
Sample records for alegorias na pintura

  1. Winckelmann, a bela alegoria e a superação do 'paragone' entre as artes

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    Claudia Valladão de Mattos


    Full Text Available O texto faz uma análise do conceito de Alegoria em Winckelmann. Procuramos mostrar como o autor faz um uso muito particular do termo, adotando-o principalmente em suas análises de pintura. O conceito de Alegoria em pintura parece ter favorecido, aos olhos de Winckelmann, tanto a realização da ut picura poesis, quanto a adoção das esculturas clássicas como modelo para a pintura, mas ao mesmo tempo esta opção implicou em uma rejeição do modelo narrativo privilegiado pela tradição clássica do século XVII, em favor de um modelo semelhante ao adotado por grandes artistas da tradição barroca do período.

  2. Alegorias em ação

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    Maria Laura Viveiros de Castro Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available As alegorias são elementos expressivos integrantes das narrativas e performances rituais do festival dos Bois Bumbás de Parintins/Amazonas e do desfile das escolas de samba cariocas. São arte ritual por excelência, posto que feitas para serem integralmente consumidas em seu uso. Sua função nesses dois festivais espetaculares é eminentemente performativa, pois seu consumo ritual produz efeitos decisivos na dinâmica das apresentações. A comunicação examina as funções, significados e usos das alegorias no contexto do Bumbá de Parintins elaborando as noções de maravilhamento e de risco para sua compreensão.

  3. O Passeio Público do Rio de Janeiro na Literatura, na Pintura e na Fotografia do Século XIX

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    Solange de Aragão


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo geral e mais amplo chamar a atenção dos pesquisadores para a importância da literatura, da pintura e da fotografia como fontes documentais para a construção da História do Paisagismo no Brasil por meio de um estudo de caso muito particular: o Passeio Público do Rio de Janeiro no século XIX. São objetivos específicos apresentar e analisar o modo como esse espaço livre público aparece na literatura, na pintura e na fotografia desse período, considerando suas transformações paisagísticas.

  4. A bisbilhotice na pintura

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    Anthony Wall


    Full Text Available Este artigo defende que os princípios dialógicos do discurso são aplicáveis tanto a linguagens verbais como a linguagens icônicas, já que compartilham certas funções, como a importantíssima função metalinguística. O artigo estuda detalhadamente, por uma perspectiva bakhtiniana, uma série de seis pinturas criadas pelo artista holandês do Século XVII Nicolaes Maes (1634-1693. Cada pintura representa poses e gestos diferentes de um bisbilhoteiro, de tal maneira que o analista-observador bakhtiniano é obrigado a ver como a pintura desse tipo curioso combina de maneiras surpreendentes linguagens verbais e visuais. As telas de bisbilhoteiros de Maes concernem à curiosidade, reunindo personagens que poderiam ter preferido permanecer independentes umas das outras. As telas apresentam códigos gestuais, corporais, linguísticos e cromáticos, fazendo o material visual funcionar criativamente e permitindo que cada linguagem se beneficie das vantagens expressivas das outras. Combinam-se aí várias perspectivas para mostrar que as capacidades expressivas de toda linguagem dada são necessariamente mais pobres quando recorrem a um único meio. Uma perspectiva bakhtiniana pode derramar nova luz sobre as pinturas de Nicolaes Maes, ao mesmo tempo em que a análise ilumina novas possibilidades semânticas no pensamento de Bakhtin.

  5. Uma nota sobre ilusionismos e alegorias na pintura barroca de Salvador da Bahia A Note on Illusionism and Allegory in the Baroque Painting of Salvador, Bahia

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    Luís de Moura Sobral


    Full Text Available As principais tendências da pintura no Brasil colonial podem ser estudadas na Catedral de Salvador, a igreja do antigo Colégio da Companhia de Jesus. Datando dos finais do século XVII, várias séries de quadros de qualidade diversa, compõem com as esculturas dos altares um soberbo e complexo bel composto de propaganda inaciana. Para decorar o forro da Biblioteca, por cima da sacristia, os Jesuítas encomendaram cerca de 1735-1736 uma monumental quadratura ao pintor português António Simões Ribeiro (?-1755. A pintura é estudada em função da tradição de decoração das bibliotecas durante a época moderna. Para além da quadratura, Simões Ribeiro introduziu na arte brasileira as figuras alegóricas, tornando-se assim o primeiro pintor brasileiro verdadeiramente barroco e o criador da chamada Escola Bahiana.The main trends of the painting in colonial Brazil can be studied in the Cathedral of Salvador, Bahia, the church of the former Jesuit College. Dating from the late 17th Century, several cycles of paintings on the walls and the ceiling of the sacristy, of varying quality, accomplish particular symbolic functions; in conjunction with the sculpture of the altars, they compose a complex bel composto of Jesuit propaganda. To decorate the ceiling of their Library, above the sacristy, the Jesuits commissioned around 1735-1736 a huge quadratura from the Portuguese born painter António Simões Ribeiro (?-1755. This painting is discussed within the tradition of Library decoration in the Modern period. Besides the quadratura, Simões Ribeiro introduced in the Brazilian art the allegorical figures and became the first full-Baroque painter in Brazil and the initiator of the so-called Bahian School.

  6. A análise do discurso diante de estranhos espelhos: visualidade e (interdiscursividade na pintura

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    Renan Belmonte Mazzola


    Full Text Available Este artigo intenciona compreender a dimensão discursiva das pinturas por meio da análise do discurso ancorada em Michel Foucault. Recorta-se a figura do espelho em pinturas canônicas com vistas a observar seu funcionamento discursivo enquanto elemento do enunciado artístico visual. Apresenta três partes: a primeira, que determina o lugar ocupado pelo discurso estético nos trabalhos de Michel Pêcheux e de Michel Foucault; a segunda, que se concentra na análise de três pinturas europeias, a saber, As meninas, de Velásquez; Um bar em Folies-Bergère, de Manet; e As ligações perigosas, de Magritte; e a terceira parte, que discute a intersecção entre visualidade e interdiscursividade a partir (a das reflexões de M. Foucault acerca do discurso estético e (b da figura do espelho presente nessas pinturas.


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    Gil Carlos Pereira


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem semiótica do romance de Chico Buarque, trabalhando com semioses que nos remete ao mundo moderno, como uma alegoria de sua visão desestruturada e desestruturadora do homem.

  8. Alegorias do comportamento Pós-Atentados de 11 de Setembro de 2001, em Lost

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    Glauco Madeira de Toledo


    Full Text Available Este texto pretende mostrar que o seriado Lost começa com um storyline que envolve uma alegoria das reações das pessoas aos atentados de 11 de setembro de 2001, nos EUA, por meio das reações dos personagens aos resultados do acidente na ilha. Para este trabalho, foram estudados os quatro primeiros episódios da primeira temporada da série, incluindo o episódio piloto como dois episódios distintos, seguidos por Tabula Rasa e Walkabout.

  9. Peregrinação e alegoria: uma leitura doCompêndio Narrativo do Peregrino da América

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    Jean Luiz Neves Abreu

    Full Text Available Resumo:A obra de Nuno Marques Pereira, Compêndio narrativo do peregrino da América, publicada em 1728, pertence ao vasto repertório da literatura de cunho moralizante produzida entre os séculos XVI e XVIII. Trata-se da narrativa de viagem que um suposto "peregrino" faz da Baía de Todos os Santos à Capitania das Minas, na qual discorre sobre os costumes religiosos no Brasil e aborda temas diversos, analisados à luz de uma teologia moral. Este artigo propõe analisar como Nuno Marques Pereira articula elementos discursivos disponíveis na tradição, como é o caso da alegoria e do diálogo, e o exame dos costumes e das práticas religiosas que observa na sociedade da América Portuguesa no século XVIII, que atuam como elementos decisivos na construção do texto.

  10. Aquiles e Mêmnon face à morte: um estudo da cena da Psicostasia na pintura da cerâmica ática

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    José Geraldo Costa Grillo


    Full Text Available O autor estuda as pinturas da cerâmica ática, com a representação da Psicostasia de Aquiles e Mêmnon, respon­dendo à questão do contexto, no interior do qual ela adquire sentido. Defende a ideia de que ela está imersa na esfera reli­giosa e ligada ao tema da morte, especificamente ao ideal he­roico da bela morte, o qual vem ser o meio de o guerreiro es­capar do fim que a morte representa, uma vez que esta morte heroica lhe permite permanecer vivo na memória de seu povo.

  11. Memória de gestos na obra de Agnès Varda: pintura, fotografia, cinema

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    Cristian Borges


    Full Text Available Antiga aluna da Escola do Louvre, Agnès Varda inicia sua carreira como fotógrafa, antes de se dedicar ao cinema. Raramente críticos e acadêmicos percebem ou destacam, em sua obra fílmica, o gosto acentuado e erudito pela pintura e pela fotografia, que se manifesta notadamente através da recorrência de gestos presentes na imagem. Analisaremos três procedimentos em que essa recorrência explícita pode ser percebida em alguns de seus filmes. Primeiramente, ao partir de uma imagem pictórica para reproduzir um gesto singular que se fixa pelo exercício da pausa (pose, colocando "em abismo" a relação pintura/cinema. Um segundo procedimento explora um gesto engendrado por uma fotografia em filmes cujos personagens encontram-se, em algum momento, congelados em seus gestos. Um terceiro procedimento evoca um prolongamento dos gestos, desta vez operado no seio da própria imagem cinematográfica, pela montagem. A recorrência dos gestos, tão presente na obra de Agnès Varda, encontra fortes ecos no pensamento de Gaston Bacherlard, Roland Barthes, Walter Benjamin e Aby Warburg. Assim, o que denominamos aqui uma "memória dos gestos" atesta, em seus filmes, uma fina conivência entre pintura, fotografia e cinema.Former student at the Louvre, Agnès Varda began her career as a photographer before turning to cinema. Critics and scholars rarely see or stand, in her films, the sharp and erudite taste for painting and photography, which manifests itself mainly by recurrent gestures on image. In this article, we are going to analyse three procedures by which that explicit recurrence can be seen in some of her films. First, by obtaining through a pictorial image the reproduction of a singular gesture that is fixed due to the use of pause (pose, proposing a 'mise en abyme' of the relationship between painting and film. A second procedure explores the gesture generated by a photograph, in films whose characters, frozen in their gestures, become

  12. Sou, então, pintura: em torno de auto-retratos de Iberê Camargo

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    Lucia Teixeira


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa auto-retratos de Iberê Camargo, fixando-se especialmente nos auto-retratos de 1943 e de 1984, em que a questão do tempo se manifesta tanto na cronologia que diferencia as duas concepções de pintura quanto na gestualidade que marca o ritmo e o andamento como categorias enunciativas da pintura. Se no auto-retrato de 1943 o ritmo é suave, quase etéreo, criando efeitos de harmonia e integração, no quadro de 1984 a gestualidade brusca acelera e confunde o tempo da pintura, conferindo-lhe um andamento veloz e um efeito de inacabamento e imperfeição. É a inscrição do tempo na matéria pictórica que transforma a representação, alterando assim a relação intersubjetiva entre observador e pintor.Este artículo analiza autorretratos de Iberê Camargo, en particular los autorretratos de 1943 y de 1984. El tema del tiempo se manifiesta tanto en la cronología que diferencia dos concepciones de pintura como en la gestualidad que marca el ritmo y el desarrollo como categorías enunciativas de la pintura. Mientras que en el autorretrato de 1943 el ritmo es suave, casi etéreo, creando efectos de armonía e integración, en el cuadro de 1984 la gestualidad brusca acelera y confunde el tiempo de la pintura, resultando en un desarrollo veloz y en un efecto inacabado de imperfección. La inscripción del tiempo en la matéria prictórica transforma la representación y altera de esta forma la relación intersubjetiva entre observador y pintor.The paper analyses Iberê Camargo's self-portraits, in particular his 1943 and 1984 paintings, in which the issue of time manifests itself both in the chronology which distinguishes the two conceptions of painting and in action which marks the rhythm and pace as enunciative categories of painting. In the self-portrait of 1943 the rhythm is soft, almost ethereal; in the 1984 painting, the abrupt action accelerates and disarrays the time of the painting, resulting in a fast pace and an effect of

  13. As Técnicas de Reintegração Cromática na Pintura: revisão historiográfica

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    Ana Bailão


    Full Text Available Laura Mora, Paolo Mora e Paul Philippot escreveram, por ocasião da primeira edição de Conservation des peintures murales, em 1975, que o tratteggio nunca tinha sido publicado em nenhuma revista técnica e que, apesar de ser praticado desde 1945, consideravam que ainda não tinha sido devidamente entendido, motivo pelo qual tentavam-no descrever detalhadamente. No inicio da segunda década do século XXI, várias são as situações, no caso concreto da reintegração cromática, em que persistem problemas de terminologia e alguma confusão acerca das técnicas de reintegração aplicadas em pintura, quer no discurso escrito, quer no discurso oral. Por esse motivo, o principal objectivo deste artigo é esclarecer a origem e os procedimentos originais de execução de algumas técnicas de reintegração cromática, as que normalmente se usam em pintura de cavalete em Portugal, tentando recorrer às fontes originais e a estudos específicos sobre o tema, bem como anotar particularidades na evolução das mesmas. O segundo propósito deste texto é facultar esta informação em língua portuguesa, algo inexistente até agora. Com base na interpretação das fontes bibliográficas concluiu-se que a mesma técnica pode ser praticada de modo diferente consoante a nacionalidade do conservador-restaurador, contribuindo para a evolução das técnicas existentes e para o aparecimento de outras.

  14. O uso de pinturas de Dalí como ferramenta para avaliação das alterações na percepção de forma e tamanho em pacientes esquizofrênicos

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    Maria Lúcia de Bustamante Simas


    Full Text Available Estudos envolvendo portadores de esquizofrenia têm mostrado alterações severas da percepção e cognição. A maioria dos diagnósticos, entretanto, é baseada na avaliação de processos cognitivos. Nossos estudos investigaram a percepção alterada de forma e tamanho em pacientes com esquizofrenia e com depressão maior utilizando 24 pinturas de Salvador Dalí. Conduzimos dois estudos comparando grupos experimental e controle e observamos, em ambos os casos, que os portadores de esquizofrenia perceberam figuras 1,5 e 3,0 vezes maior do que os respectivos grupos controle. Em outro estudo com pacientes com depressão maior não foram observadas alterações na percepção de tamanho comparado ao grupo controle. Concluímos que este efeito de percepção de forma e tamanho alterados pode servir como marcador no diagnóstico precoce da presença de sintomas positivos na esquizofrenia. Sugerimos que estas pinturas de Salvador Dalí sejam utilizadas como ferramenta para avaliar alterações na percepção de formas e tamanhos em pacientes portadores de esquizofrenia e, assim, prevenir o agravamento dos sintomas cognitivos.

  15. Pinturas reforzadas con hilos cortos de vidrio

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    Hernández Olivares, Francisco


    Full Text Available Current research literature on coatings for building applications make evident the existence of important damage both in outdoors and indoors applications when the paint is used without any reinforcement because of several reasons: the low quality of some paint components, coatings extremely thin, and the unskilful of painters.This article studies the behaviour of some industrial paints for indoors and outdoors applications when reinforced with different gravimetric fractions of dispersable short cut glass fibre yarns. Jt is also studied the support influence (cement mortar, plasterboard and laminated plasterboard and the application method (handy or sprayed. A better performance and durability is obtained for the fractions by weight which are determined for each type of paint, support and application method. Neither the paint colour properties nor the brightness and texture get worse when these gravimetric fractions of glass fibre are added to the paint.La presente investigación estudia la viabilidad del empleo de refuerzos de fibra de vidrio para pinturas de interior y exterior con el fin de paliar parte de las patologías observadas en aplicaciones arquitectónicas. Se ha seleccionado un tipo de fibra de refuerzo dispersable y se ha estudiado el comportamiento de tres tipos de pinturas (temple, plástica y de impermeabilización para fracciones gravimétricas crecientes de refuerzo y distintos procesos de aplicación de la pintura.Se ha conseguido mejorar las propiedades de las pinturas industriales que existen en el mercado para aplicaciones interiores y exteriores en edificación elevando las propiedades mecánicas y de durabilidad de dichas pinturas, sin que ello suponga ningún cambio significativo en las cualidades de la pintura, como son la colorimetría, el brillo y el espesor de película.

  16. A COR E O SOM: Os músicos na pintura de Portinari

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    Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende fazer uma interpretação da série Os músicos, de Candido Portinari, encomendada em 1942 por Assis de Chateaubriand para figurar no auditório da Rádio Tupi, no Rio de Janeiro. Os oito painéis, por sua associação entre música, trabalho e “cor”, dada a centralidade do “negro”, permitem sugerir uma interpretação alternativa das análises canonizadas da obra de Portinari que, grosso modo, são diametralmente opostas: ora o pintor oficial do Estado Novo, ora o artista crítico. Mais do que apontar para uma das duas interpretações, busco mostrar que Portinari, em Os músicos, cria uma imagem do “negro” em consonância com discursos que, nos anos 1930 e 1940, buscavam instituir uma identidade brasileira fundada na positivação do mito das três raças. Ao mesmo tempo, o artista prima pela singularidade de suas composições, podendo sugerir ruídos. Para tanto, procuro fazer uma análise comparando os painéis primeiro entre si, ou com esboços e demais quadros de Portinari, mas também com outras fontes que versam sobre o mesmo tema: pinturas de Di Cavalvanti e Augusto Rodrigues; produções de cinema; teatro de revista; e canções de época, entre outras representações em que o “negro” e o samba ganhavam proeminência.

  17. A pintura em Schelling e o problema da imagem = The painting in Schelling and the problem of image

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    Barros, Fernando Ribeiro de Moraes


    Full Text Available O propósito geral deste artigo consiste em mostrar, a partir de hipóteses globais de interpretação da natureza e da arte, o lugar da pintura na filosofia de F. W. J. v. Schelling. Submetendo a obra pictórica a condições teórico-especulativas inovadoras, a ponderação schellinguiana impele-nos, não raro, a um tratamento diferenciado do visível. Por isso, a título de exercício de reflexão, espera-se igualmente indicar que tal caracterização da pintura ecoa e antecipa, ao longe, questões levantadas pela filosofia contemporânea – em especial, pela fenomenologia – a respeito da imagem

  18. Significado de la Pintura Rupestre Esquemática

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    Pilar ACOSTA


    Full Text Available La interpretación global de los esquematismos que ha tenido de siempre más adeptos ha sido indudablemente la relacionada con la religión.Esta causa ha sido la constante repetida infinitas veces cada vez que el tema de la Pintura Rupestre en general ha surgido; con mayor motivo pues, es lógico que se atribuya este significado al arte esquemático dada la "coincidencia extraordinaria" de que los ídolos sean uno de sus temas preferidos.Sin embargo, creemos que hay que tener en cuenta una serie de circunstancias de todo tipo antes de aceptar "a priori" el sentido religioso de esta pintura, sólo por el hecho de ser "pintura" y por desconocer su verdadera finalidad, la cual, estamos seguros, jamás llegará a ser captada y comprendida en su verdadero sentido.

  19. As águas míticas da memória e a alegoria do tempo e do saber?

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    Carmen Lúcia Tindó Ribeiro Secco


    Full Text Available O romance Parábola do cágado velho, do escritor Pepetela: relaçõesentre mito, memória e história. A parábola como estratégia narrativae o cágado como uma alegoria do tempo e do saber. A leitura críticado imaginário social de Angola, desde as origens fundadoras até a época atual.

  20. Da natureza viva à pintura bruta: Cézanne e Merleau-Ponty

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    Bruno O. De Andrade


    Full Text Available O que se nota ao ler os textos de Maurice Merleau- Ponty que direta ou indiretamente se relacionam com o problema Cézanne é – para além de uma profunda compreensão das linhas de força da pintura do mestre de Provence, e da pintura de um modo geral, rara entre filósofos – uma verdadeira afinidade entre duas formas de pensamento inaugurais, um filosófico e outro pictórico. Haveria entre o pensamento de Merleau-Ponty e a pintura de Cézanne não somente uma afinidade, mas um verdadeiro imbricamento? Um dos pontos desse trabalho pretende esboçar uma resposta a essa questão; o outro ponto a ser discutido, que de algum modo se relaciona com o primeiro, diz respeito à radicalização da pintura de Cézanne nos últimos anos de sua produção, expressa nas magistrais pinturas da Montanha Santa Vitória. Tal radicalização, nos parece, escapa à análise de Merleau Ponty; no entanto, pode ser análoga à radicalização do pensamento do autor de O olho e o espírito, à sua fenomenologia da percepção ou do corpo, à ontologia do ser bruto, da carne.

  1. Estudo da estabilidade do caudal do processo de pintura - Iber- Oleff


    Gonçalves, Andreia Filipa Santos


    O estágio curricular no âmbito do trabalho final do Mestrado em Tecnologia Química teve início no dia 4 de fevereiro de 2013 na Iber-Oleff, empresa portuguesa sediada em Pombal, que tem como atividade a conceção, desenvolvimento, industrialização e produção de sistemas cinemáticos e de distribuição de ar, em plástico, para interiores de automóveis. O relatório descreve de forma sucinta o processo produtivo da empresa, com especial relevância para a área de decoração e pintura. O processo p...

  2. Pintura mural. Búsqueda de un arte social y comprometido




    El presente trabajo es una realización práctica del tipo pintura mural, acompañada de una serie de ilustraciones y un cuadro. La temática gira entorno a la lucha anticapitalista, y el desarrollo conceptual se ha centrado en la función social de las obras de arte. Diferentes casos históricos donde la pintura ha significado algo más que simples cuadros en galerías. Todos los referentes estudiados tienen alguna realción con la responsabilidad social del arte o con el mural. ...

  3. Literatura y pintura. Jusep Torres Campanals, una novela cubista

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    Vílchez Ruiz, Carmen E


    Full Text Available This article presents a study of the relation between the arts of literature and painting, from the interdisciplinary point of view. Focused on the structural analysis of Max Aub’s novel Jusep Torres Campanals, we will see how this work represents the translation of cubist painting’s aesthetics into the literary discourse. Through this analysis we will be able to prove how the narrative discourse’s decompositive technique, as used in a cubist painting, shows Jusep Torres Campanals as a fascinating dialogic dimension between truth and falseness, between painting and writing. Setting the reader again before the reflection of the old dialogue between literature and painting.Este artículo se presenta desde la perspectiva interdisciplinar del estudio de las relaciones entre dos artes, la Literatura y la Pintura, centrándose en el análisis estructural de la novela de Max Aub, Jusep Torres Campanals, tras el que observaremos cómo esta obra supone la traslación de la estética de la pintura cubista al discurso literario. A lo largo del análisis podremos comprobar, pues, cómo la técnica de descomposición del discurso narrativo, a la manera de un cuadro cubista, convierte a Jusep Torres Campanals, en un fascinante espacio de diálogo entre la verdad y la mentira, la pintura y la escritura, situándonos de nuevo ante la reflexión del antiguo diálogo entre la Literatura y la Pintura.

  4. Pinturas, barnices y afines: composición, formulación y caracterización


    Alonso Felipe, Jose Vicente


    El control de calidad en pinturas, barnices y recubrimientos afines está relacionado con su composición, formulación y caracterización. Al hablar de recubrimientos nos referimos a pinturas, temple, barnices, esmaltes, lacas, imprimaciones, e incluso recubrimientos electrolíticos. Se puede definir una pintura líquida como una mezcla heterogénea de componentes que una vez aplicada y seca se transforma en una película continua de espesor más o menos uniforme, sin pegajosidad al tacto y con las c...

  5. Alegorias do contemporâneo: articulações e efeitos entre identidades culturais e consumo

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    Luís Fernando Lazzarin


    Full Text Available DOI: trabalho investiga como vêm sendo produzidas, na publicidade, diferentes articulações entre identidades culturais e consumo. São apresentadas análises de dois vídeos publicitários da Natura Cosméticos S.A. e outros dois da Coca Cola Company. Os vídeos referidos são concebidos como pedagogias culturais não-escolares, pois, embora não possuam um currículo no sentido escolar de planejamento e de organização daquilo que deve ser ensinado, produzem diferentes modos de ser e de pertencimento. A análise levanta diferentes alegorias colocadas em circulação nos vídeos: a naturalização das identidades culturais e sua utilização como recurso; a relação cada vez mais íntima entre consumo e cidadania; o pertencimento e a solidariedade por meio do consumo, que prescinde de fronteiras geográficas. Captar e descrever esses elementos e seus sentidos parece ser extremamente importante para a formação dos futuros professores. Isso implica aprender a negociar com os apelos e as imposições do consumo e permite oferecer resistência (ou seja, cria possibilidades de escolha em meio ao que parece ser uma força avassaladora da contemporaneidade.

  6. A pintura e outras modalidades expressivas, como facilitadoras do desenvolvimento potencial dos educandos

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    Sonia De Fatima Thomasi Facco


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem o objetivo de mostrar os resultados de um trabalho realizado com um grupo de crianças o qual buscou o desenvolvimento da criatividade, auto-estima e autoconfiança. Elas estavam todas matriculadas na mesma escola, mas em séries diferentes. Eram crianças que sentiam grandes limitações no ato de criar através do desenho, da pintura, da construção com sucata e do uso de outros materiais, porém no decorrer dos trabalhos passaram a acreditar na sua potencialidade e a elaborar com mais cuidado e interesse os trabalhos que produziam. O referencial básico para a elaboração dos trabalhos plásticos estiveram ligados ao meio sócio-cultural no qual estas crianças estavam inseridas.

  7. Deterioro de pinturas debido a la cristalización de sulfato de sodio y de cloruro de sodio


    Díaz Gonçalves, T.


    En el LNEC se desarrolló una metodología de ensayo para evaluar la respuesta de pinturas aplicadas sobre paredes, frente a la cristalización de sales solubles. En este trabajo, se describen y discuten un conjunto de ensayos recientes. Los principales objetivos fueron: el análisis y la comparación del comportamiento de una pintura de emulsión común {''pintura plástica") y la de una pintura de silicato; la observación y la comparación de los efectos del sulfato de sodio, del cloruro de sodio y ...

  8. Diego Velázquez e os retratos de Felipe IV: A pintura Barroca e a idéia de tempo na sociedade espanhola do século XVII

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    Susana Aparecida da Silva


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa reflete a respeito da possibilidade de se analisar a idéia de tempo na Espanha Barroca do século XVII através de cinco retratos feitos pelo pintor espanhol Diego Velázquez (1599-1660. Estes retratos são feitos após o período em que o pintor é admitido na corte de Felipe IV da Espanha (1605-1665 como pintor oficial. As fontes visuais selecionadas para esta pesquisa no sentido de possibilitar a análise da idéia de tempo são retratos do rei feitos por Diego Velázquez e representam o rei jovem e posteriormente envelhecido. Acredita-se que a idéia de tempo para Velázquez tenha estreita relação com a sociedade barroca espanhola do século XVII na qual ele está inserido. Neste sentido, as representações do poder e do envelhecimento do monarca possíveis de serem vistas nas pinturas de Velázquez contribuem para se pensar a concepção de tempo do artista e da sociedade espanhola daquele período

  9. Fraturas expostas: uma análise das pinturas de "Desconstruções," de Alan Fontes


    Costa, Alexandre Rodrigues da


    Este artigo se propõe a analisar as pinturas da série Desconstruções, de 2014, do artista mineiro Alan Fontes, a partir dos conceitos de informe e heterogenia de Georges Bataille. Tais conceitos nos permitirão pensar em uma pintura que se detém de maneira crítica sobre a arquitetura, ao tratar a casa como lugar precário, aberto aos acidentes. A casa se constitui, nas pinturas de Alan Fontes, como um espaço de proliferação de sentidos, que se abre, através do dilaceramento, para a desordem, a ...

  10. El uso de la pintura en la publicidad de revistas femeninas en España. Análisis de la publicidad que usa la pintura en la revista Vogue


    Jiménez Marín, Gloria; Gómez Abeja, Domingo


    La historia del arte ha influido en la publicidad en todas sus manifestaciones: pintura, escultura, fotografia, cine ... Esta investigación se centra en una de las siete bellas artes: la pintura, y la estudia para comprender qué influencia ha supuesto en la creatividad publicitaria y como sus creativos se valen de ella para acercarse mas a los consumidores y evitar el desprecio de los receptores ante la publicidad comercial. El perfil escogido es el de las revistas femeninas de alta gama p...

  11. O pict?rico na poesia cabo-verdiana: dos claridosos a Kiki Lima


    Oliveira Junior, Jos? Leite de


    A rela??o entre literatura e pintura vem instigando fil?sofos desde a antiguidade greco-latina. Atualmente desenvolvem-se novos ramos na Semiotiko com esse prop?sito. Esta pesquisa se baseia sobre a teoria semi?tica de Jean-Marie Floch ou, mais precisamente, sobre a adapta??o da teoria deste ? cultura brasileira feita por Antonio Vicente Pietroforte. Para objeto de pesquisa escolheu-se a pintura e a poesia de Cabo Verde, objetivando-se esclarecer a seguinte quest?o: A obra pict...

  12. Merleau-Ponty: filosofía y pintura

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    Mariana Larison


    Full Text Available El presente texto intenta comprender porqué el arte y, particularmente, la pintura, se presentan, dentro de la obra del filósofo francés Maurice Merleau-Ponty, como modos ejemplares del fenómeno expresivo y nos permiten, en este sentido, comprender las características propias de la operación perceptiva.

  13. A pintura antifurto de Pedro Victor Brandão. Política como arte no contexto de crise econômica mundial

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    Marcelo Neder Cerqueira


    Full Text Available Pintura Antifurto é resultado da apropriação das imagens de anversos e reversos de cédulas manchadas por um dispositivo antifurto em explosões de caixas eletrônicos. A partir de uma autorização emitida pelo Departamento do Meio Circulante do Banco Central, reproduções fotográficas tem sido feitas e distribuídas gratuitamente. O texto que segue foi apresentado por Marcelo Neder Cerqueira no dia 20 de Outubro de 2011, quando a Casa França-Brasil promoveu a mesa redonda sobre a Pintura Antifurto. A mostra foi realizada dentro na Ocupação Cofre, onde artistas mostram seus trabalhos numa sala de 2,40m² sem função definida desde a transformação em centro cultural. Entre 1820 e 1924, a histórica construção da Casa França-Brasil, localizada em frente à Baía de Guanabara, abrigou a primeira praça do comércio da cidade. Abstract: Pintura Antifurto [Anti-theft Painting] results from appropriation of the images of observes and reverses of banknotes marked by an anti-theft device in explosions of ATM’s. After an authorization issued by the Currency Department of the Central Bank, photographic reproductions were made and freely distributed. This text was presented on October 20th 2014, when Casa França-Brasil realized a debate about Pintura Antifurto. The show was realized on the framework of Ocupação Cofre [Vault Occupation], where artists are invited to exhibit in a room of 2.40 m² that has no function since the transformation in cultural center of this construction that from 1820 to 1924 worked as the first commerce square of the city.

  14. La pintura mural en la Granada del XVIII.

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    Ana María Gómez Román


    Full Text Available El camino hacia la revalorización de la pintura mural a lo largo del siglo XVIII en la ciudad de Granada arranca con la figura del arzobispo Martín de Ascargorta (1693-1719. El gusto impuesto por este prelado supuso un cambio durante la primera mitad de este siglo en el desarrollo de los programas decorativos bajo las directrices de Acisclo Antonio Palomino y José Risueño que tendría su prolongación con la actividad de pintores como Martín de Pineda, José Hidalgo, Diego Sánchez Saravia o Tomás Ferrer. Este gusto por la pintura mural culminaría a finales de la centuria con el ciclo de las hazañas del Quijote del Palacio del Cuzco en Víznar, relacionado también con otro arzobispo, Juan Manuel Moscoso (1789-1811 y realizado por Nicolás Martín Tenllado, José de Medina y Antonio Jiménez.

  15. Diseño, Automatización y Simulación de una línea para Fabricación de pinturas


    Parra Mena, Juan Carlos; Sotomayor Torres, Ángel Rosalino


    El proyecto consiste en el diseño de una línea para fabricación de pintura en base agua para la empresa PRODUTEKN cuya meta es la de producir 2000 galones/día. Se destacan los componentes y tipos de pinturas que existen y se distribuyen en el mercado local, así como los fabricantes y la demanda de pinturas según su tipo en Ecuador, sin descuidar las líneas estándar de producción de pinturas y la situación actual de la empresa solicitante. Luego se realiza el planteamiento y selección de las ...

  16. Cinatii, Rambois e Pereira Câo e a pintura-decorativa do Palácio Angeje-Palmela no Paço do Lumiar

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    Miguel Leal


    Full Text Available Na zona do Paço do Lumiar, outrora fora de Lisboa, encontra-se o Palácio Angeja- Palmela, edifício palaciano do século XVIII, construído no post terramoto de 1755. Nos seus interiores encontramos uma decoração realizada em pintura a fresco e que podemos atribuir à tríade Cinatti, Rambois e Pereira Cão, cenógrafos e pintores-decoradores da Lisboa de Oitocentos. O palácio, os seus jardins e a sua decoração interior respiram uma atmosfera romântica que é visível na pintura decorativa dos seus interiores, encomenda do seu antigo proprietário D. Domingos de Sousa Holstein, segundo duque de Palmela.In the site of Paço do Lumiar, we find the Angeja-Palmela palace, a building of the XVIII century, built after the Lisbon earthquake of 1755. Inside the palace we find a fresh paintings decoration made by Cinatti, Rambois and Pereira Cão, Lisbon´s set designers and decorative painters of the XIX century. The palace, the gardens and it’s interior decoration breath a romantic atmosphere that we perceive in the respective mural paintings, a commission of it’s former owner, D. Domigos de Sousa Holstein, second duke of Palmela.

  17. Pinturas del Corral de Morcilla (Las Batuecas

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    Full Text Available Durante una de las frecuentes visitas que el Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología de Salamanca realiza a Las Batuecas tuvo lugar, en noviembre de 1973, el descubrimiento de un nuevo abrigo con pinturas por el Dr. Jordá, quien me brindó su publicación ayudándome en los trabajos de calco y estudio, por lo que le estoy muy agradecido.

  18. Variações da cor preta e negra na pintura de Eduardo Sued

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    Marcela Rangel


    Full Text Available Eduardo Sued transforma o pigmento preto de sua paleta física em campos cromáticos em suas pinturas. Ele costuma diferenciar a cor preta da cor negra. Diz que o preto torna-se negro à medida que a escuridão e a intensidade vão se apossando dele. Para Sued, o preto permite o passeio apenas em sua superfície, enquanto no negro há profundidade. "Há noites pretas e noites negras!" Nesta entrevista, Sued discorre sobre o que fomenta sua produção pictórica, em especial o uso que faz da tinta preta para criar seus pretos e seus negros.Eduardo Sued transforms the black pigment of his physical palette in color fields on his paintings. He usually distinguishes black from "darkblack". He says black goes to "dark black" as darkness and intensity take hold of it. For him, the black works only on its surface, while "darkblack" is deep. "There are black nights and 'darkblack' nights!" In this interview Sued talks about what promotes his pictorial production, in particular his use of black paint to create his black and darkblack fields.

  19. Dimensionamiento del sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales industriales en la industria de la pintura


    Guevara Gavilanes, Silvia; Parrales Baquerizo, Narcisa; Villamar Bajaña, Franklin


    Las aguas residuales en la Industria de la pintura son el conjunto de las aguas que son contaminadas durante su empleo en actividades de limpieza realizadas en el proceso de elaboración de las pinturas acuosas. Para reparar esta alteración a la naturaleza aplicaremos sistemas de tratamientos de aguas donde se realiza distintos procesos necesarios para poder llegar al estado inicial del agua sin contaminación, los sistemas de tratamiento no hacen otra cosa que separar todos los contaminante...

  20. Representaçoes das genitálias femininas e masculinas nas pinturas rupestres no Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara, PI, Brasil


    Justamand, Michel; Funari, Pedro Pablo


    O Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara localiza-se no estado brasileiro do Piauí. Desde os anos 70 do século passado se intensificaram as pesquisas no Parque, conduzidas por Niède Guidon. Ainda hoje uma missão científica francesa atua na região, agora liderada por Eric Boeda. As pinturas rupestres foram o deflagrador do investimento científico no local. Esse fato permitiu ao Parque o reconhecimento nacional e internacional. Tornando-se patrimônio universal da humanidade reconhecido pela UNESCO, ...

  1. RITMO Y ESPACIO EN LA PINTURA BIZANTINA Rhythm and space in byzantine painting

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    Federico José Xamist


    Full Text Available Durante el siglo XX se lleva a cabo una revalorización de la pintura del medioevo heleno, ignorada durante todo el clasicismo europeo. AAnte la constatación de que el espacio representado en la pintura bizantina no reproduce el espacio natural se llega a la conclusión de que las operaciones pictóricas aplicadas por los pintores bizantinos tienen como objeto simbolizar un espacio sobrenatural. En las siguientes líneas intentaremos abrir la problemática del espacio en la pintura bizantina a una interpretación plástica, es decir, intentaremos presentar una lectura de las operaciones pictóricas en cuanto tales siguiendo los planteamientos de Georgos Kordis, profesor de la cátedra Eikonografia de la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad de Atenas y destacado pintor griego. Nuestro objetivo es plantear algunas directrices para introducirnos en la problemática pictórica de la representación del espacio en la pintura bizantina.During the twentieth century is carried out a revaluation of the Hellenic medieval painting, ignored during the European classicism. Given the finding that the space represented in Byzantine painting does not reproduce the natural space leads to the conclusion that painting operations implemented by the Byzantine painters are intended to symbolize a supernatural space. The following lines try to open the question of space in painting plastic Byzantine interpretation, ie to try to present a reading of the painting operations as such, following the approach of Georges Kordis, chair professor of the Faculty Eikonografia Theology of the University of Athens and prominent Greek painter. Our goal is to propose some guidelines for introducing us to the problem of pictorial representation of space in the Byzantine painting.

  2. Alegoria californiana Californian allegory

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    Julio Ramos


    Full Text Available O ensaio parte dos murais de Diego Rivera realizados nos anos 1930 nos Estados Unidos para desentranhar neles uma alegoria das relações Norte e Sul, América do Norte e América Latina. A viagem do muralista mexicano aos Estados Unidos alegoriza essa relação em que se formulam estratégias de combinação entre técnica e natureza, máquina e corpo, nestes murais que representam a linha de produção fordista e a racionalização do tempo do trabalho físico. A viagem de Rivera alegoriza ainda a constituição do "latino-americanismo", como campo universitário em que se inserem as representações culturalizadas da América Latina nos Estados Unidos. A partir dessa matriz o ensaio se detém sobre as políticas da língua hispânica que se inscreve como língua diaspórica nos Estados Unidos, segundo o paradigma da tradução, e encarnando-se em maneiras possíveis de convocação do corpo como corpo da língua nos poemas de Rosário Castellanos e no clássico de Pablo Neruda, "Alturas de Macchu Picchu".El ensayo parte de los murales de Diego Rivera realizados durante los años 30 en Estados Unidos para desentrañar en ellos una alegoría de las relaciones Norte y Sur, América del Norte y América Latina. El viaje del muralista mexicano a Estados Unidos alegoriza esa relación en que se formulan estrategias de combinación entre técnica y naturaleza, máquina y cuerpo, en estos murales que representan la línea de producción fordista y la racionalización del tiempo del trabajo físico. El viaje de Rivera alegoriza también la constitución del "latinoamericanismo", como campo universitario en que se insertan las representaciones culturalizadas de América Latina en Estados Unidos. Partiendo de esa matriz, el ensayo se detiene sobre las políticas de la lengua hispánica que se inscribe como lengua diaspórica en Estados Unidos, según el paradigma de la traducción, y encarnándose en maneras posibles de convocación del cuerpo como

  3. Los soportes textiles de pintura de caballete en México, siglos XVII-XIX. Aportaciones históricas tras su restauración

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    Rita Sumano González


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda la forma en que ciertos lienzos textiles fueron usados como soportes de pintura de caballete en México durante los siglos XVII al XIX. Se llevó a cabo un estudio usando como fuente primaria doscientos informes de trabajo de pinturas que habían sido restauradas por el Seminario Taller de Restauración de Pintura de Caballete de la Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía en México (STRPC-ENCRyM-INAH. Los registros de técnica de factura de los soportes se organizaron de acuerdo a una ficha de análisis textil y se vertieron en una base de datos, para después interpretarlos utilizando estadística descriptiva. Los resultados del análisis estadístico orientaron la investigación histórica, que se sirvió de fuentes vivas, materiales, bibliográficas y documentales. De esta investigación se desprendieron datos relevantes sobre la forma en que los lienzos fueron usados como soportes de pintura de caballete lo que puede contribuir a su estudio y a una mejor conservación de las pinturas.

  4. Las pinturas rupestres de la Serreta, Cieza (Murcia

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    Miguel Ángel MATEO SAURA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Desde que fueran descubiertas en 1973, varios han sido los trabajos publicados sobre las pinturas de la cueva de la Serreta. Su parcialidad y unos criterios distintos a los mantenidos por sus autores, nos ha llevado a la realización de un nuevo estudio conjunto de los dos frisos pintados.La principal aportación de estas pinturas es la puesta de manifiesto de la convivencia de dos de los estilos pictóricos más relevantes de la prehistoria hispana como son el naturalista levantino y el esquemático. Rasgos etnográficos y socioeconómicos como son las armas o las estrategias de caza, son otras cuestiones a resaltar en este conjunto ciezano.ABSTRACT: Since the paintings at La Serreta cave were discovered in 1973, several essays about them haven been published. All these essays refer only to some of the paintings, and our opinion on them differs from that held by their authors; for this reason we have decided to carry out a new study on the two friezes as a whole.These paintings reveal, as their main contribution, that the two most outstanding pictorial styles in Spanish prehistory Levantine Naturalism and Schematism, existed concurrently. Some ethnographical, social and economic characteristics, as weapons and hunting techniques, are the other points to bring out in this Ciezan group of paintings.

  5. Onde estava a periferia da arte? Circulação e recepção de cópias de pintura europeia na Amazônia no século XIX

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    Aldrin Moura de Figueiredo

    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo analisa a circulação e a recepção de arte sacra e religiosa na Amazônia no contexto do movimento de renovação do catolicismo brasileiro no século XIX, conhecido como romanização ou ultramontanismo. Para isso, analisa o programa iconológico levado a termo pelo bispo do Pará d. Antônio de Macedo Costa, em especial pela substituição de pinturas do século XVIII por obras do século XIX, de acordo com os novos parâmetros artísticos do catolicismo romano e do mercado global de arte. Com isso, busca rever noções fortemente ancoradas em uma concepção hierárquica da produção artística, ainda presentes em boa parte da historiografia da arte, a despeito dos debates em curso nas últimas décadas.

  6. Rembrandt : la pintura y la visión


    Marrades Millet, Julián


    Se ha destacado como un rasgo peculiar de la pintura de Rembrandt la tendencia a presentar a sus personajes inmersos en algún curso de acción. ¿Cómo trató Rembrandt de representar realidades humanas que tienen la estructura de un todo en movimiento, siendo así que la imagen pictórica es fija y espacialmente limitada? En este ensayo se rastrean algunos recursos empleados por Rembrandt ¿el estilo rudimentario y descuidado, el tratamiento dramático de la luz, la contracción de un proceso tempora...

  7. Um monstro nas minas ilustradas: O diabo na livraria do cônego

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    Késia Rodrigues de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A figura mitológica do diabo é elemento recorrente tanto no imaginário popular quanto em personagens da literatura ocidental sendo atribuída a ele a representação da maldade. Entretanto, é no período colonial mineiro que tal figura aparecerá, para além da conjuntura religiosa, simbolizando na forma de livros, as ideias iluministas franceses. Este artigo pretende a partir de uma leitura crítica do ensaio "ʺO diabo na livraria do cônego"ʺ, de Eduardo Frieiro, e do conto "ʺ1789-­1790"ʺ, de Maria José de Queiroz, analisar, sob o contexto histórico da Inconfidência Mineira, as referências aos livros e ao diabo, alegoria das ideias libertárias, e sua relação com o espaço da biblioteca.

  8. Alegorias sobre o moderno: os quadros "Solidariedade humana" e "O progresso" de Eliseu Visconti (1866-1944

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    Molina, Ana Heloisa


    Full Text Available Este texto propõe discutir duas alegorias elaboradas por Eliseu D´Angelo Visconti (1866-1944 em encomenda para a Biblioteca Nacional como mote a refletir a inserção de determinadas idéias acerca de modernidade e moderno inscritas em um suporte visual, fruto de um dado momento histórico e catalisador de experiências sociais, visuais, sensoriais, pessoais e culturais apreendidas por um pintor. Apresentará algumas reflexões acerca do uso do suporte visual como fonte, bem como, a fala do artista sobre sua trajetória e influências artísticas sofridas e a inserção das encomendas alegóricas para o espaço da Biblioteca Nacional no contexto urbano carioca em um instante de reafirmação de idéias republicanas acopladas às noções de civilização, cultura, progresso e ordem. Por fim, empreenderá uma possível leitura dos elementos dispostos nas duas telas denominadas "Solidariedade Humana", e posteriormente chamada de "Instrução" e "Progresso", comparando-as com os esquisses realizados pelo pintor


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    Luisa Elvira Belaunde

    Full Text Available Resumo O artigo aborda um movimento inovador da pintura liderado por artistas indígenas, nascidos e escolarizados na Amazônia, que migraram para Lima, a capital do Peru, onde se destacaram por suas obras. O estudo centra-se em dois pintores eminentes deste cenário, Roldán Pinedo e Enrique Casanto, analisando as conexões entre suas pinturas e os entornos sociocosmológicos nos quais se inserem. O texto ressalta o alcance político de suas propostas plásticas e argumenta que os artistas amazônicos introduzem novos modos de conceber as imagens e as relações com as plantas que desafiam as percepções da floresta e dos povos indígenas impostas pela cidade.

  10. Resistencia a la corrosión en ambiente salino de un acero al carbono recubierto con aluminio por rociado térmico y pintura poli aspártica

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    José Luddey Marulanda Arévalo


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la resistencia a la corrosión en ambiente salino del acero 1020 recubierto con aluminio por medio de rociado térmico por arco eléctrico y después se aplicó una pintura poliaspártica. Se observó que este sistema presenta una protección en estos ambientes, reduciendo la velocidad de corrosión, en comparación con un sistema de pintura bicapa, el cual consistía en una capa rica en zinc y otra capa de pintura poliaspártica. Se realizó la caracterización del recubrimiento por medio de Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (MEB para analizar su comportamiento con respecto al sustrato y a la pintura para conocer variaciones en propiedades como adherencia, topografía y homogeneidad. Se observó que las probetas recubiertas con aluminio por rociado térmico presentan una mayor resistencia a la corrosión en cámara salina que las probetas que no fueron recubiertas y solo estaban protegidas por el sistema bicapa de pintura, aunque la pintura sin rociado térmico tuvo un buen desempeño ya que no falló durante el tiempo estipulado para en ensayo en cámara de niebla salina.

  11. Poesia y Pintura: Frank O'Hara y el expresinionismo abstracto


    Alberto Santamaría


    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las relaciones entre poesía y pintura en el seno del expresionismo abstracto. Para ello tomamos tres nombres de referencia: Clement Greenberg (crítico de arte), Frank O'Hara (poeta) y Willem De Kooning (pintor). A través de estos nombres tratamos de señalar la estrecha relación que existía entre poetas y pintores en la llamada Escuela de Nueva York.

  12. La Poética del "pathos" en la iconografía de la pintura mejicana del siglo XX


    Medina Prado, Rebeca


    [spa] En este trabajo se investiga la "Poética del Pathos en la iconografía de la pintura mexicana del siglo XX". Uno de los motivos de dicha investigación ha sido la enorme expectación que se creó en México en la década de los años veinte del siglo XX frente al renacimiento artístico de la pintura mural y de caballete, creada bajo el patrocinio del Gobierno de México. El Ministro de Educación José Vasconcelos convocó a los pintores que se encontraban en Europa o Estados Unidos de Norteaméric...

  13. Poética del "pathos" en la iconografía de la pintura mejicana del siglo XX, La


    Medina Prado, Rebeca


    En este trabajo se investiga la "Poética del Pathos en la iconografía de la pintura mexicana del siglo XX". Uno de los motivos de dicha investigación ha sido la enorme expectación que se creó en México en la década de los años veinte del siglo XX frente al renacimiento artístico de la pintura mural y de caballete, creada bajo el patrocinio del Gobierno de México. El Ministro de Educación José Vasconcelos convocó a los pintores que se encontraban en Europa o Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, par...

  14. Del grabado europeo a la pintura americana. la serie el credo del pintor quiteño miguel de santiago


    Fajardo de Rueda, Marta


    El hallazgo de dos series de grabados flamencos del siglo XVII  sobre el tema El Credo, de los artistas Adrian Collaert (1560-1618)  y  Johan Sadeler  (1550-1600), permiten confirmar la importante presencia de los grabados europeos en los talleres de pintura de la América Hispana y  su influencia decisiva en la formación de nuestros artistas. Se analizan entonces bajo esta perspectiva, las  once pinturas al óleo que conforman la Serie de los Artículos de El Credo, obra del pintor quiteño Migu...

  15. Los Reyes Católicos en la pintura española del siglo XIX

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    Rincón García, Wifredo


    Full Text Available A lo largo del siglo XIX, uno de los temas históricos más recurrentes de la pintura española será el reinado de los Reyes Católicos y los artistas se sucederán a lo largo del siglo plasmando los más diversos momentos de la vida y el gobierno de Isabel I de Castilla y Fernando II de Aragón que, tras unir sus vidas y sus coronas, unificaron también los reinos hispánicos y juntos culminaron en 1492 la larga tarea de la reconquista iniciada muchos siglos antes. Durante su reinado tuvo lugar también el Descubrimiento de América, sin lugar a dudas, otro de los hitos históricos más importantes de la pintura española y en cuya iconografía estos monarcas juegan también un papel importante.…

  16. A problemática dos resíduos em sistemas gelificados para a limpeza de pinturas

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    Teresa Moreira Braga Teves Reis


    Full Text Available A limpeza de superfícies pictóricas com sistemas gelificados tem vindo a levantar diversas questões e opiniões contraditórias que se prendem com a deposição de resíduos de alguns componentes dos géis, nomeadamente os surfactantes, nas superfícies tratadas, e com potenciais riscos que ditos sistemas gelificados podem apresentar para os materiais constituintes das pinturas. Propôs-se neste artigo fazer uma revisão generalizada da informação já publicada acerca dos resíduos de géis, numa tentativa de informar outros colegas da profissão acerca deste assunto e assim fomentar tomadas de decisões mais esclarecidas relativamente a uma das operações que mais riscos apresenta para uma pintura: a sua limpeza.

  17. Dos diálogos de Fénelon sobre la pintura

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    Juan Antonio Calatrava Escobar


    Full Text Available Presentamos a continuación la traducción castellana de dos textos estéticos escasamente conocidos de Frangois Fénelon, quien, universalmente conocido como autor de Les Aventures de Telemaque o por sus posiciones políticas durante el reinado de Luis XIV, no dejó de ocuparse a lo largo de su dilatada trayectoria intelectual de los problemas artísticos contemporáneos. Los textos en cuestión son dos diálogos que tienen por tema a la pintura y que, en la línea del helenismo confeso de Fénelon, imitan claramente la estructura y el tono de un cierto género de diálogos literario-filosóficos griegos cuyo máximo exponente sería Luciano de Samosata y que pretenden reproducir imaginarias conversaciones, siempre de corte moralizante, celebradas en el Hades entre las almas de graneles personajes de la Historia. De hecho, los dos diálogos sobre la pintura fueron originalmente escritos para una obra de mayor envergadura, los Dialogues des Morts (1712, en los que se incluían diálogos con temáticas muy variadas pero casi siempre girando en torno a la misma problemática ética y a la reflexión política sobre la naturaleza del poder ya presente, como es bien conocido, en el Telemaque.

  18. Sensación y pintura en Deleuze Sensation and Painting in Deleuze

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    Paula Honorato Crespo


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo comenta los alcances de la teoría de la pintura desarrollada por Gilles Deleuze en Francis Bacon. Lógica de la sensación. Se abordan, específicamente, aquellos fundamentos que sostienen la comprensión del medio pictórico como campo de acción para el arte contemporáneo, no así, la obra de Bacon en particular. Desde esta perspectiva, se relevan las siguientes claves de la teoría deleuziana: primero, la pintura concebida como un lenguaje dirigido al cuerpo con el poder de configurar sensaciones determinadas; y segundo, la noción de cuadro como manifestación material-objetiva de dichas sensaciones.This essay is a comment on the theory of painting developed by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze Francis Bacon. Logics of sensation. This text revise the foundations that support the understanding of pictorial medium as (well as the action field for contemporary art, nor Bacon's work in particular. From this pant of view, the keys of deleuzian theory are revealed as: first, painting conceived as a language oriented to the body wich has the power to configurated fixed or determínate sensations and, second, painting thinked as an objective-material manifestation of those sensations.

  19. Generación de un nuevo revestimiento arquitectónico, a partir del grafeno, aplicado a las pinturas exteriores de los edificios


    Peña Benítez, Pedro Rafael de la


    En este trabajo, realizado para optar al grado de doctor, se investigan las posibilidades que ofrece la nanotecnología en la arquitectura a través de la aplicación del grafeno en las pinturas exteriores que actualmente se utilizan en la construcción. Mediante la experimentación y el análisis de los procesos es posible demostrar que el grafeno es un revestimiento arquitectónico que mejora las propiedades mecánicas y de durabilidad de las pinturas exteriores. Los objetivos de esta investigación...

  20. La pintura mural hispano-musulmana. ¿Tradición o innovación?

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    Rallo Gruss, Carmen


    Full Text Available It is generally thought that in Western Europe and at the end of the medieval period, tempera paint with oil as a medium was applied to dry plaster walls because the Roman technique for painting on wet plaster (al fresco had been forgotten. Texts such as the Libro dell'Arte by Cennino Cennini discuss the recovery of the fresco technique by some of the founding painters of the Italian Renaissance, such as Giotto. From Renaissance Italy, it is argued, the technique expanded to the rest of Europe. However, in medieval Hispanic monuments with Islamic iconography there is evidence of painted fresco decoration dated prior to the fifteenth century. This paper studies the sources of this technical tradition by analysing examples of Iberian, Roman, Islamic, Mudéjar and Morisco mural painting.

    El convencimiento de que a finales de la Edad Media las paredes eran decoradas con pintura al seco, realizada con temple, más o menos graso, olvidando la técnica de pintura al fresco utilizada habitualmente por los romanos, es algo admitido para toda la Europa Occidental. Textos como el Libro dell´Arte de Cennino Cennini nos hablan de su recuperación por los iniciadores del Renacimiento italiano como el Giotto; desde allí se expandirá la técnica a todos los países europeos. Sin embargo, en los monumentos hispanos con iconografía de tradición islámica se siguen realizando decoraciones al fresco hasta el siglo XV. En busca de explicaciones a esta excepción, en este artículo se buscan las fuentes de esa tradición técnica, analizando ejemplos de pintura mural ibera, romana, islámica y «de lo morisco» o mudéjar. El estudio se centra en los materiales utilizados, incluso con analítica de laboratorio, en paralelo con los motivos estilísticos que se encuentran en cada época.

  1. La pintura como metáfora y máscara: la concepción del arte en María Zambrano

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    Heura Posada


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el pensamiento de María Zambrano como una losofía inspiradora para la ciudadanía de hoy. Dentro de los múltiples temas tratados por la autora, la pintura gura entre ellos como “un lugar privilegiado donde detener la mirada”. La mirada, un aspecto primordial para la autora, se entrena y nos revela aspectos de la vida que no podemos retener sin detener el tiempo en la contemplación de ciertas imágenes, como para ella será la imagen de Santa Bárbara del Maestro de Flémalle en el mueso del Prado. Años más tarde, después de su largo exilio, María Zambrano escribe sobre lo que ha representado para ella mirar a Bárbara “en su Ser, estando en ella misma”. La pintura, nos dice Zambrano, es agua y “nace de las cavernas, en la noche perenne, al resplandor desigual del fuego, adherida a la roca desnuda”. Pensar y contemplar la pintura es hacerlo acerca del origen de lo humano, del trabajo y de su condición de posibilidad, así como de su porvenir. El tiempo para contemplar la pintura nos devuelve un tiempo humanizado donde es posible el pensamiento y la proyección, con sentido, de la vida humana. Desde el pensamiento de la autora podemos hacer conexiones hacia otros pensadores, a menudo más conocidos y difundidos que ella, a través de algunos conceptos como el tiempo, la persona, la razón (poética, la democracia o el arte.

  2. Revisión de las investigaciones con base en el estudio de las pinturas para moldes en la industria de la fundición

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    Álvaro Morales


    Full Text Available Las pinturas para moldes son sustancias de muy diversa naturaleza, utilizadas para recubrir las superficies de los moldes que estarán en íntimo contacto con el metal fundido y que buscan la sanidad completa de la pieza. La presente revisión hace énfasis en el papel que tiene la pintura como regulador térmico en los moldes metálicos y describe los parámetros que deben tenerse en cuenta para la correcta caracterización.

  3. Hacia una reducción del contenido decobre en pinturas antiincrustantes


    García, Mónica Teresita; Pérez, Miriam Cristina; Stupak, Mirta Elena; Blustein, Guillermo


    RESUMENEl biofouling conduce al deterioro de las estructuras emplazadas en el mar acarreando graves pérdidas económicas. La aplicación de pinturas a base de óxido cuproso es el método más difundido para el control de las incrustaciones aún siendo nocivas para los ecosistemas marinos. Ante la necesidad de desarrollar formulaciones más inocuas se propone el uso de productos de origen natural que puedan reemplazar parte del cobre disminuyendo su aporte al medio ambiente.El timol se aísla de los ...

  4. Proyecto de nave para fabricación de pinturas al agua


    Pinto Pareja, Juan Carlos


    Se pretende la construcción de una nave industrial con la actividad de fabricación de pinturas al agua, sobre una parcela situada en el polígono industrial de Pelagatos, en Chiclana de la Frontera. La parcela dispone de una superficie de 1000 metros cuadrados, con una fachada de 20 metros y un fondo de 50 metros. La parcela es plana en general. Debe construirse la superficie máxima que permita el Plan General de Ordenación Urbana. Se dispondrán en planta baja las siguientes dep...

  5. ANÁLISE ARQUEOMÉTRICA DE PINTURAS RUPESTRES PRÉ-HISTÓRICAS DO SÍTIO TAMBORIL, BARRAS, PIAUÍ, BRASIL (Archaeometric Analysis of Prehistoric Rock Paintings from the Tamboril Site, Barras, Piauí, Brazil

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    Luis Carlos Duarte Cavalcante


    Full Text Available O sítio arqueológico Tamboril, localizado na área rural do município de Barras, estado do Piauí, Brasil, é um bloco arenítico que apresenta um nicho decorado com pinturas rupestres, principalmente grafismos puros, motivos zoomórficos e carimbos de mãos humanas, pintados em diferentes tonalidades de vermelho. A conservação das pinturas é afetada por eflorescências salinas, resíduos decorrentes da atividade de insetos (como cupins e vespas e impacto humano (visitação sem acompanhamento de guias e atividade agrícola nas proximidades. A análise arqueométrica de pigmentos dessas pinturas rupestres foi realizada no laboratório com fluorescência de raios X por dispersão de energia e espectroscopia Mössbauer do 57Fe em geometria de retroespalhamento de raios γ à temperatura ambiente. Os teores de Fe (como Fe2O3 encontrados nas pinturas variam de 2,953(1 massa% a 17,23(1 massa%. Os parâmetros hiperfinos Mössbauer revelaram que o pigmento vermelho-escuro das pinturas rupestres é composto de hematita (αFe2O3 e de um Fe3+ (superparamagnético. Os teores de P (como P2O5 variam de 21,70(1 massa% a 25,92(1 massa% e foram atribuídos às eflorescências salinas e aos resíduos orgânicos de atividades de insetos que cobrem as inscrições pré-históricas. ENGLISH: The archaeological site known as Tamboril, located in the rural area of the municipality of Barras, Piauí State, Brazil, is a sandstone block that contains a niche decorated with rock paintings. These paintings are mainly composed of pure graphisms, zoomorphic motifs, and human handprints, painted in different tonalities of red. Their conservation has been affected by saline efflorescences, residues of insect activities (such as wasps and termites and human impact (unguided visitors and nearby agricultural activity. The archaeometric analysis of pigments from these rock paintings was performed in the laboratory with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence and room

  6. Las pinturas murales de S. Cebrián de Mudá

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    Santiago Manzarbeitia Valle


    Full Text Available Al norte de la provincia de Falencia, lindando con Cantabria, en un reducido espacio geográfico en torno a la comarca del Alto Campeo y a algunos de sus pequeños valles adyacentes, existe un amplio conjunto de iglesias que tienen en común, además de su tipología arquitectónica románica de transición al gótico, el estar decoradas con pinturas murales realizadas en las dos últimas décadas del siglo XV, y posiblemente por un mismo taller ambulante de origen local.

  7. Plan de negocios para una empresa dedicada a la fabricación, comercialización y aplicación de revestimientos arquitectónicos (pinturas).


    Umbarila Zamora, Carlos; Márquez, Melisa María; Román Arbeláez, Edwin Alexander


    Este trabajo de grado tiene como finalidad realizar el estudio de la creación de una empresa de fabricación de pinturas ecológicas utilizando materias primas de origen natural, que poseen propiedades equivalentes a las convencionales con la ventaja de no ser tóxicas para los humanos ni agresoras para el medio ambiente. Para este estudio se trabajaron características específicas del mercado de pinturas, llevando a una determinación del mercado potencial; en el cual se desarrolló la identifi...

  8. Diseño del sistema de automatización de la fabricación de pinturas y del sistema para la transferencia fiscal del látex en la fábrica pintec, de Guayaquil


    Espol; Salazar Aguirre, Jorge Patricio


    Se analizó el proceso de fabricación de pinturas. Se identificaron las deficiencias y se hicieron las propuestas de mejoras. Las propuestas de mejoras se realizaron en dos áreas: área de almacenamiento de látex y área de fabricación de pinturas. Se propuso mejorar el control del inventario y transferencia de látex desde los camiones de transporte de látex y controlar con exactitud el llenado de los tanques de preparación de pinturas según las recetas establecidas para la fabricación, así como...

  9. A experiência com arte na Colônia Juliano Moreira na década de 1950

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    João Henrique Queiroz de Araújo

    Full Text Available Resumo Os trabalhos de Osório César e de Nise da Silveira costumam se destacar quando se investiga a relação entre expressão artística e saberes psi no Brasil em torno da década de 1950. Porém, outras experiências ocorreram no mesmo período, como as atividades de pintura realizadas na Seção de Praxiterapia da Colônia Juliano Moreira, em Jacarepaguá, no município do Rio de Janeiro. A ausência de pesquisas sobre essa experiência suscitou uma busca por documentos que culminou na análise dos números do Boletim da Colônia Juliano Moreira e demais fontes. Os resultados apontam características peculiares da experiência artística na colônia, como o incentivo à cópia e reprodução de fotografias como método terapêutico, o que a diferencia das outras experiências mencionadas.

  10. Entre a abstração e a imagem realista: pintura no limite

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    Fátima Junqueira

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este texto pretende fazer uma reflexão sobre a pintura contemporânea, que se destaca por ficar no limite entre dois conceitos clássicos da arte moderna: "figurativo" e "abstrato". O artigo baseia-se em autores da teoria da arte moderna (como Clement Greenberg e Leo Steinberg da filosofia (como Jacques Rancière, da teoria da arte contemporânea (como Anne Cauquelin e nos escritos do pintor alemão Gerhard Richter.



    Sepúlveda,Marcela; Figueroa,Valentina; Cárcamo,José


    La explotación de los recursos minerales de cobre en el norte de Chile implicó la producción de pigmentos azules y verdes identificados, hasta ahora, en pintura rupestre, en nódulos y en estado de polvo al interior de contenedores de cuero provenientes de distintos cementerios de la cuenca del río Loa, región de Antofagasta, desierto de Atacama. En este artículo, se presentan los primeros resultados de análisis físico-químicos de pintura verde aplicada sobre distintos soportes de cuero: másca...

  12. De nuevo sobre la Compassio Mariae: A propósito de las pinturas murales del sepulcro de don Alfonso Vidal en la catedral vieja de Salamanca

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    Gutiérrez Baños, Fernando


    Full Text Available En el verano de 1999 quedaron al descubierto tras su restauración las pinturas murales de estilo gótico lineal de los siglos XIII y XIV que se encontraron en noviembre de 1997 en el brazo meridional del crucero de la catedral vieja de Salamanca. Por su cantidad, por su calidad y por la riqueza de su iconografía estos descubrimientos consolidan la importancia de Salamanca en el panorama de la pintura de estilo gótico lineal. No pretendo abordar en este momento un estudio de conjunto acerca de estas pinturas, que reservo para otra ocasión, sino estudiar un aspecto iconográfico relevante de estos descubrimientos que entronca con el objeto de interés de la profesora Domínguez Rodríguez en un artículo publicado no hace mucho tiempo en las páginas de esta revista.…

  13. Los críticos, los artistas y la pintura abstracta en la España de postguerra

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    Díaz Sánchez, Julián


    Full Text Available This article deals with some attitudes of the artists and criticals of Art in the face of the Abstract Painting in the Spanish postwar.

