
Sample records for air tangki reaktor


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    A. Hadiwinata


    Full Text Available Passive Compact Molten Salt Reactor (PCMSR merupakan pengembangan dari reaktor MSR. Desain reaktor PCMSR membutuhkan tempat khusus penampung sementara bahan bakar pada saat terjadi insiden, misalnya kecelakaan yang menyebabkan peningkatan suhu bahan bakar. Tangki penampung bahan bakar tersusun dari 3 bagian yang saling terhubung yaitu bagian penampung cairan bahan bakar, cerobong (chimney, dan penukar kalor. Dalam penelitian ini, tangki dimodelkan secara lump dan dilakukan variasi daya awal reaktor dan ketinggian cerobong. Syarat batas model ditetapkan suhu bahan bakar maksimum 1400 °C, yang didasarkan pada titik didih larutan garam LiF-BeF2-ThF4-UF4. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara menghitung rugi tekanan total dan transfer kalor untuk variasi daya awal antara 1800-3000 MWth dan ketinggian cerobong antara 1-10 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukan semakin besar daya reaktor, maka tinggi tangki penampung bahan bakar dan tinggi alat penukar kalor yang dibutuhkan akan semakin besar, tejadi kenaikan suhu fluida pendingin dan suhu udara pendingin, dan menyebabkan kenaikan laju aliran masa fluida pendingin, sedangkan laju aliran masa udara menurun. Peningkatan ketinggian cerobong menyebabkan ketinggian tangki penampung bahan bakar dan ketinggian alat penukar kalor semakin menurun, penurunan suhu fluida pendingin, tetapi suhu udara meningkat, dan menyebabkan peningkatan laju aliran masa fluida pendingin, tetapi laju aliran masa udara akan semakin menurun. Kata kunci: PCMSR, cerobong, alat penukar kalor, variasi daya.   The Passsive Compact Molten Salat Reactor (PCMSR reactor is developed from MSR reactor. The PCMSR reactor design requires special place to temporarily storage for reactor fuel when incident occurs, such as when there is an accident which caused the temperature of the fuel increases. The tank consist of three interconnected parts, the reservoir liquid fuel, chimney, and the heat exchanger. In this research, the tank system is modeled based on


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    Sri Soewasti Soesanto


    Full Text Available Manusia yang sehat tiap hari membuang tinja yang harus ditampung dan/atau diolah secara saniter. Meskipun Indonesia telah 55 tahun merdeka dan telah memiliki banyak ahli sanitasi/teknik penyehatan baik lulusan dalam maupun luar negeri, namun cara pengelolaan tinja yang ada kebanyakan masih belum memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Tangki septik dianggap sebagai cara penampungan tinja yang terbaik, padahal sebenarnya masih terjadi pencemaran tanah dan air melalui saluran perembesan.Tangki septik (septic tank merupakan salah satu macam sarana pengolahan tinja manusia yang pada garis besarnya terdiri dari sebuah tangki pembusukan lumpur (sludge digester dan saluran perembesan efluen. Tangki pembusukan harus memenuhi syarat mengenai perbandingan panjang dan lebar serta syarat kedalaman maksimum dan minimum, agar pembusukan lumpur dari tinja manusia dapat berjalan sempurna malahan tidak berbau busuk lagi.


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    Dewa Ketut Sastrawidana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas teknologi biofilm konsorsium bakteri pada  reaktor semianaerob-aerob ntuk mengolah air limbah pencelupan tekstil. Bakteri pada reaktor semianaerob terdiri dari  Aeromonas sp. Pseudomonas sp, dan Flavobacterium sp. sedangkan pada reaktor aerob terdiri dari Vibrio sp. Plesiomonas sp. dan Enterobacter sp. Perombakan proses pertumbuhan terlekat diawali dengan menumbuhkan konsorsium bakteri pada masing-masing reaktor selama 10  hari menggunakan pada batu vulkanik merah sebagai media pelekatan bakteri. Setelah terbentuk biofilm,selanjutnya digunakan untuk merombak limbah denagn waktu tinggal limbah 2 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan teknologi biofilm cukup efektif diaplikasikan pada skala lapang menghasilkan efisiensi perombakan TSS, BOD dan COD secara berturut-turut sebesar 84,7%; 80,56% dan 90,40%. Uji toksisitas air limbah tekstil menggunakan ikan nila dengan waktu paparan 3 hari menunjukkan bahwa air limbah tekstil sebelum diolah berkatagori toksik ringan dengan nilai EC50 adalah 88,80% sedangkan setelah diolah dalam reaktor biofilm konsorsium bakteri sistem anaerob-aerob selama 2 hari menjadi katagori tidak toksik dengan nilai EC50 sebesar 101,64%. Dengan demikian, pengolahan limbah tektil dengan sistem kombinasi anaerob-aerob menghasilkan kualitas limbah dengan kriteria sudah memenuhi baku mutu untuk dibuang ke lingkungan.


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    Philip Teguh Imanto


    Full Text Available Keberhasilan pembenihan ikan sangat dipengaruhi keberhasilan produksi jasad pakan rotifer secara tepat dan efisien. Penelitian kultur rotifer dengan tangki volume kecil bertujuan untuk mendapatkan efisiensi produksi yang paling optimal dan memenuhi prinsip dasar akuakultur low volume high density. Penelitian menggunakan tangki polyethylene dengan volume 500 L dan volume media awal 100 L, padat tebar awal 200 ind. rotifer per mL dengan sediaan pakan dasar fitoplankton Nannocloropsis occulata, ragi roti (0,05 g/mio.rot./feeding dan suplemen Scott emulsion (0,005 g/mio.rot./feeding. Penelitian dilakukan secara bertahap; tahap pertama (I tanpa penambahan air laut, peningkatan volume hanya dari penambahan 15 L Nannochloropsis tiap hari sampai hari kelima, tahap kedua (II dengan penambahan alga 40 L dan air laut 40 L; serta tahap ketiga (III dengan menggandakan pemberian ragi roti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada percobaan tahap I: total produksi rata-rata 122,37 x 106 ind. rotifer, pada tahap II: 97,67 x 106 ind. rotifer, dan pada tahap III: dicapai rata-rata total produksi tertinggi dengan 187,17 x 106 ind. rotifer per tanki kultur 500 L. Pengelolaan kultur pada tahap III memberikan hasil terbaik dengan simpangan terkecil antar tangki kultur ulangan, dan membuktikan sebagai pengelolaan terbaik untuk kultur rotifer dengan tangki volume kecil.  Success of marine seed production is highly influenced by effective and efficient production performance of life food rotifer. Observation on rotifer culture using small volume tank was aimed to get the optimum production and efficiency, to fulfill the basic principle of aquaculture “low volume high density”. Polyethylene tanks of 500 L. were used as culture container, with initial 100 liter sea water as culture medium and initial density of 200 ind. rotifer per mL. N. occulata, baker yeast (0.05 g/mio.rotifer/feeding and Scott emulsion (0.005 g/mio.rotifer/feeding were used as basic feed, and


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    Sukmanto Dibyo


    Full Text Available Reaktor Riset Inovatif (RRI merupakan jenis MTR (Material Testing Reactor yang dipersiapkan ke depan sebagai desain reaktor baru. Daya RRI telah ditetapkan dari perhitungan neutronik dan termohidrolika teras yaitu 50 MW termal. Reaktor bertekanan 8 kgf/cm2 dan laju aliran massa pendingin primer 900 kg/s. Tantangan yang penting dalam menindak lanjuti desain reaktor ini adalah analisis desain pada sistem pendingin. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis desain proses sistem pendingin utama reaktor RRI daya 50 MW (RRI-50 dengan menggunakan program Chemcad 6.1.4. Dalam analisis ini dilakukan perhitungan neraca massa dan energi (mass/energy balances pada sistem pendingin primer dan sekunder sebagai pendingin utama. Masing-masing sistem pendingin tersebut terdiri dari 2 jalur beroperasi secara paralel dan 1 jalur redundansi. Disamping itu untuk desain termal unit komponen telah dianalisis dengan program RELAP5, frenchcreek dan Metoda Analitik. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh adalah desain diagram sistem pendingin yang mencakup data parameter entalpi, temperatur, tekanan dan laju aliran massa pendingin untuk masing-masing jalur. Adapun hasil desain unit komponen utama pada RRI-50 adalah tangki tunda dengan volume 51,5 m3, 2 unit pompa sentrifugal dan 1 unit pompa cadangan pada pendingin primer daya 141 kW/pompa dan pendingin sekunder daya 206 kW/pompa, 2 unit penukar panas tipe shell-tube dengan koefisien termal overall 1377 W/m2.oC dan 4 unit menara pendingin yang mampu melepaskan panas ke udara dengan desain temperatur approach 5,0 oC dan temperatur range 9,0 oC. Desain sistem pendingin reaktor RRI-50 ini telah menetapkan parameter operasi sistem pendingin yaitu temperatur, tekanan dan laju aliran massa pendingin dengan mempertimbangkan tuntutan aspek keselamatan teras reaktor sehingga desain temperatur maksimum pendingin masuk ke teras 44,5 oC. Kata kunci : RRI 50 MW, desain sistem pendingin, program Chemcad 6.1.4   Innovative Research Reactor RRI

  6. Penentuan Parameter Bandul Matematis untuk Memperoleh Energi Maksimum dengan Gelombang dalam Tangki

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    Eky Novianarenti


    Full Text Available Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi mendorong manusia untuk terus berinovasi dan mencari energi alternatif yang potensial untuk dikonversikan menjadi energi listrik. Hal ini yang melatarbelakangi suatu simulasi energi gelombang dengan penggerak sistem bandul yang ditempatkan di dalam sebuah tangki. Tugas akhir ini difokuskan pada respon kecepatan gerak bandul dengan variasi massa dan panjang bandul untuk memperoleh energi maksimal dari sebuah bandul yang berosilasi secara harmonik terhadap goncangan air. Diawali dengan pemodelan matematis pada sistem ponton-bandul dengan tiga derajat kebebasan kemudian dilakukan analisa terhadap respon gerakan ponton. Tujuannya adalah untuk mendapatkan satu model yang paling optimum. Hasil dari analisa tersebut menunjukkan bahwa nilai kecepatan tertinggi didapatkan pada amplitudo 6cm dengan panjang lengan bandul 9 cm dan massa bandul 300 gr yaitu sebesar 783,8x10-3 m/s dan kecepatan minimum didapatkan pada panjang lengan bandul 17 cm dan massa bandul 100 gr pada amplitudo 2 cm sebesar 2,4x10-3 m/s. Ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin pendek lengan bandul, maka semakin tinggi kecepatan bandul dan dengan semakin besar massa bandul maka kecepatannya juga maksimum.

  7. Game Bola Tangkis Berbasis Android Menggunakan App Inventor

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    Mhd Arief Hasan


    Full Text Available AbstrakBerkembangnya teknologi yang berbasis mobile sekarang ini sudah sangat maju dan sering dipakai untuk dunia Information Technology (IT, bisnis, pendidikan dan media pembelajaran. Teknologi handphone yang saat ini berkembang pesat salah satunya adalah sistem operasi Android mobile (Android OS. Android adalah sistem operasi berbasis Linux yang dirancang untuk perangkat mobile layar sentuh yang memungkinkan perangkat lunak bebas dimodifikasi dan didistribusikan oleh pembuat perangkat, operator nirkabel dan pengembang aplikasi. Salah satu editor dalam pemrograman android adalah APP Inventor .App Inventor merupakan aplikasi web sumber terbuka yang awalnya dikembangkan oleh Google, dan saat ini dikelola oleh Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT. App Inventor memungkinkan pengguna baru untuk memprogram komputer untuk menciptakan aplikasi perangkat lunak bagi sistem operasi Android.  Dengan adanya kemudahan dalam pembuatan program yang disediakan oleh App Inventor yang tidak diharuskan lagi untuk menuliskan koding. Semua fasilitas itu bisa digunakan dengan menggunakan klik drag menggunakan blog diagram. Maka peneliti mengambil kasus game bola tangkis dalam penelitian ini. Kata kunci : Game Bola Tangkis, Android, App Inventor AbstractThe development of mobile-based technology is now very advanced and often used for the world of Information Technology (IT, business, education and learning media. Mobile technology is currently growing rapidly one of them is the Android mobile operating system (Android OS. Android is a Linux-based operating system designed for touch-screen mobile devices that allows free software to be modified and distributed by device makers, wireless carriers and app developers. One of the editors in android programming is APP Inventor. Appper Inventor is an open source web application originally developed by Google, and is currently managed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT. App Inventor allows new users


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    Andang Widiharto


    Full Text Available Pengembangan Teknologi Reaktor Nuklir pada masa mendatang mengarah pada peningkatan aspek keselamatan, peningkatan pendayagunaan bahan bakar, reduksi limbah radioaktif, ketahanan terhadap proliferasi bahan-bakar nuklir dan peningkatan aspek ekonomi. reaktor Innovative Molten Salt (IMSR adalah reaktor nuklir yang menggunakan bahan bakar cair berupa garam lebur fluoride (7LiF-ThF4-UF4-MaFx. Reaktor IMSR didesain sebagai reaktor pembiak termal, yaitu membiakkan U-233 dari Th-232. Hal ini untuk menjawab permasalahan sustainabilitas ketersedian sumber daya bahan bakar nuklir dan reduksi limbah radioaktif. Dalam aspek keselamatan, desain reaktor IMSR memiliki sifat inherent safe, yaitu koefisien umpan balik daya yang negatif serta memiliki fitur-fitur keselamatan pasif. Fitur-fitur keselamatan pasif terdiri dari sistem shutdown pasif, sistem pendinginan pasif pasca shutdown serta sistem pendinginan pasif untuk produk fisi. Kecelakaan yang berpotensi terjadi pada IMSR, yaitu kecelakaan kehilangan aliran bahan bakar, kecelakaan kehilangan aliran pendingin, kecelakaan kehilangan kemampuan pengambilan kalor serta kecelakaan kerusakan integritas sistem reaktor, dapat ditangani sepenuhnya secara pasif hingga mencapai kondisi shutdown selamat. Kata kunci: keselamatan pasif, inherent safe, IMSR   The next Nuclear Reactor Technology developments are directed to the increasing of the aspects of safety, fuel utility, radioactive waste reduction, proliferation retention and economy. Innovative Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR is a nuclear reactor design that uses fluoride molten salt (7LiF-ThF4-UF4-MaFx. IMSR is designed as a thermal breeder reactor, i.e. to produce U-233 from Th-232. This is the answer of natural nuclear fuel sustainability and radioactive waste problems. In term of safety aspect, IMSR design has inherent safe characteristics, i.e. negative power feedback coefficient, and passive safety features. The passive safety features are passive shutdown


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    K.A. Sudjatmi


    Full Text Available Sejalan dengan perkembangan konsep keselamatan pasif pada sistem keselamatan PLTN, maka sistem perpindahan panas konveksi alam memegang peranan penting. Pemakaian nanofluid sebagai fluida pendingin pada sistem keselamatan nuklir dapat digunakan pada Sistem Pendingin Teras Darurat dan Sistem Pendingin Pengungkung Luar Reaktor. Beberapa peneliti telah melakukan studi desain konseptual aplikasi nanofluid untuk meningkatkan keselamatan AP1000 dan sistem pendingin teras darurat pada reaktor daya eksperimen. Penerapan nanofluida juga mulai dikembangkan melalui hasil penelitian perpindahan panas konveksi alamiah pada sub-buluh dengan nanofluida sebagai fluida kerjanya sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh perubahan konsentrasi ZrO2 terhadap korelasi perpindahan panas konveksi alamiah dengan pendekatan eksperimental. Data eksperimental yang diperoleh digunakan untuk mengembangkan korelasi umum empirik perpindahan panas konveksi alamiah. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan alat uji sub-buluh vertikal dengan geometri segitiga dan segiempat menggunakan air dan nanofluida air-ZrO2 sebagai fluida kerjanya. Konsentrasi nanopartikel dalam larutan yang digunakan sebesar 0,05 %, 0,10% dan 0,15 % dalam persen berat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa untuk bilangan Rayleigh yang sama, kemampuan pemindahan kalor oleh nanofluida air-ZrO2 lebih baik dari pada pemindahan kalor oleh air. Namun peningkatan konsentrasi nanofluida tidak selalu mendapatkan kemampuan pemindahan kalor yang lebih baik. Kata kunci: nanofluida air-ZrO2, konveksi alamiah, sub-buluh segitiga, sub-buluh segi segiempat   In line with the development of the passive safety concept for the safety systems of nuclear power plants, the natural convection heat transfer system plays an important role. The nanofluid as coolant fluid on nuclear safety system can be used in Emergency core cooling system and in reactor coolant system confinement. Several researchers have


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    Iqbal Syafin Noha


    Full Text Available Passive Compact Molten Salt Reactor (PCMSR merupakan pengembangan dari Molten Salt Reactor (MSR yang memiliki karakter berbeda dengan lima reaktor generasi IV lainnya, yaitu menggunakan bahan bakar leburan garam. Pada reaktor MSR, garam lebur tidak digunakan sebagai pendingin tetapi digunakan sebagai medium pembawa bahan bakar. Dengan fase bahan bakar yang berupa garam lebur LiF-BeF2-ThF4-UF4, maka dapat dilakukan pengendalian daya dengan mengatur laju aliran bahan bakar dan pendingin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan laju alir pendingin terhadap daya reaktor PCMSR. Analisis dilakukan dengan empat jenis masukan untuk perubahan laju alir pendingin, yaitu masukan step, ramp, eksponensial, dan sinusoidal. Untuk masukan step, laju alir pendingin dibuat berubah secara mendadak. Selanjutnya untuk masukan ramp dan eksponensal, perubahan laju alir masing-masing dibuat perlahan secara linear dan mengikuti fungsi eksponensial. Kemudian untuk masukan sinusoidal, laju alir berubah naik turun secara periodik dengan memvariasikan frekuensi dari perubahan laju alir tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan laju alir pendingin sebesar 50% dari laju pendingin sebelumnya, menyebabkan daya pada reaktor PCMSR turun sebesar 63% dari daya sebelumnya. Jika terjadi fluktuasi laju aliran pendingin, maka semakin cepat perubahan tersebut, maka respon daya yang diberikan semakin kecil. Pada frekuensi yang sangat cepat, daya reaktor menjadi konstan dan cenderung tidak memiliki respon terhadap laju aliran. Hal ini merupakan salah satu aspek keselamatan reaktor, karena reaktor tidak merespon perubahan yang terlalu cepat. Kemampuan reaktor mengatur daya menyesuaikan laju aliran pendingin merupakan aspek keselamatan lainnya. Kata kunci : PCMSR, pengendalian daya, laju alir pendingin, uji respon   Passive Compact Molten Salt Reactor (PCMSR is the development of Molten Salt Reactor (MSR which has different character from other five


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    Tukiran Surbakti


    Full Text Available Manfaat yang luas dari penggunaan reaktor riset membuat banyak negara membangun reaktor riset baru. Kecenderungan saat ini adalah reaktor tipe reaktor serbaguna (MPR dengan teras yang kompak untuk mendapatkan fluks neutron yang tinggi dengan daya yang relatif sedang atau rendah. Reaktor riset yang ada di Indonesia yang paling muda usianya sudah berumur 25 tahun. Oleh karena itu diperlukan desain reaktor riset baru sebagai alternatif, disebut reaktor riset inovatif (RRI, kelak pengganti reaktor riset yang sudah ada. Tujuan dari riset ini mendapatkan konfigurasi teras setimbang reaktor riset yang optimal dengan kriteria memiliki fluks neutron termal minimum sebesar 2,5x1014 n/cm2 s pada daya 20 MW (minimum, memiliki panjang operasi satu siklus lebih dari 40 hari dan penggunaan bahan bakar yang paling efisien. Desain neutronik dilakukan untuk bahan bakar baru U-9Mo-Al dengan kerapatan bervariasi dan jenis reflektor yang bervariasi. Desain dilakukan dengan paket program WIMSD-5B dan BATAN-FUEL. Hasil desain konseptual menyajikan 4 konfigurasi teras yaitu 5×5, 5×7, 6×5 dan 6×6. Hasil optimasi menunjukkan bahwa teras setimbang reaktor RRI dengan konfigurasi 5×5, tingkat muat 235U sebesar 450 g, reflektor berilium, fluks neutron termal maksimum di daerah reflektor sebesar 3,33×1014 neutron cm-2s-1 dan panjang siklus 57 hari merupakan desain teras reaktor riset inovatif yang paling optimal. Kata kunci: desain konseptual, bahan bakar uranium-molibdenum,berilium, D2O, WIMS, BATAN-FUEL   The multipurpose of research reactor utilization make many countries build the new research reactor. Trend of this reactor for this moment is multipurpose reactor type with a compact core to get high neutron flux at the low or medium level of power. The research newest reactor in Indonesia right now is already 25 year old. Therefore, it is needed to design a new research reactor, called innovative research reactor (IRR and then as an alternative to replace the old


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    Tukiran s


    Full Text Available Saat ini RSG-GAS menggunakan elemen bakar silisida 2,96 g U/cc. Untuk meningkatkan waktu operasi reaktor maka akan direncanakan untuk mengganti elemen bakar silisida dengan kerapatan yang lebih tinggi. Keuntungan reaktor dengan bahan bakar kerapatan tinggi adalah dapat lebih efektif dan efisien. Maka perlu dilakukan perhitungan parameter kinetik teras silisida kerapatan tinggi mengingat pengaruhnya sangat penting untuk keselamatan operasi reaktor. Parameter kinetik yang dihitung yaitu fraksi neutron kasip efektif, konstanta peluruhan neutron kasip, umur neutron serempak yang merupakan faktor utama dalam kontrol dan keselamatan. Bahan bakar silisida tipe pelat dengan densitas 2,96 - 4,8 gU/cm3 digunakan pada teras RSG-GAS untuk menganalisis perhitungan parameter kinetik. Perhitungan sel dilakukan dengan paket program WIMSD-5B dan paket program Batan-2DIFF digunakan untuk perhitungan teras. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa harga fraksi neutron kasip turun dengan naiknya densitas bahan bakar. Turunnya nilai parameter kinetik ini tidak mengganggu pergantian bahan bakar ke densitas yang lebih tinggi. Turunnya nilai parameter kinetik rata-rata dari densitas 2,96 gU/cm3 ke 3,55 gU/cm3 adalah 1,3 % sedangkan dari densitas 2,96 gU/cm3 ke 4,8 gU/cm3 adalah 2,2 % . Sehingga jika dilakukan pergantian bahan bakar maka ditinjau dari segi neutronik dan parameter kinetiknya tidak akan mengalami perubahan dalam pola operasi reaktor atau manajemen bahan bakar dan tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap keselamatan operasi reaktor.


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    A. G. Abdullah


    Full Text Available Kelengkapan sistem keselamatan pasif dan inheren pada reaktor lanjut merupakan prasyarat utama. Makalah ini mengeksplorasi hasil desain konseptual sistem pembuang sisa panas pada pusat listrik tenaga nuklir berjenis Very High-Temperature Reactor. Tujuan riset ini untuk merancang sistem pembuang sisa panas pusat listrik tenaga nuklir yang terdapat pada dinding reaktor. Studi kinerja Reactor Vessel Auxliary Cooling System (RVACS dilakukan pada dua jenis pendingin yaitu Timbal-Bismut dan Liquid Salt. Panas dari dinding reaktor dihapus melalui sirkulasi alamiah pada keadaan tunak. Analisis melibatkan sistem perpindahan panas secara radiasi, konduksi dan konveksi alami. Perhitungan perpindahan panas dilakukan pada elemen reaktor vessel, dinding luar guard vessel, dan pelat pemisah. Hasil analisis kecelakaan menunjukkan kedua jenis sistem pendingin reaktor dan sistem pasif sisa pembuangan panas cukup menghapus sisa panas hasil peluruhan dengan sirkulasi alami.ABSTRACTCompleteness of passive safety systems and inherent in advanced reactors is a major prerequisite. This paper explores the results of a conceptual design of the heat removal system at the nuclear power plant (NPP type Very High-Temperature Reactor. The purpose of this research was to design the reactor vessel auxiliary cooling system (RVACS of NPP located within the reactor walls. The RVACS performance study was conducted on two types of coolant: Lead-Bismuth and Liquid Salt. Heat was removed from the reactor vessel through the natural circulation in the steady state. Analyses of heat transfer systems involved radiation, conduction and natural convection. Heat transfer calculations were performed on the reactor vessel, guard vessel, and perforated plate. The results from the accident analysis showed that both types, the reactor coolant system and the passive residual heat removal system, adequately remove remaining heat of the decay by a natural circulation.


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    Lily Suparlina


    Full Text Available Parameter neutronik dibutuhkan dalam mendesain teras reaktor riset. Reaktor riset jenis MTR (Material Testing Reactor sangat diminati karena dapat digunakan baik untuk riset dan juga produksi radio isotop. Reaktor riset yang ada saat ini sudah tua sehingga dibutuhkan desain reaktor yang mempunyai teras kompak. Desain teras reaktor riset yang sudah ada saat ini belum cukup memadai untuk memenuhi persyaratan di dalam UCD yang telah ditetapkan yaitu fluks neutron termal di teras 1x1015 n/cm2s, oleh karena itu perlu dibuat desain teras reaktor baru sebagai alternatif yang kompak dan dapat menghasilkan fluks neutron tinggi. Telah dilakukan perhitungan dan analisis terhadap manajemen bahan bakar desain teras kompak dengan konfigurasi teras 5x5, berbahan bakar U9Mo-Al dan tinggi teras aktif 70 cm. Tujuan dari riset ini untuk memperoleh fluks neutron di teras memenuhi kebutuhan seperti yang telah ditetapkan di UCD dengan panjang siklus operasi minimum 20 hari pada daya 50 MW. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan paket program komputer WIMSD-5B untuk menggenerasi tampang lintang makroskopik bahan bakar dan Batan-FUEL untuk memperoleh nilai parameter neutronik serta Batan-3DIFF untuk perhitungan nilai reaktivitas batang kendali. Perhitungan parameter neutronik teras reaktor riset ini dilakukan untuk bahan bakar U-9Mo-Al dengan tingkat muat bervariasi dan 2 macam pola pergantian bahan bakar yaitu teras segar dan teras setimbang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada teras segar, tingkat muat 235U sebesar 360 gram, 390 gram dan 450 gram memenuhi kriteria keselamatan dan kriteria penerimaan di UCD dengan nilai fluks neutron termal di teras lebih dari 1x1015 n/cm2s dan panjang siklus >20 hari, sedangkan pada teras setimbang panjang siklus dapat terpenuhi hanya untuk tingkat muat 450 gram. Kata kunci: desain teras reaktor, bahan bakar UMo, pola bahan bakar, WIMS, BATAN-FUEL   Research reactor core design needs neutronics parameter calculation use computer


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    Sri Kuntjoro


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan analisis sebaran radionuklida pada reaktor daya Atomic Energy Agency (AEC 3568 MWTh, setara dengan 1000 Mwe untuk kondisi operasi normal. Analisis dilakukan untuk dua reaktor yang terpisah sejauh 500 m dan sudut 90o satu dengan yang lain. Langkah awal dalam melakukan analisis adalah menentukan suku sumber reaktor menggunakan program komputer ORIGEN2 dan EMERALD NORMAL. ORIGEN2 digunakan untuk menentukan inventori radionuklida yang terdapat di reaktor. Selanjutnya dengan dengan menggunakan program EMERALD NORMAL dihitung suku sumber yang sampai ke cerobong reaktor. Untuk menganalisis dosis yang diterima penduduk dilakukan dengan menggunakan program PC-CREAM. Perhitungan dilakukan untuk satu dan dua PLTN di calon tapak PLTN. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah sebaran radionuklida terbesar untuk satu PLTN pada jarak 1 km dan kearah zona 9 (191,25o dan untuk dua PLTN pada jarak 1 km dan kearah zona 10 (213,75o. Radionuklida yang sampai ke penduduk melalui dua alur yaitu alur makanan dan hirupan. Untuk alur makanan berasal dari radionuklida I-131, dan terbesar melalui alur produk susu sebesar 53,40 % untuk satu maupun dua PLTN . Untuk alur hirupan ranionuklida pemberi kontribusi paparan terbesar berasal dari Kr-85m sebesar 53,80 %. Dosis total terbesar yang diterima penduduk terdapat pada jarak 1 Km untuk bayi yaitu sebesar 4,10 μSi dan 11,26 μSi untuk satu dan dua PLTN. Hasil ini sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan batas dosis yang diijinkan oleh badan pengawas (BAPETEN untuk penduduk yaitu sebesar 1 mSi. Kata Kunci : Reaktor daya, komputer code, radionuklida, alur makanan, hirupan   Analysis for radionuclide dispersion for the Atomic Energy Agency (AEC 3568 MWth Power Reactor, equal to the 1000 MWe at normal condition has been done. Analysis was done for two piles that is separated by 500 m distance and angle of 90o one to other. Initial pace in doing the analysis is to determine reactors source term using ORIGEN2 and EMERALD NORMAL

  16. Desain Mobile Unit Instalasi Pengolahan Air Minum Untuk Kondisi Darurat Bencana Banjir Menggunakan Membran Mikrofiltrasi

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    Angie Prabhata Putra


    Full Text Available Banjir dan kekeringan merupakan sebuah fenomena yang rutin dihadapi di berbagai daerah dengan kerugian yang tidak kecil contohnya di wilayah Jabodetabek pada bulan februari tahun 2007, banjir yang terjadi selama 5 hari mencapai kerugian sekitar 8,6 triliyun rupiah. Saat terjadi banjir pengungsi sangat sulit untuk mendapat air bersih maupun air minum, di karenakan sumur penduduk yang dipenuhi lumpur dan kotoran. Kesulitan dalam memperoleh air bersih maupun air minum pada saat maupun paska bencana banjir, berdampak pada timbulnya berbagai penyakit terkait air bersih yaitu seperti muntaber, diare dan gatal-gatal. Oleh karena itu diperlukan solusi atau penanggulangan masalah air bersih dan air siap minum baik saat maupun paska bencana banjir. Menurut buku Introduction to International Disaster Management (2007, disebutkan bahwa ada beberapa alternatif dalam penyediaan air bersih dan air siap minum pada saat kondisi banjir yaitu  penyediaan air melalui tangki truk, atau dari tangki yang di datangkan  dari luar daerah banjir, melakukan proses pengolahan air banjir itu sendiri untuk menghasilkan air bersih sebagai contoh menggunakan filter. Solusi dalam hal masalah ini adalah pengolahan air minum yang berbasis mobile water treatment. Dalam kaitan tentang masalah ini perlu adanya perencanaan tentang desain instalasi pengolahan air minum secara mobile untuk kondisi darurat bencana banjir. Dalam hal ini rencana desain atau DED (Detail Engineering Design yang akan digunakan adalah mobile water treatment membran mikrofiltrasi, keuntungan dari menggunakan membran ini adalah dapat menyisihkan bakteri patogenik dan beberapa jenis virus. Pada perencanaan ini direncanakan unit-unit sebelum dan sesudah membran mikrofiltrasi agar kualitas air hasil pengolahan (effluent memenuhi baku mutu air siap minum yang sesuai dengan PERMENKES RI No.492/MEN.KES/PER/IV/2010.

  17. Efek Durasi Pencahayaan Pada Sistem HRAR Untuk Menurunkan Kandungan Minyak Solar Dalam Air Limbah

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    Dian Puspitasari


    Full Text Available Kandungan minyak di dalam air limbah industri perminyakan umumnya bersifat toksik terhadap mikroorganisme dan mengganggu proses pengolahan secara biologis. Sistem HRAR diperkirakan dapat mengatasi hambatan tersebut melalui proses fotosintesis untuk menghasilkan oksigen yang dibutuhkan mikroorganisme dalam mendegradasi senyawa hidrokarbon. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh perpanjangan waktu pencahayaan pada kemampuan HRAR dalam menurunkan kandungan minyak di dalam limbah. Variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah variasi durasi pencahayaan dan variasi penambahan volume minyak solar yang ditambahkan ke dalam reaktor. Variasi durasi pencahayaan yang digunakan adalah pencahayaan selama 12 jam dan pencahayaan selama 24 jam. Sedangkan penambahan volume minyak solar ke dalam masing-masing reaktor adalah sebesar 346 ppm, 519 ppm dan 692 ppm. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah durasi pencahayaan selama 12 jam memiliki efek yang lebih baik terhadap penurunan konsentrasi minyak dibandingkan pencahayaan selama 24 jam. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari baiknya pertumbuhan alga dan bakteri di dalam reaktor serta tingginya penurunan konsentrasi minyak solar di dalamnya. Penurunan konsentrasi minyak solar terbaik terdapat pada reaktor dengan penambahan minyak solar sebesar 346 ppm. Pada reaktor dengan durasi pencahayaan selama 12 jam terjadi penurunan konsentrasi minyak sebesar 78,4%. Sedangkan penurunan kandungan minyak solar pada reaktor dengan durasi pencahayaan selama 24 jam adalah sebesar 73,9%.

  18. Isotopic composition of precipitation at the station Ljubljana (Reaktor, Slovenia – period 2007–2010

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    Polona Vreča


    Full Text Available The stable isotopic composition of hydrogen and oxygen (δ2H and δ18O and the tritium activity (A were monitored in monthly collected precipitation at Ljubljana (Reaktor during the period 2007–2010. Monthly and yearly isotope variations are discussed and compared with those observed over the period 1981–2006 and with the basic meteorological parameters for Ljubljana (Bežigrad and Ljubljana (Hrastje stations for the period 2007−2010. The mean values for δ2H and δ18O, weighted by precipitation amount at Ljubljana (Reaktor, are –59.4 ‰ and –8.71 ‰. The reduced major axis local meteoric water line (LMWLRMA is δ2H = (8.19 ± 0.22×δ18O + (11.52 ± 1.97, while the precipitation weighted least square regression results in LMWLPWLSR-Re δ2H = (7.94 ± 0.21×δ18O + (9.76 ± 1.93. The lack of significant difference in the LMWL slopes indicates a relatively homogeneous distribution of monthly precipitation as well as the small number of low-amount monthly precipitation events with low deuterium excess. The deuterium excess weighted mean value is 10.3 ‰ which indicates the prevailing influence of the Atlantic air masses. The temperature coefficient of δ18O is 0.30 ‰/°C. Tritium activity in monthly precipitation shows typical seasonal variations, with a weighted mean tritium activity in this period of 8.5 TU. No decrease of mean annual activity is observed.


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    Andi Sofrany Ekariansyah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK ANALISIS KONDISI TERAS REAKTOR DAYA MAJU AP1000 PADA KECELAKAAN SMALL BREAK LOCA. Kecelakaan yang diakibatkan oleh kehilangan pendingin (loss of coolant accident / LOCA dari sistem reaktor merupakan kejadian dasar desain yang tetap diantisipasi dalam desain reaktor daya yang mengadopsi teknologi Generasi II hingga IV. LOCA ukuran kecil (small break LOCA memiliki dampak yang lebih signifikan terhadap keselamatan dibandingkan LOCA ukuran besar (large break LOCA seperti terlihat pada kejadian Three-Mile Island (TMI. Fokus makalah adalah pada analisis small break LOCA pada reaktor daya maju Generasi III+ yaitu AP1000 dengan mensimulasikan tiga kejadian pemicu yaitu membukanya katup Automatic Depressurization System (ADS secara tak disengaja, putusnya salah satu pipa Direct Vessel Injection (DVI secara double-ended, dan putusnya pipa lengan dingin dengan diameter bocoran 10 inci. Metode yang digunakan adalah simulasi kejadian pada model AP1000 yang dikembangkan secara mandiri menggunakan program perhitungan RELAP5/SCDAP/Mod3.4. Dampak yang ingin dilihat adalah kondisi teras selama terjadinya small break LOCA yang terdiri dari pembentukan mixture level dan transien temperatur kelongsong bahan bakar. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa mixture level untuk semua kejadian small break LOCA berada di atas tinggi teras aktif yang menunjukkan tidak terjadinya core uncovery. Adanya mixture level berpengaruh pada transien temperatur kelongsong yang menurun dan menunjukkan pendinginan bahan bakar yang efektif. Hasil di atas juga identik dengan hasil perhitungan program lain yaitu NOTRUMP. Keefektifan pendinginan teras juga disebabkan oleh berfungsinya injeksi pendingin melalui fitur keselamatan pasif yang menjadi ciri reaktor daya AP1000. Secara keseluruhan, hasil analisis menunjukkan model AP1000 yang telah dikembangkan dengan RELAP5 dapat digunakan untuk keperluan analisis kecelakaan dasar desain pada reaktor daya maju AP1000. Kata kunci: analisis


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    Zuhair Zuhair


    Full Text Available PTRKN sebagai salah satu unit kerja di BATAN dengan tugas pokok dan fungsi yang berkaitan erat dengan teknologi reaktor dan keselamatan nuklir, menaruh perhatian khusus pada konsep reaktor pebble bed. Dalam makalah ini pemodelan reaktor pebble bed HTR-PROTEUS dilakukan dengan program transport Monte Carlo MCNP5. Partikel bahan bakar berlapis TRISO dimodelkan secara detail dan eksak dimana distribusi acak partikel ini dalam bola bahan bakar didekati menggunakan array teratur kisi SC dengan fraksi packing 5,76% tanpa zona eksklusif. Model teras pebble bed didekati dengan memanfaatkan kisi teratur dari bola yang disusun sebagai kisi BCC berdasarkan sel berulang yang digenerasi dari sejumlah sel satuan. Hasil perhitungan MCNP5 memperlihatkan kesesuaian yang sangat baik dengan eksperimen, walaupun teras HTR-PROTEUS diprediksi lebih reaktif daripada pengukuran, khususnya di teras 4.2 dan 4.3. Pustaka ENDF/B-VI menunjukkan konsistensi dengan estimasi keff paling akurat dibandingkan pustaka ENDF/B-V, terutama ENDF/B-VI (66c. Deviasi estimasi keff yang dihitung dengan eksperimen dikaitkan sebagai konsekuensi dari komposisi reflektor grafit yang dispesifikasikan. Komparasi yang dibuat memperlihatkan bahwa MCNP5 menghasilkan keff teras HTR-PROTEUS lebih presisi daripada hasil dari MCNP4B dan MCNPBALL. Hasil ini menyimpulkan bahwa, sukses metodologi pemodelan ini menjustifikasi aplikasi MCNP5 untuk analisis reaktor pebble bed lainnya. Kata kunci: pemodelan teras HTR-PROTEUS, konstanta multiplikasi, MCNP5   PTRKN as a working unit in BATAN whose main duties and functions are related to reactor technology and nuclear safety, consern attention to pebble bed reactor concept. In this paper modeling of HTR-PROTEUS pebble bed reactor was done using Monte Carlo transport code MCNP5. The TRISO coated fuel particle is modeled in detailed and exact manner where random distributions of these particles in fuel pebble is approximated by using regular array of SC lattice


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    Azizul Khakim


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK ANALISIS KESELAMATAN TERMOHIDROLIK BULK SHIELDING REAKTOR KARTINI. Bulk shielding merupakan fasilitas yang terintegrasi dengan reaktor Kartini yang berfungsi sebagai penyimpanan sementara bahan bakar bekas. Fasilitas ini merupakan fasilitas yang termasuk dalam struktur, sistem dan komponen (SSK yang penting bagi keselamatan. Salah satu fungsi keselamatan dari sistem penanganan dan penyimpanan bahan bakar adalah mencegah kecelakaan kekritisan yang tak terkendali dan membatasi naiknya temperatur bahan bakar. Analisis keselamatan paling kurang harus mencakup analisis keselamatan dari sisi neutronik dan termo hidrolik Bulk shielding. Analisis termo hidrolik ditujukan untuk memastikan perpindahan panas dan proses pendinginan bahan bakar bekas berjalan baik dan tidak terjadi akumulasi panas yang mengancam integritas bahan bakar. Code tervalidasi PARET/ANL digunakan untuk analisis pendinginan dengan mode konveksi alam. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa mode pendinginan konvekasi alam cukup memadai dalam mendinginkan panas sisa tanpa mengakibatkan kenaikan temperatur bahan bakar yang signifikan. Kata kunci: Bulk shielding, bahan bakar bekas, konveksi alam, PARET.   ABSTRACT THERMAL HYDRAULIC SAFETY ANALYSIS OF BULK SHIELDING KARTINI REACTOR. Bulk shielding is an integrated facility to Kartini reactor which is used for temporary spent fuels storage. The facility is one of the structures, systems and components (SSCs important to safety. Among the safety functions of fuel handling and storage are to prevent any uncontrolable criticality accidents and to limit the fuel temperature increase. Safety analyses should, at least, cover neutronic and thermal hydraulic calculations of the bulk shielding. Thermal hydraulic analyses were intended to ensure that heat removal and the process of the spent fuels cooling takes place adequately and no heat accumulation that challenges the fuel integrity. Validated code, PARET/ANL was used for analysing the

  2. Rancang Bangun dan Studi Eksperimen Alat Penukar Panas untuk Memanfaatkan Energi Refrigerant Keluar Kompresor AC sebagai Pemanas Air pada ST/D=8 dengan Variasi Volume Air

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    Fajri Chairbowo


    Full Text Available Abstrak­- Kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap air hangat semakin meningkat. Hal itu disebabkan air hangat mempunyai berbagai manfaat. Air hangat efektif dalam melarutkan lemak ataupun sabun, serta air hangat dapat melancarkan peredaran darah manusia ketika digunakan. Demi efisiensi dalam penggunaan energi, penelitian yang dilakukan tentang pemanfaatan panas buang dari sistem refrigerasi.. Sebelum panas dibuang ke lingkungan, water heater ditambahkan oleh penulis ke sistem refrigerasi yang peletakkannya sesudah proses kompresi. Dimana water heater akan mengambil kalor dari refrigeran pemanas yang melintas sesudah dari kompresor. Sistem refrigerasi yang digunakan mempunyai daya  1 HP (746 Watt. Dalam penelitian ini sudah ditetapkan diameter tube dari water heater adalah 1 cm dengan jarak transversal setiap tube 8 cm, fluida yang mengalir di dalam tube adalah R-22 dan fluida diam yang berada di dalam tangki adalah air. Langkah awal dari penelitian ini  adalah melakukan pengujian  sistem AC split untuk mendapatkan data-data yang dibutuhkan dalam perancangan water heater. Tahap selanjutnya adalah studi numerik dimana studi numerik dilakukan secara dua dimensi dengan kondisi steady, incompressible, dan laminar dengan prinsip Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD, menggunakan perangkat lunak GAMBIT 2.4.6 untuk tahap pembuatan domain dan disimulasikan dengan perangkat lunak FLUENT 6.3.26. Tahap terakhir adalah eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui water heater yang dibuat sesuai dengan rancangan penulis. Kemudian water heater yang sudah dibuat, dipasang ke sistem AC split. Pada tahap eksperimen, penulis melakukan variasi terhadap volume air di tangki, yaitu 75 liter, 85 liter dan 100 liter. Hasil dari simulasi numerik menunjukkan fenomena perpindahan panas pada water heater, yang berupa kontur temperatur, kontur kecepatan dan velocity vector dalam bentuk dua dimensi tampak samping water heater. Hasil dari studi eksperimen ini menunjukkan nilai

  3. Efektivitas Pengolahan Air Limbah Batik dengan Cara Kimia dan Biologi

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    Istihanah Nurul Eskani


    Full Text Available Kebanyakan industri batik membuang air limbah ke lingkungan tanpa diolah terlebih dahulu dengan alasan keterbatasan tempat, dana dan penguasaan teknologi. Beberapa cara pengolahan air limbah telah dilakukan untuk mengatasi penurunan mutunlingkungan akibat pembuangan air limbah.Telah dilakukan penelitian proses pengolahan air limbah batik secara kimia, biologi aerob dan biologi anaerob. Proses kimia dilaksanakan dengan menambahkan koagulan tawas dan kapur ke dalam air limbah batik. Proses biologi aerob dijalankan dalam reaktor terbuka selama 5 hari, sedang proses biologi anaerob  dijalankan dalam reaktor tertutup selama 12 hari. Hasil proses kemudian diukur parameter warna, COD dan alkalinitasnya.Hasil penelitian pengolahan air limbah batik secara kimia dapat menurunkan parameter warna yang berasal dari zat warna Naphtol sebesar 83,15 %, COD sebesar 28,82% dan pH hasil proses 7. Proses biologi anaerob menurunkan parameter warna sebesar 94,95%, COD sebesar 59,89% dan pH hasil proses 5. Proses biologi aerob dapat menurunkan parameter warna yang berasal dari zat warna Naphtol sebesar 97,82%, COD sebesar 72, 88% dan pH hasil proses 6,5. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengolahan limbah cair batik secara biologi aerob lebih efektif daripada pengolahan secara biologi anaerob maupaun secara kimia. Kata kunci : pengolahan air limbah batik, proses kimia, proses biologi

  4. Analisis Potensi Sumberdaya Air Daerah Aliran Sungai Singkil Menggunakan Model Tangki

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    Mustafril Mustafril


    Full Text Available Abstrak. Kebutuhan air terus meningkat seiring pertumbuhan penduduk, sedangkan air yang tersedia tidak selalu sejalan antara kebutuhannya menurut volume, tempat, waktu dan kualitasnya. Model-model hidrologi berdasarkan Tank Model telah dikembangkan dalam penelitian di Indonesia dan di dunia untuk memprediksi potensi sumberdaya air dalam suatu DAS. Optimasi parameter Tank Model dapat menggunakan Artificial Neural Network (ANN yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk belajar dari data dan tidak membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mencapai model optimal. Tujuan analisis ini untuk menentukan seberapa besar potensi sumberdaya air di DAS Singkil berdasarkan optimasi parameter Tank Model. Hasil optimasi keseimbangan air parameter Tank Model DAS Singkil meliputi: karakteristik hidrologi DAS Singkil meliputi debit minimum 3,60 mm/hari, debit maksimum 17,80 mm/hari, dan rasio debit maksimum/minimum 4,94. Indikator kesalahan Tank Model DAS Singkil meliputi: R (Coefficient of Correlation sebesar 0,6471, MAE (Mean Absolute Error dan RMSE (Root Square Mean Error masing-masing 2,18 dan 2,73. Total inflow 3.189,48 mm/tahun dan total outflow 3.155,64 mm/tahun, yang terdiri dari: surface flow 11,75 mm/tahun, subsurface flow 669,84 mm/tahun, intermediate flow 62,05 mm/tahun, subbase flow 0,74 mm/tahun, dan base flow 2.411,26 mm/tahun. Berdasarkan total baseflow volume ketersediaan air total yang mengalir di Sungai Singkil mencapai 12.164 x 106 m3/tahun. Potensi sumberdaya air DAS Singkil untuk keperluan pertanian mencapai 3.438,4 x 106 m3/tahun   Analysis of Potential Water Resources at Singkil Watershed using Tank Model Abstract. Water demand continues to increase as the population growth, while the availability of water is not always consistent with the needs in terms of volume, place, time and its quality. Tank based hydrological models have been developed in many researches in Indonesia and in the world to predict the potential of water resources in a watershed. The

  5. Fire modeling of the Heiss Dampf Reaktor containment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nicolette, V.F.; Yang, K.T.


    This report summarizes Sandia National Laboratories' participation in the fire modeling activities for the German Heiss Dampf Reaktor (HDR) containment building, under the sponsorship of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The purpose of this report is twofold: (1) to summarize Sandia's participation in the HDR fire modeling efforts and (2) to summarize the results of the international fire modeling community involved in modeling the HDR fire tests. Additional comments, on the state of fire modeling and trends in the international fire modeling community are also included. It is noted that, although the trend internationally in fire modeling is toward the development of the more complex fire field models, each type of fire model has something to contribute to the understanding of fires in nuclear power plants

  6. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1986; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1986. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1985 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1986 godinu sastoji se od dva dela: prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odzavanje reaktora RA, a drugi poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA.

  7. RA research nuclear reactor - Annual report 1985; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1985. godinu

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    Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1985 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1985 godinu sastoji se od dva dela: prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odzavanje reaktora RA, a drugi poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA.

  8. Pengaruh Laju Alir Inlet Reaktor MSL terhadap Reduksi BOD, COD, TSS, dan Minyak/Lemak Limbah Cair Industri Minyak Goreng

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    Salmariza Sy


    Full Text Available This research was conducted by treating edible oil industry wastewater used Multi Soil Layering (MSL method. The MSL reactor was built from a 200x120x200 cm concrete basin. Andisol soil was mixed with sawdust and fine charcoal at each ratio 5:1:1 based on dry weight as an impermeable layer. The flow rate variations were 250, 500, 1000, and 1500 L/ The observed pollutant parameters were BOD, COD, TSS, oil/fat, and pH. The results showed that MSL reactor was effective to decrease the pollutant content of edible oil industry wastewater. The reactor could reduce concentration of effluent parameters below standard except for oil/fat parameters at high flow rates. In the effluent was found BOD 0.66-14.22 mg/L, COD 5-69 mg/L, TSS 9-26 mg/L, and oil/fat 2-9 mg/L. The flow rate had an effect on reduction efficiency of BOD, COD, TSS, and oil/fat but did not effect pH as all flow rate could raise pH 6.37-6.95 became pH 6.99-7.24. The lower the flow rate the higher the reduction efficiency. The reduction efficiency at flow rates 250 and 1500 L/m2 days for BOD were 99% and 86%, COD were 96% and 71%, TSS were 88% and 77%, and oil/fat were 80% and 60%.ABSTRAK  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengolah air limbah industri minyak goreng menggunakan metoda Multi Soil Layering (MSL. Reaktor MSL dibuat dari beton berbentuk bak ukuran 200x120x200 cm. Tanah andisol dicampur dengan serbuk gergaji dan arang halus pada rasio masing-masing 5:1:1 berdasarkan berat kering sebagai penyusun lapisan impermeable. Variasi laju alir yaitu 250, 500, 1000, dan 1500 L/m2.hari. Parameter pencemar yang dianalisis meliputi BOD, COD, TSS, minyak/lemak, dan pH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reaktor MSL sangat efektif untuk menurunkan kandungan zat pencemar limbah cair industri minyak goreng. Reaktor dapat mereduksi konsentrasi parameter outlet sampai dibawah baku mutu yang distandarkan kecuali untuk parameter miyak/lemak pada perlakuan laju alir tinggi. Pada effluen

  9. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1968 - Operation and maintenance; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1968. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During 1968, the RA Reactor was operated at nominal power of 6.5 MW for 190 days, and during 50 days at lower power levels. Total production amounted to 31051 MWh which is 3.5% higher than planned. reactor was used for irradiation and experiments according to the demand of 600 users, of which 517 from the Institute and 83 externals users. This report contains detailed data about reactor power and experiments performed in 1968. It is concluded that the reactor operation was more successful than during previous years. There was only one longer interruption which lasted 27 hours because of the power cut on the cable for the pump station on Danube. Number of safety shutdowns were at the same level as during last year. The only significant incident in 1968 was air contamination with the radioactive argon in the reactor hall. The reactor operation was not interrupted although the hall was evacuated for two hours. The was no significant exposure of the staff. In April and September the integral dosed were higher than during other months because of the accident during refueling (mixing the slugs with irradiated and fresh fuel). There was no significant surface contamination, i.e. the decontaminated surface were negligible. Due to 'mixing' refueling scheme. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je u 1968. godini radio na nominalnoj snazi od 6,5 MW 190 dana i 50 dana na manjim snagama. Ukupni rad iznosio je 31051 MWh odnosno 3,5% vise od planiranog. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimente za 600 korisnika od cega 517 iz Instituta i 83 za korisnika izvan Instituta. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljne podatke o radu i eksperimentima koji su obavljani. Zakljucuje se da je reaktor radio uspesnije nego prethodnih godina. U toku 1968. godine samo je jedan duzi prekid u radu od 27 casova izazvan zbog proboja kablovske glave na odvodu za pumpnu stanicu na Dunavu. Sigurnosna zaustavljanja bila su na proslogodisnjem nivou. Jedini znacajniji incident u 1968. godini, bio je kontaminacija vazduha

  10. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1970 - Operation and maintenance; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1970. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    the pool. Refuelling was done three times by 'mixing' the irradiated fuel slugs with 5 to 6 fresh ones. Total exposure of the staff was increased due to activities during the shut-down period. Individual maximum exposure dose was not higher than 3.5 R. Cooperation with the French partner, concerned with the possibility of using 93% enriched fuel instead of the present low enriched, was continued. This would enable achievement of higher neutron flux, order of magnitude of 10{sup 14} n/cm{sup 2} sec. It is mentioned that there is doubt whether the plan for 1971 could be fulfilled for financial difficulties. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je u 1970. godini radio na nominalnoj snazi 160 dana i 40 dana na manjim snagama. Ukupni rad iznosio je 25968 MWh odnosno 3.87% vise od planiranog. Plan rada razlikovao se od prethodnih godina zbog slanja teske vode na rekoncentraciju u Francusku. Izotopski sastav teske vode je opao na 99.05% a posle rekoncentracije iznosi 99,96%. Odstupanje od plana rada u septembru mesecu bilo je izazvano kasnjenjem prispeca teske vode usled administrativnih teskoca i transporta. Pocetak kampanje odlozen je i zbog posledica ostecenja kosuljice jednog gorivnog elementa, sto se dogodilo odmah po pocetku rada pa je reaktor bio zaustavljen. U oktobru i novembru reaktor je radio 28 odnosno 25 dana respektivno sto je omogucilo da se nadoknadi izgubljeno vreme. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimente za 390 korisnika od cega 340 iz Instituta i 50 za korisnika izvan Instituta. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljne podatke o radu i eksperimentima koji su obavljani. Zakljucuje se da je reaktor radio uspesno prema planu rada. Kracih zastoja u radu bilo je samo zbog teskoca sa cevovodima tehnicke vode kao posledica klizanja zemljista. Reaktor je samo dva puta sigurnosno zaustavljan zbog neispravnosti opreme odnosno laznog signala elektronske aparature sistema upravljanja. Vreme dok reaktor nije radio iskorisceno je za inspekciju unutrasnjosti reaktorskog suda. Pomocu

  11. Disain Sistem Pemantauan Lingkungan Untuk Evaluasi Lepasan Radionuklida dari Subsistem pada Kecelakaan Reaktor Daya PWR

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    Sri Kuntjoro


    Full Text Available PLTN. (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir sebagai sumber energi baru dipilih sebagai alternatif, karena memiliki berbagai kelebihan yaitu ramah lingkungan, pasokan bahan bakar yang tidak bergantung musim, serta harganya yang dapat bersaing dengan pembangkit listrik yang lain. Namun demikian, adanya keraguan sebagian masyarakat tentang keselamatan radiasi PLTN, maka pemerintah harus bisa meyakinkan tentang operasi PLTN yang aman dan selamat. Penelitian tentang disain sistem pemantauan lingkungan untuk evaluasi lepasan radionuklida dari subsistem reaktor dan lingkungan akibat terjadinya kecelakaan pada reaktor daya telah dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan perhitungan sebaran radionuklida ke subsistem dan lingkungan serta membuat sistim monitoring radiasi di lingkungan. Sistem monitoring lingkungan terdiri dari system pencacah radiasi, sistem peringatan dini, sistem pengukuran meteorologi, sistem GPS dan system GIS. Sistem pencacah radiasi digunakan untuk mencatat data radiasi, sistem pengukuran meteorologi digunakan untuk mencatat data arah dan kecepatan angin, sedangkan sistem GPS digunakan untuk menentukan data posisi pengukuran. Data tersebut kemudian dikirimkan ke system akuisisi data untuk ditransmisikan ke pusat kendali. Pengumpulan dan pengiriman data dilakukan melalui SMS menggunakan perangkat modem yang ditempatkan di ruang kendali. Ruang kendali menerima data dari berbagai tempat pengukuran. Dalam hal ini ruang kendali memiliki fungsi sebagai SMS gateway. Sistem ini dapat memvisualisasi untuk lokasi pengukuran yang berbeda. Selanjutnya, data posisi dan data radiasi diintegrasikan dengan peta digital. Integrasi sistem tersebut kemudian divisualisasikan dalam personal komputer. Untuk posisi pengukuran terlihat langsung di peta dan untuk data radiasi ditampilkan di monitor dengan tanda lingkaran merah atau hijau yang digunakan sebagai pemonitor batas aman radiasi. Bila tanda lingkaran berwarna merah maka akan menyalakan alarm di


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    Masrukan Masrukan


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK PEMBUATAN SERBUK PADUAN U-6Zr DENGAN PENGKAYAAN URANIUM 19,75 % UNTUK BAHAN BAKAR REAKTOR RISET. Telah dilakukan pembuatan serbuk paduan U-6Zr dengan pengkayaan 19,75 % untuk bahan bakar reaktor riset. Pembuatan bahan bakar U-6Zr ini dalam rangka mencari bahan bakar baru yang mempunyai densitas tinggi untuk mengganti bahan bakar yang sudah ada U3Si2-Al. Tujuan dari percobaan ini untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat serbuk paduan U- 6Zr yang diperoleh dari proses hydriding-dehydriding sebagai kandidat bahan bakar reaktor riset. Serbuk yang diperoleh dari proses hydriding-dehydriding dikenai pengujian, diantaranya pungujian komposisi kimia, densitas, kandungan hidrogen, fasa dan sifat termal. Hasil pengujian komposisi kimia menunjukkan beberapa unsur seperti Al, Ca, Cu, dan Ni melebihi batas yang diijinkan dimana masing-masing unsur terdapat sebesar 202,21 ppm; 214,05 ppm; 61,25 ppm dan 134,53 ppm. Pada pengujian diperolah densitas serbuk U-6Zr sebesar 13,58 g/cm3 dan pada pengujian kandungan hidrogen sisa diperoleh kandungan hidrogen sebesar 0,16 %. Untuk pengujian fasa, diperoleh fasa αU dan δU, sedangkan pada pengujian sifat termal yakni transformasi temperatur terdapat dua puncak yakni puncak pertama terjadi pada temperatur 274 hingga 311 oC dan puncak kedua terjadi pada temperatur 493 hingga 527oC. Puncak pertama terjadi reaksi endotermik dengan menyerap panas sebesar ∆H = 6,23 cal/g tetapi tidak terbentuk fasa baru, sedangkan puncak kedua terjadi reaksi eksotermik dengan mengeluarkan panas sebesar ∆H = -9.34 cal/g dan terbentuk fasa αZr. Sementara itu, dari pengujian kapasitas panas pada temperatur 34 hingga 75 oC, terjadinya penurunan nilai kapasitas panas yang disertai dengan penyerapan panas. Pada temperatur yang lebih tinggi hingga temperatur 437oC nilai kapasitas panas menjadi lebih kecil disertai pengeluaran panas. Reaksi termokimia antara Zr dengan hidrogen sisa menunjukkan terbentuknya fasa αZr yang diindikasikan oleh reaksi

  13. Studi Pemanfaatan Catu Daya Hibrida PLTS 3,7 kWp Dan PLN Pada Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Desa Pemecutan Kaja Denpasar Bali

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    Aries Arimbawa


    Full Text Available Abstract—Pemecutan Kaja waste treatment plant (WTP was a community treatment plant located in one of Denpasar city ward to process sewerage produced by community members. The WTP uses radial flow anaerobic system which mainly consists of rabic pro and up flow tanks. The water produced by the WTP was released to nearby river as it already met envinronmental quality standard. The WTP was driven by an electric pump to circulate sewer material within the process flow. The pump was fed by hybrid power supply combining 3.7 kW solar PV and power from utility grid. The WTP was operated by village council of Pemecutan Kaja. The study presented here was result of firstly, evaluation on the utilization and performance of solar PV plant, and secondly, to propose managerial model that can manage the plant effectively and sustainably. The study found that daily average energy produced bythe PVplant was 23.59 kWh yielding cost of energy at IDR 7,766/kWh. Experiment to clean filters of the plant reduced daily energy consumption from 8.84 kWh to 3.05 kWh or 65%. Household that connected to the plant pay monthly subscription currently at IDR 10,000.  However, for sustainable operation of the plant, the household need to pay IDR 51,654. Keywords: Renewable Energy, Solar PV, Hybrid Power Supply, Waste Treatment, Managerial Model Abstrak—Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL Desa Pemecutan Kaja adalah IPAL yang terletak di salah satu lingkungan kota Denpasar yang berfungi untuk mengolah air limbah yang dihasilkan oleh anggota masyarakat. IPAL ini meggunakan sistem radial flow anaerobic yang terdiri tangki rabic pro dan tangki up flow filter. Air hasil pengolahan limbah dapat langsung disalurkan ke sungai karena sudah memenuhi baku mutu limbah cair. IPAL ini menggunakan pompa listrik untuk mengalirkan limbah menuju tangki penyaringan. Pompa ini mengunakan catu daya hibrida PLTS 3,7 kW dan PLN. IPAL ini dikelola langsung oleh masyarakat desa Pemecutan Kaja. Hasil


