
Sample records for adulta pelotas rs

  1. Fatores associados ao consumo regular de refrigerante não dietético em adultos de Pelotas, RS

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    Airton José Rombaldi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados ao consumo regular de refrigerantes não dietéticos por adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 972 adultos (20 a 69 anos do município de Pelotas, RS, realizado em 2006. A freqüência de consumo nos 12 meses anteriores à pesquisa foi medida por meio da pergunta: "em geral desde o do ano passado, quantas vezes tu tomaste refrigerante não dietético?". As respostas categorizadas foram dicotomizadas para fins de análise. Foi considerado consumo regular de refrigerante não dietético a freqüência de cinco ou mais vezes por semana. A associação entre o desfecho e variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais e nutricionais foi analisada pelo teste qui-quadrado para heterogeneidade e tendência linear e a análise multivariável foi realizada por meio de regressão de Poisson, com variância robusta. RESULTADOS: Cerca de um quinto da população adulta de Pelotas (20,4% ingeria regularmente refrigerante não dietético. Indivíduos do sexo masculino (RP 1,50; IC95%: 1,20;2,00, fumantes atuais (RP 1,60; IC95%: 1,20;2,10 e que consumiam semanalmente lanches (RP 2,10; IC95%: 1,60;2,70 apresentaram maior prevalência de consumo de refrigerantes não dietéticos na análise ajustada. A análise estratificada por sexo mostrou que o consumo regular de frutas, legumes e verduras foi fator protetor ao consumo de refrigerantes entre mulheres (RP 0,50; IC95%: 0,30;0,90. CONCLUSÕES: A freqüência do consumo regular de refrigerantes não dietéticos na população adulta foi elevada, particularmente entre homens, jovens e fumantes.

  2. Os jornais estudantis Ecos Gonzagueanos e Estudante: apontamentos sobre o ensino secundário católico e laico (Pelotas/RS, 1930 a 1960 - The student newspaper Ecos Gonzagueanos e Estudante: notes on the secondary schools catholic and secular (Pelotas/RS

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    Giana Lange do Amaral, Brasil


    Full Text Available O presente texto trata do uso de jornais estudantis como fonte para estudos em História da Educação, bem como da importância da leitura de jornais escolares. Privilegia-se a análise de dois jornais de escolas de ensino secundário católico e laico de Pelotas/RS: o Ecos Gonzagueanos e o Estudante. Nas investigações que abordam as práticas culturais, seus sujeitos e sua produção, os jornais estudantis são considerados elementos potenciais para a apreensão das práticas, dos discursos e do cotidiano escolar. É possível observar valores, costumes e interesses que balizavam as relações dos jovens estudantes, bem como os reflexos das apropriações feitas a partir da cultura escolar da instituição a qual estavam ligados.Palavras-chave: jornais estudantis, fontes históricas, ensino secundário, ensino laico e católico. THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER ECOS GONZAGUEANOS E ESTUDANTE: NOTES ON THESECONDARY SCHOOLS CATHOLIC AND SECULAR (PELOTAS/RS, 1930 A 1960AbstractThis paper discusses the use of student newspapers as a source for studies in history of education, as well as the importance of reading school newspaper. Focuses on the analysis of two newspapers of catholic secondary schools and secular of Pelotas/RS: Ecos Gonzagueanos and Estudante. In investigations that address cultural practices, their subjects and their production, student newspapers are considered potential elements for the seizure of the practices, discourses and daily life at school. You can see the values, customs and interests that oriented the relationships of young students as well as the reflections of the appropriations made from the school culture of the institution to which they were connected.Key-words: student newspapers, historical sources, secondary education, secular and catholic education. LOS PERIÓDICOS ESTUDANTILES ECOS GONZAGUEANOS E ESTUDANTE: NOTAS SOBRE LAS ESCUELAS SECUNDARIAS CATÓLICAS E SECULARES (PELOTAS/RS, 1930 A 1960ResumenEste art


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    Camila Osório Dutra


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a Hospitalidade Urbana do Centro Histórico da cidade de Pelotas/RS. Tendo como objetivo compreender se o Centro Histórico desta cidade, é, ou não, hospitaleiro, através das categorias de análise: Acessibilidade, Identidade e Legibilidade. Para isto, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e questionários com moradores e turistas em diferentes pontos da cidade. Relatou-se que a hospitalidade de legibilidade se refere, cada indivíduo cada usuário de um espaço tem uma visão, uma percepção, do que é mais interessante, do que é guardado em suas experiências e consequentemente em suas memórias visuais. Além disso, em futuros estudos, outros pontos que podem ser abordados são as condições de acesso em diferentes municípios e as identidades de diferentes cidades.

  4. Qualidade da dieta e estilo de vida de adolescentes de uma escola particular de Pelotas, RS


    Maciel, Francine Villela


    Mudanças no comportamento adotado durante a adolescência têm sido observadas nos últimos anos. Tais mudanças favoreceram o desenvolvimento de práticas alimentares inadequadas e geraram alterações no estado nutricional, caracterizadas pelo aumento excessivo de peso. Com isso, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade da dieta e fatores relacionados ao estilo de vida de adolescentes de uma escola particular de Pelotas, RS. Foi realizado um estudo transversal descritivo, com 525 adoles...

  5. Prevalência de chiado no peito em adultos da coorte de nascimentos de 1982, Pelotas, RS


    Menezes,Ana M B; Lima,Rosângela C; Minten,Gicele C; Hallal,Pedro C; Victora,Cesar G; Horta,Bernardo L; Gigante,Denise P; Barros,Fernando C


    OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de chiado no peito em adultos jovens, explorando o efeito de algumas variáveis sobre a ocorrência desta morbidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de coorte dos nascidos em 1982 na cidade de Pelotas (RS). Foram localizados 4.297 (77,4%) dos membros da coorte em 2004-5, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista, utilizando o questionário ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Steering Committee). A associação entre o desfecho "ocorr...


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    Jacqueline Valle Bairros


    Full Text Available Com o crescimento do turismo, cresce a preocupação com o fornecimento de refeições, tanto em qualidade sensorial quanto em qualidade higiênico-sanitária. A cidade de Pelotas, pertence à região Turística da Costa Doce, recebe muitos visitantes que usufruem dos seus serviços turísticos. O Mercado Público Municipal se destaca entre os pontos turísticos de grande visitação por sua localização central e por possuir bancas com os tradicionais doces de Pelotas. Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar um diagnóstico das condições higiênico-sanitárias das lojas de doces do Mercado Público Municipal de Pelotas/RS. Foram verificadas as condições higiênico-sanitárias mediante a aplicação de check list conforme a Portaria nº. 78/2009 da Secretaria da Saúde do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A porcentagem geral de conformidades das Lojas de Doces foi de 75,7% e 73,4% sendo, portanto, classificadas como nível Bom (Banca de Doces 01 e Aceitável (Banca de Doces 02. Esses resultados demonstram falhas no processo de produção dos doces, colocando em risco a saúde dos turistas. Conclui-se que, os estabelecimentos necessitam de maior atenção nos serviços com vistas as Boas Práticas de Fabricação.

  7. Fatores associados ao consumo regular de refrigerante não dietético em adultos de Pelotas, RS Factores asociados al consumo regular de gaseosa no dietética en adultos de Pelotas, Sur de Brasil Factors associated with regular non-diet soft drink intake among adults in Pelotas, Southern Brazil

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    Airton José Rombaldi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados ao consumo regular de refrigerantes não dietéticos por adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 972 adultos (20 a 69 anos do município de Pelotas, RS, realizado em 2006. A freqüência de consumo nos 12 meses anteriores à pesquisa foi medida por meio da pergunta: "em geral desde o do ano passado, quantas vezes tu tomaste refrigerante não dietético?". As respostas categorizadas foram dicotomizadas para fins de análise. Foi considerado consumo regular de refrigerante não dietético a freqüência de cinco ou mais vezes por semana. A associação entre o desfecho e variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais e nutricionais foi analisada pelo teste qui-quadrado para heterogeneidade e tendência linear e a análise multivariável foi realizada por meio de regressão de Poisson, com variância robusta. RESULTADOS: Cerca de um quinto da população adulta de Pelotas (20,4% ingeria regularmente refrigerante não dietético. Indivíduos do sexo masculino (RP 1,50; IC95%: 1,20;2,00, fumantes atuais (RP 1,60; IC95%: 1,20;2,10 e que consumiam semanalmente lanches (RP 2,10; IC95%: 1,60;2,70 apresentaram maior prevalência de consumo de refrigerantes não dietéticos na análise ajustada. A análise estratificada por sexo mostrou que o consumo regular de frutas, legumes e verduras foi fator protetor ao consumo de refrigerantes entre mulheres (RP 0,50; IC95%: 0,30;0,90. CONCLUSÕES: A freqüência do consumo regular de refrigerantes não dietéticos na população adulta foi elevada, particularmente entre homens, jovens e fumantes.OBJETIVO: Analizar factores asociados al consumo regular de gaseosas no dietéticas por adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal de base poblacional con 972 adultos (20 a 69 años del municipio de Pelotas, Sur de Brasil, realizado en 2006. La frecuencia de consumo en los 12 meses anteriores a la investigación fue medida por medio de la pregunta: "en

  8. Ludopedagogia: recreational-educational care for pediatrics University Hospital São Francisco de Paula-Pelotas / RS

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    Nivia Celoi Ferreira


    Full Text Available The respective project seeks to present the university extension project of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Catholic University of Pelotas, named "Ludopedagogia: recreational-educational care for pediatrics University Hospital São Francisco de Paula - Pelotas RS". The proposal relies on the view that the play, in the context of the infant playfulness, is a relevant factor to stimulate the processes of human development, to insert the child in moments of relaxation and promote cognitive abilities, as well as, soften the tensions caused by the hospital environment. The presence of the play and everything related to it is one of the factors that facilitate and provide the adaptation of the sick to the hospital environment. Therefore, it requires the presence of a responsible (teacher to mediate ludic experiences and create a link between the magic of play and familiar environment. Besides the presence of  this professional, the proposal aims at the participation of the family to create a welfare situation and proportionate the realization of exchanges, in this way, it’s possible to soften the emotional tension in hospital environment e promote strategies to the infant development.

  9. Medidas higienistas adotadas no Patronato Agrícola Visconde da Graça (1923-34 - Pelotas/RS

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    Magda de Abreu Vicente


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida como parte de trabalho de mestrado junto ao Programa dePós-Graduação da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Faculdade de Educação. Tem comoobjetivo analisar as normas higiênicas no Patronato Agrícola Visconde da Graça, noperíodo de 1923 até 1934, na cidade de Pelotas-RS e entender o enquadramento dasdiscussões higiênicas em voga no Brasil, a partir das notícias vinculadas no jornal DiárioPopular e das fichas dos alunos desta instituição. O texto, inicialmente, esboça asdiscussões brasileiras que elaboram o discurso higienista. Usa, para tal, referênciasbibliográficas que buscaram explicitar esta questão. Posteriormente, adentramos nestadiscussão em parâmetros locais, especificamente na cidade de Pelotas, através das notíciaspublicadas no jornal pelotense Diário Popular e também através de alguns pesquisadoresque aqui buscam entender as questões referentes às normas de higiene na cidade e naescola. Ao mesmo tempo analisamos como estas questões eram abordadas dentro doPatronato, através dos registros anotados nas fichas dos alunos que ali estiveram noperíodo estudado, pesquisadas no Acervo Escolar.

  10. Use of information systems in a health institution of Pelotas/RS

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    Isabel Cristina Rosa Barros Rasia


    Full Text Available This case study was conducted at a single institution Health Pelotas / RS and aimed to describe some of the subsystems of health information used in this institution, in addition to emphasizing the importance of proper record of information, so that they can be used by managers in the construction Indicators of Health was conducted qualitative research with the chief Nurse of the Unit in April 2011, and the data were investigated by content analysis. We stress the importance of this work proper record of information for the construction of reliable health indicators. The information and teamwork and interaction dimensions of organizational, technological and human, provide an excellent service more dignified and humane that will benefit everyone involved. We conclude that there must be an organizational culture of valuing information, and to know and assess the extent and performance of each information system is extremely important for your use and continuous improvement, becoming an instrument to detect priority focus of attention.


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    Isabel Cristina Rosa Barros Rasia


    Full Text Available This case study was conducted at a single institution Health Pelotas / RS and aimed to describe some of the subsystems of health information used in this institution, in addition to emphasizing the importance of proper record of information, so that they can be used by managers in the construction Indicators of Health was conducted qualitative research with the chief Nurse of the Unit in April 2011, and the data were investigated by content analysis. We stress the importance of this work proper record of information for the construction of reliable health indicators. The information and teamwork and interaction dimensions of organizational, technological and human, provide an excellent service more dignified and humane that will benefit everyone involved. We conclude that there must be an organizational culture of valuing information, and to know and assess the extent and performance of each information system is extremely important for your use and continuous improvement, becoming an instrument to detect priority focus of attention.


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    Isabel Halfen Torino


    Full Text Available O presente relatório descreve as etapas de restauração de um leque chinês do século XIX, acervo do Museu Municipal Parque da Baronesa, localizado em Pelotas-RS. O trabalho observou as técnicas construtivas, a caracterização e o comportamento dos materiais constituintes da peça, concentrando-se na diversidade de matérias primas integradas neste objeto e suas interações no processo de restauro. A intenção deste estudo foi a de contribuir para a conservação e orientar para as práticas adequadas de recuperação de acervos desta tipologia para Pelotas e região.

  13. Prevalência de angina pectoris em Pelotas, RS Prevalence of angina pectoris in Pelotas, south of Brazil

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    Leonardo Alves


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A cardiopatia isquêmica é a doença responsável pelo maior número de mortes no mundo, sendo a angina sua principal manifestação. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de angina e de possível angina e sua distribuição conforme as principais características sócio-demográficas entre adultos com idade igual ou maior que 40 anos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com moradores da área urbana da cidade de Pelotas (RS entre os meses de outubro e dezembro de 2007. Foi adotado o plano de amostragem por conglomerados em dois estágios - setores censitários e domicílios. As prevalências de angina e de possível angina foram definidas de acordo com o questionário de Rose. Essas condições foram avaliadas conforme as características sócio-demográficas: idade, sexo, cor da pele, condição econômica e escolaridade. Para a coleta dos dados, foram aplicados questionários padronizados por meio de entrevista com os indivíduos em seus domicílios. A taxa de não respondentes foi de 6,8%. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de angina entre os 1.680 indivíduos participantes do estudo foi de 8,2 % (IC 95%: 6,7 - 9,6, enquanto a de possível angina, 12,3% (IC 95%: 10,6 - 14,0. As prevalências de angina e de possível angina foram maiores entre os indivíduos do sexo feminino, de cor da pele preta/parda, de pior condição econômica e de menor escolaridade. A prevalência de angina foi maior entre indivíduos mais velhos. Não se observou diferença para possível angina. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de angina e de possível angina mostrou-se alta, acometendo cerca de 20% da população de Pelotas.BACKGROUND: Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world and angina is its cardinal manifestation. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of angina and possible angina and its distribution by main demographic and socioeconomic characteristics among adults 40 years of age or older. METHODS: This is a population

  14. Tabagismo na coorte de nascimentos de 1982: da adolescência à vida adulta, Pelotas, RS Tabaquismo en la cohorte de nacimientos de 1982: de la adolescencia a la vida adulta, Pelotas, Sur de Brasil Smoking prevalence in the 1982 birth cohort: from adolescence to adult life, Pelotas, Southern Brazil

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    Ana M B Menezes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de tabagismo em adolescentes e adultos jovens pertencentes a uma coorte de nascimentos de base populacional. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de coorte dos nascidos em 1982 na cidade de Pelotas, RS, entrevistados em 1997, 2000-1 e 2005. O desfecho estudado foi o tabagismo, definido como consumo de pelo menos um cigarro na última semana nos acompanhamentos de 1997 e 2000-1. No acompanhamento de 2005, a variável dependente foi tabagismo atual. A análise ajustada foi realizada por meio de regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: As prevalências de tabagismo entre homens foram de 5,9%, 20,2% e 27,6% nos acompanhamentos de 1997, 2000-1 e 2005, respectivamente. Os respectivos valores para as mulheres foram 9,3%, 27,5% e 23,6%. A idade média de início do fumo foi de 15,1 anos (dp=2,5. Na análise multivariável, menor escolaridade materna, baixa renda familiar em 1982, ter sido pobre durante todo o período acompanhado e fumo materno na gravidez estiveram significativamente associados com maiores prevalências de fumo em ambos os sexos. A cor da pele não branca associou-se com maior risco de fumo apenas entre as mulheres. A amamentação não mostrou associação com tabagismo. Nas mulheres, o fumo esteve inversamente associado com o peso ao nascer na análise bruta, mas perdeu a significância na ajustada. CONCLUSÕES: A maior concentração de tabagismo nos grupos mais pobres sugere que condutas como o combate ao fumo na gestação e o aumento do preço do cigarro poderiam ter importante impacto populacional.OBJETIVO: Evaluar la prevalencia de tabaquismo en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes pertenecientes a una cohorte de nacimientos de base poblacional. MÉTODOS: Estudio prospectivo de cohorte de los nacidos en 1982 en la ciudad de Pelotas, RS, entrevistados en 1997, 2000-1 y 2005. El desenlace estudiado fue el tabaquismo, definido como consumo de al menos un cigarro en la última semana en los acompañamientos de 1997 y

  15. Erosivity under two durations of maximum rain intensities in Pelotas/RS = Erosividade sob duas durações de intensidades máximas da chuva em Pelotas - RS

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    Jacira Porto dos Santos


    Full Text Available In the Universal Equation of Soil Loss (USLE, erosivity is the factor related to rain and express its potential to cause soil erosion, being necessary to know its kinetic energy and the maximum intensities of rain in duration of 30 min. Thus, the aim of this study was to verify and quantify the impact of the rain duration, considering 15 and 30 min, on the USLE erosivity factor. To achieve this, 863 rain gauge records were used, duiring the period of 1983 to 1998 in the city of Pelotas, RS, obtained from the Agrometeorological Station - Covenant EMBRAPA/UFPel, INMET (31o51´S; 52o21´O and altitude of 13,2 m. With the records, it was estimated the erosivity values from the maximum intensities of rain during the period evaluated. The average annual values of erosivity was 2551,3 MJ ha-1 h-1 ano-1 and 1406,1 MJ ha-1 h-1 ano-1, for the average intensities of 6,40 mm h-1 and 3,74 mm h-1, in durations of 15 and 30 min, respectively. The results of this study have shown that the percentage of erosive rainfalls in relation to the total precipitation was of 91.0%, and that the erosivity was influenced by the duration of the maximum intensity of rain.= Na Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (EUPS a erosividade é o fator relacionado à chuva e expressa o seu potencial em provocar a erosão do solo, sendo necessário que se conheça a energia cinética da mesma e as máximas intensidades da chuva na duração de 30 min. Objetivou-se com este trabalho verificar e quantificar o impacto da duração da chuva, considerando 15 e 30 min, sobre o fator erosividade da EUPS. Para tanto foram utilizados 863 registros pluviográficos de chuva, no período de 1983 a 1998 da localidade de Pelotas, RS, obtidos na Estação Agroclimatológica – Convênio EMBRAPA/UFPel, INMET (31o51´S;52o21´O e altitude de 13,2 m. Com os registros foram estimados os valores de erosividade a partir de intensidades máximas de chuva nas durações consideradas. Os valores m

  16. Methodological aspects of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study Aspectos metodológicos da coorte de nascimentos de 1993 em Pelotas, RS

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    Cesar Gomes Victora


    Full Text Available This paper describes the main methodological aspects of a cohort study, with emphasis on its recent phases, which may be relevant to investigators planning to carry out similar studies. In 1993, a population based study was launched in Pelotas, Southern Brazil. All 5,249 newborns delivered in the city's hospitals were enrolled, and sub-samples were visited at the ages of one, three and six months and of one and four years. In 2004-5 it was possible to trace 87.5% of the cohort at the age of 10-12 years. Sub-studies are addressing issues related to oral health, psychological development and mental health, body composition, and ethnography. Birth cohort studies are essential for investigating the early determinants of adult disease and nutritional status, yet few such studies are available from low and middle-income countries where these determinants may differ from those documented in more developed settings.Descrever aspectos metodológicos do estudo da coorte de crianças que podem ser relevantes para pesquisadores que estejam planejando investigações semelhantes. Em 1993, uma coorte de base populacional foi recrutada em Pelotas, RS. Os 5.249 recém-nascidos nos hospitais da cidade foram acompanhados com um, três e seis meses, e com um e quatro anos de idade. Subestudos estão sendo realizados sobre saúde bucal, desenvolvimento psicológico e saúde mental, composição corporal e aspectos etnográficos. Em 2004-5 foi possível entrevistar 87,5% da coorte inicial, com a idade de 10-12 anos. Estudos de coortes de nascimentos são essenciais para investigar os determinantes precoces da morbidade e estado nutricional de adultos. No entanto, há poucos estudos com esta metodologia em países de renda média e baixa, e alguns dos determinantes da situação de saúde podem ser distintos daqueles observados em países ricos.

  17. Anemia em menores de seis anos: estudo de base populacional em Pelotas, RS Anemia in children under six: population-based study in Pelotas, Southern Brazil

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    Maria Cecília Formoso Assunção


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de anemia em crianças menores de seis anos, em uma amostra probabilística de área urbana. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo com crianças de zero a cinco anos de idade, na cidade de Pelotas, RS, em 2004. Foram coletadas informações sobre características demográficas, socioeconômicas, antropométricas, de morbidade e sobre alimentação, por meio de questionário aplicado às mães ou responsáveis. As crianças foram pesadas e medidas. A concentração de hemoglobina foi medida com hemoglobinômetro portátil, HemoCue e anemia foi definida como valores de hemoglobina OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of anemia among children under six years of age in a probabilistic sample from an urban area. METHODS: A study was conducted comprising children aged zero to five years in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2004. Data were collected on demographic, socioeconomic, and anthropometric characteristics, morbidity and nutrition using a questionnaire applied to the mothers and guardians. Children's weight and height measurements were obtained. Hemoglobin concentration was measured using the HemoCue portable hemoglobinometer and anemia was defined as hemoglobin <11 g/dL. The association between anemia and predictors was expressed as prevalence ratio. Multivariate analysis was carried out using Poisson regression following a conceptual model and taking into account the study design effect. RESULTS: There were identified 534 children and total losses and refusals were 27 (5.1%. The prevalence of anemia was 30.2% (95% CI 23.5%;37.0%. In the multivariate analysis, only age and family income remained significantly associated with anemia. CONCLUSIONS: Anemia was largely socially determined in the population studied. Interventions aiming at reducing anemia should be developed to lessen this condition in the short run targeting disadvantaged populations.


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    Fábio Vergara Cerqueira


    Full Text Available O Seminário Internacional Turismo e Arqueologia: Patrimônio Cultural e Natural  foi idealizado e promovido pela rede interinstitucional estabelecida entre a Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL, a Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM e o Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT-Portugal, visando ao desenvolvimento de projetos nas áreas de Arqueologia, Paleontologia, Preservação e Educação Patrimonial e Turismo Cultural. Sua realização ocorreu em Pelotas/RS/Brasil, entre 24 e 27 de Novembro de 2004.


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    Fábio Vergara Cerqueira


    Full Text Available O Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Antropologia e Arqueologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, vinculado ao Instituto de Ciências Humanas (LEPAARQ/ICH/UFPEL iniciou suas atividades em 24 de Agosto de 2001, com o objetivo de desenvolver pesquisa científica nessas áreas, até então bastante carentes em Pelotas, e de desenvolver uma agenda positiva no que se refere à preservação do patrimônio cultural, material e imaterial.

  20. RESENHA: FREDEL, Karla Maria. Arqueologia de Gênero nas cidades de Pelotas - RS - Brasil e Habana Vieja - Habana - Cuba / século XIX. Erechim, RS: Habilis Press, 2015, 214 p.

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    Juan Manuel Cano Sanchiz


    Full Text Available Arqueologia de Gênero nas cidades de Pelotas - RS - Brasil e Habana Vieja - Habana - Cuba / século XIX es la publicación de la Tesis Doctoral homónima de Karla Ma Fredel, defendida en el Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas de la Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP, en octubre de 2012. La tesis se desarrolló bajo la orientación del profesor Dr. Pedro Paulo A. Funari (Laboratório de Arqueologia Pública, NEPAM/UNICAMP y la co-orientación de los profesores Dra. Lourdes Domínguez (Oficina del Historiador de La Habana; Academia de la Historia de Cuba y Dr. Lúcio Menezes Ferreira (Laboratório Multidisciplinar de Pesquisa Arqueológica, UFPel. Todos ellos han contribuido a esta nueva obra con sendos prólogo (Domínguez, prefacio (Funari y presentación (Ferreira.

  1. Comparação de diferentes metodologias para estimativa de curvas intensidade-duração-freqüência para Pelotas - RS Comparison of different methodologies to estimate intensity-duration-frequency curves for Pelotas - RS, Brazil

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    Rita de C. F. Damé


    Full Text Available Nos projetos agrícolas de obras hidráulicas, onde não se dispõe de dados observados de vazão, é necessário explorar ao máximo as informações relativas às curvas Intensidade-Duração-Freqüência (IDF. Diante disso, é preciso obter maneira de desenvolver metodologias de estimativas de curvas IDF, em locais que possuam pouco ou nenhum dado pluviográfico. O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar as metodologias de desagregação de precipitações diárias para verificar o ganho de informação em termos de curvas IDF, comparadas àquela obtida a partir de dados observados (histórica. Os métodos utilizados foram: (a Método das Relações (CETESB, 1979; (b BELTRAME et al. (1991; (c ROBAINA & PEITER (1992; (d Modelo Bartlett-Lewis do Pulso Retangular Modificado (DAMÉ, 2001. Utilizou-se de série de dados de precipitação diária de Pelotas - RS, referente ao período de 1982-1998. Para estimar as curvas IDF, a partir dos registros históricos, foram estabelecidas as durações de 15; 30; 60; 360; 720 e 1.440 minutos, e os períodos de retorno de 2; 5 e 10 anos. Os valores de intensidades máximas foram comparados entre si, pelo teste "t" de Student, para os coeficientes linear e angular, e pelo Erro Relativo Médio Quadrático. O método que melhor representou as intensidades máximas de precipitação, nos períodos de retorno de 2 e 10 anos, foi o Método das Relações (CETESB, 1979.Agricultural projects which deal with hydraulic projects and do not possess observed data on outflow need to explore at the most, information about the Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF curves. Thus, it is necessary to create ways to develop methodologies that estimate IDF curves for locations that have little or no pluviometric data. The aim of this work was to compare disaggregation methodologies for daily precipitation, to verify the increase in quality information considering the IDF curves, as compared to those originated from observed data

  2. Senhora das Águas: Memórias da antiga Procissão de Navegantes do Porto de Pelotas - RS


    Farinha, Alessandra Buriol


    O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo recuperar as memórias da antiga Procissão de Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes na regiãodo Porto de Pelotas. Da mesma forma, busca elucidar de que forma ocorreu sua descaracterização, seu esquecimento. A Festa de Navegantes ocorreu pela primeira vez em Pelotas em 1932, no bairro portuário da cidade, organizada pela Matriz Sagrado Coração de Jesus, conhecida como Igreja do Porto. No evento religioso, ocorria procissão terrestre...

  3. Alimentação nos primeiros três meses de vida dos bebês de uma coorte na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul Alimentación en los primeros tres meses de vida de los bebés de una coorte en la ciudad de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil Feeding during the first three months of life for infants of a cohort in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Cristina Corrêa Kaufmann


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar o padrão alimentar nos primeiros três meses de vida de crianças nascidas na cidade de Pelotas (RS. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte prospectivo com os bebês nascidos entre setembro de 2002 e maio de 2003, na cidade de Pelotas (RS. Incluíram-se 2.741 bebês nas maternidades e uma amostra aleatória de 30% acompanhada no primeiro e terceiro meses de vida. Foram realizadas análises uni, bi e multivariada. Somente as variáveis com pOBJETIVO: Estudiar el estándar alimentar en los primeros tres meses de vida de niños nascidos en la ciudad de Pelotas (RS, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudio de coorte prospectivo con bebés nascidos entre septiembre de 2002 y mayo de 2003, en la ciudad de Pelotas (RS, Brasil. Se incluyó a 2.741 bebés en las maternidades y una muestra aleatoria de 30%, seguida en el primero y el tercero meses de vida. Se realizaron análisis uni, bi y multivariados, y solamente las variables con pOBJECTIVE: To study the feeding pattern in the first three months of babies born in the Pelotas city, in Sothern Brazil. METHODS: Prospective cohort study, with babies born between september 2002 and may 2003. Among 2,741 babies whose mothers were interviewed at the maternity ward, a random sample of 30% was followed up on the first and third months of age. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses were applied. Variables with a p<0.05 were considered as associated. RESULTS: 951 babies were followed up on the first month, 60% were under exclusive maternal breastfeeding, and 10% were already weaned. Smoking during pregnancy, father's educational level lower than four years and the use of a pacifier were associated to weaning. On the third month, 29% had been weaned, 39% received maternal milk exclusively, and 59% were bottle fed. Smoking during pregnancy, father schooling and the use of a pacifier were associated with weaning. There was an increase in the pacifier use - from 56 to 66% between the first and the third month of

  4. Relatório das atividades de campo do Projeto de Salvamento Arqueológico do Centro Histórico de Pelotas-RS/Brasil (período 2006-2007

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    Fábio Vergara Cerqueira


    Full Text Available O Projeto de Salvamento Arqueológico do Centro Histórico de Pelotas-Rs/Brasil  consiste em uma pesquisa de arqueologia histórica em meio urbano que realiza atividades de levantamento e preservação de sítios arqueológicos desde o ano de 2002. Inicialmente, o projeto foi desenvolvido para atender as demandas do Programa  Monumenta  (o qual prevê a restauração da Praça Cel. Pedro Osório e dos mais imponentes prédios de seu entorno e atuou nos projetos de restauração dos casarões 8 (sítio PSGPe-1, escavado em 2002 e 2 (Sítio PSGPe-2, escavado em 2003. Atualmente, o projeto atende a todas as obras de impactação em prédios históricos e sítios arqueológicos da área urbana pelotense, bem como do patrimônio histórico das áreas periféricas. A responsabilidade  técnica pelo trabalho, junto ao  Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN  -  registrado sob número de processo 01512.000006/2005  –  92  -  é do  Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Antropologia e Arqueologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LEPAARQ  –  UFPEL,  coordenado pelo  Arqueólogo Dr. Fábio Vergara Cerqueira (CERQUEIRA  et  al., 2004a; CERQUEIRA e LOUREIRO, 2004b. PALAVRAS-CHAVE:  Arqueologia histórica  –  Salvamento Arqueológico  – Pelotas oitocentista


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    Ana Cristina Baú


    Full Text Available A prevalência de Salmonella em produtos de frangos e ovos de galinhas, os sorovares mais freqüentes e sua sensibilidadea a antimicrobianos, foram investigados em Pelotas, Brasil, no período de maio de 1997 a outubro de 1998. Um total de 124 amostras de produtos de frangos obtidas em supermercados e açougues e 94 amostras de 6 unidades de ovos de galinhas obtidas em supermercados e feiras-livres foram analisadas através do método convencional de cultivo. Entre as amostras de produtos de frangos analisadas, 13 (10,48% continham salmonelas. Os 13 isolamentos de salmonelas realizados foram sorotipificados como S. enteritidis (10, S. anatum (1 e S. enterica subespécie enterica sorovar 3,10:e,h:- (2. Todas as cepas isoladas foram resistentes à penicilina G e sensíveis aos demais antimicrobianos testados. Em amostras de ovos, não foram detectadas salmonelas.The prevalence of Salmonella in chicken products and hen's eggs, the most frequent serovars and their antimicrobial sensitivity, were investigated in the city of Pelotas, Brazil from May 1997 through October 1998. A total of 124 samples of chicken products obtained from local supermarkets and butcher shops, and 94 samples of eggs (6 units each obtained from supermarkets and street vendors, were examined through standard cultivation procedures. Salmonella were detected in 13 (10,48% samples of chicken products. Among the 13 strains of salmonellae isolated, 10 were serotyped as S. enteritidis, 1 was S. anatum and 2 were S. enterica subsp. enterica sorovar 3,10:e,h:-. All strains isolated were resistant to penicillin G and susceptible to the others antimicrobial drugs tested. Hen's eggs were not found contaminated with salmonellae.

  6. Hábitos alimentares de escolares adolescentes de Pelotas, Brasil Food habits of adolescent students from Pelotas, Brazil

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    Marilda Borges Neutzling


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a frequência com que escolares adolescentes de Pelotas (RS estão seguindo as recomendações nacionais para uma alimentação saudável. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal aninhado a um estudo longitudinal em 2004, incluindo adolescentes de 13 e 14 anos matriculados em 32 escolas públicas de Pelotas (RS. A amostra incluiu 2.209 adolescentes. Para avaliação da frequência de consumo alimentar, foi utilizado questionário proposto pelo Instituto Nacional do Câncer. Foram construídos desfechos baseados nos dez passos para a alimentação saudável propostos pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. RESULTADOS: Os hábitos alimentares saudáveis mais frequentes foram o consumo diário de feijão e leite, relatado por cerca de metade dos adolescentes. Quase metade dos jovens referiu ingerir batata frita e salgadinhos no máximo uma vez por semana. Verificou-se consumo adequado de alimentos conservados e enlatados em 44,6% dos adolescentes. Pouco menos da metade dos jovens (43,6% nunca colocava sal adicional na comida. Quanto ao consumo de doces e outros alimentos ricos em açúcar, constatou-se que aproximadamente um terço deles consumia bolos ou biscoitos no máximo duas vezes por semana. CONCLUSÃO: Verificou-se baixa frequência de hábitos alimentares saudáveis em todos os subgrupos estudados, sendo a frequência mais baixa entre jovens de maior nível socioeconômico e entre as meninas. O hábito alimentar que apresentou mais baixa frequência - 5,3% dos adolescentes - foi o consumo de frutas e verduras cinco ou mais vezes por dia. Políticas públicas de promoção da saúde voltadas à melhoria da alimentação e nutrição dos adolescentes são necessárias e urgentes.OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the extent to which adolescent students living in Pelotas, Brazil, follow the national recommendations for healthy eating. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was undertaken in 2004, nested to a longitudinal project

  7. Fumicultores da zona rural de Pelotas (RS, no Brasil: exposição ocupacional e a utilização de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI

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    Jober Buss da Silva

    Full Text Available Objetivou-se identificar o conhecimento dos fumicultores frente à exposição aos riscos ocupacionais e à utilização dos equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI durante sua atividade laboral. Estudo descritivo-exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, utilizando entrevista semiestruturada com fumicultores do Município de Pelotas (RS. A análise temática evidenciou que os trabalhadores possuem conhecimento superficial sobre os problemas de saúde aos quais estão expostos no seu ambiente laboral. Além disso, ficou claro que os EPI são pouco aceitos pelos fumicultores; que estes trabalhadores fazem uso somente de alguns dos equipamentos, por os considerarem desconfortáveis. Tudo isso associado, ainda, à falta de capacitações. Conclui-se que há necessidade de trabalho educativo nas lavouras de fumicultura.

  8. Surto de aflatoxicose aguda em cães no município de Pelotas/RS

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    Karina Guterres

    Full Text Available RESUMO: As aflatoxinas pertencem ao grupo das micotoxinas e são substâncias sintetizadas durante a multiplicação de fungos que podem contaminar alimentos e rações animais, produzindo efeitos agudos ou crônicos naqueles que os consomem. Os cães são sensíveis aos efeitos tóxicos das aflatoxinas, havendo dificuldades de diagnóstico definitivo desta doença devido a fatores, como a inespecificidade dos sinais clínicos e o custo elevado da análise da presença de toxinas na alimentação. Desta forma, o objetivo deste artigo foi relatar um surto de aflatoxicose em dezoito caninos, no município de Pelotas - RS, no qual apenas um canino não veio a óbito, após a ingestão de quirelas de milho e arroz contaminadas. O diagnóstico definitivo de aflatoxicose aguda foi obtido através dos dados da anamnese, exames complementares, resultados de necropsia e histopatologia, além de análise da presença de toxinas na alimentação dos animais. Na necropsia observou-se degeneração e necrose hepática severa e na análise das amostras de alimento foi constatada a presença de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2, em um somatório de 898,2μg/kg na quirela de milho e de 409,86μg/kg na de arroz. Assim sendo, medidas de conscientização acerca do controle e prevenção das micotoxicoses devem ser tomadas, salientando os possíveis danos à saúde dos animais. Além disto, métodos de identificação de micotoxinas, devem ser implementados na rotina hospitalar, incluindo a análise da ração oferecida, visto que a aflatoxicose, muitas vezes é subestimada.

  9. A CRIANÇA E A CIDADE: percepções e rememorações infantis sobre Pelotas (RS

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    Karla Nazareth Simões de Almeida Tissot


    Full Text Available Esse artigo pretende abordar a percepção da cidade através do ponto de vista de duas crianças, o que lhes chama atenção na paisagem e como expressam o que enxergam, sentem, experimentam no espaço. No entanto, a metodologia inicial – observação participante e entrevista livre em campo – encontrou um obstáculo quando as crianças passaram a silenciar-se acerca da experiência. Desta maneira, uma nova estratégia foi traçada: aplicar técnicas de história oral temática juntamente com a navegação no Google Maps Street View (GMSV, ou seja, procuraram-se os lugares citados no mapa on-line para descobrir, a partir do diálogo lembrança-mapa, quais caminhos e lembranças eram evidenciados. Nessa nova configuração, como considerações parciais, destaco os novos desafios que foram traçados: como fazer entrevistas com crianças tão novas utilizando a história oral? De que forma a utilização do mapa seria útil? E de que maneira a criança pode ser um protagonista no processo de construção da imagem da cidade? Palavras-chave: Cidade; Infância; Percepção; Memória.   THE CHILD AND THE CITY: Children's perceptions and recollections of Pelotas (RS ABSTRACT This paper intends to address on the perception of the city through the perspective of two children, what catches their attention on the landscape and how they express what they see, feel and experience in that space. However, the initial methodology – participant observation and free interviews during fieldwork – found an obstacle when the children began to become silent throughout the experiment. Thus, a new strategy was drawn: to apply thematic Oral History techniques with Google Maps Street View (GMSV navigation, i.e. we looked for the places mentioned in the online map to find out, from the memory-map dialog, what pathways and memories were highlighted. In this new configuration, the highlights are the new challenges that were traced, as partial considerations: how

  10. Fatores associados ao consumo de dietas ricas em gordura em adultos de uma cidade no sul do Brasil

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    Airton José Rombaldi


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a frequência de consumo de dieta rica em gordura por adultos de 20 a 69 anos de Pelotas, RS, e analisar fatores associados. Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional, incluindo 972 adultos. A frequência do consumo de gordura alimentar no ano anterior à pesquisa foi avaliada pelo questionário de Block, composto por quinze itens alimentares, pontuados de acordo com a frequência de consumo de alimentos com elevados teores de gordura. Cerca de 1/3 da população adulta (32,7% consumia regularmente dieta rica em gordura. Para ambos os sexos, o consumo regular de gordura mostrou-se associado a idades mais jovens e consumo regular de refrigerantes e, somente para homens, aos níveis econômicos A/B. A frequência do consumo regular de alimentos ricos em gordura na população adulta residente no município de Pelotas encontra-se além das recomendações atuais do Ministério da Saúde. Políticas públicas que estimulem uma alimentação saudável são urgentemente necessárias.

  11. Prevalência de distúrbios psiquiátricos menores na cidade de Pelotas, RS Prevalence of minor psychiatric disorders in the City of Pelotas, RS

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    Juvenal Soares Dias da Costa


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um estudo transversal, de base populacional, com o objetivo de determinar a preval��ncia de distúrbios psiquiátricos menores (DPM e verificar sua associação com fatores de risco. A amostragem por conglomerados foi definida em estágios múltiplos, incluindo 1967 pessoas com idade entre 20 e 69 anos, identificadas em 40 setores censitários da zona urbana da cidade de Pelotas. As entrevistas foram realizadas nos domicílios, utilizando-se um questionário pré-codificado, contendo SRQ-20, informações socioeconômicas e demográficas, presença de doenças crônicas, utilização de serviços de saúde, consumo de álcool, hábito de tabagismo e coleta de medidas antropométricas. A presença de DPM foi definida a partir de 6 e 7 respostas positivas no SRQ-20, para homens e mulheres, respectivamente. A prevalência de DPM foi de 28,5%, com intervalo de confiança de 95% entre 26,5% e 30,5%. A prevalência foi maior nas pessoas inseridas nas classes sociais mais baixas, de menor renda, acima de 40 anos e do sexo feminino. Na análise ajustada, os distúrbios psiquiátricos menores mantiveram-se associados com hábito de tabagismo, presença de doença crônica não transmissível e freqüência de consultas médicas. Os resultados indicam que as prevalências de DPM foram semelhantes a outros estudos realizados no município e atingem principalmente as camadas sociais mais baixas. Embora não tenham sido diferentes em relação ao tipo de serviço de saúde utilizado, mostraram associação com a freqüência de utilização de assistência médica, sugerindo que esses resultados possam orientar a formação de profissionais de saúde e o planejamento das ações de saúde.The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of minor psychiatric disorders (MPD in the population of Pelotas, and to determine their association with risk factors. A cross-sectional, population-based survey was conducted, with a cluster

  12. Mixed Martial Arts: rotinas de condicionamento e avaliação da aptidão física de lutadores de Pelotas/RS

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    Fabrício Boscolo del Vecchio


    Full Text Available O Mixed Martial Arts (MMA carece de informações acerca do sistema de treinos e da aptidão física de seus lutadores, os quais necessitam de elevado condicionamento aeróbio e neuromuscular. Assim, objetivou-se registrar as rotinas de treinamento e mensurar a aptidão física de lutadores de MMA de nível regional. Oito competidores da cidade de Pelotas/RS constituíram a amostra. Realizaram-se: i entrevista semi-estruturada, contendo dez perguntas abertas, ii avaliação neuromuscular, com testes de carga máxima (1RM no supino reto e levantamento terra, e iii avaliação do componente aeróbio, a partir da determinação da velocidade no VO2máx (vVO2máx, cálculo da potência aeróbia máxima (VO2máx e quantificação do tempo limite (TLim. Os resultados indicam que a maioria dos lutadores de Pelotas realiza apenas dois treinos semanais específicos, não utiliza o treinamento de pesos e emprega corridas nas suas sessões de treino. Acerca da aptidão física, os atletas têm IMC de 26,19±26,19 kg/m², 9,47±4,06% de gordura corporal, 1RM de 76,25±10,61 kg no supino reto e de 115±10,69 kg no levantamento terra, VO2máx de 52,5±4,95mL·kg-1·min-1, vVO2máx de 15±1,41 km·h-1 e TLim de 360,75±55 segundos. Conclui-se que a frequência de treinos aeróbios e de força destes lutadores é insuficiente para o MMA, o percentual de gordura corporal deles é baixo e, apesar da aptidão aeróbia moderada, os níveis de força absoluta e relativa destes lutadores são inferiores aos apresentados pela literatura.

  13. Escherichia coli verotoxigênica: isolamento e prevalência em 60 propriedades de bovinos de leite da região de Pelotas, RS, Brasil Verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli: isolation and prevalence in 60 dairy cattle farms from Pelotas-RS, Brazil

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    Cecília Nunes Moreira Sandrini


    Full Text Available A produção de verotoxinas foi investigada em 1.127 isolamentos de Escherichia coli feitos a partir de 243 bovinos de leite, de água de consumo humano e animal e de amostras de leite de 60 propriedades da bacia leiteira de Pelotas, no período de dezembro de 1999 a dezembro de 2000, com o objetivo de determinar a prevalência de E. coli verotoxigênicas (VTEC nas propriedades e no rebanho, de detectar a presença de sorotipos ligados a infecções humanas e de identificar, nas propriedades e na região de Pelotas, potenciais fatores de risco de infecção para os animais. A detecção das toxinas em sobrenadante de culturas de E. coli isoladas foi realizada através do ensaio de citotoxicidade em células Vero. VTEC foi isolada em 95% (57/60 das propriedades estudadas, em 49% (119/243 dos animais testados, em 5% (3/60 das amostras de água de consumo humano, em 8,35% (5/60 das amostras de água de consumo animal e em 5% (3/60 das amostras de leite. A prevalência de bovinos infectados em cada propriedade variou de 0 a 100%. Em 2,9% (7/243 dos animais testados, foram isoladas VTEC pertencentes aos sorogrupos O157, O91 e O112, que incluem cepas responsáveis por casos de colite hemorrágica e síndrome urêmica hemolítica em humanos. Fatores de risco de contaminação, como a precipitação pluviométrica, a temperatura, o tamanho da propriedade e a concentração de animais, apresentaram evidências de influenciarem a prevalência de VTEC nos animais. Estes resultados sugerem que o grupo VTEC está amplamente distribuído na bacia leiteira de Pelotas e inclui organismos pertencentes a sorogrupos patogênicos para humanos.The production of verotoxin was investigated in 1127 Escherichia coli isolated from 243 dairy cattle, water for human and animal consumption, and milk samples from 60 dairy farms from Pelotas-Brazil, from December of 1999 to December of 2000, to determine the prevalence of verotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC in farms, to detect the



    Daltoé, Maurício Francisco; Castro, Andréa Souza; Corrêa, Luciara Bilhalva; Leandro, Diuliana; Barcelos, Amauri Antunes


    The Basic Sanitation at Brazil, according to the law nº 11.445/2007, includes about four aspects, the Supply of Potable Water, the Collection and the Treatment of Sewage, the Urban Cleaning and the Solid Waste Management, the Drainage and the Rainwater Management. The urban drainage and the solid waste management are of extreme relevance to the factors related to the present work, which aims to characterize so qualitative the solid waste found in micro-drainage network in the City of Pelotas ...

  15. Demo 16. Colisión pelota de baloncesto-pelota de tenis


    Ferrer Roca, Chantal; Coll Company, César


    Objetivo: La pelota de tenis rebota hasta una altura superior a aquella desde la que fue lanzada cuando lo hace rebotando sobre la de baloncesto (no así cuando rebota en el suelo). Este fenómeno se explica apelando a la conservación de momento y energía mecánica.


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    Ariela Silva Torres


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Reservatórios elevados são construções destinadas a receber água das estações de tratamento através das adutoras ou de reservatórios de maior volume apoiados ou enterrados e distribuí-la até os pontos de consumo. Esta estrutura tem como função principal condicionar e equalizar as pressões nas áreas de cotas topográficas mais altas que não podem ser abastecidas pelo reservatório principal. Este trabalho relata um estudo sobre as manifestações patológicas de reservatórios elevados executados em concreto armado na zona urbana da cidade de Pelotas, RS. A etapa de diagnóstico foi feita através de análise visual com registro fotográfico e após comparação com projeto estrutural cedido pelo órgão responsável pelo projeto. Por meio do estudo foi possível identificar manifestações patológicas do tipo: fissuras, sujidade, desplacamentos, corrosão de armaduras e lixiviação. Os resultados das análises das manifestações patológicas demonstraram que, além da falta de manutenção, as especificações de projeto, referentes aos estribos de pilares e vigas, foram decisivas na propagação da corrosão de armaduras, que estão expostas devido à ocorrência de cobrimentos em desacordo com os critérios atuais da norma NBR-6118 (ABNT, 2014 (Projeto de estruturas de concreto armado. O trabalho concluiu que o descaso do poder público com o estabelecimento de processos adequados de manutenção acelerou a degradação da estrutura e ocasionando assim a falha no funcionamento de abastecimento nos bairros que utilizam estes reservatórios. Desta maneira, este trabalho colaborou para o poder público iniciar o processo de estudo da etapa de manutenção destas edificações, com fim de favorecer a comunidade. ABSTRACT: Elevated tanks are buildings designed to receive water treatment plants through pipelines or supported bulk tanks or buried and distribute it to the points of consumption. This structure has the main

  17. Educação ambiental: bairro da balsa e os conflitos socioambientais na criação do campus porto da UFPEL/RS


    Karpinski, Lila Fátima; Adomili, Gianpaolo Knoller


    Este artigo trata de uma leitura do modo de vida e das percepções dos moradores do Bairro da Balsa, Pelotas/RS, em um contexto de conflitos socioambientais desencadeados pela criação do novo Campus Porto da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Esses conflitos, como os problemas de infraestrutura social e urbana, elucidam-nos acerca das mazelas deixadas pela ausência do poder público local, apontando para uma situação de periferia, envolvendo as condições de vida e territorialidade dos moradores. ...

  18. Percepção de exposição a cargas de trabalho e riscos de acidentes em Pelotas, RS (Brasil

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    Rosângela C. Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre a percepção de exposição às cargas de trabalho e o risco de acidentes. MÉTODOS: O delineamento do estudo foi o tipo de casos e controles. Os casos (n=264 incluíram os acidentes de trabalho típicos notificados no Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social, de Pelotas, RS (Brasil, de janeiro a julho de 1996. Foram excluídos os óbitos (dois, os acidentes ocorridos na zona rural, e os que afastaram o trabalhador de suas atividades por menos de sete dias. Para cada caso foram selecionados três tipos de controles: um trabalhador da mesma empresa, um vizinho e um controle populacional. Os controles foram emparelhados com os casos por idade e sexo e precisavam ter vínculo empregatício formal e não ter sofrido acidente no último mês. Os dados foram analisados usando regressão logística condicional. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Os trabalhadores que relatavam enfrentar situações de emergência, o trabalho em altura, perigo constante, ou ambientes ruidosos tinham cerca de duas vezes mais risco de acidentar-se. O trabalho em posições incômodas ou com esforço físico intenso aumentaram em 50% o risco de acidentes. As demais cargas de trabalho estudadas não se constituíram como fatores de risco para os acidentes. Os resultados foram ajustados para fatores de confusão.

  19. Produção e qualidade do leite em sistemas de produção da região leiteira de Pelotas, RS, Brasil Milk yield and quality at production systems of the dairy region of Pelotas, RS, Brazil

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    Paulo Ricardo Garcia Martins


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a produção e a qualidade do leite em sistemas de produção da bacia leiteira de Pelotas. Entre setembro de 2001 e agosto de 2002, foram monitoradas, durante 11 meses, nove unidades produtoras de leite, classificadas nos seguintes sistemas de produção: especializado (ES, semi-especializado (SE e não-especializado (NE. Em amostras coletadas no tanque resfriador, foram determinadas características físico-químicas do leite e contagem de células somáticas. O percentual de mastite e a e produção leiteira corrigida para 4% de gordura foram avaliados. Adotou-se o delineamento completamente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas. A crioscopia, apesar de apresentar diferença estatística entre ES e NE (PThis research was aimed at characterizing milk yield and quality of three production systems at Pelotas dairy region. From September 2001 up to August 2002, nine dairy production units were visited for 11 months. Production units were classified as specialized (S, partially specialized (PS and non-specialized (NS. Bulk tank milk was sampled to analyze physical and chemical attributes and somatic cells count (SCC. Mastitis percentage and 4% fat-corrected milk yield were evaluated. A completely randomized split-plot design was adopted. Cryoscopic index differed between specialized and non-specialized systems (P<0.10, but all values were within the normal range. Specialized system showed lower mastitis occurrence than partially specialized and non-specialized systems (P<0.10. Production systems did not differ for 4% fat-corrected milk yield, contents of protein, casein, fat, lactose, solids non-fat, total solids, non-protein nitrogen, as well as titrable acidity and somatic cells count. Higher technology level application reduced mastitis occurrence, contributing to a better milk quality.

  20. Prevalência e determinantes precoces dos transtornos mentais comuns na coorte de nascimentos de 1982, Pelotas, RS Prevalencia y determinantes precoces de los trastornos mentales comunes en la cohorte de nacimientos de 1982, Pelotas, Sur de Brasil Prevalence and early determinants of common mental disorders in the 1982 birth cohort, Pelotas, Southern Brazil

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    Luciana Anselmi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns e sua associação com fatores de risco numa coorte de adultos jovens. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal aninhado à coorte de nascimentos de 1982 de Pelotas, RS. Em 2004-5, 4.297 indivíduos foram entrevistados em visita domiciliar. A probabilidade de transtornos mentais comuns foi estimada pelo Self-Report Questionnaire. Os fatores de risco incluíram variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas, perinatais e ambientais. A análise foi estratificada por sexo e as razões de prevalência simples e ajustadas foram estimadas utilizando-se regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns na população geral foi 28,0%; 32,8% e 23,5%, respectivamente, entre mulheres e homens. Independentemente da pobreza em 1982, homens e mulheres pobres em 2004-5 apresentaram risco aproximado de 1,5 para esses transtornos (pOBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales comunes y su asociación con factores de riesgo en una cohorte de adultos jóvenes. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal anidado a la cohorte de nacimientos de 1982 de Pelotas (Sur de Brasil. En 2004-5, 4.297 individuos fueron entrevistados en visita domiciliar. La probabilidad de trastornos mentales comunes fue estimada por el Self-Report Questionnaire. Los factores de riesgo incluyeron variables socioeconómicas, demográficas, perinatales y ambientales. El análisis fue estratificado por sexo y las razones de prevalencia simples y ajustadas fueron estimadas utilizándose regresión de Poisson. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de trastornos mentales comunes en la población general fue de 28,0%; 32,8% y 23,5%, respectivamente, entre mujeres y hombres. Independientemente de la pobreza en 1982, hombres y mujeres pobres en 2004-5 presentaron riesgo aproximado de 1,5 para esos trastornos (pOBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders and assess its association with risk factors in a cohort of young

  1. Primórdios de um colégio teuto-brasileiro urbano em Pelotas no final do século 19 - Beginnings of an urban german-brazilian school in pelotas at the end of 19 century

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    Maria Angela Peter da Fonseca


    Full Text Available O Collegio Allemão de Pelotas, um colégio urbano, de ensino primário e secundário, para meninos e meninas, foi fundado em 1898, por uma sociedade escolar composta por imigrantes alemães e teuto-brasileiros, industriais e comerciantes, em sua maioria, protestantes luteranos. Neste trabalho enfocamos a gênese do educandário, os primeiros quinze anos de funcionamento e suas especificidades em relação à língua alemã e ao germanismo presente no currículo da instituição. Entre as fontes utilizadas destacam-se jornais da cidade de Pelotas, relatório da Intendência Municipal de Pelotas de 1912, relatório escolar de 1913 e os estatutos do Collegio Allemão de Pelotas de 1915.Palavras-chave: história da educação teuto-brasileira urbana, Collegio Allemão de Pelotas, germanismo, língua alemã. BEGINNINGS OF AN URBAN GERMAN-BRAZILIAN SCHOOL IN PELOTAS AT THE END OF 19 CENTURYAbstractThe German School of Pelotas, an urban school, of primary and secondary education for boys and girls, was founded in 1898 by a school society composed of German immigrants and German-Brazilian, industrialists and traders mostly lutheran protestants. In this work we focus on the genesis of the school, the first fifteen years of operation and its particularities in relation to the German language and germanism in the curriculum of this institution. Among the sources used stand out newspapers from the city of Pelotas, one photo of German School of Pelotas from 1909, report of the Municipal Intendance of Pelotas from 1912, Report School from 1913 and the statute of the German School of Pelotas from 1915 .Key-words: history of the urban german-brazilian education, german school of Pelotas, germanism, german language. INICIOS DE UNA ESCUELA TEUTÓNICO-BRASILEÑA URBANA EN PELOTAS AL FINAL DEL SIGLO 19ResumenLa Escuela Alemana de Pelotas, una escuela urbana de educación primaria e secundária, para niños y niñas, fue fundada en 1898, por una sociedad de la

  2. Microrganismos isolados de superfícies da UTI adulta em um Hospital do vale do Rio Pardo – RS

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    Jane Dagmar Pollo Renner


    Full Text Available Avaliar a presença de microrganismos em superfícies da UTI adulta de um Hospital no Vale do Rio Pardo, RS. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal e observacional onde foram incluídas 45 amostras de swabs de superfícies da UTI no mês de agosto de 2012. As amostras foram coletadas e incubadas em meio líquido Brain Heart Infusion(BHI e levadas ao laboratório de Microbiologia da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (Unisc para realizar os testes microbiológicos.Resultados: Foi detectada a presença de 40 cepas em 38 superfícies com a prevalência de Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidemidis em 42% e do Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus em 37%. No antibiograma 85,7% das cepas de S.aureus e 92,8% das cepas de S. epidermidis isoladas apresentaram resistência à penicilina e para à oxacilina o perfil de resistência foi de 64,2% e 7,1% respectivamente. Conclusão: Nesse estudo houve uma alta incidência da contaminação ambiental por S. epidermidis e S. aureus. Esta situação pode representar um risco à saúde tanto do paciente quanto do profissional. Sendo assim, intervenções de prevenção devem ser implementadas e os programas de reeducação e incentivo às boas práticas dentro de uma unidade hospitalar são de fundamental importância, pois somente com ações direcionadas poderá diminuir a disseminação e resistência aos antimicrobianos.