    El presente trabajo revisa algunas de las actitudes que artistas y críticos de arte adoptaron frente a la pintura informal en la España de la postguerra.

  14. La Radiología en la Pintura Santafereña del Siglo XVII

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    Hernando Morales


    Full Text Available

    Gregorio Vázquez de Arce y Ceballos, considerado como el más grande pintor que produjera América en el siglo XVII y sus obras como las más representativas de la América Virreinal, comparte con los Echaves de México y con -Miguel de Santiago del Ecuador el privilegio de haber legado a la posteridad una imagen del acaecer colonial, una crónica religiosa y un testimonio conmovedor del nacimiento de una raza, documentos que constituyen una de las bases históricas de nuestra cultura.

    Innumerables han sido los estudios publicados sobre tan insigne pintor, y si nos atrevemos a mostrar una nueva faceta de tan compleja personalidad, es por la discutible autoridad que nos confiere el haber trabajado con pinturas coloniales americanas durante varios
    años, y por el respaldo y apoyo que nos prestó el Profesor Francisco Gil Tovar, Director del Museo de Arte Colonial, profundo conocedor del tema, quien permitió el estudio, fotografía y radiografía de toda la colección del Museo de Arte Colonial de Bogotá, material sobre el cual basamos nuestro estudio. También incluímos algunas obras de colecciones privadas
    facilitadas por sus dueños.

    La producción pictórica de Gregorio Vázquez y la de su taller en Bogotá fue enorme, y más grande aún la influencia que ejerció sobre casi dos siglos de pintura neogranadina. Considerado "El Maestro" fue imitado y copiado; y aún en su taller se ejecutaron obras
    con poco o mucho de su mano que se distribuyeron ampliamente y que hoy llevan el interrogante de la autenticidad de muchas telas.

    Material y Método
    Son muchos los estudios que pueden practicarse en una pintura colonial americana. Casi siempre en lo que toca con su procedencia, antigüedad, estado de conservación, posibles retoques y, naturalmente, su calidad artística. Son muchos los datos que proporcionan
    la tela, los pigmentos, la distribución de color, la composición, el



    Calaça, Fausto


    Nos anos da década de 1830, no contexto do Romantismo desencantado, Honoré de Balzac publica diversas obras (romances, novelas, contos, artigos e ensaios) sobre a condição do artista na sua época. Na novela intitulada Pierre Grassou, o autor põe em narrativa as relações da burguesia com as artes, em particular, a pintura. Sob o olhar da classe burguesa em ascensão, o pintor é julgado pelo valor politicamente correto dos temas representados em suas telas, pela capacidade de reproduzir outras o...

  16. The use of reflecting paints on building`s roofs for energy saving; Uso de pinturas reflejantes en los techos de las edificaciones para el ahorro de energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valera Negrete, Jose Adrian [Programa de Ahorro de Energia del Sector Electrico (PAESE), Comision Federal de Electricidad, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Sanchez Soto, Ramon [Facultad de Ingenieria, Departamento de Termoenergia de la UNAM, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper shows the effects of the use of reflecting paints in different colors on the buildings roofs and the results in energy saving obtained in a field test carried on in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon State of Mexico using aluminum paint. [Espanol] El presente trabajo muestra los efectos del uso de pinturas reflejantes de diferentes colores en los techos de edificaciones, y los resultados de ahorro de energia electrica obtenidos en una prueba de campo efectuada en Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, utilizando pintura de aluminio.

  17. The use of reflecting paints on building`s roofs for energy saving; Uso de pinturas reflejantes en los techos de las edificaciones para el ahorro de energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valera Negrete, Jose Adrian [Programa de Ahorro de Energia del Sector Electrico (PAESE), Comision Federal de Electricidad, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Sanchez Soto, Ramon [Facultad de Ingenieria, Departamento de Termoenergia de la UNAM, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper shows the effects of the use of reflecting paints in different colors on the buildings roofs and the results in energy saving obtained in a field test carried on in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon State of Mexico using aluminum paint. [Espanol] El presente trabajo muestra los efectos del uso de pinturas reflejantes de diferentes colores en los techos de edificaciones, y los resultados de ahorro de energia electrica obtenidos en una prueba de campo efectuada en Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, utilizando pintura de aluminio.

  18. Las pinturas rupestres de Peña Mingubela (Avila

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El abrigo de Pena Mingubela constituye lo que podríamos calificar un caso excepcional dentro del mundo esquemático de La Meseta, y más concretamente del Sistema Central. Este abrigo viene a enlazar dos zonas como son la Sierra de Francia y los abrigos segovianos; pero hemos de aclarar que la mayoría de las representaciones que en él encontramos pertenecen a un horizonte tardío dentro de la cronología general del arte esquemático. Dividimos las pinturas en cuatro fases, ateniéndonos a la técnica, color y distribución espacial. La primera fase, con representaciones esquemáticas puras, la situamos en un horizonre cultural del Bronce final. La segunda, y ante la aparición de elementos tipológicos claros, la situamos dentro del Hierro II de La Meseta (La Teñe I y II. La tercera fase pertenecería a este mismo horizonte cultural pero con una cronología ligeramente más tardía. La cuarta ocuparía un horizonte Bajomedieval, pero dada la carencia casi absoluta de elementos de juicio, no lo afirmamos rotundamente. Otro factor importante a tener en cuenta es la técnica especial que encontramos en la segunda fase, ya que ésta no encaja con la dominante en las representaciones esquemáticas, lo que convierte a este abrigo en algo único, por el momento, dentro de la pintura esquemática del Sistema Central.RÉSUMÉ: La caverne de «Peña Mingubela» constitue ce que l'on pourrait qualifier un cas excepeionnel dans le monde schématique de «La Meseta», et plus concret du «Sistema Central». Cette caverne sert d'union entre la Sierra de Francia et les cavernes Ségovinnes; mais il faut résoudre ce que la plupart des représentations que l'on y trouve appartiennent à un horizon retardé dans la chronologie général de l'art schématique. On peut diviser les peinrures en quatre phases, s'adaptant à la theenique, couleur et distribution d'espace. La première phase, avec des représentations schématiques pures, on la situe

  19. A propósito de las interpretaciones eróticas en pinturas de Murillo de asunto popular

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    Valdivieso, Enrique


    Full Text Available Over the past few years, certain foreign specialists of seventeenth century Spanish Baroque painting have maintained that in some of Murillo's works of «popular» subjects there exists a clear erotic content. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that such content is impossible on the grounds both of Murillo's own mentality and the control exerted by the Inquisition. Murillo always complied with the most rigorous moral principles in force during his lifetime, and the Inquisition was permanently vigilant regarding sinful sexual behavior.

    A lo largo de los últimos años algunos especialistas foráneos de la pintura barroca española del S. XVII han venido manteniendo que en algunas pinturas de Murillo de asunto popular existen claros contenidos eróticos. Trata este artículo de evidenciar que tales contenidos no son posibles. Primero a causa de la mentalidad del propio Murillo siempre fiel al cumplimiento de los más rigurosos principios morales vigentes en su época, ni tampoco a causa de la perfecta vigilancia sobre conductas pecaminosas con respecto al sexo que la Inquisición efectuaba en aquella época.

  20. Roman wall-painting technical aspects | Aspectos técnicos de la pintura mural romana | Aspectos técnicos de la pintura mural romana

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    Lorenzo Abad Casal


    Full Text Available Se estudian diversos aspectos técnicos de la pintura mural romana: composición de los morteros, sistemas de unión entre las diversas capas, trazados previos, técnica pictórica y técnicas de conservación y restauración. Todo ello se plasma en una serie de gráficas que ilustran las técnicas romanas y su evolución a través de los siglos. | Etude des divers aspects techniques de la peinture murale romainne: composition des mortiers, systèmes d'union entre les différents couches, dessins préparatoires, technique de la peinture et procedés de conservation et de restauration. Un resumé sous forme graphique permet une vision synoptique de l'évolution des techniques de peinture romaine au cours des siècles.

  1. PINTURAS RUPESTRES DO SÍTIO TAMBORIL, BARRAS, PIAUÍ, BRASIL (Rock Paintings from the Tamboril Site, Barras, Piauí, Brazil

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    Sônia Maria Campelo Magalhães


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta o sítio Tamboril, localizado na área rural do município de Barras, estado do Piauí, Brasil. O sítio arqueológico revelou uma coleção excepcional de grafismos puros, motivos zoomórficos e carimbos de mãos humanas, pintados em diferentes tonalidades de vermelho. Há sobreposições e recorrência dos registros rupestres. A conservação das pinturas é afetada por eflorescências salinas, ação de insetos (particularmente cupins e ninhos de vespas e impacto humano (visitação sem acompanhamento e atividade agrícola nas proximidades. ENGLISH: This paper presents the Tamboril site, located in the rural area of the municipality of Barras, Piauí State, Brazil. The archaeological site revealed an exceptional collection of pure graphisms, zoomorphic motifs, and human handprints, painted in different tonalities of red. There are overlaps and recurrence of rock records. The conservation of these rock paintings is affected by saline efflorescences, insect activity (particularly termites and wasp nests and human impact (unaccompanied visitation and agricultural activity nearby.

  2. Autorretratos da dor em profusão: diálogo entre o soneto Eu..., de Florbela espanca, e a pintura A coluna partida, de Frida Kahlo

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    Cícero Émerson do Nascimento Cardoso


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    Este trabalho se pauta na análise de obras artísticas em dois campos específicos: Literatura e Arte Plástica. Busca estabelecer um diálogo entre o soneto “EU”, de Florbela Espanca, e a pintura “A coluna partida”, de Frida Kahlo. Em ambas as obras é perceptível o quanto a concepção de dor e de sofrimento, vinculado às experiências trágicas vividas por essas duas mulheres de espírito moderno, motivaram a realização de obras de significante valor estético. Essas obras em destaque se constituem como exemplos de autorretratos em que a feminilidade, a sensibilidade, as pulsões dolorosas da alma dessas artistas captam, de modo expressivo, os dramas existenciais vividos e redirecionados para a arte por elas produzidas.

  3. La presencia de la música en la pintura del cubismo de Pablo Picasso hasta 1914

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    Cecilia García Marco


    Full Text Available La presencia de los instrumentos musicales es numerosa y significativa en todas las fases del cubismo. Analizando la evocación musical de la pintura cubista, ésta se desvela como un impulso creativo y un puente de conocimiento en esta revolución artística que transformó el arte del s. XX. En esa ruptura con todo lo anterior en el arte, en la búsqueda de un nuevo espacio pictórico y una exploración sin límites de un nuevo lenguaje pictórico, están siempre presente la música: en los volúmenes, objetos, letras y signos. La búsqueda pictórica de P. Picasso y G. Braque les conduce a querer plasmar la música y transformarla de objeto mental a obra de arte. Estaban rodeados de música, incluso G. Braque sabía tocar instrumentos musicales. Esta nueva mirada musical es necesaria para entender la pintura cubista, y una vez más reverenciar el papel decisivo de la música en otros campos del arte. El enfoque interdisciplinar fecunda las investigaciones y gracias a él se dan profundos avances de otro modo imposibles. Enlazar diversas disciplinas ayuda a tener una visión más profunda, amplia y creativa.

  4. Las pinturas rupestres esquemáticas de la Peña del Castellar (Villar del Humo, Cuenca

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    Anna ALONSO


    Full Text Available Con motivo de nuestra visita a los importantes yacimientos rupestres de Villar del Humo, y comentando sobre ellos con las gentes del lugar, fuimos informados de la existencia de un abrigo con figuras semejantes a las de los otros conjuntos '. Ante la posibilidad de que se tratase de pinturas, nos desplazamos a la zona donde, efectivamente, existía el grupo de representaciones que dan lugar a esta nota.


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    Julio Geraldo Carvalho de Jesus


    Full Text Available As Animações são fontes interessantes de serem exploradas pela perspectiva histórica, uma vez que trazem questões impostas pelo contexto da produção e podem ser utilizadas como meio de transmitir conhecimentos e ideologias. O presente artigo faz uma reflexão acerca do tema do racismo nas animações dirigidas e produzidas por Walter Lantz, no ano de 1941, tomando como base o cartoon “Scrube Me Mama with a Boogie Beat”, distribuído pela Universal Studios, e reexibido no ano de 1948. Apesar do racismo presente na obra, não há qualquer menção crítica ao filme, na época em que foi lançado, o que nos permitiu estabelecer um paralelo entre a animação de Lantz e a alegoria do açougue apresentada por Serguei Eisenstein no filme “A greve”. No filme de Eisenstein, a cena final mostra um boi sendo degolado. A violência da cena causou grande impacto na população urbana, mas não impactou da mesma forma os habitantes da zona rural, acostumados com a prática. Da mesma forma, a obra de Lantz, permeada de traços racistas, não causou indignação na população negra, sobretudo por ser comum dentro da sociedade norte americana da época.

  6. Suicidio en azul con negra mancha. Breve historia de un balazo en la pintura de Pablo Picasso

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    Godoy C., Ivan


    Full Text Available Paris 1901: unrequited love drove Carles Casagemas, a close friend of Pablo Picasso’s youth, to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head. This tragic event was a major blow to Picasso, causing him to dwell upon the subject of death and express his “mourning” through his paintings. The “bullet hole” in his friend’s temple symbolically displaced several areas of the young Picasso’s life and became a “deep vacuum” and “melancholy”, permeating various areas in Picasso’s paintings, and marking the start of his famous blue period.París 1901: por el amor de una mujer, se suicida de un balazo en la cabeza Carles Casagemas, amigo íntimo de juventud de Pablo Picasso. Este trágico suceso producirá un gran dolor en el artista, el cual, lo hará internarse en el tema de la muerte y elaborar su “duelo” apoyado en su pintura. El “hoyo a bala” en la sien de su amigo se desplazará simbólicamente a varios espacios de la vida del joven Picasso y devendrá en “vacío profundo” y “melancolía”, permeando diferentes ámbitos dentro de la pintura de Picasso, dando comienzo a su mentado período azul.

  7. Pintores nobles y nobleza de la pintura en el Jaén del Barroco

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    Pedro Galera Andreu


    Full Text Available El trabajo analiza la consideración de la nobleza de sangre o de linaje en la pintura en Jaén durante el siglo XVII a través de tres pintores, cuya escala de alcurnia es inversamente proporcional a la calidad de su arte. Por igual —y lógica— razón, su conocimiento en la historiografía es paralelo a dicha inversión: Luis Bonifaz, prácticamente desconocido; Cristóbal Vela, del que se aportan nuevos datos, y Sebastián Martínez, el de más fama y mérito.

  8. Paraísos artificiales. La imagen drogada en la pintura europea del entresiglos XIX-XX


    Barrón, Sofía


    Paraísos artificiales. La imagen drogada en la pintura europea del entresiglos XIX-XX. La presente investigación recopila y analiza la imagen pictórica drogada en el entresiglos XIX-XX europeo, prestando especial atención al caso español, desde la exposición descriptiva; un trabajo elaborado con voluntad de catálogo. Las conclusiones teóricas dan cuenta no sólo de que el leitmotiv tóxico puede convertirse en una temática cambiosecular en sí misma, también pone de manifiesto como el uso y ...

  9. Propuesta de una metodología para hallar la fórmula de composición de colores base de muestra de pintura, en almacenes de venta de pintura, utilizando diseño de experimentos


    Franco Torres, Luz Adriana


    El mercado global de pinturas y recubrimientos, ha sido testigo de un crecimiento moderado en los últimos años y este crecimiento se estima que aumentará en los próximos años, impulsado principalmente por las regiones crecientes de AsiaPacífico y los países en desarrollo [1] . Colombia tiene alrededor de 13.700 micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector ferretería, de las cuales 28,5% están en Bogotá D.C., 12,1% en el departamento de Antioquia y el tercer departamento...


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    Maria Natália Gomes Thimóteo


    Full Text Available Uma poesia de lugar, de isolamento, assim se pode chamar a poesia de Roberto de Mesquita, em que a paisagem, a cor e expressão de insularidade são o grande tema. Nemésio foi a primeira voz que se ouviu sobre a poesia de Mesquita e ressaltando-lhe a ‘açorianidade’ nas suas Almas Cativas. Canta a tristeza, o mar como prisão e destino, juntando ‘portuguesmente’ Baudelaire e Verlaine, as notas metafísicas de Antero no panteísmo e o sentimento da “.solidão atlântica”. Seu imaginário está repleto de almas, das quais é cúmplice, inclusive da alma do passado, alegorizado pelas ruínas. Para Benjamin, as alegorias são no reino dos pensamentos o que as ruínas são no reino das coisas. É célebre a imagem de Benjamin, sobre o Anjo da História, referindo-se à alegoria do quadro de Klee, “Angelus Novus”. Como o anjo da alegoria, Mesquita é preso ao passado, ouvindo e vendo espectros em cativeiro. Na série de poemas “Relicários” há a complexidade da apreensão da essência do mundo real e os objetos são ‘hierofanias’, de que fala Eliade.

  11. Cuadros en movimiento: la pintura en el cine: Relaciones intermediales en La hora de los valientes [Mercero 1998] y Te doy mis ojos [Bollaín 2003

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    Esther Gimeno Ugalde


    Full Text Available The objective of this article is to study the relationship between cinema and painting from an intermedial perspective by analysing two Spanish films: La hora de los valientes (Antonio Mercero 1998 and Te doy mis ojos (Icíar Bollaín 2003. We intend to compare how the respective directors use painting to construct and enrich the cinematographic story and to analyse what narrative and artistic role the paintings play in the filmic text. The study of the two films will serve to illustrate our initial hypothesis, that painting is used not only for artistic and narrative purposes, but also to make the spectator a witness of a twofold drama: the individual and the collective. The exchange of looks which permeates the diegesis places painting to the forefront, whilst determining the interpretation of the filmic textBasándonos en un enfoque teórico intermedial, el presente artículo tiene como objeto estudiar las relaciones entre cine y pintura a partir de dos películas españolas: La hora de los valientes [Antonio Mercero 1998] y Te doy mis ojos [Icíar Bollaín 2003]. Nos proponemos cotejar cómo los respectivos directores introducen la pintura para construir y enriquecer el relato cinematográfico y analizar qué función narrativa y estética cumplen los cuadros en el texto fílmico. El estudio de ambos filmes nos servirá para demostrar nuestra hipótesis inicial: la pintura se emplea no solo con fines estéticos y narrativos, sino también para convertir al espectador en testigo de un doble drama, el individual y el colectivo. El juego de miradas que atraviesa la diégesis sitúa a la pintura en un primer plano, a la vez que determina la lectura del texto fílmico

  12. Información relevante que pasa a ser anecdótica: aerinita en las pinturas murales románicas de San Martín de Elines (Cantabria

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    M. Rosa Tera Saavedra


    Full Text Available Ante la dificultad de consultar datos materiales y analíticas provenientes de intervenciones existentes relacionadas con el Patrimonio Cultural, el presente artículo plantea la necesidad de establecer parámetros normalizados y accesibles que aglutinen información de memorias técnicas. Como ejemplo de la funcionalidad que podría derivarse de esta propuesta se analiza cómo podría beneficiar su uso en el caso de las pinturas románicas de San Martín de Elines (Cantabria cuya analítica de materiales presenta dos parámetros fuera del contexto geográfico donde están ubicadas y que las relaciona matéricamente con las pinturas románicas del Valle del Boí.

  13. Pinturas murales del I estilo pompeyano en Cartagena

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    Fernández Díaz, Alicia


    Full Text Available This study is the result of the discovery of some fragments of mural Roman paintings found in some excavation sites in the town of Cartagena, which can be classified in the first Pompeian style (end of the 2nd century BC. Their ornamental scheme consists of an imitation in stucco of «spun of padded (dressed marble» or more commonly denominated as isodomic apparel, whose purpose is not only functional or destined to cover the several materials employed in the construction, but also ornamental and associated to concepts like gravitas and mos maiorum.Este estudio, presentado a modo de noticia, es el resultado del hallazgo de unos fragmentos de pintura mural romana en unas excavaciones de la ciudad de Cartagena que pueden encuadrarse en el I estilo pompeyano (finales del siglo II a.C.. Su esquema decorativo consiste en una imitación en estuco de hiladas de aparejo de mármol almohadillado o más comúnmente denominado como aparejo isódomo, cuya finalidad no es únicamente funcional o destinada a tapar los diferentes materiales empleados en la construcción, sino también ornamental y asociada a conceptos como gravitas y mos maiorum.

  14. Innovación nanotecnológica sostenible en el sector de fabricación de pinturas


    Bolívar Expósito, Sergio


    Englobada como una de las tecnologías facilitadoras esenciales dentro de la política industrial de la comunidad europea, la nanotecnología participa de una gran cantidad de los sectores productivos de la sociedad en la actualidad. Ahí radica parte de su importancia en el desarrollo económico y competitivo de los países, el bienestar y la seguridad de la gente gracias a la innovación en los diferentes sectores. El sector de fabricación de pinturas y barnices que forma parte del sector quími...

  15. La investigación en el Área de Pintura Flamenca y Escuelas del Norte del Museo del Prado

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    Vergara Sharp, Alejandro


    Full Text Available This article describes different research projects undertaken in the Area of Flemish and Northern European Painting at the Prado museum. One was devoted to the Adoration of the Magi, a painting by Rubens which has offers unusual insight into his creative personality. A second project was devoted to the study of a series of tapestries designed by Rubens, which show episodes of the life of Achilles. In this case the project was the result of a collaboration with the Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam. At present, the Prado is conducting research into the art of Joachim Patinir, an landscape artist active in Antwerp in the early sixteenth century. In all three cases the Prado is responding to its responsibility to study its own collections.El Museo Nacional del Prado posee una de las colecciones de pintura flamenca de los siglos XV, XVI y XVII de mayor calidad y tamaño que existen, y también es depositario de obras de arte de gran importancia de origen alemán (entre ellas varios cuadros de Durero, holandés (Rembrandt y de otros países cuyo arte se engloba dentro del Área de Conservación de Pintura Flamenca y Escuelas del Norte del museo. Al margen de conservar estas obras y de mostrar al público el mayor número de ellas en condiciones idóneas, también dedicamos una parte importante de nuestra actividad a la investigación. La calidad superlativa de la colección del Prado nos confiere una gran responsabilidad: tenemos la obligación de ser líderes, a nivel mundial, en el estudio de las cuestiones que plantea la historia del arte respecto de los artistas y los cuadros de la colección. En las siguientes páginas se explican tres proyectos de investigación desarrollados por el Área de Pintura Flamenca recientemente, que muestran el abanico de proyectos los que trabajamos en el Prado, los criterios que nos guían a la hora de seleccionarlos, y la forma en que se desarrollan.

  16. Un modelo de gestión ambiental para empresas fabricantes de pinturas

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    Humberto Palos Delgadillo


    Full Text Available Dada una problemática medioambiental que existe en las organizaciones, y particularmente la que se manifiesta en la empresa mexicana, la presente investigación está referida a una empresa dedicada a la fabricación de pinturas y recubrimientos, instalada en la ciudad de Guadalajara. En este sentido, el propósito de esta investigación  es presentar un modelo de gestión ambiental en una empresa seleccionada. El modelo desarrollado está basado en el ciclo de mejora continua de Edward Deming que incluye las cuatro etapas: planear, hacer, verificar y actuar, y donde se dan a conocer las relaciones que fundamentan el modelo con las estrategias propuestas; además, se discuten los indicadores ambientales, los procedimientos, la identificación de las áreas  generadoras de desechos, y finalmente la implantación del sistema.

  17. Estudio de la capacidad para intumescer de dos sistemas de pintura expuestos a ambientes internos agresivos

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    Chico, B.


    Full Text Available The influence exerted by temperature on the resistant capacity of structural steel is well known. A highly efficient protection system for steel consists of the application of intumescent paints. In the case of fire, their effectiveness is based on the property that when they come into contact with flames they react by swelling to form an insulating layer, referred to as "intumescence", which impedes the propagation of heat. These paints do not require continuous maintenance though their service behaviour depends on the exposure conditions to which they are exposed. This paper studies the behaviour of two acrylated rubber type intumescent systems exposed to a galvanising plant for 16 months, evaluating the effect of the environment on the capacity to intumesce of the coating when subjected to heating.

    Es conocida la influencia que ejerce la temperatura en la capacidad resistente del acero estructural. Un sistema de protección del acero, altamente efectivo, consiste en la utilización de pinturas intumescentes. Su efectividad se basa en el hecho de que, en el caso eventual de un incendio, al entrar en contacto con la llama reaccionan hinchándose y formando una capa aislante que se denomina "intumescencia" y que impide la propagación del calor. Estas pinturas no precisan de un mantenimiento continuo, aunque su comportamiento en servicio depende de las condiciones de exposición. Este trabajo estudia el comportamiento de dos sistemas intumescentes de tipo caucho acrilado expuestos en una planta de galvanizado durante 16 meses, valorando el efecto del medio ambiente sobre la capacidad para intumescer del recubrimiento cuando es sometido a un calentamiento.

  18. Cidade midiatizada. Experiência, cotidiano e a representação do Rio de Janeiro nas redes sociais

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    Renata Rezende


    Full Text Available O artigo objetiva discutir como, na contemporaneidade, a vida cotidiana nas cidades é atravessada pelo espaço cibernético, o qual inaugurou novos fluxos, afetos e alegorias, particularmente com o advento das redes sociais digitais. Nesse recorte, problematizamos como as narrativas sobre a cidade do Rio de Janeiro na rede social Facebook publicizam relações que estabelecem produções de sentido afinadas às características da sociedade em rede, onde o paradoxo da mobilidade se configura na articulação com a representação midiatizada do espaço e a experiência da vida urbana.

  19. Aplicación de la Teoría General del Costo a la fabricación de pinturas arquitectónicas


    Ochoa, Gustavo Raúl Antonio


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es abordar desde la teoría del costo la problemática y singularidad de la producción de pinturas arquitectónicas, analizando los factores productivos, los procesos de producción y comercialización, cuantificando la relación de eficiencia evidenciada por medio de un sistema de información adecuado, con el fin de tomar decisiones. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

  20. Alegoria da aventura de viver

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    Biagio D'Angelo


    Full Text Available Meu diálogo apaixonado com a literatura  brasileira começou com um pe­ queno livro encontrado por casualidade numa biblioteca de minha cida­ de, não muito aberta a experiências intelectuais transoceânicas, num frio dezembro siciliano de 1988. O livro era Miguilim, numa esplêndida tradução de Eduardo Bizzarri, o tradutor "oficial" da obra rosiana na Itália, com prefácio do reconhecido e sensível autor Antonio Tabucchi. Desde aquele ano, uma frase de Tabucchi me suscitou  atenção, inquietude,  fascinação: "Miguilim está agora em seu cavalo, está partindo, e olha ao entorno. Agora vê o real em seus mais minu­ ciosos contornos. Submerso,  de improviso,  no Agora, o Miguilim afastado do oco do tempo, olha. Mas o que é aquele olhar e o que significa?" Curioso, iniciei a leitura das obras que achava nas livrarias, pergun tando, com olhos inquisidores -como os do pequeno Miguilim -se conheciam e se tinham um autor  brasileiro com nome de atriz do neorealismo  italiano... Entrei, assim, no Sertão. Uma frase de Grande sertão: veredas funcionou  como introdução à viagem pelo sertão  e pelo universo  de Guimarães  Rosa: "Vivendo se aprende; mas o que se aprende, mais, é só a fazer outras maiores perguntas" (ROSA, 1958, p. 389-390.

  1. Una revisión a la interpretación de la Pintura Moderna de Greenberg a través de los textos de la Vanguardia

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    Javier Cuevas del Barrio


    Full Text Available El texto Pintura Moderna de Clement Greenberg, publicado en 1960, es una de las interpretaciones clásicas de las Vanguardias Históricas. A través de él, Greenberg desarrolla su teoría formalista que durante mucho tiempo dominó la interpretación de la pintura vanguardista. En este artículo hacemos una revisión de la teoría greenberiana a través de distintos textos de la Vanguardia, como el Manifiesto Suprematista de Malévich, o la opinión de filósofos como Simmel, Ortega y Benjamin.Clement Greenberg’s text Modern Painting, published in 1960, is one of the classical interpretation of the Avant-garde. Through it, Greenberg developed his formalism theory that long dominated the interpretation of the avant-garde painting. In this article we review Greenberg’s theory through different texts of Modernism as Malevich’s Suprematism Manifest, or the opinion of philosophers such as Simmel, Ortega or Benjamin.

  2. Sintomas de “regionalismo crítico”: sobre o “decorativismo” na pintura de Amadeo de Souza Cardoso

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    Cunha Leal, Joana


    Full Text Available This article discusses at its outset the way Portuguese art history acknowledged and debated the relation that Amadeo Souza Cardoso’s painting establishes between international modernism and its regional Portuguese provenance. This debate imposed the idea that Amadeo’s national origins brought about, by way of the putative Portuguese disregard of main cultural and aesthetic standards, a trace of provincialism, eventually making his work unable of any critical stance. This provincialism is diagnosed on the basis of Amadeo’s decorative appropriation of Robert Delaunay’s simultaneous color circles. This article discusses this thesis, demonstrating that, far from the reactionary drive associated to it, Amadeo’s decorative interpretation of such element must, instead, be understood as a symptom of resistance, one that can be acknowledged as approaching the idea of “critical regionalism”. A final hypothesis suggests that the invisibility of this symptom arises from a perspective that associates modernism to the overcoming of representation in art.Se analiza cómo la historiografía portuguesa dimensionó la relación que la pintura de Amadeo de Souza Cardoso (1887-1918 establece entre las indagaciones internacionales del modernismo y su regional “portugalidad”. Somos conducidos así a la idea de que el origen portugués introduce en la obra de Amadeo, por putativa insuficiencia cultural y estética, un ingenuo provincianismo desprovisto de instancia crítica. Ese provincianismo lo haría apropiarse decorativamente de los célebres discos simultáneos de Robert Delaunay. Este artículo pretende discutir esa tesis, procurando demostrar que, lejos de la distorsión que se le atribuye, la apropiación “decorativa” que Amadeo hace de ese elemento se inscribe en un plano de resistencia cercano a la idea de “regionalismo crítico”. Sobreviene, por fin, la hipótesis, desarrollada a partir del análisis de una tele de 1917, de que la

  3. Caracterización arqueométrica de pigmentos y soportes procedentes de pinturas murales góticas (S. XIII-XV

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    Kriznar, A.


    mortar as support were used in these Gothic wall paintings. Moreover, this feature, besides of cinnabar application, allows to establish the 1400-1410 wall paintings in the artistic Italian current named Trecento. The second procedure to paint is a typical of North Europe: one or two layer of mortar with a fine layer of lime. This is used to improve the strenght of lime as an aglutinant in the mortar. With this study, it is concluded that the Italian and North-European artistic currents met in Slovenian territory, which is appraisable as much stilistic (Art History as scientific (Chemical and Physical analysis point of views. This kind of investigation allows to know better the Central European Art and the Slovenian Art in the Adriatic zone, as well as the general map of European Art in the Middle Age.

    El presente trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre pinturas murales góticas (S. XIII-XV. En concreto, se han estudiado las que se encuentran en el interior de varias iglesias de Eslovenia y que no habían sido estudiadas, hasta la fecha, por medio de técnicas instrumentales de análisis de materiales. Una de ellas está situada en la ciudad de Crngrob (Eslovenia y se ha seleccionado como objeto de este estudio (Iglesia de la Anunciación de María. El estudio científico de las muestras en el ICMSE se basó, principalmente, en la preparación de una serie de secciones estratigráficas a partir de los fragmentos pequeños de las mismas para analizar las diferentes capas de mortero soporte y de la propia pintura. Se examinaron dichas preparaciones por varias técnicas, como son fotografía digital, microscopías óptica y electrónica (MEB, espectroscopía IR (reflexión y EDX. Una información adicional sobre pigmentos y morteros se obtuvo mediante IR (transmisión, preparando pastillas con KBr, además de DRX. Las muestras estudiadas pueden clasificarse en dos grupos que, a su vez, permiten apreciar dos formas de pintura mural. La primera es t

  4. O espaço dos possíveis de Steve Jobs: como foi possível a mitificação em torno da imagem da Apple?


    Tartas, Felipe dos Santos


    A publicidade da Apple, inspirada na obra 1984 de George Orwell, veiculada durante a transmissão televisiva do Super Bowl XVIII serviu como alegoria da configuração história da esfera tecnológica dos Estados Unidos da América à época. Afetividade e racionalidade, antagonismo pelo qual, em uma lógica relacional, se definiu a Apple. O sucesso de Steve Jobs está atrelado às mudanças na esfera tecnológica nos últimos anos, a um maior encantamento dessa esfera, que reflete a estrutura social mais ...

  5. La calle es nuestra: La pintura mural del colectivo plástico de zaragoza durante la transición.

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    Mª Luisa Grau Tello


    Full Text Available Dentro del proceso de transición española hacia un régimen democrático, la pintura mural en el espacio urbano adquirió un papel de primera importancia al convertirse en un medio de expresión con el que partidos políticos y ciudadanos manifestaron sus deseos de cambio. El Colectivo Plástico de Zaragoza protagonizó esta actividad en Zaragoza junto con los barrios de la ciudad, que expresaron a través de estos murales las deficiencias y reivindicaciones que demandaban sus vecinos.

  6. Análisis y minimización de la emisión atmosférica de compuestos orgánicos volátiles en procesos industriales químicos dentro del sector de la fabricación de resinas y bases para pinturas


    Cussó García, Daniel


    El objeto de este trabajo es cuantificar el impacto ambiental que causan las industrias de fabricación de pinturas y barnices en Cataluña y valorar su coste económico y social. Este estudio se fundamenta en un caso práctico real, que sirve como modelo de referencia para justificar las conclusiones obtenidas para el conjunto en general del sector. Esta actividad produce pinturas y barnices, a partir de resinas y catalizadores, mediante la formulación en reactores en los que se obtiene la ba...

  7. La pintura como material de ingeniería civil

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    Ortega, Juan J.


    Full Text Available This article gives a detailed description of the properties to be satisfied by organic paints, their specific uses, and the means of estimating in advance the behaviour of these materials in two important branches of civil engineering, namely, in a the protection of iron and steel surfaces against corrosion (owing to the very great economic importance of corrosion in industrial plants and b the surface finishing of structures that are to be kept in the open air (this refers to paints to be applied to woodwork and to metal surfaces.En este artículo se hace una descripción detallada de las características que deben reunir los recubrimientos orgánicos, las funciones específicas que se les asignan y el modo de predecir el comportamiento de los que se empleen en dos grandes aspectos de la Ingeniería Civil, como son: a La protección de las superficies de hierro y acero contra la corrosión, dado el extraordinario interés técnico y económico de la corrosión de los hierros industriales. b El acabado de estructuras que hayan de permanecer a la intemperie (pinturas para aplicación sobre madera y de acabado de superficies metálicas.

  8. Evaluación del riesgo ocupacional por exposición a benceno tolueno y xilenos en una industria de pinturas en Bogotá D.C.

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    María Del Pilar Rubiano D.


    Full Text Available Se determinaron los niveles de benceno, tolueno y xilenos (BTX en el aire de una industria de pinturas adscrita al Instituto Colombiano de Seguros Sociales, con el propósito de evaluar el riesgo ocupacional ocasionado por el uso de estos solventes; se compararon estos resultados con los valores límite umbral (Threshold Limit Valué , TLV.


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    María del Pilar Rubiano


    Full Text Available Se determinaron los niveles de benceno,tolueno y xilenos (BTX en el aire deuna industria de pinturas adscrita al InstitutoColombiano de Seguros Sociales,con el propósito de evaluar el riesgo ocupacional ocasionado por el uso de estos solventes; se compararon estos resultados con los valores límite umbral (Threshold Limit Valué , TLV. Se escogió como estrategia de muestreo la metodología de período parcial con muestras consecutivas y se utilizaron tubos de carbón activado como medio de captación de solventes. La extracciónse hizo con disulfuro de carbono y se utilizó como método de análisis la cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de llama. Se encontró que el método es altamente selectivo porque aun en presencia de otros 10 solventes utilizados en la industria de pinturas, fue posible encontrar una buena separación para BTX. La precisión, expresada como coeficiente de variación, fue menor al 10%, la exactitud varió entre 85 y 99% para los tres disolventes. Se encontraron concentraciones en aire que variaron entre no detectable y 55,1 mg/m3 para el benceno; entre 18,3 y 253 mg/m3 para tolueno; entre 11,8 y 122,2 mg/m3 para xileno. Los valores TLV de benceno, tolueno y xilenos, corregidos de acuerdo con el modelo de Brief y Scala para una jornada diaria de 10 horas fueron de 1,1, 132 y 304 mg/m3 respectivamente. Se encontró que existe riesgo ocupacional por benceno en algunos puestos de trabajo, lo cual es preocupante si se tiene en cuenta que éste no es utilizado como materia prima en la fabricación de pinturas. El tolueno presenta riesgo ocupacional en menor proporción mientras que la presencia de xilenos no genera riesgo porque las concentraciones encontradas no superaron el valor TLV. Se determinó que existe riesgo ocupacional en la mayoría de los puestos de trabajo de la industria estudiada cuando se considera la mezcla de los tres disolventes.


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    Julio Fernández Portela


    Full Text Available Resumen: El tema del paisaje se encuentra dentro del currículo de Educación Infantil y de Educación Primaria, a través del cual se puede trabajar otro tipo de contenidos. Este trabajo presenta la pintura como una herramienta didáctica utilizada para el estudio de los temas de paisaje, y que mediante la observación de los cuadros los profesores pueden explicar otros elementos que conforman el espacio geográ co que permitan a los alumnos ver la utilidad del arte como una fuente que les proporciona información del medio que los rodea. Palabras clave: Recurso didáctico, pintura, viñedos, Castilla y León, paisaje. Abstract: The theme of the landscape is in the curriculum of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education, through which you can work other content. This paper presents painting as a didactic tool used to study the issues of landscape, and by observing the pictures teachers can explain other elements of the geographic space that allow students to see the usefulness of art as a source that provides information environment around them. 

  11. Os tempos felizes: a presença de elementos classicistas na estética lukacsiana

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    Carla Milani Damião


    Full Text Available O presente artigo pretende investigar aspectos classicistas no pensamento de Lukács, ressaltando em sua teoria as idéias de epicidade, símbolo e alegoria como os principais termos de sua estética que mostram vínculos com teorias tradicionais.This article aims to deal with some classicist aspects of Lukács' thought, highlighting in his theory the ideas of epic, symbol and allegory as the main concepts of his Aesthetics related to the traditional theories.


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    Adriana Facina

    Full Text Available Resumo O Baile da Chatuba é realizado desde meados dos anos 1990 na Quadra da Chatuba, Morro da Chatuba, parte do Complexo da Penha, na Zona Norte do Rio de Janeiro. A ocupação militar do Complexo da Penha em 2010 e a instalação de uma Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP no Morro em 2012 restringiram o uso da Quadra, e o Baile foi suspenso. Em 2014 a Secretaria de Cultura do Estado patrocinou seu retorno, negociado entre os realizadores, integrantes da UPP, a Secretaria de Cultura, varejistas de substâncias ilícitas e moradores. Excluiu-se o subgênero de funk carioca cujas narrativas evocam a vida no crime: o proibidão, em função do qual o evento se tornara conhecido. Pesquisa histórica, análises fonográficas e trabalho de campo conduzido entre 2005 e 2015 reúnem-se nos âmbitos de uma antropologia urbana e de uma musicologia relacional (Born 2010 para inserir tal processo na história da criminalização das festas populares do bairro da Penha. Eximidos de uma visão linear e evolucionista da história (Benjamin 1985, a Festa da Penha e o Baile da Chatuba emergem como alegorias de uma história de longa duração das culturas da diáspora negra. Essa história articula criminalização e sobrevivência, e sugere que o proibidão seja parte de construções de identidade referenciadas nas experiências compartidas da violência armada e da violação de direitos.

  13. Degradación atmosférica de un recubrimiento de pintura intumescente

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    Chico, B.


    Full Text Available The influence exerted by temperature on the resistant capacity of structural steel is well known. A highly efficient and increasingly widely used protection system for steel consists of the application of intumescent paints, which in the case of fire retard its destructive action. Their effectiveness is based on the property that when they come into contact with flames they react by swelling to form an insulating layer, referred to as intumescence, which impedes the propagation of heat. Though in general these paints do not require continuous maintenance, their service behaviour depends on the exposure conditions to which they are exposed. This paper studies the behaviour of an acrylated rubber type intumescent system exposed to two outdoor atmospheres. The same system is also studied with the protection of a topcoat paint layer. The coating’s capacity to intumesce has been measured before and after its exposure to the corresponding atmospheres by means of fire resistance tests applied at laboratory scale. The evolution of the coating’s behaviour with exposure time has been studied by means of thermal analysis (TG/DTA and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR.

    Es de sobra conocida la influencia que ejerce la temperatura en la capacidad resistente del acero estructural. Un sistema de protección del acero, altamente efectivo y de uso creciente, consiste en la utilización de pinturas intumescentes, las cuales en el caso eventual de un incendio, retardan la acción destructora del mismo. Su efectividad se basa en el hecho de que al entrar en contacto con la llama reaccionan hinchándose y formando una capa aislante que se denomina intumescencia y que impide la propagación del calor. Aunque en general estas pinturas no precisan de un mantenimiento continuo, su comportamiento en servicio depende de las condiciones de exposición. Este trabajo estudia el comportamiento de un sistema intumescente de tipo caucho acrilado expuesto en dos atm

  14. Gastronomia na Tela: As Representações da Comida no Cinema

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    José Roberto Yasoshima


    Full Text Available A história da gastronomia se funde com a própria história do homem pois, a comida está presente em sua vida desde o seu nascimento até sua morte. Representada na pintura, na escultura, na fotografia, a comida tem despertado também o interesse da sétima arte que, se não é capaz de sensibilizar o nosso paladar através da imagem, aguça o nosso apetite e nosso desejo. Com uma produção crescente nas últimas três décadas, os filmes gastronômicos tem abordado a comida ou como metáfora, ou como metonímia, assim como as relações e emoções do ato de cozinhar, com representações de chefes de cozinha, de pratos cuidadosamente elaborados, de técnicas de cozinha, de defesa do patrimônio gastronômico e, até, das patologias relacionadas. Através de uma metodologia de pesquisa documental de fontes não escrita foi feita uma análise dos filmes gastronômicos procurando as suas principais características relacionadas com a gastronomia. Destarte, os chamados filmes gastronômicos ou food films abrem um novo campo de interesse para estudos e pesquisas. 

  15. El retrato del Obispo de Quito Pedro Ponce Carrasco en el Museo de América: Estudio monográfico de la pintura

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    Ángel Justo Estebaranz


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza el retrato del XVIII obispo de Quito, don Pedro Ponce Carrasco, realizado por Francisco Albán y su hijo en 1769 y actualmente conservado en el Museo de América de Madrid. Se estudia la composición de la pintura, las fuentes grabadas utilizadas por el artista, y también el sentido de la pintura, relacionándola con las particulares circunstancias en que se encontraba el retratado en el momento del encargo. Asimismo, se aporta documentación inédita sobre el proceso de adquisición del cuadro por parte del Museo de América a mediados del siglo XX. Abstract: This paper analyzes the portrait of the XVIII bishop of Quito, Don Pedro Ponce Carrasco, painted by Francisco Albán and his son in 1769, and exhibited in the Museo de América (Madrid. We study the composition of the painting and the engraved source used by the artist. In addition, we study the meaning of the painting, relating it to the particular circumstances of the bishop at the time of the commission. Also, unpublished documents on the process of acquisition of the painting by the Museo de América in the middle of the 20th century are provided.

  16. La sociedad cubana y la pintura religiosa cristiana: una encrucijada del hombre y los símbolos

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    M.Sc. Juan Carlos Mejías-Ruiz


    Full Text Available El arte religioso cristiano tiene una vasta historia en el contexto del arte universal, aunque se estudia más lo relacionado con sus características formales que lo concerniente a los condicionantes sociales que favorecen su desarrollo o no, y al aspecto ideológico. En el presente trabajo se plantean las posibles causas, a nivel macro, de la producción de pintura religiosa cristiana en Cuba y algunas de sus particularidades en la ciudad de Camagüey, lugar que posee la mayor cantidad de artistas que desarrollan este tema en toda la isla, por lo que el estudio se concentra en esta ciudad, y en los años de 1990 al 2012.

  17. Aplicación de la resistencia de ruido al estudio de pinturas ricas en zinc

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    Espada Recarey, Luis


    Full Text Available Electrochemical Noise has been one of the more useful analysis methods to the study the corrosion processes due to the fact that it is simple and cheap. The objective of this work is to check the efficiency of this technique when it is applied to the study of Rich Zinc Paints and specifically the Noise Resistance parameter which is very efficiency to study metal-electrolyte systems. Then this technique was applied to Rich Zinc Paints systems of which we have already information by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The outcomes of this paper show the efficiency of applying Noise Resistance technique to explain the behavior of this kind of systems. REVISION 34 Obtención de la tenacidad de fractura dinámica de iniciación de materiales elásticos y lineales Determination of dynamic fracture initiation toughness of linear elastic materials

    La medida e interpretación del ruido electroquímico, REQ se está consolidando como uno de los métodos de análisis más utilizados para la interpretación del fenómeno de la corrosión, por su sencillez y bajo coste frente a otros tipos de metodologías del estudio. El objeto de este trabajo es comprobar la eficacia de la técnica de ruido electroquímico aplicada al estudio de las pinturas ricas en zinc, concretamente, en lo relativo al parámetro "resistencia de ruido" que tan eficaz se ha mostrado en el estudio de sistemas metal desnudoelectrolito. Para ello, se aplicó esta técnica de análisis a muestras de pinturas ricas en zinc, de las que ya se poseía información sobre su comportamiento, a través de la aplicación a las mismas muestras de la impedancia electroquímica, EIE. Los resultados de este articulo muestran la eficacia de la aplicación de la resistencia de ruido, a la hora de explicar el comportamiento de este tipo de sistemas.

  18. Absorto na ação

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    Michael Fried


    Full Text Available O filme Zidane, um retrato do século XXI, de Douglas Gordon e Philippe Parreno (2006 pertence à tradição de absorção que desempenhou um papel crucial na evolução da arte moderna. O autor explora a tensão entre absorção e teatralidade - central tanto para a pintura francesa do século XVIII como para a fotografia dos séculos XX e XXI - e tira conseqüências estéticas e filosóficas do filme que retrata, ao longo de todos os noventa minutos de uma partida de futebol, o meio-campista francês Zinedine Zidane.Zidane, a 21st Century Portrait, a film by Douglas Gordon and Philippe Perreno, belongs to the absorptive tradition that has played a central role in the evolution of modern art. The author explores the tension between absorption and theatricality - crucial to 18th century French art as well as to 20th and 21th century photography - and draws aesthetic and philosophical consequences of this film that depicts, throughout all the 90 minutes of a soccer match, the French midfielder Zinedine Zidane.

  19. Ibiza en la pintura costumbrista de Amadeo Roca

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    Lena Mateu Prats, Mª.


    Full Text Available The controversy that aroused in the thirties provoked by the way in which Amadeo Roca represented the traditional costumes of Ibiza in his paintings acts as the structural axis of this article in order to deepen in the appropriate concept of ideal of group and in the evolutionary process that affects it. The clash between established correctness (limited by the loss of historical memory and artistic freedom (not lacking ethnographic documentation and content offers an interesting field of study in which ethnohistorical methodology must take part. Beside this the painter’s convenient stay in a peasant village of the island sketches an anthropological view of the place and the moment, interrelated with the process of achievement and indeed of disappearance of a part of his work.La polémica que en los años treinta suscitó la manera con que se mostraba la indumentaria tradicional ibicenca en la pintura costumbrista de Amadeo Roca sirve de eje estructural al artículo para profundizar en el correspondiente concepto de ideal de grupo y en el proceso evolutivo que le afecta. El enfrentamiento entre la corrección establecida (limitada por la pérdida de memoria histórica y la libertad artística (no exenta de documentación etnográfica y contenido ofrece así un interesante campo de estudio en el que ha de tomar parte la metodología etnohistórica. Junto a ello, la oportuna estancia del pintor en un núcleo de la payesía isleña, esboza una visión antropológica del lugar y el momento, interrelacionada con el proceso de realización, e incluso desaparición, de parte de su obra.


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    Bogdan Piotrowski


    Full Text Available Se presenta aquí la obra artística de José del Carmen Hernández desde la premisa según la cual, al valorar su pintura podemos hablar del arte de la vida y de la vida artística plena. Se resalta su esforzada trayectoria de vida que lo ha llevado desde un humilde origen campesino hasta la formación artística académica y a través de tertulias de artistas en diferentes partes del mundo. Al destacar su obra pictórica, escultórica, mural y abstracta, se concluye con el vínculo actual del artista con su propia realidad y la esperanza como motor de su obra frente a la constata - ción de las violencias persistentes.

  1. Cave paintings in the Barranc del Bosquet (Moixent, Valencia | Pinturas rupestres en el Barranc del Bosquet (Moixent, Valencia

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    Mauro S. Hernández Pérez


    Full Text Available Account is given of the finding of two caves containing schematic paintings in the Barranc del Bosquet (Moixent, Valencia. The subjects there pictured are analysed; among these, human figures outstand by their abundance and typological variety. Some considerations are brought up about chronology and meaning of this prehistoric artistic manifestation in the Valencian country. | Se da cuenta del hallazgo de dos abrigos con pinturas rupestres esquemáticas en el Barranc del Bosquet (Moixent, Valencia. Se analizan los temas representados, entre los que destacan por su abundancia y variedad tipológica las figuras humanas, y se realizan una serie de consideraciones sobre la cronología y significado de esta manifestación artística prehistórica en el País Valenciano.

  2. Plan de negocios para una empresa dedicada a la fabricación, comercialización y aplicación de revestimientos arquitectónicos (pinturas).



    El proyecto empresarial propuesto consiste en un proceso de fabricación de pinturas ecológicas utilizando materias primas de origen natural, que poseen propiedades similares a las convencionales pero con la ventaja de no ser tóxicas para los humanos ni agresoras para el medio ambiente. Para este trabajo, se analizó la tendencia del sector constructor y su alto crecimiento en el país, y se tienen como mercado objetivo la construcción nueva y el mantenimiento de edificaciones (vivienda ...

  3. Pinturas, espacios y realidades complejas: un breve acercamiento a tres versiones indígenas del territorio novohispano de finales del siglo XVI y principios del XVII


    Vicente Amparan, Martha


    Durante el Virreinato, las sociedades indígenas vivieron un reordenamiento territorial que las alejó de sus antiguos asentamientos para ser congregadas en “pueblos de indios”, de acuerdo con los patrones de asentamiento impuestos por los conquistadores. La nueva organización generó conflictos por la tierra y por el espacio que quedaron plasmados en las pinturas de finales del siglo XVI y principios del XVII, elaboradas por un tlacuiloque. En ellas podemos apreciar la manera en que los indios ...

  4. Aplicación de la técnica de ruido electroquímico al estudio de pinturas comerciales de efecto barrera

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    Lanchas García-Zarco, Santiago


    Full Text Available Electrochemical noise is one of the methods of analysis used to interpret the phenomenon of corrosion. It has a number of advantages over other methodology types including its simplicity, its low cost and the fact that it does not disturb the system. This methodology appears to be effective together with other techniques in metal-electrolyte systems. In this case the technique is applied on its own on commercial anti-corrosion paints for which no information is available from other techniques. The main result of this study reveals the effectiveness of the noise resistance parameter, which had already been tested in the lab, when it is used to explain how the paint system behaves in industry.La medida e interpretación del Ruido Electroquímico (REQ es uno de los métodos de análisis utilizados para la interpretación del fenómeno de la corrosión. Presenta, frente a otros tipos de metodologías, una serie de ventajas como son su sencillez, bajo coste y el hecho de ser un método no perturbativo. Esta metodología se ha mostrado eficaz en el estudio de sistemas metal desnudo-electrolito combinada con otras técnicas de análisis. En este caso se aplicó al estudio de pinturas comerciales utilizadas en procesos de prevención de la corrosión de las que no se tenían otro tipo de información. Como principal resultado de este estudio se muestra la eficacia de la aplicación de la resistencia de ruido, ya verificada en ensayos a nivel de laboratorio, para explicar el comportamiento de sistemas de pinturas que actualmente se están utilizando en la industria.

  5. Aplicación de las geotecnologías láser escáner para la digitalización tridimensional de pinturas rupestres de abrigos


    Santisteban Martínez, Raúl


    Este proyecto tiene como finalidad documentar las pinturas rupestres descubiertas en Ojos Albos, de una manera no destructiva aprovechando la tecnología disponible en la escuela Politécnica Superior de Ávila y los conocimientos en el campo de la fotografía del alumno. Este documento aborda las distintitas tareas realizadas durante la documentación del yacimiento, desde la generación de un plano partiendo de los datos obtenidos con el láser-escáner 3D, hasta documentación fotográfica de los...

  6. Otro enigma de El Greco: ¿un pintor escéptico que realiza pintura religiosa?

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    Rodríguez G. de Ceballos, Alfonso


    Full Text Available Contrary to current opinion, El Greco was not only a prolific painter of religious pictures, but also person of entrenched beliefs both as a member of an Orthodox family, and when he converted to the Roman Catholic faith, as is clear from many episodes and events in his life and death. This hypothesis is borne out by the correct and traditional iconography in his religious paintings, and in the ideological, technical and expressive aspects of his work.Frente a la opinión reciente, El Greco no solo fue pintor de amplísima obra religiosa, sino personalmente de arraigadas convicciones religiosas, tanto como miembro de una familia de fe ortodoxa como también después de su paso al catolicismo romano, como lo demuestran muchos episodios y acontecimientos de su vida y muerte. Avalan esta suposición tanto la correcta y tradicional iconografía de su pintura sacra, cuanto muchas de las características ideológicas, técnicas y expresivas de su obra.

  7. Sganzerla Cover

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    Victor da Rosa


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, realizo uma leitura do cinema de Rogério Sganzerla, desde o clássico O bandido da luz vermelha até os documentários filmados na década de oitenta, a partir de duas noções centrais: cover e over. Para isso, parto de uma controvérsia com o ensaio de Ismail Xavier, Alegorias do subdesenvolvimento, em que o crítico realiza uma leitura do cinema brasileiro da década de sessenta através do conceito de alegoria; depois releio uma série de textos críticos do próprio Sganzerla, publicados em Edifício Sganzerla, procurando repensar as ideias de “herói vazio” ou “cinema impuro” e sugerindo assim uma nova relação do seu cinema com o tempo e a representação; então busco articular tais ideias com certos procedimentos de vanguarda, como a falsificação, a cópia, o clichê e a colagem; e finalmente procuro mostrar que, no cinema de Sganzerla, a partir principalmente de suas reflexões sobre Orson Welles, a voz é usada de maneira a deformar a interpretação naturalista.

  8. Estudio de materiales y técnica de ejecución de los restos de pintura mural romana hallados en una excavación arqueológica de Guadix (Granada

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    Ana García Bueno


    Full Text Available Este artículo da a conocer unos restos de pintura mural romana encontrados en Guadix, tanto desde el punto de vista arqueológico como analítico. Estos fragmentos de pintura mural constituían parte del material de relleno de una canalización romana, cuya cronología pudo precisarse con exactitud, que posiblemente formaría parte de la red hidráulica de la antigua ACCIS. Ateniéndonos a las características de los fragmentos, se seleccionaron muestras de los colores más frecuentes para determinar los pigmentos utilizados y la técnica de ejecución empleada en su construcción.This article makes Known the remains of Román wall painting found in Guadix, botti fron au archaeological and analytical point of view. These fragments of wall painting constituted part of ttie filling material used in a Román channelling, whose chronology was accurately established, which would probably be part of the hydraulic system in ancient ACCIS. Keeping in mind the characteristics of the fragments, samples of the most frecuent colours were chosen to determine the pigments used and the execution technique employed in its construction.

  9. Avance al estudio de las pinturas rupestres esquemáticas de la Cueva del Plato. Panel "A" (Otiñar, Jaén

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    Full Text Available En estos últimos años se han descubierto una serie de abrigos y cuevas con pinturas rupestres de tipo «esquemático» en la provincia de Jaén. En muchos de los casos han sido dadas a conocer de forma muy sucinta a modo de pequeño informe, llamando la atención de los especialistas e interesándoles por ellas. Otras veces las noticias de los hallazgos no han pasado de las páginas del periódico local, con el consiguiente detrimento para el conocimiento de las manifestaciones artísticas de las primitivas poblaciones del Alto Guadalquivir.

  10. Pedro de Castañeda: su pintura para el refectorio del Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso (1553

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    González Ramos, Roberto


    Full Text Available El pintor Pedro de Castañeda es un artista poco conocido, activo en la zona de Alcalá de Henares en las décadas centrales del siglo XVI. Se sabe que junto a su hijo Juan fue colaborador del entallador y traductor de Vitruvio Miguel de Urrea. Pedro de Castañeda pintó un cirial que había tallado Urrea para la iglesia parroquial de Camarma de Esteruelas, trabajo por el que ambos cobraron cierta cantidad en 1540, y en 1550 colaboró con ese entallador y con Claudio de Arciniega, ayudado por Juan, en la obra de los retablos colaterales de la iglesia de Daganzo de Arriba (perdidos, realizando su pintura. Parece que se trata del mismo artista el Pedro Castañeda que se documenta trabajando en la zona de Segovia, concretamente en dos retablos para la iglesia de Cascajares del Fresno. Falleció en 1557…

  11. Estudio arqueométrico comparativo de muestras de pinturas con azul egipcio, procedentes de la tumba de Nefertari siglo XIII a.C. y del Balneum, termas romanas, siglos I a.C., I d.C.

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    Criado Portal, A. J.


    Full Text Available In the present work have studied two samples with the same pigment, Egyptian Blue, but from different sources. The difference between them is caused by the functionality. In the case of Nefertari´s tomb is decorating interior rooms carved into rock in which they would not suffer any damage since it does not accessed to that place anymore. In the case of Balneum´s baths is decorating very warm and humid rooms, and should resist deterioration resulting from human activity during the use of these baths.

    En el trabajo presentado se han estudiado dos muestras de pinturas con el mismo pigmento, azul egipcio, de distinta procedencia. Las diferencias entre ellas vienen causadas por la funcionalidad. En el caso de la tumba de Nefertari se trata de decorar estancias interiores excavadas en roca en las que no sufrirían deterioro alguno, dado que no se accedería a ese lugar nunca más. En el caso del Balneum se trata de pinturas que decoran ambientes muy húmedos y cálidos y que, además, deben resistir el deterioro derivado de la actividad humana en dichas termas.

  12. Maritime transport as represented in Roman mosaics, reliefs and paintings in Ostia | El transporte marítimo según las representaciones de los mosaicos romanos, relieves y pinturas de Ostia

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    José María Blázquez Martínez


    Full Text Available This work aims to study some monuments serving to ilustrate the Roman sea trade: mosaics, reliefs and wall painting, principally from Ostia, although mosaics from North Africa and Spain are also considered. | Este trabajo estudia algunos monumentos que permiten ilustrar el comercio marítimo romano: mosaicos, relieves y pintura mural, principalmente de Ostia, aunque también son tomados en consideración mosaicos del norte de África y España.

  13. A literatura e a imagem configuradas na arte clássica: análise do Rapto de Perséfone = Literature and Image represented in the Classic Art: An analysis Persephone’ abduction

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    Maria do Carmo Faustino Borges


    Full Text Available Este artigo é uma breve pesquisa de teorias sobre a leitura de textos e imagens, de dados históricos e uma abordagem sociocultural resumida do povo grego e do romano na construção da Arte Clássica. O estudo é complementado pela análise de um texto mitológico e de uma imagem a ele referente, cujo propósito é observar os elementos vinculados ao processo de leitura, entre a literatura e a pintura, a partir do modo de perceber e conceber o mundo entre esses povos. O corpus a ser analisado é uma pintura que representa O Rapto de Perséfone e um texto narrativo sobre esse episódio na Mitologia grega.Ambos servem a um confronto que mostra a relação entre as duas artes e as suas transposições; ao leitor/receptor, as possíveis percepções e analogias a partir dos signos visuais e linguísticos oferecidos.This article is a brief theory’s research about the reading of texts and images, historic topics and a social-cultural summary approach of Greek and Roman peoples in the Classic Art construction. The study is complemented by the analysis of a mythological text and a reference image, of which purpose is to observe the elements linked to the process of reading, between literature and painting, from the way to perceive and to conceive the world among these peoples. The corpus to be analyzed is a painting that represents Persephone’s abduction and a narrative text about this episode in the Greek Mythology. Both serve to a comparison that shows a relationship between the two arts and their transpositions; to the reader/receptor, the possible perceptions and analogies from the visual and linguistic offered signs.

  14. Boccaccio e Petrarca na pintura exemplar de Botticelli


    Gomes, António Martins


    Assinalando o quinto centenário da morte do pintor Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510), homenageia-se aqui a obra deste artista destacado do Renascimento através da relação entre dois dos seus mais importantes quadros e textos de dois autores italianos: Nastagio degli Onesti e Nascimento de Vénus contêm duas representações da mulher, coincidindo tanto no comportamento que dela espera a sociedade renascentista, como nos modelos medievais de Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) e de Francesco Petrarca (130...

  15. Where is Gilles? Or, the little mistake in a copy of Brouillet's painting: "A clinical lesson at the Salpêtrière" Onde está Gilles? Ou, o pequeno engano em uma cópia da pintura de Brouillet: "Uma lição clínica na Salpêtrière"

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    Francisco M. B. Germiniani


    Full Text Available Professor Jean-Martin Charcot is considered the most important professor of Neurology and also the head of the Salpêtrière School of Neurology. In a famous picture painted by André Brouillet and presented at the Salon of 1887, under the title "A clinical lesson at the Salpêtrière", Professor Charcot presents a case of hysteria to a large audience of physicians and renowned intellectuals. Copies of this guided picture are also available for sale at the shop of the Museum of the School of Medicine of Paris and are frequently used in lectures by neurologists worldwide. However, in these reproductions, Gilles de la Tourette's and Charles Féré's positions are inverted. This historical note sheds some light on this little mistake in some of the reproductions of Brouillet's famous painting, so that further confusion can be avoided.O professor Jean-Martin Charcot é considerado o professor mais importante da Neurologia e também o chefe da Escola de Neurologia de Salpêtrière. Em um quadro célebre pintado por André Brouillet e apresentado no Salão de 1887, sob o título "Uma Lição Clínica na Salpêtrière", o professor Charcot apresenta um caso de histeria a um grande público composto de médicos e intelectuais de renome. Cópias desse quadro também estão disponíveis para venda na loja do Museu da Escola de Medicina de Paris e são frequentemente utilizadas em palestras ministradas por neurologistas em todo o mundo. No entanto, nessas reproduções, Gilles de la Tourette e Charles Féré estão em posições invertidas. Esta nota histórica alerta sobre esse pequeno engano em algumas das reproduções da famosa pintura de Brouillet, a fim de que mais confusão seja evitada.

  16. Una nueva pintura de Peter Thijs identificada en la Colegiata de Santa Gertrudis de Nivelles (Valonia

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    Sanzsalazar, Jahel


    Full Text Available Considered today as anonymous and attributed in a 1925 document to Gaspar de Crayer, the painting at Nivelles reveals the stylistic features of Peter Thijs: composition, models, handling and color are comparable to other works by his hand. As usual, Thijs has recourse to the paintings of Van Dyck, while eluding the more habitual depictions of this episode from the life of Saint Dominic, fervor for whom grew in Antwerp during the first half of the 17th century, due promotion by Dominicans and Jesuits.

    Tenida en la actualidad como anónima, y atribuida a Gaspar de Crayer en documentos de principios del siglo XX, la pintura de la Colegiata de Nivelles es comparable en composición, modelos, factura y sentido del color con otras obras de Peter Thijs. El pintor recurre, como fue su costumbre, a Van Dyck, a la vez que se distancia de las representaciones más frecuentes de este episodio de la vida de Santo Domingo, cuyo fervor creció en Amberes por impulso de dominicos y jesuitas en la primera mitad del siglo XVII.

  17. O espelho invertido. Uma comparação entre a pintura japonesa contemporânea e a dos imigrantes japoneses residentes no Brasil

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    Marco Giannotti

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é discutir de que modo a pintura dos imigrantes japoneses residentes no Brasil está de alguma maneira relacionada ao que o Japão produziu nos períodos moderno e contemporâneo. Ao longo de sua pesquisa, o autor constatava com espanto que a grande maioria dos japoneses não fazia ideia da importância cultural que possuem seus imigrantes para o contexto brasileiro. A conclusão primeira era a de que seria muito difícil estabelecer uma comparação direta entre os dois grupos sem levar em consideração um estilo internacional (americano e europeu, bem como a personalidade e o estilo dos artistas abordados.