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    Susyadi Susyadi


    ABSTRAK Reaktor daya kecil modular (SMR memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibanding reaktor daya besar konvensional. Dengan disain yang lebih sederhana dan terintegrasi, penerapan hukum alamiah untuk sistem keselamatannya dan biaya modal yang rendah, reaktor ini sangat cocok untuk dibangun di Indonesia. Salah satunya disain SMR yang sedang dikembangkan menerapkan gaya penggerak alami untuk sistim pendingin primernya. Dengan disain seperti itu, adalah sangat penting untuk memahami implikasinya terhadap aspek keselamatan pada seluruh kondisi operasi. Salah satu yang perlu diinvestigasi adalah kecelakaan kehilangan air umpan (LoFW. Pada studi ini, dilakukan analisis kinerja thermal hidrolik SMR yang menggunakan sistim pendinginan primer sirkulasi alam saat kecelakaan LoFW. Tujuannya adalah untuk menginvestigasi karakteristik aliran sistem primer saat kecelakaan LoFW dan untuk memastikan apakah aliran sirkulasi alam cukup untuk memindahkan panas dari teras guna menjaga kondisi tetap aman selama kecelakaan tersebut. Metoda yang digunakan adalah dengan merepresentasikan sistem reaktor ke dalam model-model generik program RELAP5 dan melakukan simulasi numerik. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa setelah kejadian pemicu dan trip reaktor, pada sisi primer laju alirnya berfluktuasi secara signifikan dan temperatur pendinginnya menurun secara bertahap sedangkan  pada sisi sekunder kondisi uap berubah menjadi uap jenuh. Laju alir turun dari ~711 kg/detik menjadi ~263 kg/detik sebelum kembali naik lagi pada t=~46 detik. Saat laju alir di titik terendah, temperatur pusat bahan bakar dan fluida pendingin adalah sekitar  ~565 K dan  ~554 K, yang menujukkan bahwa temperatur bahan bakar masih jauh di bawah batas disain dan temperatur fluidanya juga berada di bawah titik saturasi. Keadaan ini menunjukkan bahwa saat transien kedua parameter utama termohidrolik reaktor tetap dalam kondisi yang dapat diterima sehingga dapat disimpulkan  bahwa saat  kecelakaan kehilangan air umpan, SMR

  15. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1971; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1971. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    effects. In the introduction of this report it has been emphasised that the decision makers should have in mind the negative effects of low budget on the reactor safe and reliable operation. For the sake of reactor, decision about the future operation and financing should be done as soon as possible, either to cease operation or continue with adequate financial support. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je u 1971. godini radio na nominalnoj snazi 190 dana i 50 dana na manjim snagama. Ukupni rad iznosio je 31606 MWh odnosno 5,3% vise od planiranog, sto je najvisa vrednost od kako je reaktor pusten u rad. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimente za 425 korisnika od cega 370 iz Instituta i 55 za korisnika izvan Instituta. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljne podatke o radu i eksperimentima koji su obavljani. Odstupanja od plana, odnosno veceg ostvarenog rada bilo je u junu i decembru usled posebnih zahteva korisnika. Ukupni broj prekida rada bio je manji od svih prethodnih godina, uglavnom zbog manjeg broja nestanka napona u vreme rada reaktora. U toku godine bilo je samo jedno sigurnosno zaustavljanje, ciji je uzrok bila pojava laznog signala opreme za zastitu reaktora. Nijednog duzeg prekida rada nije bilo zbog neispravnosti opreme. Kracih prekida bilo je usled kidanja spojki na potisnom cevovodu tehnicke vode, sto je bilo izazvano klizanjem zemljista u podrucju crpne stanice na Dunavu. Ukupna doza ozracivanja ljudstva bila je manja nego prethodnih godina. Nije bilo ni jednog akcidenta niti slucaja koji bi se mogao nazvati akcidentom. Dekontaminirano je znatno manje povrsina nego ranijih godina. Zakljuceno je da je uspesan rad reaktora u 1971. godini rezultat valjanog rada u prethodnim godinama. Medjutim usled jos nedefinisane politike u pogledu buduceg rada, odnosno neizvesnosti u vezi finansiranja, neki poslovi su obustavljeni. Tu spada proucavanje mogucnosti prelaska na koriscenje visokoobogacenog goriva sto bi povecalo korisni neutronski fluks i ucinilo reakor konkurentnim za

  16. Evaluasi Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Hotel X di Surabaya

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    Hutomo Dwi Prabowo


    Full Text Available Hotel X merupakan salah satu hotel bintang 4 di Surabaya yang memiliki sarana pengolahan limbah cair dengan kualitas effluent belum memenuhi baku mutu Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Timur No. 72 tahun 2013. Berdasarkan hasil pelaporan pengujian kualitas effluent Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL Hotel X pada 11 Juni 2015 diketahui bahwa salah satu parameter kualitas effluent tidak memenuhi baku mutu. Parameter tersebut adalah COD dengan konsentrasi sebesar 71,684 mg/l. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap IPAL yang ada. Unit yang dievaluasi terdiri dari bak ekualisasi, tangki aerasi, dan bak pengendap 2 dengan sistem activated sludge. Unit-unit ini dievaluasi terhadap efisiensi dan efektivitas masing-masing bangunan. Sampel yang diuji diambil dari influent dan effluent tiap bangunan untuk mengetahui tingkat penyisihan dari tiap bangunan. Hasil evaluasi berupa perubahan fungsi unit, modifikasi unit, dan juga penambahan unit baru.yang direncanakan agar kualitas effluent IPAL Hotel X memenuhi baku mutu. Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk perencanaan sesuai hasil evaluasi adalah Rp. 297.960.000,-

  17. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1969; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1969. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    years of operation as well as purification of heavy water. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je u 1969. godini radio na nominalnoj snazi 200 dana i 15 dana na manjim snagama. Ukupni rad iznosio je 31131 MWh odnosno 3.77% vise od planiranog. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimenta prema zahtevima 463 korisnika iz Instituta i 63 izvan Instituta. Ovaj izvestak sadrzi detaljne podatke o snazi na kojoj je reaktor radio tokom 1969. godine i o uradjenim eksperimentima. Zakljuceno je da je reaktor RA uspesno radio prema planu rada. Da nije bilo problema sa napajanjem elektricnom energijom tokom poslednja tri meseca i niskog vodostaja Dunava u septembru i oktobru protekle godine bila bi to najuspesnija godina od pustanja reaktora u pogon. Broj sigurnosnih zaustavljanja nije bio veci u odnosu na prethodne dve godine i pored poteskoca u poslednjem kvartalu. Osoblje je bilo izlozeno povecanim dozama zracenja usled tri incidenta. Jedan je bio raspadanje kenera sa srebrom (zbog duzeg stajanja u aktivnoj zoni), sto je uzrokovalo kontaminaciju radne platforme, tako da je fon porastao za 10 do 100 puta od normalnohg Druga dva slucaja su bila otkazivanje uredjaja za mesanje goriva u tehnoloskim kanalima. Zamena goriva je radjena cetiri puta u toku godine, utroseno je 499 svezih gorivnih elemenata. Primenjena je metoda mesanja svezih gorivnih elemenata sa koriscenim gorivnim elementima u gorivnom kanalu. Dekontaminacija povrsina bila je na nivou prethodnih godina i pored problema sa srebrom. Kako su sa reaktora tokom godine otisla dva saradnika sa visokom spremom broj ljudi je opao na neophodan minimum za pogon i odrzavanje reaktora. Navrsavajuci u ovoj godini deset godina rada moze se reci da su rad i stanje opreme na tehnicki solidnom nivou. Kako bi se posle deset godina rada izvrsila kontrola vaznih komponenti reaktora i obavila rekoncentracija teske vode, za 1970. godinu je planirano da se proizvodnja smanji na 25000 MWh, a baziran je na istim principima kao i planovi za prethodne


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    Dicky Tri Jatmiko


    Full Text Available KETAHANAN KOROSI PADUAN Al-Mg 5052 DI DALAM AIR PENDINGIN NETRAL MENGANDUNG KLORIDA. Paduan Al-Mg 5052 adalah material yang biasa digunakan untuk kelongsong elemen bakar nuklir karena serapan fluks netronnya rendah dan tahan korosi di dalam air demineralisasi pada kondisi operasi reaktor. Makalah ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui ketahanan korosi paduan Al-Mg 5052 di dalam air dengan pH netral dan mengandung klorida sebagai pengganti air demineralisasi pendingin primer Reaktor Serba Guna GA Siwabessy (RSG-GAS. Penelitian mencakup pengukuran laju korosi menggunakan metode Tafel, prediksi mekanisme korosi menggunakan metode voltametri siklik dan analisa produk korosi dengan metode difraksi sinar X. Percobaan dilakukan dengan variasi temperatur 30°C, 35°C, 40°C, dan 45°C, serta variasi konsentrasi larutan natrium  klorida 0,05 M, 0,25 M, dan 0,5 M. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa paduan Al-Mg 5052 terkorosi dengan kategori “dapat diabaikan” hingga “sedang” dalam larutan natrium klorida menjadi produk yang larut dalam air pada satu tahap reaksi oksidasi irreversible.   CORROSION RESISTANCE OF Al-Mg ALLOY 5052 IN CHLORIDE CONTAINING NEUTRAL COOLING WATER. Al-Mg alloy 5052 is a material used as nuclear fuel element cladding due to its low neutron flux absorption and high corrosion resistance in demineralized water. This research is focused to know of the corrosion resistance of Al-Mg alloy 5052 in chloride containing neutral water used as demineralized primary cooling water substitute in GA Siwabessy Multi Purpose Reactor (RSG-GAS. This research covers the corrosion rate measurement using the Tafel method, corrosion process prediction using cyclic voltammetry method and corrosion product analysis using X-Ray Diffraction method. The experiments are carried out at temperature variation of 30°C, 35°C, 40°C and 45°C, as well as sodium chloride concentration of 0.05 M, 0.25 M and 0.5 M. The research results show that Al-Mg alloy 5052


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    Andi Sofrany Ekariansyah


    Full Text Available Reaktor daya PWR AP1000 yang didesain oleh Westinghouse adalah reaktor Generasi III+ pertama yang telah menerima persetujuan desain dari U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC. Saat ini utilitas China telah memulai pembangunan beberapa unit AP1000 di dua tapak terpilih untuk rencana operasi pada 2013-2015. AP1000 sebagai desain PWR berdasarkan teknologi teruji dari desain PWR lainnya yang dibuat oleh Westinghouse dengan penguatan pada sistem keselamatan pasif dengan demikian dapat dipertimbangkan untuk dibangun di Indonesia bila mengacu pada persyaratan pada PP 43/2006 mengenai Perijinan Reaktor Nuklir. Namun demikian, desain tersebut perlu diverifikasi oleh Technical Support Organization (TSO independen sebelum dapat dibangun di Indonesia. Verifikasi dapat dilakukan menggunakan paket program RELAP5 dalam bentuk analisis kecelakaan. Selama ini analisis kecelakaan PLTN dilakukan untuk tipe PWR 1000 MWe dari generasi II atau tipe konvensional. Mengingat saat ini referensi yang menggambarkan teknologi AP1000 yang menyertakan teknologi keselamatan pasif sudah tersedia maka dilakukan kegiatan pemodelan yang nantinya dapat digunakan untuk melakukan analisis kecelakaan. Metode pengembangan model mengacu pada pedoman IAEA yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data instalasi, pengembangan engineering data dan penyusunan input deck, verifikasi dan validasi data input. Model yang berhasil dikembangkan secara umum telah mewakili sistem AP1000 secara keseluruhan dan dianggap sebagai model dasar. Model tersebut telah diverifikasi dan divalidasi dengan data desain yang terdapat pada referensi dimana respon parameter termohidraulika menunjukkan perbedaan hasil ± 3% selain untuk parameter penurunan tekanan teras yang lebih rendah 13%. Sebagai model dasar, input deck yang diperoleh dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut dengan mengintegrasikan pemodelan sistem keselamatan, sistem proteksi, dan sistem kendali yang spesifik AP1000 untuk keperluan simulasi keselamatan yang lebih


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    Saeful Yusuf


    Full Text Available Pada makalah ini diuraikan tentang aplikasi teknik AAN (Analisis Aktivasi Neutron dalam penentuan konsentrasi unsur-unsur esensial dan cemaran yang terkandung di dalam beberapa spesies ikan dan pakan ikan. Unsur-unsur esensial yang terkandung dalam pakan ikan buatan juga dianalisis untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap ikan. Penentuan unsur menggunakan teknik AAN dengan metode perbandingan dan metode k0-AAN. Sampel diiradiasi di reaktor RSG-GAS yang memiliki fluks neutron thermal 5 x 1013 pada daya 15 MW. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 12 unsur di dalam 11 spesies ikan air laut dan air tawar telah ditentukan yaitu As, Br, Cr, Co, Cs, Fe, Hg, K, Na, Rb, Se and Zn. Konsentrasi cemaran As didalam ikan laut sudah melampaui batas maksimum 1 mg/kg, sedangkan konsentrasi cemaran Hg masih dibawah batas maksimum 0,5 mg/kg, baik untuk ikan laut maupun ikan air tawar. Unsur K dan Na merupakan unsur makroesensial sedangkan unsur Cr, Co, Fe, Se and Zn adalah termasuk unsur mikroesensial. Secara umum ditunjukkan bahwa kandungan mineral didalam ikan laut lebih tinggi konsentrasinya dibandingkan ikan air tawar. Br, Cs dan Rb merupakan unsur-unsur non esensial yang teridentifikasi dalam semua ikan yang dianalisis. Penelitian terhadap pakan ikan air tawar menunjukkan bahwa semua unsur yang teridentifikasi juga terdapat di dalam ikan laut dan ikan air tawar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pakan ikan berkontribusi terhadap konsentrasi unsur di dalam ikan air tawar. Kata kunci : Analisis aktivasi neutron, unsur esensial, unsur cemaran, ikan, pakan ikan   This paper reported on the application of NAA (Neutron Activation Analysis Technique in the determination of the concentration of the essential and toxic elements in some species of fish and fish feed. Determination of elements using instrumental NAA technique with comparison and k0-INAA methods. Samples were irradiated in the RSG-GAS which has a thermal neutron flux  5.0E +13 ncm-2s-1. The results

  1. Pengolahan Limbah Rumah Makan dengan Proses Biofilter Aerobik

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    Laily Zoraya Zahra


    Full Text Available Berkembangnya rumah makan/restoran yang semakin pesat dapat dipastikan akan turut menambah buangan air limbah domestik dengan kadar organik yang tinggi dalam jumlah yang tidak sedikit yang dibuang ke badan air.Tingginya kadar organik dalam limbah domestik rumah makan akan menyebabkan aroma yang tidak sedap jika tidak ada pengolahan terlebih dahulu, maka pengolahan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengolah air limbah rumah makan tersebut adalah proses biofilter aerobik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan proses biofilter aerobik dengan aliran downflow dan menggunakan sistem intermitten.Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah media biofilter berupa kerikil dan batu alam serta Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT 8 jam. Parameter pencemar yang diukur efisiensinya adalah BOD, COD, dan TSS. Besarnya penyisihan parameter BOD, COD dan TSS dengan menggunakan biofilter aerob berturut-turut mencapai 94,83%, 92,95%, dan 95%. Reaktor paling baik dalam mengolah air limbah adalah reaktor biofilter dengan media kerikil pada HRT 8 jam.

  2. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1996; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1996. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    ugovoru trebalo je da celokupna nova instrumentacija za reaktor RA bude isporucena Institutu u Vinci do kraja 1990. godine, ali je do septembra 1991. godine isporuceno svega 80% od predvidjene kolicine. Od tada je svaka isporuka obustavljena, a razlog je privremena zabrana na sve isporuke opreme za Jugoslaviju izrecena od strane ove organizacije Ujedinjenih nacija. Demontirana je postojeca instrumentacija u maksimalno mogucem obimu, kako bi se zadrzala neka osnovna merenja neophodna i u uslovima kada reaktor nije u pogonu. Kontrola i odrzavanje celopkupne opreme postrojenja, kao i remontni radovi izvrsavani su redovno i efikasno. Kontrola goriva od strane inspektora MAAE obavljana je jedanput mesecno. U ovom izvestajnom periodu na reaktoru RA bilo je zaposleno prosecno 43 radnika, sto je dovoljan broj u uslovima remontnih i investicionih radova. Nedostatak finansijskih sredstava za odrzavanje reaktora RA je neresen problem i u ovom periodu. Ovaj izvestaj podeljen je u dve celine: pogon i odrzavanje reaktora i zastita od zracenja na reaktoru RA.


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    Jati Susilo


    Full Text Available Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan verifikasi perhitungan benchmark VERA pada kasus Zero Power Physical Test (ZPPT teras reaktor Watts Bar 1. Reaktor tersebut merupakan jenis PWR kelas 1000 MWe yang didesain oleh Westinghouse, tersusun dari 193 perangkat bahan bakar 17×17 dengan 3 jenis pengkayaan UO2 yaitu 2,1wt%, 2,619wt% dan 3,1wt%. Perhitungan nilai k-eff dan distribusi faktor daya dilakukan pada siklus operasi pertama teras dengan kondisi beginning of cycle (BOC dan hot zero power (HZP. Posisi batang kendali dibedakan menjadi uncontrolled (semua batang kendali berada di luar teras, dan controlled (batang kendali Bank D didalam teras. Paket program komputer yang digunakan dalam perhitungan adalah MVP-II dan SRAC2006 modul CITATION dengan data pustaka tampang lintang ENDF/B-VII.0. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan nilai k-eff teras pada kondisi controlled dan uncontrolled antara referensi dengan MVP-II (-0,07% dan -0,014% dan SRAC2006 (0,92% dan 0,99% sangat kecil atau masih dibawah 1%. Perbedaan faktor daya maksimum teras pada kondisi controlled dan uncontrolled dengan referensi dengan MVP-II adalah 0,38% dan 1,53%, sedangkan dengan SRAC2006 adalah 1,13% dan -2,45%. Dapat dikatakan bahwa kedua paket program komputer menunjukkan hasil perhitungan yang sesuai dengan nilai referensi. Dalam hal penentuan kekritisan teras, maka hasil perhitungan MVP-II lebih konservatif dibandingkan dengan SRAC2006. Kata kunci : MVP-II, SRAC2006, PWR, VERA   In this research, verification calculation for VERA core physics benchmark on the Zero Power Physical Test (ZPPT of the nuclear reactor Watts Bar 1. The reactor is a 1000 MWe class of PWR designed by Westinghouse, arranged from 193 unit of 17×17 fuel assembly consisting 3 type enrichment of UO2 that are 2.1wt%, 2.619wt% and 3.1wt%. Core power factor distribution and k-eff calculation has been done for the first cycle operation of the core at beginning of cycle (BOC and hot zero power (HZP. In this

  4. Penurunan Logam Timbal (Pb pada Limbah Cair TPA Piyungan Yogyakarta dengan Constructed Wetlands Menggunakan Tumbuhan Eceng Gondok (Eichornia Crassipes

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    Eko Siswoyo


    Full Text Available Salah satu permasalahan lingkungan yang ditimbulkan dari adanya lindi di TPA Piyungan yaitu pencemaran pada badan air, sungai dan air tanah. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini salah satunya dengan sistem Constructed Wetlands dengan menggunakan tumbuhah eceng gondok. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat penurunan konsentrasi Timbal (Pb yang terdapat dalam limbah cair TPA Piyungan dengan Constructed Wetlands menggunakan tumbuhan eceng gondok dan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kapasitas serapan tumbuhan eceng gondok terhadap kandungan Timbal (Pb dalam limbah cair TPA Piyungan.Dalam penelitian ini digunakan reaktor yang terbuat dari kayu yang dilapisi plastik dengan ukuran 0,5 m x 1,0 m. Setiap reaktor diberi media tanah 5 cm, dan diberi tumbuhan sebanyak 14 buah. Reaktor tersebut diberi perlakuan dengan konsentrasi limbah yang bervariasi (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, dan 0%, dan waktu pengambilan sampel (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 hari. Dengan menggunakan metode SSA (Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom.Berdasarkan pengujian diperoleh bahwa penurunan logam Pb pada limbah cair TPA Piyungan hari ke- 12, yaitu sebesar 0.0501mg/L pada konsentrasi 100%, 0.0295mg/L pada konsentrasi 75%, 0.0267mg/L pada konsentrasi 50% dan 0.0041 mg/L pada konsentrasi 25%.


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    Opy Kurniasari


    methane through the form of methanol metabolite. ABSTRAKPenanganan sampah kota di Indonesia pada umumnya dilakukan pada tempat pemrosesan akhir sampah (TPA, yang sebagian besar dilakukan dengan cara pengurugan (landfilling yang cenderung bersifat anaerob (tidak ada oksigen. Cara pengurugan ini biasanya dioperasikan lapis perlapis sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya proses anaerob. Pada kondisi ini dipastikan biogas, yaitu gas metana (CH4 dan CO2, akan muncul. Metana adalah gas rumah kaca dengan potensi pemanasan global lebih besar dari CO2, dan dapat mengabsorpsi radiasi infra merah 23 kali lebih efisien dari CO2 pada periode lebih dari 100 tahun. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi gas metana dari landfill yang lepas ke alam adalah dengan mengoksidasinya dengan memanfaatkan material penutup landfill (biocover sebagai media mikroorganisma pengoksidasi metana. Aplikasi kompos sebagai material penutup landfill merupakan pendekatan dengan biaya rendah untuk mereduksi emisi gas dari landfill sehingga cocok untuk negara berkembang. Biocover yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kompos landfill mining, yaitu kompos yang terdegradasi secara alami di landfill. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kemampuan biocover kompos landfill mining dalam mengoksidasi metana pada ketebalan lapisan tertentu dengan kondisi aliran kontinyu. Tiga buah reaktor kolom yang digunakan terbuat dari flexy glass berukuran tinggi 70 cm dan diameter 15 cm. Gas metana dialirkan dari bawah reaktor secara kontinyu dengan laju alir 5 ml/menit. Kolom diisi dengan biocover kompos landfill mining dengan ketebalan lapisan 5, 25, 35 dan 60 cm. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa semakin tebal lapisan biocover, semakin tinggi efisiensi oksidasi metana. Efisiensi oksidasi yang diperoleh pada setiap ketebalan lapisan 15, 25, 35 dan 60 cm adalah masing-masing 56,43%, 63,69%, 74,58% dan 80,03%, dengan laju oksidasi 0,287 mol m-2 d-1 dan fraksi oksidasi 97%. Hasil oksidasi yang diperoleh tersebut


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    Sri Kuntjoro


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan analisis iradiasi fluens neutron cepat terhadap berilium reflektor reaktor RSG-GAS. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengukuran fluks neutron di posisi berilium elemen dan berilium blok yang berfungsi sebagai reflector. Selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan untuk menentukan apakah ada pengaruh fluens neutron selama berilium berada di teras reaktor. Selain cara tersebut dilakukan pula visualisasi untuk memastikan ada tidaknya deformasi pada berilium akibat iradiasi. Hasil pengukuran fluks dan fluens neutron cepat maksimal pada daya 200 kW untuk berilium elemen posisi E-2 sebesar 2,30E+07 n/cm2s dan 4,19E+17 n/cm2, J-8 sebesar 3,70E+07 n/cm2s dan 6,74E+17 n/cm2. Hasil pengukutan pada posisi B-3 sebesar 2,19E+12 n/cm2s dan 3,99E+22 n/cm2, G-10 sebesar 2,12E+12 n/cm2s dan 3,86E+22 n/cm2, serta berilium blok posisi (5-6 sebesar 5,02E+07 n/cm2s dan 9,15E+17 n/cm2, (C-D sebesar 2,32E+07 n/cm2s dan 4,23E+17 n/cm2. Deformasi yang diperoleh untuk berilium elemen (∆L/L posisi E-2 sebesar 1,12E-08, J-8 sebesar 1,84E-08, B-3 sebesar 1,60E-03, posisi G-10 sebesar 1,55E-03, sedangkan pada berilium blok di posisi 5-6 sebesar 2,52E-08 dan C-D sebesar 1,13E-08. Dari hasil ini disimpulkan tidak terjadi deformasi pada berilium elemen dan berilium blok. Hasil ini dibuktikan pula dari pengamatan visual, dimana tidak terlihat adanya deformasi pada berilium tersebut. Kata kunci : fluks, fluens, berilium elemen, berilium blok   Analysis of influence fast neutron fluence irradiated to the RSG-GAS beryllium reflector have been done. Methods of analysis was carried out by measuring fluxs neutron in beryllium element and block positio that function as reflector. The calculation done for determination it is there any influence of neutron as long as beryllium in the core. Bisede that, visualization done to make sure it there is any deformation at beryllium as efect of irradiation. Fluxs and fluences of beryllium element measurement result in 200 k

  7. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1973; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1973. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

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    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During 1973, RA reactor was operated at nominal power for 4687 hours and 54 hours at lower power levels. The total production was 30504 MWh which is 1.6% higher than planned. Practically there was no discrepancies from the plan, since the action plan was corrected at the beginning of this year caused by the demand of changing the schedule for refuelling for the purpose of 'power excursion' experiment. The reactor was used for irradiation and experiments according to the demand of 336 users. This report contains detailed data about reactor power and experiments performed in 1973. Total number safety shutdowns was 12, of which 7 were caused by power cuts. Three shutdowns caused by failures of the equipment were caused by failures of new electronic tubes. Two shutdowns were caused by the operators. There have been three shorter interruptions announced power cuts. Total personnel exposure dose was lower than during previous years. There were no accidents during this year. Decontamination of surfaces was less than during previous years. Practically there was no surface contamination, and the quantity of collected radioactive waste was lower than previously. There were no liquid radioactive effluents. It was concluded that the successful operation in 1973 has a special significance taking into account the financial crisis. There still remains a number of unsolved problems related to: completing the inventory of spare parts, exchange of some elements of the equipment, exchange of instrumentation, and purchase of the highly enriched fuel. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je u 1973. godini radio na nominalnoj snazi 4687 sati i 54 sata na manjim snagama. Ukupni rad iznosio je 30504 MWh odnosno 1,6% vise od planiranog. Prakticno nije bilo odstupanja od plana rada koji je pocetkom godine korigovan zbog promene planiranih izmena goriva usled izvodjenja eksperimenta 'ekskurzije snage'. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimente za 336 korisnika. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljne

  8. RA Research reactor Annual report 1981 - Part 1, Operation, maintenance and utilization of the RA reactor; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA, Deo 1 - Pogon, odrzavanje i eksploatacija reaktora u 1981. godini

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    Sotic, O; Milosevic, M; Martinc, R; Kozomara-Maic, S; Cupac, S; Radivojevic, J; Stamenkovic, D; Skoric, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    biggest difficulty was maintenance of reactor instrumentation. During 1981 the reactor was operated safely, there was no accident nor incident that would affect the safety of reactor personnel or the environment. The testing operation will be continued in 1982,and the experience so far shows that the program would be successfully fulfilled on the whole. [Serbo-Croat] Nuklearni reaktor RA prestao je sa radom nakon martovske kampanje 1979. godine usled pojave talozenja oksihidrata aluminijuma na kosuljicama gorivnih elemenata. Odgovarajucim resenjima Sanitarnog inspektorata Republickog sekretarijata za zdravje i socijalnu politiku SR Srbije i generalnog direktora Instituta za nuklearne nauke 'Boris Kidric', Vinca zabranjen je dalji rad reaktora sve dok se ne utvrde uzroci stvaranja oksihidrata aluminijuma i njihovog talozenja, preduzmu mere za njihovo uklanjanje i ne obezbede potrebni uslovi za normalan nastavak rada reaktora. Do kraja 1979. i tokom 1980. godine, nakon niza izvrsenih analiza i utvrdjivanja uzroka koji su doveli do zaustavljanja rada reaktora, izvrsene su sve neophodne pripreme za ponovno pustanje reaktora u rad. Polazeci od cinjenice da na reaktoru RA ne postoji sistem za hladjenje jezgra u slucaju udesa i da ne postoji adekvatan sistem za filtriranje potencijalno zagadjenog vazduha, a saglasno sa novim propisima o pustanju u rad i probnom radu nuklearnih objekata, Sanitarni inspektorat je doneo privremeno resenje kojim se dozvoljava pustanje reaktora u rad, tj. izvodjenje tzv. 'nultog eksperimenta' uz ogranicenje snage na 1% od vrednosti nominalne snage. Na osnovu dobijene dozvole, reaktor RA je ponovo pusten u rad 21. januara 1981. godine, kada je dostignuta kriticnost sa jezgrom sastavljenim iskljucivo od gorivnih elemenata od 80% obogacenog uranijuma. Eksperiment je zavrsen krajem marta, nakon cega je zatrazena dozvola za probni rad na vecim snagama i potom za rad na punoj snazi. Uzimajuci postojece stanje reaktora RA doneto je resenje kojim se

  9. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1988; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1988. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Annual report concerning the project 'RA research nuclear reactor' for 1989, financed by the Serbian ministry of science is divided into two parts. First part is concerned with RA reactor operation and maintenance, which is the task of the Division for reactor engineering of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering. Second part deals with radiation protection activities at the RA reactor which is the responsibility of the Institute for radiation protection. Scientific council of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering has stated that this report describes adequately the activity and tasks fulfilled at the RA reactor in 1989. The scope and the quality of the work done were considered successful both concerning the maintenance and reconstruction, as well as radiation protection activities. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1989. godinu, koji finansira republicka zajednica za nauku SR Srbije po ugovoru br. 3705/1 sastoji se iz dva dela. Prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA, sto predstavlja obavezu Odeljenja za reaktorski inzenjering u sastavu OOUR Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA. Drugi deo obuhvata poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA, sto predstavlja obavezu OOUR Instituta za zastitu od zracenja 'Zastita'. Naucno vece Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA ocenilo je da sadrzina ovog izvestaja odgovara izvrsenim poslovima na reaktoru RA u 1989. godini. Pozitivno se ocenjuje obim i kvalitet izvrsenih radova kako u pogledu odrzavanja i rekonstrukcije reaktora, tako i u pogledu poslova zastite od zracenja izvrsenih kod njega.

  10. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1991; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1991. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    zahvat, koji se odnosi na zamenu celokupne instrumentacije je u toku, ali njegova realizacija u 1991. godini kasni zbog zastoja u isporuci opreme koja se izradjuje u Sovjetskom savezu. Izradu ove opreme finansira Medjunarodna agencija za atomsku energiju kroz ugovor sklopljen decembra 1988. godine sa moskovskom firmom Atomenergoexport. Prema tom ugovoru trebalo je da celokupna nova instrumentacija za reaktor RA bude isporucena Institutu u Vinci do kraja 1990. godine, ali je do septembra 1991. godine isporuceno svega 56% od predvidjene kolicine. Od tada je svaka isporuka obustavljena, a razlog je privremena zabrana na sve isporuke opreme za Jugoslaviju izrecena od strane ove organizacije Ujedinjenih nacija. U 1991. godini na reaktoru RA je demontirana postojeca instrumentacija u maksimalno mogucem obimu, kako bi se zadrzala neka osnovna merenja neophodna i u uslovima kada reaktor nije u pogonu. Pri kraju je izrada odredjenih konstrukcionih elemenata za novu instrumentaciju, koju je prihvatio da realizuje Institut u Vinci, kako bi se ubrzala realizacija ovog projekta. Ako sva predvijena oprema ne bude isporucena do kraja marta 1992. godine, nece moci da se otpocne sa probnim radom reaktora u prvoj polovini 1993. godine, kako je planirano. Na realizaciji projekta u 1991. godini ucestvovalo je efektivno 53 radnika, sto je dovoljan broj u uslovima remontnih i investicionih radova. Godisnji izvestaj o radu nuklearnog reaktora RA za 1992. godinu sastoji se od dva dela: prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odzavanje reaktora RA, a drugi poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA.

  11. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1994; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1994. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    pouzdan rad ovog reaktora. Poslednji, i ujedno najveci zahvat, koji se odnosi na zamenu celokupne instrumentacije je u toku, ali njegova realizacija u 1994. godini kasni zbog zastoja u isporuci opreme koja se izradjuje u Sovjetskom savezu. Izradu ove opreme finansira Medjunarodna agencija za atomsku energiju kroz ugovor sklopljen decembra 1988. godine sa moskovskom firmom Atomenergoexport. Prema tom ugovoru trebalo je da celokupna nova instrumentacija za reaktor RA bude isporucena Institutu u Vinci do kraja 1990. godine, ali je do septembra 1991. godine isporuceno svega 56% od predvidjene kolicine. Od tada je svaka isporuka obustavljena, a razlog je privremena zabrana na sve isporuke opreme za Jugoslaviju izrecena od strane ove organizacije Ujedinjenih nacija. U 1991. godini na reaktoru RA je demontirana postojeca instrumentacija u maksimalno mogucem obimu, kako bi se zadrzala neka osnovna merenja neophodna i u uslovima kada reaktor nije u pogonu. U 1994. godini nastavljen je rad na razradi i dopuni sovjetskog projekta. Kontrola i odrzavanje celopkupne opreme postrojenja, kao i remontni radovi izvrsavani su redovno i efikasno. Veoma obiman remont sekundarnog kola hladjenja reaktora privodi se kraju i bice okoncan u prvoj polovini 1995. a u skladu postojecim zakonskim propisima i sa preporukama MAAE. Kontrola goriva od strane inspektora MAAE obavljana je jedanput mesecno. Na reaktoru RA u 1994. godini radilo je prosecno 47 radnika, sto je dovoljan broj u uslovima remontnih i investicionih radova.

  12. Surfaktan Sodium Ligno Sulfonat (SLS dari Debu Sabut Kelapa

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    Mukti Mulyawan


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan negara agraris yang menghasilkan beragam hasil pertanian yang melimpah. Salah satu hasil pertanian yang menonjol di Indonesia adalah kelapa. Produksi buah kelapa di Indonesia rata-rata sebanyak 15,5 miliar butir/tahun atau setara dengan 3,02 juta ton kopra, 3,75 juta ton air, 0,75 juta ton arang tempurung, 1,8 juta ton serat sabut (coir fiber dan 3,3 juta ton debu sabut (coir dust/ cocopeat. Komposisi sabut kelapa terdiri dari 25% gabus dan 75% serat . Tetapi, debu sabut kelapa masih dikembangkan sebatas sebagai media tanam. sisanya akan menjadi limbah dengan kontribusi sangat besar dari pengisi pada volume total sampah domestiK. Banyaknya komoditas kelapa dan potensi limbah sabut yang dihasilkan, membuat pemanfaatan Debu Sabut menjadi bahan yang bernilai ekonomis patut untuk dilakukan. Salah satunya adalah sebagai bahan pembuatan Surfakatan Sodium Ligno Sulfonat (SLS yang selama ini komoditasnya diperoleh seluruhnya dari impor. Adapun tahapan proses pembuatan SLS dari Debu Sabut kelapa adalah mempersiapan Bahan Baku berupa Debu Sabut Kelapa. Dilanjutkan dengan pemasakan/pulping menggunakan metode organosolv dengan alat pemasak digester (R-120. Dari lindi hitam yang dihasilkan, akan diproses dengan Isolasi Lignin dengan metode presipitasi asam. Lindi hitam yang telah didapat diendapkan dengan menambahkan secara perlahan H2SO4dengan konsentrasi 20% sampai pH 2 pada tangki isolasi pertama (M-211.Proses isolasi dengan metode pengasaman banyak digunakan untuk mendapatkan lignin dengan kemurnian tinggi. Untuk Menghasilkan SLS, Lignin Isolat perlu direaksikan dengan bahan penyulfonasi natrium bisulfit (NaHSO3, sehingga menghasilkan natrium lignosulfonat (SLS pada reaktor sulfonasi (R-310. Berlokasi di Provinsi Riau, Pabrik ini akan dibangun dengan kapasistas 20.150 ton/tahun. Dari analisa ekonomi, diperlukan Modal tetap (FCI sebesar Rp 316.323.349.677; Modal kerja (WCI sebesar Rp 74.429.023.453; Investasi total (TCI sebesar Rp 390

  13. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1989; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1989. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Annual report concerning the project 'RA research nuclear reactor' for 1989, financed by the Serbian ministry of science is divided into two parts. First part is concerned with RA reactor operation and maintenance, which is the task of the Division for reactor engineering of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering. Second part deals with radiation protection activities at the RA reactor which is the responsibility of the Institute for radiation protection. Scientific council of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering has stated that this report describes adequately the activity and tasks fulfilled at the RA reactor in 1989. The scope and the quality of the work done were considered successful both concerning the maintenance and reconstruction, as well as radiation protection activities. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1989. godinu, koji finansira republicka zajednica za nauku SR Srbije po ugovoru br. 3705/1 sastoji se iz dva dela. Prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA, sto predstavlja obavezu Odeljenja za reaktorski inzenjering u sastavu OOUR Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA. Drugi deo obuhvata poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA, sto predstavlja obavezu OOUR Instituta za zastitu od zracenja 'Zastita'. Naucno vece Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA ocenilo je da sadrzina ovog izvestaja odgovara izvrsenim poslovima na reaktoru RA u 1989. godini. Pozitivno se ocenjuje obim i kvalitet izvrsenih radova kako u pogledu odrzavanja i rekonstrukcije reaktora, tako i u pogledu poslova zastite od zracenja izvrsenih kod njega.

  14. Operational report, Advantages of gradual introducing of highly enriched fuel into the RA reactor core from economic aspect and users needs; Radni izvestaj, Prednost postupka parcijalnog uvodjenja visokoobogacenog goriva u reaktor RA sa aspekta ekonomicnosti i potreba korisnika

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinc, R et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    The possibility of increasing the neutron flux in the RA reactor was considered for a number of years. The possibilities of reactor reconstruction are not realistic and they should be disregarded. The possibility that remains is to achieve higher neutron flux by improving the fueling scheme and above all by introducing highly enriched fuel into the reactor core. Decision to purchase highly enriched fuel was quicker due to the fact that the 2% enriched uranium fuel is not fabricated any more. There are two procedures for exchanging the fuel in the reactor core: a) removal of partially spent 2% enriched fuel and formation of the core with fresh highly enriched fuel; b) gradually introducing the new fuel into the existing RA reactor core according to a special transfer regime. This report includes some comparative analyses of these two procedures from both economic point of view and the needs of users, as well as some technical conditions. These results are in favour of gradual introducing of new fuel into the reactor core. relevant direct savings amount to 3 000 000 dinars. Some of the most important advantages cannot be estimated in this way. This report does not cover the safety analyses results which are presented in a series of other papers. [Serbo-Croat] Vec vise godina razmatra se mogucnost za povecanje neutronskog fluksa u reaktoru RA. Mogucnosti za rekonstrukciju reaktora RA u tom smislu su minimalne i realno ih treba odbaciti. Prema tome preostaje da se povecanje neutronskog fluksa postigne usavrsavanjem seme izmene goriva, a pre svega uvodjenjem goriva sa visokim stepenom obogacenja u reaktor RA. Donosenje odluke o nabavci visokoobogacenog goriva i njegovom uvodjenju u reaktor ubrzano je i cinjenicom da se staro 2% obogaceno uransko gorivo vise ne proizvodi. Postoje dva postupka za prevodjenje reaktora na ovo gorivo: a) Uklanjanjem poluistrosenog 2% obogacenog goriva iz reaktora i formiranjem jezgra iskljucivo od svezeg visokoobogacenog goriva, b


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    Fajar Winarni


    Full Text Available This study is an empirical legal research that uses primary and secondary data. The result of this  study is to be used f or the handling of  E.  coli  contamination where it  is the government ’s role to procure chlorine diffusers and monitor the quality of drinking water. The high level of contamination caused by the E. coli bacteria is due to the poor sanitation system and the close proximity of wells to septic tanks. Meanwhile, other constraints faced by the government include the lackof routine monitoring, lack of sanitation workers, and lack of proper implementation of the standardtechnical guidance on Procedures Planning Septic Tank with Absorption Systems. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris yang menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini adalah dalam rangka penanggulangan pencemaran bakteri E. coli dimana Pemerintahberperan dalam pengadaan alat chlorine diffuser, sosialisasi hidup bersih, pengawasan kualitas air minum, dan sebagainya. Tingginya pencemaran bakteri E. coli dikarenakan sistem sanitasi yang buruk, dan jarakyang dekat antara sumur dengan saluran septic tank. Sementara itu kendala yang dihadapi antara lainPemerintah tidak melakukan pengawasan secara rutin, terbatasnya petugas sanitasi, tidak dilaksanakannyapetunjuk teknis SNI tentang Tata Cara Perencanaan Tangki Septik dengan Sistem Resapan.Kata Kunci: peran pemerintah, pencemaran, bakteri E. coli.

  16. RA Research nuclear reactor - Annual report 1987; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj o radu za 1987. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Annual report concerning the project 'RA research nuclear reactor' for 1987, financed by the Serbian ministry of science is divided into two parts. First part is concerned with RA reactor operation and maintenance, which is the task of the Division for reactor engineering of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering. Second part deals with radiation protection activities at the RA reactor which is the responsibility of the Institute for radiation protection. Scientific council of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering has stated that this report describes adequately the activity and tasks fulfilled at the RA reactor in 1989. The scope and the quality of the work done were considered successful both concerning the maintenance and reconstruction, as well as radiation protection activities. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1987. godinu, koji finansira republicka zajednica za nauku SR Srbije po ugovoru br. 3509/1 sastoji se iz dva dela. Prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA, sto predstavlja obavezu Odeljenja za reaktorski inzenjering u sastavu OOUR Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA. Drugi deo obuhvata poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA, sto predstavlja obavezu OOUR Instituta za zastitu od zracenja 'Zastita'. Naucno vece Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjjring RA ocenilo je da sadrzina ovog izvestaja odgovara izvrsenim poslovima na reaktoru RA u 1989. godini. Pozitivno se ocenjuje obim i kvalitet izvrsenih radova kako u pogledu odrzavanja i rekonstrukcije reaktora, tako i u pogledu poslova zastite od zracenja izvrsenih kod njega.

  17. RA Research nuclear reactor, Part 1, RA reactor operation and maintenance in 1993, with comparative review for the period 1991 - 1993, Annex 3; Projekat Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - 1 Deo Pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA u 1993. godini, uz uporedni pregled za period 1991 - 1993. - prilog 3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Cupac, S; Sulem, B; Zivotic, Z; Mikic, N; Tanaskovic, M [Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    RA reactor was not operated during 1993 because of the complete instrumentation exchange. Although it has been planned to exchange the complete instrumentation until the end of 1993, and to start reactor operation in the first half of 1993 this was not fulfilled because the instrumentation was not delivered until the end of 1993. Main activities during past seven years were related to construction of the emergency cooling system; repair and reconstruction of the system for handling the spent fuel and improvement of spent fuel storage conditions; exchange of the aged instrumentation. Other reactor components and systems, reactor core, primary coolant loop and gas circulation system are in good condition concerning future start-up. [Serbo-Croat] U 1993. godini reaktor nije bio u pogonu zbog zamene njegove celokupne instrumentacije. Iako je bilo planirano da se celokupna instrumentacija zameni do kraja 1993. te da reaktor pocne sa radom u prvoj polovini 1993. Ovo nije ispunjeno jer celokupna oprema nije isporucena ni do kraja 1993. godine. Osnovni zahvati koji su u proteklih sedma godina izvrseni, odnosili su se na izgradnju sistema za udesno hladjenje, rekonstrukciju sistema za rukovanje ozracenim gorivom i poboljsanje uslova za stokiranje ovog goriva, zamenu instrumentacije. Ostali sistemi reaktora, reaktorsko jezgro, primarno kolo hladjenja i sistem za cirkulaciju gasa su u dobrom stanju i mogu se nesmetano koristiti u buducem radu.


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    Andi Sofrany Ekariansyah


    SIMULASI RELAP5 UNTUK ANALISIS KECELAKAAN PARAH PADA REAKTOR RSG-GAS. Reaktor riset di dunia diketahui lebih aman dari pada reaktor daya karena desainnya yang lebih sederhana pada teras dan karakteristika operasinya. Namun demikian, potensi bahaya reaktor riset terhadap publik dan lingkungan tidak bisa diabaikan karena beberapa fitur tertentu. Oleh karena itu, level keselamatan reaktor riset harus jelas ditunjukkan dalam Laporan Analisis Keselamatan (LAK dalam bentuk analisis keselamatan yang dilakukan dengan berbagai macam pendekatan dan metode dan didukung dengan alat komputasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mensimulasikan beberapa kecelakaan parah pada reaktor RSG-GAS yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan bahan bakar untuk memperkuat hasil analisis kecelakaan parah yang sudah ada dalam LAK. Simulation dilakukan dengan program perhitungan RELAP5/SCDAP/Mod3.4 yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memodelkan elemen bahan bakar tipe pelat di RSG-GAS. Tiga kejadian telah disimulasikan yaitu hilangnya aliran primer dan sekunder dengan kegagalan reaktor untuk dipadamkan, tersumbatnya beberapa kanal pendingin bahan bakar pada daya penuh, dan hilangnya aliran primer dan sekunder yang diikuti dengan tersumbatnya beberapa kanal pendingin bahan bakar setelah reaktor padam. Kejadian pertama akan membahayakan pelat bahan bakar dengan naiknya temperatur kelongsong hingga titik lelehnya yaitu 590 °C. Tersumbatnya satu atau beberapa kanal pada satu elemen bahan bakar menyebabkan konsekuensi yang berbeda pada pelat bahan bakar, dimana paling sedikit tersumbatnya 2 kanal akan merusak satu pelat bahan bakar, apalagi tersumbatnya satu elemen bahan bakar. Kombinasi antara hilangnya aliran pendingin primer dan sekunder yang diikuti dengan tersumbatnya satu kanal bahan bakar setelah reaktor dipadamkan menyebabkan naiknya temperatur kelongsong di bawah titik lelehnya yang berarti sirkulasi alam yang terbentuk dan daya yang terus turun cukup untuk mendinginkan elemen bahan bakar. Kata kunci

  19. RA Research nuclear reactor, Part I - RA nuclear reactor operation, maintenance and utilization in 1983; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Deo I - Pogon, odrzavanje i eksploatacija nuklearnog reaktora RA u 1983. godini

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Martinc, R; Kozomara-Maic, S; Cupac, S; Raickovic, N; Radivojevic, J; Badrljica, R; Majstorovic, D; Sanovic, V [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    After regular shutdown in November 1982, inspection of the fuel elements from the RA reactor core which was done from December 1982 - February 1983 has shown that there are deposits of aluminium oxides on the surface of the fuel cladding. After restart The RA reactor was operated at power levels from 1.8 - 2 MW, with 80% enriched uranium dioxide fuel elements. It was found that there was no corrosion of the fuel element cladding and that it was not possible to find the cause of surface deposition on the cladding surfaces without further operation. It was decided to purify the heavy water permanently during operation and to increase the heavy water flow by operating two pumps. This procedure was adopted in order to decrease the possibility of corrosion. The Safety committee of the Institute has approved this procedure for operating the RA reactor in 1983. The core was made of 80% enriched fuel, critical experiments were done until June 1983, and after that the operation was continued at power levels up to 2 MW. [Serbo-Croat] Pregledom nuklearnog goriva iz tehnoloskih kanala reaktora RA koji je izvrsen u periodu decembear 1982-feburuar 1983. godine nakon zaustavljanja reaktora po isteku novembarske kampanje 1982. godine, ustanovljeno je da ponovo dolazi do stvaranja taloga u obliku hidratisanih oksida aluminiuma na kosuljicama gorivnih elemenata. Nakon ponovnog pustanja u rad, reaktor je do novembra 1981. godine neprekidno bio u pogonu na snagama 1,8 - 2 MW. Jezgro je bilo formirano iskljucivo sa od gorivnih elemenata sa 80% obogacenim uran dioksidom. Utvrdjeno je da kosuljica gorivnog elementa nije korodirala, i da se bez nastval rada ne moze utvrditi uzrok pojave taloga na povrsini kosuljice. Da bi se mogucnost korozije aluminjumskih komponenti u primarnom kolu raktora svela na sto manju meru odluceno je da se vrsi neprekidno preciscavanje teske vode i da se istovremeno poveca protok teske vode radom dve pumpe, Komitet za sigurnost Instituta odobrio je ovakav nacin

  20. A pulsed fast reactor; Un reacteur pulse a neutrons rapides; Impul'snyj reaktor na bystrykh nejtronakh; Reactor rapido pulsado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blokhin, G. E.; Blokhintsev, D. I.; Blyumkina, Yu. A.; Bondarenko, I. I.; Deryagin, B. N.; Zajmovskij, A. S.; Zinov' ev, V. P.; Kazachkovskij, O. D.; Krasnoyarov, N. V.; Lejpunskij, A. I.; Malykh, V. A.; Nazarov, P. M.; Nikolaev, S. K.; Stavisskij, Yu. Ya.; Ukraintsev, F. I.; Frank, I. M.; Shapiro, F. Ji.; Yazvitskij, Yu. S. [Akademiya Nauk, Moscow, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    los impulsos de potencia. Asimismo, se efectuaron mediciones del periodo de los neutrones instantaneos, de la fraccion efectiva de neutrones retardados y de los coeficientes de variacion de la reactividad en funcion de la temperatura. (author) [Russian] Impul'snyj reaktor na bystrykh nejtronakh (IBR) rabotaet na nominal'noj moshchnosti v Obedinennom institute yadernykh issledovanij s dekabrya 1960 goda. Reaktor ispol'zuetsya v kachestve impul'snogo istochnika nejtronov dlya fizicheskikh ehksperimentov, provodimykh metodom vremeni proleta. Provodyatsya izmereniya polnogo secheniya, secheniya zakhvata dlya promezhutochnykh nejtronov, issledo- vaniya vzaimodejstviya medlennykh nejtronov s tverdym telom i s zhidkost'yu, izmereniya spektrov nejtronov, ustanavlivayushchikhs ya v. razlichnykh sredakh. V doklade opisany osnovy konstruktsii reaktora i rezul'taty ego issledovanij. Osnovnoj rezhim raboty reaktora-rezhim periodicheskikh impul'sov. Impul'sy moshchnosti voznikayut pri bystrom peremeshchenii podvizhnoj chasti aktivnoj zony reaktora cherez ego nepodvizhnuyu zonu. Podvizhnaya chast' aktivnoj zony zakreplena vo vrashchayushchemsya diske i dvizhetsya so skorost'yu-230 m/sek. Chastota impul'sov moshchnosti mozhet izmenyat'sya s pomoshch'yu vspomogatel'noj podvizhnoj zony v diapazone 2,3-88 im/sek. Srednyaya moshchnost' reaktora - 1 kvt. Polushirina impul'sa moshchnosti - 36 mksek. Reaktor snabzhen sistemoj upravleniya i zashchity, obespechivayushchej avtomaticheskoe podderzhanie srednej moshchnosti reaktora i ego bystruyu ostanovku v sluchae narusheniya rezhima. Reaktor snabzhen sistemoj vakuumirovanny kh nektronovodov, ispol'zuemykh v ehksperimentakh po vremeni proleta. Glavnyj nejtronovod imeet dlinu 1000 m. V protsesse puska i fizicheskikh issledovanij reaktora izuchalos' vliyanie peremeshcheniya organov regulirovaniya i podvizhnykh chastej aktivnoj zony na reaktivnost', izmeryalas' dlitel'nost' impul'sa pri razlichnykh rezhimakh raboty reaktora, izuchalis

  1. Studi Model Benchmark Mcnp6 Dalam Perhitungan Reaktivitas Batang Kendali Htr-10


    Jupiter S.Pane, Zuhair, Suwoto, Putranto Ilham Yazid


    STUDI MODEL BENCHMARK MCNP6 DALAM PERHITUNGAN REAKTIVITAS BATANG KENDALI HTR-10. Dalam operasi reaktor nuklir, sistem batang kendali memainkan peranan yang sangat penting karena didesain untuk mengendalikan reaktivitas teras dan memadamkan reaktor. Nilai reaktivitas batang kendali harus diprediksi secara akurat melalui eksperimen dan perhitungan. Makalah ini mendiskusikan model Benchmark dalam perhitungan reaktivitas batang kendali reaktor HTR-10. Perhitungan dikerjakan dengan program transpo...

  2. Tangki Septik Dan Peresapannya Sebagai Sistem Pembuangan Air Kotor Di Permukiman Rumah Tinggal Keluarga


    Sudarmadji, Sudarmadji; Hamdi, Hamdi


    Every day, family residential neighborhoods discard the waste water that should be stored and processed. Most of waste water management system still does not meet the health requirements, it still use local waste water treatment systems (on-site) like septic tanks, because central wastewater treatment (sewage) is still not widely available in Indonesia. The local system does not require a huge cost when compared to a centralized system. Implementation and operation of the local system is more...

  3. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1997; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1997. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    RA reactor is not in operation since 1984, activities related to revitalisation of the RA reactor started in 1986. The planned actions related to renewal of the reactor components were finished except for the most important action, related to exchange of complete reactor instrumentation which was delayed. Only 80% of the instrumentation was delivered until September 1991. Since then any delivery of components to Yugoslavia was stopped because of the sanctions imposed to our country. The existing RA reactor instrumentation was dismantled. Control and maintenance of the reactor components was done regularly and efficiently. Fuel inspection by the IAEA safeguards inspectors was done on a monthly basis. There have been on the average 42 employees at the RA reactor which is considered sufficient for maintenance and repair conditions. The problem of financing the reactor activities and maintenance remains unsolved. Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1997 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA nije u pogonu od 1984, aktivnosti na revitalizaciji, rekostrukciji i modernizaciji reaktorski sistema zapocete su 1986. godine. Okoncan je niz zahvata na opremi postrojenja kojima ce se u narednom periodu omoguciti kontinualan i pouzdan rad ovog reaktora. Poslednji, i ujedno najveci zahvat, koji se odnosi na zamenu celokupne instrumentacije kasni zbog zastoja u isporuci opreme koja se izradjuje u Sovjetskom savezu. Do septembra 1991. godine isporuceno svega 80% od predvidjene kolicine. Od tada je svaka isporuka obustavljena, a razlog je privremena zabrana na sve isporuke opreme za Jugoslaviju usled sankcija uvedenih od strane organizacije Ujedinjenih nacija. Demontirana je postojeca instrumentacija. Kontrola i odrzavanje celopkupne opreme postrojenja, kao i remontni radovi izvrsavani su redovno i efikasno. Kontrola goriva od strane safeguard inspektora MAAE obavljana

  4. Pemodelan Matematik Kinerja Pengering Surya Efek Rumah Kaca (ERK-Hibrid Menggunakan Rak Berputar secara Vertikal (Mathematical Modeling Performance of Greenhouse Effect (GHE-Hybrid Solar Dryer with a Vertical Rotating Rack

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    Sigit Triwahyudi


    ini menyajikan uji unjuk kerja dan pemodelan matematik pengering energi surya (ERK-Hibrid  menggunakan  rak berputar secara vertikal. Pengering terdiri dari bangunan rumah kaca berukuran (1100 × 860 × 1300 mm dengan delapan buah rak dan sistim pemanas tambahan yang terdiri dari kolektor plat datar (1,04 m2, tangki penyimpan air panas (197 liter dan penukar panas. Untuk mengetahuikinerja pengering energi surya, dilakukan lima kali percobaan variasi kecepatan putar rak (1, 4, 7, 10 rpm dan tanpa pemutaran rak. Bahan yang dipergunakan pada pengujian adalah kapulaga lokal (Amomum cardamomum Wild. Masing-masing percobaan seberat 9 sampai dengan 10 kg. Rata-rata suhu air tangki penyimpan panas bervariasi dari 50,0 sampai dengan 55,0 °C suhu ruang pengering antara 38,9 sampai dengan 45,9 °C, sedangkan kelembaban relatif (RH ruang pengering berkisar antara 32,1 sampai dengan 47,4 %. Perlakuan pemutaran rak berpengaruh terhadap keseragaman suhu bahan maupun kadar air pada masing rak pengering. Pada perlakuan pemutaran 1 rpm (percobaan II, didapatkan kondisi terbaik (suhu bahan maupun kadar air yang paling seragam. Dengan kecepatan putar rak yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan nilai ragam suhu bahan maupun kadar air semakin meningkat. Untuk melakukan simulasi unjuk kerja dilakukan pemodelan matematik berdasarkan pindah panas dan massa serta pendekatan pengeringan lapisan tipis. Persamaan diselesaikan secara numerik menggunakan finite difference Euler dengan bantuan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic Aplication (VBA Excell. Validasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan antara perhitungan hasil pemodelan (data prediksi dengan data hasil pengukuran (data observasi. Kriteria kevalidan ditentukan dengan melihat nilai koefisien determinasi (R2, nilai RMSD maupun nilai MAPD. Pemodelan  matematik yang telah dibangun dapat menggambarkan dengan tepat perubahan suhu air tangki penyimpan panas, suhu ruang pengering, suhu bahan maupun penurunan kadar air. Kata kunci: Pengering surya efek rumah

  5. Biogas Digester with Simple Solar Heater

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    Kh S Karimov


    persamaan tenaga seimbang untuk jisim statik cecair yang dipanaskan; parameter penebat haba tangki metana telah dikira. Pencerna biogas terdiri dari tangki metana yang dilengkapkan dengan penyerap pemanas beralik untuk menggunakan tenaga solar bagi memanaskan sluri yang disediakan dari bahan buangan organik yang berbeza (najis, sampah, sisa makanan,etc. Tangki metana telah diisi sehingga 70% isipadu buangan oraganik dari institut GIK, pertamanya adalah sampah dan keduanya adalah najis lembu. Pencerna telah dikaji bagi tempoh tiga bulan (Oktober-Disember, 2009 dan dua bulan (Februari-Mac, 2010. Kejadian radiasi solar terhadap penyerap, suhu sluri dan suhu ambien telah diukur. Didapati suhu penahanan adalah empat minggu dan dua minggu masing-masing dengan menggunakan sampah sahaja dan sampah dengan najis lembu, dan kuantiti biogas dihasilkan adalah masing-masing 0.4 m3 and 8.0 m3. Sebagai tambahan, skema peningkatan biogas untuk peranjakan karbon dioksida, hidrogen sulfida dan wap air dari biogas dan penukaran tenaga biogas kepada tenaga elektrik juga dibincangkan.KEYWORDS:  solar biogas; digester; methane tank; reverse absorber; built-in heater; solar energy


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    Rochmad Winarso


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penyediaan energi di masa depan merupakan permasalahan yang senantiasa menjadi perhatian bagi semua pihak. Seiring dengan meningkatnya pembangunan, kebutuhan akan energi terus meningkat. Disisi lain cadangan minyak bumi sebagai bahan bakar yang paling banyak dipakai saat ini semakin menipis karena sifatnya yang non renewable, oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya untuk mencari bahan bakar alternatif yang renewable sekaligus ramah lingkungan. Bioetanol sebagai salah satu bahan bakar alternatif sampai saat ini belum banyak digunakan. Padahal di Indonesia, banyak sekali sumber daya alam hayati yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk memproduksi bioetanol, salah satunya adalah ubi kayu. Penggunaan bioetanol sebagai bahan bakar didasari oleh sifatnya yang mudah terbakar dan memiliki kalor-bakar netto besar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan alat destilator bioetanol dengan fokus pengembangan pada pengembangan menara refluk dengan sistem bertingkat sehingga diharapkan bisa lebih optimal menghasilkan bioetanol dengan kadar tinggi. Pengembangan alat distilator bioethanol ini dimulai dari proses observasi lapangan yang dilanjutkan dengan studi literatur. Tahapan selajutnya adalah proses perencanaan komponen-komponen dari peralatan tersebut dan dilanjutkan dengan proses pembuatan serta uji coba peralatan. Hasil penelitian ini telah dikembangkan alat destilator bioetanol dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut: diameter tangki 400 mm, tinggi tangki 500 mm, terbuat dari bahan stainles steel A304 dengan ketebalan 2 mm. Kapasitas tangki yang diijinkan adalah dari volume tabung atau sebesar 40 liter. Dari hasil uji coba pada hasil proses distilasi fermentasi ketela pohon menghasilkan ethanol dengan kadar 92%. Kata kunci: bioetanol, destilator, refluk bertingkat.

  7. The Text of the Agreement of 22 July 1977 between Argentina and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with a Contract Concluded between the Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (Argentina) and the Reaktor Brennelement Union Gmbh Hanau (Federal Republic of Germany) for Co-Operation in the Field of Fabrication of Fuel Elements for Peaceful Nuclear Activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The text of the Agreement of 22 July 1977 between Argentina and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Contract of 13 August 1976 concluded between the Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (Argentina) and the Reaktor Brennelement Union GmbH (Federal Republic of Germany) for co-operation in the field of fabrication of fuel elements for peaceful nuclear activities is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Agreement entered into force, pursuant to Section 26, on 22 July 1977.