  3. MICE Tourism (Meetings, Incentives, Conferecing and Exhibitions como gerador de Turismo Interno: Analisando a cidade de Pelotas, RS

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    Adriana Fumi Chim-Miki


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva apresentar as oportunidades do Turismo MICE Interno para as cidades consideradas regionais. Esta modalidade de turismo urbano, em termos mundiais e nacionais tem apresentado expressivo crescimento. Além disso, está sendo indicada como um produto complementar ou substituto ao clássico turismo de Sol e Praia, especialmente para destinos que estão apresentando sintomas da maturidade deste modelo, ou áreas em que não há condições naturais favoráveis a um completo desenvolvimento baseado em Sol e Praia. Objetivando contribuir com a literatura acadêmica, se apresenta uma revisão conceitual e tipológica do turismo MICE, seguido de uma revisão de determinantes ou atributos para destinos MICE. Desta revisão se extrai os principais determinantes da competitividade do turismo MICE regional, aplicando-os em uma análise empírica da cidade de Pelotas como candidata a Destino MICE Regional. A metodologia é qualitativa, sendo um estudo de caso que utiliza dados primários através de informação coletada nos sites de promoção turística oficiais do município. Conclui-se que a cidade de Pelotas, situada no sul do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, possui condições de tornar-se um Destino MICE Regional, porém se recomenda uma melhoria no planejamento turístico, em términos de focalizar no desenvolvimento dos atributos de competitividade MICE, e especialmente uma melhoria na qualidade e quantidade das informações sobre suas capacidades como Destino MICE.

  4. Ludopedagogia: atendimento recreacional-pedagógico para pediatria do Hospital Universitário São Francisco de Paula - Pelotas/RS

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    Nivia Celoi Ferreira


    Full Text Available O respectivo projeto procura apresentar o projeto de extensão universitária do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Católica de Pelotas, denominado “Ludopedagogia: atendimento recreacional-pedagógico para pediatria do Hospital Universitário São Francisco de Paula - Pelotas RS”. A proposta apoia-se na perspectiva de que o brincar, no contexto da ludicidade infantil, é um fator relevante para estimular os processos de desenvolvimento humano, a fim de inserir a criança em momentos de descontração e promover habilidades cognitivas, bem como, amenizar as tensões provadas pelo ambiente hospitalar. A presença do brincar e tudo a ele relacionado é um dos fatores que facilitam e proporcionam a adaptação do enfermo ao ambiente hospitalar. Para tanto, é necessária a presença de um responsável (pedagogo para mediar experiências lúdicas e criar um elo entre a magia do brincar e o ambiente familiar. Além da presença deste profissional a proposta visa a participação dos familiares para criar uma situação de bem estar e proporcionar a realização de trocas, desta maneira é possível amenizar a tensão emocional no ambiente hospitalar e promover estratégias para o desenvolvimento infantil.

  5. Exame citopatológico de colo uterino em mulheres com idade entre 20 e 59 anos em Pelotas, RS: prevalência, foco e fatores associados à sua não realização Pap smears of 20 - 59 year-old women in Pelotas, Southern Brazil: prevalence, approach and factors associated with not undergoing the test

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    Arnildo A. Hackenhaar


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência e o foco de realização do exame citopatológico do colo uterino e também fatores associados à sua não realização em mulheres com idade entre 20 e 59 anos residentes na cidade de Pelotas, RS. MÉTODOS: Entre outubro e dezembro de 2003 foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional. Através de amostragem por conglomerados foram sorteados 144 setores censitários em múltiplos estágios. Foram investigadas variáveis sociodemográficas e a realização de exame citopatológico do colo uterino. RESULTADOS: Dentre as 1404 mulheres que constituem a população-alvo dos programas de prevenção do câncer do colo uterino, 83,0% realizaram o exame citopatológico do colo uterino nos três anos antecedentes a este estudo. Mostraram-se significativamente associadas (POBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the prevalence of and approach of Pap smear tests, as well as associated factors in women living in Pelotas, RS, Southern Brazil, within the 20 - 59 age range, who did not undergo a Pap smear. METHODS: A cross-sectional population-based study was carried out from October to December 2003. 144 census tracts were sampled through a multiple-stage clustered method. Socio-demographic variables were investigated, as well as women's Pap smear tests. RESULTS: Among the 1,404 women who were the target population included in the early detection program of uterine cervix cancer, 83% had had Pap smears in the three years before the study. Variables statistically associated (p<0.05 with women not undergoing the test in the previous three years were: ages ranging from 20-29 to 50-59 years compared with 40-49 year-old women, lower schooling level, lower social level, mixed and black skin color, not having seen a gynecologist in the previous 12 months. CONCLUSIONS: Although this study presents a high coverage of women undergoing Pap smears, women that present higher risk factors for this type of cancer had fewer

  6. Mortalidade perinatal e infantil em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul: nossas estatísticas são confiáveis?

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    Fernando C. Barros


    Full Text Available Uma coorte de 6.011 crianças vem sendo acompanhada desde o nascimento em Pelotas, RS. A última avaliação foi realizada quando as crianças tinham 20 meses, em média. Este acompanhamento foi feito através de um censo da cidade, quando todas as 68.600 residências foram visitadas, tendo sido localizadas 87,3% das crianças da coorte. Concomitantemente, todos os óbitos foram monitorizados através de visitas domiciliares, revisão periódica de atestados de óbito na Secretaria da Saúde e revisão de prontuários hospitalares. Com o uso dessa metodologia, foi possível detectar 42,1% de sub-registros de mortes perinatais, com 47,8% para óbitos fetais. Com relação à mortalidade infantil, a proporção de sub-registros foi de 24%.A cohort of 6,011 children is being followed up from birth in Pelotas, RS, Brazil. More than 87% of these children were seen when aged 12-27months (mean = 20 months, when all 68,600 urban households were visited. Deaths were monitored through home visits, the review of hospital casenotes and of death certificates at the Secretariat of Health, and these findings were compared with official statistics. Approximately 42% of perinatal deaths failed to be registered, the corresponding figures being 48% for fetal and 24% for infant deaths. On the other hand, less than 5% of all births failed to be registered. The implications of these findings for health policy-makers are discussed.


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    Olatz González Abrisketa


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende analizar la pelota vasca en tanto que un marco de concepción de sentidos y de representación del mundo. Los significados culturales se refundan dentro de la coyuntura, posibilitando el cambio dentro de la permanencia y la comunión entre jugadores y público. Este artículo defiende que la pelota ha ocupado un papel central en la conformación y mantenimiento de la conciencia colectiva de los vascos, y postula que la pelota es una práctica ritualmente celebrada y convertida hoy en deporte industrializado, que representa un expresivo acto de fundación cultural y que transmite narrativas elementales del vínculo identitario.  

  8. LUDICIDADE E TURISMO: um jogo para apresentar roteiros de turismo gastronômico na cidade de Pelotas

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    Marina Berton


    Universidade Federal de Pelotas no segundo semestre de 2015, e os benefícios que tal prática apresenta para quem cria e quem joga. Acredita-se que a prática influenciará na qualidade da educação e na atuação dos futuros profissionais – tanto do turismo, quanto da gastronomia - no mercado. Além de poder ser utilizado pelo Projeto Ludoteca do Turismo, na Semana do Patrimônio de Pelotas, em eventos acadêmicos, e poderá ser entregue à Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Turismo de Pelotas como forma de auxiliar no desenvolvimento do turismo e da gastronomia de Pelotas. Palavras-chave: Turismo Gastronômico; Roteiros; Educação Turística; Jogos Educacionais; Pelotas.

  9. Jugadores de pelota maya en tiempos del oxlajuj b’ak’tún

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    Jairzinho Francisco Panqueba Cifuentes


    Full Text Available La presente reflexión hace parte de un proceso investigativo cuyo objeto ha sido la práctica contemporánea del juego de pelota maya en Guatemala. Es un acercamiento analítico a los testimonios de vida recabados a través de la metodología de investigación-aprehendizaje compartida con los actores del proceso. Sus trayectorias vitales nos permiten comprender en descripciones y acciones, los detalles contemporáneos de una manifestación cultural, lúdica y recreativa ancestral. Pero también de qué maneras el juego de pelota mesoamericano es fuente de conocimientos de los patrimonios corporales hasta ahora difusos entre discursos relacionados con el folclor, las etnicidades, las artes, el deporte, la cultura, las espiritualidades y en general con ciencias como la historia, la antropología y la arqueología. Las vidas cotidianas de los actuales jugadores de pelota ayudan a comprender una parte de las sabidurías ancestrales mayas. Se integran, por tanto, a los testimonios de las herencias inmateriales arqueológicas representadas en los campos de juego de pelota diseminados por Mesoamérica.

  10. Creating and maintaining social networks: women’s participation in Basque pilota. [Creación y mantenimiento de redes sociales: participación de mujeres en pelota vasca].

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    Uxue Fernandez-Lasa


    Full Text Available Basque pilota is a traditional sport played mainly by men. A project emerged in 2005 to promote female participation: Emakumea Pilotari (Woman pelota player. In this article we present the main points that emerged from an ethnographic study of the social relationships that playing Basque pilota can provide. The study was carried out in 2011-2012 season with a purposive sample of 28 adult women Basque pilota players (pilotaris (between 22 and 60 years old. 26 participants were pilotaris in recreational groups and the other two were their trainers. The results suggest that a sense of community, team membership, the development of a general reciprocity and group security are the most important aspects for players. A sense of community is the fundamental reason why they practise this sport. The group as a whole is the top priority. Female pilotaris share the desire to relate to each other as women, build relationships, create bonds and help each other. Resumen La pelota vasca es un deporte tradicional practicado mayoritariamente por hombres. En 2005 se puso en marcha un proyecto para promover la participación de las mujeres: Emakumea Pilotari (Mujer Pelotari. En este artículo se presentan los hallazgos de un estudio etnográfico llevado a cabo durante una temporada en torno a las relaciones sociales que genera jugar a pelota vasca. La investigación se realizó con una muestra intencionada de 28 mujeres pelotaris adultas (entre 22 y 60 años, de las cuales 26 eran participantes de un programa recreativo y dos entrenadoras. Los resultados indican que los aspectos más importantes para las participantes son el sentimiento de comunidad, ser miembro de un grupo, el desarrollo de la reciprocidad general y la seguridad que da el grupo. La comunidad es la razón fundamental para practicar este deporte, ya que el grupo es la mayor prioridad. Las mujeres pelotaris comparten el deseo de relacionarse entre ellas como mujeres, construir relaciones, crear

  11. Strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Pelotas Basin

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    Zerfass, Geise de Santana dos Anjos, E-mail: [Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (PETROBRAS/CENPES/PDGEO/BPA), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Americo Miguez de Mello; Chemale Junior, Farid, E-mail: [Universidade de Brasilia (UnB), DF (Brazil). Instituto de Geociencias; Moura, Candido Augusto Veloso, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Para (UFPA), Belem, PA (Brazil). Centro de Geociencias. Dept. de Geoquimica e Petrologia; Costa, Karen Badaraco, E-mail: [Instituto Oceanografico, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Kawashita, Koji, E-mail: [Unversidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas Geocronologicas


    Strontium isotope data were obtained from foraminifera shells of the Pelotas Basin Tertiary deposits to facilitate the refinement of the chronostratigraphic framework of this section. This represents the first approach to the acquisition of numerical ages for these strata. Strontium isotope stratigraphy allowed the identification of eight depositional hiatuses in the Eocene-Pliocene section, here classified as disconformities and a condensed section. The reconnaissance of depositional gaps based on confident age assignments represents an important advance considering the remarkably low chronostratigraphic resolution in the Cenozoic section of the Pelotas Basin. The recognition of hiatuses that match hiatuses is based on biostratigraphic data, as well as on global events. Furthermore, a substantial increase in the sedimentation rate of the upper Miocene section was identified. Paleotemperature and productivity trends were identified based on oxygen and carbon isotope data from the Oligocene-Miocene section, which are coherent with worldwide events, indicating the environmental conditions during sedimentation. (author)

  12. Collegio allemão de Pelotas-1923: cultura escolar e Deutschtum


    Maria Angela Peter da Fonseca; Elomar Antonio Callegaro Tambara


    DOI: Neste artigo contemplam-se especificidades da cultura escolar em um colégio teuto-brasileiro urbano, na década de 1920, em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. A pesquisa foi realizado de forma quanti-qualitativa, bibliográfica, documental e por meio de entrevista, privilegiando um aspecto descritivo, cuja fonte principal é o Relatório Escolar do Collegio Allemão de Pelotas de 1923. Através da análise de cinco tabelas apreendem-se dados relevantes de prátic...

  13. Tracking of physical activity from adolescence to adulthood: a population-based study Continuidade na prática de atividade física da adolescência para a idade adulta: estudo de base populacional

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    Mario Renato Azevedo


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between regular physical activity in adolescence and leisure-time physical activity in adulthood, with emphasis on gender differences. METHODS: A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out in Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2003. A representative sample of households was selected in multiple stages and subjects aged 20-59 years were interviewed. Leisure-time physical activity was evaluated using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Data on adolescent physical activity were based on subjects' recall. RESULTS: Of 2,577 subjects interviewed, 27.5% were classified as adequately active, and 54.9% reported regular physical activity in adolescence. Subjects who engaged in regular physical activity during adolescence were more likely to be adequately active in adulthood (adjusted prevalence ratio 1.42; 95% CI: 1.23; 1.65. This effect was stronger in women (adjusted prevalence ratio: 1.51; 95% CI: 1.22; 1.86 than men (adjusted prevalence ratio: 1.35; 95% CI: 1.10; 1.67. CONCLUSIONS: Promoting physical activity in school age may be a successful intervention against the epidemic of adult inactivity. Although women were less likely to report regular physical activity in adolescence, the effect of this experience on adult behavior was stronger than in men.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre a prática de atividades físicas sistematizadas na adolescência e o nível de atividade física no lazer na idade adulta, com ênfase nas diferenças quanto ao gênero. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional foi realizado em Pelotas, Brasil, 2003. Amostra representativa de domicílios foi selecionada em múltiplos estágios. Indivíduos com idades entre 20 e 59 anos foram entrevistados. As atividades físicas de lazer foram investigadas por meio do Questionário Internacional de Atividades Físicas. Dados sobre atividade física na adolescência foram baseados em recordatório. RESULTADOS: Entre

  14. Educação e trabalho na coorte de nascimentos de 1982 a 2004-5, Pelotas, RS Educación y trabajo en la cohorte de nacimientos de 1982 a 2005, Pelotas, Sur de Brasil Education and work in the Pelotas birth cohort from 1982 to 2004-5, Southern Brazil

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    Fernando C Barros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos e biológicos precoces ao longo da vida sobre o ingresso na universidade e a inserção no mercado de trabalho dos jovens da coorte de nascimento de 1982. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal de 5.914 nascimentos da cidade de Pelotas (RS, em 1982. Utilizando-se questionários aplicados ao jovem, foram coletadas informações sobre nível educacional e a inserção no mercado de trabalho durante acompanhamento da coorte realizado em 2004-5. Regressão de Poisson foi utilizada para estudar o efeito de variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, peso ao nascer e aleitamento materno sobre os desfechos. RESULTADOS: A escolaridade média foi de 9,4 anos (± 3,1 e 42% dos jovens estavam freqüentando a escola em 2004-5. Um de cada cinco jovens havia ingressado na universidade e cerca de dois terços estavam trabalhando no mês anterior à entrevista. O ingresso na universidade foi determinado pelas condições econômicas, e teve influência do peso ao nascer nas mulheres e da amamentação nos homens. A inserção no mercado de trabalho foi mais freqüente entre os homens mais pobres, mas não para as mulheres. CONCLUSÕES: A baixa inclusão universitária e a necessidade de inserção no mercado de trabalho dos jovens de famílias mais pobres mantêm um círculo vicioso que reproduz a hierarquia social dominante.OBJETIVO: Analizar la influencia de factores socioeconómicos y biológicos precoces a lo largo de la vida sobre el ingreso en la universidad y la inserción en el mercado de trabajo de los jóvenes de la cohorte de nacimiento de 1982. MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal de 5.914 nacimientos de la ciudad de Pelotas (Sur de Brasil, en 1982. Utilizándose cuestionarios aplicados al joven, fueron colectadas informaciones sobre el nivel educacional y la inserción en el mercado de trabajo durante acompañamiento de la cohorte realizado en 2004-5. Regresión de Poisson fue utilizada para estudiar el

  15. Produção integrada de pêssegos: três anos de experiência na região de Pelotas - RS Integrated production of peaches: 3 years of experience in the area of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brasil

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    José Carlos Fachinello


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar agronomicamente o sistema de produção integrada (PI x produção convencional (PC em pomar de pessegueiro cv. Diamante, no município de Pelotas - RS, comparando-se dados de três anos de avaliação (1999 - 2001, em duas áreas distintas. Os sistemas de produção caracterizaram-se: PC no qual prevalece o manejo e práticas culturais utilizadas normalmente pelo produtor e PI no qual são utilizadas as práticas de manejo definidas nas "Normas para Produção Integrada de Pêssego". As avaliações compreenderam: produção total, classificação dos frutos, danos, análises pós-colheita e resíduos de agrotóxicos. Pela análise da produção por planta e número de frutas produzidas por planta, pode-se verificar que a produção foi maior na PI. Pela avaliação da qualidade das frutas, verificou-se que houve aumento no número de frutas na categoria I, no sistema PI. A ocorrência de danos na colheita por insetos, doenças, pássaros e, muitas vezes, pela interação destes foi maior no sistema PC. Pela análise de agrotóxicos na polpa das frutas, não foram encontrados resíduos nas mesmas, dentro dos limites máximos estabelecidos. As frutas do sistema PI apresentaram, na colheita, maiores firmeza da polpa e teor de acidez, e menor teor de sólidos solúveis totais.The objective of this work was to evaluate agronomically the system of integrated production (IP x conventional production (CP in orchard of peach tree cv. Diamante in the rural area of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The study was conducted during three years (1999- 2001, in two different areas. The production systems were characterized as: in the CP prevails the handling and cultural practices usually used by the producer and IP is where the defined handling practices are used in the "Norms for Integrated Peach Production". The evaluations were: total production, classification of the fruits, damages, analyses post-harvesting and

  16. Sources of basalt suites in the Campos and Pelotas basins (South-Southeast of Brazil) and geo dynamic breakup models for Western Gondwana; Tipos de fontes associadas as suites basalticas de Campos e de Pelotas (Sul-Sudeste) e modelos geodinamicos de ruptura do Gondwana ocidental

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    Lobo, Janaina Teixeira; Valente, Sergio de Castro; Szatmari, Peter; Duarte, Beatriz Paschoal [Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Faculdade de Geologia. Pos-graduacao]. E-mail:


    Based essentially on geochemical data, this work aims at defining constrain to the petrogenesis of the Eocretacious basalts from the Campos and Pelotas marginal rift basins (South-Southeast Brazil). Geochemical modeling, including quantification of mantle sources and binary mixing methods, were performed in order to contribute to the elaboration of geo dynamic models related to the initial stages of Gondwana breakup. Basalts from Campos and Pelotas basins comprise two transitional series with tholeiitic affinities. All basalts from the Campos Basin can be assigned to a low-TiO2 suite (TiO2 1.20 +- 0.12 wt %; Ti/Y = 272); whereas basalts from the Pelotas Basin comprise a low-(TiO2 = 1.19 +- 0.02 wt %; Ti/Y = 288) and a high-TiO2 suites (TiO2 = 2.10 +- 0.19 wt %; Ti/Y = 387). Non-modal batch partial melting modeling showed that the La/YbN = 5.78 generation ratio of the Campos Basin suite was obtained from 21% of partial melting of lherzolite garnet. The same model required a source with smaller amounts of garnet (melted at 28%) to generate the La/YbN generation ratio of the low-TiO2 suite of the Pelotas Basin. Larger amounts of grenade and less partial melting (22%) were necessary to generate the La/YbN ratio of the high-TiO2 suite of the Pelotas Basin. The simple binary model shows that parent compositions of Campos and Pelotas cannot result from the mixture of T C (Tristao da Cunha) and SCLM (Sub continental Lithospheric Mantle). The best results obtained suggest the participation of component N-Morb in the generation of basalt suites of the Campos and Pelotas basins (respectively 61% and 93% of partial melting). Tristao da Cunha seems to have been an important component to the generation of the basalt suite of the Campos Basin (at 39% of partial melting). In Pelotas, the model indicates restricted contribution of SCLM reservoirs. (author)

  17. Rice seedling and plant development as affected by increasing rates of penoxsulam under controlled environments Desenvolvimento de plântulas e plantas adultas de arroz em função de doses crescentes de penoxsulam em ambiente controlado

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    G. Concenço


    Full Text Available Rice is a major staple in many countries. Weed control is one of the factors limiting higher rice yield. ALS (acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides are desirable weed control herbicides because of their high efficacy, low toxicity to mammalians, and low rates used. An important herbicide characteristic is high selectivity to the crop, since it facilitates fast crop establishment and greater crop advantage over the weeds. The objectives of this work were to study the effects of increasing rates of the ALS-inhibiting herbicide penoxsulam on seed integrity and germination, and seedling and plant development of rice cv. BRS Pelota under controlled laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The results showed that penoxsulam affected rice germination and seedling and plant growth at rates above 54 g a.i. ha-1, and that penoxsulam is safe for rice seedling development at the currently recommended rates.O arroz é componente importante da dieta humana em vários países. Entre os fatores que limitam o aumento na sua produtividade está o controle de plantas daninhas. Os herbicidas inibidores da ALS (acetolactato sintase são preferidos em razão da alta eficiência no controle de plantas daninhas, da baixa toxicidade aos mamíferos e das baixas doses utilizadas. Uma característica importante que um herbicida deve possuir é a alta seletividade à cultura, pois ela implica estabelecimento mais rápido, com vantagem competitiva sobre as plantas daninhas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos do herbicida inibidor da ALS penoxsulam em doses crescentes sobre a integridade e germinação das sementes, bem como sobre o desenvolvimento inicial das plântulas e da planta adulta do cultivar BRS Pelota, sob condições de ambiente controlado (laboratório e casa de vegetação. Os resultados mostraram que o penoxsulam afetou a germinação e o crescimento de plântulas e plantas adultas nas doses acima de 54 g i.a. ha-1 e que ele é seguro para o

  18. Monitoramento da ação genotóxica em trabalhadores de sapatarias através do teste de micronúcleos, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul Monitoring the genotoxic action in shoe workers by micronucleus test, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State

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    Natália Silveira Corrêa


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, investigou-se a frequência de micronúcleos em células esfoliadas da mucosa bucal de trabalhadores de sapatarias, na cidade de Pelotas (RS. O estudo constou de 54 trabalhadores de sapatarias expostos à cola e solventes e 54 controles. Avaliou-se a incidência de células com micronúcleos(CMN, binucleadas(CBN, núcleos ligados(CNL e total de anomalias(TA, em 2.000 células por indivíduo. Elaborou-se um banco de dados no programa SPSS "for Windows" pelo teste de Mann-Whitney U, pIn this paper it was investigated the micronuclei frequency in exfoliated oral mucosa cells in shoe shop workers in the city of Pelotas, RS. The study counted on 54 shoe workers exposed to glue and solvents and 54 controls. It was evaluated the incidence of cells with micronucleus (CMN, bi-nucleus (CBN, linked nucleus (CLN and total amount of anomalies (TAA, in 2000 cells per person. A database was created in the SPSS "for Windows" software using the Mann-Whitney U, p<0.05 test. The average of anomalies among shoe workers was 8.69±6.49CMN; 8.85±4.92CBN; 5.78±4.78CNL; 23.31±10.01TA, in the controlled 4.00±5.05CMN; 4.63±4.35CBN; 4.76±5.00CNL; 13.39±9.43TA (p=0.0001; p=0.0001; p=0.144 and p=0.0001 respectively. It was also evaluated the age, gender, time of work, family income, smoke, alcohol beverages, the influence of dermatological, ophthalmological, respiratory and central nervous system (CNS diseases in the number of cell anomalies. These items did not have any influence. It was only observed that among the age group of 15 to 29 years old the number of CNL was bigger than among the age group of 45 to 72. Among those with time of work of 0.1 and 10 years presented a higher CNM than in the other group range.

  19. Maternidade e paternidade na coorte de nascimentos de 1982 a 2004-5, Pelotas, RS Maternidad y paternidad en la cohorte de nacimientos de 1982 a 2004-5, Pelotas, Sur de Brasil Maternity and paternity in the Pelotas birth cohort from 1982 to 2004-5, Southern Brazil

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    Denise P Gigante


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência de maternidade e paternidade em adultos jovens e sua associação com variáveis perinatais, socioeconômicas e demográficas. MÉTODOS: Os participantes foram jovens com idade média de 23 anos, acompanhados em estudo de coorte desde o seu nascimento, em 1982, em Pelotas (RS e entrevistados em 2004-5. Foram considerados elegíveis os jovens que referiram ter tido um ou mais filhos, nascidos vivos ou mortos. Dois questionários foram aplicados para coletar informações sobre saúde reprodutiva, dados socioeconômicos e demográficos. As variáveis independentes foram sexo e cor da pele, renda familiar em 1982 e 2004-5, mudança de renda, peso ao nascer do jovem e escolaridade aos 23 anos. Análises brutas e ajustadas foram realizadas por meio de regressão de Poisson para investigar os efeitos das variáveis independentes sobre a maternidade/paternidade na adolescência. RESULTADOS: De 4.297 jovens entrevistados, 1.373 (32% eram mães ou pais, dos quais 842 (19,6% haviam experimentado a maternidade/paternidade na adolescência. O planejamento da gravidez do primeiro filho mostrou relação direta com a idade do jovem. Relação inversa foi observada entre as variáveis socioeconômicas e a ocorrência de maternidade/paternidade na adolescência. A probabilidade de ser mãe na adolescência foi maior entre as mulheres pretas ou pardas, mas a cor da pele não esteve associada com a paternidade na adolescência. CONCLUSÕES: Houve forte relação entre a maternidade/paternidade na adolescência e condições socioeconômicas, a qual deve ser considerada no delineamento de ações preventivas no campo da saúde pública.OBJETIVO: Describir la prevalencia de maternidad y paternidad en adultos jóvenes y su asociación con variables perinatales, socioeconómicas y demográficas. MÉTODOS: Los participantes fueron jóvenes con edad promedio de 23 años, acompañados en estudio de cohorte desde su nacimiento, en 1982

  20. Estudo longitudinal das crianças nascidas em 1982 em Pelotas, RS, Brasil: metodologia e resultados preliminares Study in length of children born in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 1982: metodology and preliminary results

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    César Gomes Victora


    Full Text Available Tentou-se acompanhar a morbi-mortalidade e o crescimento de uma coorte de 6.011 crianças urbanas nascidas em 1982 nos hospitais de Pelotas, RS, através de visitas domiciliares aos 12 meses (para uma amostra de 30% das crianças e aos 20 meses (para toda a população. Estas crianças representaram mais de 99% de todos os nascimentos urbanos naquele ano. Foi possível localizar 81% das crianças aos 12 meses e 86% aos 20 meses, devido a uma mudança na estratégia de trabalho de campo. A metodologia empregada e as principais dificuldades encontradas são descritas e as características ao nascer das crianças localizadas no acompanhamento são comparadas com as características das crianças não localizadas. A potencialidade de uso dos dados coletados é exemplificada através de alguns resultados preliminares mostrando as associações entre o peso ao nascer, a renda familiar e o estado nutricional aos 12 meses. O estudo mostra que é possível acompanhar, com uma perda relativamente pequena, uma coorte de crianças com base populacional em uma cidade brasileira de tamanho médio.A cohort of 6,011 urban children born in 1982 in the hospitals of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, was followed up so that their morbidity, mortality and growth could be assessed. These children accounted for over 99% of all births in the city. A 30% sample of the children were visited at home when approximately 12 months old, and the whole population was visited at about 20 months of age. It was possible to locate 81% of the children at 12 months. This proportion increased to 86% at 24 months, due to a change in the logistics of the field work which then included visiting all 69,000 households in the city to locate children whose families had moved within the urban area. The methodology and main difficulties encountered are discussed, and the characteristics at birth of children who were located at the first follow-up visit was compared to those of children lost to

  1. Estudo de prevalência das fraturas bucomaxilofaciais na região de Pelotas = Study of prevalence of the bucomaxilofacial fractures in Pelotas region

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    Portolan, Moacir


    Full Text Available Analisamos 745 casos de fraturas bucomaxilofaciais registrados no SAME (Serviço de Arquivo Médico Estatístico da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Pelotas e no Centro de Estudos e Reabilitação Bucomaxilofacial de Pelotas (CERBMF, no período de 10 de janeiro de 1996 a 31 de dezembro de 2000. Os dados formam colhidos e anotados em fichas, as quais totalizaram 745 casos de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia. O nariz foi o local mais atingido, seguido pelo osso zigomático e mandíbula. As agressões foram as principais causas de fraturas, seguidas por acidentes de trânsito e quedas. O gênero masculino foi o mais atingido, numa proporção de 8/2 em relação ao feminino. A faixa etária mais atingida foi a de 21 a 30 anos de idade, seguida pela de 31 a 40 anos de idade e 11 a 20 anos de idade

  2. Prevalência e fatores associados à ocorrência de anemia entre menores de seis anos de idade em Pelotas, RS Prevalence of anemia and associated factors among children under six years of age in Pelotas, South Brazil

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    Iná dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar a prevalência e investigar fatores associados à ocorrência de anemia entre menores de seis anos de idade atendidos pela Pastoral da Criança em Pelotas, RS. MÉTODOS: Na fase de rastreamento de uma intervenção nutricional, as crianças foram avaliadas através de estudo transversal. No domicílio, após consentimento informado, a mãe foi entrevistada, sendo coletadas informações sobre características demográficas e socioeconômicas da família, saúde da criança, características ao nascer, amamentação e freqüência semanal de consumo de alimentos. As crianças foram pesadas e medidas. Foi coletada uma amostra de sangue capilar da polpa digital em microcuveta e a leitura da concentração de hemoglobina foi feita em fotômetro portátil (Hemocue. Considerou-se como tendo anemia quando a concentração de hemoglobina era inferior a 11 g/dl. Por se tratar de desfecho freqüente, a associação com as variáveis independentes foi analisada por regressão de Poisson. A análise obedeceu a modelo hierárquico previamente definido. RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas 362 crianças menores de seis anos, sendo a hemoglobina dosada em 304 (84,0% delas. A prevalência de anemia foi de 53,0% (IC95% 47,2% - 58,7%. Os fatores de risco foram a menor idade da criança, cor não branca, presença de família numerosa e classe social E (em comparação à D. A disponibilidade de água encanada dentro de casa e o maior peso ao nascer mostraram-se fatores protetores. CONCLUSÕES: os achados deste estudo mostram uma alta prevalência de anemia entre as crianças alvo da ação da Pastoral da Criança, bem como a presença de diversos fatores de risco e poucos fatores de proteção, o que mostra a necessidade de intervenções preventivas.OBJECTIVES: to determine the prevalence of and investigate factors associated with anemia among children under six years of age, assisted by the Pastoral da Criança in Pelotas, South Brazil. METHODS

  3. Procesamiento emocional en pacientes TCA adultas vs. adolescentes. Reconocimiento y regulación emocional

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    Rosa Calvo Sagardoy


    Método. Se compararon 48 pacientes (27 adultas, 21 adolescentes, con 41 controles sanos (13 adultas, 28 adolescentes mediante la Escala de Alexitimia de Toronto (TAS-20 y la Escala de Dificultades de Regulación Emocional (DERS. Resultados. Todas las pacientes presentan mayores dificultades en reconocimiento (alexitimia y regulación emocional que los sujetos control. No se han obtenido diferencias entre pacientes en función del diagnóstico ni del índice de masa corporal (IMC. La intensidad de las dificultades está modulada por edad y gravedad del trastorno. Las pacientes adultas muestran una alexitimia más intensa que las adolescentes, aunque ambos grupos muestran dificultades similares en aceptación y regulación emocional. Las pacientes más graves (adultas y adolescentes presentan mayor grado de alexitimia, rechazo y descontrol emocional. Conclusiones. Es esencial incluir intervenciones terapéuticas emocionales desde el inicio del tratamiento. Los programas de prevención deben facilitar el reconocimiento, aceptación y regulación emocional de las personas en riesgo.

  4. Óbitos evitáveis até 48 meses de idade entre as crianças da Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas de 2004

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    Luis Ramon Marques da Rocha Gorgot


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever óbitos evitáveis de crianças pertencentes à Coorte de Pelotas, RS, de 2004. MÉTODOS: O óbito de 92 crianças entre 2004-2008 da Coorte de Pelotas 2004 foi identificado e classificado conforme a Lista de Causas de Mortes Evitáveis por Intervenções do Sistema Único de Saúde. Os Sistemas de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM municipal e estadual foram rastreados para localizar mortes ocorridas fora de Pelotas e as causas após o primeiro ano vida. O óbito de menores de um ano foi avaliado e comparado entre um subestudo e o SIM. Foram calculados coeficientes de mortalidade: 1.000 nascidos vivos (NV, mortalidade proporcional por causas evitáveis e conforme tipo de unidade básica de saúde (tradicional ou Estratégia Saúde da Família. RESULTADOS: O coeficiente de mortalidade foi de 22,2:1.000 NV, 82 óbitos ocorreram no primeiro ano de vida (19,4:1.000 NV, dos quais 37 (45% na primeira semana. Mais de ¾ dos óbitos (70/92 eram evitáveis. No primeiro ano de vida, a maioria (42/82 das mortes seriam evitadas pela adequada atenção à mulher durante a gestação; de acordo com o SIM, a maioria (n = 32/82, pela adequada atenção ao recém-nascido. Não houve diferença entre o tipo de Unidade Básica de Saúde quanto à proporção de óbitos evitáveis. CONCLUSÕES: É alta a proporção de óbitos infantis que podem ser evitados. Para que os óbitos evitáveis possam ser utilizados como indicadores no monitoramento da qualidade da atenção à saúde materno-infantil, é necessário aprimorar a qualidade dos os registros das Declarações de Óbito.

  5. O ensino privado em Pelotas na propaganda impressa: séculos XIX, XX, XXI


    NEVES, Helena de Araujo


    Esta tese situa-se no âmbito da História da Educação, vinculada à linha de Filosofia e História da Educação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da universidade Federal de Pelotas. Seu objetivo foi pesquisar a trajetória do ensino privado em Pelotas, município localizado ao sul do Rio Grande do Sul, no período compreendido entre o final do século XIX e o principio do século XXI. Para isso, utilizou como principal fonte documental propagandas impressas das escolas privadas de ensino primár...


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    Tiago Schuch Venzke


    Full Text Available The floristic survey of tree species was performed in a 'Restinga' forest, municipality of Pelotas, Rio Grande do sul State, Brazil. The area studied is known as 'Mata da Praia do Totó'('Totó' beach forest, and comprises a remnant formed by a sandy and turf 'Restinga' forest. A total 65 native species were sampled comprising 51 genera distributed in 34 families. The family with the greatest number of species was Myrtaceae, with ten species, followed by Salicaceae and Rubiaceae. The most representative genera were Myrsine and Eugenia, respectivelly sampled with four and three species. The analysis of similarity sampled that the sandy forest is floristically related to riparian and hillside forests and the forest peat is related to other forests located in areas of permanent water saturation of soil. Species richness of the site is high for 'Restinga' forests in Rio Grande do Sul state, probably due to the influence of forests located in Serra dos Tapes and by diversity of the environments that make up the study area.

  7. Prevalência de chiado no peito em adultos da coorte de nascimentos de 1982, Pelotas, RS Prevalencia del silbido en el pecho en adultos de la cohorte de nacimientos de 1982, Pelotas, Sur de Brasil Prevalence of wheezing in the chest among adults from the 1982 Pelotas birth cohort, Southern Brazil

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    Ana M B Menezes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de chiado no peito em adultos jovens, explorando o efeito de algumas variáveis sobre a ocorrência desta morbidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de coorte dos nascidos em 1982 na cidade de Pelotas (RS. Foram localizados 4.297 (77,4% dos membros da coorte em 2004-5, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista, utilizando o questionário ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Steering Committee. A associação entre o desfecho "ocorrência de chiado no peito nos 12 meses anteriores à entrevista" e variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas e características ao nascimento foi calculada por análise multivariável utilizando regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de chiado no último ano foi de 24,9%. Entre aqueles que relataram chiado, 54,6% referiram dificuldade para dormir e 12,9% para falar devido ao chiado. A prevalência de chiado no peito foi significativamente maior entre as mulheres, mantendo associação na análise ajustada com cor de pele não branca, com história familiar de asma e nível socioeconômico baixo. Entre os homens, não houve associação significativa na análise ajustada para cor de pele e renda familiar ao nascimento; história familiar de asma e pobreza durante a vida mostraram associação significativa com chiado no peito. Para ambos os sexos, não houve associação com as variáveis peso ao nascer e duração da amamentação. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de chiado no peito foi alta e as pessoas com renda familiar baixa ao nascer tiveram maior risco de chiado no peito no último ano.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia del silbido en el pecho en adultos jóvenes, explorando el efecto de algunas variables sobre la ocurrencia de esta morbilidad. MÉTODOS: Estudio prospectivo de cohorte de los nacidos en 1982 en la ciudad de Pelotas (Sur de Brasil. Fueron localizados 4.297 (77,4% de los miembros de la cohorte en 2004-5, cuyos datos fueron

  8. Conference proceedings

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    Aug 7, 2015 ... Association, Brazil, 17Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Departamento de Medicina Social Pelotas, RS, Brazil .... line with statements of the Minister of Public Health, Andre Mama ... The high cancer burden in Africa. (breast ...

  9. Evaluación de dietas artificiales con artemia adulta en la maduración y reproducción de penaeus vannamei


    Zambrano Carranza, Byron R.


    Evaluación de dietas artificiales con Artemia adulta en la maduración y reproducción de Penaeus vannamei Un experimento de maduración y reproducción de P. vannamei fue llevado a cabo en tanques de 18 toneladas para (a) comprobar los efectos de la Artemia adulta como ingrediente principal en dietas artificiales, (b) investigar si existen diferencias entre la implementación de liofilizado de Artemia adulta y Artemia adulta congelada, y finalmente (c), comparar estos efectos y resultados con ...

  10. Quantificação e classificação dos resíduos procedentes da construção civil e demolição no município de Pelotas, RS

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    Alessandra Buss Tessaro

    Full Text Available A construção civil é um dos setores econômicos de maior impacto no meio ambiente. Entre os impactos causados por essa atividade, pode-se citar o elevado volume de resíduos gerados, que, na maioria dos municípios brasileiros, são depositados irregularmente, intensificando os problemas de saneamento nas áreas urbanas. Em virtude disso, algumas ações vêm sendo tomadas pelo Governo Federal, entre as quais se pode citar a criação de uma resolução que estabelece a elaboração e implantação de um plano integrado de gerenciamento de resíduos da construção civil com base nas características de cada região. O objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar os resultados do diagnóstico qualitativo e quantitativo da produção de resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD no município de Pelotas-RS, elaborado com o auxílio de um software. O diagnóstico final resultante da pesquisa foi que são produzidos diariamente no referido município 315,08 m³ de RCD a uma taxa de geração per capita de 1,23 kg/hab.ano. A densidade dos RCD encontrada foi de 1,28 ton/m³, e a composição gravimétrica mostrou que 88% dos RCD produzidos referem-se aos resíduos classe A, os quais tem grande potencial para reutilização e reciclagem.

  11. Prevalencia de depresión posparto en puérperas adolescentes y adultas


    Molero,Katherine L; Urdaneta Machado,José Ramón; V,Charles; Baabel Zambrano,Nasser; Contreras Benítez,Alfi; Azuaje Quiroz,Estefany; Baabel Romero,Nadia


    Objetivo: Comparar la prevalencia de depresión postparto (DPP) entre puérperas adolescentes y adultas atendidas en el Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología del Hospital "Dr. Manuel Noriega Trigo", en San Francisco, Estado Zulia, Venezuela. Métodos: Investigación comparativa con diseño no experimental, transeccional, de casos y controles, que incluyó una muestra de 100 mujeres en puerperio tardío, divididas en dos grupos pareados de 50 adolescentes (casos) y 50 adultas (controles); las que fue...

  12. Alterações Geomorfológicas Derivadas Da Intervenção De Atividades Antrópicas: análise temporal na Bacia do Arroio Santa Bárbara – Pelotas (RS.

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    Adriano Luís Heck Simon


    Full Text Available A análise temporal das alterações nas formas do relevo, tendo como base informações espaciais oriundas da cartografia geomorfológica, possibilita a compreensão da gênese dos distúrbios na morfodinâmica e dos impactos ambientais. Assim, este artigo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar as principais alterações geomorfológicas desencadeadas na bacia do Arroio Santa Bárbara, localizada no município de PelotasRS, durante 41 anos (1965 – 2006. Para avaliar as alterações ocorridas sobre a morfologia, foram elaborados mapas geomorfológicos da área em estudo, referentes aos anos de 1965 e 1995, a partir da interpretação de fotografias aéreas. O cenário de 2006 foi constituído por meio de representações cartográficas, esquematizadas a partir da obtenção de imagens orbitais do software Google Earth TM. A integralização deste mapeamento ocorreu por meio de trabalhos de campo, onde foram constatadas as transformações da morfologia e as feições geomorfológicas artificiais. As atividades antrópicas efetivaram a imposição de mecanismos de controle que alteraram as formas e a estrutura do sistema, agindo, conseqüentemente, sobre os fluxos de matéria e energia. Tais alterações vinculam-se à expansão urbana, ao desenvolvimento das atividades agrícolas e às ações antrópicas pontuais como a mineração e a interceptação dos cursos de água para a construção de reservatórios.

  13. Aprender-fazendo: reflexões sobre a relação entre aprendizes e sapateiros (Pelotas, 1960-2014 = Learn-making: reflections on the relationship between students and shoemakers (Pelotas, 1960-2014

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    Scheer, Micaele Irene


    Full Text Available Os sapateiros ainda podem ser vistos nas ruas do centro da cidade de Pelotas, contudo seu espaço laboral é módico e a maioria limita-se aos consertos. Nesta oportunidade vamos discorrer sobre a aprendizagem, aspecto fundamental para compreender como se formavam novos sapateiros, costume que foi impactado conforme se popularizavam as leis trabalhistas e avançava a fragmentação do processo produtivo. A metodologia utilizada é a História oral temática, pois buscamos apreender experiências e o cotidiano fabril, assim como a interpretação dos narradores sobre as mudanças econômicas e sociais que interferiram em seus empreendimentos. É a partir destas fontes que o artigo busca analisar as mudanças em relação ao “aprender-fazendo” e seu impacto processo de reprodução dessa categoria profissional na cidade de Pelotas

  14. Elaboración y validación biomecánica de un guante de protección para jugar a pelota valenciana. (Elaboration and biomechanical validation of a protection glove for playing pelota valenciana.

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    Carlos Montaner-Sesmero


    Full Text Available ResumenLa pelota valenciana es uno de los antiguos juegos de pelota a mano que perdura en la Comunidad Valenciana. Para amortiguar los impactos de la pelota durante el golpeo, los jugadores se confeccionan sus propias protecciones. En torno a ellas existen diversos factores que dificultan la práctica segura y eficaz de este deporte: el excesivo tiempo empleado en su elaboración, el elevado número de lesiones que sufren en las manos o el inadecuado control de la pelota que consiguen. En base a esto y a la inexistencia de un equipamiento deportivo específico para la mano, se ha desarrollado y validado un guante para intentar solventar estos inconvenientes. En la validación biomecánica se comparó el guante con una protección tipo a nivel de presiones palmares y de precisión y distancia alcanzada en el golpeo. También se registró la opinión de los jugadores acerca del guante con una encuesta. En el ensayo biomecánico participaron 15 jugadores. Para el registro de las presiones palmares se utilizó el equipo Biofoot/IBV® adaptado a la mano. Los resultados muestran que el guante disminuye la presión en tres zonas de la mano, que ofrece la misma precisión y que favorece una mayor distancia de golpeo que las protecciones tradicionales. Los jugadores han valorado satisfactoriamente aspectos como la usabilidad, el ajuste y el confort térmico. En consecuencia, el guante desarrollado disminuye el tiempo de colocación, ofrece mejores prestaciones de protección y es valorado positivamente por los jugadores.Abstract The pelota valenciana game is one of the ancient ball hand game that lasts in the Valencian Community. The players, in order to cushion the hand impacts of the ball during the hits, make their own protections. Around them there are several factors that impede the safe and effective practice of this sport: the excessive time spent in the manufacture, the high number of hand injuries suffered or the inappropriate control of the

  15. Avaliação manométrica anorretal de mulheres adultas com bexiga hiperativa


    Gonçalves, Maria Lúcia Campos


    Objetivo: As disfunções miccionais, anorretais e do assoalho pélvico tem sido consideradas como fatores contribuintes dos sintomas de Bexiga Hiperativa (BH). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros da manometria anorretal em mulheres adultas com bexiga hiperativa. Materiais e Métodos: Mulheres adultas com ou sem BH formaram 2 grupos: Grupo BH constituído por mulheres com diagnósticos urodinâmico de BH, e Grupo C (controle) constituído por mulheres sem critérios clínicos para o diag...

  16. Participación, acción comunicativa y educación de personas adultas


    Ayuste González, Anna


    La educación de personas adultas precisa del desarrollo de un modelo teórico capaz de fundamentar su dimensión transformadora. La visión de la persona adulta que no ha participado en procesos de escolarización como alguien que no ha desarrollado suficientemente sus capacidades produce, un tipo de educación basado en las relaciones de poder y en la jerarquía del conocimiento. La falta de confianza en las capacidades cognitivas de las personas se extiende, en muchas ocasiones, a la falta de con...

  17. Propriedades de resistência e rigidez da madeira juvenil e adulta de Pinus taeda L.

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    Ballarin Adriano Wagner


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o estudo da variabilidade das propriedades de resistência e rigidez à flexão estática e à densidade aparente (12% entre a madeira juvenil e adulta de Pinus taeda L., de 37 anos de idade, procedente do Horto Florestal de Manduri, Estado de São Paulo. Na primeira parte do trabalho foram determinadas a região de madeira juvenil, a região de transição e a região de madeira adulta, por meio de estudos anatômicos (comprimento dos traqueídes axiais, segundo as recomendações das normas ABNT e IAWA. Os resultados mostraram que a região de madeira juvenil dessa espécie ocorre aproximadamente até o 18º anel de crescimento. Na segunda parte do trabalho foram analisados a resistência (módulo de ruptura - MOR à flexão, o módulo de elasticidade (MOE nessa mesma solicitação e a densidade aparente (12% para as madeiras juvenil e adulta. Os resultados mostraram que o MOE e o MOR da madeira juvenil foram menores e mais variáveis que aqueles obtidos para madeira adulta. A densidade apresentou a mesma tendência observada nas propriedades avaliadas no ensaio de flexão estática.

  18. Condições higiênico-sanitárias no comércio ambulante de alimentos em Pelotas-RS

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    Rodrigues Kelly Lameiro


    Full Text Available O comércio de alimentos prontos para o consumo por vendedores ambulantes pode constituir um alto risco para a saúde dos consumidores, visto que as pessoas envolvidas nesta atividade geralmente não tem preparo para a manipulação correta de alimentos. Neste trabalho foram investigadas as condições de preparo e a qualidade higiênico-sanitária de lanches comercializados por vendedores ambulantes em Pelotas. Foram colhidas de 60 estabelecimentos, uma amostra de água, uma da superfície de manuseio e um lanche (cachorro-quente. Nos cachorros-quentes foram realizadas contagens de bactérias aeróbias mesófilas (BAM, Staphylococcus coagulase positiva (STA, coliformes totais (CT, coliformes a 45masculineC (CF, e investigada a presença de Salmonella sp. Na água e superfície foram realizadas contagens de BAM, CT e CF. Entre as 60 amostras de cachorros-quentes analisadas, 53%, 48%, 37% e 25% estavam fora do padrão para CT, BAM, STA e CF, respectivamente. Em nenhuma amostra foi detectada a presença de Salmonella. As amostras de água apresentaram apenas 3 (5% amostras fora do padrão para BAM, e 27% e 23% fora do padrão para CT e CF, respectivamente. Em relação às superfícies, 70% foram consideradas insatisfatórias para contagem de BAM e 68% e 67% para CT e CF. Os resultados sugerem que as condições higiênicas existentes em muitos estabelecimentos não são adequadas, o que se reflete em uma proporção relativamente alta de lanches com qualidade microbiológica insatisfatória para o consumo.


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    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, identificar a profundidade de dormência e a velocidade de brotação em gemas de pereira, submetidas a diferentes períodos de frio à temperatura de 4ºC ±1. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa-Clima Temperado, em Pelotas, em 1999. Em 1º de junho, foram coletados 50 ramos, na cultivar Carrick, com aproximadamente 30 cm de comprimento. Após, foram divididos em 5 lotes de 10 ramos, sendo 4 mantidos a 4ºC± 1, e um em condições ambiente, constituindo, assim, 5 tratamentos: 0 (Testemunha; 272; 544; 816 e 1088 horas de frio (HF. No final de cada tratamento, os ramos foram divididos em pequenas estacas, contendo apenas uma única gema, sendo, após, armazenados em câmara climática a 25ºC ± 1. Avaliou-se a brotação, considerando-se o estádio de ponta verde. A partir destes dados, calculou-se o tempo médio de brotação (TMB, bem como a percentagem de gemas brotadas, em cada um dos tratamentos. Utilizou-se o índice de velocidade de brotação (IVB, para determinar a eficiência da temperatura na brotação das gemas. A profundidade de dormência, das gemas terminais, diminuiu à medida que se aumentou o período de frio. As gemas axilares não foram influenciadas pelo tempo de exposição ao frio. Com base nos dados do IVB e dos coeficientes angulares, as gemas terminais da cv. Carrick necessitam de 800 horas de frio para completar a brotação, nas condições que foram conduzidos os experimentos.The objective for this work was to identify the dormancy depth and the bud-sprouting rate of pear trees kept at chilling conditions (4ºC±1 for different periods. The experiment was carried out using buds of twigs of the previous growth season from a pear orchard of the Embrapa Clima Temperado Research Center. The twigs were collected on June 1, 1999. The treatments were five period of chilling: 0 (control; 272; 544; 816; or 1088 hours at 4ºC±1. At the end of each treatment, the twigs were cut into

  20. A escola de Belas Artes de Pelotas: aspectos de sua gênese e constituição - The escola de Belas Artes de Pelotas: aspects of its genesis and constitution

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    Clarice Rego Magalhães, Giana Lange do Amaral


    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho aborda a gênese e constituição de uma instituição de ensino de arte: a Escola de Belas Artes de Pelotas (EBA. O objetivo do estudo é esclarecer quais foram as condições que possibilitaram a criação da EBA em março de 1949. A constituição desta narrativa histórica tem por base fontes escritas, formadas pelos  arquivos  da própria instituição, pelo arquivo particular da família da fundadora da Escola, por periódicos locais e  por  trechos do diário da fundadora, além  de fontes  orais.  Pela análise das fontes,  concluímos que o nascimento da EBA se deu por uma conjunção de  fatores, os quais seriam a vocação cultural da cidade, oriunda da sua história peculiar, e  a  atuação  de   personalidades que,  naquele  momento,   fizeram acontecer o fato histórico. Palavras-chave: Escola de Belas Artes; instituição de  ensino  de arte; história da educação; história das instituições escolares.   THE ESCOLA DE BELAS ARTES DE PELOTAS: ASPECTS  OF ITS GENESIS AND CONSTITUTION Abstract This work examines the genesis and constitution of an art teaching institution: the Escola de Belas Artes de Pelotas (EBA. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the  conditions which made possible the creation of EBA in March, 1949.  This historic account is based on written   sources,  namely  the   institution’s   archives,  the   school founder’s  family private archives, local journals  and  exerts from the founder’s diary, besides oral sources. The analysis of the sources led us to conclude that  the  birth  of EBA  occurred as the  result of a conjunction  of  factors  which are  the  town’s  cultural  inclination, derived from its peculiar history, and the actions of some individuals that, at that moment, made the historic fact happen. Keywords: Fine Arts School; art teaching institution; history of education; teaching institutions history.   LA

  1. La desaparición - o tal vez no - de la Educación de personas adultas. El caso de Andalucía

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    Emilio Lucio-Villegas


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de considerar las diferencias entre los conceptos de Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida y Educación de personas adultas, prestando especial atención a la evolución de la educación de personas adultas en Andalucía (Sur de España. Desde 1982, Andalucía tiene completa autonomía para legislar en educación. Desde esa fecha se desarrolló un proyecto para superar las altas tasas de analfabetismo, desarrollando un plan específico en el campo de la educación de personas adultas íntimamente ligado con los ayuntamientos y las comunidades: el llamado modelo territorial. Desde 1990 hay un cambio radical en las políticas en educación de personas adultas. Los años 90 representan un cambio que marca un nuevo modelo de educación de personas adultas caracterizado por tomar distancia de las comunidades y centrarse más en el curriculum escolar.

  2. Journal of Biosciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Centro de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, CP 354, 96010-900, Pelotas, RS, Brazil; Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture, Bodø University College, NO-8049 Bodø, Norway; Laboratório de Biologia Molecular, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, CP 474, ...

  3. Alfabetización entre personas jóvenes y adultas

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    Luz Emilia Flores-Davis


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como propósito compartir vivencias y reflexiones realizadas durante más de veinte años trabajando el tema de la alfabetización entre personas jóvenes y adultas, así como ofrecer ideas que puedan favorecer nuevas experiencias. La alfabetización entre personas adultas es una práctica de convivencia donde aprenden tanto el mediador o la mediadora como quien aprende. Cada ejercicio de mediar el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura es único, por lo cual la ruta del nombre propio que aquí se comparte debe ser contextualizada. Las premisas fundamentales que se desarrollan en este artículo tienen que ver con el derecho de toda persona de aprender a leer y a escribir su propia realidad, desde sus circunstancias y sus sueños, o sea, desde sus vivencias, ideas, conocimientos, sentires y esperanzas. Lo anterior implica ubicar a la persona aprendiente como centro del proceso pedagógico y, por lo tanto, respetar sus intereses, necesidades y ritmos de aprendizaje.

  4. Prevalência de hipertensão arterial em adultos e fatores associados: um estudo de base populacional urbana em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Hypertension prevalence and its associated risk factors in adults: a population-based study in Pelotas

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    Juvenal Soares Dias da Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e os fatores associados a sua ocorrência. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo transversal, de base populacional, na população de 20 a 69 anos residente na zona urbana de Pelotas-RS. A variável dependente hipertensão arterial sistêmica foi definida como pressão arterial >160 x 95 mmHg (média de duas medidas ou o uso atual de medicação anti-hipertensiva. RESULTADOS: Entre as 1.968 pessoas incluídas no estudo, foi encontrada uma prevalência de 23,6% (IC95% 21,6 a 25,3 de hipertensão arterial. Os fatores de confusão foram controlados através da regressão de Poisson. Foram mantidas no modelo final com significância estatística as variáveis: renda familiar, idade, cor da pele, sexo, história familiar de hipertensão, consumo adicional de sal e índice de massa corporal. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se um aumento da prevalência de hipertensão em comparação com estudo semelhante realizado em 1992. O maior aumento percentual de prevalência ocorreu nos grupos mais jovens.OBJECTIVE: To determine hypertension prevalence and its associated risk factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional, population-based study of people ages 20 to 69 living in the urban area of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, was conducted. The dependent variable systemic hypertension was defined as blood pressure >160 x 95 mm Hg (average of two readings or current use of antihypertensive drugs. RESULTS: Among the 1,968 subjects enrolled in the study, hypertension prevalence was 23.6% (95% CI 21.6 to 25.3. A Poisson regression model was used to control confounding factors effects. The following variables remained statistically significant in the final model: family income, age, skin color, gender, family history of hypertension, extra salt intake, and body mass index. CONCLUSION: Compared with a similar study undertaken in 1992, hypertension prevalence increased, particularly in the younger groups.

