
Sample records for alloy-hk-40

  1. Junta de soldadura disímil de la aleación hk40 y del hierro fundido 24//Dissimilar welding joints of the alloy hk - 40 and of the cast iron 24

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomás Fernández‐Columbié


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es establecer el comportamiento microestructural de una unión soldada disímil en una aleación HK 40 y el hierro fundido 24, la cual se realiza en equipo que prestan servicios en la industria del níquel y que por las características de la unión, surgen en el mismo problema de agrietamiento. Se realizó una caracterización química de ambas aleaciones, luego por el proceso demecanizado se prepararon un total de nueve muestras, las que fueron soldada por proceso manual por arco eléctrico, los electrodos revestidos empleados fueron el E 312–16, el UTP 65 y el Castell Xiron 244, demostrándose en el análisis microestructural y en el diagrama de Schaeffler, que la disposición de la unión con el electrodo E 312–16 provoca la aparición de estructura interdendritica con origen a la fundición blanca, siendo más favorable la unión con el electrodo UTP 65. Se le realizó el análisis de microdureza en cada unión.Palabras claves: disímil, aleación, agrietamiento, soldadura, electrodos._____________________________________________________________________________AbstractIt is paper have the objective to establish the behaviour microstructure of an union welded dissimilar in an alloy HK 40 and the cast iron 24, which is carried out in team that you lend services in the industry of the nickel and that for the characteristics of the union, they arise in the same cracking problem. He was carried out a chemical characterization of both alloys, then for the process ofautomated got ready a total of nine samples, those that were welding for process shield for electric arch (SMAW, the electrodes lined employees were the E 312 - 16, the UTP 65 and the Castell Xiron 244, being demonstrated in the analysis microstructure and in the diagram of Schaeffler that the disposition of the union with the electrode E 312 - 16 cause the appearance of structure inter dendritewith origin to the white foundry, being more available the union

  2. High temperature corrosion kinetics study of IN-657 and HK-40 superalloys in contact with an 82% K[sub 2]S[sub 2]O[sub 7]-18% V[sub 2]O[sub 5] eutectic melt. Estudio de la cinetica de corrosion a alta temperatura de las superaleaciones IN-657 y HK-40 en presencia de la mezcla eutectica fundida 82% K[sub 2]S[sub 2]O[sub 7]-18% V[sub 2]O[sub 5

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pardo, A.; Otero, E.; Perez, F.J.; Alvarez, J.F.; Utrilla, M. V. (Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas)


    Electrochemical methods are used to study the corrosion kinetics of the IN-657 and HK-40 super-alloys in contact with the eutectic melt 82% K[sub 2]S[sub 2]O[sub 7]-18% V[sub 2]O[sub 5] with different carbon contents and at different temperatures (773 and 823 K). The results obtained are discussed in relation with the chemistry of the process. The kinetics equations of the corrosion process are given to the two super-alloys studied and at different test conditions. (Author) 18 refs.

  3. hkösuodattimien vaikutus sähkön laatuun ja maadoituksen vaikutus sähkösuodattimiin


    Vinho, Lauri


    Tässä opinnäytetyössä kerrotaan sähkömagneettisen säteilyn teoriasta ja yleisimmistä käyttökohteista. Työssä tutustutaan tarkemmin radiotaajuisen sähkömagneettisen säteilyn tehoon heijastukseen ja absorptioon, sekä radiotaajuisen sähkömagneettisen säteilyn sulkemiseen tilan sisä- tai ulkopuolelle faradayn -häkillä. Työssä esitellään lisäksi yleisesti erityyppisiä mittahuoneita, eli häiriösuojahuoneita, alle näkyvän valon sähkömagneettiselle säteilylle. Työssä perehdytään tarkemmin passiiv...

  4. hköautojen käyttäminen sähkövarastoina


    Paju, Juuso


    hköautojen yleistyminen voi aiheuttaa ongelmia niiden latauksessa. Akut ovat kapasiteetiltaan aiempaa suurempia ja ne pitäisi ladata lyhyessä ajassa. 90 prosenttia sähköautojen latauksesta tulee tapahtumaan kotona, mutta pientalojen sähköjärjestelmien mitoituksissa ei aiemmin ole otettu huomioon sähköautojen latauspisteiden käyttämää suurta latausvirtaa. Tässä opinnäytetyössä oli tarkoitus tutkia sähköauton pientalossa tapahtuvan latauksen aikana esiintyviä virtoja, tehoja ja pääsulakke...

  5. hkösuunnitelmien luovutusdokumentointi


    Lautamäki, Jouni


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda viralliset luovutusdokumentit asuntoosakeyhtiö Ilokkaanrinteen putkistosaneerauksen sähkösuunnitelmista. Kohteen saneeraus sisälsi taloyhtiön 46 asunnon kylpyhuoneiden sekä keittiöiden sähköjen uusimisen. Lisäksi kiinteistön yleisten tilojen sähköasennukset uusittiin lähes kokonaan. Tässä opinnäytetyössä haluan antaa lukijalle mahdollisimman selkeän kuvan luovutusdokumentoinnin tarkoituksesta ja sen laadinnasta. Lisäksi selvitän, mitä standardi S...

  6. Comportamiento de las aleaciones termorresistentes AISI HH y HK-40 ante los procesos de carburización y nitruración

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eleno Alfonso-Brindis


    Full Text Available Se evalúa el comportamiento de los aceros austeníticos fundidos AISI HH y HK- 40 (de producción nacional ante los procesos de carburización y nitruración en los rangos de temperaturas desde 750 hasta 1 000 °C. Se estudia la cinética y la termodinámica de las posibles reacciones y los productos de las mismas se caracterizan mediante técnicas de Microscopía Óptica, Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido y Microanálisis (MEB-EDAX. En el análisis microscópico se observó la formación de carburos de cromo después de la carburización, mientras que la nitruración dio lugar a la formación de nitruros de cromo. Se concluye que la aleación AISI HK-40 posee una elevada resistencia intrínseca a la carburización y a la nitruración, que hace factible su empleo en componentes de hornos de soleras múltiples para la reducción de minerales lateríticos

  7. AC/DC-piirien mitoitus sähköasematoimituksissa


    Rautarinta, Juha


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia Akku- ja Mitoitus-ohjelmia sekä selvittää niiden soveltuvuutta sähköasemien apusähköjärjestelmien mitoitukseen. Ohjelmia käytettiin VEO Oy:n toimittaman 110/20 kV:n sähköaseman tasasähköpiirien mitoituksen tutkimiseen. Työn alkuun on kerätty teoriaa etenkin sähköasemien tasasähköjärjestelmien mitoituksessa huomioon otettavista asioista ja standardeista. Lopussa käydään läpi ohjelmien käyttöä, ohjelman käyttämiä laskumenetelmiä ja kaavoja. ...

  8. ePorsche : Jarrutustehon talteenotto sähköajoneuvoissa


    Saarni, Atte


    Tämän opinnäytteen tarkoitus oli tutustua sähköajoneuvojen jarrutustehontalteenottojär-jestelmiin, suunnitella superkondensaattorimoduulilla toteutettava talteenottojärjestelmä ePorsche 928 sähkökonversiota varten ja tutkia sähköajoneuvossa käytettävän teho-elektroniikan sovelluksia ja mahdollisuuksia. ePorsche projekti on tehty yhteistyössä Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulun, Tampereen Ammattiopiston ja Tampereen Sähkö-ajoneuvokeskuksen kanssa. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään sähköisiä, mekaanisi...

  9. hköajoneuvojen akusto ja kestoikä


    Niemi, Miro


    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on sähköautojen akustojen kestävyys ja kapasiteetin lasku.Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten sähköautojen akkukapasiteetti laskee ja mitkä eri tekijät siihen vaikuttavat.Työ on toteutettu kirjallisuusselvityksenä tutkimalla aihetta käsitteleviä internetlähteitä ja kirjallisuutta. Työssä on käsitelty yleisimmät sähköautoissa käytettävät akkutyypit ja niiden rakenne sekä tarkasteltu yleisesti sähköautojen ja akkujen toimintaa. Samalla on myös selvitetty, mit...

  10. NRC Information No. 89-86: Type HK circuit breakers missing close latch anti-shock springs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rossi, C.E.


    During the recent refueling outage at Fermi Unit 2, the licensee inspected both safety-related and non-safety-related Type HK circuit breakers. The close latch anti-shock springs were observed to be missing in approximately 40 safety-related Type HK circuit breakers that had been manufactured outside of the previously identified timeframes. (The identified circuit breakers were manufactured in 1974.) Thus, the timeframes previously identified by the manufacturer (prior to 1973 and from June 1975 to June 1977) may not be totally inclusive. In addition, because of changes in corporate name, mergers, etc., Type HK circuit breakers may indicate manufacture by ITE, ITE Imperial, Gould, Brown Boveri, or a combination thereof. The current name of the manufacturer is ASEA Brown Boveri. Recipients may need to be cognizant of this when determining whether they utilize potentially affected equipment

  11. Space-environmental tolerances in a cyanobacterium, Nostoc sp. HK-01 (United States)

    Tomita-Yokotani, Kaori; Yokobori, Shin-ichi; Kimura, Shunta; Sato, Seigo; Katoh, Hiroshi; Ajioka, Reiko; Yamagishi, Akihiko; Inoue, Kotomi


    We have been investigating the tolerances to space-environments of a cyanobacterium, Nostoc sp. HK-01 (hereafter referred to as HK-01). Dry colonies of HK-01 had high tolerance to dry conditions, but more detailed information about tolerance to high-temperature, UV, gamma-ray and heavy particle beams were not deeply investigated. The obtained dry colonies of HK-01 after exposure to each of the conditions described above were investigated. In all of the tested colonies of HK-01 after exposure, all or some of the cells in the colonies were alive. One of the purposes of space agriculture is growing plants on Mars. In the early stages, of our research, cyanobacteria are introduced on Mars to promote the oxidation of the atmosphere and the formation of soil from Mars's regolith. HK-01 will contribute to each of these factors in the future.

  12. hköisen rakennusluvan hakeminen ja hyvä tiedonhallintatapa


    Korpela, Marika


    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli sähköisen rakennusluvan hakeminen ja hyvä tiedonhallintatapa. Työn toimeksiantaja oli Salon kaupunki, rakennusvalvontayksikkö. Työ toteutettiin tutkimalla sähköistä asiointia käsitteleviä lakeja. Empiiriosassa teoriaa sovellettiin Salon kaupungin rakennusvalvontayksikön toimintaan sekä annettiin ohjeita sähköisen asioinnin vaatimuksista. Tärkein asian käsittelyyn liittyvä lainsäädäntö on laki sähköisestä asioinnista viranomaistoiminnassa (SAVL 13/2003). Lisäksi h...

  13. Evolution of space food in Nostoc sp. HK-01 (United States)

    Tomita-Yokotani, Kaori; Yamashita, Masamichi; Hashimoto, Hirofumi; Sato, Seigo; Kimura, Yasuko; Katoh, Hiroshi; Arai, Mayumi


    Habitation in outer space is one of our challenges. We have been studying future space agriculture to provide food and oxygen for the habitation area in the space environment, on Mars. A cyanobacteria, Nostoc sp. HK-01, has high several outer space environmental tolerance. We have already confirmed that Nostoc sp.HK-01 had an ability to grow for over several years on the Martian regolith simulant in a laboratory experiment. Nostoc sp HK-01 would have high contribution to change the atmosphere in Mars as a photosynthetic creature. In outer environment, all of materials have to circulate for all of creature living in artificial eco-systems on Mars. This material has several functions as the utilization in space agriculture. Here, we are proposing using them as a food after its growing on Mars. We are trying to determine the best conditions and evolution for space food using Nostoc sp.HK-01 and studying the proposal of utilization of cyanobacteria, Nostoc sp HK-01, for the variation of meal as space agriculture.

  14. hkösuunnittelu osana suunnitteluprojektia


    Grönroos, Roope


    Insinöörityö tehtiin Sweco Industry Oy:n automaatio-osastolle. Työssä tutkittiin, kuinka teollisuuden sähkösuunnittelu liittyy suunnitteluprojekteissa muihin suunnittelualoihin isomman suunnittelukonsernin näkökulmasta. Alussa perehdytään muihin suunnittelualoihin ja siihen, kuinka ne ovat sidoksissa teollisuuden sähkösuunnitteluun. Alussa käydään läpi suunnitteluprojektin eri vaiheita ja mitä niihin sisältyy. Työtä varten haastateltiin eri suunnittelualojen kokeneita ammattil...

  15. Microestructura de una unión disímil AISI 321 y una aleación A 351 grado HK-40 obtenida mediante soldadura manual por arco eléctrico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reilis Fuentes-Guilarte


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue establecer el comportamiento microestructural de una unión disímil de acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 321 y de la aleación A 351 grado HK 40 obtenida por fundición mediante soldadura manual por arco eléctrico y electrodos revestidos del tipo E 309 L-16. La estructura ferrita–austeníta que se forma en la unión del acero con la aleación es resultado del elevado contenido de carbono de la segunda. La baja velocidad de enfriamiento del cordón de soldadura revela ausencia de discontinuidades en el retículo cristalino de la zona afectada térmicamente y atenúa la formación de carburos de cromo del tipo Cr23C6, que puede formar la aleación A 351 grado HK 40 durante la difusión del volumen de fracción en masa del cromo.

  16. Utilization of a terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc sp. HK-01, for space habitation (United States)

    Kimura, Shunta; Tomita-Yokotani, Kaori; Arai, Mayumi; Yamashita, Masamichi; Katoh, Hiroshi; Ajioka, Reiko; Inoue, Kotomi


    A terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc sp. HK-01 (hereafter HK-01), has several useful abilities for space habitation; photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and space environmental tolerances to vacuum, UV, gamma-ray, heavy particle beam, low and high temperature. Space environmental tolerances are important for transportation to Mars. HK-01 can grow on Martian regolith simulant (MRS) in vitro. Furthermore, HK-01 is useful as food. HK-01 may be utilized as oxygen supply, soil formation and food material for bio-chemical circulation in closed bio-ecosystems, including space habitation such as Mars. HK-01 was adopted as a biological material for the "TANPOPO" mission (JAXA et al.,), because of their high environmental tolerances. The "TANPOPO" mission is performing the space exposure experiments on the Japan Experimental Module (JEM) of the International Space Station (ISS). The results of these experiments will show the ability of HK-01 to survive in space.

  17. Effect of HK2, PKM2 and LDHA on Cetuximab efficacy in metastatic colorectal cancer. (United States)

    Wang, Haohua; Peng, Roujun; Chen, Xiuxing; Jia, Rui; Huang, Chunyue; Huang, Yuanyuan; Xia, Liangping; Guo, Guifang


    Although hexokinase (HK) 2, pyruvate kinase muscle (PKM) isozyme 2 and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) A predict the efficacy of medicines in various solid tumors, their ability to predict the efficacy of cetuximab in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) remains unclear. mCRC patients with pathological specimens who received cetuximab and chemotherapy from 2005 to 2015 in the present institution were enrolled. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect HK2, PKM2 and LDHA expression. SPSS20 was used for statistical analysis. A total of 68 patients were included; 33 received cetuximab plus chemotherapy as first-line therapy, and the rest, as second- or later-line therapy. HK2 expression levels were increased in cancer compared with normal tissue (75.4% vs. 40%; P<0.001), however PKM2 (P=0.243) and LDHA (P=0.067) expression levels were not. For progression-free survival (PFS) with first-line cetuximab plus chemotherapy, patients with high HK2 expression exhibited longer PFS compared with those with low HK2 expression (23.9 months vs. 6.9 months; P=0.021). However, this positive association was absent in 35 cases administered first-line chemotherapy alone (13.4 months vs. 13.5 months; P=0.539). LDHA expression was associated with the PFS of patients receiving first-line chemotherapy (18.3 and 10.1 months for high and low expression, respectively; P=0.005), whereas this association was absent in cetuximab plus chemotherapy cases (19.9 months vs. 12 months; P=0.522). Furthermore, high LDHA expression correlated with high overall response rate (ORR) (72.2% vs. 15.4%, P=0.006) for chemotherapy, however not disease control rate (DCR) (P=0.074). Neither DCR nor ORR were associated with HK2 expression. PKM2 expression did not affect PFS, DCR or ORR. LDHA expression (P=0.005), pathological differentiation (P=0.019) and synchronous/metachronous metastasis (P=0.014) were independent predictive factors of PFS for all first-line patients, and tumor differentiation (P=0.002) was associated

  18. Autosähköinsinöörikoulutuksen kehittäminen


    Kovanen, Pasi


    Tässä opinnäytetyössä analysoidaan ja verrataan Metropolian ajoneuvotekniikan tutkinto-ohjelman autosähkötekniikan opetussuunnitelmaa kotimaisten ja ulkomaisten korkeakoulujen opetussuunnitelmiin. Metropolian autosähkötekniikan opetussuunnitelmassa on vertailluista kohteista eniten autosähköteknistä opetusta. Ulkomaisissa korkeakouluissa suoritetuttujen teemahaastattelujen avulla analysoidaan sidosryhmien käyttöä opetusmateriaalin lähteenä, sekä ajoneuvoteollisuuden vaikutusta opetussuun...

  19. hköinen palkkahallinto yrityksen, tilitoimiston ja palkanlaskijan kannalta


    Majava, Tero


    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia sähköisen palkkahallinnon vaikutuksia ja näkökulmia yrityksen, tilitoimiston ja palkanlaskijan kannalta verrattuna perinteiseen palkkahallintoon. Tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa sähköisen palkkahallinnon hyödyt ja haitat kaikista kolmesta eri näkökulmasta ja sitä, onko kannattavaa siirtyä sähköisen palkkahallinnon pariin. Tutkimus on tehty kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää käyttäen, pohjautuen kirjoituspöytätyöhön, tutkien ja analysoiden aiheeseen liitty...

  20. Thermo-physical Properties and Mechanical Properties of Burn-resistant Titanium Alloy Ti40

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LAI Yunjin


    Full Text Available As a functional material of burn-resistant titanium alloy, the physical properties of Ti40 alloy were first reported. The chemical compositions of Ti40 alloy ingots by VAR were uniform. The microstructures of Ti40 alloy slab manufactured by HEFF+WPF were uniform. The results show that the room temperature tensile strength of Ti40 alloy is 950 MPa degree. The properties of high temperature heat exposure, creep resistance and lasting time are good at 500 ℃. In the range from room temperature to 600 ℃, Young's modulus and shear modulus are decreased linearly with increasing the temperature, Poisson's ratio is increases slowly as the temperature rises, and linear thermal expansion coefficient and average linear expansion coefficient is increase as the temperature rises.

  1. Host range, immunity and antigenic properties of lambdoid coliphage HK97. (United States)

    Dhillon, E K; Dhillon, T S; Lai, A N; Linn, S


    Temperate coliphage HK97 was isolated from pig dung. Although HK97 is antigenically unrelated to coliphage lambda, it has similar morphology, host range and immunity properties, and can recombine with it.

  2. Properties of super alloys for high temperature gas cooled reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Izaki, Takashi; Nakai, Yasuo; Shimizu, Shigeki; Murakami, Takashi


    The existing data on the properties at high temperature in helium gas of iron base super alloys. Incoloy-800, -802 and -807, nickel base super alloys, Hastelloy-X, Inconel-600, -617 and -625, and a casting alloy HK-40 were collectively evaluated from the viewpoint of the selection of material for HTGRs. These properties include corrosion resistance, strength and toughness, weldability, tube making, formability, radioactivation, etc. Creep strength was specially studied, taking into consideration the data on the creep characteristics in the actual helium gas atmosphere. The necessity of further long run creep data is suggested. Hastelloy-X has completely stable corrosion resistance at high temperature in helium gas. Incoloy 800 and 807 and Inconel 617 are not preferable in view of corrosion resistance. The creep strength of Inconel 617 extraporated to 1,000 deg C for 100,000 hours in air was the greatest rupture strength of 0.6 kg/mm 2 in all above alloys. However, its strength in helium gas began to fall during a relatively short time, so that its creep strength must be re-evaluated in the use for long time. The radioactivation and separation of oxide film in primary construction materials came into question, Inconel 617 and Incoloy 807 showed high induced radioactivity intensity. Generally speaking, in case of nickel base alloys such as Hastelloy-X, oxide film is difficult to break away. (Iwakiri, K.)

  3. Heavy neutrino mixing in the T2HK, the T2HKK and an extension of the T2HK with a detector at Oki Islands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abe, Yugo; Asano, Yusuke; Haba, Naoyuki; Yamada, Toshifumi


    We study the discovery potential for the mixing of heavy isospin-singlet neutrinos in extensions of the Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) experiment, the Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande (T2HK), the Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande-to-Korea (T2HKK) with a Korea detector with ≅ 1000 km baseline length and 1 circle off-axis angle, and a plan of adding a small detector at Oki Islands to the T2HK. We further pursue the possibility of measuring the neutrino mass hierarchy and the standard CP-violating phase δ CP in the presence of heavy neutrino mixing by fitting data with the standard oscillation parameters only. We show that the sensitivity to heavy neutrino mixing is highly dependent on δ CP and new CP-violating phases in the heavy neutrino mixing matrix, and deteriorates considerably when these phases conspire to suppress interference between the standard oscillation amplitude and an amplitude arising from heavy neutrino mixing, at the first oscillation peak. Although this suppression is avoided by the use of a beam with smaller off-axis angle, the T2HKK and the T2HK+small Oki detector do not show improvement over the T2HK. As for the mass hierarchy measurement, the wrong mass hierarchy is possibly favored in the T2HK because heavy neutrino mixing can mimic matter effects. In contrast, the T2HKK and the T2HK+small Oki detector are capable of correctly measuring the mass hierarchy despite heavy neutrino mixing, as measurements with different baselines resolve degeneracy between heavy neutrino mixing and matter effects. Notably, adding a small detector at Oki to the T2HK drastically ameliorates the sensitivity, which is the central appeal of this paper. As for the δ CP measurement, there can be a sizable discrepancy between the true δ CP and the value obtained by fitting data with the standard oscillation parameters only, which can be comparable to 1σ resolution of the δ CP measurement. Hence, if a hint of heavy neutrino mixing is discovered, it is necessary to incorporate the effects

  4. Heavy neutrino mixing in the T2HK, the T2HKK and an extension of the T2HK with a detector at Oki Islands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abe, Yugo [Shimane University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Matsue (Japan); Miyakonojo College, National Institute of Technology, Miyakonojo-shi Miyazaki (Japan); Asano, Yusuke; Haba, Naoyuki; Yamada, Toshifumi [Shimane University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Matsue (Japan)


    We study the discovery potential for the mixing of heavy isospin-singlet neutrinos in extensions of the Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) experiment, the Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande (T2HK), the Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande-to-Korea (T2HKK) with a Korea detector with ≅ 1000 km baseline length and 1 {sup circle} off-axis angle, and a plan of adding a small detector at Oki Islands to the T2HK. We further pursue the possibility of measuring the neutrino mass hierarchy and the standard CP-violating phase δ{sub CP} in the presence of heavy neutrino mixing by fitting data with the standard oscillation parameters only. We show that the sensitivity to heavy neutrino mixing is highly dependent on δ{sub CP} and new CP-violating phases in the heavy neutrino mixing matrix, and deteriorates considerably when these phases conspire to suppress interference between the standard oscillation amplitude and an amplitude arising from heavy neutrino mixing, at the first oscillation peak. Although this suppression is avoided by the use of a beam with smaller off-axis angle, the T2HKK and the T2HK+small Oki detector do not show improvement over the T2HK. As for the mass hierarchy measurement, the wrong mass hierarchy is possibly favored in the T2HK because heavy neutrino mixing can mimic matter effects. In contrast, the T2HKK and the T2HK+small Oki detector are capable of correctly measuring the mass hierarchy despite heavy neutrino mixing, as measurements with different baselines resolve degeneracy between heavy neutrino mixing and matter effects. Notably, adding a small detector at Oki to the T2HK drastically ameliorates the sensitivity, which is the central appeal of this paper. As for the δ{sub CP} measurement, there can be a sizable discrepancy between the true δ{sub CP} and the value obtained by fitting data with the standard oscillation parameters only, which can be comparable to 1σ resolution of the δ{sub CP} measurement. Hence, if a hint of heavy neutrino mixing is discovered, it is

  5. ALA/LA ameliorates glucose toxicity on HK-2 cells by attenuating oxidative stress and apoptosis through the ROS/p38/TGF-β1 pathway. (United States)

    Jiang, Mingxia; Zhang, Haifen; Zhai, Lijie; Ye, Bianliang; Cheng, Yin; Zhai, Chengkai


    Growing evidence indicates that oxidative stress (OS) plays a pivotal role in Diabetic nephropathy (DN). In a previous study we demonstrated that ALA/LA protected HK-2 cells against high glucose-induced cytotoxicity. So we aimed to establish the glucose injury model of HK-2 cells and investigate the beneficial effects of ALA/LA on high glucose-induced excessive production of TGF-β1 and the possible mechanisms mediating the effects. The expression of OS markers in high glucose-induced HK-2 cells treated with ALA/LA., including the antioxidant enzymes and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, as well as the apoptosis rate were assayed by ELISA and flow cytometry. The p38/transforming growth factor β 1 (TGF-β 1 ) signal pathway were measured by real-time RT-PCR and western blot. The modeling condition of glucose toxicity on HK-2 cells was at the glucose concentration of 40.9 mM. ALA/LA can significantly increase the activities of antioxidant enzymes and decrease ROS production stimulated by high glucose. The study also found that ALA/LA caused a decrease in the apoptosis rate and TGF-β 1 level of HK-2 cells under high glucose stress through the ROS/p38 pathway. ALA/LA exerts protective effects in vitro through inhibition of ROS generation, down regulation of the activation of the p38MAPK pathway and the expression of TGF-β 1 in HK-2 cells.

  6. HK2 Recruitment to Phospho-BAD Prevents Its Degradation, Promoting Warburg Glycolysis by Theileria-Transformed Leukocytes. (United States)

    Haidar, Malak; Lombès, Anne; Bouillaud, Frédéric; Kennedy, Eileen J; Langsley, Gordon


    Theileria annulata infects bovine leukocytes, transforming them into invasive, cancer-like cells that cause the widespread disease called tropical theileriosis. We report that in Theileria-transformed leukocytes hexokinase-2 (HK2) binds to B cell lymphoma-2-associated death promoter (BAD) only when serine (S) 155 in BAD is phosphorylated. We show that HK2 recruitment to BAD is abolished by a cell-penetrating peptide that acts as a nonphosphorylatable BAD substrate that inhibits endogenous S155 phosphorylation, leading to complex dissociation and ubiquitination and degradation of HK2 by the proteasome. As HK2 is a critical enzyme involved in Warburg glycolysis, its loss forces Theileria-transformed macrophages to switch back to HK1-dependent oxidative glycolysis that down-regulates macrophage proliferation only when they are growing on glucose. When growing on galactose, degradation of HK2 has no effect on Theileria-infected leukocyte proliferation, because metabolism of this sugar is independent of hexokinases. Thus, targeted disruption of the phosphorylation-dependent HK2/BAD complex may represent a novel approach to control Theileria-transformed leukocyte proliferation.

  7. Yrityksen sähköinen markkinointiviestintä : edullisesti lisäarvoa asiakkaalle


    Lietzén, Laura


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on pohtia miten paikallinen pieni autokorjaamo voi luoda asiakkaalle lisäarvoa sähköisen markkinointiviestinnän avulla. Työssä keskitytään sähköisen markkinointiviestinnän osalta sosiaalisen median valjastamiseen yrityskäyttöön sekä vuorovaikutuksen luomiseen yrityksen ja asiakkaiden välillä. Perinteinen markkinointiviestintä on ollut yrityksien yksinhuutelua asiakkaille, kun taas nykyisin erityisesti sähköisessä maailmassa vuoropuhelu on tärkeä osa toimintaa...

  8. Structure of Mn40Zn60 liquid alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sbihi, D Es; Grosdidier, B; Gasser, J G


    In this work we present the structural study of the Mn 40 Zn 60 liquid alloy, whose two components have a high vapour pressure. The structure has been measured by neutron diffraction. The investigation of the chemical order in this alloy was readily made possible. This is due to the manganese negative scattering length which allows a good contrast. A magnetic correction has been considered since manganese is paramagnetic in the liquid state. An 'effective' spin is obtained and its value is discussed. The interpretation of the atomic structure is done in the frame of the Bhatia-Thornton formalism, (S NN (q), S NC (q), S CC (q)) which allows to separate topological, size and chemical effects. It appears clearly that manganese ions and zinc ions have approximately the same radius in the alloy as S NC (q) ≅ 0. The Bhatia-Thornton number-number partial structure factor S NN (q) has been approximated by a linear combination of the experimental structure factors of the two alloy pure components. In the frame of this assumption, the Bhatia-Thornton concentration-concentration partial structure factor S CC (q) is obtained, and shows clearly that this alloy is hetero-coordinated. The hard sphere model cannot explain the structure of this alloy. Its behaviour is compared to other manganese-polyvalent alloys and the general trends are discussed

  9. Aurinkosähkön hyödyntäminen veneen pääasiallisena energialähteenä


    Seppälä, Heikki


    Opinnäytetyö käsittelee aurinkosähkön hyödyntämistä sähköpropulsiolla varustetun veneen energialähteenä. Työssä tällaista venettä nimitetään aurinkosähköveneeksi. Aurinkosähköveneiden määrä on toistaiseksi pieni, mutta tilanne saattaa muuttua lähitulevaisuudessa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää aurinkosähköveneen kehittymismahdollisuudet yleiseksi venemalliksi ja aurinkosähköveneen suunnitteluprosessiin vaikuttavat tekijät. Näistä asioista kertovaa kirjallisuutta tai muita laajoja...

  10. Investigation of fretting corrosion of vacuum-chrome-plated vt3-1 titanium alloy in pair with unprotected vt3-1 alloy and 40khnma steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rojkh, I.L.; Koltunova, L.N.; Vejtsman, M.G.; Birman, Ya.N.; Skosarev, A.V.; Kogan, I.S.


    The character of destruction of contacting surfaces in the process of fretting corrosion of titanium alloy VT3-1 chromized in vacuum in pair with unprotected alloy VT3-1 and steel 40KhNMA has been studied by scanning electron microscopy, electronography, and recording the surface profile. The specific load was 200 kg/cm 2 , vibration amplitude 50 mkm and frequency 500 Hz. It has been established that pairs unprotected with coating are subjected to intensive fretting corrosion especially when they are made of titanium alloy. For the pair chromized alloy VT3-1 - unprotected alloy VT3-1 no destruction of a chromized surface is observed. Vacuum chromium coating in the pair with steel 40KhNMA reveals similar properties as in pair with a titanium alloy. The surface of a steel sample is destroyed because of fretting corrosion, though the intensity of corrosion is lower than in the case of unprotected pairs. Vacuum chromium coating is recommended for protection of titanium alloy VT3-1 from fretting corrosion in pair with steel 40KhNMA or an alloy VT3-1 especially in those cases when various organic coatings are unsuitable

  11. Damping characteristics of a Ti40.5Ni49.5Zr10 shape memory alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsieh, S.F.; Wu, S.K.


    Ti 40.5 Ni 49.5 Zr 10 alloy undergoes B2-bar B19' martensitic transformation. Damping capacities of B19' and B2 phases of this alloy are lower than those of Ti 51 Ni 49 alloy due to Zr atoms solid-soluted hardening. Transformation temperatures of this alloy decrease, but transformation peak heights Q max -1 increase with increasing aging time at 300 o C due to the formation of finer (001) M twins for specimens aged longer. The Q max -1 peaks of the slightly cold-rolled Ti 40.5 Ni 49.5 Zr 10 alloy are higher than those of the as-annealed alloy, which may be because the thinner twins are induced by small deformation

  12. Parima ulmeteose kirjutas Kivirähk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ulmeauhind Stalker 2008 - tõlkeromaan: Martin, George R. R. Troonide mäng / tlk. Mario Kivistik; tõlkejutt: Card, Orson Scott. Kuninglik liha; algupärane raamat: Kivirähk, Andrus. Mees, kes teadis ussisõnu; algupärane jutt: Veskimees, Siim. Keskpäevapimedus; parim eesti autori jutt: Risto, Taivo. Laatsaruse rahamasin. Vt. ka Looming, 2008, nr. 8, lk. 1271

  13. Structural and magnetic evolution of nanostructured Co{sub 40}Fe{sub 10}Zr{sub 10}B{sub 40} prepared by mechanical alloying

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raanaei, Hossein, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr 75169 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Abbasi, Sadeq [Department of Physics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr 75169 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Behaein, Saeed [Department of Physics, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71454 (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    The structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline alloy powder Co{sub 40}Fe{sub 10}Zr{sub 10}B{sub 40} prepared by mechanical alloying have been characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). It is shown that the crystallite size has been decreased significantly to about 15 nm after 8 h milling time. On continuing the milling time mechanical crystallization and subsequently the alloying process were noticed up to 190 h. Saturation magnetization decreased during the whole process while coercivity achieved the highest value at the crystallization stage. Post treatment of milled powder at 190 h revealed crystalline constituent elements. - Highlights: • This article focuses on mechanical alloying of Co{sub 40}Fe{sub 10}Zr{sub 10}B{sub 40} system. • Mechanical crystallization is observed. • Structural and magnetic properties were investigated. • The heat treatment revealed the crystalline phases of constituent elements.

  14. Paperisen ja sähköisen taloushallinnon prosessien vertailua


    Aakula, Kreetta


    Yrityksen taloushallintoon kuuluu monia tärkeitä tehtäviä: laskutus, laskujen maksu, tilausten lähetys, palkanlaskenta, kirjanpito ja työnantaja- ja veroilmoitusten laadinta. Nämä asiat voidaan tänä päivänä hoitaa vähemmällä työllä siirtymällä sähköiseen taloushallintoon. Sähköinen automatisoitu taloushallinto mahdollistaa töiden uudelleen järjestämisen ajasta ja paikasta riippumatta, tehostaa yrityksen taloushallintoa ja alentaa kustannuksia. Opinnäytetyöni tutkimusongelma oli se, miten t...

  15. The Hong Kong version of the Oxford Cognitive Screen (HK-OCS): validation study for Cantonese-speaking chronic stroke survivors. (United States)

    Kong, Anthony Pak-Hin; Lam, Pinky Hiu-Ping; Ho, Diana Wai-Lam; Lau, Johnny King; Humphreys, Glyn W; Riddoch, Jane; Weekes, Brendan


    This study reports the validation of the Hong Kong version of Oxford Cognitive Screen (HK-OCS). Seventy Cantonese-speaking healthy individuals participated to establish normative data and 46 chronic stroke survivors were assessed using the HK-OCS, Albert's Test of Visual Neglect, short test of gestural production, and Hong Kong version of the following assessments: Western Aphasia Battery, MMSE, MoCA, Modified Barthel Index, and Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale. The validity of the HK-OCS was appraised by the difference between the two participant groups. Neurologically unimpaired individuals performed significantly better than stroke survivors on the HK-OCS. Positive and significant correlations found between cognitive subtests in the HK-OCS and related assessments indicated good concurrent validity. Excellent intra-rater and inter-rater reliabilities, fair test-retest reliability, and acceptable internal consistency suggested that the HK-OCS had good reliability. Specific HK-OCS subtests including semantics, episodic memory, number writing, and orientation were the best predictors of functional outcomes.

  16. Corrosion resistance of amorphous and crystalline Pd40Ni40P20 alloys in aqueous solutions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wu, Y.F.; Chiang, Wen-Chi; Chu, J.


    The corrosion behaviors of amorphous and crystalline Pd40Ni40P20 alloys in various aqueous solutions are reported in this paper. The corrosion resistance of crystalline (annealed) Pd40Ni40P20 is better than that of amorphous Pd40Ni40P20 in various corrosive solutions, due to crystalline Pd40Ni40P20...... and mainly consists of inert Pd5P2, NI3P, Ni2Pd2P and noble Pd phases. These inert and noble properties result in a higher corrosion resistance in crystalline Pd40Ni40P20....

  17. The Peculiar SN 2005hk: Do Some Type Ia Supernovae Explode As Deflagrations?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Phillips, M.M.; Li, W.; Frieman, J.A.; Blinnikov, S.I.; DePoy, D.; Prieto, J.L.; Milne, P.; Contreras, C.; Folatelli, Gaston; Morrell, N.; Hamuy, M.; Suntzeff, N.B.; Roth, M.; Gonzalez, S.; Krzeminski, W.; Filippenko, A.V.; Freedman, W.L.; Chornock, R.; Jha, S.; Madore, B.F.; Persson, S.E.; /Las Campanas Observ. /UC, Berkeley, Astron. Dept.


    We present extensive u{prime}g{prime}r{prime}i{prime} BV RIY JHK{sub s} photometry and optical spectroscopy of SN 2005hk. These data reveal that SN 2005hk was nearly identical in its observed properties to SN 2002cx, which has been called 'the most peculiar known type Ia supernova'. Both supernovae exhibited high ionization SN 1991T-like pre-maximum spectra, yet low peak luminosities like SN 1991bg. The spectra reveal that SN 2005hk, like SN 2002cx, exhibited expansion velocities that were roughly half those of typical type Ia supernovae. The R and I light curves of both supernovae were also peculiar in not displaying the secondary maximum observed for normal type Ia supernovae. Our Y JH photometry of SN 2005hk reveals the same peculiarity in the near-infrared. By combining our optical and near-infrared photometry of SN 2005hk with published ultraviolet light curves obtained with the Swift satellite, we are able to construct a bolometric light curve from {approx} 10 days before to {approx}60 days after B maximum. The shape and unusually low peak luminosity of this light curve, plus the low expansion velocities and absence of a secondary maximum at red and near-infrared wavelengths, are all in reasonable agreement with model calculations of a 3D deflagration which produces {approx} 0.25 M{sub {circle_dot}} of {sup 56}Ni.

  18. Family values in the age of genomics: comparative analyses of temperate bacteriophage HK022. (United States)

    Weisberg, R A; Gottesmann, M E; Hendrix, R W; Little, J W


    HK022 is a temperate coliphage related to phage lambda. Its chromosome has been completely sequenced, and several aspects of its life cycle have been intensively studied. In the overall arrangement, expression, and function of most of its genes, HK022 broadly resembles lambda and other members of the lambda family. Upon closer view, significant differences emerge. The differences reveal alternative strategies used by related phages to cope with similar problems and illuminate previously unknown regulatory and structural motifs. HK022 prophages protect lysogens from superinfection by producing a sequence-specific RNA binding protein that prematurely terminates nascent transcripts of infecting phage. It uses a novel RNA-based mechanism to antiterminate its own early transcription. The HK022 protein shell is strengthened by a complex pattern of covalent subunit interlinking to form a unitary structure that resembles chain-mail armour. Its integrase and repressor proteins are similar to those of lambda, but the differences provide insights into the evolution of biological specificity and the elements needed for construction of a stable genetic switch.

  19. The Two- and Three-Dimensional Models of the HK-WISC: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis. (United States)

    Chan, David W.; Lin, Wen-Ying


    Confirmatory analyses on the Hong Kong Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (HK-WISC) provided support for composite score interpretation based on the two- and three-dimensional models across age levels. Test sample was comprised of 1,100 children, ranging in age from 5 to 15 years at all 11 age levels specified by the HK-WISC. (KW)

  20. Signatures of a light sterile neutrino in T2HK (United States)

    Agarwalla, Sanjib Kumar; Chatterjee, Sabya Sachi; Palazzo, Antonio


    We investigate the performance of T2HK in the presence of a light eV scale sterile neutrino. We study in detail its influence in resolving fundamental issues like mass hierarchy, CP-violation (CPV) induced by the standard CP-phase δ 13 and new CP-phase δ 14, and the octant ambiguity of θ 23. We show for the first time in detail that due to the impressive energy reconstruction capabilities of T2HK, the available spectral information plays an important role to enhance the mass hierarchy discovery reach of this experiment in 3 ν framework and also to keep it almost intact even in 4 ν scheme. This feature is also of the utmost importance in establishing the CPV due to δ 14. As far as the sensitivity to CPV due to δ 13 is concerned, it does not change much going from 3 ν to 4 ν case. We also examine the reconstruction capability of the two phases δ 13 and δ 14, and find that the typical 1 σ uncertainty on δ 13 ( δ 14) in T2HK is ˜ 150 (300). While determining the octant of θ 23, we face a complete loss of sensitivity for unfavorable combinations of unknown δ 13 and δ 14.

  1. Effect of nanocrystalline phase on the electrochemical behavior of the alloy Ti{sub 60}Ni{sub 40}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mathur, Shubhra, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur 303905 (India); Jain, Rohit [Department of Physics, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur 303905 (India); Kumar, Praveen [Surface Physics and Nanostructure Group, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi 110012 (India); Sachdev, K.; Sharma, S.K. [Department of Physics, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, JLN-Marg, Jaipur 302017 (India)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Polarization studies carried out on different structural states of the alloy Ti{sub 60}Ni{sub 40}. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Nanocrystalline state exhibits superior corrosion resistance as compared to other states of the alloy Ti{sub 60}Ni{sub 40}. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer XPS results show that nanocrystalline specimen contains only TiO{sub 2} species. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer It leads to the formation of adherent and stable film and improves the corrosion resistance. - Abstract: Polarization studies were carried out on crystalline, amorphous and nanocrystalline states of the alloy Ti{sub 60}Ni{sub 40} in 1 M NaCl aqueous medium at room temperature. It was observed that nanocrystalline state exhibits superior corrosion resistance as compared to other states of the alloy Ti{sub 60}Ni{sub 40}. Cyclic voltammetry studies and weight loss data corroborates the polarization studies. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique was used in order to decipher the nature of the oxide film formed after corrosion test on the specimens of the alloy Ti{sub 60}Ni{sub 40}. The crystalline specimen of the alloy Ti{sub 60}Ni{sub 40} shows the presence of Ti{sup 2+}, Ti{sup 3+} and Ti{sup 4+} species along with some unoxidized Ti in metallic form (Ti{sup 0}) whereas the amorphous specimen consists of Ti{sup 3+} and Ti{sup 4+} species. On the other hand nanocrystalline specimen contains only Ti{sup 4+} species. Thus it is likely that the presence of fewer species and the absence of Ti{sup 3+} in the oxide film formed on nanocrystalline specimen of Ti{sub 60}Ni{sub 40} lead to the formation of a film with greater homogeneity and protective quality in comparison to the films formed on crystalline and amorphous states of the alloy Ti{sub 60}Ni{sub 40} in 1 M NaCl aqueous medium.

  2. Improving the corrosion resistance of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy by micro-arc oxidation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xia, Y.H. [The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001 (China); Zhang, B.P., E-mail: [National Engineering Laboratory for Carbon Fiber Technology, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030001 (China); Lu, C.X. [National Engineering Laboratory for Carbon Fiber Technology, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030001 (China); Geng, L. [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 (China)


    In this paper, corrosion resistance of the Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy was modified by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) process. The microstructure and phase constituents of MAO layer were characterized by SEM, XRD and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The corrosion resistance of MAO treated Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy in the simulated body fluid were characterized by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The microstructure results indicated that a kind of ceramic film was composed by MgO and MgF{sub 2} was formed on the surface of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy after MAO treatment. The electrochemical test reveals that the corrosion resistance of MAO treated samples increase 1 order of magnitude. The mechanical intensity test showed that the MAO treated samples has suitable mechanical properties. - Highlights: • Ceramic layer which is composited by MgO and MgF{sub 2} is prepared to improve the corrosion resistance of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy. • MAO treatment does not affect the mechanical properties of the Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy. • After 30-day immersion in SBF, the mechanical properties of MAO coated samples are still enough for bone fixed.

  3. Improving the corrosion resistance of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy by micro-arc oxidation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xia, Y.H.; Zhang, B.P.; Lu, C.X.; Geng, L.


    In this paper, corrosion resistance of the Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy was modified by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) process. The microstructure and phase constituents of MAO layer were characterized by SEM, XRD and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The corrosion resistance of MAO treated Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy in the simulated body fluid were characterized by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The microstructure results indicated that a kind of ceramic film was composed by MgO and MgF 2 was formed on the surface of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy after MAO treatment. The electrochemical test reveals that the corrosion resistance of MAO treated samples increase 1 order of magnitude. The mechanical intensity test showed that the MAO treated samples has suitable mechanical properties. - Highlights: • Ceramic layer which is composited by MgO and MgF 2 is prepared to improve the corrosion resistance of Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy. • MAO treatment does not affect the mechanical properties of the Mg–4.0Zn–0.2Ca alloy. • After 30-day immersion in SBF, the mechanical properties of MAO coated samples are still enough for bone fixed

  4. Wetting behavior of molten In-Sn alloy on bulk amorphous and crystalline Cu40Zr44Al8Ag8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, G. F.; Zhang, H. F.; Li, H.; Hu, Z. Q.


    Using the sessile-drop method, the wettability of the molten In-Sn alloy on bulk amorphous and crystalline Cu 40 Zr 44 Al 8 Ag 8 alloy was studied at different temperatures. It was found that the equilibrium contact angle of In-Sn alloy melt on bulk amorphous substrate was smaller than that of the crystalline one. An intermetallic compound existed at the interface of In-Sn alloy on amorphous Cu 40 Zr 44 Al 8 Ag 8 , while no intermediate reaction layer was formed at the interface of In-Sn alloy on crystalline Cu 40 Zr 44 Al 8 Ag 8 in the temperature range studied

  5. Dried Colony in Cyanobacterium, Nostoc sp. HK-01 — Several high Space Environment Tolerances for ``Tanpopo'' Mission (United States)

    Tomita-Yokotani, K.; Kimura, S.; Kimura, Y.; Igarashi, Y.; Ajioka, R.; Sato, S.; Katoh, H.; Baba, K.


    A cyanobacterium, Nostoc sp. HK-01, has high several space environmental tolerance. Nostoc sp HK-01 would have high contribution for the “Tanpopo” mission in Japan Experimental Module of the International Space Station.

  6. Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44: Lessons Learned from a Model Whole-Cell Bioreporter with a Broad Application History

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gary S. Sayler


    Full Text Available Initially described in 1990, Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 served as the first whole-cell bioreporter genetically endowed with a bioluminescent (luxCDABE phenotype directly linked to a catabolic (naphthalene degradative pathway. HK44 was the first genetically engineered microorganism to be released in the field to monitor bioremediation potential. Subsequent to that release, strain HK44 had been introduced into other solids (soils, sands, liquid (water, wastewater, and volatile environments. In these matrices, it has functioned as one of the best characterized chemically-responsive environmental bioreporters and as a model organism for understanding bacterial colonization and transport, cell immobilization strategies, and the kinetics of cellular bioluminescent emission. This review summarizes the characteristics of P. fluorescens HK44 and the extensive range of its applications with special focus on the monitoring of bioremediation processes and biosensing of environmental pollution.

  7. Kas poliitiline fair play on võimalik? / Juhan Kivirähk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivirähk, Juhan, 1957-


    Sotisoloog Juhan Kivirähk valimiskampaaniatest, presidendi valimise korrast. Mis saaks siis kui valimised läheksid tagasi Riigikokku? Diagrammid: Valijameeste ja rahva soosikud ; Rahva eelistused ajas

  8. Turvajalkineiden vaikutus jalkaterveyteen Suur-Savon Sähkötyö Oy:ssä


    Pulkkinen, Riikka; Tossavainen, Inka; Ryynänen, Elina


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia vaikutuksia turvajalkineilla voi olla jalkaterveyteen, minkälaisia jalkaongelmia turvajalkineiden käyttö voi aiheuttaa, voivatko työntekijät itse vaikuttaa turvajalkineiden hankintaan ja millainen on turvajalkineiden hankintaprosessi Suur-Savon Sähkötyö Oy:ssä. Opinnäytetyömme toimeksiantaja oli Suur-Savon Sähkötyö Oy. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin pääasiassa kvantitatiivista tutkimusta ja aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoidulla kysely...

  9. Structural and magnetic properties of Fe60Al40 alloys prepared by means of a magnetic mill

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernal-Correa, R.; Rosales-Rivera, A.; Pineda-Gomez, P.; Salazar, N.A.


    A study on synthesis, structural and magnetic characterization of Fe 60 Al 40 (at.%) alloys prepared by means of mechanical alloying process is presented. The mechanical alloying was performed using a milling device with magnetically controlled ball movement (Uni-Ball-Mill 5 equipment) at several milling times. The characterization was carried out via X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The effects of milling time on the structural state, morphological evolution and magnetic behaviour of the Fe 60 Al 40 (at.%) alloys are discussed. Besides, in this current study we emphasize the result that indicating a ferro-para-ferromagnetic transition from a correlation between X-ray diffraction and magnetization data.

  10. Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Mo-40Ni-13Si Multiphase Intermetallic Alloy. (United States)

    Song, Chunyan; Wang, Shuhuan; Gui, Yongliang; Cheng, Zihao; Ni, Guolong


    Intermetallic compounds are increasingly being expected to be utilized in tribological environments, but to date their implementation is hindered by insufficient ductility at low and medium temperatures. This paper presents a novel multiphase intermetallic alloy with the chemical composition of Mo-40Ni-13Si (at %). Microstructure characterization reveals that a certain amount of ductile Mo phases formed during the solidification process of a ternary Mo-Ni-Si molten alloy, which is beneficial to the improvement of ductility of intermetallic alloys. Tribological properties of the designed alloy-including wear resistance, friction coefficient, and metallic tribological compatibility-were evaluated under dry sliding wear test conditions at room temperature. Results suggest that the multiphase alloy possesses an excellent tribological property, which is attributed to unique microstructural features and thereby a good combination in hardness and ductility. The corresponding wear mechanism is explained by observing the worn surface, subsurface, and wear debris of the alloy, which was found to be soft abrasive wear.

  11. hköalan oppimateriaalin verkkodokumentointi


    Riikonen, Timitri


    Tämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun sähköalan opetuksen verkkodokumentointia. Työssä luodaan alusta, jota käytetään kurssin ohella. Alustaan tulisi sisällyttää sekä kurssimateriaali, että kurssin aikana käsiteltyjen asioiden havainnollistava materiaali. Sen tulisi olla helppo sekä käyttää että muokata. Alustaa varten testattiin useita eri sovelluksia. Työssä käytettiin Savonia-ammattikorkeakoululla käytössä olevaa DMS600NE-verkkotietojärjestelmää. Ohjelmaan luo...

  12. Mycelial fermentation and medicinal properties of a valuable medicinal fungus Cordyceps sinensis Cs-HK1

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Wu Jianyong


    Cordyceps sinensis (Cs) or Dongchongxiacao in Chinese is a rare and precious medicinal mushroom. In this work,a Tolypocladium sp. fungus named Cs-HK1 was isolated from a natural Cs fruiting body,and its ultraviolet (UV),infrared (IR) and high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) spectra all exhibited high degrees of matching to those of natural Cs,indicating the similarity of chemical composition. A crude polysac-charide (PS) fraction isolated from Cs-HK1 fungal mycelium showed significant antitumor activity,inhibiting melanoma tumor growth in mice. The PS-treated mice showed significantly higher serum interferon-γ(IFN-γ) level and higher proliferation rate of lymphocytes ex vivo than the control animals,suggestive of the immuno-modulatory activity of the PS fraction. In cell cultures,the PS fraction caused a significant and dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the proliferation of two cancer cell lines ,B16/neu mouse melanoma and MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells,but not on normal spleen lymphocytes in vitro. Most of these bioactivities of the Cs-HK1 fungus were comparable to or even greater than those of natural Cs. The results showed that Cs-HK1 fun-gus may be a functional substitute for the natural Cs in health food and herbal medicine.

  13. hköisen kaupankäynnin kehittäminen : Case Arkmedian verkkokauppa


    Lampimäki, Tami


    hköinen kaupankäynti on muuttanut kuluttajien ja yritysasiakkaitten tapaa tehdä ostoksia ja tilauksia. Tänä päivänä lähes jokaisella yrityksellä on kotisivut, joista löytyvät yhteystiedot ja muuta oleellista tietoa yrityksestä. Myös verkkokauppa on tullut osaksi kuluttajien ja yritysasiakkaitten välistä kaupankäyntiä. Työssäni selvitän mistä ominaisuuksista koostuu tuottava ja toimiva verkkokauppa. Kun yritys aloittaa sähköiseen kaupankäynnin tulisi pohtia tavoitteita, mitä yritys haluaa...

  14. An Influence of Ageing on the Structure, Corrosion Resistance and Hardness of High Aluminum ZnAl40Cu3 Alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michalik R.


    Full Text Available Zn-Al-Cu alloys are used primarily because of their tribological properties as an alternative material for bronze, cast iron and aluminum alloy bearings and as a construction material. Particularly interesting are high aluminum zinc alloys. Monoeutectic zinc and aluminum alloys are characterized by the highest hardness, tensile strength and wear resistance of all of the zinc alloys. A significant problem with the use of the Zn-Al-Cu alloys is their insufficient resistance to electrochemical corrosion. Properties of Zn-Al-Cu alloys can be improved by heat treatment. The purpose of examination was to determine the effect of heat treatment (aging at various temperatures on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of the ZnAl40Cu3 alloy. The scope of the examination included: structural examinations, determination of hardness using Brinell’s method and corrosion resistance examinations. Ageing at higher temperatures causes a creation of areas where is an eutectoid mixture. The study showed that ageing causes a decrease in hardness of ZnAl40Cu3 alloy. This decrease is even greater, when the temperature of ageing is lower. The studies have shown a significant influence of ageing on the corrosion resistance of the alloy ZnAl40Cu3. Maximum corrosion resistance were characterized by the sample after ageing at higher temperatures.

  15. The influence of Sr on the microstructure, degradation and stress corrosion cracking of the Mg alloys - ZK40xSr. (United States)

    Chen, Lianxi; Bin, Yuanhong; Zou, Wenqi; Wang, Xiaojian; Li, Wei


    In the present work, new magnesium (Mg) alloys (Mg-4Zn-0.6Zr-xSr, x=0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6wt%; ZK40xSr) were prepared and studied as potential biodegradable materials. The influence of strontium (Sr) addition on the properties of the new Mg alloys was investigated, which included microstructure, corrosion degradation, and the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) susceptibility. The average grain size of the ZK40Sr was approximately 100µm, which was significantly smaller than that of ZK40 alloy without Sr (402.3±40.2µm). The size of grain boundaries precipitates in the ZK40xSr alloys gradually increased with the increase of Sr content. The grain boundaries finally showed a continuously distribution and net-like shape. The degradation test showed that the average degradation rate of the ZK40xSr alloys increased with the increase of Sr addition. In the case of Mg-4Zn-0.6Zr, the degradation rate was 2.2mgcm -2 day -1 , which was lower than that of Mg-4Zn-0.6Zr-1.6Sr (4.93mgcm -2 day -1 ). When the ZK40xSr alloys were immersed in m-SBF, the rod-like Sr-contained hydroxyapatite (HA) substance was detected, which was known to enhance cell growth around bone implants. The fracture surfaces of the as-cast Mg-4Zn-0.6Zr-1.6Sr were shown intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) patterns. The increase of SCC susceptibility of the higher Sr ZK40xSr alloys was attributed to the increase of micro-galvanic corrosion between the α-Mg and the grain boundaries precipitates. The SCC susceptibility values were ≈0.13 and ≈0.41 for the Mg-4Zn-0.6Zr-0.4Sr and the Mg-4Zn-0.6Zr-1.6Sr, respectively. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Structure and properties of heat-treated Ti-(40-4X)%Nb-X%Mo alloys with IE (SME)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Marcia Almeida; Matlakhova, Lioudmila Aleksandrovna; Matlakhov, Anatoliy Nikolaevich; Paes Junior, Herval Ramos; Goncharenko, Boris Andreevich


    Whereas the inelastic effects (IE) are related with reversible martensitic transformation, in this work, was analyzed the structure and properties of heat treated Ti-(40-4x)%Nb-x%Mo alloys, where the contents of niobium and molybdenum are between 24-40%Nb and 0-4%Mo (% weight). The structural and phase analysis were done through optical microscopy and X-rays diffraction. The properties measured in this study were electrical resistivity and density. The Ti-40%Nb alloy shows a structure consisting of the β phase and αα’’ martensite with a minor participation of the α’ and ω. The alloys with 1 to 4%Mo have similar structures consisting of the β phase and traces of the α’’ phase. Thus, was observed greater capacity of Mo as a β stabilizer. The increase in Mo content in the composition of the alloys causes an increase in electrical resistivity of these. The samples may have undergone change in volume, caused by phase transformation, what possibly caused the difference between the density values calculated (theoretical) and experimental. (author)

  17. Fabrication and properties of high-strength extruded brass using elemental mixture of Cu-40% Zn alloy powder and Mg particle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Atsumi, Haruhiko, E-mail: [Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Imai, Hisashi; Li, Shufeng; Kondoh, Katsuyoshi [Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, 11-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047 (Japan); Kousaka, Yoshiharu; Kojima, Akimichi [San-etsu Metals Co. Ltd., 1892 Ohta, Tonami, Toyama 939-1315 (Japan)


    In this paper, high-strength brass (Cu-40% Zn) alloy with magnesium (Mg) element was fabricated via powder technology process, and the effect of the additive Mg element on microstructural and mechanical properties of extruded brass alloys with {alpha}-{beta} duplex phases was investigated. Pre-mixed Cu-40% Zn alloy powder with 0.5-1.5 mass% pure Mg powder (Cu-40% Zn + Mg) was consolidated using a spark plasma sintering (SPS) equipment. SPSed Cu-40% Zn + Mg specimens consisted of {alpha}-{beta} duplex phases containing Mg(Cu{sub 1-x}Zn{sub x}){sub 2} intermetallic compounds (IMCs) with a mean particle size of 10-30 {mu}m in diameter. The IMCs were completely dissolved in the {alpha}-{beta} duplex phases by a heat-treatment at 973 K for 15 min; thus, in order to disperse fine IMCs on {alpha}-{beta} duplex phase matrix, the SPSed Cu-40% Zn + Mg specimens were pre-heated at the solid solutionizing condition, and immediately extruded. The extruded specimen exhibited fine {alpha}-{beta} duplex phases, containing very fine precipitates of the above Mg(Cu{sub 1-x}Zn{sub x}){sub 2} IMCs with 0.5-3.0 {mu}m in diameter. In particular, a mean grain size of the extruded Cu-40% Zn + 1.0% Mg specimen was 3.32 {mu}m analyzed using an electron back-scattered diffraction. Tensile properties of the extruded Cu-40% Zn + 1.0% Mg specimen were an average value of yield strength (YS): 328 MPa, ultimate tensile strength (UTS): 553 MPa, and 25% elongation. This indicated that the extruded Cu-40% Zn + 1.0% Mg specimen revealed the significantly high-strength properties compared to a conventional binary brass alloy with 229 MPa YS and 464 MPa UTS. A high strengthening mechanism of this wrought brass alloy was mainly due to the grain refinement because of a pinning effect by the fine Mg(Cu{sub 1-x}Zn{sub x}){sub 2} precipitates at the boundaries of each phase. -- Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer New high-strength extruded brass alloy with Mg was fabricated via powder metallurgy. Black

  18. The Lithium-, r- and s-Enhanced Metal-Poor Giant HK-II 17435-00532

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roederer, Ian U.; Prieto, Carlos Allende; Sneden, Christopher; Frebel, Anna; Shetrone, Matthew; Rhee, Jaehyon; Gallino, Roberto; Bisterzo, Sara; Beers, Timothy C.; Cowan, John J.


    We present the first detailed abundance analysis of the metal-poor giant HK-II 17435-00532. This star was observed as part of the University of Texas Long-Term Chemical Abundances of Stars in the Halo (CASH) Project. A spectrum was obtained with the High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope with a resolving power of R∼15000. Our analysis reveals that this star may be located on the red giant branch, red horizontal branch, or early asymptotic giant branch. We find that this metal-poor ([Fe/H] = -2.2) star has an unusually high lithium abundance (logε(Li) = +2.1), mild carbon ([C/Fe] = +0.7) and sodium ([Na/Fe] = +0.6) enhancement, as well as enhancement of both s-process ([Ba/Fe] = +0.8) and r-process ([Eu/Fe] = +0.5) material. The high Li abundance can be explained by self-enrichment through extra mixing mechanisms that connect the convective envelope with the outer regions of the H-burning shell. If so, HK-II 17435-00532 is the most metal-poor starin which this short-lived phase of Li enrichment has been observed. The r- and s-process material was not produced in this star but was either present in the gas from which HK-II 17435-00532 formed or was transferred to it from a more massive binary companion. Despite the current non-detection of radial velocity variations (over a time span of ∼180 days), it is possible that HK-II 17435-00532 is in a long-period binary system, similar to other stars with both r and s enrichment

  19. Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Mo–40Ni–13Si Multiphase Intermetallic Alloy (United States)

    Song, Chunyan; Wang, Shuhuan; Gui, Yongliang; Cheng, Zihao; Ni, Guolong


    Intermetallic compounds are increasingly being expected to be utilized in tribological environments, but to date their implementation is hindered by insufficient ductility at low and medium temperatures. This paper presents a novel multiphase intermetallic alloy with the chemical composition of Mo–40Ni–13Si (at %). Microstructure characterization reveals that a certain amount of ductile Mo phases formed during the solidification process of a ternary Mo–Ni–Si molten alloy, which is beneficial to the improvement of ductility of intermetallic alloys. Tribological properties of the designed alloy—including wear resistance, friction coefficient, and metallic tribological compatibility—were evaluated under dry sliding wear test conditions at room temperature. Results suggest that the multiphase alloy possesses an excellent tribological property, which is attributed to unique microstructural features and thereby a good combination in hardness and ductility. The corresponding wear mechanism is explained by observing the worn surface, subsurface, and wear debris of the alloy, which was found to be soft abrasive wear. PMID:28774106

  20. Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Mo–40Ni–13Si Multiphase Intermetallic Alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chunyan Song


    Full Text Available Intermetallic compounds are increasingly being expected to be utilized in tribological environments, but to date their implementation is hindered by insufficient ductility at low and medium temperatures. This paper presents a novel multiphase intermetallic alloy with the chemical composition of Mo–40Ni–13Si (at %. Microstructure characterization reveals that a certain amount of ductile Mo phases formed during the solidification process of a ternary Mo–Ni–Si molten alloy, which is beneficial to the improvement of ductility of intermetallic alloys. Tribological properties of the designed alloy—including wear resistance, friction coefficient, and metallic tribological compatibility—were evaluated under dry sliding wear test conditions at room temperature. Results suggest that the multiphase alloy possesses an excellent tribological property, which is attributed to unique microstructural features and thereby a good combination in hardness and ductility. The corresponding wear mechanism is explained by observing the worn surface, subsurface, and wear debris of the alloy, which was found to be soft abrasive wear.

  1. Effects of Si on the microstructure, ordering transformation and properties of the Cu60Zn40 alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doostmohammadi, Hamid; Moridshahi, Hamid


    Highlights: • A duplex brass (Cu 60 Zn 40 ) was developed by additions of Si. • Phase fractions in the microstructure were changed and β phase was increased. • Microstructural changes were discussed by electron to atom ratio. • Dilatometric showed that Si increased the ordering temperature of β to β′. • The developed lead-free brass alloy can find application in machining. - Abstract: Effects of small additions of Si to Cu 60 Zn 40 on the properties, microstructure and phase transformation were investigated. It was found that Si promotes the formation of β′ phase and the microstructure of the alloys was changed from duplex α + β′ to single phase β′ brass. Electron to atom ratio was calculated and it was concluded that increment in this ratio led to a decrease in stacking fault energy which had an important role in reduction of the grain size as well microstructural variations in this study. The dilatomeric analysis showed that Si increased the ordering temperature of Cu 60 Zn 40 alloy. Finally, based on the properties, the Cu–Zn 40 –Si alloys are predicted to have the potential of being an alternative for free cutting leaded brass

  2. Investigation of electrochemical behaviour and structure of oxide films on Ni60Nb40 alloy in amorphous and crystalline states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomashov, N.D.; Skvortsova, I.B.; Gorodetskij, A.E.; Bogomolov, D.B.


    Electrochemical properties of Ni 60 Nb 40 alloy in amorphous and crystalline states as well as structure of oxide films forming during anode polarization in electrolytes on the surface of this alloy in both its states are investigated. It is stated that increased passive ability of Ni 60 Nb 40 alloys in amorphous state and high efficiency of chlorine evolution (2 n NaCl+HCl up to pH=0) anode process in comparison with crystalline state are defined by increased homogeneity and uniformity of passive films forming on amorphous alloy and their increased electron conductivity, that is in direct dependence on different structure of passive films forming on alloys in amorphous and crystalline states

  3. Microstructural evolution of Ni40Zr60 alloy during early stage of mechanical alloying of intermetallic compounds NiZr2 and Ni11Zr9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee Peeyew; Koch, C.C.


    The microstructural change of Ni 40 Zr 60 alloy during mechanical alloying of mixtures of the intermetallic compounds NiZr 2 and Ni 11 Zr 9 has been studied by transmission electron microscopy. A specific ''cauliflower'' phase was formed during early stage of mechanical alloying process. It is suggested that the solid state reaction between intermetallic compounds NiZr 2 and Ni 11 Zr 9 is not the only origin for the formation of the ''cauliflower'' phase. ((orig.))

  4. hköinen asiointi tavaraliikennelupahakemuksen toimintaprosessissa


    Laitakari, Pauliina


    Korvausta vastaan suoritettavaan tavarankuljetukseen tarvitaan voimassaoleva tavaraliikennelupa, jonka myöntää Elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana on Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus. Työ tehdään liikenne ja infrastruktuuri –vastuualueen lupapalvelut-yksikköön. Opinnäytetyön aiheena on sähköinen asiointi tavaraliikenneluvan toimintaprosessissa. Lakimuutosten myötä lisääntyneet työtehtävät vaativat toiminnan tehostamista ja tämän ...

  5. Puuluodon sähkönjakeluverkon saneeraus


    Huhta, Heidi


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli suunnitella Puuluodon sähkönjakeluverkon saneeraus, jossa alueen pien- ja keskijänniteverkon sekä katuvalaistuksen ilmajohdot tuli korvata maakaapeleilla. Alueella olevat pylväsmuuntamot tuli myös korvata tarvittavalla määrällä puistomuuntamoita. Suunnitelma tehtiin käyttäen Teklan Xpower-verkostolaskentaohjelmaa. Lisäksi työhön kuului työn kustannusten arviointi Energiamarkkinaviraston hintojen mukaan. Työn teoriaosassa käytiin läpi suunnitteluun li...

  6. Hardness and microstructure of Al-10.0 wt% Zn-4.0 wt% Mg alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iqbal, M.; Shaikh, M.A.; Ahmad, W.; Ali, K.L.


    Al-Zn-Mg alloys are widely used in industries as these have excellent physical and mechanical properties. However some aspects of the effect of heat treatment on these alloys are not yet clear. In order to understand the precipitation phenomena in these alloys, microstructure of a locally prepared alloy Al-10.0 wt% Zn-4.0 wt% Mg heat treated under different conditions has been examined in scanning electron microscope/electron probe micro analyser. Precipitates MgZn/sub 2/, MgZn/sub 4/ and Mg/sub 2/Zn/sub 11/ have been observed and these are caused by heat treatment. Correlation between these precipitates and Vickers's hardness has also been studied. In the present paper results of this investigation have been presented and discussed. (author)

  7. MicroRNA-98 Suppress Warburg Effect by Targeting HK2 in Colon Cancer Cells. (United States)

    Zhu, Weimin; Huang, Yijiao; Pan, Qi; Xiang, Pei; Xie, Nanlan; Yu, Hao


    Warburg effect is a hallmark of cancer cells. Accumulating evidence suggests that microRNAs (miRs) could regulate such metabolic reprograming. Aberrant expression of miR-98 has been observed in many types of cancers. However, its functions and significance in colon cancer remain largely elusive. To investigate miR-98 expression and the biological functions in colon cancer progression. miR-98 expression levels were determined by quantitative RT-PCR in 215 cases of colon cancer samples. miR-98 mimic or inhibitor was used to test the biological functions in SW480 and HCT116 cells, followed by cell proliferation assay, lactate production, glucose uptake, and cellular ATP levels assay and extracellular acidification rates measurement. Western blot and luciferase assay were used to identify the target of miR-98. miR-98 was significantly down-regulated in colon cancer tissues compared to adjacent colon tissues and acted as a suppressor for Warburg effect in cancer cells. miR-98 inhibited glycolysis by directly targeting hexokinase 2, or HK2, illustrating a novel pathway to mediate Warburg effect of cancer cells. In vitro experiments further indicated that HK2 was involved in miR-98-mediated suppression of glucose uptake, lactate production, and cell proliferation. In addition, we detected HK2 expression in colon cancer tissues and found that the expressions of miR-98 and HK2 were negatively correlated. miR-98 acts as tumor suppressor gene and inhibits Warburg effect in colon cancer cells, which provided potential targets for clinical treatments.

  8. Study On Nanohardness Of Phases Occurring In ZnAl22Cu3 And ZnAl40Cu3 Alloys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michalik R.


    Full Text Available Zn-Al alloys are mainly used due to their high tribological and damping properties. A very important issue is determination of the hardness of the phases present in the Zn-Al-Cu alloys. Unfortunately, in literature there is lack of studies on the hardness of the phases present in the alloys Zn-Al-Cu. The aim of this research was to determine the hardness of the phases present in the ZnAl22Cu3Si and ZnAl40Cu3Si alloys. The scope of the research included examination of the structure, chemical composition of selected micro-regions and hardness of phases present in the examined alloys. The research carried out has shown, that CuZn4 phase is characterized by a similar hardness as the hardness of the interdendritic areas. The phases present in the structure of ZnAl40Cu3 and ZnAl22Cu3 alloys after soaking at the temperature of 185 °C are characterized by lower hardness than the phase present in the structure of the as-cast alloys.

  9. HK2 Proximal Tubule Epithelial Cells Synthesize and Secrete Plasma Proteins Predominantly Through the Apical Surface. (United States)

    Zhao, Ke-Wei; Murray, Elsa J Brochmann; Murray, Samuel S


    Renal proximal tubule epithelial cells (PTECs) are known to reabsorb salts and small plasma proteins filtered through Bowman's capsule. Following acute kidney injury, PTECs assume some characteristics of hepatocytes in producing various plasma proteins. We now demonstrate that even at a resting state, a PTEC cell line, HK2 expresses mRNAs for and synthesizes and secretes plasma proteins in a complex with complement C3, an α 2 -macroglobulin family chaperone, including albumin, transferrin, α 1 -antitrypsin, α 1 -antichymotrypsin, α 2 -HS-glycoprotein, ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, C1-inhibitor, secreted phosphoprotein-24, and insulin-like growth factor-1. When grown on transwell inserts, HK2 cells predominantly secrete (∼90%) plasma proteins into the apical side and a smaller fraction into the basolateral side as determined by ELISA assays. When cultured in the presence of exogenous cytokines such as IL1β, IL6, TNFα, BMP2, or TGFβ1, HK2 cell mRNA expressions for plasma proteins were variably affected whereas basolateral secretions were elevated to or in excess of those of the apical level. In addition, HK2 cells produce proTGFβ1 with its intact N-terminal latency associated peptide and latent-TGF-β-binding proteins. The complex cannot be dissociated under conditions of SDS, heating, and electrophoresis. Moreover, HK2 cells maintain their ability to quickly uptake exogenously added serum proteins from the culture medium, as if they are recognized differently by the endocytic receptors. These results provide new insight into the hepatization of PTECs. In addition to their unique uptake of plasma proteins and salts from the filtrate, they are a source of urinary proteins under normal conditions as wells as in chronic and acute kidney diseases. J. Cell. Biochem. 118: 924-933, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Structural and magnetic properties of Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40} alloys prepared by means of a magnetic mill

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernal-Correa, R. [Laboratorio de Magnetismo y Materiales Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales (Colombia); Rosales-Rivera, A., E-mail: [Laboratorio de Magnetismo y Materiales Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales (Colombia); Pineda-Gomez, P. [Laboratorio de Magnetismo y Materiales Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales (Colombia); Universidad de Caldas, Manizales (Colombia); Salazar, N.A. [Laboratorio de Magnetismo y Materiales Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales (Colombia)


    A study on synthesis, structural and magnetic characterization of Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40} (at.%) alloys prepared by means of mechanical alloying process is presented. The mechanical alloying was performed using a milling device with magnetically controlled ball movement (Uni-Ball-Mill 5 equipment) at several milling times. The characterization was carried out via X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The effects of milling time on the structural state, morphological evolution and magnetic behaviour of the Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40} (at.%) alloys are discussed. Besides, in this current study we emphasize the result that indicating a ferro-para-ferromagnetic transition from a correlation between X-ray diffraction and magnetization data.

