
Sample records for algunos factores post-cosecha


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    M. Laura López


    Full Text Available A partir del estudio etnoarqueológico del tratamiento post-cosecha de granos de quinoa entre los habitantes del altiplano de Lípez (Potosí, Bolivia, se describen algunos rasgos diagnósticos de cada actividad y forma de procesamiento observables en los granos desecados. El potencial de estas observaciones para investigar las antiguas prácticas de procesamiento y consumo de este pseudocereal es ilustrado mediante el análisis de granos recuperados en cuatro sitios arqueológicos cercanos al Salar de Uyuni. Las quinoas examinadas se encontraban en distintas etapas de procesamiento; algunas no habían sido aún desaponificadas, por lo que inferimos que habían sido almacenadas inmediatamente después de la cosecha, mientras que otras muestras exhibían rastros de desaponificación comparables a los observados en contextos actuales, sugiriendo su preparación para distintos modos de consumo.

  2. Parámetros de calidad durante la cosecha de durazno (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. “Rubidoux”

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    Lisney Alessandra Bastidas Parrado


    Full Text Available El durazno es una fruta de importancia agrícola como parte de los cultivos caducifolios producidos en Colombia; su calidad y aceptacion comercial, asi como el momento de la cosecha, estan definidos en funcion de sus características fisicoquimicas. Esta investigacion tuvo como propósito caracterizar algunos parametros de calidad de durazno variedad Rubidoux durante el periodo de cosecha, a partir de la seleccion hecha por operarios en campo, de acuerdo al color de la piel como indicador de madurez. Durante seis semanas de la cosecha se evaluaron muestras de frutos, considerando aspectos como peso fresco, contenido de solidos solubles (oBrix, categoria comercial de acuerdo al diametro ecuatorial y color del fruto. Se registro un peso fresco promedio de 130,7 g por fruto, con un contenido de solidos solubles promedio de 11,8 oBrix, parametro que incremento progresivamente de la semana uno a la cinco. La clasificacion visual por el color de la piel permitio definir siete categorias, tres predominaron durante la cosecha (pinton, pinton-maduro y maduro, estos se correspondieron con el contenido de solidos solubles; es asi como el analisis de varianza mostro diferencias estadisticas entre oBrix y el color de piel. Durante el periodo evaluado, se cosecharon con mayor frecuencia duraznos pintones y frutos con diametro entre 60 mm a 70 mm.

  3. Evaluación de trichoderma harzianum rafai y dos extractos vegetales en mora, fresa y tomate en post cosecha, contra botrytis sp., aspergillus sp., y penicillium sp.


    Guamán Salán, Juan Carlos


    La demanda de frutas y hortalizas en el mundo es alta, la calidad de estos productos es afectada especialmente en la etapa de post-cosecha, esto debido a la presencia de hongos patógenos como Aspergillus, Botrytis y Penicillium, que son muy comunes en frutas fisiológicamente maduras, debido a un manejo inadecuado en la cosecha, transporte y almacenamiento, estos patógenos son la principal causa de pérdidas en la producción y la comercialización. En busca de una alternativa de control, que no ...

  4. Evaluación de algunos factores que inciden en la perdida de germinación de la semilla de soya

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    Gómez Carlos


    Full Text Available En el Centro de Investigación del lCA en Palmira se realizó un estudio durante 1989, con el fin de evaluar algunos factores que inciden en la pérdida del vigor y germinación de la semilla de soya (Glycine max; se observó la incidencia de la época de cosecha y el manejo en los diferentes períodos de almacenamiento. La semilla de soya provino de dos fuentes: la primera se obtuvo de campos del Cl Palmira perteneciente a semilla básica de las variedades SOYlCA P - 33, SOYlCA P -32, lCA TUNlA y ARlARI - 1 con las cuales se evaluaron cinco épocas de cosecha. La segunda fuente provino de cuatro casas productoras, dos variedades (SOYICA P-33 e ICA TUNIA con dos sistemas de beneficio (acondicionada y sin acondicionar evaluándose los efectos de los daños mecánicos en el almacenamiento. La época óptima para cosecha de la semilla con la más alta calidad fisiológica se obtuvo en el segundo período de cosecha a los 112 días después de la siembra, y la variedad que mejor comportamiento presentó fue lCA TUNIA. En las semillas no acondicionadas se encontró mejor comportamiento en la variedad ICA TUNIA. Además, presentó mejor germinación.A study was carried out during 1989 in the Centro Nacional de Investigación Palmira with the objective to search the incidence of factors in the lost of vigor and germination of soybean seed during several harvesting time and conditioning. The first experiment consisted of collecting seed from physiological maturity up to 28 days after, using the varieties SOYICA p. 33, SOYICA P-32, ICA TUNIA and SOYICA ARIARI-1; the information included 5 harvesting times (one each week. The second experiment included seeds conditioned and non conditioned of the varieties SOYICA P-33 and ICA TUNIA from the commercial seed companies. The research concluded that the second harvest after physiological maturity was the best for seed quality and the quality decreased with the time of harvest; also, the variety SOYICA P-33


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    Full Text Available La interacción macroinvertebrados-microorganismos-biomasa vegetal es un eje fundamental en el ciclaje del carbono. En algunos agroecosistemasresultan abundantesresiduos de cosecha que frecuentemente son incinerados, como sucede en la caña de azúcar en Colombia. Se estudió la transformación de residuos de cosecha a través de la interacción entre ensamblajes de poblaciones de larvas de escarabajos y poblaciones de microorganismospropiciadas por los mencionados macroinvertebrados, considerando la cantidad consumida y evaluando la actividad de β-glucosidasa resultante en el suelo. De ésta, se registraron diferencias significativas en los tratamientos aplicados, evidenciándose que son precisamentedos especies selectas de Oryctini(Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea, históricamente catalogados como plagas, las que a través de su interacción sinérgica con la microbiota edáfica, propician altos niveles de actividad de ß-glucosidasa. Los resultados indican que el escarabajo rinoceronte, Podischnusagenor Oliver, además de ser el mayor consumidor de residuos de cosecha, aporta positivamente al cultivo de la caña de azúcar, toda vez que no se le restrinja el acceso a material que satisfaga sus requerimientos alimentarios. El escarabajo torito, StrategusaloeusLinné, en asocio con P. agenor presentó un comportamiento similar.


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    Mar\\u00EDa Isabel Gonz\\u00E1lez-Lutz


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de diferentes tratamientos pre-empaque, sobre la calidad final de cañas de Dracaena marginata para exportación, se realizó una simulación del embarque, en época lluviosa en La Virgen de Sarapiquí, Heredia, Costa Ri ca, durante los meses de mayo a julio del 2005. Se evaluó el daño en raíces y hojas de Dracaena marginata de los siguie ntes tratamie ntos: planta con el follaje mojado vs follaje seco, plantas hidratadas previo al empaque vs plantas sin hidratar, plantas con tratamiento de cera al follaje vs plantas sin cera, plantas con tratamie nto con citoquininas antes de la cosecha vs plantas sin tratamie nto con citoquininas, plantas a las que no se les retira la cobertura con hojas de aluminio en el acodo antes de tapar con el plástico negroplata vs plantas a las que sí se les retira esta cobertura previo a este proceso. Humedecer estas antes de empacarlas produjo menores daños en las raíces. Hidratar las plantas, previo al empaque, incrementó el número de hojas quemadas. Colocar cera en el follaje, incrementó significativamente el número de hojas desprendidas y podridas. La aplicación de citoquininas previo a la cosecha y humedecer el follaje antes del empaque, mejoró su condición al compararlo con el testigo. No hubo diferencia en los daños en las raíces entre dejar o quitar la cobertura de hojas de aluminio en el acodo.

  7. Perspectivas de la cosecha de la caña de azúcar cruda en México


    Ortiz Laurel, Hipólito; Salgado García, Sergio; Castelán Estrada, Mepivoseth; Córdova Sánchez, Samuel


    La quema de los cañaverales predomina en la cosecha de la caña de azúcar tanto manual como mecánica. Ésta técnica de quema genera problemas de carácter ambiental, económico, tecnológico y social, por lo que urge impulsar la cosecha de caña "cruda" y simultáneamente introducir tecnologías y metodologías para el manejo y uso rentable y sustentable de los residuos de cosecha. En las pocas zonas de cosecha total mecanizada de caña "cruda", los residuos llegan a representar hasta 26% del rendimien...

  8. Pronostico de las Cosechas del Cafeto

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    Machado S. Alberto


    Full Text Available 1-Aceptada la importancia que tienen los pronósticos de cosechas, se pasa a la consideración de algunos aspectos sobre los primeros trabajos exploratorios en cafetos, ya que este estudio se reduce a la primera etapa de toda investigación, esto es, a la EXPLORACION. 2 -La revisión de literatura compendia los trabajos realizados por varios investigadores en diferentes países y pone de manifiesto la posibilidad de llegar a un resultado favorable. 3 -Se persigue como fin, la obtención de fórmulas matemáticas que permitan el pronóstico de la cosecha de uno o de varios cafetos en determinados años y dentro de ciertos límites de seguridad. 4- El procedimiento describe dos de los caminos seguidos hasta el presente: a -En cafetos jóvenes, sin descope, con 14 meses de permanencia en el tiempo definitivo, (Lámina N° 1 la correlación total, múltiple y parcial entre el número de "axilas" destinadas a producir flores y frutos y las variables independientes denominadas: "longitud ramificada", en el tallo principal; "diámetro de estos, a 10 centímetros de altura sobre el nivel del suelo y "número de nudos", en el tallo principal. b- En cafetos estabilizados, descopados o a libre crecimiento, la covariación de las cosechas principales combinadas de 2 en 2, en todas las formas posibles dentro de series cronológicas que varían entre 4 y 5 años (1945 a 1948 en cafetos a libre crecimiento de la Sub-Estación de Café "Esteban Jaramillo" Antioquia y 1944 a 1948 en cafetos descopados del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café de Chinchiná-Caldas. 5 -Los análisis estadísticos condujeron a la deducción de varias fórmulas de pronóstico. Las más importantes son las siguientes: a -Para cafetos jóvenes sin descope, con 14 meses de permanencia en el campo definitivo. Yn = 81,3 - 9,58X3 ÷ 0,978 X23 con un error standar o grado de seguridad de 41,00; Y0: representa el número de "dobles axilas" destinadas a producir flores y

  9. Descontaminación fotocatalítica de aguas post-cosecha de productos hortofrutícolas, contaminadas por fungicidas


    Santiago García, Dunia Esther


    Programa de doctorado: Oceanografía [ES]El motivo de esta Tesis doctoral surge como consecuencia de la necesidad de las cooperativas agrícolas de tratar las aguas residuales generadas en el proceso post‐cosecha de la fruta. Esta agua, resultante del lavado de la fruta, contiene fungicidas que son añadidos para prevenir la podredumbre de los alimentos. En este trabajo se trataron las mencionadas aguas residuales mediante técnicas de oxidación avanzada con el...

  10. Enfermedad hipertensiva gestacional, algunos factores de riesgo

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    Karen Luz Torres Rojas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, con el objetivo de describir  algunos factores de riesgo asociados a la Enfermedad Hipertensiva Gestacional (EHG, en la Clínica Comoro, del distrito  Dili,  en el período comprendido del 1 de junio de 2006 al 31 de mayo de 2007.  La muestra quedó constituida por 99 embarazadas  con diagnóstico  de hipertensión gestacional. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, paridad, factores de riesgo (antecedentes  familiares de  hipertensión arterial,  pielonefritis, obesidad, antecedentes de eclampsia, alcoholismo y tabaquismo, enfermedades crónicas asociadas y formas clínicas presentadas.  La EHG se presentó con más frecuencia en las pacientes del grupo de edad de 35 años y más, seguido por el grupo de 15-19 años. La nuliparidad predominó en las gestantes estudiadas. El factor de riesgo más frecuente fue el antecedente familiar de hipertensión arterial. La forma clínica que prevaleció fue la pre eclampsia-eclampsia.

  11. Factores de competitividad de la agroindustria de la caña de azúcar en México

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    Noé Aguilar Rivera


    Full Text Available La industria azucarera de México integra actividades agrícolas de crecimiento, cosecha y transporte de caña a la producción de azúcar estándar y refinada, con otros productos y subproductos. Para competir en una economía global, es importante establecer criterios de desempeño para reducir costos de producción en términos de competitividad técnica, productividad y eficiencia en aspectos como rendimientos, caña de azúcar y agroindustrial por hectárea y de fábrica. En este artículo se discuten algunos indicadores de competitividad económica y técnica de la industria de caña de azúcar mexicana, con metodologías de benchmarking y diamante de Porter. Los resultados mostraron que son numerosos los factores técnicos y económicos que limitan el crecimiento, debido a que la industria mexicana se ha mantenido no competitiva y requiere mejorar e innovar en la reducción de costos, sobre todo en materia prima, cosecha y transporte. También está la diversificación, con base en los subproductos, como residuos de cosecha, bagazo, melazas, lodo de filtros y vinazas; esto es de gran importancia como fuente renovable de energía y materias primas.


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    Alfonso Vargas-Calvo


    Full Text Available Grosor del fruto de la última y segunda mano como criterio de cosecha en banano. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la relación entre el grosor del fruto central de las manos última y segunda, como criterio de cosecha en el banano. Las mediciones se efectuaron semanalmente (mm de la segunda a la décima semana después de la fl oración y fueron transformadas a treintaidosavos de pulgada (tdp donde 1 tdp= 0,7914 mm, para la generación de ecuaciones de regresión para ambas manos, considerando, o ignorando, el tamaño del racimo. El grosor del fruto central de la última mano fue estimado a partir del grosor del fruto central de la segunda mano, y viceversa para el grosor del fruto de la segunda mano. Los valores de grosor del fruto central de la última mano (valores Y obtenidos aplicando los grosores mínimos preestablecidos de cosecha para el fruto central de la segunda mano (valores x: 43; 44 y 45 tdp fueron superiores a 40 tdp, independientemente del tamaño del racimo, e inclusive superó en la mayoría de las veces, a 41 tdp. Inversamente, aplicando los valores mínimos de grosor de la última mano, predefi nidos para la cosecha (valores x: 39; 40 y 41 tdp, se obtuvieron valores de grosor del fruto central de la segunda mano (valores Y, que no superaron el valor de 43 tdp excepto para x=41 en los racimos de siete a nueve manos. Los racimos cosechados con la exigencia mínima de empaque aplicada para la última mano, tuvieron menos peso, por estar conformados de frutos con menor grosor, que aquellos que se cosecharían mediante la medición en la segunda mano.

  13. Cosecha manual de café con asistencia neumática.

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    Palencia López Francisco Obdulio


    Full Text Available En Cenicafé se evaluó un nuevo método para la cosecha manual de café en el cual se utiliza un procedimiento simplificado para desprender las cerezas y un dispositivo neumático para transportarlas desde la base del árbol hasta el almacenamiento temporal. El método simplificado propuesto por Vélez et. al para desprender las cerezas utilizado consta de únicamente cuatro actividades (Transportar vacío buscando, Sostener, Arrancar y Dejar carga en lugar de las seis identificadas por Vélez et al en la cosecha manual tradicional. El dispositivo neumático, semiestacionario, desarrollado consta de: seis tolvas receptoras (sombrillas invertidas, que se colocan en la base de igual número de árboles para recibir el café desprendido por los recolectores; mangueras flexibles para transportar el café hasta la tolva de almacenamiento temporal; y un ventilador centrífugo accionado por un motor a gasolina. Los resultados obtenidos indican que con el nuevo método de recolección se mejoran los indicadores eficiencia y pérdidas de frutos al suelo. La calidad de la recolección con los dispositivos evaluados fue igual. El rendimiento operativo con el nuevo método fue inferior al observado con el método tradicional.

  14. Una aplicación de apoyo a la toma de decisiones para el costeo de maquinarias de cosecha forestal


    Acuña,Eduardo; Drake,Fernando; Garcias,Marco


    Desde hace años las empresas forestales y en especial las que prestan servicios de cosecha forestal han implementado la computación como una herramienta de trabajo, esto ha permitido automatizar la toma de decisiones. El propósito de esta práctica es lograr que el sector forestal siga siendo competitivo a nivel internacional, para tal objetivo se hace necesario optimizar las diferentes actividades que participan en la producción forestal. Los costos asociados a la faena de cosecha forestal so...

  15. Influencia de la variedad, portainjerto y época de cosecha en la calidad e índices de madurez en pimiento morrón

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    Alejandro Palacio Márquez


    Full Text Available ntroducción: El uso de portainjertos para la producción de hortalizas es una técnica que ha ido en aumento en los últimos años, generando resistencia a patógenos y aumentando la producción en los cultivos. Sin embargo, hoy en día la producción no l o es todo en el rubro comercial; no ba s ta solo con producir en grandes cantidades y en espacios más pequeños; el mercado actual está pidiendo productos de calidad. Por lo que el objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue estudiar el efecto de la variedad, el portainjerto y la época de cosecha en la calidad e índices de madurez en pimiento morrón. Método: El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en el ciclo de producción 2012, desarrol lado bajo un sistema de malla sombra, ubicada en Delicias, Chihuahua, México. El diseño experimental usado fue en bloques completos al azar con tres factores estudiados: variedades (Fascinato de frutos rojos y Janette de frutos amarillos, portainjerto (c o n portainjerto Terrano y sin portainjerto y tiempo de cosecha (11 de julio, 8 de agosto, 20 de agosto y 4 de septiembre. Las variables ev a luadas fueron: índices de madurez y parámetros de calidad en pimiento morrón. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias significativas en los parámetros de calidad e índices de madurez entre las variedades evaluadas, así mismo, el efecto del portainjerto Terrano en la cal i dad del fruto de las variedades Fascinato y Janette incrementó el tamaño de fruto (diámetro, lo n gitud y peso; mientras que, en variables como firmeza, sólidos solubles totales, color (L, C, °h y acidez titulable (% de ácido málico el portainjerto causó un decremento. Por otra parte, la época de cosecha para las variedades estudiadas fue estrechamente re lacionada con el grado de madurez del fruto. Conclusión: El factor variedad influyó en los parámetros: diámetro, longitud, peso del fruto, fi r meza, sólidos solubles totales, color y acidez; mientras que el factor

  16. Efecto de los métodos de cosecha y secado de la semilla de Brachiaria dictyoneura en su microflora y calidad (viabilidad y germinación

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    Lenne Jilliam M.


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de los métodos de cosecha con sudado (cosecha manual pila horizontal sometida a 3 días de sudado, cosecha manual pila vertical a 3 días, 6 días y 9 días de sudado, cosecha manual pila apretada a 3 días de sudado, sin sudado (cosecha manual sin sudado, cosecha con combinada y de la mezcla fungicida (Benlate + Difolatan sobre microflora, viabilidad y germinación de las semillas de Brachiaria dictyoneura. Para la determinación de la viabilidad se utilizó el método topográfico del tetrazolio, en las pruebas de germinación se utilizaron cuatro técnicas para romper latencia de las semillas (H20, H2S04, KN03 Y H2S04 + KN03.In this work, the effect of harvesting methods with sweating (manual harvesting horizontal pile exposed to 3 days sweating, manual harvesting vertical pile at 3,6 and 9 days sweating, manual harvesting disturbed pile at 3 days sweating; without sweating (manual harvest without sweating, combine harvesting and of a mixture of fungicides (Benlate and Difolatan on the microflora, viability and germination of the seeds of Brachiaria dictyoneura was evaluated. In order to determine the viability the topographical method of tetrazolium was used, in the germination test four methods to break latency of seeds were used H20, H2S04, KN03 and H2S04 + KN03.


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    Carlos Eugenio Oliveros Tascón


    Full Text Available En el laboratorio de cosecha mecánica del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, CENICAFÉ, se desarrolló un dispositivo portátil operado con baterías, de bajo peso, para asistir la cosecha manual de café. El dispositivo, accionado por un motor de 84,7 W, consta de un actuador que pesa 850 g transportado en la mano del operario y un arnés colocado en la espalda para transportar las baterías con peso total de 8 kg. Los frutos de café se desprenden al ser golpeados por dos impactadores, fabricados en teflón, que giran a 1.100 rpm. Con el nuevo dispositivo se logra desprender frutos individual ó masivamente, en racimos con alta concentración de frutos maduros, evitando el micromovimiento, lo cual en cosecha manual demanda el 40 % del tiempo empleado en un ciclo de recolección. La energía proveniente del motor y la inercial del mecanismo permite el desprendimiento simultáneo de hasta 4 frutos. El dispositivo desarrollado, IMFRA 3DC, se evaluó en el municipio de Timbio (Cauca, Colombia, en la cosecha principal del 2004, en árboles de café variedad Colombia roja, de segunda cosecha con dos chupones, sembrados a 1,5 m x 1,0 m, en topografía plana. La carga promedia y el porcentaje promedio de frutos maduros al momento de la cosecha fueron 1,43 kg y 80,7 %, respectivamente. El rendimiento neto obtenido fue 33,7kg/h, casi tres veces el observado en cosecha manual tradicional en cafetales con similares características. La calidad de la recolección mejoró sensiblemente con el aprendizaje en el manejo del equipo, pasando de 10,3 % el primer día de trabajo a 4,3 % de frutos inmaduros en la masa cosechada en el cuarto día. La eficacia fue cercana al 80 %, valor aceptable para esta tecnología que requiere de un repase manual adicional. Los resultados anteriores indican que la herramienta IMFRA 3DC es una alternativa promisoria para asistir la cosecha manual en cafetales de alta densidad en Colombia.A battery-operated low

  18. Algunos de los nuevos factores predictores de riesgo cardiovascular

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    Luis Borges Mesa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir algunos factores de riesgo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares de origen arterioesclerótico que no son utilizados frecuentemente, en la predicción del riesgo cardiovascular. Desarrollo: Los factores de riesgo son aquellos signos biológicos o hábitos adquiridos que se presentan con mayor frecuencia en los pacientes con una enfermedad concreta. La enfermedad cardiovascular arterioesclerótica tiene un origen multifactorial y los factores clásicos o tradicionales se dividen en 2 grandes grupos: no modificables como la edad, sexo y antecedentes familiares, y modificables como dislipidemia, tabaquismo, diabetes, hipertensión arterial, obesidad y sedentarismo. El concepto de nuevos factores predictores de riesgo cardiovascular, identificados a partir de la investigación etiopatogénica de la arterioesclerosis y respaldado en observaciones clínicas, epidemiológicas y de laboratorio, han sido considerados en la actualidad, predictores de riesgo independiente, entre los más estudiados tenemos: Homocisteína (HCy; Fibrinógeno; Ácido Úrico; Proteína C reactiva e Infecciones. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo tradicionales como el tabaquismo, el colesterol elevado, la obesidad y el sedentarismo, se relacionan con un mayor riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular arterioesclerótica; sin embargo, muchas personas con aparente bajo riesgo, sufren ataques cardíacos. Se ha analizado la importancia en el desarrollo de la enfermedad arterioesclerótica la elevación de los valores en sangre de homocisteina, fibrinógeno, ácido úrico, proteína C reactiva y la relación con agentes infecciosos. Varios de estos factores son considerados en la actualidad, predictores de riesgo independiente.

  19. Una aplicación de apoyo a la toma de decisiones para el costeo de maquinarias de cosecha forestal

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    Eduardo Acuña


    Full Text Available Desde hace años las empresas forestales y en especial las que prestan servicios de cosecha forestal han implementado la computación como una herramienta de trabajo, esto ha permitido automatizar la toma de decisiones. El propósito de esta práctica es lograr que el sector forestal siga siendo competitivo a nivel internacional, para tal objetivo se hace necesario optimizar las diferentes actividades que participan en la producción forestal. Los costos asociados a la faena de cosecha forestal son los de mayor incidencia dentro de los planes operativos, por ello es importante tener conocimiento de sus efectos reales en el cálculo de las tarifas. El trabajo realizado consistió en desarrollar un software de aplicación y consulta para la estructuración y tarifa a cobrar para una faena de cosecha forestal mecanizada, desarrollado en el lenguaje de programación Visual Basic. SICOFOR 1.0.1 al ser comparado con otras planillas de cálculo como por ejemplo las desarrolladas en Microsoft Excel entrega una mayor facilidad de trabajo, permite actualizar las bases de datos de la maquinaria a utilizar, personal, administración e implementación de trabajo para cada sistema de aprovechamiento, además entrega detalladamente la tarifa a cobrar. Aunque realmente los que fijan las tarifas de los diferentes servicios son las empresas demandantes de los servicios, el desarrollo del programa como herramienta de apoyo a la toma de decisiones, sigue siendo útil para comparar la tarifa que la empresa forestal mandante ofrece y los costos reales del servicio de cosecha, para tomar la decisión de aceptar o desestimar el negocio.

  20. Producción de maíz y soya forrajera para ensilaje y venta parcial de la cosecha de elotes o chilotes

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    Carlos Jim\\u00E9nez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo investigó el efecto de tres diferentes formas de siembra conjunta de maíz y soya: a asociados (un surco maíz-un surco soya, b alternos (cuatro surcos máiz-cuatro surcos soya y c monocultivo y tres formas de cosecha de chilotes o elotes para venta antes de ensilar: a remoción del 50% de los chilotes (a inicio de floración, b remoción del 50% de los elotes (en estado de leche y c sin cosecha. Cada tratamiento tuvo tres repeticiones. Se utilizó la variedad de maíz blanco localmente adaptado, HS-5G de la casa Cristiani Burkard y la variedad de soya CIGRAS 10 para grano y forraje, desarrollada por el Centro de Investigación en Granos y Semillas de la Universidad de Costa Rica y probada con éxito en la regi ón. La cosecha para ensilaje, se realizó en los estados fenol ógicos de inicio de indentación en el maíz y R6 en la soya (semilla formada de consistencia semidura. La remoción del 50% del chilote resultó en $164,06 de ingreso bruto, cubriendo el 44,23 % de los gastos de cultivo, cosecha y almacenamiento en un silo de montón. Sin embargo, se observó una reducci ón desde 5,99 a 4,77 t MS /ha, representando un 20,3 %. La cosecha de elotes también redujo los rendimientos en un 24,4 %, pero permitió recuperar un 89,45 % de los gastos, que equivalieron a $331,75 de ingreso. Al mover los elotes, recupera casi todos los costos, no obstante, hay una reducción en tonelaje y casi de seguro en materia seca digestible. Bajo mejores condiciones de clima, un ingreso bruto mayor sería posible con el consecuente superavit monetario y el ensilaje gratis.

  1. Estudio de algunos factores que afectan a la solubilidad de fritas en suspensiones de esmaltes

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    Gazulla, M. F.


    Full Text Available In view of the importance of certain problems relating to frit solubility in ceramic tile manufacture, a study was undertaken to determine how a set of different factors affect frit solubility. It was determined how the solubility of two frits was modified of the type of raw material used to make the frits and a series of variables relating to the glazes prepared from these frits. Relevant information was thus obtained regarding the industrial use of the frits, which is where the problems occur. The influence was specifically studied of milling time, suspension temperature, standing time, stirring intensity and the chemical composition of certain additives (binders and deflocculants on solubility. They were all found to substantially affect frit solobility, specially for certain elements (calcium, magnesium and cinc.

    Dada la importancia que revisten algunos problemas relacionados con la solubilidad de fritas en el proceso de fabricación de baldosas cerámicas, se ha abordado la realización de un trabajo destinado a conocer la influencia que ejercen sobre aquella un conjunto de factores de diferente naturaleza. Se ha determinado cómo se modifica la solubilidad de dos fritas en función del tipo de materia prima empleada para fabricarlas y de una serie de variables relacionadas con los esmaltes que se preparan a partir de aquellas. De esta forma se ha obtenido información relevante desde el punto de vista del uso industrial que se hace de las fritas, que es donde aparecen los problemas a que se ha hecho referencia anteriormente. Concretamente se ha estudiado la influencia sobre la solubilidad del tiempo de molturación, la temperatura de la suspensión, el tiempo de reposo, la intensidad de la agitación y la composición química de algunos aditivos (ligantes y desfloculantes. Se ha constatado que todas ellas inciden sustancialmente en la propiedad estudiada, especialmente para algunos elementos (calcio, magnesio y cinc.

  2. Identificación de algunos factores de riesgo en ancianos hipertensos

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    Yarima Beatriz Beatón Lobaina


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva, de tipo transversal, de toda la población de más de 65 años de edad (4 865 pacientes, perteneciente al área de salud del Policlínico Docente "Armando García Aspurú" de Santiago de Cuba, de enero a noviembre del 2012, para identificar la frecuencia de algunos factores de riesgo que influyen en la aparición de la hipertensión arterial en estos ancianos, entre los cuales se incluyeron: hábito de fumar, consumo de alcohol, sedentarismo, obesidad (según índice de masa corporal y antecedentes familiares de hipertensión arterial. En la población estudiada predominó el sexo femenino, y sobresalieron el hábito de fumar y el consumo de alcohol, que fueron más frecuentes en los hombres. Sin embargo, el sedentarismo y la obesidad estuvieron presentes principalmente en las ancianas, y los antecedentes familiares de hipertensión arterial mostraron una frecuencia similar, sin diferencias en cuanto al sexo.

  3. Balanceo de un sistema de cosecha mecanizado utilizando simulación de eventos discretos.


    Pablo Aracena; Darío Aedo; Ricardo Landeros


    Se analizó un sistema de cosecha mecanizado, operando en una faena a tala rasa de pino radiata y conformado por un feller buncher, un skidder con garra, un procesador y un trineumático. Un Modelo de Simulación de Eventos Discretos (MSED) fue desarrollado con el propósito de balancear el sistema. El proceso mecanizado de madera fue el limitante del sistema de acuerdo con los resultados del estudio de tiempos, entonces este proceso fue apoyado agregando a 3 operadores de motosierra para alcanza...

  4. Diarrea persistente: algunos factores de riesgo

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    Lyliam Díaz Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo-longitudinal, con el propósito de evaluar algunos aspectos socioculturales en 75 niños menores de 2 años, que con diagnóstico de diarrea persistente, ingresaron en el Servicio de Enfermedades Diarreicas del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "Dr. Angel A. Aballí" de Ciudad de La Habana, de julio de 1995 a marzo de 1996, ambos inclusive. Los resultados permiten afirmar que la mayoría de estos episodios acontecieron en lactantes y que el elevado índice de hacinamiento, malas condiciones higiénico-sanitarias de la vivienda y padres con nivel escolar medio, dominaron los antecedentes sociales de los niños estudiados.A descriptive-longitudinal study was conducted aimed at evaluating some sociocultural aspects in 75 children under 2 that due to persistent diarrhea were admitted in the Service of Diarrheal Diseases of the «Dr. Angel A. Aballí» Pediatric Teaching Hospital, in Havana City, from July, 1995, to March, 1996, including both. The results allow to assure that most of these episodes occurred in infants and that the high index of heaping, bad hygienic and sanitary conditions of the houses and parents with middle educational level predominated in the social background of the studied children.

  5. Simulación del impacto de diferentes regímenes de cosecha sobre el capital de nutrientes e indicadores económicos en plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis del NE de Entre Ríos, Argentina

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    Juan Francisco Goya


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The effect on soil productivity of harvesting forestry products deserved special attention in last years. Consequently, it is necessary to establish quantitative indices of environmental and economic impact for the different management stages. The decision of planting forestry trees is dependent on financial indicators; high costs may change investor decision. Maintaining soil nutrient stock as a baseline for productivity support may be an indicator of ecological sustainability; however, it can increase costs. Our objective was to answer the following: (i How each harvest scenario affect the nutrient stability of plantations? (ii Which of the alternative scenarios is of higher financial value at present? And (iii Does the present scenario of higher financial value persist if, for maintaining ecological sustainability, we conserve or replace the nutrients exported during harvest? We simulated different types of harvest and crop residue treatments in plantations of Eucalyptus grandis of 8 and 11 years old. Nutrient export in different scenarios was quantified and ecological stability indices -Plantation Stability Index (PEI-, and financial indices –Present Net Worth, Soil Expectation Value and Internal Rate of Return - were analyzed considering the cost of nitrogen replacement. The scenario of total harvest and residue burning gave losses of 491 and 369 kgN.ha-1 for 8 and 11 years rotation, respectively. PEI have shown that complete tree harvest and residue burning cause the highest ecological impact with index values superior to 2.5 (>0.5= instability; economic indices lowered when soil nutrients are recovered through fertilization inputs. Revenues reduction may affect the decision of planting commercial trees, alerting and stimulating to improve harvest practices at harvest and post-harvest stages. RESUMEN El efecto de la cosecha de productos forestales sobre la productividad edáfica ha adquirido singular atención últimamente. Por

  6. Calidad fisiosanitaria de semillas de soja: efecto combinado de exposición al ambiente y niveles de daño mecánico en la cosecha Physiosanitary quality of soybeans: combined effect of environment exposition and levels of mechanic damage in the harvest

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    M.A. Pérez


    Full Text Available En la Argentina, el negocio de producir semilla fiscalizada de soja presenta baja rentabilidad, por lo que es necesario un sistema de producción altamente eficiente para poder competir. Al respecto, no se ha evaluado la sensibilidad de algunos cultivares al retraso del momento de cosecha y al perjuicio provocado en esta operación, medido en términos de calidad de sus semillas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la calidad fisiosanitaria de semillas de soja de diferentes cultivares en respuesta a tratamientos combinados de periodos de exposición al ambiente y niveles de daño mecánico en la cosecha, en condiciones locales de producción. Se trabajó con semillas de soja de cuatro cultivares con diferentes grados de deterioro ambiental, incidencia fúngica y efectos mecánicos. Se evaluó la calidad a través de ensayos de germinación, vigor, daño mecánico, contenido de humedad y sanidad. La respuesta de las variables fisiosanitarias a la acción mecánica fueron diferentes en los cultivares evaluados, evidenciándose disminución de la germinación y del vigor y en general un aumento en la incidencia fúngica. Sin embargo, estos efectos fueron menos marcados que los ocasionados por el factor periodo de exposición al ambiente.In Argentina, the business of certified soybean seed production shows underperformance; therefore, a highly efficient production system is necessary to be able to compete in this field. In this respect, factors affecting competitiveness such as the sensitivity of some cultivars to the delay in harvest time and to the damage resulting from this delay have not been evaluated in terms of seed quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiosanitary quality of soybean seeds from different cultivars in response to combined treatments of environmental exposure and levels of mechanical damage at harvest in local production. Soybean seeds from four cultivars with varied degrees of environmental damage

  7. Técnicas de recolección de agua y oasificación para el desarrollo de la agricultura y la restauración forestal en regiones desfavorecidas

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    Jorge Mongil Manso


    Full Text Available Se hace un repaso por los antecedentes históricos de las cosechas de agua, se explica el concepto de las mismas y se describen las principales técnicas, y se presentan algunos ejemplos de desarrollo rural basado en la recolección de agua. Así mismo, se exponen algunos de los avances tecnológicos en estos aspectos, más concretamente el concepto recientemente introducido por los autores de oasificación y el modelo hidrológico MODIPÉ (acrónimo de «Modificación de Precipitaciones», especialmente novedoso pues es el único existente en el mundo que sirve para el correcto diseño de repoblaciones forestales en zonas secas, con las ideas de las cosechas de agua. Eesta herramienta informática aparece en 1995 dentro del marco del proyecto LUCDEME (Lucha contra la Desertificación en el Mediterráneo, del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.

  8. Embarazo en la adolescencia: algunos factores biopsicosociales Pregnancy in adolescence: some biopsychosocial factors

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    Rosa María Alonso Uría


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, y con carácter comparativo entre 2 grupos poblacionales: grupo A, integrado por todas las madres adolescentes atendidas en el Hospital Docente Ginecoobstétrico de Guanabacoa en el período comprendido del 1ro. de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2001, y el grupo B representado por 506 madres (que es el doble de las madres adolescentes, con edad comprendida entre los 20 y los 35 años de edad, para identificar algunos factores biopsicosociales presentes en ambos grupos. Para la recolección de la información se aplicó una encuesta validada y preparada para el estudio, identificándose algunas variables biopsicosociales. Con la información obtenida, se realizó el procesamiento estadístico para variables cualitativas y cuantitativas. La incidencia de embarazo en la adolescencia fue de 13,2 %, predominó el embarazo en la adolescente tardía para un 52,9 %, el nivel de escolaridad fue bajo en el 86,2 %, y un 82,2 % eran de amas de casas. Es de destacar la importancia de la consulta de orientación a la embarazada adolescente para el correcto tratamiento de la gestación y de su descendencia, así como el papel de la educación sexual en la salud reproductiva.A descriptive prospective and comparative study was undertaken between 2 population groups to identify some biopsychosocial factors present in both groups: group A was composed of all the adolescent mothers that received attention at the Gynecoobstetric Teaching Hospital of Guanabacoa from January 1st to December 31st, 2001, and group B included 506 mothers aged 20-35 ( the double of the adolescent mothers. The information was collected by a survey validated and prepared for the study. Some biopsychosocial factors were identified. The statistical processing for qualitative and quantitative variables was carried out by using the information obtained. The incidence of pregnancy in adolescence was 13.2 %. It was observed a predominance of pregnancy

  9. Asociación entre algunos factores psicosociales y el inicio de las relaciones sexuales en adolescentes escolares Association among some psychosocial factors and the beginning of sexual relations in adolescent students


    Felipe Santana Pérez; Olga Lidia Verdeja Varela; Gisel Ovies Carballo; Reina Fleitas Ruiz


    Se realizó un estudio analítico-transversal en 1 675 adolescentes entre los 15 y los 18 años de edad, estudiantes todos de preuniversitarios e institutos politécnicos, residentes en Ciudad de La Habana, pues existen una serie de factores psicosociales que pudieran asociarse con el inicio temprano de las relaciones sexuales. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la posible asociación de algunos factores psicosociales (grupo de pares, aspectos académicos y consumo de sustancias tóxicas) con el inicio...


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    Graniel, Gilmar J.


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda la utilización de la Tecnología de la Información (TI como factor competitivo en un Arreglo Productivo Local (APL Cosecha Metal-Mecánica en el estado de Río Grande del Sur, Brasil y tiene como objetivo buscar la comprensión de como el uso de la TI contribuye al aumento de la competitividad. Para alcanzar este objetivo, fue realizada una investigación en las empresas que componen el APL. Los resultados de la investigación indicaron que las empresas perciben la importancia del uso de la TI, pero que, en la práctica, su utilización es limitada, sobre todo tratándose de la planificación de la TI. Otro de los resultados que se encontró es que las empresas, aunque formen parte del APL, aún no colaboran entre sí, ya sea a través del cambio de informaciones, o a través de Sistemas de Información. Las principales recomendaciones ante estos resultados es que las empresas traten de actuar activamente para el fortalecimiento del APL. En lo que se refiere al uso de la TI se hace necesaria la planificación y la inversión en la adquisición de sistemas integrados para la mejor gerencia de las informaciones, lo cual contribuirá al aumento de la competitividad de las empresas que pertenecen al arreglo.

  11. Tasas de logro educativo en las poblaciones afrodescendiente, indígena y mestiza: Revisión de algunos factores de exclusión

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    Marcelo Gaete-Astica


    Full Text Available Este artículo es resultado de la investigación Tasas de logro educativo entre la población afrodescendiente, indígena y mestiza y la revisión de algunos factores de exclusión e inclusión (Gaete, 2014. Mediante la exploración de los datos del X Censo Nacional de Población y el establecimiento de algunas medidas cuantitativas, en este artículo se busca establecer el logro educativo de la población de personas de origen indígena y afrodescendiente, en contraposición con la población mestiza (que denominamos acríticamente blanca y algunos elementos como los de la localización provincial y el de inserción temprana en el mundo del trabajo como factores de exclusión educativa. Siendo este estudio de corte exploratorio, se pretende que dé insumos prácticos y conceptuales para profundizar en la temática de la exclusión social y educativa. El análisis estadístico realizado ha permitido visualizar el hecho de que la identidad étnica y cultural, así como la localización geográfica (a escala provincial no son factores de exclusión educativa y social, sino que las explicaciones hay que buscarlas en la circularidad de la pobreza, que determina logros educativos bajos que influyen, a su vez, el acceso a puestos de trabajo de baja calificación. Este estudio sugiere que la inserción temprana en el mercado de trabajo es un factor clave de exclusión.

  12. Estrés psicosocial : algunos aspectos clínicos y experimentales


    Molina Jiménez, Tania; Gutiérrez García, Ana G.; Hernández Domínguez, Lizette; Contreras, Carlos M.


    El presente trabajo aborda conceptos actuales del estrés, resaltando el de tipo social. El estrés psicosocial es un factor que predispone al desarrollo de diversas enfermedades en el ser humano cuyos efectos impactan sobre su calidad de vida y de salud. Se han identificado y diferenciado algunos de los factores sociales que producen estrés. Sin embargo, dadas las dificultades metodológicas y éticas para estudiar los efectos del estrés psicosocial en el ser humano, ha sido necesario diseñar mo...

  13. Comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgos asociados a la aparición del cáncer cervicouterino en un área de salud


    Amaro Hernández, Francisco; Polo Cardoso, Katia; Mendoza del Pino, Mario; Pi Pareta, Leidy; Cardoso Nuñez, Oscarlyns


    Se realizó un estudio analítico y retrospectivo de casos y controles pareados sobre el comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgo asociados a la aparición del cáncer cervicouterino en el Policlínico Docente Rural X Aniversario, Camalote. La investigación se efectuó desde el 1 de enero de 1998 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2000. El universo para la toma de la muestra estuvo representado por el total de pacientes que se realizaron la citología orgánica en este período, lo que obedeció al progra...

  14. Descomposición de residuos de cosecha y liberación de nutrimentos en plantaciones de palmito en Costa Rica

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    Gabriela Soto


    Full Text Available El sistema de producción de palmito (Bactris gasipaes se caracteriza por la baja extracción de nutrimentos del suelo, resultado de la gran cantidad de residuos de cosecha dejados en el campo. Así, se planteó este trabajo con el objetivo de comprender mejor el patrón de descomposición y liberación de nutrimentos de este tipo de residuos durante los picos de baja y alta cantidad de lluvias en Guápiles, Costa Rica. El estudio se realizó durante 2 períodos de alta precipitación (entre julio y setiembre de 1998 y un período de poca lluvia (entre febrero y abril de 1999, en una plantación comercial de 16 años con suelos clasificados como Typic Hapludands. Como material de descomposición, se utilizó sólo residuos de la tercera hoja secos al aire y colocados en bolsas de descomposición de nylon y no los residuos de las 5 hojas cortadas al momento de la cosecha del palmito. Las bolsas se colocaron sobre la superficie del suelo dentro de la plantación y se recogieron a 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 y 48 semanas después de iniciado el experimento. Con los porcentajes del residuo original seco y los contenidos de nutrimentos en el mismo material, se realizó un modelo de regresión en el tiempo. Las concentraciones iniciales en el material a descomponer en los 3 períodos de estudio variaron entre

  15. Hipertensión arterial: comportamiento de su prevalencia y de algunos factores de riesgo

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    Freddie Hernández Cisneros


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles con el objetivo de conocer el comportamiento de la prevalencia y de algunos factores de riesgo de la hipertensión arterial en un consultorio del médico de la familia perteneciente al Policlínico Comunitario Docente "Ignacio Agramonte" del municipio Camagüey. El grupo de casos estuvo constituido por los 150 pacientes dispensariza dos con el diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial y el grupo control por igual número de sujetos que no padecían de esta entidad y pertenecientes al mismo consultorio; se les aplicó a todos un modelo de encuesta donde se recogieron una serie de variables seleccionadas, para el posterior procesamiento de los datos de una forma computadorizada. Los resultados más importantes que se obtuvieron fueron: una prevalencia muy por encima de otros estudios realizados en el país, con mayor frecuencia en el sexo masculino, mayores de 35 años de edad y color de la piel mestiza y negra. Los 3 factores de riesgo que mostraron mayor grado de asociación fueron: los antecedentes patológicos familiares de hipertensión arterial, la obesidad y el abuso en la ingestión de salA case-control study was carried out with the aim of knowing the behaviour of prevalence and of some risk factors of arterial hypertension at a consultation of the family physician, belonging to the "Ignacio Agramonte" Community Teaching Polyclinic. The case group was composed of 150 patients dispensarized with the diagnosis of arterial hypertension, and the control group had the same number of subjects, who did not suffer from this disease and received medical attention at the same consultation. All of them took part in a survey where a series of selected variables were collected for the computerized processing of data. The most important results attained were as follows: a prevalence highly over other studies carried out in the country, with a greater frequency in men over 35 years old, and with brown and black

  16. Caracterización de algunos factores de riesgo asociados al intento suicida en adolescentes

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    Idelis Fedeslinda Arias de la Torre


    Full Text Available El intento suicida es un problema de salud frecuente en los adolescentes, su manejo en muchas ocasiones resulta complejo y desalentador, por el riesgo de suicidio. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, con el objetivo de caracterizar algunos de los factores de riesgo asociados al intento suicida en los adolescentes del municipio de Bayamo en el año 2014. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por los 108 adolescentes que presentaron intento suicida, notificados por tarjeta de enfermedad de declaración obligatoria (EDO, en el departamento de Estadística de dicho municipio, en el período de estudio. Se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo, área de salud, antecedentes patológicos personales de enfermedades o sintomatologías psiquiátricas, conflictos personales, conflictos familiares y el método empleado de suicidio. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS, mostrados en tablas, expresados en números y porcientos. En la población de estudio predominó el sexo femenino (78,70 %, el grupo de edad de 14 a 16 años (50 %, el área de salud del policlínico Bayamo Oeste (tasa 74,9 x 10 000 habitantes, los deseos de hacerse daño (100 %, las malas relaciones con los padres (63,9 % y la ingestión de tabletas (92,7 %

  17. Evaluación del estado de conservación de los mamíferos de caza: un modelo comparativo en comunidades de la Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria (Loreto, Peru

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    Rolando Aquino


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo contiene información relacionada a la caza, la abundancia y el impacto de la caza de los mamíferos que habitan los bosques inundables aledaños a dos comunidades asentadas en el interior de la Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria. Está basado en registros de caza y censos por transectos. Los registros de caza muestran un promedio de cosecha anual de 190,3 mamíferos del área de San Miguel, equivalente a 2275,9 kg de carne de monte, y 104,5 mamíferos del área de Parinari, equivalente a 985,9 kg de carne de monte. Los primates fueron los más abundantes en ambas áreas de estudio; sin embargo, las densidades estimadas fueron mayores para el área de Parinari. Ninguna especie de ungulados fue observada en el área de San Miguel, mientras que para el área de Parinari la densidad del tapir (Tapirus terrestris Linnaeus fue estimada en 0,2 individuos/ km2 y para el pecarí labiado (Tayassu pecari Link en 6,6 individuos/ km2 . Finalmente, el modelo de cosecha sugiere sobrecaza para el tapir, maquisapa cenizo (Ateles belzebuth E. Geoffroy, choro (Lagothrix lagotricha Humboldt y mono aullador (Alouatta seniculus Linnaeus, cuyas cosechas en algunos casos alcanzaron el 100% de la producción. Se discuten los factores que podrían influir para la escasez y/o ausencia de algunas especies, particularmente ungulados y primates.

  18. Algunos Aspectos de las ecuaciones autónomas


    Rosales, José


    Se presentan teoremas básicos de ecuaciones diferenciales autónomas y algunos resultados interesantes sobre tales teoremas que permiten describir de manera efectiva ciertas propiedades de las órbitas de tales sistemas.

  19. Impacto del tráfico de equipos durante la cosecha de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum Impact of traffic equipment during sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum harvest

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    Luís A. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Para determinar el impacto del tráfico sobre el suelo, el cultivo y el consumo energético durante la cosecha de caña de azúcar en el valle del río Cauca (Colombia, se establecieron experimentos de cuatro repeticiones con diferentes sistemas de cosecha. En cada sitio se cosecharon mecánicamente parcelas con vagones de auto volteo, HD8000, HD12000 y HD20000, se evaluaron por la intensidad de tráfico (IT, el pisoteo directo sobre la cepa, la resistencia a la penetración y el consumo energético. Vagones grandes y pesados causaron mayor IT y mayor efecto por compactación y pisoteo. La IT varió entre 241 y 317 Mg km ha-1. El pisoteo en la cabecera varió de 8 a 18 m por surco y sobre la cepa los vagones pisaron entre 5 y 24% de su ancho. Hubo diferencias no significativas en productividad hasta de 13,9% favorable a los vagones livianos. En cosecha semimecánica, realizada con trenes de vagones, disminuyó la IT al rango 60-113 Mg km ha-1; pero aumentó el pisoteo en las cabeceras hasta 39 m por surco, hubo diferencias no significativas en productividad hasta del 4% entre sistemas de vagones livianos y pesados. Además, los vagones livianos con manejo adecuado de la cosecha, llegan a ser favorables por menor consumo de combustible y emisiones.This study was carried out to determine the impact of traffic on soil compaction, crop and energy consumption during the sugarcane harvest in the Cauca river valley (Colombia. Four experiments with four replicates were harvested with different systems. Plots were mechanically harvested with self tipping, HD8000, HD12000 and HD20000 trailers and evaluated by traffic intensity (IT, direct stool traffic, penetration resistance and fuel consumption. Heavy trailers caused a greater effect due to a greater IT and direct stool traffic. IT varied between 241 and 317 Mg km ha-1. Stool traffic at the end of field varied from 8 to 18 m per furrow, meanwhile stool traffic along the furrow varied from 5 to 24

  20. Enfermedades diarreicas agudas en el niño: comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgo

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    Freddie Hernández Cisneros


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles, pareado 1:1, con el objetivo de conocer el comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgo de las enfermedades diarreicas agudas en el niño, en el Policlínico Comunitario Centro de Camagüey, durante 18 meses de trabajo. El grupo de casos estuvo representado por 89 niños de dicha área de salud egresados con ese diagnóstico, y el grupo control, por la misma cantidad de niños no egresados por ninguna enfermedad y de la misma área de salud. A ambos grupos se les aplicó una encuesta cuyos datos obtenidos se procesaron automatizadamente. Se encontraron como resultados más importantes un 97,67 % de niños menores de 1 año, la higiene doméstica no fue buena en el 80,9 % y la personal mala en el 73,03 %. Hubo destete precoz en el 65,17 % y hacinamiento en el 62,92 %, presentándose en el 45,9 % algún grado de desnutrición y el 37,08 % fueron bajo peso al nacer. El 32,58 % eran madres menores de 20 años y sólo el 15,73 % uso la lactancia materna pura. Se concluyó que todos los factores evaluados se comportaron como factores de riesgo, infiriéndose la importancia de la Educación para la Salud.A case-control study, matched 1:1, was conducted aimed at knowing the behaviour of some risk factors of acute diarrheal diseases in children at the Central Community Polyclinic of Camagüey, during 18 months. The case group was composed of 89 children from that health area that were discharged with that diagnosis, whereas the control group had the same number of children who were sound and lived in the same area. Both groups were surveyed and the data obtained were automatically processed. 97.6 % of the children were under 1, domestic hygiene was not good in 80.9 % and personal hygiene was also bad in 73.03 %. It was observed early weaning in 65.1 % and heaping in 62.92 %. Some degree of malnutrition was found in 15.9 % and 37.08 % were considered as low birth weight. 32.58 % were mothers under 20. Only 15

  1. Fístulas faringo-cutáneas: Estudio de algunos factores que inciden en su aparición

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    Raquel Murdoch González


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo, con el propósito de analizar algunos factores que predisponen a la formación de la fístula faringo-cutánea en el paciente laringectomizado. Se escogió una muestra de 195 pacientes, a los cuales se les realizó una laringectomía total en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología, en el período comprendido entre enero de 1986 y diciembre de 1993. Esta complicación se presentó en el 59 % de los pacientes. La alta incidencia de ella parece estar en relación con la no sistematización de la profilaxis antibiótica. La sepsis resultó ser un factor favorecedor en la formación de la fístula, así como el tipo de cierre faríngeo, lo cual evidenció la superioridad del cierre mecánico de la faringe en relación con el cierre manual. La anemia posoperatoria resultó ser un importante factor predisponente en la formación de la fístulaA retrospective and descriptive study aimed at examining some factors predisposing the formation of pharyngo-cutaneous fistulae in laryngectome patients was conducted. A sample of 195 patients who had been performed a total laryngectomy at the National Oncology and Radiobiology Institute from January, 1986 to December, 1993 was chosen. This posoperative complication came out in 50 % of patients and its high incidence seems to be related to the non systematic use of antibiotic prophylasis. Sepsis was an influential factor for the formation of fistula as well as the pharyngeal closure, which showed that the mechanical pharynx closure is superior to the hand closure. The posoperative anemia turned to be an important predisposing factor in the formation of pharyngo-cutaneous fistulae


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    Full Text Available La carrera en ascenso es una forma de ejercitarse  que se incluye en el entrenamiento de diferentes deportes  y hace parte de clases de Educación Física.  Algunos autores han estudiado esta manifestación  desde diversos puntos de vista,  en especial desde la fisiología.  Este trabajo analiza la longitud y frecuencia de zancada  en la carrera de ascenso y la compara con la carrera a nivel. Además describe los cambios cinemáticos que ocurren  en la actitud corporal al correr en ascenso. El estudio se realizó con estudiantes de Educación Física  (34 hombres y 25 mujeres. La metodología se basó  en la medición de la longitud y frecuencia de zancada  de 33 metros lanzados y en la filmación de las dos formas  de correr. Los resultados muestran que la longitud de zancada  se acortó durante la carrera en lomo con respecto a la carrera  en nivel y que la frecuencia se aumenta en niveles de velocidad submaximales. Se aprecian cambios en los desplazamientos angulares  en las acciones de brazos, piernas, tronco y cabeza.

  3. Influencia de la pérdida foliar sobre la cosecha en el cv. Gruesa, Musa acuminata Colla (AAA, cultivado bajo invernadero en las Islas Canarias

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    Juan Cabrera Cabrera


    Full Text Available El cultivo de la variedad de platanera Gruesa, selección local de Dwarf Cavendish, ha experimentado un importante aumento en los últimos años en las Islas Canarias, tanto al aire libre como bajo invernadero. La eliminación de hojas, tras la floración, es una práctica habitual en los cultivos bajo invernadero. Asimismo es frecuente la pérdida de hojas por el efecto de los vientos en los cultivos al aire libre. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar, mediante simulación de pérdida foliar por daños mecánicos, la influencia que tiene la disminución de superficie foliar sobre el llenado y cosecha de la fruta en dicho cultivar. Para ello, cuatro meses antes de la cosecha se efectuaron cinco niveles de defoliación: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% y 100%. Se valoran dos métodos diferentes de defoliación, eliminación de limbo foliar y tronchado de hojas con posterior corte de éstas. Se analizan y presentan datos morfológicos, fenológicos y productivos, así como valoración de la metodología empleada en este trabajo para la simulación de daños. A partir de un 25% de defoliado, equivalente a 7.5 hojas funcionales por planta, se detectaron diferencias significativas con las plantas testigos.

  4. Riesgo psicosocial intralaboral y “burnout” en docentes universitarios de algunos países latinoamericanos

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    Carla C. Botero Álvarez


    Full Text Available Las actuales modificaciones en el mundo del trabajo y en especial en las instituciones universitarias, han puesto de manifiesto nuevos riesgos de orden psicosocial que impactan no solo la salud física sino también la salud mental de los docentes, derivándose en el conocido síndrome de burnout. Se identificaron algunos factores de riesgo psicosocial intralaboral que propician el desarrollo y prevalencia del síndrome de burnout en estos profesionales de algunos países de América Latina como Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina y México. Se concluyó que ciertos aspectos propios de la organización del trabajo y de su realización tales como: multiplicidad de tareas, sobrecarga laboral, espacios inadecuados, falta de tiempo y de remuneración que compense los esfuerzos, son algunas de las principales fuentes de riesgos psicosociales que coadyuvan al posterior desarrollo y prevalencia del síndrome en esta población.

  5. La descomposición de la materia orgánica y su relación con algunos factores climáticos y microclimaticos

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    Arguello Arias Heliodoro


    Full Text Available La descomposición de la materia orgánica, es un importante proceso que relaciona la dinámica de la vegetación con la dinámica del suelo. Regulando este proceso intervienen
    factores bióticos y abióticos. Algunos autores mencionan que la temperatura es el factor climático más importante,
    especialmente en condiciones muy húmedas; mientras que otros autores aseguran que es la humedad el factor climático más importante. Sin embargo, resulta claro que en las zonas templadas, la tasa de descomposición es más baja que en las zonas tropicales. También se han desarrollado modelos que
    predicen el contenido de materia orgánica y nitrógeno en suelos superficiales, con base en informaciones sobre temperatura promedio anual y un "factor de humedad". Así
    mismo otros han elaborado modelos que predicen la tasa de descomposición con base en el porcentaje de lignina contenido en el follaje. La evotranspiración actual anual, sin
    embargo, presenta curvas de regresión más ajustadas al modelo de predicción, siendo el factor de mayor importancia.

  6. El trovo verde. Poesía improvisada satírico-obscena en la fiesta de la cosecha

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    del Campo Tejedor, Alberto


    Full Text Available Harvest time has been since Upper Antiquity an exceptional occasion in peasant societies, giving rise to festive customs such as duels of improvised poetry in obscene tone and motif. In these duels, precepts of decency were momentarily removed. The historical and comparative research since the fescennini verses of Antiquity, through the pullas of the trovadores de repente of the Golden Age and other satirical genres, allows to link the priapic improvised poetry of the Alpujarra in both reaping and grape harvest contexts to a long popular tradition in which debates of burlesque verses were an entertainment associated with the nexus between fertility of earth and sexuality and with a sense of regeneration that has cathartic laugh. The survival of this burlesque and erotic register among the Alpujarra troubadours in certain festivals, coincidental in dates, spaces and actors with the traditional context of licenses during harvest time, suggests the reusing of these duels of inventiveness, in which participants play recalling a time when

    Las cosechas han constituido desde antiguo un momento excepcional en las culturas campesinas y han propiciado costumbres festivas, como las luchas de poesías improvisadas de tono y temática obscena, en que se levantaba efímeramente el precepto del decoro. El rastreo histórico y comparativo desde los versos fesceninos de la Antigüedad, pasando por las pullas de los trovadores de repente en el Siglo de Oro y otros géneros satíricos, permite vincular el trovo priápico de la Alpujarra en contextos de siega, parva y vendimia, a una larga tradición popular en que las porfías de versos burlescos constituían un divertimento asociado al nexo de unión entre la fertilidad de la tierra y la sexualidad, así como al sentido regenerador de la risa catártica. La pervivencia en el trovo alpujarreño de este registro burlón y lúbrico en ciertas fiestas coincidentes en fechas


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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo la evaluación de la hidrólisis enzimática de residuos de la cosecha de la caña de azúcar (hojas y cogollos a partir de la preparación de cuatro sustratos con diferentes pretratamientos, entre los que se encuentran: delignificación organosolvente, delignificación enzimática, delignificación con hidróxido de sodio y clorito de sodio y un sustrato base obtenido directamente de la cosecha. Además, se elaboraron cinco enzimas a partir de mezclas de actividades de enzimas comerciales, que fueron evaluadas en los diferentes sustratos. Se introduce un criterio para evaluar la eficiencia de las enzimas a partir de curvas de progreso, porcentaje de sacarificación e índice de sacarificación, a este índice se le denomino "índice global de hidrólisis". Los resultados muestran, que para la hidrólisis con el preparado enzimático E5, que contiene las siguientes actividades enzimáticas: hemicelulusas de 52.75 unidades globales/ml, celulasas total de 27.53 FPU/ml, endoglucanasas de 1782,1 CMC/ml, exoglucanasa de 0.377 UI/ml, betaglucosidasa de 550 pNPG U/ml, xilanasa de 28.23 UI/ml, galactosidasa de 7.1 UI/ml, manasa de 2.76 UI/ml y ranmanasa de 14.63 UI/ml y el sustrato S3, con un contenido de celulosa de 80.53%, hemicelulosa de 13.35, lignina 1.36 y un número de Kappa de 5.85 presenta el mayor índice global de Nhidrólisis que corresponde a un valor de 117.16. El estudio permite concluir que el preparado enzimático E5 presenta un gran potencial para la hidrólisis de los residuos de la caña de azúcar tratados en este proyecto.

  8. [Risk factors in post partum depression]. (United States)

    Marino, Monica; Battaglia, Eliana; Massimino, Marta; Aguglia, Eugenio


    It is commonly believed that pregnancy is a time of good mental health. However it has been observed, until recently, that many pregnant women, above all in post partum period, manifest depressive symptoms like sadness, social withdrawal and lack of motivation. The consequences are enormous, for mother mental health and for the psychical development of the baby. It becomes therefore necessary to screening and to precociously intervene on these pathological conditions and thanks also to the suitable knowledge of the risk factors for the potential development of depression post partum.

  9. Balanceo de un sistema de cosecha mecanizado utilizando simulación de eventos discretos.

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    Pablo Aracena


    Full Text Available Se analizó un sistema de cosecha mecanizado, operando en una faena a tala rasa de pino radiata y conformado por un feller buncher, un skidder con garra, un procesador y un trineumático. Un Modelo de Simulación de Eventos Discretos (MSED fue desarrollado con el propósito de balancear el sistema. El proceso mecanizado de madera fue el limitante del sistema de acuerdo con los resultados del estudio de tiempos, entonces este proceso fue apoyado agregando a 3 operadores de motosierra para alcanzar una producción de 60,82 m3/Hora-Máquina (HM en la configuración propuesta. Simulado el madereo se determinó que para balancear la producción obtenida en proceso, el skidder con garra debía operar a una distancia promedio de madereo (DPM de 80 m, realizando una detención para completar una carga de cuatro fustes. Finalmente, el feller buncher puede usar hasta 1,6 minutos adicionales para formar las pilas que permitan lograr la producción esperada para el sistema. De acuerdo con la experimentación de simulación se podría lograr una producción del sistema de 60,39 m3/HM, si todas las modificaciones propuestas en volteo, apilado, madereo y proceso son realizadas.


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    David Cristóbal Acevedo


    Full Text Available Determinar con exactitud el comportamiento del carbono orgánico del suelo, cuando se utilizan agroquímicos y se retiran los residuos de cosecha (manejo convencional, MC y cuando los residuos de cosecha se incorporan al suelo sin el uso de agroquímicos (manejo orgánico, MO tiene implicaciones ambientales y productivas. Para evaluar el efecto del MO y MC, sobre la densidad aparente del suelo (DAP, el carbono orgánico del suelo (COS y el carbono capturado por el suelo (CCS, se llevó a cabo un experimento en parcelas cultivadas con maíz durante 10 años. Al final de los 10 años se efectuó un muestreo sistemático con espaciamientos de 5 m; se tomaron 152 muestras en la parcela orgánica y 72 en la parcela convencional determinando la DAP, COS y CCS. Con los datos obtenidos se analizó el comportamiento de cada variable por medio de técnicas de estadística clásica y geoestadística. El MO presentó un mayor % de COS y cantidad de CCS, así como una menor DAP en comparación con el MC; aunque desde el punto de vista estadístico no se tuvo efecto significativo (P > 0.05 por estas prácticas. El MO incrementó la variabilidad estadística del COS y el CCS, y no afecto la variabilidad estadística de la DAP. La variabilidad espacial del COS y el CCS expresada mediante los semivariogramas y los mapas de isovalores coincidió con la variabilidad expresada por los coeficientes de variación, dados por la estadística clásica. La estructura espacial del COS y del CCS denotada por el semivariograma experimental, fue semejante para el MO y el MC. El MO provocó un incremento en la estructura espacial del COS y CCS y no tuvo efecto sobre la DAP.

  11. El modelo socioproductivo impulsado por el Estado venezolano, 2007-2013: algunos impactos territoriales


    María Andreina Salas-Bourgoin; Gloria Yulier Cadena Montero; Delfina Trinca Fighera; Nubis Miriam Pulido


    Para aproximarse a algunos de los impactos territoriales del modelo socioproductivo venezolano es necesario conocer algunos antecedentes de la organización del espacio, así como identificar los motivos y las premisas bajos las cuales, el Estado venezolano impulsa un ‘nuevo modelo económico productivo’. En la implementación de este nuevo modelo, el Estado se sustenta en un conjunto de leyes, planes y programas que proponen cambios en las relaciones sociales de producción, lo que no excluye...

  12. Post-ERCP acute pancreatitis and its risk factors. (United States)

    Iorgulescu, A; Sandu, I; Turcu, F; Iordache, N


    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a complex endoscopic technique that evolved from a diagnostic to a mainly therapeutic procedure. This was due to the identification of post-procedural complications that can follow both simple ERCP and that associated with the instrumentation of the biliary and pancreatic ductals. The identification of post ERCP complications in a proportion of 5 to 10% of cases, with a mortality rate of 0.33%, imposed their analysis and study of risk factors involved in their occurrence. The significance of post ERCP complications reveals the necessity of their avoidance by adopting additional measures if risk factors are identified. We have retrospectively analyzed 900 cases that underwent ERCP in the Surgery Department of "Sf. Ioan" Clinical Hospital in a period of 17 years. The complications of the procedure were studied. Among them, a special attention was given to post-ERCP acute pancreatitis (pERCP-AP), the most common complication that occurred in the study group. We also tried to find out and highlight the risk factors for this complication. ERCP is a relatively safe invasive procedure, yet it has complications (8% of cases), some of them potentially fatal (mortality 0.43%). The most common complications after ERCP are acute pancreatitis (3.7%), papillary bleeding (1.04%), retroperitoneal duodenal perforation (0.69%) and biliary septic complications like acute cholecystitis and cholangitis (1.21%). Acute pancreatitis is by far the most common complication. Risk factors for its occurrence are difficult sphincterotomy with precut use, failure of CBD desobstruction, pancreatic sphincterotomy, repeated injection of contrast in the pancreatic ductal system, dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi and the absence of changes of chronic pancreatitis. When risk factors are identified, the patients' selection must be very strict and diagnostic ERCP should be avoided in favor of non-invasive diagnostic methods (MRI

  13. Efecto de la aplicación foliar de calcio sobre algunos atributos de calidad en frutos de melón

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    BOUZO, C.A.


    Full Text Available La fertilización foliar puede constituir una importante práctica agronómica para incrementar la concentración de calcio de los frutos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la utilización de algunos fertilizantes cálcicos en aspersión foliar, en diferentes ambientes, sobre la calidad de frutos de melón. Los experimentos de campo fueron realizados en cinco localidades en la región central de la Argentina (Colón, Coronda, Ángel Gallardo, Esperanza y Media Agua durante el período 2009-2010. Las soluciones cálcicas fueron aplicadas en cinco oportunidades, desde el inicio de la fructificación, con una frecuencia semanal entre aplicaciones.Los tratamientos fueron: i testigo sin fertilizar; ii nitrato de calcio (3 g L-1; iii EDTA Cálcico Amónico (5 cm3 L-1 y calcio orgánico (40 cm3 L-1. Las mediciones realizadas en los frutos luego de la cosecha fueron: Firmeza Interna (IF y Externa (EF (kg, Concentración de Sólidos Solubles (SSC (%, Peso de los Frutos (W (kg y concentración de calcio en la corteza y pulpa (%. Excepto para Media Agua, la aplicación de nitrato de calcio permitió obtener, en promedio, incrementos de la IF y EF de 40% y 60% respectivamente, en comparación con el tratamiento testigo. Los tratamientos con soluciones cálcicas no incrementaron el SSC y W de los frutos.A excepción de Media Agua, en las otras localidades se incrementó el contenido de calcio en la corteza.Estos resultados indicarían que el uso de fertilizantes cálcicos foliares puede mejorar la calidad de los frutosde melón, aunque dependiendo de las condiciones ambientales de la localidad.


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    Full Text Available Se realizó la evaluación de diferentes formulaciones de compostaje a partir de residuos de cosecha de tomate (Solanumlycopersicum, utilizando cuatro tratamientos T1: cal dolomita del 24%, T2: microorganismos eficientes (E.M., T3: combinación de E.M. con cal dolomita y T4: compostaje tradicional, que sirvió como referente para las formulaciones mencionadas. Las composteras fueron de 1m3, construidas en guadua y bajo cubierta plástica tipo invernadero. Se tomaron muestras del abono a los 8, 40, 48 y 56 días, las cuales se enviaron al laboratorio. Se registraron datos dos veces por semana de temperatura interna de cada pila, humedad y temperatura ambiente, realizando volteos cada semana. El análisis de varianza mostró que no hay diferencias significativas entre tratamientos ni repeticiones (p>0,05; pero se presentan variaciones en los valores para el T2 en variables como: pH, materia orgánica, CICe, porcentajes de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, cumpliendo la norma NTC 5167, a pesar de no incluir fuentes alternas de nitrógeno que mejoran el proceso de compostaje y el producto que de este se obtiene.


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    María del Milagro Cerdas Araya


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue estu - diar si el contenido de materia seca (CMS de aguacate podría ser utilizado como un índice de cosecha adecuado en sustitución del contenido de aceite (CA en aguacate Hass, cultivado en una zona de altitud intermedia (1750 msnm, en Los Santos, Costa Rica. Se marcaron 100 árboles y un total de 2000 flores polinizadas; se evaluaron 35 frutos cada semana, de la semana 31 a la 44. Se encontró que ambos, CA y CMS, mostraron un aumento rápido y significativo después de la semana 39 (p≥0,05, con un coeficiente de correlación entre ellos de 0,92. Otros cambios observados simultáneamente, y relacionados con la maduración de la fruta, fueron el desarrollo del color morado en la cáscara (74% de la superficie, la reducción de la adherencia de la cubierta de la semilla a la pulpa de la fruta, y de ésta a la cáscara y a la semilla, así como la disminución de la firmeza del fruto, de 118 N durante la semana 31 hasta 57 N en la semana 40 y después de ésta. Se recomienda usar el 23% de CMS en el fruto de aguacate Hass como un índice de cosecha para el aguacate cultivado a 1750 msnm en la zona de Los Santos, como una alternativa al conteni - do de aceite de la fruta (CA.

  16. Risk factors in pregnancy for post-traumatic stress and depression after childbirth. (United States)

    Söderquist, J; Wijma, B; Thorbert, G; Wijma, K


    The objective of this study was to find risk factors in pregnancy for post-traumatic stress and depression 1 month after childbirth. Furthermore, the relation between post-traumatic stress and depression was explored. A prospective longitudinal study. Pregnant women in Linköping and Kalmar, Sweden. A total of 1224 women were assessed in pregnancy, week 12-20 and 32, as well as 1 month postpartum. Post-traumatic stress and depression after delivery were assessed 1 month postpartum. Potential risk factors were assessed in early and late pregnancy. Variables measured during pregnancy were trait anxiety, depression, fear of childbirth, childbirth-related traumatic stress, stress coping capacity, social support, parity, educational level, age, gestation week, parity, educational level, civil status, previous psychological/psychiatric counselling, and previous experience of any traumatic events. Delivery mode was assessed from the medical records. Prevalence of post-traumatic stress (criteria A, B, C, D, E, and F according to DSM-IV) and depression (Beck's depression inventory). One month postpartum, 12 (1.3%) women had post-traumatic stress (met symptom criteria B, C, and D for post-traumatic stress disorder according to Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 4th edition [DSM-IV]). The most important risk factors in pregnancy were depression in early pregnancy (OR=16.3), severe fear of childbirth (OR=6.2), and 'pre'-traumatic stress (in view of the forthcoming delivery) in late pregnancy (OR=12.5). The prevalence of depression was 5.6%. Post-traumatic stress and depression were positively related 1 month postpartum and were predicted by mainly the same factors. Risk factors for post-traumatic stress and depression after childbirth can be assessed in early pregnancy. Post-traumatic stress and depression also seem to share the same underlying vulnerability factors.