  5. Uso de medicamentos do nascimento aos dois anos: Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas, RS, 2004 Uso de medicamentos desde el nacimiento hasta los dos años: Cohorte de Nacimientos de Pelotas, Sur de Brasil, 2004 Medicine use from birth to age two years: the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil Birth Cohort Study

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    Edilson Almeida de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a utilização de medicamentos em crianças aos três, 12 e 24 meses de idade. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal utilizando dados da Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas, RS, de 2004. Foram incluídas 3.985 crianças aos três meses, 3.907 aos 12 meses e 3.868 aos 24 meses de idade. O desfecho considerado foi o uso de medicamentos pelas crianças nos 15 dias anteriores à entrevista. Informações sobre as variáveis independentes (medicamentos utilizados, fonte de indicação, forma de aquisição, regularidade do uso e grupos terapêuticos foram coletadas por meio de questionário padronizado, em entrevista aos pais nos domicílios. RESULTADOS: As prevalências de uso de medicamentos aos três, 12 e 24 meses foram de 65,0% (IC 95%: 63,5;66,5, 64,4% (IC 95%: 62,9;65,9 e 54,7% (IC 95%: 53,1;56,2, respectivamente. Com o avanço da idade observou-se diminuição no número total de medicamentos utilizados e aumento na automedicação, essa última chegando a 34% aos 24 meses. Também, a freqüência do uso de medicamentos em caráter eventual aumentou e diminuiu a de uso contínuo. Os medicamentos foram adquiridos principalmente com recursos próprios e cerca de 10% foi adquirido pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Observou-se mudança no perfil dos grupos terapêuticos mais utilizados em função da idade. Aos três meses, o maior uso foi de medicamentos dermatológicos (36%; aos 12 meses, de medicamentos para o sistema respiratório (24%; e, aos 24 meses, de analgésicos (26%. Comparando-se o uso aos 24 meses com o dos três meses de idade observou-se diminuição na utilização de: medicamentos destinados ao trato alimentar e metabolismo, aos órgãos dos sentidos, sistema cardiovascular e produtos dermatológicos. Houve aumento na utilização de: medicamentos anti-infecciosos sistêmicos, destinados ao sistema musculoesquelético, ao sistema respiratório, analgésicos, antiparasitários, inseticidas e repelentes. CONCLUSÕES: A

  6. Desenvolvimento motor e cognitivo de bebês de mães adolescentes e adultas: estudo longitudinal

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    Luana Silva de Borba


    Full Text Available DOI:   Este estudo teve como objetivos investigar em bebês de mães adolescentes e adultas: (1 os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento infantil; (2 as mudanças cognitivas e motoras ao longo de quatro meses, (3 as correlações entre o desenvolvimento motor e cognitivo ao longo de quatro meses. Estudo longitudinal com 40 bebês, 20 nascidos de mães adolescentes e 20 de mães adultas, provenientes dos municípios de Porto Alegre e Butiá, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram realizadas três avaliações do desenvolvimento motor e cognitivo, utilizando a Alberta Motor Infant Scale (AIMS e Bayley Scale of Infant Development II. Na postura supina da AIMS, observou-se diferença significativa entre os grupos na terceira avaliação. Os bebês das mães adolescentes apresentaram escores mais baixos em relação aos bebês de mães adultas. Os escores motores de cada postura da AIMS e o escore total AIMS apresentaram diferença significativa ao longo do tempo em geral e em cada grupo. O escore mental bruto da Bayley-II também apresentou diferença significativa ao longo do tempo em geral e em cada grupo. Observou-se associação positiva, forte e significativa entre os escores totais da AIMS e Bayley em todos os três momentos de avaliação no grupo de bebês de mães adolescentes e adultas. Pode-se concluir que bebês de mães adolescentes apresentaram-se piores na postura supina em relação aos bebês de mães adultas. Os desenvolvimentos motor e cognitivo se associaram significativamente em ambos os grupos ao longo do tempo.

  7. Determinantes precoces da pressão arterial em adultos da coorte de nascimentos de 1982, Pelotas, RS Determinantes precoces de la presión arterial en adultos de la cohorte de nacimientos de 1982, Pelotas, Sur de Brasil Early determinants of blood pressure among adults of the 1982 birth cohort, Pelotas, Southern Brazil

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    Bernardo L Horta


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos de exposições ocorridas na gestação ou nos primeiros anos de vida sobre a pressão arterial. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte com todas as crianças nascidas em 1982 nas maternidades da cidade de Pelotas, RS. As mães residentes em área urbana foram entrevistadas e as crianças, acompanhadas em diferentes ocasiões. Em 2004-5, buscou-se acompanhar todos os indivíduos da coorte. A pressão arterial foi medida duas vezes, no início e no final da entrevista, com esfigmomanômetro digital de pulso. Foi avaliada a associação entre pressão arterial e as seguintes variáveis: cor da pele; escolaridade materna; renda familiar ao nascer; mudança de renda entre o nascimento e os 23 anos de idade; peso ao nascer e duração da amamentação. A análise de variância foi utilizada para a comparação de médias e os modelos lineares generalizados na análise ajustada. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se a medida da pressão arterial para 4.291 indivíduos, 2.208 do sexo masculino e 2.083 do sexo feminino. A média das medidas da pressão arterial sistólica foi de 117,5±15,0 mmHg e da diastólica, de 73,6±11,5 mmHg. Entre os homens, a pressão arterial sistólica foi maior nos indivíduos de cor da pele preta ou parda e naqueles que nunca foram considerados pobres. A pressão diastólica esteve associada apenas com o peso ao nascer. Entre as mulheres, a pressão arterial sistólica foi maior nas de cor da pele preta ou parda, cuja escolaridade materna era maior ou igual a 12 anos ou com peso ao nascer menor do que 4.000 g. CONCLUSÕES:Para ambos os sexos apenas a cor da pele esteve associada com a pressão arterial. A amamentação não teve efeito em longo prazo sobre a pressão arterial, e para o peso ao nascer e o nível socioeconômico, as associações não foram consistentes.OBJETIVO: Evaluar los efectos de exposiciones ocurridas en la gestación o en los primeros años de vida sobre la presión arterial. MÉTODOS: Estudio de

  8. The Pelotas birth cohort study, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1982-2001

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    Victora Cesar G.


    Full Text Available Given the growing recognition of the importance of the life course approach for the determination of chronic diseases, birth cohort studies are becoming increasingly important. This paper describes the methods used in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study, one of the largest and longest studies of this type in developing countries. All 5,914 hospital births occurring in Pelotas in 1982 (over 99% of all deliveries were studied prospectively. The main stages of the study took place in 1983, 1984, 1986, 1995, 1997, 2000, and 2001. More than two thousand variables are available for each subject who participated in all stages of the study. Recent phases of the study included the examination of 2,250 males when presenting for the army recruitment exam in 2000, the study of a 27% sample of men and women in 2001 through household visits, and the study of over 400 children born to the cohort women. Follow-up rates in the recent stages of the cohort were 78.9% for the army examination and 69.0% for the household visits. Ethnographic and oral health studies were conducted in sub-samples. Some recent results on blood pressure, adolescent pregnancy, and asthma are presented as examples of utilization of the data. Suggestions on lessons learned for other cohort studies are proposed.

  9. The Pelotas Birth Cohort Study, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1982-2001 (United States)


    Given the growing recognition of the importance of the life course approach for the determination of chronic diseases, birth cohort studies are becoming increasingly important. This paper describes the methods used in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study, one of the largest and longest studies of this type in developing countries. All 5,914 hospital births occurring in Pelotas in 1982 (over 99% of all deliveries) were studied prospectively. The main stages of the study took place in 1983, 1984, 1986, 1995, 1997, 2000, and 2001. More than two thousand variables are available for each subject who participated in all stages of the study. Recent phases of the study included the examination of 2,250 males when presenting for the army recruitment exam in 2000, the study of a 27% sample of men and women in 2001 through household visits, and the study of over 400 children born to the cohort women. Follow-up rates in the recent stages of the cohort were 78.9% for the army examination and 69.0% for the household visits. Ethnographic and oral health studies were conducted in sub-samples. Some recent results on blood pressure, adolescent pregnancy, and asthma are presented as examples of utilization of the data. Suggestions on lessons learned for other cohort studies are proposed. PMID:14666206

  10. Oral health studies in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort: methodology and principal results at 15 and 24 years of age Estudo longitudinal de saúde bucal na coorte de nascidos vivos em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 1982: aspectos metodológicos e resultados principais aos 15 e 24 anos de idade

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    Karen Glazer Peres


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to describe the methodology and results of oral health studies nested in a birth cohort in Pelotas, Southern Brazil. For the oral health studies a sub-sample (n = 900 was selected from the cohort and dental examinations and interviews were performed at ages 15 (n = 888 and 24 years (n = 720; 81.1%. Data collection included dental outcomes, dental care, oral health behaviors, and use of dental services. Mean DMF-T varied from 5.1 (SD = 3.8 to 5.6 (SD = 4.1 in the study period. The proportion of individuals with at least one filled tooth increased from 51.9% to more than 70%. Individuals who had always been poor used dental services less and had fewer healthy teeth on average than those who had never been poor. Individuals with decreasing or increasing family income trajectories showed intermediate values. An increase was seen in the number of healthy teeth from age 15 to 24 only among those who had never been poor. A history of at least one experience with poverty had a negative impact on oral health in adulthood.Descreveu-se a metodologia e os resultados dos estudos de saúde bucal em uma coorte de nascimentos. Em 1997, uma amostra da coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, (n = 900 foi sorteada para o estudo de saúde bucal (15 anos e os mesmos indivíduos foram novamente investigados aos 24 anos. Agravos bucais, cuidados com a saúde bucal e uso de serviços odontológicos foram avaliados. Participaram do estudo 888 adolescentes aos 15 anos e 720 (81,1% aos 24. O índice CPO-D médio variou de 5,1 (DP = 3,8 a 5,6 (DP = 4,1 no período. Ter pelo menos um dente restaurado passou de 51,9% aos 15 anos para mais de 70% aos 24. A proporção do uso de serviços e a média de dentes saudáveis foram menores dentre os sempre pobres quando comparados àqueles nunca pobres. Indivíduos com trajetórias econômicas descendente ou ascendente tiveram valores intermediários. Aumento de dentes saudáveis dos 15

  11. Social Mobility and Mental Disorders at 30 Years of Age in Participants of the 1982 Cohort, Pelotas, Rio Grande Do Sul - RS.

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    Lenice de Castro Muniz de Quadros

    Full Text Available This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between mental disorders at 30 years of age and social mobility by formally testing three hypotheses: Risk Accumulation; Critical Period; and Social Mobility. The study was performed using data from the 30-year follow-up of the Pelotas Birth Cohort Study, conducted in 1982, and data from previous follow-ups. The tool used to evaluate mental health was the Self Report Questionnaire (SRQ-20. For the statistical analysis, the chi-square test with the Yates correction was used to estimate the prevalence of mental disorder, and the Poisson regression with robust variance was used to formally test the hypotheses according to the Risk Accumulation, Critical Period and Social Mobility Models. The analyses were stratified by gender. The prevalence of Common Mental Disorders (CMDs was 24.3% (95% CI 22.9-25.7 when the whole sample was considered. The highest prevalence, 27.1% (95% CI 25.1-29.2, was found in women, and the difference between genders was significant (p < 0.001. CMDs were more frequent in participants who remained "poor" in the three follow-ups. In both men and women, the best fit was obtained with the Risk Accumulation Model, with p = 0.6348 and p = 0.2105, respectively. The results indicate the need to rethink public income maintenance policies. Finally, we suggest further studies to investigate the role of different public policies in decreasing the prevalence of mental disorders and thus contribute proposals of new policies that may contribute to the prevention of these disorders.

  12. Percepção de exposição a cargas de trabalho e riscos de acidentes em Pelotas, RS (Brasil Workers' perception of exposure to occupational hazards and the risk of accidents in a Southern Brazilian city

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    Rosângela C. Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre a percepção de exposição às cargas de trabalho e o risco de acidentes. MÉTODOS: O delineamento do estudo foi o tipo de casos e controles. Os casos (n=264 incluíram os acidentes de trabalho típicos notificados no Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social, de Pelotas, RS (Brasil, de janeiro a julho de 1996. Foram excluídos os óbitos (dois, os acidentes ocorridos na zona rural, e os que afastaram o trabalhador de suas atividades por menos de sete dias. Para cada caso foram selecionados três tipos de controles: um trabalhador da mesma empresa, um vizinho e um controle populacional. Os controles foram emparelhados com os casos por idade e sexo e precisavam ter vínculo empregatício formal e não ter sofrido acidente no último mês. Os dados foram analisados usando regressão logística condicional. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Os trabalhadores que relatavam enfrentar situações de emergência, o trabalho em altura, perigo constante, ou ambientes ruidosos tinham cerca de duas vezes mais risco de acidentar-se. O trabalho em posições incômodas ou com esforço físico intenso aumentaram em 50% o risco de acidentes. As demais cargas de trabalho estudadas não se constituíram como fatores de risco para os acidentes. Os resultados foram ajustados para fatores de confusão.OBJETIVE: The study of the association between workers' perceptions of occupational hazards and the risk of occupational accidents. DESIGN: Case control study. POPULATION: The cases were 264 workers who presented a "typical" occupational accident, registered at the National Institute of Social Security in the city of Pelotas, between January and July, 1996. Fatal accidents (two were excluded, as were those leading to an absence of less than seven days from work. The cases were interviewed in their homes with a standard questionnaire. For each case, three controls were chosen: a fellow-work, a neighbor and a population control. Controls

  13. Medicina regenerativa: Células madre embrionarias y adultas Regenerative medicine: Embryonic and adult stem cells

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    Porfirio Hernández Ramírez


    Full Text Available En los últimos años ha surgido una nueva rama de la medicina denominada medicina regenerativa, basada fundamentalmente en los nuevos conocimientos sobre las células madre y en su capacidad de convertirse en células de diferentes tejidos. Las células madre se clasifican en embrionarias y somáticas o adultas. Durante varios años se consideró que la célula madre hematopoyética era la única célula en la médula ósea con capacidad generativa. Sin embargo, estudios recientes han mostrado que la composición de la médula ósea es más compleja, pues en ella se ha identificado un grupo heterogéneo de células madre adultas, entre las que se encuentran las: hematopoyéticas, mesenquimales (estromales, población lateral, células progenitoras adultas multipotentes (MAPC. Varios estudios han sugerido que la potencialidad de algunos tipos de células madre adultas es mayor de lo esperado, pues han mostrado en determinadas condiciones capacidad para diferenciarse en células de diferentes linajes, lo que las acercan a la potencialidad de las células embrionarias. Esto ha creado nuevas perspectivas para el tratamiento de diferentes enfermedades con células madre adultas, lo que inicialmente se pensaba solo podía hacerse con las embrionariasIn the last few years, there has emerged a new branch of medicine called regenerative medicine based mainly on the new knowledge about stem cells and their capacity to turn into cells of different tissues. Stem cells are classified into embryonic cells and somatic or adult cells. For many years, it was believed that hematopoietic stem cell was the only one with regenerative capacity in the bone-marrow. However, recent studies have shown that the composition of the bone marrow is more complex an heterogeneous group of adult stem cells such as hematopoietic, mesenchymal (stromal, lateral population and multipotent adult progenitor cells have been identified there. Several studies suggested that the

  14. Freqüência das malformações múltiplas em recém-nascidos na Cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e fatores sócio-demográficos associados Frequency of multiple neonatal malformations in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and associated socio-demographic factors

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    Martha Lopes Schuch de Castro


    Full Text Available Este estudo visa determinar a freqüência, correlacionar possíveis agentes causais e monitorizar a ocorrência de malformações múltiplas na população de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Abrange todos os nascimentos ocorridos entre 1990 e 2002 nas maternidades de Pelotas, com peso superior a 500g. Para cada recém-nascido malformado (caso, tomou-se um neonato vivo (controle, pareado a ele, sem malformação e de igual sexo. Formou-se um banco de dados mediante o preenchimento dos formulários-modelo ECLAMC ­ MONITOR edição 1982, que foram tabulados pelo programa SPSS. Para a análise estatística, utilizou-se o Teste t de Student e chi2. No período em estudo nasceram 71.500 crianças. Dentre essas, 0,11% recém-nascidos apresentaram malformações múltiplas. Foram encontrados resultados significativos para o peso, gemelaridade e nascimento, a etnia dos antepassados, a idade paterna, o número de abortos e natimortos prévios. Em Pelotas, a ocorrência de recém-nascidos que apresentavam malformações ao nascer, no período do estudo, foi de 1,37%. A freqüência de recém-nascidos com malformações múltiplas é de 8,1%, predominantemente no sexo feminino e nos nascimentos ocorridos no inverno.This study aimed to estimate the frequency and to correlate the possible causal agents and monitor the occurrence of multiple neonatal malformations in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study included all births from 1990 to 2002 in the local maternity hospitals with birth weight > 500g. Each newborn presenting a malformation (case was assigned a live matched neonate (control without any malformation and of the same sex. A database was established by filling out the ECLAMC ­ MONITOR forms, 1982 edition, tabulated with SPSS. Statistical analysis used Student t and chi2. During the study period, 71,500 children were born, of whom 0.11% presented multiple malformations. Significant results were found for birth weight, twin births

  15. The Pelotas birth cohort study, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1982-2001 Estudo de coorte de nascimentos em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 1982-2001

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    Cesar G. Victora


    Full Text Available Given the growing recognition of the importance of the life course approach for the determination of chronic diseases, birth cohort studies are becoming increasingly important. This paper describes the methods used in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study, one of the largest and longest studies of this type in developing countries. All 5,914 hospital births occurring in Pelotas in 1982 (over 99% of all deliveries were studied prospectively. The main stages of the study took place in 1983, 1984, 1986, 1995, 1997, 2000, and 2001. More than two thousand variables are available for each subject who participated in all stages of the study. Recent phases of the study included the examination of 2,250 males when presenting for the army recruitment exam in 2000, the study of a 27% sample of men and women in 2001 through household visits, and the study of over 400 children born to the cohort women. Follow-up rates in the recent stages of the cohort were 78.9% for the army examination and 69.0% for the household visits. Ethnographic and oral health studies were conducted in sub-samples. Some recent results on blood pressure, adolescent pregnancy, and asthma are presented as examples of utilization of the data. Suggestions on lessons learned for other cohort studies are proposed.Em função do reconhecimento crescente do enfoque do ciclo vital na determinação de doenças crônicas, estudos de coorte de nascimentos são cada vez mais importantes. Este artigo descreve a metodologia do estudo de coorte de nascidos em Pelotas, em 1982, um dos maiores e mais longos estudos de coorte em países em desenvolvimento. Todos os 5.914 nascimentos hospitalares (mais de 99% de todos os nascimentos ocorridos em 1982 foram estudados prospectivamente. As principais fases do estudo foram realizadas em 1983, 1984, 1986, 1995, 1997, 2000 e 2001. Mais de duas mil variáveis estão disponíveis para sujeitos incluídos em todas as fases do estudo. As fases recentes

  16. Qualidade da dieta de pré-escolares de 2 a 5 anos residentes na área urbana da cidade de Pelotas, RS

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    Katharine Konrad Leal


    Full Text Available ResumoObjetivo:Avaliar a qualidade da dieta de pré-escolares residentes na área urbana da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.Métodos:A qualidade da dieta foi avaliada de acordo com o Índice de Alimentação Saudável (IAS, adaptado para o Brasil. O consumo alimentar foi medido por meio de Questionário de Frequência Alimentar. O escore do índice foi obtido por uma pontuação distribuída em 13 grupos alimentares, que caracterizam diferentes aspectos de uma dieta saudável, variação de 0 a 100 pontos. Quanto mais próximo de 100, melhor será a qualidade da dieta.Resultados:A qualidade da dieta foi avaliada em 556 pré-escolares. O valor médio do escore do IAS foi de 74,4 pontos. Isso indica que as dietas necessitam ser melhoradas. As médias dos escores foram significativamente maiores entre as meninas e entre crianças provenientes de famílias com renda familiar entre um e menos de três salários mínimos mensais.Conclusões:As crianças apresentaram consumo de verduras e legumes abaixo da recomendação, enquanto os alimentos do grupo dos óleos e gorduras, bem como do grupo dos açúcares, balas, chocolates e salgadinhos, foram consumidos em excesso. É importante reforçar orientações para promover um hábito alimentar mais saudável, que poderá perdurar em etapas posteriores da vida

  17. [Illness and death: slaves in the city of Pelotas, 1870-1880]. (United States)

    Loner, Beatriz Ana; Gill, Lorena Almeida; Scheer, Micaele Irene


    The article analyzes diseases presented by slaves hospitalized at Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Pelotas. The focus is on the workers at 'charqueadas' (processing plants for dried meat), whose harsh and rigid work regimen had serious health consequences. Although we can find many descriptions of beef processing at 'charqueadas', we find less evidence of concerns about how slave labor was employed at these plants. By analyzing the period from 1870 to 1880, based on hospital records, travelers' observations, and newspaper reports, the article intends to contribute towards a better understanding of the health conditions of captives in the southern part of the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

  18. Association of lactase persistence genotype with milk consumption, obesity and blood pressure: a Mendelian randomization study in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort, with a systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Hartwig, Fernando Pires; Horta, Bernardo Lessa; Smith, George Davey; de Mola, Christian Loret; Victora, Cesar Gomes


    Milk intake has been associated with lower blood pressure (BP) in observational studies, and randomized controlled trials suggested that milk-derived tripeptides have BP-lowering effects. Milk intake has also been associated with body mass index (BMI). Nevertheless, it is unclear whether increasing milk consumption would reduce BP in the general population. We investigated the association of milk intake with obesity and BP using genetically-defined lactase persistence (LP) based on the rs4988235 polymorphism in a Mendelian randomization design in the 1982 Pelotas (Southern Brazil) Birth Cohort. These results were combined with published reports identified through a systematic review using meta-analysis. In the 1982 Pelotas Birth Cohort, milk intake was 42 [95% confidence interval (CI): 18; 67) ml/day higher in LP individuals. In conventional observational analysis, each 1-dl/day increase in milk intake was associated with -0.26 (95% CI: -0.33; -0.19) kg/m 2 in BMI and -0.31 (95% CI: -0.46; -0.16) and -0.35 (95% CI: -0.46; -0.23) mmHg in systolic and diastolic BP, respectively. These results were not corroborated when analysing LP status, but confidence intervals were large. In random effects meta-analysis, LP individuals presented higher BMI [0.17 (95% CI: 0.07; 0.27) kg/m 2 ] and higher odds of overweight-obesity [1.09 (95% CI: 1.02; 1.17)]. There were no reliable associations for BP. Our study supports that LP is positively associated with obesity, suggesting that the negative association of milk intake with obesity is likely due to limitations of conventional observational studies. Our findings also do not support that increased milk intake leads to lower BP. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association.

  19. Vida Triste y Buen Vivir según personas adultas mayores en Otavalo, Ecuador

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    Juan Tortosa-Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se basa en el diagnóstico inicial previo de un proyecto de cooperación con una entidad social del Cantón de Otavalo (Ecuador, para incluir la actividad física y el juego en su programa de atención integral de Personas Adultas Mayores (PAM en situación de indigencia. Para conocer el contexto de la población del servicio, sus experiencias previas y sus expectativas, se realizó una investigación basada en sus historias de vida. A su vez, se analizaron las políticas públicas del Buen Vivir y las políticas específicas para personas adultas mayores, analizando la legislación vigente y efectuando entrevistas en profundidad a informantes clave. Con enfoque interdisciplinar, se exponen reflexiones sobre elementos constitutivos de la Vida Triste y Buen Vivir, se destaca la importancia de la intervención integral en la promoción del Buen Vivir de PAM a partir de su pasado, sus puntos de vista y recursos de apoyo del territorio.



    Méndez Salazar,Vianey; Becerril Estrada,Verónica; Morales del Pilar,Matiana; Pérez Ilagor,Víctor Manuel


    Los sujetos de estudio fueron un total de diez adultas mayores con un promedio de 63 años, en la unidad de Salud de San Pedro Arriba, Municipio de Temoaya. La unidad de salud constituye un escenario para la capacitación del usuario, sin embargo se presentan condicionantes en las adultas mayores para no aplicar lo aprendido. El objetivo de la investigación fue el describir las actividades de autocuidado en el adulto mayor con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, inscritos al programa de enfermedades crón...

  1. Mutagenic potential of water from Pelotas Creek in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. (United States)

    Santos, T C O; Maciel, L F; Leal, K S; Bender, A E N; Paiva, T S; Garcias, G L; Martino-Roth, M G


    Water resource degradation is one of mankind's greatest worries, as it causes direct and indirect damage to the associated biota. We initiated a water monitoring study in Pelotas Creek in 2003 in order to assess the mutagenic effect of the creek's waters. Allium cepa cells exposed to water samples and a chronically exposed macrophyte were analyzed, through evaluation of the mitotic index, mitotic anomalies, interphase anomalies, and total anomalies. Five points were chosen along the lower course of Pelotas Creek, from which water samples and floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides, Apiaceae) were collected in 2006 and 2007. The enteric bacterium Escherichia coli was found at all sampling points; in the physical-chemical analysis, a few variables exceeded permitted limits, pH (from 6 to 9), chloride (250 mg/L), hardness (from 10 to 200 mg CaCO(3)/L), and conductivity (100 microOmega/cm). There was an increased number of cytogenetic anomalies in exposed A. cepa cells and in the pennywort in 2006 relative to 2007, which may be explained by the increased rainfall, which was three times greater in 2007 at some stations than in 2006.Omega/cm). There was an increased number of cytogenetic anomalies in exposed A. cepa cells and in the pennywort in 2006 relative to 2007, which may be explained by the increased rainfall, which was three times greater in 2007 at some stations than in 2006.

  2. Factores que inciden en la calidad de vida de las personas adultas mayores

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    Mabel Granados Hernández


    Full Text Available Introducción. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados del proyecto de investigación No.421-B1-234  de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Práctica de enfermería basada en la evidencia para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas adultas mayores, el cual pertenece al proyecto No. 421-B1-910 Programa para la Colaboración para la Investigación de Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia de Costa Rica. En este escrito se presenta una revisión teórica de los trabajos más importantes respecto de dicha temática, con el objetivo de aclarar qué factores y variables son los que inciden en tener una mayor calidad de vida en la actualidad en las personas adultas mayores.Método. La metodología utilizada es la que se recomienda para desarrollar la práctica clínica basada en la evidencia con sus respectivas etapas. En cuanto a los documentos, inicialmente se recuperó un total de 504 de diferentes bases de datos incluyendo PUBMED, EBSCO, LILACS, CINAHL, y COCHRANE, de los cuales únicamente 30 fueron retenidos ya que incluían revisiones de literatura, estudios primarios, y marcos conceptuales relevantes para la pregunta clínica. Finalmente, por su contenido, seis  se emplearon para el análisis y la lectura crítica por su estructura metodológica, y calidad, dado que fundamentan indirectamente la respuesta a la pregunta clínica que guió el presente estudio.Resultados.  Se evidencia que la musicoterapia puede tener un efecto positivo en la calidad de vida de las personas adultas mayores, la cual puede ser influida por factores individuales, sociales, culturales, y ambientales, el uso de dispositivos electrónicos, la conectividad social, la respuesta adaptativa y la interacción positiva con otras personas. Por último, las implicaciones para la investigación, práctica de enfermería, política, y conocimiento enfermero son discutidos de manera detallada.Conclusión. Existe necesidad de desarrollar

  3. Autocuidado de las adultas mayores con diabetes mellitus inscritas en el programa de enfermedades crónicas en Temoaya, México


    Vianey Méndez Salazar


    Los sujetos de estudio fueron un total de diez adultas mayores con un promedio de 63 años, en la unidad de Saludde San Pedro Arriba, Municipio de Temoaya. La unidad de salud constituye un escenario para la capacitación delusuario, sin embargo se presentan condicionantes en las adultas mayores para no aplicar lo aprendido. El objetivode la investigación fue el describir las actividades de autocuidado en el adulto mayor con diabetes mellitustipo 2, inscritos al programa de enfermedades crónicas...

  4. Imagem corporal em mulheres adultas vs. meia-idade e idosas praticantes e não praticantes de hidroginástica

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    Simone Valéria Dias Souto


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a imagem corporal de mulheres adultas vs. meia-idade e idosas praticantes e não praticantes de hidroginástica. A amostra foi constituída por 300 mulheres brasileiras com idades compreendidas entre 20 e 83 anos (48.96 ± 15.41, divididas em quatro grupos: Grupo 1 = 75 mulheres adultas não praticantes com idades entre 20 e 49 anos; Grupo 2 = 75 mulheres de meia-idade e idosas não praticantes com idades entre 50 e 82 anos; Grupo 3 = 75 mulheres de meia-idade e idosas praticantes com idade entre 50 e 83 anos e Grupo 4 = 75 mulheres adultas praticantes com idade entre 20 e 49 anos. O instrumento utilizado para determinar à imagem corporal actual e desejada foi a Escala de Desenhos de Silhuetas descrita por Stunkard. Os resultados demonstram que não houve diferenças significativas com a insatisfação da imagem corporal entre os grupos de mulheres adultas vs. meia-idade e idosas vs. praticantes vs. não praticantes (p>0.05. Entretanto, houve diferenças significativas entre a insatisfação com a imagem corporal actual vs. ideal para todos os grupos do estudo (p<0.05. Conclui-se que a idade e a prática da hidroginástica não são factores determinantes na percepção que as mulheres têm da imagem corporal.

  5. EDUCAÇÃO DE JOVENS E ADULTOS NO CAMPUS PELOTAS DO IFSUL: entre o proposto e o realizado

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    Juliana Roldão Bittencourt


    Full Text Available RESUMO O presente artigo objetiva analisar o cumprimento da proposta de Educação de Jovens e Adultos dentro do Programa Nacional de Integração da Educação Profissional com a Educação Básica, no Campus Pelotas do Instituto Federal sul-rio-grandense, bem como a avaliação das práticas, adotadas na instituição, durante a formação do estudante. A pesquisa é de cunho qualitativo exploratório, com nuances quantitativas, em relação à análise dos dados obtidos. Foram realizadas entrevistas com duas turmas de Proeja do curso técnico em Execução, Conservação e Restauro de Edificações, nas quais foram analisadas questões como o sentimento e a expectativa desses alunos em relação ao curso e ao ambiente escolar, e se essas expectativas foram atendidas ao longo do período. Palavras-chave: Proeja. Práticas pedagógicas. Educação profissional. YOUTH AND ADULT EDUCATION ON IFSUL CAMPUS IN PELOTAS: between the proposed and the accomplished ABSTRACT This article aims to analyze the fulfillment of the proposed Youth and Adult Education within the National Professional Education Program Integration with Basic Education, on the Campus in Pelotas of Instituto Federal sul-rio-grandense, as well as and the evaluation of the practices adopted by the institution, throughout the formation of the student. The research follows a qualitative approach, with quantitative touch in relation to data analysis. There were made interviews with two groups of Proeja from technical course in Execution, Conservation and Restoration of Buildings, in which there were analyzed feelings and expectations of these students towards the course and the school environment, and if those expectations were met over the period of time. Keywords: Proeja. Pedagogical practices. Professional education. EDUCACIÓN DE JÓVENES Y ADULTOS EN EL CAMPUS PELOTAS DEL IFSUL: entre lo propuesto y lo realizado RESUMEN El presente artículo tiene por objetivo analizar el

  6. Autotrasplante de células madre adultas en defecto óseo de rama mandibular por quiste dentígero


    Torres Rodríguez, Luís E; Marimón Torres, Maria E; Morejón Álvarez, Felicia C; Camacho Díaz, René; León Amado, Liseet


    Propósitos del estudio: indagar en la formación ósea de cavidades quísticas de los maxilares a partir de células madres adultas. Método: se realiza la presentación de un paciente que presentaba un quiste dentígero en rama mandibular izquierda y que había provocado gran destrucción ósea, lo cual se comprobó al examen físico y estudios complementarios, tomografía axial compuarizada (TAC) e imágenes gráficas (Fotos). Se decide colocar las células madres adultas, previa valoración y preparación d...

  7. Utilização de serviços de saúde por adultos da coorte de nascimentos de 1982 a 2004-5, Pelotas, RS Utilización de servicios de salud por adultos de la cohorte de nacimientos de 1982 a 2005, Pelotas, Sur de Brasil Pattern of health services utilization by adults of the Pelotas birth cohort from 1982 to 2004-5, Southern Brazil

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    Juvenal S Dias-da-Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever o padrão de utilização de serviços de saúde por adultos jovens. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal em Pelotas (RS, em que os indivíduos foram localizados no seu nascimento em 1982 e acompanhados até os 23 anos. O desfecho foi definido por informações coletadas sobre consultas com profissionais de saúde realizadas no ano anterior à entrevista entre 2004 e 2005. Os locais de consulta foram categorizados como públicos, privados ou planos de saúde. Análises descritivas foram realizadas para utilização e tipo de serviço de saúde. Regressão de Poisson foi utilizada na análise ajustada. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 72,0% tiveram consulta com profissionais de saúde no ano anterior à entrevista; 86,2% (IC 95% 84,7;87,7 das mulheres e 59,3% (IC 95% 57,3;61,3 dos homens. Mesmo quando excluídas as consultas com ginecologista, as mulheres continuavam tendo mais consultas do que os homens, 68,4% (IC 95% 66,4;70,4. A utilização dos serviços de saúde foi mais freqüente entre os entrevistados de melhor nível socioeconômico. Diferença de menor uso em relação à cor da pele não branca foi observada somente entre os jovens do sexo masculino. Houve diferenças em relação ao tipo de profissional consultado por homens e mulheres e também conforme a renda familiar. Homens e mulheres consultaram mais freqüentemente o sistema público, os serviços conveniados e em menor proporção o sistema privado. CONCLUSÕES: A situação socioeconômica influenciou a utilização e o tipo de serviço de saúde, com homens e mulheres classificados como "pobres no momento", indicando menor utilização de serviços. Tais diferenças socioeconômicas podem ser indicativas de dificuldades de acesso ao sistema de saúde.OBJETIVO: Describir el patrón de utilización de servicios de salud por adultos jóvenes. MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal en Pelotas (Sur de Brasil, en que los individuos fueron localizados en su nacimiento en 1982 y

  8. Association between vitamin D concentration and levels of sex hormones in an elderly Polish population with different genotypes of VDR polymorphisms (rs10735810, rs1544410, rs7975232, rs731236). (United States)

    Laczmanski, Lukasz; Lwow, Felicja; Mossakowska, Malgorzata; Puzianowska-Kuznicka, Monika; Szwed, Małgorzata; Kolackov, Katarzyna; Krzyzanowska-Swiniarska, Barbara; Bar-Andziak, Ewa; Chudek, Jerzy; Sloka, Natalia; Milewicz, Andrzej


    Vitamin D co-regulates the synthesis of sex hormones in part by interaction with its nuclear receptor. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is an association of vitamin D concentration vs the level of sex hormones in elderly Polish individuals with different genotypes of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene. Rs10735810, rs1544410, rs7975232, and rs731236 polymorphisms of VDR, the serum sex hormone level, free estrogen index (FEI) and free androgen index (FAI) as well as vitamin D, were evaluated in 766 persons (362 women and 404 men) selected from 5695 Polish population, aged 65-90years from the PolSenior survey. We observed that women with GG (rs731236), TT (rs7975232), BB (rs1544410) and FF (rs10735810) genotypes were characterized by a significant correlation between vitamin D vs testosterone concentration and FAI value. We found a significant correlation between testosterone level and FAI vs vitamin D concentration in men with heterozygote AG in the rs731236 polymorphism and in the GG (rs7975232), the BB (rs1544410), and the Ff (rs10735810) genotypes. In elderly selected Polish population with different genotypes of VDR polymorphisms, a statistically significant relationship between vitamin D concentration vs testosterone level was observed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Depressão pós-parto e alterações de sono aos 12 meses em bebês nascidos na zona urbana da cidade de Pelotas/RS Postpartum depression and sleep disorders in 12 month-old babies born in the urban area of Pelotas city

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    Eliane Rozales Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar se existe associação entre as alterações no sono dos bebês aos 12 meses de vida e a depressão pós-parto materna. MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo transversal aninhado a uma coorte. A amostra foi constituída por mulheres que realizaram o acompanhamento pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, nas unidades básicas de saúde do município de Pelotas, e que tiveram seus partos a partir de junho/2006. Os bebês de 12 meses oriundos dessa gestação também fazem parte da amostra. Para avaliar a presença de sintomas depressivos nas mães, foi utilizada a Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS e foram investigados os seguintes comportamentos do sono dos bebês: horas de sono por dia, regularidade do horário para dormir e acordar, sono agitado e despertar noturno. Para análise, foi utilizada Regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: 35,7% dos bebês possuem alteração no padrão de sono. Após o ajuste ao modelo hierárquico proposto, a alteração no sono infantil manteve associação com a sintomatologia depressiva da mãe (p OBJECTIVE: Verify whether there is association between sleep disorders in babies at 12 months of age and postpartum depression in motherhood. METHODS:Cross sectional study. The sample was made up of women who had done their prenatal medical care at the National Health System (SUS, at the health basic units in Pelotas and who had their deliveries from June, 2006. The 12 month old babies from these women are also part of the sample. In order to assess depressive symptoms in the mothers, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was used and the following sleeping behaviors of the babies were investigated: hours of sleep per day, regularity of sleep and wake up time, disturbed sleep and night awakening. Poisson Regression was used for the analysis. RESULTS: 35.7% of the babies showed alterations in their sleeping patterns. After adjusting for the proposed hierarchal model, sleep alteration of the babies was still

  10. Interleukin-6-receptor polymorphisms rs12083537, rs2228145, and rs4329505 as predictors of response to tocilizumab in rheumatoid arthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Enevold, Christian; Baslund, Bo; Linde, Louise


    Tocilizumab (TCZ), a monoclonal antibody targeting the human interleukin-6-receptor (IL-6R), is indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We examined whether three IL6R single-nucleotide polymorphisms rs12083537, rs2228145 (formerly rs8192284), and rs4329505 with previously report...

  11. Association of ITPA polymorphisms rs6051702/rs1127354 instead of rs7270101/rs1127354 as predictor of ribavirin-associated anemia in chronic hepatitis C treated patients. (United States)

    D'Avolio, Antonio; De Nicolò, Amedeo; Cusato, Jessica; Ciancio, Alessia; Boglione, Lucio; Strona, Silvia; Cariti, Giuseppe; Troshina, Giulia; Caviglia, Gian Paolo; Smedile, Antonina; Rizzetto, Mario; Di Perri, Giovanni


    Functional variants rs7270101 and rs1127354 of inosine triphosphatase (ITPA) were recently found to protect against ribavirin (RBV)-induced hemolytic anemia. However, no definitive data are yet available on the role of no functional rs6051702 polymorphism. Since a simultaneous evaluation of the three ITPA SNPs for hemolytic anemia has not yet been investigated, we aimed to understand the contribution of each SNPs and its potential clinical use to predict anemia in HCV treated patients. A retrospective analysis included 379 HCV treated patients. The ITPA variants rs6051702, rs7270101 and rs1127354 were genotyped and tested for association with achieving anemia at week 4. We also investigated, using multivariate logistic regression, the impact of each single and paired associated polymorphism on anemia onset. All SNPs were associated with Hb decrease. The carrier of at least one variant allele in the functional ITPA SNPs was associated with a lower decrement of Hb, as compared to patients without a variant allele. In multivariate logistic regression analyses the carrier of a variant allele in the rs6051702/rs1127354 association (OR=0.11, p=1.75×10(-5)) and Hb at baseline (OR=1.51, p=1.21×10(-4)) were independently associated with protection against clinically significant anemia at week 4. All ITPA polymorphisms considered were shown to be significantly associated with anemia onset. A multivariate regression model based on ITPA genetic polymorphisms was developed for predicting the risk of anemia. Considering the characterization of pre-therapy anemia predictors, rs6051702 SNP in association to rs1127354 is more informative in order to avoid this relevant adverse event. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Recursos Pedagógicos para una vida adulta independiente en escolares con retraso mental moderado

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    Orquidia Urtado Maceo


    Full Text Available El trabajo brinda un sistema de recursos pedagógicos coherentes y desarrolladores para la preparación de los escolares con retraso mental moderado y recoge un sistema de temáticas para obtener mejores resultados en la preparación de la vida adulta independiente de los mismos.

  13. Lack of association between rheumatoid arthritis and genetic variants rs10889677, rs11209026 and rs2201841 of IL-23R gene. (United States)

    Paradowska-Gorycka, Agnieszka; Malinowski, Damian; Haladyj, Ewa; Olesinska, Marzena; Safranow, Krzysztof; Pawlik, Andrzej


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune diseases, where different genetic variants in cytokine genes may play a pathogenic role. A GWAS in autoimmune diseases highlighted the IL-23R gene as a one of the susceptibility factors. We examined three candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs10889677, rs11209026 and rs2201841 of the IL-23R gene, as well as determined their possible association with RA in a Polish population. The IL-23R gene polymorphisms were genotyped for 422 RA patients and 348 healthy individuals using TaqMan SNP genotyping assay. The genotypes frequency did not deviate from HWE in each examined group. A comparison of the allele as well as genotype frequencies of the IL-23R polymorphisms under codominant, dominant and recessive genetic model revealed no significant differences between RA patients and healthy subjects. We also demonstrated that IL-23R rs2201841 and rs11209026 as well as rs11209026 and rs10889677 were in complete linkage disequilibrium (D'=1.0). Our genotype-phenotype analysis demonstrated that in carriers of rs10889677C and/or rs2201841A allele the RF, extra-articular manifestations and erosion were more frequent present than in patients with rs10889677A and/or rs2201841A allele, although this association was not significant. Present findings indicated that the autoimmune disease-associated genetic variants in IL-23R gene are not associated with RA in the Polish population. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. Efecto de una subalimentación prolongada sobre el peso, la condición y la composición corporal de cabras adultas


    Manuel Gómez Pastén; Ofelia Mora Izaguirre; Rosa María Meléndez Soto; José Luis Romano Muñoz; Héctor Vera Avila; Armando Shimada Miyasaka


    Para determinar la respuesta de cabras adultas a una restricción alimenticia prolongada y el efecto en su peso, condición y composición corporal, se llevó a cabo un experimento usando 21 cabras hembras encastadas de Nubia, adultas, vacías y secas. Se registró durante nueve semanas el peso, condición corporal y consumo diario. Después se dividieron completamente al azar en tres grupos, para recibir durante 36 semanas los siguientes niveles de alimentación (NA), 100, 80 y 60, como porcentaje de...

  15. Explorando as múltiplas trajetórias de causalidade: colaboração entre antropologia e epidemiologia na coorte de nascimentos de 1982, Pelotas, RS Explorando las múltiples trayectorias de causalidad: colaboración entre antropología y epidemiología en la cohorte de nacimientos de 1982, Pelotas, Sur de Brasil Exploring multiple trajectories of causality: collaboration between Anthropology and Epidemiology in the 1982 birth cohort, Pelotas, Southern Brazil

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    Dominique P Béhague


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Embora a relação entre Epidemiologia e Antropologia tenha uma longa história, geralmente, ela tem sido compreendida por meio da integração dos métodos quantitativos e qualitativos em pesquisa. Recentemente, esses dois campos têm convergido para linhas conceituais e teóricas, enfatizando mais a explicação do que a simples descrição dos fenômenos investigados. O objetivo do estudo foi mostrar como a análise de dados etnográficos auxilia na interpretação aprofundada e teórica de dados epidemiológicos. MÉTODOS: As análises antropológicas do artigo foram obtidas usando métodos etnográficos, de 1997 a 2007, de uma amostra pertencente ao estudo de coorte de nascimento de 1982 em Pelotas (RS. As análises etnográficas foram estruturadas de acordo com os resultados de dois artigos epidemiológicos sobre os determinantes de morbidade mental e da idade de iniciação sexual. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: As análises etnográficas indicam diversos caminhos de influência e causalidade presentes nas associações estatísticas e que correspondem a experiências únicas de grupos específicos. Explorando esses caminhos, observaram-se vários fatores importantes que ajudam a explicar os resultados epidemiológicos, incluindo as respostas dos jovens às experiências de injustiça/desigualdade, o papel da violência na vida diária, os eventos de vida traumáticos, a reclusão social e introversão como resposta as dificuldades vividas, assim como a maturação psicossocial. A colaboração teórica e metodológica entre antropologia e epidemiologia é importante para a saúde pública, pois tem modificado positivamente esses dois campos do saber.OBJETIVO: A pesar de que la relación entre Epidemiología y Antropología tiene una larga historia, generalmente, ella ha sido comprendida por medio de la integración de los métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos en investigación. Recientemente, esos dos campos han convergido en l

  16. The diffusion of the hygienism in Brasil and the sanitation of Pelotas, 1880-1930


    Rodrigues Soares, Paulo Roberto


    El artículo trata de la difusión de las ideas higienistas en la ciudad de Pelotas, Brasil. Nuestra intención es describir la evolución del higienismo en una sociedad que realizó la transición tardía del esclavismo para la economía capitalista e industrial y los cambios que, por consecuencia, fueron producidos en su forma urbana. El artículo plantea que, no obstante el discurso higienista, muchos reglamentos no eran cumplidos en la ciudad y concluye que el saneamiento de la ciudad se caracteri...

  17. Freire: vigente e inspirador en la alfabetización de personas adultas

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    Roberth Barboza-Araya


    Full Text Available Recibido 7 de marzo, 2008 • Aprobado 15 de mayo, 2008   Este artículo presenta diversas experiencias en torno a la alfabetización de personas adultas, inspiradas en el pensamiento de Paulo Freire. La vigencia de los aportes de Freire son reconstruidos mediante un trabajo académico integrado, llevado a cabo en diferentes contextos, mediante la coordinación interinstitucional entre la Universidad Nacional y el Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, con la participación de profesionales y estudiantes.

  18. Caracterización del uso de medicamentos en personas adultas mayores, Costa Rica 2007 Characterization of medication use in the eldery, Costa Rica 2007


    Luis Guillermo Jiménez Herrera; Xinia Fernández Rojas


    El proceso de utilización de medicamentos es complejo y las personas adultas mayores tienden a tener un mayor número de entidades patológicas y de medicamentos que complica el uso racional, adecuado y seguro de los medicamentos. Se caracterizó la utilización de medicamentos y se identificaron algunos factores asociados que le determinan en la persona adulta mayor mediante las bases de datos del estudio Costa Rica Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable (CRELES) en su primera ronda. U...

  19. Impacto del abuso sexual durante la infancia-adolescencia en las relaciones sexuales y afectivas de mujeres adultas

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    Sílvia López


    Conclusiones: Es necesario identificar un posible abuso sexual en la infancia y la adolescencia en las mujeres que consultan por problemas con sus parejas, y continuar investigando sobre factores protectores e intervenciones terapéuticas tendentes a paliar las consecuencias de dicho abuso al llegar a la vida adulta.

  20. Methodological aspects of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort Study (United States)

    Victora, Cesar Gomes; Araújo, Cora Luiza Pavin; Menezes, Ana Maria Batista; Hallal, Pedro Curi; Vieira, Maria de Fátima; Neutzling, Marilda Borges; Gonçalves, Helen; Valle, Neiva Cristina; Lima, Rosangela Costa; Anselmi, Luciana; Behague, Dominique; Gigante, Denise Petrucci; Barros, Fernando Celso


    This paper describes the main methodological aspects of a cohort study, with emphasis on its recent phases, which may be relevant to investigators planning to carry out similar studies. In 1993, a population based study was launched in Pelotas, Southern Brazil. All 5,249 newborns delivered in the city’s hospitals were enrolled, and sub-samples were visited at the ages of one, three and six months and of one and four years. In 2004-5 it was possible to trace 87.5% of the cohort at the age of 10-12 years. Sub-studies are addressing issues related to oral health, psychological development and mental health, body composition, and ethnography. Birth cohort studies are essential for investigating the early determinants of adult disease and nutritional status, yet few such studies are available from low and middle-income countries where these determinants may differ from those documented in more developed settings. PMID:16410981

  1. Efeito da época de poda na produção e qualidade de frutos de mirtileiro

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    André Luiz Radünz


    Full Text Available As pequenas frutas, como o mirtilo (Vaccinium spp., apresentam propriedades nutricionais e alto potencial antioxidante. Práticas de manejo como a época de poda podem provocar diferentes respostas nas plantas, devido a alterações nas condições climáticas a que as plantas estarão expostas durante seu período reprodutivo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da poda seca sobre a produção e atributos de qualidade dos frutos de mirtileiro, cultivares Clímax, Bluegem e Powderblue, nas condições da mesorregião de Pelotas, RS. Foram utilizadas plantas adultas de mirtileiro (Vaccinium spp. de pomar comercial, localizado no município de Morro Redondo, RS. Plantas em diferentes parcelas foram submetidas a podas em duas datas: poda 1 em 10 de julho de 2012 e a poda 2 em 10 de agosto de 2012. Frutos colhidos no estadio de maturação completa foram avaliados quanto a produção, teor de sólidos solúveis (SS, acidez total titulável (ATT, pH, cor (ºHue, teor de compostos fenólicos totais, teor de antocianinas totais e potencial antioxidante. A época da poda seca influenciou de forma significativa a produção e os atributos de qualidade dos frutos de mirtilo. A poda, quando realizada na época 1, ocasionou maior produção, entretanto foi na época de poda 2 que as cultivares apresentaram maior teor de compostos fenólicos. As cultivares Bluegem e Powderblue apresentaram ainda maior potencial antioxidante e maior teor de antocianinas.

  2. Avaliação manométrica anorretal de mulheres adultas com diagnóstico clínico e urodinâmico de bexiga hiperativa


    Gonçalves,Maria Lúcia Campos; Fernandes,Samantha Figueiredo Frota; Almeida,Romulo Medeiro de; Diaz,Fernando Augusto Ferreira; Oliveira,Paulo Gonçalves de; Sousa,João Batista de


    RACIONAL: A manometria anorretal é método diagnóstico empregado na prática clínica para avaliação de distúrbios funcionais anorretais e do assoalho pélvico. As disfunções miccionais, anorretais e do assoalho pélvico tem sido consideradas como fatores contribuintes dos sintomas de bexiga hiperativa. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados obtidos com manometria anorretal em mulheres adultas com diagnóstico clínico e urodinâmico de bexiga hiperativa. MÉTODOS: Vinte e cinco mulheres adultas (média de id...

  3. Tendencias de mortalidad en población adulta, Medellín, 1994-2003

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    Doris Cardona


    Conclusiones. La mortalidad de la población adulta presenta diferencias según sexo y edad, estando en condiciones más desventajosas la población masculina frente a la femenina, de fallecer por causas externas en edades más tempranas de la vida, y los de mayor edad principalmente las mujeres, por el incremento de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y los tumores malignos, que representan un problema de salud pública por el alto costo humano y económico que generan.

  4. Ocorrência de Ornithonyssus bursa (Berlese, 1888 (Acari: Macronyssidae em filhotes de Megascops choliba (corujinha-do-mato e Pitangus sulphuratus (bem-te-vi, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Ocurrence of Ornithonyssus bursa (Berlese, 1888 (Acari: Macronyssidae on Megascops choliba (tropical screech-owl and Pitangus sulphuratus (great kiskadee nestlings in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

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    Carolina S. Mascarenhas


    Full Text Available O Núcleo de Reabilitação da Fauna Silvestre e Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres da Universidade Federal de Pelotas - RS atendeu dois filhotes de Megascops choliba (corujinha-do-mato (Strigiformes - Strigidae e dois de Pitangus sulphuratus (bem-te-vi (Passeriformes - Tyrannidae intensamente parasitados por ácaros, em maio de 2005 e dezembro de 2006, respectivamente. Os filhotes e o ninho de P. sulphuratus foram recolhidos na zona urbana da cidade de Pelotas - RS após forte temporal. Os ácaros foram removidos, colocados em álcool 70% e levados ao laboratório de parasitologia para identificação. Os espécimes foram clarificados em lactofenol, montados em meio de Hoyer e identificados como Ornithonyssus bursa (Acari - Macronyssidae. Registra-se Megascops choliba e Pitangus sulphuratus como hospedeiros de Ornithonyssus bursa, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.The Center for Rehabilitation of Wildlife and Center for Selection of Wild Animal of the Federal University of Pelotas has attended two nestlings of Megascops choliba (tropical screech-owl (Strigiformes - Strigidae and two of Pitangus sulphuratus (great kiskadee (Passeriformes - Tyrannidae heavily parasitized by mites, in May 2005 and December 2006, respectively. The nestlings and the nest of P. sulphuratus were collected in the Pelotas urban area after severe storms. The mites were removed, clarified in lactofenol, permanently mounted in Hoyer's medium and identified as Ornithonyssus bursa (Acari - Macronyssidae. Megascops choliba and Pitangus sulphuratus are reported as host of Ornithonyssus bursa in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.

  5. Use of contraceptive methods by sexually active teenagers in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil Uso de métodos anticoncepcionais em adolescentes sexualmente ativos de 15 a 18 anos em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Clarissa Lisbôa Arla da Rocha


    Full Text Available This study aimed to assess the prevalence of contraceptive use by adolescents. A cross-sectional study was performed from March to September 2002 in a representative sample of adolescents 15 to 18 years of age in the urban area of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Multiple-stage sampling was used, and in the 448 census tracts located in the urban area, 90 were sampled and households were visited in each tract. Information was collected on sexual initiation and use of contraceptive methods. Chi-square test was used to compare proportions. The sample included 960 adolescents. 88% of subjects reported the use of any contraceptive method. Condoms were the most commonly used method (63.2%. Low adolescent schooling was the only variable associated with increased risk of non-use of contraceptives. Condom use was higher among males, adolescents whose mothers had 9 or more years of schooling, and those reporting several sexual partners in the previous year. Condoms were the most commonly used contraceptive method.O estudo avaliou o uso de métodos contraceptivos em adolescentes. Entre março e setembro de 2002, realizou-se um estudo transversal na zona urbana da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A amostragem foi em múltiplos estágios, 90 dos 448 setores censitários da zona urbana de Pelotas foram sorteados e em cada setor 86 residências foram visitadas. Considerou-se a informação do adolescente sobre a prática de relações sexuais e do uso de métodos contraceptivos. Nas comparações entre as proporções utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado. Foram entrevistados 960 adolescentes, enquanto que para 79 não foi possível realizar a entrevista. Aproximadamente 88% dos adolescentes usavam algum método contraceptivo. O preservativo masculino foi encontrado como o método mais usado naqueles adolescentes que têm relação sexual (63,2%. A escolaridade do adolescente foi a única variável associada com o uso de contraceptivos. O

  6. RS CVn binary systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linsky, J.L.


    The author attempts to place in context the vast amount of data obtained in the last few years as a result of X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, and microwave observations of RS CVn and similar spectroscopic binary systems. He concentrates on the RS CVn systems and their long-period analogs, and restricts the scope by attempting to answer on the basis of the recent data and theory following questions: (1) Are the original defining characteristics still valid and still adequate? (2) What is the evidence for discrete active regions? (3) Have we derived any meaningful physical properties for the atmospheres of RS CVn systems? (4) What are the flare observations telling us about magnetic fields in the RS CVn systems? (5) Is there evidence for systematic trends in RS CVn systems with spectral type?

  7. RS-WebPredictor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zaretzki, J.; Bergeron, C.; Huang, T.-W.


    Regioselectivity-WebPredictor (RS-WebPredictor) is a server that predicts isozyme-specific cytochrome P450 (CYP)-mediated sites of metabolism (SOMs) on drug-like molecules. Predictions may be made for the promiscuous 2C9, 2D6 and 3A4 CYP isozymes, as well as CYPs 1A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C19 and 2E1....... RS-WebPredictor is the first freely accessible server that predicts the regioselectivity of the last six isozymes. Server execution time is fast, taking on average 2s to encode a submitted molecule and 1s to apply a given model, allowing for high-throughput use in lead optimization projects.......Availability: RS-WebPredictor is accessible for free use at Software/RS-WebPredictor....

  8. Aprendizaje creativo en personas adultas mayores: la experiencia del Taller Literario del PAIPAM


    Sancho Ugalde, María de los Ángeles


    El Taller Literario forma parte de las actividades del Programa de Atención Integral de la Persona Adulta Mayor (PAIPAM) del Centro de Estudios Generales de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Inició las sesiones de clase en febrero del 2007, en el género lírico; para el año 2008, en cuento; en el 2009, 2010 y 2011 ha sido desarrollado en narrativa. El propósito del taller es ofrecer espacios para el análisis de textos representativos de la literatura universal, latinoamericana y costarric...