  11. The effect of Mn and B on the magnetic and structural properties of nanostructured Fe60Al40 alloys produced by mechanical alloying. (United States)

    Rico, M M; Alcázar, G A Pérez; Zamora, L E; González, C; Greneche, J M


    The effect of Mn and B on the magnetic and structural properties of nanostructured samples of the Fe60Al40 system, prepared by mechanical alloying, was studied by 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry, X-ray diffraction and magnetic measurements. In the case of the Fe(60-x)Mn(x)Al40 system, 24 h milling time is required to achieve the BCC ternary phase. Different magnetic structures are observed according to the temperature and the Mn content for alloys milled during 48 h: ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, spin-glass, reentrant spin-glass and superparamagnetic behavior. They result from the bond randomness behaviour induced by the atomic disorder introduced by the MA process and from the competitive interactions of the Fe-Fe ferromagnetic interactions and the Mn-Mn and Fe-Mn antiferromagnetic interactions and finally the presence of Al atoms acting as dilutors. When B is added in the Fe60Al40 alloy and milled for 12 and 24 hours, two crystalline phases were found: a prevailing FeAl BCC phase and a Fe2B phase type. In addition, one observes an additional contribution attributed to grain boundaries which increases when both milling time and boron composition increase. Finally Mn and B were added to samples of the Fe60Al40 system prepared by mechanical alloying during 12 and 24 hours. Mn content was fixed to 10 at.% and B content varied between 0 and 20 at.%, substituting Al. X-ray patterns show two crystalline phases, the ternary FeMnAl BCC phase, and a (Fe,Mn)2B phase type. The relative proportion of the last phase increases when the B content increases, in addition to changes of the grain size and the lattice parameter. Such behavior was observed for both milling periods. On the other hand, the magnetic hyperfine field distributions show that both phases exhibit chemical disorder, and that the contribution attributed to the grain boundaries is less important when the B content increases. Coercive field values of about 10(2) Oe slightly increase with boron content

  12. Magnetic transition induced by mechanical deformation in Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40−x}Si{sub x} ternary alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Legarra, E., E-mail: [Dpto. Electricidad y Electronica, Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU), CP. 644, 48080 Bilbao (Spain); Apiñaniz, E. [Dpto. Fisica Aplicada I, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Alameda de Urquijo s/n, 48013 Bilbao (Spain); Plazaola, F. [Dpto. Electricidad y Electronica, Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU), CP. 644, 48080 Bilbao (Spain); Jimenez, J.A. [Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas (CENIM), Avda. Gregorio del amo 8, 28040 Madrid (Spain)


    Highlights: • Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40−x}Si{sub x} alloys were disordered by means of planetary ball milling technique. • Paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition is observed with disordering. • Si addition hinders the disordering process and the increase of the lattice parameter. • Si addition promotes the paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition. -- Abstract: We have used Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction to study the influence of different Al/Si ratios on the structural and magnetic properties of the mechanically deformed Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40−x}Si{sub x} alloys. The results indicate that ternary alloys also present the magnetic transition with disordering observed in binary Fe{sub 60}Al{sub 40} alloys. Besides, Si introduction has two opposite contributions. From a structural point of view, hinders the disordering process, but, from a magnetic point of view promotes the magnetic transition.

  13. Kivirähk, Pinter ja Inglise spioonid Rakvere teatris / Kristo Kruusman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kruusman, Kristo


    Tänavu 70. sünnipäeva tähistava teatri repertuaaris on mitu uuslavastust: Andrus Kivirähk "Kaelkirjak", lavastaja Marion Undusk, Patrick Barlow’ spioonikomöödia „39 astet”, lavastaja Kati Kivitar ja Harold Pinteri näidend „Eikellegimaa”, lavastajaks Peeter Raudsepp

  14. Arkistointi tilitoimistossa : Siirtyminen sähköiseen arkistointiin


    Parviainen, Pentti


    Arkistointi aiheuttaa monenlaisia haasteita tilitoimistoille. Tässä työssä pyritään kartoittamaan arkistoinnin järjestämistä toimeksiantajan tilitoimistossa. Toimeksiantajalle luodaan konkreettinen ehdotus/toimintamalli arkistoinnin järjestämisestä tulevaisuudessa. Työn erityisenä tarkastelun kohteena on sähköinen arkistointi, jolle kirjanpitolaki on antanut edellytykset jo vuodesta 1997. Toimeksiantajan nykyhetken kartoittamisen ohessa, joka toteutetaan haastattelujen avulla, tutustutaan ...

  15. Electrochemical machining of burn-resistant Ti40 alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xu Zhengyang


    Full Text Available This study investigates the feasibility of using electrochemical machining (ECM to produce critical aeroengine components from a new burn-resistant titanium alloy (Ti40, thereby reducing costs and improving efficiency relative to conventional mechanical machining. Through this, it is found that an aqueous mix of sodium chloride and potassium bromide provides the optimal electrolyte and that the surface quality of the Ti40 workpiece is improved by using a pulsed current of 1 kHz rather than a direct current. Furthermore, the quality of cavities produced by ECM and the overall material removal rate are determined to be dependent on a combination of operating voltage, electrolyte inlet pressure, cathode feeding rate and electrolyte concentration. By optimizing these parameters, a surface roughness of 0.371 μm has been achieved in conjunction with a specific removal rate of more than 3.1 mm3/A·min.

  16. Physical properties of Zr50Cu40-xAl10Pdx bulk glassy alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wencka, M.; Jagodic, M.; Gradisek, A.; Kocjan, A.; Jaglicic, Z.; McGuiness, P.J.; Apih, T.; Yokoyama, Y.; Dolinsek, J.


    It was shown recently (Yokoyama et al. ) that the addition of a small amount of Pd to the Zr 50 Cu 40 Al 10 bulk glassy alloy (BGA) has a beneficial effect on fatigue-strength enhancement, where the composition Zr 50 Cu 37 Al 10 Pd 3 behaved in a resonant-like way by showing the highest fatigue limit of 1050 MPa and the minimum Vickers hardness. We performed a study of the magnetic properties, the specific heat, the electrical resistivity and the hydrogen-diffusion constant for a series of compositions Zr 50 Cu 40-x Al 10 Pd x (x = 0-7 at.%), in order to determine their physical properties and to check for the influence of the Pd content on these properties. The Zr 50 Cu 40-x Al 10 Pd x BGAs are nonmagnetic, conducting alloys, where the Pauli spin susceptibility of the conduction electrons is the only source of paramagnetism. The low-temperature specific heat indicates an enhancement of the conduction-electron effective mass m* below 5 K, suggesting that the Zr 50 Cu 40-x Al 10 Pd x BGAs are not free-electron-like compounds. The electrical resistivities of the Zr 50 Cu 40-x Al 10 Pd x BGAs amount to about 200 μΩ cm and show a small, negative temperature coefficient (NTC) with an increase from 300 to 2 K of 4%. The hydrogen self-diffusion constant D in hydrogen-loaded samples shows classical over-barrier-hopping temperature dependence and is of comparable magnitude to the related icosahedral and amorphous Zr 69.5 Cu 12 Ni 11 Al 7.5 hydrogen-storage alloys. No correlation between the investigated physical parameters and the Pd content of the samples could be observed.

  17. hköisen markkinointiviestinnän kehittäminen B2B-yrityksen näkökulmasta : Case: Yritys X


    Pehkonen, Tuire


    Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja on asiantuntijapalveluyritys, Yritys X, joka tarjoaa informaatioteknologiapalveluita B2B-markkinoille. Opinnäytetyön aihe on B2B-yrityksen sähköinen markkinointiviestintä, jota käsitellään myös asiantuntijapalveluyrityksen näkökulmasta. Yritykseen liittyvät nimet on muutettu anonymiteetin suojelemiseksi. Työn tavoitteena on kehittää Yritys X:n sähköistä markkinointiviestintää, erityisesti sosiaalisen median osa-aluetta, mutta myös sähköpostimarkkinointia. ...

  18. Silicon Alloying On Aluminium Based Alloy Surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Silicon alloying on surface of aluminium based alloy was carried out using electron beam. This is performed in order to enhance tribological properties of the alloy. Silicon is considered most important alloying element in aluminium alloy, particularly for tribological components. Prior to silicon alloying. aluminium substrate were painted with binder and silicon powder and dried in a furnace. Silicon alloying were carried out in a vacuum chamber. The Silicon alloyed materials were assessed using some techniques. The results show that silicon alloying formed a composite metal-non metal system in which silicon particles are dispersed in the alloyed layer. Silicon content in the alloyed layer is about 40% while in other place is only 10.5 %. The hardness of layer changes significantly. The wear properties of the alloying alloys increase. Silicon surface alloying also reduced the coefficient of friction for sliding against a hardened steel counter face, which could otherwise be higher because of the strong adhesion of aluminium to steel. The hardness of the silicon surface alloyed material dropped when it underwent a heating cycle similar to the ion coating process. Hence, silicon alloying is not a suitable choice for use as an intermediate layer for duplex treatment

  19. Crystal structure and size-dependent neutralization properties of HK20, a human monoclonal antibody binding to the highly conserved heptad repeat 1 of gp41. (United States)

    Sabin, Charles; Corti, Davide; Buzon, Victor; Seaman, Mike S; Lutje Hulsik, David; Hinz, Andreas; Vanzetta, Fabrizia; Agatic, Gloria; Silacci, Chiara; Mainetti, Lara; Scarlatti, Gabriella; Sallusto, Federica; Weiss, Robin; Lanzavecchia, Antonio; Weissenhorn, Winfried


    The human monoclonal antibody (mAb) HK20 neutralizes a broad spectrum of primary HIV-1 isolates by targeting the highly conserved heptad repeat 1 (HR1) of gp41, which is transiently exposed during HIV-1 entry. Here we present the crystal structure of the HK20 Fab in complex with a gp41 mimetic 5-Helix at 2.3 Å resolution. HK20 employs its heavy chain CDR H2 and H3 loops to bind into a conserved hydrophobic HR1 pocket that is occupied by HR2 residues in the gp41 post fusion conformation. Compared to the previously described HR1-specific mAb D5, HK20 approaches its epitope with a different angle which might favor epitope access and thus contribute to its higher neutralization breadth and potency. Comparison of the neutralization activities of HK20 IgG, Fab and scFv employing both single cycle and multiple cycle neutralization assays revealed much higher potencies for the smaller Fab and scFv over IgG, implying that the target site is difficult to access for complete antibodies. Nevertheless, two thirds of sera from HIV-1 infected individuals contain significant titers of HK20-inhibiting antibodies. The breadth of neutralization of primary isolates across all clades, the higher potencies for C-clade viruses and the targeting of a distinct site as compared to the fusion inhibitor T-20 demonstrate the potential of HK20 scFv as a therapeutic tool.


    Gilliland, R.G.; Patriarca, P.; Slaughter, G.M.; Williams, L.C.


    A new and improved ternary alloy is described which is of particular utility in braze-bonding parts made of a refractory metal selected from Group IV, V, and VI of the periodic table and alloys containing said metal as a predominating alloying ingredient. The brazing alloy contains, by weight, 40 to 50 per cent zirconium, 40 to 50 per cent titanium, and the balance beryllium in amounts ranging from 1 to 20 per cent, said alloy having a melting point in the range 950 to 1400 deg C. (AEC)

  1. Allosteric effects in bacteriophage HK97 procapsids revealed directly from covariance analysis of cryo EM data. (United States)

    Xu, Nan; Veesler, David; Doerschuk, Peter C; Johnson, John E


    The information content of cryo EM data sets exceeds that of the electron scattering potential (cryo EM) density initially derived for structure determination. Previously we demonstrated the power of data variance analysis for characterizing regions of cryo EM density that displayed functionally important variance anomalies associated with maturation cleavage events in Nudaurelia Omega Capensis Virus and the presence or absence of a maturation protease in bacteriophage HK97 procapsids. Here we extend the analysis in two ways. First, instead of imposing icosahedral symmetry on every particle in the data set during the variance analysis, we only assume that the data set as a whole has icosahedral symmetry. This change removes artifacts of high variance along icosahedral symmetry axes, but retains all of the features previously reported in the HK97 data set. Second we present a covariance analysis that reveals correlations in structural dynamics (variance) between the interior of the HK97 procapsid with the protease and regions of the exterior (not seen in the absence of the protease). The latter analysis corresponds well with hydrogen deuterium exchange studies previously published that reveal the same correlation. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Crystal structure and size-dependent neutralization properties of HK20, a human monoclonal antibody binding to the highly conserved heptad repeat 1 of gp41.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charles Sabin

    Full Text Available The human monoclonal antibody (mAb HK20 neutralizes a broad spectrum of primary HIV-1 isolates by targeting the highly conserved heptad repeat 1 (HR1 of gp41, which is transiently exposed during HIV-1 entry. Here we present the crystal structure of the HK20 Fab in complex with a gp41 mimetic 5-Helix at 2.3 Å resolution. HK20 employs its heavy chain CDR H2 and H3 loops to bind into a conserved hydrophobic HR1 pocket that is occupied by HR2 residues in the gp41 post fusion conformation. Compared to the previously described HR1-specific mAb D5, HK20 approaches its epitope with a different angle which might favor epitope access and thus contribute to its higher neutralization breadth and potency. Comparison of the neutralization activities of HK20 IgG, Fab and scFv employing both single cycle and multiple cycle neutralization assays revealed much higher potencies for the smaller Fab and scFv over IgG, implying that the target site is difficult to access for complete antibodies. Nevertheless, two thirds of sera from HIV-1 infected individuals contain significant titers of HK20-inhibiting antibodies. The breadth of neutralization of primary isolates across all clades, the higher potencies for C-clade viruses and the targeting of a distinct site as compared to the fusion inhibitor T-20 demonstrate the potential of HK20 scFv as a therapeutic tool.

  3. Setu hähküslaulud : viisitüübi kirjeldamise katse / Liisi Laanemets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laanemets, Liisi


    Artikli aluseks on Eesti Muusikaakadeemia muusikateaduse osakonna 2003. a. kevade proseminaritöö, mille eesmärgiks oli leida setu pulmakombestikku kuuluva hähküslaulu viisi eri variantide põhjal sellele viisitüübile ainuomane mudel

  4. Identification of Human HK Genes and Gene Expression Regulation Study in Cancer from Transcriptomics Data Analysis (United States)

    Zhang, Zhang; Liu, Jingxing; Wu, Jiayan; Yu, Jun


    The regulation of gene expression is essential for eukaryotes, as it drives the processes of cellular differentiation and morphogenesis, leading to the creation of different cell types in multicellular organisms. RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) provides researchers with a powerful toolbox for characterization and quantification of transcriptome. Many different human tissue/cell transcriptome datasets coming from RNA-Seq technology are available on public data resource. The fundamental issue here is how to develop an effective analysis method to estimate expression pattern similarities between different tumor tissues and their corresponding normal tissues. We define the gene expression pattern from three directions: 1) expression breadth, which reflects gene expression on/off status, and mainly concerns ubiquitously expressed genes; 2) low/high or constant/variable expression genes, based on gene expression level and variation; and 3) the regulation of gene expression at the gene structure level. The cluster analysis indicates that gene expression pattern is higher related to physiological condition rather than tissue spatial distance. Two sets of human housekeeping (HK) genes are defined according to cell/tissue types, respectively. To characterize the gene expression pattern in gene expression level and variation, we firstly apply improved K-means algorithm and a gene expression variance model. We find that cancer-associated HK genes (a HK gene is specific in cancer group, while not in normal group) are expressed higher and more variable in cancer condition than in normal condition. Cancer-associated HK genes prefer to AT-rich genes, and they are enriched in cell cycle regulation related functions and constitute some cancer signatures. The expression of large genes is also avoided in cancer group. These studies will help us understand which cell type-specific patterns of gene expression differ among different cell types, and particularly for cancer. PMID:23382867

  5. A Highly Sensitive Porous Silicon (P-Si)-Based Human Kallikrein 2 (hK2) Immunoassay Platform toward Accurate Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer. (United States)

    Lee, Sang Wook; Hosokawa, Kazuo; Kim, Soyoun; Jeong, Ok Chan; Lilja, Hans; Laurell, Thomas; Maeda, Mizuo


    Levels of total human kallikrein 2 (hK2), a protein involved the pathology of prostate cancer (PCa), could be used as a biomarker to aid in the diagnosis of this disease. In this study, we report on a porous silicon antibody immunoassay platform for the detection of serum levels of total hK2. The surface of porous silicon has a 3-dimensional macro- and nanoporous structure, which offers a large binding capacity for capturing probe molecules. The tailored pore size of the porous silicon also allows efficient immobilization of antibodies by surface adsorption, and does not require chemical immobilization. Monoclonal hK2 capture antibody (6B7) was dispensed onto P-Si chip using a piezoelectric dispenser. In total 13 × 13 arrays (169 spots) were spotted on the chip with its single spot volume of 300 pL. For an optimization of capture antibody condition, we firstly performed an immunoassay of the P-Si microarray under a titration series of hK2 in pure buffer (PBS) at three different antibody densities (75, 100 and 145 µg/mL). The best performance of the microarray platform was seen at 100 µg/mL of the capture antibody concentration (LOD was 100 fg/mL). The platform then was subsequently evaluated for a titration series of serum-spiked hK2 samples. The developed platform utilizes only 15 µL of serum per test and the total assay time is about 3 h, including immobilization of the capture antibody. The detection limit of the hK2 assay was 100 fg/mL in PBS buffer and 1 pg/mL in serum with a dynamic range of 106 (10(-4) to 10(2) ng/mL).

  6. Tietohallintolaki ja sen vaikutukset sähköisen asioinnin kokonaisarkkitehtuuriin


    Lindblad-Ahonen, Anne


    Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia miten uusi tietohallintolaki sekä sen asettamat vaatimukset vaikuttavat julkishallinnon (yhteisten) tietoteknisten ratkaisujen kehittämiseen ja toteuttamiseen. Vaikutusta pyritään selvittämään tutkimalla miten eri kaupungit ovat kuvanneet toimintojaan kokonaisarkkitehtuurin näkökulmasta, varsinkin varhaiskasvatuksen sähköisen asioinnin osalta. Tietohallintolaki edellyttää, että julkisen hallinnon viranomaisen on tietojärjestelmien yhteentoimivuuden mahdoll...

  7. Association of HK2 and NCK2 with normal tension glaucoma in the Japanese population.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dong Shi

    Full Text Available Although family studies and genome-wide association studies have shown that genetic factors play a role in glaucoma, it has been difficult to identify the specific genetic variants involved. We tested 669 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs from the region of chromosome 2 that includes the GLC1B glaucoma locus for association with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG and normal tension glaucoma (NTG in the Japanese population. We performed a two-stage case-control study. The first cohort consisted of 123 POAG cases, 121 NTG cases and 120 controls: the second cohort consisted of 187 POAG cases, 286 NTG cases, and 271 controls. Out of six SNPs showing significant association with POAG in the first round screening, seven SNPs were tested in the second round. Rs678350 in the HK2 gene coding sequence showed significant allelic (p=0.0027 in Stage Two, 2.7XE-4 in meta-analysis association with POAG, and significant allelic (p=4.7XE-4 in Stage Two, 1.0XE-5 in meta-analysis association with NTG. Although alleles in the TMEM182 gene did not show significant association with glaucoma in the second round, subjects with the A/A allele in TMEM182 rs869833 showed worse visual field mean deviation (p=0.01. Even though rs2033008 in the NCK2 gene coding sequence did not show significant association in the first round, it had previously shown association with NTG so it was tested for association with NTG in round 2 (p=0.0053 in Stage Two. Immunohistochemistry showed that both HK2 and NCK2 are expressed in the retinal ganglion cell layer. Once multi-testing was taken into account, only HK2 showed significant association with POAG and NTG in Stage Two. Our data also support previous reports of NCK2 association with NTG, and raise questions about what role TMEM182 might play in phenotypic variability. Our data suggest that HK2 may play an important role in NTG in the Japanese population.

  8. Endotoxin-induced basal respiration alterations of renal HK-2 cells: A sign of pathologic metabolism down-regulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quoilin, C., E-mail: [Laboratory of Biomedical Spectroscopy, Department of Physics, University of Liege, 4000 Liege (Belgium); Mouithys-Mickalad, A. [Center of Oxygen Research and Development, Department of Chemistry, University of Liege, 4000 Liege (Belgium); Duranteau, J. [Department of Anaesthesia and Surgical ICU, CHU Bicetre, University Paris XI Sud, 94275 Le Kremlin Bicetre (France); Gallez, B. [Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Group, Louvain Drug Research Institute, Universite catholique de Louvain, 1200 Brussels (Belgium); Hoebeke, M. [Laboratory of Biomedical Spectroscopy, Department of Physics, University of Liege, 4000 Liege (Belgium)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer A HK-2 cells model of inflammation-induced acute kidney injury. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Two oximetry methods: high resolution respirometry and ESR spectroscopy. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Oxygen consumption rates of renal cells decrease when treated with LPS. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cells do not recover normal respiration when the LPS treatment is removed. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer This basal respiration alteration is a sign of pathologic metabolism down-regulation. -- Abstract: To study the mechanism of oxygen regulation in inflammation-induced acute kidney injury, we investigate the effects of a bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) on the basal respiration of proximal tubular epithelial cells (HK-2) both by high-resolution respirometry and electron spin resonance spectroscopy. These two complementary methods have shown that HK-2 cells exhibit a decreased oxygen consumption rate when treated with LPS. Surprisingly, this cellular respiration alteration persists even after the stress factor was removed. We suggested that this irreversible decrease in renal oxygen consumption after LPS challenge is related to a pathologic metabolic down-regulation such as a lack of oxygen utilization by cells.

  9. Effect of tantalum on α-martensite crystal structure in Co-Ta alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skorodzievskij, V.S.; Ustinov, A.I.; Chuistov, K.V.


    Changes in the crystal structure of α-martensite, formed during Co-Ta alloy hardening from the region of a homogeneous solid solution, are investigated by X-ray analysis methods. In case of increasing tantalum content in the alloy, intensity redistribution of X-ray scattering along the direction of the reverse space of H-K not equal to 3N (N=0, +-1, +-2...) type is fixed, which appears, depending on concentration, in continuous displacement of maxima from positions being characteristic for the initial 2H structure, as well as in occurring additional maxima and in changing the ratio between them by ipteΣity. For limiting values of tantalum concentration, where β → α-transformations are still observed, the number of intepsity maxima and their positions an the period of α-martensite reverse lattice recurrence period is closer to the location of 15R 1 -structure reverse structure unit

  10. Positrons in amorphous alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moser, Pierre.


    Positron annihilation techniques give interesting informations about ''empty spaces'' in amorphous alloys. The results of an extensive research work on the properties of either pre-existing or irradiation induced ''empty spaces'' in four amorphous alloys are presented. The pre-existing empty spaces appear to be small vacancy-like defects. The irradiation induced defects are ''close pairs'' with widely distributed configurations. There is a strong interaction between vacancy like and interstitial like components. A model is proposed, which explains the radiation resistance mechanism of the amorphous alloys. An extensive joint research work to study four amorphous alloys, Fe 80 B 20 ,Fe 40 Ni 40 P 14 B 6 , Cu 50 Ti 50 , Pd 80 Si 20 , is summarized

  11. Inhibition of CPU0213, a Dual Endothelin Receptor Antagonist, on Apoptosis via Nox4-Dependent ROS in HK-2 Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qing Li


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Our previous studies have indicated that a novel endothelin receptor antagonist CPU0213 effectively normalized renal function in diabetic nephropathy. However, the molecular mechanisms mediating the nephroprotective role of CPU0213 remain unknown. Methods and Results: In the present study, we first detected the role of CPU0213 on apoptosis in human renal tubular epithelial cell (HK-2. It was shown that high glucose significantly increased the protein expression of Bax and decreased Bcl-2 protein in HK-2 cells, which was reversed by CPU0213. The percentage of HK-2 cells that showed Annexin V-FITC binding was markedly suppressed by CPU0213, which confirmed the inhibitory role of CPU0213 on apoptosis. Given the regulation of endothelin (ET system to oxidative stress, we determined the role of redox signaling in the regulation of CPU0213 on apoptosis. It was demonstrated that the production of superoxide (O2-. was substantially attenuated by CPU0213 treatment in HK-2 cells. We further found that CPU0213 dramatically inhibited expression of Nox4 protein, which gene silencing mimicked the role of CPU0213 on the apoptosis under high glucose stimulation. We finally examined the role of CPU0213 on ET-1 receptors and found that high glucose-induced protein expression of endothelin A and B receptors was dramatically inhibited by CPU0213. Conclusion: Taken together, these results suggest that this Nox4-dependenet O2- production is critical for the apoptosis of HK-2 cells in high glucose. Endothelin receptor antagonist CPU0213 has an anti-apoptosis role through Nox4-dependent O2-.production, which address the nephroprotective role of CPU0213 in diabetic nephropathy.

  12. Measurements of Hk and Ms in thin magnetic films by the angular dependence of the planar Hall effect (United States)

    Vatskicheva, M.; Vatskichev, L.


    It is shown that the angular dependences of the planar Hall effect measured with infinite magnetic field and with magnetic field H⩾ Hk have an intersection point and this fact is enough for measuring the anisotropy field Hk applying the method presented by Pastor, Ferreiro and Torres in J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 53 (1986) 349, 62 (1986) 101. The scaling of the Hall tension U proportional to M2s in mV/Am -1 gives a possibility for calculating the Ms-values of the films. These assumptions are verified for NiFe- and NiFeGe films with a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy.

  13. Strengthening of the brazed joint for single-crystalline molybdenum by using Mo-40%Ru-B alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hiraoka, Y. [Okayama Univ. of Science (Japan). Department of Applied Physics; Igarashi, T. [Tokyo Tungsten Co. Ltd., Toyama (Japan). Research and Development Division


    In this study, the bend properties of the single-crystalline molybdenum brazed by using Mo-40%Ru alloys containing boron of 1-6 mass%Ru alloy for the improvement of the joint strength was determined. (orig.) [Deutsch] Durchgefuehrt wurde die Herstellung von Verbindungen aus einkristallinem Molybdaen. Hierbei kamen Mo-40%Ru-Legierungen mit 1 bis 6 Gew.-% Bor als Lotmaterialien zum Einsatz. Festigkeit und Duktilitaet der Verbindungen wurden mittels 3-Punkt-Biegepruefung bei Raumtemperatur und unter fluessigem Stickstoff ermittelt. Die Bruchflaechen der Proben wurden mit Hilfe eines Rasterelektronenmikroskopes untersucht. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Der optimale Borgehalt bezueglich Festigkeit und Duktilitaet der geloeteten Verbindung liegt bei 2 Gew.-%. Die entsprechende Probe hat bei einem Biegewinkel von 100 bei Raumtemperatur nicht versagt. Auch unter fluessigem Stickstoff zeigte diese Probe eine Festigkeit in der Groessenordnung des einkristallinen Vollmaterials. (orig.)

  14. Argon-arc welding of heat resisting aluminium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryazantsev, V.I.; Fedoseev, V.A.


    Welding of aluminium heat resisting alloys of the Al-Cu-Mg system is studied. The hot-shortness of heat-resistant alloys M40, 1150 and 1151 are at the level of aluminium alloys 1201 and by 2-3 times lower as compared to the aluminium alloy AMg6. The M40, 1150 and 1151 alloys have unquestionable advantages against other know aluminium alloys only at temperatures of welded structures operation, beginning with 150-2000 deg C and especially at 250 deg C

  15. Determination of the enthalpy of fusion and thermal diffusivity for ternary Cu_6_0_−_xSn_xSb_4_0 alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhai, W.; Zhou, K.; Hu, L.; Wei, B.


    Highlights: • The increasing Sn content reduces the liquidus temperature. • High Sn content results in lower enthalpy of fusion by polynomial functions. • The thermal diffusivity drops from the solid toward the semi-solid state. • Undercoolability of alloys with primary Cu_2Sb phase is stronger than others. - Abstract: The liquidus and solidus temperatures, enthalpy of fusion, and the temperature dependence of thermal diffusivity for ternary Cu_6_0_−_xSn_xSb_4_0 alloys were systematically measured by DSC and laser flash methods. It is found that both the liquidus temperature and the enthalpy of fusion decrease with the rise of Sn content, and their relationships with alloy composition were established by polynomial functions. The thermal diffusivity usually drops from the solid toward the semi-solid state. The undercoolability of those liquid Cu_6_0_−_xSn_xSb_4_0 alloys with primary Cu_2Sb solid phase is stronger than the others with primary β(SnSb) intermetallic compound, and the increase of cooling rate facilitates further undercooling. Microstructural observation indicates that both of the primary Cu_2Sb and β(SnSb) intermetallic compounds in ternary Cu_6_0_−_xSn_xSb_4_0 alloys grow in faceted mode, and develop into coarse flakes and polygonal blocks.

  16. A validation study of the Hong Kong version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (HK-MoCA) in Chinese older adults in Hong Kong. (United States)

    Yeung, P Y; Wong, L L; Chan, C C; Leung, Jess L M; Yung, C Y


    To validate the Hong Kong version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (HK-MoCA) in identification of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in Chinese older adults. Cross-sectional study. Cognition clinic and memory clinic of a public hospital in Hong Kong. A total of 272 participants (dementia, n=130; mild cognitive impairment, n=93; normal controls, n=49) aged 60 years or above were assessed using HK-MoCA. The HK-MoCA scores were validated against expert diagnosis according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed) criteria for dementia and Petersen's criteria for mild cognitive impairment. Statistical analysis was performed using receiver operating characteristic curve and regression analyses. Additionally, comparison was made with the Cantonese version of Mini-Mental State Examination and Global Deterioration Scale. The optimal cutoff score for the HK-MoCA to differentiate cognitive impaired persons (mild cognitive impairment and dementia) from normal controls was 21/22 after adjustment of education level, giving a sensitivity of 0.928, specificity of 0.735, and area under the curve of 0.920. Moreover, the cutoff to detect mild cognitive impairment was 21/22 with a sensitivity of 0.828, specificity of 0.735, and area under the curve of 0.847. Score of the Cantonese version of the Mini-Mental State Examination to detect mild cognitive impairment was 26/27 with a sensitivity of 0.785, specificity of 0.816, and area under the curve of 0.857. At the optimal cutoff of 18/19, HK-MoCA identified dementia from controls with a sensitivity of 0.923, specificity of 0.918, and area under the curve of 0.971. The HK-MoCA is a useful cognitive screening instrument for use in Chinese older adults in Hong Kong. A score of less than 22 should prompt further diagnostic assessment. It has comparable sensitivity with the Cantonese version of Mini-Mental State Examination for detection of mild cognitive impairment. It is brief and feasible to conduct in the

  17. Genetic variant in HK1 is associated with a proanemic state and A1C but not other glycemic control-related traits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonnefond, Amélie; Vaxillaire, Martine; Labrune, Yann


    OBJECTIVE: A1C is widely considered the gold standard for monitoring effective blood glucose levels. Recently, a genome-wide association study reported an association between A1C and rs7072268 within HK1 (encoding hexokinase 1), which catalyzes the first step of glycolysis. HK1 deficiency in eryt....... These findings may have implications for type 2 diabetes diagnosis and clinical management because anemia is a frequent complication of the diabetes state.......,694). In contrast, rs7072268-T allele decreases hemoglobin levels (n = 13,416; beta = -0.054 g/dl; P = 3.74 x 10(-6)) and hematocrit (n = 11,492; beta = -0.13%; P = 2.26 x 10(-4)), suggesting a proanemic effect. The T allele also increases risk for anemia (836 cases; odds ratio 1.13; P = 0.018). CONCLUSIONS: HK1...

  18. Repair Effect of Seaweed Polysaccharides with Different Contents of Sulfate Group and Molecular Weights on Damaged HK-2 Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Poonam Bhadja


    Full Text Available The structure–activity relationships and repair mechanism of six low-molecular-weight seaweed polysaccharides (SPSs on oxalate-induced damaged human kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells (HK-2 were investigated. These SPSs included Laminaria japonica polysaccharide, degraded Porphyra yezoensis polysaccharide, degraded Gracilaria lemaneiformis polysaccharide, degraded Sargassum fusiforme polysaccharide, Eucheuma gelatinae polysaccharide, and degraded Undaria pinnatifida polysaccharide. These SPSs have a narrow difference of molecular weight (from 1968 to 4020 Da after degradation by controlling H2O2 concentration. The sulfate group (–SO3H content of the six SPSs was 21.7%, 17.9%, 13.3%, 8.2%, 7.0%, and 5.5%, respectively, and the –COOH contents varied between 1.0% to 1.7%. After degradation, no significant difference was observed in the contents of characteristic –SO3H and –COOH groups of polysaccharides. The repair effect of polysaccharides was determined using cell-viability test by CCK-8 assay and cell-morphology test by hematoxylin-eosin staining. The results revealed that these SPSs within 0.1–100 μg/mL did not express cytotoxicity in HK-2 cells, and each polysaccharide had a repair effect on oxalate-induced damaged HK-2 cells. Simultaneously, the content of polysaccharide –SO3H was positively correlated with repair ability. Furthermore, the low-molecular-weight degraded polysaccharides showed better repair activity on damaged HK-2 cells than their undegraded counterpart. Our results can provide reference for inhibiting the formation of kidney stones and for developing original anti-stone polysaccharide drugs.

  19. Coordination and redox state-dependent structural changes of the heme-based oxygen sensor AfGcHK associated with intraprotein signal transduction. (United States)

    Stranava, Martin; Man, Petr; Skálová, Tereza; Kolenko, Petr; Blaha, Jan; Fojtikova, Veronika; Martínek, Václav; Dohnálek, Jan; Lengalova, Alzbeta; Rosůlek, Michal; Shimizu, Toru; Martínková, Markéta


    The heme-based oxygen sensor histidine kinase Af GcHK is part of a two-component signal transduction system in bacteria. O 2 binding to the Fe(II) heme complex of its N-terminal globin domain strongly stimulates autophosphorylation at His 183 in its C-terminal kinase domain. The 6-coordinate heme Fe(III)-OH - and -CN - complexes of Af GcHK are also active, but the 5-coordinate heme Fe(II) complex and the heme-free apo-form are inactive. Here, we determined the crystal structures of the isolated dimeric globin domains of the active Fe(III)-CN - and inactive 5-coordinate Fe(II) forms, revealing striking structural differences on the heme-proximal side of the globin domain. Using hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry to characterize the conformations of the active and inactive forms of full-length Af GcHK in solution, we investigated the intramolecular signal transduction mechanisms. Major differences between the active and inactive forms were observed on the heme-proximal side (helix H5), at the dimerization interface (helices H6 and H7 and loop L7) of the globin domain and in the ATP-binding site (helices H9 and H11) of the kinase domain. Moreover, separation of the sensor and kinase domains, which deactivates catalysis, increased the solvent exposure of the globin domain-dimerization interface (helix H6) as well as the flexibility and solvent exposure of helix H11. Together, these results suggest that structural changes at the heme-proximal side, the globin domain-dimerization interface, and the ATP-binding site are important in the signal transduction mechanism of Af GcHK. We conclude that Af GcHK functions as an ensemble of molecules sampling at least two conformational states. © 2017 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  20. Nature of negative microplastic deformation in alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palatnik, L.S.; Ivantsov, V.I.; Kagan, Ya.I.; Papirov, I.I.; Fat'yanova, N.B.; AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst.)


    The paper deals with investigation of microplastic deformation of corrosion resistant aging 40KhNYU alloy and the study of physical nature of negative microdeformation in this alloy under tension. Investigation of microplasticity of 40KhNYU alloy was conducted by the method of mechanostatic hysteresis using resistance strain gauge for measuring stresses and deformations. Microplasticity curves for 40KhNYU alloy were obtained. They represent the result of competition between usual (positive) microdeformation and phase (negative) deformation under tensile effect on the alloy. It was established that the negative microdeformation increment occurs during secondary aging of the phase precipitated from initial supersat urated solid solution (primary decomposition product). This phase decomposes under tension with disperse phase precipitation which promotes decreasing its specific volume and specimen volume as a whole

  1. Structure, mechanical properties, and grindability of dental Ti-Zr alloys. (United States)

    Ho, Wen-Fu; Chen, Wei-Kai; Wu, Shih-Ching; Hsu, Hsueh-Chuan


    Structure, mechanical properties and grindability of a series of binary Ti-Zr alloys with zirconium contents ranging from 10 to 40 wt% have been investigated. Commercially pure titanium (c.p. Ti) was used as a control. Experimental results indicated that the diffraction peaks of all the Ti-Zr alloys matched those for alpha Ti. No beta-phase peaks were found. The hardness of the Ti-Zr alloys increased as the Zr contents increased, and ranged from 266 HV (Ti-10Zr) to 350 HV (Ti-40Zr). As the concentration of zirconium in the alloys increased, the strength, elastic recovery angles and hardness increased. Moreover, the elastically recoverable angle of Ti-40Zr was higher than of c.p. Ti by as much as 550%. The grindability of each metal was found to be largely dependent on the grinding conditions. The Ti-40Zr alloy had a higher grinding rate and grinding ratio than c.p. Ti at low speed. The grinding rate of the Ti-40Zr alloy at 500 m/min was about 1.8 times larger than that of c.p. Ti, and the grinding ratio was about 1.6 times larger than that of c.p. Ti. Our research suggested that the Ti-40Zr alloy has better mechanical properties, excellent elastic recovery capability and improved grindability at low grinding speed. The Ti-40Zr alloy has a great potential for use as a dental machining alloy.

  2. Teaching Glycoproteins with a Classical Paper: Knowledge and Methods in the Course of an Exciting Discovery--The story of Discovering HK-ATPase [Beta]-Subunit (United States)

    Zhu, Lixin


    To integrate research into the teaching of glycoproteins, the story of discovering hydrogen-potassium ATPase (HK-ATPase) [beta] subunit is presented in a way covering all the important teaching points. The interaction between the HK-ATPase [alpha] subunit and a glycoprotein of 60-80 kDa was demonstrated to support the existence of the [beta]…

  3. Internal friction study of neutron-irradiation effects on an amorphous Cu40Ti60 alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong, Y.; Wu, G.; Xiao, K.; Li, X.; He, Y.


    Effects of neutron irradiation on the structure of an amorphous Cu 40 Ti 60 alloy have been studied by internal friction measurements. After irradiation, the position of the first internal friction peak remains almost unchanged and the shoulder position shifts towards a higher temperature by about 5 K, which indicates that the Cu 40 Ti 60 glass becomes more stable. These results are finally discussed based on the concept of changes of chemical short-range ordering and geometrical short-range ordering due to radiation damage

  4. Nonstandard neutrino interactions at DUNE, T2HK and T2HKK

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liao, Jiajun; Marfatia, Danny; Whisnant, Kerry


    Here, we study the matter effect caused by nonstandard neutrino interactions (NSI) in the next generation long-baseline neutrino experiments, DUNE, T2HK and T2HKK. If multiple NSI parameters are nonzero, the potential of these experiments to detect CP violation, determine the mass hierarchy and constrain NSI is severely impaired by degeneracies between the NSI parameters and by the generalized mass hierarchy degeneracy. In particular, a cancellation between leading order terms in the appearance channels when ϵ_e_τ= cot θ _2_3ϵ_e_μ, strongly affects the sensitivities to these two NSI parameters at T2HK and T2HKK. We also study the dependence of the sensitivities on the true CP phase and the true mass hierarchy, and find that overall DUNE has the best sensitivity to the magnitude of the NSI parameters, while T2HKK has the best sensitivity to CP violation whether or not there are NSI. Furthermore, for T2HKK a smaller off-axis angle for the Korean detector is better overall. We find that due to the structure of the leading order terms in the appearance channel probabilities, the NSI sensitivities in a given experiment are similar for both mass hierarchies, modulo the phase change δ→δ + 180°.

  5. The tripartite capsid gene of Salmonella phage Gifsy-2 yields a capsid assembly pathway engaging features from HK97 and λ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Effantin, Gregory; Figueroa-Bossi, Nara; Schoehn, Guy; Bossi, Lionello; Conway, James F.


    Phage Gifsy-2, a lambdoid phage infecting Salmonella, has an unusually large composite gene coding for its major capsid protein (mcp) at the C-terminal end, a ClpP-like protease at the N-terminus, and a ∼ 200 residue central domain of unknown function but which may have a scaffolding role. This combination of functions on a single coding region is more extensive than those observed in other phages such as HK97 (scaffold-capsid fusion) and λ (protease-scaffold fusion). To study the structural phenotype of the unique Gifsy-2 capsid gene, we have purified Gifsy-2 particles and visualized capsids and procapsids by cryoelectron microscopy, determining structures to resolutions up to 12 A. The capsids have lambdoid T = 7 geometry and are well modeled with the atomic structures of HK97 mcp and phage λ gpD decoration protein. Thus, the unique Gifsy-2 capsid protein gene yields a capsid maturation pathway engaging features from both phages HK97 and λ.

  6. Factor Analysis of the HK-WISC at 11 Age Levels between 5 and 15 Years. (United States)

    Chan, David W.


    Factor analyzed the Hong Kong Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (HK-WISC), across 11 age groups in the standardization sample of Chinese children (N=1,100). Results indicated that the three factors, Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, and Freedom from Distractibility, identified in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for…

  7. Cyclic hydrogenation stability of γ-hydrides for Ti{sub 25}V{sub 35}Cr{sub 40} alloys doped with carbon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shen, Chia-Chieh, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Chungli 32003, Taiwan (China); Graduate School of Renewable Energy and Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Chungli 32003, Taiwan (China); Fuel Cell Center, Yuan Ze University, Chungli 32003, Taiwan (China); Li, Hsueh-Chih [Graduate School of Renewable Energy and Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Chungli 32003, Taiwan (China)


    An automatic Sievert's apparatus equipped with a temperature-programmed desorption spectrometer was constructed to study the stability of annealed Ti{sub 25}V{sub 35}Cr{sub 40}C{sub x} (x = 0 and 0.1) alloy under cyclic hydrogenation at 6 N H{sub 2}. The specimens were tested at 30 °C with a hydrogen loading of around 1.00 H/M, which enabled the phase transformation from β-to γ-hydrides. After 500 cycles, 83% and 90% of the initial hydrogen capacities were preserved for Ti{sub 25}V{sub 35}Cr{sub 40} and Ti{sub 25}V{sub 35}Cr{sub 40}C{sub 0.1}, respectively. Therefore, a small amount of C doping was effective in reducing the hydrogenation degradation of Ti{sub 25}V{sub 35}Cr{sub 40}. The hydrogenation degradation of Ti{sub 25}V{sub 35}Cr{sub 40} was examined by measuring the P–C isotherms, temperature-programmed desorption spectra, and X-ray diffraction patterns. The degradation was ascribed to intrinsic disproportionation, i.e., Ti{sub 0.25}V{sub 0.35}Cr{sub 0.40} + 0.88H{sub 2} → yTiH{sub 2} + Ti{sub 0.25−y}V{sub 0.35}Cr{sub 0.40}H{sub 1.76–2y}, where the coefficient y indicates the amount of Ti-rich precipitate. The better cyclic hydrogenation stability of Ti{sub 25}V{sub 35}Cr{sub 40}C{sub 0.1} was related to the suppression of intrinsic disproportionation by the presence of carbon atoms in the body-centered-cubic lattice. - Highlights: • The stability of γ-hydride for Ti{sub 25}V{sub 35}Cr{sub 40} alloys was examined for 500 cycles. • The γ-hydride of Ti{sub 25}V{sub 35}Cr{sub 40} alloy degraded by intrinsic disproportionation. • The disproportionation of γ-hydride can be suppressed through carbon inclusion.

  8. Development and Validation of Chinese Health Literacy Scale for Low Salt Consumption-Hong Kong Population (CHLSalt-HK.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P H Chau

    Full Text Available Globally, sodium intake far exceeds the level recommended by the World Health Organization. Assessing health literacy related to salt consumption among older adults could guide the development of interventions that target their knowledge gaps, misconceptions, or poor dietary practices. This study aimed to develop and validate the Chinese Health Literacy Scale for Low Salt Consumption-Hong Kong population (CHLSalt-HK. Based on previous studies on salt intake and nutrition label reading in other countries, we developed similar questions that were appropriate for the Chinese population in Hong Kong. The questions covered the following eight broad areas: functional literacy (term recognition and nutrition label reading, knowledge of the salt content of foods, knowledge of the diseases related to high salt intake, knowledge of international standards, myths about salt intake, attitudes toward salt intake, salty food consumption practices, and nutrition label reading practices. Eight professionals, including doctors, nurses, and dietitians, provided feedback on the scale. The psychometric properties of the scale were assessed based on data collected from a convenience sample of 603 Chinese elderly adults recruited from Elderly Health Centres in Hong Kong. The 49-item CHLSalt-HK had a possible score range of 0 to 98, with a higher score indicating higher health literacy related to salt intake. The CHLSalt-HK had acceptable content validity; the item-level Content Validity Index ranged from 0.857 to 1.000, and the scale-level Content Validity Index was 0.994. Additionally, it had good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha of 0.799 and good test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.846. The mean CHLSalt-HK score among those who were aware of the public education slogan about nutrition labels and sodium intake was higher by 3.928 points (95% confidence interval: 1.742 to 6.115 than that among those who were not aware of the slogan

  9. Synthesis by mechanical alloying and characterization of 95.5Sn/4.0Ag/0.5Cu, (wt%) nanopowder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barreto, Karen Lyn Lima; Manzato, Lizandro; Rivera, Jose Anglada; Oliveira, Marceli Falcao de


    This work aims at sintering and characterizing the 95.5Sn/4.0Ag/0.5Cu (wt%) nanopowder, produced by high energy milling. The nano-sized particles reduce the melting point of this solder, which is usually higher for such alloys, for example, when compared with the usual 63Sn/37Pb (wt%) solder. The alloy was processed in a Spex mill with the following parameters: (I) different times of milling, 12, 24 and 48 hours. (II) the ratio of ball/mass powder of 40:1 and (II) hydrogen milling atmosphere. The microstructural evolution during milling was studied by X-ray diffraction and differential calorimetry. Combining these three variables, after grinding, a reduction of the particle size and the melting point of the solder were observed. This material is promising for applications in microelectronics packaging as a lead free solder. (author)

  10. The H+/K+ ATPase Inhibitor SCH-28080 Inhibits Insulin Secretion and Induces Cell Death in INS-1E Rat Insulinoma Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Jakab


    was unaffected. The L-type ICav blocker nifedipine caused a full inhibition of GSIS at 10 and 20 µM. At 20 µM, SCH-28080 inhibited ICav comparable to 20 µM nifedipine and in addition augmented IKATP recorded at -60 mV and hyperpolarized Vmem by ∼15 mV. Cell viability 2 and 24 h post treatment with SCH-28080 was dose-dependently inhibited with IC50 values of 22.9 µM and 15.3 µM, respectively. At 20 µM the percentages of Annexin-V+, caspase+ and propidium iodide+ cells were significantly increased after 24 and 48 h. Concurrently, the MCV was significantly decreased (apoptotic volume decrease, AVD and the SSC signal was increased. At concentrations >40–50 µM, SCH-28080 became progressively cytotoxic causing a steep increase in necrotic cells already 2 h post treatment and a breakdown of ΔΨm within 4 h under 50 and 100 µM while 10 and 20 µM had no effect on ΔΨm within 24 h. Conclusion: We demonstrate expression of HKα2 in rat INS-1E cells. However, the pump is apparently non-functional under the given conditions. Nonetheless the H+/K+ ATPase blocker SCH-28080 inhibits insulin secretion and induces cell death. Importantly, we show that SCH-28080 inhibits ICav - and activates KATP channels identifying them as novel “off-targets” of the inhibitor, causing hyperpolarization of Vmem and inhibition of insulin secretion.

  11. Proteomic approaches in understanding a detected relationship between chemotherapy-induced nephrotoxicity and cell respiration in HK-2 cells. (United States)

    Perez, Juliana Dinéia; Colucci, Juliana Almada; Sakata, Maísa Mayumi; Cunha, Tatiana Sousa; Arita, Danielle Yuri; Casarini, Dulce Elena


    Nephrotoxicity is a prominent component of the profile of chemotherapeutic agents and to date proteomics has represented the main technique to identify protein profiles in response to xenobiotic exposure. We made use of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight analysis to evaluate chemotoxicity effects of cisplatin (CPT) and carboplatin (CB) on proteins from human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells (HK-2). Tandem mass spectrometry analysis showed that ATP synthase subunit α and serine hydroxymethyltransferase were only expressed in HK-2 cells exposed to CPT. Since CPT causes damage in cellular respiration, we suggest that this might be a protective adaptation to CPT-induced nephrotoxicity. Thioredoxin-dependent peroxide reductase disappeared in the CPT group and was upregulated in the CB group, suggesting that CB exposure stimulates preventive apoptotic mechanisms. We suggest a relationship between chemotherapeutic agent-induced nephrotoxicity and cell respiration. The identification of proteins differentially expressed in HK-2 cells, when exposed to CPT and CB, not only supplies important information to understand the molecular action mechanisms, which are triggered by metal-based drugs in cell nephrotoxicity, but also can lead to the design of more effective anticancer drugs. These results provide important insights into the investigation of possible biomarker(s) of toxicity that could eventually reduce the side effects of chemotherapeutic agents. Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  12. Corrosion Characteristics of Ti-xTa Alloys with Ta contents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, H. J.; Choe, H. C.


    The purpose of this study was to investigate corrosion characteristics of Ti-xTa alloys with Ta contents. Ti-xTa alloys used as samples (x=30, 40%) were arc-melted under argon atmosphere of 99.9% purity. Ti-xTa alloys were homogenized for 12hr at 1000 .deg. C and then water quenched. The surface characteristics of Ti-xTa alloys were investigated using optical microscopy (OM) and X-ray diffractometer (XRD). The anodic corrosion behaviors of the specimens were examined through potentiodynamic, potentiostatic and galvanostatic test in 0.9 % NaCl solution at 36.5 ± 1 .deg. C. After corrosion test, the surface characteristics of Ti-xTa alloys were investigated using OM. The microstructure of Ti-Ta alloy showed the beta structure with Ta content. The corrosion resistance of Ti alloy was improved by increasing Ta content and the corrosion morphology of Ti-Ta alloy showed that the site attacked by chloride ion decreased from the active to passive region with Ta content. Potential of Ti-40Ta alloy increased as time increased, whereas, current density of Ti-40Ta alloy decreased as time increased compared to Ti-30 alloy

  13. Effect of low-temperature thermomechanical treatment on mechanical properties of low-alloying molybdenum alloys with carbide hardening

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernshtejn, L.M.; Zakharov, A.M.; Veller, M.V.


    Presented are results of testing low-temperature thermomechanical treatment of low-alloying molybdenum alloys, including quenching from 2100 deg C, 40% deformation by hydroextrusion and aging at the temperature of 1200-1400 deg C. Tensile tests at room temperature with the following processing of results have shown that low-temperature thermomechanical treatment of low-alloying molybdenum alloys of Mo-Zr-C and Mo-Zr-Nb-C systems leads to a significant increase in low-temperature mechanical properties (strength properties - by 30-35%, ductility - by 30-40%) as compared with conventional heat treatment (aging after quenching). The treatment proposed increases resistance to small, as well as large plastic deformations, and leads to a simultaneous rise of strength and plastic properties at all stages of tensile test. Alloying of the Mo-Zr-C system with niobium increases both strength and plastic characteristics as compared with alloys without niobium when testing samples, subjected to low temperature thermomechanical treatment and conventional heat treatment at room temperature

  14. Characterization of Dispersion Strengthened Copper Alloy Prepared by Internal Oxidation Combined with Mechanical Alloying (United States)

    Zhao, Ziqian; Xiao, Zhu; Li, Zhou; Zhu, Mengnan; Yang, Ziqi


    Cu-3.6 vol.% Al2O3 dispersion strengthened alloy was prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) of internal oxidation Cu-Al powders. The lattice parameter of Cu matrix decreased with milling time for powders milled in argon, while the abnormal increase of lattice parameter occurred in the air resulting from mechanochemical reactions. With a quantitative analysis, the combined method makes residual aluminum oxidized completely within 10-20 h while mechanical alloying method alone needs longer than 40 h. Lamellar structure formed and the thickness of lamellar structure decreased with milling time. The size of Al2O3 particles decreased from 46 to 22 nm after 40 h milling. After reduction, core-shell structure was found in MAed powders milled in the air. The compacted alloy produced by MAed powders milled in the argon had an average hardness and electrical conductivity of 172.2 HV and 82.1% IACS while the unmilled alloy's were 119.8 HV and 74.1% IACS due to the Al2O3 particles refinement and residual aluminum in situ oxidization.

  15. Effect of crystallization on corrosion behavior of Fe40Ni38B18Mo4 amorphous alloy in 3.5% sodium chloride solution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wu, Y.F.; Chiang, Wen-Chi; Wu, J.K.


    After the crystallization of F40Ni38B18Mo4 amorphous alloy by vacuum annealing, the corrosion resistance of its crystalline state shows inferior to its amorphous state due to the local cell action between Ni phase and (Fe, Ni, Mo)(23)B-6 phase in matrix.......After the crystallization of F40Ni38B18Mo4 amorphous alloy by vacuum annealing, the corrosion resistance of its crystalline state shows inferior to its amorphous state due to the local cell action between Ni phase and (Fe, Ni, Mo)(23)B-6 phase in matrix....

  16. Amorphous alloys in the U-Cr-V system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ray, R.; Musso, E.


    Amorphous uranium-chromium-vanadium alloys and a method of producing them are described. The uranium content of the alloys may vary between 60 and 80 atom percent, and chromium and vanadium between 0 and 40 atom percent, most particularly between 20 and 40 atom percent. A maximum of 10 atom percent of Cr or V may be replaced by other alloying elements, including metalloids and at least one transtion metal element. (LL)

  17. Nanostructured Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Zr alloy prepared by mechanical alloying followed by hot pressing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azimi, Amin; Shokuhfar, Ali; Zolriasatein, Ashkan


    Nanostructured Al–7.8 wt% Zn–2.6 wt% Mg–2 wt% Cu–0.1 wt% Zr alloy was mechanically alloyed (MA) from elemental powders and consolidated by hot press technique. The effect of the milling time and hot pressing process on microstructure was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction measurements (XRD) and analytical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Furthermore mechanical properties of samples with different MA time as well as pure aluminum were investigated by microhardness and compression tests. The results show that an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Zr homogenous supersaturated solid solution with a crystallite size of 27 nm was obtained after 40 h of milling time. Microstructure refinement and morphological changes of powders from flake to spherical shape were observed by increasing milling time. Phase and microstructural characterization of high density bulk nanostructured samples revealed that increasing milling time up to 40 h leads to formation of MgZn 2 precipitation in the alloy matrix. With increasing milling time, density of the samples and crystalline size decrease. Significant enhancement of hardness and compressive strength is observed in the aluminum alloy by increasing milling time up to 40 h which is much higher than pure aluminum. Crystallite size refinement in pure aluminum samples from micro- to nanoscales resulted in 107% and 100% improvement in compressive strength and hardness, respectively. Furthermore the compressive strength and hardness of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Zr alloy nanostructured samples increased to 179% and 172%, respectively, compared to nanostructured pure Al, which was produced as reference specimen. 40 h of MA was the optimum case for preparing such an Al alloy and more milling up to 50 h led to deterioration of mechanical properties

  18. Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale (HK-LS): A Study on Development, Validity and Reliability


    Erkoc, Sultan Baliz; Isikli, Burhanettin; Metintas, Selma; Kalyoncu, Cemalettin


    This study was conducted to develop a scale to measure knowledge about hypertension among Turkish adults. The Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale (HK-LS) was generated based on content, face, and construct validity, internal consistency, test re-test reliability, and discriminative validity procedures. The final scale had 22 items with six sub-dimensions. The scale was applied to 457 individuals aged ≥18 years, and 414 of them were re-evaluated for test-retest reliability. The six sub-dimensio...

  19. Efficacy of a novel chelator BPCBG for removing uranium and protecting against uranium-induced renal cell damage in rats and HK-2 cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bao, Yizhong; Wang, Dan [Institute of Radiation Medicine, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032 (China); Li, Zhiming [Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 (China); Hu, Yuxing; Xu, Aihong [Institute of Radiation Medicine, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032 (China); Wang, Quanrui [Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 (China); Shao, Chunlin [Institute of Radiation Medicine, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032 (China); Chen, Honghong, E-mail: [Institute of Radiation Medicine, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032 (China)


    Chelation therapy is a known effective method to increase the excretion of U(VI) from the body. Until now, no any uranium chelator has been approved for emergency medical use worldwide. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of new ligand BPCBG containing two catechol groups and two aminocarboxylic acid groups in decorporation of U(VI) and protection against acute U(VI) nephrotoxicity in rats, and further explored the detoxification mechanism of BPCBG for U(VI)-induced nephrotoxicity in HK-2 cells with comparison to DTPA-CaNa{sub 3}. Chelating agents were administered at various times before or after injections of U(VI) in rats. The U(VI) levels in urine, kidneys and femurs were measured 24 h after U(VI) injections. Histopathological changes in the kidney and serum urea and creatinine and urine protein were examined. After treatment of U(VI)-exposed HK-2 cells with chelating agent, the intracellular U(VI) contents, formation of micronuclei, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were assessed. It was found that prompt, advanced or delayed injections of BPCBG effectively increased 24 h-urinary U(VI) excretion and decreased the levels of U(VI) in kidney and bone. Meanwhile, BPCBG injection obviously reduced the severity of the U(VI)-induced histological alterations in the kidney, which was in parallel with the amelioration noted in serum indicators, urea and creatinine, and urine protein of U(VI) nephrotoxicity. In U(VI)-exposed HK-2 cells, immediate and delayed treatment with BPCBG significantly decreased the formation of micronuclei and LDH release by inhibiting the cellular U(VI) intake, promoting the intracellular U(VI) release and inhibiting the production of intracellular ROS. Our data suggest that BPCBG is a novel bi-functional U(VI) decorporation agent with a better efficacy than DTPA-CaNa{sub 3}. - Highlights: ► BPCBG accelerated the urine U(VI) excretion and reduced the tissues U(VI) in rats.

  20. Effect of Naphthalene and Salicylate Analogues on the Bioluminescence of Bioreporter Pseudomonas Fluorescens HK44.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Trögl, Josef; Kuncová, Gabriela; Kubicová, L.; Pařík, P.; Hálová, Jaroslava; Demnerová, K.; Ripp, S.; Sayler, G. S.


    Roč. 52, 1 (2007) , s. 3-14 ISSN 0015-5632 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/05/2637; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/06/1244 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40720504; CEZ:AV0Z40320502 Keywords : pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 * bioluminescence * bioluminescence Subject RIV: CE - Biochemistry Impact factor: 0.989, year: 2007

  1. Structure of molten Bi-Sb-alloys by means of neutron diffraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lamparter, P.; Knoll, W.; Steeb, S.


    The structural investigations with melts can be subdivided into two groups: The first group contains molten metals and molten alloys, and one can state that the structure of molten metals and of molten alloys nowadays is rather well understood. Interference functions of molten metals may be described by a hard sphere model. This is valid also for molten alloys with statistical distribution. For the second group, namely molten non-metals and molecular melts, the interference functions as well as the pair correlation functions are very offen rather complicated and not well understood. The present study is concerned with the transition region between these two groups. It is shown that the melts of the Bi-Sb system exhibit a change from metallic to non-metallic structure. Regarding the experimental details: the experiments were done with the two-axes spectrometer D 4 at the high-flux reactor at Grenoble. The containers consisted of cylindrical quartz tubes with a wall thickness of 0.1 cm. The furnace consisted of a direct-heated vanadium tube. The wavelength of the neutrons was 0.695 A. The final result is that the structure in molten Bi-Sb-alloys consists of primitive tetrahedra with coordination number 3. There are less tetrahedra in molten Bi than in molten Sb. Also with rising temperature the number of tetrahedra decreases. It is shown how to compose the coordination numbers of two structures to get the observed coordination number. The observed values are always the mean values of the two structures. (orig./HK) [de

  2. Finanční analýza podniku Matex HK s.r.o.


    Matyáš, Petr


    Financial analysis of company is very important instrument of corporate affairs. My work deals with complex financial analysis of company Matex HK s.r.o. since 2004 till 2008. I primarily focus on horizontal and vertical analysis, ration and distance indicators analysis, EVA analysis, ROE analysis and I discover by the help of models of bankruptcy if company is threatened by bankrupt. I judge too, if company is run by some recommended rules, example by gold balance rules. Next I accentuate on...

  3. Processing and properties of Nb-Ti-based alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sikka, V.K.; Viswanathan, S.


    The processing characteristics, tensile properties, and oxidation response of two Nb-Ti-Al-Cr alloys were investigated. One creep test at 650 C and 172 MPa was conducted on the base alloy which contained 40Nb-40Ti-10Al-10Cr. A second alloy was modified with 0.11 at. % carbon and 0.07 at. % yttrium. Alloys were arc melted in a chamber backfilled with argon, drop cast into a water-cooled copper mold, and cold rolled to obtain a 0.8-mm sheet. The sheet was annealed at 1,100 C for 0.5 h. Longitudinal tensile specimens and oxidation specimens were obtained for both the base alloy and the modified alloy. Tensile properties were obtained for the base alloy at room temperature, 400, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1,000 C, and for the modified alloy at room temperature, 400, 600, 700, and 800 C. Oxidation tests on the base alloy and modified alloy, as measured by weight change, were carried out at 600, 700, 800, and 900 C. Both the base alloy and the modified alloy were extremely ductile and were cold rolled to the final sheet thickness of 0.8 mm without an intermediate anneal. The modified alloy exhibited some edge cracking during cold during cold rolling. Both alloys recrystallized at the end of a 0.5-h annealing treatment. The alloys exhibited moderate strength and oxidation resistance below 600 C, similar to the results of alloys reported in the literature

  4. Mechanical properties and grindability of experimental Ti-Au alloys. (United States)

    Takahashi, Masatoshi; Kikuchi, Masafumi; Okuno, Osamu


    Experimental Ti-Au alloys (5, 10, 20 and 40 mass% Au) were made. Mechanical properties and grindability of the castings of the Ti-Au alloys were examined. As the concentration of gold increased to 20%, the yield strength and the tensile strength of the Ti-Au alloys became higher without markedly deteriorating their ductility. This higher strength can be explained by the solid-solution strengthening of the a titanium. The Ti-40%Au alloy became brittle because the intermetallic compound Ti3Au precipitated intensively near the grain boundaries. There was no significant difference in the grinding rate and grinding ratio among all the Ti-Au alloys and the pure titanium at any speed.

  5. Hubble space telescope and ground-based observations of the type Iax supernovae SN 2005hk and SN 2008A

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McCully, Curtis; Jha, Saurabh W. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 136 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (United States); Foley, Ryan J. [Astronomy Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1002 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801 (United States); Chornock, Ryan [Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 (United States); Holtzman, Jon A. [Department of Astronomy, MSC 4500, New Mexico State University, P.O. Box 30001, Las Cruces, NM 88003 (United States); Balam, David D. [Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, 5071 West Saanich Road, Victoria, BC V9E 2E7 (Canada); Branch, David [Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019 (United States); Filippenko, Alexei V.; Ganeshalingam, Mohan; Li, Weidong [Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3411 (United States); Frieman, Joshua [Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics and Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States); Fynbo, Johan; Leloudas, Giorgos [Dark Cosmology Centre, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Juliane Maries Vej 30, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø (Denmark); Galbany, Lluis [Institut de Física d' Altes Energies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) (Spain); Garnavich, Peter M. [Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States); Graham, Melissa L. [Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Goleta, CA 93117 (United States); Hsiao, Eric Y. [Carnegie Observatories, Las Campanas Observatory, Colina El Pino, Casilla 601 (Chile); Leonard, Douglas C., E-mail: [Department of Astronomy, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182 (United States); and others


    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and ground-based optical and near-infrared observations of SN 2005hk and SN 2008A, typical members of the Type Iax class of supernovae (SNe). Here we focus on late-time observations, where these objects deviate most dramatically from all other SN types. Instead of the dominant nebular emission lines that are observed in other SNe at late phases, spectra of SNe 2005hk and 2008A show lines of Fe II, Ca II, and Fe I more than a year past maximum light, along with narrow [Fe II] and [Ca II] emission. We use spectral features to constrain the temperature and density of the ejecta, and find high densities at late times, with n{sub e} ≳ 10{sup 9} cm{sup –3}. Such high densities should yield enhanced cooling of the ejecta, making these objects good candidates to observe the expected 'infrared catastrophe', a generic feature of SN Ia models. However, our HST photometry of SN 2008A does not match the predictions of an infrared catastrophe. Moreover, our HST observations rule out a 'complete deflagration' that fully disrupts the white dwarf for these peculiar SNe, showing no evidence for unburned material at late times. Deflagration explosion models that leave behind a bound remnant can match some of the observed properties of SNe Iax, but no published model is consistent with all of our observations of SNe 2005hk and 2008A.

  6. Hubble space telescope and ground-based observations of the type Iax supernovae SN 2005hk and SN 2008A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCully, Curtis; Jha, Saurabh W.; Foley, Ryan J.; Chornock, Ryan; Holtzman, Jon A.; Balam, David D.; Branch, David; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Ganeshalingam, Mohan; Li, Weidong; Frieman, Joshua; Fynbo, Johan; Leloudas, Giorgos; Galbany, Lluis; Garnavich, Peter M.; Graham, Melissa L.; Hsiao, Eric Y.; Leonard, Douglas C.


    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and ground-based optical and near-infrared observations of SN 2005hk and SN 2008A, typical members of the Type Iax class of supernovae (SNe). Here we focus on late-time observations, where these objects deviate most dramatically from all other SN types. Instead of the dominant nebular emission lines that are observed in other SNe at late phases, spectra of SNe 2005hk and 2008A show lines of Fe II, Ca II, and Fe I more than a year past maximum light, along with narrow [Fe II] and [Ca II] emission. We use spectral features to constrain the temperature and density of the ejecta, and find high densities at late times, with n e ≳ 10 9 cm –3 . Such high densities should yield enhanced cooling of the ejecta, making these objects good candidates to observe the expected 'infrared catastrophe', a generic feature of SN Ia models. However, our HST photometry of SN 2008A does not match the predictions of an infrared catastrophe. Moreover, our HST observations rule out a 'complete deflagration' that fully disrupts the white dwarf for these peculiar SNe, showing no evidence for unburned material at late times. Deflagration explosion models that leave behind a bound remnant can match some of the observed properties of SNe Iax, but no published model is consistent with all of our observations of SNe 2005hk and 2008A.

  7. Hubble Space Telescope and Ground-Based Observations of the Type Iax Supernovae SN 2005hk and SN 2008A

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McCully, Curtis; Jha, Saurabh W.; Foley, Ryan J.; Chornock, Ryan; Holtzman, Jon A.; Balam, David D.; Branch, David; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Frieman, Joshua; Fynbo, Johan; Galbany, Lluis; Ganeshalingam, Mohan; Garnavich, Peter M.; Graham, Melissa L.; Hsiao, Eric Y.; Leloudas, Giorgos; Leonard, Douglas C.; Li, Weidong; Riess, Adam G.; Sako, Masao; Schneider, Donald P.; Silverman, Jeffrey M.; Sollerman, Jesper; Steele, Thea N.; Thomas, Rollin C.; Wheeler, J. Craig; Zheng, Chen


    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and ground-based optical and near-infrared observations of SN 2005hk and SN 2008A, typical members of the Type Iax class of supernovae (SNe). Here we focus on late-time observations, where these objects deviate most dramatically from all other SN types. Instead of the dominant nebular emission lines that are observed in other SNe at late phases, spectra of SNe 2005hk and 2008A show lines of Fe II, Ca II, and Fe I more than a year past maximum light, along with narrow [Fe II] and [Ca II] emission. We use spectral features to constrain the temperature and density of the ejecta, and find high densities at late times, with ne109 cm–3. Such high densities should yield enhanced cooling of the ejecta, making these objects good candidates to observe the expected "infrared catastrophe," a generic feature of SN Ia models. However, our HST photometry of SN 2008A does not match the predictions of an infrared catastrophe. Moreover, our HST observations rule out a "complete deflagration" that fully disrupts the white dwarf for these peculiar SNe, showing no evidence for unburned material at late times. Deflagration explosion models that leave behind a bound remnant can match some of the observed properties of SNe Iax, but no published model is consistent with all of our observations of SNe 2005hk and 2008A.

  8. Salicylic acid degradation from aqueous solutions using Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44: parameters studies and application tools Degradação de ácido salicílico presente em soluções sintéticas utilizando Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatyane R. Silva


    Full Text Available The optimal conditions for salicylic acid biodegradation by Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 were determined in this study with the intention to create a microbial sensor. Kinetic experiments permitted a definition of 60 and 30min the time needed to achieve the maximum degradation of salicylic acid presented in a medium with and without yeast extract, respectively. The degradation in medium without yeast extract and the quantification by spectrophotometry 230 nm were selected to be used in further tests. The use of preactivated cells or on the exponential growth phase showed better salicylic acid degradation percentages when compared to nonactivated cells or on the stationary growth state. Finally, the best cellular concentration used on the salicylic acid degradation was 0,1 g.L-1. Strain HK44 shows to be capable of degrade salicylic acid presented in simple aqueous systems, making this strain a promising tool for the application on a luminescent microbial sensor.Com a intenção de criar um sensor microbiano, as condições ótimas para a biodegradação de ácido salicílico por Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 foram determinadas neste estudo. Os experimentos cinéticos permitiram a definição dos tempos de 60 e 30 minutos como necessários para atingir a máxima degradação de ácido salicílico presente em meio com ou sem extrato de lêvedo, respectivamente. A degradação no meio sem extrato de lêvedo e a quantificação através de espectrofotometria 230 nm foram selecionadas para serem utilizadas em testes posteriores. O uso de células pré-ativadas ou na fase exponencial de crescimento apresentou melhores porcentagens de degradação de ácido salicílico quando comparadas a células não-ativadas ou no estado estacionário de crescimento. Além disso, a melhor concentração celular utilizada nessa degradação foi 0,1 g.L¹. A cepa HK44 parece ser capaz de degradar o ácido salicílico presente em sistemas aquosos simples, tornando este

  9. Effect of processing of mechanical alloying and powder metallurgy on microstructure and properties of Cu-Al-Ni-Mn alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Zhu; Li Zhou; Fang Mei; Xiong Shiyun; Sheng Xiaofei; Zhou Mengqi


    The fabrication conditions of Cu-Al-Ni-Mn alloy powder by mechanical alloying and powder metallurgy have been systematically studied. The mechanically alloyed powder (MAed powder) was fabricated at a speed between 100 rpm and 300 rpm for various milling times with and without process control agent (PCA). With an increasing of milling time, the size of crystallite grain decreases. Only the Cu diffraction pattern appear as the rotation speed is up to 300 rpm for 25 h. The elemental powders with PCA agglomerate slightly, but the degree of alloying is lower than that without PCA. The shape memory recovery of the quenched sample hot-extruded at extrusion rate of 50:1 is measured to be 100% recovered in 250 deg. C oil bath for 40 s after deformed to 4.0%. After aging at 120 deg. C for 10 days, the shape memory recovery of the alloy remains 98%

  10. Two phase titanium aluminide alloy (United States)

    Deevi, Seetharama C.; Liu, C. T.


    A two-phase titanic aluminide alloy having a lamellar microstructure with little intercolony structures. The alloy can include fine particles such as boride particles at colony boundaries and/or grain boundary equiaxed structures. The alloy can include alloying additions such as .ltoreq.10 at % W, Nb and/or Mo. The alloy can be free of Cr, V, Mn, Cu and/or Ni and can include, in atomic %, 45 to 55% Ti, 40 to 50% Al, 1 to 5% Nb, 0.3 to 2% W, up to 1% Mo and 0.1 to 0.3% B. In weight %, the alloy can include 57 to 60% Ti, 30 to 32% Al, 4 to 9% Nb, up to 2% Mo, 2 to 8% W and 0.02 to 0.08% B.

  11. Corrosion of alloys of the niobium--titanium--aluminium system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreeva, V.V.; Alekseeva, E.L.; Dontsov, S.N.; Moiseeva, I.S.

