
Sample records for agresividad del vapor

  1. La agresividad en la infancia

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    Beatriz Gregoret


    Full Text Available Desde hace un tiempo, nos enfrentamos conmocionados, con hechos de violencia en las escuelas. Sabemos que esto no ocurre sólo en las instituciones educativas, sino que se constituye como un fenómeno social que preocupa a los distintos sectores de la comunidad. Proponemos pensar esta problemática desde el marco teórico del Psicoanálisis. Es preciso diferenciar la agresividad como correlato de la constitución subjetiva del sujeto, de la violencia, definida como la agresividad en su dimensión radical y provocada por el  desalojo, por la falta de palabras que alojen a cada sujeto en la trama familiar y social. Apostamos a la posibilidad de pensar diferentes estrategias de aplicación en la praxis escolar como respuestas inventadas a la luz de los impasses, que estas situaciones de agresión y violencia plantean.

  2. Factores de riesgo implicados en el comportamiento agresivo del perro y del gato


    Amat Grau, Marta


    El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de algunos aspectos de la agresividad del perro y del gato. El estudio de la agresividad canina y felina es importante por varios motivos. En primer lugar, los problemas de agresividad del perro y del gato son muy frecuentes y, al menos en los centros de referencia, son el principal problema de comportamiento. La agresividad del perro y del gato también es importante, porque constituye una de las principales causas de eutanasia y abandono de perros ...

  3. The aggressiveness of the geothermal steam controlled; La agresividad del vapor geotermico controlada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mercado, Sergio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The first two units of Cerro Prieto have generated electric energy since 1973; in 1988 completed 15 years of continuous operation, without corrosion problems in the turbines in spite of the utilization of geothermal steam. The experience and the good results obtained during the first years of operation of these two units of 37.5 MW each, were of great help for the Cerro Prieto extension, having as of this date an installed capacity of 620 MW. [Espanol] Las dos primeras unidades de Cerro Prieto han generado energia electrica desde 1973; cumplieron 15 anos de operacion continua en 1988, sin problemas de corrosion en las turbinas a pesar del uso de vapor geotermico. La experiencia y los buenos resultados obtenidos durante los primeros anos de operacion de estas dos unidades de 37.5 MW cada una fueron de gran apoyo para la aplicacion de Cerro Prieto, teniendose a la fecha 620 MW de capacidad instalada.

  4. The aggressiveness of the geothermal steam controlled; La agresividad del vapor geotermico controlada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mercado, Sergio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The first two units of Cerro Prieto have generated electric energy since 1973; in 1988 completed 15 years of continuous operation, without corrosion problems in the turbines in spite of the utilization of geothermal steam. The experience and the good results obtained during the first years of operation of these two units of 37.5 MW each, were of great help for the Cerro Prieto extension, having as of this date an installed capacity of 620 MW. [Espanol] Las dos primeras unidades de Cerro Prieto han generado energia electrica desde 1973; cumplieron 15 anos de operacion continua en 1988, sin problemas de corrosion en las turbinas a pesar del uso de vapor geotermico. La experiencia y los buenos resultados obtenidos durante los primeros anos de operacion de estas dos unidades de 37.5 MW cada una fueron de gran apoyo para la aplicacion de Cerro Prieto, teniendose a la fecha 620 MW de capacidad instalada.

  5. Agresividad, prosocialidad y estatus social: identificando perfiles admirados entre preadolescentes chilenos

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    Christian Berger


    Full Text Available Con base en la creciente evidencia de la asociación entre la agresividad y la prosocialidad con indicadores de estatus social, el presente estudio aborda la admiración entre pares adolescentes como una manera de operacionalizar el estatus y evalúa el potencial carácter funcional de estas conductas sociales. La hipótesis que guía este estudio es que en la medida en que la agresividad y la prosocialidad son características valoradas en el contexto de pares (con base en su asociación con el estatus, los adolescentes admirados, que pueden ejercer gran influencia sobre sus pares, serán aquellos que presenten este perfil. 274 estudiantes de 5º y 6º grado participaron del estudio. Los resultados muestran que la característica con mayor presencia entre los adolescentes admirados es la prosocialidad y luego la prominencia social. Sin embargo, se identifican dos perfiles de adolescentes admirados, que se distinguen principalmente por la agresividad, el perfil "fuerte" incluye además de la prosocialidad y la prominencia social altos puntajes en agresividad y popularidad, mientras que el perfil denominado "modelo" integra además de la prosocialidad y la prominencia social niveles muy bajos de agresividad y puntajes promedio en popularidad. Se identifican además diferencias de género en estos perfiles. Estos resultados son discutidos desde la perspectiva de las relaciones de pares y las posibles implicancias para el desarrollo tanto individual como grupal de los y las adolescentes.

  6. Emociones, estilos de afrontamiento y agresividad en la adolescencia / Emotions, Coping Style and Aggression during Adolescence

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    Vicenta Mestre Escrivá


    Full Text Available Este estudio analiza la relación entre las estrategias de afrontamiento y las emociones para determinar en qué medida son procesos relacionados con la conducta agresiva. Se parte del supuesto de que en la agresividad influyen los mecanismos de afrontamiento en la resolución de problemas y el manejo delas emociones: inestabilidad emocional (falta de autocontrol ante situaciones que producen tensión o empatía (sentimientos orientados al otro que tiene un problema o necesidad. Se ha evaluado una muestra de 1.557 niños yniñas, con un rango de edad entre 12 y 15 años, escolarizados en primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO en 36 Centros escolares de la Comunidad Valenciana, seleccionados aleatoriamente. Los resultados indican claras diferencias entre los sujetos con alta y baja agresividad y los mecanismos de afrontamiento que utilizan, los adolescentes más agresivos utilizan en mayor medida un afrontamiento improductivo, mientras que los menos agresivos aplican estrategias más centradas en la resolución del problema.En todos los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, el efecto directo de la inestabilidad emocional y la empatía sobre la agresividad es significativa, siempre positivo en el primer caso pero negativo en el segundo. Además, la empatía favorece el afrontamiento centrado en la resolución del problema, mientras que la inestabilidad emocional se relaciona positivamente con el afrontamiento improductivo y este con la agresividad.

  7. La agresividad y las capacidades del área de matemática en estudiantes del tercero de secundaria de la institución educativa Saco Oliveros – Helicoidal Ate 2011


    Espinoza Chaca, Carmen Ascenciona; Melissa Wendy Zárate Murga, Melissa Wendy


    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la agresividad y las capacidades del área de matemática en estudiantes del tercero de secundaria de la institución educativa Saco Oliveros – Helicoidal Ate 2011 . Para la investigación se utilizó un cuestionario para determinar el nivel de autoestima y actas de evaluación aprendizaje de los estudiantes. La muestra estuvo constituida por 109 estudiantes. Se realizaron pruebas estadísticas y ...

  8. Agresividad y aceptabilidad de la agresión en jóvenes y adolescentes de ambos sexos

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    Full Text Available El presente estudio tuvo como principal objetivo llegar a conocer hasta qué punto las creencias normativas constituyen un factor predictor de diferentes tipos de agresividad, ira y hostilidad en los sujetos. Para ello, se seleccionó una muestra de jóvenes y adolescentes de la Comunidad de Madrid, pertenecientes a diferentes centros educativos de Enseñanza Secundaria, Formación Profesional y Universitaria (689 hombres y 692 mujeres, con un rango de edad entre los 15 y los 30 años. Todos los sujetos rellenaron la "Escala sobre Creencias Normativas y Agresividad Situacional" (Andreu et al., 1999, escala que permite evaluar el grado de agresividad que los sujetos manifestarían en un amplio conjunto de situaciones, y el "Cuestionario de Agresión" (Buss y Perry, 1992. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación, señalaron, en primer lugar, que ambas escalas presentan una alta consistencia interna, estimada a través del coeficiente alpha de Cronbach, así como una estructura factorial igualmente válida. Asimismo, los resultados indicaron que las creencias normativas sobre los diferentes tipos de agresión analizados, determinados asimismo por análisis factorial, constituyen importantes predictores significativos del aumento de la agresividad en función de las diferentes situaciones en las que ésta puede darse.

  9. Agresividad de las precipitaciones en la subcuenca del río San Marcos, Puebla, México

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    Rosalía Castelan Vega


    Full Text Available La falta de información de la erosividad de la lluvia en la Sierra Norte de Puebla, ha impedido una evaluación objetiva de su contribución al proceso de erosión. El presente trabajo se planteó como objetivo determinar el potencial erosivo y la variabilidad temporal de las precipitaciones en la Subcuenca del río San Marcos, a partir de diferentes índices que miden el grado de agresividad de las precipitaciones, así como establecer relaciones entre los mismos. Se utilizaron los registros pluviométricos de diez años de siete estaciones meteorológicas. Se calcularon los Índices de Fournier Anual (IFA, Modificado de Fournier (IMF, Concentración de Precipitaciones (ICP y Erosividad Total (IET. El estudio permite concluir que los riesgos de erosión son mayores en la zona de influencia de las estaciones climáticas de Xicotepec, Venustiano Carranza y Progreso, ubicadas en altitudes comprendidas entre 1279 y 886 msnm. Las precipitaciones según el ICP se concentran de manera estacional moderada de julio a octubre, y el IET evidencia que las precipitaciones presentan alta potencialidad erosiva. Los resultados fundamentarían el desarrollo de una estrategia agroecológica de conservación de suelos en función de la agresividad climática que presenta la zona de estudio

  10. Características psicométricas de la adaptación colombiana del Cuestionario de Agresividad de Buss y Perry en una muestra de preadolescentes y adolescentes de Bucaramanga [Psychometric Properties of Colombian Adaptation of Buss and Perry’s Aggression Questionnaire for Teenagers in a Sample of Bucaramanga

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    Nicolás Chahín-Pinzón


    Full Text Available Este estudio presenta la adaptación colombiana del Cuestionario de Agresividad de Buss y Perry para preadolescentes y adolescentes, desarrollado a partir de la versión española abreviada de 20 ítems. Dicha adaptación se administró a una muestra de 535 niños (269 niños y 266 niñas con un rango de edades de 8-16 años, pertenecientes a tres colegios del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio indican un buen ajuste al modelo de cuatro factores que ha sido descrita para otros idiomas y adaptaciones. El test presentó una fiabilidad satisfactoria para la escala total (α = 0.82 y para la escala de agresividad física (α = 0.75, mientras que para las demás escalas varía en función de la edad, no siendo recomendable su aplicación en edades inferiores a los 12 años. Al analizar los efectos del sexo sobre la agresividad, se verificó que dicho efecto se debía exclusivamente a las diferencias en agresividad física. Finalmente, se pone de manifiesto la importancia de considerar los aspectos culturales y lingüísticos en la adaptación de un instrumento, incluso, como en este caso, cuando se trata del mismo idioma.

  11. Intervenir sobre la agresividad en la conducción.


    Alonso Plá, Francisco Manuel; Montoro González, Luis; Esteban Martínez, Cristina; Calatayud Miñana, Constanza; Medina Sarmiento, José Eugenio; Toledo Castillo, Francisco; Alamar Rocatí, Beatriz; Tortosa Gil, Francisco; Sanfeliu Montoro, Antonio; Fernández Fernández, Cesáreo; Sanmartín, Jaime; Carrascosa, Vicente; Rubio, José Manuel; García, Laura


    El Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Tráfico y Seguridad Vial (INTRAS) y Attitudes (programa social de Audi), tras la publicación de los libros "La agresividad en la conducción: Una investigación a partir de la visión de la población española" y "La agresividad en la conducción: una visión a partir de las investigaciones internacionales", se plantearon como actividad complementaria la realización de unas jornadas que cumplieran los siguientes objetivos: • Permitir avanzar en el c...






  13. La agresividad humana

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    Olimpia López Avendaño


    Full Text Available En este artículo se comparan los planteamientos de Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcusse y Erich Fromm en torno a la agresividad humana. Analizar esta temática en el contexto actual es relevante dado el incremento de acciones que conllevan gran dosis de violencia tanto en el plano físico, como en el psicológico y espiritual, así como la urgencia de plantear soluciones. La posición de los tres autores permite visualizar la pertinencia de explicaciones que tienden a asumirse en la vida cotidiana en torno a este fenómeno y, sobre todo, construir nuevas perspectivas que las relean, trasciendan y enriquezcan.

  14. La agresividad en la infancia: el estilo de crianza parental como factor relacionado Aggression in childhood: Parenting style as related factor.

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    Antonio F. Raya


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    El presente estudio se propone analizar la posible relación existente entre la agresividad en los niños medida por sus padres a través del BASC (Sistema de Evaluación de la Conducta de Niños y Adolescentes y el estilo de crianza según el PCRI (Cuestionario de Crianza Parental compuesto por siete factores: apoyo, satisfacción con la crianza, compromiso, comunicación, disciplina, autonomía y distribución de rol, en una muestra de 338 niños (182 niños y 156 niñas entre 3 y 14 años. Los resultados muestran la existencia de una relación significativa entre la agresividad en los niños y la mayoría de los factores del estilo de crianza parental. Además se establece un modelo capaz de predecir el 27% de la varianza con respecto a la agresividad en los niños, compuesto por la disciplina de ambos progenitores, el compromiso y la satisfacción con la crianza de los padres y la autonomía de las madres. Finalmente se discute la utilidad de estos resultados para el planteamiento de estrategias de intervención en el ámbito familiar basadas en el estilo disciplinario.

    Palabras clave: Agresividad, padres, estilo parental, disciplina.

    This current study proposes to analyse the possible relationship which exists between aggression in children reported by parents through the BASC (Behaviour Assessment System for Children, and the parenting style according to the PCRI (Parent-Child Relationship Inventory composed of seven factors such as support, satisfaction with parenting, involvement, communication, limit setting, autonomy granting, and role orientation, in a sample of 338 children (182 male & 156 female between 3 and 14 years old. The results show the existence of a significant relationship between aggression in children and the majority of the parenting factors. Furthermore, a model is established which is able to predict 27% of the variance with respect to aggression in children, made

  15. Empatía en la adolescencia. Relaciones con razonamiento moral prosocial, conducta prosocial y agresividad

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    Ana Tur-Porcar

    Full Text Available Resumen Este estudio persigue un doble objetivo: i analizar las relaciones entre empatía, conducta prosocial y razonamiento moral prosocial y sus diferencias en función del sexo; ii analizar el valor predictor de dichas variables en la empatía, como variable dependiente. La población evaluada está compuesta por 1557 adolescentes de 12 a 15 años (M = 13.13, DT = .86, 47.4 % chicas, 52.6 % chicos. Los análisis muestran diferencias significativas entre chicos y chicas. Las chicas obtienen mayores índices de empatía, conducta prosocial, razonamiento moral prosocial, en las dimensiones de interiorizado, orientado hacia la necesidad y estereotipado. Los chicos, por su parte, muestran mayores índices en agresividad física y verbal, razonamiento moral hedonista y orientado a la aprobación. Las variables predictoras en la explicación de la empatía, tanto en chicos como en chicas, son la conducta prosocial (en positivo y el razonamiento hedonista (en negativo. En el colectivo de varones aparecen, además, otras variables predictoras de la empatía. Éstas se refieren al razonamiento moral prosocial interiorizado y al orientado hacia la necesidad de forma positiva, y a la agresividad en negativo. Los resultaos aportan nuevas ideas para establecer programas de intervención.

  16. Agresividad escolar e ideas suicidas en escuelas secundarias

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    Beatriz Mabel Pacheco Amigó


    Full Text Available ResumenLos adolescentes presentan una amplia gama de dificultades en el proceso de desarrollo, evolución y adaptación, por lo que no se puede dejar de lado la agresividad escolar como fenómeno social que aqueja y delinea un problema manifiesto en cualquier entorno escolar donde se puede encontrar. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar los diversos factores sociales que intervienen en el proceso de la agresividad escolar, pero a la vez identificar las ideas suicidas que presentan los alumnos que han sido víctimas de agresión en la institución educativa. Para llegar a tal objetivo se utilizaron diversas técnicas de evaluación, entre las que destacan encuestas semiestructuradas y The Scale for Suicide Ideation, las cuales ayudaron a establecer escalas estimativas de incidencia aproximada de actitudes referidas a la muerte, planeación o tentativa suicida en escuelas secundarias privadas de las ciudades de Guadalupe y Zacatecas. En la muestra estudiada se pudo detectar el apoyo escaso de los familiares en torno a la problemática; así como también los altos niveles de ansiedad e idea de planeación suicida que refieren los adolescentes. AbstractAdolescents have a wide range of difficulties in their development process, evolution and adaptation; bullying is a social phenomenon which affects and outlines a clear problem that can be found in any school environment, therefore, it cannot be disregarded. The aim of this paper is to analyze various social factors involved in bullying, but at the same time, to identify suicidal thoughts in students who have been victims of aggression at school. To accomplish such objective, various evaluation techniques which include semi-structured interviews and The Scale for Suicide Ideation, were used; they helped establish the approximate estimated percentage scale of suicidal behavior or attempts in private secondary schools in the cities of Guadalupe and Zacatecas. In the

  17. Crianza y agresividad de los menores: ¿es diferente la influencia del padre y de la madre?


    Tur Porcar, Ana María; Mestre Escrivá, María Vicenta; Samper García, Paula; Malonda, Elisabeth


    La crianza aporta mensajes y reglas que modulan el desarrollo de la personalidad de los menores. Estos mensajes tienen una infl uencia positiva o negativa sobre su conducta. El objetivo de este estudio empírico ha sido analizar las relaciones entre la agresividad física y verbal de los hijos y las hijas y el estilo de crianza practicado por el padre y por la madre. Se ha realizado sobre una muestra de 2.788 alumnos entre 10 y 15 años, que cursan el tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria (44%) y e...

  18. El imaginario, narcisismo y agresividad en psicoanálisis: del joven Lacan a la violencia urbana // Imaginary, narcissism and aggressivness in psychoanalysis: since young Lacan until urban violence

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    Patricio Rojas Navarro


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende establecer, a partir de la pregunta por la constitución subjetiva, un recorrido teórico por algunas de las grandes problemáticas en torno a lo imaginario, el narcisismo y la agresividad, tal y como se desprenden de algunos de los trabajos clave de Jacques Lacan entre 1936 y 1949. A partir de ello, se propone una interrogación del fenómeno de la violencia urbana, propio de la vida con y entre otros. Se intentará mostrar así el potencial teórico que retienen los trabajos tempranos del psicoanalista francés y, al mismo tiempo, intentar hipótesis interpretativas del fenómeno de la violencia que no la reduzcan a un hecho "externo" al sujeto, causado por una presunta decadencia de la fuerza de la ley. // The current article aims to establish, since the question about the subjective composition, a theoretical exploration through some of the biggest questions around imaginary, narcissism, and aggressiveness; as well as in some of Lacan’s key works between 1936 and 1949. After that, a question about the urban violence — typical in life with and among others— appears. Trying to show the theoretical potential inside the French psychoanalyst’s early works


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    Carlos Ariel Cardona


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se midió experimentalmente el equilibrio líquido-vapor para el sistema binario metanol–acetato de Metilo a 580 mmHg. Las mediciones experimentales fueron realizadas utilizando un equipo con recirculación tipo Cottrell. Los datos obtenidos fueron comparados con los resultados adquiridos de la simulación del equilibrio líquido-vapor del sistema bajo estudio. En la simulación se empleó el modelo de actividad NRTL para representar la no idealidad de la fase líquida (con parámetros encontrados en la literatura, y la ecuación de estado de Hayden O´Connel para la no idealidad de la fase vapor. De igual manera, se correlacionaron los datos para encontrar nuevos parámetros del modelo de actividad en NRTL. Además, a partir de datos experimentales medidos a 760 mmHg encontrados en la literatura para el sistema estudiado, se verificó la Ley de Vresky, la cual permite, sin necesidad de cálculos rigurosos, predecir la dirección de desplazamiento de un azeótropo binario cunado se varía la presión del sistema.

  20. Diferentes dominios de la autoeficacia percibida en relación con la agresividad adolescente

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    Full Text Available Se estudia la relación entre distintos dominios de la autoeficacia percibida y las conductas agresivas manifiestas. La muestra está compuesta por 543 niños de 8 a 15 años escolarizados en colegios públicos. Los resultados confirman una relación significativa entre estas dos variables. La autoeficacia académica, lúdica y en la petición de apoyo son las variables que modulaban las diferencias encontradas en los niveles de agresividad. Atendiendo al carácter predictivo de los distintos dominios de autoeficacia, la autoeficacia académica fue la variable que predijo un mayor porcentaje de varianza explicada en la agresividad y, en menor medida, la autoeficacia en el deporte.

  1. La agresividad humana

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    López Avendaño, Olimpia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se comparan los planteamientos de Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcusse y Erich Fromm en torno a la agresividad humana. Analizar esta temática en el contexto actual es relevante dado el incremento de acciones que conllevan gran dosis de violencia tanto en el plano físico, como en el psicológico y espiritual, así como la urgencia de plantear soluciones. La posición de los tres autores permite visualizar la pertinencia de explicaciones que tienden a asumirse en la vida cotidiana en torno a este fenómeno y, sobre todo, construir nuevas perspectivas que las relean, trasciendan y enriquezcan. In this article the expositions regarding human aggressiveness by Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcusse and Erich Fromm are compared. The relevance of this subject's analysis in the present context is due to the increase of actions that entail a great dose of violence in the physical, psychological and spiritual planes; and to the urgency of raising solutions. The three authors' position allows us to see how adequate are the explanations that tend to be assumed in everyday life; and above all allow us to build new perspectives that make a new interpretation of them, that extend and enrich them

  2. Análisis de la agresividad y concentración de las precipitaciones en Venezuela. III. Región sur-este (Guayana y Delta)


    Rodríguez, María F; Cortez, Adriana; Rey, Juan C; Lobo, Deyanira; Parra, Raquel M; González, Walter; Ovalles, Francisco; Gabriels, Donald


    Con la finalidad de evaluar la distribución y la agresividad de la precipitación en la región Sureste de Venezuela (Guayana y Delta del Orinoco), se realizó un análisis de la información de la precipitación mensual de 41 estaciones meteorológicas, a la cual se le calculó el Índice de Concentración de la Precipitación (ICP) y el Índice de Fournier Modificado (IFM). Los valores de los índices fueron sometidos a análisis univariado y análisis geoestadístico ajustando los semivariogramas a modelo...

  3. La agresividad infantil y su influencia en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos con déficit de atención del 6° grado de educación primaria de la I.E. N° 20230 - Domingo Mandamiento Sipán - UGEL N° 09 - Huaura


    Ventocilla Rojas, Juan Andrés


    El presente trabajo de investigación estudia la agresividad infantil y su influencia en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos de 6 a 12 años con déficit de atención, del nivel primaria en la Institución Domingo Mandamiento Sipán periodo 2012. El tipo de investigación es básica, conocida como pura o fundamental. El nivel de investigación es descriptiva, correlacional negativa, por el grado de dependencia y relación de las variables. El método de estudio que se empleo fue el método hipotético...

  4. Significado de las funciones familiares en adolescentes italianos. Nuevas fronteras entre paterno y materno

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    Massimiliano Sommantico


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar el significado que una muestra de adolescentes y adolescentes tardíos del sur de Italia atribuye a las funciones familiares, para analizar la relación entre la percepción de las transformaciones de las funciones paternas y maternas -en particular la carencia de roles normativos y de contención afectiva- y la agresividad como modalidad preferencial de gestión del conflicto. Se aplicó un diferencial semántico (DF, De Rosa, Parrello, & Sommantico, 2006 y un instrumento de agresividad, adaptado a población europea (AQ, Buss & Perry, 1992, 2003 a 259 sujetos, de edad comprendida entre los 17 y los 35 años, divididos en dos grupos, 139 de bachillerato y 120 de licenciatura. Los resultados del análisis del DF indicaron un perfil monofactorial, a diferencia del trifactorial obtenido por Osgood, Suci y Tannembaum (1957, mientras que en el AQ se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la media de la agresividad general (E=2,73 y factores del instrumento como agresividad verbal (E=3,29, la rabia (E=2,86 y hostilidad (E=2,86. Se concluye que las cualidades de tamaño y seguridad le son atribuidas específicamente a la madre, y que el nivel de agresividad verbal supera el índice de agresividad general.


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    Maricela Osorio Guzmán


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar el significado que una muestra de adolescentes y adolescentes tardíos del sur de Italia atribuye a las funciones familiares, para analizar la relación entre la percepción de las transformaciones de las funciones paternas y maternas —en particular la carencia de roles normativos y de contención afectiva— y la agresividad como modalidad preferencial de gestión del conflicto. Se aplicó un diferencial semántico (DF, De Rosa, Parrello, & Sommantico, 2006 y un instrumento de agresividad, adaptado a población europea (AQ, Buss & Perry, 1992, 2003 a 259 sujetos, de edad comprendida entre los 17 y los 35 años, divididos en dos grupos, 139 de bachillerato y 120 de licenciatura. Los resultados del análisis del DF indicaron un perfil monofactorial, a diferencia del trifactorial obtenido por Osgood, Suci y Tannembaum (1957, mientras que en el AQ se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la media de la agresividad general (ξ=2,73 y factores del instrumento como agresividad verbal (ξ=3,29, la rabia (ξ=2,86 y hostilidad (ξ=2,86. Se concluye que las cualidades de tamaño y seguridad le son atribuidas específicamente a la madre, y que el nivel de agresividad verbal supera el índice de agresividad general.

  6. Estudio psicométrico del Cuestionario de Conducta Antisocial (CC-A en adolescentes tempranos de Tucumán, Argentina

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    Ana Betina Lacunza


    Full Text Available El comportamiento antisocial se refiere a una diversidad de actos que infringen las normas sociales y de convivencia. Su delimitación está dada tanto por la valoración social de la gravedad de los comportamientos como por su alejamiento a las pautas normativas de una sociedad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de Conducta Antisocial (CC-A en adolescentes de Tucumán, Argentina. Se aplicó el CC-A y la Batería de Socialización BAS-3 a quinientos once adolescentes escolarizados de once y doce años. Se encontró una solución de tres factores que explicaban el 35 % de la varianza, congruente con la propuesta original. Los coeficientes Alpha de Cronbach fueron adecuados en Agresividad (.735, Aislamiento (.769 y Ansiedad/Retraimiento (.681, y se establecieron relaciones entre CC-A y BAS-3. Así mismo, se observaron correlaciones negativas entre Agresividad, Consideración con los demás y Autocontrol mientras que fueron positivas entre Aislamiento y Retraimiento. Posteriormente, se determinaron las categorías percentilares de esta versión (CC-A de ventiocho ítems; 18% de los adolescentes presentaban percentiles de riesgo en Agresividad mientras que un 20.9% lo hacía en Aislamiento. El estudio aporta datos con respecto a las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento en población local, indicando su sensibilidad para la evaluación del comportamiento antisocial.

  7. Agresividad cotidiana y aprobación de la violencia extrema

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    Alexis Romero-Salazar


    Full Text Available La violencia es uno de los principales problemas sociales de Venezuela; existe evidencia empírica de que la impunidad y el aumento de la posesión de armas son elementos que contribuyen a incrementar el número de homicidios. Aun sin guerra en el país, la violencia interpersonal de la cotidianidad afecta a todos; es expresión de normas y pautas culturales que sirven de soporte a comportamientos agresivos. Es un contexto en el cual la sensación de indefensión sirve de justificación a conductas de aprobación de acciones extrajudiciales de la policía y a estar dispuesto a matar a los delincuentes. Al respecto, se realizó una investigación que tenía como objetivo central analizar la problemática de la violencia urbana en Venezuela a través de la exploración de diversas áreas, una de la cuales es la relativa a las normas y la cultura, cuyos resultados se describen en este artículo. Para la contextualización teórica preliminar se tomaron elementos de algunas perspectivas como la culturalista de Montangu (1970, la cognitiva social de Bandura (1973, la del comportamiento aprendido de Eron (1987 y la simbólica de Charon (1985 y Mead (1934. Los principales resultados apuntan a la existencia de un clima de agresividad en el espacio doméstico que se refleja en el plano comunitario y social; con lo cual se estaría reproduciendo el patrón cultural de aprobación de la violencia.

  8. Agressividade infantil no ambiente escolar: concepções e atitudes do professor Agresividad infantil en el ambiente escolar: concepciones y actitudes del profesor Children's aggressiveness at school: teacher's conceptions and attitudes

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    Maria Abigail de Souza


    Full Text Available Ao se abordar o tema da agressividade infantil no ambiente escolar é preciso considerar a participação dos envolvidos neste fenômeno: pais, crianças e professores. Tal abordagem vem sendo conduzida em projeto de pesquisa mais amplo, do qual o presente estudo representa um recorte, ao enfocar apenas o ponto de vista dos professores. O objetivo é analisar as concepções e atitudes relacionadas à expressão da agressividade infantil na escola. Realizou-se uma avaliação qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas individuais semidirigidas com 15 professores de uma escola pública da periferia de São Paulo. As atitudes mais citadas como agressivas envolvem rebeldia e agressão física entre alunos, sendo esta última a queixa que mais motiva o encaminhamento para ludoterapia. Em relação às estratégias de manejo, predominam atitudes envolvendo diálogo e compreensão. Os dados sugerem que subsiste preocupação do professor com as crianças, o que desperta nelas a esperança de obter atenção e cuidado.Al abordarse la agresividad infantil en el ambiente escolar, es necesario considerar la participación de los envolvidos en este fenómeno: padres, niños, profesores. Este abordaje ha sido conducido en un proyecto de investigación más amplio, del cual este estudio representa un recorte, al focalizar el punto de vista del profesor. El objetivo es analizar concepciones y actitudes relacionadas a la agresividad infantil en la escuela. Se ha realizado una evaluación cualitativa, por medio de entrevistas individuales semi dirigidas con 15 profesores de una escuela pública de la periferia de Sao Paulo. Las actitudes agresivas más citadas son rebeldía y agresión física entre alumnos, siendo esta última la queja que más motiva la indicación para ludo terapia. En las estrategias de conducción predominan actitudes envolviendo diálogo y comprensión. Los datos sugieren que subsiste preocupación del profesor con los niños, lo que despierta

  9. Diferentes dominios de la autoeficacia percibida en relación con la agresividad adolescente




    Se estudia la relación entre distintos dominios de la autoeficacia percibida y las conductas agresivas manifiestas. La muestra está compuesta por 543 niños de 8 a 15 años escolarizados en colegios públicos. Los resultados confirman una relación significativa entre estas dos variables. La autoeficacia académica, lúdica y en la petición de apoyo son las variables que modulaban las diferencias encontradas en los niveles de agresividad. Atendiendo al carácter predictivo de los distintos dominios ...

  10. Correlación de los niveles de dopamina plasmática entre perros con distintos tipos de agresividad

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    Gonzalo Alfredo Chávez Contreras


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio era determinar si existía relación entre las cantidades de dopamina plasmática (DAp y las conductas agresivas en pacientes caninos. Para ello se trabajó con dos grupos: un grupo estudio de quince perros machos, enteros, principalmente adultos, sin signos de enfermedad y diagnosticados como agresivos mediante la aplicación de un protocolo etológico, y un grupo control de cinco perros con las mismas características a las del grupo estudio, con excepción de los problemas de conducta. Para cada grupo se determinaron características individuales, ambientales y conductuales, que fueron relacionadas con las concentraciones de DAp a través de la técnica de cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia o high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, acoplado a un detector electroquímico. Dentro de los resultados del grupo estudio, se observó rincipalmente agresividad por dominancia (73 %, intraespecífica (14 % y territorial (13 %, y junto con ello se detectó que el 73 % presentó signos de ansiedad. En cuanto a los valores de DAp, el 53 % de los perros obtuvo valores menores a 0,04 ng/ml y al 47 % restante no fue posible determinarle un valor promedio, debido a la amplitud de su distribución. Para el grupo control los valores de DAp fueron menores de 0,04 ng/ml. A partir de un análisis de varianza de los promedios mínimos cuadrados se determinó que el 64 % de las concentraciones plasmáticas de DA eran explicadas por la ansiedad; no siendo así con las conductas agresivas.

  11. Expresiones infantiles de agresividad en contextos educativos. Una interpretación desde la Psicología Dinámica y las relaciones familiares

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    Laura Victoria Londoño


    Full Text Available Este artículo es uno de los productos de la investigación Perspectivas interdisciplinarias de intervención con familias: caso de la ciudad de Medellín y el Municipio de Rionegro. Una comprensión desde la Psicología, la Educación y la Familia. Describe los discursos de los niños sobre el fenómeno de la agresividad que experimentan en el Colegio Bello Oriente de Medellín. Su objetivo es detallar roles y límites en familias en las que hay niños que se comportan de mane-ra agresiva en ambientes educativos. El enfoque metodológico de la investigación fue cualitativo. Los resultados de la investigación de los que se da cuenta en este artículo muestran una interpretación de la agresividad infantil a partir de la Psicología Dinámica; y un análisis de los roles y límites como dimensiones de la dinámica familiar. Como conclusión, es posible afirmarque los niños y las niñas pueden hacerse responsables de sus comportamientos agresivos y tramitar tal agresividad de manera simbólica cuando hallan mecanismos adecuados en sus familias e instituciones educativas; las relaciones familiares influyen en la formación de la personalidad de los infantes.

  12. Autoestima y agresividad en estudiantes de quinto grado de educación primaria de la institución educativa estatal "Pedro Adolfo Labarthe", distrito La Victoria, UGEL 03 San Miguel 2015.


    Pariona Martínez, Magaly


    Este estudio responde al objeto determinar si existe relación significativa de la autoestima con la agresividad en estudiantes de quinto grado de educación primaria de la Institución Educativa estatal “Pedro Adolfo Labarthe”, distrito la Victoria, UGEL 03 San Miguel, 2015. El interés de la presente investigación es establecer la relación entre los factores emocionales – particularmente la autoestima- y la agresividad en estudiantes de quinto grado de educación primaria, describir cómo ha sido...

  13. Relación entre el perfeccionismo socialmente prescrito y la conducta agresiva durante la infancia tardía

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    José Manuel García-Fernández


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en examinar la relación entre el perfeccionismo socialmente prescrito (PSP y la agresividad, atendiendo a sus componentes: fisiológico-emocional (ira, motor (agresividad física y verbal y cognitivo (hostilidad. Se empleó una muestra de 776 alumnos de tercero a sexto curso de Educación Primaria (M = 9.72; DE = 1.14, así como la Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale y el Aggression Questionnaire para evaluar, respectivamente, el PSP y los componentes de la conducta agresiva: Ira, Hostilidad, Agresividad Física y Agresividad Verbal. Los análisis de diferencia de medias mostraron que los alumnos con altos niveles de PSP puntuaron significativamente más alto en las 4 subescalas del Aggression Questionnaire, en comparación con sus iguales con bajos niveles de PSP, obteniendo tamaños del efecto moderados en todos los casos, excepto para la variable Hostilidad, cuya magnitud de las diferencias encontradas fue pequeña. Los análisis de regresión logística revelaron que las 4 dimensiones del Aggression Questionnaire predijeron significativa y positivamente altas puntuaciones en PSP, con niveles de OR que oscilaron entre 1.07 y 1.12. Los resultados evidencian que existe una estrecha relación entre el PSP y las manifestaciones de la agresividad.

  14. Agresividad y resolución de problemas interpersonales en alumnado de cultura occidental y alumnado de cultura amazigh


    Garrido Cerón, Rafael de Fátima


    En la presente tesis se analiza la relación que guardan entre sí variables como: agresividad y la resolución de problemas interpersonales, con variables culturales (cultura amazigh, cultura occidental), personales (sexo) y socioeconómicas (estatus socioeconómico), y con impulsividad en una muestra de estudiantes de cultura occidental y estudiantes de cultura amazigh escolarizados en tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Desarrollo teórico: Se empieza realizando una aproximación a la cultu...

  15. Oxidación en vapor de agua a 700 ºC y 750 ºC del acero inoxidable AISI 317 recubierto con aluminio por CVD-FBR.


    Jose L. Marulanda; Saul I. Castañeda; Aduljay Remolina


    Se realizó la oxidación del acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 317 recubierto con aluminio por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado, a temperaturas de 700 °C y 750ºC, en un ambiente con 100% vapor de agua, para evaluar su comportamiento. Se realizaron curvas de ganancia de masa y las películas de óxidos se analizaron por medio de SEM y difracción de rayos X, para observar la morfología de los óxidos. Se realizó la simulación termodinámica del proceso de oxidación en vapor de agua de...

  16. Oxidación en vapor de agua del acero inoxidable aisi 317 a 700 y 750ºc




    Se realizó la oxidación del acero inoxidable austenítico AISI SAE 317, a temperaturas de 700 y 750ºC, en un ambiente con 100% vapor de agua, para evaluar su comportamiento a la corrosión. Se realizaron curvas de ganancia de masa y las películas de óxidos se analizaron por medio de Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) y difracción de rayos X (DRX), para observar cómo se forman las capas de óxidos y discutir el posible mecanismo de oxidación en vapor de agua. Se encontró que el mecanismo de...



    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo; Aduljay Remolina Millan; Jairo Alberto Barón


    Se realizó la oxidación del acero inoxidable austenítico AISI SAE 317, a temperaturas de 700 y 750ºC, en un ambiente con 100% vapor de agua, para evaluar su comportamiento a la corrosión. Se realizaron curvas de ganancia de masa y las películas de óxidos se analizaron por medio de Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) y difracción de rayos X (DRX), para observar cómo se forman las capas de óxidos y discutir el posible mecanismo de oxidación en vapor de agua. Se encontró que el mecanismo de...

  18. Estilos de comunicación de los padres y su relación con la conducta agresiva en los alumnos del 4to y 5to grado de secundaria del Colegio Unión de Ñaña, Lima, 2015


    Orbegozo Pérez, Esther


    La presente investigación corresponde a un diseño no experimental de corte transversal. El objetivo principal de la investigación fue determinar la relación entre los estilos de comunicación de los padres y la conducta agresiva en los alumnos del 4to y 5to grado de secundaria del colegio “Unión” de Ñaña,2015 III bimestre. La investigación se realizó con la participación de 63 alumnos de 4to y 5to grado de secundaria y sus respectivas madres.Para identificar el nivel de agresividad manifestada...

  19. El acoso escolar :


    Leal Redondo, Beatriz


    Se presenta diferentes aspectos referidos a la agresividad y al acoso escolar presente en las aulas de Educación Primaria. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica analizando el concepto de agresividad a lo largo de la historia según el punto de vista de diferentes autores, las diferentes causas y teorías que buscan explicar la aparición de este tipo de conductas, aquellos factores influyentes en la aparición y mantenimiento del comportamiento, los tipos de agresividad que se muestran en las...

  20. Nuevo equipo de proceso de destilación fraccionada en continuo por arrastre con vapor de aceites esenciales del jugo de limón mexicano

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    Francisco J. Padilla M.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo equipo llamado Destilador-Fraccionador Horizontal, para realizar el procesos de destilación fraccionada en continuo por arrastre de vapor de aceites esenciales obtenidos a partir del jugo de limón mexicano (Citrus aurantifolia. La capacidad de fraccionación del nuevo equipo es analizada con soluciones modelo y soluciones reales de jugo de limón. Se emplean diseños experimentales y métodos estadísticos para investigar el desempeño del equipo y para validar su capacidad de fraccionar. Mediante la determinación de la relación S/F (gramos de vapor necesario para extraer 1 g de aceite destilado en la fase vapor, se determina que el nuevo equipo requiere una menor cantidad de energía para lograr la separación de los aceites esenciales. Eficiencias de extracción de aceites esenciales superiores al 90% son alcanzadas empleando las soluciones reales de jugo de limón.

  1. Evolución del vapor de agua en la atmósfera mar del sureste español

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    J. Quereda Sala


    Full Text Available Uno de los mayores retos actuales de la climatología mediterránea es la detección de alguna señal de alerta ante el aumento térmico y disminución de las precipitaciones previstas en la mayor parte de los modelos teóricos de Cambio Climático. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo concierne a un proceso básico escasamente tratado hasta ahora y que bien podría constituir un verdadero talón de Aquiles en la hipótesis sobre el Cambio Climático. Si la elevación regional de las temperaturas es un proceso real, la evaporación en las aguas superficiales del Mediterráneo ha de haber aumentado simultáneamente. ¿Dónde está ese vapor? Una cuestión ciertamente no menor por cuanto ese vapor es el principal gas de efecto invernadero y cuya retroacción sería la responsable de la mayor parte de los aumentos térmicos, tanto de los actuales como de los futuros previstos por los modelos teóricos

  2. Oxidación en vapor de agua a 700 ºC y 750 ºC del acero inoxidable AISI 317 recubierto con aluminio por CVD-FBR.

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    Jose L. Marulanda


    Full Text Available Se realizó la oxidación del acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 317 recubierto con aluminio por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado, a temperaturas de 700 °C y 750ºC, en un ambiente con 100% vapor de agua, para evaluar su comportamiento. Se realizaron curvas de ganancia de masa y las películas de óxidos se analizaron por medio de SEM y difracción de rayos X, para observar la morfología de los óxidos. Se realizó la simulación termodinámica del proceso de oxidación en vapor de agua de los substratos para conocer las posibles fases sólidas y gaseosas que se podrían formar, en presencia de una ambiente con 100% vapor de agua y una atmosfera de presión. La forma de ataque a 750 ºC es similar a 700 ºC, aunque la velocidad de oxidación es mayor, ya que la difusión de los elementos de aleación y las reacciones de oxidación son más rápidas. Los recubrimientos de aluminio tienen una buena resistencia a la oxidación en vapor de agua, ya que forman una capa superficial de Al 2 O 3 , que es compacta y adherente, la cual protege al substrato del ataque corrosivo.

  3. Videojuegos violentos y agresividad


    Etxeberría, Félix


    Está fuera de toda duda el hecho de que los videojuegos constituyen la mayor parte del consumo audiovisual de nuestra sociedad, por encima de la suma del cine, películas de video y música grabada. También parece evidente la presencia de un grado de violencia cada vez más intenso en los videojuegos más vendidos o utilizados por los menores y jóvenes. Igualmente está demostrado que los menores de edad tienen fácil acceso a los videojuegos violentos y otro tipo de juegos que, teóricamente, no so...

  4. Influencia que tienen los programas de televisión infantil en los argumentos del juego simbólico


    Jácome R., María Esther


    La influencia negativa de los programas televisivos dirigidos ó no a niños de 4 a 5 años determinan los argumentos del juego infantil, esta situación se evidencia en las repetidas manifestaciones de agresividad en el entorno escolar y familiar; en el uso de términos despectivos que descalifican y ridiculizan a compañeros y amigos; en los argumentos de conversación frente al juego; en el rechazo a las actividades físicas que impliquen movimiento; en la asunción de roles y postur...

  5. Free and total testosterone levels in field males of Octodon degus (Rodentia, Octodontidae: accuracy of the hormonal regulation of behavior Niveles de testosterona libre y totales en machos silvestres de Octodon degus (Rodentia, Octodontidae: exactitud de la regulación hormonal del comportamiento

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    Full Text Available Animals exhibit continuous seasonal changes in physiological, morphological and behavioral traits associated to their natural annual cycles. One of the most important changes in the organism occurs at the initiation of breeding season. In males these changes include activation of spermatogenesis, enhance of sexual secondary characters and an increase of aggressiveness. All of theses changes are basically regulated by testosterone, but the physiological basis of this testosterone regulation and the effective hormone proportion that acts in target tissues are unknown. In this work I evaluated the relationship between total testosterone, free testosterone associated to aggressive behavior in wild males of Octodon degus. I compared hormonal levels and aggressive behavior during pre, middle and post breeding periods. Results showed that behavioral aggressiveness was correlated with both total and free testosterone in June, during the beginning of breeding season, but not at other times. Results also indicated a lack of relationship between free and total testosterone in most of breeding period. I discuss the importance of this behavior-hormonal regulation (determined by free testosterone and the physiological importance of this mechanism to the organismLos animales presentan variaciones estacionales continuas que incluyen cambios fisiológicos, morfológicos y conductuales, asociados al ciclo anual. Estos cambios generalmente están activados por factores endógenos o exógenos, pero son regulados por el sistema endocrino de organismo. Uno de los cambios más importantes ocurre en el inicio del periodo reproductivo. Durante este periodo los machos presentan cambios asociados a la producción de esperatozoides, exacerbación de caracteres sexuales secundarios y un aumento de la agresividad. Todos estos cambios son regulados en parte por los niveles de testosterona, sin embargo, los mecanismos fisiológicos de esta regulación son desconocidos. En este

  6. Application of the Unfolding Model to the Aggression Dimension of the Dimensional Clinical Personality Inventory (IDCP

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    Full Text Available Este estudio compara la idoneidad de los modelos de dominancia y desdoblamiento para el análisis de la dimensión de Agresividad del i DC p (Inventario Dimensional Clínico de Personalidad. Participaron en el estudio 975 sujetos entre los 18 y los 81 años de edad ( M =29,82; De =12,28, de los cuales el 58,9% eran mujeres. El i DC p está integrado por 163 ítems y 12 dimensiones, con 27 ítems referentes a la Agresividad. El análisis a través del modelo del desdoblamiento produjo la exclusión de 15 ítems debido a error estándar. Los resultados mostraron un mejor ajuste del modelo de dominancia. Este resultado puede deberse a la naturaleza del constructo, por cuanto los ítems evalúan los aspectos patológicos de la personalidad que representan un extremo del continuum.

  7. Evaluación del cuesco de palma africana y del carbón del cerrejón para producir carbón activado

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    Anundo Polanía León


    Full Text Available Se produjeron carbones activados a partir de carbón de El Cerrejón y del Cuesco de Palma Africana mediante activación con vapor de agua y KOH, a 700 y 800 ó 900°C variando la relación activante/carbonizado y el tiempo de activación. Los tiempos de activación a los que se desarrolla mayor área superficial son mucho más cortos con el vapor de agua que con el KOH. Al activar con este último se obtienen valores de área superficial similares errlas dos materias primas, según la temperatura de trabajo, mientras que la activación con vapor de agua, presenta características totalmente diferentes. La activación del Cuesco de Palma Africana con KOH, produce carbones esencialmente microporosos, mientras que con vapor de agua, produce carbones activados con una apreciable mesoporosidad favorecida por el incremento de la temperatura. La activación del carbón de El Cerrejón con KOH o vapor de agua produce carbones activados microporosos. En líneas generales se puede decir que el tipo de textura porosa obtenida en la producción de un carbón activado, es función no sólo de los agentes activantes utilizados, sino también del tipo u origen de la materia prima, mientras que la calidad del carbón activado, (área superficial total, es función del tiempo y de la temperatura de activación, al menos con los materiales de partida usados en este trabajo.

  8. Reflexiones e interrogantes a partir del estudio psicológico de un grupo de condenados a muerte

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    Matilde Ráez de Ramírez


    Full Text Available Un grupo de condenados a muerte por haber asesinado a policías fue sometido a una evaluación psicológica exhaustiva incluyendo batería de pruebas, anamnesis y observaciones de conducta. Los resultados indican en los sujetos: inteligencia normal y características tales como agresividad, dependencia, egocentrismo, inafectividad. Con respecto a los esquemas defensivos y de relación se encontró: ausencia de metas y límites, desconfianza, alejamiento, proyección y negación. En términos de la historia vital, los sujetos comparten: ausencia de la figura paterna, agresividad materna, exceso de castigo físico. Las autoras hacen, finalmente, una reflexión acerca del significado de la pena de muerte.   An exhaustive psychological evaluation was done to a group of people condemned to the death penalty. The evaluation included psychological tests, anamnesis and behavioral observation. The results indicate: intelligence within normal range, agresivity, dependence, egocentrism, absence of affectivity, etc. Regarding the defence and relation styles: absence of goals and limits, aloofness, proyection and negation. In terms of personal history the subjects share: absence of the father figure, maternal agresivity and extreme physical punsihment. The authors conclude with some ideas about the meaning of the death penalty.

  9. Condensers for measuring steam quality at the inlet of back-pressure units of the Los Azufres, Mich., geothermal field; Condensadores para medir la calidad del vapor a la entrada de las turbinas a contrapresion del campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Mich.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sandoval Medina, Fernando; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Rubi; Reyes Delgado, Lisette; Medina Martinez, Moises [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Residencia de Los Azufres (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    Electrical conductivity is an indirect measurement of the quality of the steam supplied to power units. In the Los Azufres, Mich., geothermal field, the electrical conductivity once was measured in a discrete and periodic way by condensing steam samples through a water-cooled condenser. In an attempt to continuously measure conductivity, conductivity meters were installed where the units discharged, but the values proved unstable and unrepresentative. Thereafter, taking into account that steam quality should be measured at the steam delivery-reception point, equipment was designed and tested for continuously condensing steam. Finally it was possible to get an air-cooled condenser able to condense 500 milliliters per minute, enough to collect a representative flow of the steam and to measure its electrical conductivity. The equipment was installed in all seven back-pressure units operating in the field and to date has been operating in an optimal manner. [Spanish] La conductividad electrica es una medida indirecta de la calidad del vapor que se suministra a las unidades turbogeneradoras. En el campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Mich., la conductividad electrica se media en forma puntual y periodica, condensando muestras de vapor por medio de un serpentin enfriado con agua. Despues, ante la necesidad de medirla en forma continua, se instalaron conductivimetros en las descargas de las unidades, pero los valores resultaron muy inestables y poco representativos. Considerando, ademas, que la calidad del vapor debe medirse en el punto de entrega-recepcion, se disenaron y probaron equipos para condensar vapor de manera continua, lograndose construir un condensador enfriado por aire que logra condensar un flujo de 500 mililitros por minuto, cantidad suficiente para tener un flujo representativo del vapor que alimenta a las turbinas y medirle su conductividad electrica. Se instalaron estos equipos en las siete unidades turbogeneradoras a contrapresion que funcionan en el campo

  10. Minimal thermodynamic conditions in the reservoir to produce steam at the Cerro Prieto geothermal field, BC; Condiciones termodinamicas minimas del yacimiento para producir vapor en el campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto, B.C.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez Rodriguez; Marco Helio [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Residencia General de Cerro Prieto, Mexicali, Baja California (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    Minimal thermodynamic conditions in the Cerro Prieto geothermal reservoir for steam production are defined, taking into account the minimal acceptable steam production at the surface, considering a rank of mixed-enthalpies for different well-depths, and allowing proper assessments for the impacts of the changes in fluid reservoir pressure and enthalpy. Factors able to influence steam production are discussed. They have to be considered when deciding whether or not to drill or repair a well in a particular area of the reservoir. These evaluations become much more relevant by considering the huge thermodynamic changes that have occurred at the Cerro Prieto geothermal reservoir from its development, starting in 1973, which has lead to abandoning some steam producing areas in the field. [Spanish] Las condiciones termodinamicas minimas del yacimiento geotermico de Cerro Prieto, BC, para producir vapor se determinan tomando en cuenta la minima produccion de vapor aceptable en superficie, considerando un rango de entalpias de la mezcla y para diferentes profundidades de pozos, lo que permite valorar adecuadamente el impacto de la evolucion de la presion y entalpia del fluido en el yacimiento. Se discuten los factores que pueden afectar la produccion de vapor, los cuales se deben tomar en cuenta para determinar la conveniencia o no de perforar o reparar un pozo en determinada zona del yacimiento. Estas evaluaciones adquieren gran relevancia al considerar los enormes cambios termodinamicos que ha presentado el yacimiento geotermico de Cerro Prieto, como resultado de su explotacion iniciada en 1973, lo que ha llevado a abandonar algunas zonas del campo para la produccion de vapor. Palabras Clave: Cerro Prieto, entalpia, evaluacion de yacimientos, politicas de explotacion, presion, produccion de vapor.

  11. Control Robusto de Orden Fraccionario de la Presión del Vapor en el Domo Superior de una Caldera Bagacera

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    R. Rivas-Perez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un controlador de orden fraccionario del tipo IDα-1 para el control robusto de la presión de vapor en el domo superior de una caldera bagacera, el cual posibilita aumentar la efectividad en el control, así como la eficiencia energética de estos equipos. La aplicación de un controlador de orden fraccionario se justifica por el hecho de que la dinámica del proceso objeto de estudio puede cambiar de forma drástica con la variación del calor especifico de combustión (I. Se obtiene un modelo matemático nominal de la variación de la presión de vapor en el domo superior de la caldera bagacera. Los resultados de validación del modelo matemático obtenido muestran un elevado grado de adecuación. Mediante estudios experimentales se estimó el rango de variación de los parámetros dinámicos del modelo matemático obtenido cuando el calor específico de combustión varía en el rango de operación [Imin,-1Imax]. El diseño del controlador IDα se realiza en base a especificaciones en el dominio de la frecuencia. Se muestran los resultados comparativos de simulación del sistema de control desarrollado con controladores IDα-1 vs PI e IDα-1 vs PID, en el sentido de exhibir el mismo comportamiento dinámico en lazo cerrado para las especificaciones de la planta nominal y en presencia de perturbaciones. Estos resultados demuestran que cuando la ganancia de la presión del vapor en el domo superior de la caldera bagacera presenta variaciones en-1el rango [Kmin, Kmax] el controlador IDα diseñado exhibe mejores prestaciones, así como una mayor robustez. Abstract: This paper presents a fractional order controller of the class IDα-1 for robust control of the steam pressure in the steam drum of a bagasse boiler. The proposed controller improves the effectiveness on the control, and likewise the energy efficiency of this plant. The

  12. Comportamiento agresivo y prosocial de escolares residentes en entornos con altos niveles de pobreza

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    José William Martínez

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar los niveles de agresividad directa e indirecta y prosocialidad en un grupo de escolares de colegios públicos ubicados en trece municipios de un departamento intermedio de Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Un total de 2785 niños y niñas con edades entre los tres y once años fueron evaluados con un instrumento validado para población colombiana, que mide agresividad y prosocialidad a través de la observación directa del maestro de escuela. Resultados. Los niños presentaron predominantemente comportamientos asociados con la agresividad directa (22,4% y las niñas a la agresividad indirecta (8,0%. Los comportamientos prosociales fueron mas comunes en las niñas (67,2% y en las edades de 10 y 11 años de edad (67,4 %. Conclusiones. El grado de presencia de comportamientos agresivos estaría relacionada con el contexto sociocultural en el que viven los niños y esta problemática puede ser detectada e intervenida por los maestros en la escuela.

  13. Representaciones sociales de normas de tránsito, agresividad, facilidad percibida en la conducción, accidentes y multas en conductores de Bogotá, D. C.

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    José Ignacio Ruiz Pérez


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue conocer las representaciones sociales sobre normas de tránsito, y su relación con la agresividad y con la accidentalidad, y multas de tránsito autoinformadas en conductores de Bogotá. Se aplicó una encuesta basada en casos (Mamontoff, 2010 con elementos gráficos (Abric, 1993, a una muestra no aleatoria de conductores infractores o en proceso de renovación de la licencia de conducción. Como resultados se identificaron cuatro clases de conductores: dos grupos más dispuestos a consumir alcohol y exceder límites de velocidad (1.ª clase o no respetar semáforos en rojo y otras señalizaciones (2.ª clase, otro grupo menos de acuerdo con consumir alcohol antes de conducir, pero favorable a superar límites de velocidad (3.ª clase y otro grupo favorable a no violar ninguna norma de conducción (4.ª clase. Una actitud más favorable a consumir alcohol en la conducción se asoció con atribución de los accidentes a factores externos a los conductores, con haber sido multado más veces en el pasado y con más daños en accidentes. Una mayor agresividad se asoció, asimismo, con una intención de conducta más imprudente.

  14. Expresiones infantiles de agresividad en contextos educativos. Una interpretación desde la Psicología Dinámica y las relaciones familiares


    Laura Victoria Londoño; Edison Francisco Viveros


    Este artículo es uno de los productos de la investigación Perspectivas interdisciplinarias de intervención con familias: caso de la ciudad de Medellín y el Municipio de Rionegro. Una comprensión desde la Psicología, la Educación y la Familia. Describe los discursos de los niños sobre el fenómeno de la agresividad que experimentan en el Colegio Bello Oriente de Medellín. Su objetivo es detallar roles y límites en familias en las que hay niños que se comportan de mane-ra agresiva en ambientes ...

  15. Un programa autoaplicado para la prevención del consumo de drogas en población adolescente en el contexto escolar


    Rasal Cantó, Paloma Asunción


    El consumo de drogas ocasiona problemas de salud física, conflictos familiares y laborales, y problemas psicológicos y sociales a más de un millón de personas en nuestro país. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha señalado que éste es un gran problema de salud que afecta a toda la sociedad. Además del impacto en la salud, la adicción a las drogas también tiene otras consecuencias importantes sobre la sociedad y está relacionado con el incremento de la violencia y la agresividad (UNODC,...

  16. Modelización del perfil de soldadura y de la cavidad de vapor en la aleación de aluminio 5182 soldada con láser

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    Pastor, M.


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is the study of the laser welding process of the aluminum alloy 5182 and the development of models by means of the COSMOS/M package, in order to predict the shape of the keyhole and the temperatures profile of the weld. Modeling has been done considering the degree of defocusing. The heat flow applied on the models was a Gauss flow, considering the condition of the focused face and the conditions of negative and positive defocusing. The validity of the models has been demonstrated comparing their results with those obtained by experimental tests. The extent of defocusing of laser beam affected the stability of the keyhole and welding geometry.

    El presente trabajo se introduce en el desarrollo de modelos para predecir la forma de la cavidad de vapor y el perfil de la aleación de aluminio 5182 con soldadura láser. Para el procesamiento del modelo se ha empleado el paquete profesional de Elementos Finitos COSMOS/M. La modelización de la soldadura se realizó considerando como variable el grado de desenfoque del haz de láser y la distribución del flujo de calor según un modelo Gaussiano, para las condiciones de haz enfocado y de desenfoque negativo y positivo. La validez de los resultados obtenidos se comprobó mediante la comparación con los resultados obtenidos en pruebas experimentales, concluyéndose que el grado de desenfoque del haz del láser afecta notablemente la estabilidad de la cavidad de vapor y la geometría de la soldadura.

  17. La tecnología del vapor aplicada en las Minas de Almadén. Desde su origen hasta el Consejo de Administración


    Calderón Herrera, David


    La desaparición de un gran número de elementos importantes del patrimonio industrial está siendo compensada en los últimos años con el incremento de la labor investigadora tradicional combinada con el uso de las técnicas de reconstrucción virtual, lo que le ha dado un nuevo impulso a la recuperación y puesta en valor de éste patrimonio acercándolo con ello a la sociedad. En este trabajo de investigación se estudia la etapa de instalación de la tecnología del vapor en las minas de Almadén (Ciu...

  18. La agresividad en la conducción: Una investigación a partir de la visión de la población española


    Alonso Plá, Francisco Manuel; Sanmartín, Jaime; Calatayud Miñana, Constanza; Esteban Martínez, Cristina; Montoro González, Luis; Alamar Rocatí, Beatriz; Toledo Castillo, Francisco; Chofre Talens, Enrique; Lijarcio Cárcel, Ignacio; Chisvert Perales, Mauricio Javier; Carrascosa, Vicente


    ¿Qué entendemos por conducción agresiva? La agresividad en la conducción ha sido poco estudiada en nuestro país, hay una falta de conciencia pública y social. La investigación es el único modo de obtener herramientas eficaces para alcanzar objetivos con garantías de éxito. La difusión de los datos obtenidos puede servir para concienciar al público sobre esta problemática por lo que necesitamos conocer el grado de aceptación social de los distintos tipos de intervenciones. Las encuestas...






  20. Comparison of molecular models of carbon monoxide for calculation of vapor-liquid equilibrium

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    Bibian Alonso Hoyos-Madrigal


    Full Text Available Existen varios modelos moleculares para el monóxido de carbono desarrollados a partir de diferentes mediciones experimentales. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar los resultados que varios de estos modelos producen en el cálculo del equilibrio líquido-vapor en busca de recomendar qué modelo debe ser usado de acuerdo la propiedad y la fase que se desea calcular. Los modelos seleccionados corresponden a cuatro modelos no polares, con uno o dos sitios Lennard-Jones, y cuatro modelos polares, con dipolos o cargas parciales para representar la polaridad del monóxido de carbono. Simulaciones Monte Carlo en la versión Gibbs canónica (NVT-GEMC se emplearon para determinar las densidades de las fases en equilibrio, la presión de vapor y la entalpia de vaporización entre 80 y 130 K con cada uno de los modelos seleccionados. Se encontró que los modelos más complejos SVH, ANC y PGB, son los que mejor describen la densidad del líquido saturado (alrededor de 7% de desviación promedio, pero estos modelos generan desviaciones mayores al 40% para las propiedades del vapor y al 20% para la entalpia de vaporización. Por otro lado, el modelo no- polar BLF generó las menores desviaciones para la presión de saturación y la densidad del vapor (6.8 y 21.5%, respectivamente. Este modelo, al igual que el modelo HCB, produce desviaciones aceptables para la densidad del líquido y la entalpia de vaporización (entre 10 y 12%. Los modelos no polares BLF y HCB, que no requieren el cálculo de las interacciones de largo alcance, se pueden considerar como los modelos moleculares que presentan un balance satisfactorio entre desviaciones en los resultados y complejidad de cálculo.

  1. Summary of a Gas Transport Tracer Test in the Deep Cerros Del Rio Basalts, Mesita del Buey, Los Alamos NM.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stauffer, Philip H. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Rahn, Thomas A. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Ortiz, John Philip [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Salazar, Larry Joseph [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Boukhalfa, Hakim [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Snyder, Emily Elisabeth [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Here we describe results from a tracer test in the Cerros del Rio basalt beneath Mesita del Buey, Technical Area 54 (TA-54) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL or the Laboratory). This report follows from plans outlined in our previous Tracer Test Work Plan (LANL 2016). These activities were conducted by LANL to further characterize subsurface properties of the Cerros del Rio basalts at Material Disposal Area (MDA) L (Figure 1.1-1). The work presented follows from the “Interim Measures Work Plan for Soil-Vapor Extraction of Volatile Organic Compounds from Material Disposal Area L, Technical Area 54, Revision 1,” submitted to the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) in September 2014 (LANL 2014). Remediation of the MDA L vapor plume by soil-vapor extraction (SVE) is recommended as part of the final remedy in the “Corrective Measures Evaluation Report for Material Disposal Area L, Solid Waste Management Unit 54-006, at Technical Area 54, Revision 2” to meet a remedial action objective of preventing groundwater from being impacted above a regulatory standard by the transport of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to groundwater through soil vapor (LANL 2011).

  2. Changes in steam production due to the reservoir conditions in Cerro Prieto, Baja California; Cambios en la produccion de vapor debido a las condiciones del yacimiento en Cerro Prieto, Baja California

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morales Cardenas, Ramon; Rodriguez Rodriguez, Marco H. [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Residencia General de Cerro Prieto, Mexicali, B.C. (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    In more than 35 years of exploitation, thermodynamic conditions have changed in the Cerro Prieto geothermal reservoir. The effects are analyzed of the changes to the reservoir and their consequences to steam production in different field zones. For steam production, the most important features of reservoir fluids are enthalpies and pressures. The evolution of these features is presented in an enthalpy-pressure diagram. Here it can be seen that some reservoir zones have almost reached abandonment conditions. [Spanish] En mas de 35 anos de explotacion el yacimiento geotermico de Cerro Prieto ha experimentado cambios en sus condiciones termodinamicas. En este trabajo se analiza el efecto de esos cambios del yacimiento y su repercusion en la produccion de vapor para las diferentes zonas en las que se ha dividido el campo. Las propiedades mas importantes del fluido en el yacimiento para la produccion de vapor son su entalpia y su presion, por lo que se presenta la evolucion de esas propiedades en un diagrama de presion-entalpia, en el que se observa que hay zonas del yacimiento que estan proximas a alcanzar condiciones de abandono.

