiveness of the achievement of the content standards, process standards, and competency standards in vocational already standard ISO 9001: 2008 with CMS that has not been standardized ISO 9001: 2008 both in public schools and private schools. Data collection using the questionnaire enclosed Likert scale models. Analysis of data using one-way ANOVA using SPSS. The results showed: (1 there is no difference in effectiveness between public SMK ISO standard ISO standards with private SMK (P = 0.001; (2 there are differences in the effectiveness of public SMK SMK ISO standards with ISO standards have not (P = 0.000; (3 there are differences in the effectiveness of public SMK ISO standards with private vocational yet ISO standards (P = 0.000; (4 there are differences in the effectiveness of the private vocational school with vocational standard ISO standard ISO country has not (P = 0.015; (5 there are differences in the effectiveness of the private vocational bertandar ISO with private vocational yet standardized ISO (P = 0.000; (6 there was no difference in the effectiveness of public SMK has not been standardized by the ISO standard ISO private SMK yet. Key Words: vocational high school standards ISO 9001: 2008, the standard content, process standards, competency standards Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas pencapaian standar isi, standar proses, dan standar kompetensi lulusan pada SMK yang sudah berstandar ISO 9001:2008 dengan SMK yang belum berstandar ISO 9001:2008 baik pada sekolah negeri maupun sekolah swasta. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner tertutup model skala likert. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA one way menggunakan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 ada perbedaan

  15. Analysis of ISO 26262 Compliant Techniques for the Automotive Domain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. S. Kannan; Y. Dajsuren (Yanjindulam); Y. Luo; I. Barosan


    htmlabstractThe ISO 26262 standard denes functional safety for automotive E/E systems. Since the publication of the rst edition of this standard in 2011, many dierent safety techniques complying to the ISO 26262 have been developed. However, it is not clear which parts and (sub-) phases of the

  16. Analysis of ISO 26262 compliant techniques for the automotive domain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    S., Manoj Kannan; Dajsuren, Y.; Luo, Y.; Barosan, I.; Antkiewicz, M.; Atlee, J.; Dingel, J.; S, R.


    The ISO 26262 standard defines functional safety for automotive E/E systems. Since the publication of the first edition of this standard in 2011, many different safety techniques complying to the ISO 26262 have been developed. However, it is not clear which parts and (sub-) phases of the standard

  17. Perfil cognitivo de niños con rendimientos bajos en comprensión lectora

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorena Canet-Juric


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los niños con dificultades en la comprensión lectora poseen rendimientos inferiores en un conjunto de procesos cognitivos. El objetivo del presente estudio es establecer un perfil cognitivo asociado al bajo rendimiento en comprensión lectora en relación a la habilidad de monitoreo, a la producción de inferencias, al vocabulario, a la amplitud de memoria de trabajo y a la capacidad inhibitoria, en niños hispanoparlantes. Para ello se administraron tareas correspondientes a dichos procesos en niños con altos y bajos rendimientos en comprensión lectora. Los resultados mostraron que si bien los niños con mala comprensión presentan bajos rendimientos en estas habilidades, no puede establecerse un perfil consistente ya que hay niños con problemas en comprensión que presentan normal o superior rendimiento en algunas de estas habilidades cognitivas.

  18. Discussion on the compilation of document of iso quality management system for radiation sterilization enterprises

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Chunhong; Ha Yiming; Zhou Hongjie; Feng Zhiguo; Wang Feng


    According to the character of cooperation of radiation sterilization, and association with request of ISO9001, ISO13485 and ISO11137, compilation of document in quality manual, procedure document and technological document during certification of ISO quality management system of cooperation of radiation sterilization was discussed. (authors)

  19. Interim Report on ISO TC 163 Working Group 3. Annual progress report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fairey, Philip [Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL (United States)


    This reports cover the initial year efforts of the International Standards Organization (ISO) to develop international standards for rating the energy performance of buildings. The author of this report is a participant in this effort. This report summarizes the activities of the ISO Working Group charged with development of these standards and makes recommendations to the sponsors for future U.S. involvement in this ISO effort.

  20. Progress report on the management of the NEA ISOE system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lazo, E. [OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)


    The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) was launched by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) on 1 January, 1992, to facilitate the communication of dosimetric and ALARA implementation data among nuclear utilities around the world. After two years of operation the System has become a mature interactive network for transfer of data and experience. Currently, 37 utilities from 12 countries, representing 289 power plants, and 12 national regulatory authorities participate in ISOE. Agreements for cooperation also exist between the NEA and the Commission of the European Communities (CEC), and the Paris Center of the WOrld Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO-PC). In addition, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is acting as a co-sponsor of ISOE for the participation of non-NEA member countries. Three Regional Technical Centres, Europe, Asia, and Non-NEA member countries, serve to administer the system. The ISOE Network is comprised of three data bases and a communications network at several levels. The three ISOE data bases include the following types of information: NEA1 - annual plant dosimetric information; NEA2 - plant operational characteristics for dose and dose rate reduction; and NEA3 - job specific ALARA practices and experiences. The ISOE communications network has matured greatly during 1992 and 1993. In addition to having access to the above mentioned data bases, participants may now solicit information on new subjects, through the Technical Centres, from all other participants on a real-time basis. Information Sheets on these studies are produced for distribution to all participants. In addition, Topical Reports on areas of interest are produced, and Topical Meetings are held annually.

  1. Progress report on the management of the NEA ISOE system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lazo, E.


    The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) was launched by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) on 1 January, 1992, to facilitate the communication of dosimetric and ALARA implementation data among nuclear utilities around the world. After two years of operation the System has become a mature interactive network for transfer of data and experience. Currently, 37 utilities from 12 countries, representing 289 power plants, and 12 national regulatory authorities participate in ISOE. Agreements for cooperation also exist between the NEA and the Commission of the European Communities (CEC), and the Paris Center of the WOrld Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO-PC). In addition, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is acting as a co-sponsor of ISOE for the participation of non-NEA member countries. Three Regional Technical Centres, Europe, Asia, and Non-NEA member countries, serve to administer the system. The ISOE Network is comprised of three data bases and a communications network at several levels. The three ISOE data bases include the following types of information: NEA1 - annual plant dosimetric information; NEA2 - plant operational characteristics for dose and dose rate reduction; and NEA3 - job specific ALARA practices and experiences. The ISOE communications network has matured greatly during 1992 and 1993. In addition to having access to the above mentioned data bases, participants may now solicit information on new subjects, through the Technical Centres, from all other participants on a real-time basis. Information Sheets on these studies are produced for distribution to all participants. In addition, Topical Reports on areas of interest are produced, and Topical Meetings are held annually

  2. ISO standardization in nuclear technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brabec, D. (Ustav pro Vyzkum, Vyrobu a Vyuziti Radioisotopu, Prague (Czechoslovakia)); Cermak, O. (Urad pro Normalizaci a Mereni, Prague (Czechoslovakia))


    The activity is described of the technical commission ISO/TC 85 which is currently divided into 4 subcommissions (SC) and 24 working groups. SC 1 ''Terminology, definitions, units, abbreviations'' has one working group. The most important document of this SC is ISO 921-1972 (Dictionary of nuclear technology). SC 2 ''Radiation protection'' has 9 working groups and has processed standards in dosimetry. SC 3 ''Technology of power reactors'' has 6 working groups and its work is related to IAEA activities within the NUSS program. SC 4 ''Technology of nuclear fuels'' has 8 working groups. SC 4 has compiled the basic standards for sealed sources and methods of testing their tightness. The results of the work of this group have been reflected into the standardization work of CMEA. A list is given of published international standards within TC 85.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riban Riban


    Full Text Available The implementation of ISO 9001: 2000 in productive learning of building engineering sector in vocational education. The objtective of this study was to uncover the barriers to implementation of ISO 9001:2000 in productive learning. The study was designed using multisite study design. Tecniques of collecting the data were interview, observation to partici­pants, and documentation test. The result of the study are: (1 Implementation of the ISO 9001: 2000 in productive learning of  building engineering sector relates to the implementation of the concept of P-D-C-A in the ISO quality management system; (2 the barriers in implementation of ISO 9001:2000 in pro­ductive learning include low awareness level, inconsistencies, and disobedience; and (3 efforts to overcome the barriers to implementation of ISO 9001:2000 in produc­tive learning involve building the shared commitment, socialization in order to create together awareness, supervising, and doing the preventive action. Implementasi ISO 9001: 2000 pada Pembelajaran Produktif Bidang Keahlian Bangunan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Penelitian ini bermaksud meng­ungkap lebih mendalam tentang, imple­men­­­tasi, hambatan-hambatan, dan upaya-upaya dalam mengatasi ham­batan penerap­an ISO 9001: 2000 pada pembelajaran produktif. Penelitian ini diran­cang dengan menggunakan rancangan studi multisitus. Teknik pengum­pulan data meliputi wawan­cara, observasi partisipan, dan studi dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian adalah: (1 Penerapan ISO 9001: 2000 pada pem­belajaran pro­duktif teknik bangunan mengacu pada konsep P-D-C-A ke dalam sistem manajemen mutu ISO; (2 hambatan implementasi ISO 9001: 2000 pada pem­bel­ajaran produktif meliputi tingkat kesadaran rendah, inkonsistensi, dan ketidak­taatasasan; dan (3 upaya mengatasi hambatan dalam implementasi ISO 9001: 2000 pada pembelajar­an produk­tif meliputi membangun komitmen bersama, sosialisasi dalam rangka me­num­buhkan kesadaran bersama

  4. ISO 26000 – An Integrative Approach of Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Herciu Mihaela


    Full Text Available ISO 26000 represents a guidance on corporate social responsibility and it is, at the present time, one of the most important document on CSR in the world. Without being mandatory or regulated, ISO 26000 is focus on seven core subjects that have to be approached synergistic – governance, human right, labor, environment, business practices, consumer, and community – in order to achieve its goal. The present paper intends to present and analyze the seven core subjects of ISO 26000 from tow perspectives: by emphasizing the benefits of implementing the standard into the business strategy and by revealing the correlation between corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.

  5. Melhoria contínua no ambiente ISO 9001:2000: estudo de caso em duas empresas do setor automobilístico Continuous improvement in ISO 9001:2000 enviroment: case study in two companies of automotive sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Valio Dominguez Gonzalez


    Full Text Available Este artigo avalia como duas empresas certificadas pela norma ISO 9001:2000, fornecedoras do setor automobilístico, realizam atividades de melhoria contínua em seus sistemas produtivos. É evidente que diferentes empresas apresentam diferenças quanto à condução de programas de melhoria contínua, e ainda, a motivação para a certificação neste sistema da qualidade também influi na amplitude e constância da melhoria dos processos. Nesse sentido, o artigo analisa como as organizações pesquisadas desenvolvem e estruturam internamente a melhoria contínua, enfatizando a organização do setor produtivo, o modelo de gestão e os principais programas e ferramentas utilizados.This article evaluate how two companies certified by the norm ISO 9001:2000, supplier of the automotive sector, accomplish continuous improvement activities in its productive processes. It is obvious that the different industrials environments, presented by the companies in particular, shows differences in relation to the conduction of the continuous improvement programs, and also, the stimulus to get the certification in this quality system which also inspires in the amplitude and constancy of the processes improvement. At this way, the article analyses how the researched organizations develop and organize internally the continuous improvement, emphasizing the production organization, improvement management model and programs and techniques used to these activities.

  6. Age, colors and ISO standards

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nes, van F.L.; Eschbach, R; Marcu, G.G.; Tominaga, S.; Rizzi, A.


    Age influences all bodily functions, also vision. Therefore, the effects of age on vision should be mirrored in ergonomic requirements laid down in display standards such as ISO 9241-300/307, 'Electronic visual display requirements'. However, this is only true to a limited extent - just as is the

  7. ISO 14001: time for improvements?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Tine Herreborg


    The aim of this paper is to discuss a number of issues related to ISO 14001:2004, the international standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS) with the purpose of improving the next edition in order to recognise and reflect new recognitions in approaches to pollution prevention. A case...

  8. Specification of Energy Assessment Methodologies to Satisfy ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard (United States)

    Kanneganti, Harish

    Energy management has become more crucial for industrial sector as a way to lower their cost of production and in reducing their carbon footprint. Environmental regulations also force the industrial sector to increase the efficiency of their energy usage. Hence industrial sector started relying on energy management consultancies for improvements in energy efficiency. With the development of ISO 50001 standard, the entire energy management took a new dimension involving top level management and getting their commitment on energy efficiency. One of the key requirements of ISO 50001 is to demonstrate continual improvement in their (industry) energy efficiency. The major aim of this work is to develop an energy assessment methodology and reporting format to tailor the needs of ISO 50001. The developed methodology integrates the energy reduction aspect of an energy assessment with the requirements of sections 4.4.3 (Energy Review) to 4.4.6 (Objectives, Targets and Action Plans) in ISO 50001 and thus helping the facilities in easy implementation of ISO 50001.

  9. Implementation of ISO 10110 optics drawing standards for the National Ignition Facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aikens, D. M.; English, R. E.; Wang, D. Y.


    The National Ignition Facility (NIF) project elected to implement ISO 10110 standard for the specifications of NIF optics drawings in 1996. More than 7,000 NIF large optics and 20,000 NIF small optics will be manufactured based on ISO 10110 indications. ISO 10110 standard meets many of the needs of the NIF optics specifications. It allows the optical engineer to quantify and clearly communicate the desired optical specifications. While no single drawing standard specifies all the requirements of high energy laser system, a combination of ISO 10110 standard with detailed notes make it possible to apply international drawing standards to the NIF laser system. This paper will briefly describe LLNL's interpretation and implementation of the ISO 10110 drawing standard, present some examples of NIF optics drawings, and discuss pros and cons of the indications from the perspective of this application. Emphasis will be given to the surface imperfection specifications, known as 5/, for the NIF optics

  10. Implementation of ISO 10110 optics drawing standards for the National Ignition Facility (United States)

    Wang, David Y.; English, R. Edward, Jr.; Aikens, David M.


    The National Ignition Facility (NIF) project elected to implement ISO 10110 standard for the specifications of NIF optics drawings in 1996. More than 7,000 NIF large optics and 20,000 NIF small optics will be manufactured based on ISO 10110 indications. ISO 10110 standard meets many of the needs of the NIF optics specifications. It allows the optical engineer to quantify and clearly communicate the desired optical specifications. While no single drawing standard specifies all the requirements of high energy laser system, a combination of ISO 10110 standard with detailed notes make it possible to apply international drawing standards to the NIF laser system. This paper will briefly describe LLNL's interpretation and implementation of the ISO 10110 drawing standard, present some examples of NIF optics drawings, and discuss pros and cons of the indications from the perspective of this application. Emphasis will be given to the surface imperfection specifications, known as 5/, for the NIF optics.

  11. Plasma 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α, a possible prognostic marker in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. (United States)

    Pan, De-Sheng; Yan, Min; Hassan, Muhammad; Fang, Ze-Bin; Chen, Man-Tao


    8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α (8-iso-PGF2α) is a potential biomarker of oxidative stress. This study clarified whether plasma 8-iso-PGF2α concentrations were affected and its underlying relevance to prognosis in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). In this prospective, observational study, a total of 170 controls and 170 aSAH patients were enrolled. Plasma 8-iso-PGF2α concentrations were detected using an ELISA. Severity was assessed by World Federation of Neurological Surgeons (WFNS) scale and modified Fisher grading scale. Clinical outcomes included 6-month mortality and poor outcome referred to as Glasgow outcome scale score of 1-3. As compared to controls, admission plasma 8-iso-PGF2α concentrations were significantly enhanced. Increased concentrations of plasma 8-iso-PGF2α correlated with WFNS scores and modified Fisher scores. 8-iso-PGF2α in plasma was an independent predictor for clinical outcomes. Under ROC curve, the predictive values of 8-iso-PGF2α concentrations resembled those of WFNS scores and modified Fisher scores for clinical outcomes. An elevation in plasma 8-iso-PGF2α concentrations is associated with the severity and poor outcome after aSAH, substantializing 8-iso-PGF2α as a potential prognostic biomarker of aSAH. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  12. 75 FR 5779 - Notice Providing Agenda for Technical Conference on RTO/ISO Responsiveness (United States)


    ... Conference on RTO/ISO Responsiveness January 27, 2010. California Independent System Operator Docket No. ER09.... Southwest Power Pool, Inc Docket Nos. ER09-1050-000, ER09- 1192-000. ISO New England, Inc. and New England.... Agenda--Technical Conference on RTO/ISO Responsiveness February 4, 2010 12:30 Panel 1--Stakeholder...

  13. ISO 9000 Series Certification Over Time: what have we learnt?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A. van der Wiele (Ton); A.M. Brown (Alan)


    textabstractThe ISO 9000 experiences of the same sample of organisations over a five year time period is examined in this paper. The responses to a questionnaire sent out at the end of 1999 to companies which had a reasonably long term experience with the ISO 9000 series quality system are analysed.

  14. Quality standards: Comparison between IAEA 50-C/SG-Q and ISO 9001:2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has the statutory mandate to seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world. As part of the activities to achieve its objectives, the IAEA is authorized to establish standards of safety for the protection of health and the minimization of danger to life and property. The standards of safety developed by the IAEA are recommendations for use by its Member States in the framework of national regulations for the safe utilization of nuclear energy. Such standards should be considered as nuclear safety regulatory documents. The standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are complementary technical documents emphasizing industrial application and contractual aspects. Regarding the quality assurance topic, the IAEA developed the publication Safety Series No. 50-C/SG-Q, Quality Assurance for Safety in Nuclear Power Plants and other Nuclear Installations, which is mostly used directly or indirectly to establish the nuclear safety requirements at the nuclear utility-regulator interface. The ISO 9001:2000 standard, Quality Management Systems Requirements, is often used to define the quality management system requirements at the utility-supplier interface. The relationship between the IAEA and ISO quality standards is growing in significance owing to their increasing impact upon utilities (owners/operators of nuclear facilities) and their contractors/suppliers. The relationship between the IAEA and ISO standards is considered critical in particular with respect to contractors/suppliers with a small range of nuclear supplies. These contractors-suppliers are not always willing to prepare special quality assurance programmes based on nuclear safety standards. On the other hand, these contractors/suppliers may be qualified on the basis of the ISO quality standard. In any case, for delivering nuclear items and services the

  15. ISO 14001: implementar ou não? Uma proposta para a tomada de decisão ISO 14001: adopt it or not? A proposal for the decision making process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giuliano Nacarato Moretti


    Full Text Available Entre as vantagens e desvantagens oferecidas pela implementação da norma ISO 14001, o empresário, muitas vezes, não encontra subsídios suficientes para a tomada de decisão pela adoção ou não da referida norma. Este trabalho apresenta uma ferramenta de auxílio à tomada de decisão empresarial, promovendo um estudo sobre a real necessidade e viabilidade da implementação da norma ISO 14001 e a respectiva certificação. Trata-se de uma análise multicriterial, em que se verifica a compatibilidade entre o perfil organizacional e a norma ISO 14001. Busca-se facilitar a decisão das organizações em adotar ou não a ISO 14001, por meio de uma recomendação que aumente sua probabilidade de atingir os objetivos almejados. A ferramenta demonstrou sua forte aplicabilidade quando implementada em duas empresas.One of the difficulties of the decision making process, is that many entrepreneurs may find themselves incapable of finding enough subsidies for the decision of adopting or not the ISO 14001 standard. This work presents a tool that facilitates corporate decision making, providing a thorough analysis of the real necessity and feasibility of the implementation of the ISO 14001 standard and its certification. This tool consists of a multicriterial analysis, in which is possible to verify the compatibility between the organizational profile and the ISO 14001 standard. This recommendation of adopting or not the ISO 14001 standard seeks to facilitate the organization decision making; and, as a result, it also enhances the probability of the organization attaining its objectives. This tool presented a strong applicability when implemented in two companies.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sautma Ronni Basana


    Full Text Available Recently, companies implemented projects which applied on companies’ overall system. These recent bestpractices of pursuing companies’ effectiveness and efficiency would be implementation of ISO 9000 and ERP.Previous research showed that these two projects could bring benefits for these companies which implementedit. However, it had not been compared which project would bring more benefits to these companies. Thisresearch observed 35 companies which consisted of 15 companies in food and beverages industry, 9 companiesin pharmaceutical industry, 4 companies in cigarettes industry, 4 companies in cosmetics industry, and 3companies in household appliances industry. The data were taken by observing and recording the valueswhich related to COGS (cost of goods sold, total inventory, net income, gross income, operating income, pretaxincome, cash flow operation, total liabilities, and total asset after ISO and ERP implementation. The resultsshowed that there was no significant difference of the ISO and ERP implementation on the factors of inventoryturnover, and weeks of supply. While the other factors showed significant differences between the implementationof ERP and ISO. Net profit margin, gross profit margin, and operating profit margin showed better resulton ERP launching. On the other hand, pretax margin showed better than ISO 9000 implementation. Overall,ERP implementation showed better results compared with ISO 9000.

  17. Iso-vector form factors of the delta and nucleon in QCD sum rules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozpineci, A.


    Form factors are important non-perturbative properties of hadrons. They give information about the internal structure of the hadrons. In this work, iso-vector axial-vector and iso-vector tensor form factors of the nucleon and the iso-vector axial-vector Δ→N transition form factor calculations in QCD Sum Rules are presented.

  18. A search for PAHs in the ISO spectra of comet Hale-Bopp (United States)

    Crovisier, J.; Bockelée-Morvan, D.


    From a new analysis of a spectrum of comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) obtained with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), Lisse et al. (2007) claimed the identification of many new dust species. Among them are PAHs, which were not found in our first analysis of the ISO spectra. We present a re-examination of the ISO observations of comet Hale-Bopp, which does not confirm the conclusion of Lisse et al.

  19. U-value measurements on ISO round Robin window

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Duer, Karsten


    9 laboratories in 6 european and 2 north american countries have participated in a round robin U-value test of a standard facade window. The objective of the round robin test was to verify that the ISO/CEN proposals for U-value measurement standard is robust.......9 laboratories in 6 european and 2 north american countries have participated in a round robin U-value test of a standard facade window. The objective of the round robin test was to verify that the ISO/CEN proposals for U-value measurement standard is robust....

  20. The new ISO 6579-1: A real horizontal standard for detection of Salmonella, at last! (United States)

    Mooijman, Kirsten A


    Up to 2016, three international standard methods existed for the detection of Salmonella spp. in food, animal feed and samples from the primary production stage: ISO 6785:2001 for milk and milk products, ISO 6579:2002 for (other) food and animal feed and Annex D of ISO 6579:2007 for samples from the primary production stage. In 2009, an ISO/CEN working group started with the revision of ISO 6579:2002 with two main aims: combining the three aforementioned standards in one document and improving the information in ISO 6579:2002. Additionally it was decided to split ISO 6579 into three parts, where part 1 describes the detection, part 2 the enumeration by mini-MPN (published in 2012) and part 3 the serotyping of Salmonella (published in 2014). This paper describes the experiments and choices made for improving the part on detection of Salmonella (ISO 6579-1). The final voting stage on (draft) ISO 6579-1 was finished by the end of December 2016, with a positive outcome. Finally, a real horizontal standard became available for detection of Salmonella in food, animal feed, environmental samples in the area of food production and food handling and in samples from the primary production stage in 2017. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. α-Iso-cubebene exerts neuroprotective effects in amyloid beta stimulated microglia activation. (United States)

    Park, Sun Young; Park, Se Jin; Park, Nan Jeong; Joo, Woo Hong; Lee, Sang-Joon; Choi, Young-Whan


    Schisandra chinensis is commonly used for food and as a traditional remedy for the treatment of neuronal disorders. However, it is unclear which component of S. chinensis is responsible for its neuropharmacological effects. To answer this question, we isolated α-iso-cubebene, a dibenzocyclooctadiene lignin, from S. chinensis and determined if it has any anti-neuroinflammatory and neuroprotective properties against amyloid β-induced neuroinflammation in microglia. Microglia that are stimulated by amyloid β increased their production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the enzymatic activity of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9). We found this was all inhibited by α-iso-cubebene. Consistent with these results, α-iso-cubebene inhibited the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and MMP-9 in amyloid β-stimulated microglia. Subsequent mechanistic studies revealed that α-iso-cubebene inhibited the phosphorylation and degradation of IκB-α, the phosphorylation and transactivity of NF-κB, and the phosphorylation of MAPK in amyloid β-stimulated microglia. These results suggest that α-iso-cubebene impairs the amyloid β-induced neuroinflammatory response of microglia by inhibiting the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways. Importantly, α-iso-cubebene can provide critical neuroprotection for primary cortical neurons against amyloid β-stimulated microglia-mediated neurotoxicity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report showing that α-iso-cubebene can provide neuroprotection against, and influence neuroinflammation triggered by, amyloid β activation of microglia. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. ISO sertifikaat aitab otsustada / Toomas Udu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Udu, Toomas


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti : Transport i logistika 25. mai lk. 8. Teenuse kvaliteedi näitajad logistikafirmas ISO standardi alusel. Vt. samas: Eestis kasutatakse kolme kvaliteedistandardit; Kuidas mõjutada kvaliteeti läbi juhtimissüsteemi

  3. Factores nutricionales maternos y el bajo peso al nacer en un área de salud

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arley Rey Vilchez


    Full Text Available Fundamento: el bajo peso al nacer es multifactorial y se atribuye a causas maternas, fetales y ambientales. Los hábitos alimentarios inadecuados unidos a otros factores nutricionales maternos son determinantes. Objetivo: identificar los factores nutricionales maternos relacionados con el bajo peso al nacer en pacientes del Área I del municipio Cienfuegos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio analítico, retrospectivo, de casos y controles entre enero 2006 y diciembre 2008. Se estudiaron 50 madres de recién nacidos bajo peso (casos y 100 madres de niños normopesos (controles a razón de 2 por cada caso, seleccionadas del registro de nacimientos del área. Se revisaron las historias clínicas obstétricas y se entrevistó a cada paciente para evaluar sus hábitos alimentarios según frecuencia de comidas y grupos de alimentos consumidos. El procesamiento de la información se realizó utilizando el programa estadístico SPSS versión 15,0. Los resultados se presentaron en tablas con frecuencias absolutas, porcentajes y resultados de las técnicas estadísticas empleadas. Resultados: se comportaron como factores de riesgo: la edad materna, el estado nutricional al inicio del embarazo, la ganancia de peso durante la gestación y la hemoglobina del tercer trimestre. Las mujeres con hábitos alimentarios inestables e insuficientes tuvieron 33 veces más probabilidades de tener neonatos bajo peso y las que refirieron dietas no saludables según grupos de alimentos consumidos tuvieron 9 veces más riesgo. Conclusiones: los factores nutricionales maternos influyeron en la incidencia del bajo peso al nacer, fundamentalmente los hábitos alimentarios inadecuados.

  4. Gaining competitive advantage in personal dosimetry services through ISO 9001 certification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noriah, M.A.


    Full text: In Malaysia, the harmonization of dose monitoring for almost 12,000 radiation workers is assigned to the Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory of Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research, SSDL-MINT. Established in 1980, SSDL-MINT is responsible for improving personal and workplace safety by providing high quality personal dosimetry services. It is important to demonstrate that the performance of personal dosimetry meets recognized standards, to ensure radiation doses to individual workers are within the safe limits and to verify compliance with dose limits. Concern on the quality of personal dosimetry service began to be expressed in 2000. The concern led to the ISO certification, which brought an unprecedented effort characterized by high degree coordination, proper documentation and well trained of personal dosimetry operators. These huge efforts resulted with certification ISO 9002:1994 by the SIRIM International QAS Sdn. Bhd. in January 2002. The adoption of these requirements for the ISO 9002 standard makes routine handling of the process easier, and increases the reliability and effectiveness of the services. This helps to increase the quality and uniformity of personal dosimetry. The revision of the ISO 9002:1994 to ISO 9001:2000 necessitated SSDL-MINT revising its quality management system. The work began in middle 2002, and by May 2003, SSDL-MINT has been upgraded to ISO 9001:2000. Certification to the ISO 9001:2000 demonstrates our ability to consistency provide service that meets the requirements of the customer and the regulatory authority. These includes: improved consistency of service / product performance and therefore higher customer satisfaction levels; uniformity in work processes across organizations; simplified and more uniform structure for quality documents; improved customer perception of the organizations image, culture and performance; reduced number of product and process non-conformances; greater employee

  5. PYME y cooperativas ante el reto de la RSE: la nueva ISO 26000 (SMEs and cooperatives confront the challenge of CSR: the new ISO 26000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Pablo Landa


    Full Text Available Corporate Social Responsibility is a central issue in modern business and a main factor of companies strategies for competitiveness in a global economy . The recent approval of ISO26000 shows this general tendency to introduce social and environmental principles in global governance and organizational behaviour in all kinds of firms, organizations and multinational corporations. This paper offers a critical approach to the effects of ISO 26000 in the small and medium companies, and cooperatives, too. This norm is not focussed on the particularities of this kind of companies and shows some problems when implementing it in SME & social economy organizations. The question which comes up is if there is a necessity to adapt the implementation of ISO 26000 to these particular firms: in which cases and to what limits. La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa es una cuestión central en la economía moderna, y un factor fundamental en las estrategias competitivas de las empresas, en el marco de una economía globalizada. La reciente aprobación de la norma ISO 26000 recoge la tendencia general de introducir principios sociales y medioambientales en el gobierno global y en la organización de todo tipo de empresas, organizaciones y corporaciones multinacionales. Este artículo ofrece un acercamiento crítico a los efectos de la norma ISO 26000 en las PYMEs y cooperativas. Esta norma no contempla las particularidades de este tipo de compañías, y muestra algunos problemas al implantarlas en PYMEs y organizaciones de la economía social. Se cuestiona la necesidad de adaptar la implementación de la norma ISO 26000 a este tipo de organizaciones, en qué casos, y con qué limites.DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  6. Los exilios de católicos y arrianos bajo Leovigildo y Recaredo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vallejo Girvés, Margarita


    Full Text Available In this paper we try to analyse the various topics of the exile that have been applied by the visigothic kings Leovigild and Reccared. It is known that most part of the individuals that had suffered this exile were ecclesiasticals, catholics under Leovigild and arians during Reccared, but all of them were of germanic origin.

    En este artículo se analizan los diversos tipos de exilio que aplicaron los monarcas visigodos Leovigildo y Recaredo. Se da la circunstancia de que la mayoría de ellos fueron eclesiásticos y que bajo Leovigildo lo sufrieron singularmente los católicos y los arríanos bajo Recaredo, pero en ambos casos todos los condenados son de origen germánico.