  9. Fatores associados ao consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras em adultos de uma cidade no Sul do Brasil Factors associated with fruit and vegetable intake among adults in a southern Brazilian city

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    Marilda Borges Neutzling


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a freqüência de consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras por adultos de 20 a 69 anos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e analisar fatores associados. Foi realizado em 2006 um estudo transversal de base populacional, incluindo 972 adultos. A freqüência do consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras foi medida por meio de três perguntas referentes ao consumo habitual destes no ano anterior. O desfecho foi o consumo regular de frutas, legumes e verduras. Cerca de 1/5 da população adulta (20,9% consumia regularmente frutas, legumes e verduras. Indivíduos do sexo feminino, com 60 anos ou mais, das classes A e B, ex-fumantes e não sedentários apresentaram maior prevalência de consumo de frutas e legumes e verduras. A freqüência do consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras na população adulta residente no Município de Pelotas está aquém das recomendações atuais do Ministério da Saúde, em especial entre os homens mais jovens, de menor nível sócio-econômico e que não praticam atividade física no lazer. Políticas públicas que estimulem uma alimentação saudável são urgentemente necessárias.The study aimed to describe the frequency of fruit and vegetable intake among adults (20-69 years of age and to identify associated factors. This population-based study in 2006 included 972 adults in Pelotas, Southern Brazil. Consumption of fruits and vegetables was evaluated with three questions on habitual food intake during the year prior to the interview. The outcome variable was regular consumption of fruits and vegetables. Only one in five adults (20.9% reported consuming fruits and vegetables regularly. Female gender, age 60 years or older, higher socioeconomic status, former smoking, and physical activity were associated with the outcome variable. According to the results, fruit and vegetable intake among adults fails to meet current Ministry of Health recommendations, particularly among male, young

  10. Association between ACE (rs4646994), FABP2 (rs1799883), MTHFR (rs1801133), FTO (rs9939609) Genes Polymorphism and Type 2 Diabetes with Dyslipidemia. (United States)

    Raza, Syed Tasleem; Abbas, Shania; Siddiqi, Zeba; Mahdi, Farzana


    Diabetic dyslipidemia is one of the leading causes of coronary artery disease (CAD) death. Genetic and environmental factors play an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and dyslipidemia. The present study was aimed to investigate the association of ACE (rs4646994), FABP2 (rs1799883), MTHFR (rs1801133) and FTO (rs9939609) genes polymorphism in T2DM with dyslipidemia. Totally, 559 subjects including 221 T2DM cases with dyslipidemia, 158 T2DM without dyslipidemia and 180 controls were enrolled. ACE genes polymorphism was evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), while MTHFR , FABP2 , FTO genes polymorphisms were evaluated by PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Significant association of ACE and MTHFR genes polymorphisms were found in both group of cases [T2DM with dyslipidemia (Pgenes polymorphisms were significantly associated with T2DM without dyslipidemia (P=0.038, and P= 0.019, respectively). This study concludes that ACE , FABP2 , FTO and MTHFR genes are associated with T2DM. Additionally, it also seems that ACE and MTHFR genes might be further associated with the development of dyslipidemia in T2DM cases.

  11. Programas educativos em saúde bucal para populações adultas


    Rota, Lucimara Magon; Queluz, Dagmar de Paula; Mialhe, Fábio Luiz


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os aspectos relacionados ao perfil epidemiológico e a autopercepção das condições de saúde bucal, além dos métodos de educação em saúde voltados à população adulta, a fim de contribuir no planejamento de programas educativos para esta população. Com base naanálise dos dados bibliográficos coletados, conclui-se que a educação em saúde bucal para adultos é uma importante ferramenta de manutenção da saúde bucal. Dentre elas destaca-se a cárie dentária, o ...

  12. Transição para a vida adulta no Brasil: análise comparada entre 1970 e 2000 Transición a la vida adulta en Brasil: análisis comparado entre 1970 y 2000 Transition to adult life in Brazil: comparative analysis between 1970 and 2000

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    Joice Melo Vieira


    Full Text Available A transição para a vida adulta é um momento-chave do curso de vida dos sujeitos. É uma fase marcada por importantes mudanças de status, como a passagem de estudante para trabalhador, de membro dependente de um domicílio para chefe de domicílio, de solteiro para pessoa em união, de filho(a para pai ou mãe. A partir da aplicação de uma metodologia nova, que mede mudanças na estrutura do curso de vida, desenvolvida por pesquisadores associados à IUSSP, comparou-se a transição para a vida adulta no Brasil em dois momentos, 1970 e 2000, segundo a renda domiciliar per capita, a situação de domicílio e o sexo dos indivíduos. Em síntese, a técnica - conhecida como análise de entropia de combinações de status de coortes sintéticas - consiste em construir índices que combinam a proporção de pessoas em determinada idade que freqüentam escola, trabalham e formaram família, ou não. A partir dos resultados é possível identificar quando a transição para a vida adulta começa e termina, bem como quando atinge um pico. O recurso gráfico permite visualizar que, partindo de idades mais próximas à infância (quando a maioria das pessoas encontra-se em uma combinação de status bem característica: estudante, não trabalha, é membro dependente no domicílio, sem experiência conjugal e sem filhos, em direção à adolescência/juventude, em algum ponto o índice de entropia aumenta significativamente, o que evidencia mudança de status, sinalizando o início da passagem para a vida adulta. O que se explora nesse texto são as desigualdades nos marcos temporais e na extensão da transição para a vida adulta de jovens de diferentes estratos de renda, segundo o sexo.La transición a la vida adulta es un momento clave del curso de vida de los sujetos. Es una fase marcada por importantes cambios de status, como el pasaje de estudiante a trabajador, de miembro dependiente de una familia a jefe de familia, de soltero a persona en

  13. Colesterolemia, trigliceridemia e excesso de peso em escolares de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil Blood lipids abnormalities and overweight prevalence in students of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

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    Cláudia Cruz Lunardi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O nível de colesterol na infância é um preditor do nível de colesterol na vida adulta. As consequências do colesterol elevado, somadas a outros fatores de risco constituem problema mundial de saúde pública. OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia e excesso de peso em estudantes do município de Santa Maria-RS. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 374 crianças de 10 a 12 anos de idade, de escolas das redes pública e privada, realizado no segundo semestre de 2005 na cidade de Santa Maria-RS. Foram determinados os níveis de colesterol total, triglicerídeos e estado nutricional. RESULTADOS: As prevalências de hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia e excesso de peso encontradas foram de 4,7%, 8,9% e 20,7%, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significante entre sexo e rede pública e privada. As crianças com excesso de peso apresentaram maior prevalência de alterações lipídicas. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de alterações lipídicas pode ser considerada baixa, mas a prevalência de excesso de peso dos estudantes de Santa Maria mostrou-se relativamente alta, alertando à importância de políticas públicas e à necessidade de assistência pediátrica nessa faixa etária, visando o seu diagnóstico precoce e, principalmente, o aconselhamento nutricional e incentivo à prática esportiva, uma vez que as dislipidemias e o excesso de peso têm sido apontados como fatores de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares.INTRODUCTION: Cholesterol level in childhood is a predictor of cholesterol level in adult life. The consequences of high cholesterol levels summed to other risk factors constitute a worldwide public health problem. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of blood lipid abnormalities and overweight among school students of the city of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 374 children, aged between 10 and 12 years, from public and private schools of the

  14. Pobreza y transiciones familiares a la vida adulta en las localidades rurales de la península de Yucatán

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    Mier y Terán, Marta


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el proceso de transición a la vida adulta en el ámbito familiar entre los jóvenes de las localidades rurales marginadas de los tres estados que conforman la península de Yucatán. Las características socioeconómicas de las personas y de sus comunidades, según sus atributos adscriptos, definen su proceso de transición a la vida adulta. Este proceso refleja el origen social de las personas y marca de manera decisiva su vida como adultos. Esta problemática cobra particular interés en contextos de pobreza porque muestra claramente las carencias de capacidades y oportunidades entre los jóvenes y sus dificultades para mejorar su situación personal y familiar en la siguientes etapas de su vida.

  15. Pobreza y transiciones familiares a la vida adulta en las localidades rurales de la península de Yucatán

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    Marta Mier y Terán


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el proceso de transición a la vida adulta en el ámbito familiar entre los jóvenes de las localidades rurales marginadas de los tres estados que conforman la península de Yucatán. Las características socioeconómicas de las personas y de sus comunidades, según sus atributos adscriptos, definen su proceso de transición a la vida adulta. Este proceso refleja el origen social de las personas y marca de manera decisiva su vida como adultos. Esta problemática cobra particular interés en contextos de pobreza porque muestra claramente las carencias de capacidades y oportunidades entre los jóvenes y sus dificultades para mejorar su situación personal y familiar en la siguientes etapas de su vida.


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    Carolina Maria de Sá Guimarães


    Full Text Available Objetivo: verificar y comparar la autoeficacia de la Lactancia Materna entre puérperas adolescentes y adultas en el posparto inmediato. Método: estudio observacional, transversal y comparativo, realizado en el alojamiento conjunto de una maternidad, en la ciudad de Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. La recolección de datos fue realizada en el período de enero a julio de 2014. La muestra fue constituida por 306 madres adultas y 94 adolescentes. La versión brasileña de la B reastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale evaluó la autoeficacia de la lactancia materna. Para comparar los valores de autoeficacia entre los grupos participantes, los valores fueron sometidos al test de t-Student . Fue considerado un nivel de significancia de 5% ( p =0,05. Resultados: entre los grupos participantes la mayoría (54% presentó niveles elevados de autoeficacia, y la diferencia entre los resultados entre adolescentes y adultos no fue estadísticamente significativo ( p =0,3482. Conclusión: los profesionales deben de estar atentos a la autoeficacia en el amamantamiento, con el objetivo de direccionar acciones específicas a los grupos de mujeres adolescentes y adultas, favoreciendo así, el aumento de los índices de amamantamiento.

  17. Sintomatologia depressiva em adolescentes iniciais: estudo de base populacional Depressive symptomatology in early adolescents: population-based study

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    Luciano Dias de Mattos Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência de sintomatologia depressiva em adolescentes entre 11 e 15 anos em Pelotas, RS, e identificar seus fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com amostra representativa de adolescentes da zona urbana da cidade de Pelotas, RS. Dos 448 setores censitários existentes no município, 79 foram aleatoriamente sorteados. Os jovens entre 11 e 15 anos localizados nestes setores foram convidados a responder o questionário auto-aplicado que continha perguntas sobre: idade, sexo, vida escolar, religião, atividades físicas, entretenimento, tabaco, consumo de álcool, uso de outras drogas, relacionamentos sexuais e conduta. Além disso, a sintomatologia depressiva dos adolescentes foi avaliada por meio da escala Children's Depression Inventory (CDI, também presente no instrumento de pesquisa. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a regressão logística ajustada ao modelo hierárquico. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de depressão foi de 2,1%. Após a regressão logística ajustada ao modelo hierárquico, estiveram significativamente associados à depressão: baixa condição socioeconômica, histórico de fracasso acadêmico, ausência de prática religiosa, abuso de álcool nos últimos 30 dias e indicativo de transtorno de conduta. CONCLUSÃO: É evidenciada a necessidade de programas preventivos e integrados de política na adolescência para depressão e comportamentos de risco à saúde.AIM: Verify the prevalence of depressive symptomatology in adolescents aged between 11 and 15 in Pelotas, RS, and identify its associated factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional base-populational study with a representative sample of adolescents of urban area of Pelotas, RS. Among the 448 census tracts in the urban area of Pelotas, 79 were randomly selected. Youths between 11 and 15 years answered a confidential self-report questionnaire on issues such as: age, gender, school life, religion, physical activities

  18. Compreendendo o design através do estudo do seu contexto: relações entre as peças gráficas da indústria farmacêutica em Pelotas e em Buenos Aires de 1900-1930


    Lima, Paula Garcia


    Este artigo aborda parte da pesquisa realizada no mestrado em Memória Social e Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, na qual abordou-se o produto do design gráfico como suportes memoriais de um tempo findo. Com este objetivo, através da oportunidade da realização de uma missão de estudos na cidade de Buenos Aires, buscou-se traçar uma perspectiva relacional entre o design gráfico produzido na cidade de Pelotas e na capital Portenha, no período de 1900 a 1930, com ênfase n...

  19. Adesão à terapêutica da tuberculose em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul: na perspectiva do paciente Tuberculosis treatment adherence in Pelotas, Brazil, from the patient's perspective

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    Helen Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O trabalho aborda a adesão ao tratamento da tuberculose dentro do universo composto por homens e mulheres doentes e as conexões e conseqüências da doença na seu modo/fase de vida e no resultado final do tratamento. O estudo etnográfico, como um sub-estudo do Projeto Controle Epidemiológico da Tuberculose na Cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, propunha-se, inicialmente, verificar as razões existentes para que os pacientes não completassem o tratamento. Utilizou-se o método etnográfico de observação direta, conjugado com as entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A opção pela utilização do termo adesão é justificada pela preocupação em abranger outros fatores fundamentais, além da responsabilidade individualizada do enfermo. Esta abordagem possibilitou compreender as concepções de doença, as dinâmicas sociais entre os diversos protagonistas envolvidos no processo da doença e seu tratamento. Levaram-se em consideração alguns dos fatores implicados na adesão ao tratamento: características sócio-demográficas, fatores culturais, crenças populares, relação de custo benefício, aspectos físicos e químicos dos medicamentos, interação médico paciente e grau de participação familiar no tratamento.This study deals with adherence to tuberculosis treatment among men and women as well as the disease's links and consequences vis-à-vis life styles and treatment outcomes. The ethnographic study was a component of the Tuberculosis Epidemiological Control Project in the city of Pelotas and aimed to identify the reasons patients failed to complete treatment. Direct ethnographic observations and semi-structured interviews were used. Use of the term "adherence" is justified by the concern for extending to other fundamental factors in addition to the patient's own individual responsibility. This approach fostered an understanding of views towards disease, social dynamics among the various protagonists involved in the disease process

  20. Estudio transversal sobre estilos de vida saludable y su relación con el colesterol HDL en la población adulta

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    Héctor E. Palmett-Ríos


    Conclusión: Los bajos niveles de colesterol HDL tienen alta prevalencia en población adulta de Medellín y se requieren políticas administrativas y de salud pública que promuevan estilos de vida saludable para modificarlos.

  1. COX-2 rs689466, rs5275, and rs20417 polymorphisms and risk of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a meta-analysis of adjusted and unadjusted data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leng, Wei-Dong; Wen, Xiu-Jie; Kwong, Joey S. W.; Huang, Wei; Chen, Jian-Gang; Zeng, Xian-Tao


    Numerous case–control studies have been performed to investigate the association between three cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) polymorphisms (rs20417 (−765G > C), rs689466 (−1195G > A), and rs5275 (8473 T > C)) and the risk of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). However, the results were inconsistent. Therefore, we conducted this meta-analysis to investigate the association. We searched in PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science up to January 20, 2015 (last updated on May 12, 2016). Two independent reviewers extracted the data. Odds ratios (ORs) with their 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) were used to assess the association. All statistical analyses were performed using the Review Manager (RevMan) 5.2 software. Finally 8 case–control studies were included in this meta-analysis. For unadjusted data, an association with increased risk was observed in three genetic models in COX-2 rs689466 polymorphism; however, COX-2 rs5275 and rs20417 polymorphisms were not related to HNSCC risk in this study. The pooled results from adjusted data all revealed non-significant association between these three polymorphisms and risk of HNSCC. We also found a similar result in the subgroup analyses, based on both unadjusted data and adjusted data. Current results suggest that COX-2 rs689466, rs5275, and rs20417 polymorphisms are not associated with HNSCC. Further large and well-designed studies are necessary to validate this association

  2. Análise da influência do horário do dia e da época do ano em imagens fotográficas para identificação de manifestações patológicas em fachadas na cidade de Pelotas/RS

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    Aretusa Oliveira Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A preocupação com os problemas patológicos em edificações é muito antiga, podendo, estes danos, aparecerem em qualquer elemento da construção. Um dos componentes mais propícios a possuírem problemas patológicos é o revestimento de fachada, devido a sua exposição às intempéries. Porém, apesar dessa preocupação, não existem procedimentos normatizados para analisar as manifestações patológicas em edificações. Todavia, há um consenso que os subsídios levantados na coleta de dados são fundamentais para a formulação do diagnóstico e a definição da conduta. Baseado neste contexto, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar a influência de variáveis em imagens fotográficas para identificação de manifestações patológicas em fachadas argamassadas na cidade de Pelotas/RS. Foram realizadas observações dos danos de fissura, descolamento e mancha de umidade com presença de microrganismos em fachadas sudeste e noroeste, analisando a influência dos horários do dia e das estações do ano. Como resultados, verificou-se a influência do horário do dia e da época do ano no dano de mancha de umidade com presença de microrganismo, sendo considerado o horário das 12:00 horas e estação da primavera como os que permitiram mais fácil visualização do referente dano nas imagens fotográficas; no problema patológico de fissura houve influência somente do horário do dia, onde percebeu-se que quando não há projeção dos raios solares o mesmo torna-se de mais fácil visualização nas fotografias; e, na manifestação patológica de descolamento não houve influência dessas variáveis.

  3. [Frequency of healthy eating habits measured by the 10 Steps to Healthy Eating score proposed by the Ministry of Health: Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil]. (United States)

    Vinholes, Daniele Botelho; Assunção, Maria Cecília Formoso; Neutzling, Marilda Borges


    This study aimed to measure frequency of healthy eating habits and associated factors using the 10 Steps to Healthy Eating score proposed by the Ministry of Health in the adult population in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. A cross-sectional population-based survey was conducted on a cluster sample of 3,136 adult residents in Pelotas. The frequency of each step to healthy eating was collected with a pre-coded questionnaire. Data analysis consisted of descriptive analysis, followed by bivariate analysis using the chi-square test. Only 1.1% of the population followed all the recommended steps. The average number of steps was six. Step four, salt intake, showed the highest frequency, while step nine, physical activity, showed the lowest. Knowledge of the population's eating habits and their distribution according to demographic and socioeconomic variables is important to guide local and national strategies to promote healthy eating habits and thus improve quality of life.

  4. Increase in child behavior problems among urban Brazilian 4-year olds: 1993 and 2004 Pelotas birth cohorts (United States)

    Matijasevich, Alicia; Murray, Elizabeth; Stein, Alan; Anselmi, Luciana; Menezes, Ana M; Santos, Iná S; Barros, Aluísio JD; Gigante, Denise P; Barros, Fernando C; Victora, Cesar G


    Background There are an increasing number of reports on time trends in child and adolescent psychological problems but none from low- and middle-income countries, and very few covering the preschool period. The aim was to investigate changes in preschool behavioral/emotional problems in two birth cohorts from a middle-income country born 11 years apart. Methods We analyzed data from the 1993 and 2004 Pelotas birth cohort studies from Brazil. A subsample of 4-year olds from the 1993 cohort (634) and all 4-year olds from the 2004 cohort (3750) were assessed for behavioral/emotional problems through maternal report using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Response rates in these two population-based cohorts were above 90%. Results We found a significant increase in CBCL total problems, internalizing and externalizing mean scores over the 11-year period. For 1993 and 2004 Pelotas cohorts, respectively, CBCL mean values (SE) total problems scores were 27.9 (0.8) and 34.7 (0.3); for internalizing scores, 5.7 (0.2) and 6.3 (0.1) and for externalizing scores, 12.4 (0.4) and 15.5 (0.1). After adjusting for confounding variables, the largest increase from 1993 to 2004 was identified in the aggressive behavior syndrome score (Cohen's d = .50), followed by the externalizing problem score (Cohen's d = .40) and CBCL total problem score (Cohen's d = .36), respectively. The rise in child psychological problems was more marked in children from families with fewer assets and with less educated mothers. Conclusions Our findings provide evidence for a substantial increase in preschool behavioral problems among children in Brazil over an 11-year period. PMID:24735354

  5. Terapia de la risa en un grupo de mujeres adultas/ Laughter therapy in a group of elderly women

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    María M. Villam


    Full Text Available Objetivo: explorar los beneficios de la terapia de la risa en un grupo de mujeres adultas pertenecientes a un centro gerontológico del Municipio de Envigado (Colombia. Metodología: estudio con enfoque cualitativo mediante entrevista semiestructurada a 10 adultas entre 59 y 97 años de edad, antes y después de la aplicación de 5 sesiones, una semanal, de terapia de la risa por parte del grupo Mediclaun “payasos hospitalarios”. Resultados: muchos de los cambios percibidos en las adultas coinciden con la literatura en lo que respecta a una actitud más positiva, incremento de la confianza en el otro y la aceptación; expresan el pasado con menos dolor y un mayor agrado frente al acompañamiento familiar. Conclusiones: La terapia de la risa permite al adulto mayor encontrar fortalezas que puedan ayudarle a mejorar su presente, a su vez, lograr cambios en el individuo que se le revierten positivamente y a su relación con el entorno Objective: to explore the benefits of laughter therapy in a group of elderly women belonging to a gerontology center (Envigado, Colombia. Methodology: a qualitative study using a semi-structured interview with 10 adult women aged 59 to 97. The participants were interviewed before and after applying 5 weekly sessions of laughter therapy. Said therapy was administered by the Mediclaun "hospital clowns" group. Results: many of the changes observed in adult women are consistent with the results described in the literature in relation to a more positive attitude, increased confidence in people and acceptance; the participants expressed the past with less pain and had a greater liking towards family support. Conclusions: laughter therapy allows seniors to find the strength to improve their present situation, thus causing positive changes in their own self and in their relationship with their surroundings

  6. Prevalencia del consumo de medicamentos en la población adulta de Cataluña


    Sans S.; Paluzie G.; Puig T.; Balañá L.; Balaguer-Vintró I.


    Objetivos: Describir la prevalencia de la utilización de medicamentos según factores sociodemográficos y estado de salud autopercibido en la población adulta. Métodos: Examen de salud transversal del estudio CRONICAT/MONICA-Cataluña realizado en 1994-1996 en una muestra aleatoria de la población general de 25 a 64 años. Se interrogó a 3.421 participantes (tasa de respuesta del 72%) con cuestionario abierto sobre los medicamentos consumidos durante las dos semanas previas y otros hábitos de sa...

  7. Correlation of Fetuin-A gene rs1071592 and rs2593813 single nucleotide polymorphisms with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Juan YI


    Full Text Available Objective  To investigate the relations of Fetuin-A gene rs1071592 and rs2593813 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs with the affect ability to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS and its endocrine and metabolic characteristics in Chongqing Han population. Methods  A case-control study was performed in Chinese Han subjects. The clinical data of 156 cases of normal control and 147 cases of PCOS patients were collected, and their blood glucose, lipids, sex hormone and other biochemical indexes were determined, the SNPs of rs1071592 and rs2593813 were genotyped by TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assay. Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp was performed in 147 PCOS women and 20 controls. The relative risk of developing PCOS in women with rs1071592 genotype was assessed using a binary logistic regression analysis. Results  The distribution frequency of Fetuin-A gene homozygous rs1071592 AA genotype and A allele was significantly increased in PCOS patients than in controls (Pc0.05. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of developing PCOS was 4.93 times high in women with AA genotype of rs1071592 (OR=4.933, 95%CI 1.593-15.278, P0.05. Conclusion  People with SNPs variants of rs1071592 in Fetuin-A gene may have an increased genetic susceptibility to PCOS. However, there won't be significant relationship between SNP of rs2593813 at Fetuin-A gene and PCOS. DOI: 10.11855/j.issn.0577-7402.2016.09.07

  8. Methods and logistics of a multidisciplinary survey of schoolchildren from Pelotas, in the Southern Region of Brazil Métodos y logística de un estudio multidisciplinar con escolares de Pelotas, sur de Brasil Métodos e logística de um estudo multidisciplinar com escolares de Pelotas, Sul do Brasil

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    Marlos Rodrigues Domingues


    Full Text Available This paper describes the methods of a multidisciplinary epidemiological survey conducted in schools in Pelotas, in the Southern Region of Brazil. This cross-sectional study evaluated a representative sample (n = 1,211 of eight to 12-year-old children attending public (15 and private (5 schools. Questionnaires were applied to parents to obtain information about socioeconomic and sociocultural characteristics. Children were interviewed to provide information on demographic characteristics, oral health behavior and physical activity habits. Oral health examinations were performed on the children and anthropometric data was collected to assess nutritional status. School principals responded a questionnaire about the social and physical environment of the school. A total of 1,744 children were eligible for the study; a response rate of 69.4% was achieved, with no significant differences between schools. The method used allowed investigators to obtain data on several health outcomes as well as on possible risk factors. This strategy optimizes the use of financial resources for research and promotes interprofessional collaboration.El artículo detalla los métodos de un estudio epidemiológico multidisciplinar llevado a cabo en escuelas en Pelotas, sur de Brasil. El estudio transversal incluyó una muestra representativa (n = 1.211 de niños de 8 a 12 años, en escuelas públicas (15 y privadas (5. Los cuestionarios fueron administrados a los padres para obtener información socioeconómica y cultural. Los niños fueron entrevistados, proporcionando información demográfica, comportamientos de salud bucal y práctica de actividad física. Se realizaron un examen de salud bucal y medidas antropométricas para la evaluación de la condición nutricional. Directores de escuelas proporcionaron información sobre el ambiente físico y social de las escuelas. De los 1.744 niños elegibles, la tasa de respuesta fue de un 69,4% sin diferencias entre escuelas

  9. RS CV sub n binary systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linsky, J.L.


    An attempt is made to place in context the vast amount of data obtained as a result of X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, and microwave observations of RS CVn and similar spectroscopic binary systems. Emphasis is on the RS CVn systems and their long period analogs. The following questions are considered: (1) are the original defining characteristics still valid and still adequate; (2) what is the evidence for discrete active regions; (3) have any meaningful physical properties for the atmospheres of RS CVn systems been derived; (4) what do the flare observations tell about magnetic fields in RS CVn systems; (5) is there evidence for systematic trends in RS CVn systems with spectral type

  10. 40 CFR 180.1114 - Pseudomonas fluorescens A506, Pseudomonas fluorescens 1629RS, and Pseudomonas syringae 742RS... (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Pseudomonas fluorescens A506, Pseudomonas fluorescens 1629RS, and Pseudomonas syringae 742RS; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance... Tolerances § 180.1114 Pseudomonas fluorescens A506, Pseudomonas fluorescens 1629RS, and Pseudomonas syringae...

  11. Prevalence of suicide risk and comorbidities in postpartum women in Pelotas Prevalência do risco de suicídio e de comorbidades em mulheres pós-parto em Pelotas

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    Daniele Tavares


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the prevalence of suicide risk and comorbidities in postpartum women. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of postpartum women. The sample comprised mothers who have received prenatal care from the Brazilian National System of Public Heath in the city of Pelotas. Suicide risk and other mental disorders were evaluated using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI. A yes answer on one of the six interview questions was considered a sign of suicide risk. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 919 postpartum women. The 11.5% suicide prevalence was 4.62 (CI 2.45, 8.73 times higher in women with low educational levels. Women with comorbid depression or an anxiety disorder showed a 17.04 (CI 2.27; 19.96 times greater risk of suicide than those who did not suffer from any mood disorder. CONCLUSION: Lower education levels and psychiatric disorders are associated with suicide risk. Bipolar disorder is the psychiatric disorder with the highest impact on suicide risk.OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a prevalência do risco de suicídio e de comorbidades em mulheres pós-parto. MÉTODOS: Este foi um estudo em corte transversal com mulheres pós-parto. A amostra foi constituída de mães que receberam cuidados pré-natais prestados pelo Sistema Nacional de Saúde Pública do Brasil na cidade de Pelotas. O risco de suicídio e outros transtornos mentais foram avaliados pela Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI. Uma resposta afirmativa a qualquer das seis perguntas é considerada um risco de suicídio. RESULTADOS: A amostra consistiu de 919 mulheres pós-parto. A prevalência do risco de suicídio foi de 11,5%. Ela foi 4,62 vezes mais alta (IC de 95% 2,45; 8,73 em mulheres de baixo nível educacional. Mulheres apresentando qualquer comorbidade para depressão e transtornos ansiosos tiveram uma chance 17,04 vezes maior (IC 95% 2,27; 19,96 àquelas que não apresentaram nenhum transtorno afetivo. CONCLUSÃO: Um n


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    M. Elena Cuenca París


    Full Text Available Este estudio es parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la puesta en marcha del plan de formación para los jóvenes protegidos en acogimiento residencial: «Plan de Preparación para la Vida Autónoma 16-21 años». Este plan, llevado a cabo por la Comunidad de Madrid, tiene como objetivo incre- mentar las habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes que favorezcan el proceso de autonomía y emancipación. El presente artículo se sitúa en el momento inmediatamente anterior a la salida del centro de protección, por lo que reú- ne información relevante sobre los riesgos y las oportunidades del tránsito a la vida adulta de los jóvenes extutelados, en concreto, aquellos relacionados con la familia de origen. Se han elaborado dos cuestionarios; uno, dirigido a los jóvenes y, otro, a los educadores de los centros. Han participado 105 profesionales de la intervención socioeducativa y 106 jóvenes de 54 recursos de acogimiento residencial de la Dirección General de la Familia y el Menor de la Comunidad de Madrid. Los resultados plantean una contradicción entre la realidad familiar con ̄ictiva de estos jóvenes y las expectativas de un trán- sito a la vida adulta precisamente con esa familia como principal referente y recurso. Se trata de un aspecto problemático y contradictorio dado que la intervención con las familias de los jóvenes resulta compleja, la participación y el compromiso familiar con el proceso de emancipación son escasos y, en general, son valorados negativamente por los profesionales, llegando a ser considerados como un obstáculo para la transición a la vida adulta de algu- nos jóvenes.

  13. Necesidad de tratamiento ortodóncico en la población adulta de la Comunidad Valenciana


    Bellot Arcís, Carlos


    Introducción La ortodoncia se ha orientado a niños y adolescentes, pero los adultos cada vez con más frecuencia, buscan un tratamiento de ortodoncia. Sin embargo hay pocos estudios epidemiológicos realizados sobre esta población. Pese a ello, algunos autores consideran más apropiado realizar los estudios de necesidad de tratamiento ortodóncico en la población adulta; pues se considera más madura para realizar un juicio adecuado de la importancia que tiene la estética dentofacial. El DAI y...

  14. Freqüência das malformações múltiplas em recém-nascidos na Cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e fatores sócio-demográficos associados

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    Castro Martha Lopes Schuch de


    Full Text Available Este estudo visa determinar a freqüência, correlacionar possíveis agentes causais e monitorizar a ocorrência de malformações múltiplas na população de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Abrange todos os nascimentos ocorridos entre 1990 e 2002 nas maternidades de Pelotas, com peso superior a 500g. Para cada recém-nascido malformado (caso, tomou-se um neonato vivo (controle, pareado a ele, sem malformação e de igual sexo. Formou-se um banco de dados mediante o preenchimento dos formulários-modelo ECLAMC - MONITOR edição 1982, que foram tabulados pelo programa SPSS. Para a análise estatística, utilizou-se o Teste t de Student e chi2. No período em estudo nasceram 71.500 crianças. Dentre essas, 0,11% recém-nascidos apresentaram malformações múltiplas. Foram encontrados resultados significativos para o peso, gemelaridade e nascimento, a etnia dos antepassados, a idade paterna, o número de abortos e natimortos prévios. Em Pelotas, a ocorrência de recém-nascidos que apresentavam malformações ao nascer, no período do estudo, foi de 1,37%. A freqüência de recém-nascidos com malformações múltiplas é de 8,1%, predominantemente no sexo feminino e nos nascimentos ocorridos no inverno.

  15. Association of PTPN22 (rs2476601) and STAT4 (rs7574865) polymorphisms with Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Western Algerian population. (United States)

    Fodil, M; Benzaoui, A; Zemani-Fodil, F; Aberkane, M; Boughrara, W; Saidi-Mehtar, N; Petit-Teixeira, E; Boudjema, A


    The aim of the present study was to replicate the association of five risk gene polymorphisms (PTPN22-rs2476601, STAT4-rs7574865, 6q23-rs6927172, IRF5-rs2004640 and TRAF1/C5-rs10818488) with RA in a specific population of the Western Algeria. The study group comprised 110 patients with RA and 197 ethnically matched healthy control subjects. All polymorphisms were genotyped using predesigned TaqMan® assays. Allele and genotype frequencies in patients and control subjects were compared by chi-square test and odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals. Correction for multiple testing was carried out using the Bonferroni adjustment. Statistically significant associations with RA were detected. The strongest signal was obtained for PTPN22-rs2476601 with an allelic Pvalue 3.32 x 10(-11) (OR = 9.83, 95% CI [4.28 - 22.56]). A second significant association was obtained with STAT4-rs7574865 (allelic Pvalue = 4 x 10(-3); OR = 1.75, 95% CI [1.16 - 2.63]). The third SNP, 6q23-rs6927172, showed a significant result of association with RA, but missed our criteria for significance at allelic level after Bonferroni's correction (allelic Pvalue = 0.027; OR = 0.64, 95% CI [0.42 - 0.97]). Finally, IRF5-rs2004640 and TRAF1/C5-rs10818488 showed a significant association only at genotypic level (Pvalues: 3 x 10(-4) and 2.9 x 10(-3) respectively) but did not reach statistical significance when comparing allele frequencies (Pvalues: 0.96 and 0.21 respectively). From this initial study, we can conclude that PTPN22-rs2476601 and STAT4-rs7574865 polymorphisms are clearly associated with the risk of RA in the Western Algerian population.

  16. Association of PTPN22 (rs2476601 and STAT4 (rs7574865 polymorphisms with Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Western Algerian population

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    Mostefa FODIL


    Full Text Available Aim: The aim of the present study was to replicate the association of five risk gene polymorphisms (PTPN22-rs2476601, STAT4-rs7574865, 6q23-rs6927172, IRF5-rs2004640 and TRAF1/C5-rs10818488 with RA in a specific population of the Western Algeria. Material and methods: The study group comprised 110 patients with RA and 197 ethnically matched healthy control subjects. All polymorphisms were genotyped using predesigned TaqMan® assays. Allele and genotype frequencies in patients and control subjects were compared by chi-square test and odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals. Correction for multiple testing was carried out using the Bonferroni adjustment. Results: Statistically significant associations with RA were detected. The strongest signal was obtained for PTPN22-rs2476601 with an allelic Pvalue 3.32 x 10-11 (OR = 9.83, 95% CI [4.28 – 22.56]. A second significant association was obtained with STAT4-rs7574865 (allelic Pvalue = 4 x 10-3; OR = 1.75, 95% CI [1.16 – 2.63]. The third SNP, 6q23-rs6927172, showed a significant result of association with RA, but missed our criteria for significance at allelic level after Bonferroni’s correction (allelic Pvalue = 0.027; OR = 0.64, 95% CI [0.42 – 0.97]. Finally, IRF5-rs2004640 and TRAF1/C5-rs10818488 showed a significant association only at genotypic level (Pvalues: 3 x 10-4 and 2.9 x 10-3 respectively but did not reach statistical significance when comparing allele frequencies (Pvalues: 0.96 and 0.21 respectively. Conclusions: From this initial study, we can conclude that PTPN22-rs2476601 and STAT4-rs7574865 polymorphisms are clearly associated with the risk of RA in the Western Algerian population.

  17. História gestacional e características da assistência pré-natal de puérperas adolescentes e adultas em uma maternidade do interior de Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Luciana Angélica Vieira Santos

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a história gestacional e as características da assistência pré-natal de puérperas adolescentes e adultas em uma maternidade localizada em uma cidade de Minas Gerais, referência para a macrorregião de saúde do Jequitinhonha. Trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo. Entrevistou-se 327 puérperas, entre maio de 2013 a março de 2014, utilizando um instrumento semiestruturado. Predominou o número de puérperas adultas com uma amostra de 255. Com relação ao pré-natal, 324 puérperas realizaram as consultas. Quanto ao local de realização do pré-natal, 79,2% das adolescentes, realizaram no serviço público de saúde, enquanto entre as adultas essa porcentagem foi de 60,4%. Quanto ao tipo de parto, 54,7% das puérperas o tiveram normal e 45% cesárea. Entre as adolescentes, houve uma maior porcentagem de parto normal comparado às adultas, e esse dado teve relação estatisticamente significativa com a idade da puérpera. Com relação à idade gestacional no momento do parto, 85,9% tiveram seus partos a termo; 13,5% pré-termo e 0,6% pós-termo. Evidenciou-se que as puérperas adolescentes estiveram em desvantagem em relação às demais mães no que diz respeito tanto às características socioeconômicas quanto na assistência recebida no pré-natal.

  18. Exposição ocupacional por material biológico no Hospital Santa Casa de Pelotas - 2004 a 2008 La exposición ocupacional a material biológico en el Hospital Santa Casa de Pelotas - 2004 a 2008 Occupational exposure to biological material at the Hospital Santa Casa de Pelotas - 2004 to 2008

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    Lílian Moura de Lima


    Full Text Available A pesquisa trata de exposições ocupacionais por material biológico a que foram submetidos os profissionais de saúde, no Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Pelotas, no período de janeiro de 2004 a junho de 2008. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa. Utilizou-se como instrumento de pesquisa um questionário elaborado com base na ficha de notificação de acidente de trabalho da referida instituição. Os dados foram digitados e analisados no programa Epi-info 6.04. Como principal resultado encontrou-se a maior ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho com material biológico entre os profissionais técnicos em enfermagem do sexo feminino (38,6%, com idade de 21 a 30 anos (53,9%. A maioria dos acidentes aconteceu através de lesões com perfurocortantes (82,2%, sendo 24,1% no Centro Cirúrgico e 84,5% envolvendo sangue. Conclui-se que o estudo é de extrema relevância, pois, com base no reconhecimento do tipo de acidentes mais frequentes, pode-se conhecer os riscos existentes e intervir na sua redução, por meio de ações preventivas que beneficiem o trabalhador e a instituição.El estudio aborda la exposición ocupacional a material biológico a que fueron sometidos los profesionales de salud en el Hospital Santa Casa de Misericordia de Pelotas, de enero de 2004 a junio de 2008. Este es un corte transversal, descriptivo y cuantitativo. Se utiliza como herramienta de investigación un cuestionario basado en el formulario de informe de accidente de trabajo de esa institución. Los datos fueron introducidos y analizados con Epi-Info 6.04. Como principal resultado se encontró una mayor incidencia de accidentes con material biológico entre los profesionales técnicos de enfermería del sexo femenino (38,6%, de 21 años a 30 años (53,9%. La mayoría de los accidentes ocurrió a través de lesiones con objetos punzantes (82,2%, siendo que 24,1% ocurrió en el Centro Quirúrgico, y 84,5% con sangre. Se

  19. PIBID/UFPEL: intervenção interdisciplinar numa escola de ensino fundamental

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    Juliana Boanova Souza


    Full Text Available O Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (PIBID/UFPEL destaca-se por contemplar diferentes áreas das licenciaturas que, em grupos, atuam nas escolas da rede pública de Pelotas/RS promovendo atividades de ensino e aprendizagem interdisciplinares. Nesse contexto, o grupo interdisciplinar de uma escola de ensino fundamental da cidade de Pelotas elaborou o projeto “Corpo em Movimento – Esporte, Linguagem, Espaço e Saúde”. A proposta surgiu a partir do diagnóstico escolar realizado pelos acadêmicos pibidianos revelando situações de bullying, agressividade verbal e desrespeito entre os estudantes. Dessa forma, oficinas integrando as diferentes licenciaturas foram elaboradas a fim de promover o respeito, a cooperação e convivência harmoniosa entre os membros da comunidade escolar. O trabalho em um grupo diverso permitiu a integração e colaboração entre as áreas e, principalmente mostrou aos pibidianos a realidade escolar, conhecimento essencial para a formação docente.

  20. Dioctophyme renale (Nematoda: Enoplida in domestic dogs and cats in the extreme south of Brazil

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    Josaine Cristina da Silva Rappeti

    Full Text Available Abstract Dioctophyme renale is a zoonotic nematode that parasites the kidneys of wild and domestic carnivores, and it has been reported frequently in Brazil. The aim here was to register the number of cases of dogs and cats diagnosed with dioctophymosis by necropsy (1981 to 2014 and ultrasound examination (2010 to 2015 in Pelotas-RS. In this context, a survey was conducted on dioctophymosis cases diagnosed at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory (LPV and Veterinary Clinical Hospital (HCV of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel, and at a specialist veterinary imaging diagnostics clinic. In total, 95 cases were registered. The high series of the disease in dogs can be related to the presence of a large number of stray and semi-domestic dogs in the city, and also due to the ingestion of intermediate hosts of D. renale parasitized with the infective larvae. Thus, it can be concluded that Pelotas is a city with favorable conditions for the occurrence of dioctophymosis with high rate of disease in recent years.

  1. Mandibular fracture cases in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Rafael Silva da Silva


    Full Text Available Objectives: To analyze the data in the literature, which show a high incidence of mandibular fractures. The aim of this research was to elucidate the context in which these fractures occur among patients attended at the first aid center of “Pronto Socorro Municipal de Pelotas”, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: From the records referring to the period of June, 2001 to August, 2007, there were 1 345 patients with facial fractures. Of this total, 116 patients with mandibular fracture were selected for this study and the items analysed were: age, gender, mandibular fracture site, etiology and period of the year. Results: It was found that 86.2% of the sample were men. The most prevalent age was 20 to 29 years old representing 36.2%, and the most affected mandibular sites were the body, with 29 cases (25%, and the condyle, with 26 cases (22.4%. The most common cause of fractures was the physical aggression representing 37.1%. The period of the year with the highest incidence of mandibular fractures was the summer, with 38 cases (32.8%. Conclusion: It was therefore observed that the patients with mandibular fracture assisted at Pronto-Socorro Municipal de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were generally men, 20 to 29 years old with mandibular body fracture and they were victims of physical aggression.

  2. Forma de cuidarse las gestantes adolescentes y adultas de las comunas una y cinco en Santa Marta

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    Mirith Vásquez Munive


    Full Text Available ResumenEl cuidado es una experiencia humana holística, que permite conservar la vida y las condiciones de salubridad y adaptarse a situaciones cambiantes. La enfermería tiene como eje central la ciencia del cuidado. Por eso es de gran importancia conocer cuáles son las prácticas de cuidado que tienen las gestantes, y si hay diferencias en este cuidado entre las gestantes adolescentes y las adultas. Para responder este interrogante, se realizó un estudio comparativo en la ciudad de Santa Marta donde, a través de un muestreo intencional por conveniencia, se estudiaron 47 gestantes adolescentes y 92 gestantes adultas. Se valoraron las prácticas de cuidado en cuanto a alimentación, estimulación prenatal, ejercicio y descanso, higiene y cuidados personales, sistemas de apoyo y consumo de sustancias no beneficiosas. Se concluyó que en ambos grupos las prácticas son regulares. La adulta estimula mas a su hijo por nacer, tiene mejores prácticas de higiene y sistemas de apoyo y consumen menos sustancia no beneficiosas. La adolescente tiene mejor práctica de ejercicio y descanso y la alimentación es regular en ambos grupos. (Duazary 2009 I; 31-37AbstractThe care is a holistic human experience that allows to conserve the life and the health conditions and to adapt to changing situations. Infirmary has as central axis the science of the care, for that reason it is of great importance to know which they are the practices of care that have the pregnancy, and if there are differences in this care between the teenager pregnancy and the mature pregnancy. To respond this query, was carried out a comparative study in Santa Marta's city, where through an intentional sampling for convenience 47 teenager pregnancy and 92 mature pregnancy. were studied. The practices of care were valued as for feeding, prenatal stimulation, exercise and rest, hygiene and personal cares, support systems and non beneficial substances. You concluded that in both groups the

  3. Association between dental caries and obesity evaluated by air displacement plethysmography in 18-year-old adolescents in Pelotas, Brazil. (United States)

    Justo, Fabiano de Castro; Fontanella, Vania Regina Camargo; Feldens, Carlos Alberto; Silva, Alexandre Emidio Ribeiro; Gonçalves, Helen; Assunção, Maria Cecília; Menezes, Ana Maria Baptista


    To investigate the association between dental caries and obesity, evaluated by air displacement plethysmography, among 18-year-old adolescents from a birth cohort in the city of Pelotas, Brazil. A cross-sectional study nested in a birth cohort study was conducted in Pelotas, Brazil. A random sample of 986 18-year-old adolescents was selected. The outcome variable was the occurrence of dental caries (DMFT ≥ 1) according to clinical examination by a trained and calibrated dentist. For the exposure variable (obesity), body fat percentage was measured using air displacement plethysmography and classified as normal weight (P95). Sociodemographic and behavior variables were collected using a questionnaire. We performed multivariable Poisson regression analyses with robust variance to examine the association between dental caries and obesity. DMFT ranged from 0 to 19; mean (SD) was 2 (2.3), and median (P25-P75) was 1 (0-3). Body fat percentage ranged from 0.9 to 57.6%; mean (SD) percentage was 24.4% (11.6%), and median (P25-P75) was 25.1% (14.0-32.9%). The prevalence of dental caries was 66.5% (95% CI 63.6-69.5%), being significantly higher in female adolescents with lower maternal education, lower education, and sugar intake more than once a day. There were no differences in the probability of dental caries among individuals with normal weight, overweight, or obesity in the unadjusted model (P = 0.846) or after adjustment for sociodemographic (P = 0.864) variables. Overweight and obesity were not associated with the occurrence of dental caries in 18-year-old adolescents. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Eficácia do método pilates no tratamento de mulheres adultas com cifose


    Junges, Silvana


    Nos últimos anos, o Método Pilates vem despertando o interesse em muitas pessoas que procuram o método como uma forma mais segura para se exercitarem. Os profissionais da área da saúde utilizam o método para tratamento e condicionamento físico. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos do treinamento dos exercícios do nível básico do método Pilates em mulheres adultas com cifose e as alterações que ocorrem na postura e nas funções respiratórias. O estudo proposto é um ensaio clínico ra...

  5. The NC3Rs gateway: Accelerating scientific discoveries with new 3Rs models and technologies. (United States)

    Percie du Sert, Nathalie; Robinson, Vicky


    This editorial introduces the NC3Rs gateway, which publishes articles and reviews on new models and technologies emerging from NC3Rs-funded research. The aim is to raise awareness about these approaches, increase confidence in their capability, and provide sufficient information to facilitate their uptake by others.

  6. Proyectos de microemprendimiento y su influencia en el bienestar de las personas adultas mayores en Lima Metropolitana


    Cerrón Meza, Daniel Angel; Cerrón Meza, Daniel Angel


    Actualmente, el tema del proceso de envejecimiento y vejez cobra importancia, porque se observa a través de los indicadores demográficos, el crecimiento de la población adulta mayor en Lima Metropolitana y el país, es alto. Por ello, es necesario realizar un trabajo de investigación en el tema de microemprendimiento, para este grupo etareo, que no tienen oportunidades laborales para poder ahorrar y tener una vejez digna. Las políticas deben contener niveles mínimos de calidad de vida, bienest...

  7. Estudo da associação entre hipertonia do complexo esfincteriano anal e dispareunia em mulheres adultas


    Fernandes, Samantha Figueiredo Frota


    Existem várias associações entre causas orgânicas e dispareunia, no entanto há poucos estudos que examinam sua relação com a hipertonia da musculatura do assoalho pélvico. Portanto, mulheres com hipertonia neste grupo muscular caracterizam uma amostra relevante para investigar a ocorrência de dispareunia. Objetivo: Estudar a possível associação entre hipertonia do complexo esfincteriano anal e dispareunia em mulheres adultas. Método: Participaram do estudo 57 mulheres, com idade de 18 a 51 an...

  8. HLA variants rs9271366 and rs9275328 are associated with systemic lupus erythematosus susceptibility in Malays and Chinese. (United States)

    Chai, H C; Phipps, M E; Othman, I; Tan, L P; Chua, K H


    Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antigens and genes have long been reported associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) susceptibility in many populations. With the advance in technologies such as genome-wide association studies, many newly discovered SLE-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been reported in recent years. These include HLA-DRB1/HLA-DQA1 rs9271366 and HLA-DQB1/HLA-DQA2 rs9275328. Our aim was to investigate these SNPs in a Malaysian SLE cohort. SNPs rs9271366 and rs9275328 were screened across 790 Malaysian citizens from three ethnic groups (360 patients and 430 healthy volunteers) by Taqman SNP genotyping assays. Allele and genotyping frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Fisher's exact test and odds ratio were calculated for each SNP and ethnic group. Linkage disequilibrium and interaction between the two SNPs were also evaluated. The minor allele G and its homozygous genotype GG of HLA-DRB1/HLA-DQA1 rs9271366 significantly increased the SLE susceptibility in Malaysian patients, including those of Malay and Chinese ethnicity (odds ratio (OR) > 1, p < 0.05). As for HLA-DQB1/HLA-DQA2 rs9275328, the minor allele T and the heterozygous genotype CT conferred protective effect to SLE in Malaysians, as well as in Malays and Chinese, by having OR < 1 and p value <0.05. Both SNPs did not show associations to SLE in Indians. D' and r (2) values for the two SNPs in LD analysis were 0.941 and 0.065, respectively, with haplotype GC and AT being significantly associated with SLE (p < 5.0 × 10(-4)) after 10,000 permutations were performed. The MDR test clustered the genotype combinations of GG and CC, and AG and CC of rs9271366 and rs9275328, accordingly, as high-risk group, and the two SNPs interacted redundantly by removing 1.96% of the entropy. Our findings suggest that in addition to some classical HLA variants, rs9271366 and rs9275328 are additional polymorphisms worth considering in the Malaysian and possibly in

  9. Evaluation of transcobalamin II rs1801198 and transcobalamin II receptor rs2336573 gene polymorphisms in recurrent spontaneous abortion. (United States)

    Hashemi, Mohammad; Mokhtari, Mojgan; Yazdani-Shahrbabaki, Vajiheh; Danesh, Hiva; Bizhani, Fatemeh; Taheri, Mohsen


    It has been proposed that transcobalamin 2 (TCN2) and the transcobalamin 2 receptor (TCN2R) are associated with idiopathic recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA). The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of TCN2 rs1801198 and TCN2R rs2336573 polymorphism on RSA in a sample of Iranian population. This case-control study was done on 92 RSA patients and 93 normal, fertile women. Genotyping of the TCN2 rs1801198 and TCN2R rs2336573 variants was done by polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The findings showed no significant association between the TCN2 rs1801198 and TCN2R rs2336573 polymorphisms and the risk/protection of RSA. Our results did not support an association between the TCN2 polymorphism and the risk of RSA in a sample of southeast Iranian population. Larger studies with different ethnicities are needed to evaluate the possible impact of TCN2 and TCN2R polymorphisms on the pathogenesis of RSA. Impact statement What is already known on this subject? Recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA), a multifactorial condition, is one of the most common complications of pregnancy. It has been proposed that genetic polymorphisms play a role in the pathogenesis of RSA. Few studies have examined the association between TNC2 and TCN2R polymorphisms and the RSA risk and the findings were inconsistent. The aim of the current study was to determine the possible association between the TCN2 rs1801198 and TCN2R rs2336573 polymorphisms and the RSA in a sample of the southeast Iranian population. What do the results of the study add? The findings of the present case-control study did not support an association between the TCN2 rs1801198 and TCN2R rs2336573 polymorphisms and the risk of RSA in a sample of the Iranian population. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and future research? The findings of this study may provide a basis for future studies with larger sample sizes and different ethnicities

  10. Exceptional longevity and muscle and fitness related genotypes: a functional in vitro analysis and case-control association replication study with SNPs THRH rs7832552, IL6 rs1800795 and ACSL1 rs6552828

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    Noriyuki eFuku


    Full Text Available There are several gene variants that are candidates to influence functional capacity in long-lived individuals. As such, their potential association with exceptional longevity (EL, i.e., reaching 100+ years deserves analysis. Among them are rs7832552 in the thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor (TRHR gene, rs1800795 in the interleukin-6 (IL6 gene and rs6552828 in the coenzyme A synthetase long-chain 1 (ACSL1 gene. To gain insight into their functionality (which is yet unknown, here we determined for the first time luciferase gene reporter activity at the muscle tissue level in rs7832552 and rs6552828. We then compared allele/genotype frequencies of the 3 abovementioned variants among centenarians [n=138, age range 100-111 years (114 women] and healthy controls [n=334, 20-50 years (141 women] of the same ethnic and geographic origin (Spain. We also studied healthy centenarians [n=79, 100-104 years (40 women] and controls [n=316, 27-81 years (156 women] from Italy, and centenarians [n=742, 100-116 years (623 women] and healthy controls [n=499, 23-59 years (356 women] from Japan. The THRH rs7832552 T-allele and ACSL1 rs6552828 A-allele up-regulated luciferase activity compared to the C and G-allele, respectively (P≤0.001. Yet we found no significant association of EL with rs7832552, rs1800795 or rs6552828 in any of the 3 cohorts. Further research is needed with larger cohorts of centenarians of different origin as well as with younger old people.

  11. Tabaco, álcool e outras drogas entre adolescentes em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: uma perspectiva de gênero Tobacco, alcohol, and drug use by teenagers in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil: a gender approach

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    Rogério Lessa Horta


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve o objetivo de examinar a relação entre gênero e utilização de substâncias psicoativas entre adolescentes (consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, fumo e uso de drogas ilícitas. Em 2002 foi realizado um estudo transversal na área urbana de Pelotas, extremo-sul do Brasil. Foi empregada amostragem em múltiplos estágios para se obter uma amostra de adolescentes entre 15 e 18 anos de idade. As entrevistas foram realizadas com questionário auto-aplicado. Tabagismo foi mais prevalente entre as meninas, enquanto o consumo de bebida alcoólica no mês anterior às entrevistas foi maior entre os meninos. Por outro lado, a proporção de adolescentes que relataram uso de drogas ilícitas no mês que antecedeu as entrevistas não esteve relacionada ao gênero. O maior consumo de tabaco entre meninas que entre meninos pode indicar risco de expansão do consumo desta substância por mulheres de outras faixas etárias em gerações futuras, o que justifica preocupação e esforços específicos.This study assesses the relationship between gender and use of psychoactive substances (alcohol, nicotine, and illicit drugs by teenagers. In 2002, a cross-sectional study was carried out in the urban area of Pelotas, southern Brazil. Multi-stage sampling was used to obtain a sample of adolescents, 15 to 18 years of age. Subjects were interviewed using a self-applied confidential questionnaire. Smoking was more prevalent among girls, while alcohol consumption in the previous month was more common among boys. Meanwhile, the proportion of adolescents that reported drug use in the previous month was unrelated to gender. Higher cigarette consumption by girls suggests an increase in smoking by women in the future, which highlights the need for a special focus on this area.

  12. Role of redoximiRs in fibrogenesis. (United States)

    Fierro-Fernández, Marta; Miguel, Verónica; Lamas, Santiago


    Fibrosis can be defined as an excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) components, ultimately leading to stiffness, scarring and devitalized tissue. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short, 19-25 nucleotides (nt), non-coding RNAs involved in the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Recently, miRNAs have also emerged as powerful regulators of fibrotic processes and have been termed "fibromiRs". Oxidative stress represents a self-perpetuating mechanism in fibrogenesis. MiRNAs can also influence the expression of genes responsible for the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defence and are termed "redoximiRs". Here, we review the current knowledge of mechanisms by which "redoximiRs" regulate fibrogenesis. This new set of miRNAs may be called "redoxifibromiRs". Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Auto-estima e fatores associados em gestantes da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Self-esteem and associated factors in pregnant women in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

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    Michelle de Souza Dias


    Full Text Available O estudo tem como objetivo mensurar a auto-estima e fatores associados em gestantes atendidas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. É do tipo transversal, tendo-se entrevistado 560 gestantes nos meses de maio a novembro de 2006, nos ambulatórios e enfermarias dos hospitais universitários e do centro de atendimento da Prefeitura Municipal. Dentre as gestantes atendidas, 62,9% receberam o diagnóstico de alto-risco. Para avaliação da auto-estima foi utilizada a escala de Rosenberg. Na amostra total a média de pontos na escala foi de 9,2 e o desvio-padrão de 4,6. As variáveis associadas positiva e significativamente com auto-estima foram idade, nível de escolaridade e nível econômico. Já as variáveis percepção de risco à saúde do bebê e número de gestações mostraram-se associadas negativamente à auto-estima. Além disso, as gestantes com condição gestacional de alto-risco têm uma auto-estima mais elevada quando comparadas com as de baixo-risco.This study analyzes self-esteem and associated factors in pregnant women treated by the Unified National Health System (SUS in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Using a cross-sectional design, 560 pregnant women were interviewed from May to November 2006. The interviews were held in specific locations like University outpatient clinics and hospital wards and a center run by the city government. A full 62.9% were diagnosed as high-risk pregnancies. Mean self-esteem according to the Rosenberg scale was 9.2 (SD = 4.6. Variables showing a positive, significant association with self-esteem were age, schooling, and income. Perception of risk to the unborn infant's health and parity were both negatively associated with maternal self-esteem. These high-risk pregnant women also showed higher self-esteem than low-risk pregnant women.