  3. Influencia del medio familiar en niños con conductas agresivas

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    Nilo Valentín Noroño Morales


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, sobre la influencia del medio familiar en niños de 9 a 11 años, con conductas agresivas, evaluados y diagnosticados en el Departamento de Psicología del Policlínico " Dr. Tomás Romay"; la muestra estuvo conformada además, por los padres de estos niños. A todos ellos se les aplicó una serie de técnicas con el objetivo principal de describir las características del medio familiar y su influencia en las conductas agresivas de los infantes. Se concluyó en que como características del medio familiar predominaron las familias disfuncionales incompletas, con manifestaciones de agresividad, alcoholismo, mala integración social y familiar, rechazo hacia los hijos e irresponsabilidad en su cuidado y atención.A descriptive study of the influence of the family environment on children aged 9-11 years old, evaluated and diagnosed at the Psychology Department of "Dr Tomás Romay" polyclinics, was carried out. The children´s parents were also part of the sample. All of them were applied a series of techniques to find out the characteristics of the family environment and its influence on children´s aggressive behaviors. It was concluded that the predominant characteristics were uncompleted dysfunctional families with manifestations of aggressiveness, alcoholism, poor social and family integration, rejection to children and lack of responsibility in relation to their care and attention.

  4. Caracterización del tipo de cavitación mediante dinámica computacional de fluidos para posteriores aplicaciones al estudio experimental del daño por cavitación


    Moll, Flavio; Manuele, Diego; Coussirat Núñez, Miguel Gustavo; Guardo Zabaleta, Alfredo de Jesús; Fontanals García, Alfred


    La cavitación se corresponde a una estructura bifásica (líquido-vapor) cuando la presión del líquido disminuye hasta su presión de vapor, pv. Esta disminución de pv puede deberse a diversos factores relacionados con la hidrodinámica del flujo y las propiedades físicas del fluido, pudiendo presentar diferentes características. En la cavitación hidrodinámica, pueden distinguirse efectos que pueden producir un acoplamiento fluido-estructura (lock-in) que puede favorecen la falla del material, só...

  5. Mobile vapor recovery and vapor scavenging unit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stokes, C.A.; Steppe, D.E.


    This patent describes a mobile anti- pollution apparatus, for the recovery of hydrocarbon emissions. It comprises a mobile platform upon which is mounted a vapor recovery unit for recovering vapors including light hydrocarbons, the vapor recovery unit having an inlet and an outlet end, the inlet end adapted for coupling to an external source of hydrocarbon vapor emissions to recover a portion of the vapors including light hydrocarbons emitted therefrom, and the outlet end adapted for connection to a means for conveying unrecovered vapors to a vapor scavenging unit, the vapor scavenging unit comprising an internal combustion engine adapted for utilizing light hydrocarbon in the unrecovered vapors exiting from the vapor recovery unit as supplemental fuel

  6. Creencias sobre estereotipos de género de jóvenes universitarios del norte de México

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    María José Cubillas Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las valoraciones sociales de género presentes en las creencias de la población estudiantil universitaria del norte de México, con el fin de conocer los cambios que se van produciendo en relación a este fenómeno. Se aplicó una escala de creencias estereotipadas de género a 1921 estudiantes de ambos sexos de dos universidades públicas del norte de México, localizadas en las ciudades de Hermosillo, Sonora y Saltillo, Coahuila. Se exploraron cinco dimensiones: feminidad/masculinidad, roles de maternidad/paternidad, sexualidad, competencias y capacidades y expresiones de emotividad/ agresividad. Los resultados indican un mayor arraigo a posturas tradicionales en varones y en los estudiantes provenientes de la división académica de ingeniería. En general, los estudiantes de semestres avanzados tienen los mismos prejuicios de género que los de recién ingreso a la institución. Se recomienda transversalizar la perspectiva de género en las instituciones de educación superior a través de programas de sensibilización y capacitación.

  7. La danse des lions et des lionnes

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    Ziou Ziou Abdellah


    Full Text Available Descripción del ritual de baile y expresión corporal ejecutado por un grupo de bailarines que emula los movimientos de un grupo de leones y leonas en lucha, controlando extremadamente su agresividad. Forman parte de una cofradía mística con motivo del Moussem (feria o fiesta popular de Sidi Hadi Ben Aissa, patrón de los Aissaouás, llevado a cabo el día de Miloud que conmemora el nacimiento del profeta Sidna Mohamed.

  8. Cambios en la empatía, la asertividad y las relaciones sociales por la aplicación del modelo de instrucción educación deportiva

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    Luis Miguel Garc\\u00EDa-L\\u00F3pez


    Full Text Available La Educación Deportiva es un modelo de instrucción proveniente del mundo anglosajón cuyas principales metas son desarrollar en los alumnos el interés por el deporte, la cultura deportiva y los valores sociales. El objetivo de nuestro estudio ha sido contrastar las mejoras en la empatía, la asertividad y las relaciones sociales, habitualmente atribuidas cuando la Educación Física se imparte mediante este modelo. Para ello se ha implemen- tado el modelo con un grupo de 21 sujetos (diez varones y 11 mujeres de quinto de Educación Primaria durante 18 sesiones, evaluando en un pretest y un postest dichas variables. Para evaluar la empatía, la asertividad y las relaciones sociales se utilizaron el Cuestionario de evaluación de la empatía, la Escala de comportamiento asertivo para niños y un Cuestionario sociométrico, respectivamente. Los diferentes ANOVA realizados mostraron que el programa no ha mejorado la empatía, la asertividad, las conductas agresivas, los amigos positivos y los amigos negativos en el total del grupo. Sin embargo, sí se obtuvieron mejoras significativas en la disminución de las conductas pasivas en el total del grupo, la agresividad en función del rol desempeñado, el aumento del amigo positivo dentro del equipo al que se pertenece, y la disminución del amigo negativo en las niñas.

  9. Effect of the blades and seals system wear on steam turbine efficiency and power; Efecto del desgaste del sistema de alabes y sellos sobre la eficiencia y potencia de las turbinas de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campos Amezcua, Alfonso; Kubiak Szyszka, Janusz [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The implementation of a method for steam turbine evaluation through the measured geometry in the flow channel and its operating conditions, is presented. This method, previously developed, allows the identification and quantification of the power and efficiency loss due to the wear of its elements (worn or bent blades, worn seals, deposits, etc.); the benefit that is obtained is a more precise knowledge on the turbine behavior and a basis is acquired to give priority to the maintenance work, from the stand point of energy utilization. In this paper, the power and efficiency loss of a 300 MW steam turbine is located and evaluated, a sensibility analysis is presented for the typical elements that cause the deterioration of the efficiency in this type of turbines. [Espanol] Se presenta la implementacion de un metodo de evaluacion de turbinas de vapor a partir de la geometria medida del canal de flujo y sus condiciones de operacion. Este metodo, previamente desarrollado, permite identificar y cuantificar las perdidas de potencia y eficiencia debido al desgaste de sus elementos (alabes desgastados o doblados, sellos desgastados, depositos, etcetera); el beneficio que se obtiene es un conocimiento mas preciso del comportamiento de la turbina y que se tiene una base para dar prioridad a los trabajos de mantenimiento desde el punto de vista de aprovechamiento de la energia. En este articulo se localizan y evaluan las perdidas de potencia y eficiencia de una turbina de vapor de 300 MW, ademas, se presenta un analisis de sensibilidad para los elementos tipicos que originan el deterioro de la eficiencia en este tipo de turbinas.

  10. Effect of the blades and seals system wear on steam turbine efficiency and power; Efecto del desgaste del sistema de alabes y sellos sobre la eficiencia y potencia de las turbinas de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campos Amezcua, Alfonso; Kubiak Szyszka, Janusz [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The implementation of a method for steam turbine evaluation through the measured geometry in the flow channel and its operating conditions, is presented. This method, previously developed, allows the identification and quantification of the power and efficiency loss due to the wear of its elements (worn or bent blades, worn seals, deposits, etc.); the benefit that is obtained is a more precise knowledge on the turbine behavior and a basis is acquired to give priority to the maintenance work, from the stand point of energy utilization. In this paper, the power and efficiency loss of a 300 MW steam turbine is located and evaluated, a sensibility analysis is presented for the typical elements that cause the deterioration of the efficiency in this type of turbines. [Espanol] Se presenta la implementacion de un metodo de evaluacion de turbinas de vapor a partir de la geometria medida del canal de flujo y sus condiciones de operacion. Este metodo, previamente desarrollado, permite identificar y cuantificar las perdidas de potencia y eficiencia debido al desgaste de sus elementos (alabes desgastados o doblados, sellos desgastados, depositos, etcetera); el beneficio que se obtiene es un conocimiento mas preciso del comportamiento de la turbina y que se tiene una base para dar prioridad a los trabajos de mantenimiento desde el punto de vista de aprovechamiento de la energia. En este articulo se localizan y evaluan las perdidas de potencia y eficiencia de una turbina de vapor de 300 MW, ademas, se presenta un analisis de sensibilidad para los elementos tipicos que originan el deterioro de la eficiencia en este tipo de turbinas.

  11. Videojuegos violentos y agresividad

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    Félix Etxeberría


    Full Text Available Está fuera de toda duda el hecho de que los videojuegos constituyen la mayor parte del consumo audiovisual de nuestra sociedad, por encima de la suma del cine, películas de video y música grabada. También parece evidente la presencia de un grado de violencia cada vez más intenso en los videojuegos más vendidos o utilizados por los menores y jóvenes. Igualmente está demostrado que los menores de edad tienen fácil acceso a los videojuegos violentos y otro tipo de juegos que, teóricamente, no son adecuados para su edad.El debate sobre la influencia de los videojuegos violentos (VJV en la conducta de los jugadores viene desarrollándose desde hace muchos años, en un aparente empate dialéctico entre quienes alertan sobre los efectos negativos de los VJV y quienes advierten que su influencia no es mayor que la del cine, la tv o la literatura. En este artículo queremos llamar la atención sobre los peligros reales de la utilización de los VJV en razón a varios hechos que evidencian la necesidad de controlar los juegos a los que juegan los menores en nuestra sociedad. Estos argumentos son de diferente tipo:1 La alarma constante por parte de las Asociaciones Internacionales de Pediatría, Psiquiatría, Medicina, Psicología y otros organismos preocupados por la salud.2 Las llamadas de atención por parte de las asociaciones de consumidores y usuarios. 3 La respuesta institucional que algunos países de Europa y de América han realizado al respecto. El Parlamento Europeo también se ha pronunciado en esa dirección. 4 La creación de un código internacional para la protección de los usuarios, el código autorregulador Pan European Game Information (PEGI. 5 La investigación desde hace décadas y los más recientes estudios realizados por Anderson. El resultado de estos informes y estudios confirma la evidencia de que la exposición a los videojuegos violentos se relaciona directamente con conductas, pensamientos y actitudes agresivas, al


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    Los rasgos del temperamento se definen como tendencias conductuales estables entre situaciones similares y a lo largo del tiempo. En el presente trabajo se revisan las pruebas conductuales diseñadas para la evaluación de rasgos aislados del temperamento en los perros domésticos. Para cada dimensión se describen los estímulos empleados, las respuestas evaluadas y el correlato fisiológico de las mismas. Los rasgos más estudiados fueron la temerosidad, la agresividad y la sociabilidad. Sin embargo, sólo la primera cuenta con correlatos fisiológicos bien establecidos. Finalmente, las evaluaciones conductuales resultan de suma importancia para la selección de los perros para las distintas funciones que cumplen en la sociedad humana: detección de drogas, compañía, guardia, rescate de personas, etc.

  13. Study with liquid and steam tracers at the Tejamaniles area, Los Azufres, Mich., geothermal field; Estudio con trazadores de liquido y vapor en el area Tejamaniles del campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Mich.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iglesias, Eduardo R. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Gerencia de Geotermia, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Flores Armenta, Magaly [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico); Torres, Rodolfo J. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Gerencia de Geotermia, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Ramirez Montes, Miguel [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico); Reyes Picasso, Neftali [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Gerencia de Geotermia, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Reyes Delgado, Lisette [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)


    monitored producing wells, and (ii) there is vertical permeability in the reservoir area between the distances mentioned. The vertical flow implies the injected fluid, relatively cold (about 40 degrees Celsius), is heated sufficiently to flow upward by convection, thus preventing, or at least slowing down, thermal interference. Results suggest the recovery of steam generated by injection into Az-08 generally tends to decrease exponentially with the horizontal distance of the studied wells to the injector, and with the vertical distance between the injection area and the corresponding production areas. [Spanish] La Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) inyecta salmueras producidas por pozos de la zona en el pozo Az-08, localizado en el area Tejamaniles, al suroeste del campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Mich. Los objetivos principales de este estudio son: determinar si el fluido inyectado recarga nueve pozos productores del area y, si esto ocurre, estimar que fraccion del fluido inyectado recarga a cada pozo productor. Cinco de los pozos seleccionados producen mezcla; el resto produce solo vapor. Por esta razon se diseno este estudio con inyeccion simultanea de trazadores de liquido y de vapor. Los nueve pozos productores seleccionados detectaron el trazador de vapor, y los cinco pozos que producen mezcla detectaron el trazador de fase liquida. Las curvas de residencia de ambos trazadores presentan series de picos que reflejan la conocida naturaleza fracturada de este yacimiento. Los resultados demuestran que las areas de alimentacion de los nueve pozos seleccionados son recargadas por el fluido inyectado en el pozo Az-08. Conviene aclarar que al momento de preparar este trabajo se habia completado el arribo del trazador de vapor en todos los pozos, pero los pozos que producen mezcla continuaban registrando arribo del trazador de liquido. Hasta 407 dias despues de la inyeccion de los trazadores, el porcentaje total de recuperacion del trazador de fase liquida en los cinco

  14. Aspectos conceptuales de la agresión : definición y modelos explicativos


    Carrasco Ortiz, Miguel Angel; González Calderón, María José


    El presente artículo aporta una revisión histórica del estudio de la agresión. En lo referente a su definición, se revisa su concepto y la delimitación del mismo respecto de otros términos, tales como agresividad, ira, hostilidad, violencia, delito o crimen. Así mismo, se resumen una selección de las principales tipologías de la agresión. Por último, se presentan los distintos modelos explicativos de la conducta agresiva: instintivos, biológicos, del drive, conductuales, cognitivos, aquellos ...

  15. System of aid for the starting of the steam generator of a thermoelectric unit; Sistema de ayuda para el arranque del generador de vapor de una unidad termoelectrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quintero R, Agustin; Suarez C, Dionisio A; Aquino E, Juan C; Diaz H, Carlos A; Cruz T, Jorge A; Sanchez L, Jose A [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    This article presents the development of an on line aid system, whose objective is to aid the operator of a thermoelectric unit, providing the information that is required to carry out the heating and pressurization of the steam generator in the shortest possible time. The former takes place respecting the operation limits determined by the manufacturer and the conditions of security established to carry out the maneuvers of operation of the equipment. The system incorporates a scheme of predictive control, based on a neuronal model that estimates the optimal position of two final elements of control to fulfill with the curves of reference for the temperature and pressure of the main steam. The system is based on an architecture client-server and uses technology Web for the access of the information through a navigator of the Internet. [Spanish] Este articulo presenta el desarrollo de un sistema de ayuda en linea, cuyo objetivo es asistir al operador de una unidad termoelectrica, proporcionando la informacion que requiere para llevar a cabo el calentamiento y presurizacion del generador de vapor en el menor tiempo posible. Lo anterior se efectua respetando los limites de operacion determinados por el fabricante y las condiciones de seguridad establecidas para efectuar las maniobras de operacion de los equipos. El sistema incorpora un esquema de control predictivo, basado en un modelo neuronal, que estima la posicion optima de dos elementos finales de control para cumplir con las curvas de referencia para la temperatura y presion del vapor principal. El sistema esta basado en una arquitectura cliente-servidor y utiliza tecnologia Web para el acceso a la informacion a traves de un navegador del Internet.

  16. Resonancia magnética nuclear de encéfalo en pacientes con fenilcetonuria diagnosticada tardíamente


    Mario O. Jiménez-Pérez; Gilberto Gómez-Garza; Matilde Ruiz-García; Cynthia Fernández-Lainez; Isabel Ibarra-González; Marcela Vela-Amieva


    Antecedentes: la fenilcetonuria clásica es una encefalopatía genética caracterizada por una inhabilidad de los individuos para metabolizar la fenilalanina, por lo que su concentración plasmática se eleva a niveles tóxicos. Clínicamente se manifiesta como irritabilidad, alteración del sueño, indiferencia al medio, crisis convulsivas, retraso del neurodesarrollo, conducta autista, agresividad y discapacidad intelectual. Objetivo: describir los hallazgos y cuantificar el coefic...

  17. Comportamiento de hormigones expuestos a condiciones naturales de alta agresividad quimica

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    Angel Oshiro


    Full Text Available Cuando se considera el hormigón en estado endurecido, un aspecto muy importante es la durabilidad del hormigón, la que puede depender del ambiente al que se expone o de causas internas del hormigón mismo. Este trabajo iniciado en el año 1976 por los ingenieros argentinos Oshiro y Rocha, centra su atención en el primer aspecto, presentando los resultados de la exposición de hormigones que estuvieron durante más de 20 años en un ambiente agresivo con elevado contenido de sulfatos y cloruros, geográficamente ubicado en Las Salinas Grandes, provincia de Córdoba, en el centro de la República Argentina. Los resultados difunden la experiencia de un caso real como un aporte para el medio científico y técnico, que permita tomar conciencia de las decisiones a tomar cuando el hormigón es expuesto a medios agresivos; permiten confirmar el deterioro químico progresivo de la pasta de cemento, en menor magnitud en hormigones con cemento puzolánico y la ventaja del empleo de bajas relaciones agua cemento y aditivo incorporador de aire en las principales propiedades del hormigón, controladas durante 20 años.

  18. Vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization of azides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verevkin, Sergey P.; Emel'yanenko, Vladimir N.; Algarra, Manuel; Manuel Lopez-Romero, J.; Aguiar, Fabio; Enrique Rodriguez-Borges, J.; Esteves da Silva, Joaquim C.G.


    Highlights: → We prepared and measured vapor pressures and vaporization enthalpies of 7 azides. → We examined consistency of new and available in the literature data. → Data for geminal azides and azido-alkanes selected for thermochemical calculations. - Abstract: Vapor pressures of some azides have been determined by the transpiration method. The molar enthalpies of vaporization Δ l g H m of these compounds were derived from the temperature dependencies of vapor pressures. The measured data sets were successfully checked for internal consistency by comparison with vaporization enthalpies of similarly structured compounds.

  19. Imágenes transitorias. Globalización y modificaciones urbanas en ciudades del norte de México

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    Eloy Méndez Sainz


    Full Text Available Las expectativas mexicanas de inserción en los mercados globales, han sido puestas en las ciudades. Aunque frente a limitaciones de fondo, emerge el mercado de la imagen, uno de los renglones de mayor agresividad competitiva. En el escenario urbano, las interrogantes en torno al qué y cómo vender se anteponen por regla a políticas orientadas al bienestar social. En el ámbito particular de la Frontera Norte, formada por ciudades de crecimiento acelerado con ritmo sostenido a lo largo del siglo, tales preguntas parecen plantearse con mayor intensidad, a la par que el incremento de migrantes de paso. Así, los ambientes fronterizos se configuran mediante la proliferación obsesiva de toda oferta posible, para captar todo consumidor existente. Ante un consumidor en tránsito, de actitud compulsiva, el atractivo visual ha de ser único y contundente. Este empleo del espacio físico es una experiencia que tiende a ser trasladada territorio adentro, mediante un instrumento de intervención convincente: los megaproyectos urbanísticos. Las realizaciones en Tijuana, y luego las tentativas en Hermosillo y Culiacán, muestran operativos eficientes en el trastocamiento de formas urbanas.

  20. Inteligencia emocional y estrés y rendimiento en tripulantes de cabina de pasajeros frente a pasajeros conflictivos


    Piñar Chelso, María José


    La función principal de los tripulantes de cabina de pasajeros (TCP), velar por la seguridad de los pasajeros y del vuelo, ha sido poco estudiada. Realizando esta tarea, los TCP frecuentemente interactúan con pasajeros conflictivos (pasajeros que no respetan las normas de conducta a bordo del avión). Durante el vuelo, este rol requiere que intervengan en estas situaciones, procurando que el pasajero cumpla la normativa de seguridad infringida, frenando su potencial agresividad y cuidando la c...

  1. Resonancia magnética nuclear de encéfalo en pacientes con fenilcetonuria diagnosticada tardíamente


    Jiménez-Pérez, Mario O.; Gómez-Garza, Gilberto; Ruiz-García, Matilde; Fernández-Lainez, Cynthia; Ibarra-González, Isabel; Vela-Amieva, Marcela


    Antecedentes: la fenilcetonuria clásica es una encefalopatía genética caracterizada por una inhabilidad de los individuos para metabolizar la fenilalanina, por lo que su concentración plasmática se eleva a niveles tóxicos. Clínicamente se manifiesta como irritabilidad, alteración del sueño, indiferencia al medio, crisis convulsivas, retraso del neurodesarrollo, conducta autista, agresividad y discapacidad intelectual. Objetivo: describir los hallazgos y cuantificar el coeficiente de difusión ...

  2. Simulation and analysis of the tangential flow in the combustion chamber of a steam generator; Simulacion y analisis del flujo tangencial en la camara de combustion de un generador de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez Ramirez, Isaias


    supplying ducts, were obtained, with a maximum discrepancy of 5.5 m/s between the data published by McKenty and Gravel (1997) and this analysis, for the case of combustion gases in the interior of the furnace. Temperature profiles were obtained, which were overestimated in the order of 417 Celsius degrees for the case of the temperature of gases in the center of the combustion chamber, when comparing them with the corresponding ones obtained by McKenty and Gravel (1997). It is speculated that this discrepancy must to be due to the omission of the connection of the radiation model to the global computational model and; the contours of concentration of species for the combustion products in the chamber were considered (carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen), obtaining only the qualitative behavior of these. It is proposed as conclusion that the computational model developed in this thesis work can be used for the estimation of flow of fluids patterns, heat transference and transference of mass of a steam generator VU-60 of the tangential type and similar to the one taken as a base for this analysis. One improvement to the computational model developed could be achieved including the radiation effect, which requires a larger memory capacity of the computer hardware than the one available during the elaboration of this thesis. [Espanol] El presente trabajo de tesis describe la simulacion y analisis de la camara de combustion de un generador de vapor VU-60 del tipo tangencial, el cual esta basado en la solucion de la ecuacion generalizada de transporte, empleando modelos matematicos desarrollados para la caracterizacion de fenomenos fisicos para cerrar los sistemas de ecuaciones gobernantes. Para la solucion de los modelos matematicos y ecuaciones gobernantes se empleo el metodo de volumen finito, el cual se basa en el concepto de volumen de control. Se desarrollo un modelo computacional tridimensional por medio del cual se estimaron los perfiles de velocidad, presion, temperatura

  3. Cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento: el estado del arte (United States)

    Yampolsky, Claudio; Bendersky, Damián


    Introducción: La cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento (CTC) se está convirtiendo en un tratamiento más común desde el desarrollo de la neuromodulación. Métodos: Este artículo es una revisión no sistemática de la historia, indicaciones actuales, técnicas y blancos quirúrgicos de la CTC. Dividimos su historia en 3 eras: la primera comienza en los inicios de la psicocirugía y termina con el desarrollo de las tícnicas estereotácticas, cuando comienza la segunda era. Ésta se caracteriza por la realización de lesiones estereotácticas. Nos encontramos transitando la tercera era, que comienza cuando la estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP) comienza a ser usada en CTC. Resultados: A pesar de los errores graves cometidos en el pasado, hoy en día, la CTC está renaciendo. Los trastornos psiquiátricos que se más frecuentemente se tratan con cirugía son: depresión refractaria, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y síndrome de Tourette. Además, algunos pacientes con agresividad fueron tratados quirúrgicamente. Hay varios blancos estereotácticos descriptos para estos trastornos. La estimulación vagal puede ser usada también para depresión. Conclusión: Los resultados de la ECP en estos trastornos parecen alentadores. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios randomizados para establecer la efectividad de la CTC. Debe tenerse en cuenta que una apropiada selección de pacientes nos ayudará a realizar un procedimiento más seguro así como también a lograr mejores resultados quirúrgicos, conduciendo a la CTC a ser más aceptada por psiquiatras, pacientes y sus familias. Se necesita mayor investigación en varios temas como: fisiopatología de los trastornos del comportamiento, indicaciones de CTC y nuevos blancos quirúrgicos. PMID:25165612

  4. Determinación experimental del equilibrio líquido-vapor del sistema etanol-agua-glicerina


    Chasoy Rojas, William Andrés


    Actualmente, la obtención de alcohol anhidro se lleva a cabo mediante el uso de tecnologías como tamices moleculares, destilación extractiva con etilenglicol y destilación azeotrópica; esta última reemplazada casi totalmente por su alto consumo energético en relación a las otras y por la toxicidad del solvente que se utiliza en el proceso. Siendo la destilación extractiva una alternativa para la obtención del alcohol anhidro que puede competir con la tecnología de tamices molec...

  5. Soporte social, familiar y autoconcepto: relación entre los constructos

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    Makilim Nunes Baptista


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue verificar las asociaciones entre el soporte social, el soporte familiar y el autoconcepto en un grupo de hombres y mujeres. En el caso de los hombres hubo correlaciones negativas entre el soporte familiar y los factores negligencia, agresividad e indiferencia del instrumento de autoconcepto. En el grupo de mujeres el soporte familiar total fue correlacionado positivamente con sensualidad y responsabilidad, y negativamente con inseguridad, siendo las tres medidas del instrumento de autoconcepto. Al considerar las relaciones entre el soporte familiar y el soporte social, todas fueron positivas, tanto en los hombres como en las mujeres.

  6. Nuevos diseños de sistemas de control híbrido, genético-adaptativo, para la regulación de la eficiencia del bloque termoenergético de las empresas del níquel.

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    Antonio Muñoz


    Full Text Available El artículo muestra los resultados de la investigación del sistema de avanzado híbrido (genéticoadaptativo para la generación de vapor, a través de lazos de regulación para la reducción de la dispersión de las variables del régimen operacional del proceso, con la aplicación de nuevas estrategias de control óptimo con algoritmos genéticos del gasto de energía, sobre la desviación del régimen de trabajo de las calderas; todo lo cual contribuye a la reducción de las pérdidas de energía para generar vapor, permitiendo implementar sistemas control híbridos, resultantes de la integración de sistemas de control genético-adaptativos.

  7. Virtual test bench as a complement to study thermal area: application in vapor compression systems

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    Juan Manuel Belman-Flores


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe un simulador educativo desarrollado en el software Engineering Equation Solver para representar el comportamiento de un sistema de compresión de vapor. La aplicación está enfocada con propósitos educativos, particularmente para que estudiantes de ingeniería adquieran habilidades en el manejo de instalaciones de refrigeración. Mediante el uso de este simulador, los estudiantes tendrán la capacidad de analizar fácilmente la infl uencia que tienen parámetros medidos experimentalmente (como la velocidad de rotación del compresor, el fl ujo volumétrico y la temperatura de fl uidos secundarios sobre la efi ciencia energética del sistema y sus componentes principales. El banco virtual consta de una pantalla principal que muestra un esquema general del sistema de compresión de vapor con parámetros de entrada y de salida. Desde la pantalla principal, el desempeño de los componentes principales puede ser analizado. Finalmente, este banco de pruebas virtual ha sido probado por estudiantes de ingeniería, concluyendo que el simulador es una herramienta de apoyo que permite mejorar el aprendizaje de las diferentes áreas del conocimiento.

  8. Analysis and control of erosion by solid particles in the elements of the flow system of steam turbines; Analisis y control de erosion por particulas solidas en los elementos del sistema de flujo de turbinas de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazur Czerwiec, Zdzislaw; Campos Amezcua, Alfonso; Campos Amezcua, Rafael [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    The analysis of erosion by solid particles is presented of different elements of the flow channel of the steam turbines that operate in Mexico: nozzles, stop valves, blade bosses, labyrinth seals and rotor disc; using tools of of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In these main elements of turbines a strong problem of erosion was registered that threatens the reliable operation of the turbines, its availability and its optimal yield. With base on the results of the numerical analyses, the design modifications of the different elements were developed from the flow channel of the steam turbines, in order to reduce the erosion and thus diminishing the energy losses and increasing the steam turbine efficiency. This work presents the main benefits that the Thermoelectric Power Plants obtain with the reduction of the erosion by solid particles that affect the critical components of steam turbines: extension of the period between maintenance, replacement of components, reduction of operation and maintenance costs of the turbines, and extension of the useful life of the main components. [Spanish] Se presenta el analisis de erosion por particulas solidas de diferentes elementos del canal de flujo de las turbinas de vapor que operan en Mexico: toberas, valvula de paro, tetones de los alabes, sellos de laberinto y disco del rotor; utilizando herramientas de Dinamica de Fluidos Computacional (DFC). En estos elementos principales de turbinas se registro un fuerte problema de erosion que amenaza la operacion confiable de las turbinas, su disponibilidad y su rendimiento optimo. Con base en los resultados de los analisis numericos, se desarrollaron las modificaciones de diseno de los diferentes elementos del canal de flujo de las turbinas de vapor, con el proposito de reducir la erosion y asi, disminuir las perdidas de energia e incrementar el rendimiento de las turbinas de vapor. Este trabajo presenta los principales beneficios que obtienen las Centrales Termoelectricas con la

  9. Discinesias y la agresividad del paciente subnormal, refractarias al tratamiento, pueden aliviarse con la estimulación cerebral profunda.

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    Jaime Weisner Durán


    La estimulación cerebral profunda, iniciada por el celebérrimo José M.R. Delgado3, en 1952 (Horgan, 2005, es muy ventajosa, no provoca sino mínima destrucción porque la lesión introductora del microelectrodo es también mínima, es reversible, todo el instrumento foráneo se puede extraer, la estimulación provista es ajustable y el microelectrodo es implantado estereotáxicamente (con enorme exactitud o precisión en el núcleo deficiente, el cual esta conectado a un neuro-estimulador graduador que provee la estimulación eléctrica deseada a uno de los núcleos cerebrales profundos, unilateral o bilateralmente...

  10. Unomas

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    Víctor Sánchez


    Full Text Available Arquitecto, tal y como se muestra en la limpieza de sus trabajos. Sus collages, fotomontajes y dibujos de humor conforman una excelente vanguardia en el difícil arte del humor gráfico. La sutil agresividad de su humor combinada a una línea aguda y sin sobresaltos lo han convertido en uno de los mejores en su género.

  11. Vapor pressure and enthalpy of vaporization of aliphatic propanediamines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verevkin, Sergey P.; Chernyak, Yury


    Highlights: ► We measured vapor pressure of four aliphatic 1,3-diamines. ► Vaporization enthalpies at 298 K were derived. ► We examined consistency of new and available data in the literature. ► A group-contribution method for prediction was developed. - Abstract: Vapor pressures of four aliphatic propanediamines including N-methyl-1,3-propanediamine (MPDA), N,N-dimethyl-1,3-propanediamine (DMPDA), N,N-diethyl-1,3-propanediamine (DEPDA) and N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-1,3-propanediamine (4MPDA) were measured using the transpiration method. The vapor pressures developed in this work and reported in the literature were used to derive molar enthalpy of vaporization values at the reference temperature 298.15 K. An internal consistency check of the enthalpy of vaporization was performed for the aliphatic propanediamines studied in this work. A group-contribution method was developed for the validation and prediction vaporization enthalpies of amines and diamines.

  12. Evaluación agroindustrial de los aceites esenciales de Artemisia dracunculos L, Franseria artemisioides Willd, Salvia officinalis L, Lippia dulcis Frev, y Occimun americanum L en condiciones del Valle del Cauca


    Luis F Saldarriaga C; Ginna M Sánchez M; Carmen Rosa Bonilla Correa; Manuel Salvador Sánchez Orozco; Harlen Gerardo Torres Castañeda


    En parcelas establecidas de la Colección de Trabajo de Plantas Medicinales del Centro Experimental CEUNP en condiciones del departamento del Valle del Cauca, se tomaron muestras del material vegetal mediante el corte manual en un marco de 0.25m2 ; se separaron hojas, tallos y flores de cada especie. Se determinó el porcentaje de materia seca y se acondicionó para el proceso de extracción de aceite esencial mediante arrastre con vapor. A los aceites obtenidos se...

  13. Evaluación de la conducta tipo A en población infantil colombiana a partir del Mattews Youth for Health

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    Stefano Vinaccia


    Full Text Available El presente estudio descriptivo transversal forma parte de una investigación en la que se pretendió medir el patrón de conducta tipo A en una población infantil de diferentes estratos socio-económicos, tal y como ha sido estudiado por Matthews y Angulo a través del Matthews Youth For Health (MYTH. Para esto se aplicó el MYTH a una muestra de 300 niños y niñas de 10 años de edad de colegios de clase alta, media y baja de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Los resultados más interesantes fueron las diferencias encontradas en tres de las subescalas del MYTH (Agresividad, Competencia e Impaciencia entre niñas de clase alta y de clase media con relación a las niñas de clase baja, que tuvieron siempre puntuaciones más bajas. Estas diferencias podrían llevarnos a pensar que el rol de género que plantea tradicionalmente que las niñas tienen que ser tiernas y delicadas puede ser un concepto del pasado en el estrato alto, mientras en la clase baja los patrones de conducta tradicionalmente femeninos seguirían vigentes, posiblemente resultado de modelos familiares y educativos poco competitivos y con esquemas tradicionales de cómo se tienen que comportar niños y niñas.

  14. Vapor pressure and enthalpy of vaporization of linear aliphatic alkanediamines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pozdeev, Vasiliy A.; Verevkin, Sergey P.


    Highlights: → We measured vapor pressure of diamines H 2 N-(CH 2 ) n -NH 2 with n = 3 to 12. → Vaporization enthalpies at 298 K were derived. → We examined consistency of new and available in the literature data. → Enthalpies of vaporization show linear dependence on numbers n. → Enthalpies of vaporization correlate linearly with Kovat's indices. - Abstract: Vapor pressures and the molar enthalpies of vaporization of the linear aliphatic alkanediamines H 2 N-(CH 2 ) n -NH 2 with n = (3 to 12) have been determined using the transpiration method. A linear correlation of enthalpies of vaporization (at T = 298.15 K) of the alkanediamines with the number n and with the Kovat's indices has been found, proving the internal consistency of the measured data.

  15. Evaluación agroindustrial de los aceites esenciales de Artemisia dracunculos L, Franseria artemisioides Willd, Salvia officinalis L, Lippia dulcis Frev, y Occimun americanum L en condiciones del Valle del Cauca


    Saldarriaga C, Luis F; Sánchez M, Ginna M; Bonilla Correa, Carmen Rosa; Sánchez Orozco, Manuel Salvador; Torres Castañeda, Harlen Gerardo


    En parcelas establecidas de la Colección de Trabajo de Plantas Medicinales del Centro Experimental CEUNP en condiciones del departamento del Valle del Cauca, se tomaron muestras del material vegetal mediante el corte manual en un marco de 0.25m² ; se separaron hojas, tallos y flores de cada especie. Se determinó el porcentaje de materia seca y se acondicionó para el proceso de extracción de aceite esencial mediante arrastre con vapor. A los aceites obtenidos se les midió la densidad, y el índ...

  16. Evaluación agroindustrial de los aceites esenciales de artemisia dracunculos l, franseria artemisioides willd, salvia officinalis l, lippia dulcis frev, y occimun americanum l en condiciones del valle del cauca


    Saldarriaga C, Luis F.; Sánchez M, Ginna M.; Bonilla Correa, Carmen Rosa; Sánchez Orozco, Manuel Salvador; Torres Castañeda, Harlen Gerardo


    En parcelas establecidas de la Colección de Trabajo de Plantas Medicinales del Centro Experimental CEUNP en condiciones del departamento del Valle del Cauca, se tomaron muestras del material vegetal mediante el corte manual en un marco de 0.25m2 ; se separaron hojas, tallos y flores de cada especie. Se determinó el porcentaje de materia seca y se acondicionó para el proceso de extracción de aceite esencial mediante arrastre con vapor. A los aceites obtenidos se les midió la densidad, y el índ...

  17. Desarmando el poder antisocial de los videojuegos

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    Full Text Available El presente artículo intenta desmoronar la concepción negativa que la sociedad tiene de los videojuegos como herramientas de aprendizaje de conductas y actitudes antisociales, tales como agresividad o sexismo entre otras. Muy al contrario, los presentamos como mediadores para la construcción de la identidad social y la adquisición de nuevas competencias asociadas a la alfabetización del siglo XXI.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eric M. Suuberg; Vahur Oja


    This project had as its main focus the determination of vapor pressures of coal pyrolysis tars. It involved performing measurements of these vapor pressures and from them, developing vapor pressure correlations suitable for use in advanced pyrolysis models (those models which explicitly account for mass transport limitations). This report is divided into five main chapters. Each chapter is a relatively stand-alone section. Chapter A reviews the general nature of coal tars and gives a summary of existing vapor pressure correlations for coal tars and model compounds. Chapter B summarizes the main experimental approaches for coal tar preparation and characterization which have been used throughout the project. Chapter C is concerned with the selection of the model compounds for coal pyrolysis tars and reviews the data available to us on the vapor pressures of high boiling point aromatic compounds. This chapter also deals with the question of identifying factors that govern the vapor pressures of coal tar model materials and their mixtures. Chapter D covers the vapor pressures and heats of vaporization of primary cellulose tars. Chapter E discusses the results of the main focus of this study. In summary, this work provides improved understanding of the volatility of coal and cellulose pyrolysis tars. It has resulted in new experimentally verified vapor pressure correlations for use in pyrolysis models. Further research on this topic should aim at developing general vapor pressure correlations for all coal tars, based on their molecular weight together with certain specific chemical characteristics i.e. hydroxyl group content.

  19. Enthalpy of Vaporization and Vapor Pressures: An Inexpensive Apparatus (United States)

    Battino, Rubin; Dolson, David A.; Hall, Michael A.; Letcher, Trevor M.


    A simple and inexpensive method to determine the enthalpy of vaporization of liquids by measuring vapor pressure as a function of temperature is described. The vapor pressures measured with the stopcock cell were higher than the literature values and those measured with the sidearm rubber septum cell were both higher and lower than literature…

  20. Violencia, Sociedad y Salud. Foro del 11 de Mayo

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    Academia Nacional de Medicina


    Full Text Available


    La Academia Nacional de Medicina, consciente de su alta responsabilidad social y del deber moral que tiene, como máximo organismo asesor del Gobierno en lo relacionado con la salud, consideró necesario e inaplazable promover un estudio a fondo sobre el problema de la violencia en Colombia, ante el notable recrudecimiento de este preocupante flagelo, que la coloca entre los países más violentos del mundo, y frente a las circunstancias manifiestas de progresiva agresividad que afecta a la familia, al individuo, al funcionario público, a la autoridad, y que ha convertido al delincuente común, al guerrillero y al narcotraficante en crueles destructores de la tranquilidad ciudadana.

    Las graves implicaciones de la violencia sobre la salud del individuo y de la comunidad, no sólo desde el punto de vista psicológico y físico, sino de las consecuencias notables sobre los pre-supuestos del sector y sobre el desarrollo y la economía nacionales, además de la mala imagen internacional, exigen una acción frontal contra este flagelo, de todos los estamentos gubernamentales y privados y los esfuerzos decisivos de la universidad, de las organizaciones gremiales y científicas, en una palabra de todos los conglomerados representativos, entre los cuales la Academia juega papel de liderazgo.

    Organismos Internacionales, liderados por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, convocaron a fines del año pasado a representantes de los países Americanos para tratar el tema de la violencia y sus implicaciones sobre la sociedad, en particular sobre la salud. En la importante Conferencia Interamericana celebrada en Washington, revisaron a profundidad aspectos como el de la violencia como problema de salud pública, la democracia sin violencia, la cultura de paz para el siglo XXI, la economía política de la no violencia, la construcción de las relaciones sociales no violentas.

    La trascendental reuni





    En este trabajo me propongo reflexionar acerca de la configuración moderna de la técnica, es decir, la tecnociencia, y su responsabilidad con nuestro manejo del medio ambiente. Busco mostrar que la construcción tecnológica de un mundo implica una cierta actitud de agresividad contra la naturaleza, contrastante con la actitud de protección frente a ella propia del mundo pretecnológico. Sugiero, como conclusión, la recuperación de la noción clásica de Política como una alternativa posible de co...

  2. Didactopatogenia (Enfermedades generadas por la mala enseñanza

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    José Cukier


    Full Text Available Se plantea el desarrollo de enfermedades generadas por la mala enseñanza. Se cuestiona el papel que cumplen las instituciones educativas al avalar a educadores con personalidad narcisista que inducen a estas enfermedades. Se describen las características de estos educadores, sus principales defensas y las interacciones didactopatogénicas que se establecen entre el educador y el educando, generando transformación pasivo/activo, tabú del pensamiento, saber enciclopédico, recuerdos póstumos, trastornos de conducta, distracción, y agresividad marcada. Se discute, también, el concepto del educador y sus dobles.

  3. Vapor pressures and vaporization enthalpy of codlemone by correlation gas chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schultz, Shannon M.; Harris, Harold H.; Chickos, James S.


    Highlights: • The vaporization enthalpy of codlemone has been evaluated. • The vapor pressure of codlemone has been evaluated from T = (298.15 to T b ) K. • Vapor pressures for the 1-alkanols standards are available from T = (298.15 to 500) K. - Abstract: The vapor pressure and vaporization enthalpy of codlemone (trans, trans 8,10-dodecadien-1-ol), the female sex hormone of the codling moth is evaluated by correlation gas chromatography using a series of saturated primary alcohols as standards. A vaporization enthalpy of (92.3 ± 2.6) kJ · mol −1 and a vapor pressure, p/Pa = (0.083 ± 0.012) were evaluated at T = 298.15 K. An equation for the evaluation of vapor pressure from ambient temperature to boiling has been derived by correlation for codlemone. The calculated boiling temperature of T B = 389 K at p = 267 Pa is within the temperature range reported in the literature. A normal boiling temperature of T B = (549.1 ± 0.1) K is also estimated by extrapolation

  4. Petroleum Vapor Intrusion (United States)

    One type of vapor intrusion is PVI, in which vapors from petroleum hydrocarbons such as gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel enter a building. Intrusion of contaminant vapors into indoor spaces is of concern.

  5. Corrosión atmosférica del acero en interiores. Sus particularidades en el clima tropical de Cuba

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    Corvo, F.


    propuesta de Norma ISO para estas condiciones, exponiéndose la clasificación de esta agresividad para el acero, la cual se encuentra en los mayores niveles establecidos. Se propone un modelo del desarrollo de la corrosión con el tiempo de exposición, teniendo en consideración algunos contaminantes atmosféricos. El modelo se ajusta, aceptablemente, a los datos experimentales. Se observa que el polvo depositado es un factor importante en el proceso de corrosión del acero en interiores.

  6. Diferentes tendencias prosociales: el papel de las emociones


    Samper García, Paula


    El objetivo del estudio es analizar la relación entre diferentes comportamientos prosociales y diferentes variables emocionales. Han participado chicos y chicas adolescentes de 14 a 16 años de centros escolares, públicos y concertados de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se han evaluado diferentes tipos de comportamientos prosociales (público, altruista, anónimo, de obediencia, de emergencia), emociones consideradas negativas (inestabilidad emocional, ira, agresividad, ansiedad, estrés como amenaza) y...

  7. Obtención del hormigón apropiado a terrenos y/o aguas agresivas diversas mediante la norma TGL 11357

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    Talero, Rafael


    Full Text Available TGL 11357 Norm specifies the express use of the cement: — Portland with a content between 0% and 5% of C3A, or — Supersulphathed iron foundry (with conditions, or — Aluminates (with conditions when the agressiveness of the water and/or of an agressive sulphatic ground (among others will be touching the concrete work. There are countries where there is not such a specific kind of cement, being unable to execute this norm. But by means of this study, which enlarge with good reason the range of those appropiate composites to defined puzzolans, it would be easier to keep the meaning o this norm, to reach identical purpose, that is, a cement concrete with appropriate puzzolanic additions (and/or appropriate iron slags resistant to the mentioned agressiveness.

    La norma TGL 11357 especifica la utilización expresa de cementos: — Portland con un contenido de C3A del 0% al 5%, o — Siderúrgicos Sobresulfatados (con condiciones, o — Aluminosos (con condiciones cuando la agresividad del agua y/o terreno agresivo que vaya a estar en contacto con la obra de hormigón sea del tipo sulfático, entre otras. Existen muchos países que no disponen de tal tipo tan específico de cementos para poder cumplimentarla, y mediante el presente artículo, al ampliar fundadamente la gama de variabilidad de aquellos adecuados citados, a sólo determinados puzolánicos, se les facilitará bastante más la posible cumplimentación del espíritu de la norma en cuestión, para alcanzar idéntico objetivo, o sea, un hormigón de cemento con adiciones puzolánicas adecuadas (y/o escorias siderometalúrgicas adecuadas, resistente al mencionado ataque agresivo.

  8. Manifestaciones proyectivas de conflicto psicológico presentes en el dibujo de la figura humana de 75 niños y niñas en situación de desplazamiento forzado en el departamento del Quindío en el 2010.

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    José Alonso Andrade Salazar


    Full Text Available Esta es una investigación exploratoria cuyo objetivo fue encontrar los indicadores de conflicto psicológico proyectados en el dibujo de la figura humana de 75 niños y niñas desplazados por la violencia en Colombia. El estudio se realizó en el departamento del Quindío, a partir de la aplicación del test del Dibujo de la Figura Humana de Karen Machover, y el análisis de los indicadores emocionales de conflicto propuestos por Elizabeth Koppitz. Los resultados indican la prevalencia de timidez (30%: brazos cortos y figuras pequeñas, impulsividad (17,6%: asimetría grosera de extremidades, integración pobre de las partes; ansiedad (19%: borrones, sombreados; agresividad (16,4%: trazo reforzado, ojos bizcos-desviados; inseguridad (17%: manos seccionadas, omitidas, figura inclinada. Los niños y niñas desplazados presentan problemas de ajuste a los nuevos entornos, y la tendencia a la timidez muestra una reacción defensiva ante el temor a ser excluidos, lo que aumenta los niveles de ansiedad y genera conductas impulsivas y desafiantes que a menudo desembocan en acciones agresivas visibles en el juego y en las dificultades de integración social.

  9. Evaluación preliminar. Tratamiento del mercurio de fluorescentes y bombillas del alumbrado público

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    Juan Carlos Salas-Jiménez


    Full Text Available La actividad que se estudia es un proceso para inertizar el mercurio de las luminarias (desechos de bombillos y fluorescentes. Este consiste en triturar y mezclar los desechos con azufre aplicando calentamiento para formar un polímero de sulfuro de mercurio, que resulta un producto sólido, inerte, estable y de baja lixiviación que se puede depositar en un relleno sanitario. El calentamiento causa la generación de vapores de azufre molestos y de olor desagradable, por lo que se realizó un cambio del método de tratamiento sin calentar, mediante el uso de una mezcla del desecho de luminaria con azufre y mortero (cemento y arena. Las pruebas de laboratorio preliminares presentan resultados positivos para efectuar pruebas a nivel de planta piloto con este nuevo método a temperatura ambiente. Este proyecto se desarrolló en una de las actividades productivas del Centro de Investigación en Protección Ambiental (CIPA del Tecnológico de Costa Rica.

  10. Análisis comparativo del mantenimiento para locomotoras diesel y de vapor // Comparative analysis of the Maintenance for Diesel and Steam Locomotives.

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    C. M. Rodríguez Gil


    Full Text Available El mundo globalizado no afecta por igual a todos los países del orbe. En las circunstancias actuales que tiene el ferrocarrilde la primera industria de la República de Cuba: ausencia de piezas de repuesto y limitaciones de recursos de combustible,surge la necesidad de estudiar nuevas fuentes motrices o potenciar la utilización de locomotoras a vapor, introducidas en elpaís desde 1837.La decisión de incrementar la participación de las locomotoras a vapor depende de múltiples factores quedeben ser analizados individualmente e integrados posteriormente en un análisis sistémico. Dentro de estos factores seencuentra, jugando un papel fundamental, el mantenimiento técnico y sus costos. El trabajo tiene como objetivo central elestudio comparativo de los costos por mantenimiento entre parques similares de locomotoras con tracción diesel y devapor. Este estudio forma parte de un proyecto nacional conocido como “Prometeo” encaminado a estudiar la factibilidadde la utilización masiva de las locomotoras a vapor en la industria azucarera. Para realizar el estudio se trabajó en varioscomplejos agro-industriales durante tres zafras azucareras, permitiendo llegar a recomendaciones.Palabras claves: Mantenimiento, locomotoras, costos._____________________________________________________________________________AbstractThe globalized world doesn't affect equally to all the countries. In the current circumstances the railroad of the first industry ofCuba, that is: lack of spare parts limitations of fuel, arises the necessity of the study of new motion sources or to analyze the useof steam locomotives, introduced in the country since 1837.The decision of increasing the participation of these machinesdepends on multiple factors that should be analyzed individually and later integrated in a systemic analysis. The technicalmaintenance and their costs are playing a main paper The work have as objective a comparative study of costs for maintenancebetween

  11. Methodology for energy diagnosis in distribution steam lines; Metodologia para diagnostico de energia en lineas de distribucion de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almanza, M; Ambriz, J J; Romero P, H [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper shows a methodology that results of great advantage in the development of the energy analysis of an industrial facility that utilizes steam as a mean of energy transport and where the steam operated equipment is physically located in a remote place, away from the generation site. Mention is made here of the equipment characteristics that can be used for such purpose, the most important parameters to identify in a rapid and efficient way the faults presented in the steam distribution system in the industrial plants and the formats that contribute to keep the corresponding records for efficiently maintain in operation the steam pipeline net in conjunction with the involved accessories. [Espanol] En el presenta trabajo se muestra una metodologia que resulta de gran utilidad en el desarrollo del analisis energetico de una planta industrial, en la cual se emplee el vapor como medio de transporte de la energia y en donde el equipo que utiliza el vapor se encuentre fisicamente en un lugar apartado de la zona de generacion. Aqui se mencionan las caracteristicas del equipo que se puede utilizar para dicho diagnostico, los parametros de mayor importancia para identificar en forma rapida y eficiente las fallas que se presentan en el sistema de distribucion de vapor en las plantas industriales y los formatos que contribuyen a llevar los registros correspondientes para mantener operando eficientemente la red de vapor, en conjunto con los accesorios que en ella se involucran.

  12. Methodology for energy diagnosis in distribution steam lines; Metodologia para diagnostico de energia en lineas de distribucion de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almanza, M.; Ambriz, J. J.; Romero P, H. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper shows a methodology that results of great advantage in the development of the energy analysis of an industrial facility that utilizes steam as a mean of energy transport and where the steam operated equipment is physically located in a remote place, away from the generation site. Mention is made here of the equipment characteristics that can be used for such purpose, the most important parameters to identify in a rapid and efficient way the faults presented in the steam distribution system in the industrial plants and the formats that contribute to keep the corresponding records for efficiently maintain in operation the steam pipeline net in conjunction with the involved accessories. [Espanol] En el presenta trabajo se muestra una metodologia que resulta de gran utilidad en el desarrollo del analisis energetico de una planta industrial, en la cual se emplee el vapor como medio de transporte de la energia y en donde el equipo que utiliza el vapor se encuentre fisicamente en un lugar apartado de la zona de generacion. Aqui se mencionan las caracteristicas del equipo que se puede utilizar para dicho diagnostico, los parametros de mayor importancia para identificar en forma rapida y eficiente las fallas que se presentan en el sistema de distribucion de vapor en las plantas industriales y los formatos que contribuyen a llevar los registros correspondientes para mantener operando eficientemente la red de vapor, en conjunto con los accesorios que en ella se involucran.

  13. Software for the design of acoustical steam silencers of the reaction-absorption type; Software para el diseno de silenciadores acusticos de vapor del tipo reaccion-absorcion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buendia Dominguez, Eduardo H; Alvarez Chavez, Jose M [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper describes the computer program named SILRA, that determines the outline dimensions of an acoustic steam silencer of the reaction-absorption type. These silencers are employed in the geothermoelectric power plants to lower the high levels of pressure and sound caused by the steam discharge to the surrounding atmosphere. The program has the capacity of predicting the noise level generated by the discharge without silencer depending on the emitting source. On SIRLA was successfully coupled the theory described in specialized literature with optimization techniques and experiences acquired in former designs. SIRLA is a powerful tool that allows the designer to optimize the equipment as well as the design time. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describe el programa de computo SILRA, que determina las dimensiones generales de un silenciador acustico de vapor tipo reaccion-absorcion, estos silenciadores se emplean en las centrales geotermoelectricas para abatir los altos niveles de presion de sonido provocados por la descarga del vapor a la atmosfera. El programa tiene la capacidad de predecir el nivel de ruido que genera la descarga sin silenciador, dependiendo de la fuente emisora. En SILRA se acoplaron con exito la teoria descrita en la literatura especializada con tecnicas de optimacion y experiencias adquiridas en disenos anteriores. SILRA es una poderosa herramienta que permite al disenador optimar tanto el equipo como el tiempo de diseno.

  14. Software for the design of acoustical steam silencers of the reaction-absorption type; Software para el diseno de silenciadores acusticos de vapor del tipo reaccion-absorcion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buendia Dominguez, Eduardo H.; Alvarez Chavez, Jose M. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper describes the computer program named SILRA, that determines the outline dimensions of an acoustic steam silencer of the reaction-absorption type. These silencers are employed in the geothermoelectric power plants to lower the high levels of pressure and sound caused by the steam discharge to the surrounding atmosphere. The program has the capacity of predicting the noise level generated by the discharge without silencer depending on the emitting source. On SIRLA was successfully coupled the theory described in specialized literature with optimization techniques and experiences acquired in former designs. SIRLA is a powerful tool that allows the designer to optimize the equipment as well as the design time. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describe el programa de computo SILRA, que determina las dimensiones generales de un silenciador acustico de vapor tipo reaccion-absorcion, estos silenciadores se emplean en las centrales geotermoelectricas para abatir los altos niveles de presion de sonido provocados por la descarga del vapor a la atmosfera. El programa tiene la capacidad de predecir el nivel de ruido que genera la descarga sin silenciador, dependiendo de la fuente emisora. En SILRA se acoplaron con exito la teoria descrita en la literatura especializada con tecnicas de optimacion y experiencias adquiridas en disenos anteriores. SILRA es una poderosa herramienta que permite al disenador optimar tanto el equipo como el tiempo de diseno.

  15. Point of net vapor generation and vapor void fraction in subcooled boiling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saha, P.; Zuber, N.


    An analysis is presented directed at predicting the point of net vapor generation and vapor void fraction in subcooled boiling. It is shown that the point of net vapor generation depends upon local conditions--thermal and fluid dynamic. Thus, at low mass flow rates the net vapor generation is determined by thermal conditions, whereas at high mass flow rates the phenomenon is hydrodynamically controlled. Simple criteria are derived which can be used to predict these local conditions for net vapor generation. These criteria are used to determine the vapor void fraction is subcooled boiling. Comparison between the results predicted by this analysis and experimental data presently available shows good agreement for wide range of operating conditions, fluids and geometries. (U.S.)

  16. The vapor pressure and enthalpy of vaporization of M-xylene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rothenberg, S.J.; Seiler, F.A.; Bechtold, W.E.; Eidson, A.F.


    We measured the vapor pressure of m-xylene over the temperature range 273 to 293 deg K with a single-sided capacitance manometer. The enthalpy of vaporization was 42.2 ± 0.1 (SE) kj/ g·mol. Combining our own data with previously published data, we recommend using the values 42.0, 40.6, and 39.1 (± 0.1) (SE) kjg·mol for the enthalpy of vaporization of m-xylene at 300, 340, and 380 deg. K, respectively, and a value for the change in heat capacity on vaporization (ΔCpdeg.) of 35 ± 3 (SE) J/g·mol·K over the temperature range studied. (author)

  17. Anestesia cuantitativa: influencia del tamaño corporal en la eficacia de un nuevo dispositivo para la administración de anestésicos halogenados en circuitos cerrados


    Otero, Pablo E.


    Los métodos tradicionales de vaporización de líquidos anestésicos volátiles están compuestos por vaporizadores que se ubican fuera del circuito anestésico y movilizan el vapor impulsado por una columna de gas diluyente, generalmente el oxígeno. La casi totalidad de las máquinas anestésicas emplean este método de vaporización conocido como VOC (por sus siglas en inglés, Vaporizer Outside the Circuit). Cuando se emplea un vaporizador ubicado fuera del circuito, el volumen de vapor anestésico in...

  18. Corrosión en medio ácido cítrico de una aleacion metálica de cobre aplicada en la odontologia


    Vaz, Luís Geraldo; Guastaldi, Antônio Carlos; Marques de Brito, Adriano


    RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar y estudiar el efecto del tratamiento térmico hecho en una aleación metálica de cobre para el uso odontológico, con relación a su comportamiento frente a la corrosión, en un medio que simula la agresividad del ambiente bucal. La caracterización de la aleación fue hecha por medio de análisis de la composición química y microscopia óptica y los ensayos de corrosión comprendieran en la obtención de las curvas de polarización potenciostáticas en...

  19. The vapor pressure and enthalpy of vaporization of M-xylene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rothenberg, S J; Seiler, F A; Bechtold, W E; Eidson, A F


    We measured the vapor pressure of m-xylene over the temperature range 273 to 293 deg K with a single-sided capacitance manometer. The enthalpy of vaporization was 42.2 {+-} 0.1 (SE) kj/ g{center_dot}mol. Combining our own data with previously published data, we recommend using the values 42.0, 40.6, and 39.1 ({+-} 0.1) (SE) kjg{center_dot}mol for the enthalpy of vaporization of m-xylene at 300, 340, and 380 deg. K, respectively, and a value for the change in heat capacity on vaporization ({delta}Cpdeg.) of 35 {+-} 3 (SE) J/g{center_dot}mol{center_dot}K over the temperature range studied. (author)

  20. Concepto actual, diagnóstico y tratamiento del tumor odontogénico adenomatoide. Reporte de un caso

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    Manuel Escalante Fontalvo


    Full Text Available El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA es una lesión clasificada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS dentro de los tumores odontogénicos con participación del ectomesénquima, ya que puede contener, además del epitelio, tejido calcificado en su interior, que muestra una morfología histológica muy peculiar. Es un tumor benigno de baja prevalencia que compromete solo el 0,1% de los tumores y quistes de los maxilares, con una muy baja tendencia a la recidiva; es común en pacientes jóvenes, generalmente mujeres, de mayor presentación en el maxilar superior, asintomático, de crecimiento lento y poco invasivo; el cual se puede semejarse a otras lesiones odontogénicas de mayor agresividad como el quiste dentígero y el ameloblastoma, entre otros benignos como el odontoma complejo y adenomas pleomórficos. A menudo se observa como una lesión radiolúcida de aspecto quístico unilocular, asociada a órganos dentales incluidos, usualmente dientes caninos. Su localización clásica nos orienta al diagnóstico y su patrón histológico ductiforme (apariencia basaloide con estructuras glanduliformes, calcificaciones esferulares y presencia de abundante material amiloide que facilitan su reconocimiento microscópico es muy propio de esta lesión tumoral. Se presenta un caso de un paciente de 12 años de edad, asintomática y asimétrica facial, de sexo femenino, con un diagnóstico definitivo por biopsia de TOA en la región anterior del maxilar superior asociado a un órgano dental 23 incluido; intervenido quirúrgicamente, colocando material de injerto como sustituto óseo, teniendo en cuenta estado general del paciente, diagnósticos diferenciales, características radiográficas, tomográficas y clínicas.

  1. Enthalpy of vaporization and vapor pressure of whiskey lactone and menthalactone by correlation gas chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simmons, Daniel; Chickos, James


    Highlights: • The vapor pressure and vaporization enthalpies of cis and trans-whiskey lactone have been evaluated. • Enthalpies of vaporization and vapor pressures of (+)-isomintlactone and (−)-mintlactone were also evaluated. • The sublimation enthalpy and corresponding vapor pressure of (+) -isomintlactone at T = 298.15 K is estimated. - Abstract: Enthalpies of vaporization at T = 298.15 K of cis and trans-whiskey lactone have been evaluated by correlation gas chromatography to be (68.4 ± 1.7) kJ·mol −1 and (67.5 ± 1.7) kJ·mol −1 , respectively. The enthalpies of vaporization of isomintlactone and mintlactone also evaluated by correlation gas chromatography have been found to have vaporization enthalpies of (74.2 ± 1.8) kJ·mol −1 and (73.2 ± 1.8) kJ·mol −1 respectively. The vapor pressures for cis and trans-whiskey lactone at T = 298.15 K have been evaluated as (1.5 ± 0.09) Pa and (2.0 ± 0.1) Pa using vapor pressures of a series of lactones as standards. Vapor pressures for isomintlactone and mintlactone were evaluated as (0.26 ± 0.012) Pa and (0.33 ± 0.02) Pa, respectively. Fusion and sublimation enthalpies for (+)-isomintlactone as well as the vapor pressure of the solid have been estimated.

  2. Oxidación en vapor de agua del acero inoxidable AISI 316 recubierto con Al-Si por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo


    Full Text Available Stainless steel AISI 316 was coated with aluminum-silicon by Chemical Vapor Deposition in Fluidized Bed Reactor (CVD-FBR to 540°C and subsequently heat treated to improve its mechanical properties and its behavior against oxidation, by inter diffusion of the alloying elements. Later, oxidation was performed austenitic stainless steel aluminum-silicon coated at temperatures of 700 and 750°C, in an environment with 100% steam, to evaluate their performance. Mass gain graphs were made and oxide films were analyzed by SEM and X-ray diffraction to observe the morphology of the oxides. Thermodynamic simulation was carried out during oxidation in water vapor of the substrates for possible solid phases which could be formed. The form of attack at 750°C is similar to 700°C, although the rate of oxidation is increased, because the diffusion of the alloying elements and the oxidation reactions are faster. These coatings have good resistance to oxidation in water vapor and forming an alumina surface layer which protects the substrate from corrosion attack.

  3. Simulación del depósito de Escarcha en superficies frías Simulation of Frost Deposit in Cold Surfaces


    Jorge A Gatica; Vicente A Pita; Nisio de C Lobo


    Se presenta un código computacional que simula la formación y crecimiento de escarcha sobre una placa mantenida a baja temperatura, por ablimación del vapor de agua de una corriente de aire húmedo que fluye sobre ella. La modelación se basa en ecuaciones de conservación de masa, energía, cantidad de movimiento y especies aplicadas a la escarcha, mezcla aire-vapor e interfase aire-escarcha. El sistema de ecuaciones resulta no lineal acoplado por la fracción volumétrica del hielo, que es calcul...

  4. Experiences of marijuana-vaporizer users. (United States)

    Malouff, John M; Rooke, Sally E; Copeland, Jan


    Using a marijuana vaporizer may have potential harm-reduction advantages on smoking marijuana, in that the user does not inhale smoke. Little research has been published on use of vaporizers. In the first study of individuals using a vaporizer on their own initiative, 96 adults anonymously answered questions about their experiences with a vaporizer and their use of marijuana with tobacco. Users identified 4 advantages to using a vaporizer over smoking marijuana: perceived health benefits, better taste, no smoke smell, and more effect from the same amount of marijuana. Users identified 2 disadvantages: inconvenience of setup and cleaning and the time it takes to get the device operating for each use. Only 2 individuals combined tobacco in the vaporizer mix, whereas 15 combined tobacco with marijuana when they smoked marijuana. Almost all participants intended to continue using a vaporizer. Vaporizers seem to have appeal to marijuana users, who perceive them as having harm-reduction and other benefits. Vaporizers are worthy of experimental research evaluating health-related effects of using them.