  7. Occupational exposures at nuclear power plants. Twelfth annual report of the Isoe programme, 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) was created by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in 1992 to promote and co-ordinate international co-operative undertakings in the area of worker protection at nuclear power plants. The ISOE Programme provides experts in occupational radiation protection with a forum for communication and exchange of experience. The ISOE databases enable the analysis of occupational exposure data from the 465 commercial nuclear power plants participating in the Programme (representing some 90 per cent of the world's total operating commercial reactors). The Twelfth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme summarises achievements made during 2002 and compares annual occupational exposure data. Principal developments in ISOE participating countries are also described. (author)

  8. ISO 50001 for US Commercial Buildings - Current Status and Opportunities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Jingjing; Sheaffer, Paul


    ''ISO 50001: 2011 Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use'' is a voluntary International Standard which provides organizations a proven framework to manage energy and continuously improve their energy performance. Implementing ISO 50001 in the commercial building sector has its unique opportunities and challenges in comparison with the industrial sector. The energy footprint of a portfolio of commercial buildings can be just as significant as a large industrial facility in comparison. There are many energy-saving opportunities in commercial buildings that can be addressed without capital investments, and the perceived risks for making energy improvements can be lower than in the industrial sector. In addition, the energy-consuming systems in commercial buildings are limited in types and have many similarities across buildings, which makes it much easier to standardize many ISO 50001 required processes, 5 procedures and documents to simplify implementation. There are also some sector-unique challenges, such as less familiar with ISO systems and the certification process. Another challenge arises from the complexity in some buildings’ ownership, tenancy, and O&M responsibilities. This whitepaper discusses these opportunities and issues in detail. The paper also recommends the characteristics of organizations in the commercial building sector that can benefit the most from adopting the ISO 50001 standard – namely the “suitable market”. Eight segments (education, food sales, retail, inpatient health care, hospitality, office buildings, laboratories and data centers) within the commercial building sector are highlighted.

  9. The ISO9000 standard in electrical research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez-Ortiz, G.; Davila-Nunez, G.; Gonzalez-Sustaeta, J. [Inst. de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico). Unidad de Sistemas Informaticos


    In this article, the main aspects that are considered important upon applying the ISO9000 standard [ISO 94] in a research institution, company, or group, are described. The 20 sections of the standard are discussed emphasizing the concepts and definitions that can be differently interpreted in the process of elaboration of a quality manual for a group devoted to research, than when they are applied in the elaboration of a manual for a factory that produces material goods. The exposed reasoning was used in the elaboration of the quality manual in the Information Systems Unit of the Electrical Research Institute in Mexico, and it is being used in the installation and operation of the quality system.

  10. Sustainable development induction in organizations: a convergence analysis of ISO standards management tools' parameters. (United States)

    Merlin, Fabrício Kurman; Pereira, Vera Lúciaduarte do Valle; Pacheco, Waldemar


    Organizations are part of an environment in which they are pressured to meet society's demands and acting in a sustainable way. In an attempt to meet such demands, organizations make use of various management tools, among which, ISO standards are used. Although there are evidences of contributions provided by these standards, it is questionable whether its parameters converge for a possible induction for sustainable development in organizations. This work presents a theoretical study, designed on structuralism world view, descriptive and deductive method, which aims to analyze the convergence of management tools' parameters in ISO standards. In order to support the analysis, a generic framework for possible convergence was developed, based on systems approach, linking five ISO standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 31000 and ISO 26000) with sustainable development and positioning them according to organization levels (strategic, tactical and operational). The structure was designed based on Brundtland report concept. The analysis was performed exploring the generic framework for possible convergence based on Nadler and Tushman model. The results found the standards can contribute to a possible sustainable development induction in organizations, as long as they meet certain minimum conditions related to its strategic alignment.

  11. KSC Center Director Bridges accepts an ISO 9001 certification plaque from DNV (United States)


    Center Director Roy Bridges (right) displays the 2000th ISO Certificate Plaque he was given by Dalton Lyon (left) of Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Inc., an international ISO certification organization, at a ceremony at KSC. The plaque is a representation of the ISO 9001 certification awarded to KSC by DNV. ISO 9001 comprises the most detailed, comprehensive set of standard requirements for quality programs established by the International Standards Organization. The presentation followed a successful independent audit by DNV of the KSC Management System in May of this year. The third-party auditors examined about 20 elements of KSC's system, including management responsibility, design control, documentation, test and inspection, and corrective action procedures. DNV found that KSC met or exceeded the stringent quality standards in all areas. KSC will use this certification as a tool to improve an already world- class team. All NASA centers are required by NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin to be ISO 9001 registered by September 1999. NASA is the first federal agency to seek the quality certification.

  12. Volatile organic compound (VOC) determination in working atmospheres; Determinacion de compuestos organicos volatiles (VOC) en ambiente laboral

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blass A, Georgina; Panama T, Luz A; Corrales C, Deyanira [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    The present work describes, in a synthesized way, the implementation and application of procedures based on the normativity related to the subject of the volatile organic compounds (Volatile Organic Compounds VOC), that allow to sample, quantify and evaluate the present contamination in the working atmosphere of a refinery due to the fugitive emissions of VOC and other substances. In accordance with the corresponding normativity, more than 189 organic compounds denominated dangerous air polluting agents (Hazardous Air Pollutants, HAP) can be found in a working atmosphere, but they are the 11 main HAP that can be found in a refinery. In the present article the work made for the sampling and quantification of 5 of the 11 dangerous polluting agents of the air: benzene, toluene, xylene, iso-octane and naphthalene. [Spanish] El presente trabajo describe, de manera sintetizada, la implementacion y aplicacion de procedimientos basados en la normatividad relacionada al tema de los compuestos organicos volatiles (Volatil Organic Compounds, VOC), que permiten muestrear, cuantificar y evaluar la contaminacion presente en el ambiente laboral de una refineria debido a las emisiones fugitivas de VOC y otras sustancias. De acuerdo con la normatividad correspondiente, mas de 189 compuestos organicos denominados contaminantes peligrosos del aire (Hazardous Air Pollutants, HAP), pueden ser encontrados en un ambiente laboral, pero son 11 los principales HAP que pueden ser hallados en una refineria. En el presente articulo se informa el trabajo realizado para el muestreo y cuantificacion de 5 de los 11 contaminantes peligrosos del aire: benceno, tolueno, xileno, iso-octano y naftaleno.

  13. Step of quality assurance preparation on ISO 9001:2000 toward certification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    ISO 9001:2000 is the International Standard for the quality management system that stipulate requirement and recommendation provided for design until product. The standard is also regulated the implementation and evaluation from management system point of view the objective to assure organization will meet specified requirement product. To propose ISO 9001:2000 certification, many steps of action should be carried out. There are 5 primary sections of the quality management system requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Quality Management system, Management responsibility, Resource management, Product realization and Measurement, Analysis and improvement, in which all will be begun with training until evaluation (author)

  14. Predicting the quantifiable impacts of ISO 50001 on climate change mitigation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McKane, Aimee; Therkelsen, Peter; Scodel, Anna; Rao, Prakash; Aghajanzadeh, Arian; Hirzel, Simon; Zhang, Ruiqin; Prem, Richard; Fossa, Alberto; Lazarevska, Ana M.; Matteini, Marco; Schreck, Bettina; Allard, Fabian; Villegal Alcántar, Noé; Steyn, Karel; Hürdoğan, Ertaç; Björkman, Thomas; O' Sullivan, John


    The ISO 50001-Energy management standard provides a continual improvement framework for organizations to reduce their energy consumption, which in the industrial and commercial (service) sectors, accounts for nearly 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing this energy consumption will be critical for countries to achieve their national greenhouse gas reduction commitments. Several national policies already support ISO 50001; however, there is no transparent, consistent process to estimate the potential impacts of its implementation. This paper presents the ISO 50001 Impacts Methodology, an internationally-developed methodology to calculate these impacts at a national, regional, or global scale suitable for use by policymakers. The recently-formed ISO 50001 Global Impacts Research Network provides a forum for policymakers to refine and encourage use of the methodology. Using this methodology, a scenario with 50% of projected global industrial and service sector energy consumption under ISO 50001 management by 2030 would generate cumulative primary energy savings of approximately 105 EJ, cost savings of nearly US $700 billion (discounted to 2016 net present value), and 6500 million metric tons (Mt) of avoided CO2 emissions. The avoided annual CO2 emissions in 2030 alone are equivalent to removing 210 million passenger vehicles from the road.

  15. The Role of ISO 9000 Certification on Waste Management of Leather Industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Susetyo Hario Putero; Dhani Astuti


    State of industry in an area could increase economy of this area. On the other hand, industry may be produce the waste. There are many factor influencing the success of industrial waste management. At present, ISO 14000 is known as an international environmental management standard. Practically, several matter required for ISO 14000 are similar with ISO 9000. So, the role of ISO 9000 certification on supporting waste management program of leather industry has been studied. Study has been pursued by comparing the environmental management systems of 2 leather industries in Sitimulyo, Piyungan, Bantul. Staff working way has been observed to know the suitability with working procedures and implementation of safety aspect on daily working. Observation of waste treatment facility and measurement of Chrome concentration also has been done. Samples were analysed using AAS method in Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Gadjah Mada University. Decontamination Factor (DF) was calculated by comparing the Chrome concentrations on outside plant and in waste treatment facility. Commitment of management and orderliness of system as required on ISO 9000 certification could push the industry to well execute waste management program as a part of environmental management system. ISO 9000 certification is convinced to make awareness of industry grow for continually improving their capability, including their capacity of waste treatment facility. (author)

  16. Nanotechnology Standardization Activities – Support of U.S. Representation on ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Benko, Heather [American National Standards Inst. (ANSI), Washington, DC (United States)


    In carrying out its responsibilities on behalf of the United States, ANSI provides comprehensive, administrative support and expertise on international protocols and procedures to: (1) the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) Technical Committee (TC) 229 Nanotechnologies, and (2) the corresponding U.S. TAG Working Groups tasked with formulating U.S. positions on topics relevant to nanotechnology standardization. Additionally, secretariat and procedural support is provided for the ISO/TC 229 WG 3 on health, safety and environment, for which the United States was assigned leadership by the participating national body members of ISO/TC 229. As the official entity that serves as the U.S. representative to ISO, ANSI provides not only expert coordination of U.S. positions and representation at ISO but also strategic direction, advice and procedural expertise to facilitate navigation of international issues to promote U.S. positions for incorporation into the ISO/TC 229 program of work necessary to support U.S. objectives.

  17. Habilidades pre-escolares de los niños nacidos prematuramente y con bajo peso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sasha A. Martínez-Espiet


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el nivel de desarrollo en la etapa pre-escolar de un grupo de niños nacidos prematuramente y con bajo peso. Se evaluó un grupo 20 niños de cuatro años nacidos prematuramente y con bajo peso y un grupo de 20 niños nacidos luego de gestación completada y peso deseado utilizando la prueba de integración visual-motora Beery-Buktenica. Además, se administró el cuestionario del desarrollo Ages and Stages (ASQ-3 a las 40 madres. El análisis estadístico se llevó a cabo mediante una prueba t de studentpara grupos independientes. El grupo de niños nacidos prematuramente obtuvo puntuaciones significativamente inferiores en las pruebas que medían las habilidades de percepción visual (µ1 83.65 ; µ2 93.7 (p=0.0001, integración visual-motora (µ1 93.6 ; µ2 104.8 (p=0.001 y motor fina (µ1 36.00 ; µ2 44.25 (p=0.033 al ser comparados con el grupo de niños nacidos luego de una gestacióncompletada.El estudio sugiere que los niños nacidos prematuramente y con bajo peso presentan menor ejecución en el desarrollo sensorio-motor durante la etapa pre-escolar. Estas desventajas pasan desapercibidas y pueden representar rezago en las tareas escolares futuras que requieren de dichas habilidades. Es importante fomentar la evaluación y estimulación ambiental temprana en esta población aún en ausencia de indicadores de riesgo. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the development among a group of pre-school children born premature and with low weight. We evaluated a group of four years old children; 20 children born prematurely and 20 children born after a full gestation and desired weight, using the Beery-Buktenica visual-motor integration test. We also administered the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3 development test to all 40 mothers. Statistical analysis was performed using student t test for independent groups. The group of children born prematurely scored significantly lower

  18. Blood and urine 8-iso-PGF2α levels in babies of different gestational ages. (United States)

    Li, Sitao; Hao, Hu; Zhou, Ping; Gao, Ping Ming; Xiao, Xin


    We measured cord blood and urine 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α (8-iso-PGF2α) levels in babies of different gestational ages to determine lipid peroxidation status. Babies at gestational ages of 28-43 weeks were divided into group A (28-32 weeks), group B (33-36 weeks), group C (37-41 weeks), and group D (42-43 weeks). 8-iso-PGF2α in umbilical cord blood (UCB) at birth and urine at 6 hours after birth was and tested by ELISA. UCB and urine 8-iso-PGF2α levels in group C were 130.09 ± 31.73 pg/ml and 27.14 ± 6.73 pg/ml, respectively. UCB 8-iso-PGF2α levels in group A and B were 188.42 ± 59.34 pg/ml and 189.37 ± 68.46 pg/ml, and urine 8-iso-PGF2α were 32.14 ± 7.32 pg/ml and 30.46 ± 8.83 pg/ml, respectively. Blood and urine 8-iso-PGF2α levels in group D (post-term) were 252.01 ± 46.42 pg/ml and 44.00 ± 8.50 pg/ml. For all babies, UCB and urine iso-PGF2α levels were significantly correlated (r = 0.65, P iso-PGF2α levels in normal full-term babies. Urine 8-iso-PGF2α levels may reflect the extent of lipid peroxidation in babies. In pre-term and post-term babies, there was evidence for increased lipid peroxidation.

  19. Glucuronidation of deoxynivalenol (DON) by different animal species: identification of iso-DON glucuronides and iso-deepoxy-DON glucuronides as novel DON metabolites in pigs, rats, mice, and cows. (United States)

    Schwartz-Zimmermann, Heidi E; Hametner, Christian; Nagl, Veronika; Fiby, Iris; Macheiner, Lukas; Winkler, Janine; Dänicke, Sven; Clark, Erica; Pestka, James J; Berthiller, Franz


    The Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) is a frequent contaminant of cereal-based food and feed. Mammals metabolize DON by conjugation to glucuronic acid (GlcAc), the extent and regioselectivity of which is species-dependent. So far, only DON-3-glucuronide (DON-3-GlcAc) and DON-15-GlcAc have been unequivocally identified as mammalian DON glucuronides, and DON-7-GlcAc has been proposed as further DON metabolite. In the present work, qualitative HPLC-MS/MS analysis of urine samples of animals treated with DON (rats: 2 mg/kg bw, single bolus, gavage; mice: 1 mg/kg bw, single i.p. injection; pigs: 74 µg/kg bw, single bolus, gavage; cows: 5.2 mg DON/kg dry mass, oral for 13 weeks) revealed additional DON and deepoxy-DON (DOM) glucuronides. To elucidate their structures, DON and DOM were incubated with human (HLM) and rat liver microsomes (RLM). Besides the expected DON/DOM-3- and 15-GlcAc, minor amounts of four DON- and four DOM glucuronides were formed. Isolation and enzymatic hydrolysis of four of these compounds yielded iso-DON and iso-DOM, the identities of which were eventually confirmed by NMR. Incubation of iso-DON and iso-DOM with RLM and HLM yielded two main glucuronides for each parent compound, which were isolated and identified as iso-DON/DOM-3-GlcAc and iso-DON/DOM-8-GlcAc by NMR. Iso-DON-3-GlcAc, most likely misidentified as DON-7-GlcAc in the literature, proved to be a major DON metabolite in rats and a minor metabolite in pigs. In addition, iso-DON-8-GlcAc turned out to be one of the major DON metabolites in mice. DOM-3-GlcAc was the dominant DON metabolite in urine of cows and an important DON metabolite in rat urine. Iso-DOM-3-GlcAc was detected in urine of DON-treated rats and cows. Finally, DON-8,15-hemiketal-8-glucuronide, a previously described by-product of DON-3-GlcAc production by RLM, was identified in urine of DON-exposed mice and rats. The discovery of several novel DON-derived glucuronides in animal urine requires adaptation of

  20. Beneficios de la aplicación de normas internacionales ISO en procesos electorales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeffrey Badí Quinteros Basantes


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentarán los beneficios de la aplicabilidad de las normas internacionales ISO en los procesos electorales, con el fin de poder elevar los niveles de percepción positiva de los ciudadanos. Se verificará la aplicación de normas ISO/TS 17582:2014, Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad y la norma ISO/IEC 27001:2013, para todas las fases de un proceso electoral. Se expondrán los dominios que forman parte de la norma ISO/TS 17582:2014 , los cuales permiten un proceso de mejoramiento continuo a fin de garantizar la calidad de las metodologías que soportan la organización, administración, gestión, seguimiento y auditorías de un proceso electoral. La norma ISO/IEC 27001:2013 se alinea con la norma ISO9001:2008 para la gestión de seguridad de la información. La aplicación de esta normativa permitirá asegurar la integridad, confidencialidad y disponibilidad de la información durante los procesos electorales.

  1. An iso-erodent map Imo state of Nigeria | Madubuike | International ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Among inputs/resources often needed for erosion risk assessment of a region is the iso-erodent map of the region. This is a map showing areas of equal erosion potentials in the region. As Imo and Abia states of Nigeria lie in a high erosion region of the country, it was decided in this work to produce an iso-erodent map of ...

  2. Programación de las normas ISO 12217-1 (2011) e ISO 12217-3 (2011) para el estudio de la estabilidad y flotabilidad de embarcaciones de recreo


    Gallardo Martínez, Antonio


    Las embarcaciones de recreo para operar dentro de la Comunidad Europea deben de obtener el marcado CE. Para ello se evalúa y clasifica su estabilidad y flotabilidad según la normativa ISO 12217 y se asigna una categoría de diseño (A, B, C o D) adecuada a su diseño y a su carga total máxima. El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo la programación de las normas ISO 12217-1 referente a embarcaciones no propulsadas a vela de eslora igual o superior a 6 m y la norma ISO 12217-3 ...


    This flyer provides an overview of the ISO 14000 series of International standards, supplying a brief history, structure of the Technical Committee (TC) 207, structure of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO TC-207, status of the Standards development as of June 1997, w...


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    Sri Wahjuni Latifah


    Full Text Available Research of the influence of ISO 26000 CSR toward the company’s value as a moderating variable which is done on companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The Company’s characteristics are measured by firm age, size, leverage and profitability. The data analysis was done by using double linear regression models, the first is to see the effect based on the ISO 26000 CSR and firm characteristics on value, and the second is to see the effect of interaction with the ISO 26000 corporate characteristics. The results of the study showed that there was no influence of ISO 26000, the characteristics of the company toward the value of the company. However, moderated ISO 26000 by firm characteristics affect the value of the company.

  5. Providing for transmission in times of scarcity: an ISO cannot do it all

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, E.; Ilic, M.; Younes, Z.


    The main purpose of this paper is to point out issues critical for establishing a good transmission strategy in an energy market. First, it is suggested that a transmission strategy must be discussed in the context of a specific market structure. Responsibilities of a transmission system provider differ fundamentally, depending on the type of energy market it is supposed to serve. To show this, a summary of information assumed to be known to an Independent System Operator (ISO) in three energy market structures is given, i.e., (1) a mandatory ISO, (2) an entirely multilateral market and (3) a voluntary ISO. The differences between these three proposals concerning an ISO's responsibility for achieving systemwide efficiency and fair charges for transmission service, particularly at times of scarcity, are analyzed. It is shown that an ISO equipped with the present types of optimization tools for both reliability and efficiency is generally 'blind' to questions of fairness with respect to the individual market participants when providing transmission system support. In order to get around this problem, much more work will have to he done by the technical and regulatory communities. The only tools at an ISO's disposal at present are used for systemwide objectives, such as systemwide reliability. While some of this work is under way, it will take some time to develop the actual ISO tools necessary for implementing the fairness criterion metrics ('standards'), whichever ones the community arrives at. (Developing metrics of fair reliability contributions for the individual market participants is a nonunique process, and it may be very difficult to actually agree upon). Meanwhile, in order to have an ISO actively help energy markets in a fair and efficient way in realistic markets, which are likely to be voluntary ISOs, a system user must become an active part of decision making, indicating how much it wishes to use the system at times of scarcity and at which price. One

  6. ISO-PC Version 1.98: User`s guide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rittmann, P.D.


    This document describes how to use Version 1.98 of the shielding program named ISO-PC. Version 1.98 corrects all known errors in ISOSHLD-II. In addition, a few numeric problems have been eliminated. There are three new namelist variables, 25 additional shielding materials, and 5 more energy groups. The two major differences with the original ISOSHLD-II are the removal of RIBD(radioisotope buildup and decay) source generator, and the removal of the non-uniform source distribution parameter, SSV1. This version of ISO-PC works with photon energies from 10 KeV to 10 MeV using 30 energy groups.

  7. Estudio de una Cronosecuencia de Suelos en el Bajo Cauca (Antioquia

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    Jaramillo J. Daniel F.


    Full Text Available En la región del Bajo Cauca, Antioquia, se estudiaron tres terrazas, a diferentes alturas, las cuales poseen diferencias apreciables entre la evolución de sus respectivos suelos. La terraza de mayor altura presentó los suelos más evolucionados: Typic Paleudult; la de mediana altura presentó suelos de incipiente evolución, clasificados como Typic Dystropept y la de menor altitud presentó suelos recientes, con muy bajo grado de evolución: Tropic Fluvaquent. Las diferencias en evolución observadas entre los suelos se deben a los largos intervalos de tiempo transcurridos entre la formación de los tres niveles de las terrazas. La fertilidad natural de los suelos desarrollados sobre las terrazas alta y media se puede calificar como baja a muy baja; por su parte, la terraza a menor altura posee alta fertilidad.

  8. Environmental psychology in the bioclimatic design; La psicologia ambiental en el diseno bioclimatico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cubillas Talamante, Lorena Gpe [Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexicali, Baja California (Mexico)


    The bioclimatic design profits of the natural resources for the improvement of the construction quality as well as the user's life. The combination of these two concepts within the architectonic design generates an interesting duality to consider within the understanding of the user's physical and psychological environment and the obtaining of a correlation of reality and dreams. Environmental psychology is focused on the researching of the psychological effects of the architectonic environment on the human experience and behavior. Human behavior works under parameters established during its development. Through the habits and styles of life practiced in childhood those parameters establish themselves to later on obtain satisfiers in the search of the life quality of human beings. [Spanish] El diseno bioclimatico aprovecha los recursos naturales para el mejoramiento de la calidad de la construccion y vida del usuario. La combinacion de estos dos conceptos dentro del diseno arquitectonico, genera dualidad interesante de entender el medio ambiente fisico y psicologico de los usuarios y obtener una identificacion entre la realidad y los suenos. La psicologia ambiental se ha enfocado a investigar sobre la relacion de los efectos psicologicos del ambiente construido o arquitectonico sobre la conducta y la experiencia humana. La conducta humana trabaja bajo parametros establecidos durante el desarrollo del mismo, a traves de los habitos y estilos de vida desde su infancia van marcando esos parametros que despues sirven para lograr satisfactores en la busqueda de la calidad de vida de los seres humanos.

  9. Serie Madera para construcción La madera certificada bajo el concepto del triple resultado


    Camacho-Cornejo, Diego; Moya-Roque, Róger


    A nivel mundial existe una tendencia de utilización de los productos certificados de madera bajo el concepto de triple resultado. En Costa Rica, diferentes empresas trabajan bajo este concepto. Es por ello que el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar el desarrollo de la madera certificada en Costa Rica, estableciendo la importancia de utilizar este tipo de madera, las ventajas de utilizarla en relación a aquella que no presenta esta certificación. Así mismo se presenta un detalle de la...

  10. Comparative advantage: the impact of ISO 14001 environmental certification on exports. (United States)

    Bellesi, Florencia; Lehrer, David; Tal, Alon


    Relative to the enormous acceptance of the ISO 9000 quality standard, the ISO 14001 environmental management certification has been met with only moderate enthusiasm among industrial facilities. The literature on corporate motivation for ISO 14001 participation is relatively modest considering the enormous number of publications reviewing other aspects of its adoption and implementation. It would seem that the present "marketing" package supporting ISO environmental commitments does not seem to offer sufficiently persuasive incentives for increased sales, either domestically or internationally. While researchers assume that a higher export rate of companies is positively associated with higher ISO participation rates, there have been very few empirical studies that support this inference, and conclusions have not been based on data taken from importing countries orfrom a systematic evaluation of expressed corporate preference for products sold by ISO 14001 certified companies. The present study reports the results of a survey to firms in six countries that are Israel's leading trade partners, importing chemicals, textiles, and produce. The survey results confirm that while the international market still considers price and quality as the paramount factors in selection of suppliers, environmental management systems (EMS) are an important feature that is frequently taken into consideration. EMS certification appears to signify a supplier who is managing the business well and exhibiting ethical responsibility. The European market proved to be more environmentally conscious than those in other industrialized parts of the world. EMS offer a particularly valuable advantage for producers wishing to reach European markets. As policy-makers seek to expand the voluntary adoption of EMS, a clear advantage for exporters should be highlighted among national industries.

  11. ISO, unique explorer of the invisible cool universe (United States)


    -launch tests. The ISO spacecraft takes the form of a white cylinder 3.5 metres in diameter and 5.3 metres long. Inside are the actual telescope, the four scientific instruments, the electronics, power and radio communication systems. On the side, wide solar panels supply the 600 watts of electrical power and at the same time serve as a baffle shielding the satellite from solar radiation. The spacecraft is fully covered with highly effective thermal insolation. if - purely hypothetically - its cryostat were filled with boiling water instead of liquid helium, it would take six years for ISO to drop to ambient temperature. This insulation is vital for minimising the space telescope's sensitivity to thermal disturbance caused by solar and terrestrial radiation. The four focal-plane instruments mounted behind the telescope's mirror represent the scientific heart of the satellite. This set of instruments, built by the principal investigators and industrial consortia in ESA Member States, will provide measurements of unprecedented sensitivity and precision over a very wide wavelength range: 2.5 to 250 microns, of which the 120 to 250 micron region is as yet entirely unexplored. The Isophot photometer, built under the supervision of the Max Planck Institute, Germany, is the instrument providing the most far-ranging wavelength coverage. When operating at very long wavelengths, a region undetected to date, it should reveal extremely cold stars and cosmic matter. Isophot measures the intensity and spatial distribution of light and the spectral components in the near infrared. The Isocam camera, responsibility for which lies with the Service d'Astrophysique de Saclay, France, will take photographs in the 2.5 to 17 micron range with two arrays, each of 1024 individual infrared detectors (32 x 32 pixel). Some twenty filters select the infrared spectral range of the observations ("colours" ) and four optical lenses allow various magnification factors (from 1 to 8). Depending on the lens


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    Mochammad Ariful Ulfi


    Full Text Available The implementation of ISO 9001:2008 quality management system in the productive learning on the mechanical engineering and automotive in vocational high school. This research uses qualitative approach in term of a case study. The research is conducted at SMKN I Purwosari. The results of this research show that (1 the reason of the ISO imple­mentation is to obtain community trust, to improve compe­titiveness, and to increase the quality of the graduates; (2 the implementation of the quality management system in the learning process refers to the concept of PDCA of the ISO system; (3 the obstacles occured during the implementation of ISO is due to the lack of teachers’ awareness on the ISO system; and (4 some efforts to overcome those obstacles include developing commitment among all elements, socialization, supervision, and doing some preventive efforts. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 1 Purwosari. Adapun fokus penelitian adalah alasan penerapan ISO, implementasi dalam pembelajaran, hambatan, dan upaya mengatasi hambatan pelaksanaan ISO 9001:2008. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan   (1 alasan penerapan ISO adalah agar sekolah dipercaya masyarakat, meningkatkan daya saing, dan mening­kat­kan mutu lulusan; (2 implementasi dalam pembelajaran mengacu  pada konsep PDCA ke dalam sistem manajemen mutu ISO; (3 hambat­an implementasi ISO adalah tingkat kesadaran guru terhadap ISO yang rendah; (4 upaya mengatasi hambatan adalah membangun komitmen bersama, sosiali­sasi, supervisi, dan melakukan usaha pencegahan.

  13. Organizational leadership: A study on the affects of certification to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (United States)

    Cowart, Jewel S.

    Compliance to requirements of ISO is an important leadership problem for the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) and the Aviation, Space and Defense (AS&D) companies. Furthermore, the IAQG seeks to understand the valuation of ISO/AS9100 requirements (2009), audit practices, management functions, business performance, customer satisfaction, and potential future concepts for the standard to assure quality. Since the release of the AS9100C total certification growth surpassed 1,100,000 organizations in 2010 with ISO 9001 series adoption and implementation governing business operations (ASQ, 2012b; ISO, 2011; Bernardo, Llach, & Marimon, 2011). Historians such as Crosby, Juran, Deming, and others established the foundation for quality assurance. Several researchers explored the issues which complicate overall benefits of ISO certification (Iwaro & Mwasha, 2012; Karthi et al., 2012; Sampaio et al., 2009). This study examined the effects on AS&D industries from ISO compliance to identify the implications (of ever-changing requirements) through an online survey of 15,000 practitioners. The research illuminated how ISO affects AS&D industries with current and future requirements for certification. The data showed that 75% of survey respondents report implementation of the AS9100C requirements still has benefits that outweigh the cost. Findings suggest that AS&D industries perceive significant value in the AS9100C document as part of the overall ISO 9000 series. In general, the comments from the survey can provide insight into the affects of ISO certification. The study concludes by recommending continued research to learn of further impacts from ISO certification within AS&D industries to improve the AS9100 document requirements for quality management systems.

  14. Factores de riesgo en el bajo peso al nacer

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    Guillermo Díaz Alonso


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de tipo caso control en el área del Policlínico Docente "Luis A. Turcios Lima" del municipio 10 de Octubre durante el período de 1990 a 1993, con el objetivo de identificar el comportamiento del bajo peso al nacer, establecer la existencia y la intensidad de esta entidad con los factores de riesgo seleccionados, e identificar el grado de influencia individual de dichos factores. La muestra quedó conformada por 92 recién nacidos de bajo peso y 468 con normopeso. Las variables estudiadas fueron la edad materna, la valoración ponderal, las complicaciones obstétricas, las enfermedades asociadas con la gestación, el hábito de fumar y el período intergenésico. Se aplicó el test chi-cuadrado, el odds- -ratio y el de riesgo atribuible en los nacimientos expuestos y en la población total. Todas las variables estuvieron asociadas significativamente con el bajo peso al nacer, y fueron identificadas como factores de riesgo con influencia marcada: la edad materna de 35 años o más, la amenaza de parto prematuro, la rotura prematura de membranas, la toxemia y la diabetes mellitus; con efecto moderado, el bajo peso materno, un período intergenésico menor de 1 año, la hipertensión arterial, el asma bronquial, el hábito de fumar, la sepsis urinaria, y con influencia ligera, la edad materna inferior a los 20 años.A case-control retrospective study was carried out at "Luis A. Turcios Lima" Teaching Polyclinics form 10 de Octubre municipality during the period of 1990-1993, with the aim of identifying the behaviour of low birth weight, establishing the occurrence and intensity of this entity with selected risk factors, and identifying the degree of individual influence of such factors. The sample consisted of 92 low birth weight infants and 468 with normal weight. Variables studied were: maternal age, weight appraisal, and obstetric complications, diseases associated with pregnancy, smoking habit, and the

  15. ISO 15189 Accreditation: Navigation Between Quality Management and Patient Safety

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    Plebani Mario


    Full Text Available Accreditation is a valuable resource for clinical laboratories and the development of an International Standard for their accreditation represented a milestone on the path towards improved quality and safety in laboratory medicine. The recent revision of the International Standard, ISO 15189, has further strengthened its value not only for improving the quality system of a clinical laboratory but also for better answering the request for competence, focus on customers’ needs and ultimate value of laboratory services. Although in some countries more general standards such as ISO 9001 for quality systems or ISO 17025 for testing laboratories are still used, there is increasing recognition of the value of ISO 15189 as the most appropriate and useful standard for the accreditation of medical laboratories. In fact, only this International Standard recognizes the importance of all steps of the total testing process, namely extra-analytical phases, the need to focus on technical competence in addition to quality systems, and the focus on customers’ needs. However, the number of accredited laboratories largely varies between European countries and also major differences affect the approaches to accreditation promoted by the national bodies. In particular, some national accreditation bodies perpetuate the use of fixed scopes, while the European co-operation for accreditation (EA and the European Federation of Laboratory Medicine (EFLM Working Group promote the use of flexible scopes. Major issues in clinical laboratory accreditation are the verification of examination procedures for imprecision, trueness and diagnostic accuracy and for estimating measurement uncertainty. In addition, quality indicators (QIs are a fundamental requirement of the ISO 15189 International Standard.