  14. Ronco habitual e apnéia obstrutiva observada em adultos: estudo de base populacional, Pelotas, RS Habitual snoring and obstructive sleep apnea in adults: population-based study in Southern Brazil

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    Ricardo B Noal


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de ronco habitual e apnéia obstrutiva observada e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de 3.136 adultos, com 20 anos ou mais, residentes em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, em 2005. Informações sobre os desfechos e variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais e antropométricas foram coletadas por meio de questionário. A análise estatística bruta e ajustada foi realizada utilizando-se teste exato de Fisher ou qui-quadrado de tendência linear e regressão de Poisson, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: A prevalência encontrada de ronco habitual foi de 50,5% (IC 95%: 48,1;52,8 e de apnéia obstrutiva de 9,9% (IC 95%: 8,7;11,2. Na análise ajustada, o relato de ronco foi maior nos homens (Razão de Prevalências - RP=1,25; IC 95%: 1,16;1,34, nos idosos (RP=1,62; IC 95%: 1,46;1,80, nos tabagistas (RP=1,15; IC 95%: 1,07;1,25, nos alcoolistas (RP=1,17; IC 95%: 1,03;1,31 e nos obesos (RP 1,71, IC95% 1,55;1,88. O relato de apnéia obstrutiva foi maior nos homens (RP=2,05; IC 95%: 1,67;2,52, nos idosos (RP=2,23; IC 95%: 1,64;3,03, nos tabagistas (RP=1,60; IC 95%: 1,25;2,05 e nos obesos (RP=2,61; IC 95%: 1,97;3,47. CONCLUSÕES: Ronco habitual e apnéia obstrutiva foram sintomas comuns na população estudada. Fatores de risco conhecidos como sexo masculino e idade entre quarta e quinta décadas de vida não são modificáveis. Entretanto, tabagismo, alcoolismo e obesidade também associados aos desfechos, devem ser identificados e tratados na população geral.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of habitual snoring and obstructive sleep apnea and their factors associated. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a representative sample comprising 3,136 adults (>20 years living in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2005. A questionnaire was used to collect information on demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral and anthropometric variables and outcomes. Crude and adjusted

  15. Polymorphism of rs7688672 and rs10033237 in cGKII/PRKG2 and gout susceptibility of Han population in northern China. (United States)

    Guo, Min; Cheng, Zhifeng; Li, Changgui; Li, Shanshan; Li, Ming; Wang, Mingli; Xu, Jinmei; Tang, Yingying; Wang, Yujing; Qiu, Wenli; Liu, Xiaomin


    Gout is a genetic or acquired metabolic disease caused by increase of uric acid synthesis resulted from purine metabolic abnormalities. Whether cGMP-dependent protein kinase 2 (cGKII/PRKG2) is correlated with gout remains controversial. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether there is a correlation between polymorphism of cGKII/PRKG2 and gout susceptibility of Han population in northern China. Four hundred and five male patients with gout in the case group and 429 controls in the control group were collected from the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease, the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University. A case-control study method was used to study the correlation between cGKII/PRKG2 polymorphism rs7688672 and rs10033237 and gout susceptibility. The genotype frequencies of rs7688672 and rs10033237 polymorphisms of cGKII/PRKG2 in the case group and the control group both were in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. There were significant differences of rs10033237 in the allele frequencies and genotype distributions (Pgout. Combined mutation sites AA(*) from rs7688672 and rs10033237 were negatively correlated with gout susceptibility, whereas haplotype GG(*) was positively correlated with gout susceptibility. In conclusion, patients with rs10033237 polymorphism of cGKII/PRKG2 gene are more likely to suffer from gout. With regard to haplotypes of rs10033237 and rs7688672, both AA(*) and GG(*) are related to gout. AA(*) is a gout susceptible gene, whereas GG(*) is a protective gene. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Relações e interações no ambiente de cuidados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Relaciones e interacciones en el ambiente de cuidados en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Relationships and interactions in the Intensive Care Unit environment of care

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    Marli Terezinha Stein Backes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Discutir as relações e interações do ambiente de cuidados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem qualitativa foi fundamentado na "Grounded Theory". Foram entrevistados 47 sujeitos diferenciados de três UTIs Adulto, localizadas em Florianópolis/SC, Santa Maria/RS e Pelotas/RS, entre junho de 2009 e setembro de 2010. RESULTADOS: Neste estudo, são apresentadas e discutidas duas categorias: "A rede de apoio, a ordem/desordem e perturbações no ambiente de UTI"; "Convivendo com certezas, incertezas e contradições no ambiente de UTI". CONCLUSÃO: Considera-se necessário compreender o ambiente de UTI a partir de uma visão sistêmica. E isso significa acolher a circularidade e dinamicidade de ordem-desordem-organização que continuamente (re alimentam as relações e interações humanas e profissionais nesse ambiente.OBJETIVO: Discutir las relaciones e interacciones del ambiente de cuidados en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UTI. MÉTODOS: Estudio de abordaje cualitativo fundamentado en la "Grounded Theory". Entrevistamos a 47 personas en tres unidades de cuidados intensivos de adultos diferente, localizadas en Florianópolis/SC, Santa Maria/RS y Pelotas/RS, entre junio de 2009 y setiembre de 2010. RESULTADOS: En este estudio, se presentan y discuten dos categorías: "La red de apoyo, el orden/desorden y perturbaciones en el ambiente de UCI" y "Conviviendo con certezas, incertidumbres y contradicciones en el ambiente de UCI". CONCLUSIÓN: Se considera necesario comprender el ambiente de UCI a partir de una visión sistémica. Y eso significa acoger la circularidad y dinamicidad de orden-desorden-organización que continuamente (re alimentan las relaciones e interacciones humanas y profesionales en ese ambiente.OBJECTIVE: To discuss relationships and interactions in the Intensive Care Unit's (ICU environment of care. METHODS: A qualitative study that was based on grounded theory. We interviewed 47

  17. The Two-Component System CprRS Senses Cationic Peptides and Triggers Adaptive Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Independently of ParRS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fernandez, Luca; Jenssen, Håvard; Bains, Manjeet


    dependency on the CprRS and ParRS systems in a concentration-dependent manner. It was further demonstrated that, following exposure to inducing antimicrobial peptides, cprRS mutants did not become adaptively resistant to polymyxins as was observed for wild-type cells. Our microarray studies demonstrated...

  18. Piroxicam y cambios ováricos de cabras adultas

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    Rafaela Segundo Pérez


    Full Text Available La función de los ovarios puede alterarse por inhibidores de la enzima ciclooxigenasa (COX. La aplicación de piroxicam, antiinflamatorio no esteroideo e inhibidor de COX es de amplio uso veterinario (AINE y puede alterar la función de los ovarios. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los cambios extra e intraováricos en cabras adultas en respuesta a piroxicam. En seis cabras adultas de entre 35 y 40 kg de peso vivo, se sincronizaron estros y ovulación, mediante la colocación de CIDR (dispositivo intravaginal de liberación controlada de P4 durante 11 días, al retirar el CIDR se aplicaron prostaglandinas F2α y 400 UI de eCG (inducción de la ovulación. Antes (24 h, de la inducción de ovulación al grupo testigo y tratado (n=3 se les hicieron cuatro aplicaciones intramusculares de un ml de solución salina o piroxicam (1.5 mg-1 kg de peso vivo con intervalo de 24 h. Posterior a la primera aplicación de piroxicam (144 h se extrajeron los ovarios. Se colectaron muestras sanguíneas cada 24 h; desde 48 h antes de la inducción de la ovulación y, hasta la ovariectomía. En ovario derecho e izquierdo se cuantificó el número y tamaño de folículos y cuerpos lúteos superficiales. En 16 cortes histológicos de cada ovario, se evaluaron las mismas estructuras con localización intraovárica. En suero sanguíneo se determinó la concentración sérica de progesterona (P4 y estradiol (E2. En los datos de folículos y CL se realizó la prueba de suma de rangos de Wilcoxon. Mientras que, P4 y E2 se analizaron utilizando modelos para datos con medidas repetidas (modelos mixtos lineales, los cuales fueron ajustados usando el programa estadísto R. La significancia en los resultados se consideró con α< 0.05. La aplicación de piroxicam disminuyó el número de folículos intraováricos (P< 0.0001 y el de CL intraováricos en desarrollo (P=0.04. Los niveles de P4 y E2 no se modificaron por aplicación de piroxicam (P=0.2, aunque, P4

  19. Environment sensitivity map to North Pelotas Basin: subsidy to elaboration of contingency plans; Mapeamento da sensibilidade ambiental para a porcao norte da Bacia de Pelotas: subsidio para elaboracao de planos de contingencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diniz, Debora P; Griep, Gilberto H [Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande (FURG), RS (Brazil)


    The Pelotas Basin stands out in the national scenery of search of petroleum and gas. Due of these interests they become important environmental protection actions. Inside of this panorama is the Chart of Sensitivity Index (CSI). The study was developing in Santa Catarina, municipal districts from Passo de Torres to Palhoca. The objectives of this work were the development of the CSI and the construction of a bibliographical database. The methodology used in this work was proposed by the Ministerio do Meio Ambiente. During the field exit sediment samples, photographic registration and pertinent observation were collected. With all this information the Index of Environment Sensitivity (IES) was generated, that classifies the coasts in agreements with the sensitivity to the oil. Diversity of environments is very clear at this coast for the variability of the IES. The most frequent ecosystem is beaches of medium to fine sand exposed. It was identified the presence of environments of highly sensitive, classified in the index 8 and 10. The definition of possible scarification areas was accomplishments with IES, biological resources and economical partner of the area. (author)

  20. [Tobacco, alcohol, and drug use by teenagers in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil: a gender approach]. (United States)

    Horta, Rogério Lessa; Horta, Bernardo Lessa; Pinheiro, Ricardo Tavares; Morales, Blanca; Strey, Marlene Neves


    This study assesses the relationship between gender and use of psychoactive substances (alcohol, nicotine, and illicit drugs) by teenagers. In 2002, a cross-sectional study was carried out in the urban area of Pelotas, southern Brazil. Multi-stage sampling was used to obtain a sample of adolescents, 15 to 18 years of age. Subjects were interviewed using a self-applied confidential questionnaire. Smoking was more prevalent among girls, while alcohol consumption in the previous month was more common among boys. Meanwhile, the proportion of adolescents that reported drug use in the previous month was unrelated to gender. Higher cigarette consumption by girls suggests an increase in smoking by women in the future, which highlights the need for a special focus on this area.

  1. Manifestaciones cutáneas por choque séptico en una adulta

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    Julio César González Aguilera


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de una adulta de 33 años de edad con antecedentes de asma bronquial, que fue ingresada en el Hospital General Universitario "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes", en Bayamo (Granma, por choque séptico a causa de una bronconeumonía bacteriana, además de disfunción orgánica y acidosis metabólica sostenida, que requerían el apoyo de drogas vasoactivas a altas dosis. También aparecieron lesiones diseminadas en la piel, principalmente en las áreas distales de las manos y los pies, con coloración violácea y necrosis isquémicas hacia los pulpejos de los dedos. En los hemocultivos se aisló el Staphylococcus aureus, y el tratamiento consistió en sostén hemodinámico, antimicrobianos de amplio espectro, corticoesteroides y curas de las lesiones cutáneas, que incluyó la escisión del tejido necrosado

  2. Orientaciones pedagógicas para el acompañamiento educativo por duelo a personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual


    Rodríguez Herrero, Pablo; Herrán Gascón, Agustín de la; Izuzquiza Gasset, Dolores


    Se precisa una fundamentación y orientaciones para la actuación en situaciones de duelo con personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual, adecuadas a sus características. En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de literatura pertinente para fundamentar el acompañamiento educativo como una metodología pedagógica de apoyo al duelo cuya urdimbre contiene tres elementos principales: a) La concepción del duelo desde su potencial educativo, b) La prevención de trastornos asociados a duelos complic...

  3. Plantas medicinais utilizadas por idosos com diagnóstico de Diabetes mellitus no tratamento dos sintomas da doença Medicinal plants used by elderly people with Diabetes mellitus in the treatment of the disease symptoms

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    A.M. Feijó


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as plantas medicinais utilizadas por idosos assistidos em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Pelotas-RS, com diagnóstico de Diabetes mellitus, como terapia complementar no tratamento dos sintomas da doença. Caracterizou-se por pesquisa qualitativa, realizada em julho de 2009, no município de Pelotas-RS. Foram entrevistados 18 idosos com idade entre 60 e 77 anos, sendo 14 do sexo feminino. Os participantes citaram 20 plantas medicinais utilizadas como terapia complementar no tratamento do Diabetes mellitus. Entre estas, as mais citadas utilizadas para diminuir os níveis de glicose no sangue foram Sphagneticola trilobata, Bauhinia spp. e Syzygium cumini, sendo que para as duas últimas há comprovação científica do efeito hipoglicemiante. A infusão foi a forma de preparo predominante. Considera-se importante a realização de estudos farmacológicos que investiguem os efeitos das plantas utilizadas pela população, a fim de que o uso proporcione os benefícios desejados e não cause danos à saúde.This study aimed to investigate medicinal plants used as complementary therapy by the elderly with diabetes mellitus, assisted by a Health Basic Unit in Pelotas (RS, Brazil. This qualitative research was conducted in July 2009. Eighteen 60 to 77 years old elderly (14 of them female were interviewed. The participants identified 20 medicinal plants used as complementary therapies in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Among these, the most used ones to reduce the levels of glucose in the blood were Sphagneticola trilobata, Bauhinia spp. and Syzygium cumini. For the last two plants, there are scientific proofs of hypoglycemic effects. The infusion was the predominant form of preparation. Studies to investigate the pharmacological effects of plants used by the population have become very important, for providing scientific information on their possible health benefits and side effects.

  4. Association of 5-HT2C (rs3813929) and UCP3 (rs1800849) gene polymorphisms with type 2 diabetes in obese women candidates for bariatric surgery. (United States)

    Schnor, Noa Pereira Prada; Verlengia, Rozangela; Novais, Patrícia Fátima Sousa; Crisp, Alex Harley; Leite, Celso Vieira de Souza; Rasera-Junior, Irineu; Oliveira, Maria Rita Marques de


    Obesity can cause systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) factor that is also influenced by genetic variability. The present study aims to investigate the association between gene polymorphisms related with obesity on the prevalence of SAH and DM2 in the preoperative period and 1 year after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. In total, 351 obese women in a Brazilian cohort completed the study. The clinical diagnosis of SAH and DM2 was monitored from medical records. Twelve gene polymorphisms (rs26802; rs572169; rs7799039; rs1137101; rs3813929; rs659366; rs660339; rs1800849; rs7498665; rs35874116; rs9701796; and rs9939609) were determined using real-time polymerase chain reaction and TaqMan assay. In the preoperative period, prevalence of SAH and DM2 was 57% and 22%, respectively. One year postoperatively, 86.8% subjects had remission of DM2 and 99.5% had control of SAH. Subjects with T allele from the serotonin receptor gene (5-HT2C, rs3813929) had five times greater chance of DM2, and the CC genotype from uncoupling protein 3 gene (UCP3, rs1800849) had three times greater chance in the preoperative period. These findings indicate that polymorphisms rs3813929 and rs1800849 from 5-HT2C and UCP3 genes were related to DM2 prevalence among the Brazilian obese women candidates for bariatric surgery.

  5. Orthogonal cutting forces in juvenile and mature Pinus taeda wood Forças de corte ortogonal na madeira juvenil e adulta de Pinus taeda

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    Raquel Gonçalves


    Full Text Available The distinct characteristics of juvenile and mature woods, which are observed particularly in softwoods, have an influence on processing due to their different mechanical resistance properties in relation to cutting operations. In the past, when most of the wood used industrially came from adult trees of natural forests, little importance was given to a distinction between different zones of the tree stem. At present, however, as the supply of mature trees with large diameters from native forests is constantly decreasing, the use of short-cycle trees has become a common practice, through the adoption of species that grow relatively fast, such as pines and eucalyptus. In both softwoods and hardwoods, juvenile wood cells are generally smaller and thinner than in mature wood, and this reflects on their density and mechanical resistance, which should have an effect on the cutting forces developed during processing. The main object of this research was to evaluate orthogonal cutting forces in juvenile and mature Pinus taeda woods. Cutting force magnitude differences were observed for those two regions of the trunk, with parallel cutting forces being 33.4% higher, on average, at the mature wood region for 90-0 cutting, and 12% higher for 90-90 cutting. This result is consistent with the distinct anatomical structures of the material, since the forces developed during machining depend directly upon its properties.As características distintas dos lenhos juvenil e adulto, existentes principalmente na formação das coníferas, influenciam na usinagem devido às diferentes propriedades de resistência mecânica ao corte. No passado, quando a maior parte da madeira utilizada industrialmente era proveniente de árvores adultas de florestas naturais, pouca importância era dada à diferenciação de zonas no tronco. Atualmente, no entanto, com o decréscimo constante do suprimento de árvores adultas de grandes diâmetros, provenientes de florestas nativas

  6. Genetic polymorphisms of IL-18 rs1946518 and IL-1β rs16944 are associated with prognosis and survival of acute myeloid leukemia. (United States)

    Wang, Hong; Hua, Mingqiang; Wang, Shukang; Yu, Jie; Chen, Chen; Zhao, Xueyun; Zhang, Chen; Zhong, Chaoqin; Wang, Ruiqing; He, Na; Hou, Ming; Ma, Daoxin


    Though the pathogenesis of AML is still unknown, accumulating evidence revealed that immune response plays a vital part in it. NLRP3 inflammasome as a component of immune system has been found related to several cancers. The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of NLRP3 inflammasome genes may be related to pathogenesis and prognosis of AML. We determined polymorphisms of NLRP3 (rs35829419), CARD8 (rs2043211), IL-1β (rs16944), IL-18 (rs1946518) and NF-κB -94 ins/del ATTG in de novo AML patients to find out whether they play roles in the susceptibility and severity of AML. In our study, 383 AML cases and 300 randomly selected healthy individuals were examined for the polymorphisms and expression of NLRP3 genes. IL-1β (rs16944) polymorphism in different risk AML subgroups was found statistically different, with more GA genotype in favorable-risk cytogenetics group. We also demonstrated that the bone marrow blasts of patients carrying IL-18 (rs1946518) GG or GT genotype were higher than patients of TT genotype. IL-18 plasma level of patients with IL-18 (rs1946518) GT or TT genotype was higher than GG genotype. Moreover, the GT genotype of IL-18 (rs1946518) led to statistically poorer AML-specific survival. IL-1β (rs16944) and IL-18 (rs1946518) may be served as potential predictors for AML.

  7. The obesity-associated polymorphisms FTO rs9939609 and MC4R rs17782313 and endometrial cancer risk in non-Hispanic white women.

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    Galina Lurie


    Full Text Available Overweight and obesity are strongly associated with endometrial cancer. Several independent genome-wide association studies recently identified two common polymorphisms, FTO rs9939609 and MC4R rs17782313, that are linked to increased body weight and obesity. We examined the association of FTO rs9939609 and MC4R rs17782313 with endometrial cancer risk in a pooled analysis of nine case-control studies within the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium (E2C2. This analysis included 3601 non-Hispanic white women with histologically-confirmed endometrial carcinoma and 5275 frequency-matched controls. Unconditional logistic regression models were used to assess the relation of FTO rs9939609 and MC4R rs17782313 genotypes to the risk of endometrial cancer. Among control women, both the FTO rs9939609 A and MC4R rs17782313 C alleles were associated with a 16% increased risk of being overweight (p = 0.001 and p = 0.004, respectively. In case-control analyses, carriers of the FTO rs9939609 AA genotype were at increased risk of endometrial carcinoma compared to women with the TT genotype [odds ratio (OR  = 1.17; 95% confidence interval (CI: 1.03-1.32, p = 0.01]. However, this association was no longer apparent after adjusting for body mass index (BMI, suggesting mediation of the gene-disease effect through body weight. The MC4R rs17782313 polymorphism was not related to endometrial cancer risk (per allele OR = 0.98; 95% CI: 0.91-1.06; p = 0.68. FTO rs9939609 is a susceptibility marker for white non-Hispanic women at higher risk of endometrial cancer. Although FTO rs9939609 alone might have limited clinical or public health significance for identifying women at high risk for endometrial cancer beyond that of excess body weight, further investigation of obesity-related genetic markers might help to identify the pathways that influence endometrial carcinogenesis.

  8. Disrespect and abuse of women during the process of childbirth in the 2015 Pelotas birth cohort. (United States)

    Mesenburg, Marilia Arndt; Victora, Cesar Gomes; Jacob Serruya, Suzzane; Ponce de León, Rodolfo; Damaso, Andrea Homsi; Domingues, Marlos Rodrigues; da Silveira, Mariangela Freitas


    The disrespect and abuse of women during the process of childbirth is an emergent and global problem and only few studies have investigated this worrying issue. The objective of the present study was to describe the prevalence of disrespect and abuse of women during childbirth in Pelotas City, Brazil, and to investigate the factors involved. This was a cross-sectional population-based study of women delivering members of the 2015 Pelotas birth cohort. Information relating to disrespect and abuse during childbirth was obtained by household interview 3 months after delivery. The information related to verbal and physical abuse, denial of care and invasive and/or inappropriate procedures. Poisson regression was used to evaluate the factors associated with one or more, and two or more, types of disrespectful treatment or abuse. A total of 4275 women took part in a perinatal study. During the three-month follow-up, we interviewed 4087 biological mothers with regards to disrespect and abuse. Approximately 10% of women reported having experienced verbal abuse, 6% denial of care, 6% undesirable or inappropriate procedures and 5% physical abuse. At least one type of disrespect or abuse was reported by 18.3% of mothers (95% confidence interval [CI]: 17.2-19.5); and at least two types by 5.1% (95% CI: 4.4-5.8). Women relying on the public health sector, and those whose childbirths were via cesarean section with previous labor, had the highest risk, with approximately a three- and two-fold increase in risk, respectively. Our study showed that the occurrence of disrespect and abuse during childbirth was high and mostly associated with payment by the public sector and labor before delivery. The efforts made by civil society, governments and international organizations are not sufficient to restrain institutional violence against women during childbirth. To eradicate this problem, it is essential to 1) implement policies and actions specific for this type of violence and 2

  9. Origin, Composition and Relative Timing of Seaward Dipping Reflectors on the Pelotas Rifted Margin, South Atlantic (United States)

    Harkin, C. J.; Kusznir, N.; Roberts, A.; Manatschal, G.; McDermott, K.


    Deep-seismic reflection data from the Pelotas Basin, offshore Brazil displays a large package of seaward dipping reflectors (SDRs) with an approximate width of 200 km and a varying thickness of 10km to 17km. These have previously been interpreted as volcanic SDRs, a common feature of magma-rich rifted margins. Detailed observations show a change in seismic character within the SDR package possibly indicating a change depositional environments as the package evolved. Using gravity anomaly inversion, we examine the SDRs to investigate whether they are likely to be composed predominantly of massive basaltic flows or sedimentary-volcaniclastic material through the use of gravity inversion. By matching the Moho in depth and two-way travel time from gravity and seismic data, we test the likely proportion of sediments to basalt (the basalt fraction). The results are used to determine the lateral variation in basalt fraction within the SDRs. In addition, we use 2D flexural-backstripping and reverse thermal-subsidence modelling for palaeobathymetric analysis, investigating whether each sub-package was deposited in a sub-aerial or marine environment. Our analysis suggests that the overall SDR basalt fraction and bulk density decrease oceanwards, possibly due to increasing sediment content or perhaps resulting from a change in basalt flows to hyaloclastites as water depth increases. Additionally, we find that the SDRs can be split into two major sub-packages. The inner SDR package consists of lava flows from syn-tectonic eruptions in a sub-aerial environment, associated with the onshore Paraná Large Igneous Province, flowing eastwards into an extensional basin. The outer SDR package has reflectors that appear to progressively offlap oceanwards in a similar fashion to those described previously, inferring extrusion within a marine environment sourced from an eastwards migrating ocean ridge. We are able to determine that two separate and independently-sourced SDR packages

  10. Enfermedad Periodontal en la población joven y adulta uruguaya del Interior del país: Relevamiento Nacional 2010-2011

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    Susana Lorenzo

    Full Text Available Durante los años 2010-2011, la Facultad de Odontología, Udelar realizó el “Primer Relevamiento Nacional de salud bucal en población joven y adulta uruguaya”. Metodología: estudio poblacional con muestreo complejo en fases que abarcó todo el país urbano (ciudades con más de 20.000 habitantes y las edades de 15-24, 35-44 y 65-74 años, mediante dos muestras independientes: departamentos del interior (n=922 y Montevideo (n=563. Se aplicaron los “Métodos Básicos para estudios poblacionales” (OMS, 1997. Mediante un examen clínico se recogió información en los domicilios sobre: caries, paradenciopatías, lesiones mucosas, maloclusiones. Se aplicó un cuestionario sobre factores socio-culturales. Para el diagnóstico, medición y resumen de la Enfermedad Periodontal, se usó el Índice Periodontal Comunitario (CPI incorporándose las modificaciones introducidas por el “Projecto SB Brasil 2010”. Resultados: población adulta (35-44/65-74: proporción de individuos: sanos 12% y 1.3%; con bolsas ≥ 4mm: 17% y 6%, respectivamente y con alta proporción sextantes excluidos (49,7 % y 89,5%.

  11. El desarrollo de la investigación sobre pelota valenciana: guía bibliográfica y fuentes de información

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    Gregorio González Alcaide


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio bibliográfico de los trabajos académicos sobre Pelota Valenciana, efectuado a partir de la consulta de las fuentes documentales de la Federació de Pilota Valenciana, del Museu de la Pilota de Genovés y de diversos catálogos y bases de datos. Se han identificado 181 trabajos, entre artículos de revistas (n = 95, publicaciones monográficas (n = 40, comunicaciones a congresos (n=37, tesis doctorales (n = 5 y obras de referencia (n = 4. Los trabajos pioneros se remontan a los años 60 y 70 del siglo xx, mientras que se observa una gran eclosión de publicaciones a partir de mediados de la década de los 80, en una tendencia que se mantiene hasta la actualidad, y que coincide con la edición de revistas especializadas, con la celebración de diferentes congresos y reuniones científicas y con la lectura de algunas tesis doctorales. Entre las materias abordadas en los trabajos, encontramos estudios históricos sobre su origen y desarrollo, investigaciones centradas en los espacios físicos en que tiene lugar el juego, en las distintas modalidades, en el vocabulario, que estudian el interés y la importancia que tiene para el ámbito educativo, análisis sociológicos y estudios médicos sobre las enfermedades relacionadas con la práctica de la pelota como actividad deportiva.

  12. APOC3 rs2070666 Is Associated with the Hepatic Steatosis Independently of PNPLA3 rs738409 in Chinese Han Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases. (United States)

    Zhang, Rui-Nan; Zheng, Rui-Dan; Mi, Yu-Qiang; Zhou, Da; Shen, Feng; Chen, Guang-Yu; Zhu, Chan-Yan; Pan, Qin; Fan, Jian-Gao


    The association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and apolipoprotein C3 gene (APOC3) promoter region single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs2854117 and rs2854116 is controversial. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between other polymorphisms of APOC3 and NAFLD in Chinese. Fifty-nine liver biopsy-proven NAFLD patients and 72 healthy control subjects were recruited to a cohort representing Chinese Han population. The polymorphisms in the exons and flanking regions of APOC3 and patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 (PNPLA3) rs738409 polymorphisms were genotyped. Among the five SNPs (rs4225, rs4520, rs5128, rs2070666, and rs2070667) in APOC3, only rs2070666 (c.179 + 62 T/A) was significantly different in genotype and allele frequency (both p steatosis (OR 4.986, 95 % CI 1.020-24.371), but neither to liver stiffness measurement values nor to hepatic histological activity and fibrosis in NAFLD patients. The APOC3 rs2070666 A allele is a risk factor for NAFLD independent of obesity, dyslipidemia, and PNPLA3 rs738409, and it might contribute to increased liver fat content in Chinese Han population.

  13. Association of PTPN22 rs2476601 and STAT4 rs7574865 polymorphisms with rheumatoid arthritis: A meta-analysis update. (United States)

    Elshazli, Rami; Settin, Ahmad


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common autoimmune disease with a complex genetic background. The genes encoding protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) and signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (STAT4) have been reported to be associated with RA in several ethnic populations. This work aims to assess the association between PTPN22 rs2476601 and STAT4 rs7574865 polymorphisms with RA susceptibility through an updated meta-analysis of available case-control studies. A literature search of all relevant studies published from January 2007 up to December 2014 was conducted using Pubmed and Science Direct databases. The observed studies that were related to an association between PTPN22 rs2476601 and STAT4 rs7574865 polymorphisms with RA susceptibility were identified. Meta-analysis of the pooled and stratified data was done and assessed using varied genetic models. Thirty-seven case-control studies with a total of 47 comparisons (29 for PTPN22 rs2476601 polymorphism and 18 for STAT4 rs7574865 polymorphism) met our inclusion criteria. The meta-analysis showed an association between PTPN22 T allele, CT+TT and TT genotypes with RA susceptibility. Furthermore, The meta-analysis showed an association between STAT4 T allele, GT+TT and TT genotypes with RA susceptibility. Stratification of RA patients according to ethnic groups showed that PTPN22 T allele, CT+TT genotypes, STAT4 T allele and STAT4 GT+TT were significantly associated with RA in European, Asian, African subjects, while PTPN22 TT genotype was significantly associated with RA in European but not in Asian and African subjects and STAT4 TT genotype was significantly associated with RA in European and Asian but not in African subject. A subgroup analysis according to the presence or absence of rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies revealed that the association between PTPN22 rs2476601 and STAT4 rs7574865 polymorphisms with RA susceptibility

  14. Association of TNF-α rs1799964 and IL-1β rs16944 polymorphisms with multiple system atrophy in Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Zhou, Xin; Wang, Chunrong; Chen, Zhao; Peng, Yun; Peng, Huirong; Hou, Xuan; Ye, Wei; Qiu, Rong; Xia, Kun; Tang, Beisha; Jiang, Hong


    Recent evidence suggested that several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of inflammation-related genes (TNF-α rs1799964, IL-1α rs1800587, IL-1β rs16944, IL-8 rs4073, ICAM-1 rs5498) were associated with multiple system atrophy (MSA). Herein, we conducted this case-control study to evaluate the possible correlation between the five SNPs related to inflammation and MSA in Chinese Han population. We recruited 154 sporadic patients with MSA and 223 health controls in this study. All subjects were genotyped for the five SNPs using polymerase chain reaction amplification and Sanger sequencing. TNF-α rs1799964, genotype distribution and minor allele frequency (MAF) showed significant differences between patients and controls, which might illustrate the minor allele C may increase the risk for MSA (genotype, P = 0.006, OR = 1.245, 95% CI = [1.066-1.455]; allele, P = 0.001, OR = 1.887, 95% CI = [1.303-2.733]). For rs16944, patients carrying AA genotype showed a nearly 5-year early age at onset (AAO) than GG genotype (50.52 ± 7.45 years vs. 54.90 ± 7.21 years, P = 0.037). No differences were found in genotype distribution and MAF of the five SNPs between patients with MSA with predominant cerebellar ataxia (MSA-C) and with predominant Parkinsonism (MSA-P). Our study suggests that rs1799964 of TNF-α may act as a risk factor for MSA and the IL-1β rs16944 might be a genetic factor that modifies the AAO in MSA. Moreover, the exact mechanism of neuroinflammatory response in MSA deserves further exploration.

  15. Polymorphisms of transforming growth factor beta 1 (RS#1800468 and RS#1800471) and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma among Zhuangese population, China. (United States)

    Tang, Ren-Guang; Huang, Yong-Zhi; Yao, Li-Min; Xiao, Jian; Lu, Chuan; Yu, Qian


    Epidemiological evidence has shown two polymorphisms (namely RS#1800468G>A and RS#1800471G>C) of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1) gene may be involved in the cancer development. However, their role in the carcinogenic process of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) has been less well elaborated. We conducted a hospital-based case-control study including 391 ESCC cases and 508 controls without any evidence of tumors to evaluate the association between these two polymorphisms and ESCC risk and prognosis for Zhuangese population by means of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS)-PCR techniques. We found that individuals with the genotypes with RS#1800471 C allele (namely RS#1800471-GC or -CC) had an increased risk of ESCC than those without above genotypes (namely RS#1800471-GG, adjusted odds ratio 3.26 and 5.65, respectively). Further stratification analysis showed that this polymorphism was correlated with tumor histological grades and TNM (tumor, node, and metastasis) stage, and modified the serum levels of TGF-β1. Additionally, RS#1800471 polymorphism affected ESCC prognosis (hazard ratio, 3.40), especially under high serum levels of TGF-β1 conditions. However, RS#1800468 polymorphism was not significantly related to ESCC risk. These findings indicated that TGF-β1 RS#1800471G>C polymorphism may be a genetic modifier for developing ESCC in Zhuangese population. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Differential responses between mature and young leaves of sunflower plants to oxidative stress caused by water deficit Diferentes respostas entre folhas adultas e jovens de plantas de girassol ao estresse oxidativo causado pelo déficit hídrico

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    Inês Cechin


    Full Text Available The effects of water stress and rehydration on leaf gas exchange characteristics along with changes in lipid peroxidation and pirogalol peroxidase (PG-POD were studied in mature and in young leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L., which were grown in a greenhouse. Water stress reduced photosynthesis (Pn, stomatal conductance (g s, and transpiration (E in both young and mature leaves. However, the amplitude of the reduction was dependent on leaf age. The intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci was increased in mature leaves but it was not altered in young leaves. Instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE in mature stressed leaves was reduced when compared to control leaves while in young stressed leaves it was maintained to the same level as the control. After 24h of rehydration, most of the parameters related to gas exchange recovered to the same level as the unstressed plants except gs and E in mature leaves. Water stress did not activated PG-POD independently of leaf age. However, after rehydration the enzyme activity was increased in mature leaves and remained to the same as the control in young leaves. Malondialdehyde (MDA content was increased by water stress in both mature and young leaves. The results suggest that young leaves are more susceptible to water stress in terms of gas exchange characteristics than mature leaves although both went through oxidative estresse.Os efeitos do estresse hídrico e da reidratação nas trocas gasosas juntamente com alterações na lipoperoxidação e atividade da pirogalol peroxidase (PG-POD foram estudados em folhas adultas e jovens de plantas de girassol (Helianthus annuus L. cultivadas em casa de vegetação. O estresse hídrico reduziu a fotossíntese (P N, a condutância estomática (g s e a transpiração (E nas folhas adultas e jovens. No entanto, a amplitude da redução foi dependente da idade da folha. A concentração intercelular de CO2 (Ci aumentou nas folhas adultas, mas não apresentou

  17. Genetic polymorphisms of surfactant protein D rs2243639, Interleukin (IL)-1β rs16944 and IL-1RN rs2234663 in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, healthy smokers, and non-smokers. (United States)

    Issac, Marianne Samir M; Ashur, Wafaa; Mousa, Heba


    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex chronic inflammatory disease that involves the activity of various inflammatory cells and mediators. It has been suggested that susceptibility to COPD is, at least in part, genetically determined. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the association between surfactant protein D (SFTPD) rs2243639, interleukin (IL)-1β rs16944 and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) rs2234663 gene polymorphisms and COPD susceptibility, as well as examining the association between the various IL-1RN/IL-1β haplotypes and pulmonary function tests (PFT). Secondly, we aimed to examine the influence of SFTPD rs2243639 polymorphism on serum surfactant protein D (SP-D) level. A total of 114 subjects were recruited in this study and divided into three groups: 63 COPD patients, 25 asymptomatic smokers, and 26 healthy controls. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was performed for the detection of SFTPD rs2243639 and IL-1β rs16944 polymorphisms. Detection of variable numbers of an 86-bp tandem repeat (VNTR) of IL-1RN was done using PCR. Serum SP-D level was measured using enzyme linked-immunosorbent assay. PFTs were measured by spirometry. Carriers of the SFTPD AG and AA polymorphic genotypes constituted 71.4 % of COPD patients versus 48 % in asymptomatic smokers, with a statistically significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.049). Smokers who were carriers of the polymorphic SFTPD rs2243639 A allele (AG and AA genotypes) have a 2.708 times risk of developing COPD when compared with wild-type GG genotype carriers [odds ratio (OR) 2.708 (95 % CI 1.041-7.047)]. Forced expiratory flow (FEF) 25-75 % predicted was higher in IL-1RN*1/*1 when compared with *1/*2 (p = 0.013). FEF25-75 % predicted in carriers of haplotype IL-1RN *1/IL-1β T (49.21 ± 10.26) was statistically significantly higher than in carriers of IL-1RN *2/IL-1β T (39.67 ± 12.64) [p = 0

  18. Actividad física y autoconcepto, físico y general, a lo largo de la edad adulta

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    Guillermo Infante


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene por objetivo precisar las diferencias, asociadas con tres momentos de la edad adulta, en el autoconcepto y en las autopercepciones físicas así como la relación de dichas diferencias con el sexo y la actividad física. Participaron en el estudio 912 personas (350 hombres; 560 mujeres de entre 23 y 64 años (M = 45.41; DE = 13.41 divididas en tres tramos de edad (23 a 34; 35 a 49; 50 a 64 años. Los participantes se autoclasificaron como personas activas o no activas. Para la medición del autoconcepto se utilizó el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico (CAF compuesto por las siguientes escalas: habilidad física, condición física, atractivo físico, fuerza física, autoconcepto físico general así como autoconcepto general. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que: a. varias de las dimensiones del autoconcepto disminuyen a medida que aumenta la edad de cada uno de los tres grupos estudiados; b. el descenso es menor en la mujeres que en los hombres; c. la percepción subjetiva de ser una persona activa se asocia positivamente con el autoconcepto físico; d. el descenso de autoconcepto asociado con la edad afecta en menor medida a las personas activas. Estos datos aportan nueva información a la investigación y pautas para la educación personal y física de las personas adultas.

  19. Association of the matrix metalloproteinase-3 polymorphisms rs679620 and rs3025058 with ischemic stroke risk: a meta-analysis

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    Zhang Q


    Full Text Available Qi-Wei Zhang Department of Neurosurgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Jilin Medical University, Jilin, People’s Republic of China Purpose: The relationship of the matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3 polymorphisms rs679620 and rs3025058 with ischemic stroke has received much attention. The aim of the present study was to perform a meta-analysis of published case–control studies to evaluate the cumulative evidence.Methods: We performed a search of ISI Web of Science, Embase, PubMed, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure databases. Pooled odds ratios (ORs were appropriately derived from fixed-effects or random-effects models.Results: We identified seven eligible studies including 5,204 subjects. The pooled analysis showed that the MMP-3 rs679620 A allele carriers had increased risk of ischemic stroke compared with homozygotes for the G allele in Asians (AA + GA vs GG: OR =1.42, 95% CI: 1.05–1.91, P=0.022. Concerning the rs3025058 polymorphism, the results did not suggest an association between rs3025058 genotypes and ischemic stroke risk (5A5A + 6A5A vs 6A6A: OR =1.04, 95% CI: 0.73–1.47, P=0.844; 5A5A vs 6A5A + 6A6A: OR =1.14, 95% CI: 0.74–1.77, P=0.556; and 5A5A vs 6A6A: OR =1.11, 95% CI: 0.68–1.80, P=0.677. In subgroup analysis by ethnicity, no statistically significant associations were demonstrated for rs3025058 in Asians and Caucasians, respectively. There was no evidence for publication bias.Conclusion: Our findings indicate that the rs679620 A allele carriers have increased risk of ischemic stroke in Asians, but there is no association between rs3025058 and ischemic stroke risk. Keywords: ischemic stroke, meta-analysis, MMP-3, polymorphism

  20. Apoyando proyectos de vida inclusivos: claves para transformar las prácticas socioeducativas de personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual


    Pallisera, Maria


    En el marco del modelo social de la discapacidad cobran importancia la autodeterminación y autogestión de las personas con discapacidad intelectual, replanteando la relación de poder entre profesionales y usuarios. Por ello, la transformación de las prácticas socioeducativas en la construcción y logro de proyectos de vida personalizados constituye un reto para los servicios dirigidos a personas adultas con discapacidad. El objetivo del presente artículo es mostrar, a partir de la revisión de ...


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    Osvaldo J. Hernández Soto


    Full Text Available Evaluar actividad física (AF, tiempo sentado (TS y su relación con características antropométricas y de salud general en personas adultas mayores en Puerto Rico. Métodos: 291 participantes completaron un cuestionario de AF y uno sociodemográfico y de salud general. Se midió estatura, peso y circunferencia de cintura. Se utilizó la prueba t y Ji-cuadrado para determinar diferencias por sexo, y correlación Spearman para evaluar relaciones entre variables. Resultados: La edad fluctuó mayormente entre 60-70 (31% y 71-80 (39% años, la percepción de salud mayormente regular (39% o buena (31%, pocos fumaban (5%, y en promedio estaban en sobrepeso (IMC=29 kg/m2. La AF fue mayor en hombres (270±406 vs. 171±370 min/semana, P=0.03, y el TS fue mayor en mujeres (5.6±2.9 vs 4.6±2.9 horas/semana. Ambos correlacionaron con percepción de salud (rs=0.18 y -0.19, P<0.05. Conclusión: Se enfatiza la importancia de reducir el TS y aumentar AF en esta población.

  2. Avaliação do processo da atenção médica: adequação do tratamento de pacientes com diabetes mellitus, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Clinical management of diabetic patients: process evaluation in Pelotas, Southern Brazil

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    Maria Cecília Formoso Assunção


    Full Text Available Com objetivo de avaliar a adequação do manejo de pacientes diabéticos, durante o ano de 1998 foram entrevistados, em domicílio, pacientes atendidos nos postos de saúde da zona urbana de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Coletaram-se informações relativas a características da doença e do tratamento dos mesmos. Analisou-se o tratamento do diabetes mellitus em três componentes: realização de dieta, atividade física e tratamento medicamentoso. Verificou-se que 76% dos entrevistados receberam orientações dietéticas; porém, apenas metade desses as seguiram nos últimos quinze dias. Dos 75% dos pacientes que receberam orientações sobre exercícios físicos, apenas um terço praticou algum tipo de atividade no último mês. Dos 377 entrevistados, 289 (77% utilizavam algum tipo de medicamento. Grande parte dos usuários de hipoglicemiantes orais apresentavam alguma contra-indicação ao seu uso. Discutiu-se a necessidade de qualificar a aderência dos profissionais de saúde às recomendações de manejo do diabetes.A study was conducted in 1998 with the aim of assessing adequacy of clinical management of diabetic patients attending public health services in Pelotas, Brazil. Patients were interviewed to gather data on medical consultation, disease, and treatment. Data analysis focused on the "type of treatment" variable with three categories: diet, physical activity, and drug treatment. Seventy-six percent of the patients reported having received nutritional orientation. Only 50% of them reported having followed their diet during the preceding 15 days. Also, 75% of patients reported having received recommendations to perform physical activity. However, only one third had practiced some exercise in the previous month. Among 377 interviewed, 289 (77% were on medication, and among the patients taking oral hypoglycemic agents many had at least one contraindication. The article discusses the need to enhance physicians' adherence to

  3. Determination of IL-1B (rs16944) and IL-6 (rs1800796) genetic polymorphisms in IgA nephropathy in a northwest Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Zhang, Daofa; Xie, Maowei; Yang, Xiaohong; Zhang, Yin; Su, Yan; Wang, Yanni; Huang, Haiyang; Han, Hui; Li, Wenning; Fu, Keying; Su, Huiluan; Xu, Wentan; Han, Yeguang; Wang, Ru; Zhang, Pei; Wu, Wei; Huang, Yun; Chen, Daojun; Jin, Tianbo; Wei, Jiali


    IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common form of primary glomerulonephritis worldwide, but etiology and pathogenesis continue to be poorly understood. Polymorphisms in the cytokine genes may play a role in the etiology and pathogenesis of IgAN. The incidence of different between diverse ethnic groups suggested important genetic influences on its pathogenesis. We genotype 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IL-1B and IL-6 gene using Sequenom Mass-ARRAY technology from 417 IgAN patients and 463 healthy controls of the Chinese Han population. We evaluated these SNPs associated with IgAN utilising the chi-square tests and genetic model analysis. We identified that the minor alleles of rs16944 ("A"), rs1800796 ("G") in IL-1B, IL-6 were involved in an increasingly risk of IgAN in allelic model analysis, respectively. The rs16944 in IL-1B and rs1800796 in IL-6 were associated with 1.23-fold (95% CI, 1.02-1.48, P = 0.031) and 1.33-fold (95% CI, 1.11-1.66, P = 0.003) increases in the risk of developing IgAN, respectively. There was only rs1800796 still correlated with IgAN in the allelic model after adjustment by age and gender and the Bonferroni correction. In addition, Haplotype G rs1800796 A rs2069837 G rs2069840 ( P = 0.037) and G rs1800796 A rs2069837 C rs2069840 ( P = 0.042) in IL-6 were considered to be associated with increased IgAN risk. This study verified the IL-6, IL-1B genetic variants polymorphisms contributed to IgAN susceptibility in a Chinese Han population. Although we identified SNPs susceptibility, however, replication studies and functional research are required to confirm the genetic contribution in IgAN.

  4. [Physical activity, screen time, and use of medicines among adolescents: the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study]. (United States)

    Bergmann, Gabriel Gustavo; Bertoldi, Andréa Dâmaso; Mielke, Grégore Iven; Camargo, Aline Lins; Matijasevich, Alicia; Hallal, Pedro Curi


    This study aimed to evaluate cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between physical activity, screen time, and use of medicines among adolescents from the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study, followed at 11 (N = 4,452), 15 (N = 4,325), and 18 years of age (N = 4,106). The study recorded the use of medicines in the previous 15 days, continuous use of some medication, level of physical activity (by questionnaire and accelerometry), and screen time (TV, computer, and videogame). One-third of adolescents had used at least one medicine in the previous 15 days and approximately 10% were on some continuous medication. In the adjusted analysis, the results showed that higher levels of physical activity at 18 years and less screen time at 15 years in boys were associated with lower overall use of medicines (p adolescence showed lower use of medicines at 18 years of age.

  5. Efeitos das condições climáticas no trimestre de nascimento sobre asma e pneumonia na infância e na vida adulta em uma coorte no Sul do Brasil The effects of season at time of birth on asthma and pneumonia in childhood and adulthood in a birth cohort in southern Brazil

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    David Alejandro González


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos do clima no trimestre do nascimento e nos seis primeiros meses de vida (temperatura média em tercis sobre as hospitalizações por asma e pneumonia em pré-escolares e sobre o diagnóstico de asma em adultos pertencentes ao estudo de coorte de nascimento de 1982 de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Essa coorte incluiu todos os 5.914 nascidos vivos naquele ano, dos quais, 77% foram acompanhados até a idade adulta (23-24 anos. Os resultados demonstraram que os nascidos entre abril e junho (outono apresentaram risco de hospitalização por pneumonia e asma/"bronquite" 1,31 (IC95%: 0,99-1,73 a 2,35 (IC95%: 1,11-4,99 vezes maior do que os nascidos entre janeiro-março (verão. O risco de hospitalizações conforme a temperatura média nos seis primeiros meses de vida foi 1,64 (IC95%: 1,26-2,13 a 3,16 (IC95%: 1,63-6,12 vezes maior no tercil frio do que no quente. Os efeitos da sazonalidade diminuíram com a idade, sendo pouco evidente a associação com asma aos 23-24 anos. As hospitalizações foram mais freqüentes entre crianças pobres, mas os efeitos da sazonalidade sobre a pneumonia foram mais evidentes entre os ricos.This study evaluated the effects of seasonal weather at time of birth and ambient temperature during the first six months of life on hospitalizations due to asthma and pneumonia in preschool children and on diagnosis of asthma in adulthood among individuals from the 1982 birth cohort in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The cohort included 5,914 live births, of which 77% were followed up until adulthood (23-24 yr. The risk of hospitalization due to pneumonia and asthma among children born from April to June (autumn was 1.31 (95%CI: 0.99-1.73 to 2.4 (95%CI: 1.11-4.99 times higher than that of children born from January to March (summer. For temperature in the first six months of life, risk of hospitalization was 1.64 (95%CI: 1.26-2.13 to 3.16 (95%CI: 1.63-6.12 times higher for children born in the

  6. Four therapeutic cases of RS3PE syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajima, Naoya; Fukuda, Yukiko; Yang, Kwang-Seok; Aiba, Miyoji; Tsuda, Hiroshi


    RS3PE syndrome (Remitting Seronegative Symmetrical Synovitis with Pitting Edema Syndrome) is one of the disorders which present as polyarthritis. It is important to be aware of RS3PE syndrome when encountering elderly patients with polyarthritis who are negative for rheumatoid factor. We report 4 cases of RS3PE syndrome. All cases shared common clinical findings, such as acute onset, symmetrical polyarthritis, pitting edema of the hands and feet, and being negative for rheumatoid factor in serum. Treatment with corticosteroid was very effective in all cases. However, two patients showed a deteriorated clinical condition during the tapering of corticosteroid. Corticosteroid should be tapered off cautiously in patients with RS3PE syndrome. (author)

  7. Abastecendo plantations: A inserção do charque fabricado em Pelotas (RS no comércio atlântico das carnes e a sua concorrência com os produtores platinos (século XIX

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    Jonas Moreira VARGAS


    Full Text Available O charque (carne-seca constituiu alimento fundamental na dieta dos escravos das plantations açucareiras e cafeeiras e das populações pobres das cidades litorâneas do Brasil. O artigo analisa a inserção do charque fabricado em Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul no mercado atlântico, assim como a concorrência com os produtores uruguaios e argentinos e como as guerras travadas na região da fronteira sul afetaram o comércio da mercadoria. Durante a segunda metade do século XIX, a carne-seca rio-grandense foi perdendo espaço no comércio atlântico para o produto platino, mais saboroso e de preço mais acessível. Na busca de novos mercados consumidores para além do Brasil e de Cuba, tanto os rio-grandenses quanto os produtores do Rio da Prata não conseguiram penetrar no mercado britânico, em que o paladar era mais exigente e se associava o charque à comida de escravos. Com o tempo, os argentinos conseguiram modernizar sua indústria com remessa de carne congelada para a Europa, ao passo que os rio-grandenses sucumbiram diante dessa nova concorrência e das exigências dos consumidores, não resistindo à derradeira crise que afetou o setor na década de 1880.

  8. Vinte e quatro meses de heterocontrole da fluoretação das águas de abastecimento público de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Fábio Garcia Lima

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi monitorar, mensalmente, os níveis de flúor na água de abastecimento público de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, bem como verificar a validade da formação de grupos de heterocontrole. Pelotas foi dividida em 16 pontos geográficos, incluindo as três Estações de Tratamento da água e a coleta foi feita de novembro de 1999 a outubro de 2001, em duplicata. Após a coleta, as amostras foram enviadas ao Laboratório de Vigilância Sanitária de Flúor da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, onde a análise foi feita utilizando-se o método eletrométrico (Orion 920A/Eletrodo Orion 9609. Após 24 meses, 764 unidades amostrais foram coletadas e verificou-se uma inconstância nos resultados, predominando níveis insuficientes de flúor até o primeiro trimestre de 2001, quando houve um significativo aumento no número de unidades amostrais com uma concentração de flúor ideal (0,6-0,9ppmF, porém, há o surgimento de pontos revelando um excesso de fluoretos (> 1ppmF. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o heterocontrole é fundamental para buscar a manutenção de um correto programa de FAAP.

  9. Association of rs6265 and rs2030324 polymorphisms in brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene with Alzheimer's disease: a meta-analysis.

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    Yan Lin

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The association between polymorphisms rs6265 and rs2030324 in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF and Alzheimer's disease (AD has been widely reported, but the results remain controversial. METHODS: A comprehensive search of Pubmed, Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI, Wanfang Med Online and China Biology Medical literature database (CBM was performed. Pooled odds ratios (ORs with 95% confidence intervals (CIs were calculated using fixed or random-effects models. We excluded the studies with OR>3.0 or OR<0.3 for sensitive analysis. Subgroup analysis by ethnicity, form of AD and gender was carried out. Meta-regression was conducted to explore the potential sources of between-study heterogeneity. RESULTS: 29 articles with 7548 cases and 7334 controls concerning rs6265 and 22 articles with 5796 cases and 5706 controls concerning rs2030324 were included in this meta-analysis. The combined evidence suggested rs6265 contributing significantly to the increased risk of AD in females (codominant: fixed-effects model (FEM: OR = 1.13, 95% CI = 1.04-1.23; dominant: FEM: OR = 1.17, 95% CI = 1.05-1.31, especially for Caucasian females (codominant: FEM: OR = 1.18, 95% CI = 1.03-1.34; dominant: FEM: OR = 1.18, 95% CI = 1.01-1.37 and female late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD patients (codominant: FEM: OR = 1.22, 95% CI = 1.05-1.41; dominant: FEM: OR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.03-1.46. No evidence indicated an association between rs2030324 with AD in codominant (random-effects model (REM: OR = 1.06, 95% CI = 0.89-1.26 and dominant (REM: OR = 1.05, 95% CI = 0.86-1.27 models. CONCLUSION: This meta-analysis suggested A allele of rs6265 might increase the risk of AD in Caucasian females and female LOAD patients. In addition, no evidence indicated an association between rs2030324 with AD. Further studies are needed to confirm these results.

  10. Personas adultas mayores como líderes transformadoras de la subcultura del centro diurno por medio de la actividad física

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    Edgar Murillo-Campos


    Full Text Available Recibido 17 de marzo de 2015 • Corregido 6 de setiembre de 2015 • Aceptado 17 de noviembre de 2015Propósito: El objetivo fundamental de este estudio fue analizar el impacto que tiene el liderazgo ejercido por personas adultas mayores en la modificación de estilos de vida saludable por medio del ejercicio físico. Metodología: Se contó con la participación de 36 personas adultas mayores del Centro Diurno del Adulto Mayor de Belén (CDAMB, 7 hombres con edades entre  los 65 y 91 años(x =79.43 años, ± 8.02 y 29 mujeres con edades entre  los 65 y 100 años (x =85 años, ± 9.38. Sobre la base de entrevistas al personal administrativo del CDAMB se seleccionó a 3 para participar en un programa de capacitación en materia de promoción de estilos de vida saludables. Los datos en este estudio se recopilaron mediante el Cuestionario internacional de actividad física (IPAQ, versión 8 de forma larga, el Cuestionario para evaluar la capacidad física percibida (CFP, el Cuestionario de confianza en la auto-presentación física (CAPF y una entrevista de grupo focal. Procedimiento: Una vez que se definieron 3 líderes, se procedió con su capacitación, en materia de promoción de estilos de vida saludables; posteriormente se realizó un pretest para evaluar el  básico del estado físico y emocional de todos los individuos participantes. A partir de ahí, las 3 personas líderes generaron diferentes actividades conforme con la capacitación recibida. Luego de 8 semanas de  intervención, se realizó un postest. Los datos del IPAQ, del CFP y el CAPF se analizaron mediante pruebas t-student para medidas repetidas. El grupo focal aportó información subjetiva sobre la vivencia de las personas adultas mayores. Resultados: Se anotaron tendencias a mejorar en el CFP y en el CAPF. En la variable “actividad física en el tiempo libre” (ejercicio físico, recreación y utilización del tiempo de ocio se registraron cambios positivos estad


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    Jairzinho Francisco Panqueba Cifuentes


    Full Text Available Los juegos de pelota mesoamericanos son manifestaciones corporales que han sido exploradasprincipalmente desde perspectivas arqueológicas e históricas, pero también han sido retomadosdesde distintas iniciativas para ponerlos en práctica. Desde la frontera entre Estados Unidos conMéxico, pasando por distintos Estados del país “azteca”, son practicadas diferentes modalidades deeste juego. Sin embargo, decir que el chaaj en Mesoamérica es hoy en día una alternativa recreativay deportiva, es quedarse corto respecto a su ya demostrado potencial. La sacralidad manifestada através de los movimientos corporales está ofreciendo opciones de innovación en varios espacios de lassociedades actuales. En su dimensión ceremonial, revela una comunicación ancestral muy actual. Allíse ponen en juego los códices, las interpretaciones arqueológicas y los conocimientos territoriales depersonas sabedoras de las comunidades. En su dimensión lúdica, el juego reúne elementos culturales,deportivos y pedagógicos. Ha sido una práctica corporal, técnica y motora ejecutada constantementeen algunas regiones mexicanas y guatemaltecas. No obstante su antigüedad, en los últimos años seviene registrando una promoción inusitada, en medio de los actuales tiempos de cambio que fueronanunciados desde tiempos inmemoriales por los sabedores y las sabedoras mayas.

  12. Genetic Association for P2X7R rs3751142 and CARD8 rs2043211 Polymorphisms for Susceptibility of Gout in Korean Men: Multi-Center Study. (United States)

    Lee, Sung Won; Lee, Shin Seok; Oh, Dong Ho; Park, Dong Jin; Kim, Hyun Sook; Choi, Jung Ran; Chae, Soo Cheon; Yun, Ki Jung; Chung, Won Tae; Choe, Jung Yoon; Kim, Seong Kyu


    The aim of this study was to determine the association between P2X7R rs3751142 and CARD8 rs2043211 polymorphisms and gout susceptibility in male Korean subjects. This study enrolled a total of 242 male patients with gout and 280 healthy controls. The polymorphisms of two individual genes including rs3751142(C>A) in the P2X7R gene and rs2043211(A>T) in the CARD8 gene were assessed using Taq-Man analysis. Statistical analyses were performed using the Chi-square test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and logistic regression analyses. A difference in genotypic frequency of the P2X7R rs3751142 and CARD8 rs2043211 genes was not detected between gout and control patients. Clinical parameters including age, onset age, disease duration, body mass index, and serum uric acid levels were not different among the three genotypes for either P2X7R or CARD8 (P > 0.05 for all). A pair-wise comparison of P2X7R rs3751142 and CARD8 rs2043211 genotype combinations revealed that subjects with the CA P2X7R rs3751142 genotype and the TT CARD8 rs2043211 genotype had a trend toward a higher risk of gout compared to the CC/AA combination (P = 0.056, OR = 2.618, 95% CI 0.975 - 7.031). In conclusion, this study revealed that genetic variability of the P2X7R rs3751142 and CARD8 rs2043211 genes might, in part, be associated with susceptibility for gout.