  5. An inexpensive and stable LED Sun photometer for measuring the water vapor column over South Texas from 1990 to 2001 (United States)

    Mims, Forrest M.


    A Sun photometer that uses near-infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as spectrally-selective photodetectors has measured total column water vapor in South Texas since February 1990. The 12 years of solar noon observations to date are correlated with upper air soundings at Del Rio, Texas (r2 = 0.75), and highly correlated with measurements by a Microtops II filter Sun photometer (r2 = 0.94). LEDs are inexpensive and have far better long term stability than the interference filters in conventional Sun photometers. The LED Sun photometer therefore provides an inexpensive, stable and portable means for measuring column water vapor.

  6. Waste Tank Vapor Project: Tank vapor database development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seesing, P.R.; Birn, M.B.; Manke, K.L.


    The objective of the Tank Vapor Database (TVD) Development task in FY 1994 was to create a database to store, retrieve, and analyze data collected from the vapor phase of Hanford waste tanks. The data needed to be accessible over the Hanford Local Area Network to users at both Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) and Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL). The data were restricted to results published in cleared reports from the laboratories analyzing vapor samples. Emphasis was placed on ease of access and flexibility of data formatting and reporting mechanisms. Because of time and budget constraints, a Rapid Application Development strategy was adopted by the database development team. An extensive data modeling exercise was conducted to determine the scope of information contained in the database. a A SUN Sparcstation 1000 was procured as the database file server. A multi-user relational database management system, Sybase reg-sign, was chosen to provide the basic data storage and retrieval capabilities. Two packages were chosen for the user interface to the database: DataPrism reg-sign and Business Objects trademark. A prototype database was constructed to provide the Waste Tank Vapor Project's Toxicology task with summarized and detailed information presented at Vapor Conference 4 by WHC, PNL, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Oregon Graduate Institute. The prototype was used to develop a list of reported compounds, and the range of values for compounds reported by the analytical laboratories using different sample containers and analysis methodologies. The prototype allowed a panel of toxicology experts to identify carcinogens and compounds whose concentrations were within the reach of regulatory limits. The database and user documentation was made available for general access in September 1994

  7. The vapor pressures of explosives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ewing, Robert G.; Waltman, Melanie J.; Atkinson, David A.; Grate, Jay W.; Hotchkiss, Peter


    The vapor pressures of many explosive compounds are extremely low and thus determining accurate values proves difficult. Many researchers, using a variety of methods, have measured and reported the vapor pressures of explosives compounds at single temperatures, or as a function of temperature using vapor pressure equations. There are large variations in reported vapor pressures for many of these compounds, and some errors exist within individual papers. This article provides a review of explosive vapor pressures and describes the methods used to determine them. We have compiled primary vapor pressure relationships traceable to the original citations and include the temperature ranges for which they have been determined. Corrected values are reported as needed and described in the text. In addition, after critically examining the available data, we calculate and tabulate vapor pressures at 25 °C.

  8. Evaluación de la generación de vapor de la fábrica de refrescos 23 de Agosto, en Camagüey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amaury Pérez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en la fábrica de refrescos 23 de Agosto, con el fin de evaluar la eficiencia energética del generador de vapor, determinar las pérdidas de calor en las tuberías de vapor que se encuentran sin aislamiento, determinar el impacto medioambiental que producen los gases de combustión generados, evaluar el sistema de tratamiento del agua con que se alimenta la caldera (suavizador de agua, así como efectuar un análisis técnico-económico de dos variantes de mejoras, consistentes en 1 precalentamiento del agua con que se alimenta la caldera hasta los 90 C, y 2 aislamiento de las tuberías de vapor con el aislante lana mineral. El empleo del aislante lana mineral redujo las pérdidas de calor en las tuberías en un 90 %, aproximadamente. La eficiencia energética del generador de vapor fue de 86.64 %. Se requiere invertir $ 523.66 pesos cubanos (PC para adquirir e instalar las cantidades necesarias del aislante lana mineral, que se recuperará al cabo de 122 días. El suavizador opera de forma eficiente y los gases contaminantes alcanzan la máxima concentración a los 87.285 m, estando por encima del valor establecido en las normas cubanas. La aplicación de las dos variantes de mejora propuestas trajo consigo un ahorro total anual de PC 9931.92 por el combustible dejado de consumir en el generador de vapor. Se emplearon programas y herramientas computacionales tales como el Contamín, y hojas de cálculo Excel para el procesamiento de los datos adquiridos. (Abstract. The present work was carried out in the Factory of Sodas 23 de Agosto, with the aim to evaluate the thermal efficiency of the boiler, determine the heat losses in uninsulated steam pipes; determine the environmental impact of flue gases generated; evaluate the boiler’s feedwater treatment system (water softener,as well as to make a techno-economic analysis of two improvement alternatives, consistent in: 1 Pre-heating of the feeding water to

  9. Aggression and Pro-Sociability: Risk and Protective Dynamics in Popularity and Bullying Processes Agresividad y Pro-Sociabilidad: La Dinámica de Riesgo y Protección en los Procesos de Popularidad y Bullying

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiane de Oliveira Dias


    Full Text Available Previous research has shown that positive psychological characteristics can moderate the relationship between aggression and developmental outcomes. This study assessed whether pro-sociability could moderate the association between aggression and victimization, and aggression and popularity. A convenience sample of 253 Brazilian children of low socioeconomic status (M age = 11.82, SD = 1.41 participated in the study. Structural equation modeling showed that the interaction between aggression and pro-social behaviors did not decrease children's chances of being victimized and did not alter the association between aggression and popularity. Aggression seemed to be a predictor of bullying and pro-sociability, of popularity. These results contradict findings from previous studies that showed an association between aggression and positive behaviors such as pro-sociability. More studies are necessary to highlight cultural and contextual differences, comparing these results to those of other Latin American samples.Estudios anteriores han identificado características psicológicas positivas que pueden moderar la relación entre la agresión y los procesos de desarrollo. En esta investigación se evaluó si la prosociabilidad modera la asociación entre agresión y victimización, y agresión y popularidad. Una muestra de conveniencia de 253 niños brasileros de nivel socioeconómico bajo (M de edad = 11,82, DE = 1,41 participaron en el estudio. El análisis de ecuaciones estructurales mostró que la interacción entre la agresividad y la pro-sociabilidad no protege a los niños de sufrir bullying y tampoco modifica la asociación entre agresión y popularidad. La agresión parece haber sido un predictor del bullying y la pro-sociabilidad, de la popularidad. Esos hallazgos difieren de los resultados de estudios anteriores que muestran una asociación entre agresión y comportamientos positivos, como pro-sociabilidad. Más investigaciones son necesarias

  10. Living together and emotional intelligence in school-age children. Convivencia e inteligencia emocional en niños en edad escolar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Martorell


    Full Text Available The aggressivity or bullying between school students is a very important subject nowadays, and it is a significant social issue as school is an institution, where alongside the family, children and youth develop themselves. To approach this subject it is necessary to know what are the characteristics of children and youth who display bullying behaviour. In this research, we study the relationship between emotional intelligence variables, like empathy, self control and impulsivity, and their influence on aggressive behaviour at school. The results show us that aggressive behaviour is related to age, sex and empathy.

    Key words: Bullying, aggressive behaviour, emotional intelligence.
    La violencia o agresividad entre escolares es un tema de actualidad de gran relevancia social debido, principalmente, a que la escuela es una de las instituciones, junto a la familia, en la que se forman los niños y adolescentes. Para abordar este tema es imprescindible conocer, entre otras cosas, qué rasgos caracterizan a los alumnos violentos o agresivos. En este trabajo, se estudia la relación entre variables tales como empatía, autocontrol e impulsividad, que forman parte del constructo denominado inteligencia emocional, con influencia en las conductas agresivas en el ambiente escolar. Los resultados son alentadores ya que permiten diseñar programas concretos de intervención en relación con las variables edad, el sexo y empatía en relación con la agresividad.

    Palabras clave: Bullying, agresividad, inteligencia emocional.

  11. Analysis of the retention of water vapor on silica gel; Analisis de la retencion del vapor de agua en silica gel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herranz, M.; Pinilla, J. L.; Alegria, N.; Idoeta, R.; Legarda, F.


    Among the various sampling systems tritium content in the atmosphere as water vapor, one of the most basic and, therefore, of widespread use in the environmental field, is the retention on silica gel. However, the behavior of the collection efficiency of silica gel under varying conditions of air temperature and relative humidity makes it difficult to define the amount of this necessary for proper completion of sampling, especially in situations of prolonged sampling. This paper presents partial results obtained in a study on the analysis of these efficiencies under normal conditions of sampling. (Author)

  12. Building blocks for ionic liquids: Vapor pressures and vaporization enthalpies of 1-(n-alkyl)-imidazoles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Emel'yanenko, Vladimir N.; Portnova, Svetlana V.; Verevkin, Sergey P.; Skrzypczak, Andrzej; Schubert, Thomas


    Highlights: → We measured vapor pressures of the 1-(n-alkyl)-imidazoles by transpiration method. → Variations on the alkyl chain length n were C 3 , C 5 -C 7 , and C 9 -C 10 . → Enthalpies of vaporization were derived from (p, T) dependencies. → Enthalpies of vaporization at 298.15 K were linear dependent on the chain length. - Abstract: Vapor pressures of the linear 1-(n-alkyl)-imidazoles with the alkyl chain C 3 , C 5 -C 7 , and C 9 -C 10 have been measured by the transpiration method. The molar enthalpies of vaporization Δ l g H m of these compounds were derived from the temperature dependencies of vapor pressures. A linear correlation of enthalpies of vaporization Δ l g H m (298.15 K) of the 1-(n-alkyl)-imidazoles with the chain length has been found.

  13. Vapor pressure and enthalpy of vaporization of oil of catnip by correlation gas chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simmons, Daniel; Gobble, Chase; Chickos, James


    Highlights: • Vaporization enthalpies of the nepetalactones from oil of catnip have been evaluated. • Vapor pressures from T = (298.15 to 350) K have been evaluated. • Oil of catnip has a vapor pressure similar to DEET at T = 298.15 K. - Abstract: The vaporization enthalpy and vapor pressure of the two nepetalactones found in Nepeta cataria have been evaluated by correlation gas chromatography. Vaporization enthalpies at T = 298.15 K of {(68.0 ± 1.9) and (69.4 ± 1.9)} kJ ⋅ mol"−"1 have been derived for the minor diastereomer, (4aS,7S,7aS)-nepetalactone, and major one, (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactone, respectively. Vapor pressures also at T = 298.15 K of p = (1.2 ± 0.04) Pa and (0.91 ± 0.03) Pa have been evaluated for the minor and the major stereoisomer. In addition to being of interest because of the remarkable effect it has on various felids, oil of catnip is also quite effective in repelling mosquitoes, comparable to diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET). The vapor pressures evaluated in this work suggest that the two stereoisomers have similar volatility to DEET at ambient temperatures.

  14. Vapor pressures and vaporization enthalpy of (−) α-bisabolol and (dl) menthol by correlation gas chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keating, Leasa; Harris, Harold H.; Chickos, James S.


    Highlights: • The vaporization enthalpy and vapor pressure of (−) α-bisabolol and (dl)-menthol have been measured as a function of temperature. • Vapor pressures, vaporization enthalpies and boiling temperatures have been compared to available literature data. • Vapor pressures of (l)-menthol are compared to (dl)-menthol. - Abstract: The vapor pressures and vaporization enthalpies of (−) α-bisabolol and (dl)-menthol, two GRAS chemicals (generally recognized as safe) are evaluated by correlation gas chromatography using a series of saturated primary alcohols as standards. Vaporization enthalpies of (96.6 ± 2.4) and (74.2 ± 2.8) kJ mol −1 and vapor pressures of p/Pa = (0.020 ± 0.003) and (4.5 ± 0.44) were evaluated at T = 298.15 K for (−) α-bisabolol and (dl)-menthol, respectively, and compared to literature values. The vapor pressures of both compounds from T = (298.15 to 500) K have been derived from correlations using vapor pressures of a series of 1-alkanols and corresponding gas chromatographic retention times at 10 K intervals. The results were fit to a second order polynomial. Calculated normal boiling temperatures of T B = (574.8 and 492.7) K are calculated for (−) α-bisabolol and (dl)-menthol, respectively. A normal boiling temperature of T B = (485.2, and 489.7) K has previously been reported for (dl)-menthol. Vapor pressures for both (l)-menthol and (dl)-menthol from a previous study and (dl)-menthol from this study are compared with literature values.

  15. Melting temperature, vapor density, and vapor pressure of molybdenum pentafluoride

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krause, Jr, R F; Douglas, T B [National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. (USA). Inst. for Materials Research


    A sample of MoF/sub 5/ was prepared by reaction of MoF/sub 6/(g) and Mo(c). Melting curves of temperature against time established the melting temperature at zero impurity to be 318.85 K, the enthalpy of fusion to be 6.1 kJ mol/sup -1/ (+ - 5 per cent), and the cryoscopic impurity of the sample to be 0.15 mole per cent. In the presence of MoF/sub 6/(g) which was added to suppress disproportionation, the vapor density of MoF/sub 5/ over the liquid was measured by the transpiration method at 343, 363, and 383 K, the total MoF/sub 5/ that evaporated being determined by permanganate titration. The total vapor pressure of MoF/sub 5/ oligomers over the liquid was measured by a simple static method at 373 and 392 K, while melting temperatures were taken alternately to monitor possible contamination of the sample. Although the vapor pressures were adjusted for disproportionation, solution of MoF/sub 6/ in MoF/sub 5/ (1), and wall adsorption of MoF/sub 6/ their percentage uncertainty is probably several times that of the vapor densities. A combination of the two properties indicates the average extent of association of the saturated vapor to be near 2, which is the value for the dimer species (MoF/sub 5/)/sub 2/.

  16. Influencia del Modelado de los Padres sobre el Desarrollo del Razonamiento Prosocial en los/las Niños/as

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Cristina Richaud de Minzi


    Full Text Available Los crecientes problemas de la agresividad infantil indican la importancia de evaluar el razonamiento moral prosocial como proceso protector contra la misma, en la medida en que se produce ante un problema o una necesidad de otra persona, que implica una respuesta de ayuda que entra en conflicto con las propias necesidades o deseos. Eisenberg (2000 subraya que para estudiar la conducta moral es necesario incluir la regulación emocional y la empatía. A su vez, parecería que la empatía está influida en gran medida por experiencias tempranas de relación interpersonal (Krevans & Gibbs, 1996. En el presente trabajo analizaré en qué medida el comportamiento parental se relaciona con el razonamiento moral prosocial, en la niñez mediana y tardía. Al mismo tiempo, puesto que se ha visto que la empatía que los/ las niños/as perciben en sus padres/madres influye sobre el desarrollo de la propia empatía, que es uno de los antecedentes del razonamiento moral prosocial, estudiaré la relación entre la empatía de los padres/madres percibida por los niños/as y su propio razonamiento moral prosocial. Además, dado que se conoce que el género está relacionado con la empatía y el razonamiento moral prosocial y que el aumento en la edad, en la medida que va acompañado por un mayor desarrollo cognitivo, influye en el desarrollo del razonamiento moral prosocial, analizaré las relaciones de la empatía percibida en los padres/madres y de los estilos parentales sobre el razonamiento moral prosocial, teniendo en cuenta ambas variables. Para ello administré a una muestra de 610 niños de 9 a 12 años, la versión española del Prosocial Reasoning Objective Measure (PROM (Carlo, Eisenberg, & Knight, 1992; Mestre, Frías, Samper, & Tur, 2002, dos cuestionarios para estudiar la percepción que el/la niño/a tiene de la empatía de su madre y padre en sus aspectos afectivo y cognitivo (Richaud de Minzi, 2006, basados en el modelo de Davis (1980 y el

  17. R-22 vapor explosions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, R.P.; Armstrong, D.R.


    Previous experimental and theoretical studies of R-22 vapor explosions are reviewed. Results from two experimental investigations of vapor explosions in a medium scale R-22/water system are reported. Measurements following the drop of an unrestrained mass of R-22 into a water tank demonstrated the existence of two types of interaction behavior. Release of a constrained mass of R-22 beneath the surface of a water tank improved the visual resolution of the system thus allowing identification of two interaction mechansims: at low water temperatures, R-22/water contact would produce immediate violent boiling; at high water temperatures a vapor film formed around its R-22 as it was released, explosions were generated by a surface wave which initiated at a single location and propagated along the vapor film as a shock wave. A new vapor explosion model is proposed, it suggests explosions are the result of a sequence of three independent steps: an initial mixing phase, a trigger and growth phase, and a mature phase where a propagating shock wave accelerates the two liquids into a collapsing vapor layer causing a high velocity impact which finely fragments and intermixes the two liquids

  18. Piezoelectric trace vapor calibrator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verkouteren, R. Michael; Gillen, Greg; Taylor, David W.


    The design and performance of a vapor generator for calibration and testing of trace chemical sensors are described. The device utilizes piezoelectric ink-jet nozzles to dispense and vaporize precisely known amounts of analyte solutions as monodisperse droplets onto a hot ceramic surface, where the generated vapors are mixed with air before exiting the device. Injected droplets are monitored by microscope with strobed illumination, and the reproducibility of droplet volumes is optimized by adjustment of piezoelectric wave form parameters. Complete vaporization of the droplets occurs only across a 10 deg. C window within the transition boiling regime of the solvent, and the minimum and maximum rates of trace analyte that may be injected and evaporated are determined by thermodynamic principles and empirical observations of droplet formation and stability. By varying solution concentrations, droplet injection rates, air flow, and the number of active nozzles, the system is designed to deliver--on demand--continuous vapor concentrations across more than six orders of magnitude (nominally 290 fg/l to 1.05 μg/l). Vapor pulses containing femtogram to microgram quantities of analyte may also be generated. Calibrated ranges of three explosive vapors at ng/l levels were generated by the device and directly measured by ion mobility spectrometry (IMS). These data demonstrate expected linear trends within the limited working range of the IMS detector and also exhibit subtle nonlinear behavior from the IMS measurement process

  19. Metodología de cálculo de la eficiencia térmica de generadores de vapor Methodology to calculate thermal efficiency of steam boilers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos A. Golato


    Full Text Available Se desarrolló un método matemático determinístico de procesamiento de registros experimentales, aplicable a un sistema generador de vapor-precalentador de aire en estado estacionario, que opere con uno o dos combustibles simultáneamente, para determinar la eficiencia térmica del mismo y la eficiencia con la que se oxida el combustible, como así también el rendimiento del intercambiador de calor. La mecánica de procesamiento se basa en la resolución de los balances de materia y energía sobre los diferentes equipos que conforman el sistema. Esta metodología es aplicable a aquellos generadores de vapor que empleen, como combustible, bagazo, gas natural o ambos (caldera mixta. Se ilustran, como ejemplos de aplicación, los resultados del cálculo de la eficiencia térmica de diferentes generadores de vapor para cada tipo de combustible procesado, empleando para ello datos de diversos ensayos experimentales. La resolución de los balances de materia y energía en una caldera que quema bagazo, dio como resultado un rendimiento térmico del 53,2% y un índice de generación de 1,38 kg de vapor/ kg de bagazo. Para una caldera cuyo combustible es gas natural, se obtuvo un rendimiento térmico del 76,7% y un índice de generación de 9,8 kg de vapor/ Nm³ de gas natural. Para una caldera que quema en forma simultánea bagazo y gas natural, se determinó un rendimiento del 68,3% y un índice de generación de 1,87 kg de vapor/ kg de bagazo equivalente. Como validación de esta metodología, se contrastan estos valores de eficiencia con los obtenidos según el código propuesto por la American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME.A deterministic mathematical method for processing experimental data, applied to a steam generator-air heater system in stationary state which operates with one or two fuels simultaneously, was developed to determine the thermal of the system, as well as fuel combustion and heat exchanger efficiency. The methodology is

  20. Comorbilidades psiquiátricas en los trastornos del espectro autista: estudio comparativo entre los criterios DSM-IV-TR y DSM-5

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Romero


    Full Text Available Antecedentes/Objetivo: Los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA incluyen un grupo heterogéneo en cuanto a su presentación clínica, lo que supone un desafío a nivel de caracterización diagnóstica. Por consiguiente, el objetivo principal de la clasificación DSM-5 debería de ser identificar subgrupos de ASD que incluyan severidad y comorbilidades psiquiátricas. El objetivo principal de este estudio es explorar las comorbilidades diagnósticas que pueden ser relevantes como descriptores de fenotipos autistas así como la severidad de los síntomas de autismo y comparar los resultados de las diferentes criterios de clasificación entre el DSM-IV-TR y el DSM-5. Método: Se realiza un estudio comparati - vo de severidad y comorbilidades psiquiátricas entre una muestra con diagnóstico de Trastorno Generalizado del Desarrollo, según criterios DSM-IV-TR, y una muestra que cumplía también criterios para TEA según la clasificación DSM-5. La muestra fue obtenida en centros educativos ( n =123. Las comorbilidades psiquiátricas y la severidad de los síntomas se evaluaron a través del The Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form , entrevista clínica y el Inventario de Trastorno del Espectro Autista, respectivamente. Las comorbi - lidades estudiadas fueron ansiedad, alteraciones de la conducta alimentaria, auto-agre - sividad, hetero-agresividad, autolesiones, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y déficit de atención e hiperactividad. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente sig - nificativas entre ambos grupos para trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo , alteraciones de la conducta alimentaria y severidad . Conclusiones: Se apoya la hipótesis de que los indivi - duos que cumplen criterios diagnósticos según DSM-5 tienen mayor severidad sintomáti - ca, no sólo con respecto a los síntomas autistas centrales, sino también en relación con comorbilidades psiquiátricas.

  1. Fuel vapor pressure (FVAPRS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mason, R.E.


    A subcode (FVAPRS) is described which calculates fuel vapor pressure. This subcode was developed as part of the fuel rod behavior modeling task performed at EG and G Idaho, Inc. The fuel vapor pressure subcode (FVAPRS), is presented and a discussion of literature data, steady state and transient fuel vapor pressure equations and estimates of the standard error of estimate to be expected with the FVAPRS subcode are included

  2. Geological and production analyses focused on exploration of the eastern part of the Cerro Prieto geothermal field, BC; Analisis geologico-productivo enfocado a la exploracion de la parte oriental del campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto, BC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aguilar Dumas, Alvaro [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Residencia General de Cerro Prieto, B.C (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    The eastern part of the Cerro Prieto geothermal field (CGCP), known as Poligono Nuevo Leon, is an area with proven geothermal resources, as confirmed by seven directional wells located toward the east and by vertical well M-200 located inside the polygon. Well M-200 was drilled in 1984 and has produced about 4 million tons of steam to date. It is integrated into the CP-2 sector, producing 68 t/h of steam. Presently the eastern part of CGCP, representing 25% of the total field area, is producing over half of the steam for the entire field. In the last few years, the steam has come only after increasing the number of production wells located in the eastern zone of CGCP (Rodriguez, 2006), where pressure, enthalpy and temperature conditions are better than in other parts of the field. However in the long term it will be necessary to incorporate Poligono Nuevo Leon into the productive area to expand the productive life of CGCP. This paper includes a geological analysis, plus models for steam production, temperature and enthalpy for Poligono Nuevo Leon. [Spanish] La parte oriental del Campo Geotermico de Cerro Prieto (CGCP), conocida como Poligono Nuevo Leon, representa una area potencial con recursos geotermicos comprobados, lo que demuestran siete pozos direccionales que se han perforado hacia el este, asi como el pozo vertical M-200, localizado dentro del poligono. El pozo M-200 se perforo en 1984 y ha producido a la fecha alrededor de 4 millones de toneladas de vapor, estando integrado al sector CP-2 una produccion de 68 t/h de vapor. Actualmente la parte oriental del CGCP, que representa el 25% del area total del campo, produce mas de la mitad del total de vapor del campo. El suministro de vapor en los ultimos anos se ha logrado cubrir aumentando el numero de pozos en operacion localizados en la zona oriente del CGCP (Rodriguez, 2006), ya que es aqui donde hay condiciones de presion, entalpia y temperatura del yacimiento que son mejores que en otras areas del campo

  3. Modeling of the vapor cycle of Laguna Verde with the PEPSE code to conditions of thermal power licensed at present (2027 MWt); Modelado del ciclo de vapor de Laguna Verde con el codigo PEPSE a condiciones de potencia termica actualmente licenciada (2027 MWt)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castaneda G, M. A.; Maya G, F.; Medel C, J. E.; Cardenas J, J. B.; Cruz B, H. J.; Mercado V, J. J., E-mail: [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Central Nucleoelectrica Laguna Verde, Carretera Cardel-Nautla Km 42.5, Veracruz (Mexico)


    By means of the use of the performance evaluation of power system efficiencies (PEPSE) code was modeled the vapor cycle of the nuclear power station of Laguna Verde to reproduce the nuclear plant behavior to conditions of thermal power, licensed at present (2027 MWt); with the purpose of having a base line before the implementation of the project of extended power increase. The model of the gauged vapor cycle to reproduce the nuclear plant conditions makes use of the PEPSE model, design case of the vapor cycle of nuclear power station of Laguna Verde, which has as main components of the model the great equipment of the vapor cycle of Laguna Verde. The design case model makes use of information about the design requirements of each equipment for theoretically calculating the electric power of exit, besides thermodynamic conditions of the vapor cycle in different points. Starting from the design model and making use of data of the vapor cycle measured in the nuclear plant; the adjustment factors were calculated for the different equipment s of the vapor cycle, to reproduce with the PEPSE model the real vapor cycle of Laguna Verde. Once characterized the model of the vapor cycle of Laguna Verde, we can realize different sensibility studies to determine the effects macros to the vapor cycle by the variation of certain key parameters. (Author)

  4. Vapor generation methods for explosives detection research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grate, Jay W.; Ewing, Robert G.; Atkinson, David A.


    The generation of calibrated vapor samples of explosives compounds remains a challenge due to the low vapor pressures of the explosives, adsorption of explosives on container and tubing walls, and the requirement to manage (typically) multiple temperature zones as the vapor is generated, diluted, and delivered. Methods that have been described to generate vapors can be classified as continuous or pulsed flow vapor generators. Vapor sources for continuous flow generators are typically explosives compounds supported on a solid support, or compounds contained in a permeation or diffusion device. Sources are held at elevated isothermal temperatures. Similar sources can be used for pulsed vapor generators; however, pulsed systems may also use injection of solutions onto heated surfaces with generation of both solvent and explosives vapors, transient peaks from a gas chromatograph, or vapors generated by s programmed thermal desorption. This article reviews vapor generator approaches with emphasis on the method of generating the vapors and on practical aspects of vapor dilution and handling. In addition, a gas chromatographic system with two ovens that is configurable with up to four heating ropes is proposed that could serve as a single integrated platform for explosives vapor generation and device testing. Issues related to standards, calibration, and safety are also discussed.


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    Alejandro Zermeño González


    Full Text Available El nogal pecanero (Carya illinoensis K. es una especie frutícola de gran importancia para México, su cultivo se realiza en regiones de clima semidesértico donde el agua es el factor limitante de la producción, por lo que es necesario obtener la máxima eficiencia del uso de este recurso, que es función del sistema de riego y de las condiciones climáticas de la región. Sobre esta base, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la eficiencia del uso del agua de dos huertas de nogal pecanero bajo dos sistemas de riego y diferentes condiciones climáticas. El estudio se realizó en el verano de 2008, en dos huertas de nogal pecanero del noreste de México: una de ellas ubicada en el sureste del estado de Coahuila (Mieleras, municipio de Matamoros con riego por goteo subsuperficial, y la otra en el norte del mismo estado (Zaragoza regada con aspersión. La eficiencia del uso del agua de las huertas del nogal pecanero se definió como la relación entre moles de CO2 asimilados por mol de agua evapotranspirada por el dosel de los árboles. Los resultados del estudio mostraron que aunque la asimilación de CO2 promedio diurna en la huerta de Mieleras (441.68 mmol m-2 fue estadísticamente igual a la observada en la huerta de Zaragoza (489.04 mmol m 2; la eficiencia promedio diaria del uso del agua (mmol CO2 mol-1 H2O fue mayor (P ≤ 0.05 en la huerta de Zaragoza (1.82 que la que se obtuvo en la huerta de Mieleras (1.42. Esto se debió a que las condiciones climáticas en Matamoros fueron de un mayor déficit de presión de vapor y una mayor tasa de evapotranspiración, que tuvieron un efecto mayor en la eficiencia del uso del agua que el sistema de riego utilizado en cada huerta.

  6. Two-phase characteristics of the feeding fluid of Cerro Prieto IV wells (Mexico) obtained by gas equilibrium; Caracteristicas bifasicas del fluido de alimentacion de pozos de Cerro Prieto IV (Mexico), obtenidas por equilibrio gaseoso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barragan-Reyes, Rosa Maria; Arellano-Gomez, Victor Manuel; Portugal-Marin, Enrique [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (Mexico); De Leon-Vivar, Jesus [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Residencia General de Cerro Prieto, B.C (Mexico)


    The gas composition of fluids produced by CP IV geothermal wells from the Cerro Prieto field was studied in order to identify different types of fluids entering the wells by estimating their temperature and excess steam. A method based on the Fischer Tropsch reaction and H2S equilibrium with pyrite-pyrrhotite as mineral buffer (FTHSH3) was used. The results for the reservoir natural state indicated the presence of fluids with heterogeneous reservoir temperature (between 275 and 310 degrees Celsius) and excess steam values, which were found from negative (boiled liquid that has lost steam when flowing to the well) to one (steam phase with zero liquid saturation). The study for individual wells in which boiling processes were identified, showed that through time, the feeding fluids consist of a two-phase mixture with different liquid/steam proportions. Also, the results suggested that a steam phase could occur at CP IV which is added to the feeding fluid, depending on the operation conditions of the wells. The origin of this steam could be the boiling of the deeper liquid due to a pressure drop. [Spanish] Se estudio la composicion gaseosa de los fluidos producidos por pozos geotermicos del sector CP IV del campo de Cerro Prieto para tratar de distinguir aportes de fluidos diferentes mediante la estimacion de su temperatura de yacimiento y del exceso de vapor. Se utilizo un metodo de equilibrio gaseoso basado en la reaccion de Fischer Tropsch y el equilibrio combinado pirita-pirrotita (FT-HSH3). Los resultados obtenidos indican que en el estado inicial del yacimiento existen fluidos que muestran heterogeneidad en los valores de temperatura de yacimiento (entre 275 y 310 grados Celsius), asi como en el exceso de vapor con valores desde negativos (liquido que despues de ebullir ha perdido vapor en su trayecto hacia el pozo) hasta uno (vapor con cero saturacion de liquido). El estudio individual de los pozos con fenomenos de ebullicion muestra que a traves del tiempo

  7. El miedo a morir: cómo afecta al castigo por la corrupción, estudio exploratorio


    Ursan, Alexandra Ioana


    Treball final de Grau en Criminologia i Seguretat. Codi: CS1044. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015 La conciencia de la propia muerte es un problema que afecta los comportamientos que las personas puedan tener acerca de ella. Factores como la ansiedad o la agresividad parecen estar implicados dentro de esta cuestión y pueden ser claves para entender el porqué de este miedo a la muerte, a lo desconocido. Relacionado con la teoría de la gestión del terror, este trabajo pretende investigar u...

  8. The vaporization enthalpy and vapor pressure of S (+)-methamphetamine at T = 298.15 K by correlation gas chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thornton, Melissa; Gobble, Chase; Chickos, James


    Highlights: • The vaporization enthalpy of (d)-methamphetamine was measured. • The vapor pressure of (d)-methamphetamine as a function of temperature was evaluated. • The vapor pressure of 4-benzylpiperidine as a function of temperature was evaluated. - Abstract: The vaporization enthalpy and vapor pressure of S (+)-methamphetamine is evaluated by correlation-gas chromatography. A vaporization enthalpy of (58.7 ± 4.3) kJ · mol −1 and a vapor pressure, p = (38 ± 9) Pa has been obtained using a variety of secondary aliphatic amines as standards. In addition, equations describing the vapor pressure temperature dependence are provided for standards and S (+)-methamphetamine covering the temperature range from T = 298.15 K to the boiling temperature. Boiling temperatures are reproduced within an interval of 8 K or less

  9. Observation and particle simulation of vaporized W, Mo, and Be in PISCES-B plasma for vapor-shielding studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Ibano


    Full Text Available Interactions of Tungsten (W, Molybdenum (Mo, and Beryllium (Be vapors with a steady-state plasma were studied by the PISCES-B liner plasma experiments as well as Particle-In-Cell (PIC simulations for the understanding of vapor-shielding phenomena. Effective cooling of the plasma by laser-generated Be vapor was observed in PISCES-B. On the other hand, no apparent cooling was observed for W and Mo vapors. The PIC simulation explains these experimental observations of the difference between low-Z and high-Z vapors. Decrease of electron temperature due to the vapor ejection was observed in case of a simulation of the Be vapor. As for the W vapor, it was found that the plasma cooling is localized only near the wall at a higher electron density plasma (∼1019m−3. On the other hand, the appreciable plasma cooling can be observed in a lower density plasma (∼1018m−3 for the W vapor.

  10. Passive vapor extraction feasibility study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rohay, V.J.


    Demonstration of a passive vapor extraction remediation system is planned for sites in the 200 West Area used in the past for the disposal of waste liquids containing carbon tetrachloride. The passive vapor extraction units will consist of a 4-in.-diameter pipe, a check valve, a canister filled with granular activated carbon, and a wind turbine. The check valve will prevent inflow of air that otherwise would dilute the soil gas and make its subsequent extraction less efficient. The granular activated carbon is used to adsorb the carbon tetrachloride from the air. The wind turbine enhances extraction rates on windy days. Passive vapor extraction units will be designed and operated to meet all applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements. Based on a cost analysis, passive vapor extraction was found to be a cost-effective method for remediation of soils containing lower concentrations of volatile contaminants. Passive vapor extraction used on wells that average 10-stdft 3 /min air flow rates was found to be more cost effective than active vapor extraction for concentrations below 500 parts per million by volume (ppm) of carbon tetrachloride. For wells that average 5-stdft 3 /min air flow rates, passive vapor extraction is more cost effective below 100 ppm

  11. A heated vapor cell unit for dichroic atomic vapor laser lock in atomic rubidium. (United States)

    McCarron, Daniel J; Hughes, Ifan G; Tierney, Patrick; Cornish, Simon L


    The design and performance of a compact heated vapor cell unit for realizing a dichroic atomic vapor laser lock (DAVLL) for the D(2) transitions in atomic rubidium is described. A 5 cm long vapor cell is placed in a double-solenoid arrangement to produce the required magnetic field; the heat from the solenoid is used to increase the vapor pressure and correspondingly the DAVLL signal. We have characterized experimentally the dependence of important features of the DAVLL signal on magnetic field and cell temperature. For the weaker transitions both the amplitude and gradient of the signal are increased by an order of magnitude.

  12. A heated vapor cell unit for dichroic atomic vapor laser lock in atomic rubidium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCarron, Daniel J.; Hughes, Ifan G.; Tierney, Patrick; Cornish, Simon L.


    The design and performance of a compact heated vapor cell unit for realizing a dichroic atomic vapor laser lock (DAVLL) for the D 2 transitions in atomic rubidium is described. A 5 cm long vapor cell is placed in a double-solenoid arrangement to produce the required magnetic field; the heat from the solenoid is used to increase the vapor pressure and correspondingly the DAVLL signal. We have characterized experimentally the dependence of important features of the DAVLL signal on magnetic field and cell temperature. For the weaker transitions both the amplitude and gradient of the signal are increased by an order of magnitude

  13. High temperature vapors science and technology

    CERN Document Server

    Hastie, John


    High Temperature Vapors: Science and Technology focuses on the relationship of the basic science of high-temperature vapors to some areas of discernible practical importance in modern science and technology. The major high-temperature problem areas selected for discussion include chemical vapor transport and deposition; the vapor phase aspects of corrosion, combustion, and energy systems; and extraterrestrial high-temperature species. This book is comprised of seven chapters and begins with an introduction to the nature of the high-temperature vapor state, the scope and literature of high-temp

  14. Copper-vapor-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition of graphene on dielectric substrates (United States)

    Yang, Chao; Wu, Tianru; Wang, Haomin; Zhang, Xuefu; Shi, Zhiyuan; Xie, Xiaoming


    Direct synthesis of high-quality graphene on dielectric substrates is important for its application in electronics. In this work, we report the process of copper-vapor-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition of high-quality and large graphene domains on various dielectric substrates. The copper vapor plays a vital role on the growth of transfer-free graphene. Both single-crystal domains that are much larger than previous reports and high-coverage graphene films can be obtained by adjusting the growth duration. The quality of the obtained graphene was verified to be comparable with that of graphene grown on Cu foil. The progress reported in this work will aid the development of the application of transfer-free graphene in the future.

  15. Estimated vapor pressure for WTP process streams

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pike, J. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Poirier, M. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL)


    Design assumptions during the vacuum refill phase of the Pulsed Jet Mixers (PJMs) in the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) equate the vapor pressure of all process streams to that of water when calculating the temperature at which the vacuum refill is reduced or eliminated. WTP design authority asked the authors to assess this assumption by performing calculations on proposed feed slurries to calculate the vapor pressure as a function of temperature. The vapor pressure was estimated for each WTP waste group. The vapor pressure suppression caused by dissolved solids is much greater than the increase caused by organic components such that the vapor pressure for all of the waste group compositions is less than that of pure water. The vapor pressure for each group at 145°F ranges from 81% to 98% of the vapor pressure of water. If desired, the PJM could be operated at higher temperatures for waste groups with high dissolved solids that suppress vapor pressure. The SO4 group with the highest vapor pressure suppression could be operated up to 153°F before reaching the same vapor pressure of water at 145°F. However, most groups would reach equivalent vapor pressure at 147 to 148°F. If any of these waste streams are diluted, the vapor pressure can exceed the vapor pressure of water at mass dilution ratios greater than 10, but the overall effect is less than 0.5%.

  16. Conducta agresiva e inteligencia emocional en la adolescencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cándido J. Inglés


    Full Text Available Son escasos los estudios que analizan la relación entre conducta agresiva e inteligencia emocional. Este estudio examina la relación entre inteligencia emocional rasgo y los componentes motor (agresividad física y agresividad verbal, cognitivo (hostilidad y afectivo/emocional (ira de la conducta agresiva. El Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Adolescents Short Form (TEIQue-ASF y el Aggression Questionnaire Short version (AQ-S fueron administrados a una muestra de 314 adolescentes (52.5% chicos de 12 a 17 años. Los resultados indicaron que los adolescentes con altas puntuaciones en conducta agresiva física, verbal, hostilidad e ira presentaron puntuaciones significativamente más bajas en inteligencia emocional rasgo que sus iguales con puntuaciones bajas en conducta agresiva física, verbal, hostilidad e ira. Este patrón de resultados fue el mismo tanto para la muestra total como para chicos, chicas y los grupos de edad de 12-14 años y 15-17 años. Además, en la mayoría de los casos se hallaron tamaños del efecto grandes apoyando la relevancia empírica de estas diferencias

  17. A numerical investigation of vapor intrusion--the dynamic response of contaminant vapors to rainfall events. (United States)

    Shen, Rui; Pennell, Kelly G; Suuberg, Eric M


    The U.S. government and various agencies have published guidelines for field investigation of vapor intrusion, most of which suggest soil gas sampling as an integral part of the investigation. Contaminant soil gas data are often relatively more stable than indoor air vapor concentration measurements, but meteorological conditions might influence soil gas values. Although a few field and numerical studies have considered some temporal effects on soil gas vapor transport, a full explanation of the contaminant vapor concentration response to rainfall events is not available. This manuscript seeks to demonstrate the effects on soil vapor transport during and after different rainfall events, by applying a coupled numerical model of fluid flow and vapor transport. Both a single rainfall event and seasonal rainfall events were modeled. For the single rainfall event models, the vapor response process could be divided into three steps: namely, infiltration, water redistribution, and establishment of a water lens atop the groundwater source. In the infiltration step, rainfall intensity was found to determine the speed of the wetting front and wash-out effect on the vapor. The passage of the wetting front led to an increase of the vapor concentration in both the infiltration and water redistribution steps and this effect is noted at soil probes located 1m below the ground surface. When the mixing of groundwater with infiltrated water was not allowed, a clean water lens accumulated above the groundwater source and led to a capping effect which can reduce diffusion rates of contaminant from the source. Seasonal rainfall with short time intervals involved superposition of the individual rainfall events. This modeling results indicated that for relatively deeper soil that the infiltration wetting front could not flood, the effects were damped out in less than a month after rain; while in the long term (years), possible formation of a water lens played a larger role in determining

  18. La interacción de materiales del sistema sílice-alúmina con productos fluorados aluminosos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verdeja, L. F.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to get a first approximation of the systematic study of the corrosion mechanisms of the silica-alumina, alumina and rich-alumina refractory by fluoride compounds and molten aluminum. The thermodynamic results support the main role of the chemical attack and the erosive mechanisms in the wear of the silica-alumina materials. The influence of the composition of the crystalline phases in the degree of the ceramic lining attack is also studied. The results suggest not to use either oxide or nitride high-value materials for the lining of furnaces and transport recipients containing molten aluminum, because of the chemical corrosion by compounds such as cryolite or aluminum fluoride and also, because of the avidity of aluminum towards oxygen. The study of corundum-based materials like the best refractory used in order to react with fluoride compounds and molten aluminum is an alternative to be considered. The study of the crusts adhesion like a protection mechanism of the refractory lining is also a possible approach.

    Este trabajo pretende contribuir al estudio sistemático de los mecanismos de corrosión que experimentan los refractarios sílico-aluminosos, aluminosos y de alta alúmina con productos fluorados y aluminio en estado líquido. Se aportan datos termodinámicos que confirman el papel preponderante del ataque químico y de los mecanismos erosivos en el desgaste de materiales del sistema sílice-alúmina. Se discute, asimismo, la influencia de la composición de las fases cristalinas encontradas en el grado de agresión a los revestimientos cerámicos. Se propone, ante la agresividad de agentes químicamente activos, como la criolita o el fluoruro de aluminio, y la gran afinidad del aluminio por el oxígeno, no aconsejar la utilización de materiales oxídicos y nitrurados de alto valor para el revestimiento de hornos y bolsas de transporte de aluminio. Se propone, como línea de trabajo a seguir, la


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    Full Text Available Se estudió el proceso de extracción por arrastre con vapor a escala de planta piloto del aceite esencial de orégano silvestre (Lippia origanoides H.B.K de la región del Alto Patía (Colombia utilizando la metodología de superficie de respuesta. Los factores estudiados fueron el tiempo de extracción (1-3 horas, la densidad del lecho (60-100 g/L y la presión de extracción (1-3 psi. Las variables de respuesta fueron el rendimiento de extracción y el contenido de timol del aceite esencial. La composición de los aceites esenciales fue determinada mediante cromatografía de gases. Con respecto al rendimiento se obtuvo que solamente la densidad del lecho presentó un efecto estadísticamente significativo (PO processo de extração do óleo essencial de orégano silvestre (Lippia origanoides H.B.K por arraste a vapor foi estudado a escala piloto na região do Alto Patía (Colômbia, utilizando a metodologia de superfície resposta. Os fatores estudados foram o tempo de extração (1-3 horas, a densidade do leito (60-100 g/L e a pressão de extração (1-3 psi. As variáveis de resposta foram: o rendimento da extração e o conteúdo de timol do óleo essencial. A composição dos óleos essenciais foi determinada mediante cromatografia de gases. Com respeito ao rendimento, foi obtido que somente a densidade do leito apresentou um efeito estatisticamente significativo (PThe extraction process by steam distillation on pilot plant of essential oil from wild oregano (Lippia origanoides H.B.K from Alto Patía region (Colombia was studied using surface response methodology. Factors studied were the extraction time (1-3 hours, the density of the bed (60-100 g/L and the extraction pressure (1-3 psi. The response variables were the extraction yield and the content of thymol in the essential oil. The composition of essential oils was determined by gas chromatography. Regarding yield only the bed density presented a statistically significant effect (P

  20. Improvement in using steam for electric generation at the Los Azufres, Mich., geothermal field; Mejora en el aprovechamiento del vapor para generar energia electrica en el campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Mich.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torres Rodriguez, Marco A.; Flores Armenta, Magaly; Mendoza Covarrubias, Alfredo [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    Commercial exploitation in the Los Azufres geothermal field, Michoacan, Mexico, started in 1982 when the first five backpressure-power units of 5-MW each were commissioned. Nowadays the installed capacity is 188 MW from 14 units: five in the South Zone fed by steam produced from 18 production wells plus two binary-cycle power units fed by residual brines; and seven in the North Zone with steam supplied by 22 production wells. There are seven backpressure-power units with high specific consumption [between 14.5 and 13.6 tons per hour of steam (t/h) per MW]. Three operate in the South Zone and four in the North Zone. This paper shows a way to achieve more efficient use of the geothermal resource by replacing the seven backpressure units, which have completed their useful lifetime-or are close to do it-with two, new condensing power units with lower specific consumption: one unit of 50 MW to be located in the North Zone and the other of 25 MW to be placed in the South Zone. No new wells need be drilled. In this way, the average specific consumption would be reduced to 8.8-7.2 t/h per MW (saving 47% of the steam), the income for electric generation would be increased and the steam-extraction rate would remain the same. [Spanish] En 1982 empezo la explotacion comercial del campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Mich., Mexico, con la instalacion y puesta en servicio de las primeras cinco unidades turbogeneradoras a contrapresion de 5 MW cada una. Actualmente la capacidad instalada es de 188 MW, con catorce unidades: cinco en la zona sur, alimentadas por el vapor de 18 pozos productores, mas dos unidades de ciclo binario que utilizan salmuera residual, y siete unidades en la zona norte, alimentadas por 22 pozos. Hay siete unidades a contrapresion con un consumo especifico elevado [entre 14.5 y 13.6 toneladas por hora (t/h) de vapor por MW], tres de las cuales se localizan en la zona sur y cuatro en la zona norte. En este documento se presenta un proyecto para hacer mas

  1. Vapor recovery system in the gasolines commercialization; Sistema de recuperacion de vapores en la comercializacion de las gasolinas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casas Barba, R.; Molina Gallegos, J.R. [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (IMP), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    In the last years the studies performed with respect to the environmental pollution show that the ozone is one of the most problematic contaminants in the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City (MZMC) and that the hydrocarbons are the main forerunners of it. The main source of hydrocarbon vapor emissions originates from the handling and distribution operations. In this paper a description is made of the involved stages in the commercialization of gasolines in the MZMC and a description is also made of the systems employed to control the emissions in the three stages of the fuels storage and distribution cycle and explains the degree the hydrocarbon emissions to the atmosphere will be reduced, once the recovery systems are installed in all of the involved stages. [Espanol] En los ultimos anos los estudios realizados con respecto a contaminacion ambiental reflejan que el ozono es uno de los contaminantes mas problematicos de la zona metropolitana de la ciudad de Mexico (ZMCM), y los hidrocarburos son los principales precursores de este. La principal fuente de emision de vapores de hidrocarburos proviene de las operaciones de manejo y distribucion de combustibles. En este articulo se hace una descripcion de las etapas involucradas en la comercializacion de las gasolinas en la ZMCM, se describen tambien los sistemas utilizados para controlar las emisiones en las tres etapas del ciclo de almacenamiento y distribucion de combustibles y se explica en que grado se reduciran las emisiones de hidrocarburos a la atmosfera, una vez que se instalen los sistemas de recuperacion en todas las etapas involucradas.

  2. Vapor recovery system in the gasolines commercialization; Sistema de recuperacion de vapores en la comercializacion de las gasolinas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casas Barba, R; Molina Gallegos, J R [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (IMP), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    In the last years the studies performed with respect to the environmental pollution show that the ozone is one of the most problematic contaminants in the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City (MZMC) and that the hydrocarbons are the main forerunners of it. The main source of hydrocarbon vapor emissions originates from the handling and distribution operations. In this paper a description is made of the involved stages in the commercialization of gasolines in the MZMC and a description is also made of the systems employed to control the emissions in the three stages of the fuels storage and distribution cycle and explains the degree the hydrocarbon emissions to the atmosphere will be reduced, once the recovery systems are installed in all of the involved stages. [Espanol] En los ultimos anos los estudios realizados con respecto a contaminacion ambiental reflejan que el ozono es uno de los contaminantes mas problematicos de la zona metropolitana de la ciudad de Mexico (ZMCM), y los hidrocarburos son los principales precursores de este. La principal fuente de emision de vapores de hidrocarburos proviene de las operaciones de manejo y distribucion de combustibles. En este articulo se hace una descripcion de las etapas involucradas en la comercializacion de las gasolinas en la ZMCM, se describen tambien los sistemas utilizados para controlar las emisiones en las tres etapas del ciclo de almacenamiento y distribucion de combustibles y se explica en que grado se reduciran las emisiones de hidrocarburos a la atmosfera, una vez que se instalen los sistemas de recuperacion en todas las etapas involucradas.

  3. Vapor Pressure Data Analysis and Statistics (United States)


    near 8, 2000, and 200, respectively. The A (or a) value is directly related to vapor pressure and will be greater for high vapor pressure materials...1, (10) where n is the number of data points, Yi is the natural logarithm of the i th experimental vapor pressure value, and Xi is the...VAPOR PRESSURE DATA ANALYSIS AND STATISTICS ECBC-TR-1422 Ann Brozena RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY DIRECTORATE

  4. Evaluación agroindustrial de los aceites esenciales de Artemisia dracunculos L, Franseria artemisioides Willd, Salvia officinalis L, Lippia dulcis Frev, y Occimun americanum L en condiciones del Valle del Cauca Agroindustrial evaluation of essential oils of Artemisia dracunculos L, Franseria artemisioides Willd, Salvia officinalis L, Lippia dulcis Frev, and Occimun americanum L in conditions of the Cauca Valle


    Luis F Saldarriaga C; Ginna M Sánchez M; Carmen Rosa Bonilla Correa; Manuel Salvador Sánchez Orozco; Harlen Gerardo Torres Castañeda


    En parcelas establecidas de la Colección de Trabajo de Plantas Medicinales del Centro Experimental CEUNP en condiciones del departamento del Valle del Cauca, se tomaron muestras del material vegetal mediante el corte manual en un marco de 0.25m² ; se separaron hojas, tallos y flores de cada especie. Se determinó el porcentaje de materia seca y se acondicionó para el proceso de extracción de aceite esencial mediante arrastre con vapor. A los aceites obtenidos se les midió la densidad, y el índ...

  5. A Simple Experiment for Determining Vapor Pressure and Enthalpy of Vaporization of Water. (United States)

    Levinson, Gerald S.


    Laboratory procedures, calculations, and sample results are described for a freshman chemistry experiment in which the Clausius-Clapeyron equation is introduced as a means of describing the variation of vapor pressure with temperature and for determining enthalpy of vaporization. (Author/SK)

  6. Improvements to vapor generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keller, Arthur; Monroe, Neil.


    A supporting system is proposed for vapor generators of the 'supported' type. Said supporting system is intended to compensate the disparities of thermal expansion due to the differences in the vertical dimensions of the tubes in the walls of the combustion chamber and their collectors compared to that of the balloon tanks and the connecting tube clusters of vaporization, the first one being longer than the second ones. Said system makes it possible to build said combustion chamber higher than the balloon tanks and the tube clusters of vaporization. The capacity of steam production is thus enhanced [fr

  7. DSMC simulations of vapor transport toward development of the lithium vapor box divertor concept (United States)

    Jagoe, Christopher; Schwartz, Jacob; Goldston, Robert


    The lithium vapor divertor box concept attempts to achieve volumetric dissipation of the high heat efflux from a fusion power system. The vapor extracts the heat of the incoming plasma by ionization and radiation, while remaining localized in the vapor box due to differential pumping based on rapid condensation. Preliminary calculations with lithium vapor at densities appropriate for an NSTX-U-scale machine give Knudsen numbers between 0.01 and 1, outside both the range of continuum fluid dynamics and of collisionless Monte Carlo. The direct-simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, however, can simulate rarefied gas flows in this regime. Using the solver contained in the OpenFOAM package, pressure-driven flows of water vapor will be analyzed. The use of water vapor in the relevant range of Knudsen number allows for a flexible similarity experiment to verify the reliability of the code before moving to tests with lithium. The simulation geometry consists of chains of boxes on a temperature gradient, connected by slots with widths that are a representative fraction of the dimensions of the box. We expect choked flow, sonic shocks, and order-of-magnitude pressure and density drops from box to box, but this expectation will be tested in the simulation and then experiment. This work is supported by the Princeton Environmental Institute.

  8. Thermogravimetric measurements of liquid vapor pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rong Yunhong; Gregson, Christopher M.; Parker, Alan


    Highlights: ► Rapid determination of vapor pressure by TGA. ► Demonstration of limitations of currently available approaches in literature. ► New model for vapor pressure assessment of small size samples in TGA. ► New model accounts for vapor diffusion and sample geometry and measures vapor pressure normally within 10%. - Abstract: A method was developed using thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) to determine the vapor pressure of volatile liquids. This is achieved by measuring the rate of evaporation (mass loss) of a pure liquid contained within a cylindrical pan. The influence of factors like sample geometry and vapor diffusion on evaporation rate are discussed. The measurement can be performed across a wide range of temperature yielding reasonable results up to 10 kPa. This approach may be useful as a rapid and automatable method for measuring the volatility of flavor and fragrance raw materials.

  9. Petroleum Vapor - Field Technical (United States)

    The screening approach being developed by EPA OUST to evaluate petroleum vapor intrusion (PVI) requires information that has not be routinely collected in the past at vapor intrusion sites. What is the best way to collect this data? What are the relevant data quality issues and ...

  10. A Numerical Investigation of Vapor Intrusion — the Dynamic Response of Contaminant Vapors to Rainfall Events (United States)

    Shen, Rui; Pennell, Kelly G.; Suuberg, Eric M.


    The U.S. government and various agencies have published guidelines for field investigation of vapor intrusion, most of which suggest soil gas sampling as an integral part of the investigation. Contaminant soil gas data are often relatively more stable than indoor air vapor concentration measurements, but meteorological conditions might influence soil gas values. Although a few field and numerical studies have considered some temporal effects on soil gas vapor transport, a full explanation of the contaminant vapor concentration response to rainfall events is not available. This manuscript seeks to demonstrate the effects on soil vapor transport during and after different rainfall events, by applying a coupled numerical model of fluid flow and vapor transport. Both a single rainfall event and seasonal rainfall events were modeled. For the single rainfall event models, the vapor response process could be divided into three steps: namely, infiltration, water redistribution, and establishment of a water lens atop the groundwater source. In the infiltration step, rainfall intensity was found to determine the speed of the wetting front and wash-out effect on the vapor. The passage of the wetting front led to an increase of the vapor concentration in both the infiltration and water redistribution steps and this effect is noted at soil probes located 1 m below the ground surface. When the mixing of groundwater with infiltrated water was not allowed, a clean water lens accumulated above the groundwater source and led to a capping effect which can reduce diffusion rates of contaminant from the source. Seasonal rainfall with short time intervals involved superposition of the individual rainfall events. This modeling results indicated that for relatively deeper soil that the infiltration wetting front could not flood, the effects were damped out in less than a month after rain; while in the long term (years), possible formation of a water lens played a larger role in

  11. Starting of the steam generator of a fossil fuel power plant, using predictive control based in a neuronal model; Arranque del generador de vapor de una central termoelectrica, usando control predictivo basado en un modelo neuronal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gallardo Dominguez, Tonatiuh


    In this thesis work it is presented the design and implementation of a simulator of total scope of a predictive controller based in the neuronal model of the temperature in two stages of the heating of the steam generator of a fossil fuel power plant. An implemented control scheme is detailed, as well as the methodology for the identification of a neuronal model utilized for the control. Finally the results of the implementation in the simulator located at the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) are shown to be satisfactory. This control structure is not applied directly in closed circuit, but provides the value of the control actions to a human operator. [Spanish] En este trabajo de tesis se presenta el diseno e implementacion, en un simulador de alcance total, de un controlador predictivo basado en un modelo neuronal para el control de la temperatura en dos etapas del calentamiento del generador de vapor de una central termoelectrica. Se detalla el esquema de control implementado, asi como la metodologia de identificacion de un modelo neuronal utilizado para la sintesis del control. Finalmente se muestran los resultados de la implementacion en el simulador que se encuentra en el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE); dichos resultados fueron satisfactorios. Esta estructura de control no se aplica directamente en lazo cerrado, sino que provee el valor de las acciones de control a un operador humano.

  12. Imágenes transitorias. Globalización y modificaciones urbanas en ciudades del norte de México


    Eloy Méndez Sainz


    Las expectativas mexicanas de inserción en los mercados globales, han sido puestas en las ciudades. Aunque frente a limitaciones de fondo, emerge el mercado de la imagen, uno de los renglones de mayor agresividad competitiva. En el escenario urbano, las interrogantes en torno al qué y cómo vender se anteponen por regla a políticas orientadas al bienestar social. En el ámbito particular de la Frontera Norte, formada por ciudades de crecimiento acelerado con ritmo sostenido a lo largo ...

  13. The lithium vapor box divertor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldston, R J; Schwartz, J; Myers, R


    It has long been recognized that volumetric dissipation of the plasma heat flux from a fusion power system is preferable to its localized impingement on a material surface. Volumetric dissipation mitigates both the anticipated very high heat flux and intense particle-induced damage due to sputtering. Recent projections to a tokamak demonstration power plant suggest an immense upstream parallel heat flux, of order 20 GW m −2 , implying that fully detached operation may be a requirement for the success of fusion power. Building on pioneering work on the use of lithium by Nagayama et al and by Ono et al as well as earlier work on the gas box divertor by Watkins and Rebut, we present here a concept for a lithium vapor box divertor, in which lithium vapor extracts momentum and energy from a fusion-power-plant divertor plasma, using fully volumetric processes. At the high powers and pressures that are projected this requires a high density of lithium vapor, which must be isolated from the main plasma in order to avoid lithium build-up on the chamber walls or in the plasma. Isolation is achieved through a powerful multi-box differential pumping scheme available only for condensable vapors. The preliminary box-wise calculations are encouraging, but much more work is required to demonstrate the practical viability of this scheme, taking into account at least 2D plasma and vapor flows within and between the vapor boxes and out of the vapor boxes to the main plasma. (paper)

  14. Terapia combinada con Trastuzumab en el tratamiento del Cáncer de mama: eficacia y efectos adversos


    Hernández Martín, María Sol


    Introducción: El cáncer de mama es el más frecuente entre la población femenina. Entre un 25-30% de los cánceres de mama son HER2-positivo. Este tipo de cáncer, se ha relacionado con una mayor agresividad clínica e histológica, mayor riesgo de recurrencia y muerte asociada al cáncer de mama. Trastuzumab, es un anticuerpo monoclonal humanizado contra este receptor. Actualmente se dispone de cuatro agentes anti-HER2 autorizados: Trastuzumab, Pertuzumab, Lapatinib y Trastuzumab...

  15. Vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization of a series of the linear aliphatic aldehydes

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Verevkin, S. P.; Krasnykh, E. L.; Vasiltsova, T. V.; Koutek, Bohumír; Doubský, Jan; Heintz, A.


    Roč. 206, - (2003), s. 331-339 ISSN 0378-3812 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4055905 Keywords : aldehydes * vapor pressure * enthalpy of vaporization Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 1.165, year: 2003

  16. Vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization of a series of γ and δ-lactones by correlation gas chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozlovskiy, Mikhail; Gobble, Chase; Chickos, James


    Highlights: • The vaporization enthalpies of γ-octanolactone, γ- and δ-undecanolactone and γ and δ-dodecanolactone are reported. • Equations for predicting the vapor pressures over the temperature range T = (298.15 to 350) K are provided. • Vaporization enthalpies are compared to predicted values. - Abstract: The vaporization enthalpies of γ-octanolactone, γ- and δ-undecanolactone and γ and δ-dodecanolactone used commercially as flavor ingredients are reported as are their vapor pressures over the temperature range T = (298.15 to 350) K. Vaporization enthalpies at T = 298.15 K of: (66.0 ± 3.9), (79.4 ± 4.4), (80.1 ± 4.5), (83.9 ± 4.6), and (84.61 ± 4.7) kJ · mol −1 and vapor pressures also at T = 298.15 K of: (2.8 ± 0.9), (0.12 ± 0.05), (0.09 ± 0.04), (0.04 ± 0.02), and (0.03 ± 0.02) Pa, respectively, have been evaluated by correlation gas chromatography experiments. The vaporization enthalpies of the lactones studied are reproduced within ±0.5 kJ · mol −1 using a group additivity scheme reported previously for γ- and δ-lactones. The vaporization enthalpies of the γ- and δ-lactones are compared to a similar series of ω-lactones

  17. Gas geochemistry of Los Humeros geothermal field, Mexico; Geoquimica de gases del campo geotermico de Los Humeros, Puebla, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barragan R, Rosa Maria; Arellano G, Victor M; Nieva G, David; Portugal M, Enrique; Garcia G, Alfonso; Aragon A, Alfonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico); Torres A, Ignasio S [Centro de Investigacion en Energia, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico); Tovar A, Rigoberto [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Los Humeros, Puebla (Mexico)


    Gas data of Los Humeros geothermal field were analyzed. A new method, which is based on the Fischer-Tropch reactions and on the combined pyrite-magnetite mineral equilibrium, was used. Reservoir temperature and reservoir excess steam were estimated for the starting stage of the field by using early data taken from producing wells at controlled conditions. The same parameters were also obtained for the present stage by using 1997 gas data. Reservoir temperatures ranged from 275 and 337 Celsius degrees and positive values for reservoir excess steam fractions were obtained for the starting stage. For well H-1 no excess steam was found since this well was fed by the shallower liquid-dominated reservoir. Results for 1997 showed lower scattering compared to early data and the possible occurrence of a heating process in the shallower stratum which could due to exploitation. [Spanish] En este articulo se presenta un analisis de datos de la fase gaseosa producida por pozos productores del campo geotermico de Los Humeros mediante un metodo que considera el equilibrio de la reaccion de Fischer-Tropsh y el equilibrio de minerales pirita-hematia y pirita-magnetita. Este metodo provee la temperatura del yacimiento y el exceso de vapor presente en la descarga total de los pozos. Los resultados se discuten tanto para el estado inicial del yacimiento utilizando los primeros datos de produccion en los que el flujo del pozo estuvo controlado y los obtenidos en 1997 que representan el estado actual del yacimiento. En el estado inicial se estimaron temperaturas de yacimiento de entre 275 y 337 grados Celsius y excesos de vapor positivos, con excepcion del pozo H-1 que se alimenta del estrato somero dominado por liquido. Los resultados obtenidos para 1997 muestran una dispersion menor y la probable ocurrencia de un proceso de calentamiento del estrato somero propiciado por la explotacion.