  8. The Text of the Agreement of 22 July 1977 between Argentina and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with a Contract Concluded between the Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (Argentina) and the Reaktor Brennelement Union Gmbh Hanau (Federal Republic of Germany) for Co-Operation in the Field of Fabrication of Fuel Elements for Peaceful Nuclear Activities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The text of the Agreement of 22 July 1977 between Argentina and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Contract of 13 August 1976 concluded between the Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (Argentina) and the Reaktor Brennelement Union GmbH (Federal Republic of Germany) for co-operation in the field of fabrication of fuel elements for peaceful nuclear activities is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Agreement entered into force, pursuant to Section 26, on 22 July 1977.

  9. PENURUNAN COD, TSS DAN TOTAL FOSFAT PADA SEPTIC TANK LIMBAH MATARAM CITRA SEMBADA CATERING DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN WASTEWATER GARDEN (Degradation of COD, TSS and Total Phosphate in Septic Tank Wastewater of Mataram Citra Sembada Catering Using Wastewater

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    Dradjat Suhardjo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK  Sumber limbah berasal dari septictank industri restauran (catering Citra Sembada Catering, termasuk dalam kategori limbah domestik. Limbah tersebut banyak mengandung komponen yang tidak diinginkan bila dibuang ke badan air. Konsentrasi limbah yang masih di atas baku mutu, di antaranya akan memunculkan masalah pencemaran. Reaktor Wastewater Garden yang menggunakan krikil (0,5Cm-1cm dan 6 jenis tanaman yaitu : melati air (Echinodoras paleafias, Cyperus (Cyperus, Futoi (Hippochaetes lymnenalis, Pisang air (Typhonodorum indleyanum, Pickerel rush (Pontedoria cordata, Cattail (Typha latifulia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas reaktor Wastewater Garden, apabila digunakan untuk menurunkan konsentrasi Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD, Total Suspended Solid (TSS dan Fosfat Total sebagai faktor pencemar pada limbah industri restauran (Citra Sembada Catering yang tertampung pada septictank. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan reaktor Wastewater Garden dengan sistem batch dan dimensi reaktor lm x 0.5m x lm. Zona air limbah 75 cm, dan zona substrat atau krikil 80 cm, akar tanaman ditanam sedalam l0-15 cm. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berdasarkan SNI, di mana COD mengacu pada SNI 06-6989.2-2004 metode refluks tertutup secara spektrofotometri, TSS mengacu pada SK SNI M-03-1990-F metode pengujian secara gravimetri dan Fosfat total mengacu pada SNI M-52-1990-03 metode asam askorbat dengan alat spektrofotometer. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 12 hari di mana setiap 3 hari sampel diambil pada outlel kemudian dianalisis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, diperoleh bahwa penggunaan wastewater garden pada limbah cair Mataram Citra Sembada Catering dapat menurunkan COD dengan efektivitas optimum 40,81% pada hari ke-6, penurunan TSS 89,l2% pada efektifitas optirnum hari ke-12 dan penurunan fosfat total dengan efektivitas optimum pada hari ke-6 yaitu sebesar 99,73 %. Tanaman dapat hidup dengan subur.   ABSTRACT  Wastewater

  10. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1995, with comparative review for period 1991-1995; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1995. godinu, uz uporedni pregled za period 1991-1995

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    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    firmom Atomenergoexport. Prema tom ugovoru trebalo je da celokupna nova instrumentacija za reaktor RA bude isporucena Institutu u Vinci do kraja 1990. godine, ali je do septembra 1991. godine isporuceno svega 56% od predvidjene kolicine. Od tada je svaka isporuka obustavljena, a razlog je privremena zabrana na sve isporuke opreme za Jugoslaviju izrecena od strane ove organizacije Ujedinjenih nacija. Demontirana je postojeca instrumentacija u maksimalno mogucem obimu, kako bi se zadrzala neka osnovna merenja neophodna i u uslovima kada reaktor nije u pogonu. Kontrola i odrzavanje celopkupne opreme postrojenja, kao i remontni radovi izvrsavani su redovno i efikasno. Kontrola goriva od strane inspektora MAAE obavljana je jedanput mesecno. U ovom izvestajnom periodu na reaktoru RA bilo je zaposleno prosecno 47 radnika, sto je dovoljan broj u uslovima remontnih i investicionih radova. Nedostatak finansijskih sredstava za odrzavanje reaktora RA je neresen problem i u ovom periodu. Ovaj izvestaj podeljen je u dve celine: pogon i odrzavanje reaktora i zastita od zracenja na reaktoru RA.


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    Tukiran Surbakti


    Full Text Available RSG-GAS, mulai dari komisioning, operasi teras kerja hingga kini telah 30 tahun beroperasi sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi keselamatan parameter neutroniknya. Untuk tujuan keselamatan telah dilakukan berbagai aktivitas penelitian, baik yang berhubungan dengan operasi, keselamatan, maupun dalam rangka penggunaan reaktor. Analisis dan pengelolaan besaran reaktivitas yang menunjang keselamatan operasi reaktor sangat penting dilakukan karena besaran ini mempengaruhi desain, kendali dan jadual operasi reaktor. Besaran tersebut dapat ditentukan melalui pengukuran reaktivitas batang kendali dan eksperimen pemuatan bahan bakar di dalam teras. Pengukuran reaktivitas batang kendali yang dilakukan pada setiap awal siklus teras (dengan kondisi teras dingin dan bersih, bebas pengaruh xenon, menghasilkan nilai reaktivitas batang kendali yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan nilai reaktivitas lainnya seperti reaktivitas lebih, reaktivitas padam dan reaktivitas total. Pengelolaan reaktivitas teras telah dilakukan dengan baik selama 30 tahun dalam rangka mendukung operasi reaktor untuk keperluan penelitian dan iradiasi target.

  12. External irradiation of the personnel operating the reactor RA at Vinca in the period 1963-1966; Spoljasnje ozracivanje osoblja koje opsluzuje reaktor RA u Vinci u periodu 1963-1966

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ninkovic, M M; Minincic, Z [Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinca, Belgrade (Yugoslavia)


    The objective of this paper was the analysis of external radiation exposure of the personnel employed at the RA reactor in Vinca during past four years. During 1963 reactor was not operated because of the general repair and maintenance, and it was operated during 1964, 1965 and 1966. The internal irradiation and the estimation of the beta doses on the skin were not analysed in this paper, they should be treated by separate analyses. The evaluation of external irradiation covered only gamma radiation since yhe neutron doses were negligible. The analysis was based on the the irradiation dose data obtained by film and personal dosemeters. Predmet ovog rada je analiza spoljasnjeg ozracivanja osoblja koje je radilo na reaktoru RA u Vinci u poslednje cetiri godine, u toku kojih je reaktor bio u opstem remontu 1963, odnosno u normalnom radu 1964, 1965 i 1966. U ovom radu nismo se upustali u analizu unutrasnjeg ozracivanja, kao ni procenu doza beta zracenja na kozi, sto treba da bude predmet posebnih analiza. Pri proceni spoljasnjeg ozracivanja operisano je samo sa dozama gama zracenja, jer je ozracivanje neutronima zanemarljivo. Celokupna analiza izvrsena je na osnovu podataka o dozama ozracivanja do kojih se doslo ocitavanjem film o penkalo dozimetara.


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    M. Hadi Kusuma


    Full Text Available Pemahaman terhadap manajemen termal apabila terjadi suatu kecelakaan parah reaktor nuklir seperti melelehnya bahan bakar dan teras reaktor, menjadi prioritas utama untuk menjaga integritas bejana tekan reaktor. Dengan demikian hasil lelehan bahan bakar dan teras reaktor (debris tidak keluar dari bejana tekan reaktor dan mengakibatkan dampak lain yang lebih besar ke lingkungan. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan untuk menjaga integritas bejana tekan reaktor adalah dengan melakukan pendinginan terhadap panas berlebih yang dihasilkan akibat dari kecelakaan tersebut. Untuk mempelajari dan mendapatkan pemahaman mengenai hal tersebut, maka dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh suhu awal pelat panas dalam proses quenching (pendinginan secara tiba-tiba celah sempit rektangular. Penelitian difokuskan pada penentuan suhu rewetting dari pendinginan pelat panas dengan suhu awal pelat 220 0C, 400 0C, dan 600 0C dengan laju aliran air pendingin 0,2 liter/detik. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan menginjeksikan air pada laju aliran 0,2 liter/detik pada suhu air pendingin 85 0C ke dalam celah sempit rektangular. Data hasil pengukuran digunakan untuk mengetahui suhu rewetting yang terjadi pada pendinginan pelat panas tersebut. Tujuannya adalah untuk memahami pengaruh suhu awal pelat panas terhadap rewetting pada proses quenching di celah sempit rektangular. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa titik rewetting pada pendinginan pelat panas 220 0C, 400 0C, dan 600 0C terjadi pada suhu rewetting yang berbeda-beda. Pada suhu awal pelat panas 220 0C, suhu rewetting terjadi pada 220 0C yaitu langsung ketika air dilewatkan melalui celah sempit rektangular. Pada suhu awal pelat panas 400 0C, suhu rewetting terjadi pada 379,51 0C. Dan pada suhu awal pelat panas 600 0C, suhu rewetting terjadi pada 426,63 0C. Perbedaan suhu awal pelat panas yang sangat signifikan menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan sifat fisik benda uji, berbedanya rejim pendidihan yang dialami oleh fluida yang

  14. Surat Elektronik sebagai Media Komunikasi Data pada Sistem Pemantauan Bahan Bakar pada Sistem Catu Daya BTS

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    Falconi Falconi


    Full Text Available Base Transceiver Station (BTS merupakan seperangkat radio komunikasi tetap yang digunakan dalam jaringan selular. Untuk mempertahankan kinerja perangkat BTS agar tetap dapat bekerja walaupun suplai catu daya dari PLN terhenti, pada beberapa lokasi BTS ditempatkan pembangkit listrik tenaga solar. Sehingga pada saat PLN mati, maka kebutuhan listrik BTS akan disuplai oleh pembangkit listrik tersebut. Karena lokasi BTS menyebar, diperlukan petugas yang banyak atau waktu yang lama untuk dapat melakukan pengecekan kondisi solar secara keseluruhan. Sehingga sewaktu-waktu pembangkit listrik tidak dapat bekerja saat  dibutuhkan  dikarenakan  solar  habis.  Sistem  pemantau kondisi solar pada sistem catu daya Base Transceiver Station (BTS merupakan sebuah sistem pemantau yang berfungsi melakukan pencatatan ketinggian level solar pada tangki secara periodik dan terus menerus. Ketinggian level solar dikonversi kedalam status normal, minor, mayor dan kritis. Status inilah yang akan disimpan ke dalam basis data yang ada pada computer server. Dengan adanya sistem pemantau ini, maka untuk mengetahui kondisi solar pada tangki sebuah stasiun BTS, seorang petugas pemeliharaana dapat melakukannya tanpa perlu lagi mendatangi lokasi BTS, tetapi cukup memantaunya dari aplikasi pada komputer klien. Sistem yang dibangun terdiri dari sensor ultrasonik PING yang bertugas mendeteksi level solar dan mengumpankan hasilnya ke mikrokontroler ATMEGA8535. Mikrokontroler bertugas untuk mengkonversi sinyal analog yang dihasilkan sensor kedalam bentuk sinyal digital untuk kemudian dikirim ke komputer server melalui komunikasi serial. Aplikasi yang ada pada komputer server akan menerima data tersebut dan menyimpannya pada basis data. Data-data tersebut sewaktu-waktu akan dipanggil kembali apabila ada permintaan dari komputer klien untuk kemudian di kirim melaui surat elektronik. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada tangki solar yang dimiliki oleh PT. Berca Hardayaperkasa

  15. Studi Awal Pra Desain Pabrik Bioetanol dari Nira Siwalan

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    Novarian Budisetyowati


    Full Text Available Bioetanol kini banyak dikembangkan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif pengganti bahan bakar fosil. Bioetanol untuk campuran bensin harus memiliki kemurnian sebesar 99,5-100%. Bioetanol dapat diperoleh dengan proses fermentasi yang melibatkan mikroorganisme. Pra desain pabrik bioetanol dari nira siwalan ini menggunakan proses fermentasi. Bahan baku berupa nira siwalan diasamkan dengan menggunakan H2SO4, kemudian disterilisasi sebelum difermentasi di fermentor selama 36 jam. Adapun mikroorganisme yang digunakan adalah Saccharomyces cereviceae. Bakteri ini mampu mengurai gula tanpa kehadiran oksigen dan menghasilkan etanol dan karbondioksida. Bioetanol dapat diperoleh dengan proses fermentasi yang melibatkan mikroorganisme. Pra desain pabrik bioetanol dari nira siwalan ini menggunakan proses fermentasi. Bahan baku berupa nira siwalan diasamkan dengan menggunakan H2SO4, kemudian disterilisasi sebelum difermentasi di fermentor selama 36 jam. Adapun mikroorganisme yang digunakan adalah Saccharomyces cereviceae. Setelah dari fermentor nira yang sudah difermentasi dinetralkan pH nya menggunakan NH4OH di tangki netralisasi. Dari tangki netralisasi nira dipompakan melewati preheater sebelum masuk ke kolom distilasi. Pemurnian dilakukan dengan menggunakan kolom distilasi sebanyak 2 buah. Pada distilasi yang pertama diperoleh kadar etanol sebesar 60% dan pada distilasi yang kedua diperoleh kadar 96%. Dari kolom distilasi 2 larutan didinginkan menggunakan cooler untuk didapatkan suhu 32oC agar sesuai dengan suhu proses dehidrasi dengan menggunakan Molecular Sieve yang diinginkan. Proses dehidrasi dilakukan untuk mendapat kadar etanol 99,5%. Etanol 99,5% yang dihasilkan kemudian disimpan dalam tangki penampung. Kebutuhan bioetanol dalam negeri pada tahun 2018 diperkirakan 3.166.015,13 kL/tahun. Berdasarkan analisa ekonomi yang dilakukan, diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut internal rate of return 26,53 % per tahun, pay out time 4,73 tahun, dan BEP 34,62 % Ditinjau


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    Rokhmadi Rokhmadi


    Full Text Available Manfaat yang luas penggunaan reaktor riset membuat banyak negara membangun reaktor riset baru. Kecenderungan saat ini adalah tipe reaktor serbaguna (MPR dengan teras yang kompak untuk mendapatkan fluks neutron yang tinggi dengan daya yang relatif rendah. Reaktor riset yang ada di Indonesia usianya sudah tua semuanya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan desain reaktor riset baru sebagai alternatif, disebut reaktor riset inovatif (RRI, kelak pengganti reaktor riset yang sudah ada. Tujuan dari riset ini untuk melengkapi data desain RRI sebagai salah satu persyaratan untuk perizinan desain. Perhitungan dilakukan untuk memperoleh nilai koefisien reaktivitas teras RRI dengan konfigurasi teras setimbang yang optimal dengan konfigurasi teras 5×5 dan daya 20 MW, memiliki panjang operasi satu siklus lebih dari 40 hari. Perhitungan koefisien reaktivitas teras RRI dilakukan untuk bahan bakar baru U-9Mo-Al dengan kerapatan bervariasi. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan paket program WIMSD-5B dan BATAN-FUEL. Hasil pehitungan digunakan untuk melengkapi data desain konseptual teras yang menunjukkan bahwa teras setimbang reaktor RRI dengan konfigurasi 5×5, tingkat muat 235U sebesar 450 g, 550 g dan 700 g memiliki nilai koefisien reaktivitas temperatur bahan bakar, temperatur moderator, densitas moderator dan void semuanya negatif dan nilainya sangat bervariasi. Hal ini sudah memenuhi kriteria keselamatan desain konseptual teras RRI. Kata kunci: desain konseptual, bahan bakar uranium-molibdenum, koefisien reaktivitas, WIMS, BATANFUEL   The multipurpose of research reactor utilization make many countries build the new reserach reactor. Trend of this reactor for this moment is multipurpose reactor type with a compact core to get high neutron flux at the low or medium level of power. The research reactor in Indonesia right now is already 25 year old. Therefor, it is needed to design a new research reactor as a alternative called it innovative research reactor (IRR and then as


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    Setiyanto Setiyanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT In accordance with the discontinuation of TRIGA fuel element production by its producer, the operation of all TRIGA type reactor of at all over the word will be disturbed, as well as TRIGA reactor in Bandung. In order to support the continuous operation of Bandung TRIGA reactor, a study on utilization of fuel plate mode, as used at RSG-GAS reactor, to replace the cylindrical model has been done. Various assessments have been done, including core design calculation and its safety aspects. Based on the neutronic calculation, utilization of fuel plate shows that Bandung TRIGA reactor can be operated by 20 fuel elements only. Compared with the original core, the new reactor core configuration is smaller and it results in some empty space that can be used for in-core irradiation facilities. Due to the existing of in-core irradiation facilities, the gamma heating value became a new factor that should be evaluated for safety analysis. For this reason, the gamma heating for TRIGA Bandung reactor using fuel plate was calculated by Gamset computer code. The calculations based on linear attenuation equations, line sources and gamma propagation on space. Calculations were also done for reflector positions (Lazy Susan irradiation facilities and central irradiation position (CIP, especially for any material samples. The calculation results show that gamma heating for CIP is significantly important (0,87 W/g, but very low value for Lazy Susan position (lest then 0,11 W/g. Based on this results, it can be concluded that the utilization of CIP as irradiation facilities need to consider of gamma heating as data for safety analysis report. Keywords: gamma heating, nuclear reactor, research reactor, reactor safety.   ABSTRAK Dengan dihentikannya produksi elemen bakar reaktor jenis Triga oleh produsen, maka semua reaktor TRIGA di dunia terganggu operasinya, termasuk juga reaktor TRIGA 2000 di Bandung. Untuk mendukung pengoperasian reaktor TRIGA Bandung


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    Bemby Yulio Vallenry


    Full Text Available Salah satu metode terapi kanker adalah Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT. BNCT memanfaatkan tangkapan neutron oleh 10B yang terendapkan pada sel kanker. Keunggulan BNCT dibandingkan dengan terapi radiasi lainnya adalah tingkat selektivitas yang tinggi karena tingkatannya adalah sel. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan kolimator di radial beamport reaktor Kartini sebagai dasar pemilihan material dan manufature kolimator sebagai sumber neutron untuk BNCT. Pemodelan ini dilakukan dengan simulasi menggunakan perangkat lunak Monte Carlo N-Particle versi 5 (MCNP 5. MCNP 5 adalah suatu paket program untuk memodelkan sekaligus menghitung masalah transpor partikel dengan mengikuti sejarah hidup neutron semenjak lahir, bertranspor pada bahan hingga akhirnya hilang karena mengalami reaksi penyerapan atau keluar dari sistem. Pemodelan ini menggunakan variasi material dan ukurannya agar menghasilkan nilai dari tiap parameter-parameter yang sesuai dengan rekomendasi I International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA untuk BNCT, yaitu fluks neutron epitermal (Фepi > 9, rasio antara laju dosis neutron cepat dan fluks neutron epitermal (Ḋf/Фepi 0,7. Berdasarkan hasil optimasi dari pemodelan ini, material dan ukuran penyusun kolimator yang didapatkan yaitu 0,75 cm Ni sebagai dinding kolimator, 22 cm Al sebagai moderator dan 4,5 cm Bi sebagai perisai gamma. Keluaran berkas radiasi yang dihasilkan dari pemodelan kolimator radial beamport yaitu Фepi = 5,25 x 106, Ḋf/Фepi =1,17 x 10-13 Gy.cm2.n-1, Ḋγ/Фepi = 1,70 x 10-12 Gy.cm2.n-1, Фth/Фepi = 1,51 dan J/Фepi = 0,731. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, hasil optimasi 5 parameter sebagai persyaratan kolimator untuk BNCT yang keluar dari radial beam port tidak sepenuhnya memenuhi kriteria yang direkomendasikan oleh IAEA sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut agar tercapainya persyaratan IAEA. Kata kunci: BNCT, radial beamport, MCNP 5, kolimator   One of the cancer therapy methods is

  19. External irradiation of the personnel operating the reactor RA at Vinca in the period 1963-1966; Spoljasnje ozracivanje osoblja koje opsluzuje reaktor RA u Vinci u periodu od 1963. do 1966. godine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ninkovic, M M; Minincic, Z [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    The paper first gives a survey of the characteristic operations performed on the Vinca reactor RA in which most of the personnel become irradiated. Following is a schematic diagram of the irradiations in the period 1963-1966 in which the reactor was in continual operation. The surveys are given for each month and each year separately, while the irradiated personnel are grouped in several characteristic irradiation dose ranges. In this analysis special emphasis is given to a survey of irradiation of the personnel classified according to their profession, i.e. their post. This kind of analysis is indispensable in planning work, proper disposition of the personnel and undertaking special protective measures for reducing the irradiations (author) [Serbo-Croat] U radu je najpre dat pregled mesta na reaktoru RA, sa topografijom zracenja, na kojima radno osoblje pretezno biva ozracivano. Zatim su dati tabelarno i graficki pregledi ozracivanja za protekli period u kome je reaktor neprekidno radio, tj. od 1963. do 1966. god. Pregledi su dati po mesecima za svaku godinu i to tako sto su ozracivana lica razvrstavana u nekoliko karakteristicnih intervala doza ozracivanja. Posebno mesto u ovoj analizi zauzima pregled ozracivanja osoblja razvrstanog po strukama, odnosno radnim mestima. Ovakva analiza je nuzna za planiranje poslova, pravilan raspored radnog osoblja kao i preduzimanje posebnih zastitnih mera u cilju smanjivanja ozracivanja (author)

  20. Studi Awal Desain Pebble Bed Reactor Berbasis Htr-pm Dengan Skema Resirkulasi Bahan Bakar Once-through-then-out


    Setiadipura, Topan; Pane, Jupiter Sitorus; Zuhair, Zuhair


    STUDI AWAL DESAIN PEBBLE BED REACTOR BERBASIS HTR-PM DENGAN RESIRKULASI BAHAN BAKAR ONCE-THROUGH-THEN-OUT. Reaktor nuklir tipe pebble bed reactor (PBR) adalah salah satu reaktor canggih dengan fitur keselamatan pasif yang kuat. Pada desain tipe ini berpotensi untuk dilakukan kogenerasi yang bermanfaat untuk pengolahan berbagai mineral di berbagai pulau di Indonesia. Operasi PBR dapat lebih disederhanakan dengan menerapkan skema pengisian bahan bakar once-through-then-out (OTTO) dimana bahan b...


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    arunachala umesh chandavar


    boleh diatasi dengan mempertingkatkan kualiti pembuatannya. Perisian komputer dihasilkan dengan menggunakan persamaan Hottel Whillier Bliss (H-W-B untuk menentukan  kesan scaling terhadap kecekapan sistem dalam termosifon. Dalam sistem termosifon bersih, kecekapan seketika dikira pada 1000 W/m2 , pada kadar radiasi 72 % dan ianya jatuh kepada 46 % untuk ketebalan skala 3.7 mm. Kadar aliran jisim berkurangan sebanyak 90 % untuk ketebalan skala 3.7 mm. Manakala, penurunan suhu purata air di dalam tangki tidaklah kritikal, disebabkan oleh kandungan haba yang tinggi di dalam air di bawah keadaan  kerak yang teruk. Tetapi dalam kes tumbesaran kerak yang genting, sesetengah penaik akan tersumbat sepenuhnya, mengakibatkan peningkatan suhu di dalam tangki boleh diabaikan.

  2. Perancangan Kontroler Fuzzy PD untuk Kontrol Toleransi Kesalahan Sensor

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    Moch - Hafid


    Full Text Available Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR merupakan suatu plant nonlinear yang banyak digunakan di industri-industri kimia sebagai pengaduk bahan-bahan kimia. Proses di dalam CSTR sangat dipengaruhi oleh suhu, di mana suhu tersebut didapat dari uap panas yang mengalir di dalam dinding tangki melalui pipa, sehingga suhu tersebut harus dijaga supaya tetap berada pada suhu kerja dengan merancang suatu kontroler. Suhu di dalam tangki dideteksi oleh suatu sensor dan dari informasi pengukuran, kontroler akan memberikan sinyal kontrol agar proses di dalam CSTR berjalan sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Kesalahan pengukuran pada sensor dapat menyebabkan proses tidak berjalan dengan baik, bahkan dapat mengakibatkan berhentinya proses. Fault Tolerant Control (FTC, kontrol toleransi kesalahan, dapat memberikan kompensasi sehingga proses dapat berjalan dengan baik meskipun terjadi kesalahan pengukuran pada sensor. Pada Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan perancangan kontroler fuzzy PD untuk menjaga suhu di dalam CSTR tetap pada suhu kerja. Kesalahan sensor yang terjadi pada sistem diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan model-based fault diagnosis. Dari hasil identifikasi, ditentukan kategori-kategori kesalahan sensor. Tiap kategori memiliki nilai-nilai kompensasi terhadap kesalahan yang terjadi. Dengan adanya kompensasi tersebut maka proses pada CSTR dapat beroperasi dengan baik meskipun terjadi kesalahan pengukuran pada sensor.

  3. Prinsip termodinamika dalam proses pendinginan sperma sapi (semen) beku


    Kholifah, Kholifah; Bahari Nurdin, Wira; Harimei, Bambang; Yusuf, Muhammad


    Telah dilakukan penelitian prinsip termodinamika dalam proses pendinginan sperma sapi (semen) beku. Sperma sapi (semen) sebagai sampel utama dan besi sebagai sampel pembanding. Nitrogen cair sebagai bahan pendingin untuk membekukan semen dalam tangki kriogenik. Motility Analysis Semen dilakukan untuk mengetahui gerakan massa atau kualitas semen. Hasil Motility Analysis Semen menggunakan mikroskop menunjukkan bahwa semen Messi memiliki kualitas yang baik dengan gerakan massa (+++) dan semen Ro...

  4. Perancangan dan Simulasi MRAC untui Proses Pengendalian Temperatur pada Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR

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    Amelia Sylvia


    Full Text Available Temperatur merupakan salah satu variabel proses dasar yang dikendalikan untuk menjaga suhu cairan di dalam reaktor. Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC dengan MIT rule dipilih untuk mencapai spesifikasi respon yang diinginkan pada CSTR. Beban yang bervariasi berupa debit aliran likuid yang masuk ke dalam reaktor dapat menyebabkan perubahan parameter yang mempengaruhi perubahan temperatur output produk pada CSTR. Sebuah simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan MATLAB dan hasilnya dianalisa. Respon plant dapat melakukan adaptasi parameter – parameter kontrolernya cukup baik pada nilai gain adaptasi dengan rentang 0.00000010000 sampai 0.00000000001. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi beban yang bervariasi berupa debit aliran yang masuk ke dalam reaktor dengan nilai yang maksimal (1.5 m^3/min menghasilkan respon plant lebih cepat 42 detik dari pada debit aliran masuk dengan nilai yang nominal (1 m^3/min 63 detik dan minimal (0.5 m^3/min 75 detik.

  5. Studi Efisiensi Penyisihan COD dalam Lindi dengan Sistem Evapotranspirasi Menggunakan Tumbuhan Sente (Alocasia macrorrhiza dan Rumput Belulang (Eleusine indica

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    Badrus Zaman


    Full Text Available COD dalam lindi merupakan salah satu parameter yang secara umum berada pada konsentrasi yang tiggi sebagai salah satu hasil biodegradasi material organik dan anorganik dalam sampah di TPA. Sistem evapotranspirasi yang menggunakan tumbuhan lokal merupakan salah satu sistem yang menjanjikan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui efisiensi penyisihan COD dalam lindi dengan reaktor evapotranspirasi secara kontinyu yang menggunakan tumbuhan Tumbuhan Sente (Alocasia macrorrhiza dan Rumput Belulang (Eleusine indica. Hasil uji menunjukkan efisiensi pada semua reaktor mulai sekitar hari ke 3 hingga hari ke 25 mengalami fluktuasi yang cenderung menurun (dari ± 75% menjadi ± 50%, tetapi hari selanjutnya cenderung meningkat. Pola tersebut dipengaruhi oleh peran media tanam, bakteri dalam media tanam, bakteri pada akar tumbuhan dan aktivitas metabolisme tumbuhan uji. Secara keseluruhan reaktor yang menggunakan Tumbuhan Sente (Alocasia macrorrhiza lebih fluktuatif dibandingkan denga menggunakan Rumput Belulang (Eleusine indica yang dipengaruhi pola pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya.

  6. Pengolahan Sampah Secara Pirolisis dengan Variasi Rasio Komposisi Sampah dan Jenis Plastik

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    Qonita Rachmawati


    Full Text Available Pada tahun 2012, sampah yang dihasilkan sebesar 1200 ton/hari. Jika permasalahan sampah di Kota Surabaya tidak ditangani dengan baik maka akan menimbulkan beberapa masalah antara lain: masalah kesehatan dan masalah kebersihan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan metode yang dapat mengolah sampah namun tidak menimbulkan masalah baru lainnya. Salah satu metode pengolahan sampah yang telah dikembangkan, yaitu metode pirolisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh jenis plastik dan komposisi terhadap produk hasil pirolisis. Pada penelitian ini digunakan reaktor dengan kapasitas 500 g yang berbahan stainless steel. Variabel yang digunakan yaitu jenis sampah plastik dan komposisi sampah. Jenis sampah yang digunakan yaitu sampah plastik HDPE (High Density Polyethylene, PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate, dan PS (Poly Styrene. Komposisi sampah yang digunakan antara lain: 100:0, 75:25, dan 50:50. Temperatur yang digunakan pada reaktor yaitu 500°C dengan waktu 30 menit. Penelitian dimulai dari persiapan bahan uji, persiapan reaktor, percobaan pendahuluan, dan penelitian dengan reaktor pirolisis. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis untuk masing-masing hasil produk. Penelitian ini jenis sampah plastik yang menghasilkan gas tertinggi yaitu jenis plastik PET sebesar 45,40% dan jenis plastik yang menghasilkan wax tertinggi yaitu jenis plastik HDPE sebesar 69,91%. Sedangkan komposisi yang menghasilkan gas tertinggi yaitu komposisi dengan ranting 25% dan PET 75% sebesar 71,24% dan komposisi yang menghasilkan wax tertinggi yaitu komposisi dengan ranting 25% dan PS 75% sebesar 61,36%.


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    Untung Bijaksana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas sGnRH-a+ad dan ketinggian air yang berbeda pada pemijahan ikan snakehead, Channa striata dalam tangki concreat. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Basah Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat . Ada dua faktor utama sebagai perlakuan yaitu: Faktor A = dosis sGnRH -a + ad dengan tiga tingkat ( A1 = 0,2 ml / kg , A2 = 0,4 ml / kg , A3 = 0,6 ml / kg dan faktor B = tinggi air dengan tiga tingkat ( B1 = 15 cm; B2 = 20 cm; B3 = 25 cm   diulang 4 kali untuk mendapatkan 36 unit percobaan. Pengamatan dilakukan pada parameter : berat badan, berat gonad, berat hati , estradiol - 17β , diameter telur, IGS, IHS, fekunditas, pemupukan dan derajat penetasan. Terdapat Hubungan yagn sangat erat atara parameter pengamatan IGS dan IHS.  Perlakuan yang diberikan waktu laten diperoleh kisaran  antara 12 jam sampai 25 jam, fekunditas antara 5047-5072 butir, derajat fertilisasi antara 60-60,3 persen dan 76,6 derajat fertilisasi antara 83,9 persen.  Perkembangan setelah menetas mencapai panjang tubuh 3,5 mm dan 45,5 mm pada hari 20 . This study aims to look at the effectiveness of injection of sGnRH-a + ad and height of water on fish spawning snakehead, Channa striata in the concreat tank. The research was conducted at the Wet Laboratory Aguaculture Departement Faculty of Fisheries University of Lambung Mangkurat. There are two main factors as treatment namely: Factor A = dose of sGnRH-a + ad with three levels (A1 = 0.2 ml / kg; A2 = 0.4 ml / kg; A3 = 0.6 ml / kg and factor B = height of water with three levels (B1 = 15 cm; B2 = 20 cm; B3 = 25 cm made repeated 4 times to obtain 36 units of the experiment. Observations made on the parameters: body weight, gonad weight, liver weight, estradiol-17β, egg diameter, IGS, IHS, fecundity, fertilization and hatching degrees. The strongest relationship obtained from the treatment of observational parameter is IGS and IHS. Of


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    Untung Surya Dharma


    Full Text Available Limbah plastik dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku minyak plastik dengan menggunakan proses pirolisis. Minyak plastik yang dihasilkan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai zat aditif atau campuran bahan bakar pada mesin. Pada Penelitian ini, proses pembuatan minyak plastik menggunakan dua kali proses pirolisis. Suhu reaktor pada proses pirolisis yang pertama dan kedua berbeda berturut-turut yaitu 200 oC dan 150 oC. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa pada proses pirolisis pertama dengan suhu reaktor 200 oC, dari 25 kg bahan baku menghasilkan 15,5 liter minyak plastik dalam waktu 80 jam. Sedangkan pada proses pirolisis kedua dengan suhu reaktor 150 oC, dari 15 liter minyak plastik dari hasil proses pirolisis pertama menghasilkan 11,6 liter minyak plastik dalam waktu 3,33 Jam. Adapun karakter minyak plastik yang dihasilkan adalah massa jenis 771,4 kg/m3, Viskositas 0,501 m2/s dan Nilai kalor 10518 kJ/kg

  9. Research nuclear reactor RA - Annual Report 1990 with the comparative evaluation for the period 1986-1990; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1990. godinu uz uporedni pregled za period 1986 - 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Annual report concerning the project 'RA research nuclear reactor' for 1990, financed by the Serbian ministry of science is divided into two parts. First part is concerned with RA reactor operation and maintenance, which is the task of the Division for reactor engineering of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering. Second part deals with radiation protection activities at the RA reactor which is the responsibility of the Institute for radiation protection. Scientific council of the Institute for multidisciplinary studies and RA reactor engineering has stated that this report describes adequately the activity and tasks fulfilled at the RA reactor in 1989. The scope and the quality of the work done were considered successful both concerning the maintenance and reconstruction, as well as radiation protection activities. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1990. godinu, koji finansira republicka zajednica za nauku SR Srbije po ugovoru br. 3705/1 sastoji se iz dva dela. Prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA, sto predstavlja obavezu Odeljenja za reaktorski inzenjering u sastavu OOUR Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjering RA. Drugi deo obuhvata poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA, sto predstavlja obavezu OOUR Instituta za zastitu od zracenja 'Zastita'. Naucno vece Instituta za multidisciplinarna istrazivanja i inzenjjring RA ocenilo je da sadrzina ovog izvestaja odgovara izvrsenim poslovima na reaktoru RA u 1989. godini. Pozitivno se ocenjuje obim i kvalitet izvrsenih radova kako u pogledu odrzavanja i rekonstrukcije reaktora, tako i u pogledu poslova zastite od zracenja izvrsenih kod njega.

  10. Pra Desain Pabrik Sorbitol dari Tepung Tapioka dengan Hidrogenasi Katalitik

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    Hellen Kartika Dewi


    Full Text Available Sorbitol yang dikenal juga sebagai glusitol, adalah suatu gula alkohol yang dimetabolisme lambat di dalam tubuh. Sorbitol banyak digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk industri barang konsumsi dan makanan seperti pasta gigi, permen, kosmetika, farmasi, vitamin C, termasuk industri tekstil dan kulit. Pembuatan sorbitol dari bahan baku tepung tapioka. Pabrik sorbitol ini direncanakan akan didirikan di Propinsi Jawa Tengah tepatnya di Kabupaten Batang dengan kapasitas produksi 30.000 ton/tahun. Proses produksi Sorbitol menggunakan proses hidrogenasi katalitik. Pembuatan sorbitol dari bahan baku pati melalui dua tahap proses utama yaitu proses perubahan starch menjadi glukosa melalui hidrolisa double enzym. Enzim yang digunakan yaitu α-amylase dan glukoamylase. Proses hidrogenasi katalitik dilakukan dengan mereaksikan larutan dekstrose dan gas hidrogen bertekanan tinggi dengan menambahkan katalis nikel dalam reaktor (Reaktor Hidrogenasi. Gas hidrogen masuk dari bawah reaktor secara bubbling dan larutan dekstrose diumpankan dari atas reaktor sehingga kontak yang terjadi semakin baik. Sorbitol yang di hasilkan dalam pradesain pabrik sorbitol ini dengan konsentrasi 58,2%. Pendirian pabrik sorbitol memerlukan biaya investasi modal tetap (fixed capital sebesar Rp 168.801.192.952, modal kerja (working capital  Rp 29.788.445.815, investasi total Rp 198.589.638.767, Biaya produksi per tahun Rp 368.832.813.809 dan  hasil penjualan per tahun Rp 540.000.078.750. Dari analisa ekonomi didapatkan BEP sebesar 26,32%. ROI sesudah pajak 48,5 %, POT sesudah pajak 2,14 tahun. Dari segi teknis dan ekonomis, pabrik ini layak untuk didirikan.

  11. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1972; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1972. godinu - Pogon i odrzavanje

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During 1972, the total production was 31151 MWh which is 3.8% higher than planned. The reactor was used for irradiation and experiments according to the demand of 381 users, of which 340 from the Institute and 41 external users. This report contains detailed data about reactor power and experiments performed in 1972. Discrepancies from the action plan, meaning higher production was achieved due to special demands of the users. Total number of interruptions was lower than during all the previous years, and were caused mainly due to announced power cuts. There was only on scram shutdown during this year caused by a false signal of the reactor control instrumentation. There were no longer interruptions. One shorter interruption (shorter than 24 hours) caused by removal of a UO{sub 2} capsule from the core, placed there for measuring heat transfer. Total personnel exposure dose was lower than during previous years. One accident caused contamination with gases and aerosols containing mainly shot-living isotopes. Decontamination od surfaces was less than during previous years. Practically there was no surface contamination that would demand action of the decontamination team, except for the regular decontamination after refueling. It was concluded that the successful operation in 1972 has a special significance having taking in account the financial crisis caused by the unresolved status of the reactor. It is emphasised, in the plan for the next year that there is an urgent need of making a long-term plan of rector application. It is indispensable to finish preparatory tasks for replacing the fuel with the highly enriched fuel elements by 1974, and building the core emergency cooling system. [Serbo-Croat] Ukupni rad Reaktora RA je u 1972. godini iznosio je 31151 MWh odnosno 3,8% vise od planiranog. Reaktor je koriscen za ozracivanja i eksperimente za 381 korisnika od cega 340 iz Instituta i 41 za korisnike izvan Instituta. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljne podatke o radu i

  12. Perhitungan Kebutuhan Cooling Tower Pada Rancang Bangun Untai Uji Sistem Kendali Reaktor Riset


    Awwaluddin, Muhammad; Santosa, Puji; Suwardiyono, Suwardiyono


    CALCULATION OF THE NEED FOR COOLING TOWER ON DESIGN OF STRAND TEST RESEARCH REACTOR CONTROL SYSTEM. Cooling tower on the strand test engineering research reactor control system functioning as a heat transfer medium from the heat exchanger to air. To get the transfer of heat or cooling is maximal then the determination of cooling tower needs to be precise. Cooling tower is expected to accept and release heat at 1.191 kw from the heat exchanger. To support these needs will require the calculati...

  13. Integrating 3D CAD data for manufacturing and fabrication the core model of reactor TRIGA PUSPATI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abu Bakar Harun


    This paper describe the intrigue integration of digital 3 Dimensional Computer Aided Design (3D CAD) data manipulation for the Core Model fabrication of REAKTOR TRIGA PUSPATI and ready for mass manufacturing. 3 Dimensional CAD data from Computer Aided Design program will be used as an interpreter in the fabrication of this project. The Core Model of REAKTOR TRIGA PUSPATI will be fabricated with the aid of 3D CAD drawings and digital files. The components will be segregated and divided into 2 categories namely Conventional d Rapid Fabrication. (Author)


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    Entin Hartini


    BEJANA TEKAN REAKTOR: 2D DENGAN BEBAN INTERNAL PRESSURE. Bejana tekan reaktor (RPV merupakan pressure boundary dalam reaktor tipe PWR yang berfungsi untuk mengungkung material radioaktif  yang dihasilkan pada proses reaksi berantai. Maka dari itu integritas bejana tekan reaktor harus senantiasa terjamin baik reaktor dalam keadaan operasi normal, maupun kecelakaan. Dalam melakukan analisis integritas RPV, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pecahnya bejana tekan reaktor akibat adanya retak dilakukan analisis secara fracture mechanics. Adanya ketidakpastian input seperti sifat mekanik bahan, lingkungan fisik, dan input pada data, maka dalam melakukan analisis keandalan tidak hanya dilakukan secara deterministik saja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis ketidakpastian input pada perhitungan fracture mechanik pada evaluasi keandalan bejana tekan reaktor PWR. Pendekatan untuk karakter random dari kuantitas input menggunakan  teori probabilistik. Analisis fracture mechanics dilakukan berdasarkan metode elemen hingga (FEM menggunakan perangkat lunak MSC MARC. Analisis ketidakpastian input dilakukan berdasarkan probability density function dengan Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS menggunakan python script. Output dari MSC MARC adalah nilai J-integral untuk mendapatkan nilai stress intensity factor pada evaluasi keandalan bejana tekan reactor 2D. Dari hasil perhitungan dapat disimpulkan bahwa SIF probabilistik lebih dulu mencapai nilai batas fracture tougness  dibanding  SIF deterministik. SIF yang dihasilkan dengan metode probabilistik adalah 105,240 MPa m0,5. Sedangkan SIF metode deterministik adalah 100,876 MPa m0,5. Kata kunci: Analisis ketidakpastian, fracture mechanics, LHS, FEM, bejana tekan reaktor

  15. RA Reactor; Reaktor RA

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    In addition to basic characteristics of the RA reactor, organizational scheme and financial incentives, this document covers describes the state of the reactor components after 18 years of operation, problems concerned with obtaining the licence for operation with 80% fuel, problems of spent fuel storage in the storage pool of the reactor building and the need for renewal of reactor equipment, first of all instrumentation. [Serbo-Croat] Pored osnovnih karakeristika reaktora RA, organizacije rada i finansijskih pokazatelja, razmatra se stanje opreme reaktora nakon 18 godina rada, pitanja dozvole za rad sa 80% obogacenim gorivom, problem skladistenja isluzenog goriva u bazenu zgrade reaktora i potreba za obnavljanjem komponenti opreme, pre svega elektronske.

  16. RA Reactor; Reaktor RA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This chapter includes the following: General description of the RA reactor, organization of work, responsibilities of leadership and operators team, regulations concerning operation and behaviour in the reactor building, regulations for performing experiments, regulations and instructions for inserting samples into experimental channels. [Serbo-Croat] Ovo (prvo) poglavlje sadrzi sledece: Opis reaktora RA; semu organizacije rada i rukovodjenja; prava i duznosti direktora i rukovodioca pogona reaktora, propise o rezimu rada i kretanja u zgradi reaktora, propise o izvodjenju eksperimenata, propise o unosenju uzoraka u eksperimentalne kanale reaktora.


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    D.T. Sony Tjahyani


    Full Text Available Kejadian Fukushima telah menunjukkan bahwa kecelakaan parah dapat terjadi, maka dari itu sangatlah penting untuk menganalisis tingkat keselamatan pada reaktor daya. Berdasarkan rekomendasi expert mission IAEA setelah kejadian Fukushima, perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meminimalisasi terjadinya kecelakaan parah yaitu dengan melakukan proses pendinginan yang maksimal. Dalam konsep keselamatan fasilitas nuklir, khususnya reaktor daya telah diterapkan konsep keselamatan berlapis (Defence in Depth, DiD. Konsep keselamatan tersebut terdiri atas 5 level pertahanan yang bertujuan mencegah dan mengurangi lepasan produk fisi ke masyarakat dan lingkungan pada saat reaktor daya mengalami kecelakaan. Dalam reaktor telah didesain sistem atau tindakan yang mempunyai fungsi untuk mengatasi setiap level tersebut. Tujuan dari analisis ini adalah menentukan probabilitas kecelakaan parah dengan melakukan skenario kegagalan sistem dalam proses pendinginan di reaktor. Sebagai obyek analisis adalah reaktor daya AP1000, karena jenis reaktor ini sedang banyak dibangun saat ini. Skenario dilakukan dengan mengasumsikan beberapa kombinasi kegagalan sistem yang termasuk dalam DiD level 2 dan 3. Kegagalan sistem kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis pohon kegagalan berdasarkan perangkat lunak SAPHIRE ver. 6.76. Dari analisis didapatkan probabilitas gagal dari kelompok sistem DiD level 2 dan 3 pada AP1000 masih di bawah batas kriteria dari IAEA yaitu lebih kecil dari 10-2, serta probabilitas kecelakaan parah didapatkan sebesar 6,17 x 10-10. Berdasarkan analisis ini disimpulkan bahwa AP1000 mempunyai tingkat keselamatan yang cukup tinggi, karena melalui skenario kegagalan sistem didapatkan probabilitas kecelakaan parah yang sangat kecil.   ABSTRACT Fukushima accident has shown that severe accident could be occurred, therefore it is important to analyze safety level of nuclear power plants. Based on the recommendations of IAEA expert mission after the Fukushima accident

  18. Activity of the RA Reactor Physics group in 1980 - Definition of the Operation conditions for future safe and economical RA reactor operation with 80% enriched fuel; Prilog Ia - Rad sluzbe za fiziku reaktora RA u 1980. godini - Definisanje pogonskih uslova za dalji siguran i ekonomican rad reaktora RA sa 80% obogacenim gorivom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinc, R [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During 1980. the RA reactor was not in operation. That is why this period was devoted to definition of operating conditions for further reactor operation with 80% enriched fuel. The fuel elements which were in the core at the moment of shutdown in March 1979will not be used again (388 80% enriched fuel elements, and 511 2% enriched fuel elements). The reactor will be operated only with 80% enriched fuel, staring with initiat core configuration with 440 elements on the borders gradually changing to equi;librium core with 720 fuel elements. The analyses were concerned with safety issues of future operation. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA tokom 1980 godine nije radio. Zbog toga je ovaj period iskoriscen za intenzivan rad na definisanju pogonskih uslova za dalji rad reaktora sa 80% obogacenim gorivom. Gorivo sa kojim je reaktor prestao da radi marta 1979. godine (388 gorivnih elemenata 80% obogacenoh i 511 elementa 2% obogaceno) nece biti vraceno u jezgro, vec ce reaktor raditi samo sa 80% obogacenim gorivom, pocev od konfiguracije sa 440 elemenata na periferiji do ravnotezne konfiguracije sa 720 elemenata. Sve nalize su se bavile sigurnosnim aspektima rada reaktora sa visokoobogacenim gorivom u jezgru.

  19. Kajian Pemilihan Sumber Mikroorganisme Solid Phase Microbial Fuel Cell (SMFC Berdasarkan Jenis dan Volume Sampah, Power Density dan Efisiensi Penurunan COD

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    Ganjar Samudro


    Full Text Available Mikroorganisme merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam proses Solid Phase Microbial Fuel Cell (SMFC untuk degradasi bahan organik dan transfer elektron. Pemilihan sumber mikroorganisme menjadi metode yang paling sederhana untuk dikaji sebagai informasi awal ketersediaan dan identifikasi jenis mikroorganisme yang mendukung proses SMFC. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk memilih sumber mikroorganisme tanah, septic tank dan sedimen sungai yang tepat digunakan dalam proses SMFC berdasarkan jenis dan volume sampah, power density, dan efisiensi penurunan COD. Kajian ini didasarkan pada hasil penelitian menggunakan reaktor SMFC tipe single chamber microbial fuel cell dengan variabel jenis dan volume sampah , serta sumber mikroorganisme. Metode perbandingan secara kuantitatif dilakukan berdasarkan kecenderungan nilai power density dan efisiensi penurunan COD tertinggi di antara jenis dan volume sampah kantin, dedaunan dan komposit kantin-dedaunan. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah sumber mikroorganisme tanah dan sedimen sungai tepat digunakan untuk volume sampah 1/3 dan 2/3 dari volume reaktor, sedangkan sumber mikroorganisme septic tank tepat digunakan untuk volume sampah 1/3 dan 1/2 dari volume reaktor. Sumber mikroorganisme dari septic tank menunjukkan kinerja power density dan efisiensi penurunan COD yang lebih rendah dibandingkan sumber mikroorganisme tanah dan sedimen sungai.


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    A. K. Wardani


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKDalam konteks problem-based learning, salah satu masalah belajar fisika di sekolah dan di universitas adalah keterkaitan antara materi ajar dan fenomena alam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masih minimum. Siswa, mahasiswa, guru, dan dosen masih mengalami kesulitan dalam memberikan contoh nyata GLB. Penelitian ini meninjau ulang materi ajar gerak lurus beraturan melalui percobaan gravity current sebagai sistem dua fluida dengan beda kerapatan di laboratorium dalam upaya mencari contoh nyata sistem fisis yang bergerak sepanjang garis lurus dengan kecepatan tetap. Penelitian ini dapat dipandang sebagai model proses intrusi air laut di estuari, tempat pertukaran massa air laut dan air sungai. Fokus penelitian adalah membuktikan bahwa gravity current bergerak dengan kecepatan tetap dan menentukan faktor-faktor dinamik kecepatan. Pengukuran akurat waktu tempuh dan tinggi permukaan air dalam tangki percobaan memberikan kecepatan tak-berdimensi gravity current sebesar 0,45 ± 0,03 dengan beda kerapatan massa dan tinggi awal permukaan air merupakan dua faktor dinamik penentu kecepatan. ABSTRACTIn the context of problem-based learning, one of learning difficulties in physics at schools and universities is theminimum relevance of learning materials to natural phenomena. School and university students still have difficulties in giving real examples of uniform motion. This research examines uniform motion by performing laboratory experiments on gravity current as a system of two fluids with different densities. The experiments were designed to provide a factual case of a moving system with constant speed and to model salt intrusion in an estuary, where sea water and river stream meets. The research focused on the dynamics of gravity currents and determines factors affecting the speed. Based on measurements of travel time and initial height of water surface in all experiments, the results showed that the non-dimensional speed was found to be 0.45 ± 0


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    Ralind Re Marla


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan desain teras Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN untuk jenis Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR dengan daya 70 MWe untuk keperluan proses smelter pada keadaan beginning of life (BOL. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persen pengkayaan, distribusi suhu dan nilai keselamatan dengan koefisien reaktivitas teras yang negatif pada reaktor jenis PBMR apabila daya reaktor 70 MWe. Analisis menggunakan program Monte Carlo N-Particle-5 (MCNP5 dan dari hasil analisis ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi syarat dalam mendukung program percepatan pembangunan kelistrikan batubara 10.000 MWe khususnya untuk proses smelter, yang tersebar merata di wilayah Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, faktor perlipatan efektif (k-eff Reaktor jenis PBMR daya 70 MWe mengalami kondisi kritis pada pengkayaan 5,626 % dengan nilai faktor perlipatan efektif 1,00031±0,00087 dan nilai koefisien reaktivitas suhu pada -10,0006 pcm/K. Dari hasil analisis daat disimpulkan bahwa reaktor jenis PBMR daya 70 MWe adalah aman.   ABSTRACT The core design of Nuclear Power Plant for Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR type with 70 MWe capacity power in Beginning of Life (BOL has been performed. The aim of this analysis, to know percent enrichment, temperature distribution and safety value by negative temperature coefficient at type PBMR if reactor power become lower equal to 70 MWe. This analysis was expected become one part of overview project development the power plant with 10.000 MWe of total capacity, spread evenly in territory of Indonesia especially to support of smelter industries. The results showed that, effective multiplication factor (keff with power 70 MWe critical condition at enrichment 5,626 %is 1,00031±0,00087, based on enrichment result, a value of the temperature coefficient reactivity is - 10,0006 pcm/K. Based on the results of these studies, it can beconcluded that the PBMR 70 MWe design is theoritically safe.


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    Sudarmono Sudarmono


      Kegagalan sistem pembuangan panas pada reaktor berpendingin air jenis PWR, Three Mile Islands dan reaktor BWR Fukushima Daiichi, menyebabkan masyarakat nuklir mulai memikirkan penggunaan reaktor pembangkit daya jenis temperatur tinggi berpendingin gas (HTGR. Bidang Fisika dan Teknologi Reaktor di Pusat Teknologi Reaktor dan Keselamatan Nuklir (PTRKN mempunyai tugas melaksanakan kegiatan litbang desain konseptual reaktor kogenerasi dengan tingkat daya menengah yang berpendingin gas helium dengan daya 200 MWt. Desain HTGR200K merupakan salah satu sistem pembangkit energi yang memiliki efisiensi energi paling besar, dan tingkat keselamatan inheren yang tinggi dan bersih. Komposisi geometri dan struktur teras didesain agar dapat menghasilkan keluaran pendingin gas helium bertemperatur 950 0C sehingga dapat digunakan untuk produksi hidrogen dan atau unit industri proses lainnya secara kogeneratif. Luaran gas helium bertemperatur sangat tinggi ini akan menimbulkan tegangan termal pada bola bahan bakar yang mengancam integritas sistem pengungkungan produk fisi di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi karakteristika termal flow untuk menentukan distribusi temperatur bahan bakar bola dan outlet temperatur pendingin gas helium teras HTGR. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan modul Thermix-Konvek yang terintegrasi dalam program VSOP’94. Geometri teras HTGR dikerjakan dalam modul BIRGIT untuk model teras 2-D (R-Z dengan 5 kanal aliran pebble dalam teras aktif arah radial. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai tertinggi dan terendah temperatur yang terdapat pada teras   adalah sebesar 999.3 °C dan 886,5 °C. Demikian pula hasil temperatur tertinggi bahan bakar TRISO dan bahan bakar pebble di dalam teras, yaitu diperoleh sebesar  1510,20°C yang terletak pada lapisan bahan bakar inti UO2, di posisi z= 335.51 cm dan  r=0 cm. Analysis di lakukan pada laju massa aliran pendingin, tekanan dan daya masing-masing sebesar 120 kg/s, 7 Mpa dan 200MWth. Hasil

  3. Wpływ czasu napowietrzania na pracę reaktora SBR i SBBR

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    Małgorzata Makowska


    Full Text Available W pracy przedstawiono efekty oczyszczania małych ilości ścieków w bioreaktorach porcjowych. Przebadano dwa równolegle pracujące reaktory, z czego jeden był klasycznym systemem SBR, a drugi to reaktor SBBR ze złożem ruchomym. Obydwa ciągi technologiczne oczyszczały taką samą ilość ścieków bytowych wstępnie podczyszczonych w piaskowniku. Trzy kolejne serie badań różniły się długością napowietrzania. Porównano pracę reaktorów w kolejnych seriach oraz analizowano wyniki uzyskane w obu systemach. Największą skuteczność usuwania związków węgla organicznego (jako ChZT i azotu (jako N-NH4 uzyskano w reaktorze SBBR w trzeciej serii badań (średnio odpowiednio 90 i 62%. Reaktor SBBR pracował bardziej stabilnie oraz usuwał na drodze biologicznej fosfor z największą średnią skutecznością 83% w serii trzeciej. Ścieki oczyszczone w tym reaktorze charakteryzowały się mniejszym stężeniem zawiesiny, co świadczy o skuteczniejszej pracy reaktora z wypełnieniem w fazie sedymentacji.

  4. Põhja-Korea lubas taas jätta tuumaplaanid / Jürgen Tamme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamme, Jürgen


    Pekingis toimunud kuuepoolsete desarmeerimiskõneluste tulemusena on Põhja-Korea nõus andma ülevaate riigi tuumarajatistest ning alustama nende likvideerimist. 14. juulil suleti Yongbyoni tuumakeskuse reaktor. Lisa: Tuumavaidlus

  5. RA Research nuclear reactor Part 1, RA Reactor operation and maintenance in 1987; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA Deo 1 - Pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA u 1987. godini

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Martinc, R; Cupac, S; Sulem, B; Badrljica, R; Majstorovic, D; Sanovic, V [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    RA research reacto was not operated due to the prohibition issued in 1984 by the Government of Serbia. Three major tasks were finished in order to fulfill the licensing regulations about safety of nuclear facilities which is the condition for obtaining permanent operation licence. These projects involved construction of the emergency cooling system, reconstruction of the existing special ventilation system, and renewal of the system for electric power supply of the reactor systems. Renewal of the RA reactor instrumentation system was initiated. Design project was done by the Russian Atomenergoeksport, and is foreseen to be completed by the end of 1988. The RA reactor safety report was finished in 1987. This annual report includes 8 annexes concerning reactor operation, activities of services and financial issues, and three special annexes: report on testing the emergency cooling system, report on renewal of the RA reactor and design specifications for reactor renewal and reconstruction. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA nije radio usled zabrane Izvsnog veca Skupstine Srbije od 27. avgusta 1984. U cilju povecanja pouzdanosti rada reaktora a da bi se udovoljilo zakonskim propisima sto je uslov za dobijanje stalne dozvole za rad realizovana su tri velika zahvata na reaktoru RA. Ovi zahvati obuhvatili su izgradnju sistema za hladjenje jezgra reaktora u slucaju nuzde, rekonstukciju postojeceg sistema specijalne ventilacije i rekonstrukciju sistema napajanja elektricnom energijom neophodnih potrosaca reaktora RA. Zapoceti su radovi na modernizaciji intrumentacije reaktora RA, projekat je izradjen u sovjetskoj organizaciji Atomenergoeksport, a trebalo bi da se realizuje do kraja 1989. godine. U cilju povecanja prostora za skladistenje ozracenog nuklearnog goriva i njegovog efikasnijeg koriscenja, izradjen je su projekti za rekonstrukciju postojecih uredjaja za rukovanje gorivom, povecanje smestajnog kapaciteta i preciscavanje vode u bazenima za odlezavanje. Realizaija ovih

  6. Air filtration and indoor air quality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bekö, Gabriel


    Demands for better indoor air quality are increasing, since we spend most of our time indoors and we are more and more aware of indoor air pollution. Field studies in different parts of the world have documented that high percentage of occupants in many offices and buildings find the indoor air...... decent ventilation and air cleaning/air filtration, high indoor air quality cannot be accomplished. The need for effective air filtration has increased with increasing evidence on the hazardous effects of fine particles. Moreover, the air contains gaseous pollutants, removal of which requires various air...... cleaning techniques. Supply air filter is one of the key components in the ventilation system. Studies have shown that used ventilation filters themselves can be a significant source of indoor air pollution with consequent impact on perceived air quality, sick building syndrome symptoms and performance...

  7. Adamkus : EU might be willing to negotiate on postponing Ignalina reactor closure

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Valdas Adamkus teatas võimalusest, et EL alustab arutelu Ignalina tuumaelektrijaama sulgemise edasilükkamisest. Uue jaama valmimise aeg pole teada ning praegune reaktor on tänu rootslaste abile turvaline

  8. 33 CFR 334.1280 - Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. 334.1280 Section 334.1280 Navigation and Navigable... REGULATIONS § 334.1280 Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. (a...

  9. Royal Danish Air Force. Air Operations Doctrine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørby, Søren

    This brief examines the development of the first Danish Air Force Air Operations Doctrine, which was officially commissioned in October 1997 and remained in effect until 2010. The development of a Danish air power doctrine was heavily influenced by the work of Colonel John Warden (USAF), both...... through his book ”The Air Campaign” and his subsequent planning of the air campaign against Iraq in 1990-1991. Warden’s ideas came to Denmark and the Danish Air Force by way of Danish Air Force students attending the United States Air Force Air University in Alabama, USA. Back in Denmark, graduates from...... the Air University inspired a small number of passionate airmen, who then wrote the Danish Air Operations Doctrine. The process was supported by the Air Force Tactical Command, which found that the work dovetailed perfectly with the transformation process that the Danish Air Force was in the midst...


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    Bagus Setiawan


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan karakterisasi degradasi termal dari limbah pertanian untuk dijadikan suatu bahan bakar padat alternatif. Penelitian diawali dengan tahap pengumpulan bahan yang dilanjutkan penyeragaman ukuran sampel uji hingga berukuran 20 mesh. Setelah itu masing-masing sampel dikeringkan hingga kadar air maksimal 12 %. Sebelum Sampel seberat 20 gram diuji pirolisis dengan menempatkan sampel dalam reaktor yang telah dialiri nitrogen dengan laju 100 ml/menit. Sampel diuji dengan kondisi heating rate 15 oC/menit, temperatur akhir 600 oC dan holding time 10 menit. Data yang didapat berupa penurunan massa dan perubahan temperatur dicatat dalam laptop dengan menggunakan software RS-Key, Ms Excel dan Adam.NET Utility. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan campuran serbuk gergaji dan jerami memiliki temperatur pirolisis paling rendah, sementara campuran sekam padi dan kulit singkong memiliki massa arang paling banyak.