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    Míriam Zafalon (UEM


    Full Text Available A mitologia tem construído, no decorrer dos tempos, um cabedal de informações sobre a sabedoria na antiguidade, explicitando como o pensamento tradicional, apoiado no mito, pôde estabelecer parâmetros para nortear os comportamentos humanos. O caráter sagrado do mito tem sido renovado e vivificado por meio dos discursos religiosos, artísticos e cotidianos, revisitando as histórias que transmitem o legado das civilizações para a existência de todas as épocas. Os mitos sempre estiveram relacionados à religião, sendo revelados por intermédio dos ritos os quais naturalizavam o habitus vigente. A proximidade entre o mundo contemporâneo e os mitos criados há milhares de anos se constrói sobre as lições de sabedoria, sempre atuais, que provêm do espaço mitológico. Tal aproximação presentifica-se no âmbito das artes em geral, demonstrando a influência que a tradição exerce em todas as áreas da compreensão humana. O trabalho aqui exposto faz uma leitura do livro As aventuras de Pi, de Yann Martel, com o intuito de demonstrar como a obra recupera várias alegorias religiosas, encaminhando o herói ao autoconhecimento. Referenciando diferentes práticas religiosas, o jovem Pi delineia um caminho oposto ao ceticismo que domina o pensamento dos homens da atualidade, expressando a união do homem com o seu universo, permeada pela irrupção do sagrado.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: As aventuras de Pi. Mito. Alegorias religiosas. Abstract The mythology has created, in the course of time, a wealth of information about the wisdom in ancient times, explaining how the traditional thinking, supported in myth, could establish parameters to guide human behavior. The sacred character of myth has been modernized and vitalized by means of language, by revisiting the stories that transmit the civilizations’ patrimony to the existence of all times. The myths have always been related to religion and revealed through the rites, which naturalized the

  19. La pintura rupestre esquemática en Murcia : estado de la cuestión

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    José Antonio Bernal Monreal


    Full Text Available El continuo descubrimiento de yacimientos de arte rupestre de estilo esquemático en Murcia, ha reportado hasta la fecha un importante bagaje de información, que no siempre ha sido examinada con el rigor mínimo exigible ni bajo unos parámetros que le dieran uniformidad en el contexto del arte prehistórico regional. Con este trabajo de síntesis pretendemos establecer unos puntos comunes de partida en el análisis de la pintura rupestre esquemática, para que, una vez superados los aspectos puramente estéticos, podamos avanzar en otras facetas del arte como es su contextualización cronológica y cultural y, por ende, el transfondo ideológico que lo sustenta.The ongoing discoveries of cave painting sites of the schematic style in Murcia so far has provided with an important bulk of Information, which has not always been approached by following the adequate accuracy nor guidelines so as to give shape to it within the context of the local prehistoric art. By this synthesizing piece of worlk, we intend to lay down some common starting points for the analysis of schematic cave painting. Once overecome the purely aesthetic aspects of art, we will aim to consider others, such as the chronological and cultural context and, consequently, the ideological background supporting it.

  20. Recuperación de pinturas murales en la iglesia del Monasterio de San Pedro de Cardeña (Burgos. Policromía : ornamento y simbolismo

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    Concepción Bengoechea Agustino


    Full Text Available A través de las pinturas murales recuperadas en la capilla de los Mártires del Monasterio Benedictino de Cárdena, se hace una aproximación a la iconografía y el simbolismo de los colores y las formas. Los elementos arquitectónicos se transforman, por medio de la policromía en volúmenes escultóricos con significado propio.Throughout the wall paintings recovered at the Chapel of the Martyrs in the Benedictine Monastery of Cárdena, an approach is held to the iconography and symbolism of colours and shapes. The architectural ítems are changed by polychrome inte sculptural volumes with a meaningful significance.

  1. Pintura de paisaje e imagen de España : un instrumento de análisis geográfico

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    Antonio Zárate Martín


    Full Text Available El estudio de los cuadros de paisaje como instrumento de análisis geográfico ya fue planteado en los años veinte y treinta por Sir Francls Younghusband (1920, Presidente de la Royal Geographical Society, y por Leighiey (1937, al afirmar: «la clave para la comprensión de los elementos culturales del paisaje debe buscarse en métodos y resultados de la investigación del material de la producción de la creación artística». No obstante, hay que esperar a los años setenta, al socaire del resurgimiento del lado humanístico de nuestra disciplina (D. C. D. POGOCK, ed. 1981 y del desarrollo de los estudios de percepción que facilitan el acceso al conocimiento de actitudes y prejuicios que intervienen en la organización del territorio, para que se renueve el interés por la pintura como objeto y herramienta de análisis espacial.

  2. Actualización del sistema SCADA y de control para los reactores MQ5 y MQ6 de la planta de Pinturas Condor, Sherwin Williams Ecuador

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    Jonathan Reinoso


    Full Text Available El presente documento describe la actualización del sistema SCADA para los reactores MQ5 y MQ6 de la planta de Pinturas Condor mediante el software Intouch y la actualización del sistema de control del reactor MQ5 implementado en un controlador lógico programable (PLC de marca SCHNEIDER, además de la arquitectura de control realizada en el proyecto. El sistema SCADA y de control de los reactores permiten la visualización y control de los datos y variables más relevantes durante las diferentes fases de producción de resinas en los reactores MQ5 y MQ6.

  3. Lucrècia Borja. L'alteració d’una identitat i l’errònia atribució de la pintura de Flora de Bartolomeo Veneto

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    Alexandre Vico


    Full Text Available Resum: Aquest treball pretén emfatitzar l’errònia identitat que ha arribat fins als nostres dies de Lucrècia Borja i l’equivocada atribució que se n’ha fet d’alguns retrats. Com ara, la pintura de Flora (c.1520, pintada per Bartolomeo Veneto, que ha passat a la història com una indissoluble identificació de Lucrècia. Els estudis actuals han demostrat que representa un model ideal influït pel context literari probablement relacionat amb Pietro Bembo. Durant el Renaixement, els retrats representen molt més que una identitat concreta i mimètica. Són suports de prestigi i transmissió ideològica, de virtuts morals, memòria, etc. En l’àmbit artístic venecià de principis del segle XVI sorgeixen múltiples retrats femenins de difícil identificació que la crítica freqüentment ha relacionat amb cortesanes, amants, dones. Moltes, però, representen ideals poètics a través dels quals la pintura demostra la seva capacitat de rivalitzar amb la poesia quant a demostració de l’ideal estètic de la bellesa. Aquest breu treball pretén examinar les successives interpretacions historiogràfiques que erròniament han identificat la pintura de Flora amb Lucrecia Borja a causa del valor eròtic pejorativament relacionat amb ella, però també vol posar èmfasi en les altres propostes que han permès que l’obra sigui interpretada amb l’exegesi més adequada.   Paraules clau: Lucrècia Borja, Pol Coronado, Retrat, Bartolomeo Veneto, Flora Abstract: This study intended to emphasize the identity has been wrong that has reached our days of Lucrezia Borgia and the wrong attribution has been made of some pictures. One of the most paradigmatic paintings is Flora (c.1520, painted by artist Bartolomeo Veneto. This work has gone down in history as one indissoluble portrait of Lucrezia, but recent studies have shown represents an ideal model influenced by the literary context probably related to Pietro Bembo. During the Renaissance

  4. Machado de Assis, da troca de mãos às coisas perdidas

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    Ana Luiza Andrade


    Full Text Available As crônicas de Machado de Assis funcionam esteticamente como alegorias modernas, no sentido de Walter Benjamin, de transição entre os resíduos de um modo de produção doméstico e manufaturado, para o industrial capitalista. Na crítica a ambos os modos, a crônica, como memória e esquecimento, recicla um corpo literário, orgânico, fantasmático,através das novas técnicas; ambiguamente progressista e antiprogressista. A dialética de seus movimentos e formas fragmentárias representa-se auto-consciente em seus hibridismos, através do desmembramento de um corpo cultural.

  5. La primera exposición de esculturas celebrada en el Real Museo de Pinturas

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    Rose-De Viejo, Isadora


    Full Text Available Documents preserved in the archives of the Prado Museum and the Madrid Royal Palace, an announcement in the Diario de Madrid and the testimony of a foreign resident, reveal that the first sculptural works exhibited in the then still denominated Royal Painting Museum for a period of fifteen days in January 1827, were two full-length seated portrait statues executed in Rome: Carlos IV (1817 by Ramón Barba and María Luisa de Parma (1816 by José Alvarez Cubero. This must have been a major cultural and political event that until now had not been noted in the literature on the history of the museum.

    Documentos conservados en los archivos del Museo del Prado y del Palacio Real, un anuncio aparecido en el Diario de Madrid y el testimonio de un forastero, revelan que las primeras esculturas expuestas en el entonces todavía denominado Real Museo de Pinturas durante quince días de enero de 1827, fueron dos estatuas sedentes de cuerpo entero ejecutadas en Roma: el Carlos IV (1817 de Ramón Barba y la María Luisa de Parma (1816 de José Alvarez Cubero. Esto debió ser un acontecimiento cultural y político que hasta ahora no se había recogido en la literatura sobre la historia del museo.

  6. O espírito da Arte Chinesa

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    Emílio Mazza


    Full Text Available Característica fundamental da' pintura chinesa é a calma harmoniosa. O pintor chinês é um sereno taoista, um homem que, antes de pintar, permaneceu longamente em comunhão com a natureza, contemplando-a do alto das montanhas. Na solidão de seus retiros, longe da mesquinhez citadina, o pintor chinês purifica seu coração, aprende a compreender a íntima essência e a grandiosa unidade dos aspectos naturais e a vitalidade que vibra nas miríades de formas viventes. Êste respiro de ar montanhês, scianlinci, emana de tôda a grande pintura chinesa, refletindo a calma atingida pelo espírito do artista, confundindo-se com a harmonia universal.

  7. Eu sonho em ter um grande caminhão para colocar todo mundo dentro e passar um mês numa aldeia, um mês na outra, para construir essa cultura coletiva

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    Jaider Esbell


    Full Text Available Jaider Esbell, artista do povo macuxi do Rio Branco no estado de Roraima (Brasil, trata o tema da experiência criativa nas comunidades indígenas. O projeto coletivo "A reinvenção do tempo na perspectiva dos netos de Macunaíma: artistas indígenas roraimenses e suas cosmovisões em artes visuais tradicionais e contemporâneas" conseguiu reunir artes plásticas, a literatura, a fotografia, o audiovisual, as vivências, o artesanato, a música, a dança, a culinária, bebidas, cerâmica, trançados, oralidade e também as pinturas corporais como uma comunicação que evoluiu junto com a nossa própria origem. Se presentam também 4 obras do artista.

  8. Compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COVs) en la industria de pinturas y sus disolventes en Perú – análisis de caso y estrategias de gestión ambiental y salud ocupacional


    Riveros Alcedo, Renato Gonzalo


    Los compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COVs) son sustancias suficientemente volátiles para existir en forma de vapores en la atmósfera en condiciones normales de temperatura y presión. Sustancias con estas características son utilizadas como insumos en industrias manufactureras y, en particular, para la fabricación de diversos tipos de pinturas, barnices y disolventes industriales. Está demostrado que estas sustancias causan smog fotoquímico, al ser precursores del ozono troposfér...

  9. Wall paintings in Castvlo. First contributions to the characterization of materials and techniques | Las pinturas murales de Castulo. Primeras aportaciones a la caracterización de materiales y técnicas de ejecución

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    Teresa López Martínez


    Full Text Available This article sets forth the research carried out on the wall paintings of the “Sala del Mosaico de los Amores” in the archaeological site of Castulo, located in Linares (province of Jaén. The research in 2011 discovered a room with high-quality wall and mosaic decoration, especially on its western wall, which had collapsed over the pavement. It was moved to the laboratories of the University of Granada for consolidation and restoration works. Since previous information on wall paintings from Castulo was scarce, before the restoration took place the paintings were studied, including the characterization of the materials and painting techniques. These tests identified a very rich pictorial layer, consisting of green, red, ochre, white and black tones, among which some high-quality pigments stand out, such as the Egyptian blue, together with others that usually appear in the Roman palette, as red lead, red ochres, bone-black or calcium carbonate. | En este artículo se presenta la investigación que se está llevando a cabo sobre las pinturas murales de la Sala del Mosaico de los Amores en el Conjunto Arqueológico de Castulo, en Linares (Jaén. Durante la campaña efectuada en el año 2011, se descubrió una estancia que albergaba una decoración musivaria y parietal de gran calidad datada en el s. I-II d.C. Parte de esa decoración parietal, concretamente la correspondiente al muro oeste, fue encontrada derrumbada sobre el pavimento, y trasladada a los laboratorios de la Universidad de Granada para su intervención de consolidación y restauración. Dado que apenas existía información sobre pintura mural en Castulo, se está realizando un estudio de las pinturas, en el que se está llevando a cabo la caracterización de materiales y de su técnica de ejecución, como paso previo a su restauración. Estos análisis han permitido identificar una capa pictórica muy rica, constituida por tonos verdes, rojos, ocres, blancos y negros, entre los

  10. "Estetização da política e politização da arte": a estética do fascismo nas obras de Walter Benjamin

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    Rui Bragado Sousa


    Full Text Available O artigo examina a ascensão do fascismo na Alemanha a partir da estética de Walter Benjamin e propõe, ao final, um diálogo com Ernst Bloch. O método visa escapar de interpretações meramente econômicas que supostamente possibilitaram a chegada de Hitler ao poder. Procura-se um campo semântico mais vasto, dialético, como os conceitos utilizados por Benjamin como messianismo, alegoria e origem (ursprung. A “origem” é um protofenômeno no sentido teológico, quer seja ele o Paraíso ou o comunismo primitivo, uma idade edênica e igualitária na Terra. Literalmente são “saltos” para fora da continuidade histórica linear que rompem com o desenvolvimento meramente evolucionista da História. Com uma catástrofe iminente era necessário explodir o continuum da história.

  11. Esporte e política em Invictus, de Clint Eastwood

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    Cleber Dias


    Full Text Available O uso político do esporte na África do Sul é reconhecido como um dos mais bem sucedidos. O filme Invictus, de Clint Eastwood, explorou o assunto, narrando ficcionalmente os esforços do governo Mandela (1994-1999 para promover a reconciliação racial através da Copa do Mundo de Rúgbi, realizada em 1995. Este trabalho o toma como objeto de análise, refletindo, a um só tempo, sobre as circunstâncias ao qual a obra se remete e sobre o contexto no qual ela foi produzida. O filme, então, é apontado como uma alegoria sobre os problemas norte-americanos, especialmente aqueles relacionados à imigração e ao multiculturalismo.

  12. Francis Bacon sob o olhar de Gilles Deleuze: a imagem como intensidade

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    Osvaldo Fontes Filho


    Full Text Available O ensaio de Gilles Deleuze La logique de la sensation é texto que se detém principalmente na prática e na eficácia da imagem. A pintura de Francis Bacon é ali tomada como paradigma de modernidade ao investir contra os clichês expressivos e ao produzir imagem junto à brutalidade dos fatos, como um contra-efeito do narrativo. Em uma obra que conjura todo modelo a representar, toda história a contar, “alguma coisa se passa”, explica Deleuze, “que define o funcionamento da pintura”. Algo se passa, tem lugar: o acontecimento de uma catástrofe e de uma histeria no ato de pintura que acomete a Figura de modo a transmitir uma potencial violência de reação e de expressão. O “Bacon” de Deleuze apresenta a realidade vivida em uma nova e não-convencional ordem de sensação. Neste artigo, são comentados os modos como o filósofo interpreta os atos físicos da pintura de Bacon — marcas aleatórias, varredura da massa pictural, escansão das superfícies —, procedimentos que introduzem no mundo visual da figuração a variedade caótica dos fatos e sentidos. Mostra-se como as faces e as figuras contorcidas, distorcidas, escorchadas de Bacon recebem uma voz conceitual complementar no texto de Deleuze. Consequentemente, focaliza-se a disposição de alguns conceitos do filósofo: diagrama, Figura, diferença, espaço háptico. Locados no espaço afetivo ou na “lógica da sensação” da pintura baconiana, esses conceitos atribuem legitimidade ao entrelaçamento e à co-implicação entre arte e filosofia. Uma última observação dá conta do fato de a prática da imagem em Bacon, apresentada por Deleuze no palco de uma modernidade particularmente solapada por um “dilúvio anestésico de imagens reprimindo a possibilidade de pensar”, evidenciar para o filósofo os rumos necessariamente sinuosos, “reptilíneos”, do pensamento moderno. Tanto o conceito como a forma criam por catástrofe, por conflagração, por varia

  13. Dos visiones del espacio marino como modernidad. Entre la poesía de Rubén Darío y la pintura de Joaquín Sorolla

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    Acereda, Alberto


    Full Text Available The representation of the marine space in Hispanic fin-de-siècle allows us to establish some comments to carry out a new reading of the difficult concept of modernity. The present article studies two visions of the marine space as modernity. On the one hand, the paintings by the Spaniard Joaquin Sorolla present the marine space as a locus amoenus, and as a place for enjoyment where art becomes an economic object. On the other hand, the Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío intented to create an art opposed to materialism, and he gave us a vision of the ocean linked to a metaphysical meditation of existential tones. Darío was familiar with Joaquin Sorolla's paintings and he even wrote short essays on them. This particular aspect allows us to prove in a clearer way the differences in their visions about modernity and art.La representación del espacio marino en el fin de siglo hispánico permite establecer algunas consideraciones que favorecen una nueva lectura sobre el difícil concepto de modernidad. El presente artículo estudia dos visiones del espacio marino como modernidad. Por un lado, la pintura del español Joaquín Sorolla percibe el espacio marino como locus amoenus y marco de diversión por el que el arte se convierte en un objeto económico. Por otro lado, el poeta nicaragüense Ruben Darío aspiró a un arte opuesto al materialismo y planteó una visión del mar ligada a una reflexión metafísica de signo existencial. Darío conoció la pintura de Joaquín Sorolla y hasta en algún caso realizó breves comentarios de ella. Esta particularidad nos permite probar de manera más clara las diferencias en sus visiones sobre la modernidad y el arte.

  14. Pintura rupestre esquemática sobre granito en la provincia de cáceres: los ejemplos de la Cueva Larga del Pradillo y Los Canchalejos de Belén (Trujillo

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    Full Text Available El análisis de las representaciones pertenecientes a dos estaciones con pinturas rupestres esquemáticas localizadas en el berrocal del término municipal de Trujillo (Cáceres, la Cueva Larga del Pradillo y Los Canchalejos de Belén, ambas conocidas de antiguo pero parcialmente publicadas –y una de ellas desaparecida en la actualidad–, dan pie a unas reflexiones sobre las características genéricas de este tipo de yacimientos rupestres en soporte granítico y sus representaciones pictóricas, sobre el estado de la investigación en torno al mismo en la Alta Extremadura, y sobre su encuadre cronológico y contexto sociocultural.

  15. Marmoreados da Igreja São Luís dos Franceses (Lisboa): estado de conservação, caracterização das argamassas e da camada pictórica


    Morais, Luís Fernando Loureiro


    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Conservação O trabalho desenvolvido na Igreja de São Luís dos Franceses (Lisboa) procurou caracterizar o revestimento das paredes interiores deste edifício histórico, que terá sido executado entre 1766 e 1769. Este revestimento corresponde a uma pintura de fingido sobre estuque, ou seja, marmoreados, executados pela técnica de “Stucco Lustro”. ...

  16. De la Trinidad antropomorfa como sedes gratiae una fuente gráfica en talla y pintura: Santa María de Valpuesta y el Museo del Prado

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    González de Zárate, Jesús María


    Full Text Available Very few representations of the Anthropomorphic Trinity exist. This commentary focuses on two 15th Century examples: a wood carving in the collegiate church of Valpuesta (Burgos, the oldest episcopal see in Castile, and a painting by Miguel Ximénez in the Prado Museum. The análisis focuses on the graphic source used as a model by both sculptor and painter.Pocas representaciones nos han llegado sobre la Trinidad antropomorfa. El presente comentario repara en dos ejemplos del siglo XV: una talla en la colegiata de Valpuesta (Burgos, sede episcopal más antigua de Castilla y una pintura de Miguel Ximénez custodiada en el Museo del Prado. En el análisis reparamos en la fuente gráfica como invención y modelo que interpretaron tanto el imaginero como el artista pintor.

  17. Ressenya a Cárcel Ortí, María Milagros i García MArsilla, Juan Vicente, Documents de la pintura valenciana medieval i moderna. IV. Llibre de l’entrada de Ferran d’Antequera, València: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2013, 513 pp. ISBN: 978-84-370-9085-6

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    Ramon Mora Galbis


    Full Text Available Review to Cárcel Ortí, María Milagros i García MArsilla, Juan Vicente, Documents de la pintura valenciana medieval i moderna. IV. Llibre de l’entrada de Ferran d’Antequera, València: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2013, 513 pp. ISBN: 978-84-370-9085-6

  18. La deconstrucción poética de las vanguardias abstractas en la pintura de José María Sicilia (1985-1987

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    Kristian Leahy Brajnovic


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia la obra de José María Sicilia de los años 1985 a 1987. A partir de la investigación sobre los cambios que se producen en el arte posmoderno, y dando las razones teóricas y los precedentes que primero deconstruyeron los estilos antagónicos de los diferentes movimientos de la modernidad, analizaremos la pintura abstracta redefinida de José María Sicilia y la deconstrucción poética de las vanguardias abstractas en su obra.This article is a study of the painting of José María Sicilia from 1985 to 1987. On the basis of research made into the changes which came about in postmodern art, and enumerating the theoretical reasons and precedents of the early deconstruction of the various modern movements, we analyze the redefined abstract painting of José María Sicilia as well as the poetic deconstruction of the abstract avant-gardisms in his work.

  19. Ekphrasis em música: os Quadrados Mágicos de Paul Klee na Sonata para violão solo de Leo Brouwer Ekphrasis in music: the Magic Squares by Paul Klee in the Sonata for solo guitar by Leo Brouwer

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    Ricardo Marçal de Souza e Silva


    Full Text Available Para Siglind Bruhn, o conceito de ekphrasis, usado nas artes plásticas e na literatura, pode ser aplicado também para certas obras musicais. Partindo dessa concepção, desenvolvida pela autora na obra Musical Ekphrasis: composeres responding to poetry and painting este artigo investiga a apropriação que o compositor cubano Leo Brouwer (1939 - faz, no primeiro movimento de sua Sonata para violão solo, de certos procedimentos composicionais utilizados pelo pintor suíço Paul Klee (1879-1940 em sua série de pinturas intitulada Quadrados Mágicos, caracterizando, assim, uma ekphrasis.For Siglind Bruhn, the concept of ekphrasis, used on visual arts and literature, can be applied to certain pieces of music. Starting from this concept, developed by Bruhn on the work Musical Ekphrasis: composeres responding to poetry and painting, the present article investigates the appropriation that the Cuban composer Leo Brouwer (1939 - makes, on the first movement of his Sonata for solo guitar, of certain compositional procedures used by the Swiss painter Paul Klee (1879-1940 in his series of pictures entitled Magic Squares, characterizing, thus, an ekphrasis.


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    Alberto Echeverri Guzmán


    Full Text Available Cuando se trata de mirar al significado que la santidad cristiana ha tenido para el creyente es indispensable preguntarse por los contenidos subyacentes del arte que ha buscado representarla en la pintura y la escultura. Teniendo como base general los esenciales referentes estéticos del arte figurativo, el ensayo retoma algunos entre los muchos santos del catolicismo romano más populares en el medio colombiano, mirando a su origen remoto y a la evolución que cada uno de ellos ha registrado a lo largo de la historia. Esa encuesta permite dilucidar una ideologización del arte al ser puesto al servicio de intereses de tipo institucional y, en consecuencia, de la confesión de fe que él ha querido respaldar. Se concluye apuntando a su posible renovación pues desde su nacimiento en el ámbito cristiano no pretendió otra cosa que remitir al creyente más allá de la obvia limitación de lo figurativo.

  1. La meditación de la muerte en los penitentes de la pintura española del Siglo de Oro : ascetas, melancólicos y místicos

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    Palma Martínez-Burgos García


    Full Text Available A través de este artículo estudiamos uno de los apartados iconográficos más importantes de la pintura española del Siglo de Oro, el de los santos penitentes y su meditación en torno a la muerte. Concebidos como «vanitas», en ellos hallamos los diversos componentes de la oración: el asceta, el melancólico y el místico. De este modo, sus imágenes se convirtieron en verdaderos «manuales de perfección cristiana».Through this article we know the iconograptiic subject of penitents and hits death's meditation along the Spanish painting of Gold Century. Thought as «vanitas», we find the several prayer's degrees: the ascetic, the melancolic and the mistic prayer. So, ours pictures were real "haandbooks of christian perfection».

  2. Mural painting of the Roman villa of Balazote (Albacete | Pintura mural de la villa romana de Balazote (Albacete

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    Alicia Fernández Díaz


    Full Text Available Avec cette étude nous prétendons donner à connaître un important ensemble de peintures murales de la villa romaine de Balazote (Albacete, de laquelle jusqu'à présent on avait effectué un grand nombre de travaux, et compris ceux relatifs à sa décoration musiva, mais dans lesquels on n'avait pas traité de manière plus complete le sujet des revêtements picturaux de ses parois. La totalité des fragments vient du secteur thermal et son importance est principalement d'être un des rares exemples de décoration figurée avec des représentations de palestra que nous trouvons dans la péninsule ibérique et dans le reste des provinces romaines d'occident. | Con este estudio pretendemos sacar a la luz un importante conjunto de pintura mural procedente de la villa romana de Balazote (Albacete, de la que hasta ahora se habían realizado un gran número de trabajos, incluidos los relativos a su decoración musiva, pero en los que no se había tratado de forma más completa el tema de los revestimientos pictóricos de sus paredes. La totalidad de los fragmentos procede del área termal y su importancia radica principalmente en ser uno de los pocos ejemplos de decoración figurada con representaciones de palestra que encontramos en la Península Ibérica y en el resto de las provincias romanas de Occidente.

  3. Correspondências - arte, técnica e processo histórico


    Marcos Tadeu Fabris Gonçalves


    O objetivo desta tese é identificar alguns dos momentos da tradição artística visual moderna que pretenderam mapear a ascensão, a consolidação e a devastação do projeto de modernização do ponto de vista de suas vítimas no âmbito de um mercado no qual a arte e a cultura se consolidam, em passo acelerado, como mercadorias. A partir das demandas para a arte moderna codificadas na obra de Charles Baudelaire e das conquistas técnicas sedimentadas na pintura de Gustave Courbet, Jean-François Millet...

  4. Otto Dix, Pablo Picasso y la pintura de guerra

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    Ángel Llorente Hernández


    Full Text Available La Primera Guerra Mundial provocó desde su desencadenamiento cambios importantes en los países implicados que afectaron a todos los ámbitos de la vida de sus poblaciones. Algunos artistas sintieron especialmente la repercusión moral y la convulsión causadas por la guerra mecanizada en la que un número cada vez mayor de soldados morían en el frente, a la vez que se producían masacres en zonas de la retaguardia. El pintor expresionista alemán Otto Dix recogió en sus dibujos, hechos en primera línea de combate, la dureza de los enfrentamientos y de la vida de los combatientes en las trincheras del frente occidental y reflejó en grabados y pinturas posteriores a la Gran Guerra las penalidades y los horrores sufridas por aquellos. Sus obras son, además de testimonios de las atrocidades de los combates, condena y denuncia de todas las guerras. En el año 1937 el español Pablo Picasso pintó el mural Guernica, cuyo título alude al bombardeo de la localidad vasca del mismo nombre, ocurrido poco tiempo antes de que su autor lo comenzase. Ya desde su creación, el cuadro se convirtió en una de las obras artísticas principales del pasado siglo y en icono de la lucha por la paz. Ambos artistas emplearon lenguajes vanguardistas para crear formas nuevas, alejadas de las maneras tradicionales de representar la guerra en la cultura occidental. Dix se sirvió del expresionismo para mostrar en sus composiciones escenas verosímiles de una dureza difícil de soportar para quienes las contemplan. Picasso se apoyó sobre todo en el cubismo y el surrealismo para aludir a los efectos de la guerra moderna sobre la población indefensa.Countries involved in The Great War experienced dramatic changes in every aspect of their day to day life. Some artists were especially sensitive towards the moral convulsion caused by a mechanized war where an increasing number of soldiers were dying in the frontline and massacres were taking place in the rear. Through

  5. Estado actual de los estudios de conservación de las pinturas rupestres esquemáticas del Monte Valonsadero (Soria y propuestas para su protección y salvaguarda

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    Eugenio Sanz Pérez


    Full Text Available El primero de los autores reúne aquí su experiencia, de más de veinte años de estudio y seguimiento de las pinturas rupestres esquemáticas del Monte Valonsadero, con las síntesis —que él mismo traza y los demás autores anotan, corrigen o amplían— de los trabajos de estudio de la alteración de las areniscas que soportan los paneles pintados, de los análisis mineralógicos de sus pinturas y de la conservación y posible medidas para su protección, cuando se aproxima el año 2001, fecha en que este interesante núcleo de arte rupestre cumplirá cincuenta años de su descubrimiento. El interés de los autores está centrado en la necesidad de salvaguardar este tipo de manifestaciones, para lo cual entienden como prioritario el conocimiento de su estado de conservación y la llamada de atención a la Administración a fin de que ésta desarrolle sobre aquéllas cuantas actuaciones sean precisas para cumplir con la inexorable obligación de legarlas, al menos en su situación actual, a la posterioridad.The first one oí the authors assembles his experience of more than twenty-year-old study made of the schematic rock paintings in Monte Valonsadero, together with the syntheses —also made by him and later revised by the other authors— firstly of the studies of the alteration of the sandstone which support the paintings, secondly of the mineralogical analysis of the paint, and finally aiming to the preservation and possible actions for their protection. This article has an especial significance owing to the closeness of the year 2001, date on which the discovery of this interesting cave art nucleus will be fifty years of age. The main interest of tfie authors aims at the necessity of safeguarding tfiis type of paintings and ttiat is why they give priority to the knowledge of the preservation level in which the paintings are and, at the same time, they make a cali on the Authorities attention so that they could make any precise action

  6. An analysis of schematic cave painting and territory and their spatial distribution in the Iberian Peninsula's Levante | Pintura rupestre esquemática y territorio : análisis de su distribución espacial en el Levante peninsular

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    Palmira Torregrosa Giménez


    Full Text Available Étude de l’analyse du modèle d’emplacement des sites à peinture rupestre schématique situés au Levant de la péninsule ibérique, une expression graphique clé pour expliquer le processus de néolithisation et d’affermissement des premières communautés paysannes de cette zone. | Presentamos un estudio sobre el análisis del patrón de emplazamiento de los yacimientos con pintura rupestre esquemática en el Levante de la Península Ibérica, una manifestación gráfica clave para la explicación del proceso de neolitización y afianzamiento de las primeras comunidades agropecuarias en dicha zona.

  7. Recomponiendo un puzle. Disquisiciones acerca de la restauración e interpretación de unas pinturas murales de estilo gótico lineal en la iglesia de Santa María la Nueva de Zamora

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    Sergio Pérez Martín


    Full Text Available La iglesia de Santa María la Nueva de Zamora, de origen románico, se ha revelado como un puzle enigmático de difícil interpretación en su evolución constructiva. Dentro de un programa de intervenciones y estudios mucho más amplio, se exponen aquí los avances en su conocimiento surgidos con motivo de la restauración de las pinturas murales situadas en la sacristía sur, lugar especialmente sensible por ser la unión de varias fases del templo de los siglos XII, XIV y XVIII. Algunos de estos elementos -incluidas varias escenas del ciclo pictórico- fueron tratados al descubrirse a mediados del siglo XX como piezas de un rompecabezas que debía rehacerse

  8. Uma alegoria nacional Respiración artificial: vinte anos depois

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    Rita de Grandis


    Full Text Available Tanto dentro quanto fora da Argentina, a significação de Respiración artificial foi analisada, nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, em relação aos horrores do panóptico do Estado terrorista argentino (1976-1983. Voltar a Respiración artificial no início do século XXI implica situar a sua leitura não mais como uma resposta cifrada do Proceso, mas sim na lógica da dinâmica particular que a literatura nacional adquiriu no novo contexto histórico, caracterizado pela continuidade, consolidação e crise dos processos democráticos internos, no quadro internacional da hegemonia de uma economia de câmbio livre de corte neoliberal que afeta de modo singular o desenvolvimento das democracias locais e de suas literaturas. Desde essa nova conjuntura histórica, a presença do século XIX em Respiración artificial permite inscrever e conectar o presente de seu contexto de produção e enunciação - final da década de 1970 - com as origens do Estado moderno. Esse século XIX pode ser lido como chave para uma crítica da racionalidade moderna periférica.Tanto en Argentina como en el exterior la significación de Respiración artificial fue analizada, durante las décadas del 1980 y 1990, en relación a los horrores del "panopticom" del Estado terrorista argentino (1976-1983. Volver a Respiración Artificial a comienzos del siglo XXI implica situar su lectura ya no como una respuesta cifrada del Proceso, sino dentro de la dinámica particular que la literatura nacional adquirió en el nuevo contexto histórico, caracterizado por la continuación, consolidación y crisis de los procesos democráticos internos en el cuadro internacional de la hegemonía de una economía de librecambio de corte neoliberal que afecta de un modo singular el desarrollo de las democracias locales y de sus literaturas. Desde esa nueva coyuntura histórica, la presencia del siglo XIX en Respiración artificial permite inscribir y conectar el presente de su contexto de

  9. Visões do Novo Mundo na pintura religiosa da Renascença

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    Yobenj Aucardo Chicangana-Bayona


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda o estudo dos elementos familiares aos exploradores europeus que estabeleceram suas primeiras coordenadas a partir de analogias com o Paraíso e com Cocanha para assimilar e interpretar pictoricamente o Novo Mundo, uma realidade antes desconhecida, e integrá-la à cultura ocidental. Assim, o Cristianismo é muito importante, porque vai oferecer o referencial - em um primeiro momento - para estabelecer a imagem do índio em episódios religiosos da cultura ocidental europeia. Uma imagem que ora será positiva, vinculada ao paraíso, e ora negativa, sendo vinculada ao inferno.

  10. Notas sobre o escândalo e o cinismo de Manet

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    Tereza Calomeni


    Full Text Available Em 1971, Foucault profere, em Túnis, uma conferência sobre a pintura de Manet. Em 1984, em A coragem da verdade, último curso oferecido no Collège de France, analisando o cinismo como expressão da parresia, novamente se refere ao pintor ao relacionar arte moderna e cinismo. A partir dos dois textos, o artigo reflete sobre o escândalo de Olympia, uma das treze telas examinadas na conferência, e a relação, estabelecida no curso, entre arte moderna e cinismo.

  11. Escrita e prática de guerra em Portugal 1573-1612


    Sousa, Luís Costa e, 1964-


    Tese de doutoramento, História (História dos Descobrimentos e da Expansão), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2013 Os protagonistas da redescoberta da herança clássica estiveram profundamente comprometidos com a «revolução militar». Desde pelo menos a segunda metade de quatrocentos que muitos dos homens que se dedicaram à pintura ou à actividade edificatória tiveram um papel crucial na evolução da guerra. A invenção do baluarte angular, elemento fundamental da nova maneira de fo...

  12. Estudo dos mecanismos de limpeza por plasma


    Mafra, Márcio


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais. Na indústria metal-mecânica é frequente o emprego de tratamentos superficiais como forma de beneficiamento de peças e componentes mecânicos cujas solicitações estejam relacionadas com a superfície. A realização de tratamentos termoquímicos, a aplicação de filmes e mesmo a pintura podem ser comprometidas se contaminantes orgânicos estiverem presentes...

  13. Santa Cecília – arte e devoção através da música

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    Carin Zwilling


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende narrar o percurso de Santa Cecília. Inicia com sua legenda, o desenrolar de sua história real no bairro de Trastevere em Roma, a consagração de sua Basílica, os passos como se tornou oficialmente santa, e como foi nomeada, finalmente, padroeira dos músicos em 1594 pelo Papa Gregório XIII. Com isso inicia-se a história de sua representação na arte: pintura, escultura e música. Dando sequência fazemos um rol dos principais artistas e obras representativas do Renascimento ao Barroco (apogeu de sua representação. E logo, o reavivamento de seu culto pelos pintores Pré-Rafaelitas durante os séculos XIX ao XX pelos pintores e, principalmente, pelos mestres vitralistas.   Um roteiro que se inicia em Roma conforme a Legenda Áurea, se prolonga ao longo do tempo até nossos dias, passando da pintura à escultura, dos mosaicos aos vitrais, para finalmente ver seu culto de padroeira dos músicos ser estabelecido com fervor em diversas igrejas ao redor do mundo católico.

  14. Bruxas e índias filhas de Saturno: arte, bruxaria e canibalismo Witches and indian women, daughters of Saturn: arts, witchcraft and cannibalism

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    Yobenj Aucardo Chicangana-Bayona


    Full Text Available O artigo indaga pela representação da mulher nas pinturas e gravuras sobre a bruxaria dos séculos XVI e XVII, procurando estabelecer uma tipologia iconográfica e percorrendo a construção de estigmas negativos imputados no corpo feminino e na sua degradação natural. O texto, apoiado em fontes visuais como pinturas e gravuras, principalmente da Renascença alemã, demonstra como as índias do Novo Mundo foram associadas com as bruxas da Europa e com o deus clássico Saturno, através do mito do canibalismo.The article inquires into the representation of women in the paintings and engravings about witchcraft in the XVI-XVII centuries, trying to establish an iconographic typology and covering the construction of negative stigmas attributed to the feminine body and its natural degradation. Through the support of visual sources such as paintings and engravings, mainly from the German Renaissance, the text demonstrates how the Indian women of the New World were associated to the witches of Europe and with the classic god Saturn, through the myth of cannibalism.

  15. Parametri za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati

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    Liljana Ugrinova


    Full Text Available Napraven e pregled na parametrite za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati. Za procena na kvalitetot na ispituvaniot materijal bea izvrseni fizicki, hemiski i bioloski ispituvanja spored postapkite dadeni vo Ph. Eur., DIN i spored DIN ISO standardite. Baranjata za kvalitet na ovoj vid ambalaza propisani spored Ph. Eur., DIN i DIN ISO standardite se razlikuvaat vo odnos na predvidenite parametri za fizicki, za hemiski i za bioloski ispituvanja. Isto taka, propisani se i razlicni granici na dozvoleno otstapuvanje na oddelni parametri.

  16. Diálogo entre meninas: Arte y literatura como metáforas espacio-temporales en Velázquez y Buero Vallejo

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    Hansen, Hans Lauge


    Semiótica, hermenéutica, Peirce, Ricoeur, teatro, pintura, metáfora, semiotik, hermeneutik, teater, drama, maleri, metafor......Semiótica, hermenéutica, Peirce, Ricoeur, teatro, pintura, metáfora, semiotik, hermeneutik, teater, drama, maleri, metafor...


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    Tomás Amaya


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propone la inclusión de partículas minerales en películas a base de polipropileno (PP para incrementar su pintabilidad . Para tales efectos , se aplicaron diferentes clases de pinturas comerciales en aerosol sobre películas de nanocompuestos a base de PP co nteniendo 0, 1 y 5% p/p de talco . El grado de cubrimiento y homogeneidad de las pinturas sobre las películas se observó mediante mic roscopía óptica , en tanto que la adhesión de la pintura a la superficie polimérica se evaluó mediante ensayos bajo norma ASTM . De todas las pinturas analizadas, los mejores resultados de adhesión se obtuvieron con los aerosoles para plásticos y acrílicos. Sin embargo, la presencia de las nano partículas de talco indujo mejoras en la adhesión pintura - película para el caso de los aerosoles que no son apropiado s para aplicar sobre superficies plásticas, tal es el caso de los de secado rápido y para melamina.

  18. El texto visual. Una lectura de "Cenicitas" de Dalí

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    Hansen, Hans Lauge


    Dalí (Salvador), García Lorca (Federico), Pintura, Semiótica, Hermenéutica, Intertextualidad, Peirce (Charles), Ricoeur (Paul)......Dalí (Salvador), García Lorca (Federico), Pintura, Semiótica, Hermenéutica, Intertextualidad, Peirce (Charles), Ricoeur (Paul)...

  19. Degradation of wall paints due to sodium sulphate and sodium chloride crystallization

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    Díaz Gonçalves, T.


    Full Text Available A test method for evaluating wall paints behaviour to soluble salts crystallization was developed at LNEC. in the present paper, a recent set of tests is described and discussed. The major objectives were: analysing and comparing the behaviour of a common emulsion {"plastic" paint and a silicate-based paint; observing and comparing the effect of sodium sulphate, sodium chloride and distilled water on the paints and on a non-painted stone; evaluating this test method adequacy and effectiveness. The silicate-based paint showed a resistance to soluble salts crystallization greater than the one of the plastic paint. However, the degradation pattern of the silicate-based paint (blistering of a filmic layer was similar to the one of organic paints and distinct from the one of pure mineral paints. The amount of damage that a saline solution can cause to wall paints cannot be inferred from the amount of damage it can cause to stone. Sodium chloride seems to be able to cause more severe degradation to wall paints than sodium sulphate. To the unpainted stone, sodium sulphate seems to be more damaging than sodium chloride. The test method seems adequate to observe and compare the behaviour of wall paints under soluble salts action. However, lower (around 0.5% concentrations for both sodium sulphate and sodium chloride should be tested in the future.

    RESUMEN En el LNEC se desarrolló una metodología de ensayo para evaluar la respuesta de pinturas aplicadas sobre paredes, frente a la cristalización de sales solubles. En este trabajo, se describen y discuten un conjunto de ensayos recientes. Los principales objetivos fueron: el análisis y la comparación del comportamiento de una pintura de emulsión común {''pintura plástica" y la de una pintura de silicato; la observación y la comparación de los efectos del sulfato de sodio, del cloruro de sodio y del agua destilada sobre las pinturas y sobre piedra no pintada; la evaluación de la adecuaci

  20. LA CUEVA ALIHUÉN, NUEVOS REGISTROS DE PINTURAS RUPESTRES EN LA VEGA DE MAIPÚ (SAN MARTÍN DE LOS ANDES, PATAGONIA, ARGENTINA (The Alihuén Cave, New Records of Cave Paintings in the Maipú Valley (San Martín de los Andes, Patagonia, Argentina

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    Alberto Enrique Pérez


    Full Text Available Se presenta el resultado de las nuevas investigaciones de pinturas rupestres en la vega Maipú, San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina; donde se destaca la presencia de motivos zoomorfos, especialmente camélidos, de escasa representación hasta la fecha en el registro zooarqueológico local. El sitio Cueva Alihuén amplía la diversidad de motivos y técnicas de las pinturas rupestres de la vega Maipú, lo que nos permite plantear aspectos tanto biogeográficos respecto a la fauna como sobre la circulación de información y movilidad. Ambos aspectos nos permiten, nuevamente, aunar ambas vertientes de la cordillera de los Andes, compartiendo, integrando y complementando cada vez más características con el resto de los sitios que componen la cuenca hidrográfica de Valdivia, cuyo sector inferior constituye nuestra área de estudio. ENGLISH: New results from research on the cave paintings of the Maipú Valley, San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina, highlight the presence of zoomorphic motifs, especially camelids which have been underrepresented in the local zooarchaeological record. The Alihuén cave site expands the range of motifs and techniques known from the cave paintings of the Maipú Valley that allows us to raise issues regarding both biogeographic wildlife, and on the flow of information and human mobility. These aspects allow us to share and integrate the increasingly complementary features on both sides of the Andes with the rest of the sites that comprise the Valdivia River basin, whose lower section composed our study area.

  1. Načrtovan porod na domu


    Todorović, Tamara; Takač, Iztok


    Izhodišča: Porod na domu je sicer star toliko kot človeštvo, pa vendar v veliki večini srednje in visoko razvitih držav prevladuje mnenje, da so zaradi nepredvidljivosti zapletov porodnišnice najbolj varno okolje za rojevanje. Kljub temu obstaja peščica držav, v katerih je porod na domu integriran v sistem zdravstvenega varstva (npr. Nizozemska, Velika Britanija, Kanada). Pri porodih na domu ločimo nenačrtovane in načrtovane porode na domu, slednje pa lahko nadalje razdelimo še na porode s sp...

  2. Quando a vida sai para trabalhar: Andy Warhol

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    Isabelle Graw

    Full Text Available O texto discute a fusão contínua entre as esferas pública e privada na obra de Warhol, divisando em tal fusão a matriz de uma “cultura de celebridades”, esse fenômeno da sociedade contemporânea auspiciado pelo regime biopolítico e pelo mundo pós-fordista que seriam mais tarde descritos por autores como Antonio Negri e Michael Hardt. Focalizando principalmente os experimentos de Warhol na Factory, estúdio que ele manteve entre 1963 e 1968, a autora mostra como a obra do artista se estende muito além das pinturas, filmes e outras peças que produziu, incluindo também, e de modo crucial, suas inúmeras aparições e declarações públicas.

  3. Consideraciones iconográficas sobre las decoraciones fijas anteriores al siglo XVIII del Palacio Real de El Pardo : conservador de Pintura del Patrimonio Nacional

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    Juan Martínez Cuesta


    Full Text Available Parece ser que la idea de construir un auténtico palacio en el rico cazadero de El Pardo se la debemos al rey Felipe ii, que tras su vuelta de Inglaterra, siendo aún Príncipe de Asturias, encomendó al arquitecto Luis de Vega la realización de las trazas del nuevo edificio que debía emular a los vistos en el país vecino. Las obras se iniciaron en 1544 y se prolongaron hasta 1557 en que se empezó a retejar el edificio a la manera flamenca —es decir, utilizando pizarra— constituyendo esta nueva técnica una de las características más típicas de la arquitectura madrileña del periodo barroco. Al tiempo que marchaban las obras se iba confeccionando un rico programa decorativo plasmado en importantes programas iconográficos para sus techos, y adquisición de pinturas de caballete para las paredes. Pero un trágico incendio ocurrido el 13 de marzo de 1604 dio al traste con este ambicioso proyecto. El 10 de agosto de 1605, el arquitecto Francisco de Mora elevó un memorial rey Felipe III manifestando que «no quedó en toda la casa suelo que pudiese servir ni pared que no haya menester descostrarse y blanquearse si no son las de las torres».

  4. Maria Keil, uma operária das artes (1914-2012). Arte Portuguesa do século XX


    Mantas, Helena Alexandra Jorge Soares


    Tese de doutoramento em Letras, área de História, na especialidade de História da Arte, apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra Estudar a vida e a obra de Maria Keil é analisar a História e a Arte Portuguesas desde a década de 1930, quando a autora começou a sua actividade, até 2012, ano em que faleceu. Tendo desenvolvido obra em diversas áreas artísticas, destacando-se as artes gráficas, publicidade, ilustração, azulejaria, desenho e pintura, Maria Keil defin...

  5. Introducción

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Hans Lauge


    Kritisk udgave, edición crítica, 27-generationen, generación del 27, digtning og maleri, poesía y pintura......Kritisk udgave, edición crítica, 27-generationen, generación del 27, digtning og maleri, poesía y pintura...

  6. Alberti, Rafael: Cal Y canto

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kritisk udgave, edición crítica, 27-generationen, generación del 27, digtning og maleri, poesía y pintura......Kritisk udgave, edición crítica, 27-generationen, generación del 27, digtning og maleri, poesía y pintura...

  7. Mutis o la trampa de la Mutisia Clematis

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    Ángela Pérez Mejía


    Full Text Available Existen muchas pinturas y esculturas que recuerdan a José Celestino Mutis. No en vano pasó veintidós años rodeado de una tropa de pintores, dibujando la flora de la Nueva Granada. También él quedó eternizado en varias pinturas y ahora preside salones de museos y universidades, de tal manera que se puede suponer que la imagen es inmediatamente reconocible para los colombianos. Hay una pintura particularmente común que adornaba mi libro de ciencias naturales de tercero elemental. Era la pintura de un hombre viejo suspendido en un pedestal de mármol, rodeado de instrumentos de medición y libros de anotaciones botánicas. Una planta enredadera, que parece salida de uno de los libros que rodean al personaje, subía por la base del busto y delicadamente se posaba sobre su cuerpo. Debajo se leía: "Mutis: sabio y precursor de la independencia"

  8. Um mundo de cores

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    Elis Artz


    Full Text Available A pintura de Elis Artz é feita com muita alma e transborda alegria. A vitalidade de seu trabalho transparece nas cores fortes e nos traços simples e harmoniosos. Confira o trabalho da artista nesta edição da Revista Jangada. ELIS by ELIS Descobri meu talento artístisco e criativo há uns 25 anos. Nasci no Brasil e me mudei para os EUA 10 anos atrás por puro amor. Embora seja psicóloga de formação, o meu apreço pela pintura só cresceu e, com o passar dos anos, a paixão pelas tintas me direcionou a fazer cursos com artistas brasileiros renomados. Já morando nos EUA e com essa grande paixão adormecida, durante anos, decidi me entregar para as cores que sempre me trouxeram alegria e cor para os meus dias. Embora muitas de minhas pinturas tenham ido para minha família e amigos no Brasil, vendi inúmeras outras pelo país através de exposições em galerias de arte. Em 2014, fui uma das artistas em destaque no MTD ART nos Estados Unidos. Minha obra estava dentro de cada ônibus das cidades de Champaign e Urbana e exposta em destaque na Estação de Trem. Em maio de 2015, tive o prazer de ter outro trabalho meu nos outdoors da cidade, destacando a minha tela 'Frida' o ano inteiro e de expor em conjunto com alguns artistas locais no final de outubro. Desde então, tenho pintado cada vez mais e me interessado em divulgar o meu trabalho. E, como diria um amigo meu "Elis, você me mostrou que a vida não é só preto no branco". Ele estava certo.

  9. O imaginário da maternidade em Frida Kahlo

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    Ciro Inácio Marcondes


    Full Text Available O imaginário da dor e da maternidade em Frida Kahlo suscita uma reflexão sobre uma harmonia entre as imagens presentes na consciência, em contraposição com o campo onírico. Neste sentido, como pensar o surrealismo com que muitos críticos insistem em rotular a arte de Frida? Nosso método se baseia na análise de algumas pinturas de Frida e de seu diálogo com o pensamento fenomenológico acerca das imagens, questionando o movimento surrealista como mera manifestação do inconsciente na arte. A noção de maternidade está em concordância com o pensamento dos agrupamentos sociais e de esferas, postulado pelo filósofo Peter Sloterdijk. Nosso objetivo é averiguar de que maneira os objetos artísticos de Frida Kahlo revelam uma existência da dor e do maternal enquanto dado imediato da consciência.

  10. Flora e vegetação do Brasil na Carta de Caminha

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    Filgueiras Tarciso S.


    Primeira Missa no Brasil, como retratado na célebre pintura de Victor Meirelles. O texto afirma que a cruz foi "chantada" por ocasião da Segunda Missa.

  11. El tarwi o chocho: una de las principales fuentes de proteína vegetal de las comunidades indígenas de los Andes Centrales


    Planchuelo, Ana M.; Fuentes, Esteban P.


    El lupino andino (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) conocido también como tarwi o chocho, es una especie de leguminosa nativa de los Andes Centrales. Su domesticación se remonta a los principios de la cultura Nazca y desde ese entonces hasta la actualidad el cultivo está ampliamente difundido en las laderas montañosas y en los altos valles de Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia. La importancia del lupino para las comunidades andinas prehispánicas quedo documentada en pinturas de cerámicas y en tributos encontrado...

  12. Rap como identidade cultural negra e periférica: a aversão de rappers brasileiros a Rede Globo


    Júnior, Francisco Carlos Guerra de Mendonça


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação e Jornalismo, apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra. O rap (rhythm and poetry – ritmo e poesia) é a vertente musical do movimento hip hop, que surgiu nos Estados Unidos na década de 1960. Além do rap, o hip hop conta com MC´s (Mestres de Cerimônia), os DJ´s (disc-joqueys), a dança (break dance) e a pintura (grafith). O rap passou a ser um método utilizado para conscientizar a população sobre os problemas vivenciados pelos negros...

  13. Definition of painting conditions for car radio parts


    Carvalho, João Pedro Ferreira de


    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Polímeros O uso de peças plásticas na indústria automóvel ganhou uma grande relevância com o intuito de diminuir o peso dos automóveis e, assim, melhorar o rendimento destes como, por exemplo, a diminuição do consumo de combustível. Com a introdução destes surgiu uma outra questão que se prende com a sua pintura. Este ponto ganhou grande importância nesta indústria, pois a sua utilização está ligada com aspetos funcionais, u...

  14. Na+-stimulated ATPase of alkaliphilic halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica translocates Na+ into proteoliposomes via Na+ uniport mechanism

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    Soontharapirakkul Kanteera


    Full Text Available Abstract Background When cells are exposed to high salinity conditions, they develop a mechanism to extrude excess Na+ from cells to maintain the cytoplasmic Na+ concentration. Until now, the ATPase involved in Na+ transport in cyanobacteria has not been characterized. Here, the characterization of ATPase and its role in Na+ transport of alkaliphilic halotolerant Aphanothece halophytica were investigated to understand the survival mechanism of A. halophytica under high salinity conditions. Results The purified enzyme catalyzed the hydrolysis of ATP in the presence of Na+ but not K+, Li+ and Ca2+. The apparent Km values for Na+ and ATP were 2.0 and 1.2 mM, respectively. The enzyme is likely the F1F0-ATPase based on the usual subunit pattern and the protection against N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide inhibition of ATPase activity by Na+ in a pH-dependent manner. Proteoliposomes reconstituted with the purified enzyme could take up Na+ upon the addition of ATP. The apparent Km values for this uptake were 3.3 and 0.5 mM for Na+ and ATP, respectively. The mechanism of Na+ transport mediated by Na+-stimulated ATPase in A. halophytica was revealed. Using acridine orange as a probe, alkalization of the lumen of proteoliposomes reconstituted with Na+-stimulated ATPase was observed upon the addition of ATP with Na+ but not with K+, Li+ and Ca2+. The Na+- and ATP-dependent alkalization of the proteoliposome lumen was stimulated by carbonyl cyanide m - chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP but was inhibited by a permeant anion nitrate. The proteoliposomes showed both ATPase activity and ATP-dependent Na+ uptake activity. The uptake of Na+ was enhanced by CCCP and nitrate. On the other hand, both CCCP and nitrate were shown to dissipate the preformed electric potential generated by Na+-stimulated ATPase of the proteoliposomes. Conclusion The data demonstrate that Na+-stimulated ATPase from A. halophytica, a likely member of F-type ATPase, functions as an electrogenic Na

  15. Polarization dependence of Na* + Na* associative ionization revisited

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijer, H.A.J.; Meulen, H.P. v.d.; Morgenstern, R.; Hertel, I.V.; Meyer, E.; Witte, R.


    The dependence of the associative ionization process Na 3 2P3/2 + Na 3 2P3/2 → Na2+ + e- on the polarization of the laser light used for Na excitation was independently investigated in Utrecht and Berlin. The purpose of this paper is to clarify discrepancies between two other earlier experimental

  16. Study of mural paintings by Fulvio Pennacchi in São Paulo City by mineralogical techniques

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    Eliane A. Del Lama


    Full Text Available The present research deals with two mural paintings made in 1947 with the fresco technique by Fulvio Pennacchi in the Catholic Chapel of the Hospital das Clínicas (São Paulo City, Brazil, namely the Virgin Annunciation and the Supper at Emmaus. This study regards the materials and painting techniques used by the artist, based on historical research,on in situ observations and laboratory analytical techniques (stereomicroscopy,scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive spectrometer, X-ray diffractometry, electron microprobe, images obtained with UV-light, aiming to improve the methods of characterization of objects of our cultural heritage, and to enhance its preservation accordingly. The results lead to the identification of the plaster components and of distinct layers in the frescoes, besides further information on grain size, impurities and textures, composition of pigments, and features of deterioration, such as efflorescences. The degree of degradation of the murals painting was assessed by this way. Our data suggest that a single layer of plaster was used by Pennacchi, as a common mortar with fine- and medium-grained aggregates. Differences in texture were obtained by adding gypsum to the plaster.A presente pesquisa trata de duas pinturas murais feitas em 1947 por Fulvio Pennacchi com a técnica do afresco na Capela Católica do Hospital das Clínicas (São Paulo, Brasil, intituladas Anunciação da Virgem e Ceia de Emaús. Este estudo considera os materiais e as técnicas de pintura usadas pelo artista, baseado na pesquisa histórica, observações in situ e técnicas analíticas de laboratório (estereomicroscopia, microscopia eletrônica de varredura com detector de espectro de energia dispersiva, difração de raios X, microssonda eletrônica, imagens obtidas com luz ultravioleta, visando aperfeiçoar os métodos de caracterização de objetos do nosso patrimônio cultural, e otimizar sua preservação adequadamente. Os

  17. Pseudo-ternary phase diagram in the Na2O-Na2O2-NaOH system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saito, Jun-ichi; Tendo, Masayuki; Aoto, Kazumi


    Generally, the phase diagrams are always used to understand the present state of compounds at certain temperature. In order to understand the corrosion behavior of structural material for FBR by main sodium compounds (Na 2 O, Na 2 O 2 and NaOH), it is very important to comprehend the phase diagrams of their compounds. However, only Na 2 O-NaOH pseudo-binary phase diagram had been investigated previously in this system. There is no study of other pseudo-binary or ternary phase diagrams in the Na 2 O-Na 2 O 2 -NaOH system. In this study, in order to clarify the present states of their compounds at certain temperatures, the pseudo-binary and ternary phase diagrams in the Na 2 O-Na 2 O 2 -NaOH system were prepared. A series of thermal analyses with binary and ternary component system has been carried out using the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The liquidus temperature and ternary eutectic temperatures were confirmed by these measurements. The beneficial indications for constructing phase diagrams were obtained from these experiments. On the basis of these results, the interaction parameters between compounds which were utilized for the Thermo-Calc calculation were optimized. Thermo-Calc is one of thermodynamic calculation software. Consequently the accurate pseudo-binary and ternary phase diagrams were indicated using the optimized parameters. (author)

  18. Art in the inclusion of children with special needs in dentistry A arte na inclusão da criança especial na odontologia

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    Marcio José Possari dos Santos


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to report the use of art and its segments as a source for inclusion of the children with special needs in dentistry. The application of the Art in social therapy activities and workshops was divided in modules: Session of Socialization, Complementary Workshops of Art and Activities, aiming at the cultural anamnesis and artistic preferences of the 313 participants, prior to their dental care treatment at CAOE (Center of Odontological Assistance to patients with special needs FOA Unesp. According to preference of the participants that answered the questionnaires, the music and the painting are the artistic segments that proved to be most helpful in the activities of inclusion and adaptation. The authors concluded that the use of art in the adaptation and environmental inclusion of the patient, prior to dental procedures is favorable and efficient.A proposta deste estudo é relatar a utilização da arte e seus segmentos, como recurso para inclusão da criança portadora de necessidades especiais ao ambiente odontológico. Foi utilizado como método a aplicação da arte em atividades de socioterapia e oficinas, divididas em módulos: sessão de socialização, oficinas de arte e atividades complementares, visando à elaboração de uma anamnese cultural por meio de questionários e a obtenção das preferências artísticas dos 313 participantes, previamente às suas assistências odontológicas no CAOE (Centro de Assistência Odontológica a Portadores de Necessidades Especiais FOA/Unesp. De acordo com os questionários respondidos, a música e a pintura, segundo a preferência dos participantes, são os segmentos artísticos que mais auxiliam nas atividades de inclusão e adaptação. Concluímos que a utilização da arte na adaptação e inclusão ambiental do paciente, previamente à assistência odontológica, é favorável e eficaz.

  19. Extracellular Na+ levels regulate formation and activity of the NaX/alpha1-Na+/K+-ATPase complex in neuronal cells.

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    Emmanuelle eBerret


    Full Text Available MnPO neurons play a critical role in hydromineral homeostasis regulation by acting as sensors of extracellular sodium concentration ([Na+]out. The mechanism underlying Na+-sensing involves Na+-flow through the NaX channel, directly regulated by the Na+/K+-ATPase α1-isoform which controls Na+-influx by modulating channel permeability. Together, these two partners form a complex involved in the regulation of intracellular sodium ([Na+]in. Here we aim to determine whether environmental changes in Na+ could actively modulate the NaX/Na+/K+-ATPase complex activity.We investigated the complex activity using patch-clamp recordings from rat MnPO neurons and Neuro2a cells. When the rats were fed with a high-salt-diet, or the [Na+] in the culture medium was increased, the activity of the complex was up-regulated. In contrast, drop in environmental [Na+] decreased the activity of the complex. Interestingly under hypernatremic condition, the colocalization rate and protein level of both partners were up-regulated. Under hyponatremic condition, only NaX protein expression was increased and the level of NaX/Na+/K+-ATPase remained unaltered. This unbalance between NaX and Na+/K+-ATPase pump proportion would induce a bigger portion of Na+/K+-ATPase-control-free NaX channel. Thus we suggest that hypernatremic environment increases NaX/Na+/K+-ATPase α1-isoform activity by increasing the number of both partners and their colocalization rate, whereas hyponatremic environment down-regulates complex activity via a decrease in the relative number of NaX channels controlled by the pump.

  20. A Study of the Distribution of Sodium Cations in the Zeolites NaX, NaY and ZnNaY Using Carbon Monoxide Adsorption and 23Na NMR Techniques (United States)

    Seidel, A.; Boddenberg, B.


    The zeolites NaX, NaY, Zn(55)NaY, and Zn(74)NaY were investigated by means of carbon monoxide adsorption and with static and magic angle spinning (MAS) 23Na NMR spectroscopy. The Na+ distribution between the sodalite (ß)- and supercages of the fully hydrated zeolites NaX and NaY were found to agree with XRD results. In the hydrated zinc-exchanged zeolites the Na+ ions almost exclusively populate the ß-cages. The adsorption isotherms of CO in the dehydrated zeolites were analyzed quantitatively to yield the concentrations of Na+ residing in the supercages. The measured static and MAS 23Na NMR spectra were analyzed by comparing their widths and shapes with simulated central transition patterns and yield, inter alia, the concentrations of Na+ associated with the spectrum components. Arguments are put forward that 23Na NMR of dehydrated zeolites is well suited to distinguish Na+ cations in highly symmetric environments and mobile Na+ species from others located on general positions, but further resolution is hardly feasible.

  1. HCO3(-)-coupled Na+ influx is a major determinant of Na+ turnover and Na+/K+ pump activity in rat hepatocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fitz, J.G.; Lidofsky, S.D.; Weisiger, R.A.; Xie, M.H.; Cochran, M.; Grotmol, T.; Scharschmidt, B.F.


    Recent studies in hepatocytes indicate that Na(+)-coupled HCO3- transport contributes importantly to regulation of intracellular pH and membrane HCO3- transport. However, the direction of net coupled Na+ and HCO3- movement and the effect of HCO3- on Na+ turnover and Na+/K+ pump activity are not known. In these studies, the effect of HCO3- on Na+ influx and turnover were measured in primary rat hepatocyte cultures with 22Na+, and [Na+]i was measured in single hepatocytes using the Na(+)-sensitive fluorochrome SBFI. Na+/K+ pump activity was measured in intact perfused rat liver and hepatocyte monolayers as Na(+)-dependent or ouabain-suppressible 86Rb uptake, and was measured in single hepatocytes as the effect of transient pump inhibition by removal of extracellular K+ on membrane potential difference (PD) and [Na+]i. In hepatocyte monolayers, HCO3- increased 22Na+ entry and turnover rates by 50-65%, without measurably altering 22Na+ pool size or cell volume, and HCO3- also increased Na+/K+ pump activity by 70%. In single cells, exposure to HCO3- produced an abrupt and sustained rise in [Na+]i from approximately 8 to 12 mM. Na+/K+ pump activity assessed in single cells by PD excursions during transient K+ removal increased congruent to 2.5-fold in the presence of HCO3-, and the rise in [Na+]i produced by inhibition of the Na+/K+ pump was similarly increased congruent to 2.5-fold in the presence of HCO3-. In intact perfused rat liver, HCO3- increased both Na+/K+ pump activity and O2 consumption. These findings indicate that, in hepatocytes, net coupled Na+ and HCO3- movement is inward and represents a major determinant of Na+ influx and Na+/K+ pump activity. About half of hepatic Na+/K+ pump activity appears dedicated to recycling Na+ entering in conjunction with HCO3- to maintain [Na+]i within the physiologic range

  2. Arte rupestre paleolítico en la Cueva de Cordoveganes I (Puertas de Vidiago, concejo de Llanes, Asturias. Hallazgo y primera documentación de un nuevo conjunto parietal en la región cantábrica

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    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se presenta un nuevo conjunto rupestre paleolítico recientemente localizado en la Cueva de Cordoveganes I. El mismo consta de diversas pinturas rojas, entre las que destaca una cierva realizada con trazo tamponado y diversas pinturas negras, realizadas con carbón vegetal, con un notable panel compuesto de grandes signos formados por trazos lineales.

  3. O IMPÉRIO CONTRA-ATACA: narrativas políticas, alegorias midiáticas & ativismo

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    Simone do Vale


    Full Text Available No início dos anos 2010, uma onda de manifestações sociais irrompeu em diferentes países. Por meio do uso de performances alinhadas com os gêneros virais das mídias sociais, essas manifestações consolidaram a estética Carnavalesca que caracteriza as narrativas políticas produzidas e distribuídas em rede por ativistas. Assim, este artigo reflete sobre o fenômeno das mobilizações globais a partir de seis vídeos que apresentam performances ativistas inspiradas no universo de Guerras nas Estrelas. Produzidos em mobilizações distintas entre os anos de 2010 e 2014, os vídeos foram coletados manualmente na plataforma YouTube e contextualizados sob a perspectiva dos Estudos de Mídia.    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ativismo; Movimentos Sociais; Performance; Narrativa; Cibercultura.     ABSTRACT In the early 2010’s, a wave of social protests have erupted in different countries. By employing performances aligned with social media viral genres, these demonstrations have consolidated the Carnivalesque aesthetic that characterizes the political narratives produced and shared by activists. Thus, this article reflects on the phenomenon of global mobilizations by analyzing six videos featuring activist performances inspired by the Star Wars universe. Produced in different mobilizations between 2010 and 2014, the videos were collected manually from YouTube and contextualized from the perspective of Media Studies. KEY-WORDS: Activism; Social Movements; Performance; Narrative; Cyberculture.     RESUMEN A principios de 2010, una ola de protestas sociales estalló en  diferentes países. A través de la utilización de performances  alineadas con los géneros virales de las redes sociales, estas manifestaciones han consolidado la estética Carnavalesca  que caracteriza a las narrativas políticas producidas y distribuidas en red por losactivistas. Por lo tanto, este artículo analiza  el fenómeno de las movilizaciónes globales por medio de seis v

  4. The effect of Na vapor on the Na content of chondrules (United States)

    Lewis, R. Dean; Lofgren, Gary E.; Franzen, Hugo F.; Windom, Kenneth E.