    The mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of niobium--titanium--aluminum alloys in 20 percent HCl and 40--75 percent H 2 SO 4 at 40 and 100 0 C are considered. Current density vs potential and corrosion rate vs potential potentiostatic curves plotted in 75 percent H 2 SO 4 at 140 0 C for the alloys with different titanium contents at a constant content of aluminum and also for alloys with a constant titanium content at different contents of aluminum are given. It was shown that the corrosion resistance of the alloys in 75 percent H 2 SO 4 at 140 0 C is an exponential function of the atomic content of the alloying components (Ti, Al) in them; aluminum vitiates the corrosion resistance very strongly

  12. Dry heat tolerance of the dry colony in Nostoc sp. HK-01 for useful usage in space agriculture (United States)

    Kimura, Shunta; Tomita-Yokotani, Kaori; Yamashita, Masamichi; Sato, Seigo; Katoh, Hiroshi

    Space agriculture producing foods is important as one of approach for space habitation. Nostoc sp. HK-01 is one of terrestrial cyanobacterium having a high dry tolerance and it has several ability, photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and usefulness as a food, it is thought that it can be used for space agriculture. Besides, a study on each tolerance predicted at the time of introduction to space agriculture is necessary. Therefore, as one of the tolerance that are intended to space environment, dry heat ( 100(°) C, 10 h ) tolerance of dry colony in Nostoc sp. HK-01 has been investigated, but the detail function of them has not yet been elucidated. We focused on the extracellular polysaccharides ( EPS ) having the various tolerance, desiccation, low temperature, NaCl, and heavy particle beam. We will consider the function and useful usage of this cyanobacterum in space agriculture after the consideration of the results of contribution of the possibility that EPS improves dry heat tolerance under a dry condition.

  13. Thermomechanical processing of In-containing β-type Ti-Nb alloys. (United States)

    Pilz, Stefan; Geissler, David; Calin, Mariana; Eckert, Jürgen; Zimmermann, Martina; Freudenberger, Jens; Gebert, Annett


    In this study, the effect of thermomechanical processing on microstructure evolution of the indium-containing β-type Ti alloys (Ti-40Nb)-3.5In and (Ti-36Nb)-3.5In was examined. Both alloys show an increased β-phase stability compared to binary alloys due to In additions. This leads to a reduced α''-phase fraction in the solution treated and recrystallized state in the case of (Ti-36Nb)-3.5In and to the suppression of stress-induced α'' formation and deformation twinning for (Ti-40Nb)-3.5In. The mechanical properties of the alloys were subsequently studied by quasistatic tensile tests in the recrystallized state, revealing reduced Young's modulus values of 58GPa ((Ti-40Nb)-3.5In) and 56GPa ((Ti-36Nb)-3.5In) compared to 60GPa as determined for Ti-40Nb. For both In-containing alloys the ultimate tensile strength is in the range of 560MPa. Due to the suppressed α'' formation, (Ti-40Nb)-3.5In exhibits a linear elastic deformation behavior during tensile loading together with a low Young's modulus and is therefore promising for load-bearing implants. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Superconducting alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowers, J.E.


    Reference is made to superconductors having high critical currents. The superconductor described comprises an alloy consisting of a matrix of a Type II superconductor which is a homogeneous mixture of 50 to 95 at.% Pb and 5 to 40 at.%Bi and/or 10 to 50 at.%In. Dispersed in the matrix is a material to provide pinning centres comprising from 0.01% to 20% by volume of the alloy; this material is a stable discontinuous phase of discrete crystalline particles of Cu, Mn, Te, Se, Ni, Ca, Cr, Ce, Ge or La, either in the form of the element or a compound with a component of the matrix. These particles should have an average diameter of not more than 2μ. A method for making this alloy is described. (U.K.)

  15. Surface treatment of new type aluminum lithium alloy and fatigue crack behaviors of this alloy plate bonded with Ti–6Al–4V alloy strap

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Zhen-Qi; Huang, Ming-Hui; Hu, Guo-Huai


    Highlights: ► A new generation aluminum lithium alloy which special made for Chinese commercial plane was investigated. ► Pattern of aluminum lithium alloy and Ti alloy were shown after anodization. ► Crack propagation of samples bonded with different wide Ti straps were studied in this paper. -- Abstract: Samples consisting of new aluminum lithium alloy (Al–Li alloy) plate developed by the Aluminum Company of America and Ti–6Al–4V alloy (Ti alloy) plate were investigated. Plate of 400 mm × 140 mm × 2 mm with single edge notch was anodized in phosphoric solution and Ti alloy plate of 200 mm × 20 (40) mm × 2 mm was anodized in alkali solution. Patterns of two alloys were studied at original/anodized condition. And then, aluminum alloy and Ti alloy plates were assembled into a sample with FM 94 film adhesive. Fatigue crack behaviors of the sample were investigated under condition of nominal stress σ = 36 MPa and 54 MPa, stress ratio of 0.1. Testing results show that anodization treatment modifies alloys surface topography. Ti alloy bonding to Al–Li alloy plate effectively retards crack growth than that of Al–Li alloy plate. Fatigue life of sample bonded with Ti alloy strap improves about 62.5% than that of non-strap plate.

  16. Ginsenoside 20(S)-Rg3 Inhibits the Warburg Effect Via Modulating DNMT3A/ MiR-532-3p/HK2 Pathway in Ovarian Cancer Cells. (United States)

    Zhou, Yuanyuan; Zheng, Xia; Lu, Jiaojiao; Chen, Wei; Li, Xu; Zhao, Le


    The Warburg effect is one of the main energy metabolism features supporting cancer cell growth. 20(S)-Rg3 exerts anti-tumor effect on ovarian cancer partly by inhibiting the Warburg effect. microRNAs are important regulators of the Warburg effect. However, the microRNA regulatory network mediating the anti-Warburg effect of 20(S)-Rg3 was largely unknown. microRNA deep sequencing was performed to identify the 20(S)-Rg3-influenced microRNAs in SKOV3 ovarian cancer cells. miR-532-3p was overexpressed by mimic532-3p transfection in SKOV3 and A2780 cells or inhibited by inhibitor532-3p transfection in 20(S)-Rg3-treated cells to examine the changes in HK2 and PKM2 expression, glucose consumption, lactate production and cell growth. Dual-luciferase reporter assay was conducted to verify the direct binding of miR-532-3p to HK2. The methylation status in the promoter region of pre-miR-532-3p gene was examined by methylation-specific PCR. Expression changes of key molecules controlling DNA methylation including DNMT1, DNMT3A, DNMT3B, and TET1-3 were examined in 20(S)-Rg3-treated cells. DNMT3A was overexpressed in 20(S)-Rg3-treated cells to examine its influence on miR-532-3p level, HK2 and PKM2 expression, glucose consumption and lactate production. Deep sequencing results showed that 11 microRNAs were increased and 9 microRNAs were decreased by 20(S)-Rg3 in SKOV3 cells, which were verified by qPCR. More than 2-fold increase of miR-532-3p was found in 20(S)-Rg3-treated SKOV3 cells. Forced expression of miR-532-3p reduced HK2 and PKM2 expression, glucose consumption and lactate production in SKOV3 and A2780 ovarian cancer cells. Inhibition of miR-532-3p antagonized the suppressive effect of 20(S)-Rg3 on HK2 and PKM2 expression, glucose consumption and lactate production in ovarian cancer cells. Dual-luciferase reporter assay showed that miR-532-3p directly suppressed HK2 rather than PKM2. miR-532-3p level was controlled by the methylation in the promoter region of its host

  17. The melting-diffusion correlation in the plutonium-zirconium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zanghi, J.-P.; Calais, Daniel.


    The activation volumes for self-diffusion of Pu in b.c.c. PuZr alloys (10 and 40at%Zr) have been determined, the validity of Nachtrieb's melting-diffusion correlation was checked. Indeed, in the Pu-40at%Zr alloy, which has a pressure temperature phase diagram whose liquidus has a positive slope, the activation volume is positive, whereas in pure epsilon Pu where the slope is negative, the activation volume is negative. A self-diffusion mechanism in PuZr alloys is proposed [fr

  18. Effects of Plasma ZrN Metallurgy and Shot Peening Duplex Treatment on Fretting Wear and Fretting Fatigue Behavior of Ti6Al4V Alloy. (United States)

    Tang, Jingang; Liu, Daoxin; Zhang, Xiaohua; Du, Dongxing; Yu, Shouming


    A metallurgical zirconium nitride (ZrN) layer was fabricated using glow metallurgy using nitriding with zirconiuming prior treatment of the Ti6Al4V alloy. The microstructure, composition and microhardness of the corresponding layer were studied. The influence of this treatment on fretting wear (FW) and fretting fatigue (FF) behavior of the Ti6Al4V alloy was studied. The composite layer consisted of an 8-μm-thick ZrN compound layer and a 50-μm-thick nitrogen-rich Zr-Ti solid solution layer. The surface microhardness of the composite layer is 1775 HK 0.1 . A gradient in cross-sectional microhardness distribution exists in the layer. The plasma ZrN metallurgical layer improves the FW resistance of the Ti6Al4V alloy, but reduces the base FF resistance. This occurs because the improvement in surface hardness results in lowering of the toughness and increasing in the notch sensitivity. Compared with shot peening treatment, plasma ZrN metallurgy and shot peening composite treatment improves the FW resistance and enhances the FF resistance of the Ti6Al4V alloy. This is attributed to the introduction of a compressive stress field. The combination of toughness, strength, FW resistance and fatigue resistance enhance the FF resistance for titanium alloy.

  19. Study of Cu-Al-Ni-Ga as high-temperature shape memory alloys (United States)

    Zhang, Xin; Wang, Qian; Zhao, Xu; Wang, Fang; Liu, Qingsuo


    The effect of Ga element on the microstructure, mechanical properties and shape memory effect of Cu-13.0Al-4.0Ni- xGa (wt%) high-temperature shape memory alloy was investigated by optical microscopy, SEM, XRD and compression test. The microstructure observation results showed that the Cu-13.0Al-4.0Ni- xGa ( x = 0.5 and 1.0) alloys displayed dual-phase morphology which consisted of 18R martensite and (Al, Ga)Cu phase, and their grain size was about several hundred microns, smaller than that of Cu-13.0Al-4.0Ni alloy. The compression test results proved that the mechanical properties of Cu-13.0Al-4.0Ni- xGa alloys were improved by addition of Ga element owing to the grain refinement and solid solution strengthening, and the compressive fracture strains were 11.5% for x = 0.5 and 14.9% for x = 1.0, respectively. When the pre-strain was 8%, the shape memory effect of 4.2 and 4.6% were obtained for Cu-13.0Al-4.0Ni-0.5 Ga and Cu-13.0Al-4.0Ni-1.0 Ga alloys after being heated to 400 °C for 1 min.

  20. Fabrication and mechanical behavior of bulk nanoporous Cu via chemical de-alloying of Cu–Al alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Fei, E-mail: [State Key Lab of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070 (China); Chen, Xi; Zou, Lijie; Yao, Yao; Lin, Yaojun; Shen, Qiang [State Key Lab of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070 (China); Lavernia, Enrique J. [Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697 (United States); Zhang, Lianmeng, E-mail: [State Key Lab of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070 (China)


    We report on a study of the influence of microstructure on the mechanical behavior of bulk nanoporous Cu fabricated by chemical de-alloying of Cu{sub 50}Al{sub 50}, Cu{sub 40}Al{sub 60}, Cu{sub 33}Al{sub 67} and Cu{sub 30}Al{sub 70} (at%) alloys. The precursor Cu–Al alloys were fabricated using arc melting and bulk nanoporous Cu was obtained by subsequent de-alloying of Cu–Al alloys in 20 wt% NaOH aqueous solution at a temperature of 65 °C. We studied the microstructure of the precursor Cu–Al alloys, as well as that of the as de-alloyed bulk nanoporous Cu, using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry. Moreover, the compressive strength of bulk nanoporous Cu was measured and the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties was studied. Our results show that the microstructure of bulk nanoporous Cu is characterized by bi-continuous interpenetrating ligament-channels with a ligament size of 130±20 nm (for Cu{sub 50}Al{sub 50}), 170±20 nm (for Cu{sub 40}Al{sub 60}) and 160±10 nm (for Cu{sub 33}Al{sub 67}). Interestingly the microstructure of de-alloyed Cu{sub 30}Al{sub 70} is bimodal with nanopores (100's nm) and interspersed featureless regions a few microns in size. The compressive strength increased with decreasing volume fraction of porosity; as porosity increased 56.3±2% to 73.9±2%, the compressive strength decreased from 17.18±1 MPa to 2.71±0.5 MPa.

  1. The effects of Ti and Sn alloying elements on precipitation strengthened Cu40Zn brass using powder metallurgy and hot extrusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Shufeng; Imai, Hisashi; Atsumi, Haruhiko; Kondoh, Katsuyoshi; Kojima, Akimichi; Kosaka, Yoshiharu; Yamamoto, Koji; Takahashi, Motoi


    Highlights: ► Alloying elements Ti and Sn are proposed as additives in 60/40 brass. ► Super-saturated Ti in powder creates high chemical potential for precipitation. ► Ti is readily segregated in primary particle boundaries in BS40–1.0Ti. ► Sn was proposed as an additive to inhibit segregation of Ti in BS40–1.0Ti. ► The introduction of Sn to BS40–1.0Ti brass effectively impedes Ti segregation. - Abstract: The effects of Ti and Sn alloying elements on the microstructural and mechanical properties of 60/40 brass were studied by powder metallurgy processing. The super-saturated solid solution of Ti creates a high precipitation reaction chemical potential in water-atomized BS40-1.0Ti brass powder. Consequently, BS40–1.0Ti brass was remarkably strengthened by the addition of Ti. However, Ti readily segregated in the primary particle boundaries at elevated temperatures, which detrimentally affected the mechanical properties of BS40–1.0Ti brass. Accordingly, Sn was proposed as an additive to BS40–0.6Sn1.0Ti to inhibit the segregation of Ti. Consequently, the Ti precipitate was retained in the form of CuSn 3 Ti 5 in the interior of grains and grain boundaries rather than in the primary particle boundaries. This result demonstrates that the addition of Sn can effectively hinder Ti segregation in the primary particle boundaries. Sn addition produced significant grain refinement and mechanical strengthening effects in BS40–0.6Sn1.0Ti brass. As a result, outstanding strengthening effects were observed for BS40–0.6Sn1.0Ti sintered at 600 °C, which exhibited a yield strength of 315 MPa, an ultimate tensile strength of 598 MPa, and a Vickers micro-hardness of 216 Hv. These values represent increases of 27.5%, 20.1% and 45.6%, over those of extruded BS40–1.0Ti brass.

  2. The effects of Ti and Sn alloying elements on precipitation strengthened Cu40Zn brass using powder metallurgy and hot extrusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Shufeng, E-mail: [Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University (Japan); Imai, Hisashi; Atsumi, Haruhiko; Kondoh, Katsuyoshi [Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University (Japan); Kojima, Akimichi; Kosaka, Yoshiharu [San-Etsu metals Co. Ltd., 1892, OHTA, Tonami, Toyama (Japan); Yamamoto, Koji; Takahashi, Motoi [Nippon Atomized Metal Powders Corporation, 87-16, Nishi-Sangao, Noda, Chiba (Japan)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Alloying elements Ti and Sn are proposed as additives in 60/40 brass. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Super-saturated Ti in powder creates high chemical potential for precipitation. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Ti is readily segregated in primary particle boundaries in BS40-1.0Ti. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Sn was proposed as an additive to inhibit segregation of Ti in BS40-1.0Ti. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The introduction of Sn to BS40-1.0Ti brass effectively impedes Ti segregation. - Abstract: The effects of Ti and Sn alloying elements on the microstructural and mechanical properties of 60/40 brass were studied by powder metallurgy processing. The super-saturated solid solution of Ti creates a high precipitation reaction chemical potential in water-atomized BS40-1.0Ti brass powder. Consequently, BS40-1.0Ti brass was remarkably strengthened by the addition of Ti. However, Ti readily segregated in the primary particle boundaries at elevated temperatures, which detrimentally affected the mechanical properties of BS40-1.0Ti brass. Accordingly, Sn was proposed as an additive to BS40-0.6Sn1.0Ti to inhibit the segregation of Ti. Consequently, the Ti precipitate was retained in the form of CuSn{sub 3}Ti{sub 5} in the interior of grains and grain boundaries rather than in the primary particle boundaries. This result demonstrates that the addition of Sn can effectively hinder Ti segregation in the primary particle boundaries. Sn addition produced significant grain refinement and mechanical strengthening effects in BS40-0.6Sn1.0Ti brass. As a result, outstanding strengthening effects were observed for BS40-0.6Sn1.0Ti sintered at 600 Degree-Sign C, which exhibited a yield strength of 315 MPa, an ultimate tensile strength of 598 MPa, and a Vickers micro-hardness of 216 Hv. These values represent increases of 27.5%, 20.1% and 45.6%, over those of extruded BS40-1.0Ti brass.

  3. Comparison between 4.0-mm stainless steel and 4.75-mm titanium alloy single-rod spinal instrumentation for anterior thoracoscopic scoliosis surgery. (United States)

    Yoon, Seung Hwan; Ugrinow, Valerie L; Upasani, Vidyadhar V; Pawelek, Jeff B; Newton, Peter O


    Retrospective review of a consecutive, single surgeon case series. To compare minimum 2-year postoperative outcomes between 4.0-mm stainless steel and 4.75-mm titanium alloy single-rod anterior thoracoscopic instrumentation for the treatment of thoracic idiopathic scoliosis. Advances in anterior thoracoscopic spinal instrumentation for scoliosis have attempted to mitigate the postoperative complications of rod failure, pseudarthrosis, and deformity progression. Biomechanical data suggest that the 4.75-mm titanium construct has a lower risk of fatigue failure compared to the 4.0-mm stainless steel construct. Sixty-four consecutive anterior thoracoscopic spinal instrumentation cases in patients with thoracic scoliosis performed by a single surgeon and with minimum 2-year follow-up were retrospectively reviewed. The first 34 cases used a 4.0-mm stainless steel (SS) construct, whereas the subsequent 30 cases used a 4.75-mm titanium (Ti) alloy instrumentation system. The first 10 SS cases and the first 5 Ti cases were excluded from the statistical comparison to account for a potential learning curve effect. A multivariate analysis of variance (P 0.13). The average follow-up in the SS group was, however, significantly longer than in the Ti group (4.0 +/- 1.4 years vs. 2.3 +/- 1.0 years; P = 0.001). Preop main thoracic Cobb angles were similar between the 2 groups (P = 0.62); however, the 2-year main thoracic Cobb was significantly smaller (P = 0.03) and the 2-year percent correction was significantly greater in the Ti group (P = 0.03). Five patients (21%) in the SS group had a pseudarthrosis, 3 (13%) experienced rod failure, and 2 (8%) required a revision posterior spinal fusion. In the Ti group, 2 patients (8%) had a pseudarthrosis, and no patient experienced rod failure or required a revision procedure. Although the average follow-up in the Ti group was significantly shorter than in the SS group, the 4.75-mm titanium alloy construct resulted in improved maintenance of

  4. Surface studies of Os Re W alloy-coated impregnated tungsten cathodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ares Fang, C.S.; Maloney, C.E.


    Impregnated tungsten cathodes half-coated with Re/W (or Os/W) alloy and Os Re W alloy at right angles were studied to compare the effects of Os Re W alloy coatings on the electron emission and emission mechanisms. Constant surface metal compositions of 32% Os--29% Re--39% W and 35% Os--26% Re--39% W were obtained from the activated surfaces initially coated with 40% Os--40% Re--20% W and 35% Os--45% Re--20% W alloys, respectively. Thermionic emission microscopy measurements showed that the Os Re W alloy-coated surface gives an average effective work function of 0.29, 0.08, and 0.03 eV lower than the uncoated, Re/W and Os/W alloy-coated surfaces. An effective work function of 1.73 eV was obtained from an activated Os Re W alloy surface. Auger studies exhibited a smaller BaO coverage and a higher barium coverage in excess of BaO stoichiometry on the Os Re W alloy-coated surface compared to the uncoated, Re/W and Os/W alloy-coated surfaces

  5. Bioreporter pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 immobilized in a silica matrix

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trogl J.


    Full Text Available The bioluminescent bioreporter Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44, the whole cell bacterial biosensor that responds to naphthalene and its metabolites via the production of visible light, was immobilized into a silica matrix by the sol-gel technique. The bioluminescence intensities were measured in the maximum of the bioluminescence band at X = 500 nm. The immobilized cells (>105 cells per g silica matrix produced light after induction by salicylate (cone. > 10 g/l, naphthalene and aminobenzoic acid. The bioluminescence intensities induced by 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene 3-hydroxybenzoic acid and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid were comparable to a negative control. The cells in the silica layers on glass slides produced light in response to the presence of an inductor at least 8 months after immobilization, and >50 induction cycles. The results showed that these test slides could be used as assays for the multiple determination of water pollution.

  6. New corrosion resistant alloys on the base of titanium and high-chromium steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomashov, N.D.; Chernova, G.P.


    It is shown that stability of titanium alloys, with α-structure (OT-4, AT3,AT6) and high-strength α+β or pure β-structure (BT-14; BT-15), in hydrochloric acid solutions may be significantly improved due to additional alloying by minor additions of Pd(0,2%) similar to pure titanium. Additions of 0,2% Pd also significantly improve acid resistance of alloys of the Fe-Cr system. The highest corrosion resistance has Fe,40%Cr,0,2%Pd alloy. This alloy is stable in 20-40%H 2 SO 4 and 1% HCl at 100 deg C

  7. Calcium phosphate coatings modified with zinc- or copper- incorporation on Ti-40Nb alloy (United States)

    Komarova, E. G.; Sedelnikova, M. B.; Sharkeev, Yu P.; Kazakbaeva, A. A.; Glukhov, I. A.; Khimich, M. A.


    The influence of the microarc oxidation parameters and electrolyte composition on the structure, properties and composition of CaP coatings modified with Zn- or Cu- incorporation on the Ti-40mas.%Nb (Ti-40Nb) alloy was investigated. The linear growth of thickness, roughness, and size of structural elements with process voltage increasing has been revealed. It was shown that the CaP coatings have the low contact angles with liquids and, consequently, high free surface energy. This indicates a high hydrophilicity of the coatings. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the coatings have X-ray amorphous structure. The increase of the process voltage leads to the formation of such crystalline phases as CaHPO4 and β-Ca2P2O7 in the coatings. The maximum Ca/P atomic ratio was equal to 0.4, and Zn or Cu contents was equal to 0.3 or 0.2 at.%, respectively.

  8. Effect of Content of Sulfate Groups in Seaweed Polysaccharides on Antioxidant Activity and Repair Effect of Subcellular Organelles in Injured HK-2 Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiao-Tao Ma


    Full Text Available This study aims to investigate the repair effect of subcellular structure injuries of the HK-2 cells of four degraded seaweed polysaccharides (DSPs, namely, the degraded Porphyra yezoensis, Gracilaria lemaneiformis, Sargassum fusiform, and Undaria pinnatifida polysaccharides. The four DSPs have similar molecular weight, but with different content of sulfate groups (i.e., 17.9%, 13.3%, 8.2%, and 5.5%, resp.. The damaged model was established using 2.8 mmol/L oxalate to injure HK-2 cells, and 60 μg/mL of various DSPs was used to repair the damaged cells. With the increase of sulfate group content in DSPs, the scavenging activity of radicals and their reducing power were all improved. Four kinds of DSPs have repair effect on the subcellular organelles of damaged HK-2 cells. After being repaired by DSPs, the release amount of lactate dehydrogenase was decreased, the integrity of cell membrane and lysosome increased, the Δψm increased, the cell of G1 phase arrest was inhibited, the proportion of S phase increased, and cell apoptotic and necrosis rates were significantly reduced. The greater the content of sulfate group is, the stronger is the repair ability of the polysaccharide. These DSPs, particularly the polysaccharide with higher sulfate group content, may be a potential drug for the prevention and cure of kidney stones.

  9. Microstructure and magnetic behavior of Cu–Co–Si ternary alloy synthesized by mechanical alloying and isothermal annealing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chabri, Sumit, E-mail: [Department of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah 711103 (India); Bera, S. [Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur 713209 (India); Mondal, B.N. [Department of Central Scientific Services, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700032 (India); Basumallick, A.; Chattopadhyay, P.P. [Department of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah 711103 (India)


    Microstructure and magnetic behavior of nanocrystalline 50Cu–40Co–10Si (at%) alloy prepared by mechanical alloying and subsequent isothermal annealing in the temperature range of 450–650 °C have been studied. Phase evolution during mechanical alloying and isothermal annealing is characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential thermal analyzer (DTA), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and magnetic measurement. Addition of Si has been found to facilitate the metastable alloying of Co in Cu resulting into the formation of single phase solid solution having average grain size of 9 nm after ball milling for 50 h duration. Annealing of the ball milled alloy improves the magnetic properties significantly and best combination of magnetic properties has been obtained after annealing at 550 °C for 1 h duration.

  10. Detection of Fusobacterium nucleatum in two cases of empyema and lung abscess using paromomycin-vancomycin supplemented Brucella HK agar. (United States)

    Nagaoka, Kentaro; Yanagihara, Katsunori; Morinaga, Yoshitomo; Kohno, Shigeru


    Fusobacterium nucleatum was found in patients with empyema or pulmonary abscess, using paromomycin-vancomycin Brucella HK agar. In vitro examination revealed that growth of the strains differed significantly in different media. Clinicians should be aware that suboptimal F. nucleatum cultivation methods may result in an underestimation of its frequency. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. The structure and mechanical properties of as-cast Zr-Ti alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsu, H.-C.; Wu, S.-C.; Sung, Y.-C.; Ho, W.-F.


    This study has investigated the structure and mechanical properties of pure Zr and a series of binary Zr-Ti alloys in order to determine their potential application as dental implant materials. The titanium contents of these alloys range from 10 to 40 wt.% and were prepared by arc melting in inert gas. This study evaluated the phase and structure of these Zr-Ti alloys using an X-ray diffraction (XRD) for phase analysis, and an optical microscope for microstructure analysis of the etched alloys. Three-point bending tests were performed to evaluate the mechanical properties of all specimens. The experimental results indicated that the pure Zr and Zr-10Ti comprised entirely of an acicular hexagonal structure of α' phase. When the Ti content increased to 20 wt.%, a significant amount of β phase was retained. However, when the Ti content increased to 40 wt.%, only the equi-axed, retained β phase was observed in the cast alloy. Moreover, the hardness values and bending strengths of the Zr-Ti alloys decreased with an increasing Ti content. Among pure Zr and Zr-Ti alloys, the α'-phase Zr-10Ti alloy has the greatest hardness and bending strength. The pure Zr and Zr-Ti alloys exhibit a similar elastic modulus ranging from 68 GPa (Zr-30Ti) to 78 GPa (Zr-40Ti). Based on the results of elastic moduli, pure Zr and Zr-Ti alloys are found to be suitable for implant materials due to lower modulus. Like bending strength, the elastically recoverable angle of Zr-Ti alloys decreased as the concentration of Ti increased. In the current search for a better implant material, the Zr-10Ti alloy exhibited the highest bending strength/modulus ratios as large as 25.3, which are higher than that of pure Zr (14.9) by 70%, and commercially pure Ti (8.7) by 191%. Thus, Zr-Ti alloy's low modulus, ductile property, excellent elastic recovery capability and impressive strength confirm that it is a promising candidate for dental implant materials.

  12. Enhancement of Impact Toughness by Delamination Fracture in a Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel with Al Alloying (United States)

    Sun, Junjie; Jiang, Tao; Liu, Hongji; Guo, Shengwu; Liu, Yongning


    The effect of delamination toughening of martensitic steel was investigated both at room and low temperatures [253 K and 233 K (-20 °C and -40 °C)]. Two low-alloy martensitic steels with and without Al alloying were both prepared. Layered structure with white band and black matrix was observed in Al alloyed steel, while a homogeneous microstructure was displayed in the steel without Al. Both steels achieved high strength (tensile strength over 1600 MPa) and good ductility (elongation over 11 pct), but they displayed stark contrasts on impact fracture mode and Charpy impact energy. Delamination fracture occurred in Al alloyed steel and the impact energies were significantly increased both at room temperature (from 75 to 138 J, i.e., nearly improved up to 2 times) and low temperatures [from 47.9 to 71.3 J at 233 K (-40 °C)] compared with the one without Al. Alloying with Al promotes the segregation of Cr, Mn, Si and C elements to form a network structure, which is martensite with higher carbon content and higher hardness than that of the matrix. And this network structure evolved into a band structure during the hot rolling process. The difference of yield stress between the band structure and the matrix gives rise to a delamination fracture during the impact test, which increases the toughness greatly.


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    M. Paidpilli


    Full Text Available In the present work, one batch of prealloyed 6061Al powder was processed by mixing and another one was ball milled with varying amount of lead content (0-15 vol. %. These powders were compacted at 300MPa and sintered at 590˚C under N2. The instrumented hardness and the young’s modulus of as-sintered 6061Al-Pb alloys were examined as a function of lead content and processing route. The wear test under dry sliding condition has been performed at varying loads (10-40 N using pin-on-disc tribometer. The microstructure and worn surfaces have been investigated using SEM to evaluate the change in topographical features due to mechanical alloying and lead content. The mechanically alloyed materials showed improved wear characteristics as compared to as-mixed counterpart alloys. Delamination of 6061Al-Pb alloys decreases up to an optimum lead composition in both as-mixed and ball-milled 6061Al-Pb alloys. The results indicated minimum wear rate for as-mixed and ball-milled 6061Al alloy at 5 and 10 vol. % Pb, respectively.

  14. Photoelectron spectroscopic studies of some transition metals and alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLachlan, A.D.


    Photoelectron spectra of polycrystalline samples of Cu, Ag and Au at photon energies of 21.22, 40.81 eV and 1487 eV were measured. The corrected 40.81 eV results were compared to theoretical band structure calculations and monochromatized x-ray photoelectron results. Correlation of hitherto unresolved peaks in the 40.81 eV spectra was observed. Comparison of the relative intensities of the spectral d bands and the theoretical calculations revealed discrepancies which were assigned to matrix element modulation effects in the photoelectron emission process. Experimental measurements and theories of the electronic structure of disordered alloy systems were reviewed. The 21.22 eV and 40.81 eV photoelectron spectra of some AgPd and AgAu alloys were measured. The spectra were compared with previous x-ray photon results, and with theoretical calculations based on the Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA) model of disordered alloy systems. The present results were found to give more clearly defined spectral details, with differences in the comparison reflecting the simplifying assumptions of the CPA calculation. (author)

  15. Crystallisation and microstructure of low-silicon silumins with alloy additions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Pietrowski


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of the analysis of crystallisation and microstructure of non-alloy silumins that contain: 2,0÷6,0% of Si and alloy additions, approximately: 4,0% Ni, 4,0% of Cu and 0,5% of Mg, the knowledge of which is still very little. It has been proven that in non-alloy silumins, the increase of silicone concentration causes extending of crystallisation time of the eutectic mixture α+and refinement of α phase dendrites. It also causes the increase of the temperature of crystallisation of the eutectic mixture α+ . Alloy additions: Ni, Cu and Mg decrease by approximately 30 C the liquidus and solidus temperatures of silumins and extend the time of their crystallisation by around 100 sec. in comparison with non-alloy silumins. It is caused by crystallisation of additional phases Al3NiCu, Mg2Si and Al2Cu. Nickel, copper and magnesium refine the microstructure of castings.

  16. Microstructures, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the Zr−xTi (Ag) alloys for dental implant application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cui, W.F., E-mail:; Liu, N.; Qin, G.W.


    The Zr−xTi (Ag) alloys were designed for the application of dental implants. The microstructures of Zr−20Ti and Zr−40Ti alloy were observed using optical microscope and transmission electronic microscope. The hardness and compressive tests were performed to evaluate the mechanical properties of the Zr−xTi alloys. The electrochemical behavior of the Zr−xTi alloys with and without 6% Ag was investigated in the acidified artificial saliva containing 0.1% NaF (pH = 4). For comparison, the electrochemical behavior of cp Ti was examined in the same condition. The results show that the quenched Zr−20Ti and Zr−40Ti alloy exhibit acicular martensite microstructures containing twin substructure. They display good mechanical properties with the hardness of ∼330HV, the yield strength of ∼1000 MPa and the strain to fracture of ∼25% at room temperature. Adding 6% Ag to Zr−20Ti alloy enhances the passivity breakdown potential and the self-corrosion potential, but hardly affects the corrosion current density and the impedance modulus. 6% Ag in Zr−40Ti alloy distinctly increases pitting corrosion resistance, which is attributed the formation of thick, dense and stable passive film under the joint action of titanium and silver. In comparison with cp Ti, Zr−40Ti−6Ag alloy possesses the same good corrosion resistance in the rigorous oral environment as well as the superior mechanical properties. - Highlights: • The quenched Zr20Ti and Zr40Ti obtain acicular martensite microstructure. • Zr20Ti and Zr40Ti possess high hardness, strength and strain to fracture. • Increasing Ti content decreases corrosion current density. • Adding Ag enhances passivation breakdown potentials of Zr20Ti and Zr40Ti. • Zr40Ti6Ag has optimum mechanical properties and pitting corrosion resistance.

  17. Method of treating Ti--Nb--Zr--Ta superconducting alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horiuchi, T.; Monju, Y.; Tatara, I.; Nagai, N.; Hisata, M.; Matsumoto, K.


    A superconducting alloy is formulated from 10 to 50 at. percent Ti, 20 to 50 at. percent Nb, 10 to 40 at. percent Zr, and 5 to 12 at. percent Ta. A Ti--Nb--Zr--Ta superconducting alloy with a fine, non-homogeneous structure is obtained by forming a β solid solution of Ti--Nb--Zr--Ta alloy by heating to a temperature within the β solid solution range, cooling, and then cold working the heated alloy. The cold worked alloy is heated to a temperature within the (β' + β'') alloy to maintain the peritectoid structure, cold worked, then heated to a temperature within the eutectoid range to form a multiphase alloy structure and then cooled and finally cold worked. (U.S.)

  18. Low temperature study of micrometric powder of melted Fe50Mn10Al40 alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zamora, Ligia E.; Pérez Alcazar, G.A.; Tabares, J.A.; Romero, J.J.; Martinez, A.; Gonzalez, J.M.; Palomares, F.J.; Marco, J.F.


    Melted Fe 50 Mn 10 Al 40 alloy powder with particle size less than 40 μm was characterized at room temperature by XRD, SEM and XPS; and at low temperatures by Mössbauer spectrometry, ac susceptibility, and magnetization analysis. The results show that the sample is BCC ferromagnetic but with a big contribution of paramagnetic sites, and presents super-paramagnetic and re-entrant spin-glass phases with critical temperatures of 265 and 35 K, respectively. The presence of the different phases detected is due to the disordered character of the sample and the competitive magnetic interactions. The obtained values of the saturation magnetization and the coercive field as a function of temperature present a behavior which indicates a ferromagnetic phase. However, the behavior of the FC curve and that of the coercive field as a function of temperature suggest that the dipolar magnetic interaction between particles contributes to the internal magnetic field in the same way as was reported for nanoparticulate powders.

  19. On the elasto-viscoplastic behavior of the Ti5553 alloy


    Ben Bettaieb , Mohamed; VAN HOOF , Thibaut; Pardoen , Thomas; Dufour , Philippe; LENAIN , Astrid; JACQUES , Pascal J.; Habraken , Anne-Marie


    International audience; The elastoviscoplastic behavior of the Ti5553 alloy is characterized and compared to the classical Ti–6Al–4V alloy. The true stress–strain curves are determined based on tensile tests performed under different strain rates at room temperature and at 1501C, from which the elastic constants and the parameters of a Norton–Hoff viscoplastic model are identified. The strength of the Ti5553 alloy is 20–40% higher than the strength of the Ti–6Al–4V alloy. The Ti5553 alloy con...

  20. Hydrogenation study of suction-cast Ti{sub 40}Zr{sub 40}Ni{sub 20} quasicrystal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, Huogen; Li, Rong; Yin, Chen; Zheng, Shaotao; Zhang, Pengcheng [National Key Laboratory for Surface Physics and Chemistry, P.O. Box 718-35, Mian Yang 621907, Sichuan (China)


    Suction casting was predicted to be an usable method for improving the hydriding kinetics of Ti/Zr-based icosahedral quasicrystals (IQCs) in our previous work. To further determine it, a suction-cast Ti{sub 40}Zr{sub 40}Ni{sub 20} IQC alloy was used for hydrogenation studies by Pressure Composition Isotherm (PCI) and Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) techniques. The results showed that, this alloy absorbed hydrogen rapidly with obvious hydrogen pressure plateau and some reversibility, however, displayed very limited hydrogen capacity (about 0.7 wt.%) and low equilibrium pressure. After several hydrogenation/dehydrogenation cycles, the IQC structure transformed into two hydride phases, ZrH{sub 2-x} and one unknown, both of which decomposed at above 600 C, suggesting high thermo-stability for them. On the whole, indeed the suction-casting method can increase the hydrogen absorption rate of Ti/Zr-based IQCs, however, the hydrogenation properties of the Ti{sub 40}Zr{sub 40}Ni{sub 20} IQC alloy still need a mighty advancement. (author)

  1. Plastic anomaly of the B2 ordered Fe-40Al alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calonne, O.


    The plastic behaviour of Fe-40Al (B2-ordered) alloys was studied. This material has the particularly of exhibiting a yield stress that increases in a given temperature range ('yield stress anomaly'). This anomaly is usually associated with a zero strain rate sensitivity in the very same temperature range. These two peculiarities can be explained as a whole by a thermally activated exhaustion of the mobile dislocations. In this work, the macroscopic mechanical behaviour of the FeAl alloys was first characterised. Then, slip geometry was studied in a large temperature range using oriented single crystals. Finally, the elementary deformation processes were studied through an analysis of dislocation structures in deformed materials using TEM post-mortem and in-situ techniques. Our results show that the yield stress anomaly stems from superdislocations exhaustion through the formation of antiphase boundary tubes, due to vacancy absorption. The number of antiphase boundary tubes produced during dislocation motion depends on vacancy concentration, that in turn increases with temperature. This is believed to be the main reason for thermally activated exhaustion. In addition, the anomaly peak and the related stress fall-off at higher temperatures can be ascribed to superdislocation decomposition, which provides the material with ordinary dislocations that cannot generate antiphase boundary tubes. Superdislocations exhaustion seems to be the catalyzing factor for decomposition. We have proposed a basis for an exhaustion/multiplication model. Considering a classical Frank-Read type multiplication mechanism, we express the yield stress as a function of temperature and we show that this results in an anomaly. Moreover, supposing that boron modifies vacancy migration energy, we suggest that the influence of boron on the stress anomaly stems from an increase of vacancy capture radius by mobile superdislocations. (authors)

  2. Investigation of multifunctional properties of Mn{sub 50}Ni{sub 40−x}Co{sub x}Sn{sub 10} (x = 0–6) Heusler alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharma, Jyoti; Suresh, K.G., E-mail:


    Highlights: • Mn{sub 50}Ni{sub 40−x}Co{sub x}Sn{sub 10} Heusler alloys exhibit multifunctional properties. • Co doping results decrease in martensitic transition temperature and increase in T{sub C}{sup A}. • Ferromagnetic coupling increases with increase in Co concentration. • Large positive ΔS{sub M} of 10.5 J/kg K and large RCP of 125 J/kg was obtained for x = 1. • Large exchange bias field of 833 Oe was observed for Mn{sub 50}Ni{sub 39}Co{sub 1}Sn{sub 10} alloy. - Abstract: A series of Co doped Mn{sub 50}Ni{sub 40−x}Co{sub x}Sn{sub 10} (x = 0, 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4 and 6) Heusler alloys has been investigated for their structural, magnetic, magnetocaloric and exchange bias properties. The martensitic transition temperatures are found to decrease with the increase in Co concentration due to the decrease in valence electron concentration (e/a ratio). The Curie temperature of austenite phase increases significantly with increasing Co concentration. A large positive magnetic entropy change (ΔS{sub M}) of 8.6 and 10.5 J/kg K, for a magnetic field change of 50 kOe is observed for x = 0 and 1 alloys, and ΔS{sub M} values decreases for higher Co concentrations. The relative cooling power shows a monotonic increase with the increase in Co concentration. Large exchange bias fields of 920 Oe and 833 Oe have been observed in the alloys with compositions x = 0 and 1, after field cooling in presence of 10 kOe. The unidirectional anisotropy arising at the interface between the frustrated and ferromagnetic phases is responsible for the large exchange bias observed in these alloys. With increase in Co, the magnetically frustrated phase diminishes in strength, giving rise to a decrease in the exchange bias effect for larger Co concentration. The exchange bias fields observed for compositions x = 0 and 1, in the present case are larger than that reported for Co doped Ni–Mn–Z (Z = Sn, Sb, and Ga) alloys. Temperature and cooling field dependence of the exchange bias

  3. Nanotube formation and morphology change of Ti alloys containing Hf for dental materials use

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Yong-Hoon; Lee, Kang; Choe, Han-Cheol; Ko, Yeong-Mu; Brantley, William A.


    In this paper, Ti-Hf (10, 20, 30 and 40 wt.%) alloys were prepared by arc melting, and subjected to heat treatment for 24 h at 1000 o C in an argon atmosphere. Formation of surface nanotubes was achieved by anodizing a Ti-Hf alloy in 1.0 M H 3 PO 4 electrolytes with small amounts of NaF at room temperature. Microstructures of the alloys and nanotube morphology were examined by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The homogenized Ti-Hf alloys had a needle-like microstructure of α phase, and nanotubes formed on Ti-xHf alloys had the anatase phase after treatment that promoted crystallization. Uniform nanotubes formed for Hf contents up to 20 wt.%. Irregular nanotubes formed on the Ti-30Hf and Ti-40Hf alloys. The structure of the irregular layers on the Ti-30Hf and Ti-40Hf alloys had nanotubes of two sizes. Increasing the Hf content in Ti led to the formation of nanotubes with more narrow size. The pores in the nanotubes typically had a diameter ranging from 80-120 nm and a length of approximately 1.7 μm. It is concluded that nanotube morphology on Ti-Hf alloys can controlled by varying the amount of Hf.

  4. Taurine protects HK-2 cells from oxidized LDL-induced cytotoxicity via the ROS-mediated mitochondrial and p53-related apoptotic pathways

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chang, Chun-Yu [Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Shen, Chao-Yu [School of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Department of Medical Imaging, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan (China); School of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Kang, Chao-Kai [Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, (China); Sher, Yuh-Pyng [Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Science, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Center for Molecular Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung 404, Taiwan (China); Sheu, Wayne H.-H. [Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan (China); School of Medicine, National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan (China); School of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan (China); Chang, Chia-Che, E-mail: [Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Agricultural Biotechnology Center, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Lee, Tsung-Han, E-mail: [Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, (China); Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Science, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Agricultural Biotechnology Center, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan (China); Department of Biological Science and Technology, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan (China)


    Oxidized LDL (oxLDL) induces a pro-oxidative environment and promotes apoptosis, causing the progression of renal diseases in humans. Taurine is a semi-essential amino acid in mammals and has been shown to be a potent endogenous antioxidant. The kidney plays a pivotal role in maintaining the balance of taurine. However, the mechanisms underlying the protective effects of taurine against oxLDL-induced injury in renal epithelial cells have not been clarified. In the present study, we investigated the anti-apoptotic effects of taurine on human proximal tubular epithelial (HK-2) cells exposed to oxLDL and explored the related mechanisms. We observed that oxLDL increased the contents of ROS and of malondialdehyde (MDA), which is a lipid peroxidation by-product that acts as an indicator of the cellular oxidation status. In addition, oxLDL induced cell death and apoptosis in HK-2 cells. Pretreatment with taurine at 100 μM significantly attenuated the oxLDL-induced cytotoxicity. We determined that oxLDL triggered the phosphorylation of ERK and, in turn, the activation of p53 and other apoptosis-related events, including calcium accumulation, destabilization of the mitochondrial permeability and disruption of the balance between pro-apoptotic Bax and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins. The malfunctions induced by oxLDL were effectively blocked by taurine. Thus, our results suggested that taurine exhibits potential therapeutic activity by preventing oxLDL-induced nephrotoxicity. The inhibition of oxLDL-induced epithelial apoptosis by taurine was at least partially due to its anti-oxidant activity and its ability to modulate the ERK and p53 apoptotic pathways. - Highlights: • Oxidized LDL induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis in HK-2 cells. • Pretreatment with taurine attenuated oxLDL-induced nephrotoxicity. • Taurine protected against renal damages through inhibition of ROS generation. • Taurine prevented apoptosis through modulation of the p53 phosphorylation.

  5. Melatonin protects cardiac microvasculature against ischemia/reperfusion injury via suppression of mitochondrial fission-VDAC1-HK2-mPTP-mitophagy axis. (United States)

    Zhou, Hao; Zhang, Ying; Hu, Shunying; Shi, Chen; Zhu, Pingjun; Ma, Qiang; Jin, Qinhua; Cao, Feng; Tian, Feng; Chen, Yundai


    The cardiac microvascular system, which is primarily composed of monolayer endothelial cells, is the site of blood supply and nutrient exchange to cardiomyocytes. However, microvascular ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) following percutaneous coronary intervention is a woefully neglected topic, and few strategies are available to reverse such pathologies. Here, we studied the effects of melatonin on microcirculation IRI and elucidated the underlying mechanism. Melatonin markedly reduced infarcted area, improved cardiac function, restored blood flow, and lower microcirculation perfusion defects. Histological analysis showed that cardiac microcirculation endothelial cells (CMEC) in melatonin-treated mice had an unbroken endothelial barrier, increased endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression, unobstructed lumen, reduced inflammatory cell infiltration, and less endothelial damage. In contrast, AMP-activated protein kinase α (AMPKα) deficiency abolished the beneficial effects of melatonin on microvasculature. In vitro, IRI activated dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1)-dependent mitochondrial fission, which subsequently induced voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) oligomerization, hexokinase 2 (HK2) liberation, mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening, PINK1/Parkin upregulation, and ultimately mitophagy-mediated CMEC death. However, melatonin strengthened CMEC survival via activation of AMPKα, followed by p-Drp1 S616 downregulation and p-Drp1 S37 upregulation, which blunted Drp1-dependent mitochondrial fission. Suppression of mitochondrial fission by melatonin recovered VDAC1-HK2 interaction that prevented mPTP opening and PINK1/Parkin activation, eventually blocking mitophagy-mediated cellular death. In summary, this study confirmed that melatonin protects cardiac microvasculature against IRI. The underlying mechanism may be attributed to the inhibitory effects of melatonin on mitochondrial fission-VDAC1-HK2-mPTP-mitophagy axis via activation

  6. Taurine protects HK-2 cells from oxidized LDL-induced cytotoxicity via the ROS-mediated mitochondrial and p53-related apoptotic pathways

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, Chun-Yu; Shen, Chao-Yu; Kang, Chao-Kai; Sher, Yuh-Pyng; Sheu, Wayne H.-H.; Chang, Chia-Che; Lee, Tsung-Han


    Oxidized LDL (oxLDL) induces a pro-oxidative environment and promotes apoptosis, causing the progression of renal diseases in humans. Taurine is a semi-essential amino acid in mammals and has been shown to be a potent endogenous antioxidant. The kidney plays a pivotal role in maintaining the balance of taurine. However, the mechanisms underlying the protective effects of taurine against oxLDL-induced injury in renal epithelial cells have not been clarified. In the present study, we investigated the anti-apoptotic effects of taurine on human proximal tubular epithelial (HK-2) cells exposed to oxLDL and explored the related mechanisms. We observed that oxLDL increased the contents of ROS and of malondialdehyde (MDA), which is a lipid peroxidation by-product that acts as an indicator of the cellular oxidation status. In addition, oxLDL induced cell death and apoptosis in HK-2 cells. Pretreatment with taurine at 100 μM significantly attenuated the oxLDL-induced cytotoxicity. We determined that oxLDL triggered the phosphorylation of ERK and, in turn, the activation of p53 and other apoptosis-related events, including calcium accumulation, destabilization of the mitochondrial permeability and disruption of the balance between pro-apoptotic Bax and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins. The malfunctions induced by oxLDL were effectively blocked by taurine. Thus, our results suggested that taurine exhibits potential therapeutic activity by preventing oxLDL-induced nephrotoxicity. The inhibition of oxLDL-induced epithelial apoptosis by taurine was at least partially due to its anti-oxidant activity and its ability to modulate the ERK and p53 apoptotic pathways. - Highlights: • Oxidized LDL induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis in HK-2 cells. • Pretreatment with taurine attenuated oxLDL-induced nephrotoxicity. • Taurine protected against renal damages through inhibition of ROS generation. • Taurine prevented apoptosis through modulation of the p53 phosphorylation

  7. A new topology of the HK97-like fold revealed in Bordetella bacteriophage by cryoEM at 3.5 Å resolution (United States)

    Zhang, Xing; Guo, Huatao; Jin, Lei; Czornyj, Elizabeth; Hodes, Asher; Hui, Wong H; Nieh, Angela W; Miller, Jeff F; Zhou, Z Hong


    Bacteriophage BPP-1 infects and kills Bordetella species that cause whooping cough. Its diversity-generating retroelement (DGR) provides a naturally occurring phage-display system, but engineering efforts are hampered without atomic structures. Here, we report a cryo electron microscopy structure of the BPP-1 head at 3.5 Å resolution. Our atomic model shows two of the three protein folds representing major viral lineages: jellyroll for its cement protein (CP) and HK97-like (‘Johnson’) for its major capsid protein (MCP). Strikingly, the fold topology of MCP is permuted non-circularly from the Johnson fold topology previously seen in viral and cellular proteins. We illustrate that the new topology is likely the only feasible alternative of the old topology. β-sheet augmentation and electrostatic interactions contribute to the formation of non-covalent chainmail in BPP-1, unlike covalent inter-protein linkages of the HK97 chainmail. Despite these complex interactions, the termini of both CP and MCP are ideally positioned for DGR-based phage-display engineering. DOI: PMID:24347545

  8. Effect of Welding Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cast Fe-40Al Alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osman Torun


    Full Text Available Friction welding of cast Fe-40Al alloy was carried out at 1000 rmp for various friction times, friction pressures, and forging pressures. The microstructures of the interface of welded samples were analyzed by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM. Micrographs demonstrated that excellent welding formed continuously along the interface, except for samples welded for 3 s. Chemical compositions of the interface of the friction welded samples and of the fractured surface of all the specimens were determined using energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS. After the welding process, shear tests were applied to the welded samples to determine the shear strength of joints. Test results indicated that the maximum shear strength was 469.5 MPa.

  9. Nickel-Titanium Alloys: Corrosion "Proof" Alloys for Space Bearing, Components and Mechanism Applications (United States)

    DellaCorte, Christopher


    An intermetallic nickel-titanium alloy, 60NiTi (60 wt% Ni, 40 wt% Ti), is shown to be a promising candidate tribological material for space mechanisms. 60NiTi offers a broad combination of physical properties that make it unique among bearing materials. 60NiTi is hard, electrically conductive, highly corrosion resistant, readily machined prior to final heat treatment, and is non-magnetic. Despite its high Ti content, 60NiTi is non-galling even under dry sliding. No other bearing alloy, metallic or ceramic, encompasses all of these attributes. Since 60NiTi contains such a high proportion of Ti and possesses many metallic properties, it was expected to exhibit poor tribological performance typical of Ti alloys, namely galling type behavior and rapid lubricant degradation. In this poster-paper, the oil-lubricated behavior of 60NiTi is presented.

  10. Irradiation-induced precipitation and solute segregation in alloys. Fourth annual progress report, February 1, 1981-March 31, 1982

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ardell, A.J.


    The studies of irradiation-induced solute segregation (IISS) and irradiation-induced precipitation (IIP) in Ni-Si and Pd-Fe alloys have been completed. Progress is reported for several other projects: irradiation damage in binary Pd-Cr, -Mn and -V alloys (15 at. %); IIP in Pd-Mo and Pd-W alloys; IIP in Pd-25 at. % Cr alloy; and irradiation damage effects in proton-bombarded metallic glasses (Ni-65 Zr, 40 Fe 40 Ni 14 P6B). 27 figures

  11. Producing titanium-niobium alloy by high energy beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharkeev, Yu. P., E-mail: [Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS, 2/4 Akademicheski Prosp., Tomsk, 634055 (Russian Federation); National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 30 Lenin Av., Tomsk, 634050 (Russian Federation); Golkovski, M. G., E-mail: [Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, 11 Akademika Lavrentiev Prosp., Novosibirsk, 630090 (Russian Federation); Glukhov, I. A., E-mail:; Eroshenko, A. Yu., E-mail:; Fortuna, S. V., E-mail: [Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS, 2/4 Akademicheski Prosp., Tomsk, 634055 (Russian Federation); Bataev, V. A., E-mail: [Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 K. Marx Prosp., Novosibirsk, 630073 (Russian Federation)


    The research is involved in producing a Ti-Nb alloy surface layer on titanium substrate by high energy beam method, as well as in examining their structures and mechanical properties. Applying electron-beam cladding it was possible to produce a Ti-Nb alloy surface layer of several millimeters, where the niobium concentration was up to 40% at. and the structure itself could be related to martensite quenching structure. At the same time, a significant microhardness increase of 3200-3400 MPa was observed, which, in its turn, is connected with the formation of martensite structure. Cladding material of Ti-Nb composition could be the source in producing alloys of homogeneous microhardness and desired concentration of alloying niobium element.

  12. Research On Technology Of Making Rare Earth Alloy Having Rare Earth Content ≽30% From Ore (≽40% REO) Using Aluminum Thermal Technology In Arc Furnace

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ngo Xuan Hung; Ngo Trong Hiep; Tran Duy Hai; Nguyen Huu Phuc


    Arc furnace was used to smelt materials consisting of rare earth ore having rare earth content of ≽40% REO, aluminum as the reducing agent and additives. Rare earth alloy was obtained with rare earth metal content of more than 30%. (author)

  13. Effect of neutron irradiation on vanadium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braski, D.N.


    Neutron-irradiated vanadium alloys were evaluated for their susceptibility to irradiation hardening, helium embrittlement, swelling, and residual radioactivity, and the results were compared with those for the austenitic and ferritic stainless steels. The VANSTAR-7 and V-15Cr-5Ti alloys showed the greatest hardening between 400 and 600 0 C while V-3Ti-1Si and V-20Ti had lower values that were comparable to those of ferritic steels. The V-15Cr-5Ti and VANSTAR-7 alloys were susceptible to helium embrittlement caused by the combination of weakened grain boundaries and irradiation-hardened grain matrices. Specimen fractures were entirely intergranular in the most severe instances of embrittlement. The V-3Ti-1Si and V-20Ti alloys were more resistant to helium embrittlement. Except for VANSTAR-7 irradiated to 40 dpa at 520 0 C, all of the vanadium alloys exhibited low swelling that was similar to the ferritic steels. Swelling was greater in specimens that were preimplanted with helium using the tritium trick. The vanadium alloys clearly exhibit lower residual radioactivity after irradiation than the ferrous alloys

  14. Effect of neutron irradiation on vanadium alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Braski, D.N.


    Neutron-irradiated vanadium alloys were evaluated for their susceptibility to irradiation hardening, helium embrittlement, swelling, and residual radioactivity, and the results were compared with those for the austenitic and ferritic stainless steels. The VANSTAR-7 and V-15Cr-5Ti alloys showed the greatest hardening between 400 and 600/sup 0/C while V-3Ti-1Si and V-20Ti had lower values that were comparable to those of ferritic steels. The V-15Cr-5Ti and VANSTAR-7 alloys were susceptible to helium embrittlement caused by the combination of weakened grain boundaries and irradiation-hardened grain matrices. Specimen fractures were entirely intergranular in the most severe instances of embrittlement. The V-3Ti-1Si and V-20Ti alloys were more resistant to helium embrittlement. Except for VANSTAR-7 irradiated to 40 dpa at 520/sup 0/C, all of the vanadium alloys exhibited low swelling that was similar to the ferritic steels. Swelling was greater in specimens that were preimplanted with helium using the tritium trick. The vanadium alloys clearly exhibit lower residual radioactivity after irradiation than the ferrous alloys.

  15. Effects of a range of machined and ground surface finishes on the simulated reactor helium corrosion of several candidate structural materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thompson, L.D.


    This report discusses the corrosion behavior of several candidate reactor structural alloys in a simulated advanced high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) environment over a range of lathe-machined and centerless-ground surface finishes. The helium environment contained 50 Pa H 2 /5 Pa CO/5 Pa CH 4 / 2 O (500 μatm H 2 /50 μatm CO/50 μatm CH 4 / 2 O) at 900 0 C for a total exposure of 3000 h. The test alloys included two vacuum-cast superalloys (IN 100 and IN 713LC); a centrifugally cast austenitic alloy (HK 40); three wrought high-temperature alloys (Alloy 800H, Hastelloy X, and Inconel 617); and a nickel-base oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloy (Inconel MA 754). Surface finish variations did not affect the simulated advanced-HTGR corrosion behavior of these materials. Under these conditions, the availability of reactant gaseous impurities controls the kinetics of the observed gas-metal interactions. Variations in the near-surface activities and mobilities of reactive solute elements, such as chromium, which might be expected to be affected by changes in surface finish, do not seem to greatly influence corrosion in this simulated advanced HTGR environment. 18 figures, 4 tables

  16. Synthesis and crytallization of amorphous In-Te alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vengrenovich, R.D.; Lopatnyuk, I.A.; Mikhal'chenko, V.P.; Kasiyan, I.M.; Geshko, E.I.


    Tendency of Te-In alloys with indium content from 5 to 40 % to amorphization is investigated. It is marked that in this interval of concentrations the alloys have the tendency to subcooling even at cooling velocities equalling only 0.2-0.3 K/s. Maximal subcooling ΔT=70 deg takes place for the eutectic composition. Tendency of Te-In alloys to vitrification is explained by the character to interatomic interactions in a liquid, the interactions promote the formation of molecular clusters in it in cooling, that leads to fast increase of viscosity and to increase of T g amorphization temperature

  17. Ternary ceramic alloys of Zr-Ce-Hf oxides (United States)

    Becher, P.F.; Funkenbusch, E.F.


    A ternary ceramic alloy is described which produces toughening of zirconia and zirconia composites through the stress transformation from tetragonal phase to monoclinic phase. This alloy, having the general formula Ce[sub x]Hf[sub y]Zr[sub 1[minus]x[minus]y]O[sub 2], is produced through the addition of appropriate amounts of ceria and hafnia to the zirconia. Typically, improved toughness is achieved with about 5 to about 15 mol % ceria and up to about 40 mol % hafnia. The preparation of alloys of these compositions are given together with data as to the densities, tetragonal phase content, hardness and fracture toughness. The alloys are useful in preparing zirconia bodies as well as reinforcing ceramic composites. 1 fig.

  18. Microstructure and mechanical behavior of Al-Li-Zr alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Wego; Wells, M.G.H.


    The mechanical properties of two Al-Li-Zr alloys, A and B, are determined at various heat treatment conditions. Alloy B was found to have superior mechanical properties. It shows improvements in yield strength by 31.2-56.2 MPa and in ultimate tensile strength by 14.7-40.7 MPa, and yet still has a 20-25 percent better elongation value. The microstructure and fracture surface were studied by SEM and TEM. A fracture surface with mixed ductile samples and brittle facets was observed in both tensile and notch tensile samples. The fracture was more localized in alloy A than alloy B. Both alloys exhibited good notch toughness with a notch tensile strength to yield a strength ratio larger than one for all heat treatment conditions. 32 refs

  19. Evidence of magnetic dipolar interaction in micrometric powders of the Fe50Mn10Al40 system: Melted alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pérez Alcázar, G.A.; Zamora, L.E.; Tabares, J.A.; Piamba, J.F.; González, J.M.; Greneche, J.M.; Martinez, A.; Romero, J.J.; Marco, J.F.


    Powders of melted disordered Fe 50 Mn 10 Al 40 alloy were separated at different mean particle sizes as well as magnetically and structurally characterized. All the samples are BCC and show the same nanostructure. Particles larger than 250 μm showed a lamellar shape compared to smaller particles, which exhibited a more regular form. All the samples are ferromagnetic at room temperature and showed reentrant spin-glass (RSG) and superparamagnetic (SP)-like behaviors between 30 and 60 K and 265 and > 280 K, respectively, as a function of frequency and particle size. The freezing temperature increases with increasing particle size while the blocking one decreases with particle size. The origin of these magnetic phenomena relies in the internal disordered character of samples and the competitive interaction of Fe and Mn atoms. The increase of their critical freezing temperature with increasing mean particle size is due to the increase of the magnetic dipolar interaction between the magnetic moment of each particle with the field produced by the other magnetic moments of their surrounding particles. - Highlights: ► The effect of particle size in microsized powders of Fe 50 Mn 10 Al 40 melted disordered alloy is studied. ► Dipolar magnetic interaction between particles exists and this changes with the particle size. ► For all the particle sizes the reentrant spin- glass and the superparamagnetic-like phases exist. ► RSG and SP critical temperatures increase with increasing the dipolar magnetic interaction (the mean particle size).

  20. Electrical Resistance Alloys and Low-Expansion Alloys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjer, Torben


    The article gives an overview of electrical resistance alloys and alloys with low thermal expansion. The electrical resistance alloys comprise resistance alloys, heating alloys and thermostat alloys. The low expansion alloys comprise alloys with very low expansion coefficients, alloys with very low...... thermoelastic coefficients and age hardenable low expansion alloys....

  1. Anodic electrochemical treatment of amorphous alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isaev, N.I.; Yakovlev, V.B.; Osipov, Eh.K.; Isaev, A.V.; Trofimova, E.A.; Vasil'ev, V.Yu.


    The aim of the investigation is to reveal peculiarities of the process of anodic oxidation and properties of anode oxide films, formed on the surface of amorphous alloys. Amorphous alloys on the base of rectifying metals of Zr-Ni, Zr-Cu-Ni, Zr-Al-Ni, Zr-Cu-Sn, Zr-Al, Zr-Mo systems are studied. Electrolytes which do not dissolve or weakly dissolve oxide film, such as boric acid electrolyte (40-45 g/l H 3 BO 3 and 18 cm 3 /l of the 25% aqueous NH 4 OH solution) and 20% H 2 SO 4 solution, are used for oxidation. Results of investigations, carried out on amorphous alloys, contaning noticeable quantities of non-rectifying components - Cu, Ni, Sn, Fe, Mo etc - have shown that non-rectifying components harden a process of anodic oxidation and decrease the current efficiency. Amorphous alloys, containing only rectifying components are oxidated in anodic way, the regularities of film growth being similar to those obtained for crystalline materials

  2. A study of nitride formation during the oxidation of titanium-tantalum alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanrahan, R.J. Jr.; Lu, Y.C.; Kung, H.; Butt, D.P.


    The oxidation rates of Ti rich titanium-tantalum alloys are significantly lower in air than in oxygen. This nitrogen effect has been shown to be associated with the formation of a nitride layer at or near the scale-metal interface. In the present work the authors used transmission electron microscopy and microdiffraction to identify the nitrides formed on Ti5Ta and Ti40Ta (5 and 40 weight percent Ta alloys) during identical exposures. In both alloys the nitride develops in contact with the oxygen stabilized α-phase in the substrate. In Ti5Ta a continuous layer of TiN forms, while in Ti40Ta a discontinuous layer of Ti 2 N interspersed with Ta 2 O 5 (formed from the Ta rich β-phase) is formed. The nitride layer acts as an oxygen diffusion barrier, reducing the dissolution of oxygen in the substrate

  3. Hyperfine Interactions and Some Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Co40Fe50Ni10 and Co50Fe45Ni5 Alloys Prepared by Mechanical Synthesis and Subsequently Heat Treated

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pikula, T.; Oleszak, D.; Pekala, M.


    Co 40 Fe 50 Ni 10 and Co 50 Fe 45 Ni 5 ternary alloys were prepared by mechanical alloying method. To check the stability of their structure thermal treatment was applied subsequently. As X-ray diffraction studies proved the final products of milling were the solid solutions with bcc lattice and the average grain sizes ranged of tens of nanometers. After heating of the Co 50 Fe 45 Ni 5 alloy up to 993 K the mixture of two solid solutions with bcc and fcc lattices was formed. In other cases thermal treatment did not change the type of the crystalline lattice. Moessbauer spectroscopy revealed hyperfine magnetic field distributions which reflected the different possible atomic surroundings of 57 Fe isotopes. Results of the macroscopic magnetic measurements proved that both investigated alloys had relatively good soft magnetic properties. (authors)

  4. Structural, thermal and magnetic investigations on immiscible Ag–Co nanocrystalline alloy with addition of Mn

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mondal, B.N., E-mail: [Department of Central Scientific Services, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032 (India); Chabri, S. [Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah 711 103 (India); Sardar, G. [Department of Zoology, Baruipur College, South 24 Parganas 743610 (India); Nath, D.N. [Department of Physical Chemistry, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032 (India); Chattopadhyay, P.P. [Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah 711 103 (India)


    50Ag–50Co (at%) and 40Ag–40Co–20Mn (at%) alloys prepared by ball milling up to 50 h and subsequent isothermal annealing at the temperature range of 350–650 °C for 1 h has been investigated systematically. Mn promotes early formation of the nanostructures and solid solutions of the alloys by ball milling. In contrast, annealing at 350 °C of Ag–Co alloy resulted the dissolution of hcp Co. Annealing above 350 °C decomposes the metastable Ag–Co alloy into the polycrystalline and segregated Ag and fcc Co. Enthalpy of mixing of both the alloy has increased with increase in milling time. Both the nanocrystalline alloys prepared by ball milling and annealing have been revealed the ferromagnetic behavior. The most significant improvement of magnetic properties is yielded in as-milled Ag–Co–Mn alloy obtained after annealing at 550 °C for 1 h. - Highlights: • A complete solid solution of Ag–Co–Mn alloy obtained after 50 h of milling. • A complete solid solution of milled Ag–Co alloy forms annealed at 350 {sup °}C for 1 h. • Precipitation of fcc Co are observed after annealing above 350 °C. • Enthalpy of mixing of the alloys increased with increase in milling time. • The superior magnetic properties achieved of Ag–Co–Mn alloy annealed at 550 °C.

  5. The truncated Hyper-Poisson queues: Hk/Ma,b/C/N with balking, reneging and general bulk service rule

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shawky A.I.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to derive the analytical solution of the queue: Hk/Ma,b/C/N with balking and reneging in which (I units arrive according to a hyper-Poisson distribution with k independent branches, (II the queue discipline is FIFO; and (III the units are served in batches according to a general bulk service rule. The steady-state probabilities, recurrence relations connecting various probabilities introduced are found and the expected number of units in the queue is derived in an explicit form. Also, some special cases are obtained. .

  6. In vitro mechanical integrity of hydroxyapatite coated magnesium alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kannan, M Bobby; Orr, Lynnley


    The mechanical integrity of resorbable implants during service, especially in load bearing orthopaedic applications, is critical. The high degradation rate of resorbable magnesium and magnesium-based implants in body fluid may potentially cause premature in-service failure. In this study, a magnesium alloy (AZ91) was potentiostatically coated with hydroxyapatite at different cathodic voltages in an attempt to enhance the mechanical integrity. The mechanical integrity of the uncoated and hydroxyapatite coated alloys was evaluated after in vitro testing of the coated samples in simulated body fluid (SBF). The uncoated alloy showed 40% loss in the mechanical strength after five days exposure to SBF. However, the hydroxyapatite coated alloy exposed to SBF showed 20% improvement in the mechanical strength as compared to that of the uncoated alloy. The alloy coated potentiostatically at -2 V performed better than the -3 V coated alloy. The cross-sectional analysis of the coatings revealed relatively uniform coating thickness for the -2 V coated alloy, whereas the -3 V coated alloy exhibited areas of uneven coating. This can be attributed to the increase in hydrogen evolution on the alloy during -3 V coating as compared to -2 V coating. The scanning electron micrographs of the in vitro tested alloy revealed that hydroxyapatite coating significantly reduced the localized corrosion of the alloy, which is critical for better in-service mechanical integrity. Thus, the study suggests that the in vitro mechanical integrity of resorbable magnesium-based alloy can be improved by potentiostatic hydroxyapatite coating.

  7. In vitro mechanical integrity of hydroxyapatite coated magnesium alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kannan, M Bobby; Orr, Lynnley, E-mail: [Discipline of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811 (Australia)


    The mechanical integrity of resorbable implants during service, especially in load bearing orthopaedic applications, is critical. The high degradation rate of resorbable magnesium and magnesium-based implants in body fluid may potentially cause premature in-service failure. In this study, a magnesium alloy (AZ91) was potentiostatically coated with hydroxyapatite at different cathodic voltages in an attempt to enhance the mechanical integrity. The mechanical integrity of the uncoated and hydroxyapatite coated alloys was evaluated after in vitro testing of the coated samples in simulated body fluid (SBF). The uncoated alloy showed 40% loss in the mechanical strength after five days exposure to SBF. However, the hydroxyapatite coated alloy exposed to SBF showed 20% improvement in the mechanical strength as compared to that of the uncoated alloy. The alloy coated potentiostatically at -2 V performed better than the -3 V coated alloy. The cross-sectional analysis of the coatings revealed relatively uniform coating thickness for the -2 V coated alloy, whereas the -3 V coated alloy exhibited areas of uneven coating. This can be attributed to the increase in hydrogen evolution on the alloy during -3 V coating as compared to -2 V coating. The scanning electron micrographs of the in vitro tested alloy revealed that hydroxyapatite coating significantly reduced the localized corrosion of the alloy, which is critical for better in-service mechanical integrity. Thus, the study suggests that the in vitro mechanical integrity of resorbable magnesium-based alloy can be improved by potentiostatic hydroxyapatite coating.

  8. Refinement and fracture mechanisms of as-cast QT700-6 alloy by alloying method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Min-qiang Gao


    Full Text Available The as-cast QT700-6 alloy was synthesized with addition of a certain amount of copper, nickel, niobium and stannum elements by alloying method in a medium frequency induction furnace, aiming at improving its strength and toughness. Microstructures of the as-cast QT700-6 alloy were observed using a scanning-electron microscope (SEM and the mechanical properties were investigated using a universal tensile test machine. Results indicate that the ratio of pearlite/ferrite is about 9:1 and the graphite size is less than 40 μm in diameter in the as-cast QT700-6 alloy. The predominant refinement mechanism is attributed to the formation of niobium carbides, which increases the heterogeneous nucleus and hinders the growth of graphite. Meanwhile, niobium carbides also exist around the grain boundaries, which improve the strength of the ductile iron. The tensile strength and elongation of the as-cast QT700-6 alloy reach over 700 MPa and 6%, respectively, when the addition amount of niobium is 0.8%. The addition of copper and nickel elements contributed to the decrease of eutectoid transformation temperature, resulting in the decrease of pearlite lamellar spacing (about 248 nm, which is also beneficial to enhancing the tensile strength. The main fracture mechanism is cleavage fracture with the appearance of a small amount of dimples.

  9. Ti-25Ta-Zr alloys for biomedical applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuroda, Pedro Akira Bazaglia; Quadros, Fernanda Freitas; Grandini, Carlos Roberto, E-mail: [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Bauru, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Ciencias


    Full text: The most widely used titanium alloy for biomedical applications is Ti-6Al-4V, however, previous studies showed that vanadium cause allergic reactions in human tissue and aluminum has been associated with neurological disorders. Then, to solve this problem, new titanium alloys without the presence of these elements are being developed, with the addition of different elements, usually the β-stabilizers, which can change its microstructure and mechanical properties, and may make the titanium and its alloys, most promising for use as biomaterial. In this paper the development and characterization of Ti-25Ta-(10-40)Zr alloys, for biomedical applications are discussed. X-ray diffraction results show the coexistence of α', α” and β phases, which are corroborated by SEM results. The results of microhardness and elastic modulus present an anomaly for the alloy with 10 wt% Zr, due, probably the presence of ω phase. (author)

  10. Optimization of the boron content in FeAl (40 at. % Al) alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Webb, G.; Juliet, P.; Lefort, A.