  18. A study on vapor explosions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takagi, N.; Shoji, M.


    An experimental study was carried out for vapor explosions of molten tin falling in water. For various initial metal temperatures and subcooling of water, transient pressure of the explosions, relative frequency of the explosions and the position where the explosions occur were measured in detail. The influence of ambient pressure was also investigated. From the results, it was concluded that the vapor explosion is closely related to the collapse of a vapor film around the molten metal. (author)

  19. Physical model for vaporization


    Garai, Jozsef


    Based on two assumptions, the surface layer is flexible, and the internal energy of the latent heat of vaporization is completely utilized by the atoms for overcoming on the surface resistance of the liquid, the enthalpy of vaporization was calculated for 45 elements. The theoretical values were tested against experiments with positive result.

  20. Agresividad, prosocialidad y estatus social: identificando perfiles admirados entre preadolescentes chilenos (Aggressiveness, pro-Sociality and Social Status: Identifying Admired Profiles among Preadolescents in Chile (Agressivité, prosocialité et statut social: Identifiant les profiles admirés parmi les préadolescents chiliens (Agressividade, pró-socialidade e status social: Identificando perfis admirados entre pré-adolescentes chilenos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Berger


    Full Text Available ResumenCon base en la creciente evidencia de la asociación entre la agresividad y la proso- cialidad con indicadores de estatus social, el presente estudio aborda la admiración entre pares adolescentes como una manera de operacionalizar el estatus y evalúa el potencial carácter funcional de estas conductas sociales. La hipótesis que guía este estudio es que en la medida en que la agresividad y la prosocialidad son caracterís- ticas valoradas en el contexto de pares (con base en su asociación con el estatus, los adolescentes admirados, que pueden ejercer gran influencia sobre sus pares, serán aquellos que presenten este perfil. 274 estudiantes de 5o y 6o grado participaron del estudio. Los resultados muestran que la característica con mayor presencia entre los adolescentes admirados es la prosocialidad y luego la prominencia social. Sin embargo, se identifican dos perfiles de adolescentes admirados, que se distinguen principalmente por la agresividad: el perfil “fuerte” incluye además de la prosocia- lidad y la prominencia social altos puntajes en agresividad y popularidad, mientras que el perfil denominado “modelo” integra además de la prosocialidad y la promi- nencia social niveles muy bajos de agresividad y puntajes promedio en popularidad. Se identifican además diferencias de género en estos perfiles. Estos resultados son discutidos desde la perspectiva de las relaciones de pares y las posibles implicancias para el desarrollo tanto individual como grupal de los y las adolescentes.Abstractthis study, based on the growing evidence of the relation between aggressiveness and pro- sociality as indicators of social status, addresses admiration among adolescents as a way to make status operational and evaluates the possible function of this social behavior. the hypothesis that guide the study is that, as aggressiveness and pro-sociality are valued features as they are linked to status, the admired adolescents, who are able to

  1. Evaluation of the problematic of corrosion in bottoms of tanks of crude oil storage; Evaluacion de la problematica de corrosion en fondos de tanques de almacenamiento de petroleo crudo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malo T, Jose M; Uruchurtu C, Jorge; Meza, Beatriz [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Lopez C, Luis F [Region Marina Suroeste, Pemex (Mexico)


    resultados relacionados con la agresividad corrosiva de los fluidos de agua de crudo de la Terminal Maritima de Dos Bocas (TMDB), sobre la efectividad de los metodos de control anticorrosivo y sobre medidas de control que podrian adoptarse. Asimismo, este articulo forma parte de un trabajo realizado por personal del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) durante el ano 2002. La corrosion en tanques es de naturaleza electroquimica y tiene su origen en la fase acuosa que acompana al crudo al ser extraido del subsuelo. En el caso de los tanques de almacenamiento, la fase acuosa se separa en el fondo, ocasionado el mojado de las placas de acero del fondo y su degradacion. Debido al limitado acceso al interior del tanque durante su operacion, se diseno un dispositivo de pruebas que fue conectado a una valvula de drenado de un tanque de la terminal. El trabajo experimental busco evaluar la agresividad de los fluidos, el tipo de productos de corrosion formados y la eficacia de la proteccion catodica y de los recubrimientos. Adicionalmente, se recolectaron muestras de fluidos para analizar el nivel de agresividad natural que presenta el agua de los tres tipos de crudos: Maya, Olmeca e Istmo, manejados en la terminal, estudiando muestras de acero y de fluidos de planta bajo condiciones controladas de laboratorio. La agresividad se obtuvo de mediciones de velocidades de reaccion de corrosion y de analisis de actividad microbiana. Se analizo la factibilidad de aplicar el metodo de proteccion catodica, observando su efectividad, asi como formas particulares de corrosion como la que ocurre en los pontones. Los resultados del estudio conducen a proponer un esquema de monitoreo para el seguimiento de la integridad de los recubrimientos, la operacion de la proteccion catodica y la corrosion en tanques, con el que se podria tener un mejor control de la operacion de los metodos anticorrosivos y de la degradacion que ocurre por corrosion.

  2. Vaporization of irradiated droplets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armstrong, R.L.; O'Rourke, P.J.; Zardecki, A.


    The vaporization of a spherically symmetric liquid droplet subject to a high-intensity laser flux is investigated on the basis of a hydrodynamic description of the system composed of the vapor and ambient gas. In the limit of the convective vaporization, the boundary conditions at the fluid--gas interface are formulated by using the notion of a Knudsen layer in which translational equilibrium is established. This leads to approximate jump conditions at the interface. For homogeneous energy deposition, the hydrodynamic equations are solved numerically with the aid of the CON1D computer code (''CON1D: A computer program for calculating spherically symmetric droplet combustion,'' Los Alamos National Laboratory Report No. LA-10269-MS, December, 1984), based on the implict continuous--fluid Eulerian (ICE) [J. Comput. Phys. 8, 197 (1971)] and arbitrary Lagrangian--Eulerian (ALE) [J. Comput. Phys. 14, 1227 (1974)] numerical mehtods. The solutions exhibit the existence of two shock waves propagating in opposite directions with respect to the contact discontinuity surface that separates the ambient gas and vapor

  3. Non-equilibrium phenomena near vapor-liquid interfaces

    CERN Document Server

    Kryukov, Alexei; Puzina, Yulia


    This book presents information on the development of a non-equilibrium approach to the study of heat and mass transfer problems using vapor-liquid interfaces, and demonstrates its application to a broad range of problems. In the process, the following peculiarities become apparent: 1. At vapor condensation on the interface from gas-vapor mixture, non-condensable components can lock up the interface surface and condensation stops completely. 2. At the evolution of vapor film on the heater in superfluid helium (He-II), the boiling mass flux density from the vapor-liquid interface is effectively zero at the macroscopic scale. 3. In problems concerning the motion of He-II bridges inside capillaries filled by vapor, in the presence of axial heat flux the He-II bridge cannot move from the heater as would a traditional liquid, but in the opposite direction instead. Thus the heater attracts the superfluid helium bridge. 4. The shape of liquid-vapor interface at film boiling on the axis-symmetric heaters immersed in l...

  4. Effect of impact angle on vaporization (United States)

    Schultz, Peter H.


    Impacts into easily vaporized targets such as dry ice and carbonates generate a rapidly expanding vapor cloud. Laboratory experiments performed in a tenuous atmosphere allow deriving the internal energy of this cloud through well-established and tested theoretical descriptions. A second set of experiments under near-vacuum conditions provides a second measure of energy as the internal energy converts to kinetic energy of expansion. The resulting data allow deriving the vaporized mass as a function of impact angle and velocity. Although peak shock pressures decrease with decreasing impact angle (referenced to horizontal), the amount of impact-generated vapor is found to increase and is derived from the upper surface. Moreover, the temperature of the vapor cloud appears to decrease with decreasing angle. These unexpected results are proposed to reflect the increasing roles of shear heating and downrange hypervelocity ricochet impacts created during oblique impacts. The shallow provenance, low temperature, and trajectory of such vapor have implications for larger-scale events, including enhancement of atmospheric and biospheric stress by oblique terrestrial impacts and impact recycling of the early atmosphere of Mars.

  5. A Citizen's Guide to Vapor Intrusion Mitigation (United States)

    This guide describes how vapor intrusion is the movement of chemical vapors from contaminated soil and groundwater into nearby buildings.Vapors primarily enter through openings in the building foundation or basement walls.

  6. Condensation of vapor bubble in subcooled pool (United States)

    Horiuchi, K.; Koiwa, Y.; Kaneko, T.; Ueno, I.


    We focus on condensation process of vapor bubble exposed to a pooled liquid of subcooled conditions. Two different geometries are employed in the present research; one is the evaporation on the heated surface, that is, subcooled pool boiling, and the other the injection of vapor into the subcooled pool. The test fluid is water, and all series of the experiments are conducted under the atmospheric pressure condition. The degree of subcooling is ranged from 10 to 40 K. Through the boiling experiment, unique phenomenon known as microbubble emission boiling (MEB) is introduced; this phenomenon realizes heat flux about 10 times higher than the critical heat flux. Condensation of the vapor bubble is the key phenomenon to supply ambient cold liquid to the heated surface. In order to understand the condensing process in the MEB, we prepare vapor in the vapor generator instead of the evaporation on the heated surface, and inject the vapor to expose the vapor bubble to the subcooled liquid. Special attention is paid to the dynamics of the vapor bubble detected by the high-speed video camera, and on the enhancement of the heat transfer due to the variation of interface area driven by the condensation.

  7. Collapsing criteria for vapor film around solid spheres as a fundamental stage leading to vapor explosion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freud, Roy [Nuclear Research Center - Negev, Beer-Sheva (Israel)], E-mail:; Harari, Ronen [Nuclear Research Center - Negev, Beer-Sheva (Israel); Sher, Eran [Pearlstone Center for Aeronautical Studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva (Israel)


    Following a partial fuel-melting accident, a Fuel-Coolant Interaction (FCI) can result with the fragmentation of the melt into tiny droplets. A vapor film is then formed between the melt fragments and the coolant, while preventing a contact between them. Triggering, propagation and expansion typically follow the premixing stage. In the triggering stage, vapor film collapse around one or several of the fragments occurs. This collapse can be the result of fragments cooling, a sort of mechanical force, or by any other means. When the vapor film collapses and the coolant re-establishes contact with the dry surface of the hot melt, it may lead to a very rapid and rather violent boiling. In the propagation stage the shock wave front leads to stripping of the films surrounding adjacent droplets which enhance the fragmentation and the process escalates. During this process a large quantity of liquid vaporizes and its expansion can result in destructive mechanical damage to the surrounding structures. This multiphase thermal detonation in which high pressure shock wave is formed is regarded as 'vapor explosion'. The film boiling and its possible collapse is a fundamental stage leading to vapor explosion. If the interaction of the melt and the coolant does not result in a film boiling, no explosion occurs. Many studies have been devoted to determine the minimum temperature and heat flux that is required to maintain a film boiling. The present experimental study examines the minimum temperature that is required to maintain a film boiling around metal spheres immersed into a liquid (subcooled distilled water) reservoir. In order to simulate fuel fragments that are small in dimension and has mirror-like surface, small spheres coated with anti-oxidation layer were used. The heat flux from the spheres was calculated from the sphere's temperature profiles and the sphere's properties. The vapor film collapse was associated with a sharp rise of the heat flux

  8. Collapsing criteria for vapor film around solid spheres as a fundamental stage leading to vapor explosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freud, Roy; Harari, Ronen; Sher, Eran


    Following a partial fuel-melting accident, a Fuel-Coolant Interaction (FCI) can result with the fragmentation of the melt into tiny droplets. A vapor film is then formed between the melt fragments and the coolant, while preventing a contact between them. Triggering, propagation and expansion typically follow the premixing stage. In the triggering stage, vapor film collapse around one or several of the fragments occurs. This collapse can be the result of fragments cooling, a sort of mechanical force, or by any other means. When the vapor film collapses and the coolant re-establishes contact with the dry surface of the hot melt, it may lead to a very rapid and rather violent boiling. In the propagation stage the shock wave front leads to stripping of the films surrounding adjacent droplets which enhance the fragmentation and the process escalates. During this process a large quantity of liquid vaporizes and its expansion can result in destructive mechanical damage to the surrounding structures. This multiphase thermal detonation in which high pressure shock wave is formed is regarded as 'vapor explosion'. The film boiling and its possible collapse is a fundamental stage leading to vapor explosion. If the interaction of the melt and the coolant does not result in a film boiling, no explosion occurs. Many studies have been devoted to determine the minimum temperature and heat flux that is required to maintain a film boiling. The present experimental study examines the minimum temperature that is required to maintain a film boiling around metal spheres immersed into a liquid (subcooled distilled water) reservoir. In order to simulate fuel fragments that are small in dimension and has mirror-like surface, small spheres coated with anti-oxidation layer were used. The heat flux from the spheres was calculated from the sphere's temperature profiles and the sphere's properties. The vapor film collapse was associated with a sharp rise of the heat flux during the cooling

  9. Reflexiones e interrogantes a partir del estudio psicológico de un grupo de condenados a muerte


    Ráez de Ramírez, Matilde; Falvy de Zariquiey, Mayela


    Un grupo de condenados a muerte por haber asesinado a policías fue sometido a una evaluación psicológica exhaustiva incluyendo batería de pruebas, anamnesis y observaciones de conducta. Los resultados indican en los sujetos: inteligencia normal y características tales como agresividad, dependencia, egocentrismo, inafectividad. Con respecto a los esquemas defensivos y de relación se encontró: ausencia de metas y límites, desconfianza, alejamiento, proyección y negación. En términos de la histo...

  10. Vapor deposition of tantalum and tantalum compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trkula, M.


    Tantalum, and many of its compounds, can be deposited as coatings with techniques ranging from pure, thermal chemical vapor deposition to pure physical vapor deposition. This review concentrates on chemical vapor deposition techniques. The paper takes a historical approach. The authors review classical, metal halide-based techniques and current techniques for tantalum chemical vapor deposition. The advantages and limitations of the techniques will be compared. The need for new lower temperature processes and hence new precursor chemicals will be examined and explained. In the last section, they add some speculation as to possible new, low-temperature precursors for tantalum chemical vapor deposition

  11. Evidence of a sewer vapor transport pathway at the USEPA vapor intrusion research duplex (United States)

    The role of sewer lines as preferential pathways for vapor intrusion is poorly understood. Although the importance of sewer lines for volatile organic compound (VOC) transport has been documented at a small number of sites with vapor intrusion, sewer lines are not routinely sampl...

  12. Understanding and improving the chemical vapor deposition process for solar grade silicon production


    Ramos Cabal, Alba


    Esta Tesis Doctoral se centra en la investigación del proceso de producción de polisilicio para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas (FV) por la vía química; mediante procesos de depósito en fase vapor (CVD). El polisilicio para la industria FV recibe el nombre de silicio de grado solar (SoG Si). Por un lado, el proceso que domina hoy en día la producción de SoG Si está basado en la síntesis, destilación y descomposición de triclorosilano (TCS) en un reactor CVD -denominado reactor Siemens-. El materia...

  13. Knudsen cell vaporization of rare earth nitrides: enthalpy of vaporization of HoN098

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, R.C.; Clark, N.J.


    The enthalpy of vaporization of HoN 0 . 98 was measured by the weight-loss Knudsen cell technique using Motzfeldt-Whitman extrapolations to zero orifice area. A third-law enthalpy of vaporization of HoN 0 . 98 of 155.9 +- 5 kcal mole -1 was obtained compared to a second-law value of 162.0 +- 5 kcal mole -1 . Similar measurements on the nitrides of samarium, erbium, and ytterbium gave third-law enthalpies of vaporization of 126.8 +-- 5 kcal mole -1 ; 159.6 +- 5 kcal mole -1 , and 121.0 +- 5 kcal mole -1 , respectively. 7 tables

  14. Vapor pressures and vapor compositions in equilibrium with hypostoichiometric plutonium dioxide at high temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, D.W.; Fink, J.K.; Leibowitz, L.


    Vapor pressures and vapor compositions have been calculated for 1500 less than or equal to T less than or equal to 4000 0 K. Thermodynamic functions for the condensed phase and for each of the gaseous species were combined with an oxygen-potential model extended into the liquid region to obtain the partial pressures of O 2 , O, Pu, PuO and PuO 2 . The calculated oxygen pressures increase very rapidly as stoichiometry is approached. At least part of this increase is a consequence of the exclusion of Pu 6 + from the oxygen-potential model. No reliable method was found to estimate the importance of this ion. As a result of large oxygen potentials at high temperatures, extremely high total pressures that produced unreasonably high vapor densities were calculated. The highest temperature was therefore limited to 400 K, and the range of oxygen-to-metal ratios was limited to 1.994 to 1.70. These calculations show that vapor in equilibrium with hypostoichiometric plutonium dioxide is poorly approximated as PuO 2 for most of the temperture and composition range of interest. The vapor is much more oxygen-rich than the condensed phase. Implications for the (U,Pu)O/sub 2-x/ system are discussed

  15. Vapor pressure measured with inflatable plastic bag (United States)


    Deflated plastic bag in a vacuum chamber measures initial low vapor pressures of materials. The bag captures the test sample vapors and visual observation of the vapor-inflated bag under increasing external pressures yields pertinent data.

  16. Useful life extension of steam turbine rotors; Alargamiento de la vida en rotores de turbina de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Arelle, Carlos [Turbomaquinas S. A. de C.V., La Piedad, Michoacan (Mexico)


    The continuous use of steam turbines, the chemistry of the steam itself and the variations of operation velocities, cause the gradual deterioration by erosion, oxidation and/or corrosion of the rotors and blades. When this happens most of the original manufacturers recommend to rectify the areas, diminishing the surfaces, or to compare with a new rotor. TURBOMAQUINARIAS S.A. de C.V. has developed the most reliable and safe methods to return the rotor to its original dimensions and in case of recurrent problems such as erosion, oxidation and/or wear, it offers the alternative of attaching coatings metallurgically compatible with which these problems are eliminated or diminished that might show up on the rotor surface as well as in the body of the discs or of the blades. These restoring methods are recommended by the international standards such as API 687. [Spanish] El uso continuo de las turbinas de vapor, la quimica del mismo vapor y la variacion de las velocidades de operacion, ocasionan el deterioro gradual por erosion, oxidacion y/o corrosion de los rotores y de los alabes. Al ocurrir esto la mayoria de los fabricantes originales recomiendan rectificar las areas, disminuyendo las superficies, o bien comparar un rotor nuevo. TURBOMAQUINARIAS S.A. de C.V. ha desarrollado los metodos mas confiables y seguros para devolver a su rotor las dimensiones originales y en caso de problemas recurrentes tales como erosion, oxidacion y/o desgaste, ofrece la alternativa de agregar recubrimientos metalurgicamente compatibles con los cuales se eliminan o se disminuyen estos problemas que pueden presentarse tanto en la superficie del rotor como del cuerpo de los discos o bien de los alabes. Estos metodos de restauracion son recomendados por las normas internacionales tales como la API 687.

  17. Temperature dependences of saturated vapor pressure and the enthalpy of vaporization of n-pentyl esters of dicarboxylic acids (United States)

    Portnova, S. V.; Krasnykh, E. L.; Levanova, S. V.


    The saturated vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization of n-pentyl esters of linear C2-C6 dicarboxylic acids are determined by the transpiration method in the temperature range of 309.2-361.2 K. The dependences of enthalpies of vaporization on the number of carbon atoms in the molecule and on the retention indices have been determined. The predictive capabilities of the existing calculation schemes for estimation of enthalpy of vaporization of the studied compounds have been analyzed.

  18. Vapor-droplet flow equations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crowe, C.T.


    General features of a vapor-droplet flow are discussed and the equations expressing the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy for the vapor, liquid, and mixture using the control volume approach are derived. The phenomenological laws describing the exchange of mass, momentum, and energy between phases are also reviewed. The results have application to development of water-dominated geothermal resources

  19. Componentes descriptivos y explicativos de la accidentalidad vial en Colombia: Incidencia del factor humano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ervyn H. Norza Céspedes


    Full Text Available Problema: Se analizó la incidencia del factor humano en la accidentalidad vial en el territorio colombiano, y se identificó evidencia empírica para la formulación de política pública del tránsito. Metodología: El diseño es descriptivo-correlacional. Instrumentos: cuestionario de comportamiento para conductores y motociclistas (D.B.Q. y encuesta tipo Likert. Muestra no probabilística intencional: 16.322 personas (8.631 conductores de automotores, 5.133 motociclistas y 2.558 peatones, pasajeros y acompañantes. Resultados: a conductores con nivel educativo superior inciden en menos accidentes; b peatones con menor nivel educativo inciden en mayores conductas riesgosas; c las mujeres tienen actitud positiva y perciben eficacia de campañas en prevencion; d estilos de conducción iracundo, ansioso, riesgoso y de alta velocidad cometen más infracciones y accidentes; e desobedecer señales de tránsito, la principal causa de accidentalidad; f agresividad, hostilidad y estrés en el tránsito son factores que aumentan la probabilidad de accidente; g campañas de prevención no están siendo captadas por la población más afectada. Conclusiones y recomendaciones: Los factores de accidentalidad vial guardan correspondencia con el Triángulo de Seguridad Vial establecido por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas -factor humano preponderante en la accidentalidad-. Lineamientos de política pública fundamentados en procesos educativos y corporativos tendientes a disminuir la accidentalidad por lo general no se concibe aplicada a la seguridad pública. Por ello, se presenta la inteligencia criminal como una disciplina que se ocupa de anticipar los riesgos criminales contra la seguridad pública. Esto permitiría disminuir la incertidumbre durante la toma de decisiones y calcular los daños contra la seguridad pública, que se pretende prevenir.

  20. What Good is Raman Water Vapor Lidar? (United States)

    Whitman, David


    Raman lidar has been used to quantify water vapor in the atmosphere for various scientific studies including mesoscale meteorology and satellite validation. Now the international networks of NDACC and GRUAN have interest in using Raman water vapor lidar for detecting trends in atmospheric water vapor concentrations. What are the data needs for addressing these very different measurement challenges. We will review briefly the scientific needs for water vapor accuracy for each of these three applications and attempt to translate that into performance specifications for Raman lidar in an effort to address the question in the title of "What good is Raman water vapor Iidar."

  1. Solution of the Rayleigh-Plesset Equation Through the Finite Element Method Solución de la ecuación de Rayleigh-Plesset por medio del método del elemento finito

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G.A Ramírez R.


    Full Text Available In this work we present numerical solutions of the Rayleigh-Plesset equation which describes the evolution of cavitating bubbles. In order to do that, we consider FEMG (Finite Element Method Galerkin; this simulation is performed for an inviscid and incompressible fluid in an uniform temperature field with constant surface tension, and the cavitation model into the which the pressure inside bubbles is equal to the fluid vapor pressure. Thus, in this problem is considered the Dirichlet boundary problem, and we obtained criteria for the boundary conditions at the cavitation phenomenon through to the which give rise to the bubble growing.En este trabajo se plantean soluciones numéricas a la ecuación de Rayleigh-Plesset que describe la evolución de las burbujas en la cavitación. Para ello, se considera el MEFG (Método del Elemento Finito de Galerkin; tal simulación se realiza en un fluido invíscido e incompresible en un campo de temperatura uniforme, una tensión superficial esencialmente constante, y el modelo de cavitación en el flujo siendo la presión interna de las burbujas igual a la presión de vapor del fluido. De esta manera, para el problema se considera el problema de Dirichlet y se obtienen los criterios de frontera que auspician el fenómeno de cavitación a través del crecimiento de las burbujas o cavidades.

  2. Ion vapor deposition and its application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bollinger, H.; Schulze, D.; Wilberg, R.


    Proceeding from the fundamentals of ion vapor deposition the characteristic properties of ion-plated coatings are briefly discussed. Examples are presented of successful applications of ion-plated coatings such as coatings with special electrical and dielectric properties, coatings for corrosion prevention, and coatings for improving the surface properties. It is concluded that ion vapor deposition is an advantageous procedure in addition to vapor deposition. (author)

  3. Acerca de la edad de inimputabilidad en Argentina/About the age of insanity in Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osvaldo N. Tieghi (Argentina


    Full Text Available Se dice que desde hace muchos años (aproximadamente 30 o más, se venía alertando sobre la corrupción en todas las etapas de la vida, la causa principal es por la disminución educativa moral. No solamente el delito y la generación de tendencias juveniles cromógenas son las consecuencias del aprendizaje subcultural del delito. Así mismo encontramos el despreciable abandono de la educación virtuosa, que también conocida como la crisis institucional del aprendizaje social de índole moral. Se puede considerar que los factores de riesgo son los periodos transicionales críticos, porque al tiempo que las sociedades, los estados y las repúblicas evolucionan de forma moderara e imperceptible o brusca, las personas van asimilando y/o adquiriendo mayor incompatibilidad y mayor agresividad, incluyendo los niños de la segunda infancia (desde los 7 a los 12 años.

  4. A Lithium Vapor Box Divertor Similarity Experiment (United States)

    Cohen, Robert A.; Emdee, Eric D.; Goldston, Robert J.; Jaworski, Michael A.; Schwartz, Jacob A.


    A lithium vapor box divertor offers an alternate means of managing the extreme power density of divertor plasmas by leveraging gaseous lithium to volumetrically extract power. The vapor box divertor is a baffled slot with liquid lithium coated walls held at temperatures which increase toward the divertor floor. The resulting vapor pressure differential drives gaseous lithium from hotter chambers into cooler ones, where the lithium condenses and returns. A similarity experiment was devised to investigate the advantages offered by a vapor box divertor design. We discuss the design, construction, and early findings of the vapor box divertor experiment including vapor can construction, power transfer calculations, joint integrity tests, and thermocouple data logging. Heat redistribution of an incident plasma-based heat flux from a typical linear plasma device is also presented. This work supported by DOE Contract No. DE-AC02-09CH11466 and The Princeton Environmental Institute.

  5. Hanford soil partitioning and vapor extraction study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yonge, D.; Hossain, A.; Cameron, R.; Ford, H.; Storey, C.


    This report describes the testing and results of laboratory experiments conducted to assist the carbon tetrachloride soil vapor extraction project operating in the 200 West Area of the Hanford Site in Richland, Washington. Vapor-phase adsorption and desorption testing was performed using carbon tetrachloride and Hanford Site soils to estimate vapor-soil partitioning and reasonably achievable carbon tetrachloride soil concentrations during active vapor extractions efforts at the 200 West Area. (CCl 4 is used in Pu recovery from aqueous streams.)

  6. Caracterización del envejecimiento de tuberías de vapor de centrales térmicas empleando el efecto Barkhausen//Characterization of steam pipes ageing degree from power plants using magnetic Barkhausen noise

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frank de los Reyes-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se caracteriza el grado de envejecimiento del acero 12Cr1MoV con el ruido magnético de Barkhausen por dos métodos. Para ello se realiza un estudio de la evolución microestructural en condiciones de operación (15MPa, 550ºC desde 100000 h a 150000 h, utilizando técnicas de microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido. En el primer método los experimentos revelan una disminución de la raíz cuadrada media del voltaje con el tiempo de explotación, lo cual se atribuye a la disminución del número de paredes de dominio por unidad de área con el aumento del tamaño de grano. En el segundo método se evalúa el nivel de esferoidización y el tamaño medio de los carburos a partir de la altura total del segundo pico de la envolvente de la señal Barkhausen, mostrando una disminución debido a un cambio en la forma acicular y en el tamaño medio de los carburos. Palabras claves: grado de envejecimiento, ruido barkhausen, tuberías de vapor, carburos._______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract In this paper, an ageing degree characterization of 12Cr1MoV steel using two method of magnetic Barkhausen noise is developed. A study of the microstructural evolution during ageing at operated conditions (15MPa, 550ºC from 100000 h up to 150000 h was carried out using optic and scanning electron microscopy techniques. In the first method the experiments reveal a decreasing of root mean square of voltage with the ageing time, which is attributed to the decreasing of domain walls number per area units with the grain size increasing. In the second method the spheroidization level/average size of carbides was analyzed too with the total second peak height, determining a decreasing due to the change of the shape, size and acicularity of carbides phase. Key words: ageing degree, barkhausen noise, steam pipes, carbides.

  7. Determination of forces induced by steam flow in turbines; Determinacion de fuerzas inducidas por flujo de vapor en turbinas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Castrejon, Juan Carlos


    blades, has a harmonic pattern. The pressure field variation as time function is uniform: the peaks and valleys across the axial clearance are always in phase. However the instant picture of the pressure field it's different: the peaks and valleys are not in phase and the number of peaks and valley changed across the clearance. In the case of the forces acting on blades, a Fourier on the forces calculated was used to determine the coefficients and frequency of a Fourier equation which can be used to calculate the alternating stresses on the blade in order to predict the useful life blades. [Spanish] Las vibraciones inducidas por flujo de vapor en turbinas representan uno de los problemas que enfrenta la operacion de turbinas de vapor cuya capacidad rebasa los 300 MW. Ademas estas constituyen uno de los limites tecnologicos para el desarrollo de turbinas de vapor de mas de 1 GW. Este tipo de fenomeno tiene su origen en la interaccion del rotor con el fluido que se encuentra en sus proximidades. El flujo de vapor dentro de la turbina es complejo, ya que es turbulento e inestable. A medida que el flujo pasa una etapa de estator o de rotor, se generan secundarios, vortices en los filos de salida, estelas con caracteristicas de flujo diferentes al flujo principal en los pasajes. Estas variaciones en el flujo son las que inducen vibraciones forzadas en los alabes. Ademas existen varios factores que contribuyen a la aplicacion de vibraciones en alabes inducidas por flujo como son: inestabilidad del flujo de vapor en los claros de los sellos, secuencia de apertura de las valvulas, estelas de las toberas, obstrucciones en algunas de las toberas y diferente espaciamiento en las toberas. Las vibraciones por flujo pueden ser peligrosas si su frecuencia coincide con la frecuencia natural del sistema, provocando efectos mas nocivos que las vibraciones por desbalance o por desalineamiento, pues tienen amplitudes mas grandes y provocan esfuerzos alternantes en los componentes del


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    F.J. Martín Gil


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: PRONOSTIC FACTORS OF BREAST CANCER AND HER2/NEUThe breast cancer constitutes the main cause of death by cancer in women of our country. In spite of the efforts directed in campaigns of precocious detection, the incidence continues increasing in a 1% approximately per year and the rate of mortality stay constant. Therefore it is of great importance to consolidate efforts directed towards the development and use of therapeutic and diagnostic methods. The development of neoplasia is directly related to successive genetic mutations in which cellular oncogenes are involved.It is known that in case of breast cancer the Her2/neu oncogene (Human epidermal growth receptor-2 factor is amplified and/or overexpressed in approximately a 30% of the cases. The knowledge of a positive result for Her2/neu overexpression has an important value in prognosis as it is associated to a greater aggressiveness of the disease. Also, this gene can be an answer marker to certain treatments like trastuzumab. RESUMEN:El cáncer de mama (CM constituye la principal causa de muerte por cáncer en mujeres de nuestro país. A pesar de los esfuerzos dirigidos hacia las campañas de detección precoz, la incidencia sigue aumentando aproximadamente en un 1% por año y la tasa de mortalidad sigue manteniéndose constante.Es por ello de gran importancia aunar esfuerzos dirigidos al desarrollo y utilización de métodos diagnósticos y terapéuticos. El desarrollo de una neoplasia está directamente relacionado con mutaciones genéticas sucesivas en las que están involucrados oncogenes celulares.En el caso del cáncer de mama se sabe que el encogen Her2/neu (Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 está amplificado y/o sobreexpresado en aproximadamente un 30% de los casos. El conocimiento de la positividad del mismo tiene un importante valor pronóstico asociándose a una mayor agresividad de la enfermedad. Así mismo dicho gen puede ser un marcador predictivo de respuesta

  9. Vapor trap for liquid metal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watanabe, T


    In a pipe system which transfers liquid metal, inert gas (cover gas) is packed above the surface of the liquid metal to prevent oxidization of the liquid. If the metal vapor is contained in such cover gas, the circulating system of the cover gas is blocked due to condensation of liquid metal inside the system. The present invention relates to an improvement in vapor trap to remove the metal vapor from the cover gas. The trap consists of a cylindrical outer body, an inlet nozzle which is deeply inserted inside the outer body and has a number of holes to inject the cove gas into the body, metal mesh or steel wool which covers the exterior of the nozzle and on which the condensation of the metal gas takes place, and a heater wire hich is wound around the nozzle to prevent condensation of the metal vapor at the inner peripheral side of the mesh.

  10. Mechanics of gas-vapor bubbles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hao, Yue; Zhang, Yuhang; Prosperetti, Andrea


    Most bubbles contain a mixture of vapor and incondensible gases. While the limit cases of pure vapor and pure gas bubbles are well studied, much less is known about the more realistic case of a mixture. The bubble contents continuously change due to the combined effects of evaporation and

  11. Vapor pressures and thermophysical properties of selected hexenols and recommended vapor pressure for hexan-1-ol

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Štejfa, V.; Fulem, Michal; Růžička, K.; Matějka, P.


    Roč. 402, Sep (2015), 18-29 ISSN 0378-3812 Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : alcohols * vapor pressure * heat capacity * ideal - gas thermodynamic properties * vaporization enthalpy Subject RIV: BJ - Thermodynamics Impact factor: 1.846, year: 2015

  12. Water vapor profiling using microwave radiometry (United States)

    Wang, J. R.; Wilheit, T. T.


    Water vapor is one of the most important constituents in the Earth's atmosphere. Its spatial and temporal variations affect a wide spectrum of meteorological phenomena ranging from the formation of clouds to the development of severe storms. The passive microwave technique offers an excellent means for water vapor measurements. It can provide both day and night coverage under most cloud conditions. Two water vapor absorption features, at 22 and 183 GHz, were explored in the past years. The line strengths of these features differ by nearly two orders of magnitude. As a consequence, the techniques and the final products of water vapor measurements are also quite different. The research effort in the past few years was to improve and extend the retrieval algorithm to the measurements of water vapor profiles under cloudy conditions. In addition, the retrieval of total precipitable water using 183 GHz measurements, but in a manner analogous to the use of 22 GHz measurements, to increase measurement sensitivity for atmospheres of very low moisture content was also explored.

  13. Distribution of tropical tropospheric water vapor (United States)

    Sun, De-Zheng; Lindzen, Richard S.


    Utilizing a conceptual model for tropical convection and observational data for water vapor, the maintenance of the vertical distribution of the tropical tropospheric water vapor is discussed. While deep convection induces large-scale subsidence that constrains the turbulent downgradient mixing to within the convective boundary layer and effectively dries the troposphere through downward advection, it also pumps hydrometeors into the upper troposphere, whose subsequent evaporation appears to be the major source of moisture for the large-scale subsiding motion. The development of upper-level clouds and precipitation from these clouds may also act to dry the outflow, thus explaining the low relative humidity near the tropopause. A one-dimensional model is developed to simulate the mean vertical structure of water vapor in the tropical troposphere. It is also shown that the horizontal variation of water vapor in the tropical troposphere above the trade-wind boundary layer can be explained by the variation of a moisture source that is proportional to the amount of upper-level clouds. Implications for the nature of water vapor feedback in global warming are discussed.

  14. Buscando luz en la tierra: bajo las bóvedas del Baño Real del Palacio de Comares

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    Miguel Guitart


    Full Text Available A lo largo de la cultura islámica se han producido soluciones espaciales de enorme riqueza arquitectónica y refinamiento estético, que no necesariamente material. El baño o hammam es con probabilidad uno de los más singulares. Procedente de las pautas establecidas por las termas romanas, estos baños se convirtieron en salas fundamentales de la vida social del mundo islámico. Cabría destacar en España ejem­plos tan relevantes como los Baños de Alí en Jaén del siglo X, el Bañuelo del Albaicín en Granada del siglo XI, o el más representativo de todos ellos, el Baño de Comares en el palacio-fortaleza de la Alhambra del siglo XIV. Todos ellos se caracterizan por sus bóvedas perforadas a modo de grandes moldes de luz que, si bien cumplían una misión funcional como la de introducir luz natural y regular la temperatura y la cantidad de vapor de agua en el interior, también transformaban por completo el espacio por medio de la luz y las sombras, haciendo de estas salas lugares muy característicos de su propia cultura. El hammam del Baño del Palacio de Comares, también conocido como Baño Real por haber sido de uso particular de los Reyes Católicos, se remonta a la época de Yusuf I (1333-1354. El Baño Real o de Comares constituye uno de los espacios de mayor interés dentro del conjunto de la Alhambra, con uno de los hammam en mejor estado de conservación hasta la fecha en Occidente, prácticamente íntegro a pesar de algunas modificaciones estructurales y un mantenimiento más testimonial que funcional. Podríamos asumir que el baño del Palacio de Comares se experimenta desde una doble estrategia: la del estatismo del baño como espacio consolidado y no cam­biante, relacionado por su masa y la condición original de la tierra de la que surge y sobre la que se asienta, que se infunde de vida al ser intervenida por la luz esce­nográfica del filtro de sus bóvedas; y la del movimiento establecido, del recorrido del visitante


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Chemical vapor emissions from underground hazardous waste storage tanks on the Hanford site in eastern Washington State are a potential concern because workers enter the tank farms on a regular basis for waste retrievals, equipment maintenance, and surveillance. Tank farm contractors are in the process of retrieving all remaining waste from aging single-shell tanks, some of which date to World War II, and transferring it to newer double-shell tanks. During the waste retrieval process, tank farm workers are potentially exposed to fugitive chemical vapors that can escape from tank headspaces and other emission points. The tanks are known to hold more than 1,500 different species of chemicals, in addition to radionuclides. Exposure assessments have fully characterized the hazards from chemical vapors in half of the tank farms. Extensive sampling and analysis has been done to characterize the chemical properties of hazardous waste and to evaluate potential health hazards of vapors at the ground surface, where workers perform maintenance and waste transfer activities. Worker concerns. risk communication, and exposure assessment are discussed, including evaluation of the potential hazards of complex mixtures of chemical vapors. Concentrations of vapors above occupational exposure limits-(OEL) were detected only at exhaust stacks and passive breather filter outlets. Beyond five feet from the sources, vapors disperse rapidly. No vapors have been measured above 50% of their OELs more than five feet from the source. Vapor controls are focused on limited hazard zones around sources. Further evaluations of vapors include analysis of routes of exposure and thorough analysis of nuisance odors

  16. Vapor and gas sampling of single-shell tank 241-B-102 using the in situ vapor sampling system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lockrem, L.L.


    The Vapor Issue Resolution Program tasked the Vapor Team (the team) to collect representative headspace samples from Hanford Site single-shell tank (SST) 241-B-102. This document presents sampling data resulting from the April 18, 1996 sampling of SST 241-B-102. Analytical results will be presented in a separate report issued by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), which supplied and analyzed the sampling media. The team, consisting of Sampling and Mobile Laboratories (SML) and Special Analytical Studies (SAS) personnel, used the vapor sampling system (VSS) to collect representative samples of the air, gases, and vapors from the headspace of SST 241-B-102 with sorbent traps and SUMMA canisters

  17. Las emociones positivas y la empatía como promotores de las conductas prosociales e inhibidores de las conductas agresivas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Cristina Richaud

    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar qué proporción de variancia de la prosocialidad y de la agresividad predice las emociones positivas (alegría y gratitud, serenidad y satisfacción personal, la empatía (toma de perspectiva y preocupación empática y la autoeficacia social. Dado que existen abundantes investigaciones que muestran que existen diferencias significativas en las conductas prosociales y la agresividad en función del sexo es que estos análisis se realizaron por separados en niños y niñas. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 221 niños, de ambos sexos (42.2 % de varones, de 10 a 13 años (M = 11.45, DE = .80, de clase social media, que concurrían a escuelas primarias de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Los resultados indican que tanto la empatía como las emociones positivas se encuentran involucradas en la predicción de la conducta prosocial, tanto en los niños como en las niñas. Sin embargo, parece claro que en el caso de los niños la empatía tiene una mayor fuerza predictiva que las emociones positivas, a diferencia de las niñas donde ambas variables parecen compartir similar potencia. Por otro lado, la autoeficacia social predice la conducta prosocial solo en la niñas. Por último, los resultados indicaron que tanto la empatía como las emociones positivas inhiben la conducta agresiva solo en las niñas.

  18. Analyses on Water Vapor Resource in Chengdu City (United States)

    Liu, B.; Xiao, T.; Wang, C.; Chen, D.


    Chengdu is located in the Sichuan basin, and it is the most famous inland city in China. With suitable temperatures and rainfall, Chengdu is the most livable cities in China. With the development of urban economy and society, the population has now risen to 16 million, and it will up to 22 million in 2030. This will cause the city water resources demand, and the carrying capacity of water resources become more and more serious. In order to improve the contradiction between urban waterlogging and water shortage, sponge city planning was proposed by Chengdu government, and this is of great practical significance for promoting the healthy development of the city. Base on the reanalysis data from NCEP during 2007-2016, the characters of Water Vapor Resources was analyzed, and the main contents of this research are summarized as follows: The water vapor resource in Chengdu plain is more than that in Southeast China and less in Northwest China. The annual average water vapor resource is approximately 160 mm -320 mm, and the water vapor resource in summer can reach 3 times in winter. But the annual average precipitation in Chengdu is about 800 mm -1200 mm and it is far greater than the water vapor resource, this is because of the transport of water vapor. Using the formula of water vapor flux, the water vapor in Chengdu is comes from the west and the south, and the value is around 50kg/(ms). Base on the calculation of boundary vapor budget, the water vapor transport under 500hPa accounted for 97% of the total. Consider the water vapor transport, transformation and urban humidification effect, the Water Vapor Resource in Chengdu is 2500mm, and it can be used by artificial precipitation enhancement. Therefore, coordinated development of weather modification and sponge city construction, the shortage of water resources in Chengdu plain can be solved. Key words: Chengdu; Sponge city; Water vapor resource; Precipitation; Artificial precipitation enhancement Acknowledgements

  19. A technique to depress desflurane vapor pressure. (United States)

    Brosnan, Robert J; Pypendop, Bruno H


    To determine whether the vapor pressure of desflurane could be decreased by using a solvent to reduce the anesthetic molar fraction in a solution (Raoult's Law). We hypothesized that such an anesthetic mixture could produce anesthesia using a nonprecision vaporizer instead of an agent-specific, electronically controlled, temperature and pressure compensated vaporizer currently required for desflurane administration. One healthy adult female dog. Propylene glycol was used as a solvent for desflurane, and the physical characteristics of this mixture were evaluated at various molar concentrations and temperatures. Using a circle system with a breathing bag attached at the patient end and a mechanical ventilator to simulate respiration, an in-circuit, nonprecision vaporizer containing 40% desflurane and 60% propylene glycol achieved an 11.5% +/- 1.0% circuit desflurane concentration with a 5.2 +/- 0.4 (0 = off, 10 = maximum) vaporizer setting. This experiment was repeated with a dog attached to the breathing circuit under spontaneous ventilation with a fresh gas flow of 0.5 L minute(-1). Anesthesia was maintained for over 2 hours at a mean vaporizer setting of 6.2 +/- 0.4, yielding mean inspired and end-tidal desflurane concentrations of 8.7% +/- 0.5% and 7.9% +/- 0.7%, respectively. Rather than alter physical properties of vaporizers to suit a particular anesthetic agent, this study demonstrates that it is also possible to alter physical properties of anesthetic agents to suit a particular vaporizer. However, propylene glycol may not prove an ideal solvent for desflurane because of its instability in solution and substantial-positive deviation from Raoult's Law.

  20. Perspective: Highly stable vapor-deposited glasses (United States)

    Ediger, M. D.


    This article describes recent progress in understanding highly stable glasses prepared by physical vapor deposition and provides perspective on further research directions for the field. For a given molecule, vapor-deposited glasses can have higher density and lower enthalpy than any glass that can be prepared by the more traditional route of cooling a liquid, and such glasses also exhibit greatly enhanced kinetic stability. Because vapor-deposited glasses can approach the bottom of the amorphous part of the potential energy landscape, they provide insights into the properties expected for the "ideal glass." Connections between vapor-deposited glasses, liquid-cooled glasses, and deeply supercooled liquids are explored. The generality of stable glass formation for organic molecules is discussed along with the prospects for stable glasses of other types of materials.

  1. El secreto del huevo azul, de Catalina González Vilar. Estudio narratológico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Sánchez-García


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aborda el estudio narratológico de la obra El secreto del huevo azul , de la escritora Catalina González Vilar, que obtuvo el Premio El Barco de Vapor en el año 2012. Examina los diferentes elementos constitutivos del texto (el enfoque del tema, la caracterización de los personajes, la estructura sintáctica, el tratamiento del lenguaje, la técnica narrativa utilizada... y su aporte al desarrollo de la historia con la finalidad de descubrir los valores estéticos y literarios que aporta a la fábula. Pretende demostrar el adecuado uso de todos ellos dado que favorecen un texto rico en matices, llamativo, sugerente. Cualidades, todas ellas, de gran importancia tanto en creaciones destinadas al público adulto como al infantil y juvenil pues enriquece el valor final de la obra, y por extensión, el bagaje cultural de sus lectores.

  2. Bionanomaterials and Bioinspired Nanostructures for Selective Vapor Sensing (United States)


    agricultural crops. To meet the requirements for these and other demanding applications, new sensing approaches with improved sensor selectivity are required...of these vapors with key side- chain amino acids. DNT-binding peptide receptors were further conjugated to an oligo(ethylene glycol) hydrogel for vapor...coefficient for DNT over TNT vapor. Vapor-phase binding performance was attributed to the ability of the oligo(ethylene glycol) hydrogel to maintain the

  3. Vapor and gas sampling of single-shell tank 241-U-104 using the in situ vapor sampling system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lockrem, L.L.


    The Vapor Issue.Resolution Program tasked the Vapor Team (VT) to collect representative headspace samples from Hanford Site single-shell tank (SST) 241-U-104. This document presents In Situ Vapor Sampling System (ISVS) data resulting from the July 16, 1996 sampling of SST 241-U-104. Analytical results will be presented in separate reports issued by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) which supplied and analyzed the sample media

  4. Vapor and gas sampling of single-shell tank 241-S-103 using the in situ vapor sampling system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lockrem, L.L.


    The Vapor Issue Resolution Program tasked the Vapor Team (VT) to collect representative headspace samples from Hanford Site single-shell tank (SST) 241-S-103. This document presents In Situ Vapor Sampling System (ISVS) data resulting from the June 12, 1996 sampling of SST 241-S-103. Analytical results will be presented in separate reports issued by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) which supplied and analyzed the sample media

  5. Vapor and gas sampling of single-shell tank 241-S-106 using the in situ vapor sampling system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lockrem, L.L.


    The Vapor Issue Resolution Program tasked the Vapor Team (VT) to collect representative headspace samples from Hanford Site single-shell tank (SST) 241-S-106. This document presents In Situ vapor Sampling System (ISVS) data resulting from the June 13, 1996 sampling of SST 241-S-106. Analytical results will be presented in separate reports issued by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) which'supplied and analyzed the sample media

  6. Energy advantage of the cane bagasse in the sugar industry; Aprovechamiento energetico del bagazo de cana en la industria azucarera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez Alarcon, Luis Alfredo


    . [Spanish] El presente estudio hace un analisis de la produccion y consumo de bagazo en Mexico relacionada con aquellos indicadores que orientan y afectan el aprovechamiento energetico de la fibra dentro de la estructura y balance global de energeticos del subsector azucar. Este analisis global se concentra al final sobre la evaluacion de los generadores de vapor de un ingenio azucarero, que como Casasano, paso de quemar solo combustoleo hasta 1984, a usar a la vez bagazo y combustoleo, en un intento por reducir su consumo especifico de energia, uno de los mas altos del pais. En 1985 se cultivaron 534 mil hectareas de cana, con rendimientos de campo de 68.8 t/ha; de los 36.7 millones de toneladas de cana producidas se molieron 35.7 millones para obtener, en los 69 ingenios del pais 3.2 millones de toneladas de azucar, satisfaciendo nuevamente el consumo nacional. En la respectiva zafra se produjeron 12 millones de toneladas de bagazo humedo, representando el 34.5% del total de la cana molida; este bagazo se destino en un 86.5% a la generacion de vapor, con un indice medio de 1.87 kg de vapor por kg de bagazo, aportando al balance energetico propio el equivalente a 17.6 billones de kilocalorias que corresponden al 66.2% de la energia total consumida por el sector, siendo el restante 33.8% aportado por el combustoleo. Para generar vapor en 1985 habia instalados 543859 HP aprovechados con una eficiencia ponderada del 56.4%, de los cuales el 91.5% utilizaba en forma simultanea bagazo y combustoleo, el 6.38% solo combustoleo y el 2.1% solo bagazo. En el ingenio Casasano se hace un analisis similar, rematando con la evaluacion del aprovechamiento energetico del bagazo en sus calderas y de los factores que influyen en el consumo especifico de energia. De esta forma se establece que el bagazo consumido en la ultima zafra se quemo generando 1.4 kg de vapor por kg de bagazo en calderas trabajando con una eficiencia del 60% y consumiendo 1090 kg de vapor por tonelada de cana molida.

  7. La formación de la personalidad violenta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nora Habed


    Full Text Available Las experiencias de relación y de comunicación que se estructuran durante la infancia y la adolescencia, son las que construyen en el individuo el concepto de sí mismo y del "otro", perdurando en el tiempo. Si en ellas los sentimientos de rabia, ira, cólera y rechazo, prevalecen sobre los sentimientos de amor, ternura y acogida, el niño o la niña interioriza estos fuertes sentimientos negativos y se convertirán, por tanto, en personas que potencialmente tenderán a desarrollar su agresividad hacia un mundo que no los supo amar ni entender.

  8. Cumulus convection and the terrestrial water-vapor distribution (United States)

    Donner, Leo J.


    Cumulus convection plays a significant role in determining the structure of the terrestrial water vapor field. Cumulus convection acts directly on the moisture field by condensing and precipitating water vapor and by redistributing water vapor through cumulus induced eddy circulations. The mechanisms by which cumulus convection influences the terrestrial water vapor distribution is outlined. Calculations using a theory due to Kuo is used to illustrate the mechanisms by which cumulus convection works. Understanding of these processes greatly aids the ability of researchers to interpret the seasonal and spatial distribution of atmospheric water vapor by providing information on the nature of sources and sinks and the global circulation.

  9. Vapor pumps and gas-driven machines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guillet, R.


    The vapor pump, patented in 1979 by Gaz de France, is an additional mass and heat exchanger which uses the combustion air of fuel-burning machines as an additional cold source. This cold source is preheated and, above all, humidified before reaching the burner, by means of the residual sensible and latent heat in the combustion products of the fuel-burning process. This final exchanger thus makes it possible, in many cases, to recover all the gross calorific value of natural gas, even when the combustion products leave the process at a wet temperature greater than 60 0 C, the maximum dew point of the products of normal combustion. Another significant advantage of the vapor pump being worth highlighting is the selective recycling of water vapor by the vapor pump which reduces the adiabatic combustion temperature and the oxygen concentration in the combustion air, two factors which lead to considerable reductions in nitrogen oxides formation, hence limiting atmospheric pollution. Alongside a wide range of configurations which make advantageous use of the vapor pump in association with gas-driven machines and processes, including gas turbines, a number of boiler plant installations are also presented [fr

  10. Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Silicate Vaporization (United States)

    Jacobson, Nathan S.; Costa, Gustavo C. C.


    Silicates are a common class of materials that are often exposed to high temperatures. The behavior of these materials needs to be understood for applications as high temperature coatings in material science as well as the constituents of lava for geological considerations. The vaporization behavior of these materials is an important aspect of their high temperature behavior and it also provides fundamental thermodynamic data. The application of Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry (KEMS) to silicates is discussed. There are several special considerations for silicates. The first is selection of an appropriate cell material, which is either nearly inert or has well-understood interactions with the silicate. The second consideration is proper measurement of the low vapor pressures. This can be circumvented by using a reducing agent to boost the vapor pressure without changing the solid composition or by working at very high temperatures. The third consideration deals with kinetic barriers to vaporization. The measurement of these barriers, as encompassed in a vaporization coefficient, is discussed. Current measured data of rare earth silicates for high temperature coating applications are discussed. In addition, data on magnesium-iron-silicates (olivine) are presented and discussed.

  11. Determination of heat losses in the Cerro Prieto, Baja California, geothermal field steam transportation network based on the thermal insulation condition of the steam pipelines; Determinacion de perdidas de calor en la red de transporte de vapor del campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto, Baja California, con base en el estado fisico del aislamiento termico de vaporductos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ovando Castelar, Rosember; Garcia Gutierrez, Alfonso; Martinez Estrella, Juan Ignacio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Canchola Felix, Ismael; Jacobo Galvan, Paul; Miranda Herrera, Carlos; Mora Perez, Othon [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Residencia General de Cerro Prieto, Mexicali, B.C. (Mexico)


    In Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field (CPGF), the steam from producing wells is transported to power plants through a large and complex system of pipes thermally insulated with a 2 inches thick mineral wool or a fiber glass layer and an external aluminum or iron cover. The insulation material has been exposed to weather conditions during the field operation and has suffered density and thickness changes. In some cases the insulation has been lost completely, increasing heat transfer from the pipes to the environment. This paper analyzes the impact of the conditions of thermal insulation on heat losses in the CPGF steam-pipeline network. The heat losses are calculated by applying an iterative method to determine the surface temperature based on a heat balance calculated from the three basic mechanisms of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. Finally, using length and diameter data corresponding to the condition of the thermal insulation of each pipeline-and field operation data, the overall heat losses are quantified for steam lines throughout the pipeline network in the field. The results allow us to evaluate the magnitude of the heat losses in comparison with the overall energy losses occurring during steam transport from wells to the power plants. [Spanish] En el Campo Geotermico de Cerro Prieto (CGCP), BC, el transporte de vapor desde los pozos hasta las plantas generadoras de electricidad se lleva a cabo mediante un extenso y complejo sistema de tuberias que tipicamente se encuentran aisladas termicamente con una capa de 2 pulgadas de material aislante a base de lana mineral o fibra de vidrio, y una proteccion mecanica de aluminio o hierro galvanizado. Debido a la exposicion a las condiciones meteorologicas a traves del tiempo de operacion del campo, el aislamiento ha experimentado cambios en su densidad y espesor y en ocasiones se ha perdido por completo, lo cual repercute en una mayor transferencia de calor de las tuberias hacia el medio ambiente

  12. Modeling UTLS water vapor: Transport/Chemistry interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gulstad, Line


    This thesis was initially meant to be a study on the impact on chemistry and climate from UTLS water vapor. However, the complexity of the UTLS water vapor and its recent changes turned out to be a challenge by it self. In the light of this, the overall motivation for the thesis became to study the processes controlling UTLS water vapor and its changes. Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas, involved in important climate feedback loops. Thus, a good understanding of the chemical and dynamical behavior of water vapor in the atmosphere is crucial for understanding the climate changes in the last century. Additionally, parts of the work was motivated by the development of a coupled climate chemistry model based on the CAM3 model coupled with the Chemical Transport Model Oslo CTM2. The future work will be concentrated on the UTLS water vapor impact on chemistry and climate. We are currently studying long term trends in UTLS water vapor, focusing on identification of the different processes involved in the determination of such trends. The study is based on natural as well as anthropogenic climate forcings. The ongoing work on the development of a coupled climate chemistry model will continue within our group, in collaboration with Prof. Wei-Chyung Wang at the State University of New York, Albany. Valuable contacts with observational groups are established during the work on this thesis. These collaborations will be continued focusing on continuous model validation, as well as identification of trends and new features in UTLS water vapor, and other tracers in this region. (Author)

  13. Calculating the enthalpy of vaporization for ionic liquid clusters. (United States)

    Kelkar, Manish S; Maginn, Edward J


    Classical atomistic simulations are used to compute the enthalpy of vaporization of a series of ionic liquids composed of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium cations paired with the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide anion. The calculations show that the enthalpy of vaporization is lowest for neutral ion pairs. The enthalpy of vaporization increases by about 40 kJ/mol with the addition of each ion pair to the vaporizing cluster. Non-neutral clusters have much higher vaporization enthalpies than their neutral counterparts and thus are not expected to make up a significant fraction of volatile species. The enthalpy of vaporization increases slightly as the cation alkyl chain length increases and as temperature decreases. The calculated vaporization enthalpies are consistent with two sets of recent experimental measurements as well as with previous atomistic simulations.

  14. Generación directa de vapor con colectores solares cilindro parabólicos Proyecto DIrect Solar Steam (DISS)


    Zarza Moya, Eduardo


    La Generación Directa de Vapor (GDV) en los tubos absorbedores de los colectores solares cilindro parabólicos es considerada la opción tecnológica más atractiva para conseguir una sustancial reducción del coste de la energía térmica producida por este tipo de colector solar. Sin embargo, antes de poder comercializar sistemas solares con GDV e s necesario aclarar todas aquellas cuestiones técnicas que conlleva la existencia de un flujo bifásico circulando por el interior de los tubos absorbedo...

  15. Prediction of vapor pressure and heats of vaporization of edible oil/fat compounds by group contribution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ceriani, Roberta; Gani, Rafiqul; Liu, Y.A.


    In the present work, a group contribution method is proposed for the estimation of vapor pressures and heats of vaporization of organic liquids found in edible fat/oil and biofuel industries as a function of temperature. The regression of group contribution parameters was based on an extensive...

  16. Comparative study of the vapor analytes of trinitrotoluene (TNT) (United States)

    Edge, Cindy C.; Gibb, Julie; Dugan, Regina E.


    Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is a high explosive used in most antipersonnel and antitank landmines. The Institute for Biological Detection Systems (IBDS) has developed a quantitative vapor delivery system, termed olfactometer, for conducting canine olfactory research. The research is conducted utilizing dynamic conditions, therefore, it is imperative to evaluate the headspace of TNT to ensure consistency with the dynamic generation of vapor. This study quantified the vapor headspace of military- grade TNT utilizing two different vapor generated methodologies, static and dynamic, reflecting differences between field and laboratory environments. Static vapor collection, which closely mimics conditions found during field detection, is defined as vapor collected in an open-air environment at ambient temperature. Dynamic vapor collection incorporates trapping of gases from a high flow vapor generation cell used during olfactometer operation. Analysis of samples collected by the two methodologies was performed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and the results provided information with regard to the constituents detected. However, constituent concentration did vary between the sampling methods. This study provides essential information regarding the vapor constituents associated with the TNT sampled using different sampling methods. These differences may be important in determining the detection signature dogs use to recognize TNT.

  17. Thermal analysis of the heat recuperator of a combined cycle thermoelectric central; Analisis termico del recuperador de calor de una central termoelectrica de ciclo combinado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero Paredes, Hernando; Sanchez, I; Lazcano, L C; Ambriz, Juan Jose; Alvarez, M [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Gonzalez, O [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Tula (Mexico)


    The thermoelectric centrals of the combined cycle type (Brayton Cycle and Rankine Cycle) present a series of opportunities to increase the efficiency of the combined cycle or of the generated power. This paper shows the methodology for the performance of energy balances in a heat recuperator (H. R.), typically employed in the combined cycle stations operating in Mexico, for the assessment of the energy harnessing in the different sections conforming a H. R. The effect of the installation of evaporative coolers and/or an absorption cooling system at the gas turbine compressor intake on the steam generation in the heat recuperator, is evaluated. This extra generation of steam is quantified for its potential use in the same absorption refrigeration system. From the assessment, it follows up that the steam generation in the H.R. is inversely proportional to the ambient temperature and that, although the increased amount of steam generated can not be harnessed in total by the steam turbine, the remaining fraction is good enough to cover the heat demand for the operation of the refrigeration system. [Espanol] Las centrales termoelectricas del tipo ciclo combinado (ciclo Brayton y ciclo Rankine) presentan un conjunto de oportunidades para incrementar la eficiencia del ciclo combinado o bien la potencia generada. En el presente trabajo se expone la metodologia para realizar los balances de energia en un recuperador de calor (R.C.) tipicamente utilizado en las Centrales de Ciclo Combinado (CCC) que operan en Mexico, para evaluar el aprovechamiento de la energia en las diferentes secciones que conforman un R.C. Se evalua el efecto que tiene la instalacion de enfriadores evaporativos y/o un sistema de enfriamiento por absorcion en la succion del compresor de la turbina de gas sobre la generacion de vapor en el recuperador de calor. Se cuantifica esta generacion extra de vapor para su posible utilizacion en el mismo sistema de refrigeracion por absorcion. De la evaluacion se

  18. Thermal analysis of the heat recuperator of a combined cycle thermoelectric central; Analisis termico del recuperador de calor de una central termoelectrica de ciclo combinado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero Paredes, Hernando; Sanchez, I.; Lazcano, L. C.; Ambriz, Juan Jose; Alvarez, M. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Gonzalez, O. [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Tula (Mexico)


    The thermoelectric centrals of the combined cycle type (Brayton Cycle and Rankine Cycle) present a series of opportunities to increase the efficiency of the combined cycle or of the generated power. This paper shows the methodology for the performance of energy balances in a heat recuperator (H. R.), typically employed in the combined cycle stations operating in Mexico, for the assessment of the energy harnessing in the different sections conforming a H. R. The effect of the installation of evaporative coolers and/or an absorption cooling system at the gas turbine compressor intake on the steam generation in the heat recuperator, is evaluated. This extra generation of steam is quantified for its potential use in the same absorption refrigeration system. From the assessment, it follows up that the steam generation in the H.R. is inversely proportional to the ambient temperature and that, although the increased amount of steam generated can not be harnessed in total by the steam turbine, the remaining fraction is good enough to cover the heat demand for the operation of the refrigeration system. [Espanol] Las centrales termoelectricas del tipo ciclo combinado (ciclo Brayton y ciclo Rankine) presentan un conjunto de oportunidades para incrementar la eficiencia del ciclo combinado o bien la potencia generada. En el presente trabajo se expone la metodologia para realizar los balances de energia en un recuperador de calor (R.C.) tipicamente utilizado en las Centrales de Ciclo Combinado (CCC) que operan en Mexico, para evaluar el aprovechamiento de la energia en las diferentes secciones que conforman un R.C. Se evalua el efecto que tiene la instalacion de enfriadores evaporativos y/o un sistema de enfriamiento por absorcion en la succion del compresor de la turbina de gas sobre la generacion de vapor en el recuperador de calor. Se cuantifica esta generacion extra de vapor para su posible utilizacion en el mismo sistema de refrigeracion por absorcion. De la evaluacion se

  19. Impact of groundwater levels on evaporation and water-vapor fluxes in highly saline soils (United States)

    Munoz, J. F.; Hernández, M. F.; Braud, I.; Gironas, J. A.; Suarez, F. I.