    Chondrules contain higher concentrations of volatiles (Na) than expected for melt droplets in the solar nebula. Recent studies have proposed that chondrules may have formed under non-canonical nebular conditions such as in particle/gas-rich clumps. Such chondrule formation areas may have contained significant Na vapor. To test the hypothesis of whether a Na-rich vapor would minimize Na volatilization reaction rates in a chondrule analog and maintain the Na value of the melt, experiments were designed where a Na-rich vapor could be maintained around the sample. A starting material with a melting point lower that typical chondrules was required to keep the logistics of working with Na volatilization from NaCl within the realm of feasibility. The Knippa basalt, a MgO-rich alkali olivine basalt with a melting temperature of 1325 +/- 5 C and a Na2O content of 3.05 wt%, was used as the chondrule analog. Experiments were conducted in a 1 atm, gas-mixing furnace with the fO2 controlled by a CO/CO2 gas mixture and fixed at the I-W buffer curve. To determine the extent of Na loss from the sample, initial experiments were conducted at high temperatures (1300 C - 1350 C) for duration of up to 72 h without a Na-rich vapor present. Almost all (up to 98%) Na was volatilized in runs of 72 h. Subsequent trials were conducted at 1330 C for 16 h in the presence of a Na-rich vapor, supplied by a NaCl-filled crucible placed in the bottom of the furnace. Succeeding Knudsen cell weight-loss mass-spectrometry analysis of NaCl determined the P(sub Na) for these experimental conditions to be in the 10(exp -6) atm range. This value is considered high for nebula conditions but is still plausible for non-canonical environments. In these trials the Na2O content of the glass was maintained or in some cases increased; Na2O values ranged from 2.62% wt to 4.37% wt. The Na content of chondrules may be controlled by the Na vapor pressure in the chondrule formation region. Most heating events capable

  5. Na/K pump inactivation, subsarcolemmal Na measurements, and cytoplasmic ion turnover kinetics contradict restricted Na spaces in murine cardiac myocytes. (United States)

    Lu, Fang-Min; Hilgemann, Donald W


    Decades ago, it was proposed that Na transport in cardiac myocytes is modulated by large changes in cytoplasmic Na concentration within restricted subsarcolemmal spaces. Here, we probe this hypothesis for Na/K pumps by generating constitutive transsarcolemmal Na flux with the Na channel opener veratridine in whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. Using 25 mM Na in the patch pipette, pump currents decay strongly during continuous activation by extracellular K (τ, ∼2 s). In contradiction to depletion hypotheses, the decay becomes stronger when pump currents are decreased by hyperpolarization. Na channel currents are nearly unchanged by pump activity in these conditions, and conversely, continuous Na currents up to 0.5 nA in magnitude have negligible effects on pump currents. These outcomes are even more pronounced using 50 mM Li as a cytoplasmic Na congener. Thus, the Na/K pump current decay reflects mostly an inactivation mechanism that immobilizes Na/K pump charge movements, not cytoplasmic Na depletion. When channel currents are increased beyond 1 nA, models with unrestricted subsarcolemmal diffusion accurately predict current decay (τ ∼15 s) and reversal potential shifts observed for Na, Li, and K currents through Na channels opened by veratridine, as well as for Na, K, Cs, Li, and Cl currents recorded in nystatin-permeabilized myocytes. Ion concentrations in the pipette tip (i.e., access conductance) track without appreciable delay the current changes caused by sarcolemmal ion flux. Importantly, cytoplasmic mixing volumes, calculated from current decay kinetics, increase and decrease as expected with osmolarity changes (τ >30 s). Na/K pump current run-down over 20 min reflects a failure of pumps to recover from inactivation. Simulations reveal that pump inactivation coupled with Na-activated recovery enhances the rapidity and effectivity of Na homeostasis in cardiac myocytes. In conclusion, an autoregulatory mechanism enhances cardiac Na/K pump activity when

  6. Os doze trabalhos de Obama

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    Henrique Rattner


    Full Text Available

    A alegoria com o semideus da mitologia latina, filho de Júpiter e de Alcmena, dotado de poderes sobre humanos e chamado a executar doze tarefas impossíveis para um mortal comum não parece um exagero ao analisar os desafios políticos e econômicos enfrentados pelo atual presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack Obama. Eleito por maioria expressiva de votos da população profundamente decepcionada pelo governo Bush e passados 300 dias desde sua posse, é possível fazer um primeiro balanço de seu governo. Obama herdou o país no meio da pior recessão das últimas décadas e deve enfrentar graves problemas na política interna e externa, sem falar da tremenda responsabilidade de recuperar o prestígio e o respeito pelo país que continua sendo a maior potência econômica e militar do mundo.

  7. A arte nas ruas da cidade: estratégia de ressignificação e de interação comunicacional

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    Ione Maria Ghislene Bentz


    Full Text Available O texto investiga os efeitos das retóricas visuais na composição de metáforas/alegorias urbanas, através da produção de significados simbólicos e das relações de comunicação mediadas pelas tecnologias urbanas. Esses artefatos estão de tal modo presentes no cotidiano, que se tornaram próteses no corpo da cidade. Foram escolhidas temáticas e práticas contemporâneas, representantes de formas de natureza no espaço urbano, que produzem um diálogo com a cultura sob a forma de narrativas. A matriz narrativa trabalha: (a o elemento lúdico, presente nas diversas formas de manifestação; e (b o elemento de crítica social, presente nos argumentos narrativos dos textos em análise. O desenvolvimento do tema obedece aos parâmetros das teorias da linguagem, da compreensão da semiose e da interação comunicacional. Objetiva-se identificar e compreender os efeitos dos sentidos e as formas de interação, ambos mediados, em semioses complexas, por dispositivos urbanos.

  8. Travestilidade como denúncia política: performatividade de gênero e panantillanismo em "Sirena Selena Vestida de Pena"

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    Luana Barossi


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este breve ensaio propõe uma leitura do romance Sirena Selena vestida de pena levando em consideração sua matéria política, encontrada no tema da travestilidade. Dessa maneira, serão abordadas duas possibilidades interpretativas sobre o caráter subversivo da narrativa: a diversidade de gênero, que desestabiliza a tradição patriarcal, heterossexista e cis-sexista da sociedade caribenha e a travestilidade como alegoria do Caribe, cujo foco está na denúncia de problemáticas econômicas e sociais. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Travestilidade, estudos de gênero, literatura caribenha. ________________________ ABSTRACT: This brief essay aims to analyze the novel Sirena Selena vestida de pena taking into consideration its political matter, found in the topic of travestility. We will approach two different interpretative possibilities about the subversive matter of the narrative: firstly, gender diversity, that destabilizes the patriarchal, heterosexist and cissexist Caribbean society tradition, and secondly, travestility as an allegory of the Caribbean, which focus on the denunciation of economic and social matters.  KEYWORDS: Travestility, gender studies, caribbean literature.

  9. Na+/Ca2+ exchange and Na+/K+-ATPase in the heart (United States)

    Shattock, Michael J; Ottolia, Michela; Bers, Donald M; Blaustein, Mordecai P; Boguslavskyi, Andrii; Bossuyt, Julie; Bridge, John H B; Chen-Izu, Ye; Clancy, Colleen E; Edwards, Andrew; Goldhaber, Joshua; Kaplan, Jack; Lingrel, Jerry B; Pavlovic, Davor; Philipson, Kenneth; Sipido, Karin R; Xie, Zi-Jian


    This paper is the third in a series of reviews published in this issue resulting from the University of California Davis Cardiovascular Symposium 2014: Systems approach to understanding cardiac excitation–contraction coupling and arrhythmias: Na+ channel and Na+ transport. The goal of the symposium was to bring together experts in the field to discuss points of consensus and controversy on the topic of sodium in the heart. The present review focuses on cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchange (NCX) and Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA). While the relevance of Ca2+ homeostasis in cardiac function has been extensively investigated, the role of Na+ regulation in shaping heart function is often overlooked. Small changes in the cytoplasmic Na+ content have multiple effects on the heart by influencing intracellular Ca2+ and pH levels thereby modulating heart contractility. Therefore it is essential for heart cells to maintain Na+ homeostasis. Among the proteins that accomplish this task are the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) and the Na+/K+ pump (NKA). By transporting three Na+ ions into the cytoplasm in exchange for one Ca2+ moved out, NCX is one of the main Na+ influx mechanisms in cardiomyocytes. Acting in the opposite direction, NKA moves Na+ ions from the cytoplasm to the extracellular space against their gradient by utilizing the energy released from ATP hydrolysis. A fine balance between these two processes controls the net amount of intracellular Na+ and aberrations in either of these two systems can have a large impact on cardiac contractility. Due to the relevant role of these two proteins in Na+ homeostasis, the emphasis of this review is on recent developments regarding the cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1) and Na+/K+ pump and the controversies that still persist in the field. PMID:25772291

  10. Durero y los Hieroglyphica. Tres estampas y una pintura. Némesis (La Gran Fortuna. La Justicia. Melancolía I. Cristo ante los Doctores

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    González de Zárate, Jesús María


    Full Text Available The present study attempts to analyze several prints by Albrecht Dürer, as well as his painting Christ among the Doctors, in relation to the well-known Hieroglyphica of Horapollo, which we published in Spanish in 1991 (Akal. Erwin Panofsky analyzed the works of the German artist, but he apparently did not take into consideration certain iconographic details. Durer, following the advice of his protector Pirckheimer, elaborated the drawings for Horapollo’s Hieroglyphica, published by Professor George Boas. This visual and semantic vocabulary, of great importance in the History of Art from the Renaissance onward, and specifically in Durer’s graphic art, is evident in the carvings for the Triumphal Arch of Maximilian (1515, studied by Panofsky.

    El presente estudio trata de analizar algunas estampas de Alberto Durero, así como su pintura Cristo ante los doctores, en función de los conocidos Hieroglyphica de Horapollo que publicamos en edición castellana en el año 1991 (Akal. El análisis de la obra artística del maestro alemán fue realizado por Erwin Panofsky, pero algunos detalles iconográficos, al parecer, no se tuvieron en cuenta. Durero, bajo el consejo de su protector Pirckheimer elaboró los dibujos de los Hieroglyphica de Horapollo que han sido editados por el profesor americano Georges Boas. Este vocabulario visual y semántico, que tanto incidió en la Historia del Arte en la época Moderna, y más concretamente en el arte gráfico del maestro alemán, se demuestra en las entalladuras del Arco de Triunfo de Maximiliano de 1515 que estudiara Panofsky. Son algunas creaciones artísticas muy relevantes del maestro pintor-grabador, las que encierran de igual modo esta lectura, las que tratamos de analizar en el comentario que presentamos.

  11. Altered Na+ transport after an intracellular alpha-subunit deletion reveals strict external sequential release of Na+ from the Na/K pump. (United States)

    Yaragatupalli, Siddhartha; Olivera, J Fernando; Gatto, Craig; Artigas, Pablo


    The Na/K pump actively exports 3 Na(+) in exchange for 2 K(+) across the plasmalemma of animal cells. As in other P-type ATPases, pump function is more effective when the relative affinity for transported ions is altered as the ion binding sites alternate between opposite sides of the membrane. Deletion of the five C-terminal residues from the alpha-subunit diminishes internal Na(+) (Na(i)(+)) affinity approximately 25-fold [Morth et al. (2007) Nature 450:1043-1049]. Because external Na(+) (Na(o)(+)) binding is voltage-dependent, we studied the reactions involving this process by using two-electrode and inside-out patch voltage clamp in normal and truncated (DeltaKESYY) Xenopus-alpha1 pumps expressed in oocytes. We observed that DeltaKESYY (i) decreased both Na(o)(+) and Na(i)(+) apparent affinities in the absence of K(o)(+), and (ii) did not affect apparent Na(o)(+) affinity at high K(o)(+). These results support a model of strict sequential external release of Na(+) ions, where the Na(+)-exclusive site releases Na(+) before the sites shared with K(+) and the DeltaKESYY deletion only reduces Na(o)(+) affinity at the shared sites. Moreover, at nonsaturating K(o)(+), DeltaKESYY induced an inward flow of Na(+) through Na/K pumps at negative potentials. Guanidinium(+) can also permeate truncated pumps, whereas N-methyl-D-glucamine cannot. Because guanidinium(o)(+) can also traverse normal Na/K pumps in the absence of both Na(o)(+) and K(o)(+) and can also inhibit Na/K pump currents in a Na(+)-like voltage-dependent manner, we conclude that the normal pathway transited by the first externally released Na(+) is large enough to accommodate guanidinium(+).

  12. Active transport of Na+ by reconstituted Na,K-ATPase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boldyrev, A.A.; Svinukhova, I.A.


    The ability of ATP, CTP, ITP, GTP, and UTP to support ouabain-sensitive accumulation of Na + by proteoliposomes with a reconstituted Na/K-pump was investigated. At a low [Na + ]/[K + ] ratio in the medium (20 mM/50 mM), a correlation is observed between the proton-accepting capacity of the nucleotide and its effectiveness as a substrate of active transport. To test the hypothesis of the importance of the presence of a negative charge in the 1-position of the purine (3-pyrimidine) base of the nucleotide for mutual transitions between the Na- and K-conformations of Na,K-ATPase they used two analogs of ATP: N 1 -hydroxy-ATP, possessing proton acceptor capacity, and N 1 -methoxy-ATP, in the molecule of which the negative charge is quenched by a methyl group. The first substrate supports active accumulation of Na + in proteoliposomes at the same rate as ATP, whereas the second substrate is relatively ineffective

  13. Investigation on U - O - Na, Pu - O - Na and U,Pu - O - Na phase diagrams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pillon, S.


    The thermochemical interaction between the nuclear fuel (uranium and plutonium mixed oxides) and the sodium has been investigated and particularly the three phase diagrams: U - O - Na; Pu - O - Na; U,Pu - O - Na. High temperature neutron diffraction, microcalorimetry and powder X-ray diffraction were used for the characterization of the compounds synthetized. This study allowed to complete the knowledge about each of these diagrams and to measure some physical and thermal properties on the compounds. The limits on the modelization of the fuel-sodium interaction are discussed from the results of the UO 2 - Na reaction [fr

  14. Empleo del método electroquímico acelerado AC-DC-AC para la predicción del tiempo de vida útil de pinturas base agua

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    Bethencourt, M.


    Full Text Available In this study an accelerated method for the evaluation of painted metals is proposed. Specifically, the proposed method has been applied in a study of the process of degradation of two water-based paints applied to a carbon steel surface. The technique is based on the application of cycles combining measurement of electrochemical impedance spectra, cathodic polarisation steps, and recording of the evolution of the corrosion potential of the system in function of time. The results obtained from this method are compared with those obtained from studying the evolution of the impedance spectra of both systems in function of the time of immersion, for periods of immersion of the order of 200 days.

    En este trabajo se propone un método acelerado de evaluación de metales pintados. Concretamente, el método se ha aplicado al estudio del proceso de degradación de dos pinturas de base agua aplicadas sobre un acero al carbono. El método está basado en la aplicación de ciclos en los que se combinan la medida de espectros de impedancia electroquímica, etapas de polarización catódica y el registro de la evolución del potencial de corrosión del sistema en función del tiempo. Los resultados obtenidos mediante este método se comparan con los obtenidos al estudiar la evolución de los espectros de impedancia de ambos sistemas en función del tiempo de inmersión, para periodos de inmersión del orden de 200 d.

  15. Insecticidal paint and fumigant canisters for Chagas' disease control: community acceptance in Honduras Pintura insecticida y botes de fumigación para el control de la enfermedad de Chagas: aceptación por la comunidad en Honduras

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    Gustavo Adolfo Ávila Montes


    dos nuevas técnicas de control de los vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas: la pintura insecticida y los botes de fumigación. Ambas fueron comparadas con la tradicional pulverización con fenitrotión. Entre agosto y noviembre de 1992, un año después de la aplicación inicial de los tratamientos, se realizó en una zona endémica del centro de Honduras un estudio experimental de campo para determinar la aceptación de las nuevas técnicas por parte de la población cuyas casas fueron tratadas y por parte del personal que aplicó los tratamientos. El tamaño de la muestra se calculó de acuerdo con un protocolo uniforme aplicado en seis países de América Latina. Se encuestaron 651 cabezas de familia de 15 comunidades rurales y se utilizaron grupos de enfoque para obtener información sobre los motivos que llevaron a los participantes a aceptar o rechazar los tratamientos utilizados; en estos grupos, además de los cabezas de familia, también participaron los trabajadores de campo que aplicaron los tratamientos. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron que la pintura insecticida tenía un bajo nivel de aceptación por la comunidad (28,2%; a los trabajadores les gustaba muy poco por los problemas relacionados con su transporte, aplicación, olor desagradable y muy baja efectividad frente a los triatominos y otros insectos. El insecticida tradicional fue más aceptable tanto para la comunidad (93,9% como para los trabajadores, sobre todo por su potente efecto frente a los triatominos y otros insectos. Para incrementar la aceptación de la pintura insecticida sería necesario hacer más fácil su transporte y aplicación e incrementar su efectividad. Debido a su muy baja efectividad, los botes de fumigación no representaron una alternativa aceptable para el control de los triatominos. Una iniciativa de educación pública debería ser un componente de cualquier nuevo método de control que se desarrolle.

  16. Measurement of exchangeable sodium: 22Na or 24Na

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, T.; Edmonds, C.J.


    A case is made for the use of 22 Na in low activities in preference to 24 Na for routine diagnostic estimation of exchangeable sodium, and is based chiefly on considerations of availability, cost and radiation dosimetry. A method in which only 37 kBq (1 μCi) 22 Na is administered orally is shown to be sufficiently accurate and to possess distinct advantages in terms of cost and convenience with a committed radiation dose no greater than that for a measurement using 24 Na. (author)

  17. Suppression of Na interstitials in Na-F codoped ZnO (United States)

    Huo, Wenxing; Mei, Zengxia; Tang, Aihua; Liang, Huili; Du, Xiaolong


    Controlling the formation of interstitial Na (Nai) self-compensating defects has been a long-term physics problem for effective Na doping in ZnO. Herein, we present an experimental approach to the suppression of Nai defects in ZnO via Na and F codoping under an oxygen-rich condition during the molecular beam epitaxy growth process. It is found that the incorporation of such large numbers of Na and F dopants (˜1020 cm-3) does not cause an obvious influence on the lattice parameters. Hall-effect measurements demonstrate that F doping efficiently raises the Fermi level (EF) of ZnO films, which is expected to make the formation energy of Nai and NaZn increase and decrease, respectively. Most of the Na atoms occupy the substitutional Zn sites, and the formation of Nai is suppressed consequently. Secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements reveal that F and Na atoms are tightly bonded together due to their strong Coulomb interaction. The enhanced deep level emission (DLE) in ZnO:Na-F is ascribed to the considerable amount of isolated Zn vacancy (VZn) defects induced by the elevated EF and the formation of neutral (" separators="| FO + - Na Zn - ) 0 complexes. On the other hand, formation of (" separators="| FO + - VZn 2 - ) - complexes in ZnO:F exhausts most of the isolated Zn vacancies, leading to the disappearance of the DLE band.



    Novak, Martina


    V diplomskem delu obravnavamo družbene medije kot novo priložnost za promocijo in oglaševanje podjetij. Spoznali smo družbena omrežja na splošno in nekaj teh, ki jih uporabljamo tudi v Sloveniji na kratko predstavili. Podrobneje smo se osredotočili na družbeno omrežje Facebook, predvsem na samo spletno stran, njen izgled in storitve, ki jih ponuja uporabnikom. V nalogi je podrobneje opisan Facebook kot orodje za uporabo oglaševanja. Spoznali smo brezplačne in plačljive načine promocije in ogl...

  19. Na+,K+-ATPase Na+ affinity in rat skeletal muscle fiber types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Michael; Juel, Carsten


    Previous studies in expression systems have found different ion activation of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase isozymes, which suggest that different muscles have different ion affinities. The rate of ATP hydrolysis was used to quantify Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity, and the Na(+) affinity of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase...

  20. Crystal structure of Na+, K(+)-ATPase in the Na(+)-bound state. (United States)

    Nyblom, Maria; Poulsen, Hanne; Gourdon, Pontus; Reinhard, Linda; Andersson, Magnus; Lindahl, Erik; Fedosova, Natalya; Nissen, Poul


    The Na(+), K(+)-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) maintains the electrochemical gradients of Na(+) and K(+) across the plasma membrane--a prerequisite for electrical excitability and secondary transport. Hitherto, structural information has been limited to K(+)-bound or ouabain-blocked forms. We present the crystal structure of a Na(+)-bound Na(+), K(+)-ATPase as determined at 4.3 Å resolution. Compared with the K(+)-bound form, large conformational changes are observed in the α subunit whereas the β and γ subunit structures are maintained. The locations of the three Na(+) sites are indicated with the unique site III at the recently suggested IIIb, as further supported by electrophysiological studies on leak currents. Extracellular release of the third Na(+) from IIIb through IIIa, followed by exchange of Na(+) for K(+) at sites I and II, is suggested.

  1. Meltability in system of K2TaF7-NaF-NaCl-KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kartsev, V.E.; Kovalev, F.V.; Korshunov, B.G.


    Thermographic and visual-polythermal techniques were used to study the meltability in K 2 TaF 7 -NaF-NaCl-KCl system. The tetrahedron-forming sections NaF-NaCl-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl and NaF-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl-2K 2 TaF 7 xNaCl divide the concentration tetrahedron into three particular tetrahedra: NaF-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl-2K 2 TaF 7 xNaCl-K 2 TaF 7 , NaF-NaCl-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl-2K 2 TaF 7 xaCl, and NaF-NaCl-KCl-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl. Non-variant equilibrium points in all of the particular four-component systems have been determined

  2. Active transport of Na/sup +/ by reconstituted Na,K-ATPase

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boldyrev, A.A.; Svinukhova, I.A.


    The ability of ATP, CTP, ITP, GTP, and UTP to support ouabain-sensitive accumulation of Na/sup +/ by proteoliposomes with a reconstituted Na/K-pump was investigated. At a low (Na/sup +/)/(K/sup +/) ratio in the medium (20 mM/50 mM), a correlation is observed between the proton-accepting capacity of the nucleotide and its effectiveness as a substrate of active transport. To test the hypothesis of the importance of the presence of a negative charge in the 1-position of the purine (3-pyrimidine) base of the nucleotide for mutual transitions between the Na- and K-conformations of Na,K-ATPase they used two analogs of ATP: N/sub 1/-hydroxy-ATP, possessing proton acceptor capacity, and N/sub 1/-methoxy-ATP, in the molecule of which the negative charge is quenched by a methyl group. The first substrate supports active accumulation of Na/sup +/ in proteoliposomes at the same rate as ATP, whereas the second substrate is relatively ineffective.

  3. Relationship between intracellular Na+ concentration and reduced Na+ affinity in Na+,K+-ATPase mutants causing neurological disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toustrup-Jensen, Mads Schak; Einholm, Anja P.; Schack, Vivien

    The neurological disorders familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 (FHM2), alternating hemiplegia of childhood (AHC), and rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism (RDP) are caused by mutations of Na+,K+-ATPase α2 and α3 isoforms, expressed in glial and neuronal cells, respectively. Although these disorders......, addressing the question to what extent they cause a change of the intracellular Na+ and K+ concentrations ([Na+]i and [K+]i) in COS cells. C-terminal extension mutants generally showed dramatically reduced Na+ affinity without disturbance of K+ binding, as did other RDP mutants. No phosphorylation from ATP...

  4. Caracterização e tratabilidade biológica dos efluentes líquidos gerados em cabines de pintura de uma indústria moveleira Characterization and treatability of wastewater from a dying hood of a furniture industry

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    Anselmo R. Lage Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os efluentes gerados em cabines de pintura de uma indústria moveleira e avaliar a eficiência de sistemas biológicos (anaeróbio e aeróbio para o seu tratamento. O efluente industrial apresentou elevado teor de matéria orgânica (DQO total de 634 a 2.790 mg.L-1; DBO5 total de 360 a 972 mg.L-1 e baixos teores de macronutrientes (NTK de 1,9 mg.L-1 e Ptotal de 0,5 mg.L- e metais tóxicos. Os ensaios de tratabilidade em reator UASB (~25ºC e tempo de detenção hidráulica - TDH = 10 horas, indicaram uma eficiência máxima de remoção de matéria orgânica de 90% na composição volumétrica 70:30 (efluente industrial:esgoto sanitário. A alimentação do reator UASB só com efluente industrial resultou em acúmulo de ácidos graxos voláteis e inibição microbiana, mas o uso de pós-tratamento aeróbio (TDH = 96h garantiu elevada eficiência global (~88% de remoção de matéria orgânica.The main objective of this work was to characterize the wastewater from the dying hood of a woven furniture industry, and to assess the efficiency of biological processes (anaerobic and aerobic for its treatment. The physical-chemical characterization of the industrial wastewater showed a high organic matter content (total COD from 634 to 2,790 mg.L-1; total BOD5 from 360 to 972 mg.L-1, low content of macronutrients (NTK of 1.9 mg.L-1 and P of 0.5 mg.L-1 and toxic metals. The anaerobic degradation tests in a bench-scale UASB reactor (25ºC and hydraulic retention time - HRT = 10 hours showed that a maximum removal efficiency of 90% was obtained when the reactor was fed with 30% raw sewage and 70% industrial wastewater. The feeding of UASB reactor with only industrial wastewater resulted in volatile fatty acids accumulation and microbial inhibition; however, the use of aerobic post-treatment (HRT = 96 hours granted a high (~88% organic matter removal efficiency.



    Orličnik, Urša


    Danes pojavljanje podjetja samo na domačem trgu ni več dovolj. Spremembe okolja, naraščanje konkurence ter hiter tehnološki napredek, silijo podjetja k nenehnemu prilagajanju in iskanju novih priložnosti tako na domačem kot tudi na tujem trgu. Internacionalizacija podjetja tako postaja vedno bolj pomemembna za preživetje podjetja. Internacionalizacija se v najširšem smislu nanaša na vse oblike mednarodnega ekonomskega sodelovanja. Je dinamičen proces, kateremu nujno sledi sprememba stanja...

  6. Na/K pump inactivation, subsarcolemmal Na measurements, and cytoplasmic ion turnover kinetics contradict restricted Na spaces in murine cardiac myocytes


    Lu, Fang-Min; Hilgemann, Donald W.


    The Na/K pump exports cytoplasmic Na ions while importing K ions, and its activity is thought to be affected by restricted intracellular Na diffusion in cardiac myocytes. Lu and Hilgemann find instead that the pump can enter an inactivated state and that inactivation can be relieved by cytoplasmic Na.

  7. "As estrelas estando": Astronomia cenográfica em "Corpo de baile"

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    Érico Melo


    Full Text Available A inteligibilidade do céu noturno em momentos-chave de Corpo de baile aponta para uma elaborada alegorização das posições de certas estrelas e constelações. Esta leitura procura demonstrar a interpenetração entre céu e terra, dia e noite nos panos de fundo siderais das tramas de Rosa, com foco em “O recado do morro”, conto central do livro, e nas estritas condições de visibilidade da alegoria rosiana.

  8. Innovació docent: gestió i desenvolupament d’activitats extracurriculars en l’àrea de la conservació-restauració de pintura mural. Capella de San Andrés (Sevilla-Espanya

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    Beatriz Prado-Campos


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓ. Aquest article descriu una experiència pràctica d’innovació docent duta a terme en el grau universitari de Conservació i Restauració de Béns Culturals de la Universitat de Sevilla. MÈTODE. Les pràctiques acadèmiques descrites tenien com a objectiu fonamental contribuir activament a la formació dels alumnes i aportar-los una experiència pràctica professional real en traslladar-los del seu àmbit habitual, l’aula, a un entorn professional. RESULTATS. L’aplicació de la metodologia específica de conservació-restauració en projectes d’intervenció de pintura mural, concretament a la cúpula de l’església de San Andrés (Sevilla, va permetre que l’alumnat prengués contacte amb una realitat professional concreta, on el gran format de les pintures murals i l’aplicació de les mesures de seguretat laboral van tenir com a resultat la millora les seves destreses i habilitats pel que fa als processos propis de la seva professió. A més, va suposar una experiència d’interès per a la seva inserció laboral. DISCUSSIÓ. Es demostra, amb això, que utilitzant els recursos didàctics apropiats en el procés d’ensenyament i aprenentatge es pot ampliar la qualitat de la docència.

  9. Painting collage


    Castillo Montoya, Alejandro


    Mi proyecto se interesa por la fragmentación de la identidad del individuo posmoderno, lo cual es atendido mediante la investigación de las posibilidades de construcción de la pintura. Por tanto, tomando el collage como base estructural de mis cuadros, subrayo su intrínseca violencia compositiva distorsionando, repitiendo, ampliando o copiando secciones de diferentes tipos de imágenes, para hacer una relectura de la pintura de género desde mi presente, con referencias a trad...

  10. La Última Cena y la Ascensión, anverso y reverso de una puerta, atribuidas a Matías de Aguirre

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    Mateo Gómez, Isabel


    Full Text Available Discusses a cabinet door to save a custody and paintings of the Last Supper and the Ascension that are painted on it on the sides: these paintings are attributed to Matías Aguirre.

    Se estudia una puerta de armario para guardar una custodia y las pinturas de la Cena y la Ascensión que aparecen pintadas en ella en el anverso y reverso: estas pinturas se atribuyen a Matías de Aguirre.

  11. El pixoy como material de conservación de pintura mural y relieves policromos en el área maya The Pixoy Gum as a Conservation Material for Mural Painting and Color Stucco Reliefs in Mayan Area

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    Ma. Cristina Ruiz Martín


    Full Text Available Ante la problemática que se ha enfrentado en sitios arqueológicos del área maya en la conservación de pintura mural y relieves en estuco policromos que se preservan in situ, se ha buscado en nuevos materiales contrarrestar efectos de deterioro que pueden generar la pérdida de estos bienes. Dentro de los productos utilizados están los extractos vegetales, empleados principalmente como aditivos a morteros de cal y en el caso de Ek'Balam, como consolidante de capas de color. Se ha desarrollado una investigación para evaluar uno de estos materiales, el pixoy (Guazuma ulmifolia, y determinar su efectividad en la conservación arqueológica.Because of the conservation problems of the mural paintings and color stucco reliefs from the archaeological sites of the Mayan area which are preserved in situ, the investigation of new materials that resist deterioration effects have been a very important goal for restorers. One of these products are the vegetables extracts, used like additives for the lime, and in the case of Ek'Balam as fixatives of pictorial layer. This investigation has been developed to evaluate one of these materials, pixoy gum (Guazuma ulmifolia, and to determine its effectiveness in the archaeological conservation.

  12. Vpliv toplotnih mostov na porabo energije za ogrevanje na primeru osnovne šole


    Megušar, Primož


    Na primeru Osnovne šole Dobrova sem preveril, kakšen vpliv imajo dejanski toplotni mostovi na porabo energije za ogrevanje. Iz načrtov stavbe sem evidentiral vse toplotne mostove, kateri vplivajo na porabo energije. Tem toplotnim mostovom sem nato v standardu SIST EN ISO 14683 poiskal ustrezne približke. Nato sem s programom TOST izvedel tri simulacije. V prvem primeru toplotnih mostov nisem upošteval. V drugem primeru sem toplotne mostove upošteval na poenostavljen način, v zadnjem primeru p...

  13. Na and K dependence of the Na/K pump in cystic fibrosis fibroblasts.


    Reznik, V M; Schneider, J A; Mendoza, S A


    The Na and K dependence of the Na/K pump was measured in skin fibroblasts from patients with cystic fibrosis and age/sex-matched controls. Under basal conditions, there was no difference between control and cystic fibrosis cells in protein per cell, intracellular Na and K content, or Na/K pump activity (measured as ouabain-sensitive 86Rb uptake). There was no difference in the Na dependence of the Na/K pump between cystic fibrosis cells and control cells. In cells from patients with cystic fi...

  14. Vliv mikroflóry na senzorické vlastnosti vína


    Petrášová, Ludmila


    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vlivem mikroflóry na senzorické vlastnosti vína. Teoretická část informuje o botanickém popisu hroznů vína Veltlínské zelené, dále o jeho složení, o technologii zpracování bílého vína a o vlivu kvasinek na aromatický profil vína. V další části popisuje metodu stanovení aromaticky aktivních látek pomocí plynové chromatografie v kombinaci s mikroextrakcí tuhou fází (SPME-GC). Cílem experimentální části bylo proměřit vzorky 4 různých moštů odrůdy Veltlínské zelené...

  15. Pintar la pintura

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    Santiago Londoño Vélez


    Full Text Available Santiago Cárdenas. Catálogo de la exposición retrospectiva. Varios autores. Fundación Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas-Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, Op Gráficas, Santafé de Bogotá, 1995, 76 págs., ilustrado

  16. San Adrián de Moneixas. Evolución de la iglesia y estudio de su singular pintura mural

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    del Castillo Fondevila, Mª Estghr


    obras, una original pintura mural, inédita hasta ahora. Creemos puede datarse a fines del XV o muy principios del XVI. Representa la Flagelación, con la particularidad de seguir un modelo poco habitual en España, tomado del Speculum Humanae Salvationis, en el que Cristo aparece atado a una palmera mientras dos sayones lo azotan.

  17. Study of the Na-C-O and Na-H-O ternary systems in the sodium rich corner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maupre, J.-P.


    The purpose of this study is to provide a contribution to the understanding of the sodium - carbon - oxygen and sodium - hydrogen - oxygen ternary systems in the sodium rich corner. In order to do this the Na-NaH-Na 2 O-NaOH phase diagram was completed and the Na-Na 2 O-Na 2 CO 3 -C phase diagram was outlined. This work is made up of two parts. The first is devoted to a critical literature survey essential to establish correct phase diagrams. The second is an experimental study followed by a discussion collating our finding to the literary data. The basic experimental technique used is differential thermal analysis (DTA) but it has been completed by quenching, X-ray and chemical analysis methods. The proposed phase diagrams imply that Na-NaH-Na 2 O-NaOH and Na-Na 2 O-Na 2 CO 3 -C systems are reciprocal ternary systems. Temperatures of stable pairs reversal are respectively 410 and 690 0 C. The stable pairs are Na-NaOH and Na-Na 2 CO 3 at elevated temperature, Na 2 O-NaH and Na 2 O-C at low temperature [fr

  18. Response of saliva Na/K ratio to changing Na supply of lactating cows under tropical conditions. (United States)

    Thiangtum, Wandee; Schonewille, J Thomas; Verstegen, Martin Wa; Arsawakulsudhi, Supot; Rukkwamsuk, Theera; Hendriks, Wouter H


    Factorial determination of the sodium (Na) requirement of heat-stressed lactating cows is hindered by accurate estimates of the Na losses through sweat. Direct studies, therefore, may be needed requiring information on the time course of healthy animals to become Na depleted and the subsequent rate of repletion. The rate of Na depletion and subsequent rate of Na repletion with two levels of dietary Na to lactating dairy cows housed under tropical conditions were investigated using the salivary Na/K. The 12 lactating cows (salivary Na/K ratio 14.6) rapidly developed clinical signs of Na deficiency, including pica, polyuria and polydipsia, reduced body weight and reduced milk yield when fed a low-Na ration (0.33 g kg -1 dry matter (DM)) for 3 weeks. Deficiency symptoms were associated with a rapid decrease in salivary Na/K ratio to cows with NaCl to a ration concentration of 1.1 or 1.6 g Na kg -1 DM for 5 weeks did not restore salivary Na/K ratio to values of >6. A daily Na intake of heat-stressed lactating cows to a ration intake of 1.6 g Na kg -1 DM was insufficient to restore Na deficiency. One week was sufficient to deplete heat-stressed lactating cows of Na, allowing for rapid dose-response studies utilizing the salivary Na/K ratio as a parameter for Na status of cows under tropical conditions. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  19. Glutathionylation-Dependence of Na+-K+-Pump Currents Can Mimic Reduced Subsarcolemmal Na+ Diffusion (United States)

    Garcia, Alvaro; Liu, Chia-Chi; Cornelius, Flemming; Clarke, Ronald J.; Rasmussen, Helge H.


    The existence of a subsarcolemmal space with restricted diffusion for Na+ in cardiac myocytes has been inferred from a transient peak electrogenic Na+-K+ pump current beyond steady state on reexposure of myocytes to K+ after a period of exposure to K+-free extracellular solution. The transient peak current is attributed to enhanced electrogenic pumping of Na+ that accumulated in the diffusion-restricted space during pump inhibition in K+-free extracellular solution. However, there are no known physical barriers that account for such restricted Na+ diffusion, and we examined if changes of activity of the Na+-K+ pump itself cause the transient peak current. Reexposure to K+ reproduced a transient current beyond steady state in voltage-clamped ventricular myocytes as reported by others. Persistence of it when the Na+ concentration in patch pipette solutions perfusing the intracellular compartment was high and elimination of it with K+-free pipette solution could not be reconciled with restricted subsarcolemmal Na+ diffusion. The pattern of the transient current early after pump activation was dependent on transmembrane Na+- and K+ concentration gradients suggesting the currents were related to the conformational poise imposed on the pump. We examined if the currents might be accounted for by changes in glutathionylation of the β1 Na+-K+ pump subunit, a reversible oxidative modification that inhibits the pump. Susceptibility of the β1 subunit to glutathionylation depends on the conformational poise of the Na+-K+ pump, and glutathionylation with the pump stabilized in conformations equivalent to those expected to be imposed on voltage-clamped myocytes supported this hypothesis. So did elimination of the transient K+-induced peak Na+-K+ pump current when we included glutaredoxin 1 in patch pipette solutions to reverse glutathionylation. We conclude that transient K+-induced peak Na+-K+ pump current reflects the effect of conformation-dependent β1 pump subunit

  20. Glutathionylation-Dependence of Na(+)-K(+)-Pump Currents Can Mimic Reduced Subsarcolemmal Na(+) Diffusion. (United States)

    Garcia, Alvaro; Liu, Chia-Chi; Cornelius, Flemming; Clarke, Ronald J; Rasmussen, Helge H


    The existence of a subsarcolemmal space with restricted diffusion for Na(+) in cardiac myocytes has been inferred from a transient peak electrogenic Na(+)-K(+) pump current beyond steady state on reexposure of myocytes to K(+) after a period of exposure to K(+)-free extracellular solution. The transient peak current is attributed to enhanced electrogenic pumping of Na(+) that accumulated in the diffusion-restricted space during pump inhibition in K(+)-free extracellular solution. However, there are no known physical barriers that account for such restricted Na(+) diffusion, and we examined if changes of activity of the Na(+)-K(+) pump itself cause the transient peak current. Reexposure to K(+) reproduced a transient current beyond steady state in voltage-clamped ventricular myocytes as reported by others. Persistence of it when the Na(+) concentration in patch pipette solutions perfusing the intracellular compartment was high and elimination of it with K(+)-free pipette solution could not be reconciled with restricted subsarcolemmal Na(+) diffusion. The pattern of the transient current early after pump activation was dependent on transmembrane Na(+)- and K(+) concentration gradients suggesting the currents were related to the conformational poise imposed on the pump. We examined if the currents might be accounted for by changes in glutathionylation of the β1 Na(+)-K(+) pump subunit, a reversible oxidative modification that inhibits the pump. Susceptibility of the β1 subunit to glutathionylation depends on the conformational poise of the Na(+)-K(+) pump, and glutathionylation with the pump stabilized in conformations equivalent to those expected to be imposed on voltage-clamped myocytes supported this hypothesis. So did elimination of the transient K(+)-induced peak Na(+)-K(+) pump current when we included glutaredoxin 1 in patch pipette solutions to reverse glutathionylation. We conclude that transient K(+)-induced peak Na(+)-K(+) pump current reflects the effect

  1. Sine Fine: Dios, los Habsburgo y el traspaso de las insignias de poder en el Quinientos


    Mínguez, Víctor


    Partiendo del estudio de una pintura flamenca de Ambrosius Francken, Allegorie auf die Kaiserkrönung Ferdinands II. am 9. September 1619 (Deutsches Historisches Museum de Berlín), se analiza en esta investigación la construcción iconográfica de la entrega divina de las insignias del poder a los emperadores o reyes de la Casa de Habsburgo, a través de diversos grabados y pinturas. Estas imágenes configuran un discurso visual y retórico que pretendía justificar públicamente la...

  2. Una Aparición de la Virgen con el Niño a san Felipe Neri de Francisco Ignacio Ruiz de la Iglesia: atribución y contexto iconográfico

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    Gutiérrez Pastor, Ismael


    Full Text Available The author studies a painting of the Apparition of the Virgin and Child with St. Philip Neri, attributing it to the painter Francisco Ignacio Ruiz de la Iglesia and analyzing its iconography in the context of Baroque painting in Madrid.Se estudia una pintura de la Aparición de la Virgen con el Niño a San Felipe Neri, se atribuye al pintor Francisco Ignacio Ruiz de la Iglesia y se analiza su iconografía en el contexto de la pintura madrileña del Barroco.

  3. «Idolos» femeninos esquemáticos de la Cueva de Nerja

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    Full Text Available La representaciones parietales que a continuación tratamos, son conocidas desde el descubrimiento de las pinturas de la Cueva de Nerja. El haber permanecido tantos años en el anonimato bibliográfico, puede responder a la acaparación del interés por parte de las pinturas paleolíticas zoomorfas, que no los signos, más espectaculares y abundantes, o tal vez al hecho de carecer la cavidad de un estudio de sus manifestaciones artísticas a fondo y completo.

  4. La quietud del tiempo. Una reflexión pictórica de la intimidad emocional del individuo




    En la presente memoria hablo en primer lugar sobre una serie de movimientos y artistas que han influenciado, aunque indirectamente en mi trabajo. A continuación realizo una breve descripción de los aspectos generales que me interesan en cada caso y posteriormente trato de analizar mi pintura; una serie de retratos realizados al óleo en los que busco el aspecto psicológico y la introspección del individuo, también encontraremos alguna obra de carácter paisajístico. Estas pinturas muestran una ...

  5. A presença feminina nas indústrias de lingerie na cidade de Franca

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    Mayara C. Freitas Pereira


    Full Text Available Dados recentes nos comprovam que as indústrias de lingerie têm apresentado considerável crescimento na cidade de Franca/SP, cuja história sempre se pautou pela indústria do calçado. Devido à crise no setor calçadista, sobretudo em razão da intensificação da concorrência com a indústria dos países asiáticos, muitas grandes fábricas de calçados foram fechadas e, com a dispensa de mão-de-obra, houve um processo de reorganização da estrutura fabril, protagonizado, em especial, por aqueles que buscavam nova inserção no mercado de trabalho. Diante deste quadro nasce uma nova vocação empresarial comandada basicamente por mulheres, e que está abrindo postos de trabalho para outras mulheres - a indústria de lingerie, que vem crescendo notoriamente. Partimos de um pressuposto inicial de que muitas destas mulheres, hoje à frente da incipiente indústria de lingerie, tiveram alguma experiência pregressa nas indústrias calçadistas, que empregam expressiva mão-de-obra feminina, sobretudo nos setores de apara e corte de couro, pintura e embalagem, sem contar os serviços do terceiro setor em que a presença feminina é, em qualquer circunstância, relevante. Já por estarem num ambiente econômico-industrial relacionado à moda, a transposição do calçado para a lingerie, em que pese as diferenças óbvias, representou para estas mulheres um reajuste em suas antigas qualificações como industriárias do calçado. Este estudo, em andamento, tem como fito levantar dados a respeito do histórico dessa incipiente indústria, e, através do relato dessas mulheres, conhecer suas trajetórias de vida e as experiências que trouxeram para essa nova realidade. Intenta também reconhecer quais foram as estratégias utilizadas para se reorganizarem nos espaços produtivos, que, em alguns casos é a própria casa, além de conhecer e identificar outras experiências que se articulam, no mundo do trabalho.

  6. Crystal structure of a Na+-bound Na+,K+-ATPase preceding the E1P state. (United States)

    Kanai, Ryuta; Ogawa, Haruo; Vilsen, Bente; Cornelius, Flemming; Toyoshima, Chikashi


    Na(+),K(+)-ATPase pumps three Na(+) ions out of cells in exchange for two K(+) taken up from the extracellular medium per ATP molecule hydrolysed, thereby establishing Na(+) and K(+) gradients across the membrane in all animal cells. These ion gradients are used in many fundamental processes, notably excitation of nerve cells. Here we describe 2.8 Å-resolution crystal structures of this ATPase from pig kidney with bound Na(+), ADP and aluminium fluoride, a stable phosphate analogue, with and without oligomycin that promotes Na(+) occlusion. These crystal structures represent a transition state preceding the phosphorylated intermediate (E1P) in which three Na(+) ions are occluded. Details of the Na(+)-binding sites show how this ATPase functions as a Na(+)-specific pump, rejecting K(+) and Ca(2+), even though its affinity for Na(+) is low (millimolar dissociation constant). A mechanism for sequential, cooperative Na(+) binding can now be formulated in atomic detail.

  7. Na+-H+ exchange and Na+-dependent transport systems in streptozotocin diabetic rat kidneys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Seifi, S.; Freiberg, J.M.; Kinsella, F.J.; Cheng, L.; Sacktor, B.


    The streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat was used to test the hypothesis that Na + -H + exchange activity in the proximal tubule luminal membrane would be increased in association with renal hypertrophy, altered glomerular hemodynamics, enhanced filtered load and tubular reabsorption of 22 Na + , and stimulated 22 Na= pump activity in the basolateral membrane, previously reported characteristics of this experimental animal model. Amiloride-sensitive H + gradient-dependent Na + uptake and Na + gradient-dependent H + flux were increased in brush-border membrane vesicles from the streptozotocin-treated animals. Na + gradient-dependent uptakes of phosphate, D-glucose, L-proline, and myoinositol were decreased in the drug-induced diabetic animals. These membrane transport alterations were not found when the streptozotocin-diabetic animals were treated with insulin

  8. The two C-terminal tyrosines stabilize occluded Na/K pump conformations containing Na or K ions. (United States)

    Vedovato, Natascia; Gadsby, David C


    Interactions of the three transported Na ions with the Na/K pump remain incompletely understood. Na/K pump crystal structures show that the extended C terminus of the Na,K-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) alpha subunit directly contacts transmembrane helices. Deletion of the last five residues (KETYY in almost all Na/K pumps) markedly lowered the apparent affinity for Na activation of pump phosphorylation from ATP, a reflection of cytoplasmic Na affinity for forming the occluded E1P(Na3) conformation. ATPase assays further suggested that C-terminal truncations also interfere with low affinity Na interactions, which are attributable to extracellular effects. Because extracellular Na ions traverse part of the membrane's electric field to reach their binding sites in the Na/K pump, their movements generate currents that can be monitored with high resolution. We report here electrical measurements to examine how Na/K pump interactions with extracellular Na ions are influenced by C-terminal truncations. We deleted the last two (YY) or five (KESYY) residues in Xenopus laevis alpha1 Na/K pumps made ouabain resistant by either of two kinds of point mutations and measured their currents as 10-mM ouabain-sensitive currents in Xenopus oocytes after silencing endogenous Xenopus Na/K pumps with 1 microM ouabain. We found the low affinity inhibitory influence of extracellular Na on outward Na/K pump current at negative voltages to be impaired in all of the C-terminally truncated pumps. Correspondingly, voltage jump-induced transient charge movements that reflect pump interactions with extracellular Na ions were strongly shifted to more negative potentials; this signals a several-fold reduction of the apparent affinity for extracellular Na in the truncated pumps. Parallel lowering of Na affinity on both sides of the membrane argues that the C-terminal contacts provide important stabilization of the occluded E1P(Na3) conformation, regardless of the route of Na ion entry into the

  9. Soluble salts: their incidence on the protection of metallic structures by paint coatings

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    Morcillo, M.


    Full Text Available The presence of soluble salts at the metal/paint interface is known to have a detrimental effect on the integrity of most paint systems. Though this is a long-standing problem, it has recently come to receive greater attention from the protective coatings industry. In the paper the following points are reviewed: degradation mechanisms of the metal/paint system, the role of the metallic substrate, the nature, origin and detection of soluble salts, expected levels of soluble salts in practice, critical thresholds of soluble salts and risk levels for premature failures, role of the type and thickness of paint systems and exposure conditions, and prevention measures. The author presents an overview of the subject, making reference to the related research that has been carried out by him and his coworkers over the last 16 years.

    Es un hecho conocido que la presencia de sales solubles en la intercara metal/pintura tiene un efecto negativo sobre la mayoría de los sistemas de pintura. Aunque se trata de un problema conocido desde hace tiempo, ha sido recientemente cuando ha recibido una gran atención por parte de la industria de recubrimientos protectores. En el presente trabajo se revisan los siguientes aspectos: mecanismos de degradación del sistema metal/pintura, el papel que juega el substrato metálico, la naturaleza, origen y detección de las sales solubles, niveles esperados de sales solubles en la práctica, niveles críticos de sales solubles y niveles de riesgo de fallo prematuro del sistema de pintura, papel que juega el tipo y espesor del sistema de pintura, el ambiente de exposición y las medidas de prevención. El autor presenta una revisión del tema, haciendo referencia a los trabajos de investigación que ha llevado a cabo, junto con su grupo de investigación, durante los últimos 16 años.

  10. Anion-coupled Na efflux mediated by the human red blood cell Na/K pump

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dissing, S.; Hoffman, J.F.


    The red cell Na/K pump is known to continue to extrude Na when both Na and K are removed from the external medium. Because this ouabain-sensitive flux occurs in the absence of an exchangeable cation, it is referred to as uncoupled Na efflux. This flux is also known to be inhibited by 5 mM Nao but to a lesser extent than that inhibitable by ouabain. Uncoupled Na efflux via the Na/K pump therefore can be divided into a Nao-sensitive and Nao-insensitive component. We used DIDS-treated, SO4-equilibrated human red blood cells suspended in HEPES-buffered (pHo 7.4) MgSO4 or (Tris)2SO4, in which we measured 22Na efflux, 35SO4 efflux, and changes in the membrane potential with the fluorescent dye, diS-C3 (5). A principal finding is that uncoupled Na efflux occurs electroneurally, in contrast to the pump's normal electrogenic operation when exchanging Nai for Ko. This electroneutral uncoupled efflux of Na was found to be balanced by an efflux of cellular anions. (We were unable to detect any ouabain-sensitive uptake of protons, measured in an unbuffered medium at pH 7.4 with a Radiometer pH-STAT.) The Nao-sensitive efflux of Nai was found to be 1.95 +/- 0.10 times the Nao-sensitive efflux of (SO4)i, indicating that the stoichiometry of this cotransport is two Na+ per SO4=, accounting for 60-80% of the electroneutral Na efflux. The remainder portion, that is, the ouabain-sensitive Nao-insensitive component, has been identified as PO4-coupled Na transport and is the subject of a separate paper. That uncoupled Na efflux occurs as a cotransport with anions is supported by the result, obtained with resealed ghosts, that when internal and external SO4 was substituted by the impermeant anion, tartrate i,o, the efflux of Na was inhibited 60-80%. This inhibition could be relieved by the inclusion, before DIDS treatment, of 5 mM Cli,o

  11. Na5NbO5 and Na5TaO5 phases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darriet, J.; Maazaz, A.; Bouloux, J.C.; Delmas, C.


    New ternary oxides of formulas Na 5 NbO 5 and Na 5 TaO 5 have been prepared. They crystallize in the monoclinic system (space group C2/c). The crystal structure of Na 5 NbO 5 has been determined. It derives from a NaCl-type structure by ordering of the cations and of the oxygen vacancies in the anionic sublattice, the corresponding formula being Nasub(5/6)Nbsub(1/6)Osub(5/6)vacant sub(1/6). Sodium and niobium have a distorted square-pyramidal surrounding. (author)

  12. Synthesis of Na-A and/or Na-X zeolite/porous carbon composites from carbonized rice husk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katsuki, Hiroaki; Komarneni, Sridhar


    Na-A and/or Na-X zeolite/porous carbon composites were prepared under hydrothermal conditions by NaOH dissolution of silica first from carbonized rice husk followed by addition of NaAlO 2 and in situ crystallization of zeolites i.e., using a two-step process. When a one-step process was used, both Na-A and Na-X zeolites crystallized on the surface of carbon. Na-A or Na-X zeolite crystals were prepared on the porous carbonized rice husk at 90 deg. C for 2-6 h by changing the SiO 2 /Al 2 O 3 , H 2 O/Na 2 O and Na 2 O/SiO 2 molar ratios of precursors in the two-step process. The surface area and NH 4 + -cation exchange capacity (CEC) of Na-A zeolite/porous carbon were found to be 171 m 2 /g and 506 meq/100 g, respectively, while those of Na-X zeolite/porous carbon composites were 676 m 2 /g and 317 meq/100 g, respectively. Na-A and Na-X zeolites are well-known microporous and hydrophilic materials while carbonized rice husk was found to be mesoporous (pores of ∼3.9 nm) and hydrophobic. These hybrid microporous-mesoporous and hydrophilic-hydrophobic composites are expected to be useful for decontamination of metal cations as well as organic contaminants simultaneously. - Graphical Abstract: Novel Na-X zeolite/porous carbon composite.

  13. Equilibrium chemical transformations in NaPO3 + NaCl melts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovarskaya, E.N.; Rodionov, Yu.I.


    Because of the problems of the burial of solidified radioactive wastes into different geological rock formations, in particular into massives of rock-salt, the state of molten polyphosphate-chloride mixtures (taking into account the chemical character of the interaction of their components) for a prolonged period of time. The equilibrium products of the reaction in the NaPO 3 -NaCl system were studied in melts in air in the composition range of 30-70 mole % NaCl. It was shown that with increase in the NaCl content in the mixtures, the polyphosphate gradually depolymerizes to sodium tri-, di-, and monophosphates, and the composition of the equilibrium melts is dependent only on the ratio between the components in the initial molten mixtures. The time until the equilibrium is attained is shorter, the higher is the experimental temperature

  14. Long-Range Effects of Na(+) Binding in Na,K-ATPase Reported by ATP. (United States)

    Middleton, David A; Fedosova, Natalya U; Esmann, Mikael


    This paper addresses the question of long-range interactions between the intramembranous cation binding sites and the cytoplasmic nucleotide binding site of the ubiquitous ion-transporting Na,K-ATPase using (13)C cross-polarization magic-angle spinning (CP-MAS) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. High-affinity ATP binding is induced by the presence of Na(+) as well as of Na-like substances such as Tris(+), and these ions are equally efficient promoters of nucleotide binding. CP-MAS analysis of bound ATP with Na,K-ATPase purified from pig kidney membranes reveals subtle differences in the nucleotide interactions within the nucleotide site depending on whether Na(+) or Tris(+) is used to induce binding. Differences in chemical shifts for ATP atoms C1' and C5' observed in the presence of Na(+) or Tris(+) suggest alterations in the residues surrounding the bound nucleotide, hydrogen bonding, and/or conformation of the ribose ring. This is taken as evidence of a long-distance communication between the Na(+)-filled ion sites in the membrane interior and the nucleotide binding site in the cytoplasmic domain and reflects the first conformational change ultimately leading to phosphorylation of the enzyme. Stopped-flow fluorescence measurements with the nucleotide analogue eosin show that the dissociation rate constant for eosin is larger in Tris(+) than in Na(+), giving kinetic evidence of the difference in structural effects of Na(+) and Tris(+). According to the recent crystal structure of the E1·AlF4(-)·ADP·3Na(+) form, the coupling between the ion binding sites and the nucleotide side is mediated by, among others, the M5 helix.

  15. Interaction between Na+/K+-pump and Na+/Ca2+-exchanger modulates intercellular communication. (United States)

    Matchkov, Vladimir V; Gustafsson, Helena; Rahman, Awahan; Briggs Boedtkjer, Donna M; Gorintin, Sarah; Hansen, Anne Kirstine; Bouzinova, Elena V; Praetorius, Helle A; Aalkjaer, Christian; Nilsson, Holger


    Ouabain, a specific inhibitor of the Na(+)/K(+)-pump, has previously been shown to interfere with intercellular communication. Here we test the hypothesis that the communication between vascular smooth muscle cells is regulated through an interaction between the Na(+)/K(+)-pump and the Na(+)/Ca(2+)-exchanger leading to an increase in the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) in discrete areas near the plasma membrane. [Ca(2+)](i) in smooth muscle cells was imaged in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cell pairs (A7r5) and in rat mesenteric small artery segments simultaneously with force. In A7r5 coupling between cells was estimated by measuring membrane capacitance. Smooth muscle cells were uncoupled when the Na(+)/K(+)-pump was inhibited either by a low concentration of ouabain, which also caused a localized increase of [Ca(2+)](i) near the membrane, or by ATP depletion. Reduction of Na(+)/K(+)-pump activity by removal of extracellular potassium ([K(+)](o)) also uncoupled cells, but only after inhibition of K(ATP) channels. Inhibition of the Na(+)/Ca(2+)-exchange activity by SEA0400 or by a reduction of the equilibrium potential (making it more negative) also uncoupled the cells. Depletion of intracellular Na(+) and clamping of [Ca(2+)](i) at low concentrations prevented the uncoupling. The experiments suggest that the Na(+)/K(+)-pump may affect gap junction conductivity via localized changes in [Ca(2+)](i) through modulation of Na(+)/Ca(2+)-exchanger activity.

  16. Intracellular Na(+) and metabolic modulation of Na/K pump and excitability in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons. (United States)

    Wang, Yi-Chi; Yang, Jyh-Jeen; Huang, Rong-Chi


    Na/K pump activity and metabolic rate are both higher during the day in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) that houses the circadian clock. Here we investigated the role of intracellular Na(+) and energy metabolism in regulating Na/K pump activity and neuronal excitability. Removal of extracellular K(+) to block the Na/K pump excited SCN neurons to fire at higher rates and return to normal K(+) to reactivate the pump produced rebound hyperpolarization to inhibit firing. In the presence of tetrodotoxin to block the action potentials, both zero K(+)-induced depolarization and rebound hyperpolarization were blocked by the cardiac glycoside strophanthidin. Ratiometric Na(+) imaging with a Na(+)-sensitive fluorescent dye indicated saturating accumulation of intracellular Na(+) in response to pump blockade with zero K(+). The Na(+) ionophore monensin also induced Na(+) loading and hyperpolarized the membrane potential, with the hyperpolarizing effect of monensin abolished in zero Na(+) or by pump blockade. Conversely, Na(+) depletion with Na(+)-free pipette solution depolarized membrane potential but retained residual Na/K pump activity. Cyanide inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation blocked the Na/K pump to depolarize resting potential and increase spontaneous firing in most cells, and to raise intracellular Na(+) levels in all cells. Nonetheless, the Na/K pump was incompletely blocked by cyanide but completely blocked by iodoacetate to inhibit glycolysis, indicating the involvement of both oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis in fueling the Na/K pump. Together, the results indicate the importance of intracellular Na(+) and energy metabolism in regulating Na/K pump activity as well as neuronal excitability in the SCN neurons.

  17. Synthesis of zeolites Na-A and Na-X from tablet compressed and calcinated coal fly ash (United States)

    Hu, Tao; Gao, Wenyan; Liu, Xin; Zhang, Yifu; Meng, Changgong


    Zeolites Na-A and Na-X are important synthetic zeolites widely used for separation and adsorption in industry. It is of great significance to develop energy-efficient routines that can synthesize zeolites Na-A and Na-X from low-cost raw materials. Coal fly ash (CFA) is the major residue from the combustion of coal and biomass containing more than 85% SiO2 and Al2O3, which can readily replace the conventionally used sodium silicate and aluminate for zeolite synthesis. We used Na2CO3 to replace the expensive NaOH used for the calcination of CFA and showed that tablet compression can enhance the contact with Na2CO3 for the activation of CFA through calcination for the synthesis of zeolites Na-A and Na-X under mild conditions. We optimized the control variables for zeolite synthesis and showed that phase-pure zeolite Na-A can be synthesized with CFA at reactant molar ratio, hydrothermal reaction temperature and reaction time of 1.3Na2O: 0.6Al2O3: 1SiO2: 38H2O at 80°C for 6 h, respectively, while phase-pure zeolite Na-X can be synthesized at 2.2Na2O: 0.2Al2O3: 1SiO2: 88H2O at 100°C for 8 h, respectively. The composition, morphology, specific surface area, vibration spectrum and thermogravimetry of synthesized Na-A and Na-X were further characterized.

  18. The CERES / NA45 experiment

    CERN Multimedia

    Laurent Guiraud


    Ceres is one of the second generation heavy ion experiments at CERN's SPS. It is dedicated to the study of electron-positron pairs in relativistic nuclear collisions. NA45 is one of the seven experiments (NA44, NA45, NA49, NA50, NA52, WA97/NA57 and WA98) involved in CERN's Heavy Ion programme which provided evidence for the existence of a new state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma. In this state, quarks, instead of being bound up into more complex particles such as protons and neutrons, are liberated and roam freely. Theory predicts that this state must have existed at about 10 microseconds after the Big Bang, before the formation of matter as we know it today.

  19. The rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism mutation D923N of the Na+, K+-ATPase alpha3 isoform disrupts Na+ interaction at the third Na+ site. (United States)

    Einholm, Anja Pernille; Toustrup-Jensen, Mads S; Holm, Rikke; Andersen, Jens Peter; Vilsen, Bente


    Rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism (RDP), a rare neurological disorder, is caused by mutation of the neuron-specific alpha3-isoform of Na(+), K(+)-ATPase. Here, we present the functional consequences of RDP mutation D923N. Relative to the wild type, the mutant exhibits a remarkable approximately 200-fold reduction of Na(+) affinity for activation of phosphorylation from ATP, reflecting a defective interaction of the E(1) form with intracellular Na(+). This is the largest effect on Na(+) affinity reported so far for any Na(+), K(+)-ATPase mutant. D923N also affects the interaction with extracellular Na(+) normally driving the E(1)P to E(2)P conformational transition backward. However, no impairment of K(+) binding was observed for D923N, leading to the conclusion that Asp(923) is specifically associated with the third Na(+) site that is selective toward Na(+). The crystal structure of the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase in E(2) form shows that Asp(923) is located in the cytoplasmic half of transmembrane helix M8 inside a putative transport channel, which is lined by residues from the transmembrane helices M5, M7, M8, and M10 and capped by the C terminus, recently found involved in recognition of the third Na(+) ion. Structural modeling of the E(1) form of Na(+), K(+)-ATPase based on the Ca(2+)-ATPase crystal structure is consistent with the hypothesis that Asp(923) contributes to a site binding the third Na(+) ion. These results in conjunction with our previous findings with other RDP mutants suggest that a selective defect in the handling of Na(+) may be a general feature of the RDP disorder.

  20. Recikliranje plastenk na kreativen način


    Pavlin, Suzana


    Plastenke, poleg ostalih plastičnih izdelkov, v zadnjih letih predstavljajo pravo katastrofo za okolje. Domnevamo, da se le redko kdo vpraša, kaj se zgodi z njo po tem, ko je iz nje zaužil še zadnjo kapljico vode. Plastenka je lahko kot večina ostalih komunalnih odpadkov ponovno uporabljena, reciklirana, sežgana ali odložena na deponijo. V primeru nespoštovanja Zakona o varstvu okolja pa pristane v naravi, pogosto v morju, kjer prav počasi razpada in negativno vpliva na celoten ekosistem. V d...

  1. Plant Defensins NaD1 and NaD2 Induce Different Stress Response Pathways in Fungi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter M. Dracatos


    Full Text Available Nicotiana alata defensins 1 and 2 (NaD1 and NaD2 are plant defensins from the ornamental tobacco that have antifungal activity against a variety of fungal pathogens. Some plant defensins interact with fungal cell wall O-glycosylated proteins. Therefore, we investigated if this was the case for NaD1 and NaD2, by assessing the sensitivity of the three Aspergillus nidulans (An O-mannosyltransferase (pmt knockout (KO mutants (An∆pmtA, An∆pmtB, and An∆pmtC. An∆pmtA was resistant to both defensins, while An∆pmtC was resistant to NaD2 only, suggesting NaD1 and NaD2 are unlikely to have a general interaction with O-linked side chains. Further evidence of this difference in the antifungal mechanism was provided by the dissimilarity of the NaD1 and NaD2 sensitivities of the Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol signalling knockout mutants from the cell wall integrity (CWI and high osmolarity glycerol (HOG mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK pathways. HOG pathway mutants were sensitive to both NaD1 and NaD2, while CWI pathway mutants only displayed sensitivity to NaD2.