    FeAl intermetallic alloys are of interest for several high temperature applications due to excellent oxidation resistance, low density, and relatively low cost. Attempts to further increase the ductility of iron-rich FeAl have met with, at best, marginal success. Of the ductilization techniques employed, B doping appears to be a promising method for obtaining enhanced ductility and high strength in iron rich FeAl. Boron additions enhance the ductility of these alloys by increasing the grain boundary cohesive strength which reduces the tendency for intergranular fracture. The goal of the present work was to determine the optimum B concentration for increasing ambient temperature ductility. To accomplish this, a series of three iron rich FeAl alloys of similar Fe stoichiometries were doped with different levels of B (0,12, and 80 wppm). Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) was conducted on these alloys for evaluation of the B partitioning after consolidation by extrusion. Ambient temperature tensile testing and SEM fractography were then used to evaluate the effect of such additions on ambient temperature ductility in air. The results of these experiments indicate that optimum ductility is obtained from a homogeneous distribution of boron in which boride precipitation is limited

  11. Study of microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanisms in novel TiZrAlB alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, S.G.; Feng, Z.H.; Xia, C.Q.; Zhang, Z.G.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, X.Y., E-mail:; Ma, M.Z.; Liu, R.P., E-mail:


    In this paper, the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of the as-cast Ti-χZr-4Al-0.005B (TχZAB and χ=0, 10, 20, 30, 40 wt%) alloys were systematically investigated. Only the α phase was detected from the X-ray diffraction patterns of the as-cast TχZAB quaternary alloy series. As the Zr content increased, the average size and length-diameter ratio of the α grains were decreased from 69.8 μm to 17.1 µm and 37.5 to 8.4, respectively. The analysis of the results from the tensile and microhardness tests demonstrated that both the strength and hardness increased significantly as the Zr content increased (from 0 wt% to 40 wt%). Nevertheless, the ductility exhibited an opposite trend. The fracture mode of the ductile-brittle transfer was consistent with the ductility alteration. The as-cast Ti-40Zr-4Al-0.005B alloys demonstrated the highest tensile strength (σ{sub b}=1134 MPa), which increased by 53% compared to the Ti-4Al-0.005B alloys, whereas the lowest elongation-to-failure was of 6.77%. The mechanical properties of the TχZAB alloy series were discussed based on the microstructural evolution and the solid solution strengthening mechanisms.

  12. Exposure to nerve growth factor worsens nephrotoxic effect induced by Cyclosporine A in HK-2 cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Donatella Vizza

    Full Text Available Nerve growth factor is a neurotrophin that promotes cell growth, differentiation, survival and death through two different receptors: TrkA(NTR and p75(NTR. Nerve growth factor serum concentrations increase during many inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, glomerulonephritis, chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease and, particularly, in renal transplant. Considering that nerve growth factor exerts beneficial effects in the treatment of major central and peripheral neurodegenerative diseases, skin and corneal ulcers, we asked whether nerve growth factor could also exert a role in Cyclosporine A-induced graft nephrotoxicity. Our hypothesis was raised from basic evidence indicating that Cyclosporine A-inhibition of calcineurin-NFAT pathway increases nerve growth factor expression levels. Therefore, we investigated the involvement of nerve growth factor and its receptors in the damage exerted by Cyclosporine A in tubular renal cells, HK-2. Our results showed that in HK-2 cells combined treatment with Cyclosporine A + nerve growth factor induced a significant reduction in cell vitality concomitant with a down-regulation of Cyclin D1 and up-regulation of p21 levels respect to cells treated with Cyclosporine A alone. Moreover functional experiments showed that the co-treatment significantly up-regulated human p21promoter activity by involvement of the Sp1 transcription factor, whose nuclear content was negatively regulated by activated NFATc1. In addition we observed that the combined exposure to Cyclosporine A + nerve growth factor promoted an up-regulation of p75 (NTR and its target genes, p53 and BAD leading to the activation of intrinsic apoptosis. Finally, the chemical inhibition of p75(NTR down-regulated the intrinsic apoptotic signal. We describe two new mechanisms by which nerve growth factor promotes growth arrest and apoptosis in tubular renal cells exposed to Cyclosporine A.

  13. Production of rare earth-silicon-iron alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehra, O.K.; Bose, D.K.; Gupta, C.K.


    At Metallurgy Division, BARC, improved procedures for producing rare earth-silicon alloys have been investigated. In these methods, reduction of mixed rare earth oxide by a ferro-silicon and aluminium mixture in combination with CaO-MgO flux/CaO-CaF 2 flux have been tried to prepare an alloy product with a higher rare earth recovery at a higher rare earth content than the present commercial production method. The rare earth recovery using CaO-CaF 2 was 85 per cent while in the case of CaO-MgO flux it was 76 per cent. The corresponding rare earth contents in the alloy correspond to 40 per cent and 55 per cent by weight respectively. (author)

  14. Thermally induced crystallization of amorphous Fe40Ni40P14B6 alloy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vasić, M.; Blagojević, V. A.; Begović, N. N.; Žák, Tomáš; Pavlović, V. B.; Minić, Dragica M.


    Roč. 614, AUG (2015), s. 129-136 ISSN 0040-6031 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) ED1.1.00/02.0068 Institutional support: RVO:68081723 Keywords : Amorphous alloy * Crystallization * Kinetics * Deconvolution * Impingement * Surface morphology Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.938, year: 2015

  15. Low temperature study of micrometric powder of melted Fe{sub 50}Mn{sub 10}Al{sub 40} alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zamora, Ligia E. [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad del Valle, A. A. 25360 Cali (Colombia); Perez Alcazar, G.A., E-mail: [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad del Valle, A. A. 25360 Cali (Colombia); Tabares, J.A. [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad del Valle, A. A. 25360 Cali (Colombia); Romero, J.J. [Instituto de Ceramica y Vidrio, CSIC, C/Kelsen 5, 28049 Madrid (Spain); Martinez, A. [Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, P.O. Box 155, Las Rozas, 28230 Madrid (Spain); Gonzalez, J.M. [Unidad Asociada ICMM-IMA, c/Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz 3, 28049 Madrid (Spain); Palomares, F.J. [Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, C/Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, 28049 Cantoblanco, Madrid (Spain); Marco, J.F. [Instituto de Quimica-Fisica Rocasolano, CSIC, c/Serrano 119, 28006 Madrid (Spain)


    Melted Fe{sub 50}Mn{sub 10}Al{sub 40} alloy powder with particle size less than 40 {mu}m was characterized at room temperature by XRD, SEM and XPS; and at low temperatures by Moessbauer spectrometry, ac susceptibility, and magnetization analysis. The results show that the sample is BCC ferromagnetic but with a big contribution of paramagnetic sites, and presents super-paramagnetic and re-entrant spin-glass phases with critical temperatures of 265 and 35 K, respectively. The presence of the different phases detected is due to the disordered character of the sample and the competitive magnetic interactions. The obtained values of the saturation magnetization and the coercive field as a function of temperature present a behavior which indicates a ferromagnetic phase. However, the behavior of the FC curve and that of the coercive field as a function of temperature suggest that the dipolar magnetic interaction between particles contributes to the internal magnetic field in the same way as was reported for nanoparticulate powders.

  16. Ferromagnetic alloy material CoFeC with high thermal tolerance in MgO/CoFeC/Pt structure and comparable intrinsic damping factor with CoFeB (United States)

    Chen, Shaohai; Zhou, Jing; Lin, Weinan; Yu, Jihang; Guo, Rui; Poh, Francis; Shum, Danny; Chen, Jingsheng


    The thermal tolerance and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) of ferromagnetic alloy Co40Fe40C20 in the structure MgO/CoFeC/Pt (or Ta) were investigated and compared with the commonly used CoFeB alloy. It is found that the PMA of CoFeC with {{K}i,CoFeC}=2.21 erg c{{m}-2} , which is 59% higher than that of CoFeB, can be obtained after proper post-annealing treatment. Furthermore, CoFeC alloy provides better thermal tolerance to temperature of 400 °C than CoFeB. The studies on ferromagnetic resonance show that the intrinsic damping constant α in of Co40Fe40C20 alloy is 0.0047, which is similar to the reported value of 0.004 for Co40Fe40B20 alloy. The comprehensive comparisons indicate that CoFeC alloy is a promising candidate for the application of the integration of spin torque transfer magnetic random access memory with complementary metal-oxide semiconductor processes.

  17. Electrodeposition of engineering alloy coatings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Lasse

    Nickel based electrodeposited alloys were investigated with respect to their deposition process, heat treatment, hardness, corrosion resistance and combined wear-corrosion resistance. The investigated alloys were Ni-B, Ni-P and Ni-W, which are not fully developed for industrial utilisation...... are written in brackets). Temperature and especially pH influenced the cathodic efficiency of the electrodeposition processes for Ni-W and Ni-P. Mass balance problems of the development alloy processes are identified.Heat treatment for one hour at approx. 350°C, 400°C and 600°C of electrodeposited Ni-B, Ni......-P and Ni-W, respectively, resulted in hardness values of approx. 1000 HV0.1 in the case of Ni-P(6), approx. 1100 HV0.1 in the case of Ni-W(40-53) and approx. 1300 HV0.1 in the case of Ni-B(5). Cracks, which emerged during electrodeposition and heat treatment, were observed on Ni-W and Ni-B.The corrosion...

  18. In vitro mechanical integrity of hydroxyapatite coated magnesium alloy. (United States)

    Kannan, M Bobby; Orr, Lynnley


    The mechanical integrity of resorbable implants during service, especially in load bearing orthopaedic applications, is critical. The high degradation rate of resorbable magnesium and magnesium-based implants in body fluid may potentially cause premature in-service failure. In this study, a magnesium alloy (AZ91) was potentiostatically coated with hydroxyapatite at different cathodic voltages in an attempt to enhance the mechanical integrity. The mechanical integrity of the uncoated and hydroxyapatite coated alloys was evaluated after in vitro testing of the coated samples in simulated body fluid (SBF). The uncoated alloy showed 40% loss in the mechanical strength after five days exposure to SBF. However, the hydroxyapatite coated alloy exposed to SBF showed 20% improvement in the mechanical strength as compared to that of the uncoated alloy. The alloy coated potentiostatically at -2 V performed better than the -3 V coated alloy. The cross-sectional analysis of the coatings revealed relatively uniform coating thickness for the -2 V coated alloy, whereas the -3 V coated alloy exhibited areas of uneven coating. This can be attributed to the increase in hydrogen evolution on the alloy during -3 V coating as compared to -2 V coating. The scanning electron micrographs of the in vitro tested alloy revealed that hydroxyapatite coating significantly reduced the localized corrosion of the alloy, which is critical for better in-service mechanical integrity. Thus, the study suggests that the in vitro mechanical integrity of resorbable magnesium-based alloy can be improved by potentiostatic hydroxyapatite coating. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd

  19. Study of nitrogen solubility in multicomponent iron alloys at its pressure in gaseous phase up to 1000kPa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pomarin, Yu.M.; Grigorenko, G.M.; Latash, Yu.V.; Kanibolotskij, S.A.


    A facility in which metal is melted in a weighed state and nitrogen partical pressure during relting may be charge from 0 to 1000 kPa is developed to investigate nitrogen solubility is liquim metals and alloys. Investigation of nitrogen solubility was performed using samples of 03Kh25N5AM3 steel and Kh20N5, Kh20N10, Kh40N10, Kh40N20 alloys. Positive deflection of [N]=f(√Psub(Nsub(2))) dependence from the Henry law is shown to be observed in the Kh40N10 alloy in the 100-1000 kPa pressure range. In this case the vatue of positive deflection decreases with temperature growth and at T=2273 K nitrogen solubility in the alloy submits to the law of square root. An equation permitting to calculate nitrogen solubility in alloys of Fe-Cr-Ni and Fe-Cr-Mn systems in the 0 to 1000 kPa range of nitrogen partial pressures is obtained

  20. Mechanical spectroscopy study on the Cu54Zr40Al6 amorphous matrix alloy at low temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marques, P.W.B.; Chaves, J.M.; Silva, P.S.; Florêncio, O.; Moreno-Gobbi, A.; Aliaga, L.C.R.; Botta, W.J.


    Highlights: • Cu 54 Zr 40 Al 6 alloy was characterized by mechanical spectroscopy at low temperature. • Flexural and ultrasonic methods showed peaks associated to rearrangement of clusters. • The peaks less stable were associated with annihilation of Zr or Cu clusters. • MHz range can be favors the formation of Cu an Al-centered icosahedral structures. • TEM images show an increase in the size and number of crystal in amorphous matrix. - Abstract: A mechanical spectroscopy study of Cu 54 Zr 40 Al 6 bulk metallic glasses composites was carried out in the kHz and MHz frequency ranges, by means of flexural and ultrasonic methods, respectively, in the temperature interval 150–300 K. In internal friction and attenuation curves at low temperature were observed peaks which were associated with distortions in the configuration of atomic clusters, which absorbed different quantities of energy due to short and medium order rearrangements. Changes within the clusters or atomic jumps between clusters occurring in the specimen induced the onset of polyamorphic peaks, since electronic interactions and bonding changed abruptly

  1. Huang scattering from self-interstitials in electron-irradiated Fe-40 at % Al ordered alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guillot, J.P.; Riviere, J.P.; Beaufort-Richard, M.F.


    A single crystal of Fe-40 at % Al ordered alloy has been irradiated with 2.5 MeV electrons at liquid hydrogen temperature, and diffuse X-ray scattering (MoKα 1 ) near Bragg reflections has been studied after annealing the sample up to 300 K. The characteristic diffuse scattering from point defects with weak displacement fields (Huang diffusion) has been observed near the (200) Bragg reflection in the directions [011] and [100] and near the (110) reflection in the directions [110] and [110]. This Huang scattering has been attributed to self interstitials since under the same irradiations conditions, electrical resistivity measurements indicate that the long range migration of self interstitials by annihilation at vacancies would occur only for temperatures higher than 300 K. The comparison of the experimental results with the different simple intertitial configurations proposed for b.c.c. crystals suggest that the most probable configuration should be the [110] split interstitial with orthorhombic symmetry [fr

  2. Mode of carbide TiC-ZrC alloy fracture at various temperatures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paderno, V.N.; Lesnaya, M.I.; Martynenko, A.N.; Chugunova, S.I. (AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev. Inst. Problem Materialovedeniya; Khersonskij Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogicheskij Inst. (Ukrainian SSR))


    Bending strength is studied for mutual TiC-ZrC alloys within a temperature range of 20-600 deg C. Structure of the material failure surface is studied from replicas by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The data obtained are compared with concentration dependences of some physical properties of these alloys. Bending strength is shown to be minimum for the alloy with 40 mol % of zirconium carbide. It is stated that within the temperature range under study the carbide alloys undergo macroscopic brittle failure. The materials are characterized by a mixed type of failure with transcrystalline failure somewhat prevailing.

  3. Mode of carbide TiC-ZrC alloy fracture at various temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paderno, V.N.; Lesnaya, M.I.; Martynenko, A.N.; Chugunova, S.I.


    Bending strength is studied for mutual TiC-ZrC alloys within a temperature range of 20-600 deg C. Structure of the material failure surface is studied from replicas by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The data obtained are compared with concentration dependences of some physical properties of these alloys. Bending strength is shown to be minimum for the alloy with 40 mol % of zirconium carbide. It is stated that within the temperature range under study the carbide alloys undergo macroscopic brittle failure. The materials are characterized by a mixed type of failure with transcrystalline failure somewhat prevailing

  4. Laser Surface Alloying of Aluminum for Improving Acid Corrosion Resistance (United States)

    Jiru, Woldetinsay Gutu; Sankar, Mamilla Ravi; Dixit, Uday Shanker


    In the present study, laser surface alloying of aluminum with magnesium, manganese, titanium and zinc, respectively, was carried out to improve acid corrosion resistance. Laser surface alloying was conducted using 1600 and 1800 W power source using CO2 laser. Acid corrosion resistance was tested by dipping the samples in a solution of 2.5% H2SO4 for 200 h. The weight loss due to acid corrosion was reduced by 55% for AlTi, 41% for AlMg alloy, 36% for AlZn and 22% for AlMn alloy. Laser surface alloyed samples offered greater corrosion resistance than the aluminum substrate. It was observed that localized pitting corrosion was the major factor to damage the surface when exposed for a long time. The hardness after laser surface alloying was increased by a factor of 8.7, 3.4, 2.7 and 2 by alloying with Mn, Mg, Ti and Zn, respectively. After corrosion test, hardness was reduced by 51% for AlTi sample, 40% for AlMg sample, 41.4% for AlMn sample and 33% for AlZn sample.

  5. Development of graded Ni-YSZ composite coating on Alloy 690 by Pulsed Laser Deposition technique to reduce hazardous metallic nuclear waste inventory. (United States)

    Sengupta, Pranesh; Rogalla, Detlef; Becker, Hans Werner; Dey, Gautam Kumar; Chakraborty, Sumit


    Alloy 690 based 'nuclear waste vitrification furnace' components degrade prematurely due to molten glass-alloy interactions at high temperatures and thereby increase the volume of metallic nuclear waste. In order to reduce the waste inventory, compositionally graded Ni-YSZ (Y(2)O(3) stabilized ZrO(2)) composite coating has been developed on Alloy 690 using Pulsed Laser Deposition technique. Five different thin-films starting with Ni80YSZ20 (Ni 80 wt%+YSZ 20 wt%), through Ni60YSZ40 (Ni 60 wt%+YSZ 40 wt%), Ni40YSZ60 (Ni 40 wt%+YSZ 60 wt%), Ni20YSZ80 (Ni 20 wt%+YSZ 80 wt%) and Ni0YSZ100 (Ni 0 wt%+YSZ 100 wt%), were deposited successively on Alloy 690 coupons. Detailed analyses of the thin-films identify them as homogeneous, uniform, pore free and crystalline in nature. A comparative study of coated and uncoated Alloy 690 coupons, exposed to sodium borosilicate melt at 1000°C for 1-6h suggests that the graded composite coating could substantially reduced the chemical interactions between Alloy 690 and borosilicate melt. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. U-Pb studies of the Appley Bridge meteorite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gale, N.H.; Arden, J.W.; Hutchinson, R.


    The U and Pb concentration in samples from the interior of the 10.9 kg stone BM 1920, 40 (British Museum), the isotopic composition of lead, a lead-lead diagram for whole meteorite samples of Appley Bridge, and a U-Pb concordia diagram for whole meteorite samples of Appley Bridge from different measurements are treated. (HK) 891 HK/HK 892 MB [de

  7. Aerospace Patented High-Strength Aluminum Alloy Used in Commercial Industries (United States)


    NASA structural materials engineers at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama developed a high-strength aluminum alloy for aerospace applications with higher strength and wear-resistance at elevated temperatures. The alloy is a solution to reduce costs of aluminum engine pistons and lower engine emissions for the automobile industry. The Boats and Outboard Engines Division at Bombardier Recreational Products of Sturtevant, Wisconsin is using the alloy for pistons in its Evinrude E-Tec outboard, 40-90 horsepower, engine line. The alloy pistons make the outboard motor quieter and cleaner, while improving fuel mileage and increasing engine durability. The engines comply with California Air resources Board emissions standards, some of the most stringent in the United States. (photo credit: Bombardiier Recreational Products)

  8. Ultrafast demagnetization in rare-earth alloys: the role of spin-orbit coupling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Guyader, Loic; Solopow, Sergej; Radu, Florin; Holldack, Karsten; Mitzner, Rolf; Kachel, Torsten; Pontius, Niko; Foehlisch, Alexander; Radu, Ilie [Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fuer Materialien und Energie GmbH, Berlin (Germany); Abrudan, Radu [Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fuer Materialien und Energie GmbH, Berlin (Germany); Institut fuer Experimentalphysik/Festkoerperphysik, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum (Germany)


    Understanding the ultrafast demagnetization occurring upon femtosecond laser excitation of a magnetic material is a fundamental problem of modern magnetism and its microscopic origin remains highly elusive and intensely debated. Particularly, the spin-orbit coupling mediating the spin-lattice interaction is one of the key ingredients. An intriguing case of tunable parallel to anti-parallel LS coupling can be realized in rare-earth (RE) alloys. For instance, Gd60Sm40 and Gd60Dy40 alloys have similar absolute S and L, but exhibit opposite LS coupling while displaying the same ferromagnetic ordering temperature of 250 K. They constitute thus an ideal case to investigate the particular role of the LS coupling on the ultrafast demagnetization. Here we report on the properties of such RE thin film alloys using X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) with the spin and orbit sum rules at M5,4 edges. Femtosecond time-resolved transmission XMCD measurements performed at the slicing beamline reveal the element-specific demagnetization time constant in these alloys. Funding from European Union through FEMTOSPIN is gratefully acknowledged.

  9. Synthesis of FeNi Alloy Nanomaterials by Proteic Sol-Gel Method: Crystallographic, Morphological, and Magnetic Properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cássio Morilla dos Santos


    Full Text Available Proteic Sol-Gel method was used for the synthesis of FeNi alloy at different temperature conditions and flow reduction. The solids were characterized by XRD, H2-TPR, SEM, TEM, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and VSM. It was observed by X-ray diffraction pure FeNi alloy in the samples reduced at 600°C (40 mL/min H2 flow and 700°C (25 mL/min H2 flow. The FeNi alloy presented stability against the oxidizing atmosphere up to 250°C. The morphology exhibited agglomerates relatively spherical and particles in the range of 10–40 nm. Mössbauer spectroscopy showed the presence of disordered ferromagnetic FeNi alloy, and magnetic hysteresis loop revealed a typical behavior of soft magnetic material.

  10. The HK2 Dependent "Warburg Effect" and Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation in Cancer: Targets for Effective Therapy with 3-Bromopyruvate. (United States)

    Lis, Paweł; Dyląg, Mariusz; Niedźwiecka, Katarzyna; Ko, Young H; Pedersen, Peter L; Goffeau, Andre; Ułaszewski, Stanisław


    This review summarizes the current state of knowledge about the metabolism of cancer cells, especially with respect to the "Warburg" and "Crabtree" effects. This work also summarizes two key discoveries, one of which relates to hexokinase-2 (HK2), a major player in both the "Warburg effect" and cancer cell immortalization. The second discovery relates to the finding that cancer cells, unlike normal cells, derive as much as 60% of their ATP from glycolysis via the "Warburg effect", and the remaining 40% is derived from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Also described are selected anticancer agents which generally act as strong energy blockers inside cancer cells. Among them, much attention has focused on 3-bromopyruvate (3BP). This small alkylating compound targets both the "Warburg effect", i.e., elevated glycolysis even in the presence oxygen, as well as mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in cancer cells. Normal cells remain unharmed. 3BP rapidly kills cancer cells growing in tissue culture, eradicates tumors in animals, and prevents metastasis. In addition, properly formulated 3BP shows promise also as an effective anti-liver cancer agent in humans and is effective also toward cancers known as "multiple myeloma". Finally, 3BP has been shown to significantly extend the life of a human patient for which no other options were available. Thus, it can be stated that 3BP is a very promising new anti-cancer agent in the process of undergoing clinical development.

  11. Synthesis of Fe Ni Alloy Nano materials by Proteic Sol-Gel Method: Crystallographic, Morphological, and Magnetic Properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, C.M.D.; Martins, A.F.N.; Sasaki, J.M.; Costa, B. C.; Ribeiro, T.S.; Braga, T.P.; Soares, J.M.


    Proteic Sol-Gel method was used for the synthesis of Fe Ni alloy at different temperature conditions and flow reduction. The solids were characterized by XRD, H_2-TPR, SEM, TEM, Moessbauer spectroscopy, and VSM. It was observed by X-ray diffraction pure Fe Ni alloy in the samples reduced at 600 degree (40 ml/min H_2 flow) and 700 degree (25 ml/min H_2 flow). The Fe Ni alloy presented stability against the oxidizing atmosphere up to 250 degree. The morphology exhibited agglomerates relatively spherical and particles in the range of 10-40 nm. Moessbauer spectroscopy showed the presence of disordered ferromagnetic Fe Ni alloy, and magnetic hysteresis loop revealed a typical behavior of soft magnetic material.

  12. Topotactic dehydration of the lamellar oxide HK2Ti5NbO14 x H2O: the oxide K4Ti10Nb2O27

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grandin, A.; Borel, M.M.; Hervieu, M.; Raveau, B.


    The lamellar oxide HK 2 Ti 5 NbO 14 x H 2 O can be topotactically dehydrated to K 4 Ti 10 Nb 2 O 27 . Electron diffraction and X-ray diffraction studies of this phase lead to a monoclinic cell with the parameters a = 17.005, b = 3.78, c = 9.01 A and β 92.14 0 . Diffusion streaks on the electron diffraction patterns indicate disorder whereas the existence of two sets of lattices on the same crystal give evidence of the topotactic character of the reaction. A structural model is proposed for K 4 Ti 10 Nb 2 O 27 , which corresponds to the intergrowth of K 3 TiNbO 14 layers with the K 2 Ti 6 O 13 tunnel structure. The possibility of formation of various intergrowths such as (KTi 5 NbO 13 )/sub n/ (HK 2 Ti 5 NbO 14 )/sub n/' is suggested

  13. An elastic network model of HK97 capsid maturation. (United States)

    Kim, Moon K; Jernigan, Robert L; Chirikjian, Gregory S


    The structure of the capsid of bacteriophage HK97 has been solved at various stages of maturity by crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, and has been reported previously in the literature. Typically the capsid assembles through polymerization and maturation processes. Maturation is composed of proteolytic cleavages to the precursor capsid (called Prohead II), expansion triggered by DNA packaging (in which the largest conformational changes of the capsid appear), and covalent cross-links of neighboring subunits to create the mature capsid called Head II. We apply a coarse-grained elastic network interpolation (ENI) to generate a feasible pathway for conformational change from Prohead II to Head II. The icosahedral symmetry of the capsid structure offers a significant computational advantage because it is not necessary to consider the whole capsid structure but only an asymmetric unit consisting of one hexamer plus an additional subunit from an adjacent pentamer. We also analyze normal modes of the capsid structure using an elastic network model which is also subject to symmetry constraints. Using our model, we can visualize the smooth evolution of capsid expansion and revisit in more detail several interesting geometric changes recognized in early experimental works such as rigid body motion of two compact domains (A and P) with two refolding extensions (N-arm and E-loop) and track the approach of the two particular residues associated with isopeptide bonds that make hexagonal cross-links in Head II. The feasibility of the predicted pathway is also supported by the results of our normal mode analysis.

  14. Influence of continuous electron irradiation and different modes of mechanic-thermal treatment on structure-phase composition of alloys 36NKhTYu and 40KhNYu

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alontseva, D.L.; Suslov, S.E.; Kupchishin, A.I.; Plotnikov, S.V.; Petrov, V.A.


    Principal regularities of structure formation in strongly deformed alloys 36NKhTYu and 40KhNYu under aging in certain temperature range and after electron irradiation are revealed. Morphological features of precipitating phases with purpose of development of methods for getting of optimal structural states providing essential properties rate were determined. Data of electron microscopic examinations of structure-phase composition are compared with data on mechanical properties

  15. Phase transformations in the rapidly solidified Ti{sub 40}Zr{sub 20}Hf{sub 20}Pd{sub 20} alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, N. [Division of Engineering Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (China); Yao Kefu [Division of Engineering Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (China)], E-mail:; Louzguine-Luzgin, D.V. [Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Katahira 2-1-1, Aoba-Ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); Qiu Shengbao [Division of Engineering Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (China); Ranganathan, S. [Department of Metallurgy, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012 (India); Inoue, A. [Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Katahira 2-1-1, Aoba-Ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan)


    We report that an approximant phase was initially obtained in amorphous Ti{sub 40}Zr{sub 20}Hf{sub 20}Pd{sub 20} alloy. In the initial stage of the devitrification process, the approximant phase transforms into an icosahedral (I) phase with a high thermal stability while the cF96 Zr{sub 2}Ni-type (space group Fd3-bar m with a=1.25nm and 96 atoms cell{sup -1}) particles precipitate from the amorphous matrix. Eventually the I phase grows to several hundred nanometers when annealed at about 1000K and then transforms into the Zr{sub 2}Ni-type phase with an endothermic reaction.

  16. Nanotubular surface and morphology of Ti-binary and Ti-ternary alloys for biocompatibility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choe, Han-Cheol


    The nanotubular surface of Ti-binary and Ti-ternary alloys for biomaterials has been investigated using various methods of surface characterization. Binary Ti-xNb (x = 10, 20, 30, and 40 wt.%) and ternary Ti-30Ta-xNb (x = 3, 7 and 15 wt.%) alloys were prepared by using the high-purity sponges; Ti, Ta and Zr spheres. The nanotube on the alloy surface was formed in 1.0 M H 3 PO 4 with small additions of NaF (0.5 and 0.8 wt.%), using a potentiostat. For cell proliferation, an MC3T3-E1 mouse osteoblast was used. The surface characteristics were investigated using field-emission scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Binary Ti-xZr alloys had a lamellar and a needle-like structure, whereas, ternary Ti-30Ta-xZr alloys had equiaxed grains with a lamellar martensitic α' structure. The thickness of the needle-like laths of the α-phase increased as the Zr content increased. The nanotubes formed on the α phase and β phase showed a different size and shape appearance with Zr content. As the Zr content increased from 3 to 40 wt.%, the diameter of the nanotubes in Ti-xZr and Ti-30Ta-xZr alloy decreased from 200 nm to 50 nm. The nanotubular Ti-30Ta-15Zr alloy surface with a diameter of 50 nm provided a good osseointegration; cell proliferation, migration and differentiation.

  17. Point defects in B.C.C. Fe-Al, Fe-Co, and Fe-Co-V ordered alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riviere, J.P.; Dinhut, J.F.


    Radiation damage produced at 20 K by 2.5 MeV electrons is studied in three B 2 type Fe-40 at % Al, Fe-Co, Fe-Co-V ordered alloys. The resistivity damage in Fe-40 at % Al ordered single crystals is found less effective in the directions. The results suggest that replacement collision chains are difficult to propagate along the direction. Frenkel pair creation superimposed with disordering can account for the resistivity damage in the initially ordered Fe-Co alloy. Informations concerning replacement collision sequences in direction are derived. During the recovery of all the alloys, three main stages are observed and an ordering enhancement occurs. (author)

  18. Solidified structure of Al-Pb-Cu alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikeda, Tetsuyuki; Nishi, Seiki; Kumeuchi, Hiroyuki; Tatsuta, Yoshinori.


    Al-Pb-Cu alloys were cast into bars or plates in different two metal mold casting processes in order to suppress gravity segregation of Pb and to achieve homogeneous dispersion of Pb phase in the alloys. Solidified structures were analyzed by a video-pattern-analyzer. Plate castings 15 to 20 mm in thickness of Al-Pb-1 % Cu alloy containing Pb up to 5 % in which Pb phase particles up to 10 μm disperse are achieved through water cooled metal mold casting. The plates up to 5 mm in thickness containing Pb as much as 8 to 10 % cast in this process have dispersed Pb particles up to 5 μm in diameter in the surface layer. Al-8 % Pb-1 % Cu alloy bars 40 mm in diameter and 180 mm in height in which gravity segregation of Pb is prevented can be cast by movable and water sprayed metal mold casting at casting temperature 920 deg C and mold moving speed 1.0 mm/s. Pb phase particles 10 μm in mean size are dispersed in the bars. (author)

  19. Neutron resistant irradiation alloy and usage thereof

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okada, Osamu; Nakata, Kiyotomo; Kato, Takahiko.


    A neutron irradiation embrittlement-resistant alloy comprising a Ti alloy having an average grain size of 2μm or smaller and containing from 30 to 40wt% of Al is subjected to powder solidification and then to isothermal forging at a forging rate of from 50 to 80% at a temperature range of from 1150 to 1500K. Namely, since the Ti-Al type alloy comprises from 30 to 30wt% of Al, optionally, from 1 to 6% of Mn, from 0.1 to 0.5% of Si, from 4 to 16% of V and the balance of Ti, it has excellent specific strength, high durable temperature and excellent neutron irradiation resistance, and has ductility required as structural materials. Accordingly, if the Ti-Al type alloy excellent in embrittlement resistance to neutron irradiation dimensional stability of materials is applied to constitutional parts of a reactor core of a nuclear reactor and a thermonuclear reactor to be exposed under neutron irradiation, high reliability is provided and the amount of activated materials is reduced by improving the working life of the materials. (N.H.)

  20. The supposedly attenuated Hy-HK variant of highly virulent Hypr strain of Tick-borne encephalitis virus is obviously a strain of Langat virus

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Růžek, Daniel; Štěrba, Ján; Kopecký, Jan; Grubhoffer, Libor


    Roč. 50, č. 4 (2006), s. 277-278 ISSN 0001-723X R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/06/1479 Grant - others:Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia(CZ) 35/2005/P-BF Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60220518 Keywords : TBE virus * Langat virus * Hy-HK attenuated variant Subject RIV: GJ - Animal Vermins ; Diseases, Veterinary Medicine Impact factor: 0.788, year: 2006

  1. Laser surface alloying of aluminium-transition metal alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Almeida, A.; Vilar, R.


    Laser surface alloying has been used as a tool to produce hard and corrosion resistant Al-transition metal (TM) alloys. Cr and Mo are particularly interesting alloying elements to produce stable high-strength alloys because they present low diffusion coefficients and solid solubility in Al. To produce Al-TM surface alloys a two-step laser process was developed: firstly, the material is alloyed using low scanning speed and secondly, the microstructure is modified by a refinement step. This process was used in the production of Al-Cr, Al-Mo and Al-Mo and Al-Nb surface alloys by alloying Cr, Mo or Nb powder into an Al and 7175 Al alloy substrate using a CO 2 laser . This paper presents a review of the work that has been developed at Instituto Superior Tecnico on laser alloying of Al-TM alloy, over the last years. (Author) 16 refs

  2. Magnesium Alloys as a Biomaterial for Degradable Craniofacial Screws (United States)

    Henderson, Sarah E.; Verdelis, Konstantinos; Maiti, Spandan; Pal, Siladitya; Chung, William L.; Chou, Da-Tren; Kumta, Prashant N.; Almarza, Alejandro J.


    Recently, magnesium (Mg) alloys have received significant attention as a potential biomaterial for degradable implants, and this study was directed at evaluating the suitability of Mg for craniofacial bone screws. The objective was to implant screws fabricated from commercially available Mg-alloys (pure Mg and AZ31) in-vivo in a rabbit mandible. First, Mg-alloy screws were compared to stainless steel screws in an in-vitro pull-out test and determined to have a similar holding strength (~40N). A finite element model of the screw was created using the pull-out test data, and the model can be used for future Mg-alloy screw design. Then, Mg-alloy screws were implanted for 4, 8, and 12 weeks, with two controls of an osteotomy site (hole) with no implant and a stainless steel screw implanted for 12 weeks. MicroCT (computed tomography) was used to assess bone remodeling and Mg-alloy degradation, both visually and qualitatively through volume fraction measurements for all time points. Histologic analysis was also completed for the Mg-alloys at 12 weeks. The results showed that craniofacial bone remodeling occurred around both Mg-alloy screw types. Pure Mg had a different degradation profile than AZ31, however bone growth occurred around both screw types. The degradation rate of both Mg-alloy screw types in the bone marrow space and the muscle were faster than in the cortical bone space at 12 weeks. Furthermore, it was shown that by alloying Mg, the degradation profile could be changed. These results indicate the promise of using Mg-alloys for craniofacial applications. PMID:24384125

  3. A survey of HK, HPt, and RR domains and their organization in two-component systems and phosphorelay proteins of organisms with fully sequenced genomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Baldiri Salvado


    Full Text Available Two Component Systems and Phosphorelays (TCS/PR are environmental signal transduction cascades in prokaryotes and, less frequently, in eukaryotes. The internal domain organization of proteins and the topology of TCS/PR cascades play an important role in shaping the responses of the circuits. It is thus important to maintain updated censuses of TCS/PR proteins in order to identify the various topologies used by nature and enable a systematic study of the dynamics associated with those topologies. To create such a census, we analyzed the proteomes of 7,609 organisms from all domains of life with fully sequenced and annotated genomes. To begin, we survey each proteome searching for proteins containing domains that are associated with internal signal transmission within TCS/PR: Histidine Kinase (HK, Response Regulator (RR and Histidine Phosphotranfer (HPt domains, and analyze how these domains are arranged in the individual proteins. Then, we find all types of operon organization and calculate how much more likely are proteins that contain TCS/PR domains to be coded by neighboring genes than one would expect from the genome background of each organism. Finally, we analyze if the fusion of domains into single TCS/PR proteins is more frequently observed than one might expect from the background of each proteome. We find 50 alternative ways in which the HK, HPt, and RR domains are observed to organize into single proteins. In prokaryotes, TCS/PR coding genes tend to be clustered in operons. 90% of all proteins identified in this study contain just one of the three domains, while 8% of the remaining proteins combine one copy of an HK, a RR, and/or an HPt domain. In eukaryotes, 25% of all TCS/PR proteins have more than one domain. These results might have implications for how signals are internally transmitted within TCS/PR cascades. These implications could explain the selection of the various designs in alternative circumstances.

  4. Laser Powder Cladding of Ti-6Al-4V α/β Alloy


    Samar Reda Al-Sayed Ali; Abdel Hamid Ahmed Hussein; Adel Abdel Menam Saleh Nofal; Salah Elden Ibrahim Hasseb Elnaby; Haytham Abdelrafea Elgazzar; Hassan Abdel Sabour


    Laser cladding process was performed on a commercial Ti-6Al-4V (α + β) titanium alloy by means of tungsten carbide-nickel based alloy powder blend. Nd:YAG laser with a 2.2-KW continuous wave was used with coaxial jet nozzle coupled with a standard powder feeding system. Four-track deposition of a blended powder consisting of 60 wt % tungsten carbide (WC) and 40 wt % NiCrBSi was successfully made on the alloy. The high content of the hard WC particles is intended to enhance the abrasion resist...

  5. Vaporization study on lanthanum-neodymium alloys by mass-spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shoji, Y.; Matsui, T.


    Partial vapor pressure of Nd(g) over La x Nd 1-x alloys (x = 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80 and 0.90) was measured with a time-of-flight mass-spectrometer equipped with a tungsten Knudsen cell over the temperature range of 1474-1767 K. Thermodynamic activity of neodymium in the liquid alloys was determined by comparing the partial vapor pressure of Nd(g) over the alloys with that over the pure metal. The thermodynamic activity of lanthanum in the alloys was calculated from that of neodymium obtained experimentally in this study by graphic integration using the Gibbs-Duhem equation. Both activities for each element, thus obtained, showed positive deviations from Raoult's law over the entire compositional range. Thermodynamic quantities such as Gibbs free energy of formation, excess enthalpy etc. were also calculated from the thermodynamic activities. (orig.)

  6. A comparison of HK-CONWIP and BK-CONWIP control strategies in a multi-product manufacturing system

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    Chukwunonyelum Emmanuel Onyeocha


    Full Text Available This paper evaluates the performance of the Hybrid Kanban Constant Work-In-Process control strategy and Basestock Kanban Constant Work-In-Process control strategy operating Shared Kanban Allocation Policy (S-KAP and Dedicated Kanban Allocation Policy (D-KAP in a multi-product serial flow line. We explored the effect of an increase of product types on the WIP inventory in the system. A simulation-based optimisation technique was used in determining the optimal settings for the strategies. The strategies were compared via pairwise comparison technique and Nelson’s ranking and selection procedure. S-KAP responds quicker to demand than D-KAP. BK-CONWIP outperforms HK-CONWIP in a serial manufacturing system. It was shown that an increase in the number of product-type increases the number of PAC and WIP inventory.

  7. Development of biodegradable Zn-1X binary alloys with nutrient alloying elements Mg, Ca and Sr (United States)

    Li, H. F.; Xie, X. H.; Zheng, Y. F.; Cong, Y.; Zhou, F. Y.; Qiu, K. J.; Wang, X.; Chen, S. H.; Huang, L.; Tian, L.; Qin, L.


    Biodegradable metals have attracted considerable attentions in recent years. Besides the early launched biodegradable Mg and Fe metals, Zn, an essential element with osteogenic potential of human body, is regarded and studied as a new kind of potential biodegradable metal quite recently. Unfortunately, pure Zn is soft, brittle and has low mechanical strength in the practice, which needs further improvement in order to meet the clinical requirements. On the other hand, the widely used industrial Zn-based alloys usually contain biotoxic elements (for instance, ZA series contain toxic Al elements up to 40 wt.%), which subsequently bring up biosafety concerns. In the present work, novel Zn-1X binary alloys, with the addition of nutrition elements Mg, Ca and Sr were designed (cast, rolled and extruded Zn-1Mg, Zn-1Ca and Zn-1Sr). Their microstructure and mechanical property, degradation and in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility were studied systematically. The results demonstrated that the Zn-1X (Mg, Ca and Sr) alloys have profoundly modified the mechanical properties and biocompatibility of pure Zn. Zn-1X (Mg, Ca and Sr) alloys showed great potential for use in a new generation of biodegradable implants, opening up a new avenue in the area of biodegradable metals. PMID:26023878

  8. Development of biodegradable Zn-1X binary alloys with nutrient alloying elements Mg, Ca and Sr. (United States)

    Li, H F; Xie, X H; Zheng, Y F; Cong, Y; Zhou, F Y; Qiu, K J; Wang, X; Chen, S H; Huang, L; Tian, L; Qin, L


    Biodegradable metals have attracted considerable attentions in recent years. Besides the early launched biodegradable Mg and Fe metals, Zn, an essential element with osteogenic potential of human body, is regarded and studied as a new kind of potential biodegradable metal quite recently. Unfortunately, pure Zn is soft, brittle and has low mechanical strength in the practice, which needs further improvement in order to meet the clinical requirements. On the other hand, the widely used industrial Zn-based alloys usually contain biotoxic elements (for instance, ZA series contain toxic Al elements up to 40 wt.%), which subsequently bring up biosafety concerns. In the present work, novel Zn-1X binary alloys, with the addition of nutrition elements Mg, Ca and Sr were designed (cast, rolled and extruded Zn-1Mg, Zn-1Ca and Zn-1Sr). Their microstructure and mechanical property, degradation and in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility were studied systematically. The results demonstrated that the Zn-1X (Mg, Ca and Sr) alloys have profoundly modified the mechanical properties and biocompatibility of pure Zn. Zn-1X (Mg, Ca and Sr) alloys showed great potential for use in a new generation of biodegradable implants, opening up a new avenue in the area of biodegradable metals.

  9. Shape memory characteristics of Ti-22Nb-(2-8)Zr(at.%) biomedical alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, J.I.; Kim, H.Y.; Inamura, T.; Hosoda, H.; Miyazaki, S.


    Shape memory characteristics of Ti-22Nb-(2-8)Zr(at.%) biomedical alloys were investigated by using tensile tests and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement. The alloy ingots were fabricated by an arc melting method. The ingots were cold-rolled by a reduction up to 95% in thickness at room temperature. All the alloys were solution-treated at 1173 K for 1.8 ks. The alloys subjected to the solution treatment exhibited large elongations ranging between 28 and 40%. The martensitic transformation temperature decreased by 38 K with 1 at.% increase of Zr content. The maximum recovered strain of 4.3% was obtained in the Ti-22Nb-4Zr(at.%) alloy. Ti-22Nb-(2-4)Zr(at.%) and Ti-22Nb-6Zr(at.%) alloys exhibited stable shape memory effect and superelastic behavior at room temperature, respectively

  10. Positron lifetime measurements on electron irradiated amorphous alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moser, P.; Hautojaervi, P.; Chamberod, A.; Yli-Kauppila, J.; Van Zurk, R.


    Great advance in understanding the nature of point defects in crystalline metals has been achieved by employing positron annihilation technique. Positrons detect vacancy-type defects and the lifetime value of trapped positrons gives information on the size of submicroscopic vacancy aglomerates and microvoids. In this paper it is shown that low-temperature electron irradiations can result in a considerable increase in the positron lifetimes in various amorphous alloys because of the formation of vacancy-like defects which, in addition of the pre-existing holes, are able to trap positrons. Studied amorphous alloys were Fe 80 B 20 , Pd 80 Si 20 , Cu 50 Ti 50 , and Fe 40 Ni 40 P 14 B 6 . Electron irradiations were performed with 3 MeV electrons at 20 K to doses around 10 19 e - /cm 2 . After annealing positron lifetime spectra were measured at 77 K

  11. The HK2 Dependent “Warburg Effect” and Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation in Cancer: Targets for Effective Therapy with 3-Bromopyruvate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paweł Lis


    Full Text Available This review summarizes the current state of knowledge about the metabolism of cancer cells, especially with respect to the “Warburg” and “Crabtree” effects. This work also summarizes two key discoveries, one of which relates to hexokinase-2 (HK2, a major player in both the “Warburg effect” and cancer cell immortalization. The second discovery relates to the finding that cancer cells, unlike normal cells, derive as much as 60% of their ATP from glycolysis via the “Warburg effect”, and the remaining 40% is derived from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Also described are selected anticancer agents which generally act as strong energy blockers inside cancer cells. Among them, much attention has focused on 3-bromopyruvate (3BP. This small alkylating compound targets both the “Warburg effect”, i.e., elevated glycolysis even in the presence oxygen, as well as mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in cancer cells. Normal cells remain unharmed. 3BP rapidly kills cancer cells growing in tissue culture, eradicates tumors in animals, and prevents metastasis. In addition, properly formulated 3BP shows promise also as an effective anti-liver cancer agent in humans and is effective also toward cancers known as “multiple myeloma”. Finally, 3BP has been shown to significantly extend the life of a human patient for which no other options were available. Thus, it can be stated that 3BP is a very promising new anti-cancer agent in the process of undergoing clinical development.

  12. Structural Investigation of Rapidly Quenched FeCoPtB Alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grabias, A.; Kopcewicz, M.; Latuch, J.; Oleszak, D.


    Two sets of Fe 52-x Co x Pt 28 B 20 (x = 0-26 at.%) and Fe 60-x Co x Pt 25 B 15 (x = 0-40 at.%) alloys were prepared in the form of ribbons by the rapid quenching technique. Structure of the samples was characterized by Moessbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. In the as-quenched alloys the amorphous phase coexisted with the fcc-(Fe,Co)Pt disordered solid solution. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements performed in the range 50-720 ± C revealed one or two exothermal peaks. The magnetically hard ordered L1 0 (Fe,Co)Pt and magnetically soft (Fe,Co) 2 B nanocrystalline phases were formed due to thermal treatment of the alloys. The influence of Co content on the structure of the as-quenched and heated alloys was studied. (authors)

  13. Effect of diluted alloying elements on mechanical properties of iron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, A.A.S.


    Iron and its alloys have extensive applications. The effect of solute additions on mechanical properties of iron was investigated to check the efficiency of solute atoms on strength and surface e life. Additions in the range of 0.1 wt.% and 0.3 wt.% of alloying elements of Cu,Ni and Si were used. Samples of grains size ranged from 6-40 m which have been prepared by annealing followed by furnace cooling. The recrystallization temperature increases with alloying addition (475 degree C for Fe-0.3 wt. % C alloy compared to 375 degree C for pure iron). Si and Cu additions inhibit grain growth of iron whereas Ni addition enhances it.Addition of Si or Ni to iron induced softening below room temperature whereas addition of Cu caused hardening. The work hardening parameters decreased due to alloying additions. The strength coefficient K was 290 M N/m2 for Fe-03 wt % Ni compared to 340 M N/m2 for pure iron. The work hardening exponent n is 0.12 for fe-0.3 wt. Cu alloy compared to 0.17 for pure iron. All the investigated alloys fulfilled the Hall-Petch relation at liquid Nitrogen and at room temperature. Alloying addition which caused softening addition which caused hardening increased the Half-Petch parameters. Ni addition favors ductility of iron whereas Cu addition reduces it. Alloying additions generally lead to brittle fracture and decrease the crack resistance of iron. 9 tabs., 55 figs., 103 refs

  14. Recycling melting process of the zirconium alloy chips

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reis, Luis A.M. dos; Mucsi, Cristiano S.; Tavares, Luiz A.P.; Alencar, Maicon C.; Gomes, Maurilio P.; Barbosa, Luzinete P.; Rossi, Jesualdo L., E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), São Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Pressurized water reactors (PWR) commonly use {sup 235}U enriched uranium dioxide pellets as a nuclear fuel, these are assembled and stacked in zirconium alloy tubes and end caps (M5, Zirlo, Zircaloy). During the machining of these components large amounts of chips are generated which are contaminated with cutting fluid. Its storage presents safety and environmental risks due to its pyrophoric and reactive nature. Recycling industry shown interest in its recycling due to its strategic importance. This paper presents a study on the recycling process and the results aiming the efficiency in the cleaning process; the quality control; the obtaining of the pressed electrodes and finally the melting in a Vacuum Arc Remelting furnace (VAR). The recycling process begins with magnetic separation of possible ferrous alloys chips contaminant, the washing of the cutting fluid that is soluble in water, washing with an industrial degreaser, followed by a rinse with continuous flow of water under high pressure and drying with hot air. The first evaluation of the process was done by an Energy Dispersive X-rays Fluorescence Spectrometry (EDXRFS) showed the presence of 10 wt. % to 17 wt. % of impurities due the mixing with stainless steel machining chips. The chips were then pressed in a custom-made matrix of square section (40 x 40 mm - 500 mm in length), resulting in electrodes with 20% of apparent density of the original alloy. The electrode was then melted in a laboratory scale VAR furnace at the CCTM-IPEN, producing a massive ingot with 0.8 kg. It was observed that the samples obtained from Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) are supposed to be secondary scrap and it is suggested careful separation in the generation of this material. The melting of the chips is possible and feasible in a VAR furnace which reduces the storage volume by up to 40 times of this material, however, it is necessary to correct the composition of the alloy for the melting of these ingots. (author)

  15. Recycling melting process of the zirconium alloy chips

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reis, Luis A.M. dos; Mucsi, Cristiano S.; Tavares, Luiz A.P.; Alencar, Maicon C.; Gomes, Maurilio P.; Barbosa, Luzinete P.; Rossi, Jesualdo L.


    Pressurized water reactors (PWR) commonly use 235 U enriched uranium dioxide pellets as a nuclear fuel, these are assembled and stacked in zirconium alloy tubes and end caps (M5, Zirlo, Zircaloy). During the machining of these components large amounts of chips are generated which are contaminated with cutting fluid. Its storage presents safety and environmental risks due to its pyrophoric and reactive nature. Recycling industry shown interest in its recycling due to its strategic importance. This paper presents a study on the recycling process and the results aiming the efficiency in the cleaning process; the quality control; the obtaining of the pressed electrodes and finally the melting in a Vacuum Arc Remelting furnace (VAR). The recycling process begins with magnetic separation of possible ferrous alloys chips contaminant, the washing of the cutting fluid that is soluble in water, washing with an industrial degreaser, followed by a rinse with continuous flow of water under high pressure and drying with hot air. The first evaluation of the process was done by an Energy Dispersive X-rays Fluorescence Spectrometry (EDXRFS) showed the presence of 10 wt. % to 17 wt. % of impurities due the mixing with stainless steel machining chips. The chips were then pressed in a custom-made matrix of square section (40 x 40 mm - 500 mm in length), resulting in electrodes with 20% of apparent density of the original alloy. The electrode was then melted in a laboratory scale VAR furnace at the CCTM-IPEN, producing a massive ingot with 0.8 kg. It was observed that the samples obtained from Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) are supposed to be secondary scrap and it is suggested careful separation in the generation of this material. The melting of the chips is possible and feasible in a VAR furnace which reduces the storage volume by up to 40 times of this material, however, it is necessary to correct the composition of the alloy for the melting of these ingots. (author)

  16. Rotating speed effect on electronic transport behaviors of Ni–Nb–Zr–H glassy alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuhara, Mikio


    Highlights: ► The electronic transport behaviors of (Ni 0.39 Nb 0.25 Zr 0.35 ) 100−y H y (0 ≤ y ≤ 15) glassy alloys, which produced by rotating (or quenching) speeds of 3000 and 10,000 rpm, have been studied as a function of hydrogen content. ► The resistivity for (Ni 0.39 Nb 0.25 Zr 0.35 ) 97.8 H 2.2 alloy, produced by rotating speed of 10,000 rpm, displayed 0.1 nΩ cm, which is 0.01% of silver (1.62 μΩ cm) at room temperature, between 40 and 252 K. ► Supercooling of the molten alloy induces a superior ballistic conductor and a room-temperature Coulomb oscillation. - Abstract: The electronic transport behaviors of (Ni 0.39 Nb 0.25 Zr 0.35 ) 100−y H y (0 ≤ y ≤ 15) glassy alloys, produced by rotating (or quenching) speeds of 3000 and 10,000 rpm, have been studied as a function of hydrogen content. These alloys show semiconducting, superior ballistic transport, superconducting and electric current-induced Coulomb oscillation, as hydrogen content increases. The resistivity for (Ni 0.39 Nb 0.25 Zr 0.35 ) 97.8 H 2.2 alloy, produced by rotating speed of 10,000 rpm, displayed 0.1 nΩ cm, which is 0.01% of silver (1.62 μΩ cm) at room temperature, between 40 and 252 K. The Coulomb oscillation of the 10,000 rpm-(Ni 0.39 Nb 0.25 Zr 0.35 ) 95.2 H 4.8 alloy is about 4-fold larger than that of the 3000 rpm-(Ni 0.39 Nb 0.25 Zr 0.35 ) 91.1 H 8.9 alloy. Supercooling of the molten alloy induces a superior ballistic conductor and a room-temperature Coulomb oscillation at lower and higher hydrogen contents, respectively.

  17. Study of the influence of gravity on the thermodynamic equilibrium of a liquid alloy, and on its solidification: application to eutectic Al-Ge and monotectic Al-In alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vinet, Bernard


    After having recalled the meaning of gravity, this research thesis addresses the study of movements within the Earth gravity field to assess accelerations for a centrifuged system, and to describe conditions which create weightlessness. The various actions of gravity on fluid phases are analysed by highlighting phenomena of convection and segregation. In a second part, the author addresses the issue of local order. The third part addresses the influence of gravity conditions on the distribution of components of a binary liquid alloy in thermodynamic equilibrium. The fourth part addresses experimental means. The next parts address the eutectic Al-Ge alloy and the monotectic Al-In alloy. Results obtained for liquid alloy are presented, and the author analyse segregations which appeared during solidification in gravity conditions between 40 and 100 g. The influence of these conditions of the structure of both alloys is then studied

  18. Producing nano-grained and Al-enriched surface microstructure on AZ91 magnesium alloy by high current pulsed electron beam treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hao, Shengzhi, E-mail:; Li, Mincai


    Highlights: • HCPEB surface treatment was conducted on AZ91 magnesium alloy. • Surface modified microstructure and phase composition were characterized. • Preferential evaporation of Mg and dissolution of Mg{sub 17}Al{sub 12} phase occurred. • Nano-grained and Al-enriched surface layer was produced of depth ∼8 μm. • Surface microhardness and corrosion resistance were improved simultaneously. - Abstract: Surface treatment of AZ91 magnesium alloy was carried out by high current pulsed electron beam (HCPEB) with accelerating voltage 27 kV and energy density 3 J/cm{sup 2}. The surface microstructure and phase composition were characterized by using optical microscope (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The surface microhardness and corrosion resistance were measured. Under HCPEB treatments, the preferential evaporation of Mg element occurred intensively on irradiated surface and the initial large Mg{sub 17}Al{sub 12} phases were dissolved. The nano-grained and Al-enriched surface modified layer was ultimately formed of depth ∼8 μm. According to the testing results, the surface microhardness increased from 63 to 141 HK after 30 pulses of HCPEB treatment, while the best improvement of corrosion resistance was obtained by 15 pulses of HCPEB treatment with a cathodic current density decreased by two orders of magnitude as compared with the initial AZ91 sample.

  19. Determination of trace impurities in iron-based alloy using neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaidi, J.H.; Waheed, S.; Ahmad, S.


    A radiochemical neutron activation analysis procedure has been developed and applied to investigate 40 major, minor, and trace impurities in iron-based alloy. A comparison of RNAA and INAA indicated a significant improvement in the detection limits. The extensive use of these alloys in the heavy mechanical industry, manufacturing of aircraft engines, nuclear applications, medical devices and chemical equipment requires their precise characterization. The concentration of iron in the iron-based alloy was found to be 86.7%, whereas Ca, Cr, K, Mg, Mn, V and W were the other constituents of the alloy, which constituted to around 12.89%. The rest of the elements were present in minor or trace levels. Most of the rare earth elements were also present in trace amounts. (orig.)

  20. Basic research for alloy design of Nb-base alloys as ultra high temperature structural materials; Chokoon kozoyo niobuki gokin no gokin sekkei no tame no kisoteki kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miura, E [Tohoku University, Sendai (Japan); Yoshimi, K; Hanada, S [Tohoku Univ., Sendai (Japan). Research Inst. for Iron, Steel and Other Metals


    This paper describes an influence of additional elements on the high temperature deformation behavior of Nb-base solid solution alloys. Highly concentrated solid solution single crystals of Nb-Ta and Nb-Mo alloys were prepared. Compression test and strain rate sudden change test were conducted in the vacuum at temperatures ranging from 77 to 1773 K, to determine the strain rate sensitivity index. Yield stress of the Nb-Ta alloy was similar to that of Nb alloy at temperatures over 0.3{times}T{sub M}, where T{sub M} is fusing point of Nb. While, the yield stress increased with increasing the impurity oxygen concentration at temperatures below 0.3{times}T{sub M}. The yield stress became much higher than that of Nb alloy. The strain rate sensitivity index showed positive values in the whole temperature range. On the other hand, the yield stress of Nb-Mo alloy was higher than that of Nb alloy in the whole temperature range, and increased with increasing the Mo concentration. The strain rate sensitivity index showed negative values at the temperature range from 0.3{times}T{sub M} to 0.4{times}T{sub M}. It was found that serration occurred often for Nb-40Mo alloys. 1 ref., 4 figs., 1 tab.

  1. Ternary alloying study of MoSi2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yi, D.; Li, C.; Akselsen, O.M.; Ulvensoen, J.H.


    Ternary alloying of MoSi 2 with adding a series of transition elements was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Iron, Co, Ni, Cr, V, Ti, and Nb were chosen as alloying elements according to the AB 2 structure map or the atomic size factor. The studied MoSi 2 base alloys were prepared by the arc melting process from high-purity metals. The EDS analysis showed that Fe, Co, and Ni have no solid solubility in as-cast MoSi 2 , while Cr, V, Ti, and Nb exhibit limited solid solubilities, which were determined to be 1.4 ± 0.7, 1.4 ± 0.4, 0.4 ± 0.1, and 0.8 ± 0.1. Microstructural characterization indicated that Mo-Si-M VIII (M VIII = Fe, Co, Ni) and Mo-Si-Cr alloys have a two-phase as-cast microstructure, i.e., MoSi 2 matrix and the second-phase FeSi 2 , CoSi, NiSi 2 , and CrSi 2 , respectively. In as-cast Mo-Si-V, Mo-Si-Ti, and Mo-Si-Nb alloys, besides MoSi 2 and C40 phases, the third phases were observed, which have been identified to be (Mo, V) 5 Si 3 , TiSi 2 , and (Mo, Nb) 5 Si 3

  2. Gibbs free energy difference between the undercooled liquid and the beta phase of a Ti-Cr alloy (United States)

    Ohsaka, K.; Trinh, E. H.; Holzer, J. C.; Johnson, W. L.


    The heat of fusion and the specific heats of the solid and liquid have been experimentally determined for a Ti60Cr40 alloy. The data are used to evaluate the Gibbs free energy difference, delta-G, between the liquid and the beta phase as a function of temperature to verify a reported spontaneous vitrification (SV) of the beta phase in Ti-Cr alloys. The results show that SV of an undistorted beta phase in the Ti60Cr40 alloy at 873 K is not feasible because delta-G is positive at the temperature. However, delta-G may become negative with additional excess free energy to the beta phase in the form of defects.

  3. Structural and magnetic study of mechanically deformed Fe rich FeAlSi ternary alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Legarra, E.; Apiñaniz, E.; Plazaola, F.


    Highlights: ► Addition of Si to binary Fe–Al alloys makes the disordering more difficult. ► Si addition opposes the large volume increase found in FeAl alloys with deformation. ► Disordering induces a redistribution of non-ferrous atoms around Fe atoms in Fe 75 Al 25−x Si x and Fe 70 Al 30−x Si x . ► Addition of Si to binary Fe 75 Al 25 and Fe 70 Al 30 alloys opposes the magnetic behavior induced by Al in the magnetism of Fe. ► Si inhibits the para-ferro transition found in Fe 60 Al 40 alloy with disordering. - Abstract: In this work we study systematically the influence of different Al/Si ratios on the magnetic and structural properties of mechanically disordered powder Fe 75 Al 25−x Si x , Fe 70 Al 30−x Si x and Fe 60 Al 40−x Si x alloys by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and magnetic measurements. In order to obtain different stages of disorder the alloys were deformed by different methods: crushing induction melted alloys and ball milling annealed (ordered) alloys using different number of balls and speed. X-ray and Mössbauer data show that mechanical deformation induces the disordered A2 structure in these alloys. The results indicate that addition of Si to binary Fe–Al alloys makes the disordering more difficult. In addition, X-ray diffraction patterns show that the normalized lattice parameter variation of the disordered alloys of each composition decreases monotonically with Si content, indicating clearly that Si addition opposes the large volume increase found in FeAl alloys with deformation. The study of the hyperfine fields indicates that there is a redistribution of non-ferrous atoms around Fe atoms with the disordering; indeed, there is an inversion of the behavior of the hyperfine field of the Fe atoms. On the other hand, the magnetic measurements indicate that addition of Si to binary Fe 75 Al 25 and Fe 70 Al 30 alloys opposes the magnetic behavior induced by Al in the magnetism of Fe.

  4. The W alloying effect on thermal stability and hardening of nanostructured Cu–W alloyed thin films (United States)

    Zhao, J. T.; Zhang, J. Y.; Hou, Z. Q.; Wu, K.; Feng, X. B.; Liu, G.; Sun, J.


    In order to achieve desired mechanical properties of alloys by manipulating grain boundaries (GBs) via solute decoration, it is of great significance to understand the underlying mechanisms of microstructural evolution and plastic deformation. In this work, nanocrystalline (NC) Cu–W alloyed films with W concentrations spanning from 0 to 40 at% were prepared by using magnetron sputtering. Thermal stability (within the temperature range of 200 °C–600 °C) and hardness of the films were investigated by using the x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscope (TEM) and nanoindentation, respectively. The NC pure Cu film exhibited substantial grain growth upon all annealing temperatures. The Cu–W alloyed films, however, displayed distinct microstructural evolution that depended not only on the W concentration but also on the annealing temperature. At a low temperature of 200 °C, all the Cu–W alloyed films were highly stable, with unconspicuous change in grain sizes. At high temperatures of 400 °C and 600 °C, the microstructural evolution was greatly controlled by the W concentrations. The Cu–W films with low W concentration manifested abnormal grain growth (AGG), while the ones with high W concentrations showed phase separation. TEM observations unveiled that the AGG in the Cu–W alloyed thin films was rationalized by GB migration. Nanoindentation results showed that, although the hardness of both the as-deposited and annealed Cu–W alloyed thin films monotonically increased with W concentrations, a transition from annealing hardening to annealing softening was interestingly observed at the critical W addition of ∼25 at%. It was further revealed that an enhanced GB segregation associated with detwinning was responsible for the annealing hardening, while a reduced solid solution hardening for the annealing softening.

  5. The W alloying effect on thermal stability and hardening of nanostructured Cu-W alloyed thin films. (United States)

    Zhao, J T; Zhang, J Y; Hou, Z Q; Wu, K; Feng, X B; Liu, G; Sun, J


    In order to achieve desired mechanical properties of alloys by manipulating grain boundaries (GBs) via solute decoration, it is of great significance to understand the underlying mechanisms of microstructural evolution and plastic deformation. In this work, nanocrystalline (NC) Cu-W alloyed films with W concentrations spanning from 0 to 40 at% were prepared by using magnetron sputtering. Thermal stability (within the temperature range of 200 °C-600 °C) and hardness of the films were investigated by using the x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscope (TEM) and nanoindentation, respectively. The NC pure Cu film exhibited substantial grain growth upon all annealing temperatures. The Cu-W alloyed films, however, displayed distinct microstructural evolution that depended not only on the W concentration but also on the annealing temperature. At a low temperature of 200 °C, all the Cu-W alloyed films were highly stable, with unconspicuous change in grain sizes. At high temperatures of 400 °C and 600 °C, the microstructural evolution was greatly controlled by the W concentrations. The Cu-W films with low W concentration manifested abnormal grain growth (AGG), while the ones with high W concentrations showed phase separation. TEM observations unveiled that the AGG in the Cu-W alloyed thin films was rationalized by GB migration. Nanoindentation results showed that, although the hardness of both the as-deposited and annealed Cu-W alloyed thin films monotonically increased with W concentrations, a transition from annealing hardening to annealing softening was interestingly observed at the critical W addition of ∼25 at%. It was further revealed that an enhanced GB segregation associated with detwinning was responsible for the annealing hardening, while a reduced solid solution hardening for the annealing softening.

  6. Magnesium secondary alloys: Alloy design for magnesium alloys with improved tolerance limits against impurities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blawert, C., E-mail: carsten.blawert@gkss.d [GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht (Germany); Fechner, D.; Hoeche, D.; Heitmann, V.; Dietzel, W.; Kainer, K.U. [GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht (Germany); Zivanovic, P.; Scharf, C.; Ditze, A.; Groebner, J.; Schmid-Fetzer, R. [TU Clausthal, Institut fuer Metallurgie, Robert-Koch-Str. 42, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany)


    The development of secondary magnesium alloys requires a completely different concept compared with standard alloys which obtain their corrosion resistance by reducing the levels of impurities below certain alloy and process depending limits. The present approach suitable for Mg-Al based cast and wrought alloys uses a new concept replacing the {beta}-phase by {tau}-phase, which is able to incorporate more impurities while being electro-chemically less detrimental to the matrix. The overall experimental effort correlating composition, microstructure and corrosion resistance was reduced by using thermodynamic calculations to optimise the alloy composition. The outcome is a new, more impurity tolerant alloy class with a composition between the standard AZ and ZC systems having sufficient ductility and corrosion properties comparable to the high purity standard alloys.

  7. Alloying principles for magnesium base heat resisting alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drits, M.E.; Rokhlin, L.L.; Oreshkina, A.A.; Nikitina, N.I.


    Some binary systems of magnesium-base alloys in which solid solutions are formed, are considered for prospecting heat resistant alloys. It is shown that elements having essential solubility in solid magnesium strongly decreasing with temperature should be used for alloying maqnesium base alloys with high strength properties at increased temperatures. The strengthening phases in these alloys should comprise essential quantity of magnesium and be rather refractory

  8. Effect of milling duration on the evolution of shape memory properties in a powder processed Cu-Al-Ni-Ti alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharma, Mohit; Gupta, Gaurav K.; Shafeeq, Muhamed M.; Modi, Om P.; Prasad, Braj K. [CSIR - Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal (India)


    The present work describes the effect of milling duration on the properties of a powder metallurgy processed Cu-Al-Ni-Ti shape memory alloy employing mechanical alloying. Powder mixtures milled for different durations were sintered in order to investigate the formation of solid solution and evolution of martensitic structure. The idea was to optimize the duration of milling (mechanical alloying) to obtain chemical homogeneity as well as shape memory properties in the processed material without undergoing extensive post homogenization treatment. The martensitic structure was noted to evolve in the powder mix milled for at least 16 hrs, whereas complete transformation to martensite occurred after milling for 40 hrs. Interestingly, the dissolution of alloying elements (to form the {beta} phase prior to the formation of martensite) was noted to complete partially only during mechanical alloying for 40 hrs and remaining during subsequent sintering for 1 hr. The hot pressed compacts of the powders milled for 40 hrs were chemically homogeneous and consisted of fully martensite phase, which is essential for the realization of shape memory properties. They also revealed almost 100% shape recovery at the applied pre-strain levels of 1 and 2%. (orig.)

  9. Effects of Zr alloying on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Alnico permanent magnets (United States)

    Rehman, Sajjad Ur; Ahmad, Zubair; Haq, A. ul; Akhtar, Saleem


    Alnico-8 permanent magnets were produced through casting and subsequent thermal treatment process. Magnetic alloy of nominal composition 32.5 Fe-7.5 Al-1.0 Nb-35.0 Co-4.0 Cu-14.0 Ni-6.0 Ti were prepared by arc melting and casting technique. The Zr was added to 32.5 Fe-7.5 Al-1.0 Nb-35.0 Co-4.0 Cu-14.0 Ni-6.0 Ti alloy ranging from 0.3 to 0.9 wt%. The magnets were developed by employing two different heat treatment cycles known as conventional treatment and thermo-magnetic annealing treatment. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction method, Scanning electron microscope and magnetometer by plotting magnetic hysteresis demagnetization curves. The results indicate that magnetic properties are strongly depended upon alloy chemistry and process. The 0.6 wt% Zr added alloys yielded the best magnetic properties among the studied alloys. The magnetic properties obtained through conventional heat treatment are Hc = 1.35 kOe, Br = 5.2 kG and (BH)max = 2 MGOe. These magnetic properties were enhanced to Hc = 1.64 kOe, Br = 6.3 kG and (BH)max = 3.7 MGOe by thermo-magnetic annealing treatment.

  10. Grindability of cast Ti-Hf alloys. (United States)

    Kikuchi, Masafumi; Takahashi, Masatoshi; Sato, Hideki; Okuno, Osamu; Nunn, Martha E; Okabe, Toru


    As part of our systematic studies characterizing the properties of titanium alloys, we investigated the grindability of a series of cast Ti-Hf alloys. Alloy buttons with hafnium concentrations up to 40 mass% were made using an argon-arc melting furnace. Each button was cast into a magnesia-based mold using a dental titanium casting machine; three specimens were made for each metal. Prior to testing, the hardened surface layer was removed. The specimens were ground at five different speeds for 1 min at 0.98 N using a carborundum wheel on an electric dental handpiece. Grindability was evaluated as the volume of metal removed per minute (grinding rate) and the volume ratio of metal removed compared to the wheel material lost (grinding ratio). The data were analyzed using ANOVA. A trend of increasing grindability was found with increasing amounts of hafnium, although there was no statistical difference in the grindability with increasing hafnium contents. We also found that hafnium may be used to harden or strengthen titanium without deteriorating the grindability.

  11. Nanocrystalline Fe-Pt alloys. Phase transformations, structure and magnetism

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lyubina, J.V.


    This work has been devoted to the study of phase transformations involving chemical ordering and magnetic properties evolution in bulk Fe-Pt alloys composed of nanometersized grains. Nanocrystalline Fe{sub 100-x}Pt{sub x} (x=40-60) alloys have been prepared by mechanical ball milling of elemental Fe and Pt powders at liquid nitrogen temperature. The as-milled Fe-Pt alloys consist of {proportional_to} 100 {mu}m sized particles constituted by randomly oriented grains having an average size in the range of 10-40 nm. Depending on the milling time, three major microstructure types have been obtained: samples with a multilayer-type structure of Fe and Pt with a thickness of 20-300 nm and a very thin (several nanometers) A1 layer at their interfaces (2 h milled), an intermediate structure, consisting of finer lamellae of Fe and Pt (below approximately 100 nm) with the A1 layer thickness reaching several tens of nanometers (4 h milled) and alloys containing a homogeneous A1 phase (7 h milled). Subsequent heat treatment at elevated temperatures is required for the formation of the L1{sub 0} FePt phase. The ordering develops via so-called combined solid state reactions. It is accompanied by grain growth and thermally assisted removal of defects introduced by milling and proceeds rapidly at moderate temperatures by nucleation and growth of the ordered phases with a high degree of the long-range order. In a two-particle interaction model elaborated in the present work, the existence of hysteresis in recoil loops has been shown to arise from insufficient coupling between the low- and the high-anisotropy particles. The model reveals the main features of magnetisation reversal processes observed experimentally in exchange-coupled systems. Neutron diffraction has been used for the investigation of the magnetic structure of ordered and partially ordered nanocrystalline Fe-Pt alloys. (orig.)

  12. Solution properties of solid and liquid potassium-indium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takenaka, T.; Saboungi, M.L.