  16. Incorporating an ISO 8583-Service into an Unreliable Application


    Funcke, Alexander


    If an existing service is to be made available to a broader audience, via for instance the Internet. The implementation of the service may thereby get many new requirements, such as support for a different access method or stricter authorisation and security policies. This thesis discusses the implementation of an ISO 8583 to XML proxy. ISO 8583 is a widely used financial protocol, and was in this project used to communicate with the backing financial server in order to implement a complete w...

  17. Evaluation of ISO EN 13606 as a result of its implementation in XML. (United States)

    Austin, Tony; Sun, Shanghua; Hassan, Taher; Kalra, Dipak


    The five parts of the ISO EN 13606 standard define a means by which health-care records can be exchanged between computer systems. Starting within the European standardisation process, it has now become internationally ratified in ISO. However, ISO standards do not require that a reference implementation be provided, and in order for ISO EN 13606 to deliver the expected benefits, it must be provided not as a document, but as an operational system that is not vendor specific. This article describes the evolution of an Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema through three iterations, each of which emphasised one particular approach to delivering an executable equivalent to the printed standard. Developing these operational versions and incorporating feedback from users of these demonstrated where implementation compromises were needed and exposed defects in the standard. These are discussed herein. They may require a future technical revision to ISO EN 13606 to resolve the issues identified.

  18. Approaches to the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for Pu and U accountancy analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okazaki, Hiro; Sumi, Mika; Abe, Katsuo; Sato, Mitsuhiro; Kageyama, Tomio


    The quality control section of Plutonium Fuel Development Center (PFDC) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been analyzing isotopic compositions by Mass Spectrometry as well as content by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (IDMS) of plutonium and uranium in nuclear materials. Along with establishing and managing the quality assurance system, ensuring the reliability of the analysis data is important. PFDC has been establishing the quality management system with ISO9001. ISO9001 consists of management requirements for quality system of organizations. While ISO/IEC 17025 consists of technical requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories in addition to the management requirements. The quality control section addressed technical improvement to improve further reliability of analysis quality and we have accredited for ISO/IEC 17025 of isotopic compositions and content of plutonium and uranium in nuclear materials in March 2010. In this presentation, we report our approaches to the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation and operation status. (author)

  19. Evaluation of ISO EN 13606 as a result of its implementation in XML (United States)

    Sun, Shanghua; Hassan, Taher; Kalra, Dipak


    The five parts of the ISO EN 13606 standard define a means by which health-care records can be exchanged between computer systems. Starting within the European standardisation process, it has now become internationally ratified in ISO. However, ISO standards do not require that a reference implementation be provided, and in order for ISO EN 13606 to deliver the expected benefits, it must be provided not as a document, but as an operational system that is not vendor specific. This article describes the evolution of an Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema through three iterations, each of which emphasised one particular approach to delivering an executable equivalent to the printed standard. Developing these operational versions and incorporating feedback from users of these demonstrated where implementation compromises were needed and exposed defects in the standard. These are discussed herein. They may require a future technical revision to ISO EN 13606 to resolve the issues identified. PMID:23995217

  20. Iso-scaling in a microcanonical multifragmentation model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raduta, R.; Raduta, H.


    A microcanonical multifragmentation model is used to investigate iso-scaling over a broad range of excitation energies, for several values of freeze-out volume and equilibrated sources with masses between 40 and 200 in both primary and asymptotic stages of the decay. It was found that the values of the slope parameters α and β depend on the size and excitation energy of the source and are affected by the secondary decay of primary fragments. It was evidenced that iso-scaling is affected by finite size effects. The evolution of the differences of neutron and proton chemical potentials corresponding to two equilibrated nuclear sources having the same size and different isospin values with temperature and freeze-out volume is presented. (authors)

  1. Incorporating ISO Metadata Using HDF Product Designer (United States)

    Jelenak, Aleksandar; Kozimor, John; Habermann, Ted


    The need to store in HDF5 files increasing amounts of metadata of various complexity is greatly overcoming the capabilities of the Earth science metadata conventions currently in use. Data producers until now did not have much choice but to come up with ad hoc solutions to this challenge. Such solutions, in turn, pose a wide range of issues for data managers, distributors, and, ultimately, data users. The HDF Group is experimenting on a novel approach of using ISO 19115 metadata objects as a catch-all container for all the metadata that cannot be fitted into the current Earth science data conventions. This presentation will showcase how the HDF Product Designer software can be utilized to help data producers include various ISO metadata objects in their products.

  2. Avaliação do desempenho ambiental de uma instituição pública de ensino técnico e superior

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    Thomaz Sessegolo Marques de Almeida


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo foi relatar um estudo de caso baseado em indicadores ambientais categóricos no qual foi avaliado o desempenho ambiental de uma instituição pública de ensino técnico e superior. A revisão incluiu a série de normas ISO 14000, o Prêmio Nacional de Qualidade em Saneamento (PNQS e o Ecoblock. O método usado foi adaptado do SBP, um conjunto de procedimentos para a mensuração do desempenho ambiental de uma atividade antrópica, que se vale de construtos latentes e indicadores categóricos que expliquem o desempenho. Os indicadores foram organizados em sete construtos. Segundo os avaliadores e o modelo, a instituição faz 56,7% do máximo possível em gestão ambiental. Os construtos mais carentes foram gestão de resíduos sólidos e poluição sonora. O resultado da avaliação pode ser usado para reformulação da política ambiental da instituição.

  3. Indicadores de gestión ambiental de la industria manufacturera en el corredor vial Cali - Yumbo. La implementación de una red virtual de información ambiental, que exprese el movimiento de materiales, sustancias, y el consumo de materias primas y energía en el área metropolitana de Cali

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    Luis Felipe Granada Aguirre


    Full Text Available En este documento se muestran los resultados y el análisis de la encuesta realizada a veintiocho (28 de las ciento noventa y nueve (199 industrias manufactureras caracterizadas, sectorizadas y ubicadas en el corredor vial Cali ¿ Yumbo1. Esta se refiere a treinta y cuatro (34 indicadores propuestos y clasificados en las áreas de producción (operación, dirección (gestión y entorno ambiental por la Norma ISO 14031. La investigación busca a través de los indicadores, evaluar el grado de aplicación del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental (SGA y su concepto Producción más Limpia (P+L. La calidad de la encuesta se verificó con la revisión de la Ficha de Registro Ambiental (FRA de la Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca (CVC que fue entregada por las industrias manufactureras en el año 2005.

  4. Integration of distributed plant lifecycle data using ISO 15926 and Web services

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Byung Chul; Teijgeler, Hans; Mun, Duhwan; Han, Soonhung


    Highlights: → The ISO 15926 parts that provide implementation methods are under development. → A prototype of an ISO 15926-based data repository called a facade was implemented. → The prototype facade has the advantages of data interoperability and integration. → These are obtained through the features of ISO 15926 and Web services. - Abstract: Considering the financial, safety, and environmental risks related to industrial installations, it is of paramount importance that all relevant lifecycle information is readily available. Parts of this lifecycle information are stored in a plethora of computer systems, often scattered around the world and in many native formats and languages. These parts can create a complete, holistic set of lifecycle data only when they are integrated together. At present, no software is available that can integrate these parts into one coherent, distributed, and up-to-date set. The ISO 15926 standard has been developed, and in part is still under development, to overcome this problem. In this paper, the authors discuss a prototype of an ISO 15926-based data repository called a facade, and its Web services are implemented for storing the equipment data of a nuclear power plant and servicing the data to interested organizations. This prototype is for a proof-of-concept study regarding the ISO 15926 parts that are currently under development and that are expected to provide implementation methods for the integration of distributed plant systems.

  5. ISOE: an international occupational exposure database and communications network for dose optimisation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, I.F.; Lazo, E.


    The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) was launched by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on 1 January 1992 to facilitate the communication of dosimetry and ALARA implementation data among nuclear facilities around the world. Members of ISOE include 51 utilities from 17 countries and regulators from 11 countries, with four regional technical centres administering the system and a Steering Group which manages the work. ISOE includes three databases and a communications network at several levels. The three databases NEA1, NEA2 and NEA3 include varying levels of details, with NEA3 being the most detailed giving task and site specific ALARA practices and experiences. Utility membership of ISOE gives full access to the databases whereas regulators have more limited access. This paper reviews the current status of participation, describes the three databases and the communications network. Some dose data showing trends in particular countries are presented as well as dose data relating to operation cycle length and outage length. The advantages of membership are described, and it is concluded that ISOE holds the potential for both dose and cost savings. (author)


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    Susana Esquivel Ríos


    Full Text Available Resumen: La política ambiental mexicana se ha vislumbrado como un mecanismo para frenar el deterioro en las Reservas de la Biosfera. La Reserva de la Biosfera de la Mariposa Monarca (RBMM es una de las más conflictivas, porque su influencia es extensiva a las localidades urbanas y rurales aledañas a los sitios protegidos. Tal situación pone en entredicho el éxito de esta política para la Reserva, donde el continuo deterioro se refleja en la pérdida de bosques, mortandad de la mariposa, disminución de mantos freáticos y la amenaza creciente sobre sus recursos como consecuencia del turismo masivo. Este panorama se complejiza por la presencia de actores públicos, sociales y privados que interactúan en la Reserva en forma de una red. Analizar, las relaciones entre éstos bajo el enfoque de Redes de Política Pública, amplía las posibilidades de entender y explicar los aciertos y fracasos de la política ambiental en un espacio ejidal. Palabras clave: Política ambiental, mariposa monarca, turismo, redes de política públicas

  7. Evaluando el logro de los principios de la gestión de la calidad en empresas constructoras certificadas según ISO 9001:2000 Evaluating the attainment of quality management principles in construction companies certified by ISO 9001:2000

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    Tania Romero


    Full Text Available Desde mediados de los años noventa, las empresas constructoras habitacionales chilenas comenzaron a incorporar la gestión de calidad y han implementado sistemas de gestión de la calidad (en adelante SGC optando principalmente, por utilizar las directrices dadas por la familia de normas ISO 9000. Las constructoras han invertido una gran cantidad de recursos, especialmente económicos y humanos, en implementar sus SGC con el fin de aumentar la satisfacción de sus clientes a través del mejoramiento de la calidad de sus procesos constructivos y de la calidad de las viviendas que construyen. Entonces, para ellos es muy importante saber si esta inversión está dando los frutos que esperan. Por lo anterior, se realizó una investigación para determinar el impacto real de los SGC en el desempeño de las empresas constructoras certificadas ISO 9001:2000 en cuanto al nivel de aplicación de los principios de la gestión de la calidad sin considerar el impacto que puede generar la implementación de otro tipo de normas como las de manejo ambiental y de prevención de riesgos. Para lograrlo, se empleó un instrumento de medición que consistió en una encuesta aplicada como entrevista personal, que fue respondida por 118 personas de 11 constructoras habitacionales chilenas, de un universo de 34 empresas certificadas ISO 9001:2000. Estas personas entregaron sus percepciones sobre el cumplimiento de los principios de gestión de la calidad en la empresa. El principal resultado de este estudio indica que las personas perciben que los principios de gestión de la calidad se están aplicando de manera insuficienteSince the nineties, housing construction companies began to incorporate the quality management and have developed quality management systems (QMS, using the directives given by the ISO 9000 standards. Construction companies have invested a big amount of resources -especially economic and human resources - in the development of their QMSs; this

  8. Situación General de la Industria de la Construcción de Bajo Bordo


    Chui, Alexander; Gamero, Magali; Cornejo, Karla; Rios, Vanessa; Valdivia, Maria Laura; Benzaquén de las Casas, Jorge


    Objetivo: Determinar las condiciones en que se encuentra la industria de construcción naval de bajo bordo en el Perú, relacionado con su contexto latinoamericano. Métodos: Se estableció un protocolo de actuación a base entrevistas, cuestionarios y recopilación de datos con el fin de conocer los principales indicadores de la dinámica funcional e industria de construcción naval de bajo bordo. Resultados: El Perú ha crecido notablemente en las últimas dos décadas como consecuencia de la apertura...

  9. ISO: international standards development for nuclear technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Becker, K.


    The importance of internationally recognized standards for nuclear technology and safety is rapidly increasing for technical as well as economical and political reasons such as public acceptance and nuclear technology transfer to developing countries. The need for such standards is also evident because of the large number of nuclear installations sited close to international borders, and the export of nuclear installations from relatively few supplier countries to a large number of user countries. It is the purpose of this report to describe briefly the history, organizational structures and procedures, goals, accomplishments, problems, and future needs of the relevant activities of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO is composed of the partly governmental, partly non-governmental national standards bodies of 86 countries including China. The work of its Technical Committee (TC) 85 'Nuclear Energy' is mostly concerned with industrial applications, contractual aspects and international communication, for the benefit of both developed and developing countries. It works in close liaison with IAEA, which develops Codes and Guides addressed mainly to the regulatory aspects of nuclear power plants in developing countries. ISO/TC 85 has four sub-committees dealing with: (a) Terminology, Definitions, Units and Symbols (Secretariat USA, four working groups (WGs)); (b) Radiation Protection (Secretariat France, ten WGs); (c) Power Reactor Technology (Secretariat Sweden, nine WGs); (d) Nuclear Fuel Technology (Secretariat F.R. Germany, seven WGs). (author)

  10. El mercado y la regulación como determinantes de la innovación ambiental del sector automotriz en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alex Covarrubias Valdenebro


    Full Text Available La literatura sobre los determinantes de la innovación ambiental, le otorga un rol importante a la regulación ambiental y al mercado. Desde la normatividad, se destaca que una aplicación diferenciada de instrumentos de política, propicia innovaciones ambientales. Mientras que, desde el lado de los factores de competencia del mercado, se destaca que los Sistemas de Manejo Ambiental tipo ISO 14001, determinan un tipo de protección ambiental proactiva. Sin embargo, tradicionalmente, ambos grupos de literatura han evolucionado por separado y su aplicación en las actividades ambientales del sector automotriz en México ha estado ausente. Este documento presenta evidencia empírica para cubrir dicha ausencia. El objetivo del artículo, es mostrar el rol de la regulación y del mercado en las acciones de innovación ambiental ( aia del sector automotriz, tanto a nivel de las prácticas organizacionales en la manufactura, como en el diseño de los automóviles que se producen y comercializan en México. La investigación se realizó a partir de entrevistas en profundidad con gerentes de manufactura encargados de la gestión ambiental, realizadas durante el 2008-2009, y con base en la elaboración de mapas tecnológicos y ambientales de los principales carros producidos y vendidos entre el 2010 y 2015.

  11. ISO training program mixes lectures, hands-on exercises

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakofsky, S.; Vitale, D.


    Early in 1990, the Dresser-Rand Co., made the decision to upgrade its purchased material quality program and pursue ISO 9000 registration for all product divisions. A joint quality-purchasing council from all US based divisions met and developed a new strategy that included: developing and maintaining a common external audit schedule eliminating duplicate audits; development of a formal training program for auditors; implementing a rule for all divisions that called for internal and external audits to be conducted by certified auditors; implementing an aggressive internal audit program for each division preparing for ISO 9001 or 9002 registration. Development of a formal training program began with educating and training future instructors. Two people were selected who had previous audit and quality system experience. Both were sent to various seminars on ISO 9000, attended a lead assessor course, passed the examination, and became registered with the Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA) in the United Kingdom. The original course was developed by a consultant along with one future instructor. Course content used traditional auditing methodology, but included many team exercises including an actual factory audit. The paper describes the methods and contents of this training course

  12. [ISO 9001 conformity in research, teaching and rehabilitation]. (United States)

    Howorka, K; Kletschka, G; Pumprla, J; Thoma, H


    Quality assurance, in particular in the areas of development and production of medical devices, is one of the tasks of biomedical engineering. The interdisciplinary working group "Functional Rehabilitation and Group Education, Vienna" is committed to the development and implementation of group education models on three levels: (1) direct education/instruction of patients with chronic diseases, (2) university research and teaching, and (3) development of technical aids for rehabilitation and the means for disseminating group education models in rehabilitation and therapy. Major aims were, by generating conformity with ISO 9001 standards, to achieve greater transparency and process optimization with very small resources in university (teaching, research, technical aids) and extra-university (rehabilitation) areas. A secondary aim was the establishment of interdisciplinary (clinical and biomedical) cooperation at university level. In all main areas (research, teaching and group education/instruction), ISO 9001-conformity was achieved by our activities on three methodological levels: (1) description and analysis of processes, (2) use of ISO 9001 standards for evaluating internal processes, and (3) optimization measures. The following article contains relevant elements of the quality manual and quality assurance system, and offers a typical example of innovative cooperation between medicine and medical engineering.

  13. Global Impact Estimation of ISO 50001 Energy Management System for Industrial and Service Sectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aghajanzadeh, Arian [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Therkelsen, Peter L. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Rao, Prakash [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); McKane, Aimee T. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    A methodology has been developed to determine the impacts of ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS) at a region or country level. The impacts of ISO 50001 EnMS include energy, CO2 emissions, and cost savings. This internationally recognized and transparent methodology has been embodied in a user friendly Microsoft Excel® based tool called ISO 50001 Impact Estimator Tool (IET 50001). However, the tool inputs are critical in order to get accurate and defensible results. This report is intended to document the data sources used and assumptions made to calculate the global impact of ISO 50001 EnMS.

  14. The neuroprotective effects of α-iso-cubebene on dopaminergic cell death: involvement of CREB/Nrf2 signaling. (United States)

    Park, Sun Young; Son, Beung Gu; Park, Young Hoon; Kim, Cheol-Min; Park, Geuntae; Choi, Young-Whan


    As a part of ongoing studies to elucidate pharmacologically active components of Schisandra chinensis, we isolated and studied α-iso-cubebene. The neuroprotective mechanisms of α-iso-cubebene in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells were investigated. α-Iso-cubebene significantly inhibited cytotoxicity and apoptosis due to 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced neurotoxicity in dopaminergic SH-SY5Y cells. Pretreatment of cells with α-iso-cubebene reduced intracellular accumulation of ROS and calcium in response to 6-OHDA. The neuroprotective effects of α-iso-cubebene were found to result from protecting the mitochondrial membrane potential. Notably, α-iso-cubebene inhibited the release of apoptosis-inducing factor from the mitochondria into the cytosol and nucleus after 6-OHDA treatment. α-Iso-cubebene also induced the activation of PKA/PKB/CREB/Nrf2 and suppressed 6-OHDA-induced neurotoxicity. α-Iso-cubebene was found to induce phosphorylation of PKA and PKB and activate Nrf2 and CREB signaling pathways in a dose-dependent manner. Additionally, α-iso-cubebene stimulated the expression of the antioxidant response genes NQO1 and HO-1. Finally, α-iso-cubebene-mediated neuroprotective effects were found to be reversible after transfection with CREB and Nrf2 small interfering RNAs.

  15. Interpretation of MS ISO/ IEC 17020

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamad Pauzi Ismail


    MS ISO/ IEC 17020 is an international standard which adopted by Malaysian Standard states the requirement criteria for inspection bodies. The author involved in the NDT technical assessment to several NDT companies in Malaysia. The experience in performing NDT assessment activity is explained and discussed. (author)

  16. A Cross-Country Empirical Study Towards the Impact of Following ISO Management System Standards on Euro-Area Economic Confidence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ştefan Daniel Armeanu


    Full Text Available This study aims to examine the impact of following ISO management system standards on economic sentiment indicator (ESI as proxy of economic agents’ general view concerning economic activity, for 21 European Union member states over 2005-2014. The empirical research comprises ISO standards with reference to management systems towards quality (ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 16949, food safety (ISO 22000, environment (ISO 14001, and information security (ISO 27001. Panel data fixed effects regression models provide support for a positive impact of the quality management systems related to automotive industry, as well as information security management systems, on the ESI. Further, dynamic panel data approach by way of two-step system generalized method of moments emphasizes a positive influence of quality management systems standard for the medical device industry on Euro-area economic confidence, but a negative effect of food safety management systems. Also, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, and ISO 14001 Granger cause ESI.

  17. Competencias instrumentales del docente universitario en la gestión de la educación ambiental

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    Nelson Romero Parra


    Full Text Available El propósito principal de la investigación fue analizar las competencias instrumentales del docente universitario en la gestión de la educación ambiental en instituciones de educación superior del Estado Zulia. La investigación fue de tipo descriptiva de campo, con un diseño no experimental-transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por 328 estudiantes y docentes de las universidades Rafael María Baralt, Dr. José Gregorio Hernández y la Universidad del Zulia. La información se obtuvo mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario reorientado bajo la escala tipo Likert con 5 alternativas de respuestas. La confiabilidad del mismo se calculó mediante el método de Alpha Cronbach, obteniendo un valor de 0.88. Para el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo se utilizó la estadística descriptiva inferencial para ambas muestras, pudiéndose concluir que existe baja presencia de las competencias instrumentales docentes, observándose debilidades en la implementación de instrumentos de gestión ambiental.

  18. Plasma 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentrations and outcomes after acute intracerebral hemorrhage. (United States)

    Du, Quan; Yu, Wen-Hua; Dong, Xiao-Qiao; Yang, Ding-Bo; Shen, Yong-Feng; Wang, Hao; Jiang, Li; Du, Yuan-Feng; Zhang, Zu-Yong; Zhu, Qiang; Che, Zhi-Hao; Liu, Qun-Jie


    Higher plasma 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentrations have been associated with poor outcome of severe traumatic brain injury. We further investigated the relationships between plasma 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentrations and clinical outcomes in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage. Plasma 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentrations of 128 consecutive patients and 128 sex- and gender-matched healthy subjects were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We assessed their relationships with disease severity and clinical outcomes including 1-week mortality, 6-month mortality and unfavorable outcome (modified Rankin Scale score>2). Plasma 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentrations were substantially higher in patients than in healthy controls. Plasma 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentrations were positively associated with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores and hematoma volume using a multivariate linear regression. It emerged as an independent predictor for clinical outcomes of patients using a forward stepwise logistic regression. ROC curves identified the predictive values of plasma 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentrations, and found its predictive value was similar to NIHSS scores and hematoma volumes. However, it just numerically added the predictive values of NIHSS score and hematoma volume. Increased plasma 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentrations are associated with disease severity and clinical outcome after acute intracerebral hemorrhage. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. A study of ISO Solenoid Valve with static and dynamic characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeon, Y. S.; Ju, M. J.; Oh, Y. C.; Kim, D. S.


    The technology of ISO Solenoid Valves is now considered as a core technology in the fields of the production line of semi-conductor chips and the ISO fluid chips for medical applications. And ISO Solenoid Valves, which operate by compressed air, are characterized by high speed response, great repeatability and that the pressure on the cross sectional area of poppet is kept constant regardless of the fluctuation of the pressure exerted on the ports. The primary objective of this study is to compare the optimally designed Solenoid Valve with the actually produced one and to design a power saving circuit which can highly improve the efficiency by providing optimal current according to mechanical load.

  20. Habilidades pre-escolares de los niños nacidos prematuramente y con bajo peso


    Sasha A. Martínez-Espiet; Irene Sumaza Laborde; Leila Crespo Fernández; Maribel Campos Rivera; Frances Boulon Díaz


    RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el nivel de desarrollo en la etapa pre-escolar de un grupo de niños nacidos prematuramente y con bajo peso. Se evaluó un grupo 20 niños de cuatro años nacidos prematuramente y con bajo peso y un grupo de 20 niños nacidos luego de gestación completada y peso deseado utilizando la prueba de integración visual-motora Beery-Buktenica. Además, se administró el cuestionario del desarrollo Ages and Stages (ASQ-3) a las 40 madres. El análisis estadísti...

  1. Viviendas de muy bajo coste

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    Lemus, V.


    Full Text Available Not available.En el Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, se está desarrollando un área de investigación sobre tecnología de materiales y tecnología de sistemas constructivos, la cual está integrada por diversos proyectos encaminados a solucionar problemas relativos a la vivienda. El presente trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de materiales compuestos a base de desechos agrícolas e industriales, con características tales como baja densidad, resistencia adecuada, excelentes propiedades térmicas y acústicas y, fundamentalmente, bajo costo y gran disponibilidad. Los resultados obtenidos son bastante alentadores debido a la durabilidad y resistencia mecánica obtenidos a base del tratamiento proporcionado a la materia orgánica. Se comentan las aplicaciones actuales y futuras de estos nuevos materiales.

  2. ISO-66, a novel inhibitor of macrophage migration, shows efficacy in melanoma and colon cancer models. (United States)

    Ioannou, Kyriaki; Cheng, Kai Fan; Crichlow, Gregg V; Birmpilis, Anastasios I; Lolis, Elias J; Tsitsilonis, Ourania E; Al-Abed, Yousef


    Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pleiotropic pro-inflammatory cytokine, which possesses a contributing role in cancer progression and metastasis and, thus, is now considered a promising anticancer drug target. Many MIF-inactivating strategies have proven successful in delaying cancer growth. Here, we report on the synthesis of ISO-66, a novel, highly stable, small-molecule MIF inhibitor, an analog of ISO-1 with improved characteristics. The MIF:ISO-66 co-crystal structure demonstrated that ISO-66 ligates the tautomerase active site of MIF, which has previously been shown to play an important role in its biological functions. In vitro, ISO-66 enhanced specific and non-specific anticancer immune responses, whereas prolonged administration of ISO-66 in mice with established syngeneic melanoma or colon cancer was non-toxic and resulted in a significant decrease in tumor burden. Subsequent ex vivo analysis of mouse splenocytes revealed that the observed decrease in tumor growth rates was likely mediated by the selective in vivo expansion of antitumor-reactive effector cells induced by ISO-66. Compared to other MIF-inactivating strategies employed in vivo, the anticancer activity of ISO-66 is demonstrated to be of equal or better efficacy. Our findings suggest that targeting MIF, via highly specific and stable compounds, such as ISO-66, may be effective for cancer treatment and stimulation of anticancer immune responses.

  3. ISO 9000 and 10CFR50, appendix B-one, both, or neither?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nau, D.C.; Hunt, G.L.


    The evolution of quality system requirements has led to the development of standards that either have been tailored for use in specific industries (as in the case of 10CFR50, Appendix B) or have been made generic for use in commercial operations (as in the case of the ISO 9000 series of standards). The elements of many quality systems are shared to a large degree, and the requirements of the standards only generally differ in certification, training, and documentation requirements. The proof of conformance to the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B, and ISO 9001 is in large part identical. Table I provides an example of the quality elements common between 10CFR50, Appendix B, and ISO 9001. Substantive proof that a supplier's qualification system meets the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B, can substantially be used as proof of conformance to ISO 9001

  4. ISO 9001 laatujärjestelmän liittäminen osaksi ISM manuaalia


    Koskinen, Ville


    Lopputyön aiheena on Turkulaisen varustamon VG-Shipping Oy toimeksiantona selvittää ISO 9001 standardin vaatimusten mukaisten ohjeistuksien liittäminen yrityksen voimassa olevaan turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmään (ISM) ja yhdistetyn manuaalin rakentaminen vastaamaan molempien standardien (ISM koodi ja ISO 9001 standardi) vaatimuksia, siten että varustamon alukset eivät ole ISO 9001 luokiteltuja vaan ainoastaan ISM koodin mukaan auditoituja. Lopullisena toimenpiteenä on hyväksyttää ja audit...

  5. [Effects of the ISO 15189 accreditation on Nagoya University Hospital]. (United States)

    Yoshiko, Kenichi


    The Department of Clinical Laboratory, Nagoya University Hospital acquired ISO 15189 accreditation in November, 2009. The operation of our Quality Management System (QMS) was first surveyed in October, 2010. In this paper, we reported the activity for the preparation and operation of our QMS and the effects of ISO 15189 accreditation. We investigated the changes in the number and content on nonconformities, incident reports and complaints before and after accreditation as indicators to evaluate the effect of ISO 15189 accreditation. Post accreditation, the number of nonconformities and incident reports decreased, seeming to show an improvement of quality of the laboratory activity; however, the number of complaints increased. We identified the increase of complaints at the phlebotomy station. There had been some problems with blood sampling in the past, but it seemed that staff had a high level of concern regarding these problems at the phlebotomy station and took appropriate measures to resolve the complaints. We confirmed that the ISO 15189 accreditation was instrumental in the improvements of the safety and efficiency on laboratory works. However there was a problem that increase of overtime works to operate the QMS. We deal with development of a laboratory management system using IT recourses to solve the problem.

  6. The role of the IEC and ISO in radiological protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    White, D.F.


    The history, objectives, structures and functions of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) are summarized. The IEC is affiliated to the ISO as its electrical division, but has technical and financial autonomy. Member countries of the EEC may be committed to the adoption of their formal agreements ('Standards') if these become incorporated as Directives. The national standardisation organisations, such as BSI in the U.K., form national committees and are responsible for submitting to the IEC the co-ordinated national viewpoints on particular subjects. The overall links between the technical committees and sub-committees of the ISO, IEC and BSI in the field of radiological protection are tabulated, and the relevant International Standards produced, or in the course of preparation, by the appropriate committees of the ISO and the IEC are listed. The bulk of the effort of the BSI committees is now aimed at the production of acceptable international standards. Compatible national standards then follow. This policy is in contrast to the earlier initial emphasis on national standards, and the improved international collaboration has had two welcome effects. The selection of proposals for standards is more critical, and compatibility with the relevant ICRP and ICRU publications is almost a prerequisite for any international standard. (U.K.)

  7. Algas epífitas de Bajo Pepito, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.I Quan-Young


    Full Text Available Epiphytic algae from Bajo Pepito, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, México. A total of 96 epiphytic algae species were identified from Bajo Pepito, Quintana Roo, México. 60.4% (58 belonged to the Rhodophyta, 19.79% (19 to the Phaeophyta, 16.6% (16 to the Chlorophyta and 3.1% (3 to the Cyanophyta; 49 species (50.5% were found only in one month, while Heterosiphonia crispella was found in all of the sampled months. That species provided the largest contribution to the biomass of epiphytes. During January we registered the greater biommass and richness of epiphytes species, coincidently with high values of host species cover and rainfall. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(2: 317-328. Epub 2006 Jun 01.