  11. RA Research reactor, Part 1, Operation and maintenance of the RA nuclear reactor for 1988; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA, deo 1, pogon i odrzavanje nukleanog reaktora RA u 1988. godini

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Martinc, R; Cupac, S; Sulem, B; Badrljica, R; Majstorovic, D; Sanovic, V [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    According to the action plan for 1988, operation of the RA reactor should have been restarted in October, but the operating license was not obtained. Control and maintenance of the reactor components was done regularly and efficiently dependent on the availability of the spare parts. The major difficulty was maintenance of the reactor instrumentation. Period of the reactor shutdown was used for repair of the heavy water pumps in the primary coolant loop. With the aim to ensure future safe and reliable reactor operation, action were started concerning renewal of the reactor instrumentation. Design project was done by the soviet company Atomenergoeksport. The contract for constructing this equipment was signed, and it is planned that the equipment will be delivered by the end of 1990. In order to increase the space for storage of the irradiated fuel elements and its more efficient usage, projects were started concerned with reconstruction of the existing fuel handling equipment, increase of the storage space and purification of the water in the fuel storage pools. These projects are scheduled to be finished in mid 1989. This report includes 8 annexes concerning reactor operation, activities of services and financial issues. [Serbo-Croat] Prema planu za 1988. godinu, reaktor RA je trebalo da pusten u rad oktobra meseca, medjutim nije dobio dozvolu za nastavak rada. Kontrola i odrzavanje opreme izvrsavani su redovno i efikasno, u granicama koje su diktirane raspolozivoscu repromaterijala i rezervnih delova. Najvecu poteskocu pricinjavalo je odrzavanje instrumentacije. Period stajanja u 1988. godini iskoriscen je za remont teskovodnih pumpi u primarnom kolu hladjenja. U cilju povecanja pouzdanosti rada reaktora zapoceti su radovi na modernizaciji instrumentacije, projekat je izradjen u sovjetskoj organizaciji Atomenergoeksport, sklopljen je ugovor o izradi ove opreme koja bi trebalo da bude isporucena do kraja 1990. U cilju povecanja prostora za skladistenje ozracenog

  12. Komposit Nano TiO2 Dengan PCC, Zeolit atau Karbon Aktif Untuk Menurunkan Total Krom dan Zat Organik Pada Air Limbah Industri Penyamakan Kulit

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    Bumiarto Nugroho Jati


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menurunkan total krom dan zat organik pada limbah industri penyamakan kulit dengan menggunakan nano TiO2 yang dikompositkan dengan adsorben karbon aktif, zeolit, dan precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC dalam suatu reaktor fotokatalitik yang disusun secara batch dan dilengkapi dengan 6 buah lampu UV dan magnetic stirrer. Penurunan kadar krom total diukur dengan menggunakan Atomic Absorption Spectro-photometer (AAS dan penurunan zat organik dianalisa dengan menggunakan titrasi permanganatometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengolahan terbaik untuk penurunan kadar krom total adalah dengan menggunakan komposit TiO2:PCC = 8:2 yang dapat menurunkan total krom hampir 100% pada menit ke-170 dengan konsentrasi awal 214,35 mg/L. Untuk penurunan kadar zat organik, pengolahan terbaik dengan menggunakan komposit TiO2:PCC = 9:1 yang dapat menurunkan kadar zat organik hingga 100% pada menit ke-180. 

  13. AirPEx. Air Pollution Exposure Model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freijer, J.I.; Bloemen, H.J.Th.; De Loos, S.; Marra, M.; Rombout, P.J.A.; Steentjes, G.M.; Van Veen, M.P.


    Analysis of inhalatory exposure to air pollution is an important area of investigation when assessing the risks of air pollution for human health. Inhalatory exposure research focuses on the exposure of humans to air pollutants and the entry of these pollutants into the human respiratory tract. The principal grounds for studying the inhalatory exposure of humans to air pollutants are formed by the need for realistic exposure/dose estimates to evaluate the health effects of these pollutants. The AirPEx (Air Pollution Exposure) model, developed to assess the time- and space-dependence of inhalatory exposure of humans to air pollution, has been implemented for use as a Windows 3.1 computer program. The program is suited to estimating various exposure and dose quantities for individuals, as well as for populations and subpopulations. This report describes the fundamentals of the AirPEx model and provides a user manual for the computer program. Several examples included in the report illustrate the possibilities of the AirPEx model in exposure assessment. The model will be used at the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment as a tool in analysing the current exposure of the Dutch population to air pollutants. 57 refs.

  14. Air movement and perceived air quality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Melikov, Arsen Krikor; Kaczmarczyk, J.


    The impact of air movement on perceived air quality (PAQ) and sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms was studied. In total, 124 human subjects participated in four series of experiments performed in climate chambers at different combinations of room air temperature (20, 23, 26 and 28 °C), relative...... and the humidity of the room air. At a low humidity level of 30% an increased velocity could compensate for the decrease in perceived air quality due to an elevated temperature ranging from 20 °C to 26 °C. In a room with 26 °C, increased air movement was also able to compensate for an increase in humidity from 30...... humidity (30, 40 and 70%) and pollution level (low and high). Most of the experiments were performed with and without facially applied airflow at elevated velocity. The importance of the use of recirculated room air and clean, cool and dry outdoor air was studied. The exposures ranged from 60. min to 235...


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    Sigit Santoso


    ABSTRAK Peran dan tindakan operator pada reaktor berpendingin gas akan berbeda dengan peran operator pada operasi tipe reaktor lain. Analisis unjuk kerja operator dan faktor yang berpengaruh dapat dilakukan secara komprehensif melalui analisis keandalan manusia(HRA. Melalui HRA dampak dari kesalahan manusia pada sistem maupun cara untuk mengurangi dampak dan frekuensi kesalahan dapat diketahui. Makalah membahas faktor yang berpengaruh pada tindakan operator, yaitu pada kejadian kecelakaan pendingin reaktor gas bersuhu tinggi-HTGR. Analisis untuk kualifikasi faktor pembentuk kinerja(PSF dilakukan berdasarkan kurva keandalan fungsi waktu, dan metode keandalan manusia yang dikembangkan berdasar pada aspek kognitif yaitu Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM. Hasil analisis berdasar kurva keandalan fungsi waktu menunjukkan komponen waktu berkontribusi positif pada peningkatan keandalan operator (PSF<1 pada kondisi semua fitur keselamatan berfungsi sesuai rancangan. Sedangkan pada metoda analisis dengan pendekatan kognitif CREAM diketahui selain faktor ketersediaan waktu, faktor pelatihan dan rancangan HMI juga berkontribusi meningkatkan keandalan operator. Faktor pembentuk kinerja keseluruhan diketahui sebesar 0,25 dengan faktor kontribusi positif dominan atau berpengaruh pada penurunan kesalahan manusia adalah ketersediaan waktu (PSF=0,01, dan faktor kontribusi negatif dominan adalah prosedur dan siklus kerja (PSF=5. Nilai PSF tersebut sebagai faktor pengali dalam perhitungan probabilitas kesalahan manusia. Analisis faktor pembentuk kinerja perlu dikembangkan pada skenario kejadian lain untuk selanjutnya digunakan untuk perhitungan dan analisis keandalan manusia yang komprehensif dan perancangan sistem interaksi manusia mesin di ruang kendali. Kata kunci: PSF, HTGR, operator, ruang kendali, keandalan manusia

  16. A mixed air/air and air/water heat pump system ensures the air-conditioning of a cinema; Un systeme mixte PAC air/air et air/eau climatise un cinema

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This article presents the air conditioning system of a new cinema complex of Boulogne (92, France) which comprises a double-flux air processing plant and two heat pumps. Each heat pump has two independent refrigerating loops: one with a air condenser and the other with a water condenser. This system allows to limit the power of the loop and to reduce the size of the cooling tower and of the vertical ducts. This article describes the technical characteristics of the installation: thermodynamic units, smoke clearing, temperature control, air renewing. (J.S.)

  17. Kajian Analitik Perencanaan Pintu Air Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air


    Pradoto, Pradoto


    Pada pintu air pembangkit listrik tenaga air umumnya dipasang pengauat-penguat (girder). Tujuannya agar pintu air kuat dalam menahan tekanan air. Tekanan air yang diderita oleh pintu air cukup besar karena dipasang pada kedalaman + 50 meter di bawah permukaan air. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah menentukan posisi atau letak girder pada pintu air.

  18. Eesti Energia valib Ameerikas tuumajaamale reaktoreid / Andres Reimer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reimer, Andres


    Eesti Energia liitus rahvusvahelise tuumareaktoriprojektiga IRIS, projekti eesmärk on luua lihtsa konstruktsiooniga, ohutu ja suhteliselt odav reaktor. Jürgen Ligi sõnul saab Eesti oma IRIS-tüüpi tuumajaama juba 2019. aastal. Joonis: Potentsiaalne tuumajaam

  19. Estimation of air quality by air pollution indices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liblik, Valdo; Kundel, Helmut


    A novel system for estimating the quality of atmospheric air in the over-ground air layer with the help of air pollution indices was developed. The method is based on a comparison of measured or calculated maximum short-term concentrations and average annual concentrations of pollutants with maximum permissible concentrations (with regard to human beings and vegetation). Special air quality estimation scales for residential areas and natural systems are presented. On the basis of the concentration of the substance under study zones of very high, high, rather high, moderate, low and very low air pollution were distinguished in the over-ground layer of the atmosphere. These are projected to land surface for landscape zonation. The application of the system of indices is demonstrated in the analysis of air quality for the towns of Kohtla-Jarve, Johvi and Kivioli (in 1997-1998). A comparative analysis of the air pollution zones distinguished on the basis of emissions and data from bio monitoring yielded satisfactory results. The system of air pollution indices developed enables to process the results of air monitoring in case of pollution fields of complicated composition so that the result for estimating the quality of ambient air in a residential area is easily understood by inhabitants and interpretable with the help of a special scale; analyse temporal changes in the quality of the air in towns, villages and other residential areas and use the results as basis for developing measures for reducing the pollution of ambient air; carry out zonation of large territories on the basis of air pollution levels (spatial air pollution zones are projected on the ground surface) and estimate air quality in places where air monitoring is lacking to forecast the possible effect of air pollution on natural systems (author)

  20. Air ejector augmented compressed air energy storage system (United States)

    Ahrens, F.W.; Kartsounes, G.T.

    Energy is stored in slack demand periods by charging a plurality of underground reservoirs with air to the same peak storage pressure, during peak demand periods throttling the air from one storage reservoir into a gas turbine system at a constant inlet pressure until the air presure in the reservoir falls to said constant inlet pressure, thereupon permitting air in a second reservoir to flow into said gas turbine system while drawing air from the first reservoir through a variable geometry air ejector and adjusting said variable geometry air ejector, said air flow being essentially at the constant inlet pressure of the gas turbine system.

  1. Enhancing indoor air quality -The air filter advantage. (United States)

    Vijayan, Vannan Kandi; Paramesh, Haralappa; Salvi, Sundeep Santosh; Dalal, Alpa Anil Kumar


    Air pollution has become the world's single biggest environmental health risk, linked to around 7 million deaths in 2012 according to a recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report. The new data further reveals a stronger link between, indoor and outdoor air pollution exposure and cardiovascular diseases, such as strokes and ischemic heart disease, as well as between air pollution and cancer. The role of air pollution in the development of respiratory diseases, including acute respiratory infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, is well known. While both indoor and outdoor pollution affect health, recent statistics on the impact of household indoor pollutants (HAP) is alarming. The WHO factsheet on HAP and health states that 3.8 million premature deaths annually - including stroke, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer are attributed to exposure to household air pollution. Use of air cleaners and filters are one of the suggested strategies to improve indoor air quality. This review discusses the impact of air pollutants with special focus on indoor air pollutants and the benefits of air filters in improving indoor air quality.

  2. Air Consumption Analysis of Air-Jet Weaving

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available In Textile industry, production is mostly key concern for Industry owner. This always has attracted researchers and machines manufacturers to make new developments in process and machines. Air-jet is one of the leading and successful highest productive weaving machines. However, it is now well established that due to add of charges of compressed air, manufacturing cost of air-jet weaving machine is higher as compared with rapier and projectile weaving machines. This is why countries having energy issues do not prefer air-jet weaving machines comparing projectile weaving machines. In this regard, several researchers and machine manufacturers have continuously been working to improve the efficiency of air-jet weft insertion. However, industry practice is as important as design made by researchers. The aim of this research is to investigate the air consumption of air-jet weaving on industrial scale practice. In this study, five weaving machine of same manufacturer and model were selected. It was observed that despite of manufacturing same quality of fabric, air consumption was varying almost in all weaving machines. Conventionally, mill workers adopt hit and trial practice in weaving industry including airpressure setting which leads to variation of nozzle pressure. Main reason of disparity of air consumption in air-jet weaving machines may be variation of distance from compressor to weaving machines, number of joints, un-necessary valve opening and pipes leakages cause an increase of compressed air consumption.

  3. Na velikosti nezáleží - je to fraktální

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řípa, Milan


    Roč. 7, červen (2014) Institutional support: RVO:61389021 Keywords : fusion * tokamak * fractal * turbulence * Bohm diffusion Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics

  4. Manual for THOR-AirPAS - air pollution assessment system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Steen Solvang; Ketzel, Matthias; Brandt, Jørgen

    The report provides an outline of the THOR-AirPAS - air pollution assessment system and a brief manual for getting started with the air quality models and input data included in THOR-AirPAS.......The report provides an outline of the THOR-AirPAS - air pollution assessment system and a brief manual for getting started with the air quality models and input data included in THOR-AirPAS....

  5. AirPEx: Air Pollution Exposure Model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Freijer JI; Bloemen HJTh; Loos S de; Marra M; Rombout PJA; Steentjes GM; Veen MP van; LBO


    Analysis of inhalatory exposure to air pollution is an important area of investigation when assessing the risks of air pollution for human health. Inhalatory exposure research focuses on the exposure of humans to air pollutants and the entry of these pollutants into the human respiratory tract. The

  6. Air Research (United States)

    EPA's air research provides the critical science to develop and implement outdoor air regulations under the Clean Air Act and puts new tools and information in the hands of air quality managers and regulators to protect the air we breathe.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Debbi Ariyandhi


    Full Text Available This research was aims to describe the application of long service learning in the game of badminton rackets using modification of wood because it is perceived very appropriate to increase student studying result, remember advantages of this modification tool is a of the student is able to understand according to the actual object, and can develop students' motivation high. The research subjects are students the 6th grade class student of Sigentong elementary school, amounting to 29 students. This research method is Classroom Action Research (CAR with two sicluss.Result of the research show long service learning in the game of badminton rackets using modification of wood for the 6th grade Class Student of Sigentong Elementary School in Warureja District Tegal Regency in the Academic Year 2013/2014 from 29 show an increase from first siclus to second siclus. Results of first cycle research show the percentage of students achieving 69%.The results of the second cycle of research, an increase in study’s result of 21% of the first cycle, it is 90%. From the results of this research with CAR method can be concluded that the long service learning using wood rackets successfully to increase the ability of ong service learning in the game of badminton.

  8. Air-cooled, hydrogen-air fuel cell (United States)

    Shelekhin, Alexander B. (Inventor); Bushnell, Calvin L. (Inventor); Pien, Michael S. (Inventor)


    An air-cooled, hydrogen-air solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) fuel cell with a membrane electrode assembly operatively associated with a fluid flow plate having at least one plate cooling channel extending through the plate and at least one air distribution hole extending from a surface of the cathode flow field into the plate cooling channel.

  9. KAJIAN PENGELOLAAN KUALITAS LIMBAH RUMAH TANGGA DI KOTA MAKASSAR (Study of the Household Waste Quality Management in Makassar City

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Siri Dangnga


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan kajian ini adalah: (1. Untuk mengetahui kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah Kota Makassar mengnai sistm dan pengembangan prasarana serta langkah-langkah yang ditempuh dalam pembuangan limbah rumah tangga, dan (2. Untuk mengetahui konsentrasi sat pencemar pada limbah rumah tangga yang terdapat di saluran pembuangan yang akan dilepas ke lingkungan. Pengelolaan limbah rumah tangga yang diterapkan di Kota Makassar adalah: (1 meningkatkan sistem setempat dari lubang peresapan menjadi tangki septik yang dilengkapi lubang resapan, (2 mengembangkan organisasi pengelola sistem terpusat, (3 mengembangkan sistem jaringan pelayanan air limbah untuk bagian kota yang padat penduduknya, (4 membangun sebuah instalasi pengolahan air limbah (IPAL, (5 memotivasi partisipasi masyarakat dan swasta dalam sistem pengelolaan air limbah, dan (6 mengembangkan sistm interceptor di luar daerah yang dilayani oleh sistem pengelolaan air limbah.     Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa beberapa parameter kandungan limbah rumah tangga telah melampaui baku mutu atau nilai ambang batas untuk limbah Golongan I. Parameter tersebut adalah Oksigen terlarut (DO, fosfat, BOD, dan deterjen.   ABSTRACT The objectives of the study are: (1 to know the government policies in Makassar city about system and infrastructure developing and efforts condacted in household waste disposal. (2 to understand the concentration of pollutant on household waste content which exists in disposal system discharge to the environment. The household waste management applied in Makassar City were to: (1 increase the spot system from infiltrate hole to septic tank equipped with absorption level. (2 develop the central system management organization, (3 develop the waste network system in densely populated city; (4 build the waste management installation, (5 motivate the participation of the general public and private in the waste management system; (6 develop the interceptor system outside territory

  10. An experimental evaluation on air purification performance of Clean-Air Heat Pump (CAHP) air cleaner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sheng, Ying; Fang, Lei; Sun, Yuexia


    was 96.8%, which indicated that the most of gaseous pollutants were not accumulated in the CAHP. The regeneration temperature for the wheel could affect the air purification performance of CAHP. At 70 °C of regeneration temperature, the air-cleaning efficiency reached 96.7%. Up to 70% of the outdoor air......The escalation of energy consumption in buildings and heightened concerns about acceptable indoor air quality stimulate interest in the usage of air cleaner as an adjunct for indoor environmental conditioning. A regenerative desiccant wheel integrated into a ventilation system termed Clean-Air Heat...... Pump (CAHP) can improve the air quality during the process of dehumidification without using additional energy. An experimental study in a field lab was performed to investigate the air cleaning performance of CAHP. Photoacoustic gas analyzer-INNOVA was used to characterize chemical removal of indoor...

  11. AirData (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The AirData site provides access to yearly summaries of United States air pollution data, taken from EPA's air pollution databases. AirData has information about...

  12. Can a Clean-Air Heat Pump (CAHP) maintain air purification capability when using polluted air for regeneration?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sheng, Ying; Fang, Lei


    Clean Air Heat Pump (CAHP) was one type of rotary desiccant cooling system which combined a silica gel rotor with a heat pump to achieve air cleaning, dehumidifying and cooling in buildings. Using exhaust air from the conditioned room for regeneration of the silica gel rotor might have an advantage...... on reducing the regeneration air temperature and further improving the energy performance of the CAHP. However, the exhaust air carried a lot of indoor air pollutants. Whether using exhaust air for the regeneration of the silica gel rotor had an impact on the air cleaning performance of the CAHP...... was experimentally studied. The results showed that using the air contained acetone or toluene for regeneration reduced the pollutants removal capability of CAHP with a reduction of approx. 10% in air cleaning efficiency. The energy performance of the CAHP when using exhaust air for regeneration was also evaluated...

  13. Air Pollution (United States)

    Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. Car emissions, chemicals from factories, ... Ozone, a gas, is a major part of air pollution in cities. When ozone forms air pollution, it's ...

  14. Reduced energy reqirement for air conditioning by using air diffusion with air flow from floor to ceiling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bach, H; Dittes, W; Mangelsdorf, R; Detzer, R; Jungbaeck, E; Fitzner, K; Radtke, W; Soethout, F


    The condition of the air in the occupied zone in airconditioned rooms is influenced by the mixing of supply air with room air. When supplying air from the ceiling there is a mixing all over the room, when supplying from the floor or from desks there is a mixing region only in the lower area. Above this their is warm air from which the return air is drawn. For air supply from below the cooling load can be decreased. In combination with the possible enthalpy difference between room air and supply air this decrease of the cooling load influences the necessary air rate. The interdependence of various air conditioning systems and various air temperatures is shown with a computer program. The load factor for various air distribution system at various cooling loads have been measured in a room of (8 x 5)m/sup 2/ x 3m. Experiments in a smaller model room (scale 1:3) showed how the heat was transported from the mixing region to the stratification region. The theoretically gained influence of the supply air jets of the height of the mixing region and on the load rate could be verified by the experiments. For the design of the fresh air rate, experience has been gained by measurements with tracegas (N/sub 2/O) in a third room. In comparing calculations the annual energy consumption has been computed for a building assuming various air conditioning systems and typical operation data. From experience with the existing systems the conclusions have been drawn how air distribution from floor to ceiling can be installed and operated.

  15. Air Pollution Monitoring | Air Quality Planning & Standards ... (United States)


    The basic mission of the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards is to preserve and improve the quality of our nation's air. To accomplish this, OAQPS must be able to evaluate the status of the atmosphere as compared to clean air standards and historical information.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Kusrijadi


    Full Text Available Pemanfaatan biogas sebagai salah satu alternatif bahan bakar  pada proses brazing merupakan langkah diversifikasi biogas, yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan tingkat efisiensi dan keramahan teknologi. Permasalahan yang bersifat teknis dan menjadi kendala dalam pemanfaatan biogas ini adalah rendahnya konsentrasi CH4 dikarenakan adanya pengotor utama berupa air, karbondioksida dan asam disulfida. Penelitian dilakukan melalui dua tahap yaitu  tahap  pressureized storage process meliputi pemisahan komponen pengotor yang terdapat dalam biogas melalui teknik absorbsi sehingga dihasilkan biogas yang berkualitas gas alam terbarukan dan proses injeksi ke dalam suatu tangki penyimpanan, dan tahap selanjutnya adalah menggunakan biogas tersebut pada proses brazing logam Cu (tembaga dengan bahan tambah Ag (silver. Analisis hasil brazing dilakukan melalui analisis struktur mikro (metalografi untuk melihat kualitas tampak dari hasil brazing, serta analisis kekerasan mikro dan analisis parameter fisik standar terhadap hasil proses brazing. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan perangkat alat pemurnian biogas yang dapat memurnikan biogas menjadi metana mendekati 100% dan sistem pengemasan (storage system  biogas bertekanan hingga 2 bar. Dari hasil analisis struktur mikro dan uji kekerasan mikro diketahui bahwa hasil proses brazing dengan biogas menghasilkan kualitas yang sama dengan hasil proses brazing dengan gas acetylene sehingga disimpulkan bahwa biogas dapat menjadi bahan bakar alternatif untuk proses brazing, khususnya untuk logam Cu dengan bahan tambah Ag.  Kata kunci : Biogas, Pressureized Storage, Brazing

  17. Pengaruh Diameter Partikel Terhadap Konsentrasi L-Dopa, Kc Dan De Pada Ekstraksi L-Dopa Dari Biji Kara Benguk (Mucuna Pruriens Dc.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eni Budiyati


    Full Text Available Mucuna pruriens (biji kara benguk merupakan tanaman penghasil bahan obat-obatan karena mengandung senyawa L-Dopa. Senyawa tersebut dapat digunakan untuk pengobatan penyakit gangguan syaraf, anti bisa ular, meningkatkan bobot dan kekuatan otot, vitalitas seksual pria, zat anti-aging dan obat cacing pada manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekstraksi L- Dopa dari biji kara benguk dengan menggunakan pelarut air. Di samping itu, penelitian ini juga mengevaluasi pengaruh dari diameter partikel terhadap konsentrasi L- dopa hasil ekstraksi, koefisien transfer massa (kC, dan difusivitas efektif (De. Tahapan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah, persiapan bahan baku, proses ekstraksi, dan analisis L-Dopa. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan dalam tangki yang dilengkapi dengan thermometer. Analisis L-Dopa dilakukan dengan dengan High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin kecil diameter partikel maka konsentrasi L-Dopa terekstrak semakin besar. Konsentrasi tertinggi diperoleh pada diameter partikel 0,5 mm yaitu 1739,56 ppm. Nilai difusivitas efektif (De untuk variabel diameter partikel (0,5; 0,675; 2,18; dan 2,5 mm hampir sama yaitu 2,99.10–5 sampai 3,07.10–5 cm2/menit. Sedangkan nilai koefisien transfer massa (kC berbanding terbalik dengan diameter partikel. Nilai kC berkisar antara 2,83.10-2 sampai 3,98.10-2 g/cm2.menit. 

  18. RA reactor operation and maintenance in 1992, Part 1; Deo 1 - Pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktoro RA u 1992. Godini

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Cupac, S; Sulem, B; Zivotic, Z; Majstorovic, D; Tanaskovic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During 1992 Ra reactor was not in operation. All the activities were fulfilled according to the previously adopted plan. Basic activities were concerned with revitalisation of the RA reactor and maintenance of reactor components. All the reactor personnel was busy with reconstruction and renewal of the existing reactor systems and building of the new systems, maintenance of the reactor devices. Part of the staff was trained for relevant tasks and maintenance of reactor systems. [Serbo-Croat] U toku 1992 godine poslovi u okviru projekta 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' obavljani su u skladu sa programom i planom rada. Osnovne aktivnosti na kojima je radjeno odnosile su se na revitalizaciju reaktora RA, kao i na odrzavanje opreme. U ovom periodu reaktor nije bio u pogonu. Svo osoblje je bilo angazovano na poslovima rekonstrukcije i modernizacije postojecih i dogradnje novih reaktorskih sistema, na odrzavanju opreme a deo tehnickog osoblja je bio obucavan za vrsenje odgovarajucih poslova u pogonu i odrzavanju opreme.

  19. 30 CFR 75.1730 - Compressed air; general; compressed air systems. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Compressed air; general; compressed air systems... Compressed air; general; compressed air systems. (a) All pressure vessels shall be constructed, installed... Safety and Health district office. (b) Compressors and compressed-air receivers shall be equipped with...

  20. Metal-air batteries with high energy density: Li-air versus Zn-air

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jang-Soo; Sun, Tai Kim; Cao, Ruiguo; Choi, Nam-Soon; Lee, Kyu Tae; Cho, Jaephil [Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan (Korea, Republic of); Liu, Meilin [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA (United States)


    In the past decade, there have been exciting developments in the field of lithium ion batteries as energy storage devices, resulting in the application of lithium ion batteries in areas ranging from small portable electric devices to large power systems such as hybrid electric vehicles. However, the maximum energy density of current lithium ion batteries having topatactic chemistry is not sufficient to meet the demands of new markets in such areas as electric vehicles. Therefore, new electrochemical systems with higher energy densities are being sought, and metal-air batteries with conversion chemistry are considered a promising candidate. More recently, promising electrochemical performance has driven much research interest in Li-air and Zn-air batteries. This review provides an overview of the fundamentals and recent progress in the area of Li-air and Zn-air batteries, with the aim of providing a better understanding of the new electrochemical systems. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  1. Nitrogen fluorescence in air for observing extensive air showers

    CERN Document Server

    Keilhauer, B; Fraga, M; Matthews, J; Sakaki, N; Tameda, Y; Tsunesada, Y; Ulrich, A


    Extensive air showers initiate the fluorescence emissions from nitrogen molecules in air. The UV-light is emitted isotropically and can be used for observing the longitudinal development of extensive air showers in the atmosphere over tenth of kilometers. This measurement technique is well-established since it is exploited for many decades by several cosmic ray experiments. However, a fundamental aspect of the air shower analyses is the description of the fluorescence emission in dependence on varying atmospheric conditions. Different fluorescence yields affect directly the energy scaling of air shower reconstruction. In order to explore the various details of the nitrogen fluorescence emission in air, a few experimental groups have been performing dedicated measurements over the last decade. Most of the measurements are now finished. These experimental groups have been discussing their techniques and results in a series of \\emph{Air Fluorescence Workshops} commenced in 2002. At the 8$^{\\rm{th}}$ Air Fluoresc...

  2. [Microbial air purity in hospitals. Operating theatres with air conditioning system]. (United States)

    Krogulski, Adam; Szczotko, Maciej


    The aim of this study was to show the influence of air conditioning control for microbial contamination of air inside the operating theatres equipped with correctly working air-conditioning system. This work was based on the results of bacteria and fungi concentration in hospital air obtained since 2001. Assays of microbial air purity conducted on atmospheric air in parallel with indoor air demonstrated that air filters applied in air-conditioning systems worked correctly in every case. To show the problem of fluctuation of bacteria concentration more precisely, every sequences of single results from successive measure series were examined independently.

  3. AIRS-only Product on Giovanni for Exploring Up-to-date AIRS Observation and Comparing with AIRS+AMSU Product (United States)

    Ding, F.; Hearty, T. J., III; Theobald, M.; Vollmer, B.; Wei, J.


    The NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) has been the home of processing, archiving, and distribution services for the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) mission since its launch in 2002 for the global observations of the atmospheric state. Giovanni, a web-based application developed by the GES DISC, provides a simple and intuitive way to visualize, analyze, and access vast amounts of Earth science remote sensing data without having to download the data. Most important variables, including temperature and humidity profiles, outgoing longwave radiation, cloud properties, and trace gases, from version 6 AIRS product are available on Giovanni. The AIRS is an instrument suite comprised of a hyperspectral infrared instrument AIRS and two multichannel microwave instruments, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB). As the HSB ceased operation in very early stage of AIRS mission, the AIRS project operates two parallel retrieval algorithms: one using both IR and MW measurements (AIRS+AMSU) and the other using only IR measurements (AIRS-only) for the most time of the mission. The AIRS+AMSU product is better and the variables on Giovanni are from it. However, the generation of AIRS+AMSU product has been suspended since the AMSU instrument anomaly occurred in late 2016. To continue exploring up-to-date AIRS observations, the same set of variables from the AIRS-only product are added on Giovanni by the GES DSIC. This will also support the comparison of AIRS-only with AIRS+AMSU retrievals. In the presentation, we will demonstrate the visualization of AIRS-only product and the plots/statistics of comparison with AIRS+AMSU product using Giovanni.

  4. A new air quality monitoring and early warning system: Air quality assessment and air pollutant concentration prediction. (United States)

    Yang, Zhongshan; Wang, Jian


    Air pollution in many countries is worsening with industrialization and urbanization, resulting in climate change and affecting people's health, thus, making the work of policymakers more difficult. It is therefore both urgent and necessary to establish amore scientific air quality monitoring and early warning system to evaluate the degree of air pollution objectively, and predict pollutant concentrations accurately. However, the integration of air quality assessment and air pollutant concentration prediction to establish an air quality system is not common. In this paper, we propose a new air quality monitoring and early warning system, including an assessment module and forecasting module. In the air quality assessment module, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used to determine the main pollutants and evaluate the degree of air pollution more scientifically. In the air pollutant concentration prediction module, a novel hybridization model combining complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition, a modified cuckoo search and differential evolution algorithm, and an Elman neural network, is proposed to improve the forecasting accuracy of six main air pollutant concentrations. To verify the effectiveness of this system, pollutant data for two cities in China are used. The result of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation shows that the major air pollutants in Xi'an and Jinan are PM 10 and PM 2.5 respectively, and that the air quality of Xi'an is better than that of Jinan. The forecasting results indicate that the proposed hybrid model is remarkably superior to all benchmark models on account of its higher prediction accuracy and stability. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Indoor air quality investigation at air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned markets in Hong Kong

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, H.; Lee, S.C.; Chan, L.Y.


    To characterize indoor air quality at the markets in Hong Kong, three non-air-conditioned and two air-conditioned markets were selected for this study. The indoor air pollutants measured included PM 10 (particulate matters with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm), total bacteria count (TBC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ). The indoor and outdoor concentrations of these target air pollutants at these markets were measured and compared. The effects of air conditioning, temperature/relative humidity variation and different stalls on the indoor air quality were also investigated. The results indicated that all of the average indoor concentrations of PM 10 , TBC, CO and NO 2 at the markets were below the Hong Kong Indoor Air Quality Objectives (HKIAQO) standards with a few exceptions for PM 10 and TBC. The elevated PM 10 concentrations at Hung Hom, Ngau Tau Kok and Wan Chai markets were probably due to the air filtration of outdoor airborne particulates emitted from vehicular exhaust, whereas high concentrations of airborne bacteria at Sai Ying Pun and Tin Shing markets were linked to the use of air conditioning. Correlation analysis demonstrated that indoor bacteria concentrations were correlated with temperature and relative humidity. The operation of air conditioning did not significantly reduce the levels of air pollutants at the markets. However, the higher indoor/outdoor ratios demonstrated that the operation of air conditioning had influence on the levels of bacteria at the markets. It was found that average PM 10 concentration at poultry stalls was higher than the HKIAQO standard of 180 μg/m 3 , and was over two times that measured at vegetable, fish and meat stalls. Furthermore, the concentration of airborne bacteria at the poultry stalls was as high as 1031 CFU/m 3 , which was above the HKIAQO standard of 1000 CFU/m 3 . The bacteria levels at other three stalls were all below the HKIAQO standard

  6. Pure Air`s Bailly scrubber: A four-year retrospective

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manavi, G.B.; Vymazal, D.C. [Pure Air, Allentown, PA (United States); Sarkus, T.A. [Dept. of Energy, Pittsburgh, PA (United States)


    Pure Air`s Advanced Flue Gas Desulfurization (AFGD) Clean Coal Project has completed four highly successful years of operation at NIPSCO`s Bailly Station. As part of their program, Pure Air has concluded a six-part study of system performance. This paper summarizes the results of the demonstration program, including AFGD performance on coals ranging from 2.0--2.4% sulfur. The paper highlights novel aspects of the Bailly facility, including pulverized limestone injection, air rotary sparger for oxidation, wastewater evaporation system and the production of PowerChip{reg_sign} gypsum. Operations and maintenance which have led to the facility`s notable 99.47% availability record are also discussed. A project company, Pure Air on the Lake Limited Partnership, owns the AFGD facility. Pure Air was the turn key contractor and Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. is the operator of the AFGD system.

  7. Heat Recovery Ventilation for Housing: Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers. (United States)

    Corbett, Robert J.; Miller, Barbara

    The air-to-air heat exchanger (a fan powered ventilation device that recovers heat from stale outgoing air) is explained in this six-part publication. Topic areas addressed are: (1) the nature of air-to-air heat exchangers and how they work; (2) choosing and sizing the system; (3) installation, control, and maintenance of the system; (4) heat…

  8. Strength of smoke-free air laws and indoor air quality. (United States)

    Lee, Kiyoung; Hahn, Ellen J; Robertson, Heather E; Lee, Seongjik; Vogel, Suzann L; Travers, Mark J


    Smoke-free air laws have been implemented in many Kentucky communities to protect the public from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke exposure. The impact of different strengths of smoke-free air laws on indoor air quality was assessed. Indoor air quality in hospitality venues was assessed in seven communities before and after comprehensive smoke-free air laws and in two communities only after partial smoke-free air laws. One community was measured three times: before any smoke-free air law, after the initial partial law, and after the law was strengthened to cover all workplaces and public places with few exemptions. Real-time measurements of particulate matters with 2.5 mum aerodynamic diameter or smaller (PM(2.5)) were obtained. When comprehensive smoke-free air laws were implemented, indoor PM(2.5) concentrations decreased significantly from 161 to 20 microg/m3. In one community that implemented a comprehensive smoke-free law after initially passing a partial law, indoor PM(2.5) concentrations were 304 microg/m3 before the law, 338 microg/m3 after the partial law, and 9 microg/m3 after the comprehensive law. The study clearly demonstrated that partial smoke-free air laws do not improve indoor air quality. A significant linear trend indicated that PM(2.5) levels in the establishments decreased with fewer numbers of burning cigarettes. Only comprehensive smoke-free air laws are effective in reducing indoor air pollution from secondhand tobacco smoke.

  9. Air Abrasion (United States)

    ... Chapters What Is Air Abrasion? What Happens? The Pros and Cons Will I Feel Anything? Is Air ... will perform any procedures that use air-abrasion technology. Ask your dentist if he or she uses ...

  10. The urban air; L'air de la ville

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper presents the abstracts of conferences proposed during the meeting on the urban air, organized by the French Meteorological Society in november 2002. These conferences dealt with the air quality monitoring, the public health impacts, the air pollution in function of the meteorological effects, the pollutants, the main factors of the air quality and the models of the meteorology. (A.L.B.)

  11. Released air during vapor and air cavitation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jablonská, Jana, E-mail:; Kozubková, Milada, E-mail: [VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Equipment, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba (Czech Republic)


    Cavitation today is a very important problem that is solved by means of experimental and mathematical methods. The article deals with the generation of cavitation in convergent divergent nozzle of rectangular cross section. Measurement of pressure, flow rate, temperature, amount of dissolved air in the liquid and visualization of cavitation area using high-speed camera was performed for different flow rates. The measurement results were generalized by dimensionless analysis, which allows easy detection of cavitation in the nozzle. For numerical simulation the multiphase mathematical model of cavitation consisting of water and vapor was created. During verification the disagreement with the measurements for higher flow rates was proved, therefore the model was extended to multiphase mathematical model (water, vapor and air), due to release of dissolved air. For the mathematical modeling the multiphase turbulence RNG k-ε model for low Reynolds number flow with vapor and air cavitation was used. Subsequently the sizes of the cavitation area were verified. In article the inlet pressure and loss coefficient depending on the amount of air added to the mathematical model are evaluated. On the basis of the approach it may be create a methodology to estimate the amount of released air added at the inlet to the modeled area.

  12. Air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gugele, B.; Scheider, J.; Spangl, W.


    In recent years several regulations and standards for air quality and limits for air pollution were issued or are in preparation by the European Union, which have severe influence on the environmental monitoring and legislation in Austria. This chapter of the environmental control report of Austria gives an overview about the legal situation of air pollution control in the European Union and in specific the legal situation in Austria. It gives a comprehensive inventory of air pollution measurements for the whole area of Austria of total suspended particulates, ozone, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, heavy metals, benzene, dioxin, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and eutrophication. For each of these pollutants the measured emission values throughout Austria are given in tables and geographical charts, the environmental impact is discussed, statistical data and time series of the emission sources are given and legal regulations and measures for an effective environmental pollution control are discussed. In particular the impact of fossil-fuel power plants on the air pollution is analyzed. (a.n.)

  13. Air pollution and the school air environment


    Fsadni, Peter; Montefort, Stephen


    There is growing concern about the association of school indoor air quality (SIAQ) with asthma, rhinitis, and rhinoconjunctivitis. Students and school staff deserve the highest standards of school air quality to ensure a safe and productive environment for our children’s education. Existing studies highlight the presence of several air pollutants present within school classrooms that have a direct association with poor health and poor student performance. Very little data exist ab...

  14. Advances in Understanding Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Diseases: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air) (United States)

    Kaufman, Joel D.; Spalt, Elizabeth W.; Curl, Cynthia L.; Hajat, Anjum; Jones, Miranda R.; Kim, Sun-Young; Vedal, Sverre; Szpiro, Adam A.; Gassett, Amanda; Sheppard, Lianne; Daviglus, Martha L.; Adar, Sara D.


    The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air) leveraged the platform of the MESA cohort into a prospective longitudinal study of relationships between air pollution and cardiovascular health. MESA Air researchers developed fine-scale, state-of-the-art air pollution exposure models for the MESA Air communities, creating individual exposure estimates for each participant. These models combine cohort-specific exposure monitoring, existing monitoring systems, and an extensive database of geographic and meteorological information. Together with extensive phenotyping in MESA—and adding participants and health measurements to the cohort—MESA Air investigated environmental exposures on a wide range of outcomes. Advances by the MESA Air team included not only a new approach to exposure modeling but also biostatistical advances in addressing exposure measurement error and temporal confounding. The MESA Air study advanced our understanding of the impact of air pollutants on cardiovascular disease and provided a research platform for advances in environmental epidemiology. PMID:27741981

  15. Air Baltic: Estonian Air on nurka surutud / Teele Tammeorg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammeorg, Teele


    Air Balticu asepresidendi Janis Vanagsi hinnangul on Estonian Air aastaid jätnud tähelepanuta oma peamised turismiturud ning on praegu halvas seisus. Air Baltic on endiselt huvitatud Estonian Airi ostust. Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister Juhan Partsi seisukoht

  16. Air leakage control in chief tunnel of uranium mines using air screen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Gengsheng


    In this paper the results of air leakage control are described using air screen in the chief tunnels of some uranium mines. The air leakage decreases by 79-91% after using air screen. On the basis of mathematical treatment, the formulas for calculating the air resistance efficiency of air screen are presented

  17. Air Conditioner/Dehumidifier (United States)


    An ordinary air conditioner in a very humid environment must overcool the room air, then reheat it. Mr. Dinh, a former STAC associate, devised a heat pipe based humidifier under a NASA Contract. The system used heat pipes to precool the air; the air conditioner's cooling coil removes heat and humidity, then the heat pipes restore the overcooled air to a comfortable temperature. The heat pipes use no energy, and typical savings are from 15-20%. The Dinh Company also manufactures a "Z" coil, a retrofit cooling coil which may be installed on an existing heater/air conditioner. It will also provide free hot water. The company has also developed a photovoltaic air conditioner and solar powered water pump.

  18. Analysis of air safety in the European system of air traffic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    О.Є. Луппо


    Full Text Available  Article describes air traffic safety provision requirements in the Air Traffic Management system of Europe. Consideration of air traffic variation which affecting the air traffic management operations have been reviewed.

  19. Advanced Architectures and Relatives of Air Electrodes in Zn–Air Batteries (United States)

    Pan, Jing; Xu, Yang Yang; Yang, Huan; Dong, Zehua; Liu, Hongfang


    Abstract Zn–air batteries are becoming the promising power sources for portable and wearable electronic devices and hybrid/electric vehicles because of their high specific energy density and the low cost for next‐generation green and sustainable energy technologies. An air electrode integrated with an oxygen electrocatalyst is the most important component and inevitably determines the performance and cost of a Zn–air battery. This article presents exciting advances and challenges related to air electrodes and their relatives. After a brief introduction of the Zn–air battery, the architectures and oxygen electrocatalysts of air electrodes and relevant electrolytes are highlighted in primary and rechargeable types with different configurations, respectively. Moreover, the individual components and major issues of flexible Zn–air batteries are also highlighted, along with the strategies to enhance the battery performance. Finally, a perspective for design, preparation, and assembly of air electrodes is proposed for the future innovations of Zn–air batteries with high performance. PMID:29721418

  20. Hazardous Air Pollutants (United States)

    ... Search Main menu Environmental Topics Air Bed Bugs Chemicals and Toxics Environmental Information by Location Greener Living Health Land, ... regulate toxic air pollutants, also known as air toxics, from categories of industrial facilities in two phases . About Hazardous Air Pollutants ...


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    Zuhair Zuhair


    Full Text Available Dalam high temperature reactor, koefisien reaktivitas temperatur yang didesain negatif menjamin reaksi fisi dalam teras tetap berada di bawah kendali dan panas peluruhan tidak akan pernah melelehkan bahan bakar yang menyebabkan terlepasnya zat radioaktif ke lingkungan. Namun masuknya air (water ingress ke dalam teras reaktor akibat pecahnya tabung penukar panas generator uap, yang dikenal sebagai salah satu kecelakaan dasar desain, dapat mengintroduksi reaktivitas positif dengan potensi bahaya lainnya seperti korosi grafit dan kerusakan material struktur reflektor. Makalah ini akan menganalisis efek kecelakaan water ingress terhadap reaktivitas Doppler teras RGTT200K. Kapabilitas koefisien reaktivitas Doppler untuk mengkompensasi reaktivitas positif yang timbul selama kecelakaan water ingress akan diuji melalui serangkaian perhitungan dengan program MCNPX dan pustaka ENDF/B-VII untuk perubahan temperatur bahan bakar dari 800K hingga 1800K. Tiga opsi kernel bahan bakar UO2, ThO2/UO2 dan PuO2 dengan tiga model kisi bahan bakar pebble di teras reaktor diterapkan untuk kondisi water ingress dengan densitas air dari 0 hingga 1.000 kg/m3. Hasil perhitungan memperlihatkan koefisien reaktivitas Doppler tetap negatif untuk seluruh opsi bahan bakar yang dipertimbangkan bahkan untuk posibilitas water ingress yang besar. Efek water ingress lebih kuat pada model kisi dengan fraksi packing lebih rendah karena lebih banyak volume yang tersedia untuk air yang memasuki teras reaktor. Efek water ingress juga lebih kuat di teras uranium dibandingkan teras thorium dan plutonium sebagai konsekuensi dari fenomena Doppler dimana absorpsi neutron di daerah resonansi 238U lebih besar daripada 232Th dan 240Pu. Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa, koefisien Doppler teras RGTT200K mampu mengkompensasi insersi reaktivitas yang diintroduksi oleh kecelakaan water ingress. Teras RGTT200K dengan bahan bakar UO2, ThO2/UO2 dan PuO2 dapat mempertahankan fitur keselamatan

  2. Air Leakage Rates in Typical Air Barrier Assemblies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hun, Diana E. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Atchley, Jerald Allen [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Childs, Phillip W. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Estimates for 2010 indicate that infiltration in residential buildings was responsible for 2.85 quads of energy (DOE 2014), which is about 3% of the total energy consumed in the US. One of the mechanisms being implemented to reduce this energy penalty is the use of air barriers as part of the building envelope. These technologies decrease airflow through major leakage sites such as oriented strand board (OSB) joints, and gaps around penetrations (e.g., windows, doors, pipes, electrical outlets) as indicated by Hun et al. (2014). However, most air barrier materials do not properly address leakage spots such as wall-to-roof joints and wall-to-foundation joints because these are difficult to seal, and because air barrier manufacturers usually do not provide adequate instructions for these locations. The present study focuses on characterizing typical air leakage sites in wall assemblies with air barrier materials.


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    Pinardi Hadidjaja


    Full Text Available An introduction of integrated management system for human excreta was carried out in the village of Cirimekar, Cibinong subdistrict, West Java The purpose of this study is to gain the readiness and motivation of the population in that village to participate and benefit the product of this system for fish farming and the growth of water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes. The study was performed integratedly between several aspects namely the socio-economica, tech­nical, medical, biologicatas well as environmental, and this involved the establishment of the profile of the community, stool, sludge, effluent and fish examinations In this paper only the Viability of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs is discussed. The digestion tank seemed to work as expected, resulted in the de­generation of 423%. A lumbricoides eggs found in the tank as well as in the experimental ponds It was most probable that the death of the A. lumbricoides eggs was due to aerobic decomposition which took place in the tank giving rise to an increase of temperature which would enhance the death of the eggs

  4. The results of air treatment process modeling at the location of the air curtain in the air suppliers and ventilation shafts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikolaev Aleksandr


    Full Text Available In the existing shaft air heater installations (AHI, that heat the air for air suppliers in cold seasons, a heater channel is used. Some parts of the air from the heater go to the channel, other parts are sucked through a pithead by the general shaft pressure drawdown formed by the main ventilation installation (MVI. When this happens, a mix of two air flows leads to a shaft heat regime violation that can break pressurization of intertubular sealers. The problem of energy saving while airing underground mining enterprises is also very important. The proposed solution of both tasks due to the application of an air curtain is described in the article. In cold seasons the air treatment process should be used and it is offered to place an air curtain in the air suppliers shaft above the place of interface of the calorifer channel to a trunk in order to avoid an infiltration (suction of air through the pithead. It’s recommended to use an air curtain in a ventilation shaft because it reduces external air leaks thereby improving energy efficiency of the MVI work. During the mathematical modeling of ventilation and air preparation process (in SolidWorks Flowsimulation software package it was found out that the use of the air curtain in the air supply shaft can increase the efficiency of the AHI, and reduce the electricity consumption for ventilation in the ventilation shaft.

  5. Experimental analysis of indoor air quality improvement achieved by using a Clean-Air Heat Pump (CAHP) air-cleaner in a ventilation system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sheng, Ying; Fang, Lei; Nie, Jinzhe


    This study investigated the air purification effect of a Clean-Air Heat Pump (CAHP) air-cleaner which combined a silica gel rotor with a heat pump to achieve air cleaning, heating and ventilation in buildings. The experiments were conducted in a field laboratory and compared a low outdoor air...... supply rate with CAHP air purification of recirculated air with three different outdoor air supply rates without recirculation or air cleaning. Sensory assessments of perceived air quality and chemical measurements of TVOC concentration were used to evaluate the air-cleaning performance of the CAHP....... The results of the experiment showed that the operation of the CAHP significantly improved the perceived air quality in a room polluted by both human bio-effluents and building materials. At the outdoor airflow rate of 2 L/s per person, the indoor air quality with CAHP was equivalent to what was achieved...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iwan Suprijanto


    Full Text Available Even though global warming are still debates whether it will or not be happened, the changes on climate will influence activities of human. Regarding global warming issue, one of the impact that is very interesting to be investigated is sea level rise. Sea level rise is predicted has very big impact since, in general, in coastal areas locate a lot of important activities for such city or country. On the context of Indonesian locality, most of big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Makasar, etc. are located on the coastal area. Since a lot of important activities located on those cities, in general, sea level rise will influence the development processes of those cities. On the basis of the observation gathering in Surabaya City, the impact of sea level rise will influence not only the development of coastal area but also development of Surabaya City in general. The influence is because the area accommodates activities which are very important in city development both for present and future. The activities are port, industrial estate and location for new housing. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Terlepas dari ketidakpastian mengenai terjadi atau tidaknya pemanasan global, setiap perubahan iklim di bumi akan memberikan dampak terhadap kelangsungan hidup manusia. Salah satu kajian yang saat ini banyak dilakukan berkaitan dengan isu pemanasan global adalah mengenai kenaikan permukaan air laut. Pengkajian mengenai kenaikan permukaan air laut tersebut penting mengingat dampak yang akan ditimbulkannya dan dengan kenyataan secara umum kawasan tepi air memegang peranan penting dalam perkembangan suatu kota ataupun negara. Hal ditandai dengan banyaknya aktivitas yang berlokasi di kawasan tepi air. Kondisi geografis Indonesia dengan duapertiga bagian wilayahnya adalah perairan, menjadikan Indonesia memiliki garis pantai terpanjang di dunia. Hal tersebut menjadikan pula beberapa bagian wilayah di Indonesia merupakan kawasan pesisir atau tepi air


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    Recai OÐUR; Omer Faruk TEKBAS; Osman HANCI; Umut OZCAN


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to determine the microbiological characteristics of air blown from warm air hand dryers, and to compare findings with the microbiological characteristics of indoor air in which the dryer settled. Air samples was taken from different public places (shopping centers, restaurants and hospitals and investigated for total viable counts, coagulase negative Staphylococcus, E. Coli, Staphylococcus aureus and enteric pathogens. There were differences between sampling indoor places for some of the microorganisms, but all of the air samples taken from dryers contained more microorganisms than indoor air, and the differences between hand dryers and indoor air were statistically significant (p<0.05 except for enteric pathogens. As a result it could be said that warm air hand dryers could be microbiological contamination sources in restrooms or the other places that they are used. [TAF Prev Med Bull 2005; 4(1.000: 1-7

  8. Indoor air humidity, air quality, and health - An overview. (United States)

    Wolkoff, Peder


    There is a long-standing dispute about indoor air humidity and perceived indoor air quality (IAQ) and associated health effects. Complaints about sensory irritation in eyes and upper airways are generally among top-two symptoms together with the perception "dry air" in office environments. This calls for an integrated analysis of indoor air humidity and eye and airway health effects. This overview has reviewed the literature about the effects of extended exposure to low humidity on perceived IAQ, sensory irritation symptoms in eyes and airways, work performance, sleep quality, virus survival, and voice disruption. Elevation of the indoor air humidity may positively impact perceived IAQ, eye symptomatology, and possibly work performance in the office environment; however, mice inhalation studies do not show exacerbation of sensory irritation in the airways by low humidity. Elevated humidified indoor air appears to reduce nasal symptoms in patients suffering from obstructive apnea syndrome, while no clear improvement on voice production has been identified, except for those with vocal fatigue. Both low and high RH, and perhaps even better absolute humidity (water vapor), favors transmission and survival of influenza virus in many studies, but the relationship between temperature, humidity, and the virus and aerosol dynamics is complex, which in the end depends on the individual virus type and its physical/chemical properties. Dry and humid air perception continues to be reported in offices and in residential areas, despite the IAQ parameter "dry air" (or "wet/humid air") is semantically misleading, because a sensory organ for humidity is non-existing in humans. This IAQ parameter appears to reflect different perceptions among other odor, dustiness, and possibly exacerbated by desiccation effect of low air humidity. It is salient to distinguish between indoor air humidity (relative or absolute) near the breathing and ocular zone and phenomena caused by moisture

  9. Air conditioner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Masaaki


    The present invention provides an air conditioner which can prevent an undesirable effects on a human body due to radon daughter nuclides in a closed space. That is, the concentration of the radon daughter nuclides in the air in the closed space is continuously measured. A necessary amount of ventilation air is determined based on the measured concentration to generate control signals. External air is introduced into the closed space by the generated control signals. With such procedures, necessary amount of external air is taken from the atmospheric air which can be regarded to have the radon daughter nuclide concentration substantially at zero, thereby enabling to reduce the concentration of the radon daughter nuclides in the closed space. As a result, undesired effects on the human body due to the radon daughter nuclides staying in the closed space can be prevented. According to simulation, the radon daughter nuclides are rapidly decreased only by ventilation only for three times or so in one hour. Accordingly, ventilation is extremely effective and convenient means as a countermeasure for the radon daughter nuclides. (I.S.)

  10. Ensuring clean air: Developing a clean air strategy for British Columbia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 1992, a clean air strategy will be developed to incorporate views of British Columbians on ways to meet goals related to air quality. A discussion paper is presented to provide information to those interested in participation in developing this strategy. The paper gives information on air quality issues important to the province, including local air quality, urban smog, ozone layer depletion, and global climate change. The views and concerns expressed by stakeholders who attended the Clean Air Conference in 1991 are summarized. The process used to develop the clean air strategy is outlined and some outcomes to be anticipated from the strategy are suggested, including policies and priorities for action to ensure clean air. Air pollutants of concern are total reduced sulfur, mainly from pulp mills and gas processing plants; smoke from wood burning; sulfur dioxide from pulp mills and gas plants; hydrogen fluoride from aluminum smelting; ground-level ozone in urban areas; and acid rain. Elements of a clean air strategy include a smoke management policy, management strategies for greenhouse gases and ozone smog, ozone layer protection measures, regional air quality management plans, and long-term planning efforts in energy use, transportation modes, community design, and land use. 12 refs., 14 figs., 2 tabs

  11. Connectable solar air collectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oestergaard Jensen, S.; Bosanac, M.


    The project has proved that it is possible to manufacture solar air collector panels, which in an easy way can be connected into large collector arrays with integrated ducting without loss of efficiency. The developed connectable solar air collectors are based on the use of matrix absorbers in the form of perforated metal sheets. Three interconnected solar air collectors of the above type - each with an transparent area of approx. 3 m{sup 2} - was tested and compared with parallel tests on two single solar air collectors also with a transparent area of approx. 3 m{sup 2} One of the single solar air collectors has an identical absorber as the connectable solar air collectors while the absorber of the other single solar air collector was a fibre cloth. The efficiency of the three solar air collectors proved to be almost identical in the investigated range of mass flow rates and temperature differences. The solar air collectors further proved to be very efficient - as efficient as the second most efficient solar air collectors tested in the IEA task 19 project Solar Air Systems. Some problems remain although to be solved: the pressure drop across especially the connectable solar air collectors is too high - mainly across the inlets of the solar air collectors. It should, however, be possible to considerably reduce the pressure losses with a more aerodynamic design of the inlet and outlet of the solar air collectors; The connectable solar air collectors are easy connectable but the air tightness of the connections in the present form is not good enough. As leakage leads to lower efficiencies focus should be put on making the connections more air tight without loosing the easiness in connecting the solar air collectors. As a spin off of the project a simple and easy way to determine the efficiency of solar, air collectors for pre-heating of fresh air has been validated. The simple method of determining the efficiency has with success been compared with an advance method

  12. Air Land Sea Bulletin (United States)


    Unidentified Royal Air Force Regiment forward air controllers from the Air Land Integration Cell , Based at Royal Air Force Honington, Suffolk (United...heavy as an actual weapon.4 Ideally, this practice imbued a soldier with more energy and stamina during real combat, given the feel of the genuine but...through tactical forces, to individual training. Unidentified Royal Air Force Regiment forward air controllers from the Air Land Integration Cell , Based

  13. Karakterisasi Unjuk Kerja Diesel Engine Generator Set Sistem Dual Fuel Solar-Syngas Hasil Gasifikasi Briket Municipal Solid Waste (MSW Secara Langsung

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    Achmad Rizkal


    Full Text Available Sejalan dengan semakin banyaknya kebutuhan energi untuk dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar maka perlu adanya pengembangan gas biomassa sebagai bahan bakar alternatif pada motor pembakaran dalam maka akan dilakukan penelitian mengenai aplikasi sistem dual fuel gas hasil gasifikasi biomassa municipal solid waste (msw pada sistem downdraft dengan minyak solar pada motor diesel stasioner. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar solar yang tersibtitusi dengan adanya penambahan syngas yang disalurkan secara langsung. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan proses pemasukan aliran syngas yang dihasilkan downdraft municipal solid waste (MSW kedalam saluran udara mesin diesel generator set secara langsung menggunakan sistem mixer. Pengujian dilakukan dengan putaran konstan 2000 rpm dengan pembebanan bervariasi dari 200 watt sampai dengan 2000 watt dengan interval 200 watt. Bahwa produksi syngas dari reaktor gasifikasi ditambahkan sistem bypass untuk mengetahui kesesuaian antara reaktor gasifikasi dan mesin generatorset data ṁ syngas yang dibutuhkan mesin diesel, ṁ syngas yang di bypass untuk mendapatkan kesesuaian antara produksi syngas dan yang di bypass.  Data-data yang diukur dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa besar nilai mass flowrate gas syngas yang dibutuhkan mesin diesel pada AFR reaktor gasifier 1,39 sebesar 0,0003748 kg/s. Mass flowrate gas syngas yang di bypass menunjukkan nilai 0 pada saat sistem dijalankan karena seluruh gas syngas masuk kedalam ruang bakar. AFR rata-rata sebesar 14,54 ,Nilai Spesifik fuel consumption (sfc mengalami peningkatan 68% dari kondisi standar single fuel , Nilai efesiensi thermal mengalami kenaikan sebesar 7% dari kondisi single fuel, Nilai daya rata-rata sebesar 2,28kW, Nilai torsi rata-rata sebesar 10,94 N.m. Solar yang tersibtitusi sebesar 48%. Nilai temperatur (coolant, mesin, oil, dan gas buang pada setiap pembebanan mengalami kenaikan.

  14. The effect of air velocity on heat stress at increased air temperature

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerg, B.; Wang, Xiaoshuai; Zhang, Guoqiang

    Increased air velocity is a frequently used method to reduce heat stress of farm animals housed in warm conditions. The main reason why the method works is that higher air velocity increases the convective heat release from the animals. Convective heat release from the animals is strongly related...... to the temperature difference between the surfaces of animals and the surrounding air, and this temperature difference declines when the air temperature approaches the animal body temperature. Consequently it can it by expected that the effect of air velocity decreases at increased air temperature. The literature...... on farm animals in warm conditions includes several thermal indices which incorporate the effect of air velocities. But, surprisingly none of them predicts a decreased influence of air velocity when the air temperature approaches the animal body temperature. This study reviewed published investigations...