    It was recently shown by a combination of electrical resistivity, thermodynamic, and structural measurements that equiatomic alloys formed between K or Na and either Bi, Sb, Te, or Pb show pronounced deviations from ordinary metallic behavior and from ideal solution behavior, e.g., small values for the electrical conductivity and sharp peaks for the Darken excess stability function. Physical explanation of this behavior has been advanced on the basis of the formation of complex structural species similar to those reported for the corresponding solid alloys. The authors have chosen K-In alloys for several reasons. Phase diagram considerations coupled with small electronegativity differences between K and In would lead one to predict small deviations from ideal behavior, thus, this system would be suitable to test for oddities in alloy solution behavior in systems which deviate little from ideal behavior. Others have demonstrated that the position of the peak in the electrical resistivity changed in going from Li to Na and to K in the following sequence X/sub In/ ≅ 0.25, 0.40, and 0.50, respectively. The thermodynamic properties of these alloys would be expected to present similar trends

  13. Evidence of magnetic dipolar interaction in micrometric powders of the Fe{sub 50}Mn{sub 10}Al{sub 40} system: Melted alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez Alcazar, G.A., E-mail: [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad del Valle, A. A. 25360, Cali (Colombia); Unidad Asociada ICMM-IMA, Apdo. 155, 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid (Spain); Zamora, L.E. [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad del Valle, A. A. 25360, Cali (Colombia); Unidad Asociada ICMM-IMA, Apdo. 155, 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid (Spain); Tabares, J.A.; Piamba, J.F. [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad del Valle, A. A. 25360, Cali (Colombia); Gonzalez, J.M. [Unidad Asociada ICMM-IMA, Apdo. 155, 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid (Spain); Greneche, J.M. [LUNAM, Universite du Maine, Institut des Molecules et Materiaux du Mans, UMR CNRS 6283, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9 (France); Martinez, A. [Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, P.O. Box 155, 28230 Las Rozas (Spain); Romero, J.J. [Instituto de Ceramica y Vidrio, CSIC, C/Kelsen 5, 28049, Madrid (Spain); Marco, J.F. [Instituto de Quimica Fisica Rocasolano, CSIC, C/Serrano 119, 28006 Madrid (Spain)


    Powders of melted disordered Fe{sub 50}Mn{sub 10}Al{sub 40} alloy were separated at different mean particle sizes as well as magnetically and structurally characterized. All the samples are BCC and show the same nanostructure. Particles larger than 250 {mu}m showed a lamellar shape compared to smaller particles, which exhibited a more regular form. All the samples are ferromagnetic at room temperature and showed reentrant spin-glass (RSG) and superparamagnetic (SP)-like behaviors between 30 and 60 K and 265 and > 280 K, respectively, as a function of frequency and particle size. The freezing temperature increases with increasing particle size while the blocking one decreases with particle size. The origin of these magnetic phenomena relies in the internal disordered character of samples and the competitive interaction of Fe and Mn atoms. The increase of their critical freezing temperature with increasing mean particle size is due to the increase of the magnetic dipolar interaction between the magnetic moment of each particle with the field produced by the other magnetic moments of their surrounding particles. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The effect of particle size in microsized powders of Fe{sub 50}Mn{sub 10}Al{sub 40} melted disordered alloy is studied. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Dipolar magnetic interaction between particles exists and this changes with the particle size. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer For all the particle sizes the reentrant spin- glass and the superparamagnetic-like phases exist. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer RSG and SP critical temperatures increase with increasing the dipolar magnetic interaction (the mean particle size).

  14. Alloy materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hans Thieme, Cornelis Leo (Westborough, MA); Thompson, Elliott D. (Coventry, RI); Fritzemeier, Leslie G. (Acton, MA); Cameron, Robert D. (Franklin, MA); Siegal, Edward J. (Malden, MA)


    An alloy that contains at least two metals and can be used as a substrate for a superconductor is disclosed. The alloy can contain an oxide former. The alloy can have a biaxial or cube texture. The substrate can be used in a multilayer superconductor, which can further include one or more buffer layers disposed between the substrate and the superconductor material. The alloys can be made a by process that involves first rolling the alloy then annealing the alloy. A relatively large volume percentage of the alloy can be formed of grains having a biaxial or cube texture.

  15. Research for magnetocaloric effect of Gd{sub 1-x}Dy{sub x} alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hou, Xueling; Shitao, Li; An, Zhang; Hui, Xu; Ni, Jiansen; Zhou, Bangxin [Institute of Materials, Shanghai University, Shanghai 20007 (China)


    The magnetocaloric effect (MEC) in Gd{sub 1-x}Dy{sub x} (x=0.13,0.20,0.27,0.34,0.40) alloys is investigated using commercial elements with purity of up to 99.80% for Gd and Dy. These alloys are prepared by arc melting in stoichiometric proportions on a water-cooled copper crucible under high pure argon atmosphere. As a result, when x was changed from 0 to 40at%, the adiabatic temperature change ({delta}T) increases from 1.6 K to 3.1 K, the Curie temperature decreased from 288 K to 245.5 K. Gd{sub 73}Dy{sub 27} exhibits the largest {delta}T{sub max} value of 3.1 K at the T{sub C} value of 260 K among the alloys investigated up to 1.2 T (tesla) applied field, it is almost same as the {delta}T of high pure unitary Gd (99.99%) and is clearly superior to commercial unitary Gd (99.80%). The T{sub C} of Gd{sub 73}Dy{sub 27} alloy is minor to high pure unitary Gd (99.99%) and commercially unitary Gd (99.80%). But this alloy prepared by commercial elements with low cost has better MEC to be a promising candidate for magnetic working substances for room temperature magnetic refrigeration. (copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  16. Thermomechanical behavior of Ti-rich NiTi shape memory alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paula, A.S.; Mahesh, K.K.; Santos, C.M.L. dos; Braz Fernandes, F.M.; Costa Viana, C.S. da


    Phase transformations associated with shape memory effect in nickel-titanium (NiTi) alloys can be one-stage, B19' (martensite) ↔ B2 (austenite), two-stage including an intermediate R-phase stage, or multiple-stage depending on the thermal and/or mechanical history of the alloy. In the present paper, we highlight the effect of (i) deformation by cold-rolling (from 10% to 40% thickness reduction) and (ii) final annealing on the transformation characteristics of a Ti-rich NiTi shape memory alloy. For this purpose, one set of samples initially heat treated at 773 K followed by cold-rolling (10-40% thickness reduction), has been further heat treated at various temperatures between 673 and 1073 K. Another sample was subjected to heat treatment at 1040 K for 300 s followed by hot rolling (50%) after cooling in air to 773 K and water quenching to room temperature (T room ). Phase transformations were studied using differential scanning calorimetry, electrical resistivity measurements and in situ X-ray diffraction. A specific pattern of transformation sequences is found as a result of combination of the competing effects due to mechanical-working and annealing

  17. Two-fold origin of the deformation-induced ferromagnetism in bulk Fe60Al40 (at.%) alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menendez, E; Surinach, S; Baro, M D; Sort, J; Liedke, M O; Fassbender, J; Nogues, J


    The transition from the atomically ordered B2-phase to the chemically disordered A2-phase and the concomitant deformation-induced ferromagnetism have been investigated in bulk polycrystalline Fe 60 Al 40 (at.%) alloys subjected to compression processes. A detailed correlation between structural, magnetic and mechanical properties reveals that the generated ferromagnetism depends on the stress level but is virtually independent of the loading rate. The mechanisms governing the induced ferromagnetism also vary as the stress level is increased. Namely, in the low-stress regime both lattice cell expansion and atomic intermixing play a role in the induced ferromagnetic behavior. Conversely, lattice expansion seems to become the main mechanism contributing to the generated ferromagnetism in the high-stress regime. Furthermore, a correlation is also observed between the order-disorder transition and the mechanical hardness. Hence, a combination of magnetic and mechanical measurements can be used, in synergetic manner, to investigate this deformation-induced phase transition.

  18. Ion mass dependence of irradiation-induced local creation of ferromagnetism in Fe60Al40 alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fassbender, J.; Liedke, M. O.; Strache, T.; Moeller, W.; Menendez, E.; Sort, J.; Rao, K. V.; Deevi, S. C.; Nogues, J.


    Ion irradiation of Fe 60 Al 40 alloys results in the phase transformation from the paramagnetic, chemically ordered B2 phase to the ferromagnetic, chemically disordered A2 phase. The magnetic phase transformation is related to the number of displacements per atom (dpa) during the irradiation. For heavy ions (Ar + , Kr + , and Xe + ), a universal curve is observed with a steep increase in the fraction of the ferromagnetic phase that reaches saturation, i.e., a complete phase transformation, at about 0.5 dpa. This proves the purely ballistic nature of the disordering process. If light ions are used (He + and Ne + ), a pronounced deviation from the universal curve is observed. This is attributed to bulk vacancy diffusion from the dilute collision cascades, which leads to a partial recovery of the thermodynamically favored B2 phase. Comparing different noble gas ion irradiation experiments allows us to assess the corresponding counteracting contributions. In addition, the potential to create local ferromagnetic areas embedded in a paramagnetic matrix is demonstrated

  19. Nanotube morphology changes for Ti-Zr alloys as Zr content increases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Won-Gi; Choe, Han-Cheol; Ko, Yeong-Mu; Brantley, William A.


    Nanotube morphology changes in Ti-Zr alloys as Zr content increases have been investigated. Ti-Zr (10, 20, 30 and 40 wt.%) alloys were prepared by arc melting and heat treated for 24 h at 1000 o C in an argon atmosphere. TiO 2 nanotubes were formed on the Ti-Zr alloys by anodization in H 3 PO 4 containing 0.5 wt.% NaF. Electrochemical experiments were performed using a conventional three-electrode configuration with a platinum counter electrode and a saturated calomel reference electrode. Samples were embedded in epoxy resin, leaving an area of 10 mm 2 exposed to the electrolyte. Anodization was carried out using a scanning potentiostat, and all experiments were conducted at room temperature. Microstructures of the alloys were examined by optical microscopy (OM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). The Ti-Zr alloy microstructures observed by OM and FE-SEM changed from a lamellar structure to a needle-like structure with increasing Zr content. The microstructures also changed from β phase to increasing amounts of α phase as the Zr content increased. The number of large nanotubes formed by anodization decreased, and the number of small nanotubes increased, as the Zr content increased. The mean inner diameter ranged from approximately 150 to 200 nm with a tube-wall thickness of about 20 nm. The interspace between the nanotubes was approximately 60, 70, 100 and 130 nm for Zr contents of 10, 20, 30 and 40 wt.%, respectively.

  20. Study of phase transformations in Fe-Mn-Cr Alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schule, W.; Panzarasa, A.; Lang, E.


    Nickel free alloys for fusion reactor applications are examined. Phase changes in fifteen, mainly austenitic iron-manganese-chromium-alloys of different compositions were investigated in the temperature range between -196 0 C and 1000 0 C after different thermo-mechanical treatments. A range of different physical measuring techniques was employed to investigate the structural changes occurring during heating and cooling and after cold-work: electrical resistivity techniques, differential thermal analysis, magnetic response, Vickers hardness and XRD measurement. The phase boundary between the α Fe-phase and the γ-phase of the iron manganese alloy is approximately maintained if chromium is added to the two component materials. Consequently all the alloy materials for contents of manganese smaller than about 30% Mn are not stable below 500 0 C. This concerns also the AMCR alloys. However the α Fe-phase is not formed during slow cooling from 1000 0 C to ambient temperature and is only obtained if nucleation sites are provided and after very long anneals. A cubic α Mn-type-phase is found for alloys with 18% Cr and 15% Mn, with 13% Cr and 25% Mn, with 10% Cr and 30% Mn, and with 10% Cr and 40% Mn. For these reasons the γ-phase field of the iron-chromium-manganese alloys is very small below 600 0 C and much narrower than reported in the literature. 95 figs. 22 refs

  1. Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale (HK-LS: A Study on Development, Validity and Reliability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cemalettin Kalyoncu


    Full Text Available This study was conducted to develop a scale to measure knowledge about hypertension among Turkish adults. The Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale (HK-LS was generated based on content, face, and construct validity, internal consistency, test re-test reliability, and discriminative validity procedures. The final scale had 22 items with six sub-dimensions. The scale was applied to 457 individuals aged ≥18 years, and 414 of them were re-evaluated for test-retest reliability. The six sub-dimensions encompassed 60.3% of the total variance. Cronbach alpha coefficients were 0.82 for the entire scale and 0.92, 0.59, 0.67, 0.77, 0.72, and 0.76 for the sub-dimensions of definition, medical treatment, drug compliance, lifestyle, diet, and complications, respectively. The scale ensured internal consistency in reliability and construct validity, as well as stability over time. Significant relationships were found between knowledge score and age, gender, educational level, and history of hypertension of the participants. No correlation was found between knowledge score and working at an income-generating job. The present scale, developed to measure the knowledge level of hypertension among Turkish adults, was found to be valid and reliable.

  2. Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale (HK-LS): a study on development, validity and reliability. (United States)

    Erkoc, Sultan Baliz; Isikli, Burhanettin; Metintas, Selma; Kalyoncu, Cemalettin


    This study was conducted to develop a scale to measure knowledge about hypertension among Turkish adults. The Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale (HK-LS) was generated based on content, face, and construct validity, internal consistency, test re-test reliability, and discriminative validity procedures. The final scale had 22 items with six sub-dimensions. The scale was applied to 457 individuals aged ≥ 18 years, and 414 of them were re-evaluated for test-retest reliability. The six sub-dimensions encompassed 60.3% of the total variance. Cronbach alpha coefficients were 0.82 for the entire scale and 0.92, 0.59, 0.67, 0.77, 0.72, and 0.76 for the sub-dimensions of definition, medical treatment, drug compliance, lifestyle, diet, and complications, respectively. The scale ensured internal consistency in reliability and construct validity, as well as stability over time. Significant relationships were found between knowledge score and age, gender, educational level, and history of hypertension of the participants. No correlation was found between knowledge score and working at an income-generating job. The present scale, developed to measure the knowledge level of hypertension among Turkish adults, was found to be valid and reliable.

  3. Establishment of cell lines from adult T-cell leukemia cells dependent on negatively charged polymers. (United States)

    Kagami, Yoshitoyo; Uchiyama, Susumu; Kato, Harumi; Okada, Yasutaka; Seto, Masao; Kinoshita, Tomohiro


    Growing adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) cells in vitro is difficult. Here, we examined the effects of static electricity in the culture medium on the proliferation of ATLL cells. Six out of 10 ATLL cells did not proliferate in vitro and thus had to be cultured in a medium containing negatively charged polymers. In the presence of poly-γ-glutamic acid (PGA) or chondroitin sulfate (CDR), cell lines (HKOX3-PGA, HKOX3-CDR) were established from the same single ATLL case using interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, and feeder cells expressing OX40L (OX40L + HK). Dextran sulfate inhibited growth in both HKOX3 cell lines. Both PGA and OX40L + HK were indispensable for HKOX3-PGA growth, but HKOX3-CDR could proliferate in the presence of CDR or OX40L + HK alone. Thus, the specific action of each negatively charged polymer promoted the growth of specific ATLL cells in vitro.

  4. Ion beam modifications of near-surface compositions in ternary alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lam, N.Q.; Tang, S.; Yacout, A.M.; Rehn, L.E.; Stubbins, J.F.


    Changes in the surface and subsurface compositions of ternary alloys during elevated-temperature sputtering with inert-gas ions were investigated. Theoretically, a comprehensive kinetic model which includes all the basic processes, such as preferential sputtering, displacement mixing, Gibbsian segregation, radiation-enhanced diffusion and radiation-induced segregation, was developed. This phenomenological approach enabled to predict the effects of each individual process or of a combination of processes on the compositional modification in model alloys. Experimentally, measurements of compositional changes at the surface of a Ag-40at%Au -- 20at%Cu alloy during 3-keV Ne + bombardment at various temperatures were made, using ion scattering spectroscopy. These measurements were interpreted on the basis of the results of theoretical modeling. 8 refs., 2 figs

  5. Effect of Aging Time and Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-39Nb-6Zr Alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, Hyun Jun; Lim, Ka Ram; Lee, Yong Tae; Kim, Seung Eon; Lee, Dong Geun; Lee, Jun Hee


    The aim of this study is to optimize the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-39Nb-6Zr (TNZ40) for bio-implant applications. TNZ40 was designed to have a low elastic modulus (⁓40GPa) and good biocompatibility. However, the alloy shows relatively low strength compared to other titanium alloys for bio-implant. In the present study, we tried to obtain the proper combination of elastic modulus and strength by tailoring the direct aging conditions after severe plastic deformation. The mechanical properties are closely linked to characteristics including the distribution and volume fraction of precipitates.

  6. Effect of Aging Time and Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-39Nb-6Zr Alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwon, Hyun Jun; Lim, Ka Ram; Lee, Yong Tae; Kim, Seung Eon [Korea Institute of Materials Science, Changwon (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Dong Geun [Sunchon National University, Sunchon (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Jun Hee [Dong-A University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    The aim of this study is to optimize the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-39Nb-6Zr (TNZ40) for bio-implant applications. TNZ40 was designed to have a low elastic modulus (⁓40GPa) and good biocompatibility. However, the alloy shows relatively low strength compared to other titanium alloys for bio-implant. In the present study, we tried to obtain the proper combination of elastic modulus and strength by tailoring the direct aging conditions after severe plastic deformation. The mechanical properties are closely linked to characteristics including the distribution and volume fraction of precipitates.

  7. Effects of deposition temperature on electrodeposition of zinc–nickel alloy coatings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiao, Xiaoping; Li, Helin; Zhao, Wenzhen; Li, Dejun


    Highlights: ► Both normal and anomalous deposition can be realized by changing bath temperature. ► The Ni content in Zn–Ni alloy deposit increases sharply as temperature reach 60 °C. ► The abrupt change in coating composition is caused by the shift of cathodic potential. ► The deposition temperature has great effect on microstructure of Zn–Ni alloy deposit. -- Abstract: Zinc–nickel alloy coatings were electrodeposited on carbon steel substrates from the ammonium chloride bath at different temperatures. The composition, phase structure and morphology of these coatings were analyzed by energy dispersive spectrometer, X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscopy respectively. Chronopotentiometry and potentiostatic methods were also employed to analyze the possible causes of the composition and structure changes induced by deposition temperature. It has been shown that both normal and anomalous co-deposition of zinc and nickel could be realized by changing deposition temperature under galvanostatic conditions. The abrupt changes in the composition and phase structure of the zinc–nickel alloy coatings were observed when deposition temperature reached 60 °C. The sharply decrease of current efficiency for zinc–nickel co-deposition was also observed when deposition temperature is higher than 40 °C. Analysis of the partial current densities showed that the decrease of current efficiency with the rise of deposition temperature was due to the enhancement of the hydrogen evolution. It was also confirmed that the ennoblement of cathodic potential was the cause for the increase of nickel content in zinc–nickel alloy coatings as a result of deposition temperature rise. The good zinc–nickel alloy coatings with compact morphology and single γ phase could be obtained when the deposition temperature was fixed at 30–40 °C

  8. Amorphization of Fe-based alloy via wet mechanical alloying assisted by PCA decomposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neamţu, B.V., E-mail: [Materials Science and Engineering Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 103-105, Muncii Avenue, 400641, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Chicinaş, H.F.; Marinca, T.F. [Materials Science and Engineering Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 103-105, Muncii Avenue, 400641, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Isnard, O. [Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut NEEL, F-38042, Grenoble (France); CNRS, Institut NEEL, 25 rue des martyrs, BP166, F-38042, Grenoble (France); Pană, O. [National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, 65-103 Donath Street, 400293, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Chicinaş, I. [Materials Science and Engineering Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 103-105, Muncii Avenue, 400641, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


    Amorphization of Fe{sub 75}Si{sub 20}B{sub 5} (at.%) alloy has been attempted both by wet and dry mechanical alloying starting from a mixture of elemental powders. Powder amorphization was not achieved even after 140 hours of dry mechanical alloying. Using the same milling parameters, when wet mechanical alloying was used, the powder amorphization was achieved after 40 h of milling. Our assumption regarding the powder amorphization capability enhancement by contamination with carbon was proved by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) measurements which revealed the presence of carbon in the chemical composition of the wet mechanically alloyed sample. Using shorter milling times and several process control agents (PCA) (ethanol, oleic acid and benzene) with different carbon content it was proved that the milling duration required for powder amorphization is linked to the carbon content of the PCA. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), thermomagnetic (TG) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) measurements performed to the heated samples revealed the fact that, the crystallisation occurs at 488 °C, thus leading to the formation of Fe{sub 3}Si and Fe{sub 2}B. Thermogravimetry measurements performed under H{sub 2} atmosphere, showed the same amount of contamination with C, which is about 2.3 wt%, for the amorphous samples regardless of the type of PCA. Saturation magnetisation of the wet milled samples decreases upon increasing milling time. In the case of the amorphous samples wet milled with benzene up to 20 h and with oleic acid up to 30 h, the saturation magnetisation has roughly the same value, indicating the same degree of contamination. The XRD performed on the samples milled using the same parameters, revealed that powder amorphization can be achieved even via dry milling, just by adding the equivalent amount of elemental C calculated from the TG plots. This proves that in this system by considering the atomic species which can contaminate the powder, they can be

  9. Plastic anomaly of the B2 ordered Fe-40Al alloy; Anomalie plastique de l'alliage Fe-40Al ordonne B2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calonne, O


    The plastic behaviour of Fe-40Al (B2-ordered) alloys was studied. This material has the particularly of exhibiting a yield stress that increases in a given temperature range ('yield stress anomaly'). This anomaly is usually associated with a zero strain rate sensitivity in the very same temperature range. These two peculiarities can be explained as a whole by a thermally activated exhaustion of the mobile dislocations. In this work, the macroscopic mechanical behaviour of the FeAl alloys was first characterised. Then, slip geometry was studied in a large temperature range using oriented single crystals. Finally, the elementary deformation processes were studied through an analysis of dislocation structures in deformed materials using TEM post-mortem and in-situ techniques. Our results show that the yield stress anomaly stems from superdislocations exhaustion through the formation of antiphase boundary tubes, due to vacancy absorption. The number of antiphase boundary tubes produced during dislocation motion depends on vacancy concentration, that in turn increases with temperature. This is believed to be the main reason for thermally activated exhaustion. In addition, the anomaly peak and the related stress fall-off at higher temperatures can be ascribed to superdislocation decomposition, which provides the material with ordinary dislocations that cannot generate antiphase boundary tubes. Superdislocations exhaustion seems to be the catalyzing factor for decomposition. We have proposed a basis for an exhaustion/multiplication model. Considering a classical Frank-Read type multiplication mechanism, we express the yield stress as a function of temperature and we show that this results in an anomaly. Moreover, supposing that boron modifies vacancy migration energy, we suggest that the influence of boron on the stress anomaly stems from an increase of vacancy capture radius by mobile superdislocations. (authors)

  10. Electrochemical reduction of oxygen on lead-silver alloys in an alkaline medium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seliverstov, S.D.; Arkhangel'skaya, Z.P.; Lyzlov, N.Y.


    The use of lead-silver alloys as materials for the gas-absorbing electrode in sealed silver-cadmium alkaline storage batteries is desirable primarily from the stanpoint of saving the costly silver. The authors studied reduction of oxygen with the aim of optimizing the composition of the Pb-Ag alloy and of the porous structure of the electrodes. The alloys were made in a muffle furnace in corundum crucibles under a layer of VI-2 flux. Curves are shown which represent the dependence of the ionization current of molecular oxygen on smooth partially immersed electrodes made from alloys differing in composition on the length of the part of the electrode withdrawn from the solution. It is shown that decrease of the corrosion resistance of the alloy in the porous electrode causes partial loss of its mechanical strength. Worsening of the electric contact between the particles of active material is also possible. An alloy of the composition (mass %) 60 Pb-40 Ag is the most suitable from the practical standpoint

  11. Hot deformation behavior of 51.1Zr–40.2Ti–4.5Al–4.2V alloy in the single β phase field

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jingli Duan


    Full Text Available The hot deformation behavior of a newly developed 51.1Zr–40.2Ti–4.5Al–4.2 V alloy was investigated by compression tests in the deformation temperature range from 800 to 1050 °C and strain rate range from 10−3 to 100 s−1. At low temperatures and high strain rates, the flow curves exhibited a pronounced stress drop at the very beginning of deformation, followed by a slow decrease in flow stress with increasing strain. The magnitude of the stress drop increased with decreasing deformation temperature and increasing strain rate. At high temperatures and low strain rates, the flow curves exhibited typical characteristics of dynamic recrystallization. A hyperbolic-sine Arrhenius-type equation was used to characterize the dependences of the flow stress on deformation temperature and strain rate. The activation energy for hot deformation decreased slightly with increasing strain and then tended to be a constant value. A microstructural mechanism map was presented to help visualize the microstructure of this alloy under different deformation conditions.

  12. The study on binary Mg-Co hydrogen storage alloys with BCC phase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yao; Tsushio, Yoshinori; Enoki, Hirotoshi; Akiba, Etsuo


    Novel Mg-Co binary alloys were successfully synthesized by mechanical alloying. These alloys were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron micrograph (TEM), pressure-composition-isotherms measurements (P-C-T) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Both XRD Rietveld analysis and TEM observation confirmed that these binary alloys contain BCC phase and that the BCC phase existed in the range from 37 to 80 at.% Co. The lattice parameter of the BCC phase increased with the increase of the Co content from 37 to 50 at.%. When the Co content reached 50 at.%, the lattice parameter reached a maximum value, and then turned to decrease gradually with further increase of the Co content. Most of Mg-Co BCC alloys absorbed hydrogen at 373 K under 6 MPa of hydrogen pressure. The Mg 60 Co 40 alloy showed the highest hydrogen absorption capacity, about 2.7 mass% hydrogen. However, all the Mg-Co alloys studied did not desorb hydrogen at 373 K. By means of DSC measurements and in situ XRD analysis, it was found that under 4 MPa hydrogen atmosphere, Mg 50 Co 50 alloy transformed from BCC solid solution to Mg 2 CoH 5 tetragonal hydride at 413 K

  13. Hydrogen storage alloy for a battery; Denchiyo suiso kyuzo gokin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saito, N.; Takahashi, M.; Sasai, T. [Japan Metals and Chemicals Co. Ltd., Tsukuba (Japan)


    Cobalt contained in a hydrogen storage alloy has an effect to improve a cycle life, but it gives a problem of inferior discharge characteristics. Moreover, cobalt is a rather expensive constituent and therefore, it is desirable to suppress its use as far as possible. This invention aims to present a hydrogen storage alloy with a long service life and high discharge characteristics for a negative electrode of a hydrogen battery without containing a large amount of cobalt. The hydrogen storage alloy of this invention has a composition of a general formula: RNi(a)Co(b)Al(c)Mn(d)Fe(e), where R is a mixture of rare earth elements and La content in this alloy is 25 to 70wt%, 3.7{<=}a{<=}4.0, 0.1{<=}b{<=}0.4, 0.20{<=}c{<=}0.4, 0.30{<=}d{<=}0.45, 0.2{<=}e{<=}0.4, 0.5{<=}b+e{<=}0.7 and 5.0{<=}a+b+c+d+e{<=}5.1. 1 tab.

  14. Laser Surface Treatment and Modification of Aluminum Alloy Matrix Composites (United States)

    Abbass, Muna Khethier


    The present work aimed to study the laser surface treatment and modification of Al-4.0%Cu-1.0%Mg alloy matrix composite reinforced with 10%SiC particles produced by stir casting. The specimens of the base alloy and composite were irradiated with an Nd:YAG laser of 1000 mJ, 1064 nm and 3 Hz . Dry wear test using the pin-on -disc technique at different sliding times (5-30 min) at a constant applied load and sliding speed were performed before and after laser treatment. Micro hardness and wear resistance were increased for all samples after laser hardening treatment. The improvement of these properties is explained by microstructural homogenization and grain refinement of the laser treated surface. Modification and refinement of SiC particles and grain refinement in the microstructure of the aluminum alloy matrix (α-Al) were observed by optical and SEM micrographs. The highest increase in hardness was 21.4% and 26.2% for the base alloy and composite sample respectively.

  15. Moessbauer spectra studied of spin-wave excitation for amorphous alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Zhigao


    The average hyperfine fields of amorphous Fe 70 Co 20 Zr 10 , Fe 80 Co 10 Zr 10 and Fe 86 Co 4 -Zr 10 alloys at different temperature were measured by the Moessbauer technique. According to Bloch's T 3/2 relation, spin-wave excitations of above amorphous alloys were studied and their B 3/2 values were found to be 0.40 +- 0.02, 0.45 +- 0.02 and 0.88 +- 0.04, respectively. Comparing the B 3/2 values of crystals, a-Fe-(Co, Ni)-ME, a-Fe-(Cr, Mn, W)-ME and a-Fe-B or TM-Zr invar alloys, the obvious difference among them was observed. Above results can be explained well by the exchange coupling fluctuation and the disorder of spatial arrangement. In this work, the difference between the stiffness coefficients obtained from the inelastic neutron scattering and the magnetization measurements for amorphous Invar alloys was also explained

  16. Highly corrosion resistant zirconium based alloy for reactor structural material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Yoichi.


    The alloy of the present invention is a zirconium based alloy comprising tin (Sn), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe) in zirconium (Zr). The amount of silicon (Si) as an impurity is not more than 60ppm. It is preferred that Sn is from 0.9 to 1.5wt%, that of Cr is from 0.05 to 0.15wt%, and (Fe + Ni) is from 0.17 to 0.5wt%. If not less than 0.12wt% of Fe is added, resistance against nodular corrosion is improved. The upper limit of Fe is preferably 0.40wt% from a view point of uniform suppression for the corrosion. The nodular corrosion can be suppressed by reducing the amount of Si-rich deposition product in the zirconium based alloy. Accordingly, a highly corrosion resistant zirconium based alloy improved for the corrosion resistance of zircaloy-2 and usable for a fuel cladding tube of a BWR type reactor can be obtained. (I.N.)

  17. Electrochemical polarization measurements on pitting corrosion susceptibility of nickel-rich Alloy 825

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCright, R.D.; Fleming, D.L.


    Alloy 825 contains approximately 40% Ni, 30% Fe, 20% Cr, 3.5% Mo, 2% Cu, and 1% Ti. Alloy 825 has a number of performance features that make it attractive as a candidate material for nuclear waste containers. However, under certain environmental conditions Alloy 825 is susceptible to localized forms of corrosion, and the focus of this paper is determination of those conditions. Electrochemical polarization was used to determine the critical potential for passive film breakdown, a process which leads to localized corrosion attack. Results indicated that quite high levels of chloride ion concentrations coupled with low pH are required to lower the critical potential to approach the corrosion potential

  18. The persistent inhibitory properties of saxagliptin on renal dipeptidyl peptidase-4: Studies with HK-2 cells in vitro and normal rats in vivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masako Uchii


    Full Text Available Saxagliptin, a potent and selective DPP-4 inhibitor, exhibits a slow dissociation from DPP-4. We investigated the sustained effects of saxagliptin on renal DPP-4 activity in a washout study using renal tubular (HK-2 cells, and in a pharmacodynamic study using normal rats. In HK-2 cells, the inhibitory potency of saxagliptin on DPP-4 activity persisted after washout, while that of sitagliptin was clearly reduced. In normal rats, a single treatment of saxagliptin or sitagliptin inhibited the plasma DPP-4 activity to similar levels. The inhibitory action of saxagliptin on the renal DPP-4 activity was retained, even when its inhibitory effect on the plasma DPP-4 activity disappeared. However, the inhibitory action of sitagliptin on the renal DPP-4 activity was abolished in correlation with the inhibition of the plasma DPP-4 activity. In situ staining showed that saxagliptin suppressed the DPP-4 activity in both glomerular and tubular cells and its inhibitory effects were significantly higher than those of sitagliptin. Saxagliptin exerted a sustained inhibitory effect on the renal DPP-4 activity in vitro and in vivo. The long binding action of saxagliptin in renal tubular cells might involve the sustained inhibition of renal DPP-4.

  19. Aluminum alloy for cladding excellent in sacrificial anode property and erosion-corrosion resistance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imaizumi, S.; Mikami, K.; Yamada, K.


    An aluminum alloy for cladding excellent in sacrificial anode property and erosion-corrosion resistance, which consists essentially of, in weight percentage: zinc - 0.3 to 3.0%, magnesium - 0.2 to 4.0%, manganese - 0.3 to 2.0%, and, the balance aluminum and incidental impurities; said alloy including an aluminum alloy also containing at least one element selected from the group consisting of, in weight percentage: indium - 0.005 to 0.2%, tin - 0.01 to 0.3%, and, bismuth - 0.01 to 0.3%; provided that the total content of indium, tin and bismuth being up to 0.3%

  20. Effect of quenching in the Ti-Nb-2%Al alloys structure; Efeito da tempera na estrutura das ligas Ti-Nb-2%Al

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, L.C.O.; Matlakhova, L.A.; Matlakhov, A.N.; Toledo, R. [Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF), Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Ciencias e Tecnologia. Lab. de Materiais Avancados (LAMAV)], e-mail:


    In the present work, the Ti-Nb-2%Al alloys, with the rate varied Nb from 15 to 40%, they were submitted to the quenched since 1000 deg C, in water, to verify the influence of Nb in the structure and phase composition. The alloys were obtained in a process of five coalitions in an oven to electric arch and, soon afterwards, wrought the hot and homogenized to 1200 deg C, for 10 hours. After the quenching and conventional metallographic preparation of the samples obliquely cut, the alloys were examined through the optic microscopic, diffraction of ray-X and Vickers hardness. The very defined correlation was shown between the niobium rate and the structure resulting from the quenched alloys. The phase martensitic was revealed in the alloy with 15% Nb, the phases martensitic and beta metastable in the alloys containing above 30% Nb and the phase beta in the alloys with 38% Nb and 40% Nb. the hardness of the phase martensitic increases with the increment of the niobium rate. (author)

  1. Coherent electron-correlation compatible with random atom stacking in amorphous Ce-Ru alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Homma, Yoshiya; Sumiyama, Kenji; Yamauchi, Hiroshi; Suzuki, Kenji


    The amorphous Ce-Ru alloys produced by the sputtering technique show the following distinct behaviors at low temperatures. The electronic specific heat coefficient rapidly increases below 5 K for Ce-19 and 42 at.%Ru alloys with decreasing temperature, T, (a heavy fermion behavior). The electrical resistivity displays -logT dependence at T > 40 K (an incoherent or impurity Kondo effect). Is slightly decreases at T < 30 K for Ce-19 and 42 at.%Ru alloys (a coherent Kondo effect), while it abruptly decreases at 2.5 K for 82 at.%Ru (a superconducting phenomenon). These coherent states may originate from the strong mixing and correlation of 4f-electrons and conduction-electrons even in the random alloy system. (author)

  2. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological behavior of hot-pressed mechanically alloyed Al–Zn–Mg–Cu powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azimi, A.; Fallahdoost, H.; Nejadseyfi, O.


    Highlights: • Nanocrystalline Al7050 alloy was synthesized by mechanical alloying. • Longer milling time led to increasing porosity in hot-pressed samples. • Significant improvement in strength and wear resistance was obtained by increasing the milling time up to 40 h. - Abstract: This research focuses on the preparation of Al7050 alloy via mechanical alloying and hot pressing techniques. The effect of milling time on the microstructure and densification response was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Furthermore, the mechanical properties of the samples including microhardness, compression strength, and wear resistance were examined as a function of milling time. The results of the experiments proved that by increasing the milling time the crystallite size was reduced, which has a significant effect on improving the mechanical properties. In addition, porosity formation increased when the milling time was increased due to reduction of the compressibility of finer particles. By increasing the milling time to more than 40 h, a relatively invariable crystallite size was obtained and it was observed that the porosities expanded in the samples. Therefore, the compressive strength, hardness, and wear resistance were enhanced up to 40 h milling time and then the strengthening effect was relatively diminished. On observing surfaces with SEM, the dominant wear mechanism was recognized as abrasion, delamination and adhesion

  3. Identification of a cast iron alloy containing nonstrategic elements (United States)

    Cooper, C. V.; Anton, D. L.; Lemkey, F. D.; Nowotny, H.; Bailey, R. S.; Favrow, L. H.; Smeggil, J. G.; Snow, D. B.


    A program was performed to address the mechanical and environmental needs of Stirling engine heater head and regenerator housing components, while reducing the dependence on strategic materials. An alloy was developed which contained no strategic elemental additions per se. The base is iron with additions of manganese, molybdenum, carbon, silicon, niobium, and ferro-chromium. Such an alloy should be producible on a large scale at very low cost. The resulting alloy, designated as NASAUT 4G-Al, contained 15 Mn, 15 Cr, 2 Mo, 1.5 C, 1.0 Si, 1.0 Nb (in weight percent) with a balance of Fe. This alloy was optimized for chemistry, based upon tensile strength, creep-rupture strength, fracture behavior, and fatigue resistance up to 800 C. Alloys were also tested for environmental compatibility. The microstructure and mechanic properties (including hardness) were assessed in the as-cast condition and following several heat treatments, including one designed to simulate a required braze cycle. The alloy was fabricated and characterized in the form of both equiaxed and columnar-grained castings. The columnar grains were produced by directional solidification, and the properties were characterized in both the longitudinal and transverse orientations. The NASAUT 4G-Al alloy was found to be good in cyclic-oxidation resistance and excellent in both hydrogen and hot-corrosion resistance, especially in comparison to the baseline XF-818 alloy. The mechanical properties of yield strength, stress-rupture life, high-cycle-fatigue resistance, and low-cycle-fatigue resistance were good to excellent in comparison to the current alloy for this application, HS-31 (X-40), with precise results depending in a complex manner on grain orientation and temperature. If required, the ductility could be improved by lowering the carbon content.

  4. Chloride stress corrosion cracking of Alloy 600 in boric acid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berge, Ph.; Noel, D.; Gras, J.M.; Prieux, B.


    The high nickel austenitic alloys are generally considered to have good resistance to chloride stress corrosion cracking. In the standard boiling magnesium chloride solution tests, alloys with more than 40% nickel are immune. Nevertheless, more recent data show that cracking can occur in both Alloys 600 and 690 if the solution is acidified. In other low pH media, such as boric acid solution at 100 deg C, transgranular and intergranular cracking are observed in Alloy 600 in the presence of minor concentrations of sodium chloride (2g/I). In concentrated boric acid at higher temperatures (250 and 290 deg C), intergranular cracking also occurs, either when the chloride concentration is high, or at low chloride contents and high oxygen levels. The role of pH and a possible specific action of boric acid are discussed, together with the influence of electrochemical potential. (author)

  5. Composition analysis of Ta-W alloy using NAA and EDXRF techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swain, K.K.; Remya Devi, P.S.; Chavan, Trupti A.; Verma, R.; Reddy, A.V.R.


    Tantalum-Tungsten (Ta-W) alloy is a high strength alloy and is used in corrosion resistant chemical process equipment's including heat exchangers, condensers, heating and cooling coils and reaction vessels. Ta-W alloy is also used as ion extraction plate during laser Isotope separation of uranium and hence the composition is critical for its optimal application. The composition of the alloy was determined by neutron activation analysis (NAA) and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF) techniques. Ta-W alloy sample was received from Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC), Hyderabad. For NAA, samples (50 - 500 mg) were sealed in polyethylene. High purity Ta foil (30 - 40 mg) and W foil (10 - 20 mg) were packed and used as comparators. Samples and standards were irradiated in the graphite reflector position of Advanced Heavy Water Reactor Critical Facility (AHWR CF) reactor, BARC, Mumbai for 4 hours. After suitable decay period, radioactivity assay was carried out using a 45% relative efficiency high purity germanium (HPGe) detector coupled to MCA with 8 k conversion gain

  6. Preparation and characterisation of Co–Fe–Ni–M-Si–B (M = Zr, Ti) amorphous powders by wet mechanical alloying

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neamţu, B.V., E-mail: [Materials Science and Engineering Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 103-105, Muncii Avenue, 400641, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Chicinaş, H.F.; Marinca, T.F. [Materials Science and Engineering Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 103-105, Muncii Avenue, 400641, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Isnard, O. [Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut NEEL, F-38042, Grenoble (France); CNRS, Institut NEEL, 25 rue des martyrs, BP166, F-38042, Grenoble (France); Chicinaş, I. [Materials Science and Engineering Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 103-105, Muncii Avenue, 400641, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


    Co-based amorphous alloys were prepared via wet mechanical alloying process starting from elemental powders. The reference alloy Co{sub 70}Fe{sub 4}Ni{sub 2}Si{sub 15}B{sub 9} (at. %) as well as the alloys derived from this composition by the substitution of 5 at.% of Zr or Ti for Si or B (Co{sub 70}Fe{sub 4}Ni{sub 2}Si{sub 15}B{sub 4}Zr{sub 5}, Co{sub 70}Fe{sub 4}Ni{sub 2}Si{sub 15}B{sub 4}Ti{sub 5}, Co{sub 70}Fe{sub 4}Ni{sub 2}Si{sub 10}B{sub 9}Zr{sub 5} and Co{sub 70}Fe{sub 4}Ni{sub 2}Si{sub 10}B{sub 9}Ti{sub 5}) are obtained in amorphous state, according to X-ray diffraction (XRD) investigation, after 40 h of milling. The calculated amount of amorphous fraction reaches 99% after 40 h of milling. The largest increase of the crystallisation temperature was induced by the substitution of Zr or Ti for Si while, regardless of the type of substitution, an important increase of the Curie temperature of the alloy was obtained. A Co-based solid solution, with Co{sub 2}Si and Co{sub 2}B phases, result after crystallisation of the amorphous alloys as proved by XRD investigations. Saturation magnetisation of the alloys decreases upon increasing milling time, however it remains larger than the saturation magnetisation of the reference alloy. This was discussed in correlation with the specificity of the wet mechanical alloying process and the influence of the chemical bonding between Co and metalloids atoms over the magnetic moment of Co. - Highlights: • Co–Fe–Ni–M-Si–B (M = Zr, Ti) amorphous powders were prepared by wet MA. • Amorphisation of the alloy is reached after 40 h of wet MA for any composition. • Magnetisation decrease upon increasing milling time. • Substituting 5% Zr/Ti for Si increases significantly the alloy's thermal stability. • Substitution of 5 at. % Zr/Ti for Si increases the saturation magnetisation by 20%.

  7. Investigation on mechanical alloying process for v-cr-ti alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stanciulescu, M.; Carlan, P.; Mihalache, M.; Bucsa, G.; Abrudeanu, M.; Galateanu, A.


    Mechanical alloying (MA) is an efficient approach for fabricating oxide-dispersion alloys and structural materials including vanadium alloys for fusion and fission application. Dissolution behaviour of the alloying elements is a key issue for optimizing the mechanical alloying process in fabricating vanadium alloys. This paper studies the MA process of V-4wt.%Cr-4wt.%Ti alloy. The outcomes of the MA powders in a planetary ball mill are reported in terms of powder particle size and morphology evolution and elemental composition. The impact of spark-plasma sintering process on the mechanically alloyed powder is analysed. An optimal set of sintering parameters, including the maximum temperature, the dwell time and the heating rate are determined. (authors)

  8. Improved Mo-Re VPS Alloys for High-Temperature Uses (United States)

    Hickman, Robert; Martin, James; McKechnie, Timothy; O'Dell, John Scott


    Dispersion-strengthened molybdenum- rhenium alloys for vacuum plasma spraying (VPS) fabrication of high-temperature-resistant components are undergoing development. In comparison with otherwise equivalent non-dispersion-strengthened Mo-Re alloys, these alloys have improved high-temperature properties. Examples of VPS-fabricated high-temperature-resistant components for which these alloys are expected to be suitable include parts of aircraft and spacecraft engines, furnaces, and nuclear power plants; wear coatings; sputtering targets; x-ray targets; heat pipes in which liquid metals are used as working fluids; and heat exchangers in general. These alloys could also be useful as coating materials in some biomedical applications. The alloys consist of 60 weight percent Mo with 40 weight percent Re made from (1) blends of elemental Mo and Re powders or (2) Re-coated Mo particles that have been subjected to a proprietary powder-alloying-and-spheroidization process. For most of the dispersion- strengthening experiments performed thus far in this development effort, 0.4 volume percent of transition-metal ceramic dispersoids were mixed into the feedstock powders. For one experiment, the proportion of dispersoid was 1 volume percent. In each case, the dispersoid consisted of either ZrN particles having sizes <45 m, ZrO2 particles having sizes of about 1 m, HfO2 particles having sizes <45 m, or HfN particles having sizes <1 m. These materials were chosen for evaluation on the basis of previously published thermodynamic stability data. For comparison, Mo-Re feedstock powders without dispersoids were also prepared.

  9. Effect of Adding Elements on Microstructure of Mg-3Si Alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CUI Bin


    Full Text Available The microstructure of alloy Mg-3Si(mass fraction/%, same as below after successive additions with different elements of Zn, Nd, Gd and Y was observed and the microstructure evolution was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results show the primary Mg2Si particles co-exist with eutectic Mg2Si particles in binary alloy Mg-Si. With minor addition of Zn element, only primary Mg2Si can be found in ternary Mg-3Si-3Zn system while eutectic Mg2Si particles disappear. In quaternary alloy Mg-2.0Nd-3.0Zn-3.0Si, the addition of Nd element can effectively refine the primary Mg2Si particles and form some Mg41Nd5 particles. After continuous adding of Gd and Y elements into quaternary system, Gd5Si3 and YSi particles increase significantly in the alloy Mg-8.0Gd-4.0Y-2.0Nd-3.0Zn-3.0Si, while volume fraction of primary Mg2Si decrease significantly. Thermo-Calc calculation predicts that the Gibbs free energy for primary particles Gd5Si3, YSi is lower, and therefore Gd, Y atom and Si are more likely to form compounds. In Mg-8Gd-4Y-2Nd-3Zn-3Si alloy, room temperature Gibbs free energy for primary particles Mg2Si, Gd5Si3, YSi is -9.56×104, -8.72×104, -2.83×104J/mol, respectively, and the mass fraction of these particles is 8.07%, 5.27%, 1.40% respectively.

  10. Laser surface alloying of aluminium-transition metal alloys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Almeida, A.


    Full Text Available Laser surface alloying has been used as a tool to produce hard and corrosion resistant Al-transition metal (TM alloys. Cr and Mo are particularly interesting alloying elements to produce stable highstrength alloys because they present low diffusion coefficients and solid solubility in Al. To produce Al-TM surface alloys a two-step laser process was developed: firstly, the material is alloyed using low scanning speed and secondly, the microstructure is modified by a refinement step. This process was used in the production of Al-Cr, Al-Mo and Al-Nb surface alloys by alloying Cr, Mo or Nb powder into an Al and 7175 Al alloy substrate using a CO2 laser. This paper presents a review of the work that has been developed at Instituto Superior Tecnico on laser alloying of Al-TM alloys, over the last years.

    En el presente trabajo se estudia la aleación superficial mediante láser de aluminio con metales de transición. El cromo y el molibdeno son particularmente interesantes porque producen aleaciones de alta resistencia y por el bajo coeficiente de difusión y solución sólida en aluminio. Para producir estas aleaciones se ha seguido un procedimiento desarrollado en dos partes. En primer lugar, el material se alea usando una baja velocidad de procesado y en segundo lugar la estructura se modifica mediante un refinamiento posterior. Este procedimiento se ha empleado en la producción de aleaciones Al-Cr, Al-Mo y Al-Nb mediante aleación con láser de CO2 de polvos de Cr, Mo o Nb en aluminio y la aleación 7175. Este trabajo es una revisión del desarrollado en el Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa en los últimos años.

  11. H(+)/K(+) ATPase activity is required for biomineralization in sea urchin embryos. (United States)

    Schatzberg, Daphne; Lawton, Matthew; Hadyniak, Sarah E; Ross, Erik J; Carney, Tamara; Beane, Wendy S; Levin, Michael; Bradham, Cynthia A


    The bioelectrical signatures associated with regeneration, wound healing, development, and cancer are changes in the polarization state of the cell that persist over long durations, and are mediated by ion channel activity. To identify physiologically relevant bioelectrical changes that occur during normal development of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus, we tested a range of ion channel inhibitors, and thereby identified SCH28080, a chemical inhibitor of the H(+)/K(+) ATPase (HKA), as an inhibitor of skeletogenesis. In sea urchin embryos, the primary mesodermal lineage, the PMCs, produce biomineral in response to signals from the ectoderm. However, in SCH28080-treated embryos, aside from randomization of the left-right axis, the ectoderm is normally specified and differentiated, indicating that the block to skeletogenesis observed in SCH28080-treated embryos is PMC-specific. HKA inhibition did not interfere with PMC specification, and was sufficient to block continuing biomineralization when embryos were treated with SCH28080 after the initiation of skeletogenesis, indicating that HKA activity is continuously required during biomineralization. Ion concentrations and voltage potential were abnormal in the PMCs in SCH28080-treated embryos, suggesting that these bioelectrical abnormalities prevent biomineralization. Our results indicate that this effect is due to the inhibition of amorphous calcium carbonate precipitation within PMC vesicles. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Sputtering of two-phase AgxCuγ alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bibic, N.; Milosavljevic, M.; Perusko, D.; Wilson, I.H.


    Elemental sputtering yields from two phase AgCu alloys were measured for 20, 40 and 50 at % Ag. Argon ion bombardment energies were in the range 35-55 keV and the ion dose was 1 x 10 19 ions cm -2 . The sputtering yield for silver was found to be considerably below what was expected by simple selective sputtering of a two component alloy. Analysis by electron probe X-ray microanalysis and scanning electron microscopy of the eroded surface indicated that surface diffusion of copper from copper rich grains and geometrical constraints in the dense cone forest on Cu/Ag eutectic regions combine to reduce the sputtering yield for silver. (author)

  13. Characteristics of mechanical alloying of Zn-Al-based alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu, Y.H.; Hong Kong Polytechnic; Perez Hernandez, A.; Lee, W.B.


    Three pure elemental powder mixtures of Zn-22%Al-18%Cu, Zn-5%Al-11%Cu, and Zn-27%Al-3%Cu (in wt.%) were mechanically alloyed by steel-ball milling processing. The mechanical alloying characteristics were investigated using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy techniques. It was explored that mechanical alloying started with the formation of phases from pure elemental powders, and this was followed by mechanical milling-induced phase transformation. During mechanical alloying, phases stable at the higher temperatures formed at the near room temperature of milling. Nano-structure Zn-Al-based alloys were produced by mechanical alloying. (orig.)

  14. Structure, mechanical properties and grindability of dental Ti-10Zr-X alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ho, W.-F.; Cheng, C.-H.; Pan, C.-H.; Wu, S.-C.; Hsu, H.-C.


    This study aimed to investigate the structure, mechanical properties and grindability of a binary Ti-Zr alloy added to a series of alloying elements (Nb, Mo, Cr and Fe). The phase and structure of Ti-10Zr-X alloys were evaluated using an X-ray diffraction (XRD) for phase analysis and optical microscope for microstructure of the etched alloys. Three-point bending tests were performed using a desk-top mechanical tester. Grindability was evaluated by measuring the amount of metal volume removed after grinding for 1 min at each of the four rotational speeds of the wheel (500, 750, 1000 or 1200 m/min). Results were compared with c.p. Ti, which was chosen as a control. Results indicated that the phase/crystal structure, microstructure, mechanical properties and grindability of the Ti-10Zr alloy can be significantly changed by adding small amounts of alloying elements. The alloying elements Nb, Mo, Cr and Fe contributed significantly to increasing the grinding ratio under all grinding conditions, although the grinding rate of all the metals was found to be largely dependent on grinding speed. The Ti-10Zr-1Mo alloy showed increases in microhardness (63%), bending strength (40%), bending modulus (30%) and elastic recovery angle (180%) over those of c.p. Ti, and was also found to have better grindability. The Ti-10Zr-1Mo alloy could therefore be used for prosthetic dental applications if other conditions necessary for dental casting are met

  15. Strength, ductility, and ductile-brittle transition temperature for MFR candidate vanadium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loomis, B.A.; Lee, R.H.; Smith, D.L.


    The dependence of the yield strength, tensile strength, elongation, and reduction in area on temperature for the V-15Ti-7.5Cr, V-20Ti, V-15Cr-5Ti, V-12Cr-5Ti, V-10Cr-5Ti, and V-3Ti-1Si alloys was determined from tensile tests at temperatures ranging from 25 to 700 0 C. The strength of the alloys increased with an increase of the combined Cr and Ti concentration. The total elongation for the alloys ranged between 20 and 38%. The reduction in area ranged from 30 to 90%. The DBTT, which was determined from the temperature dependence of the reduction in area, was less than 25 0 C for the V-15Ti-7.5Cr, V-20Ti, and V-3Ti-1Si alloys. The DBTT for the V-10Cr-5Ti, V-12Cr-5Ti, and V-15Cr-5Ti alloys was also less than 25 0 C if these alloys were annealed to reduce the hydrogen concentration prior to the tensile test. If these latter alloys were not annealed prior to the tensile test, the DBTT ranged from 40 to 90 0 C and the DBTT increased with an increase of the Cr concentration. A Cr/Ti concentration ratio of 0-0.5 in these alloys was found to cause the alloys to be less susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement. (orig.)

  16. Understanding the magnetic anisotropy in Fe-Si amorphous alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz, J.; Hamdan, N.M.; Jalil, P.; Hussain, Z.; Valvidares, S.M.; Alameda, J.M.


    The origin of the magnetic anisotropy in a very disordered Fe-Si alloy has been investigated. The alloy containing 40 percent at. Si was prepared in the form of a thin film in a DC magnetron sputtering chamber. Structural disorder was obtained from Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure spectroscopy. The uniformity and lack of inhomogeneities at a microscopic level was checked by measuring their transverse magnetic susceptibility and hysteresis loops. The orbital component of the magnetic moment was measured by X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism spectroscopy. The orbital moment was extraordinary high, 0.4mB. Such a high value contrasted with the relatively small uniaxial anisotropy energy of the thin film (2kJ/m3). This suggests that the cause of the magnetic anisotropy in this alloy was a small degree of correlation in the orientation of the local orbital moments along a preferential direction.

  17. Understanding the magnetic anisotropy in Fe-Si amorphous alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diaz, J.; Hamdan, N.M.; Jalil, P.; Hussain, Z.; Valvidares, S.M.; Alameda, J.M.


    The origin of the magnetic anisotropy in a very disordered Fe-Si alloy has been investigated. The alloy containing 40 percent at. Si was prepared in the form of a thin film in a DC magnetron sputtering chamber. Structural disorder was obtained from Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure spectroscopy. The uniformity and lack of inhomogeneities at a microscopic level was checked by measuring their transverse magnetic susceptibility and hysteresis loops. The orbital component of the magnetic moment was measured by X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism spectroscopy. The orbital moment was extraordinary high, 0.4mB. Such a high value contrasted with the relatively small uniaxial anisotropy energy of the thin film (2kJ/m3). This suggests that the cause of the magnetic anisotropy in this alloy was a small degree of correlation in the orientation of the local orbital moments along a preferential direction

  18. Study of uranium - 20 Wt per cent plutonium-niobium alloys (1963)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abgrall, J.; Barthelemy, P.; Boucher, R.


    U-Pu-Nb alloys containing 20 wt per cent Pu and 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 or 60 wt per cent Nb have been studied principally to determine the feasibility of their use as fuel element. The fabrication, casting and homogenisation presented certain difficulties due specially to niobium. The transformation temperatures, thermal expansion coefficients and nature of phases have been determined by thermal analysis, dilatometry, micrography and X Rays diffraction. For similar compositions, U-Pu-Mo and U-Pu-Nb alloys have many common points concerning the presence of zeta phase (up to 40 wt per cent Nb), the coefficients of expansion, the good behaviour during thermal cycling and the good resistance to air oxidation in spite of zeta phase. In consequence, irradiation tests in EL 3 reactor (Saclay) will be carried out in the near future. (authors) [fr

  19. Investigation into cathode polarization during deposition of rhodium-nickel and rhodium-indium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evdokimova, N.V.; Byacheslavov, P.M.; Lokshtanova, O.G.


    The results of kinetic regularities experimental investigations during electrodeposition of rhodium-nickel and rhonium-indium alloys are presented. Methods of general and partial polarization curves have been used to show the nature of polarization during the rhonium-nickel and rhodium-indium alloys deposition. It is shown that indium into the rhodium-indium alloy and nickel into the rhodium-nickel alloy deposit with great depolarization ( PHIsub(In)sup(0)=-0.33B, PHIsub(Ni)sup(0)=-0.23B). Indium and nickel in pure form do not deposit from the electrolytes of the given composition (H 2 SO 4 - 50 g/l, HNH 2 SO 3 -10 g/l). The recalculation of partial polarization curve of indium precipitation into the rhodium-indium alloy in the mixed kinetics coordinates gives a straight line with 40 mV inclination angle. This corresponds to the delayed stage of the second electron addition with the imposition of diffusion limitations

  20. The role of processing route on the microstructure of 14YWT nanostructured ferritic alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazumder, B., E-mail: [Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (United States); Parish, C.M.; Bei, H. [Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (United States); Miller, M.K. [Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (United States)


    Nanostructured ferritic alloys have outstanding high temperature creep properties and enhanced tolerance to radiation damage over conventional ferritic alloys. To achieve these properties, NFAs are fabricated by mechanical alloying of metallic and yttria powders. Atom probe tomography has demonstrated that milling times of at least 40 h are required to produce a uniform distribution of solutes in the flakes. After milling and hot extrusion, the microstructure consists of α-Fe, high number densities of Ti–Y–O-vacancy-enriched nanoclusters, and coarse Y{sub 2}Ti{sub 2}O{sub 7} and Ti(O,C,N) precipitates on the grain boundaries. In contrast, the as-cast condition consists of α-Fe with 50–100 μm irregularly-shaped Y{sub 2}Ti{sub 2}O{sub 7} pyrochlore precipitates with smaller embedded precipitates with the Y{sub 3}Al{sub 5}O{sub 12} (yttrium–aluminum garnet) crystal structure indicating that this traditional processing route is not a viable approach to achieve the desired microstructure. The nano-hardnesses were also substantially different, i.e., 4 and 8 GPa for the as-cast and as-extruded conditions, respectively. These variances can be explained by the microstructural differences and the effects of the high vacancy content introduced by mechanical alloying, and the strong binding energy of vacancies with O, Ti, and Y atoms that retard diffusion. - Highlights: • Mechanical alloying produces nanostructured ferritic alloy with excellent properties. • Short milling time wastes solutes in low number densities of coarse precipitates. • Milling for 40 h yields UFG alloy with optimum distribution of ultrafine precipitates. • Longer milling times increase cost and increases impurities from attritor mill. • Casting produces undesirable course grain microstructure of α-Fe, YAG and pyrochlore.

  1. The Putative Role of the Non-Gastric H+/K+-ATPase ATP12A (ATP1AL1 as Anti-Apoptotic Ion Transporter: Effect of the H+/K+ ATPase Inhibitor SCH28080 on Butyrate-Stimulated Myelomonocytic HL-60 Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Jakab


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: The ATP12A gene codes for a non-gastric H+/K+ ATPase, which is expressed in a wide variety of tissues. The aim of this study was to test for the molecular and functional expression of the non-gastric H+/K+ ATPase ATP12A/ATP1AL1 in unstimulated and butyrate-stimulated (1 and 10 mM human myelomonocytic HL-60 cells, to unravel its potential role as putative apoptosis-counteracting ion transporter as well as to test for the effect of the H+/K+ ATPase inhibitor SCH28080 in apoptosis. Methods: Real-time reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR was used for amplification and cloning of ATP12A transcripts and to assess transcriptional regulation. BCECF microfluorimetry was used to assess changes of intracellular pH (pHi after acute intracellular acid load (NH4Cl prepulsing. Mean cell volumes (MCV and MCV-recovery after osmotic cell shrinkage (Regulatory Volume Increase, RVI were assessed by Coulter counting. Flow-cytometry was used to measure MCV (Coulter principle, to assess apoptosis (phosphatidylserine exposure to the outer leaflet of the cell membrane, caspase activity, 7AAD staining and differentiation (CD86 expression. Results: We found by RT-PCR, intracellular pH measurements, MCV measurements and flow cytometry that ATP12A is expressed in human myelomonocytic HL-60 cells. Treatment of HL-60 cells with 1 mM butyrate leads to monocyte-directed differentiation whereas higher concentrations (10 mM induce apoptosis as assessed by flow-cytometric determination of CD86 expression, caspase activity, phosphatidylserine exposure on the outer leaflet of the cell membrane and MCV measurements. Transcriptional up-regulation of ATP12A and CD86 is evident in 1 mM butyrate-treated HL-60 cells. The H+/K+ ATPase inhibitor SCH28080 (100 µM diminishes K+-dependent pHi recovery after intracellular acid load and blocks RVI after osmotic cell shrinkage. After seeding, HL-60 cells increase their MCV within the first 24 h in culture, and subsequently

  2. Fabrication of a micrometer Ni–Cu alloy column coupled with a Cu micro-column for thermal measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, J C; Chang, T K; Yang, J H; Jeng, J H; Lee, D L; Jiang, S B


    Micrometer Ni–Cu alloy columns have been fabricated by the micro-anode-guided electroplating (MAGE) process in the citrate bath. The surface morphology and chemical composition of the micro-columns were determined by copper concentration in the bath and by the electrical bias of MAGE. When fabricated in a bath of dilute copper (i.e. 4 mM) at lower voltages (e.g. 3.8 and 4.0 V), the alloy micro-columns revealed uniform diameter and smooth appearance. The alloy composition demonstrated an increase in the wt% ratio of Ni/Cu from 75/25, 80/20, 83/17 to 87/13 with increasing electrical bias from 3.8, 4.0, 4.2 to 4.4 V. However, it decreases from 75/25, 57/43 to 47/53 with increasing copper concentration from 4, 8 to 12 mM in the bath. Citrate plays a role in forming complexes with nickel and copper at similar reduction potentials, thus reducing simultaneously to Ni–Cu alloy. The mechanism for fabricating alloy micro-columns could be delineated on the basis of cathodic polarization of the complexes. A couple of micro-columns were fabricated using MAGE in constructing a pure copper micro-column on the top of a Ni/Cu (at 47/53) alloy micro-column. This micro-thermocouple provides a satisfactory measurement with good sensitivity and precision

  3. Moessbauer study of amorphous alloys irradiated with energetic heavy ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuzmann, E.; Spirov, I.N.


    The Moessbauer spectroscopy was applied to study radiation damages in amorphous alloys irradiated with 40 Ar (E=225 MeV) or 132 Xe (E=120 MeV) ions at room temperature. In the magnetically splitted Moessbauer spectra the dose-dependent decreases of the intensity of the 2nd and 5th lines as well as of the average hyperfine magnetic field were observed. The changes weAe also analysed using the hyperfine field distribution obtained from the spectra. The results are interpreted in terms of defect creation and structural changes of shortrange order of irradiated amorphoys alloys

  4. Studies of a genetic variant in HK1 in relation to quantitative metabolic traits and to the prevalence of type 2 diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bonnefond Amélie


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs within the gene encoding Hexokinase 1 (HK1 are associated with changes in glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c levels. Our aim was to investigate the effect of HK1 rs7072268 on measures of glucose- and lipid-metabolism in a Danish non-diabetic population and combine the outcome of these analyses in a meta-analysis with previously published results. Furthermore, our aim was to perform a type 2 diabetes case-control analysis and meta-analysis with two previous case-control studies. Methods SNP rs7072268 was genotyped in 9,724 Danes. The quantitative trait study included 5,604 non-diabetic individuals from the Inter99 cohort. The case-control study included 4,449 glucose tolerant individuals and 3,398 patients with type 2 diabetes. Meta-analyses on quantitative traits included 24,560 Caucasian individuals and 30,802 individuals were included in the combined analysis of present and previous type 2 diabetes case-control studies. Results Using an additive model, we confirmed that the T-allele of rs7072268 associates with increased HbA1c of 0.6% (CI: 0.4 - 0.9, p = 3*10-7 per allele. The same allele associated with an increased area under the curve (AUC for glucose of 5.0 mmol/l*min (0.1 - 10.0, p = 0.045 following an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT and increased fasting levels of cholesterol of 0.06 mmol/l (0.03 - 1.0, p = 0.001 and triglycerides of 2.0% (0.2 - 3.8, p = 0.03 per allele in the same study sample of non-diabetic individuals from the Inter99 cohort. However, the T-allele did not show any association with estimates of insulin release or insulin sensitivity neither in Inter99 nor in combined analyses. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes was increased among carriers of the rs7072268 T-allele both in the Danish study-population with an OR of 1.11 (1.02-1.21 and in a meta-analysis including the two additional sample sets with an OR of 1.06 (1.02-1.11. However, after Bonferroni correction the T

  5. Pressure-induced positive electrical resistivity coefficient in Ni-Nb-Zr-H glassy alloy (United States)

    Fukuhara, M.; Gangli, C.; Matsubayashi, K.; Uwatoko, Y.


    Measurements under hydrostatic pressure of the electrical resistivity of (Ni0.36Nb0.24Zr0.40)100-xHx (x = 9.8, 11.5, and 14) glassy alloys have been made in the range of 0-8 GPa and 0.5-300 K. The resistivity of the (Ni0.36Nb0.24Zr0.40)86H14 alloy changed its sign from negative to positive under application of 2-8 GPa in the temperature range of 300-22 K, coming from electron-phonon interaction in the cluster structure under pressure, accompanied by deformation of the clusters. In temperature region below 22 K, the resistivity showed negative thermal coefficient resistance by Debye-Waller factor contribution, and superconductivity was observed at 1.5 K.

  6. Impact properties of zinc die cast alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schrems, Karol K.; Dogan, Omer N.; Manahan, M.P. (MPM Technologies, Inc.); Goodwin, F.E. (ILZRO)


    Alloys 3, 5, AcuZinc 5, and ZA-8 were tested at five temperatures between -40 C and room temperature to determine impact properties. Izod impact energy data was obtained in accordance with ASTM D256. Unlike ASTM E23, these samples were tested with a milled notch in order to compare with plastic samples. In addition, flexural data was obtained for design use.

  7. Density measurements as a means for detection of semiconductor - metal transitions in melts of chalcogenide systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thurn, H.; Ruska, J.


    It is reported on density measurements from liquidus temperature up to 900 or 1,000 0 C of a number of Se- or Te-containing liquid alloys. Anomalous density variations with temperature were found in many cases. The density measurements have been performed by a γ-ray absorption method. (orig./HK) [de

  8. Extraordinary high strength Ti-Zr-Ta alloys through nanoscaled, dual-cubic spinodal reinforcement. (United States)

    Biesiekierski, Arne; Ping, Dehai; Li, Yuncang; Lin, Jixing; Munir, Khurram S; Yamabe-Mitarai, Yoko; Wen, Cuie


    While titanium alloys represent the current state-of-the-art for orthopedic biomaterials, concerns still remain over their modulus. Circumventing this via increased porosity requires high elastic admissible strains, yet also limits traditional thermomechanical strengthening techniques. To this end, a novel β-type Ti-Zr-Ta alloy system, comprised of Ti-45Zr-10Ta, Ti-40Zr-14Ta, Ti-35Zr-18Ta and Ti-30Zr-22Ta, was designed and characterized mechanically and microstructurally. As-cast, this system displayed extremely high yield strengths and elastic admissible strains, up to 1.4GPa and potentially 1.48%, respectively. This strength was attributed to a nanoscaled, cuboidal structure of semi-coherent, dual body-centered cubic (BCC) phases, arising from the thermodynamics of interaction between Ta and Zr; this morphology occurring with dual BCC-phases is heretofore unreported in Ti-based alloys. Further, cell proliferation investigated by MTS assay suggests this was achieved without sacrificing biocompatibility, with no significant difference to either empty-well or commercially-pure Ti controls noted. The current research details microstructural, mechanical, and biological investigations into four novel biomedical alloys in a hitherto uninvestigated region of the Ti-Zr-Ta alloy system; Ti-45Zr-10Ta, Ti-40Zr-14Ta, Ti-35Zr-18Ta and Ti-30Zr-22Ta. We find that the investigated alloys display 0.2% yield strengths of up to 1.40GPa and elastic admissible strains of up to 1.48%, along with biological properties comparable to that seen in the conventional metallic biomaterial ASTM Grade-2 CP-Ti, achieved in the complete absence of traditional thermomechanical processing techniques. This is attributed to the presence of a dual-BCC cuboidal nanostructure, achieved via spinodal decomposition; while similar structures have been reported in e.g. Ni-based superalloys, we believe this is the first such structure investigated in a Ti-based material. As such, this work is felt to be of

  9. Comparing of mechanical behavior and microstructure of continuous cast and hot worked Cu Zn 40 Al 1 alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebrahimzadeh, I.; Akbari, G. H.


    The performance of components produced by conventional route of a thermo mechanical process and those produced by continuous casting is interesting from different aspects of economy and technology. The performance of products in their service depends on their properties which are strongly influenced by production routes. In the present work the hardness, tensile and tensile-impact behaviors of Cu Zn 40 Al 1 alloys produced by continuous casting and extrusion were investigated. Micro structural features and fracture surfaces were studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Results showed that wrought samples exhibited higher absorbed energy than those of continuous cast samples. Reduction of impact velocity led to a higher absorbed energy in all samples. A systematic and meaningful relationship was observed between micro structural features and mechanical properties such as hardness, yield stress and ultimate tensile strength. Fractography investigations showed that fracture occurred with dimple formation in all cases

  10. Effect of silver and indium addition on mechanical properties and indentation creep behavior of rapidly solidified Bi–Sn based lead-free solder alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shalaby, Rizk Mostafa


    Mechanical properties and indentation creep of the melt-spun process Bi–42 wt%Sn, Bi–40 wt%Sn–2 wt%In, Bi–40 wt%Sn–2 wt%Ag and Bi–38 wt%Sn–2 wt%In–2 wt%Ag were studied by dynamic resonance technique and Vickers indentation testing at room temperature and compared to that of the traditional Sn–37 wt%Pb eutectic alloy. The results show that the structure of Bi–42 wt%Sn alloy is characterized by the presence of rhombohedral Bi and body centered tetragonal β-Sn. The two ternary alloys exhibit additional constituent phases of intermetallic compounds SnIn 19 for Bi–40 wt%Sn–2 wt%In and ε-Ag 3 Sn for Bi–40 wt%Sn–2 wt%Ag alloys. Attention has been paid to the role of intermetallic compounds on mechanical and creep behavior. The In and Ag containing solder alloy exhibited a good combination of higher creep resistance, good mechanical properties and lower melting temperature as compared with Pb–Sn eutectic solder alloy. This was attributed to the strengthening effect of Bi as a strong solid solution element in the Sn matrix and formation of intermetallic compounds β-SnBi, ε-Ag 3 Sn and InSn 19 which act as both strengthening agent and grain refiner in the matrix of the material. Addition of In and Ag decreased the melting temperature of Bi–Sn lead-free solder from 143 °C to 133 °C which was possible mainly due to the existence of InSn 19 and Ag 3 Sn intermetallic compounds. Elastic constants, internal friction and thermal properties of Bi–Sn based alloys have been studied and analyzed.

  11. High temperature corrosion of metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quadakkers, W.J.; Schuster, H.; Ennis, P.J.


    This paper covers three main topics: 1. high temperature oxidation of metals and alloys, 2. corrosion in sulfur containing environments and 3. structural changes caused by corrosion. The following 21 subjects are discussed: Influence of implanted yttrium and lanthanum on the oxidation behaviour of beta-NiA1; influence of reactive elements on the adherence and protective properties of alumina scales; problems related to the application of very fine markers in studying the mechanism of thin scale formation; oxidation behaviour of chromia forming Co-Cr-Al alloys with or without reactive element additions; growth and properties of chromia-scales on high-temperature alloys; quantification of the depletion zone in high temperature alloys after oxidation in process gas; effects of HC1 and of N2 in the oxidation of Fe-20Cr; investigation under nuclear safety aspects of Zircaloy-4 oxidation kinetics at high temperatures in air; on the sulfide corrosion of metallic materials; high temperature sulfide corrosion of Mn, Nb and Nb-Si alloys; corrosion behaviour or NiCrAl-based alloys in air and air-SO2 gas mixtures; sulfidation of cobalt at high temperatures; preoxidation for sulfidation protection; fireside corrosion and application of additives in electric utility boilers; transport properties of scales with complex defect structures; observations of whiskers and pyramids during high temperature corrosion of iron in SO2; corrosion and creep of alloy 800H under simulated coal gasification conditions; microstructural changes of HK 40 cast alloy caused by exploitation in tubes in steam reformer installation; microstructural changes during exposure in corrosive environments and their effect on mechanical properties; coatings against carburization; mathematical modeling of carbon diffusion and carbide precipitation in Ni-Cr-based alloys. (MM)

  12. Pt-Rh alloys. Investigation of creep rate and rupture time at high temperatures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trumic, Biserka; Gomidzelovic, Lidija; Marjanovic, Sasa; Ivanovic, Aleksandra; Dimitrijevic, Silvana [Belgrade Univ., Bor (Serbia). Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy; Krstic, Vesna


    The results of experimental investigation of creep rate and rupture time of the alloys of Pt-Rh system are presented in this paper. Selected alloys with 7-40 wt.-% Rh content were examined using a universal device for tensile testing of materials at high temperatures, and monitoring structure changes of the samples by electron microscopy. Investigations were performed in the temperature range between 1200 C and 1700 C at a stress between 2 MPa and 15 MPa. (orig.)