  17. Factores que limitan la competitividad de las asociaciones de productores quinua orgánica


    Casafranca Ramos, María del Carmen; Pahuachón Risco, Margot Eliana


    Objetivo: Analizar las principales limitaciones en la producción de quinua orgánica en grano en los distritos de Cabana e Ilave en el departamento de Puno, el cual concentra el 75% de la producción peruana. Método: El estudio se basó en el Diamante de la Competitividad de Michael Porter adaptado a la producción de quinua. Cabe resaltar que esta investigación abarca desde la obtención de semillas hasta el almacenaje post cosecha, los temas de transformación y distribución no han sido analizado...

  18. Evaluación del impacto de la caza en mamíferos de la cuenca del río Alto Itaya, Amazonía peruana

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    Rolando Aquino


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se informa sobre la abundancia, presión de caza y el impacto de la caza en mamíferos que habitan los bosques de la cuenca del río Alto Itaya. La información procede de censos por transectos y registros de caza llevados a cabo en seis comunidades. Entre los mamíferos de caza, el choro (Lagothrix poeppigii Schinz fue el más abundante con 15,4 individuos/km², mientras que el mono aullador (Alouatta seniculus Linnaeus y el venado colorado (Mazama americana Erxleben fueron los menos abundantes con 0,15 individuos/km² y 0,5 individuos/ km2, respectivamente. Por otro lado, del área fueron cosechados un promedio anual de 1176 mamíferos, equivalente a 14184,6 kg. Finalmente, el modelo de cosecha sugiere sobrecaza del tapir (Tapirus terrestris Linnaeus, huangana (Tayassu pecari Link, choro (L. poeppigii, mono aullador (A. seniculus y machín negro (Cebus apella Linnaeus, cuyas cosechas en algunos casos alcanzaron el 100% de la producción anual.


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    Claudio Ricke, Dr.


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En anestesiología, como en otras especialidades, existen muchos conceptos que damos por verdaderos sin haber analizado la evidencia científica que los apoya o refuta. El objetivo de esta revisión es evaluar la evidencia detrás de algunas “verdades” bastante difundidas, entre ellas, la relación entre alergia al huevo o soya y el uso del propofol; la superioridad de la anestesia regional en cirugía de cadera; el concepto de “alergia al yodo”; el dolor crónico postoperatorio; efectos a largo plazo de la anestesia y efectos dañinos de los anestésicos en el sistema nervioso. Para ello, se realizó una revisión no sistemática de la literatura, mostrando algunos trabajos que apoyen o refuten dichas creencias. SUMMARY: In anesthesiology, as well as in other medical specialties, there are several concepts that we consider true without having previously analised any scientific evidence that supports or refutes them. The aim of this review is to asses the evidence behind some of these widespread “truths”, such as the relationship between egg or soy allergies and the use of propofol; the superiority of regional anaesthesia over general anaesthesia for hip surgery; the concept of “iodine allergies”; post operatory chronic pain; long term effects of anaesthesia and negative effects of the anaesthesia on the nervous system. To achieve this aim, it was develop a nonsystematic review of the literature, showing some works that support or deny such beliefs. Palabras clave: Mitos, propofol, huevo, anestesia general, artroplastía de cadera, anestesia regional, alergia al yodo, hipertermia maligna, resultado (outcome, neurotoxicidad, dolor crónico postoperatorio, Keywords: Myths, propofol, eggs, general anesthesia, hip arthroplasty, regional anesthesia, iodine allergy, Malignant Hyperthermia, outcome, neurotoxicity, chronic postoperative pain

  20. Determinación de algunos atributos de calidad de la variedad Fuji y sus mutantes al momento de cosecha Determination of some quality parameters of the Fuji cultivar and their mutants at harvest

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    Ana Cecilia Silveira


    Full Text Available Muchos trabajos demuestran que los productos vegetales no solamente son fuentes de energía y nutrientes sino también fuentes de compuestos conocidos como fitoquímicos, que juegan un importante papel en la prevención de enfermedades como el cáncer, afecciones cardiovasculares y neurodegenerativas. Por otro lado, el aumento en la producción de manzana, determina también un aumento de la producción destinada al procesamiento industrial. En este sentido el conocer el contenido de de ciertas sustancias como polifenoles, antocianinas permiten conocer su potencial de uso industrial, como por ejemplo para la elaboración de jugos. En base a esto los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron realizar una caracterización físico-química de tres variedades de manzana; una de ellas de cultivo tradicional y muy extendido en Brasil y las otras dos mutaciones de esta última, de reciente explotación comercial. Fueron medidos al momento de cosecha la firmeza de la pulpa, acidez titulable (AT, los sólidos solubles totales (SST, el índice de yodo-almidón, los parámetros CIE "L*", "a*" y "b*" del color, polifenoles, antocianinas y azúcares reductores totales y vitamina C. Según los resultados, la variedad Fuji Kiku presentó una mayor firmeza de pulpa, AT, SST y vitamina C. En relación al color, la variedad Fuji Suprema mostró una coloración roja más intensa y mayor contenido de antocianinas. No fueron encontradas diferencias en los polifenoles y azúcares reductores totales.Many studies have shown that fruits and vegetables are not only source of energy and nutrients, but also source of important components as phytochemicals which help preventing cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. The increasing apple production has a direct effect on the production of apple processed products. Therefore, the knowledge about healthy substances as polyphenols and anthocyanins is important in order to determine the potential use of apple fruits

  1. Algunos criterios acerca de la competencia comunicativa

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    Idolka Viera Bayeaux


    Full Text Available Se aborda un tema de gran interés para la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura; pues constituye una nueva teoría cognitiva en la que introduce el concepto de competencia como capacidades y disposiciones para la interpretación y actuación. Se ofrecen criterios expuestos por algunos especialistas los cuales se deben tener en cuenta al trabajar este contenido. A partir de las distintas definiciones expuestas se puede apreciar que para los diferentes autores la comunicación es en esencia un proceso de interacción de informaciones, de interacción y de colaboración.

  2. POST Traumatic Stress Disorder in Emergency Workers: Risk Factors and Treatment (United States)

    Argentero, Piergiorgio; Dell'Olivo, Bianca; Setti, Ilaria

    Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are emergent phenomena resulting from exposure to a traumatic event that causes actual or threatened death or injury and produces intense fear, helplessness, or horror. In order to assess the role of different factors contributing to this kind of emergent phenomenon prevalence rates across gender, cultures, and samples exposed to different traumas are examined. Risk factors for PTSD, including pre-existing individual-based factors, features of the traumatic event, and post-trauma interventions are examined as well. Several characteristics of the trauma, related to cognitions, post-trauma social support and therapeutic interventions for PTSD are also considered. Further work is needed in order to analyze the inter-relationships among these factors and underlying mechanisms. The chaotic nature of traumatic processes, the multiple and interactive impacts on traumatic events require a comprehensive perspective aimed at planning effective interventions. Treatment outcome studies recommended the combined use of training and therapies as first-line treatment for PTSD.


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    Juliana E. Cardona J.


    Full Text Available Se determinó la presencia y la estructura(mediante el uso de técnicas espectroscópicasy cromatográficas de algunos metabolitossecundarios en tres morfotiposdel fruto de cocona (Solanum sessiliflorumDunal; Solanaceae cultivados en eldepartamento del Guaviare. Se destacóla presencia de ácido p-cumárico, ácidop-hidroxidihidrocumárico, naringenina,salicilato de metilo, hidrocarburos decadena larga, ácidos grasos y sus ésteresmetílicos y etílicos. Algunos de estoscompuestos se acumulan únicamente enel epicarpio de la fruta. La comparaciónde metabolitos volátiles permitió establecerdiferencias químicas entre los tresmorfotipos de la fruta.


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    Retno Indarwati


    Full Text Available Background: Quality of life is the individual's perception of their place in life in the context of the cultural system and values in which they live, along with their goals, expectations, and worries. Retirement is an adaptable period that results in a change of role, changes in social interactions, and limited financial resources. Aim: This study aims to analyze the factors that affect post power syndrome and quality of life of the elderly. Methods: The design of this research was a correlation study with a cross-sectional approach. The population consisted of 44 retired elderly individuals. Purposive sampling was applied to the determined sample size. The independent variables were physiological stressors, psychological stressors and aging attitudes. The dependent variables were post-power syndrome and the quality of life of elderly people. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling- Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS with a significance t statistic ≥ 1.96. Results: The findings showed all of the significant indicators measured to the variable factor. Physical stressor factors affect post-power syndrome with a t value of 2,366, and psychological stress factors affect post-power syndrome with a t value of 3,326. Aging behavior factors affects post-power syndrome with a t statistic of 5.296 and the post-power syndrome effect on the quality of life of the elderly has a t value of 7,689. Conclusion: There were significant effects in relation to physiological stressor factors, psychological stress factors, and aging attitudes towards post-power syndrome. There was an influence of post-power syndrome on the quality of elderly life.

  5. Tratamiento quirúrgico de algunos trastornos mentales

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    Francisco A. Lourído-Albán


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los autores están acordes en considerar la Leucotomía Profesional como reservada a los casos de mal pronóstico y como la última carta a jugar (Trelles, para tratar de curar algunos síntomas como el dolor mental, la ansiedad y la tensión angustiosa, con base en el sacrificio de la personalidad del individuo pues "la leucotomía mejora pero no transforma al psicópata en individuo normal" (Fleming. Según Reitman, la leucotomía pre-frontal provoca alteraciones regresivas de la personalidad y continúa siendo un modo de tratamiento empírico y experimental.

  6. Factors predicting visual improvement post pars plana vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy

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    Evelyn Tai Li Min


    Full Text Available AIM: To identify factors predicting visual improvement post vitrectomy for sequelae of proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR.METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of pars plana vitrectomy indicated for sequelae of PDR from Jan. to Dec. 2014 in Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Star, Kedah, Malaysia. Data collected included patient demographics, baseline visual acuity(VAand post-operative logMAR best corrected VA at 1y. Data analysis was performed with IBM SPSS Statistics Version 22.0. RESULTS: A total of 103 patients were included. The mean age was 51.2y. On multivariable analysis, each pre-operative positive deviation of 1 logMAR from a baseline VA of 0 logMAR was associated with a post-operative improvement of 0.859 logMAR(P0.001. Likewise, an attached macula pre-operatively was associated with a 0.374(P=0.003logMAR improvement post vitrectomy. Absence of iris neovascularisation and absence of post-operative complications were associated with a post vitrectomy improvement in logMAR by 1.126(P=0.001and 0.377(P=0.005respectively. Absence of long-acting intraocular tamponade was associated with a 0.302(P=0.010improvement of logMAR post vitrectomy.CONCLUSION: Factors associated with visual improvement after vitrectomy are poor pre-operative VA, an attached macula, absence of iris neovascularisation, absence of post-operative complications and abstaining from use of long-acting intraocular tamponade. A thorough understanding of the factors predicting visual improvement will facilitate decision-making in vitreoretinal surgery.

  7. Magnitude and factors associated with post-cesarean surgical site ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Magnitude and factors associated with post-cesarean surgical site infection at Hawassa University Teaching and referral hospital, southern Ethiopia: a ... the hospital. Thus, it should be averted by implementing infection prevention techniques.

  8. Prevalence and risk factors of childbirth-related post-traumatic stress symptoms. (United States)

    Modarres, Maryam; Afrasiabi, Sedigheh; Rahnama, Parvin; Montazeri, Ali


    There is evidence that traumatic birth experiences are associated with psychological impairments. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of childbirth-related post-traumatic stress symptoms and its obstetric and perinatal risk factors among a sample of Iranian women. This was a cross-sectional study carried out in Bushehr, Iran during a 3-months period from July to September 2009. Data were collected from all women attending eleven healthcare centers for postnatal care 6 to 8 weeks after childbirth. Those who had a traumatic delivery were identified and entered into the study. In order to assess childbirth-related post-traumatic stress, the Post-traumatic Symptom Scale-Interview (PSS-I) was administered. Data on demographic, obstetric and perinatal characteristics also were collected. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to examine the association between childbirth-related post-traumatic stress and demographic and obstetric and perinatal variables. In all, 400 women were initially evaluated. Of these, 218 women (54.5%) had a traumatic delivery and overall, 80 women (20%) were found to be suffering from post-partum post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that post-partum PTSD was associated with educational level, gestational age at delivery, number of prenatal care visits, pregnancy complications, pregnancy intervals, labor duration, and mode of delivery. The findings indicated that the prevalence of traumatic birth experiences and post-partum PTSD were relatively high among Iranian women. The findings also indicated that obstetric and perinatal variables were independently the most significant contributing factors to women's post-partum PTSD. It seems that a better perinatal care and supportive childbirth might help to reduce the burden of post-partum PTSD among this population.

  9. Psychological factors are associated with subjective cognitive complaints 2 months post-stroke. (United States)

    Nijsse, Britta; van Heugten, Caroline M; van Mierlo, Marloes L; Post, Marcel W M; de Kort, Paul L M; Visser-Meily, Johanna M A


    The aim of this study was to investigate which psychological factors are related to post-stroke subjective cognitive complaints, taking into account the influence of demographic and stroke-related characteristics, cognitive deficits and emotional problems. In this cross-sectional study, 350 patients were assessed at 2 months post-stroke, using the Checklist for Cognitive and Emotional consequences following stroke (CLCE-24) to identify cognitive complaints. Psychological factors were: proactive coping, passive coping, self-efficacy, optimism, pessimism, extraversion, and neuroticism. Associations between CLCE-24 cognition score and psychological factors, emotional problems (depressive symptoms and anxiety), cognitive deficits, and demographic and stroke characteristics were examined using Spearman correlations and multiple regression analyses. Results showed that 2 months post-stroke, 270 patients (68.4%) reported at least one cognitive complaint. Age, sex, presence of recurrent stroke(s), comorbidity, cognitive deficits, depressive symptoms, anxiety, and all psychological factors were significantly associated with the CLCE-24 cognition score in bivariate analyses. Multiple regression analysis showed that psychological factors explained 34.7% of the variance of cognitive complaints independently, and 8.5% (p psychological factors, proactive coping was independently associated with cognitive complaints (p cognitive complaints. Because cognitive complaints are common after stroke and are associated with psychological factors, it is important to focus on these factors in rehabilitation programmes.

  10. Post Hemi Thyroidectomy Hypothyroidism: Risk Factors and Course

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    PV Pradeep


    Full Text Available Background: Risk factors for post hemithyroidectomy (HT biochemical hypothyroidism (BH and its course are not well understood. The aim of the study was to look at the incidence, risk factors and the course of BH after HT Material and Methods: Longitudinal observational study at a tertiary care referral centre. Patients undergoing HT (Jan to Dec 2009, having a follow up for 2 years, with no history of head and neck radiation and euthyroid pre op status were included. Serum TSH, FT4, TPO Ab, Anti Tg Ab, FNAC and USG thyroid are performed pre operatively. Post operatively the residual thyroid volume was assessed using USG at 1 week. TSH was performed at one, three, six, twelve months after surgery. Statistical analysis: SPSS vs. 12 used and appropriate statistical tests applied Results: Patients (n=92 satisfied the inclusion criteria (14 males and 78 females. The mean age, duration of the goiter, TPO Ab and serum Anti Tg Ab levels were 38.58 ± 9.98 years, 35.08 ± 49.39 months, 43.87 ± 85.7 IU/mL and 2.65 ± 2.28 IU/mL respectively. BH was observed in 43.48% (n=40. Patients who had BH after HT were older, had significantly lower residual thyroid volume and smaller sized involved lobe. Patients with thyroiditis had a relative risk of 1.97 for post operative BH. At one year 23.33% (n=21 had BH. Conclusions: Post hemithyroidectomy BH is common in older patients with lesser amount of residual thyroid volume. 50% of these recover spontaneously within the first year after surgery necessitating monitoring of thyroxine replacement

  11. Post-stroke depression: Prevalence, associated factors and impact ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of post-stroke depression (PSD), its associated factors and impact on quality of life (QoL) among outpatients in a Nigerian hospital. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among 140 adults made up of 70 stroke survivors and matched controls with stable hypertension.

  12. Role of vascular endothelial growth factor and other growth factors in post-stroke recovery

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    Tanu Talwar


    Full Text Available Stroke is a major health problem world-wide and its burden has been rising in last few decades. Until now tissue plasminogen activator is only approved treatment for stroke. Angiogenesis plays a vital role for striatal neurogenesis after stroke. Administration of various growth factors in an early post ischemic phase, stimulate both angiogenesis and neurogenesis and lead to improved functional recovery after stroke. However vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF is the most potent angiogenic factor for neurovascularization and neurogenesis in ischemic injury can be modulated in different ways and thus can be used as therapy in stroke. In response to the ischemic injury VEGF is released by endothelial cells through natural mechanism and leads to angiogenesis and vascularization. This release can also be up regulated by exogenous administration of Mesenchymal stem cells, by various physical therapy regimes and electroacupuncture, which further potentiate the efficacy of VEGF as therapy in post stroke recovery. Recent published literature was searched using PubMed and Google for the article reporting on methods of up regulation of VEGF and therapeutic potential of growth factors in stroke.

  13. Risk factors of post renal transplant hyperparathyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jahromi, Alireza Hamidian; Roozbeh, Jamshid; Raiss-Jalali, Ghanbar Ali; Dabaghmanesh, Alireza; Jalaeian, Hamed; Bahador, Ali; Nikeghbalian, Saman; Salehipour, Mehdi; Salahi, Heshmat; Malek-Hosseini, Ali


    It is well recognized that patients with end stage renal diseases (ESRD) have hyper-plastic parathyroid glands. In most patients, a decrease in parathyroid hormone (PTH) occurs by about 1 year after renal transplantation. However, some renal transplant recipients continue to have elevated level of PTH. We prospectively evaluated 121 patients undergoing renal transplantation between August 2000 and 2002. The duration of dialysis, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), albumin, creatinine and iPTH levels were recorded prior to transplantation and three months and one year after transplantation. These 121 patients were on dialysis for an average period of 17.4 months prior to transplantation. An increase in the serum Ca and a decrease in serum P and iPTH level was seen in the patients after transplantation (P< 0.001). Hyperparathyroidism was in 12 (9.9%) and 7 (5.7%) patients three months and one year after transplantation respectively. Elderly patients and patients with longer duration on dialysis had an increased risk of developing post transplant hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia in the first year post transplant (P< 0.05). In conclusion age and duration on dialysis before transplantation seems to be important risk factors for post transplant hyperparathyroidism. (author)


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    Milton Alexis Ruíz Pinargote


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la influencia de las épocas de cosecha (invierno y verano sobre las características físicas, sensoriales y bromatológicas del cacao nacional perteneciente al jardín clonal de la ESPAM MFL. Los análisis se efectuaron a partir de muestras de almendras secas evaluándose porcentaje de fermentación, almendras violetas, peso de semillas y testa, sabores básicos y específicos, pH, acidez, ceniza y grasa. Los datos fueron procesados mediante la prueba de T para encontrar diferencias entre épocas usando el programa estadístico INFOSTAT versión 2008. Los resultados muestran significación estadística para la fermentación entre las épocas del año, el mayor porcentaje de fermentación obtenido fue de 96.5 % del clon EET-19 en verano, mientras que en invierno sobresalió el clon EET-103. El perfil sensorial de los sabores específicos obtuvo mayores diferencias en el sabor floral con respecto al frutal y nuez, además de los sabores básicos con niveles medios y altos entre épocas; las propiedades bromatológicas acidez y ceniza fueron parecidas entre invierno y verano; contrario al pH y grasa que varían significativamente entre épocas. Se concluye que las épocas del año influyen sobre las propiedades físicas, sensoriales y bromatológicas del cacao nacional.

  15. Algunos factores de riesgo y fenómenos psicológicos relacionados con el estado de salud bucal Risk factors and psychological phenomena related to the dentistry

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    Magda Lima Álvarez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo a 67 sujetos mayores de 15 años pertenecientes al consultorio No. 28 del Policlínico Comunitario Previsora en el período de Abril-noviembre del 2006, para determinar algunos factores de riesgo y fenómenos psicológicos relacionados con el estado de salud bucal. Se obtuvo predominio en las edades de 30 a 44 años con 33 pacientes (49.2 % y el estado de salud bucal medianamente favorable y desfavorable representó un 32.8 % y 41.8 % . El factor de riesgo que más influyó en el estado de salud bucal fue el biológico (77.6%. Al relacionar el diagnóstico estomatológico con la percepción de riesgo de enfermedad bucal la mayoría de los pacientes percibían éste pero no eran capaces de acudir al odontólogo para recibir tratamiento. El 61.2% de los pacientes tenían miedo y el 29,9% correspondió al estado de salud bucal desfavorable. La percepción de riesgo a enfermar se comportó en el 76.1% de los pacientesA descriptive study was carried out to 67 fellows older than 15 years assisted by the neighbourhood clinic No. 28 from the Previsora Community Policlinic in the period of April-November in 2006, to determine risk factors and psychological phenomena related to the state of mouth health problems. Prevalence was obtained with 33 patients (49.2% within the ages 30 to 44 years and the state of fairly favorable and unfavorable dentistry problems represented 37,3%. The risk factor that influenced the most in the state of mouth health problems was the biological one (77.6%. When relating the dentistry diagnostic with the perception of risk of that illness, most of the patients perceived it, but they were not able to go to the orthodontist to receive treatment. 61.2% of the patients were afraid and 50,8% corresponded to the state of fairly favorable and unfavorable mouth health problems. The perception of risk to get sick involved 76.1% of the patients

  16. Post-operative sleep disturbance: causes, factors and effects on outcome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenberg, J; Rosenberg-Adamsen, S; Kehlet, H


    Post-operative sleep disturbance, with suppression of rapid eye movement sleep and slow wave sleep followed by a subsequent rebound, seems to be related to the magnitude of trauma and thereby to the surgical stress response. In this context, cortisol, autonomic stimulation, and certain cytokines...... may lead to abnormal sleep. Furthermore, the environment, pain and the administration of analgesics seem to be important factors in the precipitation of sleep abnormalities. Post-operative sleep disturbance may contribute to the development of episodic hypoxaemia, haemodynamic instability and altered...... mental status, all of which have an influence on post-operative morbidity and mortality. Prevention or reduction of the post-operative sleep disturbance may be achieved by minimizing surgical trauma, changing the conventional nursing procedures, avoiding opioids and treating pain with non...

  17. The influence of psychological factors on post-partum weight retention at 9 months. (United States)

    Phillips, Joanne; King, Ross; Skouteris, Helen


    Post-partum weight retention (PWR) has been identified as a critical pathway for long-term overweight and obesity. In recent years, psychological factors have been demonstrated to play a key role in contributing to and maintaining PWR. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the relationship between post-partum psychological distress and PWR at 9 months, after controlling for maternal weight factors, sleep quality, sociocontextual influences, and maternal behaviours. Pregnant women (N = 126) completed a series of questionnaires at multiple time points from early pregnancy until 9 months post-partum. Hierarchical regression indicated that gestational weight gain, shorter duration (6 months or less) of breastfeeding, and post-partum body dissatisfaction at 3 and 6 months are associated with higher PWR at 9 months; stress, depression, and anxiety had minimal influence. Interventions aimed at preventing excessive PWR should specifically target the prevention of body dissatisfaction and excessive weight gain during pregnancy. What is already known on this subject? Post-partum weight retention (PWR) is a critical pathway for long-term overweight and obesity. Causes of PWR are complex and multifactorial. There is increasing evidence that psychological factors play a key role in predicting high PWR. What does this study add? Post-partum body dissatisfaction at 3 and 6 months is associated with PWR at 9 months post-birth. Post-partum depression, stress and anxiety have less influence on PWR at 9 months. Interventions aimed at preventing excessive PWR should target body dissatisfaction. © 2013 The British Psychological Society.

  18. Chronic Post Inguinal Herniorraphy Pain: Prevalence and Risk Factors

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Inguinal hernia is a common surgical condition. Whereas complications associated with hernia repair are well documented, chronic postoperative groin pain has received less attention. Objective: To review the frequency and associated risk factors for chronic post herniorrhaphy groin pain at a tertiary urban ...

  19. An Overview of Risk Factors Associated to Post-partum Depression in Asia. (United States)

    Mehta, Shubham; Mehta, Nidhi


    Post partum depression (PPD) is an important complication of child-bearing. It requires urgent interventions as it can have long-term adverse consequences if ignored, for both mother and child. If PPD has to be prevented by a public health intervention, the recognition and timely identification of its risk factors is must. We in this review have tried to synthesize the results of Asian studies examining the risk factors of PPD. Some risk factors, which are unique to Asian culture, have also been identified and discussed. We emphasize on early identification of these risk factors as most of these are modifiable and this can have significant implications in prevention of emergence of post partum depression, a serious health issue of Asian women.

  20. An overview of risk factors associated to post-partum depression in Asia

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    Shubham Mehta


    Full Text Available Post partum depression (PPD is an important complication of child-bearing. It requires urgent interventions as it can have long-term adverse consequences if ignored, for both mother and child. If PPD has to be prevented by a public health intervention, the recognition and timely identification of its risk factors is must. We in this review have tried to synthesize the results of Asian studies examining the risk factors of PPD. Some risk factors, which are unique to Asian culture, have also been identified and discussed. We emphasize on early identification of these risk factors as most of these are modifiable and this can have significant implications in prevention of emergence of post partum depression, a serious health issue of Asian women.

  1. Endometritis post-cesárea: factores de riesgo

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    Silvia Burgos Salinas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo de endometritis post-cesárea (EPC. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo caso-control en el Servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia del 1 de Enero de 1992 al 31 de Julio de1996. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó análisis bivariado y multivariado de regresión logística. Resultados: Durante este período se detectaron 82 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de endometritis, seleccionándose aleatoriamente igual número de pacientes operadas de cesárea con puerperio normal. Los factores relacionados con un riesgo significativo de EPC fueron: edad materna menor de 21 años y valores de hematocrito post-operatorio menor o igual a 30%. En el grupo de pacientes con endometritis el 45.1% de las pacientes tuvieron infección concomitante, siendo la infección de herida operatoria (29.3% y la del tracto urinario (11% las más frecuentes. ( Rev Med Hered 1999; 10:105-110 .

  2. Risk factors for post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage. (United States)

    Ikoma, Ryo; Sakane, Sayaka; Niwa, Kazutomo; Kanetaka, Sayaka; Kawano, Toshiro; Oridate, Nobuhiko


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the rate of post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage (PTH) in a single institution and to evaluate the clinical risk factors for PTH. We reviewed the records of 692 patients who underwent tonsillectomy (TE) at Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital in Japan. PTH grades were grouped into three categories according to the severity of the hemorrhagic episode: (I) minimal hemorrhage that stopped after noninvasive treatment, (II) hemorrhage requiring treatment with local anesthesia, and (III) hemorrhage requiring reoperation under general anesthesia in the operating room. Clinical risk factors such as sex, age (adults vs. children), TE indication, surgeon's skill level, operative time, ligature type, and duration of antibiotic administration for PTH were investigated. Among the 692 patients, 80 (11.6%) showed PTH, with primary and secondary hemorrhage accounting for 1.6% and 10.0%, respectively. A category III PTH was observed in 18 patients; thus, the overall risk of reoperation was 2.6%. The PTH episode most frequently occurred on postoperative days 5 and 6. The frequency of PTH was significantly higher in male patients and in adults (Pdefinition of PTH. Clinical risk factors for PTH were adult age and male gender. The surgeon's skill level was an additional risk factor for category III PTH. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. [Labour factors associated with post-traumatic stress in uniformed workers in Medellín]. (United States)

    González-Penagos, Catalina; Moreno-Bedoya, Juan P; Berbesi-Fernández, Dedsy Y; Segura-Cardona, Angela M


    Determining the labor factors associated with post-traumatic stress in uniformed workers in Medellin. A cross-sectional study was made of 124 uniformed workers aged 20 to 48 years-old. A survey was made using an adults' post-traumatic stress instrument which had been validated in Medellin. Statistical analysis was carried out. Post-traumatic stress disorder risk prevalence was 52.2 %. Multivariate analysis showed that the highest risk situations were those related to previous mental health diagnosis (PR=7.67), working schedule (4.24), violent episodes (PR=3.59) and community relationships (PR=2.73). A person's current labor situation seemed to be a risk factor for developing post-traumatic stress in the target population.

  4. Algunos peligros químicos y nutricionales del consumo de los alimentos de venta en espacios públicos


    Bejarano Roncancio, Jhon Jairo; Suárez Latorre, Lina María


    Los alimentos manufacturados y comercializados pueden contener peligros químicos por sustancias adicionadas intencionalmente como los aditivos que utiliza la industria, otros añadidos por el consumidor y contaminantes naturales como metales que se pueden obtener del aire en el espacio público; también se consideran peligrosos los cambios químicos que tienen algunos nutrientes como las grasas y los aceites (lípidos) y el uso excesivo de estas en la dieta. Algunos métodos de cocción empleados y...

  5. El e-commerce a nivel internacional algunos casos

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    Gladys Stella Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo trata del comercio electrónico y el tratamiento que de él hacen los organismos internacionales competentes. En primer lugar se definen los actos juridicos electrónicos y, en consecuencia, el comercio electr6nico, se exponen sus modalidades, las ventajas e inconvenientes de esta nueva forma de hacer negocios a través de Internet principalmente, y por último se explican los proyectos y alternativas reguladoras de algunos organismos internacionales. Se empleó una revisión documental: bibliografía, hemerográfíca y de acuerdos internacionales. Se concluye que existen valiosos esfuerzos de regulación en materia de e-commerce, pero los países deben trabajarse de manera conjunta


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    Maya Danovska


    Full Text Available Stroke patients are at higher risk of developing cognitive impairment. Cognitive dysfunctions, especially progressive ones, worsen stroke prognosis and outcome. A longitudinal follow-up of cognitive disorders, however, is rendered difficult by their heterogeneity and the lack of definitions generally agreed upon. Stroke is a major cause of cognitive deficit. The identification of risk factors, clinical determinants and laboratory markers of post-stroke cognitive deficit may help detect patients at increased risk of cognitive deterioration, and prevent or delay the occurrence of post-stroke cognitive impairments. Though inflammatory processes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of stroke, their role in the complex pathophysiological mechanisms of post-stroke cognitive impairment is not completely understood. Evidence suggests that elevated serum C-reactive protein is associated with both the increased risk of stroke and post-stroke cognitive deficit. The hypothesis of a possible relationship between markers of systemic inflammation and cognitive dysfunctions raises the question of how rational the option of applying non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in a proper therapeutic window will be, especially during the acute phase of stroke, to prevent cognitive decline and dementia.


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    Florencia Stelzer*


    Full Text Available RESUMENDurante el transcurso de las últimas dos décadas, se ha generado un creciente interés científico en el estudio deldesarrollo de las funciones ejecutivas (EF durante el periodo preescolar. Dicho interés, ha nacido en parte del notoriodesarrollo que tales procesos experimentan durante este periodo. Asimismo, numerosas investigaciones han hallado unvínculo entre el rendimiento en tales procesos, y la presencia de diferentes trastornos psicopatológicos. El presenteartículo, constituye una revisión del desarrollo de las EF durante el periodo preescolar. El objetivo que se persigue en elmismo, es describir los cambios observados a nivel cognitivo-comportamental en el FE durante este periodo; vinculándolosa sus posibles bases anatómico-funcionales. Asimismo, se procurará analizar el impacto de algunos factores consideradosmoduladores de este proceso sobre el mismo. Se concluirá destacando la necesidad de profundizar en el estudio de losfactores moduladores de tal desarrollo, dada la importancia que las EF presentarían para la adaptación del individuo alambiente.ABSTRACTDuring the course of the last two decades, there has been a growing scientific intresting in the study of exectivefunctions development during preschool years. This interesting arise in part in these processes experience considerabledevelopment during this period. Also, numerous studies have found a link between performance in these processes and thepresence of different psychopathological disorders. This article is a review of EF development during preschool years. Theobjective pursued in it, is to describe the observed changes in EF in cognitive-behavioral level during this period, linkingthem to those potential anatomical -functional bases. Although, we will analyze the impact of some factors consideredmodulators of this process. We concluded emphasizing the need for further study of the factors modulating such development,given the importance of EF for

  8. Factores asociados y consecuencias clínicas de la anemia post trasplante renal

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    Mónica Freiberg


    Full Text Available Un porcentaje considerable de pacientes presentan anemia post trasplante renal. Su origen es multifactorial y sus principales etiologías dependen de la etapa post trasplante que se considere. Estudiamos en un grupo de 134 pacientes los factores asociados con anemia tardía (6 meses post trasplante y sus implicaciones clínicas a mediano plazo. En el análisis de regresión múltiple, la duración de la oliguria post trasplante y el número de episodios de rechazo fueron las variables significativamente asociadas con esta complicación. La supervivencia del órgano mostró una diferencia significativa a los 36 meses entre los grupos (83% en los anémicos versus 96% de los no anémicos p < 0.01. No observamos diferencias en mortalidad o eventos cardiovasculares. Concluimos que la presencia de anemia al sexto mes post trasplante renal está independiente y significativamente asociada con factores que condicionan la masa renal funcionante que explicarían además la menor supervivencia del injerto renal observada en estos pacientes.

  9. Maternal anxiety, risk factors and parenting in the first post-natal year. (United States)

    Seymour, M; Giallo, R; Cooklin, A; Dunning, M


    The antecedents and consequences of maternal post-natal anxiety have received comparatively less attention than depression despite being one of the most frequently reported mental health difficulties experienced by parents following childbirth. The aim of this study was to extend emerging literature on post-natal anxiety by investigating the prevalence of maternal anxiety symptoms, and its relationship with parenting behaviours (i.e. warmth, hostility) and experiences (i.e. parenting efficacy and satisfaction) within the first post-natal year. The psychosocial risk factors for post-natal anxiety symptoms were also explored. A community sample of 224 Australian mothers of infants (aged 0-12 months) completed a self-report questionnaire. Mothers in the current sample reported significantly more symptoms of anxiety compared with a normative sample. Approximately 18% of mothers reported mild to extremely severe symptoms of anxiety, with a high proportion experiencing co-morbid depressive symptoms. Maternal anxiety was associated with low parenting warmth, involvement, efficacy and satisfaction, and high parenting hostility. Yet, co-morbid depression and anxiety was more strongly associated with these parenting behaviours and experiences than anxiety alone. A range of psychosocial risk factors (e.g. education, sleep, relationship quality) were associated with maternal post-natal anxiety symptoms, providing opportunities for early identification and targeted early intervention. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Training department's role in human factor analysis during post-trip reviews

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goodman, D.


    Provide training is a frequent corrective action specified in a post-trip review report. This corrective action is most often decided upon by technical and operational staff, not training staff, without a detailed analysis of whether training can resolve the immediate problem or enhance employees' future performance. A more specific human factor or performance problem analysis would often reveal that training cannot impact or resolve the concern to avoid future occurrences. This human factor analysis is similar to Thomas Gilbert's Behavior Engineering Model (Human Competence, McGraw-Hill, 1978) or Robert Mager's/Peter Pipe's Performance Analysis (Analyzing Performance Problems, Pitman Learning, 1984). At Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, training analysts participate in post-trip reviews in order to conduct or provide input to this type of human factor and performance problem analysis. Their goal is to keep provide training out of corrective action statements unless training can in fact impact or resolve the problem. The analysts follow a plant specific logic diagram to identify human factors and to identify whether changes to the environment or to the person would best resolve the concern

  11. Modificación de algunos factores de riesgo en los pacientes con hipertensión arterial en la comunidad Modification to some risk factors in patients with hypertension in the community

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    Oneida Terazón Miclín


    Full Text Available Se efectuó una intervención comunitaria durante un trienio (2000-2002 para modificar algunos factores de riesgo de la hipertensión arterial en 135 pacientes mayores de 15 años, dispensarizados en el Consultorio Médico No. 28 del Policlínico “Dr. Carlos J. Finlay” de Santiago de Cuba, de los cuales 100 accedieron a participar en el estudio. En la casuística predominaron el sexo femenino, las edades de 60 años y más, así como los antecedentes patológicos familiares de hipertensión arterial. Tanto el exceso de sal en las comidas como la cocción con manteca de cerdo, el estrés por las situaciones de la vida cotidiana y la no realización de ejercicios físicos se modificaron favorablemente, pero no así el hábito de fumar y la ingestión de alcohol. Al inicio, la tercera parte de los pacientes no estaban controlados, pero esa situación había variado significativamente al final de la intervención, cuando la mayoría de los factores de riesgo habían sido erradicados.A community intervention was conducted during a triennium (2000-2002 to modify some risk factors for hypertension in 135 patients over the age of 15, attended in the No 28 doctor’s office of “Dr. Carlos J. Finlay” Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba. From them 100 gave their consent to participate in the study. Female sex, age of 60 years and over, as well as medical family histories of hypertension prevailed in the case material. Excessive salt in foods, cooking with lard, stress for daily living situations and no taking physical exercises were modified favorably, except smoking habit and alcohol consumption. At first, the third of the patients were not controlled, but that situation varied significantly at the end of the intervention, when most of the risk factors had been eliminated.

  12. Factors affecting return to driving post-stroke.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Tan, K M


    BACKGROUND: Stroke can affect a person\\'s ability to drive, an important means of transportation in the developed world. AIMS: To determine percentage of patients and factors associated with return to driving post-stroke in a service with emphasis on driver assessment. METHODS: Retrospective study of patients discharged from the Stroke Service of our 470-bed teaching hospital from 1998 to 2002. RESULTS: Of 72 drivers pre-stroke, 54% recalled a driving assessment and 68% returned to driving. Younger patients (58.6 +\\/- 12.0 vs. 66.5 +\\/- 10.5, p = 0.008) with lower Modified Rankin Score (median 1 vs. 2, p = 0.0001) and normal cognition (55 vs. 43%, p = 0.45) were more likely to resume driving. More patients who were assessed returned to driving than those who were not (74 vs. 61%, p = 0.31). CONCLUSIONS: A relatively high level of return to driving can be achieved post-stroke with a pro-active approach to driver assessment and rehabilitation. A structured assessment and referral programme should be offered where appropriate.

  13. Factores asociados y consecuencias clínicas de la anemia post trasplante renal


    Mónica Freiberg; Carlos Chiurchiu; Raúl Capra; Andrea Eckhardt; Jorge de la Fuente; Walter Douthat; Javier de Arteaga; Pablo U. Massari


    Un porcentaje considerable de pacientes presentan anemia post trasplante renal. Su origen es multifactorial y sus principales etiologías dependen de la etapa post trasplante que se considere. Estudiamos en un grupo de 134 pacientes los factores asociados con anemia tardía (6 meses post trasplante) y sus implicaciones clínicas a mediano plazo. En el análisis de regresión múltiple, la duración de la oliguria post trasplante y el número de episodios de rechazo fueron las variables significativam...

  14. Pre-typhoon socioeconomic status factors predict post-typhoon psychiatric symptoms in a Vietnamese sample. (United States)

    Brown, Ruth C; Trapp, Stephen K; Berenz, Erin C; Bigdeli, Tim Bernard; Acierno, Ron; Tran, Trinh Luong; Trung, Lam Tu; Tam, Nguyen Thanh; Tuan, Tran; Buoi, La Thi; Ha, Tran Thu; Thach, Tran Duc; Amstadter, Ananda B


    Exposure to natural disasters has been associated with increased risk for various forms of psychopathology. Evidence indicates that socioeconomic status (SES) may be important for understanding post-disaster psychiatric distress; however, studies of SES-relevant factors in non-Western, disaster-exposed samples are lacking. The primary aim of the current study was to examine the role of pre-typhoon SES-relevant factors in relation to post-typhoon psychiatric symptoms among Vietnamese individuals exposed to Typhoon Xangsane. In 2006, Typhoon Xangsane disrupted a mental health needs assessment in Vietnam in which the Self Reporting Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20), and the Demographic and Health Surveys Wealth Index, a measure of SES created for use in low-income countries, were administered pre-typhoon. The SRQ-20 was re-administered post-typhoon. Results of a linear mixed model indicated that the covariates of older age, female sex, and higher levels of pre-typhoon psychiatric symptoms were associated with higher levels of post-typhoon psychiatric symptoms. Analysis of SES indicators revealed that owning fewer consumer goods, having lower quality of household services, and having attained less education were associated with higher levels of post-typhoon symptoms, above and beyond the covariates, whereas quality of the household build, employment status, and insurance status were not related to post-typhoon psychiatric symptoms. Even after controlling for demographic characteristics and pre-typhoon psychiatric symptoms, certain SES factors uniquely predicted post-typhoon psychiatric distress. These SES characteristics may be useful for identifying individuals in developing countries who are in need of early intervention following disaster exposure.

  15. Post-Flight Back Pain Following International Space Station Missions: Evaluation of Spaceflight Risk Factors (United States)

    Laughlin, M. S.; Murray, J. D.; Wear, M. L.; Van Baalen, M.


    INTRODUCTION Back pain during spaceflight has often been attributed to the lengthening of the spinal column due to the absence of gravity during both short and long-duration missions. Upon landing and re-adaptation to gravity, the spinal column reverts back to its original length thereby causing some individuals to experience pain and muscular spasms, while others experience no ill effects. With International Space Station (ISS) missions, cases of back pain and injury are more common post-flight, but little is known about the potential risk factors. Thus, the purpose of this project was to perform an initial evaluation of reported post-flight back pain and injury cases to relevant spaceflight risk factors in United States astronauts that have completed an ISS mission. METHODS All US astronauts who completed an ISS mission between Expeditions (EXP) 1 and 41 (2000-2015) were included in this evaluation. Forty-five astronauts (36 males and 9 females) completed 50 ISS missions during the study time period, as 5 astronauts completed 2 ISS missions. Researchers queried medical records of the 45 astronauts for occurrences of back pain and injury. A case was defined as any reported event of back pain or injury to the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, or coccyx spine regions. Data sources for the cases included the Flight Medicine Clinic's electronic medical record; Astronaut Strength, Conditioning and Rehabilitation electronic documentation; the Private Medical Conference tool; and the Space Medicine Operations Team records. Post-flight cases were classified as an early case if reported within 45 days of landing (R + 45) or a late case if reported from R + 46 to R + 365 days after landing (R + 1y). Risk factors in the astronaut population for back pain include age, sex, prior military service, and prior history of back pain. Additionally, spaceflight specific risk factors such as type of landing vehicle and onboard exercise countermeasures were included to evaluate their

  16. Algunos peligros químicos y nutricionales del consumo de los alimentos de venta en espacios públicos

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    Jhon Jairo Bejarano Roncancio


    Full Text Available Los alimentos manufacturados y comercializados pueden contener peligros químicos por sustancias adicionadas intencionalmente como los aditivos que utiliza la industria, otros añadidos por el consumidor y contaminantes naturales como metales que se pueden obtener del aire en el espacio público; también se consideran peligrosos los cambios químicos que tienen algunos nutrientes como las grasas y los aceites (lípidos y el uso excesivo de estas en la dieta. Algunos métodos de cocción empleados y el material de elaboración de los utensilios pueden llevar, a largo plazo, a desarrollar enfermedades crónicas y toxicidad. Este documento aborda aquellos alimentos y productos que se expenden en los espacios públicos, restaurantes, cafeterías y centros gastronómicos. Esta revisión no tiene intención de sancionar el expendio en espacios públicos, pero sí alertar sobre algunos métodos de cocción, el uso de aditivos alimentarios comúnmente utilizados y las prácticas alimentarias poco responsables, para concientizar al consumidor sobre los peligros.

  17. "Cuando el ciudadano se violenta". Algunos apuntes para su reinterpretación

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    Pablo René Belzagui


    Full Text Available Los actos de violencia en que algunos ciudadanos incurrieron durante los amotinamientos policiales de fines de 2013 son el marco de referencia donde poner a dialogar textos de Cornelius Castoriadis, a través de la interpretación de Javier Cristiano, con otros producidos por estas tierras, como los de Rodolfo Kusch y Octavio Paz, para ensayar “viejas formas nuevas” de revisar los actos de violencia sucedidos.

  18. Analysis of stress intensity factors for surface cracks in pre/post penetration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyoshi, Toshiro; Yoshida, Yuichiro


    It is important to evaluate the penetration of surface cracks in a Leak-Before-Break analysis. Because the stress intensity factors for surface cracks in pre/post penetration had not yet been analyzed, the authors carried three-dimensional boundary element analyses in order to obtain them. First, the authors developed the technique of nodal breakdown appropriate for cracks with short ligament length in a two-dimensional boundary element analysis. Next, analyses of stress intensity factor for surface cracks in pre/post penetration were carried out using the technique of nodal breakdown for cracks with short ligament length and the three-dimensional boundary element code BEM 3 D which was designed for a supercomputer. (author)

  19. Post-traumatic stress symptoms and post-traumatic growth in 223 childhood cancer survivors: predictive risk factors

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    Marta eTremolada


    Full Text Available With modern therapies and supportive care, survival rates of childhood cancer have increased considerably. However, there are long-term psychological sequelae of these treatments that may not manifest until pediatric survivors are into adulthood. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD in young adult survivors of childhood cancer ranges from 6.2% to 22%; associated risk factors are young age at the assessment, female gender, low education level and some disease-related factors. The aim of this study was to investigate, in adolescent and young adult (AYA survivors of childhood cancer, the incidence and severity of post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS, and to identify the risk factors and the associated post-traumatic growth (PTG index.Participants were 223 AYA cancer survivors recruited during follow-up visits in the Oncohematology Clinic of the Department of Child and Woman’s Health, University of Padua. Data were collected from self-report questionnaires on PTSS incidence, PTG mean score, perceived social support, and medical and socio-demographic factors. Ex-patients’ mean age at the assessment was 19.33 years (SD = 3.01, 15-25, 123 males and 100 females, with a mean of years off-therapy of 9.64 (SD=4.17. Most (52.5% had survived an hematological disorder and 47.5% a solid tumor when they were aged, on average, 8.02 years (SD=4.40.The main results indicated a moderate presence of clinical (≥9 symptoms: 9.4% and sub-clinical PTSS (6-8 symptoms: 11.2%, with the avoidance criterion most often encountered. Re-experience symptoms and PTG mean score were significantly associated (r=0.24 p=0.0001. A hierarchical regression model (R2 = 0.08; F = 1.46; p = 0.05 identified female gender (β = 0.16; p = 0.05 and less perceived social support (β = -0.43; p = 0.05 as risk factors to developing PTSS. Another hierarchical regression model assessed the possible predictors of the PTG total score (R2 = 0.36; F = 9.1; p = 0.0001, with

  20. Prevalence and factors associated with depressive symptoms among post-partum mothers in Nepal. (United States)

    Giri, Rajendra Kumar; Khatri, Resham Bahadur; Mishra, Shiva Raj; Khanal, Vishnu; Sharma, Vidya Dev; Gartoula, Ritu Prasad


    Post-partum depression is a common complication of women after childbirth. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of and factors associated with depressive symptoms among post-partum mothers attending a child immunization clinic at a maternity hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal. This cross-sectional study was conducted among 346 post-partum mothers at six to ten weeks after delivery using systematic random sampling. Mothers were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) was used to screen for depressive symptoms. Logistic regression analysis was used to calculate the association of post-partum depressive symptoms with socio-demographic and maternal factors. The prevalence of post-partum depressive symptoms among mothers was 30%. Mothers aged 20 to 29 years were less likely to have depressive symptoms (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 0.40; 95% CI: 0.21-0.76) compared to older mothers. Similarly, mothers with a history of pregnancy-induced health problems were more likely to have depressive symptoms (aOR = 2.16; CI: 1.00-4.66) and subjective feelings of stress (aOR = 3.86; CI: 1.84-4.66) than mothers who did not. The number of post-partum mothers experiencing depressive symptoms was high; almost one-third of the participants reported having them. Pregnancy-induced health problems and subjective feelings of stress during pregnancy in the post-partum period were found to be associated with depressive symptoms among these women. Screening of depressive symptoms should be included in routine antenatal and postnatal care services for early identification and prevention.

  1. The influence of demographic, environmental and physical factors on functional independence post stroke

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    M.V. Mamabolo


    Full Text Available Purpose: The magnitude of disability observed in strokesurvivors is believed to be dependent in part, on the severity of neurological deficits incurred. A s important but less well understood, is thecontribution of demographic, physical and environmental factors. The objective of this study was to establish what demographic, environmentaland physical factors influence functional independence post stroke. Method: Convenience sampling was used in the selection of subjects from four stroke outpatient public health facilities in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The analytical tools used included descriptive statistics to measure percentages and cross tabulations to measure the level of associations between functional independence and some of the demographic factors. The Barthel Index was computed to establish the degree of functional independence. Finally the influence of factors on functional independence was investigated using bivariate logistic regressions.Results: The results showed that younger patients (18 - 34 yrs may have a higher likelihood of functional independence compared to older patients at the time of discharge from hospital (18 - 34 years: Odds Ratio = 1. Patients without helpers were more likely to be functionally independent than those with a helper (p = 0.03. Involvement in household activities (p = 0.01, participation in community activities (p = 0.02 and bowel and bladder continence (p = 0.003 and p = 0.04 improved the likelihood of functional independence.Conclusion and im plications: Factors that influence functional independence post stroke are: age, bowel and bladder continence, the presence of a caregiver, participation in household and community activities. It is also of value to encourage patients to participate in household and community activities post stroke as well as being less dependent on helpers in an effort to attain functional independence post

  2. Desbotone en diferentes estadios de desarrollo del botón floral en clavel estándar (Dianthus caryophyllus L. var. Nelson

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    Arévalo Gabriel Alexander


    Full Text Available

    Los mayores costos de producción del clavel estándar se asocian con la mano de obra que se utiliza en las labores del cultivo; el desbotone es una de las actividades que demanda mayor uso de mano de obra y tiempo. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto del desbotone en diferentes estadios de desarrollo del botón principal, sobre la producción y calidad en poscosecha del clavel estándar variedad Nelson en el primer pico de cosecha. Se evaluaron los estadios conocidos popularmente como botón ‘arveja’, ‘garbanzo’, ‘barril’, ‘estrella’, ‘bala’ y ‘punto de corte’. Las variables medidas incluyeron producción total a primera cosecha, grados de calidad y algunos criterios de clasificación en poscosecha. Se concluyó que el desbotone en los estadios evaluados no influye significativamente en la producción total del clavel en la primera cosecha. Sin embargo, en la clasificación por grados de calidad, se encontraron diferencias significativas: el desbotone en botón arveja’, ‘garbanzo’ y ‘barril’ mostró mayores promedios en el número de tallos grado ‘select’, mientras que el desbotone en botón ‘estrella’, ‘bala’ y ‘punto de corte’ reflejó mayores promedios para los grados ‘fancy’ estándar y nacional. El desbotone en diferentes estadios de desarrollo del botón principal afectó el número de tallos torcidos, sin aumentar significativamente el número de tallos débiles. El ensayo permitió definir que la etapa crítica para el desbotone son los estadios de desarrollo del botón principal previos al estadio ‘barril’, pues pasado este punto disminuye la calidad del producto.

  3. Burden and factors associated with post-stroke depression in East ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To determine the burden and factors associated with post-stroke depression in East central Nigeria. Method: We carried out this cross-sectional study of 50 stroke survivors (mean age=54.8 ± 8.8 years), at the physiotherapy Department of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu. Data were collected ...

  4. Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration versus core needle biopsy: comparison of post-biopsy hematoma rates and risk factors. (United States)

    Chae, In Hye; Kim, Eun-Kyung; Moon, Hee Jung; Yoon, Jung Hyun; Park, Vivian Y; Kwak, Jin Young


    To compare post-biopsy hematoma rates between ultrasound guided-fine needle aspiration and ultrasound guided-core needle biopsy, and to investigate risk factors for post-biopsy hematoma. A total of 5304 thyroid nodules which underwent ultrasound guided biopsy were included in this retrospective study. We compared clinical and US features between patients with and without post-biopsy hematoma. Associations between these features and post-biopsy hematoma were analyzed. Post-biopsy hematoma rate was 0.8% (43/5121) for ultrasound guided-fine needle aspiration and 4.9% (9/183) for ultrasound guided-core needle biopsy (P core needle biopsy (9/179, 5.0%) than with ultrasound guided-fine needle aspiration (9/1138, 0.8%) (P core needle biopsy was the only significant risk factor for post-biopsy hematoma (adjusted Odds Ratio, 6.458, P core needle biopsy than in ultrasound guided-fine needle aspiration and ultrasound guided-core needle biopsy was the only independent factor of post-biopsy hematoma in thyroid nodules.

  5. Clinical characteristics, risk factors and pre-surgical evaluation of post-infectious epilepsy. (United States)

    Sellner, J; Trinka, E


    Epilepsy is a frequent complication of central nervous system (CNS) infections. Post-infectious epilepsy is commonly refractory to medical treatment and plays a pivotal role for the poor long-term outcome of CNS infections. To provide an overview of clinical characteristics and risk factors of seizures associated with CNS infections. In addition, to summarize the state of the art of anticonvulsive treatment and the pre-surgical evaluation process in refractory cases. A comprehensive literature search for articles published between January 1970 and December 2011 was carried out. The occurrence of seizures during the acute course of meningitis, encephalitis and brain abscess is the main risk factor for the development of post-infectious epilepsy. There is a shortage of trials evaluating the efficacy of prophylactic and symptomatic treatment during the course of acute infection. Moreover, there are no randomized-controlled trials studying anticonvulsive drugs and their combinations for the management of post-infectious epilepsy. In a selected group of patients, however, medically refractory focal epilepsy is potentially curable by surgery. Further studies are required to improve the pathogenetic understanding of post-infectious epilepsy in order to develop preventive measures as well as to evaluate additional medical and surgical treatment strategies for the patients currently not considered for surgery. © 2012 The Author(s) European Journal of Neurology © 2012 EFNS.

  6. Evaluación del crecimiento y determinación de índices de cosecha

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    Méndez Mario A.


    Full Text Available

    El género


    Capsicum presenta una gran

    oferta de materiales vegetales, los cuales reúnen

    características de precocidad, productividad y demanda

    comercial que los convierte en un recurso

    genético promisorio para los sistemas productivos y

    hace viable su inclusión en agrocadenas de los mercados

    nacional e internacional. En este trabajo se

    evaluó el crecimiento y se determinaron los índices

    de cosecha de los frutos de cuatro accesiones de ají

    que hacen parte de una colección de 472 materiales

    pertenecientes al banco de germoplasma


    ex situ

    del Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas

  7. Risk Factors of Erythrocytosis Post Renal Transplantation

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    Razeghi Effat


    Full Text Available Post-transplant erythrocytosis (PTE is characterized by persistently ele-vated hematocrit level 0 51%. This complication is reported to develop in 10-20% of renal allografts recipients, mostly 2 years after kidney transplantation. PTE is self-limited in 25% of the patients; however it may persist in patients with an increased susceptibility for thrombosis and potential fatal outcome. To evaluate the prevalence and risk factors of PTE in our center, we reviewed the records of 235 patients who received renal allografts from 1999 to 2004. Polycythemia was found in 45 (19% patients. There was no significant correlation of polycythemia and age, history of hypertension, diabetes, pre-transplant hematocrit level, pre-transplant history of transfusion, graft′s function, and source of kidney. A significantly higher proportion of PTE patients were males, patients with history of polycystic kidney disease, and patients with glomerulonephritis. We conclude that PTE is an important complication of kidney transplantation. There are several risk factors that should be addressed to prevent this complication.

  8. An Overview of Risk Factors Associated to Post-partum Depression in Asia


    Mehta, Shubham; Mehta, Nidhi


    Post partum depression (PPD) is an important complication of child-bearing. It requires urgent interventions as it can have long-term adverse consequences if ignored, for both mother and child. If PPD has to be prevented by a public health intervention, the recognition and timely identification of its risk factors is must. We in this review have tried to synthesize the results of Asian studies examining the risk factors of PPD. Some risk factors, which are unique to Asian culture, have also b...

  9. Algunos cuestionamientos a la enseñanza de Ingeniería Industrial en Colombia

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    Luisa F. Rodríguez Valbuena


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se pretende hacer un análisis a los procesos de configuración del saber enseñable en ingeniería industrial en Colombia, que tanto en sus inicios como actualmente, correspondieron con los enunciados de modernización impuestos y adoptados por nuestras facultades de ingeniería, sin mayor reflexión, los cuales en este momento son ampliamente cuestionados en todo el mundo, por servir como instrumentos para el extractivismo de nuestros recursos naturales y el empobrecimiento, despojo y desalojo de nuestras poblaciones. Se intenta con este trabajo entregar algunos argumentos iniciales que alienten unas nuevas dinámicas y formas de circulación del saber, diferentes a las que dieron origen a este campo en Colombia. De la mano de algunos de los más reconocidos pensadores del momento, a la luz de la teoría de campos de Bourdieu y las teorías que sobre el poder propone Michael Foucault, se intentará responder algunas de las preguntas que trasnochan a más de uno, en este el oficio de procurar ser maestros

  10. La voz del amauta en el poema Llamado a algunos doctores (Huk Doctorkunaman Qayay

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    Rolando Álvarez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se pretende establecer, algunas relaciones que el poema de José María Arguedas, Llamado a algunos doctores, construye con determinados rasgos del pensamiento mostrado por el autor en Todas las sangres, Los ríos profundos, Warma Kuyay y El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo; así como en la mesa redonda sobre Todas las sangres de junio de 1965. Se intenta encontrar, en la voz poética, la voz del amauta, en la forma en que el poeta expresa su relación con la naturaleza y con lo divino. This paper seeks to establish some relationships that the poem of Jose Maria Arguedas, Llamado a algunos doctores, established with certain features of the thought expressed by the author in Todas las sangres, Los ríos profundos, Warma Kuyay and El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo; as well the roundtable of june of 1965 about Todas las sangres. It tries to find the poetic voice in the voice of amauta in the way the poet expresses his relationship with nature and the divine.

  11. Endometritis post-cesárea: factores de riesgo.




    Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo de endometritis post-cesárea (EPC). Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo caso-control en el Servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia del 1 de Enero de 1992 al 31 de Julio de1996. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó análisis bivariado y multivariado de regresión logística. Resultados: Durante este período se detectaron 82 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de endometritis, seleccionándose aleatoriamente i...

  12. Endometritis post-cesárea: factores de riesgo


    Burgos Salinas, Silvia; Carbajal Arroyo, Luz; Saona Ugarte, Pedro


    Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo de endometritis post-cesárea (EPC). Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo caso-control en el Servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia del 1 de Enero de 1992 al 31 de Julio de1996. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó análisis bivariado y multivariado de regresión logística. Resultados: Durante este período se detectaron 82 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de endometritis, seleccionándose aleatoriamente i...

  13. Algunos métodos para la solución de problemas de la física-matemática

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    R Quintero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se exponen algunos métodos para la solución de problemas de frontera, en regiones donde esta frontera es desconocida y se encuentra en movimiento (problema tipo Stefan. Como ejemplo se resuelve analíticamente el problema de congelamiento de un suelo húmedo. Brevemente se exponen algunos conceptos y resultados de la teoría de funciones generalizadas pertinentes a esta investigación, procediendo luego, al planteo del citado problema del congelamiento de un suelo húmedo como un problema generalizado de Cauchy y a su correspondiente solución. Se expone también un método  numérico de solución.

  14. Prevalence and risk factors of chronic post-thoracotomy pain in Chinese patients from Peking Union Medical College Hospital. (United States)

    Wang, Hai-Tang; Liu, Wei; Luo, Ai-Lun; Ma, Chao; Huang, Yu-Guang


    In clinical practice, the mechanisms underlying chronic post-surgical pain (CPSP) remain insufficiently understood. The primary goals of this study were to determine the incidence of chronic pain after thoracic surgery and to identify possible risk factors associated with the development of chronic post-thoracotomy pain in Chinese patients. The secondary goal was to determine whether the difference between pre- and post-operative white blood cell (WBC) counts could predict the prevalence of CPSP after thoracotomy. The impact of chronic pain on daily life was also investigated. We contacted by phone 607 patients who had undergone thoracotomy at our hospital during the period February 2009 to May 2010. Statistical comparisons were made between patients with or without CPSP. were ultimately analyzed from 466 qualified patients. The overall incidence of CPSP was 64.5%. Difference between pre- and post-operative WBC counts differed significantly between patients with or without CPSP (P factor for the development of CPSP following thoracotomy (P factors for chronic pain included younger age (operative pain (P = 0.005) and the duration of chest tube drainage (P factoring surgical patients during peri-operative period. Besides, age, diabetes mellitus, acute post-operative pain, and duration of chest tube drainage may also play a role in chronic post-surgical pain occurrence.

  15. Análisis comparativo experimental de algunos morteros de restauración


    Riera Juan, Santiago; Gonçalves Soares, Miguel Angelo


    En el presente documento se estudia el mortero de cal, material de construcción fundamental desde la época Helénica (ss. II y I a.C.) hasta la introducción y la utilización masiva del cemento portland desde finales del s. XVIII, que relega a un minúsculo segundo plano la milenaria tradición constructiva con mortero de cal. Concretamente se estudian algunos morteros de cal pre-dosificados que ofrece el mercado actual, destinados a obras de restauración. Se expone un estudio objetiv...

  16. Factors that influence exercise activity among women post hip fracture participating in the Exercise Plus Program


    Resnick, Barbara; Orwig, Denise; D?Adamo, Christopher; Yu-Yahiro, Janet; Hawkes, William; Shardell, Michelle; Golden, Justine; Zimmerman, Sheryl; Magaziner, Jay


    Using a social ecological model, this paper describes selected intra- and interpersonal factors that influence exercise behavior in women post hip fracture who participated in the Exercise Plus Program. Model testing of factors that influence exercise behavior at 2, 6 and 12 months post hip fracture was done. The full model hypothesized that demographic variables; cognitive, affective, physical and functional status; pain; fear of falling; social support for exercise, and exposure to the Exer...

  17. Cigarette smoking is an independent risk factor for post-stroke delirium. (United States)

    Lim, Tae Sung; Lee, Jin Soo; Yoon, Jung Han; Moon, So Young; Joo, In Soo; Huh, Kyoon; Hong, Ji Man


    Post-stroke delirium is a common problem in the care of stroke patients, and is associated with longer hospitalization, high short-term mortality, and an increased need for long-term care. Although post-stroke delirium occurs in approximately 10 ~ 30% of patients, little is known about the risk factors for post-stroke delirium in patients who experience acute stroke. A total of 576 consecutive patients who experienced ischemic stroke (mean age, 65.2 years; range, 23-93 years) were screened for delirium over a 2-year period in an acute stroke care unit of a tertiary referral hospital. We screened for delirium using the Confusion Assessment Method. Once delirium was suspected, we evaluated the symptoms using the Korean Version of the Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98. Neurological deficits were assessed using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale at admission and discharge, and functional ability was assessed using the Barthel Index and modified Rankin Scale at discharge and 3 months after discharge. Thirty-eight (6.7%) patients with stroke developed delirium during admission to the acute stroke care unit. Patients with delirium were significantly older (70.6 vs. 64.9 years of age, P = .001) and smoked cigarettes more frequently (40% vs. 24%, P = .033) than patients without delirium. In terms of clinical features, the delirium group experienced a significantly higher rate of major hemispheric stroke (55% vs. 26%, P delirium were older age, history of cigarette smoking, and major hemispheric stroke. Abrupt cessation of cigarette smoking may be a risk factor for post-stroke delirium in ischemic stroke patients. The development of delirium after stroke is associated with worse outcome and longer hospitalization.

  18. Risk factors for chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in SARS survivors. (United States)

    Mak, Ivan Wing Chit; Chu, Chung Ming; Pan, Pey Chyou; Yiu, Michael Gar Chung; Ho, Suzanne C; Chan, Veronica Lee


    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the most prevalent long-term psychiatric diagnoses among survivors of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The objective of this study was to identify the predictors of chronic PTSD in SARS survivors. PTSD at 30 months after the SARS outbreak was assessed by the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV. Survivors' demographic data, medical information and psychosocial variables were collected for risk factor analysis. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that female gender as well as the presence of chronic medical illnesses diagnosed before the onset of SARS and avascular necrosis were independent predictors of PTSD at 30 months post-SARS. Associated factors included higher-chance external locus of control, higher functional disability and higher average pain intensity. The study of PTSD at 30 months post-SARS showed that the predictive value of acute medical variables may fade out. Our findings do not support some prior hypotheses that the use of high dose corticosteroids is protective against the development of PTSD. On the contrary, the adversity both before and after the SARS outbreak may be more important in hindering recovery from PTSD. The risk factor analysis can not only improve the detection of hidden psychiatric complications but also provide insight for the possible model of care delivery for the SARS survivors. With the complex interaction of the biopsychosocial challenges of SARS, an integrated multidisciplinary clinic setting may be a superior approach in the long-term management of complicated PTSD cases. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Algunos aportes para una taxonomía de los registros artificiales de información


    Nicolás Golovchenko Villagrán


    Se sugleren algunos criteríos para una clasificacíón delos distintos tipos de registro empleados para la información, partiendo del discernimiento entre la naturaleza de la información, por un lado, y las características físicas y propiedades básicas de /os soporfes que lacontienen, por otro.

  20. Analysis on risk factors for post-stroke emotional incontinence

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    Xiao-chun ZHANG


    Full Text Available Objective To investigate the occurrence rate and related risk factors for post-stroke emotional incontinence (PSEI. Methods The clinical data [sex, age, body mass index (BMI, education, marital status, medical history (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, hyperlipemia, smoking and drinking and family history of stroke] of 162 stroke patients were recorded. Serum homocysteine (Hcy level was examined. Head CT and/or MRI were used to indicate stroke subtype, site of lesion and number of lesion. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-Ⅴ Chinese version and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-17 Items (HAMD-17 were used to evaluate the degree of depression. House diagnostic standard was used to diagnose PSEI. Univariate and multivariate backward Logistic regression analysis was used to screen related risk factor for PSEI. Spearman rank correlation analysis was used to discuss the correlation between PSEI and post-stroke depression (PSD. Results Among 162 stroke patients, 12 cases were diagnosed as PSEI (7.41% . The ratio of age < 60 years in PSEI group was significantly higher than non-PSEI group (P = 0.045. The ratio of smoking in PSEI group was significantly lower than non-PSEI group (P = 0.036. Univariate and multivariate backward Logistic regression analysis showed age < 60 years was independent risk factor for PSEI (OR = 4.000, 95%CI: 1.149-13.924; P = 0.029. Ten cases were combined with PSD in 12 PSEI patients, and the co-morbidity rate of PSEI and PSD was83.33%. Spearman rank correlation analysis showed PSEI was positively related to PSD (rs = 0.305, P = 0.000. Conclusions PSEI is common affective disorder in stroke patients, which easily happens in patients under 60 years of age. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2017.12.010

  1. [Post-partum depressive symptoms: Prevalence, risk factors and relationship with quality of life]. (United States)

    Cherif, R; Feki, I; Gassara, H; Baati, I; Sellami, R; Feki, H; Chaabene, K; Masmoudi, J


    The objective of our study was to estimate the prevalence of the post-partum depressive symptomatology in a sample of Tunisian women, to study associated factors and to assess its relationship to quality of life. This is a prospective study carried out in two stages: during the first week (T1), then between sixth and eighth week post-partum (T2). Depressive symptomatology and quality of life were assessed respectively by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the World Health Organization Quality of Life scale. In the first stage, the prevalence of depressive symptomatology in the total sample (150 women) was 14.7% and was related to age above 35 years, low school level, personal psychiatric history, multiparity, caesarean delivery or forceps in the previous pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy. This prevalence was 19.8% among the 126 women reviewed in T2 and was correlated with the exaggerated sympathetic signs during pregnancy, namely perversion of taste and fatigue. Quality of life was strongly correlated with depressive symptoms in T1 and T2. Post-partum depressive symptoms were common in our sample and were correlated with quality of life. Therapeutic measures should be proposed for women with post-partum depressive symptoms and particularly with several risk factors in order to improve their quality of life. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Risk Factors for Post-stroke Depression: A Meta-analysis

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    Yu Shi


    Full Text Available Background: Stroke not only impacts patients physically but also economically. Post-stroke depression (PSD, as a common complication of stroke, always obstructs the process of stroke rehabilitation. Accordingly, defining the risk factors associated with PSD has extraordinary importance. Although there have been many studies investigating the risk factors for PSD, the results are inconsistent.Objectives: The objectives of this study were to identify the risk factors for PSD by evidence-based medicine.Data sources: A systematic and comprehensive database search was performed of PubMed, Medline, CENTRAL,, the Cochrane library and Web of Science for Literature, covering publications from January 1, 1998 to November 19, 2016.Study Selection: Studies on risk factors for PSD were identified, according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The risk of bias tool, described in the Cochrane Handbook version 5.1.0, was used to assess the quality of each study. Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3 software.Results: Thirty-six studies were included for review. A history of mental illness was the highest ranking modifiable risk factor; other risk factors for PSD were female gender, age (<70 years, neuroticism, family history, severity of stroke, and level of handicap. Social support was a protective factor for PSD.Conclusion: There are many factors that have effects on PSD. The severity of stroke is an important factor in the occurrence of PSD. Mental history is a possible predictor of PSD. Prevention of PSD requires social and family participation.

  3. Cognitive factors and post-partum depression: What is the influence of general personality traits, rumination, maternal self-esteem, and alexithymia?


    Denis, Anne; Luminet, Olivier


    OBJECTIVES: The objective was to assess the impact of cognitive factors on post-partum depression (PPD) symptoms. Because most of the literature data concern the immediate post-partum period or the first year post-partum, we notably sought to assess the longer term impact of cognitive factors on the symptoms of PPD. METHODS: Two studies were performed. In a pilot study, 1-month post-partum, 63 women filled out a sociodemographic information sheet and completed the abbreviated, revised Eysenck...

  4. Risk Factors for Post-treatment Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Pelle B; Mikkelsen, Kim Lyngby; Lauritzen, Jes B


    OBJECTIVES: Complex regional pain syndrome is a challenging condition that includes a broad spectrum of sensory, autonomic, and motor features predominantly in extremities recovering from a trauma. Few large-scale studies have addressed occurrence of and factors associated with complex regional......, gender, initial diagnosis, treatment, and amount of compensation were extracted. Multivariate logistic regressions were performed to identify variables associated with approval of the claim. For carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) patients, we registered whether symptoms were bilateral or unilateral...... normal neurophysiology. CONCLUSIONS: Female gender, surgical treatment, and treatment to the upper limb were risk factors. Elective surgery accounted for a large number of post-treatment CRPS patients. In CTS patients developing CRPS, normal neurophysiological examination findings were common...

  5. Factors that influence exercise activity among women post hip fracture participating in the Exercise Plus Program. (United States)

    Resnick, Barbara; Orwig, Denise; D'Adamo, Christopher; Yu-Yahiro, Janet; Hawkes, William; Shardell, Michelle; Golden, Justine; Zimmerman, Sheryl; Magaziner, Jay


    Using a social ecological model, this paper describes selected intra- and interpersonal factors that influence exercise behavior in women post hip fracture who participated in the Exercise Plus Program. Model testing of factors that influence exercise behavior at 2, 6 and 12 months post hip fracture was done. The full model hypothesized that demographic variables; cognitive, affective, physical and functional status; pain; fear of falling; social support for exercise, and exposure to the Exercise Plus Program would influence self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and stage of change both directly and indirectly influencing total time spent exercising. Two hundred and nine female hip fracture patients (age 81.0 +/- 6.9), the majority of whom were Caucasian (97%), participated in this study. The three predictive models tested across the 12 month recovery trajectory suggest that somewhat different factors may influence exercise over the recovery period and the models explained 8 to 21% of the variance in time spent exercising. To optimize exercise activity post hip fracture, older adults should be helped to realistically assess their self-efficacy and outcome expectations related to exercise, health care providers and friends/peers should be encouraged to reinforce the positive benefits of exercise post hip fracture, and fear of falling should be addressed throughout the entire hip fracture recovery trajectory.