  15. A Breath of Fresh Air: Addressing Indoor Air Quality (United States)

    Palliser, Janna


    Indoor air pollution refers to "chemical, biological, and physical contamination of indoor air," which may result in adverse health effects (OECD 2003). The causes, sources, and types of indoor air pollutants will be addressed in this article, as well as health effects and how to reduce exposure. Learning more about potential pollutants in home…

  16. 14 CFR 399.86 - Payments for non-air transportation services for air cargo. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Payments for non-air transportation... Enforcement § 399.86 Payments for non-air transportation services for air cargo. The Board considers that... air carriers for non-air transportation preparation of air cargo shipments are for services ancillary...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Budi Yanto Husodo


    Full Text Available Salah satu persoalan yang timbul pada pengoperasian motor induksi adalah arus pengasutan yang tinggi yang nilainya bisa mencapai sepuluh kali arus nominal. Arus pengasutan yang besar ini mengakibatkan penurunan tegangan sesaat (sag pada sistem jaringan. Selain itu juga menyebabkan tingginya pemakaian daya hingga sebesar 1,5 - 2,5 kali daya nominal yang berakibat pada tingginya energi pemakaian pada saat pengasutan. Metode pengasutan diperlukan untuk mengurangi arus pengasutan dan pemakaian energi yang besar tersebut. Pada makalah ini dilakukan perbandingan tiga metode pengasutan motor induksi yaitu berupa autotrafo, reaktor dan rangkaian star-delta. Dengan menggunakan software ETAP, pengujian dilakukan pada motor induksi 6 kV, 279 A, 2500 kW, dan faktor daya sebesar 0,879, sebagai penggerak fan pada bag filter. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa autotrafo memberikan penurunan arus pengasutan yang paling besar yaitu 73,82% dari arus pengasutan motor tanpa bantuan alat pengasutan. Sedangkan konsumsi energi yang paling kecil didapatkan dengan mengunakan pengasutan reaktor, di mana energi pemakaian berkurang dari 31,102 kWh tanpa pengasutan menjadi 17,676 kWh atau setara dengan 43,17%.

  18. 21 CFR 211.46 - Ventilation, air filtration, air heating and cooling. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Ventilation, air filtration, air heating and cooling. 211.46 Section 211.46 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN... Buildings and Facilities § 211.46 Ventilation, air filtration, air heating and cooling. (a) Adequate...

  19. Air conditioning systems to clean radioactive air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganz, G.


    The author reports a study by the Institutes fuer Klimatechnik and Umweltschutz Giessen that shows that air conditioning systems not only make the atmosphere more comfortable, they also extract dust particles. This cleaning action is also valid for radioactively contaminated air. (G.T.H./Auth.)

  20. Air conditioning system and component therefore distributing air flow from opposite directions (United States)

    Obler, H. D.; Bauer, H. B. (Inventor)


    The air conditioning system comprises a plurality of separate air conditioning units coupled to a common supply duct such that air may be introduced into the supply duct in two opposite flow directions. A plurality of outlets such as registers or auxiliary or branch ducts communicate with the supply duct and valve means are disposed in the supply duct at at least some of the outlets for automatically channelling a controllable amount of air from the supply duct to the associated outlet regardless of the direction of air flow within the supply duct. The valve means comprises an automatic air volume control apparatus for distribution within the air supply duct into which air may be introduced from two opposite directions. The apparatus incorporates a freely swinging movable vane in the supply duct to automatically channel into the associated outlet only the deflected air flow which has the higher relative pressure.

  1. Air pollution meteorology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shirvaikar, V V; Daoo, V J [Environmental Assessment Div., Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India)


    This report is intended as a training cum reference document for scientists posted at the Environmental Laboratories at the Nuclear Power Station Sites and other sites of the Department of Atomic Energy with installations emitting air pollutants, radioactive or otherwise. Since a manual already exists for the computation of doses from radioactive air pollutants, a general approach is take here i.e. air pollutants in general are considered. The first chapter presents a brief introduction to the need and scope of air pollution dispersion modelling. The second chapter is a very important chapter discussing the aspects of meteorology relevant to air pollution and dispersion modelling. This chapter is important because without this information one really does not understand the phenomena affecting dispersion, the scope and applicability of various models or their limitations under various weather and site conditions. The third chapter discusses the air pollution models in detail. These models are applicable to distances of a few tens of kilometres. The fourth chapter discusses the various aspects of meteorological measurements relevant to air pollution. The chapters are followed by two appendices. Apendix A discusses the reliability of air pollution estimates. Apendix B gives some practical examples relevant to general air pollution. It is hoped that the document will prove very useful to the users. (author)

  2. Thermal conditions and perceived air quality in an air-conditioned auditorium (United States)

    Polednik, Bernard; Guz, Łukasz; Skwarczyński, Mariusz; Dudzińska, Marzenna R.


    The study reports measurements of indoor air temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH), perceived air quality (PAQ) and CO2, fine aerosol particle number (PN) and mass (PM1) concentrations in an air conditioned auditorium. The measurements of these air physical parameters have been carried out in the unoccupied auditorium with the air conditioning system switched off (AC off mode) and in the unoccupied and occupied auditorium with the air conditioning system switched off during the night and switched on during the day (AC on/off mode). The average indoor air thermal parameters, CO2 concentration and the PAQ value (in decipols) were elevated, while average PM1 concentration was lower in the AC on/off mode. A statistically significant (p PAQ values and CO2 concentrations (r = 0.66 and r = 0.59, respectively) in that AC mode. A significant negative correlation has been observed between T and PN and PM1 concentrations (r = -0.38 and r = -0.49, respectively). In the AC off mode the above relations between T and the particle concentrations were not that unequivocal. These findings may be of importance as they indicate that in certain AC operation modes the indoor air quality deteriorates along with the variation of the indoor air microclimate and room occupation. This, in turn, may adversely affect the comfort and productivity of the users of air conditioned premises.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Purpose. One of the major tasks in the field of labor protection is providing of the necessary qualitative composition of air in the working areas of office and industrial spaces. In order to maintain the necessary air ion level in the air space premises, the artificial ionization of air is used often in the premises. At present in Ukraine analytical model are used for the calculation of air ion regime in premises, influencing on the formation process of air ions concentration field. An alternative solution is the use of CFD models, developing including the air jets aerodynamics in the premise, the presence of furniture, equipment, transfer of ions under an electric field, and other physical factors, determining intensity and shape of air ions concentration field in the premise. Methodology. Influence of air flow was taken into account in the development of CFD models for calculation of air ion regime in the apartment, caused by operation of ventilation, diffusion, electric field impact, as well as the interaction of different polarity ions with each other, and their interaction with dust particles. The proposed model of calculation of air ion regime in premises based on the use of aerodynamics, electrostatics and mass transfer levels. This model allows operatively to calculate air ions concentration field with the influence of the walls, floor, ceiling and obstacles on the process of air ions dispersion, the specific location of different polarity ions emission and their interaction in the premise and work areas in conditions of artificial air ionization. Results. The calculated data were obtained and on their base could be estimated the concentration of air ion anywhere in the premise with artificial air ionization. Ions concentration field, being calculated using this CFD model, as concentration field isolines is presented. Originality. The results of the air ion regime calculation in the premise are presented, based on numerical 2D CFD model

  4. Danger in the Air: Air Pollution and Cognitive Dysfunction. (United States)

    Cipriani, Gabriele; Danti, Sabrina; Carlesi, Cecilia; Borin, Gemma


    Clean air is considered to be a basic requirement for human health and well-being. To examine the relationship between cognitive performance and ambient pollution exposure. Studies were identified through a systematic search of online scientific databases, in addition to a manual search of the reference lists from the identified papers. Air pollution is a multifaceted toxic chemical mixture capable of assaulting the central nervous system. Despite being a relatively new area of investigation, overall, there is mounting evidence implicating adverse effects of air pollution on cognitive function in both adults and children. Consistent evidence showed that exposure to air pollution, specifically exposure to particulate matter, caused poor age-related cognitive performance. Living in areas with high levels of air pollution has been linked to markers of neuroinflammation and neuropathology that are associated with neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease-like brain pathologies.

  5. Air Sensor Toolbox (United States)

    Air Sensor Toolbox provides information to citizen scientists, researchers and developers interested in learning more about new lower-cost compact air sensor technologies and tools for measuring air quality.

  6. CityAir app: Mapping air-quality perception using people as sensors (United States)

    Castell, Nuria; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Cole-Hunter, Thomas; Robinson, Johanna; Keune, Hans; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark; Bartonova, Alena


    Outdoor air pollution is a major environmental health problem affecting all people in developed and developing countries alike. Ambient (outdoor) air pollution in both cities and rural areas was estimated to cause 3.7 million premature deaths worldwide in 2012. In modern society, people are expending an increasing amount of time in polluted urban environments, thus increasing their exposure and associated health responses. Some cities provide information about air pollution levels to their citizens using air quality monitoring networks. However, due to their high cost and maintenance, the density of the monitoring networks is very low and not capable to capture the high temporal and spatial variability of air pollution. Thus, the citizen lacks a specific answer to the question of "how the air quality is in our surroundings". In the framework of the EU-funded CITI-SENSE project the innovative concept of People as Sensors is being applied to the field of outdoor air pollution. This is being done in eight European cities, including Barcelona, Belgrade, Edinburgh, Haifa, Ljubljana, Oslo, Ostrava and Vienna. People as Sensors defines a measurement model, in which measurements are not only taken by hardware sensors, but in which also humans can contribute with their individual "measurements" such as their subjective perception of air quality and other personal observations. In order to collect the personal observations a mobile app, CityAir, has been developed. CityAir allows citizens to rate the air quality in their surroundings with colour at their current location: green if air quality is very good, yellow if air quality is good, orange if air quality is poor and red if air quality is very poor. The users have also the possibility of indicating the source of pollution (i.e. traffic, industry, wood burning) and writing a comment. The information is on-line and accessible for other app users, thus contributing to create an air-quality map based on citizens' perception

  7. Final Environmental Assessment for the First Air Force Air Operations Center, First Air Force Headquarters/Air Force Forces Center, and Highway 98 Overpass at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida (United States)


    no comments regarding the Draft Environmental Assessment for the First Air Force Operations Center, First Air Force Headquarters/Air Force Forces...COUNCIL ] No Comment BAY - BAY COUNTY No Final Comments Received ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY UNIT - OFFICE OF POLICY AND BUDGET, ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY UNIT NO ...CONSERVATION COMMISSION [ NO COMMENT BY BRIAN BARNETT ON 4/12/04. [STATE - FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE [ No Comment [TRANSPORTATION - FLORIDA DEPARTMENT

  8. System for measuring of air concentration in air-steam mixture during the transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorbenko, Gennady A.; Gakal, Pavlo G.; Epifanov, Konstantin S.; Osokin, Gennady V.; Smirnov, Sergey V.


    Description of system for air concentration measuring in air-steam mixture during the transients is represented. Air concentration measuring is based on discrete sampling method. The measuring system consists of sampler, transport pipeline, distributor and six measuring vessels. From the sampler air-steam mixture comes to distributor through transport pipeline and fills consecutively the measuring vessels. The true air concentration in place of measurement was defined based on measured air concentration in samples taken from measuring vessels. For this purpose, the mathematical model of transients in measuring system was developed. Air concentration transient in air-steam mixture in place of measurement was described in mathematical model by air concentration time-dependent function. The function parameters were defined based on air concentration measured in samples taken from measuring vessels. Estimated error of air concentration identification was about 10%. Measuring system was used in experiments on EREC BKV-213 test facility intended for testing of VVER-440/V-213 reactor barbotage-vacuum system

  9. Air Leakage and Air Transfer Between Garage and Living Space

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rudd, A.


    This research project focused on evaluation of air transfer between the garage and living space in a single-family detached home constructed by a production homebuilder in compliance with the 2009 International Residential Code and the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code. The project gathered important information about the performance of whole-building ventilation systems and garage ventilation systems as they relate to minimizing flow of contaminated air from garage to living space. A series of 25 multi-point fan pressurization tests and additional zone pressure diagnostic testing characterized the garage and house air leakage, the garage-to-house air leakage, and garage and house pressure relationships to each other and to outdoors using automated fan pressurization and pressure monitoring techniques. While the relative characteristics of this house may not represent the entire population of new construction configurations and air tightness levels (house and garage) throughout the country, the technical approach was conservative and should reasonably extend the usefulness of the results to a large spectrum of house configurations from this set of parametric tests in this one house. Based on the results of this testing, the two-step garage-to-house air leakage test protocol described above is recommended where whole-house exhaust ventilation is employed. For houses employing whole-house supply ventilation (positive pressure) or balanced ventilation (same pressure effect as the Baseline condition), adherence to the EPA Indoor airPLUS house-to-garage air sealing requirements should be sufficient to expect little to no garage-to-house air transfer.

  10. Air pollution engineering (United States)

    Maduna, Karolina; Tomašić, Vesna


    Air pollution is an environmental and a social problem which leads to a multitude of adverse effects on human health and standard of human life, state of the ecosystems and global change of climate. Air pollutants are emitted from natural, but mostly from anthropogenic sources and may be transported over long distances. Some air pollutants are extremely stable in the atmosphere and may accumulate in the environment and in the food chain, affecting human beings, animals and natural biodiversity. Obviously, air pollution is a complex problem that poses multiple challenges in terms of management and abatements of the pollutants emission. Effective approach to the problems of air pollution requires a good understanding of the sources that cause it, knowledge of air quality status and future trends as well as its impact on humans and ecosystems. This chapter deals with the complexities of the air pollution and presents an overview of different technical processes and equipment for air pollution control, as well as basic principles of their work. The problems of air protection as well as protection of other ecosystems can be solved only by the coordinated endeavors of various scientific and engineering disciplines, such as chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, chemical engineering and social sciences. The most important engineering contribution is mostly focused on development, design and operation of equipment for the abatement of harmful emissions into environment.

  11. Indoor Air Quality (United States)

    ... protect yourself and your family. Learn more Air Quality at Work Workers should breathe easy while on the job, but worksites with poor air quality put employees at risk. Healthy air is essential ...

  12. Machine & electrical double control air dryer for vehicle air braking system (United States)

    Zhang, Xuan; Yang, Liu; Wang, Xian Yan; Tan, Xiao Yan; Wang, Wei


    As is known to all, a vehicle air brake system, in which usually contains moisture. To solve the problem, it is common to use air dryer to dry compressed air effectively and completely remove the moisture and oil of braking system. However, the existing air dryer is not suitable for all commercial vehicles. According to the operational status of the new energy vehicles in the initial operating period, the structure design principle of the machine & electric control air dryer is expounded from the aspects of the structure and operating principle, research & development process.

  13. Ultrasonics aids the identification of failed fuel rods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Over a number of years Brown Boveri Reaktor of West Germany has developed and commercialized an ultrasonic failed fuel rod detection system. Sipping has up to now been the standard technique for failed fuel detection, but sipping can only indicate whether or not an assembly contains defective rods; the BBR system can tell which rod is defective. (author)

  14. Air Conditioning Compressor Air Leak Detection by Image Processing Techniques for Industrial Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pookongchai Kritsada


    Full Text Available This paper presents method to detect air leakage of an air conditioning compressor using image processing techniques. Quality of air conditioning compressor should not have air leakage. To test an air conditioning compressor leak, air is pumped into a compressor and then submerged into the water tank. If air bubble occurs at surface of the air conditioning compressor, that leakage compressor must be returned for maintenance. In this work a new method to detect leakage and search leakage point with high accuracy, fast, and precise processes was proposed. In a preprocessing procedure to detect the air bubbles, threshold and median filter techniques have been used. Connected component labeling technique is used to detect the air bubbles while blob analysis is searching technique to analyze group of the air bubbles in sequential images. The experiments are tested with proposed algorithm to determine the leakage point of an air conditioning compressor. The location of the leakage point was presented as coordinated point. The results demonstrated that leakage point during process could be accurately detected. The estimation point had error less than 5% compared to the real leakage point.

  15. Photochemical air pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Te Winkel, B.H.


    During periods of severe photochemical air pollution (smog) the industry in the Netherlands is recommended by the Dutch government to strongly reduce the emissions of air pollutants. For the electric power generating companies it is important to investigate the adequacy of this policy. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the contribution of electric power plants to photochemical air pollution and to assess the efficacy of emission reducing measures. A literature survey on the development of photochemical air pollution was carried out and modelled calculations concerning the share of the electric power plants to the photochemical air pollution were executed

  16. Air-water screen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prokopov, O.I.; Kutepov, A.I.


    The air-water screen based on inventor's certificate No. 577364 contains horizontal water and air lines with water and air nozzles. The air line is situated inside the water line eccentrically and contracts it in the area of the nozzle, whose orifices are situated along the line of contact, while the orifices of the water nozzle are situated symmetrically relative to the air orifices and are located at an acute angle to them. To raise the protective properties, on the end of the water line is a lateral nozzle water distributor is an additional nozzle, connected to this container.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. N. Osipov


    Full Text Available Since there are no large natural energy resources in Belarus, energy savings ought to be a point of the special attention. With this regard it is important to develop modern ways of savings during the process of air conditioning inside new buildings with an air layer in the enclosure, especially in translucent ones. The system of ventilation of air layers in the enclosure of a building has been introduced in which air movement is caused by the gravitational and aerodynamic forces. It makes it possible to arrange further ventilation – a natural, forced or a hybrid one. With the purpose of increasing and streamlining natural draught the partitions are used separating the different parts of air layers. For natural ventilation with the use of gravitational forces the holes in the upper and lower parts of the partitions between adjacent air layers are applied. Natural ventilation in the holes of the partitions is regulated by movable shutters, blinds or other adjusting devices. For combined or forced air exchange between adjacent zones of air layers fans are used pumping air from the air layer zones with a higher temperature to zones of air layers with lower temperature and vice versa. When air exchange is forced, in order to intensify the infiltration of air into zones of air layers jets are laid on a hard surface. In order to cool a multi-layered enclosure of a building, where the movement of air between the air layers (that have been formed by internal partitions is being fulfilled by a natural, forced or combined mode, a part of the air or the total air processed inside the building (i.e. conditioned or non-conditioned air cooler as compared with the outside one is being sent to these strata. Combined or forced flow of the air processed inside the building into the air layers is done through the ducts associated with the output channels of the air conditioners. The internal partitions are equipped with the air valve hole.

  18. Simple air collectors for preheating fresh air

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hensen, J.L.M.; Wit, de M.H.; Ouden, den C.


    In dwellings with mechanical ventilation systems the fresh air can easily be preheated by means of simple solar air systems. These can be an integral part of the building facade or roof and the costs are expected to be low. By means of computer experiments a large number of systems were evaluated.

  19. Performance improvement of air-cooled refrigeration system by using evaporatively cooled air condenser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hajidavalloo, E.; Eghtedari, H. [Mechanical Engineering Department, Shahid Chamran University, Golestan St., Ahvaz (Iran)


    Increasing the coefficient of performance of air conditioner with air-cooled condenser is a challenging problem especially in area with very hot weather conditions. Application of evaporatively cooled air condenser instead of air-cooled condenser is proposed in this paper as an efficient way to solve the problem. An evaporative cooler was built and coupled to the existing air-cooled condenser of a split-air-conditioner in order to measure its effect on the cycle performance under various ambient air temperatures up to 49 C. Experimental results show that application of evaporatively cooled air condenser has significant effect on the performance improvement of the cycle and the rate of improvement is increased as ambient air temperature increases. It is also found that by using evaporatively cooled air condenser in hot weather conditions, the power consumption can be reduced up to 20% and the coefficient of performance can be improved around 50%. More improvements can be expected if a more efficient evaporative cooler is used. (author)

  20. Air distribution and ventilation effectiveness in an occupied room heated by warm air

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krajcik, Michal; Simone, Angela; Olesen, Bjarne W.


    and at different simulated outside conditions, internal heat gains and air change rates. Floor heating was also simulated and compared with the warm air heating system. Vertical air temperature profiles, air velocity profiles and equivalent temperatures were derived in order to describe the thermal environment...... floor heating system was simulated, the cooler ventilation air introduced to the room mixed well and created uniform conditions with a ventilation effectiveness of about 1.......Air distribution, ventilation effectiveness and thermal environment were experimentally studied in a simulated room in a low-energy building heated and ventilated by warm air supplied by a mixing ventilation system. Measurements were performed for various positions of the air terminal devices...

  1. Air Quality System (AQS) (United States)

    The Air Quality System (AQS) database contains measurements of air pollutant concentrations from throughout the United States and its territories. The measurements include both criteria air pollutants and hazardous air pollutants.

  2. Hazardous air pollutant handbook: measurements, properties, and fate in ambient air

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spicer, C.W. (ed.); Gordon, S.M.; Kelly, T.J.; Holdren, M.W.; Mukund, R. [Battelle, Columbus, OH (United States)


    Focussing on the 188 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) identified in the Title III of the US Clean Air Act Amendments, this work reviews the methods used to identify, measure, and locate the presence of toxics in ambient air. After a classification and characterization of the HAPs, the current status of ambient measurement methods are surveyed and categorized according to applicable, likely, and potential methods. The results of studies of ambient air concentrations of the HAPs are presented. Methods used to study atmospheric transformations of toxic air pollutants are reviewed and the concept of atmospheric lifetimes of HAPs is discussed.

  3. Controlled air incineration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seitz, K.A.


    From 1960 to 1970, incineration was recognized as an economical method of solid waste disposal with many incinerators in operation through the country. During this period a number of legislation acts began to influence the solid waste disposal industry, namely, the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965; Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1968; Resource Recovery Act of 1970; and Clean Air Act of 1970. This period of increased environmental awareness and newly created regulations began the closure of many excess air incineration facilities and encouraged the development of new controlled air, also known as Starved-Air incinerator systems which could meet the more stringent air emission standards without additional emission control equipment. The Starved-Air technology initially received little recognition because it was considered unproven and radically different from the established and accepted I.I.A. standards. However, there have been many improvements and developments in the starved-air incineration systems since the technology was first introduced and marketed, and now these systems are considered the proven technology standard

  4. Oxidation behavior of stainless steel 430 and 441 at 800 C in single (air/air) and dual atmosphere (air/hydrogen) exposures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rufner, J.; Gannon, P.; White, P.; Deibert, M.; Teintze, S. [Chemical and Biological Engineering, Montana State University, 306 Cobleigh Hall, Bozeman, MT 59717-3920 (United States); Smith, R.; Chen, H. [Physics, Montana State University, 306 Cobleigh Hall, Bozeman, MT 59717-3920 (United States)


    Intermediate temperature ({proportional_to}800 {sup o}C) planar solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) allow the use of ferritic stainless steel (FSS) interconnects. SOFC FSS interconnects are used to stack individual cells into series, and are simultaneously exposed to air on the cathode side and fuel on the anode side, creating a 'dual atmosphere' exposure. The thermally grown oxide (TGO) layers on the air side of FSSs 430 and 441 were analyzed as a function of simulated dual atmosphere exposures (moist air/moist hydrogen) for up to 300 h. FSS 430 showed some changes in oxidation behavior, with a slight Fe concentration increase and localized Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3} nodule formation observed in the dual atmosphere TGO layer relative to its single atmosphere (air/air) counterpart. Significantly accelerated and anomalous oxidation was observed with FSS 441 subjected to dual atmosphere exposures compared with air/air exposures. The TGO layer formed on the 441 exposed to air/air was comprised of Mn-rich, Cr and Fe-containing isomorphic spinel surface crystallites, with a Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} (eskolaite)-based bottom layer, having a total TGO layer thickness of <2{mu} m after 300 h. In contrast, the TGO layer formed on 441 during dual atmosphere exposure was much faster-growing (>6{mu} m in 20 h) and exhibited a continuous, porous Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3}-rich surface layer with a relatively thin (<2{mu} m) sublayer of similar composition to the TGO layer formed during the air/air exposure. Spontaneous TGO layer spallation was also observed for the air side of 441 exposed to dual atmosphere for >100h. The observed oxidation behavior and TGO layer evolution of 441 in both air/air and dual atmosphere are presented, with possible mechanisms and implications discussed. (author)

  5. Air toxics and the 1990 Clean Air Act: Managing trace element emissions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chow, W.; Levin, L.; Miller, M.J.


    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has historically regulated air toxics (hazardous air pollutants) under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act. To date, EPA has established emission standards for 8 hazardous air pollutants (arsenic, asbestos, benzene, beryllium, mercury, radionuclides, coke oven emissions and vinyl chloride). The US electric utility industry was not determined to be a source category requiring regulation for any of the eight chemicals. Of the eight, radionuclides were the last species for which EPA established hazardous emissions standards. In this instance, EPA determined that the risks associated with electric utility fossil fuel power plant emissions were sufficiently low that they should not be regulated. However, the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments require a new evaluation of the electric utility industry emissions of hazardous air pollutants. This paper summarizes the key features of the air toxics provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments, describes EPRI's activities on the subject, and provides some preliminary insights from EPRI's research to date

  6. Indoor air quality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Trine Susanne; Recevska, Ieva

     The objective of the 35th specific agreement is to provide support to the EEA activities in Environment and Health (E&H) on the topic of indoor air quality. The specific objectives have been to provide an overview of indoor air related projects in EU and indoor air related policies as well...... as idenfiying "good practices" to reduce health impact of indoor air exposure and suggest areas for future improvements....

  7. Cleaning products and air fresheners: exposure to primary and secondary air pollutants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nazaroff, W.; Weschler, Charles J.


    Building occupants, including cleaning personnel, are exposed to a wide variety of airborne chemicals when cleaning agents and air fresheners are used in buildings. Certain of these chemicals are listed by the state of California as toxic air contaminants (TACs) and a subset of these are regulated...... by the US federal government as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). California's Proposition 65 list of species recognized as carcinogens or reproductive toxicants also includes constituents of certain cleaning products and air fresheners. In addition, many cleaning agents and air fresheners contain chemicals...... that can react with other air contaminants to yield potentially harmful secondary products. For example, terpenes can react rapidly with ozone in indoor air generating many secondary pollutants, including TACs such as formaldehyde. Furthermore, ozone-terpene reactions produce the hydroxyl radical, which...

  8. RA reactor operation and maintenance in 1994, Part 1; Deo 1 - Pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA u 1994. godini

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Cupac, S; Sulem, B; Zivotic, Z; Mikic, N; Tanaskovic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During the previous period RA reactor was not operated because the Committee of Serbian ministry for health and social care has cancelled the operation licence in August 1984. The reason was the non existing emergency cooling system and lack of appropriate filters in the special ventilation system. The planned major tasks were fulfilled: building of the new emergency cooling system, reconstruction of the existing ventilation system, and renewal of the reactor power supply system. The existing RA reactor instrumentation was dismantled, only the part needed for basic measurements when reactor is not operated, was maintained. Renewal of the reactor instrumentation was started but but it is behind the schedule because the delivery of components from USSR was stopped for political reasons. The spent fuel elements used from the very beginning of reactor operation are stored in the existing pools. Project concerned with increase of the storage space and the efficiency of handling the spent fuel elements has started in 1988 and was fulfilled in 1990. Control and maintenance of the reactor instrumentation and tools was done regularly but dependent on the availability of the spare parts. Training of the existing personnel and was done regularly, but the new staff has no practical training since the reactor is not operated. Lack of financial support influenced strongly the status of RA reactor. [Serbo-Croat] U proteklom periodu reaktor RA nije bio u pogonu zato sto je 30. jula Republicki komitet za zdravlje i socijalnu politiku republike Srbije, zabranio njegov rad zbog toga sto reaktor ne poseduje sistem za udesno hladjenje i ne poseduje odgovarajuce filtere u sistemu specijalne ventilacije. Zavrseni su radovi na izgradnji sistema za udesno hladjenje, rekonstrukciji postojeceg sistema specijalne ventilacije i rekonstrukciji sistema za napajanje elektricnom energijom. Zapoceti su radovi na modernizaciji, odnosno zameni instrumentacije reaktora ali njegova realizacija kasni

  9. Sintesis Furfural dari Bagas Tebu Via Reaksi Hidrolisa dengan Menggunakan Katalis Asam Asetat pada Kondisi Atmosferik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nine Tria Rossa


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang hidrolisa bagas tebu menggunakan asam asetat sebagai katalis. Sebanyak 30 gram dihidrolisa dalam 300ml air yang mengandung katalis asam menggunakan  asetat sebesar 7 sampai 9% v/v dengan variabel waktu dan temperatur hidrolisa selama 1 sampai 4 jam dan 80oC sampai 103oC pada kondisi atmosferik menggunakan reaktor tipe batch. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh temperatur dan waktu hidrolisa, serta konsentrasi katalis asam asetat terhadap perolehan furfural. Kemudian untuk menemukan kondisi paling efisien untuk memproduksi furfural menggunakan Response Surface Methodology (RSM dengan Software Design Expert 7.0.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan penambahan waktu dan temperatur hidrolisa akan meningkatkan perolehan furfural. Perolehan asam asetat juga meningkat rata-rata hingga 2 kali dari konsentrasi asam asetat awal. Hal ini terjadi karena pemutusan gugus acetyl dari fraksi hemiselulosa pada bagas tebu. Perolehan kondisi optimum yakni pada waktu dan temperatur hidrolisa 2 jam dan 103oC, konsentrasi katalis 9%, dengan konsentrasi furfural 4,10 mg/ml dan konsentrasi asam asetat 2,62 mmol/ml.

  10. Large scale air monitoring: Biological indicators versus air particulate matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rossbach, M.; Jayasekera, R.; Kniewald, G.


    Biological indicator organisms are widely used for monitoring and banking purposes since many years. Although the complexity of the interactions between bioorganisms and their environment is generally not easily comprehensible, environmental quality assessment using the bioindicator approach offers some convincing advantages compared to direct analysis of soil, water, or air. Direct measurement of air particulates is restricted to experienced laboratories with access to expensive sampling equipment. Additionally, the amount of material collected generally is just enough for one determination per sampling and no multidimensional characterization might be possible. Further, fluctuations in air masses have a pronounced effect on the results from air filter sampling. Combining the integrating property of bioindicators with the world wide availability and uniform matrix characteristics of air particulates as a prerequisite for global monitoring of air pollution will be discussed. A new approach for sampling urban dust using large volume filtering devices installed in air conditioners of large hotel buildings is assessed. A first experiment was initiated to collect air particulates (300 to 500 g each) from a number of hotels during a period of three to four months by successive vacuum cleaning of used inlet filters from high volume air conditioning installations reflecting average concentrations per three months in different large cities. This approach is expected to be upgraded and applied for global monitoring. Highly positive correlated elements were found in lichen such as K/S, Zn/P, the rare earth elements (REE) and a significant negative correlation between Fig and Cu was observed in these samples. The ratio of concentrations of elements in dust and Usnea spp. is highest for Cr, Zn, and Fe (400-200) and lowest for elements such as Ca, Rb, and Sr (20-10). (author)

  11. Air pollution and urban air quality management in Indonesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santosa, Sri J. [Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (Indonesia); Okuda, Tomoaki; Tanaka, Shigeru [Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, Yokohama (Japan)


    The trade-led industry and economic development after the Asian financial crisis a decade ago has been accelerated in Indonesia to improve the quality of life of its population. This rapid development of Indonesia was in fact heavily fueled by fossil fuels, especially oil, followed by natural gas and coal. The exploitation of fossil fuel in fueling the development resulted in significant environmental quality degradation. Air pollution is perhaps Indonesia's most severe environmental problem. Industry and transportation were the typical main sources of urban air pollutants. Moreover, Indonesia also failed to reach its original 2005 target for a complete phase-out of leaded gasoline. As a result, the level of Pb together with other pollutants such as CO, NO{sub x}, SO{sub 2}, and total suspended particulates has exceeded or at least approached the designated ambient air quality standards. The urban air pollution will not be lesser in extent, but surely will be more severe in the future. Unfortunately, the capability of the Indonesian authorities to manage the urban air quality is still very limited and the portion of the budget allocated to the improvement of urban air quality is still remarkably low, typically 1% of total. This is why the efforts to enhance the capability to manage the urban air quality could not be handled by the environmental authorities in Indonesia's cities themselves, but outside stimulation in the form of man power, consultant and equipment assistance along with financial support has been very important. (Abstract Copyright [2008], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  12. AirCompare (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — AirCompare contains air quality information that allows a user to compare conditions in different localities over time and compare conditions in the same location at...

  13. 12th Air Force > Home (United States)

    Force AOR Travel Info News prevnext Slide show 76,410 pounds of food delivered to Haiti 12th Air Force the French Air Force, Colombian Air Force, Pakistan Air Force, Belgian Air Force, Brazilian Air Force

  14. Energy use, air infiltration, and indoor air quality in well-insulated residences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koontz, M.D.; Nagda, N.L.


    This paper reports two unoccupied bilevel houses of identical design and construction studied to determine the relationships among air exchange, energy consumption, and indoor air quality. The experimental house was retrofitted to increase building tightness and was equipped with an air-to-air heat exchanger; the control house was kept in its initial state of construction. Infiltration, energy, indoor air quality, and environmental parameters were monitored in both houses before and after the retrofit. It was found that the retrofit decreased air infiltration rates by nearly 25 percent, heating energy savings of 12 to 20 percent were achieved through the retrofit, and among the pollutants monitored, only radon and radon progeny increased in proportion to the reduced infiltration. Similarly, when the heat exchanger was operated, radon and radon progeny were the only pollutants reduced in proportion to the added air exchange

  15. A novel, fuzzy-based air quality index (FAQI) for air quality assessment (United States)

    Sowlat, Mohammad Hossein; Gharibi, Hamed; Yunesian, Masud; Tayefeh Mahmoudi, Maryam; Lotfi, Saeedeh


    The ever increasing level of air pollution in most areas of the world has led to development of a variety of air quality indices for estimation of health effects of air pollution, though the indices have their own limitations such as high levels of subjectivity. Present study, therefore, aimed at developing a novel, fuzzy-based air quality index (FAQI ) to handle such limitations. The index developed by present study is based on fuzzy logic that is considered as one of the most common computational methods of artificial intelligence. In addition to criteria air pollutants (i.e. CO, SO 2, PM 10, O 3, NO 2), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and 1,3-butadiene were also taken into account in the index proposed, because of their considerable health effects. Different weighting factors were then assigned to each pollutant according to its priority. Trapezoidal membership functions were employed for classifications and the final index consisted of 72 inference rules. To assess the performance of the index, a case study was carried out employing air quality data at five different sampling stations in Tehran, Iran, from January 2008 to December 2009, results of which were then compared to the results obtained from USEPA air quality index (AQI). According to the results from present study, fuzzy-based air quality index is a comprehensive tool for classification of air quality and tends to produce accurate results. Therefore, it can be considered useful, reliable, and suitable for consideration by local authorities in air quality assessment and management schemes. Fuzzy-based air quality index (FAQI).

  16. Air pollution


    MacKenbach, JP; Henschel, S; Goodman, P; McKee, M


    The human costs of air pollution are considerable in Jordan. According to a report published in 2000 by the World Bank under the Mediterranean Environmental Technical Assistance Program (METAP), approximately 600 people die prematurely each year in Jordan because of urban pollution. 50-90% of air pollution in Jordanian towns is caused by road traffic. Readings taken in 2007 by Jordanian researchers showed that levels of black carbon particles in the air were higher in urban areas (caused by v...

  17. Hydraulic Behavior in The Downflow Hanging Sponge Bioreactor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Izarul Machdar


    Full Text Available Performance efficiency in a Downflow Hanging Sponge (DHS bioreactor is associated with the amount of time that a wastewater remains in the bioreactor. The bioreactor is considered as a plug flow reactor and its hydraulic residence time (HRT depends on the void volume of packing material and the flow rate. In this study, hydraulic behavior of DHS bioreactor was investigated by using tracer method. Two types of sponge module covers, cylindrical plastic frame (module-1 and plastic hair roller (module-2, were investigated and compared. A concentrated NaCl solution used as an inert tracer and input as a pulse at the inlet of DHS bioreactor. Analysis of the residence time distribution (RTD curves provided interpretation of the index distribution or holdup water (active volume, the degree of short-circuiting, number of tanks in series (the plug flow characteristic, and the dispersion number. It was found that the actual HRT was primarily shorter than theoretical HRT of each test. Holdup water of the DHS bioreactor ranged from 60% to 97% and 36% to 60% of module-1 and module-2, respectively. Eventhough module-1 has higher effective volume than module-2, result showed that the dispersion numbers of the two modules were not significant difference. Furthermore, N-values were found larger at a higher flow rate. It was concluded that a DHS bioreactor design should incorporated a combination of water distributor system, higher loading rate at startup process to generate a hydraulic behavior closer to an ideal plug flow.ABSTRAKEfisiensi unjuk kerja bioreactor Downflow Hanging Sponge (DHS berkaitan dengan lamanya waktu tinggal limbah berada di dalam bioreaktor tersebut. Bioreaktor DHS dianggap sebagai seuatu reaktor aliran sumbat (plug flow dimana waktu tinggal hidraulik (HRT tergantung pada volume pori material isian dan laju alir. Dua jenis modul digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yang diberi nama dengan module-1 dan module-2 untuk melihat pengaruh jenis modul

  18. Air quality management: challenges and solutions in delivering air quality action plans

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beattie, C.I.; Longhurst, J.W.S.; Woodfield, N.K.


    The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (DETR, 2001) has the aim of showing how improved local air quality in the UK may be delivered. Through a process of reviewing and assessing local air quality in both urban and rural localities, a clear picture is emerging of areas of the UK where air quality objectives are not likely to be met. The next challenge will be the identification of the required actions and new ways of working to achieve specific air quality objectives. The declaration of air quality management areas, where objectives are not predicted to be met by their target years, involves co-ordinated local action and collaborative working, which can only be effective with support across local authority departments and external stake holders. This paper provides a background to the relevant legislation underpinning, local air quality management and summarises the review and assessment process. It then comments on future directions in relation to the designation of Air Quality Management Areas and considers the requirements of action plans to deliver the goal of cleaner air in the UK. It is concluded that the UK has developed a highly sophisticated system of air quality management over a relatively short period of time, and with it has brought a new way of local authority working. The challenge of the next stage of the process is likely to be in implementing cost effective and proportional solutions to identified problems at the local level. (Author)

  19. Air pollution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Strauss, W; Mainwaring, S J


    This book deals with the nature of air pollution. The numerous sources of unwanted gases and dust particles in the air are discussed. Details are presented of the effects of pollutants on man, animals, vegetation and on inanimate materials. Methods used to measure, monitor and control air pollution are presented. The authors include information on the socio-economic factors which impinge on pollution control and on the problems the future will bring as methods of generating energy change and industries provide new sources of pollutants.

  20. Air Filtration as Protection against Fouling of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Units

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bekö, Gabriel; Lajčíková, Ariana


    Currently, air filters are one of the most critical components of air treatment systems as they decontaminate the air delivered to living space. During the operation, however, the level of harmful surface deposits increases, and at certain times, an uncleaned filter can itself become a source...... of undesirable contaminents influencing negatively the IAQ of a living space. This is the phenomenon that has been a subject of the current research. The article presents a new, alternative view on indoor air contaminents and filtration requirements. It describes alternative means of filtration and assesses...... issues of inadequate maintenance and/or long term use of applied air filters. An experimental method of evealuating the air quality by means of chemical analysis and state-of-the-art spectrometer is also described....

  1. Pollution prevention for cleaner air: EPA's air and energy engineering research laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaver, E.M.


    The article discusses the role of EPA's Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory (AEERL) in pollution prevention research for cleaner air. For more than 20 years, AEERL has been conducting research to identify control approaches for the pollutants and sources which contribute to air quality problems. The Laboratory has successfully developed and demonstrated cost-effective sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate control technologies for fossil fuel combustion sources. More recently, it has expanded its research activities to include indoor air quality, radon, organic control, stratospheric ozone depletion, and global warming. AEERL also develops inventories of air emissions of many types. Over the last several years, it has made substantial efforts to expand research on pollution prevention as the preferred choice for air emissions reduction

  2. Feasibility of a solar-assisted winter air-conditioning system using evaporative air-coolers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    El-Awad, Mohamed M. [Mechanical Engineering Department, the University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321 Khartoum (Sudan)


    The paper presents a winter air-conditioning system which is suitable for regions with mildly cold but dry winters. The system modifies the evaporative air-cooler that is commonly used for summer air-conditioning in such regions by adding a heating process after the humidification process. The paper describes a theoretical model that is used to estimate the system's water and energy consumption. It is shown that a 150-LPD solar heater is adequate for air-conditioning a 500 ft3/min (14.4 m3/min) air flow rate for four hours of operation. The maximum air-flow rate that can be heated by a single solar water-heater for four hours of operation is about 900-cfm, unless a solar water heater large than a 250-LPD heater is used. For the 500 ft3/min air flow rate the paper shows that the 150, 200, 250 and 300 LPD solar water-heaters can provide air-conditioning for 4, 6, 8 and 10 hours, respectively, while consuming less energy than the equivalent refrigerated-type air-conditioner.

  3. Optimization of recirculating laminar air flow in operating room air conditioning systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enver Yalcin


    Full Text Available The laminar flow air-conditioning system with 100% fresh air is used in almost all operating rooms without discrimination in Turkey. The laminar flow device which is working with 100% fresh air should be absolutely used in Type 1A operating rooms. However, there is not mandatory to use of 100% fresh air for Type 1B defined as places performed simpler operation. Compared with recirculating laminar flow, energy needs of the laminar flow with 100 % fresh air has been emerged about 40% more than re-circulated air flow. Therefore, when a recirculating laminar flow device is operated instead of laminar flow system with 100% fresh air in the Type 1B operating room, annual energy consumption will be reduced. In this study, in an operating room with recirculating laminar flow, optimal conditions have been investigated in order to obtain laminar flow form by analyzing velocity distributions at various supply velocities by using computational fluid dynamics method (CFD.

  4. Air filtration and air cooling in dairies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rubzov, J A


    In addition to the maintenance of optimum temperatures and relative humidities, a continuous cleaning of the circulating air by means of suspended matter filters and regular disinfection of the spaces and equipment are required in the maturing and storage room for cheese. This contribution presents solutions to the use of suspended matter filters in air cooling plant for dairies in the U.S.S.R.

  5. Services provided to other organizational units, Annex 7; Prilog 7 - Usluge drugim organizacionim jedinicama

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    During 1965, the RA reactor staff provided services to other organizational units in: designing new systems, repair of electronic equipment, installing measuring devices, constructing mechanical elements in the workshop. [Serbo-Croat] U toku 1965. godine reaktor RA je pruzio usluge drugim jedinicama i to: projektovanjem novih sistema, popravkom elektronskih uredjaja, instaliranjem mernih sistema, izradom mehanickih elemenata i sklopova u mehanickoj radionici.

  6. Servicing NPPs in Japan, Korea and Taiwan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bohmann, W.; Poetz, F.


    More than 45 comparable orders (for equipment or services ) have been carried out in Japan, Korea and Taiwan by ABB Reaktor since 1982. Recently contracts to deliver inspection and repair equipment for the core baffle former bolts of Japanese NPPs, and in 1990, a contract to clean two steam generators in Korea, together with Pacific Nuclear Services, USA, were won. 2 figs

  7. Air Quality of Beijing and Impacts of the New Ambient Air Quality Standard

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Chen


    Full Text Available Beijing has been publishing daily reports on its air quality since 2000, and while the air pollution index (API shows that the air quality has improved greatly since 2000, this is not the perception of Beijing’s residents. The new national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS-2012, which includes the monitoring of PM2.5, has posed stricter standards for evaluating air quality. With the new national standard, the air quality in Beijing is calculated using both NAAQS-2012 and the previous standard. The annual attainment rate has dropped from 75.5% to 50.7%. The spatial analysis of air quality shows that only a background station could attain the national standard, while urban and suburban stations exceed the national standard. Among the six pollutants included in the NAAQS-2012, PM2.5 is the major contributor to the air quality index (AQI comparing with the five other pollutants. The results indicate that under previous NAAQS without PM2.5 monitoring, the air quality has improved greatly in the past decade.  By considering PM2.5, the air quality attainment has dropped greatly. Furthermore, a great effort is needed for local government to bring down the PM2.5 concentration.

  8. Impact of individually controlled facially applied air movement on perceived air quality at high humidity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skwarczynski, Mariusz; Melikov, Arsen Krikor; Kaczmarczyk, J.


    and local air velocity under a constant air temperature of 26 degrees C, namely: 70% relative humidity without air movement, 30% relative humidity without air movement and 70% relative humidity with air movement under isothermal conditions. Personalized ventilation was used to supply room air from the front...

  9. Influence of local air velocity from air conditioner evaluated by salivary and skin biomarkers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamaguchi, Masaki; Takahashi, Takayuki; Yoshino, Yuichiro; Sasaki, Makoto [Graduate School of Engineering, Iwate University, 4-3-5 Ueda, Morioka 020-8551 (Japan); Nishimiya, Hajime [Asahi Kasei Homes Corporation, R and D Laboratories, 2-1 Samejima, Fuji, Shizuoka 416-8501 (Japan)


    The purpose of this paper is to reveal both the psychosomatic and the physical effects of local air velocity from an air conditioner using biomarkers which can be collected noninvasively. Salivary {alpha}-amylase activity (SAA) and salivary cortisol were used as the indexes of psychosomatic effects. The total protein (TP) collected from stratum corneum was used as an index of the physical condition of dry skin. A continuous experiment over a 5 days period in summer was conducted using 8 healthy young male adults for 2-types of airflow conditioners, a whole ceiling-type air conditioner (without local air velocity) and a normal-type air conditioner (with local air velocity). The subjects felt cool, windy, dry and uncomfortable when under the normal-type air conditioner as determined in a subjective evaluation. The SAA under the normal-type air conditioner fluctuated more widely than with the whole ceiling-type air conditioner. The level of salivary cortisol decreased more in a day under the normal-type air conditioner than with the whole ceiling-type air conditioner. These results showed that reducing local air velocity may provide more healthy psychosomatic conditions over the long-term. Moreover, the TP of a drying-exposed skin area showed a significant change during this experiment whereas the TP of drying-protected area was relatively unchanged. It was indicated that one week's exposure to local air velocity conditions possibly influences the drying of facial skin. Thus, air movement at low velocity can be provides more comfortable conditions not only psychosomatically but also physically. (author)

  10. Beyond Close Air Support. Forging a New Air-Ground Partnership (United States)


    the "eth- nic cleansing." Despite months of effort, air attacks did little damage to Serb forces. Those in Kosovo not only survived, they even...Blue Moon: Airmen in Theater Command, CADRE Paper No. 7, Air University Press, Maxwell Air Force Base, 2000. Biddle , Stephen, Afghanistan and the...Future of Warfare: Implications for Army and Defense Policy, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2002. Biddle , Stephen

  11. Air Quality | Air Quality Planning & Standards | US EPA (United States)


    Air pollution comes from many different sources: stationary sources such as factories, power plants, and smelters and smaller sources such as dry cleaners and degreasing operations; mobile sources such as cars, buses, planes, trucks, and trains; and naturally occurring sources such as windblown dust, and volcanic eruptions, all contribute to air pollution.

  12. Help From Above: Air Force Close Air Support of the Army. 1946-1973 (United States)


    support as but one ele- ment within a larger package called tactical air support challenges the researcher . Even though close air support is but one of...of the prewar gaps in the close air support picture. Of all the close air support developments that emerged from the war, however, airmen looked reduce the AAF’s impressive World War II close air support capabilities to a token force in the short space of five years, these budgetary

  13. Air lasing

    CERN Document Server

    Cheng, Ya


    This book presents the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary review of the rapidly developing field of air lasing. In most applications of lasers, such as cutting and engraving, the laser source is brought to the point of service where the laser beam is needed to perform its function. However, in some important applications such as remote atmospheric sensing, placing the laser at a convenient location is not an option. Current sensing schemes rely on the detection of weak backscattering of ground-based, forward-propagating optical probes, and possess limited sensitivity. The concept of air lasing (or atmospheric lasing) relies on the idea that the constituents of the air itself can be used as an active laser medium, creating a backward-propagating, impulsive, laser-like radiation emanating from a remote location in the atmosphere. This book provides important insights into the current state of development of air lasing and its applications.

  14. Microfluidic liquid-air dual-gradient chip for synergic effect bio-evaluation of air pollutant. (United States)

    Liu, Xian-Jun; Hu, Shan-Wen; Xu, Bi-Yi; Zhao, Ge; Li, Xiang; Xie, Fu-Wei; Xu, Jing-Juan; Chen, Hong-Yuan


    In this paper, a novel prototype liquid-air dual gradient chip is introduced, which has paved the way for effective synergic effect bio-evaluation of air pollutant. The chip is composed of an array of the agarose liquid-air interfaces, top air gradient layer and bottom liquid gradient layer. The novel agarose liquid-air interface allows for non-biased exposure of cells to all the substances in the air and diffusive interactions with the liquid phase; while the dual liquid-air gradient provides powerful screening abilities, which well reduced errors, saved time and cost from repeated experiment. Coupling the two functions, the chip subsequently facilitates synergic effect evaluation of both liquid and air factors on cells. Here cigarette smoke was taken as the model air pollutant, and its strong synergic effects with inflammatory level of A549 lung cancer cells on their fate were successfully quantified for the first time. These results well testified that the proposed dual-gradient chip is powerful and indispensable for bio-evaluation of air pollutant. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Long-term Changes in Extreme Air Pollution Meteorology and the Implications for Air Quality. (United States)

    Hou, Pei; Wu, Shiliang


    Extreme air pollution meteorological events, such as heat waves, temperature inversions and atmospheric stagnation episodes, can significantly affect air quality. Based on observational data, we have analyzed the long-term evolution of extreme air pollution meteorology on the global scale and their potential impacts on air quality, especially the high pollution episodes. We have identified significant increasing trends for the occurrences of extreme air pollution meteorological events in the past six decades, especially over the continental regions. Statistical analysis combining air quality data and meteorological data further indicates strong sensitivities of air quality (including both average air pollutant concentrations and high pollution episodes) to extreme meteorological events. For example, we find that in the United States the probability of severe ozone pollution when there are heat waves could be up to seven times of the average probability during summertime, while temperature inversions in wintertime could enhance the probability of severe particulate matter pollution by more than a factor of two. We have also identified significant seasonal and spatial variations in the sensitivity of air quality to extreme air pollution meteorology.

  16. Air filtration in HVAC systems

    CERN Document Server

    Ginestet, Alain; Tronville, Paolo; Hyttinen, Marko


    Air filtration Guidebook will help the designer and user to understand the background and criteria for air filtration, how to select air filters and avoid problems associated with hygienic and other conditions at operation of air filters. The selection of air filters is based on external conditions such as levels of existing pollutants, indoor air quality and energy efficiency requirements.

  17. Air Leakage and Air Transfer Between Garage and Living Space

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rudd, Armin [Building Science Corporation, Westford, MA (United States)


    This research project focused on evaluation of air transfer between the garage and living space in a single-family detached home constructed by a production homebuilder in compliance with the 2009 International Residential Code and the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code. The project gathered important information about the performance of whole-building ventilation systems and garage ventilation systems as they relate to minimizing flow of contaminated air from garage to living space. A series of 25 multi-point fan pressurization tests and additional zone pressure diagnostic testing characterized the garage and house air leakage, the garage-to-house air leakage, and garage and house pressure relationships to each other and to outdoors using automated fan pressurization and pressure monitoring techniques. While the relative characteristics of this house may not represent the entire population of new construction configurations and air tightness levels (house and garage) throughout the country, the technical approach was conservative and should reasonably extend the usefulness of the results to a large spectrum of house configurations from this set of parametric tests in this one house. Based on the results of this testing, the two-step garage-to-house air leakage test protocol described above is recommended where whole-house exhaust ventilation is employed.

  18. 14 CFR 234.13 - Reports by air carriers on incidents involving animals during air transport. (United States)


    ... involving animals during air transport. 234.13 Section 234.13 Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY... REPORTS § 234.13 Reports by air carriers on incidents involving animals during air transport. (a) Any air... during air transport provided by the air carrier. (b) The report shall be made in the form and manner set...

  19. Effects of open-air temperature on air temperature inside biological safety cabinet. (United States)

    Umemura, Masayuki; Shigeno, Katsuro; Yamamura, Keiko; Osada, Takashi; Soda, Midori; Yamada, Kiyofumi; Ando, Yuichi; Wakiya, Yoshifumi


    In Japan, biological safety cabinets (BSCs) are normally used by medical staff while handling antineoplastic agents. We have also set up a class II B2 BSC at the Division of Chemotherapy for Outpatients. The air temperature inside this BSC, however, decreases in winter. We assumed that this decrease is caused by the intake of open-air. Therefore, we investigated the effects of low open-air temperature on the BSC temperature and the time of admixtures of antineoplastic agents. The studies were conducted from January 1 to March 31, 2008. The outdoor air temperature was measured in the shade near the intake nozzle of the BSC and was compared with the BSC temperature. The correlation between the outdoor air temperature and the BSC temperature, the dissolution time of cyclophosphamide (CPA) and gemcitabine (GEM), and accurate weight measurement of epirubicin (EPI) solution were investigated for low and normal BSC temperatures. The BSC temperature was correlated with the open-air temperature for open-air temperatures of 5-20°C (p air is drawn from outdoors. We showed that the BSC temperature affects the dissolution rate of antineoplastic agents. Further, we suggested that the BSC temperature drop might delay the affair of the admixtures of antineoplastic agents and increase the waiting time of outpatients for chemotherapy.

  20. Comparison of desiccant air conditioning systems with different indirect evaporative air coolers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pandelidis, Demis; Anisimov, Sergey; Worek, William M.; Drąg, Paweł


    Highlights: • A numerical study of desiccant air conditioning systems is presented. • The ε-NTU model is used for the analysis. • Different arrangements of the desiccant systems were compared. • The systems were compared under different operating conditions. - Abstract: This paper presents a numerical analysis of three desiccant air-conditioning systems equipped with different indirect evaporative air coolers: (1) the cross-flow Maisotsenko cycle heat and mass exchanger (HMX), (2) the regenerative counter-flow Maisotsenko cycle heat and mass exchanger and (3) the standard cross-flow evaporative air cooler. To analyze the desiccant wheel and the indirect evaporative air coolers, the modified ε-NTU-model was used. The simulations were performed under assumption that the desiccant wheel is regenerated with air heated to relatively low temperature values (50–60 °C), which can be produced with solar panels in typical moderate climatic conditions. It was established that the main advantage of the presented solutions is that they can provide comfort conditions even with less effective dehumidification. The different systems were compared under variable selected operational factors (i.e. inlet air temperature, humidity and regeneration air temperature). The analysis allowed establishing the advantages and disadvantages of presented solutions and allowed estimating their application potential.

  1. A review of air exchange rate models for air pollution exposure assessments. (United States)

    Breen, Michael S; Schultz, Bradley D; Sohn, Michael D; Long, Thomas; Langstaff, John; Williams, Ronald; Isaacs, Kristin; Meng, Qing Yu; Stallings, Casson; Smith, Luther


    A critical aspect of air pollution exposure assessments is estimation of the air exchange rate (AER) for various buildings where people spend their time. The AER, which is the rate of exchange of indoor air with outdoor air, is an important determinant for entry of outdoor air pollutants and for removal of indoor-emitted air pollutants. This paper presents an overview and critical analysis of the scientific literature on empirical and physically based AER models for residential and commercial buildings; the models highlighted here are feasible for exposure assessments as extensive inputs are not required. Models are included for the three types of airflows that can occur across building envelopes: leakage, natural ventilation, and mechanical ventilation. Guidance is provided to select the preferable AER model based on available data, desired temporal resolution, types of airflows, and types of buildings included in the exposure assessment. For exposure assessments with some limited building leakage or AER measurements, strategies are described to reduce AER model uncertainty. This review will facilitate the selection of AER models in support of air pollution exposure assessments.

  2. Impact of individually controlled facially applied air movement on perceived air quality at high humidity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Skwarczynski, M.A. [Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Environmental Protection Engineering, Department of Indoor Environment Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Lublin (Poland); International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen (Denmark); Melikov, A.K.; Lyubenova, V. [International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen (Denmark); Kaczmarczyk, J. [Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Department of Heating, Ventilation and Dust Removal Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice (Poland)


    The effect of facially applied air movement on perceived air quality (PAQ) at high humidity was studied. Thirty subjects (21 males and 9 females) participated in three, 3-h experiments performed in a climate chamber. The experimental conditions covered three combinations of relative humidity and local air velocity under a constant air temperature of 26 C, namely: 70% relative humidity without air movement, 30% relative humidity without air movement and 70% relative humidity with air movement under isothermal conditions. Personalized ventilation was used to supply room air from the front toward the upper part of the body (upper chest, head). The subjects could control the flow rate (velocity) of the supplied air in the vicinity of their bodies. The results indicate an airflow with elevated velocity applied to the face significantly improves the acceptability of the air quality at the room air temperature of 26 C and relative humidity of 70%. (author)

  3. GSPEL - Air Filtration Laboratory (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Evaluation capabilities for air filtration devicesThe Air Filtration Lab provides testing of air filtration devices to demonstrate and validate new or legacy system...

  4. Analisis Kekuatan Dan Ekspansi Volume Tangki Toroidal Penampang Eliptik Dengan Beban Internal Pressure


    Lubis, Asnawi


    In under to reduce the Public Service Obligation (PSO) on oil fuel, the goverment of Indonesia initianted a program of conversion of oil fuel into gas fuel (BBG) for passenger cars. In supporting this program, it is required to develop the component of combustion system. One of the components is strorage tank for BBG that must be carefully designed to avoid burst type failure. Based on previous research, a toroidal tank can withstand higher limit pressure than the PERTAMINA LPG 3kg storage t...

  5. Integrating air-related health surveillance into air quality management: perceptions and practicalities

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Wright, C


    Full Text Available Health surveillance is presently not an integral part of air quality management in South Africa, although ambient air pollution standards are derived from health effects of personal exposure. In a survey to air quality officials and environmental...

  6. Analysis of Direct Outdoor Air Cooling Efficency for Combined Variable Air Volume Air-conditioning System in Stores in Cold Climates of China


    Luo, Zhiwen


    Direct outdoor air cooling contributes a lot not only to the improvement of the indoor air quality but also to the energy saving. Its full use will reduce the water chiller’s running time especially in some stores where cooling load keeps much higher and longer than that in other buildings. A novel air-conditioning system named Combined Variable Air Volume system (CVAV), combining a normal AHU with a separate outdoor air supply system, was proposed firstly by the authors. The most attractive ...

  7. Local Air Quality Conditions and Forecasts (United States)

    ... Monitor Location Archived Maps by Region Canada Air Quality Air Quality on Google Earth Links A-Z About AirNow AirNow International Air Quality Action Days / Alerts AirCompare Air Quality Index (AQI) ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    D.F.C. o Proceeded to Cape Town 9:5:22. Left Cape Town for. African Protectorate 25:2:22. J Left for South West African Protectorate 25:2:22. [ Left for South West African Protectorate. 1:6:22. Colonel: Director of Air Services. Air Directorate. 6th June 1922. SOUTH AFRICAN AIR FORCE. NOMINAL ROLL OF AIR W.O.'s,.

  9. Air quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This chapter of the 'Assessment of the state of the environment in Lebanon' describes the air quality and identifies the most important air quality issues. Baseline information about the factors affecting dispersion and the climate of Lebanon presents as well and overall estimation of total emissions in Lebanon. Emissions from vehicles, electricity and power plants generation are described. Industrial emitters of air pollutants are described for each kind of industry i.e.cement plants, Selaata fertilizer factory, sugar-beet factory, refineries and for those derived from the use of leaded fuel . Impact of economic and human activities on air quality in Lebanon (especially in Beirut and Tripoli) are quantified by quantities of CO 2 , SO 2 , NO x , total suspended particulates(TSP), deposition and their environmental effects on health. In abscence of emissions monitoring, data available are expressed in terms of fuel use, output and appropriate empirical factors, national output and workfores sizes. Finally key issues and some potential mitigation /management approaches are presented

  10. Air sampling in the workplace

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hickey, E.E.; Stoetzel, G.A.; Strom, D.J.; Cicotte, G.R.; Wiblin, C.M.; McGuire, S.A.


    This report provides technical information on air sampling that will be useful for facilities following the recommendations in the NRC's Regulatory Guide 8.25, Revision 1, ''Air sampling in the Workplace.'' That guide addresses air sampling to meet the requirements in NRC's regulations on radiation protection, 10 CFR Part 20. This report describes how to determine the need for air sampling based on the amount of material in process modified by the type of material, release potential, and confinement of the material. The purposes of air sampling and how the purposes affect the types of air sampling provided are discussed. The report discusses how to locate air samplers to accurately determine the concentrations of airborne radioactive materials that workers will be exposed to. The need for and the methods of performing airflow pattern studies to improve the accuracy of air sampling results are included. The report presents and gives examples of several techniques that can be used to evaluate whether the airborne concentrations of material are representative of the air inhaled by workers. Methods to adjust derived air concentrations for particle size are described. Methods to calibrate for volume of air sampled and estimate the uncertainty in the volume of air sampled are described. Statistical tests for determining minimum detectable concentrations are presented. How to perform an annual evaluation of the adequacy of the air sampling is also discussed

  11. Clearing the air. Air quality modelling for policy support

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hendriks, C.