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    Sıtkı Gözlü


    Full Text Available This study reports the results of a survey about the improvements achieved as result of ISO 14000 Environmental Management System (EMS standard implementation and the differences of improvements with respect to firm characteristics. A survey has been conducted in order to explain the improvements related to environmental management process and overall firm performance. The survey involved sixty-six enterprises implementing ISO 14000 EMS standard in Turkey. In order to assess improvements obtained from ISO 14000 EMS implementation, statements related to environmental management process and overall firm performance indicators have been prepared. The statements in this study are relevant to previous research. A factor analysis was employed to determine the factors of the variables explaining improvements. Nine factors have been identified related to achieved improvements, such as establishment of pro-active environmental management system, effectiveness in resource utilization, effectiveness of process control, relationships with industry and government, meeting expectations of stakeholders, demonstration of social responsibility, profitability, productivity, and competitiveness. Then, a T- test was conducted to determine the differences of managers’ assessments with respect to certain firm characteristics. The findings have shown that there are differences in the assessments of improvements achieved as a result of ISO 14000 EMS standard implementation with respect to sales volume, foreign-capital possession, and ISO 14000 EMS standard implementation. On the other hand, industrial sector, age of establishment, and export orientation are not statistically significant for the differences in the assessments of improvements.

  9. Laboratory accreditation complying with ISO 25 Guide (IRAM 301): Industrial radiography method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneebeli, Jorge E.; Zampini, Juan J.; Naucevich, Alfredo


    The ISO 25 Guide (IRAM 301) replaced by ISO 17025 is the standard applied for the implementation of a quality system in a test or calibration laboratory. This document is not known as ISO 9000, but it is the proper standard for this kind of laboratory. This document establishes requirements no just for the quality system in general, but on technical competence, that means the laboratory technical aptitude to carry out the tests. The aim of this paper is to comment the criteria used in the Radiographic Laboratory of CEMEC, that have been assessed by the United King dome Accreditation Service (UKAS). (author)

  10. Autoestima en adolescentes con bajo rendimiento escolar a través del psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magally de Garrido-Lecca


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue determinar si existen diferencias en la autoestima de adolescentes con bajo rendimiento escolar comparados con los de un rendimiento promedio o superior. Los participantes fueron 60 adolescentes, entre 13 y 16 años, de ambos sexos, con un C.I. promedio o superior al promedio, de los cuales 30 presentaban un bajo rendimiento escolar  (grupo de estudio y 30 un buen rendimiento (grupo contraste. Se administró el WISCR para determinar el C.I. y el Rorschach según el SC de Exner para evaluar la autoestima. Los resultados mostraron que el Rorschach es adecuado para evaluar la autoestima. Asimismo existe una diferencia significativa en la autoestima de adolescentes con bajo rendimiento como resultado de sus déficits afectivos, en comparación con los de alto rendimiento.

  11. Implementation experiences of ISO/IEEE11073 standard applied to new use cases for e-health environments. (United States)

    Martinez, I; Escayola, J; Martinez-Espronceda, M; Serrano, L; Trigo, J D; Led, S; Garcia, J


    Recent advances in biomedical engineering and continuous technological innovations in last decade are promoting new challenges, especially in e-Health environments. In this context, the medical devices interoperability is one of the interest fields wherein these improvements require a standard-based design in order to achieve homogeneous solutions. Furthermore, the spreading of wearable devices, oriented to the paradigm of patient environment and supported by wireless technologies as Bluetooth or ZigBee, is bringing new medical use cases based on Ambient Assisted Living, home monitoring of elderly, heart failure, chronic, under palliative care or patients who have undergone surgery, urgencies and emergencies, or even fitness auto-control and health follow-up. In this paper, several implementation experiences based on ISO/IEEE11073 standard are detailed. These evolved e-Health services can improve the quality of the patient's care, increase the user's interaction, and assure these e-Health applications to be fully compatible with global telemedicine systems.

  12. Occupational exposures at nuclear power plants. Fourteenth annual report of the ISOE programme, 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The ISOE Programme was created by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in 1992 to promote and co-ordinate international co-operative undertakings in the area of worker protection at nuclear power plants. The programme provides experts in occupational radiation protection with a forum for communication and exchange of experience. The ISOE databases enable the analysis of occupational exposure data from 478 operating and shutdown commercial nuclear power plants participating in the programme (representing some 90% of the world's total operating commercial reactors). The Fourteenth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme summarises achievements made during 2004 and compares annual occupational exposure data. Principal developments in ISOE participating countries are also described. (author)

  13. Occupational exposures at nuclear power plants. Eleventh annual report of the Isoe programme, 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The ISOE Programme was created by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in 1992 to promote and co-ordinate international co-operative undertakings in the area of worker protection at nuclear power plants. The programme provides experts in occupational radiation protection with a forum for communication and exchange of experience. The ISOE databases enable the analysis of occupational exposure data from the 452 commercial nuclear power plants participating in the programme (representing some 90 per cent of the world's total operating commercial reactors). The Eleventh Annual Report of the ISOE Programme summarises achievements made during 2001 and compares annual occupational exposure data. Principal developments in ISOE participating countries are also described. (author)

  14. Estimating ecosystem iso/anisohydry using microwave satellite data and its applications in ecohydrology (United States)

    Li, Y.; Guan, K.; Gentine, P.; Konings, A. G.; Bhattacharya, A.; Meinzer, F. C.; Kimball, J. S.; Xu, X.; Anderegg, W.; McDowell, N. G.; Martínez-Vilalta, J.; Long, D. G.; Good, S. P.


    The concept of iso/anisohydry describes the degree to which plants regulate their water status, operating from isohydric with strict stomatal closure to anisohydric with greater stomatal conductance under drying conditions. Though some species-level measures of iso/anisohydry exist at limited locations, ecosystem scale information is still largely unavailable. In this study, we use diurnal observations from active (Ku-Band backscatter from QuikSCAT) and passive (X-band Vegetation Optical Depth [VOD] from AMSR-E) microwave satellite data to estimate global ecosystem iso/anisohydry. The two independent estimates from radar backscatter and VOD show good agreement at low and mid-latitudes but diverge at high latitudes. Grasslands, croplands, wetlands, and open shrublands are more anisohydric, whereas evergreen broadleaf and deciduous broadleaf forests are more isohydric. The direct validation with upscaled in-situ species iso/anisohydry estimates indicates that the VOD estimates have much better agreement than the backscatter in terms of their iso/anisohydry metrics. The indirect validation suggests that both estimates are consistent with prior knowledge that vegetation water status of anisohydric ecosystems more closely tracks environmental fluctuations of water availability and demand than their isohydric counterparts. The ecosystem level iso/anisohydry can be applied to reveal new insights into spatio-temporal ecosystem response to droughts. We conducted a case study to demonstrate the potential application of iso/anisohydry. We find that during the 2011 drought in US, over the drought affected region in the southern US, isohydric ecosystems experienced larger decline in productivity (NDVI and GPP) than anisohydric ones. However, during the 2012 drought in central US, both isohydric and anisohydric ecosystems exhibited similar decline in productivity.

  15. Det Ambiente

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Ulrik

    Det ambiente er iscenesættelsen af en karakteristisk sanseoplevelse, der er kendetegnet ved fornemmelsen af at være omgivet. I dag bliver begrebet om det ambiente mest anvendt i forbindelse med musikgenren ’ambient musik’. Det ambiente er dog ikke essentielt knyttet til det musikalske, men må...... forstås som et betydeligt bredere fænomen i den moderne æstetiske kultur, der spiller en væsentlig rolle i oplevelsen af moderne transportformer, arkitektur, film, lydkunst, installationskunst og digitale multimedieiscenesættelser. En forståelse af det ambiente er derfor centralt for forståelsen af en...... moderne æstetiseret oplevelseskultur i almindelighed. Da det ambiente ikke hidtil har været gjort til genstand for en mere indgående teoretisk behandling, er der dog stor usikkerhed omkring, hvad fænomenet overhovedet indebærer. Hovedformålet med Det ambiente – Sansning, medialisering, omgivelse er derfor...

  16. On the stability of a variety of organic photovoltaic devices by IPCE and in situ IPCE analyses--the ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration. (United States)

    Teran-Escobar, Gerardo; Tanenbaum, David M; Voroshazi, Eszter; Hermenau, Martin; Norrman, Kion; Lloyd, Matthew T; Galagan, Yulia; Zimmermann, Birger; Hösel, Markus; Dam, Henrik F; Jørgensen, Mikkel; Gevorgyan, Suren; Kudret, Suleyman; Maes, Wouter; Lutsen, Laurence; Vanderzande, Dirk; Würfel, Uli; Andriessen, Ronn; Rösch, Roland; Hoppe, Harald; Rivaton, Agnès; Uzunoğlu, Gülşah Y; Germack, David; Andreasen, Birgitta; Madsen, Morten V; Bundgaard, Eva; Krebs, Frederik C; Lira-Cantu, Monica


    This work is part of the inter-laboratory collaboration to study the stability of seven distinct sets of state-of-the-art organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices prepared by leading research laboratories. All devices have been shipped to and degraded at RISØ-DTU up to 1830 hours in accordance with established ISOS-3 protocols under defined illumination conditions. In this work, we apply the Incident Photon-to-Electron Conversion Efficiency (IPCE) and the in situ IPCE techniques to determine the relation between solar cell performance and solar cell stability. Different ageing conditions were considered: accelerated full sun simulation, low level indoor fluorescent lighting and dark storage. The devices were also monitored under conditions of ambient and inert (N(2)) atmospheres, which allows for the identification of the solar cell materials more susceptible to degradation by ambient air (oxygen and moisture). The different OPVs configurations permitted the study of the intrinsic stability of the devices depending on: two different ITO-replacement alternatives, two different hole extraction layers (PEDOT:PSS and MoO(3)), and two different P3HT-based polymers. The response of un-encapsulated devices to ambient atmosphere offered insight into the importance of moisture in solar cell performance. Our results demonstrate that the IPCE and the in situ IPCE techniques are valuable analytical methods to understand device degradation and solar cell lifetime.

  17. Listen to ISO 9001:2015 for organizational competitiveness: Correlation between change management and improvement


    Fonseca Luis Miguel; Domingues José Pedro


    In their quest to achieve superior performance and business results, organizations have extensively adopted models such as ISO 9001 Quality Managements Standards. Research supports that Quality Management System brings significant benefits for organizations competitiveness and success and more than 1 million organizations of all activity sectors worldwide have implemented ISO 9001. In a world of increasingly complexity and interconnection, the revised ISO 9001:2015 International Standard aims...

  18. Corporate environmental policy statements in mainland China: to what extent do they conform to ISO 14000 documentation? (United States)

    Chung, Shan Shan; Fryxell, Gerald E; Lo, Carlos W H


    For decades, industry has been the main source of pollution in China. Determined to make changes, the mainland Chinese authorities have decided to promote mechanisms that incorporate environmental concerns into the internal management of enterprises. This is manifested in the rapid adoption of the ISO14000 standards, including a significant increase in ISO14001 registrations in China. Thus, this study examined the environmental policy statements of 106 certified facilities in mainland China against a strict interpretation of the mandatory requirements of the ISO 14001:1996 standard and the nonmandatory ISO14004 requirements in order to shed some light on the implementation of environmental management systems in an emerging economic giant. It was decided to analyze the environmental policy statement because such a statement is a core element in the ISO system of environmental management of each facility and there are relatively clear and specific requirements on what an environmental policy statement shall include. An analysis of the contents of the environmental policy statements shows that conformance to the relevant requirements of both the mandatory ISO14001 standard and the nonmandatory ISO14004 standard is far from impressive and that the facilities in our sample seldom went beyond the minimum requirements. By using ISO14001 and ISO14004 conformance scores as the dependent variables, we found that conformity to ISO14001 and overall conformance to ISO14000 series can be explained to some extent by the degree of top management commitment, the experience with informal environmental management systems, and the form of ownership of the facilities.

  19. Listen to ISO 9001:2015 for organizational competitiveness: Correlation between change management and improvement

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    Fonseca Luis Miguel


    Full Text Available In their quest to achieve superior performance and business results, organizations have extensively adopted models such as ISO 9001 Quality Managements Standards. Research supports that Quality Management System brings significant benefits for organizations competitiveness and success and more than 1 million organizations of all activity sectors worldwide have implemented ISO 9001. In a world of increasingly complexity and interconnection, the revised ISO 9001:2015 International Standard aims to ensure that Quality Management Systems are flexible while remaining reliable. The concept of Change Management was introduced in the standard and Improvement can be achieved both in a continual/incremental mode (already present in the ISO 9001:2008 edition and in a breakthrough change/disruptive mode (new in ISO 9001:2015. ISO 9001:2015 is now closer to Business Excellence Models, such as the EFQM, that highlight the need for agility and flexibility for enduring success. To access if organizations that have already implemented ISO 9001:2015 are indeed managing change and achieving improvement, and if there is a relationship between these two variables, a survey was held with IRCA ISO 9001 Registered Auditors on a worldwide basis. Sample normality was confirmed trough Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and the hypothesis was tested by using Pearson Correlation coefficient. The findings show that the auditee organizations have positively implemented ISO 9001:2015 requirements on change management and improvement. There is also a strong positive correlation between change management and improvement, suggesting that the organizations that properly manage change by planning, designing, implementing, and controlling change in an effective and efficient way, demonstrate a higher level of performance and results improvement. These conclusions have significant implications for the Quality/Organizational Excellence Management Body of Knowledge, requiring a new way of

  20. Vergelijking van een tijd besparende analysemethode voor hydroxyproline met ISO 3496-1978

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cazemier, G.; Tuinstra, L.G.M.Th.; Werdmuller, G.A.


    De bepaling van hydroxyproline volgens de referentiemethode ISO 3496 is zeer tijdrovend. In een door het Nordisk Metodikkomitti för Livsmedel voorgestelde methode is een aantal wijzigingen ten opzichte van ISO 3496 aangebracht die de analysetijd per monster sterk verkorten. Om na te gaan of deze

  1. Analysis of the Air Force ISO 14001 Pilot Study Conducted by DoD

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Harris, Rodney


    The Department of Defense (DoD) conducted an ISO 14001 pilot study with the primary goal of determining how ISO 14001 could help DoD organizations reduce risks, improve compliance with environmental regulations, enhance stewardship...

  2. Sensorless adaptive optics for isoSTED nanoscopy (United States)

    Antonello, Jacopo; Hao, Xiang; Allgeyer, Edward S.; Bewersdorf, Joerg; Rittscher, Jens; Booth, Martin J.


    The presence of aberrations is a major concern when using fluorescence microscopy to image deep inside tissue. Aberrations due to refractive index mismatch and heterogeneity of the specimen under investigation cause severe reduction in the amount of fluorescence emission that is collected by the microscope. Furthermore, aberrations adversely affect the resolution, leading to loss of fine detail in the acquired images. These phenomena are particularly troublesome for super-resolution microscopy techniques such as isotropic stimulated-emission-depletion microscopy (isoSTED), which relies on accurate control of the shape and co-alignment of multiple excitation and depletion foci to operate as expected and to achieve the super-resolution effect. Aberrations can be suppressed by implementing sensorless adaptive optics techniques, whereby aberration correction is achieved by maximising a certain image quality metric. In confocal microscopy for example, one can employ the total image brightness as an image quality metric. Aberration correction is subsequently achieved by iteratively changing the settings of a wavefront corrector device until the metric is maximised. This simplistic approach has limited applicability to isoSTED microscopy where, due to the complex interplay between the excitation and depletion foci, maximising the total image brightness can lead to introducing aberrations in the depletion foci. In this work we first consider the effects that different aberration modes have on isoSTED microscopes. We then propose an iterative, wavelet-based aberration correction algorithm and evaluate its benefits.

  3. ISO 9001 benefits and pitfalls: the path to successful certification. (United States)

    Krause, M S


    The lifeblood of a business is developing and commercializing new products with minimum cost and time and maximum quality. Implementation of a quality management system is often used to achieve these goals, and the ISO 9001 standard for a business quality system is rapidly becoming the model of choice. The existence of an ISO-compliant system is a key to meeting the forthcoming regulatory requirements in the European Union and the US Food and Drug Administrations's proposed good management practices. DuPont has demonstrated leadership in the achievement of ISO registration. I describe the path to these successful registrations along with key lessons from the experience. Elements of success are management commitment, adequate resources, education, communication, total organizational involvement, and auditing of system performance. For the system to flourish and provide benefits to the users, sufficient time must be allocated for the organization to change.

  4. cultivadas bajo un gradiente de sombra

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    Marco V. Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el crecimiento de 9 especies de palmas cultivadas bajo un gradiente de sombra producido por mallas de polipropileno negro de 40, 50, 60, 70 y 80% de sombra, más un tratamiento de malla aluminizada de 70%, y uno con plantas a pleno sol. Las especies evaluadas fueron Caryota mitis (cola de pez, Chamaedorea costaricana (pacaya, Chamaedorea tepejilote (tepejilote, Dypsis lutescens (areca, Licuala elegans (licuala, Phoenix roebelenii (fénix, Ptychosperma macarthurii (palma macarthur, Roystonea regia (palma real, y Veitchia merrillii (navideña. Se midió la altura de las plantas, la longitud de las hojas maduras, y el número de hojas cosechadas, durante 5 cosechas por 2 años. En general, la altura de las plantas y la longitud de las hojas fueron menores a 0-40% de sombra, se incrementaron a 50-70%, y decrecieron a 80%. C. mitis, C. tepejilote, L. elegans y P. macarthurii, se comportaron como especies obligadas de sombra y no sobrevivieron a pleno sol. C. costaricana y D. lutescens sobrevivieron a plena exposición solar, y su crecimiento alcanzó valores máximos a 50-60%. P. roebelenii, R. regia, y V. merrillii mostraron un crecimiento reducido a 0-40%, pero éste mejoró bajo los demás niveles de sombra a lo largo del gradiente. En general, 1-2 años es un periodo apropiado para el cultivo de palmas de crecimiento rápido (R. regia, Chamedorea spp., D. lutescens en casas de mallas. Palmas de lento crecimiento (L.elegans pueden permanecer 3-5 años en una casa de sombra. Se discute estrategias para el uso de gradientes de sombra en el tiempo y en el espacio, según la utilidad y los requerimientos de las especies, los requisitos establecidos por el mercado, y el ciclo de producción del material vegetal.

  5. Formation of iso-ursodeoxycholic acid during administration of ursodeoxycholic acid in man

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beuers, U.; Fischer, S.; Spengler, U.; Paumgartner, G.


    The appearance of iso-ursodeoxycholic acid (isoUDCA; 3 beta,7 beta-dihydroxy-5 beta-cholan-24-oic acid) in serum of patients with chronic cholestatic liver disease and of healthy subjects during administration of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is reported. Comparison of the mass spectrum of the newly


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    Cruz Romero Bartolo


    Full Text Available Mediante una “Lista de chequeo” se establece el diagnóstico ambiental de los sistemas estuarinos de la Bahía de Banderas: El Salado, Boca Negra – Boca de Tomates y El Quelele; y se identifican los principales factores de presión ambiental en cada sistema. Los elementos ambientales considerados fueron el suelo, agua, aire, flora, fauna y paisaje. Los resultados indican que el paisaje de estos sistemas, ha perdido su calidad original y las principales causas han sido el cambio de uso de suelo y el desarrollo urbano y turístico mal planeado. Respecto a la valoración de los recursos (naturales y artificiales, con potencial turístico para cada sistema, se determinó bajo la metodología de “Inventario de recursos”; propuesta por Leno (1993. La valoración de recursos en los tres sistemas estuarinos El Salado, Boca Negra – Boca de Tomates y El Quelele; nos muestra que todos los recursos potenciales se encuentran en conjunto lo cual les otorga un valor más elevado respecto a la metodología utilizada, esto no limita las áreas solo al avistamiento y visita de los recursos con mayor jerarquía como las aves, cangrejos, flora, canales navegables, torres de observación y senderos elevados. Al contrario, se considera que el conjunto de todos los recursos con potencial turístico son susceptibles de aprovechamiento bajo esquemas de sustentabilidad mediante programas de turismo asociado a la naturaleza.

  7. Handbook on Life Cycle Assessment. Operational Guide to the ISO Standards

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guinee, J.B. [Centre of Environmental Studies, Leiden University, Leiden (Netherlands)


    In 1992 the Centre of Environmental Science (CML) at Leiden University, The Netherlands, published a Guide on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, setting the standard for a long time. Since then LCA methodology has progressed enormously and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published a series of Standards on LCA. These developments have now been incorporated into a new Handbook on LCA authored by CML in cooperation with a number of other important institutes in the area of LCA. The general aim of this Handbook on LCA is to provide a stepwise 'cookbook' with operational guidelines for conducting an LCA study step-by-step, justified by a scientific background document, based on the ISO Standards for LCA. The different ISO elements and requirements are made operational to the 'best available practice' for each step. CML is strongly involved in the development of a standard methodology to determine environmental impacts of products, i.e., LCA. This is done within international fora such as the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)


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    Asih Sutanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan bagaimana mengukur perangkat lunak yang dilihat dari sudut pandang produk, mengukur kualitas perangkat  lunak Sistem Informasi Hotel yang memerlukan  alat bantu untuk mempermudah melakukan pengukuran kualitas software tersebut berdasarkan ISO 9126 yang sesuai dengan enam karakteristik dari model kualitas software/perangkat lunak yaitu Functionability, Reliability, usability, efesiency, maintainability dan portability. Faktor kualitas umum yang paling penting diurutkan dan ditambahkan ke sub-faktor dari ISO 9126. Sehingga pihak manajemen dalam pengukurannya lebih akurat dalam memperoleh informasi untuk menentukan keputusan strategis. Melalui pemrosesan data dari masukan pengguna terhadap tingkat preferensi faktor dan sub-faktor kualitas akan diperoleh bobot faktor kualitas dan bobot relatif sub-faktor kualitas. Perkalian kedua nilai tersebut akan menghasilkan bobot absolut yang kemudian dikalikan dengan penilaian kriteria aplikasi hotel dari pengguna. Hasil akhirnya berupa nilai kualitas total dari aplikasi perangkat lunak Sistem Informasi Hotel. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran dengan enam karakteristik Standart ISO 9126, diperoleh nilai  Sistem Informasi Hotel 13.25 yang merupakan hasil pengukuran kualitas sehingga aplikasi ini tidak masuk kategori standar ISO 9126 karena ada Karakteristik Portability yait u unsur Adaptability, dan Installability tidak terpenuhi.

  9. Environmental Management Systems (EMS ISO 14001 Implementation in Construction Industry: A Malaysian Case Study

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    Sumiani Yusoff


    Full Text Available This study seeks to explore the crucial part in EMS implementation; i.e. environmental aspects and impacts, Good Environmental Practice to be developed in construction site, as well as the level of awareness or understanding amongst site staffs on ISO 14001 EMS implementation in their organizations. Data were collected via interviews, surveys and site visits. A number of environmental aspects and impacts, and Good Environmental Practices based on ISO 14001:2004 have been identified. The level of understanding of the site staffs on ISO 14001 EMS requirements has been found to be good except for matters concerning Schedule Waste Management. In conclusion, the successful implementation of ISO 14001 EMS mainly depends on staffs‘ understanding.


    This presentation provides an overview of the document, ISO 14001 - A Tool for Supporting Government Environmental Programs and Policies, recently published by USEPA/s Office of Research and Development. It is an informational document, explaining the backjground and development ...

  11. Propiedades mecánicas bajo compresión y resistencia al desgaste abrasivo de piezas gruesas de caucho acrilonitrilo

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    Sandra Milena Velásquez-Restrepo


    Full Text Available Se estudió la variación de las propiedades mecánicas bajo compresión uniaxial y el desgaste abrasivo en la sección transversal de piezas gruesas de caucho acrilonitrilo (NBR reforzadas con negro de humo, teniendo en consideración que en este tipo de piezas las propiedades obtenidas durante la vulcanización no son homogéneas, debido a la baja difusividad térmica de los cauchos. Se realizaron ensayos de desgaste abrasivo en seco, buscando identificar la relación entre la resistencia al desgaste abrasivo y las propiedades mecánicas en compresión, como el módulo elástico y la dureza. Se evaluaron muestras en estado de entrega tras el proceso de vulcanización, luego expuestas al ambiente durante tres meses y, posteriormente, envejecidas en una cámara UV. El envejecimiento ambiental rigidiza los materiales estudiados, pero disminuye la resistencia al desgaste del material proveniente del núcleo de las piezas. El envejecimiento UV disminuyó el módulo elástico, pero su efecto sobre la resistencia al desgaste depende del estado de envejecimiento previo. La dureza no presentó una relación directa ni con el módulo elástico ni con la resistencia al desgaste, por lo cual no puede usarse como propiedad para la selección de cauchos NBR sometidos a desgaste abrasivo. La información obtenida permite generar criterios para el diseño de componentes basados en este tipo de cauchos.

  12. Performance improvement with ISO 9001:2000: a case of PKOC-II project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Behera, U.K.; Prasad, K.S.N. [Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd. (India)


    The present study is limited to the study of main step towards ISO 9001:2000 (QMS) development, implementation and improvements of PKOC-II project and the same are discussed. In line with increasing global concern for quality, environmental protection and occupational health and safety, Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd (SCCL) has taken the strategic decision to implement ISO 9001:2000 (QMS), ISO 14001:2004 EMS (environmental management system) and occupational health and safety assessment series 18001:1999 (OHSAS) at the PK OC-II project. This is the first project to implement all three management systems QMS, OHSAS, and EMS, in the Indian coal industry. 25 refs., 12 figs., 2 tabs.

  13. Molecular mechanisms behind the antimicrobial activity of hop iso-α-acids in Lactobacillus brevis. (United States)

    Schurr, Benjamin C; Hahne, Hannes; Kuster, Bernhard; Behr, Jürgen; Vogel, Rudi F


    The main bittering component in beer, hop iso-α-acids, have been characterised as weak acids, which act as ionophores impairing microbial cells' function under acidic conditions as present in beer. Besides medium pH, divalent cations play a central role regarding the efficacy of the antimicrobial effect. The iso-α-acids' non-bitter derivatives humulinic acids can be found in isomerised hop extracts and can be generated during hop storage. Therefore, they have been under investigation concerning their influence on beer sensory properties. This study sketches the molecular mechanism behind iso-α-acids' antimicrobial activity in Lactobacillus (L.) brevis regarding their ionophore activity versus the dependence of the inhibitory potential on manganese binding, and suggests humulinic acids as novel tasteless food preservatives. We designed and synthesised chemically modified iso-α-acids to enhance the basic understanding of the molecular mechanism of antimicrobial iso-α-acids. It could be observed that a manganese-binding dependent transmembrane redox reaction (oxidative stress) plays a crucial role in inhibition. Privation of an acidic hydroxyl group neither erased ionophore activity, nor did it entirely abolish antimicrobial activity. Humulinic acids proved to be highly inhibitory, even outperforming iso-α-acids. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. An ISO 9001 quality management system in a hospital: bureaucracy or just benefits? (United States)

    van den Heuvel, Jaap; Koning, Lida; Bogers, Ad J J C; Berg, Marc; van Dijen, Monique E M


    To describe how The Red Cross Hospital in Beverwijk, The Netherlands implemented an ISO 9000 quality management system throughout the entire organisation, obtained an ISO 9002:1994 and subsequently an ISO 9001:2000 certificate. First, a global implementation plan was written concerning the process obtaining in each department. Once improved, each process was subjected to a procedure, and specific protocols effected. On completion the Quality Manual was put together. Quality management was completed by implementing an internal audit system involving 50 co-workers. A number of advantages are found from using ISO. The focus on patients has been re-established. All processes are identified and subject to continuous improvement. Performance measurements were introduced and give an integrated picture of results. Measurements subsequently lead to improvement of quality of care and to quality system improvements. The documentation system serves the organization's needs without leading to bureaucracy. Positive effects on patient safety could be demonstrated compared with ten other hospitals. Given the need for adequate quality management tools in health care and the need for demonstrating quality, the positive effects reported in this article show how ISO is expected to become more prevalent in health-care organisations.

  15. KSC Center Director Bridges addresses the audience at an ISO 9001 certification ceremony (United States)


    Center Director Roy Bridges speaks to KSC employees at the ISO certification ceremony held at the Training Auditorium. Bridges was presented an ISO 9001 certificate and plaque awarded to KSC by Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Inc., an international ISO certification organization. ISO 9001 comprises the most detailed, comprehensive set of standard requirements for quality programs established by the International Standards Organization. The presentation followed a successful independent audit by DNV of the KSC Management System in May of this year. The third-party auditors examined about 20 elements of KSC's system, including management responsibility, design control, documentation, test and inspection, and corrective action procedures. DNV found that KSC met or exceeded the stringent quality standards in all areas. KSC will use this certification as a tool to improve an already world- class team. All NASA centers are required by NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin to be ISO 9001 registered by September 1999. NASA is the first federal agency to seek the quality certification. Next to Bridges is Heidi Hollingsworth, with the Center for Independent Living, who uses American Sign Language for any hearing-impaired employees in the audience.

  16. Complementing network security to the ISO/IEC 27000 standard


    Alila, Patrick


    I syfte att öppna upp nya affärsmöjligheter för informationssäkerhetsföretaget Secure State AB, har detta arbete bedrivits för att komplettera företagets nuvarande standard för informationssäkerhetsarbete med ytterligare nätverkssäkerhet. Krav på slutresultatet var att dokumentet eller standarden skulle kunna komplettera ISO 27000, samt vara kostnadseffektivt. Efter en undersökning av den nämnda standarden konstaterades att enbart ISO 27000 i sig inte är ett fullgott verktyg för nätverkssäker...

  17. Implementation of ISO 22000 in Romanian Companies: Motivations, Difficulties and Key Benefits

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    Carmen Păunescu


    Full Text Available The development of well-designed food safety management systems that take into consideration the potential risks and threats to an organization and their associated impacts to business operations should be a key goal for each organization operating in the food supply chain. This study provides quantitative empirical evidence about the motivations for implementing a food safety management system based on ISO 22000. By employing factor analysis and multiple linear regression, it analyses the benefits that the ISO 22000 certified companies gained through certification, as well as the main constraints that may prevent the adoption of the standard in the food industry. The survey is based on a sample of Romanian companies distributed at all levels of the food chain, but mainly at the production level. While there exist external pressures that lead companies to adopt a food safety management system based on ISO 22000, the motivations that are most relevant in this decision are generally internal in nature. The results of our study identify three major benefits of ISO 22000 certification: food safety improvement and provision of safer products, reduction of illness and other risks arising from food and improvement of consumers’ confidence. Also, it points out three constraints limiting the dissemination and use of ISO 22000: employees’ qualification, costs associated with food safety management system implementation and legal requirements.