  13. Mechanical spectroscopy study on the Cu{sub 54}Zr{sub 40}Al{sub 6} amorphous matrix alloy at low temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marques, P.W.B., E-mail: [Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, CP-676, São Carlos, SP (Brazil); Chaves, J.M.; Silva, P.S.; Florêncio, O. [Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, CP-676, São Carlos, SP (Brazil); Moreno-Gobbi, A. [Instituto de Física, Facultad de Ciencias (UDELAR), Iguá 4225, CEP 11400 Montevideo (Uruguay); Aliaga, L.C.R.; Botta, W.J. [Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, CP-676, São Carlos, SP (Brazil)


    Highlights: • Cu{sub 54}Zr{sub 40}Al{sub 6} alloy was characterized by mechanical spectroscopy at low temperature. • Flexural and ultrasonic methods showed peaks associated to rearrangement of clusters. • The peaks less stable were associated with annihilation of Zr or Cu clusters. • MHz range can be favors the formation of Cu an Al-centered icosahedral structures. • TEM images show an increase in the size and number of crystal in amorphous matrix. - Abstract: A mechanical spectroscopy study of Cu{sub 54}Zr{sub 40}Al{sub 6} bulk metallic glasses composites was carried out in the kHz and MHz frequency ranges, by means of flexural and ultrasonic methods, respectively, in the temperature interval 150–300 K. In internal friction and attenuation curves at low temperature were observed peaks which were associated with distortions in the configuration of atomic clusters, which absorbed different quantities of energy due to short and medium order rearrangements. Changes within the clusters or atomic jumps between clusters occurring in the specimen induced the onset of polyamorphic peaks, since electronic interactions and bonding changed abruptly.

  14. Magnetic properties of Co and Ni based alloy nanoparticles dispersed in a silica matrix

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Julian Fernandez, C. E-mail:; Sangregorio, C.; Mattei, G.; Maurizio, C.; Battaglin, G.; Gonella, F.; Lascialfari, A.; Lo Russo, S.; Gatteschi, D.; Mazzoldi, P.; Gonzalez, J.M.; D' Acapito, F


    A comparative study of the magnetic properties of Co and Ni based alloy nanoparticles (Ni-Co, Ni-Cu and Co-Cu) formed in a silica matrix by ion implantation is presented. Different ion doses and implantation sequences were realized in order to obtain different nanostructures. The structural and magnetic properties observed for the Cu{sub 50}Ni{sub 50} nanoparticles are similar to those of the Cu{sub 60}Ni{sub 40} bulk alloy. The crystal structure of Co{sub x}Ni{sub 1-x} (0{<=}x{<=}1) nanoparticles is similar to that of the corresponding bulk alloy. The magnetic properties depend on the ion-implanted dose and on the alloy composition. The samples prepared by implanting a 15x10{sup 16} ions/cm{sup 2} total dose contain nanoparticles, which are superparamagnetic at room temperature and their magnetic behavior is influenced by dipolar interparticle interactions. The magnetization of the CoNi samples at high magnetic field is larger than that of the corresponding bulk alloy and follows the same composition dependence of that quantity measured in the alloy.

  15. Magnetic properties of Co and Ni based alloy nanoparticles dispersed in a silica matrix

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Julian Fernandez, C.; Sangregorio, C.; Mattei, G.; Maurizio, C.; Battaglin, G.; Gonella, F.; Lascialfari, A.; Lo Russo, S.; Gatteschi, D.; Mazzoldi, P.; Gonzalez, J.M.; D'Acapito, F.


    A comparative study of the magnetic properties of Co and Ni based alloy nanoparticles (Ni-Co, Ni-Cu and Co-Cu) formed in a silica matrix by ion implantation is presented. Different ion doses and implantation sequences were realized in order to obtain different nanostructures. The structural and magnetic properties observed for the Cu 50 Ni 50 nanoparticles are similar to those of the Cu 60 Ni 40 bulk alloy. The crystal structure of Co x Ni 1-x (0≤x≤1) nanoparticles is similar to that of the corresponding bulk alloy. The magnetic properties depend on the ion-implanted dose and on the alloy composition. The samples prepared by implanting a 15x10 16 ions/cm 2 total dose contain nanoparticles, which are superparamagnetic at room temperature and their magnetic behavior is influenced by dipolar interparticle interactions. The magnetization of the CoNi samples at high magnetic field is larger than that of the corresponding bulk alloy and follows the same composition dependence of that quantity measured in the alloy

  16. New Fuel Alloys Seeking Optimal Solidus and Phase Behavior for High Burnup and TRU Burning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blackwood, V.S.; Jones, Z.S.; Olson, D.L.; Mishra, B.; Mariani, R.D.; Porter, D.L.; Kennedy, J.R.; Hayes, S.L.


    Summary: • Pd will bind lanthanide fission products. • 2 wt% Pd in alloy is expected to allow 20 at% Heavy Metal burnup, 4 wt% Pd possibly 30-40 at% HM burnup. • For recycled fuel with some lanthanide carryover, palladium additive will also prevent premature FCCI. • Novel uranium alloy systems suitable for burning transuranics were identified. • U-Mo-Ti-Zr and U-W-Mo irradiations may perform comparably to U-10Zr, but the real tests needed must include Pu and Np for TRU burning. – Diffusion couples with alloys and Fe or cladding; – Irradiations

  17. Application of mechanical alloying to synthesis of intermetallic phases based alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dymek, S.


    Mechanical alloying is the process of synthesis of powder materials during milling in high energetic mills, usually ball mills. The central event in mechanical alloying is the ball-powder-ball collision. Powder particles are trapped between the colliding balls during milling and undergo deformation and/or fracture. Fractured parts are cold welded. The continued fracture and cold welding results in a uniform size and chemical composition of powder particles. The main applications of mechanical alloying are: processing of ODS alloys, syntheses of intermetallic phases, synthesis of nonequilibrium structures (amorphous alloys, extended solid solutions, nanocrystalline, quasi crystals) and magnetic materials. The present paper deals with application of mechanical alloying to synthesis Ni A l base intermetallic phases as well as phases from the Nb-Al binary system. The alloy were processed from elemental powders. The course of milling was monitored by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. After milling, the collected powders were sieved by 45 μm grid and hot pressed (Nb alloys and NiAl) or hot extruded (NiAl). The resulting material was fully dense and exhibited fine grain (< 1 μm) and uniform distribution of oxide dispersoid. The consolidated material was compression and creep tested. The mechanical properties of mechanically alloys were superior to properties of their cast counterparts both in the room and elevated temperatures. Higher strength of mechanically alloyed materials results from their fine grains and from the presence of dispersoid. At elevated temperatures, the Nb-Al alloys have higher compression strength than NiAl-based alloys processed at the same conditions. The minimum creep rates of mechanically alloyed Nb alloys are an order of magnitude lower than analogously processed NiAl-base alloys. (author)

  18. Effect of Al on Grain Refinement and Mechanical Properties of Mg-3Nd Casting Alloy (United States)

    Wang, Lei; Feng, Yicheng; Wang, Liping; Chen, Yanhong; Guo, Erjun


    The effect of Al on the grain refinement and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg-3Nd alloy was investigated systematically by a series of microstructural analysis, solidification analysis and tensile tests. The results show that Al has an obvious refining effect on the as-cast Mg-3Nd alloy. With increasing Al content, the grain size of the as-cast Mg-3Nd alloy decreases firstly, then increases slightly after the Al content reaching 3 wt.%, and the minimum grain size of the Mg-3Nd alloy is 48 ± 4.0 μm. The refining mechanism can be attributed to the formation of Al2Nd particles, which play an important role in the heterogeneous nucleation. The strength and elongation of the Mg-3Nd alloy refined by Al also increase with increasing Al content and slightly decrease when the Al content is more than 3 wt.%, and the strengthening mechanism is attributed to the grain refinement as well as dispersed intermetallic particles. Furthermore, the microstructural thermal stability of the Mg-3Nd-3Al alloy is higher than that of the Mg-3Nd-0.5Zr alloy. Overall, the Mg-3Nd alloy with Al addition is a novel alloy with wide and potential application prospects.

  19. The buoyancy convection during directional solidification of AlZn eutectic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prazak, M.; Procio, M.; Holecek, S.


    A study has been made of the effect of buoyancy convection during the directional solidification of AlZn eutectic alloy. Experiments have been conducted using a Bridgman-Stockbarger arrangement with the furnace moving along the specimen. The apparatus rotated around the horizontal axis, which made it possible to carry out measurements at different angles β contained by the gravity and temperature gradient vectors in the specimen. The anisotropy of both the linear thermal expansion coefficient a and the hardness HK measured by the Knoop method has been studied. The dilatation measurements confirmed the expected anisotropy of the linear thermal expansion of directionally solidified specimens. The values of HK correspond with the lamellar spacing measured in the metallographic study. (orig.)

  20. Magnetic characterization of nanocrystalline Fe80−xCrxCo20 (15≤x≤35) alloys during milling and subsequent annealing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rastabi, Reza Amini; Ghasemi, Ali; Tavoosi, Majid; Sodaee, Tahmineh


    Magnetic characterization of nanocrystalline Fe–Cr–Co alloys during milling and annealing process was the goal of this study. To formation of Fe 80−x Cr x Co 20 (15≤x≤35) solid solution, different powder mixtures of Fe, Cr and Co elements were mechanically milled in a planetary ball mill. The annealing process was done in as-milled samples at different temperature in the range of 500–640 °C for 2 h. The produced samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and vibrating sample magnetometer. Performed mechanical alloying in different powder mixtures lead to the formation of Fe–Cr–Co α-phase solid solution with average crystallite sizes of about 10 nm. The produced nanocrystalline alloys exhibit magnetic properties with the coercivity and saturation of magnetization in the range of 110–200 Oe and 150–220 emu/g, respectively. The coercivity of produced alloys after annealing process decreased and reached to about 40–150 Oe. The highest value of coercivity in as-milled and annealed samples was achieved in alloys with higher Cr contents. - Highlights: • Hc and Ms of produced alloys obtained in the range of 110–200 Oe and 150–220 emu/g. • The highest value of Hc in milled and annealed samples was achieved in Fe 45 Cr 35 Co 20 . • Hc of produced alloys after spinodal decomposition decreased to about 40–150 Oe. • The effect of crystalline defects and residual strain on magnetic fields pinning in milled samples is higher than spinodal decomposition in annealed samples. • The highest value of Hc in as-milled and annealed samples was achieved in Fe 45 Cr 35 Co 20 . The coercivity of produced alloys after annealing process decreased and reach to about 40–150 Oe. • The produced nanocrystalline alloys exhibit magnetic properties with the coercivity and saturation of magnetization in the range of 110–200 Oe and 150–220 emu/g, respectively.

  1. Ag diffusion and interface segregation in nanocrystalline γ-FeNi alloy with a two-scale microstructure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Divinski, S.V.; Hisker, F.; Kang, Y.-S.; Lee, J.-S.; Herzig, Chr.


    Solute diffusion of Ag in nanocrystalline γ-Fe - 40wt%Ni alloy was studied by means of the radiotracer technique in an extended temperature interval (489-1200 K). The powder metallurgical method was applied to produce nanomaterial which consisted of micrometer-large clusters (agglomerates) of nanometer sized grains. Two types of internal interfaces contributed as short-circuit paths for diffusion: the nanocrystalline grain boundaries (GB) and the inter-agglomerate interfaces (subscript a). Combining the recent results on Ag GB diffusion in coarse-grained γ-Fe - 40wt%Ni alloy and the present diffusion data in the nanocrystalline alloy the Ag segregation was determined as function of temperature. Ag segregates strongly at GBs in the γ-Fe - 40wt%Ni alloy with a segregation enthalpy of H s =-47 kJ/mol. Knowing the segregation factor, the experimental data on Ag diffusion along both nanocrystalline and inter-agglomerate interfaces in the nanomaterial were systematically analyzed in dependence on the different kinetic regimes. The sensitive radiotracer experiments and the subsequent diffusion profile analysis resulted in a consistent set of diffusion data in the whole investigated temperature range with Arrhenius behavior for both the Ag nano-GB diffusion (D 0 gb =4.7x10 -4 m 2 /s, H gb =173 kJ/mol) as well as for the much faster inter-agglomerate interface diffusion (D 0 a =8.1x10 -5 m 2 /s, H a =91 kJ/mol)

  2. The influence of zigzag-curve defect on the fatigue properties of friction stir welds in 7075-T6 Al alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Shusheng; Yang Xinqi; Fang Dapeng; Luan Guohong


    The microstructure and fatigue properties of friction stir welded joints of 7075-T6 Al alloy were discussed. It was shown that the zigzag-curve defect at the root of welds is Key factor to reduce the fatigue performance of single-sided friction stir welded joints of 7075-T6 high strength aluminum alloy. On the other hand, the FSW joints of 7075-T6 Al alloy achieved higher fatigue strength compared to the traditional fusion design curves IIW FAT40 and Draft Eurocode 9 design category 55-6 for structural aluminum alloy components

  3. Thermal stability and glass-forming ability of amorphous Nd-Al-TM (TM=Fe, Co, Ni or Cu) alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, A.; Zhang Tao


    Bulk amorphous alloys were prepared for Nd 70 Al 10 TM 20 and Nd 60 Al 10 TM 30 (TM=Fe or Co) alloys by copper mold casting. The maximum sample thickness for glass formation reaches 15 mm for the Nd-Al-Fe alloys and 5 mm for the Nd-Al-Co alloys. A significant difference in the phase transition upon heating is recognized between the Fe- and Co-containing alloys. No glass transition before crystallization is observed for the Nd-Al-Fe alloys, but the Nd-Al-Co alloys exhibit the glass transition. The ΔT x (=T x -T g ) and T g /T m are 40-55 K and 0.65-0.67, respectively, for the latter alloys. The absence of supercooled liquid for the former alloys is different from those for all bulk amorphous alloys reported up to date. The T x /T m and ΔT m (=T m -T x ) are 0.85-0.89 and 88-137 K, respectively, for the Nd-Al-Fe alloys and, hence, the large glass-forming ability is presumably due to the high T x /T m and small ΔT m values. (orig.)

  4. Large area IBAD deposition of Zn-alloys in the coil coating mode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolf, G.K.; Preiss, G.; Muenz, R.; Guzman, L.


    In the last years many studies on IBAD coatings on metals and insulators for wear reduction and corrosion protection have been published. However the IBAD deposition of larger areas (>10 x 10 cm) is still a major problem. Therefore we have developed a coil coater running inside the IBAD deposition chamber and allowing very flexible deposition modes. Single layers, multilayers and alloys can be deposited under ion bombardment on substrates up to 30 by 40 cm or on metal and polymer strips 30 cm wide. A number of examples dealing with Zn-alloy coatings on low alloy steel are reported: pure Zn-coatings were compared with Zn/Ti-alloys Zn/Cr-alloys and Zn/Mn-alloys. In some cases also multilayers of the different metals were studied in the static and dynamic operation mode. The coatings had a thickness of 2-8 μm and their corrosion behaviour was investigated by salt spray tests. The microstructure of the coatings was studied by electron microscopy and EDX-depth profiling. The behaviour of the coating/substrate system is discussed in comparison with 'state-of-the-art' Zn-coatings produced by electrogalvanizing. Generally speaking the performance of the optimized coatings was as good as or better than the electrogalvanized standard

  5. Elastic and plastic properties of iron-aluminium alloys. Special problems raised by the brittleness of alloys of high aluminium content

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mouturat, P.


    The present study embodies the results obtained with iron-aluminium alloys whose composition runs from 0 to nearly 50 atoms per cent aluminium. Conditions of elaboration and transformation have been studied successively, as well as the Young's modulus and the flow stress; the last chapter embodies, a study of the Portevin-le-Chatelier effect in alloys of 40 atoms per cent of aluminium. I) The principal difficulty to clear up consisted in the intergranular brittleness of ordered alloys; this brittleness has been considerably reduced with appropriate conditions of elaboration and transformation. II) The studies upon the Young's modulus are in connection with iron-aluminium alloys; transformation temperatures are well shown up. The formation of covalent bonds on and after 25 atoms per cent show the highest values of the modulus. III) The analysis of variations of the flow stress according to the temperature show some connection with ordered structures, the existence of antiphase domains and the existence of sur-structure dislocations. IV) In the ordered Fe Al domain the kinetics of the Portevin-le-Chatelier effect could be explained by a mechanism of diffusion of vacancies. The role they play has been specified by the influence they exert upon the dislocations; this has led us to the inhomogeneous Rudman order; this inhomogeneous order could explain the shape of the traction curves. (author) [fr

  6. The effect of prior deformation on stress corrosion cracking growth rates of Alloy 600 materials in a simulated pressurized water reactor primary water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamazaki, Seiya; Lu Zhanpeng; Ito, Yuzuru; Takeda, Yoichi; Shoji, Tetsuo


    The effect of prior deformation on stress corrosion cracking (SCC) growth rates of Alloy 600 materials in a simulated pressurized water reactor primary water environment is studied. The prior deformation was introduced by welding procedure or by cold working. Values of Vickers hardness in the Alloy 600 weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) and in the cold worked (CW) Alloy 600 materials are higher than that in the base metal. The significantly hardened area in the HAZ is within a distance of about 2-3 mm away from the fusion line. Electron backscatter diffraction (EPSD) results show significant amounts of plastic strain in the Alloy 600 HAZ and in the cold worked Alloy 600 materials. Stress corrosion cracking growth rate tests were performed in a simulated pressurized water reactor primary water environment. Extensive intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) was found in the Alloy 600 HAZ, 8% and 20% CW Alloy 600 specimens. The crack growth rate in the Alloy 600 HAZ is close to that in the 8% CW base metal, which is significantly lower than that in the 20% CW base metal, but much higher than that in the as-received base metal. Mixed intergranular and transgranular SCC was found in the 40% CW Alloy 600 specimen. The crack growth rate in the 40% CW Alloy 600 was lower than that in the 20% CW Alloy 600. The effect of hardening on crack growth rate can be related to the crack tip mechanics, the sub-microstructure (or subdivision of grain) after cross-rolling, and their interactions with the oxidation kinetics

  7. Surface modification of 5083 Al alloy by electrical discharge alloying processing with a 75 mass% Si-Fe alloy electrode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stambekova, Kuralay [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, 250 Kuo-Kuang Rd., Taichung 40227, Taiwan (China); Lin, Hung-Mao [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Far East University, No. 49, Zhonghua Rd., Xinshi Dist., Tainan City 74448, Taiwan (China); Uan, Jun-Yen, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, 250 Kuo-Kuang Rd., Taichung 40227, Taiwan (China)


    This study experimentally investigates the surface modification of 5083 Al alloy by the electrical discharge alloying (EDA) process with a Si-Fe alloy as an electrode. Samples were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), micro-hardness and corrosion resistance tests. The micro-hardness of EDA alloyed layer was evidently higher than that of the base metal (5083 Al alloy). The TEM results show that the matrix of the alloyed layer has an amorphous-like structure; the matrix contains fine needle-like Si particles, block-like Si particles and nano-size Al{sub 4.5}FeSi and Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4} particles. The TEM results support experimental results for the high hardness of the alloyed layer. Moreover, the EDA alloyed layer with composite microstructures has good corrosion resistance in NaCl aqueous solution.

  8. Synthesis Of NiCrAlC alloys by mechanical alloying

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, A.K.; Pereira, J.I.; Vurobi Junior, S.; Cintho, O.M.


    The purpose of the present paper is the synthesis of nickel alloys (NiCrAlC), which has been proposed like a economic alternative to the Stellite family Co alloys using mechanical alloying, followed by sintering heat treatment of milled material. The NiCrAlC alloys consist of a chromium carbides dispersion in a Ni 3 Al intermetallic matrix, that is easily synthesized by mechanical alloying. The use of mechanical alloying enables higher carbides sizes and distribution control in the matrix during sintering. We are also investigated the compaction of the processed materials by compressibility curves. The milling products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, and the end product was featured by conventional metallography and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), that enabled the identification of desired phases, beyond microhardness test, which has been shown comparable to alloys manufactured by fusion after heat treating. (author)

  9. Phase transformations in the Cu.6 Pd.4 alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imakuma, K.


    Order-disorder and structural transformations in the Cu-Pd 60-40% (Cu. 6 Pd. 4 ) alloy by means of a temperature and time dependent treatment are studied. The structural transformations by x-rays diffraction are also studied, where the bcc, fcc and tetragonal phases were observed. A qualitative analyze of the resistivity kinetics are made [pt

  10. Kinematic viscosity of liquid Al-Cu alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konstantinova, N Yu; Popel, P S


    Temperature dependences of kinematic viscosity n of liquid Al 100-x -Cu x alloys (x = 0.0, 10.0, 17.1, 25.0, 32.2, 40.0 and 50.0 at.%) were measured. A technique based on registration of the period and the decrement of damping of rotating oscillations of a cylindrical crucible with a melt was used. Viscosity was calculated in low viscous liquids approximation. Measurements were carried out in vacuum in crucibles of BeO with a temperature step of 30 deg. C and isothermal expositions of 10 to 15 minutes during both heating up to 1100-1250 deg. C and subsequent cooling. We have discovered branching of heating and cooling curves v(T) (hysteresis of viscosity) below temperatures depending on the copper content: 950 deg. C at 10 and 17.1 at.% Cu, 1050 deg. C at 25 and 40 at.% Cu, 850 deg. C at 32.2 at.% Cu. For samples with 10 and 17.1 at.% Cu the cooling curve 'returns' to the heating one near 700 deg. C. An abnormally high spreading of results at repeated decrement measurements was fixed at heating of the alloy containing 50 at.% Cu above 1000 deg. C. During subsequent cooling the effect disappeared. Isotherms of kinematic viscosity have been fitted for several temperatures

  11. The thermodynamics of latent fingerprint corrosion of metal elements and alloys. (United States)

    Bond, John W


    Redox reactions taking place between the surface of a metal and fingerprint residue have been expressed thermodynamically in terms of both the Nernst equation for reduction potential and the complexation constant for the formation of complex metal halide ions in aqueous solution. These expressions are used to explain experimental results for the corrosion of 10 different metal elements by fingerprint residue in air at room temperature. Corrosion of noble metals, such as silver and gold, supports the proposition that the degree of metal corrosion is enhanced by the presence of chloride ions in eccrine sweat. Extending the experiments to include 10 metal alloys enabled the construction of a fingerprint corrosion series for 20 different metals. Fingerprint corrosion on metals alloyed with > approximately 40% copper was found to display third level fingerprint detail. A comparison of both conventional ink on paper and digital (Livescan) fingerprinting techniques with fingerprints deposited on 9 Karat gold alloy has shown that gold alloy depositions are least susceptible to third level detail obliteration by poor fingerprint capturing techniques.

  12. Facile synthesis of dendritic Cu by electroless reaction of Cu-Al alloys in multiphase solution (United States)

    Wang, Ying; Liang, Shuhua; Yang, Qing; Wang, Xianhui


    Two-dimensional nano- or micro-scale fractal dendritic coppers (FDCs) were synthesized by electroless immersing of Cu-Al alloys in hydrochloric acid solution containing copper chloride without any assistance of template or surfactant. The FDC size increases with the increase of Al content in Cu-Al alloys immersed in CuCl2 + HCl solution. Compared to Cu40Al60 and Cu45Al55 alloys, the FDC shows hierarchical distribution and homogeneous structures using Cu17Al83 alloy as the starting alloy. The growth direction of the FDC is , and all angles between the trunks and branches are 60°. Nanoscale Cu2O was found at the edge of FDC. Interestingly, nanoporous copper (NPC) can also be obtained through Cu17Al83 alloy. Studies showed that the formation of FDC depended on two key factors: the potential difference between CuAl2 intermetallic and α-Al phase of dual-phase Cu-Al alloys; a replacement reaction that usually occurs in multiphase solution. The electrochemical experiment further proved that the multi-branch dendritic structure is very beneficial to the proton transfer in the process of catalyzing methanol.

  13. Preparation of Copper (Cu)-Nickel (Ni) Alloy Thin Films for Bilayer Graphene Growth (United States)


    of each sample after annealing . Transene brand APS-100 etchant is used to completely wet etch away the unmasked portion of the Cu-Ni alloy, and...morphological changes in the metal surfaces such as roughness, grain size, and crystal orientation due to the effects of annealing temperature, annealed at 1000 °C for 30 min, 40% H2, 15 Torr.............5 Fig. 6 AFM imaging of Cu:Ni alloyed films with ratios of a) 6:1 , b) 4:1, and c) 3

  14. Nano-twin mediated plasticity in carbon-containing FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Z. [Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (United States); Materials Science and Engineering Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 (United States); Parish, C.M. [Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (United States); Bei, H., E-mail: [Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (United States)


    Equiatomic FeNiCoCrMn alloy has been reported to exhibit promising strength and ductility at cryogenic temperature and deformation mediated by nano-twining appeared to be one of the main reasons. We use the FeNiCoCrMn alloy as a base alloy to seek further improvement of its mechanical properties by alloying additional elements, i.e., interstitial carbon. The effects of carbon on microstructures, mechanical properties and twinning activities were investigated in two different temperatures (77 and 293 K). With addition of 0.5 at% C, the high entropy alloy still remains entirely single phase face-centered cubic (FCC) crystal structure. The materials can be cold rolled and recrystallized to produce a microstructure with equiaxed grains. Both strain hardening rate and strength are enhanced while high uniform elongations to fracture (∼70% at 77 K and ∼40% at 293 K) are still maintained. The increased strain hardening and strength could be caused by the promptness of deformation twinning in C-containing high entropy alloys. - Highlights: • Interstitial atom C was successfully added into FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloys. • The strain hardening rate and strength are enhanced in the C-containing alloy. • The increased strain-hardening and strength are caused by the nano-twinning.

  15. Correlation between diffusion barriers and alloying energy in binary alloys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vej-Hansen, Ulrik Grønbjerg; Rossmeisl, Jan; Stephens, Ifan


    In this paper, we explore the notion that a negative alloying energy may act as a descriptor for long term stability of Pt-alloys as cathode catalysts in low temperature fuel cells.......In this paper, we explore the notion that a negative alloying energy may act as a descriptor for long term stability of Pt-alloys as cathode catalysts in low temperature fuel cells....

  16. Microstructure and tensile properties of Fe-40 at. pct Al alloys with C, Zr, Hf, and B additions (United States)

    Gaydosh, D. J.; Draper, S. L.; Nathal, M. V.


    The influence of small additions of C, Zr, and Hf, alone or in combination with B, on the microstructure and tensile behavior of substoichiometric FeAl was investigated. Tensile properties were determined from 300 to 1100 K on powder which was consolidated by hot extrusion. All materials possessed some ductility at room temperature, although ternary additions generally reduced ductility compared to the binary alloy. Adding B to the C- and Zr-containing alloys changed the fracture mode from intergranular to transgranular and restored the ductility to approximately 5 percent elongation. Additions of Zr and Hf increased strength up to about 900 K. Fe6Al6Zr and Fe6Al6Hf precipitates, both with identical body-centered tetragonal structures, were identified as the principal second phase in these alloys. Strength decreased steadily as temperature increased above 700 K, as diffusion-assisted mechanisms became operative. Although all alloys had similar strengths at 1100 K, Hf additions significantly improved high-temperature ductility by suppressing cavitation.

  17. Electric resistivity and thermoelectricity of Ni-Nb-Zr and Ni-Nb-Zr-H glassy alloys (United States)

    Fukuhara, Mikio; Inoue, Akihisa


    Electric resistivity ρ and thermoelectric power S of Ni 36Nb 24Zr 40 and (Ni 0.36Nb 0.24Zr 0.4) 90H 10 glassy alloys were investigated in temperature region between 1.5 and 300 K. After resistivity curves of both alloys increase gradually with decreasing temperature down to around 6 K, they dropped suddenly and then reached zero resistivity at 2.1 K, leading to superconductivity. Linear curve with negative TCR of ρ vs T2 and slight increase of S/ T in temperature region down to around 6 K clearly reveal Fermi-liquid phenomenon in electronic state for both alloys independent of hydrogen content.

  18. Electric resistivity and thermoelectricity of Ni-Nb-Zr and Ni-Nb-Zr-H glassy alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuhara, Mikio; Inoue, Akihisa


    Electric resistivity ρ and thermoelectric power S of Ni 36 Nb 24 Zr 40 and (Ni 0.36 Nb 0.24 Zr 0.4 ) 90 H 10 glassy alloys were investigated in temperature region between 1.5 and 300 K. After resistivity curves of both alloys increase gradually with decreasing temperature down to around 6 K, they dropped suddenly and then reached zero resistivity at 2.1 K, leading to superconductivity. Linear curve with negative TCR of ρ vs T 2 and slight increase of S/T in temperature region down to around 6 K clearly reveal Fermi-liquid phenomenon in electronic state for both alloys independent of hydrogen content.

  19. Intermetallic Nickel-Titanium Alloys for Oil-Lubricated Bearing Applications (United States)

    DellaCorte, C.; Pepper, S. V.; Noebe, R.; Hull, D. R.; Glennon, G.


    An intermetallic nickel-titanium alloy, NITINOL 60 (60NiTi), containing 60 wt% nickel and 40 wt% titanium, is shown to be a promising candidate material for oil-lubricated rolling and sliding contact applications such as bearings and gears. NiTi alloys are well known and normally exploited for their shape memory behavior. When properly processed, however, NITINOL 60 exhibits excellent dimensional stability and useful structural properties. Processed via high temperature, high-pressure powder metallurgy techniques or other means, NITINOL 60 offers a broad combination of physical properties that make it unique among bearing materials. NITINOL 60 is hard, electrically conductive, highly corrosion resistant, less dense than steel, readily machined prior to final heat treatment, nongalling and nonmagnetic. No other bearing alloy, metallic or ceramic encompasses all of these attributes. Further, NITINOL 60 has shown remarkable tribological performance when compared to other aerospace bearing alloys under oil-lubricated conditions. Spiral orbit tribometer (SOT) tests were conducted in vacuum using NITINOL 60 balls loaded between rotating 440C stainless steel disks, lubricated with synthetic hydrocarbon oil. Under conditions considered representative of precision bearings, the performance (life and friction) equaled or exceeded that observed with silicon nitride or titanium carbide coated 440C bearing balls. Based upon this preliminary data, it appears that NITINOL 60, despite its high titanium content, is a promising candidate alloy for advanced mechanical systems requiring superior and intrinsic corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity and nonmagnetic behavior under lubricated contacting conditions.

  20. Magnetic properties in MnBi alloy of small crystallites for permanent magnet devices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharma, S. K.; Prakash, H. R.; Ram, S., E-mail: [Materials Science Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721302 (India)


    A rare-earth free alloy like MnBi is a potential candidate for developing small magnets and devices. In a commercially viable method, a MnBi alloy was prepared by arc melting Mn and Bi metals in a 1:1 ratio. In terms of the X-ray diffraction a single crystalline MnBi phase is formed of the as prepared alloy. FESEM images delineate thin MnBi layers (25 – 40 nm thickness) of average EDX composition throughout the specimen. A large coercivity 5.501 kOe (6.5 emu/g magnetization) observed in an M-H at 300 K is decreased to 0.171 (9.0 emu/g magnetization) at 100 K in decreasing upon cooling.

  1. Titanium alloys. Advances in alloys, processes, products and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blenkinsop, P.A.


    The last few years have been a period of consolidation of existing alloys and processes. While the aerospace industry remains the principal driving force for alloy development, the paper illustrates examples of new markets being established in 'older' alloys, by a combination of product/process development and a re-examination of engineering design parameters. Considerable attention is still being directed towards the titanium aluminide systems, but other more conventional alloy developments are underway aimed at specific engineering and process requirements, both in the aerospace and non-aerospace sectors. Both the advanced high temperature and conventional alloy developments are considered, before the paper goes on to assess the potential of new processes and products, like spray-forming, metal matrix composites and shaped-plate rolling. (orig.)

  2. High-temperature deformation of a mechanically alloyed niobium-yttria alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, I.; Koss, D.A.; Howell, P.R.; Ramani, A.S.


    Mechanical alloying (MA) and hot isostatic pressing have been used to process two Nb alloys containing yttria particles, Nb-2 vol.%Y 2 O 3 and Nb-10 vol.%Y 2 O 3 . Similar to some thermomechanically processed nickel-based alloys, both alloys exhibit partially recrystallized microstructures, consisting of a 'necklace' of small recrystallized grains surrounding much larger but isolated, unrecrystallized, cold-worked grains. Hot compression tests from 1049 to 1347 C (0.5-0.6T MP ) of the 10% Y 2 O 3 alloy show that MA material possesses a much higher yield and creep strength than its powder-blended, fully recrystallized counterpart. In fact, the density-compensated specific yield strength of the MA Nb-10Y 2 O 3 exceeds that of currently available commercial Nb alloys. (orig.)

  3. Visualization of steam bubbles with evaporation in molten alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishi, Yoshihisa; Furuya, Masahiro; Kinoshita, Izumi; Takenaka, Nobuyuki; Matsubayashi, Masahito


    An innovative Steam Generator concept of Fast Breeder Reactors by using liquid-liquid direct contact heat transfer has been developed. In this concept, the SG shell is filled with a molten alloy heated by primary sodium. Water is fed into the high temperature molten alloy, and evaporates by direct contact heating. In order to obtain the fundamental information to discuss the heat transfer mechanisms of the direct contact between the water and the molten alloy, this phenomenon was visualized by neutron radiography. JRR-3M radiography in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute was used. Followings are main results. (1) The bubbles with evaporation are risen with vigorous form changing, coalescence and break-up. Because of these vigorous evaporation, this system have the high heat transfer performance. (2) The rising velocities and volumes of bubbles are calculated from pixcel values of images. The velocities of the bubbles with evaporation are about 60 cm/s, which is larger than that of inert gas bubbles in molten alloy (20-40 cm/s). (3) The required heat transfer length of evaporation is calculated from pixcel values of images. The relation between heat transfer length and superheat temperature, obtained through the heat transfer test, is conformed by this calculation. (author)

  4. An evaluation of corrosion resistant alloys by field corrosion test in Japanese refuse incineration plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawahara, Yuuzou; Nakamura, Masanori; Shibuya, Eiichi; Yukawa, Kenichi


    As the first step for development of the corrosion resistant superheater tube materials of 500 C, 100 ata used in high efficient waste-to-energy plants, field corrosion tests of six conventional alloys were carried out at metal temperatures of 450 C and 550 C for 700 and 3,000 hours in four typical Japanese waste incineration plants. The test results indicate that austenitic alloys containing approximately 80 wt% [Cr+Ni] show excellent corrosion resistance. When the corrosive environment is severe, intergranular corrosion of 40∼200 microm depth occurs in stainless steel and high alloyed materials. It is confirmed quantitatively that corrosion behavior is influenced by environmental corrosion factors such as Cl concentration and thickness of deposits on tube surface, metal temperature, and flue gas temperature. The excellent corrosion resistance of high [Cr+Ni+Mo] alloys such as Alloy 625 is explained by the stability of its protective oxide, such that the time dependence of corrosion nearly obeys the parabolic rate law

  5. Iron-based amorphous alloys and methods of synthesizing iron-based amorphous alloys (United States)

    Saw, Cheng Kiong; Bauer, William A.; Choi, Jor-Shan; Day, Dan; Farmer, Joseph C.


    A method according to one embodiment includes combining an amorphous iron-based alloy and at least one metal selected from a group consisting of molybdenum, chromium, tungsten, boron, gadolinium, nickel phosphorous, yttrium, and alloys thereof to form a mixture, wherein the at least one metal is present in the mixture from about 5 atomic percent (at %) to about 55 at %; and ball milling the mixture at least until an amorphous alloy of the iron-based alloy and the at least one metal is formed. Several amorphous iron-based metal alloys are also presented, including corrosion-resistant amorphous iron-based metal alloys and radiation-shielding amorphous iron-based metal alloys.

  6. Hydrofluoric Acid Corrosion Study of High-Alloy Materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osborne, P.E.


    A corrosion study involving high-alloy materials and concentrated hydrofluoric acid (HF) was conducted in support of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Conversion Project (CP). The purpose of the test was to obtain a greater understanding of the corrosion rates of materials of construction currently used in the CP vs those of proposed replacement parts. Results of the study will help formulate a change-out schedule for CP parts. The CP will convert slightly less than 40 kg of 233 U from a gas (UF 6 ) sorbed on sodium fluoride pellets to a more stable oxide (U 3 O 8 ). One by-product of the conversion is the formation of concentrated HF. Six moles of highly corrosive HF are produced for each mole of UF 6 converted. This acid is particularly corrosive to most metals, elastomers, and silica-containing materials. A common impurity found in 233 U is 232 U. This impurity isotope has several daughters that make the handling of the 233 U difficult. Traps of 233 U may have radiation fields of up to 400 R at contact, a situation that makes the process of changing valves or working on the CP more challenging. It is also for this reason that a comprehensive part change-out schedule must be established. Laboratory experiments involving the repeated transfer of HF through 1/2-in. metal tubing and valves have proven difficult due to the corrosivity of the HF upon contact with all wetted parts. Each batch of HF is approximately 1.5 L of 33 wt% HF and is transferred most often as a vapor under vacuum and at temperatures of up to 250 C. Materials used in the HF side of the CP include Hastelloy C-276 and Monel 400 tubing, Haynes 230 and alloy C-276 vessels, and alloy 400 valve bodies with Inconel (alloy 600) bellows. The chemical compositions of the metals discussed in this report are displayed in Table 1. Of particular concern are the almost 30 vendor-supplied UG valves that have the potential for exposure to HF. These valves have been proven to have a finite life due to failure

  7. High strength alloys (United States)

    Maziasz, Phillip James [Oak Ridge, TN; Shingledecker, John Paul [Knoxville, TN; Santella, Michael Leonard [Knoxville, TN; Schneibel, Joachim Hugo [Knoxville, TN; Sikka, Vinod Kumar [Oak Ridge, TN; Vinegar, Harold J [Bellaire, TX; John, Randy Carl [Houston, TX; Kim, Dong Sub [Sugar Land, TX


    High strength metal alloys are described herein. At least one composition of a metal alloy includes chromium, nickel, copper, manganese, silicon, niobium, tungsten and iron. System, methods, and heaters that include the high strength metal alloys are described herein. At least one heater system may include a canister at least partially made from material containing at least one of the metal alloys. At least one system for heating a subterranean formation may include a tubular that is at least partially made from a material containing at least one of the metal alloys.

  8. Fabrication of Ti-Ni-Cu shape memory alloy powders by ball milling method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, S.; Nam, T.


    Ti-Ni and Ti-Ni-Cu shape memory alloy powders have been fabricated by ball milling method, and then alloying behavior and transformation behavior were investigated by means of optical microscopy, electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. As milled Ti-Ni powders fabricated with milling time less than 20 hrs was a mixture of pure elemental Ti and Ni, and therefore it was unable to obtain alloy powders because the combustion reaction between Ti and Ni occurred during heat treatment. Since those fabricated with milling time more than 20 hrs was a mixture of Ti-rich and Ni-rich Ti-Ni solid solution, however, it was possible to obtain alloy powders without the combustion reaction during heat treatment. Clear exothermic and endothermic peaks appeared in the cooling and heating curves, respectively in DSC curves of 20 hrs and 30 hrs milled Ti-Ni powders. On the other hand, in DSC curves of 1 hr, 10 hrs, 50 hrs and 100 hrs, the thermal peaks were almost discernible. The most optimum ball milling time for fabricating Ti-Ni alloy powders was 30 hrs. Ti-40Ni-10Cu(at%) alloy powders were fabricated successfully by ball milling conditions with rotating speed of 100 rpm and milling time of 30 hrs. (author)

  9. Correlation between the resistivity and the atomic clusters in liquid Cu-Sn alloys (United States)

    Jia, Peng; Zhang, Jinyang; Hu, Xun; Li, Cancan; Zhao, Degang; Teng, XinYing; Yang, Cheng


    The liquid structure of CuxSn100-x (x = 0, 10, 20, 33, 40, 50, 60, 75, 80 and 100) alloys with atom percentage were investigated with resistivity and viscosity methods. It can be found from the resistivity data that the liquid Cu75Sn25 and Cu80Sn20 alloys had a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity (TCR), and liquid Cu75Sn25 alloy had a minimum value of -9.24 μΩ cm K-1. While the rest of liquid Cu-Sn alloys had a positive TCR. The results indicated that the Cu75Sn25 atomic clusters existed in Cu-Sn alloys. In addition, the method of calculating the percentage of Cu75Sn25 atomic clusters was established on the basis of resistivity theory and the law of conservation of mass. The Cu75Sn25 alloy had a maximum volume of the atomic clusters and a highest activation energy. The results further proved the existence of Cu75Sn25 atomic clusters. Furthermore, the correlation between the liquid structure and the resistivity was established. These results provide a useful reference for the investigation of liquid structure via the sensitive physical properties to the liquid structure.

  10. Aluminum fin-stock alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gul, R.M.; Mutasher, F.


    Aluminum alloys have long been used in the production of heat exchanger fins. The comparative properties of the different alloys used for this purpose has not been an issue in the past, because of the significant thickness of the finstock material. However, in order to make fins lighter in weight, there is a growing demand for thinner finstock materials, which has emphasized the need for improved mechanical properties, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance. The objective of this project is to determine the effect of iron, silicon and manganese percentage increment on the required mechanical properties for this application by analyzing four different aluminum alloys. The four selected aluminum alloys are 1100, 8011, 8079 and 8150, which are wrought non-heat treatable alloys with different amount of the above elements. Aluminum alloy 1100 serve as a control specimen, as it is commercially pure aluminum. The study also reports the effect of different annealing cycles on the mechanical properties of the selected alloys. Metallographic examination was also preformed to study the effect of annealing on the precipitate phases and the distribution of these phases for each alloy. The microstructure analysis of the aluminum alloys studied indicates that the precipitated phase in the case of aluminum alloys 1100 and 8079 is beta-FeAI3, while in 8011 it is a-alfa AIFeSi, and the aluminum alloy 8150 contains AI6(Mn,Fe) phase. The comparison of aluminum alloys 8011 and 8079 with aluminum alloy 1100 show that the addition of iron and silicon improves the percent elongation and reduces strength. The manganese addition increases the stability of mechanical properties along the annealing range as shown by the comparison of aluminum alloy 8150 with aluminum alloy 1100. Alloy 8150 show superior properties over the other alloys due to the reaction of iron and manganese, resulting in a preferable response to thermal treatment and improved mechanical properties. (author)

  11. Nickel alloys and high-alloyed special stainless steels. Properties, manufacturing, applications. 4. compl. rev. ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heubner, Ulrich; Kloewer, Jutta; Alves, Helena; Behrens, Rainer; Schindler, Claudius; Wahl, Volker; Wolf, Martin


    This book contains the following eight topics: 1. Nickel alloys and high-alloy special stainless steels - Material overview and metallurgical principles (U. Heubner); 2. Corrosion resistance of nickel alloys and high-alloy special stainless steels (U. Heubner); 3. Welding of nickel alloys and high-alloy special stainless steels (T. Hoffmann, M. Wolf); 4. High-temperature materials for industrial plant construction (J. Kloewer); 5. Nickel alloys and high-alloy special stainless steels as hot roll clad composites-a cost-effective alternative (C. Schindler); 6. Selected examples of the use of nickel alloys and high-alloy special stainless steels in chemical plants (H. Alves); 7. The use of nickel alloys and stainless steels in environmental engineering (V. Wahl); 8: Nickel alloys and high-alloy special stainless steels for the oil and gas industry (R. Behrens).

  12. Biocompatibility of dental alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Braemer, W. [Heraeus Kulzer GmbH and Co. KG, Hanau (Germany)


    Modern dental alloys have been used for 50 years to produce prosthetic dental restorations. Generally, the crowns and frames of a prosthesis are prepared in dental alloys, and then veneered by feldspar ceramics or composites. In use, the alloys are exposed to the corrosive influence of saliva and bacteria. Metallic dental materials can be classified as precious and non-precious alloys. Precious alloys consist of gold, platinum, and small amounts of non-precious components such as copper, tin, or zinc. The non-precious alloys are based on either nickel or cobalt, alloyed with chrome, molybdenum, manganese, etc. Titanium is used as Grade 2 quality for dental purposes. As well as the dental casting alloys, high purity electroplated gold (99.8 wt.-%) is used in dental technology. This review discusses the corrosion behavior of metallic dental materials with saliva in ''in vitro'' tests and the influence of alloy components on bacteria (Lactobacillus casei and Streptococcus mutans). The test results show that alloys with high gold content, cobalt-based alloys, titanium, and electroplated gold are suitable for use as dental materials. (orig.)

  13. Study by acoustic emission and electrochemical methods of the corrosion and the protection of the copper-zinc alloy (60/40) in neutral and alkaline media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Assouli, B.


    The aim of this work is to study and characterize, by electrochemical methods and acoustic emission, the corrosion and the protection of the copper-zinc alloy (60/40) having a metallographic structure αβ'. The electrochemical measurements, in neutral, chlorinated or alkaline medium have allowed, to study the corrosion resistance of the copper-zinc and to show that the corrosion of this alloy, in the used media, is determined by a diffusional mechanism. The observations to the optical and scanning electron microscopes and the EDX analyzes have confirmed that this corrosion phenomenon is mainly due to the selective dissolution of the β' phase. The acoustic emission has shown, during this corrosion, the presence of two emissive sources whose initiation has been attributed to the relaxation of the micro- and macro- residual stresses of the α phase. These stresses have been characterized by X-ray diffraction and the salvoes emitted during the relaxation of these stresses have been discriminated by the characteristic frequencies and by the barycenter of their spectral density. The protection of this alloy has been carried out by the 2-mercapto-benzimidazole (MBI). This last compound has been tested both as inhibitor added directly in the corrosive medium and/or as polymer film previously deposited by an electrochemical way (p-MBI). The MBI is very efficient for an inhibition in a chlorinated alkaline medium. It is an interphase inhibitor. The p-MBI is efficient too in a neutral chlorinated medium and is moreover non pollutant for the environment. (O.M.)

  14. A comparison of fingerprint sweat corrosion of different alloys of brass. (United States)

    Sykes, Stephanie; Bond, John W


    Fingerprint sweat from 40 donors was deposited onto samples of five α and α + β phase brasses, comprising five alloys with different copper and zinc concentrations, two of which also had the addition of small concentrations of lead. Visual grading of the visibility of the corrosion revealed that brasses with the least amount of zinc produced the most visible and fully formed fingerprints from the most donors. Consideration of previously reported mechanisms for the corrosion of brass suggests red copper (I) oxide as a likely corrosion product for low zinc brasses, and a consideration of the color, composition, and solubility of fingerprint sweat corrosion products suggests that copper (I) oxide produces good contrast and visibility with the brass substrate. Scanning electron microscope images of the corrosion of all five alloys confirmed the enhanced contrast between corroded and uncorroded areas for low zinc alloys. © 2012 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  15. Investigation of transient photoresponse of WSSe ternary alloy crystals (United States)

    Chauhan, Payal; Solanki, G. K.; Tannarana, Mohit; Pataniya, Pratik; Patel, K. D.; Pathak, V. M.


    Transition metal chalcogenides have been studied intensively in recent time due to their tunability of electronic properties by compositional change, alloying and by transforming bulk material into crystalline 2D structure. These changes lead to the development of verities of next generation opto-electronic device applications such as solar cells, FETs and flexible detectors etc. In present work, we report growth and characterization of crystalline ternary alloy WSSe by direct vapour transport technique. A photodetector is constructed using grown crystals to study its transient photoresponse under polychromatic radiation. The WSSe crystals are mechanically exfoliated to thickness of 3 µm and the lateral dimension of prepared sample is 2.25 mm2. The time-resolved photoresponse is studied under polychromatic illumination of power density ranging from 10 to 40 mW/cm2. The photo response is also studied under different bias voltages ranging from 0.1 V to 0.5 V. The typical photodetector parameters i.e. photocurrent, rise and fall time, responsivity and sensitivity are evaluated and discussed in light of the ternary alloy composition.

  16. Interphase thermodynamic bond in heterogeneous alloys: effects on alloy properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savchenko, A.M.; Konovalov, Yu.V.; Yuferov, O.I.


    Inconsistency between a conventional thermodynamic description of alloys as a mechanical mixture of phases and a real alloys state as a common thermodynamic system in which there is a complicated physical-chemical phases interaction has been considered. It is supposed that in heterogeneous alloys (eutectic ones, for instance), so called interphase thermodynamic bond can become apparent due to a partial electron levels splitting under phase interaction. Thermodynamic description of phase equilibrium in alloys is proposed taking into account a thermodynamic bond for the system with phase diagram of eutectic type, and methods of the value of this bond estimation are presented. Experimental evidence (Al-Cu-Si, Al-Si-Mg-Cu, U-Mo + Al) of the effect of interphase thermodynamic bond on temperature and enthalpy of melting of alloys are produced as well as possibility of its effects on alloys electrical conduction, strength, heat and corrosion resistance is substantiated theoretically [ru

  17. Phase transitions and thermal expansion in Ni51- x Mn36 + x Sn13 alloys (United States)

    Kaletina, Yu. V.; Gerasimov, E. G.; Kazantsev, V. A.; Kaletin, A. Yu.


    Thermal expansion and structural and magnetic phase transitions in alloys of the Ni-Mn-Sn system have been investigated. The spontaneous martensitic transformation in Ni51-xMn36 + xSn13 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3) alloys is found to be accompanied by high jumps in the temperature dependences of the linear thermal expansion. The relative change in the linear sizes of these alloys at the martensitic transformation is 1.5 × 10-3. There are no anomalies in the magnetic-ordering temperature range in the temperature dependences of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion. The differences in the behavior of linear thermal expansion at the martensitic transformation in Ni51-xMn36 + xSn13 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3) and Ni47Mn40Sn13( x = 4) alloys have been established.

  18. Development of precipitation strengthened brass with Ti and Sn alloying elements additives by using water atomized powder via powder metallurgy route

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Shufeng, E-mail: [Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, Osaka (Japan); Imai, Hisashi; Kondoh, Katsuyoshi [Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, Osaka (Japan); Kojima, Akimichi; Kosaka, Yoshiharu [San-Etsu Metals Co. LTD., 1892 OHTA, Tonami, Toyama (Japan); Yamamoto, Koji; Takahashi, Motoi [Nippon Atomized Metal Powders Corporation, 87-16, Nishi-Sangao, Noda, Chiba (Japan)


    Effect of Ti and Sn alloying elements on microstructure and mechanical properties of 60/40 brass has been studied via the powder metallurgy (P/M) route. The water-atomized BS40-0.6Sn1.0Ti (Cu40wt%Zn-0.6wt%Sn1.0wt%Ti) pre-alloyed powder was consolidated at various temperatures within range of 400-600 Degree-Sign C using spark plasma sintering (SPS) and hot extrusion was carried out at 500 Degree-Sign C. Effects of extrusion temperature on microstructure and tensile strength were investigated by employing SEM-EDS/EBSD, TEM, XRD and tensile test. Results indicated that super-saturated solid solution Ti and Sn elements created high chemical potential for a precipitate reaction in rapidly solidified brass powder, which showed significant strengthening effects on the extruded sample consolidated at lower temperature. Solid solubility of Ti in brass matrix decreased with increasing of sintering temperature, thus resulted in degradation of mechanical properties. Consequently, lower hot processing temperature is necessary to obtain excellent mechanical properties for BS40-0.6Sn1.0Ti during sintering and extrusion. An yield strength of 398 MPa and ultimate tensile strength of 615 MPa were achieved, they respectively showed 31.3% and 22.9% higher values than those of extruded Cu40Zn brass. -- Graphical abstract: The Ti and Sn alloying elements additions showed significant grain refinement on Cu40Zn-0.6Sn1.0Ti brass (b) as comparing with that of the conventional Cu40Zn brass (a), detected by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique. The grain boundaries maps of (a) BS40 (b) BS40-0.6Sn1.0Ti SPS compact sintered at 400 Degree-Sign C reveals by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique. Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Alloying elements Ti and Sn are proposed as additives in 60/40 brass. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Super-saturated Ti in powder creates high chemical potential for precipitation. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer CuSn{sub 3}Ti{sub 5

  19. Similar and dissimilar friction welding of Zr-Cu-Al bulk glassy alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Hyung-Seop; Park, Jung-Soo; Jung, Yoon-Chul; Ahn, Jung-Ho; Yokoyama, Yoshihiko; Inoue, Akihisa


    The friction welding of three kinds of Zr-Cu-Al bulk glassy alloys (BGAs) which show eutectic or hypoeutectic compositions to similar and dissimilar BGAs and crystalline metals has been tried. The shape and volume of the protrusion formed at the weld interface were investigated. In order to characterize the friction welded interface, micrographic observation and X-ray diffraction analysis on the weld cross-section were carried out. A successful joining of Zr-Cu-Al bulk glassy alloys to similar and dissimilar BGAs was achieved without occurrence of crystallizations at the weld interface through the precise control of friction conditions. In addition, the joining of Zr 50 Cu 40 Al 10 BGA to crystalline alloys was tried, but it was only successful for specific material combinations. The residual strength after welding of dissimilar BGAs was evaluated by the four-point bending test.

  20. Metallic ion release from biocompatible cobalt-based alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dimić Ivana D.


    Full Text Available Metallic biomaterials, which are mainly used for the damaged hard tissue replacements, are materials with high strength, excellent toughness and good wear resistance. The disadvantages of metals as implant materials are their susceptibility to corrosion, the elastic modulus mismatch between metals and human hard tissues, relatively high density and metallic ion release which can cause serious health problems. The aim of this study was to examine metallic ion release from Co-Cr-Mo alloy in artificial saliva. In that purpose, alloy samples were immersed into artificial saliva with different pH values (4.0, 5.5 and 7.5. After a certain immersion period (1, 3 and 6 weeks the concentrations of released ions were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrophotometer (ICP-MS. The research findings were used in order to define the dependence between the concentration of released metallic ions, artificial saliva pH values and immersion time. The determined released metallic ions concentrations were compared with literature data in order to describe and better understand the phenomenon of metallic ion release from the biocompatible cobalt-based alloy. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46010 i br. ON 174004

  1. Analysis of uranium and of some of its compounds and alloys. Copper spectrophotometric determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Copper determination in uranium, uranium oxides (UO 2 , UO 3 , U 3 O 8 ), ammonium diuranate, U-Al-Fe alloy (700 ppm Al and 300 ppm Fe) and U-Mo alloy (1.1 percent Mo) by acid dissolution reduction of copper by hydroxylamine hydrochloride and formation of a complex with diquinolyle-2,2' amyl alcohol (pH value 6 to 7) and spectrophotometry at 550 nm. The method is applicable for copper content between 5 to 40 ppm in respect of uranium contained in the material [fr

  2. Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking in HTH Alloy X-750 and Alloy 625

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bajaj, R.; Mills, W.J.; Lebo, M.R.; Hyatt, B.Z.; Burke, M.G.


    In-reactor testing of bolt-loaded compact tension specimens was performed in 360 C water to determine the irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) behavior of HTH Alloy X-750 and direct-aged Alloy 625. New data confirm previous results showing that high irradiation levels reduce SCC resistance in Alloy X-750. Heat-to-heat variability correlates with boron content, with low boron heats showing improved IASCC properties. Alloy 625 is resistant to IASCC, as no cracking was observed in any Alloy 625 specimens. Microstructural, microchemical and deformation studies were performed to characterize the mechanisms responsible for IASCC in Alloy X-750 and the lack of an effect in Alloy 625. The mechanisms under investigation are: boron transmutation effects, radiation-induced changes in microstructure and deformation characteristics, and radiation-induced segregation. Irradiation of Alloy X-750 caused significant strengthening and ductility loss that was associated with the formation of cavities and dislocation loops. High irradiation levels did not cause significant segregation of alloying or trace elements in Alloy X-750. Irradiation of Alloy 625 resulted in the formation of small dislocation loops and a fine body-centered-orthorhombic phase. The strengthening due to the loops and precipitates was apparently offset by a partial dissolution of γ double-prime precipitates, as Alloy 625 showed no irradiation-induced strengthening or ductility loss. In the nonirradiated condition, an IASCC susceptible HTH heat containing 28 ppm B showed grain boundary segregation of boron, whereas a nonsusceptible HTH heat containing 2 ppm B and Alloy 625 with 20 ppm B did not show significant boron segregation. Transmutation of boron to helium at grain boundaries, coupled with matrix strengthening, is believed to be responsible for IASCC in Alloy X-750, and the absence of these two effects results in the superior IASCC resistance displayed by Alloy 625

  3. Effect of temperature on the anodizing process of aluminum alloy AA 5052 (United States)

    Theohari, S.; Kontogeorgou, Ch.


    The effect of temperature (10-40 °C) during the anodizing process of AA 5052 for 40 min in 175 g/L sulfuric acid solution at constant voltage (15 V) was studied in comparison with pure aluminum. The incorporated magnesium species in the barrier layer result in the further increase of the minimum current density passed during anodizing, as the temperature increases, by about 42% up to 30 °C and then by 12% up to 40 °C. Then during the anodizing process for 40 min a blocking effect on oxide film growth was gradually observed as the temperature increased until 30 °C. The results of EDAX analysis on thick films reveal that the mean amount of the magnesium species inside the film is about 50-70% less than that in the bulk alloy, while it is higher at certain locations adjacent to the film surface at 30 °C. The increase of anodizing temperature does not influence the porosity of thin films (formed for short times) on pure aluminum, while it reduces it on the alloy. At 40 °C the above mentioned blocking effects disappear. It means that the presence of magnesium species causes an impediment to the effect of temperature on iss, on the film thickness and on the porosity of thin films, only under conditions where film growth takes place without significant loss of the anodizing charge to side reactions.

  4. Designing new biocompatible glass-forming Ti75-x Zr10 Nbx Si15 (x = 0, 15) alloys: corrosion, passivity, and apatite formation. (United States)

    Abdi, Somayeh; Oswald, Steffen; Gostin, Petre Flaviu; Helth, Arne; Sort, Jordi; Baró, Maria Dolors; Calin, Mariana; Schultz, Ludwig; Eckert, Jürgen; Gebert, Annett


    Glass-forming Ti-based alloys are considered as potential new materials for implant applications. Ti75 Zr10 Si15 and Ti60 Zr10 Nb15 Si15 alloys (free of cytotoxic elements) can be produced as melt-spun ribbons with glassy matrix and embedded single β-type nanocrystals. The corrosion and passivation behavior of these alloys in their homogenized melt-spun states have been investigated in Ringer solution at 37°C in comparison to their cast multiphase crystalline counterparts and to cp-Ti and β-type Ti-40Nb. All tested materials showed very low corrosion rates as expressed in corrosion current densities icorr  alloys passive states in a wide potential range. This corresponds to low passive current densities ipass  = 2 ± 1 µA/cm(2) based on the growth of oxide films with thickness d alloys is beneficial for stable surface passivity. The addition of Nb does not only improve the glass-forming ability and the mechanical properties but also supports a high pitting resistance even at extreme anodic polarization up to 4V versus SCE were oxide thickness values of d ∼35 nm are reached. With regard to the corrosion properties, the Nb-containing nearly single-phase glassy alloy can compete with the β-type Ti-40Nb alloy. SBF tests confirmed the ability for formation of hydroxyapatite on the melt-spun alloy surfaces. All these properties recommend the new glass-forming alloys for application as wear- and corrosion-resistant coating materials for implants. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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    N. Khatami


    Full Text Available The presence of alloying elements, sometimes in a very small amount, affects mechanical properties one of these elements is Boron. In Aluminum industries, Boron master alloy is widely used as a grain refiner In this research, the production process of Aluminum –Boron master alloy was studied at first then, it was concurrently added to 2024 Aluminum alloy. After rolling and homogenizing the resulting alloy, the optimal temperature and time of aging were determined during the precipitation hardening heat treatment by controlled quenching (T6C. Then, in order to find the effect of controlled quenching, different cycles of heat treatment including precipitation heat treatment by controlled quenching (T6C and conventional quenching (T6 were applied on the alloy at the aging temperature of 110°C. Mechanical properties of the resulting alloy were evaluated after aging at optimum temperature of 110°C by performing mechanical tests including hardness and tensile tests. The results of hardness test showed that applying the controlled quenching instead of conventional quenching in precipitation heat treatment caused reduction in the time of reaching the maximum hardness and also increase in hardness rate due to the generated thermo-elastic stresses rather than hydrostatic stresses and increased atomic diffusion coefficient as well. Tensile test results demonstrated that, due to the presence of boride particles in the microstructure of the present alloy, the ultimate tensile strength in the specimens containing Boron additive increased by 3.40% in comparison with the specimens without such an additive and elongation (percentage of relative length increase which approximately increased by 38.80% due to the role of Boron in the increase of alloy ductility

  6. Strength, ductility, and ductile-brittle transition temperature for MFR [magnetic fusion reactor] candidate vanadium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loomis, B.A.; Lee, R.H.; Smith, D.L.; Peterson, J.R.


    The dependence of the yield strength, tensile strength, elongation, and reduction in area on temperature for the V-15Ti-7.5Cr, V-20Ti, V-15Cr-5Ti, V-12Cr-5Ti, V-10Cr-5Ti, and V-3Ti-1Si alloys was determined from tensile tests at temperatures ranging from 25 to 700 0 C. The strength of the alloys increased with an increase of the combined Cr and Ti concentration. The total elongation for the alloys ranged between 20% and 38%. The reduction in area ranged from 30% to 90%. The DBTT, which was determined from the temperature dependence of the reduction in area, was less than 25 0 C for the V-15Ti-7.5Cr, V-20Ti, and V-3Ti-1Si alloys. The DBTT for the V-10Cr-5Ti, V-12Cr-5Ti, and V-15Cr-5Ti alloys was also less than 25 0 C if these alloys were annealed to reduce the hydrogen concentration prior to the tensile test. If these latter alloys were not annealed prior to the tensile test, the DBTT ranged from 40 0 C to 90 0 C and the DBTT increased with an increase of the Cr concentration. A Cr/Ti concentration ratio of 0 to 0.5 in these alloys was found to cause the alloys to be less susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement. 14 refs., 4 figs., 3 tabs

  7. The Importance of Rare-Earth Additions in Zr-Based AB2 Metal Hydride Alloys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kwo-Hsiung Young


    Full Text Available Effects of substitutions of rare earth (RE elements (Y, La, Ce, and Nd to the Zr-based AB2 multi-phase metal hydride (MH alloys on the structure, gaseous phase hydrogen storage (H-storage, and electrochemical properties were studied and compared. Solubilities of the RE atoms in the main Laves phases (C14 and C15 are very low, and therefore the main contributions of the RE additives are through the formation of the RENi phase and change in TiNi phase abundance. Both the RENi and TiNi phases are found to facilitate the bulk diffusion of hydrogen but impede the surface reaction. The former is very effective in improving the activation behaviors. −40 °C performances of the Ce-doped alloys are slightly better than the Nd-doped alloys but not as good as those of the La-doped alloys, which gained the improvement through a different mechanism. While the improvement in ultra-low-temperature performance of the Ce-containing alloys can be associated with a larger amount of metallic Ni-clusters embedded in the surface oxide, the improvement in the La-containing alloys originates from the clean alloy/oxide interface as shown in an earlier transmission electron microscopy study. Overall, the substitution of 1 at% Ce to partially replace Zr gives the best electrochemical performances (capacity, rate, and activation and is recommended for all the AB2 MH alloys for electrochemical applications.

  8. XHM-1 alloy as a promising structural material for water-cooled fusion reactor components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solonin, M.I.; Alekseev, A.B.; Kazennov, Yu.I.; Khramtsov, V.F.; Kondrat'ev, V.P.; Krasina, T.A.; Rechitsky, V.N.; Stepankov, V.N.; Votinov, S.N.


    Experience gained in utilizing austenitic stainless steel components in water-cooled power reactors indicates that the main cause of their failure is the steel's propensity for corrosion cracking. In search of a material immune to this type of corrosion, different types of austenitic steels and chromium-nickel alloys were investigated and tested at VNIINM. This paper presents the results of studying physical and mechanical properties, irradiation and corrosion resistance in a water coolant at <350 C of the alloy XHM-1 as compared with austenitic stainless steels 00Cr16Ni15Mo3Nb, 00Cr20Ni25Nb and alloy 00Cr20Ni40Mo5Nb. Analysis of the results shows that, as distinct from the stainless steels studied, the XHM-1 alloy is completely immune to corrosion cracking (CC). Not a single induced damage was encountered within 50 to 350 C in water containing different amounts of chlorides and oxygen under tensile stresses up to the yield strength of the material. One more distinctive feature of the alloy compared to steels is that no change in the strength or total elongation is encountered in the alloy specimens irradiated to 32 dpa at 350 C. The XHM-1 alloy has adequate fabricability and high weldability characteristics. As far as its properties are concerned, the XHM-1 alloy is very promising as a material for water-cooled fusion reactor components. (orig.)

  9. Comparison of DHC behaviour of two zirconium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ponzoni, Lucio; Mieza, Ignacio; Heras, Evangelina De Las; Domizzi, Gladys


    Delayed hydride cracking (DHC) is an important cracking mechanism that may occur in Zr alloys during service in water-cooled reactors. Two conditions must be attained to initiate DHC: the stress intensity factor must be higher than a threshold value called K IH and hydrogen concentration must exceed a critical value. Currently the pressure tubes for CANDU reactor are fabricated from Zr-2.5Nb, but another Zr-alloy, Excel was evaluated demonstrating similar values of K IH but higher DHC velocity. In this paper the critical hydrogen concentration of Excel tube was evaluated and compared with that of Zr-2.5Nb. Due to higher hydrogen solubility limits in Excel, its critical concentration for DHC initiation is 10-40 wppm over that of Zr-2.5Nb in the range of 150 to 300 deg C. (author)

  10. Filler metal alloy for welding cast nickel aluminide alloys (United States)

    Santella, M.L.; Sikka, V.K.


    A filler metal alloy used as a filler for welding cast nickel aluminide alloys contains from about 15 to about 17 wt. % chromium, from about 4 to about 5 wt. % aluminum, equal to or less than about 1.5 wt. % molybdenum, from about 1 to about 4.5 wt. % zirconium, equal to or less than about 0.01 wt. % yttrium, equal to or less than about 0.01 wt. % boron and the balance nickel. The filler metal alloy is made by melting and casting techniques such as are melting the components of the filler metal alloy and cast in copper chill molds. 3 figs.

  11. The Evaluation of the Corrosion Resistance of the Al-Si Alloys Antimony Alloyed

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    Svobodova J.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the evaluation of the corrosion resistance of the Al-Si alloys alloyed with the different amount of antimony. Specifically it goes about the alloy AlSi7Mg0,3 which is antimony alloyed in the concentrations 0; 0,001; 0,005; 0,01 a 0,05 wt. % of antimony. The introduction of the paper is dedicated to the theory of the aluminium alloys corrosion resistance, testing and evaluation of the corrosion resistance. The influence of the antimony to the Al-Si alloys properties is described further in the introduction. The experimental part describes the experimental samples which were prepared for the experiment and further they were exposed to the loading in the atmospheric conditions for a period of the 3 months. The experimental samples were evaluated macroscopically and microscopically. The results of the experiment were documented and the conclusions in terms of the antimony impact to the corrosion resistance of the Al-Si alloy were concluded. There was compared the corrosion resistance of the Al-Si alloy antimony alloyed (with the different antimony content with the results of the Al-Si alloy without the alloying after the corrosion load in the atmospheric conditions in the experiment.

  12. Laser Powder Cladding of Ti-6Al-4V α/β Alloy (United States)

    Al-Sayed Ali, Samar Reda; Hussein, Abdel Hamid Ahmed; Nofal, Adel Abdel Menam Saleh; Elgazzar, Haytham Abdelrafea; Sabour, Hassan Abdel


    Laser cladding process was performed on a commercial Ti-6Al-4V (α + β) titanium alloy by means of tungsten carbide-nickel based alloy powder blend. Nd:YAG laser with a 2.2-KW continuous wave was used with coaxial jet nozzle coupled with a standard powder feeding system. Four-track deposition of a blended powder consisting of 60 wt % tungsten carbide (WC) and 40 wt % NiCrBSi was successfully made on the alloy. The high content of the hard WC particles is intended to enhance the abrasion resistance of the titanium alloy. The goal was to create a uniform distribution of hard WC particles that is crack-free and nonporous to enhance the wear resistance of such alloy. This was achieved by changing the laser cladding parameters to reach the optimum conditions for favorable mechanical properties. The laser cladding samples were subjected to thorough microstructure examinations, microhardness and abrasion tests. Phase identification was obtained by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The obtained results revealed that the best clad layers were achieved at a specific heat input value of 59.5 J·mm−2. An increase by more than three folds in the microhardness values of the clad layers was achieved and the wear resistance was improved by values reaching 400 times. PMID:29036935

  13. Laser Powder Cladding of Ti-6Al-4V α/β Alloy. (United States)

    Al-Sayed Ali, Samar Reda; Hussein, Abdel Hamid Ahmed; Nofal, Adel Abdel Menam Saleh; Hasseb Elnaby, Salah Elden Ibrahim; Elgazzar, Haytham Abdelrafea; Sabour, Hassan Abdel


    Laser cladding process was performed on a commercial Ti-6Al-4V (α + β) titanium alloy by means of tungsten carbide-nickel based alloy powder blend. Nd:YAG laser with a 2.2-KW continuous wave was used with coaxial jet nozzle coupled with a standard powder feeding system. Four-track deposition of a blended powder consisting of 60 wt % tungsten carbide (WC) and 40 wt % NiCrBSi was successfully made on the alloy. The high content of the hard WC particles is intended to enhance the abrasion resistance of the titanium alloy. The goal was to create a uniform distribution of hard WC particles that is crack-free and nonporous to enhance the wear resistance of such alloy. This was achieved by changing the laser cladding parameters to reach the optimum conditions for favorable mechanical properties. The laser cladding samples were subjected to thorough microstructure examinations, microhardness and abrasion tests. Phase identification was obtained by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The obtained results revealed that the best clad layers were achieved at a specific heat input value of 59.5 J·mm -2 . An increase by more than three folds in the microhardness values of the clad layers was achieved and the wear resistance was improved by values reaching 400 times.

  14. VANADIUM ALLOYS (United States)

    Smith, K.F.; Van Thyne, R.J.


    This patent deals with vanadium based ternary alloys useful as fuel element jackets. According to the invention the ternary vanadium alloys, prepared in an arc furnace, contain from 2.5 to 15% by weight titanium and from 0.5 to 10% by weight niobium. Characteristics of these alloys are good thermal conductivity, low neutron capture cross section, good corrosion resistance, good welding and fabricating properties, low expansion coefficient, and high strength.

  15. Baicalin Ameliorates H2O2 Induced Cytotoxicity in HK-2 Cells through the Inhibition of ER Stress and the Activation of Nrf2 Signaling

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    Miao Lin


    Full Text Available Renal ischemia-reperfusion injury plays a key role in renal transplantation and greatly affects the outcome of allograft. Our previous study proved that Baicalin, a flavonoid glycoside isolated from Scutellaria baicalensis, protects kidney from ischemia-reperfusion injury. This study aimed to study the underlying mechanism in vitro. Human renal proximal tubular epithelial cell line HK-2 cells were stimulated by H2O2 with and without Baicalin pretreatment. The cell viability, apoptosis and oxidative stress level were measured. The expression of endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress hallmarks, such as binding immunoglobulin protein (BiP and C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP, were analyzed by western blot and real-time PCR. NF-E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2 expression was also measured. In the H2O2 group, cell viability decreased and cell apoptosis increased. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS and Glutathione/Oxidized Glutathione (GSH/GSSG analysis revealed increased oxidative stress. ER stress and Nrf2 signaling also increased. Baicalin pretreatment ameliorated H2O2-induced cytotoxicity, reduced oxidative stress and ER stress and further activated the anti-oxidative Nrf2 signaling pathway. The inducer of ER stress and the inhibitor of Nrf2 abrogated the protective effects, while the inhibitor of ER stress and the inducer of Nrf2 did not improve the outcome. This study revealed that Baicalin pretreatment serves a protective role against H2O2-induced cytotoxicity in HK-2 cells, where the inhibition of ER stress and the activation of downstream Nrf2 signaling are involved.

  16. Comparative study on structure, corrosion and hardness of Zn-Ni alloy deposition on AISI 347 steel aircraft material

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gnanamuthu, RM. [Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Gihung, Yongin, Gyeonggi 446-701 (Korea, Republic of); Mohan, S., E-mail: [Central Electrochemical Research Institute, (CSIR), Karaikudi 630 006, Tamilnadu (India); Saravanan, G. [Central Electrochemical Research Institute, (CSIR), Karaikudi 630 006, Tamilnadu (India); Lee, Chang Woo, E-mail: [Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Gihung, Yongin, Gyeonggi 446-701 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Electrodeposition of Zn-Ni alloy on AISI 347 steel as an aircraft material has been carried out from various baths. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The effect of pulse duty cycle on thickness, current efficiency and hardness reached maximum values at 40% duty cycle and for 50 Hz frequencies average current density of 4 A dm{sup -2}. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The XRF characterizations of 88:12% Zn-Ni alloy provided excellent corrosion resistance. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer It is found that Zn-Ni alloy on AISI 347 aircraft material has better structure and corrosion resistance by pulse electrodeposits from electrolyte-4. - Abstract: Zn-Ni alloys were electrodeposited on AISI 347 steel aircraft materials from various electrolytes under direct current (DCD) and pulsed electrodepositing (PED) techniques. The effects of pulse duty cycle on thickness, current efficiency and hardness of electrodeposits were studied. Alloy phases of the Zn-Ni were indexed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. Microstructural morphology, topography and elemental compositions were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). The corrosion resistance properties of electrodeposited Zn-Ni alloy in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution obtained by DCD and PED were compared using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique. Elemental analysis showed that 88% of Zn and 12% of Ni obtained from electrolyte-4 by PED technique at 40% duty cycle for 50 Hz frequencies having better corrosion resistance than that of deposits obtained from other electrolytes.