  13. Design Report for Isolated RS-485 Bus Node (United States)


    TERMS Android , RS-485, isolated, USB, smartphone 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UU 18. NUMBER...controlled wired RS-485 network. The Android -based smartphone or tablet is used in conjunction with a USB to serial bridge to operate as the bus master in...the system. The Android device operates in USB Host mode and communicates to the RS-485 bus as if a single peripheral on the USB bus. 15. SUBJECT

  14. RS485 optical router for HIRFL-CSR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Shuocheng; Wang Dan; Jing Lan; Qiao Weimin


    A communication equipment-RS485 optical router has been developed to satisfy requirements of control system communication network of HIRFL-CSR (Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou-Cooling Storage Ring). The equipment is compatible with multiple communication protocols, such as Ethernet, RS232 and RS485 standard. It can be used to setup the RS485 communication network quickly and connected to the Ethernet easily. The fiber optical interface is introduced to facilitate the connection with the network of industrial Fiber Optics Communication (FOC), which expands the application field of the equipment in a large extent. This paper introduces the details of the equipment, including the design of the circuit and software, features of the equipment and how it works in the whole control system network. Its application in the HIRFL-CSR control system shows that the equipment is in accordance with the general requirement of automatic control communication system. It could also be used in other industrial automatic control fields. (authors)

  15. Transición para la vida adulta: la transformación del rol parental

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    Edna Lúcia Tinoco Ponciano


    Full Text Available Desde la adolescencia, hay un período de experimento caracterizado por el retardo de la entrada definitiva en el mundo adulto. A lo largo de ese período, nombrado como transición para la vida adulta, los padres siguen responsables por sus hijos. Nuestro objetivo es comprender los significados asignados a la experiencia de ser padres y madres de jóvenes. Utilizamos una metodología cualitativa, realizando veinte entrevistas. Sometimos las entrevistas al Análisis de Contenido, estableciendo los siguientes ejes temáticos: 1 Mundo de los Jóvenes; 2 Conflictos y Negociaciones; 3 Acerca del Futuro; y 4 Padre/Madre de Jóvenes. Concluimos que hay un desafío presente en ese momento del ciclo de vida familiar: en una relación de dependencia, los padres necesitan crear condiciones para el desarrollo adulto de los hijos.

  16. A dissolução da vida adulta e a juventude como valor

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    Guita Grin Debert


    Full Text Available Três processos inter-relacionados dão uma configuração específica à dissolução da vida adulta nas sociedades contemporâneas: 1 o alargamento da faixa etária do segmento considerado jovem da população; 2 o desdobramento das etapas mais avançadas do ciclo da vida em novas categorias etárias; 3 a transformação da juventude em um valor, que pode ser conquistado em qualquer etapa da vida através da adoção de formas de consumo e estilos de vida adequados. Com base no modo como essas mudanças são representadas na mídia e analisadas na literatura acadêmica, o argumento central é que numa sociedade altamente hierarquizada como a brasileira, a vida adulta ganha uma dupla significação: quando a referência são os setores economicamente mais privilegiados o adulto indica um "consumidor que falhou", porque foi incapaz de adotar estilos de vida e formas de consumo para manter a juventude; quando a referência são os mais pobres, indica uma espécie de fantasia inatingível, porque os pobres são discriminados como indivíduos incapazes de alcançar um estágio da vida marcado pela maturidade, responsabilidade e compromisso.Three intertwined social processes give a special configuration to the dissolution of adult life in contemporary societies. (1 the extension of the age range of the young segment of the population; (2 the creation of new categories to demarcate the later stages of the life cycle 3 the transformation of youth into a commodity, a value that should be attained at any stage of life through the adoption of adequate forms of consumption and lifestyles. Based on how these changes are represented in the media and analyzed in the academic literature, the central argument is that the adulthood acquires different meanings in contemporary Brazilian hierarchical society: when referring to the privileged sectors of our society that figure indicates a "failed consumer" who are incapable of adopting appropriate lifestyles and

  17. Associations of polymorphisms in the cytokine genes IL1β (rs16944), IL6 (rs1800795), IL12b (rs3212227) and growth factor VEGFA (rs2010963) with anthracosilicosis in coal miners in Russia and related genotoxic effects. (United States)

    Volobaev, Valentin P; Larionov, Aleksey V; Kalyuzhnaya, Ekaterina E; Serdyukova, Ekaterina S; Yakovleva, Svetlana; Druzhinin, Vladimir G; Babich, Olga O; Hill, Elena G; Semenihin, Victor A; Panev, Nikolay I; Minina, Varvara I; Sivanesan, Saravana Devi; Naoghare, Pravin; da Silva, Juliana; Barcelos, Gustavo R M; Prosekov, Alexander Y


    Anthracosilicosis (AS), a prevalent form of pneumoconiosis among coal miners, results from the accumulation of carbon and silica in the lungs from inhaled coal dust. This study investigated genotoxic effects and certain cytokine genes polymorphic variants in Russian coal miners with АS. Peripheral leukocytes were sampled from 129 patients with AS confirmed by X-ray and tissue biopsy and from 164 asymptomatic coal miners. Four single-nucleotide polymorphisms were genotyped in the extracted DNA samples: IL1β T-511C (rs16944), IL6 C-174G (rs1800795), IL12b A1188C (rs3212227) and VEGFA C634G (rs2010963). Genotoxic effects were assessed by the analysis of chromosome aberrations in cultured peripheral lymphocytes. The mean frequency of chromatid-type aberrations and chromosome-type aberrations, namely, chromatid-type breaks and dicentric chromosomes, was found to be higher in AS patients [3.70 (95% confidence interval {CI}, 3.29-4.10) and 0.28 (95% CI, 0.17-0.38)] compared to the control group [2.41 (95% CI, 2.00-2.82) and 0.09 (95% CI, 0.03-0.15)], respectively. IL1β gene T/T genotype (rs16944) was associated with AS [17.83% in AS patients against 4.35% in healthy donors, odds ratio = 4.77 (1.88-12.15), P < 0.01]. A significant increase in the level of certain chromosome interchanges among AS donors is of interest because such effects are typical for radiation damage and caused by acute oxidative stress. IL1β T allele probably may be considered as an AS susceptibility factor among coal miners.

  18. Posttraumatic stress disorder: prevalences, comorbidities and quality of life in a community sample of young adults


    Medeiros, Letícia Galery; Silva, Ricardo Azevedo da; Souza, Luciano Dias de Mattos; Silva, Giovanna Del Grande da; Pinheiro, Ricardo Tavares; Jansen, Karen


    Objectives To verify the prevalence of current posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in young adults, the occurrence of comorbidities and its association with quality of life. Methods This is a cross-sectional population-based study. The targeted population consisted on individuals aged 18 to 24 years old, who lived in the urban area of Pelotas-RS, Brazil. Cluster sampling was applied. PTSD and its comorbidities were assessed using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI 5.0), ...

  19. Socioeconomic inequalities in the access to and quality of health care services


    Nunes, Bruno Pereira; Thumé, Elaine; Tomasi, Elaine; Duro, Suele Manjourany Silva; Facchini, Luiz Augusto


    OBJECTIVE To assess the inequalities in access, utilization, and quality of health care services according to the socioeconomic status. METHODS This population-based cross-sectional study evaluated 2,927 individuals aged ≥ 20 years living in Pelotas, RS, Southern Brazil, in 2012. The associations between socioeconomic indicators and the following outcomes were evaluated: lack of access to health services, utilization of services, waiting period (in days) for assistance, and waiting time (in...

  20. Valores referenciales de plombemia en el área de Buenos Aires.: Población adulta sana no expuesta laboralmente


    Clara Magdalena, López; Adriana Emilce, Piñeiro; Valeria, Pongelli; Villaamil Lepori, Edda Cristina; Roses, Otmaro Enrique


    Los niveles de plomo en sangre fueron determinados en una población adulta sana y no expuesta laboralmente al metal, habitantes de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y del Gran Buenos Aires. Las muestras de sangre venosa provenientes de sujetos de ambos sexos (n = 278) fueron procesadas por absorción atómica-atomización electrotérmica a 283,3 nm. Los valores de plombemia obtenidos para la población total fueron de 2,27 a 17,35 µg/dL. La población femenina estudiada (n = 123) tuvo valores comp...

  1. Multirate Filter Bank Representations of RS and BCH Codes

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    Van Meerbergen Geert


    Full Text Available Abstract This paper addresses the use of multirate filter banks in the context of error-correction coding. An in-depth study of these filter banks is presented, motivated by earlier results and applications based on the filter bank representation of Reed-Solomon (RS codes, such as Soft-In Soft-Out RS-decoding or RS-OFDM. The specific structure of the filter banks (critical subsampling is an important aspect in these applications. The goal of the paper is twofold. First, the filter bank representation of RS codes is now explained based on polynomial descriptions. This approach allows us to gain new insight in the correspondence between RS codes and filter banks. More specifically, it allows us to show that the inherent periodically time-varying character of a critically subsampled filter bank matches remarkably well with the cyclic properties of RS codes. Secondly, an extension of these techniques toward the more general class of BCH codes is presented. It is demonstrated that a BCH code can be decomposed into a sum of critically subsampled filter banks.

  2. Multirate Filter Bank Representations of RS and BCH Codes

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    Marc Moonen


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the use of multirate filter banks in the context of error-correction coding. An in-depth study of these filter banks is presented, motivated by earlier results and applications based on the filter bank representation of Reed-Solomon (RS codes, such as Soft-In Soft-Out RS-decoding or RS-OFDM. The specific structure of the filter banks (critical subsampling is an important aspect in these applications. The goal of the paper is twofold. First, the filter bank representation of RS codes is now explained based on polynomial descriptions. This approach allows us to gain new insight in the correspondence between RS codes and filter banks. More specifically, it allows us to show that the inherent periodically time-varying character of a critically subsampled filter bank matches remarkably well with the cyclic properties of RS codes. Secondly, an extension of these techniques toward the more general class of BCH codes is presented. It is demonstrated that a BCH code can be decomposed into a sum of critically subsampled filter banks.

  3. A Combination of CD28 (rs1980422 and IRF5 (rs10488631 Polymorphisms Is Associated with Seropositivity in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Control Study.

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    Lucia Vernerova

    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to analyse genetic architecture of RA by utilizing multiparametric statistical methods such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA and redundancy analysis (RDA.A total of 1393 volunteers, 499 patients with RA and 894 healthy controls were included in the study. The presence of shared epitope (SE in HLA-DRB1 and 11 SNPs (PTPN22 C/T (rs2476601, STAT4 G/T (rs7574865, CTLA4 A/G (rs3087243, TRAF1/C5 A/G (rs3761847, IRF5 T/C (rs10488631, TNFAIP3 C/T (rs5029937, AFF3 A/T (rs11676922, PADI4 C/T (rs2240340, CD28 T/C (rs1980422, CSK G/A (rs34933034 and FCGR3A A/C (rs396991, rheumatoid factor (RF, anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA and clinical status was analysed using the LDA and RDA.HLA-DRB1, PTPN22, STAT4, IRF5 and PADI4 significantly discriminated between RA patients and healthy controls in LDA. The correlation between RA diagnosis and the explanatory variables in the model was 0.328 (Trace = 0.107; F = 13.715; P = 0.0002. The risk variants of IRF5 and CD28 genes were found to be common determinants for seropositivity in RDA, while positivity of RF alone was associated with the CTLA4 risk variant in heterozygous form. The correlation between serologic status and genetic determinants on the 1st ordinal axis was 0.468, and 0.145 on the 2nd one (Trace = 0.179; F = 6.135; P = 0.001. The risk alleles in AFF3 gene together with the presence of ACPA were associated with higher clinical severity of RA.The association among multiple risk variants related to T cell receptor signalling with seropositivity may play an important role in distinct clinical phenotypes of RA. Our study demonstrates that multiparametric analyses represent a powerful tool for investigation of mutual relationships of potential risk factors in complex diseases such as RA.

  4. A Combination of CD28 (rs1980422) and IRF5 (rs10488631) Polymorphisms Is Associated with Seropositivity in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Control Study. (United States)

    Vernerova, Lucia; Spoutil, Frantisek; Vlcek, Miroslav; Krskova, Katarina; Penesova, Adela; Meskova, Milada; Marko, Andrea; Raslova, Katarina; Vohnout, Branislav; Rovensky, Jozef; Killinger, Zdenko; Jochmanova, Ivana; Lazurova, Ivica; Steiner, Guenter; Smolen, Josef; Imrich, Richard


    The aim of the study was to analyse genetic architecture of RA by utilizing multiparametric statistical methods such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and redundancy analysis (RDA). A total of 1393 volunteers, 499 patients with RA and 894 healthy controls were included in the study. The presence of shared epitope (SE) in HLA-DRB1 and 11 SNPs (PTPN22 C/T (rs2476601), STAT4 G/T (rs7574865), CTLA4 A/G (rs3087243), TRAF1/C5 A/G (rs3761847), IRF5 T/C (rs10488631), TNFAIP3 C/T (rs5029937), AFF3 A/T (rs11676922), PADI4 C/T (rs2240340), CD28 T/C (rs1980422), CSK G/A (rs34933034) and FCGR3A A/C (rs396991), rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) and clinical status was analysed using the LDA and RDA. HLA-DRB1, PTPN22, STAT4, IRF5 and PADI4 significantly discriminated between RA patients and healthy controls in LDA. The correlation between RA diagnosis and the explanatory variables in the model was 0.328 (Trace = 0.107; F = 13.715; P = 0.0002). The risk variants of IRF5 and CD28 genes were found to be common determinants for seropositivity in RDA, while positivity of RF alone was associated with the CTLA4 risk variant in heterozygous form. The correlation between serologic status and genetic determinants on the 1st ordinal axis was 0.468, and 0.145 on the 2nd one (Trace = 0.179; F = 6.135; P = 0.001). The risk alleles in AFF3 gene together with the presence of ACPA were associated with higher clinical severity of RA. The association among multiple risk variants related to T cell receptor signalling with seropositivity may play an important role in distinct clinical phenotypes of RA. Our study demonstrates that multiparametric analyses represent a powerful tool for investigation of mutual relationships of potential risk factors in complex diseases such as RA.


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    Dilmara Reischak


    Full Text Available Considering the importance of FeLV in the feline clinic, as well as the likely agent spread from a symptomatic or asymptomatic feline bearer, this work has as objective the study of the frequency of FeLV in felines residents in the cities of the Pelotas and Rio Grande, municipalities located in the south area of Brazil. For that, the blood of 120 semi-domiciled animals was collected for the detection of the retrovirus through the Indirect Immunofluorescence technique (IFA. FeLV was detected in 38,3% (46/120 of the studied animals, representing a larger frequency considering other studies accomplished in other areas of Brazil, what confirms the importance of FeLV in the studied region.

    KEY WORDS: FeLV, felines, immunofluorescence, retrovirus.

    Considerando a importância do VLFe na clínica felina, assim como a possível disseminação do agente a partir de um felino portador sintomático ou assintomático, o estudo tem como objetivo verificar a frequência de viremia pelo VLFe em felinos residentes em Pelotas e Rio Grande, municípios situados na região sul do Brasil. Para isso foi coletado sangue de 120 animais semidomiciliados para a detecção do retrovírus através da técnica de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI. Detectou-se a viremia em 38,3% (46/120 dos animais estudados, representando uma frequência maior em relação a outros estudos realizados no Brasil, o que confirma a importância deste agente na região estudada.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Felinos, imunofluorescência, retrovírus, VLFe.

  6. La vagina dentada: una interpretación de la Estela 25 de Izapa y las guacamayas del juego de pelota de Copán


    Chinchilla Mazariegos, Oswaldo


    Las aves representadas en la Estela 25 de Izapa y el juego de pelota de Copán forman el punto de partida para un examen del tema mitológico de la vagina dentada en Mesoamérica, y sus expresiones en el arte y la narrativa. Un amplio conjunto de narraciones mitológicas recopiladas en México y Guatemala sirve como base para un examen de la historia de Siete Guacamayo en el Popol Vuh, la cual se interpreta como una variante de un mito ampliamente difundido, relacionado con el origen del Sol y la ...

  7. Association between rs3087243 and rs231775 polymorphism within the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 gene and Graves' disease: a case/control study combined with meta-analyses (United States)

    Dai, Yu; Zeng, Tianshu; Xiao, Fei; Chen, Lulu; Kong, Wen


    We conducted a case/control study to assess the impact of SNP rs3087243 and rs231775 within the CTLA4 gene, on the susceptibility to Graves' disease (GD) in a Chinese Han dataset (271 cases and 298 controls). The frequency of G allele for rs3087243 and rs231775 was observed to be significantly higher in subjects with GD than in control subjects (p = 0.005 and p = 0.000, respectively). After logistic regression analysis, a significant association was detected between SNP rs3087243 and GD in the additive and recessive models. Similarly, association for the SNP rs231775 could also be detected in the additive model, dominant model and recessive model. A meta-analysis, including 27 published datasets along with the current dataset, was performed to further confirm the association. Consistent with our case/control results, rs3087243 and rs231775 showed a significant association with GD in all genetic models. Of note, ethnic stratification revealed that these two SNPs were associated with susceptibility to GD in populations of both Asian and European descent. In conclusion, our data support that the rs3087243 and rs231775 polymorphisms within the CTLA4 gene confer genetic susceptibility to GD. PMID:29299173

  8. Análisis de necesidades e intereses recreativos de las personas adultas mayores del albergue San José Obrero, del cantón de Siquirres: propuesta recreativa

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    Grettel Romero Morales


    Full Text Available Este artículo comprende el análisis de las necesidades y los intereses recreativos de las personas adultas mayores del "Albergue San José Obrero" del cantón de Siquirres, y una propuesta recreativa que se ajusta a sus requerimientos. El enfoque utilizado en esta investigación fue cualitativo de investigaciónacción y se utilizó la entrevista cualitativa, la discusión de grupo focal, la lista de cotejo y el diario de campo como instrumentos de medición. La información acerca de las necesidades e intereses recreativos se obtuvo por medio de un diagnóstico institucional, la información de la condición general de las personas adultas mayores y las opiniones de las personas adultas mayores acerca de sus experiencias y preferencias recreativas. La información obtenida se analizó mediante las técnicas de resumen y de sistematización. El estudio mostró la necesidad en esta población de mantener su condición física y cognoscitiva, su vinculación con la sociedad, el sentido de pertenencia al grupo y el sentido de utilidad y autosuficiencia; además del interés por participar en manualidades, paseos, actividades de aprendizaje, actividad física, siembra, pesca, cuentos, bingo y actividades culinarias. Con las conclusiones derivadas del diagnóstico se elaboró una propuesta recreativa que comprende la descripción detallada de 12 actividades recreativas para ser implementadas en la población investigada. Las actividades recreativas propuestas comprenden inducción a la recreación, actividades culinarias, manualidades, juegos de mesa, paseo, siembra, actividades físicas e intelectuales.

  9. Polymorphisms rs12998 and rs5780218 in KiSS1 Suppressor Metastasis Gene in Mexican Patients with Breast Cancer

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    Edhit Guadalupe Cruz Quevedo


    Full Text Available Aims. KiSS1 is a metastasis suppressor gene associated with inhibition of cellular chemotaxis and invasion attenuating the metastasis in melanoma and breast cancer cell lines. Along the KiSS-1 gene at least 294 SNPs have been described; however the association of these polymorphisms as genetic markers for metastasis in breast cancer studies has not been investigated. Here we describe two simple PCR-RFLPs protocols to identify the rs5780218 (9DelT and the rs12998 (E20K KiSS1 polymorphisms and the allelic, genotypic, and haplotypic frequencies in Mexican general population (GP and patients with benign breast disease (BBD or breast cancer (BC. Results. The rs5780218 polymorphism was individually associated with breast cancer (P=0.0332 and the rs12998 polymorphism shows statistically significant differences when GP versus case (BC and BBD groups were compared (P<0.0001. The H1 Haplotype (G/- occurred more frequently in BC group (0.4256 whereas H2 haplotype (G/T was the most prevalent in BBD group (0.4674. Conclusions. Our data indicated that the rs5780218 polymorphism individually confers susceptibility for development of breast cancer in Mexican population and a possible role as a genetic marker in breast cancer metastasis for H1 haplotype (Wt/variant in KiSS1 gene must be analyzed in other populations.

  10. Relationships between FTO rs9939609, MC4R rs17782313, and PPARγ rs1801282 polymorphisms and the occurrence of selected metabolic and hormonal disorders in middle-aged and elderly men – a preliminary study

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    Rotter I


    Full Text Available Iwona Rotter,1 Karolina Skonieczna-Żydecka,2 Danuta Kosik-Bogacka,3 Grażyna Adler,2 Aleksandra Rył,4 Maria Laszczyńska4 1Department of Medical Rehabilitation, 2Department of Gerontobiology, 3Department of Biology and Medical Parasitology, 4Department of Histology and Developmental Biology, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland Purpose: Metabolic disorders, including MetS, obesity, and lipid disorders, may be related to genetic factors. Metabolic disorders are associated with decreased TS levels in aging men. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between FTO rs9939609, MC4R rs17782313, and PPARɣ rs1801282 polymorphisms and the presence of MetS and its components, the concurrent lipid disorders, as well as sex hormone concentrations. Subjects and methods: This study involved 272 men of Caucasian descent aged 50–75 years. Lipid profile, including TCh, LDL, HDL, and TG, was evaluated by spectrophotometric method. Anthropometric measurements concerned WC and blood pressure. MetS was diagnosed according to the criteria of the IDF. Sex hormone profile, including TST, FTS, E2, DHEAS, and SHBG, was examined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Polymorphisms within FTO, MC4R, and PPARɣ genes were identified using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragments length polymorphism. Results: This study did not show links between the analyzed genetic polymorphisms and the presence of MetS, T2DM, HT, and obesity. However, higher concentrations of TCh and LDL were found in men with the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism in the recessive mode of inheritance (P=0.03 and P=0.05, respectively. Lower WC was found to be associated with MC4R rs17782313 gene inherited in the same model (P=0.005. Conclusion: FTO rs9939609, MC4R rs17782313, and PPARɣ rs1801282 polymorphisms seem to have little effect on the incidence of metabolic malfunctions and no effect on androgen-related disorders in the examined middle-aged and elderly men

  11. Perfil lipídico de mulheres adultas e sua relação com adiposidade central

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    Paulo Augusto Ribeiro Neves


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar o perfil lipídico de mulheres adultas e avaliar a sua relação com os índices antropométricos relacionados à adiposidade central. Métodos: Estudo transversal, conduzido em uma clínica-escola de nutrição de uma universidade pública de Minas Gerais, com 47 mulheres adultas em lista de espera para atendimento. Avaliaram-se as concentrações de colesterol total (CT, lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL, lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL, lipoproteína de muito baixa densidade (VLDL, triglicerídeos (TG, peso, estatura, circunferência da cintura (CC e circunferência do quadril (CQ. Calculou-se o índice de massa corporal (IMC e a relação cintura-quadril (RCQ. A análise da associação entre concentrações séricas de lipídeos e variáveis de adiposidade ocorreu através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Resultados: Do total de voluntárias, 22 (51,2% apresentaram níveis de CT acima dos valores limítrofes e 18 (41,9% apresentaram LDL elevada. A proporção de indivíduos com VLDL e TG elevados foi relativamente inferior (n=4; 9,3% e n=10; 23,3%, respectivamente. A CC e a RCQ se correlacionaram positivamente com os níveis de VLDL e TG (p<0,05. Nas voluntárias com IMC ≥ 25 kg/m², a prevalência de dislipidemias foi de 39,5% (n=17 e a CC se correlacionou positivamente com os níveis de CT (p = 0,04. Conclusão: Os resultados apontaram relação entre os lipídeos séricos e as medidas de adiposidade central, com frequências importantes de dislipidemias nas mulheres investigadas, especialmente níveis elevados de CT e LDL.

  12. Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Symptoms among teachers and their ergonomic conditions

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    Jerônimo Costa Branco


    Full Text Available Objective: To verify the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms and evaluate ergonomic conditions among teachers. Methods: A quantitative, observational and cross-sectional study held in the city of Pelotas-RS, Brazil, in the period of November to December 2009. The sample was composed by 320 teachers in 6 schools. Research was accomplished by means of a socialdemographic questionnaire, a check-list for ergonomic evaluation, and the Nordic questionnaire, applied in order to evaluate the ostheomuscular symptoms. Results:287 (89,7% teachers referred some symptom in the last 12 months. The most affected areas were: shoulders 177 (61,6%, thoracic column 173 (60,2% and cervical spine 163 (56,7%. Ergonomic condition of the workplace was considered unsatisfactory by the teachers. Conclusion: Ostheomuscular symptoms were found in high prevalence among teachersin Pelotas, whose ergonomic conditions are considered inappropriate, standing out the vertebral column as the most affected body part.

  13. Efecto de una subalimentación prolongada sobre el peso, la condición y la composición corporal de cabras adultas

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    Manuel Gómez Pastén


    Full Text Available Para determinar la respuesta de cabras adultas a una restricción alimenticia prolongada y el efecto en su peso, condición y composición corporal, se llevó a cabo un experimento usando 21 cabras hembras encastadas de Nubia, adultas, vacías y secas. Se registró durante nueve semanas el peso, condición corporal y consumo diario. Después se dividieron completamente al azar en tres grupos, para recibir durante 36 semanas los siguientes niveles de alimentación (NA, 100, 80 y 60, como porcentaje del consumo observado previamente. Se analizó químicamente el tejido disectable, corazón, riñón e intestinos. El peso y la condición corporal disminuyeron con la restricción alimenticia y se aumentó la proporción de hueso, se redujo la de tejido disectable (media canal derecha, grasa disectable (TA, grasa peri-renal e hígado, contenido total de materia seca de corazón, riñón y líquido ruminal, proteína del riñón y extracto etéreo del corazón y tejido disectable de la canal, concentración de ADN del corazón, hígado y TA visceral y relación ARN,DN y proteína,ADN del hígado. En cuanto a la composición del TA visceral, el único ácido graso afectado fue C16,1, teniendo los animales con nivel de NA60 mayor proporción, pero en el TA subcutáneo, la restricción aumentó la proporción del C16,1, C18,1 y de ácidos grasos insaturados y redujo la proporción de los ácidos grasos saturados. Los resultados muestran la capacidad de adaptación de las cabras adultas a una malnutrición a largo plazo, mediante la utilización de combustibles metabólicos provenientes de tejido adiposo, músculo esquelético, hígado, corazón y riñón.

  14. STAT4 rs7574865 G/T and PTPN22 rs2488457 G/C polymorphisms influence the risk of developing juvenile idiopathic arthritis in Han Chinese patients. (United States)

    Fan, Zhi-Dan; Wang, Fei-Fei; Huang, Hui; Huang, Na; Ma, Hui-Hui; Guo, Yi-Hong; Zhang, Ya-Yuan; Qian, Xiao-Qing; Yu, Hai-Guo


    Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a common autoimmune disease characterized by environmental influences along with several predisposing genes in the pathogenesis. The protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor 22 (PTPN22) and signal transducer and activator of transcription factor 4 (STAT4) have been recognized as susceptibility genes for numerous autoimmune diseases. Associations of STAT4 rs7574865 G/T and PTPN22 (rs2488457 G/C and rs2476601 C/T) polymorphisms with JIA have repeatedly been replicated in several Caucasian populations. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of three polymorphisms mentioned above on the risk of developing JIA in Han Chinese patients. Genotyping was performed on a total of 137 Chinese patients with JIA (JIA group) and 150 sex and age frequency-matched healthy volunteers (Control group). The single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were determined by using direct sequencing of PCR-amplified products. There were significant differences of PTPN22 rs2488457 G/C and STAT4 rs7574865 G/T polymorphisms between both groups. However, no significant difference was observed in distribution frequencies of PTPN22 rs2476601 polymorphism. The association with the PTPN22 rs2488457 G/C polymorphism remained significant in the stratifications by age at onset, ANA status, splenomegaly, lymphadenectasis and involvement joints. As with the STAT4 rs7574865 G/T polymorphisms, the enthesitis-related arthritis and presence of hepatomegaly had strong effect on the association. Our data strengthen STAT4 rs7574865 G/T and PTPN22 rs2488457 G/C polymorphisms as susceptibility factors for JIA.

  15. STAT4 rs7574865 G/T and PTPN22 rs2488457 G/C polymorphisms influence the risk of developing juvenile idiopathic arthritis in Han Chinese patients.

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    Zhi-Dan Fan

    Full Text Available Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA is a common autoimmune disease characterized by environmental influences along with several predisposing genes in the pathogenesis. The protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor 22 (PTPN22 and signal transducer and activator of transcription factor 4 (STAT4 have been recognized as susceptibility genes for numerous autoimmune diseases. Associations of STAT4 rs7574865 G/T and PTPN22 (rs2488457 G/C and rs2476601 C/T polymorphisms with JIA have repeatedly been replicated in several Caucasian populations. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of three polymorphisms mentioned above on the risk of developing JIA in Han Chinese patients. Genotyping was performed on a total of 137 Chinese patients with JIA (JIA group and 150 sex and age frequency-matched healthy volunteers (Control group. The single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP were determined by using direct sequencing of PCR-amplified products. There were significant differences of PTPN22 rs2488457 G/C and STAT4 rs7574865 G/T polymorphisms between both groups. However, no significant difference was observed in distribution frequencies of PTPN22 rs2476601 polymorphism. The association with the PTPN22 rs2488457 G/C polymorphism remained significant in the stratifications by age at onset, ANA status, splenomegaly, lymphadenectasis and involvement joints. As with the STAT4 rs7574865 G/T polymorphisms, the enthesitis-related arthritis and presence of hepatomegaly had strong effect on the association. Our data strengthen STAT4 rs7574865 G/T and PTPN22 rs2488457 G/C polymorphisms as susceptibility factors for JIA.

  16. mir-126 rs4636297 and TGFβRI rs334348 functional gene variants are associated with susceptibility to endometriosis and its severity. (United States)

    Sepahi, Neda; Kohan, Leila; Jahromi, Athar Rasekh; Daneshbod, Yahya; Hoveidi, Elahe Nimi


    microRNAs (miRNAs) are negative regulators in a variety of cellular processes that occur in endometriosis. Therefore, functional polymorphisms in miRNA and miRNA binding sites may affect gene expression and contribute to susceptibility of endometriosis. In this study, we evaluated the association of two miRNA related polymorphisms, mir-126 rs4636297 and TGFβRI rs334348, with endometriosis risk and its severity. This case-control study was done on 157 endometriosis patients and 252 healthy women as a control group. Tetra amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction (tetra-ARMS PCR) was designed to determine the polymorphisms. Our finding showed significant differences in genotype frequency of mir-126 rs4636297 between the groups (χ 2  = 6.26, p = 0.044). A significant protection against endometriosis was found for mir-126 rs4636297 in allele (G versus A allele: OR = 0.695, 95% CI = 0.519-0.931, p = 0.015) and genotype (GG versus AA genotype: OR = 0.451, 95%CI = 0.233-0.873, p = 0.018). Significant association was also observed between the A allele and severity of endometriosis (OR = 0.478, 95%CI = 0.297-0.768, p = 0.002). Moreover, we found a significant association between AA genotype with the risk of endometriosis (OR = 0.493, 95%CI = 0.250-0.970, p = 0.041) and its severity (OR = 0.240, 95%CI = 0.065-0.883, p = 0.032) regarding TGFβRI rs334348 polymorphism. These finding suggest that, for the first time, mir-126 rs4636297 and TGFβRI rs334348 polymorphisms may influence individual's susceptibility to endometriosis and its severity.


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    Manoela Nogueira Soares


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem o objetivo de conhecer a percepção dos integrantes dos Programas Ambientais, desenvolvidos pela Gestão Ambiental, durante as obras de duplicação da BR-116/RS entre os municípios de Guaíba e Pelotas, somando 211 quilômetros de extensão. A referência para a realização das atividades do Programa de Comunicação está baseada no planejamento estratégico do mesmo, desenvolvido a partir das especificações do Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA, que define as áreas de influência direta e indireta do empreendimento e os objetivos das atividades com as comunidades lindeiras às obras e usuários da rodovia. Neste trabalho são utilizados referenciais teóricos que embasam as ações de comunicação desenvolvidas, destacando a relação entre a comunicação e os demais Programas Ambientais previstos para serem executados durante as obras de duplicação da rodovia. A pesquisa bibliográfica e documental se embasa, principalmente, nos pressupostos de Bordenave (1997. A pesquisa de campo é de natureza exploratória, quantitativa e por acessibilidade do pesquisador.

  18. Acidentes de trabalho autorreferidos pela população adulta brasileira, segundo dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, 2013

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    Deborah Carvalho Malta

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o perfil da ocorrência dos acidentes de trabalho na população adulta brasileira. Estudo descritivo com dados sobre acidentes de trabalho coletados em 2013 pela Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde. Os acidentes de trabalho ocorreram em 3,4% (IC95% 4,6-5,6 da população adulta brasileira, ou 4,9 milhões de acidentes foram referidos, sendo mais frequentes entre os homens, jovens, de 18 a 39 anos, de cor preta, na região Norte do país. O Pará foi o Estado de maior ocorrência, e o Rio de Janeiro, o menor. Cerca de um terço dos acidentes foram devidos a deslocamento para o trabalho (acidentes de trajeto. Dentre os acidentados pelo trabalho, 50,4% (IC95% 45,3-55,5 deixaram de realizar suas atividades habituais, 8,8% (IC95% 6,4-11,2 foram internados e 19% (IC95% 15,3-22,7 relataram sequelas decorrentes dos acidentes do trabalho. As ocorrências de acidente de trabalhos relatadas na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde constituem uma fonte inédita no país, possibilitando informação inestimável sobre o cenário do trabalho no Brasil. A Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde identificou que os acidentes de trabalho são subnotificados, já que as informações oficiais cobrem apenas os trabalhadores com vínculo formal de trabalho.

  19. Calidad de vida y condiciones de salud de la población adulta mayor de Medellín.

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    Doris Cardona


    Full Text Available Introducción. El proceso de envejecimiento presenta limitaciones funcionales, pérdida de autonomía y de independencia, de adaptabilidad y disfuncionalidad motriz, las cuales plantean retos y preocupaciones de vital importancia tanto para quienes las viven como para los organismos gubernamentales y que llevan a preguntarse cuáles son las condiciones de vida y de salud de la población adulta mayor. Objetivo. Caracterizar algunos componentes de la calidad de vida: económicos, familiares, socio-demográficos, de seguridad social y de condiciones de salud de la población adulta mayor (de 65 años o más en la ciudad de Medellín. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con base en la información proveniente de la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida realizada en la ciudad en los años 1997 y 2001; los certificados de defunción de 1990 a 1999; los registros de egresos hospitalarios de 1990 a 1997, y una encuesta telefónica en el año 2002 a 637 adultos mayores seleccionados sistemáticamente. Resultados. Se observó un incremento de 168% en este grupo poblacional desde 1964 a 2001, evidenciando la etapa de transición demográfica plena que vive la ciudad. También se observó una pérdida de poder adquisitivo de 65% entre 1997 y 2001, así como la situación de aislamiento en que viven los ancianos, lo que marca la pérdida de independencia y autoestima. Conclusión. Los componentes de independencia, seguridad socioeconómica y redes de apoyo social constituyen el 97% de la calidad de vida del adulto mayor de la ciudad.

  20. Olhando futebol: jeitos Xavantes de torcer Mirando el fútbol: modos Xavantes de apoyo Looking football: Xavante's ways of support

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    Luciano Jahnecka


    Full Text Available Diferente dos estudos que tratam das torcidas dos clubes das grandes cidades, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo central descrever e analisar os torcedores do Grêmio Esportivo Brasil (Pelotas, RS, Brasil. Inspirado na perspectiva da etnografia contemporânea, que contou com um trabalho de campo realizado nos anos de 2007 e 2008 que envolveu observações, entrevistas e registros fotográficos, realizou-se uma descrição cuidadosa, acompanhada de uma análise das práticas torcedoras que ocorrem antes, durante e após os jogos. Concluímos que a torcida do Grêmio Esportivo Brasil contempla uma diversidade de grupos de torcedores que se relacionam com o futebol e com o clube de distintas maneiras, produzindo diferentes jeitos Xavantes de torcer.Diferente de los estudios que se ocupan de los aficionados de los clubes en las grandes ciudades, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo describir y analizar la hinchada de Grêmio Esportivo Brasil (Pelotas, RS, Brasil. Inspirados en la perspectiva de la etnografía contemporánea a través del trabajo de campo realizado en los años 2007 y 2008 con observaciones participantes, entrevistas y registros fotográficos, hicimos una minuciosa descripción y análisis de las practicas de los aficionados antes, durante y después de los juegos. Se concluye que la hinchada de Grêmio Esportivo Brasil ofrece una variedad de modos en se relacionar al fútbol y con el club, produciendo diferentes maneras de apoyar Xavante.Different from studies about fans from clubs located in big cities, this research aimed to describe and to analize the fans of Grêmio Esportivo Brasil (Pelotas, RS, Brazil. Inspired by the perspective of contemporary ethnography, through a fieldwork conducted in the years of 2007 and 2008 which involved observations, interviews and photographic records, we made a careful description and analysis of fans practices before, during and after the games. We concluded that the crowd of Grêmio Esportivo

  1. Perspectivas de la niñez adulta: El cómic como espacio de denuncia desde la marginalidad de sus personajes


    Ana Merino


    Este artículo analiza la representación de la niñez en varios cómics iberoamericanos: Mafalda de Quino, Paracuellos de Carlos Jiménez y Socorro de Miguel Rep. En ellos se articula la infancia desde una perspectiva adulta y crítica con la sociedad mostrando una dimensión comprometida que interpela al lector. This article analyzes the representation of childhood in several Latin American comics: Mafalda by Quino, Paracuellos by Carlos Jiménez, and Socorro by Miguel Rep. In these comics, infancy...

  2. Perspectivas de la niñez adulta: el cómic como espacio de denuncia desde la marginalidad de sus personajes


    Merino, Ana


    Este artículo analiza la representación de la niñez en varios cómics iberoamericanos: mafalda de quino, paracuellos de carlos jiménez y socorro de miguel rep. En ellos se articula la infancia desde una perspectiva adulta y crítica con la sociedad mostrand This article analyzes the representation of childhood in several latin american comics: mafalda by quino, paracuellos by carlos jiménez, and socorro by miguel rep. In these comics, infancy is articulated from an adult angle critical with ...

  3. Association of ADORA1 rs2228079 and ADORA2A rs5751876 Polymorphisms with Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in the Polish Population.

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    Piotr Janik

    Full Text Available Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by motor and vocal tics. Hyperactivity of dopaminergic transmission is considered a prime abnormality in the pathophysiology of tics. There are reciprocal antagonistic interactions between adenosine and dopamine transmission. The aim of the study was to analyze the association of two polymorphisms, rs2228079 in ADORA1 and rs5751876 in ADORA2A, with the risk of GTS and co-morbid disorders.A total of 162 Polish GTS patients and 270 healthy persons were enrolled in the study. Two polymorphisms were selected on the basis of knowledge of SNPs frequencies in ADORA1 and ADORA2A. Chi-square test was used for allelic and genotypic association studies. Association of genotypes with age of tic onset was analyzed with Mann-Whitney test. Multivariate logistic regression was used to find independent predictors of GTS risk.We found that the risk of GTS was associated with rs2228079 and rs5751876 polymorphisms. The GG+GT genotypes of rs2228079 in ADORA1 were underrepresented in GTS patients (p = 0.011, whereas T allele of rs5751876 in ADORA2A was overrepresented (p = 0.017. The GG genotype of rs2228079 was associated with earlier age of tic onset (p = 0.046. We found also that the minor allele G of rs2228079 was more frequent in GTS patients with depression as compared to the patients without depression (p = 0.015. Also the genotype GG was significantly more frequent in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder/behavior (OCD/OCB, p = 0.021 and depression (p = 0.032, as compared to the patients without these co-morbidities. The minor allele T frequency of rs5751876 was lower in GTS patients with co-morbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (p = 0.022, and TT+TC genotypes were less frequent in the non-OCD anxiety disorder group (p = 0.045.ADORA1 and ADORA2A variants are associated with the risk of GTS, co-morbid disorders, and may affect the age of tic onset.

  4. Prevalencia del consumo de medicamentos en la población adulta de Cataluña

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    Sans S.


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir la prevalencia de la utilización de medicamentos según factores sociodemográficos y estado de salud autopercibido en la población adulta. Métodos: Examen de salud transversal del estudio CRONICAT/MONICA-Cataluña realizado en 1994-1996 en una muestra aleatoria de la población general de 25 a 64 años. Se interrogó a 3.421 participantes (tasa de respuesta del 72% con cuestionario abierto sobre los medicamentos consumidos durante las dos semanas previas y otros hábitos de salud. Los medicamentos se codificaron posteriormente según la clasificación ATC (versión 1993. Resultados: Mayor proporción de mujeres (38% que de varones (26% autopercibió peor estado de salud (p < 0,001. El consumo total de medicamentos ajustado por edad fue: varones, del 57% (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 55-59, y en mujeres, del 76% (IC del 95%, 74-78. Excluyendo los anticonceptivos, el consumo regular fue: varones, del 35% (IC del 95%, 33-37, y en mujeres, del 48% (IC del 95%, 46-51. Tomaron más de un medicamento el 29% de los varones y el 48% de las mujeres (p < 0,001. Ni el nivel educativo ni el estado civil influyeron en la toma de medicamentos. Mayor proporción de jubilados o pensionistas consumieron medicamentos (68%; IC del 95%, 62-74 que los trabajadores activos (54%; IC del 95%, 52-57 sólo en los varones. Los medicamentos más consumidos fueron para el sistema nervioso (35% en varones; 51% en mujeres; p < 0,001; digestivo (15% y cardiovascular (9% en varones; 13% en mujeres; p < 0,001. La mayoría de la medicación consumida fue prescrita por el especialista (40% y una cuarta parte fue autoprescrita. Conclusiones: La prevalencia del consumo total de medicamentos en la población adulta de Cataluña es alta, especialmente entre las mujeres, quienes autoperciben peor salud. Las políticas de racionalización del gasto farmacéutico deberían considerar el patrón epidemiológico.

  5. The optimal algorithm for Multi-source RS image fusion. (United States)

    Fu, Wei; Huang, Shui-Guang; Li, Zeng-Shun; Shen, Hao; Li, Jun-Shuai; Wang, Peng-Yuan


    In order to solve the issue which the fusion rules cannot be self-adaptively adjusted by using available fusion methods according to the subsequent processing requirements of Remote Sensing (RS) image, this paper puts forward GSDA (genetic-iterative self-organizing data analysis algorithm) by integrating the merit of genetic arithmetic together with the advantage of iterative self-organizing data analysis algorithm for multi-source RS image fusion. The proposed algorithm considers the wavelet transform of the translation invariance as the model operator, also regards the contrast pyramid conversion as the observed operator. The algorithm then designs the objective function by taking use of the weighted sum of evaluation indices, and optimizes the objective function by employing GSDA so as to get a higher resolution of RS image. As discussed above, the bullet points of the text are summarized as follows.•The contribution proposes the iterative self-organizing data analysis algorithm for multi-source RS image fusion.•This article presents GSDA algorithm for the self-adaptively adjustment of the fusion rules.•This text comes up with the model operator and the observed operator as the fusion scheme of RS image based on GSDA. The proposed algorithm opens up a novel algorithmic pathway for multi-source RS image fusion by means of GSDA.

  6. Prevalence and risk factors of psychiatric disorders in early adolescence: 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort. (United States)

    La Maison, Carolina; Munhoz, Tiago N; Santos, Iná S; Anselmi, Luciana; Barros, Fernando C; Matijasevich, Alicia


    The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in early adolescence, to examine the distribution of psychiatric disorders by maternal and child characteristics and to evaluate the occurrence of psychiatric comorbidities. This was a prospective cohort study of all live births in the city of Pelotas, Brazil, in 2004 (n = 4231). A total of 3562 subjects were evaluated at 11 years of age. Psychiatric disorders were assessed using the Development and Well-Being Assessment. Crude and adjusted logistic regression was used to investigate risk factors for any psychiatric disorder. According to DSM-5 criteria, the overall prevalence of psychiatric disorders was 13.2% (n = 471), 15.6% among the boys and 10.7% among the girls. The most common disorders were anxiety disorders (4.3%), any attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (4.0%) and any conduct/oppositional disorder (2.8%). Low maternal education, smoking during pregnancy, the presence of moods symptoms during pregnancy or maternal chronic and severe depressive symptoms in the first years of the adolescent´s life, male gender, 5-min Apgar score mental health care services in this age group.

  7. Associativismo negro em terras sulinas: das irmandades aos clubes para negros em Pelotas (1820-1943

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    Fernanda Oliveira da Silva


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa as associações negras pelotenses que permitiram a constituição de uma identidade negra positiva percebida em relação direta com o contexto relacional vivenciado em âmbito nacional e internacional. Destacamos ainda a busca por um entrelaçamento entre diferentes associações tendo como ponto em comum a identificação racial mediada pela busca por uma posição social diferenciada. Diretamente vinculado ao período do pós-Abolição almejava-se a cidadania em uma sociedade ainda muito preconceituosa racialmente. A delimitação espacial focaliza o estudo na cidade de Pelotas, localizada no extremo sul do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 1820 a 1943. Tem inicio com a criação da primeira irmandade negra em 1820. Dentre as associações destacamos o surgimento dos clubes sociais negros (1917-1931 e suas atividades em conjunto, com ênfase para o surgimento da Frente Negra Pelotense (1933 e a busca por uma identidade racial que fosse comungada por todo o grupo negro local.

  8. Quantitative evaluation of pairs and RS steganalysis (United States)

    Ker, Andrew D.


    We give initial results from a new project which performs statistically accurate evaluation of the reliability of image steganalysis algorithms. The focus here is on the Pairs and RS methods, for detection of simple LSB steganography in grayscale bitmaps, due to Fridrich et al. Using libraries totalling around 30,000 images we have measured the performance of these methods and suggest changes which lead to significant improvements. Particular results from the project presented here include notes on the distribution of the RS statistic, the relative merits of different "masks" used in the RS algorithm, the effect on reliability when previously compressed cover images are used, and the effect of repeating steganalysis on the transposed image. We also discuss improvements to the Pairs algorithm, restricting it to spatially close pairs of pixels, which leads to a substantial performance improvement, even to the extent of surpassing the RS statistic which was previously thought superior for grayscale images. We also describe some of the questions for a general methodology of evaluation of steganalysis, and potential pitfalls caused by the differences between uncompressed, compressed, and resampled cover images.

  9. The origin of the RS CVn binaries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biermann, P.


    Six possible origins for the RS CVn binaries are considered based on the following possibilities. RS CVn binaries might now be either pre-main-sequence or post-main-sequence. A pre-main-sequence binary might not always have been a binary but might have resulted from fission of a rapidly rotating single pre-main-sequence star. The main-sequence counterparts might be either single stars or binaries. To decide which of the six origins is possible, the following observed data for the RS CVn binaries are considered: total mass, total angular momentum, lack of observed connection with regions of star formation, large space density, kinematical age, and the visual companion of WW Dra. In addition lifetimes and space densities of single stars and other types of binaries are considered. The only origin possible is that the RS CVn binaries are in a thermal phase following fission of a main-sequence single star. In this explanation the single star had a rapidly rotating core which became unstable due to the core contraction which made it begin to evolve off the main sequence. The present Be stars might be examples of such parent single stars. (Auth.)

  10. Uso de métodos anticoncepcionais e adequação de contraceptivos hormonais orais na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: 1992 e 1999 Contraceptive methods and adequacy of oral contraceptive use in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 1992-1999

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juvenal Soares Dias-da-Costa


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um estudo transversal de base populacional, com o objetivo de verificar a utilização de métodos contraceptivos e adequação do emprego de anticoncepcionais orais pelas mulheres de 20 a 49 anos, residentes na zona urbana da cidade de Pelotas. Os resultados foram comparados com outro estudo transversal de base populacional, realizado em 1992. Utilizou-se amostragem por conglomerados, incluindo-se 766 mulheres com idade entre 20 e 49 anos. Do total de mulheres, 495 (64,6% utilizavam algum método contraceptivo, sendo mais freqüentemente empregados: anticoncepcionais orais (55,4%, ligadura tubária (22,2%, preservativo (10,5% e dispositivo intra-uterino (7,7%. Entre as usuárias de anticoncepcionais orais, verificou-se que 22,2% apresentavam contra-indicação para seu emprego. O uso incorreto associou-se significativamente à idade, mas foi semelhante entre as classes sociais. Comparando os resultados com aqueles do estudo anterior, destaca-se a redução no emprego de anticoncepcionais orais, e maior freqüência de ligaduras, uso de preservativos e dispositivos intra-uterinos.A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess contraceptive methods and the adequacy of oral contraceptive use by women aged 20 to 49 years in the city of Pelotas. The results were compared with another cross-sectional study performed in 1992. A sample was randomly selected, including 766 women aged 20 to 49 years. Some 495 of the sample (64.6% used a contraceptive method, in the following order: oral contraceptives (55.4%, surgical sterilization (22.2%, condoms (10,5%, and IUD (7.7%. Among users of oral contraceptives, 62 (22.2% had some contraindication. Incorrect use of contraceptive methods was associated with age but not with socioeconomic status. As compared to the previous study, there was a reduction in the use of oral contraceptives. Meanwhile, other methods such as surgical sterilization, condoms, and IUD were used more frequently than in 1992.

  11. Lime and rates and sources of phosphorus as influencing soybean yield and chemical properties of Pelotas soil (alfisol)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machado, M.O.


    The effect of five phosphates as sources of phosphorus for soybean (Bragg cultivar) was evaluated in two rates (100 and 200 Kg/ha of total P 2 O 5 ), on limed and unlimed soil condtions. The experiment was carried out under field conditions, during the soybean growing season of 1973/74, 1974/75, 1975/76 and 1976/77, at UEPAE Pelotas station. The pH and the exchangeable Ca + Mg content from the soil were increased with Gafsa phosphate, but mainly with lime, Thomas slag and Yoorin thermophosphate application. The exchangeable Al content was eliminated by lime application and decreased annually by application of Gafsa phosphate, Thomas slag and Yoorin thermophosphate, when the lime was not applied. Thomas slag and Yoorin thermophosphate were the best phosphates for grain yield and do without lime: however, under limed soil conditions all phosphates had some efficiency, except for the Gafsa phosphate in the first growing season. (Author) [pt

  12. Organogênese in vitro em gemas axilares dianteiras de plantas adultas de híbridos do grupo

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    Gizella Machado Ventura


    Full Text Available Cultivo in vitro de gemas axilares de plantas adultas de híbridos do grupo Cattleya apresenta-se como um promissor método de propagação em grande escala. Objetivou-se lograr um método eficiente para desinfestação, bem como a capacidade organogênica de gemas axilares de dois híbridos do grupo Cattleya. Utilizaram-se como explantes gemas axilares dianteiras (1-3 mm2 extraídas de pseudobulbos de plantas adultas, após desinfestação. Inocularam-se tais explantes em meios de cultivo semi-sólidos, com formulações de Murashige & Skoog modificadas. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos, oito gemas axilares do híbrido Catlleya loddigesii x Laeliocattleya Drumbeat'San Gabriel' e vinte gemas axilares do híbrido Cattleya White Dream. Avaliaram-se a porcentagem de contaminação, o grau de oxidação, o crescimento e desenvolvimento dos explantes. Apenas as gemas do híbrido C. White Dream apresentaram contaminação (20%. Em C. loddigesii x L C. Drumbeat 'San Gabriel' observaramse 87,5% de explantes oxidados e em C. White Dream, 75%, aos 73 dias de cultivo. Após três meses, em meio sólido sem regulador de crescimento, 37,5% de C. loddigesii x LC. Drumbeat 'San Gabriel' e 39,2% de C. White Dream formaram calos, embora apresentando-se oxidados. Entre as gemas do híbrido C. White Dream, 12,5% formaram calos e partes aéreas e outros 12,5%, partes aéreas e raízes. Embora os explantes apresentassem alta porcentagem de oxidação, todos mostraram boa capacidade organogênica, principalmente as gemas axilares do híbrido C. White Dream, potencializando uma via real para sua propagação em escala comercial.


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    Cinthya Campos Salazar


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de un programa combinado de hidroquinesia y acondicionamiento físico y otro de acondicionamiento físico solamente en la movilidad articular en las caderas de un grupo de adultas mayores. Sesenta y tres sujetos (edad promedio = 66.06 años, S.D. ±6.77 fueron asignados a los grupos control, hidroterapia y acondicionamiento físico y solo acondicionamiento físico. La duración del programa fue de una hora por sesión, dos veces a la semana durante 16 semanas. Se aplicó un pretest y un postest de movilidad articular para medir la movilidad global de las caderas (flexión, abducción, aducción, rotación interna y externa. Las variables independientes fueron lado izquierdo y derecho vs. grupos de tratamiento. Los resultados indicaron lo siguiente: el grupo control no varío la movilidad articular en las mediciones de flexión, rotación interna y externa (p>0.05 mientras que para la mediciones de abducción y aducción disminuyó significativamente (p<0.05. En cuanto a los grupos de tratamiento, el grupo que realizó el programa combinado de hidroquinesia y acondicionamiento físico aumentó significativamente (p<0.05 la movilidad articular a nivel de flexión, abducción y aducción, en tanto el grupo que realizó el programa de acondicionamiento físico solamente, mejoró significativamente (p<0.05 en flexión, abducción, aducción, rotación interna como externa. En conclusión se recomienda la práctica de actividad física tanto en el agua como fuera de ella, pues mejora los rangos de movilidad articular en cadera, a nivel global en personas adultas mayores.

  14. Estudo do mirtilo (Vaccinium ashei Reade no processamento de produtos alimentícios Study of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade in the process of food products

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    Jaqueline Oliveira de Moraes


    Full Text Available O mirtilo tem seu consumo favorecido devido a sua cor e ao alto conteúdo de antioxidantes naturais, tais como compostos fenólicos que são principalmente antocianinas. Apesar do fruto já estar sendo cultivado no Brasil, ainda não existem produtos industrializados. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo medir compostos fenólicos, poder antioxidante e caracterizar diferentes cultivares de mirtilo da espécie Vaccinium ashei Reade que foram cedidos pela EMBRAPA - Clima Temperado/Pelotas - RS, assim como, elaborar produtos alimentícios e avaliá-los sob os mesmos parâmetros. Os produtos alimentícios processados foram: néctar e barra de cereais adicionadas de passas de mirtilo.Rabbiteye blueberry is favourable consumption wise due to its color and to the high natural antioxidant substance content such as phenolic compounds that are mainly anthocyanins. The fruit is already cultivated in the Brazil, however it does not exist as an industrialized product. The aim of the present work is to measure phenolic compounds, antioxidant capacity and to characterize different varieties of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade as well as to develop products and evaluate them under the same parameters. The fruit was donated by Embrapa Clima Temperado, Pelotas (RS, the processed products were nectar and a cereal bar with rabbiteye blueberry raisins.

  15. Estilos de vida y factores de riesgo para la salud de las personas adultas mayores del proyecto CRELES - Costa Rica 2004-2006


    Méndez Chacón, Ericka; Fernández Rojas, Xinia


    Envejecimiento saludable es sinónimo de envejecimiento sin discapacidad. Este ha sido asociado a mejoras en la nutrición, la actividad física y al control adecuado de factores de riesgo como el hábito de fumar, consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, así como el evitar o reducir el aislamiento social y mental. El presente artículo describe los estilos de vida y riesgos de la salud de las personas adultas mayores del Estudio Longitudinal de Envejecimiento Saludable de Costa Rica (CRELES...