    In aquifers of arid and hyper-arid zones, such as those occurring in the Chilean Andes high plateau, it is important to determine both the quantity and location of water discharges at the temporal scales of interest to close the basin's water budget and thus, to manage the water resource properly. In zones where shallow aquifers are the main source of water, overexploitation of the water resource changes the dynamics of water, heat and solute transport in the vadose zone. As aquifers are exploited, fluctuations in depth to groundwater are exacerbated. These fluctuations modify both soil structure and evaporation from the ground, which is typically the most important discharge from the water budget and is very difficult to estimate. Therefore, a correct quantification of evaporation from these soils is essential to improve the accuracy of the water balance estimation. The objective of this study was to investigate the evaporation processes and water-vapor fluxes in a soil column filled with a saline soil from the Salar del Huasco basin, Chile. Water content, electrical conductivity and temperature at different depths in the soil profile were monitored to determine the liquid and vapor fluxes within the soil column. The results showed that evaporation is negligible when the groundwater table is deeper than 1 m. For shallower groundwater levels, evaporation increases in an exponential fashion reaching a value of 3 mm/day when the groundwater table is near the surface of the ground. These evaporation rates are on the same order of magnitude than the field measurements, but slightly lower due to the controlled conditions maintained in the laboratory. Isothermal fluid fluxes were predominant over the non-isothermal fluid and water vapor fluxes. The net flux for all the phreatic levels tested in the laboratory showed different behaviors, with ascending or descending flows as a consequence of changes in water content and temperature distribution within the soil. It was

  20. Development and evaluation of the NSSS model with four steam lines for the LVNP using the SCDAPSIM code; Desarrollo y evaluacion del modelo del NSSS con cuatro lineas de vapor para la CNLV utilizando el codigo SCDAPSIM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salazar C, J.H.; Nunez C, A.; Camargo C, R. [CNSNS, Dr. Barragan No. 779, Col. Narvarte, 03020 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The present work shows the pattern of the NSSS considering the four main vapor lines as well as their evaluation. The pattern was developed by the National Commission of Nuclear Security and Safeguards (CNSNS) and it has as main objective to account with a model of the Laguna Verde Nuclear power plant (CNLV) for the simulation and analysis of transitory events where are involved some of main vapor lines, or some relief valves and safety (SRV's). The model was evaluated with data of the CNLV. In 1996 the Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE) request to the CNSNS permission to operate the Unit 2 until the first recharge, having the main vapor line 'B' isolated and operating with a level of power corresponding to a flow of total vapor of 85% of the nominal one (of 1931 MWt). The obtained values were compared with the obtained registrations of the CNLV in order to evaluate the model. Those results show relative errors inferior to 3% among the CNLV reported value and the one calculated by the SCDAPSIM code. (Author)

  1. Evaluation of the useful life of steam turbine rotors; Evaluacion de vida util de rotores de turbinas de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carnero Parra, Antonio; Garcia Illescas, Rafael; Kubiak Szyszka, Janusz [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    This article presents the methodology applied by the Management of Turbomachinery of the Institute of Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), for the evaluation of the remaining useful life of steam turbine rotors in the phase of initiation of fissures. The evaluation of the remaining useful life of turbines, will reveal the real state of health of the rotor and will serve as a base for the future decision making that guarantees their structural integrity. [Spanish] El presentes articulo presenta la metodologia aplicada por la Gerencia de Turbomaquinaria del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), para la evaluacion de la vida util remanente de rotores de turbinas de vapor en la fase de iniciacion de fisuras. La evaluacion de la vida util de turbinas, revelar el estado real de salud del rotor y servira de base para la toma de decisiones futuras que garanticen su integridad estructural.

  2. Estimating enthalpy of vaporization from vapor pressure using Trouton's rule. (United States)

    MacLeod, Matthew; Scheringer, Martin; Hungerbühler, Konrad


    The enthalpy of vaporization of liquids and subcooled liquids at 298 K (delta H(VAP)) is an important parameter in environmental fate assessments that consider spatial and temporal variability in environmental conditions. It has been shown that delta H(VAP)P for non-hydrogen-bonding substances can be estimated from vapor pressure at 298 K (P(L)) using an empirically derived linear relationship. Here, we demonstrate that the relationship between delta H(VAP)and PL is consistent with Trouton's rule and the ClausiusClapeyron equation under the assumption that delta H(VAP) is linearly dependent on temperature between 298 K and the boiling point temperature. Our interpretation based on Trouton's rule substantiates the empirical relationship between delta H(VAP) degree and P(L) degrees for non-hydrogen-bonding chemicals with subcooled liquid vapor pressures ranging over 15 orders of magnitude. We apply the relationship between delta H(VAP) degrees and P(L) degrees to evaluate data reported in literature reviews for several important classes of semivolatile environmental contaminants, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorobenzenes, polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and -furans and illustrate the temperature dependence of results from a multimedia model presented as a partitioning map. The uncertainty associated with estimating delta H(VAP)degrees from P(L) degrees using this relationship is acceptable for most environmental fate modeling of non-hydrogen-bonding semivolatile organic chemicals.

  3. Recommended Vapor Pressure of Solid Naphthalen

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Růžička, K.; Fulem, Michal; Růžička, V.


    Roč. 50, - (2005), s. 1956-1970 ISSN 0021-9568 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100521 Keywords : solid naphthalene * vapor pressure * enthalpy of vaporization * enthalpy of fusion Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.610, year: 2005


    Soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems are being used in Increasing numbers because of the many advantages these systems hold over other soil treatment technologies. SVE systems appear to be simple in design and operation, yet the fundamentals governing subsurface vapor transport ar...

  5. Bionanomaterials and Bioinspired Nanostructures for Selective Vapor Sensing (United States)

    Potyrailo, Radislav; Naik, Rajesh R.


    At present, monitoring of air at the workplace, in urban environments, and on battlefields; exhaled air from medical patients; air in packaged food containers; and so forth can be accomplished with different types of analytical instruments. Vapor sensors have their niche in these measurements when an unobtrusive, low-power, and cost-sensitive technical solution is required. Unfortunately, existing vapor sensors often degrade their vapor-quantitation accuracy in the presence of high levels of interferences and cannot quantitate several components in complex gas mixtures. Thus, new sensing approaches with improved sensor selectivity are required. This technological task can be accomplished by the careful design of sensing materials with new performance properties and by coupling these materials with the suitable physical transducers. This review is focused on the assessment of the capabilities of bionanomaterials and bioinspired nanostructures for selective vapor sensing. We demonstrate that these sensing materials can operate with diverse transducers based on electrical, mechanical, and optical readout principles and can provide vapor-response selectivity previously unattainable by using other sensing materials. This ability for selective vapor sensing provides opportunities to significantly impact the major directions in development and application scenarios of vapor sensors.

  6. Decreased respiratory symptoms in cannabis users who vaporize

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    Barnwell Sara


    Full Text Available Abstract Cannabis smoking can create respiratory problems. Vaporizers heat cannabis to release active cannabinoids, but remain cool enough to avoid the smoke and toxins associated with combustion. Vaporized cannabis should create fewer respiratory symptoms than smoked cannabis. We examined self-reported respiratory symptoms in participants who ranged in cigarette and cannabis use. Data from a large Internet sample revealed that the use of a vaporizer predicted fewer respiratory symptoms even when age, sex, cigarette smoking, and amount of cannabis used were taken into account. Age, sex, cigarettes, and amount of cannabis also had significant effects. The number of cigarettes smoked and amount of cannabis used interacted to create worse respiratory problems. A significant interaction revealed that the impact of a vaporizer was larger as the amount of cannabis used increased. These data suggest that the safety of cannabis can increase with the use of a vaporizer. Regular users of joints, blunts, pipes, and water pipes might decrease respiratory symptoms by switching to a vaporizer

  7. A Local Propagation for Vapor Explosions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ochiai, M.; Bankoff, S.G.


    Explosive boiling, defined as energy transfer leading to formation of vapor rapidly enough to produce large shock waves, has been widely studied in a number of contexts. Depending upon the nature and temperatures of the liquids and mode of contacting, large-scale mixing and explosive vaporization may occur, or alternatively, only relatively non-energetic, film-type boiling may exist. The key difference is whether a mechanism is operative for increasing the liquid-liquid interfacial area in a time scale consistent with the formation of a detonation wave. Small drops of a cold volatile liquid were dropped onto a free surface of a hot, non-volatile liquid. The critical Weber number for coalescence is obtained from the envelope of the film boiling region. Markedly different behavior for the two hot liquids is observed. A 'splash' theory for local propagation of vapor explosions in spontaneously nucleating liquid-liquid systems is now formulated. After a random contact is made, explosive growth and coalescence of the vapor bubbles occurs as soon as the surrounding pressure is relieved, resulting in a high-pressure vapor layer at the liquid-liquid contact area. This amounts to an impact pressure applied to the free surface, with a resulting velocity distribution obtained from potential flow theory. The peak pressure predictions are. consistent with data for Freon-oil mixing, but further evaluation will await additional experimental data. Nevertheless, the current inference is that a UO 2 -Na vapor explosion in a reactor environment cannot be visualized. In conclusion: The propagation model presented here differs in some details from that of Henry and Fauske, although both are consistent with some peak pressure data obtained by Henry, et al. Clearly, additional experimental information is needed for further evaluation of these theories. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that even at this time a number of important observations concerning the requirements for a vapor

  8. Optical Sensor for Diverse Organic Vapors at ppm Concentration Ranges

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    Dora M. Paolucci


    Full Text Available A broadly responsive optical organic vapor sensor is described that responds to low concentrations of organic vapors without significant interference from water vapor. Responses to several classes of organic vapors are highlighted, and trends within classes are presented. The relationship between molecular properties (vapor pressure, boiling point, polarizability, and refractive index and sensor response are discussed.


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    Marta Domingo Montané


    Full Text Available El progresivo encarecimiento de los productos y servicios energéticos se ha convertido en una preocupaciónprioritaria para toda industria, es por ello que en esta política nacional de ahorro y conservaciónde portadores energéticos se realiza este trabajo en la Planta de Llenado, Liofilización y Envasey en las áreas de Lavandería y Cocina- Comedor, pertenecientes al Centro Nacional deBiopreparados, con el objetivo de determinar los índices de consumo de vapor en los procesosproductivos. Se realizaron varias corridas con el fin de obtener los consumos de vapor directamentede la práctica o de cálculos, a partir de balances de energía y correlaciones de transferencia de calor.Se calcula también el consumo de vapor dado por las pérdidas al medio ambiente en las tuberías quelo transportan a los puntos de consumo. Se obtuvieron los índices de consumo en cada área de vapor,de combustible y económicos correspondientes. Se recomienda al Centro utilizar los índices deconsumo calculados para la comprobación de la eficiencia energética de las áreas estudiadas.  The progressive rise in the price of the products and energy services have become a high-priorityconcern for all industry, it is for it that in this national politics of saving and energy portersconservation is carried out this work, in the Plant of having Filled, Liofilization and packing;and in the areas of Laundry and Kitchen - dining room, belonging to the Centro Nacional deBiopreparados with the objective of determining the indexes of consumption of vapor in theproductive processes. They were carried out several experiments, with the purpose of obtainingthe consumptions of vapor directly of the practice or of calculations, starting from energy balancesand correlations of heat transfer . The consumption of vapor given by the losses to theenvironment in the pipes, that transports it to the consumption points is also calculated. Theconsumption indexes were obtained in each

  10. 40 CFR 52.787 - Gasoline transfer vapor control. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Gasoline transfer vapor control. 52.787... (CONTINUED) APPROVAL AND PROMULGATION OF IMPLEMENTATION PLANS Indiana § 52.787 Gasoline transfer vapor control. (a) Gasoline means any petroleum distillate having a Reid vapor pressure of 4 pounds or greater...

  11. Estimating evaporative vapor generation from automobiles based on parking activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong, Xinyi; Tschantz, Michael; Fu, Joshua S.


    A new approach is proposed to quantify the evaporative vapor generation based on real parking activity data. As compared to the existing methods, two improvements are applied in this new approach to reduce the uncertainties: First, evaporative vapor generation from diurnal parking events is usually calculated based on estimated average parking duration for the whole fleet, while in this study, vapor generation rate is calculated based on parking activities distribution. Second, rather than using the daily temperature gradient, this study uses hourly temperature observations to derive the hourly incremental vapor generation rates. The parking distribution and hourly incremental vapor generation rates are then adopted with Wade–Reddy's equation to estimate the weighted average evaporative generation. We find that hourly incremental rates can better describe the temporal variations of vapor generation, and the weighted vapor generation rate is 5–8% less than calculation without considering parking activity. - Highlights: • We applied real parking distribution data to estimate evaporative vapor generation. • We applied real hourly temperature data to estimate hourly incremental vapor generation rate. • Evaporative emission for Florence is estimated based on parking distribution and hourly rate. - A new approach is proposed to quantify the weighted evaporative vapor generation based on parking distribution with an hourly incremental vapor generation rate

  12. Determinación del antagonismo del aislamiento T 95 de Trichoderma harzianum sobre Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum en plantas de pepino cohombro

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    Borda Fernando


    Full Text Available Una de las enfermedades de mayor importancia económica en el cultivo de clavel en Colombia es la ocasionada por el hongo Fusarium oxysporumf.sp. dianthi. Las altas pérdidas directas que ocasiona el patógeno una vez establecido en cultivos comerciales, la facilidad de propagación através de esquejes infectados, la fácil diseminación del patógeno a
    través de diferentes formas, la alta persistencia del
    patógeno en el suelo y el alto costo y regular eficiencia
    de las medidas de control utilizadas, dan a esta
    enfermedad una gran importancia patológica y económica
    (Arbeláez, 1987. Para el control del marchitamiento vascular del clavel, se realizan prácticas, tales como tratamiento
    del suelo con vapor deagua, con diversos fumigantes y con fungicidas sistémicos, pero el costo de dichas prácticas puede variar actualmente entre $500.000 y $10.000.000, lo cual depende del tipo de tratamiento (Baker, 1980; Arbeláez, 1989. Las dificultades encontradas en el manejo de las
    poblaciones de Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi en el suelo por métodos convencionales, hacen que el control biológico sea uno de los métodos más promisorios para el control de la enfermedad; además el control biológico puede combinarse con otros métodos de control y asl, se logra una mayor
    eficiencia (Scher y Baker, 1980.

  13. Enfoque “Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos” para enseñar sistemas de potencia de gas y vapor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Asier Aranzábal


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la experiencia y los resultados derivados de la aplicación del método Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (PBL en la asignatura Termotecnia de la Titulación de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, para aprender sistemas de potencia de gas y vapor. Tras un análisis crítico de los resultados académicos de los alumnos que aprenden estos sistemas, se observa que la estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje tradicional, basada en clases “magistrales + clases de aplicación en una lista de ejercicios (totalmente acotados y con una solución única, estaba fallando. Ante esta situación se plantea un enfoque constructivista centrado en el alumno para que él mismo construya su aprendizaje activa y cooperativamente, y no escuchando clases magistrales, ni memorizando.

  14. 40 CFR 52.255 - Gasoline transfer vapor control. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Gasoline transfer vapor control. 52.255... (CONTINUED) APPROVAL AND PROMULGATION OF IMPLEMENTATION PLANS California § 52.255 Gasoline transfer vapor control. (a) “Gasoline” means any petroleum distillate having a Reid vapor pressure of 4 pounds or greater...

  15. 33 CFR 154.826 - Vapor compressors and blowers. (United States)


    ...) Excessive shaft bearing temperature. (d) If a centrifugal compressor, fan, or lobe blower handles vapor in... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Vapor compressors and blowers....826 Vapor compressors and blowers. (a) Each inlet and outlet to a compressor or blower which handles...

  16. Effect of granosan vapors on mitosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lishenko, N P; Lishenko, I D


    Experiments were performed to determine the effects of granosan on the germination of vetch seeds. Vetch seeds were stored from 4-6 days in ethyl mercuric chloride vapors. Results indicated that the vapors caused a sharp decrease in germination and caused chromosomal aberrations during the anaphase.

  17. Molecular dynamics study of the vaporization of an ionic drop (United States)

    Galamba, N.


    The melting of a microcrystal in vacuum and subsequent vaporization of a drop of NaCl were studied through molecular dynamics simulations with the Born-Mayer-Huggins-Tosi-Fumi rigid-ion effective potential. The vaporization was studied for a single isochor at increasing temperatures until the drop completely vaporized, and gaseous NaCl formed. Examination of the vapor composition shows that the vapor of the ionic drop and gaseous NaCl are composed of neutral species, the most abundant of which, ranging from simple NaCl monomers (ion pairs) to nonlinear polymers, (NanCln)n=2-4. The enthalpies of sublimation, vaporization, and dissociation of the different vapor species are found to be in reasonable agreement with available experimental data. The decrease of the enthalpy of vaporization of the vapor species, with the radius of the drop decrease, accounts for a larger fraction of trimers and tetramers than that inferred from experiments. Further, the rhombic dimer is significantly more abundant than its linear isomer although the latter increases with the temperature. The present results suggest that both trimers and linear dimers may be important to explain the vapor pressure of molten NaCl at temperatures above 1500 K.

  18. 21 CFR 888.4220 - Cement monomer vapor evacuator. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cement monomer vapor evacuator. 888.4220 Section... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES ORTHOPEDIC DEVICES Surgical Devices § 888.4220 Cement monomer vapor evacuator. (a) Identification. A cement monomer vapor evacuator is a device intended for use during surgery to contain or remove...

  19. Prediction of the vapor pressure and vaporization enthalpy of 1-n-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-bis-(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) amide ionic liquids. (United States)

    Diedenhofen, Michael; Klamt, Andreas; Marsh, Kenneth; Schäfer, Ansgar


    The vapor pressures and vaporization enthalpies of a series of 1-n-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-bis-(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) amide ionic liquids have been predicted with two different approaches using the COSMO-RS method and quantum chemical gas phase calculations. While the calculated enthalpies are in good agreement with the experimental data, COSMO-RS seems to underestimate the vapor pressures by roughly 0.5-4 log units dependent on the IL and approach used.

  20. 40 CFR 796.1950 - Vapor pressure. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) CHEMICAL FATE TESTING GUIDELINES Physical and Chemical Properties § 796.1950 Vapor pressure. (a.... In addition, chemicals that are likely to be gases at ambient temperatures and which have low water... gases until the measured vapor pressure is constant, a process called “degassing.” Impurities more...

  1. Performance of horizontal versus vertical vapor extraction wells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birdsell, K.H.; Roseberg, N.D.; Edlund, K.M.


    Vapor extraction wells used for site remediation of volatile organic chemicals in the vadose zone are typically vertical wells. Over the past few years, there has been an increased interest in horizontal wells for environmental remediation. Despite the interest and potential benefits of horizontal wells, there has been little study of the relative performance of horizontal and vertical vapor extraction wells. This study uses numerical simulations to investigate the relative performance of horizontal versus vertical vapor extraction wells under a variety of conditions. The most significant conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that in a homogeneous medium, a single, horizontal vapor extraction well outperforms a single, vertical vapor extraction well (with surface capping) only for long, linear plumes. Guidelines are presented regarding the use of horizontal wells

  2. Dynamics of trivalent rare earth molecular vapor lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krupke, W.F.


    Radiative transition probabilities in neodymium bearing vapors are reviewed and calculations are extended to visible laser transitions in terbium bearing vapor. Nonradiative relaxation processes in the pure and complexed halides are treated in greater detail. While precise, quantitative relaxation probabilities cannot be calculated on the basis of information presently available, plausibility arguments can be established which indicate the order of magnitude of relevant nonradiative decay probabilities. Reference to solid and liquid state nonradiative relaxation data for rare earth ions is reviewed to support the plausibility arguments for the vapor state. Having established the likelihood of high fluorescence yields in the vapor phase, various methods of laser pumping are discussed: optical pumping via parity allowed 4f-5d transitions; optical pumping via charge transfer bands of the vapor complex; and direct electron beam pumping

  3. Caracterización mecánica de recubrimientos de aluminio por CVD-FBR sobre aceros inoxidables y resistencia a la oxidación en vapor de agua


    Diego Pérez-Muñoz; José Luddey Marulanda-Arévalo; Juan Manuel Meza-Meza


    Los recubrimientos de aluminio depositados sobre el acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 317 por Deposición Química de Vapor en Lecho Fluidizado (CVD-FBR) presentan a altas temperaturas una reducción de la velocidad de corrosión de más de 80 veces. Se realizó la caracterización mecánica de los recubrimientos por medio de microdureza, nanoindentación, para conocer cómo se vieron afectas las propiedades mecánicas (en especial la dureza y el módulo de Young) del recubrimiento y del sustrato luego d...

  4. Control of sodium vapor transport in annuli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meadows, G.E.; Bohringer, A.P.


    The method used to control sodium vapor transport in the annuli of various components at the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) is a downward purge of the annuli with high purity argon. The purge rates for the FFTF were selected by calculating the gas velocity required to overcome thermal convection transport in the annuli. To evaluate the effectiveness of the gas purge, laboratory apparatus was fabricated which simulated selected annuli in the FFTF In-Vessel Handling Machine (IVHM) and the Instrument Tree (IT) annuli. Tests were conducted at temperatures similar to FFTF conditions. Gas purge rates ranged from zero to 130% of FFTF flow rates. Test results show the effectiveness of a high purity gas purge in decreasing the accumulation of sodium vapor deposits in an annulus. The presence of water vapor and oxygen in the purge gas increased the sodium deposition rate by a factor of three over other tests usig high purity argon. The presence of a vapor control collar used in the IT annulus was shown to be beneficial for controlling vapor transport into the upper region of the annulus

  5. Vapor pressure and thermodynamics of beryllium carbide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rinehart, G.H.; Behrens, R.G.


    The vapor pressure of beryllium carbide has been measured over the temperature range 1388 to 1763 K using Knudsen-effusion mass spectrometry. Vaporization occurs incongruently according to the reaction Be 2 C(s) = 2Be(g) + C(s). The equilibrium vapor pressure above the mixture of Be 2 C and C over the experimental temperature range is (R/J K -1 mol -1 )ln(p/Pa) = -(3.610 +- 0.009) x 10 5 (K/T) + (221.43 +- 1.06). The third-law enthalpy change for the above reaction obtained from the present vapor pressures is ΔH 0 (298.15 K) = (740.5 +- 0.1) kJ mol -1 . The corresponding second-law result is ΔH 0 (298.15 K) = (732.0 +- 1.8) kJ mol -1 . The enthalpy of formation for Be 2 C(s) calculated from the present third-law vaporization enthalpy and the enthalpy of formation of Be(g) is ΔH 0 sub(f)(298.15 K) = -(92.5 +- 15.7) kJ mol -1 . (author)

  6. Vapor-transport of tungsten and its geologic application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shibue, Y [Hyogo Univ. of Teacher Education, Hyogo (Japan)


    The volatility of tungsten in a hydrous system at elevated temperatures and pressures was examined, and a tentative model for the enrichment of tungsten in hydrothermal solutions for the deposits related to granitic activities was proposed. To produce vapor-saturated solution, 17 or 15ml of 20wt% NaCl solution was introduced into an autoclave. Ca(OH){sub 2} for tungsten and H{sub 2}WO{sub 4} for base metals were used as vapor-captures, and run products were identified by X-ray powder diffractometry. The results suggested that the ratio of tungsten to base metals was higher in a vapor phase than in a liquid phase, and more enrichment of tungsten in the vapor phase occurred at higher temperature and pressure under the coexistence of the vapor and liquid phase. The tentative model emphasizing the vapor-transport of tungsten could explain the presence of tungsten deposits without large mineralization of base metals. Geological schematic model for the generation of the hydrothermal solution enriched in tungsten compared with base metals was illustrated based on above mentioned results. 21 refs., 3 figs.

  7. Effect of vapor-phase oxygen on chemical vapor deposition growth of graphene (United States)

    Terasawa, Tomo-o.; Saiki, Koichiro


    To obtain a large-area single-crystal graphene, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth on Cu is considered the most promising. Recently, the surface oxygen on Cu has been found to suppress the nucleation of graphene. However, the effect of oxygen in the vapor phase was not elucidated sufficiently. Here, we investigate the effect of O2 partial pressure (PO2) on the CVD growth of graphene using radiation-mode optical microscopy. The nucleation density of graphene decreases monotonically with PO2, while its growth rate reaches a maximum at a certain pressure. Our results indicate that PO2 is an important parameter to optimize in the CVD growth of graphene.

  8. Growth of GaN layers using Ga2O vapor obtained from Ga and H2O vapor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sumi, Tomoaki; Taniyama, Yuuki; Takatsu, Hiroaki; Juta, Masami; Kitamoto, Akira; Imade, Mamoru; Yoshimura, Masashi; Mori, Yusuke; Isemura, Masashi


    In this study, we performed growth of GaN layers using Ga 2 O vapor synthesized from Ga and H 2 O vapor. In this process, we employed H 2 O vapor instead of HCl gas in hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) to synthesize Ga source gas. In the synthesis reaction of Ga 2 O, a Ga 2 O 3 whisker formed and covered Ga, which impeded the synthesis reaction of Ga 2 O. The formation of the Ga 2 O 3 whisker was suppressed in H 2 ambient at high temperatures. Then, we adopted this process to supply a group III precursor and obtained an epitaxial layer. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement revealed that the epitaxial layer was single-crystalline GaN. Growth rate increased linearly with Ga 2 O partial pressure and reached 104 µm/h. (author)

  9. Teoría y práctica de la eficiencia del sistema de mercadeo de los productos de la agroempresa Theory and practice of marketing efficiency of agricultural business products

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodríguez C. Luis Felipe


    Full Text Available En los estudio de mercados de los productos de la Agroempresa, gran parte de la problemática se desenvuelve en el campo empírico. Las tendencias en los precios de los productos de la firma agropecuaria al igual que de sus costos al detal y al consumidor son frecuentemente los términos de referencia utilizados para la evaluación del desempeño de su mercadeo. Es de destacar que la eficiencia de una Agroempresa depende en alto grado de la dinámica y agresividad como esta penetra nuevos mercados tanto  nacionales como internacionales para posesionar sus productos. La eficiencia del mercadeo se define como la optimización del indicador costo/beneficio. Existen dos tipos de eficiencia del mercadeo: la eficiencia técnica que implica
    la utilización de tecnologías y métodos de manejo que persiguen reducir las perdidas del producto a lo largo del proceso de mercadeo y la eficiencia económica que propende por la obtención del máximo ingreso en términos
    monetarios o de cualquier tipo con los mínimos recursos. Son indicadores para la determinación de la eficiencia del sistema de mercadeo de un producto de la Agroempresa los siguientes: los precios al consumidor, los márgenes de mercadeo, la disponibilidad de las facilidades físicas del mercadeo y la competencia del mercadeo.
    In the products Market's studies of agricultural business, large deal of its problems developes in the empirical field. The tendencies in the product's price from the agrarian firm as well as the tendency of the retail costs, and the consumer's; are frequently the reference terms used to evaluate
    the performance os its own marketing. It is warth to emphasize that the efficiency of a agricultural business depends on the high degree of dinamics and aggresiveness wiht it over passes new markets, either be these national or international, in order to place its products. The efficiency of marketing is defined as the cost - benefir (cost-profit of the

  10. The separation of hydrocarbons from waste vapor streams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Behling, R.D.; Ohlrogge, K.; Peinemann, K.V.; Kyburz, E.


    Hydrocarbon vapors generated from industrial processes dispersed into air are contributing factors for the creation of photochemical smog. The separation of hydrocarbon vapor by means of membranes is in case of some applications a technically simple and economic process. A membrane vapor separation process with a following treatment of the retentate by catalytic incineration is introduced in this paper

  11. Efecto de las condiciones de secado sobre el endurecimiento de los granos de caraota (Phaseolus vulgaris pretratados con vapor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Virginia Mujica


    Full Text Available El endurecimiento de los granos de caraota (Phaseolus vulgaris generado por el almacenamiento en condiciones de alta temperatura y humedad relativa representa una limitante importante para su consumo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de un tratamiento con vapor y luego secado a los granos de P. vulgaris recién cosechados en la prevención de su endurecimiento. Inicialmente, se construyeron las curvas de secado a 40; 47,5 y 55 ºC. Seguidamente, los granos se trataron con vapor por 8 min 20 s y se sometieron a un proceso de secado, bajo un diseño central compuesto cuyos factores fueron la temperatura del aire (40 y 55 ºC y el tiempo de secado (4 y 8 h. La muestra secada de cada tratamiento se dividió en 3 lotes, el primero se analizó de inmediato y los otros se almacenaron por 5 semanas bajo 2 condiciones distintas 5 ºC/34 % HR y 37 ºC/75 % HR. Las determinaciones realizadas fueron humedad, capacidad de imbibición, tiempo de cocción y actividad de la peroxidasa soluble. El tiempo de secado fue de 6,5; 5 y 2,5 h a 40; 47,5 y 55 ºC, respectivamente, para alcanzar una humedad de 13 % (b.s.. El coeficiente de difusión resultó igual a 3,40x10-9; 3,52x10-9 y 3,87x10-9 m2/s, a 40, 47,5 y 55 ºC, respectivamente. El valor de la energía de activación fue de 7,33 kJ/mol. La aplicación de vapor y posterior secado de los granos no previno su endurecimiento, y este no dependió de la actividad de la peroxidasa soluble. Por lo que se puede inferir que los compuestos fenólicos y la enzima peroxidasa no son los únicos implicados en el mecanismo de endurecimiento de los granos de P. vulgaris.

  12. Separation of aromatics by vapor permeation through solvent swollen membrane

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ito, A.; Adachi, K.; Feng, Y. [Niigata University, Niigata (Japan)


    A vapor permeation process for aromatics separation from a hydrocarbon mixture was studied by means of the simultaneous permeation of dimethylsulfoxide vapor as an agent for membrane swelling and preferential permeation of aromatics. The separation performance of the process was demonstrated by a polyvinylalcohol membrane for mixed vapors of benzene/cyclohexane, xylene/octane and a model gasoline. The aromatic vapors preferentially permeated from these mixed vapor feeds. The separation factor was over 10. The separation mechanism of the process mainly depends on the relative salability of the vapors between aromatics and other hydrocarbons in dimethylsulfoxide. 14 refs., 9 figs., 1 tab.

  13. Molecular dynamics study of the vaporization of an ionic drop. (United States)

    Galamba, N


    The melting of a microcrystal in vacuum and subsequent vaporization of a drop of NaCl were studied through molecular dynamics simulations with the Born-Mayer-Huggins-Tosi-Fumi rigid-ion effective potential. The vaporization was studied for a single isochor at increasing temperatures until the drop completely vaporized, and gaseous NaCl formed. Examination of the vapor composition shows that the vapor of the ionic drop and gaseous NaCl are composed of neutral species, the most abundant of which, ranging from simple NaCl monomers (ion pairs) to nonlinear polymers, (Na(n)Cl(n))(n=2-4). The enthalpies of sublimation, vaporization, and dissociation of the different vapor species are found to be in reasonable agreement with available experimental data. The decrease of the enthalpy of vaporization of the vapor species, with the radius of the drop decrease, accounts for a larger fraction of trimers and tetramers than that inferred from experiments. Further, the rhombic dimer is significantly more abundant than its linear isomer although the latter increases with the temperature. The present results suggest that both trimers and linear dimers may be important to explain the vapor pressure of molten NaCl at temperatures above 1500 K.

  14. Vapor condensation device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakurai, Manabu; Hirayama, Fumio; Kurosawa, Setsumi; Yoshikawa, Jun; Hosaka, Seiichi.


    The present invention enables to separate and remove 14 C as CO 3 - ions without condensation in a vapor condensation can of a nuclear facility. That is, the vapor condensation device of the nuclear facility comprises (1) a spray pipe for spraying an acidic aqueous solution to the evaporation surface of an evaporation section, (2) a spray pump for sending the acidic aqueous solution to the spray pipe, (3) a tank for storing the acidic aqueous solution, (4) a pH sensor for detecting pH of the evaporation section, (5) a pH control section for controlling the spray pump, depending on the result of the detection of the pH sensor. With such a constitution, the pH of liquid wastes on the vaporization surface is controlled to 7 by spraying an aqueous solution of dilute sulfuric acid to the evaporation surface, thereby enabling to increase the transfer rate of 14 C to condensates to 60 to 70%. If 14 C is separated and removed as a CO 2 gas from the evaporation surface, the pH of the liquid wastes returns to the alkaline range of 9 to 10 and the liquid wastes are returned to a heating section. The amount of spraying the aqueous solution of dilute sulfuric acid can be controlled till the pH is reduced to 5. (I.S.)

  15. Headspace gas and vapor characterization summary for the 43 vapor program suspect tanks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huckaby, J.L.; Bratzel, D.R.


    During the time period between February 1994 and September 1995, Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) sampled the waste tank headspace of 43 single-shell tanks for a variety of gaseous and/or volatile and semi-volatile compounds. This report summarizes the results of analyses of those sampling activities with respect to both the Priority 1 Safety Issues and relative to the detection in the headspace of significant concentrations of target analytes relating to worker breathing space consideration as recommended by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) Toxicology Review Panel. The information contained in the data tables was abstracted from the vapor sampling and analysis tank characterization reports. Selected results are tabulated and summarized. Sampling equipment and methods, as well as sample analyses, are briefly described. Vapor sampling of passively ventilated single-shell tanks (tanks C-105, C-106, and SX-106 were sampled and are actively ventilated) has served to highlight or confirm tank headspace conditions associated with both priority 1 safety issues and supports source term analysis associated with protecting worker health and safety from noxious vapors

  16. Fuel conditioning facility electrorefiner cadmium vapor trap operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vaden, D. E.


    Processing sodium-bonded spent nuclear fuel at the Fuel Conditioning Facility at Argonne National Laboratory-West involves an electrometallurgical process employing a molten LiCl-KCl salt covering a pool of molten cadmium. Previous research has shown that the cadmium dissolves in the salt as a gas, diffuses through the salt layer and vaporizes at the salt surface. This cadmium vapor condenses on cool surfaces, causing equipment operation and handling problems. Using a cadmium vapor trap to condense the cadmium vapors and reflux them back to the electrorefiner has mitigated equipment problems and improved electrorefiner operations

  17. Indirect heating of natural gas using vapor chambers; Aquecimento indireto de gas natural com uso de camaras de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milanez, Fernando H; Mantellil, Marcia H.B.; Borges, Thomaz P.F. [Santa Catarina Univ., Florianopolis, SC (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Mecanica; Landa, Henrique G. de [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas


    Operation safety and reliability are major guidelines in the design of city-gate units. Conventional natural gas heaters operate by a indirect mechanism, where liquid water is used to transfer heat by natural convection between the combustion chamber and the natural gas coil. In this work, the concept of vapor chamber is evaluated as an indirect gas heater. In a vapor chamber, liquid water is in contact with the heat source, and vaporizes. The vapor condenses in contact with the heat sink. A reduced scale model was built and tested in order to compare these two heating concepts where the combustion chamber was replaced by electrical cartridge heaters. This engineering model can operate either as a conventional heater or as a vapor chamber. The comparison between the concepts was done by inducing a controlled power to the cartridges and by measuring the resulting temperature distributions. In the novel design, the heat exchanger efficiency increases, and the thermal inertia decreases, compared to the conventional system. The new sealed concept of the chamber prevents water evaporation losses. (author)

  18. Remedial actions to improve the availability in steam generators; Acciones correctivas para mejorar la disponibilidad en generadores de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torres Toledano, J. Gerardo; Porras Loaiza, G. Lizbeth; Sanchez Hernandez, Laura E.; Salinas B, Victor M.; Nebart G, Jesus [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    was demonstrated that the lack of power of the unit is not due to the combustion air deficiency. The metallographic study of the fault of the RU tube is mentioned, where a graph of the estimated life span at different rates of wear by corrosion and metal temperature for a tube of SA-213-TPH metal is presented. The details of the interconnections at the reheater are shown and a table of comparison of proposed temperatures at the RH outlet is present. A table of main causes of power decrease is attached. [Spanish] En este articulo se presentan los resultados del analisis de fallas recurrentes de cuatro Unidades Generadoras de Centrales Termoelectricas (UGT) de la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE). En tres de los cuatro casos, los estudios se enfocaron a identificar y corregir las causas raiz de fallas recurrentes en tubos de generadores de vapor, las unidades analizadas son: U-2 del Complejo Termoelectrico Pdte. Adolfo Lopez Mateos (CTPALM) de Tuxpan, Veracruz; U-3 de la Central Termoelectrica (CT) de Salamanca, y U-1 y 2 de la CT Felipe Carrillo Puerto de Valladolid, Yucatan. En el otro caso se analizo la insuficiencia de aire de combustion como una de las causas de decremento de potencia de la unidad 1 de la CT Gral. Manuel Alvarez Moreno de Manzanillo, Colima. Los generadores de vapor de la unidad 2 del CTPALM y la unidad 3 de la CT de Salamanca presentaron fallas en el banco del recalentador (RH). En este caso las recomendaciones se enfocaron al mejoramiento en las condiciones operativas para atenuar las fallas por corrosion en alta temperatura. A diferencia del CTPALM, en el caso de la U-3 de Salamanca se concluyo que es necesario el rediseno del RH; para ello se propuso permutar trayectorias de tubos calientes con los frios para uniformizar la temperatura de vapor a la salida del RH. Para evaluar los problemas que se han presentado en el generador de vapor de las unidades 1 y 2 de la CT Felipe Carrillo Puerto de Valladolid, Yucatan se analizaron las fallas de

  19. Agresividad, producción de micotoxinas y diversidad en las poblaciones de Fusarium graminearum de la región triguera argentina


    Malbrán, Ismael


    La fusariosis de la espiga de trigo (FET)o golpe blanco, ocasionada por Fusarium graminearum Schwabe, es una enfermedad que afecta al cultivo de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. en todo el mundo, incluyendo la Argentina. La enfermedad ocasiona disminuciones del rendimiento, perjuicios sobre la calidad del trigo y la contaminación del grano con micotoxinas, que constituyen un riesgo para la salud y comprometen su utilización en la alimentación. Estos metabolitos, principalmente el deoxinivalenol (D...

  20. Water Vapor Remote Sensing Techniques: Radiometry and Solar Spectrometry (United States)

    Somieski, A.; Buerki, B.; Cocard, M.; Geiger, A.; Kahle, H.-G.

    The high variability of atmospheric water vapor content plays an important role in space geodesy, climatology and meteorology. Water vapor has a strong influence on transatmospheric satellite signals, the Earth's climate and thus the weather forecasting. Several remote sensing techniques have been developed for the determination of inte- grated precipitable water vapor (IPWV). The Geodesy and Geodynamics Lab (GGL) utilizes the methods of Water Vapor Radiometry and Solar Spectrometry to quantify the amount of tropospheric water vapor and its temporal variations. The Water Vapor Radiometer (WVR) measures the radiation intensity of the atmosphere in a frequency band ranging from 20 to 32 GHz. The Solar Atmospheric MOnitoring Spectrome- ter (SAMOS) of GGL is designed for high-resolution measurements of water vapor absorption lines using solar radiation. In the framework of the ESCOMPTE (ExpÊrience sur Site pour COntraindre les Mod- Éles de Pollution atmosphÊrique et de Transport d'Emissions) field campaign these instruments have been operated near Marseille in 2001. They have aquired a long time series of integrated precipitable water vapor content (IPWV). The accuracy of IPWV measured by WVR and SAMOS is 1 kg/m2. Furthermore meteorological data from radiosondes were used to calculate the IPWV in order to provide comparisons with the results of WVR and SAMOS. The methods of Water Vapor Radiometry and So- lar Spectrometry will be discussed and first preliminary results retrieved from WVR, SAMOS and radiosondes during the ESCOMPTE field campaign will be presented.

  1. Mass spectrometric study of Nd2S3 vaporization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fenochka, B.V.


    The authors conduct a mass-spectrometric study of neodymium(III) sulfide vaporization. The chemical composition of the samples was stoichiometric and the samples were vaporized from tantalum effusion cells. When the vapor over Nd 2 S 3 is ionized by electrons the mass spectra shows monovalent cations of Nd, S, NdS, and NdO. The enthalpy of vaporization if Nd atoms from Nd 2 S 3 at average experimental temperatures and the standard enthalpy of reaction is shown. Also presented is the enthalpy of vaporization of NdS molecules from Nd 2 S 3 at average experimental temperatures and the standard enthalpy of reaction

  2. Evaluación y adecuación de un tanque con agitador y chaqueta de vapor de 0,9 mc3 para la pasteurización de 880 kg. de pulpa de fruta


    Espol; Palacios Ponce, Arturo Sócrates


    El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad instalar y adecuar un tanque con agitación y chaqueta de vapor para la pasteurización de 800kg por parada de pulpa de fruta con calidad y precio competitivo. Se evaluaron las condiciones operacionales del equipo y se validará la operatividad del mismo en condiciones ideales, posteriormente se determinarán los parámetros de proceso de tiempo y temperatura a través de corridas experimentales in situ. Los valores obtenidos en las pruebas experimentales se...

  3. The vapor pressure and vaporization enthalpy of R-(+)-menthofuran, a hepatotoxin metabolically derived from the abortifacient terpene, (R)-(+)-pulegone by correlation gas chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gobble, Chase; Chickos, James S.


    Highlights: • The vaporization enthalpy and vapor pressure of R-(+) menthofuran is evaluated. • The normal boiling temperature is predicted and compared to experimental and predicted values. • A vapor pressure equation as a function of temperature for menthofuran is evaluated. - Abstract: The vapor pressure as a function of temperature and its vaporization enthalpy at T = 298.15 K of R-(+)-menthofuran, a substance metabolically derived from R-(+)-pulegone that is both a flavoring agent at low concentrations and a hepatotoxin at larger ones, is evaluated by correlation-gas chromatography. A vapor pressure p/Pa = (36 ± 12) has been evaluated at T = 298.15 K, and a normal boiling temperature of T_b/K = 482.4 K is predicted. A boiling temperature of T_b/K = 374.3 compares with the literature value of T_b/K = 371.2 at reduced pressure, p/kPa = 2.93. The vaporization enthalpy of (56.5 ± 3.0) kJ·mol"−"1 compares to an estimated value of (57.8 ± 2.9) kJ·mol"−"1.

  4. Noise reduction in steam-vent points at the Cerro Prieto geothermal field, BC; Reduccion del ruido en puntos de desfogue en el campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto, BC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miranda Herrera, Carlos A [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Residencia General de Cerro Prieto, Mexicali, B.C (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    Steam silencers have been placed on the power units regulation system of the Cerro Prieto geothermal field, but not where the steam-pipes vent high-pressure steam (rupture disks). Moreover, the power-unit silencers are large and their abilities to reduce noise depend on an external, uncontrollable factor: pores sizes in the volcanic rocks they are made of. Thus a compact, economic and relatively easy to construct metallic silencer was designed to be used at several points of dry-steam venting to minimize the noise. The design was based on orifice-plate equations and a prototype was constructed and tested. It proved capable of reducing noise by 30 decibels for atmospheric discharges of primary steam at operating pressures. The size of the silencer can be adjusted to the particular needs of each vent case. [Spanish] En el campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto solo existen silenciadores de vapor en el sistema de regulacion de las plantas generadoras, pero no en los sitios de desfogue de vapor a alta presion en los vaporductos (discos de ruptura). Ademas, los silenciadores de las plantas son muy robustos y su capacidad de reduccion del ruido depende de un factor externo no controlable, como es el tamano del poro de la roca volcanica con el que estan construidos. Por lo tanto, se diseno un silenciador metalico compacto, economico y relativamente facil de fabricar, para utilizarse en diversos puntos de descarga de vapor seco a fin de minimizar el ruido. El diseno se realizo con base en las ecuaciones de la placa de orificio. Se construyo un prototipo cuyas pruebas demostraron que es capaz de reducir el ruido hasta en 30 decibeles, al descargar desde la presion de operacion de vapor primario hacia la presion atmosferica. Las dimensiones del silenciador pueden ajustarse a las necesidades particulares de cada caso de desfogue.

  5. Auxiliary Electrodes for Chromium Vapor Sensors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fergus, Jeffrey; Shahzad, Moaiz; Britt, Tommy


    Measurement of chromia-containing vapors in solid oxide fuel cell systems is useful for monitoring and addressing cell degradation caused by oxidation of the chomia scale formed on alloys for interconnects and balance-of-plant components. One approach to measuring chromium is to use a solid electrolyte with an auxiliary electrode that relates the partial pressure of the chromium containing species to the mobile species in the electrolyte. One example is YCrO3 which can equilibrate with the chromium containing vapor and yttrium in yttria stabilized zirconia to establish an oxygen activity. Another is Na2CrO4 which can equilibrate with the chromium-containing vapor to establish a sodium activity.

  6. Vapor generation rate model for dispersed drop flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Unal, C.; Tuzla, K.; Cokmez-Tuzla, A.F.; Chen, J.C.


    A comparison of predictions of existing nonequilibrium post-CHF heat transfer models with the recently obtained rod bundle data has been performed. The models used the experimental conditions and wall temperatures to predict the heat flux and vapor temperatures at the location of interest. No existing model was able to reasonably predict the vapor superheat and the wall heat flux simultaneously. Most of the models, except Chen-Sundaram-Ozkaynak, failed to predict the wall heat flux, while all of the models could not predict the vapor superheat data or trends. A recently developed two-region heat transfer model, the Webb-Chen two-region model, did not give a reasonable prediction of the vapor generation rate in the far field of the CHF point. A new correlation was formulated to predict the vapor generation rate in convective dispersed droplet flow in terms of thermal-hydraulic parameters and thermodynamic properties. A comparison of predictions of the two-region heat transfer model, with the use of a presently developed correlation, with all the existing post-CHF data, including single-tube and rod bundle, showed significant improvements in predicting the vapor superheat and tube wall heat flux trends. (orig.)

  7. Tritium-gas/water-vapor monitor. Tests and evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jalbert, R.A.


    A tritium gas/water-vapor monitor was designed and built by the Health Physics Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In its prototype configuration, the monitor took the shape of two separate instruments: a (total) tritium monitor and a water-vapor monitor. Both instruments were tested and evaluated. The tests of the (total) tritium monitor, basically an improved version of the standard flow-through ion-chamber instrument, are briefly reported here and more completely elsewhere. The tests of the water-vapor monitor indicated that the novel approach used to condense water vapor for scintillation counting has a number of serious drawbacks and that further development of the instrument is unwarranted

  8. Influence of soil properties on vapor-phase sorption of trichloroethylene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bekele, Dawit N.; Naidu, Ravi; Chadalavada, Sreenivasulu


    Highlights: • Vapor intrusion is a major exposure pathway for volatile hydrocarbons. • Certainty in transport processes enhances vapor intrusion model precision. • Detailed understanding of vadose zone vapor transport processes save resources. • Vapor sorption near-steady-state conditions at sites may take months or years. • Type of clay fractions equitably affects sorption of trichloroethylene vapor. - Abstract: Current practices in health risk assessment from vapor intrusion (VI) using mathematical models are based on assumptions that the subsurface sorption equilibrium is attained. The time required for sorption to reach near-steady-state conditions at sites may take months or years to achieve. This study investigated the vapor phase attenuation of trichloroethylene (TCE) in five soils varying widely in clay and organic matter content using repacked columns. The primary indicators of TCE sorption were vapor retardation rate (R_t), the time required for the TCE vapor to pass through the soil column, and specific volume of retention (V_R), and total volume of TCE retained in soil. Results show TCE vapor retardation is mainly due to the rapid partitioning of the compound to SOM. However, the specific volume of retention of clayey soils with secondary mineral particles was higher. Linear regression analyses of the SOM and clay fraction with V_R show that a unit increase in clay fraction results in higher sorption of TCE (V_R) than the SOM. However, partitioning of TCE vapor was not consistent with the samples' surface areas but was mainly a function of the type of secondary minerals present in soils.

  9. Influence of soil properties on vapor-phase sorption of trichloroethylene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bekele, Dawit N. [Global Center for Environmental Remediation, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308 (Australia); CRC for Contamination Assessment & Remediation of the Environment, Building X (Environmental Sciences Building), University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095 (Australia); Naidu, Ravi, E-mail: [Global Center for Environmental Remediation, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308 (Australia); CRC for Contamination Assessment & Remediation of the Environment, Building X (Environmental Sciences Building), University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095 (Australia); Chadalavada, Sreenivasulu [Global Center for Environmental Remediation, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308 (Australia); CRC for Contamination Assessment & Remediation of the Environment, Building X (Environmental Sciences Building), University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095 (Australia)


    Highlights: • Vapor intrusion is a major exposure pathway for volatile hydrocarbons. • Certainty in transport processes enhances vapor intrusion model precision. • Detailed understanding of vadose zone vapor transport processes save resources. • Vapor sorption near-steady-state conditions at sites may take months or years. • Type of clay fractions equitably affects sorption of trichloroethylene vapor. - Abstract: Current practices in health risk assessment from vapor intrusion (VI) using mathematical models are based on assumptions that the subsurface sorption equilibrium is attained. The time required for sorption to reach near-steady-state conditions at sites may take months or years to achieve. This study investigated the vapor phase attenuation of trichloroethylene (TCE) in five soils varying widely in clay and organic matter content using repacked columns. The primary indicators of TCE sorption were vapor retardation rate (R{sub t}), the time required for the TCE vapor to pass through the soil column, and specific volume of retention (V{sub R}), and total volume of TCE retained in soil. Results show TCE vapor retardation is mainly due to the rapid partitioning of the compound to SOM. However, the specific volume of retention of clayey soils with secondary mineral particles was higher. Linear regression analyses of the SOM and clay fraction with V{sub R} show that a unit increase in clay fraction results in higher sorption of TCE (V{sub R}) than the SOM. However, partitioning of TCE vapor was not consistent with the samples' surface areas but was mainly a function of the type of secondary minerals present in soils.

  10. Uptake of mercury vapor by wheat. An assimilation model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Browne, C.L.; Fang, S.C.


    Using a whole-plant chamber and 203 Hg-labeled mercury, a quantitative study was made of the effect of environmental parameters on the uptake, by wheat (Triticum aestivum), of metallic mercury vapor, an atmospheric pollutant. Factors were examined in relation to their influence on components of the gas-assimilation model, U(Hg) = (C/sub A' -- C/sub L')/(r/sub L.Hg/ + r/sub M.Hg/) where U(Hg) is the rate of mercury uptake per unit leaf surface, C/sub A'/ is the ambient mercury vapor concentration, C/sub L'/ is the mercury concentration at immobilization sites within the plant (assumed to be zero), r/sub L.Hg/ is the total leaf resistance to mercury vapor exchange, and r/sub M.Hg/ is a residual term to account for unexplained physical and biochemical resistances to mercury vapor uptake. Essentially all mercury vapor uptake was confined to the leaves. r/sub L.Hg/ was particularly influenced by illumination (0 to 12.8 klux), but unaffected by ambient temperature (17 to 33 0 C) and mercury vapor concentration (0 to 40 μg m -3 ). The principal limitation to mercury vapor uptake was r/sub M.Hg/, which was linearly related to leaf temperature, but unaffected by mercury vapor concentration and illumination, except for apparent high values in darkness. Knowing C/sub A'/ and estimating r/sub L.Hg/ and r/sub M.Hg/ from experimental data, mercury vapor uptake by wheat in light was accurately predicted for several durations of exposure using the above model

  11. Volatilization of multicomponent mixtures in soil vapor extraction applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bass, D.H.


    In soil vapor extraction (SVE) applications involving multicomponent mixtures, prediction of mass removal by volatilization as a function remediation extent is required to estimate remediation time and to size offgas treatment equipment. SVE is a commonly used remediation technology which volatilizes and enhances aerobic biodegradation of contamination adsorbed to vadose zone soils. SVE is often applied at sites contaminated with petroleum products, which are usually mixtures of many different compounds with vapor pressures spanning several orders of magnitude. The most volatile components are removed first, so the vapor pressure of the remaining contaminant continually decreases over the course of the remediation. A method for assessing how vapor pressure, and hence the rate of volatilization, of a multicomponent mixture changes over the course of a vapor extraction remedy has been developed. Each component is listed, alone, with its mass fraction in the mixture, in decreasing order of pure component vapor pressure (where component analyses are unavailable, model compounds can be used), For most petroleum distillates, the vapor pressure for each component plotted against the cumulative mass fraction of the component in the mixture on semilog coordinates will produce a straight line with a high correlation coefficient. This regression can be integrated to produce an expression for vapor pressure of the overall mixture as a function of extent or remediation

  12. Composición química y actividad antibacteriana del aceite esencial del Origanum vulgare (orégano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilia Albado Plaus


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la actividad antimicrobiano en el aceite esencial (Carvacrol del Origanum vulgare. Material y métodos: El aceite esencial se obtuvo por destilación por arrastre con vapor de agua, a partir de las hojas y flores desecadas de O. vulgare; se determinó la gravedad especifica con un pinnómetro y el índice de refracción con refractómetro de Abbc; la composición química se evaluó mediante cromatografía de gas con detector de masa (GL-SM. La actividad antimicrobiana del aceite de O. vulgare se realizó por el método semicuantitativo de incorporación y de disco difusión en agar. Resultados: La densidad especifica del producto resultó 0.9234 a 20°C y el índice de refracción 1.4774; el cromatograma mostró un contenido de 9% de Carvacrol, 12.19% de Terpineol, 6.86% de P-cimeno y la presencia de otros compuesto relacionados metabolicamente con los tres antes citados. Las bacterias gram-negativas: Escherichia coli, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Salmonella tiphymurium, Salmonella cholerae suis y Vibrio cholerae y las bacterias gram-positivas: Staphylococcus aureus y Bacillus cereus, mostraron diferentes grados de sensibilidad. De los microorganismos evaluados solo pseudomonas aeruginosa mostró resistencia. Conclusión: El aceite esencial posee actividad microbiana contra todas las bacterias evaluadas, excepto antes para P. aeruginosa.(Rev Med Hered 2001; 12: 16-19 .

  13. Vapor Pressures of Several Commercially Used Alkanolamines

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klepacova, Katarina; Huttenhuis, Patrick J. G.; Derks, Peter W. J.; Versteeg, Geert F.; Klepáčová, Katarína

    For the design of acid gas treating processes, vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data must be available of the solvents to be applied. In this study the vapor pressures of seven frequently industrially used alkanolamines (diethanolamine, N-methylethanolamine, N,N-dimethylethanolamine,

  14. Recommended vapor pressures for thiophene, sulfolane, and dimethyl sulfoxide

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fulem, Michal; Růžička, K.; Růžička, M.


    Roč. 303, č. 2 (2011), s. 205-216 ISSN 0378-3812 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100521 Keywords : thiophene sulfolane * dimethyl sulfoxide * vapor pressure * heat capacity * vaporization enthalpy * recommended vapor pressure equation Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 2.139, year: 2011

  15. An evaluation of vapor extraction of vadose zone contamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crotwell, A.T.; Waehner, M.J.; MacInnis, J.M.; Travis, C.C.; Lyon, B.F.


    An in-depth analysis of vapor extraction for remediation of soils contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCS) was conducted at 13 sites. The effectiveness of vapor extraction systems (VES) was evaluated on the basis of soil concentrations of VOCs and soil-gas concentrations of VOC's. The range of effectiveness was found to be 64%--99% effective in removing organic contaminants from soil. At nine of the 13 sites studied in this report, vapor extraction was found to be effective in reducing VOC cooncentrations by at least 90%. At the remaining four sites studied, vapor extraction was found to reduce VOC concentrations by less than 90%. Vapor extraction is ongoing at two of these sites. At a third, the ineffectiveness of the vapor extraction is attributed to the presence of ''hot spots'' of contamination. At the fourth site, where performance was found to be relatively poor, the presence of geological tar deposits at the site is thought to be a major factor in the ineffectiveness

  16. Risk assessment of metal vapor arcing (United States)

    Hill, Monika C. (Inventor); Leidecker, Henning W. (Inventor)


    A method for assessing metal vapor arcing risk for a component is provided. The method comprises acquiring a current variable value associated with an operation of the component; comparing the current variable value with a threshold value for the variable; evaluating compared variable data to determine the metal vapor arcing risk in the component; and generating a risk assessment status for the component.

  17. Analysis of organic vapors with laser induced breakdown spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nozari, Hadi; Tavassoli, Seyed Hassan [Laser and Plasma Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University, G. C, 1983963113 Evin, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Rezaei, Fatemeh, E-mail: [Department of Physics, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, 15875-4416 Shariati, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    In this paper, laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is utilized in the study of acetone, ethanol, methanol, cyclohexane, and nonane vapors. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atomic emission spectra have been recorded following laser-induced breakdown of the organic vapors that are mixed with air inside a quartz chamber at atmospheric pressure. The plasma is generated with focused, Q-switched Nd:YAG radiation at the wavelength of 1064 nm. The effects of ignition and vapor pressure are discussed in view of the appearance of the emission spectra. The recorded spectra are proportional to the vapor pressure in air. The hydrogen and oxygen contributions diminish gradually with consecutive laser-plasma events without gas flow. The results show that LIBS can be used to characterize organic vapor.

  18. Analysis of organic vapors with laser induced breakdown spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nozari, Hadi; Tavassoli, Seyed Hassan; Rezaei, Fatemeh


    In this paper, laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is utilized in the study of acetone, ethanol, methanol, cyclohexane, and nonane vapors. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atomic emission spectra have been recorded following laser-induced breakdown of the organic vapors that are mixed with air inside a quartz chamber at atmospheric pressure. The plasma is generated with focused, Q-switched Nd:YAG radiation at the wavelength of 1064 nm. The effects of ignition and vapor pressure are discussed in view of the appearance of the emission spectra. The recorded spectra are proportional to the vapor pressure in air. The hydrogen and oxygen contributions diminish gradually with consecutive laser-plasma events without gas flow. The results show that LIBS can be used to characterize organic vapor

  19. Analysis of the transient compressible vapor flow in heat pipes (United States)

    Jang, J. H.; Faghri, A.; Chang, W. S.


    The transient compressible one-dimensional vapor flow dynamics in a heat pipe is modeled. The numerical results are obtained by using the implicit non-iterative Beam-Warming finite difference method. The model is tested for simulated heat pipe vapor flow and actual vapor flow in cylindrical heat pipes. A good comparison of the present transient results for the simulated heat pipe vapor flow with the previous results of a two-dimensional numerical model is achieved and the steady state results are in agreement with the existing experimental data. The transient behavior of the vapor flow under subsonic, sonic, and supersonic speeds and high mass flow rates are successfully predicted. The one-dimensional model also describes the vapor flow dynamics in cylindrical heat pipes at high temperatures.

  20. Analysis of the transient compressible vapor flow in heat pipe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, J.H.; Faghri, A.; Chang, W.S.


    The transient compressible one-dimensional vapor flow dynamics in a heat pipe is modeled. The numerical results are obtained by using the implicit non-iterative Beam-Warming finite difference method. The model is tested for simulated heat pipe vapor flow and actual vapor flow in cylindrical heat pipes. A good comparison of the present transient results for the simulated heat pipe vapor flow with the previous results of a two-dimensional numerical model is achieved and the steady state results are in agreement with the existing experimental data. The transient behavior of the vapor flow under subsonic, sonic, and supersonic speeds and high mass flow rates are successfully predicted. The one-dimensional model also describes the vapor flow dynamics in cylindrical heat pipes at high temperatures

  1. Steam saving during maintenance of the 50-MW Unit 7 at Los Azufres geothermal field, Michoacan; Ahorro de vapor durante el mantenimiento de la Unidad 7 de 50 MW en el campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Michoacan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medina Barajas, Elvia Nohemi; Ruiz Lemus, Alejandro [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Residencia de Los Azufres, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    Commercial-steam production in the southern area of Los Azufres, Mich., Mexico, Geothermal Field began in 1982 with the operation of Unit 2, the backpressure 5-MW unit, and continued in 1988 when the 50-MW condensing Unit 7 was commissioned. Today to supply steam to Unit 7, it is necessary to gather steam from 15 production wells, amounting 450 tons per hour (t/h) under operating conditions. During maintenance periods for Unit 7, production wells are removed from the steam-supply system but continue producing steam that is discharged to the atmosphere-a loss affecting the economic life of the geothermal reservoir. Therefore several actions have been proposed and tried to save the steam and preserve the geothermal resource. This paper presents the results of the actions and the technical and economic benefits obtained from them. [Spanish] La produccion de vapor con fines comerciales en la zona sur del campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Mich., Mexico, empezo en 1982 con la puesta en marcha de la Unidad 2 de 5 MW a contrapresion, para continuar en 1988 con la Unidad 7 de 50 MW a condensacion. Para cumplir con el suministro de vapor a la U-7, a la fecha es necesario integrar la produccion de 15 pozos productores, que producen un total de 450 toneladas por hora (t/h) a condiciones de operacion. Durante los periodos de mantenimiento de la U-7 los pozos son desintegrados del sistema de suministro, pero continuan produciendo vapor, el cual es descargado a la atmosfera sin ningun provecho, lo que representa una perdida que afecta la vida util del yacimiento geotermico. Por ello se han propuesto y aplicado diversas acciones operativas en cada uno de esos pozos con el objetivo de ahorrar vapor y preservar el recurso geotermico. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de esas acciones y los beneficios tecnicos y economicos obtenidos.

  2. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank SX-102: Results from samples collected on July 19, 1995. Tank Vapor Characterization Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McVeety, B.D.; Evans, J.C.; Clauss, T.W.; Pool, K.H.


    This report describes the results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage tank 241-SX-102 (Tank SX-102) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) contracted with Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) to provide sampling devices and analyze samples for inorganic and organic analytes collected from the tank headspace and ambient air near the tank. The analytical work was performed under the PNNL Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) by the Tank Vapor Characterization Project. Work performed was based on a sample and analysis plan (SAP) prepared by WHC. The SAP provided job-specific instructions for samples, analyses, and reporting. The SAP for this sample job was open-quotes Vapor Sampling and Analysis Planclose quotes, and the sample job was designated S5046. Samples were collected by WHC on July 19, 1995, using the vapor sampling system (VSS), a truck-based sampling method using a heated probe inserted into the tank headspace

  3. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank AX-103: Results from samples collected on June 21, 1995. Tank Vapor Characterization Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ligotke, M.W.; Pool, K.H.; Clauss, T.W.


    This report describes the results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage tank 241-AX-103 (Tank AX-103) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) contracted with Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) to provide sampling devices and analyze samples for inorganic and organic analytes collected from the tank headspace and ambient air near the tank. The analytical work was performed by the PNNL Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) by the Tank Vapor Characterization Project. Work performed was based on a sample and analysis plan (SAP) prepared by WHC. The SAP provided job-specific instructions for samples, analyses, and reporting. The SAP for this sample job was open-quotes Vapor Sampling and Analysis Planclose quotes, and the sample job was designated S5029. Samples were collected by WHC on June 21, 1995, using the Vapor Sampling System (VSS), a truck-based sampling method using a heated probe inserted into the tank headspace

  4. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank AX-101: Results from samples collected on June 15, 1995. Tank Vapor Characterization Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pool, K.H.; Clauss, T.W.; Evans, J.C.; McVeety, B.D.


    This report describes the results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage tank 241-AX-101 (Tank AX-101) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) contracted with Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) to provide sampling devices and analyze samples for inorganic and organic analytes collected from the tank headspace and ambient air near the tank. The analytical work was performed by the PNNL Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) under the Tank Vapor Characterization Project. Work performed was based on a sample and analysis plan (SAP) prepared by WHC. The SAP provided job-specific instructions for samples, analyses, and reporting. The SAP for this sample job was open-quotes Vapor Sampling and Analysis Planclose quotes, and the sample job was designated S5028. Samples were collected by WHC on June 15, 1995, using the Vapor Sampling System (VSS), a truck-based sampling method using a heated probe inserted into the tank headspace

  5. 46 CFR 182.480 - Flammable vapor detection systems. (United States)


    ... 100 GROSS TONS) MACHINERY INSTALLATION Specific Machinery Requirements § 182.480 Flammable vapor... permit calibration in a vapor free atmosphere. (g) Electrical connections, wiring, and components for a...

  6. External fuel vaporization study, phase 2 (United States)

    Szetela, E. J.; Chiappetta, L.


    An analytical study was conducted to evaluate the effect of variations in fuel properties on the design of an external fuel vaporizaton system. The fuel properties that were considered included thermal stability, critical temperature, enthalpy a critical conditions, volatility, and viscosity. The design parameters that were evaluated included vaporizer weight and the impact on engine requirement such as maintenance, transient response, performance, and altitude relight. The baseline fuel properties were those of Jet A. The variation in thermal stability was taken as the thermal stability variation for Experimental Referee Broad Specification (ERBS) fuel. The results of the analysis indicate that a change in thermal stability equivalent to that of ERBS would increase the vaporization system weight by 20 percent, decrease oprating time between cleaning by 40 percent and make altitude relight more difficult. An increase in fuel critical temperature of 39 K would require a 40 percent increase in vaporization system weight. The assumed increase in enthalpy and volatility would also increase vaporizer weight by 40 percent and make altitude relight extremely difficult. The variation in fuel viscosity would have a negligible effect on the design parameters.