  17. Fracture behaviour of a magnesium–aluminium alloy treated by selective laser surface melting treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taltavull, C.; López, A.J.; Torres, B.; Rams, J.


    Highlights: • β-Mg 17 Al 12 presents fragile fracture behavior decreasing the ductility of AZ91D. • SLSM treatment only modifies the β-Mg 17 Al 12 phase whilst α-Mg remains unaltered. • In-situ SEM bending test allows to observe and data record of the crack propagation. • Eutectic microestructure of modified β-phase presents ductile fracture behaviour. • Fracture toughness of laser treated specimen is 40% greater than as-received alloy. - Abstract: Fracture behaviour of AZ91D magnesium alloy is dominated by the brittle fracture of the β-Mg 17 Al 12 phase so its modification is required to improve the toughness of this alloy. The novel laser treatment named as Selective Laser Surface Melting (SLSM) is characterized by the microstructural modification of the β-Mg 17 Al 12 phase without altering the α-Mg matrix. We have studied the effect of the selected microstructural modification induced by the laser treatment in the fracture behaviour of the alloy has been studied using in situ Scanning Electron Microscopy bending test. This test configuration allows the in situ observation of the crack progression and the record of the load–displacement curve. It has been observed that the microstructural modification introduced by SLSM causes an increase of 40% of the fracture toughness of the treated specimen. This phenomenon can be related with the transition from brittle to ductile fracture behaviour of the laser modified β-phase

  18. Effects of Ni and Mo on the microstructure and some other properties of Co-Cr dental alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matkovic, Tanja; Matkovic, Prosper; Malina, Jadranka


    Influences of adding Ni and Mo on the microstructure and properties of as-cast Co-Cr base alloys have been investigated in order to determine the region of their optimal characteristics for biomedical application. The alloys were produced by arc-melting technique under argon atmosphere. Using optical metallography and scanning electron micro analyser it has been established that among 10 samples of Co-Cr-Ni alloys only samples 5 and 9 with the composition Co 55 Cr 40 Ni 5 and Co 60 Cr 30 Ni 10 have appropriate dendritic solidification microstructure. This microstructure, typical for commercial dental alloys, appears and beside greater number of as-cast Co-Cr-Mo alloys. The results of hardness and corrosion resistance measurements revealed the strong influence of different alloy chemistry and of as-cast microstructure. Hardness of alloys decreases with nickel content, but increases with chromium content. Therefore all Co-Cr-Ni alloys have significantly lower hardness than Co-Cr-Mo alloys. Corrosion resistance of alloys in artificial saliva was evaluated on the base of pitting potential. Superior corrosion characteristics have the samples with typical dendritic microstructure and higher chromium content, until nickel content have not significant effect. According to this, in ternary Co-Cr-Ni phase diagram was located the small concentration region (about samples 5 and 9) in them alloy properties can satisfied the high requirements for biomedical applications. This region is considerably larger in Co-Cr-Mo phase diagram

  19. Crevice corrosion propagation on alloy 625 and alloy C276 in natural seawater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCafferty, E.; Bogar, F.D.; Thomas, E.D. II; Creegan, C.A.; Lucas, K.E.; Kaznoff, A.I.


    Chemical composition of the aqueous solution within crevices on two different Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe alloys immersed in natural seawater was determined using a semiquantitative thin-layer chromatographic method. Active crevices were found to contain concentrated amounts of dissolved Ni 2+ , Cr 3+ , Mo 3+ , and Fe 2+ ions. Propagation of crevice corrosion for the two alloys was determined from anodic polarization curves in model crevice solutions based upon stoichiometric dissolution or selective dissolution of alloy components. Both alloys 625 (UNS N06625) and C276 (UNS N10276) underwent crevice corrosion in the model crevice electrolytes. For the model crevice solution based upon selective dissolution of alloy constituents, the anodic dissolution rate for alloy 625 was higher than that for alloy C276. This trend was reversed for the model crevice solution based upon uniform dissolution of alloy constituents

  20. Corrosion of aluminum alloys as a function of alloy composition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, A.B. Jr.


    A study was initiated which included nineteen aluminum alloys. Tests were conducted in high purity water at 360 0 C and flow tests (approx. 20 ft/sec) in reactor process water at 130 0 C (TF-18 loop tests). High-silicon alloys and AlSi failed completely in the 360 0 C tests. However, coupling of AlSi to 8001 aluminum suppressed the failure. The alloy compositions containing iron and nickel survived tht 360 0 C autoclave exposures. Corrosion rates varied widely as a function of alloy composition, but in directions which were predictable from previous high-temperature autoclave experience. In the TF-18 loop flow tests, corrosion penetrations were similar on all of the alloys and on high-purity aluminum after 105 days. However, certain alloys established relatively low linear corrosion rates: Al-0.9 Ni-0.5 Fe-0.1 Zr, Al-1.0 Ni-0.15 Fe-11.5 Si-0.8 Mg, Al-1.2 Ni-1.8 Fe, and Al-7.0 Ni-4.8 Fe. Electrical polarity measurements between AlSi and 8001 alloys in reactor process water at temperatures up to 150 0 C indicated that AlSi was anodic to 8001 in the static autoclave system above approx. 50 0 C

  1. The Properties of 7xxx Series Alloys Formed by Alloying Additions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kwak Z.


    Full Text Available Currently there is a constant development in the field of aluminium alloys engineering. This results from, i.a., better understanding of the mechanisms that direct strengthening of these alloys and the role of microalloying. Now it is microalloying in aluminum alloys that is receiving a lot of attention. It affects substantially the macro- and microstructure and kinetics of phase transformation influencing the properties during production and its exploitation. 7xxx series aluminum alloys, based on the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu system, are high-strength alloys, moreover, the presence of Zr and Sr further increases their strength and improves resistance to cracking.

  2. Surface modification of Ti-30Ta alloy by electrospun PCL deposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wada, C.M.; Rangel, A.L.R.; Souza, M.A. de; Claro, A.P.R.A.; Rezende, M.C.R. [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), SP (Brazil); Almeida, R. dos S. [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP (Brazil)


    Full text: Surface modifications techniques have been used for change the inert surface of the titanium alloys for better interaction. Ingots of the experimental alloy Ti30Ta were melted in an arc furnace and re-melted ten times at least. They were homogenized under vacuum at 1000 °C for 86. 4 ks to eliminate chemical segregation and cold-worked by swaging. Discs were immersed in aqueous NaOH solution for 24 h, dried at room temperature, immersed in HCl and dried at 40 °C in oven for 24 hours. Followed, PCL fibers were deposited on the Ti30Ta alloy discs surfaces by electrospinning. Plasma treatment was carried out for change PCL electrospun by using stainless steel plasma reactor. Samples were immersed in SBF 5x solution for apatite growth. Surfaces were evaluated by using SEM, X-rays diffraction and contact angle. Samples exhibited hydrophilic behavior after plasma treatment and SBF immersion. Results are very interesting for biomedical applications. (author)

  3. Emission of nanoparticles during friction stir welding (FSW) of aluminium alloys. (United States)

    Gomes, J F; Miranda, R M; Santos, T J; Carvalho, P A


    Friction stir welding (FSW) is now well established as a welding process capable of joining some different types of metallic materials, as it was (1) found to be a reliable and economical way of producing high quality welds, and (2) considered a "clean" welding process that does not involve fusion of metal, as is the case with other traditional welding processes. The aim of this study was to determine whether the emission of particles during FSW in the nanorange of the most commonly used aluminum (Al) alloys, AA 5083 and AA 6082, originated from the Al alloy itself due to friction of the welding tool against the item that was being welded. Another goal was to measure Al alloys in the alveolar deposited surface area during FSW. Nanoparticles dimensions were predominantly in the 40- and 70-nm range. This study demonstrated that microparticles were also emitted during FSW but due to tool wear. However, the biological relevance and toxic manifestations of these microparticles remain to be determined.

  4. Surface modification of Ti-30Ta alloy by electrospun PCL deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wada, C.M.; Rangel, A.L.R.; Souza, M.A. de; Claro, A.P.R.A.; Rezende, M.C.R.; Almeida, R. dos S.


    Full text: Surface modifications techniques have been used for change the inert surface of the titanium alloys for better interaction. Ingots of the experimental alloy Ti30Ta were melted in an arc furnace and re-melted ten times at least. They were homogenized under vacuum at 1000 °C for 86. 4 ks to eliminate chemical segregation and cold-worked by swaging. Discs were immersed in aqueous NaOH solution for 24 h, dried at room temperature, immersed in HCl and dried at 40 °C in oven for 24 hours. Followed, PCL fibers were deposited on the Ti30Ta alloy discs surfaces by electrospinning. Plasma treatment was carried out for change PCL electrospun by using stainless steel plasma reactor. Samples were immersed in SBF 5x solution for apatite growth. Surfaces were evaluated by using SEM, X-rays diffraction and contact angle. Samples exhibited hydrophilic behavior after plasma treatment and SBF immersion. Results are very interesting for biomedical applications. (author)

  5. Identification of phases in zinc alloy powders using electron backscatter diffraction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez, Martin G. [Graduate Center for Materials Research, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409 (United States); Kenik, Edward A. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 100 Bethel Valley Rd., Bldg. 4515, MS-6064, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (United States); O' Keefe, Matthew J. [Graduate Center for Materials Research, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409 (United States)]. E-mail:; Miller, F. Scott [Graduate Center for Materials Research, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409 (United States); Johnson, Benedict [Graduate Center for Materials Research, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409 (United States)


    Scanning electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) were used for the structural characterization of phases in Zn alloy powders. Commercial Zn alloy powders contained additions of <1000 ppm of Bi, In, Al or Mg. Bismuth and In have extremely low solubility in Zn and form intermetallic Bi-In compounds which segregate to the Zn grain boundaries. The Bi-In phases were <0.3 {mu}m in size, had low melting points, and were not abundant enough for EBSD analysis. Increasing the alloying additions 20-40-fold resulted in Bi-In phases >1 {mu}m that could be used for EBSD analysis for phase characterization. Deformation-free microstructures were obtained by mechanical polishing and ion milling. The Zn matrix was characterized as Zn via EBSD. A BiIn{sub 2} phase was identified in the powder microstructures via EBSD. An In phase with 8-9 wt.% Bi was identified using low voltage energy dispersive spectroscopy and closely matched the composition predicted by the Bi-In phase diagram.

  6. GPI Spectra of HR8799 C, D, and E in H-K Bands with KLIP Forward Modeling (United States)

    Greenbaum, Alexandra Z.; Pueyo, Laurent; Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste; Wang, Jason J.; De Rosa, Robert J.; Aguilar, Jonathan; Rameau, Julien; Barman, Travis; Marois, Christian; Marley, Mark S.; hide


    We demonstrate KLIP forward modeling spectral extraction on Gemini Planet Imager coronagraphic data of HR8799, using PyKLIP. We report new and re-reduced spectrophotometry of HR8799 c, d, and e from H-K bands. We discuss a strategy for choosing optimal KLIP PSF subtraction parameters by injecting fake sources and recovering them over a range of parameters. The K1/K2 spectra for planets c and d are similar to previously published results from the same dataset. We also present a K band spectrum of HR8799e for the first time and show that our H-band spectra agree well with previously published spectra from the VLT/SPHERE instrument. We compare planets c, d, and e with M, L, and T-type field objects. All objects are consistent with low gravity mid-to-late L dwarfs, however, a lack of standard spectra for low gravity late L-type objects lead to poor fit for gravity. We place our results in context of atmospheric models presented in previous publications and discuss differences in the spectra of the three planets.

  7. Influence of thermomechanical treatment on microstructure and properties of electroslag remelted Cu–Cr–Zr alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kermajani, M.; Raygan, Sh.; Hanayi, K.; Ghaffari, H.


    Highlights: • Effect of ESR process on microstructure of Cu–Cr–Zr alloy was investigated. • The hardness, strength and electrical conductivity are sensitive to thermomechanical treatment. • The microstructure of the alloy can be optimized for obtaining the best combination of mechanical and electrical properties. - Abstract: Effect of thermomechanical treatment (TMT) on aging behavior of electroslag remelted Cu–Cr–Zr alloy was investigated. The relationship between microstructure, mechanical and electrical properties was clarified using hardness, tensile and electrical conductivity testing methods and optical and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The results showed that an appropriate processing and aging treatment may improve the properties of the alloy due to the formation of fine, dispersive and coherent precipitates within the matrix. Indeed, the optimum condition for electrical conductivity and mechanical properties was obtained after cold working of 40% followed by aging at 500 °C for 150 min

  8. TEM microstructural characterization of melt-spun aged Al-6Si-3Cu-xMg alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez, Ismeli Alfonso; Zepeda, Cuauhtemoc Maldonado; Gonzalez Reyes, Jose Gonzalo; Flores, Ariosto Medina; Rodriguez, Juan Serrato; Gomez, Luis Bejar


    Three Al-6Si-3Cu-xMg alloys (x = 0.59, 3.80 and 6.78 wt.%) were produced using melt-spinning. As-melt-spun ribbons were aged at 150, 180 and 210 deg. C for times between 0.05 and 100 h. Microstructural changes were examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and microhardness was measured. TEM analysis of the as-melt-spun alloys revealed 5 nm nanoparticles and larger particles (50 nm) composed of Al 2 Cu (θ) for the 0.59% Mg alloy and Al 5 Cu 2 Mg 8 Si 6 (Q) for 3.80% and 6.78% Mg alloys. Silicon solid solubility was extended to 9.0 at.% and Mg in solid solution reached 6.7 at.%. After aging treatments the 6.78% Mg alloy exhibited the most significant increase in microhardness, reaching 260 kg/mm 2 . TEM analysis of aged specimens also showed θ and Q phase (5-20 nm nanoparticles and 35-40 nm particles). The combination of the volume fraction and size of the particles plays an important role in microhardness variation


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCabe, C.; Duchene, G.; Pinte, C.; Menard, F.; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Ghez, A. M.


    We present spatially resolved scattered light images of the circumstellar disk around HK Tau B at 3.8 and 4.7 μm taken with the Keck Telescope Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics (AO) system, and 1.6-2.12 μm images taken with the Very Large Telescope/NACO AO system. Combined with previously published optical Hubble Space Telescope data, we investigate the spatially resolved scattered light properties of this edge-on circumstellar disk and probe for the presence of large grains. The 0.6-3.8 μm scattered light observations reveal strong, and in some cases, unusual, wavelength dependencies in the observed disk morphology. The separation between the two scattered light nebulae, which is directly proportional to the disk-mass-opacity product, decreases by 30% between 0.6 and 3.8 μm. Over the same wavelength range, the FWHM of the disk nebulosity declines by a factor of two, while the flux ratio between the two nebulae increases by a factor of ∼8. No other disk known to date shows a flux ratio that increases with wavelength. Both the FWHM and nebula flux ratio are affected by the scattering phase function and the observed behavior can most readily be explained by a phase function that becomes more forward throwing with wavelength. The multi-wavelength scattered light observations also confirm the asymmetric nature of the disk and show that the level of asymmetry is a function of wavelength. We use the MCFOST radiative transfer code to model the disk at four wavelengths, corresponding to the I, H, Ks, and L' bandpasses. A single power-law grain size distribution can recreate the observed disk properties simultaneously at all four wavelengths. Bayesian analysis of the dust parameters finds a 99% probability that the maximum grain size is 5.5 μm or larger. We also find that the grain size distribution is steep, with a 99% probability of a power-law index of 4.2 or larger, suggesting that these large grains are a small fraction of the overall dust population. The best

  10. Reducing thermal conductivity of binary alloys below the alloy limit via chemical ordering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duda, John C; English, Timothy S; Jordan, Donald A; Norris, Pamela M; Soffa, William A


    Substitutional solid solutions that exist in both ordered and disordered states will exhibit markedly different physical properties depending on their exact crystallographic configuration. Many random substitutional solid solutions (alloys) will display a tendency to order given the appropriate kinetic and thermodynamic conditions. Such order-disorder transitions will result in major crystallographic reconfigurations, where the atomic basis, symmetry, and periodicity of the alloy change dramatically. Consequently, the dominant scattering mechanism in ordered alloys will be different than that in disordered alloys. In this study, we present a hypothesis that ordered alloys can exhibit lower thermal conductivities than their disordered counterparts at elevated temperatures. To validate this hypothesis, we investigate the phononic transport properties of disordered and ordered AB Lennard-Jones alloys via non-equilibrium molecular dynamics and harmonic lattice dynamics calculations. It is shown that the thermal conductivity of an ordered alloy is the same as the thermal conductivity of the disordered alloy at ∼0.6T melt and lower than that of the disordered alloy above 0.8T melt .

  11. Hydrofluoric Acid Corrosion Study of High-Alloy Materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Osborne, P.E.


    A corrosion study involving high-alloy materials and concentrated hydrofluoric acid (HF) was conducted in support of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Conversion Project (CP). The purpose of the test was to obtain a greater understanding of the corrosion rates of materials of construction currently used in the CP vs those of proposed replacement parts. Results of the study will help formulate a change-out schedule for CP parts. The CP will convert slightly less than 40 kg of {sup 233}U from a gas (UF{sub 6}) sorbed on sodium fluoride pellets to a more stable oxide (U{sub 3}O{sub 8}). One by-product of the conversion is the formation of concentrated HF. Six moles of highly corrosive HF are produced for each mole of UF{sub 6} converted. This acid is particularly corrosive to most metals, elastomers, and silica-containing materials. A common impurity found in {sup 233}U is {sup 232}U. This impurity isotope has several daughters that make the handling of the {sup 233}U difficult. Traps of {sup 233}U may have radiation fields of up to 400 R at contact, a situation that makes the process of changing valves or working on the CP more challenging. It is also for this reason that a comprehensive part change-out schedule must be established. Laboratory experiments involving the repeated transfer of HF through 1/2-in. metal tubing and valves have proven difficult due to the corrosivity of the HF upon contact with all wetted parts. Each batch of HF is approximately 1.5 L of 33 wt% HF and is transferred most often as a vapor under vacuum and at temperatures of up to 250 C. Materials used in the HF side of the CP include Hastelloy C-276 and Monel 400 tubing, Haynes 230 and alloy C-276 vessels, and alloy 400 valve bodies with Inconel (alloy 600) bellows. The chemical compositions of the metals discussed in this report are displayed in Table 1. Of particular concern are the almost 30 vendor-supplied UG valves that have the potential for exposure to HF. These valves have been

  12. Size and alloying induced shift in core and valence bands of Pd-Ag and Pd-Cu nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sengar, Saurabh K.; Mehta, B. R.; Govind


    In this report, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies have been carried out on Pd, Ag, Cu, Pd-Ag, and Pd-Cu nanoparticles having identical sizes corresponding to mobility equivalent diameters of 60, 40, and 20 nm. The nanoparticles were prepared by the gas phase synthesis method. The effect of size on valence and core levels in metal and alloy nanoparticles has been studied by comparing the values to those with the 60 nm nanoparticles. The effect of alloying has been investigated by comparing the valence and core level binding energies of Pd-Cu and Pd-Ag alloy nanoparticles with the corresponding values for Pd, Ag, and Cu nanoparticles of identical sizes. These effects have been explained in terms of size induced lattice contractions, alloying induced charge transfer, and hybridization effects. The observation of alloying and size induced binding energy shifts in bimetallic nanoparticles is important from the point of view of hydrogen reactivity

  13. Influence of secondary ageing temperature on hardening and residual elastic stresses in AlMgSi and AlMgSiCu alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milosavlevich, A.Ya.; Shiyachki-Zheravchich; Rogulin, M.Ya.; Milenkovich, V.M.; Prokich-Tsvetkovich, R.M.


    The investigations were conducted on samples of AlMgSi and AlMgSiCu alloys quenched, aged and cold worked with 20, 40, 60 and 85 % reduction in area. Secondary ageing was carried out at 200 and 250 deg C. Residual stresses wee determined by X-ray diffraction method. It was shown that cold deformation effect on hardness and residual stresses is dependent on alloy composition. The hardening due to secondary ageing is more pronounced for AlMgSi alloy at 200 deg C and for AlMgSiCu alloy at 250 deg C. Positive residual stresses increase with secondary ageing temperature

  14. Electrodeposition and Characterization of Mn-Cu-Zn Alloys for Corrosion Protection Coating (United States)

    Tsurtsumia, Gigla; Gogoli, David; Koiava, Nana; Kakhniashvili, Izolda; Jokhadze, Nunu; Lezhava, Tinatin; Nioradze, Nikoloz; Tatishvili, Dimitri


    Mn-Cu-Zn alloys were electrodeposited from sulphate bath, containing citrate or EDTA and their mixtures as complexing ligands. The influence of bath composition and deposition parameters on alloys composition, cathodic current efficiency and structural and electrochemical properties were studied. At a higher current density (≥ 37.5 A dm-2) a uniform surface deposit of Mn-Cu-Zn was obtained. Optimal pH of electrolyte (0.3 mol/dm3Mn2+ + 0.6 mol/dm3 (NH4)2SO4 +0.1 mol/dm3Zn2++0.005 mol/dm3 Cu2++ 0.05mol/dm3Na3Cit + 0.15mol/dm3 EDTA; t=300C; τ=20 min) for silvery, nonporous coating of Mn-Cu-Zn alloy was within 6.5-7.5; coating composition: 71-83% Mn, 6-7.8% Cu, 11.5-20% Zn, current efficiency up to 40%. XRD patterns revealed BCT (body centred tetragonal) γ-Mn solid phase solution (lattice constants a=2.68 Å c=3.59 Å). Corrosion measurements of deposited alloys were performed in aerated 3.5% NaCl solution. The corrosion current density (icorr) of the electrodeposited alloys on carbon steel was 10 times lower than corrosion rate of pure zinc and manganese coatings. Triple alloy coatings corrosion potential (Ecorr = -1140 mV vs. Ag/AgCl) preserved negative potential value longer (more than three months) compared to carbon steel substrate (Ecorr = -670 mV vs. Ag/AgCl). Tafel polarization curves taken on Mn-Cu-Zn alloy coating in aerated 3.5% NaCl solution did not show a typical passivation behaviour which can be explained by formation oflow solubility of adherent corrosion products on the alloy surface. Corrosion test of Mn-Cu-Zn electrocoating in chlorine environment shows that it is the best cathodic protective coating for a steel product.

  15. Translating VDM to Alloy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lausdahl, Kenneth


    specifications. However, to take advantage of the automated analysis of Alloy, the model-oriented VDM specifications must be translated into a constraint-based Alloy specifications. We describe how a sub- set of VDM can be translated into Alloy and how assertions can be expressed in VDM and checked by the Alloy...

  16. Structural and magnetic properties of FeCoC system obtained by mechanical alloying

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rincón Soler, A. I. [Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Fac. de Ciencias, Depto. de Física (Colombia); Rodríguez Jacobo, R. R., E-mail: [Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Fac. de Ciencias Básicas, Depto. de Física (Colombia); Medina Barreto, M. H.; Cruz-Muñoz, B. [Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Fac. de Ciencias, Depto. de Física (Colombia)


    Fe{sub 96−X}Co{sub X}C{sub 4} (x = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 at. %) alloys were obtained by mechanical alloying of Fe, C and Co powders using high-energy milling. The structural and magnetic properties of the alloy system were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) and Mössbauer Spectrometry at room temperature. The X-ray diffraction patterns showed a BCC-FeCoC structure phase for all samples, as well as a lattice parameter that slightly decreases with Co content. The saturation magnetization and coercive field were analyzed as a function of Co content. The Mössbauer spectra were fitted with a hyperfine magnetic field distribution showing the ferromagnetic behavior and the disordered character of the samples. The mean hyperfine magnetic field remained nearly constant (358 T) with Co content.

  17. Structural and magnetic properties of FeCoC system obtained by mechanical alloying

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rincón Soler, A. I.; Rodríguez Jacobo, R. R.; Medina Barreto, M. H.; Cruz-Muñoz, B.


    Fe 96−X Co X C 4 (x = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 at. %) alloys were obtained by mechanical alloying of Fe, C and Co powders using high-energy milling. The structural and magnetic properties of the alloy system were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) and Mössbauer Spectrometry at room temperature. The X-ray diffraction patterns showed a BCC-FeCoC structure phase for all samples, as well as a lattice parameter that slightly decreases with Co content. The saturation magnetization and coercive field were analyzed as a function of Co content. The Mössbauer spectra were fitted with a hyperfine magnetic field distribution showing the ferromagnetic behavior and the disordered character of the samples. The mean hyperfine magnetic field remained nearly constant (358 T) with Co content.

  18. Electron beam and laser surface alloying of Al-Si base alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vanhille, P.; Tosto, S.; Pelletier, J.M.; Issa, A.; Vannes, A.B.; Criqui, B.


    Surface alloying on aluminium-base alloys is achieved either by using an electron beam or a laser beam, in order to improve the mechanical properties of the near-surface region. A predeposit of nickel is first realized by plasma spraying. Melting of both the coating and part of the substrate produces a surface alloy with a fine, dendritic microstructure with a high hardness. Enhancement of this property requires an increase in the nickel content. Various problems occur during the formation of nickel-rich surface layers: incomplete homogenization owing to a progressive increase of the liquidus temperature, cracks owing to the brittleness of this hard suface alloy, formation of a plasma when experiments are carried out in a gaseous environment (laser surface alloying). Nevertheless, various kinds of surface layers may be achieved; for example very hard surface alloys (HV 0.2 =900), with a thickness of about 500-600 μm, or very thick surface alloys (e>2 mm), with a fairly good hardness (greater than 350 HV 0.2 ). Thus, it is possible to obtain a large variety of new materials by using high energy beams on aluminium substrates. (orig.)

  19. Effect of microstructure on radiation-induced processes in Fe-34.7 at% Ni alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Danilov, S.E.; Arbuzov, V.L.


    The method of residual resistivity was used to study processes of the radiation-induced decomposition of the solid solution in the Fe-34.7 at.% Ni alloy at different temperatures and in different initial states under electron irradiation. The comparison was made for alloys in the following states: quenched from 1373 K; aged at 780 K; deformed to 40%; deformed, but annealed at 573 K for elimination of vacancy clusters. Dose and temperature dependences were obtained. Isochronous annealing treatments were performed. It was shown that concentration inhomogeneities of the matrix in the aged alloy did not represent considerable sinks of point defects. Deformation considerably suppressed processes of the radiation-induced decomposition of the solid solution mainly on account of the dislocation structure. The effect of deformation-induced vacancy clusters vanished above 400 K

  20. Combinatorial thin film materials science: From alloy discovery and optimization to alloy design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gebhardt, Thomas, E-mail:; Music, Denis; Takahashi, Tetsuya; Schneider, Jochen M.


    This paper provides an overview of modern alloy development, from discovery and optimization towards alloy design, based on combinatorial thin film materials science. The combinatorial approach, combining combinatorial materials synthesis of thin film composition-spreads with high-throughput property characterization has proven to be a powerful tool to delineate composition-structure-property relationships, and hence to efficiently identify composition windows with enhanced properties. Furthermore, and most importantly for alloy design, theoretical models and hypotheses can be critically appraised. Examples for alloy discovery, optimization, and alloy design of functional as well as structural materials are presented. Using Fe-Mn based alloys as an example, we show that the combination of modern electronic-structure calculations with the highly efficient combinatorial thin film composition-spread method constitutes an effective tool for knowledge-based alloy design.

  1. Combinatorial thin film materials science: From alloy discovery and optimization to alloy design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gebhardt, Thomas; Music, Denis; Takahashi, Tetsuya; Schneider, Jochen M.


    This paper provides an overview of modern alloy development, from discovery and optimization towards alloy design, based on combinatorial thin film materials science. The combinatorial approach, combining combinatorial materials synthesis of thin film composition-spreads with high-throughput property characterization has proven to be a powerful tool to delineate composition–structure–property relationships, and hence to efficiently identify composition windows with enhanced properties. Furthermore, and most importantly for alloy design, theoretical models and hypotheses can be critically appraised. Examples for alloy discovery, optimization, and alloy design of functional as well as structural materials are presented. Using Fe-Mn based alloys as an example, we show that the combination of modern electronic-structure calculations with the highly efficient combinatorial thin film composition-spread method constitutes an effective tool for knowledge-based alloy design.

  2. 2nd Gen FeCrAl ODS Alloy Development For Accident-Tolerant Fuel Cladding

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dryepondt, Sebastien N. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Massey, Caleb P. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Edmondson, Philip D. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Extensive research at ORNL aims at developing advanced low-Cr high strength FeCrAl alloys for accident tolerant fuel cladding. One task focuses on the fabrication of new low Cr oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) FeCrAl alloys. The first Fe-12Cr-5Al+Y2O3 (+ ZrO2 or TiO2) ODS alloys exhibited excellent tensile strength up to 800 C and good oxidation resistance in steam up to 1400 C, but very limited plastic deformation at temperature ranging from room to 800 C. To improve alloy ductility, several fabrication parameters were considered. New Fe-10-12Cr-6Al gas-atomized powders containing 0.15 to 0.5wt% Zr were procured and ball milled for 10h, 20h or 40h with Y2O3. The resulting powder was then extruded at temperature ranging from 900 to 1050 C. Decreasing the ball milling time or increasing the extrusion temperature changed the alloy grain size leading to lower strength but enhanced ductility. Small variations of the Cr, Zr, O and N content did not seem to significantly impact the alloy tensile properties, and, overall, the 2nd gen ODS FeCrAl alloys showed significantly better ductility than the 1st gen alloys. Tube fabrication needed for fuel cladding will require cold or warm working associated with softening heat treatments, work was therefore initiated to assess the effect of these fabrications steps on the alloy microstructure and properties. This report has been submitted as fulfillment of milestone M3FT 16OR020202091 titled, Report on 2nd Gen FeCrAl ODS Alloy Development for the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy, Advanced Fuel Campaign of the Fuel Cycle R&D program.

  3. Shape memory alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaszuwara, W.


    Shape memory alloys (SMA), when deformed, have the ability of returning, in certain circumstances, to their initial shape. Deformations related to this phenomenon are for polycrystals 1-8% and up to 15% for monocrystals. The deformation energy is in the range of 10 6 - 10 7 J/m 3 . The deformation is caused by martensitic transformation in the material. Shape memory alloys exhibit one directional or two directional shape memory effect as well as pseudoelastic effect. Shape change is activated by temperature change, which limits working frequency of SMA to 10 2 Hz. Other group of alloys exhibit magnetic shape memory effect. In these alloys martensitic transformation is triggered by magnetic field, thus their working frequency can be higher. Composites containing shape memory alloys can also be used as shape memory materials (applied in vibration damping devices). Another group of composite materials is called heterostructures, in which SMA alloys are incorporated in a form of thin layers The heterostructures can be used as microactuators in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Basic SMA comprise: Ni-Ti, Cu (Cu-Zn,Cu-Al, Cu-Sn) and Fe (Fe-Mn, Fe-Cr-Ni) alloys. Shape memory alloys find applications in such areas: automatics, safety and medical devices and many domestic appliances. Currently the most important appears to be research on magnetic shape memory materials and high temperature SMA. Vital from application point of view are composite materials especially those containing several intelligent materials. (author)

  4. Magnetism of a sigma-phase Fe{sub 60}V{sub 40} alloy: Magnetic susceptibilities and magnetocaloric effect studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bałanda, Maria [Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Science, PL-31-342 Kraków (Poland); Dubiel, Stanisław M., E-mail: [AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, PL-30-059 Kraków (Poland); Pełka, Robert [Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Science, PL-31-342 Kraków (Poland)


    Highlights: • Sigma-phase Fe{sub 60}V{sub 40} alloy was studied by means of AC and DC magnetic susceptibilities. • Re-entrant character of the magnetism has been evidenced. • Curie temperature was found as ∼169 K and the spin-freezing temperature as ∼164 K. • Critical exponents β = 0.6, γ = 1.0 and Δ = 1.6 were determined. • Magnetocaloric effect was investigated. - Abstract: Magnetic properties of a sigma-phase Fe{sub 60}V{sub 40} intermetallic compound were studied by means of ac and dc magnetic susceptibility and magnetocaloric effect measurements. The compound is a soft magnet yet it was found to behave like a re-entrant spin-glass system. The magnetic ordering temperature was found to be T{sub C} ≈ 170 K, while the spin-freezing temperature was ∼164 K. Its relative shift per decade of ac frequency was 0.002, a value smaller than that typical of canonical spin-glasses. Magnetic entropy change, ΔS, in the vicinity of T{sub C} was determined for magnetic field, H, ranging between 5 and 50 kOe. Analysis of ΔS in terms of the power law yielded the critical exponent, n, vs. temperature with the minimum value of 0.75 at T{sub C}, while from the analysis of a relative shift of the maximum value of ΔS with the field a critical exponent Δ = 1.7 was obtained. Based on scaling laws relationships values of other two exponents viz. β = 0.6 and γ = 1 were determined.

  5. Grindability of dental magnetic alloys. (United States)

    Hayashi, Eisei; Kikuchi, Masafumi; Okuno, Osamu; Kimura, Kohei


    In this study, the grindability of cast magnetic alloys (Fe-Pt-Nb magnetic alloy and magnetic stainless steel) was evaluated and compared with that of conventional dental casting alloys (Ag-Pd-Au alloy, Type 4 gold alloy, and cobalt-chromium alloy). Grindability was evaluated in terms of grinding rate (i.e., volume of metal removed per minute) and grinding ratio (i.e., volume ratio of metal removed compared to wheel material lost). Solution treated Fe-Pt-Nb magnetic alloy had a significantly higher grinding rate than the aged one at a grinding speed of 750-1500 m x min(-1). At 500 m x min(-1), there were no significant differences in grinding rate between solution treated and aged Fe-Pt-Nb magnetic alloys. At a lower speed of 500 m x min(-1) or 750 m x min(-1), it was found that the grinding rates of aged Fe-Pt-Nb magnetic alloy and stainless steel were higher than those of conventional casting alloys.

  6. TEM study of amorphous alloys produced by ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, E.; Grant, W.A.; Wohlenberg, P.; Hansen, P.; Chadderton, L.T.


    Ion implantation is a technique for introducing foreign elements into surface layers of solids. Ions, as a suitably accelerated beam, penetrate the surface, slow down by collisions with target atoms to produce a doped layer. This non-equilibrium technique can provide a wide range of alloys without the restrictions imposed by equilibrium phase diagrams. This paper reports on the production of some amorphous transition metal-metalloid alloys by implantation. Thinned foils of Ni, Fe and stainless steel were implanted at room temperature with Dy + and P + ions at doses between 10 13 - 10 17 ions/cm 2 at energies of 20 and 40 keV respectively. Transmission electron microscopy and selected area diffraction analysis were used to investigate the implanted specimens. Radial diffracted intensity measurements confirmed the presence of an amorphous implanted layer. The peak positions of the maxima are in good agreement with data for similar alloys produced by conventional techniques. Only certain ion/target combinations produce these amorphous layers. Implantations at doses lower than those needed for amorphization often result in formation of new crystalline phases such as an h.c.p. phase in nickel and a b.c.c. phase in stainless steel. (Auth.)

  7. Metal Injection Molding (MIM of Magnesium and Its Alloys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Wolff


    Full Text Available Current research has highlighted that magnesium and its alloys as biodegradable material are highly suitable for biomedical applications. The new material fully degrades into nontoxic elements and offers material properties matching those of human bone tissue. As biomedical implants are rather small and complex in shape, the metal injection molding (MIM technique seems to be well suited for the near net shape mass production of such parts. Furthermore, MIM of Mg-alloys is of high interest in further technical fields. This study focusses on the performance of MIM-processing of magnesium alloy powders. It includes Mg-specific development of powder blending, feedstock preparation, injection molding, solvent and thermal debinding and final sintering. Even though Mg is a highly oxygen-affine material forming a stable oxide layer on each particle surface, the material can be sintered to nearly dense parts, providing mechanical properties matching those of as cast material. An ultimate tensile strength of 142 MPa, yield strength of 67 MPa, elastic modulus of 40 GPa and 8% elongation at fracture could be achieved using novel organic polymer binders for the feedstock preparation. Thus, first implant demonstrator parts could be successfully produced by the MIM technique.

  8. Alloying Solid Solution Strengthening of Fe-Ga Alloys: A First-Principle Study

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Chen, Kuiying; Cheng, Leon M


    ... and Co in cubic solid solution of Fe-Ga alloys. Mayer bond order "BO" values were used to evaluate the atomic bond strengths in the alloys, and were then used to assess the alloying strengthening characteristics...

  9. The status of uranium-silicon alloy fuel development for the RERTR program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Domagala, R.F.; Wiencek, T.C.; Thresh, H.R.; Stahl, D.


    As part of the national Reduced Enrichment Research and Test Reactor (RERTR) Program, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) is engaged in a fuel-alloy development project. The fuel alloys are dispersed in an aluminum matrix and metallurgically roll-bonded within 6061 Al alloy. To date, 'miniplates' with up to 40 vol. fuel alloy have been successfully fabricated. Thirty-one of these plates have been or are being irradiated in the Oak Ridge Reactor (ORR). Three different fuels have been used in the ANL miniplates: U 3 Si (U + 4 wt.% Si), U 3 Si 2 (U + 7.4 wt.% Si), or ''U 3 SiAl'' (U + 3.5 wt.% Si + 1.5 wt.% Al). All three are candidates for permitting higher fuel loadings and thus lower enrichments of 235 U than would be possible with either UAl x or U 3 O 8 , the current fuels for plate-type elements. The enrichment level employed at ANL is ∼19.8%. Continuing effort involves the production of miniplates with up to ∼60 vol. % fuel, the development of a technology for full-size plate fabrication, and post-irradiation examination of miniplates already removed from the ORR. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Tillová


    Full Text Available The contribution describes influence of the heat treatment (solution treatment at temperature 545°C and 565°C with different holding time 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 hours; than water quenching at 40°C and natural aging at room temperature during 24 hours on mechanical properties (tensile strength and Brinell hardness and microstructure of the secondary AlSi12Cu1Fe automotive cast alloy. Mechanical properties were measured in line with EN ISO. A combination of different analytical techniques (light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM were therefore been used for study of microstructure. Solution treatment led to changes in microstructure includes the spheroidization and coarsening of eutectic silicon. The dissolution of precipitates and the precipitation of finer hardening phase further increase the hardness and tensile strength of the alloy. Optimal solution treatment (545°C/4 hours most improves mechanical properties and there mechanical properties are comparable with mechanical properties of primary AlSi12Cu1Fe alloy. Solution treatment at 565 °C caused testing samples distortion, local melting process and is not applicable for this secondary alloy with 12.5 % Si.

  11. Experimental investigation of hardness of FSW and TIG joints of Aluminium alloys of AA7075 and AA6061

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chetan Patil


    Full Text Available This paper reports hardness testing conducted on welded butt joints by FSW and TIG welding process on similar and dissimilar aluminium alloys. FSW joints were produced for similar alloys of AA7075T651 and dissimilar alloys of AA7075T651- AA6061T6. The Friction stir welds of AA7075 & AA6061 aluminium alloy were produced at different tool rotational speeds of 650,700, 800, 900, 1000 and transverse speed of 30, 35, 40 mm/min. TIG welding was conducted along the rolling direction of similar and dissimilar aluminium plates. The Brinell hardness testing techniques were employed to conduct the tests; these tests were conducted on the welds to ascertain the joint integrity before characterization to have an idea of the quality of the welds

  12. Studies on neutron irradiation effects of iron alloys and nickel-base heat resistant alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Katsutoshi


    The present paper describes the results of neutron irradiation effects on iron alloys and nickel-base heat resistant alloys. As for the iron alloys, irradiation hardening and embrittlement were investigated using internal friction measurement, electron microscopy and tensile testings. The role of alloying elements was also investigated to understand the irradiation behavior of iron alloys. The essential factors affecting irradiation hardening and embrittlement were thus clarified. On the other hand, postirradiation tensile and creep properties were measured of Hastelloy X alloy. Irradiation behavior at elevated temperatures is discussed. (author)

  13. Laser Powder Cladding of Ti-6Al-4V α/β Alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samar Reda Al-Sayed Ali


    Full Text Available Laser cladding process was performed on a commercial Ti-6Al-4V (α + β titanium alloy by means of tungsten carbide-nickel based alloy powder blend. Nd:YAG laser with a 2.2-KW continuous wave was used with coaxial jet nozzle coupled with a standard powder feeding system. Four-track deposition of a blended powder consisting of 60 wt % tungsten carbide (WC and 40 wt % NiCrBSi was successfully made on the alloy. The high content of the hard WC particles is intended to enhance the abrasion resistance of the titanium alloy. The goal was to create a uniform distribution of hard WC particles that is crack-free and nonporous to enhance the wear resistance of such alloy. This was achieved by changing the laser cladding parameters to reach the optimum conditions for favorable mechanical properties. The laser cladding samples were subjected to thorough microstructure examinations, microhardness and abrasion tests. Phase identification was obtained by X-ray diffraction (XRD. The obtained results revealed that the best clad layers were achieved at a specific heat input value of 59.5 J·mm−2. An increase by more than three folds in the microhardness values of the clad layers was achieved and the wear resistance was improved by values reaching 400 times.

  14. Evidence of refilled chamber gas pressure enhancing cooling rate during melt spinning of a Zr50Cu40Al10 alloy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hong-wang Yang


    Full Text Available The influence of the refilled gas pressure on the glass forming behaviour of one of the best ternary glass forming alloys Zr50Cu40Al10 was studied for the melt spinning process. The amorphicity of as-quenched ribbons was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC. The refilled chamber atmospheric pressure is crucial to the cooling rate of melt spinning. At high vacuum, at pressure less than 0.0001 atm, fully crystalline fragments are obtained. Monolithic amorphous ribbons were only obtained at a gas pressure of 0.1 atm or higher. The extended contact length between thecribbons and the copper wheel contributes to the high cooling rate of melt spinning. Higher chamber gas pressure leads to more turbulence of liquid metal beneath the nozzle; therefore, lower pressure is preferable at practical melt spinning processes once glass forming conditions are fulfilled.

  15. Magnesium alloys: predicting in vivo corrosion with in vitro immersion testing. (United States)

    Walker, Jemimah; Shadanbaz, Shaylin; Kirkland, Nicholas T; Stace, Edward; Woodfield, Tim; Staiger, Mark P; Dias, George J


    Magnesium (Mg) and its alloys have been proposed as degradable replacements to commonly used orthopedic biomaterials such as titanium alloys and stainless steel. However, the corrosion of Mg in a physiological environment remains a difficult characteristic to accurately assess with in vitro methods. The aim of this study was to identify a simple in vitro immersion test that could provide corrosion rates similar to those observed in vivo. Pure Mg and five alloys (AZ31, Mg-0.8Ca, Mg-1Zn, Mg-1Mn, Mg-1.34Ca-3Zn) were immersed in either Earle's balanced salt solution (EBSS), minimum essential medium (MEM), or MEM-containing 40 g/L bovine serum albumin (MEMp) for 7, 14, or 21 days before removal and assessment of corrosion by weight loss. This in vitro data was compared to in vivo corrosion rates of the same materials implanted in a subcutaneous environment in Lewis rats for equivalent time points. The results suggested that, for the alloys investigated, the EBSS buffered with sodium bicarbonate provides a rate of degradation comparable to those observed in vivo. In contrast, the addition of components such as (4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid) (HEPES), vitamins, amino acids, and albumin significantly increased corrosion rates. Based on these findings, it is proposed that with this in vitro protocol, immersion of Mg alloys in EBSS can be used as a predictor of in vivo corrosion. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Interfacial Stresses and the Anomalous Character of Thermoelastic-Deformation Curves of a Cu-Al-Ni Shape-Memory Alloy (United States)

    Malygin, G. A.; Nikolaev, V. I.; Pulnev, S. A.; Chikiryaka, A. V.


    Thermoelastic-deformation curves of a single-crystalline Cu-13.5 wt % Al-4.0 wt % Ni shapememory (SM) alloy have been studied. Cyclic temperature variation in a 300-450 K interval revealed an anomalous character of thermoelastic hysteresis loops with regions of accelerated straining at both heating and cooling stages. The observed phenomenon can be used for increasing the response speed of SM-alloy based drive and sensor devices. Analysis of this phenomenon in the framework of the theory of diffuse martensitic transformations showed that the anomalous character of thermoelastic hysteresis loops may be related to the influence of interfacial stresses on the dynamics of martensitic transformations in these SM alloys.

  17. Superelasticity, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of the Ti–19Zr–10Nb–1Fe alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xue, Pengfei [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191 (China); Key Laboratory of Aerospace Materials and Performance (Ministry of Education), Beihang University, Beijing 100191 (China); Li, Yan, E-mail: [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191 (China); Key Laboratory of Aerospace Materials and Performance (Ministry of Education), Beihang University, Beijing 100191 (China); Li, Kangming [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191 (China); Key Laboratory of Aerospace Materials and Performance (Ministry of Education), Beihang University, Beijing 100191 (China); Zhang, Deyuan [Life Tech Scientific Corporation, Shenzhen 518057 (China); Zhou, Chungen [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191 (China)


    Microstructure, mechanical properties, superelasticity and biocompatibility of a Ti–19Zr–10Nb–1Fe alloy are investigated. X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy observations show that the as-cast Ti–19Zr–10Nb–1Fe alloy is composed of α′ and β phases, but only the β phase exists in the as-rolled and as-quenched alloys. The tensile stress–strain tests indicate that the as-quenched alloy exhibits a good combination of mechanical properties with a large elongation of 25%, a low Young's modulus of 59 GPa and a high ultimate tensile stress of 723 MPa. Superelastic recovery behavior is found in the as-quenched alloy during tensile tests, and the corresponding maximum of superelastic strain is 4.7% at the pre-strain of 6%. A superelastic recovery of 4% with high stability is achieved after 10 cyclic loading–unloading training processes. Potentiodynamic polarization and ion release measurements indicate that the as-quenched alloy shows a lower corrosion rate in Hank's solution and a much less ion release rate in 0.9% NaCl solution than those of the NiTi alloys. Cell culture results indicate that the osteoblasts' adhesion and proliferation are similar on both the Ti–19Zr–10Nb–1Fe and NiTi alloys. A better hemocompatibility is confirmed for the as-quenched Ti–19Zr–10Nb–1Fe alloy, attributed to more stable platelet adhesion and small activation degree, and a much lower hemolysis rate compared with the NiTi alloy. - Highlights: • A stable superelastic strain of 4.0% is achieved for the Ti–19Zr–10Nb–1Fe alloy. • The ion release rates of Ti–19Zr–10Nb–1Fe are much lower than that of Ni in NiTi. • Ti–19Zr–10Nb–1Fe has a similar cytocompatibility compared with the NiTi alloy. • Ti–19Zr–10Nb–1Fe exhibits a better hemocompatibility than the NiTi alloy.

  18. Neutron-absorbing alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Portnoi, K.I.; Arabei, L.B.; Gryaznov, G.M.; Levi, L.I.; Lunin, G.L.; Kozhukhov, V.M.; Markov, J.M.; Fedotov, M.E.


    A process is described for the production of an alloy consiting of 1 to 20% In, 0.5 to 15% Sm, and from 3 to 18% Hf, the balance being Ni. Such alloys show a good absorption capacity for thermal and intermediate neutrons, good neutron capture efficiency, and good corrosion resistance, and find application in nuclear reactor automatic control and safety systems. The Hf provides for the maintenance of a reasonably high order of neutron capture efficiency throughout the lifetime of a reactor. The alloys are formed in a vacuum furnace operating with an inert gas atmosphere at 280 to 300 mm.Hg. They have a corrosion resistance from 3 to 3.5 times that of the Ag-based alloys commonly employed, and a neutron capture efficiency about twice that of the Ag alloys. Castability and structural strength are good. (U.K.)

  19. Effect of mechanical alloying on FeCrC reinforced Ni alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yilmaz, S. Osman [Univ. of Namik Kemal, Tekirdag (Turkey); Teker, Tanju [Adiyaman Univ. (Turkey). Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering; Demir, Fatih [Batman Univ. (Turkey)


    Mechanical alloying (MA) is a powder metallurgy processing technique involving cold welding, fracturing and rewelding of powder particles in a high-energy ball mill. In the present study, the intermetallic matrix composites (IMCs) of Ni-Al reinforced by M{sub 7}C{sub 3} were produced by powder metallurgical routes via solid state reaction of Ni, Al and M{sub 7}C{sub 3} particulates by mechanical alloying processes. Ni, Al and M{sub 7}C{sub 3} powders having 100 μm were mixed, mechanical alloyed and the compacts were combusted in a furnace. The mechanically alloyed (MAed) powders were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), microhardness measurement, optic microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The presence of the carbides depressed the formation of unwanted NiAl intermetallic phases. The mechanical alloyed M{sub 7}C{sub 3} particles were unstable and decomposed partially within the matrix during alloying and sintering, and the morphology of the composites changed with the dissolution ratio of M{sub 7}C{sub 3} and sintering temperature.

  20. Histidine-lysine peptides as carriers of nucleic acids. (United States)

    Leng, Qixin; Goldgeier, Lisa; Zhu, Jingsong; Cambell, Patricia; Ambulos, Nicholas; Mixson, A James


    With their biodegradability and diversity of permutations, peptides have significant potential as carriers of nucleic acids. This review will focus on the sequence and branching patterns of peptide carriers composed primarily of histidines and lysines. While lysines within peptides are important for binding to the negatively charged phosphates, histidines are critical for endosomal lysis enabling nucleic acids to reach the cytosol. Histidine-lysine (HK) polymers by either covalent or ionic bonds with liposomes augment transfection compared to liposome carriers alone. More recently, we have examined peptides as sole carriers of nucleic acids because of their intrinsic advantages compared to the bipartite HK/liposome carriers. With a protocol change and addition of a histidine-rich tail, HK peptides as sole carriers were more effective than liposomes alone in several cell lines. While four-branched polymers with a primary repeating sequence pattern of -HHK- were more effective as carriers of plasmids, eight-branched polymers with a sequence pattern of -HHHK- were more effective as carriers of siRNA. Compared to polyethylenimine, HK carriers of siRNA and plasmids had reduced toxicity. When injected intravenously, HK polymers in complex with plasmids encoding antiangiogenic proteins significantly decreased tumor growth. Furthermore, modification of HK polymers with polyethylene glycol and vascular-specific ligands increased specificity of the polyplex to the tumor by more than 40-fold. Together with further development and insight on the structure of HK polyplexes, HK peptides may prove to be useful as carriers of different forms of nucleic acids both in vitro and in vivo.

  1. Advances in titanium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seagle, S.R.; Wood, J.R.


    As described above, new developments in the aerospace market are focusing on higher temperature alloys for jet engine components and higher strength/toughness alloys for airframe applications. Conventional alloys for engines have reached their maximum useful temperature of about 1000 F (540 C) because of oxidation resistance requirements. IMI 834 and Ti-1100 advanced alloys show some improvement, however, the major improvement appears to be in gamma titanium aluminides which could extend the maximum usage temperature to about 1500 F (815 C). This puts titanium alloys in a competitive position to replace nickel-base superalloys. Advanced airframe alloys such as Ti-6-22-22S, Beta C TM , Ti-15-333 and Ti-10-2-3 with higher strength than conventional Ti-6-4 are being utilized in significantly greater quantities, both in military and commercial applications. These alloys offer improved strength with little or no sacrifice in toughness and improved formability, in some cases. Advanced industrial alloys are being developed for improved corrosion resistance in more reducing and higher temperature environments such as those encountered in sour gas wells. Efforts are focused on small precious metal additions to optimize corrosion performance for specific applications at a modest increase in cost. As these applications develop, the usage of titanium alloys for industrial markets should steadily increase to approach that for aerospace applications. (orig.)

  2. Corrosion resistance of Zn-Co-Fe alloy coatings on high strength steel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lodhi, Z.F.; Mol, J.M.C.; Hovestad, A.; Hoen-Velterop, L. 't; Terryn, H.; Wit,


    The corrosion properties of electrodeposited zinc-cobalt-iron (Zn-Co-Fe) alloys (up to 40 wt.% Co and 1 wt.% Fe) on steel were studied by using various electrochemical techniques and compared with zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) coatings in 3.5% NaCl solution. It was found that with an increase in Co

  3. Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Laser Treated Al-Cu Alloys : A Microstructural Analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mol van Otterloo,; Bagnoli, D.; de Hosson, J.T.M.

    Both mechanical Vickers hardness and electron microscopic studies have been carried out on laser treated aluminium copper alloys with a copper concentration in the range 0-40 wt%. It is found that a Vickers hardness of 470 kgf/mm(2) can be attained, which is high compared to a value of 120 kgf/mm(2)

  4. Microstructures of neutron-irradiated Fe-12Cr-XMn (X=15-30) ternary alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyahara, K.; Hosoi, Y.; Garner, F.A.


    The objective of this effort is to determine the factors which control the stability of irradiated alloys proposed for reduced activation applications. The Fe-Cr-Mn alloy system is being studied as an alternative to the Fe-Cr-Ni system because of the need to reduce long-term radioactivation in fusion-power devices. In this study, four Fe-12Cr-XMn (X =15, 20, 25, 30 wt%) alloys were irradiated in the Fast Flux Test Facility to 20 dpa at 643K and 40 dpa at 679, 793, and 873K to investigate the influence of manganese content on void swelling and phase stability. The results confirm and expand the results of earlier studies that indicate that the Fe-Cr-Mn system is relatively unstable compared to that of the Fe-Cr-Ni system, with alpha and sigma phases forming as a consequence of thermal aging or high temperature irradiation

  5. New Light Alloys (Les Nouveaux Alliages Legers) (United States)


    composites r~alis~s avec I’alliage 15-3-3-3 (15-3) de TIMET, alliage 8 m~tastable, facilement laminable et disponible sous forme de feuillards de...part au procMd6 de fabrication - les matdriaux devant tre disponibles soit sous forme de feuillards, soit sous forme de poudres pr~alli~es - , d’autre...a naturaI so an ariii~ aain a( TeSI 5 40 SIC 1 Fig. 9. Compressive and tensile yield stress 1.b In time (secnds in an 6-Al 0 reinforced Al-A ICu alloy

  6. Composition dependence of the kinetics and mechanisms of thermal oxidation of titanium-tantalum alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Y.S.; Butt, D.P.


    The oxidation behavior of titanium-tantalum alloys was investigated with respective concentrations of each element ranging from 0 to 100 wt.%. Alloys were exposed to argon-20% oxygen at 800 to 1400 C. The slowest oxidation rates were observed in alloys with 5--20% Ta. The oxidation kinetics of alloys containing less than approximately 40% Ta were approximately parabolic. Pure Ta exhibited nearly linear kinetics. Alloys containing 50% or more Ta exhibited paralinear kinetics. The activation energies for oxidation ranged between 232 kJ/mole for pure Ti and 119 kJ/mole for pure Ta, with the activation energies of the alloys falling between these values and generally decreasing with increasing Ta content. The activation energies for oxidation of the end members, Ti and Ta, agree well with published values for the activation energies for diffusion of oxygen in α-Ti and Ta. Scale formation in the alloys was found to be complex exhibiting various layers of Ti-, Ta-, and TiTa-oxides. The outermost layer of the oxidized alloys was predominantly rutile (TiO 2 ). Beneath the TiO 2 grew a variety of other oxides with the Ta content generally increasing with proximity to the metal-oxide interface. It was found that the most oxidation-resistant alloys had compositions falling between Ti-5Ta and Ti-15Ta. Although Ta stabilizes the β-phase of Ti, the kinetics of oxidation appeared to be rate limited by oxygen transport through the oxygen-stabilized α-phase. However, the kinetics are complicated by the formation of a complex oxide, which cracks periodically. Tantalum appears to increase the compositional range of oxygen-stabilized α-phase and reduces both the solubility of oxygen and diffusivity of Ti in the α- and β-phases

  7. Preparation, deformation, and failure of functional Al-Sn and Al-Sn-Pb nanocrystalline alloys (United States)

    Noskova, N. I.; Vil'Danova, N. F.; Filippov, Yu. I.; Churbaev, R. V.; Pereturina, I. A.; Korshunov, L. G.; Korznikov, A. V.


    Changes in the structure, hardness, mechanical properties, and friction coefficient of Al-30% Sn, Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb (wt %) alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation by equal-channel angular pressing (with a force of 40 tonne) and by shear at a pressure of 5 GPa have been studied. The transition into the nanocrystalline state was shown to occur at different degrees of plastic deformation. The hardness exhibits nonmonotonic variations, namely, first it increases and subsequently decreases. The friction coefficient of the Al-30% Sn, Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb alloys quenched from the melt was found to be 0.33; the friction coefficients of these alloys in the submicrocrystalline state (after equal-channel angular pressing) equal 0.24, 0.32, and 0.35, respectively. The effect of disintegration into nano-sized powders was found to occur in the Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb alloys after severe plastic deformation to ɛ = 6.4 and subsequent short-time holding.

  8. Progressive degradation of alloy 690 and the development of a significant improvement in alloy 800CR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Staehle, Roger W.; Arioka, Koji; Tapping, Robert


    The present most widely used alloys for tubing in steam generators and structural materials in water cooled reactors are Alloy 690 and Alloy 800. However, both alloys, while improved over Alloy 600 may not meet the needs of longer range applications in the range of 80-100 years. Alloy 690 sustains damage resulting from the formation of cavities at grain boundaries which eventually cover about 50% of the area of the grain boundaries with the remainder covering being covered with carbides. The cavities seem to nucleate on the carbides leaving the grain boundaries a structure of cavities and carbides. Such a structure will lead the Alloy 690 to fail completely. Normal Alloy 800 does not produce such cavities and probably retains a large amount of its corrosion resistance but does sustain progressive SCC at low rate. A new alloy, 800CR, has been developed in a collaboration among Arioka, Tapping, and Staehle. This alloy is based on a Cr composition of 23.5-27% with the remainder retaining the previous Alloy 800 composition. 800CR sustains a crack velocity about 100 times less than Alloy 690 and a negligible rate of initiation. The 800CR, alloy is now seeking a patent. (authors)

  9. Nonswelling alloy (United States)

    Harkness, S.D.


    An aluminum alloy containing one weight percent copper has been found to be resistant to void formation and thus is useful in all nuclear applications which currently use aluminum or other aluminum alloys in reactor positions which are subjected to high neutron doses.

  10. Nonswelling alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harkness, S.D.


    An aluminum alloy containing one weight percent copper has been found to be resistant to void formation and thus is useful in all nuclear applications which currently use aluminum or other aluminum alloys in reactor positions which are subjected to high neutron doses

  11. Facile synthesis of dendritic Cu by electroless reaction of Cu-Al alloys in multiphase solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Ying; Liang, Shuhua, E-mail:; Yang, Qing; Wang, Xianhui


    Highlights: • Nano- or micro-scale fractal dendritic copper (FDC) was synthesized by electroless immersing of Cu-Al alloys in CuCl{sub 2} + HCl. • FDC size increases with the increase of Al content in Cu-Al alloys immersed in CuCl{sub 2} + HCl solution. • Nanoscale Cu{sub 2}O was found at the edge of FDC. Nanoporous copper (NPC) can also be obtained by using Cu{sub 17}Al{sub 83} alloy. • The potential difference between CuAl{sub 2} and α-Al phase and the replacement reaction in multiphase solution are key factors. - Abstract: Two-dimensional nano- or micro-scale fractal dendritic coppers (FDCs) were synthesized by electroless immersing of Cu-Al alloys in hydrochloric acid solution containing copper chloride without any assistance of template or surfactant. The FDC size increases with the increase of Al content in Cu-Al alloys immersed in CuCl{sub 2} + HCl solution. Compared to Cu{sub 40}Al{sub 60} and Cu{sub 45}Al{sub 55} alloys, the FDC shows hierarchical distribution and homogeneous structures using Cu{sub 17}Al{sub 83} alloy as the starting alloy. The growth direction of the FDC is <110>, and all angles between the trunks and branches are 60°. Nanoscale Cu{sub 2}O was found at the edge of FDC. Interestingly, nanoporous copper (NPC) can also be obtained through Cu{sub 17}Al{sub 83} alloy. Studies showed that the formation of FDC depended on two key factors: the potential difference between CuAl{sub 2} intermetallic and α-Al phase of dual-phase Cu-Al alloys; a replacement reaction that usually occurs in multiphase solution. The electrochemical experiment further proved that the multi-branch dendritic structure is very beneficial to the proton transfer in the process of catalyzing methanol.

  12. Novel Interpretation of High Temperature Creep in an ODS Cu-ZrO2 Alloy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Čadek, Josef; Kuchařová, Květa


    Roč. 40, č. 3 (2002), s. 133-145 ISSN 0023-432X R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IBS2041001 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : ODS Cu Alloy s * Creep Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials Impact factor: 0.493, year: 2002


    Schonfeld, F.W.; Waber, J.T.


    A series of nuclear reactor fuel alloys consisting of from about 5 to about 50 at.% zirconium (or higher zirconium alloys such as Zircaloy), balance plutonium, and having the structural composition of a plutonium are described. Zirconium is a satisfactory diluent because it alloys readily with plutonium and has desirable nuclear properties. Additional advantages are corrosion resistance, excellent fabrication propenties, an isotropie structure, and initial softness.

  14. Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects on the selective surface oxidation of binary, ternary and quarternary model alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swaminathan, Srinivasan; Spiegel, Michael


    Segregation and selective oxidation phenomena of minor alloying elements during annealing of steel sheets lead to the formation of bare spots after hot dip galvanizing. In order to understand the influence of common alloying elements on the surface chemistry after annealing, model alloys of binary (Fe-2Si, Fe-2Mn and Fe-0.8Cr), ternary (Fe-2Mn-2Si, Fe-2Mn-0.8Cr and Fe-2Si-0.8Cr) and quarternary (Fe-2Mn-2Si-0.8Cr) systems were investigated. The specimens were annealed for 60 s at 820 deg. C in N 2 -5% H 2 gas atmospheres with different dew points -80 and -40 deg. C, respectively. Surface chemistry of the annealed specimens was obtained by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) was used to view surface morphology. At low dew point -80 deg. C, apart from the thermodynamical calculations such as solubility product of oxides and their critical solute concentrations, kinetics play a decisive role on the selective oxidation, i.e. oxygen competition. As expected, the amount of external selective oxidation of alloying elements are well pronounced at higher dew point -40 deg. C. An attempt has been made to explain the dominant process of Si and Mn on Cr-oxidation and segregation. It is observed that annealing of quarternary system at higher dew point shifts the Cr-oxidation from external to internal

  15. Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects on the selective surface oxidation of binary, ternary and quarternary model alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Swaminathan, Srinivasan [High Temperature Reactions Group, Department of Interface Chemistry and Surface Engineering, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Eisenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-Str. 1, D-40237 Duesseldorf (Germany)]. E-mail:; Spiegel, Michael [High Temperature Reactions Group, Department of Interface Chemistry and Surface Engineering, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Eisenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-Str. 1, D-40237 Duesseldorf (Germany)


    Segregation and selective oxidation phenomena of minor alloying elements during annealing of steel sheets lead to the formation of bare spots after hot dip galvanizing. In order to understand the influence of common alloying elements on the surface chemistry after annealing, model alloys of binary (Fe-2Si, Fe-2Mn and Fe-0.8Cr), ternary (Fe-2Mn-2Si, Fe-2Mn-0.8Cr and Fe-2Si-0.8Cr) and quarternary (Fe-2Mn-2Si-0.8Cr) systems were investigated. The specimens were annealed for 60 s at 820 deg. C in N{sub 2}-5% H{sub 2} gas atmospheres with different dew points -80 and -40 deg. C, respectively. Surface chemistry of the annealed specimens was obtained by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) was used to view surface morphology. At low dew point -80 deg. C, apart from the thermodynamical calculations such as solubility product of oxides and their critical solute concentrations, kinetics play a decisive role on the selective oxidation, i.e. oxygen competition. As expected, the amount of external selective oxidation of alloying elements are well pronounced at higher dew point -40 deg. C. An attempt has been made to explain the dominant process of Si and Mn on Cr-oxidation and segregation. It is observed that annealing of quarternary system at higher dew point shifts the Cr-oxidation from external to internal.

  16. Microstructural examination of several commercial ferritic alloys irradiated to high fluence (United States)

    Gelles, D. S.

    Microstructural observations are reported for a series of five commercial ferritic alloys, 2 {1}/{4}Cr-1Mo , H-11, EM-12, 416, and 430F, covering the composition range 2.25 to 17% chromium, following EBR-II irradiation over the temperature range 400 to 650°C and to a maximum fluence of 1.76 × 10 23 n/cm 2 (E >0.1 MeV). These materials were confirmed to be low void swelling with maximum swelling of 0.63% measured in EM-12 following irradiation at 400°C to 1.40 × 10 23 n/cm 2. A wide range of precipitation response was found both as a function of alloy and irradiation temperature. Precipitates observed included M 6C, Mo 2C, Chi, Laves, M 23C 6, α' and a low temperature phase as yet unidentified. It is predicted, based on these results, that the major impact of irradiation on the ferritic alloy class will be changes in postirradiation mechanical properties due to precipitation.

  17. Ultrahigh temperature intermetallic alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brady, M.P.; Zhu, J.H.; Liu, C.T.; Tortorelli, P.F.; Wright, J.L.; Carmichael, C.A.; Walker, L.R. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States). Metals and Ceramics Div.


    A new family of Cr-Cr{sub 2}X based alloys with fabricability, mechanical properties, and oxidation resistance superior to previously developed Cr-Cr{sub 2}Nb and Cr-Cr{sub 2}Zr based alloys has been identified. The new alloys can be arc-melted/cast without cracking, and exhibit excellent room temperature and high-temperature tensile strengths. Preliminary evaluation of oxidation behavior at 1100 C in air indicates that the new Cr-Cr{sub 2}X based alloys form an adherent chromia-based scale. Under similar conditions, Cr-Cr{sub 2}Nb and Cr-Cr{sub 2}Zr based alloys suffer from extensive scale spallation.

  18. Effects of primary dicarboxylic acids on microstructure and mechanical properties of sub-microcrystalline Ni-Co alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vijayakumar, J.; Mohan, S.; Yadav, S. Sunil


    Highlights: → The electrodeposited Ni-Co alloys are mostly used in magnetic sensors and it has good mechanical and corrosion resistance properties. → The effect of dicarboxylic acid leads to preferred (2 0 0) crystalline orientation, this may improve magnetic properties dicarboxylic acid can alter the elemental composition of Ni-Co alloy. → Dicarboxylic acid acts as a good brightner. - Abstract: Nickel-cobalt alloys were deposited from sulfate electrolyte with oxalic, malonic and succinic acids as additives and their microstructure and mechanical properties were studied. The crystal structure, surface morphologies, and chemical composition of coatings were investigated using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, and energy dispersive spectroscopy. The crystal structure and surface morphology analysis showed that the addition of dicarboxylic acid leads to (2 0 0) crystal face and the surface were more compact and uniform due to the grain refining. Ni 60 -Co 40 alloy was achieved when succinic acid is used as additive.

  19. Ultrasonic detection of ductile-to-brittle transitions in free-cutting aluminum alloys

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Nejezchlebová, J.; Seiner, Hanuš; Ševčík, Martin; Landa, Michal; Karlík, M.


    Roč. 69, January 2015 (2015), s. 40-47 ISSN 0963-8695 R&D Projects: GA ČR GB14-36566G Institutional support: RVO:61388998 Keywords : aluminum alloys * laser ultrasound * ductile-to-brittle * elastic constants * resonant ultrasound spectroscopy Subject RIV: BI - Acoustics Impact factor: 1.871, year: 2015

  20. Magnetic characterization of nanocrystalline Fe{sub 80−x}Cr{sub x}Co{sub 20} (15≤x≤35) alloys during milling and subsequent annealing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rastabi, Reza Amini; Ghasemi, Ali, E-mail:; Tavoosi, Majid; Sodaee, Tahmineh


    Magnetic characterization of nanocrystalline Fe–Cr–Co alloys during milling and annealing process was the goal of this study. To formation of Fe{sub 80−x}Cr{sub x}Co{sub 20} (15≤x≤35) solid solution, different powder mixtures of Fe, Cr and Co elements were mechanically milled in a planetary ball mill. The annealing process was done in as-milled samples at different temperature in the range of 500–640 °C for 2 h. The produced samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and vibrating sample magnetometer. Performed mechanical alloying in different powder mixtures lead to the formation of Fe–Cr–Co α-phase solid solution with average crystallite sizes of about 10 nm. The produced nanocrystalline alloys exhibit magnetic properties with the coercivity and saturation of magnetization in the range of 110–200 Oe and 150–220 emu/g, respectively. The coercivity of produced alloys after annealing process decreased and reached to about 40–150 Oe. The highest value of coercivity in as-milled and annealed samples was achieved in alloys with higher Cr contents. - Highlights: • Hc and Ms of produced alloys obtained in the range of 110–200 Oe and 150–220 emu/g. • The highest value of Hc in milled and annealed samples was achieved in Fe{sub 45}Cr{sub 35}Co{sub 20}. • Hc of produced alloys after spinodal decomposition decreased to about 40–150 Oe. • The effect of crystalline defects and residual strain on magnetic fields pinning in milled samples is higher than spinodal decomposition in annealed samples. • The highest value of Hc in as-milled and annealed samples was achieved in Fe{sub 45}Cr{sub 35}Co{sub 20}. The coercivity of produced alloys after annealing process decreased and reach to about 40–150 Oe. • The produced nanocrystalline alloys exhibit magnetic properties with the coercivity and saturation of magnetization in the range of 110–200 Oe and 150–220 emu

  1. Effects of Nd-addition on the structural, hydrogen storage, and electrochemical properties of C14 metal hydride alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wong, D.F. [BASF/Battery Materials-Ovonic, 2983 Waterview Drive, Rochester Hills, MI 48309 (United States); Department of Chemical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 (United States); Young, K., E-mail: [BASF/Battery Materials-Ovonic, 2983 Waterview Drive, Rochester Hills, MI 48309 (United States); Department of Chemical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 (United States); Nei, J.; Wang, L. [BASF/Battery Materials-Ovonic, 2983 Waterview Drive, Rochester Hills, MI 48309 (United States); Ng, K.Y.S. [Department of Chemical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 (United States)


    Nd-addition to the AB{sub 2}-based alloy Ti{sub 12}Zr{sub 22.8−x}V{sub 10}Cr{sub 7.5}Mn{sub 8.1}Co{sub 7.0}Ni{sub 32.2}Al{sub 0.4}Nd{sub x} is studied for its effects on the structure, gaseous-phase hydrogen storage, and electrochemical properties. This study follows a series of Cu, Mo, Fe, Y, Si, and La doping studies in similar AB{sub 2}-based alloys. Limited solubility of Nd in the main Laves phase promotes the formation of secondary phases (AB and Zr{sub 7}Ni{sub 10}) to provide catalytic effects and synergies for improved capacity and high-rate dischargeability (HRD) performance. The main C14 storage phase has smaller lattice constants and cell volumes, and these effects reduce the storage capacity at higher Nd levels. Different hydrogen absorption mechanisms can occur in these multi-component, multi-phase alloys depending on the interfaces of the phases, and they have effects on the alloy properties. Higher Nd-levels improve the HRD performance despite having lower bulk diffusion and surface exchange current. Magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate large percentage of larger metallic nickel clusters are present in the surface oxide of alloys with higher Nd-content, and AC impedance studies show very low charge-transfer resistance with high catalytic capability in the alloys. The −40 °C charge-transfer resistance of 8.9 Ω g in this Nd-series of alloys is the lowest measured out of the studies investigating doped AB{sub 2}-based MH alloys for improved low-temperature characteristics. The improvement in HRD and low-temperature performance appears to be related to the proportion of the highly catalytic NdNi-phase at the surface, which must offset the increased bulk diffusion resistance in the alloy. - Graphical abstract: Schematics of hydrogen flow and corresponding PCT isotherms in funneling mode. - Highlights: • Structural and hydrogen storage properties of Nd-substituted AB{sub 2} metal hydride are reported. • Nd contributes to the lowest

  2. Electronic structure of alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ehrenreich, H.; Schwartz, L.M.


    The description of electronic properties of binary substitutional alloys within the single particle approximation is reviewed. Emphasis is placed on a didactic exposition of the equilibrium properties of the transport and magnetic properties of such alloys. Topics covered include: multiple scattering theory; the single band alloy; formal extensions of the theory; the alloy potential; realistic model state densities; the s-d model; and the muffin tin model. 43 figures, 3 tables, 151 references

  3. Monitoring alloy formation during mechanical alloying process by x-ray diffraction techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdul Kadir Masrom; Noraizam Md Diah; Mazli Mustapha


    Monitoring alloying (MA) is a novel processing technique that use high energy impact ball mill to produce alloys with enhanced properties and microscopically homogeneous materials starting from various powder mixtures. Mechanical alloying process was originally developed to produce oxide dispersion strengthened nickel superalloys. In principal, in high-energy ball milling process, alloy is formed by the result of repeated welding, fracturing and rewelding of powder particles in a high energy ball mill. In this process a powder mixture in a ball mill is subjected to high-energy collisions among balls. MA has been shown to be capable of synthesizing a variety of materials. It is known to be capable to prepare equilibrium and non-equilibrium phases starting from blended elemental or prealloyed powders. The process ability to produce highly metastable materials such as amorphous alloys and nanostructured materials has made this process attractive and it has been considered as a promising material processing technique that could be used to produce many advanced materials at low cost. The present study explores the conditions under which aluminum alloys formation occurs by ball milling of blended aluminum and its alloying elements powders. In this work, attempt was made in producing aluminum 2024 alloys by milling of blended elemental aluminum powder of 2024 composition in a stainless steel container under argon atmosphere for up to 210 minutes. X-ray diffraction together with thermal analysis techniques has been used to monitor phase changes in the milled powder. Results indicate that, using our predetermined milling parameters, alloys were formed after 120 minutes milling. The thermal analysis data was also presented in this report. (Author)

  4. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–1Mn and Al–10Si alloy circular clad ingot prepared by direct chill casting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fu, Ying; Jie, Jinchuan; Wu, Li; Park, Joonpyo; Sun, Jianbo; Kim, Jongho; Li, Tingju


    An innovative direct chill casting process to prepare Al–10 wt%Si and Al–1 wt%Mn alloy circular clad ingots has been developed in the present study. The experimental casting parameters were determined by theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and experimental processes. The interface of clad ingots was investigated by methods of metallographic examination, electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that excellent metallurgical bonding of two different aluminum alloys could be achieved by direct chill casting. The Al–1Mn alloy which was poured into the mold earlier served as the substrate for heterogeneous nucleation of Al–10Si alloy. Because of diffusion of Si and Mn elements, a diffusion layer with a thickness of about 40 μm on average between the Al–10Si and Al–1Mn alloys could be obtained. The tensile strength of the clad ingot was 106.8 MPa and the fractured position was located in the Al–1Mn alloy side, indicating the strength of the interfacial region is higher than that of Al–1Mn alloy.