  16. Sedentary behavior in adolescents: the 11-year follow-up of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study Comportamento sedentário em adolescentes: a visita de 11 anos da coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 1993

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    Samuel C. Dumith


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of sedentary behavior and investigate associated factors in adolescents 11 years of age from the 1993 birth cohort in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Sedentary behavior was investigated with a questionnaire, and was defined as spending more than two hours per day watching television, playing videogames, or using the computer. Of the 4,452 adolescents interviewed, 98% reported watching television, 44% playing videogames, and 22% using the computer. The average time spent on each of these electronic media was 197, 36, and 17 minutes per day, respectively. Prevalence of sedentary behavior was 79.7% (95%CI: 78.6; 80.9 and showed a positive association with socioeconomic level and nutritional status and a negative association with well-being. These 11-year-olds spent extensive time at TV viewing, videogames, and the computer. Special attention should be given to the most exposed groups of adolescents, including the more affluent, overweight, and those with limited schooling.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência e investigar os fatores associados ao comportamento sedentário em adolescentes de 11 anos, pertencentes à coorte de nascimentos de 1993 de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O comportamento sedentário foi coletado por meio de questionário, e definido como ficar mais de duas horas por dia assistindo à televisão, jogando videogame ou usando computador. Dos 4.452 adolescentes entrevistados, 98% assistiam à televisão, 44% jogavam videogame e 22% usavam computador. O tempo médio na frente de cada um desses meios eletrônicos foi, respectivamente, 197, 36 e 17 minutos por dia. A prevalência de comportamento sedentário foi de 79,7% (IC95%: 78,6; 80,9, e teve uma associação positiva com nível socioeconômico e com estado nutricional, e negativa com a escala de bem-estar. O tempo despendido em atividades como ver televisão, jogar videogame e usar computador

  17. ROBATEL RS 24 packaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robatel, M.; Bochard, C.


    The ROBATEL RS 24 packaging for light-water reactor fuel assemblies is discussed. The cask uses a strength frame of carbon steel sheets, lead gamma ray shielding, neutron shielding of aluminous concrete, a thermal protection system for the gamma shielding, and a natural convection thermal transfer system

  18. Validación de la escala ESTE para medir la soledad de la población adulta Validação da escala ESTE para medir a solidão da população adulta ESTE scale validation to measure loneliness in adult population

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    Jairo León Cardona Jiménez


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Validar la escala de medición de la soledad ESTE en población adulta que asiste a los grupos de la tercera edad del municipio de Bello (Colombia. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se evaluó su consistencia interna, reproducibilidad y comportamiento con variables sociodemográficas. La muestra estuvo conformada por 180 adultos de 55 o más años pertenecientes a 15 grupos de la tercera edad elegidos aleatoriamente de los 100 registrados en Bello a la fecha de realización del estudio. Resultados. El análisis factorial de los cuatro componentes principales de la escala explican el 55.9% de la varianza. Los factores que más varianza explican son: crisis de adaptación (17.2%, soledad conyugal (14.0% y soledad social (13,9%. La soledad familiar fue el factor que menos explicó (10.9%. La confiabilidad de la escala Alfa de Cronbach de 0.9, siendo en cada uno de los factores superior a 0.7. La reproducibilidad test- retest medido por el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman fue 0.88. Conclusión. La validación de la escala ESTE indica que se puede utilizar como instrumento de medición de la soledad para la población adulta colombiana.Objetivo. Validar a escala de medição da solidão ESTE em população adulta que assiste aos grupos da terceira idade do município de Bello (Colômbia. Metodologia. Estudo descritivo de corte transversal. Avaliou-se sua consistência interna, reprodutibilidade e comportamento com variáveis sócio-demográficas. A mostra esteve conformadas por 180 adultos de 55 ou mais anos pertencentes a 15 grupos da terceira idade eleitos aleatoriamente dos 100 registrados em Belo à data de realização do estudo. Resultados. A análise fatorial dos quatro componentes principais da escala explica o 55.9% da variância. Os fatores que mais variância explicam são: crise de adaptação (17.2%, solidão conjugal (14.0% e solidão social (13,9%. A solidão familiar foi o fator que menos

  19. Vad ersätter företagets avbrottsförsäkring?


    Rosenqvist, Felix


    I arbetet redogörs för hur en avbrottsförsäkring är uppbyggd och hur ersättningen räknas ut i praktiken. I teoridelen behandlas försäkringshistoria, de frivilliga skadeförsäkringarna och mera djupgående avbrottsförsäkringen. Skadehanteringsprocessen beskrivs också i teoridelen. För att åskådliggöra ämnet har själva resultatredovisnigen förverkligats genom en fiktiv fallstudie. Detta för att göra det enklare för läsaren att förstå hur avbrottsförsäkringen fungerar i praktiken...

  20. Association of the ENPP1 rs997509 polymorphism with obesity in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ) polymorphisms have been associated with metabolic traits. There is no data on the effect of ENPP1 in South African children or adults. Objective: To investigate the role of K121Q (rs1044498), rs997509 and rs9402349 in obesity and other ...

  1. RS-34 (Peacekeeper Post Boost Propulsion System) Orbital Debris Application Concept Study (United States)

    Esther, Elizabeth A.; Burnside, Christopher G.


    The Advanced Concepts Office (ACO) at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) lead a study to evaluate the Rocketdyne produced RS-34 propulsion system as it applies to an orbital debris removal design reference mission. The existing RS-34 propulsion system is a remaining asset from the de-commissioned United States Air Force Peacekeeper ICBM program; specifically the pressure-fed storable bi-propellant Stage IV Post Boost Propulsion System. MSFC gained experience with the RS-34 propulsion system on the successful Ares I-X flight test program flown in the Ares I-X Roll control system (RoCS). The heritage hardware proved extremely robust and reliable and sparked interest for further utilization on other potential in-space applications. Subsequently, MSFC is working closely with the USAF to obtain all the remaining RS-34 stages for re-use opportunities. Prior to pursuit of securing the hardware, MSFC commissioned the Advanced Concepts Office to understand the capability and potential applications for the RS-34 Phoenix stage as it benefits NASA, DoD, and commercial industry. Originally designed, the RS-34 Phoenix provided in-space six-degrees-of freedom operational maneuvering to deploy multiple payloads at various orbital locations. The RS-34 Concept Study, preceded by a utilization study to understand how the unique capabilities of the RS-34 Phoenix and its application to six candidate missions, sought to further understand application for an orbital debris design reference mission as the orbital debris removal mission was found to closely mimic the heritage RS-34 mission. The RS-34 Orbital Debris Application Concept Study sought to identify multiple configurations varying the degree of modification to trade for dry mass optimization and propellant load for overall capability and evaluation of several candidate missions. The results of the RS-34 Phoenix Utilization Study show that the system is technically sufficient to successfully support all of the missions

  2. Eudragit RS PO nanoparticles for sustained release of pyridostigmine bromide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoobakht, Fatemeh; Ganji, Fariba; Vasheghani-Farahani, Ebrahim; Mousavi, Seyyed Mohammad


    Pyridostigmine bromide (PB) is an inhibitor of cholinesterase, which is used in the treatment of myasthenia gravis and administered for protection against exposure to toxic nerve agents. Tests were done to investigate prolonging the half-life of PB and improving its release behavior. PB was loaded in nanoparticles (NPs) of Eudragit RS PO (Eu-RS) prepared using the technique of quasi emulsion solvent diffusion. Variables of output power of the sonicator, bath temperature and mixing time, were chosen as the optimization factors to obtain the minimum sized NPs. In addition, emulsions were tested at different ratios of drug-to-polymer by dynamic light scattering to determine size and zeta potential of NPs. UV-spectroscopy was used to determine PB content of the NPs. Drug-loaded NPs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Fourier transform infrared spectra. Results determined that mixing time had a significant impact on the size of Eu-RS NPs, but power output of sonicator and bath temperature had no significant effect. The particle size obtained at the optimum condition (power output of 70 W, bath temperature of 33 °C, and mixing time of 7 min) was less than 200 nm (optimum sizes were 138.9 and 179.5 nm for Eu-RS and PB-loaded Eu-RS NPs, respectively). The optimum PB-loaded Eu-RS NPs at the PB to Eu-RS weight ratio of 1–4 and 20 % of loaded PB released from the nanocarriers within 100 h

  3. Eudragit RS PO nanoparticles for sustained release of pyridostigmine bromide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoobakht, Fatemeh; Ganji, Fariba, E-mail:; Vasheghani-Farahani, Ebrahim [Tarbiat Modares University, Biomedical Engineering Group, Chemical Engineering Department (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Mousavi, Seyyed Mohammad [Tarbiat Modares University, Biotechnology Group, Chemical Engineering Department (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Pyridostigmine bromide (PB) is an inhibitor of cholinesterase, which is used in the treatment of myasthenia gravis and administered for protection against exposure to toxic nerve agents. Tests were done to investigate prolonging the half-life of PB and improving its release behavior. PB was loaded in nanoparticles (NPs) of Eudragit RS PO (Eu-RS) prepared using the technique of quasi emulsion solvent diffusion. Variables of output power of the sonicator, bath temperature and mixing time, were chosen as the optimization factors to obtain the minimum sized NPs. In addition, emulsions were tested at different ratios of drug-to-polymer by dynamic light scattering to determine size and zeta potential of NPs. UV-spectroscopy was used to determine PB content of the NPs. Drug-loaded NPs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Fourier transform infrared spectra. Results determined that mixing time had a significant impact on the size of Eu-RS NPs, but power output of sonicator and bath temperature had no significant effect. The particle size obtained at the optimum condition (power output of 70 W, bath temperature of 33 Degree-Sign C, and mixing time of 7 min) was less than 200 nm (optimum sizes were 138.9 and 179.5 nm for Eu-RS and PB-loaded Eu-RS NPs, respectively). The optimum PB-loaded Eu-RS NPs at the PB to Eu-RS weight ratio of 1-4 and 20 % of loaded PB released from the nanocarriers within 100 h.

  4. [Polymorphisms of TLR7 rs3853839 and rs179010 are associated with susceptibility to and severity of hand, foot and mouth disease caused by enterovirus 71 in male children]. (United States)

    Li, Yaping; Zhai, Song; Li, Mei; Wang, Yuan; Lu, Tong; Deng, Huiling; Zhang, Xin; Dang, Shuangsuo


    Objective To investigate whether the polymorphisms of TLR7/MyD88 signaling pathway is associated with the susceptibility to and severity of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) caused by enterovirus 71 (EV71) in children. Methods We collected 180 EV71 HFMD cases and 201 healthy controls from both the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University and Xi'an Children's Hospital. The genotypes including rs3853839, rs179010 of TLR7, and rs7744 of MyD88 were detected in the 381 samples by SNPscan kit. Results The susceptibility risk (OR=2.343, 95%CI:1.516-3.621) and severity risk (OR=1.939, 95%CI: 1.064-3.521) of TLR7 rs3853839 allele C significantly increased in the male children with EV71 HFMD. Also, the susceptibility risk (OR=1.701, 95%CI: 1.142-2.535) and severity risk (OR=1.852, 95%CI: 1.038-3.305) of TLR7 rs179010 allele T significantly increased in the male children with EV71 HFMD. But there was no significant difference in the distribution of TLR7 rs179010 and rs3853839 genes between female children with EV71 HFMD and female controls. There was no correlation between the genetic polymorphisms of MyD88 rs7744 and the susceptibility to and severity of EV71 HFMD in the children. Conclusion Polymorphisms of TLR7 rs3853839 and rs179010 are correlated to the susceptibility to and severity of EV71 HFMD in male children.

  5. Maternal smoking in successive pregnancies and recurrence of low birthweight: the 2004 Pelotas birth cohort study, Brazil Tabaquismo materno en sucesivas gestaciones y recurrencia de bajo peso al nacer: cohorte de nacimientos de Pelotas, Río Grande do Sul, Brasil, 2004 Tabagismo materno em sucessivas gestações e recorrência de baixo peso ao nascer: coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 2004

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    Iândora Krolow Timm Sclowitz


    Full Text Available To evaluate the frequency of maternal smoking in successive pregnancies and its association with repetition of low birthweight, a study was conducted of a subsample of mothers from the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort in Brazil. Only women with previous histories of low birthweight newborns were included. Women with ≥ 2 previous births were eligible only if at least one of the two births immediately preceding the 2004 birth had low birthweight. From 4,458 births, 565 were included in this study. Frequency of smoking was 32.4%. Considering past pregnancies, 67.1% of mothers never smoked, 21.4% smoked during all pregnancies, 6.5% were ex-smokers, and 5% smoked only during the current pregnancy. In the adjusted analyses, when compared to mothers who never smoked, those who smoked during all pregnancies had 2.5 times greater probability of low birthweight recurrence in 2004 (PR = 2.5; 95%CI: 1.32-4.80. Smoking persistence is an important factor for the recurrence of low birthweight in successive pregnancies.Este estudio fue realizado en una submuestra de madres de la cohorte de nacimientos de Pelotas, Río Grande do Sul, Brasil, de 2004 para evaluar la frecuencia y asociación del tabaquismo en sucesivas gestaciones con el fenómeno de repetición del bajo peso al nacer. Se incluyeron solamente mujeres con antecedentes en el historial médico de recién nacidos con bajo peso al nacer. Se elegían a mujeres con ≥ 2 partos anteriores, solamente, si por lo menos uno de los dos partos inmediatamente anteriores al de 2004 hubiera sido de bajo peso al nacer. De los 4.458 nacimientos, 565 fueron incluidos en la muestra. La frecuencia de tabaquismo fue de un 32,4% y, teniendo en consideración las gestaciones anteriores, un 67,1% nunca fumaron; un 21,4% siempre fumaron; un 6,5% eran ex-fumadoras; y un 5,0% fumaron solamente en la gestación actual. En el análisis multivariable, las madres que fumaron en todas las gestaciones tuvieron una probabilidad 2

  6. Infrared observations of RS CVn stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berriman, G.; De Campli, W.M.; Werner, M.W.; Hatchett, S.P.


    Infrared photometry is presented of the RS CVn binary stars AR Lac (1.2-10 μm) and MM Her (1.2-3.5 μm) as they egressed from their primary and secondary eclipses; of the eclipsing systems RS CVn and Z Her at maximum light (1.2-10 μm) and of the non-eclipsing systems UX Ari and HR 1099 (1.2-10 μm). An analysis of these and published V data based on flux ratio diagrams (linear analogues of colour-colour diagrams) shows that G and K stars supply the infrared light of these systems. None of these systems shows infrared emission from circumstellar matter. (author)

  7. Agenesia pulmonar y riñón en herradura en la edad adulta: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura


    Navarro Vergara, D.I.; Moreira Meyer, A.; Cícero Sabido, R.; Núñez Pérez-Redondo, C.; Garrido Alarcón, E.


    La agenesia pulmonar es una malformación congénita rara que se define como la ausencia total de parénquima pulmonar, bronquios y vasculatura. En la literatura se encuentran pocos casos de esta malformación en la edad adulta, debido a la presencia de otras malformaciones coincidentes, como desplazamiento mediastinal y cardiaco severos. La mayoría de los casos mueren prematuramente en los primeros 5 años de vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 31 años de edad con agenesia pulmonar izquie...

  8. RS-Predictor models augmented with SMARTCyp reactivities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zaretzki, Jed; Rydberg, Patrik; Bergeron, Charles


    (82.3%) and merged(86.0%). Comprehensive datamining of each substrate set and careful statistical analyses of the predictions made by the different models revealed new insights into molecular features that control metabolic regioselectivity and enable accurate prospective prediction of likely SOMs.......RS-Predictor is a tool for creating pathway-independent, isozyme-specific site of metabolism (SOM) prediction models using any set of known cytochrome P450 substrates and metabolites. Until now, the RS-Predictor method was only trained and validated on CYP 3A4 data, but in the present study we...... report on the versatility the RS-Predictor modeling paradigm by creating and testing regioselectivity models for substrates of the nine most important CYP isozymes. Through curation of source literature, we have assembled 680 substrates distributed among CYPs 1A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2C19, 2C8, 2C9, 2D6, 2E1 and 3...

  9. Autopercepción física y modalidades de actividades físicas en la edad adulta

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    Guillermo Infante Borinaga


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene por objetivo precisar las diferencias entre distintas modalidades de actividades físico-deportivas y autoconcepto físico en tres momentos de la edad adulta. Participaron en el estudio 912 personas (350 hombres; 560 mujeres de entre 23 y 64 años (M = 45,41; DT = 13,41 divididas en tres tramos de edad (23 a 34; 35 a 49; 50 a 64 años. Para la medición del autoconcepto físico se utilizó el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico (CAF. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que: a la práctica físico-deportiva en adultos se asocia con autopercepciones físicas superiores y autoconcepto físico; b los adultos mayores inactivos y los que practican deportes muestran un autoconcepto general inferior.

  10. Association of IL28B SNPs rs12979860 and rs8099917 on Hepatitis C Virus-RNA Status in Donors/Recipients of Living Donor Liver Transplantation.

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    King-Wah Chiu

    Full Text Available To investigate the effect of IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs (rs8099917 and rs12979860 in the donors and recipients on the outcome of Hepatitis C virus-RNA clearance after living donor liver transplantation (LDLT. The rs8099917 and rs12979860 genotypes in 50 donor and recipients pairs were explored on the pre-operative day (POD and post-operative day 30 (POD30. There was a significant difference in HCV-RNA clearance before (12%, 6/50 and after (48%, 24/50 liver transplantation (P < 0.001. The rs8099917 genotype TT was dominant in both the recipients (82%, 41/50 and donors (86%, 43/50, but had no significant effect on HCV-RNA clearance (87.5%, 21/24 and recurrence (76.9%, 20/26 after LDLT. One recipient was detected with genotype GG on POD, which changed to genotype GT on POD30. Prevalence of rs12979860 genotype CT was 98% (49/50 recipient and 92% (46/50 donor and prevalence of genotype CC was 2% (1/50 recipient and 8% (4/50 donor on POD and POD30, respectively. Of the 4 recipients with rs12979860 genotype CC on POD30, 3 recipients (12.5%, 3/24 exhibited HCV clearance and 1 experienced recurrence (3.9%, 1/26, however, this was not statistically significant. In conclusion, alterations in IL28B SNP genotype may occur after LDLT, leading to modifications in the host genome or donor proteome by HCV. This predicted mechanism will need to be investigated further.

  11. RS-485 Bus Design of a Missile Simulation Training System

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    Liu Fang


    Full Text Available In a missile simulation training system with one-master and multi-slaves distributed system structure, a universal controller is necessary due to the system composed with several controllers. In this research, the designed controllers communicate with each other and upper control computer through RS-485 field bus. RS-485 bus including interface circuits, transmission protocol, Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC method and upper control test software is designed and proposed. The universal controller adopting the designed RS-485 interface circuits is connected through twisted-pair and makes the simulation system, then the controller is tested in line. The results show that the RS-485 bus communicates effectively using the protocol and CRC method, data transmission rates reaches 115.2 kbps, and has a good stability.

  12. The Drosha rs10719 T>C polymorphism is associated with preeclampsia susceptibility. (United States)

    Rezaei, Mahnaz; Eskandari, Fatemeh; Mohammadpour-Gharehbagh, Abbas; Teimoori, Batool; Yaghmaei, Minoo; Mokhtari, Mojgan; Salimi, Saeedeh


    Drosha is a member of the micro RNA (miRNA) processing machinery that affects miRNA processing. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Drosha gene might affect microRNA processing and the expression of various genes. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between SNPs in the Drosha gene and preeclampsia (PE) in the southeast of Iran. Genotyping of Drosha rs10719 and rs6877842 was performed using blood samples from 219 PE women and 205 healthy control subjects by a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. The Drosha rs10719TC genotype was significantly associated with 1.6-fold higher risk of PE (odds ratio (OR, 1.6 [95% CI, 1.1-2.4], P = 0.026). In addition, the frequency of the Drosha rs10719CC genotype was significantly higher in PE women and was associated with threefold higher risk of PE (OR 3 [95% CI 1.4-6.3], P = 0.004). There was no association between the Drosha rs6877842 polymorphism and PE susceptibility. The CC-GG combined genotype was associated with 3.4-fold higher risk of PE (OR 3.4 [95% CI 1.4-8.1], P = 0.007). The haplotype-based association analysis showed higher frequency of C-G haplotype of Drosha rs10719 and rs6877842 polymorphisms with the increased risk of PE 1.5-fold (OR 1.5 [95% CI 1.1 - 2], P = 0.01). The Drosha rs10719TC and CC genotypes were associated with PE risk. The CC-GG combined genotype and C-G haplotype of Drosha rs10719 and rs6877842 polymorphisms may increase PE susceptibility.

  13. Association between MC4R rs17782313 polymorphism and overeating behaviors. (United States)

    Yilmaz, Z; Davis, C; Loxton, N J; Kaplan, A S; Levitan, R D; Carter, J C; Kennedy, J L


    Melanocortins have a crucial role in appetite and weight regulation. Although the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) gene has been repeatedly linked to obesity and antipsychotic-induced weight gain, the mechanism behind how it leads to this effect in still undetermined. The goal of this study was to conduct an in-depth and sophisticated analysis of MC4R polymorphisms, body mass index (BMI), eating behavior and depressed mood. We genotyped 328 individuals of European ancestry on the following MC4R markers based on the relevant literature on obesity and antipsychotic-induced weight gain: rs571312, rs17782313, rs489693, rs11872992, and rs8087522. Height and weight were measured, and information on depressed mood and overeating behaviors was obtained during the in-person assessment. BMI was associated with rs17782313 C allele; however, this finding did not survive correction for multiple testing (P = 0.018). Although rs17782313 was significantly associated with depressed mood and overeating behaviors, tests of indirect effects indicated that emotional eating and food cravings, rather than depressed mood, uniquely accounted for the effect of this marker and BMI (n = 152). To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the link between MC4R rs17782313, mood and overeating behavior, as well as to demonstrate possible mechanisms behind MC4R's influence on body weight. If replicated in a larger sample, these results may have important clinical implications, including potential for the use of MC4R agonists in the treatment of obesity and disordered eating.

  14. Más allá de Piaget: cognición adulta y educación

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    Antonio Víctor MARTÍN GARCÍA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El objetivo de este artículo es intentar una aproximación a la descripción del tipo de pensamiento que utilizan los adultos. Partimos de la base en nuestro trabajo de que el conocimiento sobre el modo como piensan las personas adultas se presenta como un aspecto clave para la teoría pedagógica y especialmente para la práctica, cuando se orienta hacia este tipo de alumnos. Para ello, organizamos el texto integrando el concepto de pensamiento en un constructo más amplio y comprensivo como es el de cognición. Desde ese marco realizamos, en primer lugar, una síntesis crítica de la teoría piagetiana en lo referente al desarrollo cognitivo por cuanto representa el modelo, ya clásico, más elaborado sobre el tema, y en segundo, un análisis de algunas de las formulaciones teóricas y empíricas recientes más importantes sobre la cognición adulta, como por ejemplo las derivadas del procesamiento de la información, de la perspectiva del Life-span, o del denominado modelo de encapsulación. Terminamos intentando ofrecer el estado de la cuestión en relación con los aspectos nucleares del pensamiento adulto. Todo ello con vistas a apoyar procesos de intervención e investigación educativa en este campo.ABSTRACT: The aim this article is to attempt an approach to a description of the type of thought that adults use. We take for granted in our paper that knowledge about the way adults think is a key aspect in pedagogical, theory and especially in terms of practice when it is directed towards this type of students. With this in mind we organize the text integrating the concept of thought in a wider an more comprehensive construct which is cognition. From this framework we make, first of all, a critical synthesis of the Piaget theory related to cognitive development in as far as it represents the now classical model, but more developed on the subject and, secondly an analysis of some of the most important of the recent theoretical and

  15. FTO gene polymorphisms (rs9939609 and rs17817449) as predictors of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in obese Iraqi population. (United States)

    Younus, Laith A; Algenabi, Abdul Hussein A; Abdul-Zhara, Mohammed S; Hussein, Majid K


    The variation of the SNPs in FTO (fat mass and obesity associated) gene are improved to be associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in some ethnic groups for example in European while, this consistency is controversial in Asians and there were few studies in Iraqi population about the effect of this gene on the development of T2DM in obese patients. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the impact of the two common FTO gene variants in the development of T2DM in obese Iraqi patients. A case-control study in which the FTO gene variants rs9939609 and rs17817449 were genotyping in a total of 800 individuals, 400 T2DM obese patients (patients group) and 400 healthy control obese volunteers (control group) to explore the relation of these SNPs with T2DM in obese Iraqi population. The patients group was enrolled from diabetic clinic in Al Najaf al Ashraf based on WHO guidelines of T2DM. From whole blood the DNA was extraction and genotyped by using ScaI and AlwNI enzymes respectively in the PCR-RFLP technique. Multinomial logistic regression was applied to compare the proportions of genotypes and alleles. The odd's ratio, t-test P value at 95% confidence interval were measured before and after adjustment of BMI, age and sex adjustment. The genetic power, Hardy Weinberg equilibrium and haplotype analysis were tested in the present study. It was observed that the presence of T allele in the two SNPs rs9939609 and rs17817449 in the FTO gene polymorphisms was associated with increased risk for the development of T2DM in Iraqi obese individuals. The minor allele (T) in rs9939609 was significantly higher (P=0.0001) in T2DM (31.25%) when compared with that of the control obese group (20%). The Homozygous genotype (TT) significantly (OR=3.25, CI 95% 1.87-5.64, P=0.000) increased the risk of T2DM by three folds with respect to those of wild type (AA) after adjustment for age, sex and BMI, furthermore, it was significantly increased the risk in the

  16. Medicine use among adolescents: the 11-year follow-up of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study Utilização de medicamentos por adolescentes: a visita de 11 anos da coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 1993

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    Andréa D. Bertoldi


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate medicine use and associated factors among adolescents. This was a prospective cohort study including 4,452 adolescents born in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, in 1993. Information on medicine use in the 15 days prior to the interviews was collected from the mothers. Overall prevalence of medicine use was 30.9%, and 64.7% of the medicines had been prescribed by a physician. The most frequently used pharmacological groups were medicines for the nervous (35.9% and respiratory systems (25.7%. Medicine use was directly associated with socioeconomic status, maternal schooling, complications during pregnancy or delivery, and neonatal problems resulting in the need for intensive care. Underweight and obese adolescents were more likely to use medicines as compared to those with normal body mass index. A direct association was observed between maternal use of hypnotic drugs and sedatives and adolescent medicine use. It is essential to implement educational policies aimed at promoting rational use of medicines by adolescents.O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o uso de medicamentos e fatores associados em adolescentes. Trata-se de estudo de coorte prospectivo, incluindo 4.452 adolescentes nascidos em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em 1993. As informações sobre o uso de medicamentos pelo adolescente nos 15 dias anteriores à entrevista foram fornecidas pelas mães. A prevalência global de uso de medicamentos foi de 30,9%, sendo que destes, 64,7% foram indicados por médicos. Os grupos farmacológicos mais utilizados foram os medicamentos que atuam nos sistemas nervoso (35,9% e respiratório (25,7%. O uso de medicamentos esteve diretamente associado ao nível econômico, escolaridade da mãe, intercorrência na gravidez ou parto que gerou doença até a adolescência, problema de saúde no momento do nascimento que levou o recém-nascido à UTI, magreza e obesidade. Foi observada uma rela

  17. Factores incidentes en el uso de métodos anticonceptivos en la población adolescente y adulta joven en Costa Rica


    Carmen Sánchez-Retana; Rolando Leiva-Granados


    Objetivo: analizar los factores que inciden en el uso de métodos anticonceptivos de la población adolescente y adulta joven de Costa Rica (entre 15 y 35 años de edad). Métodos: Por medio de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Juventud 2007 y la metodología basada en el Modelo Probit binario con corrección de sesgos de selección mediante Heckman, se modela la decisión de uso de anticonceptivos con base en diferentes características personales y socioeconómicas. Resultados: se muestra que la...

  18. Validation of Omron RS8, RS6, and RS3 home blood pressure monitoring devices, in accordance with the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. (United States)

    Takahashi, Hakuo; Yoshika, Masamichi; Yokoi, Toyohiko


    Allowing patients to measure their blood pressure at home is recognized as being of clinical value. However, it is not known how often these measurements are taken correctly. Blood pressure monitors for home use fall into two types based on the position of the cuff, ie, at the upper arm or the wrist. The latter is particularly convenient, as measurements can be taken fully clothed. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of the wrist-type blood pressure monitors Omron RS8 (HEM-6310F-E), Omron RS6 (HEM-6221-E), and Omron RS3 (HEM-6130-E). A team of three trained doctors validated the performance of these devices by comparing the measurements obtained from these devices with those taken using a standard mercury sphygmomanometer. All the devices met the validation requirements of the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010. The difference in blood pressure readings between the tested device and the standard mercury sphygmomanometer was within 3 mmHg, which is acceptable according to the European Society of Hypertension guidelines. All the home devices tested were found to be suitable for measuring blood pressure at home because their performance fulfilled the requirement of the guidelines.

  19. Reatividade animal e indicadores fisiológicos de estresse: avaliação das suas relações com a qualidade final da carne bovina em distintos períodos de jejum pré-abate


    MOURA, Sandra Vieira de


    Foi avaliada a influência de diferentes períodos de jejum pré-abate sobre a reatividade animal, indicadores fisiológicos de estresse e qualidade final da carne, considerando a glicose como potencial indicador de estresse. Foram utilizados 33 novilhos castrados, cruza Aberdeen Angus com aproximadamente 24 meses de idade, peso médio de 450 kg, com procedência, tempo e condições de viagem semelhantes, sendo abatidos em um frigorífico comercial na cidade de Pelotas RS. Os animais foram classifi...

  20. [Rural work-related accidents in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil: a population-based cross-sectional study]. (United States)

    Fernanda Fehlberg, M; dos Santos, I S; Tomasi, E


    Epidemiological literature on occupational accidents among rural workers is scarce in Brazil. This population-based cross-sectional study was designed to investigate the characteristics of farming accidents occurring in the rural area of Pelotas, Southern Brazil. A multi-stage sampling scheme was used to select a representative sample of farms. From January to April 1996, a total of 258 rural families were visited, and all 580 rural workers identified in these families answered a standardized questionnaire. Sixty-three rural workers (11%) reported at least one work-related accident in the previous twelve months. There were 82 accidents during the study period, mainly related to the use of hand farm tools (29%) and handling farm animals (27%). The main types of injuries were cuts (50%), bruises (13%), and burns (9%). The body areas most frequently involved were hands (34%), feet (29%), and legs (18%). Among the injured rural workers, only 32% used health services to treat the resulting lesions (46% went to primary health care facilities and 36% to emergency services).

  1. Association between MC4R rs17782313 Polymorphism and Overeating Behaviours (United States)

    Yilmaz, Zeynep; Davis, Caroline; Loxton, Natalie J.; Kaplan, Allan S.; Levitan, Robert D.; Carter, Jacqueline C.; Kennedy, James L.


    Background/Objectives Melanocortins play a crucial role in appetite and weight regulation. Although the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) gene has been repeatedly linked to obesity and antipsychotic-induced weight gain, the mechanism behind how it leads to this effect in still undetermined. The goal of this study was to conduct an in-depth and sophisticated analysis of MC4R polymorphisms, body mass index (BMI), eating behaviour, and depressed mood. Subjects/Methods We genotyped 328 individuals of European ancestry on the following MC4R markers based on the relevant literature on obesity and antipsychotic-induced weight gain: rs571312, rs17782313, rs489693, rs11872992, and rs8087522. Height and weight were measured, and information on depressed mood and overeating behaviours was obtained during the in-person assessment. Results BMI was associated with rs17782313 C allele; however this finding did not survive correction for multiple testing (p=0.018). Although rs17782313 was significantly associated with depressed mood and overeating behaviours, tests of indirect effects indicated that emotional eating and food cravings, rather than depressed mood, uniquely accounted for the effect of this marker and BMI (n=152). Conclusions To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the link between MC4R rs17782313, mood and overeating behaviour, as well as to demonstrate possible mechanisms behind MC4R’s influence on body weight. If replicated in a larger sample, these results may have important clinical implications, including potential for the use of MC4R agonists in the treatment of obesity and disordered eating. PMID:24827639

  2. Investigating the Correlation between rs1049305 and ‏rs10244884 Polymorphisms of AQP-1 Gene and Menorrhagia ‎in Adolescents

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    S Madani


    Results: Regarding ‏‎rs1049305, the C minor allele showed more frequency in patients' group‏ (0.47 vs. 0.37.‎‎ The results revealed that GG genotype presents less probable risk ‎for menorrhagia. ‎‎ rs10244884‎ also shows the same frequency. Conclusion: It can be concluded that both variants are important in pathogenesis of menorrhagia and the results confirm the important role of Aquqporin–1 channel in menstruation as well as endometrium physiology.

  3. The ARIES-RS power core - recent development in Li/V designs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sze Dai-Kai; Billone, M.C.; Hua, T.Q.; Tillack, M.; Najmabadi, F.; Wang Xueren; Malang, S.; El-Guebaly, L.A.; Sviatoslavsky, I.N.; Blanchard, J.P.; Crowell, J.A.; Khater, H.Y.; Mogahed, E.A.; Waganer, L.M.; Lee, D.; Cole, D.


    The ARIES-RS fusion power plant design study is based on reversed-shear (RS) physics with a Li/V (lithium breeder and vanadium structure) blanket. The reversed-shear discharge has been documented in many large tokamak experiments. The plasma in the RS mode has a high beta, low current, and low current drive requirement. Therefore, it is an attractive physics regime for a fusion power plant. The blanket system based on Li/V has high temperature operating capability, good tritium breeding, excellent high heat flux removal capability, long structural life time, low activation, low after heat and good safety characteristics. For these reasons, the ARIES-RS reactor study selected Li/V as the reference blanket. The combination of attractive physics and attractive blanket engineering is expected to result in a superior power plant design. This paper summarizes the power core design of the ARIES-RS power plant study. (orig.)

  4. The Calcium-Sensing Receptor Gene Polymorphism rs1801725 and Calcium-Related Phenotypes in Hemodialysis Patients

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    Alicja E. Grzegorzewska


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: The calcium-sensing receptor gene (CASR rs1801725 variant is responsible for a non-conservative amino-acid change (A986S in the calcium-sensing receptor cytoplasmic tail. We hypothesized that rs1801725 polymorphism might be helpful in understanding Ca-related abnormalities in HD patients. Methods: In 1215 subjects (245 on cinacalcet, we determined the associations of rs1801725 with secondary hyperparathyroidism (sHPT-related laboratory parameters, PTH-decreasing effect of cinacalcet hydrochloride, coronary artery disease (CAD, myocardial infarction (MI, nephrolithiasis-related ESRD, and mortality. CASR rs7652589(Ars1801725(G>T haplotypes and rs1801725 epistatic interactions with vitamin D signaling pathway genes were examined for associations with selected phenotypes. Results: The rs1801725 variant allele showed an increasing independent effect on plasma PTH (Pcorrected = 0.009. CASR rs7652589_rs1801725 AT haplotype was associated with 1.7-fold higher frequency of PTH levels over 437 pg/mL than the reference haplotype GG (P = 0.001. CASR rs7652589_rs1801725 AG haplotype was 1.5-fold more frequent in nephrolithiasis-related ESRD than the GG haplotype (P = 0.004. There were no significant associations between rs1801725, CAD, MI, and response to cinacalcet. Variant homozygosity of rs1801725 correlated independently with higher infection-related mortality compared with heterozygosity (HR 7.95, 95%CI 2.15 – 29.37, P = 0.003 and major homozygosity (HR 5.89, 95%CI 1.69 – 20.55, P = 0.040. CASR rs1801725 did not show epistatic interactions with vitamin D signaling pathway genes concerning tested associations. Conclusion: The variant allele of CASR rs1801725 solely and together with the variant allele of rs7652589 increases risk of more advanced sHPT. Homozygosity of the rs1801725 variant allele contributes to infection-related mortality in HD patients.

  5. Genetic association of polymorphism rs1333049 with gout. (United States)

    Wang, Binbin; Meng, Dongmei; Wang, Jing; Liu, Shiguo; Zhou, Sirui; Miao, Zhimin; Han, Lin; Chu, Nan; Zhang, Kun; Ma, Xu; Li, Changgui


    We suspect that genes or loci that contribute to coronary artery disease (CAD) may also play a role in the pathogenesis of gout, since hyperuricaemia leads to gout, and serum uric acid (SUA) levels are potential risk factors for CAD. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1333049 (C/G) on chromosome 9p21 has been implicated in previous studies to be associated with CAD. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between this SNP and gout pathogenesis. Nine hundred Chinese Han were recruited for this study (461 gout patients and 439 gout-free individuals). The rs1333049 SNP and surrounding sequences were PCR sequenced. There was a clear link between the rs1333049 genotypic and allelic frequencies between gout cases and controls (χ(2) = 6.81, df = 2, P = 0.033 by genotype; χ(2) = 6.63, df = 1, P = 0.01 by allele). There was a significantly increased risk of gout in carriers of the CC genotype (odds ratio = 1.43, 95% CI 1.07, 1.91). To the best of our knowledge, our findings are the first to establish an association of rs1333049 with gout in a Chinese Han population. Meanwhile, this SNP is homologous to miR-519 and miR-520.

  6. Hipotiroidismo congénito secundario a hipoplasia tiroidea detectado en edad adulta

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    Paula Monti


    Full Text Available La ubicación anatómica de la glándula tiroidea y su biosíntesis hormonal están reguladas por la expresión de ciertos genes, cuya alteración puede conducir a las denominadas disgenesias tiroideas: agenesia, ectopía e hipoplasia, así como a las variantes dishormonogenéticas. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con retraso mental y diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo realizado en la edad adulta. Las determinaciones bioquímicas confirmaron el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo no autoinmune. Este caso representa la evolución prolongada de una hipofunción tiroidea, que cursó en forma solapada y no diagnosticada durante 53 años de vida, con secuelas relevantes de esta deficiencia al momento del diagnóstico. La terapia exógena logró mejorías evidentes en la signo sintomatología, pero no revirtió el presunto daño neurológico atribuible a la falta de hormona tiroidea necesaria durante el desarrollo fetal. En la necropsia realizada se encontró escaso tejido tiroideo cervical correspondiente a hipoplasia tiroidea eutópica. El hallazgo de un remanente tiroideo menor a 1 cm permite explicar la supervivencia de la paciente hasta una edad avanzada.

  7. Use of Medicines with Unknown Fetal Risk among Parturient Women from the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort (Brazil

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    Andréa Dâmaso Bertoldi


    Full Text Available Background. To estimate the exposure to medicines with unknown fetal risk during pregnancy and to analyze the maternal characteristics associated with it. Methods. A questionnaire was administered to 4,189 mothers of children belonging to the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study about use of any medicine during gestation. We evaluated the associations between use of medicines with unknown fetal risk and the independent variables through logistic regression models. Unknown fetal risk was defined as medicines in which studies in animals have revealed adverse effects on the fetus, and no controlled studies in women, or studies in women and animals, are available. Results. Out of the 4,189 women, 52.5% used at least one medicine from unknown fetal risk. Use of these medicines was associated with white skin color, high schooling, high income, six or more antenatal care consultations, hospital admission during pregnancy, and morbidity during gestation. Conclusion. The use of unknown fetal risk medicines is high, suggesting that their use must be addressed with caution with the aim of restricting their use to cases in which the benefits are greater than the potential risks.

  8. Trabalho infantil em Pelotas: perfil ocupacional e contribuição à economia

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    Facchini Luiz Augusto


    Full Text Available O trabalho infantil é um fenômeno global de grandes proporções, especialmente em países em desenvolvimento. Estima-se que, em todo o mundo, 352 milhões de crianças e adolescentes menores de 18 anos são economicamente ativos, incluindo atividades remuneradas, trabalho não-pago, ilegal e no setor informal da economia. No Brasil, cerca de 9,3 milhões de crianças entre 10 e 17 anos trabalham. Os estudos sobre a contribuição econômica das crianças à renda familiar são escassos. Este artigo apresenta o perfil ocupacional e a contribuição econômica de crianças e adolescentes, com destaque para aspectos relacionados à idade, ao gênero, à escolaridade e à situação socioeconômica de suas famílias em uma amostra de 4.924 indivíduos entre 6 e 17 anos, representativa dos setores urbanos pobres de Pelotas. As crianças e adolescentes trabalhadores contribuíam em média com 18% da renda familiar. Dos que trabalhavam, metade contribuía no mínimo com 10% da renda familiar e um quarto respondia por 25% ou mais da renda familiar. Quanto menor a renda familiar dos adultos, maior a proporção da contribuição de crianças e adolescentes à renda familiar total, maior a exclusão escolar de adolescentes trabalhadores e maior a jornada de trabalho infanto-juvenil.

  9. Trabalho infantil em Pelotas: perfil ocupacional e contribuição à economia

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    Luiz Augusto Facchini

    Full Text Available O trabalho infantil é um fenômeno global de grandes proporções, especialmente em países em desenvolvimento. Estima-se que, em todo o mundo, 352 milhões de crianças e adolescentes menores de 18 anos são economicamente ativos, incluindo atividades remuneradas, trabalho não-pago, ilegal e no setor informal da economia. No Brasil, cerca de 9,3 milhões de crianças entre 10 e 17 anos trabalham. Os estudos sobre a contribuição econômica das crianças à renda familiar são escassos. Este artigo apresenta o perfil ocupacional e a contribuição econômica de crianças e adolescentes, com destaque para aspectos relacionados à idade, ao gênero, à escolaridade e à situação socioeconômica de suas famílias em uma amostra de 4.924 indivíduos entre 6 e 17 anos, representativa dos setores urbanos pobres de Pelotas. As crianças e adolescentes trabalhadores contribuíam em média com 18% da renda familiar. Dos que trabalhavam, metade contribuía no mínimo com 10% da renda familiar e um quarto respondia por 25% ou mais da renda familiar. Quanto menor a renda familiar dos adultos, maior a proporção da contribuição de crianças e adolescentes à renda familiar total, maior a exclusão escolar de adolescentes trabalhadores e maior a jornada de trabalho infanto-juvenil.

  10. Enseñanza de la lectura a personas adultas con trastornos del desarrollo

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    Hannia Cabezas Pizarro


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un programa de intervención, para la adquisición de destrezas de lectura y escritura, en 8 mujeres adultas cuyas edades oscilan entre los 20 y los 48 años de edad, con retardo mental, y que no habían recibido escolaridad. Se utiliza el modelo de destrezas propuesto por Skinner (1957, en el que hay una conducta observable que se quiere desarrollar, se le da seguimiento a través de un registro de eventos, y se grafican las destrezas obtenidas por cada una de las participantes, en el campo de la lectura, lo que permite ver el avance a través de las diferentes fases del proceso, además de ello, se aplicaron los modelos de investigación, en los que se pretende poner en relieve cambios de una serie de datos en una medida única o series de medidas. (Mayer y Labrador 1980. Dentro de los modelos de investigación se utilizó el de criterio cambiante y múltiples AB. En donde se investigan los efectos de una condición dada sobre una conducta específica. (Kazdin, 1980

  11. Association of STAT4 rs7574865 and PTPN22 rs2476601 polymorphisms with rheumatoid arthritis and non-systemically reacting antibodies in Egyptian patients. (United States)

    El-Lebedy, Dalia; Raslan, Hala; Ibrahim, Alshaymaa; Ashmawy, Ingy; El-Aziz, Shereen Abd; Mohammed, Asmaa M


    The aim of this study was to investigate association of protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) rs2476601 and signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (STAT4) rs7574865 polymorphisms with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) susceptibility and to assess potential association with the status of rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies, serum neopterin, and disease activity. RF, anti-CCP antibodies, and neopterin were assayed in serum of 100 unrelated RA patients and 114 controls. STAT4 rs7574865 G/T and PTPN22 rs2476601 C/T polymorphisms were genotyped by the TaqMan allelic discrimination method. The frequency of STAT4 variant allele was significantly higher in RA patients than in controls (p = 0.01), while the variant allele of PTPN22 was identified in only two RA patients, in a heterozygous form and in none of control subjects. The frequency of STAT4 variant allele carrier genotypes (GT+TT) was significantly higher among RA patients than in controls (43.7 vs. 10.5%, p = 0.02) and associated with RA under additive and dominant models. The frequency of RF and anti-CCP positivity was significantly higher among RA patients carrying T allele genotypes compared to patients carrying wild genotype (P = 0.02 and 0.04, respectively). No significant associations between STAT4 variant and serum neopterin or disease activity parameters were identified. Our study confirmed the association of STAT4 rs7574865 polymorphism with RA and was the first to indicate an association with RF and anti-CCP antibodies positivity. We also found PTPN22 rs2476601 has no role in susceptibility to RA in Egyptian patients.

  12. Polymorphic Variants rs3088442 and rs2292334 in the Organic Cation Transporter 3 (OCT3) Gene and Susceptibility Against Type 2 Diabetes: Role of their Interaction. (United States)

    Mahrooz, Abdolkarim; Alizadeh, Ahad; Hashemi-Soteh, Mohammad Bagher; Ghaffari-Cherati, Maryam; Hosseyni-Talei, Seyyedeh Raheleh


    In this study, we investigated whether two common variants (rs3088442G>A and rs2292334G>A) in the organic cation transporter 3 (OCT3) gene, a high-capacity transporter widely expressed in various tissues, affect susceptibility to type 2 diabetes (T2D) in patients newly diagnosed with T2D. We performed a study with 150 newly diagnosed patients with T2D and 152 controls. The genetic analyses were performed using the restricted fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) after PCR amplification. For the rs3088442G>A variant, A allele carriers had a significantly lower odds ratio (OR) vs. GG homozygotes in the BMI A variant was associated with a decreased risk of T2D (OR = 0.016, p A in the 3'-untranslated region of the OCT3 gene in susceptibility to T2D, and that the protective role is maintained in the presence of risky alleles of the variant rs2292334G>A. The association of the A allele of rs3088442G>A with T2D become weaker in obese people than that of non-obese. If confirmed in other populations, the rs3088442G>A variant as a genetic marker may potentially assist in the identification of individuals at an increased risk of T2D. Copyright © 2017 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Prevalencia de hipotiroidismo y su asociación con factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos en mujeres adultas argentinas

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    Lorena Rosalía Belén


    Full Text Available Introducción: El hipotiroidismo se asocia con factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos (FRC además de la edad y del sexo femenino. El principal objetivo fue conocer la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo y su asociación con FRC en mujeres adultas concurrentes a un Centro de Endocrinología de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.Material y Métodos: Diseño transversal y observacional en muestra no probabilística de 316 mujeres adultas (40 a 65 años, categorizadas en hipotiroideas controladas con tratamiento farmacológico y eutiroideas. Variables: Se estudiaron los siguientes FRC: Índice Masa Corporal (IMC, <25kg/m2 y ≥25,0Kg/m2; circunferencia cintura (CC ≤88cm y >88cm; etapa biológica (premenopausia y posmenopausia, tabaquismo, sedentarismo; perfil lipídico alterado (ColT>200mg/dl; LDL-c>130mg/dl; Tg>150mg/dl; HDL-c<40mg/dl; HTA≥120/80mmHg y glucemia basal aumentada >100mg/dl. Estadística con SPSS 15.0 estableciendo medidas de tendencia central, ANOVA y OR con intervalos de confianza 95% (IC y diferencia de proporciones con valor p<0,05.Resultados: 46,2% hipotiroideas controladas y 53,8% eutiroideas; 64,2% posmenopáusicas; 68% con sobrepeso u obesidad y 45,2% con CC aumentada. La edad fue similar en ambos grupos: 53,3 (DS=6,4 años hipotiroideas y 53,9 (DS=6,6 años eutiroideas. Sedentarismo fue el FRC más prevalente en ambos grupos. Las hipotiroideas presentaron más riesgo de IMC aumentado (OR=0,36 IC95%=0,21-0,59; p=0,0001 y CC alterada (OR=0,53 IC95%=0,34-0,84; p=0,006 que las eutiroideas.Conclusiones: La prevalencia de hipotiroidismo se presentó aproximadamente en la mitad de la muestra. El estado nutricional alterado fue el único FRC asociado significativamente con el hipotiroidismo.

  14. O cuidado intensivo oferecido ao paciente no ambiente de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva El cuidado intensivo ofrecido al paciente en el ambiente de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Intensive care provided to patients in the environment of Intensive Care Units

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    Marli Terezinha Stein Backes


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo, partiu da questão: como se dá o cuidado intensivo oferecido ao paciente no ambiente de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva? Teve como objetivo compreender o cuidado intensivo oferecido ao paciente no ambiente de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto. O método utilizado foi a Grounded Theory. Realizou-se 39 entrevistas com 47 sujeitos diferenciados (pacientes, profissionais da saúde, gestores, profissionais dos serviços de apoio, familiares de três Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Adulto, em Florianópolis/SC, Santa Maria/RS e Pelotas/RS, Brasil, entre junho de 2009 a setembro de 2010. A teoria "Sustentando a vida no ambiente complexo de cuidados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva", foi delimitada por oito categorias, das quais será focalizada neste artigo a categoria "Cuidando e monitorando o paciente continuamente". Conclui-se que o cuidado intensivo requer um cuidado integral com os pacientes, que vai além do cuidado técnico e inclui as dimensões física, emocional, espiritual e social do ser humano.Este estudio cualitativo se basó en la pregunta: ¿Cómo funciona el cuidado intensivo ofrecido al paciente en el ambiente de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos? El artículo tuvo como objetivo comprender el cuidado intensivo ofrecido al paciente en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de Adultos. El método utilizado fue la Grounded Theory. Se llevó a cabo 39 entrevistas con 47 personas de tres diferentes unidades de cuidados intensivos para adultos en Florianópolis/SC, Santa Maria/RS y Pelotas/RS, desde junio 2009 a septiembre de 2010. La teoría "Sosteniendo la vida en el complejo ambiente de cuidados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos", fue delimitada por ocho categorías. En este artículo se centrará la categoría "Asistir y monitorear el paciente continuamente". Se concluye que el cuidado intensivo requiere una atención integral a los pacientes, más allá de la atención técnica e incluye la dimensión física, emocional

  15. Infant mortality in Pelotas, Brazil: a comparison of risk factors in two birth cohorts. (United States)

    Menezes, Ana Maria Baptista; Hallal, Pedro Curi; Santos, Iná Silva dos; Victora, Cesar Gomes; Barros, Fernando Celso


    To compare two population-based birth cohorts to assess trends in infant mortality rates and the distribution of relevant risk factors, and how these changed after an 11-year period. Data from two population-based prospective birth cohorts (1982 and 1993) were analyzed. Both studies included all children born in a hospital (> 99% of all births) in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil. Infant mortality was monitored through surveillance of all maternity hospitals, mortality registries and cemeteries. There were 5,914 live-born children in 1982 and 5,249 in 1993. The infant mortality rate decreased by 41%, from 36.0 per 1,000 live births in 1982 to 21.1 per 1,000 in 1993. Socioeconomic and maternal factors tended to become more favorable during the study period, but there were unfavorable changes in birthweight and gestational age. Poverty, high parity, low birthweight, preterm delivery, and intrauterine growth restriction were the main risk factors for infant mortality in both cohorts. The 41% reduction in infant mortality between 1982 and 1993 would have been even greater had the prevalence of risk factors remained constant during the period studied here. There were impressive declines in infant mortality which were not due to changes in the risk factors we studied. Because no reduction was seen in the large social inequalities documented in the 1982 cohort, it is likely that the reduction in infant mortality resulted largely from improvements in health care.

  16. Falls, cuts and burns in children 0-4 years of age: 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort. (United States)

    Barcelos, Raquel Siqueira; Santos, Iná S; Matijasevich, Alicia; Barros, Aluísio J D; Barros, Fernando C; França, Giovanny Vinicius Araújo; Silva, Vera Lúcia Schmidt da


    Knowledge on the incidence of childhood accidents according to the child's stage of development is important for designing preventive programs targeting each age bracket. The aim of this study was to describe the incidence of falls, cuts, and burns in children up to four years of age according to family economic status and maternal age and schooling, in children from the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort. We calculated the incidence rates and incidence rates ratios for the 0-12, 12-24, and 24-48- months of age. Falls were the most frequently reported accidents in all the age brackets, followed by cuts and burns. Boys suffered more falls and cuts than girls in the first two years of life. In the second year of life, the incidence of falls and burns practically tripled, while cuts nearly doubled when compared to the first year, in both sexes. Burns were equally frequent in girls and boys in all three age brackets. The incidence of falls and cuts was higher in boys. In both sexes, having an adolescent mother was associated with falls and cuts in all three age brackets; low maternal schooling was associated with burns and cuts at 48 months; and low family socioeconomic status was associated with falls and cuts at 48 months.

  17. Factors associated to leisure-time sedentary lifestyle in adults of 1982 birth cohort, Pelotas, Southern Brazil (United States)

    Azevedo, Mario R; Horta, Bernardo L; Gigante, Denise P; Victora, Cesar G; Barros, Fernando C


    OBJECTIVE To assess factors associated to leisure-time physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. METHODS Prospective cohort study of people born in 1982 in the city of Pelotas, southern Brazil. Data were collected at birth and during in a visit in 2004-5 when 77.4% of the cohort were evaluated, making a total of 4,297 people studied. Information about leisure-time physical activity was collected using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Sedentary people were defined as those with weekly physical activity below 150 minutes. The following independent variables were studied: gender, skin color, birth weight, family income at birth and income change between birth and 23 years of age. Poisson’s regression with robust adjustment of variance was used for the assessment of risk factors of sedentary lifestyle. RESULTS Men reported 334 min of weekly leisure-time physical activity compared to 112 min among women. The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle was 80.6% in women and 49.2% in men. Scores of physical activity increased as income at birth increased. Those who were currently poor or who became poor during adult life were more sedentary. CONCLUSIONS Leisure-time sedentary lifestyle in young adults was high especially among women. Physical activity during leisure time is determined by current socioeconomic conditions. PMID:19142347

  18. Modalidades de allegamiento residencial en la población adulta mayor argentina y mexicana: determinantes socioeconómicos y diferencias regionales

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    Nélida Redondo


    Full Text Available La transición demográfica ha derivado en el progresivo envejecimiento de las poblaciones de los países de América Latina y el Caribe. Hasta el momento se desconoce cuál será el impacto del envejecimiento demográfico en las sociedades con menor afluencia de recursos económicos y, aún más, en contextos de pobreza. Según los estudios de historia demográfica, una de las consecuencias del envejecimiento poblacional es el cambio en las modalidades y configuraciones de los arreglos familiares en los que residen las personas adultas mayores. En este artículo se analizan comparativamente los tipos de hogar y allegamiento generacional de convivencia de las personas mayores en México y Argentina y, a su vez, en las regiones que conforman cada uno de estos países. Se contrasta el tipo de hogar, las modalidades de allegamiento generacional y el nivel de envejecimiento demográfico regional con las características de las poblaciones de adultos mayores seleccionadas: a pobreza por ingresos, b cobertura previsional y c cobertura de salud. Asimismo, se elaboró un modelo logístico multinomial para estimar la probabilidad relativa de residir en distintos tipos de hogar considerando como variables independientes: a el sexo, b la edad, c el nivel educativo y d las regiones de residencia. El propósito del análisis comparado es documentar el impacto del envejecimiento demográfico y del desarrollo económico y social de las regiones en las modalidades de allegamiento residencial de las personas adultas mayores en dos países de América Latina y el Caribe.

  19. High-Speed RaPToRS (United States)

    Henchen, Robert; Esham, Benjamin; Becker, William; Pogozelski, Edward; Padalino, Stephen; Sangster, Thomas; Glebov, Vladimir


    The High-Speed Rapid Pneumatic Transport of Radioactive Samples (HS-RaPToRS) system, designed to quickly and safely move radioactive materials, was assembled and tested at the Mercury facility of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington D.C. A sample, which is placed inside a four-inch-diameter carrier, is activated before being transported through a PVC tube via airflow. The carrier travels from the reaction chamber to the end station where it pneumatically brakes prior to the gate. A magnetic latch releases the gate when the carrier arrives and comes to rest. The airflow, optical carrier-monitoring devices, and end gate are controlled manually or automatically with LabView software. The installation and testing of the RaPToRS system at NRL was successfully completed with transport times of less than 3 seconds. The speed of the carrier averaged 16 m/s. Prospective facilities for similar systems include the Laboratory for Laser Energetics and the National Ignition Facility.

  20. Genetic variants in PARP1 (rs3219090) and IRF4 (rs12203592) genes associated with melanoma susceptibility in a Spanish population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peña-Chilet, Maria; Ribas, Gloria; Blanquer-Maceiras, Maite; Ibarrola-Villava, Maider; Martinez-Cadenas, Conrado; Martin-Gonzalez, Manuel; Gomez-Fernandez, Cristina; Mayor, Matias; Aviles, Juan Antonio; Lluch, Ana


    Few high penetrance genes are known in Malignant Melanoma (MM), however, the involvement of low-penetrance genes such as MC1R, OCA2, ASIP, SLC45A2 and TYR has been observed. Lately, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been the ideal strategy to identify new common, low-penetrance susceptibility loci. In this case–control study, we try to validate in our population nine melanoma associated markers selected from published GWAS in melanoma predisposition. We genotyped the 9 markers corresponding to 8 genes (PARP1, MX2, ATM, CCND1, NADSYN1, CASP8, IRF4 and CYP2R1) in 566 cases and 347 controls from a Spanish population using KASPar probes. Genotypes were analyzed by logistic regression and adjusted by phenotypic characteristics. We confirm the protective role in MM of the rs3219090 located on the PARP1 gene (p-value 0.027). Additionally, this SNP was also associated with eye color (p-value 0.002). A second polymorphism, rs12203592, located on the IRF4 gene was associated with protection to develop MM for the dominant model (p-value 0.037). We have also observed an association of this SNP with both lentigines (p-value 0.014) and light eye color (p-value 3.76 × 10 -4 ). Furthermore, we detected a novel association with rs1485993, located on the CCND1 gene, and dark eye color (p-value 4.96 × 10 -4 ). Finally, rs1801516, located on the ATM gene, showed a trend towards a protective role in MM similar to the one firstly described in a GWAS study. To our knowledge, this is the first time that these SNPs have been associated with MM in a Spanish population. We confirmed the proposed role of rs3219090, located on the PARP1 gene, and rs12203592, located on the IRF4 gene, as protective to MM along the same lines as have previous genome-wide associated works. Finally, we have seen associations between IRF4, PARP1, and CCND1 and phenotypic characteristics, confirming previous results for the IRF4 gene and presenting novel data for the last two, suggesting that

  1. Perspectivas de la niñez adulta: El cómic como espacio de denuncia desde la marginalidad de sus personajes

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    Ana Merino


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la representación de la niñez en varios cómics iberoamericanos: Mafalda de Quino, Paracuellos de Carlos Jiménez y Socorro de Miguel Rep. En ellos se articula la infancia desde una perspectiva adulta y crítica con la sociedad mostrando una dimensión comprometida que interpela al lector. This article analyzes the representation of childhood in several Latin American comics: Mafalda by Quino, Paracuellos by Carlos Jiménez, and Socorro by Miguel Rep. In these comics, infancy is articulated from an adult angle critical with society, showing a dimension of commitment appealing to their readership.