  7. Analysis regarding steam generator furnace's incident heat, temperature and composition of combustion gases; Analisis de calor incidente, temperatura y composicion de gases de combustion en hornos de generadores de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diego Marin, Antonio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    In order to obtain more precise evaluations of the combustion process in the furnace of a steam generator a suction pyrometer has been integrated to measure the temperature of the combustion gases; an ellipsoidal radiometer to measure the incident heat by thermal radiation in the water walls; a water cooled probe to determine the particle concentration, as well as a water cooled probe to determine the composition of the combustion gases present. This document clarifies the form of use of these instruments and their engineering specifications, simultaneously presenting an analysis that considers, unlike others, the internal conditions of the furnace to obtain a more precise evaluation of the efficiency that the combustion process presents and bases for the taking of preventive actions in specific zones of the furnace. Thus, the present work exhibits instruments and techniques of analysis to study the phenomena occurring within a steam generator. [Spanish] Con el fin de obtener evaluaciones mas precisas del proceso de combustion en el horno de un generador de vapor, se ha integrado un pirometro de succion para medir la temperatura de los gases de combustion; un radiometro elipsoidal para medir el calor incidente por radiacion termica en las paredes del agua; una sonda enfriada con agua para determinar la concentracion de particulas, asi como una sonda refrigerada con agua para determinar la composicion de los gases de combustion presentes. Este documento aclara la forma de uso de estos instrumentos y sus especificaciones tecnicas, a la vez que presenta un analisis que considera, a diferencia de otros, las condiciones internas del horno para obtener una evaluacion mas precisa sobre la eficiencia del proceso de combustion y bases para la toma de acciones preventivas en zonas especificas del horno. Asi, el presente trabajo exhibe instrumentos y tecnicas de analisis para estudiar los fenomenos que ocurren dentro de un generador de vapor.

  8. The liquid to vapor phase transition in excited nuclei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elliott, J.B.; Moretto, L.G.; Phair, L.; Wozniak, G.J.; Beaulieu, L.; Breuer, H.; Korteling, R.G.; Kwiatkowski, K.; Lefort, T.; Pienkowski, L.; Ruangma, A.; Viola, V.E.; Yennello, S.J.


    For many years it has been speculated that excited nuclei would undergo a liquid to vapor phase transition. For even longer, it has been known that clusterization in a vapor carries direct information on the liquid-vapor equilibrium according to Fisher's droplet model. Now the thermal component of the 8 GeV/c pion + 197 Au multifragmentation data of the ISiS Collaboration is shown to follow the scaling predicted by Fisher's model, thus providing the strongest evidence yet of the liquid to vapor phase transition.

  9. RDF gasification with water vapour: influence of process temperature on yield and products composition; Gassificazione con vapore del CDR: influenza della temperatura di processo su rese e composizione dei prodotti

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galvagno, S.; Casciaro, G.; Russo, A.; Casu, S.; Martino, M.; Portofino, S. [C. R. ENEA Trisaglia, Rotondella (Italy). PROT-STP


    The opportunity of using RDF (Refused Derived Fuel) to produce fuel gas seems to be promising and particular attention has been focused on alternative process technologies such as pyrolysis and gasification. Within this frame, present work relates to experimental tests and obtained results of a series of experimental surveys on RDF gasification with water vapour, carried out by means of a bench scale rotary kiln plant at different process temperature, using thermogravimetry (TG) and infrared spectrometry (FTIR), in order to characterize the incoming material, and online gas chromatography to qualify the gaseous stream. Experimental data show that gas yield rise with temperature and, with respect to the gas composition, hydrogen content grows up mainly at the expense of the other gaseous compound, pointing out the major extension of secondary cracking reactions into the gaseous fraction at higher temperature. Syngas obtained at process temperature of 950{sup o}C or higher seems to be suitable for fuel cells applications; at lower process temperature, gas composition suggest a final utilisation for feedstock recycling. The low organic content of solid residue does not suggest any other exploitation of the char apart from the land filling. [Italian] La possibilita' di usare il CDR (combustibile derivato dai rifiuti) per produrre gas combustibile, sembra particolarmente promettente e particolare attenzione si sta rivolgendo a tecnologie alternative di trattamento termico, quali la pirolisi e la gassificazione. In questo ambito, il presente lavoro riporta le prove sperimentali e i risultati ottenuti in una campagna di prove di gassificazione di CDR con vapor d'acqua, effettuate su scala banco in un forno a tamburo rotante a temperatura di processo variabile, utilizzando tecniche di analisi termogravimetrica (TG) e di spettrometria infrarossa in trasformata di Fourier (FTIR), per la caratterizzazione del materiale di ingresso, e analisi gascromatografiche on

  10. Energy analysis of the production process of sugar using modern technologies of process integration; Analisis energetico del proceso de produccion del azucar utilizando tecnicas modernas de integracion de proceso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueroa Ibarra, Luis; Arriola Medellin, Alejandro [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    The application of new concepts for the energy analysis of industrial processes, which consider the thermal integration of the process equipment, not only allows to detect energy recovery potentials that cannot be visualized with the traditional treatment of energy diagnosis of individual equipment, allows in addition, to suggest changes in the operation of the process that, without modifying the production, result in the reduction of the consumption of energy by the services and fuel. The analysis of thermal integration is illustrated for the case of a sugar mill, detecting a reduction potential in the use of fuel oil of 75%, and a potential increase of electrical production by cogeneration of 41%, departing from the modification of the use of the steam available in the process, and of the change of operation parameters of operation in the evaporation section. [Spanish] La aplicacion de nuevos conceptos para el analisis energetico de procesos industriales, los cuales consideran la integracion termica de los equipos del proceso, no unicamente permiten detectar potenciales de recuperacion de energia que no se pueden visualizar con el tratamiento tradicional de diagnostico energetico de equipos individuales, permiten ademas, sugerir cambios en la operacion del proceso que, sin modificar la produccion, redundan en una reduccion del consumo de servicios y combustible. El analisis de la integracion termica se ilustra para el caso de un ingenio azucarero, detectandose un potencial de reduccion del uso de combustoleo de 75%, y un potencial de incremento de produccion electrica por cogeneracion de 41%, a partir de la modificacion del uso del vapor disponible en el proceso, y del cambio de parametros de operacion en la seccion de evaporacion.

  11. Vapor-fed bio-hybrid fuel cell. (United States)

    Benyamin, Marcus S; Jahnke, Justin P; Mackie, David M


    Concentration and purification of ethanol and other biofuels from fermentations are energy-intensive processes, with amplified costs at smaller scales. To circumvent the need for these processes, and to potentially reduce transportation costs as well, we have previously investigated bio-hybrid fuel cells (FCs), in which a fermentation and FC are closely coupled. However, long-term operation requires strictly preventing the fermentation and FC from harming each other. We introduce here the concept of the vapor-fed bio-hybrid FC as a means of continuously extracting power from ongoing fermentations at ambient conditions. By bubbling a carrier gas (N 2 ) through a yeast fermentation and then through a direct ethanol FC, we protect the FC anode from the catalyst poisons in the fermentation (which are non-volatile), and also protect the yeast from harmful FC products (notably acetic acid) and from build-up of ethanol. Since vapor-fed direct ethanol FCs at ambient conditions have never been systematically characterized (in contrast to vapor-fed direct methanol FCs), we first assess the effects on output power and conversion efficiency of ethanol concentration, vapor flow rate, and FC voltage. The results fit a continuous stirred-tank reactor model. Over a wide range of ethanol partial pressures (2-8 mmHg), power densities are comparable to those for liquid-fed direct ethanol FCs at the same temperature, with power densities >2 mW/cm 2 obtained. We then demonstrate the continuous operation of a vapor-fed bio-hybrid FC with fermentation for 5 months, with no indication of performance degradation due to poisoning (of either the FC or the fermentation). It is further shown that the system is stable, recovering quickly from disturbances or from interruptions in maintenance. The vapor-fed bio-hybrid FC enables extraction of power from dilute bio-ethanol streams without costly concentration and purification steps. The concept should be scalable to both large and small

  12. Vaporization of Samarium trichloride studied by thermogravimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esquivel, Marcelo R.; Pasquevich, Daniel M.


    In the present work, the vaporization reaction of SmCl 3 (l) obtained from the 'in situ' reaction of Sm 2 O 3 (s) and Cl 2 (g)-C(s) was studied by thermogravimetry under controlled atmosphere. The effects of both the temperature between 825 C degrees and 950 C degrees and the total flow gas on the vaporization rate of the following reaction: SmCl 3 (l) = SmCl 3 (g) were analyzed. The vaporization rate of the process was found to be independent of then total gas flow rate and highly dependent on the temperature. E ap calculation led to a value of 240 ± 10 kJ.mol -1 . A comparison between this value and that of the molar enthalpy of vaporization allow to the conclusion that the reaction occur in conditions near to equilibrium. The SmCl 3 identity was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). (author)

  13. General well function for soil vapor extraction (United States)

    Perina, Tomas


    This paper develops a well function applicable to extraction of groundwater or soil vapor from a well under the most common field test conditions. The general well function (Perina and Lee, 2006) [12] is adapted to soil vapor extraction and constant head boundary at the top. For groundwater flow, the general well function now applies to an extraction well of finite diameter with uniform drawdown along the screen, finite-thickness skin, and partially penetrating an unconfined, confined, and leaky aquifer, or an aquifer underneath a reservoir. With a change of arguments, the model applies to soil vapor extraction from a vadose zone with no cover or with leaky cover at the ground surface. The extraction well can operate in specified drawdown (pressure for soil vapor) or specified flowrate mode. Frictional well loss is computed as flow-only dependent component of the drawdown inside the extraction well. In general case, the calculated flow distribution is not proportional to screen length for a multiscreen well.

  14. Solvent vapor annealing of an insoluble molecular semiconductor

    KAUST Repository

    Amassian, Aram


    Solvent vapor annealing has been proposed as a low-cost, highly versatile, and room-temperature alternative to thermal annealing of organic semiconductors and devices. In this article, we investigate the solvent vapor annealing process of a model insoluble molecular semiconductor thin film - pentacene on SiO 2 exposed to acetone vapor - using a combination of optical reflectance and two-dimensional grazing incidence X-ray diffraction measurements performed in situ, during processing. These measurements provide valuable and new insight into the solvent vapor annealing process; they demonstrate that solvent molecules interact mainly with the surface of the film to induce a solid-solid transition without noticeable swelling, dissolving or melting of the molecular material. © 2010 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

  15. Vaporization of comet nuclei: Light curves and life times

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cowan, J J [Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA (USA). Center for Astrophysics; A' Hearn, M F [Maryland Univ., College Park (USA)


    The authors have examined the effects of vaporization from the nucleus of a comet and show that a latitude dependence of vaporization can, in some cases, explain asymmetries in commetary light curves. They also find that a non-uniform distribution of solar radiation over a comet can considerably shorten the vaporization lifetime compared to the results normally obtained by assuming that the nuclear surface is isothermal. Independent of any latitude effects, comets with CO/sub 2/-dominated nuclei and with periherlion distances less than 0.5 AU have vaporization lifetimes less than or comparable to their dynamical ejection times. This may explain the observed deficit of comets with small perihelion distances. Similarly comets with CO/sub 2/-dominated nuclei and perihelia near Jupiter's orbit have vaporization lifetimes that are shorter than the time for capture into short-period orbits. They suggest, therefore, that at least some new comets are composed in large part of CO/sub 2/, while only H/sub 2/O-dominated comets, with lower vaporization rates, can survive to be captured into short-period orbits.

  16. 46 CFR 39.40-1 - General requirements for vapor balancing-TB/ALL. (United States)


    ... Section 39.40-1 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS VAPOR CONTROL SYSTEMS... to control vapor emissions during a lightering or topping-off operation which does not use vapor... compressor or blower to assist vapor transfer without approval from the Commandant (CG-522). (d) Vapor...

  17. Monitoring tropospheric water vapor changes using radiosonde data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elliott, W.P.; Smith, M.E.; Angell, J.K.


    Significant increases in the water vapor content of the troposphere are expected to accompany temperature increases due to rising concentrations of the greenhouse gases. Thus it is important to follow changes in water vapor over time. There are a number of difficulties in developing a homogeneous data set, however, because of changes in radiosonde instrumentation and reporting practices. The authors report here on preliminary attempts to establish indices of water vapor which can be monitored. The precipitable water between the surface and 500 mb is the first candidate. They describe their method for calculating this quantity from radiosonde data for a network very similar to the network Angell uses for detecting temperature trends. Preliminary results suggest that the noise level is low enough to detect trends in water vapor at the individual stations. While a slight increase in global water vapor is hinted at in the data, and the data suggest there may have been a net transfer of water from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere, these conclusions are tentative. The authors also discuss the future course of this investigation

  18. Demand management in steam generation?; Administracion de la demanda en la generacion de vapor?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plauchu L., A.; Plauchu A., J. A. [Ingenieros consultores (Mexico)


    Energy management has acquired capital importance in all the branches of the industrial activity and services either private o public and it has been, from years behind, more familiar the technology for the demand control in the electric power distribution systems, with excellent results in the energy conservation and economy. The rate of consumption for the different forms of energy shows the prevalence of the thermal energy in a variety of end uses. Not much or almost nothing has been said of the term Demand Management or Control in Steam Generation although 12% of the total energy supply is used for this purpose. Steam demand management and control can avoid unnecessary investments that bring along the increment of operational and maintenance problems and it is for sure that it will always give raise to a more rational and economical utilization of the real capacity of steam generation. A real case is commented. [Espanol] La administracion de la energia ha cobrado importancia capital en todos los giros de actividad industrial y de servicios, privados y publicos y es de varios anos atras cada vez mas familiar la tecnologia en el control de demanda en los sistemas de distribucion de energia electrica, con magnificos resultados en el ahorro, energetico y economico. La relacion de consumos para las diferentes formas de energia muestra el predominio de la energia termica en una variedad de usos finales. Poco o nada oimos del termino Administracion o Control de Demanda en la Generacion de Vapor aun cuando el 12% de la oferta total de energia tiene como destino esta aplicacion. La administracion y control de la demanda de vapor puede evitar inversiones innecesarias e incremento de problemas de operacion y mantenimiento y con seguridad reportaran siempre una utilizacion mas racional y economica de la capacidad real de generacion de vapor, se comenta un caso real.

  19. Demand management in steam generation?; Administracion de la demanda en la generacion de vapor?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plauchu L, A; Plauchu A, J A [Ingenieros consultores (Mexico)


    Energy management has acquired capital importance in all the branches of the industrial activity and services either private o public and it has been, from years behind, more familiar the technology for the demand control in the electric power distribution systems, with excellent results in the energy conservation and economy. The rate of consumption for the different forms of energy shows the prevalence of the thermal energy in a variety of end uses. Not much or almost nothing has been said of the term Demand Management or Control in Steam Generation although 12% of the total energy supply is used for this purpose. Steam demand management and control can avoid unnecessary investments that bring along the increment of operational and maintenance problems and it is for sure that it will always give raise to a more rational and economical utilization of the real capacity of steam generation. A real case is commented. [Espanol] La administracion de la energia ha cobrado importancia capital en todos los giros de actividad industrial y de servicios, privados y publicos y es de varios anos atras cada vez mas familiar la tecnologia en el control de demanda en los sistemas de distribucion de energia electrica, con magnificos resultados en el ahorro, energetico y economico. La relacion de consumos para las diferentes formas de energia muestra el predominio de la energia termica en una variedad de usos finales. Poco o nada oimos del termino Administracion o Control de Demanda en la Generacion de Vapor aun cuando el 12% de la oferta total de energia tiene como destino esta aplicacion. La administracion y control de la demanda de vapor puede evitar inversiones innecesarias e incremento de problemas de operacion y mantenimiento y con seguridad reportaran siempre una utilizacion mas racional y economica de la capacidad real de generacion de vapor, se comenta un caso real.

  20. Secondhand Exposure to Vapors From Electronic Cigarettes (United States)

    Czogala, Jan; Fidelus, Bartlomiej; Zielinska-Danch, Wioleta; Travers, Mark J.; Sobczak, Andrzej


    Introduction: Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are designed to generate inhalable nicotine aerosol (vapor). When an e-cigarette user takes a puff, the nicotine solution is heated and the vapor is taken into lungs. Although no sidestream vapor is generated between puffs, some of the mainstream vapor is exhaled by e-cigarette user. The aim of this study was to evaluate the secondhand exposure to nicotine and other tobacco-related toxicants from e-cigarettes. Materials and Methods: We measured selected airborne markers of secondhand exposure: nicotine, aerosol particles (PM2.5), carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in an exposure chamber. We generated e-cigarette vapor from 3 various brands of e-cigarette using a smoking machine and controlled exposure conditions. We also compared secondhand exposure with e-cigarette vapor and tobacco smoke generated by 5 dual users. Results: The study showed that e-cigarettes are a source of secondhand exposure to nicotine but not to combustion toxicants. The air concentrations of nicotine emitted by various brands of e-cigarettes ranged from 0.82 to 6.23 µg/m3. The average concentration of nicotine resulting from smoking tobacco cigarettes was 10 times higher than from e-cigarettes (31.60±6.91 vs. 3.32±2.49 µg/m3, respectively; p = .0081). Conclusions: Using an e-cigarette in indoor environments may involuntarily expose nonusers to nicotine but not to toxic tobacco-specific combustion products. More research is needed to evaluate health consequences of secondhand exposure to nicotine, especially among vulnerable populations, including children, pregnant women, and people with cardiovascular conditions. PMID:24336346

  1. Does mercury vapor exposure increase urinary selenium excretion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hongo, T; Suzuki, T; Himeno, S; Watanabe, C; Satoh, H; Shimada, Y


    It has been reported that an increase of urinary selenium excretion may occur as a result of mercury vapor exposure. However, experimental data regarding the interaction between mercury vapor and selenium have yielded ambiguous results about the retention and elimination of selenium due to mercury vapor exposure and the decrease of selenium excretion due to mercury in the form of mercuric mercury (Hg/sup 2 +/). In this study, the authors measured urinary mercury and selenium in workers with or without exposure to mercury vapor to determine whether or not urinary selenium excretion was increased as a result of mercury vapor exposure. Urine samples were collected from 141 workers, 71 men and 70 women, whose extent of exposure to mercury vapor varied according to their job sites. Workers were divided into five groups according to their urinary mercury levels. The mercury level in group I was less than 2.8 nmol/mmol creatinine which means that this group was mostly free from mercury exposure. The average age was almost identical among the groups. For both sexes, group V (with the highest urinary mercury level) had the lowest urinary selenium level, but one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) did not reveal any significant variations of urinary selenium with urinary mercury levels; however, a weak but significant negative correlation between mercury and selenium was found in men.

  2. Modelo ENCUIST: aplicación al perfilado criminal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucía Halty


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se encuentra dentro del marco de la Psicología Jurídica. Dentro de este ámbito uno de los aspectos que más interés suscita son los perfiles criminales. Se propone el modelo ENCUIST como modelo de personalidad para la realización del perfil indirecto de la personalidad, con la inclusión de las variables de extroversión/búsqueda de sensaciones, neuroticismo (ansiedad, ira y asco, insensibilidad emocional, impulsividad/agresividad y necesidad de cognición. Mediante la aplicación de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales se analiza tanto la influencia directa como indirecta de dichas variables en el modelo de Gray (BIS/BAS. La muestra está formada por 737 sujetos a los que se aplica el test de personalidad ENCUIST para evaluar los rasgos mencionados. Los resultados de la investigación se discuten a continuación.

  3. Water-vapor pressure control in a volume (United States)

    Scialdone, J. J.


    The variation with time of the partial pressure of water in a volume that has openings to the outside environment and includes vapor sources was evaluated as a function of the purging flow and its vapor content. Experimental tests to estimate the diffusion of ambient humidity through openings and to validate calculated results were included. The purging flows required to produce and maintain a certain humidity in shipping containers, storage rooms, and clean rooms can be estimated with the relationship developed here. These purging flows are necessary to prevent the contamination, degradation, and other effects of water vapor on the systems inside these volumes.

  4. Water vapor retrieval over many surface types

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Borel, C.C.; Clodius, W.C.; Johnson, J.


    In this paper we present a study of of the water vapor retrieval for many natural surface types which would be valuable for multi-spectral instruments using the existing Continuum Interpolated Band Ratio (CIBR) for the 940 nm water vapor absorption feature. An atmospheric code (6S) and 562 spectra were used to compute the top of the atmosphere radiance near the 940 nm water vapor absorption feature in steps of 2.5 nm as a function of precipitable water (PW). We derive a novel technique called ``Atmospheric Pre-corrected Differential Absorption`` (APDA) and show that APDA performs better than the CIBR over many surface types.

  5. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  6. Review of enhanced vapor diffusion in porous media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Webb, S.W.; Ho, C.K.


    Vapor diffusion in porous media in the presence of its own liquid has often been treated similar to gas diffusion. The gas diffusion rate in porous media is much lower than in free space due to the presence of the porous medium and any liquid present. However, enhanced vapor diffusion has also been postulated such that the diffusion rate may approach free-space values. Existing data and models for enhanced vapor diffusion, including those in TOUGH2, are reviewed in this paper

  7. Microscale interfacial behavior at vapor film collapse on high-temperature particle surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abe, Yutaka; Tochio, Daisuke


    It has been pointed out that vapor film on a premixed high-temperature droplet surface should be collapsed to trigger vapor explosion. Thus, it is important to clarify the micromechanism of vapor film collapse behavior for the occurrence of vapor explosion. In the present study, microscale vapor-liquid interface behavior upon vapor film collapse caused by an external pressure pulse is experimentally observed and qualitatively analyzed. In the analytical investigation, interfacial temperature and interface movement were estimated with heat conduction analysis and visual data processing technique. Results show that condensation can possibly occur at the vapor-liquid interface when the pressure pulse arrived. That is, this result indicates that the vapor film collapse behavior is dominated not by fluid motion but by phase change. (author)

  8. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank 241-T-110: Results from samples collected on August 31, 1995. Tank Vapor Characterization Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McVeety, B.D.; Thomas, B.L.; Evans, J.C.


    This report describes the results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage tank 241-T-110 (Tank T-110) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) contracted with Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) to provide sampling devices and analyze samples for inorganic and organic analytes collected from the tank headspace and ambient air near the tank. The analytical work was performed by the PNNL Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) by the Tank Vapor Characterization Project. Work performed was based on a sample and analysis plan (SAP) prepared by WHC. The SAP provided job-specific instructions for samples, analyses, and reporting. The SAP for this sample job was open-quotes Vapor Sampling and Analysis Planclose quotes, and the sample job was designated S5056. Samples were collected by WHC on August 31, 1995, using the Vapor Sampling System (VSS), a truck-based sampling method using a heated probe inserted into the tank headspace

  9. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank 241-TX-111: Results from samples collected on October 12, 1995. Tank Vapor Characterization Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pool, K.H.; Clauss, T.W.; Evans, J.C.


    This report describes the results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage tank 241-TX-111 (Tank TX-111) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) contracted with Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) to provide sampling devices and analyze samples for inorganic and organic analytes collected from the tank headspace and ambient air near the tank. The analytical work was performed by the PNNL Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) by the Tank Vapor Characterization Project. Work performed was based on a sample and analysis plan (SAP) prepared by WHC. The SAP provided job-specific instructions for samples, analyses, and reporting. The SAP for this sample job was open-quotes Vapor Sampling and Analysis Planclose quotes, and the sample job was designated S5069. Samples were collected by WHC on October 12, 1995, using the Vapor Sampling System (VSS), a truck-based sampling method using a heated probe inserted into the tank headspace

  10. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank 241-SX-109: Results from samples collected on August 1, 1995. Tank Vapor Characterization Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pool, K.H.; Clauss, T.W.; Evans, J.C.


    This report describes the results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage tank 241-SX-109 (Tank SX-109) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) contracted with Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) to provide sampling devices and analyze samples for inorganic and organic analytes collected from the tank headspace and ambient air near the tank. The analytical work was performed by the PNNL Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) by the Tank Vapor Characterization Project. Work performed was based on a sample and analysis plan (SAP) prepared by WHC. The SAP provided job-specific instructions for samples, analyses, and reporting. The SAP for this sample job was open-quotes Vapor Sampling and Analysis Planclose quotes, and the sample job was designated S5048. Samples were collected by WHC on August 1, 1995, using the Vapor Sampling System (VSS), a truck-based sampling method using a heated probe inserted into the tank headspace

  11. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank 241-SX-104: Results from samples collected on July 25, 1995. Tank Vapor Characterization Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, B.L.; Clauss, T.W.; Evans, J.C.


    This report describes the results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage tank 241-SX-104 (Tank SX-104) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) contracted with Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) to provide sampling devices and analyze samples for inorganic and organic analytes collected from the tank headspace and ambient air near the tank. The analytical work was performed by the PNNL Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) by the Tank Vapor Characterization Project. Work performed was based on a sample and analysis plan (SAP) prepared by WHC. The SAP provided job-specific instructions for samples, analyses, and reporting. The SAP for this sample job was open-quotes Vapor Sampling and Analysis Planclose quotes, and the sample job was designated S5049. Samples were collected by WHC on July 25, 1995, using the Vapor Sampling System (VSS), a truck-based sampling method using a heated probe inserted into the tank headspace

  12. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank 241-S-112: Results from samples collected on July 11, 1995. Tank Vapor Characterization Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clauss, T.W.; Pool, K.H.; Evans, J.C.


    This report describes the results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage Tank 241-S-112 (Tank S-112) at the Hanford. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is contracted with Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) to provide sampling devices and analyze samples for inorganic and organic analytes collected from the tank headspace and ambient air near the tank. The analytical work was performed by the PNNL Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) by the Tank Vapor Characterization Project. Work performed was based on a sample and analysis plan (SAP) prepared by WHC. The SAP provided job-specific instructions for samples, analyses, and reporting. The SAP for this sample job was open-quotes Vapor Sampling and Analysis Planclose quotes, and the sample job was designated S5044. Samples were collected by WHC on July 11, 1995, using the Vapor Sampling System (VSS), a truck-based sampling method using a heated probe inserted into the tank headspace

  13. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank 241-SX-105: Results from samples collected on July 26, 1995. Tank Vapor Characterization Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pool, K.H.; Clauss, T.W.; Evans, J.C.


    This report describes the results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage tank 241-SX-105 (Tank SX-105) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) contracted with Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) to provide sampling devices and analyze samples for inorganic and organic analytes collected from the tank headspace and ambient air near the tank. The analytical work was performed by the PNNL Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) by the Tank Vapor Characterization Project. Work performed was based on a sample and analysis plan (SAP) prepared by WHC. The SAP provided job-specific instructions for samples, analyses, and reporting. The SAP for this sample job was open-quotes Vapor Sampling and Analysis Planclose quotes, and the sample job was designated S5047. Samples were collected by WHC on July 26, 1995, using the Vapor Sampling System (VSS), a truck-based sampling method using a heated probe inserted into the tank headspace

  14. Comparison of vapor sampling system (VSS) and in situ vapor sampling (ISVS) methods on Tanks C-107, BY-108, and S-102. Revision 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huckaby, J.L.; Edwards, J.A.; Evans, J.C.


    This report discusses comparison tests for two methods of collecting vapor samples from the Hanford Site high-level radioactive waste tank headspaces. The two sampling methods compared are the truck-mounted vapor sampling system (VSS) and the cart-mounted in-situ vapor sampling (ISVS). Three tanks were sampled by both the VSS and ISVS methods from the same access risers within the same 8-hour period. These tanks have diverse headspace compositions and they represent the highest known level of several key vapor analytes

  15. Metal Vapor Arcing Risk Assessment Tool (United States)

    Hill, Monika C.; Leidecker, Henning W.


    The Tin Whisker Metal Vapor Arcing Risk Assessment Tool has been designed to evaluate the risk of metal vapor arcing and to help facilitate a decision toward a researched risk disposition. Users can evaluate a system without having to open up the hardware. This process allows for investigating components at risk rather than spending time and money analyzing every component. The tool points to a risk level and provides direction for appropriate action and documentation.

  16. Pretreated Butterfly Wings for Tuning the Selective Vapor Sensing. (United States)

    Piszter, Gábor; Kertész, Krisztián; Bálint, Zsolt; Biró, László Péter


    Photonic nanoarchitectures occurring in the scales of Blue butterflies are responsible for their vivid blue wing coloration. These nanoarchitectures are quasi-ordered nanocomposites which are constituted from a chitin matrix with embedded air holes. Therefore, they can act as chemically selective sensors due to their color changes when mixing volatile vapors in the surrounding atmosphere which condensate into the nanoarchitecture through capillary condensation. Using a home-built vapor-mixing setup, the spectral changes caused by the different air + vapor mixtures were efficiently characterized. It was found that the spectral shift is vapor-specific and proportional with the vapor concentration. We showed that the conformal modification of the scale surface by atomic layer deposition and by ethanol pretreatment can significantly alter the optical response and chemical selectivity, which points the way to the efficient production of sensor arrays based on the knowledge obtained through the investigation of modified butterfly wings.

  17. Excessively High Vapor Pressure of Al-based Amorphous Alloys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jae Im Jeong


    Full Text Available Aluminum-based amorphous alloys exhibited an abnormally high vapor pressure at their approximate glass transition temperatures. The vapor pressure was confirmed by the formation of Al nanocrystallites from condensation, which was attributed to weight loss of the amorphous alloys. The amount of weight loss varied with the amorphous alloy compositions and was inversely proportional to their glass-forming ability. The vapor pressure of the amorphous alloys around 573 K was close to the vapor pressure of crystalline Al near its melting temperature, 873 K. Our results strongly suggest the possibility of fabricating nanocrystallites or thin films by evaporation at low temperatures.

  18. Vapor characterization of Tank 241-C-103

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huckaby, J.L.; Story, M.S.


    The Westinghouse Hanford Company Tank Vapor Issue Resolution Program has developed, in cooperation with Northwest Instrument Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory, the equipment and expertise to characterize gases and vapors in the high-level radioactive waste storage tanks at the Hanford Site in south central Washington State. This capability has been demonstrated by the characterization of the tank 241-C-103 headspace. This tank headspace is the first, and for many reasons is expected to be the most problematic, that will be characterized (Osborne 1992). Results from the most recent and comprehensive sampling event, sample job 7B, are presented for the purpose of providing scientific bases for resolution of vapor issues associated with tank 241-C-103. This report is based on the work of Clauss et al. 1994, Jenkins et al. 1994, Ligotke et al. 1994, Mahon et al. 1994, and Rasmussen and Einfeld 1994. No attempt has been made in this report to evaluate the implications of the data presented, such as the potential impact of headspace gases and vapors to tank farm workers health. That and other issues will be addressed elsewhere. Key to the resolution of worker health issues is the quantitation of compounds of toxicological concern. The Toxicology Review Panel, a panel of Pacific Northwest Laboratory experts in various areas, of toxicology, has chosen 19 previously identified compounds as being of potential toxicological concern. During sample job 7B, the sampling and analytical methodology was validated for this preliminary list of compounds of toxicological concern. Validation was performed according to guidance provided by the Tank Vapor Conference Committee, a group of analytical chemists from academic institutions and national laboratories assembled and commissioned by the Tank Vapor Issue Resolution Program

  19. Vapor characterization of Tank 241-C-103

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huckaby, J.L. [Westinghouse Hanford Co., Richland, WA (United States); Story, M.S. [Northwest Instrument Systems, Inc. Richland, WA (United States)


    The Westinghouse Hanford Company Tank Vapor Issue Resolution Program has developed, in cooperation with Northwest Instrument Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory, the equipment and expertise to characterize gases and vapors in the high-level radioactive waste storage tanks at the Hanford Site in south central Washington State. This capability has been demonstrated by the characterization of the tank 241-C-103 headspace. This tank headspace is the first, and for many reasons is expected to be the most problematic, that will be characterized (Osborne 1992). Results from the most recent and comprehensive sampling event, sample job 7B, are presented for the purpose of providing scientific bases for resolution of vapor issues associated with tank 241-C-103. This report is based on the work of Clauss et al. 1994, Jenkins et al. 1994, Ligotke et al. 1994, Mahon et al. 1994, and Rasmussen and Einfeld 1994. No attempt has been made in this report to evaluate the implications of the data presented, such as the potential impact of headspace gases and vapors to tank farm workers health. That and other issues will be addressed elsewhere. Key to the resolution of worker health issues is the quantitation of compounds of toxicological concern. The Toxicology Review Panel, a panel of Pacific Northwest Laboratory experts in various areas, of toxicology, has chosen 19 previously identified compounds as being of potential toxicological concern. During sample job 7B, the sampling and analytical methodology was validated for this preliminary list of compounds of toxicological concern. Validation was performed according to guidance provided by the Tank Vapor Conference Committee, a group of analytical chemists from academic institutions and national laboratories assembled and commissioned by the Tank Vapor Issue Resolution Program.

  20. Muonium formation and the 'missing fraction' in vapors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fleming, D.G.; Arseneau, D.J.; Garner, D.M.; Senba, M.; Mikula, R.J.


    The vapor phase fractional polarizations of positive muons thermalizing as the muonium atom (Psub(M)) and in diamagnetic environments (Psub(D)) has been measured in H 2 O, CH 3 OH, C 6 H 14 , C 6 H 12 , CCl 4 , CHCl 3 , CH 2 Cl 2 and TMS, in order to compare with the corresponding fractions measured in the condensed phases. There is a marked contrast in every case, with the vapor phase results being largely understandable in terms of a charge exchange/hot atom model. Unlike the situation in the corresponding liquids, there is no permanent lost fraction in the vapor phase in the limit of even moderately high pressures (approximately 1 atm); at lower pressures, depolarization is due to hyperfine mixing and is believed to be well understood. For vapor phase CH 3 OH, C 6 H 14 , C 6 H 12 , and TMS the relative fractions are found to be pressure dependent, suggesting the importance of termolecular hot atom (or ion) reactions in the slowing-down process. For vapor phase H 2 O and the chloromethanes, the relative fractions are pressure independent. For CCl 4 , Psub(M) = Psub(D) approximately 0.5 in the vapor phase vs. Psub(D) = 1.0 in the liquid phase; fast thermal reactions of Mu likely contribute significantly to this difference in the liquid phase. For H 2 O, Psub(M) approximately 0.9 and Psub(D) approximately 0.1 in the vapor phase vs. Psub(D) approximately 0.6 and Psub(M) approximately 0.2 in the liquid phase. Water appears to be the one unequivocal case where the basic charge exchange/hot atom model is inappropriate in the condensed phase, suggesting, therefore, that radiation-induced 'spur' effects play a major role

  1. Similarities and differences in vapor explosion criteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cronenberg, A.W.


    An overview of recent ideas pertaining to vapor explosion criteria indicates that in general sense, a consensus of opinion is emerging on the conditions applicable to explosive vaporization. Experimental and theoretical work has lead a number of investigators to the formulation of such conditions which are quite similar in many respects, although the quantitative details of the model formulation of such conditions are somewhat different. All model concepts are consistent in that an initial period of stable film boiling, separating molten fuel from coolant, is considered necessary (at least for large-scale interactions and efficient intermixing), with subsequent breakdown of film boiling due to pressure and/or thermal effects, followed by intimate fuel-coolant contact and a rapid vaporization process which is sufficient to cause shock pressurization. Although differences arise as to the conditions for and the energetics associated with film boiling destabilization and the mode and energetics of fragmentation and intermixing. However, the principal area of difference seems to be the question of what constitutes the requisite condition(s) for rapid vapor production to cause shock pressurization

  2. A heated vapor cell unit for DAVLL in atomic rubidium


    McCarron, Daniel J.; Hughes, Ifan G.; Tierney, Patrick; Cornish, Simon L.


    The design and performance of a compact heated vapor cell unit for realizing a dichroic atomic vapor laser lock (DAVLL) for the D2 transitions in atomic rubidium is described. A 5 cm-long vapor cell is placed in a double-solenoid arrangement to produce the required magnetic field; the heat from the solenoid is used to increase the vapor pressure and correspondingly the DAVLL signal. We have characterized experimentally the dependence of important features of the DAVLL signal on magnetic field...

  3. Vapor pressures and thermophysical properties of selected monoterpenoids

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Štejfa, V.; Dergal, F.; Mokbel, I.; Fulem, Michal; Jose, J.; Růžička, K.


    Roč. 406, Nov (2015), 124-133 ISSN 0378-3812 Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : monoterpenoids * vapor pressure * heat capacity * ideal - gas thermodynamic properties * vaporization and sublimation enthalpy Subject RIV: BJ - Thermodynamics Impact factor: 1.846, year: 2015

  4. Water vapor estimation using digital terrestrial broadcasting waves (United States)

    Kawamura, S.; Ohta, H.; Hanado, H.; Yamamoto, M. K.; Shiga, N.; Kido, K.; Yasuda, S.; Goto, T.; Ichikawa, R.; Amagai, J.; Imamura, K.; Fujieda, M.; Iwai, H.; Sugitani, S.; Iguchi, T.


    A method of estimating water vapor (propagation delay due to water vapor) using digital terrestrial broadcasting waves is proposed. Our target is to improve the accuracy of numerical weather forecast for severe weather phenomena such as localized heavy rainstorms in urban areas through data assimilation. In this method, we estimate water vapor near a ground surface from the propagation delay of digital terrestrial broadcasting waves. A real-time delay measurement system with a software-defined radio technique is developed and tested. The data obtained using digital terrestrial broadcasting waves show good agreement with those obtained by ground-based meteorological observation. The main features of this observation are, no need for transmitters (receiving only), applicable wherever digital terrestrial broadcasting is available and its high time resolution. This study shows a possibility to estimate water vapor using digital terrestrial broadcasting waves. In the future, we will investigate the impact of these data toward numerical weather forecast through data assimilation. Developing a system that monitors water vapor near the ground surface with time and space resolutions of 30 s and several kilometers would improve the accuracy of the numerical weather forecast of localized severe weather phenomena.

  5. Numerical modeling of a vaporizing multicomponent droplet (United States)

    Megaridis, C. M.; Sirignano, W. A.

    The fundamental processes governing the energy, mass, and momentum exchange between the liquid and gas phases of vaporizing, multicomponent liquid droplets have been investigated. The axisymmetric configuration under consideration consists of an isolated multicomponent droplet vaporizing in a convective environment. The model considers different volatilities of the liquid components, variable liquid properties due to variation of the species concentrations, and non-Fickian multicomponent gaseous diffusion. The bicomponent droplet model was employed to examine the commonly used assumptions of unity Lewis number in the liquid phase and Fickian gaseous diffusion. It is found that the droplet drag coefficients, the vaporization rates, and the related transfer numbers are not influenced by the above assumptions in a significant way.

  6. Vaporization of tungsten-metal in steam at high temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greene, G.A.; Finfrock, C.C.


    The vaporization of tungsten from the APT spallation target dominates the radiological source term for unmitigated target overheating accidents. Chemical reactions of tungsten with steam which persist to tungsten temperatures as low as 800 C result in the formation of a hydrated tungsten-oxide which has a high vapor pressure and is readily convected in a flowing atmosphere. This low-temperature vaporization reaction essentially removes the oxide film that forms on the tungsten-metal surface as soon as it forms, leaving behind a fresh metallic surface for continued oxidation and vaporization. Experiments were conducted to measure the oxidative vaporization rates of tungsten in steam as part of the effort to quantify the MT radiological source term for severe target accidents. Tests were conducted with tungsten rods (1/8 inch diameter, six inches long) heated to temperatures from approximately 700 C to 1350 C in flowing steam which was superheated to 140 C. A total of 19 experiments was conducted. Fifteen tests were conducted by RF induction heating of single tungsten rods held vertical in a quartz glass retort. Four tests were conducted in a vertically-mounted tube furnace for the low temperature range of the test series. The aerosol which was generated and transported downstream from the tungsten rods was collected by passing the discharged steam through a condenser. This procedure insured total collection of the steam along with the aerosol from the vaporization of the rods. The results of these experiments revealed a threshold temperature for tungsten vaporization in steam. For the two tests at the lowest temperatures which were tested, approximately 700 C, the tungsten rods were observed to oxidize without vaporization. The remainder of the tests was conducted over the temperature range of 800 C to 1350 C. In these tests, the rods were found to have lost weight due to vaporization of the tungsten and the missing weight was collected in the downstream condensate

  7. Using in situ bioventing to minimize soil vapor extraction costs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Downey, D.C.; Frishmuth, R.A.; Archabal, S.R.; Pluhar, C.J.; Blystone, P.G.; Miller, R.N.


    Gasoline-contaminated soils may be difficult to remediate with bioventing because high concentrations of gasoline vapors become mobile when air is injected into the soil. Because outward vapor migration is often unacceptable on small commercial sites, soil vapor extraction (SVE) or innovative bioventing techniques are required to control vapors and to increase soil gas oxygen levels to stimulate hydrocarbon biodegradation. Combinations of SVE, off-gas treatment, and bioventing have been used to reduce the costs normally associated with remediation of gasoline-contaminated sites. At Site 1, low rates of pulsed air injection were used to provide oxygen while minimizing vapor migration. At Site 2, a period of high-rate SVE and off-gas treatment was followed by long-term air injection. Site 3 used an innovative approach that combined regenerative resin for ex situ vapor treatment with in situ bioventing to reduce the overall cost of site remediation. At each of these Air Force sites, bioventing provided cost savings when compared to more traditional SVE methods

  8. Shock wave of vapor-liquid two-phase flow

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Liangju ZHAO; Fei WANG; Hong GAO; Jingwen TANG; Yuexiang YUAN


    The shock wave of vapor-liquid two-phase flow in a pressure-gain steam injector is studied by build-ing a mathematic model and making calculations. The results show that after the shock, the vapor is nearly com-pletely condensed. The upstream Mach number and the volume ratio of vapor have a great effect on the shock. The pressure and Mach number of two-phase shock con-form to the shock of ideal gas. The analysis of available energy shows that the shock is an irreversible process with entropy increase.

  9. Water vapor movement in freezing aggregate base materials. (United States)


    The objectives of this research were to 1) measure the extent to which water vapor movement results in : water accumulation in freezing base materials; 2) evaluate the effect of soil stabilization on water vapor movement : in freezing base materials;...

  10. Some empirical rules concerning the vapor pressure curve revisited

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Velasco, S.; White, J.A.


    Highlights: • A Claussius–Claperyron equation is obtained in the Pitzer corresponding states scheme. • Some well-known empirical rules for the vapor pressure are rewritten in terms of the Pitzer acentric factor. • The Guggenheim point follows the corresponding state scheme better than the normal boiling point. • The Ambrose–Walton vapor pressure equation yields excellent agreement with NIST data in all considered cases. -- Abstract: A form for the Clausius–Clapeyron vapor-pressure equation is obtained in the Pitzer corresponding states scheme. This equation allows one to rewrite the well-known Trouton, Guldberg, van Laar and Guggenheim rules in terms of the acentric factor ω. The original forms of these empirical rules are recovered for some particular values of ω. The proposed rules are checked by analyzing National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) data on the liquid-vapor coexistence curve for 105 fluids. These rules have been also analyzed by using the well-known Ambrose–Walton (AW) vapor pressure equation

  11. Pretreated Butterfly Wings for Tuning the Selective Vapor Sensing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gábor Piszter


    Full Text Available Photonic nanoarchitectures occurring in the scales of Blue butterflies are responsible for their vivid blue wing coloration. These nanoarchitectures are quasi-ordered nanocomposites which are constituted from a chitin matrix with embedded air holes. Therefore, they can act as chemically selective sensors due to their color changes when mixing volatile vapors in the surrounding atmosphere which condensate into the nanoarchitecture through capillary condensation. Using a home-built vapor-mixing setup, the spectral changes caused by the different air + vapor mixtures were efficiently characterized. It was found that the spectral shift is vapor-specific and proportional with the vapor concentration. We showed that the conformal modification of the scale surface by atomic layer deposition and by ethanol pretreatment can significantly alter the optical response and chemical selectivity, which points the way to the efficient production of sensor arrays based on the knowledge obtained through the investigation of modified butterfly wings.

  12. Recommended vapor pressure and thermophysical data for ferrocene

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fulem, Michal; Růžička, K.; Červinka, C.; Rocha, M.A.A.; Santos, L.M.N.B.F.; Berg, R.F.


    Roč. 57, FEB (2013), 530-540 ISSN 0021-9614 Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : ferrocene * vapor pressure * heat capacity * ideal gas thermodynamic properties * sublimation enthalpy * recommended vapor pressure equation Subject RIV: BJ - Thermodynamics Impact factor: 2.423, year: 2013

  13. Analysis of the transient compressible vapor flow in heat pipe (United States)

    Jang, Jong Hoon; Faghri, Amir; Chang, Won Soon


    The transient compressible one-dimensional vapor flow dynamics in a heat pipe is modeled. The numerical results are obtained by using the implicit non-iterative Beam-Warming finite difference method. The model is tested for simulated heat pipe vapor flow and actual flow in cylindrical heat pipes. A good comparison of the present transient results for the simulated heat pipe vapor flow with the previous results of a two-dimensional numerical model is achieved and the steady state results are in agreement with the existing experimental data. The transient behavior of the vapor flow under subsonic, sonic, and supersonic speeds and high mass flow rates are successfully predicted. The one-dimensional model also describes the vapor flow dynamics in cylindrical heat pipes at high temperatures.

  14. Vapor and gas sampling of single-shell tank 241-BX-110 using the in situ vapor sampling system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lockrem, L.L.


    The Vapor Issue Resolution Program tasked the Vapor Team (the team) to collect representative headspace samples from Hanford Site single-shell tank (SST) 241-BX-110. This document presents sampling data resulting from the April 30, 1996 sampling of SST 241-BX-110. Analytical results will be presented in a separate report issued by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), which supplied and analyzed the sampling media

  15. PWFA plasma source - interferometric diagnostics for Li vapor density measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sivakumaran, V.; Mohandas, K.K.; Singh, Sneha; Ravi Kumar, A.V.


    A prototype (40 cm long) plasma source based on Li heat pipe oven has been developed for the Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (PWFA) experiments at IPR (IPR), Gujarat as a part of the ongoing Accelerator Programme. Li vapor in the oven is produced by heating solid Li in helium buffer gas. A uniform column of Li plasma is generated by UV photo ionization (193 nm) of the Li vapor in the heat pipe oven. In these experiments, an accurate measurement of Li vapor density is important as it has got a direct consequence on the plasma electron density. In the present experiment, the vapor density is measured optically by using Hook method (spectrally resolved white light interferometry). The hook like structure formed near the vicinity of the Li 670.8 nm resonance line was recorded with a white light Mach Zehnder interferometer crossed with an imaging spectrograph to estimate the Li vapor density. The vapor density measurements have been carried out as a function of external oven temperature and the He buffer gas pressure. This technique has the advantage of being insensitive to line broadening and line shape, and its high dynamic range even with optically thick absorption line. Here, we present the line integrated Lithium vapor density measurement using Hook method and also compare the same with other optical diagnostic techniques (White light absorption and UV absorption) for Li vapor density measurements. (author)

  16. Evaluación energética de los generadores de vapor F1-2 y BH-109 de una refinería Cubana de petróleo.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anliet Valles Cruz


    Full Text Available La refinería cubana produce muchos productos para el mercado cubano como los combustibles, aceites, asfaltos y Jet-A1. Los sistemas auxiliares como vapor, aire comprimido y agua se utilizan para la obtención de los productos derivados del petróleo. La generación de vapor es uno de los sistemas auxiliares más importantes dentro de la refinería. La caldera de vapor garantiza que el vapor tenga las condiciones de operación de acuerdo con las normas internacionales. En este trabajo, se realizó la evaluación energética de F1-2 y BH-109 de calderas que utilizan los balances de energía y de masas convencionales. Se obtuvo una eficiencia energética de 61,89 y 77,31 por ciento para F1-2 y BH-109, respectivamente. Las principales pérdidas se debieron al calor sensible de los gases de combustión y a la combustión no química. Para reducir estas pérdidas, mejorar el rendimiento de la caldera y disminuir la temperatura de los gases de salida, se recomienda montar el sistema de control de exceso de aire y volver a examinar o cambiar el sistema de inyección de aire.

  17. Lab-scale tests on ISV vapor transport phenomena

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farnsworth, R.K.; Gardner, B.M.


    In situ vitrification (ISV) is a promising technology for remediating buried waste sites and contaminated soil sites. However, concerns exist that low soil permeabilities may limit vapor transport away from the advancing melt front and cause a melt expulsion that breaches ISV containment. As a result, two ISV lab tests were conducted at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) using INEL soil (permeability: 10 -6 cm/s) and a low permeability (10 -10 cm/s) clay material. The clay test also had a ceramic tube inserted vertically through the center of the area being melted to provide one-dimensional data on vapor transport. Results confirm that low soil permeabilities can limit vapor transport away from the advancing ISV melt front. In addition, peak pressures inside the ceramic tube were significantly greater than those outside the tube, indicating the importance of horizontal vapor transport around the advancing ISV melt front

  18. Improvement of Oil-Vapor Treatment Facility for Wolsong Unit 3,4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jeong Guk; Kwon, S. W.; Lee, H. S.


    With the purpose to minimize an oil-vapor discharge to the atmosphere and to be an environmentally friendly nuclear power plant by an improvement of mist eliminator for turbine lubricant system at Wolsong Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3,4, this project - project name : Improvement of Oil-vapor Treatment Facility for Wolsong Unit 3,4 - was conducted for six months (from Apr. 15, 2009 to Oct. 14, 2009). This Project contains Oil-vapor Source and Environmental Regulation, Analysis on the Present Oil-vapor Treatment Facility, Improvement of Oil-vapor Treatment Facility, Test Facility Design, Fabrication, Installation, Test Operation, Evaluation of the Facility

  19. Comparison of sensor characteristics of three real-time monitors for organic vapors. (United States)

    Hori, Hajime; Ishimatsu, Sumiyo; Fueta, Yukiko; Hinoue, Mitsuo; Ishidao, Toru


    Sensor characteristics and performance of three real-time monitors for volatile organic compounds (VOC monitor) equipped with a photo ionization detector (PID), a sensor using the interference enhanced reflection (IER) method and a semiconductor gas sensor were investigated for 52 organic solvent vapors designated as class 1 and class 2 of organic solvents by the Ordinance of Organic Solvent Poisoning Prevention in Japan. Test vapors were prepared by injecting each liquid solvent into a 50 l Tedlar® bag and perfectly vaporizing it. The vapor concentration was from one-tenth to twice the administrative control level for all solvents. The vapor concentration was measured with the monitors and a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector simultaneously, and the values were compared. The monitor with the PID sensor could measure many organic vapors, but it could not detect some vapors with high ionization potential. The IER sensor could also detect many vapors, but a linear response was not obtained for some vapors. A semiconductor sensor could detect methanol that could not be detected by PID and IER sensors. Working environment measurement of organic vapors by real-time monitors may be possible, but sensor characteristics and their limitations should be known.

  20. Toxicity of vapor phase petroleum contaminants to microbial degrader communities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Long, S.C.; Davey, C.A.


    Petroleum products constitute the largest quantity of synthetic organic chemical products produced in the US. They are comprised of mostly hydrocarbon constituents from many different chemical classes including alkenes, cycloalkanes, aromatic compounds, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Many petroleum constituents are classified as volatile organic compounds or VOCs. Petroleum products also constitute a major portion of environmental pollution. One emerging technology, with promise for applications to VOCs in subsurface soil environments, is bioventing coupled with soil vapor extraction. These technologies involve volatilization of contaminants into the soil gas phase by injection and withdrawal of air. This air movement causes enhancement of the aerobic microbial degradation of the mobilized vapors by the indigenous populations. This study investigated the effects of exposure of mixed, subsurface microbial communities to vapor phase petroleum constituents or vapors of petroleum mixtures. Soil slurries were prepared and plated onto mineral salts agar plates and exposed to vapor phase contaminants at equilibrium with pure product. Representative n-alkane, branched alkane, cycloalkane, and aromatic compounds were tested as well as petroleum product mixtures. Vapor exposure altered the numbers and morphologies of the colonies enumerated when compared to controls. However, even at high, equilibrium vapor concentrations, microbial degrader populations were not completely inhibited

  1. Gas Separation Using Organic-Vapor-Resistent Membranes In Conjunctin With Organic-Vapor-Selective Membranes (United States)

    Baker, Richard W.; Pinnau, Ingo; He, Zhenjie; Da Costa, Andre R.; Daniels, Ramin; Amo, Karl D.; Wijmans, Johannes G.


    A process for treating a gas mixture containing at least an organic compound gas or vapor and a second gas, such as natural gas, refinery off-gas or air. The process uses two sequential membrane separation steps, one using membrane selective for the organic compound over the second gas, the other selective for the second gas over the organic vapor. The second-gas-selective membranes use a selective layer made from a polymer having repeating units of a fluorinated polymer, and demonstrate good resistance to plasticization by the organic components in the gas mixture under treatment, and good recovery after exposure to liquid aromatic hydrocarbons. The membrane steps can be combined in either order.

  2. Microstructure of vapor deposited coatings on curved substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodgers, Theron M.; Zhao, Hengbei; Wadley, Haydn N. G., E-mail: [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Virginia, 395 McCormick Rd., P.O. Box 400745, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904 (United States)


    Thermal barrier coating systems consisting of a metallic bond coat and ceramic over layer are widely used to extend the life of gas turbine engine components. They are applied using either high-vacuum physical vapor deposition techniques in which vapor atoms rarely experience scattering collisions during propagation to a substrate, or by gas jet assisted (low-vacuum) vapor deposition techniques that utilize scattering from streamlines to enable non-line-of-sight deposition. Both approaches require substrate motion to coat a substrate of complex shape. Here, direct simulation Monte Carlo and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation methods are combined to simulate the deposition of a nickel coating over the concave and convex surfaces of a model airfoil, and the simulation results are compared with those from experimental depositions. The simulation method successfully predicted variations in coating thickness, columnar growth angle, and porosity during both stationary and substrate rotated deposition. It was then used to investigate a wide range of vapor deposition conditions spanning high-vacuum physical vapor deposition to low-vacuum gas jet assisted vapor deposition. The average coating thickness was found to increase initially with gas pressure reaching a maximum at a chamber pressure of 8–10 Pa, but the best coating thickness uniformity was achieved under high vacuum deposition conditions. However, high vacuum conditions increased the variation in the coatings pore volume fraction over the surface of the airfoil. The simulation approach was combined with an optimization algorithm and used to investigate novel deposition concepts to tailor the local coating thickness.

  3. Microstructure of vapor deposited coatings on curved substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodgers, Theron M.; Zhao, Hengbei; Wadley, Haydn N. G.


    Thermal barrier coating systems consisting of a metallic bond coat and ceramic over layer are widely used to extend the life of gas turbine engine components. They are applied using either high-vacuum physical vapor deposition techniques in which vapor atoms rarely experience scattering collisions during propagation to a substrate, or by gas jet assisted (low-vacuum) vapor deposition techniques that utilize scattering from streamlines to enable non-line-of-sight deposition. Both approaches require substrate motion to coat a substrate of complex shape. Here, direct simulation Monte Carlo and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation methods are combined to simulate the deposition of a nickel coating over the concave and convex surfaces of a model airfoil, and the simulation results are compared with those from experimental depositions. The simulation method successfully predicted variations in coating thickness, columnar growth angle, and porosity during both stationary and substrate rotated deposition. It was then used to investigate a wide range of vapor deposition conditions spanning high-vacuum physical vapor deposition to low-vacuum gas jet assisted vapor deposition. The average coating thickness was found to increase initially with gas pressure reaching a maximum at a chamber pressure of 8–10 Pa, but the best coating thickness uniformity was achieved under high vacuum deposition conditions. However, high vacuum conditions increased the variation in the coatings pore volume fraction over the surface of the airfoil. The simulation approach was combined with an optimization algorithm and used to investigate novel deposition concepts to tailor the local coating thickness

  4. Vacuum distillation/vapor filtration water recovery (United States)

    Honegger, R. J.; Neveril, R. B.; Remus, G. A.


    The development and evaluation of a vacuum distillation/vapor filtration (VD/VF) water recovery system are considered. As a functional model, the system converts urine and condensates waste water from six men to potable water on a steady-state basis. The system is designed for 180-day operating durations and for function on the ground, on zero-g aircraft, and in orbit. Preparatory tasks are summarized for conducting low gravity tests of a vacuum distillation/vapor filtration system for recovering water from urine.

  5. Aluminum coating by fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition on austenitic stainless steels AISI 304 and AISI 316

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jose Luddey Marulanda-Arevalo


    Full Text Available Los revestimientos de aluminio f ueron depositados sobre aceros inoxidables AISI 304 y AISI 316 en el rango de temperatura de 5 60 a 600 °C por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado(CVD – FBR. Se utilizó un lecho que consistía en 10 % de aluminio en polvo y 90 % de lecho inerte (alúmina, el cual fue fluidizado con Ar y como ga ses activadores se utilizó una mezcla de ácido clorhídrico con hidrógeno (HCl/H 2 . En el recubrimiento si n tratamiento térmico están las siguiente s especies: Al 13 Fe 4 , Fe 2 Al 5 , FeAl 2 y Al 5 FeNi, las cuales están presentes para ambos aceros. Además, el tratamiento térmico provoca la difusa de alu minio hacia el sustrato y la difusa de hierro del sustrato haci a la superficie del recubrimiento, haciendo la trans formación de los compuestos ant eriores a FeAl, Fe 2 Al 5 , FeAl 2 , Al 0.99 Fe 0.99 Ni 0.02 , AlNi y el Fe 2 AlCr. Se realizó la simulación termodinámica con el s oftware Thermo Calc para obt ener información de la posible composición y la cantidad de mat erial depositado, para condiciones seleccionadas. Las muestras recubi ertas y sin recubrir, se expus ieron a 750 ºC en una atmósfera d onde el vapor agua se transporta a las muestras usando un flujo de N 2 de 40 ml/min, más 100 % vapor de agua (H 2 O. Los dos sustratos sin revestir se comportaron de manera diferente, ya que el acero AISI 304 soportó bien el a taque y ganó poco peso (0.49 mg/cm 2 , en comparación con el acero AISI 316 que perdió mucho peso (25.4 mg/cm 2 . Los aceros recubiertos ganaron poco de peso durante las mil horas de exposición (0.26 mg/cm 2 y soportaron muy bien el ataque corrosivo en c omparación con sustratos sin r ecubrimiento.

  6. Optimum design of vaporizer fin with liquefied natural gas by numerical analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Hyo Min; Chung, Han Shik; Lee, Sang Chul; Kong, Tae Woo; Yi, Chung Seub


    Generally, the temperature drop under 0 .deg. C on vaporizer surface creates frozen dews. This problem seems to increase as the time progress and humidity rises. In addition, the frozen dews create frost deposition. Consequently, heat transfer on vaporizer decreases because frost deposition causes adiabatic condition. Therefore, it is very important to solve this problem. This paper aims to study of the optimum design of used vaporizer at local LNG station. In this paper, experimental results were compared with numerical results. Geometries of numerical and experimental vaporizers were identical. Studied parameters of vaporizer are angle between two fins (Φ) and fin thickness (TH F ). Numerical analysis results were presented through the correlations between the ice layer thickness (TH ICE ) on the vaporizer surface to the temperature distribution of inside vaporizer (T IN ), fin thickness (TH F ), and angle between two fins (Φ). Numerical result shows good agreement with experimental outcome. Finally, the correlations for optimum design of vaporizer are proposed on this paper

  7. Temperature control of a steam generator by means of an hybrid system PID-RLC; Control de las temperaturas de un generador de vapor mediante un sistema hibrido PID-RLC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palomares Gonzalez, Daniel; Garcia Mendoza, Raul [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    A description is made of the design and evaluation of an hybrid control system, formed by a quadratic gaussian linear regulator (QLR) and proportional integral derivative (PID) type regulators. This scheme is used to control the reheater and secondary superheater steam temperatures of a steam generator model with a maximum capacity of 2,150,000 pounds per hour. Once applied to the model of a 300 MW steam power plant, this system showed better results than the traditional schemes and inclusively better than some modern control schemes. This fact characterizes it as a high potential system to be applied to steam power plants. [Espanol] Se describe el diseno y la evaluacion de un sistema de control hibrido, formado por un regulador lineal cuadratico gaussiano (RLC) y reguladores tipo proporcional integral derivativo (PID). Este esquema se utiliza para controlar las temperaturas de vapor del recalentador y sobrecalentador secundario del modelo de un generador de vapor con capacidad maxima de 2,150,000 libras por hora. Una vez aplicado al modelo de una unidad termoelectrica de 300 MW, este sistema produjo mejores resultados que los esquemas tradicionales e incluso mejores que algunos esquemas de control moderno. Esto lo caracteriza como un sistema con un alto potencial para aplicarse a unidades termoelectricas.

  8. Temperature control of a steam generator by means of an hybrid system PID-RLC; Control de las temperaturas de un generador de vapor mediante un sistema hibrido PID-RLC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palomares Gonzalez, Daniel; Garcia Mendoza, Raul [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    A description is made of the design and evaluation of an hybrid control system, formed by a quadratic gaussian linear regulator (QLR) and proportional integral derivative (PID) type regulators. This scheme is used to control the reheater and secondary superheater steam temperatures of a steam generator model with a maximum capacity of 2,150,000 pounds per hour. Once applied to the model of a 300 MW steam power plant, this system showed better results than the traditional schemes and inclusively better than some modern control schemes. This fact characterizes it as a high potential system to be applied to steam power plants. [Espanol] Se describe el diseno y la evaluacion de un sistema de control hibrido, formado por un regulador lineal cuadratico gaussiano (RLC) y reguladores tipo proporcional integral derivativo (PID). Este esquema se utiliza para controlar las temperaturas de vapor del recalentador y sobrecalentador secundario del modelo de un generador de vapor con capacidad maxima de 2,150,000 libras por hora. Una vez aplicado al modelo de una unidad termoelectrica de 300 MW, este sistema produjo mejores resultados que los esquemas tradicionales e incluso mejores que algunos esquemas de control moderno. Esto lo caracteriza como un sistema con un alto potencial para aplicarse a unidades termoelectricas.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Humberto Vidal


    Full Text Available Entre los sistemas de refrigeración movidos térmicamente asistidos por energía solar y gas natural, el sistema de refrigeración con eyector ha recibido especial atención. Este sistema se caracteriza por su simplicidad constructiva, ausencia de partes móviles, operación en bajas temperaturas y bajo costo operacional. Sin embargo, el ciclo de refrigeración por eyector tiene usualmente un bajo coeficiente de desempeño. Una alternativa de solución a este problema lo constituye el sistema de refrigeración con eyector combinado. La primera etapa está constituida por un ciclo de compresión mecánica de vapor convencional con R134a, mientras que la segunda etapa la constituye un ciclo termo-movido con eyector usando R141b como fluido de trabajo. Colectores de placa plana y un quemador de energía auxiliar entregan calor al ciclo de eyector. Este artículo describe la simulación en base horaria de un sistema de refrigeración combinado eyector-compresión de vapor asistido por energía solar y gas natural. El sistema de refrigeración solar combinado es modelado usando la herramienta de simulación TRNSYS-EES y los datos climáticos de un año típico de Florianópolis, Brasil. Los resultados obtenidos con la modelación computacional desarrollada para este sistema muestran la ventaja del ciclo de refrigeración combinado eyector-compresión de vapor por sobre el ciclo simple con eyector. Finalmente, el modelo computacional desarrollado en este artículo podría ser usado para realizar una optimización termo-económica del sistema en trabajos futuros.Among the thermally driven cooling systems assisted by solar energy and natural gas, the ejector cooling system has received special attention. This system is an interesting refrigeration technology due to its construction simplicity, absence of moving parts, operation at lower temperatures and a low operational cost. However, the coefficient of performance of ejector cycle is usually low. The

  10. Thermal plasma chemical vapor deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heberlein, J.; Pfender, E.


    Thermal plasmas, with temperatures up to and even exceeding 10 4 K, are capable of producing high density vapor phase precursors for the deposition of relatively thick films. Although this technology is still in its infancy, it will fill the void between the relatively slow deposition processes such as physical vapor deposition and the high rate thermal spray deposition processes. In this chapter, the present state-of-the-art of this field is reviewed with emphasis on the various types of reactors proposed for this emerging technology. Only applications which attracted particular attention, namely diamond and high T c superconducting film deposition, are discussed in greater detail. (orig.)