  6. Risk factors for Epstein-Barr virus-related post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. (United States)

    Uhlin, Michael; Wikell, Helena; Sundin, Mikael; Blennow, Ola; Maeurer, Markus; Ringden, Olle; Winiarski, Jacek; Ljungman, Per; Remberger, Mats; Mattsson, Jonas


    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a successful treatment for hematologic malignancies and a variety of genetic and metabolic disorders. In the period following stem cell transplantation, the immune-compromised milieu allows opportunistic pathogens to thrive. Epstein-Barr virus-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease can be a life-threatening complication for transplanted patients because of suppressed T-cell-mediated immunity. We analyzed possible risk factors associated with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in a cohort of over 1,000 patients. The incidence of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease was 4%. Significant risk factors identified by multivariate analysis were: human leukocyte antigen-mismatch (PEpstein-Barr virus mismatch recipient-/donor+ (Pdisease grade II to IV (P=0.006), pre-transplant splenectomy (P=0.008) and infusion of mesenchymal stromal cells (P=0.015). The risk of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease has increased in more recent years, from less than 2% before 1998 to more than 6% after 2011. Additionally, we show that long-term survival of patients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease is poor despite initial successful treatment. The 3-year survival rate among the 40 patients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease was 20% as opposed to 62% among patients without post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (Pdisease after transplantation in need of pre-emptive measures.

  7. Factors influencing post-traumatic stress in Korean forensic science investigators. (United States)

    Yoo, Yang-Sook; Cho, Ok-Hee; Cha, Kyeong-Sook; Boo, Yun-Jeong


    The aim of this study was to understand factors that influence post-traumatic stress (PTS) in Korean forensic science investigators. A total of 111 forensic science investigators were recruited in Korea. PTS was measured using the tool modified by Choi (2001) from the original developed by Foa, Riggs, Dancu, and Rothbaum (1993) based on DSM-IV. Factors influencing PTS included demographic and job-related characteristics, emotional intelligence, and death anxiety. PTS scores were positively correlated with personality type, fatigue from work, and death anxiety. PTS scores were negatively correlated with length of career as a forensic science investigator and emotional intelligence. The factors that had the greatest influence on PTS were death anxiety, years spent as a forensic science investigator, personality type, emotional intelligence, fatigue, and homicide experience. The explanatory power of these six factors was 44.0%. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly evaluate the mental health of those who are vulnerable to PTS. Based on these results, various interventions could be implemented for promoting overall health of the forensic science investigators. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  8. Socioeconomic factors and adolescent pregnancy outcomes: distinctions between neonatal and post-neonatal deaths?

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    Flick Louise H


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Young maternal age has long been associated with higher infant mortality rates, but the role of socioeconomic factors in this association has been controversial. We sought to investigate the relationships between infant mortality (distinguishing neonatal from post-neonatal deaths, socioeconomic status and maternal age in a large, retrospective cohort study. Methods We conducted a population-based cohort study using linked birth-death certificate data for Missouri residents during 1997–1999. Infant mortality rates for all singleton births to adolescent women (12–17 years, n = 10,131; 18–19 years, n = 18,954 were compared to those for older women (20–35 years, n = 28,899. Logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (OR and 95% confidence intervals (CI for all potential associations. Results The risk of infant (OR 1.95, CI 1.54–2.48, neonatal (1.69, 1.24–2.31 and post-neonatal mortality (2.47, 1.70–3.59 were significantly higher for younger adolescent (12–17 years than older (20–34 years mothers. After adjusting for race, marital status, age-appropriate education level, parity, smoking status, prenatal care utilization, and poverty status (indicated by participation in WIC, food stamps or Medicaid, the risk of post-neonatal mortality (1.73, 1.14–2.64 but not neonatal mortality (1.43, 0.98–2.08 remained significant for younger adolescent mothers. There were no differences in neonatal or post-neonatal mortality risks for older adolescent (18–19 years mothers. Conclusion Socioeconomic factors may largely explain the increased neonatal mortality risk among younger adolescent mothers but not the increase in post-neonatal mortality risk.

  9. Post-traumatic stress disorder following myocardial infarction: prevalence and risk factors. (United States)

    Roberge, Marie-Anne; Dupuis, Gilles; Marchand, André


    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with negative impacts on physical health. Victims of a myocardial infarction (MI) who develop PTSD may be particularly affected by these impacts due to their cardiovascular vulnerability. Post-traumatic reactions in this population are not well known. To examine the prevalence of PTSD after MI and its risk factors, and to validate a prediction model for PTSD symptoms. Patients hospitalized for MI (n=477) were recruited in three hospitals. The Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, and questionnaires concerning PTSD symptoms and general measures were administered to patients during hospitalization and at one-month follow-up. Four per cent of the patients had PTSD and 12% had partial PTSD. The perception of a threat to life, the intensity of acute stress disorder and depression symptoms several days after the MI, a history of referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist, and female sex were risk factors for the intensity of PTSD symptoms in a sequential multiple regression analysis (R=0.634). The prediction model was validated by applying the regression equation to 48 participants who were not included in the initial regression (R=0.633). The risk factors for development of PTSD symptoms identified in the present study could be used to facilitate the detection of patients at risk for developing PTSD symptoms so they can later be offered psychological interventions as needed.

  10. Factors associated with post-traumatic stress symptoms among adolescents exposed to the Sewol ferry disaster in Korea. (United States)

    Lee, Ju-Yeon; Kim, Sung-Wan; Bae, Kyung-Yeol; Kim, Jae-Min; Shin, Il-Seon; Yoon, Jin-Sang


    This study evaluated the factors associated with post-traumatic stress symptoms in Korean adolescents who lived in a disaster-affected community. A total of 1101 students attending secondary and high schools in Jindo, the location of the Sewol ferry disaster, were enrolled in a cross-sectional survey. The Child Report of Post-traumatic Symptoms (CROPS), the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), and the State Anxiety Inventory for Children (SAIC) were administered. Female gender, older children, poor academic achievement, and directly witnessing the rescue scene were associated with post-traumatic stress symptoms. The CES-D and SAIC scores of subjects with witness of the rescue were significantly higher than those of respondents without such experiences. The regression analysis revealed that directly witnessing the rescue scene was significantly associated with post-traumatic stress symptoms after adjusting for other variables. The results of this study suggest that witnessing the rescue scene following a disaster might be a risk factor for post-traumatic stress symptoms in adolescents in disaster-affected communities. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt: results and prognostic factors in patients with post-necrotic liver cirrhosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jae Hyung; Chung, Jin Wook; Han, Joon Koo; Han, Man Chung; Kim, Yong Joo


    To evaluate the effectiveness of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt(TIPS) in the management of gastroesophageal variceal bleeding and predictive factors for long-term survival in patients with post-necrotic liver cirrhosis. A total of 49 patients with post-necrotic liver cirrhosis underwent TIPS over a recent three-year period. Forty-five had a history of hepatitis B viral infection, and four, of hepatitis C viral infection. In all patients, the indication for the procedure was variceal bleeding. Child-Pugh class was A in seven patients, B in 16 and C in 26 patients at the time of the last bleeding. The effectiveness of portal decompression and bleeding control was evaluated. Long-term survival was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method and predictive factors were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The procedure was technically successful in all cases. The portosystemic pressure gradient decreased significantly from 21.4 ± 6.4 mmHg to 12.0 ± 5.1 mmHg(N=45). Active variceal bleeding was controlled in 34 of the 37 emergency patients. The total length of follow-up was from one day to three and a half years(mean : 383 ± 357 days). Rebleeding developed in 17 patients (35%). Hepatic encephalopathy, either newly developed or aggravated, occurred in 16 (32.7%). The thirty-day mortality rate was 20.4%, and the one-year survival rate was 63.8%. The significant predictive factors for poor prognosis were Child-Pugh class C and post-TIPS hepatic encephalopathy. TIPS is effective in portal decompression in the patients with variceal bleeding due to post-necrotic liver cirrhosis. The Child-Pugh classification and hepatic encephalopathy after TIPS are considered to be significant predictive factors for long-term survival

  12. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt: results and prognostic factors in patients with post-necrotic liver cirrhosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Jae Hyung; Chung, Jin Wook; Han, Joon Koo; Han, Man Chung [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Yong Joo [Kyungbook National University College of Medicine, Taegu (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the effectiveness of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt(TIPS) in the management of gastroesophageal variceal bleeding and predictive factors for long-term survival in patients with post-necrotic liver cirrhosis. A total of 49 patients with post-necrotic liver cirrhosis underwent TIPS over a recent three-year period. Forty-five had a history of hepatitis B viral infection, and four, of hepatitis C viral infection. In all patients, the indication for the procedure was variceal bleeding. Child-Pugh class was A in seven patients, B in 16 and C in 26 patients at the time of the last bleeding. The effectiveness of portal decompression and bleeding control was evaluated. Long-term survival was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method and predictive factors were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The procedure was technically successful in all cases. The portosystemic pressure gradient decreased significantly from 21.4 {+-} 6.4 mmHg to 12.0 {+-} 5.1 mmHg(N=45). Active variceal bleeding was controlled in 34 of the 37 emergency patients. The total length of follow-up was from one day to three and a half years(mean : 383 {+-} 357 days). Rebleeding developed in 17 patients (35%). Hepatic encephalopathy, either newly developed or aggravated, occurred in 16 (32.7%). The thirty-day mortality rate was 20.4%, and the one-year survival rate was 63.8%. The significant predictive factors for poor prognosis were Child-Pugh class C and post-TIPS hepatic encephalopathy. TIPS is effective in portal decompression in the patients with variceal bleeding due to post-necrotic liver cirrhosis. The Child-Pugh classification and hepatic encephalopathy after TIPS are considered to be significant predictive factors for long-term survival.

  13. Hidrólisis enzimática de residuos de la cosecha de caña de azúcar

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    Jairo G. Salcedo Mendoza


    Full Text Available Título en inglés: Hydrolysis Enzymatic of crop residues sugar cane Resumen: En esta investigación, se hidrolizó un sustrato deslignificado proveniente de residuos de la cosecha caña de azúcar  (hojas y cogollos usando un  preparado enzimático con 27.53 unidades de papel filtro (FPU, obtenido a partir de enzimas comerciales. La hidrólisis se llevó a cabo a un pH de 4.2 y una temperatura de 50 oC. Fueron analizados  modelos de inhibición por sustrato, glucosa e inhibición total por producto. Los resultados mostraron que los modelos que mejor se ajustan a los datos experimentales, son los modelos de inhibición competitiva por glucosa, con una constante de Michaelis (Km de 20.37 g/L,  velocidad máxima (Vmax 39 g/L h y una constante de inhibición  (ki de 0.442. En el caso que las relaciones  enzima – Sustrato (E/S sean mayores  de 0.5, se puede aplicar el modelo cinético de Michaelis-Menten. Palabras clave: Inhibición; modelos cinéticos; hojas y cogollos; coctel de enzimas Abstract: In this research, a delignified substrate from crops residues sugar cane residues (leaves and top cane was hydrolyzed using an enzyme preparation with 27.53 FPU. This enzyme was obtained from trade. Hydrolysis was carried out to pH of 4.2 and a temperature of 50 oC. Models of inhibition models substrate, glucose and total inhibition product was analyzed. The results showed that models that best fit the data experimental was the models competitive glucose inhibition (Km= 20.37, Vmax=39 and ki= 0.442. In the event that E/S is above 0.5, can applied kinetic models of Michaelis – Menten. Keywords: Inhibition; kinetic models; leaves and tops cane; enzyme cocktail.

  14. La investigación en Historia de la Educación Preescolar: Algunos asuntos a debatir

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    Otto VÄG


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El tema de nuestro Congreso es «La Historia de la Educación Preescolar y su relación con la Historia de la Educación en general». Como introducción a las discusiones de los grupos de trabajo, me gustaría ocuparme de algunos asuntos a debatir sobre la investigación en este campo.

  15. Acute cellular rejection is a risk factor for bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome independent of post-transplant baseline FEV1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Burton, C.M.; Iversen, M.; Carlsen, J.


    BACKGROUND: Post-transplant baseline forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV(1)) constitutes a systematic bias in analyses of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). This retrospective study evaluates risk factors for BOS adjusting for the confounding of post-transplant baseline FEV(1). METHODS......-specific hazard of BOS (hazard ratio 1.4, confidence interval 1.1 to 1.8, p = 0.009). The absolute value of baseline FEV(1) was a significant confounder in all survival and competing risk analyses of BOS (p ... an independent risk factor for the development of BOS after adjusting for the confounding of post-transplant baseline FEV(1) Udgivelsesdato: 2009/9...

  16. Post-Materialism as a Cultural Factor Influencing Entrepreneurial Activity across Nations


    Uhlaner, L.M.; Thurik, A.R.; Hutjes, J.


    textabstractThe study of the determinants of entrepreneurship at the country level has been dominated by economic influences. The relative stability of differences in levels of entrepreneurship across coun-tries suggests that other forces such as certain institutional and/or cultural factors are at play. The objective of this paper is to explore how post-materialism explains differences in entrepreneurial activity across countries. Entrepreneurial activity is defined as the percent of a count...

  17. Function of the PHA-4/FOXA transcription factor during C. elegans post-embryonic development

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    Chen Di


    Full Text Available Abstract Background pha-4 encodes a forkhead box (FOX A transcription factor serving as the C. elegans pharynx organ identity factor during embryogenesis. Using Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE, comparison of gene expression profiles between growing stages animals and long-lived, developmentally diapaused dauer larvae revealed that pha-4 transcription is increased in the dauer stage. Results Knocking down pha-4 expression by RNAi during post-embryonic development showed that PHA-4 is essential for dauer recovery, gonad and vulva development. daf-16, which encodes a FOXO transcription factor regulated by insulin/IGF-1 signaling, shows overlapping expression patterns and a loss-of-function post-embryonic phenotype similar to that of pha-4 during dauer recovery. pha-4 RNAi and daf-16 mutations have additive effects on dauer recovery, suggesting these two regulators may function in parallel pathways. Gene expression studies using RT-PCR and GFP reporters showed that pha-4 transcription is elevated under starvation, and a conserved forkhead transcription factor binding site in the second intron of pha-4 is important for the neuronal expression. The vulval transcription of lag-2, which encodes a ligand for the LIN-12/Notch lateral signaling pathway, is inhibited by pha-4 RNAi, indicating that LAG-2 functions downstream of PHA-4 in vulva development. Conclusion Analysis of PHA-4 during post-embryonic development revealed previously unsuspected functions for this important transcriptional regulator in dauer recovery, and may help explain the network of transcriptional control integrating organogenesis with the decision between growth and developmental arrest at the dauer entry and exit stages.

  18. Elevated post-void residual volume in a geriatric post-hip fracture assessment in women-associated factors and risk of mortality. (United States)

    Nuotio, Maria S; Luukkaala, Tiina; Tammela, Teuvo


    Multiple factors contribute to elevated post-void residual urine volumes (PVR), but they may indicate detrusor underactivity (DU), especially in older women. The aim here was to examine factors associated with and prognostic significance of elevated PVR in a geriatric post-hip fracture assessment in a female population. Consecutive female hip fracture patients (n = 409) aged 65 years and older were included. PVR was measured by bladder scanner. PVR of 160 ml or more was deemed elevated. Age-adjusted univariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine the association of the domains of the comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) with elevated PVR. Cox proportional hazards model was used to determine the age-adjusted association of an elevated PVR with 1-year mortality. Of the patients, 64 (15.6%) had elevated PVR. Having urinary or fecal incontinence, difficulties in physical activities of daily living, malnutrition, poor performance on Timed Up and Go and Elderly Mobility Scale were significantly associated with elevated PVR. Difficulties in instrumental activities of daily living, renal dysfunction, constipation, polypharmacy, nocturia, cognitive impairment and depressive mood were not associated with elevated PVR. Elevated PVR significantly increased the risk of mortality 1 year post hip fracture. Elevated PVR is relatively common in older female hip fracture patients and associated with physical functioning, malnutrition and risk of mortality. Even though a causal relationship cannot be confirmed, the findings may suggest a relationship between DU and physical frailty. PVR deserves to be included in the CGA of frail older patients including women.

  19. Fertirrigación con macronutrientes en manzano ‘Golden Delicious’: Impacto en rendimiento y calidad de fruto

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    Juan Manuel Soto Parra


    Full Text Available Introducción: Ante la creciente escasez del agua y alto costo de insumos agrícolas, son indispensables alternativas tecnológicas que aumenten el rendimiento de los cultivos y mejoren la calidad de la fruta. La nutrición vegetal es esencial para incrementar la producción y mejorar la calidad y capacidad de conservación del fruto. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la fertirrigación con macronutrientes en el rendimiento y la calidad de la manzana al momento de la cosecha y después de un período de almacenamiento en atmósfera cotrolada. Metodología: El estudio se realizó en la Huerta “La Semilla” de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, durante el ciclo de producción 2014. Se utilizaron árboles ‘Golden Delicious’ /MM111 plantados en 1990, para generar los tratamientos se utilizó un diseño factorial Taguchi L25 con 5 factores (los minerales evaluados y 5 niveles (dosis kg ha-1 por cada factor: Nitrógeno (0, 60, 120, 180 y 240, fósforo (0, 24, 48, 72 y 96, potasio (0, 20, 40, 60 y 80, calcio (0, 48, 96, 144, 192 y magnesio (0, 10, 20, 30 y 40 y 5 repeticiones por cada tratamiento. Se midierion atributos de calidad (color, firmeza, sólidos solubles totales- SST, acidez titulable-AT y relación SST/AT al momento de la cosecha (125 días después de completa floración y al cabo de un período de almacenamiento de 5 meses en atmósfera controlada más un período adicional de 7 días a temperatura ambiente para simular vida de anaquel. Los resultados se analizaron por el método de superficies de respuesta máxima. Resultados: El calcio, en una proporción cercana a 1:1 con nitrógeno, afectó de manera relevante la calidad de la fruta, observándose un mayor efecto durante el almacenamiento que al momento de la cosecha. El nitrógeno tuvo un efecto directo sobre la firmeza, SST, AT y relación SST/AT en cosecha, y en postcosecha en el color del fruto y la AT. El f

  20. Post-challenge hyperglycemia is a significant risk factor for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Hirokazu; Mizuta, Toshihiko; Eguchi, Yuichiro


    Several epidemiological studies have reported that diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-positive patients. However, it is unclear whether or not post-challenge hyperglycemia is a risk factor. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between post-challenge hyperglycemia and hepatocarcinogenesis in HCV-positive patients. A total of 203 HCV-RNA-positive subjects (108 males, mean age 54.3±10.8 years; 95 females, mean age 56.6±10.3 years; genotype 1b/2a/2b/3a: 152/38/12/1) who underwent liver biopsy and a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test, and who were treated with interferon (IFN) were enrolled in this study. None of the subjects had been treated with antidiabetic drugs. The subjects underwent ultrasonography and/or computed tomography every 6 months after the end of the IFN therapy. Thirteen patients, including one patient who achieved a sustained viral response (SVR) with IFN, developed HCC. On multivariate analysis, male sex, age >65 years, excessive alcohol consumption, non-SVR, liver steatosis area >5% in liver specimens, and 120-min post-challenge hyperglycemia were risk factors for the development of HCC. After matching subjects for sex, age, alcohol intake, and response to the IFN therapy, advanced fibrosis stages [hazard ratio (HR) 2.8], liver steatosis (HR 5.4), and 120-min post-challenge hyperglycemia (HR 4.9) were significant risk factors for the development of HCC. Furthermore, after matching for the fibrosis stage, liver steatosis (HR 5.7) and 120-min post-challenge hyperglycemia (HR 6.9) remained as significant factors for HCC development. Post-challenge hyperglycemia is an independent risk factor for HCC in HCV-positive patients. (author)



    Sureena Matayong; Ahmad Kamil Bin Mahmood


    This paper presents the analytical factors that influence Knowledge Management System (KMS) adoption at the individual level known as post adoption phase. Though many organizations have increasingly recognized KMS significance and started to implement it but its adoption has proved to be very difficult and many organizations are still facing with challenges. The analysis of Grounded Theory (GT) process provides results of the individual factors influence the adoption. These factors offer insi...

  2. Un tejido único Moche III del sitio Castillo de Santa: una escena de cosecha de yuca

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    Full Text Available UN TISSU UNIQUE MOCHE III DU SITE EL CASTILLO DE SANTA : UNE SCÈNE DE RÉCOLTE DE YUCCA. Les fouilles archéologiques effectuées sur la terrase Est du site El castillo en juillet 2002, dans la vallée de Santa, ont conduit à la découverte de la tombe d'un enfant enroulé dans plusieurs textiles. L'un de eux est unique et illustre une scène de récolte d'une plante identifiée comme étant le manioc ou yucca. Le contexte archéologique indique un enterrement datant de la phase Moche III si on considère le contenu des remplissages entre les planchers sous et audessous de la tombe. Le textile est décrit dans son contexte et une discussion sur sa nature et les implications de son implications de son message sur l'économie Moche est amorcée Durante el mes de julio de la temporada 2002 en la terraza este del sitio El Castillo de Santa, encontramos la tumba de un niño envuelto con varios tejidos. Uno de ellos es único e ilustra una escena de cosecha de un planta identificada como la mandioca o yuca. El contexto arqueológico indica que se trata de un entierro fechado para la fase Moche III, basado en el contenido de los rellenos entre los pisos ubicados arriba y debajo de la tumba. Se describe el tejido en su contexto y se discute sobre su naturaleza y las implicancias en la economía Moche A UNIQUE MOCHE III TEXTILE FROM EL CASTILLO SITE OF SANTA: A HARVEST SCENE OF YUCCA. Archeological fieldwork carried out un July 2002 on terrace East at El Castillo site, Santa Valley, resulted in the discovery of a child burial wrapped in many textiles. One of them is unique. It represents a harvest scene of the plant identified as the manioc or yucca. The archeological context indicates a Moche III date for the burial based of the content of the fill between plastered clay floors from over and under the tomb. Description of the textile's context it followed by a discussion of its nature and possible implications on Moche economy

  3. Factors affecting plant diversity during post-fire recovery and succession of mediterranean-climate shrublands in California, USA (United States)

    Keeley, J.E.; Fotheringham, C.J.; Baer-Keeley, M.


    Plant community diversity, measured as species richness, is typically highest in the early post-fire years in California shrublands. However, this generalization is overly simplistic and the present study demonstrates that diversity is determined by a complex of temporal and spatial effects. Ninety sites distributed across southern California were studied for 5 years after a series of fires. Characteristics of the disturbance event, in this case fire severity, can alter post-fire diversity, both decreasing and increasing diversity, depending on life form. Spatial variability in resource availability is an important factor explaining patterns of diversity, and there is a complex interaction between landscape features and life form. Temporal variability in resource availability affects diversity, and the diversity peak in the immediate post-fire year (or two) appears to be driven by factors different from subsequent diversity peaks. Early post-fire diversity is influenced by life-history specialization, illustrated by species that spend the bulk of their life cycle as a dormant seed bank, which is then triggered to germinate by fire. Resource fluctuations, precipitation in particular, may be associated with subsequent post-fire diversity peaks. These later peaks in diversity comprise a flora that is compositionally different from the immediate post-fire flora, and their presence may be due to mass effects from population expansion of local populations in adjacent burned areas. ?? 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  4. Crítica y reformismo dieciochescos. Algunos textos sobre Filipinas

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    García de los Arcos, María Fernanda


    Full Text Available Not available.

    Al igual que en España y América, en las Filipinas de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII se produjeron escritos en los que se analizaba la realidad del archipiélago, las causas de sus problemas y las posibles soluciones para superarlos. Algunos de estos textos permanecen inéditos. Así ocurre con los tres que se estudian en este artículo, en el que se hace una valoración comparativa sobre sus posibilidades como fuentes para apreciar la situación general de las Islas en ese período y las ideas que tenía la élite dirigente sobre ella, especialmente en tres aspectos: la personalidad colectiva de los nativos; las formas de explotación colonial y sus repercusiones sobre la mayoría de la población y las causas que originaban lo que entonces llamaban “el atraso” de aquellos territorios.

  5. Pre-operative Predictive Factors of Post-operative Pain in Patients With Hip or Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Hernández, Clara; Díaz-Heredia, Jorge; Berraquero, María Luisa; Crespo, Pablo; Loza, Estíbaliz; Ruiz Ibán, Miguel Ángel


    To analyze pre-surgical predictive factors of post-surgical pain in patients undergoing hip or knee arthoplasty. A systematic literature review was performed. We defined a sensitive strategy on Medline, Embase and Cochrane Library up to May 2013. The inclusion criteria were: patients undertaking knee and/or hip arthroplasty, adults with moderate or severe pain (≥4 on a Visual Analog Scale) in whom predictive factors of post-surgical pain were evaluated before surgery. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, controlled trials and observational studies were selected. We excluded animals and basic science articles, reviews of prosthesis, prosthesis due to fractures, patients with rheumatic diseases or studies with mixed population in which disaggregated data was not possible to obtain. A total 37 articles of moderate quality were selected. The articles included representative patients undergoing a knee or hip arthroplasty in our country; most of them were aged 60 years or above, with osteoarthritis, and with a high rate of obesity and comorbidities. We found great variability regarding the type of studies and predictive factors. There was a strong association between post-surgical pain and the following pre-surgical factors: female gender, low socio-economic status, higher pain, comorbidities, low back pain, poor functional status, and psychological factors (depression, anxiety or catastrophic pain). There are pre-surgical factors that might influence post-surgical pain in patients undergoing a knee or hip arthroplasty. Therefore, they should be taken into account when considering an arthroplasty. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. All rights reserved.

  6. Factors influencing job satisfaction in post-transition economies: the case of the Czech Republic. (United States)

    Čábelková, Inna; Abrhám, Josef; Strielkowski, Wadim


    This paper presents an analysis of factors influencing job satisfaction in post-transition economies on the example of the Czech Republic. Our research shows that women reported higher levels of job satisfaction compared to men. Education proved to be statistically significant in one of three indicators of job satisfaction. Personal income and workplace relationships proved to be positively and significantly related to all the three indicators of job satisfaction. Most of the occupational dummies were significantly related to two out of three indicators of job satisfaction. In addition, we found that Czech entrepreneurs enjoy and value their job, which indicates strong self-selection for doing business in post-transition economies. However, human capital expressed by the level of education was significant factor for job satisfaction, meaning that well-educated people might not be satisfied with their jobs or feel that their education and experience are wasted in the market economy.

  7. Ureteric stent dwelling time: a risk factor for post-ureteroscopy sepsis. (United States)

    Nevo, Amihay; Mano, Roy; Baniel, Jack; Lifshitz, David A


    To evaluate the association between stent dwelling time and sepsis after ureteroscopy, and identify risk factors for sepsis in this setting. The prospectively collected database of a single institution was queried for all patients who underwent ureteroscopy for stone extraction between 2010 and 2016. Demographic, clinical, preoperative and operative data were collected. The primary study endpoint was sepsis within 48 h of ureteroscopy. Logistic regressions were performed to identify predictors of post-ureteroscopy sepsis in the ureteroscopy cohort and specifically in patients with prior stent insertion. Between October 2010 and April 2016, 1 256 patients underwent ureteroscopy for stone extraction. Risk factors for sepsis included prior stent placement, female gender and Charlson comorbidity index. A total of 601 patients had a ureteric stent inserted before the operation and were included in the study cohort, in which the median age was 56 years, 90 patients were women (30%), and 97 patients were treated for positive preoperative urine cultures (16.1%). Postoperative sepsis, Sepsis rates after stent dwelling times of 1, 2, 3 and >3 months were 1, 4.9, 5.5 and 9.2%, respectively. On multivariate analysis, stent dwelling time, stent insertion because of sepsis, and female gender were significantly associated with post-ureteroscopy sepsis in patients with prior stent placement. Patients who undergo ureteroscopy after ureteric stent insertion have a higher risk of postoperative sepsis. Prolonged stent dwelling time, sepsis as an indication for stent insertion, and female gender are independent risk factors. Stent placement should be considered cautiously, and if inserted, ureteroscopy should be performed within 1 month. © 2017 The Authors BJU International © 2017 BJU International Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Intimate partner violence as seen in post-conflict eastern Uganda: prevalence, risk factors and mental health consequences. (United States)

    Kinyanda, Eugene; Weiss, Helen A; Mungherera, Margaret; Onyango-Mangen, Patrick; Ngabirano, Emmanuel; Kajungu, Rehema; Kagugube, Johnson; Muhwezi, Wilson; Muron, Julius; Patel, Vikram


    Conflict and post-conflict communities in sub-Saharan Africa have a high under recognised problem of intimate partner violence (IPV). Part of the reason for this has been the limited data on IPV from conflict affected sub-Saharan Africa. This paper reports on the prevalence, risk factors and mental health consequences of IPV victimisation in both gender as seen in post-conflict eastern Uganda. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in two districts of eastern Uganda. The primary outcome of IPV victimisation was assessed using a modified Intimate Partner Violence assessment questionnaire of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The prevalence of any form of IPV victimisation (physical and/or sexual and/or psychological IPV) in this study was 43.7 % [95 % CI, 40.1-47.4 %], with no statistically significant difference between the two gender. The factors significantly associated with IPV victimisation were: sub-county (representing ecological factors), poverty, use of alcohol, and physical and sexual war torture experiences. The mental health problems associated with IPV victimisation were probable problem alcohol drinking, attempted suicide and probable major depressive disorder. In post-conflict eastern Uganda, in both gender, war torture was a risk factor for IPV victimisation and IPV victimisation was associated with mental health problems.

  9. Risk factors for post-thrombotic syndrome in patients with a first deep venous thrombosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tick, L. W.; Kramer, M. H. H.; Rosendaal, F. R.; Faber, W. R.; Doggen, C. J. M.


    BACKGROUND: Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is a chronic complication of deep venous thrombosis (DVT). OBJECTIVES: To determine the risk of PTS after DVT and to assess risk factors for PTS. METHODS: Patients were recruited from the Multiple Environmental and Genetic Assessment (MEGA) study of risk

  10. Assessing a sustainable sugarcane production system in Tucumán, Argentina: Part 1: Dynamics of sugarcane harvest residue (trash decomposition Evaluación de un sistema sustentable de producción de caña de azúcar en Tucumán, R. Argentina. Parte I: Dinámica de la descomposición del residuo de la cosecha en verde de la caña de azúcar

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    Patricia A. Digonzelli


    Full Text Available The elimination of burning practices in sugarcane harvest has led to more sustainable productive systems, with lower impact on the environment and on communities. The present paper is part of a study in which two sugarcane management systems were compared: (a one with sugarcane harvest residue kept on the ground (trash blanketing; and (b one without trash blanketing (burnt residue. Cultivar LCP 85-384 was planted in macro-plots in a commercial field in Albarracín, Tucumán, Argentina. A split-plot experimental design with three replications was used. Each plot had five 30 m-long rows. Two crop cycles (2006/2007 and 2007/2008, i.e. second and third ratoon, were evaluated. From the end of harvest onwards, residue amount (dry matter/ha and residue C/N relationship were determined periodically. At the beginning and at the end of each crop cycle, residue P and K contents were assessed. Residue left after harvest amounted to 12 and 16 tons of dry matter per hectare in the first and second evaluated crop cycles, respectively, but decreased significantly throughout these periods. Residue C/N relationship was over 100 in both crop cycles (117 and 101, respectively, but decreased significantly in their course. Reductions in both sugarcane residue and C/N relationship were correlated with days after harvest and accumulated thermal time (∑ mean daily air temperature. Trash initial C concentration was similar in both crop cycles and amounted to approximately 45%, whereas initial N concentration differed (0.4% and 0.6% in second and third ratoon, respectively. Residue decomposition contributed 3800 to 5700 kg of C, 7 to 50 kg of N and 45 to 40 kg of K per ha to the agro-ecosystem in both crop cycles studied.La eliminación de la quema durante la cosecha de la caña de azúcar llevó a la implementación de sistemas productivos más sustentables, con menos impacto ambiental y más amigables con las poblaciones vecinas. El presente trabajo forma parte de un

  11. Mother's postnatal stress: an investigation of links to various factors during pregnancy and post-partum. (United States)

    Andersson, Ewa; Hildingsson, Ingegerd


    Higher levels of parental stress have long-term effects on children's health and could lead to dysfunction in the parent-child interaction. Different background factors can be predictors of high parental stress. The aim of this study was to examine parental stress among Swedish women and identify different factors linked to women's parental stress. About 702 women were recruited to a clinical study and followed up six months after birth. Data were collected by two questionnaires, and 279 women completed the Swedish Parental Stress Questionnaire (SPSQ). Less than very good mental health and depressive symptoms after birth were strongly associated with parental stress, and the strongest association was found between post-partum depressive symptoms and high levels of stress in the subscale Incompetence. Multiparity was associated with high stress in two subscales, and lower level of education was a protective factor for stress in nearly all subscales. Depressive symptoms and perceived poor mental health post-partum are the most important factors related to high parental stress. The results point to the importance of identifying and supporting mothers with depressive symptoms, since these women have both mental illness and increased stress. © 2015 Nordic College of Caring Science.

  12. Producción y beneficio de semilla de cilantro Production and Post-harvest Handling of Coriander Seed

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    Bernardo Enrique Puga Santos


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el potencial de rendimiento de semilla del cultivar Unapal - Precoso utilizando cuatro densidades de siembra, dos métodos de cosecha, tres sistemas de trilla y tres operaciones de limpieza y clasificación. Se usó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo de parcelas subdivididas con tres repeticiones. La densidad de 1.5 millones ha-1 presentó el mayor rendimiento de semilla pura (1747.2 kg ha-1, aunque no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. La cosecha manual rindió 1.264.9kg ha-1 y requirió 19.83 horas-hombre ha-1; la mecánica rindió 1.059kg ha-1 con 5.1 horas-hombre ha-1. El sistema de trilla estacionaria rindió 44.42 kg hora-1, seguido de trilla con garrote (36.97 kg h-1 y trilla con marimba (11.41 kg h-1. La trilla con garrote produjo el material más limpio y con menos fisuras; el porcentaje de frutos partidos fue similar en los tres sistemas de trilla. La venteadora produjo la menor pérdida de semilla (92.3% de recuperación y el mayor índice de remoción de material inerte (78.1%. Las densidades, método de cosecha, trilla y beneficio no afectaron la calidad física y fisiológica de las semillas. La germinación promedio fue de 92% y el índice de velocidad de emergencia (I. V. E. de 8.0 plántulas día-1. La humedad fue de 11.9%.The seed yield potential of coriander cultivar Unapal-Precoso was evaluated using four plant populations, two harvest methods, three threshing systems, and three clean-up and classification processes. A randomized complete block design was used with split-split plots and three replicates. The highest pure seed yield (1747.2 kg ha-1 was obtained with a population of 1.5 million plants/ha, although no statistically significant differences were found among treatments. Manual harvest of seed yielded 1264.9 kg ha-1 and required 19.83 man-hours ha-1, whereas mechanical harvest yielded 1059 kg ha-1 and required 5.1 man-hours ha-1. Stationary threshing yielded 44

  13. Síntesis de algunos aldobiononitrilos benzoilados con unión 1-4, correlaciones espectroscópicas y reacciones de degradación de los mismos


    D’Accorso, Norma Beatriz


    El objetivo del presente trabajo fué la síntesis de algunos aldobiononitrilos benzoilados con unión glicosídica 1-4, los estudios espectroscópicos de estos compuestos y la aplicación de las degradaciones de Wohl y de Zemplén a algunos de los mismos. Los antecedentes sobre la síntesis de derivados benzoilados de mono- y disacáridos y de derivados acilados de aldononitrilos y de aldobiononitrilos se agrupan en el CAPITULO I, que consta de 9 páginas. Los CAPITULOS II a V abarcan la discusión de ...

  14. Importancia, contribución y estabilidad de antioxidantes en frutos y productos de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.

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    M. L. Luna-Guevara


    Full Text Available Los antioxidantes (AA son compuestos capaces de inhibir o retardar la oxidación, mediante la “captación” de radicales libres; también estabilizan hidroperóxidos o inactivan el oxígeno singulete. Los frutos de tomate han sido considerados una fuente importante de AA “nutricionales” (vitaminas A, C y E y AA “fitoquímicos no nutritivos” (licopeno, flavonoides, flavonas y compuestos fenólicos totales, cuyo consumo está relacionado con su potencial antimutagénico y propiedades anticancerígenas. Las condiciones ambientales durante el cultivo como: intensidad de luz, pH del suelo, frecuencia de riego, tipo de fertilización, pueden afectar la composición química del fruto. Asimismo, durante la maduración del tomate, se inducen varios cambios metabólicos relacionados con la biosíntesis de compuestos, incluyendo el licopeno y otros carotenoides. También se ha demostrado que ciertas operaciones de manejo post cosecha y procesamiento del tomate (cortado, empacado y almacenado pueden alterar la concentración de micronutrientes (vitaminas y minerales y de compuestos AA. De acuerdo con los antecedentes mencionados, en la presente revisión se abordará la importancia de conocer los factores pre y post cosecha que afectan el contenido de AA en el tomate; asimismo, se destacará la estabilidad de los compuestos fitoquímicos contenidos en frutos sometidos a diferentes condiciones de procesamiento. Esta información resulta útil para la industria de los alimentos, además de fomentar el consumo de compuestos funcionales.

  15. Algunos dibujos de la primera arquitectura de Nueva España: mapas, planos y proyectos de arquitectura del siglo XVI


    Moya Olmedo, Pilar


    Moya Olmedo, P. (2014). Algunos dibujos de la primera arquitectura de Nueva España: mapas, planos y proyectos de arquitectura del siglo XVI. P+C: proyecto y ciudad: revista de temas de arquitectura (5), 75-88. ISSN 2172-9220 (ISOC; LATINDEX; DIALNET; RESH; DICE; MIAR)

  16. Una iglesia para las cosechas, un granero para los señores. El hórreo medieval de estilo Villaviciosa (Asturias: reinterpretación entoarqueológica y social

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    Iván Muñiz López


    Full Text Available El hórreo asturiano es uno de los testimonios más importantes de la arquitectura en madera europea. Su estudio ha sido realizado desde perspectivas etnográficas, considerándose al hórreo como la manifestación cultural de una comunidad campesina de carácter igualitario y segmentario. En este artículo se propone una renovación interpretativa, con un nuevo protocolo de análisis que puede aplicarse al conjunto de la arquitectura tradicional. Consideramos que el hórreo constituye un documento histórico imprescindible y un componente básico de la cultura material. Por ello, su análisis puede acometerse desde disciplinas históricas propias de este enfoque (Arqueología, Etnoarqueología, Arqueología de la Arquitectura, Household Archaeology. En nuestro acercamiento concedemos mayor importancia a la diacronía, los contextos históricos y la influencia de las estructuras sociales de clase en el desarrollo de la cultura material. En este sentido, el estudio permite demostrar que el hórreo asturiano «estilo Villaviciosa» fue una creación de las elites rurales de los siglos XIV-XVI. Sus diseños respondieron a las necesidades del contexto histórico: enfriamiento climático, aumento de las cosechas señoriales, consolidación de las elites rurales y renovación de sus arquitecturas de poder. Como arquitectura de dignidad, su repertorio decorativo obedeció a temáticas cultas que transformaban al hórreo en una iglesia de la cosecha y expresaban la ideología de la nobleza. [EN]: The Asturian granary –so called hórreo– is one of the most important examples of medieval wooden architecture in Europe. Ethnographic studies have traditionally considered the hórreo as the cultural manifestation of an egalitarian rural community. This article propose a renewal interpretation, with a new analytical protocol that can be used for vernacular architecture. We believe that the hórreo is a document of material culture. Therefore, it can be

  17. Mentira y Verdad en tres Novelas de Sergio Ramírez: Algunos Procedimientos de Verosimilitud


    Rodríguez Sancho, Javier


    Con base en la narrativa del nicaragüense Sergio Ramírez, se efectúa un análisis sobre algunos procedimientos de verosimilitud utilizados por el escritor en tres de sus novelas: Tiempo de fulgor (1970); ¿Te dio miedo la sangre? (1977) y Un baile de máscaras (1995). La evaluación de los textos busca comprender los niveles en que el escritor hace uso de ciertos procedimientos de verosimilitud para contarnos algunas mentiras verdaderas como él mismo lo ha llamado, en su ensayo: Mentiras verdader...

  18. Algunos aspectos de la Reforma al Código de Procedimiento Laboral (Ley 712 de 2001

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    Armando Rojas


    Full Text Available El pasado 9 de junio entró en vigencia la ley 712 del 2001, ley quereformó algunos aspectos del código procesal del trabajo que ahora sellama código procesal del trabajo y de la seguridad social. La razón desu creación obedeció a la necesidad de actualizar un estatuto procesal demás de cincuenta años a la práctica procesal de la actualidad, necesitadade la urgente descongestión de los procesos en los despachos judiciales

  19. Percepción de algunos estilos de crianza y el episodio depresivo en el adulto.


    Salirrosas-Alegría, Cristopher; Saavedra-Castillo, Javier


    Objetivos: Evaluar la relación entre la percepción de algunos estilos de crianza y el episodio depresivo en el adulto. Método: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y transversal donde se usó la base de datos del Estudio Epidemiológico de Salud Mental de la Costa Peruana que incluyó 6555 personas adultas, relacionando los estilos de crianza con el episodio depresivo mediante pruebas de independencia para muestras complejas, ajustando modelos de regresión logística múltiple. Resultados: Se encont...

  20. Cognitive factors and post-partum depression: What is the influence of general personality traits, rumination, maternal self-esteem, and alexithymia? (United States)

    Denis, Anne; Luminet, Olivier


    The objective was to assess the impact of cognitive factors on post-partum depression (PPD) symptoms. Because most of the literature data concern the immediate post-partum period or the first year post-partum, we notably sought to assess the longer term impact of cognitive factors on the symptoms of PPD. Two studies were performed. In a pilot study, 1-month post-partum, 63 women filled out a sociodemographic information sheet and completed the abbreviated, revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, the Ruminative Responses Scale, the Maternal Self-Report Inventory, and the Edinburgh Post-Natal Depression Scale. In the main study, 124 women additionally completed the Toronto Alexithymia Scale. The main study population was divided into 2 subgroups: women in the first year post-partum (n = 74) and those in the second year post-partum (n = 50). In the pilot study performed 1-month post-partum, brooding rumination and low self-esteem were significant predictors of the PPD symptom intensity. Neuroticism, brooding rumination, and low maternal self-esteem were also significant predictors of the PPD symptoms reported in the first year post-partum. Lastly, ruminative thoughts and alexithymia were significant predictors of the PPD symptoms reported in the second year post-partum. Our results suggest that alexithymia may be an important predictor of the incidence of this condition. The observation of differences in the PPD models as a function of the post-partum period may open up opportunities for developing novel PPD prevention/treatment programs. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Asociación entre algunos factores psicosociales y el inicio de las relaciones sexuales en adolescentes escolares Association among some psychosocial factors and the beginning of sexual relations in adolescent students

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    Felipe Santana Pérez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio analítico-transversal en 1 675 adolescentes entre los 15 y los 18 años de edad, estudiantes todos de preuniversitarios e institutos politécnicos, residentes en Ciudad de La Habana, pues existen una serie de factores psicosociales que pudieran asociarse con el inicio temprano de las relaciones sexuales. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la posible asociación de algunos factores psicosociales (grupo de pares, aspectos académicos y consumo de sustancias tóxicas con el inicio de las relaciones sexuales en adolescentes escolares de nuestra provincia. Se les aplicó un cuestionario autoadministrado con el que se exploraron una serie de variables para dar respuesta al objetivo. El por ciento de adolescentes que practican las relaciones sexuales es mayor de forma significativa (90,5 % en los que tienen mayor comunicación con su grupo de pares, comparado con aquellos que no se comunican (86,5 %. El antecedente de haber repetido grados escolares se asocia con un inicio de las relaciones sexuales a temprana edad (82,2 % si se compara con los que no tienen dicho antecedente (69,4 %. Los adolescentes que consumen bebidas alcohólicas tienen mayor tendencia al inicio temprano de las relaciones sexuales con relación a los que no tienen este hábito tóxico (82,3 vs 64,8 %. La mayor integración al grupo, el bajo rendimiento académico, así como el consumo de sustancias tóxicas se asocia a un inicio más temprano de las relaciones sexuales en la adolescencia.An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in 1 675 adolescents aged 15-18, who live in Havana City and study at preuniversity institutes and polytechnics, since there are a series of psychosocial factors that may be associated with the early beginning of sexual relations. Our aim was to determine the possible association of some psychosocial factors (group of couples, academic aspects and use of toxic substances with the initiation of sexual relations in adolescent

  2. Factores influyentes en el abandono escolar temprano


    García Vicente, Isabel


    En el trabajo realizado, se expone un análisis de alguno de los factores que influyen en el abandono escolar temprano, como son los factores socioeconómicos y culturales, las estructuras familiares y la relación familia-escuela y además de la relación que mantiene con el fracaso escolar. A partir de este estudio de factores, se pretende prevenir esta problemática. Por ello, se ha realizado una propuesta de intervención que atiende a las diferentes etapas educativas, comenzando desde la Educac...

  3. Evaluation of contributing factors of post transplant erythrocytosis in renal transplant patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmed, S.; Ahmed, E.; Naqvi, R.; Qureshi, S.


    Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and contributing factors causing post transplant erythrocytosis in renal transplant patients. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted on live related renal transplant patients at SIUT. The records of all transplant recipients transplanted between April 2008 and December 2008 and who had at least 24 months follow up were studied. Patients in whom haematocrit exceeded 51% and those who received treatment for it were classified into post transplant erythrocytosis group. Results: Out of 200 renal transplant patients who had functioning graft at the time of analysis, 40 (20%) developed post transplant erythrocytosis (HCT >51%) after a mean interval of 9.5+- 2.5 months. Patients with erythrocytosis were mostly males (95% in PTE group vs 73.75% in non PTE group) ,had a shorter period on dialysis before undergoing renal transplantation (9.28 months in PTE group vs 14.56 months in non PTE group) and had relatively better graft function at the onset of erythrocytosis as judged by serum creatinine (S. Creatinine of 1.06+-0.29 mg/dl in PTE group vs 1.37 +- 0.51 mg/dl in non PTE group). No thrombotic complications were observed. All patients with erythrocytosis were treated with enalapril (ACE inhibitors) and 28 out of 40 required phlebotomy in addition to ACE inhibitors. The mean HCT at the time of last follow up in treated patients was 48.61+-1.85%. Conclusion: Post transplant erythrocytosis generally occurs in male patients with good graft function, thrombotic complications are of rare occurrence and response to ACE inhibitors is good. (author)

  4. Smaller hippocampal volume as a vulnerability factor for the persistence of post-traumatic stress disorder. (United States)

    van Rooij, S J H; Kennis, M; Sjouwerman, R; van den Heuvel, M P; Kahn, R S; Geuze, E


    Smaller hippocampal volume has often been observed in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, there is no consensus whether this is a result of stress/trauma exposure, or constitutes a vulnerability factor for the development of PTSD. Second, it is unclear whether hippocampal volume normalizes with successful treatment of PTSD, or whether a smaller hippocampus is a risk factor for the persistence of PTSD. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans and clinical interviews were collected from 47 war veterans with PTSD, 25 healthy war veterans (combat controls) and 25 healthy non-military controls. All veterans were scanned a second time with a 6- to 8-month interval, during which PTSD patients received trauma-focused therapy. Based on post-treatment PTSD symptoms, patients were divided into a PTSD group who was in remission (n = 22) and a group in whom PTSD symptoms persisted (n = 22). MRI data were analysed with Freesurfer. Smaller left hippocampal volume was observed in PTSD patients compared with both control groups. Hippocampal volume of the combat controls did not differ from healthy controls. Second, pre- and post-treatment analyses of the PTSD patients and combat controls revealed reduced (left) hippocampal volume only in the persistent patients at both time points. Importantly, hippocampal volume did not change with treatment. Our findings suggest that a smaller (left) hippocampus is not the result of stress/trauma exposure. Furthermore, hippocampal volume does not increase with successful treatment. Instead, we demonstrate for the first time that a smaller (left) hippocampus constitutes a risk factor for the persistence of PTSD.

  5. Desigualdades socioeconómicas y diferencias según sexo y edad en los factores de riesgo cardiovascular

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    Ángel A. López-González


    Conclusiones: Las desigualdades por clase social en los factores riesgo cardiovascular fueron mayores entre las mujeres que entre los hombres. Algunos factores de riesgo cardiovascular, como el tabaquismo y la obesidad, presentan desigualdades importantes en etapas muy tempranas de la vida.

  6. Smaller hippocampal volume as a vulnerability factor for the persistence of post-traumatic stress disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Rooij, S J H; Kennis, M; Sjouwerman, R; van den Heuvel, M P; Kahn, R S; Geuze, E


    BACKGROUND: Smaller hippocampal volume has often been observed in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, there is no consensus whether this is a result of stress/trauma exposure, or constitutes a vulnerability factor for the development of PTSD. Second, it is unclear whether

  7. Factores que influyen sobre la conducta de una persona frente al riesgo de emprender un negocio en América Latina

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    Ángel Samaniego Alcántar


    Full Text Available El desempleo y la baja calidad de los empleos existentes, han creado la necesidad de emprender y pasar de ser empleado a emprendedor. Sin embargo, existen algunos factores que caracterizan a este comportamiento. La presente investigación identifica algunos de los factores que incrementan en una persona el riesgo de emprender un negocio en América Latina. Los principales factores que influyen en este comportamiento son: la experiencia, el conocimiento, la habilidad y la edad entre las once variables utilizadas en el periodo 2009-2011. Los modelos de redes neuronales utilizados clasifican a la variable dependiente (miedo al fracaso con un porcentaje de acierto del 68% en el periodo de estudio.

  8. económica. Algunos elementos de análisis para precisar los conceptos

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    Luis Antonio Cruz Soto


    Full Text Available El presente artículo responde a una serie de inquietudes del autor con respecto al carácter conceptual del neoliberalismo y su relación con la globalización económica. Para ello se ofrecen algunos elementos de estudio para distinguir el significado de la democracia liberal y el liberalismo económico. Posteriormente, se exponen los principales principios del liberalismo económico clásico y una breve semblanza histórica de éste, así como una enunciación de los elementos que originaron el surgimiento del neoliberalismo económico. Finalmente, se define el carácter global del neoliberalismo en el contexto de la globalización económica

  9. Clinical and pathologic factors predictive of biochemical control following post-prostatectomy irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stromberg, Jannifer S.; Ziaja, Ellen L.; Horwitz, Eric M.; Vicini, Frank A.; Brabbins, Donald S.; Dmuchowski, Carl F.; Gonzalez, Jose; Martinez, Alvaro A.


    Purpose/Objective: Indications for post-prostatectomy radiation therapy are not well defined. We reviewed our experience treating post-prostatectomy patients with external beam irradiation to assess clinical and pathologic factors predictive of biochemical control. Materials and Methods: Between 1/87 and 3/93, 61 patients received post-operative tumor bed irradiation with a median dose of 59.4 Gy (50.4 - 68 Gy). Median follow-up was 4.1 years (7.6 months - 8.3 years) from irradiation. Patients were treated for the following reasons: 1) adjuvantly, within 6 months of surgery for extracapsular extension, seminal vesicle involvement, or positive surgical margins (n=38); 2) persistently elevated PSA post-operatively (n=2); 3) rising PSA >6 months after surgery (n=9); and 4) biopsy proven local recurrence (n=12). No patients had known nodal or metastatic disease. All patients had post-radiation PSA data available. Biochemical control was the endpoint studied using Kaplan-Meier life table analysis. Biochemical control was defined as the ability to maintain an undetectable PSA ( 4 and ≤1 0, >10 and ≤20, and > 20 ng/ml. The 3 year actuarial rates of biochemical control were 100% for group 1, 66.7% for group 2, 61.5% for group 3, and 28.6% for group 4. Pre-RT PSA values were also evaluated. Univariate Cox models indicated lower presurgical and pre-RT PSA values were predictive of biochemical control (p=0.017, p 6 months after surgery (group 3), the 3 year actuarial rate of biochemical control was 55.6%. The 3 year actuarial rate of biochemical control for patients treated for a biopsy proven recurrence (group 4) was 8.3%. By pair-wise log rank test, the rates of biochemical control were significantly different between groups 1 and 3 (p=0.036), groups 1 and 4 (p<0.001), and groups 3 and 4 (p=0.009). Conclusion: Biochemical control was achieved in approximately half of the patients treated with post-operative prostatic fossa irradiation. Elevated presurgical and pre

  10. Post-Operative Infection Is an Independent Risk Factor for Worse Long-Term Survival after Colorectal Cancer Surgery. (United States)

    Kerin Povšič, Milena; Ihan, Alojz; Beovič, Bojana


    Colorectal cancer surgery is associated with a high incidence of post-operative infections, the outcome of which may be improved if diagnosed and treated early enough. We compared white blood cell (WBC) count, C-reactive protein (CRP), and procalcitonin (PCT) as predictors of post-operative infections and analyzed their impact on long-term survival. This retrospective study included 186 patients undergoing colorectal surgery. Post-operative values of WBC, CRP, and PCT were analyzed by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. We followed infections 30 d after the surgery. A five-year survival was analyzed by Kaplan-Meier method and prognostic factors by Cox regression model. Fifty-five patients (29.5%) developed post-operative infection, the most frequent of which was surgical site infection (SSI). C-reactive protein on post-operative day three and PCT on post-operative day two demonstrated the highest diagnostic accuracy for infection (area under the curve [AUC] 0.739 and 0.735). C-reactive protein on post-operative day three was an independent predictor of infection. Five-year survival was higher in the non-infected group (70.8%), compared with the infected group (52.1%). The worst survival (40.9%) was identified in patients with organ/space SSI. Post-operative infection and tumor stage III-IV were independent predictors of a worse five-year survival. C-reactive protein on post-operative day three and PCT on post-operative day two may be early predictors of infection after colorectal cancer surgery. Post-operative infections in particular organ/space SSI have a negative impact on long-term survival.

  11. Factors influencing immediate post-release survival of spectacled eiders following surgical implantation of transmitters with percutaneous antennae (United States)

    Sexson, Matthew G.; Mulcahy, Daniel M.; Spriggs, Maria; Myers, Gwen E.


    Surgically implanted transmitters are a common method for tracking animal movements. Immediately following surgical implantation, animals pass through a critical recovery phase when behaviors may deviate from normal and the likelihood of individual survival may be reduced. Therefore, data collected during this period may be censored to minimize bias introduced by surgery-related behaviors or mortality. However, immediate post-release mortalities negate a sampling effort and reduce the amount of data potentially collected after the censoring period. Wildlife biologists should employ methods to support an animal’s survival through this period, but factors contributing to immediate post-release survival have not been formally assessed. We evaluated factors that potentially influenced the immediate post-release survival of 56 spectacled eiders (Somateria fischeri) marked with coelomically implanted satellite transmitters with percutaneous antennae in northern Alaska in 2010 and 2011. We modeled survival through the first 14 days following release and assessed the relative importance and effect of 15 covariates hypothesized to influence survival during this immediate post-release period. Estimated daily survival rate increased over the duration of the immediate post-release period; the probability of mortality was greatest within the first 5 days following release. Our top-ranking model included the effect of 2 blood analytes, pH and hematocrit, measured prior to surgical implantation of a transmitter. We found a positive response to pH; eiders exhibiting acidemia (low pH) prior to surgery were less likely to survive the immediate post-release period. We found a curvilinear response to hematocrit; eiders exhibiting extremely low or high pre-surgery hematocrit were also less likely to survive the immediate post-release period. In the interest of maximizing the survival of marked birds following release, hematological data obtained prior to surgical implantation of

  12. Frequency and risk factors of blood transfusion in abdominoplasty in post-bariatric surgery patients: data from the nationwide inpatient sample. (United States)

    Masoomi, Hossein; Rimler, Jonathan; Wirth, Garrett A; Lee, Christine; Paydar, Keyianoosh Z; Evans, Gregory R D


    There are limited data regarding blood transfusion following abdominoplasty, especially in post-bariatric surgery patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate (1) the frequency and outcomes of blood transfusion in post-bariatric surgery patients undergoing abdominoplasty and (2) the predictive risk factors of blood transfusion in this patient population. Using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample database, the authors examined the clinical data of patients with a history of bariatric surgery who underwent abdominoplasty from 2007 to 2011 in the United States. A total of 20,130 post-bariatric surgery patients underwent abdominoplasty during this period. Overall, 1871 patients (9.3 percent) received blood transfusion. Chronic anemia patients had the highest rate of blood transfusion (25.6 percent). Post-bariatric surgery patients who received blood transfusion experienced a significantly higher complication rate (10.1 percent versus 4.8 percent; p blood transfusion. The blood transfusion rate in post-bariatric surgery abdominoplasty patients is not insignificant. Chronic anemia and congestive heart failure are the two major predictors of transfusion. Modifying risk factors such as anemia before abdominoplasty might significantly decrease the possibility of blood transfusion. Risk, III.

  13. Psychosocial risk factors and treatment of new onset and recurrent depression during the post-partum period. (United States)

    Kettunen, Pirjo; Hintikka, Jukka


    When developing maternity care services, it is important to know how psychosocial factors affect the course of post-partum depression (PPD), and how depressed mothers are treated. The aim of this study is to assess how adverse childhood experiences, poor present support and violence, and low socioeconomic status (SES) associate with PPD, specifically in new onset and recurrent post-partum depression. The second aim is to assess the treatment received for PPD. This is a cross-sectional study. The study group comprises 104 mothers with a current episode of PPD, and a control group of 104 mothers without an episode. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders was used for data collection. Psychosocial risk factors, treatment issues, and the course of depression were assessed with a structured self-report questionnaire. In age-adjusted multivariate analyses, adverse childhood experiences, a low level of present support in close relationships, and a poor SES were associated significantly with PPD. Childhood adversity was associated with both new onset and recurrent depression. Nevertheless, a low level of support and a poor SES were also associated with recurrent depression. A quarter of mothers with a major depressive episode in the post-partum period attended psychiatric services. In mothers with new onset depression, the proportion was only 5%. There is an urgent need to develop the diagnostics of depression in maternity care services. An awareness of psychosocial risk factors might help in this. More depressed mothers should be referred to psychiatric services.

  14. Pre-operative and early post-operative factors associated with surgical site infection after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. (United States)

    Ruiz-Tovar, Jaime; Oller, Inmaculada; Llavero, Carolina; Arroyo, Antonio; Muñoz, Jose Luis; Calero, Alicia; Diez, María; Zubiaga, Lorea; Calpena, Rafael


    Surgical procedures on obese patients are expected to have a high incidence of surgical site infection (SSI). The identification of pre-operative or early post-operative risk factors for SSI may help the surgeon to identify subjects in risk and adequately optimize their status. We conducted a study of the association of comorbidities and pre- and post-operative analytical variables with SSI following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for the treatment of morbid obesity. We performed a prospective study of all morbidly obese patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy as a bariatric procedure between 2007 and 2011. An association of clinical and analytical variables with SSI was investigated. The study included 40 patients with a mean pre-operative body mass index (BMI) of 51.2±7.9 kg/m(2). Surgical site infections appeared in three patients (7.5%), of whom two had an intra-abdominal abscess located in the left hypochondrium and the third had a superficial incisional SSI. Pre-operatively, a BMI >45 kg/m(2) (OR 8.7; p=0.008), restrictive disorders identified by pulmonary function tests (OR 10.0; p=0.012), a serum total protein concentration 30 mcg/dL (OR 13.0; p=0.003), and a mean corpuscular volume (MCV) operative SSI. Post-operatively, a serum glucose >128 mg/dL (OR 4.7; p=0.012) and hemoglobin operative anemia and hyperglycemia as risk factors for SSI. In these situations, the surgeon must be aware of and seek to control these risk factors.

  15. [Exploration of the Care Needs of Post-Chemotherapy Lung Cancer Patients and Related Factors]. (United States)

    Chiu, Hui-Ying; Lin, Yu-Hua; Wang, Chin-Chou; Chen, Wan-Yi; Chang, Huang-Chih; Lin, Meng-Chih


    Chemotherapy (CT) is the first priority treatment for advanced stage lung cancer. However, symptom distress, impaired ability to conduct daily activities, and post-CT care needs are potential side effects of CT. To explore the factors related to the care needs of post-chemotherapy lung cancer patients. A cross-sectional study was used. One hundred and twenty-one adult patients who had been diagnosed with advanced-stage lung cancer and who had undergone CT using the Platinum and Docetaxel doublet regimen were recruited from a medical center in southern Taiwan. The instruments used included a nursing care needs survey, symptoms distress scale, daily activity interference scale, and patient characteristics datasheet. Participants self-prioritized their emergency management, health consultation, and emotional support activities based on their perceived care needs. The top three post-CT symptoms in terms of severity were: fatigue, appetite change, and sleep disorder. Primary disruptions in daily activities during the post-CT period related to: holding social activities, work, and stair climbing. Significant and positive correlations were found among daily activity interference (r = .30, p needs. The regression model indicated daily activity interference as a predictor of care needs, accounting for 10.7% of the total variance. These results highlight the relationships among care needs, symptom distress, and daily activity interference in post-chemotherapy lung-cancer patients. The present study provides a reference for nursing care to reduce the symptom distress, to enhance the performance of daily activities, and to meet the care needs of lung-cancer patients.

  16. Economics and business administration post-graduates in transition from university to work: Labor market success factors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bijker, Monique; Van der Klink, Marcel; Boshuizen, Els


    Bijker, M. M., Van der Klink, M. R., & Boshuizen, H. P. A. (2012, 13-17 April). Economics and business administration post-graduates in transition from university to work: Labor market success factors. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA),

  17. análisis de algunos factores determinantes en seis países

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    Ángel Vázquez Alonso


    mujeres; como factores más importantes para elegir CTIM destacan el interés por la ciencia, las lecciones que muestran aplicaciones prácticas, los buenos profesores de ciencias, las series de TV, los libros y las revistas de ciencia populares y algunas de las prioridades para el futuro (hacer algo interesante, usar el talento y el desarrollo personal. Muchos ítems muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre hombres y mujeres, y prácticamente todos entre países. Se discuten las implicaciones para la enseñanza de la ciencia que mejoren el reclutamiento y la educación en los cursos CTIM.

  18. Post-Partum Depression, Personality, and Cognitive-Emotional Factors: A Longitudinal Study on Spanish Pregnant Women. (United States)

    Peñacoba-Puente, Cecilia; Marín-Morales, Dolores; Carmona-Monge, Francisco Javier; Velasco Furlong, Lilian


    In this study, our purpose was to examine whether personality and cognitive factors could be related to post-partum depression (PPD), mediated by anxiety, in Spanish women. Women were evaluated for personality and cognitive factors after the first trimester, for anxiety in the third trimester, and for PPD 4 months after childbirth. A structural equation model revealed that personality and cognitive factors were associated with anxiety and PPD as predictors. Neuroticism and extroversion proved to be the most relevant factors. Conscientiousness was associated with pregnancy anxiety. Pregnancy anxiety appeared as an independent predictor of PPD. The model presented here includes personality and cognitive and emotional factors as predictors of PPD. Comprehensive care for pregnant women should contemplate assessment and intervention on all these aspects. Special focus should be on cognitive factors and emotional regulation strategies, so as to minimize the risk of later development of emotional disorders during puerperal phases.

  19. Factors that influence exercise activity among women post hip fracture participating in the Exercise Plus Program

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbara Resnick


    Full Text Available Barbara Resnick1, Denise Orwig2, Christopher D’Adamo2, Janet Yu-Yahiro3, William Hawkes2, Michelle Shardell2, Justine Golden2, Sheryl Zimmerman4, Jay Magaziner21University of Maryland School of Nursing, 655 West Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD,21201, USA; 2University of Maryland School of Medicine, Howard Hall, Redwood Street, Baltimore MD 21201, USA; 3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, USA; 4University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 301 Pittsboro St., CB#3550, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3550, USAAbstract: Using a social ecological model, this paper describes selected intra- and interpersonal factors that influence exercise behavior in women post hip fracture who participated in the Exercise Plus Program. Model testing of factors that influence exercise behavior at 2, 6 and 12 months post hip fracture was done. The full model hypothesized that demographic variables; cognitive, affective, physical and functional status; pain; fear of falling; social support for exercise, and exposure to the Exercise Plus Program would influence self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and stage of change both directly and indirectly influencing total time spent exercising. Two hundred and nine female hip fracture patients (age 81.0 ± 6.9, the majority of whom were Caucasian (97%, participated in this study. The three predictive models tested across the 12 month recovery trajectory suggest that somewhat different factors may influence exercise over the recovery period and the models explained 8 to 21% of the variance in time spent exercising. To optimize exercise activity post hip fracture, older adults should be helped to realistically assess their self-efficacy and outcome expectations related to exercise, health care providers and friends/peers should be encouraged to reinforce the positive benefits of exercise post hip fracture, and fear of falling should be addressed throughout the entire hip fracture recovery trajectory

  20. Associations of contextual risk and protective factors with fathers’ parenting practices in the post-deployment environment (United States)

    Davis, Laurel; Hanson, Sheila K.; Zamir, Osnat; Gewirtz, Abigail H.; DeGarmo, David S.


    Deployment separation and reunifications are salient contexts that directly impact effective family functioning and parenting for military fathers. Yet, we know very little about determinants of post-deployed father involvement and effective parenting. The present study examined hypothesized risk and protective factors of observed parenting for 282 post-deployed fathers who served in the Army National Guard/Reserves. Pre-intervention data were employed from fathers participating in the After Deployment, Adaptive Parenting Tools (ADAPT) randomized control trial. Parenting practices were obtained from direct observation of father-child interaction and included measures of problem solving, harsh discipline, positive involvement, encouragement, and monitoring. Risk factors included combat exposure, negative life events, months deployed, and PTSD symptoms. Protective factors included education, income, dyadic adjustment, and social support. Results of a structural equation model predicting an effective parenting construct indicated that months deployed, income, and father age were most related to observed parenting, explaining 16% of the variance. We are aware of no other study utilizing direct parent-child observations of father’s parenting skills following overseas deployment. Implications for practice and preventive intervention are discussed. PMID:26213794

  1. Factors Associated with Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms in Students Who Survived 20 Months after the Sewol Ferry Disaster in Korea. (United States)

    Lee, So Hee; Kim, Eun Ji; Noh, Jin Won; Chae, Jeong Ho


    The Sewol ferry disaster caused national shock and grief in Korea. The present study examined the prevalence and associated factors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among the surviving students 20 months after that disaster. This study was conducted using a cross-sectional design and a sample of 57 students (29 boys and 28 girls) who survived the Sewol ferry disaster. Data were collected using a questionnaire, including instruments that assessed psychological status. A generalized linear model using a log link and Poisson distribution was performed to identify factors associated with PTSD symptoms. The results showed that 26.3% of participants were classified in the clinical group by the Child Report of Post-traumatic Symptoms score. Based on a generalized linear model, Poisson distribution, and log link analyses, PTSD symptoms were positively correlated with the number of exposed traumatic events, peers and social support, peri-traumatic dissociation and post-traumatic negative beliefs, and emotional difficulties. On the other hand, PTSD symptoms were negatively correlated with psychological well-being, family cohesion, post-traumatic social support, receiving care at a psychiatry clinic, and female gender. This study uncovered risk and protective factors of PTSD in disaster-exposed adolescents. The implications of these findings are considered in relation to determining assessment and interventional strategies aimed at helping survivors following similar traumatic experiences. © 2018 The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences.

  2. The effect of gender on health-related quality of life and related factors in post-lobectomy lung-cancer patients. (United States)

    Chang, Nai-Wen; Lin, Kuan-Chia; Hsu, Wen-Hu; Lee, Shih-Chun; Chan, James Yi-Hsin; Wang, Kwua-Yun


    While studies have documented gender differences by histologic type among lung cancer patients, the effect of these differences on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of post-lobectomy lungcancer patients and related factors remain uncertain. This study examines gender-specific HRQoL and related factors in post-lobectomy lung-cancer patients. A cross-sectional study design was applied. A convenience sample of 231 post-lobectomy lungcancer patients was recruited from the thoracic surgery outpatient departments of two teaching hospitals in Taipei, Taiwan from March to December 2012. Patients performed a spirometry test and completed instruments that included a Beck Depression Inventory-II, an Interpersonal Support Evaluation List, and the symptom and function scales of the Quality of Life Questionnaire. Data analysis used descriptive statistics, including mean and standard deviations, frequency, and percentage values. Independent-sample Student's t-tests and multivariate analyses were used for comparative purposes. This study confirmed a significant gender effect on HRQoL and HRQoL-related factors such as marital status, religious affiliation, smoking status, histologic type, symptoms, pulmonary function, depression, and family support. Moreover, multivariate analysis found gender to be a significant determinant of the HRQoL aspects of physical functioning, emotional functioning, and cognitive functioning. Finally, results indicated that factors other than gender were also significant determinants of HRQoL. Gender impacts the HRQoL and related factors of postoperative lung-cancer patients. Therefore, gender should be considered in assessing and addressing the individual care needs of these patients in order to attain optimal treatment outcomes. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Feelings of being disabled as a prognostic factor for mortality in men and women post-PCI up to 12 years

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergman, M.J.; Utens, E.M.W.J.; de Jager, T.A.J.; Radhoe, S.P.; Daemen, J.; Lenzen, M.J.; van Domburg, R.T.; Dulfer, K.


    Background It remains unclear whether feelings of being disabled are a relevant psychological factor that determines long term outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Therefore, we evaluated ‘feelings of being disabled’ as an independent risk factor for mortality 12 years post-PCI.

  4. Feelings of being disabled as a prognostic factor for mortality in men and women post-PCI up to 12years

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergmann, Michael J.; Utens, Elisabeth M. W. J.; de Jager, Tom A. J.; Radhoe, Sumant P.; Daemen, Joost; Lenzen, Mattie J.; van Domburg, Ron T.; Dulfer, Karolijn


    It remains unclear whether feelings of being disabled are a relevant psychological factor that determines long term outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Therefore, we evaluated 'feelings of being disabled' as an independent risk factor for mortality 12years post-PCI. The study

  5. Acute Lung Injury Complicating Blood Transfusion in Post-Partum Hemorrhage: Incidence and Risk Factors


    Teofili, Luciana; Bianchi, Maria; Zanfini, Bruno A.; Catarci, Stefano; Sicuranza, Rossella; Spartano, Serena; Zini, Gina; Draisci, Gaetano


    Background. We retrospectively investigated the incidence and risk factors for transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) among patients transfused for post-partum hemorrhage (PPH).  Methods. We identified a series of 71 consecutive patients with PPH requiring the urgent transfusion of three or more red blood cell (RBC) units, with or without fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and platelet (PLT) transfusion. Clinical records were then retrieved and examined for respiratory distress events. Accor...