    The studies presented in this thesis were performed to provide policy makers with more accurate information about the sources of air pollution and the possible consequences of future developments on air quality. This enables policy makers to make better informed decisions when formulating policies

  12. Data concerning operation and application of RA reactor in 1975, Annex 1; Prilog 1 - Podaci o radu i iskoriscenosti reaktora RA u 1975. godini

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stanic, A [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    RA reactor was operating according to the plan for 1975 adopted in December of the previous year. It was planned for reactor to be operated at nominal power first 10-20 days each month, three following days were reserved for different power levels according to the users' demand. Four fuel exchanges were planned and fulfilled with minor delay. Data concerning planned and real operation, as well as delays from the plan and shorter interruptions are presented in tables of this Annex. It is shown that all the delays and interruptions which amounted to 104 hours were compensated. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je radio prema planu rada za 1975. godinu, nacinjenom u decembru prethodne godine. Planirano je da reaktor radi neprekidno prvih 10-20 dana u mesecu na nominalnoj snazi, tri sledeca dana je rezervisano za rad na drugim snagama zavisno od potreba korisnuka. Planirane su i 4 izmene goriva. Podaci o planiranom i ostvarenom radu kao i odstupanjima od plana i kracim prekidima u radu reaktora dati su u tabelama ovog priloga. Vidi se da su sva odstupanja i prekidi u ukupnom trajanju od 104 sata u celini nadoknadjeni.

  13. 77 FR 30087 - Air Quality Designations for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (United States)


    ... and 81 Air Quality Designations for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Implementation of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: Nonattainment Area Classifications...-9668-2] RIN 2060-AP37 Air Quality Designations for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality...

  14. Applications Using AIRS Data (United States)

    Ray, S. E.; Pagano, T. S.; Fetzer, E. J.; Lambrigtsen, B.; Olsen, E. T.; Teixeira, J.; Licata, S. J.; Hall, J. R.; Thompson, C. K.


    The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on NASA's Aqua spacecraft has been returning daily global observations of Earth's atmospheric constituents and properties since 2002. With a 12-year data record and daily, global observations in near real-time, AIRS data can play a role in applications that fall under many of the NASA Applied Sciences focus areas. For vector-borne disease, research is underway using AIRS near surface retrievals to assess outbreak risk, mosquito incubation periods and epidemic potential for dengue fever, malaria, and West Nile virus. For drought applications, AIRS temperature and humidity data are being used in the development of new drought indicators and improvement in the understanding of drought development. For volcanic hazards, new algorithms using AIRS data are in development to improve the reporting of sulfur dioxide concentration, the burden and height of volcanic ash and dust, all of which pose a safety threat to aircraft. In addition, anomaly maps of many of AIRS standard products are being produced to help highlight "hot spots" and illustrate trends. To distribute it's applications imagery, AIRS is leveraging existing NASA data frameworks and organizations to facilitate archiving, distribution and participation in the BEDI. This poster will communicate the status of the applications effort for the AIRS Project and provide examples of new maps designed to best communicate the AIRS data.

  15. Significance of air humidity and air velocity for fungal spore release into the air (United States)

    Pasanen, A.-L.; Pasanen, P.; Jantunen, M. J.; Kalliokoski, P.

    Our previous field studies have shown that the presence of molds in buildings does not necessarily mean elevated airborne spore counts. Therefore, we investigated the release of fungal spores from cultures of Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium sp. and Cladosporium sp. at different air velocities and air humidities. Spores of A. fumigatus and Penicillium sp. were released from conidiophores already at air velocity of 0.5 ms -1, whereas Cladosporium spores required at least a velocity of 1.0 ms -1. Airborne spore counts of A. fumigatus and Penicillium sp. were usually higher in dry than moist air, being minimal at relative humidities (r.h.) above 70%, while the effect of r.h. on the release of Cladosporium sp. was ambivalent. The geometric mean diameter of released spores increased when the r.h. exceeded a certain level which depends on fungal genus. Thus, spores of all three fungi were hygroscopic but the hygroscopicity of various spores appeared at different r.h.-ranges. This study indicates that spore release is controlled by external factors and depends on fungal genus which can be one reason for considerable variation of airborne spore counts in buildings with mold problems.

  16. The microbiological quality of air improves when using air conditioning systems in cars. (United States)

    Vonberg, Ralf-Peter; Gastmeier, Petra; Kenneweg, Björn; Holdack-Janssen, Hinrich; Sohr, Dorit; Chaberny, Iris F


    Because of better comfort, air conditioning systems are a common feature in automobiles these days. However, its impact on the number of particles and microorganisms inside the vehicle--and by this its impact on the risk of an allergic reaction--is yet unknown. Over a time period of 30 months, the quality of air was investigated in three different types of cars (VW Passat, VW Polo FSI, Seat Alhambra) that were all equipped with a automatic air conditioning system. Operation modes using fresh air from outside the car as well as circulating air from inside the car were examined. The total number of microorganisms and the number of mold spores were measured by impaction in a high flow air sampler. Particles of 0.5 to 5.0 microm diameter were counted by a laser particle counter device. Overall 32 occasions of sampling were performed. The concentration of microorganisms outside the cars was always higher than it was inside the cars. Few minutes after starting the air conditioning system the total number of microorganisms was reduced by 81.7%, the number of mold spores was reduced by 83.3%, and the number of particles was reduced by 87.8%. There were no significant differences neither between the types of cars nor between the types of operation mode of the air conditioning system (fresh air vs. circulating air). All parameters that were looked for in this study improved during utilization of the car's air conditioning system. We believe that the risk of an allergic reaction will be reduced during use also. Nevertheless, we recommend regular maintenance of the system and replacement of older filters after defined changing intervals.

  17. Air Power's First Among Equals: Why Air Superiority Still Matters

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Slawson, Andrew T


    .... History is replete with examples of successful or failed air superiority campaigns. This paper details air superiority's role in both the Battle of Britain, and the 1967 Six Day War's Operation MOKED...

  18. Air pollution knows no boundaries: defining air catchment areas and making sense of physical and political boundaries in air quality management

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Scott, G


    Full Text Available Topics under discussion: Scales of transport and turbulence in the atmosphere; Examples of global, regional and local scale transports – concepts of an “air catchment”; Defining air quality management zones - international practice; Defining air...

  19. Kinetics of NO formation and decay in nanosecond pulse discharges in Air, H2-Air, and C2H4-Air mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burnette, David; Shkurenkov, Ivan; Adamovich, Igor V; Lempert, Walter R


    Time-resolved, absolute NO and N atom number densities are measured by NO Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and N Two-Photon Absorption LIF in a diffuse plasma filament, nanosecond pulse discharge in dry air, hydrogen-air, and ethylene-air mixtures at 40 Torr, over a wide range of equivalence ratios. The results are compared with kinetic modeling calculations incorporating pulsed discharge dynamics, kinetics of vibrationally and electronically excited states of nitrogen, plasma chemical reactions, and radial transport. The results show that in air afterglow, NO decay occurs primarily by the reaction with N atoms, NO  +  N  →  N 2   +  O. In the presence of hydrogen, this reaction is mitigated by reaction of N atoms with OH, N  +  OH  →  NO  +  H, resulting in significant reduction of N atom number density in the afterglow, additional NO production, and considerably higher NO number densities. In fuel-lean ethylene-air mixtures, a similar trend (i.e. N atom concentration reduction and NO number density increase) is observed, although [NO] increase on ms time scale is not as pronounced as in H 2 -air mixtures. In near-stoichiometric and fuel-lean ethylene-air mixtures, when N atom number density was below detection limit, NO concentration was measured to be lower than in air plasma. These results suggest that NO kinetics in hydrocarbon-air plasmas is more complex compared to air and hydrogen-air plasmas, additional NO reaction pathways may well be possible, and their analysis requires further kinetic modeling calculations. (paper)

  20. Hospital-acquired infections associated with poor air quality in air-conditioned environments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Pinheiro da Silva


    Full Text Available Backgound and Objectives: Individuals living in cities increasingly spend more time indoors in air-conditioned environments. Air conditioner contamination can be caused by the presence of aerosols from the external or internal environment, which may be associated with disease manifestations in patients present in this type of environment. Therefore, the aim of this review was to assess the air quality in air-conditioned hospital environments as a risk factor for hospital-acquired infections – HAI – as the air can be a potential source of infection, as well as assess the exposure of professionals and patients to different pollutants. Material and Methods: A literature review was performed in the LILACS, MEDLINE, SCIELO, SCIENCE DIRECT databases, CAPES thesis database and Ministry of Health – Brazil, including studies published between 1982 and 2008. The literature search was grouped according to the thematic focus, as follows: ventilation, maintenance and cleaning of systems that comprehend the environmental quality standard. Discussion and Conclusion: Outbreaks of hospital-acquired infections associated with Aspergillus, Acinetobacter, Legionella, and other genera such as Clostridium and Nocardia, which were found in air conditioners, were observed, thus indicating the need for air-conditioning quality control in these environments.

  1. HEPA air filter (image) (United States)

    ... pet dander and other irritating allergens from the air. Along with other methods to reduce allergens, such ... controlling the amount of allergens circulating in the air. HEPA filters can be found in most air ...

  2. Air pollution control in India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jain, S.K.


    Prior to rapid spurt in industrialization in India, people were used to inhale pure air containing about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and some carbon dioxide. But afterwards this composition of pure air was disturbed as a result of increased economic activities. Air, now a days also contains sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides etc., etc. which are extremely harmful for human health. Virulence of air pollution was realised in late eighties after Bhopal Gas Tragedy (BGT) and an effective air quality management started taking shape in India afterwards. The basic components of air quality management are legislation and regulations, emission inventory, air quality standards and monitoring, air dispersion models and installation of pollution control equipment which are being discussed in this paper. (author). 15 refs., 5 tabs

  3. Technology Candidates for Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground Data Exchange (United States)

    Haynes, Brian D.


    Technology Candidates for Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground Data Exchange is a two-year research effort to visualize the U. S. aviation industry at a point 50 years in the future, and to define potential communication solutions to meet those future data exchange needs. The research team, led by XCELAR, was tasked with identifying future National Airspace System (NAS) scenarios, determining requirements and functions (including gaps), investigating technical and business issues for air, ground, & air-to-ground interactions, and reporting on the results. The project was conducted under technical direction from NASA and in collaboration with XCELAR's partner, National Institute of Aerospace, and NASA technical representatives. Parallel efforts were initiated to define the information exchange functional needs of the future NAS, and specific communication link technologies to potentially serve those needs. Those efforts converged with the mapping of each identified future NAS function to potential enabling communication solutions; those solutions were then compared with, and ranked relative to, each other on a technical basis in a structured analysis process. The technical solutions emerging from that process were then assessed from a business case perspective to determine their viability from a real-world adoption and deployment standpoint. The results of that analysis produced a proposed set of future solutions and most promising candidate technologies. Gap analyses were conducted at two points in the process, the first examining technical factors, and the second as part of the business case analysis. In each case, no gaps or unmet needs were identified in applying the solutions evaluated to the requirements identified. The future communication solutions identified in the research comprise both specific link technologies and two enabling technologies that apply to most or all specific links. As a result, the research resulted in a new analysis approach, viewing the

  4. Iron-Air Rechargeable Battery (United States)

    Narayan, Sri R. (Inventor); Prakash, G.K. Surya (Inventor); Kindler, Andrew (Inventor)


    Embodiments include an iron-air rechargeable battery having a composite electrode including an iron electrode and a hydrogen electrode integrated therewith. An air electrode is spaced from the iron electrode and an electrolyte is provided in contact with the air electrode and the iron electrodes. Various additives and catalysts are disclosed with respect to the iron electrode, air electrode, and electrolyte for increasing battery efficiency and cycle life.

  5. Coping with Indoor Air Pollution (United States)

    ... Pollution > Coping with Indoor Air Pollution Font: Outdoor Pollution Indoor Air Pollution Asthma Triggers For Kids and Teachers Coping with Indoor Air Pollution Indoor air pollution is irritating to everyone: But people who ...

  6. Wisconsin Air Cargo Study (United States)


    Air cargo is a key economic lifeline for the communities that have airports. Manufacturers, businesses, hospitals and : other community cornerstone employers depend on air cargo to successfully operate. While there is no doubt that air : cargo repres...

  7. Air lock

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palkovich, P.; Gruber, J.; Madlener, W.


    The patent refers to an air lock system preferably for nuclear stations for the transport of heavy loads by means of a trolley on rails. For opening and closing of the air lock parts of the rails are removed, e.g. by a second rail system perpendicular to the main rails. (P.K.)

  8. Safety-related control air systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This Standard applies to those portions of the control air system that furnish air required to support, control, or operate systems or portions of systems that are safety related in nuclear power plants. This Standard relates only to the air supply system(s) for safety-related air operated devices and does not apply to the safety-related air operated device or to air operated actuators for such devices. The objectives of this Standard are to provide (1) minimum system design requirements for equipment, piping, instruments, controls, and wiring that constitute the air supply system; and (2) the system and component testing and maintenance requirements

  9. Influence of the outlet air temperature on the thermohydraulic behaviour of air coolers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Đorđević Emila M.


    Full Text Available The determination of the optimal process conditions for the operation of air coolers demands a detailed analysis of their thermohydraulic behaviour on the one hand, and the estimation of the operating costs, on the other. One of the main parameters of the thermohydraulic behaviour of this type of equipment, is the outlet air temperature. The influence of the outlet air temperature on the performance of air coolers (heat transfer coefficient overall heat transfer coefficient, required surface area for heat transfer air-side pressure drop, fan power consumption and sound pressure level was investigated in this study. All the computations, using AirCooler software [1], were applied to cooling of the process fluid and the condensation of a multicomponent vapour mixture on two industrial devices of known geometries.

  10. Air Pollution and Stroke. (United States)

    Lee, Kuan Ken; Miller, Mark R; Shah, Anoop S V


    The adverse health effects of air pollution have long been recognised; however, there is less awareness that the majority of the morbidity and mortality caused by air pollution is due to its effects on the cardiovascular system. Evidence from epidemiological studies have demonstrated a strong association between air pollution and cardiovascular diseases including stroke. Although the relative risk is small at an individual level, the ubiquitous nature of exposure to air pollution means that the absolute risk at a population level is on a par with "traditional" risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Of particular concern are findings that the strength of this association is stronger in low and middle income countries where air pollution is projected to rise as a result of rapid industrialisation. The underlying biological mechanisms through which air pollutants exert their effect on the vasculature are still an area of intense discussion. A greater understanding of the effect size and mechanisms is necessary to develop effective strategies at individual and policy levels to mitigate the adverse cardiovascular effects of air pollution.

  11. Air Quality at Your Street

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Steen Solvang; Becker, Thomas; Ketzel, Matthias

    Citizens are frequently concerned about the air quality where they live, where they go to work, where their children go to kindergarten or where they want to move to. Municipalities may also have an interest in location based air quality information e.g. in relation to screening of complaints from...... concerned citizents, or in the context of localization of institutions, etc. The purpose of the project ‘Air Quality at Your Street’ is to create interactive air quality maps on the internet using webGIS to illustrate the geographical variation of air quality in Denmark for selected health related air...... pollutants. The maps show annual means of NO2, PM2.5 or PM10 for 2012. The user interface presents modelled air quality data on a map where the user can select map view, pan, zoom in and out, etc. It is also possible to get the air quality for a particular address by entering a specific address. Air quality...

  12. Optimizing the Air Dissolution Parameters in an Unpacked Dissolved Air Flotation System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adam Dassey


    Full Text Available Due to the various parameters that influence air solubility and microbubble production in dissolved air flotation (DAF, a multitude of values that cover a large range for these parameters are suggested for field systems. An unpacked saturator and an air quantification unit were designed to specify the effects of power, pressure, temperature, hydraulic retention time, and air flow on the DAF performance. It was determined that a pressure of 621 kPa, hydraulic retention time of 18.2 min, and air flow of 8.5 L/h would be the best controlled parameters for maximum efficiency in this unit. A temperature of 7 °C showed the greatest microbubble production, but temperature control would not be expected in actual application. The maximum microbubble flow from the designed system produced 30 mL of air (±1.5 per L of water under these conditions with immediate startup. The maximum theoretical dissolved air volume of 107 mL (±6 was achieved at a retention time of 2 h and a pressure of 621 kPa. To isolate and have better control over the various DAF operational parameters, the DAF unit was operated without the unsaturated flow stream. This mode of operation led to the formation of large bubbles at peak bubble production rates. In a real-world application, the large bubble formation will be avoided by mixing with raw unsaturated stream and by altering the location of dissolved air output flow.

  13. Quality management in an international nuclear power plant project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brion, J.; Crustin, J.


    SNR (Schneller Natriumgekuehlter Reaktor) is the fast reactor power plant being erected at Kalkar, Federal German Republic. Quality management in this project is a contractual obligation. Quality management is subdivided into quality engineering, set of actions performed before manufacturing, and quality control, set of material controls performed during fabrication. The two successive phases of the quality management are presented. The difficulties and improvment possibilities are discussed [fr

  14. The reactor accident in the Three Mile Island-2 reactor plant. (Harrisburg, USA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The presentation of the accident development is based on the bulletin of the Atomic Industrial Forum (AIF) from the 6th of April, 1979. In addition, there are some short pieces of information, No. 14 and 15 of the association for reactor security as well as written and verbal information of the firms Brown, Boveri and Co/Babcock-Brown Boveri Reaktor GmbH (BBC/BBR). (orig.) [de

  15. Health Effects of Air Pollution (United States)

    ... Health effects of air pollution Health effects of air pollution Breathing air that is not clean can hurt ... important to know about the health effects that air pollution can have on you and others. Once you ...

  16. Interactions between particulate air pollution and temperature in air pollution mortality time series studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roberts, Steven


    In many community time series studies on the effect of particulate air pollution on mortality, particulate air pollution is modeled additively. In this study, we investigated the interaction between daily particulate air pollution and daily mean temperature in Cook County, Illinois and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, using data for the period 1987-1994. This was done through the use of joint particulate air pollution-temperature response surfaces and by stratifying the effect of particulate air pollution on mortality by temperature. Evidence that the effect of particulate air pollution on mortality may depend on temperature is found. However, the results were sensitive to the number of degrees of freedom used in the confounder adjustments, the particulate air pollution exposure measure, and how the effects of temperature on mortality are modeled. The results were less sensitive to the estimation method used--generalized linear models and natural cubic splines or generalized additive models and smoothing splines. The results of this study suggest that in community particulate air pollution mortality time series studies the possibility of an interaction between daily particulate air pollution and daily mean temperature should be considered

  17. Comparison of personal air samplers and static air samplers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carter, M.W.; Lumsden, B.


    The authors demonstrate that radioactive air contamination levels calculated from PAS results will always be higher than air contamination levels calculated from SAS results, other conditions being equal. The most probable explanation seems to be in a relationship between the sampling velocity and the particle size of the dust sampled

  18. Desalinasi Air Laut Berbasis Energi Surya Sebagai Alternatif Penyediaan Air Bersih

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Gede Yogi Dewantara


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini berkonsentrasi pada kemampuan alat desalinasi tipe solar still dalam menyerap energi kalor matahari dan penggunaannya dalam proses kondensasi guna memproduksi air tawar untuk keperluan masyarakat. Alat desalinasi ini terdiri dari kotak distiller dengan plat absorber dan kain yang terdapat di dalamnya, serta kaca sebagai pentransmisian. Sistem kerja berawal dari air diteteskan melalui pipa dan jatuh pada kain yang akan menyerap air. Radiasi matahari akan memanaskan plat absober melalui kaca kemudian panas plat memanaskan air pada kain hingga menjadi uap dan menempel pada permukaan dalam kaca hingga terkonsensasi menjadi air suling. Pengukuran volume minimal dan maksimal alat sebesar 5 lt dan 7 lt dilakukan selama 4 hari. Melalui penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa intensitas matahari telah ada saat cahaya matahari mulai terlihat pada pukul 6 pagi dan difusi energi kalor matahari telah mulai dimanfaatkan pada waktu tersebut. Akan tetapi kinerja alat desalinasi masih sangat rendah, hal ini terlihat dari angka efisiensi yang hanya mencapai 4,45%.

  19. Perception of cabin air quality in airline crew related to air humidification, on intercontinental flights. (United States)

    Lindgren, T; Norbäck, D; Wieslander, G


    The influence of air humidification in aircraft, on perception of cabin air quality among airline crew (N = 71) was investigated. In-flight investigations were performed in the forward part and in the aft part on eight intercontinental flights with one Boeing 767 individually, equipped with an evaporation humidifier combined with a dehumidifying unit, to reduce accumulation of condensed water in the wall construction. Four flights had the air humidification active when going out, and turned off on the return flight. The four others had the inverse humidification sequence. The sequences were randomized, and double blind. Air humidification increased relative air humidity (RH) by 10% in forward part, and by 3% in aft part of the cabin and in the cockpit. When the humidification device was active, the cabin air was perceived as being less dry (P = 0.008), and fresher (P = 0.002). The mean concentration of viable bacteria (77-108 cfu/m(3)), viable molds (74-84 cfu/m(3)), and respirable particles (1-8 microg/m3) was low, both during humidified and non-humidified flights. On flights with air humidification, there were less particles in the forward part of the aircraft (P = 0.01). In conclusion, RH can be slightly increased by using ceramic evaporation humidifier, without any measurable increase of microorganisms in cabin air. The cabin air quality was perceived as being better with air humidification. PRACTICAL IMPLICATION: Relative air humidity is low (10-20%) during intercontinental flights, and can be increased by using ceramic evaporation humidifier, without any measurable increase of microorganism in cabin air. Air humidification could increase the sensation of better cabin air quality.

  20. Transient Air-Water Flow and Air Demand following an Opening Outlet Gate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James Yang


    Full Text Available In Sweden, the dam-safety guidelines call for an overhaul of many existing bottom outlets. During the opening of an outlet gate, understanding the transient air-water flow is essential for its safe operation, especially under submerged tailwater conditions. Three-dimensional CFD simulations are undertaken to examine air-water flow behaviors at both free and submerged outflows. The gate, hoisted by wire ropes and powered by AC, opens at a constant speed. A mesh is adapted to follow the gate movement. At the free outflow, the CFD simulations and model tests agree well in terms of outlet discharge capacity. Larger air vents lead to more air supply; the increment becomes, however, limited if the vent area is larger than 10 m2. At the submerged outflow, a hydraulic jump builds up in the conduit when the gate reaches approximately 45% of its full opening. The discharge is affected by the tailwater and slightly by the flow with the hydraulic jump. The flow features strong turbulent mixing of air and water, with build-up and break-up of air pockets and collisions of defragmented water bodies. The air demand rate is several times as much as required by steady-state hydraulic jump with free surface.

  1. Air Conditioner Charging. Automotive Mechanics. Air Conditioning. Instructor's Guide [and] Student Guide. (United States)

    Spignesi, B.

    This instructional package, one in a series of individualized instructional units on automobile air conditioning, consists of a student guide and an instructor guide dealing with air conditioning charging. Covered in the module are checking the air conditioning system for leaks, checking and adding refrigerant oil as needed, evacuating the system,…

  2. Baltimore Air Toxics Study (BATS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sullivan, D.A. [Sullivan Environmental Consulting, Inc., Alexandria, VA (United States)


    The Baltimore Air Toxics Study is one of the three urban air toxics initiatives funded by EPA to support the development of the national air toxics strategy. As part of this project, the Air Quality Integrated Management System (AIMS) is under development. AIMS is designed to bring together the key components of urban air quality management into an integrated system, including emissions assessment, air quality modeling, and air quality monitoring. Urban area source emissions are computed for a wide range of pollutants and source categories, and are joined with existing point source emissions data. Measured air quality data are used to evaluate the adequacy of the emissions data and model treatments as a function of season, meteorological parameters, and daytime/nighttime conditions. Based on tested model performance, AIMS provides the potential to improve the ability to predict air quality benefits of alternative control options for criteria and toxic air pollutants. This paper describes the methods used to develop AIMS, and provides examples from its application in the Baltimore metropolitan area. The use of AIMS in the future to enhance environmental management of major industrial facilities also will be addressed in the paper.

  3. The role of open-air inhalatoria in the air quality improvement in spa towns. (United States)

    Burkowska-But, Aleksandra; Kalwasińska, Agnieszka; Brzezinska, Maria Swiontek


    The present study was aimed at evaluating microbiological contamination of air in Ciechocinek and Inowrocław - Polish lowland spa towns. Additionally, the impact of open-air inhalatoria on the quality of air was evaluated. Air samples were collected seasonally in the urban areas, in the recreation areas and in the vicinity of inhalatoria in both towns using impaction. The numbers of mesophilic bacteria, staphylococci, hemolytic bacteria and actinomycetes were determined on media according to the Polish Standard PN-86/Z-04111/02. The number of moulds was determined on media according to the Polish Standard PN-86/Z-04111/03. While the highest numbers of microorganisms were noted at the sites located in the urban areas, the lowest numbers were noted in the vicinity of the open-air inhalatoria. In all the investigated air samples the values of bioaerosol concentrations were below the recommended TLVs (≤ 5000 CFU×m(-3) for both bacteria and fungi in outdoor environments). Location of the sampling site was invariably a decisive factor in determining the number of microorganisms in the air. The aerosol which is formed in the open-air inhalatoria has a positive influence on microbiological air quality. Owing to a unique microclimate and low air contamination, Ciechocinek and Inowrocław comply with all necessary requirements set for health resorts specializing in treating upper respiratory tract infections.

  4. Air surveillance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Patton, G.W.


    This section of the 1994 Hanford Site Environmental Report summarizes the air surveillance and monitoring programs currently in operation at that Hanford Site. Atmospheric releases of pollutants from Hanford to the surrounding region are a potential source of human exposure. For that reason, both radioactive and nonradioactive materials in air are monitored at a number of locations. The influence of Hanford emissions on local radionuclide concentrations was evaluated by comparing concentrations measured at distant locations within the region to concentrations measured at the Site perimeter. This section discusses sample collection, analytical methods, and the results of the Hanford air surveillance program. A complete listing of all analytical results summarized in this section is reported separately by Bisping (1995).

  5. Air surveillance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patton, G.W.


    This section of the 1994 Hanford Site Environmental Report summarizes the air surveillance and monitoring programs currently in operation at that Hanford Site. Atmospheric releases of pollutants from Hanford to the surrounding region are a potential source of human exposure. For that reason, both radioactive and nonradioactive materials in air are monitored at a number of locations. The influence of Hanford emissions on local radionuclide concentrations was evaluated by comparing concentrations measured at distant locations within the region to concentrations measured at the Site perimeter. This section discusses sample collection, analytical methods, and the results of the Hanford air surveillance program. A complete listing of all analytical results summarized in this section is reported separately by Bisping (1995)

  6. Liberalisation of air cargo transport (United States)


    Over a period of many years, international air cargo demand has continued to increase more rapidly than international air passenger demand. Air cargo arrangements need to be as efficient and expeditious as possible, to meet user requirements for air ...

  7. Infants Can Study Air Science. (United States)

    Ward, Alan


    Provided are activities and demonstrations which can be used to teach infants about the nature of air, uses of air, and objects that fly in the air. The latter include airships, hot-air balloons, kites, parachutes, airplanes, and Hovercraft. (JN)

  8. APEX (Air Pollution Exercise) Volume 21: Legal References: Air Pollution Control Regulations. (United States)

    Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Office of Manpower Development.

    The Legal References: Air Pollution Control Regulations Manual is the last in a set of 21 manuals (AA 001 009-001 029) used in APEX (Air Pollution Exercise), a computerized college and professional level "real world" game simulation of a community with urban and rural problems, industrial activities, and air pollution difficulties. The manual…

  9. Indoor Air Pollution (Environmental Health Student Portal) (United States)

    ... Students to Environmental Health Information Menu Home Air Pollution Air Pollution Home Indoor Air Pollution Outdoor Air Pollution ... Pollution Indoor Air Pollution Print this Page Air Pollution Air Pollution Home Indoor Air Pollution Outdoor Air Pollution ...

  10. Modelling Hot Air Balloons. (United States)

    Brimicombe, M. W.


    A macroscopic way of modeling hot air balloons using a Newtonian approach is presented. Misleading examples using a car tire and the concept of hot air rising are discussed. Pressure gradient changes in the atmosphere are used to explain how hot air balloons work. (KR)

  11. Energy and air quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is one of a series of handbooks designed to provide nontechnical readers with a general understanding of the interaction between energy development and environmental media and to provide a rudimentary data base from which estimates of potential future impacts can be made. This handbook describes the air quality impacts of energy development and summarizes the major federal legislation which regulates the potential air quality impacts of energy facilities and can thus influence the locations and timing of energy development. In addition, this report describes and presents the data which can be used as the basis for measurement, and in some cases, prediction of the potential conflicts between energy development and achieving and maintaining clean air. Energy utilization is the largest emission source of man-made air pollutants. Choices in energy resource development and utilization generate varying emissions or discharges into the atmosphere, the emissions are affected by the assimilative character of the atmosphere, and the resultant air pollutant concentrations have biological and aesthetic effects. This handbook describes the interrelationships of energy-related air emissions under various methods of pollution control, the assimilative character of the air medium, and the effects of air pollution. The media book is divided into three major sections: topics of concern relating to the media and energy development, descriptions of how to use available data to quantify and examine energy/environmental impacts, and the data

  12. Air Layer Drag Reduction (United States)

    Ceccio, Steven; Elbing, Brian; Winkel, Eric; Dowling, David; Perlin, Marc


    A set of experiments have been conducted at the US Navy's Large Cavitation Channel to investigate skin-friction drag reduction with the injection of air into a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. Testing was performed on a 12.9 m long flat-plate test model with the surface hydraulically smooth and fully rough at downstream-distance-based Reynolds numbers to 220 million and at speeds to 20 m/s. Local skin-friction, near-wall bulk void fraction, and near-wall bubble imaging were monitored along the length of the model. The instrument suite was used to access the requirements necessary to achieve air layer drag reduction (ALDR). Injection of air over a wide range of air fluxes showed that three drag reduction regimes exist when injecting air; (1) bubble drag reduction that has poor downstream persistence, (2) a transitional regime with a steep rise in drag reduction, and (3) ALDR regime where the drag reduction plateaus at 90% ± 10% over the entire model length with large void fractions in the near-wall region. These investigations revealed several requirements for ALDR including; sufficient volumetric air fluxes that increase approximately with the square of the free-stream speed, slightly higher air fluxes are needed when the surface tension is reduced, higher air fluxes are required for rough surfaces, and the formation of ALDR is sensitive to the inlet condition.

  13. Nuclear air cleaning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellamy, R.R.


    This report briefly describes the history of the use of high- efficiency particulate air filters for air cleaning at nuclear installations in the United States and discusses future uses of such filters

  14. Low cost solar air heater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gill, R.S.; Singh, Sukhmeet; Singh, Parm Pal


    Highlights: ► Single glazed low cost solar air heater is more efficient during summer while double glazed is better in winter. ► For the same initial investment, low cost solar air heaters collect more energy than packed bed solar air heater. ► During off season low cost solar air heater can be stored inside as it is light in weight. - Abstract: Two low cost solar air heaters viz. single glazed and double glazed were designed, fabricated and tested. Thermocole, ultraviolet stabilised plastic sheet, etc. were used for fabrication to reduce the fabrication cost. These were tested simultaneously at no load and with load both in summer and winter seasons along with packed bed solar air heater using iron chips for absorption of radiation. The initial costs of single glazed and double glazed are 22.8% and 26.8% of the initial cost of packed bed solar air heater of the same aperture area. It was found that on a given day at no load, the maximum stagnation temperatures of single glazed and double glazed solar air heater were 43.5 °C and 62.5 °C respectively. The efficiencies of single glazed, double glazed and packed bed solar air heaters corresponding to flow rate of 0.02 m 3 /s-m 2 were 30.29%, 45.05% and 71.68% respectively in winter season. The collector efficiency factor, heat removal factor based on air outlet temperature and air inlet temperature for three solar air heaters were also determined.

  15. Indoor air: Reference bibliography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, D.; Staves, D.; McDonald, S.


    The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency initially established the indoor air Reference Bibliography in 1987 as an appendix to the Indoor Air Quality Implementation Plan. The document was submitted to Congress as required under Title IV--Radon Gas and Indoor Air Quality Research of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986. The Reference Bibliography is an extensive bibliography of reference materials on indoor air pollution. The Bibliography contains over 4500 citations and continues to increase as new articles appear

  16. Air-to-air heat pumps in real-life use

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gram-Hanssen, Kirsten; Christensen, Toke Haunstrup; Petersen, Poul Erik


    This paper deals with individual air-to-air heat pumps in Danish dwellings and summerhouses and the question of to what extent they actually deliver savings of energy consumption. Results show that 20% of the expected reduction of electricity consumption is converted into increased comfort...... in the homes, including extended heating areas, keeping a higher temperature and a longer heating season and using the heat pump for air conditioning. Data include electricity consumption in 185 households before and after installation of heat pumps together with survey results of 480 households. Furthermore...... heating practices. These results have to be taken into account when making long-term energy planning for a sustainable energy system....

  17. Experimental study on air cleaning effect of clean air heat pump and its impact on ventilation requirement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fang, Lei; Sheng, Ying; Nie, Jinzhe


    This study investigated air purification effect of a Clean-Air Heat Pump (CAHP) which combined a desiccant wheel with a heat pump for both air cleaning and HVAC of buildings. The experiment was conducted in a field lab at four different outdoor air supply rates with and without air cleaning by CAHP....... Both sensory assessments of perceived air quality and chemical measurements of TVOC concentrations were conducted for evaluating the air cleaning performance of the CAHP. The results of experiment showed that running the CAHP improved significantly perceived air quality. At 2 L/s per person of outdoor...... air supply rate with operating the CAHP, the air quality was equivalent to the value at the higher outdoor air supply rate of 10 L/s per person without running CAHP. The TVOC measurements observed over 92% of efficiency on removal of indoor air VOCs and no VOCs accumulation on the desiccant wheel...

  18. Temperature and Humidity Control in Air-Conditioned Buildings with lower Energy Demand and increased Indoor Air Quality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paul, Joachim; Martos, E. T.


    Air-conditioning is not only a matter of temperature control. Thermal comfort and good indoor air quality are mainly a matter of humidity. Human health and well being may suffer seriously from inadequate humidity and/or too low temperatures in a room. A case study involving supermarket air......%. For indoor air temperature and humidity control, the use of an ice slurry (´Binary Ice´)was compared to conventional chilled water. The use of Binary Ice instead of chilled water makes the air handling and air distribution installation much simpler, recirculation of air becomes obsolete, and a higher portion...... of ambient air can be supplied, thus improving the indoor air quality still further. Reheating of air is not necessary when using Binary Ice. The introduction of chilled air into a room requires a different type of air outlet, however. When using Binary Ice, energy savings are high for climates with low...

  19. Mobile Air Monitoring Data Processing Strategies and Effects on Spatial Air Pollution Trends (United States)

    The collection of real-time air quality measurements while in motion (i.e., mobile monitoring) is currently conducted worldwide to evaluate in situ emissions, local air quality trends, and air pollutant exposure. This measurement strategy pushes the limits of traditional data an...

  20. Exposure of Mammalian Cells to Air-Pollutant Mixtures at the Air-Liquid Interface (United States)

    It has been widely accepted that exposure of mammalian cells to air-pollutant mixtures at the air-liquid interface is a more realistic approach than exposing cell under submerged conditions. The VITROCELL systems, are commercially available systems for air-liquid interface expo...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tukiran Surbakti


    Full Text Available Abstract NEUTRONICS ANALYSIS ON MINI TEST FUEL IN THE RSG-GAS CORE. Research of UMo fuel for research reactor has been developing  right now. The fuel of  research reactor used is uranium low enrichment with high density. For supporting the development of fuel, an assessment of mini fuel in the RSG-GAS core was performed. The mini fuel are U7Mo-Al and U6Zr-Al with densitis of 7.0gU/cc and 5.2 gU/cc, respectively. The size of both fuel are the same namely 630x70.75x1.30 mm were inserted to the 3 plates of dummy fuel. Before being irradiated in the core, a calculation for safety analysis  from neutronics and thermohydrolics aspects were required. However, in this paper will discuss safety analysis of the U7Mo-Al and U6Zr-Al mini fuels from neutronic point of view.  The calculation was done using WIMSD-5B and Batan-3DIFF code. The result showed that both of the mini fuels could be irradiated in the RSG-GAS core with burn up less than 70 % within 12 cycles of operation without over limiting the safety margin. Power density of U7Mo-Al mini fuel bigger than U6Zr-Al fuel.   Key words: mini fuel, neutronics analysis, reactor core, safety analysis   Abstrak ANALISIS NEUTRONIK ELEMEN BAKAR UJI MINI DI TERAS RSG-GAS. Penelitian tentang bahan bakar UMo untuk reaktor riset terus berkembang saat ini. Bahan bakar reaktor riset yang digunakan adalah uranium pengkayaan rendah namun densitas tinggi.  Untuk mendukung pengembangan bahan bakar dilakukan uji elemen bakar mini di teras reakror RSG-GAS dengan tujuan menentukan jumlah siklus di dalam teras sehingga tercapai fraksi bakar maksimum. Bahan bakar yang diuji adalah U7Mo-Al dengan densitas 7,0 gU/cc dan U6Zr-Al densitas 5,2 gU/cc. Ukuran kedua bahan bakar uji tersebut adalah sama 630x70,75x1,30 mm dimasukkan masing masing kedalam 3 pelat dummy bahan bakar. Sebelum diiradiasi ke dalam teras reaktor maka perlu dilakukan perhitungan keselamatan baik secara neutronik maupun termohidrolik. Dalam makalah ini

  2. Indoor Air Pollution (United States)

    We usually think of air pollution as being outdoors, but the air in your house or office could also be polluted. Sources of indoor pollution include Mold and pollen Tobacco smoke Household products ...

  3. 78 FR 63934 - Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans; California; El Dorado County Air Quality Management... (United States)


    ...] Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans; California; El Dorado County Air Quality Management District... California for the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (EDAQMD) portion of the California SIP... 24, 1987 Federal Register, May 25, 1988, U.S. EPA, Air Quality Management Division, Office of Air...

  4. AIRS/Aqua L2 Near Real Time (NRT) Cloud-Cleared Infrared Radiances (AIRS-only) V006 (AIRS2CCF_NRT) at GES DISC (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Level 2 Near Real Time (NRT) Cloud-Cleared Infrared Radiances (AIRS-only) product (AIRS2CCF_NRT_006) differs from the routine...

  5. Solar air heaters and their applications (United States)

    Selcuk, M. K.


    The solar air heater appears to be the most logical choice, as far as the ultimate application of heating air to maintain a comfortable environment is concerned. One disadvantage of solar air heaters is the need for handling larger volumes of air than liquids due to the low density of air as a working substance. Another disadvantage is the low thermal capacity of air. In cases where thermal storage is needed, water is superior to air. Design variations of solar air heaters are discussed along with the calculation of the efficiency of a flat plate solar air heater, the performance of various collector types, and the applications of solar air heaters. Attention is given to collectors with nonporous absorber plates, collectors with porous absorbers, the performance of flat plate collectors with finned absorbers, a wire mesh absorber, and an overlapped glass plate air heater.

  6. Air quality and disease

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Overview Graphics. Climate change is an important determinant of air quality. Climate change is an important determinant of air quality. Poor air quality associated with higher levels of respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Exposure to high levels of ground-level ozone associated with ...

  7. Air Force Leadership Diversity (United States)


    served as a deputy maintenance group commander. Following Air War College he will take command of the 8th Maintenance Group, Kunsan Air Base, Korea ...discrimination in terms of 3 race, religion , sex, etc.: the demographics we have all heard about for years. Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36

  8. Indoor air quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Indoor Air Quality is rapidly becoming a major environmental concern because a significant amount of people spend a substantial amount of time in a variety of different indoor environments. Health effects from indoor pollutants fall into two categories: those that are experienced immediately after exposure and those that do not show up until years later. They are: radon, formaldehyde, asbestos, lead and household organic chemicals. The authors presented a source-by-source look at the most common indoor air pollutants, their potential health effects, and ways to reduce their levels in the home. There are three basic strategies to improve indoor air quality: one method is source control, another is through ventilation improvements, and the third is the utilization of some sort of mechanical device such as air cleaners

  9. Air Traffic Control Tools Assessment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomáš Noskievič


    Full Text Available Undoubtedly air transport in today’s world wouldn’t be able to exist without any air traffic control service. As the air transport has been coming through major changes and it has been expanding, it is assumed that its volume will be doubled in the next 15 years. Air traffic control uses strictly organised procedures to ensure safe course of air operations. With the skies covered with more airplanes every year, new tools must be introduced to allow the controllers to manage this rising amount of flying aircraft and to keep the air transport safe. This paper provides a comprehensive and organized material, which describes the newest tools and systems used by air traffic control officers. It proposes improvements for further research and development of ATC tools.

  10. Comparative investigation of thermoelectric air-conditioners versus vapour compression and absorption air-conditioners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riffat, S.B.; Qiu Guoquan


    This paper compares the performance of three types of domestic air-conditioners, namely the vapour compression air-conditioner (VCAC), the absorption air-conditioner (AAC) and the thermoelectric air-conditioner (TEAC). The basic cycles of the three types of air-conditioning systems are described and methods to calculate their coefficients of performance are presented. General specification data for each type of air-conditioner are given, and performance characteristics are presented. The comparison shows that although VCACs have the advantages of high COP and low purchase price, use of these systems will be phased out due to their contribution to the greenhouse effect and depletion of the ozone layer. AACs are generally bulky, complex and expensive but operate on thermal energy, so their operational consumption is low. TEACs are environmental friendly, simple and reliable but still very expensive at present. Their low COP is an additional factor limiting their application for domestic cooling. TEACs however, have a large potential market as air-conditioners for small enclosures, such as cars and submarine cabins, where the power consumption would be low, or safety and reliability would be important

  11. Transportation and air quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roseland, M.


    In the greater Vancouver regional district (GVRD), some 80% of the annual production of 600,000 tonnes of air pollutants come from motor vehicles. Three critical air quality issues in the GVRD are discussed: local air pollution, ozone layer depletion, and greenhouse gas emissions, all of which are fundamentally linked to transportation. Overall air quality in the GVRD has been judged acceptable by current federal standards, but ground-level ozone has exceeded maximum tolerable levels at some locations and concentrations of suspended particulates are above maximum acceptable levels. Serious deterioration in air quality has been predicted unless a concerted effort is made to manage air quality on an airshed-wide basis. The GVRD is developing Canada's first Air Management Plan with the goal of halving atmospheric emissions by 2000. GVRD transportation priorities stress public transit, walking, cycling, car pooling, and reducing of travel demand; however, the viability of such strategies depends on decisions made outside the transportation sector. Restricted authority and jurisdiction also hinder GVRD goals; the regional level of government has no authority over highways or transit and only has authority for pollution control in some parts of the Fraser Valley. Airshed quality management, using the Los Angeles example, is seen as a possible direction for future GVRD policymaking in the transportation sector. A single regional planning agency with responsibility for transportation, land use, and air quality management appears as the best option for an integrated approach to solve multiple problems. 19 refs

  12. Dioxin in Danish air

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vikelsoe, J.; Andersen, H.V. [National Environmental Research Inst., Roskilde (Denmark)


    To gain more knowledge about dioxin levels, sources and emissions in Denmark, the Danish government year 2001 initiated the Danish Dioxin Monitoring Program. The program is a series of investigations, comprising soil, compost, percolate, bio-ash, incineration of municipal and hazardous waste, deposition, air, lake and fjord sediment as well as cows milk and human milk. The present paper describes the preliminary results for the continued investigation of air. Deposition of dioxin over land or sea is of major importance for the human exposure, which takes place mainly from food intake. The dioxin are emitted mainly to the atmosphere, therefore air measurements are well suited for tracking the transport and fate of dioxin from sources to exposure. Whereas measurements from chimneys has been frequently used to estimate the industrial emission from point sources such as incinerators, air measurements also include emission from diffuse sources such as larger urban or industrial regions, residential quarters, and from evaporation. Furthermore, emission measurements must be done on known sources, whereas air measurements include contribution from unknown source. The major drawbacks of air measurements are the long duration required (years), and the results depends on meteorological conditions, such as temperature, rainfall, wind speed and direction. The purpose of the present study has been to measure dioxins in Danish air, emphasizing - background concentrations and annual variation - difference between urban, rural and residential zones - influence from local sources and long range transport - connection between dioxin in air and deposition.

  13. Air Quality Facilities (United States)

    Iowa State University GIS Support and Research Facility — Facilities with operating permits for Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act, as well as facilities required to submit an air emissions inventory, and other facilities...

  14. The Air University Pantheon of Air, Space, and Cyberspace Power Thinkers (United States)


    Air Force would not have come as soon as it did. Learn more . . . • James J. Cooke, Billy Mitchell (Boulder, CO: L. Rienner, 2002). • Alfred F...Winter 1974): 18–25. • James Parton, “Air Force Spoken Here”: General Ira Eaker and the Command of the Air (Bethesda, MD: Adler and... Adler , 1986). 99 100 101 Dr. Theodore von Kármán (1881–1963) ♦ Father of supersonic flight ♦ Guggenheim Aeronautics Laboratory professor at the

  15. Our Nation's Air - annual air trends report, USA, EPA OAR OAQPS (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Annual air trends report in the form of an interactive web application. The report features a suite of visualization tools that allow the user to: -Learn about air...

  16. Air Pollution Training Programs. (United States)

    Public Health Service (DHEW), Rockville, MD.

    This catalog lists the universities, both supported and not supported by the Division of Air Pollution, which offer graduate programs in the field of air pollution. The catalog briefly describes the programs and their entrance requirements, the requirements, qualifications and terms of special fellowships offered by the Division of Air Pollution.…

  17. Compressed air energy storage system (United States)

    Ahrens, Frederick W.; Kartsounes, George T.


    An internal combustion reciprocating engine is operable as a compressor during slack demand periods utilizing excess power from a power grid to charge air into an air storage reservoir and as an expander during peak demand periods to feed power into the power grid utilizing air obtained from the air storage reservoir together with combustible fuel. Preferably the internal combustion reciprocating engine is operated at high pressure and a low pressure turbine and compressor are also employed for air compression and power generation.

  18. Determination and evaluation of air quality control. Manual of ambient air quality control in Germany

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lahmann, E.


    Measurement of air pollution emissions and ambient air quality are essential instruments for air quality control. By undertaking such measurements, pollutants are registered both at their place of origin and at the place where they may have an effect on people or the environment. Both types of measurement complement each other and are essential for the implementation of air quality legislation, particularly, in compliance with emission and ambient air quality limit values. Presented here are similar accounts of measurement principles and also contains as an Appendix a list of suitability-tested measuring devices which is based on information provided by the manufacturers. In addition, the guide of ambient air quality control contains further information on discontinuous measurement methods, on measurement planning and on the assessment of ambient air quality data. (orig./SR)

  19. Air quality in Europe - 2011 report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guerreiro, C.; Larssen, S. (Norsk Inst. for Luftforskning (NILU), Lillestroem (Norway)); Leeuw, F. de (RIVM, Bilthoven (Netherlands)); Foltescu, V. (EEA, Copenhagen (Denmark))


    The annual report 'Air quality in Europe' summarises the most recent evaluation of Europe's air quality status. It is mainly based on air quality measurement data that have been made available officially by 32 EEA member countries as well as 6 EEA cooperating countries. The report includes maps and analyses of air quality status over the calendar year 2009. It also analyses air quality trends over the past years. The evaluation of the status and trends of air quality is based on ambient air measurements, in conjunction with reported anthropogenic emissions. The report summarizes the main effects of different air pollutants on human health, the environment and the climate. An overview of policies and measures at European level is also given for each pollutant. This report reviews progress towards meeting the requirements of the two air quality directives in force as well as the air quality guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The report is produced in support of European and national policy development and implementation in the field of air quality. It also supports air quality management and informs the general public on the current status and trends of air quality in Europe. (Author)

  20. Advanced air distribution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Melikov, Arsen Krikor


    The aim of total volume air distribution (TVAD) involves achieving uniform temperature and velocity in the occupied zone and environment designed for an average occupant. The supply of large amounts of clean and cool air are needed to maintain temperature and pollution concentration at acceptable...... levels in the entire space, leading to increased energy consumption and the use of large and costly HVAC and duct systems. The performance of desk installed PV combined with background TVAD used for room temperature control has been studied in an office building located in a hot and humid climate....... Ventilation in hospitals is essential to decrease the risk of airborne cross-infection. At present, mixing air distribution at a minimum of 12 ach is used in infection wards. Advanced air distribution has the potential to aid in achieving healthy, comfortable and productive indoor environments at levels...

  1. Air conditioning system (United States)

    Lowenstein, Andrew; Miller, Jeffrey; Gruendeman, Peter; DaSilva, Michael


    An air conditioner comprises a plurality of plates arranged in a successively stacked configuration with portions thereof having a spaced apart arrangement, and defining between successive adjacent pairs of plates at the spaced apart portions a first and second series of discrete alternating passages wherein a first air stream is passed through the first series of passages and a second air stream is passed through the second series of passages; and said stacked configuration of plates forming integrally therewith a liquid delivery means for delivering from a source a sufficient quantity of a liquid to the inside surfaces of the first series of fluid passages in a manner which provides a continuous flow of the liquid from a first end to a second end of the plurality of plates while in contact with the first air stream.

  2. Natural Flow Air Cooled Photovoltaics (United States)

    Tanagnostopoulos, Y.; Themelis, P.


    Our experimental study aims to investigate the improvement in the electrical performance of a photovoltaic installation on buildings through cooling of the photovoltaic panels with natural air flow. Our experimental study aims to investigate the improvement in the electrical performance of a photovoltaic installation on buildings through cooling of the photovoltaic panels with natural air flow. We performed experiments using a prototype based on three silicon photovoltaic modules placed in series to simulate a typical sloping building roof with photovoltaic installation. In this system the air flows through a channel on the rear side of PV panels. The potential for increasing the heat exchange from the photovoltaic panel to the circulating air by the addition of a thin metal sheet (TMS) in the middle of air channel or metal fins (FIN) along the air duct was examined. The operation of the device was studied with the air duct closed tightly to avoid air circulation (CLOSED) and the air duct open (REF), with the thin metal sheet (TMS) and with metal fins (FIN). In each case the experiments were performed under sunlight and the operating parameters of the experimental device determining the electrical and thermal performance of the system were observed and recorded during a whole day and for several days. We collected the data and form PV panels from the comparative diagrams of the experimental results regarding the temperature of solar cells, the electrical efficiency of the installation, the temperature of the back wall of the air duct and the temperature difference in the entrance and exit of the air duct. The comparative results from the measurements determine the improvement in electrical performance of the photovoltaic cells because of the reduction of their temperature, which is achieved by the naturally circulating air.

  3. 49 CFR 570.57 - Air brake system and air-over-hydraulic brake subsystem. (United States)


    ... the drain cocks in the service and supply reservoir on the truck or truck-tractor. Note the pressure.... Close the drain cocks, and, with the trailer(s) uncoupled, check air pressure buildup at the... brakes fully applied. (b) Air brake system hoses, tubes and connections. Air system tubes, hoses and...

  4. Indoor Air Quality Manual. (United States)

    Baldwin Union Free School District, NY.

    This manual identifies ways to improve a school's indoor air quality (IAQ) and discusses practical actions that can be carried out by school staff in managing air quality. The manual includes discussions of the many sources contributing to school indoor air pollution and the preventive planning for each including renovation and repair work,…

  5. Air/Water Purification (United States)


    After 18 years of research into air/water pollution at Stennis Space Center, Dr. B. C. Wolverton formed his own company, Wolverton Environmental Services, Inc., to provide technology and consultation in air and water treatment. Common houseplants are used to absorb potentially harmful materials from bathrooms and kitchens. The plants are fertilized, air is purified, and wastewater is converted to clean water. More than 100 U.S. communities have adopted Wolverton's earlier water hyacinth and artificial marsh applications. Catfish farmers are currently evaluating the artificial marsh technology as a purification system.

  6. Air/liquid collectors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Søren Østergaard; Olesen, Ole; Kristiansen, Finn Harken


    this kind of collectors. The modified simulation program has been used for the determination of the surplus in performance which solar heating systems with this type of solar collectors for combined preheating of ventilation air and domestic hot water will have. The simulation program and the efficiency......This report determine efficiency equations for combined air/liquid solar collectors by measurements on to different air/liquid collectors. Equations which contain all relevant informations on the solar collectors. A simulation program (Kviksol) has been modified in order to be able to handle...

  7. Treatment of reverse osmosis (RO) concentrate by the combined Fe/Cu/air and Fenton process (1stFe/Cu/air-Fenton-2ndFe/Cu/air). (United States)

    Ren, Yi; Yuan, Yue; Lai, Bo; Zhou, Yuexi; Wang, Juling


    To decompose or transform the toxic and refractory reverse osmosis (RO) concentrate and improve the biodegradability, 1stFe/Cu/air-Fenton-2ndFe/Cu/air were developed to treat RO concentrate obtained from an amino acid production plant in northern China. First, their operating conditions were optimized thoroughly. Furthermore, 5 control experiments were setup to confirm the superiority of 1stFe/Cu/air-Fenton-2ndFe/Cu/air and synergistic reaction between Fe/Cu/air and Fenton. The results suggest that the developed method could obtain high COD removal (65.1%) and BOD5/COD ratio (0.26) due to the synergistic reaction between Fe/Cu/air and Fenton. Under the optimal conditions, the influent and effluent of 1stFe/Cu/air-Fenton-2ndFe/Cu/air and 5 control experiments were analyzed by using UV, FTIR, EEM and LC, which confirm the superiority of 1stFe/Cu/air-Fenton-2ndFe/Cu/air. Therefore, the developed method in this study is a promising process for treatment of RO concentrate. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Selection of Air Terminal Device

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Peter V.

    This paper discusses the selection of the air terminal device for the experiments and numerical prediction in the International Energy Agency Annex 20 work: Air Flow Pattern within Buildings,......This paper discusses the selection of the air terminal device for the experiments and numerical prediction in the International Energy Agency Annex 20 work: Air Flow Pattern within Buildings,...

  9. Innovative application of air ejector as a pump for continuous air monitors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dhanasekaran, A.; Ajoy, K.C.; Santhanam, R.; Rajagopal, V.; Jose, M.T.


    Workplace monitoring, one of the key components of the radiation protection program is generally carried out by means of instruments installed permanently in respective areas or through portable air sampling instruments. Continuous air monitor (CAM) is one such monitor that constantly monitors the radionuclide concentration in air and triggers alarm as and when the air concentration goes above the pre-set levels. Conventional CAM system has a filter head, detector, display unit and a pump as four major parts. Pump may be either rotary vane or a vibrating diaphragm which are electrically driven using motors. Air lift pumps using ejectors are widely used where pump reliability and low maintenance are required, and where corrosive, abrasive, or radioactive fluids are handled. Since ejectors are uncomplicated alternative to vacuum pumps, an attempt was made to use the same as a pump for conventional CAMs. An ejector based sampling set up was made, tested and the results are represented in this paper

  10. Mobile Air Monitoring: Measuring Change in Air Quality in the City of Hamilton, 2005-2010 (United States)

    Adams, Matthew D.; DeLuca, Patrick F.; Corr, Denis; Kanaroglou, Pavlos S.


    This paper examines the change in air pollutant concentrations between 2005 and 2010 occurring in the City of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. After analysis of stationary air pollutant concentration data, we analyze mobile air pollutant concentration data. Air pollutants included in the analysis are CO, PM[subscript 2.5], SO[subscript 2], NO,…

  11. Clean Air and Water

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    The air we breathe and the water we drink are both vital components of our health. Nevertheless, bacteria, pollutants, and other contaminates can alter life-giving air and water into health-threatening hazards. Learn about how scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention work to protect the public from air and water-related health risks.

  12. [Air quality control systems: heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC)]. (United States)

    Bellucci Sessa, R; Riccio, G


    After a brief illustration of the principal layout schemes of Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), the first part of this paper summarizes the standards, both voluntary and compulsory, regulating HVAC facilities design and installation with regard to the question of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). The paper then examines the problem of ventilation systems maintenance and the essential hygienistic requirements in whose absence HVAC facilities may become a risk factor for people working or living in the building. Lastly, the paper deals with HVAC design strategies and methods, which aim not only to satisfy comfort and air quality requirements, but also to ensure easy and effective maintenance procedures.

  13. 78 FR 53270 - Revision of Air Quality Implementation Plan; California; Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality... (United States)


    ... Quality Implementation Plan; California; Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District... to the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD or District) portion of the..., Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, Rule 214 (Federal New Source Review), Rule 203...



    Farida Crisnaningtyas; Hanny Vistanty


    Studi ini membahas mengenai pengolahan limbah cair industri farmasi dalam skala laboratorium dengan menggunakan konsep anaerob-kimia-fisika dan anaerob-aerob. Proses anaerob dilakukan dengan menggunakan reaktor Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed reactor (UASBr) pada kisaran OLR (Organic Loading Rate) 0,5 – 2 kg COD/m3hari, yang didahului dengan proses aklimatisasi menggunakan substrat gula. Proses anaerob mampu memberikan efisiensi penurunan COD hingga 74%. Keluaran dari proses anaerob diolah lebih ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kh. S. Karimov


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: In this paper life-cycle cost analysis of three biogas digesters is presented. Results show that the cost of biogas depends on the construction of digesters, sizes of methane tank and possibility of heating of the slurry. Biogas and natural gas costs calaculated are observed and found to be comparable. It is recommended that the biogas digesters can be constructed and installed, in principle, for every family and there is no need to built long gas pipe lines. ABSTRAK: Kertaskerja ini membentangkan analisis kos kitar hayat tiga pencerna biogas. Keputusan menunjukkan kos biogas bergantung kepada pembinaan pencerna, saiz tangki metana dan kemungkinan pemanasan buburan. Pengiraan kos biogas dan gas asli diambil kira dan ianya didapati setanding. Adalah disarankan pencerna biogas boleh dibina dan dipasang secara teorinya, bagi setiap keluarga tanpa memerlukan pembinaan paip gas yang panjang.

  16. Electric air filtration movie

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergman, W.; Jaeger, R.


    The use of electrostatics to improve the performance of conventional air filters has gained considerable attention in recent years. This interest is due to the higher efficiency and reduced pressure drop of electrically enhanced filters compared to conventional fibrous filters. This 30-minute movie presents a state of the art review of electric air filters in the United States with major illustrations provided by the research and development program at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory sponsored by the Department of Energy. The electric air filters described in this movie are mechanical air filters to which electrical forces have been added

  17. Investigating air quality and air-related complaints in the City of Tshwane, South Africa

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Wright, C


    Full Text Available To determine the impact of implemented air quality interventions beyond ambient air pollution reductions, indicators need to be identified and appropriate health data need to be routinely collected to track air-related health. Presently, the only...

  18. Compressed air noise reductions from using advanced air gun nozzles in research and development environments. (United States)

    Prieve, Kurt; Rice, Amanda; Raynor, Peter C


    The aims of this study were to evaluate sound levels produced by compressed air guns in research and development (R&D) environments, replace conventional air gun models with advanced noise-reducing air nozzles, and measure changes in sound levels to assess the effectiveness of the advanced nozzles as engineering controls for noise. Ten different R&D manufacturing areas that used compressed air guns were identified and included in the study. A-weighted sound level and Z-weighted octave band measurements were taken simultaneously using a single instrument. In each area, three sets of measurements, each lasting for 20 sec, were taken 1 m away and perpendicular to the air stream of the conventional air gun while a worker simulated typical air gun work use. Two different advanced noise-reducing air nozzles were then installed. Sound level and octave band data were collected for each of these nozzles using the same methods as for the original air guns. Both of the advanced nozzles provided sound level reductions of about 7 dBA, on average. The highest noise reductions measured were 17.2 dBA for one model and 17.7 dBA for the other. In two areas, the advanced nozzles yielded no sound level reduction, or they produced small increases in sound level. The octave band data showed strong similarities in sound level among all air gun nozzles within the 10-1,000 Hz frequency range. However, the advanced air nozzles generally had lower noise contributions in the 1,000-20,000 Hz range. The observed decreases at these higher frequencies caused the overall sound level reductions that were measured. Installing new advanced noise-reducing air nozzles can provide large sound level reductions in comparison to existing conventional nozzles, which has direct benefit for hearing conservation efforts.

  19. 22 CFR 228.22 - Air transportation. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Air transportation. 228.22 Section 228.22... for USAID Financing § 228.22 Air transportation. (a) The eligibility of air transportation is... U.S. flag air carriers for all international air travel and transportation, unless such service is...

  20. Agriculture: Agriculture and Air Quality (United States)

    Information on air emissions from agricultural practices, types of agricultural burning, air programs that may apply to agriculture, reporting requirements, and links to state and other federal air-quality information.