  2. Glutamate Water Gates in the Ion Binding Pocket of Na(+) Bound Na(+), K(+)-ATPase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Han, Minwoo; Kopec, Wojciech; Solov'yov, Ilia A


    III is always protonated. Glutamic acid residues in the three binding sites act as water gates, and their deprotonation triggers water entry to the binding sites. From DFT calculations of Na(+) binding energies, we conclude that three protons in the binding site are needed to effectively bind Na......The dynamically changing protonation states of the six acidic amino acid residues in the ion binding pocket of the Na(+), K(+) -ATPase (NKA) during the ion transport cycle are proposed to drive ion binding, release and possibly determine Na(+) or K(+) selectivity. We use molecular dynamics (MD......(+) from water and four are needed to release them in the next step. Protonation of Asp926 in site III will induce Na(+) release, and Glu327, Glu954 and Glu779 are all likely to be protonated in the Na(+) bound occluded conformation. Our data provides key insights into the role of protons in the Na...

  3. NA62 and NA48/2 results on search for Heavy Neutral Leptons

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    Lamanna Gianluca


    Full Text Available In this paper we present new results on upper limits for the search of Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNL with data collected by NA48/2 (2003-2004, NA62-RK (2007 and NA62 (2015 CERN experiments. The data collected with different trigger configuration allow to search for both long and short living heavy neutrinos in the mass range below the kaon mass. In addition the status of the search for K+ → π+vv with the NA62 detector will be briefly presented.

  4. Estudo das propriedades de transporte de água e íons em tintas de acabamento à base de poliuretana alifática e poliuretana acrílica, novas e após envelhecimento sob radiação UV.


    Marina Magaton


    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo comparativo entre sistemas de pintura anticorrosiva com dois tipos de veículo poliuretana alifática e poliuretana acrílica carregados com diferentes concentrações de óxido de ferro do tipo vermelho e do tipo micáceo, novos e após envelhecimento sob radiação UV. Foi estudado no total um conjunto de quatorze diferentes sistemas de pintura, que variam entre si pelo tipo veículo utilizado, bem como pelo tipo e concentração de óxido de ferro ad...

  5. Transmural gradients in Na/K pump activity and [Na+]I in canine ventricle. (United States)

    Gao, J; Wang, W; Cohen, I S; Mathias, R T


    There are well-documented differences in ion channel activity and action potential shape between epicardial (EPI), midmyocardial (MID), and endocardial (ENDO) ventricular myocytes. The purpose of this study was to determine if differences exist in Na/K pump activity. The whole cell patch-clamp was used to measure Na/K pump current (I(P)) and inward background Na(+)-current (I(inb)) in cells isolated from canine left ventricle. All currents were normalized to membrane capacitance. I(P) was measured as the current blocked by a saturating concentration of dihydro-ouabain. [Na(+)](i) was measured using SBFI-AM. I(P)(ENDO) (0.34 +/- 0.04 pA/pF, n = 17) was smaller than I(P)(EPI) (0.68 +/- 0.09 pA/pF, n = 38); the ratio was 0.50 with I(P)(MID) being intermediate (0.53 +/- 0.13 pA/pF, n = 19). The dependence of I(P) on [Na(+)](i) or voltage was essentially identical in EPI and ENDO (half-maximal activation at 9-10 mM [Na(+)](i) or approximately -90 mV). Increasing [K(+)](o) from 5.4 to 15 mM caused both I(P)(ENDO) and I(P)(EPI) to increase, but the ratio remained approximately 0.5. I(inb) in EPI and ENDO were nearly identical ( approximately 0.6 pA/pF). Physiological [Na(+)](i) was lower in EPI (7 +/- 2 mM, n = 31) than ENDO (12 +/- 3 mM, n = 29), with MID being intermediate (9 +/- 3 mM, n = 22). When cells were paced at 2 Hz, [Na(+)](i) increased but the differences persisted (ENDO 14 +/- 3 mM, n = 10; EPI 9 +/- 2 mM, n = 10; and MID intermediate, 11 +/- 2 mM, n = 9). Based on these results, the larger I(P) in EPI appears to reflect a higher maximum turnover rate, which implies either a larger number of active pumps or a higher turnover rate per pump protein. The transmural gradient in [Na(+)](i) means physiological I(P) is approximately uniform across the ventricular wall, whereas transporters that utilize the transmembrane electrochemical gradient for Na(+), such as Na/Ca exchange, have a larger driving force in EPI than ENDO.

  6. Reactions of metal oxides with molten NaPO3 + NaCl mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovarskaya, E.N.; Mityakhina, V.S.; Rodionov, Yu.I.; Silin, M.Yu.


    We consider the dissolution mechanism for iron (III), europium(III), and tin(IV) oxides in molten NaPO 3 + NaCl that are responsible for the peak solubilities. We chose Fe 2 O 3 as the basic material since this occurs in large amounts around damaged metal structures in rock salt mines in a proposed zone for storing vitrified radioactive wastes. Solubility measurement and paper chromatography show that Fe 2 O 3 dissolves in molten NaPO 3 + NaCl in air by reaction with the solvent to give double iron and sodium diphosphates and monophosphates in accordance with the initial solution-in-the-melt composition, the degree of equilibration, and the temperature. The elevated solubilities for initial NaCl contents close to 30 mole % are due to sodium triphosphates and tricyclophosphates present in these melts. Moessbauer spectroscopy confirms that double iron, europium and tin diphosphates and monophosphates containing sodium occur in these chloride-polyphosphate melts

  7. Na(+),K (+)-ATPase as a docking station: protein-protein complexes of the Na(+),K (+)-ATPase. (United States)

    Reinhard, Linda; Tidow, Henning; Clausen, Michael J; Nissen, Poul


    The Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, or sodium pump, is well known for its role in ion transport across the plasma membrane of animal cells. It carries out the transport of Na(+) ions out of the cell and of K(+) ions into the cell and thus maintains electrolyte and fluid balance. In addition to the fundamental ion-pumping function of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, recent work has suggested additional roles for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in signal transduction and biomembrane structure. Several signaling pathways have been found to involve Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, which serves as a docking station for a fast-growing number of protein interaction partners. In this review, we focus on Na(+),K(+)-ATPase as a signal transducer, but also briefly discuss other Na(+),K(+)-ATPase protein-protein interactions, providing a comprehensive overview of the diverse signaling functions ascribed to this well-known enzyme.

  8. Characterization of Na+-linked and Na+-independent Cl-/HCO3- exchange systems in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cassel, D.; Scharf, O.; Rotman, M.; Cragoe, E.J. Jr.; Katz, M.


    The PS120 variant of Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts which lacks Na + /H + exchange activity was used to investigate bicarbonate transport systems and their role in intracellular pH (pH/sub i/) regulation. When pH/sub i/ was decreased by acid load, bicarbonate caused pH/sub i/ increase and stimulated 36 Cl - efflux from the cells, both in a Na + -dependent manner. These results together with previous findings that bicarbonate stimulates 22 Na + uptake in PS120 cells demonstrate the presence of a Na + -linked Cl - /HCO 3 - exchange system. In cells with normal initial pH/sub i/, bicarbonate caused Na + -independent pH/sub i/ increase in Cl - -free solutions and stimulated Na + -independent 36 Cl - efflux, indicating that a Na + -independent Cl - /HCO 3 - exchanger is also present in the cell. Na + -linked and Na + -independent Cl - /HCO 3- exchange is apparently mediated by two distinct systems, since a [(tetrahydrofluorene-7-yl)oxy]acetic acid derivative selectively inhibits the Na + -independent exchanger. An additional distinctive features is a 10-fold lower affinity for chloride of the Na + -linked exchanger. The Na + -linked and Na + -independent Cl - /HCO 3 - exchange systems are likely to protect the cell from acid and alkaline load, respectively

  9. Na/K Pump and Beyond: Na/K-ATPase as a Modulator of Apoptosis and Autophagy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cassiano Felippe Gonçalves-de-Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Lung cancer is a leading cause of global cancer deaths. Na/K-ATPase has been studied as a target for cancer treatment. Cardiotonic steroids (CS trigger intracellular signalling upon binding to Na/K-ATPase. Normal lung and tumour cells frequently express different pump isoforms. Thus, Na/K-ATPase is a powerful target for lung cancer treatment. Drugs targeting Na/K-ATPase may induce apoptosis and autophagy in transformed cells. We argue that Na/K-ATPase has a role as a potential target in chemotherapy in lung cancer treatment. We discuss the effects of Na/K-ATPase ligands and molecular pathways inducing deleterious effects on lung cancer cells, especially those leading to apoptosis and autophagy.

  10. Na/K Pump and Beyond: Na/K-ATPase as a Modulator of Apoptosis and Autophagy. (United States)

    Felippe Gonçalves-de-Albuquerque, Cassiano; Ribeiro Silva, Adriana; Ignácio da Silva, Camila; Caire Castro-Faria-Neto, Hugo; Burth, Patrícia


    Lung cancer is a leading cause of global cancer deaths. Na/K-ATPase has been studied as a target for cancer treatment. Cardiotonic steroids (CS) trigger intracellular signalling upon binding to Na/K-ATPase. Normal lung and tumour cells frequently express different pump isoforms. Thus, Na/K-ATPase is a powerful target for lung cancer treatment. Drugs targeting Na/K-ATPase may induce apoptosis and autophagy in transformed cells. We argue that Na/K-ATPase has a role as a potential target in chemotherapy in lung cancer treatment. We discuss the effects of Na/K-ATPase ligands and molecular pathways inducing deleterious effects on lung cancer cells, especially those leading to apoptosis and autophagy.

  11. Subnitride chemistry: A first-principles study of the NaBa3N, Na5Ba3N, and Na16Ba6N phases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliva, Josep M.


    An ab initio study on the electronic structure of the subnitrides NaBa 3 N, Na 5 Ba 3 N, and Na 16 Ba 6 N is performed for the first time. The NaBa 3 N and Na 5 Ba 3 N phases consist of infinite 1 ∞ [NBa 6/2 ] strands composed of face-sharing NBa 6 octahedra surrounded by a 'sea' of sodium atoms. The Na 16 Ba 6 N phase consist of discrete [NBa 6 ] octahedra arranged in a body-cubic fashion, surrounded by a 'sea' of sodium atoms. Our calculations suggest that the title subnitrides are metals. Analysis of the electronic structure shows partial interaction of N(2s) with Ba(5p) electrons in the lower energy region for NaBa 3 N and Na 5 Ba 3 N. However, no dispersion is observed for the N(2s) and Ba(5p) bands in the cubic phase Na 16 Ba 6 N. The metallic band below the Fermi level shows a strong mixing of N(2p), Ba(6s), Ba(5d), Ba(6p), Na(3s) and Na(3p) orbitals. The metallic character in these nitrides stems from delocalized electrons corresponding to hybridized 5d l 6s m 6p n barium orbitals which interact with hybridized 3s n 3p m sodium orbitals. Analysis of the electron density and electronic structure in these nitrides shows two different regions: a metallic matrix corresponding to the sodium atoms and the regions around them and heteropolar bonding between nitrogen and barium within the infinite 1 ∞ [NBa 6/2 ] strands of the NaBa 3 N and Na 5 Ba 3 N phases, and within the isolated [NBa 6 ] octahedra of the Na 16 Ba 6 N phase. The nitrogen atoms inside the strands and octahedra are negatively charged, the anionic character of nitrogens being larger in the isolated octahedra of the cubic phase Na 16 Ba 6 N, due to the lack of electron delocalization along one direction as opposed to the other phases. The sodium and barium atoms appear to be slightly negatively and positively charged, the latter to a larger extent. From the computed Ba-N overlap populations as well as the analysis of the contour maps of differences between total density and superposition of


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    Janusz KONKOL

    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wytrzymałości na ściskanie betonów modyfikowanych dodatkiem metakaolinitu po 2, 3, 7, 14, 28 i 56 dniach dojrzewania. Dodatek metakaolinitu użyto jako częściowy substytut cementu, dokonując wymiany 10% masy cementu na metakaolinit. Udział ten uznawany jest za optymalny z uwagi na inne niż wytrzymałość na ściskanie właściwości betonu, w tym trwałość betonu modyfikowanego metakaolinitem. Badania przeprowadzono także dla betonu tła, betonu bez dodatku metakaolinitu. Betony wykonano przy założeniu stałego stosunku woda/spoiwo, względnie woda/cement wynoszącego 0,45 oraz przy użyciu cementu portlandzkiego CEM I 32,5R, piasku kwarcowego frakcji do 2 mm oraz grysu bazaltowego frakcji do 16 mm. W celu uzyskania pożądanej konsystencji mieszanki betonowej zastosowano upłynniacz na bazie estrów polikarboksylowych. Uzyskane rezultaty badań potwierdziły wysoką aktywność pucolanową metakaolinitu już we wczesnym okresie dojrzewania betonu. W okresie między 3 a 7 dniem dojrzewania stwierdzono wolniejszy przyrost wytrzymałości na ściskanie w betonie niemodyfikowanym metakaolinitem, podczas gdy w betonie, w którym 10% masy cementu zastąpiono metakaolinitem uwidocznił się znaczący przyrost wytrzymałości na ściskanie. Po 2 dniach dojrzewania wytrzymałość na ściskanie betonu tła była nieznacznie wyższa od wytrzymałości na ściskanie betonu modyfikowanego. Korzystny wpływ dodatku metakaolinitu wynikający z jego wysokiej aktywności pucolanowej, jak również z uszczelniającego charakteru tego dodatku obserwowano jest zwłaszcza w okresie między 3 a 14 dniem dojrzewania. W tym okresie obserwowano znaczny przyrost wytrzymałości na ściskanie betonu modyfikowanego w porównaniu z wytrzymałością na ściskanie betonu tła. Po 7 i 14 dniach dojrzewania stwierdzono odpowiednio prawie 25% i 21% wzrost wytrzymałości na ściskanie na skutek użycia metakaolinitu.

  13. Teratological studies of DTPA-CaNa3, DTPA-ZnNa3 and quinamic acid in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Meichu; Ruan Tianming; Tong Shungao


    DTPA-CaNa 3 , DTPA-ZnNa 3 and quinamic acid are effective chelating agents for removing actinide elements from the body. In this experiment, different doses of DTPA-CaNa 3 , DTPA-ZnNa 3 and quinamic acid were given to mice on gestation days 6-10. Eight groups of mice received 0.8 and 2.0 mM/kg of DTPA-CaNa 3 , 3.8, 7.6, and 11.4 mM/kg of DTPA-ZnNa 3 and 0.42, 2.1, and 4.2 mM/kg of quinamic acid. Hypetonic saline and isotonic saline were given to two control groups. DTPA-CaNa 3 and quinamidic acid were found to be much more toxic to fetus of mice than DTPA-ZnNa 3 . When the doses of DTPA-CaMa 3 and quinamidic acid were 20 times higher than the human dose, the number of resorbed fetus was increased and the number and weight of live fetus were reduced. The result of injection with 7.6 mM/kg (200 times of human dose)DTPA-ZnNa 3 and that of injection with isotonic saline are the same. Therefore, we suggest that the DTPA-CaNa 3 and quinamidic acid should not be given to pregnant woman, if chelation therapy is needed, while the much safer DTPA-ZnNa 3 could be used

  14. Na-ion dynamics in Quasi-1D compound NaV2O4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Månsson, M; Umegaki, I; Nozaki, H; Higuchi, Y; Sugiyama, J; Kawasaki, I; Watanabe, I; Sakurai, H


    We have used the pulsed muon source at ISIS to study high-temperature Na-ion dynamics in the quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) metallic antiferromagnet NaV 2 O 4 . By performing systematic zero-field and longitudinal-field measurements as a function of temperature we clearly distinguish that the hopping rate increases exponentially above T diff ≈ 250 K. The data is well fitted to an Arrhenius type equation typical for a diffusion process, showing that the Na-ions starts to be mobile above T diff . Such results make this compound very interesting for the tuning of Q1D magnetism using atomic-scale ion-texturing through the periodic potential from ordered Na-vacancies. Further, it also opens the door to possible use of NaV 2 O 4 and related compounds in energy related applications

  15. Solubility of NaNd(CO3)2.6H2O(c) in concentrated Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, L.; Rai, D.; Felmy, A.R.; Fulton, R.W.; Novak, C.F.


    NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O(c) was identified to be the final equilibrium solid phase in suspensions containing concentrated sodium carbonate (0.1 to 2.0 M) and sodium bicarbonate (0.1 to 1.0 M), with either NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O(c) or Nd 2 (CO 3 ) 3 x xH 2 O(s) as initial solids. A thermodynamic model, based on Pitzer's specific into-interaction approach, was developed to interpret the solubility of NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O(c) as functions of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate concentrations. In this model, the solubility data of NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O(c) were explained by assuming the formation of NdCO 3 + , Nd(CO 3 ) 2 - and Nd(CO 3 ) 3 3- species and invoking the specific ion interactions between Na + and Nd(CO 3 ) 3 3- . Ion interaction parameters for Na + -Nd(CO 3 ) 3 3- were developed to fit the solubility data. Based on the model calculations, Nd(CO 3 ) 3 3- was the predominant aqueous neodymium species in 0.1 to 2 M sodium carbonate and 0.1 to 1 M sodium bicarbonate solutions. The logarithm of the NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O solubility product (NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O(c)=Na + +Nd 3+ +2 CO 3 2- +6 H 2 O) was calculated to be -21.39. This model also provided satisfactory interpretation of the solubility data of the analogous Am(III) system in less concentrated carbonate and bicarbonate solutions. (orig.)

  16. Mechanism of μ-conotoxin PIIIA binding to the voltage-gated Na+ channel NaV1.4.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rong Chen

    Full Text Available Several subtypes of voltage-gated Na+ (NaV channels are important targets for pain management. μ-Conotoxins isolated from venoms of cone snails are potent and specific blockers of different NaV channel isoforms. The inhibitory effect of μ-conotoxins on NaV channels has been examined extensively, but the mechanism of toxin specificity has not been understood in detail. Here the known structure of μ-conotoxin PIIIA and a model of the skeletal muscle channel NaV1.4 are used to elucidate elements that contribute to the structural basis of μ-conotoxin binding and specificity. The model of NaV1.4 is constructed based on the crystal structure of the bacterial NaV channel, NaVAb. Six different binding modes, in which the side chain of each of the basic residues carried by the toxin protrudes into the selectivity filter of NaV1.4, are examined in atomic detail using molecular dynamics simulations with explicit solvent. The dissociation constants (Kd computed for two selected binding modes in which Lys9 or Arg14 from the toxin protrudes into the filter of the channel are within 2 fold; both values in close proximity to those determined from dose response data for the block of NaV currents. To explore the mechanism of PIIIA specificity, a double mutant of NaV1.4 mimicking NaV channels resistant to μ-conotoxins and tetrodotoxin is constructed and the binding of PIIIA to this mutant channel examined. The double mutation causes the affinity of PIIIA to reduce by two orders of magnitude.

  17. Muscle K+, Na+, and Cl- disturbances and Na+-K+ pump inactivation: implications for fatigue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McKenna, Michael J; Bangsbo, Jens; Renaud, Jean-Marc


    (+)-ATPase activity during exercise stabilizes Na(+) and K(+) concentration gradients and membrane excitability and thus protects against fatigue. However, during intense contraction some Na(+)-K(+) pumps are inactivated and together with further ionic disturbances, likely precipitate muscle fatigue.......Membrane excitability is a critical regulatory step in skeletal muscle contraction and is modulated by local ionic concentrations, conductances, ion transporter activities, temperature, and humoral factors. Intense fatiguing contractions induce cellular K(+) efflux and Na(+) and Cl(-) influx......, causing pronounced perturbations in extracellular (interstitial) and intracellular K(+) and Na(+) concentrations. Muscle interstitial K(+) concentration may increase 1- to 2-fold to 11-13 mM and intracellular K(+) concentration fall by 1.3- to 1.7-fold; interstitial Na(+) concentration may decline by 10 m...

  18. Route, mechanism, and implications of proton import during Na+/K+ exchange by native Na+/K+-ATPase pumps (United States)

    Vedovato, Natascia


    A single Na+/K+-ATPase pumps three Na+ outwards and two K+ inwards by alternately exposing ion-binding sites to opposite sides of the membrane in a conformational sequence coupled to pump autophosphorylation from ATP and auto-dephosphorylation. The larger flow of Na+ than K+ generates outward current across the cell membrane. Less well understood is the ability of Na+/K+ pumps to generate an inward current of protons. Originally noted in pumps deprived of external K+ and Na+ ions, as inward current at negative membrane potentials that becomes amplified when external pH is lowered, this proton current is generally viewed as an artifact of those unnatural conditions. We demonstrate here that this inward current also flows at physiological K+ and Na+ concentrations. We show that protons exploit ready reversibility of conformational changes associated with extracellular Na+ release from phosphorylated Na+/K+ pumps. Reversal of a subset of these transitions allows an extracellular proton to bind an acidic side chain and to be subsequently released to the cytoplasm. This back-step of phosphorylated Na+/K+ pumps that enables proton import is not required for completion of the 3 Na+/2 K+ transport cycle. However, the back-step occurs readily during Na+/K+ transport when external K+ ion binding and occlusion are delayed, and it occurs more frequently when lowered extracellular pH raises the probability of protonation of the externally accessible carboxylate side chain. The proton route passes through the Na+-selective binding site III and is distinct from the principal pathway traversed by the majority of transported Na+ and K+ ions that passes through binding site II. The inferred occurrence of Na+/K+ exchange and H+ import during the same conformational cycle of a single molecule identifies the Na+/K+ pump as a hybrid transporter. Whether Na+/K+ pump–mediated proton inflow may have any physiological or pathophysiological significance remains to be clarified. PMID

  19. Route, mechanism, and implications of proton import during Na+/K+ exchange by native Na+/K+-ATPase pumps. (United States)

    Vedovato, Natascia; Gadsby, David C


    A single Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase pumps three Na(+) outwards and two K(+) inwards by alternately exposing ion-binding sites to opposite sides of the membrane in a conformational sequence coupled to pump autophosphorylation from ATP and auto-dephosphorylation. The larger flow of Na(+) than K(+) generates outward current across the cell membrane. Less well understood is the ability of Na(+)/K(+) pumps to generate an inward current of protons. Originally noted in pumps deprived of external K(+) and Na(+) ions, as inward current at negative membrane potentials that becomes amplified when external pH is lowered, this proton current is generally viewed as an artifact of those unnatural conditions. We demonstrate here that this inward current also flows at physiological K(+) and Na(+) concentrations. We show that protons exploit ready reversibility of conformational changes associated with extracellular Na(+) release from phosphorylated Na(+)/K(+) pumps. Reversal of a subset of these transitions allows an extracellular proton to bind an acidic side chain and to be subsequently released to the cytoplasm. This back-step of phosphorylated Na(+)/K(+) pumps that enables proton import is not required for completion of the 3 Na(+)/2 K(+) transport cycle. However, the back-step occurs readily during Na(+)/K(+) transport when external K(+) ion binding and occlusion are delayed, and it occurs more frequently when lowered extracellular pH raises the probability of protonation of the externally accessible carboxylate side chain. The proton route passes through the Na(+)-selective binding site III and is distinct from the principal pathway traversed by the majority of transported Na(+) and K(+) ions that passes through binding site II. The inferred occurrence of Na(+)/K(+) exchange and H(+) import during the same conformational cycle of a single molecule identifies the Na(+)/K(+) pump as a hybrid transporter. Whether Na(+)/K(+) pump-mediated proton inflow may have any physiological or

  20. Growth mechanism of NaClO 3 and NaBrO 3 crystals from aqueous ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A study of growth rates of NaClO3 and NaBrO3 has been carried out using a small growth cell by in situ observation. Normal growth rates of {100} faces of NaClO3 and {111} faces of NaBrO3 along ⟨ 110 ⟩ direction are measured under relatively high supersaturation ranging from 3–8%. In the initial stages of growth, {100}, ...

  1. Rescue of Na+ affinity in aspartate 928 mutants of Na+,K+-ATPase by secondary mutation of glutamate 314. (United States)

    Holm, Rikke; Einholm, Anja P; Andersen, Jens P; Vilsen, Bente


    The Na(+),K(+)-ATPase binds Na(+) at three transport sites denoted I, II, and III, of which site III is Na(+)-specific and suggested to be the first occupied in the cooperative binding process activating phosphorylation from ATP. Here we demonstrate that the asparagine substitution of the aspartate associated with site III found in patients with rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism or alternating hemiplegia of childhood causes a dramatic reduction of Na(+) affinity in the α1-, α2-, and α3-isoforms of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, whereas other substitutions of this aspartate are much less disruptive. This is likely due to interference by the amide function of the asparagine side chain with Na(+)-coordinating residues in site III. Remarkably, the Na(+) affinity of site III aspartate to asparagine and alanine mutants is rescued by second-site mutation of a glutamate in the extracellular part of the fourth transmembrane helix, distant to site III. This gain-of-function mutation works without recovery of the lost cooperativity and selectivity of Na(+) binding and does not affect the E1-E2 conformational equilibrium or the maximum phosphorylation rate. Hence, the rescue of Na(+) affinity is likely intrinsic to the Na(+) binding pocket, and the underlying mechanism could be a tightening of Na(+) binding at Na(+) site II, possibly via movement of transmembrane helix four. The second-site mutation also improves Na(+),K(+) pump function in intact cells. Rescue of Na(+) affinity and Na(+) and K(+) transport by second-site mutation is unique in the history of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and points to new possibilities for treatment of neurological patients carrying Na(+),K(+)-ATPase mutations. © 2015 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  2. The system NaVO3-Na2WO4-Na2W2O7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kazanbekov, V.R.; Gasanaliev, A.M.; Kazanbekov, R.G.


    Phase diagrams of sodium metavanadate-sodium ditungstate, sodium metavanadate-sodium tungstate systems and surface of primary crystallization of sodium metavabadate-sodium tungstate-sodium ditungstate system were studied. The system sodium metavanadate-sodium ditungstate is eutectic one. Compound NaVO 3 x2Na 2 WO 4 is formed in solid state in sodium metavanadate-sodium tungstate system. Liquidus surface of sodium metavanadate-sodium tungstate-sodium ditungstate is presented by three crystallization fields of initial components. Composition and melting point of ternary eutectics are determined

  3. Summer sudden Na number density enhancements measured with the ALOMAR Weber Na Lidar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Heinrich


    Full Text Available We present summer Na-densities and atmospheric temperatures measured 80 to 110 km above the Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research (ALOMAR. The Weber Na Lidar is part of ALOMAR, located at 69° N in Norway, 150 km north of the Arctic Circle. The sun does not set here during the summer months, and measurements require a narrowband Faraday Anomalous Dispersion Optical Filter (FADOF.

    We discuss an observed sudden enhancement in the Na number density around 22:00 UT on 1 to 2 June 2006. We compare this observation with previous summer measurements and find a frequent appearance of Na number density enhancements near local midnight. We describe the time of appearance, the altitude distribution, the duration and the strength of these enhancements and compare them to winter observations. We investigate possible formation mechanisms and, as others before, we find a strong link between these Na number density enhancements and sporadic E layers.

  4. Summer sudden Na number density enhancements measured with the ALOMAR Weber Na Lidar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Heinrich


    Full Text Available We present summer Na-densities and atmospheric temperatures measured 80 to 110 km above the Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research (ALOMAR. The Weber Na Lidar is part of ALOMAR, located at 69° N in Norway, 150 km north of the Arctic Circle. The sun does not set here during the summer months, and measurements require a narrowband Faraday Anomalous Dispersion Optical Filter (FADOF. We discuss an observed sudden enhancement in the Na number density around 22:00 UT on 1 to 2 June 2006. We compare this observation with previous summer measurements and find a frequent appearance of Na number density enhancements near local midnight. We describe the time of appearance, the altitude distribution, the duration and the strength of these enhancements and compare them to winter observations. We investigate possible formation mechanisms and, as others before, we find a strong link between these Na number density enhancements and sporadic E layers.

  5. Muziki wa Hip Hop na Haki Za Kijamii: Dhima, Changamoto na ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ni dhahiri kuwa haki za kijamii zinaweza kuwasilishwa kwa jamii pana kupitia sanaa ya hip hop. Makala haya basi, yanabainisha dhima na mchango wa muziki wa hip hop katika masuala ya haki za kijamii, yanafafanua changamoto za muziki huu katika kuwasilisha haki za kijamii na kutoa mapendekezo kwa makundi ...

  6. Sequential growth of sandwiched NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb core–shell–shell nanoparticles for photodynamic therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peng, Huang-Yong; Ding, Bin-Bin; Ma, Yin-Chu [Department of Medical Materials and Rehabilitation Engineering, School of Medical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 (China); Sun, Shi-Qi [State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Etiological Biology and Key Laboratory of Animal Virology of Ministry of Agriculture, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xujiaping 1, Lanzhou, Gansu 730046 (China); Tao, Wei [Department of Medical Materials and Rehabilitation Engineering, School of Medical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 (China); Guo, Yan-Chuan [Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Guo, Hui-Chen, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Etiological Biology and Key Laboratory of Animal Virology of Ministry of Agriculture, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xujiaping 1, Lanzhou, Gansu 730046 (China); Yang, Xian-Zhu, E-mail: [Department of Medical Materials and Rehabilitation Engineering, School of Medical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 (China); Qian, Hai-Sheng, E-mail: [Department of Medical Materials and Rehabilitation Engineering, School of Medical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 (China)


    Graphical abstract: The monodisperse elliptical NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb core–shell–shell nanoparticles have been synthesized successfully by a facile sequential growth process, which can be used as transducer for photodynamic therapy of cancer cells. - Highlights: • The NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb nanoparticles have been fabricated successfully. • The as-prepared nanoparticles show strong fluorescence excited at 980 or 808 nm. • The nanoparticles were transferred into the aqueous phase via a facile process. • Photosensitizers were loaded into the composites for photodynamic therapy. - Abstract: Upconversion (UC) nanostructures have attracted much interest for their extensive biological applications. In this work, we describe a sequential synthetic route to prepare sandwiched NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb core–shell upconversion nanoparticles. The as-prepared products were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEM 2100F), respectively. The as-prepared core–shell nanoparticles of NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb are composed of elliptical nanoparticles with a length of 80 nm and width of 42 nm, which show efficient upconversion fluorescence excited at 808 nm indicating the formation of core–shell–shell sandwiched nanostructures. In addition, the as-prepared sandwiched NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb core–shell upconversion nanoparticles also show strong upconversion fluorescence excited at 980 nm. Amphiphilic mPEG{sub 2k}-b-PEBEP{sub 6K} copolymers (denoted as PPE) were chosen to transfer these hydrophobic UCNPs into the aqueous phase for biological application. In vitro photodynamic therapy of cancer cells show that the viability of cells incubated with the nanoparticles loaded with MC 540 was significantly lower as compared to the nanoparticles without photosensitizers exposed to NIR laser.

  7. Intracellular Na+ regulation of Na+ pump sites in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, J.C.; Navran, S.S.; Seidel, C.L.; Dennison, D.K.; Amann, J.M.; Jemelka, S.K.


    Enzymatically dispersed cells from canine saphenous vein and femoral artery were grown in fetal calf serum and studied at day 0 (freshly dispersed) through confluence in primary culture. Intracellular Na levels (Nai), but not intracellular K (Ki), were increased after 24 h in culture and then decreased to a steady state by 4 days. Na+ pump site number [( 3 H] ouabain binding) increased through day 3 and remained elevated. Nai was still elevated at 2 days when the Na+ pump site number began to increase. Total pump turnover (maximum ouabain-inhibited 86 Rb uptake) reflected the increase in Na+ pump site number. These key events precede the observed increases in both protein production and cellular proliferation. If the same cells are maintained in defined medium, without fetal calf serum, Nai, Ki, and the number of [ 3 H]ouabain binding sites do not change with time. These data are consistent with the suggestion that the initial mitogenic response of vascular smooth muscle cells to fetal calf serum involves an increased Na+ influx, and a Nai accumulation, caused by low Na+ pump density. The synthesis of new pump sites effects a decrease in the accumulated Nai, which may be related to cell proliferation

  8. On the Stability of NaO2 in Na-O2 Batteries. (United States)

    Liu, Chenjuan; Carboni, Marco; Brant, William R; Pan, Ruijun; Hedman, Jonas; Zhu, Jiefang; Gustafsson, Torbjörn; Younesi, Reza


    Na-O 2 batteries are regarded as promising candidates for energy storage. They have higher energy efficiency, rate capability, and chemical reversibility than Li-O 2 batteries; in addition, sodium is cheaper and more abundant compared to lithium. However, inconsistent observations and instability of discharge products have inhibited the understanding of the working mechanism of this technology. In this work, we have investigated a number of factors that influence the stability of the discharge products. By means of in operando powder X-ray diffraction study, the influence of oxygen, sodium anode, salt, solvent, and carbon cathode were investigated. The Na metal anode and an ether-based solvent are the main factors that lead to the instability and decomposition of NaO 2 in the cell environment. This fundamental insight brings new information on the working mechanism of Na-O 2 batteries.

  9. NaK handling and removal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desreumaux, J.; Rodriguez, G.; Guigon, A.; Verdelli, J.; Thomine, G.


    Sodium-potassium alloy is used in specific application in French Fast Breeder Reactors as: cold traps, NaK bubbler for argon purification, valves and also in experimental irradiation devices. lt has been preferred to sodium because it is liquid from + 7 deg. C for the most common peritectic alloy. After its use, NaK is considered as a hazardous waste (nuclear or not) due to its high reactivity with air and water. The most important risk remains in handling NaK systems which have not been operated for some time. The NaK will be covered with a crust of the superoxide K02 which is a strong oxidising agent. Thermodynamically, K02 will react with most organic material or metallic dust or swarfs and can also react with additional NaK to give sufficient heat to boil part of the NaK, resulting in a sudden increase in pressure and small explosions. We describe the formation given to experimenters in our Sodium School and the CEA's experience in treating specific devices for transportation, decanting of tanks, tank opening and NaK removal. (author)

  10. Angiotensin II-induced hypertension increases plasma membrane Na pump activity by enhancing Na entry in rat thick ascending limbs. (United States)

    Gonzalez-Vicente, Agustin; Garvin, Jeffrey L


    Thick ascending limbs (TAL) reabsorb 30% of the filtered NaCl load. Na enters the cells via apical Na-K-2Cl cotransporters and Na/H exchangers and exits via basolateral Na pumps. Chronic angiotensin II (ANG II) infusion increases net TAL Na transport and Na apical entry; however, little is known about its effects on the basolateral Na pump. We hypothesized that in rat TALs Na pump activity is enhanced by ANG II-infusion, a model of ANG II-induced hypertension. Rats were infused with 200 ng·kg(-1)·min(-1) ANG II or vehicle for 7 days, and TAL suspensions were obtained. We studied plasma membrane Na pump activity by measuring changes in 1) intracellular Na (Nai) induced by ouabain; and 2) ouabain-sensitive oxygen consumption (QO2). We found that the ouabain-sensitive rise in Nai in TALs from ANG II-infused rats was 12.8 ± 0.4 arbitrary fluorescent units (AFU)·mg(-1)·min(-1) compared with only 9.9 ± 1.1 AFU·mg(-1)·min(-1) in controls (P Na pump expression, the number of Na pumps in the plasma membrane, or the affinity for Na. When furosemide (1.1 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1)) was coinfused with ANG II, no increase in plasma membrane Na pump activity was observed. We concluded that in ANG II-induced hypertension Na pump activity is increased in the plasma membrane of TALs and that this increase is caused by the chronically enhanced Na entry occurring in this model.

  11. Silicene for Na-ion battery applications

    KAUST Repository

    Zhu, Jiajie


    Na-ion batteries are promising candidates to replace Li-ion batteries in large scale applications because of the advantages in natural abundance and cost of Na. Silicene has potential as the anode in Li-ion batteries but so far has not received attention with respect to Na-ion batteries. In this context, freestanding silicene, a graphene-silicene-graphene heterostructure, and a graphene-silicene superlattice are investigated for possible application in Na-ion batteries, using first-principles calculations. The calculated Na capacities of 954mAh/g for freestanding silicene and 730mAh/g for the graphenesilicene superlattice (10% biaxial tensile strain) are highly competitive and potentials of >0.3 V against the Na/Na potential exceed the corresponding value of graphite. In addition, the diffusion barriers are predicted to be <0.3 eV.

  12. Hydrolysis of Rice Straw Pretreated by Na2SO3 Over Fe-resin/NaCl

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    YANG Hui


    Full Text Available To increase the conversion of rice straw(RS and the yield of products, we employed three methods, which were ultrasonic wave, steam explosion and Na2SO3 pretreatment to pretreat RS(the treated RS noted as CS-RS, ZQ-RS and Na2SO3-RS, respectively and found that Na2SO3 treatment was the best pretreatment method based on XRD, SEM, elemental analysis and content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The conversion of Na2SO3-RS and the yield of total reducing sugar(TRS and levulinic acid(LA were 97.3%, 29.6% and 13.5%, respectively by 10% Fe-resin in 3.3% NaCl solution under 200 ℃.

  13. Na+/H+ and Na+/NH4+ exchange activities of zebrafish NHE3b expressed in Xenopus oocytes (United States)

    Ito, Yusuke; Kato, Akira; Hirata, Taku; Hirose, Shigehisa


    Zebrafish Na+/H+ exchanger 3b (zNHE3b) is highly expressed in the apical membrane of ionocytes where Na+ is absorbed from ion-poor fresh water against a concentration gradient. Much in vivo data indicated that zNHE3b is involved in Na+ absorption but not leakage. However, zNHE3b-mediated Na+ absorption has not been thermodynamically explained, and zNHE3b activity has not been measured. To address this issue, we overexpressed zNHE3b in Xenopus oocytes and characterized its activity by electrophysiology. Exposure of zNHE3b oocytes to Na+-free media resulted in significant decrease in intracellular pH (pHi) and intracellular Na+ activity (aNai). aNai increased significantly when the cytoplasm was acidified by media containing CO2-HCO3− or butyrate. Activity of zNHE3b was inhibited by amiloride or 5-ethylisopropyl amiloride (EIPA). Although the activity was accompanied by a large hyperpolarization of ∼50 mV, voltage-clamp experiments showed that Na+/H+ exchange activity of zNHE3b is electroneutral. Exposure of zNHE3b oocytes to medium containing NH3/NH4+ resulted in significant decreases in pHi and aNai and significant increase in intracellular NH4+ activity, indicating that zNHE3b mediates the Na+/NH4+ exchange. In low-Na+ (0.5 mM) media, zNHE3b oocytes maintained aNai of 1.3 mM, and Na+-influx was observed when pHi was decreased by media containing CO2-HCO3− or butyrate. These results provide thermodynamic evidence that zNHE3b mediates Na+ absorption from ion-poor fresh water by its Na+/H+ and Na+/NH4+ exchange activities. PMID:24401990

  14. The relation between aging, aortic NaF avidity and coronary artery NaF avidity: A NaF PET CT study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blomberg, Björn; Thomassen, Anders; Hildebrandt, Malene


    volunteers without traditional cardiovascular risk factors were prospectively assessed by Sodium 18-Fluoride (Na-18F) PET CT imaging. Global aortic uptake of Na-18F was determined by calculating the average aortic blood pool subtracted maximum standardized uptake value (cSUV) [maximum SUVaorta - mean...

  15. Rescue of Na+ and H+ binding in Na+,K+-ATPase M8 aspartate mutants by secondary mutation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Rikke; Einholm, Anja P.; Andersen, Jens Peter

    A mutation replacing the aspartate in transmembrane segment M8 in the a3-isoform of Na,K-ATPase with asparagine has been found in patients with rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism or alternating hemiplegia of childhood. This aspartate may be a critical Na+ coordinating residue, but the crystal......-isoforms of Na,K-ATPase, and much smaller effects were seen for other mutations to the M8 aspartate, which were less disruptive of Na+ binding than mutations to other residues related to Na+ site III. The D928 (rat a1 numbering) mutations strongly diminished the cooperativity of Na+ binding. Moreover the p......H optimum of Na,K-ATPase activity was left-shifted, again with D928N being most disruptive. The reduced affinity for activating Na+ and for inhibitory protons, caused by D928N and D928A mutations, could be rescued by introduction of an additional mutation of a glutamate located far away from D928....

  16. Salinity tolerance in barley (hordeum vulgare l.): effects of varying NaCl, K/sup +/ Na/sup +/ and NaHCO/sub 3/ levels on cultivars differing in tolerance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahmood, K.


    Although barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is regarded as salt tolerant among crop plants, its growth and plant development is severely affected by ionic and osmotic stresses in salt-affected soils. To elucidate the tolerance mechanism, growth and ion uptake of three barley cultivars, differing in salt tolerance, were examined under different levels of NaCl, K/sup +/ Na/sup +/ and NaHCO/sub 3/ in the root medium. The cultivars differed greatly in their responses to varying root medium conditions. Plant growth was more adversely affected by NaHCO/sub 3/ than NaCl. In general, biomass yields were comparable under control and 100 mM NaCl. However, growth of all three cultivars was significantly inhibited by NaHCO/sub 3/ even at low concentration (10 mM). Improved K/sup +/ supply in saline medium increased K/sup +/ uptake and growth of less tolerant cultivars. K/sup +/ uptake was more adversely affected by NaHCO/sub 3/ than NaCl salinity. Selective K/sup +/ uptake and lower Cl/sup -/ in shoots seemed to be associated with the growth responses. K application would help better growth of these cultivars on K-deficient saline-sodic soils and under irrigation with poor quality water having high Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC) and/or Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR). (author)

  17. Glutathionylation-Dependence of Na+-K+-Pump Currents Can Mimic Reduced Subsarcolemmal Na+ Diffusion


    Garcia, Alvaro; Liu, Chia-Chi; Cornelius, Flemming; Clarke, Ronald?J.; Rasmussen, Helge?H.


    The existence of a subsarcolemmal space with restricted diffusion for Na+ in cardiac myocytes has been inferred from a transient peak electrogenic Na+-K+ pump current beyond steady state on reexposure of myocytes to K+ after a period of exposure to K+-free extracellular solution. The transient peak current is attributed to enhanced electrogenic pumping of Na+ that accumulated in the diffusion-restricted space during pump inhibition in K+-free extracellular solution. However, there are no know...

  18. Myocardial Na,K-ATPase: Clinical aspects


    Kjeldsen, Keld


    The specific binding of digitalis glycosides to Na,K-ATPase is used as a tool for Na,K-ATPase quantification with high accuracy and precision. In myocardial biopsies from patients with heart failure, total Na,K-ATPase concentration is decreased by around 40%; a correlation exists between a decrease in heart function and a decrease in Na,K-ATPase concentration. During digitalization, around 30% of remaining pumps are occupied by digoxin. Myocardial Na,K-ATPase is also influenced by other drugs...

  19. Down-Regulation of the Na+-Coupled Phosphate Transporter NaPi-IIa by AMP-Activated Protein Kinase

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miribane Dërmaku-Sopjani


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: The Na+-coupled phosphate transporter NaPi-IIa is the main carrier accomplishing renal tubular phosphate reabsorption. It is driven by the electrochemical Na+ gradient across the apical cell membrane, which is maintained by Na+ extrusion across the basolateral cell membrane through the Na+/K+ ATPase. The operation of NaPi-IIa thus requires energy in order to avoid cellular Na+ accumulation and K+ loss with eventual decrease of cell membrane potential, Cl- entry and cell swelling. Upon energy depletion, early inhibition of Na+-coupled transport processes may delay cell swelling and thus foster cell survival. Energy depletion is sensed by the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK, a serine/threonine kinase stimulating several cellular mechanisms increasing energy production and limiting energy utilization. The present study explored whether AMPK influences the activity of NAPi-IIa. Methods: cRNA encoding NAPi-IIa was injected into Xenopus oocytes with or without additional expression of wild-type AMPK (AMPKα1-HA+AMPKβ1-Flag+AMPKγ1-HA, of inactive AMPKαK45R (AMPKα1K45R+AMPKβ1-Flag+AMPKγ1-HA or of constitutively active AMPKγR70Q (AMPKα1-HA+AMPKβ1-Flag+AMPKγ1R70Q. NaPi-IIa activity was estimated from phosphate-induced current in dual electrode voltage clamp experiments. Results: In NaPi-IIa-expressing, but not in water-injected Xenopus oocytes, the addition of phosphate (1 mM to the extracellular bath solution generated a current (Ip, which was significantly decreased by coexpression of wild-type AMPK and of AMPKγR70Q but not of AMPKαK45R. The phosphate-induced current in NaPi-IIa- and AMPK-expressing Xenopus ooocytes was significantly increased by AMPK inhibitor Compound C (20 µM. Kinetic analysis revealed that AMPK significantly decreased the maximal transport rate. Conclusion: The AMP-activated protein kinase AMPK is a powerful regulator of NaPi-IIa and thus of renal tubular phosphate transport.

  20. Thermodynamic study of NaFe complex oxides. High temperature properties of Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 and Na sub 3 FeO sub 3

    CERN Document Server

    Furukawa, T


    In order to contribute the investigation into corrosion mechanism of the structural materials by leakage sodium, thermodynamic study of Na-Fe complex oxides formed by the reactions was carried out. Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 and Na sub 3 FeO sub 3 were used as the sample. Its high temperature properties (i.e. melting, solidification and transformation) were observed by Differential Scanning Calorimetry, DSC. Moreover, the original test named 'melting point confirmation test' was performed for the observation of traces of melting and solidification after the tests. Following contents have been obtained by this study. (1) Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 was stably as the solid without phase transformation and melting until 800degC. However, the compound was showing a tendency to change into Na sub 4 FeO sub 3 with temperature increasing under the low oxygen potential. (2) The stability of Na sub 3 FeO sub 3 is the same as that of Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 until 700degC. Over the temperature, the compound was changed differential compound ...

  1. Metallic Na formation in NaCl crystals with irradiation of electron or vacuum ultraviolet photon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Owaki, Shigehiro [Osaka Prefecture Univ., Sakai, Osaka (Japan). Coll. of Integrated Arts and Sciences; Koyama, Shigeko; Takahashi, Masao; Kamada, Masao; Suzuki, Ryouichi


    Metallic Na was formed in NaCl single crystals with irradiation of a variety of radiation sources and analyzed the physical states with several methods. In the case of irradiation of 21 MeV electron pulses to the crystal blocks, the optical absorption and lifetime measurement of positron annihilation indicated appearance of Na clusters inside. Radiation effects of electron beam of 30 keV to the crystals in vacuum showed the appearance of not only metallic Na but atomic one during irradiation with Auger electron spectroscopy. Intense photon fluxes in vacuum ultraviolet region of synchrotron radiation were used as another source and an analyzing method of ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. The results showed the metallic Na layered so thick that bulk plasmon can exist. (author)

  2. Scintillation efficiency measurement of Na recoils in NaI(Tl) below the DAMA/LIBRA energy threshold

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Jingke; Shields, Emily; Calaprice, Frank; Westerdale, Shawn; Froborg, Francis; Suerfu, Burkhant; Alexander, Thomas; Aprahamian, Ani; Back, Henning O.; Casarella, Clark; Fang, Xiao; Gupta, Yogesh K.; Ianni, Aldo; Lamere, Edward; Lippincott, W. Hugh; Liu, Qian; Lyons, Stephanie; Siegl, Kevin; Smith, Mallory; Tan, Wanpeng; Kolk, Bryant Vande


    The dark matter interpretation of the DAMA modulation signal depends on the NaI(Tl) scintillation efficiency of nuclear recoils. Previous measurements for Na recoils have large discrepancies, especially in the DAMA/LIBRA modulation energy region. We report a quenching effect measurement of Na recoils in NaI(Tl) from 3 to 52 keVnr, covering the whole DAMA/LIBRA energy region for dark matter-Na scattering interpretations. By using a low-energy, pulsed neutron beam, a double time-of-flight technique, and pulse-shape discrimination methods, we obtained the most accurate measurement of this kind for NaI(Tl) to date. The results differ significantly from the DAMA reported values at low energies but fall between the other previous measurements. We present the implications of the new quenching results for the dark matter interpretation of the DAMA modulation signal.

  3. Synthesis of Ag or Pt Nanoparticles by Hydrolysis of Either Ag2Na or PtNa

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    Huabin Wang


    Full Text Available Ag and Pt nanoparticles have successfully been synthesized by hydrolysis of either Ag2Na or PtNa at room temperature. The oxidation of sodium in the Pt-Na pellets was much faster than that in the Ag-Na pellets since Pt is a catalyst for H2O formation reaction from hydrogen and oxygen at room temperature. The hydrolysis byproduct, NaOH, has a high solubility and easily is removed. This method offers a simple method of preparing transition metal nanoparticles. The Ag and Pt nanoparticles prepared by this method were crystalline in nature, and spherical in shape with a mean size of around 10 nm.

  4. Dynamic polarizabilities and Van der Waals coefficients for alkali atoms Li, Na and alkali dimer molecules Li2, Na2 and NaLi (United States)

    Mérawa, M.; Dargelos, A.


    The present paper gives an account of investigations of the polarizability of the alkali atoms Li, Na, diatomics homonuclear and heteronuclear Li2, Na2 and NaLi at SCF (Self Consistent Field) level of approximation and at correlated level, using a time Time-Dependent Gauge Invariant method (TDGI). Our static polarizability values agree with the best experimental and theoretical determinations. The Van der Waals C6 coefficients for the atom-atom, atom-dimer and dimer-dimer interactions have been evaluated. Les polarisabilités des atomes alcalins Li, Na, et des molécules diatomiques homonucléaires et hétéronucléaire Li2, Na2 et NaLi, ont été calculées au niveau SCF (Self Consistent Field) et au niveau corrélé à partir d'une méthode invariante de jauge dépendante du temps(TDGI). Nos valeurs des polarisabilités statiques sont en accord avec les meilleurs déterminations expérimentales et théoriques. Les coefficients C6 de Van de Waals pour les interactions atome-atome, atome-dimère et dimère-dimère ont également été évalués.

  5. Structure-function relationships of Na+, K+, ATP, or Mg2+ binding and energy transduction in Na,K-ATPase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jorgensen, Peter L.; Pedersen, Per Amstrup


    Na,K-ATPase; Mutagenesis; Na+ binding; K+ binding; Tl+ binding; Mg2+ binding; ATP binding; Cation binding site; Energy transduction......Na,K-ATPase; Mutagenesis; Na+ binding; K+ binding; Tl+ binding; Mg2+ binding; ATP binding; Cation binding site; Energy transduction...

  6. At NA2

    CERN Multimedia


    One of the NA2 calorimeter sections is moved in. The NA2 calorimeter was divided in two halves, to the left and the right of the beam, each half consisting of sheets of passive high Z material interleaved with blades of plastic scintillators. The photo shows on the right, the upstream 'electron' module with eleven lead plates for a total radiation length of 20.

  7. A pintura do poema “Castigo pro comboio malandro”, de António Jacinto: domínio musical e da linguagem como forma de encenar a construção da nacionalidade DOI - 10.5752/P.2358-3428.2012v16n31p139

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    Emanuela Francisca Ferreira Silva


    Full Text Available António Jacinto e outros escritores angolanos criaram em Luanda, em 1948, o Movimento dos Novos Intelectuais de Angola – MNIA –, que teve como lema o brado "Vamos descobrir Angola". O MNIA defendia o fortalecimento das relações entre literatura e sociedade e o debruçar-se sobre Angola e sua cultura para romper com a tradição cultural imposta pelo colonialismo. O poema "Castigo pro comboio malandro", de António Jacinto, seguindo os objetivos do movimento, além de se apresentar em forma escrita, foi declamado e musicado para melhor alcançar os habitantes das zonas rurais. Essa diversidade de suportes será considerada neste trabalho, que analisará o poema e a interpretação musical feita por Fausto Bordalo Dias no disco A preto e branco, tentando perceber como a pintura que a música faz no texto do poema consegue, através de analogias, estruturar nossa compreensão de maneira mais abrangente em relação a ambos os domínios: o da linguagem escrita e o musical.   Palavras-chave: Movimento Vamos descobrir Angola. Poema Castigo pro comboio Malandro. Linguagem escrita e musical. Analogias.

  8. O que nos diz a arte kaxinawa sobre a relação entre identidade e alteridade?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elsje Maria Lagrou


    Full Text Available A intenção deste texto é demonstrar, através do diálogo com vários antropólogos que pensaram a arte enquanto linguagem específica, como a perspectiva kaxinawa sobre o entrelaçamento da alteridade e da identidade no tecido da vida se expressa na sua arte. Com esse objetivo, é explorado o modo como a alternância entre figura e fundo chama a atenção para a presença simultânea da figura e de seu contrário corolário na pintura corporal e tecelagem, assim como na arte plumária dos homens, onde a relação entre simetria e assimetria recebe um tratamento diferente mas complementar ao da arte feminina.Turning to various anthropologists who have approached art as a specific type of language, this paper aims to show how the Cashinahua vision of the interweaving of alterity and identity in the fabric of life is expressed in their body painting and textile work. Here, the alternation between figure and ground calls attention to the simultaneous presence of both the figure and its counter-figure, just as in men's plumary art where the relation between symmetry and asymmetry receives a different but complementary treatment to the artwork produced by women.

  9. Na+-K+ pump in chronic renal failure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deepak, K.; Kahn, T.


    This review summarizes the evidence for the defect in Na + -K + pump in chronic renal failure, considers the role of various factors in causing this defect, and discusses the clinical implications thereof. Intracellular Na is elevated in erythrocytes, leukocytes, and muscle cells from some patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). Recent evidence suggest that this elevation of cell Na may be, in large part, a consequence of decreased number of Na + -K + pump units per cell. Maintenance dialysis over a period of weeks ameliorates the defect in intracellular Na + , and this improvement is contemporaneous with an increase in the number of Na + -K + pump sites per cell. In erythrocytes with normal cell Na + , acute hemodialysis increases the rate of 22 Na + and 42 K + transport. Many factors such as the presence of retained toxic metabolite or circulating inhibitor in the uremic plasma, or biochemical changes produced by acute hemodialysis, may explain this finding. In cells with high cell Na + , the pump-mediated 42 K + transport is normalized at the expense of a raised cell Na + . The decreased muscle membrane potential in uremic subjects has been attributed to a decreased activity of Na + -K + pump. The authors discuss the role of hormonal abnormalities and circulating inhibitors, which may cause an acute inhibition of the pump and of other factors such as K + depletion, which may cause more chronic alterations. The implications of alteration of Na + and K + pump transport and raised cell Na + on other non-pump-mediated transport pathways are discussed. Raised cell Na + may be a marker for the adequacy of maintenance dialysis in patients with end-stage renal failure

  10. Pozitivni in negativni vplivi risank na otroke


    Povše, Nika


    V tej diplomski nalogi smo raziskovali pozitivne in negativne vplive risank na otroke. Začeli smo z zgodovino televizije, tako svetovno zgodovino kot zgodovino televizije na Slovenskem. Na isti način smo pregledali tudi zgodovino risank. Raziskovali smo otrokov razvoj, predvsem tiste vidike, ki so izpostavljeni vplivom risank, kot so morala, jezik, domišljija in učenje. Sledilo je raziskovanje negativnih in pozitivnih vplivov, ki jih imajo risanke na otroke, kar je tudi naš glavni problem te ...

  11. Vpliv konfucija na sodobno izobraževanje na Kitajskem

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    Katja Skitek


    Full Text Available Izobraževanje na Kitajskem je bilo vedno trdno povezano s Konfucijem in konfucianizmom, kar pa ni čudno, saj je bil Konfucij prvi, ki je poudarjal moč z nanja in izobraževanja. LR Kitajska je v zadnjih petdesetih letih počasi in postopoma začela uveljavljati določene spremembe v vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem. Kakšne so te spremembe in koliko nanje še vedno vpliva konfucianizem, bo osrednja tema pričujočega članka. Konfucianizem danes na Kitajskem ni preveč popularen, izobraženci pa so se razporedili v dve skupini: eni trdijo, da je njegov vpliv še vedno velik, drugi pa zatrjujejo, da nima več nobenega vpliva na sodobno življenje. Katera stran ima prav? Konfucij je v prvi vrsti poudarjal pomembnost moralnih vrednot vsakega človeka in prav moralne vrednote, za katere se je zavzemal, so še danes trdno zasidrane v kitajski kulturi. Ali je torej sploh mogoče popolnoma izriniti Konfucija iz sodobnega izobraževanja?

  12. Quando o imaginário se diz educacional


    Araújo, Alberto Filipe


    O imaginário educacional é devedor da concepção romântica de educação que privilegia a formação da interioridade do sujeito (daquilo que Jung denomina de das Selbst : o si-mesmo) por meio de uma viagem iniciática sob a forma, por exemplo, do "romance de formação". Daí a necessidade de se estruturar, mediante uma hermenêutica adequada, aquilo que constitui a sustância do imaginário educacional (alegorias, metáforas, símbolos, ideologemas e mitos), ainda que este apareça de um modo geral degrad...

  13. Geografia: o olhar e a imagem pictórica Geography: the viewpoint and the pictorial image

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    Cláudio Benito Oliveira Ferraz


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva apresentar, de forma introdutória, a possibilidade e a necessidade de diálogo entre a linguagem pictórica e o discurso científico da Geografia. Para tal, apresenta alguns elementos do alfabeto das pinturas de imagens a partir tanto da semiótica quanto da gestalt, analisadas por Fayga Ostrower e Donis Dondis. O exercício interpretativo dá-se a partir do conceito de paisagem aplicado sobre as imagens elaboradas artisticamente por grandes pintores da humanidade, contextualizando-as a partir dos elementos técnicos e tecnológicos que existiam na época e no lugar, e da forma como esses interferem nos processos de elaboração e interpretação das obras. Para exemplificar isso, utilizam-se três pinturas elaboradas em diferentes períodos, a partir da Europa medieval até o mundo moderno, apresentando, assim, os aspectos gerais que levavam à mudança de leitura espacial do território produzido a partir da consolidação do mundo urbano, industrial e baseado na lógica da mercadoria.This article is aimed at presenting some introductory remarks on the possibility and the need for dialogue between the pictorial language and the scientific speech in geography. For such, it presents some elements used in the painting of images based on both semiotics and the Gestalt theory, analyzed by Fayga Ostrower and Donis Dondis. The interpretative exercise happens thanks to the landscape concept applied to the images created artistically by great painters from history.This exercise contextualizes these images considering both the technical and technological elements which existed at the time and place where they were produced and how these elements interfered in the processes of creating and interpreting theses masterpieces. To illustrate this, we have used four paintings from different periods, from the medieval Europe time to the modern world, hence introducing the general aspects which led to a change in the spatial reading of the

  14. Low-spin states of 23Na

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bakkum, E.L.


    A study of 23 Na via the 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na and 23 Na(γ,γ) 23 Na reactions is presented. Only a limited number of resonances has been studied, selected on the basis of strong excitation of the lowest levels of which the spin was unknown. As a result the spins are now known of all levels of 23 Na with excitation energies up to 7 MeV, except for a few high-spin states which are too weakly excited in the decay of the known 22 Ne(p,γ) resonances. The mean lifetimes of the 23 Na levels at 4.43 and 7.89 MeV were found to be 350±70 and 220±17 attoseconds (1 attosecond = 10 -18 seconds) respectively. 97 refs.; 22 figs.; 12 tabs

  15. Response of saliva Na/K ratio to changing Na supply of lactating cows under tropical conditions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thiangtum, Wandee; Schonewille, J Thomas; Verstegen, Martin Wa; Arsawakulsudhi, Supot; Rukkwamsuk, Theera; Hendriks, Wouter H

    BACKGROUND: Factorial determination of the sodium (Na) requirement of heat-stressed lactating cows is hindered by accurate estimates of the Na losses through sweat. Direct studies, therefore, may be needed requiring information on the time course of healthy animals to become Na depleted and the

  16. Response of saliva Na/K ratio to changing Na supply of lactating cows under tropical conditions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thiangtum, Wandee; Schonewille, Thomas J.; Verstegen, Martin W.A.; Arsawakulsudhi, Supot; Rukkwamsuk, Theera; Hendriks, Wouter H.


    BACKGROUND: Factorial determination of the sodium (Na) requirement of heat-stressed lactating cows is hindered by accurate estimates of the Na losses through sweat. Direct studies, therefore, may be needed requiring information on the time course of healthy animals to become Na depleted and the

  17. Clues to NaCN formation (United States)

    Quintana-Lacaci, G.; Cernicharo, J.; Velilla Prieto, L.; Agúndez, M.; Castro-Carrizo, A.; Fonfría, J. P.; Massalkhi, S.; Pardo, J. R.


    Context. ALMA is providing us essential information on where certain molecules form. Observing where these molecules emission arises from, the physical conditions of the gas, and how this relates with the presence of other species allows us to understand the formation of many species, and to significantly improve our knowledge of the chemistry that occurs in the space. Aims: We studied the molecular distribution of NaCN around IRC +10216, a molecule detected previously, but whose origin is not clear. High angular resolution maps allow us to model the abundance distribution of this molecule and check suggested formation paths. Methods: We modeled the emission of NaCN assuming local thermal equilibrium (LTE) conditions. These profiles were fitted to azimuthal averaged intensity profiles to obtain an abundance distribution of NaCN. Results: We found that the presence of NaCN seems compatible with the presence of CN, probably as a result of the photodissociation of HCN, in the inner layers of the ejecta of IRC +10216. However, similar as for CH3CN, current photochemical models fail to reproduce this CN reservoir. We also found that the abundance peak of NaCN appears at a radius of 3 × 1015 cm, approximately where the abundance of NaCl, suggested to be the parent species, starts to decay. However, the abundance ratio shows that the NaCl abundance is lower than that obtained for NaCN. We expect that the LTE assumption might result in NaCN abundances higher than the real ones. Updated photochemical models, collisional rates, and reaction rates are essential to determine the possible paths of the NaCN formation. Based on observations carried out with ALMA and the IRAM 30 m Telescope. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada) and NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. IRAM is supported by INSU/CNRS (France

  18. The effect of Na+ and K+ on the thermal denaturation of Na+ and + K+-dependent ATPase. (United States)

    Fischer, T H


    To increase our understanding of the physical nature of the Na+ and K+ forms of the Na+ + K+-dependent ATPase, thermal-denaturation studies were conducted in different types of ionic media. Thermal-denaturation measurements were performed by measuring the regeneration of ATPase activity after slow pulse exposure to elevated temperatures. Two types of experiments were performed. First, the dependence of the thermal-denaturation rate on Na+ and K+ concentrations was examined. It was found that both cations stabilized the pump protein. Also, K+ was a more effective stabilizer of the native state than was Na+. Secondly, a set of thermodynamic parameters was obtained by measuring the temperature-dependence of the thermal-denaturation rate under three ionic conditions: 60 mM-K+, 150 mM-Na+ and no Na+ or K+. It was found that ion-mediated stabilization of the pump protein was accompanied by substantial increases in activation enthalpy and entropy, the net effect being a less-pronounced increase in activation free energy. PMID:6309139

  19. Financiranje projekata na pomorskom dobru

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zoran Tasić


    Full Text Available Koncesije otvaraju vrlo osjetljiva politička, ekonomska i pravna pitanja u mnogim državama svijeta. Samo definiranje pojma koncesije često je komplicirana i ne sasvim jasna zadaća. OECD je prihvatila definiciju koncesije kao: ’’davanje prava privatnom trgovačkom društvu da može gospodarski upravljati određenom infrastrukturnim uslugama i za to zarađivati naknadu. Koncesionar dobija u posjed određene objekte (ali vlasništvo na tim objektima ostaje u rukama države te ih koristi u svrhu obavljanja određene djelatnosti ili usluge sukladno odredbama ugovora’’. Hrvatsko pravo definira koncesije načelno kao pravo stečeno temeljem ugovora o koncesiji, a sukladno uvjetima sadržanim u odluci o davanju koncesije (koju je donijelo odgovarajuće upravno tijelo, a u odnosu na pomorsko dobro, specifično, kao pravo državne vlasti da može dio pomorskog dobra, koje je inače dobro izvan pravnog prometa (res extra commercium, isključiti iz opće uporabe bilo dijelom ili u cijelosti, i dati ga fizičkoj ili pravnoj osobi na gospodarsko korištenje sukladno određenim prostornim planovima. Građevine i drugi objekti izgrađeni na pomorskom dobru čine njegov sastavni dio. Zakonom je jasno određeno da nikakva stvarna prava nisu dopuštena na pomorskom dobru, uključivo i na objektima izgrađenima na njemu. Projekti na pomorskom dobru često uključuju velike infrastrukturne projekte, razvoje luka i marina, koji iziskuju značajna financijska sredstva. Banke koje financiraju takve projekte zahtijevaju organiziran i transparentan zakonski okvir koncesija, slobodu ugovaranja, pravnu zaštitu svih strana uključenih u projekt (uključivo i mogućnost međunarodne arbitraže. (...

  20. Controlled phase stability of highly Na-active triclinic structure in nanoscale high-voltage Na2-2xCo1+xP2O7 cathode for Na-ion batteries (United States)

    Song, Hee Jo; Kim, Jae-Chan; Dar, Mushtaq Ahmad; Kim, Dong-Wan


    With the increasing demand for high energy density in energy-storage systems, a high-voltage cathode is essential in rechargeable Li-ion and Na-ion batteries. The operating voltage of a triclinic-polymorph Na2CoP2O7, also known as the rose form, is above 4.0 V (vs. Na/Na+), which is relatively high compared to that of other cathode materials. Thus, it can be employed as a potential high-voltage cathode material in Na-ion batteries. However, it is difficult to synthesize a pure rose phase because of its low phase stability, thus limiting its use in high-voltage applications. Herein, compositional-engineered, rose-phase Na2-2xCo1+xP2O7/C (x = 0, 0.1 and 0.2) nanopowder are prepared using a wet-chemical method. The Na2-2xCo1+xP2O7/C cathode shows high electrochemical reactivity with Na ions at 4.0 V, delivering high capacity and high energy density.