  18. Adsorption and separation of n/iso-pentane on zeolites: A GCMC study. (United States)

    Fu, Hui; Qin, Hansong; Wang, Yajun; Liu, Yibin; Yang, Chaohe; Shan, Honghong


    Separation of branched chain hydrocarbons and straight chain hydrocarbons is very important in the isomerization process. Grand canonical ensemble Monte Carlo simulations were used to investigate the adsorption and separation of iso-pentane and n-pentane in four types of zeolites: MWW, BOG, MFI, and LTA. The computation of the pure components indicates that the adsorption capacity is affected by physical properties of zeolite, like pore size and structures, and isosteric heat. In BOG, MFI and LTA, the amount of adsorption of n-pentane is higher than iso-pentane, while the phenomenon is contrary in MWW. For a given zeolite, a stronger adsorption heat corresponds to a higher loading. In the binary mixture simulations, the separation capacity of n-and iso-pentane increases with the elevated pressure and the increasing iso-pentane composition. The adsorption mechanism and competition process have been examined. Preferential adsorption contributions prevail at low pressure, however, the size effect becomes important with the increasing pressure, and the relatively smaller n-pentane gradually competes successfully in binary adsorption. Among these zeolites, MFI has the best separation performance due to its high shape selectivity. This work helps to better understand the adsorption and separation performance of n- and iso-pentane in different zeolites and explain the relationship between zeolite structures and adsorption performance. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. ISO 13485 a complete guide to quality management in the medical device industry

    CERN Document Server

    Abuhav, Itay


    Although complex and lengthy, the process of certification for the ISO 13485 can be easily mastered using the simple method outlined in ISO 13485: A Complete Guide to Quality Management in the Medical Device Industry. Written by an experienced industry professional, this practical book provides a complete guide to the ISO 13485 Standard certification for medical device manufacturing. Filled with examples drawn from the author's experience and spanning different sectors and fields of the medical device industry, the book translates the extra ordinary requirements and objectives of the standard


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    María Eugenia Guerrero Useda


    Full Text Available Se desarrolló un modelo conceptual del riesgo de contaminación físico química del suelo en la vereda Rasgatá Bajo. Esta vereda del municipio de Tausa, en Cundinamarca, está en la zona limítrofe del declarado por la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca en 2009, Distrito Regional de Manejo Integrado de los Recursos Naturales Renovables Páramo Guargua y Laguna Verde. La vocación productiva local por tradición ha sido el cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum L y la extracción y transformación de arcilla y carbón, actividades con graves impactos sobre el suelo, por lo que el objetivo del proyecto fue identificar y evaluar la condición de este recurso en territorios donde confluyen actividades de extracción y transformación de arcilla y carbón. Se siguió un enfoque metodológico mixto que combinó investigación documental, observaciones in situ y medición de características físico químicas para determinar las fuentes y tipos de contaminantes con riesgo de afectar el suelo aledaño a las faenas mineras y con impactos toxicológicos para las personas, la fauna y la flora. Los datos obtenidos aportarán al rediseño y evaluación de los planes de manejo ambiental local.


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    Sanja Pekovic


    Full Text Available The ISO 9000 certification is often associated with quality approach, and activities that are by now widely diffused throughout business. The statistical research shows that quality management practice is one of the most utilized tools because in 1997, more than a third of industrial firms have received the quality certification. Regarded like an investment in a diploma, investment in quality norms can at the same time be a function of improvement of the company's competence and can also make a signal on the market. In our research, we want to understand those two functions of the ISO 9000 certification and to see how they act in the company and on the market. The paper will explore two possible functions of the certification and will analysis the consequences for the firms. The research will use national statistics sources and case research for the empirical investigation to identify the internal characteristics of ISO 9000 adoption. Also, it will use C.O.I database (Organizational Changes and Computerization of 1997 and E.A.E. database (Annual Survey of Industry. In this research, the empirical results show that ISO certification has a part of increase the level of firm's export. Moreover, the firms that have recently adopted the ISO certification invest more in quality than those that have adopted ISO certification more ago. The results show that the firms from same sector of activity "are pushed" to adopt certification. At the end, the results show that, the probability that the firm adopt ISO certification increase with firm's size.

  2. Iso-acoustic focusing of cells for size-insensitive acousto-mechanical phenotyping

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Augustsson, Per; Karlsen, Jonas Tobias; Su, Hao-Wei


    Mechanical phenotyping of single cells is an emerging tool for cell classification, enabling assessment of effective parameters relating to cells' interior molecular content and structure. Here, we present iso-acoustic focusing, an equilibrium method to analyze the effective acoustic impedance...... of single cells in continuous flow. While flowing through a microchannel, cells migrate sideways, influenced by an acoustic field, into streams of increasing acoustic impedance, until reaching their cell-type specific point of zero acoustic contrast. We establish an experimental procedure and provide...... theoretical justifications and models for iso-acoustic focusing. We describe a method for providing a suitable acoustic contrast gradient in a cell-friendly medium, and use acoustic forces to maintain that gradient in the presence of destabilizing forces. Applying this method we demonstrate iso-acoustic...

  3. Study on the Evolution of the Current ISO Certifications in Romania

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    Teodor Socaciu


    Full Text Available To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of processes within an organization, ISO standards can help both large enterprises and small companies (SMEs, both in industrialized and in developing countries offering solutions and bringing considerable advantages in almost all existing fields. ISO certification brings a set of measures in the areas of an organization, be it about quality, environmental safety, food or protection and safety of personnel, this certification brings benefits both in the current processes and more importantly, the future development plans. In this paper, graphs showing the distributions of increasing certification, demonstrate that more and more companies in Romania have realized that, only implementing and certifying ISO standards, they will be successful in domestic and international market in terms of competition, in particular against European companies.

  4. 75 FR 16096 - New England Power Generators Association Inc., Complainant v. ISO New England Inc., Respondent... (United States)


    ...-787-000] New England Power Generators Association Inc., Complainant v. ISO New England Inc., Respondent; ISO New England Inc. and New England Power Pool; Notice of Complaint March 24, 2010. Take notice... Inc. (Complainant) filed a formal complaint against ISO New England Inc. (Respondent) alleging that...

  5. Evaluación económica y toma de decisiones en salud ambiental

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    Gutiérrez Zúñiga Cristina


    Full Text Available Ante el creciente deterioro ambiental y sus posibles consecuencias en la salud de la población resulta una prioridad indiscutible el diseño e instrumentación de políticas que controlen las actividades económicas bajo el criterio de protección a la salud humana y al ambiente mismo. Es preciso que dichas políticas consideren la factibilidad económica de las alternativas de protección existentes. Sin embargo, por la cantidad de intereses dentro del área ambiental, otros factores como el social y el político deben también ser considerados. La evaluación económica ha sido vista como un promisorio fundamento para la toma de decisiones en esta materia. Los autores analizan la capacidad de esta herramienta para organizar en forma sistemática y comparable los costos y los beneficios de alternativas para la solución de problemas ambientales. Se resumen las principales características de los estudios de costo-beneficio y costo-efectividad, las formas de evaluación económica del ambiente, y las particularidades de esta área para la aplicación de dichas técnicas de análisis. Se señalan los límites encontrados en estas herramientas para cuantificar los costos no monetarios de los riesgos ambientales y de los consecuentes daños a la salud, tales como el dolor, el sufrimiento ó la incapacidad de personas económicamente inactivas, constituyendo estos aspectos el reto metodológico de la evaluación económica en el área. Se reflexiona sobre la importancia de ampliar los insumos informativos para la toma de decisiones en materia de salud ambiental en aspectos como la distribución de los costos y los beneficios entre los distintos grupos sociales. Por último se señala tanto la creciente politización del tema ambiental, como la posibilidad técnica de manipulación de estas herramientas de análisis. Partiendo de estos elementos se señala la necesidad, por parte de los evaluadores, de ser conscientes sobre las implicaciones pol

  6. ISO19770-1:2012 SAM process guidance

    CERN Document Server

    Canavan, Rory


    The pocket guide offers a concise summary of the principles of software asset management as conveyed by ISO 19770-1: 2012, and provides advice and guidance on how to kick-start your own SAM programme - something the Standard alone doesn't offer.


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    María Belén Aliciardi


    Full Text Available El presente artículo intenta hacer una síntesis con relación a los problemas ambientales y sus perspectivas de interpretación y solución. En él se resalta el papel de la Bioética como una disciplina que con exclusividad puede interpretar el lugar del ser humano dentro del cosmos, y como una disciplina que justifica la necesidad de abordar el problema ambiental, no solo desde la ecología, sino bajo el análisis de factores socioculturales, en los que la dependencia económica y el distanciamiento entre países ricos y pobres desempeñan un papel importante. El trabajo conjuga elementos filosóficos que interpretan la ruptura del ser humano con la naturaleza y ofrece una explicación bio-ético-ambientalista de carácter personalista ante el problema ambiental. El ser humano tiene las obligaciones morales de actuar pensando en la suerte de los Otros, de evitar la destrucción de la existencia humana y de velar por el cuidado de la naturaleza para las generaciones futuras, para el logro de la calidad de vida, por lo que la transferencia de tecnología nociva desde los países desarrollados se debe evitar con base en los principios éticos de no malefi cencia, justicia y responsabilidad. Los esfuerzos de la humanidad deben apuntar a hacer ciencia con conciencia, a una reconciliación de los seres humanos con su hábitat, armonizando la dignidad del ser humano con la dignidad de la naturaleza, teniendo como base el desarrollo sustentable.

  8. Infra-slow oscillation (ISO of the pupil size of urethane-anaesthetised rats.

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    Tomasz Blasiak

    Full Text Available Multiplicity of oscillatory phenomena in a range of infra-slow frequencies (<0.01 Hz has been described in mammalian brains at different levels of organisation. The significance and manifestation in physiology and/or behaviour of many brain infra-slow oscillations (ISO remain unknown. Examples of this phenomenon are two types of ISO observed in the brains of urethane-anaesthetised rats: infra-slow, rhythmic changes in the rate of action potential firing in a few nuclei of the subcortical visual system and a sleep-like cycle of activation/deactivation visible in the EEG signal. Because both of these rhythmic phenomena involve brain networks that can influence autonomic nervous system activity, we hypothesised that these two brain ISOs can be reflected by rhythmic changes of pupil size. Thus, in the present study, we used simultaneous pupillography and ECoG recording to verify the hypothesised existence of infra-slow oscillations in the pupil size of urethane-anaesthetised rats. The obtained results showed rhythmic changes in the size of the pupils and rhythmic eyeball movements in urethane-anaesthetised rats. The observed rhythms were characterised by two different dominant components in a range of infra-slow frequencies. First, the long component had a period of ≈ 29 minutes and was present in both the irises and the eyeball movements. Second, the short component had a period of ≈ 2 minutes and was observed only in the rhythmic constrictions and dilations of the pupils. Both ISOs were simultaneously present in both eyes, and they were synchronised between the left and right eye. The long ISO component was synchronised with the cyclic alternations of the brain state, as revealed by rhythmic changes in the pattern of the ECoG signal. Based on the obtained results, we propose a model of interference of ISO present in different brain systems involved in the control of pupil size.


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    Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour


    Full Text Available The main objective of this article is to analyze the insertion of environmental management in theorganizational structure of 9 Brazilian companies, in search of a better relationship with the environment.Further, we intend to show an agenda with research opportunities for future research in this area ofknowledge. A theoretical review of the relationship between environmental management and organizationalstructure was done. This theoretical review was the big picture to development of 9 case studies withISO14001 certified companies located in São Paulo State. The results show that: (a for all the cases,environmental management is under quality management area; (b only two companies adopt moreadvanced environmental management practices and these two companies have more complex organizationalstructure; (c only two companies have the environmental management structure named “matrix”, while theother companies have the type named “limited environmental management insertion”; (d it is possible todevelop a framework designed to understanding the process of greening organization to the 9 cases in study.Further these results, we designed a research agenda as a guide to future research initiatives.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a incorporação da gestão ambiental na estrutura organizacional de nove empresas brasileiras, engajadas na busca pela melhoria do seu relacionamento com o meio ambiente.Adicionalmente, persegue-se o objetivo de delinear uma agenda de pesquisas futuras para  o tema. Para aconsecução desses objetivos, realizou-se uma fundamentação teórica sobre estrutura organizacional e suarelação com a gestão ambiental organizacional. Essa construção teórica serviu de pano de fundo para arealização de nove estudos de caso, em empresas com certificação ISO 14001, localizadas no Estado de SãoPaulo. Os resultados indicam que: (a a área de gestão ambiental tende a ser subordinada à área de qualidade;(b dentre as

  10. ITIL and ISO/IEC 20000 a practical handbook

    CERN Document Server

    Hernandez, Alex


    The purpose of this publication is to provide your organization with a pragmatic approach to effectively implementing service management, incorporating practices from the ITIL framework and the ISO/IEC 20000 standard.

  11. [Quality management according to DIN EN ISO 9001 at a university eye hospital]. (United States)

    Schönherr, U; Händel, A; Naumann, G O


    Quality assurance is an integral part of modern microsurgical ophthalmology. Health care laws also mandate overall quality management. In recent years we have standardized the preexisting features of quality management according DIN EN ISO 9001 and have integrated previously missing features. Establishing quality management according to ISO 9001 is possible even at a university eye hospital and department of ophthalmology. Certification according to ISO 9001 specifications was granted in April 1999. The major difficulty was in translating industrial norms to the context of an eye hospital. It was also difficult to overcome skepticism towards quality-assurance measures that lie beyond ophthalmological quality control. It is useful and feasible to establish a quality management system at German university eye hospitals and departments of ophthalmology. Certification according to ISO 9001 is one possibility to make a quality management system transparent and evaluable both inside and outside the hospital.

  12. Aspirin provocation increases 8-iso-PGE2 in exhaled breath condensate of aspirin-hypersensitive asthmatics. (United States)

    Mastalerz, Lucyna; Januszek, Rafał; Kaszuba, Marek; Wójcik, Krzysztof; Celejewska-Wójcik, Natalia; Gielicz, Anna; Plutecka, Hanna; Oleś, Krzysztof; Stręk, Paweł; Sanak, Marek


    Isoprostanes are bioactive compounds formed by non-enzymatic oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, mostly arachidonic, and markers of free radical generation during inflammation. In aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD), asthmatic symptoms are precipitated by ingestion of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs capable for pharmacologic inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 isoenzyme. We investigated whether aspirin-provoked bronchoconstriction is accompanied by changes of isoprostanes in exhaled breath condensate (EBC). EBC was collected from 28 AERD subjects and 25 aspirin-tolerant asthmatics before and after inhalatory aspirin challenge. Concentrations of 8-iso-PGF2α, 8-iso-PGE2, and prostaglandin E2 were measured using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Leukotriene E4 was measured by immunoassay in urine samples collected before and after the challenge. Before the challenge, exhaled 8-iso-PGF2α, 8-iso-PGE2, and PGE2 levels did not differ between the study groups. 8-iso-PGE2 level increased in AERD group only (p=0.014) as a result of the aspirin challenge. Urinary LTE4 was elevated in AERD, both in baseline and post-challenge samples. Post-challenge airways 8-iso-PGE2 correlated positively with urinary LTE4 level (p=0.046), whereas it correlated negatively with the provocative dose of aspirin (p=0.027). A significant increase of exhaled 8-iso-PGE2 after inhalatory challenge with aspirin was selective and not present for the other isoprostane measured. This is a novel finding in AERD, suggesting that inhibition of cyclooxygenase may elicit 8-iso-PGE2 production in a specific mechanism, contributing to bronchoconstriction and systemic overproduction of cysteinyl leukotrienes. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Materiales, tecnologías y prototipos de viviendas de muy bajo coste

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    Salas Serrano, Julián


    Full Text Available Not available.El fin último de la investigación es el de conseguir unas tipologías de viviendas realizadas mediante materiales, procedimientos o sistemas constructivos que permitan proporcionar un producto final, cuyas características fundamentales sean: adecuación a las necesidades físicas y socioculturales de la zona y, prioritariamente, la consecución de un muy bajo coste da ejecución de las mismas. Cuando se habla a continuación de «viviendas de muy bajo coste» se debe entender que nos referimos a las que cumplen básicamente las dos condiciones limitativas aceptadas por las Naciones Unidas (UNCHSHABITAT: a Superficie construida comprendida entre 30 y 50 m2. b Coste de construcción inferior a los 100 $ USA (1982 por metro cuadrado construido. (Para nuestras condiciones, fijaríamos un coste aproximado de 10.000 pts/m2.

  14. Consideraciones y lineamientos para fomentar el uso de los tableros digitales interactivos en los ambientes de aprendizajes educativos en los municipios de Medellín e Itagüí


    Rodríguez Vides, Antonio


    El presente proyecto caracteriza procesos de incorporación pedagógica y tecnológica de los tableros digitales interactivos en un contexto internacional y en los ambientes de aprendizajes en Medellín e Itagüí -- En estos municipios, se presenta un bajo uso del tablero digital interactivo en las aulas de clases, situación que motivó al desarrollo de esta investigación -- Después de realizar un análisis de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo, utilizando instrumentos cuantitativos y cua...

  15. Lean environmental management integration system for sustainability of ISO 14001:2004 standard implementation

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    Perumal Puvanasvaran


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a model for integrating Lean Principles with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the objective of the study, the methodology used in this study is based on preliminary literature review of ISO 14001 standards and Lean Principles as well as certain case reports from various proponents and authors of ISO 14001 and Lean as noted in various articles and journals and some books.Findings and Originality/value: The findings of this study are a new model called Lean Environmental Management Integration System (LEMIS has been developed and leads to the creation of these measurement standards for evaluating the organization, making its environmental efforts more realistic, focused and attainable.Research limitations/implications: Future research should be conducted case studies in this direction are required to be conducted for examining the feasibility of amalgamation and implementing ISO 14001:2004 standards with the philosophy of Lean Principles to enable the achievement of world class standards.Practical implications: This model helps to eliminate any wasteful processes in the organization’s implementation of the ISO 14001 standard thus leading to higher environmental performance.  Integrating the standard with Lean principles through LEMIS model helps to specify these performance measures making the standard achieve sustainability and continual improvement.Originality/value: This study presents a unique approach of integrating the two main models, namely Lean Principles and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, as a single framework benefiting contemporary organizations.

  16. Diseño e implantación de una oficina técnica según normativa ISO 9001:2000 e ISO 14001:2004, en una empresa del sector aeronautico


    Hucha Sierra, Antonio


    El proyecto describirá dos procesos fundamentalmente, el diseño de la empresa de SITA enfocada hacia los Estudios de Ingeniería, y la implantación y certificación de un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad y Medioambiente, según las normativas ISO 9001:2000 e ISO 14001:2004.

  17. Implementation Of ISO 9000 Quality Management System Within The Manufacturing And Service Industry Of Ivory Coast

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    Borget Alfred Anoye


    Full Text Available Abstract The objective of this paper was to present the factors that impede the implementation of ISO 9000 QMS within the manufacturing and service Industry of Ivory Coast. It wasnt the intention of the author to provide detailed strategies for the readers to implement ISO 9000. It was an effort to present the relationship if any between the lack of ISO 9000 adoption and the perception of Ivoirians business organization leaders. For that purpose five research questions were associated with this study. The population for this study was all non-ISO certified business organizations in both public and private sector and was physically located in Ivory Coast. The population sample for this study was the 5044 members of the Chambre de Commerce et dIndustrie de Cote dIvoire CCI from which the author utilized the sample size of 60 business organizations randomly selected. This study utilized a survey questionnaire of face to face interview as data collection method. The survey questionnaire contained thirty three 33 questions organized in six parts and was proposed to 60 business organizations leaders. The result showed that business organization leaders in Ivory Coast were aware of the ISO 900 QMS but do not have enough knowledge on the ISO 9000 QMS implementation and certification. This could be due to the poor job done by CODIMORM the local national bureau of standards as a source of information. However it was found that business organization leaders in Ivory Coast intended to pursue and obtain ISO 9000 QMS certification. With respect to perceived benefits they indicated customer satisfaction improvement as the most important benefit that ISO 9000 QMS certification could bring to their general management activities. With respect to perceived improvements they selected quality of productsservices as the most important improvement that ISO 9000 QMS implementation and certification could help to achieve. Overall business organization leaders in Ivory

  18. On the new ISO guide on risk management terminology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aven, Terje


    A new ISO guide on risk management terminology has recently been issued. The guide provides basic vocabulary for developing a common understanding of risk assessment and risk management concepts and terms among organisations and functions, and across different application areas. It provides the foundation of, for example, the ISO 31000 standard on risk management. The guide strongly influences the risk assessment and risk management field, and its quality is thus of utmost importance. In this paper a critical review of the guide is conducted. We argue that the guide fails in several ways in producing consistent and meaningful definitions of many of the key concepts covered. A main focus is placed on the risk concept, which is defined as the effect of uncertainty on objectives, but also many other definitions are looked into, including probability, vulnerability, hazard, risk identification and risk description. Examples are used to illustrate the problems and show how they can be rectified. Although the focus is on the ISO guide, the discussion is to a large extent general. The overall aim of the paper is to contribute to the further development of the area of risk assessment and risk management by strengthening its conceptual basis.


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    Fredy Hernán Martínez Sarmiento


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo e implementación de un fotocontrol con tecnología de bajo consumo desarrollado con un microcontrolador, el cual controla variables de tensión, luminosidad  y sincronización con la red, por medio de  una salida con modo PWM producir una salida de Vdc en el relé. El microcontrolador realiza un  muestreo análogo de voltaje sobre la onda sinusoidal y se hace un filtro de promedio móvil para eliminar ruido de la onda.La temporización se realiza cuando el contacto del relé está cerrado y el tiempo a temporizar es programado por el usuario el cual lo requiera, el fotocontrol presenta un modo de ultra bajo consumo en el microcontrolador con un supercap.

  20. Relationship between platelet and urinary 8-Iso-PGF2α levels in subjects with different degrees of NOX2 regulation. (United States)

    Carnevale, Roberto; Iuliano, Luigi; Nocella, Cristina; Bartimoccia, Simona; Trapè, Stefano; Russo, Roberta; Gentile, Maria Cristina; Cangemi, Roberto; Loffredo, Lorenzo; Pignatelli, Pasquale; Violi, Francesco


    Urinary 8-iso-PGF2α, a marker of oxidative stress, is influenced by the activation of NOX2. It is unclear if platelets 8-iso-PGF2α contribute to urinary 8-iso-PGF2α. In a cross-sectional study, platelet, urinary, and serum 8-iso-PGF2α were determined in subjects with downregulation (X-linked chronic granulomatous disease [X-CGD], n=25) and upregulation (type II diabetic patients [T2D], n=121) of NOX2 and 153 controls matched for sex and age. In diabetic patients (n=18), the above variables were repeated before and after 7 days treatment with 100 mg/day aspirin or 100 mg/day aspirin plus 40 mg/day atorvastatin. In vitro study was performed to see the contribution of blood cells to serum 8-iso-PGF2α. Compared with controls, X-CGD patients had lower platelet, serum, and urinary 8-iso-PGF2α values; conversely, diabetic patients had higher values of 8-iso-PGF2α compared with controls. Urinary 8-iso-PGF2α significantly correlated with both platelet and serum 8-iso-PGF2α in the 2 cohorts. A parallel increase of platelet, serum, and urinary 8-iso-PGF2α by aspirin and a parallel decrease by aspirin plus atorvastatin were detected in the interventional study. In vitro study demonstrated that platelets contribute to 37% of serum 8-iso-PGF2α and that only 13% of it is of extravascular origin. The study suggests that NOX2 contributes to the formation of 8-iso-PGF2α in both platelets and urine. The direct correlation between platelet and urinary 8-iso-PGF2α suggests that, at least partly, urinary 8-iso-PGF2α reflects platelet 8-iso-PGF2α production. Analysis of serum 8-iso-PGF2α may represent a novel tool to investigate the production of 8-iso-PGF2α by blood cells including platelets. URL: Unique Identifier: NCT01250340.

  1. ISO/IEC 38500 the IT governance standard

    CERN Document Server

    Calder, Alan


    The emergence of ISO/IEC 38500 - the international standard for the corporate governance of information and communication technology - puts boards around the world in a position from which they can take effective action to apply core governance principles to their information and communication technology.

  2. X(3872) and Its Iso-Triplet Partners


    Kunihiko, TERASAKI; Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University:Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kanazawa University


    Decays of X(3872) and its partners as hidden-charm axial-vector tetra-quark mesons are studied. As the result, it is seen that the iso-triplet partners of X(3872) can be broad, and therefore, higher statistics will be needed to find them.

  3. New ISO standards for hearing protectors (A)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Torben


    Working Group 17 under ISO/TC43/SC1 deals with measurement of hearing protector attenuation. WG17 is presently involved in revision of the present 4869-1 standard (especially sound field requirements and reproducibility estimations) and formulation of a new standard where inexperienced hearing...

  4. Conformance on Quality Management System of One State College in the Philippines as Basis for ISO Certification

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    Romulo T. Sisno


    Full Text Available This study sought to determine the quality management system of the Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology (NONESCOST as basis for International Organization for Standardization (ISO Certification. The descriptive method of research was used in this study. It utilized the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Requirements Checklist and the Questionnaires on the Attitudes towards ISO 9001. The study utilized a descriptive research design.. Findings revealed that the attitude of administrators, teaching personnel and administrative staff’ towards ISO 9001 in terms of benefits, challenges, recommendations and standards did not differ significantly. Findings further revealed that the employees have mostly positive perceptions of ISO 9001, resulting in positive attitudes in the workplace. Findings also revealed that the extent of conformance to the ISO 9001:2008 (QMS Requirements in the areas of Quality Management System, Management Responsibility, Resource Management, Product Realization and Measurement, Analysis and Improvement was perceived by the respondents to be minor non-conformance. It implies that fulfillment to the ISO 9001:2008 Requirements was only satisfactory

  5. Why did ISO 9001:2008 system fail to deliver? (United States)

    Langford, Melvyn


    This article is based on an actual investigation undertaken, and summarises the subsequent report's findings and observations. It has been anonymised for obvious reasons. In May 2013 an analysis was undertaken by a multidisciplinary team that compared an NHS Trust estates department's managerial systems against the NHS national recommendations. The conclusions stated that: 'There was a systemic failure across a large number of topics generating intolerable/substantial risks to the organisation, its staff, and patients; this despite the department's managerial systems being accredited to the International Standard ISO 9001:2008'. The natural question raised when presented with this demonstrable and auditable evidence was: 'Why did the ISO 9001:2008 system fail?'

  6. El rol del tutor en un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje para la formación continua de docentes

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    Juan Eusebio SILVA QUIROZ


    Full Text Available El potencial comunicativo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC está transformando los ambientes de enseñanza y aprendizaje en los cuales han sido introducidas. Esta introducción ha adoptado, principalmente, dos formas: formación en línea o como complemento a la clase presencial. Estas tecnologías permiten la creación de entornos virtuales, bajo enfoques metodológicos no tradicionales, transitando desde un aprendizaje individual a un aprendizaje colaborativo, desde la transmisión a la construcción de conocimiento. En estos entornos, el rol del tutor es determinante para el éxito de una actividad formativa centrada más en la colaboración y construcción de conocimiento en red. Este artículo presenta los resultados preliminares de una investigación que busca conocer y caracterizar el rol pedagógico del tutor en la animación de los ambientes asíncronos de un espacio virtual de aprendizaje, en el contexto de un curso de formación a distancia para docentes.

  7. Shikonin ameliorates isoproterenol (ISO)-induced myocardial damage through suppressing fibrosis, inflammation, apoptosis and ER stress. (United States)

    Yang, Jun; Wang, Zhao; Chen, Dong-Lin


    Shikonin, isolated from the roots of herbal plant Lithospermum erythrorhizon, is a naphthoquinone. It has been reported to exert beneficial anti-inflammatory effects and anti-oxidant properties in various diseases. Isoproterenol (ISO) has been widely used to establish cardiac injury in vivo and in vitro. However, shikonin function in ISO-induced cardiac injury remains uncertain. In our study, we attempted to investigate the efficiency and possible molecular mechanism of shikonin in cardiac injury treatment induced by ISO. In vivo, C57BL6 mice were subcutaneously injected with 5mg/kg ISO to induce heart failure. And mice were given a gavage of shikonin (2 or 4mg/kg/d, for four weeks). Cardiac function, fibrosis indices, inflammation response, apoptosis and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress were calculated. Pathological alterations, fibrosis-, inflammation-, apoptosis- and ER stress-related molecules were examined. In ISO-induced cardiac injury, shikonin significantly ameliorated heart function, decreased myocardial fibrosis, suppressed inflammation, attenuated apoptosis and ER stress through impeding collagen accumulation, Toll like receptor 4/nuclear transcription factor κB (TLR4/NF-κB), Caspase-3 and glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) signaling pathways activity, relieving heart failure in vivo. Also, in vitro, shikonin attenuated ISO-induced cardiac muscle cells by reducing fibrosis, inflammation, apoptosis and ER stress. Our findings indicated that shikonin treatment attenuated ISO-induced heart injury, providing an effective therapeutic strategy for heart failure treatment for future. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  8. [Nine-Year Experience after ISO 15189 Acquisition, How Successful was It? Focusing on the Results of Interviews and Questionnaires]. (United States)

    Fujimoto, Kazumitsu; Asai, Noriaki; Nakajima, Yoshinaga; Inoue, Kaoru


    Our laboratory, for the purpose of Quality Management System (QMS) improvement, acquired ISO 15189:2003 accreditation 9 years ago and completed the renewal to ISO 15189:2012 last year. In this study, we reviewed the efficacy of ISO 15189 based on an analysis of laboratory director's and managers' opinions. We could realize QMS improvement through the proactive implementation of preventive and corrective actions, and also the continuous implementation of education and delivery by means of reviewing the interview records of ISO 15189:2012 renewal with the laboratory director. All answers to the questionnaire obtained from managers with regard to the advantages of ISO 15189 acquisition agreed with the purpose of ISO 15189. From these results, we concluded that ISO 15189 acquisition was successful for QMS improvement. [Review].

  9. Management system quality of service radio physics and RR. ISO 9001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gil Agudo, A.; Torres Donaire, J.; Jimenez, J. C.; Carrascosa Fernandez, C.; Arjona Gutierrez, J.


    One of the tool increasingly deployed for the optimization of the procedures is the process management system according to a Quality Management. Likewise, for specific areas, such as central services within large institutions such as the General Hospitals of the systems of quality management is the most widely used ISO 9001. We describe in this paper our experience in implementing the system ISO 9001 in our Department of Radio physics and Radiation Protection (SRFPR).

  10. ncISO Facilitating Metadata and Scientific Data Discovery (United States)

    Neufeld, D.; Habermann, T.