  1. Filtered air plastic chamber as an experimental facility to prove visible damage of crops due to air pollution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsuoka, Y; Yoda, H; Omichi, S; Shiratori, K


    An experimental filtered air chamber was constructed to prove the visible damage of crops due to air pollution. The chamber was provided with another room into which non-filtered ambient air was introduced. The purified air was prepared by filtering ambient air with activated carbon. The average content of air pollutants in the purified air chamber was less than 10 to 20% of the ozone and 20% of the sulfur oxides in the ambient air. However, cultivated vegetables such as tobacco and spinach, which are susceptible to oxidant, showed no visible damage in the filtered air chamber, and showed the same damage in the nonfiltered air chamber as was seen in fields at the same time.

  2. Air void structure and frost resistance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasholt, Marianne Tange


    ). This observation is interesting as the parameter of total surface area of air voids normally is not included in air void analysis. The following reason for the finding is suggested: In the air voids conditions are favourable for ice nucleation. When a capillary pore is connected to an air void, ice formation...... on that capillary pores are connected to air voids. The chance that a capillary pore is connected to an air void depends on the total surface area of air voids in the system, not the spacing factor.......This article compiles results from 4 independent laboratory studies. In each study, the same type of concrete is tested at least 10 times, the air void structure being the only variable. For each concrete mix both air void analysis of the hardened concrete and a salt frost scaling test...

  3. Air pollution - health and management

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klug, W; Runca, E; Suess, M J [eds.


    The proceedings of a joint workshop of the World Health Organization and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis are presented. The workshop was to review the interaction between man's industrial and urban activities and the environment, and the relationship between ambient air quality and human health, and to examine the effectiveness of proper management on the control and abatement of air pollution. The discussion topics included atmospheric processes and respective modelling, air pollution impact on human health, effects of air pollutants on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, air pollution episode cycles and management of control. A selected list of 11ASA and WHO/EURO publications related to air pollution is included. Separate abstracts were prepared for 15 papers in this book.

  4. Prototype Pompa Air Portable Tenaga Surya


    Taufik, Mohammad


    Makalah ini menyajikan purwarupa pompa air portable tenaga surya. Sistem pompa air portable terdiri atas pompa air, panel surya, solar charge controller, battery, solar frame, tiang, dan box. Sistem dapat dirangkai, sehingga bersifat portable. Pompa air portable ini berguna untuk kolam, irigasi, dan penyediaan air bersih. Hasil optimasi memberikan spesifikasi pompa air berdaya 50 Watt dan tegangan 12 VDC, solar panel berdaya 50 Wp, battery berkapasitas 50 Ah dan tegangan 12 VDC, da...

  5. Emission Facilities - Air Emission Plants (United States)

    NSGIC Education | GIS Inventory — Represents the Primary Facility type Air Emission Plant (AEP) point features. Air Emissions Plant is a DEP primary facility type related to the Air Quality Program....

  6. Clean air in the Anthropocene. (United States)

    Lelieveld, Jos


    In atmospheric chemistry, interactions between air pollution, the biosphere and human health, often through reaction mixtures from both natural and anthropogenic sources, are of growing interest. Massive pollution emissions in the Anthropocene have transformed atmospheric composition to the extent that biogeochemical cycles, air quality and climate have changed globally and partly profoundly. It is estimated that mortality attributable to outdoor air pollution amounts to 4.33 million individuals per year, associated with 123 million years of life lost. Worldwide, air pollution is the major environmental risk factor to human health, and strict air quality standards have the potential to strongly reduce morbidity and mortality. Preserving clean air should be considered a human right, and is fundamental to many sustainable development goals of the United Nations, such as good health, climate action, sustainable cities, clean energy, and protecting life on land and in the water. It would be appropriate to adopt "clean air" as a sustainable development goal.

  7. Air quality and passenger comfort in an air-conditioned bus micro-environment. (United States)

    Zhu, Xiaoxuan; Lei, Li; Wang, Xingshen; Zhang, Yinghui


    In this study, passenger comfort and the air pollution status of the micro-environmental conditions in an air-conditioned bus were investigated through questionnaires, field measurements, and a numerical simulation. As a subjective analysis, passengers' perceptions of indoor environmental quality and comfort levels were determined from questionnaires. As an objective analysis, a numerical simulation was conducted using a discrete phase model to determine the diffusion and distribution of pollutants, including particulate matter with a diameter air quality and dissatisfactory thermal comfort conditions in Jinan's air-conditioned bus system. To solve these problems, three scenarios (schemes A, B, C) were designed to alter the ventilation parameters. According to the results of an improved simulation of these scenarios, reducing or adding air outputs would shorten the time taken to reach steady-state conditions and weaken the airflow or lower the temperature in the cabin. The airflow pathway was closely related to the layout of the air conditioning. Scheme B lowered the temperature by 0.4 K and reduced the airflow by 0.01 m/s, while scheme C reduced the volume concentration of PM 10 to 150 μg/m 3 . Changing the air supply angle could further improve the airflow and reduce the concentration of PM 10 . With regard to the perception of airflow and thermal comfort, the scheme with an airflow provided by a 60° nozzle was considered better, and the concentration of PM 10 was reduced to 130 μg/m 3 .

  8. 78 FR 10589 - Revision of Air Quality Implementation Plan; California; Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality... (United States)


    ... Quality Implementation Plan; California; Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District... Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD or District) portion of the California State... sources within the areas covered by the plan as necessary to assure that the National Ambient Air Quality...

  9. Ambient Air Quality Data Inventory (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Office of Air and Radiation's (OAR) Ambient Air Quality Data (Current) contains ambient air pollution data collected by EPA, other federal agencies, as well as...

  10. Multifunction Lidar for Air Data and Kinetic Air Hazard Measurement, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Ophir proposes to develop a multifunction, low-cost lidar capable of accurately measuring kinetic air hazards, and air data, simultaneously. The innovation is...

  11. 75 FR 65572 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; Ohio Ambient Air Quality... (United States)


    ... Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; Ohio Ambient Air Quality Standards AGENCY... Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) relating to the consolidation of Ohio's Ambient Air Quality Standards... apply to Ohio's SIP. Incorporating the air quality standards into Ohio's SIP helps assure that...

  12. Degradasi Zat Warna Pada Limbah Cair Industri Tekstil Dengan Metode Fotokatalitik Menggunakan Nanokomposit Tio2 – Zeolit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Naimah


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian degradasi zat warna pada limbah cair industri tekstil menggunakan metode fotokatalitik dengan penambahan nanokomposit TiO2 - zeolit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas kemampuan nanokomposit dalam mendegradasi zat warna serta parameter-parameter yang ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 tentang pengelolaan kualitas air dan pengendalian pencemaran air. Zeolit alam diaktivasi terlebih dahulu sebelum dikompositkan dengan TiO2. Perbandingan TiO2 : zeolit yang digunakan pada pembuatan nanokomposit adalah 100:0, 20:80, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40, dan 0:100. Percobaan pendahuluan dilakukan dengan menggunakan limbah cair tekstil buatan yang dibuat dari pewarna Synolon yellow S- G6LS (untuk warna kuning dan B/Blue R 150% special (untuk warna biru, sedangkan limbah cair industri tekstil diambil dari salah satu industri di Bogor. Waktu degradasi zat warna dilakukan dalam reaktor fotokatalitik selama 180 menit. Pada perbandingan TiO2 : zeolit 40:60 didapatkan degradasi zat warna tekstil buatan berwarna kuning maksimal adalah 99,9 % dan zat warna tekstil buatan berwarna biru maksimal 99,8%. Analisis warna menggunakan spektrofotometer dan HPLC. Nanokomposit TiO2 : zeolit 40 : 60 merupakan perbandingan optimal sehingga digunakan pada uji coba limbah cair industri tekstil. Degradasi maksimal warna kuning dengan pengolahan fotokatalitik yang ditambahkan nanokomposit pada limbah cair industri tekstil sebesar 98,4%, sedangkan untuk parameter uji zat organik, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD, dan lemak/minyak diperoleh nilai di bawah baku mutu yang dipersyaratkan. 

  13. Study of containment air cooler capacity in steam air environment during accident conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kansal, M.; Mohan, N.; Bhawal, R.N.; Bajaj, S.S.


    Full text: The air coolers are provided for controlling the temperature in the reactor building during normal operation. These air coolers also serve as the main heat sink for the removal of energy from high enthalpy air-steam mixture expected in reactor building under accident conditions. A subroutine COOLER has been developed to estimate the heat removal rate of the air coolers at high temperature and steam conditions. The subroutine COOLER has been attached with the code PACSR (post accident containment system response) used for containment pressure temperature calculation. The subroutine was validated using design parameters at normal operating condition. A study was done to estimate the heat removal rate for some postulated accident conditions. The study reveals that, under accident conditions, the heat removal rate of air coolers increases several times compared with normal operating conditions

  14. Comparison between Different Air Distribution Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Peter V.

    The aim of an air conditioning system is to remove excess heat in a room and replace room air with fresh air to obtain a high air quality. It is not sufficient to remove heat and contaminated air, it is also necessary to distribute and control the air movement in the room to create thermal comfort...... in the occupied zone. Most air distribution systems are based on mixing ventilation with ceiling or wall-mounted diffusers or on displacement ventilation with wall-mounted low velocity diffusers. New principles for room air distribution were introduced during the last decades, as the textile terminals mounted...... in the ceiling and radial diffusers with swirling flow also mounted in the ceiling. This paper addresses five air distribution systems in all, namely mixing ventilation from a wallmounted terminal, mixing ventilation from a ceiling-mounted diffuser, mixing ventilation from a ceiling-mounted diffuser...

  15. Process and apparatus for decontaminating air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reynolds, W.D.


    An apparatus for irradiating a contaminated air stream emanating from contaminated sources which contain mixtures of one or more volatile toxic and hazardous organic solvents or petroleum product vapors with ultraviolet wave energy below 200 nm is described comprising: a first means for passing the contaminated air stream via a tube into an enclosed empty air flow duct to allow free flow of said contaminated air stream; a second means for introducing a secondary fresh air stream into an inlet of said first means to dilute and maintain the contaminated air stream at a predetermined concentration level; a means for measuring a flow rate of said contaminated air stream; said air duct containing at least a first and second residence chambers separated by a wall divider; said divider containing at least one opening in which is mounted at least one centrally located ultraviolet wave energy source extending into said air stream to allow said contaminated air stream to pass around and in close contact with said wave energy source, wherein said contaminated air stream is irradiated by said wave energy source; an analyzer means for conducting on-line real time analysis of said diluted contaminated air stream in said first residence chamber, said analyzer means being capable of analyzing any residual contaminated mixtures in an effluent air stream from said second residence chamber; whereby said ultraviolet wave energy source functions to generate oxygen atom free radicals, other free radicals, ions, and ozone to react with the contaminated air strewn to produce unwanted acid gases, and wherein said effluent air stream containing the unwanted acid gases, being passed from said second residence chamber, can be disposed of in any manner known to the art

  16. New calculation method for thermodynamic properties of humid air in humid air turbine cycle – The general model and solutions for saturated humid air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Zidong; Chen, Hanping; Weng, Shilie


    The article proposes a new calculation method for thermodynamic properties (i.e. specific enthalpy, specific entropy and specific volume) of humid air in humid air turbine cycle. The research pressure range is from 0.1 MPa to 5 MPa. The fundamental behaviors of dry air and water vapor in saturated humid air are explored in depth. The new model proposes and verifies the relationship between total gas mixture pressure and gas component pressures. This provides a good explanation of the fundamental behaviors of gas components in gas mixture from a new perspective. Another discovery is that the water vapor component pressure of saturated humid air equals P S , always smaller than its partial pressure (f·P S ) which was believed in the past researches. In the new model, “Local Gas Constant” describes the interaction between similar molecules. “Improvement Factor” is proposed for the first time by this article, and it quantitatively describes the magnitude of interaction between dissimilar molecules. They are combined to fully describe the real thermodynamic properties of humid air. The average error of Revised Dalton's Method is within 0.1% compared to experimentally-based data. - Highlights: • Our new model is suitable to calculate thermodynamic properties of humid air in HAT cycle. • Fundamental behaviors of dry air and water vapor in saturated humid air are explored in depth. • Local-Gas-Constant describes existing alone component and Improvement Factor describes interaction between different components. • The new model proposes and verifies the relationship between total gas mixture pressure and component pressures. • It solves saturated humid air thoroughly and deviates from experimental data less than 0.1%

  17. The user's influence on air change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kvisgaard, B.; Collet, P.F.


    Of the various parameters deciding the air change in a building, the influence of wind and the stack effect have in particular been focused on. Concurrently, with the increase in quality of buildings and the tightening of existing buildings, the influence of the climatic parameters is reduced, and other parameters gain a greater influence on the air change. One of the parameters having a great influence on the air change in tight buildings are the users. The air change rate is greatly influenced by the users not only in naturally ventilated buildings, but also in mechanically ventilated buildings. On the basis of continuous measurement of the air change in 28 dwellings, the proportion between the total air change (air change in house with occupants) and the basic air change (air change in a sealed house) is discussed. The air change in each of the dwellings has been measured for a period of about one week during occupancy. The measuring principle applied is the method with constant concentration of tracer gas

  18. Impacts of Lowered Urban Air Temperatures on Precursor Emission and Ozone Air Quality. (United States)

    Taha, Haider; Konopacki, Steven; Akbari, Hashem


    Meteorological, photochemical, building-energy, and power plant simulations were performed to assess the possible precursor emission and ozone air quality impacts of decreased air temperatures that could result from implementing the "cool communities" concept in California's South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB). Two pathways are considered. In the direct pathway, a reduction in cooling energy use translates into reduced demand for generation capacity and, thus, reduced precursor emissions from electric utility power plants. In the indirect pathway, reduced air temperatures can slow the atmospheric production of ozone as well as precursor emission from anthropogenic and biogenic sources. The simulations suggest small impacts on emissions following implementation of cool communities in the SoCAB. In summer, for example, there can be reductions of up to 3% in NO x emissions from in-basin power plants. The photochemical simulations suggest that the air quality impacts of these direct emission reductions are small. However, the indirect atmospheric effects of cool communities can be significant. For example, ozone peak concentrations can decrease by up to 11% in summer and population-weighted exceedance exposure to ozone above the California and National Ambient Air Quality Standards can decrease by up to 11 and 17%, respectively. The modeling suggests that if these strategies are combined with others, such as mobile-source emission control, the improvements in ozone air quality can be substantial.

  19. Relationships between air swallowing, intragastric air, belching and gastro-oesophageal reflux

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bredenoord, AJ; Weusten, BLAM; Timmer, R; Akkermans, LMA; Smout, AJPM

    Background: With each swallow a certain amount of air is transported to the stomach. The stomach protects itself against excessive distention by swallowed air through belching (gas reflux). The mechanism of belching (transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation) is also one of the mechanisms

  20. Relationships between air swallowing, intragastric air, belching and gastro-oesophageal reflux

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bredenoord, A. J.; Weusten, B. L. A. M.; Timmer, R.; Akkermans, L. M. A.; Smout, A. J. P. M.


    BACKGROUND: With each swallow a certain amount of air is transported to the stomach. The stomach protects itself against excessive distention by swallowed air through belching (gas reflux). The mechanism of belching (transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation) is also one of the mechanisms

  1. Control Technologies for Room Air-conditioner and Packaged Air-conditioner (United States)

    Ito, Nobuhisa

    Trends of control technologies about air-conditioning machineries, especially room or packaged air conditioners, are presented in this paper. Multiple air conditioning systems for office buildings are mainly described as one application of the refrigeration cycle control technologies including sensors for thermal comfort and heating/ cooling loads are also described as one of the system control technologies. Inverter systems and related technologies for driving variable speed compressors are described in both case of including induction motors and brushless DC motors. Technologies for more accurate control to meet various kind of regulations such as ozone layer destruction, energy saving and global warming, and for eliminating harmonic distortion of power source current, as a typical EMC problem, will be urgently desired.

  2. 77 FR 12524 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana; Lead Ambient Air Quality... (United States)


    ... Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana; Lead Ambient Air Quality Standards AGENCY... Indiana State Implementation Plan (SIP) for lead (Pb) under the Clean Air Act (CAA). This submittal incorporates the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Pb promulgated by EPA in 2008. DATES...

  3. 75 FR 65594 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; Ohio Ambient Air Quality... (United States)


    ... Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; Ohio Ambient Air Quality Standards AGENCY... the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) relating to the consolidation of Ohio's Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS) into Ohio's State Implementation Plan (SIP) under the Clean Air Act. On April 8, 2009, and...

  4. 76 FR 72097 - Air Quality Designations for the 2008 Lead (Pb) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (United States)


    ... Air Quality Designations for the 2008 Lead (Pb) National Ambient Air Quality Standards AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This rule establishes air quality designations for most areas in the United States for the 2008 lead (Pb) National Ambient Air Quality Standards...

  5. Pure air-plasma bullets propagating inside microcapillaries and in ambient air

    KAUST Repository

    Lacoste, Deanna; Bourdon, Anne; Kuribara, Koichi; Urabe, Keiichiro; Stauss, Sven; Terashima, Kazuo


    This paper reports on the characterization of air-plasma bullets in microcapillary tubes and in ambient air, obtained without the use of inert or noble gases. The bullets were produced by nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges, applied in a dielectric barrier discharge configuration. The anode was a tungsten wire with a diameter of 50 μm, centered in the microcapillary, while the cathode was a silver ring, fixed on the outer surface of the fused silica tube. The effects of the applied voltage and the inner diameter of the microcapillary tube on the plasma behavior were investigated. Inside the tubes, while the topology of the bullets seems to be strongly dependent on the diameter, their velocity is only a function of the amplitude of the applied voltage. In ambient air, the propagation of air bullets with a velocity of about 1.25 ×105 m s-1 is observed.

  6. Pure air-plasma bullets propagating inside microcapillaries and in ambient air

    KAUST Repository

    Lacoste, Deanna


    This paper reports on the characterization of air-plasma bullets in microcapillary tubes and in ambient air, obtained without the use of inert or noble gases. The bullets were produced by nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges, applied in a dielectric barrier discharge configuration. The anode was a tungsten wire with a diameter of 50 μm, centered in the microcapillary, while the cathode was a silver ring, fixed on the outer surface of the fused silica tube. The effects of the applied voltage and the inner diameter of the microcapillary tube on the plasma behavior were investigated. Inside the tubes, while the topology of the bullets seems to be strongly dependent on the diameter, their velocity is only a function of the amplitude of the applied voltage. In ambient air, the propagation of air bullets with a velocity of about 1.25 ×105 m s-1 is observed.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soemargono Soemargono


    Full Text Available Kalsium karbonat  yang  digunakan  dalam  industri- industri cat, karet, dan  kertas  harus  mempunyai  mutu yang  tinggi, terutama  kemurnian  dan kehalusannya.Untuk itu, Indonesia masih  mendatangkan  kalsium  karbonat murni dari luar negeri dalam jumlah yang cukup besar. Bittern merupakan bahan buangan industri garam yang disebut juga air tua, mengandung senyawa kalsium. Karbon dioksida biasanya berasal dari hasil pembakaran yang masuk ke udara. Kandungannya di udara kecil, tetapi berpotensi sebagai pencemar. Dengan mereaksikan kalsium yang terkandung dalam bittern dengan gas CO2 akan terbentuk CaCO3 dalam suasana basa. Pembentukan kalsium karbonat dilakukan dengan proses kontinyu dalam reaktor kolom bersekat miring. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pengendapan magnesium dengan larutan ammonia menyebabkan kandungan kalsium ikut terdegradasi. Hasil terbaik yang diperoleh dicapai pada kondisi pH awal, kecepatan alir gas CO2, kecepatan alir cairan, dan suhu masing-masing pada 8,7; 2265 mL/menit; 10 mL/menit; dan 303 K, dengan konversi sebesar 38,40%. Produk berupa CaCO3, yang diperoleh mempunyai kemurnian sebesar 21,34%.

  8. Air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions - 'Namea-Air' - February 2017

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baude, Manuel


    For the first time, the SOeS (Monitoring and Statistics Directorate of France's Ministry of the Environment) is publishing air pollutant emissions accounts in the National Accounting Matrix Including Environmental Accounts (NAMEA) format for the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 to 2014. Namea-Air is an inventory format breaking down emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutants into 64 branches of economic activity and identifying a 'direct household emissions' category. (author)

  9. Compressed Air Production Using Vehicle Suspension


    Ninad Arun Malpure; Sanket Nandlal Bhansali


    Abstract Generally compressed air is produced using different types of air compressors which consumes lot of electric energy and is noisy. In this paper an innovative idea is put forth for production of compressed air using movement of vehicle suspension which normal is wasted. The conversion of the force energy into the compressed air is carried out by the mechanism which consists of the vehicle suspension system hydraulic cylinder Non-return valve air compressor and air receiver. We are co...

  10. Dynamic Performance of a Residential Air-to-Air Heat Pump. (United States)

    Kelly, George E.; Bean, John

    This publication is a study of the dynamic performance of a 5-ton air-to-air heat pump in a residence in Washington, D.C. The effect of part-load operation on the heat pump's cooling and heating coefficients of performance was determined. Discrepancies between measured performance and manufacturer-supplied performance data were found when the unit…

  11. Indoor air pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spengler, J.D.


    Although official efforts to control air pollution have traditionally focused on outdoor air, it is now apparent that elevated contaminant concentrations are common inside some private and public buildings. Concerns about potential public health problems due to indoor air pollution are based on evidence that urban residents typically spend more than 90 percent of their time indoors, concentrations of some contaminants are higher indoors than outdoors, and for some pollutants personal exposures are not characterized adequately by outdoor measurements. Among the more important indoor contaminants associated with health or irritation effects are passive tobacco smoke, radon decay products, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, asbestos fibers, microorganisms and aeroallergens. Efforts to assess health risks associated with indoor air pollution are limited by insufficient information about the number of people exposed, the pattern and severity of exposures, and the health consequences of exposures. An overall strategy should be developed to investigate indoor exposures, health effects, control options, and public policy alternatives

  12. Indoor air quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hollowell, C.D.


    Rising energy prices, among other factors, have generated an incentive to reduce ventilation rates and thereby reduce the cost of heating and cooling buildings. Reduced ventilation in buildings may significantly increase exposure to indoor air pollution and perhaps have adverse effects on occupant health and comfort. Preliminary findings suggest that reduced ventilation may adversely affect indoor air quality unless appropriate control strategies are undertaken. The strategies used to control indoor air pollution depend on the specific pollutant or class of pollutants encountered, and differ somewhat depending on whether the application is to an existing building or a new building under design and construction. Whenever possible, the first course of action is prevention or reduction of pollutant emissions at the source. In most buildings, control measures involve a combination of prevention, removal, and suppression. Common sources of indoor air pollution in buildings, the specific pollutants emitted by each source, the potential health effects, and possible control techniques are discussed

  13. 78 FR 19990 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; Ohio Ambient Air Quality... (United States)


    ... Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; Ohio Ambient Air Quality Standards; Correction AGENCY... approved revisions to Ohio regulations that consolidated air quality standards in a new chapter of rules... State's air quality standards into Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3745-25 and modifying an assortment of...

  14. 77 FR 12482 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana; Lead Ambient Air Quality... (United States)


    ... Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana; Lead Ambient Air Quality Standards AGENCY... incorporates the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Pb promulgated by EPA in 2008. DATES: This... FR 66964) and codified at 40 CFR 50.16, ``National primary and secondary ambient air quality...

  15. Application of ground-to-air heat exchanger for preheating of supply air (United States)

    Sorokins, Juris; Borodinecs, Anatolijs; Zemitis, Jurgis


    This study focuses on assessing the contribution of the passive ground-coupled air heat exchanger system to decreasing the energy consumption of air conditioning and ventilation systems for office buildings in the Latvian climate conditions. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with methods of office building ventilation, supply air preheating and heat recovery as well as particularities of using ground-coupled air heat exchangers, their design parameters and their joint impact on the thermal performance. The engineering project part includes a ventilation system for an office building with an integrated ground-coupled air heat exchanger. By simulating energy consumption of the ventilation system for a duration of one year, the thesis analyzes the contribution of the heat exchanger to the overall energy consumption, which totals 9.53 MWh and 4.02 MWh a year, according to the desired parameters of the indoor climate. The possible alternative heat recovery solutions are investigated to reach by European Regional Development Fund project Nr. “NEARLY ZERO ENERGY SOLUTIONS FOR UNCLASSIFIED BUILDINGS”.

  16. Air Quality Guide for Ozone (United States)

    GO! Local Air Quality Conditions Zip Code: State : My Current Location Air Quality Guide for Ozone Ground-level ozone is one of our nation’s most common air pollutants. Use the chart below to help reduce ...

  17. Lean in Air Permitting Guide (United States)

    The Lean in Air Permitting Guide is designed to help air program managers at public agencies better understand the potential value and results that can be achieved by applying Lean improvement methods to air permitting processes.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K.A. Sudjatmi


    Full Text Available Bentuk elemen bakar reaktor TRIGA Bandung adalah silinder padat yang merupakan campuran homogen paduan uranium dan zirkonium hidrida. Pada saat reaktor beroperasi, suhu elemen bakar akan bertambah, akibatnya akan menaikan tekanan gas-gas yang ada di dalam kelongsong elemen bakar. Tekanan gas yang timbul dalam kelongsong elemen bakar merupakan penjumlahan tiga komponen tekanan yaitu tekanan akibat udara yang terperangkap antara kelongsong dengan bahan bakar, tekanan oleh gas hasil fisi yang terbentuk dari elemen bakar dan tekanan yang berasal dari pemisahan hidrogen dari paduan zirkonium hidrida. Gas hasil fisi yang terbentuk oleh bahan bakar sebanding dengan besarnya fraksi bakar oleh setiap elemen bakar dalam teras reaktor. Semakin besar fraksi bakar elemen bakar, semakin besar gas gas hasil fisi yang dihasilkannya, akibatnya semakin besar tekanan di dalam kelongsong yang disebabkan oleh gas gas hasil fisi tersebut. Perhitungan jumlah gas-gas hasil fisi dalam kelongsong yang merupakan fungsi dari nilai bakar dilakukan dengan menggunakan program ORIGEN-2. Program ORIGEN-2 adalah kode komputer yang banyak digunakan untuk menghitung hasil fisi, peluruhan dan pengolahan bahan radioaktif. Tampang lintang, presentase timbulnya hasil fisi, data peluruhan, dan data lainnya yang diperlukan disediakan dalam pustaka data selama eksekusi program. Dari hasil perhitungan dapat disimpulkan bahwa tekanan gas yang diakibatkan oleh gas hasil fisi adalah 4,13 10-3 psi dan tekanan gas yang diakibatkan udara yang terjebak di dalam kelongsong adalah 56,6 psi, yang mengakibatkan tegangan pada kelongsong sebesar 2080 psi dan nilai ini jauh lebih kecil dari setengah tegangan luluh bahan kelongsong sebesar 12.000 psi pada temperatur 750 oC atau sekitar 40.000 psi pada temperatur 138 oC. Akhirnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa dilihat dari sisi nilai bakar, maka elemen bakar layak digunakan sampai mencapai nilai bakar maksimum. Kata kunci : TRIGA, nilai bakar, elemen bakar

  19. A directional passive air sampler for monitoring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tao, S.; Liu, Y.N.; Lang, C.; Wang, W.T.; Yuan, H.S.; Zhang, D.Y.; Qiu, W.X.; Liu, J.M.; Liu, Z.G.; Liu, S.Z.; Yi, R.; Ji, M.; Liu, X.X.


    A passive air sampler was developed for collecting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air mass from various directions. The airflow velocity within the sampler was assessed for its responses to ambient wind speed and direction. The sampler was examined for trapped particles, evaluated quantitatively for influence of airflow velocity and temperature on PAH uptake, examined for PAH uptake kinetics, calibrated against active sampling, and finally tested in the field. The airflow volume passing the sampler was linearly proportional to ambient wind speed and sensitive to wind direction. The uptake rate for an individual PAH was a function of airflow velocity, temperature and the octanol-air partitioning coefficient of the PAH. For all PAHs with more than two rings, the passive sampler operated in a linear uptake phase for three weeks. Different PAH concentrations were obtained in air masses from different directions in the field test. - A novel directional passive air sampler was developed and tested for monitoring PAHs in air masses from different directions

  20. Air Quality Assessment Using Interpolation Technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Awkash Kumar


    Full Text Available Air pollution is increasing rapidly in almost all cities around the world due to increase in population. Mumbai city in India is one of the mega cities where air quality is deteriorating at a very rapid rate. Air quality monitoring stations have been installed in the city to regulate air pollution control strategies to reduce the air pollution level. In this paper, air quality assessment has been carried out over the sample region using interpolation techniques. The technique Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW of Geographical Information System (GIS has been used to perform interpolation with the help of concentration data on air quality at three locations of Mumbai for the year 2008. The classification was done for the spatial and temporal variation in air quality levels for Mumbai region. The seasonal and annual variations of air quality levels for SO2, NOx and SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter have been focused in this study. Results show that SPM concentration always exceeded the permissible limit of National Ambient Air Quality Standard. Also, seasonal trends of pollutant SPM was low in monsoon due rain fall. The finding of this study will help to formulate control strategies for rational management of air pollution and can be used for many other regions.

  1. Joakim Helenius: Estonian Air võtku eeskuju airBalticust / Siim Sultson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sultson, Siim


    Estonian Airi ühe võimaliku nõukogu esimehe Jaokim Heleniuse hinnangul on väikeste lennufirmade, nagu Estonian Air ja airBaltic jaoks päris palju tegutsemisruumi. Estonian Airil tuleb leida oma nišš ja kindel, kuid omanäoline strateegia

  2. The impact of draught related to air velocity, air temperature and workload. (United States)

    Griefahn, B; Künemund, C; Gehring, U


    This experimental study was designed to test the hypotheses that the effects of draught increase with higher air velocity, with lower air temperature, and with lower workload. Thirty healthy young males were exposed to horizontal draught during 55 min while they operated an arm ergometer in a standing posture. Air velocity, air temperature, and workload were varied in 3 steps each, between 11 and 23 degrees C, 0.1 and 0.3 m/s, and 104 to 156 W/m2, respectively. The 27 combinations were distributed over subjects in a fractional factorial 3(3)-design. The participants were clothed for thermal neutrality. Workload was measured at the end of the sessions by respirometry. Draught-induced annoyance was determined every 5 min, separately for 10 body sites. Corresponding skin temperature was also recorded. The hypotheses were verified for the influence of air velocity and air temperature. Regarding workload, local heat production is probably decisive, meaning that draft-induced local annoyance is inversely related to workload in active but independent from workload in non-active body areas. To improve the situation for the workers concerned it is suggested to apply protective gloves that cover an as great area of the forearms as possible and to limit airflows to mean velocities of less than 0.2 m/s (with turbulence intensities of 50%).

  3. Perceived indoor air quality and its relationship to air pollutants in French dwellings. (United States)

    Langer, S; Ramalho, O; Le Ponner, E; Derbez, M; Kirchner, S; Mandin, C


    Perception of indoor air quality (PIAQ) was evaluated in a nationwide survey of 567 French dwellings, and this survey was combined with measurements of gaseous and particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ) indoor air pollutants and indoor climate parameters. The perception was assessed on a nine-grade scale by both the occupants of the dwellings and the inspectors who performed the measurements. The occupants perceived the air quality in their homes as more pleasant than the inspectors. The inspectors perceived the air quality as more unpleasant in dwellings in which the residents smoked indoors. Significant associations between PIAQ and indoor air pollutant concentrations were observed for both the inspectors and, to a lesser extent, the occupants. Introducing confounding parameters, such as building and personal characteristics, into a multivariate model suppressed most of the observed bivariate correlations and identified the tenure status of the occupants and their occupation as the parameters that most influenced their PIAQ. For the inspectors, perceived air quality was affected by the presence of smokers, the season, the type of ventilation, retrofitting, and the concentrations of acetaldehyde and acrolein. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. 77 FR 53779 - Reports by Air Carriers on Incidents Involving Animals During Air Transport (United States)


    ... Involving Animals During Air Transport AGENCY: Office of the Secretary (OST), Department of Transportation... period of an NPRM on the reporting of incidents involving animals during air transport that was published... animal during air transport. The NPRM proposed to: (1) Expand the reporting requirement to U.S. carriers...

  5. Air Warfare (United States)


    genus as its predecessor of pre-war days. It would, however, be erroneous to conclude from this that the military value of each new development was...the paucity of communications, its conduct, when acting alone, has of necessity to be somewhat stereotyped in nature, and to con- form to a pre...the air, the attack commander, provided his command be equipped with defensive air power, has a rôle to perform which is simple and stereotyped in

  6. Forced Air-Breathing PEMFC Stacks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. S. Dhathathreyan


    Full Text Available Air-breathing fuel cells have a great potential as power sources for various electronic devices. They differ from conventional fuel cells in which the cells take up oxygen from ambient air by active or passive methods. The air flow occurs through the channels due to concentration and temperature gradient between the cell and the ambient conditions. However developing a stack is very difficult as the individual cell performance may not be uniform. In order to make such a system more realistic, an open-cathode forced air-breathing stacks were developed by making appropriate channel dimensions for the air flow for uniform performance in a stack. At CFCT-ARCI (Centre for Fuel Cell Technology-ARC International we have developed forced air-breathing fuel cell stacks with varying capacity ranging from 50 watts to 1500 watts. The performance of the stack was analysed based on the air flow, humidity, stability, and so forth, The major advantage of the system is the reduced number of bipolar plates and thereby reduction in volume and weight. However, the thermal management is a challenge due to the non-availability of sufficient air flow to remove the heat from the system during continuous operation. These results will be discussed in this paper.

  7. Air ions and aerosol science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tammet, H.


    Collaboration between Gas Discharge and Plasma Physics, Atmospheric Electricity, and Aerosol Science is a factor of success in the research of air ions. The concept of air ion as of any carrier of electrical current through the air is inherent to Atmospheric Electricity under which a considerable statistical information about the air ion mobility spectrum is collected. A new model of air ion size-mobility correlation has been developed proceeding from Aerosol Science and joining the methods of neighboring research fields. The predicted temperature variation of the mobility disagrees with the commonly used Langevin rule for the reduction of air ion mobilities to the standard conditions. Concurrent errors are too big to be neglected in applications. The critical diameter distinguishing cluster ions and charged aerosol particles has been estimated to be 1.4 endash 1.8 nm. copyright 1996 American Institute of Physics

  8. Air-breathing behavior and physiological responses to hypoxia and air exposure in the air-breathing loricariid fish, Pterygoplichthys anisitsi. (United States)

    da Cruz, André Luis; da Silva, Hugo Ribeiro; Lundstedt, Lícia Maria; Schwantes, Arno Rudi; Moraes, Gilberto; Klein, Wilfried; Fernandes, Marisa Narciso


    Hypoxic water and episodic air exposure are potentially life-threatening conditions that fish in tropical regions can face during the dry season. This study investigated the air-breathing behavior, oxygen consumption, and respiratory responses of the air-breathing (AB) armored catfish Pterygoplichthys anisitsi. The hematological parameters and oxygen-binding characteristics of whole blood and stripped hemoglobin and the intermediate metabolism of selected tissue in normoxia, different hypoxic conditions, and after air exposure were also examined. In normoxia, this species exhibited high activity at night and AB behavior (2-5 AB h(-1)). The exposure to acute severe hypoxia elicited the AB behavior (4 AB h(-1)) during the day. Under progressive hypoxia without access to the water surface, the fish were oxyregulators with a critical O2 tension, calculated as the inspired water O2 pressure, as 47 ± 2 mmHg. At water O2 tensions lower than 40 mmHg, the fish exhibited continuous apnea behavior. The blood exhibited high capacity for transporting O2, having a cathodic hemoglobin component with a high Hb-O2 affinity. Under severe hypoxia, the fish used anaerobic metabolism to maintain metabolic rate. Air exposure revealed physiological and biochemical traits similar to those observed under normoxic conditions.

  9. Strategy Guideline: Compact Air Distribution Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burdick, A.


    This Strategy Guideline discusses the benefits and challenges of using a compact air distribution system to handle the reduced loads and reduced air volume needed to condition the space within an energy efficient home. Traditional systems sized by 'rule of thumb' (i.e., 1 ton of cooling per 400 ft2 of floor space) that 'wash' the exterior walls with conditioned air from floor registers cannot provide appropriate air mixing and moisture removal in low-load homes. A compact air distribution system locates the HVAC equipment centrally with shorter ducts run to interior walls, and ceiling supply outlets throw the air toward the exterior walls along the ceiling plane; alternatively, high sidewall supply outlets throw the air toward the exterior walls. Potential drawbacks include resistance from installing contractors or code officials who are unfamiliar with compact air distribution systems, as well as a lack of availability of low-cost high sidewall or ceiling supply outlets to meet the low air volumes with good throw characteristics. The decision criteria for a compact air distribution system must be determined early in the whole-house design process, considering both supply and return air design. However, careful installation of a compact air distribution system can result in lower material costs from smaller equipment, shorter duct runs, and fewer outlets; increased installation efficiencies, including ease of fitting the system into conditioned space; lower loads on a better balanced HVAC system, and overall improved energy efficiency of the home.

  10. Air Risk Information Support Center

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shoaf, C.R.; Guth, D.J. [Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC (United States)


    The Air Risk Information Support Center (Air RISC) was initiated in early 1988 by the US Environmental Protection Agency`s (EPA) Office of Health and Environmental Assessment (OHEA) and the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) as a technology transfer effort that would focus on providing information to state and local environmental agencies and to EPA Regional Offices in the areas of health, risk, and exposure assessment for toxic air pollutants. Technical information is fostered and disseminated by Air RISCs three primary activities: (1) a {open_quotes}hotline{close_quotes}, (2) quick turn-around technical assistance projects, and (3) general technical guidance projects. 1 ref., 2 figs.

  11. Air Quality Management Process Cycle (United States)

    Air quality management are activities a regulatory authority undertakes to protect human health and the environment from the harmful effects of air pollution. The process of managing air quality can be illustrated as a cycle of inter-related elements.

  12. Plate heat exchangers in air conditioning applications. Development of air-coolers, air-heaters and air-conditioning units with low pressure loss. Plattenwaermetauscher in raumlufttechnischen Anlagen. Entwicklung stroemungsoptimierter Luftkuehler, Lufterhitzer und Klimageraete

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bach, H; Diemer, R; Eisenmann, G; Goettling, D; Madjidi, M


    To prepare the development of a water to air plate heat exchanger the state of the art, i.e. the technological knowhow and the design basis are given. The concept and ideas are presented which lead to a slightly wavy plate. Furthermore an exemplary design of a plate heat exchanger and an air-conditioning unit is described and finally the application of plate heat exchangers as direct evaporators and the potential icing problems are investigated. Comparing measured and calculated data shows that the performance of plates with plane surfaces can be predicted fairly well by the presented design methods. The performance of plates with strongly wavy surface however has to be measured. Optimization calculations yield to an air gap of slightly over 4 mm. Comparison with an air-conditioning unit demonstrates that the strongest advantage is for the air cooler (one third of the pressure loss) that a new concept of an air-conditioning unit has lower losses in the fan unit and that it does not need an eliminator. This results in half the volume for the new unit, in a pressure drop of 88%, fan power of 90% and fan revolutions of 50%. (orig./GL).

  13. Compressed Air Production Using Vehicle Suspension

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ninad Arun Malpure


    Full Text Available Abstract Generally compressed air is produced using different types of air compressors which consumes lot of electric energy and is noisy. In this paper an innovative idea is put forth for production of compressed air using movement of vehicle suspension which normal is wasted. The conversion of the force energy into the compressed air is carried out by the mechanism which consists of the vehicle suspension system hydraulic cylinder Non-return valve air compressor and air receiver. We are collecting air in the cylinder and store this energy into the tank by simply driving the vehicle. This method is non-conventional as no fuel input is required and is least polluting.

  14. A Long-Life Lithium-Air Battery in Ambient Air with a Polymer Electrolyte Containing a Redox Mediator. (United States)

    Guo, Ziyang; Li, Chao; Liu, Jingyuan; Wang, Yonggang; Xia, Yongyao


    Lithium-air batteries when operated in ambient air generally exhibit poor reversibility and cyclability, because of the Li passivation and Li 2 O 2 /LiOH/Li 2 CO 3 accumulation in the air electrode. Herein, we present a Li-air battery supported by a polymer electrolyte containing 0.05 m LiI, in which the polymer electrolyte efficiently alleviates the Li passivation induced by attacking air. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that I - /I 2 conversion in polymer electrolyte acts as a redox mediator that facilitates electrochemical decomposition of the discharge products during recharge process. As a result, the Li-air battery can be stably cycled 400 times in ambient air (relative humidity of 15 %), which is much better than previous reports. The achievement offers a hope to develop the Li-air battery that can be operated in ambient air. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Ventilating Air-Conditioner (United States)

    Dinh, Khanh


    Air-conditioner provides ventilation designed to be used alone or incorporated into cooling or heating system operates efficiently only by recirculating stale air within building. Energy needed to operate overall ventilating cooling or heating system slightly greater than operating nonventilating cooling or heating system. Helps to preserve energy efficiency while satisfying need for increased forced ventilation to prevent accumulation of undesired gases like radon and formaldehyde. Provides fresh treated air to variety of confined spaces: hospital surgeries, laboratories, clean rooms, and printing shops and other places where solvents used. In mobile homes and portable classrooms, eliminates irritant chemicals exuded by carpets, panels, and other materials, ensuring healthy indoor environment for occupants.

  16. Infrequent air contamination with Acinetobacter baumannii of air surrounding known colonized or infected patients. (United States)

    Rock, Clare; Harris, Anthony D; Johnson, J Kristie; Bischoff, Werner E; Thom, Kerri A


    Using a validated air sampling method we found Acinetobacter baumannii in the air surrounding only 1 of 12 patients known to be colonized or infected with A. baumannii. Patients' closed-circuit ventilator status, frequent air exchanges in patient rooms, and short sampling time may have contributed to this low burden.

  17. Air quality compliance improvements through operational management of air resources (OMAR)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goddard, W.B.; Goddard, C.B.


    Geothermal well fields and power plants require operational and emergency atmospheric venting. Venting activities are monitored for compliance with regulations which limit air pollutant emissions and Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS). Continuous compliance monitoring data which includes hydrogen sulfide (H2S) levels and meteorological conditions is only available moths after being compiled. In this paper an automated computerized system called OMAR is described in the following which checks data and allows users access to real-time and near real-time data reports. The data can then be used for managing necessary venting or other real-time data needs. The OMAR system hardware and software is descried and is in use at The Geysers and at the Coso KGRA geothermal developments in California. The system has been designed to assist developers, engineers, scientists, and the local air districts in their goal of maintaining ambient air quality within Federal, State and Local standards

  18. Operational air sampling report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyons, C.L.


    Nevada Test Site vertical shaft and tunnel events generate beta/gamma fission products. The REECo air sampling program is designed to measure these radionuclides at various facilities supporting these events. The current testing moratorium and closure of the Decontamination Facility has decreased the scope of the program significantly. Of the 118 air samples collected in the only active tunnel complex, only one showed any airborne fission products. Tritiated water vapor concentrations were very similar to previously reported levels. The 206 air samples collected at the Area-6 decontamination bays and laundry were again well below any Derived Air Concentration calculation standard. Laboratory analyses of these samples were negative for any airborne fission products

  19. Ozone - Current Air Quality Index (United States)

    GO! Local Air Quality Conditions Zip Code: State : My Current Location Current AQI Forecast AQI Loop More Maps AQI: Good (0 - 50) ... resources for Hawaii residents and visitors more announcements Air Quality Basics Air Quality Index | Ozone | Particle Pollution | Smoke ...

  20. Rural southeast Texas air quality measurements during the 2006 Texas Air Quality Study. (United States)

    Schade, Gunnar W; Khan, Siraj; Park, Changhyoun; Boedeker, Ian


    The authors conducted air quality measurements of the criteria pollutants carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and ozone together with meteorological measurements at a park site southeast of College Station, TX, during the 2006 Texas Air Quality Study II (TexAQS). Ozone, a primary focus of the measurements, was above 80 ppb during 3 days and above 75 ppb during additional 8 days in summer 2006, suggestive of possible violations of the ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) in this area. In concordance with other air quality measurements during the TexAQS II, elevated ozone mixing ratios coincided with northerly flows during days after cold front passages. Ozone background during these days was as high as 80 ppb, whereas southerly air flows generally provided for an ozone background lower than 40 ppb. Back trajectory analysis shows that local ozone mixing ratios can also be strongly affected by the Houston urban pollution plume, leading to late afternoon ozone increases of as high as 50 ppb above background under favorable transport conditions. The trajectory analysis also shows that ozone background increases steadily the longer a southern air mass resides over Texas after entering from the Gulf of Mexico. In light of these and other TexAQS findings, it appears that ozone air quality is affected throughout east Texas by both long-range and regional ozone transport, and that improvements therefore will require at least a regionally oriented instead of the current locally oriented ozone precursor reduction policies.

  1. Air compliance through pollution prevention at Air Force Materiel Command facilities.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kolpa, R.; Ryckman, S.J. Jr.; Smith, A.E.


    Options for air compliance through pollution prevention (P2) have been identified at 14 facilities of the US Air Force Materiel Command, ranging from depots with significant light industrial activity to laboratories. Previous P2 efforts concentrated on reducing hazardous and solid wastes, with any reduction in air impacts generally being a collateral benefit. This work focused on reducing air emissions and air compliance vulnerabilities. P2 options were identified in three stages. First, potentially applicable P2 options were identified from Internet and published information. Attention was given to identifying the types of sources to which an option could be applied, the option's state of development, and constraints that could limit its application. Traditional P2 options involving technology or equipment changes and material substitution were considered. In addition, newer approaches based on administrative ''controls'' were considered. These included inserting P2 into operating permits in exchange for administrative relief, privatization, derating boilers, and reducing an installation's potential to emit and compliance vulnerability by separating sources not under the Air Force's ''common control.'' Next, criteria and toxic emissions inventories by source category were prepared from inventory data supplied by facilities. The major problems at this stage were differences in the levels of detail provided by facilities and in the categories used by different installations. Emitting categories were matched to P2 option categories to identify candidate options. Candidates were screened to account for local regulations and technical information about sources in the inventories. When possible, emission reductions were estimated to help facility personnel prioritize options. Some options identified are being actively pursued by facilities to determine their site-specific feasibility. Although much work has been

  2. Evaluation of AirGIS: a GIS-based air pollution and human exposure modelling system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ketzel, Matthias; Berkowicz, Ruwim; Hvidberg, Martin


    This study describes in brief the latest extensions of the Danish Geographic Information System (GIS)-based air pollution and human exposure modelling system (AirGIS), which has been developed in Denmark since 2001 and gives results of an evaluation with measured air pollution data. The system...... shows, in general, a good performance for both long-term averages (annual and monthly averages), short-term averages (hourly and daily) as well as when reproducing spatial variation in air pollution concentrations. Some shortcomings and future perspectives of the system are discussed too....

  3. The Assessment of Air Pollutant Concentrations and Air Quality Index in Shiraz during 2011-2013

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monireh Majlesi Nasr


    Full Text Available Background: Exposure to air pollutants can cause many problems, including the health effects in humans and animals. The aim of this study was to assay the air quality in the Shiraz city during 2011-2013. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, the air pollutant data during the study period were taken from Air Quality Co. for two main stations i.e. Darvazeh Kazeroun and Imam Hossein and then were analysed to determine air quality index. Results: The maximum (0.018 ppm and minimum (0.015 ppm annual concentration of SO2 were determined in 2011 and 2013, respectively. The maximum NO2 concentration was measured in summer 2011 with a value of 0.025 ppm. Regarding ozone, the highest average concentration was measured in the summer season of 2013 with the concentration of 0.068 ppm. In terms of air quality, the worst situation was experienced in 2011, which about 31 percent of the days have been marked as unhealthy, but during the last years of the study, the air quality get better. Conclusion: In general, the results of the study showed that SO2 concentration has been decreased during recent years due to strengthen of air pollution regulation but NO2 concentration was increased because the number of gas fuel automobile was also increased. With regard to air quality, it has an improving trend during the study period.

  4. Impacts of Changes of Indoor Air Pressure and Air Exchange Rate in Vapor Intrusion Scenarios. (United States)

    Shen, Rui; Suuberg, Eric M


    There has, in recent years, been increasing interest in understanding the transport processes of relevance in vapor intrusion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into buildings on contaminated sites. These studies have included fate and transport modeling. Most such models have simplified the prediction of indoor air contaminant vapor concentrations by employing a steady state assumption, which often results in difficulties in reconciling these results with field measurements. This paper focuses on two major factors that may be subject to significant transients in vapor intrusion situations, including the indoor air pressure and the air exchange rate in the subject building. A three-dimensional finite element model was employed with consideration of daily and seasonal variations in these factors. From the results, the variations of indoor air pressure and air exchange rate are seen to contribute to significant variations in indoor air contaminant vapor concentrations. Depending upon the assumptions regarding the variations in these parameters, the results are only sometimes consistent with the reports of several orders of magnitude in indoor air concentration variations from field studies. The results point to the need to examine more carefully the interplay of these factors in order to quantitatively understand the variations in potential indoor air exposures.

  5. Air quality indices : a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hewings, J.


    Pollution Probe presents some background information that will help in the development of a national Air Quality Index (AQI) in Canada. This report examines the issues that should be addressed in revising the national Index of the Quality of Air (IQUA) or creating a new national Air Quality Index. The IQUA was devised in 1976 and provides Canadians with real-time information on the state of community air quality by including major pollutants and their synergies. It is currently being used for air quality management plans and air quality alert systems. At the same time that the IQUA was devised, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) produced a parallel air quality index known as the Pollution Standard Index (PSI) which incorporated 5 criteria pollutants (particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and ground level ozone) for which national health-based standards were devised. In 1999, the US EPA renamed their index the Air Quality Index (AQI) and made revisions to the primary health-based national ambient air quality standards for ground-level ozone and particulate matter. Separate values for PM2.5 and PM10 were incorporated and mandatory reporting was required for metropolitan areas with populations of 350,000 or more. Similarly, the IQUA has undergone major developments that affect the validity of the index, including: rejection by the Working Group on Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines of the previous maximum desirable and maximum acceptable air quality criteria, recognition that standards for many of the contaminants are outdated, developing more sensitive instrumentation for real-time monitoring of contaminants. This report also describes the use of the national short term Air Quality Index by provincial, territorial and local authorities in Canada. Pollution Probe recommends setting up a mechanism to review and revise IQUA on a regular basis that would incorporate governments, the medical profession, special

  6. Analisis Rugi-Rugi Panas pada Tangki Penyimpan Panas dalam Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Matahari

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghalya Pikra


    Full Text Available Analysis of heat loss on heat storage tank in solar power generation system is intended to determine the heat loss value during storage. Selection of insulation material, insulation thickness, time of storage and heat storage fluid affects the heat losses. The research was initiated by determining the dimension of the tank and its insulation material, and determining the heat storage time in the tank. Fluid and operating temperature is determined to get the fluid specification to be used as data analysis. The analysis begins with the calculation of storage capacities, followed by making of thermal nets to get the thermal resistance equation which is then used to calculate the heat loss in the tank. The result shows that the heat storage tank with 0.4 m diameter and 0.45 m height and uses ceramic fiber wool insulation with 0.1m thickness gives the value of heat loss of 63.43 W. 

  7. Air-Inflated Fabric Structures

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Cavallaro, Paul V; Sadegh, Ali M


    .... Examples include air ships, weather balloons, inflatable antennas and radomes, temporary shelters, pneumatic muscles and actuators, inflatable boats, temporary bridging, and energy absorbers such as automotive air bags...

  8. Air Quality System (AQS) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Air Quality System (AQS) database contains measurements of air pollutant concentrations from throughout the United States and its territories. The measurements...

  9. Air to air fixed plate enthalpy heat exchanger, performance variation and energy analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nasif, Mohammad Shakir [Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Bandar Seri Iskandar (Malaysia); Alwaked, Rafat [Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al Khobar (Saudi Arabia); Behnia, Masud [University of Sydney, Sydney (Australia); Morrison, Graham [The University of New South Wales, Sydney (Australia)


    The thermal performance of a Z shape enthalpy heat exchanger utilising 70 gsm Kraft paper as the heat and moisture transfer surface has been investigated. Effects of different inlet air humidity ratio conditions on the heat exchanger effectiveness and on the energy recovered by the heat exchanger have been the main focus of this investigation. A typical air conditioning cooling coil which incorporates an enthalpy heat exchanger has been modelled for tropical climate. Under test conditions, results have shown that latent effectiveness and the moisture resistance coefficient have strong dependency on the inlet air humidity ratio. Moreover, the latent effectiveness has been found to be strongly dependent on the moisture resistance coefficient rather than the convective mass transfer coefficient. Finally, annual energy analysis for Singapore weather conditions have also shown that energy recovered under variable inlet air conditions is 15% less than that recovered under constant inlet air conditions for the same heat exchanger.

  10. Air Pollution in Museum Buildings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ryhl-Svendsen, Morten


    This paper reviews the main air pollutants relevant for preservation of cultural heritage objects. Air pollutants may originate from outdoor or indoor sources. Indoor sources include the emission of corrosive vapors from construction materials used for museum display settings. Air pollution may...

  11. Human preference for air movement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toftum, Jørn; Melikov, Arsen Krikor; Tynel, A.


    Human preference for air movement was studied at slightly cool, neutral, and slightly warm overall thermal sensations and at temperatures ranging from 18 deg.C to 28 deg.C. Air movement preference depended on both thermal sensation and temperature, but large inter-individual differences existed...... between subjects. Preference for less air movement was linearly correlated with draught discomfort, but the percentage of subjects who felt draught was lower than the percentage who preferred less air movement....

  12. Radioactive material air transportation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pader y Terry, Claudio Cosme


    As function of the high aggregated value, safety regulations and the useful life time, the air transportation has been used more regularly because is fast, reliable, and by giving great security to the cargo. Based on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the IATA (International Air Transportation Association) has reproduced in his dangerous goods manual (Dangerous Goods Regulations - DGR IATA), the regulation for the radioactive material air transportation. Those documents support this presentation

  13. Improving and monitoring air quality. (United States)

    DuPont, André


    Since the authorization of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the air quality in the USA has significantly improved because of strong public support. The lessons learned over the last 25 years are being shared with the policy analysts, technical professionals, and scientist who endeavor to improve air quality in their communities. This paper will review how the USA has achieved the "high" standard of air quality that was envisioned in the early 1990s. This document will describe SO 2 gas emission reduction technology and highlight operation of emission monitoring technology. This paper describes the basic process operation of an air pollution control scrubber. A technical review of measures required to operate and maintain a large-scale pollution control system will be described. Also, the author explains how quality assurance procedures in performance of continuous emission monitoring plays a significant role in reducing air pollution.

  14. Civil Air Patrol Proposed Agreements With the Air Force Are Intended to Address Identified Problems

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    The Air Force and Civil Air Patrol relationship is usually cooperative. The Air Force includes the Patrol in its internal budget process to determine what the Patrol needs and how much money will be available to support the Patrol...

  15. Protective air lock

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, H.W.


    A device suitable for preventing escape and subsequent circulation of toxic gases is described. An enclosure is sealed by a surrounding air lock, and an automatic mechanism partially evacuates the enclosure and air lock. The enclosure ventilating mechanism can be disconnected so that a relatively undisturbed atmosphere is created in the enclosure

  16. Air distribution system with the discharge action in the working cavity of downhole air hammer drills (United States)

    Timonin, VV; Alekseev, SE; Kokoulin, DI; Kubanychbek, B.


    It is proposed to carry out pre-mine methane drainage using underground degassing holes made by downhole air hammer drills. The features of downhole air drills are described. The downhole air drill layout with the simple-shape striking part is presented with its pluses and minuses. The researchers point at available options to eliminate the shortcomings. The improved layout of the downhole air hammer drill is suggested. The paper ends with the test data on the prototype air hammer drill, its characteristics and trial drilling results.

  17. Air brake-dynamometer accurately measures torque (United States)


    Air brake-dynamometer assembly combines the principles of the air turbine and the air pump to apply braking torque. The assembly absorbs and measures power outputs of rotating machinery over a wide range of shaft speeds. It can also be used as an air turbine.

  18. Air traffic control activity increases attention capacity in air traffic controllers. (United States)

    Ribas, Valdenilson Ribeiro; Martins, Hugo André de Lima; Amorim, Gutemberg Guerra; Ribas, Renata de Melo Guerra; de Almeida, Cláudia Ângela Vilela; Ribas, Valéria Ribeiro; de Vasconcelos, Carlos Augusto Carvalho; Lima, Murilo Duarte Costa; Sougey, Everton Botelho; de Castro, Raul Manhães


    Air traffic controllers simultaneously develop complex and multiple tasks in the course of their activities. In this context, concern is raised over the high level of attention needed by these professionals which can ultimately be affected by stress and fatigue. The objective of this study was to assess attention level in air traffic controllers (ATCo). 45 flight protection professionals were evaluated, comprising 30 ATCo, subdivided into ATCo with ten or more years in the profession (ATCo≥10, n=15) and ATCo with less than ten years in the profession (ATCo air traffic control activity after ten years may be associated with a high level of attention.

  19. AIR for Javascript Developers Pocket Guide

    CERN Document Server

    Chambers, Mike; Hoyt, Kevin; Georgita, Dragos


    This book is the official guide to Adobe ® AIR[TM], written by members of the AIR team. With Adobe AIR, web developers can use technologies like HTML and JavaScript to build and deploy web applications to the desktop. Packed with examples, this book explains how AIR works and features recipes for performing common runtime tasks. Part of the Adobe Developer Library, this concise pocket guide explains: What Adobe AIR is, and the problems this runtime aims to solveHow to set up your development environmentThe HTML and JavaScript environments within AIRHow to create your first AIR application

  20. Compressed Air/Vacuum Transportation Techniques (United States)

    Guha, Shyamal


    General theory of compressed air/vacuum transportation will be presented. In this transportation, a vehicle (such as an automobile or a rail car) is powered either by compressed air or by air at near vacuum pressure. Four version of such transportation is feasible. In all versions, a ``c-shaped'' plastic or ceramic pipe lies buried a few inches under the ground surface. This pipe carries compressed air or air at near vacuum pressure. In type I transportation, a vehicle draws compressed air (or vacuum) from this buried pipe. Using turbine or reciprocating air cylinder, mechanical power is generated from compressed air (or from vacuum). This mechanical power transferred to the wheels of an automobile (or a rail car) drives the vehicle. In type II-IV transportation techniques, a horizontal force is generated inside the plastic (or ceramic) pipe. A set of vertical and horizontal steel bars is used to transmit this force to the automobile on the road (or to a rail car on rail track). The proposed transportation system has following merits: virtually accident free; highly energy efficient; pollution free and it will not contribute to carbon dioxide emission. Some developmental work on this transportation will be needed before it can be used by the traveling public. The entire transportation system could be computer controlled.

  1. Air quality management in Botswana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Modupe O. Akinola


    Full Text Available This paper examines air pollution situation and the history of air quality management in Botswana. The current air quality management in Botswana is still largely underpinned by the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act of 1971, supplemented by the more recently enacted legislations such as the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA Act of 2010 and the Ambient Air Quality - Limits for Common Pollutants of 2012 published by the Botswana Bureau of Standards. Though commendable efforts have been made toward legislating against air and other forms of pollution, these have not yielded expected results in view of the prevailing levels of air pollutants like sulphur dioxide and fine particulate matters in the country’s atmospheric environment. Legislation as a sole measure may not be effective in tackling this challenge. Rather, government should also address some root-causes of the problem by making policies and programmes that will reduce unemployment and increase the earning capacity of citizenry. This will, among other things, effectively check poverty-induced biomass burning in the country. The paper looks at some other challenges of air pollution management and suggestions are made to tackle the identified problems.


    Bradshaw, R.L.; Thomas, J.W.


    The monitor is designed to minimize undesirable background buildup. It consists of an elongated column containing peripheral electrodes in a central portion of the column, and conduits directing an axial flow of radioactively contaminated air through the center of the column and pure air through the annular portion of the column about the electrodes. (AEC)

  3. Air Pollution Primer. (United States)

    National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association, New York, NY.