  1. Optimization of NaOH Molarity, LUSI Mud/Alkaline Activator, and Na2SiO3/NaOH Ratio to Produce Lightweight Aggregate-Based Geopolymer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafiza Abdul Razak


    Full Text Available This paper presents the mechanical function and characterization of an artificial lightweight geopolymer aggregate (ALGA using LUSI (Sidoarjo mud and alkaline activator as source materials. LUSI stands for LU-Lumpur and SI-Sidoarjo, meaning mud from Sidoarjo which erupted near the Banjarpanji-1 exploration well in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia on 27 May 2006. The effect of NaOH molarity, LUSI mud/Alkaline activator (LM/AA ratio, and Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio to the ALGA are investigated at a sintering temperature of 950 °C. The results show that the optimum NaOH molarity found in this study is 12 M due to the highest strength (lowest AIV value of 15.79% with lower water absorption and specific gravity. The optimum LUSI mud/Alkaline activator (LM/AA ratio of 1.7 and the Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio of 0.4 gives the highest strength with AIV value of 15.42% with specific gravity of 1.10 g/cm3 and water absorption of 4.7%. The major synthesized crystalline phases were identified as sodalite, quartz and albite. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM image showed more complete geopolymer matrix which contributes to highest strength of ALGA produced.

  2. Optimization of NaOH Molarity, LUSI Mud/Alkaline Activator, and Na2SiO3/NaOH Ratio to Produce Lightweight Aggregate-Based Geopolymer (United States)

    Abdul Razak, Rafiza; Abdullah, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri; Hussin, Kamarudin; Ismail, Khairul Nizar; Hardjito, Djwantoro; Yahya, Zarina


    This paper presents the mechanical function and characterization of an artificial lightweight geopolymer aggregate (ALGA) using LUSI (Sidoarjo mud) and alkaline activator as source materials. LUSI stands for LU-Lumpur and SI-Sidoarjo, meaning mud from Sidoarjo which erupted near the Banjarpanji-1 exploration well in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia on 27 May 2006. The effect of NaOH molarity, LUSI mud/Alkaline activator (LM/AA) ratio, and Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio to the ALGA are investigated at a sintering temperature of 950 °C. The results show that the optimum NaOH molarity found in this study is 12 M due to the highest strength (lowest AIV value) of 15.79% with lower water absorption and specific gravity. The optimum LUSI mud/Alkaline activator (LM/AA) ratio of 1.7 and the Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio of 0.4 gives the highest strength with AIV value of 15.42% with specific gravity of 1.10 g/cm3 and water absorption of 4.7%. The major synthesized crystalline phases were identified as sodalite, quartz and albite. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image showed more complete geopolymer matrix which contributes to highest strength of ALGA produced. PMID:26006238



    Dovranić, Dora; Katavić, Ivica


    U početku 21. stoljeća često se koristi pojam pozitivne (afirmativne) diskriminacije. Pozitivna diskriminacija mjera je koju poduzima vlada, neka organizacija ili korporacija s ciljem da se smanje nejednakosti u društvu nastale upravo diskriminacijom, na način da se pružaju određene povlastice onima koji su pretrpjeli neku vrstu diskriminacije. Nastala je u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama na inicijativu predsjednika Kennedyja, Johnsona i Nixona. Diskriminacija, nažalost, ima mnogo oblika, a ne...

  4. Reaction of metal oxides with molten mixtures NaPO3+NaCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovarskaya, E.N.; Mityakhina, V.S.; Rodionov, Yu.I.; Silin, M.Yu.


    By methods of solubility determination and paper chromatography it is shown, that Fe 2 O 3 solution in NaPO 3 +NaCl melts in the air relizes due to its chemical interaction with solvent resulting in formation of iron and sodium binary di- and monophosphates depending on melt-solvent initial composition, its attainment of equilibrium state and experiment temperature. It is established, that oxides increased solubility in melts with NaCl initial content ∼30 mol.% is specified by sodium tri- and tricyclophosphates presence in the melts. On this basis of NGR-spectroscopy data the presence of iron, europium, tin and sodium binary di- and monophosphates in some chloride-polyphosphate melts is confirmed

  5. Crystal structure of polyphosphates NaCd(PO3)3 and NaMn(PO3)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murashova, E.V.; Chudinova, N.N.


    Crystal structure of NaCd(PO 3 ) 3 (1) and NaMn(PO 3 ) 3 (2) isostructural polyphosphates was determined for twin samples. Rhombic lattice parameters of (1): a = 14.678, b = 14.669, c = 14.705 A, sp. gr. P2 1 2 1 2 1 , Z = 16. The structure of compounds is of frame type. Polyphosphate chain with repetition period of 24 PO 4 tetrahedrons contacts with NaO 6 and M 2 O 6 octahedrons by means of common oxygen vertices. Similarities and differences in structure of mentioned polyphosphates and earlier analyzed NaMg(PO 3 ) 3 polyphosphate are noted [ru

  6. Effect of growth in lithium on ouabain binding, Na-K-ATPase and Na and K transport in hela cells. (United States)

    Boardman, L J; Hume, S P; Lamb, J F; Polson, J


    1. HeLa cells were grown for 24 hr in growth medium in which part of the Na was replaced with Li. Ion contents, cell volumes and numbers, Na-K-ATPase and specific ouabain binding were measured. In some experiments the Na efflux and net Na transport was also measured. 2. Growth in Li caused a rise in the specific ouabain binding and membrane Na-K-ATPase of these cells. The Li concentrations in the cells necessary to produce this effect ranged up to 50 mM. 3. It is suggested that Li, like Na, acts on the genetic material of the cells to cause the production of more Na pumps within the membrane. PMID:124350

  7. Effects of EDTA-Na (Na ethylenediaminetetraacetate) upon the metabolism of radiostrontium and radioyttrium in mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kikuchi, T; Wakisaka, G; Kono, T; Hiroaki, A; Yamamasu, T; Sugawa, I


    The toxicity of EDTA-Na, inert Sr (NO/sub 3/)/sub 2/ and Ba (NO/sub 3/)/sub 2/ has been examined. Simultaneous injection of EDTA-Na showed no significant effect upon the distribution of radio-Sr in the bones of mice. The distribution of radio-Y in the bones of mice tended to decrease following the simultaneous subcutaneous injection of /sup 91/Y and EDTA-Na.

  8. Novel aspects of Na+,K+-ATPase


    Aizman, Oleg


    Na,K-ATPase, an integral membrane protein expressed in each eukaryotic cell, serves as the major determinant of intracellular ion composition. In the current study we investigated novel aspects of Na,K-ATPase function and regulation. It is well established that Na,K-ATPase activity is regulated by reversible phosphorylation. New findings in this study are: 1) the level of intracellular Ca 2. concentration determines the functional effects of PKA and PKC-mediated Na,K-ATP...

  9. High-Performance Na-O2 Batteries Enabled by Oriented NaO2 Nanowires as Discharge Products. (United States)

    Khajehbashi, S Mohammad B; Xu, Lin; Zhang, Guobin; Tan, Shuangshuang; Zhao, Yan; Wang, Lai-Sen; Li, Jiantao; Luo, Wen; Peng, Dong-Liang; Mai, Liqiang


    Na-O 2 batteries are emerging rechargeable batteries due to their high theoretical energy density and abundant resources, but they suffer from sluggish kinetics due to the formation of large-size discharge products with cubic or irregular particle shapes. Here, we report the unique growth of discharge products of NaO 2 nanowires inside Na-O 2 batteries that significantly boosts the performance of Na-O 2 batteries. For this purpose, a high-spin Co 3 O 4 electrocatalyst was synthesized via the high-temperature oxidation of pure cobalt nanoparticles in an external magnetic field. The discharge products of NaO 2 nanowires are 10-20 nm in diameter and ∼10 μm in length, characteristics that provide facile pathways for electron and ion transfer. With these nanowires, Na-O 2 batteries have surpassed 400 cycles with a fixed capacity of 1000 mA h g -1 , an ultra-low over-potential of ∼60 mV during charging, and near-zero over-potential during discharging. This strategy not only provides a unique way to control the morphology of discharge products to achieve high-performance Na-O 2 batteries but also opens up the opportunity to explore growing nanowires in novel conditions.

  10. Entrevista com Pierre-Marc De Biasi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Romanelli


    Full Text Available   Formado no ENS de Saint-Cloud e no ENSBA de Paris, doutor e pesquisador, Pierre-Marc de Biasi é coordenador de pesquisa no CNRS (ITEM: Institut des Textes et Manuscrits modernes. É membro do Doutorado da Université Paris 7, encarregado de um seminário de pesquisa na Université Paris 4 Sorbonne, membro da comissão editorial de várias revistas (Magazine littéraire, Genesis, Cahiers de médiologie, etc., diretor de inúmeras coleções literárias ou críticas (Hachette Supérieur, Seuil, CNRS éditions. Especialista em genética literária, é autor de vários artigos teóricos sobre a análise de manuscritos modernos e sobre a gênese da obra (especialmente na Encyclopædia Universalis, La génétique des textes, Nathan 2000, etc., sobre a história da escritura e as novas tecnologias, além de muitos ensaios, edições ou estudos das obras editadas e dos manuscritos de Flaubert: Carnets de travail Balland, 1988- prêmio da crítica da Académie française; Voyage en Égypte Grasset, 1991; L'Éducation sentimentale (Seuil, 1993; Madame Bovary (Imprimerie Nationale, 1994, Trois Contes (Bouvard et Pécuchet; 'Éducation sentimentale (Classiques de poche, 1999-2002; laubert, l'homme-plume (Gallimard "Découvertes", 2002, etc. P.- . de Biasi é também especialista em história do papel (Pouvoirs du papier, Cahiers de médiologie n°4, Gallimard, 1997 ; Le Devenir des papiers modernes, BNF 1997 ; La Saga du papier, un film Théma Arte 1999 ; Un livre d'art, Adam Biro-Arte édition, 1999 ; Une synthèse illustrée, Le papier, une aventure au quotidien, Gallimard "Découvertes", 1999. Paralelamente ao seu trabalho literário, P.-M. de Biasi tem publicado sobre a história da arte (pintura, arquitetura,  Genesis 14, junho 2000 e desenvolve uma pesquisa criativa nas artes plásticas (pintura, escultura, instalações. Com cerca de quarenta exposições em museus e em galerias após 1977

  11. Insight to the Thermal Decomposition and Hydrogen Desorption Behaviors of NaNH2-NaBH4 Hydrogen Storage Composite. (United States)

    Pei, Ziwei; Bai, Ying; Wang, Yue; Wu, Feng; Wu, Chuan


    The lightweight compound material NaNH 2 -NaBH 4 is regarded as a promising hydrogen storage composite due to the high hydrogen density. Mechanical ball milling was employed to synthesize the composite NaNH 2 -NaBH 4 (2/1 molar ratio), and the samples were investigated utilizing thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis-mass spectroscopy (TG-DTA-MS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses. The full-spectrum test (range of the ratio of mass to charge: 0-200) shows that the released gaseous species contain H 2 , NH 3 , B 2 H 6 , and N 2 in the heating process from room temperature to 400 °C, and possibly the impurity gas B 6 H 12 also exists. The TG/DTA analyses show that the composite NaNH 2 -NaBH 4 (2/1 molar ratio) is conductive to generate hydrogen so that the dehydrogenation process can be finished before 400 °C. Moreover, the thermal decomposition process from 200 to 400 °C involves two-step dehydrogenation reactions: (1) Na 3 (NH 2 ) 2 BH 4 hydride decomposes into Na 3 BN 2 and H 2 (200-350 °C); (2) remaining Na 3 (NH 2 ) 2 BH 4 reacts with NaBH 4 and Na 3 BN 2 , generating Na, BN, NH 3 , N 2 , and H 2 (350-400 °C). The better mechanism understanding of the thermal decomposition pathway lays a foundation for tailoring the hydrogen storage performance of the composite complex hydrides system.

  12. Distinct pH dependencies of Na+/K+ selectivity at the two faces of Na,K-ATPase. (United States)

    Cornelius, Flemming; Tsunekawa, Naoki; Toyoshima, Chikashi


    The sodium pump (Na,K-ATPase) in animal cells is vital for actively maintaining ATP hydrolysis-powered Na + and K + electrochemical gradients across the cell membrane. These ion gradients drive co- and countertransport and are critical for establishing the membrane potential. It has been an enigma how Na,K-ATPase discriminates between Na + and K + , despite the pumped ion on each side being at a lower concentration than the other ion. Recent crystal structures of analogs of the intermediate conformations E2·Pi·2K + and Na + -bound E1∼P·ADP suggest that the dimensions of the respective binding sites in Na,K-ATPase are crucial in determining its selectivity. Here, we found that the selectivity at each membrane face is pH-dependent and that this dependence is unique for each face. Most notable was a strong increase in the specific affinity for K + at the extracellular face ( i.e. E2 conformation) as the pH is lowered from 7.5 to 5. We also observed a smaller increase in affinity for K + on the cytoplasmic side (E1 conformation), which reduced the selectivity for Na + Theoretical analysis of the p K a values of ion-coordinating acidic amino acid residues suggested that the face-specific pH dependences and Na + /K + selectivities may arise from the protonation or ionization of key residues. The increase in K + selectivity at low pH on the cytoplasmic face, for instance, appeared to be associated with Asp 808 protonation. We conclude that changes in the ionization state of coordinating residues in Na,K-ATPase could contribute to altering face-specific ion selectivity. © 2018 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.



    Renko, Katica


    V magistrskem delu smo se seznanili z oglaševanjem na Facebooku. S pregledom gradiva, ki nam je ponujeno, smo preverili pogoje, načine, oblike … oglaševanja, ki pa smo jih s pregledom situacije v praksi preverili in dopolnili. Ob zaključku dela lahko rečemo, da je oglaševanje preko FB enostavnejše, cenejše, dostopnejše, omogoča nam ažurnost in samo komunikacijo z naslovniki, ki so potencialni kupci naših ponudb. Množični mediji nam omogočajo mnogotero obliko oglaševanja. Izbrana oblika ponuja...

  14. Laser-induced ionization of Na vapor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, R.C.Y.; Judge, D.L.; Roussel, F.; Carre, B.; Breger, P.; Spiess, G.


    The production of Na 2 + ions by off-resonant laser excitation in the 5800-6200A region mainly results from two-photon absorption by the Na 2 molecule to highly excited gerade states followed by (a) direct ionization by absorbing a third photon or (b) coupling to the molecular Na 2 D 1 PIμ Rydberg state which is subsequently ionized by absorbing a third photon. This mechanism, i.e., a two-photon resonance three photon ionization process, explains a recent experimental observation of Roussel et al. It is suggested that the very same mechanism is also responsible for a similar observation reported by Polak-Dingels et al in their work using two crossed Na beams. In the latter two studies the laser-induced associative ionization processes were reported to be responsible for producing the Na 2 + ion. From the ratio of molecular to atomic concentration in the crossed beam experiment of Polak-Dingels et al we estimate that the cross section for producing Na 2 + through laser-induced associative ionization is at least four orders of magnitude smaller than ionization through the two-photon resonance three photon ionization process in Na 2 molecules

  15. Characterization and antibacterial activity of silver exchanged regenerated NaY zeolite from surfactant-modified NaY zeolite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salim, Mashitah Mad; Malek, Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik, E-mail:


    The antibacterial activity of regenerated NaY zeolite (thermal treatment from cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)-modified NaY zeolite and pretreatment with Na ions) loaded with silver ions were examined using the broth dilution minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) method against Escherichia coli (E. coli ATCC 11229) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus ATCC 6538). X-ray diffraction (XRD), attenuated total reflectance–Fourier transform infrared (ATR–FTIR) spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and chemical elemental analyses were used to characterize the regenerated NaY and AgY zeolites. The XRD patterns indicated that the calcination and addition of silver ions on regenerated NaY zeolite did not affect the structure of the regenerated NaY zeolite as the characteristic peaks of the NaY zeolite were retained, and no new peaks were observed. The regenerated AgY zeolite showed good antibacterial activity against both bacteria strains in distilled water, and the antibacterial activity of the samples increased with increasing Ag loaded on the regenerated AgY zeolite; the regenerated AgY zeolite was more effective against E. coli than S. aureus. However, the antibacterial activity of the regenerated AgY was not effective in saline solution for both bacteria. The study showed that CTAB-modified NaY zeolite materials could be regenerated to NaY zeolite using thermal treatment (550 °C, 5 h) and this material has excellent performance as an antibacterial agent after silver ions loading. - Highlights: • Thermal treatment was used to regenerate surfactant modified zeolite. • The regenerated NaY zeolite formed was added with different silver loadings. • Regenerated AgY zeolite was tested for antibacterial activity on E. coli and S. aureus. • The antibacterial activity increased with increased of the amount of silver loadings. • The zeolite structure did not change with thermal and modification

  16. Characterization and antibacterial activity of silver exchanged regenerated NaY zeolite from surfactant-modified NaY zeolite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salim, Mashitah Mad; Malek, Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik


    The antibacterial activity of regenerated NaY zeolite (thermal treatment from cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)-modified NaY zeolite and pretreatment with Na ions) loaded with silver ions were examined using the broth dilution minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) method against Escherichia coli (E. coli ATCC 11229) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus ATCC 6538). X-ray diffraction (XRD), attenuated total reflectance–Fourier transform infrared (ATR–FTIR) spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and chemical elemental analyses were used to characterize the regenerated NaY and AgY zeolites. The XRD patterns indicated that the calcination and addition of silver ions on regenerated NaY zeolite did not affect the structure of the regenerated NaY zeolite as the characteristic peaks of the NaY zeolite were retained, and no new peaks were observed. The regenerated AgY zeolite showed good antibacterial activity against both bacteria strains in distilled water, and the antibacterial activity of the samples increased with increasing Ag loaded on the regenerated AgY zeolite; the regenerated AgY zeolite was more effective against E. coli than S. aureus. However, the antibacterial activity of the regenerated AgY was not effective in saline solution for both bacteria. The study showed that CTAB-modified NaY zeolite materials could be regenerated to NaY zeolite using thermal treatment (550 °C, 5 h) and this material has excellent performance as an antibacterial agent after silver ions loading. - Highlights: • Thermal treatment was used to regenerate surfactant modified zeolite. • The regenerated NaY zeolite formed was added with different silver loadings. • Regenerated AgY zeolite was tested for antibacterial activity on E. coli and S. aureus. • The antibacterial activity increased with increased of the amount of silver loadings. • The zeolite structure did not change with thermal and modification

  17. Carbon dioxide sequestration using NaHSO4 and NaOH: A dissolution and carbonation optimisation study. (United States)

    Sanna, Aimaro; Steel, Luc; Maroto-Valer, M Mercedes


    The use of NaHSO 4 to leach out Mg fromlizardite-rich serpentinite (in form of MgSO 4 ) and the carbonation of CO 2 (captured in form of Na 2 CO 3 using NaOH) to form MgCO 3 and Na 2 SO 4 was investigated. Unlike ammonium sulphate, sodium sulphate can be separated via precipitation during the recycling step avoiding energy intensive evaporation process required in NH 4 -based processes. To determine the effectiveness of the NaHSO 4 /NaOH process when applied to lizardite, the optimisation of the dissolution and carbonation steps were performed using a UK lizardite-rich serpentine. Temperature, solid/liquid ratio, particle size, concentration and molar ratio were evaluated. An optimal dissolution efficiency of 69.6% was achieved over 3 h at 100 °C using 1.4 M sodium bisulphate and 50 g/l serpentine with particle size 75-150 μm. An optimal carbonation efficiency of 95.4% was achieved over 30 min at 90 °C and 1:1 magnesium:sodium carbonate molar ratio using non-synthesised solution. The CO 2 sequestration capacity was 223.6 g carbon dioxide/kg serpentine (66.4% in terms of Mg bonded to hydromagnesite), which is comparable with those obtained using ammonium based processes. Therefore, lizardite-rich serpentinites represent a valuable resource for the NaHSO 4 /NaOH based pH swing mineralisation process. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Characterization and antibacterial activity of silver exchanged regenerated NaY zeolite from surfactant-modified NaY zeolite. (United States)

    Salim, Mashitah Mad; Malek, Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik


    The antibacterial activity of regenerated NaY zeolite (thermal treatment from cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)-modified NaY zeolite and pretreatment with Na ions) loaded with silver ions were examined using the broth dilution minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) method against Escherichia coli (E. coli ATCC 11229) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus ATCC 6538). X-ray diffraction (XRD), attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and chemical elemental analyses were used to characterize the regenerated NaY and AgY zeolites. The XRD patterns indicated that the calcination and addition of silver ions on regenerated NaY zeolite did not affect the structure of the regenerated NaY zeolite as the characteristic peaks of the NaY zeolite were retained, and no new peaks were observed. The regenerated AgY zeolite showed good antibacterial activity against both bacteria strains in distilled water, and the antibacterial activity of the samples increased with increasing Ag loaded on the regenerated AgY zeolite; the regenerated AgY zeolite was more effective against E. coli than S. aureus. However, the antibacterial activity of the regenerated AgY was not effective in saline solution for both bacteria. The study showed that CTAB-modified NaY zeolite materials could be regenerated to NaY zeolite using thermal treatment (550°C, 5h) and this material has excellent performance as an antibacterial agent after silver ions loading. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Composition and thermochemistry of the equilibrium vapour of the systems NaI-FeI2 and NaI-PbI2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hilpert, K.; Gerads, H.; Koberts, D.; Miller, M.


    The vaporization of NaI/FeI 2 and NaI/PbI 2 samples of equimolar composition was investigated was investigated in the temperature ranges between 574 to 683 K and 562 to 669 K, respectively, by using the mass spectrometric Knudsen effusion method. The gaseous species I, I 2 , NaI, (NaI) 2 , FeI 2 , (FeI 2 ) 2 , FeI 3 , NaFeI 3 , and Na 2 FeI 4 (NaI-FeI 2 system) as well as NaI, (NaI) 2 , PbI 2 , (PbI 2 ) 2 , and NaPbI 3 (NaI-PbI 2 system) are present in the equilibrium vapours. The equilibrium partial pressures of these species were determined with the exception of I, I 2 , and FeI 3 . Enthalpies and entropies of dissociation resulted for the reactions NaFeI 3 (g) ↔ NaI(g)+FeI 2 (g) (1), Na 2 FeI 4 (g) ↔ 2NaI(g)+FeI 2 (g) and (2) NaPbI 3 (g) ↔ NaI(g)+PbI 2 (g) (3) as Δ d H 298 0 (Eq. (1)) = 184±5 kJ mol -1 , Δ d S 298 0 (Eq. (1)) = 143±8 J mol -1 K -1 ; Δ d H 298 0 (Eq. (2)) = 333±9 kJ mol -1 , Δ d S 298 0 (Eq. (2)) = 274±14 J mol -1 K -1 ; and Δ d H 298 0 (Eq. (3)) = 168±5 kJ mol -1 , Δ d S 298 0 (Eq. (3)) = 151±9 J mol -1 K -1 . Equilibrium constants for these reactions are additionally given. The pressures of NaFeI 3 (g) and NaPbI 3 (g) as all as their enthalpies of dissociation are discussed with respect to their significance of semi empirical rules. (orig.)

  20. Adsorption and Formation of Small Na Clusters on Pristine and Double-Vacancy Graphene for Anodes of Na-Ion Batteries. (United States)

    Liang, Zhicong; Fan, Xiaofeng; Zheng, Weitao; Singh, David J


    Layered carbon is a likely anode material for Na-ion batteries (NIBs). Graphitic carbon has a low capacity of approximately 35 (mA h)/g due to the formation of NaC 64 . Using first-principles methods including van der Waals interactions, we analyze the adsorption of Na ions and clusters on graphene in the context of anodes. The interaction between Na ions and graphene is found to be weak. Small Na clusters are not stable on the surface of pristine graphene in the electrochemical environment of NIBs. However, we find that Na ions and clusters can be stored effectively on defected graphene that has double vacancies. In addition, the adsorption energy of small Na clusters near a double vacancy is found to decrease with increasing cluster size. With high concentrations of vacancies the capacity of Na on defective graphene is found to be as much as 10-30 times higher than that of graphitic carbon.

  1. Novel regulation of cardiac Na pump via phospholemman. (United States)

    Pavlovic, Davor; Fuller, William; Shattock, Michael J


    As the only quantitatively significant Na efflux pathway from cardiac cells, the Na/K ATPase (Na pump) is the primary regulator of intracellular Na. The transmembrane Na gradient it establishes is essential for normal electrical excitability, numerous coupled-transport processes and, as the driving force for Na/Ca exchange, thus setting cardiac Ca load and contractility. As Na influx varies with electrical excitation, heart rate and pathology, the dynamic regulation of Na efflux is essential. It is now widely recognized that phospholemman, a 72 amino acid accessory protein which forms part of the Na pump complex, is the key nexus linking cellular signaling to pump regulation. Phospholemman is the target of a variety of post-translational modifications (including phosphorylation, palmitoylation and glutathionation) and these can dynamically alter the activity of the Na pump. This review summarizes our current understanding of the multiple regulatory mechanisms that converge on phospholemman and govern NA pump activity in the heart. The corrected Fig. 4 is reproduced below. The publisher would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. [corrected]. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  2. Corpo, imagem e registro colonial no Corazón Sangrante de Astrid Hadad Body, image, colonial signs in Astrid Hadad's Corazón Sangrante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurício de Bragança


    Full Text Available Apresentaremos uma discussão acerca da apropriação do coração como um elemento alegórico de reconhecimento de uma identidade coletiva na América Latina. Através do cabaré contemporâneo da performer mexicana Astrid Hadad, de origem maya-libanesa, apontaremos uma crítica a uma política de controle e organização dos parâmetros de gênero. A experiência de colonização na América Latina foi pautada pelas estratégias de um discurso encaminhado pela utilização do coração como uma importante alegoria de apassivamento e subalternização, sobretudo da mulher. Em seu videoclipe Corazón Sangrante, assumindo as estratégias articuladas em torno do melodrama, Hadad se arma da ambiguidade própria da ironia para problematizar a discussão, apontando a permanência de um registro colonial no interior da cultura mexicana contemporânea.In this article, we present a discussion about the use of the heart as an important allegorical element of recognition of a collective identity in Latin America. The work of Astrid Hadad, a Mexican performer-cabaretera, of Maya-Lebanese origin, points to the criticism of a control policy that organizes gender models in Mexico. The experience of colonization in Latin America was guided by discursive strategies which employed the heart as an important allegory of subordination, especially that of women. In her video clip Corazón Sangrante, using the linguistic strategies of the melodrama, Hadad uses the ambiguity of irony to approach this issue, pointing to colonial marks in the contemporary Mexican culture.

  3. All new for NA62

    CERN Multimedia

    Antonella Del Rosso


    This week sees the start of the first run of the new NA62 experiment. This will be a unique opportunity for the collaboration to test its new beam, new detectors and new data acquisition system before the physics run in 2014. Speaking to the Bulletin, the NA62 technical coordinator Ferdinand Hahn shares the many challenges that the various teams faced to be on time for beam. Ready, steady, start!   A Large Angle Veto detector (white) in place in the NA62 decay volume (blue). With components from almost all the detectors in place downstream of the decay point of the mother particles – the kaons – and of the KTAG detector that tags the kaons before they decay, NA62 is ready for its first technical run. This unique run will test all the equipment as well as the trigger and the data acquisition systems. “This year, we will have about five weeks of beam from the SPS before the long shutdown of all the CERN machines,” says Ferdinand Hahn, NA62 Technical Co-...

  4. Effect of chloride substitution on the order–disorder transition in NaBH4 and Na11BD4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olsen, Jørn Eirik; Karen, Pavel; Sørby, Magnus H.; Hauback, Bjørn C.


    Graphical abstract: Interactions that order the BD 4 - tetrahedra below the order–disorder transition became increasingly frustrated by the solute in the Na( 11 BD 4 ) 1−x Cl x solid solutions, and the order disappears at x = 0.158. Highlights: • The order–disorder transition temperature for Na(BH 4 ) 1−x Cl x and Na( 11 BD 4 ) 1−x Cl x is highly dependent on the Cl-content, x. • The transition is characterized by DSC for Na( 11 BD 4 ) 1−x Cl x for x = 0, 0.10 and 0.15. • No transition is observed for x ⩾ 0.20 on cooling to 8 K. • The crystal structures are reported for Na 11 BD 4 at room temperature and 8 K and Na( 11 BD 4 ) 1−x Cl x (x = 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25) at 8 K from powder neutron diffraction. -- Abstract: Phase transition associated with anion disordering over two orientations in Na 11 BD 4 (NaBH 4 ) and its solid solutions with NaCl, Na( 11 BD 4 ) 1−x Cl x , is investigated with powder diffraction (neutron and synchrotron radiation), differential scanning calorimetry and Raman spectroscopy. Upon heating, the transition temperature extrapolated to zero rate of heating is 192.2 K for Na 11 BD 4 , ΔS = 4.41 J/mol K, hysteresis 1.7 K and the volume increase 0.43%. Thermal parameters of the transition in Na( 11 BD 4 ) 1−x Cl x follow a colligative-property model of an ideal solution, with x = 0.158(1) as the critical concentration at which the ordering interactions and the transition itself are eliminated. On approaching this limit, the tetragonal distortion of the ordered structure decreases somewhat towards the cubic average, and this is associated with a partial disorder of the tetrahedral anions seen by diffraction methods. In fact, a 3% disorder is already present in the pure solvent of the solid solution (Na 11 BD 4 ) at 8 K

  5. Neutron diffraction studies of the Na-ion battery electrode materials NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yahia, H. Ben [Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 5825 Doha (Qatar); Essehli, R., E-mail: [Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 5825 Doha (Qatar); Avdeev, M. [Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, New Illawarra Road, Lucas Heights NSW 2234 (Australia); Park, J-B.; Sun, Y-K. [Department of Energy Engineering Hanyang University, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791 (Korea, Republic of); Al-Maadeed, M.A. [Center for Advanced Materials (CAM), Qatar University, 2713 Doha (Qatar); Belharouak, I., E-mail: [Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 5825 Doha (Qatar)


    The new compounds NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} were synthesized by sol-gel method and their crystal structures were determined by using neutron powder diffraction data. These compounds were characterized by galvanometric cycling and cyclic voltammetry. NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} crystallize with a stuffed α-CrPO{sub 4}-type structure. The structure consists of a 3D-framework made of octahedra and tetrahedra that are sharing corners and/or edges generating channels along [100] and [010], in which the sodium atoms are located. Of significance, in the structures of NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} a statistical disorder Ni{sup 2+}/Cr{sup 3+} was observed on both the 8g and 4a atomic positions, whereas in NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} the statistical disorder Co{sup 2+}/Cr{sup 3+} was only observed on the 8g atomic position. When tested as negative electrode materials, NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} delivered specific capacities of 352, 385, and 368 mA h g{sup −1}, respectively, which attests to the electrochemical activity of sodium in these compounds. - Highlights: • NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} were synthesized by sol-gel method. • The crystal structures were determined by using neutron powder diffraction data. • The three compounds crystallize with a stuffed α-CrPO{sub 4}-type structure. • The three compounds were tested as anodes in sodium-ion batteries. • Relatively high specific capacities were obtained for these compounds.

  6. Evaluation of NaX and NaY packed beds for chromium uptake from multicomponent solution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Angélica Simões Dornellas de Barros


    Full Text Available In this paper the removal of chromium from Cr/Ca/Mg/K and Cr/Ca/Mg/K/Na solutions was investigated in NaX and NaY packed beds. The breakthrough curves presented some overshooting phenomena where chromium ions displaced the previous exchanged cations. Length of unused bed, overall mass transfer coefficient, operational ratio and dimensionless variance were obtained. According to such mass transfer parameters it was concluded that the chromium uptake is influenced by the competition and interaction of the entering ions. Such influences were verified through some differences in the dynamic selectivity obtained for each system. NaY seemed to have a higher affinity towards Cr3+ and its sites were more efficiently used in the ion exchange process.

  7. Water transport by the renal Na(+)-dicarboxylate cotransporter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meinild, A K; Loo, D D; Pajor, A M


    . This solute-coupled influx of water took place in the absence of, and even against, osmotic gradients. There was a strict stoichiometric relationship between Na(+), substrate, and water transport of 3 Na(+), 1 dicarboxylate, and 176 water molecules/transport cycle. These results indicate that the renal Na......This study investigated the ability of the renal Na(+)-dicarboxylate cotransporter, NaDC-1, to transport water. Rabbit NaDC-1 was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, cotransporter activity was measured as the inward current generated by substrate (citrate or succinate), and water transport...... was monitored by the changes in oocyte volume. In the absence of substrates, oocytes expressing NaDC-1 showed an increase in osmotic water permeability, which was directly correlated with the expression level of NaDC-1. When NaDC-1 was transporting substrates, there was a concomitant increase in oocyte volume...

  8. Pioneering instrumentation aspects of NA60

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    David, Andre


    NA60 is taking data with proton and heavy-ion beams at the CERN SPS. Although building up on previous experiments, the dimuon physics programme of NA60 places very demanding requirements on its new detectors, in terms of radiation tolerance, granularity and read-out electronics speed. We start by comparing dimuon detection strategies in NA60 with those of previous experiments. We then describe the new detectors used in NA60, placing particular emphasis on their technological pioneering aspects as well as on their contributions to the overall physics performance of the experiment

  9. Occlusion of 22Na+ and 86Rb+ in membrane-bound and soluble protomeric alpha beta-units of Na,K-ATPase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vilsen, B.; Andersen, J.P.; Petersen, J.; Jorgensen, P.L.


    In this work, we examined occlusion of 22 Na+ and 86 Rb+ in membranous and detergent-solubilized Na,K-ATPase from outer renal medulla. Optimum conditions for occlusion of 22 Na+ were provided by formation of the phosphorylated complex from the beta,gamma-bidentate complex of chromium (III) with ATP (CrATP). Release of occluded cations occurred at equally slow rates in soluble and membrane-bound Na,K-ATPase. Values of 22 Na+ occlusion as high as 11 nmol/mg of protein were measured, corresponding to 1.8-2.7 mol of Na+/mol of phosphorylated Na,K-ATPase as determined by 32 P incorporation from [gamma- 32 P]CrATP. Maximum capacity for phosphorylation from [gamma- 32 P]CrATP was 6 nmol/mg of protein and equal to capacities for binding of [48V]vanadate and [ 3 H]ouabain. The stoichiometry for occlusion of Rb+ was close to 2 Rb+ ions/phosphorylation site. In an analytical ultracentrifuge, the soluble Na+- or Rb+-occluded complexes showed sedimentation velocities (S20,w = 6.8-7.4) consistent with monomeric alpha beta-units. The data show that soluble monomeric alpha beta-units of Na,K-ATPase can occlude Rb+ or Na+ with the same stoichiometry as the membrane-bound enzyme. The structural basis for occlusion of cations in Na,K-ATPase is suggested to be the formation of a cavity inside a monomeric alpha beta-unit constituting the minimum protein unit required for active Na,K-transport

  10. Transcriptional regulators of Na, K-ATPase subunits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhiqin eLi


    Full Text Available The Na,K-ATPase classically serves as an ion pump creating an electrochemical gradient across the plasma membrane that is essential for transepithelial transport, nutrient uptake and membrane potential. In addition, Na,K-ATPase also functions as a receptor, a signal transducer and a cell adhesion molecule. With such diverse roles, it is understandable that the Na,K-ATPase subunits, the catalytic alpha-subunit, the beta-subunit and the FXYD proteins, are controlled extensively during development and to accommodate physiological needs. The spatial and temporal expression of Na,K-ATPase is partially regulated at the transcriptional level. Numerous transcription factors, hormones, growth factors, lipids and extracellular stimuli modulate the transcription of the Na,K-ATPase subunits. Moreover, epigenetic mechanisms also contribute to the regulation of Na,K-ATPase expression. With the ever growing knowledge about diseases associated with the malfunction of Na,K-ATPase, this review aims at summarizing the best-characterized transcription regulators that modulate Na,K-ATPase subunit levels. As abnormal expression of Na,K-ATPase subunits have been observed in many carcinoma, we will also discuss transcription factors that are associated with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, a crucial step in the progression of many tumors to malignant disease.

  11. Sepsis does not alter red blood cell glucose metabolism or Na+ concentration: A 2H-, 23Na-NMR study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hotchkiss, R.S.; Song, S.K.; Ling, C.S.; Ackerman, J.J.; Karl, I.E.


    The effects of sepsis on intracellular Na+ concentration ([Na+]i) and glucose metabolism were examined in rat red blood cells (RBCs) by using 23Na- and 2H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Sepsis was induced in 15 halothane-anesthetized female Sprague-Dawley rats by using the cecal ligation and perforation technique; 14 control rats underwent cecal manipulation without ligation. The animals were fasted for 36 h, but allowed free access to water. At 36 h postsurgery, RBCs were examined by 23Na-NMR by using dysprosium tripolyphosphate as a chemical shift reagent. Human RBCs from 17 critically ill nonseptic patients and from 7 patients who were diagnosed as septic were also examined for [Na+]i. Five rat RBC specimens had [Na+]i determined by both 23Na-NMR and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). For glucose metabolism studies, RBCs from septic and control rats were suspended in modified Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing [6,6-2H2]glucose and examined by 2H-NMR. No significant differences in [Na+]i or glucose utilization were found in RBCs from control or septic rats. There were no differences in [Na+]i in the two groups of patients. The [Na+]i determined by NMR spectroscopy agreed closely with measurements using ICP-AES and establish that 100% of the [Na+]i of the RBC is visible by NMR. Glucose measurements determined by 2H-NMR correlated closely (correlation coefficient = 0.93) with enzymatic analysis. These studies showed no evidence that sepsis disturbed RBC membrane function or metabolism



    Rubič, Gašper


    V diplomskem delu smo v uvodu predstavili problem spolnega nadlegovanja na delovnem mestu in predstavili podjetje TEKSTIL d.d. V nadaljevanju smo z anketo raziskali, ali problem spolnega nadlegovanja na delovnem mestu v obravnavanem podjetju obstaja in če, kako se nanj odziva okolje. V teoretičnem delu smo nadaljevali in predstavili definicijo spolnega nadlegovanja, ki je kakršna koli oblika nezaželenega verbalnega in neverbalnega ali fizičnega ravnanja spolne narave z učinkom ali nameno...

  13. Photodesorption of Na atoms from rough Na surfaces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balzer, Frank; Gerlach, R.; Manson, J.R.


    We investigate the desorption of Na atoms from large Na clusters deposited on dielectric surfaces. High-resolution translational energy distributions of the desorbing atoms are determined by three independent methods, two-photon laser-induced fluorescence, as well as single-photon and resonance......-enhanced two-photon ionization techniques. Upon variation of surface temperature and for different substrates (mica vs lithium fluoride) clear non-Maxwellian time-of-flight distributions are observed with a cos θ angular dependence and most probable kinetic energies below that expected of atoms desorbing from...... atoms are scattered by surface vibrations. Recent experiments providing time constants for the decay of the optical excitations in the clusters support this model. The excellent agreement between experiment and theory indicates the importance of both absorption of the laser photons via direct excitation...

  14. Evaluation of {sup 23}Na(n,2n){sup 22}Na reaction cross-sections

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manokhin, V N [Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk (Russian Federation)


    Using available experimental data and (n,2n) excitation function systematics {sup 23}Na(n,2n){sup 22}Na reaction cross-sections were evaluated for energies ranging from the reaction threshold to 20 MeV. (author). 21 refs, 1 fig., 2 tabs.

  15. Formation of hydroxyl groups and exchange with deuterium on NaHX and NaHY zeolites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubelkova, L.; Novakova, J.


    Deammoniation and dehydroxylation of Na(NH 4 )X and Na(NH 4 )Y zeolites were compared. With the X type, both processes overlapped and proceeded more easily than with the Y type. Both H forms contained structural OH groups and hydroxyls denoted as SiOH, to which the 3740 cm -1 band in the IR spectrum was assigned. In addition, the NaHX zeolite contained OH groups characterized by the 3700 and 3600 cm -1 bands. Certain differences in the behaviour of NaHX and NaHY zeolites during deammoniation and dehydroxylation might be attributed to the presence of ''non-localizable'' H atoms. The active sites for the D 2 -OH exchange were probably formed during dehydroxylation. Hydrogen in SiOH groups was replaced by deuterium in both zeolite types more slowly than H atoms in other OH groups, which influenced the kinetic variations in the gaseous phase. The presence of water in the gaseous phase affected the kinetics and could distort the determination of the number of H atoms bound in the zeolites. (author)

  16. High resolution laser spectroscopy of the D lines of on-line produced 21Na, 22Na, 24Na, 25Na using a new high sensitivity method of detection of optical resonances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huber, G.; Thibault, G.; Klapisch, R.; Duong, H.T.; Vialle, J.L.; Pinard, I.; Juncar, P.; Jacquinot, P.


    A polyisotopic sodium beam of 21 - 25 Na, produced by spallation of Al, was illuminated by a tunable dye laser. The atomic beam, analyzed by a sixpole magnet is then ionized and detected after a mass spectrometer. The results are the isotope shifts, nuclear magnetic moment and quadrupole moment of 25 Na [fr



    Reisman, Nina


    Internet je od svojega razvoja dolgo časa obstajal kot prostor za enostransko komunikacijo. Isto se je dogajalo na televiziji, radiu in časopisih, kjer je javnost sprejemala informacije, ki jih je nekdo pripravil. Tradicionalni mediji so hitro doumeli, da takšna vrsta komunikacije ni naravna in ne predstavlja najboljšega ohranjanja gledalcev in poslušalcev. Začela se je uporabljati dvosmerna komunikacija. Trenutno v svetu najbolje poznan primer dvosmerne komunikacije je socialno omrežje F...

  18. FTIR spectra of the solid solutions (Na0.88K0.12)VO3, (Na0.5K0.5)VO3, and Na(V0.66P0.34)O3 (United States)

    de Waal, D.; Heyns, A. M.


    It is known that three different solid solutions, (Na0.88K0.12)VO3, (Na0.5K0.5)VO3 and Na(V0.66P0.34)O3, form in the (Na,K)(V,P)O3 system. These compounds all have monoclinic crystal structures similar to the pure alkali metal metavanadates containing small cations, e.g. Li+ and Na+ (Space group C2/c). Metavanadates with large cations like K+, Rb+, C+s and NH+4 form orthorhombic crystals, space group Pbcm. All those are structurally related to the silicate pyroxenes. Na(V0.66P0.34)O3 and (Na0.88K0.12)VO3 have the same modified diopside structure as (alpha) - NaVO3 while (Na0.5K0.5)VO3 adopts the true diopside structure. The infrared spectra of the three solid solutions are reported here in comparison with those of (alpha) -NaVO3 and KVO3. The results are also correlated with those obtained in two independent high pressure Raman studies of NH4VO3 and RbVO3 as the introduction of a larger cation like K+ should increase the pressure in the structure.

  19. Medetomidīna un detomidīna hidrogēnhlorīdu struktūra noteikšana


    Smuļko, Irina


    Medetomidīna un detomidīna hidrogēnhlorīdu struktūras noteikšana. Smuļko I., zinātniskais vadītājs Dr. ķīm., asoc. prof. Actiņš A. Maģistra darbs, 52 lappuses, 37 attēli, 6 tabulas, 29 literatūras avoti. Latviešu valodā. Maģistra darbā pētītas farmaceitiski aktīvās vielas – medetomidīna un detomidīna hidrogēnhlorīdi. Veikti mēģinājumi detomidīna bezūdens formas un monohidrāta struktūras noteikšanai, kā arī medetomidīna bezūdens formu A un B struktūras noteikšanai. Struktūras noteikšanai iz...



    Visenjak, Monika


    Nakupovanje na spletu je prihodnost poslovanja. Za podjetja pomeni manjše stroške, lažje prilagajanje tržnim pogojem. Hitreje lahko razvijajo odnose in analizirajo uporabnike, saj jim je dan dostop o nakupnih podatkih uporabnika. Za potrošnike je nakupovanje na spletu možnost hitrega, preprostega in učinkovitega nakupovanja od doma ali pisarne. Pomembno je, da se seznanijo z vsemi informacijami in pogoji spletnih trgovin, saj se lahko le tako izognejo nezadovoljstvu ob nakupu v spletni trgovi...

  1. The Na+ transporter, TaHKT1;5-D, limits shoot Na+ accumulation in bread wheat

    KAUST Repository

    Byrt, Caitlin Siobhan


    Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has a major salt tolerance locus, Kna1, responsible for the maintenance of a high cytosolic K+/Na+ ratio in the leaves of salt stressed plants. The Kna1 locus encompasses a large DNA fragment, the distal 14% of chromosome 4DL. Limited recombination has been observed at this locus making it difficult to map genetically and identify the causal gene. Here, we decipher the function of TaHKT1;5-D, a candidate gene underlying the Kna1 locus. Transport studies using the heterologous expression systems Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus laevis oocytes indicated that TaHKT1;5-D is a Na+-selective transporter. Transient expression in Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll protoplasts and in situ polymerase chain reaction indicated that TaHKT1;5-D is localised on the plasma membrane in the wheat root stele. RNA interference-induced silencing decreased the expression of TaHKT1;5-D in transgenic bread wheat lines which led to an increase in the Na+ concentration in the leaves. This indicates that TaHKT1;5-D retrieves Na+ from the xylem vessels in the root and has an important role in restricting the transport of Na+ from the root to the leaves in bread wheat. Thus, TaHKT1;5-D confers the essential salinity tolerance mechanism in bread wheat associated with the Kna1 locus via shoot Na+ exclusion and is critical in maintaining a high K+/Na+ ratio in the leaves. These findings show there is potential to increase the salinity tolerance of bread wheat by manipulation of HKT1;5 genes.

  2. The Na+ transporter, TaHKT1;5-D, limits shoot Na+ accumulation in bread wheat

    KAUST Repository

    Byrt, Caitlin Siobhan; Xu, Bo; Krishnan, Mahima; Lightfoot, Damien; Athman, Asmini; Jacobs, Andrew Keith; Watson-Haigh, Nathan S.; Plett, Darren; Munns, Rana; Tester, Mark A.; Gilliham, Matthew


    Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has a major salt tolerance locus, Kna1, responsible for the maintenance of a high cytosolic K+/Na+ ratio in the leaves of salt stressed plants. The Kna1 locus encompasses a large DNA fragment, the distal 14% of chromosome 4DL. Limited recombination has been observed at this locus making it difficult to map genetically and identify the causal gene. Here, we decipher the function of TaHKT1;5-D, a candidate gene underlying the Kna1 locus. Transport studies using the heterologous expression systems Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus laevis oocytes indicated that TaHKT1;5-D is a Na+-selective transporter. Transient expression in Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll protoplasts and in situ polymerase chain reaction indicated that TaHKT1;5-D is localised on the plasma membrane in the wheat root stele. RNA interference-induced silencing decreased the expression of TaHKT1;5-D in transgenic bread wheat lines which led to an increase in the Na+ concentration in the leaves. This indicates that TaHKT1;5-D retrieves Na+ from the xylem vessels in the root and has an important role in restricting the transport of Na+ from the root to the leaves in bread wheat. Thus, TaHKT1;5-D confers the essential salinity tolerance mechanism in bread wheat associated with the Kna1 locus via shoot Na+ exclusion and is critical in maintaining a high K+/Na+ ratio in the leaves. These findings show there is potential to increase the salinity tolerance of bread wheat by manipulation of HKT1;5 genes.

  3. Osmotic and ionic effects of NaCl and Na2SO4 salinity on Phragmites australis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pagter, Majken; Bragato, Claudia; Malagoli, Mario


    Osmotic and ion-specific effects of NaCl and Na2SO4 on Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin ex. Steud. were investigated in a laboratory experiment by examining effects of iso-osmotic solutions of NaCl and Na2SO4 on growth, osmolality of cell sap, proline content, elemental composition and gas exchange....... Plants were supplied with a control standard nutrient solution (Ψ = -0.09 MPa) or solutions of NaCl or Na2SO4 at water potentials of -0.50, -1.09 or -1.74 MPa. Salt treatments increased root concentrations of Na and S or Cl, whereas P. australis had efficient mechanisms for exclusion of Na and S...... and partly Cl ions from the leaves. Incomplete exclusion of Cl from the leaves may affect aboveground biomass production, which was significantly more reduced by NaCl than Na2SO4. Stomatal conductance was negatively influenced by decreasing water potentials caused by NaCl or Na2SO4, implying that a non...

  4. Polarization and collision velocity dependence of associative ionization in cold Na (3p)-Na(3p) collisions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijer, H.A.J.


    We studied the polarization dependence of the associative ionization (AI) process Na(3p) + Na(3p) → Na2+ at collision velocities between 100 and 700 m/s (5 and 200 K), using linearly and circularly polarized light for the excitation. We found that the polarization dependence varies strongly in the

  5. Erythrocyte Na+/K+ ATPase activity measured with sup 23 Na NMR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ouwerkerk, R.; van Echteld, C.J.; Staal, G.E.; Rijksen, G. (University Hospital, Utrecht (Netherland))


    A {sup 23}Na NMR assay for measurement of erythrocyte Na+/K+ ATPase activity is presented. Using the nonpermeant shift reagent dysprosium tripolyphosphate the signals of intra- and extracellular sodium are separated, enabling measurement of sodium fluxes nondestructively, without the need to physically separate the cells from their environment. By increasing membrane permeability with nystatin we have shown that the assay allows the detection of differences in membrane permeability. With low doses of nystatin the ouabain-sensitive sodium flux increased more than twofold. With high doses of nystatin the Na+/K+ pump could not prevent an almost total equilibration of intra- and extracellular sodium. All sodium that entered the cells remained NMR visible, proving that sodium influx can be measured quantitatively. {sup 31}P NMR spectra taken before and after the assay revealed a slight acidification of the cells and no significant change in ATP concentration. No evidence of Dy3+ entering the cell was observed.

  6. Molecular dynamics investigation of Na+ in Na2Ni2TeO6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sau, Kartik; Kumar, P. Padma


    An inter-atomic potential for Na 2 Ni 2 TeO 6 in the Parrinello- Rahman-Vashishta (PRV) model is parameterized empirically. The potential reproduces variety of structural and transport properties of that material in good agreement with recent experimental results. The study provides fresh insights on the migration channels and mechanism of Na + in the system

  7. Efeito do plasma de oxigênio na dentina previamente exposta ao NaOCl

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maíra do PRADO

    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução O tratamento de plasma é uma tecnologia eficaz que pode manter as propriedades internas dos materiais inalteradas após o tratamento, modificando apenas a superfície. Objetivo Avaliar o efeito do plasma de oxigênio na dentina previamente exposta ao NaOCl 6%. Material e método Foram utilizados 60 incisivos bovinos. A coroa foi removida, a raiz foi dividida e as faces planificadas, totalizando 120 segmentos referentes ao terço cervical. As amostras foram divididas em dois grupos: controle (imersa em NaOCl 6%, lavada com água destilada, seca, imersa em EDTA 17%, lavada e seca e plasma de oxigênio (após tratamento descrito no grupo controle, plasma de oxigênio foi aplicado por 30 s. As amostras foram avaliadas qualitativamente em relação à topografia por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, utilizando-se microfotografias com ampliação de 1.000×. O goniômetro Ramé-hart foi utilizado para a mensuração do ângulo de contato entre as superfícies e as seguintes soluções foram utilizadas: água, etilenoglicol e di-iodometano. Em seguida, a energia de superfície, representada pelas componentes polar e dispersiva, foi calculada. Avaliou-se também o escoamento dos cimentos Pulp Canal Sealer EWT (PCS e Real Sal SE (RS na superfície dentinária. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando os testes Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney U (p<0,05. Resultado O tratamento com plasma levou à formação de uma camada semelhante à smear layer na superfície dentinária. Este tratamento levou a um aumento da energia de superfície e da componente polar, favorecendo a hidrofilicidade da superfície. Entretanto, desfavoreceu o escoamento do cimento PCS e não influenciou no escoamento do cimento RS. Conclusão O plasma de oxigênio ocasionou mudanças topográficas na superfície dentinária, favorecendo a hidrofilicidade desta. Contudo, não favoreceu o escoamento dos cimentos endodônticos na dentina.

  8. Phase formation in the systems ZrO2-H2SO4-Na2SO4 (NaCl)-H2O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sozinova, Yu.P.; Motov, D.L.; Rys'kina, M.P.


    Formation of solid phases in the systems ZrO 2 - H 2 SO 4 - Na 2 SO 4 (NaCl) - H 2 O at 25 and 75 deg C is studied. Three basic Na 2 Zr(OH) 2 (SO 4 ) 2 x (0.2 - 0.4)H 2 O, NaZrOH(SO 4 ) 2 x H 2 O, NaZrO 0.5 (OH) 2 SO 4 x 2H 2 O and three normal sodium sulfatozirconates Na 2 Zr(SO 4 ) 3 x 3H 2 O, Na 4 Zr(SO 4 ) 4 x 3H 2 O, Na 6 Zr(SO 4 ) 5 x 4H 2 O have been isolated, their solubility and crystal optical properties are determined

  9. Modification of NaK (Na and K) dissolution device at the L.E.C.I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mansard, Bernard; Ducas, Serge; Riviere, Michel


    As three NaK dissolution devices had been operated since 1965 and as irradiation assemblies with a greater capacity (2 to 3 times) are now to be used, the modification of these dissolution devices is addressed. This requires a better control of the dissolution reaction (the NaK + alcohol reaction is highly exothermic and results in an effervescence which requires a greater volume). The objectives are therefore to delay the dissolution, to trigger it, to stop it, to control it at will, and to release heat. The new device is then described with its vessel, its cap, its ball valve, and its two tight sleeves. The operation principle is described, as well as the NaK draining process, and the NaK dissolution. Safety, time saving and raw matter saving issues are finally outlined

  10. Una réplica inédita de Zurbarán de un San Carmelo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valdivieso, Enrique


    Full Text Available The recent appearance of a replica of an unpublished painting by Zurbarán of Saint Carmelo allows for the reconstruction of the De Profundis hall of the Convent of Shod Mercedarians in Seville. Originally this painting was paired there with Saint Serapis, today in the Wadsworth Atheneum of Hartford, Connecticutt (USA.La aparición de una réplica de una pintura de Zurbarán inédita que representa a San Carmelo, permite la reconstrucción de la decoración de la sala De Profundis del Convento de la Merced Calzada de Sevilla. Allí esta pintura formaba pareja con el San Serapio conservado actualmente en el Wadsworth Atheneum de Hartford (USA.



    Dobnik, Monja


    Danes so zahvaljujoč napredni mobilni tehnologiji družbena omrežja z nami na vsakem koraku. Facebook (FB) se po priljubljenosti uvršča v sam vrh družbenih omrežij in glede na to, da ga uporablja že več kot milijarda zemljanov, ponuja tudi odlične trg za oglaševanje. To so ugotovili tudi slovenski podjetniki. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljeno, kako na FB oglašujejo nekatera slovenska podjetja, s pomočjo spletnega vprašalnika pa je ugotovljeno tudi, kaj o oglasih na FB menijo njegovi uporabni...

  12. Myocardial Na,K-ATPase: Clinical aspects (United States)

    Kjeldsen, Keld


    The specific binding of digitalis glycosides to Na,K-ATPase is used as a tool for Na,K-ATPase quantification with high accuracy and precision. In myocardial biopsies from patients with heart failure, total Na,K-ATPase concentration is decreased by around 40%; a correlation exists between a decrease in heart function and a decrease in Na,K-ATPase concentration. During digitalization, around 30% of remaining pumps are occupied by digoxin. Myocardial Na,K-ATPase is also influenced by other drugs used for the treatment of heart failure. Thus, potassium loss during diuretic therapy has been found to reduce myocardial Na,K-ATPase, whereas angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors may stimulate Na,K pump activity. Furthermore, hyperaldosteronism induced by heart failure has been found to decrease Na,K-ATPase activity. Accordingly, treatment with the aldosterone antagonist, spironolactone, may also influence Na,K-ATPase activity. The importance of Na,K pump modulation with heart disease, inhibition in digitalization and other effects of medication should be considered in the context of sodium, potassium and calcium regulation. It is recommended that digoxin be administered to heart failure patients who, after institution of mortality-reducing therapy, still have heart failure symptoms, and that the therapy be continued if symptoms are revealed or reduced. Digitalis glycosides are the only safe inotropic drugs for oral use that improve hemodynamics in heart failure. An important aspect of myocardial Na,K pump affection in heart disease is its influence on extracellular potassium (Ke) homeostasis. Two important aspects should be considered: potassium handling among myocytes, and effects of potassium entering the extracellular space of the heart via the bloodstream. It should be noted that both of these aspects of Ke homeostasis are affected by regulatory aspects, eg, regulation of the Na,K pump by physiological and pathophysiological conditions, as well as by medical

  13. Advancement of technology towards developing Na-ion batteries (United States)

    Jamesh, Mohammed Ibrahim; Prakash, A. S.


    The Na-ion-batteries are considered much attention for the next-generation power-sources due to the high abundance of Na resources that lower the cost and become the alternative for the state of the art Li-ion batteries in future. In this review, the recently reported potential cathode and anode candidates for Na-ion-batteries are identified in-light-of-their high-performance for the development of Na-ion-full-cells. Further, the recent-progress on the Na-ion full-cells including the strategies used to improve the high cycling-performance (stable even up-to 50000 cycles), operating voltage (even ≥ 3.7 V), capacity (>350 mAhg-1 even at 1000 mAg-1 (based-on-mass-of-the-anode)), and energy density (even up-to 400 Whkg-1) are reviewed. In addition, Na-ion-batteries with the electrodes containing reduced graphene oxide, and the recent developments on symmetric Na-ion-batteries are discussed. Further, this paper identifies the promising Na-ion-batteries including the strategies used to assemble full-cell using hard-carbon-anodes, Na3V2(PO4)3 cathodes, and other-electrode-materials. Then, comparison between aqueous and non-aqueous Na-ion-batteries in terms of voltage and energy density has been given. Later, various types of electrolytes used for Na-ion-batteries including aqueous, non-aqueous, ionic-liquids and solid-state electrolytes are discussed. Finally, commercial and technological-developments on Na-ion-batteries are provided. The scientific and engineering knowledge gained on Na-ion-batteries afford conceivable development for practical application in near future.

  14. Negative electrodes for Na-ion batteries. (United States)

    Dahbi, Mouad; Yabuuchi, Naoaki; Kubota, Kei; Tokiwa, Kazuyasu; Komaba, Shinichi


    Research interest in Na-ion batteries has increased rapidly because of the environmental friendliness of sodium compared to lithium. Throughout this Perspective paper, we report and review recent scientific advances in the field of negative electrode materials used for Na-ion batteries. This paper sheds light on negative electrode materials for Na-ion batteries: carbonaceous materials, oxides/phosphates (as sodium insertion materials), sodium alloy/compounds and so on. These electrode materials have different reaction mechanisms for electrochemical sodiation/desodiation processes. Moreover, not only sodiation-active materials but also binders, current collectors, electrolytes and electrode/electrolyte interphase and its stabilization are essential for long cycle life Na-ion batteries. This paper also addresses the prospect of Na-ion batteries as low-cost and long-life batteries with relatively high-energy density as their potential competitive edge over the commercialized Li-ion batteries.

  15. Corpo e sexualidade na gravidez

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalúcia Matos Araújo


    Full Text Available Estudo etnográfico que teve como objetivo compreender como as gestantes vivenciam os processos fisiológicos do seu corpo durante a gestação e a sua repercussão na sexualidade. A pesquisa envolveu sete mulheres residentes em bairro popular de São Paulo. Na coleta de dados, utilizou-se observação participante e entrevista com questões norteadoras. Os dados foram apresentados na forma de narrativa e posteriormente organizados nas categorias: Percebendo as transformações corporais; Convivendo com as mudanças no corpo; Sentimentos e sensações na vida sexual durante a gestação e imaginando o corpo e a sexualidade após a gestação. As mulheres referiram-se às transformações do corpo como desconfortos e expressaram a preocupação de que fossem definitivas. Expressaram o desejo de que, após o parto, o corpo volte a ser como era e que volte a sentir desejo sexual. O reconhecimento destes fatos constitui-se numa ferramenta primordial na adequação das práticas profissionais.

  16. Comparison of the effectiveness of seven amiloride congeners as inhibitors of Na/H and Na/Ca antiport in cultured smooth muscle cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, L.; Higgins, B.L.; Cragoe, E.J. Jr.; Smith, J.B.


    The authors cultured smooth muscle cells from rat aorta and assayed Na/Ca antiport by measuring the initial rate of 45 Ca influx in Na-loaded cells. Na/H antiport was assayed by measuring the initial rate of 22 Na influx in acid-loaded cells. The external medium was the same for both assays except Na was 10 mM for Na/H antiport and O for the Na/Ca antiport assay. The dose of each congener that caused 50% inhibition (I 50 ) was calculated using a log-log median effect plot. The linear regression coefficients ranged from 0.916 to 0.998. Of all the compounds tested only dimethylbenzamil is more potent as an inhibitor of Na/Ca compared to Na/H antiport

  17. Presoja notranjih kontrol pri obračunu davka na dodano vrednost na primeru "Podjetja x"


    Majcen, Borut


    Poslovanje podjetja si je ob odsotnosti notranjih kontrol nemogoče predstavljati. Podjetja so podvržena raznim tveganjem, še posebej v današnjih razmerah globalnega poslovanja, ko se podjetja soočajo z vedno novimi izzivi, kar prinaša tudi nova tveganja. Najučinkovitejši ukrep za obvladovanje tveganj predstavlja vzpostavitev sistema notranjih kontrol. Obvladovanje tveganj pa ne poteka samo na ravni podjetja kot celote, ampak je prisotno na vseh področjih delovanja podjetja, torej tudi na p...

  18. Culturas morais e políticas de desenvolvimento na noruega e na união europeia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Macedo Barroso


    Full Text Available A partir de um diálogo entre os casos da Noruega e da União Europeia, pretendemos analisar a combinação de diferentes fatores e escalas de processos sociais (individuais, institucionais e de unidades políticas nacionais e supranacionais, estruturantes na formação dos sentidos sociais do desenvolvimento, notadamente das relações entre princípios morais e trocas interessadas, constitutivas das "culturas morais" dos universos analisados. Na perspectiva dos indivíduos, observaremos pela lente do caso da UE as motivações, vocações e histórias de vida dos "profissionais do desenvolvimento", bem como as razões da adesão da opinião pública às ações de cooperação internacional. Na escala institucional, abordaremos, nos dois casos, os modelos político-administrativos utilizados pela burocracia do desenvolvimento, e as lógicas dos diferentes grupos organizados para disputar seus recursos, no caso da Noruega. Na dimensão dos Estados, analisaremos a lógica das políticas nacionais e internacionais sob as quais são negociadas as intervenções de cooperação bilateral e/ou multilaterais tanto na Noruega quanto na UE.

  19. Intermittent Hypoxia Inhibits Na+-H+ Exchange-Mediated Acid Extrusion Via Intracellular Na+ Accumulation in Cardiomyocytes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huai-Ren Chang


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Intermittent hypoxia (IH has been shown to exert preconditioning-like cardioprotective effects. It also has been reported that IH preserves intracellular pH (pHi during ischemia and protects cardiomyocytes against ischemic reperfusion injury. However, the exact mechanism is still unclear. Methods: In this study, we used proton indicator BCECF-AM to analyze the rate of pHi recovery from acidosis in the IH model of rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. Neonatal cardiomyocytes were first treated with repetitive hypoxia-normoxia cycles for 1-4 days. Cells were then acid loaded with NH4Cl, and the rate of pHi recovery from acidosis was measured. Results: We found that the pHi recovery rate from acidosis was much slower in the IH group than in the room air (RA group. When we treated cardiomyocytes with Na+-H+ exchange (NHE inhibitors (Amiloride and HOE642 or Na+-free Tyrode solution during the recovery, there was no difference between RA and IH groups. We also found intracellular Na+ concentration ([Na+]i significantly increased after IH exposure for 4 days. However, the phenomenon could be abolished by pretreatment with ROS inhibitors (SOD and phenanathroline, intracellular calcium chelator or Na+-Ca2+ exchange (NCX inhibitor. Furthermore, the pHi recovery rate from acidosis became faster in the IH group than in the RA group when inhibition of NCX activity. Conclusions: These results suggest that IH would induce the elevation of ROS production. ROS then activates Ca2+-efflux mode of NCX and results in intracellular Na+ accumulation. The rise of [Na+]i further inhibits the activity of NHE-mediated acid extrusion and retards the rate of pHi recovery from acidosis during IH.

  20. Elastic Coulomb breakup of 34Na (United States)

    Singh, G.; Shubhchintak, Chatterjee, R.