  5. Effect of ternary alloying elements on the shape memory behavior of Ti-Ta alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buenconsejo, Pio John S.; Kim, Hee Young; Miyazaki, Shuichi


    The effect of ternary alloying elements (X = V, Cr, Fe, Zr, Hf, Mo, Sn, Al) on the shape memory behavior of Ti-30Ta-X alloys was investigated. All the alloying elements decreased the martensitic transformation temperatures. The decrease in the martensitic transformation start (M s ) temperature due to alloying was affected by the atomic size and number of valence electrons of the alloying element. A larger number of valence electrons and a smaller atomic radius of an alloying element decreased the M s more strongly. The effect of the alloying elements on suppressing the aging effect on the shape memory behavior was also investigated. It was found that the additions of Sn and Al to Ti-Ta were effective in suppressing the effect of aging on the shape memory behavior, since they strongly suppress the formation of ω phase during aging treatment. For this reason the Ti-30Ta-1Al and Ti-30Ta-1Sn alloys exhibited a stable high-temperature shape memory effect during thermal cycling.

  6. Sol-Gel Derived Hydroxyapatite Coating on Mg-3Zn Alloy for Orthopedic Application (United States)

    Singh, Sanjay; Manoj Kumar, R.; Kuntal, Kishor Kumar; Gupta, Pallavi; Das, Snehashish; Jayaganthan, R.; Roy, Partha; Lahiri, Debrupa


    In recent years, magnesium and its alloys have gained a lot of interest as orthopedic implant constituents because their biodegradability and mechanical properties are closer to that of human bone. However, one major concern with Mg in orthopedics is its high corrosion rate that results in the reduction of mechanical integrity before healing the bone tissue. The current study evaluates the sol-gel-derived hydroxyapatite (HA) coating on a selected Mg alloy (Mg-3Zn) for decreasing the corrosion rate and increasing the bioactivity of the Mg surface. The mechanical integrity of the coating is established as a function of the surface roughness of the substrate and the sintering temperature of the coating. Coating on a substrate roughness of 15-20 nm and sintering at 400°C shows the mechanical properties in similar range of bone, thus making it suitable to avoid the stress-shielding effect. The hydroxyapatite coating on the Mg alloy surface also increases corrosion resistance very significantly by 40 times. Bone cells are also found proliferating better in the HA-coated surface. All these benefits together establish the candidature of sol-gel HA-coated Mg-3Zn alloy in orthopedic application.

  7. Anodic behavior of alloy 22 in bicarbonate containing media: Effect of alloying

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zadorozne, N S; Giordano, C M; Rebak, R B; Ares, A E; Carranza, R M


    Alloy 22 is one of the candidates for the manufacture of high level nuclear waste containers. These containers provide services in natural environments characterized by multi-ionic solutions.It is estimated they could suffer three types of deterioration: general corrosion, localized corrosion (specifically crevice corrosion) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC). It has been confirmed that the presence of bicarbonate and chloride ions is necessary to produce cracking, . It has also been determined that the susceptibility to SCC could be related to the occurrence of an anodic peak in the polarization curves in these media at potentials below transpassivity. The aim of this work is to study the effect of alloying elements on the anodic behavior of Alloy 22 in media containing bicarbonate and chloride ions at different concentrations and temperatures. Polarization curves were made on alloy 22 (Ni-22% Cr-13% Mo), Ni-Mo (Ni-28, 5% Mo) and Ni-Cr (Ni-20% Cr) in the following solutions: 1 mol/L NaCl at 90 o C, and 1.148 mol/L NaHCO 3 ; 1.148 mol/L NaHCO 3 + 1 mol/L NaCl; 1.148 mol/L NaHCO 3 + 0.1 mol/L NaCl, at 90 o C, 75 o C, 60 o C and 25 o C. It was found that alloy 22 has a anodic current density peak at potentials below transpassivity, only in the presence of bicarbonate ions. Curves performed in 1 mol/L NaCl did not show any anodic peak, in any of the tested alloys. The curves made on alloys Ni-Mo and Ni-Cr in the presence of bicarbonate ions, allowed to determine that Cr, is responsible for the appearance of the anodic peak in alloy 22. The curves of alloy Ni-Mo showed no anodic peak in the studied conditions. The potential at which the anodic peak appears in alloy 22 and Ni-Cr alloy, increases with decreasing temperature. The anodic peak was also affected by solution composition. When chloride ion is added to bicarbonate solutions, the anodic peak is shifted to higher potential and current densities, depending on the concentration of added chloride ions (author)

  8. Evaluation of wrought Zn-Al alloys (1, 3, and 5 wt % Al) through mechanical and in vivo testing for stent applications. (United States)

    Bowen, Patrick K; Seitz, Jan-Marten; Guillory, Roger J; Braykovich, Jacob P; Zhao, Shan; Goldman, Jeremy; Drelich, Jaroslaw W


    Special high grade zinc and wrought zinc-aluminum (Zn-Al) alloys containing up to 5.5 wt % Al were processed, characterized, and implanted in rats in search of a new family of alloys with possible applications as bioabsorbable endovascular stents. These materials retained roll-induced texture with an anisotropic distribution of the second-phase Al precipitates following hot-rolling, and changes in lattice parameters were observed with respect to Al content. Mechanical properties for the alloys fell roughly in line with strength (190-240 MPa yield strength; 220-300 MPa ultimate tensile strength) and elongation (15-30%) benchmarks, and favorable elastic ranges (0.19-0.27%) were observed. Intergranular corrosion was observed during residence of Zn-Al alloys in the murine aorta, suggesting a different corrosion mechanism than that of pure zinc. This mode of failure needs to be avoided for stent applications because the intergranular corrosion caused cracking and fragmentation of the implants, although the composition of corrosion products was roughly identical between non- and Al-containing materials. In spite of differences in corrosion mechanisms, the cross-sectional reduction of metals in murine aorta was nearly identical at 30-40% and 40-50% after 4.5 and 6 months, respectively, for pure Zn and Zn-Al alloys. Histopathological analysis and evaluation of arterial tissue compatibility around Zn-Al alloys failed to identify areas of necrosis, though both chronic and acute inflammatory indications were present. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 106B: 245-258, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Structural specifics of the condensate prepared by thermal evaporation of alloys of As2S3-Yb systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ehfendiev, Eh.G.; Mamedov, A.I.; Il'yasov, T.M.; Rustamov, P.G.


    The problem aimed at preparation of the films of As 2 S 3 -Yb system, at studying their substructure depending on condensation conditions and defining noncrystallinity region of this system in the film state, is formulated. It is shown that in representative samples of As 2 S 3 -Yb system the vitrification region is extended up to 7 at.% Yb, in the films noncrystallinity region is extended up to 30 at.% Yb. With up to 30 at.% increase of ytterbium amount in initial alloys a tendency to crystallization in amorphous condensate structure is noticed. In evaporation of As 2 S 3 + 40 at.% Yb and As 2 S 3 + 50 at.% Yb, unknown in the film state YbAs 2 S 4 , Yb 3 As 4 S 9 and YbAs 4 S 7 phases are prepared, and the latter is formed in case of As 2 S 3 + 50 at.% Yb alloy at small evaporation rates (∼10 A/s). Substructure of As 2 S 3 + 50 at.% Yb alloy prepared condensate is more dependent on evaporation rate than in evaporation of As 2 S 3 + 40 at.% Yb alloy. In this case, evaporation rates being ∼ 100 A/s, the condensate has a polycrystal structure, and at small rates of ∼ 10 A/c, condensate structure is primarily blocked

  10. Microstructure and magnetic properties of alnico permanent magnetic alloys with Zr-B additives (United States)

    Rehman, Sajjad Ur; Jiang, Qingzheng; Ge, Qing; Lei, Weikai; Zhang, Lili; Zeng, Qingwen; ul Haq, A.; Liu, Renhui; Zhong, Zhenchen


    Alnico alloys are prepared with nominal composition of 31.4-xFe-7.0Al-36.0Co-4.0Cu-1.0Nb-14.0Ni-6.0Ti-0.6Zr-xB (x = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, in wt%) by arc melting and casting techniques and subsequent heat treatment. The alloys are characterized by X-ray diffraction method, optical microscope, scanning electron microscope and pulse field magnetometer by plotting magnetic hysteresis demagnetization curve. The results of HRSEM show at least two new phases at α-grain boundaries and triple junctions. These phases, when retained at low concentration, help in enhancing magnetic properties of alnico alloys by purifying spinodal phases and reducing the adverse effects of impurity elements. Two different heat treatment cycles are employed. In the first phase, the alloys are processed by using heat treatment cycles without magnetic field; and Hc of 1.35 kOe, Br of 4.87 kGs and (BH)max of 1.96 MGOe are obtained by furnace cooling below TC and subsequent tempering at 680 °C and 550 °C. In the second phase, the alloy with best magnetic properties is treated thermo-magnetically; and Hc of 1.68 kOe, Br of 7.1 kG and (BH)max of 4.45 MGOe are obtained.

  11. SCC behavior of alloy 690 from a CDRM mock-up

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lapena, J.; Sol Garcia-Redondo, M. del; Perosanz, F.J.; Saez, A.; Gomez-Briceno, D.; Castelao, C.


    Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) response of Alloy 690 when the material has been subjected to nonuniform cold working is of interest to understand the behavior of the weld heat affected zone (HAZ) of Alloy 690 in which localised plastic strain exists due to weld shrinkage. This has a special interest in the case of control-rod-drive mechanisms (CRDM) of vessel head. To simulate these conditions during last years many crack growth rate (CGR) data were obtained in deformed material by cold work (rolling, forging or tensile straining), up to 40% of cold working. However, it is unclear to what extent this simulation procedure reproduces the conditions of the material in a CRDM. A research project is being carried out in order to obtain CGR data in realistic situations existing in operating power plants, by the use of CT specimens extracted from CRDMs. This presentation shows the characterization and some results of crack growth rate data on Alloy 690 TT base metal/HAZ/weld metal using specimens made from a CRDM mock-up. It has been fabricated following the usual procedures used for the RPV head fabrication for the Spanish PWR NPP. (authors)


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    Full Text Available Magnesium is the lightest structural metal. Magnesium alloys have a hexagonal lattice structure, which affects the fundamental properties of these alloys. Plastic deformation of the hexagonal lattice is more complicated than in cubic latticed metals like aluminum, copper and steel. Magnesium alloy developments have traditionally been driven by industry requirements for lightweight materials to operate under increasingly demanding conditions. Magnesium alloys have always been attractive to designers due to their low density, only two thirds that of aluminium and its alloys [1]. The element and its alloys take a big part of modern industry needs. Especially nowadays magnesium alloys are used in automotive and mechanical (trains and wagons manufacture, because of its lightness and other features. Magnesium and magnesium alloys are the easiest of all metals to machine, allowing machining operations at extremely high speed. All standard machining operations such as turning, drilling, milling, are commonly performed on magnesium parts.

  13. Characteristics of Film Formed on Alloy 600 and Alloy 690 in Water Containing lead

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang Seong Sik; Lee, Deok Hyun; Kim, Hong Pyo; Kim, Joung Soo; Kim, Ju Yup


    Anodic polarization behaviors of Alloy 600 and Alloy 690 have been studied as a function of lead content in the solution of pH 4 and 10 at 90 .deg. C. As the amount of lead in the solution increased, critical current densities and passive current densities of Alloy 600 and Alloy 690 increased, while the breakdown potential of the alloys decreased. The high critical current density in the high lead solution was thought to come from the combination of an enhanced dissolution of constituents on the surface of the alloys by the lead and an anodic dissolution of metallic lead deposited on the surface of the specimens. The morphology of lead precipitated on the specimen after the anodic scan changed with the pH of solution: small irregular particles were precipitated on the surface of the specimen in the solution of pH 4, while the high density of regular sized particles was formed on it in the solution of pH 10.Pb was observed to enhance Cr depletion from the outer surface of Alloy 600 and Alloy 690 and also to increase the ratio of O 2- /OH - in the surface film formed in the high lead solution. The SCC resistance of Alloy 600 and Alloy 690 may have decreased due to the poor quality of the passive film formed and the enhanced oxygen evolution in the solution containing lead

  14. Grain refining mechanism of Al-containing Mg alloys with the addition of Mn-Al alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin, Gaowu W.; Ren Yuping; Huang Wei; Li Song; Pei Wenli


    Graphical abstract: Display Omitted Research highlights: The ε-AlMn phase acts as the heterogeneous nucleus of α-Mg phase during the solidification of the AZ31 Mg alloy, not the γ-Al 8 Mn 5 phase. The grain refinement effect is very clear with the addition of only 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy (pure ε-AlMn). The grain refinement does not deteriorate up to the holding time of 60 min at 740 o C. - Abstract: The effect of manganese on grain refinement of Al-containing AZ31 Mg alloy has been investigated by designing a series of Mn-Al alloys composed of either pure ε-AlMn, γ 2 -Al 8 Mn 5 or both of them using optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It is experimentally clarified that the grain refinement of the AZ31 Mg alloy is due to the existence of the ε-AlMn phase in the Mn-Al alloys, not the γ 2 -Al 8 Mn 5 phase. The grain size of AZ31 Mg alloy is about 91 μm without any addition of Mn-Al alloys, but remarkably decreases to ∼55 μm with the addition of either Mn-34 wt% Al or Mn-28 wt% Al. With a minor addition of 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy, the grain size of AZ31 alloy decreases to ∼53 μm, and the Mn-28Al alloy can be active as grain refiner for holding time up to 60 min for the melt AZ31 alloy at 750 o C.

  15. Properties of low-alloy steel with tellurium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Popova, L.V.; Lebedev, D.V.; Litvinenko, D.A.; Nasibov, A.G.


    The results of investigations into 09G2 and 09G2F steels alloyed with tellurium after controlled rolling are presented. 0.002-0.011% tellurium additions did not change strength and plastic properties of the steels after controlled rolling. Tellurium additions results in 40-50% increase of the steel impact strength on samples With circular and sharp cuts in brittle-viscous region. 0.002-0.003% of tellurium is considered to be the optimum content from the view point of increa=. sing steel strength. Increase of impact strength takes place at the expense of growth of both work function of crack formation and work function of crack propagation but in different temperature ranges: at the expense of firstone at 80-40 deg C, at the expense of second one at 20-40 deg C. 0.002-0.011% teilurium additions mainly at the expense of sulphide globularization bring about decrease of anisotropy of steet properties by impact strength reducing anisotropy factor from 2 to 1.5

  16. A survey of some metallographic etching reagents for restoration of obliterated engraved marks on aluminium-silicon alloy surfaces. (United States)

    Uli, Norjaidi; Kuppuswamy, R; Amran, Mohd Firdaus Che


    A brief survey to assess the sensitivity and efficacy of some common etching reagents for revealing obliterated engraved marks on Al-Si alloy surfaces is presented. Experimental observations have recommended use of alternate swabbing of 10% NaOH and 10% HNO(3) on the obliterated surfaces for obtaining the desired results. The NaOH etchant responsible for bringing back the original marks resulted in the deposition of some dark coating that has masked the recovered marks. The coating had been well removed by dissolving it in HNO(3) containing 10-20% acid. However, the above etching procedure was not effective on aluminium (99% purity) and Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy surfaces. Also the two reagents (i) immersion in 10% aq. phosphoric acid and (ii) alternate swabbing of 60% HCl and 40% NaOH suggested earlier for high strength Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys [23] were quite ineffective on Al-Si alloys. Thus different aluminium alloys needed different etching treatments for successfully restoring the obliterated marks. Al-Si alloys used in casting find wide applications especially in the manufacture of engine blocks of motor vehicles. Hence, the results presented in this paper are of much relevance in serial number restoration problems involving this alloy. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Synthesis of Amorphous Powders of Ni-Si and Co-Si Alloys by Mechanical Alloying (United States)

    Omuro, Keisuke; Miura, Harumatsu


    Amorphous powders of the Ni-Si and Co-Si alloys are synthesized by mechanical alloying (MA) from crystalline elemental powders using a high energy ball mill. The alloying and amorphization process is examined by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and scanning electron microscopy. For the Ni-Si alloy, it is confirmed that the crystallization temperature of the MA powder, measured by DSC, is in good agreement with that of the powder sample prepared by mechanical grinding from the cast alloy ingot products of the same composition.

  18. Magnetostriction of the polycrystalline Fe80Al20 alloy doped with boron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bormio-Nunes, Cristina; Teodoro dos Santos, Claudio; Botani de Souza Dias, Mateus; Doerr, Mathias; Granovsky, Sergey; Loewenhaupt, Michael


    Highlights: ► Fe 80 Al 20 polycrystalline alloy magnetostriction 40 ppm increased to 80 ppm due to 2% of B doping. ► B stabilizes α-FeAl phase and a coexistence of α-FeAl + Fe 3 Al improves magnetostriction. ► Presence of Fe 2 B phase causes domain rearrangement revealed by the decrease of the volume magnetostriction. - Abstract: The doping of Fe 80 Al 20 polycrystalline alloy with 2% of boron increased the total magnetostriction twofold compared to a sample without boron. A value close to 80 ppm was achieved at 300 K. The microstructures of the boron-doped alloys show a dendritically solidified matrix with interdendritic α-FeAl and/or Fe 3 Al and Fe 2 B eutectic between the grains. The XRD analysis reveals an increase in the volume fraction of α-FeAl and a correspondent decrease of the Fe 3 Al phase volume fraction as the boron content increases. The increase of the volume fraction of this tetragonal Fe 2 B phase in the samples doped with boron causes the decrease of the strong volume magnetostriction that was observed in the alloy without boron. There is some evidence that the improvement of the magnetostriction magnitude due to the addition of boron to the Fe 80 Al 20 alloy could reach the maximal magnetostriction if the 1:1 optimal ratio of the volume fractions of the α-FeAl and Fe 3 Al phases could be reached.

  19. Plasma arc melting of titanium-tantalum alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunn, P.; Patterson, R.A.; Haun, R.


    Los Alamos has several applications for high temperature, oxidation and liquid-metal corrosion resistant materials. Further, materials property constraints are dictated by a requirement to maintain low density; e.g., less than the density of stainless steel. Liquid metal compatibility and density requirements have driven the research toward the Ti-Ta system with an upper bound of 60 wt% Ta-40 wt% Ti. Initial melting of these materials was performed in a small button arc melter with several hundred grams of material; however, ingot quantities were soon needed. But, refractory metal alloys whose constituents possess very dissimilar densities, melting temperatures and vapor pressures pose significant difficulty and require specialized melting practices. The Ti-Ta alloys fall into this category with the density of tantalum 16.5 g/cc and that of titanium 4.5 g/cc. Melting is further complicated by the high melting point of Ta(3020 C) and the relatively low boiling point of Ti(3287 C). Previous electron beam melting experience with these materials resulted, in extensive vaporization of the titanium and poor chemical homogeneity. Vacuum arc remelting(VAR) was considered as a melting candidate and discarded due to density and vapor pressure issues associated with electron beam. Plasma arc melting offered the ability to supply a cover gas to deal with vapor pressure issues as well as solidification control to help with macrosegregation in the melt and has successfully produced high quality ingots of the Ti-Ta alloys

  20. Thermodynamics of oxygen solutions in Fe-40% Ni-15% Cr melts containing Mn, Si, Ti, Al

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dashevskij, V.Ya.; Makarova, N.N.; Grigorovich, K.V.; Kashin, V.I.; Polikarpova, N.V.


    Thermodynamic analysis and experimental studied are performed for oxygen solutions in Fe-40% Ni-15% Cr melts where Mn, Si, Ti, Al are used as reducing agents. It is revealed that in the alloys studied the affinity of reducing agents to oxygen essentially lower than in liquid iron, nickel and Fe-40% Ni alloy. This is explained by the fact that the oxygen activity in melts noticeably decreases due to a high chromium content whereas the activity of reducing elements increases in a rather less degree. The agreement between analytical and experimental results confirms the validity of the calculation technique [ru

  1. Connection of crystallographic texture with anisotropy of yield strength of titanium alloy sheets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serebryannyj, V.N.; Koknaev, R.G.


    Using the programs developed in FORTRAN-4 algorithmic language for the ES-1022 computer the contribution of crystallographic texture to the anisotropy of yield strength in the sheet plane for warm-rolled sheets of α-titanium alloys VT1 and VT5-1, is evaluated. It is established, that experimental and calculation data for the sheet of VT1-0 agree satisfactorily in the angle range phi 40 deg the value anti M (phi) exceeds the experimental values σsub(0.2)(phi./σsub(0.2)(0). The results obtained for the sheet of the VT5-1 alloy show, that calculation and experimental data agree well for narrow angles (phi <= 60 deg) and at wider angles the values anti M(phi) exceed the values σsub(0.2)(phi)/σsub(0.2)(0). Calculation and experimental curves for the VT5-1 alloy on the whole agree better than for the VT1-0 one

  2. Formation and characterization of Al–Ti–Nb alloys by electron-beam surface alloying

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valkov, S., E-mail: [Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee blvd., 1784 Sofia (Bulgaria); Petrov, P. [Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee blvd., 1784 Sofia (Bulgaria); Lazarova, R. [Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro and Aerodynamics Center, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 67 Shipchenski Prohod blvd., 1574 Sofia (Bulgaria); Bezdushnyi, R. [Department of Solid State Physics and Microelectronics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky”, 1164 Sofia (Bulgaria); Dechev, D. [Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 72 Tzarigradsko Chaussee blvd., 1784 Sofia (Bulgaria)


    Highlights: • Al–Ti–Nb surface alloys have been successfully obtained by electron-beam surface alloying technology. • The alloys consist of (Ti,Nb)Al{sub 3} fractions, distributed in the biphasic structure of (Ti,Nb)Al{sub 3} particles dispersed in α-Al. • The alloying speed does not affect the lattice parameters of (Ti,Nb)Al{sub 3} and, does not form additional stresses, strains etc. • It was found that lower velocity of the specimen motion during the alloying process develops more homogeneous structures. • The measured hardness of (Ti,Nb)Al{sub 3} compound reaches 775 HV[kg/cm{sup 2}] which is much greater than the values of NbAl{sub 3}. - Abstract: The combination of attractive mechanical properties, light weight and resistance to corrosion makes Ti-Al based alloys applicable in many industrial branches, like aircraft and automotive industries etc. It is known that the incorporation of Nb improves the high temperature performance and mechanical properties. In the present study on Al substrate Ti and Nb layers were deposited by DC (Direct Current) magnetron sputtering, followed by electron-beam alloying with scanning electron beam. It was chosen two speeds of the specimen motion during the alloying process: V{sub 1} = 0.5 cm/s and V{sub 2} = 1 cm/s. The alloying process was realized in circular sweep mode in order to maintain the melt pool further. The obtained results demonstrate a formation of (Ti,Nb)Al{sub 3} fractions randomly distributed in biphasic structure of intermetallic (Ti,Nb)Al{sub 3} particles, dispersed in α-Al solid solution. The evaluated (Ti,Nb)Al{sub 3} lattice parameters are independent of the speed of the specimen motion and therefore the alloying speed does not affect the lattice parameters and thus, does not form additional residual stresses, strains etc. It was found that lower velocity of the specimen motion during the alloying process develops more homogeneous structures. The metallographic analyses demonstrate a

  3. Certain structural properties of the phase-binder of the alloys in W-Ni-Fe system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Minakova, R.V.; Storchak, N.A.; Verkhovodov, P.A.; Bazhenova, L.G.; Poltoratskaya, V.L.


    The paper is concerned with effect of cooling conditions and subsequent heat treatment on grain size, lattice parameter and distribution of composing elements in the phase-binder of the W-Ni-Fe-alloy. The X-ray diffraction analysis was used to determine that the phase-binder structure depends on the heat treatment after liquid-phase sintering and consists of coarse grains with a diameter 3-8 mm for the annealed W-Ni-Fe-alloy decreasing to 40-100 μm at slow cooling. The determined change in solubility and of grain interface enrichment with tungsten in the phase-binder

  4. Effects of alloying elements on thermal desorption of helium in Ni alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Q.; Cao, X.Z.; Sato, K.; Yoshiie, T.


    It is well known that the minor elements Si and Sn can suppress the formation of voids in Ni alloys. In the present study, to investigate the effects of Si and Sn on the retention of helium in Ni alloys, Ni, Ni–Si, and Ni–Sn alloys were irradiated by 5 keV He ions at 723 K. Thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) was performed at up to 1520 K, and microstructural observations were carried out to identify the helium trapping sites during the TDS analysis. Two peaks, at 1350 and 1457 K, appeared in the TDS spectrum of Ni. On the basis of the microstructural observations, the former peak was attributed to the release of trapped helium from small cavities and the latter to its release from large cavities. Small-cavity helium trapping sites were also found in the Ni–Si and Ni–Sn alloys, but no large cavities were observed in these alloys. In addition, it was found that the oversized element Sn could trap He atoms in the Ni–Sn alloy.

  5. Effects of alloying elements on thermal desorption of helium in Ni alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Q., E-mail: [Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Osaka 590-0494 (Japan); Cao, X.Z.; Sato, K.; Yoshiie, T. [Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Osaka 590-0494 (Japan)


    It is well known that the minor elements Si and Sn can suppress the formation of voids in Ni alloys. In the present study, to investigate the effects of Si and Sn on the retention of helium in Ni alloys, Ni, Ni-Si, and Ni-Sn alloys were irradiated by 5 keV He ions at 723 K. Thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) was performed at up to 1520 K, and microstructural observations were carried out to identify the helium trapping sites during the TDS analysis. Two peaks, at 1350 and 1457 K, appeared in the TDS spectrum of Ni. On the basis of the microstructural observations, the former peak was attributed to the release of trapped helium from small cavities and the latter to its release from large cavities. Small-cavity helium trapping sites were also found in the Ni-Si and Ni-Sn alloys, but no large cavities were observed in these alloys. In addition, it was found that the oversized element Sn could trap He atoms in the Ni-Sn alloy.

  6. Effects of alloying elements on thermal desorption of helium in Ni alloys (United States)

    Xu, Q.; Cao, X. Z.; Sato, K.; Yoshiie, T.


    It is well known that the minor elements Si and Sn can suppress the formation of voids in Ni alloys. In the present study, to investigate the effects of Si and Sn on the retention of helium in Ni alloys, Ni, Ni-Si, and Ni-Sn alloys were irradiated by 5 keV He ions at 723 K. Thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) was performed at up to 1520 K, and microstructural observations were carried out to identify the helium trapping sites during the TDS analysis. Two peaks, at 1350 and 1457 K, appeared in the TDS spectrum of Ni. On the basis of the microstructural observations, the former peak was attributed to the release of trapped helium from small cavities and the latter to its release from large cavities. Small-cavity helium trapping sites were also found in the Ni-Si and Ni-Sn alloys, but no large cavities were observed in these alloys. In addition, it was found that the oversized element Sn could trap He atoms in the Ni-Sn alloy.

  7. High-Strength Low-Alloy (HSLA) Mg-Zn-Ca Alloys with Excellent Biodegradation Performance (United States)

    Hofstetter, J.; Becker, M.; Martinelli, E.; Weinberg, A. M.; Mingler, B.; Kilian, H.; Pogatscher, S.; Uggowitzer, P. J.; Löffler, J. F.


    This article deals with the development of fine-grained high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) magnesium alloys intended for use as biodegradable implant material. The alloys contain solely low amounts of Zn and Ca as alloying elements. We illustrate the development path starting from the high-Zn-containing ZX50 (MgZn5Ca0.25) alloy with conventional purity, to an ultrahigh-purity ZX50 modification, and further to the ultrahigh-purity Zn-lean alloy ZX10 (MgZn1Ca0.3). It is shown that alloys with high Zn-content are prone to biocorrosion in various environments, most probably because of the presence of the intermetallic phase Mg6Zn3Ca2. A reduction of the Zn content results in (Mg,Zn)2Ca phase formation. This phase is less noble than the Mg-matrix and therefore, in contrast to Mg6Zn3Ca2, does not act as cathodic site. A fine-grained microstructure is achieved by the controlled formation of fine and homogeneously distributed (Mg,Zn)2Ca precipitates, which influence dynamic recrystallization and grain growth during hot forming. Such design scheme is comparable to that of HSLA steels, where low amounts of alloying elements are intended to produce a very fine dispersion of particles to increase the material's strength by refining the grain size. Consequently our new, ultrapure ZX10 alloy exhibits high strength (yield strength R p = 240 MPa, ultimate tensile strength R m = 255 MPa) and simultaneously high ductility (elongation to fracture A = 27%), as well as low mechanical anisotropy. Because of the anodic nature of the (Mg,Zn)2Ca particles used in the HSLA concept, the in vivo degradation in a rat femur implantation study is very slow and homogeneous without clinically observable hydrogen evolution, making the ZX10 alloy a promising material for biodegradable implants.

  8. The influence of alloy composition on residual stresses in heat treated aluminium alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robinson, J.S., E-mail: [Department of Mechanical, Aeronautical and Biomedical Engineering, University of Limerick (Ireland); Redington, W. [Materials and Surface Science Institute, University of Limerick (Ireland)


    The as quenched properties of eight different heat treatable aluminium alloys are related to residual stress magnitudes with the objective being to establish if there is a relationship between the residual stress and the as quenched alloy hardness and strength. Near surface residual stresses were assessed with X-ray diffraction using both the established sin{sup 2}ψ method and the more recent cos α technique. Through thickness residual stresses were also characterised using neutron diffraction. The alloys were chosen to encompass a wide range of strengths. The low to medium strength alloys were 6060 and 6082, medium to high strength 2618A, 2014A, 7075, 7010 and two variants of 7449, while the very high strength alloy was the powder metallurgy alloy N707. To assess the as quenched strength, dynamic hardness and tensile properties were determined from samples tested immediately after quenching to minimise the influence of precipitation hardening by natural aging. In addition, hot hardness measurements were made in situ on samples cooled to simulate quench paths. Within the experimental constraints of the investigation, the distribution of residual stress through the thickness was found to follow the same pattern for all the alloys investigated, varying from tensile in the interior to surface compression. The influence of alloy strength was manifested as a change in the observed residual stress magnitudes, and surface residual stresses were found to vary linearly with as quenched hardness and strength. - Highlights: • As quenched aluminium alloys contain high magnitude residual stresses. • Surface is compressive balance by a tensile core. • As quenched surface residual stress is linear function of alloy strength. • In situ hot hardness demonstrates rapid change in intrinsic hardness during rapid cooling.

  9. WC-3015 alloy (high-temperature alloy)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    WC-3015 Nb alloy containing 28 to 30 Hf, 1 to 2 Zr, 13 to 16 W, 0 to 4 Ta, 0 to 5 Ti, 0.07 to 0.33 C, less than or equal to 0.02 N, less than or equal to 0.03 O, less than or equal to 0.001 H was developed for use at high temperature in oxidizing environments. Its composition can be tailored to meet specific requirements. When WC-3015 is exposed to O at elevated temperature, Hf and Nb oxidized preferentially and HfO 2 dissolves in Nb 2 O 5 to form 6HfO-Nb 2 O 5 . This complex oxide has a tight cubic lattice which resists the diffusion of O into the substrate. During 24-h exposure to air at 2400 0 F, the alloy oxidizes to a depth of approximately 0.035 in. with a surface recession of 0 to 0.004 in. Oxidation resistance of WC-3015 welds and base material can be further enhanced greatly by applying silicide coatings. WC-3015 alloy can be machined by conventional and electrical-discharge methods. It can be hot worked readily by extrusion, forging or rolling. Cold working can be used at room or elevated temperature. It can be welded by the electron-beam or Tig processes. Physical constants, typical mechanical properties at 75 to 2400 0 F, and effects of composition and heat treatment on tensile and stress-rupture properties of the alloy are tabulated

  10. Enhancement of Apoptosis by Titanium Alloy Internal Fixations during Microwave Treatments for Fractures: An Animal Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gang Wang

    Full Text Available Microwaves are used in one method of physical therapy and can increase muscle tissue temperature which is useful for improving muscle, tendon and bone injuries. In the study, we sought to determine whether titanium alloy internal fixations influence apoptosis in tissues subjected to microwave treatments at 2,450 MHz and 40 W during the healing of fractures because this issue is not yet fully understood.In this study, titanium alloy internal fixations were used to treat 3.0-mm transverse osteotomies in the middle of New Zealand rabbits' femurs. After the operation, 30-day microwave treatments were applied to the 3.0 mm transverse osteotomies 3 days after the operation. The changes in the temperatures of the muscle tissues in front of the implants or the 3.0 mm transverse osteotomies were measured during the microwave treatments. To characterize the effects of titanium alloy internal fixations on apoptosis in the muscles after microwave treatment, we performed TUNEL assays, fluorescent real-time (quantitative PCR, western blotting analyses, reactive oxygen species (ROS detection and transmission electron microscopy examinations.The temperatures were markedly increased in the animals with the titanium alloy implants. Apoptosis in the muscle cells of the implanted group was significantly more extensive than that in the non-implanted control group at different time points. Transmission electron microscopy examinations of the skeletal muscles of the implanted groups revealed muscular mitochondrial swelling, vacuolization. ROS, Bax and Hsp70 were up-regulated, and Bcl-2 was down-regulated in the implanted group.Our results suggest that titanium alloy internal fixations caused greater muscular tissue cell apoptosis following 2,450 MHz, 40 W microwave treatments in this rabbit femur fracture models.

  11. Advanced ordered intermetallic alloy deployment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, C.T.; Maziasz, P.J.; Easton, D.S. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States)


    The need for high-strength, high-temperature, and light-weight materials for structural applications has generated a great deal of interest in ordered intermetallic alloys, particularly in {gamma}-based titanium aluminides {gamma}-based TiAl alloys offer an attractive mix of low density ({approximately}4g/cm{sup 3}), good creep resistance, and high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance. For rotating or high-speed components. TiAl also has a high damping coefficient which minimizes vibrations and noise. These alloys generally contain two phases. {alpha}{sub 2} (DO{sub 19} structure) and {gamma} (L 1{sub 0}), at temperatures below 1120{degrees}C, the euticoid temperature. The mechanical properties of TiAl-based alloys are sensitive to both alloy compositions and microstructure. Depending on heat-treatment and thermomechanical processing, microstructures with near equiaxed {gamma}, a duplex structure (a mix of the {gamma} and {alpha}{sub 2} phases) can be developed in TiAl alloys containing 45 to 50 at. % Al. The major concern for structural use of TiAl alloys is their low ductility and poor fracture resistance at ambient temperatures. The purpose of this project is to improve the fracture toughness of TiAl-based alloys by controlling alloy composition, microstructure and thermomechanical treatment. This work is expected to lead to the development of TiAl alloys with significantly improved fracture toughness and tensile ductility for structural use.

  12. Progress with alloy 33 (UNS R20033), a new corrosion resistant chromium-based austenitic material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koehler, M.; Heubner, U.; Eichenhofer, K.W.; Renner, M.


    Alloy 33 (UNS R20033), a new chromium-based corrosion resistant austenitic material with nominally (wt. %) 33 Cr, 32 Fe, 31 Ni, 1.6 Mo, 0.6 Cu, 0.4 N has been introduced to the market in 1995. This paper provides new data on this alloy with respect to mechanical properties, formability, weldability, sensitization characteristics and corrosion behavior. Mechanical properties of weldments including ductility have been established, and match well with those of wrought plate material, without any degradation of ISO V-notch impact toughness in the heat affected zone. When aged up to 8 hours between 600 C and 1,000 C the alloy is not sensitized when tested in boiling azeotropic nitric acid (Huey test). Under field test conditions alloy 33 shows excellent resistance to corrosion in flowing 96--98.5% H 2 SO 4 at 135 C--140 C and flowing 99.1% H 2 SO 4 at 150 C. Alloy 33 has also been tested with some success in 96% H 2 SO 4 with nitrosyl additions at 240 C. In nitric acid alloy 33 is corrosion resistant up to 85% HNO 3 and 75 C or even more. Alloy 33 is also corrosion resistant in 1 mol. HCl at 40 C and in NaOH/NaOCl-solutions. In artificial seawater the pitting potential remains unchanged up to 75 C and is still well above the seawater's redox potential at 95 C. Alloy 33 can be easily manufactured into all product forms required. The new data provided support the multipurpose character of alloy 33 to cope successfully with many requirements of the Chemical Process Industry, the Oil and Gas Industry and the Refinery Industry

  13. Impact toughness of laser alloyed aluminium AA1200 alloys

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mabhali, Luyolo AB


    Full Text Available ),. 559-563. [2] T. Tomida, K. Nakata, S. Saji, T. Kubo, T, Formation of metal matrix composite layer on aluminium alloy with TiC-Cu powder by laser surface alloying process; Surface and Coatings Technology; vol. 142-144, 2001, 585-589. [3] L. A. B...

  14. A sulfidation-resistant nickel-base alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lai, G.Y.


    For applications in mildly to moderately sulfidizing environments, stainless steels, Fe-Ni-Cr alloys (e.g., alloys 800 and 330), and more recently Fe-Ni-Cr-Co alloys (e.g., alloy 556) are frequently used for construction of process equipment. However, for many highly sulfidizing environments, few existing commercial alloys have adequate performance. Thus, a new nickel-based alloy containing 27 wt.% Co, 28 wt.% Cr, 4 wt.% Fe, 2.75 wt.% Si, 0.5 wt.% Mn and 0.05 wt.% C (Haynes alloy HR-160) was developed

  15. Results from the characterisation of the Futurix-FTA metal alloy transmutation fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rory Kennedy, J.; O'Holleran, Th.; Keiser, D.


    Full text of publication follows. Idaho National Laboratory has been developing and irradiation testing a number of fuels and fuel types for actinide transmutation as part of the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI). Fuel types under consideration include both fertile (fast reactor systems) and fertile-free (accelerator-driven systems) metallic alloys. Most recently, fuel fabrication was completed and the fuel pins shipped to the fast flux Phenix reactor in Marcoule, France for irradiation testing as part of the FUTURIX-FTA experiment: an international experiment involving the USA, France, the European Commission and Japan. The metal alloy fuels for this experiment are the low-fertile U-29Pu-4Am-2Np-30Zr and the non-fertile Pu-12Am-40Zr. The fresh fuels have been fully characterised for chemical composition, phase, microstructure, thermal behaviour and fuel-cladding-chemical-interaction (FCCI). Preliminary FCCI results raised some safety concerns with respect to the formation of low melting phases and cladding degradation, which could preclude a fuel from consideration. Results from diffusion couple experiments between the non-fertile fuel Pu-12Am-40Zr and the ferritic HT9 and 422 stainless steels (SS) used in the AFC experiments in the ATR reactor (USA) compared to the austenitic AIM1 SS used in the FUTURIX-FTA experiments in the Phenix reactor (France) indicate significant inter-diffusion with the AIM1 SS. Up to about a 30-fold increase in the diffusion of iron (and accompanying Ni and Cr) into the fuel at 650 C was observed compared to the 422 SS studies. Comparable studies between the low-fertile U-29Pu-4Am-2Np-30Zr fuel alloy and the AIM1 SS show virtually no inter-diffusion. The Fe (along with small amounts of Ni and Cr) appears as small precipitates in the fuel alloy with only minor concentrations identified in the fuel alloy matrix. These results will be discussed in terms of mechanisms of the inter-diffusion and the difference in behaviour between the

  16. Irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking of HTH Alloy X-750 and Alloy 625

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mills, W.J.; Lebo, M.R.; Bajaj, R.; Kearns, J.J.; Hoffman, R.C.; Korinko, J.J.


    In-reactor testing of bolt-loaded precracked compact tension specimens was performed in 360 degree C water to determine effect of irradiation on the SCC behavior of HTH Alloy X-750 and direct aged Alloy 625. Out-of-flux and autoclave control specimens provided baseline data. Primary test variables were stress intensity factor, fluence, chemistry, processing history, prestrain. Results for the first series of experiments were presented at a previous conference. Data from two more recent experiments are compared with previous results; they confirm that high irradiation levels significantly reduce SCC resistance in HTH Alloy X-750. Heat-to-heat differences in IASCC were related to differences in boron content, with low boron heats showing improved SCC resistance. The in-reactor SCC performance of Alloy 625 was superior to that for Alloy X-750, as no cracking was observed in any Alloy 625 specimens even though they were tested at very high K 1 and fluence levels. A preliminary SCC usage model developed for Alloy X-750 indicates that in-reactor creep processes, which relax stresses but also increase crack tip strain rates, and radiolysis effects accelerate SCC. Hence, in-reactor SCC damage under high flux conditions may be more severe than that associated with postirradiation tests. In addition, preliminary mechanism studies were performed to determine the cause of IASCC In Alloy X-750

  17. Improvement of magnetocaloric properties of Gd-Ge-Si alloys by alloying with iron

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erenc-Sędziak T.


    Full Text Available The influence of annealing of Gd5Ge2Si2Fex alloys at 1200°C and of alloying with various amount of iron on structure as well as thermal and magnetocaloric properties is investigated. It was found that annealing for 1 to 10 hours improves the entropy change, but reduces the temperature of maximum magnetocaloric effect by up to 50 K. Prolonged annealing of the Gd5Ge2Si2 alloy results in the decrease of entropy change due to the reduction of Gd5Ge2Si2 phase content. Addition of iron to the ternary alloy enhances the magnetocaloric effect, if x = 0.4 – 0.6, especially if alloying is combined with annealing at 1200°C: the peak value of the isothermal entropy change from 0 to 2 T increases from 3.5 to 11 J/kgK. Simultaneously, the temperature of maximum magnetocaloric effect drops to 250 K. The changes in magnetocaloric properties are related to the change in phase transformation from the second order for arc molten ternary alloy to first order in the case of annealed and/or alloyed with iron. The results of this study indicate that the minor addition of iron and heat treatment to Gd-Ge-Si alloys may be useful in improving the materials’ magnetocaloric properties..

  18. Non-equiatomic high entropy alloys: Approach towards rapid alloy screening and property-oriented design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pradeep, K.G. [Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-str.1, 40237 Düsseldorf (Germany); Materials Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University, Kopernikusstr.10, 52074 Aachen (Germany); Tasan, C.C., E-mail: [Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-str.1, 40237 Düsseldorf (Germany); Yao, M.J. [Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-str.1, 40237 Düsseldorf (Germany); Deng, Y. [Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-str.1, 40237 Düsseldorf (Germany); Department of Engineering Design and Materials, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, No-7491 Trondheim (Norway); Springer, H. [Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-str.1, 40237 Düsseldorf (Germany); Raabe, D., E-mail: [Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-str.1, 40237 Düsseldorf (Germany)


    The high entropy alloy (HEA) concept has triggered a renewed interest in alloy design, even though some aspects of the underlying thermodynamic concepts are still under debate. This study addresses the short-comings of this alloy design strategy with the aim to open up new directions of HEA research targeting specifically non-equiatomic yet massively alloyed compositions. We propose that a wide range of massive single phase solid solutions could be designed by including non-equiatomic variants. It is demonstrated by introducing a set of novel non-equiatomic multi-component CoCrFeMnNi alloys produced by metallurgical rapid alloy prototyping. Despite the reduced configurational entropy, detailed characterization of these materials reveals a strong resemblance to the well-studied equiatomic single phase HEA: The microstructure of these novel alloys exhibits a random distribution of alloying elements (confirmed by Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy and Atom Probe Tomography) in a single face-centered-cubic phase (confirmed by X-ray Diffraction and Electron Backscatter Diffraction), which deforms through planar slip (confirmed by Electron-Channeling Contrast Imaging) and leads to excellent ductility (confirmed by uniaxial tensile tests). This approach widens the field of HEAs to non-equiatomic multi-component alloys since the concept enables to tailor the stacking fault energy and associated transformation phenomena which act as main mechanisms to design useful strain hardening behavior.

  19. Non-equiatomic high entropy alloys: Approach towards rapid alloy screening and property-oriented design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pradeep, K.G.; Tasan, C.C.; Yao, M.J.; Deng, Y.; Springer, H.; Raabe, D.


    The high entropy alloy (HEA) concept has triggered a renewed interest in alloy design, even though some aspects of the underlying thermodynamic concepts are still under debate. This study addresses the short-comings of this alloy design strategy with the aim to open up new directions of HEA research targeting specifically non-equiatomic yet massively alloyed compositions. We propose that a wide range of massive single phase solid solutions could be designed by including non-equiatomic variants. It is demonstrated by introducing a set of novel non-equiatomic multi-component CoCrFeMnNi alloys produced by metallurgical rapid alloy prototyping. Despite the reduced configurational entropy, detailed characterization of these materials reveals a strong resemblance to the well-studied equiatomic single phase HEA: The microstructure of these novel alloys exhibits a random distribution of alloying elements (confirmed by Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy and Atom Probe Tomography) in a single face-centered-cubic phase (confirmed by X-ray Diffraction and Electron Backscatter Diffraction), which deforms through planar slip (confirmed by Electron-Channeling Contrast Imaging) and leads to excellent ductility (confirmed by uniaxial tensile tests). This approach widens the field of HEAs to non-equiatomic multi-component alloys since the concept enables to tailor the stacking fault energy and associated transformation phenomena which act as main mechanisms to design useful strain hardening behavior.

  20. Alloy Fabrication Laboratory (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — At NETL’s Alloy Fabrication Facility in Albany, OR, researchers conduct DOE research projects to produce new alloys suited to a variety of applications, from gas...

  1. Grain refining mechanism of Al-containing Mg alloys with the addition of Mn-Al alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qin, Gaowu W., E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials (Ministry of Education), Northeastern University, Wenhu Road 3-11, Heping District, Shenyang 110004, Liaoning Province (China); Ren Yuping; Huang Wei; Li Song; Pei Wenli [Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials (Ministry of Education), Northeastern University, Wenhu Road 3-11, Heping District, Shenyang 110004, Liaoning Province (China)


    Graphical abstract: Display Omitted Research highlights: The {epsilon}-AlMn phase acts as the heterogeneous nucleus of {alpha}-Mg phase during the solidification of the AZ31 Mg alloy, not the {gamma}-Al{sub 8}Mn{sub 5} phase. The grain refinement effect is very clear with the addition of only 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy (pure {epsilon}-AlMn). The grain refinement does not deteriorate up to the holding time of 60 min at 740 {sup o}C. - Abstract: The effect of manganese on grain refinement of Al-containing AZ31 Mg alloy has been investigated by designing a series of Mn-Al alloys composed of either pure {epsilon}-AlMn, {gamma}{sub 2}-Al{sub 8}Mn{sub 5} or both of them using optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It is experimentally clarified that the grain refinement of the AZ31 Mg alloy is due to the existence of the {epsilon}-AlMn phase in the Mn-Al alloys, not the {gamma}{sub 2}-Al{sub 8}Mn{sub 5} phase. The grain size of AZ31 Mg alloy is about 91 {mu}m without any addition of Mn-Al alloys, but remarkably decreases to {approx}55 {mu}m with the addition of either Mn-34 wt% Al or Mn-28 wt% Al. With a minor addition of 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy, the grain size of AZ31 alloy decreases to {approx}53 {mu}m, and the Mn-28Al alloy can be active as grain refiner for holding time up to 60 min for the melt AZ31 alloy at 750 {sup o}C.

  2. New, fast corroding high ductility Mg–Bi–Ca and Mg–Bi–Si alloys, with no clinically observable gas formation in bone implants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remennik, S.; Bartsch, I.; Willbold, E.; Witte, F.; Shechtman, D.


    Highlights: ► Biodegradable, biocompatible and highly ductile Mg alloys based on the Mg–Bi system have been produced by rapid solidification and extrusion processes. ► The implants corroded fast within the first 4 weeks after implantation in rabbit bone, but no gas formation has been clinically observed. ► The corrosion rate could be significantly reduced in vitro and in vivo by using high purity magnesium for the alloy production. - Abstract: Current approaches to initial corrosion rate reduction of biodegradable magnesium alloys include alloying with rare earth elements, mechanical processing, coatings and the use of metallic glasses. The latter has limited ductility needed for implant adaptively to various surgery procedures. Furthermore, slow corroding magnesium alloys, coatings or metallic glasses have not proved to be fully dissolvable in vivo. With this in mind, we have developed a new class of biocompatible, biodegradable ductile magnesium alloys with 40% elongation at room temperature. The alloys are based on the Mg–Bi system and undergo a series of production routes, which include rapid solidification (RS) and various extrusion processes. The Mg–Bi–Si (B-BS) system exhibited a high corrosion rates in vitro and was excluded from in vivo screening. In preliminary experiments of Mg–Bi–Ca (B-BX) in rabbit femur bones, the alloy corroded rapidly without any clinically visible gas formation. Only 30% of the B-BX implant remained uncorroded after 4 weeks of implantation. After using low iron Mg for implant preparation the corrosion rate of HP-B-BX was reduced in bone leaving 70% of the implant uncorroded after 4 weeks, while the corrosion in intramuscular and subcutaneous sites were still high leaving only 40% and 10% uncorroded after 4 weeks. The foreign body reaction was very mild and enhanced bone formation could be observed in the vicinity of the corroding implant. Thus, these new magnesium alloys are potentially promising biomaterials

  3. Enthalpies of mixing in binary liquid alloys of lutetium with 3d metals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ivanov, Michael; Berezutski, Vadim [National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv (Ukraine). I. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science; Usenko, Natalia; Kotova, Natalia [Taras Shevchenko National Univ., Kyiv (Ukraine). Dept. of Chemistry


    The enthalpies of mixing in binary liquid alloys of lutetium with chromium, cobalt, nickel and copper were determined at 1 773 - 1 947 K by isoperibolic calorimetry. The enthalpies of mixing in the Lu-Cr melts (measured up to 40 at.% Cr) demonstrate endothermic effects (ΔH = 6.88 ± 0.66 kJ . mol{sup -1} at x{sub Lu} = 0.60), whereas significant exothermic enthalpies of mixing have been established within a wide composition region for the Co-Lu, Ni-Lu and Cu-Lu liquid alloys. Minimum values of the integral enthalpy of mixing are as follows: ΔH{sub min} = -23.57 ± 1.41 kJ . mol{sup -1} at x{sub Lu} = 0.38 for the Co-Lu system; ΔH{sub min} = -48.65 ± 2.83 kJ . mol{sup -1} at x{sub Lu} = 0.40 for the Ni-Lu system; ΔH{sub min} = -24.63 ± 1.52 kJ . mol{sup -1} at x{sub Lu} = 0.37 for the Cu-Lu system.

  4. Corrosion-electrochemical and mechanical properties of aluminium-berylium alloys alloyed by rare-earth metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Safarov, A.M.; Odinaev, Kh.E.; Shukroev, M.Sh.; Saidov, R.Kh.


    In order to study influence of rare earth metals on corrosion-electrochemical and mechanical properties of aluminium-berylium alloys the alloys contain 1 mass % beryllium and different amount of rare earth metals were obtained.-electrochemical and mechanical properties of aluminium-berylium alloys. The electrochemical characteristics of obtained alloys, including stationary potential, potentials of passivation beginning and full passivation, potentials of pitting formation and re passivation were defined.

  5. Thermal expansion of an amorphous alloy. Reciprocal-space versus real-space distribution functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Louzguine-Luzgin, Dmitri V.; Inoue, Akihisa


    This paper describes the relation between the change in the position of the first X-ray diffraction maximum in reciprocal space and the first maximum of the distribution function in real space for the Ge 50 Al 40 Cr 10 amorphous alloy. It is also shown that the first diffraction maximum of the interference function carries the most significant information about the interatomic distances in real space while the subsequent peaks of the interference function are responsible for the shoulders of the main peak of the real-space distribution function. The results are used to support validity of the method previously used to monitor thermal expansion of the glassy alloys using an X-ray diffraction profile

  6. Role of alloying additions on the properties of Cu–Al–Mn shape memory alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dasgupta, Rupa, E-mail:; Jain, Ashish Kumar; Kumar, Pravir; Hussain, Shahadat; Pandey, Abhishek


    Highlights: • Cu based SMAs with high transition temperature could be made using LM route. • The properties depend on alloying composition. • Property characterisation establishes feasibility of making SMAs. - Abstract: The effect of alloying seven different elements [Zn, Si, Fe, Ni, Mg, Cr and Ti] on the microstructure, hardness, phase precipitation and transformation temperature in a Cu–12.5Al–5Mn alloy with a view to possible improvements as a result of these additions is the focus of the reported study. The base alloy has been chosen keeping in mind its ability to exhibit shape memory properties and improved ductility over other Cu-based SMAs. The objective was to ascertain changes or improvements attained due to the individual tertiary additions. The samples were prepared through liquid metallurgy route using pure copper, aluminum, manganese and the respective quaternary alloying elements in right quantities to weigh 1000 g of the alloy in total and were melted together. Samples from the cast alloys were subject to homogenisation treatment at 200 °C for 2 h in a muffle furnace and furnace cooled. Samples from the homogenised alloys were heated and held for 2 h at 920 °C followed by ice quenching to obtain the desired martensitic structure for shape memory behaviour. The alloys in the cast, homogenised and quenched conditions were metallographically polished to observe the martensitic phase formation mainly in quenched samples which is a pre requisite for exhibiting shape memory properties in these alloys. X-ray Diffraction studies were carried out on the cast and quenched samples using Cu Kα target; and the phases identified indicate martensitic phase precipitation; however in some cases the precipitation is incomplete. Differential Scanning Calorimetric [DSC] studies were carried out on quenched samples from room temperature to 600 °C maintaining a constant rate of 10 °C/min. Results indicate clear transformation peaks in all the samples which

  7. Role of alloying additions on the properties of Cu–Al–Mn shape memory alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dasgupta, Rupa; Jain, Ashish Kumar; Kumar, Pravir; Hussain, Shahadat; Pandey, Abhishek


    Highlights: • Cu based SMAs with high transition temperature could be made using LM route. • The properties depend on alloying composition. • Property characterisation establishes feasibility of making SMAs. - Abstract: The effect of alloying seven different elements [Zn, Si, Fe, Ni, Mg, Cr and Ti] on the microstructure, hardness, phase precipitation and transformation temperature in a Cu–12.5Al–5Mn alloy with a view to possible improvements as a result of these additions is the focus of the reported study. The base alloy has been chosen keeping in mind its ability to exhibit shape memory properties and improved ductility over other Cu-based SMAs. The objective was to ascertain changes or improvements attained due to the individual tertiary additions. The samples were prepared through liquid metallurgy route using pure copper, aluminum, manganese and the respective quaternary alloying elements in right quantities to weigh 1000 g of the alloy in total and were melted together. Samples from the cast alloys were subject to homogenisation treatment at 200 °C for 2 h in a muffle furnace and furnace cooled. Samples from the homogenised alloys were heated and held for 2 h at 920 °C followed by ice quenching to obtain the desired martensitic structure for shape memory behaviour. The alloys in the cast, homogenised and quenched conditions were metallographically polished to observe the martensitic phase formation mainly in quenched samples which is a pre requisite for exhibiting shape memory properties in these alloys. X-ray Diffraction studies were carried out on the cast and quenched samples using Cu Kα target; and the phases identified indicate martensitic phase precipitation; however in some cases the precipitation is incomplete. Differential Scanning Calorimetric [DSC] studies were carried out on quenched samples from room temperature to 600 °C maintaining a constant rate of 10 °C/min. Results indicate clear transformation peaks in all the samples which

  8. Fracture of Shape Memory Alloys


    Miyazaki, Shuichi; Otsuka, Kazuhiro


    The initiation and the propagation of cracks during both quenching and deformation in polycrystalline Cu-Al-Ni alloys have been investigated under various conditions. The fracture surfaces of Ti-Ni and Cu-Al-Ni alloys were also observed by a scanning electron microscope. From these results, it was concluded that the brittleness of Cu-Al-Ni alloy and other β phase alloys are due to large elastic anisotropy and large grain sizes, while that the large ductility in Ti-Ni alloy being due to the sm...

  9. Effect of load on the tribological properties of hypereutectic Al-Si alloy under boundary lubrication conditions (United States)

    Kumar, Parveen; Wani, M. F.


    Researchers reported that the IC engine components (piston, cylinder liner etc) fail due to the friction losses (~45%) and wear losses (~25-40%). So the demand of light weight, low friction and wear resistance alloys increases day by day, which reduces the emission and increases the efficiency of the IC engine. In this connection, tribological tests on hypereutectic Al-25Si alloy were performed using a ball-on-disk configuration under dry and lubricated sliding conditions. Hypereutectic Al-25Si alloy was prepared by rapid solidification process with T6 condition. T6 condition improves the friction, wear and mechanical properties of the alloy. Friction coefficient and wear rate of the alloy was measured under high loads ranging from 100 to 300 N. It was found that the friction coefficient (COF) and wear rate of hypereutectic Al-25Si alloy/steel tribo pair increased with increase in load. Significant reduction in COF and wear rate was accomplished with SAE20W50 engine oil and Si particles act as solid lubricant. Optical microscope, 3D surface profilometer and scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) were used for characterization the worn surface morphologies. The morphology, size and distribution of high Si particles due to its fabrication process caused the improvements in COF and wear rate under lubricated conditions. Adhesive wear, abrasive wear and plastic deformation acted as the dominant wear mechanism for hypereutectic Al-25Si alloy.

  10. Filtration–UV irradiation as an option for mitigating the risk of microbiologically influenced corrosion of subsea construction alloys in seawater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machuca, Laura L.; Jeffrey, Robert; Bailey, Stuart I.; Gubner, Rolf; Watkin, Elizabeth L.J.; Ginige, Maneesha P.; Kaksonen, Anna H.; Heidersbach, Krista


    Highlights: •Biofilms ennobled E corr of offshore construction alloys in natural seawater. •Filtration–UV irradiation delayed biofilm growth and activity on alloys. •Localized corrosion in seawater was lowered by the use of filtration–UV irradiation. •Biofilm community composition was affected by both substratum and seawater treatment. •Filtration–UV irradiation can be an ecofriendly practice for protection against MIC. -- Abstract: The effect of filtration–UV irradiation of seawater on the biofilm activity on several offshore structural alloys was evaluated in a continuous flow system over 90 days. Biofilms ennobled the electrode potential by +400 to 500 mV within a few days of exposure to raw untreated seawater. Filtration–UV irradiation of the seawater delayed the ennoblement of the steels for up to 40 days and lowered localized corrosion rates in susceptible alloys. Ennobling biofilms were composed of microbial cells, diatoms and extracellular polymeric substances and the bacterial community in biofilms was affected by both the alloy composition and seawater treatment

  11. Alloy development for cladding and duct applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Straalsund, J.L.; Johnson, G.D.


    Three general classes of materials under development for cladding and ducts are listed. Solid solution strengthened, or austenitic, alloys are Type 316 stainless steel and D9. Precipitation hardened (also austenitic) alloys consist of D21, D66 and D68. These alloys are similar to such commercial alloys as M-813, Inconel 706, Inconel 718 and Nimonic PE-16. The third general class of alloys is composed of ferritic alloys, with current emphasis being placed on HT-9, a tempered martensitic alloy, and D67, a delta-ferritic steel. The program is comprised of three parallel paths. The current reference, or first generation alloy, is 20% cold worked Type 316 stainless steel. Second generation alloys for near-term applications include D9 and HT-9. Third generation materials consist of the precipitation strengthened steels and ferritic alloys, and are being considered for implementation at a later time than the first and second generation alloys. The development of second and third generation materials was initiated in 1974 with the selection of 35 alloys. This program has proceeded to today where there are six advanced alloys being evaluated. These alloys are the developmental alloys D9, D21, D57, D66 and D68, together with the commerical alloy, HT-9. The status of development of these alloys is summarized

  12. Radiation damage simulation studies in the Harwell VEC of selected austenitic and ferritic alloys for fusion applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazey, D J; Walters, G P; Buckley, S N; Hanks, W; Bolster, D E.J.; Murphy, S M


    Three austenitic (316 L, 316-Ti, 316-Nb); four high-nickel (IN 625, IN 706, PE 16, Fe-25Ni-8Cr) and four ferritic (CRM 12, FV 448, FV 607, FI) alloys have been irradiated with 46 MeV Ni or 20 MeV Cr ions in the Harwell VEC to simulated fusion-reactor doses up to 110 dpa (proportional to 10 MW-yr m/sup -2/) at temperatures from 425 to 625/sup 0/C. Gas production rates appropriate to fusion were obtained from a mixed beam of He+H/sub 2/ in the ratio 1:4 He:H with gas/dpa ratios of 13 appm He/dpa and 52 appm H/dpa. The 316 alloys showed irradiation-induced precipitation and swelling as high as 40% in ST 316-Ti after 110 dpa at 625/sup 0/C. Low swelling (e.g. <2% at 110 dpa) was observed in the high-nickel alloys. The ferritic/martensitic alloys showed negligible swelling (e.g. <0.2% in FV 607 after 100 dpa at 475/sup 0/C). The results demonstrate the high swelling behaviour of 316 alloys and the better swelling resistance of high-nickel and ferritic alloys under simulated fusion conditions.

  13. The influence of Fe content on spreading ability of tungsten heavy alloys matrix on tungsten surface

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Krzyńska


    Full Text Available The results of experimental study of tungsten spreading ability with W-Ni-Co-Fe matrix are presented. The aim of these investigations was to see how Fe concentration in W – Ni – Co matrix influences the wettability of tungsten grains during liquid phase sintering. Four green compact specimens containing 50%W, 10%Co and Ni + Fe = 40% but with different Ni to Fe ratio were prepared. The cylindrical specimen 5mm diameter and 5mm height were put on clean pure tungsten substrate and then 20 minutes heated at 1520oC in hydrogen atmosphere. After heating the specimens were carefully measured and then the specimens for structure observations were prepared. It was concluded, that increase of Fe content decrease the melting temperature of W – Ni – Co alloy. The melting point decrease caused by Fe content increase substantially the spreading ability of tungsten substrate with W – Ni – Co alloy. Metallography investigations showed some microstructure changes in “reaction zone” identified in tungsten substrate – (WNi40-xCo10Fex interface. The results of the study confirmed our earlier observations that even relative small Fe addition promotes Weight Heavy Alloys (WHA liquid phase sintering.

  14. B2-ordered iron-aluminium alloys strengthening. Influence of additions (Ni and B) and microstructure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colas, David


    We study the effects of additions (Ni and B) and microstructure on the mechanical behaviour of 40 at. % Al iron-aluminium alloys. From a macroscopic point of view, we show that nickel reinforces FeAl alloys over the whole temperature range, but that it simultaneously leads to emphasize the room temperature brittleness of these alloys through a cleavage stress decrease. We confirm powder metallurgy grain refining interest to enhance yield stress as well as fracture resistance. We show that nickel-induced yield stress effect is additive to 'Hall-Petch' one. Also, we point out that the strengthening phenomena (nickel or grain size) cause the yield stress anomaly, which these alloys usually present, to be hidden. Through a dislocation structures analysis of deformed materials we precise that low temperature nickel-induced solid solution hardening (SSH) cannot be explained on the basis of classical SSH theories but more probably through nickel influence upon the Peierls stress. Moreover, we show that the APB tubes dragging model may be compatible with our microscopic and macroscopic results about the anomaly. Eventually, we put into relation a dynamic super-dislocations multiplication process observation (in situ transmission microscopy) with the nickel-containing alloys tendency to cleavage. (author) [fr

  15. Alloy development for irradiation performance: program strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bloom, E.E.; Stiegler, J.O.; Wiffen, F.W.; Dalder, E.N.C.; Reuther, T.C.; Gold, R.E.; Holmes, J.J.; Kummer, D.L.; Nolfi, F.V.


    The objective of the Alloy Development for Irradiation Performance Program is the development of structural materials for use in the first wall and blanket region of fusion reactors. The goal of the program is a material that will survive an exposure of 40 MWyr/m 2 at a temperature which will allow use of a liquid-H 2 O heat transport system. Although the ultimate aim of the program is development of materials for commercial reactors by the end of this century, activities are organized to provide materials data for the relatively low performance interim machines that will precede commercial reactors

  16. Industrialization of nanocrystalline Fe–Si–B–P–Cu alloys for high magnetic flux density cores

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takenaka, Kana; Setyawan, Albertus D.; Sharma, Parmanand; Nishiyama, Nobuyuki; Makino, Akihiro


    Nanocrystalline Fe–Si–B–P–Cu alloys exhibit high saturation magnetic flux density (B s ) and extremely low magnetic core loss (W), simultaneously. Low amorphous-forming ability of these alloys hinders their application potential in power transformers and motors. Here we report a solution to this problem. Minor addition of C is found to be effective in increasing the amorphous-forming ability of Fe–Si–B–P–Cu alloys. It allows fabrication of 120 mm wide ribbons (which was limited to less than 40 mm) without noticeable degradation in magnetic properties. The nanocrystalline (Fe 85.7 Si 0.5 B 9.5 P 3.5 Cu 0.8 ) 99 C 1 ribbons exhibit low coercivity (H c )~4.5 A/m, high B s ~1.83 T and low W~0.27 W/kg (@ 1.5 T and 50 Hz). Success in fabrication of long (60–100 m) and wide (~120 mm) ribbons, which are made up of low cost elements is promising for mass production of energy efficient high power transformers and motors - Highlights: • Minor addition of C in FeSiBPCu alloy increases amorphous-forming ability. • The FeSiBPCuC alloy exhibits B s close to Si-steel and Core loss lower than it. • Excellent soft magnetic properties were obtained for 120 mm wide ribbons. • Nanocrystalline FeSiBPCuC alloy can be produced at industrial scale with low cost. • The alloy is suitable for making low energy loss power transformers and motors.

  17. New amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys based on the Ni-Si-B system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Battezzati, L.; Rizzi, P.; Romussi, S. [Turin Univ. (Italy). Dipt. di Chimica


    The glass formation and crystallization of a Ni{sub 36}Fe{sub 32}Ta{sub 7}Si{sub 8}B{sub 17} alloy is reported. In its equilibrium state it has a complex constitution made of at least four phases. It starts melting at 1227 K and displays a liquidus at 1460 K, but it shows a tendency to undercool even on cooling at 10 K/min in a HTDSC cell. Amorphous ribbons were produced by melt spinning. In DSC experiments the crystallization of the amorphous alloy occurs with a primary reaction giving a peak skewed on the high temperature side with onset at 836 K using an heating rate of 40 K/min. XRD analysis and TEM observations demonstrate that crystals with size below 10 nm and lattice parameter close to that of Ni are formed during this transformation. The mechanism of crystallization is very sensitive to changes in composition. In fact, nanocrystals are not found in alloys easily amorphized as the present one but containing a different ratio of metallic elements. (orig.) 16 refs.

  18. Borated aluminum alloy manufacturing technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimojo, Jun; Taniuchi, Hiroaki; Kajihara, Katsura; Aruga, Yasuhiro


    Borated aluminum alloy is used as the basket material of cask because of its light weight, thermal conductivity and superior neutron absorbing abilities. Kobe Steel has developed a unique manufacturing process for borated aluminum alloy using a vacuum induction melting method. In this process, aluminum alloy is melted and agitated at higher temperatures than common aluminum alloy fabrication methods. It is then cast into a mold in a vacuum atmosphere. The result is a high quality aluminum alloy which has a uniform boron distribution and no impurities. (author)

  19. Effect of aluminum on the microstructure and properties of two refractory high-entropy alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Senkov, O.N.; Senkova, S.V.; Woodward, C.


    The microstructure, phase composition and mechanical properties of the AlMo 0.5 NbTa 0.5 TiZr and Al 0.4 Hf 0.6 NbTaTiZr high-entropy alloys are reported. The AlMo 0.5 NbTa 0.5 TiZr alloy consists of two body-centered cubic (bcc) phases with very close lattice parameters, a 1 = 326.8 pm and a 2 = 332.4 pm. One phase was enriched with Mo, Nb and Ta and another phase was enriched with Al and Zr. The phases formed nano-lamellae modulated structure inside equiaxed grains. The alloy had a density of ρ = 7.40 g cm −3 and Vickers hardness H v = 5.8 GPa. Its yield strength was 2000 MPa at 298 K and 745 MPa at 1273 K. The Al 0.4 Hf 0.6 NbTaTiZr had a single-phase bcc structure, with the lattice parameter a = 336.7 pm. This alloy had a density ρ = 9.05 g cm −3 , Vickers microhardness H v = 4.9 GPa, and its yield strength at 298 K and 1273 K was 1841 MPa and 298 MPa, respectively. The properties of these Al-containing alloys were compared with the properties of the parent CrMo 0.5 NbTa 0.5 TiZr and HfNbTaTiZr alloys and the beneficial effects from the Al additions on the microstructure and properties were outlined. A thermodynamic calculation of the solidification and equilibrium phase diagrams was conducted for these alloys and the calculated results were compared with the experimental data

  20. Problems in the design and specification of containers for vitrified high-level liquid waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Corbet, A.D.W.; Hall, G.G.; Spiller, G.T.


    In the United Kingdom the growing problem of ensuring the safe storage of high-level liquid waste over long time scales has led to a policy for implementing solidification. A brief description is given of the HARVEST vitrification process, which is essentially a scaled-up version of the FINGAL process with increased throughput. The functional requirements of the container are considered. It must be made of a material which can be fabricated to a high standard. Diameters up to 600 mm for right circular cylindrical containers and 1200 mm for annular containers are contemplated. Computer aids for axisymmetric and three-dimensional heat transfer and stress analysis are identified. One example is given of the thermal profile for the cylindrical container in the furnace and another example for the annular container following an accident condition. Measured values are given for high temperature oxidation, emissivity and the short-term creep strength of various alloys. Corrosion in fresh water and sea water over long time periods and leaching of partially exposed solid waste are discussed and a conceptual package for sea bed disposal is described. The relative merits of the different methods of manufacture are pointed out and the paper concludes that HK-40 or better INCOLOY alloy 800L are suitable materials of construction. (author)