  6. Exploring factors affecting post-divorce adjustment in Iranian women: A qualitative study

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    Faramarz Asanjarani


    Full Text Available   Background: Divorce is a complex, multidimensional concept and its direct and indirect impacts affects thousands of people in Iran each year. However, the concept of post-divorce adjustment in Iranian women has not been studied in detail. The aim of the present qualitative study was to determine the factors contributing to post-divorce adjustment in divorced women.  Methods: A qualitative research was carried out using grounded theory approach, followed by three phases of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The participants consisted of 21 divorced women who were selected using purposive sampling method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and then interviews were recorded and transcribed for further analysis.    Results: A total of 21 divorced women participated in the current study. The majority of the participants were between 20-30 years old; they were between 17 to 30 years when they married. Also, most of the participants had bachelor’s degree (11 and most of them had a job (16. In the primary data coding, 35 open concepts were extracted. These concepts were then reduced into 32 secondary concepts. At the final stage, 6 main categories contributing to post-divorce adjustment were extracted including: (a demographics, (b interpersonal, (c attitudinal, (d relational, (e supportive, and (f coping strategies.  Conclusion: The present study emphasizes the value of lived experiences of divorced women. Based on the findings of our study, it is important to develop a solid support network and provide interventions targeting the quality of life in divorced women.

  7. A post-marketing safety and efficacy assessment of a monoclonal antibody purified high-purity factor VIII concentrate. (United States)

    Hay, C R; Lee, C A; Savidge, G


    The identification of infrequent side-effects of clotting factor concentrates, undetected by clinical trials, is facilitated by post-marketing surveillance. We present a post-marketing surveillance study in which 97 patients with haemophilia A, attending three haemophilia centres, were treated over a median follow-up period of 284 days (range 1-1074), and a total follow-up period of 30,080 days, with a pasteurized immunoaffinity purified factor VIII concentrate (Monoclate-P, Armour, Collegeville, USA). 5216 infusions, using 10,527,000 units of Monoclate-P, were carried out, mostly for routine haemarthroses or prophylaxis. No new inhibitors were observed during the study. At the start of the study 60/97 were HIV seropositive, 67/97 HBs antibody positive, 12 HbsAb negative and the remainder HBsAb positive before the study period. 13/14 tested were HAV seropositive at the beginning of the study. One patient became HAV seropositive during the study period, an infection thought to be community acquired. No other seroconversions were observed. Only one mild transfusion reaction was observed. This study confirms the safety and efficacy of Monoclate-P. Post-marketing surveillance or nationally organized pharmaco-vigilance should be practiced more widely to enable identification of low-frequency side-effects of treatment.

  8. Factors involved in the persistence of stress urinary incontinence from pregnancy to 2 years post partum. (United States)

    Arrue, Miren; Diez-Itza, Irene; Ibañez, Larraitz; Paredes, Jone; Murgiondo, Arantzazu; Sarasqueta, Cristina


    To identify factors involved in the persistence of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) from pregnancy to 2 years post partum. In a longitudinal study at Donostia Hospital, San Sebastián, Spain, 458 primigravid women were recruited from April to October 2007. SUI was diagnosed via the 2002 International Continence Society definition. Severity was assessed via the Incontinence Severity Index, and impact on quality of life via the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire. Means (Student t test and analysis of variance) and percentages (χ(2) and Fisher exact tests) were compared, and multiple logistic regression analysis was performed with variables that were significant or close to significant in a univariate analysis (Ppregnancy. Incontinence severity was slight or moderate in most cases and the impact on quality of life was low. A higher body mass index (BMI) in pregnant women at term was the only factor found to be associated with persistent SUI (odds ratio 1.19; 95% confidence interval 1.08-1.32). Higher BMI in pregnant women at term was an independent risk factor for the persistence of SUI from pregnancy to 2 years post partum. Copyright © 2011 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. La frontera norte de México y la crisis de 1982: algunos comentarios preliminares

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    Jesús Tamayo


    Full Text Available Este documento intenta, en una primera parte, a partir de la secuencia cronológica de los hechos del segundo semestre de 1982, analizar los condicionamientos externos al sistema mexicano y algunas de las respuestas mexicanas a ello, materializadas en decisiones de política económica. Enseguida se revisan los efectos o repercusiones propiamente fronterizos, así como algunas respuestas e iniciativas regionales. La segunda parte de este documento resalta algunas tendencias económicas globales que permiten prever un escenario regional en el corto plazo. Finalmente, se cuestiona la posibilidad de que los sectores privados y algunos grupos de la clase política fronteriza apoyen y favorezcan la actual política económica orientada a la sustitución de importaciones.

  10. Perceived Factors Influencing Post-Secondary Enrollment and Economic Stability of Single and Married Mothers in Utah (United States)

    Campos-Rosenthal, Angelina M.


    This research explored the perceived factors that influenced the decisions of single and married mothers to enroll or not enroll in post-secondary education. The study then investigated the relationship between educational level and income for single mothers in Utah. From a survey of 1197 Utah mothers, this study concluded that mothers enroll in…

  11. Algunos aspectos en el diseño hidráulico y económico de redes en sistemas de riego por goteo

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    Edgar Gómez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se dan algunos aspectos procedimentales que son útiles para elaborar el diseño de la red de conducción, distribución y entrega de un sistema de riego por goteo, criterios que permiten conjugar el diseño hidráulico y el económico.

  12. Risk Factors, Resilience, and Psychological Distress among Holocaust and Nonholocaust Survivors in the Post-9/11 Environment (United States)

    Lamet, Ann; Szuchman, Lenore; Perkel, Linda; Walsh, Sandra


    Many older adults have experienced or witnessed devastating life events including wars, hurricanes, and explosions. This study examined retraumatization and the relationship between certain risk factors, resilience, and psychological distress in the post-9/11 environment among 120 community-dwelling older adults. Results indicate that Holocaust…

  13. Factores de riesgo en pacientes con disfunción temporomandibular


    Martínez Brito, Isabel; Toledo Martínez, Tomás; Prendes Rodríguez, Ana Ma; Carvajal Saborit, Tahimí; Delgado Ramos, Ariel; Morales Rigau, José M


    La controversia existente en cuanto al carácter multifactorial que rodea la disfunción temporomandibular dificulta el conocimiento pleno de esta entidad, por lo que se ha estudiado el comportamiento de diferentes factores de riesgo que pueden manifestarse de forma individual o no, pero que contribuyen en muchos casos al desencadenamiento de este problema clínico. El propósito de este trabajo fue realizar un estudio descriptivo y transversal sobre la identificación de algunos factores de riesg...

  14. Post-silking Factor Consequences for N Efficiency Changes Over 38 Years of Commercial Maize Hybrids

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    Keru Chen


    Full Text Available Hybrid selection in maize (Zea mays L. over the decades has increased post-silking dry matter (PostDM and nitrogen (PostN accumulation, often with an accompanying increase in one or more N use efficiency (NUE metrics such as partial factor productivity (PFP, N conversion efficiency (NCE, and N internal efficiency (NIE. More certainty on the underlying mechanisms of how PostDM and PostN changes over time have contributed to NUE gains or losses in modern-era hybrids can only be realized by directly comparing hybrids of different eras in the context of production-system-relevant management systems. A two-year and two-location field study was conducted in Indiana with two N rates (55 and 220 kg N ha−1, three plant densities (54,000, 79,000, and 104,000 plants ha−1 and eight commercial hybrids that were released by a single seed company from 1967 to 2005. The main treatment effects of N rate, density, and hybrid dominated the PostDM and PostN responses, and there were no significant two-way or three-way interactions. Total dry matter at maturity gains averaged 80 kg ha−1 year−1 of hybrid release when averaged over locations, plant densities and N rates. Total N contents at maturity increased 0.68 kg ha−1 year−1, primarily due to annual increases in grain N content (0.8 kg ha−1 year−1. Post-silking N uptake rate increased 0.44 kg ha−1 year−1 for these era hybrids in more favorable production site-years. Slopes of grain N concentration increases per unit PostN gain were similar for all hybrids. Gains in average PFP over time were considerably higher at the low N rate (0.9 kg ha−1 year−1 than at the high N rate (0.3 kg kg−1 year−1. Hybrid gains in NIE were evident from 1967 to 1994, but not thereafter. The low N rate and higher plant densities also increased relative NIE and NCE values, but without hybrid interactions. There was no consistent trend of NIE or NCE gains in these hybrids primarily because grain and whole-plant N


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    Jorge Enrique Silva Duarte


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina algunos de los mitos o supuestos que subyacen en el marco conceptual de la teoría administrativa. En primer lugar el concerniente a la universalidad y a la especificidad de la administración; en segundo, el enfoque endogámico. Es evidente, dentro de una perspectiva holística, que la administración solo puede entenderse hoy desde la riqueza que aportan los saberes transdisciplinarios de la política, la economía y las áreas humanísticas.

  16. Peri-anaesthetic complications in an equine referral hospital: Risk factors for post anaesthetic colic. (United States)

    Jago, R C; Corletto, F; Wright, I M


    Peri-anaesthetic complications are relatively common in equine patients and further investigations are warranted to identify manageable risk factors. To report morbidity and mortality rates and identify associated risk factors for horses undergoing general anaesthesia, within a predominantly racing Thoroughbred (TB) population. Single centre retrospective observational study. Anaesthetic and case records of all horses ≥12 months old undergoing general anaesthesia at Newmarket Equine Hospital between August 2010 and April 2012 were analysed, excluding emergency abdominal/dystocia procedures or traumatology cases with cardiovascular compromise. Mortality and morbidity rates were calculated and described. Uni- and multivariable analyses were used to investigate the relationship between the principal complication, post anaesthetic colic (PAC) and risk factors. A total of 1067 anaesthetic records of 1021 horses were included in the study; of these, 702 horses (65.8%) were TB, 169 (15.8%) developed a complication within 7 days of general anaesthesia and 10 (0.94%) died as a result. The most prevalent morbidity was PAC, 111 horses (10.5%) developed colic within 7 days of general anaesthesia. Thoroughbred horses (odds ratio [OR] 2.93, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.73-4.96) and horses receiving sodium benzylpenicillin (NaBP) (OR 2.77, 95% CI 1.69-4.50) were at increased risk of PAC. Thoroughbred racehorses were identified as at increased risk of PAC in this study and might benefit from more critical evaluation of post anaesthetic gastrointestinal function. An alternative to the administration of NaBP for prophylactic antimicrobial therapy needs to be further investigated if its role in PAC is confirmed by other studies. © 2015 EVJ Ltd.

  17. Tenencia de la tierra y desarrollo rural sostenible: algunos puntos para la reflexión en el caso venezolano.


    Delahaye, Olivier


    1.- Artículos Tenencia de la tierra y desarrollo rural sostenible: algunos puntos para la reflexión en el caso venezolano. Land tenure and sustained rural development: points for reflecting on the Venezuelan case. Tenure de la terre et développement rural durable : quelques points pour la réflexion dans le cas du Venezuela. Delahaye, Olivier Paradigmas del mercado financiero rural en países en desarrollo. Paradigms in the rural financial markets in developing countries. ...

  18. Delayed xenon post-conditioning mitigates spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury in rabbits by regulating microglial activation and inflammatory factors. (United States)

    Yang, Yan-Wei; Wang, Yun-Lu; Lu, Jia-Kai; Tian, Lei; Jin, Mu; Cheng, Wei-Ping


    The neuroprotective effect against spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats exerted by delayed xenon post-conditioning is stronger than that produced by immediate xenon post-conditioning. However, the mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear. Activated microglia are the main inflammatory cell type in the nervous system. The release of pro-inflammatory factors following microglial activation can lead to spinal cord damage, and inhibition of microglial activation can relieve spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury. To investigate how xenon regulates microglial activation and the release of inflammatory factors, a rabbit model of spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury was induced by balloon occlusion of the infrarenal aorta. After establishment of the model, two interventions were given: (1) immediate xenon post-conditioning-after reperfusion, inhalation of 50% xenon for 1 hour, 50% N 2 /50%O 2 for 2 hours; (2) delayed xenon post-conditioning-after reperfusion, inhalation of 50% N 2 /50%O 2 for 2 hours, 50% xenon for 1 hour. At 4, 8, 24, 48 and 72 hours after reperfusion, hindlimb locomotor function was scored using the Jacobs locomotor scale. At 72 hours after reperfusion, interleukin 6 and interleukin 10 levels in the spinal cord of each group were measured using western blot assays. Iba1 levels were determined using immunohistochemistry and a western blot assay. The number of normal neurons at the injury site was quantified using hematoxylin-eosin staining. At 72 hours after reperfusion, delayed xenon post-conditioning remarkably enhanced hindlimb motor function, increased the number of normal neurons at the injury site, decreased Iba1 levels, and inhibited interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 levels in the spinal cord. Immediate xenon post-conditioning did not noticeably affect the above-mentioned indexes. These findings indicate that delayed xenon post-conditioning after spinal cord injury improves the recovery of neurological function by reducing

  19. Atención Básica y Empleo en Salud: algunos elementos y potencialidades

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    Geraldo Biasoto JUNIOR


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir algunos de los elementos y de las potencialidades del sector salud en la generación de plazas de trabajo en el Brasil. Para tanto, son discutidos los gastos con salud y la inserción pública en un rol de países y la posición brasileña. Al mismo tiempo, son evaluados los gastos del Ministerio da la Salud de Brasil, en los últimos años, en sus grandes segmentos, con destaque para las estrategias de la atención básica, notoriamente el PACS/PSF. En el campo de la generación de empleos son evaluados los números globales del país y focalizados los relativos a la salud da la familia y agentes comunitarios. Por fin, se estima el costo de la geración de plazas de trabajo para el sector de la salud, a la salud pública y el PACS/PSF.


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    Maria Inês Silenzi


    Full Text Available Las Ciencias Cognitivas se constituyen como un espacio construido pordistintas disciplinas cuyos aportes provienen desde la neurociencias, laepistemología, la psicología, la filosofía, la antropología, y la lingüística,entre otras. Ahora bien, cada una de las disciplinas que configuran a lasCiencias Cognitivas intenta responder a la pregunta qué es la mente desdesu propio interés específico. Frente a esta misma intencionalidad, explicarla cognición, se postulan distintas respuestas, las cuales pueden ubicarse, demanera muy general, dentro del  enfoque clásico o dentro del enfoqueincrustado   de las Ciencias Cognitivas.Algunos conceptos como  enseñanza situada, aprendizaje situado,instrucción anclada, cognición situada   y cognición distribuida, entreotros, son producto de la combinación de algunos nuevos aportes teóricos,provenientes particularmente del enfoque incrustado de las CienciasCognitivas, con el ámbito educativo. Creemos necesario poner en cuestión siel análisis de estos conceptos, atendiendo a la relevancia del entorno queéstos promueven, dan cuenta, o no, del impacto teórico del enfoqueincrustado de las Ciencias Cognitivas dentro del ámbito educativo.En el presente trabajo proponemos la reflexión epistemológica sobre larelevancia del contexto en las prácticas educativas, considerando al enfoqueincrustado de las Ciencias Cognitivas como un andamiaje teórico, adecuadoy significativo para su análisis. Tal vez, a partir del renovado análisis teóricoque las Ciencias Cognitivas nos ofrecen, podemos reconsiderar nuestraspropuestas educativas en donde el aprendizaje se encuentradescontextualizado y aislado promoviendo, contrariamente, la interaccióndel alumno con su contexto inmediato.

  1. Frecuencia y distribución de algunos elementos del clima del estado de Querétaro

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    Consuelo Soto Mora


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analiza la frecuencia de algunos fenómenos meteorológicos en el Estado de Querétaro tales como las lluvias, los nublados, las heladas y las tormentas eléctricas. También se examina la distribución de la intensidad de la lluvia. Finalmente se presentan mapas de distribución de las temperaturas máximas y mínimas para cuatro meses representativos de las variaciones térmicas. Los datos utilizados se presentan en forma tabular al final del trabajo los cuales se extrajeron de los archivos del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional y corresponden, en general, al periodo de 1911 a 1965.

  2. Prediction of incidence and bio-psycho-socio-cultural risk factors of post-partum depression immediately after birth in an Iranian population. (United States)

    Abdollahi, Fatemeh; Zarghami, Mehran; Sazlina, Shariff-Ghazali; Zain, Azhar Md; Mohammad, Asghari Jafarabadi; Lye, Munn-Sann


    Post-partum depression (PPD) is the most prevalent mental problem associated with childbirth. The purpose of the present study was to determine the incidence of early PPD and possible relevant risk factors among women attending primary health centers in Mazandaran province, Iran for the first time. A longitudinal cohort study was conducted among 2279 eligible women during weeks 32-42 of pregnancy to determine bio-psycho-socio-cultural risk factors of depression at 2 weeks post-partum using the Iranian version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Univariate and hierarchical multiple logistic regression models were used for data analysis. Among 1,739 mothers whose EPDS scores were ≤ 12 during weeks 32-42 of gestation and at the follow-up study, the cumulative incidence rate of depression was 6.9% (120/1,739) at 2 weeks post-partum. In the multivariate model the factor that predicted depression symptomatology at 2 weeks post-partum was having psychiatric distress in pregnancy based on the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) (OR = 1.06, (95% CI: 1.04-1.09), p = 0.001). The risk of PPD also lower in those with sufficient parenting skills (OR = 0.78 (95% CI: 0.69-0.88), p = 0.001), increased marital satisfaction (OR = 0.94 (95% CI: 0.9-0.99), p = 0.03), increased frequency of practicing rituals (OR = 0.94 (95% CI: 0.89-0.99), p = 0.004) and in those whose husbands had better education (OR = 0.03 (95% CI: 0.88-0.99), p = 0.04). The findings indicated that a combination of demographic, sociological, psychological and cultural risk factors can make mothers vulnerable to PPD.

  3. The Disability Rate of 5-Year Post-Stroke and Its Correlation Factors: A National Survey in China. (United States)

    Yang, Yang; Shi, Yu-Zhi; Zhang, Ning; Wang, Shuo; Ungvari, Gabor S; Ng, Chee H; Wang, Yi-Long; Zhao, Xing-Quan; Wang, Yong-Jun; Wang, Chun-Xue; Xiang, Yu-Tao


    Few studies on long-term functional outcome have been conducted in post-stroke patients in China. The objective of this study was to conduct a nationwide survey in China to investigate the 5-year prevalence of post-stroke disability and its correlation factors. A total of 893 patients with ischemic stroke were included. Demographic, clinical and neuro-imaging information were collected with standardized instruments that assessed stroke severity, depression, cognitive impairment, stroke recurrence and physical disability. Disability was assessed with the modified Ranking Score (mRS), of which a cutoff score ≥2 indicates disability. Statistical analysis included chi-square tests, two independent samples t-tests, Mann-Whitney U test and multiple logistic regression analysis. The frequency of disability in this study population was 45%. Multivariate analyses revealed that older age, lower education level, previous history of stroke, stroke severity at admission, depression, cognitive impairment at 3 months, and stroke recurrence within 5 years follow up were all significantly associated with post-stroke disability. The disability rate in 5-year post-stroke was high in Chinese patients. Treatment of depression, secondary prevention of stroke and rehabilitation may benefit disabled patients with stroke in China.

  4. Post-Flight Back Pain Following International Space Station Missions: Evaluation of Spaceflight Risk Factors (United States)

    Laughlin, Mitzi S.; Murray, Jocelyn D.; Wear, Mary L.; Van Baalen, Mary


    Back pain during spaceflight has often been attributed to the lengthening of the spinal column due to the absence of gravity during both short and long-duration missions. Upon landing and re-adaptation to gravity, the spinal column reverts back to its original length thereby causing some individuals to experience pain and muscular spasms, while others experience no ill effects. With International Space Station (ISS) missions, cases of back pain and injury are more common post-flight, but little is known about the potential risk factors.

  5. Effect of Harvest Time and L-Cysteine as an Antioxidant on Flesh Browning of Fresh-Cut Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill. Efecto del Momento de Cosecha y L-Cisteína como un Antioxidante en el Pardeamiento de Pulpa de Chirimoya (Annona cherimola Mill. Precortada

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    Reinaldo Campos-Vargas


    Full Text Available Browning development is the most important factor limiting the quality of fresh-cut cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.. However, there is little information available about its causes and methods of control. The effectiveness of L-cysteine (0.125, 0.25 and 0.5% in fresh-cut cherimoya harvested on two occasions (October and November and stored for 6 and 12 days at 0 °C was studied. In order to understand the biological basis of browning, polyphenol oxidase (PPO enzyme activity and total phenolic content in fresh-cut pieces were measured. Quality measurements and sensory analysis indicated that 0.5% L-cysteine was somewhat effective in reducing browning development, without affecting other quality attributes. In terms of physiological parameters, PPO activity did not show differences between mature (at harvest and ripe fruit (at processing in both harvest times, but cherimoya fruits picked in November presented lower PPO activity than fruit from October. In general, PPO activity and total phenolic content of L-cysteine treated fruits did not show consistent differences with untreated fruit at 6 or 12 days at 0 °C. PPO activity analyses demonstrated that PPO activity was higher in the outer part of cherimoya flesh compared to the middle or inner sector. These results would support the possibility of using L-cysteine as a postharvest treatment to reduce browning development in fresh-cut cherimoya.El desarrollo de pardeamiento es uno de los factores limitantes en la calidad de chirimoya (Annona cherimola Mill. precortada (fresh-cut. No obstante, existe poca información disponible en relación a sus causas y métodos de control en esta fruta. Se estudió la efectividad de L-cisteína (0,125; 0,25 y 0,5% en chirimoya precortada cosechada en dos oportunidades (octubre y noviembre y almacenada por 6 y 12 días a 0 ºC. Con el objetivo de conocer las bases biológicas del pardeamiento, se estudió la actividad de polifenol oxidasa (PPO y contenido de

  6. Risk Factors of Post-traumatic Stress and Depressive Disorders in Longmenshan Adolescents After the 2013 Lushan Earthquake. (United States)

    Xu, Jiuping; Wang, Yan; Tang, Wanjie


    This study examined the severity of post-traumatic stress and depressive disorders in Longmenshan adolescents after the 2013 Lushan earthquake, as well as relationships among earthquake-related exposure, post-earthquake negative factors, previous exposure to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, and level of earthquake impact (city). A cross-sectional survey was conducted among adolescents in Lushan (n = 1416), Baoxing (n = 1102) and Tianquan (n = 1265) at 3 years after the Lushan earthquake. Respondents were evaluated using the Earthquake Experience Scale, the Adolescent Self-rating Life Events Checklist (ASLEC), the Children's Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES-13), and the Depression Self-Rating Scale (KADS-6). High levels of post-traumatic stress and depression symptoms were found among adolescents in the most heavily affected cities, and these symptoms were more severe in respondents exposed to the 2008 earthquake. PTSD correlated most strongly with earthquake exposure, whereas depression correlated most strongly with psychosocial stressors following the event.

  7. Caracterización de tres índices de cosecha de cacao de los clones CCN51, ICS60 e ICS 95, en la montaña santandereana, Colombia

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    Lucas Fernando Quintana Fuentes


    Full Text Available En Colombia la región con mayor producción de cacao es la denominada montaña santandereana, que se ubica entre los pisos térmicos cálido y templado donde se cultiva cacao entre los 200 a 1200 msnm. en los departamentos de Santander y Norte de Santander. Esta investigación surge como una necesidad de la Federación nacional de cacaoteros, Fedecacao, con el propósito de construir herramientas que permitan a futuro tomar decisiones sobre el manejo poscosecha del fruto, buscando una mejora continua de la calidad e incrementando así la competitividad en los mercados. El objetivo fue evaluar tres variables: índice de mazorca, índice de grano y porcentaje de cascarilla, según la Norma Técnica Colombiana 1252, en tres franjas altitudinales de la montaña santandereana, para tres clones introducidos: CCN 51, ICS 60 e ICS 95. El seguimiento y análisis de las tres variables se registró en dos cosechas denominadas principal e intermedia, en tres fincas para cada franja altitudinal y en los tres clones. Se determinó la manera cómo esta condición influye en el resultado de estas variables relacionadas con el rendimiento y la calidad, mediante la evaluación de los datos obtenidos a través de métodos estadísticos de correlación y de determinación, estableciéndose que no hay diferencias significativas que permitan concluir que la altitud influye en estas variables de calidad.


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    E. K. Kurlianskaya


    Full Text Available Aim: to assess the relationship between preand post-transplantation factors and degree of coronary artery lesion, reported by intravascular ultrasound study (IVUS in patients who underwent orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT surgery. Materials and methods. The study comprised of 27 patients who underwent OHT more than 2 years before. The age of patients was 46,8 ± 10,4 years old. All of them were preoperatively classified by HLA system. All patients received transthoracic echocardiography at terms of 1, 6, 12 and 24 months after OHT. Coronary angiography (CAG and IVUS were performed at 24 ± 6 months. Results. In CAG none of the patients showed angiographic signs of CA stenosis, but changes of various degrees were detected by IVUS. Results obtained by IVUS were clustered to select two groups with different degree of coronary artery lesion. The donor’s age in Group 2 was evidently higher compared to Group 1 (34,77 ± 1,03 and 40,00 ± 2,04 years, respectively, p = 0,043. Donor-recipient coincidence frequency was lower in group with significant CA lesion (by 2,36, р = 0,003. The number of cardiac surgeries performed prior to OHT was higher in Group 2 (by 2,8, р = 0,008. Post-transplant factor analysis showed that the number of diabetes mellitus (DM cases revealed after transplantation was more frequent in Group 2 (by 3,2 vs Group 1, р = 0,021. Conclusion. The degree of CA lesion according to IVUS at 24-month period after OTH was associated with several post-transplant factors, which were the presence of cardiac surgical interventions before transplantation, low HLA donor-recipient coincidence frequency, and donor’s age. The more significant CA lesion is, the more cases of DM after OHT occur. 

  9. Prevalence of and factors affecting post-obturation pain following single visit root canal treatment in Indian population: A prospective, randomized clinical trial

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    Syed Gufran Ali


    Full Text Available Aim: This prospective randomized clinical study (1 investigated the prevalence of post-obturation pain after single visit root canal treatment and (2 evaluated the influence of factors affecting the pain experience. Materials and Methods: One thousand three hundred and twenty eight (1328 patients were included in this study. Conventional single visit root canal treatment was carried out. The chemicomechanical preparation of root canals was done by a rotary protaper system with a combination of hand instruments. Post-operative pain was recorded by each patient by using visual analogue scale in well-defined categories at three time intervals, 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h. The data were analyzed using Fisher′s exact test. Results: The prevalence of post-obturation pain (severe within 48 h after treatment was 4% ( n = 54 but less as compared to the pain experienced after 12 h (9% and 24 h (8.6%. The factors that significantly influenced post-obturation pain experience were: Age (Fishers exact test = 46.387, P = 0.0, gender (Fishers exact test = 23.730, P = 0.0, arch (Fishers exact test = 11.710, P = 0.001, and presence of pre-operative pain (Fishers exact test = 67.456, P = 0.0. Conclusion: The presence of post-operative pain was low (4%. The important prognostic determinants of post-obturation pain were: Old age, female, mandibular teeth, and presence of pre-operative pain. The vital condition of the tooth does not affect the intensity and frequency of post-obturation pain.

  10. Post-irradiation diarrhea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meerwaldt, J.H.


    In radiotherapy of pelvic cancers, the X-ray dose to be delivered to the tumour is limited by the tolerance of healthy surrounding tissue. In recent years, a number of serious complications of irradiation of pelvic organs were encountered. Modern radiotherapy necessitates the acceptance of a calculated risk of complications in order to achieve a better cure rate. To calculate these risks, one has to know the radiation dose-effect relationship of normal tissues. Of the normal tissues most at risk when treating pelvic tumours only the bowel is studied. In the literature regarding post-irradiation bowel complications, severe and mild complications are often mixed. In the present investigation the author concentrated on the group of patients with relatively mild symptoms. He studied the incidence and course of post-irradiation diarrhea in 196 patients treated for carcinoma of the uterine cervix or endometrium. The aims of the present study were: 1) to determine the incidence, course and prognostic significance of post-irradiation diarrhea; 2) to assess the influence of radiotherapy factors; 3) to study the relation of bile acid metabolism to post-irradiation diarrhea; 4) to investigate whether local factors (reservoir function) were primarily responsible. (Auth.)


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    Rafael Gómez-Jaimes


    Full Text Available En México, la mayoría de los árboles de mamey (Pouteria sapota (Jacq. H. E. Moore and Stearn tienen una altura mayor a 10 m, lo que dificulta la operación de cosecha, por lo que es frecuente el daño en los frutos. Asimismo, su conservación en distintos empaques causa deterioro en grado diferente. Cinco técnicas postcosecha de fruto se evaluaron para medir su efecto en la calidad durante el almacenamiento: T1, cosechados sin daño alguno, empacados individualmente en cajas de cartón; T2, lanzados desde 10 m de altura, capturados en costal de yute y empacados a granel en caja de plástico; T3, lanzados desde 10 m de altura a un colchón y empacados a granel en caja de plástico; T4, lanzados desde 4 m de altura a suelo húmedo y empacados a granel en caja de plástico; y T5, lanzados desde 10 m de altura, capturados en costal de yute y empacados en un costal de yute. Los frutos se almacenaron a temperatura ambiente (25 ± 1 °C; su calidad se evaluó a 1, 3, 5, 7 y 9 días después de la cosecha (DDC. El tratamiento T1 comparado con T4 y T5 (7 y 9 DDC registró la mayor firmeza, menor actividad de pectinmetilesterasa y contenido de sólidos solubles totales (°Brix; así como los menores cambios en brillo (L* y croma (C. En ángulo de tono (H se presentaron diferencias a los 9 DDC, donde T1 mostró valores mayores que T5. No hubo diferencias en porcentaje de ácido málico y pérdida de peso entre tratamientos.

  12. El cuerpo como via mystica en algunos textos de Blake y de Viel Temperley

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    Enzo Cárcano


    Full Text Available Las características de la poesía de Héctor Viel Temperley han hecho de él un poeta de gran predicamento en el contexto literario argentino actual. En ella, la exaltación del cuerpo, del deporte, de la sensualidad y la sexualidad constituyen una peculiar forma de búsqueda de lo sagrado. En este sentido, la poesía del autor de Hospital Británico guarda similitudes con la inquietante lírica de William Blake. Aunque el tenor de la producción de Viel Temperley es diferente de la del inglés, hay en ambas una misma actitud de exaltación del cuerpo como vía de acceso a lo sagrado. En el presente trabajo, abordaré algunos textos de ambos autores como muestras de una mística del cuerpo.

  13. Factors impacting the illness trajectory of post-infectious fatigue syndrome: a qualitative study of adults' experiences. (United States)

    Stormorken, Eva; Jason, Leonard A; Kirkevold, Marit


    Post-infectious fatigue syndrome (PIFS), also known as post-viral fatigue syndrome, is a complex condition resulting in physical, cognitive, emotional, neurological, vocational and/or role performance disabilities in varying degrees that changes over time. The needs for health care resources are high, and costly, as is the economic burden on the affected individuals. Many factors may impact the trajectory, and frequently PIFS develops into a chronic condition. Health professionals lack understanding and knowledge, which results in delayed diagnosis, lack of recognition, appropriate treatment, support and practical help. The aim of our study was to explore, from the perspective of persons who had lived with PIFS for four years following an outbreak of Giardia l. induced enteritis, factors that may have impacted their illness trajectory and how these factors had played a role during different phases. In this retrospective exploratory qualitative study a group of 26 affected adults between 26 and 59 years old were selected for in-depth interviews. A maximum variation sample was recruited from a physician-diagnosed cohort of persons with PIFS enrolled at a tertiary outpatient fatigue clinic. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and subjected to qualitative content analysis. Unhelpful and helpful factors were associated with the healthcare system, health professionals and the affected persons were experienced as having an impact on the trajectory. External impacting factors which are related to the health care system, providers and the social security system are misdiagnosis, trivialization of symptoms, unhelpful advice, delayed diagnosis and lack of appropriate help. Internal impacting factors related to the affected individuals were lack of knowledge, overestimating functional capacity, assuming the condition will pass, ignoring body signals and denial. A model of impacting factors in each phase of the trajectory is presented. Unmet needs may

  14. Sexual behaviours, perception of risk of HIV infection, and factors associated with attending HIV post-test counselling in Ethiopia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sahlu, T.; Kassa, E.; Agonafer, T.; Tsegaye, A.; Rinke de Wit, T.; Gebremariam, H.; Doorly, R.; Spijkerman, I.; Yeneneh, H.; Coutinho, R. A.; Fontanet, A. L.


    OBJECTIVES: To describe sexual behaviours, perception of risk of HIV infection, and factors associated with attending HIV post-test counselling (PTC) among Ethiopian adults. METHODS: Data on socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge of HIV infection, sexual history, medical examination, and HIV

  15. Parental Factors Associated with Child Post-traumatic Stress Following Injury: A Consideration of Intervention Targets

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    Anna E. Wise


    Full Text Available Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD symptoms are relatively common following pediatric traumatic injury and are related to poor long-term child outcomes. However, due to concerns regarding the efficacy of early child preventive interventions, and difficulty intervening with injured and medicated children soon after the event, it is not feasible to provide early psychological interventions to children exposed to traumatic injury. Parental PTSD symptoms and reactions to the child’s traumatic injury impact child outcomes and provide potential targets for early intervention to reduce child symptom development without involving the child. The authors conducted a review of the literature using Psycinfo and Pubmed research databases (publication years = 1990–2017 and identified 65 published studies relevant to the topic of the review. The present review considers parent factors [parenting styles, parental post-traumatic pathology (PTS, adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies, and communication regarding the traumatic injury] and their impact on child PTS. We focus specifically on factors amenable to intervention. We further review moderators of these relationships (e.g., child age and gender, parent gender and conclude that it is unlikely that a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment will be successful. Rather, it is necessary to consider the age and gender of parent child dyads in designing and providing targeted interventions to families following the traumatic injury of a child.

  16. Five years post whiplash injury: Symptoms and psychological factors in recovered versus non-recovered

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    Stålnacke Britt-Marie


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Few studies have focused on the differences between persons who are recovered after whiplash injury and those who suffer from persistent disability. The primary aim of this study was therefore to examine differences in symptoms, psychological factors and life satisfaction between subjects classified as recovered and those with persistent disability five years after whiplash injury based on the Neck Disability Index (NDI. Methods A set of questionnaires was answered by 158 persons (75 men, 83 women to assess disability (NDI, pain intensity (VAS, whiplash-related symptoms (Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire, RPQ, post-traumatic stress (Impact of Event Scale, IES, depression (Beck's depression inventory, BDI and life satisfaction (LiSat-11. The participants were divided into three groups based on the results of the NDI: recovered (34.8%, mild disability (37.3% and moderate/severe disability (27.3%. Results The moderate/severe group reported significantly higher VAS, BDI and IES scores and lower level of physical health and psychological health compared to the mild and the recovered groups. Less significant differences were reported between the mild and the recovered groups. Conclusions The group with the highest disability score reported most health problems with pain, symptoms, depression, post-traumatic stress and decreased life satisfaction. These findings indicate that classifying these subjects into subgroups based on disability levels makes it possible to optimize the management and treatment after whiplash injury.

  17. Unnoticed Post-Void Residual Urine Volume in People with Moderate to Severe Intellectual Disabilities: Prevalence and Risk Factors (United States)

    de Waal, K. H.; Tinselboer, B. M.; Evenhuis, H. M.; Penning, C.


    Background: Increased post-void residual urine volume (PVR) is often seen in geriatric populations. People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have risk factors in common with these populations. Aims: To investigate in adults with ID: (1) Feasibility of portable ultrasound bladder scanning; (2) Prevalence of PVR; and (3) Relations with proposed…

  18. Algunos Determinantes de la Información Medioambiental Divulgada por las Empresas Españolas Cotizadas

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    Pablo Archel Domench


    Full Text Available La creciente atención que los problemas medioambientales suscitan entre un amplio sector de la sociedad, está produciendo una reacción en las empresas tanto por lo que a la adopción de sistemas de gestión medioambiental respecta como en el incremento de información medioambiental comunicada al exterior. A partir de los informes anuales de una muestra de 56 empresas correspondientes al periodo 1995-1998, el presente trabajo investiga algunos factores determinantes de las empresas que divulgan este tipo de información. Para ello, se procede a la estimación de un modelo de regresión lineal de un índice de información medioambiental sobre tres grupos de variables independientes. Los resultados obtenidos, coincidentes con los de la mayoría de estudios llevados a cabo al respecto, señalan que el tamaño, junto con la pertenencia a sectores específicos, resultan las variables más asociadas con el índice, mientras que no aparece relación alguna en el grupo de variables representativas de la evolución financiera de la compañía. The increasing awareness of corporate environmental problems among a large sector of society is bringing about reactions in companies, not only in terms of the adoption of environmental management systems but also in the inclusion in environmental information communicated publicly. Drawing on a sample of annual reports from 56 Spanish companies during the period 1995-1998, this paper seeks to identify certain factors causing this information to be disclosed. It constructs a linear regression model of an environmental information index using three groups of independent variables. The results obtained are consistent with the majority of studies in this area, with company size and industry being the variables most closely associated with the index, while no statistical link was found with variables representing financial development.

  19. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Following Childbirth: Prevalence and Contributing Factors. (United States)

    Shaban, Zainab; Dolatian, Mahrokh; Shams, Jamal; Alavi-Majd, Hamid; Mahmoodi, Zohreh; Sajjadi, Homeira


    Childbirth might be a traumatic event for some women. This study was conducted with the objective of investigating the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) following childbirth. The study was designed using a descriptive correlation scheme. The participants were selected from the women referred to the healthcare centers affiliated with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran. Personal interviews were conducted with 600 women who were 6-8 weeks postpartum and had been undergone to this center for postpartum and child care. One hundred and three (17. 2%) women had symptoms of PTSD following childbirth based on the PTSD Symptom Scale (PSS). The results of logistic regression analysis revealed a significant correlation between maternal occupation (P = 0.01), depression level (P childbirth. PTSD from childbirth occurs in some women. Early identification of risk factors should lead to early therapeutic intervention in the mothers at risk of PTSD.

  20. Interaction between pre- and post-migration factors on depressive symptoms in new migrants to Hong Kong from Mainland China. (United States)

    Chou, Kee-Lee; Wong, Winky K F; Chow, Nelson W S


    The goal of the current study is to examine the role of poor migration planning as a moderator for the effects of two post-migration factors, namely acculturation stress and quality of life, on symptoms of depression. Using a random sample of 347 Hong Kong new migrants from a 1-year longitudinal study, we used multiple regression analyses to examine both the direct and interaction effects of poorly planned migration, acculturation stress, and quality of life on depressive symptoms. Although poorly planned migration did not predict depressive symptoms at 1-year follow-up, it did exacerbate the detrimental effect of the two post-migration factors, namely high stress or low quality of life (both also measured at baseline) on depressive symptoms at this stage. Our results indicate that preventive measures must be developed for new immigrants in Hong Kong, especially for those who were not well prepared for migration.

  1. Incidence, risk factors and management of severe post-transsphenoidal epistaxis. (United States)

    De Los Reyes, Kenneth M; Gross, Bradley A; Frerichs, Kai U; Dunn, Ian F; Lin, Ning; Rincon-Torroella, Jordina; Annino, Donald J; Laws, Edward R


    Among the major complications of transsphenoidal surgery, less attention has been given to severe postoperative epistaxis, which can lead to devastating consequences. In this study, we reviewed 551 consecutive patients treated over a 4 year period by the senior author to evaluate the incidence, risk factors, etiology and management of immediate and delayed post-transsphenoidal epistaxis. Eighteen patients (3.3%) developed significant postoperative epistaxis - six immediately and 12 delayed (mean postoperative day 10.8). Fourteen patients harbored macroadenomas (78%) and 11 of 18 (61.1%) had complex nasal/sphenoid anatomy. In the immediate epistaxis group, 33% had acute postoperative hypertension. In the delayed group, one had an anterior ethmoidal pseudoaneurysm, and one had restarted anticoagulation on postoperative day 3. We treated the immediate epistaxis group with bedside nasal packing followed by operative re-exploration if conservative measures were unsuccessful. The delayed group underwent bedside nasal hemostasis; if unsuccessful, angiographic embolization was performed. After definitive treatment, no patients had recurrent epistaxis. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Post-Retirement Satisfaction among Ghanaian Workers –The Case ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The general purpose of this study was to find out the factors that contributed to or accounted for post-retirement satisfaction among Ghanaian workers; and whether teacher retirees and non-teacher retirees differ in their post-retirement satisfaction with all those factors that account for post-retirement satisfaction.

  3. Awareness of cervical cancer risk factors and symptoms: cross-sectional community survey in post-conflict northern Uganda. (United States)

    Mwaka, Amos D; Orach, Christopher G; Were, Edward M; Lyratzopoulos, Georgios; Wabinga, Henry; Roland, Martin


    Lack of awareness of risk factors and symptoms for cancer may lead to late diagnosis and poor prognosis. We assessed community awareness about cervical cancer risk factors and symptoms and perceptions about prevention and cure of cervical cancer in order to contribute data to inform interventions to improve cervical cancer survival. Cross-sectional population-based survey. We conducted this study in Gulu, a post-conflict district in Uganda in 2012. The sample included 448 persons aged 18 years and above, selected through a multi-stage stratified cluster sampling process. We collected data using a pretested structured questionnaire. Logistic regressions were used to determine magnitudes of associations between socio-demographic and outcome variables. Most participants (444/448) had heard about cervical cancer. Known risk factors including multiple sexual partners, human papillomavirus infection, and early onset of sexual activity, were recognized by 88%, 82%, and 78% of respondents respectively. 63% of participants believed that prolonged use of family planning pills and injections caused cervical cancer. The majority of participants recognized symptoms of cervical cancer including inter-menstrual bleeding (85%), post-menopausal bleeding (84%), and offensive vaginal discharge (83%). 70% of participants believed that cervical cancer is preventable and 92% believed that it could be cured if diagnosed at an early stage. Recognition of cervical cancer risk factors and symptoms was high among study participants. Targeted interventions including increasing availability of HPV vaccination, population-based cervical screening and diagnostic services can translate high awareness into actual benefits. © 2015 The Authors. Health Expectations Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Algunos aspectos bio-ecológicos del "Muy Muy" Emerita analoga (Stimpson, 1857) (DECAPODA: ANOMURA) en playas al sur de Lima


    Sánchez Rivas, Guadalupe


    Da a conocer algunos parámetros de la dinámica - poblacional de este crustáceo en la zona central del litoral peruano, tales como: estructura poblacional, densidad, crecimiento, reproducción, ciclo sexual y comportamiento. Así mismo, referir la comunidad biótica de la Playa arenosa estudiada y dar a conocer el valor nutritivo de la especie en cuestión. Tesis (Dr.). -- Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Biología

  5. Incidence and risk factors for post-ERCP pancreatitis in chronic pancreatitis. (United States)

    Zhao, Zhen-Hua; Hu, Liang-Hao; Ren, Hong-Bo; Zhao, An-Jing; Qian, Yang-Yang; Sun, Xiao-Tian; Su, Song; Zhu, Shu-Guang; Yu, Jin; Zou, Wen-Bin; Guo, Xiao-Rong; Wang, Lei; Li, Zhao-Shen; Liao, Zhuan


    Almost all studies on post-ERCP pancreatitis (PEP) have mainly involved patients with biliary diseases rather than chronic pancreatitis (CP), and the concept that CP seems to be a protective factor associated with PEP has not been studied in detail. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of PEP in patients with CP at different clinical stages and to identify the predictive and protective factors of PEP in a large cohort. In this observational cohort study, medical records of patients with CP (CP group) and biliary diseases (BD group) in a tertiary hospital from January 2011 to May 2015 were examined. The difference in the incidence of PEP between CP group and BD group and the risk of PEP at different clinical stages of CP were calculated by the χ 2 test or the Fisher exact test. The predictive and protective factors for PEP were investigated by univariate and multivariate analysis. In total, 2028 ERCP procedures were performed in 1301 patients with CP and 2000 procedures in 1655 patients with BD. The overall incidence of PEP in CP group (4.5%) was similar to that in the BD group (4.8%; P = .747). However, CP patients had significantly lower rates of moderate and severe attacks (0% vs 1.3%, P pancreatitis, and prior PEP were independent risk factors of PEP, whereas extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy was a protective factor. Compared with BD patients, CP patients had similar incidence of PEP overall but lower grades of severity. The incidence of PEP in CP patients decreased significantly with disease progression. (Clinical trial registration number: NCT02781987.). Copyright © 2017 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Algunos elementos sobre la teoría clásica del empleo y la versión Keynesiana

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    Ana Cristina Argoti Chamorro


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es presentar algunos elementos sobre la teoría de los economistas clásicos con relación al empleo y confrontar sus ideas con lo que dentro del pensamiento económico se ha denominado como la moderna teoría del empleo: La versión Keynesiana. Es decir, se pretende retomar algunos de los argumentos de los autores clásicos en lo referente a la teoría del empleo, tratando sobre todo de establecer las similitudes y las diferencias entre dichas teorías y la concepción keynesiana, sin ninguna pretensión de originalidad de mi parte, sino más bien con el propósito de hacer una reflexión frente al tema del empleo, tan pertinente y a la vez preocupante, no solo para los economistas, sino para profesionales de diferentes disciplinas. El artículo hace referencia a los fundamentos principales que definen el mercado de trabajo y el problema del desempleo presentando un contraste entre la corriente de pensamiento ortodoxa y la teoría keynesiana. Se concluye que la teoría general no es la única ni la más completa argumentación del desempleo tal y como se presenta en la economía en la actualidad, pero tiene el mérito de haber brindado una explicación y alternativas de solución al flagelo del desempleo vivido en Estados Unidos en los años treinta del siglo pasado.

  7. Risk factors associated with short-term post-treatment outcomes of clinical mastitis. (United States)

    Pinzón-Sánchez, C; Ruegg, P L


    The objectives of this study were to characterize 60-d outcomes after treatment of mild (abnormal milk) and moderate (abnormal milk and abnormal udder) cases of clinical mastitis (CM) occurring in a single quarter of cows on Wisconsin farms (n=4) and to determine risk factors associated with those outcomes. Duplicate milk samples were collected from the affected quarter of each cow for microbiological analysis at the onset of CM (PRE) and 21 d later (POST). Cows were treated only in the affected quarter using an intramammary product containing 125 mg of ceftiofur. Bacteriological cure was defined as absence of pathogens in the POST sample obtained from the enrolled quarter. Recurrence was defined for the cow when CM occurred after the milk-withholding period for the enrolled case of CM. Retention in the herd was defined when a cow was retained within the herd for the 60-d follow-up period. Somatic cell count reduction (SCCR) was defined at the cow level as somatic cell count (SCC) below 200,000 cells/mL at the Dairy Herd Improvement Association test day occurring between 21 to 55 d post-treatment. The effects of farm, days in milk, parity, severity, microbiological diagnosis at PRE, previous milk yield, previous SCC, previous occurrence of CM and treatment duration on selected post-treatment outcomes were assessed using Chi-squared analysis and logistic regression. Microbiological results at PRE were distributed as: Escherichia coli (n=14), Klebsiella spp. (n=11), Enterobacter spp. (n=8), Serratia spp. (n=7), other gram-negative species (n=3), Streptococcus spp. (n=25), coagulase-negative staphylococci (n=4); Staphylococcus aureus (n=1); Streptococcus agalactiae (n=1), other gram-positive species (n=9), and culture negative (n=60). Treated quarters were more likely to experience bacteriological cure when the cow experienced CM for the first time in the lactation and when no pathogen was recovered from PRE milk samples obtained from the enrolled quarter. Parity and

  8. Examining the Diet of Post-Migrant Hispanic Males Using the Precede-Proceed Model: Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Dietary Factors (United States)

    Castellanos, Diana Cuy; Downey, Laura; Graham-Kresge, Susan; Yadrick, Kathleen; Zoellner, Jamie; Connell, Carol L.


    Objective: To examine socio-environmental, behavioral, and predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling (PRE) factors contributing to post-migration dietary behavior change among a sample of traditional Hispanic males. Design: In this descriptive study, semistructured interviews, a group interview, and photovoice, followed by group interviews, were…

  9. Post-transcriptional regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor: Implications for tumor angiogenesis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Peter S Yoo; Abby L Mulkeen; Charles H Cha


    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent secreted mitogen critical for physiologic and tumor angiogenesis. Regulation of VEGF occurs at several levels, including transcription, mRNA stabilization,translation, and differential cellular localization of various isoforms. Recent advances in our understanding of posttranscriptional regulation of VEGF include identification of the stabilizing mRNA binding protein, HuR, and the discovery of internal ribosomal entry sites in the 5'UTR of the VEGF mRNA. Monoclonal anti-VEGF antibody was recently approved for use in humans, but suffers from the need for high systemic doses. RNA interference (RNAi)technology is being used in vitro and in animal models with promising results. Here, we review the literature on post-transcriptional regulation of VEGF and describe recent progress in targeting these mechanisms for therapeutic benefit.

  10. Relevant Factors in The Post-Merger Systems Integration and Information Technology in Brazilian Banks

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    Marcel Ginotti Pires


    Full Text Available This article discusses the factors present in post-merger integration of Systems and Information Technology (SIT that lead to positive and negative results in mergers and acquisitions (M & A. The research comprised three of the largest acquiring banks in Brazil. We adopted two methods of research, qualitative, to operationalize the theoretical concepts and quantitative, to test the hypotheses. We interviewed six executives of banks that held relevant experience in M & A processes. Subsequently, we applied questionnaires to IT professionals who were involved in the SIT integration processes. The results showed that the quality and expertise of the integration teams and managing the integration were the most relevant factors in the processes, with positive results for increased efficiency and the increased capacity of SIT. Negative results were due to failures in exploiting learning opportunities, the loss of employees and the inexpressive record of integration procedures.

  11. What are the risk factors for post-operative infection after hip hemiarthroplasty? Systematic review of literature. (United States)

    Noailles, Thibaut; Brulefert, Kévin; Chalopin, Antoine; Longis, Pierre Marie; Gouin, François


    Femoral neck fractures are frequent in the elderly population and lead to high morbidity and mortality. Hemiarthroplasty is an established surgical procedure for displaced intracapsular femoral neck fractures. Post-operative infection is frequent and is potentially devastating for the patient and the healthcare services. The goal of this study was to identify the risk factors of infection after hemiarthroplasty and help adapt our surgical practice. A systematic review of the literature was performed in July 2015 by two authors using the MedLine, PubMed and Cochrane databases. We used the MeSH keywords "hip hemiarthroplasty" AND "infection" to identify risk factors and methods of prevention for surgical site infection after hemiarthroplasty. Following the search, two authors independently performed the first stage based on titles and abstracts. Thirty-seven articles were selected. Review and analysis of the references was performed to find other articles of interest. Thirteen articles were selected to analyse. According to literature, the surgical site infection (SSI) rate after hip hemiarthroplasty (HHA) is between 1.7 and 7.3 %. Pre-operative comorbidities (obesity, liver disease, advanced age), operative conditions (junior surgeon, uncemented stems, time of surgery) and post-operative management (length of hospitalisation, haematoma, prolonged wound drainage and two urinary catheterisations) were identified as risk factors of surgical site infection. Authors describe conditions to decrease the incidence of these complications and underline the importance of "a specialised hip team" that provides fast care and helps decrease the duration of hospitalisation. Careful patient management for hemiarthroplasty is vital and may decrease the incidence of surgical site infection, which is associated with high morbidity and high procedure cost. Our review suggests that there are specific correctable risk factors for SSIs after HHA. Being able to identify these risk factors

  12. Los factores ambientales en las negociaciones comerciales internacionales.


    Albán Ricaurte, María Amparo


    Esta investigación tiene el propósito de adentrarse en el estudio de la relación del comercio y el medio ambiente, exponiendo de una manera suscinta algunos acuerdos comerciales, especialmente aquellos que consideran como importante el aspecto ambiental, lo cual podría convertirse en un plazo no muy lejano, en una estricta determinante. El análisis de las posibilidades que los factores ambientales a mediano o largo plazo sean un requisito indispensable en toda negociación...

  13. Discrimination and distress among Afghan refugees in northern California: The moderating role of pre- and post-migration factors (United States)


    This study investigates the effect of perceived discrimination on the mental health of Afghan refugees, and secondly, tests the distress moderating effects of pre-migration traumatic experiences and post-resettlement adjustment factors. In a cross-sectional design, 259 Afghans completed surveys assessing perceived discrimination and a number of other factors using scales developed through inductive techniques. Multivariable analyses consisted of a series of hierarchical regressions testing the effect of perceived discrimination on distress, followed by a sequential analysis of moderator variables. Perceived discrimination was significantly associated with higher distress, and this relationship was stronger among those with a strong intra-ethnic identity and high pre-resettlement traumatic experiences. The expected buffering effects of civic engagement, ethnic orientation (e.g. integration), and social support were not significant. Discrimination is a significant source of stress for Afghan refugees, which may exacerbate stresses associated with other pre- and post-migration stressors. Future research is needed to tailor interventions that can help mitigate the stress associated with discrimination among this highly vulnerable group. PMID:29782531

  14. Algunos procedimientos y estrategias geométricas utilizadas por un grupo de artesanos del municipio de Guacamayas en Boyacá, Colombia

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    Christian Camilo Fuentes Leal


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta algunos procedimientos y estrategias geométricas utilizadas por un grupo de artesanos del municipio de Guacamayas en Boyacá, Colombia. Así mismo, se expone un análisis geométrico de algunosdiseños presentes en la cestería que elabora la comunidad y, finalmente se hace una reflexión sobre la importancia de la integración de conocimientos matemáticos extraescolares al currículo escolar.

  15. Post-Mergers and Acquisitions: The Motives, Success Factors and Key Success Indicators

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    Hatem El Zuhairy


    Full Text Available There is a wide body of evidence showing a significant increase in the adoption of mergers and acquisitions (M&A worldwide. Moreover, research confirms that the integration and implementation stage (post-M&A has a major impact on the success or failure of a merger or acquisition. Therefore it has become increasingly important to explore the post-M&A phase further in order to support the management teams of organizations pursuing a merger or acquisition in meeting all their desired objectives. This paper proposes a framework to help in the successful execution of M&A. The framework contains three main elements: the motives, success factors and key success indicators (KSI. A qualitative research approach using the multiple case study methodology was conducted to test the framework. Ten case studies were selected from the industrial sector in Egypt and used to validate the research. The final version of the M&A framework was provided after applying the research results. Considering the practical implications of the M&A framework, a tool was proposed for its application in light of the balanced scorecard (BSC methodology. The proposed M&A scorecard tool should be used in the strategic planning and execution of M&A. Both the proposed M&A framework and the M&A scorecard tool should be used to guide the implementation of M&A in order to increase the success rate enjoyed by organizations.

  16. Prospective risk factors for post-deployment heavy drinking and alcohol or substance use disorder among US Army soldiers. (United States)

    Campbell-Sills, Laura; Ursano, Robert J; Kessler, Ronald C; Sun, Xiaoying; Heeringa, Steven G; Nock, Matthew K; Sampson, Nancy A; Jain, Sonia; Stein, Murray B


    Investigations of drinking behavior across military deployment cycles are scarce, and few prospective studies have examined risk factors for post-deployment alcohol misuse. Prevalence of alcohol misuse was estimated among 4645 US Army soldiers who participated in a longitudinal survey. Assessment occurred 1-2 months before soldiers deployed to Afghanistan in 2012 (T0), upon their return to the USA (T1), 3 months later (T2), and 9 months later (T3). Weights-adjusted logistic regression was used to evaluate associations of hypothesized risk factors with post-deployment incidence and persistence of heavy drinking (HD) (consuming 5 + alcoholic drinks at least 1-2×/week) and alcohol or substance use disorder (AUD/SUD). Prevalence of past-month HD at T0, T2, and T3 was 23.3% (s.e. = 0.7%), 26.1% (s.e. = 0.8%), and 22.3% (s.e. = 0.7%); corresponding estimates for any binge drinking (BD) were 52.5% (s.e. = 1.0%), 52.5% (s.e. = 1.0%), and 41.3% (s.e. = 0.9%). Greater personal life stress during deployment (e.g., relationship, family, or financial problems) - but not combat stress - was associated with new onset of HD at T2 [per standard score increase: adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.20, 95% CI 1.06-1.35, p = 0.003]; incidence of AUD/SUD at T2 (AOR = 1.54, 95% CI 1.25-1.89, p risk of alcohol-related problems post-deployment.

  17. Brain Drain: Post Graduation Migration Intentions and the influencing factors among Medical Graduates from Lahore, Pakistan. (United States)

    Imran, Nazish; Azeem, Zahra; Haider, Imran I; Amjad, Naeem; Bhatti, Muhammad R


    The increasing migration of health professionals to affluent countries is not a recent phenomenon and has been addressed in literature. However the various facets of physician migration from Pakistan, the third leading source of International medical graduates has not been rigorously evaluated. The objective of the current study was to survey final year students and recent medical graduates in Lahore, Pakistan about their intentions to train abroad, their post training plans as well as to identify the factors responsible for their motivation for international migration. A self administered structured questionnaire was developed to collect respondents' demographic and educational characteristics, intention to train abroad, their preferred destination & post training intentions of returning to Pakistan. Various influencing factors which impact on medical graduate's motivation to train abroad or stay in Pakistan were explored using a 10 point scale. SPSS software was used for data entry and analysis. Of the 400 eligible respondents, 275 responded (response rate 68.7%). One hundred and sixty six respondents (60.4%) intended to train abroad either for a specialty (54.9%) or a subspecialty (5.5%) The United States and United Kingdom were the most preferred destination. While 14.2% intended to return to Pakistan immediately after training, a significant percentage (10%) never intended to return to Pakistan or wished to stay abroad temporarily (37%). Professional excellence and establishing quickly in the competitive market were the most important goal to be achieved by the respondents for intention for postgraduate training abroad. The most common reasons cited for training abroad were the impact of residency training on future career (mean score 8.20 ± 2.3), financial conditions of doctors (mean score 7.97 ± 2.37) and job opportunities (mean score7.90 ± 2.34). An alarming percentage of medical graduates from Lahore, Pakistan intend to migrate for post graduate

  18. Brain Drain: Post Graduation Migration Intentions and the influencing factors among Medical Graduates from Lahore, Pakistan

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    Imran Nazish


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The increasing migration of health professionals to affluent countries is not a recent phenomenon and has been addressed in literature. However the various facets of physician migration from Pakistan, the third leading source of International medical graduates has not been rigorously evaluated. The objective of the current study was to survey final year students and recent medical graduates in Lahore, Pakistan about their intentions to train abroad, their post training plans as well as to identify the factors responsible for their motivation for international migration. Method A self administered structured questionnaire was developed to collect respondents' demographic and educational characteristics, intention to train abroad, their preferred destination & post training intentions of returning to Pakistan. Various influencing factors which impact on medical graduate's motivation to train abroad or stay in Pakistan were explored using a 10 point scale. SPSS software was used for data entry and analysis. Results Of the 400 eligible respondents, 275 responded (response rate 68.7%. One hundred and sixty six respondents (60.4% intended to train abroad either for a specialty (54.9% or a subspecialty (5.5% The United States and United Kingdom were the most preferred destination. While 14.2% intended to return to Pakistan immediately after training, a significant percentage (10% never intended to return to Pakistan or wished to stay abroad temporarily (37%. Professional excellence and establishing quickly in the competitive market were the most important goal to be achieved by the respondents for intention for postgraduate training abroad. The most common reasons cited for training abroad were the impact of residency training on future career (mean score 8.20 ± 2.3, financial conditions of doctors (mean score 7.97 ± 2.37 and job opportunities (mean score7.90 ± 2.34. Conclusion An alarming percentage of medical graduates from

  19. Factores técnicos y ambientales implicados en la electrocución de aves en los tendidos eléctricos

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    Izquierdo Rosigue, A.


    Full Text Available Technical and environmental factors responsible of bird electrocution have been analyzed in low and medium tension power lines in a bird important area placed in the south of Alicante province (SE Spain. One hundred eighty six dead birds (119 birds of prey have been located in 182 poles inspected. Most species are legally protected and some are in jeopardy. Some pole types with suspended insulators have caused the same number of victims than poles with rigid insulators. Poles with rigid insulators in two levels produce more accidents than poles with one level. A different pole use according to the habitat has been observed. Birds of prey avoid poles in cultures, in the vicinity of roads and in flatlands or in hill tops. Furthermore, more electrocutions occur near bath zones. Poles in high places and located near to human altered habitats, where feeding is easy, are preferred by remainder birds.

    Se analizan los factores técnicos y ambientales responsables de la electrocución de aves en tendidos de media y baja intensidad -situados en un área con una valiosa población de aves- en el sur de la provincia de Alicante. Se han localizado 186 aves muertas (119 rapaces en 182 postes visitados. La mayoría han sido especies protegidas, encontrándose, algunas de ellas, especialmente amenazadas. Los resultados muestran que algunos tipos de poste, con aisladores suspendidos, provocan un número de accidentes similar a otros tipos de postes con aisladores rígidos. Los postes con aisladores rígidos en dos planos producen más víctimas que los que presentan un único plano. Se observa que las aves realizan un uso diferente del poste en función del hábitat que lo rodea. Las rapaces evitan los postes situados sobre cultivos, los más próximos a las carreteras y los ubicados en zonas llanas o en las partes más altas de las laderas. Se encuentran más rapaces electrocutadas en aquellos postes próximos a zonas de baño. Para el resto de aves los

  20. Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Post-Socialist Countries of the European Union: Motives and Patterns of Entrepreneurship of Post-Soviet Immigrants in Hungary

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    Sanja Tepavcevic


    Full Text Available This paper explores the relationship between migration, entrepreneurship, and foreign direct investments by focusing on entrepreneurial activities of post-Soviet (immigrants in Hungary in periods between 1991 and 2016. Post-Soviet migrants are in focus because between 1956 and 1989 the Soviet Union coercively kept Hungary in the Socialist bloc. Based on surveys and in-depth interviews, this paper reveals that there are considerable differences in patterns of entrepreneurship among post-Soviet immigrant entrepreneurs depending mostly on time of their arrival to Hungary. Similarly, motives for entrepreneurship among the first-wave migrants combine negative factors in the former Soviet Union with positive factors encountered in Hungary, while factors in Hungary recognized as positive by most post-Soviets prevail in motives for later waves of post-Soviet migration and entrepreneurship in Hungary. The paper also demonstrates that many relatively small investments have been conducted since 2000 by citizens of post-Soviet countries to Hungary. Some of them are transforming into an entrepreneurial activity, serving also as a basis for immigration to Hungary.

  1. Resilience: Protective Factors for Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among African American Women?

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    K. B. Holden


    Full Text Available There is a great need to carefully examine issues that may elevate one’s risk for mental illness and develop strategies to mitigate risk and cultivate resilience.  African Americans, specifically African American women (AAW, are disproportionately affected by mental illness, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD.  Higher rates of PTSD among AAW may be explained by significant rates of trauma exposure.  Higher resiliency in individuals with mental illnesses is associated with better treatment response/outcomes.  An examination of two (2 promising psycho-educational curricula for AAW at risk for depression and PTSD supports consideration of resilience as a protective factor among this population.  Strengthening psychological resilience among diverse AAW at risk for depression and/or PTSD may serve as a protective factor for symptom severity.  Multidimensional prevention and intervention strategies should incorporate culturally-centered, gender-specific, and strengths-based (resilience models of care to help encourage mental health help-seeking and promotion of wellness for AAW.

  2. Post-partum acute kidney injury

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    Naresh Pahwa


    Full Text Available To determine the risk factors, course of hospital stay and mortality rate among women with post-partum acute kidney injury (AKI, we studied (of 752 patients with AKI admitted to a tertiary care center during the study period between November 2009 and August 2012 27 (3.59% women with post-partum AKI. The data regarding age, parity, cause of renal failure, course of hospital stay and requirement of dialysis were recorded. Sepsis was the major cause (70.3% of post-partum AKI. Other causes included disseminated intravascular coagulation (55.5%, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (40.7%, ante- and post-partum hemorrhage (40.7% and 22.2% and hemolytic anemia and elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome (29.6%; most patients had more than one cause of AKI. We found a very high prevalence (18.5% of cortical necrosis in our study patients. A significant correlation was also found between the creatinine level on admission and the period of onset of disease after delivery. In conclusion, several factors are involved in causing post-partum AKI in our population, and sepsis was the most common of them.

  3. Influence of the definition of acute renal failure post-cardiac surgery on incidence, patient identification, and identification of risk factors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Noyez, L.


    OBJECTIVE: Acute renal failure post-cardiac surgery (RF) is a major complication and is associated with increased postoperative morbidity and mortality. Early recognition and identification of risk factors for RF is therefore important. However, several definitions of RF are used. The intention of

  4. Risk factors for the development of post-traumatic stress disorder and coping strategies in mothers and fathers following infant hospitalisation in the neonatal intensive care unit. (United States)

    Aftyka, Anna; Rybojad, Beata; Rosa, Wojciech; Wróbel, Aleksandra; Karakuła-Juchnowicz, Hanna


    The aim of this study was to identify the potential risk factors for the development of post-traumatic stress disorder in mothers and fathers following infant hospitalisation in the neonatal intensive care unit. The development of neonatal intensive care units has increased the survival rate of infants. However, one of the major parental problems is post-traumatic stress disorder. An observational study covered 125 parents (72 mothers and 53 fathers) of infants aged 3-12 months who were hospitalised in the neonatal intensive care unit during the neonatal period. Third-referral neonatal intensive care unit. Several standardised and self-reported research tools were used to estimate the level of post-traumatic stress symptoms (Impact Event Scale-Revised), perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale) and coping strategies (COPE Inventory). The respondents also completed a Parent and Infant Characteristic Questionnaire. The mothers and fathers did not differ in their parental and infant characteristics. Post-traumatic stress disorder was present in 60% of the mothers and 47% of the fathers. Compared to the fathers, the mothers felt greater stress (p = .020) and presented a higher severity of post-traumatic stress disorder (p stress disorder in the mothers. In the fathers, an Apgar test at 1 min after birth (p = .030) and a partner's post-traumatic stress disorder (p = .038) were related to post-traumatic stress disorder. The mothers compared to the fathers were more likely to use strategies such as: positive reinterpretation and growth, focusing on and venting of emotions, instrumental social support, religious coping and acceptance. In the fathers, the predictors included an Apgar score at 1 min after birth, a lack of congenital anomalies in the child and mental disengagement. Risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as coping strategies, differ in women compare to men. Knowledge of risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder, specific to

  5. Textos integrados y narratologías míticas y posmodernas: algunos paralelismos

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    Eloy Martos Núñez


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el análisis de los textos integrados de los cuentos cíclicos y también los instrumentos y herramientas para catalogar los componentes de la ficción en sentido amplio, la forma de definir las unidades de análisis (narratologías y las poéticas de cada momento histórico, poniendo el énfasis en cómo la recepción de los públicos condiciona las formas concretas de agrupar los textos narrativos. A tal efecto, se revisan los modelos narratológicos del folktale y su aparato descriptivo, y también otros universos narrativos mayores, como la narración serial que subyace a las sagas o a las series televisivas. Otros factores, como la praxis de los nuevos lectores y la propia industria del entretenimiento –franquicias de superhéroes o plataformas como Tropes– revelan el éxito de un discurso posmoderno, no interesado ya en catalogar o elucidar los elementos de las ficciones de su época, sino solamente en “coleccionarlos”, a fin de provocar la participación o hacer que converjan diversos medios expresivos. Esta porosidad de categorías y de criterios de agrupamiento es el nexo entre los textos de diferentes culturas literarias –desde la oralidad a la relectura literaria y posmoderna de las mitografías antiguas– y es lo que nos ha permitido trazar algunos paralelismos entre las narrativas míticas y las de la posmodernidad. This article deals with the integrated texts of cyclic tales and also the instruments and tools to catalog the components of fiction in a broad sense, the way to define the units of analysis (narratologies and the poetics of each period, with the emphasis on readers’ responses to determine the modes of narrative texts. Narratological models of the folktale and its descriptive apparatus have been reviewed, along with other major narrative universes, such as serial narratives underlying sagas and television series. Other current factors, such as the practice of new readers and the

  6. La Universidad del Zulia frente al proceso de transformación organizacional. Perspectiva de algunos actores del proceso

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    Juliana Ferrer


    Full Text Available La gerencia universitaria de hoy, requiere asumir un proceso de transformación organizacional, que le permita describir un equilibrio entre su identidad institucional y los cambios sustanciales exigidos desde todos sus ámbitos, a fin de mejorar los procesos académicos, cohesionar con éxito las funciones básicas y por ende lograr la calidad académica deseada. Surge como inquietud el presente artículo el cual pretende indagar sobre algunos esfuerzos que la Universidad del Zulia ha adelantado en este sentido, pero sobre todo hacer énfasis en la perspectiva de algunos actores del proceso, representados por el personal docente y de investigación, que para el período 2000-2001 se desempeño como personal directivo Para la recolección de los datos se asumió en primer término la técnica cualitativa del grupo focal, permitiendo así lograr suficiente información para aplicar luego, una muestra probabilística que arrojó un tamaño de 39 unidades con un nivel de confianza del 95%. Se concluye que los gerentes universitarios están conscientes de los problemas de carácter operativo que obstaculizan el proceso de cohesión exitosa de las funciones básicas. Sin embargo, no evidencian conocimiento exhaustivo sobre el desarrollo de procesos gerenciales, para el logro de los cursos de acción enunciados por esos mismos actores. Se recomienda sobre la necesidad de formar una gerencia universitaria sólida, en el compromiso de la labor constante en materia de información y conocimiento, de tal forma que los cambios implantados sean percibidos de manera objetiva, internalizados y compartidos por la comunidad universitaria, en la búsqueda de que ellos se conviertan en piezas del proceso de cambio institucional.

  7. A new hypothesis for the importance of seed dispersal in time

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    Adriana Guzmán


    procesos fisiológicos que disparan su germinación. Sin embargo, la dispersión de semillas por animales de bajas tasas metabólicas y largos tiempos de retención, como por ejemplo los reptiles, podría ser considerada otro tipo de dispersión en el tiempo. Este estudio prueba la hipótesis que las semillas dispersadas por tortugas pueden evadir a los depredadores en el tiempo. Semillas depositadas bajo árboles parentales luego de que la cosecha haya terminado es ventajoso para escapar de depredadores denso-dependientes y por lo tanto deberían mostrar mayores tasas de supervivencia. La hipótesis se probó en cuatro especies de plantas amazónicas, Dicranostyles ampla, Oenocarpus bataua, Guatteria atabapensis y Ocotea floribuna, durante dos periodos: durante la cosecha y varios días después de la cosecha de frutos. Los experimentos se llevaron en dos estaciones biológicas de la Amazonia colombiana (Caparú y Zafire. Los principales depredadores de semillas fueron los no vertebrados y por lo tanto fueron el factor que más influyó en la supervivencia de las semillas en ambas áreas de estudio. De las cuatro especies probadas, sólo Guatteria atabapensis validó la hipótesis de la ventaja de la dispersión en el tiempo. Para esta especie, la depredación de semillas por vertebrados después del periodo de cosecha incrementó (de 4.1% a 9.2% mientras que la depredación de semillas por no vertebrados disminuyó (de 54.0% a 40.2%. Por el contrario, la depredación de semillas por vertebrados y por no vertebrados después del período de la cosecha para D. ampla incrementó (de 7.9% a 22.8% y de 40.4% a 50.6% respectivamente, sugiriendo saciación de depredadores. Los resultados sugieren que para algunas especies, el escape en el tiempo podría ser ventajoso para evadir algunos tipos de depredadores. El escape en el tiempo podría ser una dimensión adicional en donde las semillas podrían alcanzar lugares adecuados para su reclutamiento. Futuros estudios deber

  8. Beyond Trauma: Post-resettlement Factors and Mental Health Outcomes Among Latino and Asian Refugees in the United States. (United States)

    Kim, Isok


    War-related traumas impact refugees' mental health. Recent literature suggests that structural and sociocultural factors related to the resettlement also become critical in shaping refugees' mental health. So far, there is limited empirical evidence to support this claim among resettled refugees. Resettlement contextual factors that influence mental health outcomes were examined using Latino and Asian refugees (n = 656) from a nationally representative survey. Linear and logistic regressions predicted factors associated with the study's outcomes (self-reported mental health, mood disorders, and anxiety disorders). Post-resettlement traumas were significantly associated with mental health outcomes, but pre-resettlement traumas were not. Unemployment, everyday discrimination, and limited English were significantly associated with mental health outcomes among both Latino and Asian refugees. The outcomes indicate that resettlement contextual factors have a significant association with refugees' mental health. Therefore, future studies with refugees must pay closer attention to structural and sociocultural factors after resettlement.