  11. A FGGE water vapor wind data set (United States)

    Stewart, Tod R.; Hayden, Christopher M.


    It has been recognized for some time that water vapor structure visible in infrared imagery offers a potential for obtaining motion vectors when several images are considered in sequence (Fischer et al., 1981). A study evaluating water vapor winds obtained from the VISSR atmospheric sounder (Stewart et al., 1985) has confirmed the viability of the approach. More recently, 20 data sets have been produced from METEOSAT water vapor imagery for the FGGE period of 10-25 November 1979. Where possible, two data sets were prepared for each day at 0000 and 1200 GMT and compared with rawinsondes over Europe, Africa, and aircraft observations over the oceans. Procedures for obtaining winds were, in general, similar to the earlier study. Motions were detected both by a single pixel tracking and a cross correlation method by using three images individually separated by one hour. A height assignment was determined by matching the measured brightness temperature to the temperature structure represented by the FGGE-IIIB analyses. Results show that the METEOSAT water vapor winds provide uniform horizontal coverage of mid-level flow over the globe with good accuracy.

  12. Uranium/water vapor reactions in gaseous atmospheres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackson, R.L.; Condon, J.B.; Steckel, L.M.


    Experiments have been performed to determine the effect of varying humidities, gaseous atmospheres, and temperatures on the uranium/water vapor reaction. A balance, which allowed continuous in-system weighings, was used to determine the rates of the uranium/water vapor reactions at water vapor pressures of 383, 1586, and 2853 Pa and at temperatures of 80, 100, and 150 0 C in atmospheres of hydrogen, argon, or argon/oxygen mixtures. Based on rate data, the reactions were characterized as hydriding or nonhydriding. Hydriding reactions were found to be preferred in moist hydrogen systems at the higher temperatures and the lower humidities. The presence of hydrogen in hydriding systems was found to initially inhibit the reaction, but causes an acceleration of the rate in the final stages. In general, reaction rates of hydriding systems approached the hydriding rates calculated and observed in dry hydrogen. Hydriding and nonhydriding reaction rates showed a positive correlation to temperature and water vapor pressure. Final reaction rates in moist argon/oxygen mixtures of 1.93, 4.57, and 9.08 mole percent oxygen were greater than the rates observed in moist hydrogen or argon. Final reaction rates were negatively correlated to the oxygen concentration

  13. Multicomponent droplet vaporization in a convecting environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Megaridis, C.M.; Sirignano, W.A.


    In this paper a parametric study of the fundamental exchange processes for energy, mass and momentum between the liquid and gas phases of multicomponent liquid vaporizing droplets is presented. The model, which examines an isolated, vaporizing, multicomponent droplet in an axisymmetric, convecting environment, considers the different volatilities of the liquid components, the alteration of the liquid-phase properties due to the spatial/temporal variations of the species concentrations and also the effects of multicomponent diffusion. In addition, the model accounts for variable thermophysical properties, surface blowing and droplet surface regression due to vaporization, transient droplet heating with internal liquid circulation, and finally droplet deceleration with respect to the free flow due to drag. The numerical calculation employs finite-difference techniques and an iterative solution procedure that provides time-varying spatially-resolved data for both phases. The effects of initial droplet composition, ambient temperature, initial Reynolds number (based on droplet diameter), and volatility differential between the two liquid components are investigated for a liquid droplet consisting of two components with very different volatilities. It is found that mixtures with higher concentration of the less volatile substance actually vaporize faster on account of intrinsically higher liquid heating rates

  14. Gasoline Reid Vapor Pressure (United States)

    EPA regulates the vapor pressure of gasoline sold at retail stations during the summer ozone season to reduce evaporative emissions from gasoline that contribute to ground-level ozone and diminish the effects of ozone-related health problems.

  15. Water vapor and Gas Transport through Polymeric Membranes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Metz, S.J.


    Water vapor transport through polymeric materials plays an important role in a large number of applications such as: food packaging, breathable clothing, roofing membranes, diapers, and the removal of water vapor from gas streams (e.g. dehydration of natural gas or the drying of compressed air).


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexsandro Barreto Almeida


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la percepción y las intervenciones de equipos de apoyo básicos del centro de salud móvil de emergencia en el estado de crisis psíquica. Investigación cualitativa, descriptiva realizada en el estado de Santa Catarina con profesionales de cuatro equipos de Unidades de Soporte Básico del Servicio de Atención Móvil de Urgencias. Los datos fueron recolectados de abril a junio de 2011 mediante entrevista semiestructurada. Se utilizó el Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo para organizar y analizar los datos y para la discusión el Paradigma Psicosocial. De los resultados emergieron tres discursos con las ideas: crisis como alteración del comportamiento e inestabilidad psicológica; se manifiesta con alucinaciones y agresividad; la intervención surge con contención física, medicamentosa e interconsultas. Se concluye que la concepción de la crisis por los profesionales está ligada al positivismo de la psiquiatría y la atención pre-hospitalaria sigue medidas protocolares en el atendimiento a la persona en crisis psíquica, distante de los principios determinados por el paradigma psicosocial.

  17. A violência a partir das teorias freudianas do social

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Canavêz


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza la violencia en las teorías sociales de Freud a través de la construcción a posteriori del diálogo de Freud con teóricos de otras áreas del conocimiento. Buscamos, a principios del pensamiento freudiano, una perspectiva confiable en la regulación de las relaciones sociales debido a la supuesta elusión de agresividad. Así, Freud estaría en línea con la apuesta de la ciencia positivista en el curso progresivo de la civilización. Este no es el único diseño freudiano al respecto, ya que hay un cambio para un objetivo más atento a la crueldad que permea las rela - ciones y la constitución del sujeto. Esta lectura introduce el psicoanálisis en la estela de las críticas dirigidas a la marcha de la civilización en sus intentos por inmunizar el sujeto de la dimensión excesiva que lo constituye, además de demostrar que el pensamiento de Freud extrapola las clasificaciones utilizadas en Humanidades para analizar la relación entre el sujeto y la civilización.

  18. A violência a partir das teorias freudianas do social

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Canavêz


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza la violencia en las teorías sociales de Freud a través de la construcción a posteriori del diálogo de Freud con teóricos de otras áreas del conocimiento. Buscamos, a principios del pensamiento freudiano, una perspectiva confiable en la regulación de las relaciones sociales debido a la supuesta elusión de agresividad. Así, Freud estaría en línea con la apuesta de la ciencia positivista en el curso progresivo de la civilización. Este no es el único diseño freudiano al respecto, ya que hay un cambio para un objetivo más atento a la crueldad que permea las relaciones y la constitución del sujeto. Esta lectura introduce el psicoanálisis en la estela de las críticas dirigidas a la marcha de la civilización en sus intentos por inmunizar el sujeto de la dimensión excesiva que lo constituye, además de demostrar que el pensamiento de Freud extrapola las clasificaciones utilizadas en Humanidades para analizar la relación entre el sujeto y la civilización.

  19. Vaporization of fault water during seismic slip (United States)

    Chen, Jianye; Niemeijer, André R.; Fokker, Peter A.


    Laboratory and numerical studies, as well as field observations, indicate that phase transitions of pore water might be an important process in large earthquakes. We present a model of the thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical processes, including a two-phase mixture model to incorporate the phase transitions of pore water, occurring during fast slip (i.e., a natural earthquake) in order to investigate the effects of vaporization on the coseismic slip. Using parameters from typical natural faults, our modeling shows that vaporization can indeed occur at the shallow depths of an earthquake, irrespective of the wide variability of the parameters involved (sliding velocity, friction coefficient, gouge permeability and porosity, and shear-induced dilatancy). Due to the fast kinetics, water vaporization can cause a rapid slip weakening even when the hydrological conditions of the fault zone are not favorable for thermal pressurization, e.g., when permeability is high. At the same time, the latent heat associated with the phase transition causes the temperature rise in the slip zone to be buffered. Our parametric analyses reveal that the amount of frictional work is the principal factor controlling the onset and activity of vaporization and that it can easily be achieved in earthquakes. Our study shows that coseismic pore fluid vaporization might have played important roles at shallow depths of large earthquakes by enhancing slip weakening and buffering the temperature rise. The combined effects may provide an alternative explanation for the fact that low-temperature anomalies were measured in the slip zones at shallow depths of large earthquakes.

  20. Drag Reduction by Leidenfrost Vapor Layers

    KAUST Repository

    Vakarelski, Ivan Uriev


    We demonstrate and quantify a highly effective drag reduction technique that exploits the Leidenfrost effect to create a continuous and robust lubricating vapor layer on the surface of a heated solid sphere moving in a liquid. Using high-speed video, we show that such vapor layers can reduce the hydrodynamic drag by over 85%. These results appear to approach the ultimate limit of drag reduction possible by different methods based on gas-layer lubrication and can stimulate the development of related energy saving technologies.

  1. Performance assessment of the In-Well Vapor-Stripping System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gilmore, T.J.; White, M.D.; Spane, F.A. Jr. [and others


    In-well vapor stripping is a remediation technology designed to preferentially extract volatile organic compounds dissolved in groundwater by converting them to a vapor phase and then treating the vapor. This vapor-stripping system is distinctly different from the more traditional in situ air-sparging concept. In situ sparging takes place in the aquifer formation; in-well vapor stripping takes place within the well casing. The system was field demonstrated at Edwards Air Force Base, California; the first-time demonstration of this technology in the United States. Installation and testing of the system were completed in late 1995, and the demonstration was operated nearly continuously for 6 months (191 days) between January 16 and July 25, 1996. Postdemonstration hydrochemical sampling continued until September 1996. The demonstration was conducted by collaborating researchers from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (a) and Stanford University as part of an interim cleanup action at the base. Edwards Air Force Base and its environmental subcontractor, Earth Technology Corporation, as well as EG&G Environmental, holders of the commercial rights to the technology, were also significant contributors to the demonstration.

  2. Measurement and analysis of transient vaporization in oxide fuel materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorham-Bergeron, E.; Benson, D.A.


    A series of experiments is described in which samples are heated to produce high vapor pressure states in times of 10 -6 to 10 -3 seconds. Experimental measurements of vapor pressures over fresh UO 2 from the pulsed electron beam and pulsed reactor heating tests are presented and compared with other high temperature data. The interpretation of the vapor pressures measured in the tests is discussed in detail. Effects of original sample stoichiometry, chemical interactions with the container and non-equilibrium evaporation due to induced temperature gradients are discussed. Special attention is given to dynamic behavior in rapid heating and vaporization of the oxide due to chemical nonequilibrium. Finally, similar projected reactor experiments on irradiated fuel are described and vapor pressure predictions made using available equilibrium models. A discussion of information accessible from such future tests and its importance is presented

  3. Ammonia IR Absorbance Measurements with an Equilibrium Vapor Cell

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Field, Paul


    Infrared (IR) absorbance spectra were acquired for 18 ammonia vapor pressures. The vapor pressures were generated with 15 gravimetrically prepared aqueous solutions and three commercial aqueous solutions using a dynamic method I.E...

  4. Solid vapor pressure for five heavy PAHs via the Knudsen effusion method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fu Jinxia; Suuberg, Eric M.


    Highlights: → We report on vapor pressures and enthalpies of fusion and sublimation of five heavy PAHs. → Solid vapor pressures were measured using Knudsen effusion method. → Solid vapor pressures for benzo[b]fluoranthene, and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene have not been published in the open literature. → Reported subcooled liquid state vapor pressures may or may not lend themselves to correction to sublimation vapor pressure. → Subcooled liquid state vapor pressures might sometimes actually be closer to actual solid state sublimation vapor pressures. - Abstract: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are compounds resulting from incomplete combustion and many fuel processing operations, and they are commonly found as subsurface environmental contaminants at sites of former manufactured gas plants. Knowledge of their vapor pressures is the key to predict their fate and transport in the environment. The present study involves five heavy PAHs, i.e. benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[ghi]perylene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, and dibenz[a,h]anthracene, which are all as priority pollutants classified by the US EPA. The vapor pressures of these heavy PAHs were measured by using Knudsen effusion method over the temperature range of (364 to 454) K. The corresponding values of the enthalpy of sublimation were calculated from the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The enthalpy of fusion for the five PAHs was also measured by using differential scanning calorimetry and used to convert earlier published sub-cooled liquid vapor pressure data to solid vapor pressure in order to compare with the present results. These adjusted values do not agree with the present measured actual solid vapor pressure values for these PAHs, but there is good agreement between present results and other earlier published sublimation data.

  5. Argumentos para el debate sobre la legalización de la marihuana en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sofía Hernández González


    Full Text Available La legalización de la marihuana en México ha generado intenso debate. La complejidad del fenómeno merece que se expongan detalladamente los puntos a favor y en contra de la legalización de una tercera sustancia adictiva aparte del alcohol y el tabaco. Entre los pros más relevantes se encuentran el control de comercialización, calidad y producción de la marihuana; y la posibilidad de incrementar el conocimiento epidemiológico y científico para mejorar la prevención de adicciones y la investigación de usos médicos mediante ensayos clínicos. Entre los contras, se mencionan el potencial riesgo para la salud del consumidor y los daños a terceros por conducir bajo el influjo de la marihuana con las subse-cuentes alteraciones en habilidades motoras, así como cambios emocionales, por ejemplo agresividad y modificación de la conducta. Lo realmente relevante, independientemente de la decisión consensuada es conducir la discusión con información de calidad y enfrentar este problema de manera satisfactoria y sin prejuicios.

  6. Review of literature on the asymmetric collapse of vapor bubbles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fremd, R.; Froehlich, G.


    This report contains a review of literature on the asymmetric collape of vapor bubbles by cavitation with special consideration to vapor explosions. Two numerical models, which describe the collapse of cavities in the neighbourhood of a solid surface, are presented. Moreover experimental results for this case are provided. Propositions to apply the numerical models to vapor explosions are made. (orig.) [de

  7. Apparatus to measure vapor pressure, differential vapor pressure, liquid molar volume, and compressibility of liquids and solutions to the critical point. Vapor pressures, molar volumes, and compressibilities of protiobenzene and deuteriobenzene at elevated temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kooner, Z.S.; Van Hook, W.A.


    An apparatus designed to measure vapor pressure differences between two similar liquids, such as isotopic isomers, or between a solution and its reference solvent at temperatures and pressures extending to the critical point is described. Vapor-phase volume is minimized and pressure is transmitted to the transducer through the liquid, thereby avoiding several experimental difficulties. Liquid can be injected into the heated part of the system by volumetrically calibrated screw injectors, thus permitting measurements of liquid molar volume, compressibility, and expansivity. The addition of a high-pressure circulating pump and injection valve allows the apparatus to be employed as a continuous dilution differential vapor pressure apparatus for determining partial molar free energies of solution. In the second part of the paper data on the vapor pressure, molar volume, compressibility, and expansivity and their isotope effects for C 6 H 6 and C 6 D 6 from room temperature to near the critical temperature are reported

  8. Importance Profiles for Water Vapor (United States)

    Mapes, Brian; Chandra, Arunchandra S.; Kuang, Zhiming; Zuidema, Paquita


    Motivated by the scientific desire to align observations with quantities of physical interest, we survey how scalar importance functions depend on vertically resolved water vapor. Definitions of importance begin from familiar examples of water mass I m and TOA clear-sky outgoing longwave flux I OLR, in order to establish notation and illustrate graphically how the sensitivity profile or "kernel" depends on whether specific humidity S, relative humidity R, or ln( R) are used as measures of vapor. Then, new results on the sensitivity of convective activity I con to vapor (with implied knock-on effects such as weather prediction skill) are presented. In radiative-convective equilibrium, organized (line-like) convection is much more sensitive to moisture than scattered isotropic convection, but it exists in a drier mean state. The lesson for natural convection may be that organized convection is less susceptible to dryness and can survive and propagate into regions unfavorable for disorganized convection. This counterintuitive interpretive conclusion, with respect to the narrow numerical result behind it, highlights the importance of clarity about what is held constant at what values in sensitivity or susceptibility kernels. Finally, the sensitivities of observable radiance signals I sig for passive remote sensing are considered. While the accuracy of R in the lower free troposphere is crucial for the physical importance scalars, this layer is unfortunately the most difficult to isolate with passive remote sensing: In high emissivity channels, water vapor signals come from too high in the atmosphere (for satellites) or too low (for surface radiometers), while low emissivity channels have poor altitude discrimination and (in the case of satellites) are contaminated by surface emissions. For these reasons, active ranging (LiDAR) is the preferred observing strategy.

  9. The tracking of interfaces in an electron-beam vaporizer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westerberg, K.W.; McClelland, M.A.; Finlayson, B.A.


    A numerical analysis is made of the material and energy flow in an electron beam vaporizer. In this system the energy from an electron beam heats metal confined in a water-cooled crucible. Metal is vaporized from a liquid pool circulating in a shell of its own solid. A modified Galerkin finite element method is used to calculate the flow and temperature fields along with the interface locations. The mesh is parameterized with spines which stretch and pivot as the phase boundaries move. The discretized equations are arranged in an ''arrow'' matrix and solved using the Newton-Raphson method. Results are given for an experimental aluminum vaporizer. The effects of buoyancy and capillary driven flow are included along with the surface contributions of vapor thrust, latent heat, thermal radiation, and crucible contact resistance

  10. Investigation of odd-order nonlinear susceptibilities in atomic vapors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yan, Yaqi [Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049 (China); Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Information Photonic Technique, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049 (China); Teaching and Research Section of Maths and Physics, Guangzhou Commanding Academy of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Guangzhou, 510440 (China); Wu, Zhenkun; Si, Jinhai; Yan, Lihe; Zhang, Yiqi; Yuan, Chenzhi; Sun, Jia [Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049 (China); Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Information Photonic Technique, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049 (China); Zhang, Yanpeng, E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049 (China); Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Information Photonic Technique, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049 (China)


    We theoretically deduce the macroscopic symmetry constraints for arbitrary odd-order nonlinear susceptibilities in homogeneous media including atomic vapors for the first time. After theoretically calculating the expressions using a semiclassical method, we demonstrate that the expressions for third- and fifth-order nonlinear susceptibilities for undressed and dressed four- and six-wave mixing (FWM and SWM) in atomic vapors satisfy the macroscopic symmetry constraints. We experimentally demonstrate consistence between the macroscopic symmetry constraints and the semiclassical expressions for atomic vapors by observing polarization control of FWM and SWM processes. The experimental results are in reasonable agreement with our theoretical calculations. -- Highlights: •The macroscopic symmetry constraints are deduced for homogeneous media including atomic vapors. •We demonstrate that odd-order nonlinear susceptibilities satisfy the constraints. •We experimentally demonstrate the deduction in part.

  11. Vaporization and diffusion studies on the stability of doped lanthanum gallates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stanislowski, M.; Singheiser, L.; Hilpert, K. [Research Center Juelich, Institute for Materials and Processes in Energy Systems, IWV-2, 52425 Juelich (Germany); Peck, D.H.; Woo, S.K. [Korea Institute of Energy Research, 71-2 Jang-Dong, Yuseong, 305-343 Daejeon (Korea); Schulz, O.; Martin, M. [RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Landoltweg 2, 52056 Aachen (Germany)


    Vaporization and diffusion determine the stability of doped lanthanum gallates under SOFC operating conditions. Systematic vaporization studies of Ga and other elements were carried out using the vapor transpiration method. It was shown that the Ga vaporization is controlled by diffusion from the bulk to the surface. Diffusion coefficients D{sub Ga} and vaporization coefficients {alpha}{sub Ga} were determined by fitting the measured vaporization data to a vaporization model. Secondary phases formed as a result of the vaporization were detected. The influence of different doping levels of Sr, Mg and Fe on the Ga vaporization was elucidated. Moreover, cation self-diffusion of {sup 139}La, {sup 84}Sr and {sup 25}Mg as well as cation impurity diffusion of {sup 144}Nd, {sup 89}Y and {sup 56}Fe in polycrystalline samples of doped lanthanum gallate were directly determined for the composition La{sub 0.9}Sr{sub 0.1}Ga{sub 0.9}Mg{sub 0.1}O{sub 2.9} as an example, from diffusion profiles determined by SIMS. It was found that diffusion occurs by means of bulk and grain boundaries. The bulk diffusion coefficients are similar for all cations with activation energies which are strongly dependent on temperature. The results are explained by a frozen-in defect structure at low temperatures in the ABO{sub 3} perovskite lattice and by proposing a defect cluster containing cation vacancies in the A and B sublattices, as well as oxygen vacancies. (Abstract Copyright [2006], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  12. Waste Tank Vapor Characterization Project: Annual status report for FY 1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ligotke, M.W.; Fruchter, J.S.; Huckaby, J.L.; Birn, M.B.; McVeety, B.D.; Evans, J.C. Jr.; Pool, K.H.; Silvers, K.L.; Goheen, S.C.


    This report compiles information collected during the Fiscal Year 1995 pertaining to the waste tank vapor characterization project. Information covers the following topics: project management; organic sampling and analysis; inorganic sampling and analysis; waste tank vapor data reports; and the waste tanks vapor database

  13. Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Saltstone Vault 4 Vapor Space

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Si Young


    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods have been used to estimate the flow patterns for vapor space inside the Saltstone Vault No.4 under different operating scenarios. The purpose of this work is to examine the gas motions inside the vapor space under the current vault configurations. A CFD model took three-dimensional transient momentum-energy coupled approach for the vapor space domain of the vault. The modeling calculations were based on prototypic vault geometry and expected normal operating conditions as defined by Waste Solidification Engineering. The modeling analysis was focused on the air flow patterns near the ventilated corner zones of the vapor space inside the Saltstone vault. The turbulence behavior and natural convection mechanism used in the present model were benchmarked against the literature information and theoretical results. The verified model was applied to the Saltstone vault geometry for the transient assessment of the air flow patterns inside the vapor space of the vault region using the boundary conditions as provided by the customer. The present model considered two cases for the estimations of the flow patterns within the vapor space. One is the reference baseline case. The other is for the negative temperature gradient between the roof inner and top grout surface temperatures intended for the potential bounding condition. The flow patterns of the vapor space calculated by the CFD model demonstrate that the ambient air comes into the vapor space of the vault through the lower-end ventilation hole, and it gets heated up by the Benard-cell type circulation before leaving the vault via the higher-end ventilation hole. The calculated results are consistent with the literature information

  14. Measurement and analysis of transient vaporization in oxide fuel materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benson, D.A.; Bergeron, E.G.


    This paper describes a series of experiments in which samples are heated to produce high vapor pressure states in times of 10 -6 to 10 -3 seconds. Experimental measurements of vapor pressures over fresh UO 2 from the pulsed electron beam and pulsed reactor heating tests are presented and compared with other high temperature data. The interpretation of the vapor pressure measured in the tests is discussed in detail. Effects of original sample stoichiometry, chemical interactions with the container and non-equilibrium evaporation due to induced temperature gradients are discussed. Special attention is given to dynamic behavior in rapid heating and vaporization of the oxide due to chemical non-equilibrium. Finally, similar projected reactor experiments on irradiated fuel are described and vapor pressure predictions made using available equilibrium models. A discussion of information accessible from such future tests and its importance is presented. (orig.) [de

  15. Interfacial Dynamics of Condensing Vapor Bubbles in an Ultrasonic Acoustic Field (United States)

    Boziuk, Thomas; Smith, Marc; Glezer, Ari


    Enhancement of vapor condensation in quiescent subcooled liquid using ultrasonic actuation is investigated experimentally. The vapor bubbles are formed by direct injection from a pressurized steam reservoir through nozzles of varying characteristic diameters, and are advected within an acoustic field of programmable intensity. While kHz-range acoustic actuation typically couples to capillary instability of the vapor-liquid interface, ultrasonic (MHz-range) actuation leads to the formation of a liquid spout that penetrates into the vapor bubble and significantly increases its surface area and therefore condensation rate. Focusing of the ultrasonic beam along the spout leads to ejection of small-scale droplets from that are propelled towards the vapor liquid interface and result in localized acceleration of the condensation. High-speed video of Schlieren images is used to investigate the effects of the ultrasonic actuation on the thermal boundary layer on the liquid side of the vapor-liquid interface and its effect on the condensation rate, and the liquid motion during condensation is investigated using high-magnification PIV measurements. High-speed image processing is used to assess the effect of the actuation on the dynamics and temporal variation in characteristic scale (and condensation rate) of the vapor bubbles.

  16. Water vapor permeabilities through polymers: diffusivities from experiments and simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seethamraju, Sindhu; Ramamurthy, Praveen Chandrashekarapura; Madras, Giridhar


    This study experimentally determines water vapor permeabilities, which are subsequently correlated with the diffusivities obtained from simulations. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used for determining the diffusion of water vapor in various polymeric systems such as polyethylene, polypropylene, poly (vinyl alcohol), poly (vinyl acetate), poly (vinyl butyral), poly (vinylidene chloride), poly (vinyl chloride) and poly (methyl methacrylate). Cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) based methodology has been used to determine the water vapor transmission rates. These values were then used to calculate the diffusion coefficients for water vapor through these polymers. A comparative analysis is provided for diffusivities calculated from CRDS and MD based results by correlating the free volumes. (paper)

  17. Design and physical features of inductive coaxial copper vapor lasers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Batenin, V. M. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Joint Institute for High Temperatures (Russian Federation); Kazaryan, M. A. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Lebedev Physical Institute (Russian Federation); Karpukhin, V. T. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Joint Institute for High Temperatures (Russian Federation); Lyabin, N. A. [Istok Research and Production Corporation (Russian Federation); Malikov, M. M., E-mail: [Russian Academy of Sciences, Joint Institute for High Temperatures (Russian Federation)


    A physical model of a copper vapor laser pumped by a pulse-periodic inductive (electrodeless) discharge is considered. The feasibility of efficient laser pumping by an inductive discharge and reaching high output parameters comparable to those of conventional copper vapor lasers pumped by a longitudinal electrode discharge is demonstrated. The design and physical features of an inductive copper vapor laser with an annular working volume are discussed.

  18. Covering sources of toxic vapors with foam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aue, W. P.; Guidetti, F.


    In a case of chemical terrorism, first responders might well be confronted with a liquid source of toxic vapor which keeps spreading out its hazardous contents. With foam as an efficient and simple means, such a source could be covered up in seconds and the spread of vapors mitigated drastically. Once covered, the source could then wait for a longer time to be removed carefully and professionally by a decontamination team. In order to find foams useful for covering up toxic vapor sources, a large set of measurements has been performed in order to answer the following questions: - Which foams could be used for this purpose? - How thick should the foam cover be? - For how long would such a foam cover be effective? - Could the practical application of foam cause a spread of the toxic chemical? The toxic vapors sources included GB, GD and HD. Among the foams were 10 fire fighter foams (e.g. AFFF, protein) and the aqueous decontamination foam CASCAD. Small scale experiments showed that CASCAD is best suited for covering a toxic source; a 10 cm layer of it covers and decontaminates GB. The large scale experiments confirmed that any fire fighter foam is a suitable cover for a longer or shorter period.(author)

  19. Tank vapor characterization project - headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank 241-C-107: Second comparison study results from samples collected on 3/26/96

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, J.C.; Pool, K.H.; Thomas, B.L.


    This report describes the analytical results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage tank 241-C-107 (Tank C-107) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. The results described in this report is the second in a series comparing vapor sampling of the tank headspace using the Vapor Sampling System (VSS) and In Situ Vapor Sampling (ISVS) system without high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) prefiltration. The results include air concentrations of water (H 2 O) and ammonia (NH 3 ), permanent gases, total non-methane organic compounds (TO-12), and individual organic analytes collected in SUMMA trademark canisters and on triple sorbent traps (TSTs). Samples were collected by Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) and analyzed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Analyses were performed by the Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) at PNNL. Analyte concentrations were based on analytical results and, where appropriate, sample volume measurements provided by WHC

  20. Tank vapor characterization project. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford waste tank 241-BY-108: Second comparison study results from samples collected on 3/28/96

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, B.L.; Pool, K.H.; Evans, J.C.


    This report describes the analytical results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of waste storage tank 241-BY-108 (Tank BY-108) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. The results described in this report is the second in a series comparing vapor sampling of the tank headspace using the Vapor Sampling System (VSS) and In Situ Vapor Sampling (ISVS) system without high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) prefiltration. The results include air concentrations of water (H 2 O) and ammonia (NH 3 ), permanent gases, total non-methane organic compounds (TO-12), and individual organic analytes collected in SUMMA trademark canisters and on triple sorbent traps (TSTs). Samples were collected by Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) and analyzed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Analyses were performed by the Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) at PNNL. Analyte concentrations were based on analytical results and, where appropriate, sample volume measurements provided by WHC

  1. Vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization of a series of 1- and 2-halogenated naphthalenes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verevkin, Sergey P.


    Molar enthalpies of vaporization, Δ l g H m 0 , of 1-methyl-naphthalene, 1-chloro-napthalene, 2-chloro-naphthalene, 1-bromo-naphthalene, 2-bromo-naphthalene, and 1-iodo-naphthalene, as well as molar enthalpies of sublimation, Δ s g H m 0 , of 2-chloro-naphthalene and 2-bromo-naphthalene have been obtained from the temperature dependence of the vapor pressure determined with the transpiration method. These values and the correlation gas-chromatography method, based on the Kovat's index, have been used to determine Δ l g H m 0 and Δ s g H m 0 of 2-iodo-naphthalene. Results obtained in this work have been compared with those from the literature and found consistent

  2. Apparatus of vaporizing and condensing liquid radioactive wastes and its operation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irie, Hiromitsu; Tajima, Fumio.


    Object: To prevent corrosion of material for a vapor-condenser and a vapor heater and to prevent radioactive contamination of heated vapor. Structure: Liquid waste is fed from a liquid feeding tank to a vapor-condenser to vaporize and condense the waste. Uncondensed liquid waste, which is not in a level of a given density, is temporally stored in a batch tank through a switching valve and a pipe. Prior to successive feeding from the liquid feeding tank, the uncondensed liquid waste within the batch tank is returned by a return pump to the condenser, after which a new liquid is fed from the liquid feeding tank for re-vaporization and condensation in the vapor-condenser. Then, similar operation is repeated until the uncondensed liquid waste assumes a given density, and when the uncondensed liquid waste reaches a given density, the condensed liquid waste is discharged into the storage tank through the switching valve. (Ohara, T.)

  3. Eddy transport of water vapor in the Martian atmosphere (United States)

    Murphy, J. R.; Haberle, Robert M.


    Viking orbiter measurements of the Martian atmosphere suggest that the residual north polar water-ice cap is the primary source of atmospheric water vapor, which appears at successively lower northern latitudes as the summer season progresses. Zonally symmetric studies of water vapor transport indicate that the zonal mean meridional circulation is incapable of transporting from north polar regions to low latitudes the quantity of water vapor observed. This result has been interpreted as implying the presence of nonpolar sources of water. Another possibility is the ability of atmospheric wave motions, which are not accounted for in a zonally symmetric framework, to efficiently accomplish the transport from a north polar source to the entirety of the Northern Hemisphere. The ability or inability of the full range of atmospheric motions to accomplish this transport has important implications regarding the questions of water sources and sinks on Mars: if the full spectrum of atmospheric motions proves to be incapable of accomplishing the transport, it strengthens arguments in favor of additional water sources. Preliminary results from a three dimensional atmospheric dynamical/water vapor transport numerical model are presented. The model accounts for the physics of a subliming water-ice cap, but does not yet incorporate recondensation of this sublimed water. Transport of vapor away from this water-ice cap in this three dimensional framework is compared with previously obtained zonally symmetric (two dimensional) results to quantify effects of water vapor transport by atmospheric eddies.

  4. Effects of molten material temperatures and coolant temperatures on vapor explosion

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    LI Tianshu; YANG Yanhua; YUAN Minghao; HU Zhihua


    An observable experiment facility for low-temperature molten materials to be dropped into water was set up in this study to investigate the mechanism of the vapor explosion. The effect of the fuel and coolant interaction(FCI) on the vapor explosion during the severe accidents of a fission nuclear reactor has been studied. The experiment results showed that the molten material temperature has an important effect on the vapor explosion behavior and pressure. The increase of the coolant temperature would decrease the pressure of the vapor explosion.

  5. Atmospheric water vapor: Distribution and Empirical estimation in the atmosphere of Thailand (United States)

    Phokate, S.


    Atmospheric water vapor is a crucial component of the Earth’s atmosphere, which is shown by precipitable water vapor. It is calculated from the upper air data. In Thailand, the data were collected from four measuring stations located in Chiang Mai, Ubon Ratchathani, Bangkok, and Songkhla during the years 1998-2013. The precipitable water vapor obtained from this investigation were used to define an empirical model associated with the vapor pressure, which is a surface data at the same stations. The result shows that the relationship has a relatively high level of reliability. The precipitable water vapor obtained from the upper air data is nearly equal to the value from the model. The model was used to calculate the precipitable water vapor from the surface data 85 stations across the country. The result shows that seasonal change of the precipitable water vapor was low in the dry season (November-April) and high in the rainy season (May-October). In addition, precipitable water vapor varies along the latitudes of the stations. The high value obtains for low latitudes, but it is low for high latitudes.

  6. Combined rankine and vapor compression cycles (United States)

    Radcliff, Thomas D.; Biederman, Bruce P.; Brasz, Joost J.


    An organic rankine cycle system is combined with a vapor compression cycle system with the turbine generator of the organic rankine cycle generating the power necessary to operate the motor of the refrigerant compressor. The vapor compression cycle is applied with its evaporator cooling the inlet air into a gas turbine, and the organic rankine cycle is applied to receive heat from a gas turbine exhaust to heat its boiler within one embodiment, a common condenser is used for the organic rankine cycle and the vapor compression cycle, with a common refrigerant, R-245a being circulated within both systems. In another embodiment, the turbine driven generator has a common shaft connected to the compressor to thereby eliminate the need for a separate motor to drive the compressor. In another embodiment, an organic rankine cycle system is applied to an internal combustion engine to cool the fluids thereof, and the turbo charged air is cooled first by the organic rankine cycle system and then by an air conditioner prior to passing into the intake of the engine.

  7. Physical Vapor Deposition of Thin Films (United States)

    Mahan, John E.


    A unified treatment of the theories, data, and technologies underlying physical vapor deposition methods With electronic, optical, and magnetic coating technologies increasingly dominating manufacturing in the high-tech industries, there is a growing need for expertise in physical vapor deposition of thin films. This important new work provides researchers and engineers in this field with the information they need to tackle thin film processes in the real world. Presenting a cohesive, thoroughly developed treatment of both fundamental and applied topics, Physical Vapor Deposition of Thin Films incorporates many critical results from across the literature as it imparts a working knowledge of a variety of present-day techniques. Numerous worked examples, extensive references, and more than 100 illustrations and photographs accompany coverage of: * Thermal evaporation, sputtering, and pulsed laser deposition techniques * Key theories and phenomena, including the kinetic theory of gases, adsorption and condensation, high-vacuum pumping dynamics, and sputtering discharges * Trends in sputter yield data and a new simplified collisional model of sputter yield for pure element targets * Quantitative models for film deposition rate, thickness profiles, and thermalization of the sputtered beam

  8. Measurement of vapor behavior in tight-lattice bundles by neutron radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kureta, Masatoshi; Akimoto, Hajime


    Three-dimensional and instantaneous void fractions in tight-lattice 7-rod and 14-rod bundles were measured by neutron radiography in order to make clear the flow behavior and to verify the advanced fine-mesh numerical analysis codes for the R and D of the Reduced-Moderation Water Reactors (RMWR). Time-averaged 3D void fraction distribution is evaluated with the spatial resolution of 0.1 - 0.2 mm using neutron tomography, and consecutive change of vapor behavior is observed quantitatively with time step of 1 ms using high-frame-rate neutron radiography (HFR-NR). In this paper, void fraction distribution and vapor behavior of flow boiling of water in tight-lattice rod bundles are focused on and discussed based on the obtained results. 'High void fraction spot', 'void drift phenomenon', and 'vapor chimney' were observed under atmospheric pressure conditions. Here, 'high void fraction spot' indicates that high void fraction regions are appeared between adjacent rods, narrow space, at/near point of net vapor generation region. 'Void drift' and 'vapor chimney' represent that high void fraction region moves to wide triangular space and is formed a vapor flow channel so-called 'vapor chimney'. It was confirmed from the time-averaged 3D data that void fraction in the center is higher than that in the periphery. On the other hand, it was found from the HFR-NR experiments that big vapor bubbles and/or cluster flow upward intermittently not only in the center but in the periphery of the channel and, therefore, point of net vapor generation is scattered statistically in wide region. (author)

  9. GeoSteamNet: A computer code to simulate geothermal steam flow in a pipeline network; GeoSteamNet: Programa de computo para simular el flujo de vapor geotermico de una red de vaporductos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verma P., Mahendra; Aragon A., Alfonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Ruiz L., Alejando; Mendoza C., Alfredo [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Campo Geotermico Los Azufres, Campamento Agua Fria, Michoacan (Mexico)


    transporte del flujo de vapor en una red de vaporductos de un campo geotermico. El movimiento del fluido se rige por los siguientes principios basicos: la conservacion de la masa, el principio de movimiento lineal (segunda ley de Newton o las ecuaciones de Navier Stokes) y la primera y segunda leyes de la termodinamica. La segunda ley de la termodinamica permite definir la direccion de un proceso espontaneo, que esta indirectamente validado en el algoritmo, debido a que el vapor fluye de alta a baja presion y el calor fluye de alta a baja temperatura. Las ecuaciones no lineales se resuelven con el metodo de Newton-Raphson. Utilizando el componente ActiveX OrificeMeter, se realizo el balance de masa para el flujo de vapor en las unidades de generacion U-15 y U-16 del campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Mich., en febrero de 2009. La U-15 fue alimentada por los pozos productores AZ-04, Z-28, Z-30, AZ-65D, y AZ-66, mientras que los pozos AZ-28A, AZ-45, Z-56, Z-67 y AZ- 69D estaban conectados a la U-16. La diferencia entre la cantidad de vapor recibida en las unidades y producida por los pozos respectivos esta dentro de {+-}4%, lo cual es aceptable para fines practicos para el suministro de vapor, tomando en cuenta las incertidumbres en varios parametros tales como la presion, la temperatura, la fluctuacion de la presion en el cabezal del pozo, entre otros. Los resultados de la simulacion de una red hipotetica de vaporductos de un sistema geotermico con dos pozos productores y una planta de generacion de energia electrica ilustran la funcionalidad de GeoSteamNet, mostrando varios puntos importantes a destacar. Para una geometria especifica de las redes de vaporductos solo hay una cierta cantidad de masa (vapor) que puede ser transportado a una presion dada de los pozos y de la planta generadora. La construccion y modificacion de una red de vaporductos son muy costosas y la produccion de pozos geotermicos responde a los factores de su naturaleza, por lo tanto, hay necesidad de

  10. Improved waste water vapor compression distillation technology. [for Spacelab (United States)

    Johnson, K. L.; Nuccio, P. P.; Reveley, W. F.


    The vapor compression distillation process is a method of recovering potable water from crewman urine in a manned spacecraft or space station. A description is presented of the research and development approach to the solution of the various problems encountered with previous vapor compression distillation units. The design solutions considered are incorporated in the preliminary design of a vapor compression distillation subsystem. The new design concepts are available for integration in the next generation of support systems and, particularly, the regenerative life support evaluation intended for project Spacelab.

  11. Numerical simulation of superheated vapor bubble rising in stagnant liquid (United States)

    Samkhaniani, N.; Ansari, M. R.


    In present study, the rising of superheated vapor bubble in saturated liquid is simulated using volume of fluid method in OpenFOAM cfd package. The surface tension between vapor-liquid phases is considered using continuous surface force method. In order to reduce spurious current near interface, Lafaurie smoothing filter is applied to improve curvature calculation. Phase change is considered using Tanasawa mass transfer model. The variation of saturation temperature in vapor bubble with local pressure is considered with simplified Clausius-Clapeyron relation. The couple velocity-pressure equation is solved using PISO algorithm. The numerical model is validated with: (1) isothermal bubble rising and (2) one-dimensional horizontal film condensation. Then, the shape and life time history of single superheated vapor bubble are investigated. The present numerical study shows vapor bubble in saturated liquid undergoes boiling and condensation. It indicates bubble life time is nearly linear proportional with bubble size and superheat temperature.

  12. 27 CFR 19.821 - Production of vinegar by the vaporizing process. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Production of vinegar by the vaporizing process. 19.821 Section 19.821 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND... Vinegar by the Vaporizing Process Scope of Subpart § 19.821 Production of vinegar by the vaporizing...

  13. Influencia del uso de los videojuegos en la conducta antisocial y agresividad de los adolescentes


    Oroval Escandell, Ricardo


    Treball Final de Grau en Criminologia i Seguretat. Codi: CS1044. Curs: 2014/2015 Desde la popularización de los videojuegos y sobre todo de los videojuegos violentos, siempre se ha dicho que este tipo de entretenimiento influye en los jóvenes volviéndolos más agresivos y antisociales. En este TFG vamos a tratar de ver qué entendemos por conducta antisocial, por agresión y conducta agresiva, y también qué se entiende por videojuegos violentos, qué contenido tienen para consider...

  14. Evaluación de la retrogradación del almidón en harina de yuca precocida


    Rodríguez Sandoval, Eduardo; Sandoval Aldana, Angélica; Fernández Quintero, Alejandro


    Las modificaciones del almidón, que ocurren durante el proceso de elaboración de harina de yuca precocida, se evaluaron utilizando técnicas como calorimetría diferencial de barrido (CDB), difracción de rayos X, comportamiento al empastamiento y capacidad de formación de complejo con yodo. La harina precocida se obtuvo a partir de trozos de parénquima de yuca cocinados en vapor o en agua a ebullición, los cuales fueron posteriormente alma...

  15. Chemically assisted release of transition metals in graphite vaporizers for atomic spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katskov, Dmitri; Darangwa, Nicholas; Grotti, Marco


    The processes associated with the vaporization of microgram samples and modifiers in a graphite tube ET AAS were investigated by the example of transition metals. The vapor absorption spectra and vaporization behavior of μg-amounts Cd, Zn, Cu, Ag, Au, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn and Cr were studied using the UV spectrometer with CCD detector, coupled with a continuum radiation source. The pyrocoated, Ta or W lined tubes, with Ar or He as internal gases, and filter furnace were employed in the comparative experiments. It was found that the kinetics of atomic vapor release changed depending on the specific metal-substrate-gas combination; fast vaporization at the beginning was followed by slower 'tailing.' The absorption continuum, overlapped by black body radiation at longer wavelengths, accompanied the fast vaporization mode for all metals, except Cd and Zn. The highest intensity of the continuum was observed in the pyrocoated tube with Ar. For Cu and Ag the molecular bands overlapped the absorption continuum; the continuum and bands were suppressed in the filter furnace. It is concluded that the exothermal interaction of sample vapor with the material of the tube causes the energy evolution in the gas phase. The emitted heat is dispersed near the tube wall in the protective gas and partially transferred back to the surface of the sample, thus facilitating the vaporization. The increased vapor flow causes over-saturation and gas-phase condensation in the absorption volume at some distance from the wall, where the gas temperature is not affected by the reaction. The condensation is accompanied by the release of phase transition energy via black body radiation and atomic emission. The particles of condensate and molecular clusters cause the scattering of light and molecular absorption; slow decomposition of the products of the sample vapor-substrate reaction produces the 'tailing' of atomic absorption signal. The interaction of graphite with metal vapor or oxygen, formed in the

  16. Vapor liquid fraction determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This invention describes a method of measuring liquid and vapor fractions in a non-homogeneous fluid flowing through an elongate conduit, such as may be required with boiling water, non-boiling turbulent flows, fluidized bed experiments, water-gas mixing analysis, and nuclear plant cooling. (UK)

  17. Failure problems in superheater spacers of steam generators; Problematica de fallas en espaciadores de sobrecalentadores de generadores de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chacon Nava, Jose G; Martinez Villafane, Alberto [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico); Fuentes Samaniego, Raul [Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (Mexico); Mojica Calderon, Cecilio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In this article the general aspects of the steam generator superheater fixed spacers failures are analyzed, emphasis is made on the influence several aspects such as the operation of the unit have, the appropriate execution of welds and the selection of binding materials. Likewise several recommendations are made to bring the failures to a minimum. [Espanol] En este articulo se analizan aspectos generales de fallas en espaciadores fijos de sobrecalentadores de generadores de vapor, y se hace hincapie en la influencia que tienen diversos aspectos tales como la operacion de la unidad, la adecuada ejecucion de soldaduras y la seleccion del material de aporte. Asimismo, se proponen algunas recomendaciones para reducir al minimo las fallas.

  18. Evaluación agroindustrial de los aceites esenciales de Artemisia dracunculos L, Franseria artemisioides Willd, Salvia officinalis L, Lippia dulcis Frev, y Occimun americanum L en condiciones del Valle del Cauca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sánchez Orozco Manuel Salvador


    Full Text Available

    En parcelas establecidas de la Colección de Trabajo de Plantas Medicinales del Centro Experimental CEUNP en condiciones del departamento del Valle del Cauca, se tomaron muestras del material vegetal mediante el corte manual en un marco de 0.25m2 ; se separaron hojas, tallos y flores de cada especie. Se determinó el porcentaje de materia seca y se acondicionó para el proceso de extracción de aceite esencial mediante arrastre con vapor. A los aceites obtenidos se les midió la densidad, y el índice de refracción, y al de mayor rendimiento en cada especie se le determinó la composición química mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a masas.

    Los mayores rendimientos de aceite esencial se presentaron en las hojas de las cinco especies; los compuestos químicos más representativos fueron Elemicina (40.11% en Estragón, el b-Himachaleno (53.98% en Altamisa, trans-b-Cariofileno (22.18 en Salvia Roja, a-Bisabolol (15.79% en Orozúl y 1,8- Cineol (Eucaliptol (23.34% en Albahaca. Las propiedades físicas fueron coherentes con la presencia de los compuestos químicos encontrados. Todos los aceites esenciales presentan potenciales usos agroindustriales, que varían de acuerdo con la especie y con sus componentes, desde usos en el sector de fragancias, cosmético, medicinal, alimenticio, hasta usos en el sector agrícola.

  19. Evaluación agroindustrial de los aceites esenciales de Artemisia dracunculos L, Franseria artemisioides Willd, Salvia officinalis L, Lippia dulcis Frev, y Occimun americanum L en condiciones del Valle del Cauca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis F Saldarriaga C


    Full Text Available En parcelas establecidas de la Colección de Trabajo de Plantas Medicinales del Centro Experimental CEUNP en condiciones del departamento del Valle del Cauca, se tomaron muestras del material vegetal mediante el corte manual en un marco de 0.25m² ; se separaron hojas, tallos y flores de cada especie. Se determinó el porcentaje de materia seca y se acondicionó para el proceso de extracción de aceite esencial mediante arrastre con vapor. A los aceites obtenidos se les midió la densidad, y el índice de refracción, y al de mayor rendimiento en cada especie se le determinó la composición química mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a masas. Los mayores rendimientos de aceite esencial se presentaron en las hojas de las cinco especies; los compuestos químicos más representativos fueron Elemicina (40.11% en Estragón, el b-Himachaleno (53.98% en Altamisa, trans-b-Cariofileno (22.18 en Salvia Roja, a-Bisabolol (15.79% en Orozúl y 1,8- Cineol (Eucaliptol (23.34% en Albahaca. Las propiedades físicas fueron coherentes con la presencia de los compuestos químicos encontrados. Todos los aceites esenciales presentan potenciales usos agroindustriales, que varían de acuerdo con la especie y con sus componentes, desde usos en el sector de fragancias, cosmético, medicinal, alimenticio, hasta usos en el sector agrícola.

  20. Removal of hydrogen sulfide as ammonium sulfate from hydropyrolysis product vapors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marker, Terry L.; Felix, Larry G.; Linck, Martin B.; Roberts, Michael J.


    A system and method for processing biomass into hydrocarbon fuels that includes processing a biomass in a hydropyrolysis reactor resulting in hydrocarbon fuels and a process vapor stream and cooling the process vapor stream to a condensation temperature resulting in an aqueous stream. The aqueous stream is sent to a catalytic reactor where it is oxidized to obtain a product stream containing ammonia and ammonium sulfate. A resulting cooled product vapor stream includes non-condensable process vapors comprising H.sub.2, CH.sub.4, CO, CO.sub.2, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

  1. Removal of hydrogen sulfide as ammonium sulfate from hydropyrolysis product vapors (United States)

    Marker, Terry L; Felix, Larry G; Linck, Martin B; Roberts, Michael J


    A system and method for processing biomass into hydrocarbon fuels that includes processing a biomass in a hydropyrolysis reactor resulting in hydrocarbon fuels and a process vapor stream and cooling the process vapor stream to a condensation temperature resulting in an aqueous stream. The aqueous stream is sent to a catalytic reactor where it is oxidized to obtain a product stream containing ammonia and ammonium sulfate. A resulting cooled product vapor stream includes non-condensable process vapors comprising H.sub.2, CH.sub.4, CO, CO.sub.2, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

  2. Development of halide copper vapor laser (the characteristics of using Cul)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oouti, Kazumi; Wada, Yukio; Sasao, Nobuyuki


    We are developing halide copper vapor laser that is high efficiency and high reputation rate visible laser. Halide copper vapor laser uses halide copper of copper vapor source. It melts low temperature in comporison with metal copper, because laser tube structure is very simple and it can operate easy. This time, we experiment to use Cul for copper vapor source. We resulted maximum output energy 17.8 (W) and maximum efficiency 0.78 (%) when operate condition was reputation rate 30 (kHz), gas pressure 90 (Torr), charging voltage 13 (kV). (author)

  3. The role of fragmentation mechanism in large-scale vapor explosions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Jie


    A non-equilibrium, multi-phase, multi-component code PROVER-I is developed for propagation phase of vapor explosion. Two fragmentation models are used. The hydrodynamic fragmentation model is the same as Fletcher's one. A new thermal fragmentation model is proposed with three kinds of time scale for modeling instant fragmentation, spontaneous nucleation fragmentation and normal boiling fragmentation. The role of fragmentation mechanisms is investigated by the simulations of the pressure wave propagation and energy conversion ratio of ex-vessel vapor explosion. The spontaneous nucleation fragmentation results in a much higher pressure peak and a larger energy conversion ratio than hydrodynamic fragmentation. The instant fragmentation gives a slightly larger energy conversion ratio than spontaneous nucleation fragmentation, and the normal boiling fragmentation results in a smaller energy conversion ratio. The detailed analysis of the structure of pressure wave makes it clear that thermal detonation exists only under the thermal fragmentation circumstance. The high energy conversion ratio is obtained in a small vapor volume fraction. However, in larger vapor volume fraction conditions, the vapor explosion is weak. In a large-scale vapor explosion, the hydrodynamic fragmentation is essential when the pressure wave becomes strong, so a small energy conversion ratio is expected. (author)

  4. An exposure system for measuring nasal and lung uptake of vapors in rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dahl, A.R.; Brookins, L.K.; Gerde, P. [National Inst. for Working Life, Solna (Sweden)


    Inhaled gases and vapors often produce biological damage in the nasal cavity and lower respiratory tract. The specific site within the respirator tract at which a gas or vapor is absorbed strongly influences the tissues at risk to potential toxic effects; to predict or to explain tissue or cell specific toxicity of inhaled gases or vapors, the sites at which they are absorbed must be known. The purpose of the work reported here was to develop a system for determining nose and lung absorption of vapors in rats, an animal commonly used in inhalation toxicity studies. In summary, the exposure system described allows us to measure in the rate: (1) nasal absorption and desorption of vapors; (2) net lung uptake of vapors; and (3) the effects of changed breathing parameters on vapor uptake.

  5. Nuclear system vaporization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bougault, R.; Brou, R.; Colin, J.; Cussol, D.; Durand, D.; Le Brun, C.; Lecolley, J.F.; Lopez, O.; Louvel, M.; Nakagawa, T.; Peter, J.; Regimbart, R.; Steckmeyer, J.C.; Tamain, B.; Vient, E.; Yuasa-Nakagawa, K.; Wieloch, A.


    A particular case of the hot nuclei de-excitation is the total nuclear dislocation into light particles (n, p, d, t, 3 He and α). Such events were first observed at bombarding energies lower than 100 MeV/nucleon due to high detection performances of the INDRA multidetector. The light system Ar + Ni was studied at several bombarding energies ranging from 32 to 95 MeV/nucleon. The events associated to a total vaporization of the system occur above the energy threshold of ∼ 50 MeV/nucleon. A study of the form of these events shows that we have essentially two sources. The excitation energy of these sources may be determined by means of the kinematic properties of their de-excitation products. A preliminary study results in excitation energy values of the order 10 - 14 MeV/nucleon. The theoretical calculation based on a statistical model modified to take into account high excitation energies and excited levels in the lightest nuclei predicts that the vaporization of the two partner nuclei in the Ar + Ni system takes place when the excitation energy exceeds 12 MeV/nucleon what is qualitatively in agreement with the values deduced from calorimetric analysis

  6. Laser vapor phase deposition of semiconductors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karlov, N.V.; Luk' ianchuk, B.S.; Sisakian, E.V.; Shafeev, G.A.


    The pyrolytic effect of IR laser radiation is investigated with reference to the initiation and control of the vapor phase deposition of semiconductor films. By selecting the gas mixture composition and laser emission parameters, it is possible to control the deposition and crystal formation processes on the surface of semiconductors, with the main control action achieved due to the nonadiabatic kinetics of reactions in the gas phase and high temperatures in the laser heating zone. This control mechanism is demonstrated experimentally during the laser vapor deposition of germanium and silicon films from tetrachlorides on single-crystal Si and Ge substrates. 5 references.

  7. The vaporization enthalpies and vapor pressures of fatty acid methyl esters C18, C21 to C23, and C25 to C29 by correlation - gas chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chickos, James S.; Zhao Hui; Nichols, Gary


    Vapor pressures and vaporization enthalpies for methyl heptadecanoate and methyl heneicosanoate to methyl octacosanoate exclusive of methyl tricosanoate are evaluated as a function of temperature over the temperature range T = 298.15-450 K by correlation gas chromatography. The results are generated by an extrapolative process using literature values for methyl tetradecanoate to methyl eicosanoate as standards. Relationships for calculating vapor pressures of the title compounds from T = 298.15 to 450 K are provided. Experimental fusion enthalpies are also reported for the methyl esters from methyl hexadecanoate to methyl octacosanoate excluding methyl tridecanoate. Vaporization enthalpies and fusion enthalpies adjusted for temperature to T = 298.15 K are combined to provide sublimation enthalpies. The results are compared to available literature values. A rationale for the linear relationship observed between enthalpies of vaporization and enthalpies of transfer from solution to the vapor is also provided

  8. Monolithic microwave integrated circuit water vapor radiometer (United States)

    Sukamto, L. M.; Cooley, T. W.; Janssen, M. A.; Parks, G. S.


    A proof of concept Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) Water Vapor Radiometer (WVR) is under development at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). WVR's are used to remotely sense water vapor and cloud liquid water in the atmosphere and are valuable for meteorological applications as well as for determination of signal path delays due to water vapor in the atmosphere. The high cost and large size of existing WVR instruments motivate the development of miniature MMIC WVR's, which have great potential for low cost mass production. The miniaturization of WVR components allows large scale deployment of WVR's for Earth environment and meteorological applications. Small WVR's can also result in improved thermal stability, resulting in improved calibration stability. Described here is the design and fabrication of a 31.4 GHz MMIC radiometer as one channel of a thermally stable WVR as a means of assessing MMIC technology feasibility.

  9. Stability limit of liquid water in metastable equilibrium with subsaturated vapors. (United States)

    Wheeler, Tobias D; Stroock, Abraham D


    A pure liquid can reach metastable equilibrium with its subsaturated vapor across an appropriate membrane. This situation is analogous to osmotic equilibrium: the reduced chemical potential of the dilute phase (the subsaturated vapor) is compensated by a difference in pressure between the phases. To equilibrate with subsaturated vapor, the liquid phase assumes a pressure that is lower than its standard vapor pressure, such that the liquid phase is metastable with respect to the vapor phase. For sufficiently subsaturated vapors, the liquid phase can even assume negative pressures. The appropriate membrane for this metastable equilibrium must provide the necessary mechanical support to sustain the difference in pressure between the two phases, limit nonhomogeneous mechanisms of cavitation, and resist the entry of the dilutant (gases) into the pure phase (liquid). In this article, we present a study of the limit of stability of liquid water--the degree of subsaturation at which the liquid cavitates--in this metastable state within microscale voids embedded in hydrogel membranes. We refer to these structures as vapor-coupled voids (VCVs). In these VCVs, we observed that liquid water cavitated when placed in equilibrium with vapors of activity aw,vapairhumiditynucleation theory or molecular simulations (Pcav=-140 to -180 MPa). To determine the cause of the disparity between the observed and predicted stability limit, we examine experimentally the likelihood of several nonhomogeneous mechanisms of nucleation: (i) heterogeneous nucleation caused by hydrophobic patches on void walls, (ii) nucleation caused by the presence of dissolved solute, (iii) nucleation caused by the presence of pre-existing vapor nuclei, and (iv) invasion of air through the hydrogel membrane into the voids. We conclude that, of these possibilities, (i) and (ii) cannot be discounted, whereas (iii) and (iv) are unlikely to play a role in determining the stability limit.

  10. Relationships between fusion, solution, vaporization and sublimation enthalpies of substituted phenols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yagofarov, Mikhail I.; Nagrimanov, Ruslan N.; Solomonov, Boris N.


    Highlights: • Method for determination of sublimation and vaporization enthalpies of phenols was developed. • Vaporization enthalpies of 28 phenols at 298 K were calculated. • Sublimation enthalpies of 26 phenols at 298 K were calculated using fusion enthalpies at melting temperatures. • Obtained values are in good agreement with the results of conventional methods. - Abstract: In this work a method for determination of sublimation and vaporization enthalpies of substituted phenols was developed. This method is a modification of solution calorimetry approach. Modification is based on the novel relations, which bind solution, vaporization and sublimation enthalpies at 298.15 K and fusion enthalpy at the melting temperature. According to novel relations the equations for calculating sublimation and vaporization enthalpies at 298.15 K were offered. Calculated values of sublimation and vaporization enthalpies of phenol derivatives containing alkyls, halogens, –OCH 3 , –NO 2 , –COCH 3 , –COOCH 3 groups, and dihydroxybenzenes were compared with literature data (298.15 K) obtained by conventional methods. In most of the cases divergence does not exceed 2–3%.

  11. The annual cycle of stratospheric water vapor in a general circulation model (United States)

    Mote, Philip W.


    The application of general circulation models (GCM's) to stratospheric chemistry and transport both permits and requires a thorough investigation of stratospheric water vapor. The National Center for Atmospheric Research has redesigned its GCM, the Community Climate Model (CCM2), to enable studies of the chemistry and transport of tracers including water vapor; the importance of water vapor to the climate and chemistry of the stratosphere requires that it be better understood in the atmosphere and well represented in the model. In this study, methane is carried as a tracer and converted to water; this simple chemistry provides an adequate representation of the upper stratospheric water vapor source. The cold temperature bias in the winter polar stratosphere, which the CCM2 shares with other GCM's, produces excessive dehydration in the southern hemisphere, but this dry bias can be ameliorated by setting a minimum vapor pressure. The CCM2's water vapor distribution and seasonality compare favorably with observations in many respects, though seasonal variations including the upper stratospheric semiannual oscillation are generally too small. Southern polar dehydration affects midlatitude water vapor mixing ratios by a few tenths of a part per million, mostly after the demise of the vortex. The annual cycle of water vapor in the tropical and northern midlatitude lower stratosphere is dominated by drying at the tropical tropopause. Water vapor has a longer adjustment time than methane and had not reached equilibrium at the end of the 9 years simulated here.

  12. Hybrid Vapor Stripping-Vapor Permeation Process for Recovery and Dehydration of 1-Butanol and Acetone/Butanol/Ethanol from Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Part 2. Experimental Validation with Simple Mixtures and Actual Fermentation Broth (United States)

    BACKGROUND: In Part1 of this work, a process integrating vapor stripping, vapor compression, and a vapor permeation membrane separation step, Membrane Assisted Vapor Stripping (MAVS), was predicted to produce energy savings compared to traditional distillation systems for separat...

  13. Removal of gasoline vapors from air streams by biofiltration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Apel, W.A.; Kant, W.D.; Colwell, F.S.; Singleton, B.; Lee, B.D.; Andrews, G.F.; Espinosa, A.M.; Johnson, E.G.


    Research was performed to develop a biofilter for the biodegradation of gasoline vapors. The overall goal of this effort was to provide information necessary for the design, construction, and operation of a commercial gasoline vapor biofilter. Experimental results indicated that relatively high amounts of gasoline vapor adsorption occur during initial exposure of the biofilter bed medium to gasoline vapors. Biological removal occurs over a 22 to 40{degrees}C temperature range with removal being completely inhibited at 54{degrees}C. The addition of fertilizer to the relatively fresh bed medium used did not increase the rates of gasoline removal in short term experiments. Microbiological analyses indicated that high levels of gasoline degrading microbes are naturally present in the bed medium and that additional inoculation with hydrocarbon degrading cultures does not appreciably increase gasoline removal rates. At lower gasoline concentrations, the vapor removal rates were considerably lower than those at higher gasoline concentrations. This implies that system designs facilitating gasoline transport to the micro-organisms could substantially increase gasoline removal rates at lower gasoline vapor concentrations. Test results from a field scale prototype biofiltration system showed volumetric productivity (i.e., average rate of gasoline degradation per unit bed volume) values that were consistent with those obtained with laboratory column biofilters at similar inlet gasoline concentrations. In addition, total benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, and xylene (BTEX) removal over the operating conditions employed was 50 to 55%. Removal of benzene was approximately 10 to 15% and removal of the other members of the BTEX group was much higher, typically >80%.

  14. Removal of gasoline vapors from air streams by biofiltration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Apel, W.A.; Kant, W.D.; Colwell, F.S.; Singleton, B.; Lee, B.D.; Andrews, G.F.; Espinosa, A.M.; Johnson, E.G.