    Increasing the usability and availability climate and oceanographic datasets for environmental research requires improved metadata and tools to rapidly locate and access relevant information for an area of interest. Because of the distributed nature of most environmental geospatial data, a common approach is to use catalog services that support queries on metadata harvested from remote map and data services. A key component to effectively using these catalog services is the availability of high quality metadata associated with the underlying data sets. In this presentation, we examine the use of ncISO, and Geoportal as open source tools that can be used to document and facilitate access to ocean and climate data available from Thematic Realtime Environmental Distributed Data Services (THREDDS) data services. Many atmospheric and oceanographic spatial data sets are stored in the Network Common Data Format (netCDF) and served through the Unidata THREDDS Data Server (TDS). NetCDF and THREDDS are becoming increasingly accepted in both the scientific and geographic research communities as demonstrated by the recent adoption of netCDF as an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard. One important source for ocean and atmospheric based data sets is NOAA's Unified Access Framework (UAF) which serves over 3000 gridded data sets from across NOAA and NOAA-affiliated partners. Due to the large number of datasets, browsing the data holdings to locate data is impractical. Working with Unidata, we have created a new service for the TDS called "ncISO", which allows automatic generation of ISO 19115-2 metadata from attributes and variables in TDS datasets. The ncISO metadata records can be harvested by catalog services such as ESSI-labs GI-Cat catalog service, and ESRI's Geoportal which supports query through a number of services, including OpenSearch and Catalog Services for the Web (CSW). ESRI's Geoportal Server provides a number of user friendly search capabilities for end users

  11. Development of international standards for surface analysis by ISO technical committee 201 on surface chemical analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powell, C.J.


    Full text: The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) established Technical Committee 201 on Surface Chemical Analysis in 1991 to develop documentary standards for surface analysis. ISO/TC 201 met first in 1992 and has met annually since. This committee now has eight subcommittees (Terminology, General Procedures, Data Management and Treatment, Depth Profiling, AES, SIMS, XPS, and Glow Discharge Spectroscopy (GDS)) and one working group (Total X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy). Each subcommittee has one or more working groups to develop standards on particular topics. Australia has observer-member status on ISO/TC 201 and on all ISO/TC 201 subcommittees except GDS where it has participator-member status. I will outline the organization of ISO/TC 201 and summarize the standards that have been or are being developed. Copyright (1999) Australian X-ray Analytical Association Inc

  12. Evaluation of criteria of environmental fitness for popular houses of the low income sector to arid regions in Mexicali, Baja California; Evaluacion de criterios de adecuacion ambiental para la vivienda popular de sectores de bajos ingresos al clima calido extremo de Mexicali, B.C.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Corral Martinez, Maria [Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexicali, Baja California (Mexico)


    The main purpose of this work is to present the impact on minimizing thermal loads, the traditional bioclimatic criteria commonly utilized on low income housing types in Mexicali, B.C., Mexico by showing the results of dynamic thermal evaluation based in the DOE 2.1e software as well as its technical description, with the purpose of providing recommendations for low income popular houses on arid regions, due to the high reduction percentages that can be obtained during summertime. Therefore, having the data obtained from the field as a starting point, the thermal problematic in popular housing is detected. A properties is chosen from a representative range of government supported housing types named progressive housing which are offered an financially available to the large low income popular sector in order to determine the thermal environmental function using the DOE 2.1e software and a gnomon analysis. To conclude evaluations showed that by integrating and applying traditional thermal and environmental strategies that are commonly used in this region, it is possible to reduce as much 50% of the annual cooling internal load, enhancing thermal comfort conditions in natural bioclimatic way. [Spanish] El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar el impacto en la reduccion de la carga interna de enfriamiento, de los criterios de adecuacion ambiental que tradicionalmente se aplican en la vivienda de Mexicali, B.C., Mexico presentando los resultados de una evaluacion termica en estado dinamico con el programa DOE 2.1e y la descripcion tecnica de las mismas, con el proposito de hacer recomendaciones para la vivienda popular de bajos ingresos en zonas aridas. Para ello a partir de informacion de campo se detecta la existencia de problema termico en la vivienda popular. Se revisa un prototipo representativo de los programas oficiales de vivienda ofrecido a los sectores populares denominado vivienda progresiva, a fin de establecer el grado de adecuacion termico ambiental con el


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    Ahmad Faiq Abror


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1 menghasilkan aplikasi penilaian e-learning Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK berbasis ISO 19796-1 yang dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi e-learning SMK di Yogyakarta menggunakan teknik Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP dengan metode agregasi arithmetric mean dan geometric mean, (2 menguji kualitas aplikasi dengan menggunakan strandar ISO 9126. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D. Proses pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan metode  Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC dengan model Waterfall. Selanjutnya pada proses pengujian kualitas aplikasi menggunakan standar ISO 9126 yang terdiri atas aspek functionality, reliability, efficiency, maintainability, usability, dan portability. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi penilaian e-learning SMK berdasarkan ISO 19796-1 telah berhasil dikembangkan menggunakan metode Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC dengan model waterfall. Selanjutnya hasil dari analisis kualitas aplikasi menggunakan standar ISO 9126 menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi mempunyai hasil rata-rata sangat baik dan layak digunakan untuk penilaian kualitas e-learning SMK.

  14. 78 FR 38027 - ISO New England Inc.; Notice of Initiation of Proceeding and Refund Effective Date (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. EL13-72-000] ISO New England... III.A.15 of Appendix A of ISO New England Inc.'s existing tariff. Dominion Energy Marketing, Inc. and ISO New England Inc., 143 FERC ] 61,233 (2013). The refund effective date in Docket No. EL13-72-000...

  15. Quality control with R an ISO standards approach

    CERN Document Server

    Cano, Emilio L; Prieto Corcoba, Mariano


    Presenting a practitioner's guide to capabilities and best practices of quality control systems using the R programming language, this volume emphasizes accessibility and ease-of-use through detailed explanations of R code as well as standard statistical methodologies. In the interest of reaching the widest possible audience of quality-control professionals and statisticians, examples throughout are structured to simplify complex equations and data structures, and to demonstrate their applications to quality control processes, such as ISO standards. The volume balances its treatment of key aspects of quality control, statistics, and programming in R, making the text accessible to beginners and expert quality control professionals alike. Several appendices serve as useful references for ISO standards and common tasks performed while applying quality control with R.

  16. Integración de las normas ISO 9001 e ISO INEN 22716 en la metodología apropiada con la industria de cosméticos de Quito


    Mora Quishpe, Juan Carlos


    The following research the integration of ISO 9001: 2008 "Quality Management Systems" INEN and ISO 22716: 2013 "Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices" in an appropriate methodological guide to the cosmetics industry Quito, in order for organizations that manufacture cosmetics in the city, improve the quality of their products. Initially the diagnosis of the cosmetic was held in Quito, with regard to the number of manufacturers of these industries registered by the National Health Authorit...

  17. Mapping ‘hydroscapes’ along the iso- to anisohydric continuum of stomatal regulation of plant water status (United States)

    Frederick C. Meinzer; David R. Woodruff; Danielle E. Marias; Duncan D. Smith; Katherine A. McCulloh; Ava R. Howard; Alicia L. Magedman; Josep Penuelas


    The concept of iso- vs. anisohydry has been used to describe the stringency of stomatal regulation of plant water potential (ψ). However, metrics that accurately and consistently quantify species’ operating ranges along a continuum of iso- to anisohydry have been elusive. Additionally, most approaches to quantifying iso/anisohydry require labour-intensive measurements...

  18. [ISO 15189 accreditation in clinical microbiology laboratory: general concepts and the status in our laboratory]. (United States)

    Akyar, Işin


    One important trend in the laboratory profession and quality management is the global convergence of laboratory operations. The goal of an accredited medical laboratory is to continue "offering useful laboratory service for diagnosis and treatment of the patients and also aid to the health of the nation". An accredited clinical laboratory is managed by a quality control system, it is competent technically and the laboratory service meets the needs of all its patients and physicians by taking the responsibility of all the medical tests and therapies. For this purpose, ISO 15189 international standard has been prepared by 2003. ISO 15189 standard is originated from the arrangement of ISO 17025 and ISO 9001:2000 standards. Many countries such as England, Germany, France, Canada and Australia have preferred ISO 15189 as their own laboratory accreditation programme, meeting all the requirements of their medical laboratories. The accreditation performance of a clinical microbiology laboratory is mainly based on five essential points; preanalytical, analytical, postanalytical, quality control programmes (internal, external, interlaboratory) and audits (internal, external). In this review article, general concepts on ISO 15189 accreditation standards for the clinical microbiology laboratories have been summarized and the status of a private laboratory (Acibadem LabMed, Istanbul) in Turkey has been discussed.


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    Zaenuri Zaenuri


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas pengoperasian instalasi pengolah air limbah (IPAL perusahaan peraih sel1ifikasi ISO 14001 di Kawasan Simongan Kota Semarang. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif-komparatif dan inferensial dengan menggunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pada perusahaan farmasi, rata-rata konsentrasi TSS, BOD, dan COD periode 1989-1998 (sebelum memperoleh ISO 14001 masing-masing sebesar 92,3229 mg/I, 45,5022 mg/I, dan 87,3691 mg/I, sedangkan rata-rata pH sebesar 7,2388. Parameter BOD dan COD memenuhi baku mutu, pH dalam interval baku mutu yang ditetapkan, sedangkan TSS berada di atas baku mutu. ABSTRACT This research was intended to analyze the effectivity of  waste water treatment plan operated by industrial companies holding ISO 14001 certificates in Simongan Area of SemarangCity. The data were analyzed descriptively, comparatively and inferentially using t-tests. The analyses showed that prior to obtaining ISO 14001 certificate (1989-1998, the pharmaeutical company had its average concentrations of TSS, BOD, and COD of 92.3229, 45.5022 and 87.3691 mg/l respectively, with an average pH of 7.2388. These parameters of BOD and COD had already met the prevailing standard qualities, the TSS parameter was above the standard quality, and the pH was within the prevailing standard quality interval. After obtaining the ISO 14001 certificate (2005-2008, this pharmaeutical company was able to maintain all of the key parameters to meet the prevailing stadard qualities. In case of the galvanizing company prior to obtaining ISO 14001 certificate (1989-1998, its average concentrations of TSS and CN were 256.3469 and 0.25575 mg/l respectively (above the prevailing standard qualities, those for total Cr, C+6, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Pb were 0.0510, 0.0036, 0.236060, 0.7242, 0.01790 and 0.0286 mg/l respectively (still under the prevailing standard qualities, while the an average pH was within the

  20. Analysis of the Environmental Management System based on ISO 14001 on the American continent. (United States)

    Neves, Fábio de Oliveira; Salgado, Eduardo G; Beijo, Luiz A


    The American continent is in broad economic and industrial development. Consequently, a more detailed discussion of the impacts generated by such development is needed. Moreover, there is an increase in the number of ISO 14001 certificates issued to this continent. Given the above, no studies were found that bridge the gap to identify the influence of different factors on ISO 14001 in the Americas. Thus, this article has as its main aim to check which economic, environmental and cultural factors have influence on ISO 14001 Certification in the American Continent. The data were collected in the ISO Survey, World Bank, United Nations Development Programme and International Energy Agency. Among the countries of that continent, thirteen were analyzed and only two did not show the economic factors as the influence factor in the multiple regression models fitted with Brazil and the United State. In these models, all presented environmental factors as influencing factors. Only in Brazil the index HDI presented as cultural factor in multiple regression model fitted. The economic factors: Gross Domestic Product and exports of goods and services and environmental: Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) and fossil fuel consumption were the most influential in ISO 14001 certification. Venezuela, Uruguay, Colombia and the United States were countries that had factors dependent on each other, featuring the environmental marketing. Briefly, this study brings up several implications: to the academy, with the proposal of new concepts and guidance on the factors that assist in ISO 14001 certification in the American Continent. Additionally, taking into account the industry, the factors serve as efficiency parameters for the implementation of ISO 14001 standard, and for the Government to improve through factors that do not fit in multiple regression models. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Plan de implementación de la ISO/IEC 27001:2013


    Gorriti Aranguren, Iñaki


    En el desarrollo del proyecto se analizaron las directrices establecidas en la norma ISO/IEC 27001:2013, que especifica los requisitos necesarios para establecer, implantar, mantener y mejorar un SGSI mediante un proceso de mejora continua. In the development there were analyzed the directives established in the norm ISO/IEC27001:2013, which specifies the necessary requirements to establish, to implement, to support and to improve a SGSI by means of a process of constant improvement. En...

  2. Iso-acoustic focusing of cells for size-insensitive acousto-mechanical phenotyping. (United States)

    Augustsson, Per; Karlsen, Jonas T; Su, Hao-Wei; Bruus, Henrik; Voldman, Joel


    Mechanical phenotyping of single cells is an emerging tool for cell classification, enabling assessment of effective parameters relating to cells' interior molecular content and structure. Here, we present iso-acoustic focusing, an equilibrium method to analyze the effective acoustic impedance of single cells in continuous flow. While flowing through a microchannel, cells migrate sideways, influenced by an acoustic field, into streams of increasing acoustic impedance, until reaching their cell-type specific point of zero acoustic contrast. We establish an experimental procedure and provide theoretical justifications and models for iso-acoustic focusing. We describe a method for providing a suitable acoustic contrast gradient in a cell-friendly medium, and use acoustic forces to maintain that gradient in the presence of destabilizing forces. Applying this method we demonstrate iso-acoustic focusing of cell lines and leukocytes, showing that acoustic properties provide phenotypic information independent of size.

  3. Effective energy management system using ISO 9000/14000 concept industries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asfaazam Kasbani; Kamaruzzaman Sopian


    Energy management is a system of managing energy utilization wisely and it includes issues such as energy efficiency (conservation), use of renewable energy, use of technology and development of energy policy. Its benefits has been well known for cost reduction and increase competitiveness and also other indirect impact such as preserving the natural resources and reduction of green-house gases. Although various strategies have been formulated by the government for the industries to adopt energy management, the result seems to be minimal and stagnant in some ways due to the various barriers which exists. Industries on the other hand, have successfully welcomed two famous management system namely the Environmental Management System ISO 14000 and the Quality Management System ISO 9000 to be implemented at their premises. This paper shows how energy management system can be effectively implemented by comparing similar generic management elements of energy management to ISO 9000/14000 standards. The seven (7) elements of energy management system discussed are top management commitment, policy establishment, energy management team, energy audit, energy efficiency projects, monitoring and training

  4. ISOS: A job evaluation system to implement comparable worth

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    Albert Corominas


    Full Text Available A fair pay structure is an essential element of the personnel policy of a firm. If the pay structure is perceived as arbitrary by the members of the staff, it becomes a cause of disturbance of the labor relations. Particularly, a pay structure is unfair if it discriminates against women. Job evaluation is a traditional tool used by companies to assist in the process of determining pay structures that can be also useful to detect and combat wage discrimination, since allow determining whether two jobs are of comparable worth or not. Although there are many kinds of systems, authors agree when defining point factor methods as the most appropriate and fair job evaluation systems. However, even being well defined from a technical point of view, most existing systems give discriminatory results regarding to gender. ISOS, a new job evaluation system which is described in this paper, has been designed, with the aim to define a neutral system with regard to gender, based on present jobs characteristics, existing job evaluation systems and job description questionnaires, international experts’ knowledge and a wide body of literature on gender discrimination and its relation with job evaluation. Using ISOS can contribute to detect, combat and eliminate part of the existing wage discrimination in general and, in particular, against women. ISOS includes all aspects of the work so no characteristics are omitted. The system can be applied in any company and to evaluate any job, and offers flexibility to be adapted to the specific characteristics of an organization. ISOS can also be used to detect and combat wage discrimination. Furthermore, characteristics of present jobs, such as cross-training or flexible working time, are also included so the system can be considered innovative in a very traditional field of industrial engineering.

  5. Can the ISO-standards on quality management be useful to libraries and how?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johannsen, Carl Gustav


    The aim of this paper is to discuss whether the ISO 9000 concept of quality assurance is useful in a library context or not. First, the basics of the ISO 9000 series are explained. Then, the nature of the concept is discussed and the critical views raised by quality management experts are reviewed...... concluded that the whole discussion on ISO 9000 seems a little futile because the real critical success factor for libraries aiming at Total Quality does not seem to lie in the choice of a specific quality model or guru but more is a question of commitment project on quality assurance in special libraries...

  6. Correlating the content and context of PAS 55 with the ISO 55000 series

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    Van den Honert, A. F.


    Full Text Available The ISO 55000 series is soon to supersede PAS 55 as the most recognised international standard for asset management. A correlation of the content and context of PAS 55 with the ISO 55000 series is required to assist organisations with the transition. After analysis of the structures, similarities, differences, and omissions of the two standards, a map was created to correlate the summarised content and context. The map established that, although both sets of standards have a similar structural framework, the ISO 55000 series is a more comprehensive and detailed standard, creating a clearer way to implement an asset management system within an organisation.

  7. ISO Key Project: Exploring the Full Range of Quasar/Agn Properties (United States)

    Wilkes, Belinda; Oliversen, Ronald J. (Technical Monitor)


    While most of the work on this program has been completed, as previously reported, the portion of the program dealing with the subtopic of ISO LWS data analysis and reduction for the LWS Extragalactic Science Team and its leader, Dr. Howard Smith, is still active. This program in fact continues to generate results, and newly available computer modeling has extended the value of the datasets. As a result the team requests a one-year no-cost extension to this program, through 31 December 2004. The essence of the proposal is to perform ISO spectroscopic studies, including data analysis and modeling, of star-formation regions using an ensemble of archival space-based data from the Infrared Space Observatory's Long Wavelength Spectrometer and Short Wavelength Spectrometer, but including as well some other spectroscopic databases. Four kinds of regions are considered in the studies: (1) disks around more evolved objects; (2) young, low or high mass pre-main sequence stars in star-formation regions; (3) star formation in external, bright IR galaxies; and (4) the galactic center. One prime focus of the program is the OH lines in the far infrared. The program has the following goals: 1) Refine the data analysis of ISO observations to obtain deeper and better SNR results on selected sources. The ISO data itself underwent 'pipeline 10' reductions in early 2001, and additional 'hands-on data reduction packages' were supplied by the ISO teams in 2001. The Fabry-Perot database is particularly sensitive to noise and slight calibration errors; 2) Model the atomic and molecular line shapes, in particular the OH lines, using revised Monte-Carlo techniques developed by the SWAS team at the Center for Astrophysics; 3) Attend scientific meetings and workshops; 4) Perform E&PO activities related to infrared astrophysics and/or spectroscopy.


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    Alcina Dias


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to analy se the efficiency of ISO 9001 from a holistic theoretical approach where the Contingency theory, the Institutional theory and the Resources-Based View are integrated. The study was carried out in companies of different sectors of activity in Portugal, based on a qualitative methodology (interviews. The fact of the interviews having been undertaken under an ISO 9001 structure made it easier for companies to grasp the issues under investigation. An ISO 9001 characterisation was carried out on a theoretical framework approach and findings point out efficiency gains and revealed that the absence of ISO 9001 would work as a competitive disadvantage. The contribution of this research aims to reinforce the state of art as concerns the theoretical scope of analysis of these issues enriched by the case study achievement.

  9. Partial replacement of fish meal by T-Iso in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata juveniles diets

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    Ivo Zoccarato


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was the evaluation of microalga Isochrysis sp. T-Iso in partial substitution of fish meal and the study of the effects on gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata perform- ances and chemical composition of fillets. The results show that the microalga T-Iso nutrients support growth better than control diets, and the chemical composition of sea bream fillets also meets the needs of consumers for healthy diets. T-Iso resulted highly digestible, and support the best perform- ances of fish fed on 70% alga diet probably due to its high protein efficiency in comparison to other diets. The presence of a high quantity of cyclic isoprenoid could explain this high efficiency of T-Iso. Gilthead sea bream fed on 70% T-Iso showed fillets with a low level of protein and a high level of fat; moreover, their somatic indexes were higher than those of fish fed other diets. Highest percentage T- Iso diet showed the highest amount of the sum of saturated fatty acids, mainly due to myristate and palmitate. On the contrary, the sum of polyunsaturated decreases, mainly because of the reduction of EPA and DHA amounts. If the mass production economical problems are solved, T-Iso will represent a good solution in partial substitution of fish meal.

  10. Determinación de los indicadores de deformación bajo tensiones multiaxiales de embutición. Aplicación al acero electrocincado DC-05 (UNE en ISO 10130

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    Miguel, V.


    Full Text Available In this work a methodology to investigate deep drawing quality steel sheets deformation tendency under multiaxial deep drawing stresses has been proposed. The method consists in assaying a sheet in a wedge die in order to introduce a pure shear estate in the material. 0º, 45º and 90º rolling directions are selected in the assays, and transversal strain is the variable considered in them. A strain coefficient ‰ has been defined in order to evaluate thickness variations in the test. Almost no changes in thickness have been registered and this indicates that strain carried out in the test is similar to that taking place in deep drawing. The stress necessary for practice a certain plastic deformation is obtained too and a potential function between them is formulated. Indicators presented in this work are compared to anisotropy and strength coefficients obtained in normalized tensile tests. These results allow us to justify the steel behaviour in the cup deep drawing processes related to ear forming.

    En este trabajo se establece una metodología para la investigación de la tendencia a la deformación de chapa de acero de alta embutibilidad bajo tensiones multiaxiales de embutición. El método consiste en ensayar chapa en una matriz con forma de cuña produciendo en el material un estado de deformación típico de embutición (pure shear. Se seleccionan tres direcciones de laminación (0º, 45º y 90º y se establece la deformación en anchura como variable de ensayo. Se ha definido un coeficiente de deformación con el fin de evaluar las variaciones obtenidas en el espesor del material constatándose la no existencia de cambios significativos en éste. También, se obtiene la tensión necesaria para realizar distintas deformaciones estableciendo correlaciones de tipo potencial tensión-deformación. Se contrastan los indicadores obtenidos con el índice de anisotropía y el de endurecimiento del material bajo condiciones normalizadas

  11. Essence of demands of standard ISO 22000:2005 in aspect of assurances of milk health safety Istota wymagań standardu ISO 22000:2005 w aspekcie zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego mleka

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    Justyna Górna


    Full Text Available The article presents the essence of demands of ISO 22000 as a standard which allows of control milk health safety in a more effective way. The implementation of system HACCP in the dairy companies undoubtedly make for more safety health products, however microbiological research of pasterized milk shows that it is scarce. The elementary advantage for organization which comes from food quality management system meeting demands included in standard ISO 22000 is undoubtedly assurance of legal demands concerning production of food safety and more effective control of risk of food safety. The dairy companies should aspire for implementation of more rigorous standard ISO 22000:2005.


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    J. E. Garzón


    2O, tres compuestos naturales que afectan el medio ambiente. En Colombia, el IDEAM reportó que en 2004 el sector agropecuario nacional produjo 94,91 gigagramos (Gg de N2O, pues los sistemas de producción agrícolas y bovinos utilizan altas cantidades de fertilizantes nitrogenados con bajos índices de asimilación. Por ello adquiere importancia implementar buenas prácticas que midan y mitiguen estas emisiones en campo, buscando mayor eficiencia en la transformación de componentes nitrogenados dentro del sistema. En este artículo se enfatiza un manejo adecuado del suelo y la utilización de inhibidores de nitrificación naturales (presentes en algunas plantas tropicales o químicos, como la nitrapyrina, DCD y NBPT (este último como inhibidor de la monificación, observando su forma de acción y medición, su efecto mitigador y los incrementos productivos. La presente es una revisión bibliográfica que aborda la problemática ambiental de la anadería bovina.

  13. ISO in the Construction and Manufacturing Companies: A Case Study from the Construction Industry of Hyderabad and Karachi, Pakistan

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    Nafees Ahmed Memon


    Full Text Available Construction industry plays very important role in development of any country. The development of construction industry depends to a larger extent on quality of construction productions and projects. Quality of construction productions and projects is linked with the implementation of QMS (Quality Management System in construction organizations. ISO certification is one of the QMS which has been adopted in manufacturing and construction industry at the global level. The construction companies of developing countries have reaped many advantages from the effective implementation of ISO standards. The rate of adoption of ISO standards has remained slow in the construction sector of some developing countries like Pakistan. This paper presents the literature review of ISO in global construction industry. It highlights the advantages, disadvantages and barriers faced by construction companies in the implementation of ISO standards. This study also investigates the level of adoption of ISO standards in construction and manufacturing companies of Pakistan through a questionnaire survey. It presents the comparison of ISO standards\\\\\\' adoption in both construction and manufacturing sectors. The paper puts forward some suggestions and recommendation for the better adoption and improvement of ISO implementation in the construction sector of Pakistan. This study emphasizes that construction companies of Pakistan should learn from the benefits reaped by the construction companies of developed countries and take appropriate measures for implementing ISO standards. It also suggests that public sector clients should make it obligatory for the contractors and consultants to have ISO certification before awarding the works in order to enhance the the adoption of ISO standards in construction sector.

  14. Impact of 50% Synthesized Iso-Paraffins (SIP) on F-76 Fuel Coalescence (United States)


    petroleum JP-5 and Synthesized Iso-Paraffins (SIP). SIP fuels are made from direct fermentation of sugar into olefinic hydrocarbons. The olefinic...manufactured scaled down filter/coalescer and separator to simulate the performance of a full-scale filter separator system. This test is designed to predict...5 and Synthesized Iso-Paraffins (SIP). SIP fuels are made from direct fermentation of sugar into olefinic hydrocarbons. The olefinic hydrocarbons

  15. Quality assurance standards: comparison between IAEA 50-C/SG-Q and ISO 9001:1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) agreement regarding the scope and coverage of documents published by both organizations points out that the standards of safety developed by the IAEA are recommendations for use by its Member States in the framework of national regulations for the safe utilization of nuclear energy. Such standards should be considered as nuclear safety regulatory documents. The standards developed by the ISO are complementary technical documents emphasizing industrial application and contractual aspects. Regarding the quality assurance topic, the IAEA standards 50-C/SG-Q are mostly used directly or indirectly to establish the nuclear safety requirements at the utility-regulatory interface. The industrial ISO 9001 standards have progressively been used to implement the quality assurance requirements at the interface utility-supplier. The relationship between both standards is growing in significance owing to the impact upon the owners/operators of nuclear facilities and their contractors/suppliers. The relationship between the IAEA and ISO standards is considered critical, in particular regarding suppliers with a small range of nuclear supplies. These organizations are not always willing to prepare special quality assurance programmes based on nuclear safety standards. On the other hand, these organizations may be qualified on the basis of the ISO quality assurance standards. In any case, for delivering nuclear items and services the quality assurance programme must comply with the requirements established in the nuclear safety regulatory standards. This implies that the utility-supplier will have to demonstrate that the acceptable degree of quality assurance in relation to nuclear safety is accomplished. This may be achieved by imposing additional requirements on the supplier over and above those contained within the ISO. In order to provide a description of the differences

  16. Desafío con wssv bajo fluctuaciones de temperatura


    Sonnenholzner, Stanislaus


    Desafío con WSSV bajo fluctuaciones de temperatura En trabajos anteriores sobre el efecto de la temperatura del agua sobre la supervivencia del camarón infectado con el virus de la Mancha Blanca, se demostró que una temperatura constante de 33ºC por 8 días genera una respuesta inmune en el camarón correlacionada a una supervivencia superior al 90%, lo cual se tradujo posteriormente en una propuesta práctica de cultivo de camarón en estanques con invernaderos, actualmente en evaluación e...

  17. Bahan pemutih gigi dengan sertifikat ADA/ISO (Tooth bleaching material with ADA/ISO certificate

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    Asti Meizarini


    Full Text Available Bleaching of teeth for cosmetic reasons is a popular aspect of cosmetic dentistry because patients realize the aesthetical benefits of these products. The dentist as a clinician's practitioner must be knowledgeable of the products and their application techniques. Bleaching materials which are safe and effective are the ADA accepted or manufactured by those which have already haved ISO certificate. Dentist must have enough knowledge about in-office bleaching prescribed for home-use bleaching including their contra indication and side effects, to advise the patients and provide effective bleaching services.

  18. 76 FR 7839 - Notice of Commission and Commission Staff Attendance at ISO/RTO Council and Regional State... (United States)


    ... Staff Attendance at ISO/RTO Council and Regional State Committees Meeting The Federal Energy Regulatory... ISO/RTO Council and Regional State Committees meeting: Saturday, February 12, 2011, 1 p.m.-4 p.m... following proceeding: Docket No. AD10-5-000, RTO/ISO Performance Metrics. For more information, contact...

  19. A primer on the Petri Net Markup Language and ISO/IEC 15909-2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hillah, L. M.; Kindler, Ekkart; Kordon, F.


    Standard, defines a transfer format for high-level nets. The transfer format defined in Part 2 of ISO/IEC 15909 is (or is based on) the \\emph{Petri Net Markup Language} (PNML), which was originally introduced as an interchange format for different kinds of Petri nets. In ISO/IEC 15909-2, however...

  20. Periodismo ambiental

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    Lucía Lemos


    Full Text Available Los periodistas toman el tema del medio ambiente cada vez más en serio. El uso de temas relacionados con el medio ambiente, debe estar ligado al análisis socio-económico y a las posibilidades de comunicación y educación de diferentes regiones del mundo. A continuación se presenta un resumen de la situación ambiental, las acciones de prensa y comunicación que se llevan a cabo en América Central (Panamá, El Salvador, Costa Rica y en Sudamérica Brasil,Colombia, Chile, México, y Perú. Se concluye en la necesidad de formar hábitos ecológicos. Los comunicadores deben presentar soluciones a los problemas, fomentar campañas comunes, compartir información y velar por el ambiente ambiente para que las generaciones futuras no tengan que perecer.

  1. Strategy for infrared photometry of comets with ISO (United States)

    Solc, M.; Vanysek, V.; Gruen, E.


    The launch of the ISO (Infrared Satellite Observatory) by the European Space Agency is scheduled for autumn 1995. Photometry and spectrophotometry observing programs of comets in the wavelength range 2.5-200 microns for the onboard spectrophotometer ISOPHOT is now under final preparation. Technical details for preparing propasals are given. Phenomena in comets to be studied are surface properties of bare cometary nuclei at large heliocentric distances, onset of coma activity, and coma dust and gas emission (in inner solar system). Dust production, dust/gas mass ratio, dust distribution in coma, and their temporal variability are important for understanding the physical processes on nuclei, and spectrophotometry in the range of 2.5-12 microns could provide us with data of the chemical composition of cometary dust. Several active comets expected for the 18-month lifetime of ISO in 1995-1997 were selected for the ISO Central Program according to their orbital and physical parameters: P/Schwassman-Wachmann 1, P/Encke, P/d'Arrest, P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova, P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, P/Kopff, P/IRAS, P/Wirtanen, P/Wild 2, P/Grigg-Skjellerup, P/Schwassman-Wachmann 3, P/Machholz, and (2060) Chiron. Four of them match well various constraints put on the observations by the technical arrangement of the satellite and instrument. A simple four-parameter model (size, albedo, rotation, optical thickness)was developed to estimate the temperatures and thermal fluxes of both solid nuclei and dust coma.