    Background: 34Na is conjectured to play an important role in the production of seed nuclei in the alternate r -process paths involving light neutron rich nuclei very near the β -stability line, and as such, it is important to know its ground state properties and structure to calculate rates of the reactions it might be involved in, in the stellar plasma. Found in the region of `island of inversion', its ground state might not be in agreement with normal shell model predictions. Purpose: The aim of this paper is to study the elastic Coulomb breakup of 34Na on 208Pb to give us a core of 33Na with a neutron and in the process we try and investigate the one neutron separation energy and the ground state configuration of 34Na. Method: A fully quantum mechanical Coulomb breakup theory within the architecture of post-form finite range distorted wave Born approximation extended to include the effects of deformation is used to research the elastic Coulomb breakup of 34Na on 208Pb at 100 MeV/u. The triple differential cross section calculated for the breakup is integrated over the desired components to find the total cross-section, momentum, and angular distributions as well as the average momenta, along with the energy-angular distributions. Results: The total one neutron removal cross section is calculated to test the possible ground state configurations of 34Na. The average momentum results along with energy-angular calculations indicate 34Na to have a halo structure. The parallel momentum distributions with narrow full widths at half-maxima signify the same. Conclusion: We have attempted to analyze the possible ground state configurations of 34Na and in congruity with the patterns in the `island of inversion' conclude that even without deformation, 34Na should be a neutron halo with a predominant contribution to its ground state most probably coming from 33Na(3 /2+)⊗ 2 p3 /2ν configuration. We also surmise that it would certainly be useful and rewarding to test our

  1. Osmotic and activity coefficients of aqueous NaTcO4 and NaReO4 solutions at 250C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyd, G.E.


    Isopiestic vapor-pressure comparison experiments were performed with aqueous binary sodium perchlorate, pertechnetate, and perrhenate solutions to concentrations of approximately 8.5 m. Osmotic coefficients for these solutions and mean molal ionic activity coefficients for NaTcO 4 and NaReO 4 were derived from the isotonic molalities. Pitzer's treatment was applied to describe the concentration dependence of the osmotic coefficients of NaClO 4 , NaTcO 4 , and NaReO 4 , and the implications of the parameters derived from a least-squares fit are discussed in terms of solvent structure and interionic forces. 4 tables, 1 figure

  2. Energy levels of the single excited states in NaI and Na-like ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Sherbini, T.M.; Wahby, A.S.


    Energy levels of the single excited 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 ns( 2 S), 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 mp( 2 P), 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 md( 2 D) and 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 nf( 2 F); n=4-7, m=3-6 states for NaI and Na-like ions are calculated using the one configuration Hartree-Fock method. Good agreement is obtained between our results for the higher members of the NaI sequence and previous data from photo-absorption and beam foil experiments. (author). 11 refs, 3 figs, 9 tabs

  3. Fabrication of implanted $^{22}$Na targets

    CERN Multimedia


    A knowledge of the $^{22}$Na(p,$\\gamma$)$^{23}$ Mg reaction rate is of significant astrophysical interest. In order to complete previous studies of this reaction, radioactive $^{22}$Na targets of high purity are required. We ask for support to fabricate these targets via the implantation technique at ISOLDE GPS (off—line mode) using $^{22}$Na nuclides in an Al matrix produced in Nov. 1990 at the PSI (Zürich). The $^{22}$Na nuclides are released and ionized in a surface ionisation source, mass-analyzed at ISOLDE GPS, and implanted in a Ni-Ta backing and a C—foil in a special implantation setup.

  4. Painful Na-channelopathies: an expanding universe. (United States)

    Waxman, Stephen G


    The universe of painful Na-channelopathies--human disorders caused by mutations in voltage-gated sodium channels--has recently expanded in three dimensions. We now know that mutations of sodium channels cause not only rare genetic 'model disorders' such as inherited erythromelalgia and channelopathy-associated insensitivity to pain but also common painful neuropathies. We have learned that mutations of NaV1.8, as well as mutations of NaV1.7, can cause painful Na-channelopathies. Moreover, recent studies combining atomic level structural models and pharmacogenomics suggest that the goal of genomically guided pain therapy may not be unrealistic. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Usmerjanje urbanega razvoja na mestni ravni

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    Mojca Šašek Divjak


    Full Text Available Kot je poudarjeno v predstavljenem načrtu Kopenhagna, mestni načrt ne more rešiti vseh planskih problemov mesta. Predstavljal naj bi predvideni red, ki pa se pogosto sproti podira glede na nepredvidena dogajanja v prostoru. Probleme je velikokrat treba reševati šele, ko se pokažejo. Zato mora biti mestni načrt zastavljen dovolj prilagodljivo in fleksibilno, da dovoljuje potrebne spremembe. Vendar mora kljub temu dati mestu trdne glavne usmeritve in s tem omogočiti, da meščani lahko izkoristijo priložnosti, ki jih nudi nova doba in uveljavljajo nove kvalitete bivanja.

  6. Velocity distribution and dimer formation in a Na/Na2 beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergmann, K.; Hefter, U.; Hering, P.


    Using the TOF via optical pumping method and the Doppler-shifted laser induced emission described previously, the authors have measured the parallel and perpendicular velocity distribution respectively for Na atoms and Na 2 molecules in a variety of individual quantum states. In addition they monitored the flux of molecules in specific states while changing the stagnation pressure. In all cases a significant dependence on the internal energy of the molecules was found. The goal of these experiments is to improve understanding of the beam dynamics and the dimer formation process. (Auth.)

  7. Angular distributions of photoelectrons from free Na clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wopperer, P.; Dinh, P. M.; Faber, B.; Reinhard, P.-G.; Suraud, E.


    We explore, from a theoretical perspective, photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) of the Na clusters Na 8 , Na 10 , Na 12 , Na 18 , Na 3 + , Na 11 + , Na 13 + , and Na 19 + . The basis of the description is the time-dependent local-density approximation (TDLDA), augmented by a self-interaction correction (SIC) to describe ionization properties correctly. The scheme is solved on a numerical grid in coordinate space with absorbing bounds. We assume for each cluster system an isotropic ensemble of free clusters and develop for the case of one-photon emission analytical formulas for computing the orientation-averaged PAD on the basis of a few TDLDA-SIC calculations for properly chosen reference orientations. It turns out that all the information in the averaged PAD is contained in one anisotropy parameter. We find that this parameter varies very little with system size, but as a whole is crucially influenced by the detailed ionic structure. We also make comparisons with direct orientation averaging and consider one example reaching outside the perturbative regime.

  8. The Na+ transport in gram-positive bacteria defect in the Mrp antiporter complex measured with 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance. (United States)

    Górecki, Kamil; Hägerhäll, Cecilia; Drakenberg, Torbjörn


    (23)Na nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has previously been used to monitor Na(+) translocation across membranes in gram-negative bacteria and in various other organelles and liposomes using a membrane-impermeable shift reagent to resolve the signals resulting from internal and external Na(+). In this work, the (23)Na NMR method was adapted for measurements of internal Na(+) concentration in the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis, with the aim of assessing the Na(+) translocation activity of the Mrp (multiple resistance and pH) antiporter complex, a member of the cation proton antiporter-3 (CPA-3) family. The sodium-sensitive growth phenotype observed in a B. subtilis strain with the gene encoding MrpA deleted could indeed be correlated to the inability of this strain to maintain a lower internal Na(+) concentration than an external one. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Quatenary Na//F, Cl, CO3, MoO4 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kochkarov, Zh.A.; Lok''yaeva, S.M.; Shurdumov, G.K.; Gasanaliev, A.M.; Trunin, A.S.


    Perspective in applied respect quatenary system (NaF) 2 -(NaCl)-Na 2 CO 3 -Na 2 MoO 4 being element of narrowing of more complex six-membered mutual Na//F, Cl, CO 3 , MoO 4 (WO 4 ) system is investigated by differential thermal analysis with the use of projection-thermographic method for the first time. Crystallization tree of Na//F, Cl, CO 3 , MoO 4 system is established. It is shown that this system by tetrahedrating (NaF) 2 -Na 2 CO 3 -Na 3 ClMoO 4 section is triangulated on two stable system: (NaF) 2 -Na 3 ClMoO 4 -Na 2 CO 3 -(NaCl) 2 and (NaF) 2 -Na 3 ClMoO 4 -Na 2 CO 3 -Na 2 MoO 4 . Phase single units are determined too. Coordinates of desired quatenary nonvariant points are calculated on analytical models of surfaces by mutual crystallization of two phases and are refined by differential thermal analysis [ru

  10. Experimental Study of Na based Titanium Nanofluid-Water Reaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Gunyeop; Kim, Soo Jae; Baek, Jehyun; Kim, Hyun Soo; Oh, Sun Ryung; Park, Hyun Sun; Kim, Moo Hwan [POSTECH, Pohang (Korea, Republic of)


    In KALIMER-600, a sodium-cooled fast reactor designed by KAERI, thermal energy is transported from high-temperature liquid Na (526 .deg. C at 0.1 MPa) to low temperature water (230 .deg. C at - 19.5 MPa) through a heat exchanger. If any leakage or rupture occurs during the operation of this heat exchanger, highly pressurized liquid water can penetrate into the liquid Na channels; this contact should instantly cause SWR. As reaction continues, liquid water is soon vaporized by pressure drop and huge amount of reaction heat. This generated water vapor expands large reaction area and increases sodium-water vapor reaction process. Therefore, the rapid generation of reaction product (like H{sub 2}) and water vapor increases the system pressure that can cause the system failure in SFR. To reduce this strong chemical reaction phenomena between Na and water, some we have focused on suppressing the chemical reactivity of liquid Na by dispersing nanoparticles (NPs). For the real application of NaTiNF, the pressure change induced by NaTiNF-water reaction is compared with Na-water reaction in the present study. NaTiNF contains 100nm of Ti NPs at 0.2 vol. %. The reaction rate of NaTiNF-water reaction is also investigated as reaction temperature increases. Sodium-water vapor reaction (SVR) will occur when an SWR accident occurs in SFR. In this manner, NaTiNF-water vapor reaction is experimentally performed for ensuring the suppression of chemical reactivity of NaTiNF in contact with water vapor. In the basic step for reducing risk of an SWR in SFR, we have experimentally verified the suppressed chemical reactivity of liquid sodium using Ti NPs through SWR and SVR experiments. In SWR, Na based titanium nanofluid (NaTiNF) shows lower pressure change than Na. As T{sub R} increases, P{sub max} in Na-water reaction increases while NaTiNF does not. The reaction rate of NaTiNF shows twice slower than that of Na. In SVR, NaTiNF shows slower temperature increase than Na. The distinct

  11. Phase equilibria in the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system at 873 K and crystal structure and physico-chemical characterizations of the new Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F fluorophosphate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aboussatar, Mohamed [Université Clermont Auvergne, Université Blaise Pascal, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296 CNRS, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France); Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l’État Solide, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, Université de Sfax, BP 1171, 3000 Sfax (Tunisia); Mbarek, Aïcha [Laboratoire de Chimie Industrielle, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax, Université de Sfax, BP W3038, 3000 Sfax (Tunisia); Naili, Houcine [Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l’État Solide, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, Université de Sfax, BP 1171, 3000 Sfax (Tunisia); El-Ghozzi, Malika [Université Clermont Auvergne, Université Blaise Pascal, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296 CNRS, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France); Chadeyron, Geneviève [Université Clermont Auvergne, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296 CNRS/UBP/SIGMA, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France); Avignant, Daniel [Université Clermont Auvergne, Université Blaise Pascal, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296 CNRS, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France); Zambon, Daniel, E-mail: [Université Clermont Auvergne, Université Blaise Pascal, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296 CNRS, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand (France)


    Isothermal sections of the diagram representing phase relationships in the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system have been investigated by solid state reactions and powder X-ray diffraction. This phase diagram investigation confirms the polymorphism of the NaCdPO{sub 4} side component and the structure of the ß high temperature polymorph (orthorhombic, space group Pnma and unit cell parameters a=9.3118(2), b=7.0459(1), c=5.1849(1) Å has been refined. A new fluorophosphate, Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F, has been discovered and its crystal structure determined and refined from powder X-ray diffraction data. It exhibits a new 3D structure with orthorhombic symmetry, space group Pnma and unit cell parameters a=5.3731(1), b=6.8530(1), c=12.2691(2) Å. The structure is closely related to those of the high temperature polymorph of the nacaphite Na{sub 2}CaPO{sub 4}F and the fluorosilicate Ca{sub 2}NaSiO{sub 4}F but differs essentially in the cationic repartition since the structure is fully ordered with one Na site (8d) and one Cd site (4c). Relationships with other Na{sub 2}M{sup II}PO{sub 4}F (M{sup II}=Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) have been examined and the crystal-chemical and topographical analysis of these fluorophosphates is briefly reviewed. IR, Raman, optical and {sup 19}F, {sup 23}Na, {sup 31}P MAS NMR characterizations of Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F have been investigated. - Graphical abstract: The structure of the compound Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F, discovered during the study of the phase relationships in the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system, has been determined and compared with other Na{sub 2}M{sup II}PO{sub 4}F fluorophosphates. - Highlights: • XRD analysis of the isothermal section of the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system at 923 K. • Rietveld refinement of the high temperature polymorph β-NaCdPO{sub 4}. • Crystal structure of the new Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F fluorophosphate determined from powder XRD. • Crystal structure - composition relationships of Na{sub 2}M{sup II}PO{sub 4}F compounds

  12. Mechanochemical transformations in Li(Na)AlH4-Li(Na)NH2 systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolotko, Oleksandr; Zhang Haiqiao; Ugurlu, Ozan; Wiench, Jerzy W.; Pruski, Marek; Scott Chumbley, L.; Pecharsky, Vitalij


    Mechanochemical transformations of tetrahydroaluminates and amides of lithium and sodium have been investigated using gas volumetric analysis, X-ray powder diffraction, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and transmission electron microscopy. In a transformation of LiAlH 4 and LiNH 2 taken in an 1:1 molar ratio, the amount of released hydrogen (6.6 wt.% after 30 min ball milling) was higher than in any known one pot mechanochemical process involving a hydrogen-containing solid. A total of 4.3 wt.% of hydrogen is released by the NaAlH 4 -NaNH 2 system after 60 min ball milling; and 5.2 wt.% H 2 is released when LiAlH 4 and NaNH 2 or NaAlH 4 and LiNH 2 are ball milled for 90 min and 120 min, respectively. All transformations proceed at room temperature. The mechanism of the overall transformation MAlH 4 (s) + MNH 2 (s) → 2MH(s) + AlN(s) + 2H 2 (g) was identified based on detailed spectroscopic analysis of the intermediate (M 3 AlH 6 ) and final products of the ball milling process

  13. Makosa Yanayofanywa na Wanafunzi Wanaojifunza Kiswahili kama ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Makala haya, yanashughulika na makosa ambayo hufanywa na wanafunzi wanaojifunza Kiswahili kama lugha ya pili katika shule za sekondari nchini Uganda. Mtafiti ameyaainisha makosa mbalimbali na kuyaeleza kiusahihi. Makala yanaeleza namna ambavyo makosa hayo hutokea. Yaani, kama ni makosa ...

  14. Učinak video igre "Flappy Bird" na adolescente


    Horvat, Marija


    Ovaj diplomski rad nastoji predstaviti uvid u učinke videoigre Flappy Bird na adolescente, fokusirajući se pritom na to potiče li ona nasilno ponašanje te nastoji odgovoriti na pitanje koliko je ta videoigra bila popularna među adolescentima u Hrvatskoj te po čemu je smatraju posebnom, tj. specifičnom. U tu svrhu provedeno je anketno istraživanje, a isti anketni upitnik proveden je na terenu i putem interneta te su uspoređeni rezultati. Anketni upitnik konstruiran je na način da se prvi dio u...

  15. Perinatal Na+ Overload Programs Raised Renal Proximal Na+ Transport and Enalapril-Sensitive Alterations of Ang II Signaling Pathways during Adulthood (United States)

    Cabral, Edjair V.; Vieira-Filho, Leucio D.; Silva, Paulo A.; Nascimento, Williams S.; Aires, Regina S.; Oliveira, Fabiana S. T.; Luzardo, Ricardo; Vieyra, Adalberto; Paixão, Ana D. O.


    Background High Na+ intake is a reality in nowadays and is frequently accompanied by renal and cardiovascular alterations. In this study, renal mechanisms underlying perinatal Na+ overload-programmed alterations in Na+ transporters and the renin/angiotensin system (RAS) were investigated, together with effects of short-term treatment with enalapril in terms of reprogramming molecular alterations in kidney. Methodology/Principal Findings Male adult Wistar rats were obtained from dams maintained throughout pregnancy and lactation on a standard diet and drinking water (control) or 0.17 M NaCl (saline group). Enalapril (100 mg/l), an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, was administered for three weeks after weaning. Ninety day old offspring from dams that drank saline presented with proximal tubules exhibiting increased (Na++K+)ATPase expression and activity. Ouabain-insensitive Na+-ATPase activity remained unchanged but its response to angiotensin II (Ang II) was lost. PKC, PKA, renal thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), macrophage infiltration and collagen deposition markedly increased, and AT2 receptor expression decreased while AT1 expression was unaltered. Early treatment with enalapril reduced expression and activity of (Na++K+)ATPase, partially recovered the response of Na+-ATPase to Ang II, and reduced PKC and PKA activities independently of whether offspring were exposed to high perinatal Na+ or not. In addition, treatment with enalapril per se reduced AT2 receptor expression, and increased TBARS, macrophage infiltration and collagen deposition. The perinatally Na+-overloaded offspring presented high numbers of Ang II-positive cortical cells, and significantly lower circulating Ang I, indicating that programming/reprogramming impacted systemic and local RAS. Conclusions/Significance Maternal Na+ overload programmed alterations in renal Na+ transporters and in its regulation, as well as severe structural lesions in adult offspring. Enalapril

  16. alpha-Adducin mutations increase Na/K pump activity in renal cells by affecting constitutive endocytosis: implications for tubular Na reabsorption. (United States)

    Torielli, Lucia; Tivodar, Simona; Montella, Rosa Chiara; Iacone, Roberto; Padoani, Gloria; Tarsini, Paolo; Russo, Ornella; Sarnataro, Daniela; Strazzullo, Pasquale; Ferrari, Patrizia; Bianchi, Giuseppe; Zurzolo, Chiara


    Genetic variation in alpha-adducin cytoskeletal protein is implicated in the polymerization and bundling of actin and alteration of the Na/K pump, resulting in abnormal renal sodium transport and hypertension in Milan hypertensive rats and humans. To investigate the molecular involvement of alpha-adducin in controlling Na/K pump activity, wild-type or mutated rat and human alpha-adducin forms were, respectively, transfected into several renal cell lines. Through multiple experimental approaches (microscopy, enzymatic assays, coimmunoprecipitation), we showed that rat and human mutated forms increased Na/K pump activity and the number of pump units; moreover, both variants coimmunoprecipitate with Na/K pump. The increased Na/K pump activity was not due to changes in its basolateral localization, but to an alteration of Na/K pump residential time on the plasma membrane. Indeed, both rat and human mutated variants reduced constitutive Na/K pump endocytosis and similarly affected transferrin receptor trafficking and fluid-phase endocytosis. In fact, alpha-adducin was detected in clathrin-coated vesicles and coimmunoprecipitated with clathrin. These results indicate that adducin, besides its modulatory effects on actin cytoskeleton dynamics, might play a direct role in clathrin-dependent endocytosis. The constitutive reduction of the Na/K pump endocytic rate induced by mutated adducin variants may be relevant in Na-dependent hypertension.

  17. O “animal eletrônico”: dilemas do ciberativismo verdeThe ‘electronic animal’: dilemmas of green cyberactivism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samira Feldman Marzochi

    Full Text Available Combinando as principais contribuições teóricas do Estruturalismo, Fenomenologia e Teoria Crítica, este artigo parte do pressuposto de que a vulgarização do termo “rede” tem contribuído para um entendimento apologético de fenômenos contemporâneos relacionados ao tema da política e da comunicação, incluindo-se a prática do “ciberativismo”. No intuito de retirar a carga ideológica do conceito, o artigo pincela as mudanças nas relações entre indivíduo e esfera pública desde a Grécia antiga, passando pela industrialização, até deter-se na modernidade contemporânea. A partir desta contextualização teórica e histórica, foi possível analisar criticamente a correspondência, presente no senso comum, entre “ciberespaço” e esfera pública, “ciberativista” e sujeito político, bem como apontar a virtualização da natureza e das questões ambientais, perpetrada pelas campanhas de organizações não governamentais. Assim, é apresentado o conceito de “animal eletrônico” como alegoria de uma “antipolítica”, da ausência da dimensão política que caracteriza os homens, os distingue entre si e do r eino natural.



    Vučak, Petra


    Nekatere naše vrline krasijo zlate lastnosti, druge pa kvarijo sivi odtenki. Če bi ljudje razumeli in spoznali svojo osebnost, ter osebnostne tipe drugih ljudi, bi se problemi pri komunikaciji občutno zmanjšali. Takrat bi namreč lažje uvideli, zakaj je nekdo reagiral na način, kot je ali zakaj je nekdo dejal to, kar je. Smisel tega je, da spoznamo svoje dobre lastnosti, ki jih lahko še bolj razvijemo, slabe pa poskušamo nadzorovati in tako zmanjšati njihov vpliv. Iskanje uspešnih in učink...



    Majcen, Mateja


    Cena izdelka ali storitve, ki jo plača uporabnik, ima pomemben vpliv na zadovoljstvo ali nezadovoljstvo uporabnika z uporabo tega izdelka ali storitve in posledično na zadovoljstvo do podjetja. Glede na to, da se različni avtorji strinjajo in to tudi dokazujejo z raziskavami, zadovoljstvo nedvoumno vpliva na zvestobo uporabnika, zvestoba pa na dolgoročno uspešnost podjetja, smo v delu ugotavljali, kako sama cena storitve vpliva na zadovoljstvo in kako posredno preko zadovoljstva vpliva na zve...

  20. Para além da religião? Justiça de Deus, justiça do homem e as representações visuais do Juízo Final

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tamara Quírico


    Full Text Available O presente artigo inicia com um breve comentário sobre as relações entre o Cristianismo e imagens (que encontram suas origens ainda nos primeiros séculos da era cristã, analisando em seguida de forma sucinta questões ligadas às funções que se esperavam que imagens religiosas cumprissem no Ocidente medieval. Após essas considerações, o artigo analisará possíveis interpretações sócio-políticas de representações visuais do tema do Juízo Final especialmente nos últimos séculos da Idade Média, focando em particular exemplos produzidos na Península Itálica. Para tanto, discutirá brevemente os desenvolvimentos de conceitos como justiça e julgamento, mostrando como, ao fim, análises sócio-políticas dessas pinturas estariam necessariamente relacionadas também às funções religiosas dessas mesmas imagens.

  1. "Dilação" em Duchamp: uma atitude consciente no interior de uma construção paradoxal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Grossmann


    Full Text Available É necessário que se faça a distinção entre a importância de Duchamp no "mundo das idéias" (sua contribuição para uma crítica moderna/contemporânea e os conceitos surgidos e discutidos ao comparar sua intencionalidade com a do Modernismo. McEVILLEY (1988 demonstra com agudeza os méritos desta distinção em seu artigo "Empyrrhical Thinking (And Why Kant Can't", no qual lista as várias considerações que diferentes autores' fazem sobre a contribuição de Duchamp à Arte Moderna e pondera que, em sua grande maioria, estes posicionamentos malogram principalmente ao tentarem determinar as razões que levaram Duchamp a abandonar a pintura de forma drástica. Este evento na vida de Duchamp vai ser aludido aqui como o seu "grande cisma".

  2. Corpos ultrajados: quando a medicina e a caricatura se encontram Bodies scorned: when medicine and caricature meet

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    Myriam Bahia Lopes


    Full Text Available A caricatura consolida-se, a partir de 1840, com o advento da imprensa ilustrada, que realiza um interessante diálogo entre a pintura histórica e os retratos. Neste artigo, procuramos demonstrar de que forma essa linguagem, no início deste século, fez do dr. Oswaldo Cruz um de seus alvos favoritos. Num pacto de intersubjetividade, a caricatura - linha que brada - reconhece a dor na pele do vacinado e libera, com o humor, a violência da agressão sofrida.With the advent of the illustrated press, in 1840, the art of caricature initiated an interesting dialogue with historical painting and portraiture. The article shows dr. Oswaldo Cruz as target of this humorous language in the early twentieth century. Caricature-a line that cries out-recognizes the pain of its inured subject and, under an unwritten intersubjective pact, uses humor to release the violence of suffered aggression.

  3. DJ Oliveira e as máscaras

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    Flávio R. Kothe


    Full Text Available DJ Oliveira faleceu em 23 de setembro de 2006, aos 72 anos de idade, quando completou 50 anos de atividade como artista plástico. Oriundo do grupo Santa Helena, de São Paulo, ajudou a fundar a escola de pintura de Goiânia, mas acabou vivendo no exílio, no interior de Luziânia. Ele ainda não foi reconhecido na dimensão dos seus méritos. Tendo os fundadores de Brasília optado pelo modernismo abstrato e tendo ele se afastado da geometria simples de seu companheiro Volpi, DJ viu-se posto de lado como se fosse um artista inferior àqueles que ficaram consagrados porque foram promovidos pelo poder. Vai chegar a hora de rever o esquema dominante, em que aparece como grande artista aquele que estava nas preferências do dono do poder, como se este fosse o dono do saber ou a corporificação do sujeito transcendental estético.

  4. NaI(Tl) electron energy resolution

    CERN Document Server

    Mengesha, W


    NaI(Tl) electron energy resolution eta sub e was measured using the Modified Compton Coincidence Technique (MCCT). The MCCT allowed detection of nearly monoenergetic internal electrons resulting from the scattering of incident 662 keV gamma rays within a primary NaI(Tl) detector. Scattered gamma rays were detected using a secondary HPGe detector in a coincidence mode. Measurements were carried out for electron energies ranging from 16 to 438 keV, by varying the scattering angle. Measured HPGe coincidence spectra were deconvolved to determine the scattered energy spectra from the NaI(Tl) detector. Subsequently, the NaI(Tl) electron energy spectra were determined by subtracting the energy of scattered spectra from the incident source energy (662 keV). Using chi-squared minimization, iterative deconvolution of the internal electron energy spectra from the measured NaI(Tl) spectra was then used to determine eta sub e at the electron energy of interest. eta sub e values determined using this technique represent va...

  5. Quantitative (23) Na MRI of human knee cartilage using dual-tuned (1) H/(23) Na transceiver array radiofrequency coil at 7 tesla. (United States)

    Moon, Chan Hong; Kim, Jung-Hwan; Zhao, Tiejun; Bae, Kyongtae Ty


    To develop quantitative dual-tuned (DT) (1) H/(23) Na MRI of human knee cartilage in vivo at 7 Tesla (T). A sensitive (23) Na transceiver array RF coil was developed at 7T. B1 fields generated by the transceiver array coil were characterized and corrected in the (23) Na images. Point spread function (PSF) of the (23) Na images was measured, and the signal decrease due to partial-volume-effect was compensated in [(23) Na] quantification of knee cartilage. SNR and [(23) Na] in anterior femoral cartilage were measured from seven healthy subjects. SNR of (23) Na image with the transceiver array coil was higher than that of birdcage coil. SNR in the cartilage at 2-mm isotropic resolution was 26.80 ± 3.69 (n = 7). B1 transmission and reception fields produced by the DT coil at 7T were similar to each other. Effective full-width-half-maximum of (23) Na image was ∼5 mm at 2-mm resolution. Mean [(23) Na] was 288.13 ± 29.50 mM (n = 7) in the anterior femoral cartilage of normal subjects. We developed a new high-sensitivity (23) Na RF coil for knee MRI at 7T. Our (1) H/(23) Na MRI allowed quantitative measurement of [(23) Na] in knee cartilage by measuring PSF and cartilage thickness from (23) Na and (1) H image, respectively. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Razvitak naselja na kvarnerskim otocima - primjer Dobrinja

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    Marijan Bradanović


    Full Text Available Na dosad slabo poznatom i sa stajališta povijesti umjetnosti još posve neobrađenom primjeru Dobrinja na otoku Krku, raspravlja se o razvitku naselja na kvarnerskim otocima. Uz isticanje štetnosti dosad prevladavajućih uopćavanja, karakteristični položaj i razvitak Dobrinja tumače se u širem, komparativnom kontekstu. Analiziraju se prostiranje i obilježja pojedinih dijelova ovog naselja, a naglasak je na vremenu kasnog srednjeg i ranijeg novog vijeka. Tada je najuži dio povijesnog središta Dobrinja poprimio čvrstu, na tlorisnoj osnovi i danas, usprkos opsežnim pregradnjama i arhitektonskim preinakama, jasno uočljivu, urbanu fizionomiju.

  7. Reciclagem de vidro laminado: utilização dos vidros de baixa granulometria como carga abrasiva na formulação de vernizes de alto tráfego para pisos de madeira Recycling of laminated glass: the use of low granulometry glasses as abrasive filler in the formulation of varnishes for wood flooring application

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    Isabella M. Vargas


    Full Text Available O vidro laminado, especialmente o proveniente dos pára-brisas, é de difícil reciclagem após sua utilização, sobretudo o resíduo de vidro constituído de partículas pequenas (com baixa granulometria. O vidro muito fino se caracteriza como um resíduo, uma vez que não pode ser recuperado na indústria vidreira, pois nos grandes fornos de fusão de vidro evita-se a utilização deste material para impedir que ocorra o fenômeno de arraste de pó pela chaminé, bem como a deposição de vidro fundido nas paredes internas do forno e do regenerador[1]. Neste estudo duas granulometrias de vidro foram utilizadas - malha 200 e 325 mesh - na formulação de vernizes baseados num oligômero uretano-acrilado e usado para pintura e proteção de pisos de madeira. A cura desses vernizes foi por meio de radiação ultravioleta. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que a resistência à abrasão do verniz com a adição de vidro fino aumentou significativamente.Windshields are difficult to recycle after use, especially the residue of fine glass (with small granulometry. This material is characterized as a residue since it cannot be recovered in the glass industry, because in the furnaces of glass fusion fine glass is avoided to prevent deposition on the internal walls of the furnaces and the drag of this fine powder through the chimney[1]. In this work two different granulometries of this fine glass - 200 mesh and 325 mesh - were used as a filler in a varnish based on a urethane-acrylate oligomer used to cover and protect wood flooring. The cure of this varnish was through ultraviolet radiation. The results showed increased abrasion resistance for the varnish with addition of the fine glass.


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    Frederico Canuto


    Full Text Available O presente artigo coloca em discussão a produção de paisagens como prática que pode envolver diferentes agentes e percepções, não sendo estreitamente vinculado a um único olhar dito objetivo. A partir de tal discussão, mapas e atlas, instrumentos cartográficos por demais usuais, são aqui transformados em conceitos para se pensar a paisagem e sua produção na contemporaneidade levando em conta diferentes recortes epistemológicos, pontos de vista, agentes e sujeitos. Usando o conceito de espasmos advindo da critica do filósofo francês Gilles Deleuze a respeito das pinturas Francis Bacon, tais operadores serão discutidos como espaços autônomos de produção de paisagens a despeito de qualquer imagem exterior existente a priori. Serão usadas duas obras que, por sua vez, apontarão para a definição destes mesmos operadores: o trabalho artístico participativo Alter Bahnhof Vídeo Walk dos artistas Janet Cardiff e George Miller apresentado na DOCUMENTA XIII de Kassel em 2012 e o site interativo We feel Fine. An Exploration of Human Emotion, in Six Movements feito pelos designers Jonathan Harris e Sep Kamvar. E na conclusão, pretende-se discutir o mapa e atlas não como instrumentos de leitura de um real, mas eles mesmos como um real narrativo.

  9. Investigation of sodalites for conditioning halide salts (NaCl and NaI): Comparison of two synthesis routes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bardez, Isabelle; Campayo, Lionel; Rigaud, Danielle; Chartier, Myriam; Calvet, Aurelie [CEA, Laboratoire d' Etudes des Materiaux Ceramiques pour le Conditionnement, Site de Marcoule, Batiment 208, B.P. 17171, 30207 Bagnols sur Ceze cedex (France)


    Sodalites with the general formula Na{sub 8}Al{sub 6}Si{sub 6}O{sub 24}X{sub 2} (where X = Cl or I) were investigated for ceramic conditioning of halide salts (NaCl and NaI). Because of the tendency of halides to volatilize at high temperature, two synthesis routes were tested to optimize the halide content in the sodalite phase. The first is based on heating at high temperature of a [nepheline NaAlSiO{sub 4} + salt] mixture prepared by a dry process. The second, performed at low temperature, consists of the reaction in aqueous media between kaolinite (Al{sub 2}Si{sub 2}O{sub 5}(OH){sub 4}), sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and the salt. The present study compares these two syntheses and examines differences between chloro-sodalite and iodo-sodalite based on X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. The next step will consist in sintering the resulting powder samples to obtain dense ceramics. (authors)

  10. Dissolution of targets for the production of Mo-99: Part 1. Influence of NaOH concentration and the addition of NaNO3 and NaNO2 on the dissolution time

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camilo, Ruth L.; Araujo, Izilda da C.; Mindrisz, Ana C.; Forbicini, Christina A.L.G. de O.


    Faced with global crisis in the production of radioisotope 99 Mo, which product of decay, 99 mTc, is the tracer element most often used in nuclear medicine and accounts for about 80% of all diagnostic procedures in vivo, since September 2008 Brazil is developing the project called Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB). Within the Brazilian Nuclear Program (PNB) the construction of the RMB, is seen as a long term solution to meet all domestic demand relative to the supply of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals. In the process to be studied to obtain 99 Mo from irradiated UA1 x -A1 LEU targets employing alkaline dissolution, processing time should be minimized, considering the short half life of 99 Mo and 99 mTc, about 66 h and 6 h, respectively. That makes dissolution time a significant factor in the development of the process. This paper presents the results of alkaline dissolution of scraps of Al, used to simulate the dissolution process of UA1 x -A1 targets. Al corresponds to about 79% of the total weight of the UA1 x -A1 target. The effect of NaOH concentration on dissolution time for the interval of 1 to 3.5 mol.L-1 was studied, keeping the molar ratio in 1Al:2.16NaOH and the initial temperature of 88 degree C. The influence of reagent composition over dissolution time was studied using three different solutions: a) 3 mol.L -1 NaOH, b) 3 mol.L -1 NaOH/NaNO 3 and c) 3 mol.L -1 NaOH/NaNO 2 , keeping the same molar ratio and temperature. The results showed that the dissolution time decreases with increasing NaOH concentration and the addition of NaNO 3 or NaNO 2 in the NaOH solution reduces both dissolution time and volume of gases released. (author)

  11. Magnetic upconverting fluorescent NaGdF4:Ln3+ and iron-oxide@NaGdF4:Ln3+ nanoparticles (United States)

    Shrivastava, Navadeep; Rocha, Uéslen; Muraca, Diego; Jacinto, Carlos; Moreno, Sergio; Vargas, J. M.; Sharma, S. K.


    Microwave assisted solvothermal method has been employed to synthesize multifunctional upconverting β-NaGdF4:Ln3+ and magnetic-upconverting Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3@NaGdF4:Ln3+ (Ln = Yb and Er) nanoparticles. The powder x-ray diffraction data confirms the hexagonal structure of NaGdF4:Ln3+ and high resolution transmission electron microscopy shows the formation of rod shaped NaGdF4:Ln3+ (˜ 20 nm) and ovoid shaped Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3@NaGdF4:Ln3+ (˜ 15 nm) nanoparticles. The magnetic hysteresis at 300 K for β-NaGdF4:Ln3+ demonstrates paramagnetic features, whereas iron-oxide@β-NaGdF4:Ln3+ exhibits superparamagnetic behavior along with a linear component at large applied field due to paramagnetic NaGdF4 matrix. Both nanoparticle samples provide an excellent green emitting [(2H11/2, 4S3/2)→4I15/2 (˜ 540 nm)] upconversion luminescence emission under excitation at 980 nm. The energy migration between Yb and Er in NaGdF4 matrix has been explored from 300-800 nm. Intensity variation of blue, green and red lines and the observed luminescence quenching due to the presence of Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3 in the composite has been proposed. These kinds of materials contain magnetic and luminescence characteristics into single nanoparticle open new possibility for bioimaging applications.

  12. The plant vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport. (United States)

    Barkla, B J; Apse, M P; Manolson, M F; Blumwald, E


    Salt stress imposes severe limitations on plant growth, however, the extent of growth reduction depends upon the soil salinity level and the plant species. One of the mechanisms employed by salt tolerant plants is the effective vacuolar compartmentalization of sodium. The sequestration of sodium into the vacuole occurs by the operation of a Na+/H+ antiport located at the tonoplast. Evidence for a plant vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport has been demonstrated in tissues, intact vacuoles and isolated tonoplast vesicles. In sugar beet cell suspensions, the activity of the vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport increased with increasing NaCl concentrations in the growth medium. This increased activity was correlated with the increased synthesis of a 170 kDa tonoplast polypeptide. In vivo labelling of tonoplast proteins showed the enhanced synthesis of the 170 kDa polypeptide not only upon exposure of the cells to salt, but also when the cells were grown in the presence of amiloride. Exposure of the cells to amiloride also resulted in increased vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport activity. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the 170 kDa polypeptide almost completely inhibited the antiport activity, suggesting the association of this protein with the plant vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport. Antibodies against the Na+/H+ antiport-associated polypeptide were used to screen a Beta lambda ZAP expression library. A partial clone of 1.65 kb was sequenced and found to encode a polypeptide with a putative transmembrane domain and a large hydrophilic C terminus. This clone showed no homology to any previously cloned gene at either the nucleic acid or the amino acid level.

  13. Correlation of the Na2SiO3 to NaOH Ratios and Solid to Liquid Ratios to the Kedah’s Soil Strength

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    Nur Hamzah Hazamaah


    Full Text Available Geopolymer was used for the soil stabilization of Kedah’s soil at different ratios of solid to liquid and Na2SiO3 to NaOH in order to achieve the desired compressive strength. The geopolymerization process which produces an aluminosilicate gel was occurred due to the mixing of Kedah’s soil and fly ash with Na2SiO3 and NaOH. Soil stabilization by geopolymer was synthesized by the activation of fly ash and Kedah’s soil with Na2SiO3 and NaOH at different ratios of solid to liquid (1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 and Na2SiO3 to NaOH (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 at a specific constant concentration of NaOH solution of 6M. The compressive strength up to 5.12 MPa was obtained at 3.0 of solid to liquid ratio and 2.5 of Na2SiO3 to NaOH ratio in 7 days curing at room temperature.

  14. Near resonant charge transfer in Na(4D)+K+ → Na++K*: Optical pumping of the Na(4D) state and energy dependence of rank 4 alignment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, E.E.B.; Huelser, H.; Witte, R.; Hertel, I.V.


    Rank 4 alignment has been observed in a quasi one electron system. Relative charge transfer cross sections of the Na 4dσ, 4dπ and 4dδ sublevels for the K + +Na(4D)→K * +Na + system have been measured. A strong energy dependence is observed. The results at energies less than 1 keV may be attributed to rotational coupling of the Na 4dπ state to the K 4fδ state. The Na atom is excited in a two-step process, the first step being excitation to the 3 2 P 3/2 level with a two-mode laser to pump from both hyperfine levels of the ground state simultaneously. This two-mode laser is described in detail. The optical pumping problem is solved using rate equations. The general formula for describing the scattering intensity for cylindrical symmetry, in terms of multipole moments, for atoms excited by two linearly polarised lasers is derived and used to evaluate the experimental results. (orig.)

  15. Estudio de los mecanismos de degradación de la interfase acero (limpio u oxidado-recubrimiento clorocaucho en su exposición al ensayo de condensación de humedad

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    Chico, B.


    Full Text Available The effect of time of exposure to the humidity on the behaviour of the system chlorinated rubber paint-steel substrate (cleaned or pre-rusted is investigated from the interfacial chemistry and adhesion points of view. After one day of humidity exposure, the paint-rust free steel substrate system shows an increase of adhesion. A maximum adhesion value is obtained after 15 days of exposure. This behaviour is similar to that previously described for a pre-rusted steel substrate. After 30-60 days of exposure, the adhesion strength values show an important reduction and the locus of adhesion loss shifts from the paint inside to the interphase between the metallic substrate and the paint.

    En el presente trabajo se analiza el efecto de la exposición a la humedad de un recubrimiento orgánico de clorocaucho aplicado a un sustrato de acero (únicamente limpio o previamente oxidado sobre los valores de adherencia del sistema y la composición química de la interfase metal-pintura. Se ha intentado establecer posibles relaciones entre la degradación de la interfase acero-recubrimiento clorocaucho en su exposición a condiciones de alta humedad y la presencia o ausencia de una capa de óxido sobre el sustrato original. Después de 1 día de exposición a la humedad, se observó un aumento en los valores de adherencia del sistema pintura-acero sin oxidar. Sorprendentemente, estos valores alcanzan un máximo después de 15 días de exposición. Este mismo comportamiento se había encontrado ya en el sistema acero preoxidado-recubrimiento clorocaucho. Tiempos de exposición a la humedad suficientemente largos (30-60 días producen una acusada disminución en los valores de adherencia y un desplazamiento del lugar donde ocurre el fallo desde el seno de la pintura a la región interfacial entre la pintura y el sustrato.

  16. Thermodynamic description of Tc(iv) solubility and carbonate complexation in alkaline NaHCO3-Na2CO3-NaCl systems. (United States)

    Baumann, A; Yalçıntaş, E; Gaona, X; Polly, R; Dardenne, K; Prüßmann, T; Rothe, J; Altmaier, M; Geckeis, H


    The solubility of 99 Tc(iv) was investigated in dilute to concentrated carbonate solutions (0.01 M ≤ C tot ≤ 1.0 M, with C tot = [HCO 3 - ] + [CO 3 2- ]) under systematic variation of ionic strength (I = 0.3-5.0 M NaHCO 3 -Na 2 CO 3 -NaCl-NaOH) and pH m (-log[H + ] = 8.5-14.5). Strongly reducing conditions (pe + pH m ≈ 2) were set with Sn(ii). Carbonate enhances the solubility of Tc(iv) in alkaline conditions by up to 3.5 log 10 -units compared to carbonate-free systems. Solvent extraction and XANES confirmed that Tc was kept as +IV during the timeframe of the experiments (≤ 650 days). Solid phase characterization performed by XAFS, XRD, SEM-EDS, chemical analysis and TG-DTA confirmed that TcO 2 ·0.6H 2 O(am) controls the solubility of Tc(iv) under the conditions investigated. Slope analysis of the solubility data in combination with solid/aqueous phase characterization and DFT calculations indicate the predominance of the species Tc(OH) 3 CO 3 - at pH m ≤ 11 and C tot ≥ 0.01 M, for which thermodynamic and activity models are derived. Solubility data obtained above pH m ≈ 11 indicates the formation of previously unreported Tc(iv)-carbonate species, possibly Tc(OH) 4 CO 3 2- , although the likely formation of additional complexes prevents deriving a thermodynamic model valid for this pH m -region. This work provides the most comprehensive thermodynamic dataset available for the system Tc 4+ -Na + -Cl - -OH - -HCO 3 - -CO 3 2- -H 2 O(l) valid under a range of conditions relevant for nuclear waste disposal.

  17. Stimulation of Na+/K+ ATPase activity and Na+ coupled glucose transport by β-catenin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sopjani, Mentor; Alesutan, Ioana; Wilmes, Jan; Dermaku-Sopjani, Miribane; Lam, Rebecca S.; Koutsouki, Evgenia; Jakupi, Muharrem; Foeller, Michael; Lang, Florian


    Research highlights: → The oncogenic transcription factor β-catenin stimulates the Na + /K + -ATPase. → β-Catenin stimulates SGLT1 dependent Na + , glucose cotransport. → The effects are independent of transcription. → β-Catenin sensitive transport may contribute to properties of proliferating cells. -- Abstract: β-Catenin is a multifunctional protein stimulating as oncogenic transcription factor several genes important for cell proliferation. β-Catenin-regulated genes include the serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase SGK1, which is known to stimulate a variety of transport systems. The present study explored the possibility that β-catenin influences membrane transport. To this end, β-catenin was expressed in Xenopus oocytes with or without SGLT1 and electrogenic transport determined by dual electrode voltage clamp. As a result, expression of β-catenin significantly enhanced the ouabain-sensitive current of the endogeneous Na + /K + -ATPase. Inhibition of vesicle trafficking by brefeldin A revealed that the stimulatory effect of β-catenin on the endogenous Na + /K + -ATPase was not due to enhanced stability of the pump protein in the cell membrane. Expression of β-catenin further enhanced glucose-induced current (Ig) in SGLT1-expressing oocytes. In the absence of SGLT1 Ig was negligible irrespective of β-catenin expression. The stimulating effect of β-catenin on both Na + /K + ATPase and SGLT1 activity was observed even in the presence of actinomycin D, an inhibitor of transcription. The experiments disclose a completely novel function of β-catenin, i.e. the regulation of transport.

  18. Explosive phenomena in heavily irradiated NaCl

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    denHartog, HW; Vainshtein, DI; Matthews, GE; Williams, RT


    In heavily irradiated NaCl crystals explosive phenomena can be initiated during irradiation or afterwards when samples are heated to temperatures between 100 and 250 degrees C. During irradiation of NaCl Na and Cl-2 precipitates and void structures are produced along with the accumulation of stored

  19. Crystallographic characterization of cement pastes hydrated with NaCl; Caracterizacao cristalografica de pastas de cimento hidratadas com NaCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Melo, Carina Gabriela de Melo e; Martinelli, Antonio Eduardo; Melo, Dulce Maria Araujo; Melo, Marcus Antonio de Freitas; Melo, Vitor Rodrigo de Melo e [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN (Brazil)


    One of the major current challenges faced by oil companies is the exploration of pre salt basins. Salt layers deposited upon the evaporation of ocean water and continental separation are mainly formed by NaCl and isolate immense oil reservoirs. The mechanical stability and zonal isolation of oil wells that run through salt layers must be fulfilled by cement sheaths saturated with NaCl to assure chemical compatibility between cement and salt layer. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of NaCl addition on the hydration of oil well cement slurries as well as identifying the nature of crystalline phases present in the hardened cement. To that end, cement slurries containing NaCl were mixed, hardened and characterized by X-ray diffraction. The results revealed that the presence of NaCl affects the formation of hydration products by the presence of Friedel's salt. The intensity of the corresponding peaks increase as the contents of NaCl in the slurry increase. High concentrations of NaCl in Portland slurries increase the setting time of cement and the presence of Friedel's salt decreases the strength of the hardened cement. (author)

  20. Estereótipos na comunicação intercultural: o caso do intercâmbio cultural na PUCRS


    Espindola, Polianne Merie


    Este é um estudo da estereotipia existente na comunicação intercultural. O objetivo é entender a natureza do estereótipo mental e seu papel na comunicação entre interlocutores de culturas distintas. Para tanto, observa os estudantes estrangeiros em programas de intercâmbio no campus da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. O estudo define o conceito de estereótipo e explicita seu papel na comunicação intercultural; verifica sua relevância na construção das narrativas entre cu...



    Dugi, Maja


    Pri vsaki bolezni je zelo pomembna kakovost življenja pacientov. Ulcerozni kolitis je kronična bolezen, ki je znana po obdobjih mirovanja in izbruhov, kar definitivno vpliva na posameznika, ki se s tem spopada. Sooča se z raznimi omejitvami, ki vplivajo na njegov vsakdan. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je kakovost življenja bolnikov z ulceroznim kolitisom izrazito okrnjena. Ne le, da se spopadajo z bolečino, ampak tudi s psihičnimi in socialnimi posledicami, ki vplivajo na fizične aktivn...

  2. Análise do efeito imunomodulador da ouabaína na inflamação e nocicepção


    Vasconcelos, Danielle Ingrid Bezerra de


    A Ouabaína é um glicosídeo cardiotônico, inibidor da Na+/K+-ATPase, utilizada na clínica para o tratamento de insuficiência cardíaca. Atualmente, sabe-se que essa substância é endógena, e capaz de interferir em várias funções fisiológicas, inclusive em diversos aspectos do sistema imunológico. Apesar disso, pouco se sabe sobre seu envolvimento em processos inflamatórios e nociceptivos. Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a atividade da Ouabaína na inflamação aguda desencadeada pela ad...

  3. Erythrocyte 22Na+ influx in hypertension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shalev, O.; Eaton, J.W.; Ben-Ishay, D.


    We assessed 22Na+ uptake by erythrocytes (RBC) from 38 individuals with essential hypertension and 37 healthy controls. All subjects were male, white, non-obese and with normal renal function, obviating sex, race, hormonal, ponderal and renal factors known to influence RBC Na+ handling. The mean +/- sem 22Na+ uptake of the patients was 284 +/- 16 mumole/liter RBC/hour while that of normal controls was 249 +/- 11 mumole/liter RBC/hour; although the difference reached borderline significance, individual values showed considerable overlap. Consequently, in our population, RBC 22Na+ uptake is not a reliable marker for essential hypertension. We believe that previous studies should be reassessed with regard to patients' characteristics and future studies employ rigorous criteria in selection of subjects

  4. Una nueva tabla mallorquina de Rafel Mòger

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Llompart, P. Gabriel


    Full Text Available El taller pictórico de Rafel Moger fue con mucho, a juzgar por la tablajería que se ha conservado, el más notable que existió en la ciudad de Palma de Mallorca en el tercer cuarto del siglo XV. Lentamente se ha llegado a constituir el catálogo de sus pinturas religiosas y un relativo dossier documental de las religiosas y profanas, realizadas, perdidas y recuperadas a partir del tajo que abrieron los eruditos socios de la Arqueología Luliana, que se pusieron a trabajar a fines del siglo pasado, y, sobre todo, del maestro Chandler Rathfon Post que comenzó a recoger los frutos en su Historia de la Pintura hacia el año 1930.…

  5. O grotesco na imagem publicitária


    Silva, Maria João Barros


    O significado da palavra grotesco teve um começo puramente artístico numa descoberta, de imagens de figuras humanas deformadas e alteradas. No entanto, este foi evoluindo e adotando novos significados mais amplos e concretos na atualidade. É possível encontrar vários exemplos do grotesco em várias plataformas, como no cinema, na televisão e na literatura. Neste sentido, para se poder proceder ao estudo desta temática é fundamental a conquista do conhecimento sobre o estatuto do grotesco na pu...

  6. Gravidez na adolescência: tendência na produção científica de enfermagem


    Gurgel, Maria Glêdes Ibiapina; Alves, Maria Dalva Santos; Vieira, Neiva Francenely Cunha; Pinheiro, Patrícia Neyva da Costa; Barroso, Grasiela Teixeira


    A gravidez em adolescentes tem implicações biológica, psicológica, social, econômica e cultural. O estudo exploratório, descritivo e bibliográfico objetivou identificar as concepções da gravidez na adolescência, sujeito, vulnerabilidade e gênero, presentes na produção científica de Enfermagem. Foram selecionados intencionalmente quatro periódicos brasileiros e dois da América Latina indexados de 2002 a 2006 na Scientific Electronic Library. Dos 1.472 artigos identificados, 43 tinham como temá...

  7. Neutralization of Na2PO4: Reaction between Na3PO4 and CaCL2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xia Shenglan; Wang Luning


    The results of reaction Na 3 PO 4 with CaCl 2 in water at ambient and higher temperature are described. The reaction rate of Na 3 PO 4 with CaCl 2 is slow at ambient temperature and the reaction is complete at 260 deg C after 2 h. The products are Ca(OH) 2 and Ca 5 (PO 4 ) 3 (OH). The quantity of them is dependent upon the quanity of Na 3 PO 4 and CaCl 2 contained in water, all of them control pH of water

  8. Raman scattering and lattice stability of NaAlH{sub 4} and Na{sub 3}AlH{sub 6}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yukawa, H. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya 464-8603 (Japan)], E-mail:; Morisaku, N.; Li, Y.; Komiya, K.; Rong, R.; Shinzato, Y. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya 464-8603 (Japan); Sekine, R. [Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University, 836 Ohya, Shizuoka 422-8529 (Japan); Morinaga, M. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya 464-8603 (Japan)


    In situ Raman spectroscopy measurements have been performed during the decomposition of NaAlH{sub 4} in order to investigate the transition from the four-coordinated complex anion, [AlH{sub 4}]{sup -}, in NaAlH{sub 4} to the six-coordinated complex anion, [AlH{sub 6}]{sup 3-}, in Na{sub 3}AlH{sub 6}. Also, the local geometry and the Al-H vibrations are analyzed theoretically by the first-principle calculations of the electronic structures. It is found that the Raman sift at 1765 cm{sup -1} for the Al-H stretching vibration in NaAlH{sub 4} shifts towards the higher frequency side, 1801 cm{sup -1} upon melting. This Raman spectrum for the liquid phase recovers to the original position when it is cooled down to room temperature before Na{sub 3}AlH{sub 6} start to appear. The Raman peak around 1800 cm{sup -1} is still observed after the decomposition of NaAlH{sub 4} occurs to precipitate Na{sub 3}AlH{sub 6}. However, this peak does not recover to its original position by cooling, but still persists in the sample cooled down to room temperature. From these results, the intermediate transition state during the decomposition of NaAlH{sub 4} into Na{sub 3}AlH{sub 6} is discussed. In addition, it is shown from a series of calculation that the highest frequency of the Al-H vibration correlates with the shortest Al-H bond length in the MAlH{sub 4}-type and its derivative complex hydrides.

  9. Notas de pintura rupestre solutrense

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco JORDÁ CERDÁ


    Full Text Available Desde hace algún tiempo venimos sosteniendo, junto con otros prehistoriadores, la necesidad de revisar las fases establecidas para el desarrollo del arte rupestre cuaternario y su cronología. El sistema preconizado por Breuil tiene la necesaria flexibilidad para permitir las rectificaciones que el tiempo necesariamente irá imponiendo a raíz de la investigación moderna. De ahí que nuestras notas o reflexiones sean más que críticas que tiendan a desvalorizar el sistema actualmente admitido, simples rectificaciones orientadas en los nuevos puntos de vista, producto de los descubrimientos más recientes. En este sentido hemos de hacer patente la importancia que la cueva del Parpalló (Gandía, con una estratigrafía clara y definida y con una serie de hallazgos de arte mobiliar perfectamente datados, tiene para el estudio del arte rupestre hispanofrancés, del Paleolítico superior.

  10. Predstave o seksu u filmovima na temu postapokalipse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Banić-Grubišić


    Full Text Available Rad se bavi načinima predstavljanja seksualnih odnosa u filmovima na temu postapokalipse. Razmatraju se različiti oblici/vrste seksualnih veza, koje se javljaju u postkataklizmičnom okruženju, u odnosu na dva tipa zajednica/društava koja nastaju nakon kraja sveta. Ti filmovi pokazuju koliko je ideja o nagonskoj, prirodnoj, biološkoj seksualnosti raširena u popularnoj imaginaciji – seks je u postapokalipsi predstavljen kao pokretačka sila, na isti način kao što je to i glad.

  11. 23Na and 35/37Cl as NMR probes of growth and shape of sodium taurodeoxycholate micellar aggregates in the presence of NaCl. (United States)

    Asaro, Fioretta; Feruglio, Luigi; Galantini, Luciano; Nardelli, Alessia


    The growth of the aggregates of the dihydroxylated bile salt sodium taurodeoxycholate (NaTDC) upon NaCl addition and the involvement of the counterion were investigated by NMR spectroscopy of monoatomic ionic species. (23)Na T(1) values from 0.015, 0.100, and 0.200 mol kg(-1) NaTDC solutions in D(2)O, at variable NaCl content, proved to be sensitive to the transition from primary to secondary aggregates, which occurs in the former sample, and to intermicellar interaction. Some (79)Br NMR measurements were performed on a 0.100 mol kg(-1) NaTDC sample added by NaBr in place of NaCl for comparison purposes. The (23)Na, (35)Cl, and (37)Cl double quantum filtered (DQF) patterns, from the 0.100 mol kg(-1) NaTDC sample, and (23)Na ones also from the 0.200 mol kg(-1) NaTDC one, in the presence of 0.750 mol kg(-1) NaCl, are a clear manifestation of motional anisotropy. Moreover, the DQF spectra of (23)Na and (37)Cl, which possess close quadrupole moments, display a striking similarity. The DQF lineshapes were simulated exploiting the Scilab environment to obtain an estimate of the residual quadrupole splitting magnitude. These results support the description of NaTDC micelles as cylindrical aggregates, strongly interacting at high ionic strengths, and capable of association with added electrolytes. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Robust high pressure stability and negative thermal expansion in sodium-rich antiperovskites Na3OBr and Na4OI2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Yonggang; Wen, Ting; Park, Changyong; Kenney-Benson, Curtis; Pravica, Michael; Zhao, Yusheng; Yang, Wenge


    The structure stability under high pressure and thermal expansion behavior of Na 3 OBr and Na 4 OI 2 , two prototypes of alkali-metal-rich antiperovskites, were investigated by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques under high pressure and low temperature. Both are soft materials with bulk modulus of 58.6 GPa and 52.0 GPa for Na 3 OBr and Na 4 OI 2 , respectively. The cubic Na 3 OBr structure and tetragonal Na 4 OI 2 with intergrowth K 2 NiF 4 structure are stable under high pressure up to 23 GPa. Although being a characteristic layered structure, Na 4 OI 2 exhibits nearly isotropic compressibility. Negative thermal expansion was observed at low temperature range (20–80 K) in both transition-metal-free antiperovskites for the first time. The robust high pressure structure stability was examined and confirmed by first-principles calculations among various possible polymorphisms qualitatively. The results provide in-depth understanding of the negative thermal expansion and robust crystal structure stability of these antiperovskite systems and their potential applications

  13. Thermoluminescence and F centers of manganese doped NaCl and NaCl-CKl crystals exposed to gamma radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Somera, L.; Cruz Z, E.; Roman L, J.; Hernandez A, J. M.; Murrieta S, H.


    Alkali halides crystals doped with rare earths or transition metals have been widely studied due to the luminescence properties. In particular, NaCl and KCl single crystals present thermally stimulated luminescence (Tl) after gamma irradiation. The NaCl and the NaCl KCl mixed crystal doped with manganese (MnCl 2 ) impurity were grown by using the Czochralski method. The emission characteristic of Mn 2+ was observed at 543 nm. The crystals were exposed between 0.02 and 10 kGy gamma dose from 60 Co irradiator. Optical absorption at room temperature shows the peaked band at 452 nm corresponding to the manganese impurity. The F bands, was ascribed to the electron trapped in the anion vacancy in the lattice, were obtained at 452 nm and 455 nm belonging to NaCl:Mn and NaCl KCl:Mn, respectively. The F band increases as the doses increase and it was bleaching by the UV light at 470 nm. The glow curves of the samples show the first glow peak between 92-103 degrees C, while the second main peak was observed at 183 degrees C for the undoped NaCl and at 148 and 165 degrees C for the NaCl:Mn and NaCl-KCl:Mn, respectively. The main peak was slowly bleaching when the irradiated sample was illuminated with F (470 nm) light. Optical bleaching confirms that the F center has an important participation in the thermoluminescent response. The glow curves structure from the thermal bleaching suggests the participation of different kind of traps. Also, the kinetics parameters such as activation energy (E), frequency factor (s) and the kinetic order (b) were investigated. (Author)

  14. Thermoluminescence and F centers of manganese doped NaCl and NaCl-CKl crystals exposed to gamma radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Somera, L.; Cruz Z, E.; Roman L, J. [UNAM, Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico D. F. (Mexico); Hernandez A, J. M.; Murrieta S, H., E-mail: [UNAM, Instituto de Fisica, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico D. F. (Mexico)


    Alkali halides crystals doped with rare earths or transition metals have been widely studied due to the luminescence properties. In particular, NaCl and KCl single crystals present thermally stimulated luminescence (Tl) after gamma irradiation. The NaCl and the NaCl KCl mixed crystal doped with manganese (MnCl{sub 2}) impurity were grown by using the Czochralski method. The emission characteristic of Mn{sup 2+} was observed at 543 nm. The crystals were exposed between 0.02 and 10 kGy gamma dose from {sup 60}Co irradiator. Optical absorption at room temperature shows the peaked band at 452 nm corresponding to the manganese impurity. The F bands, was ascribed to the electron trapped in the anion vacancy in the lattice, were obtained at 452 nm and 455 nm belonging to NaCl:Mn and NaCl KCl:Mn, respectively. The F band increases as the doses increase and it was bleaching by the UV light at 470 nm. The glow curves of the samples show the first glow peak between 92-103 degrees C, while the second main peak was observed at 183 degrees C for the undoped NaCl and at 148 and 165 degrees C for the NaCl:Mn and NaCl-KCl:Mn, respectively. The main peak was slowly bleaching when the irradiated sample was illuminated with F (470 nm) light. Optical bleaching confirms that the F center has an important participation in the thermoluminescent response. The glow curves structure from the thermal bleaching suggests the participation of different kind of traps. Also, the kinetics parameters such as activation energy (E), frequency factor (s) and the kinetic order (b) were investigated. (Author)

  15. Occlusion of /sup 22/Na+ and /sup 86/Rb+ in membrane-bound and soluble protomeric alpha beta-units of Na,K-ATPase

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vilsen, B.; Andersen, J.P.; Petersen, J.; Jorgensen, P.L.


    In this work, we examined occlusion of /sup 22/Na+ and /sup 86/Rb+ in membranous and detergent-solubilized Na,K-ATPase from outer renal medulla. Optimum conditions for occlusion of /sup 22/Na+ were provided by formation of the phosphorylated complex from the beta,gamma-bidentate complex of chromium (III) with ATP (CrATP). Release of occluded cations occurred at equally slow rates in soluble and membrane-bound Na,K-ATPase. Values of /sup 22/Na+ occlusion as high as 11 nmol/mg of protein were measured, corresponding to 1.8-2.7 mol of Na+/mol of phosphorylated Na,K-ATPase as determined by /sup 32/P incorporation from (gamma-/sup 32/P)CrATP. Maximum capacity for phosphorylation from (gamma-/sup 32/P)CrATP was 6 nmol/mg of protein and equal to capacities for binding of (48V)vanadate and (/sup 3/H)ouabain. The stoichiometry for occlusion of Rb+ was close to 2 Rb+ ions/phosphorylation site. In an analytical ultracentrifuge, the soluble Na+- or Rb+-occluded complexes showed sedimentation velocities (S20,w = 6.8-7.4) consistent with monomeric alpha beta-units. The data show that soluble monomeric alpha beta-units of Na,K-ATPase can occlude Rb+ or Na+ with the same stoichiometry as the membrane-bound enzyme. The structural basis for occlusion of cations in Na,K-ATPase is suggested to be the formation of a cavity inside a monomeric alpha beta-unit constituting the minimum protein unit required for active Na,K-transport.

  16. Europlanet NA2 Science Networking (United States)

    Harri, Ari-Matti; Szego, Karoly; Genzer, Maria; Schmidt, Walter; Krupp, Norbert; Lammer, Helmut; Kallio, Esa; Haukka, Harri


    Europlanet RI / NA2 Science Networking [1] focused on determining the major goals of current and future European planetary science, relating them to the Research Infrastructure that the Europlanet RI project [2] developed, and placing them in a more global context. NA2 also enhanced the ability of European planetary scientists to participate on the global scene with their own agenda-setting projects and ideas. The Networking Activity NA2 included five working groups, aimed at identifying key science issues and producing reference books on major science themes that will bridge the gap between the results of present and past missions and the scientific preparation of the future ones. Within the Europlanet RI project (2009-2012) the NA2 and NA2-WGs organized thematic workshops, an expert exchange program and training groups to improve the scientific impact of this Infrastructure. The principal tasks addressed by NA2 were: • Science activities in support to the optimal use of data from past and present space missions, involving the broad planetary science community beyond the "space club" • Science activities in support to the preparation of future planetary missions: Earth-based preparatory observations, laboratory studies, R&D on advanced instrumentation and exploration technologies for the future, theory and modeling etc. • Develop scientific activities, joint publications, dedicated meetings, tools and services, education activities, engaging the public and industries • Update science themes and addressing the two main scientific objectives • Prepare and support workshops of the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern and • Support Trans National Activities (TNAs), Joined Research Activities (JRAs) and the Integrated and Distributed Information Service (IDIS) of the Europlanet project These tasks were achieved by WG workshops organized by the NA2 working groups, by ISSI workshops and by an Expert Exchange Program. There were 17 official WG

  17. NA61/SHINE ion program

    CERN Document Server

    Mackowiak, Maja


    The Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN covers one of the most interesting regions of the phase diagram (T - \\mu_{B}) of strongly interacting matter. The study of central Pb+Pb collisions by NA49 indicate that the threshold for deconfinement is reached already at the low SPS energies. Theoretical considerations predict a critical point of strongly interacting matter at energies accessible at the SPS. The NA61/SHINE experiment, a successor of the NA49 project, will study hadron production in p+p, p+A, h+A, and A+A reactions at various energies. The broad physics program includes the investigation of the properties of strongly interacting matter, as well as precision measurements of hadron spectra for the T2K neutrino experiment and for the Pierre Auger Observatory and KASCADE cosmic-ray projects. The main physics goals of the NA61/SHINE ion program are to study the properties of the onset of deconfinement at low SPS energies and to find signatures of the critical point of strongly interacting matter. To ach...

  18. Armas na escola: que fazer?

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    Raymundo de Lima


    Full Text Available

    Um aluno portava um revólver na sala de aula de uma escola de Maringá (O Diário, 30/07/2010. Ele pegou arma do pai, sem que este soubesse, para se proteger de garotos que o intimidavam. Trata-se de um caso isolado ou é hora de a escola tomar medidas preventivas? Semanas antes, tiros foram disparados dentro de uma faculdade da mesma cidade. O autor dos disparos está preso, e a faculdade tenta apagar as marcas com publicidade positiva na Tv. Em Campo Mourão, cidade a cerca de uma hora de Maringá, duas meninas foram mortas e enterradas na escola.