    Research was performed to develop a biofilter for the biodegradation of gasoline vapors. The overall goal of this effort was to provide information necessary for the design, construction, and operation of a commercial gasoline vapor biofilter. Experimental results indicated that relatively high amounts of gasoline vapor adsorption occur during initial exposure of the biofilter bed medium to gasoline vapors. Biological removal occurs over a 22 to 40[degrees]C temperature range with removal being completely inhibited at 54[degrees]C. The addition of fertilizer to the relatively fresh bed medium used did not increase the rates of gasoline removal in short term experiments. Microbiological analyses indicated that high levels of gasoline degrading microbes are naturally present in the bed medium and that additional inoculation with hydrocarbon degrading cultures does not appreciably increase gasoline removal rates. At lower gasoline concentrations, the vapor removal rates were considerably lower than those at higher gasoline concentrations. This implies that system designs facilitating gasoline transport to the micro-organisms could substantially increase gasoline removal rates at lower gasoline vapor concentrations. Test results from a field scale prototype biofiltration system showed volumetric productivity (i.e., average rate of gasoline degradation per unit bed volume) values that were consistent with those obtained with laboratory column biofilters at similar inlet gasoline concentrations. In addition, total benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, and xylene (BTEX) removal over the operating conditions employed was 50 to 55%. Removal of benzene was approximately 10 to 15% and removal of the other members of the BTEX group was much higher, typically >80%.

  15. Constrained Vapor Bubble Experiment (United States)

    Gokhale, Shripad; Plawsky, Joel; Wayner, Peter C., Jr.; Zheng, Ling; Wang, Ying-Xi


    Microgravity experiments on the Constrained Vapor Bubble Heat Exchanger, CVB, are being developed for the International Space Station. In particular, we present results of a precursory experimental and theoretical study of the vertical Constrained Vapor Bubble in the Earth's environment. A novel non-isothermal experimental setup was designed and built to study the transport processes in an ethanol/quartz vertical CVB system. Temperature profiles were measured using an in situ PC (personal computer)-based LabView data acquisition system via thermocouples. Film thickness profiles were measured using interferometry. A theoretical model was developed to predict the curvature profile of the stable film in the evaporator. The concept of the total amount of evaporation, which can be obtained directly by integrating the experimental temperature profile, was introduced. Experimentally measured curvature profiles are in good agreement with modeling results. For microgravity conditions, an analytical expression, which reveals an inherent relation between temperature and curvature profiles, was derived.

  16. Tank Vapor Characterization Project: Vapor space characterization of waste Tank A-101, Results from samples collected on June 8, 1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pool, K.H.; Clauss, T.W.; McVeety, B.D.; Evans, J.C.; Thomas, B.L.; Olsen, K.B.; Fruchter, J.S.; Ligotke, M.W.


    This report describes the analytical results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of the waste storage tank 241-A-101 (Tank A-101) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. The results described in this report were obtained to characterize the vapors present in the tank headspace and to support safety evaluations and tank-farm operations. The results include air concentrations of selected inorganic and organic analytes and grouped compounds from samples obtained by Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) and provided for analysis to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNL). Analyses were performed by the Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) at PNL. Analyte concentrations were based on analytical results and, where appropriate, sample volumes provided by WHC. A summary of the results is listed in Table 1. Detailed descriptions of the analytical results appear in the text

  17. Analysis of the one-dimensional transient compressible vapor flow in heat pipes (United States)

    Jang, Jong H.; Faghri, Amir; Chang, Won S.


    The transient compressible one-dimensional vapor flow dynamics in a heat pipe is modeled. The numerical results are obtained by using the implicit non-iterative Beam-Warming finite difference method. The model is tested for simulated heat pipe vapor flow and actual vapor flow in cylindrical heat pipes. A good comparison of the present transient results for the simulated heat pipe vapor flow with the previous results of a two-dimensional numerical model is achieved and the steady state results are in agreement with the existing experimental data. The transient behavior of the vapor flow under subsonic, sonic, and supersonic speeds as well as high mass flow rates are successfully predicted.

  18. Processing Maple Syrup with a Vapor Compression Distiller: An Economic Analysis (United States)

    Lawrence D. Garrett


    A test of vapor compression distillers for processing maple syrup revealed that: (1) vapor compression equipment tested evaporated 1 pound of water with .047 pounds of steam equivalent (electrical energy); open-pan evaporators of similar capacity required 1.5 pounds of steam equivalent (oil energy) to produce 1 pound of water; (2) vapor compression evaporation produced...

  19. Experimental study of the spill and vaporization of a volatile liquid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bohl, Douglas; Jackson, Gregory


    Pool and vapor cloud characteristics of an acetone spill issuing from the downstream wall of a flow obstruction oriented perpendicular to a uniform flow were investigated experimentally. Data indicate that the spill event was largely governed by the temperature of the surface in relation to the boiling point of the spilled liquid. The free stream velocity (ranging from 0.75 to 3.0 m/s) also impacted the spreading of the spill. Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) was used to measure acetone vapor concentrations during the transient pool spreading and vaporization in a window 60 cm long by 50 cm high and located downstream of the 16 cm high obstruction. The recirculation region induced by the flow obstruction caused upstream transport of the acetone vapor along the spill surface, after which it was convected vertically along the obstruction wall before being entrained into the flow and convected downstream. The recirculating flow caused regions of vapor within the flammability limits to be localized near the flow obstruction. These regions moved into and out of the measurement plane by large three-dimensional flow structures. The flammable region of the evolved vapor cloud was observed to grow well past the downstream edge of the measurement domain. With decreasing wind speeds, both the mass of acetone vapor within the flammability limits and the total spill event time increased significantly. The data presented herein provides a basis for validating future spill models of hazardous chemical releases, where complex turbulent flow modeling must be coupled with spill spreading and vaporization dynamics

  20. Post-Decontamination Vapor Sampling and Analytical Test Methods (United States)


    is decontaminated that could pose an exposure hazard to unprotected personnel. The chemical contaminants may include chemical warfare agents (CWAs... decontamination process. Chemical contaminants can include chemical warfare agents (CWAs) or their simulants, nontraditional agents (NTAs), toxic industrial...a range of test articles from coupons, panels, and small fielded equipment items. 15. SUBJECT TERMS Vapor hazard; vapor sampling; chemical warfare

  1. Method and apparatus for suppressing electron generation in a vapor source for isotope separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janes, G.S.


    A system for applying accelerating forces to ionized particles of a vapor in a manner to suppress the flow of electron current from the vapor source. The accelerating forces are applied as an electric field in a configuration orthogonal to a magnetic field. The electric field is applied between one or more anodes in the plasma and one or more cathodes operated as electron emitting surfaces. The circuit for applying the electric field floats the cathodes with respect to the vapor source, thereby removing the vapor source from the circuit of electron flow through the plasma and suppressing the flow of electrons from the vapor source. The potential of other conducting structures contacting the plasma is controlled at or permitted to seek a level which further suppresses the flow of electron currents from the vapor source. Reducing the flow of electrons from the vapor source is particularly useful where the vapor is ionized with isotopic selectivity because it avoids superenergization of the vapor by the electron current

  2. Mineralogía del proceso de biodesulfurización de carbones provenientes de la zona río Guachinte - río Asnazú (Valle del Cauca y Cauca)


    Cardona Rendón, Isabel Cristina


    En Colombia, los depósitos carboníferos se encuentran distribuidos a lo largo de todo el país, encontrándose las mayores reservas en los departamentos de La Guajira, Cesar y Cundinamarca. Los carbones de la región suroccidental del país son útiles para la generación de vapor, pero tienen los más altos contenidos de azufre, principalmente en forma de azufre orgánico y pirita. Para dos muestras de carbón provenientes de la zona río Guachinte – río Asnazú, fue llevado a cabo un proceso de biodes...

  3. In-well vapor stripping drilling and characterization work plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koegler, K.J.


    This work plan provides the information necessary for drilling, sampling, and hydrologic testing of wells to be completed in support of a demonstration of the in-well vapor stripping system. The in-well vapor stripping system is a remediation technology designed to preferentially extract volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from contaminated groundwater by converting them to a vapor phase. Air-lift pumping is used to lift and aerate groundwater within the well. The volatiles escaping the aerated water are drawn off by a slight vacuum and treated at the surface while the water is allowed to infiltrate the vadose zone back to the watertable

  4. A theoretical study of the growth of large sodium vapor bubbles in liquid sodium, including the effect of noncondensables and of vapor convection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casadei, F.; Donne, M.D.


    The study of the dynamics of the expansion of large bubbles of hot sodium vapor in a pool of liquid sodium plays an important role in understanding the effects of a hypothetical core disruptive accident. A model of the growth of the bubble in the pool is described. The equations of the motion of the liquid and of the nonsteady heat diffusion problem are solved together with the continuity and energy equations for the vapor phase. The first set of calculations has been performed with constant evaporation and condensation coefficients. In the second set, however, due account has been taken of the effect on condensation of noncondensable fission gases and vapor convection. Due to the very high calculated vapor velocities, noncondensable gases have little effect on the condensation rate, and the percentage amount of condensed sodium is considerably higher than previously calculated by other authors

  5. On the vapor-liquid equilibrium in hydroprocessing reactors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, J.; Munteanu, M.; Farooqi, H. [National Centre for Upgrading Technology, Devon, AB (Canada)


    When petroleum distillates undergo hydrotreating and hydrocracking, the feedstock and hydrogen pass through trickle-bed catalytic reactors at high temperatures and pressures with large hydrogen flow. As such, the oil is partially vaporized and the hydrogen is partially dissolved in liquid to form a vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) system with both vapor and liquid phases containing oil and hydrogen. This may result in considerable changes in flow rates, physical properties and chemical compositions of both phases. Flow dynamics, mass transfer, heat transfer and reaction kinetics may also be modified. Experimental observations of VLE behaviours in distillates with different feedstocks under a range of operating conditions were presented. In addition, VLE was predicted along with its effects on distillates in pilot and commercial scale plants. tabs., figs.

  6. Eficiencia y disimetría: El caso bioético de la máquina de vapor y de la idea de Carnot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingeborg Carvajal Freese


    Full Text Available Sin lugar a dudas, la máquina de vapor representa un prototipo de aquellas iniciativas tecnológicas que parecían destinadas a cumplir el sueño de progreso, poder y control ilimitados. Sadi Carnot visualizó en la energía de vapor el motor universal e intuyó que de ahí en adelante el mundo irrevocablemente se fracturaría en dos: por un lado permanecerían, estáticos y atrasados, los pueblos primitivos productores de calor; por el otro, avanzarían de manera acelerada los hombres civilizados poseedores de la nueva máquina generadora de trabajo. Aún hoy, cuando el mito tecnológico del progreso ilimitado se ha roto, las brechas sociales siguen indefectiblemente vinculadas a los inventos que se traducen en una redistribución de la energía. Corresponde a la Bioética hacer visibles los ámbitos que se afectan cuando la eficiencia técnica se transmuta en valor y las disimetrías concomitantes se difunden y se amplifican por doquier.

  7. An empirical equation for the enthalpy of vaporization of quantum liquids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuz, Victor A.; Meyra, Ariel G.; Zarragoicoechea, Guillermo J.


    An empirical equation for the enthalpy of vaporization of quantum fluids is presented. Dimensionless analysis is used to define enthalpy of vaporization as a function of temperature with a standard deviation of about 1%. Experimental data represented in these variables show two different behaviours and exhibit different maximum values of the enthalpy of vaporization, one corresponding to fluids with a triple point and the other to fluids having a lambda point. None of the existing empirical equations are able to describe this fact. Also enthalpy of vaporization of helium-3, n-deuterium and n-tritium are estimated

  8. Chemical vapor deposited fiber coatings and chemical vapor infiltrated ceramic matrix composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kmetz, M.A.


    Conventional Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and Organometallic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) were employed to deposit a series of interfacial coatings on SiC and carbon yarn. Molybdenum, tungsten and chromium hexacarbonyls were utilized as precursors in a low temperature (350[degrees]C) MOCVD process to coat SiC yarn with Mo, W and Cr oxycarbides. Annealing studies performed on the MoOC and WOC coated SiC yarns in N[sub 2] to 1,000[degrees]C establish that further decomposition of the oxycarbides occurred, culminating in the formation of the metals. These metals were then found to react with Si to form Mo and W disilicide coatings. In the Cr system, heating in N[sub 2] above 800[degrees]C resulted in the formation of a mixture of carbides and oxides. Convention CVD was also employed to coat SiC and carbon yarn with C, Bn and a new interface designated BC (a carbon-boron alloy). The coated tows were then infiltrated with SiC, TiO[sub 2], SiO[sub 2] and B[sub 4]C by a chemical vapor infiltration process. The B-C coatings were found to provide advantageous interfacial properties over carbon and BN coatings in several different composite systems. The effectiveness of these different coatings to act as a chemically inert barrier layer and their relationship to the degree of interfacial debonding on the mechanical properties of the composites were examined. The effects of thermal stability and strength of the coated fibers and composites were also determined for several difference atmospheres. In addition, a new method for determining the tensile strength of the as-received and coated yarns was also developed. The coated fibers and composites were further characterized by AES, SEM, XPS, IR and X-ray diffraction analysis.

  9. Vaporization of a mixed precursors in chemical vapor deposition for YBCO films (United States)

    Zhou, Gang; Meng, Guangyao; Schneider, Roger L.; Sarma, Bimal K.; Levy, Moises


    Single phase YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films with T(c) values around 90 K are readily obtained by using a single source chemical vapor deposition technique with a normal precursor mass transport. The quality of the films is controlled by adjusting the carrier gas flow rate and the precursor feed rate.

  10. The self-similar turbulent flow of low-pressure water vapor (United States)

    Konyukhov, V. K.; Stepanov, E. V.; Borisov, S. K.


    We studied turbulent flows of water vapor in a pipe connecting two closed vessels of equal volume. The vessel that served as a source of water vapor was filled with adsorbent in the form of corundum ceramic balls. These ceramic balls were used to obtain specific conditions to lower the vapor pressure in the source vessel that had been observed earlier. A second vessel, which served as a receiver, was empty of either air or vapor before each vapor sampling. The rate of the pressure increase in the receiver vessel was measured in a series of six samplings performed with high precision. The pressure reduction rate in the source vessel was found to be three times lower than the pressure growth rate in the receiver vessel. We found that the pressure growth rates in all of the adjacent pairs of samples could be arranged in a combination that appeared to be identical for all pairs, and this revealed the existence of a rather interesting and peculiar self-similarity law for the sampling processes under consideration.

  11. La superaci??n del modelo del ??ngel del hogar:


    Hurtado Mu??oz, M??nica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superaci??n del modelo del "??ngel del hogar". Recuperaci??n de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un an??lisis sociol??gico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer espa??ola en el cambio de siglo en el ??mbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las caracter??sticas propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye q...

  12. Water vapor differential absorption lidar development and evaluation (United States)

    Browell, E. V.; Wilkerson, T. D.; Mcllrath, T. J.


    A ground-based differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system is described which has been developed for vertical range-resolved measurements of water vapor. The laser transmitter consists of a ruby-pumped dye laser, which is operated on a water vapor absorption line at 724.372 nm. Part of the ruby laser output is transmitted simultaneously with the dye laser output to determine atmospheric scattering and attenuation characteristics. The dye and ruby laser backscattered light is collected by a 0.5-m diam telescope, optically separated in the receiver package, and independently detected using photomultiplier tubes. Measurements of vertical water vapor concentration profiles using the DIAL system at night are discussed, and comparisons are made between the water vapor DIAL measurements and data obtained from locally launched rawinsondes. Agreement between these measurements was found to be within the uncertainty of the rawinsonde data to an altitude of 3 km. Theoretical simulations of this measurement were found to give reasonably accurate predictions of the random error of the DIAL measurements. Confidence in these calculations will permit the design of aircraft and Shuttle DIAL systems and experiments using simulation results as the basis for defining lidar system performance requirements

  13. Thermodynamic and transport properties of sodium liquid and vapor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fink, J.K.; Leibowitz, L.


    Data have been reviewed to obtain thermodynamically consistent equations for thermodynamic and transport properties of saturated sodium liquid and vapor. Recently published Russian recommendations and results of equation of state calculations on thermophysical properties of sodium have been included in this critical assessment. Thermodynamic properties of sodium liquid and vapor that have been assessed include: enthalpy, heat capacity at constant pressure, heat capacity at constant volume, vapor pressure, boiling point, enthalpy of vaporization, density, thermal expansion, adiabatic and isothermal compressibility, speed of sound, critical parameters, and surface tension. Transport properties of liquid sodium that have been assessed include: viscosity and thermal conductivity. For each property, recommended values and their uncertainties are graphed and tabulated as functions of temperature. Detailed discussions of the analyses and determinations of the recommended equations include comparisons with recommendations given in other assessments and explanations of consistency requirements. The rationale and methods used in determining the uncertainties in the recommended values are also discussed

  14. Tank Vapor Characterization Project. Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank AX-102: Results from samples collected on June 27, 1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clauss, T.W.; Pool, K.H.; Evans, J.C.; McVeety, B.D.; Thomas, B.L.; Olsen, K.B.; Fruchter, J.S.; Ligotke, M.W.


    This report describes the analytical results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of the waste storage tank 241-AX-102 (Tank AX-102) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. The results described in this report were obtained to characterize the vapors present in the tank headspace and to support safety evaluations and tank-farm operations. The results include air concentrations of selected inorganic and organic analytes and grouped compounds from samples obtained by Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) and provided for analysis to Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL). Analyses were performed by the Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) at PNL. Analyte concentrations were based on analytical results and, where appropriate, sample volumes provided by WHC. Detailed descriptions of the analytical results appear in the text

  15. DuPont Chemical Vapor Technical Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MOORE, T.L.


    DuPont Safety Resources was tasked with reviewing the current chemical vapor control practices and providing preventive recommendations on best commercial techniques to control worker exposures. The increased focus of the tank closure project to meet the 2024 Tri-Party Agreement (TPA) milestones has surfaced concerns among some CH2MHill employees and other interested parties. CH2MHill is committed to providing a safe working environment for employees and desires to safely manage the tank farm operations using appropriate control measures. To address worker concerns, CH2MHill has chartered a ''Chemical Vapors Project'' to integrate the activities of multiple CH2MHill project teams, and solicit the expertise of external resources, including an independent Industrial Hygiene expert panel, a communications consultant, and DuPont Safety Resources. Over a three-month time period, DuPont worked with CH2MHill ESH and Q, Industrial Hygiene, Engineering, and the independent expert panel to perform the assessment. The process included overview presentations, formal interviews, informal discussions, documentation review, and literature review. DuPont Safety Resources concluded that it is highly unlikely that workers in the tank farms are exposed to chemicals above established standards. Additionally, the conventional and radiological chemistry is understood, the inherent chemical hazards are known, and the risk associated with chemical vapor exposure is properly managed. The assessment highlighted management's commitment to addressing chemical vapor hazards and controlling the associated risks. Additionally, we found the Industrial Hygiene staff to be technically competent and well motivated. The tank characterization data resides in a comprehensive database containing the tank chemical compositions and relevant airborne concentrations

  16. Evaporation monitoring and composition control of alloy systems with widely differing vapor pressures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anklam, T.M.; Berzins, L.V.; Braun, D.G.; Haynam, C.; McClelland, M.A.; Meier, T.


    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is developing sensors and controls to improve and extend electron beam materials processing technology to alloy systems with constituents of widely varying vapor pressure. The approach under development involves using tunable lasers to measure the density and composition of the vapor plume. A laser based vaporizer control system for vaporization of a uranium-iron alloy has been previously demonstrated in multi-hundred hour, high rate vaporization experiments at LLNL. This paper reviews the design and performance of the uranium vaporization sensor and control system and discusses the extension of the technology to monitoring of uranium vaporization. Data is presented from an experiment in which titanium wire was fed into a molten niobium pool. Laser data is compared to deposited film composition and film cross sections. Finally, the potential for using this technique for composition control in melting applications is discussed

  17. Experimental study of vapor explosion of molten salt and low boiling point liquid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iida, Yoshihiro; Takashima, Takeo


    Fundamental study of vapor explosion using small drops of high temperature liquid and low boiling point liquid and a series of small-scale vapor explosion tests are carried out. A single or plural drops of molten LiNO 3 are dropped into ethyl alcohol and the temperature range of two liquids wherein the fragmentation occurs is examined. The propagation phenomenon of vapor explosion between two drops is photographed and the pressure trace is proved to be well consistent with the behavior of the vapor bubble regions. A small amount of molten Flinak and tin which are enclosed in a test tube is dropped into tapped water. The temperature effect of two liquids onto the occurrence of vapor explosion is investigated. Some considerations are made with respect to the upper and lower temperature limits of vapor explosion to occur. A qualitative modeling of vapor explosion mechanism is proposed and discussed. (author)



    Rodríguez-Sandoval, Eduardo; Sandoval-Aldana, Angélica; Fernández-Quintero, Alejandro


    Las modificaciones del almidón, que ocurren durante el proceso de elaboración de harina de yuca precocida, se evaluaron utilizando técnicas como calorimetría diferencial de barrido (CDB), difracción de rayos X, comportamiento al empastamiento y capacidad de formación de complejo con yodo. La harina precocida se obtuvo a partir de trozos de parénquima de yuca cocinados en vapor o en agua a ebullición, los cuales fueron posteriormente almacenados a 5 ºC o a -20 ºC por 24 h. La temperatura utili...

  19. Marketing practices of vapor store owners. (United States)

    Cheney, Marshall; Gowin, Mary; Wann, Taylor Franklin


    We examined the marketing strategies for local vapor stores in a large metropolitan area in Oklahoma. Vapor store owners or managers (n = 33) participated in individual interviews regarding marketing practices in 2014. We asked owners about their marketing strategies and the groups they targeted. We transcribed the interviews and analyzed them for themes. Store owners used a variety of marketing strategies to bring new customers to their stores and keep current customers coming back. These marketing strategies showed many parallels to tobacco industry strategies. Most owners engaged in some form of traditional marketing practices (e.g., print media), but only a few used radio or television advertising because of budget constraints. Owners used social media and other forms of electronic communication, pricing discounts and specials, and loyalty programs. Owners also had booths at local events, sponsored community events, and hosted them in their stores. Owners attempted to target different groups of users, such as college students and long-term smokers. Local vapor store marketing practices closely resemble current and former tobacco industry marketing strategies. Surveillance of marketing practices should include local and Web-based strategies.

  20. Marketing Practices of Vapor Store Owners (United States)

    Gowin, Mary; Wann, Taylor Franklin


    Objectives. We examined the marketing strategies for local vapor stores in a large metropolitan area in Oklahoma. Methods. Vapor store owners or managers (n = 33) participated in individual interviews regarding marketing practices in 2014. We asked owners about their marketing strategies and the groups they targeted. We transcribed the interviews and analyzed them for themes. Results. Store owners used a variety of marketing strategies to bring new customers to their stores and keep current customers coming back. These marketing strategies showed many parallels to tobacco industry strategies. Most owners engaged in some form of traditional marketing practices (e.g., print media), but only a few used radio or television advertising because of budget constraints. Owners used social media and other forms of electronic communication, pricing discounts and specials, and loyalty programs. Owners also had booths at local events, sponsored community events, and hosted them in their stores. Owners attempted to target different groups of users, such as college students and long-term smokers. Conclusions. Local vapor store marketing practices closely resemble current and former tobacco industry marketing strategies. Surveillance of marketing practices should include local and Web-based strategies. PMID:25880960

  1. Nuclear vapor thermal reactor propulsion technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maya, I.; Diaz, N.J.; Dugan, E.T.; Watanabe, Y.; McClanahan, J.A.; Wen-Hsiung Tu; Carman, R.L.


    The conceptual design of a nuclear rocket based on the vapor core reactor is presented. The Nuclear Vapor Thermal Rocket (NVTR) offers the potential for a specific impulse of 1000 to 1200 s at thrust-to-weight ratios of 1 to 2. The design is based on NERVA geometry and systems with the solid fuel replaced by uranium tetrafluoride (UF 4 ) vapor. The closed-loop core does not rely on hydrodynamic confinement of the fuel. The hydrogen propellant is separated from the UF 4 fuel gas by graphite structure. The hydrogen is maintained at high pressure (∼100 atm), and exits the core at 3,100 K to 3,500 K. Zirconium carbide and hafnium carbide coatings are used to protect the hot graphite from the hydrogen. The core is surrounded by beryllium oxide reflector. The nuclear reactor core has been integrated into a 75 klb engine design using an expander cycle and dual turbopumps. The NVTR offers the potential for an incremental technology development pathway to high performance gas core reactors. Since the fuel is readily available, it also offers advantages in the initial cost of development, as it will not require major expenditures for fuel development

  2. An opacity-sampled treatment of water vapor (United States)

    Alexander, David R.; Augason, Gordon C.; Johnson, Hollis R.


    Although the bands of H2O are strong in the spectra of cool stars and calculations have repeatedly demonstrated their significance as opacity sources, only approximate opacities are currently available, due both to the difficulty of accounting for the millions of lines involved and to the inadequacy of laboratory and theoretical data. To overcome these obstacles, a new treatment is presented, based upon a statistical representation of the water vapor spectrum derived from available laboratory data. This statistical spectrum of water vapor employs an exponential distribution of line strengths and random positions of lines whose overall properties are forced to reproduce the mean opacities observed in the laboratory. The resultant data set is then treated by the opacity-sampling method exactly as are all other lines, both molecular and atomic. Significant differences are found between the results of this improved treatment and the results obtained with previous treatments of water-vapor opacity.

  3. High Temperature Corrosion of Silicon Carbide and Silicon Nitride in Water Vapor (United States)

    Opila, E. J.; Robinson, Raymond C.; Cuy, Michael D.; Gray, Hugh R. (Technical Monitor)


    Silicon carbide (SiC) and silicon nitride (Si3N4) are proposed for applications in high temperature combustion environments containing water vapor. Both SiC and Si3N4 react with water vapor to form a silica (SiO2) scale. It is therefore important to understand the durability of SiC, Si3N4 and SiO2 in water vapor. Thermogravimetric analyses, furnace exposures and burner rig results were obtained for these materials in water vapor at temperatures between 1100 and 1450 C and water vapor partial pressures ranging from 0.1 to 3.1 atm. First, the oxidation of SiC and Si3N4 in water vapor is considered. The parabolic kinetic rate law, rate dependence on water vapor partial pressure, and oxidation mechanism are discussed. Second, the volatilization of silica to form Si(OH)4(g) is examined. Mass spectrometric results, the linear kinetic rate law and a volatilization model based on diffusion through a gas boundary layer are discussed. Finally, the combined oxidation and volatilization reactions, which occur when SiC or Si3N4 are exposed in a water vapor-containing environment, are presented. Both experimental evidence and a model for the paralinear kinetic rate law are shown for these simultaneous oxidation and volatilization reactions.

  4. Detection of water vapor on Jupiter (United States)

    Larson, H. P.; Fink, U.; Treffers, R.; Gautier, T. N., III


    High-altitude (12.4 km) spectroscopic observations of Jupiter at 5 microns from the NASA 91.5 cm airborne infrared telescope have revealed 14 absorptions assigned to the rotation-vibration spectrum of water vapor. Preliminary analysis indicates a mixing ratio about 1 millionth for the vapor phase of water. Estimates of temperature (greater than about 300 K) and pressure (less than 20 atm) suggest observation of water deep in Jupiter's hot spots responsible for its 5 micron flux. Model-atmosphere calculations based on radiative-transfer theory may change these initial estimates and provide a better physical picture of Jupiter's atmosphere below the visible cloud tops.

  5. Response to exploitation (1982-2002) of the Los Azufres, Michoacan (Mexico) geothermal field. Part II: South Zone; Respuesta a la explotacion (1982-2003) del yacimiento geotermico de Los Azufres, Michoacan (Mexico). Parte II: Zona Sur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arellano G, Victor Manuel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos, (Mexico); Torres R, Marco Antonio [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico); Barragan R, Rosa Maria [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos, (Mexico); Sandoval M, Fernando [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)


    The paper describes the thermodynamic evolution of fluids in the Los Azufres geothermal field's southern zone reservoir, as a response to exploitation from 1982 to 2002. Thermodynamic conditions for the reservoir fluids were estimated with production data using the WELFLO heat-and-flow well simulator. In the southern zone, initial fluid thermodynamic conditions indicated that compressed liquid, two-phase fluids and vapor occurred in the reservoir, depending on the well depths. The fist response to exploitation consisted in a pressure drop an enthalpy increase. For the long term, the following patterns have been identified: pressure and mass flow-rate drop, boiling, cooling, vapor production and in some wells affected by injection an increase in both pressure and mass flow rate. The isotopic results of well fluids in the southern zone showed the occurrence of two processes. The first, with a positive slope, indicates a mixing of reservoir and injection fluids and mainly affects wells Az-2, Az-16, Az-33, Az-36 and Az-46. The second, with a negative slope, results from the original processes of reservoir steam separation and partial condensation. [Spanish] En este trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre la evolucion termodinamica de los fluidos de la zona sur del yacimiento de Los Azufres, como respuesta a la extraccion e inyeccion de fluidos, desde el inicio de su explotacion en 1982 hasta el ano 2002. Las condiciones termodinamicas de los fluidos del yacimiento se estimaron mediante el simulador de flujo de fluidos y calor en pozos WELFLO, a partir de datos de produccion. Las condiciones termodinamicas iniciales de los fluidos de la zona sur, indicaron la existencia de liquido comprimido, dos fases con liquido dominante y dos fases con vapor dominante, dependiendo de la profundidad de los pozos. La respuesta inicial de la zona sur a la explotacion consistio en una disminucion de la presion y un aumento en la entalpia mientras que a mas largo plazo se han observado

  6. Natural convection and vapor loss during underground waste storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plys, M.G.; Epstein, M.; Turner, D.


    Natural convection and vapor loss from underground waste storage tanks is examined here. Stability criteria are provided for the onset of natural convection flow within the headspace of a tank, and between tanks and the environment. The flowrate is quantified and used to predict vapor losses during storage

  7. Electrospun Polymer Fiber Lasers for Applications in Vapor Sensing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krämmer, Sarah; Laye, Fabrice; Friedrich, Felix


    of the narrow lasing modes upon uptake of alcohol vapors (model vapors are methanol and ethanol) serves as sensor signal. Thus, the high sensitivity related to the spectral line shifts of cavity-based transducers can be combined with the fiber's large surface to volume ratio. The resulting optical sensors...

  8. Dual vapor extraction on acidic sludge tar at a former refinery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lear, P.R.; Beall, P.; Townsend, S.


    OHM Remediation Services Corp conducted a pilot-scale demonstration for a novel application of dual vapor extraction technology for the pretreatment of the acid tar sludge material. The acid tar sludge comprised of approximately 60% asphaltene hydrocarbon material, 20% clay, and up to 20% sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ). The liquid layer in the bottom of the pits has a low pH ( 2 ) gas which is released with the sludge material is excavated or handled. The objective of the dual vapor extraction was to remove the SO 2 vapors and liquid layer containing sulfuric acid prior to any further treatment. The dual vapor extraction would reduce the amount of alkaline reagent required for neutralization while eliminating the health and safety concerns. Overall, the DVE pilot demonstration successfully showed that both liquids and vapors could be removed from the acid tar sludge material. The liquid present in the lower portions of the pits will have pH values of 1.0 or less and acidities on the order of 5% H 2 SO 4 . The liquid removed from the acid tar sludge material by a DVE system will have slightly higher pH (∼1.5) and lower alkalinities (∼3% H 2 SO 4 ). The SO 2 concentration in the vapors removed by the DVE system will be variable with initial levels approaching 1,200 ppmv SO 2 . The SO 2 concentration in the vapor phase should decrease with time. A caustic scrubber solution will remove any SO 2 from the vapor phase. After DVE treatment, the acid tar sludge material would have a slightly increased pH and a decreased SO 2 concentration

  9. Latent fingermark development using low-vacuum vaporization of ninhydrin. (United States)

    Chen, Chun-Chieh; Yang, Chao-Kai; Liao, Jeh-Shane; Wang, Sheng-Meng


    The vacuum technique is a method of vaporizing a solid material to its gas phase, helping deposit reagents gently on target surfaces to develop latent fingermarks. However, this application is rarely reported in the literature. In this study, a homemade fume hood with a built-in vacuum control system and programmable heating system designed by the Taiwan Criminal Investigation Bureau is introduced. Factors that affect the instrument's performance in developing fingermarks are discussed, including the quantity of chemicals for vaporization, heating program arrangement, and paper of different materials. The results show that fingermarks are effectively developed by vaporizing solid ninhydrin. This would be an alternative application in selecting a solvent-free method for protecting the environment and reducing health hazards in the lab. In terms of the heating program, the result indicates that under a low-vacuum condition (50 mTorr), 80-90 °C is a suitable temperature range for ninhydrin vaporization, allowing ninhydrin to be vaporized without bumping and waste. In terms of the performance on different material papers, this instrument demonstrates its capacity by developing latent fingermarks on thermal paper without discoloration or damaging the original writing, and the same results are also observed on Taiwan and United States banknotes. However, a coherent result could be hardly obtained using the same vaporization setting because different banknotes have their own surface features and water absorption ability or other unique factors may influence the effect of ninhydrin deposition. This study provides a reliable application for developing latent fingermarks without using solvents, and it is also expected to contribute to environmental protection along with the trend of green chemistry technology. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Mass spectrometric study of vaporization of (U,Pu)O2 fuel simulating high burnup

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeda, Atsushi; Ohmichi, Toshihiko; Fukushima, Susumu; Handa, Muneo


    The vaporization behavior of (U,Pu)O 2 fuel simulatig high burnup was studied in the temperature range of 1,573 -- 2,173 K by high temperature mass spectrometry. The phases in the simulated fuel were examined by X-ray microprobe analysis. The relationship between chemical form and vaporization behavior of simulated fission product elements was discussed. Pd, Sr, Ba, Ce and actinide-bearing vapor species were observed, and it was clarified that Pd vapor originated from metallic inclusion and Sr and Ce vapors, from mixed oxide fuel matrix. The vaporization behavior of the actinide elements was somewhat similar to that of hypostoichiometric mixed oxide fuel. The behavior of Ba-bearing vapor species changed markedly over about 2,000 K. From the determination of BaO vapor pressures over simulated fuel and BaZrO 3 , it was revealed thermodynamically that the transformation of the chemical form of Ba about 2,000 K, i.e., dissolution of BaZrO 3 phase into fuel matrix, might be the reason of the observed vapor pressure change. (author)

  11. Phase relationship, vaporization, and thermodynamic properties of the lanthanum--boron system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Storms, E.; Mueller, B.


    The La-B system was studied between LaB/sub 4.24/ and LaB/sub 29.2/, and between 1400 and 2100 K to determine the phase relationship, the chemical activity of the components, the vaporization rate, and the vapor composition. A blue colored phase near LaB 9 was found to exist between purple colored LaB 6 and elemental boron. Diffusion is so much slower than vaporization that large composition differences can exist between the surface and the interior which, nevertheless, produce a steady state loss rate from freely vaporizing material. The flux at 1700 K is 6 x 10 -10 g/cm 2 s for LaB 4 +LaB 6 and 7 x 10 -11 g/cm 2 s for LaB 6 + LaB 9 . There is an activation energy which lowers the vaporization rate of boron from LaB 6 . Freely vaporizing material will have a steady state surface composition between LaB/sub 6.04/ and LaB/sub 6.07/, depending on temperature, purity, and interior composition. The free energy of formation of LaB 6 is (0.07lT - 351)kJ/mol between 1700 and 2100 K

  12. La desintegración familiar: impacto en el desarrollo emocional de los niños

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia María Castillo Costa


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende generar espacios de reflexión en torno a la desintegración familiar y el impacto en el desarrollo emocional de los niños, tiene como  objetivo mejorar la relación y la comunicación padre-hijos/as, los más afectados son los niños al desintegrarse el hogar por diferentes factores, cuando el comportamiento de los niños/as se ve alterado al no existir una orientación que ayude a normalizar el problema. La desintegración familiar provoca problemas psicológicos de orden emocional y afectivo, que afectan su desempeño escolar: baja autoestima, repiten grados académicos, bajo rendimiento, deserción escolar, alteraciones de la conducta social, problemas de aprendizaje y se afecta las relaciones interpersonales dentro y fuera del aula de clase; sin embargo, en estos casos hay riesgos emocionales, no se respetan los derechos de la niñez. Los cambios emocionales de los niños, es síntoma de que algo sucede anormal, porque reflejan a través de actitudes y sentimientos. Concluyéndose que las causas de la desorganización familiar es por prevalecer adicciones por uno de sus padres, por la pobreza extrema y violencia familiar; y, existe una alta coincidencia entre las causas que originan la agresividad y las manifestaciones conductuales, observándose comportamiento impulsivo, baja autoestima y agresividad.

  13. Development of an Airborne Micropulse Water Vapor DIAL (United States)

    Nehrir, A. R.; Ismail, S.


    Water vapor plays a key role in many atmospheric processes affecting both weather and climate. Airborne measurements of tropospheric water vapor profiles have been a longstanding observational need to not only the active remote sensing community but also to the meteorological, weather forecasting, and climate/radiation science communities. Microscale measurements of tropospheric water vapor are important for enhancing near term meteorological forecasting capabilities while mesoscale and synopticscale measurements can lead to an enhanced understanding of the complex coupled feedback mechanisms between water vapor, temperature, aerosols, and clouds. To realize tropospheric measurements of water vapor profiles over the microscale-synopticscale areas of meteorological interest, a compact and cost effective airborne micropulse differential absorption lidar (DIAL) is being investigated using newly emerging semiconductor based laser technology. Ground based micropulse DIAL (MPD) measurements of tropospheric water vapor and aerosol profiles up to 6 km and 15 km, respectively, have been previously demonstrated using an all semiconductor based laser transmitter. The DIAL transmitter utilizes a master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) configuration where two semiconductor seed lasers are used to seed a single pass traveling wave tapered semiconductor optical amplifier (TSOA), producing up to 7μJ pulse energies over a 1 μs pulse duration at a 10 kHz pulse repetition frequency (PRF). Intercomparisons between the ground based instrument measurements and radiosonde profiles demonstrating the MPD performance under varying atmospheric conditions will be presented. Work is currently ongoing to expand upon the ground based MPD concept and to develop a compact and cost effective system capable of deployment on a mid-low altitude aircraft such as the NASA Langley B200 King Air. Initial lab experiments show that a two-three fold increase in the laser energy compared to the ground

  14. Study on the effect of subcooling on vapor film collapse on high temperature particle surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abe, Yutaka; Tochio, Daisuke; Yanagida, Hiroshi


    Thermal detonation model is proposed to describe vapor explosion. According to this model, vapor film on pre-mixed high temperature droplet surface is needed to be collapsed for the trigger of the vapor explosion. It is pointed out that the vapor film collapse behavior is significantly affected by the subcooling of low temperature liquid. However, the effect of subcooling on micro-mechanism of vapor film collapse behavior is not experimentally well identified. The objective of the present research is to experimentally investigate the effect of subcooling on micro-mechanism of film boiling collapse behavior. As the results, it is experimentally clarified that the vapor film collapse behavior in low subcooling condition is qualitatively different from the vapor film collapse behavior in high subcooling condition. In case of vapor film collapse by pressure pulse, homogeneous vapor generation occurred all over the surface of steel particle in low subcooling condition. On the other hand, heterogeneous vapor generation was observed for higher subcooling condition. In case of vapor film collapse spontaneously, fluctuation of the gas-liquid interface after quenching propagated from bottom to top of the steel particle heterogeneously in low subcooling condition. On the other hand, simultaneous vapor generation occurred for higher subcooling condition. And the time transient of pressure, particle surface temperature, water temperature and visual information were simultaneously measured in the vapor film collapse experiment by external pressure pulse. Film thickness was estimated by visual data processing technique with the pictures taken by the high-speed video camera. Temperature and heat flux at the vapor-liquid interface were estimated by solving the heat condition equation with the measured pressure, liquid temperature and vapor film thickness as boundary conditions. Movement of the vapor-liquid interface were estimated with the PIV technique with the visual observation

  15. Determination of vaporization enthalpies of polychlorinated biphenyls by correlation gas chromatography. (United States)

    Puri, S; Chickos, J S; Welsh, W J


    The vaporization enthalpies of 16 polychlorinated biphenyls have been determined by correlation gas chromatography. This study was prompted by the realization that the vaporization enthalpy of the standard compounds used in previous studies, octadecane and eicosane, were values measured at 340 and 362 K, respectively, rather than at 298 K. Adjustment to 298 K amounts to a 7-8 kJ/mol increment in the values. With the inclusion of this adjustment, vaporization enthalpies evaluated by correlation gas chromatography are in good agreement with the values determined previously in the literature. The present results are based on the vaporization enthalpies of several standards whose values are well established in the literature. The standards include a variety of n-alkanes and various chlorinated hydrocarbons. The vaporization enthalpies of PCBs increased with the number of chlorine atoms and were found to be larger for meta- and para-substituted polychlorinated biphenyls.

  16. Saturated vapor pressure of lutetium tris-acetylacetonate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trembovetskij, G.V.; Berdonosov, S.S.; Murav' eva, I.A.; Martynenko, L.I. (Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. (USSR))


    By the statical method using /sup 177/Lu radioactive isotope the saturated vapor pressure of anhydrous lutetium acetylacetonate at 130 to 160 deg is determined. The calculations are carried out assuming the vapor to be monomolecular. The equation of lgP versus 1/T takes the form: lg Psub((mmHg))=(8.7+-1.6)-(4110+-690)/T. The thermodynamical characteristics of LuA/sub 3/ sublimation are calculated to be kJ/mol; J/kxmol.

  17. Low temperature vapor phase digestion of graphite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pierce, Robert A.


    A method for digestion and gasification of graphite for removal from an underlying surface is described. The method can be utilized to remove graphite remnants of a formation process from the formed metal piece in a cleaning process. The method can be particularly beneficial in cleaning castings formed with graphite molding materials. The method can utilize vaporous nitric acid (HNO.sub.3) or vaporous HNO.sub.3 with air/oxygen to digest the graphite at conditions that can avoid damage to the underlying surface.

  18. Development of a device to valuate the effect of ethanol on the vapor pressure and vaporization enthalpy of fuel gasolines


    Cataluña, Renato; Silva, Rosângela


    The quality of the gasoline utilized for fueling internal combustion engines with spark ignition is directly affected by the gasoline's properties. Thus, the fuel's properties must be in perfect equilibrium to allow the engine to perform optimally, not only insofar as fuel consumption is concerned, but also in order to reduce the emission of pollutants. Vapor pressure and vaporization enthalpy are important properties of a gasoline determining the fuel's behavior under different operating con...

  19. Effect of degree of subcooling on vapor explosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Zhihong; Yang Yanhua; Li Tianshu


    In order to investigate the mechanism of the vapor explosion, an observable experiment equipment for low-temperature molten materials to be dropped into water was designed. In the experiment, molten material jet was injected into water to experimentally obtain the visualized information. This experiment results show that the degree of subcooling restrains the explosion. In order to validate the result by other aspects, the breakup experiment was conducted. Results show that the degree of water subcooling is important to melt breakup. High temperature of water is easy to increase the vapor generation during molten material falling, which decrease the drag and accelerated the molten material falling. At the same time, more vapor appear around the molten metal decrease the heat transfer amount between water and molten materials. The two experimental results coincide. (authors)

  20. Method of purifying zirconium tetrachloride and hafnium tetrachloride in a vapor stream

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snyder, T.S.; Stolz, R.A.


    This patent describes a method of purifying zirconium tetrachloride and hafnium tetrachloride in a vapor stream from a sand chlorinator in which the silicon and metals present in sand fed to the chlorinator are converted to chlorides at temperatures over about 800 degrees C. It comprises cooling a vapor stream from a sand chlorinator, the vapor stream containing principally silicon tetrachloride, zirconium tetrachloride, and hafnium tetrachloride contaminated with ferric chloride, to a temperature of from about 335 degrees C to about 600 degrees C; flowing the vapor stream through a gaseous diffusion separative barrier to produce a silicon tetrachloride-containing vapor stream concentrated in zirconium tetrachloride and hafnium tetrachloride and a silicon tetrachloride-containing vapor stream depleted in zirconium tetrachloride and hafnium tetrachloride; adsorbing the ferric chloride in the separative barrier; and recovering the silicon tetrachloride stream concentrated in zirconium tetrachloride and hafnium tetrachloride separately from the silicon tetrachloride stream depleted in zirconium tetrachloride and hafnium tetrachloride

  1. Vaporization Studies of Olivine via Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry (United States)

    Costa, G. C. C.; Jacobson, N. S.


    Olivine is the major mineral in the Earth's upper mantle occurring predominantly in igneous rocks and has been identified in meteorites, asteroids, the Moon and Mars. Among many other important applications in planetary and materials sciences, the thermodynamic properties of vapor species from olivine are crucial as input parameters in computational modelling of the atmospheres of hot, rocky exoplanets (lava planets). There are several weight loss studies of olivine vaporization in the literature and one Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry (KEMS) study. In this study, we examine a forsterite-rich olivine (93% forsterite and 7% fayalite, Fo93Fa7) with KEMS to further understand its vaporization and thermodynamic properties.

  2. Precipitable water and vapor flux between Belem and Manaus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marques, J.


    The water vapor flux and precipitable water was computated over the natural Amazon forest in the stretch between Belem and Manaus for 1972. The atmospheric branch of hidrological cycle theory was applied and the most significant conclusions on an annual basis are: Atlantic Ocean water vapor contributes 52% to the regional precipitation and is significant the role played by local evapotranspiration in the precipitation in the area; there were signs of the phenomenon of water vapor recycling nearly throughout the year. Evapotranspiration contributes to 48% of the precipitations in the area studied. The real evapotranspiration estimated by this method was 1,000mm year - 1 [pt

  3. Los significados otorgados a las relaciones adolescentes desde la comunidad escolar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz Garay Ibañéz de Elejalde


    Full Text Available Con el uso de las redes sociales han aumentado las situaciones de acoso y violencia de género en la adolescencia. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer cómo se perciben estas relaciones desde la mirada de la comunidad escolar. Se realizó un estudio de caso para conocer las situaciones vividas en las redes sociales en los centros educativos de Vitoria-­‐ Gasteiz. Se recogieron 470 cuestionarios del profesorado de 30 centros escolares, y se realizaron 7 grupos de discusión, con familias, profesorado y estudiantes. Los resultados muestran que las relaciones entre adolescentes están mediatizadas por los estereotipos; la persistencia del sexismo, el control y la agresividad. Entre las propuestas de futuro el alumnado propone que se hagan foros de debate para compartir aspectos emocionales. El profesorado propone construir un espíritu crítico con el alumnado analizando los mensajes subliminales de las redes. Y las familias proponen revisar actitudes y comportamientos a través de talleres.

  4. Chemical Vapor Transport Deposition of Molybdenum Disulfide Layers Using H2O Vapor as the Transport Agent

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shichao Zhao


    Full Text Available Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2 layers show excellent optical and electrical properties and have many potential applications. However, the growth of high-quality MoS2 layers is a major bottleneck in the development of MoS2-based devices. In this paper, we report a chemical vapor transport deposition method to investigate the growth behavior of monolayer/multi-layer MoS2 using water (H2O as the transport agent. It was shown that the introduction of H2O vapor promoted the growth of MoS2 by increasing the nucleation density and continuous monolayer growth. Moreover, the growth mechanism is discussed.

  5. Vapor plume oscillation mechanisms in transient keyhole during tandem dual beam fiber laser welding (United States)

    Chen, Xin; Zhang, Xiaosi; Pang, Shengyong; Hu, Renzhi; Xiao, Jianzhong


    Vapor plume oscillations are common physical phenomena that have an important influence on the welding process in dual beam laser welding. However, until now, the oscillation mechanisms of vapor plumes remain unclear. This is primarily because mesoscale vapor plume dynamics inside a millimeter-scale, invisible, and time-dependent keyhole are difficult to quantitatively observe. In this paper, based on a developed three-dimensional (3D) comprehensive model, the vapor plume evolutions in a dynamical keyhole are directly simulated in tandem dual beam, short-wavelength laser welding. Combined with the vapor plume behaviors outside the keyhole observed by high-speed imaging, the vapor plume oscillations in dynamical keyholes at different inter-beam distances are the first, to our knowledge, to be quantitatively analyzed. It is found that vapor plume oscillations outside the keyhole mainly result from vapor plume instabilities inside the keyhole. The ejection velocity at the keyhole opening and dynamical behaviors outside the keyhole of a vapor plume both violently oscillate with the same order of magnitude of high frequency (several kHz). Furthermore, the ejection speed at the keyhole opening and ejection area outside the keyhole both decrease as the beam distance increases, while the degree of vapor plume instability first decreases and then increases with increasing beam distance from 0.6 to 1.0 mm. Moreover, the oscillation mechanisms of a vapor plume inside the dynamical keyhole irradiated by dual laser beams are investigated by thoroughly analyzing the vapor plume occurrence and flow process. The vapor plume oscillations in the dynamical keyhole are found to mainly result from violent local evaporations and severe keyhole geometry variations. In short, the quantitative method and these findings can serve as a reference for further understanding of the physical mechanisms in dual beam laser welding and of processing optimizations in industrial applications.

  6. Tubing For Sampling Hydrazine Vapor (United States)

    Travis, Josh; Taffe, Patricia S.; Rose-Pehrsson, Susan L.; Wyatt, Jeffrey R.


    Report evaluates flexible tubing used for transporting such hypergolic vapors as those of hydrazines for quantitative analysis. Describes experiments in which variety of tubing materials, chosen for their known compatibility with hydrazine, flexibility, and resistance to heat.

  7. High temperature thermodynamics and vaporization of the zirconium--niobium--oxygen system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rinehart, G.H.


    The vaporization behavior of the Zr--Nb--O system was studied by means of successive vaporization, Knudsen effusion-target collection experiments, and mass spectrometric analysis of the vapors effusing from a Knudsen crucible. The successive vaporization experiments were performed on two ternary samples in open crucibles. X-ray powder diffraction patterns of the residues and x-ray fluorescence analysis of the condensates and residues indicated the preferential vaporization of niobium-containing species with the composition of the residue subsequently becoming closer to that of congruently vaporizing ZrO/sub 2-x/. The Knudsen effusion-target collection experiments were employed on two samples, pure NbO 2 (s) and a two-phase ZrO 2 --NbO 2 mixture, in order to obtain information on the activity of NbO 2 in the two-phase mixture. Second law enthalpies and entropies of sublimation as well as third law enthalpies were obtained for both systems. The vaporization behaviors of five compositions in the Zr--Nb--O system, NbO 2 , NbO, a ZrO 2 --NbO 2 two-phase mixture, Nb 2 O 5 , and Zr 6 Nb 2 O 17 , were investigated. Above Nb 2 O 5 and the fully oxidized Zr 6 Nb 2 O 17 oxygen is preferentially lost; over NbO 2 , the two-phase ZrO 2 --NbO 2 system, and NbO the principal gaseous species is NbO 2

  8. Tank Vapor Characterization Project: Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank U-203, Results from samples collected on August 8, 1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pool, K.H.; Clauss, T.W.; Evans, J.C.; McVeety, B.D.; Thomas, B.L.; Olsen, K.B.; Fruchter, J.S.; Ligotke, M.W.


    This report describes the analytical results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of the waste storage tank 241-U-203 (Tank U-203) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. The results described in this report were obtained to characterize the vapors present in the tank headspace and to support safety evaluations and tank-farm operations. The results include air concentrations of selected inorganic and organic analytes and grouped compounds from samples obtained by Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) and provided for analysis to Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL). Analyses were performed by the Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) at PNL. Analyte concentrations were based on analytical results and, where appropriate, sample volumes provided by WHC. A summary of the results is listed. Detailed descriptions of the analytical results appear in the text

  9. Tank Vapor Characterization Project: Headspace vapor characterization of Hanford Waste Tank U-204, Results from samples collected on August 8, 1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clauss, T.W.; Evans, J.C.; McVeety, B.D.; Pool, K.H.; Thomas, B.L.; Olsen, K.B.; Fruchter, J.S.; Ligotke, M.W.


    This report describes the analytical results of vapor samples taken from the headspace of the waste storage tank 241-U-204 (Tank U-204) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. The results described in this report were obtained to characterize the vapors present in the tank headspace and to support safety evaluations and tank-farm operations. The results include air concentrations of selected inorganic and organic analytes and grouped compounds from samples obtained by Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) and provided for analysis to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNL). Analyses were performed by the Vapor Analytical Laboratory (VAL) at PNL. Analyte concentrations were based on analytical results and, where appropriate, sample volumes provided by WHC. A summary of the results is listed. Detailed descriptions of the analytical results appear in the text

  10. Customer exposure to gasoline vapors during refueling at service stations. (United States)

    Hakkola, M A; Saarinen, L H


    Gasoline is a volatile complex mixture of hydrocarbon compounds that is easily vaporized during handling under normal conditions. Modern reformulated gasoline also contains oxygenates to enhance octane number and reduce ambient pollution. This study measured the difference in the exposure of customers to gasoline and oxygenate vapors during refueling in service stations with and without vapor recovery systems. Field measurements were carried out at two self-service stations. One was equipped with Stage I and the other with Stage II vapor recovery systems. At Stage I stations there is vapor recovery only during delivery from road tanker, and at Stage II stations additional vapor recovery during refueling. The exposure of 20 customers was measured at both stations by collecting air samples from their breathing zone into charcoal tubes during refueling with 95-octane reformulated gasoline. Each sample represented two consecutive refuelings. The samples were analyzed in the laboratory by gas chromatography using mass-selective detection for vapor components. The Raid vapor pressure of gasoline was 70 kPa and an oxygen content 2 wt%. Oxygenated gasoline contained 7 percent methyl tert-butyl ether (MtBE) and 5 percent methyl tert-amyl ether (MtAE). The geometric mean concentrations of hydrocarbons (C3-C11) in the customers' breathing zone was 85 mg/m3 (range 2.5-531 mg/m3) at the Stage I service station and 18 mg/m3 (range service station. The geometric mean of the exposure of customers to MtBE during refueling at the Stage I service station was 15.3 mg/m3 (range 1.8-74 mg/m3), and at the Stage II service station 3.4 mg/m3 (range 0.2-16 mg/m3). The differences in exposure were statistically significant (p station. The measurements were done on consecutive days at the various service stations. The temperature ranged from 10 to 17 degrees C, and wind velocity was 2-4 m/s. The climatic conditions were very similar on the measurement days. Based on this study it was found

  11. Tank Vapor Characterization Project: Annual status report for FY 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silvers, K.L.; Fruchter, J.S.; Huckaby, J.L.; Almeida, T.L.; Evans, J.C. Jr.; Pool, K.H.; Simonen, C.A.; Thornton, B.M.


    In Fiscal Year 1996, staff at the Vapor Analytical Laboratory at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory performed work in support of characterizing the vapor composition of the headspaces of radioactive waste tanks at the Hanford Site. Work performed included support for technical issues and sampling methodologies, upgrades for analytical equipment, analytical method development, preparation of unexposed samples, analyses of tank headspaces samples, preparation of data reports, and operation of the tank vapor database. Progress made in FY 1996 included completion and issuance of 50 analytical data reports. A sampling system comparison study was initiated and completed during the fiscal year. The comparison study involved the vapor sampling system (VSS), a truck-based system, and the in situ vapor sampling system (ISVS), a cart-based system. Samples collected during the study were characterized for inorganic, permanent gases, total non-methane organic compounds and organic speciation by SUMMA trademark and TST methods. The study showed comparable sampling results between the systems resulting in the program switching from the VSS to the less expensive ISVS methodology in late May 1996. A temporal study was initiated in January 1996 in order to understand the influences seasonal temperatures changes have on the vapors in the headspace of Hanford waste tanks. A holding time study was initiated in the fourth quarter of FY 1996. Samples were collected from tank S-102 and rushed to the laboratory for time zero analysis. Additional samples will be analyzed at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 weeks

  12. Navier slip model of drag reduction by Leidenfrost vapor layers

    KAUST Repository

    Berry, Joseph D.


    Recent experiments found that a hot solid sphere that is able to sustain a stable Leidenfrost vapor layer in a liquid exhibits significant drag reduction during free fall. The variation of the drag coefficient with Reynolds number deviates substantially from the characteristic drag crisis behavior at high Reynolds numbers. Measurements based on liquids of different viscosities show that the onset of the drag crisis depends on the viscosity ratio of the vapor to the liquid. Here we attempt to characterize the complexity of the Leidenfrost vapor layer with respect to its variable thickness and possible vapor circulation within, in terms of the Navier slip model that is defined by a slip length. Such a model can facilitate tangential flow and thereby alter the behavior of the boundary layer. Direct numerical and large eddy simulations of flow past a sphere at moderate to high Reynolds numbers (102≤Re≤4×104) are employed to quantify comparisons with experimental results, including the drag coefficient and the form of the downstream wake on the sphere. This provides a simple one parameter characterization of the drag reduction phenomenon due to a stable vapor layer that envelops a solid body.

  13. High temperature vaporization/decomposition studies of lanthanide and actinide fluorides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gibson, J.K.; Haire, R.G.


    Binary fluorides of the lanthanide and actinide elements comprise a fundamental class of compounds. The authors' investigations of their basic high temperature vaporization and/or decomposition behavior are aimed at elucidating more fully the thermal properties of selected tri- and tetrafluorides and extending such investigations to fluorides which have not been studied previously. Depending on the particular system and the specific experimental conditions, the authors' measurements can provide such information as the enthalpy associated with a congruent vaporization process and/or the relative stabilities of fluorides containing a lanthanide/actinide element in different oxidation states. The authors are also studying the congruent vaporization of selected lanthanide trifluorides with particular emphasis on two areas. The first concerns the variation in the enthalpies of sublimation of the trifluorides across the lanthanide series. Although this variation is rather small (δ5 kcal where ΔH/sub subl/ is approximately 100 kcal), it is larger than observed for other lanthanide trihalides and is unusually irregular. To examine this reported variation more closely, they are attempting to measure relative vapor pressures/enthalpies of vaporization by studying mixtures of two or more lanthanide trifluorides by the technique discussed above

  14. Navier slip model of drag reduction by Leidenfrost vapor layers

    KAUST Repository

    Berry, Joseph D.; Vakarelski, Ivan Uriev; Chan, Derek Y. C.; Thoroddsen, Sigurdur T


    Recent experiments found that a hot solid sphere that is able to sustain a stable Leidenfrost vapor layer in a liquid exhibits significant drag reduction during free fall. The variation of the drag coefficient with Reynolds number deviates substantially from the characteristic drag crisis behavior at high Reynolds numbers. Measurements based on liquids of different viscosities show that the onset of the drag crisis depends on the viscosity ratio of the vapor to the liquid. Here we attempt to characterize the complexity of the Leidenfrost vapor layer with respect to its variable thickness and possible vapor circulation within, in terms of the Navier slip model that is defined by a slip length. Such a model can facilitate tangential flow and thereby alter the behavior of the boundary layer. Direct numerical and large eddy simulations of flow past a sphere at moderate to high Reynolds numbers (102≤Re≤4×104) are employed to quantify comparisons with experimental results, including the drag coefficient and the form of the downstream wake on the sphere. This provides a simple one parameter characterization of the drag reduction phenomenon due to a stable vapor layer that envelops a solid body.

  15. Adsorption of radon and water vapor on commercial activated carbons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, N.M.; Ghosh, T.K.; Hines, A.L.; Loyalka, S.K.


    Equilibrium adsorption isotherms are reported for radon and water vapor on two commercial activated carbons: coconut shell Type PCB and hardwood Type BD. The isotherms of the water vapor were measured gravimetrically at 298 K. The isotherms of radon from dry nitrogen were obtained at 293, 298, and 308 K while the data for the mixture of radon and water vapor were measured at 298 K. The concentrations of radon in the gas and solid phases were measured simultaneously, once the adsorption equilibrium and the radioactive equilibrium between the radon and its daughter products were established. The shape of the isotherms was of Type III for the radon and Type V for the water vapor, according to Brunauer's classification. The adsorption mechanism was similar for both the radon and the water vapor, being physical adsorption on the macropore surface area in the low pressure region and micropore filling near saturation pressure. The uptake capacity of radon decreased both with increasing temperature and relative humidity. The heat of adsorption data indicated that the PCB- and the BD-activated carbons provided a heterogeneous surface for radon adsorption. The equilibrium data for radon were correlated with a modified Freundlich equation

  16. Vapor-melt Ratio in Laser Fine Cutting of Slot Arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xuyue; Meng Qingxuan; Kang Renke; Xu Wenji; Guo Dongming; Wang Lianji


    In order to improve cut quality for slot arrays, a new method of laser fine cutting under the consideration of the ratio of vapor to melt is presented. Laser cutting of 6063 aluminum alloy sheet, 0.5 mm in thickness, was carried out on a JK701H Nd:YAG pulse laser cutting system. The effects of vapor-melt ratio on kerf width, surface roughness and recast layer were studied which relate cutting qualities. Observation on the cut samples with different vapor-melt ratios (0.687, 1.574, 3.601 varied with laser power increasing, and 1.535, 3.601, 7.661 with decreasing of beam cutting speed) shows that high vapor-melt ratio improves laser cut quality clearly. Kerf width 0.2 mm of smooth area on kerf top area and thickness 2.03 μm of recast layer are obtained. No dross was found on the kerf bottom and the percentage of the smooth area is up to 40% out of whole kerf side. The research on vapor-melt ratio provides a deeper understanding of laser cutting and improves laser cut quality effectively.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zorana Arsenijević


    Full Text Available The widely used herbicide, dimethylamine salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D-DMA, is usually prepared by mixing a dimethylamine (DMA aqueous solution with a solid 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D. The vapors of the both, reactants and products, are potentially hazardous for the environment. The contribution of DMA vapors in overall pollution from this process is most significant, concerning vapor pressures data of these pollutants. Therefore, the control of the air pollution in the manufacture and handling of methylamines is very important. Within this paper, the optimal air pollution control system in preparation of 2,4-D-DMA was developed for the pesticides manufacturing industry. This study employed the simple pollution prevention concept to reduce the emission of DMA vapors at the source. The investigations were performed on the pilot plant scale. To reduce the emission of DMA vapors, the effluent gases from the herbicide preparation zone were passed through the packed bed scrubber (water - scrubbing medium, and the catalytic reactor in sequence. The end result is a substantially improved air quality in the working area, as well as in the urbanized areas located near the chemical plant.

  18. Purification Simulation With Vapor Permeation and Distillation-Adsorption In Bioethanol Plant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Misri Gozan


    Full Text Available High purity of Bioethanol is required in biofuel mixing with gasoline (EXX. In bioethanol production line, the azeotropic property of ethanol-water becomes the barrier for purification process. This study examined two bioethanol separation processes by support of simulation tools, Superpro Designer 9.0 software. Ethanol purity and a low costeconomical process were the major considerations. Purification method of vapor permeation membrane technology was compared with distillation-adsorption method. Data from previous lab experiments and some literatures were used. The results showed that distillation-adsorption method is more economical compared to vapor permeation technology. Payback period of the simulation is 3.9 years and 4.3 years to distillation adsorption and vapor permeation respectively with each IRR value is 20.23% and 17.89%. Initial investment value of vapor permeation is 9.6% higher than distillation method. Significant difference observed in operating costs, since more units involved in vapor permeation require more labors to operate.

  19. Flammability characteristics of combustible gases and vapors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zabetakis, M. G. [Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA (United States)


    This is a summary of the available limit of flammability, autoignition and burning-rate data for more than 200 combustible gases and vapors in air and other oxidants, as well as of empirical rules and graphs that can be used to predict similar data for thousands of other combustibles under a variety of environmental conditions. Spec$c data are presented on the paraffinic, unsaturated, aromatic, and alicyclic hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, and sulfur compounds, and an assortment of fuels, fuel blends, hydraulic fluids, engine oils, and miscellaneous combustible gases and vapors.

  20. Heat of vaporization spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edwards, D. Jr.


    Multilayer desorption measurements of various substances adsorbed on a stainless steel substrate are found to exhibit desorption profiles consistent with a zeroth order desorption model. The singleness of the desorption transients together with their narrow peak widths makes the technique ideally suited for a heat of vaporization spectrometer for either substance analysis or identification