  9. Clinical study on the factors affecting the post-partum recovery of patients with hypertensive pregnancy disorders at a Chinese hospital. (United States)

    Wei, Jun; Wang, Yan; Xu, Jiayuan; Zhang, Chunfang; Zhou, Helen; Liu, Guoli


    The aim of this study was to investigate the post-partum recovery of blood pressure (BP) in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) and to evaluate HDP risk factors. A total of 124 patients with gestational hypertension (n = 63) or pre-eclampsia (n = 61) who gave birth at Peking University People's Hospital between January and December 2013 were included in this study. The recorded clinical and laboratory parameters included the patients' general information, maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, gestational weight gain, gestational age at onset and delivery, delivery mode and time taken for BP to return to normal level. Logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate the influence of various risk factors on post-partum BP recovery. The mean interval for BP normalization was 24.1 ± 22.8 days (median, 7 days). Forty-six percent of the patients recovered from hypertension within three days, and 75% recovered within six weeks of delivery. About 90% of the patients required 60 days for BP to normalize after delivery. After adjusting for confounding factors, post-partum recovery from hypertension was found to be influenced by hypertension severity, maternal serum albumin level, a family history of hypertension and gestational week at delivery. The BP of the majority of the patients with gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia returned to normal within 60 days of delivery. Hypertension severity, maternal serum albumin level, a family history of family hypertension and gestational week at delivery influenced the time required for BP normalization. © 2016 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  10. Post-translational processing and secretion of atrial natriuretic factor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shields, P.P.


    The post-translational processing and regulated secretion of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) were studied in primary cultures of rat cardiac myocytes. Cultures were established from neonatal rat atria or ventricles, and were maintained for 7-14 days in complete serum free medium. The cultures contained high and constant levels of ANF-(1-126), the known storage form of the hormone in vivo. The cultures also secreted ANF-(1-126), instead of the known circulating form of the hormone, ANF-(99-126). However, the inclusion of the glucocorticoids dexamethasone or hydrocortisone in the culture medium increased the levels of ir-ANF contained and secreted by the cultures, and caused both atrial and ventricular cultures to secrete principally ANF-(99-126) instead of ANF-(1-126). The secreted peptide was shown to be authentic ANF-(99-126) by chromatographic, amino acid composition and radiosequence analysis, thus confirming that the cultures were accurately processing ANF to the in vivo circulating form in the presence of glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids also caused an increase in size and clustering of atrial myocytes as determined by immunocytochemical analysis, but the morphological effects could be dissociated from the stimulation of ANF-(99-126) secretion by manipulating the timing of glucocorticoid exposure. The location of ANF-(99-126) formation was investigated using biosynthetically labeled 35 S-Cys-ANF-(1-126) in conjunction with actively processing cultures

  11. Increased risk of post-operative complications in patients with Crohn's disease treated with anti-tumour necrosis factor α agents - a systematic review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El-Hussuna, Alaa; Theede, Klaus; Olaison, Gunnar


    INTRODUCTION: Tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) plays a role in the immune defence, angiogenesis and collagen synthesis. Inhibition of these pathways may increase the risk of infections and impair wound healing in patients after surgery. Biologic treatments including anti-TNF-α agents are increasi......INTRODUCTION: Tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) plays a role in the immune defence, angiogenesis and collagen synthesis. Inhibition of these pathways may increase the risk of infections and impair wound healing in patients after surgery. Biologic treatments including anti-TNF-α agents...... are increasingly used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Taking into consideration the biologics' mechanism of action, fears have been expressed that they might increase the rate of post-operative complications. Results from 18 retrospective studies were conflicting, and meta-analyses based...... an increased risk of overall post-operative complications and an increased rate of infectious or anastomosis-related complications in patients receiving anti-TNF-α. CONCLUSION: The use of anti-TNF-α agents in Crohn's disease patients is associated with an increased risk of post-operative complications after...

  12. Psychological distress in torture survivors: pre- and post-migration risk factors in a US sample. (United States)

    Song, Suzan J; Kaplan, Charles; Tol, Wietse A; Subica, Andrew; de Jong, Joop


    To investigate the relationships between sociodemographic, pre- and post-migration variables with prevalence of psychological distress and global functioning in a heterogeneous sample of torture survivors. Clients referred from resettlement agencies via the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to a community clinic in the United States (N = 278) were interviewed with structured, translated questionnaires. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses determined the associations of sociodemographic, pre-, and post-migration risk factors with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and global functioning. Regression data indicate that length of time between arrival in US and clinical services was significantly associated with PTSD and depression; participants receiving services after 1 year of resettlement were more likely to experience PTSD (adjusted OR = 3.29) and depression (adjusted OR = 4.50) than participants receiving services within 1 year. Anxiety was predicted by female gender (adjusted OR = 3.43), age over 40 years (adjusted OR = 3.12), Muslim religion (adjusted OR = 2.64), and receiving medical services (AOR 3.1). Severely impaired global functioning was associated with female gender (adjusted OR = 2.75) and unstable housing status (adjusted OR = 2.21). Findings highlight the importance of examining post-migration variables such as length of time in country prior to receiving services in addition to pre-migration torture history upon relocated torture survivors. Clinicians and policy-makers should be aware of the importance of early mental health screening and intervention on reducing the psychiatric burden associated with torture and forced relocation.

  13. Propuesta de un referente conceptual para posicionarse frente a los retos de la educación secundaria y algunos lineamientos para orientar su reformulación

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    Ileana Contreras Montes de Oca


    Full Text Available El artículo es producto de un análisis bibliográfico acerca del tema, el cual sustenta la propuesta y los lineamientos derivados de éste. Recoge los diversos retos, dilemas y desafíos que se han venido planteando a la educación secundaria, tanto en el contexto mundial, como en el Latinoamericano y del Caribe, en el marco de las transformaciones del contexto socioeconómico, político y cultural en que se desarrolla. Plantea la necesidad de abordar la lectura del amplio mapa de expectativas existentes respecto de dicho nivel educativo, desde un referente conceptual integrador de las distintas miradas y enfoques con que se han abordado sus problemas. Esboza algunos conceptos que deben incluirse en este referente. Finalmente, a manera de conclusión, sobre la base de los conceptos propuestos, establece algunos lineamientos para orientar los esfuerzos dirigidos a atender las diversas demandas y retos a las que actualmente se enfrenta la educación secundaria costarricense.

  14. La agenda post 2015: desafío de resiliencia que reorienta la cooperación global

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    Erli Margarita Marín Aranguren


    Full Text Available Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM, los cuales marcaron un hito en términos de la cooperación al desarrollo al haber logrado que el mundo se pusiera de acuerdo en cómo afrontar los grandes problemas actuales, están a punto de expirar. Por eso, en diferentes escenarios se avanza en propuestas para construir la agenda post 2015, la cual determinará un nuevo acuerdo internacional para adelantar la cooperación hasta 2030. En este artículo se pone en blanco y negro dicho proceso que ha tenido lugar en varios escenarios, con la participación de diferentes actores. De esta manera, se pretende mostrar una visión de conjunto a los lectores hispanohablantes. Primero se describen los alcances y las lecciones que dejó el proceso de los ODM, y de allí analiza cuánto se han aplicado los aprendizajes en los distintos escenarios donde se han elaborado propuestas para la nueva agenda. Finalmente, se señalan algunos retos para la construcción de la agenda post 2015 y se plantean nuevos interrogantes.

  15. Uso de los blogs políticos: análisis de algunos factores determinantes

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    De Marco, Stefano


    Full Text Available This paper aims to explore the factors that lead an Internet user to type comments on a political blog in more detail. Specifically, we sought to find out what political variables influence this behaviour and what uses of the Internet seem to favour it. We also studied the effect of a number of socio-demographic control variables. To do this, we used the data from the 2007 survey on “The Internet and political participation” (ref. 2736, run by the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. We began with an exploratory factor analysis, which was followed by a logistic regression. In order to exclude influences on the model due to the first-level of digital divide, the sample chosen for the analysis comprised Spanish Internet Users.

    Objetivo de este trabajo es avanzar en la comprensión de los determinantes que hacen que un internauta escriba comentarios en un blog político. Más en concreto, se ha decidido averiguar qué variables políticas influyen sobre este comportamiento y qué usos de Internet parecen favorecerlo. También se ha estudiado el efecto de algunas variables socio-demográficas de control. Para ello, se han utilizado los datos del estudio de 2007 “Internet y participación política” (ref. 2736 del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Se ha implementado un análisis factorial exploratorio y, en un segundo momento, una regresión logística. La muestra elegida para el análisis ha coincido con los internautas españoles, para así descartar influencias en el modelo debidas a la brecha digital de primer nivel.

  16. Algunos conceptos clave en el hacer del profesor

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Se empieza señalando la importancia de los cambios políticos, sociales y tecnológicos, que reclaman una escuela diferente con unos profesores altamente preparados, tarea compleja por la variedad de elementos y condiciones que definen su trabajo. A partir de un modelo explicativo del entramado de relaciones entre algunos de esos elementos, se analizan los siguientes: reflexión y contexto (con referencia al espacio y el tiempo y colaboración (insistiendo en la bondad de la creación de verdaderas comunidades de aprendizaje, intuición, rutina, conocimiento, creencias y teorías implícitas. A todos ellos se suman los de identidad profesional, emoción, poder interior y compromiso.ABSTRACT: This article begins by pointing out the importance of the political, social and technological changes which cali for a different kind of school with highly prepared teachers, a complex task owing to the variety of elements and conditions which define their work. Starting from an explanatory model of the network of relationships between some of those elements, the following are analysed: reflection and context (with reference to space and time and collaboration (insisting on the goodness of the creation of true learning communities, intuition, routine, knowledge, beliefs and implicit theories. To these are added professional identity, emotion, inner power and commitment.RÉSUMÉ: On signale tout d'abord l'importance des changements politiques, sociaux et technologiques qui réclament une école différente avec des professeurs hautement prepares, ce qui représente un travail complexe par la variété d'éléments et de conditions, lesquels définissent son travail. Á partir d'un modele explicatif de la structure des relations existant entre certains de ees éléments, on analyse les éléments suivants: reflexión, contexte (avec la référence á l'espace et le temps et la collaboration (insistant dans la bonté de la creation des vrais communaut

  17. Perspective on physiological/endocrine and nutritional factors influencing fertility in post-partum dairy cows. (United States)

    Thatcher, W W; Santos, J E P; Silvestre, F T; Kim, I H; Staples, C R


    Increasing reproductive performance of post-partum lactating dairy cows is a multi-factorial challenge involving disciplines of production medicine, nutrition, physiology and herd management. Systems of programmed timed insemination have been fine-tuned to achieve pregnancy per artificial inseminations (AI) approximating 45%. Systems have optimized follicle development, integrated follicle development with timing of induced corpus luteum regression and fine-tuned sequential timing of induced ovulation and AI. Use of programmes for insemination have identified occurrence of anovulatory ovarian status, body condition, uterine health and seasonal summer stress as factors contributing to reduced herd fertility. Furthermore, programmes of timed insemination provide a platform to evaluate efficacy of nutritional and herd health systems targeted to the transition and post-partum periods. The homeorhetic periparturient period, as cows deal with decreases in dry matter intake, results in a negative energy balance and is associated with a period of immunosuppression. Cows that transition well will cycle earlier and have a greater risk of becoming pregnant earlier post-partum. The innate arms of the immune system (acute and adaptive) are suppressed during the periparturient period. Cows experiencing the sequential complex of disorders such as dystocia, puerperal metritis, metritis, endometritis and subclinical endometritis are subsequently less fertile. Targeted strategies of providing specific nutraceuticals that provide pro- and anti-inflammatory effects, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (e.g., linoleic, eicosapentaenoic/docosahexaenoic, conjugated linoleic acid), sequential glycogenic and lipogenic enrichment of diets, and organic selenium appear to differentially regulate and improve the immune and reproductive systems to benefit an earlier restoration of ovarian activity and increased fertility. © 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  18. Risk factors for post-operative periprosthetic fractures following primary total hip arthroplasty with a proximally coated double-tapered cementless femoral component

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gromov, K; Bersang, A; Nielsen, C S


    ratio were recorded post-operatively. Periprosthetic fractures were identified and classified according to the Vancouver classification. Regression analysis was performed to identify risk factors for early periprosthetic fracture. RESULTS: The mean follow-up was 713 days (1 to 2058). A total of 48......AIMS: The aim of this study was to identify patient- and surgery-related risk factors for sustaining an early periprosthetic fracture following primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) performed using a double-tapered cementless femoral component (Bi-Metric femoral stem; Biomet Inc., Warsaw, Indiana...... periprosthetic fractures (3.0%) were identified during the follow-up and median time until fracture was 16 days, (interquartile range 10 to 31.5). Patients with femoral Dorr type C had a 5.2 times increased risk of post-operative periprosthetic fracture compared with type B, while female patients had a near...

  19. Poliglobulia como factor de riesgo en Hipertensión Arterial


    María Ximena Tapia Paguay; Viviana Margarita Espinel Jara; Rocío Elizabeth Castillo Andrade; Amparo Paola Tito Pineda


    La incidencia de complicaciones trombóticas es mayor en pacientes con diagnóstico de poliglobulia. Los episodios más frecuentes son accidentes cerebrovasculares (ACVA), infarto de miocardio, trombosis venosa profunda y tromboembolismo pulmonar. Además, los pacientes con policitemia vera pueden presentar hemorragias en el tracto gastrointestinal, por un descenso relativo de los factores de la coagulación y en algunos casos trastornos funcionales de las plaquetas, y una mayor incidencia de úlce...


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    Abel María Cano Morales


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta de manera tangencial los pasos que han seguido algunos países, con el fin de estandarizar sus procesos e información contable, de manera tal que los sectores empresariales de un país puedan interactuar con éxito en el nuevo mundo de los negocios, cabe anotar que para que ello suceda las empresas deben replantear sus sistemas de información administrativa y contable. Es evidente el protagonismo en las últimas décadas de las normas internacionales de información financiera a raíz de los acontecimientos económicos, políticos y comerciales experimentados en el mundo. Siendo las NIIF/NIC el sistema de comunicación confiable y accesible a las complejas relaciones económicas actuales. Cabe anotar que existe una necesidad latente de establecer un sistema de información contable internacional que minimice las discrepancias surgidas entre las normas contables nacionales y las internacionales; y que a la vez sea adoptado como herramienta homogenizadora global de la información contable.

  1. A prospective study of pre-trauma risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. (United States)

    Wild, J; Smith, K V; Thompson, E; Béar, F; Lommen, M J J; Ehlers, A


    It is unclear which potentially modifiable risk factors best predict post-trauma psychiatric disorders. We aimed to identify pre-trauma risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression (MD) that could be targeted with resilience interventions. Newly recruited paramedics (n = 453) were assessed for history of mental disorders with structured clinical interviews within the first week of their paramedic training and completed self-report measures to assess hypothesized predictors. Participants were assessed every 4 months for 2 years to identify any episodes of PTSD and MD; 386 paramedics (85.2%) participated in the follow-up interviews. In all, 32 participants (8.3%) developed an episode of PTSD and 41 (10.6%) an episode of MD during follow-up. In all but nine cases (2.3%), episodes had remitted by the next assessment 4 months later. At 2 years, those with episodes of PTSD or MD during follow-up reported more days off work, poorer sleep, poorer quality of life, greater burn-out; and greater weight-gain for those with PTSD. In line with theories of PTSD and depression, analyses controlling for psychiatric and trauma history identified several pre-trauma predictors (cognitive styles, coping styles and psychological traits). Logistic regressions showed that rumination about memories of stressful events at the start of training uniquely predicted an episode of PTSD. Perceived resilience uniquely predicted an episode of MD. Participants at risk of developing episodes of PTSD or depression could be identified within the first week of paramedic training. Cognitive predictors of episodes of PTSD and MD are promising targets for resilience interventions.

  2. Enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes: factores causales y vigilancia

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    Carmen Luisa Suárez Larreinaga


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo exponer los conceptos y algunos de los factores causales más importantes en la aparición y diseminación de las enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes, así como presentar brevemente algunas de las actividades de vigilancia epidemiológica y su importancia en la detección y control de estas enfermedadesThe objective of this paper is to expound the concepts and some of the most important causal factors in the appearance and spreading of emergent and reemergent diseases, as well as to make a brief presentation of some of the epidemiological surveillance activities and their importance in the detection and control of these diseases

  3. Algunos mitos, estereotipos, realidades y retos de Latinoamérica

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    José Guadalupe Vargas Hernández


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los latinoamericanistas tratan a las naciones Latinoamericanas como si sólo fuera un simple objeto de estudio, el cual tiene características similares. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar algunos de los mitos, estereotipos, realidades y retos atribuidos a una de las más importantes regiones del mundo, conocida como Latinoamérica. Latinoamérica ha sido conceptualizada como una entidad homogénea, significando solamente las naciones actuales que han recibido la herencia ibérica como resultado de haber sido conquistadas y colonizadas por España y Portugal. La mayor parte de los estudios sobre América Latina descuidan reconocer la influencia de otras culturas de Europa del Norte y devalúan la fuerte herencia recibida de las culturas indígenas o amerindias y los descendientes africanos. ________________ABSTRACT:The majority of Latin-americanists consider Latin-American nations as if they were just a simple case of study that has similar characteristics. The purpose of this work is to analyse some of the beliefs, stereotypes, realities and challenges ascribed to one of the most important regions of the world, known as Latin America. Latin America has been considered as a homogeneous entity meaning only the present nations that have received the Iberian-heritage as a result of having been conquered and colonized by Spain and Portugal. The large part of the studies about Latin America does not take into account the influence of other cultures of North-Europe and undermines the strong heritage received from the aboriginal or Amerindian cultures and the African descending.

  4. Efecto de tipos de labranza sobre la población de malezas en caña de azúcar

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    Ram\\u00F3n Le\\u00F3n


    Full Text Available En dos lotes de caña de azúcar, uno con baja presión de malezas (lote 1 y otro con alta (lote 2, se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos: cosecha en verde con rastrojo (VCR, cosecha en verde sin rastrojo (VSR, cosecha con quema sin labranza (QSL y cosecha con quema con labranza (QCL. Se evaluó las especies de malezas así como su población y cobertura del suelo hasta los 75 días después de cosecha, tanto en el surco como en el entre-surco. Además, se evaluó la altura y el número de tallos del cultivo por metro lineal. No se observaron diferencias entre las poblaciones de malezas en el lote 1. En el lote 2 las malezas se vieron beneficiadas por la labranza y por la quema; así los tratamientos QSL y QCL mostraron las mayores coberturas, siendo este último el que presentó las poblaciones más altas y en el que se dió una disminución en el número y altura de tallos de la caña de azúcar. Cyperus rotundus L. y Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour Clayton presentaron las mayores coberturas, especialmente en QCL. En el surco se dio un desarrollo superior de las poblaciones de malezas, al observado en el entre-surco, ya que presentó mejores condiciones de germinación y disponibilidad de nutrimentos

  5. The role of prenatal, obstetric, and post-partum factors in the parenting stress of mothers and fathers of 9-month old infants. (United States)

    Matvienko-Sikar, Karen; Murphy, Gillian; Murphy, Mike


    The aim of this paper was to examine the role of perinatal, obstetric and post partum factors on maternal and paternal stress. It will present the first examination of the role of prenatal, obstetric, post-partum, and demographic variables in parenting stress for mothers and fathers at 9 months. Data from 6821 parental dyads of 9-month-old infants were extracted from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children. Participants completed the Parental Stress Scale, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, the Quality of Attachment Sub-scale from the Maternal and Paternal Postnatal Attachment Scales, and a single item health status question from the Short Form 12 Health Survey. Information on prenatal care, pregnancy complications, obstetric outcomes, infant health, and participant demographics were also collected. Separate hierarchical linear regressions were conducted for mothers and fathers Results: Mothers reported higher levels of parenting stress than fathers (p stress was predicted by attachment, own health status, average sleep, occupation, household income, and having a very rapid labor. Paternal parenting stress was predicted by attachment and own health status. A range of perinatal factors was associated with an increased risk of higher parenting stress at 9 months post-partum and the roles of these factors differ between mothers and fathers. These findings are important for predicting and reducing risk of parenting stress in both genders.

  6. 'Post-deployment appraisal' and the relationship with stress and psychological health in Australian veterans. (United States)

    Wright, Breanna; Forbes, Andrew; Kelsall, Helen; Clarke, David; Ikin, Jill; Sim, Malcolm


    Understanding how veterans appraise their post-deployment experiences could provide insight into better assisting their deployment transitions. We aimed to assess the factor structure of positive and negative post-deployment appraisals in Australian veterans and to examine the resultant factors in their relationship with military stress and psychological health. Questions capturing post-deployment attitudes were developed by the researchers in collaboration with veterans. The questions were administered to 1938 veterans and the results factor analysed. The relationships between post-deployment appraisal, military stress and psychological health were examined using Structural Equation Modelling. A three-factor solution was found for the post-deployment appraisal questions; representing personal development, lack of recognition, and appreciation of life and country. Military stress was associated with the three factors and psychological health. The three factors were weakly to moderately associated with psychological health. Mediation between military stress and psychological health by any post-deployment appraisal factor was minimal. Post-deployment appraisal measures three important attitudes and concerns of veterans after deployment. Military stress is associated with the post-deployment appraisal factors. However, the factors did not mediate the relationship between military stress and psychological health. These factors provide insight into how veterans appraise their complex array of post-deployment experiences, and may provide useful in regard to transitions and integration into civilian life.

  7. Associated factors to empyema in post-traumatic hemotorax

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACTObjective:to analyze the associated factors with empyema in patients with post-traumatic retained hemothorax.Methods:prospective observational study. Data were collected in patients undergoing PD during emergency duty. Variables analyzed were age, sex, mechanism of injury, side of the chest injury, intrathoracic complications of RH, laparotomy, specific injuries, rib fractures, trauma scores, days to diagnosis, diagnostic method of RH, primary indication of PD, initial volume drained, length of the first tube removal, surgical procedure. Cumulative incidence of empyema, pneumonia and pulmonary contusion and the proportion of patients with empyema or without empyema in each category of each variable analyzed were obtained.Results: the cumulative incidence of PD among trauma patients was 1.83% and the RH among those with PD was 10.63%. There were 20 cases of empyema (32.8%. Most were male in the age from 20 to 29, victims of injury by firearm on the left side of the thorax. The incidence of empyema in patients with injury by firearms was lower compared to those with stab wound or blunt trauma; higher among those with drained volume between 300 and 599 ml. The median hospital lenght of stay was higher among those with empyema.Conclusion:the incidence of PD was 1.83% and RH was 10.63%, these results are consistent with the low severity of the patients involved in this study and consistent with the literature. The incidence of empyema proved to be negatively associated with the occurrence of injury by firearms and positively associated with a drained volume between 300 and 599 ml, compared with lower or higher volumes.

  8. Factores relacionados al uso excesivo de alcohol en adultos jóvenes en Puerto Rico

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    David Pérez-Jiménez


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio fue identificar los factores relacionados con el uso excesivo de alcohol en personas jóvenes en Puerto Rico. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio de tipo cualitativo mediante el cual se entrevistaron de forma cualitativa a 20 adultos jóvenes (10 hombres y 10 mujeres, entre las edades de 21 a 29 años. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido cualitativo. Los/as jóvenes identificaron más factores sociales y culturales que individuales. Algunos de los factores sociales más mencionados incluyen a la familia y a las campañas publicitarias que se transmiten por los medios de comunicación. Con respecto a la familia indicaron que en esta se comienza a transmitir valores de aceptación y uso del alcohol. Sobre las campañas publicitarias mencionaron que van dirigidas a resaltar la necesidad de consumir alcohol como una condición imprescindible para pasarla bien. También mencionaron que hay jóvenes que usan alcohol como un mecanismo para lidiar con los problemas que enfrentan. Esta investigación documenta algunos de los factores más relevantes relacionado con el uso de alcohol en jóvenes. Los esfuerzos de prevención deben ir dirigidos a minimizar esos factores de riesgo presentes en la cultura puertorriqueña y posiblemente latinoamericana

  9. Evaluation of coagulation factors and platelet function from an off-line modified ultrafiltration technique for post-cardiopulmonary bypass circuit blood recovery. (United States)

    Beckmann, S; Lynn, P; Miller, S; Harris, R; DiMarco, R F; Ross, J E


    Modified ultrafiltration (MUF) is a technique that hemoconcentrates residual CPB circuit blood and the patient at the same time. Hemoconcentration and MUF are Class 1-A recommendations in the anesthesia and surgical blood conservation guidelines. This study evaluated the off-line MUF process of the Hemobag (HB, Global Blood Resources, Somers, CT, USA) to quantitate coagulation factor levels, platelet (PLT) count and function in one facility and cellular growth factor concentrations of the final product that were transfused to the patient in another facility In two cardiac surgery facilities, after decannulation, the extracorporeal circuit (ECC) blood from 22 patients undergoing cardiac surgery was processed with the HB device. In eleven patients from the first facility by the study design, blood samples for coagulation factor levels and PLT aggregation were drawn from the reservoir of the MUF device pre- and post-processing. The samples (n = 11) were sent to a reference laboratory where testing for prothrombin time (PT), international normalized ratio (INR), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), reptilase time, fibrinogen, clotting factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, ADAMTS-13, protein C, protein S, antithrombin III, von Willebrand Factor (vWF), and platelet (PLT) aggregation were performed. A portion of the final concentrated HB blood samples (n = 5-10) from the second facility by design were evaluated for transforming and platelet-derived cellular growth factor concentrations. On average, approximately 800 - 2000 mls of whole blood were removed from the ECC post-CPB for processing in the HB device. After processing, there was, on the average, approximately 300 - 950 mls of concentrated whole blood salvaged for reinfusion. The PT and INR were significantly lower in the post-processing product compared to the pre-processing samples while the aPTT times were not significantly different. All coagulation factors and natural anti-coagulants were significantly

  10. ¿Fibromialgia post-traumática?

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    Pedro Gargantilla Madera


    Full Text Available El análisis de la sintomatología de Frida Kahlo y algunos de sus cuadros nos hacen sospechar que sufrió fibromialgia, al existir una relación causa-efecto con el accidente de tráfico que sufrió nos permiten catalogar la enfermedad como fibromialgia postraumática.

  11. [Post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth]. (United States)

    Korábová, I; Masopustová, Z


    The aim of this paper is to introduce the issue of post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth to health care professionals. The text focuses on the diagnostic definition of post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth, symptoms, physiological background, prevalence, course, risk factors and consequences of post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth for a woman, her child and her partner. Options for interventions and therapy are outlined as well.

  12. Post-Concussion Syndrome (United States)

    ... psychological factors, especially since the most common symptoms — headache, dizziness and sleep problems — are similar to those often experienced by people diagnosed with depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. In many cases, both physiological effects of ...

  13. Prevalence of and management factors contributing to Cryptosporidium sp. infection in pre-weaned and post-weaned calves in Johor, Malaysia. (United States)

    Muhid, Aida; Robertson, Ian; Ng, Josephine; Ryan, Una


    A cross-sectional study was carried out to identify species and determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium sp. shedding in pre-weaned and post-weaned dairy calves and to identify management factors that may be contributing to disease. A total of 240 calf faecal samples were collected from 16 farms in two districts in Johor, Malaysia, and screened by PCR. The overall Cryptosporidium prevalence was 27.1%. The prevalence of Cryptosporidium species in pre-weaned calves was 32.4% for C. parvum, 26.5% for C. bovis, followed by C. andersoni (20.6%), C. ryanae (11.8%) and mixed sp. (8.8%). The prevalence of Cryptosporidium species in post-weaned calves was 35% for C. bovis followed by C. andersoni and C. ryanae (30% each) and mixed sp. (5%). Subtyping analysis of 8 of the 11 C. parvum isolates at the gp60 locus identified five isolates as IIdA15G1, one as IIa18A3R1 and two isolates as IIa17G2R1. Management factors that increased the risk of Cryptosporidium infection included having other cattle farms close by, feeding calves with saleable milk, keeping pre-weaned calves in pens with slatted floors and keeping post-weaned calves in pens with a sand floor. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Pre-migration and post-migration factors associated with mental health in humanitarian migrants in Australia and the moderation effect of post-migration stressors: findings from the first wave data of the BNLA cohort study. (United States)

    Chen, Wen; Hall, Brian J; Ling, Li; Renzaho, Andre Mn


    The process of becoming a humanitarian migrant is potentially damaging to mental health. We examined the association between pre-migration and post-migration potentially traumatic events and stressors and mental health, and assessed the moderating effect of post-migration stressors in humanitarian migrants in Australia. In this study, we used the first wave of data between 2013 and 2014 from the Building a New Life in Australia survey. The survey included 2399 migrants who had arrived in Australia holding a permanent humanitarian visa 3-6 months preceding the survey, with 77% and 23% of participants being granted visas through offshore and onshore humanitarian programmes, respectively. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was measured with the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 8 items (PTSD-8) and severe mental illness was measured with the Kessler Screening Scale for Psychological Distress (K6). Pre-migration potentially traumatic events and post-migration stressors related to asylum process and resettlement were measured with a self-reported questionnaire. Of the 2399 participants, 762 (31%; 95% CI 29·4-33·2) had PTSD and 394 (16%; 95% CI 14·2-17·2) had severe mental illness. The mean number of pre-migration potentially traumatic events was 2·1 (SD 1·4). 64%, 59%, 49%, and 18% of participants reported poor social integration, economic problems, worrying about family or friends overseas, and loneliness as post-migration stressors. Pre-migration potentially traumatic events and post-migration stressors were positively associated with PTSD and severe mental illness. Factors significantly modifying the association between pre-migration potentially traumatic events and mental health after controlling for confounding factors were resettlement related stressors, including loneliness (odds ratio 1·17, 95% CI 1·05-1·28 for PTSD and 1·28, 1·16-1·41 for severe mental illness) and the number of social integration stressors (1·10, 1·05-1·16 for PTSD). Our data

  15. Risk factors predict post-traumatic stress disorder differently in men and women

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    Elklit Ask


    Full Text Available Abstract Background About twice as many women as men develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD, even though men as a group are exposed to more traumatic events. Exposure to different trauma types does not sufficiently explain why women are more vulnerable. Methods The present work examines the effect of age, previous trauma, negative affectivity (NA, anxiety, depression, persistent dissociation, and social support on PTSD separately in men and women. Subjects were exposed to either a series of explosions in a firework factory near a residential area or to a high school stabbing incident. Results Some gender differences were found in the predictive power of well known risk factors for PTSD. Anxiety predicted PTSD in men, but not in women, whereas the opposite was found for depression. Dissociation was a better predictor for PTSD in women than in men in the explosion sample but not in the stabbing sample. Initially, NA predicted PTSD better in women than men in the explosion sample, but when compared only to other significant risk factors, it significantly predicted PTSD for both men and women in both studies. Previous traumatic events and age did not significantly predict PTSD in either gender. Conclusion Gender differences in the predictive value of social support on PTSD appear to be very complex, and no clear conclusions can be made based on the two studies included in this article.

  16. Increased risk of post-operative complications in patients with Crohn’s disease treated with anti-tumour necrosis factor α agents - a systematic review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El-Hussuna, Alaa; Theede, Klaus; Olaison, Per Olov Gunnar


    INTRODUCTION: Tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) plays a role in the immune defence, angiogenesis and collagen synthesis. Inhibition of these pathways may increase the risk of infections and impair wound healing in patients after surgery. Biologic treatments including anti-TNF-α agents are increasi......INTRODUCTION: Tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) plays a role in the immune defence, angiogenesis and collagen synthesis. Inhibition of these pathways may increase the risk of infections and impair wound healing in patients after surgery. Biologic treatments including anti-TNF-α agents...... are increasingly used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Taking into consideration the biologics' mechanism of action, fears have been expressed that they might increase the rate of post-operative complications. Results from 18 retrospective studies were conflicting, and meta-analyses based...... an increased risk of overall post-operative complications and an increased rate of infectious or anastomosis-related complications in patients receiving anti-TNF-α. CONCLUSION: The use of anti-TNF-α agents in Crohn's disease patients is associated with an increased risk of post-operative complications after...

  17. Las sombras de la condición humana: factores implicados en la violencia de grupos de riesgo


    Lafuente Casanova, Oscar Pedro; Serrat Moré, Dolores


    La violencia es un importante problema de Salud Pública en el mundo. Históricamente se ha relacionado con determinados colectivos y con diversos factores de riesgo: antecedentes de enfermedad mental, impulsividad, riesgo e intentos de suicidio, autolesiones, maltrato infantil, historial de abusos, problemas relacionados con alcohol, drogas y juego patológico, expediente judicial y trastornos de la personalidad. Para comprobar esta asociación se halló la prevalencia de estos factores en alguno...

  18. Frequency and risk factors in the post-ercp pancreatitis in a tertiary care centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leghari, A.; Ghazanfar, S.; Qureshi, S.; Taj, M.A.; Niaz, S.K.; Quraishy, M.S.


    Objective: To evaluate the frequency and associated factors in the post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis. Study Design: Cross-sectional analytical study. Place and Duration of Study: Endoscopy Suite of Surgical Unit IV, Civil Hospital, Karachi, from December 2009 to November 2010. Methodology: Patients undergoing ERCP were included. Patients who had presented with pancreatitis or raised amylase levels before procedure or patients who had previous history of surgery on the biliary or pancreatic systems were excluded from the study. Pearson chi-square and Fisher's exact test were used for qualitative data and t-test for quantitative data. Significance was taken as p=0.05. Odds ratio was calculated for the qualitative data using 95% confidence interval. Results: Age of the study population ranged from 9 to 90 years (mean age 46.5 A+- 14.94 years, median 45 years). Male to female ratio was 1:1.87. Pancreatitis was seen in 18 patients (3.6%), mild in 15 (3%), moderate in one (0.2%) and severe in 2 (0.4%). Mean amylase level at 4 hours and 24 hours was 280.93 A+- 539.13 and 168.83 A+- 338.34 respectively. Pancreatitis was seen in 15/326 (4.6%) females and 3/174 (1.72%) males. Statistically significant increased risk for pancreatitis was seen in difficult cannulation (9.8%, p = 0.006), prolonged cannulation time (7.6 minute, p = 0.002), pancreatic duct cannulation (13.7%, p = 0.001) and pancreatic duct contrast injection (13.4%, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The frequency of post-ERCP pancreatitis was 3.6%. Difficult cannulation, pancreatic duct cannulation, pancreatic duct contrast injection and balloon sphincteroplasty were associated with higher frequency of post-ERCP pancreatitis. Reuse of ERCP accessories poses no additional risk to the frequency of pancreatitis. (author)

  19. Risk factors for suicide attempt in pregnancy and the post-partum period in women with serious mental illnesses. (United States)

    Gressier, Florence; Guillard, Virginie; Cazas, Odile; Falissard, Bruno; Glangeaud-Freudenthal, Nine M-C; Sutter-Dallay, Anne-Laure


    Suicide is a major public health concern worldwide, and mental disorders have been identified as a main risk factor. Suicide is also one of the leading causes of perinatal maternal mortality, but very few studies have focused on suicide attempts (SA) in the perinatal period. This work aims to assess risk factors associated with SA in pregnancy and in the post-partum period in women with mental health disorders. Women (n = 1439) with psychiatric disorders jointly admitted with their infant to 16 psychiatric Mother-Baby Units over 10 years (2001-2010) were assessed retrospectively for the occurrence of SA in pregnancy or the postpartum period. Multinomial logistic regression was used to explore the independent impact of maternal sociodemographic characteristics, history of childhood maltreatment and abuse, current mental illness and pregnancy data on SA in pregnancy and/or postpartum. One hundred and fifty-four women (11.68%) attempted suicide: 49 in pregnancy (3.71%) and 105 (7.97%) in the post-partum period. SA in pregnancy was related to alcohol use (OR = 2.37[1.02-5.53]; p = 0.04) and smoking during pregnancy (OR = 1.87[1.01-3.49]; p = 0.04) and also to a history of miscarriage (OR = 2.29[1.18-4.41]; p = 0.01). SA in the post-partum period was associated with major depressive episode (OR = 2.72[1.40-5.26]; p = 0.003) or recurrent depression (OR = 4.12[2.25-7.51], p depression in the perinatal period. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Identification of risk factors for post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis in a high volume center. (United States)

    Phillip, Veit; Schwab, Miriam; Haf, David; Algül, Hana


    Pancreatitis is the most common complication of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Several patients´ or procedure related risk factors for post-ERCP pancreatitis (PEP) have been suggested. The aim of this study was to validate the risk factors for PEP in a high-volume center. All patients undergoing first time ERCP at a tertiary referral center between December 2010 and October 2013 were retrospectively included. PEP was defined according to the Atlanta Classification. 344 patients were included in the final analysis. The risk to develop PEP was increased in patients with chronic pancreatitis (odds ratio 3.7) and after inadvertent cannulation of the pancreatic duct (odds ratio 2.2), which occurred in 26.5% of the patients. Inadvertent cannulation occurred significantly more frequently in patients with difficult cannulation of the papilla duodeni major (odds ratio 12.7; passociated with an increased risk for difficult cannulation (odds ratio 3.0). Inadvertent cannulation of the pancreatic duct is a procedure related risk factor for PEP. Measurements on preventing inadvertent cannulation of the pancreatic duct should be established and studies on prophylactic measurements should focus particularly on patients with inadvertent cannulation of the pancreatic duct.

  1. Post-stroke cognitive impairment: epidemiology, mechanisms and management (United States)

    Sun, Jia-Hao


    Post-stroke cognitive impairment occurs frequently in the patients with stroke. The prevalence of post-stroke cognitive impairment ranges from 20% to 80%, which varies for the difference between the countries, the races, and the diagnostic criteria. The risk of post-stroke cognitive impairment is related to both the demographic factors like age, education and occupation and vascular factors. The underlying mechanisms of post-stroke cognitive impairment are not known in detail. However, the neuroanatomical lesions caused by the stroke on strategic areas such as the hippocampus and the white matter lesions (WMLs), the cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) due to the small cerebrovascular diseases and the mixed AD with stroke, alone or in combination, contribute to the pathogenesis of post-stroke cognitive impairment. The treatment of post-stroke cognitive impairment may benefit not only from the anti-dementia drugs, but also the manage measures on cerebrovascular diseases. In this review, we will describe the epidemiological features and the mechanisms of post-stroke cognitive impairment, and discuss the promising management strategies for these patients. PMID:25333055

  2. Risk Factors and Predictive Model Development of Thirty-Day Post-Operative Surgical Site Infection in the Veterans Administration Surgical Population. (United States)

    Li, Xinli; Nylander, William; Smith, Tracy; Han, Soonhee; Gunnar, William


    Surgical site infection (SSI) complicates approximately 2% of surgeries in the Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals. Surgical site infections are responsible for increased morbidity, length of hospital stay, cost, and mortality. Surgical site infection can be minimized by modifying risk factors. In this study, we identified risk factors and developed accurate predictive surgical specialty-specific SSI risk prediction models for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) surgery population. In a retrospective observation study, surgical patients who underwent surgery from October 2013 to September 2016 from 136 VA hospitals were included. The Veteran Affairs Surgical Quality Improvement Program (VASQIP) database was used for the pre-operative demographic and clinical characteristics, intra-operative characteristics, and 30-day post-operative outcomes. The study population represents 11 surgical specialties: neurosurgery, urology, podiatry, otolaryngology, general, orthopedic, plastic, thoracic, vascular, cardiac coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), and cardiac valve/other surgery. Multivariable logistic regression models were developed for the 30-day post-operative SSIs. Among 354,528 surgical procedures, 6,538 (1.8%) had SSIs within 30 days. Surgical site infection rates varied among surgical specialty (0.7%-3.0%). Surgical site infection rates were higher in emergency procedures, procedures with long operative duration, greater complexity, and higher relative value units. Other factors associated with increased SSI risk were high level of American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification (level 4 and 5), dyspnea, open wound/infection, wound classification, ascites, bleeding disorder, chemotherapy, smoking, history of severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), radiotherapy, steroid use for chronic conditions, and weight loss. Each surgical specialty had a distinct combination of risk factors. Accurate SSI risk-predictive surgery specialty

  3. Incidence and Risk Factors for Intensive Care Unit–related Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans and Civilians (United States)

    Jackson, James C.; Morandi, Alessandro; Girard, Timothy D.; Hughes, Christopher G.; Thompson, Jennifer L.; Kiehl, Amy L.; Elstad, Mark R.; Wasserstein, Mitzi L.; Goodman, Richard B.; Beckham, Jean C.; Chandrasekhar, Rameela; Dittus, Robert S.; Ely, E. Wesley; Pandharipande, Pratik P.


    Rationale: The incidence and risk factors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to the intensive care unit (ICU) experience have not been reported in a mixed veteran and civilian cohort. Objectives: To describe the incidence and risk factors for ICU-related PTSD in veterans and civilians. Methods: This is a prospective, observational, multicenter cohort enrolling adult survivors of critical illness after respiratory failure and/or shock from three Veterans Affairs and one civilian hospital. After classifying those with/without preexisting PTSD (i.e., PTSD before hospitalization), we then assessed all subjects for ICU-related PTSD at 3 and 12 months post hospitalization. Measurements and Main Results: Of 255 survivors, 181 and 160 subjects were assessed for ICU-related PTSD at 3- and 12-month follow-up, respectively. A high probability of ICU-related PTSD was found in up to 10% of patients at either follow-up time point, whether assessed by PTSD Checklist Event-Specific Version (score ≥ 50) or item mapping using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV). In the multivariable regression, preexisting PTSD was independently associated with ICU-related PTSD at both 3 and 12 months (P < 0.001), as was preexisting depression (P < 0.03), but veteran status was not a consistent independent risk factor for ICU-related PTSD (3-month P = 0.01, 12-month P = 0.48). Conclusions: This study found around 1 in 10 ICU survivors experienced ICU-related PTSD (i.e., PTSD anchored to their critical illness) in the year after hospitalization. Preexisting PTSD and depression were strongly associated with ICU-related PTSD. PMID:26735627

  4. Local community involvement in rural tourism development: The case of Kastamonu, Turkey

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    Bengi Ertuna


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar el potencial de los actores locales para el desarrollo de un producto de turismo rural. Un evento tradicional del día de la cosecha fue iniciado por los investi-gadores con este objetivo, y organizado por las partes interesadas de la localidad. Kastamonu, un destino rural de Turquía con gran potencial de desarrollo pero con limitado turismo rural,fue seleccionado para llevar a cabo este evento del día de la cosecha. Se utilizaron la observación y participación de los investigadores, además de entrevistas en profundidad para identifi carlos factores que facilitan la participación de la comunidad local en el desarrollo del producto turístico rural. Losresultados esperan proporcionar información para el desarrollo de un marco de evaluación del potencial de desarrollo sostenible del turismo rural en un área determinada.

  5. Cosecha de energía


    García Ojero, Jesús


    En este trabajo se analizarán los distintos métodos conocidos de extraer energía de fuentes tanto naturales como las producidas por el ser humano, entre las que se pueden distinguir las vibraciones mecánicas, gradientes de temperatura o las ondas electromagnéticas emitidas por aparatos electrónicos. Primero realizaremos una revisión bibliográfica de distintos métodos de obtención de energía a partir de vibraciones mecánicas, utilizando materiales piezoeléctricos y actuadores electromagnéticos...

  6. Literature review and meta-analysis of risk factors for delayed post-traumatic stress disorder in older adults after a fall. (United States)

    Bloch, Frédéric


    To test the hypothesis that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can appear after a fall and try to identify predictive factors for its development in older fallers. Systematic literature review and meta-analyses of studies on PTSD post fall in older subjects. One hundred seventy-seven indexed articles were identified, of which three had complete data on PTSD post fall in older subjects. Only the odds ratio of the association between history of fall and occurrence of PTSD was significant (odds ratio = 2.79 (95% CI, 1.03-7.53). The trend in our results, even though limited, reveals two groups of subjects: frail subjects that are at risk of developing PTSD and subjects who seem to be resistant to its development. A clear description of these two groups may help us identify the population at risk for delayed PTSD who could then benefit from dedicated treatment. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. Algunos desarrollos y tendencias en la administración de bibliotecas en las últimas cuatro décadas = Some developments and trends in library management over the last four decades

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    Roberto V. Cagnoli


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza algunos de los desarrollos y tendencias en la administración de bibliotecas y otras unidades de información desde la década de los años 60 hasta el presente y los factores que influenciaron los mismos: el entorno social, político, económico y tecnológico, y las teorías y prácticas administrativas experimentadas en la empresas y en las organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Se analizan los principales conceptos y sistemas administrativos empleados en el ámbito bibliotecario, los éxitos, obstáculos y fracasos en su aplicación, y las principales tendencias pasadas y presentes = The article analyzes some of the developments and trends on library and information center management from the 60’s to the present, along with the factors that influenced them, such as the social, political, economic and technological environment, and the managerial theories and practices applied by the for-profit and non-profit organizations. It analyzes the main managerial concepts and practices in the library field during these years, its successes, obstacles and failures, and the major past and present trends.

  8. Haemodialysis for post-traumatic acute renal failure – factors ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background. Post-traumatic acute renal failure requiring renal replacement therapy in an intensive care unit (ICU) is associated with high mortality. Objective. To assess indicators of improved survival. Methods. This was a retrospective cohort study of 64 consecutive trauma patients (penetrating and blunt trauma and burns) ...

  9. Factors Affecting Post-Service Wage Growth for Veterans (United States)


    Labor economics is primarily concerned with how employers and employees respond to changes in wages, prices, profits, and the non-pecuniary aspects...of the employment reLaticnship [Ref: 4, pg. 31 Two of the basic assumptions underlying labor economics are Lhat resources are scarce, and that people...Retiree’ Post-Service Earnigs and Empjoyment, February 1981, Fand Corporation. 4. Ehrenberq, R. G. and Smith, R. S., Modern Labor Economics . 3ra Edit on

  10. Location in the right hemi-colon is an independent risk factor for delayed post-polypectomy hemorrhage: a multi-center case-control study. (United States)

    Buddingh, K Tim; Herngreen, Thomas; Haringsma, Jelle; van der Zwet, Wil C; Vleggaar, Frank P; Breumelhof, Ronald; Ter Borg, Frank


    Delayed hemorrhage is an infrequent, but serious complication of colonoscopic polypectomy. Large size is the only polyp-related factor that has been unequivocally proven to increase the risk of delayed bleeding. It has been suggested that location in the right hemi-colon is also a risk factor. The objective of this study was to determine whether polyp location is an independent risk factor for delayed post-polypectomy hemorrhage. A retrospective case-control study was conducted in two university hospitals and two community hospitals. Thirty-nine cases and 117 controls were identified. In multivariate analysis, size and location were found to be independent polyp-related risk factors for delayed type hemorrhage. The risk increased by 13% for every 1 mm increase in polyp diameter (odds ratio (OR) 1.13, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05-1.20, Plocated in the right hemi-colon had an OR of 4.67 (1.88-11.61, P=0.001) for delayed hemorrhage. Polyps in the cecum seemed to be especially at high risk in univariate analysis (OR 13.82, 95% CI 2.66-71.73), but this could not be assessed in multivariate analysis as the number of cases was too small. Polyp type (sessile or pedunculated) was not a risk factor. Polyp location in the right hemi-colon seems to be an independent and substantial risk factor for delayed post-polypectomy hemorrhage. A low threshold for preventive hemostatic measures is advised when removing polyps from this region.

  11. Post-Session Authentication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahmed, Naveed; Jensen, Christian D.


    Entity authentication provides confidence in the claimed identity of a peer entity, but the manner in which this goal is achieved results in different types of authentication. An important factor in this regard is the order between authentication and the execution of the associated session....... In this paper, we consider the case of post-session authentication, where parties authenticate each other at the end of their interactive session. This use of authentication is different from session-less authentication (e.g., in RFID) and pre-session authentication (e.g., for access control.) Post......-session authentication, although a new term, is not a new concept; it is the basis of at least a few practical schemes. We, for the first time, systematically study it and present the underlying authentication model. Further, we show that an important class of problems is solvable using post-session authentication...

  12. Panic disorder as a risk factor for post-partum depression: Results from the Perinatal Depression-Research & Screening Unit (PND-ReScU) study. (United States)

    Rambelli, C; Montagnani, M S; Oppo, A; Banti, S; Borri, C; Cortopassi, C; Ramacciotti, D; Camilleri, V; Mula, M; Cassano, G B; Mauri, M


    Although the role of anxiety disorders on the development of Post-partum Depression (PPD) have already been studied in literature, that of individual anxiety disorders has not received specific attention. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of Panic Disorder (PD) and family history for PD as risk factors for PPD. Six hundred women were recruited in a prospective, observational study at the 3rd month of pregnancy and followed up until the 6th month after delivery. At baseline, risk factors for PPD, Axis-I disorders and family history for psychiatric disorders were assessed. We investigated minor and major depression (mMD) occurred at 1st, 3rd and 6th months post-partum. Logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between PD, family history for PD and PPD. Forty women had mMD in the post-partum. PD during pregnancy (RR=4.25; 95%CI:1.48-12.19), a history of PD (RR 2.47; 95%CI:1.11-5.49) and family history for PD (RR=2.1; 95%CI:1.06-4.4) predicted PPD after adjusting for lifetime depression and risk factors for PPD. The response rate is moderately low, but it is similar to other studies. The drop out rate is slightly high, however the 600 women who completed the 6th month follow-up did not differ from the presence of PD at baseline. PD is an independent risk factor for PPD, underscoring need to assess PD symptoms during pregnancy. Furthermore, PD represents an important risk factor for the development of PPD and should be routinely screened in order to develop specific preventive interventions. Copyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Factors associated to post-operative nausea and vomiting following oral and maxillofacial surgery: a prospective study. (United States)

    Albuquerque, Assis Filipe Medeiros; Queiroz, Salomão Israel Monteiro Lourenço; Germano, Adriano Rocha; da Silva, José Sandro Pereira


    This study aims to address and assess possible factors associated with nausea and vomiting (NV) following oral and maxillofacial surgery. A prospective study was carried out in the period from December 2013 to January 2016 targeting all attended cases in that period. For statistical analysis, Pearson chi-square and Fisher tests were used to verify association and ANOVA and Student's t tests to test for significant difference, p was defined as ≤0.05. The sample group consisted of 207 patients with an average age of 33.56 years (±13.23), and 70.5% of subjects were male. Calculations based on the predictive model showed that a female patient with prior history of nausea and vomiting who used opioids and had intra-oral surgical access would have a 96% chance of experiencing a nausea and vomiting episode. Other factors like age, being overweight, anesthesia, surgery duration, and duration of hospital stay also contribute so that these aspects must be paid careful attention prior to surgery to ensure a suitably orientated treatment that will avoid disturbances caused by post-operative nausea and vomiting. The occurrence of post-operative nausea and vomiting after oral and maxillofacial surgery was found to be more higher incidence associated to female patients who used opioids, who had a prior history of NV, whose surgery involved intra-oral access, who were in the second or third decades of their lives, who have above average weight, and who have long anesthesia when undergoing surgery, resulting in a long hospital stays.

  14. Cosecha temprana, apertura forzada y vida en el vaso de flores de cuatro variedades de clavel (Dianthus cariophyllus L., en invierno y en verano Early harvest, forced flower opening and vase life of four varieties of carnation (Dianthus cariophyllus L. in winter and summer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. de. L. Avila


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la cosecha temprana y la apertura forzada de pimpollos con sacarosa, en invierno y en verano, en flores de 4 variedades de clavel (Moresco, Mabel, Nov y Golden Odino. Las flores fueron cosechadas en cinco estados de desarrollo, desde botón cerrado hasta flor abierta (estados 0 al 4, hidratadas en frío (2 ºC con una solución de tiosulfato de plata (0,1 M durante 24 horas y luego transfe ridas a una solución de ácido cítrico (500 mg l-1 y citrato de hydroxyquinoleina (60 mg l-1; la solución de apertura contenía, además, 100 g l-1 de sacarosa. Cuando se completó la apertura de la flor se evaluó tamaño, intensidad de color y vida en el vaso. El tamaño de la flor fue similar en invierno y verano en las varie dades Moresco, Golden Odino y Nov, sin embargo, en todas las variedades la vida en el vaso fue menor en verano. El agregado de sacarosa mejoró la aper tura, el tamaño de las flores e intensificó los colores en todas las variedades y estados de corte. La mayor calidad se logró combinando el agregado de saca rosa y la cosecha en estado 0 -1 en verano y 2 -3 en invierno.Early harvest and forced flower opening with sucrose addition in the preservative solution effects were evaluated during winter and summer, in Moresco, Mabel, Nov and Golden Odino carnation varieties. The flowers were harvested at five dif ferent stages of development: from tight flower buds to open flowers (state 0 to 4. Immediately, these were hydrated during 24 h using a silver thiosulfate solution (0,1 M at 2 ºC. Then, the flowers were treated with a preservative solution containing citric acid (500 mg l-1 and hydroxyquinoline citrate (60 mg l-1, with and without sucrose (100 g l-1. Petal color, vase life and flower size were evaluated when the full open flower stage was obtained. The flower size was similar during winter and summer in Moresco, Nov and Golden Odino, but the vase life was significantly reduced in the summer. The sucrose addition

  15. A survey of failed post-retained restorations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peutzfeldt, A; Sahafi, A; Asmussen, E


    Survival of endodontically treated, post-restored teeth depends on a multitude of factors, all of which are practically impossible to include in a randomized, controlled clinical study. The purpose of this survey was to characterize and analyze reported failures of post-retained restorations...

  16. Risk factors for post-ICU red blood cell transfusion: a prospective study (United States)

    Marque, Sophie; Cariou, Alain; Chiche, Jean-Daniel; Mallet, Vincent Olivier; Pene, Frédéric; Mira, Jean-Paul; Dhainaut, Jean-François; Claessens, Yann-Erick


    Introduction Factors predictive of the need for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion in the intensive care unit (ICU) have been identified, but risk factors for transfusion after ICU discharge are unknown. This study aims identifies risk factors for RBC transfusion after discharge from the ICU. Methods A prospective, monocentric observational study was conducted over a 6-month period in a 24-bed medical ICU in a French university hospital. Between June and December 2003, 550 critically ill patients were consecutively enrolled in the study. Results A total of 428 patients survived after treatment in the ICU; 47 (11% of the survivors, 8.5% of the whole population) required RBC transfusion within 7 days after ICU discharge. Admission for sepsis (odds ratio [OR] 341.60, 95% confidence interval [CI] 20.35–5734.51), presence of an underlying malignancy (OR 32.6, 95%CI 3.8–280.1), female sex (OR 5.4, 95% CI 1.2–24.9), Logistic Organ Dysfunction score at ICU discharge (OR 1.45, 95% CI 1.1–1.9) and age (OR 1.06, 95% CI 1.02–1.12) were independently associated with RBC transfusion after ICU stay. Haemoglobin level at discharge predicted the need for delayed RBC transfusion. Use of vasopressors (OR 0.01, 95%CI 0.001–0.17) and haemoglobin level at discharge from the ICU (OR 0.02, 95% CI 0.007–0.09; P < 0.001) were strong independent predictors of transfusion of RBC 1 week after ICU discharge. Conclusion Sepsis, underlying conditions, unresolved organ failures and haemoglobin level at discharge were related to an increased risk for RBC transfusion after ICU stay. We suggest that strategies to prevent transfusion should focus on homogeneous subgroups of patients and take into account post-ICU needs for RBC transfusion. PMID:16965637

  17. Post-fusion treatment with MG132 increases transcription factor expression in somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos in pigs. (United States)

    You, Jinyoung; Lee, Joohyeong; Kim, Jinyoung; Park, Junhong; Lee, Eunsong


    The objective of this study was to examine the effect of post-fusion treatment of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) oocytes with the proteasomal inhibitor MG132 on maturation promoting factor (MPF) activity, nuclear remodeling, embryonic development, and gene expression of cloned pig embryos. Immediately after electrofusion, SCNT oocytes were treated with MG132 and/or caffeine for 2 hr, vanadate for 0.5 hr, or vanadate for 0.5 hr followed by MG132 for 1.5 hr. Of the MG132 concentrations tested (0-5 microM), the 1 microM concentration showed a higher rate of blastocyst formation (25.9%) than 0 (14.2%), 0.5 (16.9%), and 5 microM (16.9%). Post-fusion treatment with MG132, caffeine, and both MG132 and caffeine improved blastocyst formation (22.1%, 21.4%, and 24.4%, respectively), whereas vanadate treatment inhibited blastocyst formation (6.5%) compared to the control (11.1%). When examined 2 hr after fusion and 1 hr after activation, MPF activity remained at a higher (P fusion with caffeine and/or MG132, but it was decreased by vanadate. The rate of oocytes showing premature chromosome condensation was not altered by MG132 but was decreased by vanadate treatment. In addition, formation of single pronuclei was increased by MG132 compared to control and vanadate treatment. MG132-treated embryos showed increased expression of POU5F1, DPPA2, DPPA3, DPPA5, and NDP52l1 genes compared to control embryos. Our results demonstrate that post-fusion treatment of SCNT oocytes with MG132 prevents MPF degradation and increases expression of transcription factors in SCNT embryos, which are necessary for normal development of SCNT embryos. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  18. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Cardiac Patients: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Considerations for Assessment and Treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heather Tulloch


    Full Text Available There is increasing awareness of the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD on physical health, particularly cardiovascular disease. We review the literature on the role of trauma in the development of cardiovascular risk factors and disease, aftermath of a cardiac event, and risk for recurrence in cardiac patients. We explore possible mechanisms to explain these relationships, as well as appropriate assessment and treatment strategies for this population. Our main conclusion is that screening and referral for appropriate treatments are important given the high prevalence rates of PTSD in cardiac populations and the associated impact on morbidity and mortality.

  19. Infections in patients undergoing craniotomy: risk factors associated with post-craniotomy meningitis. (United States)

    Kourbeti, Irene S; Vakis, Antonis F; Ziakas, Panayiotis; Karabetsos, Dimitris; Potolidis, Evangelos; Christou, Silvana; Samonis, George


    OBJECT The authors performed a prospective study to define the prevalence and microbiological characteristics of infections in patients undergoing craniotomy and to clarify the risk factors for post-craniotomy meningitis. METHODS Patients older than 18 years who underwent nonstereotactic craniotomies between January 2006 and December 2008 were included. Demographic, clinical, laboratory, and microbiological data were systemically recorded. Patient characteristics, craniotomy type, and pre- and postoperative variables were evaluated as risk factors for meningitis RESULTS Three hundred thirty-four procedures were analyzed (65.6% involving male patients). Traumatic brain injury was the most common reason for craniotomy. Almost 40% of the patients developed at least 1 infection. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) was the most common infection recorded (22.5%) and Acinetobacter spp. were isolated in 44% of the cases. Meningitis was encountered in 16 procedures (4.8%), and CSF cultures were positive for microbial growth in 100% of these cases. Gram-negative pathogens (Acinetobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter cloaceae, Proteus mirabilis) represented 88% of the pathogens. Acinetobacter and Klebsiella spp. demonstrated a high percentage of resistance in several antibiotic classes. In multivariate analysis, the risk for meningitis was independently associated with perioperative steroid use (OR 11.55, p = 0.005), CSF leak (OR 48.03, p meningitis in this study. Ventilator-associated pneumonia was the most common infection overall. The offending pathogens presented a high level of resistance to several antibiotics.

  20. Aspectos ecológicos y sostenibilidad de la caza del majás (Cuniculus paca en la cuenca del río Itaya, Amazonía peruana

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    Rolando Aquino


    Full Text Available Este reporte contiene información acerca de los ambientes de dormir, estructura poblacional y el impacto de la caza del majas (Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766. Está basado en observaciones de madrigueras, censos por transectos y registros de caza. Encontramos que cada ambiente de dormir tenía de uno a tres orificios para el acceso y salida, uno a cuatro orificios para la fuga circunstancial y una cavidad interna para el “sueño diurno”. Del total de ambientes examinados, 67% estaban localizados entre 0 y 60 m respecto a los cuerpos de agua, pero algunos también fueron encontrados más allá de los 100 m. De la población extraída por los cazadores, 74% fueron adultos y solamente 4% correspondieron a los infantes. La presión de caza anual fue estimada en 0,4 individuos/km2 y la densidad para el área en general en 6,2 individuos/km2. Finalmente, el modelo de cosecha indica que la caza de esta especie es sostenible en la cuenca del río Alto Itaya.

  1. Algunos elementos del currículum de matemática en ciencias

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    Carolina Ramos


    Full Text Available Dentro del Proyecto de investigación “Evaluación del diseño curricular de Matemática en carreras de Ciencias Económicas”, se propone autodiagnosticar los elementos disfuncionales y necesidades como paso previo a la toma de decisiones para lograr mejores resultados en el aprendizaje de la Matemática en las carreras antes mencionadas. Atendiendo la propuesta de Madaus y Kellaghan (1992 en cuanto a los componentes del currículum que deben ser evaluados, determinamos por un lado aspectos actitudinales hacia la Matemática y por otro los materiales curriculares elaborados en las asignaturas del área Matemática. En este trabajo se muestran algunos de los resultados obtenidos en este diagnóstico, efectuado en 2005, en las asignaturas del área Matemática. Se consideró una muestra de 296 alumnos de Álgebra y otra de 290 alumnos de Matemática Financiera, sobre un total de 1498 y 1352 alumnos respectivamente. Los datos se procesaron con el programa Statgraphic versión 4.0.Se trabajó en dos sentidos: 1.- el análisis de la predisposición de los estudiantes hacia la Matemática (dificultades, temores, gusto, etc.. 2.- la evaluación de los materiales curriculares elaborados especialmente para el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje encada asignatura mencionada.

  2. Factores que limitan la posibilidad de elevar la eficiencia de las organizaciones productoras de aguacate: el caso del municipio de Tetela del Volcán, Morelos

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    Benjamín Bazaldúa Muñoz


    Full Text Available El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es describir y analizar algunos de los factores que influyen en la baja producti - vidad de las organizaciones productoras de aguacate, particularmente las que se encuentran localizadas en Tetela del Volcán, estado de Morelos. Las preguntas centrales que guían está investigación son las siguientes: ¿cuáles son algunos de los principales factores que limitan o influyen en el incremento de la eficiencia de las organizaciones empresariales desde el punto de vista teórico y empírico?, ¿cuáles son los niveles de producción y de eficiencia productiva del aguacate que se registran a nivel mundial, estatal y municipal?, y ¿de qué manera la tecnología y el capital humano influyen en la eficiencia de los productores de aguacate?

  3. Outcome of Induction and Associated Factors among Term and Post

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    354 records ... The purpose of this study was to analyze outcome of induction with ... (PROM), post-term pregnancy, maternal medical ... restriction, iso-immunization), preeclampsia, and .... provides services for approximately 9000 inpatient.

  4. Development of a New Striker for a Portable Coffee Harvesting Tool / Desarrollo de un Nuevo Impactador para una Herramienta Portátil de Cosecha de Café

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    Edilson León Moreno Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Rotary beaters were designed, built and evaluated foruse in a portable coffee harvesting tool. The present study was carried out in three phases. In the first phase, preliminary tests were conducted to determine the performance of three rotary beaters. In the second, eleven experimental rotary beater models of various forms were built and evaluated based on the results of phase one,determining the detaching capacity, selectivity, branch damage, fruit dispersion and rotor balance for each one. The analysis was performed using a decision matrix with three qualifying levels (high, medium and low, which resulted in one beater with the best performance. In the third phase, this beater’s design was refined using CAD for future evaluations. The deformations and maximumexperimental stresses were below the maximum permissible valuesfor the material used in the beater’s construction. / Se diseñaron, construyeron y evaluaron impactadoresrotatorios para ser utilizados en una herramienta portátil, en la cosecha selectiva de café. La investigación se adelantó en tres fases; en la primera se realizaron pruebas preliminares sobre el desempeño de tres impactadores. En la segunda, con base en los resultados de la fase uno, se construyeron y evaluaron once modelos experimentales de impactadores rotatorios de diferentes formas para los cuales se determinó su capacidad de desprendimiento, selectividad, daños causados a las ramas, dispersión de frutos y balanceo del rotor. La evaluación se efectuó por medio de unamatriz de decisión con tres niveles de valoración, alto, medio y bajo, de la cual resultó un impactador con el mejor desempeño.En la tercera fase, se tomó el modelo de impactador de mejordesempeño y mediante CAD se realizó el diseño refinado antes de construirlo para futuras evaluaciones. La deformación y esfuerzo máximos experimentados por el impactador fueron inferiores a los máximos admisibles por el material empleado en la

  5. Resonancias de la ficción: Una lectura post-política de El fiord, de Osvaldo Lamborghini.

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    Mario Aznar Pérez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo plantea una aproximación a El fiord (1969, del autor argentino Osvaldo Lamborghini, desde la óptica contemporánea del lector post-político. Entendiendo este último concepto como espacio epistémico y no como una mera estrategia política, nos preguntamos: ¿qué queda de un texto marcadamente ideológico cuando es leído desde una sociedad sin ideologías? ¿Puede el contenido político de un texto literario mantener su vigencia en el tiempo? Para tratar de responder a estas cuestiones proponemos la revisión de algunos conceptos importantes como son el de «literatura política» o el de «transgresión», a la luz de una teoría del texto orgánica y en constante movimiento

  6. Identification of risk factors for post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis in a high volume center.

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    Veit Phillip

    Full Text Available Pancreatitis is the most common complication of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP. Several patients´ or procedure related risk factors for post-ERCP pancreatitis (PEP have been suggested. The aim of this study was to validate the risk factors for PEP in a high-volume center.All patients undergoing first time ERCP at a tertiary referral center between December 2010 and October 2013 were retrospectively included. PEP was defined according to the Atlanta Classification.344 patients were included in the final analysis. The risk to develop PEP was increased in patients with chronic pancreatitis (odds ratio 3.7 and after inadvertent cannulation of the pancreatic duct (odds ratio 2.2, which occurred in 26.5% of the patients. Inadvertent cannulation occurred significantly more frequently in patients with difficult cannulation of the papilla duodeni major (odds ratio 12.7; p<0.001. ERCP on call was associated with an increased risk for difficult cannulation (odds ratio 3.0.Inadvertent cannulation of the pancreatic duct is a procedure related risk factor for PEP. Measurements on preventing inadvertent cannulation of the pancreatic duct should be established and studies on prophylactic measurements should focus particularly on patients with inadvertent cannulation of the pancreatic duct.

  7. Estudio de los factores biológicos del adenocarcinoma de endometrio y su relación con la supervivencia.


    Bou Serra, José


    RESUMEN Introducción: Los factores pronósticos utilizados en el adenocarcinoma de endometrio para predecir el riesgo de recurrencia son los relacionados con el tipo de tumor (subtipo histológico y grado de diferenciación) y el estadio de diseminación. Otros factores de tipo molecular o biológico se han propuesto por algunos autores como factores pronósticos independientes de recurrencia y muerte por la enfermedad pero sin consenso entre todos los autores. Hipótesis: además de la existencia...

  8. Evaluation of Pre-marketing Factors to Predict Post-marketing Boxed Warnings and Safety Withdrawals. (United States)

    Schick, Andreas; Miller, Kathleen L; Lanthier, Michael; Dal Pan, Gerald; Nardinelli, Clark


    An important goal in drug regulation is understanding serious safety issues with new drugs as soon as possible. Achieving this goal requires us to understand whether information provided during the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) drug review can predict serious safety issues that are usually identified after the product is approved. However, research on this topic remains understudied. In this paper, we examine whether any pre-marketing drug characteristics are associated with serious post-marketing safety actions. We study this question using an internal FDA database containing every new small molecule drug submitted to the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) on or after November 21, 1997, and approved and commercially launched before December 31, 2009. Serious post-marketing safety actions include whether these drugs ever experienced either a post-marketing boxed warning or a withdrawal from the market due to safety concerns. A random effects logistic regression model was used to test whether any pre-marketing characteristics were associated with either post-marketing safety action. A total of 219 new molecular entities were analyzed. Among these drugs, 11 experienced a safety withdrawal and 30 received boxed warnings by July 31, 2016. Contrary to prevailing hypotheses, we find that neither clinical trial sample sizes nor review time windows are associated with the addition of a post-marketing boxed warning or safety withdrawal. However, we do find that new drugs approved with either a boxed warning or priority review are more likely to experience post-marketing boxed warnings. Furthermore, drugs approved with boxed warnings tend to receive post-marketing boxed warnings resulting from new safety information that are unrelated to the original warning. Drugs approved with a boxed warning are 3.88 times more likely to receive a post-marketing boxed warning, while drugs approved with a priority review are 3.51 times more likely to receive a post

  9. Exogenous fibroblast growth factor 9 attenuates cartilage degradation and aggravates osteophyte formation in post-traumatic osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Zhou, S; Wang, Z; Tang, J; Li, W; Huang, J; Xu, W; Luo, F; Xu, M; Wang, J; Wen, X; Chen, L; Chen, H; Su, N; Shen, Y; Du, X; Xie, Y; Chen, L


    The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of exogenous fibroblast growth factor (FGF)9 on the progression of post-traumatic osteoarthritis (OA). The expression of FGF9 in articular cartilage with OA is detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC). The effects of intra-articular exogenous FGF9 injection on post-traumatic OA induced by the destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) surgery are evaluated. Cartilage changes and osteophyte formation in knee joints are investigated by histological analysis. Changes in subchondral bone are evaluated by microcomputed tomography (micro-CT). The effect of exogenous FGF9 on an interleukin-1β (IL-1β)-induced ex vivo OA model of human articular cartilage tissues is also evaluated. FGF9 expression was down-regulated in articular chondrocytes of OA but ectopically induced at sites of osteophyte formation. Intra-articular injection of exogenous FGF9 attenuated articular cartilage degradation in mice after DMM surgery. Exogenous FGF9 suppressed collagen X and MMP13 expressions in OA cartilage, while promoted collagen II expression. Similar results were observed in IL-1β-induced ex vivo OA model. Intra-articular injection of FGF9 had no significant effect on the subchondral bone of knee joints after DMM surgery, but aggravated osteophyte formation. The expressions of SOX9 and collagen II, and cell proliferation were up-regulated at sites of initial osteophyte formation in mice with exogenous FGF9 treatment. Intra-articular injection of exogenous FGF9 delays articular cartilage degradation in post-traumatic OA, while aggravates osteophyte formation. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Prácticas Clínicas en el Cuidado de Gestantes y Recién Nacidos en Algunos Hospitales de Bogotá, Colombia


    Rojas-Higuera, Ricardo; Londoño-Cardona, Juan G.; Arango-Gómez, Fernando


    Objetivo Evaluar en algunos hospitales de Bogotá, entre Agosto de 2004 y Marzo de 2005, la frecuencia de uso de 17 prácticas en el manejo de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad materna y perinatal. Métodos Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal. La información corresponde a 3 108 mujeres que tuvieron parto con edad gestacional mayor a 24 semanas. Resultados En cada variable evaluada se obtuvieron los siguientes porcentajes: porte del carné perinatal (79,4 %), suplementación ...