  2. Some considerations on the trunk Simulator ISO: experience in manufacturing, use and maintenance; Algumas consideracoes sobre o simulador de tronco da ISO: experiencia em fabricacao, uso e manutencao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martins, Marcelo M.; Mauricio, Claudia L.P., E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (lRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    To standardize the operational quantity H{sub p}(10), ISO defined a water slab phantom. The conversion factors from air kerma to individual dose equivalent, H{sub p}(10), for photon radiation are tabulated in ISO 4037-3, and from neutron fluence 10 H{sub p}(10) in ISO 8529-3. This paper presents some considerations concerning the manufacture, use and maintenance of seven ISO water slab phantoms. The experience of the IRD in manufacturing (in its own Mechanical Workshop) and keeping these phantoms and the main advantages and problems encountered during more than 10 years of heavy use, especially for neutron dosimetry, are fully described. An important consideration regarding the interior of the phantom relates to internal cleanliness and quality of the water used to fill it. Another is about the positioning of multiple monitors on a single simulator, including irradiation angles, and the possibility of using multi pie phantoms for isotropic irradiation fields. Finally, it is presented the problems occurred in some phantoms, such as leaks and how to fix them. The two older phantoms, employed exclusively in neutron irradiation, have visible trails of damage in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), converging towards its centre, along its front wall, making it more fragile. This is caused by the interaction of radiation with the PMMA. (author)

  3. Managing your library and its quality the ISO 9001 way

    CERN Document Server

    Balagué, Núria


    This book, divided into two parts, provides an introduction to the quality management issues and gives a general overview to the use of ISO 9001 in the library environment. The second part presents the main features of ISO 9001:2008 with practical comments and examples on how to implement its clauses in libraries. Whether in the public or in the private sector, libraries can be seen as service organisations: they act in very dynamic environments where users are increasingly demanding new types of services. Thus the adoption of a quality management system helps each library in meeting the needs

  4. Uvedba standarda ISO 9000 ter zadovoljstvo udeležencev nabavne verige = The ISO 9000 Implementation and Satisfaction of the Participants in the Supply Chain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armand Faganel


    Full Text Available There have been written many articles about business performance, regarding the influence of ISO 9000 standards, proving the beneficial effects. However, there has been very little research made on the influence of ISO standards an the entire supply chain management. Standards have been mostly introduced into companies due to the demands of customers. But once the company has implemented the ISO philosophy, it produces a chain reaction up and down the supply chain. The customer-supplier relationship becomes more solid, trust and transparency are proliferating across the supply chain. One of the important supply chain management influences is the cooperation of companies, with the common goal of increasing the channel sales and profitability, rather than competing for a larger slice of fixed profit. We made a research with 212 certificated Slovenian companies. The standard improved the performance of supply function and the process of choosing the suppliers. If the companies can make good use of the standard, there are many opportunities in the field of approach improvement to the suppliers. Companies with longer use of the standard have achieved greater impact with the quality of supplies, suppliers responsiveness, punctuality and affidability.

  5. Experimental investigation on SI engine using gasoline and a hybrid iso-butanol/gasoline fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elfasakhany, Ashraf


    Highlights: • iso-Butanol–gasoline blends (iB) using up to 10 vol.% butanol were examined in SIE. • iB extensively decrease the greenhouse effect of SI engine. • iB without engine tuning led to a drop in engine performance at all speeds. • iB provide higher performance and lower CO and CO 2 emissions than n-butanol blends. • iB grant lower CO and UHC than gasoline at <2900 r/min, but overturn at >2900 r/min. - Abstract: Experimental investigation on pollutant emissions and performance of SI engine fueled with gasoline and iso-butanol–gasoline blends is carried out. Engine was operated at speed range of 2600–3400 r/min for each blend (3, 7 and 10 vol.% iso-butanol) and neat gasoline. Results declare that the CO and UHC emissions of neat gasoline are higher than those of the blended fuels for speeds less than or equal to 2900 r/min; however, for speeds higher than 2900 r/min, we have an opposite impact where the blended fuels produce higher level of CO and UHC emissions than the gasoline fuel. The CO 2 emission at using iso-butanol–gasoline blends is always lower than the neat gasoline at all speeds by up to 43%. The engine performance results demonstrate that using iso-butanol–gasoline blends in SI engine without any engine tuning lead to a drop in engine performance within all speed range. Without modifying the engine system, overall fuel combustion of iso-butanol–gasoline blends was quasi-complete. However, when engine system is optimized for blended fuels, iso-butanol has significant oxygen content and that can lead to a leaner combustion, which improves the completeness of combustion and therefore high performance and less emissions would be obtained. Finally, the performance and emissions of iso-butanol–gasoline blends are compared with those of n-butanol–gasoline blends at similar blended rates and engine working conditions. Such comparison is directed to evaluate the combustion dissimilarity of the two butanol isomers and also to

  6. Contrasting predictability of summer monsoon rainfall ISOs over the northeastern and western Himalayan region: an application of Hurst exponent (United States)

    Mukherjee, Sandipan


    Due to heterogeneous nonlinear forcing of complex geomorphological features, predictability of monsoon rainfall 10-90-day intra-seasonal oscillations (ISO) over the complex terrain of northeastern and western Himalayan region (NEH and WH) remained poorly quantified. Using 72 and 61 number of station observations of monsoon rainfall ISOs of NEH and WH, respectively, this study attempts to investigate variation in the regional scale predictability of monsoon rainfall ISOs with respect to changing geomorphological features and monsoon rainfall characteristics. In view of the bimodal nonlinear dynamical structure of monsoon rainfall ISO, the fractal dynamical Hurst exponent-based predictability indices are estimated as an indicator of predictability for station observations of NEH and WH, and relationships with elevations, slopes, aspects, and average numbers of occurrences of long (short) spell of active (break) phases are investigated. Results show 10-90-day ISOs are anti-persistent throughout the IHR, although, predictability of 10-90-day ISOs is higher over the NEH region than WH. Predictabilities of ISOs are found to decrease with increasing elevation and slope for both NEH and WH regions. Predictabilities of ISOs over both regions are also found to increase linearly as the number of occurrences of monsoon rainfall ISO phases (active/break) increases.

  7. A formal analysis of ISO/IEEE P11073-20601 standard of medical device communication

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Goga, Nicolae; Costache, Stefania; Moldoveanu, Florica


    This article presents the formal work done for the ISO/IEEE P11073-20601 Draft Standard for Health informatics - Personal health device communication - Application profile Optimized exchange protocol. ISO/IEEE 11073 family defines standards for device communication between agents (e.g. blood

  8. 75 FR 3225 - Notice of Commission Staff Attendance at Organization of MISO States and Midwest ISO Meetings (United States)


    ... Organization of MISO States and Midwest ISO Meetings January 12, 2010. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission...: Midwest ISO Headquarters, 720 City Center Drive, Carmel, IN 46032. Except as otherwise noted above, the... Operator, Inc. Docket No. ER08-15, Midwest ISO Transmission Owners Docket No. ER08-55, Midwest Independent...

  9. Condiciones de trabajo materno y bajo peso al nacer en la Ciudad de México

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estudiar la asociación entre condiciones de trabajo materno y bajo peso al nacer en la Ciudad de México. Material y métodos. Se encuestaron 2 623 trabajadoras que atendieron sus partos en tres grandes hospitales de la Ciudad de México en 1992. Se obtuvo información sobre los principales factores biológicos y sociales que se asocian al bajo peso al nacer; asimismo, se determinó el estrés ocupacional utilizando el instrumento desarrollado por Karasek. Se utilizaron modelos de regresión logística para evaluar la relación de las condiciones de trabajo con el bajo peso al nacer, controlando por variables confusoras. Resultados. El bajo peso al nacer fue más alto en trabajadoras con jornadas mayores a 50 horas semanales (RM= 1.6; IC= 1.17, 2.28 y con conflictos laborales (RM= 1.5; IC= 1.0, 2.25. La falta de apoyo social tangible fue identificado como un factor de riesgo de bajo peso al nacer (RM= 1.7; IC= 1.20, 2.33. Las medidas preventivas laborales como el cambio de tareas, disminución de la jornada y las salidas por enfermedad no mostraron un efecto benéfico en el peso al nacer, a excepción de la licencia de maternidad; las madres que no la tuvieron mostraron una probabilidad 2.2 veces mayor para bajo peso al nacer (IC= 1.66, 2.93. Conclusiones. Estos hallazgos resaltan la importancia de identificar los factores de riesgo ocupacional en el embarazo..Objective. To study the association between maternal working conditions and low birth-weight in Mexico City. Material and methods. Interviews of 2 623 workers who gave birth in Mexico City hospitals during 1992 were analyzed. Information on the main biologic and social factors associated to low birth-weight was registered. Occupational stress was determined with the instrument designed by Karasek. Logistic regression models to evaluate the relationship between working conditions and low birth-weight were used, controlling by confounding variables. Results. Low birth-weight was

  10. Analysis of ISO/IEC 17025 for establishment of KOLAS (Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme) quality assurance system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nam, Ji Hee


    Besides one existent accredited lab, radioactive material chemical analysis lab, five test laboratories and two calibration labs are under plan to acquire the accreditation from KOLAS. But the current Quality Manual was developed according to ISO Guide 25 that was superceded by ISO/IEC 17025. Since it is tailored to the radioactive material chemical analysis lab, a number of requirements of the Manual are not applicable to the labs other than radioactive material chemical analysis lab. Through the analysis of ISO/IEC 17025, a model of quality system was established which is not only consistent with ISO/IEC 17025 but reflective of the KAERI's situation

  11. Characterization of Slosh Damping for Ortho-Grid and Iso-Grid Internal Tank Structures (United States)

    Westra, Douglas G.; Sansone, Marco D.; Eberhart, Chad J.; West, Jeffrey S.


    Grid stiffened tank structures such as Ortho-Grid and Iso-Grid are widely used in cryogenic tanks for providing stiffening to the tank while reducing mass, compared to tank walls of constant cross-section. If the structure is internal to the tank, it will positively affect the fluid dynamic behavior of the liquid propellant, in regard to fluid slosh damping. As NASA and commercial companies endeavor to explore the solar system, vehicles will by necessity become more mass efficient, and design margin will be reduced where possible. Therefore, if the damping characteristics of the Ortho-Grid and Iso-Grid structure is understood, their positive damping effect can be taken into account in the systems design process. Historically, damping by internal structures has been characterized by rules of thumb and for Ortho-Grid, empirical design tools intended for slosh baffles of much larger cross-section have been used. There is little or no information available to characterize the slosh behavior of Iso-Grid internal structure. Therefore, to take advantage of these structures for their positive damping effects, there is much need for obtaining additional data and tools to characterize them. Recently, the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center conducted both sub-scale testing and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of slosh damping for Ortho-Grid and Iso-Grid tanks for cylindrical tanks containing water. Enhanced grid meshing techniques were applied to the geometrically detailed and complex Ortho-Grid and Iso-Grid structures. The Loci-STREAM CFD program with the Volume of Fluid Method module for tracking and locating the water-air fluid interface was used to conduct the simulations. The CFD simulations were validated with the test data and new empirical models for predicting damping and frequency of Ortho-Grid and Iso-Grid structures were generated.

  12. Management system quality of service radio physics and RR. ISO 9001; Sistema de gestion de la calidad de un servicio de radiofisica y P. R. segun ISO 9001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gil Agudo, A.; Torres Donaire, J.; Jimenez, J. C.; Carrascosa Fernandez, C.; Arjona Gutierrez, J.


    One of the tool increasingly deployed for the optimization of the procedures is the process management system according to a Quality Management. Likewise, for specific areas, such as central services within large institutions such as the General Hospitals of the systems of quality management is the most widely used ISO 9001. We describe in this paper our experience in implementing the system ISO 9001 in our Department of Radio physics and Radiation Protection (SRFPR).

  13. Exploring the Impact of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 Certification on Financial Performance: The Case of Companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange

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    Mihaela Ionașcu


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification on the financial performance of Romanian companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE. Based on audited financial statements of a population of 67 non-financial companies listed during 2013-2015 and using regression models, this paper shows, for the first time in Romania, that companies listed on BSE, implementing complex management systems (quality – environmental and/or occupational health and safety perform better, and that their performance is directly linked to the complexity of the management systems implemented.

  14. The costs and benefits of getting the ISO 9000 certification in the manufacturing sector in Saudi Arabia. (United States)

    Mezher, T; Ramadan, H


    Many Saudi companies, in their journey to improve quality, efficiency and competitiveness, are pursuing and obtaining the ISO 9000 certificate. Many studies have evaluated how to implement ISO 9000 in different sectors, but none have analyzed the effectiveness of ISO 9000 certification (costs and benefits) on improving the overall quality and on meeting expectations. This study addressed these issues by investigating manufacturing organizations in Saudi Arabia that have the ISO 9000 certification. A survey questionnaire was distributed to firms throughout the kingdom. Thirty-two firms participated in the study. Results indicate that increased consistency of operations, improved service, and product quality are among the top motivators for pursuing the ISO certificate. The benefits most often experienced were improved awareness of procedural problems, better management control, keeping existing customers, increased customer satisfaction, and improved customer service. Difficulties experienced during the certification process involved time and cost, but these were not considered to be major problems. A high volume of paperwork was the main problem experienced following initial certification. Respondents in general said that the ISO 9000 certification met their expectations and that their level of satisfaction regarding the impact of ISO 9000 was high. Most recommended that other organizations pursue the certificate.

  15. ISO 9000 and the total quality management models


    Pacios Lozano, Ana Reyes


    Establishes the most outstanding differences between the ISO 9000 norms and total quality management as forms or manners of managing quality used in some information services. Compares two models of total quality: European Foundation far Quality Management and Malcolm Baldrige Awards.

  16. Systems Engineering and Management Applications of ISO 9001:2015 for Government (United States)

    Shepherd, Christena C.


    The manufacturing segment of the business world is busy assessing the impact of ISO 9001:2015, and updating their management systems to meet the required compliance date. What does the new revision mean for government agencies that deliver large engineering projects rather than mass production? In fact, the standard, especially the new revision, can be used quite readily for government agencies, or applied to specific projects, once it is understood in terms of the similarities with systems engineering and project management. From there it can be extrapolated to "mission realization" systems, and a Quality Management System (QMS) is a logical result that can bring order to processes and systems that likely already exist in some fashion. ISO 9001:2015 is less product-oriented than previous versions. It can be more broadly applied to public organizations as well as private; and to services (missions) as well as products. The emphasis on risk management in the revised standard provides the needed balance for weighing decisions with respect to cost, schedule, technical, safety, and regulatory compliance; so if this is not part of agency governance already, this is a good place to start, especially for large engineering projects. The Systems Engineering standard used for this analysis is from NASA's NPR 7123.1 NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements; however, those who are more familiar with ISO/IEC 26702 Systems Engineering-application and management of the systems engineering process, or SAE/EIA 632 Processes for Engineering a System will also recognize the similarities. In reality, the QMS outlined by ISO 9001 reinforces the systems engineering processes, and serves to ensure that they are adequately implemented, although most of the ISO 9001 literature emphasizes the production and process aspects of the standard. Rather than beginning with ISO 9001and getting lost in the vocabulary, it is useful to begin with the systems engineering lifecycle

  17. Autopercepción de habilidades de aprendizaje en ambientes virtuales

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    Ana María Orozco Santa María


    Full Text Available Las universidades agregan nuevos programas semipresenciales o totalmente en línea y los estudiantes se enfrentan a un aprendizaje en solitario que requiere de habilidades que son más necesarias en dichas modalidades. Con esta idea, el propósito de este trabajo fue explorar la percepción que tienen estudiantes universitarios matriculados en asignaturas mediadas por tecnología sobre sus habilidades para ser individuos digitalmente alfabetizados. Se realizó una investigación con alcance descriptivo cuantitativo en la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Se utilizó como técnica de recolección de datos una encuesta enfocada en conocer la autopercepción sobre habilidades que se requieren para el aprendizaje en ambientes virtuales. El estudio mostró que existen diferencias significativas entre habilidades y que los niveles más bajos se ubican en el aprendizaje autónomo y el uso de herramientas Web 2.0. Se concluye que la inclusión de estrategias instruccionales que desarrollen las diferentes dimensiones de alfabetización digital es esencial para instruir estudiantes.

  18. Los sistemas de gestión ambiental y su aplicación en la industria agropecuaria de México: una breve revisión del tema

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    Miguel Ángel Vega Campos


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se hace una revisión teórica sumaria sobre la situación que guarda la implementación de los Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental (sga en el caso de las empresas de la industria agropecuaria de México, ya que se sostiene que dichos sga pueden mejorar el desempeño ambiental de estas empresas.Se trata de un estudio eminentemente descriptivo, apoyado en la revisión de diversas fuentes de tipo documental, sobre tópicos que tienen que ver con aspectos ambientales, el desempeño de empresas agropecuarias, la aplicación de tecnología en el sector agroindustrial, la certificación a través de sistemas como el ISO 14001, entre otros.El trabajo pretende aportar elementos teóricos que despierten el interés de investigadores de este sector tan importante, no solamente para la economía de México, sino para otras instancias a nivel internacional, ya que se requiere de mucha investigación en materia ambiental.

  19. The impact of ISO/TS 16949 on automotive industries and created organizational capabilities from its implementation

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    Bakhtiar Ostadi


    Full Text Available ISO/TS 16949 is an ISO Technical Specification. ISO/TS 16949 achieves the objectives which are continually to improve the production of automobile parts and related services, and to strengthen the international competition for the automotive industry and its suppliers. By applying this quality system standard, automotive manufacturers could offer superior products and good services to customers. The more the companies know about the benefits if quality management systems such as ISO/TS 16949, better they can seek interest and determine indices of these systems. So, this standard has been implemented in companies considering a number of benefits. In this paper, we carry out an empirical study in order to verify the importance these benefits and ranking them based on the value of importance. Finally, the study tends to provide a reference guide considering benefits assessment and created organizational capabilities from this standard for the automotive industry in pursuing ISO/TS 16949 and procuring maximum benefit from the results.

  20. A comprehensive iso-octane combustion model with improved thermochemistry and chemical kinetics

    KAUST Repository

    Atef, Nour


    Iso-Octane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane) is a primary reference fuel and an important component of gasoline fuels. Moreover, it is a key component used in surrogates to study the ignition and burning characteristics of gasoline fuels. This paper presents an updated chemical kinetic model for iso-octane combustion. Specifically, the thermodynamic data and reaction kinetics of iso-octane have been re-assessed based on new thermodynamic group values and recently evaluated rate coefficients from the literature. The adopted rate coefficients were either experimentally measured or determined by analogy to theoretically calculated values. Furthermore, new alternative isomerization pathways for peroxy-alkyl hydroperoxide (ȮOQOOH) radicals were added to the reaction mechanism. The updated kinetic model was compared against new ignition delay data measured in rapid compression machines (RCM) and a high-pressure shock tube. These experiments were conducted at pressures of 20 and 40 atm, at equivalence ratios of 0.4 and 1.0, and at temperatures in the range of 632–1060 K. The updated model was further compared against shock tube ignition delay times, jet-stirred reactor oxidation speciation data, premixed laminar flame speeds, counterflow diffusion flame ignition, and shock tube pyrolysis speciation data available in the literature. Finally, the updated model was used to investigate the importance of alternative isomerization pathways in the low temperature oxidation of highly branched alkanes. When compared to available models in the literature, the present model represents the current state-of-the-art in fundamental thermochemistry and reaction kinetics of iso-octane; and thus provides the best prediction of wide ranging experimental data and fundamental insights into iso-octane combustion chemistry.

  1. Neuroprotective effects of α-iso-cubebene against glutamate-induced damage in the HT22 hippocampal neuronal cell line. (United States)

    Park, Sun Young; Jung, Won Jung; Kang, Jum Soon; Kim, Cheol-Min; Park, Geuntae; Choi, Young-Whan


    Since oxidative stress is critically involved in excitotoxic damage, we sought to determine whether the activation of the transcription factors, cAMP-responsive element binding protein (CREB) and nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2, also known as NFE2L2), by α-iso-cubebene is involved in its protective effects against glutamate-induced neuronal cell death. Pre-treatment with α-iso-cubebene significantly attenuated glutamate-induced cytotoxicity in mouse hippocampus-derived neuronal cells. α-iso-cubebene also reduced the glutamate-induced generation of reactive oxygen species and calcium influx, thus preventing apoptotic cell death. α-iso-cubebene inhibited glutamate-induced mitochondrial membrane depolarization and, consequently, inhibited the release of the apoptosis-inducing factor from the mitochondria. Immunoblot anlaysis revealed that the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) by glutamate was reduced in the presence of α-iso-cubebene. α-iso-cubebene activated protein kinase A (PKA), CREB and Nrf2, which mediate the expression of the antioxidant enzymes, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and NAD(P)H dehydrogenase [quinone] 1 (NQO1), involved in neuroprotection. In addition, α-iso-cubebene induced the expression of antioxidant responsive element and CRE transcriptional activity, thus conferring neuroprotection against glutamate-induced oxidative injury. α-iso-cubebene also induced the expression of Nrf2-dependent genes encoding HO-1 and NQO1. Furthermore, the knockdown of CREB and Nrf2 by small interfering RNA attenuated the neuroprotective effects of α-iso-cubebene. Taken together, our results indicate that α-iso-cubebene protects HT22 cells from glutamate-induced oxidative damage through the activation of Nrf2/HO-1/NQO-1, as well as through the PKA and CREB signaling pathways.


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    Catalina SITNIKOV


    Full Text Available Worldwide corporations, as well as their stakeholders, are more conscious of the need for environmental management, SR behaviour, and sustainable growth and development. International Standards are becoming more significant for corporations to work towards common environmental management practices. ISO 14001 is the first and the broadest standard intended at a more responsible approach of corporations and the world’s most acknowledged framework for environmental management systems that assists corporations to better manage the effect of their activities on the environment. This article aims to study ISO 14001 implementation and its effects on the environmental responsibility. A model will be built, which covers the environmental management system, the components of organizational culture, being able to influence environmental standards implementation.

  3. Motivational factors for the adoption of ISO 9001 standards in Eastern Europe: the case of Bulgaria

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    Svetoslav Georgiev


    Full Text Available Purpose: This study analyzes the motivational factors for ISO 9001 certification in Bulgaria from the internal/external motivations perspective, or the so-called dual model.Design/methodology/approach: This study is based on a mixed method research approach, which employed two interviews with experts in the field of quality management at the exploratory stage, and a survey involving 127 companies at the descriptive stage.Findings: This study claims that enhanced company image and competitiveness – an external motivation - is the leading motivational factor for ISO 9001 certification in Bulgaria. At the same time, our primary investigation reveals that Bulgarian firms are not predominantly externally driven, for internal motivations including process improvement and product quality improvement seem to be an important driver for ISO 9001 certification. Last but not least, this research asserts that enhanced company image and competitiveness has a stronger impact on the motivations for ISO 9001 certification than customer and supplier pressure, which is in line with previous research works on developing economy economies such as Bulgaria. Finally, our study indicates a moderate, yet positive correlation between motivations for and benefits of ISO 9001 certification.Social implications: This research work casts some light on the evolution of quality management in Bulgaria since the end of communism, which can serve as an important foundation for the better understanding of quality management in former communist economies in general and Eastern European states in particular.Originality/value: Derived from the acute gap between ISO studies in Western and former communist economies, this research work presents one of the first official, international studies in the field of ISO certification in Bulgaria, and more precisely, a paper describing the motives for ISO 9001 certification among Bulgarian businesses.

  4. A fully customizable MATLAB Framework for MSA based on ISO 5725 Standard

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D’Aucelli, Giuseppe Maria; Giaquinto, Nicola; Mannatrizio, Sabino; Savino, Mario


    In this paper, a full featured MATLAB framework for Measurement System Analysis, fully compliant with the ISO 5725 Repeatability and Reproducibility (R and R) assessment is presented. While preserving the operations prescribed in the ISO standard, the software presents distinct improvements. First of all, all computations are made using exact closed-form formulae (instead of statistical tables) allowing a consistent analysis without limitations on the number of participating laboratories and measurements, and using custom significance levels of statistical tests. Second, a double threshold decision system for each test step has been implemented, helping the statistician to decide on the elimination of outliers/stragglers. Third, ANOVA analysis has been included. The software therefore, besides producing quickly and efficiently all the graphical and numerical results required in an inter-laboratory experiment, provide guidelines for properly updating the ISO 5725 standard. (paper)

  5. Enhanced definition and required examples of common datum imposed by ISO standard (United States)

    Yan, Yiqing; Bohn, Martin


    According to the ISO Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS), the establishment and definition of common datum for geometrical components are not fully defined. There are two main limitations of this standard. Firstly: the explications of ISO examples of common datums are not matched with their corresponding definitions, and secondly: a full definition of common datum is missing. This paper suggests a new approach for an enhanced definition and concrete examples of common datum and proposes a holistic methodology for establishment of common datum for each geometrical component. This research is based on the analysis of physical behaviour of geometrical components, orientation constraints and invariance classes of datums. This approach fills the definition gaps of common datum based on ISO GPS, thereby eliminating those deficits. As a result, an improved methodology for a fully functional defined definition of common datum was formulated.

  6. Stability of Kinesthetic Perception in Efferent-Afferent Spaces: The Concept of Iso-perceptual Manifold. (United States)

    Latash, Mark L


    The main goal of this paper is to introduce the concept of iso-perceptual manifold for perception of body configuration and related variables (kinesthetic perception) and to discuss its relation to the equilibrium-point hypothesis and the concepts of reference coordinate and uncontrolled manifold. Hierarchical control of action is postulated with abundant transformations between sets of spatial reference coordinates for salient effectors at different levels. Iso-perceptual manifold is defined in the combined space of afferent and efferent variables as the subspace corresponding to a stable percept. Examples of motion along an iso-perceptual manifold (perceptually equivalent motion) are considered during various natural actions. Some combinations of afferent and efferent signals, in particular those implying a violation of body's integrity, give rise to variable percepts by artificial projection onto iso-perceptual manifolds. This framework is used to interpret unusual features of vibration-induced kinesthetic illusions and to predict new illusions not yet reported in the literature. Copyright © 2017 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Behavior of the aggregate wind resource in the ISO regions in the United States

    KAUST Repository

    Gunturu, Udaya


    The collective behavior of wind farms in seven Independent System Operator (ISO) areas has been studied. The generation duration curves for each ISO show that there is no aggregated power for some fraction of time. Aggregation of wind turbines mitigates intermittency to some extent, but in each ISO there is considerable fraction of time when there is less than 5% capacity. The hourly wind power time series show benefit of aggregation but the high and low wind events are lumped in time, thus indicating that intermittency is synchronized in each region. The timeseries show that there are instances when there is no wind power in most ISOs because of large-scale high pressure systems. An analytical consideration of the collective behavior of aggregated wind turbines shows that the benefit of aggregation saturates beyond a certain number of generating units asymptotically. Also, the benefit of aggregation falls rapidly with temporal correlation between the generating units.

  8. Behavior of the aggregate wind resource in the ISO regions in the United States

    KAUST Repository

    Gunturu, Udaya; Schlosser, Clemens Adam


    The collective behavior of wind farms in seven Independent System Operator (ISO) areas has been studied. The generation duration curves for each ISO show that there is no aggregated power for some fraction of time. Aggregation of wind turbines mitigates intermittency to some extent, but in each ISO there is considerable fraction of time when there is less than 5% capacity. The hourly wind power time series show benefit of aggregation but the high and low wind events are lumped in time, thus indicating that intermittency is synchronized in each region. The timeseries show that there are instances when there is no wind power in most ISOs because of large-scale high pressure systems. An analytical consideration of the collective behavior of aggregated wind turbines shows that the benefit of aggregation saturates beyond a certain number of generating units asymptotically. Also, the benefit of aggregation falls rapidly with temporal correlation between the generating units.

  9. Auditoria interna de sistema de gestão ambiental: estudo de caso no Verdegreen Hotel

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    Adriano Lucena da Silva


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa analisa as contribuições e os desafios associados às auditorias internas no Verdegreen Hotel, empreendimento hoteleiro de grande destaque na cidade de João Pessoa-PB, selecionado como unidade de estudo por dispor de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA ISO 14001 implantado e certificado. Este estudo trata de uma pesquisa descritiva, baseada em um estudo de caso qualitativo. As técnicas utilizadas na metodologia foram: levantamento bibliográfico sobre as normas ISO que abordam as temáticas SGA e auditoria; questionários aplicados aos membros do comitê verde; e análise documental do manual do SGA. Para este estudo, três categorias foram selecionadas: i instrumentos, ii procedimentos e iii recursos humanos. A partir da análise de conteúdo das respostas dos questionários aplicados e do manual do SGA, foi constatado que as auditorias internas do Verdegreen Hotel ocorrem baseadas em métodos bem definidos de coleta e tratamento de informações e que o hotel mantém programas de capacitação para seus colaboradores. Com base nos resultados da pesquisa, tornou-se possível compreender como as questões relacionadas à aplicação da auditoria interna são oportunidades de aprimoramento do SGA implantado.

  10. DuPont IsoTherming clean fuel technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levinski, E. [E.I. DuPont Co., Wilmington, DE (United States)


    This poster described a hydroprocessing technology that DuPont has acquired from Process Dynamics, Inc. The IsoTherming clean fuel technology significantly reduces sulphur in motor fuels. The technology provides petroleum refiners the solution for meeting ultra low sulphur diesel requirements, at much lower costs than conventional technologies. IsoTherming hydroprocessing operates in a kinetically limited mode, with no mass transfer limitation. Hydrogen is delivered to the reactor in the liquid phase as soluble hydrogen, allowing for much higher space velocities than conventional hydrotreating reactors. Treated diesel is recycled back to the inlet of the reactor, generating less heat and more hydrogen into the reactor. The process results in a more isothermal reactor operation that allows for better yields, fewer light ends and greater catalyst life. The technology reduces coking, because the process provides enough hydrogen in the solution when cracking reactions take place. As a result, the process yields longer catalyst life. Other advantages for refiners include lower total investment; reduced equipment delivery lead times; reduced maintenance and operating costs; and configuration flexibility. tabs., figs.

  11. An Introduction to Information Security and ISO 27001

    CERN Document Server

    Watkins, Steve G


    This new pocket guide will suit both individuals who need an introduction to a topic that they know little about, and also organizations implementing, or considering implementing, some sort of information security management regime, particularly if using ISO/IEC 27001:2005

  12. Transcriptional and post-transcriptional upregulation of p27 mediates growth inhibition of isorhapontigenin (ISO) on human bladder cancer cells. (United States)

    Jiang, Guosong; Huang, Chao; Li, Jingxia; Huang, Haishan; Wang, Jingjing; Li, Yawei; Xie, Fei; Jin, Honglei; Zhu, Junlan; Huang, Chuanshu


    There are few approved drugs available for the treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Recently, we have demonstrated that isorhapontigenin (ISO), a new derivative isolated from the Chinese herb Gnetum cleistostachyum, effectively induces cell-cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phase and inhibits anchorage-independent cell growth through the miR-137/Sp1/cyclin D1 axis in human MIBC cells. Herein, we found that treatment of bladder cancer (BC) cells with ISO resulted in a significant upregulation of p27, which was also observed in ISO-treated mouse BCs that were induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (BBN). Importantly, knockdown of p27 caused a decline in the ISO-induced G0-G1 growth arrest and reversed ISO suppression of anchorage-independent growth in BC cells. Mechanistic studies revealed that ISO promoted p27 expression at mRNA transcription level through increasing direct binding of forkhead box class O1 (FOXO1) to its promoter, while knockdown of FOXO1 attenuated ISO inhibition of BC cell growth. On the other hand, ISO upregulated the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) activity of p27, which was accompanied by a reduction of miR-182 expression. In line with these observations, ectopic expression of miR-182 significantly blocked p27 3'-UTR activity, whereas mutation of the miR-182-binding site at p27 mRNA 3'-UTR effectively reversed this inhibition. Accordingly, ectopic expression of miR-182 also attenuated ISO upregulation of p27 expression and impaired ISO inhibition of BC cell growth. Our results not only provide novel insight into understanding of the underlying mechanism related to regulation of MIBC cell growth but also identify new roles and mechanisms underlying ISO inhibition of BC cell growth.