  19. Isotope separation of 22Na and 24Na with using light induced drift effect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hradecny, C.; Tethal, T.; Ermolaev, I.M.; Zemlyanoj, S.G.; Zuzaan, P.


    The LIDIS (Light Drift Isotope Separation) separator without a gas flow is discussed. It is shown, that atomization degree of the separated isotopes limited real separation coefficient. The better buffer gas purification allowed to increase the experimental separation factor of 22 Na and 24 Na isotopes up to 25. The new experimental set up allow to increase the separation efficiency up to 50%. 12 refs.; 5 figs

  20. A Odisséia da Imagem: Freud, Lacan e a Arte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Sklar


    Full Text Available Ousando se aproximar de outras áreas do conhecimento, a psicanálise foi também marcada, como atestam inúmeros ensaios psicanalíticos, pelo alto apreço de Freud e Lacan em relação à arte. Um deles, percorrendo as adjacências entre o discurso freudiano, a teoria lacaniana e o mundo artístico, é considerado neste artigo: O Espaço Imanente (Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1989. Este livro se aventura pelas longas divagações estético-freudianas, revendo as análises sobre o Moisés de Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci e a Gradiva de W.Jensen e os comentários de Lacan sobre o quadro de Hans Holbein, Os Embaixadores. Delas, rediscute a concepção de uma psicanálise da arte em torno da cisão entre o concreto, visível ou “externo” (o que existe concretamente na escultura de Michelangelo, na pintura de Da Vinci, no delírio do protagonista de Jensen, no quadro de Holbein, e o mental ou “interno” (o que torna a realidade pensada ou representada. Na contramarcha desta posição, assinala como o externo torna-se, também, condição para que o artista possa criar “internamente”. Insólito na leitura psicanalítica que sustenta, este ensaio agrega ao ar de liberdade que insufla a criação do artista diante de sua obra, traduzindo um aparente rompimento ou descompromisso dos conteúdos artísticos com qualquer ocorrência concreta, a organização física ou imanente dos objetos que se encontram na realidade.



    Duh, Tamara


    Hitro razvijajoči se svet nas spodbuja k hitremu reagiranju na novosti, ki se pojavljajo na trgu. Prav zaradi tega je danes zelo pomembno upravljati z mobilnimi napravami, da se lahko hitro in brez težav soočimo z morebitnimi težavami oz. zagatami. Prav iz tega razloga je mobilno poslovanje ena izmed inovativnih rešitev, ki ljudem omogoča seznanjenost z informacijami na vsakem koraku in omogoča hiter odziv na spremembe. Prav ta rešitev omogoča podjetjem, da so konkurenčna in hkrati lahko hitr...

  2. Usando a antimatéria na medicina moderna


    Machado,A.C.B.; Pleitez,V.; Tijero,M.C.


    Neste artigo, fazemos uma breve exposição de como um dos conceitos fundamentais da física moderna, a existência de antimatéria, tem aplicação na medicina, na chamada tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET na sigla em inglês). Ela consiste na produção de imagens tomográficas digitais do organismo que são obtidas pela detecção da radiação produzida na aniquilação do pósitron com o elétron.

  3. 43. Calmodulin regulating calcium sensitivity of Na channels

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    R. Vegiraju


    Full Text Available By extrapolating information from existing research and observing previous assumptions regarding the structure of the Na Channel, this experiment was conducted under the hypothesis that the Na Channel is in part regulated by the calmodulin protein, as a result proving calcium sensitivity of the Na Channel. Furthermore, we assume that there is a one to one stoichiometry between the Na Channel and the Calmodulin. There has been extensive research into the functionality and structure of sodium ion channels (Na channels, as several diseases are associated with the lack of regulation of sodium ions, that is caused by the disfunction of these Na channels. However, one highly controversial matter in the field is the importance of the protein calmodulin (CaM and calcium in Na channel function. Calmodulin is a protein that is well known for its role as a calcium binding messenger protein, and that association is believed to play an indirect role in regulating the Na channel through the Na channel’s supposed calcium sensitivity. While there are proponents for both sides, there has been relatively little research that provides strong evidence for either case. In this experiment, the effect of calmodulin on NaV 1.5 is tested by preparing a set of cardiac cells (of the human specie with the NaV 1.5 C-Termini and CaM protein, which were then to be placed in solutions with varying concentrations of calcium. We took special care to test multiple concentrations of calcium, as previous studies have tested very low concentrations, with Manu Ben-Johny’s team from the John Hopkins laboratory in particular testing up to a meager 50 micromolar, despite producing a well-respected paper (By comparison, the average Na channel can naturally sustain a concentration of almost 1-2 millimolar and on some occasions, reaching even higher concentrations. After using light scattering and observing the signals given off by the calcium interacting with these Nav1.5/Ca

  4. In vivo PTH provokes apical NHE3 and NaPi2 redistribution and Na-K-ATPase inhibition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Y; Norian, J M; Magyar, C E


    and to determine whether the same cellular signals drive the changes in apical and basolateral transporters. PTH-(1-34) (20 U), which couples to adenylate cyclase (AC), phospholipase C (PLC), and phospholipase A2 (PLA2), or [Nle8,18,Tyr34]PTH-(3-34) (10 U), which couples to PLC and PLA2 but not AC, were given....../diuresis and NHE3 and NaPi2 internalization, and that Na-K-ATPase inhibition is not secondary to depressed apical Na+ transport....

  5. Aspectos valorizados por porfissionais de enfermagem na higiene pessoal e na higiene corporal do paciente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elóide André Oliveira


    Full Text Available Survey descritivo, com o qual se objetivou identificar que aspectos da higiene corporal são valorizados pelos componentes da equipe de enfermagem, na higiene corporal pessoal e na higiene corporal do paciente. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em oito instituições públicas de saúde e a amostra foi composta por 126 profissionais de enfermagem, correspondendo a 12,8% do total de 986 componentes das equipes de enfermagem destas instituições. Na higiene corporal pessoal, chamou a atenção o fato de que os cuidados com as unhas e com os cabelos tenham suplantado, no número de citações dos profissionais de enfermagem, aspectos básicos como o cuidado com as mãos. Na higiene corporal do paciente, o banho foi o aspecto considerado mais importante pelas três categorias profissionais; a higiene oral, pelas(os enfermeiras(os e auxiliares de enfermagem; e as unhas, pelas(os enfermeiras(os e técnicas(os de enfermagem.

  6. Modulation of contraction by intracellular Na+ via Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange in single shark (Squalus acanthias) ventricular myocytes. (United States)

    Näbauer, M; Morad, M


    1. The effect of direct alteration of intracellular Na+ concentration on contractile properties of whole-cell clamped shark ventricular myocytes was studied using an array of 256 photodiodes to monitor the length of the isolated myocytes. 2. In myocytes dialysed with Na(+)-free solution, the voltage dependence of Ca2+ current (ICa) and contraction were similar and bell shaped. Contractions activated at all voltages were completely suppressed by nifedipine (5 microM), and failed to show significant tonic components, suggesting dependence of the contraction on Ca2+ influx through the L-type Ca2+ channel. 3. In myocytes dialysed with 60 mM Na+, a ICa-dependent and a ICa-independent component of contraction could be identified. The Ca2+ current-dependent component was prominent in voltages between -30 to +10 mV. The ICa-independent contractions were maintained for the duration of depolarization, increased with increasing depolarization between +10 to +100 mV, and were insensitive to nifedipine. 4. In such myocytes, repolarization produced slowly decaying inward tail currents closely related to the time course of relaxation and the degree of shortening prior to repolarization. 5. With 60 mM Na+ in the pipette solution, positive clamp potentials activated decaying outward currents which correlated to the size of contraction. These outward currents appeared to be generated by the Na(+)-Ca(2+)-exchanger since they depended on the presence of intracellular Na+, and were neither suppressed by nifedipine nor by K+ channel blockers. 6. The results suggest that in shark (Squalus acanthias) ventricular myocytes, which lack functionally relevant Ca2+ release pools, both Ca2+ channel and the Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger deliver sufficient Ca2+ to activate contraction, though the effectiveness of the latter mechanism was highly dependent on the [Na+]i. PMID:1338467


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    Heru Yuniati


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kandungan natrium (Na dan garam (NaCl dalam 10 jenis ikan asin kering yang beredar di Pasar Anyar Bogor. Analisis natrium dilakukan terhadap ikan asin mentah, setelah dicuci, dan setelah digoreng dengan menggunakan flamefometer. Analisis garam dilakukan dengan titrasi argentometri terhadap ikan asin mentah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan, kandungan Na dan garam dalam ikan asin sangat beragam besarnya berturut-turut berkisar antara 0,3-8,1% dan 5,7-21,2%. Ikan asin yang mempunyai kadar Na dan garam tinggi adalah ikan sepat, peda putih dan gabus. Jumlah air dalam ikan asin juga bervariasi, berkisar antara 10,3-46,8%. pencucian dan penggorengan dapat menurunkan kadar garam ataupun natrium sebesar 37,4%.

  8. Aprendizagem como/na prática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean Lave


    Full Text Available ResumoEste artigo considera como o estudo da cultura e da aprendizagem pode ser de particular relevância para o campo da antropologia sociocultural em geral. O termo mais importante na expressão “cultura & aprendizagem” talvez seja o logograma “&” – ou seja, coloca-se a questão sobre o que conecta cultura e aprendizagem, perguntando-se como esses termos estão relacionados. Como devemos compreender cultura e aprendizagem como instâncias produtoras delas próprias, e uma da outra, na prática? Recalibrando em termos relacionais, podemos dizer que não é possível abordar a “aprendizagem” ou “cultura e aprendizagem” sem o seu emaranhamento na vida político-econômica, nas lutas e disputas históricas, em suas coerências e incoerências, e na produção relacional e histórica da vida cotidiana. Através das lentes da teoria da prática social, os estudos etnográficos sobre aprendizagem na prática oferecem diferentes entendimentos sobre como certa vida e certas disputas e incoerências são produzidas.

  9. Metodologija analize stroškov in koristi za investicije v prometno infrastrukturo na osnovi Poročila vplivov na okolje


    Podvornik, Nina


    Povečane potrebe po prometnem omrežju vodijo k dodatnim prometnim investicijam, ki so ne glede na njihov obseg, postavitev v prostor ter učinkovitost pomemben dejavnik gospodarskega razvoja. Investicije v prometno infrastrukturo lahko na sam razvoj vplivajo pozitivno (dvig gospodarske rasti, kakovost življenja, dostopnost idr.) in tudi negativno (različni vplivi na okolje). Ker so prometne investicije zelo obsežne, je vsestranska ocena le-teh ključnega pomena pri samem prometnem načrtovanju v...

  10. Agmag Igbo dka Ngwar n'kwalite Ezi Nchekwa na Nkwsiike haobodo

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ka Najira nwerechara onwe ya n'af 1960, olileanya tt mamala ya b na ihe ga-adz mma. Mana ka oge na-aga, a chptara na ihe na-akawanye nj. Usoro chch d iche iche daptara. Nd am na nd nkt achala mana nd gara n'ihu na-akawanye nj. O bu ihe doro anya na chch ha b nke nchgbu na fnfju akpa. N'agbanyegh na ...

  11. Regulation of Epithelial Sodium Transport via Epithelial Na+ Channel (United States)

    Marunaka, Yoshinori; Niisato, Naomi; Taruno, Akiyuki; Ohta, Mariko; Miyazaki, Hiroaki; Hosogi, Shigekuni; Nakajima, Ken-ichi; Kusuzaki, Katsuyuki; Ashihara, Eishi; Nishio, Kyosuke; Iwasaki, Yoshinobu; Nakahari, Takashi; Kubota, Takahiro


    Renal epithelial Na+ transport plays an important role in homeostasis of our body fluid content and blood pressure. Further, the Na+ transport in alveolar epithelial cells essentially controls the amount of alveolar fluid that should be kept at an appropriate level for normal gas exchange. The epithelial Na+ transport is generally mediated through two steps: (1) the entry step of Na+ via epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) at the apical membrane and (2) the extrusion step of Na+ via the Na+, K+-ATPase at the basolateral membrane. In general, the Na+ entry via ENaC is the rate-limiting step. Therefore, the regulation of ENaC plays an essential role in control of blood pressure and normal gas exchange. In this paper, we discuss two major factors in ENaC regulation: (1) activity of individual ENaC and (2) number of ENaC located at the apical membrane. PMID:22028593

  12. Na+,K+ pumpen vedbliver at overraske

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vilsen, Bente


    This article provides an overview of news about the Na+,K+ pump, an indispensable enzyme whose protein structure has been described in a recent article in Nature, 50 years after its discovery. In combination with mutational analysis, the structure reveals the binding pocket for the K+ ions...... and the regulation of Na+ transport by a strategically located C-terminus of the protein. Focus is also on the pathophysiology of two neurological disorders, familial hemiplegic migraine and rapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism, recently shown to be caused by mutations in the Na+,K+-ATPase. Udgivelsesdato: may 19...

  13. Risbjerg: Historisk stemmeskred med NA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Søren Risbjerg


    ANALYSE: NA flytter 12,3 pct. af stemmerne i majs meningsmålinger - historisk mange vælgere på en måned, skriver professor Risbjerg. Udgivelsesdato: 3. juni 2007......ANALYSE: NA flytter 12,3 pct. af stemmerne i majs meningsmålinger - historisk mange vælgere på en måned, skriver professor Risbjerg. Udgivelsesdato: 3. juni 2007...

  14. Dissolution of targets for the production of Mo-99: Part 1. Influence of NaOH concentration and the addition of NaNO{sub 3} and NaNO{sub 2} on the dissolution time

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Camilo, Ruth L.; Araujo, Izilda da C.; Mindrisz, Ana C.; Forbicini, Christina A.L.G. de O., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN/SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Faced with global crisis in the production of radioisotope {sup 99}Mo, which product of decay, {sup 99}mTc, is the tracer element most often used in nuclear medicine and accounts for about 80% of all diagnostic procedures in vivo, since September 2008 Brazil is developing the project called Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB). Within the Brazilian Nuclear Program (PNB) the construction of the RMB, is seen as a long term solution to meet all domestic demand relative to the supply of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals. In the process to be studied to obtain {sup 99}Mo from irradiated UA1{sub x}-A1 LEU targets employing alkaline dissolution, processing time should be minimized, considering the short half life of {sup 99}Mo and {sup 99}mTc, about 66 h and 6 h, respectively. That makes dissolution time a significant factor in the development of the process. This paper presents the results of alkaline dissolution of scraps of Al, used to simulate the dissolution process of UA1{sub x}-A1 targets. Al corresponds to about 79% of the total weight of the UA1{sub x}-A1 target. The effect of NaOH concentration on dissolution time for the interval of 1 to 3.5 mol.L-1 was studied, keeping the molar ratio in 1Al:2.16NaOH and the initial temperature of 88 degree C. The influence of reagent composition over dissolution time was studied using three different solutions: a) 3 mol.L{sup -1} NaOH, b) 3 mol.L{sup -1} NaOH/NaNO{sub 3} and c) 3 mol.L{sup -1} NaOH/NaNO{sub 2}, keeping the same molar ratio and temperature. The results showed that the dissolution time decreases with increasing NaOH concentration and the addition of NaNO{sub 3} or NaNO{sub 2} in the NaOH solution reduces both dissolution time and volume of gases released. (author)

  15. Crystal Structure of Na3MoCl6

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Beran


    Full Text Available The ternary chloride Na3MoCl6 is obtained as red crystals from a disproportionation reaction of molybdenum dichloride, {Mo6}Cl12, in an acidic NaCl/AlCl3 melt at 350 °C. The crystal structure (trigonal, P-31c, a = 687.1(1, c = 1225.3(2 pm, Z = 2, V = 501,0(1 106 pm3 is that of Na3CrCl6: within a hexagonal closest-packing of chloride ions two thirds of the octahedral voids are filled between the AB double layers with Na+/Mo3+, and between the BA layers with Na+.

  16. Diffusion of calcium in pure and doped NaCl; Diffusion du calcium dans NaCl pur et dope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Slifkin, L; Brebec, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    We have determined, by diffusion experiments of Ca in pure and doped NaCl, the activation energy for the calcium jumps and the binding energy between calcium ion and vacancy. (authors) [French] Nous avons determine, par des mesures de diffusion du Ca dans NaCl pur et NaCl dope avec CaCl{sub 2}, l'energie d'activation relative aux sauts du calcium et l'energie de liaison lacune-calcium. (auteurs)

  17. Wizerunek ateisty i jego miejsce na konfesyjnej mapie świata na Śląsku Cieszyńskim

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zbigniew Greń


    Full Text Available The image of the atheist and his place on the confessional map of the world in Cieszyn Silesia The aim of this article is to create an image of the atheist based on historical and contemporary sources. The history of the concept of the atheist is described on the basis of the regional press, the contemporary picture of the concept – on the basis of the results of a questionnaire and discussions on religious topics on regional websites. The analysis showed that the concept of the atheist is treated as a term equivalent to the terms of members of different churches. The research shows not only the image of the atheist, but also its place in the system of perception of religious differences.   Wizerunek ateisty i jego miejsce na konfesyjnej mapie świata na Śląsku Cieszyńskim Celem niniejszego artykułu jest stworzenie obrazu ateisty na podstawie źródeł historycznych i współczesnych. Historia pojęcia ateisty została opisana na podstawie prasy regionalnej, współczesny obraz – na podstawie wyników ankiet i dyskusji na tematy religijne na regionalnych stronach internetowych. Analiza wykazała, że pojęcie ateisty jest traktowane jako pojęcie równorzędne z określeniami członków różnych Kościołów. W wyniku badań przedstawiono nie tylko wizerunek ateisty, lecz także jego miejsce w systemie postrzegania różnic wyznaniowych.

  18. Mabadiliko Ya Kifonolojia Na Kimofolojia Wakati Wa Utohozi Wa ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mwingiliano wa lugha ya Kiswahili na Kiarabu una historia ndefu kidogo. Inasemekana Waarabu walianza muwasala na 'Waswahili' tangu karne ya kwanza (BK) (Polome 1967:9). Kutokana na muwasala huo wa muda mrefu, lugha hizi mbili (Kiarabu na Kiswahili) zimeathiriana sana. Lakini kuna maoni kwamba Kiarabu ...

  19. Aqueous partial molar heat capacities and volumes for NaReO4 and NaTcO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemire, R.J.; Saluja, P.P.S.; Campbell, A.B.


    As part of the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program, data are required to model the equilibrium thermodynamic behavior of key radionuclides at temperatures above 25 degree C. A flow microcalorimeter/densimeter system has been commissioned to measure heat capacities and densities of solutions containing radioactive species. Measurements for solutions of aqueous NaReO 4 (a common analogue for NaTcO 4 ) were made at seven temperatures (15 to 100 degree C) over the concentration range 0.05 to 0.2 mol·kg -1 . Subsequently, measurements were made for NaTcO 4 solutions under similar conditions. The heat capacity and density data are analyzed using Pitzer's ion-interaction model, and values of the NaReO 4 partial molar heat capacities are compared to literature values based on integral heats of solution. The agreement between the two sets of NaReO 4 data is good below 75 degree C, but only fair at the higher temperatures. Values of the partial molar volumes have also been derived. The uncertainties introduced by using thermodynamic data for ReO 4 - , in the absence of data for TcO 4 - , are discussed

  20. Effects of dietary Na+ deprivation on epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC, BDNF, and TrkB mRNA expression in the rat tongue

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stähler Frauke


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In rodents, dietary Na+ deprivation reduces gustatory responses of primary taste fibers and central taste neurons to lingual Na+ stimulation. However, in the rat taste bud cells Na+ deprivation increases the number of amiloride sensitive epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC, which are considered as the "receptor" of the Na+ component of salt taste. To explore the mechanisms, the expression of the three ENaC subunits (α, β and γ in taste buds were observed from rats fed with diets containing either 0.03% (Na+ deprivation or 1% (control NaCl for 15 days, by using in situ hybridization and real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR. Since BDNF/TrkB signaling is involved in the neural innervation of taste buds, the effects of Na+ deprivation on BDNF and its receptor TrkB expression in the rat taste buds were also examined. Results In situ hybridization analysis showed that all three ENaC subunit mRNAs were found in the rat fungiform taste buds and lingual epithelia, but in the vallate and foliate taste buds, only α ENaC mRNA was easily detected, while β and γ ENaC mRNAs were much less than those in the fungiform taste buds. Between control and low Na+ fed animals, the numbers of taste bud cells expressing α, β and γ ENaC subunits were not significantly different in the fungiform, vallate and foliate taste buds, respectively. Similarly, qRT-PCR also indicated that Na+ deprivation had no effect on any ENaC subunit expression in the three types of taste buds. However, Na+ deprivation reduced BDNF mRNA expression by 50% in the fungiform taste buds, but not in the vallate and foliate taste buds. The expression of TrkB was not different between control and Na+ deprived rats, irrespective of the taste papillae type. Conclusion The findings demonstrate that dietary Na+ deprivation does not change ENaC mRNA expression in rat taste buds, but reduces BDNF mRNA expression in the fungiform taste buds. Given the roles of BDNF in survival of

  1. Hydrogen production by sodium borohydride in NaOH aqueous solution (United States)

    Wang, Q.; Zhang, L. F.; Zhao, Z. G.


    The kinetics of hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4 in NaOH aqueous solution is studied. The influence of pH of the NaOH aqueous solution on the rate of hydrogen production and the hydrogen production efficiency are studied for the hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4. The results show that the activation energy of hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4 increased with the increase of the initial pH of NaOH aqueous solution.With the increasing of the initial pH of NaOH aqueous solution, the rate of hydrogen production and hydrogen production efficiency of NaBH4 hydrolysis decrease.

  2. Altered Regulation of type 3 Na+/H+ exchanger, type 1 Na+/HCO3- cotransporter, and Na+,K+-ATPase in the Kidney of Rats with Experimental Rhabdomyolysis (United States)

    Ma, Seong Kwon; Bae, Eun Hui; Lee, JongUn; Kim, Sun Young; Kim, Sung Zoo; Choi, Ki Chul


    Metabolic acidosis was shown to correlate with deterioration of renal function in patients with rhabdomyolysis. The present study was aimed to investigate whether the changes of type 3 Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE3), type 1 Na+/HCO3- cotransporter (NBC1), and Na+,K+-ATPase α1 subunit may play a role in the pathogenesis of metabolic acidosis in glycerol-induced experimental rhabdomyolysis. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were deprived of fluid intake for 24 hours, and then were injected with 50% glycerol in normal saline (10 mL/kg, intramuscularly). At 24 hours after the glycerol injection, rats were sacrificed by decapitation. Control rats were injected with normal saline. The protein expression of NHE3, NBC1 and Na+,K+-ATPase α1 subunit was determined in the cortex of the kidney by immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. Following the treatment of glycerol, creatinine clearance was significantly decreased, and high anion gap metabolic acidosis developed. In the experimental group, the expression of Na+,K+-ATPase α1 subunit was significantly decreased in the cortex of the kidney. On the contrary, the expression of NHE3 and NBC1 was significantly increased. Immunohistochemical analyses confirmed the immunoblotting data. In conclusion, the coordinate up-regulation of NHE3 and NBC1 may play an adaptive role against the metabolic acidosis in glycerol-induced rhabdomyolysis. PMID:24459502

  3. K+ congeners that do not compromise Na+ activation of the Na+,K+-ATPase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahmmoud, Yasser A; Kopec, Wojciech; Khandelia, Himanshu


    The Na(+),K(+)-ATPase is essential for ionic homeostasis in animal cells. The dephosphoenzyme contains Na(+) selective inward facing sites, whereas the phosphoenzyme contains K(+) selective outward facing sites. Under normal physiological conditions, K(+) inhibits cytoplasmic Na(+) activation...

  4. Kupokelewa Zaidi Kwa Simu Ya Mkononi Kuliko Kompyuta Na ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mtandao wa tovuti ni nyenzo ya msingi katika maendeleo ya uwanja wa mawasiliano unaounganisha watu na jamii mbalimbali katika ulimwengu wa leo unaotandawaa. Katika “ulimwengu wa kwanza na wa pili”, yaani mabara ya Amerika, Uropa na Asia, maendeleo na mapinduzi makubwa katika uwanja wa teknolojia ya ...

  5. Silicene for Na-ion battery applications

    KAUST Repository

    Zhu, Jiajie; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo


    Na-ion batteries are promising candidates to replace Li-ion batteries in large scale applications because of the advantages in natural abundance and cost of Na. Silicene has potential as the anode in Li-ion batteries but so far has not received

  6. Coulomb excitation of radioactive 20, 21Na (United States)

    Schumaker, M. A.; Cline, D.; Hackman, G.; Pearson, C.; Svensson, C. E.; Wu, C. Y.; Andreyev, A.; Austin, R. A. E.; Ball, G. C.; Bandyopadhyay, D.; Becker, J. A.; Boston, A. J.; Boston, H. C.; Buchmann, L.; Churchman, R.; Cifarelli, F.; Cooper, R. J.; Cross, D. S.; Dashdorj, D.; Demand, G. A.; Dimmock, M. R.; Drake, T. E.; Finlay, P.; Gallant, A. T.; Garrett, P. E.; Green, K. L.; Grint, A. N.; Grinyer, G. F.; Harkness, L. J.; Hayes, A. B.; Kanungo, R.; Lisetskiy, A. F.; Leach, K. G.; Lee, G.; Maharaj, R.; Martin, J.-P.; Moisan, F.; Morton, A. C.; Mythili, S.; Nelson, L.; Newman, O.; Nolan, P. J.; Orce, J. N.; Padilla-Rodal, E.; Phillips, A. A.; Porter-Peden, M.; Ressler, J. J.; Roy, R.; Ruiz, C.; Sarazin, F.; Scraggs, D. P.; Waddington, J. C.; Wan, J. M.; Whitbeck, A.; Williams, S. J.; Wong, J.


    The low-energy structures of the radioactive nuclei 20, 21Na have been examined using Coulomb excitation at the TRIUMF-ISAC radioactive ion beam facility. Beams of ˜ 5×106 ions/s were accelerated to 1.7MeV/A and Coulomb excited in a 0.5mg/cm^2 natTi target. Two TIGRESS HPGe clover detectors perpendicular to the beam axis were used for γ -ray detection, while scattered nuclei were observed by the Si detector BAMBINO. For 21Na , Coulomb excitation from the 3/2+ ground state to the first excited 5/2+ state was observed, while for 20Na , Coulomb excitation was observed from the 2+ ground state to the first excited 3+ and 4+ states. For both beams, B ( λ L) values were determined using the 2+ rightarrow 0+ de-excitation in 48Ti as a reference. The resulting B( E2) ↓ value for 21Na is 137±9 e^2fm^4, while the resulting B( λ L) ↓ values for 20Na are 55±6 e^2fm^4 for the 3+ rightarrow 2+ , 35.7±5.7 e^2 fm^4 for the 4+ rightarrow 2+ , and 0.154±0.030 μ_ N^2 for the 4+ rightarrow 3+ transitions. This analysis significantly improves the measurement of the 21Na B( E2) value, and provides the first experimental determination of B( λ L) values for the proton dripline nucleus 20Na .-1

  7. Detailed investigation of Na2.24FePO4CO3 as a cathode material for Na-ion batteries (United States)

    Huang, Weifeng; Zhou, Jing; Li, Biao; Ma, Jin; Tao, Shi; Xia, Dingguo; Chu, Wangsheng; Wu, Ziyu


    Na-ion batteries are gaining an increased recognition as the next generation low cost energy storage devices. Here, we present a characterization of Na3FePO4CO3 nanoplates as a novel cathode material for sodium ion batteries. First-principles calculations reveal that there are two paths for Na ion migration along b and c axis. In-situ and ex-situ Fe K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) point out that in Na3FePO4CO3 both Fe2+/Fe3+ and Fe3+/Fe4+ redox couples are electrochemically active, suggesting also the existence of a two-electron intercalation reaction. Ex-situ X-ray powder diffraction data demonstrates that the crystalline structure of Na3FePO4CO3 remains stable during the charging/discharging process within the range 2.0–4.55 V. PMID:24595232

  8. Artesanato na terceira idade: um estudo na cidade de Sinop no ano de 2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosane Marlene Weber


    Full Text Available Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo mostrar a importância do artesanato na Terceira Idade como atividade educacional e de autonomia para os idosos. Por existir uma preocupação com a qualidade de vida da Terceira Idade e sua autonomia, nesta fase que muitos acabam ficando dependentes dos membros da família, espera-se encontrar através da arte uma motivação e uma forma de demonstrar a autoria por meio do fazer, criar e recriar com o artesanato. Aprender e ensinar são um processo contínuo na vida do ser humano, independente da idade, para Paulo Freire precisamos ter consciência de que somos inacabados, e sendo conscientes de nossa inconclusão, devemos viver num permanente movimento de busca. Essa é uma das causas pelas quais será pesquisada a prática formativa/educacional por meio do artesanato na Terceira Idade. Os motivos que levaram a escolha desta pesquisa com o artesanato na Terceira Idade é o fato de ter vivido uma experiência de trabalho na ala geriátrica de um hospital. Já o artesanato é a arte que fascina, e acreditamos que sempre há tempo para recomeçar, para descobrir algo que possa trazer qualidade para nossa vida. Devido ao crescimento cada vez maior da expectativa de vida em nosso país, cria-se uma preocupação com a qualidade de vida das pessoas da Terceira Idade. Em relação aos aspectos educacionais e culturais, esta pesquisa deseja compreender como o artesanato pode trazer motivação para as pessoas da Terceira Idade como forma de autoria e autonomia, nesta fase da vida, na cidade de Sinop, e quais os motivos que os levam a realizar esse tipo de atividade. Para investigação teórica desta pesquisa do Artesanato na Terceira Idade: um estudo na cidade de Sinop em 2011 usaremos bibliografia de vários autores, mas em especial os que dedicam seus estudos a esta faixa etária, como a coleção de Vivaidade, que tem como organizadora principal Anita Liberalesso Neri. Os autores desta coleção nos trazem a reflex

  9. Biphasic voltage-dependent inactivation of human NaV 1.3, 1.6 and 1.7 Na+ channels expressed in rodent insulin-secreting cells. (United States)

    Godazgar, Mahdieh; Zhang, Quan; Chibalina, Margarita V; Rorsman, Patrik


    Na + current inactivation is biphasic in insulin-secreting cells, proceeding with two voltage dependences that are half-maximal at ∼-100 mV and -60 mV. Inactivation of voltage-gated Na + (Na V ) channels occurs at ∼30 mV more negative voltages in insulin-secreting Ins1 and primary β-cells than in HEK, CHO or glucagon-secreting αTC1-6 cells. The difference in inactivation between Ins1 and non-β-cells persists in the inside-out patch configuration, discounting an involvement of a diffusible factor. In Ins1 cells and primary β-cells, but not in HEK cells, inactivation of a single Na V subtype is biphasic and follows two voltage dependences separated by 30-40 mV. We propose that Na V channels adopt different inactivation behaviours depending on the local membrane environment. Pancreatic β-cells are equipped with voltage-gated Na + channels that undergo biphasic voltage-dependent steady-state inactivation. A small Na + current component (10-15%) inactivates over physiological membrane potentials and contributes to action potential firing. However, the major Na + channel component is completely inactivated at -90 to -80 mV and is therefore inactive in the β-cell. It has been proposed that the biphasic inactivation reflects the contribution of different Na V α-subunits. We tested this possibility by expression of TTX-resistant variants of the Na V subunits found in β-cells (Na V 1.3, Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.7) in insulin-secreting Ins1 cells and in non-β-cells (including HEK and CHO cells). We found that all Na V subunits inactivated at 20-30 mV more negative membrane potentials in Ins1 cells than in HEK or CHO cells. The more negative inactivation in Ins1 cells does not involve a diffusible intracellular factor because the difference between Ins1 and CHO persisted after excision of the membrane. Na V 1.7 inactivated at 15--20 mV more negative membrane potentials than Na V 1.3 and Na V 1.6 in Ins1 cells but this small difference is insufficient to solely

  10. A neural network potential energy surface for the NaH2 system and dynamics studies on the H(2S) + NaH(X1Σ+) → Na(2S) + H2(X1Σg+) reaction. (United States)

    Wang, Shufen; Yuan, Jiuchuang; Li, Huixing; Chen, Maodu


    In order to study the dynamics of the reaction H( 2 S) + NaH(X 1 Σ + ) → Na( 2 S) + H 2 (X 1 Σ g + ), a new potential energy surface (PES) for the ground state of the NaH 2 system is constructed based on 35 730 ab initio energy points. Using basis sets of quadruple zeta quality, multireference configuration interaction calculations with Davidson correction were carried out to obtain the ab initio energy points. The neural network method is used to fit the PES, and the root mean square error is very small (0.00639 eV). The bond lengths, dissociation energies, zero-point energies and spectroscopic constants of H 2 (X 1 Σ g + ) and NaH(X 1 Σ + ) obtained on the new NaH 2 PES are in good agreement with the experiment data. On the new PES, the reactant coordinate-based time-dependent wave packet method is applied to study the reaction dynamics of H( 2 S) + NaH(X 1 Σ + ) → Na( 2 S) + H 2 (X 1 Σ g + ), and the reaction probabilities, integral cross-sections (ICSs) and differential cross-sections (DCSs) are obtained. There is no threshold in the reaction due to the absence of an energy barrier on the minimum energy path. When the collision energy increases, the ICSs decrease from a high value at low collision energy. The DCS results show that the angular distribution of the product molecules tends to the forward direction. Compared with the LiH 2 system, the NaH 2 system has a larger mass and the PES has a larger well at the H-NaH configuration, which leads to a higher ICS value in the H( 2 S) + NaH(X 1 Σ + ) → Na( 2 S) + H 2 (X 1 Σ g + ) reaction. Because the H( 2 S) + NaH(X 1 Σ + ) → Na( 2 S) + H 2 (X 1 Σ g + ) reaction releases more energy, the product molecules can be excited to a higher vibrational state.

  11. Effect of chloride substitution on the order–disorder transition in NaBH{sub 4} and Na{sup 11}BD{sub 4}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olsen, Jørn Eirik [Institute for Energy Technology, Physics Department, P.O. Box 40, NO-2027 Kjeller (Norway); Karen, Pavel [University of Oslo, Department of Chemistry, P.O. Box 1033 Blindern, NO-0315 Oslo (Norway); Sørby, Magnus H. [Institute for Energy Technology, Physics Department, P.O. Box 40, NO-2027 Kjeller (Norway); Hauback, Bjørn C., E-mail: [Institute for Energy Technology, Physics Department, P.O. Box 40, NO-2027 Kjeller (Norway)


    Graphical abstract: Interactions that order the BD{sub 4}{sup -} tetrahedra below the order–disorder transition became increasingly frustrated by the solute in the Na({sup 11}BD{sub 4}){sub 1−x}Cl{sub x} solid solutions, and the order disappears at x = 0.158. Highlights: • The order–disorder transition temperature for Na(BH{sub 4}){sub 1−x}Cl{sub x} and Na({sup 11}BD{sub 4}){sub 1−x}Cl{sub x} is highly dependent on the Cl-content, x. • The transition is characterized by DSC for Na({sup 11}BD{sub 4}){sub 1−x}Cl{sub x} for x = 0, 0.10 and 0.15. • No transition is observed for x ⩾ 0.20 on cooling to 8 K. • The crystal structures are reported for Na{sup 11}BD{sub 4} at room temperature and 8 K and Na({sup 11}BD{sub 4}){sub 1−x}Cl{sub x} (x = 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25) at 8 K from powder neutron diffraction. -- Abstract: Phase transition associated with anion disordering over two orientations in Na{sup 11}BD{sub 4} (NaBH{sub 4}) and its solid solutions with NaCl, Na({sup 11}BD{sub 4}){sub 1−x}Cl{sub x}, is investigated with powder diffraction (neutron and synchrotron radiation), differential scanning calorimetry and Raman spectroscopy. Upon heating, the transition temperature extrapolated to zero rate of heating is 192.2 K for Na{sup 11}BD{sub 4}, ΔS = 4.41 J/mol K, hysteresis 1.7 K and the volume increase 0.43%. Thermal parameters of the transition in Na({sup 11}BD{sub 4}){sub 1−x}Cl{sub x} follow a colligative-property model of an ideal solution, with x = 0.158(1) as the critical concentration at which the ordering interactions and the transition itself are eliminated. On approaching this limit, the tetragonal distortion of the ordered structure decreases somewhat towards the cubic average, and this is associated with a partial disorder of the tetrahedral anions seen by diffraction methods. In fact, a 3% disorder is already present in the pure solvent of the solid solution (Na{sup 11}BD{sub 4}) at 8 K.

  12. Entre a figura e o abstrato: instâncias do pensamento

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    Eduardo Augusto Alves Almeida


    Full Text Available Por meio de texto e pintura, este artigo visa discutir a possibilidade de habitar certo intervalo entre polos extremistas, e, a partir da estética, rever paradigmas dos pensamentos moderno e contemporâneo.

  13. TweetNaCl : a crypto library in 100 tweets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bernstein, D.J.; van Gastel, B.; Janssen, W.; Lange, T.; Schwabe, P.; Smetsers, S.; Aranha, D.F.; Menezes, A.


    This paper introduces TweetNaCl, a compact reimplementation of the NaCl library, including all 25 of the NaCl functions used by applications. TweetNaCl is published on Twitter and fits into just 100 tweets; the tweets are available from anywhere, any time, in an unsuspicious way. Distribution via

  14. Na7 [Fe2S6 ] , Na2 [FeS2 ] and Na2 [FeSe2 ] : New 'reduced' sodium chalcogenido ferrates (United States)

    Stüble, Pirmin; Peschke, Simon; Johrendt, Dirk; Röhr, Caroline


    Three new 'reduced' FeII containing sodium chalcogenido ferrates were obtained applying a reductive synthetic route. The mixed-valent sulfido ferrate Na7 [Fe2S6 ] , which forms bar-shaped crystals with metallic greenish luster, was synthesized in pure phase from natural pyrite and elemental sodium at a maximum temperature of 800 °C. Its centrosymmetric triclinic structure (SG P 1 bar , a = 764.15(2), b = 1153.70(2), c = 1272.58(3) pm, α = 62.3325 (7) , β = 72.8345 (8) , γ = 84.6394 (8) ° , Z = 3, R1 = 0.0185) exhibits two crystallographically different [Fe2S6 ] 7 - dimers of edge-sharing [FeS4 ] tetrahedra, with somewhat larger Fe-S distances than in the fully oxidized FeIII dimers of e.g. Na6 [Fe2III S6 ] . In contrast to the localized AFM ordered pure di-ferrates(III), the Curie-Weiss behavior of the magnetic susceptibility proves the rarely observed valence-delocalized S = 9/2 state of the mixed-valent FeIII /FeII dimer. The nearly spin-only value of the magnetic moment combined with the chemical bonding not generally differing from that in pure ferrates(II) and (III), provides a striking argument, that the reduction of the local Fe spin moments observed in all condensed sulfido ferrate moieties is connected with the AFM spin ordering. The two isotypic ferrates(II) Na2 [FeS2 ] and Na2 [FeSe2 ] with chain-like structural units (SG Ibam, a = 643.54(8)/ 660.81(1), b = 1140.2(2)/1190.30(2) c = 562.90(6)/585.59(1) pm, Z = 4, R1 = 0.0372/0.0466) crystallize in the K2 [ZnO2 ] -type structure. Although representing merely further members of the common series of chalcogenido metallates(II) Na2 [MIIQ2 ] , these two new phases, together with Na6 [FeS4 ] and Li2 [FeS2 ] , are the only examples of pure FeII alkali chalcogenido ferrates. The new compounds allow for a general comparison of di- and chain ferrates(II) and (III) and mixed-valent analogs concerning the electronic and magnetic properties (including Heisenberg super-exchange and double-exchange interactions



    Spes, Katja


    V diplomski nalogi smo s pomočjo literature opisali simboliko osnovnih barv, vpliv, ki ga imajo na ljudi, ter njihov pomen v oglasnih sporočilih. Omejili smo se na tiskane oglase (plakate, časopise, revije, neposredno pošto in embalažo) in opisali njihove prednosti in slabosti. Z anketnim vprašalnikom smo ugotavljali, na katere barve smo najbolj pozorni in katerim lastnostim se posamezne barve bolj približajo. Osredotočili smo se na sedem barv

  16. O texto: lugar de encontro entre a língua natural e a arte literária

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    Ângela Vaz Leão


    Full Text Available Considerando o texto literário como o lugar de encontro entre a língua natural e a arte verbal, este trabalho faz uma análise estilística de um poema de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, “Festa no brejo”, publicado em Alguma poesia (1930. Descodificando as metáforas e interpretando os valores conotativos dos significantes em função do momento da criação do poema, a análise procura fazer uma leitura não só do enunciado mas também da enunciação, de modo a construir uma alegoria de sentido político historicamente datada.  

  17. Novos rumos para o Drama: August Strindberg e a realização de Rumo a Damasco.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Afonso Monteiro Rabelo


    Full Text Available Este artigo comenta a importância de August Strindberg para a dramaturgia do século XX, as principais características de sua obra e o que representa o surgimento de um gênero dramático inédito: a peça-sonho. O enredo da peça e seus símbolos mais importantes exemplificando as intenções do dramaturgo, a suas referências ao teatro medieval e o uso de alegorias. Como se deu a estreia de “Rumo a Damasco” e a visão de Strindberg sobre o teatro, além da recepção da crítica e montagens importantes que se seguiram.

  18. Lipopolysaccharide hyperpolarizes guinea pig airway epithelium by increasing the activities of the epithelial Na(+) channel and the Na(+)-K(+) pump. (United States)

    Dodrill, Michael W; Fedan, Jeffrey S


    Earlier, we found that systemic administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 4 mg/kg) hyperpolarized the transepithelial potential difference (V(t)) of tracheal epithelium in the isolated, perfused trachea (IPT) of the guinea pig 18 h after injection. As well, LPS increased the hyperpolarization component of the response to basolateral methacholine, and potentiated the epithelium-derived relaxing factor-mediated relaxation responses to hyperosmolar solutions applied to the apical membrane. We hypothesized that LPS stimulates the transepithelial movement of Na(+) via the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC)/Na(+)-K(+) pump axis, leading to hyperpolarization of V(t). LPS increased the V(t)-depolarizing response to amiloride (10 μM), i.e., offset the effect of LPS, indicating that Na(+) transport activity was increased. The functional activity of ENaC was measured in the IPT after short-circuiting the Na(+)-K(+) pump with basolateral amphotericin B (7.5 μM). LPS had no effect on the hyperpolarization response to apical trypsin (100 U/ml) in the Ussing chamber, indicating that channel-activating proteases are not involved in the LPS-induced activation of ENaC. To assess Na(+)-K(+) pump activity in the IPT, ENaC was short-circuited with apical amphotericin B. The greater V(t) in the presence of amphotericin B in tracheas from LPS-treated animals compared with controls revealed that LPS increased Na(+)-K(+) pump activity. This finding was confirmed in the Ussing chamber by inhibiting the Na(+)-K(+) pump via extracellular K(+) removal, loading the epithelium with Na(+), and observing a greater hyperpolarization response to K(+) restoration. Together, the findings of this study reveal that LPS hyperpolarizes the airway epithelium by increasing the activities of ENaC and the Na(+)-K(+) pump.

  19. Redetermination of Na(3)TaF(8). (United States)

    Langer, Vratislav; Smrcok, Lubomír; Boca, Miroslav


    The crystal structure of trisodium octafluoridotantalate, Na(3)TaF(8), has been redetermined using diffractometer data collected at 153 K, resulting in more accurate bond distances and angles than obtained from a previous structure determination based on film data. The structure is built from layers running along [101], which are formed by distorted [TaF(8)] antiprisms and [NaF(6)] rectangular bipyramids sharing edges and corners. The individual layers are separated by eight-coordinated Na ions. Two atoms in the asymmetric unit are in special positions: the Ta atom is on a twofold axis in Wyckoff position 4e and one of the Na ions lies on an inversion centre in Wyckoff site 4d.

  20. ser precoce na intervenção


    Bernardo, Ana Carolina Couto


    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: Educação Especial, área de especialização em Domínio da Intervenção Precoce na Infância Este estudo centra-se na implementação de uma Escola de Mães, programa de educação parental realizado em seis sessões na freguesia de Calhetas, ilha de S. Miguel, e na avaliação comparativa, anterior e posterior ao programa, das três mães participantes no que...

  1. Na+/H+ exchange activity in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis. (United States)

    Qiu, Quan-Sheng; Barkla, Bronwyn J; Vera-Estrella, Rosario; Zhu, Jian-Kang; Schumaker, Karen S


    In plants, Na+/H+ exchangers in the plasma membrane are critical for growth in high levels of salt, removing toxic Na+ from the cytoplasm by transport out of the cell. The molecular identity of a plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger in Arabidopsis (SOS1) has recently been determined. In this study, immunological analysis provided evidence that SOS1 localizes to the plasma membrane of leaves and roots. To characterize the transport activity of this protein, purified plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from leaves of Arabidopsis. Na+/H+ exchange activity, monitored as the ability of Na to dissipate an established pH gradient, was absent in plants grown without salt. However, exchange activity was induced when plants were grown in 250 mm NaCl and increased with prolonged salt exposure up to 8 d. H+-coupled exchange was specific for Na, because chloride salts of other monovalent cations did not dissipate the pH gradient. Na+/H+ exchange activity was dependent on Na (substrate) concentration, and kinetic analysis indicated that the affinity (apparent Km) of the transporter for Na+ is 22.8 mm. Data from two experimental approaches supports electroneutral exchange (one Na+ exchanged for one proton): (a) no change in membrane potential was measured during the exchange reaction, and (b) Na+/H+ exchange was unaffected by the presence or absence of a membrane potential. Results from this research provide a framework for future studies into the regulation of the plant plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger and its relative contribution to the maintenance of cellular Na+ homeostasis during plant growth in salt.

  2. Thermophysical properties of Na2Th (MoO4)3 (s) and Na4Th (MoO4)4 (s)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dash, Smruti; Rakshit, S.K.; Singh, Ziley; Keskar, Meera; Dahale, N.D.


    The heat capacity of Na 2 Th (MoO 4 ) 3 (s) and Na 4 Th (MoO 4 ) 4 (s) have been measured by differential scanning calorimeter in the temperature range 318 to 845 K. The corresponding values are: C p,m (Na 2 Th (MoO 4 ) 3 ,s,T) (JK-1 mol-1) 368.710+ 1.0 10-1 (T/K) - 4950267 (K/T)2 (318 ≤ T (K) ≤ 845). C p,m (Na 4 Th (MoO 4 ) 4 ,s,T) (JK-1 mol-1) = 638.761+ 5.12 10-3 (T/K) - 12691691 (K/T)-2 (318 ≤ T (K) ≤ 845). Experimental heat capacity values for Na 2 Th (MoO 4 ) 3 (s) match reasonably well with that of additive oxide values. But C p,m (T) values of Na 4 Th (MoO 4 ) 4 (s) deviates substantially from the additive oxide values above 700 K. The uncertainty of the measurements reported in this study is calculated to be within 1 to 3 % . (author)

  3. Caminhos e descaminhos do dicionário

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adja Balbino de Amorim Barbieri Durão


    O dicionário tem uma longa história. Dependendo do objetivo que se tenha em mente ao fazer o resgate de sua história, pode-se dizer que as primeiras manifestações humanas relacionadas à produção de imagens e de linguagem icônica são as pinturas rupestres, as quais pertencem à época conhecida como Pré-História. Tais pinturas mostram não apenas cenas da vida diária dos homens daquele período histórico como também são consideradas, por alguns, rudimentos da escrita sistêmica e, embora não devam ser consideradas como escrita propriamente dita, foram o primeiro passo que o homem deu no caminho da escrita, podendo, assim, ser relacionadas à história dos dicionários.

  4. Optimization and kinetics decomposition of monazite using NaOH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MV Purwani; Suyanti; Deddy Husnurrofiq


    Decomposition of monazite with NaOH has been done. Decomposition performed at high temperature on furnace. The parameters studied were the comparison NaOH / monazite, temperature and time decomposition. From the research decomposition for 100 grams of monazite with NaOH, it can be concluded that the greater the ratio of NaOH / monazite, the greater the conversion. In the temperature influences decomposition 400 - 700°C, the greater the reaction rate constant with increasing temperature greater decomposition. Comparison NaOH / monazite optimum was 1.5 and the optimum time of 3 hours. Relations ratio NaOH / monazite with conversion (x) following the polynomial equation y = 0.1579x 2 – 0.2855x + 0.8301 (y = conversion and x = ratio of NaOH/monazite). Decomposition reaction of monazite with NaOH was second orde reaction, the relationship between temperature (T) with a reaction rate constant (k), k = 6.106.e - 1006.8 /T or ln k = - 1006.8/T + 6.106, frequency factor A = 448.541, activation energy E = 8.371 kJ/mol. (author)

  5. The loss of Na and Cl during the pyrolysis of a NaCl-loaded brown coal sample

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mody, D.; Li, C.Z.


    A Victorian brown coal was physically loaded with NaCl and pyrolyzed in a quartz fluidized-bed reactor. The fluidized-bed reactor was equipped with a quartz frit in the freeboard zone to enable the total devolatilization of the coal particles. The introduction of NaCl into the coal has caused only minor reductions in the weight loss. A significant amount of chlorine was volatilized during pyrolysis at temperatures as low as 200 C. At temperatures around 400--500 C where the loss of sodium was not very significant, about 70% of chlorine was volatilized from the coal particles. With the volatilization of chlorine at this temperature level, sodium must have been bonded to the char matrix. With increasing temperature, the volatilization of chlorine decreased and then increased again, whereas the volatilization of sodium increased monotonically with increasing temperature. Almost all the Na in coal could be volatilized at temperatures higher than about 800 C. These experimental results clearly indicate that chlorine and Na interacted strongly with coal/char at high temperatures. Na and Cl in the coal did not volatilize as NaCl molecules. Significant amounts of species containing a COO-group such as acetate, formate and oxalate were observed in the pyrolysis products although the exact forms of these species (i.e., as acids, salts or esters) in the pyrolysis product remain unknown. The yields of the species containing a COO-group decreased with increasing temperature, possibly due to the intensified thermal cracking reactions at high temperatures.

  6. Avaliação do tratamento térmico na composição química e na qualidade da cajuína Evaluation of the thermal treatment on the chemical composition and quality of "cajuína" beverage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronaldo Ferreira do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi estudado o efeito do processo de tratamento térmico na qualidade e composição química da bebida cajuína quando submetida ao cozimento sob temperatura constante de 100ºC durante 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00 e 4:00 horas. Alíquotas foram coletadas em cada tempo de aquecimento e analisadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE em relação aos ácidos (cítrico e ascórbico, aldeídos furânicos (5-hidroximetilfurfural e furfural e açúcares (frutose, glicose e frutose. Os resultados foram reprodutíveis e indicaram que as cajuínas comerciais do estado do Ceará apresentam uma grande diversidade quanto ao processo de cozimento e ao teor de vitamina C, causados principalmente por processos térmicos inadequados. O tempo mais adequado sugerido para o "cozimento" da cajuína está em torno de 2:00h. O trabalho também aponta a combinação das análises de 5-HMF, furfural, ácido ascórbico e teor de ácido ascórbico/ácido cítrico como uma metodologia alternativa para a avaliação da qualidade da cajuína.In this work the effect of the thermal process on the quality and chemical composition of the beverage cajuína was studied. Cajuína is basically clarified cashew juice. Samples of cajuína were submitted to thermal processes, of constant heating (100ºC for 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00 and 4:00 hours. The samples were subsequently analyzed by HPLC for glucose, fructose, citric acid, ascorbic acid, hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF and furfural. The results showed that the commercial cajuína beverage of Ceará State presented a great diversity in process standardization and vitamin C content, caused by inadequate thermal processing. The process is more efficient with a time period of 2:00hs. The work also indicates a combination of the analyses of 5-HMF, furfural and ascorbic acid and the ratio ascorbic acid/citric acid, as an alternative methodology for the evaluation of cajuína quality.

  7. Measurement and modeling of CO2 solubility in NaCl brine and CO2–saturated NaCl brine density

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yan, Wei; Huang, Shengli; Stenby, Erling Halfdan


    over climate change and energy security. This work is an experimental and modeling study of two fundamental properties in high pressure CO2–NaCl brine equilibrium, i.e., CO2 solubility in NaCl brine and CO2–saturated NaCl brine density. A literature review of the available data was presented first...

  8. Five ab initio potential energy and dipole moment surfaces for hydrated NaCl and NaF. I. Two-body interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Yimin; Bowman, Joel M.; Kamarchik, Eugene


    We report full-dimensional, ab initio-based potentials and dipole moment surfaces for NaCl, NaF, Na + H 2 O, F − H 2 O, and Cl − H 2 O. The NaCl and NaF potentials are diabatic ones that dissociate to ions. These are obtained using spline fits to CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV5Z energies. In addition, non-linear least square fits using the Born-Mayer-Huggins potential are presented, providing accurate parameters based strictly on the current ab initio energies. The long-range behavior of the NaCl and NaF potentials is shown to go, as expected, accurately to the point-charge Coulomb interaction. The three ion-H 2 O potentials are permutationally invariant fits to roughly 20 000 coupled cluster CCSD(T) energies (awCVTZ basis for Na + and aVTZ basis for Cl − and F − ), over a large range of distances and H 2 O intramolecular configurations. These potentials are switched accurately in the long range to the analytical ion-dipole interactions, to improve computational efficiency. Dipole moment surfaces are fits to MP2 data; for the ion-ion cases, these are well described in the intermediate- and long-range by the simple point-charge expression. The performance of these new fits is examined by direct comparison to additional ab initio energies and dipole moments along various cuts. Equilibrium structures, harmonic frequencies, and electronic dissociation energies are also reported and compared to direct ab initio results. These indicate the high fidelity of the new PESs.

  9. Threshold oxygen levels in Na(I) for the formation of NaCrO 2(s) on 18-8 stainless steels from accurate thermodynamic measurements (United States)

    Sreedharan, O. M.; Madan, B. S.; Gnanamoorthy, J. B.


    The compound NaCrO 2(s) is an important corrosion product in sodium-cooled LMFBRs. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of NaCrO 2(s) is required for the computation of threshold oxygen levels in Na(1) for the formation of NaCrO 2(s) on 18-8 stainless steels. For this purpose the emf of the galvanic cell: Pt, NaCrO 2, Cr 2O 3, Na 2CrO 4/15 YSZ/O 2 ( P O 2 = 0.21 atm, air), Pt was measured over 784-1012 K to be: (E±4.4)(mV) = 483.67-0.34155 T(K). From this, the standard Gibbs energy of formation of NaCrO 2(s) from the elements ( ΔG f,T0) and from the oxides ( ΔG f,OX,T0) was calculated to be: [ΔG f,T0(NaCrO 2, s)±1.86] (kJ/mol) =-869.98 + 0.18575 T(K) , [ΔG f,OX,T0(NaCr0 2, s)±4.8] (kJ/mol) = -104.25-0.00856 T(K) . The molar heat capacity, C P0, of NaCrO 2(s) was measured by DSC to be (350-600 K): C P0(NaCrO 2, s) (J/K mol) = 27.15 + 0.1247 T (K) , From these data, values of -99.3 kJ/mol and 91.6 J/K mol were computed for ΔH f,2980 and S 2980 of NaCrO 2(s). The internal consistency was checked with the use of enthalpy data on Na 2CrO 4(s). From the standard Gibbs energy of formation of NaCrO 2(s) the equation logC 0(wppm) = 3.9905-3147.6 T(K) was derived, where C 0 is the threshold oxygen level for the formation of NaCrO 2(s) on 18-8 stainless steels.



    Reberčnik, Matic


    V projektni nalogi smo v uvodnih poglavjih predstavili različne načine izvajanja geodetskih meritev, ki jih v gradbeništvu uporabljamo pri analizi pomikov in deformacij gradbenih konstrukcij ter terena, na katerem so le-te postavljene. V nadaljevanju opisujemo terestične in GNSS (globalni navigacijski satelitski sistem) metode, ki smo jih uporabljali pri izvajanju meritev na izbranem premostitvenem objektu avtocestnega odseka v Sloveniji (zaradi varovanja podatkov ga imenujemo Objekt 1). Pod...

  11. Synthesis of Li(x)Na(2-x)Mn2S3 and LiNaMnS2 through redox-induced ion exchange reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luthy, Joshua A.; Goodman, Phillip L.; Martin, Benjamin R.


    Na 2 Mn 2 S 3 was oxidatively deintercalated using iodine in acetonitrile to yield Na 1.3 Mn 2 S 3 , with lattice constants nearly identical to that of the reactant. Lithium was then reductively intercalated into the oxidized product to yield Li 0.7 Na 1.3 Mn 2 S 3 . When heated, this metastable compound decomposed to form a new crystalline compound, LiNaMnS 2 , along with MnS and residual Na 2 Mn 2 S 3 . Single crystal X-ray diffraction structural analysis of LiNaMnS 2 revealed that this compound crystallizes in P-3m1 with cell parameters a=4.0479(6) A, c=6.7759(14) A, V=96.15(3) A 3 (Z=1, wR2=0.0367) in the NaLiCdS 2 structure-type. - Graphical abstract: Structure of LiNaMnS 2 . Li and Mn are statistically distributed in edge-shared tetrahedral environments linked into infinite planes. Sodium ions occupy interlayer sites

  12. Número de amostras na análise geoestatística e na krigagem de mapas de atributos do solo

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    Zigomar Menezes de Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar diferentes intensidades de amostragem do solo com relação à precisão na análise geoestatística e interpolação de mapas, para fins de agricultura de precisão em área de cana-de-açúcar. O solo foi coletado em duas grades regulares na profundidade de 0,00-0,20m para análise granulométrica (área 1 e da fertilidade do solo (área 2. Foram comparadas intensidades de amostragem do solo: 208, 105, 58 e 24 pontos na área 1 e 206, 102 e 53 pontos na área 2. Os dados foram submetidos à análise descritiva e geoestatística. Os variogramas construídos com 105 pontos não diferem dos variogramas com 208 pontos, fato que não ocorre para 58 e 24 pontos. O aumento do intervalo de amostragem e a redução do número de pontos promovem o maior erro na estimativa por krigagem. As amostragens com mais de 100 pontos por área não resultaram em melhorias significativas no erro da estimativa por krigagem, nem diferiram na quantidade de insumos aplicados em campo.

  13. Corpo-escrita na esquizofrenia


    Bialer, Marina


    Este artigo aborda a importância do trabalho de escrita na esquizofrenia. Toma-se como ponto de partida a formulação lacaniana sobre o esquizofrênico como aquele que não tem as funções dos órgãos do seu corpo dadas pelos discursos estabelecidos. A hipótese de que o trabalho sobre a letra pode permitir o tratamento do gozo debordante na esquizofrenia é analisada pelo estudo da obra do escritor esquizofrênico Robert Walser, a qual evidencia a viabilidade da construção de um corpo pela escrita n...

  14. Chemisorption of Na on the Ti Nanoparticle surface and its effects on the Na-H{sub 2}O reaction reactivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Soo Jae; Park, Gunyeop; Baek, Jehyun; Park, Hyun Sun [POSTECH, Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Moo Hwan [Korea institute of Nuclear Safety, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    This accident showed that elimination of SWR risk should be one of the most significant design criteria for the development of safe SFRs. Design solutions to ensure isolation of the Na from the water have been proposed; these include double-walled structures in the steam generator and at coolant boundaries and guard vessels or guard piping lines filled with inert gas. However, those methods cannot be ultimate solutions because the system still has a possibility of failure. An alternative approach to reduce the severity of the SWR is to reduce the reactivity of Na. Recently, this goal has been achieved by suspending a small amount of Ti nanoparticles (NPs) in liquid Na. Adding 2 at% of 10-nm Ti NPs in liquid Na reduced the heat of the reaction up to 80% and H{sub 2} production rate by 10%. The number of adsorbed Na atoms onto Ti NPs with respect to the various temperature and pressure was calculated by using ab-initio and thermodynamics. Furthermore, the model which relates the Na chemisorption and SWR reactivity was proposed. The repression of SWR by Ti NPs was expected to be caused by strong chemical interaction between Ti NP surface and Na atoms; ab initio calculation using density functional theory and atomistic thermodynamic approach were conducted to test this hypothesis. Adsorption of 0.25ML Na at hcp hollow sites was the most favorable adsorption surface state and strong chemical adsorption was confirmed by the adsorption energy of -1.65 eV. A covalent-like metallic bond was confirmed between adsorbed Na and Ti atoms on the Ti(0001) surface; this bond affects the hydration energy of Na atoms and the activation barrier of the SWR. Using adsorption energy from the ab-initio calculation and atomistic thermodynamics, the thermodynamically most stable adsorption state at (T,P) was determined Na chemisorption effect on the SWR reactivity regression rate is modeled. The model predict χ variation with respect to time well especially dramatic reduction of χ; the

  15. O apelo ecológico na propaganda como fator de influência na atitude de compra do consumidor: um estudo experimental


    Santos, João Maurício


    Este estudo examinou o apelo ecológico utilizado na propaganda como influenciador na atitude de compra do consumidor, tendo em vista que nas duas últimas décadas houve um crescimento nos anúncios que utilizam este tipo de apelo, demonstrando que, pelo surgimento de um novo nicho de mercado, empresas têm se valido do marketing verde e da influência normativa na sua estratégia de marketing. Buscou-se investigar se efetivamente o uso do apelo ecológico na propaganda influencia pos...

  16. Dejavniki psihološkega nasilja na delovnem mestu


    Ilc, Teja


    Raziskave na področju delovnih razmer kažejo, da je danes pereč problem ravno psihološko nasilje na delovnem mestu. Posebna oblika psihološkega nasilja na delovnem mestu je mobing, s katerim se v praksi srečujemo vsak dan, vendar se ga pogosto ne zavedamo. Namen magistrske naloge je pojasniti pojem in pomen mobinga v delovnih organizacijah, poiskati možne vzroke in posledice, ki vplivajo na ta pojav, ter predlagati rešitve. Poznavanje mehanizmov, ki povzročajo mobing, njegovih vzrokov in...

  17. Anisotropy and polarization in charge changing collisions of C4+ with Na(3s) and laser aligned Na(3p)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoekstra, R; Morgenstern, R; Olson, RE


    Absolute cross sections for C3+(6-->5) emission at 465.7 nm after collisions of C4+ ions with ground state Na(3s) and laser excited aligned Na(Sp) atoms are measured over the collision energy range of 3-7 keV amu(-1). For Na(3s) polarizations are observed by measuring the linear polarization of the

  18. Efeito da dexametasona e do cetoprofeno na osteogênese e na resistência óssea em ratos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Costa dos Santos da Silva


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do cetoprofeno e da dexametasona na osteogênese ao redor de implante de hidroxiapatita densa (HAD na tíbia, no osso parietal, e na resistência óssea. Utilizaram-se 15 ratos Wistar, pesando 250±30 g, com 50 dias de idade. Após a anestesia com quetamina/xilazina IM, produziuse no osso parietal e na epífise proximal da tíbia uma cavidade de 3 mm, sendo implantada a HAD. Após a cirurgia os animais foram divididos em três grupos (n=5: controle (CT, anti-inflamatório não esteroidal (AINES e anti-inflamatório esteroidal (AIES. O grupo AINES foi submetido ao tratamento com cetoprofeno na dose de 12 mg/Kg/dia, o AIES recebeu doses de 0,10 mg/kg/dia de dexametasona o grupo CT recebeu solução fisiológica 0,9% (SF por via subcutânea durante 30 dias. Todos os grupos receberam a mesma dieta sólida e água ad libitum. Após 30 dias de experimento os animais sofreram eutanásia, os fêmures coletados, para teste mecânico, e os locais do implante das tíbias e o osso parietal, para análise histomorfométrica. Os grupos AINES e AIES apresentaram menor volume de osso neoformado na falha óssea e ao redor do implante de HAD , como também, menor força máxima para a ruptura completa dos fêmures, quando comparados com o grupo CT. O uso do cetoprofeno e a dexametasona interferiram na osteogênese ao redor do implante de HAD e no osso parietal, diminuindo a resistência óssea principalmente pela inibição da COX2 e diminuição das prostaglandinas, comprometendo a estabilidade e manutenção do implante.

  19. Nalaz tombusvirusa na vrsti Erigeron canadensis L.


    Jeknić, Zoran; Erić, Živojin; Grbelja, Julijana


    Iz listova zaraženih primjeraka korovne biljke Erigeron canadensis L. koji su rasli na nekoliko lokaliteta u Sarajevu izoliran je virus iz skupine tombusvirusi. Identifikacija virusa izvršena je na osnovi reakcije pokusnih biljaka, analize ultratankih presjeka kroz zaraženo tkivo, morfologije i veličine virusnih čestica, te na osnovi seroloških reakcija metodom dvostruke imunodifuzije u agarskom gelu i čvrsto fazne imunoelektronske mikroskopije (SPIEM). U serološkim pokusima upotrijebljen je ...

  20. Transcriptional regulators of Na, K-ATPase subunits


    Zhiqin eLi; Sigrid A Langhans


    The Na,K-ATPase classically serves as an ion pump creating an electrochemical gradient across the plasma membrane that is essential for transepithelial transport, nutrient uptake and membrane potential. In addition, Na,K-ATPase also functions as a receptor, a signal transducer and a cell adhesion molecule. With such diverse roles, it is understandable that the Na,K-ATPase subunits, the catalytic alpha-subunit, the beta-subunit and the FXYD proteins, are controlled extensively during developme...