  11. Cold Ischemia Time is an Important Risk Factor for Post-Liver Transplant Prolonged Length of Stay. (United States)

    Pan, Evelyn T; Yoeli, Dor; Galvan, N Thao N; Kueht, Michael L; Cotton, Ronald T; O'Mahony, Christine A; Goss, John A; Rana, Abbas


    Risk analysis of cold ischemia time (CIT) in liver transplantation has largely focused on patient and graft survival. Post-transplant length of stay is a sensitive marker of morbidity and cost. We hypothesize that CIT is a risk factor for post-transplant prolonged length of stay (PLOS) and aim to conduct an hour-by-hour analysis of CIT and PLOS. We retrospectively reviewed all adult, first-time liver transplants between March 2002 and September 2016 in the United Network for Organ Sharing database. 67,426 recipients were categorized by hourly CIT increments. Multivariable logistic regression of PLOS (defined as > 30 days), CIT groups, and an extensive list of confounding variables was performed. Linear regression between length of stay and CIT as continuous variables was also performed. CIT 1-6 hours was protective against PLOS, while CIT greater than 7 hours was associated with increased odds for PLOS. The lowest odds for PLOS were observed with 1-2 (odds ratio (OR) = 0.65, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.45-0.92) and 2-3 hours (OR = 0.65, 95% CI 0.55-0.78) of CIT. OR for PLOS steadily increased with increasing CIT, reaching the greatest odds for PLOS with 13-14 hours (OR = 2.05, 95% CI 1.57-2.67) and 15-16 hours (OR = 2.06, 95% CI 1.27-3.33) of CIT. Linear regression revealed a positive correlation between length of stay and cold ischemia time with a correlation coefficient of +0.35 (p < 0.001). Post-liver transplant length of stay is sensitive to CIT, with substantial increase in the odds of PLOS observed with nearly every additional hour of cold ischemia. We conclude that CIT should be minimized to protect against the morbidity and cost associated with post-transplant PLOS. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. © 2018 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

  12. The role of donor characteristics and post-granulocyte colony-stimulating factor white blood cell counts in predicting the adverse events and yields of stem cell mobilization. (United States)

    Chen, Shu-Huey; Yang, Shang-Hsien; Chu, Sung-Chao; Su, Yu-Chieh; Chang, Chu-Yu; Chiu, Ya-Wen; Kao, Ruey-Ho; Li, Dian-Kun; Yang, Kuo-Liang; Wang, Tso-Fu


    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is now widely used for stem cell mobilization. We evaluated the role of post-G-CSF white blood cell (WBC) counts and donor factors in predicting adverse events and yields associated with mobilization. WBC counts were determined at baseline, after the third and the fifth dose of G-CSF in 476 healthy donors. Donors with WBC ≥ 50 × 10(3)/μL post the third dose of G-CSF experienced more fatigue, myalgia/arthralgia, and chills, but final post-G-CSF CD34(+) cell counts were similar. Although the final CD34(+) cell count was higher in donors with WBC ≥ 50 × 10(3)/μL post the fifth G-CSF, the incidence of side effects was similar. Females more frequently experienced headache, nausea/anorexia, vomiting, fever, and lower final CD34(+) cell count than did males. Donors with body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 showed higher incidences of sweat and insomnia as well as higher final CD34(+) cell counts. Donor receiving G-CSF ≥ 10 μg/kg tended to experience bone pain, headache and chills more frequently. Multivariate analysis indicated that female gender is an independent factor predictive of the occurrence of most side effects, except for ECOG > 1 and chills. Higher BMI was also an independent predictor for fatigue, myalgia/arthralgia, and sweat. Higher G-CSF dose was associated with bone pain, while the WBC count post the third G-CSF was associated with fatigue only. In addition, one donor in the study period did not complete the mobilization due to suspected anaphylactoid reaction. Observation for 1 h after the first injection of G-CSF is required to prevent complications from unpredictable side effects.

  13. Postes prefabricados de fibra: Consideraciones para su uso clínico

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    Hugo Calabria Díaz

    Full Text Available En la década de los 90 los Postes Prefabricados de Fibra (PPF se introdujeron al mercado como alternativa a los sistemas metálicos o cerámicos. Hasta la fecha se mantienen en uso, modificando de manera constante sus presentaciones comerciales y estrategias de fijación. Sus cualidades mecánicas como su bajo Módulo Elástico (ME similar al dentinario, introducen un nuevo paradigma en la rehabilitación del Diente Endodonticamente Tratado (DET: .ldquo;el poste debe acompañar en forma solidaria la flexión de los tejidos dentarios frente a las cargas.rdquo;. Sus actuales cualidades estéticas, la fácil remoción y la posibilidad de su cementado adhesivo, los han convertido en una alternativa válida a las soluciones convencionales. Sin embargo, algunos resultados contradictorios junto con la importante dificultad de lograr hibridación en la dentina radicular, mantienen interrogantes a resolver en el futuro. Se indican en casos en donde se prevea retratamiento, en pacientes jóvenes, de alta exigencia estética y toda vez que se quiera y pueda eludir los costos de aleaciones nobles. En el presente artículo se analizan los fundamentos clínicos y experimentales de distintos autores, extrapolándose consideraciones prácticas para su uso. Los mismos se ilustran en un caso clínico para un paciente joven, con antecedente de traumatismo y con altas expectativas estéticas

  14. The assessment of science: the relative merits of post-publication review, the impact factor, and the number of citations. (United States)

    Eyre-Walker, Adam; Stoletzki, Nina


    The assessment of scientific publications is an integral part of the scientific process. Here we investigate three methods of assessing the merit of a scientific paper: subjective post-publication peer review, the number of citations gained by a paper, and the impact factor of the journal in which the article was published. We investigate these methods using two datasets in which subjective post-publication assessments of scientific publications have been made by experts. We find that there are moderate, but statistically significant, correlations between assessor scores, when two assessors have rated the same paper, and between assessor score and the number of citations a paper accrues. However, we show that assessor score depends strongly on the journal in which the paper is published, and that assessors tend to over-rate papers published in journals with high impact factors. If we control for this bias, we find that the correlation between assessor scores and between assessor score and the number of citations is weak, suggesting that scientists have little ability to judge either the intrinsic merit of a paper or its likely impact. We also show that the number of citations a paper receives is an extremely error-prone measure of scientific merit. Finally, we argue that the impact factor is likely to be a poor measure of merit, since it depends on subjective assessment. We conclude that the three measures of scientific merit considered here are poor; in particular subjective assessments are an error-prone, biased, and expensive method by which to assess merit. We argue that the impact factor may be the most satisfactory of the methods we have considered, since it is a form of pre-publication review. However, we emphasise that it is likely to be a very error-prone measure of merit that is qualitative, not quantitative.

  15. New technologies as a factor of development of competitive Russian economy in the context of a post-industrial stage

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    Shamrai Yu.F.


    Full Text Available the article presents ways of development of a technological platform of the Russian economy and a role of new technologies and «human factor» in providing its competitiveness at a post-industrial stage. The author offers: education systems development, use of channels of the international migration of a skilled labor force, forming of the national market of new technologies, enhancement of interaction with the world market of new technologies.

  16. El soporte nutrimental y su relación con algunos indicadores pronósticos del niño quemado

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    Alejandro Torres Amaro


    Full Text Available Introducción: las quemaduras constituyen una de las principales causas de accidentes en el niño. El tamaño de estas y el estado hipercatabólico son determinantes de la dinámica del tratamiento y la supervivencia del niño con grandes quemaduras. Objetivo: buscar la posible relación entre el soporte nutrimental establecido en las primeras horas después de la reanimación, y algunos indicadores pronósticos en niños quemados. Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, de carácter analítico, que incluyó a 252 niños que tuvieron un ingreso en el servicio de quemados del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "Juan Manuel Márquez"de Marianao, en La Habana, con estadía superior a los 7 días, durante el decenio 2000-2009. A partir de la auditoría de las historias clínicas se obtuvieron los indicadores siguientes del pronóstico del niño quemado: superficie corporal quemada, tiempo de estadía, por ciento de pérdida de peso y mortalidad. De la misma forma se obtuvo la información acerca del tipo de soporte nutrimental metabólico empleado durante el tratamiento. Resultados: el tipo de soporte nutrimental metabólico más empleado fue el mixto, en el que se combinan las modalidades enteral y parenteral periférica, que abarcó al 52 % de los pacientes tratados. Los niños con menor por ciento de pérdida de peso (inferior al 10 % recibieron la forma enteral exclusiva (53,1 % de los casos tratados; en el 37,4 % el soporte fue mixto, pero usando la modalidad periférica de uso parenteral. Conclusiones: la estrategia nutrimental empleada en el niño quemado puede modificar algunos indicadores del pronóstico y debe ser una prioridad terapéutica para prevenir el deterioro clínico de estos pacientes.

  17. Multiple post-translational modifications in hepatocyte nuclear factor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yokoyama, Atsushi; Katsura, Shogo; Ito, Ryo; Hashiba, Waka; Sekine, Hiroki; Fujiki, Ryoji; Kato, Shigeaki


    Highlights: → We performed comprehensive PTM analysis for HNF4α protein. → We identified 8 PTMs in HNF4α protein including newly identified PTMs. → Among them, we found acetylation at lysine 458 was one of the prime PTMs for HNF4α function. → Acetylation at lysine 458 was inhibitory for HNF4α transcription function. → This modification fluctuated in response to extracellular condition. -- Abstract: To investigate the role of post-translational modifications (PTMs) in the hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α)-mediated transcription, we took a comprehensive survey of PTMs in HNF4α protein by massspectrometry and identified totally 8 PTM sites including newly identified ubiquitilation and acetylation sites. To assess the impact of identified PTMs in HNF4α-function, we introduced point mutations at the identified PTM sites and, tested transcriptional activity of the HNF4α. Among the point-mutations, an acetylation site at lysine 458 was found significant in the HNF4α-mediated transcriptional control. An acetylation negative mutant at lysine 458 showed an increased transcriptional activity by about 2-fold, while an acetylation mimic mutant had a lowered transcriptional activation. Furthermore, this acetylation appeared to be fluctuated in response to extracellular nutrient conditions. Thus, by applying an comprehensive analysis of PTMs, multiple PTMs were newly identified in HNF4α and unexpected role of an HNF4α acetylation could be uncovered.

  18. Evaluación de algunos componentes del rendimiento en una plantación de hibridos de cacao de 15 años de edad en la región de Guamal (Meta

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    Tovar Germán


    Full Text Available

    Se determinaron los factores limitantes de la polinización natural de un cultivo de híbridos de cacao de 15 años de edad y se estimaron las variaciones en las condiciones de la polinización de acuerdo con la localidad, mediante la confrontación de los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo con aquellos encontrados para la región de Granada (Meta, en el mismo piedemonte llanero colombiano, La mayor diferencia entre las dos localidades fue la cantidad de polen aportado sobre los estilos, siendo el índice de rareza de polen (A para Guamal de 0,7, 10 cual sugiere unas condiciones de polinización intermedias en comparación con el hallado en Granada que fue de 1,07, Y que explica el deficiente llenado de las mazorcas con granos. Las probabilidades de formación y producción  de frutos de cacao fueron similares en las dos localidades según los val ores encontrados para Xw y Xm. La fertilidad en condiciones de polinización natural para las dos local localidades fue baja y la distribución de granos por mazorca confirmo las fallas en la polinización de las flores, siendo el problema de subpolinización más acentuado en Granada que en Guamal. Las condiciones de polinización variaron notablemente de una cosecha a la otra y también entre localidades, siendo una de las causas de la baja producción de cacao en la región.

  19. Growth of New Firms: Which Factors Influence Post-Entry Performance? An Empirical Analysis Based on Swiss Firm Data


    David Marmet


    The aim of this study is to shed light on the factors which determine the post-entry performance of new firms. It is often argued that new firms are the driving force of structural changes and sometimes they are even characterized as an “engine” of economic growth. Nevertheless, the empirical evidence is mixed. Taking into account the high exit rate of new firms, a specific founding cohort does not contribute substantially to new jobs. In this paper, we analyse the contribution of new firms c...

  20. Factors associated with post-seasonal serological titer and risk factors for infection with the pandemic A/H1N1 virus in the French general population.

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    Nathanael Lapidus

    Full Text Available The CoPanFlu-France cohort of households was set up in 2009 to study the risk factors for infection by the pandemic influenza virus (H1N1pdm in the French general population. The authors developed an integrative data-driven approach to identify individual, collective and environmental factors associated with the post-seasonal serological H1N1pdm geometric mean titer, and derived a nested case-control analysis to identify risk factors for infection during the first season. This analysis included 1377 subjects (601 households. The GMT for the general population was 47.1 (95% confidence interval (CI: 45.1, 49.2. According to a multivariable analysis, pandemic vaccination, seasonal vaccination in 2009, recent history of influenza-like illness, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, social contacts at school and use of public transports by the local population were associated with a higher GMT, whereas history of smoking was associated with a lower GMT. Additionally, young age at inclusion and risk perception of exposure to the virus at work were identified as possible risk factors, whereas presence of an air humidifier in the living room was a possible protective factor. These findings will be interpreted in light of the longitudinal analyses of this ongoing cohort.

  1. Fijacion primaria y variaciones morfologicas, durante la metamorfosis de algunos bivalvos chilenos

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    Juan Uribe Barichivith


    Full Text Available The larval primary settlement and the changes originated during the metamorphosis of some species of Chilean bivalves, are comparatively studied, being described, the larval and post - larval stages from the veliconcha to late plantigrade. By observing in ropes "anchovetera" nets and plankton samples, in the mitiliculture of Codihué (41º 46'S; 73º 24'W, it was verified for Mytilus chilensis Hupé, 1854 and Aulacomya ater (Molina, 1782, primary settlement on the filamentous algae of genera Enteromorpha with an average size of 33º µ high, minimum average of definitive settlement, byssus positional changes, etc. Information concerning average and number of larval and post - larval attachment to different deep and inmersión period and morphological characters of larval and post - larval of: Bankia martensi Stempell, 1898 (Teredinidae, Pholas chiloensis (Molina, 1782 (Pholadidae y Chlamys patriae Doello Jurado, 1918 (Pectinidae, are also given.

  2. Acute lung injury complicating blood transfusion in post-partum hemorrhage: incidence and risk factors. (United States)

    Teofili, Luciana; Bianchi, Maria; Zanfini, Bruno A; Catarci, Stefano; Sicuranza, Rossella; Spartano, Serena; Zini, Gina; Draisci, Gaetano


    We retrospectively investigated the incidence and risk factors for transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) among patients transfused for post-partum hemorrhage (PPH). We identified a series of 71 consecutive patients with PPH requiring the urgent transfusion of three or more red blood cell (RBC) units, with or without transfusion of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and/or platelets (PLT). Clinical records were then retrieved and examined for respiratory distress events. According to the 2004 consensus definition, cases of new-onset hypoxemia, within 6 hours after transfusion, with bilateral pulmonary changes, in the absence of cardiogenic pulmonary edema were identified as TRALI. If an alternative risk factor for acute lung injury was present, possible TRALI was diagnosed. Thirteen cases of TRALI and 1 case of possible TRALI were identified (overall incidence 19.7%). At univariate analysis, patients with TRALI received higher number of RBC, PLT and FFP units and had a longer postpartum hospitalization. Among the diseases occurring in pregnancy- and various pre-existing comorbidities, only gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia, significantly increased the risk to develop TRALI (p = 0.006). At multivariate analysis including both transfusion- and patient-related risk factors, pregnancy-related, hypertensive disorders were confirmed to be the only predictors for TRALI, with an odds ratio of 27.7 ( 95% CI 1.27-604.3, p=0.034). Patients suffering from PPH represent a high-risk population for TRALI. The patients with gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia, not receiving anti-hypertensive therapy, have the highest risk. Therefore, a careful monitoring of these patients after transfusions is recommended.


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    Yuri Orlik


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se muestran algunos de los resultados de la organización del juego científico “Científicos jóvenes” a nivel de colegio. Este juego se llevó a cabo en tres escuelas secundarias en Bogotá (Colombia, con aproximadamente doscientos estudiantes de 9o grado. Los diferentes equipos de estudiantes han competido contestando las preguntas y haciendo las tareas especiales que requiere este juego. Esta actividad extraclase mostró resultados positivos a nivel creciente de los intereses del estudiante y permitió levantar la motivación, estimular las capacidades y el desarrollo de las habilidades de alto nivel, en los estudiantes.

  4. Socioeconomic Factors Associated with Post-Mastectomy Immediate Reconstruction in a Contemporary Cohort of Breast Cancer Survivors. (United States)

    Schumacher, Jessica R; Taylor, Lauren J; Tucholka, Jennifer L; Poore, Samuel; Eggen, Amanda; Steiman, Jennifer; Wilke, Lee G; Greenberg, Caprice C; Neuman, Heather B


    Post-mastectomy reconstruction is a critical component of high-quality breast cancer care. Prior studies demonstrate socioeconomic disparity in receipt of reconstruction. Our objective was to evaluate trends in receipt of immediate reconstruction and examine socioeconomic factors associated with reconstruction in a contemporary cohort. Using the National Cancer Database, we identified women rates (2004-2013) for the overall cohort and stratified by socioeconomic factors were examined using Join-point regression analysis, and annual percentage change (APC) was calculated. We then restricted our sample to a contemporary cohort (2010-2013, n = 145,577). Multivariable logistic regression identified socioeconomic factors associated with immediate reconstruction. Average adjusted predicted probabilities of receiving reconstruction were calculated. Immediate reconstruction rates increased from 27 to 48%. Although absolute rates of reconstruction for each stratification group increased, similar APCs across strata led to persistent gaps in receipt of reconstruction. On multivariable logistic regression using our contemporary cohort, race, income, education, and insurance type were all strongly associated with immediate reconstruction. Patients with the lowest predicted probability of receiving reconstruction were patients with Medicaid who lived in areas with the lowest rates of high-school graduation (Black 42.4% [95% CI 40.5-44.3], White 45.7% [95% CI 43.9-47.4]). Although reconstruction rates have increased dramatically over the past decade, lower rates persist for disadvantaged patients. Understanding how socioeconomic factors influence receipt of reconstruction, and identifying modifiable factors, are critical next steps towards identifying interventions to reduce disparities in breast cancer surgical care.

  5. Factores de riesgo del bajo peso al nacer

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    Ernesto Rosell Juarte


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación de casos y controles en las mujeres que parieron niños con bajo peso, de los consultorios urbanos de médicos de la familia pertenecientes al Policlínico Comunitario Docente "Carlos J. Finlay" de Camagüey, durante el año 1994, con el objetivo de identificar los factores de riesgo biológico y socioeconómicos que con más frecuencia se asociaron; se estudiaron 32 "casos" y 53 "controles" de un universo de 521 nacidos vivos. Se demostró que la edad materna hasta 19 años y de 35 y más, la ganancia insuficiente de peso durante la gestación, el antecedente familiar de prematuridad, la amenaza de parto pretérmino y la ruptura prematura de las membranas, resultaron ser factores de riesgo, y esto no coincide con lo reportado por algunos autores en la evaluación de otros factores asociados.

  6. Post-Mergers and Acquisitions: The Motives, Success Factors and Key Success Indicators


    Hatem El Zuhairy; Ahmed Taher; Ingy Shafei


    There is a wide body of evidence showing a significant increase in the adoption of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) worldwide. Moreover, research confirms that the integration and implementation stage (post-M&A) has a major impact on the success or failure of a merger or acquisition. Therefore it has become increasingly important to explore the post-M&A phase further in order to support the management teams of organizations pursuing a merger or acquisition in meeting all their desired objective...

  7. Risk factors for developing post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Louise Bjørkholt; Melvaer, Lisa B; Videbech, Poul


    Background. Approximately 1-2% of women suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) postnatally. This review aims to elucidate how women at risk can be identified. Methods. A systematic search of the published literature was carried out using the MEDLINE database (November 2003 to 29(th...

  8. Factors influencing pre-stroke and post-stroke quality of life among stroke survivors in a lower middle-income country. (United States)

    Mahesh, P K B; Gunathunga, M W; Jayasinghe, S; Arnold, S M; Liyanage, S N


    Quality of life (QOL) reflects the individual's perception of the position within living contexts. This study was done to describe pre- and post-stroke QOLs of stroke survivors. A prospective longitudinal study was done among stroke survivors admitted to 13 hospitals in the western province of Sri Lanka. The calculated sample size was 260. The pre-stroke and post-discharge one-month QOL was gathered using short form-36 (SF-36) QOL tool. SF-36 includes questions on eight domains: general health, physical functioning, pain, role limitation due to physical problems, social functioning, vitality, role limitations due to emotional problems, and mental health. Univariate analysis was followed by determining the independent risk factors through multivariate analysis. The response rate was 81%. The disability was measured by the modified Rankin scale which ranges from 0 (no symptoms) to 6 (fatal outcome). The median (IQR) disability score was 4 (3 to 5). The post-discharge QOL scores were significantly lower than pre-stroke values (p role limitation-physical domains), female gender (for physical functioning and pain domains), lower health infrastructure (for general health, vitality, and mental health domains), lower education (for pain domain), higher disability (for general health, physical functioning, vitality, social functioning, and mental health domains), and hypercholesterolemia (for role limitation-emotional domain). Stroke survivors have not regained their pre-stroke QOL at 1 month following the hospital discharge irrespective of income level and pre-stroke QOL. Higher pre- and post-stroke QOLs are associated with better statuses of social determinants of health.

  9. [Risk factors for post partum depression]. (United States)

    Dois, Angelina; Uribe, Claudia; Villarroel, Luis; Contreras, Aixa


    Postpartum depression (PPD) is a public health problem with high prevalence in Chile. Many factors are associated with PPD. To analyze the factors associated with the incidence of depressive symptoms (SD) in women with low obstetric risk. Cross-sectional analytical study on a sample of 105 postpartum women with low obstetric risk assessed by the Edinburgh Depression Scale at the eighth week postpartum. A 37% prevalence of depressive symptoms was found. Univariate analysis showed that the perception of family functioning, overcrowding and number of siblings, were significantly associated with postpartum depressive symptoms. A multiple regression model only accepted family functioning as a predictor of depression. Perception of family functioning was the only variable that explained in part the presence of depressive symptoms in women with low obstetric risk.

  10. Post-load hyperglycaemia and diagnostic criteria for diabetes

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Qing Qiao


    The evolution of 2 h post-load glucose tolerance test for diagnosis of diabetes and its clinical implication was reviewed and discussed.Post-load hyperglycemia is a risk factor for both micro-and macro-vascular diseases.According to its relationship with retinopathy,the current cut-off values for diabetes was defined since 1979.Recently,strong evidence has shown that post-load hyperglycemia is also an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease(CVD),the relation is linear and no a threshold was found.There are large discrepancies between fasting and 2 h glucose criteria in the classification of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance(IGT)/impaired fasting glucose(IFG).For early diagnosis and intervention administrating a 2 h OGTT to suspect individuals is necessary.

  11. Prospective analysis of delayed colorectal post-polypectomy bleeding. (United States)

    Park, Soo-Kyung; Seo, Jeong Yeon; Lee, Min-Gu; Yang, Hyo-Joon; Jung, Yoon Suk; Choi, Kyu Yong; Kim, Hungdai; Kim, Hyung Ook; Jung, Kyung Uk; Chun, Ho-Kyung; Park, Dong Il


    Although post-polypectomy bleeding is the most frequent complication after colonoscopic polypectomy, only few studies have investigated the incidence of bleeding prospectively. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of delayed post-polypectomy bleeding and its associated risk factors prospectively. Patients who underwent colonoscopic polypectomy at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital from January 2013 to December 2014 were prospectively enrolled in this study. Trained nurses contacted patients via telephone 7 and 30 days after polypectomy and completed a standardized questionnaire regarding the development of bleeding. Delayed post-polypectomy bleeding was categorized as minor or major and early or late bleeding. Major delayed bleeding was defined as a > 2-g/dL drop in the hemoglobin level, requiring hospitalization for control of bleeding or blood transfusion; late delayed bleeding was defined as bleeding occurring later than 24 h after polypectomy. A total of 8175 colonoscopic polypectomies were performed in 3887 patients. Overall, 133 (3.4%) patients developed delayed post-polypectomy bleeding. Among them, 90 (2.3%) and 43 (1.1%) patients developed minor and major delayed bleeding, respectively, and 39 (1.0%) patients developed late delayed bleeding. In the polyp-based multivariate analysis, young age ( 10 mm (OR 2.45; 95% CI 1.38-4.36) were significant risk factors for major delayed bleeding, while young age (< 50 years; OR 2.6; 95% CI 1.35-5.12) and immediate bleeding (OR 3.3; 95% CI 1.49-7.30) were significant risk factors for late delayed bleeding. Young age, aspirin use, polyp size, and immediate bleeding were found to be independent risk factors for delayed post-polypectomy bleeding.

  12. Efecto de algunos aceites esenciales sobre el crecimiento de Phytophthora infestans (Mont. de Bary en condiciones de laboratorio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carrillo Yazmid Adriana


    Full Text Available Entre los factores más limitantes del cultivo de papa se encuentra
    Phytophthora infestans, agente causal de la llamada “gota”.
    El control químico de esta enfermedad representa entre el 7 y
    el 10% de los costos totales del cultivo, y tiene un alto impacto
    ambiental por la contaminación que ocasiona. La búsqueda
    y aplicación de prácticas alternativas para el control de este
    patógeno es importante para disminuir tanto la utilización de
    fungicidas como los costos de producción del cultivo. Numerosos
    estudios realizados in vitro demuestran que algunos aceites
    esenciales tienen propiedades fungicidas y fungistáticas sobre
    diferentes patógenos. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio
    consistio en la evaluacion de ocho aceites esenciales extraidos
    de algunas especies aromaticas de la familia Lamiaceae sobre
    el crecimiento de P. infestans en condiciones de laboratorio. Se
    evaluaron diferentes metodologías de aplicación de los productos
    en estudio, encontrándose que las mas apropiadas son aquellas
    en que el aceite ejerce un efecto volátil. Los aceites esenciales
    fueron Origanum vulgare, Mentha piperita, Salvia officinalis,
    Ocimum basilicum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Origanum majorana,
    Thymus vulgaris y Pogostemon cablin se evaluaron en
    su fase volatil, a traves de su efecto sobre dos aislamientos
    de P. infestans (A13 y A15. Los aceites que mostraron efecto
    inhibitorio sobre el crecimiento de P. infestans fueron los de T.
    vulgaris y M. piperita, los cuales redujeron el crecimiento del
    hongo en 92,1 y 89,9%, respectivamente; y por ello pueden ser
    considerados promisorios para ser evaluados en campo.

  13. Algunos aspectos hereditarios y ambientales en casos de fibrosis quística en la ciudad de Cartagena (Colombia

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    Dacia Malambo


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir las características de la transmisión hereditaria de la enfermedad en familias de la ciudad de Cartagena (Colombia y analizar algunos factores medioambientales del núcleo familiar de los pacientes que pudieran influir en la evolución y/o severidad de la patología. Materiales y métodos: Se estudiaron 22 pacientes, distribuidos en 16 familias, del “Programa de atención integral a pacientes con fibrosis quística” de la Universidad de Cartagena. Se recopiló información acerca de las condiciones de vivienda del grupo familiar y se evaluaron aspectos fenotípicos hereditarios, y se construyeron genealogías para esta enfermedad. Resultados: El análisis de pedigríes reveló lo siguiente: en ocho familias (67%, los individuos afectados presentan rasgos caucásicos; en cinco familias (42% se reconoce existencia de ancestros europeos; en dos familias (17% existe consaguinidad. En relación con el aspecto ambiental, se encontró que 33% de las familias estudiadas habitan viviendas en malas condiciones. Conclusiones: Entre las familias de los pacientes con fibrosis quística de la ciudad de Cartagena detectados en este estudio se verifica la transmisión hereditaria autosómica recesiva, se confirma el mestizaje de nuestras poblaciones. La reincidencia de enfermos y la consanguinidad en varias familias denota la falta de asesoramiento genético y el desconocimiento de la evolución de la enfermedad por su grupo familiar. Estos resultados pueden ser el punto de partida de estudios más amplios que sirvan de fundamento para la implementación de políticas tendientes a reducir la frecuencia y severidad de la enfermedad a nivel local y nacional.

  14. A qualitative analysis of factors impacting resilience among youth in post-conflict Liberia. (United States)

    Levey, Elizabeth J; Oppenheim, Claire E; Lange, Brittany C L; Plasky, Naomi S; Harris, Benjamin L; Lekpeh, G Gondah; Kekulah, Isaac; Henderson, David C; Borba, Christina P C


    In 2008, 5 years after the Liberian civil war ended, there were an estimated 340,000 orphans in Liberia, 18 % of the total child population of the country. Given that children make up half the population and that these children experienced significant trauma and loss both through direct exposure to the war and then to the Ebola epidemic, and indirectly as a result of the trauma experienced by their parents, the recovery of these children is essential to the recovery of the nation as a whole. The goal of this research was to identify factors contributing to resilience among youth in post-conflict Liberia. Resilience was defined as evidence of adaptive functioning and psychological health. Seventy-five young people (age 13-18) in the capital city of Monrovia, Liberia were recruited in 2012. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and demographic data were collected. Interviews were then transcribed and coded thematically. Forty-six of the participants were attending school, and 29 were not enrolled in school. Youth enrolled in school demonstrated greater adaptive functioning. This was particularly true for boys in any school setting and girls attending private school. Youth not attending school were more likely to have lost family members or become estranged from them, and many were also engaging in substance use. Emotion regulation, cognitive flexibility, agency, social intelligence and, in some cases, meaning-making were found in participants who showed resilient outcomes. Caregiver relationships mediate the development of psychological capacities that impact resilience. These findings suggest that youth who have lost a caregiver, many of whom are not attending school, are experiencing a significant ongoing burden in terms of their daily functioning and psychological health in the post-war period and should be the focus of further study and intervention targeting substance use and community reintegration. Trial registration Partners Healthcare IRB Protocol


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    Pablos Reyes DP


    Full Text Available Una problemática ambiental impor- tante en instalaciones porcinas es la producción de excretas con alta concentración de nutrientes y su deposición en el ecosistema. Una alternativa para la biorremediación de dicha problemática es utilizar las excretas para la producción de plantas acuáticas que tengan una alta tasa de captación de nutrientes, tal como Lemna perpusilla. En el presente estudio se desarrollaron dos experimentos con el objetivo de estudiar el efecto de la época del año y el tiempo de cosecha sobre la biomasa, composición química y el rendimiento de nutrientes. En el experimento I (enero a abril se utilizó una dosis de fertilización de 20 Lm-2 por cada 20 días y se manejó una densidad de siembra de 200 gm-2, realizando cosechas cada 10 días. Mientras que en el experimento II (mayo a ju- nio se utilizó la misma dosis de fertilización y densidad de siembra, pero cosechando cada seis días. Durante el desarrollo experimental (enero-junio Lemna perpusilla presentó bajo contenido de materia seca (6.87 a 8.87% y fi- bra (11.67 a 12.89%, pero alto contenido de proteína (26.02 a 27.41%. Se determinó que la época y tiempo de cosecha afectan significati- vamente la cosecha total, composición química y rendimiento de nutrientes. Las variables cli- máticas que más influyeron sobre la cosecha total fueron las horas luz y precipitación. Mien- tras que el rendimiento en nutrientes es princi- palmente afectada por la temperatura, hume- dad relativa, horas luz y precipitación.

  16. Alternativas para enfrentar las actuales exigencias del mercado de espárrago (Asparagus officinalis L. verde en Argentina. 1. Empleo de híbridos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana M. Castagnino


    Full Text Available A fin de determinar la productividad de híbridos de espárrago verde: 7 de origen italiano y un testigo americano (UC-157, en su segunda cosecha, se realizó un ensayo el 22/11/2006, con dos tamaños de plantines (PG y PP. Se determinó: producción fresca total (PFT y por cosecha (PFTC, producción comercial (PFN y por cosecha (PFNC, número de turiones totales (NTT, comerciales (NT, comerciales por cosecha (NTC y por planta (NTP, peso promedio por turión (PPT y distribución de calibres. Para todas las variables se destacó PG. En promedio, PFT fue de 13.287 kg/ha, PFN: 5.791 kg/ha, mientras que NT: 452.479 turiones/ha, lográndose una productividad por planta de 558 g totales y 243 g netos, y NTP de 19 turiones/planta. El PPT fue 12,95 g. Respecto de los híbridos, en PFT se destacó UC-157, seguido de Zeno, Eros, Ercole y H668 kg/ha (p < 0,05; mientras que en PFNC: UC-157 286,1; seguido por Giove 231,4; Zeno 230,7; Ercole 227,9 y Eros 224,3 kg/cosecha (p < 0,05. En NT, UC-157 produjo 186.646 turiones/ha comerciales más, respecto al promedio obtenido del conjunto de genotipos italianos, siendo el que menos turiones produjo Giove: 361.179 turiones/ha. En NTC, se destacó UC-157, seguido por Zeno y Ercole (p < 0,05. Logró mayor PPT Giove (16,7, seguido de Eros (13,1 y H668 (12,8 g/turión. En calibres el 43 % correspondió a L. Los genotipos italianos presentaron turiones de mayores calibres y menor defecto de espigado.

  17. Alternativas para enfrentar las actuales exigencias del mercado de espárrago (Asparagus officinalis L. verde en Argentina. 1. Empleo de híbridos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana M. Castagnino


    Full Text Available A fin de determinar la productividad de híbridos de espárrago verde: 7 de origen italiano y un testigo americano (UC-157, en su segunda cosecha, se realizó un ensayo el 22/11/2006, con dos tamaños de plantines (PG y PP. Se determinó: producción fresca total (PFT y por cosecha (PFTC, producción comercial (PFN y por cosecha (PFNC, número de turiones totales (NTT, comerciales (NT, comerciales por cosecha (NTC y por planta (NTP, peso promedio por turión (PPT y distribución de calibres. Para todas las variables se destacó PG. En promedio, PFT fue de 13.287 kg/ha, PFN: 5.791 kg/ha, mientras que NT: 452.479 turiones/ha, lográndose una productividad por planta de 558 g totales y 243 g netos, y NTP de 19 turiones/planta. El PPT fue 12,95 g. Respecto de los híbridos, en PFT se destacó UC-157, seguido de Zeno, Eros, Ercole y H668 kg/ha (p < 0,05; mientras que en PFNC: UC-157 286,1; seguido por Giove 231,4; Zeno 230,7; Ercole 227,9 y Eros 224,3 kg/cosecha (p < 0,05. En NT, UC-157 produjo 186.646 turiones/ha comerciales más, respecto al promedio obtenido del conjunto de genotipos italianos, siendo el que menos turiones produjo Giove: 361.179 turiones/ha. En NTC, se destacó UC-157, seguido por Zeno y Ercole (p < 0,05. Logró mayor PPT Giove (16,7, seguido de Eros (13,1 y H668 (12,8 g/turión. En calibres el 43 % correspondió a L. Los genotipos italianos presentaron turiones de mayores calibres y menor defecto de espigado.

  18. Del DSM-IV-TR al DSM-5: análisis de algunos cambios

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    Juan Francisco Rodríguez Testal


    Full Text Available La publicación de la quinta edición del DSM ha avivado un debate iniciado tiempo atrás, desde el anuncio de los cambios en los criterios de diagnóstico propuestos por la APA. En este artículo se analizan algunas de estas modificaciones. Se plantean aspectos interesantes y acertados, como la inclusión de la dimensionalidad, tanto en las clases diagnósticas como en algunos trastornos, la incorporación de un espectro obsesivo-compulsivo o la desaparición de los subtipos de esquizofrenia. También se analizan otros aspectos más controvertidos como la consideración del síndrome de psicosis atenuada, la descripción de un trastorno depresivo persistente, la reordenación en trastornos de síntomas somáticos los clásicos trastornos somatoformes, o el mantenimiento de los tres grandes grupos de trastornos de la personalidad, siempre insatisfactorios, junto con un planteamiento anunciado, pero marginal, de la perspectiva dimensional de las alteraciones de la personalidad. La nueva clasificación del DSM-5 abre numerosos interrogantes acerca de la validez que se pretende mejorar en el diagnóstico, en esta ocasión, asumiendo un planteamiento más cercano a la neurología y la genética que a la psicopatología clínica.

  19. Recent advances in the risk factors, diagnosis and management of Epstein-Barr virus post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease. (United States)

    Aguayo-Hiraldo, Paibel; Arasaratnam, Reuben; Rouce, Rayne H

    Fifty years after the first reports of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated endemic Burkitt's lymphoma, EBV has emerged as the third most prevalent oncogenic virus worldwide. EBV infection is associated with various malignancies including Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, NK/T-cell lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Despite the highly specific immunologic control in the immunocompetent host, EBV can cause severe complications in the immunocompromised host (namely, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease). This is particularly a problem in patients with delayed immune reconstitution post-hematopoietic stem cell transplant or solid organ transplant. Despite advances in diagnostic techniques and treatment algorithms allowing earlier identification and treatment of patients at highest risk, mortality rates remain as high as 90% if not treated early. The cornerstones of treatment include reduction in immunosuppression and in vivo B cell depletion with an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. However, these treatment modalities are not always feasible due to graft rejection, emergence of graft vs. host disease, and toxicity. Newer treatment modalities include the use of adoptive T cell therapy, which has shown promising results in various EBV-related malignancies. In this article we will review recent advances in risk factors, diagnosis and management of EBV-associated malignancies, particularly post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease. We will also discuss new and innovative treatment options including adoptive T cell therapy as well as management of special situations such as chronic active EBV and EBV-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Copyright © 2015 Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  20. Implicación del estrés psicosocial y los factores psicológicos en la dispepsia funcional


    Tobón, Sergio; Vinaccia, Stefano; Sandín, Bonifacio


    El objetivo del presente artículo ha consistido en llevar a cabo un análisis crítico sobre la dispepsia no ulcerosa o dispepsia funcional (DF) y sobre su relación con el estrés psicosocial y otros factores psicológicos. Se revisa la implicación de estos factores partiendo de la naturaleza multifactorial de la DF. La evidencia revisada sugiere que los sucesos vitales, la ansiedad, los trastornos de ansiedad, la depresión, algunos síntomas psicopatológicos, la somati...

  1. The prevalence and risk factors of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after fractional resurfacing in Asians. (United States)

    Chan, Henry H L; Manstein, D; Yu, C S; Shek, S; Kono, T; Wei, W I


    Ablative laser resurfacing is considered to be the main therapeutic option for the treatment of wrinkles and acne scarring. However, in Asians, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is a common adverse effect of laser resurfacing. Fractional resurfacing is a new concept of skin rejuvenation whereby zones of micro thermal injury are generated in the skin with the use of a 1,540-nm laser. The risk and prevalence of hyperpigmentation in dark-skinned patients using this approach have not been studied. To assess the prevalence and risk factors of PIH that is associated with the use of fractional resurfacing in Asians. A retrospective study of 37 Chinese patients who were treated with fractional resurfacing for acne scarring, skin rejuvenation, and pigmentation was carried out. In all of the cases, pre- and post-treatment clinical photographs (from standardized and cross-polarized views) were taken using the Canfield CR system. Two independent observers assessed the photographs. A prospective study of treatments of nine different density and energy levels that were applied to the forearms of 18 volunteers was also performed. Clinical photographs were assessed pre- and post-treatment for evidence of PIH. In the retrospective study, 119 treatment sessions were performed. Sixty-eight treatment sessions were high energy, low density; 51 sessions were low energy, high density. Patients who underwent a high energy but low-density treatment (range of energy 7-20 mJ; average energy 16.3 mJ, 1,000 MTZ) were associated with a lower prevalence of generalized PIH (7.1% vs. 12.4%) than those who underwent a low energy but high-density (range of energy 6-12 mJ; average energy 8.2 mJ, 2,000 MTZ) treatment. However, the difference was not statistically significant. Localized PIH occurred in the peri-oral area among patients who did not receive air cooling as an adjunctive therapy. Both the density and energy of the treatment determines the risk of PIH in dark-skinned patients

  2. Factors in Successful Post-School Transitions. Research Brief. Winter 2013 (United States)

    LoBianco, Tony; Kleinert, Harold L.


    Young adults with disabilities face multiple challenges in obtaining successful post-school outcomes. In a National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 report, Wagner, Newman, Cameto, Garza, and Levine (2005) found that for former students with disabilities, 70% had engaged in paid employment since leaving high school, though only 40% were employed at…

  3. Aplasia pura de serie roja post-trasplante alogeneico de células progenitoras hematopoyeticas ABO incompatible

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    E. Bulliorsky


    Full Text Available El trasplante alogeneico de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas (TCPH con incompatibilidad ABO entre el donante y el receptor puede en ocasiones asociarse a trastornos en la progenie eritroide desarrollada a partir de la médula ósea trasplantada, caracterizado por un funcionamiento tardío, inadecuado e incompleto de la misma. En este contexto, la aplasia pura de serie roja es la complicación más severa. Se han intentado tratamientos para la aplasia pura de serie roja post-TCPH con eritropoyetina o plasmaféresis, con relativo éxito. Algunos autores han informado también la utilización de globulina antilinfocitaria, asumiendo que dicha aplasia selectiva de la serie roja en la médula ósea trasplantada es mediada por un mecanismo inmune. En este trabajo se describe un paciente portador de una leucemia aguda en quien se realizó un TCPH alogeneico (ABO incompatible con su donante. Teniendo niveles bajos de aglutininas contra el grupo sanguíneo de la donante, desarrolló una aplasia pura de serie roja post - TCPH. La misma no mejoró con tratamiento con eritropoyetina o con un refuerzo de progenitores hematopoyéticos de sangre periférica de la misma donante (boost, resolviéndose totalmente luego de un tratamiento exitoso con globulina antilinfocitaria de origen equino.

  4. Factors associated with post-treatment E. coli contamination in households practising water treatment: a study of rural Cambodia. (United States)

    Benwic, Aaron; Kim, Erin; Khema, Cinn; Phanna, Chet; Sophary, Phan; Cantwell, Raymond E


    The purpose of this study was to assess factors associated with Escherichia coli (E. coli) contamination in rural households in Cambodia that have adopted household water treatment. The following factors were significantly associated (α E. coli contamination: cleaning the drinking vessel with untreated water, not drying the cup (with a cloth), accessing treated water by the use of a scoop (ref: using a tap), having more than one untreated water storage container, having an untreated water storage container that appeared dirty on the outside, and cows living within 10 m of the household. This study provides further evidence confirming previous studies reporting an association between inadequate cleanliness of water storage containers and household drinking water contamination, and identifies practical recommendations statistically associated with reduced post-treatment E. coli contamination in the household setting in rural Cambodia.

  5. Behavior Correlates of Post-Stroke Disability Using Data Mining and Infographics. (United States)

    Yoon, Sunmoo; Gutierrez, Jose

    Disability is a potential risk for stroke survivors. This study aims to identify disability risk factors associated with stroke and their relative importance and relationships from a national behavioral risk factor dataset. Data of post-stroke individuals in the U.S (n=19,603) including 397 variables were extracted from a publically available national dataset and analyzed. Data mining algorithms including C4.5 and linear regression with M5s methods were applied to build association models for post-stroke disability using Weka software. The relative importance and relationship of 70 variables associated with disability were presented in infographics for clinicians to understand easily. Fifty-five percent of post-stroke patients experience disability. Exercise, employment and satisfaction of life were relatively important factors associated with disability among stroke patients. Modifiable behavior factors strongly associated with disability include exercise (OR: 0.46, PData mining is promising to discover factors associated with post-stroke disability from a large population dataset. The findings can be potentially valuable for establishing the priorities for clinicians and researchers and for stroke patient education. The methods may generalize to other health conditions.

  6. Influence of post pattern and resin cement curing mode on the retention of glass fibre posts. (United States)

    Poskus, L T; Sgura, R; Paragó, F E M; Silva, E M; Guimarães, J G A


    To evaluate the influence of post design and roughness and cement system (dual- or self-cured) on the retention of glass fibre posts. Two tapered and smooth posts (Exacto Cônico No. 2 and White Post No. 1) and two parallel-sided and serrated posts (Fibrekor 1.25 mm and Reforpost No. 2) were adhesively luted with two different resin cements--a dual-cured (Rely-X ARC) and a self-cured (Cement Post)--in 40 single-rooted teeth. The teeth were divided into eight experimental groups (n = 5): PFD--Parallel-serrated-Fibrekor/dual-cured; PRD--Parallel-serrated-Reforpost/dual-cured; TED--Tapered-smooth-Exacto Cônico/dual-cured; TWD--Tapered-smooth-White Post/dual-cured; PFS--Parallel-serrated-Fibrekor/self-cured; PRS--Parallel-serrated-Reforpost/self-cured; TES--Tapered-smooth-Exacto Cônico/self-cured; TWS--Tapered-smooth-White Post/self-cured. The specimens were submitted to a pull-out test at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm min(-1). Data were analysed using analysis of variance and Bonferroni's multiple comparison test (alpha = 0.05). Pull-out results (MPa) were: PFD = 8.13 (+/-1.71); PRD = 8.30 (+/-0.46); TED = 8.68 (+/-1.71); TWD = 9.35 (+/-1.99); PFS = 8.54 (+/-2.23); PRS = 7.09 (+/-1.96); TES = 8.27 (+/-3.92); TWS = 7.57 (+/-2.35). No statistical significant difference was detected for posts and cement factors and their interaction. The retention of glass fibre posts was not affected by post design or surface roughness nor by resin cement-curing mode. These results imply that the choice for serrated posts and self-cured cements is not related to an improvement in retention.

  7. Post-operative urinary retention in a general surgical population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dreijer, Bjørn; Møller, Morten H; Bartholdy, Jens


    Post-operative urine retention is a frequent and serious complication. The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of post-operative urinary retention in a general surgical population and to identify the perioperative risk factors for developing this condition....

  8. Factores de riesgo asociados con malnutrición por exceso en adolescentes


    David Yunior Velasco Peña; Osmany Álvarez Paneque; Yamilé Marí Nin; Andrés Andrés; Carlos Padilla Sánchez; Sonia Caballero Cáceres


    Introducción: en la actualidad la obesidad y el sobrepeso son un importante problema de salud para los niños y adolescentes cubanos. Objetivo: determinar algunos factores de riesgo asociados con malnutrición por exceso en adolescentes del policlínico Julio Grave de Peralta de la provincia Holguín durante el periodo de agosto del 2011 a febrero del 2012. Métodos: se realizó un estudio analítico y transversal. Se estudiaron 37 adolescentes entre 15-19 años. Las variables analizadas en el estu...

  9. Relaciones entre la crianza y factores protectores o de riesgo, antes y después de una intervención para padres


    Pedro Solís-Cámara; Yolanda Medina Cuevas; Marysela Díaz Romero


    Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: identificar las relaciones entre algunas dimensiones de la crianza y algunos factores que pueden ejercer influencia protectora o de riesgo para la socialización de los niños y analizar los cambios que fomenta un programa de intervención en crianza. Las dimensiones que fomenta el programa elegido son expectativas justas y prácticas disciplinarias y de crianza positivas; los factores elegidos para identificar las relaciones fueron los comportamientos p...

  10. Pre-deployment dissociation and personality as risk factors for post-deployment post-traumatic stress disorder in Danish soldiers deployed to Afghanistan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ponce de León, Beatriz; Andersen, Søren; Karstoft, Karen Inge


    Objective: This study investigated whether pre-deployment dissociation was associated with previously identified post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom trajectories from before to 2.5 years after military deployment. Furthermore, it examined whether the tendency to dissociate, pre-deployme......Objective: This study investigated whether pre-deployment dissociation was associated with previously identified post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom trajectories from before to 2.5 years after military deployment. Furthermore, it examined whether the tendency to dissociate, pre...

  11. Stress in accident and post-accident management at Chernobyl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Girard, P.; Dubreuil, G.H.


    The effects of the Chernobyl nuclear accident on the psychology of the affected population have been much discussed. The psychological dimension has been advanced as a factor explaining the emergence, from 1990 onwards, of a post-accident crisis in the main CIS countries affected. This article presents the conclusions of a series of European studies, which focused on the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. These studies show that the psychological and social effects associated with the post-accident situation arise from the interdependency of a number of complex factors exerting a deleterious effect on the population. We shall first attempt to characterise the stress phenomena observed among the population affected by the accident. Secondly, we will be presenting an anlysis of the various factors that have contributed to the emerging psychological and social features of population reaction to the accident and in post-accident phases, while not neglecting the effects of the pre-accident situation on the target population. Thirdly, we shall devote some initial consideration to the conditions that might be conducive to better management of post-accident stress. In conclusion, we shall emphasise the need to restore confidence among the population generally. (Author)

  12. Prevalence and predictive factors of post-traumatic hypopituitarism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klose, M; Juul, A; Poulsgaard, L


    To estimate the prevalence and predictive factors of hypopituitarism following traumatic brain injury (TBI).......To estimate the prevalence and predictive factors of hypopituitarism following traumatic brain injury (TBI)....

  13. Team versus individual sport participation as a modifying factor in the development of post-concussion syndrome after first concussion: A pilot study. (United States)

    Jeckell, Aaron S; Brett, Benjamin L; Totten, Douglas J; Solomon, Gary S


    Identification of modifying factors that influence the development of post-concussion syndrome (PCS) following sport-related concussion (SRC) has drawn considerable interest. In this pilot study, we investigate the effect of team vs. individual sport participation on the development of PCS in a sample of 136 high school and college student-athletes. Controlling for several confounding variables, we employed a binary logistic regression and chi-squared test. Results of this pilot study indicate that participation in team versus individual sport is not a significant factor in the development of PCS. The identification of other forms of protective mechanisms is discussed.

  14. Confirmatory factor analysis of Post-Occupancy Evaluation Model (POEM) for sustainable neighborhood development (United States)

    Yaman, R.; Thadaniti, S.; Abdullah, J.; Ahmad, N.; Ishak, N. M.


    The sustainable urban development growth in the ASEAN region has accelerated tremendously. More demand on the sustainable development has led to bigger market driven certified green neighborhood and buildings. However, there is a lack of post-occupancy evaluation study conducted in assessing the end-users perspective on the certified sustainable neighborhood development. This paper aims to investigate the end-users point of view on sustainable dimension pillar (SDP) adaptation based on environment dimension, social dimension and economic dimension using Post-Occupancy Evaluation Model (POEM) framework. The research methodology employed stakeholders-Inclusion Approach survey questionnaires in order to obtained the sustainable dimensional adaptation score. The results show that there is sustainable dimension gap in POEM evaluation, hence, suggested the pre- occupancy criteria did not fulfill the SDP adaptation and pre-occupancy criteria and variables if differ from post-occupancy criteria and variables.

  15. In first-time mothers, post-partum depressive symptom prospectively predict symptoms of post-traumatic stress. (United States)

    Shahar, Golan; Herishanu-Gilutz, Shirley; Holcberg, Gershon; Kofman, Ora


    Symptoms of both depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are prevalent among first-time mothers following birth. However, the direction of the association between the two types of symptoms is unclear. Ninety six first-time mothers giving birth via vaginal delivery (N=38), emergency C-Section (N=27) and planned C-Section (N=21) were assessed for depression and PTSD twice: Six weeks post-partum and six-weeks later. Cross-lagged Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analyses revealed a prospective effect of depressive symptoms on PTSD symptoms. No moderating factors were identified. A relatively modest sample size and only two assessment waves. An early detection and intervention with symptoms of post-partum depression might also prevent the development of PTSD symptoms. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Estado nutricional de árboles de manzano ‘Anna’ durante la estación

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    Casierra-Posada Fanor


    Full Text Available

    La nutrición es uno de los factores de influencia más efectiva sobre la productividad de los árboles frutales. Al contrario del análisis de suelo, el análisis foliar o de tejidos vegetales reune todos los factores que influyen sobre la disponibilidad de los nutrientes. Un alto contenido de un nutriente en el árbol puede reflejar el suplemento inadecuado de otro nutriente. Las relaciones sinérgicas y antagónicas entre los nutrientes se deben tener en cuenta al interpretar el análisis de tejidos vegetales. El crecimiento del árbol es una función de dos variables de nutrición, la intensidad y el balance. Por tanto, en este ensayo se evaluaron mensualmente las relaciones e interacciones entre los nutrientes en hojas y frutos de árboles de manzano ‘Anna’, cultivados en un suelo áido en los altiplanos tropicales. Las evaluaciones se hicieron desde 16 dís despué de plena floració (ddpf hasta la cosecha. El contenido de nutrientes en ramas se evaluóantes y despué de la temporada de crecimiento, al momento de defoliar y en la éoca de cosecha, respectivamente. Los resultados dependen claramente del estado de desarrollo de los áboles. El valor de la relació N/P en las hojas se incrementóentre 46 y 81 dís despué de plena floració (ddpf. De igual manera, las relaciones P/Zn, P/Fe y P/Cu en hojas ascendieron desde 16 hasta 46 ddpf y luego su valor se redujo hasta el momento de la cosecha. En este estudio se analizan y discuten otras relaciones entre nutrientes en ramas, hojas y frutos, dada la cantidad de interacciones encontradas.

  17. Actividades Didácticas Apoyadas en Algunos Aspectos Históricos de la Cultura y Matemática Maya

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    Nancy Dayana Díaz Toro


    Full Text Available El presente artículo señala algunos de los aspectos relevantes del desarrollo histórico y cultural de la civilización Maya como apoyo para organizar un material que fomente la creatividad y favorezca el desarrollo del pensamiento espacial y sistemas geométricos del grado séptimo de educación básica, en el que se busca facilitar la apreciación de la utilidad, la armonía y la belleza de las formas espaciales. Esencialmente se utilizan los diseños tradicionales que los indígenas de esta cultura realizaron en distintas facetas de su actividad, las formas de sus edificios, cerámicas, tejidos y calendarios, entre otros elementos, para relacionarlos con temas de conocimiento escolar, cuyo contenido curricular corresponde fundamentalmente a Isometrías y semejanzas en el plano.

  18. Actividades Didácticas Apoyadas en Algunos Aspectos Históricos de la Cultura y Matemática Maya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nancy Dayana Díaz Toro


    Full Text Available El presente artículo señala algunos de los aspectos relevantes del desarrollo histórico y cultural de la civilización Maya como apoyo para organizar un material que fomente la creatividad y favorezca el desarrollo del pensamiento espacial y sistemas geométricos del grado séptimo de educación básica, en el que se busca facilitar la apreciación de la utilidad, la armonía y la belleza de las formas espaciales. Esencialmente se utilizan los diseños tradicionales que los indígenas de esta cultura realizaron en distintas facetas de suactividad, las formas de sus edificios, cerámicas, tejidos y calendarios, entre otros elementos, para relacionarlos con temas de conocimiento escolar, cuyo contenido curricular corresponde fundamentalmente a Isometrías y semejanzas en el plano.

  19. The value of the identification of predisposing factors for post-traumatic amnesia in management of mild traumatic brain injury. (United States)

    Fotakopoulos, George; Makris, Demosthenes; Tsianaka, Eleni; Kotlia, Polikceni; Karakitsios, Paulos; Gatos, Charalabos; Tzannis, Alkiviadis; Fountas, Kostas


    To identify the risk factors for post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) and to document the incidence of PTA after mild traumatic brain injuries. This was a prospective study, affecting mild TBI (mTBI) (Glasgow Coma Scale 14-15) cases attending to the Emergency Department between January 2009 and April 2012 (40 months duration). Patients were divided into two groups (Group A: without PTA, and Group B: with PTA, and they were assessed according to the risk factors. A total of 1762 patients (males: 1002, 56.8%) were meeting study inclusion criteria [Group A: n = 1678 (83.8%), Group B: n = 84 (4.2%)]. Age, CT findings: (traumatic focal HCs in the frontal and temporal lobes or more diffuse punctate HCs, and skull base fractures), anticoagulation therapy and seizures were independent factors of PTA. There was no statistically significant correlation between PTA and sex, convexity fractures, stroke event, mechanism of mTBI (fall +/or beating), hypertension, coronary heart disease, chronic smokers and diabetes (p > 0.005). CT findings: (traumatic focal HCs in the frontal and temporal lobes or more diffuse punctate HCs and skull base fractures), age, seizures and anticoagulation/antiplatelet therapy, were independent factors of PTA and could be used as predictive factors after mTBI.

  20. A comparative study to identify factors of caregiver burden between baby boomers and post baby boomers: a secondary analysis of a US online caregiver survey. (United States)

    Kim, Heejung; Lee, Sangeun; Cheon, Jooyoung; Hong, Soyun; Chang, Mido


    Baby boomers' position in the caregiving context is shifting from caregiver to care recipient as the population ages. While the unique characteristics of baby boomer caregivers are well established in caregiving literature, there is limited information about the next caregiving group after the baby boomers. In this study, the sociodemographic and caregiving-related characteristics of the two generations are compared and specific factors contributing to caregiver burden between baby boomer and post baby boomer caregivers are identified. This cross-sectional and correlational study used secondary analysis of data from the National Alliance for Caregiving and the American Association of Retired Persons. A structured online survey was conducted in 2014 with randomly selected samples (n = 1069) in the United States focusing on sociodemographics, caregiving-related characteristics, and burden of care. Descriptive statistics, multivariate linear regression analyses, and Steiger's Z-test were used to identify group differences in multivariate factors related to caregiver burden in two generational groups. Baby boomers and post baby boomers experienced caregiver burden to a similar degree. Caregiving-related factors are more likely to increase burden of care than sociodemographics in both groups. Caregiving without choice and spending longer hours on caregiving tasks were common factors that increased the burden in both generational groups (all p values baby boomer caregivers reported additional challenges, such as unemployment during caregiving, the dual responsibility of both adult and child care, and a family relationship with the care recipient. Due to the aging population of baby boomers, post baby boomers encounter different challenges related to caregiving burden, which is often considered an additional workload in their life course. Current policy and program tailored to baby boomers should be re-designed to meet the different needs of emerging caregivers

  1. Cumplimiento con la quimioterapia intravenosa y algunos factores asociados a éste en pacientes oncológicos adultos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariana Díaz-Amaya


    Full Text Available According to literature, the noncompliance rates in cancers chemotherapy are high (10 % - 80 %, which makes this treatment ineffective resulting in a raise of the morbidity, of the mortality and of the health care costs. However, in Colombia there are no studies about it. Objective: To establish the prevalence of compliance with intravenous chemotherapy on adult oncology patients that started and finished the treatment between January of 2011 and January of 2012 in the Hemato-Oncology service of a general hospital. Specifically, we sought to characterize the sample and recognize the associated factors of noncompliance. Sample: 107 cancer patients that met the inclusion criteria. Method: Study with a quantitative approach, non-experimental, cross exploratory. The statistical analysis was done with the program SPSS making an analysis of the central tendency measures, the frequency distribution, and contingency tables applying the chi-square (X2 test and Fisher’s test. Results: The prevalence of noncompliance of chemotherapy was 68 % and the prevalence of compliance was 32 %. Disease stage was found to be an associated factor. Conclusion: Noncompliance has a high prevalence in the studied sample, indicating the importance of bigger scale studies to gain nation-wide information on the prevalence of the phenomenon, as well as the associated factors, to generate proposals of appropriate interventions to the Colombian population considering the role of psychologists in the development and implementation of these strategies and interventions because it should not be forgotten that compliance is a behavioral issue.

  2. [Research progress in post-fire debris flow]. (United States)

    Di, Xue-ying; Tao, Yu-zhu


    The occurrence of the secondary disasters of forest fire has significant impacts on the environment quality and human health and safety. Post-fire debris flow is one of the most hazardous secondary disasters of forest fire. To understand the occurrence conditions of post-fire debris flow and to master its occurrence situation are the critical elements in post-fire hazard assessment. From the viewpoints of vegetation, precipitation threshold and debris flow material sources, this paper elaborated the impacts of forest fire on the debris flow, analyzed the geologic and geomorphic conditions, precipitation and slope condition that caused the post-fire debris flow as well as the primary mechanisms of debris-flow initiation caused by shallow landslide or surface runoff, and reviewed the research progress in the prediction and forecast of post-fire debris flow and the related control measures. In the future research, four aspects to be focused on were proposed, i. e., the quantification of the relationships between the fire behaviors and environmental factors and the post-fire debris flow, the quantitative research on the post-fire debris flow initiation and movement processes, the mechanistic model of post-fire debris flow, and the rapid and efficient control countermeasures of post-fire debris flow.

  3. Trajectories and associated factors of quality of life, global outcome, and post-concussion symptoms in the first year following mild traumatic brain injury. (United States)

    Chiang, Chia-Chen; Guo, Su-Er; Huang, Kuo-Chang; Lee, Bih-O; Fan, Jun-Yu


    To investigate the associated factors and change trajectories of quality of life (QoL), global outcome, and post-concussion symptoms (PCS) over the first year following mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). This was a prospective longitudinal study of 100 participants with mTBI from neurosurgical outpatient departments in Chiayi County District Hospitals in Taiwan. The checklist of post-concussion syndromes (CPCS) was used to assess PCS at enrollment and at 1, 3, and 12 months after mTBI; the glasgow outcome scale extended (GOSE), the quality of life after brain injured (QOLIBRI), Chinese version, and the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36), Taiwan version, were used to assess mTBI global outcome and QoL at 1, 3, and 12 months after mTBI. Latent class growth models (LCGMs) indicated the change trajectories of QOLIBRI, PCS SF-36, MCS SF-36, GOSE, and PCS. Classes of trajectory were associated with age ≥40 years, unemployment at 1 month after injury, and educational level ≤12 years. Univariate analysis revealed that employment status at 1 month post-injury was correlated with the trajectories of QOLIBRI, PCS SF-36, MCS SF-36, and GOSE, but not PCS. Employment status was the most crucial associated factor for QoL in individuals with mTBI at the 1-year follow-up. Future studies should explore the benefits of employment on QoL of individuals with mTBI.

  4. Development and Validation of a Questionnaire for the Assessment of Pelvic Floor Disorders and Their Risk Factors During Pregnancy and Post Partum. (United States)

    Metz, Melanie; Junginger, Bärbel; Henrich, Wolfgang; Baeßler, Kaven


    Introduction The aim of this study was to develop and validate a questionnaire for the assessment of pelvic floor disorders, their symptoms and risk factors in pregnancy and after birth including symptom course, severity and impact on quality of life. Methods The validated German pelvic floor questionnaire was modified and a new risk factor domain developed. The questionnaire was initially completed by 233 nulliparous women in the third trimester of pregnancy and at six weeks (n = 148) and one year (n = 120) post partum. Full pyschometric testing was performed. The clinical course of symptoms and the influence of risk factors were analysed. Results Study participants had a median age of 31 (19-46) years. 63 % had spontaneous vaginal deliveries, 15 % operative vaginal deliveries and 22 % were delivered by caesarean section. Content validity: Missing answers never exceeded 4 %. Construct validity: The questionnaire distinguished significantly between women who reported bothersome symptoms and those who did not. Reliability: Cronbach's alpha values exceeded 0.7 for bladder, bowel and support function, and 0.65 for sexual function. The test-retest analysis showed moderate to almost complete concordance. The intraclass coefficients for domain scores (between 0.732 and 0.818) were in acceptable to optimal range. Reactivity: The questionnaire was able to track changes significantly with good effect size for each domain. Risk factors for pelvic floor symptoms included familial predisposition, maternal age over 35 years, BMI above 25, nicotine abuse, subjective inability to voluntarily contract the pelvic floor musculature and postpartum wound pain. Conclusion This pelvic floor questionnaire proved to be valid, reliable and reactive for the assessment of pelvic floor disorders, their risk factors, incidence and impact on quality of life during pregnancy and post partum. The questionnaire can be utilised to assess the course of symptoms and treatment effects

  5. Continuum modeling of post-implantation damage and the effective plus factor in crystalline silicon at room temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan, H.Y.; Srinivasan, M.P.; Benistant, F.; Mok, K.R.; Chan, Lap; Jin, H.M.


    The role of computer simulation in predicting intrinsic diffusion effects is amplified with the shrinkage of MOS devices. In this work, post-implant damage distributions are obtained from atomistic Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. Based on diffusion-limiting kinetics, the evolution of the damage at room temperature with time is studied. It is shown that evolution of the point defects follow the Ostwald ripening process, where larger defect clusters grow at the expense of smaller ones. A qualitative study of the effective plus factor is also conducted, taking into account various clustering and recombination processes. Clustering is found to significantly affect the remaining amount of damage, which in turn affects subsequent diffusion processes

  6. Testing competing factor models of the latent structure of post-traumatic stress disorder and complex post-traumatic stress disorder according to ICD-11. (United States)

    Murphy, Siobhan; Elklit, Ask; Dokkedahl, Sarah; Shevlin, Mark


    With the publication of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 11th edition (ICD-11) due for release in 2018, a number of studies have assessed the factorial validity of the proposed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex (CPTSD) diagnostic criteria and whether the disorders are correlated but distinct constructs. As the specific nature of CPTSD symptoms has yet to be firmly established, this study aimed to examine the dimension of affect dysregulation as two separate constructs representing hyper-activation and hypo-activation. Seven alternative models were estimated within a confirmatory factor analytic framework using the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ). Data were analysed from a young adult sample from northern Uganda ( n  = 314), of which 51% were female and aged 18-25 years. Forty per cent of the participants were former child soldiers ( n  = 124) while the remainder were civilians ( n  = 190). The prevalence of CPTSD was 20.8% and PTSD was 13.1%. The results indicated that all models that estimated affective dysregulation as distinct but correlated constructs (i.e. hyper-activation and hypo-activation) provided satisfactory model fit, with statistical superiority for a seven-factor first-order correlated model. Furthermore, individuals who met the criteria for CPTSD reported higher levels of war experiences, symptoms of anxiety and depression, and somatic problems than those with PTSD only and no diagnosis. There was also a much larger proportion of former child soldiers that met the criteria for a CPTSD diagnosis. In conclusion, these results partly support the factorial validity of the ICD-11 proposals for PTSD and CPTSD in a non-Western culture exposed to mass violence. These findings highlight that more research is required across different cultural backgrounds before firm conclusions can be made regarding the factor structure of CPTSD using the ITQ.

  7. Reviviendo la consulta post-mortem.


    Armando Cortés


    Por estos días se inaugura el “Centro de consulta post-mortem del Hospital Universitario del Valle”, una denominación más apropiada para la autopsia «ver por sí mismo» o cualquiera de sus sinónimos necropsia, examen post-mortem, necroscopia, o tanatopsia; todos ellos no aceptados y condicionados por factores culturales, sociales o religiosos. Estos términos han alcanzado una connotación claramente negativa en el ambiente médico y en el público general. Quizás, el mejor término sea «consulta p...

  8. A Survey of Psychological, Motivational, Family and Perceptions of Physics Education Factors that Explain 15-Year-Old Students' Aspirations to Study Physics in Post-Compulsory English Schools (United States)

    Mujtaba, Tamjid; Reiss, Michael J.


    This paper investigates the factors that influence 15-year-old students' intentions to study physics post-16, when it is no longer compulsory. The analysis is based on the year 10 (age, 15 years) responses of 5,034 students from 137 England schools as learners of physics during the academic year 2008-2009. Factor analyses uncovered a range of…

  9. Post-traumatic stress disorder status in a rescue group after the Wenchuan earthquake relief. (United States)

    Huang, Junhua; Liu, Qunying; Li, Jinliang; Li, Xuejiang; You, Jin; Zhang, Liang; Tian, Changfu; Luan, Rongsheng


    Previous studies have suggested that the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder in earthquake rescue workers is relatively high. Risk factors for this disorder include demographic characteristics, earthquake-related high-risk factors, risk factors in the rescue process, personality, social support and coping style. This study examined the current status of a unit of 1 040 rescue workers who participated in earthquake relief for the Wenchuan earthquake that occurred on May 12(th), 2008. Post-traumatic stress disorder was diagnosed primarily using the Clinician-Administered Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Scale during structured interviews. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were used to examine major risk factors that contributed to the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder. Results revealed that the incidence of this disorder in the rescue group was 5.96%. The impact factors in univariate analysis included death of family members, contact with corpses or witnessing of the deceased or seriously injured, near-death experience, severe injury or mental trauma in the rescue process and working at the epicenter of the earthquake. Correlation analysis suggested that post-traumatic stress disorder was positively correlated with psychotic and neurotic personalities, negative coping and low social support. Impact factors in multivariate logistic regression analysis included near-death experience, severe injury or mental trauma, working in the epicenter of the rescue, neurotic personality, negative coping and low social support, among which low social support had the largest odds ratio of 20.42. Findings showed that the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder was the result of the interaction of multiple factors.

  10. Post-traumatic stress disorder status in a rescue group after the Wenchuan earthquake relief (United States)

    Huang, Junhua; Liu, Qunying; Li, Jinliang; Li, Xuejiang; You, Jin; Zhang, Liang; Tian, Changfu; Luan, Rongsheng


    Previous studies have suggested that the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder in earthquake rescue workers is relatively high. Risk factors for this disorder include demographic characteristics, earthquake-related high-risk factors, risk factors in the rescue process, personality, social support and coping style. This study examined the current status of a unit of 1 040 rescue workers who participated in earthquake relief for the Wenchuan earthquake that occurred on May 12th, 2008. Post-traumatic stress disorder was diagnosed primarily using the Clinician-Administered Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Scale during structured interviews. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were used to examine major risk factors that contributed to the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder. Results revealed that the incidence of this disorder in the rescue group was 5.96%. The impact factors in univariate analysis included death of family members, contact with corpses or witnessing of the deceased or seriously injured, near-death experience, severe injury or mental trauma in the rescue process and working at the epicenter of the earthquake. Correlation analysis suggested that post-traumatic stress disorder was positively correlated with psychotic and neurotic personalities, negative coping and low social support. Impact factors in multivariate logistic regression analysis included near-death experience, severe injury or mental trauma, working in the epicenter of the rescue, neurotic personality, negative coping and low social support, among which low social support had the largest odds ratio of 20.42. Findings showed that the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder was the result of the interaction of multiple factors. PMID:25206499


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    Carlos Alberto Areiza V.


    Full Text Available Colombia es un país de múltiples oportunidades ya que cuenta con una situación privilegiada al tener todos los climas todo el año, posee dos océanos, lo cual da una ventaja competitiva en la parte comercial y en las condiciones actuales se constituye en un factor muy importante para la reactivación del país. En el campo, y sobre todo en la producción para la exportación, se puede buscar la generación de empleo y la reactivación económica. Con el fin de contribuir a despertar el interés entre los empresarios o futuros empresarios, sobre el sector de perecederos y más concretamente el sector de comercialización de frutas, se les comparten algunas reflexiones acerca del manejo y comercialización de éstas.El artículo consta de cinco secciones: en la primera se muestra una visión global del mercado colombiano y de los factores que lo han llevado a no explotar eficientemente los recursos naturales y la ventaja competitiva que se tiene. La segunda hace un análisis de los principales factores que afectan la comercialización de las frutas, destacándose aspectos técnicos que deben tenerse en cuenta al cosechar, pues estos afectan la presentación, calidad, precios y demanda. La tercera sección está dedicada a analizar algunos elementos de cosecha importantes para el manejo adecuado de la comercialización. En la cuarta sección se hacen una serie de recomendaciones para el manejo postcosecha, en la que se destaca la importancia del empaque en la comercialización de frutas y se le dan al futuro comercializador ideas para diseñar empaques que cumplan las funciones propias de estos. En la última sección se le dan al comercializador una serie de recomendaciones para manejar productivamente este mercado.