  13. Módulo ambiental para el desempeño en ingeniería química

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    Alejandro Ospina Torres


    Full Text Available El Instituto Colombiano para el Fomento de la Educación Superior, ICFES, a más de ser el ente rector de la educación superior en Colombia, oficia de punto focal, en el país, de la Red de Formación Ambiental para América Latina y el Caribe, establecida por el PNUMA para impulsar e incentivar sus labores en la región. Dentro del propósito de incorporar la dimensión ambiental en la educación superior, dicho Instituto está desarrollando el Programa de Capacitación Ambiental dirigido a los profesores universitarios, conforme a los diagnósticos realizados en los diferentes seminarios adelantados con tal objeto. Del foro de expertos realizado para la ejecución de la primera fase planeada para el desarrollo de este programa (Diciembre 16 de 1991, surge la necesidad de contar con diferentes módulos que apunten a la capacitación buscada. Dentro de ellos se prevé la elaboración de un Módulo Ambiental de desempeño profesional dirigido a la carrera de Ingeniería Química, en razón de la percepción de que en su ejercicio se encuentran acciones impactantes, en cuanto a las posibilidad de generación y, también, a través de los cambios de esquemas y de actitudes, a las potencialidades de reducción o eliminación de los efectos indeseables sobre el medio ambiente. El Departamento de Ingeniería Química, de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede de Bogotá, se ha vinculado a este propósito, bajo la coordinación de los autores de este artículo y con la colaboración de la mayoria de los docentes adscritos al mismo. Es así como se ha culminado la elaboración del instructivo correspondiente, parte del cual es el componente esencial de esta publicación.

  14. Image-based Exploration of Iso-surfaces for Large Multi- Variable Datasets using Parameter Space.

    KAUST Repository

    Binyahib, Roba S.


    With an increase in processing power, more complex simulations have resulted in larger data size, with higher resolution and more variables. Many techniques have been developed to help the user to visualize and analyze data from such simulations. However, dealing with a large amount of multivariate data is challenging, time- consuming and often requires high-end clusters. Consequently, novel visualization techniques are needed to explore such data. Many users would like to visually explore their data and change certain visual aspects without the need to use special clusters or having to load a large amount of data. This is the idea behind explorable images (EI). Explorable images are a novel approach that provides limited interactive visualization without the need to re-render from the original data [40]. In this work, the concept of EI has been used to create a workflow that deals with explorable iso-surfaces for scalar fields in a multivariate, time-varying dataset. As a pre-processing step, a set of iso-values for each scalar field is inferred and extracted from a user-assisted sampling technique in time-parameter space. These iso-values are then used to generate iso- surfaces that are then pre-rendered (from a fixed viewpoint) along with additional buffers (i.e. normals, depth, values of other fields, etc.) to provide a compressed representation of iso-surfaces in the dataset. We present a tool that at run-time allows the user to interactively browse and calculate a combination of iso-surfaces superimposed on each other. The result is the same as calculating multiple iso- surfaces from the original data but without the memory and processing overhead. Our tool also allows the user to change the (scalar) values superimposed on each of the surfaces, modify their color map, and interactively re-light the surfaces. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach over a multi-terabyte combustion dataset. We also illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of our

  15. Composite repairs qualification according to ISO/TS 24817

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meniconi, Luiz C.M.; Perrut, Valber A. [Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (PETROBRAS/CENPES), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas


    Composite repairs for metallic pipes from three different suppliers were evaluated according to ISO Technical Specification TS 24817. The intended application scenarios are offshore production plants, but the design methodology is also applicable to onshore pipelines and pipework. The evaluation covered all the relevant mechanical properties and established the maximum application temperatures for each repair system. The tests also considered the application of composite repair sleeves to metallic pipes with through thickness defects, by measuring the strain energy release rates of the composite-metal interfaces. The test campaigns aimed to verify the applicability of the recently published ISO document, and to implement it as the routine procedure for composite repairs evaluation within PETROBRAS. The tests also addressed the influence of metallic pipe surface preparation on the final properties of the repair sleeves, especially in relation to the long term behavior of leaking pipes repaired by means of composite materials. (author)

  16. Deductions about survival-curve parameters from iso-effect radiation regimes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mole, R.H.


    Criteria which permit iso-effect radiation regimes to be regarded as equivalent in terms of cell depletion are briefly discussed. Observations on whole-body irradiation of mice by split and multiple exposures suggest that Dsub(Q) for haematopoietic stem cells in the non-cycling state is approximately 100 rad but about zero when they are cycling. Corresponding changes in radiobiological properties of cells are to be expected during the course of fractionated and protracted exposures in vivo when the iso-effect of interest is relatively gross tissue damage. Responses to ionizing radiation in vivo are dependent on aspects of cellular organisation which are missing from in vitro experimentation. (author)

  17. Impacts of the ISO 14000 management system on sustainable forest management in South Africa

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Von Maltitz, Graham P


    Full Text Available are all issues that will lead to a unique ISO implementation within the country. ISO 14000 is not a product certification. As such it does not help companies market their products where ‘green labelling’ is becoming the norm. It is probably for this reason...

  18. International standard (ISO) of radiation sterilization and issues in the sterilization dose setting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takehisa, Masaaki


    The ISO dose setting method 1 uses bioburden and verification by sublethal sterility test. Current devices produced in clean environmental have low bioburden, however, sensitivity of verification test declines at low bioburden. Validation of verification in this region should be further studied. A dose setting using D 10 of bioburden isolates should be reevaluated and included in the ISO. (author)

  19. Akreditacija medicinskog laboratorija prema ISO 15189:2003. Meksičko iskustvo


    Sierra-Amor, Rosa I.; Lopez-Martinez, Maribel


    Međunarodna norma ISO15189:2003 iziskuje od laboratorija da udovolje zahtjevima za upravljanje kvalitetom kao i tehničkim uvjetima, uključujući prije- i poslije-analitičke faze te sam analitički proces. Norma obuhvaća i teme kao što su sigurnost i etika u medicinskom laboratoriju. S obzirom da se primjenjuju lokalni, nacionalni i regionalni propisi, ISO 15189:2003 traži da medicinski laboratoriji dokažu svoju kompetentnost neovisnom procjenitelju, a to je obično nacionalno akreditacijsko t...

  20. Management system - PNS ISO/IEC 17025:2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baje, Perla F.


    Management system is a set of policies, processes and procedures needed for planning and execution in the core business area of the organization. It is a set of policies and objectives to direct and control an organization with regard to quality. ISO 17025:2005 is the administrative and technical systems that govern the operations of the laboratory

  1. Desarrollo de Experimentos de un Robot Navegador con Redes Neuronales en un Ambiente Estructurado: Programación de Conductas con Algoritmo de Retropropagación

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    Alejandro Hossian


    Full Text Available El presente artículo busca comunicar los avances realizados en el análisis y desarrollo de experimentos realizados en computadora para robots navegadores mediante la aplicación de Tecnologías Inteligentes. Para su realización se dispone de software y hardware apropiados a partir de los cuales se diseña un ambiente de navegación con obstáculos definidos en el marco de un entorno industrial. En este contexto, se diseña un ambiente computarizado con el cual el robot interactúa, en el cual se desplaza hasta llegar a un objetivo predeterminado, tratando de no colisionar. Bajo estas premisas y requisitos de usuario, se analiza el desempeño del robot a los efectos de procurar optimizar su performance dentro de este escenario. Para evaluar las potencialidades y limitaciones que presentan las conductas del robot, y en función de la complejidad del ambiente de navegación y de las tareas que éste debe llevar a cabo, se hace uso de las tecnologías de las Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA. A tal efecto, una arquitectura de RNA de tipo Backpropagation es la que se utiliza en el presente trabajo.

  2. The Effect of ISO 9001 and the EFQM Model on Improving Hospital Performance: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Yousefinezhadi, Taraneh; Mohamadi, Efat; Safari Palangi, Hossein; Akbari Sari, Ali


    This study aimed to explore the effect of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 9001 standard and the European foundation for quality management (EFQM) model on improving hospital performance. PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Library databases were searched. In addition, Elsevier and Springer were searched as main publishers in the field of health sciences. We included empirical studies with any design that had used ISO 9001 or the EFQM model to improve the quality of healthcare. Data were collected and tabulated into a data extraction sheet that was specifically designed for this study. The collected data included authors' names, country, year of publication, intervention, improvement aims, setting, length of program, study design, and outcomes. Seven out of the 121 studies that were retrieved met the inclusion criteria. Three studies assessed the EFQM model and four studies assessed the ISO 9001 standard. Use of the EFQM model increased the degree of patient satisfaction and the number of hospital admissions and reduced the average length of stay, the delay on the surgical waiting list, and the number of emergency re-admissions. ISO 9001 also increased the degree of patient satisfaction and patient safety, increased cost-effectiveness, improved the hospital admissions process, and reduced the percentage of unscheduled returns to the hospital. Generally, there is a lack of robust and high quality empirical evidence regarding the effects of ISO 9001 and the EFQM model on the quality care provided by and the performance of hospitals. However, the limited evidence shows that ISO 9001 and the EFQM model might improve hospital performance.

  3. Relationship of responsible Care and Environmental Management Systems Standard ISO 14001. Example of Sumitomo Chemical; Resuponshiburu{center_dot}kea to kankyo manejimento sisutemu kikaku ISO14001. Sumitomo kagaku no jirei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kimura, Kazuo. [Sumitomo Chemical Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    In the chemical sector, Responsible Care is propelled by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). The objective of Responsible Care is to improve the performance and reputation of the Chemical Industry in areas that impact on people and environment. Sumitomo Chemical is committed to supporting a continuing effort to improve the chemical industry`s responsible management of chemicals through the Japan Responsible Vare Vouncil program. One the other hand, ISO 14001 had been published on Aug.1996 and have adopted the ISO 14001 as national standards on Oct. 1996. Already 973 companies in Japan, 74 of them in the chemical sector, have been certified to ISO 14001. In this paper, I provides concise commentaries on how Responsible Care and Environmental management systems work in the chemical sector. (author)

  4. Relationship of responsible Care and Environmental Management Systems Standard ISO 14001. Example of Sumitomo Chemical. Resuponshiburu[center dot]kea to kankyo manejimento sisutemu kikaku ISO14001. Sumitomo kagaku no jirei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kimura, Kazuo. (Sumitomo Chemical Corp., Tokyo (Japan))


    In the chemical sector, Responsible Care is propelled by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). The objective of Responsible Care is to improve the performance and reputation of the Chemical Industry in areas that impact on people and environment. Sumitomo Chemical is committed to supporting a continuing effort to improve the chemical industry's responsible management of chemicals through the Japan Responsible Vare Vouncil program. One the other hand, ISO 14001 had been published on Aug.1996 and have adopted the ISO 14001 as national standards on Oct. 1996. Already 973 companies in Japan, 74 of them in the chemical sector, have been certified to ISO 14001. In this paper, I provides concise commentaries on how Responsible Care and Environmental management systems work in the chemical sector. (author)

  5. ISO 9001 aspects related to performance and their level of implementation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jordi Castello Dalmau


    Full Text Available Purpose: In the last three decades, thousands of companies around the world have embraced the ISO 9001 standard in their quest to improve company performance and customer satisfaction. In recent literature, a number of authors have identified different “levels” of ISO 9001 implementation. This study aims to analyse these implementation levels in companies from the point of view of the customer, and provide guidelines for future improvement. Design/methodology/approach: Research was conducted based on the results of the second-party audits (SPAs of 90 suppliers, (including component suppliers, assemblers, and wind farm operation and maintenance services, to one of the wind power industry’s largest wind turbine manufacturers. The audits were carried out within the ISO 9001:2008 framework and conducted by one of this study’s authors in his role as the wind turbine company’s Director of Global Quality. Findings: Auditing suppliers plays a unique role in helping to isolate system weaknesses, identify opportunities and suggest areas for improvement. This study shows that, in terms of management commitment and culture and the good practices of an organization, ISO 9001 certified companies implement differing degrees of the standard. From the results of this research, a "road map" towards improvement can be established; one that allows companies in the sector to go beyond simply being accredited with the standard and instead to take advantage of ISO 9001 certification as a catalyst for change. Research limitations/implications: This article focuses only on the wind power sector, although its findings could be extrapolated to similar sectors of high technology and high levels of customization. Originality/value: While quality audits are a customary topic for academics and researchers, few contributions are related to SPAs and their impact on the quality control process of company suppliers. Primary data from the SPAs of suppliers (objective

  6. ISO 9001 aspects related to performance and their level of implementation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castello Dalmau, J.; Gimenez, G.; Castro, R. de


    Purpose: In the last three decades, thousands of companies around the world have embraced the ISO 9001 standard in their quest to improve company performance and customer satisfaction. In recent literature, a number of authors have identified different “levels” of ISO 9001 implementation. This study aims to analyse these implementation levels in companies from the point of view of the customer, and provide guidelines for future improvement. Design/methodology/approach: Research was conducted based on the results of the second-party audits (SPAs) of 90 suppliers, (including component suppliers, assemblers, and wind farm operation and maintenance services), to one of the wind power industry’s largest wind turbine manufacturers. The audits were carried out within the ISO 9001:2008 framework and conducted by one of this study’s authors in his role as the wind turbine company’s Director of Global Quality. Findings: Auditing suppliers plays a unique role in helping to isolate system weaknesses, identify opportunities and suggest areas for improvement. This study shows that, in terms of management commitment and culture and the good practices of an organization, ISO 9001 certified companies implement differing degrees of the standard. From the results of this research, a road map towards improvement can be established; one that allows companies in the sector to go beyond simply being accredited with the standard and instead to take advantage of ISO 9001 certification as a catalyst for change. Research limitations/implications: This article focuses only on the wind power sector, although its findings could be extrapolated to similar sectors of high technology and high levels of customization. Originality/value: While quality audits are a customary topic for academics and researchers, few contributions are related to SPAs and their impact on the quality control process of company suppliers. Primary data from the SPAs of suppliers (objective data collected by one

  7. ISO 9001 aspects related to performance and their level of implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castello Dalmau, J.; Gimenez, G.; Castro, R. de


    Purpose: In the last three decades, thousands of companies around the world have embraced the ISO 9001 standard in their quest to improve company performance and customer satisfaction. In recent literature, a number of authors have identified different “levels” of ISO 9001 implementation. This study aims to analyse these implementation levels in companies from the point of view of the customer, and provide guidelines for future improvement. Design/methodology/approach: Research was conducted based on the results of the second-party audits (SPAs) of 90 suppliers, (including component suppliers, assemblers, and wind farm operation and maintenance services), to one of the wind power industry’s largest wind turbine manufacturers. The audits were carried out within the ISO 9001:2008 framework and conducted by one of this study’s authors in his role as the wind turbine company’s Director of Global Quality. Findings: Auditing suppliers plays a unique role in helping to isolate system weaknesses, identify opportunities and suggest areas for improvement. This study shows that, in terms of management commitment and culture and the good practices of an organization, ISO 9001 certified companies implement differing degrees of the standard. From the results of this research, a road map towards improvement can be established; one that allows companies in the sector to go beyond simply being accredited with the standard and instead to take advantage of ISO 9001 certification as a catalyst for change. Research limitations/implications: This article focuses only on the wind power sector, although its findings could be extrapolated to similar sectors of high technology and high levels of customization. Originality/value: While quality audits are a customary topic for academics and researchers, few contributions are related to SPAs and their impact on the quality control process of company suppliers. Primary data from the SPAs of suppliers (objective data collected by one

  8. The ISO 5-pass authentication in χ-Spaces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cáccamo, Mario J.; Crazzolara, Federico; Milicia, Giuseppe


    We implement the ISO 5-pass authentication protocol and study its correctness using the χ-Space framework. χ-Spaces is a novel domain specific programming language designed for developing protocols and in particular security protocols. χ-Spaces programming language is an implementation of SPL...

  9. EVALUASI EFEKTIVITAS PENERAPAN SISTEM MANAJEMEN LINGKUNGAN ISO 14001 DI PABRIK BAN XYZ-JAWA BARAT (Evaluation on The Effectiveness of Implementation ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in XYZ Tyre Factory-West Java

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Ryan Natasaputra


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pabrik ban XYZ yang berlokasi di Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu industri ban yang telah memiliki komitmen untuk meningkatkan kinerja lingkungan dengan menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan (SML ISO 14001. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas penerapan SML ISO 14001 berdasarkan kinerja manajemen, kinerja lingkungan, dan kesesuaian dengan sertifikasi Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18001. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua metode, yaitu pengumpulan data primer melalui pemantauan lapang dan data sekunder melalui dokumen-dokumen yang berhubungan dengan SML serta data hasil pengukuran Aspek Lingkungan Penting (ALP. Data tersebut dievaluasi dan dibandingkan dengan SNI 19-14001-2005, program lingkungan perusahaan, serta peraturan perundangan yang berlaku agar diketahui efektivitas penerapan SML ISO 14001. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan lingkungan telah sesuai dengan tiga komitmen utama dalam SNI 19-14001-2005. Prosedur identifikasi dan klasifikasi ALP telah dilaksanakan dengan metode penilaian terhadap empat kriteria yang dibuat oleh pihak manajemen pabrik ban. Data hasil pengukuran ALP yang dievaluasi meliputi kebisingan, debu, limbah cair industri, dan penggunaan air. Efektivitas penerapan SML ISO 14001 di pabrik ban melalui hasil penilaian kinerja manajemen sebesar 80% dan kinerja lingkungan dari data hasil pengukuran ALP sebesar 81,3%, secara umum membuktikan bahwa penerapan SML ISO 14001 dengan nilai pencapaian sebesar 80,7% telah efektif dalam memenuhi tujuan dari komitmen pencegahan pencemaran, penerapan program lingkungan, dan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. Ketidaksesuaian disebabkan oleh masalah komunikasi, kesadaran karyawan, dan kelayakan teknis. Dalam hal keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terdapat integrasi dengan OHSAS 18001 melalui penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD dan prosedur tanggap darurat.   ABSTRACT XYZ tyre factory in West Java is one of the tyre

  10. Quality control in the waste water treatment: ISO 9000 in an EDAR; Control de calidad en la depuracion de aguas residuales: ISO 9000 en una EDAR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marcote Lago, J. M.; Laino Lopez, H.; Moreira Vilar, M. T.; Feijoo Costal, G.


    The Quality has been converted into an indispensable tool into the managerial world, considering the high degree of competitiveness of products and associated processes, as well as the increase of the needs and requirements of the consumers. In this article the action are analyzed directed to obtain the quality degree, according to the norm ISO 9000, on the stations of waste water treatment (EDAR). for it, there are established the guidelines of planning of the maintenance in an EDAR, which will redound to an improvement of its management as step before the certification of the norm ISO 9000. (Author) 5 refs.

  11. Restos de vida en Bajo este sol tremendo de Carlos Busqued

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    Marcos Seifert


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se propone analizar cómo la novela de Carlos Busqued Bajo este sol tremendo (2009 se apoya en la representación de vidas desechadas, basura y todo tipo de restos para instalarse en una tensión entre orden y exceso. La narración plantea una lógica en la que la basura, en lugar de constituirse en un indicio que posibilite la reconstrucción del paisaje social, exhibe lo desbordante, lo inasimilable y los vacíos de sentido. En el mundo que nos presenta Busqued lo viviente se vuelve resto en la medida en que encarna una heterogeneidad irreductible a cualquier estructura social y productiva. This paper analyzes the way in which Carlos Busqued's novel Bajo este sol tremendo (2009 is based on the representation of discarded lives, garbage, and all kinds of remains and thus proposes a tension between order and excess. The narration raises a logic in which garbage, instead of constituting an indicator that allows for the reconstruction of the social landscape, exhibits the overflowing, the unassimilable, and the voids of meaning. In the world that Busqued presents, the living becomes a remainder because it embodies an irreducible heterogeneity with regards to any social and productive structure.

  12. IT内部統制に関する考察 : ISO27001 ISO9001の活用


    赤林, 隆仁; Takahito, AKABAYASHI


    日本の上場企業はIT化が進展しており、内部統制においてもIT を前提としたものが要求される。そのための安価で適用し易いフレームワークとして多くの企業で経験のあるISO 27001(情報セキュリティシステム)、ISO 9001(品質システム)を活用できないかを検討した。その結果この2 つを併用するとIT を前提とする内部統制の要求事項を網羅できることが判明した。内部統制を意識して2 つの基準を適用すれば内部統制に係わる費用の削減につながることが推測された。...

  13. Avaliação qualitativa paraconsistente do processo de implantação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental Paraconsistent qualitative evaluation of an Environmental Management System implementation process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alberto Ferreira Bispo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a proposta de um novo processo de avaliação qualitativa de implantação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA elaborado com base na norma ISO 14001: 2004 e com a intenção de sua futura certificação por essa norma. A avaliação proposta aplica os recursos da Lógica Paraconsistente Anotada de Dois Valores (LPA2V. Apresenta-se como é feita essa avaliação, porque ela é diferente das demais avaliações qualitativas e porque é importante para a área de Gestão Ambiental. Faz-se uma comparação entre os resultados obtidos simuladamente com uma avaliação qualitativa tradicional e utilizando a avaliação qualitativa paraconsistente. Apresentam-se as ferramentas apropriadas para auxiliar a visualização do cenário que envolve análises paraconsistentes, ou seja, o Algoritmo Para-Analisador e o Quadrado Unitário do Plano Cartesiano.A proposal is presented for a new process of qualitative evaluation of the implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS based on the ISO 14001: 2004 standard, with a view to its future ISO certification. The proposed evaluation applies the resources of Two-Value Annotated Paraconsistent Logic (2VAPL. This article describes how this evaluation is carried out, since it differs from other qualitative evaluations, and explains its importance for the area of Environmental Management. A comparison made between the results from a simulation of a traditional qualitative evaluation and those obtained from a paraconsistent qualitative evaluation. Also discussed are the tools employed to illustrate the scenario involving paraconsistent analyses, i.e., the Para-Analyzer Algorithm and the Unitary Picture of the Cartesian Plane.

  14. [Quality assurance in oncology: experiences of an ISO certification]. (United States)

    Szentirmay, Zoltán; Cseh, Lujza; Ottó, Szabolcs; Kásler, Miklós


    The ISO 9001 quality assurance of the National Institute of Oncology has been achieved successfully. We give an account of the brief history and the structure of the assurance system of the Institute, the process of setting our goals, and also the experience gained from drafting ISO 9001 handbook and flowcharts. Apart from the bureaucratic nature of quality assurance, it is a good opportunity for us to investigate our everyday work, put it into orderly manner and work more reliably. Experience has shown that the introduction of a quality assurance system increases the level of patient care, the documentation helps the Institute or some of its departments, or even individuals prevent law suits, and serves as a sound basis for proposing promotion, salary increases and bonuses, or even honors.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Velásquez R. Jesús Oswaldo


    Full Text Available Se realizaron mediciones de 22 parámetros físicos, químicos, biológicos y evaluación de fitoplancton durante cuatro meses en tres estaciones de muestreo para caracterizar La Ciénaga Colombia, como representativa del sistema de humedales del Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, con el ánimo de proponer un método para la detección de la calidad ambiental de este tipo de ecosistemas, que permita fijar pautas para su adecuado manejo. Se analizaron los datos mediante la determinación de índices de estado trófico, contaminación e indicares bióticos, así como análisis estadísticos de componentes principales y análisis de correspondencia canónica. Los valores promedio de los índices de estado trófico evidenciaron la calidad eutrófica del ecosistema, aspecto que coincide con los índices de contaminación especialmente referido a los valores de fósforo total. Los indicadores bióticos mostraron distribución uniforme de fitoplancton, con valores bajos en cuanto a diversidad por la condición de ser humedal eutrófico, se identificaron un total de 69 especies pertenecientes a 31 géneros, 21 familias y 6 divisiones, grupos importantes y representativos en aguas naturales. Se detectó la presencia de un alto porcentaje de macrófitas producto de los sedimentos aportados por el mal uso del suelo en las áreas de influencia.

  16. ISO Science Legacy A Compact Review of ISO Major Achievements

    CERN Document Server

    Cesarsky, Catherine J


    Stars are born and die in clouds of gas and dust, opaque to most types of radiation, but transparent in the infrared. Requiring complex detectors, space missions and cooled telescopes, infrared astronomy is the last branch of this discipline to come of age. After a very successful sky survey performed in the eighties by the IRAS satellite, the Infrared Space Observatory, in the nineties, brought spectacular advances in the understanding of the processes giving rise to powerful infrared emission by a great variety of celestial sources. Outstanding results have been obtained on the bright comet Hale-Bopp, and in particular of its water spectrum, as well as on the formation, chemistry and dynamics of planetary objects in the solar system. Ideas on the early stages of stellar formation and on the stellar initial mass function have been clarified. ISO is the first facility in space able to provide a systematic diagnosis of the physical phenomena and the chemistry in the close environment of pre-main sequence stars...

  17. From waste minimization to ISO 14000: Taiwan`s experience and prospects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wen-Huei Chen; Wain-Sun Hou [China Technical Consultants, Inc., Taipei (Taiwan, Province of China)


    Taiwan has completed a very successful five-year industrial waste minimization (IWM) demonstration and promotion project sponsored by the government. From 1990 to 1995, the project successfully disseminated the IWM concept of pollution prevention (P2) to industries. It effectively reduced industrial waste while significantly benefitting the economy by assisting industries in implementing in-plant IWM programs. In July 1995, the second stage of the five-year IWM and ISO 14000 promotion project was initiated for further promoting the IWM, P2, and cleaner production and, in particular, coping with the upcoming international environmental management standards (ISO 14000). To assist industries in establishing an environmental management system (EMS) and accumulating related experience, an EMS pilot demonstration project of five model industries and an ISO 14001 EMS demonstration and promotion project for 22 factories in 13 industries were initiated in October 1995 and August 1996, respectively. These projects can assist Taiwan`s industries in changing the constitution of their enterprises, enhancing competition in the international market, and helping our nation achieve the forerunner`s profits in sustainable development. 9 refs., 3 figs.

  18. Diseño de un sistema de gestión de la inocuidad de los alimentos ISO 22000:2005 para la sección de cárnicos de la Empresa Puntoevent Cadena de Alimentos S.A.


    Vásquez Palacios, Augusta Renata


    La adopción de ISO 22000 es para la organización una necesidad basada en objetivos particulares y nuevos proyectos de negocio que posee. La importancia surge en la responsabilidad de Punto, de implementar y mantener un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad Alimentaria; demostrando responsabilidad de Inocuidad Alimentaria, social y ambientPuntoevent Cadena de Alimentos S.A.Es una empresa dedicada a la producción y venta de productos alimenticios; dividiendo sus áreas de producción en: Área de Produc...

  19. A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of iso-pentanol combustion

    KAUST Repository

    Sarathy, Mani


    Biofuels are considered as potentially attractive alternative fuels that can reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions. iso-Pentanol is one of several next-generation biofuels that can be used as an alternative fuel in combustion engines. In the present study, new experimental data for iso-pentanol in shock tube, rapid compression machine, jet stirred reactor, and counterflow diffusion flame are presented. Shock tube ignition delay times were measured for iso-pentanol/air mixtures at three equivalence ratios, temperatures ranging from 819 to 1252. K, and at nominal pressures near 40 and 60. bar. Jet stirred reactor experiments are reported at 5. atm and five equivalence ratios. Rapid compression machine ignition delay data was obtained near 40. bar, for three equivalence ratios, and temperatures below 800. K. Laminar flame speed data and non-premixed extinction strain rates were obtained using the counterflow configuration. A detailed chemical kinetic model for iso-pentanol oxidation was developed including high- and low-temperature chemistry for a better understanding of the combustion characteristics of higher alcohols. First, bond dissociation energies were calculated using ab initio methods, and the proposed rate constants were based on a previously presented model for butanol isomers and n-pentanol. The model was validated against new and existing experimental data at pressures of 1-60. atm, temperatures of 650-1500. K, equivalence ratios of 0.25-4.0, and covering both premixed and non-premixed environments. The method of direct relation graph (DRG) with expert knowledge (DRGX) was employed to eliminate unimportant species and reactions in the detailed mechanism, and the resulting skeletal mechanism was used to predict non-premixed flames. In addition, reaction path and temperature A-factor sensitivity analyses were conducted for identifying key reactions at various combustion conditions. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.

  20. A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of iso-pentanol combustion

    KAUST Repository

    Sarathy, Mani; Park, Sungwoo; Weber, Bryan W.; Wang, Weijing; Veloo, Peter S.; Davis, Alexander C.; Togbé , Casimir; Westbrook, Charles K.; Park, Okjoo; Dayma, Guillaume; Luo, Zhaoyu; Oehlschlaeger, Matthew A.; Egolfopoulos, Fokion N.; Lu, Tianfeng; Pitz, William J.; Sung, Chihjen; Dagaut, P.


    Biofuels are considered as potentially attractive alternative fuels that can reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions. iso-Pentanol is one of several next-generation biofuels that can be used as an alternative fuel in combustion engines. In the present study, new experimental data for iso-pentanol in shock tube, rapid compression machine, jet stirred reactor, and counterflow diffusion flame are presented. Shock tube ignition delay times were measured for iso-pentanol/air mixtures at three equivalence ratios, temperatures ranging from 819 to 1252. K, and at nominal pressures near 40 and 60. bar. Jet stirred reactor experiments are reported at 5. atm and five equivalence ratios. Rapid compression machine ignition delay data was obtained near 40. bar, for three equivalence ratios, and temperatures below 800. K. Laminar flame speed data and non-premixed extinction strain rates were obtained using the counterflow configuration. A detailed chemical kinetic model for iso-pentanol oxidation was developed including high- and low-temperature chemistry for a better understanding of the combustion characteristics of higher alcohols. First, bond dissociation energies were calculated using ab initio methods, and the proposed rate constants were based on a previously presented model for butanol isomers and n-pentanol. The model was validated against new and existing experimental data at pressures of 1-60. atm, temperatures of 650-1500. K, equivalence ratios of 0.25-4.0, and covering both premixed and non-premixed environments. The method of direct relation graph (DRG) with expert knowledge (DRGX) was employed to eliminate unimportant species and reactions in the detailed mechanism, and the resulting skeletal mechanism was used to predict non-premixed flames. In addition, reaction path and temperature A-factor sensitivity analyses were conducted for identifying key reactions at various combustion conditions. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.