    As the dangers of polluted air to the health and welfare of all individuals became increasingly evident and as the complexity of the causes made responsibility for solutions even more difficult to fix, the National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association felt obligated to give greater emphasis to its clean air program. To this end they…

  4. The training of the staff for work with radioactive materials and work on nuclear reactor in the Institute; Obuka kadrova za rukovanje radioizotopima i pogon nuklearnih reaktora u Institutu 'Boris Kidric' - Vinca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milosevic, M; Mladjenovic, O; Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Yugoslavia)


    A short informational review of the activities in the 'Boris Kidric' Institute on the training courses for the use of radioactive materials and for operating nuclear reactors including power reactors. The survey of the courses is given in the enclosures. (author) Kratak informativni pregled delatnosti u IBK na kursevima za obuku kadrova u rukovanju readioaktivnim materijalima i pogonu nuklearnih reaktora, ukljucujuci reaktore snage. pregled kurseva i materijala za njih dati su u prilozima. (author)

  5. Inspection and repair of nuclear components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lahner, K.; Poetz, F.


    Despite careful design, manufacturing and operation, some of the important safety-relevant components show deterioration with time. Because of activation and contamination of these components, their inspection and repair has to be performed with manipulators. Some sophisticated manipulators are described, built by ABB Reaktor and used for inspection, maintenance and repair of PWR steam generators, fuel alignment pins, core baffle former bolts and reactor pressure vessel head penetrations. (Z.S.) 7 figs

  6. 77 FR 73320 - Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans; California; South Coast Air Quality Management... (United States)


    ... Quality Implementation Plans; California; South Coast Air Quality Management District; Prevention of... Implementation Plan (SIP) revision for the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD or District... in a August 15, 2012 letter from the South Coast Air Quality Management District regarding specific...

  7. Indoor air pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qureshi, I.H.


    Indoor air pollution is a potential risk to human health. Prolonged exposure to indoor pollutants may cause various infectious, allergic and other diseases. Indoor pollutants can emanate from a broad array of internal and external sources. Internal sources include building and furnishing materials, consumer and commercial products, office equipment, micro-organisms, pesticides and human occupants activities. External sources include soil, water supplies and outside makeup air. The main indoor air pollutants of concern are inorganic gases, formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds, pesticides, radon and its daughters, particulates and microbes. The magnitude of human exposure to indoor pollutants can be estimated or predicted with the help of mathematical models which have been developed using the data from source emission testing and field monitoring of pollutants. In order to minimize human exposure to indoor pollutants, many countries have formulated guidelines / standards for the maximum permissible levels of main pollutants. Acceptable indoor air quality can be achieved by controlling indoor pollution sources and by effective ventilation system for removal of indoor pollutants. (author)

  8. Bad traffic, bad air


    Duca, Edward


    Air pollution is one of Malta’s greatest concerns. Transportation is the principal source with over 300,000 vehicles belching out smoke, which damages our environment and health. Emissions from vehicles need to be monitored and controlled, and the information used to improve the current system and ensure an acceptable air quality. By using the pollution data set, Nicolette Formosa (supervised by Dr Kenneth Scerri) mapped the air pollution levels and major sources around Malta. http://www....

  9. Clean Air and Water

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    The air we breathe and the water we drink are both vital components of our health. Nevertheless, bacteria, pollutants, and other contaminates can alter life-giving air and water into health-threatening hazards. Learn about how scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention work to protect the public from air and water-related health risks.  Created: 4/10/2007 by CDC National Center for Environmental Health.   Date Released: 4/13/2007.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmet Soysal


    Full Text Available The existance of hazardious materials including biological, chemical, and physical agents such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, radon, volotile organic compounds, microorganisms in houses and the other non-industrilized buildings have been defined as “indoor air pollution”. Indoor air pollutants could possible arised from inside or outside environment and categorized into six subgroups. Almost 80% Turkish population have living in the urban areas and people in the cities have spending approximetely 90% of their time in the closed enviroments, health problems could increased due to indoor air pollution. Moreover, currently there is no specific regulation on this area. [TAF Prev Med Bull 2007; 6(3.000: 221-226


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmet Soysal


    Full Text Available The existance of hazardious materials including biological, chemical, and physical agents such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, radon, volotile organic compounds, microorganisms in houses and the other non-industrilized buildings have been defined as “indoor air pollution”. Indoor air pollutants could possible arised from inside or outside environment and categorized into six subgroups. Almost 80% Turkish population have living in the urban areas and people in the cities have spending approximetely 90% of their time in the closed enviroments, health problems could increased due to indoor air pollution. Moreover, currently there is no specific regulation on this area. [TAF Prev Med Bull. 2007; 6(3: 221-226

  12. Air Quality and Climate Change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colette, A.; Rouil, L.; Bessagnet, B.; Schucht, S.; Szopa, S.; Vautard, R.; Menut, L.


    Climate change and air quality are closely related: through the policy measures implemented to mitigate these major environmental threats but also through the geophysical processes that drive them. We designed, developed and implemented a comprehensive regional air quality and climate modeling System to investigate future air quality in Europe taking into account the combined pressure of future climate change and long range transport. Using the prospective scenarios of the last generation of pathways for both climate change (emissions of well mixed greenhouse gases) and air pollutants, we can provide a quantitative view into the possible future air quality in Europe. We find that ozone pollution will decrease substantially under the most stringent scenario but the efforts of the air quality legislation will be adversely compensated by the penalty of global warming and long range transport for the business as usual scenario. For particulate matter, the projected reduction of emissions efficiently reduces exposure levels. (authors)

  13. Control of the outlet air temperature in an air handling unit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brath, P.; Rasmussen, Henrik; Hägglund, T.


    This paper discuss modeling and control of the inlet temperature in an Air Handling Unit, AHU. The model is based on step response experiments made at a full scale test plant. We use gain scheduling to lower the correlation of the air flow with the process dynamic which simplify the control task...

  14. 32 CFR 989.30 - Air quality. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Air quality. 989.30 Section 989.30 National... ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS PROCESS (EIAP) § 989.30 Air quality. Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act..., Air Quality Compliance. 10 10 See footnote 1 to § 989.1. ...

  15. Monitoring the levels of toxic air pollutants in the ambient air of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The ambient air quality in Freetown, Sierra Leone was investigated for the first time for toxic air pollutants. ..... 215 Switzerland), in a water bath at temperature of 55°C and pressure of ..... scraps. Furthermore, the prolonged use of generators.

  16. Methane flux across the air-water interface - Air velocity effects (United States)

    Sebacher, D. I.; Harriss, R. C.; Bartlett, K. B.


    Methane loss to the atmosphere from flooded wetlands is influenced by the degree of supersaturation and wind stress at the water surface. Measurements in freshwater ponds in the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge, Florida, demonstrated that for the combined variability of CH4 concentrations in surface water and air velocity over the water surface, CH4 flux varied from 0.01 to 1.22 g/sq m/day. The liquid exchange coefficient for a two-layer model of the gas-liquid interface was calculated as 1.7 cm/h for CH4 at air velocity of zero and as 1.1 + 1.2 v to the 1.96th power cm/h for air velocities from 1.4 to 3.5 m/s and water temperatures of 20 C.

  17. SpaceX Dragon Air Circulation System (United States)

    Hernandez, Brenda; Piatrovich, Siarhei; Prina, Mauro


    The Dragon capsule is a reusable vehicle being developed by Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) that will provide commercial cargo transportation to the International Space Station (ISS). Dragon is designed to be a habitable module while it is berthed to ISS. As such, the Dragon Environmental Control System (ECS) consists of pressure control and pressure equalization, air sampling, fire detection, illumination, and an air circulation system. The air circulation system prevents pockets of stagnant air in Dragon that can be hazardous to the ISS crew. In addition, through the inter-module duct, the air circulation system provides fresh air from ISS into Dragon. To utilize the maximum volume of Dragon for cargo packaging, the Dragon ECS air circulation system is designed around cargo rack optimization. At the same time, the air circulation system is designed to meet the National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) inter-module and intra-module ventilation requirements and acoustic requirements. A flight like configuration of the Dragon capsule including the air circulation system was recently assembled for testing to assess the design for inter-module and intra-module ventilation and acoustics. The testing included the Dragon capsule, and flight configuration in the pressure section with cargo racks, lockers, all of the air circulation components, and acoustic treatment. The air circulation test was also used to verify the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of the Dragon capsule. The CFD model included the same Dragon internal geometry that was assembled for the test. This paper will describe the Dragon air circulation system design which has been verified by testing the system and with CFD analysis.

  18. Air quality indicators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clench-Aas, Jocelyn; Guerreiro, Cristina; Bartonova, Alena


    This report proposes and describes in detail several air quality indicators that may be used to describe population exposure. The suggested indicators account for temporal and spatial patterns of pollution and movements of individuals between different micro-environments. The Air Quality Indicator /AQI) should represent both the spatial and temporal aspects of pollution exposure that may have important effects on health. Two indicators are needed, the Population Air Quality Indicator and the Individual Air Quality Indicator. Mean concentrations, 98th percentile and maximum values are the traditional indicators for estimating exposure. the temporal variability of PM-10 and NO 2 , however, is here described by means of: 1) The rate of change of pollution as the difference between two consecutive hourly values and of 2) episodes, described in terms of number, duration and winter episode period, maximum concentration in the episode and integrated episode exposure (episode AOT50/100). The spatial variation of AQIs can be described in several ways, e.g.: 1) Concentrations in neighbouring grid squares can be compared as an indication of spatial variation and 2) point estimates can be compared to grid values for a description of variation within a grid. Both methods are presented here. A test of the representativity of static point estimates for pollution exposure is to compare them to an estimate of air pollution exposure accounting for movements between different locations, obtained using diaries. The ultimate aim of AQIs is to describe the population exposure to ambient pollution. This is done by estimating the number of people exposed using different characteristics of AQIs. The data used to describe these indicators originates from dispersion modelling of short-term air pollution concentrations in Oslo. Two series of data are used. One represents hour-for hour concentrations in the 1 km 2 grid system covering the city of Oslo, winter 1994/95, calculated by the grid

  19. Pigeons home faster through polluted air


    Zhongqiu Li; Franck Courchamp; Daniel T. Blumstein


    Air pollution, especially haze pollution, is creating health issues for both humans and other animals. However, remarkably little is known about how animals behaviourally respond to air pollution. We used multiple linear regression to analyse 415 pigeon races in the North China Plain, an area with considerable air pollution, and found that while the proportion of pigeons successfully homed was not influenced by air pollution, pigeons homed faster when the air was especially polluted. Our resu...

  20. Letter to the Editor: Applications Air Q Model on Estimate Health Effects Exposure to Air Pollutants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gholamreza Goudarzi


    Full Text Available Epidemiologic studies in worldwide have measured increases in mortality and morbidity associated with air pollution (1-3. Quantifying the effects of air pollution on the human health in urban area causes an increasingly critical component in policy discussion (4-6. Air Q model was proved to be a valid and reliable tool to predicts health effects related to criteria  pollutants (particulate matter (PM, ozone (O3, nitrogen dioxide (NO2, sulfur dioxide (SO2, and carbon monoxide (CO, determinate  the  potential short term effects of air pollution  and allows the examination of various scenarios in which emission rates of pollutants are varied (7,8. Air Q software provided by the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health (ECEH (9. Air Q model is based on cohort studies and used to estimates of both attributable average reductions in life-span and numbers of mortality and morbidity associated with exposure to air pollution (10,11. Applications

  1. Indoor Air Quality in Schools. (United States)

    Torres, Vincent M.

    Asserting that the air quality inside schools is often worse than outdoor pollution, leading to various health complaints and loss of productivity, this paper details factors contributing to schools' indoor air quality. These include the design, operation, and maintenance of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; building…

  2. Assessment of air quality benefits from national air pollution control policies in China. Part II: Evaluation of air quality predictions and air quality benefits assessment (United States)

    Wang, Litao; Jang, Carey; Zhang, Yang; Wang, Kai; Zhang, Qiang; Streets, David; Fu, Joshua; Lei, Yu; Schreifels, Jeremy; He, Kebin; Hao, Jiming; Lam, Yun-Fat; Lin, Jerry; Meskhidze, Nicholas; Voorhees, Scott; Evarts, Dale; Phillips, Sharon


    Following the meteorological evaluation in Part I, this Part II paper presents the statistical evaluation of air quality predictions by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)'s Community Multi-Scale Air Quality (Models-3/CMAQ) model for the four simulated months in the base year 2005. The surface predictions were evaluated using the Air Pollution Index (API) data published by the China Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) for 31 capital cities and daily fine particulate matter (PM 2.5, particles with aerodiameter less than or equal to 2.5 μm) observations of an individual site in Tsinghua University (THU). To overcome the shortage in surface observations, satellite data are used to assess the column predictions including tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) column abundance and aerosol optical depth (AOD). The result shows that CMAQ gives reasonably good predictions for the air quality. The air quality improvement that would result from the targeted sulfur dioxide (SO 2) and nitrogen oxides (NO x) emission controls in China were assessed for the objective year 2010. The results show that the emission controls can lead to significant air quality benefits. SO 2 concentrations in highly polluted areas of East China in 2010 are estimated to be decreased by 30-60% compared to the levels in the 2010 Business-As-Usual (BAU) case. The annual PM 2.5 can also decline by 3-15 μg m -3 (4-25%) due to the lower SO 2 and sulfate concentrations. If similar controls are implemented for NO x emissions, NO x concentrations are estimated to decrease by 30-60% as compared with the 2010 BAU scenario. The annual mean PM 2.5 concentrations will also decline by 2-14 μg m -3 (3-12%). In addition, the number of ozone (O 3) non-attainment areas in the northern China is projected to be much lower, with the maximum 1-h average O 3 concentrations in the summer reduced by 8-30 ppb.

  3. Canada's Clean Air Act

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This paper provided an outline of Canada's Clean Air Act and examined some of the regulatory changes that will occur as a result of its implementation. The Act is being introduced to strengthen the legislative basis for taking action on reducing air pollution and GHGs, and will allow the government to regulate both indoor and outdoor air pollutants and GHGs. The Act will require the Ministers of the Environment and Health to establish national air quality objectives, as well as to monitor and report on their attainment. The Canadian Environmental Protection Act will be amended to enable the government to regulate the blending of fuels and their components. The Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption Standards Act will also be amended to enhance the government's authority to regulate vehicle fuel efficiency. The Energy Efficiency Act will also be expanded to allow the government to set energy efficiency standards and labelling requirements for a wider range of consumer and commercial products. The Act will commit to short, medium and long-term industrial air pollution targets. Regulations will be proposed for emissions from industry; on-road and off-road vehicles and engines; and consumer and commercial products. It was concluded that the Government of Canada will continue to consult with provinces, territories, industries and Canadians to set and reach targets for the reduction of both indoor and outdoor air pollutants and GHG emissions. 6 figs

  4. Advance planning for air pollution control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brewer, G L


    An air quality management program for nitric acid plants emitting pollutants which include nitrogen oxides is proposed. The program consists of the following five phases: an inventory of the handling equipment within the plant, including the identification of potential emission sources in terms of process material balances; source testing (if required); ambient air quality measurements; emission control analysis; and the development of a complete air management plan which includes a balance between air exhausted from buildups and processes and air supplied in a controlled economical manner. Typical NOx air pollution problems associated with nitric acid plants are reviewed along with various approaches to control and by-product recovery.

  5. Air effect on polycarbonate radiolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terence, Mauro C.; Araujo, Elmo S.; Guedes, Selma M.L.


    The formation and decay of radicals in the radiolysis of new type of polycarbonate (G scission = 0,73) was investigated by electron spin resonance spectroscopy in the presence and absence of air at room temperature. The air does not interfere in the formation of radicals because they are formed as consequence of direct interaction of radiation. But the air interferes in their decays. During the irradiation the air reacts with all isopropyl radicals and with 2/3 of phenoxy + phenyl radicals. (author). 5 refs., 3 figs

  6. Air pollution: impact and prevention. (United States)

    Sierra-Vargas, Martha Patricia; Teran, Luis M


    Air pollution is becoming a major health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. In support of this observation, the World Health Organization estimates that every year, 2.4 million people die because of the effects of air pollution on health. Mitigation strategies such as changes in diesel engine technology could result in fewer premature mortalities, as suggested by the US Environmental Protection Agency. This review: (i) discusses the impact of air pollution on respiratory disease; (ii) provides evidence that reducing air pollution may have a positive impact on the prevention of disease; and (iii) demonstrates the impact concerted polices may have on population health when governments take actions to reduce air pollution. © 2012 The Authors. Respirology © 2012 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

  7. 29 CFR 1917.154 - Compressed air. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 7 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Compressed air. 1917.154 Section 1917.154 Labor Regulations...) MARINE TERMINALS Related Terminal Operations and Equipment § 1917.154 Compressed air. Employees shall be... this part during cleaning with compressed air. Compressed air used for cleaning shall not exceed a...

  8. AIRS/Aqua Level 3 Pentad quantization in physical units (AIRS-only) V005 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — AIRS/Aqua Level 3 pentad quantization product in physical units (AIRS Only). The quantization products (QP) are distributional summaries derived from the Level-2...

  9. Air pollution forecast in cities by an air pollution index highly correlated with meteorological variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cogliani, E.


    There are many different air pollution indexes which represent the global urban air pollution situation. The daily index studied here is also highly correlated with meteorological variables and this index is capable of identifying those variables that significantly affect the air pollution. The index is connected with attention levels of NO 2 , CO and O 3 concentrations. The attention levels are fixed by a law proposed by the Italian Ministries of Health and Environment. The relation of that index with some meteorological variables is analysed by the linear multiple partial correlation statistical method. Florence, Milan and Vicence were selected to show the correlation among the air pollution index and the daily thermic excursion, the previous day's air pollution index and the wind speed. During the January-March period the correlation coefficient reaches 0.85 at Milan. The deterministic methods of forecasting air pollution concentrations show very high evaluation errors and are applied on limited areas around the observation stations, as opposed to the whole urban areas. The global air pollution, instead of the concentrations at specific observation stations, allows the evaluation of the level of the sanitary risk regarding the whole urban population. (Author)

  10. Indoor air pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anwar, J.; Hussain, F.


    Indoor air pollution after being a neglected subject for a number of years, is attracting attention recently because it is a side effect of energy crisis. About 50% of world's 6 billion population, mostly in developing countries, depend on biomass and coal in the form of wood, dung and crop residues for domestic energy because of poverty. These materials are burnt in simple stoves with incomplete combustion and infants, children and women are exposed to high levels of indoor air pollution for a considerable period, approximately between 2-4 hours daily. Current worldwide trade in wood fuel is over US $7 billion and about 2 million people are employed full time in production and marketing it. One of the most annoying and common indoor pollutant in both, developing and developed countries, is cigarette smoke. Children in gas-equipped homes had higher incidences of respiratory disease. Babies' DNA can be damaged even before they are born if their mothers breathe polluted air. Exposure to indoor air pollution may be responsible for nearly 2 million excess deaths in developing countries and for 4% of the global burden of the disease. Only a few indoor pollutants have been studied in detail. Indoor air pollution is a major health threat on which further research is needed to define the extent of the problem more precisely and to determine solutions by the policy-makers instead of neglecting it because sufferers mostly belong to Third World countries. (author)

  11. Heated air humidification versus cold air nebulization in newly tracheostomized patients. (United States)

    Birk, Richard; Händel, Alexander; Wenzel, Angela; Kramer, Benedikt; Aderhold, Christoph; Hörmann, Karl; Stuck, Boris A; Sommer, J Ulrich


    After tracheostomy, the airway lacks an essential mechanism for warming and humidifying the inspired air with the consequent functional impairment and discomfort. The purpose of this study was to compare airway hydration with cold-air nebulization versus heated high-flow humidification on medical interventions and tracheal ciliary beat frequency (CBF). Newly tracheostomized patients (n = 20) were treated either with cold-air nebulization or heated humidification. The number of required tracheal suctioning procedures to clean the trachea and tracheal CBF were assessed. The number of required suctions per day was significantly lower in the heated humidification group with medians 3 versus 5 times per day. Mean CBF was significantly higher in the heated humidification group (6.36 ± 1.49 Hz) compared to the cold-air nebulization group (3.99 ± 1.39 Hz). The data suggest that heated humidification enhanced mucociliary transport leading to a reduced number of required suctioning procedures in the trachea, which may improve postoperative patient care. © 2017 The Authors Head & Neck Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Experimental analysis of fuzzy controlled energy efficient demand controlled ventilation economizer cycle variable air volume air conditioning system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajagopalan Parameshwaran


    Full Text Available In the quest for energy conservative building design, there is now a great opportunity for a flexible and sophisticated air conditioning system capable of addressing better thermal comfort, indoor air quality, and energy efficiency, that are strongly desired. The variable refrigerant volume air conditioning system provides considerable energy savings, cost effectiveness and reduced space requirements. Applications of intelligent control like fuzzy logic controller, especially adapted to variable air volume air conditioning systems, have drawn more interest in recent years than classical control systems. An experimental analysis was performed to investigate the inherent operational characteristics of the combined variable refrigerant volume and variable air volume air conditioning systems under fixed ventilation, demand controlled ventilation, and combined demand controlled ventilation and economizer cycle techniques for two seasonal conditions. The test results of the variable refrigerant volume and variable air volume air conditioning system for each techniques are presented. The test results infer that the system controlled by fuzzy logic methodology and operated under the CO2 based mechanical ventilation scheme, effectively yields 37% and 56% per day of average energy-saving in summer and winter conditions, respectively. Based on the experimental results, the fuzzy based combined system can be considered to be an alternative energy efficient air conditioning scheme, having significant energy-saving potential compared to the conventional constant air volume air conditioning system.

  13. Air conditioner with three stages of indirect regeneration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Worthington, M.N.


    An air conditioner is described comprising: a cabinet defining an internal evaporation chamber and having an air inlet and an air outlet; a heat exchanger mounted in the cabinet and defining an air movement path between the air inlet and the air outlet; means for supplying air to be cooled to the air inlet of the cabinet of movement through the air movement path of the heat exchanger in a heat exchanger relationship; air diversion means for continuously diverting some of the air emerging from the air outlet of the cabinet; and means in the evaporation chamber of the cabinet for recirculating spraying water into the chiller tube of the heat exchanger for interacting with the diverted air moving therethrough to evaporatively cool the heat exchanger

  14. Air quality monitoring at Seoul, Korea as a part of East-Asian air surveillance network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashimoto, Y.; Sekine, Y.; Kim, H.K.; Otoshi, T.


    Global scale air pollution study is a recent trend due to a perception that air pollution is changing climate and other essential earth's conditions that could seriously affect our lives. One of the important tasks which can contribute to protect our natural environment must be to know about the present and changing air quality. For this purpose, a regional air monitoring plan was designed by a research group and has proceeded to set up stations in the eastern Asia including Japan, Korea and China to get continuous data which can contribute to world wide data base of air quality. This project was initiated at Seoul, Korea in April, 1986 by the method of National Air Surveillance Network, Japan. Airborne particles were collected by so-called Hi-vol and Lo-vol, and their components were analyzed by neutron activation analysis and others. The results of Seoul sampling as a first step of this network plan are presented

  15. Air Pollution, Causes and Cures. (United States)

    Manufacturing Chemists Association, Washington, DC.

    This commentary on sources of air pollution and air purification treatments is accompanied by graphic illustrations. Sources of carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons found in the air are discussed. Methods of removing these pollutants at their source are presented with cut-away diagrams of the facilities and technical…

  16. Air barrier systems: Construction applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perrault, J.C


    An examination is presented of how ordinary building materials can be used in an innovative manner to design, detail, and construct effective air barrier systems for common types of walls. For residential construction, the air drywall approach uses the interior gypsum board as the main component of the wall air barrier system. Joints between the gypsum board and adjacent materials or assemblies are sealed by gaskets. In commercial construction, two different techniques are employed for using gypsum board as air barrier material: the accessible drywall and non-accessible drywall approaches. The former is similar to the air drywall approach except that high performance sealants are used instead of gaskets. In the latter approach, exterior drywall sheathing is the main component of the air barrier system; joints between boards are taped and joints between boards and other components are sealed using elastomeric membrane strips. For various types of commercial and institutional buildings, metal air barrier systems are widely used and include pre-engineered curtain walls or sheet metal walls. Masonry wall systems are regarded as still the most durable, fireproof, and soundproof wall type available but an effective air barrier system has typically been difficult to implement. Factory-made elastomeric membranes offer the potential to provide airtightness to masonry walls. These membranes are applied on the entire masonry wall surface and are used to make airtight connections with other building components. Two types of product are available: thermofusible and peel-and-stick membranes. 5 figs.

  17. Performance assessment and transient optimization of air precooling in multi-stage solid desiccant air conditioning systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gadalla, Mohamed; Saghafifar, Mohammad


    Highlights: • Studying three two-stage solid desiccant cooling systems using Maisotsenko cooler. • Proposing precooling to improve two-stage desiccant systems’ COP for humid climates. • Performing transient analysis for a two-stage solid desiccant cooler in UAE. • Optimizing daily performance of a two-stage solid desiccant cooler for UAE. - Abstract: Renewable energy is one of the most promising solutions to both energy and global warming crisis. Energy consumption can be minimized considerably by utilizing solar energy in air conditioning systems operation. One of the popular solar air conditioning technologies is desiccant air conditioning. Nonetheless, conventional desiccant air conditioning systems have a relatively low coefficient of performance (COP). In consequence, two-stage desiccant air-conditioning systems are proposed to improve desiccant air conditioning systems’ COP. Moreover, a recently commercialized cooling method named Maisotsenko cooling cycle which is capable of cooling air near to its dew point temperature is considered to be integrated within the proposed multi-stage desiccant cooling systems. In this paper, three new two-stage desiccant air conditioning systems incorporating Maisotsenko cooling cycle are proposed and investigated in details for hot and humid climates such as UAE. Furthermore, air precooling is considered to improve two stage desiccant air conditioning systems’ COP. Moreover, full transient analysis and optimization are carried out in UAE within June–October. The proposed system can minimize the required solar heating during noon time as the ambient air dry bulb temperature rises. Average COP of the system during electricity load peak hours (10:00–14:00) for all five considered and combined months is 1.77. Average rate of heat input required to operate the system and average building cooling load are determined to be 100.3 kW and 46.2 kW, respectively. Therefore, system average COP is computed to be 0.46.

  18. 30 CFR 75.321 - Air quality. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Air quality. 75.321 Section 75.321 Mineral... SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Ventilation § 75.321 Air quality. (a)(1) The air in areas where... air current in these areas shall be sufficient to dilute, render harmless, and carry away flammable...

  19. Air quality in Europe - 2012 report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report presents an overview and analysis of the status and trends of air quality in Europe based on concentration measurements in ambient air and data on anthropogenic emissions and trends from 2001 - when mandatory monitoring of ambient air concentrations of selected pollutants first produced reliable air quality information - to 2010. (Author)

  20. Allegheny County Air Quality (United States)

    Allegheny County / City of Pittsburgh / Western PA Regional Data Center — Air quality data from Allegheny County Health Department monitors throughout the county. Air quality monitored data must be verified by qualified individuals before...

  1. Controlling Indoor Air Pollution from Moxibustion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chung-Yen Lu


    Full Text Available Indoor air quality (IAQ control of hospitals plays a critical role in protecting both hospital staffs and patients, particularly those who are highly susceptible to the adverse effects of indoor noxious hazards. However, moxibustion in outpatient departments (OPDs of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM may be a source of indoor air pollution in hospitals. Some studies have investigated indoor air pollution during moxibustion in Chinese medicine clinics (CMCs and moxibustion rooms, demonstrating elevated air pollutants that pose a threat to the health of medical staff and patients. Our study investigated the indoor air pollutants of indoor carbon dioxide (CO2, carbon monoxide (CO, formaldehyde (HCHO, total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs, airborne particulate matter with a diameter of ≤10 µm (PM10 and ≤2.5 µm (PM2.5 during moxibustion in an acupuncture and moxibustion room of the OPD in a hospital in Taipei. To evaluate the different control strategies for indoor air pollution from moxibution, a comparison of air pollutants during moxibution among the methods of using alternative old moxa wools, local exhaust ventilation and an air cleaner was conducted. In this study, burning alternative old moxa wools for moxibustion obviously reduced all gaseous pollutants except for aerosols comparing burning fresh moxa wools. Using local exhaust ventilation reduced most of the aerosols after burning moxa. We also found that using an air cleaner was inefficient for controlling indoor air pollutants, particularly gaseous pollutants. Therefore, combining replacing alternative old moxa wools and local exhaust ventilation could be a suitable design for controlling indoor air pollution during moxibustion therapy.

  2. Sumatera Air Asia Training Center (Arsitektur Metafora)


    Susanto, William


    Sumatera Air Asia Training Center as Air Asia training facility’s construction have a propose to train the Air Asia air craft crew who will be the employee of the Air Asia Airlines.Beside the main function;training facility for the Air Asia Crew; the other airline’s crew can be train by a cooperation with Air Asia.The aircraft crew that can be train in this facility is pilot initial, pilot type-rating, pilot recurrent, ATPL, Flight attendant initial and recurrent..This facility ha...

  3. Air pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feugier, A.


    The air pollution results from the combustion of petroleum products, natural gas, coal, wastes and transports. Some compounds are considered as particularly pollutants: the carbon monoxide, the nitrogen oxides, the tropospheric ozone and the sulfur dioxides. Their environmental and biological effects are described. The present political guide lines concerns the combustion plants, the ozone, the wastes incineration and the vehicles emissions. The aim is at some future date to control the air quality, to reduce the volatile organic compounds emissions and to limit the sulfur rate of some petroleum products. (O.L.)

  4. Antibubbles and fine cylindrical sheets of air

    KAUST Repository

    Beilharz, D.


    Drops impacting at low velocities onto a pool surface can stretch out thin hemispherical sheets of air between the drop and the pool. These air sheets can remain intact until they reach submicron thicknesses, at which point they rupture to form a myriad of microbubbles. By impacting a higher-viscosity drop onto a lower-viscosity pool, we have explored new geometries of such air films. In this way we are able to maintain stable air layers which can wrap around the entire drop to form repeatable antibubbles, i.e. spherical air layers bounded by inner and outer liquid masses. Furthermore, for the most viscous drops they enter the pool trailing a viscous thread reaching all the way to the pinch-off nozzle. The air sheet can also wrap around this thread and remain stable over an extended period of time to form a cylindrical air sheet. We study the parameter regime where these structures appear and their subsequent breakup. The stability of these thin cylindrical air sheets is inconsistent with inviscid stability theory, suggesting stabilization by lubrication forces within the submicron air layer. We use interferometry to measure the air-layer thickness versus depth along the cylindrical air sheet and around the drop. The air film is thickest above the equator of the drop, but thinner below the drop and up along the air cylinder. Based on microbubble volumes, the thickness of the cylindrical air layer becomes less than 100 nm before it ruptures.

  5. Antibubbles and fine cylindrical sheets of air

    KAUST Repository

    Beilharz, D.; Guyon, A.; Li, E.  Q.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Thoroddsen, Sigurdur T


    Drops impacting at low velocities onto a pool surface can stretch out thin hemispherical sheets of air between the drop and the pool. These air sheets can remain intact until they reach submicron thicknesses, at which point they rupture to form a myriad of microbubbles. By impacting a higher-viscosity drop onto a lower-viscosity pool, we have explored new geometries of such air films. In this way we are able to maintain stable air layers which can wrap around the entire drop to form repeatable antibubbles, i.e. spherical air layers bounded by inner and outer liquid masses. Furthermore, for the most viscous drops they enter the pool trailing a viscous thread reaching all the way to the pinch-off nozzle. The air sheet can also wrap around this thread and remain stable over an extended period of time to form a cylindrical air sheet. We study the parameter regime where these structures appear and their subsequent breakup. The stability of these thin cylindrical air sheets is inconsistent with inviscid stability theory, suggesting stabilization by lubrication forces within the submicron air layer. We use interferometry to measure the air-layer thickness versus depth along the cylindrical air sheet and around the drop. The air film is thickest above the equator of the drop, but thinner below the drop and up along the air cylinder. Based on microbubble volumes, the thickness of the cylindrical air layer becomes less than 100 nm before it ruptures.

  6. Improvement to Air2Air Technology to Reduce Fresh-Water Evaporative Cooling Loss at Coal-Based Thermoelectric Power Plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ken Mortensen


    This program was undertaken to enhance the manufacturability, constructability, and cost of the Air2Air{TM} Water Conservation and Plume Abatement Cooling Tower, giving a validated cost basis and capability. Air2Air{TM} water conservation technology recovers a portion of the traditional cooling tower evaporate. The Condensing Module provides an air-to-air heat exchanger above the wet fill media, extracting the heat from the hot saturated moist air leaving in the cooling tower and condensing water. The rate of evaporate water recovery is typically 10% - 25% annually, depending on the cooling tower location (climate). This program improved the efficiency and cost of the Air2Air{TM} Water Conservation Cooling Tower capability, and led to the first commercial sale of the product, as described.

  7. Monitoring of total suspended air particulate in the ambient air of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Monitoring of total suspended air particulate in the ambient air of welding, car painting and. V. C. IKAMAISE, I. B. OBIOH, I. E. OFOZIE, F. A. AKEREDOLU. Full Text: EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT ·

  8. Air Pollution Forecasts: An Overview. (United States)

    Bai, Lu; Wang, Jianzhou; Ma, Xuejiao; Lu, Haiyan


    Air pollution is defined as a phenomenon harmful to the ecological system and the normal conditions of human existence and development when some substances in the atmosphere exceed a certain concentration. In the face of increasingly serious environmental pollution problems, scholars have conducted a significant quantity of related research, and in those studies, the forecasting of air pollution has been of paramount importance. As a precaution, the air pollution forecast is the basis for taking effective pollution control measures, and accurate forecasting of air pollution has become an important task. Extensive research indicates that the methods of air pollution forecasting can be broadly divided into three classical categories: statistical forecasting methods, artificial intelligence methods, and numerical forecasting methods. More recently, some hybrid models have been proposed, which can improve the forecast accuracy. To provide a clear perspective on air pollution forecasting, this study reviews the theory and application of those forecasting models. In addition, based on a comparison of different forecasting methods, the advantages and disadvantages of some methods of forecasting are also provided. This study aims to provide an overview of air pollution forecasting methods for easy access and reference by researchers, which will be helpful in further studies.

  9. Air Pollution Forecasts: An Overview

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lu Bai


    Full Text Available Air pollution is defined as a phenomenon harmful to the ecological system and the normal conditions of human existence and development when some substances in the atmosphere exceed a certain concentration. In the face of increasingly serious environmental pollution problems, scholars have conducted a significant quantity of related research, and in those studies, the forecasting of air pollution has been of paramount importance. As a precaution, the air pollution forecast is the basis for taking effective pollution control measures, and accurate forecasting of air pollution has become an important task. Extensive research indicates that the methods of air pollution forecasting can be broadly divided into three classical categories: statistical forecasting methods, artificial intelligence methods, and numerical forecasting methods. More recently, some hybrid models have been proposed, which can improve the forecast accuracy. To provide a clear perspective on air pollution forecasting, this study reviews the theory and application of those forecasting models. In addition, based on a comparison of different forecasting methods, the advantages and disadvantages of some methods of forecasting are also provided. This study aims to provide an overview of air pollution forecasting methods for easy access and reference by researchers, which will be helpful in further studies.

  10. Air Pollution Forecasts: An Overview (United States)

    Bai, Lu; Wang, Jianzhou; Lu, Haiyan


    Air pollution is defined as a phenomenon harmful to the ecological system and the normal conditions of human existence and development when some substances in the atmosphere exceed a certain concentration. In the face of increasingly serious environmental pollution problems, scholars have conducted a significant quantity of related research, and in those studies, the forecasting of air pollution has been of paramount importance. As a precaution, the air pollution forecast is the basis for taking effective pollution control measures, and accurate forecasting of air pollution has become an important task. Extensive research indicates that the methods of air pollution forecasting can be broadly divided into three classical categories: statistical forecasting methods, artificial intelligence methods, and numerical forecasting methods. More recently, some hybrid models have been proposed, which can improve the forecast accuracy. To provide a clear perspective on air pollution forecasting, this study reviews the theory and application of those forecasting models. In addition, based on a comparison of different forecasting methods, the advantages and disadvantages of some methods of forecasting are also provided. This study aims to provide an overview of air pollution forecasting methods for easy access and reference by researchers, which will be helpful in further studies. PMID:29673227

  11. Swimming in air-breathing fishes. (United States)

    Lefevre, S; Domenici, P; McKenzie, D J


    Fishes with bimodal respiration differ in the extent of their reliance on air breathing to support aerobic metabolism, which is reflected in their lifestyles and ecologies. Many freshwater species undertake seasonal and reproductive migrations that presumably involve sustained aerobic exercise. In the six species studied to date, aerobic exercise in swim flumes stimulated air-breathing behaviour, and there is evidence that surfacing frequency and oxygen uptake from air show an exponential increase with increasing swimming speed. In some species, this was associated with an increase in the proportion of aerobic metabolism met by aerial respiration, while in others the proportion remained relatively constant. The ecological significance of anaerobic swimming activities, such as sprinting and fast-start manoeuvres during predator-prey interactions, has been little studied in air-breathing fishes. Some species practise air breathing during recovery itself, while others prefer to increase aquatic respiration, possibly to promote branchial ion exchange to restore acid-base balance, and to remain quiescent and avoid being visible to predators. Overall, the diversity of air-breathing fishes is reflected in their swimming physiology as well, and further research is needed to increase the understanding of the differences and the mechanisms through which air breathing is controlled and used during exercise. © 2014 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.

  12. Can a photocatalytic air purifier be used to improve the perceived air quality indoors?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolarik, Jakub; Wargocki, Pawel


    The effect of a photocatalytic air purifier on perceived air quality(PAQ) was examined in rooms polluted by typical sources of indoor pollution.The rooms were ventilated at three different outdoor air supply rates. The air quality was assessed by a sensory panel when the purifier was in operation...... as well as when it was off. Operation of the purifier significantly improved PAQ in the rooms polluted by building materials (used carpet, old linoleum, and old chip-board), and a used ventilation filter as well as a mixture of building materials, used ventilation filter and cathode-ray tube computer...... monitors. The effect cor-responded to approximately doubling the outdoor air supply rate. Operation of the purifier significantly worsened the PAQ in rooms with human bioeffluents, probably due to incomplete oxidation of alcohols which are one of the main pollutants emitted by humans. Present results show...

  13. RA reactor operation and maintenance in 1990 with comparative evaluation from 1986-1990, Part 1; Deo 1 - Pogon i odrzavanje nuklearnog reaktora RA u 1990. godini, uz uporedni pregled za period 1986-1990. godina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Cupac, S; Sulem, B; Zivotic, Z; Vasovic, B; Sanovic, V [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    During the previous period RA reactor was not operated because the Committee of Serbian ministry for health and social care has cancelled the operation licence in August 1984. The reason was the non existing emergency cooling system and lack of appropriate filters in the special ventilation system. The new emergency cooling system and the reconstruction of the existing ventilation system were finished in 1989, the conditions for further reactor operation were fulfilled. In the meantime new licensing regulations adopted in 1988 were not demanding the mentioned conditions for reactors operated at power less than 10MW, RA reactor power being 6.5 MW. But the reactor could not be restarted due to planned renewal of the reactor instrumentation. It is planned to exchange the complete instrumentation by the end of 1991. Training program for the staff operating and maintaining the reactor components was prepared in 1985. Reconstruction, modification and construction of components demanded new documentation needed for further safe reactor operation. New version of RA reactor safety report was finished in 1986 according to the recommendations of IAEA and licensing regulations of Yugoslavia. In 1989, new documents were written covering regulations and instructions for reactor operation. The new reactor experimental loop was designed in 1986, and constructed and tested in 1990. All the reactor components were maintained by specific reactor services. Financing of the reactor remains a permanent problem. [Serbo-Croat] U proteklom periodu reaktor RA nije bio u pogonu zato sto je 30. jula 1984. godine Republicki komitet za zdravlje i socijalnu politiku republike Srbije, zabranio njegov rad zbog toga sto reaktor ne poseduje sistem za udesno hladjenje i ne poseduje odgovarajuce filtere u sistemu specijalne ventilacije. Radovi na izgradnji sistema za udesno hladjenje i rekonstrukciji postojeceg sistema specijalne ventilacije zavrseni su 1989. godine. Uslovi za nastavak rada reaktora

  14. Polluted air--outdoors and indoors. (United States)

    Myers, I; Maynard, R L


    Many air pollutants which are considered important in ambient (outdoor) air are also found, sometimes at higher levels, in indoor air. With demanding standards having been set for many of these pollutants, both in the workplace and ambient air, consideration of the problems posed by indoor pollution is gaining pace. Studies on exposure to pollutants found in the indoor domestic environment are increasing and are contributing to an already significant compilation of datasets. Improvement in monitoring techniques has helped this process. Documented reports of fatalities from carbon monoxide poisonings are still worrying. However, studies on health effects of non-fatal, long term, low dose, indoor exposure to carbon monoxide and other pollutants, are still inconclusive and too infrequently documented. Of particular concern are the levels of air pollutants found in the domestic indoor environment in developing countries, despite simple interventions such as vented stoves having shown their value. Exposure to biomass smoke is still a level that would be considered unacceptable on health grounds in developed countries. As in the occupational environment, steps need to be taken to control the risks from exposure to the harmful constituents of indoor air in the home. However, the difficulty regarding regulation of the domestic indoor environment is its inherent privacy. Monitoring levels of pollutants in the home and ensuring regulations are adhered to, would likely prove difficult, especially when individual behaviour patterns and activities have the greatest influence on pollutant levels in indoor air. To this end, the Department of Health is developing guidance on indoor air pollution to encourage the reduction of pollutant levels in indoor domestic air. The importance of the effects of domestic indoor air on health and its contribution to the health of the worker are increasingly appreciated. Occupational physicians, by training and interest, are well placed to extend

  15. Lead (Pb) Air Pollution (United States)

    ... Regional Offices Labs and Research Centers Lead (Pb) Air Pollution Contact Us Share As a result of EPA's ... and protect aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Lead (Pb) Air Pollution Basic Information How does lead get in the ...

  16. Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeffrey S. Gaffney


    Full Text Available Atmospheric chemistry is an important discipline for understanding air pollution and its impacts. This mini-review gives a brief history of air pollution and presents an overview of some of the basic photochemistry involved in the production of ozone and other oxidants in the atmosphere. Urban air quality issues are reviewed with a specific focus on ozone and other oxidants, primary and secondary aerosols, alternative fuels, and the potential for chlorine releases to amplify oxidant chemistry in industrial areas. Regional air pollution issues such as acid rain, long-range transport of aerosols and visibility loss, and the connections of aerosols to ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate chemistry are examined. Finally, the potential impacts of air pollutants on the global-scale radiative balances of gases and aerosols are discussed briefly.

  17. Air pollution in the Slovak Republic, 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitosinkova, M.; Kozakovic, L.; Zavodsky, D.; Sajtakova, E.; Mareckova, K.; Pukancikova, K.


    A report on air quality and contribution of individual sources on its pollution in the Slovak Republic in 2001 is presented. This report consists of two parts: (1) Ambient air and (2) Emission. Ambient air part is divided into the following chapters: Regional air pollution and quality of precipitation; Local air pollution; Atmospheric ozone. Emission part is divided into the following chapters: Emission and air pollution source inventory, Greenhouse gas emissions

  18. Olefin metathesis in air

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorenzo Piola


    Full Text Available Since the discovery and now widespread use of olefin metathesis, the evolution of metathesis catalysts towards air stability has become an area of significant interest. In this fascinating area of study, beginning with early systems making use of high oxidation state early transition metal centers that required strict exclusion of water and air, advances have been made to render catalysts more stable and yet more functional group tolerant. This review summarizes the major developments concerning catalytic systems directed towards water and air tolerance.

  19. Human Response to Ductless Personalized Ventilation with Local Air Cleaning: Air Quality and Prevalence of SBS Symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalewski, Mariusz; Bivolarova, Maria; Fillon, Maelys


    The impact of local air cleaning and cooling of the head region by ductless personalized ventilation (DPV) on perceived air quality (PAQ) and Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) symptoms was studied. Thirty subjects participated in experiments performed in a test room with displacement ventilation (DV...... with air filter and 29 °C with DPV without filter. During the experiments the subjects simulated office work and answered on computerized questionnaires. At warm environment PAQ and air freshness significantly improved when DPV was used. Eye dryness increased significantly with time but was not influenced...... by air temperature and filtering. At 29 °C the facially applied air movement from DPV increased the eye dryness. The SBS symptoms increased with time and were higher (not significantly) at the warm conditions. Air movement did not have profound impact on the SBS symptoms, while filtering had only at 23...

  20. Restoran Buenos Aires = Restaurant Buenos Aires

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Restorani Buenos Aires (Narva mnt. 5, Tallinn) sisekujundusest. Sisearhitektid: Janno Roos ja Andres Labi (Ruumilabor OÜ). Laudu eraldavad 400 vardasse aetud puukuuli. Sisearhitektidest, nende tähtsamad tööd. I-III korruse plaan, 12 värv. vaadet, fotod sisearhitektidest

  1. Thermodynamic diagrams for high temperature plasmas of air, air-carbon, carbon-hydrogen mixtures, and argon

    CERN Document Server

    Kroepelin, H; Hoffmann, K-U


    Thermodynamic Diagrams for High Temperature Plasmas of Air, Air-Carbon, Carbon-Hydrogen Mixtures, and Argon provides information relating to the properties of equilibrium gas plasmas formed from hydrocarbons, from air without argon, from pure argon, and from mixtures of air and carbon at various compositions, temperatures and pressures. The data are presented in graphical rather than tabular form to provide a clearer picture of the plasma processes investigated. This book is composed of four chapters, and begins with the introduction to the characteristics of plasmas, with emphasis on their th

  2. The effect of a photocatalytic air purifier on indoor air quality quantified using different measuring methods

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolarik, Barbara; Wargocki, Pawel; Skorek-Osikowska, A.


    The effect on indoor air quality of an air purifier based on photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) was determined by different measuring techniques: sensory assessments of air quality made by human subjects, Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) and chromatographic methods (Gas......, additional measurements were made with no pollution sources present in the office. All conditions were tested with the photocatalytic air purifier turned on and off. The results show that operation of the air purifier in the presence of pollutants emitted by building materials and furniture improves indoor...... Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography with UV detection). The experiment was conducted in a simulated office, ventilated with 0.6 h(-1), 2.5 h(-1) and 6 h(-1), in the presence of additional pollution sources (carpet, chipboard and linoleum). At the lowest air change rate...

  3. Energy Conservation In Compressed Air Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yusuf, I.Y.; Dewu, B.B.M.


    Compressed air is an essential utility that accounts for a substantial part of the electricity consumption (bill) in most industrial plants. Although the general saying Air is free of charge is not true for compressed air, the utility's cost is not accorded the rightful importance due to its by most industries. The paper will show that the cost of 1 unit of energy in the form of compressed air is at least 5 times the cost electricity (energy input) required to produce it. The paper will also provide energy conservation tips in compressed air systems

  4. Numerical Modelling and Analysis of Hydrostatic Thrust Air Bearings for High Loading Capacities and Low Air Consumption (United States)

    Yu, Yunluo; Pu, Guang; Jiang, Kyle


    The paper presents a numerical simulation study on hydrostatic thrust air bearings to assess the load capacity, compressed air consumptions, and the dynamic response. Finite Difference Method (FDM) and Finite Volume Method (FVM) are combined to solve the non-linear Reynolds equation to find the pressure distribution of the air bearing gas film and the total loading capacity of the bearing. The influence of design parameters on air film gap characteristics, including the air film thickness, supplied pressure, depth of the groove and external load, are investigated based on the proposed FDM model. The simulation results show that the thrust air bearings with a groove have a higher load capacity and air consumption than without a groove, and the load capacity and air consumption both increase with the depth of the groove. Bearings without the groove are better damped than those with the grooves, and the stability of thrust bearing decreases when the groove depth increases. The stability of the thrust bearings is also affected by their loading.

  5. Health and efficiency in trimix versus air breathing in compressed air workers. (United States)

    Van Rees Vellinga, T P; Verhoeven, A C; Van Dijk, F J H; Sterk, W


    The Western Scheldt Tunneling Project in the Netherlands provided a unique opportunity to evaluate the effects of trimix usage on the health of compressed air workers and the efficiency of the project. Data analysis addressed 318 exposures to compressed air at 3.9-4.4 bar gauge and 52 exposures to trimix (25% oxygen, 25% helium, and 50% nitrogen) at 4.6-4.8 bar gauge. Results revealed three incidents of decompression sickness all of which involved the use of compressed air. During exposure to compressed air, the effects of nitrogen narcosis were manifested in operational errors and increased fatigue among the workers. When using trimix, less effort was required for breathing, and mandatory decompression times for stays of a specific duration and maximum depth were considerably shorter. We conclude that it might be rational--for both medical and operational reasons--to use breathing gases with lower nitrogen fractions (e.g., trimix) for deep-caisson work at pressures exceeding 3 bar gauge, although definitive studies are needed.

  6. Models for Comparing Air-Only and Sea/Air Transportation of Wartime Deployment Cargo

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Theres, Michael


    ...) to an overseas Port of Debarkation (POD). This thesis evaluates a proposal to load air-transportable cargo aboard vessels at CONUS seaports and to ship that cargo to an appropriately located sea-air-interface (SAI...

  7. Designing and testing the optimum design of automotive air-to-air thermoelectric air conditioner (TEAC) system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Attar, Alaa; Lee, HoSung


    Highlights: • The optimum design of automotive thermoelectric AC system is proposed. • It is optimized by combining the thermal isolation and the dimensionless methods. • An experiment is conducted to validate the analytical design. - Abstract: The current project is discussing the optimization of counter flow air-to-air thermoelectric air conditioners (TEAC) system. Previous work showed an analytical model with experimental validation of a unit cell of TEAC system. However, the focus of this work is to simulate the optimum design of a whole TEAC system from given inlet parameters (i.e., hot and cold air mass flow rates and ambient temperatures). The analytical model was built by combining an optimal design method with dimensional analysis, which was recently developed, and the thermal isolation method in order to optimize the thermoelectric parameters (i.e., electrical current supplied and the number of thermocouples or the geometric factor, simultaneously). Moreover, based on the designed model, an experiment was conducted in order to study the accuracy of the analytical model. Even though the analytical model was built based on the thermoelectric ideal equations, it shows a good agreement with the experiment. This agreement was mainly a result of the use of the thermoelectric effective material properties which are obtained from the measured maximum thermoelectric module parameters. Since the experiment validate the analytical model, this model provides uncomplicated method to study the optimum design at given inputs.

  8. Air-cleaning apparatus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howard, A.G.


    An air-cleaning, heat-exchange apparatus includes a main housing portion connected by means of an air inlet fan to the kitchen exhaust stack of a restaurant. The apparatus includes a plurality of heat exchangers through which a heat-absorptive fluid is circulated, simultaneously, by means of a suitable fluid pump. These heat exchangers absorb heat from the hot exhaust gas, out of the exhaust stack of the restaurant, which flows over and through these heat exchangers and transfers this heat to the circulating fluid which communicates with remote heat exchangers. These remote heat exchangers further transfer this heat to a stream of air, such as that from a cold-air return duct for supplementing the conventional heating system of the restaurant. Due to the fact that such hot exhaust gas is heavily grease laden , grease will be deposited on virtually all internal surfaces of the apparatus which this exhaust gas contacts. Consequently, means are provided for spraying these contacted internal surfaces , as well as the hot exhaust gas itself, with a detergent solution in which the grease is soluble, thereby removing grease buildup from these internal surfaces

  9. Advanced air detritiation dryer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The isotopic exchange principle has proved effective in increasing air detritiation factors of atmospheric dryers. A CFFTP/AECL Chalk River program has demonstrated detritiation factors of 100,000 in trials. The technology is designed for application on regenerating atmospheric dryers using molecular sieve desiccant beds, used in rooms likely to encounter airborne tritium contamination. Dryer design concepts for dryers at JET (Joint European Torus, England) and ITER have been prepared by Alan Dombra of AECL, using the isotopic exchange technology. The isotopic exchange method works by passing tritiated air over a detritiated desiccant bed. Airborne tritium atoms are exchanged in the bed for ordinary hydrogen atoms from the bed's residual moisture loading. Tritium remains on the bed until it is discharged in a regeneration cycle. During regeneration, the desiccant bed is first heated with hot, dry air to drive off collected tritiated moisture. Airborne tritium removed from the air is collected as a tritiated water distillate and stored for later processing. During the second part of the regeneration cycle, the desiccant bed is washed with clean moist air to elute remaining traces of tritium and to refresh the bed to ready it for another tritium absorption period

  10. Air-To-Air Visual Target Acquisition Pilot Interview Survey. (United States)


    8217top’ 5 p~lots in air-tu-air visual target acqui- sition in your squadron," would/could you do it? yes no Comment : 2. Is the term "acquisition" as...meaningful as "spotting" and "seeing" in 1he con- text of visually detecting a "bogey" or another aircraft? yes no Comment : 3. Would/could you rank all...squadron pilots on the basis of their visual target acquisition capability? yes no Comment : 4. Is there a minimum number of observations for

  11. Unit for air decontamination; Unidad para descontaminacion de aire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mariano H, E


    To fulfill the applicable requirements of safety to the ventilation systems in nuclear facilities, it is necessary to make a cleaning of the air that hurtles to the atmosphere. For that which was designed and it manufactured an unit for decontamination of the air for the Pilot plant of production of Nuclear Fuel that this built one with national parts, uses Hepa national filters and the design can adapt for different dimensions of filters, also can be added a lodging for a prefilter or to adopt two Hepa filters. (Author)

  12. Combination of air-source heat pumps with liquid desiccant dehumidification of air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Li; Hihara, Eiji; Saikawa, Michiyuki


    Highlights: ► We propose a frost-free air-source heat pump system with integrated desiccant. ► The system can provide heating load continuously and humidify room. ► The coefficient of performance of the system is 2.6 at T a = −7 °C and RH = 80%. ► The heating load of solution is 3–4 times larger than cooling load of solution. - Abstract: This paper proposes a frost-free air source heat pump system with integrated liquid desiccant dehumidification, in which frosting can be retarded by dehumidifying air before entering an outdoor heat exchanger. And the water removed from the air is used to humidify a room. Simulation is carried out at a dry-bulb temperature of −7 to 5.5 °C and a relative humidity of 80% depending on the frosting conditions. The results show that the coefficient of performance (COP) is in the range of 2.6–2.9, which is 30–40% higher than that of heat pump heating integrated with an electric heater humidifying system. And it is found that the optimum value of the concentration of lithium chloride aqueous solution is 37% for the frost-free operation mode. Experiments are conducted for liquid desiccant system under low air temperature and high relative humidity conditions. Experimental results show that the dew point of the dehumidified air is decreased by 8 °C and the humidity ratio of the humidified air is kept at 8.1 g kg −1 , which ensures the frost-free operation of the heat pump evaporator and the comfortable level of room humidity simultaneously. The heating load of solution is 3–4.5 times larger than cooling load of solution, which agrees with the assumption given at the part of the simulation. Furthermore, the deviations between the calculated COP LHRU and the experimental results are within 33%.

  13. Radioactive air sampling methods

    CERN Document Server

    Maiello, Mark L


    Although the field of radioactive air sampling has matured and evolved over decades, it has lacked a single resource that assimilates technical and background information on its many facets. Edited by experts and with contributions from top practitioners and researchers, Radioactive Air Sampling Methods provides authoritative guidance on measuring airborne radioactivity from industrial, research, and nuclear power operations, as well as naturally occuring radioactivity in the environment. Designed for industrial hygienists, air quality experts, and heath physicists, the book delves into the applied research advancing and transforming practice with improvements to measurement equipment, human dose modeling of inhaled radioactivity, and radiation safety regulations. To present a wide picture of the field, it covers the international and national standards that guide the quality of air sampling measurements and equipment. It discusses emergency response issues, including radioactive fallout and the assets used ...

  14. Assessment of indoor air quality in comparison using air conditioning and fan system in printing premise


    Ramlan Nazirah; Nurhalimatul Husna Ahmad Siti; Aminuddin Eeydzah; Abdul Hamid Hazrul; Khalijah Yaman Siti; Halid Abdullah Abd


    Printers contribute to various emissions consist with chemical contaminants. High concentration of the particulate matter can cause serious health problems. This study focuses on the indoor air quality in printing premise unit in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia. Field testing involving air sampling methods were taken from 900 hours to 1600 hours, for every 30 minutes using physical measurement which is Multi-Channel Air Quality Monitor (YESAIR), E-Sampler and Ozone Meter. Air sampling wa...

  15. Historical Ambient Air Quality Data Inventory (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Historical Ambient Air Quality Data Inventory contains measured and estimated data on ambient air pollution for use in assessing air quality, assisting in...

  16. Air Quality in Lanzhou, a Major Industrial City in China: Characteristics of Air Pollution and Review of Existing Evidence from Air Pollution and Health Studies (United States)

    Zhang, Yaqun; Li, Min; Bravo, Mercedes A.; Jin, Lan; Nori-Sarma, Amruta; Xu, Yanwen; Guan, Donghong; Wang, Chengyuan; Chen, Mingxia; Wang, Xiao; Tao, Wei; Qiu, Weitao; Zhang, Yawei


    Air pollution contributes substantially to global health burdens; however, less is known about pollution patterns in China and whether they differ from those elsewhere. We evaluated temporal and spatial heterogeneity of air pollution in Lanzhou, an urban Chinese city (April 2009–December 2012), and conducted a systematic review of literature on air pollution and health in Lanzhou. Average levels were 141.5, 42.3, and 47.2 µg/m3 for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter ≤10 µm (PM10), NO2, and SO2, respectively. Findings suggest some seasonality, particularly for SO2, with higher concentrations during colder months relative to warmer months, although a longer time frame of data is needed to evaluate seasonality fully. Correlation coefficients generally declined with distance between monitors, while coefficients of divergence increased with distance. However, these trends were not statistically significant. PM10 levels exceeded Chinese and other health-based standards and guidelines. The review identified 13 studies on outdoor air pollution and health. Although limited, the studies indicate that air pollution is associated with increased risk of health outcomes in Lanzhou. These studies and the high air pollution levels suggest potentially serious health consequences. Findings can provide guidance to future epidemiological studies, monitor placement programs, and air quality policies. PMID:25838615

  17. Temperature ranges of the application of air-to-air heat recovery ventilator in supermarkets in winter, China

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Yanming; Wang, Youjun; Zhong, Ke [School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 (China); Liu, Jiaping [School of Architecture, Xi' an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi' an 710055 (China)


    Energy consumption is an important issue in China. In heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, more and more commercial buildings use air-to-air heat recovery ventilators as energy saving units for recovering heat from the exhaust air in ventilation systems in current years. In the present paper, critical temperatures of air-to-air heat recovery systems for supermarkets in winter are recommended and discussed for the four cities in different climate zones of China. The analysis shows that the temperature of fresh air in winter can be categorized into three regions, i.e., recovery region, transition region and impermissible recovery region. The results also indicate that the latent heat recovery is not suitable for ventilation energy savings in supermarkets in winter. Meanwhile, the applicability of sensible heat recovery in supermarkets depends on outdoor climate and fresh air flow rate. If a variable rotational speed fan is used to introduce fresh air into the building, heat recovery does always function as planned in winter for all the selected cities except Guangzhou, and most values of the COP are much higher than 2.5. Otherwise, there is the risk of negative impact on building energy savings in all cities except Harbin. (author)

  18. Can commonly-used fan-driven air cleaning technologies improve indoor air quality? A literature review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Yinping; Mo, Jinhan; Li, Yuguo


    America, and Asia with expertise in air cleaning, aerosol science, medicine, chemistry and ventilation. The effects on health were not examined. Over 26,000 articles were identified in major literature databases; 400 were selected as being relevant based on their titles and abstracts by the first two......Air cleaning techniques have been applied worldwide with the goal of improving indoor air quality. The effectiveness of applying these techniques varies widely, and pollutant removal efficiency is usually determined in controlled laboratory environments which may not be realized in practice. Some...... air cleaners are largely ineffective, and some produce harmful by-products. To summarize what is known regarding the effectiveness of fan-driven air cleaning technologies, a state-of-the-art review of the scientific literature was undertaken by a multidisciplinary panel of experts from Europe, North...

  19. Appendicitis with Intraluminal Air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandez, Alfredo; Ramirez, Sandra M; Rodriguez, Cesar A; Uriza, Luis F


    The presentation of acute appendicitis with intraluminal air is an uncommon presentation. Ultrasound is a widely used and accepted to establish the diagnosis of appendicitis, but its performance is limited in situations where there is interposition of air. Inflamed appendix which presents with distension by gas can be source of error in ultrasound to establish a false negative diagnosis. In this article we present three patients with appendicitis where the interposition of intraluminal air hid their diagnostic by ultrasound. In all three cases the definitive diagnosis was established by computed tomography and surgical confirmation.

  20. Air movement - good or bad?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toftum, Jørn


    when air movement is desirable and when it is not. At temperatures up to 22-23oC, at sedentary activity and with occupants feeling neutral or cooler there is a risk of air movement being perceived as unacceptable, even at low velocities. In particular, a cool overall thermal sensation negatively...... influences the subjective perception of air movement. With occupants feeling warmer than neutral, at temperatures above 23oC or at raised activity levels, humans generally do not feel draught at air velocities typical for indoor environments (up to around 0.4 m/s). In the higher temperature range, very high...