  12. Post-traumatic stress disorder risk and brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met (United States)

    Zhang, Lei; Li, Xiao-Xia; Hu, Xian-Zhang


    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which regulates neuronal survival, growth differentiation, and synapse formation, is known to be associated with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the molecular mechanism for those mental disorders remains unknown. Studies have shown that BDNF is associated with PTSD risk and exaggerated startle reaction (a major arousal manifestation of PTSD) in United States military service members who were deployed during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The frequency of the Met/Met in BDNF gene was greater among those with PTSD than those without PTSD. Among individuals who experienced fewer lifetime stressful events, the Met carriers have significantly higher total and startle scores on the PTSD Checklist than the Val/Val carriers. In addition, subjects with PTSD showed higher levels of BDNF in their peripheral blood plasma than the non-probable-PTSD controls. Increased BDNF levels and startle response were observed in both blood plasma and brain hippocampus by inescapable tail shock in rats. In this paper, we reviewed these data to discuss BDNF as a potential biomarker for PTSD risk and its possible roles in the onset of PTSD. PMID:27014593


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    Fabricio Rossi


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo determinar la influencia en la cosecha y calidad de los frutos de Solanum lycopersicum L. (1753 cv. cereza [Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. 1768] (tomate en convivencia con cultivos intercalares de cinco Fabaceae, plantas auxiliadoras en la agricultura y dos tratamientos con y sin residuos de cosecha de Zea mayz L. El estudio fue im- plantado en el Polo Centro Sul, Piracicaba-SP. Brasil, en suelo Argisol rojo-amarillo distrófico. El diseño experimental fue en bloque al azar con cinco repeticiones y ocho tratamientos en con- vivencia con plantas de tomate con:1 Sin residuos de ZEAMA-Zea mayz L.;2 Con residuos de ZEAMA- Zea mayz L. cv.cativerde 2; 3 CANEN- Canavalia ensiformis (L. DC.; 4CRO- JU- Crotalaria juncea L.; 5 MUCPR- Mucuna pruriens (L. DC. cv. arbusto (enana o anã; 6 VIGRA- Vigna radiata L. 7 LUPAL- Lupinus albus L.; 8 VIGUN- Vigna unguiculata (L. Walp. Los resultados mostraron que la producción y calidad de los frutos de tomate fue normal, sin ataque de plagas y no se aplicó ningún agrotóxico. El abono verde, así como la presencia o ausencia de residuos de cosecha de maíz, no interfiere en la temporada de cosecha. En cuanto al análisis de sólidos solubles totales (SST y acidez (pH no difirió entre los tratamientos.

  14. Calidad del carbono orgánico del suelo en diferentes técnicas de manejo de residuos forestales

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    Ana Maria Lupi


    Full Text Available distintas técnicas de cosecha y manejo de residuos pueden provocar cambios en la cantidad y calidad de la materia orgánica (MO del suelo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las modificaciones en la concentración y la calidad de la MO en un Ultisol con diferentes manejos de los residuos de la cosecha forestal del Pinus elliottii Engelm, al inicio de la segunda rotación. Los tratamientos analizados fueron: a extracción manual de los residuos de la cosecha y del piso forestal, suelo descubierto (ER, b quema de residuos y del mantillo, y laboreo con rastra (PI, c conservación de residuos y del mantillo sobre el suelo (PC. Se determinó el carbono orgánico (CO en todo el suelo y en las fracciones de ácidos fúlvicos (AF, ácidos húmicos (AH, huminas (HU y en la fracción liviana (CL. La conservación de los residuos de la cosecha no aumentó el CO ni el CL. Se observó una pérdida de la fracción de ácidos fúlvicos (AF particularmente en PI. Los tratamientos sin residuos forestales (ER y PI muestran un aumento en el grado de estabilización de la MO con un incremento de las HU y de la relación CAH/CAF.

  15. An investigation of factors influencing healthcare workers' use and acceptance of e-learning in post-school healthcare education. (United States)

    Mikalsen, Marius; Walderhaug, Ståle


    The objective of the study presented here was to perform an empirical investigation on factors affecting healthcare workers acceptance and utilisation of e-learning in post-school healthcare education. E-learning benefits are realised when key features of e-learning are not only applied, but deemed useful, compatible with the learning process and supportive in order to reach the overall goals of the learning process. We conducted a survey of 14 state-enrolled nurses and skilled-workers within the field of healthcare in Norway. The results show that perceived compatibility and subjective norm explain system usage of the e-learning tool amongst the students. We found that the fact that the students considered the e-learning to be compatible with the course in question had a positive effect on e-learning tool usage. We also found support for factors such as facilitating conditions and ease of use leads to the e-learning tool being considered useful.


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    Fulvio Arias


    Full Text Available Se realizó la caracterización morfológica, química y la clasificación taxonómica de algunos suelos cultivados con banano en las 11 cuencas hidrográficas que confluyen en las llanuras aluviales de la Vertiente Caribe de Costa Rica. Se identificaron 2 sectores con suelos que tienen propiedades morfológicas, químicas, y taxonómicas diferentes. En una zona, se encontraron principalmente Inceptisoles formados a partir de materiales fluvio-volcánicos con propiedades ándicas (Andic Eutrudepts, Aquandic Endoaquepts, Inceptisoles dístricos (Fluventic Dystrudepts y Andisoles (Typic Hapludands; caracterizados por presentar la mayoría buen drenaje, texturas medias (franco arenosa, franca, franca limosa, una suma de bases entre 10 y 19 cmol.l–1, una CIC entre 13 y 28 cmol.l–1 y carga permanente en la arcillas. En la otra zona, se encontraron principalmente Inceptisoles formados a partir de aluviones de origen sedimentario depositados por inundaciones frecuentes (Fluventic Endoaquepts, Dystric Fluventic Eutrudepts, Fluvaquentic Eutrudepts, Fluvaquentic Endoaquepts, con una suma de bases entre 18 y 46 cmol.l–1, una CIC entre 19 y 46 cmol.l–1, sin propiedades ándicas, texturas finas y moderadamente finas (franco arcillosa, franco arcillosa limosa, arcillosa, arcillosa limosa y con problemas de drenajes en algunos casos (Endoaquepts, Epiaquepts, Fluvaquentic. Geográficamente, estas zonas fueron separadas por la subcuenca formada por los ríos Vueltas-Silencio-Parismina, de forma que hacia el noroeste se encuentran suelos con influencia volcánica y fertilidad media, y hacia el sureste suelos sin influencia volcánica y de fertilidad alta.

  17. Relación del estado de salud bucal con algunos factores socioeconómicos en niños de 2-5 años Relation of the oral health state to some socioeconomic factors in children aged 2-5

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    María Elena Quiñones Ybarría


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: determinar la asociación de algunos factores de riesgo con el estado de salud bucal en la primera infancia; identificar la relación de la salud bucal de dichos niños con: la higiene bucal, el tipo de dieta, escolaridad de los padres, ocupación de los padres. MÉTODOS: el estudio se llevó a cabo en el municipio Bauta, provincia La Habana, en 2 etapas: la primera, descriptiva, de corte transversal, la segunda, analítica, de acuerdo con la metodología de casos y controles (200 niños de cada tipo, en el período comprendido desde junio del 2005 hasta junio del 2006. Se utilizaron las variables: estado de salud bucal, escolaridad, ocupación de los padres, higiene bucal, tipo de dieta. RESULTADOS: el comportamiento de la higiene bucal fue inadecuado en el 39,5 % de los casos y en el 5,5 % de los controles; en el grupo de casos prevaleció la dieta cariogénica 65,0 %, mientras que en el grupo control se incrementó la aceptable, con el 44,0 %. En cuanto a la influencia de la escolaridad y la ocupación de los padres, en el estado de salud bucal los resultados no mostraron significación estadística. CONCLUSIONES: la adecuada higiene bucal y la dieta no cariogénica incrementaron la posibilidad de tener un estado adecuado de salud bucal. Tanto la escolaridad como la ocupación de los padres no guardaron correlación con la salud bucal de sus hijos.OBJECTIVES: to determine the association of some risk factors with the oral health state in the early childhood, to identify the connection of the oral health of these children with oral hygiene, the type of diet, parents' educational level and parents' job. METHODS: a 2-stage study was carried out in Bauta municipality, Havana province from June 2005 to June 2006. The first stage was descriptive and cross-sectional, and the second was analytical according to the case-control methodology (200 children of each type. The following variables were used: oral health state, educational level

  18. Factores de riesgo asociados con el consumo de alcohol en ratas Romanas de alta (RHA-I) y baja (RLA-I) evitación


    Manzo-Rodríguez, Lidia


    La adicción a sustancias psicoactivas es un trastorno conductual psicopatológico complejo resultado de la interacción entre determinantes genéticos, rasgos de personalidad y experiencias ambientales estresantes, entre otros factores. Este trastorno se caracteriza por su carácter crónico, compulsivo e incontrolable, acompañándose de fenómenos de tolerancia, dependencia física, deseo compulsivo y recaídas. En este trabajo de Tesis Doctoral se analizaron algunos de los factores de riesgo qu...



    Mendoza Chacón, Jean Pierre


    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo explorar el arte poética de Jorge Eduardo Eielson a través de su producción periodística, ensayística y poética. Tanto en sus artículos como en su poesía, Eielson ha develado su concepción acerca de la poesía y la creación poética, y también ha dejado transparentar ciertos motivos temáticos y formales que son transversales a toda su producción poética, es decir, algunos tópicos de la poesía eielsoniana. Por tanto, este ensayo se propone rastrear el arte...

  20. Uso de productos químicos y biológicos para la degradación de frutos de café en el suelo y su efecto en el desarrollo de la broca del café (hypothenemus hampei) (ferrari)


    Galvez Duque, Astrid Alexandra


    Tesis (Especialista en Microbiología Industrial). Universidad Católica de Manizales, Instituto de Investigación en Micriobiología y Biotecnología Agroindustrial, 2014 Los frutos perforados por la broca del café (Hypothenemus hampei) (Ferrari) que caen al suelo después de las cosechas, son la principal fuente de infestación para otros árboles y para las cosechas siguientes. Por esta razón, es necesaria la investigación de nuevas alternativas que reduzcan la sobrevivencia de los est...

  1. Behavioural factors related with successful weight loss 15 months post-enrolment in a commercial web-based weight-loss programme. (United States)

    Neve, Melinda J; Morgan, Philip J; Collins, Clare E


    As further understanding is required of what behavioural factors are associated with long-term weight-loss success, the aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of successful weight loss 15 months post-enrolment in a commercial web-based weight-loss programme and which behavioural factors were associated with success. An online survey was completed 15 months post-enrolment in a commercial web-based weight-loss programme to assess weight-related behaviours and current weight. Participants were classified as successful if they had lost ≥5 % of their starting weight after 15 months. Commercial users of a web-based weight-loss programme. Participants enrolled in the commercial programme between August 2007 and May 2008. Six hundred and seventy-seven participants completed the survey. The median (interquartile range) weight change was -2·7 (-8·2, 1·6) % of enrolment weight, with 37 % achieving ≥5 % weight loss. Multivariate logistic regression analysis found success was associated with frequency of weight self-monitoring, higher dietary restraint score, lower emotional eating score, not skipping meals, not keeping snack foods in the house and eating takeaway foods less frequently. The findings suggest that individuals trying to achieve or maintain ≥5 % weight loss should be advised to regularly weigh themselves, avoid skipping meals or keeping snack foods in the house, limit the frequency of takeaway food consumption, manage emotional eating and strengthen dietary restraint. Strategies to assist individuals make these changes to behaviour should be incorporated within obesity treatments to improve the likelihood of successful weight loss in the long term.

  2. Post retention and post/core shear bond strength of four post systems. (United States)

    Stockton, L W; Williams, P T; Clarke, C T


    As clinicians we continue to search for a post system which will give us maximum retention while maximizing resistance to root fracture. The introduction of several new post systems, with claims of high retentive and resistance to root fracture values, require that independent studies be performed to evaluate these claims. This study tested the tensile and shear dislodgment forces of four post designs that were luted into roots 10 mm apical of the CEJ. The Para Post Plus (P1) is a parallel-sided, passive design; the Para Post XT (P2) is a combination active/passive design; the Flexi-Post (F1) and the Flexi-Flange (F2) are active post designs. All systems tested were stainless steel. This study compared the test results of the four post designs for tensile and shear dislodgment. All mounted samples were loaded in tension until failure occurred. The tensile load was applied parallel to the long axis of the root, while the shear load was applied at 450 to the long axis of the root. The Flexi-Post (F1) was significantly different from the other three in the tensile test, however, the Para Post XT (P2) was significantly different to the other three in the shear test and had a better probability for survival in the Kaplan-Meier survival function test. Based on the results of this study, our recommendation is for the Para Post XT (P2).

  3. Factors associated with the failed induction of labour in post-term pregnancy at a tertiary care hospital in karachi, pakistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makhijani, P.; Kazi, S.; Rabia, S.


    Objective: To determine the factors associated with failed induction of labour in post-term pregnancies attending a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Mehtods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Unit II, Civil Hospital, Karachi. During January to July, 2016. Women with a gestational age of 40 weeks + 6 days to 41weeks + 0 days were included in the study. Obstetric history, maternal age, BMI, gestational age, Bishop score, induction to delivery interval and mode of delivery were noted. Failed induction of labour was considered when patients delivered abdominally. Descriptive statistics were calculated and chi-square test was applied post stratification where p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: 140 women met the inclusion criteria. The mean age of study subjects was 32.1 ± 2.9 years. Induction of labour failed in 78.6% of patients. Prolonged latent phase of labour was observed in 27.9% and a prolonged 2nd stage of labour obsereved in 17.1%. A Bishop score > 5 was in 81.4%. BMI > 24.9 was in 47.1%. Spontaneous rupture of membrane (SROM) was in 27.1%. Conclusion: Induction of labour failed in 78.6% of post-term pregnancies in our study. A prolonged latent phase of the first stage of labour showed a significant association with failed induction of labour. (author)

  4. Post-accession economic development of Poland

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    Witold ORŁOWSKI


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to analyse the economic performance of Poland in the post-accession period. Poland joined the EU in 2004, after a long and difficult economic transition. The whole post-accession period could be divided into two sub-periods: the pre-crisis period of 2004-07, and the turbulent period of 2008-11. During the pre-crisis period, Poland recorded a fast growth, with a built-up of macroeconomic disequilibria. During the turbulent period, the economy was dealing successfully with the global financial crisis. The growth slowed down and the disequilibria were reduced. The paper discusses the growth patterns in the both sub-periods and tries to explain the factors that contributed to the good economic performance during the financial crisis. The astonishingly good economic growth results cannot be attributed to a single factor, but to a combination of many factors contributing at the same time. However, Poland has many valuable assets that may help in dealing with the further economic turbulences.

  5. Post-traumatic syringomyelia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freund, M.; Sartor, K.; Aschoff, A.; Spahn, B.


    The improvement of preclinical emergency medicine, better surgical and conservative therapies, and the development of intensive care units and specialized centers have improved the survival rate for patients with serious spinal cord injuries. Therefore, more sequelae of chronic spinal cord injuries such as post-traumatic spinal cord cavitations also occur. The first such case was described by Bastian in 1867. Generally, these cavitations were diagnosed from 2 months up to 32 years after the trauma. The overall prevalence of post-traumatic syringomyelia (PTS) is not known; however, with the increasing use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), its diagnosis has increased, ranging from 2.3% of paraplegic and tetraplegic patients in 1976 and 3.2% in 1985, to nearly 50% in a selected group of patients in 1991 and 1993. In 1995, a 4.45% incidence was reported. In our clinic we are currently treating 440 cases of syringomyelia, 140 of which are PTS. Several observations suggest more than one potential mechanism for the evolution of a post-traumatic cyst or PTS. Various factors, such as hemorrhage or, in particular, ischemia within the spinal cord, blockage of the cerebrosinal fluid (CSF) pathways around the cord or localized meningeal fibrosis either alone or in combination with other factors, may be involved. Clinically, sensory disturbances, loss of motor function, pain, and modification of the deep tendon reflexes are observed in most patients. On MRI, PTS is seen as a longitudinal, cystic cavity within the spinal cord, giving a hypointense signal on T 1 -weighted images and a hyperintense signal on T 2 -weighted images. For treatment planning it is mandatory to identify the lower and upper end of the PTS on the MRI. (orig.) [de

  6. Delimitación de algunos Ganoderma (Ganodermataceae lacados neotropicales: filogenia molecular y morfología

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    Nelson Correia de Lima Júnior


    Full Text Available Ganoderma incluye especies de gran importancia económica y ecológica, sin embargo, su nomenclatura actual es caótica y poco estudiada en el neotrópico. En este estudio se utilizaron 14 muestras de Ganoderma y dos de Tomophagus recolectados en Brasil para la extracción de ADN, amplificación y secuenciación de las regiones ITS y LSU. La delimitación filogenética de seis táxones neotropicales fue discutida con base en especímenes brasileños y secuencias del GenBank. Estas especies mostraron ser distintas de los Ganoderma lacados de Asia, Europa, América del Norte y de algunos ejemplares de Argentina. Las reconstrucciones filogenéticas confirman que los Ganoderma lacados son distintos de Tomophagus, aunque pertenecen al mismo grupo. No se confirman los sinónimos de G. subamboinense a G. multiplicatum, de G. boninense a G. orbiforme y G. chalceum a G. cupreum. G. parvulum se confirma como el nombre correcto para G. stipitatum. G. lucidum sólo se debe utilizar para especies europeas. Por lo tanto, se propone el uso de nombres publicados válidamente de acuerdo con la distribución geográfica de las muestras, características morfológicas y análisis de ADNr.


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    Juan Guillermo Figueroa Perea


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar en torno a las prácticas de cuidado cuando éstas son realizadas por varones en el espacio familiar. En un primer momento se presentan algunos conceptos básicos sobre la manera en que estamos conceptualizando el cuidado, y sobre la forma en que éste organiza y da lugar a ciertas relaciones sociales en las que se concretan vínculos y antagonismos por género y clase. Posteriormente, presentamos la evidencia empírica de un grupo de varones que realizan actividades de cuidado al interior de sus familias, debido a reacomodos asociados a separación, viudez o bien a que la pareja hace el trabajo extradoméstico. Nos centramos en la categoría de modelos emergentes y consideramos las dimensiones de motivos, emergencia de nuevas relaciones sociales, cambios o permanencias en la división sexual del trabajo y percepciones de oposición, valoración y aceptación. Concluimos con propuestas para seguir investigando sobre el tema.

  8. Demographic, maternal, and infant health correlates of post-partum depression in Jordan. (United States)

    Safadi, Reema R; Abushaikha, Lubna A; Ahmad, Muayyad M


    This cross-sectional correlational study examined post-partum depression and its relationship with demographic, maternal, and infant health problems in urban Jordanian women. Participants (n = 315) were selected from five maternal child healthcare centers and one major hospital in Amman, Jordan. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 was used to measure post-partum depression within 12 weeks of birth. A number of socio-demographic and health problems were examined for an association with post-partum depression. Results showed that 25% of post-partum women suffered moderate to severe depression and 50% of the sample had mild depression. None of the socio-demographic variables (age, education, employment, income) were significantly related to post-partum depression; however, two obstetric/infant variables (mode of birth and breastfeeding), were significantly associated with post-partum depression. There was a significant association between post-partum depression and 15 health problems of obstetric, gynecologic (i.e. episiotomy pain, infection), and general health conditions (i.e. fatigue, headache). Nurses and midwives need to emphasize post-partum depression screening, follow-up, and proper management of maternal and infant health factors predisposing to post-partum depression rather than merely focusing on women's inherent demographic factors. © 2015 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  9. Post-Session Authentication


    Ahmed , Naveed; Jensen , Christian ,


    Part 1: Full Papers; International audience; Entity authentication provides confidence in the claimed identity of a peer entity, but the manner in which this goal is achieved results in different types of authentication. An important factor in this regard is the order between authentication and the execution of the associated session. In this paper, we consider the case of post-session authentication, where parties authenticate each other at the end of their interactive session. This use of a...

  10. Urinary tract infections and post-operative fever in percutaneous nephrolithotomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gutierrez, Jorge; Smith, Arthur; Geavlete, Petrisor


    PURPOSE: To review the incidence of UTIs, post-operative fever, and risk factors for post-operative fever in PCNL patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 2007 and 2009, consecutive PCNL patients were enrolled from 96 centers participating in the PCNL Global Study. Only data from patients with pre...

  11. Relación entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial con síntomas músculo-esqueléticos en trabajadores vinculados a una empresa social del estado, Bogotá, 2014


    Chacon Moreno, Yuly Emilce; Trillos Chacon, Maria Constanza


    Introducción Los lugares de trabajo contribuyen al bienestar del individuo y en algunos casos pueden constituirse en factores que llevan a alteraciones en la condición de salud. Los trabajadores pueden estar predispuestos a algún tipo de desórdenes musculo-esqueléticos que se generan durante la jornada laboral creando molestia y algunas veces estar asociados a factores de riesgo psicosocial. Objetivo Establecer la relación entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial con síntomas múscul...

  12. African American kidney transplantation survival: the ability of immunosuppression to balance the inherent pre- and post-transplant risk factors. (United States)

    Malat, Gregory E; Culkin, Christine; Palya, Aniruddha; Ranganna, Karthik; Kumar, Mysore S Anil


    Among organ transplant recipients, the African American population historically has received special attention. This is because secondary to their disposition to certain disease states, for example hypertension, an African American patient has a propensity to reach end-stage renal disease and require renal replacement earlier than a Caucasian patient. Regardless of the initiative to replace dialysis therapy with organ transplantation, the African American patient has many barriers to kidney transplantation, thus extending their time on dialysis and waiting time on the organ transplant list. These factors are among the many negative causes of decreased kidney graft survival, realized before kidney transplantation. Unfortunately, once the African American recipient receives a kidney graft, the literature documents that many post-transplant barriers exist which limit successful outcomes. The primary post-transplant barrier relates to designing proper immunosuppression protocols. The difficulty in designing protocols revolves around (i) altered genetic metabolism/lower absorption, (ii) increased immuno-active cytokines and (iii) detrimental effects of noncompliance. Based on the literature, dosing of immunosuppression must be aggressive and requires a diligent practitioner. Research has indicated that, despite some success with proven levels of immunosuppression, the African American recipient usually requires a higher 'dose per weight' regimen. However, even with aggressive immunosuppressant dosing, African Americans still have worse outcomes than Caucasian recipients. Additionally, many of the targeted sites of action that immunosuppression exerts its effects on have been found to be amplified in the African American population. Finally, noncompliance is the most discouraging inhibitor of long-term success in organ transplantation. The consequences of noncompliance are biased by ethnicity and affect the African American population more severely. All of these factors


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    Miguel Peña J


    Full Text Available Se describe el papel de los factores de crecimiento en el desarrollo folicular, embrionariotemprano e implantación y se destaca su importancia en la producción de embrionesbovinos. Los factores de crecimiento cumplen importantes funciones en eventos clavesde la actividad reproductiva. Aunque se conocen algunos mecanismos de acción y elefecto sinérgico con otras hormonas reproductivas, se está lejos de conocer totalmentesu papel. Estudios previos tanto in vivo como in vitro señalan que podrían mejorarnotablemente las tasas de fertilización, de clivaje e implantación.

  14. Análisis de los posibles efectos del TLC con Estados Unidos en el subsector del maíz


    Caicedo Bernal, Juan Felipe; Hernandez Alarcon, Daniela Alejandra; Patiño Saenz, Linda Stefania


    En el marco del desarrollo del sector primario en Colombia, se observa la existencia de una serie de situaciones o factores adversos que le impiden alcanzar su productividad y competitividad, entre los cuales destacan los altos costos de la materia prima e insumos utilizados en los procesos productivos de siembra y cosecha, la inexistencia de políticas públicas que garanticen un verdadero apoyo al campesinado colombiano, como los subsidios y/o estrategias de protección a la produ...

  15. What environmental factors influence resumption of valued activities post stroke: a systematic review of qualitative and quantitative findings. (United States)

    Jellema, Sandra; van Hees, Suzanne; Zajec, Jana; van der Sande, Rob; Nijhuis-van der Sanden, Maria Wg; Steultjens, Esther Mj


    Identify the environmental factors that influence stroke-survivors' reengagement in personally valued activities and determine what specific environmental factors are related to specific valued activity types. PubMed, CINAHL and PsycINFO were searched until June 2016 using multiple search-terms for stroke, activities, disability, and home and community environments. An integrated mixed-method systematic review of qualitative, quantitative and mixed-design studies was conducted. Two researchers independently identified relevant studies, assessed their methodological quality and extracted relevant findings. To validly compare and combine the various findings, all findings were classified and grouped by environmental category and level of evidence. The search yielded 4024 records; 69 studies were included. Most findings came from low-evidence-level studies such as single qualitative studies. All findings were consistent in that the following factors facilitated reengagement post-stroke: personal adapted equipment; accessible environments; transport; services; education and information. Barriers were: others' negative attitudes and behaviour; long distances and inconvenient environmental conditions (such as bad weather). Each type of valued activity, such as mobility or work, had its own pattern of environmental influences, social support was a facilitator to all types of activities. Although in many qualitative studies others' attitudes, behaviour and stroke-related knowledge were seen as important for reengagement, these factors were hardly studied quantitatively. A diversity of environmental factors was related to stroke-survivors' reengagement. Most findings came from low-evidence-level studies so that evidence on causal relationships was scarce. In future, more higher-level-evidence studies, for example on the attitudes of significant others, should be conducted.

  16. Factores tróficos en neuronas dopaminérgicas mesencefálicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Pinzón


    Full Text Available Desde su descubrimiento, se ha postulado, y en algunos casos comprobado, que los factores tróficos juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo, mantenimiento y regeneración del sistema nervioso. El conocimiento y la manipulación de estas sustancias ha servido para: a formular nuevas teorías acerca de la etiología de varios desórdenes neurodebeneraivos y b desarrollar nuevas altemativas terapéuticas para estas entidades. En la presente revisión, resumimos los principales efectos de diferentes factores tróficos sobre las neuronas dopaminérgicas de la substantia nigra en desarrollo, cuya degeneración en el adulto ocasiona la mayoría de los síntomas observados en la enfermedad de Parkinson.

  17. Post-partum depression in the community: a qualitative study from rural South India. (United States)

    Savarimuthu, R J S; Ezhilarasu, P; Charles, H; Antonisamy, B; Kurian, S; Jacob, K S


    Post-partum depression, although heterogeneous, is often considered a medical disease when viewed from the biomedical perspective. However, recent reports from the Indian subcontinent have documented psychosocial causal factors. This study employed qualitative methodology in a representative sample of women in rural South India. Women in the post-partum period were assessed using the Tamil versions of the Short Explanatory Model Interview, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and a semi-structured interview to diagnose ICD 10 depression. Socio-demographic and clinical details were also recorded. Some 137 women were recruited and assessed, of these, 26.3% were diagnosed to have post-partum depression. The following factors were associated with post-partum depression after adjusting for age and education: age less than 20 or over 30 years, schooling less than five years, thoughts of aborting current pregnancy, unhappy marriage, physical abuse during current pregnancy and after childbirth, husband's use of alcohol, girl child delivered in the absence of living boys and a preference for a boy, low birth weight, and a family history of depression. Post-partum depression was also associated with an increased number of causal models of illness, a number of non-medical models, treatment models and non-medical treatment models. Many social and cultural factors have a major impact on post-partum depression. Post-partum depression, when viewed from a biomedical framework, fails to acknowledge the role of context in the production of emotional distress in the post-partum period.

  18. Factors predisposing to post-renal transplant erythrocytosis. A prospective matched-pair control study. (United States)

    Kessler, M; Hestin, D; Mayeux, D; Mertes, P M; Renoult, E


    We conducted a prospective study on 81 consecutive patients who had a kidney transplant with graft function for over 3 months to evaluate the prevalence of erythrocytosis following renal transplantation (PTE) and its potential risk factors. True PTE was defined as a RBC mass > 120% of the theoretical value allowing for sex, weight and height. 18 patients (22.2%) developed PTE (RBC mass = 157 +/- 21%) with no evidence of polycythemia vera (PV), or secondary polycythemia due to reduced arterial oxygen, kidney or hepatic tumors. PTE was more common in males (p = 0.041) and less common in patients treated with recombinant erythropoietin (rHEPO) prior to transplantation. 18 non-polycythemic patients (Hb 12.6 +/- 1.3 g/dl) matched for sex, age and renal function were used as case controls. Fewer PTE patients were transfused post-transplantation (p = 0.026). At the time of diagnosis, mean serum EPO was normal and similar to that of controls. PTE patients had lower serum ferritin (p = 0.005) and more commonly received iron supplementation when PTE occurred (p = 0.003). Other clinical factors did not differ significantly between the two groups. Two patients had a thrombotic event, 6 recovered spontaneously and 11 were successfully treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI). The normalization of Hb, hematocrit and RBC mass in ACEI treated patients was accompanied by a decline in serum EPO (p = 0.008). We conclude that true erythrocytosis is prevalent in cyclosporine-treated renal transplant patients. PTE seems to be an idiopathic erythrocytosis. Pretransplant rHEPO treatment may limit PTE by blunting the increased sensitivity of erythroid precursors to EPO and iron supplementation, which stimulates the development of PTE. ACEI treatment is effective and safe.

  19. Post-Polio Syndrome and Risk Factors in Korean Polio Survivors: A Baseline Survey by Telephone Interview (United States)

    Bang, Hyun; Suh, Jee Hyun; Lee, Seung Yeol; Kim, Keewon; Yang, Eun Joo; Jung, Se Hee; Jang, Soong-Nang; Han, Soo Jeong; Kim, Wan-Ho; Oh, Min-Gyun; Kim, Jeong-Hwan; Lee, Sam-Gyu


    Objective To obtain information on the socioeconomic, medical, and functional status of polio survivors, and to use these results as the preliminary data for establishing the middle-aged cohort of polio survivors. Methods The subjects were recruited based on the medical records of multiple hospitals and centers. They were assessed through a structured questionnaire over the phone. Post-poliomyelitis syndrome (PPS) was identified according to the specified diagnostic criteria. Differences between polio survivors with or without PPS were evaluated, and the risk factors for PPS were analyzed by the odds ratio (OR). Results Majority of polio survivors were middle-aged and mean age was 51.2±8.3 years. A total of 188 out of 313 polio survivors met the adopted criteria for PPS based on the symptoms, yielding a prevalence of 61.6%. Mean interval between acute poliomyelitis and the development of PPS was 38.5±11.6 years. Female gender (OR 1.82; confidence interval [CI] 1.09-3.06), the age at onset of poliomyelitis (OR 1.75; CI 1.05-2.94), the use of orthoses or walking aids (OR 2.46; CI 1.44-4.20), and the history of medical treatment for paralysis, pain or gait disturbance (OR 2.62; CI 1.52-4.51) represented independent risk factors for PPS. Conclusion We found that the majority of Korean polio survivors entered middle age with many medical, functional, and social problems. Female gender, early age of onset of poliomyelitis, the use of orthoses or walking aids, and the history of medical treatment for paralysis, pain or gait disturbance were identified as the significant risk factors for PPS. A comprehensive and multidisciplinary plan should be prepared to manage polio survivors considering their need for health care services and the risk factors for late effects, such as PPS. PMID:25379493

  20. Evaluación de la salud pública en algunos zoológicos de colombia. fase i: diseño y validación de instrumentos


    Agudelo-Suárez, Angela N.; Villamil-Jiménez, Luis C.


    Objetivo Diseñar y validar instrumentos para identificar problemas de Salud Pública en algunos zoológicos de Colombia, que permitan la evaluación de la misma. Métodos Se diseñaron y validaron cuatro instrumentos con la participación de cinco zoológicos. La validación de los instrumentos se abordó en las dimensiones de apariencia, contenido, sensibilidad al cambio, pruebas de confiabilidad y determina¬ción de la utilidad. Para la calificación se construyó una escala que asignó un máximo ...

  1. Urinary tract infections and post-operative fever in percutaneous nephrolithotomy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gutierrez, Jorge; Smith, Arthur; Geavlete, Petrisor; Shah, Hemendra; Kural, Ali Riza; de Sio, Marco; Amón Sesmero, José H.; Hoznek, András; de la Rosette, Jean


    To review the incidence of UTIs, post-operative fever, and risk factors for post-operative fever in PCNL patients. Between 2007 and 2009, consecutive PCNL patients were enrolled from 96 centers participating in the PCNL Global Study. Only data from patients with pre-operative urine samples and who

  2. The prevalence and risk factors of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among workers injured in Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh. (United States)

    Fitch, Taylor; Villanueva, Gabriela; Quadir, Mohammad M; Sagiraju, Hari K R; Alamgir, Hasanat


    Prevalence and risk factors of PTSD among injured garment workers who survived a major factory collapse. Survivors receiving treatment or rehabilitation care at one year post event were surveyed, which included Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist Specific version. The respondents consisted of 181 people with a mean age of 27.8 years and a majority had less than high school education (91.2%). Multivariable logistic regression found that the odds of having PTSD was higher among married (OR: 3.2 [95% CI: 1.3-8.0]), those who used to work more than 70 hr/week (OR: 2.4 [1.1-5.3]), workers who used to hold higher job positions (OR: 2.6 [1.2-5.6]) or who had a concussion injury (OR: 3.7 [1.4-9.8]). Among the respondents, 83.4% remained unemployed, and only 57.3% (63 people) reported receiving a quarter or less of what they were promised as compensation. Probable PTSD was prevalent among surviving workers of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): Exploring the Factor Structure and Cutoff Thresholds in a Representative Post-Conflict Population in Northern Uganda. (United States)

    Blair, Alden Hooper; Pearce, Margo Ellen; Katamba, Achilles; Malamba, Samuel S; Muyinda, Herbert; Schechter, Martin T; Spittal, Patricia M


    Despite increased use of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in sub-Saharan Africa, few studies have assessed its underlying conceptual framework, and none have done so in post-conflict settings. Further, significant inconsistencies exist between definitions used for problematic consumption. Such is the case in Uganda, facing one of the highest per-capita alcohol consumption levels regionally, which is thought to be hindering rebuilding in the North after two decades of civil war. This study explores the impact of varying designation cutoff thresholds in the AUDIT as well as its conceptual factor structure in a representative sample of the population. In all, 1720 Cango Lyec Project participants completed socio-economic and mental health questionnaires, provided blood samples and took the AUDIT. Participant characteristics and consumption designations were compared at AUDIT summary score thresholds of ≥3, ≥5 and ≥8. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) explored one-, two- and three-factor level models overall and by sex with relative and absolute fit indicators. There were no significant differences in participant demographic characteristics between thresholds. At higher cutoffs, the test increased in specificity to identify those with hazardous drinking, disordered drinking and suffering from alcohol-related harms. All conceptual models indicated good fit, with three-factor models superior overall and within both sexes. In Northern Uganda, a three-factor AUDIT model best explores alcohol use in the population and is appropriate for use in both sexes. Lower cutoff thresholds are recommended to identify those with potentially disordered drinking to best plan effective interventions and treatments. A CFA of the AUDIT showed good fit for one-, two, and three-factor models overall and by sex in a representative sample in post-conflict Northern Uganda. A three-plus total AUDIT cutoff score is suggested to screen for hazardous drinking in this or

  4. Factores que afectan al rendimiento en carreras de fondo. [Factors affecting long-distance running performance].

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    Ana Ogueta-Alday


    Full Text Available Las carreras de fondo (comprendidas entre los 5 km hasta la maratón han crecido en España tanto en número como en participación. Esto ha suscitado un gran interés en entrenadores y deportistas, que solicitan información y formación sobre los diferentes factores que afectan al rendimiento. Ante esta demanda, el número de investigaciones ha aumentado notablemente. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica ha sido analizar los factores que afectan al rendimiento en carreras de fondo desde sus diferentes perspectivas. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica en 3 bases de datos (Medline, SportDiscus y Google Scholar y los factores han sido clasificados en 5 grandes grupos, subdivididos a su vez en diferentes apartados: 1- ambientales (aire/viento, temperatura, humedad, altura y pendiente del terreno, 2- ligados al entrenamiento (entrenamiento de resistencia, fuerza, en ambientes calurosos y en altura, 3- fisiológicos (VO2max, umbrales ventilatorios, economía de carrera, edad, género, tipos de fibras musculares, fatiga y raza, 4- biomecánicos (antropometría, leg-stiffness, flexibilidad, patrón de pisada, calzado, ortesis plantares y parámetros espacio-temporales y 5- psicológicos (estrategias de intervención, dirección de la atención y música. La influencia de algunos de éstos sobre el rendimiento es ampliamente conocida; sin embargo, en el caso de algunos factores psicológicos (dirección de la atención y música y biomecánicos (patrón de pisada y parámetros espacio-temporales el número de estudios es escaso o los resultados poco concluyentes. La realización de más estudios, conjuntamente con el avance de las nuevas tecnologías y sistemas de medición, permitirá un mejor conocimiento sobre la temática. Abstract The number of competitions and participation on long-distance races (from 5 km to the marathon in Spain has grown significantly during the last few years. Due to this popularity, both coaches

  5. Post-Traumatic Growth in Mothers of Children with Autism: A Phenomenological Study (United States)

    Zhang, Wei; Yan, Ting Ting; Barriball, K. Louise; While, Alison E.; Liu, Xiao Hong


    While the adverse effects of raising a child with autism are well demonstrated, there have been few reports of the post-traumatic growth of mothers of children with autism. The purpose of this research was to explore dimensions of post-traumatic growth in this population in Mainland China and identify the factors facilitating post-traumatic…

  6. Exposure to Political Conflict and Violence and Post-Traumatic Stress in Middle East Youth: Protective Factors (United States)

    Dubow, Eric F.; Huesmann, L. Rowell; Boxer, Paul; Landau, Simha; Dvir, Shira; Shikaki, Khalil; Ginges, Jeremy


    Objective We examine the role of family- and individual-level protective factors in the relation between exposure to ethnic-political conflict and violence and post-traumatic stress among Israeli and Palestinian youth. Specifically, we examine whether parental mental health (lack of depression), positive parenting, children’s self-esteem, and academic achievement, moderate the relation between exposure to ethnic-political conflict/violence and subsequent post-traumatic stress (PTS) symptoms. Method We collected three waves of data from 901 Israeli and 600 Palestinian youths (three age cohorts: 8, 11, and 14 years old; approximately half of each gender) and their parents at 1-year intervals. Results Greater cumulative exposure to ethnic-political conflict/violence across the first two waves of the study predicted higher subsequent PTS symptoms even when we controlled for the child’s initial level of PTS symptoms. This relation was significantly moderated by a youth’s self-esteem and by the positive parenting received by the youth. In particular, the longitudinal relation between exposure to violence and subsequent PTS symptoms was significant for low self-esteem youth and for youth receiving little positive parenting but was non-significant for children with high levels of these protective resources. Conclusions Our findings show that youth most vulnerable to PTS symptoms as a result of exposure to ethnic-political violence are those with lower levels of self-esteem and who experience low levels of positive parenting. Interventions for war-exposed youth should test whether boosting self-esteem and positive parenting might reduce subsequent levels of PTS symptoms. PMID:22594697


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    E.U. María Teresa Lira C.


    Full Text Available La Hipertensión Arterial (HTA continúa siendo un problema de Salud Pública relevante a nivel mundial. En Chile es la principal causa de morbimortalidad y el factor de riesgo de mayor carga atribuible para la patología cardiovascular isquècmica y el accidente cerebrovascular. En este artículo se revisa su prevalencia, el grado de conocimiento, el logro de su control y tratamiento, así como su riesgo atribuible analizando la carga de enfermedad y la pècrdida de años por discapacidad. Se presentan estudios del impacto de su inclusión en el AUGE, resultados de la intervención multidisciplinaria, su interacción con otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular y se comentan algunos aspectos de las actualizaciones de las guías internacionales para su manejo.

  8. Factores de riesgo epidemológicos condicionantes de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en personal de salud del Hospital de Sicuani-Cusco 2008.


    Jiménez Ramos, Meybor Yamila


    Con el de objetivo de determinar los factores de riesgo epidemiológicos que condicionan las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles con prolongado periodo clínico en el personal no profesional del Hospital de Sicuani - Cusco - 2008; se realizó un estudio explicativo con diseño de dos grupos expuesto y no expuesto a factores de riesgo epidemiológicos, la muestra por conveniencia fue de 68 personas; a quienes se entrevisto estableciendo parámetros de medición para algunos indicadores así como pa...

  9. Shared and unique predictors of post-traumatic growth and distress. (United States)

    Dekel, Sharon; Mandl, Christine; Solomon, Zahava


    This prospective longitudinal study compared pretraumatic, peritraumatic, and post-traumatic predictors of post-traumatic growth (PTG) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A total of 103 Israeli former prisoners of the Yom Kippur War were followed over 30 years. Sociodemographic variables, trauma exposure, reactions in captivity, world assumptions, social support, and personality factors were assessed in 1991, and PTG and PTSD symptoms in 2003. Hierarchical regression modeling showed that although some predictors, namely, loss of control and active coping during captivity, predicted both PTG and PTSD, others predicted one outcome and not the other. Self-controllability predicted PTG while sociodemographic factors predicted PTSD when controlling for PTSD and PTG, respectively. The findings indicate that salutary and pathogenic trauma outcomes share some but not all precursors, underscoring their multifaceted relationship. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Post-Anastomotic Enterocutaneous Fistulas: Associated Factors and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    after gut resection and anastomosis and explored those related to spontaneous closure of the fistulas. Objective. To determine the factors associated with the occurrence and spontane- ous closure of enterocutaneous fistulas. Design. A retrospective, hospital-based study of patients who developed enterocutaneous fistulas ...

  11. The neurogenic factor NeuroD1 is expressed in post-mitotic cells during juvenile and adult Xenopus neurogenesis and not in progenitor or radial glial cells.

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    Laure Anne D'Amico

    Full Text Available In contrast to mammals that have limited proliferation and neurogenesis capacities, the Xenopus frog exhibit a great potential regarding proliferation and production of new cells in the adult brain. This ability makes Xenopus a useful model for understanding the molecular programs required for adult neurogenesis. Transcriptional factors that control adult neurogenesis in vertebrate species undergoing widespread neurogenesis are unknown. NeuroD1 is a member of the family of proneural genes, which function during embryonic neurogenesis as a potent neuronal differentiation factor. Here, we study in detail the expression of NeuroD1 gene in the juvenile and adult Xenopus brains by in situ hybridization combined with immunodetections for proliferation markers (PCNA, BrdU or in situ hybridizations for cell type markers (Vimentin, Sox2. We found NeuroD1 gene activity in many brain regions, including olfactory bulbs, pallial regions of cerebral hemispheres, preoptic area, habenula, hypothalamus, cerebellum and medulla oblongata. We also demonstrated by double staining NeuroD1/BrdU experiments, after long post-BrdU administration survival times, that NeuroD1 gene activity was turned on in new born neurons during post-metamorphic neurogenesis. Importantly, we provided evidence that NeuroD1-expressing cells at this brain developmental stage were post-mitotic (PCNA- cells and not radial glial (Vimentin+ or progenitors (Sox2+ cells.

  12. Retention of dental custom cast posts using zinc phosphate cement: A Systematic Review of Literature

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    Marzieh Alikhasi


    Conclusion: Our review showed that the retention of cast posts cemented with zinc phosphate in controlled condition is moderate and factors including post material and length could influence the retention of the post.

  13. The release of immunosuppressive factor(s) in young males following exercise. (United States)

    Tian, Ye; Nie, Jinlei; Tong, Tom K; Baker, Julien S


    It has been shown that a suppressive protein, acting as an immune suppressor, is generated in animals and humans under particular stresses. However, studies related to immunosuppressive factors in response to the stress resulting from acute exercise are limited. This study compares the effects of pre- and post-exercise human serum on concanavalin A stimulated lymphocyte proliferation of mice. In the present study, blood samples in eight male undergraduates (age 21 ± 0.7 years) were taken before and immediately after ten sets of exercise consisting of 15 free and 30 10-kg loaded squat jumps in each set. The suppression of lymphocyte proliferation was analysed with high pressure liquid chromatography. It was noted from the result of gel chromatography columns that the post-exercise values of the suppression of lymphocyte proliferation, in comparison to corresponding pre-exercise values, were generally greater with significant differences observed in 7.5th-9th min post-exercise eluates (P exercise may lead to generation of immunosuppressive factor(s) in young males.

  14. The Release of Immunosuppressive Factor(s in Young Males Following Exercise

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    Julien S. Baker


    Full Text Available It has been shown that a suppressive protein, acting as an immune suppressor, is generated in animals and humans under particular stresses. However, studies related to immunosuppressive factors in response to the stress resulting from acute exercise are limited. This study compares the effects of pre- and post-exercise human serum on concanavalin A stimulated lymphocyte proliferation of mice. In the present study, blood samples in eight male undergraduates (age 21 ± 0.7 years were taken before and immediately after ten sets of exercise consisting of 15 free and 30 10-kg loaded squat jumps in each set. The suppression of lymphocyte proliferation was analysed with high pressure liquid chromatography. It was noted from the result of gel chromatography columns that the post-exercise values of the suppression of lymphocyte proliferation, in comparison to corresponding pre-exercise values, were generally greater with significant differences observed in 7.5th–9th min post-exercise eluates (P < 0.05. Such findings suggest that intense eccentric type exercise may lead to generation of immunosuppressive factor(s in young males.

  15. Relationships between air-tightness and its influencing factors of post-2006 new-build dwellings in the UK

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pan, Wei [School of Architecture, Design and Environment, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA (United Kingdom)


    Addressing air leakage of dwellings is important to improving energy efficiency and thermal comfort. This paper reports on the air permeability test results of 287 post-2006 new-build dwellings in the UK. The paper explores the relationships between air-tightness and its influencing factors including build method, dwelling type, management context, design target, season, number of significant penetrations, and envelope and floor area. One-way ANOVA analysis was utilised to compare means of air permeability in relation to the individual factors, and two- and three-way ANOVA analyses were applied for examining the interactions between them. The air-tightness of the dwellings averaged 5.97 m{sup 3}/(h m{sup 2}) at 50 Pa, which has improved from UK historic data. Dwellings built using precast concrete panels were significantly air-tighter than those built using timber frame, whilst those masonry and reinforced concrete frame dwellings were most leaky. Greater extent of innovative practice and 'self-build' procurement led to achieving superior air-tightness. Interaction was observed between 'build method' and 'dwelling type' and between 'dwelling type' and 'management context'. A modest positive correlation was noticed between air permeability and design target, which became weak in relation to the number of significant penetrations and envelope area. Applying the linear regression technique a predictive model is developed for estimating air permeability of dwellings. This model integrates the influencing factors and their significant interactions. The findings should contribute to future research in predicting impacts of controlling the influencing factors on achieving air-tightness of dwellings more consistently. (author)

  16. Demand for abortion and post abortion care in Ibadan, Nigeria. (United States)

    Awoyemi, Bosede O; Novignon, Jacob


    While induced abortion is considered to be illegal and socially unacceptable in Nigeria, it is still practiced by many women in the country. Poor family planning and unsafe abortion practices have daunting effects on maternal health. For instance, Nigeria is on the verge of not meeting the Millennium development goals on maternal health due to high maternal mortality ratio, estimated to be about 630 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. Recent evidences have shown that a major factor in this trend is the high incidence of abortion in the country. The objective of this paper is, therefore, to investigate the factors determining the demand for abortion and post-abortion care in Ibadan city of Nigeria. The study employed data from a hospital-based/exploratory survey carried out between March to September 2010. Closed ended questionnaires were administered to a sample of 384 women of reproductive age from three hospitals within the Ibadan metropolis in South West Nigeria. However, only 308 valid responses were received and analysed. A probit model was fitted to determine the socioeconomic factors that influence demand for abortion and post-abortion care. The results showed that 62% of respondents demanded for abortion while 52.3% of those that demanded for abortion received post-abortion care. The findings again showed that income was a significant determinant of abortion and post-abortion care demand. Women with higher income were more likely to demand abortion and post-abortion care. Married women were found to be less likely to demand for abortion and post-abortion care. Older women were significantly less likely to demand for abortion and post-abortion care. Mothers' education was only statistically significant in determining abortion demand but not post-abortion care demand. The findings suggest that while abortion is illegal in Nigeria, some women in the Ibadan city do abort unwanted pregnancies. The consequence of this in the absence of proper post

  17. Demand for abortion and post abortion care in Ibadan, Nigeria (United States)


    Background While induced abortion is considered to be illegal and socially unacceptable in Nigeria, it is still practiced by many women in the country. Poor family planning and unsafe abortion practices have daunting effects on maternal health. For instance, Nigeria is on the verge of not meeting the Millennium development goals on maternal health due to high maternal mortality ratio, estimated to be about 630 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. Recent evidences have shown that a major factor in this trend is the high incidence of abortion in the country. The objective of this paper is, therefore, to investigate the factors determining the demand for abortion and post-abortion care in Ibadan city of Nigeria. Methods The study employed data from a hospital-based/exploratory survey carried out between March to September 2010. Closed ended questionnaires were administered to a sample of 384 women of reproductive age from three hospitals within the Ibadan metropolis in South West Nigeria. However, only 308 valid responses were received and analysed. A probit model was fitted to determine the socioeconomic factors that influence demand for abortion and post-abortion care. Results The results showed that 62% of respondents demanded for abortion while 52.3% of those that demanded for abortion received post-abortion care. The findings again showed that income was a significant determinant of abortion and post-abortion care demand. Women with higher income were more likely to demand abortion and post-abortion care. Married women were found to be less likely to demand for abortion and post-abortion care. Older women were significantly less likely to demand for abortion and post-abortion care. Mothers’ education was only statistically significant in determining abortion demand but not post-abortion care demand. Conclusion The findings suggest that while abortion is illegal in Nigeria, some women in the Ibadan city do abort unwanted pregnancies. The consequence of this

  18. Factores edafológicos que determinan la presencia y diseminación del hongo Sclerotium cepivorum en el cultivo de cebolla de ulbo (Allium cepa) en Tibasosa, Boyacá


    Piraneque Gambasica, Nelson Virgilio


    La cebolla es una de las hortalizas más importantes en Colombia, tanto por volumen comercializado como por el valor económico agregado. El mal blanco (Sclerotium cepivorum), es a nivel mundial la enfermedad más limitante del género Allium. En Boyacá, principal departamento productor de cebolla de bulbo, causa pérdidas en cultivo, cosecha y postcosecha. A pesar del manejo fitosanitario, el problema persiste y tiende a aumentar con la consecuente reducción de rendimientos. Pretendiendo resolver...

  19. [Determinant factors and conduct in post-accident with biological material among pre-hospital professionals]. (United States)

    Paiva, Maria Henriqueta Rocha Siqueira; Oliveira, Adriana Cristina


    This transversal study was carried out with a multiprofessional team in the pre-hospital care in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It aimed to estimate the incidence of occupational accidents by exposure to biological material and post-accidents conductsta. Descriptive analysis and logistic regression were used. Incidence of accidents was 19.8%: 39,1% perforating-cutting materials and 56.5% body fluids. Doctors (33.3%) and drivers (24.0%) were most involved. Inadequate subsequent measures were highly prevalent: no medical assessment (69.6%), no work accident communication issued (91.3%), no measures (52.2%) and no serological follow-up (52.2%). Variables associated with accidents were: age >31 years old (OR = 3,02; IC95%: 1,25 - 7,33; p = 0,014) and working in basic support units (OR = 5,36; IC95%: 1,51 19,08; p = 0,010). The implementation of post-accidents protocols is suggested in order to reduce accidents and under-notification, and increase post-accident follow-up.

  20. The Relationship Between Post-Migration Stress and Psychological Disorders in Refugees and Asylum Seekers. (United States)

    Li, Susan S Y; Liddell, Belinda J; Nickerson, Angela


    Refugees demonstrate high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychological disorders. The recent increase in forcible displacement internationally necessitates the understanding of factors associated with refugee mental health. While pre-migration trauma is recognized as a key predictor of mental health outcomes in refugees and asylum seekers, research has increasingly focused on the psychological effects of post-migration stressors in the settlement environment. This article reviews the research evidence linking post-migration factors and mental health outcomes in refugees and asylum seekers. Findings indicate that socioeconomic, social, and interpersonal factors, as well as factors relating to the asylum process and immigration policy affect the psychological functioning of refugees. Limitations of the existing literature and future directions for research are discussed, along with implications for treatment and policy.

  1. Caracterización de la anemia durante el embarazo y algunos factores de riesgo asociados, en gestantes del municipio regla

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    Clara Irania San Gil Suárez

    Full Text Available Introducción: la anemia como problema mundial constituye un indicador general de pobre salud. En Latinoamérica la anemia ferripriva afecta a los grupos vulnerables como las embarazadas. Cuba no está exenta de esta carencia nutricional y su prevalencia alcanza el 25 % de las embarazadas. Objetivo: caracterizar la anemia durante la gestación y su relación con posibles factores asociados. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal en 68 gestantes entre 28 y 32 semanas del Policlínico Lidia y Clodomiro, en el período de octubre a noviembre de 2010. Se aplicó una encuesta con datos sociodemográficos, antecedentes obstétricos y del embarazo actual y se determinó la hemoglobina. Resultados: se observó una disminución de los valores medios de hemoglobina entre el primer trimestre (112 g/L y el tercero (108 g/L. También se constató una alta frecuencia de anemia tanto en el primer trimestre (35,3 % como en el tercer trimestre del embarazo (56,0%, con una anemia moderada más alta. La anemia al inicio del embarazo resultó un factor de riesgo (ρ=0,02 de la existencia de anemia al tercer trimestre. Conclusiones: existió una alta frecuencia de anemia, siendo la anemia moderada la más frecuente, tanto en el primer trimestre como en el tercer trimestre de las embarazadas estudiadas. La anemia al inicio del embarazo resultó ser el factor de riesgo más importante encontrado en nuestro estudio a la existencia de anemia en el tercer trimestre, con independencia de otros posibles factores involucrados.

  2. Characterization of the supply and value chains of Colombian cocoa

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    Rafael G. García Cáceres


    Full Text Available El presente artículo presenta la cadena de abastecimiento y de valor del sector agroindustrial cacaotero en Colombia. Para ell o identifica los agentes, fases, eslabones y factores que influyen en la sie mbra y cosecha del grano, así como en el procesamiento del mism o hacia la producción de chocolates y confites, hasta llegar a las manos d el consumidor final. Igualmente, se describe la producción naci onal en el contexto del mercado mundial.

  3. Rol del metabolismo de hidratos de carbono en la senescencia postcosecha de brócoli


    Hasperué, Héctor Joaquín


    La cosecha y comercialización del brócoli se realiza en momentos en que la inflorescencia se encuentra en pleno desarrollo. La separación de la inflorescencia de la planta madre detiene el suministro de agua, hidratos de carbono provenientes de la fotosíntesis, otros nutrientes y hormonas, principalmente citocininas, las cuales regulan el proceso de senescencia en la planta, retardándolo. Estos factores, sumados a una alta tasa respiratoria conducen a una senescencia acelerada y rápido deteri...

  4. Physical, psychosocial, and organisational factors relative to sickness absence: a study based on Sweden Post

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Voss, M; Floderus, B; Diderichsen, F


    .95) for women and men, respectively. Working instead of taking sick leave when ill, was more prevalent in the group with a high incidence of sickness (OR 1.74 (1.30 to 2.33) for women, OR 1.60 (1.22 to 2.10) for men). Overtime work of more than 50 hours a year was linked with low incidence of sickness for women......OBJECTIVE: To analyse incidence of sickness for women and men relative to potential aetiological factors at work-physical, psychosocial, and organisational. METHODS: The study group comprised 1557 female and 1913 male employees of Sweden Post. Sickness absence was measured by incidence of sickness...... incidence of sickness among both women and men. For heavy lifting, an odds ratio (OR) of 1.70 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.22 to 2.39) among women, and OR 1.70 (1.20 to 2.41) among men was found. For monotonous movements the risk estimates were OR 1.42 (1.03 to 1.97) and OR 1.45 (1.08 to 1...

  5. Post-traumatic growth in parents after infants' neonatal intensive care unit hospitalisation. (United States)

    Aftyka, Anna; Rozalska-Walaszek, Ilona; Rosa, Wojciech; Rybojad, Beata; Karakuła-Juchnowicz, Hanna


    To determine the incidence and severity of post-traumatic growth in a group of parents of children hospitalised in the intensive care unit in the past. A premature birth or a birth with life-threatening conditions is a traumatic event for the parents and may lead to a number of changes, some of which are positive, known as post-traumatic growth. The survey covered 106 parents of 67 infants aged 3-12 months. An original questionnaire and standardised research tools were used in the study: Impact Event Scale - Revised, Perceived Stress Scale, COPE Inventory: Positive Reinterpretation and Growth, Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations, Post-traumatic Growth Inventory and Parent and Infant Characteristic Questionnaire. Due to a stepwise backward variables selection, we found three main factors that explain post-traumatic growth: post-traumatic stress symptoms, positive reinterpretation and growth and dichotomic variable infants' survival. This model explained 29% of the post-traumatic growth variation. Similar models that were considered separately for mothers and fathers showed no significantly better properties. Post-traumatic growth was related to a lesser extent to sociodemographic variables or the stressor itself, and related to a far greater extent to psychological factors. Our study highlights the fact that post-traumatic growth in the parents of neonates hospitalised in the neonatal intensive care units remains under-evaluated. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Mechanism of recycling of post-termination ribosomal complexes in ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    all pathway of ribosome recycling in eubacteria with especial reference to the important role of the initiation factor ... [Seshadri A and Varshney U 2006 Mechanism of recycling of post-termination ribosomal complexes in eubacteria: a new role of initiation factor 3 .... RRF binding results in a remarkable conformational change.

  7. Algunos aspectos cuantitativos sobre la relación entre la emigración internacional y la migración interna de mexicanos

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    Rodolfo Corona Vázquez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende establecer algunas relaciones entre los determinantes y las consecuencias de la emigración de mexicanos a Estados Unidos y de la migración al interior de la República Mexicana. Se realiza un análisis comparativo de información estadística (censos, encuestas, registros, etc. acerca de las características económicas, sociales y geográficas de los migrantes internos, de los emigrantes internacionales y de los que son internos e internacionales al mismo tiempo. Con este análisis se pretende identificar e interpretar similitudes y diferencias, para explicar el porqué algunos mexicanos han optado, o se han visto forzados a desplazarse dentro de los límites territoriales de la nación, hacia el exterior o hacia ambas partes.

  8. Risk factors for post-colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) coagulation syndrome: a multicenter, prospective, observational study (United States)

    Arimoto, Jun; Higurashi, Takuma; Kato, Shingo; Fuyuki, Akiko; Ohkubo, Hidenori; Nonaka, Takashi; Yamaguchi, Yoshikazu; Ashikari, Keiichi; Chiba, Hideyuki; Goto, Shungo; Taguri, Masataka; Sakaguchi, Takashi; Atsukawa, Kazuhiro; Nakajima, Atsushi


    Background and study aims  Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common neoplasms and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is an effective treatment for early-stage CRC. However, it has been observed that patients undergoing ESD often complain of pain, even if ESD has been successfully performed. Risk factors for such pain still remain unknown. The aim of this study was to explore the risk factors for post-colorectal ESD coagulation syndrome (PECS). Patients and methods  This was a prospective multicenter observational trial (UMIN000016781) conducted in 106 of 223 patients who underwent ESD between March 2015 and April 2016. We investigated age, sex, tumor location, ESD operation time, lesion size, duration of hospitalization, and frequency of PECS. We defined PECS as local abdominal pain (evaluated on a visual analogue scale) in the region corresponding to the site of the ESD that occurred within 4 days of the procedure. Results  PECS occurred in 15/106 (14.2 %), and 10 were women ( P  = 0.01, OR: 7.74 [1.6 – 36.4]), 7 had lesions in the cecum ( P   90 min ( P  = 0.002, OR: 10.3 [2.4 – 44.6]). Frequency of deviation from the prescribed clinical path was significantly higher (47 % [7/15] vs. 2 % [2/91], P  PECS group.  Conclusions  Female gender, location of lesion in the cecum, and ESD operation time > 90 minutes were significant risk factors independent of PECS. These findings are important to management of PECS.  PMID:29527556

  9. Risk factors predict post-traumatic stress disorder differently in men and women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Dorte M.; Elklit, Ask


    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: About twice as many women as men develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), even though men as a group are exposed to more traumatic events. Exposure to different trauma types does not sufficiently explain why women are more vulnerable. METHODS: The present work examines...

  10. [Study of prognostic factors and prevalence of post-thrombotic syndrome in patients with deep vein thrombosis in Spain]. (United States)

    Ordi, Josep; Salmerón, Luis; Acosta, Fernando; Camacho, Isabel; Marín, Núria


    The prevalence of post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) in Spain is not known accurately at present. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of PTS and the possible prognostic factors related to its development and impact on quality of life. This was an observational, multicenter, cross-sectional and retrospective study of patients who had suffered a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) between March 2010 and March 2011. The Villalta scale was applied as a standardized assessment of PTS at the enrollment visit. According to the score, distribution was: patients with PTS (score>4) and patients without PTS (score ≤4). Subsequently, DVT data and risk factors were collected retrospectively. The quality of life of patients was evaluated. In total 511 patients with DVT were enrolled, of which 7 patients were excluded as they did not meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The prevalence of PTS was 53%, with 56.2% having a mild character, 20.6% moderate, and 23.2% severe. The presence of risk factors for DVT including immobilization, hormonal therapy and obesity was significantly higher in patients with PTS than in patients without PTS. There were not significant differences in the location of the DVT. The perception of patients about their health was significantly worse in patients with DVT. The prevalence of PTS in patients with DVT is very high. The presence of risk factors for DVT clearly contributes to a greater predisposition to suffering PTS in an average time of 2 years. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Following Childbirth: Prevalence and Contributing Factors


    Shaban, Zainab; Dolatian, Mahrokh; Shams, Jamal; Alavi-Majd, Hamid; Mahmoodi, Zohreh; Sajjadi, Homeira


    Background Childbirth might be a traumatic event for some women. Objectives This study was conducted with the objective of investigating the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) following childbirth. Patients and Methods The study was designed using a descriptive correlation scheme. The participants were selected from the women referred to the healthcare centers affiliated with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran. Personal interviews were conducted with 600 wo...

  12. Isoforms of elongation factor eEF1A may be differently regulated at post-transcriptional level in breast cancer progression

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    Vislovukh A. A.


    Full Text Available Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1A exists as two 98 % homologous isoforms: eEF1A1 (A1 and eEF1A2 (A2 which are tissue and development specific. Despite high homology in an open reading frame (ORF region, mRNAs coding for eEF1A1 and eEF1A2 are different in their untranslated regions (UTR, suggesting a possibility of their dissimilar post-transcriptional regulation. Aim. To analyze the existence of cis-acting motifs in the UTRs of EEF1A1/A2 mRNAs, to confirm the possibility of post-transcriptional control of eEF1A1 and eEF1A2 expression. Methods. An ensemble of bioinformatic methods was applied to predict regulatory motifs in the UTRs of EEF1A1/A2 mRNAs. Dual-luciferase reporter assay was employed to detect post-transcriptional regulation of eEF1A1/A2 expression. Results. Numerous regulatory motifs in the UTR of EEF1A1/A2 mRNAs were found bioinformatically. The experimental evidence was obtained for the existence of negative regulation of EEF1A1 and positive regulation of EEF1A2 mRNA in the model of breast cancer development. Conclusions. EEF1A1 and EEF1A2 mRNAs contain distinct motifs in the UTRs and are differently regulated in cancer suggesting the possibility of their control by different cellular signals.

  13. Propuesta de factores a considerar en el posicionamiento de los sitios web de salud (Proposal of Factors to be considered for positioning of Health Websites

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    Mercedes Moráguez Bergues


    Full Text Available Resumen El posicionamiento web se convierte en un factor esencial a tener presente cuando se desea promocionar un sitio web en Internet. Esta investigación trata sobre los factores SEO (Search Engine Optimization que influyen en el posicionamiento de un sitio Web en los buscadores y por tanto en su visibilidad. Se identificaron estos factores y se relacionaron con los atributos de usabilidad y accesibilidad de un sitio Web. Se exponen los resultados de la aplicación de dos cuestionarios: uno para el perfil editor y otro para el perfil usuario, lo cual permitió relacionar las problemáticas que influyen en el bajo posicionamiento de algunos sitios web de salud de la red de Infomed. Abstract The web positioning becomes an essential factor to keep in mind when you want to promote a website on the Internet. This paper analyzes the SEO factors (Search Engine Optimization that influence on the position of a website in search engines and therefore its visibility. These factors were identified and related to the attributes of usability and accessibility of a Website. Results from two surveys allowed connect the problems affecting the low positioning of some health websites of INFOMED network.


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    Elizabeth Carvajal Flórez


    Full Text Available La investigación que se desarrolla a continuación, tiene como objetivo principal evaluar la influencia del vertimiento de residuos sólidos domiciliarios y escombros sobre la calidad del río Medellín y algunos de sus afluentes principales como la quebrada La Hueso, La Iguaná y La García, bajo criterios sanitarios, ambientales y sociales. Se utilizó el método teórico práctico, que aborda el problema de la disposición inadecuada de residuos domiciliarios y escombros sobre las laderas y lechos de las quebradas objeto de estudio, estableciendo en la realidad social una explicación veraz y oportuna de la ocurrencia de dichas prácticas de disposición.

  15. Post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heidemann, Christian; Wallén, Mia; Aakesson, Marie


    Post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage (PTH) is a relatively common and potentially life-threatening complication. The objective of this study was to examine the rate of PTH and identify risk factors. A retrospective cohort study was carried out including all tonsillectomies (430 patients) performed...... as surgical technique" [relative risk (RR) = 5.3], "peritonsillar abscess as indication for surgery" (RR = 0.3) and "age equal to or above 15 years at the time of surgery" (RR = 5.4). It is concluded that patient age, PTA as indication for surgery and the use of coblation significantly affect the occurrence...

  16. Post-traumatic stress disorder and cardiovascular disease. (United States)

    Edmondson, Donald; von Känel, Roland


    In this paper, a first in a Series of two, we look at the evidence for an association of post-traumatic stress disorder with incident cardiovascular disease risk and the mechanisms that might cause this association, as well as the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder due to cardiovascular disease events and its associated prognostic risk. We discuss research done after the publication of previous relevant systematic reviews, and survey currently funded research from the two most active funders in the field: the National Institutes of Health and the US Veterans Administration. We conclude that post-traumatic stress disorder is a risk factor for incident cardiovascular disease, and a common psychiatric consequence of cardiovascular disease events that might worsen the prognosis of the cardiovascular disease. There are many candidate mechanisms for the link between post-traumatic stress disorder and cardiovascular disease, and several ongoing studies could soon point to the most important behavioural and physiological mechanisms to target in early phase intervention development. Similarly, targets are emerging for individual and environmental interventions that might offset the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder after cardiovascular disease events. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Post-operative cognitive dysfunction in the elderly: A prospective clinical study

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    Nalini Kotekar


    Full Text Available Background and Aims: Aging population is a major demographic trend worldwide. Globally, 50% of all the elderly individuals are estimated to undergo atleast one surgical procedure and post-operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD is one of the most common and often poorly understood post-operative complications in this section of the population. This randomised prospective study was conducted to assess the post-operative cognitive status in the elderly undergoing non-cardiac surgery, evaluate the cognitive parameters affected, evaluate the potential risk factors and thereby analyse the potential for implementation of preventive strategies. Methods: This study was conducted on 200 patients aged 60 years or older scheduled for elective non-cardiac surgeries. The baseline cognitive status of the patients was assessed 2 days prior to the date of the surgery. The post-operative cognitive status was assessed on the 3 rd day, 7 th day and after 1 month. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS and SPSS. Results: The incidence of POCD showed a gradual decline from postoperative day 3 to 30. Females were found to be at significant risk in developing POCD. Advancing age and level of education emerged as dominant factors, while type of anaesthesia, duration of surgery, and presence of coexisting comorbidities had no influence on the incidence of cognitive dysfunction. Conclusion: POCD is a definite complication after surgery and anaesthesia in the elderly population. Gender emerged as a significant risk factor with increasing age as a dominating factor contributing to POCD.

  18. Risk factors of post renal transplant anaemia among Sudanese patients, a study in three renal transplant centres

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    Elmusharaf Khalifa


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There is a relative lack of recent information about late post kidney transplantation anaemia (PTA, especially in the developing countries; data are scarce about the prevalence and risk factors of PTA. Sudan was a leading country in Africa and Arab world in kidney transplantation. The first kidney transplantation in Sudan was in 1973. Methods This is a cross-sectional hospital analytic study enrolling all kidney transplanted recipients following in the transplant referral clinics at Ahmed Gassim, Selma and Ibn Sina Hospitals, Khartoum/Sudan, in the period from 1/8/2010 to 1/9/2010, clinical and laboratory data were obtained from 114 patients, anaemia was defined as Hb levels of Results The study showed that 39.5% of the patients were anaemic. Univariate analysis showed that late PTA is significantly associated with not using Erythropoietin (EPO in the pre-transplant period (p = Conclusion The study concluded that late PTA is common and under recognized. Risk factors for late PTA include renal dysfunction, history of rejection, longer duration of transplantation and not using EPO in the pre-transplant period. Renal dysfunction and not using EPO in the pre-transplant period are major predictors of late PTA.

  19. Age-related changes in factor VII proteolysis in vivo. (United States)

    Ofosu, F A; Craven, S; Dewar, L; Anvari, N; Andrew, M; Blajchman, M A


    Previous studies have reported that pre-operative plasmas of patients over the age of 40 years who developed post-operative deep vein thrombosis (DVT) had approximately twice the amount of proteolysed factor VII found in plasmas of patients in whom prophylaxis with heparin or low M(r) heparin was successful. These and other studies also reported higher concentrations of thrombin-antithrombin III in pre- and post-operative plasmas of patients who developed post-operative thrombosis than in plasmas of patients in whom prophylaxis was successful. Whether the extent of factor VII proteolysis seen in the patients who developed post-operative DVT is related to the severity of their disease or age is not known. This report investigated age-related changes in the concentrations of total factor VII protein, factor VII zymogen, factor VIIa, tissue factor pathway inhibitor, thrombin-antithrombin III, and prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 in normal plasmas and the relationships between these parameters. With the exception of thrombin-antithrombin III, statistically significant increases in the concentrations of these parameters with age were found. Additionally, the differences between the concentrations of total factor VII protein and factor VII zymogen, an index factor VII proteolysis in vivo, were statistically significant only for individuals over age 40. Using linear regression analysis, a significant correlation was found to exist between the concentrations of plasma factor VIIa and prothrombin fragment 1 + 2. Since factor VIIa-tissue factor probably initiates coagulation in vivo, we hypothesize that the elevated plasma factor VIIa (reflecting a less tightly regulated tissue factor activity and therefore increased thrombin production in vivo) accounts for the high risk for post-operative thrombosis seen in individuals over the age of 40.

  20. Feelings of being disabled as a prognostic factor for mortality in men and women post-PCI up to 12years. (United States)

    Bergmann, Michael J; Utens, Elisabeth M W J; de Jager, Tom A J; Radhoe, Sumant P; Daemen, Joost; Lenzen, Mattie J; van Domburg, Ron T; Dulfer, Karolijn


    It remains unclear whether feelings of being disabled are a relevant psychological factor that determines long term outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Therefore, we evaluated 'feelings of being disabled' as an independent risk factor for mortality 12years post-PCI. The study population comprised a consecutive series of CAD patients (n=845) treated with PCI as part of the Taxus-Stent Evaluated At Rotterdam Cardiology Hospital (T-SEARCH) registry. Of these patients n=646 (age 63years, 75% male) completed the subscale 'feelings of being disabled' of the Heart Patients Psychological Questionnaire (HPPQ), within the first month after PCI. At 12year follow-up, n=209 patients (32%) died. Of the 162 females n=73 (45%) experienced high feelings of being disabled (High-FOBD) and of the 484 males, n=134 (28%) reported high-FOBD. Patients with high feelings of being disabled had a two-fold increased risk of mortality at 12-year follow-up (HR=1.86, 95% CI=1.41-2.45). After adjusting, high feelings of being disabled remained a predictor of 12-year mortality (HR=2.53, 95% CI=1.30-4.90). This study confirms that psychosocial variables like feelings of being disabled influence cardiac morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, there is no difference in mortality between men and women with high feelings of being disabled 12years post-PCI. It is important that clinicians are aware that PCI-patients who feel disabled have a less favorable survival and that the difference in survival is even greater for women who feel disabled. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Factors predicting outcome in whiplash injury: a systematic meta-review of prognostic factors. (United States)

    Sarrami, Pooria; Armstrong, Elizabeth; Naylor, Justine M; Harris, Ian A


    Whiplash injuries are among the leading injuries related to car crashes and it is important to determine the prognostic factors that predict the outcome of patients with these injuries. This meta-review aims to identify factors that are associated with outcome after acute whiplash injury. A systematic search for all systematic reviews on outcome prediction of acute whiplash injury was conducted across several electronic databases. The search was limited to publications in English, and there were no geographical or time of publication restrictions. Quality appraisal was conducted with A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews. The initial search yielded 207 abstracts; of these, 195 were subsequently excluded by topic or method. Twelve systematic reviews with moderate quality were subsequently included in the analysis. Post-injury pain and disability, whiplash grades, cold hyperalgesia, post-injury anxiety, catastrophizing, compensation and legal factors, and early healthcare use were associated with continuation of pain and disability in patients with whiplash injury. Post-injury magnetic resonance imaging or radiographic findings, motor dysfunctions, or factors related to the collision were not associated with continuation of pain and disability in patients with whiplash injury. Evidence on demographic and three psychological factors and prior pain was conflicting, and there is a shortage of evidence related to the significance of genetic factors. This meta-review suggests an association between initial pain and anxiety and the outcome of acute whiplash injury, and less evidence for an association with physical factors. Level 1.

  2. Post-translational modifications regulate signalling by Ror1

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kaucká, M.; Krejčí, Pavel; Plevová, K.; Pavlová, Š.; Procházková, Jiřina; Janovská, P.; Valnohová, J.; Kozubík, Alois; Pospíšilová, Š.; Bryja, Vítězslav


    Roč. 203, č. 3 (2011), s. 351-362 ISSN 1748-1708 Institutional support: RVO:68081707 Keywords : chronic lymphocytic leukaemia * glycosylation * post-translational modification Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics Impact factor: 3.090, year: 2011

  3. The changes and factors associated with post-discharge self-care behaviors among Chinese patients with heart failure

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    Hu XL


    Full Text Available Xiaolin Hu,1 Xiuying Hu,1 Yonglin Su,2 Moying Qu,3 Mary A Dolansky41Department of Nursing, 2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, 3Department of Cardiology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, People’s Republic of China; 4Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USABackground: Self-care behavior is essential for achieving good outcomes among patients with heart failure. Understanding the factors associated with self-care over time is important for the provision of appropriate and targeted interventions. However, little is known regarding the changes and factors associated with post-discharge self-care behaviors among Chinese patients with heart failure.Objective: To investigate the changes and factors of self-care behaviors during the first 3 months following discharge among patients with heart failure in the People’s Republic of China.Methods: A descriptive design with a convenience sample was utilized in this study. Patients (N=128 from two hospitals, West China Hospital and Angjin Hospital, in Chengdu, People’s Republic of China, were recruited from June 2013 to June 2014. The instruments used in the study included the following: the Social Support Rating Scale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-Item Scale, and the European Heart Failure Self-Care Behaviour Scale. Multivariate linear regression analyses were used to identify the factors related to self-care behaviors at baseline, 1 month, and 3 months following discharge.Results: Patients’ self-care behaviors were poor and decreased significantly over time (F=4.09, P<0.05. The factors associated with self-care behaviors at baseline included the following: education level, comorbidities, and social support. The factors related to self-care behaviors at 1 and 3 months following discharge included the following: education level, comorbidities, social

  4. Fighting and preventing post-earthquake fires in nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Xuefeng; Zhang Xin


    Nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires will cause not only personnel injury, severe economic loss, but also serious environmental pollution. For the moment, nuclear power is in a position of rapid development in China. Considering the earthquake-prone characteristics of our country, it is of great engineering importance to investigate the nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires. This article analyzes the cause, influential factors and development characteristics of nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires in details, and summarizes the three principles should be followed in fighting and preventing nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires, such as solving problems in order of importance and urgency, isolation prior to prevention, immediate repair and regular patrol. Three aspects were pointed out that should be paid attention in fighting and preventing post-earthquake fires. (authors)

  5. Comportamiento fenológico de tres variedades de rosas rojas en función de la acumulación de la temperatura

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    Rodríguez Wbeymar E.


    Full Text Available

    Un modelo fenológico permite predecir  el tiempo en que ocurrirá un evento en el desarrollo de un organismo, y el calor acumulado en este proceso se conoce como tiempo fisiológico o grados-día de crecimiento.  El estudio fue realizado en una finca de producción de flores, ubicada en el municipio de Suesca (Cundinamarca, con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento fenológico de las variedades de rosas ‘Madame Delbard’, ‘Charlotte’ y ‘Freedom’, como respuesta a la acumulación de grados-día. Para esto, a los estadios fenológicos denominados ‘arroz’, ‘garbanzo’, ‘mostrando color’ y ‘cosecha’ se les hizo un seguimiento desde el momento de la poda. Para la primera cosecha de la variedad ‘Madame Delbard’, se obtuvo una acumulación total de 1085,3 grados-día y el pico de cosecha se presentó a los 86 d y 904,4 grados-día. La variedad ‘Charlotte’ tuvo sus primeras flores a los 49 d, finalizando la cosecha a los 87 d y con 906,3 grados- día. El pico de cosecha se dio a los 69 d y 718,5 grados-día. En el caso de la variedad ‘Freedom’, se necesitaron 50 d después de poda para cortar las primeras flores, a los 80 d y 779,9 grados-día se acentúo la cosecha, finalizando a los 93 d y 892,9 grados-día. Las curvas de producción obtenidas de las tres variedades presentaron un modelo cuadrático, definido por el modelo de regresión de Poisson, excepto para la curva de la ‘Freedom’, que se comportó como un modelo lineal.

  6. Urinary tract infections and post-operative fever in percutaneous nephrolithotomy. (United States)

    Gutierrez, Jorge; Smith, Arthur; Geavlete, Petrisor; Shah, Hemendra; Kural, Ali Riza; de Sio, Marco; Amón Sesmero, José H; Hoznek, András; de la Rosette, Jean


    To review the incidence of UTIs, post-operative fever, and risk factors for post-operative fever in PCNL patients. Between 2007 and 2009, consecutive PCNL patients were enrolled from 96 centers participating in the PCNL Global Study. Only data from patients with pre-operative urine samples and who received antibiotic prophylaxis were included. Pre-operative bladder urine culture and post-operative fever (>38.5°C) were assessed. Relationship between various patient and operative factors and occurrence of post-operative fever was assessed using logistic regression analyses. Eight hundred and sixty-five (16.2%) patients had a positive urine culture; Escherichia coli was the most common micro-organism found in urine of the 350 patients (6.5%). Of the patients with negative pre-operative urine cultures, 8.8% developed a fever post-PCNL, in contrast to 18.2% of patients with positive urine cultures. Fever developed more often among the patients whose urine cultures consisted of Gram-negative micro-organisms (19.4-23.8%) versus those with Gram-positive micro-organisms (9.7-14.5%). Multivariate analysis indicated that a positive urine culture (odds ratio [OR] = 2.12, CI [1.69-2.65]), staghorn calculus (OR = 1.59, CI [1.28-1.96]), pre-operative nephrostomy (OR = 1.61, CI [1.19-2.17]), lower patient age (OR for each year of 0.99, CI [0.99-1.00]), and diabetes (OR = 1.38, CI [1.05-1.81]) all increased the risk of post-operative fever. Limitations include the use of fever as a predictor of systemic infection. Approximately 10% of PCNL-treated patients developed fever in the post-operative period despite receiving antibiotic prophylaxis. Risk of post-operative fever increased in the presence of a positive urine bacterial culture, diabetes, staghorn calculi, and a pre-operative nephrostomy.

  7. Literature review of post-traumatic stress disorder in the critical care population. (United States)

    Morrissey, Matthew; Collier, Elizabeth


    To determine which factors relate to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder, in adult patients who are admitted to critical care units. Patient survival rates from critical care areas are improving each year and this has led to interest in the long-term outcomes for patients who have been discharged from such environments. Patients typically require invasive and extensive treatment, which places a stress on physical and mental health. Prevalence estimates of post-traumatic stress disorder in the critical care discharge population vary from 5-63%, yet it remains unclear what the predisposing factors are. A systematised review. Subject heading and keyword searches were conducted in MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO and ScienceDirect, with 23 articles identified that examined the relationship between critical care and the development of post-traumatic stress disorder. Three main themes were identified; Critical Care Factors, Patient Factors and Experience Factors. Eight key and three potential causative factors were found: younger age, female, previous psychiatric history, length of ICU stay, benzodiazepine sedation, use of stress hormones, delusional memory and traumatic memory, delirium, GCS score of ≤9 on admission & use of mechanical restraint. Post-traumatic stress reactions can be strongly related to the development and presence of traumatic and delusional memories. Younger patients may exclude themselves from research to avoid their traumatic thoughts. The role of prior psychiatric illness is unknown. Distinction between 'factual' and 'false' or delusional memory as occurs in the literature maybe unhelpful in understanding trauma reactions. There are around 38,000 occupied critical care beds each year in England. The scale of the issue is therefore substantial. Risk factors can be isolated from available evidence and provide a rudimentary risk assessment tool to inform practice development in this area. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Post-traumatic stress disorder and post-traumatic growth in breast cancer patients--a systematic review. (United States)

    Parikh, Darshit; De Ieso, Paolo; Garvey, Gail; Thachil, Thanuja; Ramamoorthi, Ramya; Penniment, Michael; Jayaraj, Rama


    Breast cancer (BC) is potentially a traumatic stressor which may be associated with negative outcomes, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or positive changes, such as post-traumatic growth (PTG). This study aims to identify the core issues of BC related PTSD, PTG and psychological distress by interrogating the literature in BC survivors. We have also highlighted issues related to the assessment, diagnosis and clinical management of PTSD and PTG. The authors systematically reviewed studies published from 1985 to 2014 pertaining to PTSD, psychological distress and PTG in BC survivors with particular attention paid to incidence rates and causative factors. Multiple studies intimated that women with BC have evidence of PTSD at the initial stages of diagnosis, whereas PTG develops once patients undergo treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment of PTSD/PTG is paramount from literature review but the previously mentioned relationship between PTSD and PTG in BC patients could not be verified. It is evident from the literature that a small percentage of BC patients experience PTSD, while the majority experience PTG after BC diagnosis and treatment. Future research should include prospective studies focusing on high-risk patients, causative factors and the development of psychological interventions.

  9. Observaciones en el crecimiento de Passiflora Mollissima (H.B.K. Bailey (Curuba como base para un sistema de poda

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    Schöniger Gudrun


    Full Text Available 1. El crecimiento libre de P. mollissima da a la planta un hábito de poco valor para el cultivo: la mayor parte de las ramas es improductiva, y la distribución del follaje además favorece la infección por hongos.2. En P. mollissima cultivada en espaldera se observa que el crecimiento es acrótono. Las podas hacen más notable la acrotonía.3. EI transcurso de la cosecha depende del transcurso de la floración y de condiciones climáticas; por eso las cosechas de las ramas laterales de primer y de segundo orden pueden ser separadas o no.4. En descendencias de P. mollissima autopolinizada se presentan segregaciones en cuanto a distintas características, entre ellas también con respecto al habito de crecimiento.5. Con base en las observaciones se desarrolla un sistema de poda de renovación. Esta poda no influye sobre el transcurso de la cosecha, pero rebaja algo el vigor de la planta. Resultados definitivos sobre el valor de la poda sólo se pueden obtener mediante observaciones de varios años.


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    Gustavo Almaguer-Vargas


    Full Text Available La concentración de la producción del limón persa en un periodo del año, es un grave problema económico para los productores, ya que los precios descienden cuando la oferta aumenta. La producción invernal tiene los mejores precios en el mercado, pero concentran la menor producción de los árboles. Con el objeto de desfasar la producción se podó, despuntó y se aplicó urea foliarmente en dos huertas del estado de Veracruz, México, una en Cuitláhuac y otra en Tlalixcoyan, la segunda semana de noviembre y la primera semana de diciembre, respectivamente. En la huerta de Cuitláhuac, la poda y urea al 5 % tuvo 31.5 flores·m-2 contra el testigo con 7.6 flores·m-2, pero el número de frutos fue similar al testigo, al igual que el peso de frutos y peso total de los frutos por árbol. En la segunda huerta, el tratamiento poda y urea al 10 % (tratamiento I mostró mejores resultados en floración (118.75 flores·m-2 que el testigo (6.5 flores·m-2; mayor número de frutos en el muestreo del 9 de enero (20.2 frutos·m-2 que el testigo (2.33 frutos·m-2; el tratamiento I también obtuvo el mayor número de frutos estimados con tamaño para ser cosechados por árbol.

  11. Vocal cord paralysis post patent ductus arteriosus ligation surgery: risks and co-morbidities. (United States)

    Rukholm, Gavin; Farrokhyar, Forough; Reid, Diane


    1. To determine the prevalence of left vocal cord paralysis (LVCP) post patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation at a Tertiary Care Centre. 2. To identify risk factors associated with LVCP. 3. To identify co-morbidities associated with LVCP. 4. To determine the frequency of pre- and post-operative nasopharyngolaryngoscopic (NPL) examination in this patient population. Retrospective chart review of all infants who underwent PDA ligation surgery at a tertiary care academic hospital between July 2003 and July 2010. Data on patient age, gender, weight, method of PDA ligation, and results of NPL scoping were collected, as well as patient co-morbidities post PDA ligation. One hundred and fifteen patients underwent PDA ligation surgery. Four patients were excluded due to bilateral vocal cord paralysis. Of the remaining 111 patients, nineteen patients (17.1%) were found to have LVCP. Low birth weight was identified as a significant risk factor for LVCP (p=0.002). Gastroesophageal reflux was identified as a significant co-morbidity associated with LVCP post PDA ligation (p=0.002). Only 0.9% of patients were scoped pre-operatively, and 27.9% were scoped postoperatively. LVCP is associated with multiple morbidities. The authors strongly recommend routine post-operative scoping of all patients post PDA ligation surgery, and preoperative scoping when possible. A prospective study is warranted, in order to confirm the prevalence of LVCP as well as risk factors and associated co-morbidities. Crown Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Physical, psychosocial, and organisational factors relative to sickness absence: a study based on Sweden Post (United States)

    Voss, M; Floderus, B; Diderichsen, F


    OBJECTIVE—To analyse incidence of sickness for women and men relative to potential aetiological factors at work—physical, psychosocial, and organisational.
METHODS—The study group comprised 1557 female and 1913 male employees of Sweden Post. Sickness absence was measured by incidence of sickness (sick leave events and person-days at risk). Information on explanatory factors was obtained by a postal questionnaire, and incidence of sickness was based on administrative files of the company.
RESULTS—Complaints about heavy lifting and monotonous movements were associated with increased risk of high incidence of sickness among both women and men. For heavy lifting, an odds ratio (OR) of 1.70 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.22 to 2.39) among women, and OR 1.70 (1.20 to 2.41) among men was found. For monotonous movements the risk estimates were OR 1.42 (1.03 to 1.97) and OR 1.45 (1.08 to 1.95) for women and men, respectively. Working instead of taking sick leave when ill, was more prevalent in the group with a high incidence of sickness (OR 1.74 (1.30 to 2.33) for women, OR 1.60 (1.22 to 2.10) for men). Overtime work of more than 50 hours a year was linked with low incidence of sickness for women and men. Among women, 16% reported bullying at the workplace, which was linked with a doubled risk of high incidence of sickness (OR 1.91 (1.31 to 2.77)). For men, the strongest association was found for those reporting anxiety about reorganisation of the workplace (OR 1.93 (1.34 to 2.77)).
CONCLUSIONS—Certain physical, psychosocial, and organisational factors were important determinants of incidence of sickness, independently of each other. Some of the associations were sex specific.

Keywords: incidence of sickness; work environment; sex PMID:11171931

  13. Definite influence of the extraction methods on the chemical composition of virgin olive oil

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    Aparicio, R.


    Full Text Available The extraction methods of virgin olive oil affect the quantification values of some chemical compounds. Statistical tests and procedures have been applied to a set of 142 samples collected from all over Andalusia and characterized by 55 chemical compounds. It has been estimated that two aliphatic alcohols, one sterol and one fatty acid have the best significance levels identifying the extraction methodology (pressure, centrifugation. Stepwise Lineal Discriminant procedure has been used to characterize olive oils by the extraction systems. 205 samples from other provinces, varieties or harvests were used to verify these decision equations.

    Los métodos de extracción del aceite de oliva virgen afectan a los valores de algunos de sus componentes químicos. Se han aplicado métodos estadísticos a un conjunto de 142 muestras de Andalucía caracterizadas por 55 parámetros químicos. El mayor nivel de significación para la diferenciación de los sistemas de extracción se obtuvo con dos alcoholes alifáticos, un esterol y un ácido graso. Se ha utilizado el análisis discriminante por pasos para caracterizar los aceites según su sistema de extracción. 205 muestras de distinta procedencia, variedad y cosecha han sido utilizadas para conocer la bondad de los resultados.

  14. Prevalence and factors associated with recent intimate partner violence and relationships between disability and depression in post-partum women in one clinic in eThekwini Municipality, South Africa. (United States)

    Gibbs, Andrew; Carpenter, Bradley; Crankshaw, Tamaryn; Hannass-Hancock, Jill; Smit, Jennifer; Tomlinson, Mark; Butler, Lisa


    Intimate partner violence (IPV) experienced by pregnant and post-partum women has negative health effects for women, as well as the foetus, and the new-born child. In this study we sought to assess the prevalence and factors associated with recent IPV amongst post-partum women in one clinic in eThekwini Municipality, South Africa, and explore the relationship between IPV, depression and functional limitations/disabilities. Past 12 month IPV-victimisation was 10.55%. Logistic regression modelled relationships between IPV, functional limitations, depressive symptoms, socio-economic measures, and sexual relationship power. In logistic regression models, overall severity of functional limitations were not associated with IPV-victimisation when treated as a continuous overall score. In this model relationship power (aOR0.22, p = 0.001) and depressive symptoms (aOR1.26, p = 0.001) were significant. When the different functional limitations were separated out in a second model, significant factors were relationship power (aOR0.20, p = 0.001), depressive symptoms (aOR1.20, p = 0.011) and mobility limitations (aOR2.96, p = 0.024). The study emphasises that not all functional limitations are associated with IPV-experience, that depression and disability while overlapping can also be considered different drivers of vulnerability, and that women's experience of IPV is not dependent on pregnancy specific factors, but rather wider social factors that all women experience.

  15. El ascenso de la soja en Paraguay : Un estudio de la demanda mundial por la soja


    Almerfors, Jacqueline


    La producción de soja ha crecido significativamente durante un periodo de 6 años en Paraguay llegado a una cosecha record de 6,2 millones de toneladas en 2007. Este aumento se debe a factores globales como la demanda creciente por la soja para la Unión Europea que va destinada a la producción del biocombustible. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido investigar cual fue la causa que conllevo al aumento de la producción de soja en Paraguay. Con la ayuda de principalmente dos publicaciones, Republ...

  16. Repercusión de algunos factores de riesgo sobre el daño a órganos diana en pacientes hipertensos

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    Alaín Alonso Remedios

    Full Text Available Introducción: la hipertensión arterial constituye un factor de riesgo para otras enfermedades, el cual no solo es determinado por las cifras tensionales si no por la aparición de otros factores de riesgo. Objetivo: identificar la relación de los principales factores de riesgo con la aparición de daño en órganos diana en la población hipertensa del consultorio 5 del área de salud de Rodas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de correlación. Para ello se encuestaron 324 pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se analizaron variables como: sexo, edad, color de la piel, estado nutricional, valores de colesterol, triglicéridos, glicemia y daño en órganos diana. Se utilizó el SPSS. Los resultados se expresaron en tablas. Resultados: hubo un ligero predominio del sexo femenino (51,9 %, además de un incremento proporcional de la hipertensión arterial y la edad de los pacientes, así como el predominio de los pacientes blancos (75,9 %. La población estudiada tiende al sobrepeso (IMC de 26.9 Desv típ. 3,53 kg/m², además de presentar valores promedios de colesterol de 5,08 Desv típ 1,05 mmol/l y triglicéridos de 2,09 Desv típ 0,84 mmol/l, los valores de glucemia en sangre venosa fueron de 5,5 mmol/l Desv típ 1,22 mmol/l. El incremento de la edad, el sobrepeso, así como de los valores de glucemia, colesterol y triglicéridos se asocian con la aparición de daño en órganos diana (V de Cramer 0,21; 0,97; 0,92; 0,99; 0,94. todos mayores que el nivel de significación. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgos encontrados, en su mayoría, incrementaron el riesgo de presentar daño en órganos diana de los pacientes estudiados.

  17. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and severe maternal morbidity: is there an association? (United States)

    Angelini, Carina R; Pacagnella, Rodolfo C; Parpinelli, Mary A; Silveira, Carla; Andreucci, Carla B; Ferreira, Elton C; Santos, Juliana P; Zanardi, Dulce M; Souza, Renato T; Cecatti, Jose G


    To evaluate the occurrence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among women experiencing a severe maternal morbidity event and associated factors in comparison with those without maternal morbidity. In a retrospective cohort study, 803 women with or without severe maternal morbidity were evaluated at 6 months to 5 years postpartum for the presence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Interviews were conducted by telephone and electronic data was stored. Data analysis was carried out by using χ2, Fisher's Exact test, and logistic regression analysis. There was no significant change in the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder related to a previous severe maternal morbidity experience. There were also no differences in diagnostic criteria for severe maternal morbidity (hypertensive syndromes, hemorrhage, surgical intervention or intensive care unit admission required, among other management criteria). Low parity (2.5-fold risk) and increasing age were factors associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. A severe maternal morbidity episode is not associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms within five years of the severe maternal morbidity event and birth. However, a more advanced maternal age and primiparity increased the risk of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This does not imply that women who had experienced a severe maternal morbidity event did not suffer or need differentiated care.

  18. Role of 30 kDa antigen of enteric bacterial pathogens as a possible arthritogenic factor in post-dysenteric reactive arthritis

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    Malkit Singh


    Full Text Available Background: Reactive arthritis (ReA/Reiter′s syndrome (RS may be caused as a sequel of infections caused by enteric bacterial pathogens, although the mechanisms through, which different pathogens cause similar disease are not clear. Aim: This study was done to look for the presence and role of any common bacterial antigen among the pathogens isolated from such patients. Materials and Methods: A total of 51 patients of ReA and 75 controls (three groups of 25 subjects each: Group 1: Patients who did not develop arthritic complications within 3 months after bacillary dysentery/diarrhea; Group 2: Patients with other arthritic diseases and Group 3: Normal healthy subjects were included. The isolated enteric pathogens were tested to detect the immunodominant antigens. Results and Conclusions: A common 30 kDa antigen was found to be specifically present among seven arthritogenic enteric bacterial strains belonging to three genera, Salmonella, Shigella and Hafnia. Post-dysenteric ReA patients′ sera show higher levels of immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin A antibodies against this antigen as compared to the controls. Lymphocytes of ReA patients recognize this antigen, proliferate and produce interleukin-2 in response to this antigen more than the lymphocytes of controls. 30 kDa antigen may be a common arthritogenic factor associated with post-dysenteric ReA/RS. The association of Hafnia alvei with post-dysenteric ReA is described for the first time. Four cases of mycobacterial ReA had an association with this antigen, suggesting that the arthritogenic antigen of mycobacteria and enteric bacteria may be of a similar nature.

  19. The post-accidents exploitation of Chernobyl NPP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nosovskij, A.V.


    Problems facing the Chernobyl NPP personnel since its commissioning and during its post-accident operation are considered. The accomplished measures on improving the power units safety, normalization of the radiation situation as well as the impact of psychological factor at the safety culture level are discussed

  20. Nursing students' post-traumatic growth, emotional intelligence and psychological resilience. (United States)

    Li, Y; Cao, F; Cao, D; Liu, J


    Nursing students in the present sample who have experienced childhood adversity have a certain level of post-traumatic growth. If introduced into nursing curricula, emotional intelligence interventions may increase emotional coping resources and enhance social skills for nurses, which may benefit their long-term occupational health. As researchers consider personal resilience a strategy for responding to workplace adversity in nurses, resilience building should be incorporated into nursing education. This is a preliminary study that may guide future investigations of the curvilinear relationship rather than linear relationship between post-traumatic growth and positive factors in the special sample of nursing students. Resilience, emotional intelligence and post-traumatic growth may benefit nursing students' careers and personal well-being in clinical work. Developing both their emotional intelligence and resilience may assist their individual post-traumatic growth and enhance their ability to cope with clinical stress. To investigate the relationships among post-traumatic growth, emotional intelligence and psychological resilience in vocational school nursing students who have experienced childhood adversities, a cross-sectional research design with anonymous questionnaires was conducted and self-report data were analysed. The Childhood Adversities Checklist (Chinese version), Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, Emotional Intelligence Scale and the 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale were used. Survey data were collected from 202 Chinese vocational school nursing students during 2011. Post-traumatic growth was associated with emotional intelligence and psychological resilience. Results indicated a curvilinear relationship between emotional intelligence and post-traumatic growth, and between psychological resilience and post-traumatic growth. Moderate-level emotional intelligence and psychological resilience were most associated with the greatest levels of growth

  1. Clinical Factors Associated with Dose of Loop Diuretics After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: Post Hoc Analysis. (United States)

    Haiberger, Roberta; Favia, Isabella; Romagnoli, Stefano; Cogo, Paola; Ricci, Zaccaria


    A post hoc analysis of a randomized controlled trial comparing the clinical effects of furosemide and ethacrynic acid was conducted. Infants undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass were included in order to explore which clinical factors are associated with diuretic dose in infants with congenital heart disease. Overall, 67 patients with median (interquartile range) age of 48 (13-139) days were enrolled. Median diuretic dose was 0.34 (0.25-0.4) mg/kg/h at the end of postoperative day (POD) 0 and it significantly decreased (p = 0.04) over the following PODs; during this period, the ratio between urine output and diuretic dose increased significantly (p = 0.04). Age (r -0.26, p = 0.02), weight (r -0.28, p = 0.01), cross-clamp time (r 0.27, p = 0.03), administration of ethacrynic acid (OR 0.01, p = 0.03), and, at the end of POD0, creatinine levels (r 0.3, p = 0.009), renal near-infrared spectroscopy saturation (-0.44, p = 0.008), whole-blood neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin levels (r 0.30, p = 0.01), pH (r -0.26, p = 0.02), urinary volume (r -0.2755, p = 0.03), and fluid balance (r 0.2577, p = 0.0266) showed a significant association with diuretic dose. At multivariable logistic regression cross-clamp time (OR 1.007, p = 0.04), use of ethacrynic acid (OR 0.2, p = 0.01) and blood pH at the end of POD0 (OR 0.0001, p = 0.03) was independently associated with diuretic dose. Early resistance to loop diuretics continuous infusion is evident in post-cardiac surgery infants: Higher doses are administered to patients with lower urinary output. Independently associated variables with diuretic dose in our population appeared to be cross-clamping time, the administration of ethacrynic acid, and blood pH.

  2. Broad-Scale Environmental Conditions Responsible for Post-Fire Vegetation Dynamics

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    Stuart E. Marsh


    Full Text Available Ecosystem response to disturbance is influenced by environmental conditions at a number of scales. Changes in climate have altered fire regimes across the western United States, and have also likely altered spatio-temporal patterns of post-fire vegetation regeneration. Fire occurrence data and a vegetation index (NDVI derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR were used to monitor post-fire vegetation from 1989 to 2007. We first investigated differences in post-fire rates of vegetation regeneration between ecoregions. We then related precipitation, temperature, and elevation records at four temporal scales to rates of post-fire vegetation regeneration to ascertain the influence of climate on post-fire vegetation dynamics. We found that broad-scale climate factors are an important influence on post-fire vegetation regeneration. Most notably, higher rates of post-fire regeneration occurred with warmer minimum temperatures. Increases in precipitation also resulted in higher rates of post-fire vegetation growth. While explanatory power was slight, multiple statistical approaches provided evidence for real ecological drivers of post-fire regeneration that should be investigated further at finer scales. The sensitivity of post-disturbance vegetation dynamics to climatic drivers has important ramifications for the management of ecosystems under changing climatic conditions. Shifts in temperature and precipitation regimes are likely to result in changes in post-disturbance dynamics, which could represent important feedbacks into the global climate system.


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    Carlos A. Franco G.


    Full Text Available Algunos directivos no conocen los diversos factores que controlan la efectividad de los equipos de trabajo y en consecuencia no están en condiciones de dirigirlos, para obtener los mejores resultados de ellos. Es posible que tampoco tengan suficientemente claro el concepto de efectividad y sólo se centran en el desempeño, dejando a un lado otras condiciones que alteran su comportamiento. En este artículo se presentan los factores que determinan la efectividad de los equipos de trabajo, sus interrelaciones y la manera como influyen en la efectividad del equipo. También se define claramente lo que se entiende por efectividad y la manera como todos estos conceptos se pueden utilizar para dirigir a los equipos desde su gestación, para obtener los máximos resultados que la organización se propone.

  4. Comparación de modelos de calidad, factores y métricas

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    Marcela Alejandra Constanzo


    Full Text Available Existen diferentes enfoques de desarrollo de software, en su mayoría priorizan lacalidad en el proceso y el producto obtenido. Para poder lograr esto es importante el uso de modelos de calidad apropiados para cada metodología. Estos modelos de calidad presentan factores e indicadores que describen las características del software y sus relaciones y pueden ser adaptaciones de otros o creados tomando como base los estándares existentes.Este trabajo describe y analiza algunos modelos de calidad desarrollados para las metodologías de desarrollo de software orientada a objetos, a componentes, a aspectos y los métodos ágiles, realiza una comparación según los criterios, factores y características que lo componen, niveles de abstracción y métricas para llevar a cabo la medición.

  5. Genetic variability of interleukin-1 beta as prospective factor from developing post-traumatic stress disorder. (United States)

    Hovhannisyan, Lilit; Stepanyan, Ani; Arakelyan, Arsen


    Individual susceptibility to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is conditioned by genetic factors, and association between this disorder and polymorphisms of several genes have been shown. The aim of this study was to explore a potential association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the IL-1β gene (IL1B) and PTSD. In genomic DNA samples of PTSD-affected and healthy subjects, the rs16944, rs1143634, rs2853550, rs1143643, and rs1143633 SNPs of IL1B gene have been genotyped. The results obtained demonstrated that IL1B rs1143633*C and rs16944*A minor allele frequency were significantly lower in patients than in controls. Our results confirm that IL1B rs1143633 and rs16944 SNPs are negatively associated with PTSD which allows us to consider them as protective variants for PTSD. IL1B rs1143633*C and rs16944*A minor allele frequencies and carriage rates are significantly lower in the PTSD patients as compared to the controls. These results may provide a base to conclude that above-mentioned alleles can be protective against PTSD, and IL1B gene can be involved in the pathogenesis of this disorder.

  6. Decentralized Planning for Pre-Conflict and Post-Conflict ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Oct 2, 2012 ... Such processes are 'sine qua non' to pre-conflict and post-conflict prevention. .... A Basic Approach to Pre-Conflict Management Planning ... and also factor in an evaluation of perception variables that help us to understand ...

  7. Funciones ejecutivas en niños con trastorno del lenguaje: algunos antecedentes desde la neuropsicología

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    Nancy Lepe-Martínez


    Full Text Available El trastorno del lenguaje es un problema de la comunicación con alta incidencia y prevalencia en la población escolar, el cual afecta negativamente el desempeño académico, y el desarrollo social y afectivo de los niños que lo padecen. Existe evidencia de que en este trastorno se encuentran afectadas funciones ejecutivas (fe, además de los componentes del lenguaje (fonológico, morfosintáctico, semántico y pragmático, los cuales se han estudiado tradicionalmente. Este artículo tiene por objetivo caracterizar las principales fe que se encuentran afectadas en el trastorno del lenguaje. Para ello, se trabajó con un método de revisión narrativa. Se realizó una revisión del desarrollo del lenguaje desde la primera infancia, del trastorno del lenguaje y de fe. Los estudios reportan que la principal fe afectada en el trastorno del lenguaje es la memoria de trabajo, y se presentan algunos déficits en atención, flexibilidad cognitiva y control inhibitorio. Finalmente, se discute el rol de las fe en el trastorno del lenguaje y las implicancias que esto tiene tanto para la evaluación como para la generación de apoyos pedagógicos pertinentes.

  8. Risk Factors for Transfusion Transmissible Infections Elicited on Post Donation Counselling in Blood Donors: Need to Strengthen Pre-donation Counselling. (United States)

    Sachdev, Suchet; Mittal, Kshitija; Patidar, Gopal; Marwaha, Neelam; Sharma, Ratti Ram; Duseja, Ajay Kumar; Chawla, Yogesh Kumar; Arora, Sunil Kumar


    Donor notification and counselling transforms the legal and ethical requirement of disclosure of transfusion transmissible infection (TTI) in a blood donor into practice. The present study was done to assess the response to the disclosure of TTI reactivity results in blood donors, assess the risk factors in blood donors and follow the compliance of the disclosure and clinical referral in a population of blood donors who are difficult to convince that they may be harbouring infections apparently in a healthy state today but with possible clinical disease consequences in the future. A retrospective study was conducted from April 2011 to November 2012. Screening was done using third generation ELISA kits used according to the manufacturer's directions; these kits were approved for use in blood banks by the Drug Controller General of India. Those testing repeat reactive were referred for further confirmation and management. The total number of TTI reactive donors was 787 (0.93 %, N = 83,865). The observed response rate in the present study is 21.6 % (167, N = 787). The risk factors for acquiring infections in TTI reactive donors were statistically significant history of high risk behaviour (20.3 %) for human immunodeficiency virus infection and history of jaundice in themselves, family or close contacts (16.1 %) for hepatitis B virus infection. One hundred and ten (65.8 %) of the referred donors were on outpatient clinical care when post-referral follow up was conducted. The study emphasises on continuing sensitization of blood donation camp organisers to the need of privacy during blood donor selection. The study also stresses the need to strengthen the pre-donation counselling at outdoor blood donation at the same time raise awareness amongst blood donors about the importance of post-donation counselling and follow up.

  9. Risk factors for fever and sepsis after percutaneous nephrolithotomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aso Omer Rashid


    Conclusion: DM, staghorn stones, degree of hydronephrosis, duration of the operation and number of tracts are risk factors for post PCNL fever, while number of stones, intraoperative blood loss, duration of the operation and residual stones are risk factors for post PCNL sepsis.

  10. Exposure to war traumatic experiences, post-traumatic stress disorder and post-traumatic growth among nurses in Gaza. (United States)

    Shamia, N A; Thabet, A A M; Vostanis, P


    What is known on the subject? This study builds on existing research on war-related factors that may affect health-care staff by particularly focusing on trauma exposure in both professional and everyday life, as well as on correlates of later positive psychological changes. What this paper adds to existing knowledge? It shows that one in five nursing staff working in Gaza experienced post-traumatic stress symptoms within the clinical range, 2 years after an incursion on Gaza and after being exposed to substantial trauma during this period. Participants appeared to develop a variety of post-traumatic growth responses following trauma exposure. Although nurses experienced traumatic events both as civilians and in their health-care capacity, personal exposure was strongly associated with PTSD symptoms. What are the implications for practice? Support to nursing and other health-care professionals in war situations should entail different levels, remain available well after an acute conflict, and take into consideration both personal and practice-related traumatic events. Mental health nursing practitioners can play a pivotal role in this. To establish the association between war traumatic experiences, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and post-traumatic growth among nurses in the Gaza Strip, 2 years after an incursion on Gaza, and during a period of ongoing trauma exposure. This study builds on existing evidence by considering exposure to personal and work-related traumatic events, and on factors associated with later positive psychological adaptation. The sample consisted of 274 randomly selected nurses in Gaza who completed the Gaza Traumatic Events Checklist, PTSD Checklist, and Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. Of the nurses, 19.7% reported full PTSD. There was a significant relationship between traumatic events and PTSD scores; as well as between community-related traumatic events and post-traumatic growth. Participants reported a range of traumatic

  11. Influence of Water Deficit on Iron and Zinc Uptake by Matricaria chamomilla L. Influencia del Deficit Hídrico en la Absorción de Hierro y Zinc por Matricaria chamomilla L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alireza Pirzad


    Full Text Available Iron and zinc deficiency are a yield-limiting factor with major implications for field crop production in many agricultural regions of the world; this production is essential source of Fe and Zn in human and animal diets. Two experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions to evaluate Fe and Zn uptake by German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L. grown under several drought conditions. Treatments were arranged in four irrigation regimes (95%, 80%, 65%, and 50% field capacity and six irrigation disruptions (stem formation, flower onset, full bloom, first harvest, second harvest, and control without disruption based on a randomized complete block design with five and four replicates in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. In Experiment 1, the irrigation regimes had no significant effect on Fe and Zn uptake by German chamomile, which reached total means of Fe (39.68 mg kg4 and Zn (29.15 mg kg4. In Experiment 2, the highest amount of Fe (39.0 mg kg4 was obtained from irrigation disruption at first harvest; this is similar to the results of irrigation disruption at flower onset and full bloom. However, irrigation disruption in stem formation (21.3 mg kg4, second harvest (12.95 mg kg4, and the control (7.79 mg kg4 had a decreasing trend of Fe uptake. The maximum value of Zn (40.0 mg kg4 occurred at irrigation disruption at the full bloom stage, which was also similar to irrigation disruption at flower onset and stem formation. However, later irrigation disruptions at the first and second harvest stages caused lower amounts of Zn uptake by chamomile. Therefore, the lowest Zn values were obtained from irrigation disruption at second harvest (5.0 mg kg4 and the control (5.5 mg kg4. Regressions between both Fe or Zn uptake and irrigation showed a binomial function.La deficiencia de hierro y zinc es un factor limitante de la producción con grandes implicaciones para producción de cultivo en terreno en muchas regiones agrícolas del mundo como

  12. Stability of depressive symptoms over 3 months post-partum. (United States)

    Abdollahi, Fatemeh; Zarghami, Mehran; Sazlina, Shariff-Ghazali; Lye, Munn-Sann


    Prolonged depression during the post-partum period is associated with maternal and infant mortality and morbidity. Less attention has been given to factors that predict the persistence of depression beyond the first 3 months post-partum. From a longitudinal cohort of 2279 women who attended Mazandaran's primary health centres in 2009, 478 women with an Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) score of 12 or greater in the third trimester of pregnancy were recruited. Persistently depressed women (depressed at all three occasions: during pregnancy, and at 2 and 12 weeks post-partum) were compared with those without depression to determine demographic, cultural, obstetric and biopsychosocial predictors for persistence of depression. Data were analysed using chi-square test, t-test and logistic regression models. The stability of depression was found in 193 (46.2 %) of 418 depressed cases who were followed up over the study period. Of those mothers who scored more than the threshold of 12 during the third trimester of pregnancy, 277 (66.3%) and 221 (52.9%) had high EPDS at 2 and 12 weeks post-partum. Psychological distress (based upon the General Health Questionnaire), low maternal parental self-efficacy (based upon the Parental Expectation Survey) and perceived social isolation (based upon the Network Orientation Scale) were independent predictors of persistent depression. Fewer depressed mothers in this study were found to recover during the first 3 months after giving birth. Psychosocial factors predicted sustained depression from pregnancy to 3 months post-partum. The findings highlight the significance of support in enhancing maternal mental health. © 2015 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  13. Comprensión de algunos conceptos geométricos en el contexto de la agricultura del café

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan David González Molina


    Full Text Available La identificación de los bajos niveles de comprensión y de conceptualización de los estudiantes sobre elementos geométricos, fue la principal motivación y el punto de partida para el desarrollo de la presente investigación. En particular, se evidenció que los estudiantes no tienen clara la definición de los términos de área y perímetro y que, además, suelen asumir que las medidas de ambos son mutuamente dependientes. Al percibir que los contextos y ambientes lugareños tales como distribución de suelos para sembrados, la delimitación de propiedades o la uniformidad en algunos de los espacios agrícolas, favorecen la comprensión de los conceptos objeto de estudio aquí referenciados, se diseñó y evaluó una guía curricular bajo los parámetros y principios del marco teórico de la Enseñanza para la Comprensión4, que permitiera el avance y la caracterización de los procesos de comprensión en los estudiantes de la comunidad cafetera del corregimiento Santa Rita, municipio de Andes, departamento de Antioquia, Colombia.

  14. Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Post-ICU Family Members: Review and Methodological Challenges. (United States)

    Petrinec, Amy B; Daly, Barbara J


    Family members of intensive care unit (ICU) patients are at risk for symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following ICU discharge. The aim of this systematic review is to examine the current literature regarding post-ICU family PTSD symptoms with an emphasis on methodological issues in conducting research on this challenging phenomenon. An extensive review of the literature was performed confining the search to English language studies reporting PTSD symptoms in adult family members of adult ICU patients. Ten studies were identified for review published from 2004 to 2012. Findings demonstrate a significant prevalence of family PTSD symptoms in the months following ICU hospitalization. However, there are several methodological challenges to the interpretation of existing studies and to the conduct of future research including differences in sampling, identification of risk factors and covariates of PTSD, and lack of consensus regarding the most appropriate PTSD symptom measurement tools and timing. © The Author(s) 2014.

  15. Natural history and epidemiology of post transplantation diabetes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    PRACTICE POINTS - Natural history and epidemiology of post transplantation diabetes mellitus. ... Conclusions: The most important risk factor predisposing to the development of PTD is the immunosuppressive drugs. The selection of immunosuppressive regimen should take into account individuals diabetes risk profile ...

  16. The effects of social, cultural, economical and related factors on post partum psychosis

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    mitra Safa


    Results: Most of the subjects were in the range of 20-30 years old. They were housewives. In most case, they gave birth to a female newborn and the delivery was done in a normal way. Most of the patients declared that they had unplanned pregnancy. 29.6% of the patients had mental disease background. 9.1% had major depression, 5.6% had dysthymic disorder. 18.5% of the subjects had physical disease like UTI, hyper thyroid and seizure. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between post partum psychosis and variables such as age, education, job, and disease background, number of delivery and lack of child acceptance. It is suggested that for prevention of post partum psychosis, there should be a very suitable situation for pregnant mothers. Moreover by planning and designing educational programs, we could provide the proper background for child birth in the family.

  17. Uncovering the factors that can support and impede post-disaster EIA practice in developing countries: The case of Aceh Province, Indonesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gore, Tom; Fischer, Thomas B., E-mail:


    The close relationship between environmental degradation and the occurrence and severity of disaster events has in recent years raised the profile of environmental assessment (EA) in the disaster management field. EA has been identified as a potentially supportive tool in the global effort to reduce disaster risk. As a component of this, attention has been brought specifically to the importance of the application of EA in the aftermath of disaster events in order to help prevent recurrence and promote sustainability. At the same time, however, it has also been recognised that post-disaster environments may be unfavourable to such practices. Looking at the practice of environmental impact assessment (EIA), this paper reports on a study which sought to identify more specifically the factors which can both support and hinder such practice following disaster events in a developing country context. Analysing the situation in Aceh Province, Indonesia, after the impact of two tsunamigenic earthquakes in late 2004 and early 2005, it is concluded that if EIA is to have a central role in the post-disaster period, pre-disaster preparation could be a key. -- Highlights: • Close relationship between environmental degradation and occurrence/severity of disaster events has raised profile of EA. • EA as a potentially supportive tool in the global effort to reduce disaster risk • Application of EA in the aftermath of disaster events to help prevent recurrence and promote sustainability • The paper looks at factors which can both support and hinder EA following disaster events in a developing country context. • We analyse the situation in Aceh Province, Indonesia, after the impact of two tsunamigenic earthquakes in 2004 and 2005.

  18. Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Astronaut Post Flight Bone Fracture (United States)

    Lewandowski, Beth; Myers, Jerry; Licata, Angelo


    Introduction: Space flight potentially reduces the loading that bone can resist before fracture. This reduction in bone integrity may result from a combination of factors, the most common reported as reduction in astronaut BMD. Although evaluating the condition of bones continues to be a critical aspect of understanding space flight fracture risk, defining the loading regime, whether on earth, in microgravity, or in reduced gravity on a planetary surface, remains a significant component of estimating the fracture risks to astronauts. This presentation summarizes the concepts, development, and application of NASA's Bone Fracture Risk Module (BFxRM) to understanding pre-, post, and in mission astronaut bone fracture risk. The overview includes an assessment of contributing factors utilized in the BFxRM and illustrates how new information, such as biomechanics of space suit design or better understanding of post flight activities may influence astronaut fracture risk. Opportunities for the bone mineral research community to contribute to future model development are also discussed. Methods: To investigate the conditions in which spaceflight induced changes to bone plays a critical role in post-flight fracture probability, we implement a modified version of the NASA Bone Fracture Risk Model (BFxRM). Modifications included incorporation of variations in physiological characteristics, post-flight recovery rate, and variations in lateral fall conditions within the probabilistic simulation parameter space. The modeled fracture probability estimates for different loading scenarios at preflight and at 0 and 365 days post-flight time periods are compared. Results: For simple lateral side falls, mean post-flight fracture probability is elevated over mean preflight fracture probability due to spaceflight induced BMD loss and is not fully recovered at 365 days post-flight. In the case of more energetic falls, such as from elevated heights or with the addition of lateral movement

  19. Attitudes to emotional expression and personality in predicting post-traumatic stress disorder. (United States)

    Nightingale, J; Williams, R M


    To test hypotheses derived from a suggestion of Williams (1989) that negative attitudes towards emotional expression act as a predisposing or maintaining factor for post-traumatic stress reactions following a traumatic event. The study employed a prospective design in which attitudes to emotional expression, the 'Big Five' personality factors (Costa & McCrae, 1992a) and initial symptoms and injury severity within 1 week of a road traffic accident were used to predict the development of post-traumatic stress disorder 6 weeks post-accident. Sixty victims of road traffic accidents randomly selected from attenders at a large A&E department were assessed by questionnaire and interview. Measures comprised a 4-item scale relating to emotional expression, standardized scales for intrusion and avoidance features of traumatic experiences, and for anxiety and depression and the NEO-FFI Five Factor Personality Inventory. Forty-five of these participants responded to a postal questionnaire follow-up. In this survey the battery was repeated and also included a self-report diagnostic measure of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The percentage of the sample meeting DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for PTSD at 6 weeks post-trauma was 30.8%. A small but significant relationship was found for negative attitudes to emotional expression at 1 week to predict intrusive symptoms and diagnosis at 6 weeks, over and above the independent relationships of initial symptoms, initial injury severity, personality and coping. The emotional expression measure was largely stable between the two points of measurement. More negative attitudes to emotional expression were related to less openness, extraversion and agreeableness personality domains. Some support for the hypotheses was found in relation to the development of PTSD and for the status of attitudes to emotion as a stable trait related to personality factors. The potential importance of attitudes to emotional expression in therapy and other

  20. Is bacterial colonisation of the tonsillar fossa a factor in post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stephens, J. C.; Georgalas, C.; Kyi, M.; Ghufoor, K.


    OBJECTIVES: To identify if there is a link between bacterial colonisation of the tonsillar fossa and post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective non-interventional study of 105 patients who underwent tonsillectomy during a seven-month period. The study took place in a

  1. Clinical features and risk factors for post-partum depression in a large cohort of Chinese women with recurrent major depressive disorder. (United States)

    Tian, Tian; Li, Yihan; Xie, Dong; Shen, Yifeng; Ren, Jianer; Wu, Wenyuan; Guan, Chengbin; Zhang, Zhen; Zhang, Danning; Gao, Chengge; Zhang, Xiaoming; Wu, Jinbo; Deng, Hong; Wang, Gang; Zhang, Yunshu; Shao, Yun; Rong, Han; Gan, Zhaoyu; Sun, Yan; Hu, Bin; Pan, Jiyang; Li, Yi; Sun, Shufan; Song, Libo; Fan, Xuesheng; Li, Yi; Zhao, Xiaochuan; Yang, Bin; Lv, Luxian; Chen, Yunchun; Wang, Xiaoli; Ning, Yuping; Shi, Shenxun; Chen, Yiping; Kendler, Kenneth S; Flint, Jonathan; Tian, Hongjun


    Post partum depression (PPD) is relatively common in China but its clinical characteristics and risk factors have not been studied. We set out to investigate whether known risk factors for PPD could be found in Chinese women. A case control design was used to determine the impact of known risk factors for PPD in a cohort of 1970 Chinese women with recurrent DSM-IV major depressive disorder (MDD). In a within-case design we examined the risk factors for PPD in patients with recurrent MDD. We compared the clinical features of MDD in cases with PPD to those without MDD. Odds ratios were calculated using logistic and ordinal regression. Lower occupational and educational statuses increased the risk of PPD, as did a history of pre-menstrual symptoms, stressful life events and elevated levels of the personality trait of neuroticism. Patients with PPD and MDD were more likely to experience a comorbid anxiety disorder, had a younger age of onset of MDD, have higher levels of neuroticism and dysthymia. Results obtained in this clinical sample may not be applicable to PPD within the community. Data were obtained retrospectively and we do not know whether the correlations we observe have the same causes as those operating in other populations. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the despite cultural differences between Chinese and Western women, the phenomenology and risk factors for PPD are very similar. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Prevalence and treatment of post partum urinary incontinence

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    Siv Mørkved


    Full Text Available  SUMMARYChildbirth is often considered the main etiological factor in the development of female urinary incontinence(UI. For that reason women in the western countries have been encouraged to engage in post partumpelvic floor muscle (PFM exercise in order to strengthen the pelvic floor. However, the effect of post partumPFM exercise has been sparsely documented. The aim of this article is to review and discuss literaturerelated to prevalence of post partum UI and effect of post partum PFM exercise in the treatment of UI. Thereported prevalence of UI post partum varies from 0.7% to 44%. The variation may be explained bydifferent definitions of UI used in the questionnaires and that the registration of incontinence was done atdifferent intervals after delivery. A few studies have tried to evaluate the effect of post natal PFM exercise.Some have evaluated PFM strength, others the frequency of UI. PFM strength is difficult to measure andthe reliability and validity of the methods used is open to question. Another flaw in some of the previousstudies is the training protocol applied to improve PFM strength. Mørkved and Bø tried to take intoaccount the above mentioned methodological considerations, in a study aiming to evaluate the effect ofpost partum PFM exercise. The results demonstrate that post partum PFM exercise is effective instrengthening the PFM and in the treatment of UI. However, success of PFM exercise is dependent uponboth the training frequency and intensity. This requires a closer follow up of the post partum women, thanthe written information that usually serves this purpose at the present time.Key words  : physiotherapy, pelvic floor muscles, urinary incontinence, post partum exercise, prevalence

  3. Post-Communist Welfare Pathways

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cerami, Alfio; Vanhuysse, Pieter

    . The authors' impressive analysis of causal factors, including political elites' strategic use of social policy, makes the book an original and important contribution to the comparative welfare state literature.'- Professor Linda J. Cook, Brown University“ 'This edited volume is extraordinarily good...... factors such as micro-causal mechanisms, ideas, discourses, path departures, power politics, and elite strategies. This book includes contributions from leading international Experts such as Claus Offe, Robert Kaufman, Stefan Haggard, Tomasz Inglot, and Mitchell Orenstein, to examine welfare in specific...... countries and across social policy domains. By providing a broad overview based on a theoretical foundation and drawing on recent empirical evidence, Post-Communist Welfare Pathways offers a comprehensive, state-of-the-art account of the progress that has been made since 1989, and the main challenges...

  4. Market segmentation and analysis of Japan's residential post and beam construction market. (United States)

    Joseph A. Roos; Ivan L. Eastin; Hisaaki Matsuguma


    A mail survey of Japanese post and beam builders was conducted to measure their level of ethnocentrism, market orientation, risk aversion, and price consciousness. The data were analyzed utilizing factor and cluster analysis. The results showed that Japanese post and beam builders can be divided into three distinct market segments: open to import...

  5. Identifying predictive motor factors for falls in post-menopausal breast cancer survivors.

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    Marek Zak

    Full Text Available Breast cancer treatment, including radical surgery, is also pursued as late as the 7th - 8th decade of women's lives. Standard physical rehabilitation procedures offered to those women are predominantly focused on attenuating specific functional deficits of the upper limb and trunk. Seldom do they entail any regimens specifically aimed at recovering overall functionality, and reducing exposure to falls-risk. The study aimed to assess potential interrelationships between the self-reported falls, individual functional capabilities and appreciably reducing exposure to falls-risk in a group of post-menopausal, post-surgical breast cancer survivors.The study recruited 102 women (aged 65-79; mean age 70.2, post-surgical breast cancer survivors. The subjects were stratified by age into three groups: Group 1 (65-69 years; Group 2 (70-74 years, and Group 3 (75-79 years. Individual functional capabilities were assessed with Eight-foot up & go test (8UG, chair stand test (CST, and 2-minute step test (2ST. Tinetti POMA test was applied to assess gait and balance disorders. Self-reported falls in the past year were ascertained through a questionnaire.Assessment of individual aerobic endurance (2ST also demonstrated a clear deficit in the mean scores category in all respective age sub-groups, as compared against the reference values. The deficits ranged from 4.86 to 15.90 steps less than the normative values; the oldest subjects demonstrating the largest deficit. The aerobic endurance tests results significantly impacted the ultimate assessment of an individual falls-risk in the oldest group. The analysis of the number of falls sustained within the recent year indicated that 43.67% of the subjects fell victim of such incidents.An individual exposure to falls-risk was found to be appreciably more dependent upon individual aerobic endurance rather than overall strength of the lower part of the body in the breast cancer survivors over 75.

  6. Objective and subjective factors as predictors of post-traumatic stress symptoms in parents of children with cancer--a longitudinal study.

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    Annika Lindahl Norberg

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Parents of children with cancer report post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS years after the child's successful treatment is completed. The aim of the present study was to analyze a number of objective and subjective childhood cancer-related factors as predictors of parental PTSS. METHODS: Data were collected from 224 parents during and after their child's cancer treatment. Data sources include self-report questionnaires and medical records. RESULTS: In a multivariate hierarchical model death of the child, parent's perception of child psychological distress and total symptom burden predicted higher levels of PTSS. In addition, immigrants and unemployed parents reported higher levels of PTSS. The following factors did not predict PTSS: parent gender, family income, previous trauma, child's prognosis, treatment intensity, non-fatal relapse, and parent's satisfaction with the child's care. CONCLUSIONS: Although medical complications can be temporarily stressful, a parent's perception of the child's distress is a more powerful predictor of parental PTSS. The vulnerability of unemployed parents and immigrants should be acknowledged. In addition, findings highlight that the death of a child is as traumatic as could be expected.

  7. New Orleans: a lesson in post-disaster resilience

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    Paul Kadetz


    Full Text Available Factors that foster social cohesion in communities – such as shared long term networks and shared community identity, central organisation to which the community adheres, and established trust – have been identified as critical for post-disaster resilience and recovery.

  8. Risk Factors for Post-treatment Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS): An Analysis of 647 Cases of CRPS from the Danish Patient Compensation Association. (United States)

    Petersen, Pelle B; Mikkelsen, Kim L; Lauritzen, Jes B; Krogsgaard, Michael R


    Complex regional pain syndrome is a challenging condition that includes a broad spectrum of sensory, autonomic, and motor features predominantly in extremities recovering from a trauma. Few large-scale studies have addressed occurrence of and factors associated with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) following orthopedic treatment. The present study aimed to identify factors associated with post-treatment development of CRPS. Using the Danish Patient Compensation Association's database, we identified 647 patients claiming post-treatment CRPS between 1992 and 2015. Age, gender, initial diagnosis, treatment, and amount of compensation were extracted. Multivariate logistic regressions were performed to identify variables associated with approval of the claim. For carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) patients, we registered whether symptoms were bilateral or unilateral and if neurophysiology prior to treatment was pathologic. The following ratios were found: women:men was 4:1, primary diagnosis to the upper limb:lower limb was 2.5:1, and surgical:nonsurgical treatment was 3:1. Mean age was 47.5 ± 13.7 years, and no intergender difference was detected. Antebrachial fracture (23%) and CTS (9%) were the most common primary conditions. Surgical treatment was associated with approval of the claim (odds ratio 3.5, 95% confidence interval 2.3 to 5.3; P CRPS patients. In CTS patients developing CRPS, normal neurophysiological examination findings were common, and it could be suspected that these patients were suffering from an pre-clinical stage of CRPS, not CTS. © 2017 World Institute of Pain.

  9. Post biopsy pneumothorax: Risk factors and course

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez, J.A.; Retamar, J.A.; Blazquez, J.; Castano, J.C.


    The was to study the natural course of pneumothorax produced after aspiration biopsy in the attempt to differentiate those cases that will resolve spontaneously from those that will require drainage, and to assess the possible risk factors associated with the development of this entity. Eighty-nine CT-guided aspiration biopsies were performed in 80 patients. Control CT was done immediately after the procedure and 24 hours later. When pneumothorax persisted, CT was repeated at 48 h, 72 h, day 5 and day 7 or until a drainage tube was introduced. The cases of pneumothorax were classified as minimal, anterior or anterolateral. Seven variables were assessed as possible risk factors for its occurrence. Pneumothorax developed on 29 occasions (32.5%), requiring drainage in 12 cases (13.5%). In 20 patients (22%), pneumothorax occurred immediately, while in the remaining 9 (10%) it was detected in the 24 h CT scan. When studied according to type, drainage was required in 3 of the 19 cases of minimal or anterior pneumothorax (15%) and in 9 or the 10 cases of anterolateral location (90%) (p<0.0005). The mean thickness of the parenchyma punctured was 3.4 cm +- 2.2. cm when pneumothorax developed and 1.3 cm+- 2 cm when it did not (p<0.0001). There is a statistically significant association between the development of anterolateral pneumothorax and the need for chest drainage. The thickness of the punctured parenchyma is associated with the production of pneumothorax. 16 refs

  10. Prevalence and factors associated with recent intimate partner violence and relationships between disability and depression in post-partum women in one clinic in eThekwini Municipality, South Africa.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew Gibbs

    Full Text Available Intimate partner violence (IPV experienced by pregnant and post-partum women has negative health effects for women, as well as the foetus, and the new-born child. In this study we sought to assess the prevalence and factors associated with recent IPV amongst post-partum women in one clinic in eThekwini Municipality, South Africa, and explore the relationship between IPV, depression and functional limitations/disabilities. Past 12 month IPV-victimisation was 10.55%. Logistic regression modelled relationships between IPV, functional limitations, depressive symptoms, socio-economic measures, and sexual relationship power. In logistic regression models, overall severity of functional limitations were not associated with IPV-victimisation when treated as a continuous overall score. In this model relationship power (aOR0.22, p = 0.001 and depressive symptoms (aOR1.26, p = 0.001 were significant. When the different functional limitations were separated out in a second model, significant factors were relationship power (aOR0.20, p = 0.001, depressive symptoms (aOR1.20, p = 0.011 and mobility limitations (aOR2.96, p = 0.024. The study emphasises that not all functional limitations are associated with IPV-experience, that depression and disability while overlapping can also be considered different drivers of vulnerability, and that women's experience of IPV is not dependent on pregnancy specific factors, but rather wider social factors that all women experience.

  11. Prevalence and association of post-renal transplant anemia

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    Hesham Elsayed


    Full Text Available In some renal allograft recipients, anemia persists or develops following transplantation. Anemia is associated with pre-operative blood loss and allograft dysfunction, including delayed graft function, acute rejection and chronic allograft dysfunction. To study the prevalence and association of post-renal transplant anemia, we studied 200 renal transplant recipients; 131 (65.5% patients were males and 69 (34.5% patients were females, and age ranged from 17 to 67 years, with a mean of 37.7 ± 10.8 years. All patients were receiving cyclosporine, prednisolone and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF. Complete blood count was done at two times: three and six months post-renal transplant. There were 74% anemic patients three months after renal transplantation and 45% anemic patients six months after renal transplantation. High creatinine value, female gender, delayed graft function, episodes of acute rejection, perioperative blood loss and infections were the only significant independent risk factors for prevalence of anemia post-renal transplant. In our study, we did not find an association between MMF and cyclosporine nor angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs or angiotensin receptors blocker (ARBs with anemia. This study demonstrates that anemia is a common complication during the first six months after kidney transplantation, with several risk factors precipitating this complication.

  12. Factores socioculturales y consumo de drogas entre estudiantes universitarios costarricenses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Alonso Caravaca Morera


    Full Text Available Investigación cuantitativa de tipo descriptiva-exploratoria, con diseño transversal que examinó el efecto moderador de ciertos factores socio-culturales en el consumo de drogas entre estudiantes universitarios en San José, Costa Rica. La muestra fue conformada por 126 mujeres y 124 hombres de una universidad pública de forma no probabilística. Fue elaborado un cuestionario con cinco escalas ya validadas, que interrogaba sobre la influencia del grupo de pares, las relaciones familiares, el entretenimiento, la espiritualidad y el consumo de drogas. Se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 18 para el análisis estadístico. Se estableció que el 98,4% de los estudiantes reportaron tener por lo menos un amigo que consumía drogas, las drogas más consumidas fueron alcohol, tabaco y marihuana. Se estableció asociación significativa entre algunos factores académicos y culturales con el consumo de drogas legales e ilegales. Se concluye que deben ser implementadas estrategias preventivas considerando la influencia de los factores culturales entre los estudiantes universitarios.

  13. [Investigation of the factors that contribute to the onset of insomnia in hypertensive patients by using a post-marketing surveillance database]. (United States)

    Tanabe, Naoto; Fujita, Toshiharu; Fujii, Yosuke; Orii, Takao


    Many factors contribute to the onset of insomnia. However, few studies have identified the factors related to the onset of insomnia in hypertensive patients. We conducted a pharmacoepidemiologic study to examine the incidence of insomnia in hypertensive patients by using a post-marketing surveillance database. The insomnia onset was defined as the time of first prescription of hypnotics. The insomnia incidence rate in hypertensive patients under antihypertensive therapy was 0.77/100 person-years. The median insomnia onset date was 5 weeks. The insomnia type in 50.2% of the patients was difficulty in initiating sleep. We assessed the factors contributing to insomnia by using a nested case-control design. We selected 10 time-matched controls for every case. The hypotensive effect induced by antihypertensive therapy on the case group was lesser than that on the control group (pchannel blockers (OR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.43-0.90) compared with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; female sex (OR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.27-2.44); complication of gastric/duodenal disorders (OR, 2.35; 95% CI, 1.14-4.86) or musculoskeletal system/connective tissue disorders (OR, 2.43; 95% CI, 1.23-4.79); and concomitant antihypertensive therapy (OR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.31-0.63). This study identified the potential factors that may help to predict insomnia onset in hypertensive patients under antihypertensive therapy.

  14. Factores determinantes del nivel de desarrollo económico en Andalucía: un análisis comparativo en el contexto de las regiones españolas


    Antonio Rafael Peña Sánchez


    En un trabajo anterior se realizó un análisis de la evolución del nivel de bienestar económico de Andalucía en el periodo 1967-1997, así como de algunos de los factores que la explicaban. El mismo nos permitió concluir que la escasa productividad aparente del empleo y de los empleos per cápita había constituido un hecho diferencial de enorme trascendencia para su nivel de desarrollo y bienestar. En esta línea, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar la evolución de los factores dete...

  15. Algunos factores de riesgo asociados al recién nacido con bajo peso Some risk factors associated with the low birth weight infant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nora María Pérez Guirado


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico y con un modelo de diseño del tipo de casos y controles de toda las mujeres pertenecientes al área de salud del Policlínico Docente "Bernardo Posse", en el municipio San Miguel del Padrón, que tuvieron un recién nacido con un peso inferior a los 2 500 g en el período comprendido entre los años 1995 y 2004, conformada así la muestra estudio. De forma aleatoria se conformó un grupo control de mujeres con recién nacidos con peso superior o igual a los 2 500 g. Se aplicaron test estadísticos para la determinación del riesgo relativo, el Chi cuadrado y el intervalo de confianza del riesgo relativo de cada factor. En esta investigación quedó demostrado que la edad mayor de 35 años, la anemia, la urosepsis, la hipertensión arterial y las modificaciones cervicales son, entre otros, los antecedentes y riesgos que con más frecuencia aportaron a este indicador en nuestra área de salud. Se observó también la incidencia de los problemas nutricionales relacionados con la ganancia total de peso menor de 8 kg, la valoración nutricional de bajo peso, y el antecedente de recién nacido bajo peso al nacer.An observational analytical case and control study was conducted among all women from the health area of "Bernardo Posse" Teaching Polyclinic, in the municipality of San Miguel del Padrón, that had children with a weight under 2 500 g between 1995 and 2004 (study group. A control group composed of women with newborns with a weight equal to or over 2 500 g was selected at random. Statistical tests, such as Chi square test and the confidence interval of the relative risk of every factor, were applied to determine the relative risk. It was proved in this research that age over 35, anemia, urosepsis, arterial hypertension and the cervical modifications are, among others, the antecedents and risks that influenced the most on this indicator in our health area. It was also observed the incidence of

  16. The post Chernobyl society

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xenofontov, Ion.


    The disaster from the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl that took place on April 26, 1986 is considered to be the worst ecologic disaster in Europe during the entire nuclear power producing history (estimated on the highest level, the seventh). The disaster had an poisonous impact on people's health and ambitions, it also gave birth to a new vision on the impact of the human factor on the universe. The post Chernobyl society is an alarming sign as regarding the human surviving perspectives, and a violent lesson on the 'global biography'. (author)

  17. A mast fruiting episode of the tropical tree Peltogyne purpurea(Caesalpinaceaein the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar J Rocha


    Full Text Available Se describe un episodio de fructificación en masa en una población de Peltogyne purpurea de la Península de Osa, Costa Rica. En febrero y marzo de 2000, la mayor parte de los árboles de esta especie tuvo una gran cosecha de frutos. En los años anteriores, desde 1995, ninguno o muy pocos árboles produjeron frutos y la producción por árbol fue escasa. La cosecha del año 2000 fue masiva y todos los árboles examinados produjeron frutos abundantes. Este patrón reproductivo podría producir extinciones locales si la extracción maderera no lo toma en cuenta

  18. Scholarships for scientific initiation encourage post-graduation degree. (United States)

    Pinto, Gabriela S; Nascimento, Gustavo G; Mendes, Matheus S; Ogliari, Fabrício A; Demarco, Flávio F; Correa, Marcos B


    This study aimed to evaluate the factors associated with the decision to attend an academic post-graduation program by dental students. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2012, last-year undergraduate students from Dental Schools of Southern Brazil. A closed questionnaire was applied including questions grouped in three different blocks: pre-graduate, undergraduate period and future perspectives. The outcome was the decision to pursuit an academic post-graduation degree. Associations were tested using chi-squared test and chi-squared test for linear trends when appropriate. Multivariate Poisson regression was also performed. The sample was composed by 671 students (response rate of 69.9%, n=467). In relation to future perspectives, 68% of the interviewed students intended to attend a post-graduation program, but only 17.5% would choose a program with academic and research post-graduation program (Master and PhD programs). In the final model, students from public universities (PR 2.08, 95%CI 1.41-3.08) and students that received scientific initiation scholarship (PR 1.93 95%CI 1.14-3.27) presented a twice greater prevalence to seek academic post-graduate programs. Students with higher family incomes showed a lower prevalence to seek these programs (PR 0.50, 95%IC 0.28-0.90). Scholarships seem to encourage undergraduate students to pursue stricto sensu post-graduation.

  19. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Post Partum (United States)

    Schwab, W.; Marth, C.; Bergant, A. M.


    Traumatic birth experiences may lead to serious psychological impairment. Recent studies show that a considerable number of women can develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), in some cases in a subsyndromal form. Until now, the possibility that postpartum psychological symptoms might be a continuum of a pre-existing disorder in pregnancy has rarely been considered. This study therefore aimed to evaluate the proportion of women who develop post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of childbirth. Materials and Methods: 56 multiparous women were recruited for the study. The diagnosis of PTSD was made according to the criteria for psychological disorders in the DSM-IV (Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). The data were collected in structured interviews in the 30th to 38th week of gestation and in the 6th week post partum. Results: Of the 56 women participating, 52 (93 %) completed the survey. Uncontrolled results showed that 21.15 % of the multiparous women met the full diagnostic PTSD criteria in the 6th week post partum. After the exclusion of all cases already characterised by all criteria or a subsyndromal form of PTSD caused by previous traumatisation, the PTSD rate was below 8 % at 6 weeks postpartum (= incidence rate of PTSD post partum). Conclusions: The present study is the first prospective longitudinal study to demonstrate the occurrence of full criteria PTSD in multiparous women as a result of childbirth after having excluded pre-existing PTSD. The results of our study show a high prevalence rate of PTSD during pregnancy. A number of women report all aspects of post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of childbirth. PMID:25253905

  20. Menstrual cyclicity post OC withdrawal in PCOS: Use of non-hormonal options. (United States)

    Kulshreshtha, Bindu; Arora, Arpita; Pahuja, Isha; Sharma, Neera; Pant, Shubhi


    There is no data on menstrual cyclicity post oral contraceptive (OC) withdrawal with nonhormonal options in PCOS patients. OC could affect obesity, insulin and gonadotropins factors integral to pathogenesis of PCOS, thereby adversely affecting the HPG axis. Menstrual cycles of PCOS patients were retrospectively studied post OCP. Patients developing regular versus irregular cycles post OC were compared. Forty-eight PCOS patients were followed for an average of 1.9 years post OC. Thirty-six (75%) achieved regular cycles over a period of one year with other nonhormonal options like spironolactone and metformin. Seven patients required no treatment. Patients who continued to have irregular cycles had a longer pre OC cycle length (p PCOS may not require any treatment post OC.