  2. A identificação das variedades regionais do português brasileiro através da informação entoacional


    Peres, Daniel Oliveira


    Resumo Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar se falantes do português brasileiro são capazes de reconhecer suas próprias variedades regionais a partir das informações entoacionais. Além disso, também pretende procurar pistas nas variações de F0 que possam justificar o desempenho dos participantes. Os dois experimentos realizados neste trabalho foram feitos com base em três variedades do Português Brasileiro: a variedade de Pelotas (RS), São Paulo (bairro da Mooca) e Senador Pompeu (CE). O e...

  3. Incidência de cólica no lactente e fatores associados: um estudo de coorte


    Saavedra Maria A.L.; Costa Juvenal S. Dias da; Garcias Gilberto; Horta Bernardo L.; Tomasi Elaine; Mendonça Rodrigo


    OBJETIVOS: estabelecer a incidência de cólica no lactente e seus determinantes. MÉTODOS: entre maio e julho de 1999, a equipe de pesquisa visitou, diariamente, as três principais maternidades da cidade de Pelotas, RS, e todas as mulheres, após o parto, foram entrevistadas, e seus filhos acompanhados aos três meses. Definiu-se a criança com cólica conforme proposto por Wessel. Os possíveis fatores de risco avaliados foram: classe social, escolaridade materna, idade dos pais, tipo e tempo de re...

  4. Infantile colic incidence and associated risk factors: a cohort study


    Saavedra, Maria A.L.; Costa, Juvenal S. Dias da; Garcias, Gilberto; Horta, Bernardo L.; Tomasi, Elaine; Mendonça, Rodrigo


    OBJETIVOS: estabelecer a incidência de cólica no lactente e seus determinantes. MÉTODOS: entre maio e julho de 1999, a equipe de pesquisa visitou, diariamente, as três principais maternidades da cidade de Pelotas, RS, e todas as mulheres, após o parto, foram entrevistadas, e seus filhos acompanhados aos três meses. Definiu-se a criança com cólica conforme proposto por Wessel. Os possíveis fatores de risco avaliados foram: classe social, escolaridade materna, idade dos pais, tipo e tempo de re...

  5. Registro de Cyclocephala flavipennis Arrow, 1914 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae danificando plantas de mirtileiro no Brasil

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    Gabriela Inés Diez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Larvas de Cyclocephala flavipennis Arrow, 1914, são comumente encontradas em cereais de inverno (trigo, cevada, aveia e triticale, milho e soja, no Rio Grande do Sul. Em março de 2012, larvas desta espécie foram detectadas em plantas de mirtileiro (Vaccinium ashei Reade, cultivar 'O´Neal', no município de Pelotas, RS. Os insetos alimentaram-se de raízes em áreas restritas do pomar. Este é o primeiro relato da ocorrência do coró-pequeno, C. flavipennis, em plantas de mirtileiro

  6. Prevalência de sobrepeso e prática de exercícios físicos em trabalhadores de unidade de alimentação e nutrição hospitalar


    Vargas, Vagner de Souza; Lobato, Rubens Caurio


    O sobrepeso vem sendo apontado como fator de risco para doenças crônico-degenerativas e síndrome plurimetabólica. O objetivo deste estudo foi uma avaliação nutricional de todos os funcionários da Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição do Hospital Sociedade Portuguesa de Beneficência de Pelotas/RS. No período de junho a agosto de 2001, todos os trabalhadores, exceto as nutricionistas, foram entrevistados e avaliados nutricionalmente pelo autor desta pesquisa. Com este estudo, evidenciou-se que 36% ...

  7. [Cervix uteri cancer: a critical approach to its prevention]. (United States)

    de Oliveira, Michele Mandagara; da Silva, Emilia Nalva Ferreira; Pinto, Ione Carvalho; Coimbra, Valéria Cristina Christello


    This article is a pilot study of one of the authors master dissertation about problems related to the preventive measures of cervix cancer. Four women with cancer that were hospitalized at the gynecological ward or under chemotherapy treatment at a hospital in the city of Pelotas, RS, Brazil, were interviewed. Data were collected from April to June 2001, and of the women interviewed only one was examined preventively according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health. Therefore, health professionals should be urged to promote care as well as health education.

  8. Efeito do estímulo às relações interpessoais na aprendizagem de uma tarefa motora


    SANTOS, Leontine Lima dos


    A sala de aula constitui um microssistema perfeito, onde o professor interfere na formação dos seus educandos, através da manipulação das variáveis de aprendizagem e das relações interpessoais (SCHILD, 1999). O presente estudo se caracteriza como uma pesquisa experimental que objetivou verificar o efeito do estímulo às relações interpessoais na aprendizagem de uma tarefa motora em adolescentes. A amostra, intencional, composta por 72 alunos de uma escola da cidade de Pelotas-RS, foi dividida ...

  9. Dietary assessment in the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study: comparing energy intake with energy expenditure Avaliação dietética da coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 1993: uma comparação da ingestão e do gasto de energia

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    Denise P. Gigante


    Full Text Available The study aims to describe and compare two methods of energy intake assessment and one measure of energy expenditure applied in adolescents from a birth cohort. In a sub-sample of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort, followed up in 2006-7, information on intake was obtained through a food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ and three 24-hour-recalls (24hR, while energy expenditure was assessed using an accelerometer. Bland & Altman plots were used in the analyses in order to compare the methods. The mean difference between FFQ and 24hR was 592 ± 929cal/day. Compared to energy expenditure, intake was overestimated when measured by FFQ (357 ± 968cal/day and underestimated by 24hR (-278 ± 714cal/day. In spite of the great differences between energy intake obtained using the two methods, lower differences were observed when these methods were compared to expenditure.O objetivo do estudo foi descrever e comparar dois métodos de avaliação de consumo calórico e uma medida de gasto energético aplicados em adolescentes de uma coorte de nascimentos. Em uma subamostra da coorte de 1993 de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, acompanhada em 2006-2007, informações sobre consumo calórico foram obtidas através de questionário de frequência alimentar (QFA e três recordatórios de 24 horas (R24h, enquanto gasto energético foi avaliado por acelerômetro. Gráficos de Bland & Altman foram usados na comparação dos métodos. A diferença média entre QFA e R24h foi 592 ± 929cal/dia. Ao comparar com gasto energético, o consumo foi superestimado se medido pelo QFA (357 ± 968cal/dia e subestimado pelo R24h (-278 ± 714cal/dia. Apesar da grande diferença no consumo, menores diferenças foram observadas quando os dois métodos foram comparados ao gasto energético.

  10. Association of interferon regulatory factor 4 gene polymorphisms rs12203592 and rs872071 with skin cancer and haematological malignancies susceptibility: a meta-analysis of 19 case–control studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Songtao; Yan, Qing; Chen, Pin; Zhao, Peng; Gu, Aihua


    Research has indicated that the rs12203592 and rs872071 interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4) gene polymorphisms correlate with the risk of cancer, especially skin cancer and haematological malignancies, but the results remain controversial. To understand better the effects of these two polymorphisms on skin cancer and haematological malignancies susceptibility, a cumulative meta-analysis was performed. We conducted a search using the PubMed and Web of Science databases for relevant case-control studies published before April 2014. Summary odds ratios (ORs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using fixed- or random-effects models where appropriate. Heterogeneity test, publication bias test, and sensitivity analysis were also performed. In total, 11 articles comprised of 19 case–control studies were identified; five focused on the rs12203592 polymorphism with 7,992 cases and 8,849 controls, and six were on the rs872071 polymorphism with 3108 cases and 8300 controls. As for rs12203592, a significant correlation with overall skin cancer and haematological malignancies risk was found with the homozygote comparison model (OR = 1.566, 95% CI 1.087-2.256) and recessive model (OR = 1.526, 95% CI 1.107-2.104). For rs872071, a significantly elevated haematological malignancies risk was observed in all genetic models (homozygote comparison: OR = 1.805, 95% CI 1.402-2.323; heterozygote comparison: OR = 1.427, 95% CI 1.203-1.692; dominant: OR = 1.556, 95% CI 1.281-1.891; recessive: OR = 1.432, 95% CI 1.293-1.587; additive: OR = 1.349, 95% CI 1.201-1.515). Similarly, increased skin cancer and haematological malignancies risk was also identified after stratification of the SNP data by cancer type, ethnicity and source of controls for both polymorphisms. Our meta-analysis indicated that the rs12203592 and rs872071 IRF4 gene polymorphisms are associated with individual susceptibility to skin cancer and haematological malignancies. Moreover, the effect

  11. Převodník Ethernet na RS-232


    Dreiseitel, Jiří


    Práce je věnována problematice konstrukce převodníku Ethernet na RS-232 za pomocí jednočipového mikrokontroléru. Cílem je seznámit čtenáře se síťovou technologií Ethernet a technologií pro sériový přenos založený na protokolu RS-232 a zároveň s technologií vestavěných systémů pro konstrukci zařízení. Součástí práce je kompletní návrh převodníku Ethernet na RS-232 včetně návrhu a implementace firmware v jazyce C za využití LwIP TCP/IP stacku. Převodník je postaven na základě vývojového kitu ST...

  12. Study on parallel and distributed management of RS data based on spatial database (United States)

    Chen, Yingbiao; Qian, Qinglan; Wu, Hongqiao; Liu, Shijin


    With the rapid development of current earth-observing technology, RS image data storage, management and information publication become a bottle-neck for its appliance and popularization. There are two prominent problems in RS image data storage and management system. First, background server hardly handle the heavy process of great capacity of RS data which stored at different nodes in a distributing environment. A tough burden has put on the background server. Second, there is no unique, standard and rational organization of Multi-sensor RS data for its storage and management. And lots of information is lost or not included at storage. Faced at the above two problems, the paper has put forward a framework for RS image data parallel and distributed management and storage system. This system aims at RS data information system based on parallel background server and a distributed data management system. Aiming at the above two goals, this paper has studied the following key techniques and elicited some revelatory conclusions. The paper has put forward a solid index of "Pyramid, Block, Layer, Epoch" according to the properties of RS image data. With the solid index mechanism, a rational organization for different resolution, different area, different band and different period of Multi-sensor RS image data is completed. In data storage, RS data is not divided into binary large objects to be stored at current relational database system, while it is reconstructed through the above solid index mechanism. A logical image database for the RS image data file is constructed. In system architecture, this paper has set up a framework based on a parallel server of several common computers. Under the framework, the background process is divided into two parts, the common WEB process and parallel process.

  13. A supremacia da perspectiva associacionista em práticas alfabetizadoras no 1º ano do ensino fundamental de nove anos

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    Gabriela Medeiros Nogueira


    Full Text Available O propósito deste trabalho é apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada em 2010 sobre práticas de alfabetização em uma turma do 1º ano da rede municipal de Pelotas-RS. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram realizados através de análise documental (LE GOFF, 1992 e da abordagem etnográfica (COHN, 2005; GEERTZ, 2008, considerando principalmente os estudos sobre alfabetização desenvolvidos por Soares (2001a, 2004a, Kramer (2006 e Peres (2009. Os dados foram coletados através da análise dos cadernos das crianças, dos documentos expedidos pelo Ministério da Educação que tratam da proposta para o ensino fundamental de nove anos e dos documentos da Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SME. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que a alfabetização desenvolvida no cotidiano da turma de 1º ano investigada não corresponde à proposta do governo federal e da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Pelotas.

  14. Utilização de adoçantes dietéticos entre adultos em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: um estudo de base populacional Use of diet sweeteners by adults in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil: a population-based study

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    Roberta de Vargas Zanini


    Full Text Available Estudo de base populacional avaliou o uso de adoçantes dietéticos na população com idade ≥ 20 anos, residente na zona urbana do Município de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre janeiro e julho de 2010, e 2.732 indivíduos foram entrevistados. Além das questões específicas quanto ao uso de adoçante dietético, foram coletadas informações sobre características demográficas, socioeconômicas e de saúde. Para as análises estatísticas, foram utilizados testes qui-quadrado de heterogeneidade e de tendência linear. A prevalência de uso de adoçante dietético foi 19% (IC95%: 17,1; 20,9, sendo 3,7 vezes maior entre idosos do que entre aqueles com 20-29 anos de idade. Nível econômico e estado nutricional apresentaram associação direta e significativa com o desfecho. Quase 98% da amostra utilizou adoçantes na forma líquida, sendo os mais consumidos (89,2% aqueles constituídos por sacarina e ciclamato de sódio. A mediana de ingestão diária foi 10 gotas (P25; P75 = 6; 18, entre usuários de adoçante líquido, ou 1,5 sachet (P25; P75 = 1; 4, para adoçante em pó. O uso de adoçante dietético foi maior entre mulheres e idosos.This population-based study evaluated the use of diet sweeteners by adults (> 20 years in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Data were collected from January to July 2010 (n = 2,732. Besides specific questions on diet sweeteners, demographic, socioeconomic, and health characteristics were recorded. Heterogeneity and linear trend chi-square tests were used for the statistical analysis. Prevalence of sweetener use was 19% (95%CI: 1.1-20.9, and was 3.7 times higher in elderly individuals as compared to 20-29-year-olds. Economic level and nutritional status were significantly associated with sweetener use. Nearly 98% of the sample used liquid sweeteners; the most frequently consumed (89.2% were those containing saccharin or sodium cyclamate. Average intake was 10 drops

  15. Polymorphism of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor gene (rs1042044 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 16, 2015 ... turnover via GLP-1 receptors (GLP1Rs) in postmenopausal state. Furthermore, polymorphisms in. GLP1R gene were suggested to affect the function of GLP1Rs and be associated with many diseases. However, the relationships between GLP1R polymorphisms and osteoporosis susceptibility and bone.

  16. [Working and health conditions of preschool teachers of the public school network of Pelotas, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]. (United States)

    da Silva, Luciane Goulart; da Silva, Marcelo Cozzensa


    This study describes the working and health conditions of preschool teachers from the public school network in Pelotas, State of Rio Grande do Sul. A descriptive census was conducted in schools of the city and the state that offered preschool classes. The questionnaire included social and demographic, behavioral, nutritional, health and work issues. All teachers were female, more than 55% were classified as being overweight, 12.6% were smokers and 73% were not sufficiently physically active during their leisure time. With respect to the working conditions, 66.7% reported working in an uncomfortable posture, 40.5% considered the desks and furniture inadequate, 50.5% replied that the intervals between classes and activities are insufficient for resting. The prevalence of back, thoracic, neck and shoulder pain was high, and 17.8% tested positive for minor psychiatric disorders. The prevalence rates for occupational exposure and poor health conditions of preschool teachers are significant and can interfere in the quality of life and work of these individuals.

  17. Polymorphism of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor gene (rs1042044 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Previous investigations indicated that glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) played important roles in bone turnover via GLP-1 receptors (GLP1Rs) in postmenopausal state. Furthermore, polymorphisms in GLP1R gene were suggested to affect the function of GLP1Rs and be associated with many diseases. However, the ...

  18. Configuration control plan for the ports NCS IBM RS/6000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, A.S.


    This document describes the actions and responsibilities for maintaining the quality and integrity of the NS software resident on the IBM RS/6000 workstation managed by the Nuclear Criticality Safety group at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. This document does not address the validation of NS software packages for the RS/6000

  19. BDNF rs6265 methylation and genotype interact on risk for schizophrenia. (United States)

    Ursini, Gianluca; Cavalleri, Tommaso; Fazio, Leonardo; Angrisano, Tiziana; Iacovelli, Luisa; Porcelli, Annamaria; Maddalena, Giancarlo; Punzi, Giovanna; Mancini, Marina; Gelao, Barbara; Romano, Raffaella; Masellis, Rita; Calabrese, Francesca; Rampino, Antonio; Taurisano, Paolo; Di Giorgio, Annabella; Keller, Simona; Tarantini, Letizia; Sinibaldi, Lorenzo; Quarto, Tiziana; Popolizio, Teresa; Caforio, Grazia; Blasi, Giuseppe; Riva, Marco A; De Blasi, Antonio; Chiariotti, Lorenzo; Bollati, Valentina; Bertolino, Alessandro


    Epigenetic mechanisms can mediate gene-environment interactions relevant for complex disorders. The BDNF gene is crucial for development and brain plasticity, is sensitive to environmental stressors, such as hypoxia, and harbors the functional SNP rs6265 (Val(66)Met), which creates or abolishes a CpG dinucleotide for DNA methylation. We found that methylation at the BDNF rs6265 Val allele in peripheral blood of healthy subjects is associated with hypoxia-related early life events (hOCs) and intermediate phenotypes for schizophrenia in a distinctive manner, depending on rs6265 genotype: in ValVal individuals increased methylation is associated with exposure to hOCs and impaired working memory (WM) accuracy, while the opposite is true for ValMet subjects. Also, rs6265 methylation and hOCs interact in modulating WM-related prefrontal activity, another intermediate phenotype for schizophrenia, with an analogous opposite direction in the 2 genotypes. Consistently, rs6265 methylation has a different association with schizophrenia risk in ValVals and ValMets. The relationships of methylation with BDNF levels and of genotype with BHLHB2 binding likely contribute to these opposite effects of methylation. We conclude that BDNF rs6265 methylation interacts with genotype to bridge early environmental exposures to adult phenotypes, relevant for schizophrenia. The study of epigenetic changes in regions containing genetic variation relevant for human diseases may have beneficial implications for the understanding of how genes are actually translated into phenotypes.

  20. El proceso de transición a la vida adulta de jóvenes acogidos en el sistema de protección infantil


    López, Mónica; Santos, Iriana; Bravo, Amaia; Valle, Jorge F. del


    En este artículo se revisan diversas investigaciones de carácter nacional e internacional sobre los adolescentes que egresan del sistema de protección. Se trata de jóvenes que al cumplir los 18 años estando acogidos en hogares de protección o con familias se ven inmersos en un proceso de transición a la vida adulta muy diferente al del resto de sus iguales. La investigación pone de manifiesto cómo la transición de estos menores es más breve, comprimida y acelerada que la de sus pares, present...

  1. Agenesia pulmonar y riñón en herradura en la edad adulta: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura

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    D.I. Navarro Vergara


    Full Text Available La agenesia pulmonar es una malformación congénita rara que se define como la ausencia total de parénquima pulmonar, bronquios y vasculatura. En la literatura se encuentran pocos casos de esta malformación en la edad adulta, debido a la presencia de otras malformaciones coincidentes, como desplazamiento mediastinal y cardiaco severos. La mayoría de los casos mueren prematuramente en los primeros 5 años de vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 31 años de edad con agenesia pulmonar izquierda asociada a malformación genitourinaria: riñón en herradura.

  2. The NOD2 p.Leu1007fsX1008 mutation (rs2066847) is a stronger predictor of the clinical course of Crohn's disease than the FOXO3A intron variant rs12212067. (United States)

    Schnitzler, Fabian; Friedrich, Matthias; Wolf, Christiane; Angelberger, Marianne; Diegelmann, Julia; Olszak, Torsten; Beigel, Florian; Tillack, Cornelia; Stallhofer, Johannes; Göke, Burkhard; Glas, Jürgen; Lohse, Peter; Brand, Stephan


    Very recently, a sub-analysis of genome-wide association scans revealed that the non-coding single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs12212067 in the FOXO3A gene is associated with a milder course of Crohn's disease (CD) (Cell 2013;155:57-69). The aim of our study was to evaluate the clinical value of the SNP rs12212067 in predicting the severity of CD by correlating CD patient genotype status with the most relevant complications of CD such as stenoses, fistulas, and CD-related surgery. We genotyped 550 CD patients for rs12212067 (FOXO3A) and the three common CD-associated NOD2 mutations rs2066844, rs2066847, and rs2066847 and performed genotype-phenotype analyses. No significant phenotypic differences were found between the wild-type genotype TT of the FOXO3A SNP rs12212067 and the minor genotypes TG and GG independently from NOD2 variants. The allele frequency of the minor G allele was 12.7%. Age at diagnosis, disease duration, body mass index, surgery rate, stenoses, fistula, need for immunosuppressive therapy, and disease course were not significantly different. In contrast, the NOD2 mutant p.Leu1007fsX1008 (rs2066847) was highly associated with penetrating CD (p = 0.01), the development of fistulas (p = 0.01) and stenoses (p = 0.01), and ileal disease localization (p = 0.03). Importantly, the NOD2 SNP rs2066847 was a strong separator between an aggressive and a mild course of CD (p = 2.99×10(-5)), while the FOXO3A SNP rs12212067 did not separate between mild and aggressive CD behavior in our cohort (p = 0.35). 96.2% of the homozygous NOD2 p.Leu1007fsX1008 carriers had an aggressive disease behavior compared to 69.3% of the patients with the NOD2 wild-type genotype (p = 0.007). In clinical practice, the NOD2 variant p.Leu1007fsX1008 (rs2066847), in particular in homozygous form, is a much stronger marker for a severe clinical phenotype than the FOXO3A rs12212067 SNP for a mild disease course on an individual patient level despite its

  3. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-related single nucleotide polymorphisms rs10738760 and rs6921438 are not associated with diabetic retinopathy (DR in Slovenian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM

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    Rifet Terzić


    Full Text Available Diabetic retinopathy (DR is a complication of diabetes characterized by vascular permeability, increased tissue ischemia, and angiogenesis. One of the most important proteins involved in angiogenesis is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, also known as VEGFA. A previous study demonstrated that two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, rs6921438 and rs10738760, account for nearly half the variation in circulating VEGF levels. The aim of our study was to assess the association between rs6921438 and rs10738760 and DR in Slovenian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM. This case-control study enrolled 1037 unrelated Slovenian individuals (Caucasians with T2DM. DR group included 415 T2DM patients with DR, while control group included 622 T2DM patients with no clinical signs of DR. The clinical and laboratory data were obtained from the medical records of the patients. The genotyping of rs6921438 and rs10738760 SNPs was carried out with real-time PCR assays. Significant differences were observed between patients with DR and controls in the duration of diabetes (p < 0.001, insulin therapy (p < 0.001, glycated hemoglobin (p = 0.001, body mass index (p = 0.002, total cholesterol (p = 0.002, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p < 0.001. However, we did not observe significant differences in the genotype and allele distribution of the two SNPs, between DR and control group (p < 0.05. Logistic regression analysis showed that rs6921438 and rs10738760 were not independent genetic risk factors for DR in the co-dominant model adjusted for the above-mentioned clinical and laboratory data. In conclusion, VEGF-related SNPs rs10738760 and rs6921438 are not associated with DR in our group of Slovenian patients (Caucasians with T2DM.

  4. Enhancement and feature extraction of RS images from seismic area and seismic disaster recognition technologies (United States)

    Zhang, Jingfa; Qin, Qiming


    Many types of feature extracting of RS image are analyzed, and the work procedure of pattern recognizing in RS images of seismic disaster is proposed. The aerial RS image of Tangshan Great Earthquake is processed, and the digital features of various typical seismic disaster on the RS image is calculated.

  5. Lithogeochemistry of the main unities of Pelotas batholith from Rio Grande do Sul State

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Figueiredo, M.C.H. de; Cesar, A.R.S.; Kronberg, B.I.


    The Pelotas batholith is composed predominantly of a Cambrian multi-intrusive granitic complex (Dom Feliciano Granitic Suite) associated to rhyolitic dike swarms and small basic plutons. The Piratini Gneisses (Late Riphean -Vendian) correspond to calcalkaline dioritic-tonalitic-granodioritic orthogneisses with chemical features of pre-collisional granitoids related to oceanic crust subduction (B-subduction) under an active continental margin. The Pinheiro Machado Granitoids (Vendian) are alkali-calcic granodiorite-monzogranites with Caledonian-type characteristics, but appear to also correspond to pre-collisional granitoids as a latter and more mature phase in the evolution of the magmatic arc. The Dom Feliciano Granitic Suite (Cambrian) is subdivided into porphyritic and equigranular facies, with predominance of monzogranites and syenogranites, respectively, with alkali-calcic late-orogenic characteristics. While the Rb/Sr isotopic data is consistent with the proposed evolution, the Nd model ages range from 2.0 - 1.2 Ga. This may reflect episodes of Sm/Nd fractionation within a lithospheric mantle instead of the accretion age of the granitoids. These apparent ages, which are also obtained in Parana and Karroo continental basalts, probably indicate coupled evolution of the continental crust and lithospheric mantle. In the suggested model, the Piratini Gneisses were orginated by differentiation of basic magmas formed by partial melting of lithospheric mantle, induced by dehydration of subducted oceanic crust, while the more mature arc granitoids had increasing crustal contamination or mingling-mixing with crustal melts and finally, in the late-and post-orogenic stages, partial melting of continental crust predominates. (author)

  6. El acceso a los servicios de salud bucodental para la población adulta mayor en la red hospitalaria pública de Medellín (Colombia)


    Posada López, A.; Agudelo Suárez, Andrés A.; Alzate Urrea, S.; López Vergel, F.; López Orozco, C.; Espinosa Herrera, E.; Meneses Gómez, E.J.


    Antecedentes/Objetivos: La población adulta mayor es un grupo poblacional significativo teniendo en cuenta los cambios demográficos de las últimas décadas. En el país y en la ciudad de Medellín, este grupo presenta alta vulnerabilidad social, así mismo se observan necesidades en salud bucal, descritas en los estudios nacionales y regionales en el tema. Aunque se han realizado investigaciones que tratan de identificar determinantes que afectan el acceso y la utilización de los servicios de sal...

  7. Maternal anthropometric characteristics in pregnancy and blood pressure among adolescents: 1993 live birth cohort, Pelotas, southern Brazil

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    Hallal Pedro C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background We investigated the association between maternal anthropometric measurements in prepregnancy and at the end of pregnancy and their children's systolic (SBP and diastolic (DBP blood pressure at 11 years of age, in a prospective cohort study. Methods All hospital births which took place in 1993 in the city of Pelotas - Brazil, were identified (5,249 live births. In 2004, the overall proportion of follow-up was 85% and we obtained arterial blood pressure measurements of 4,452 adolescents. Results Independent variables analyzed included maternal prepregnancy weight and body mass index (BMI and maternal weight, and height at the end of pregnancy. Multiple linear regression analysis controlling for the following confounders were carried out: adolescent's skin color, family income at birth, smoking, alcohol intake during pregnancy, and gestational arterial hypertension. Mean SBP and DBP were 101.9 mmHg (SD 12.3 and 63.4 mmHg (SD 9.9, respectively. Maternal prepregnancy weight and BMI, and weight at the end of pregnancy were positively associated with both SBP and DBP in adolescent subjects of both sexes; maternal height was positively associated with SBP only among males. Conclusions Adequate evaluation of maternal anthropometric characteristics during pregnancy may prevent high levels of blood pressure among adolescent children.

  8. Association analysis of APOA5 rs662799 and rs3135506 polymorphisms with obesity in Moroccan patients. (United States)

    Lakbakbi El Yaagoubi, F; Charoute, H; Bakhchane, A; Ajjemami, M; Benrahma, H; Errouagui, A; Kandil, M; Rouba, H; Barakat, A


    The aim of the present study is to explore the association between the APOA5 polymorphisms and haplotypes with obesity in Moroccan patients. The study was performed in 459 subjects, Obese (n=164) and non-obese (n=295). All subjects were genotyped for the APOA5 -1131T>C (rs662799) and c.56C>G (rs3135506) polymorphisms. The contribution of APOA5 polymorphisms and haplotypes in the increased risk of obesity were explored using logistic regression analyses. The -1131T>C and c.56C>G polymorphisms were significantly associated with obesity. Both polymorphisms were strongly associated with increased BMI. Analysis of constructed haplotypes showed a significant association between CG haplotype and susceptibility to obesity (OR [95%CI]=3.09 [1.93-4.97]; P<0.001). These results support a potential role for APOA5 common variants and related haplotypes as risk factors for obesity. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  9. Evaluation of IFITM3 rs12252 Association With Severe Pediatric Influenza Infection. (United States)

    Randolph, Adrienne G; Yip, Wai-Ki; Allen, Emma Kaitlynn; Rosenberger, Carrie M; Agan, Anna A; Ash, Stephanie A; Zhang, Yu; Bhangale, Tushar R; Finkelstein, David; Cvijanovich, Natalie Z; Mourani, Peter M; Hall, Mark W; Su, Helen C; Thomas, Paul G


    Interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 (IFITM3) restricts endocytic fusion of influenza virus. IFITM3 rs12252_C, a putative alternate splice site, has been associated with influenza severity in adults. IFITM3 has not been evaluated in pediatric influenza. The Pediatric Influenza (PICFLU) study enrolled children with suspected influenza infection across 38 pediatric intensive care units during November 2008 to April 2016. IFITM3 was sequenced in patients and parents were genotyped for specific variants for family-based association testing. rs12252 was genotyped in 54 African-American pediatric outpatients with influenza (FLU09), included in the population-based comparisons with 1000 genomes. Splice site analysis of rs12252_C was performed using PICFLU and FLU09 patient RNA. In PICFLU, 358 children had influenza infection. We identified 22 rs12252_C homozygotes in 185 white non-Hispanic children. rs12252_C was not associated with influenza infection in population or family-based analyses. We did not identify the Δ21 IFITM3 isoform in RNAseq data. The rs12252 genotype was not associated with IFITM3 expression levels, nor with critical illness severity. No novel rare IFITM3 functional variants were identified. rs12252 was not associated with susceptibility to influenza-related critical illness in children or with critical illness severity. Our data also do not support it being a splice site. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail

  10. A Radish Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor, RsTT8 Acts a Positive Regulator for Anthocyanin Biosynthesis

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    Sun-Hyung Lim


    Full Text Available The MYB-bHLH-WDR (MBW complex activates anthocyanin biosynthesis through the transcriptional regulation. RsMYB1 has been identified as a key player in anthocyanin biosynthesis in red radish (Raphanus sativus L., but its partner bHLH transcription factor (TF remains to be determined. In this study, we isolated a bHLH TF gene from red radish. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that this gene belongs to the TT8 clade of the IIIF subgroup of bHLH TFs, and we thus designated this gene RsTT8. Subcellular localization analysis showed that RsTT8-sGFP was localized to the nuclei of Arabidopsis thaliana protoplasts harboring the RsTT8-sGFP construct. We evaluated anthocyanin biosynthesis and RsTT8 expression levels in three radish varieties (N, C, and D that display different red phenotypes in the leaves, root flesh, and root skins. The root flesh of the C variety and the leaves and skins of the D variety exhibit intense red pigmentation; in these tissues, RsTT8 expression showed totally positive association with the expression of RsMYB1 TF and of five of eight tested anthocyanin biosynthesis genes (i.e., RsCHS, RsCHI, RsF3H, RsDFR, and RsANS. Heterologous co-expression of both RsTT8 and RsMYB1 in tobacco leaves dramatically increased the expression of endogenous anthocyanin biosynthesis genes and anthocyanin accumulation. Furthermore, a yeast two-hybrid assay showed that RsTT8 interacts with RsMYB1 at the MYB-interacting region (MIR, and a transient transactivation assay indicated that RsTT8 activates the RsCHS and RsDFR promoters when co-expressed with RsMYB1. Complementation of the Arabidopsis tt8-1 mutant, which lacks red pigmentation in the leaves and seeds, with RsTT8 restored red pigmentation, and resulted in high anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin contents in the leaves and seeds, respectively. Together, these results show that RsTT8 functions as a regulatory partner with RsMYB1 during anthocyanin biosynthesis.

  11. Association between rs6812193 polymorphism and sporadic Parkinson's disease susceptibility. (United States)

    Huo, Qiang; Li, Tao; Zhao, Peiqing; Wang, Lianqing


    Recently, the association of a single nucleotide polymorphism rs6812193 C/T with sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD) susceptibility has been widely evaluated, but the results remained inconsistent. This association should be clarified because of the importance of it on human health and quality of life. We performed a comprehensive meta-analysis to evaluate the association between the rs6812193 polymorphism and sporadic PD. PubMed was used to retrieve articles published up to June 2014 for all studies evaluating the rs6812193 polymorphism and PD in humans. Ethnicity-specific subgroup analysis was also performed based on ethnicity susceptibility. A total of 17 independent study samples (15 Caucasians and 2 Asians) including 17,956 cases and 52,751 controls were used in the presented study. The MAFT (minor allele T frequency) in PD patients of European descent is obviously higher than Asian cases (p susceptibility among overall samples (OR 0.882, 95 % CI 0.856-0.908) and Caucasian population (OR 0.881, 95 % CI 0.856-0.907), but not in Asian samples (OR 0.918, 95 % CI 0.721-1.168). No evidence of publication bias was observed. Throughout our analysis, the rs6812193 polymorphism is significantly associated with sporadic PD susceptibility in Caucasian samples, and ethnicity might be the key point of inconsistency in rs6812193 studies. Further studies are warranted to re-examine the observed associations, especially in different ethnicities.

  12. rs3806268 of NLRP3 gene polymorphism is associated with the development of primary gout. (United States)

    Deng, Jianping; Lin, Wen; Chen, Yunpeng; Wang, Xin; Yin, Zhong; Yao, Chunhong; Liu, Tangbing; Lv, Yonghong


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between seven functional SNPs in NALP3 gene and the susceptibility to primary gout. A total of 247 patients with primary gout and 247 controls were selected in this study. Genotyping of NALP3 rs4612666, rs3806268, rs12239046, rs10754558, rs7512998, rs12137901 and rs12565738 was performed using the Sequenom MassARRAY platform. Comparison analysis showed that primary gout patients were more likely to have a higher body mass index, DBP, SBP, TG, urea nitrogen and uric acid (P gout when compared with the AA genotype (OR=1.83, 95% CI=1.03-3.26). However, no significant associations were identified for the remaining SNPs. In conclusion, we found a significant association between rs3806268 in NLRP3 gene and the risk of primary gout in a Chinese population. Further clinical and genetic studies are required to investigate the mechanisms underlying the association between NALP3 polymorphisms and the development of primary gout.

  13. Predictors and health consequences of screen-time change during adolescence--1993 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study. (United States)

    Dumith, Samuel Carvalho; Garcia, Leandro Martin Totaro; da Silva, Kelly Samara; Menezes, Ana Maria Baptista; Hallal, Pedro Curi


    To investigate screen-time change from early to mid adolescence, its predictors, and its influence on body fat, blood pressure, and leisure-time physical activity. We used data from a longitudinal prospective study, conducted among participants of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort Study. At baseline, adolescents were, on average, 11 years old. They were later visited at age 15 years. Screen time was self-reported, accounting for the time spent watching television, playing video games, and using the computer. Several predictors were examined. The effect of screen-time change on some health outcomes was also analyzed. Screen time increased on average 60 min/d from 11 to 15 years of age, for the 4,218 adolescents studied. The groups that presented the highest increases in screen time were male, wealthiest, those whose mothers had higher education, and adolescents with a history of school failure. There were positive associations between screen-time change and body mass index, skinfold thickness, waist circumference, and leisure-time physical activity at 15 years of age. Screen time increased from early to mid adolescence. This increment was higher among boys and the wealthiest adolescents. Increases in screen time affected body composition, with negative implications on adiposity. Copyright © 2012 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Polymorphisms in TRPV1 and TAS2Rs associate with sensations from sampled ethanol. (United States)

    Allen, Alissa L; McGeary, John E; Hayes, John E


    Genetic variation in chemosensory genes can explain variability in individual's perception of and preference for many foods and beverages. To gain insight into variable preference and intake of alcoholic beverages, we explored individual variability in the responses to sampled ethanol (EtOH). In humans, EtOH elicits sweet, bitter, and burning sensations. Here, we explore the relationship between variation in EtOH sensations and polymorphisms in genes encoding bitter taste receptors (TAS2Rs) and a polymodal nociceptor (TRPV1). Caucasian participants (n = 93) were genotyped for 16 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TRPV1, 3 SNPs in TAS2R38, and 1 SNP in TAS2R13. Participants rated sampled EtOH on a generalized Labeled Magnitude Scale. Two stimuli were presented: a 16% EtOH whole-mouth sip-and-spit solution with a single time-point rating of overall intensity and a cotton swab saturated with 50% EtOH on the circumvallate papillae (CV) with ratings of multiple qualities over 3 minutes. Area-under-the-curve (AUC) was calculated for the time-intensity data. The EtOH whole-mouth solution had overall intensity ratings near "very strong." Burning/stinging had the highest mean AUC values, followed by bitterness and sweetness. Whole-mouth intensity ratings were significantly associated with burning/stinging and bitterness AUC values on the CV. Three TRPV1 SNPs (rs224547, rs4780521, rs161364) were associated with EtOH sensations on the CV, with 2 (rs224547 and rs4780521) exhibiting strong linkage disequilibrium. Additionally, the TAS2R38 SNPs rs713598, rs1726866, and rs10246939 formed a haplotype, and were associated with bitterness on the CV. Last, overall intensity for whole-mouth EtOH associated with the TAS2R13 SNP rs1015443. These data suggest genetic variation in TRPV1 and TAS2Rs influence sensations from sampled EtOH and may potentially influence how individuals initially respond to alcoholic beverages. Copyright © 2014 by the Research Society on Alcoholism.

  15. Impact of Gene rs7422339 Polymorphism in Argentine Patients With Hyperhomocysteinemia

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    Silene M. Silvera-Ruiz BSc


    Full Text Available Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 ( CPS1 is a key gene in the first step of urea cycle and has been correlated with nitric oxide level and vascular smooth muscle activity. A functional single-nucleotide polymorphism C/A at position 4217 in CPS1 (National Center for Biotechnology Information SNP database no. rs7422339, T1405N was reported to be associated with high homocysteine (Hcy plasma values. Although genetic variants of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase ( MTHFR gene are known to influence Hcy concentration, other genetic determinants of Hcy remain largely unknown. The association between the CPS1 rs7422339 and the risk of hyperhomocysteinemia in Latin American populations is unknown. Here, we study this association in 100 patients having hyperhomocysteinemia without MTHFR c.677C>T polymorphism and 100 controls. CPS1 rs7422339 was studied using polymerase chain reaction and enzymatic restriction. Comparisons of the CPS1 rs7422339 genotype distributions revealed a significant difference between groups ( P = 2.3 × 10 −3 . Patients carrying polymorphic allele showed almost 3 times higher risk (odds ratio [OR] = 2.47 of hyperhomocysteinemia than wild-type allele, suggesting that rs7422339 SNP is associated with high Hcy levels in the Argentine population.

  16. Barreras y facilitadores de acceso a los servicios de salud bucal para la población adulta mayor atendida en la red pública hospitalaria de Medellín, Colombia


    Agudelo-Suárez, Andrés A.; Universidad de Antioquia; Alzate-Urrea, Santiago; López-Vergel, Felipe; López-Orozco, Carolina; Espinosa-Herrera, Érica; Posada-López, Adriana; Meneses-Gómez, Edwin J.


    análisis del acceso a los servicios de salud en población adulta mayor desde perspectivasmetodológicas cualitativas. Objetivo: identificar barreras/facilitadores de acceso a serviciosde salud bucal en adultos mayores atendidos en la red hospitalaria pública de Medellín desdela perspectiva del personal de salud. Métodos: estudio cualitativo mediante 34 entrevistas. Seidentificaron barreras/facilitadores según cuatro categorías: disponibilidad (D), accesibilidad(A), aceptabilidad (P) y contacto...

  17. The NOD2 p.Leu1007fsX1008 mutation (rs2066847 is a stronger predictor of the clinical course of Crohn's disease than the FOXO3A intron variant rs12212067.

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    Fabian Schnitzler

    Full Text Available Very recently, a sub-analysis of genome-wide association scans revealed that the non-coding single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP rs12212067 in the FOXO3A gene is associated with a milder course of Crohn's disease (CD (Cell 2013;155:57-69. The aim of our study was to evaluate the clinical value of the SNP rs12212067 in predicting the severity of CD by correlating CD patient genotype status with the most relevant complications of CD such as stenoses, fistulas, and CD-related surgery.We genotyped 550 CD patients for rs12212067 (FOXO3A and the three common CD-associated NOD2 mutations rs2066844, rs2066847, and rs2066847 and performed genotype-phenotype analyses.No significant phenotypic differences were found between the wild-type genotype TT of the FOXO3A SNP rs12212067 and the minor genotypes TG and GG independently from NOD2 variants. The allele frequency of the minor G allele was 12.7%. Age at diagnosis, disease duration, body mass index, surgery rate, stenoses, fistula, need for immunosuppressive therapy, and disease course were not significantly different. In contrast, the NOD2 mutant p.Leu1007fsX1008 (rs2066847 was highly associated with penetrating CD (p = 0.01, the development of fistulas (p = 0.01 and stenoses (p = 0.01, and ileal disease localization (p = 0.03. Importantly, the NOD2 SNP rs2066847 was a strong separator between an aggressive and a mild course of CD (p = 2.99×10(-5, while the FOXO3A SNP rs12212067 did not separate between mild and aggressive CD behavior in our cohort (p = 0.35. 96.2% of the homozygous NOD2 p.Leu1007fsX1008 carriers had an aggressive disease behavior compared to 69.3% of the patients with the NOD2 wild-type genotype (p = 0.007.In clinical practice, the NOD2 variant p.Leu1007fsX1008 (rs2066847, in particular in homozygous form, is a much stronger marker for a severe clinical phenotype than the FOXO3A rs12212067 SNP for a mild disease course on an individual patient level despite

  18. Hsa-miR-34b/c rs4938723 T>C and hsa-miR-423 rs6505162 C>A polymorphisms are associated with the risk of esophageal cancer in a Chinese population.

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    Jun Yin

    Full Text Available Esophageal cancer is the eighth most common cancer and sixth leading cause of cancer associated death worldwide. Besides environmental risk factors, genetic factors might play an important role in the esophageal cancer carcinogenesis. We conducted a hospital based case-control study to evaluate the genetic susceptibility of functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in the microRNAs on the development of esophageal cancer. A total of 629 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC cases and 686 controls were recruited for this study. The hsa-miR-34b/c rs4938723 T>C, pri-miR-124-1 rs531564 C>G, pre-miR-125a rs12975333 G>T and hsa-miR-423 rs6505162 C>A genotypes were determined using Ligation Detection Reaction (LDR method. Our results demonstrated that hsa-miR-34b/c rs4938723 CC genotype had a decreased risk of ESCC. The association was evident among patients who never drinking. Hsa-miR-423 rs6505162 C>A might associated with a significantly increased risk of ESCC in patients who smoking. These findings indicated that functional polymorphisms hsa-miR-34b/c rs4938723 T>C and hsa-miR-423 rs6505162 C>A might alter individual susceptibility to ESCC. However, our results were obtained with a limited sample size. Future larger studies with other ethnic populations are required to confirm current findings.

  19. Early determinants of attention and hyperactivity problems in adolescents: the 11-year follow-up of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study. (United States)

    Anselmi, Luciana; Menezes, Ana M B; Barros, Fernando C; Hallal, Pedro C; Araújo, Cora Luiza; Domingues, Marlos R; Rohde, Luis A


    The aim of this study was to assess early determinants of attention and hyperactivity problems in adolescents. In 1993, all hospital births in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, were monitored and mothers were interviewed (N = 5,249). At 11 years of age, 4,423 mothers answered the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in order to evaluate attention and hyperactivity problems in the adolescents. Crude and adjusted prevalence ratios were calculated using Poisson regression. Prevalence of attention and hyperactivity problems was 19.9%. Factors associated with the outcome in the adjusted analysis were: male gender, low family income, smoking during pregnancy, minor psychiatric disorders in the mother, and history of child's behavioral/emotional problems at four years of age. Early life events impacted attention and hyperactivity problems in adolescence. Risk factors for attention and hyperactivity problems found in this study were similar to those reported in other cultures.

  20. The common variant rs11646213 is associated with preeclampsia in Han Chinese women.

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    Ji-peng Wan

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia, characterized by hypertension and proteinuria, is a multifactorial disease caused by complex interactions between environmental and genetic factors. A recent genome-wide association study of blood pressure reported an association between hypertension and rs11646213. This study evaluated the association between preeclampsia and rs11646213. METHODS: A total of 454 cases and 460 controls were recruited to participate in this study. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP rs11646213 was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR and direct sequencing. RESULTS: The allele frequency of rs11646213 was significantly different between the preeclampsia and control groups (P = 0.017, OR = 1.36, 95% CI = 1.06-1.76. Differences were particularly significant in the severe preeclampsia subgroup (P = 0.002, OR = 1.54, 95% CI = 1.17-2.03 and the early-onset preeclampsia subgroup (P = 0.004, OR = 1.57, 95% CI = 1.16-2.13. Genotyping analysis showed that the T allele of rs11646213 could confer a risk for preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia and early-onset preeclampsia. CONCLUSIONS: Rs11646213 upstream of the CDH13 gene is associated with preeclampsia in Han Chinese women.

  1. Resiliency Scale (RS): Scale Development, Reliability and Validity Study


    GÜRGAN, Uğur


    The purpose of this study was to develop a new Resiliency Scale (RS) for Turkish samples. Various items from some major resiliency scales, most of them with some partial change, were collected and a pool of 228 items containing almost all possible resilience areas were obtained. This item-pool was administered to a college sample of 419. Resulting of analysis 50 item RS were obtained and administered to a new college sample of 112 participants. This second sample has also received the Rosenba...

  2. The 3Rs principle – mind the ethical gap!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsson, I. Anna S.; Franco, Nuno H.; Weary, Daniel M.


    to believe that full implementation is merely a matter of time, and once the 3Rs are widely implemented, the public will fully support any continued laboratory animal use that is deemed necessary. In this paper, we argue that these conclusions are unlikely to be correct, in part because the 3Rs are rich...... effects of repeated exposure to harmful procedures). We conclude that there is now a need for a more thorough ethical discussion on how to resolve these issues....

  3. El proceso de transición a la vida adulta de jóvenes acogidos en el sistema de protección infantil

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    Mónica López


    Full Text Available En este artículo se revisan diversas investigaciones de carácter nacional e internacional sobre los adolescentes que egresan del sistema de protección. Se trata de jóvenes que al cumplir los 18 años estando acogidos en hogares de protección o con familias se ven inmersos en un proceso de transición a la vida adulta muy diferente al del resto de sus iguales. La investigación pone de manifiesto cómo la transición de estos menores es más breve, comprimida y acelerada que la de sus pares, presentando mayores dificultades en diferentes aspectos tales como el empleo, el alojamiento, los logros educativos, la salud física y mental, etc. Esta problemática está recabando cada día más interés a nivel internacional llevándose a cabo diversas reformas legales que en la práctica se traducen en la ampliación de la estancia en los recursos de protección, la implementación de programas de entrenamiento en habilidades para la vida independiente, la introducción de las figuras de consejeros y mentores, un mayor énfasis en la educación y el empleo, así como la creación de planes individuales de emancipación, entre otros. En nuestro país los egresados comienzan a ser tenidos en cuenta en algunas leyes autonómicas de reciente creación que hacen referencia a la necesidad de invertir esfuerzos en la transición a la vida adulta de los jóvenes en protección.

  4. Desenvolvimento e validação de teoria fundamentada em dados sobre o ambiente de unidade de terapia intensiva Desarrollo y validación de la teoría fundamentada sobre el medio ambiente de la unidad de cuidado intensivo Development and validation of the theory based on data about the environment of the intensive care unit

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    Marli Terezinha Stein Backes


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo que partiu da questão: como vêm sendo construídas as teorias e modelos de cuidado de enfermagem, focalizando o processo de construção da teoria substantiva, referente à Tese que teve como objetivos compreender o significado do ambiente de cuidados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e construir um modelo teórico sobre ele. O método utilizado foi a Grounded Theory. Realizaram-se 39 entrevistas com 47 sujeitos diferenciados de três Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Adulto, em Florianópolis/SC, Santa Maria/RS e Pelotas/RS, entre junho de 2009 a setembro de 2010. A teoria "Sustentando a vida no ambiente complexo de cuidados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva" foi delimitada por oito categorias. Conclui-se que sustentar a vida no ambiente de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva significa investir intensivamente no cuidado de pacientes instáveis, com auxílio de tecnologias diferenciadas e profissionais capacitados, trabalhando em equipe, onde se convive com estresse/conflitos e dificuldades para lidar com a morte.Estudio cualitativo, empieza con la pregunta: ¿cómo se construyen las teorías y modelos de atención de enfermería, centrándose en el proceso de construcción de la teoría sustantiva de la Tesis cuyo objetivo fue comprender el significado del entorno de la atención en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos y construir un modelo teórico sobre el mismo. Se utilizó la Teoría Fundamentada. Se realizaron 39 entrevistas a 47 sujetos de 3 Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Adulto, en Florianópolis/SC, Santa Maria/RS y Pelotas/RS, entre junio de 2009 y septiembre de 2010. Se construyó una teoría de "mantenimiento de la vida en el complejo entorno de la atención en la unidad de cuidados intensivos", definida por 8 categorías. Sostener la vida en el entorno de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos significa invertir intensamente en el cuidado de los pacientes ingresados y que no se encuentran en una situación estable, con la ayuda de

  5. Genetic Variant rs10757278 on Chromosome 9p21 Contributes to Myocardial Infarction Susceptibility

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    Guangyuan Chen


    Full Text Available Large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWAS have revealed that rs10757278 polymorphism (or its proxy rs1333049 on chromosome 9p21 is associated with myocardial infarction (MI susceptibility in individuals of Caucasian ancestry. Following studies in other populations investigated this association. However, some of these studies reported weak or no significant association. Here, we reevaluated this association using large-scale samples by searching PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Our results showed significant association between rs10757278 polymorphism and MI with p = 6.09 × 10−22, odds ratio (OR = 1.29, 95% confidence interval (CI 1.22–1.36 in pooled population. We further performed a subgroup analysis, and found significant association between rs10757278 polymorphism and MI in Asian and Caucasian populations. We identified that the association between rs10757278 polymorphism and MI did not vary substantially by excluding any one study. However, the heterogeneity among the selected studies varies substantially by excluding the study from the Pakistan population. We found even more significant association between rs10757278 polymorphism and MI in pooled population, p = 3.55 × 10−53, after excluding the study from the Pakistan population. In summary, previous studies reported weak or no significant association between rs10757278 polymorphism and MI. Interestingly, our analysis suggests that rs10757278 polymorphism is significantly associated with MI susceptibility by analyzing large-scale samples.

  6. Predicting pKa for proteins using COSMO-RS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersson, Martin Peter; Jensen, Jan Halborg; Stipp, Susan Louise Svane


    We have used the COSMO-RS implicit solvation method to calculate the equilibrium constants, pKa, for deprotonation of the acidic residues of the ovomucoid inhibitor protein, OMTKY3. The root mean square error for comparison with experimental data is only 0.5 pH units and the maximum error 0.8 p......H units. The results show that the accuracy of pKa prediction using COSMO-RS is as good for large biomolecules as it is for smaller inorganic and organic acids and that the method compares very well to previous pKa predictions of the OMTKY3 protein using Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics. Our approach...

  7. Two-Component Signal Transduction System SaeRS Positively Regulates Staphylococcus epidermidis Glucose Metabolism

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    Qiang Lou


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus epidermidis, which is a causative pathogen of nosocomial infection, expresses its virulent traits such as biofilm and autolysis regulated by two-component signal transduction system SaeRS. In this study, we performed a proteomic analysis of differences in expression between the S. epidermidis 1457 wild-type and saeRS mutant to identify candidates regulated by saeRS using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/lonization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS. Of 55 identified proteins that significantly differed in expression between the two strains, 15 were upregulated and 40 were downregulated. The downregulated proteins included enzymes related to glycolysis and TCA cycle, suggesting that glucose is not properly utilized in S. epidermidis when saeRS was deleted. The study will be helpful for treatment of S. epidermidis infection from the viewpoint of metabolic modulation dependent on two-component signal transduction system SaeRS.

  8. Soft-decision decoding of RS codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Justesen, Jørn


    By introducing a few simplifying assumptions we derive a simple condition for successful decoding using the Koetter-Vardy algorithm for soft-decision decoding of RS codes. We show that the algorithm has a significant advantage over hard decision decoding when the code rate is low, when two or more...

  9. ( pear cu (SSR) m ultivar marke rs and rs are select effect tions ive for r

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    the most su ers selected tter matrices y. the most im s pyrifolia, Py he terms of the can Journ rs are select. Vilela Res esquita Filho”. PR, Brazil. FLA, Lavras M. 015 in the sout ... Nations Food and. Agricultire Organization (2014), approximately 210 000 ..... Lorenzo S (2011). Genetic variability and diversification process in.

  10. Influence of VEGFA gene polymorphisms rs2010963 and rs699947 on clinical and laboratory indicators in diabetic retinopathy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    A.S. Gudz


    Full Text Available Background. A key factor of neoangiogenesis deve­lopment in diabetic retinopathy (DR among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM is vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA. The important role of genetic polymorphisms of the VEGFA gene indicates a number of studies and meta-analyzes, that have shown their association with DR, especially with its proliferative variant, which varies in different populations. Accordingly, the purpose of this work was to find out the influence of the polymorphic genotypes rs2010963 and rs699947 of the VEGFA gene on clinical and laboratory parameters of DR in DM patients from Ukrainian population. Materials and methods. The study involved 302 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and DR. Diagnosis was established according to the international clinical classification adopted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (2003. The control group consisted of 98 people who did not have DM and DR, as well as other ophthalmic diseases. All patients were operated on cataract. In the intraocular fluid collected during the surgery, the VEGFA content was determined by the immunoassay method. Analysis of the polymorphic DNA loci of the VEGFA gene: rs2010963 and rs699947 was performed in a real time polymerase chain reaction using TaqMan Mutation Detection Assays (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA. Results. An analysis of the study results showed that rs2010963 polymorphism had an effect on the intraocular fluid VEGFA level (maximum — under the C/C risk genotype. This polymorphism was related to the sex (the genotype C/C was more common in men than in women: 3 : 1, the presence of proliferative DR (most often was determined by the presence of the genotype C/C: 45.4 % and neovascularization of the optic disc (most often determined by the pre­sence of heterozygotes G/C: 21.4 %. Polymorphism rs699947 had an effect on the visual acuity (the minimum was available in the genotype C/C, the thickness of the retina (the maximum

  11. Validade do padrão de higiene bucal de crianças aos cinco anos de idade relatado pelas mães


    Cascaes, Andreia Morales; Peres, Karen Glazer; Peres, Marco Aurélio; Demarco, Flávio Fernando; Santos, Iná; MatijasevichI, Alicia; Barros, Aluísio Jardim Dornellas de


    OBJETIVO: Determinar a validade de perguntas freqüentemente utilizadas em estudos epidemiológicos sobre higiene bucal de crianças e compará-la segundo renda familiar e escolaridade da mãe. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas 1.122 crianças participantes do sub estudo de saúde bucal de 2009 da Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas, RS, 2004. As crianças foram examinadas e suas mães entrevistadas no domicílio. O padrão ouro da condição de higiene bucal foi avaliado por meio do Índice de Higiene Oral Simplific...

  12. La transición a la edad adulta en Colombia: una lectura relacional

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    Daniela M. Marzana


    Full Text Available Los adultos jóvenes se han convertido, en las últimas décadas, en un asunto de debate e investigación evolutiva y social, tanto en psicología, como en otras disciplinas relacionadas. Este reciente interés se justifi ca en la tendencia contemporánea de las sociedades occidentales industrializadas a la prolongación de la adolescencia y la postergación del comienzo de roles adultos comunes. No obstante,en países emergentes, como Colombia, los estudios son muy escasos, la mayor parte basados en encuestas. Con base en una perspectiva relacional-intergeneracional (establecida por Vittorio Cigoli y Eugenia Scabini, la presente investigación exploró cualitativamente, mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas la transición a la vida adulta de 40 adultos jóvenes colombianos, 20 mujeres y 20 hombres. Los resultados fueron confrontados con la teoría contemporánea dominante en este campo(la “adultez emergente” en países desarrollados,propuesta por Jeffrey J. Arnett, la cual no predice los resultados de un país en vías de desarrollo como Colombia. En cambio, se encontró una fuerte presencia del apoyo familiar como característica fundamental para la transición a la adultez en Colombia,fenómeno que se deriva naturalmente de la teoría relacional-intergeneracional.

  13. Role of the SaeRS two-component regulatory system in Staphylococcus epidermidis autolysis and biofilm formation (United States)


    Background Staphylococcus epidermidis (SE) has emerged as one of the most important causes of nosocomial infections. The SaeRS two-component signal transduction system (TCS) influences virulence and biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus. The deletion of saeR in S. epidermidis results in impaired anaerobic growth and decreased nitrate utilization. However, the regulatory function of SaeRS on biofilm formation and autolysis in S. epidermidis remains unclear. Results The saeRS genes of SE1457 were deleted by homologous recombination. The saeRS deletion mutant, SE1457ΔsaeRS, exhibited increased biofilm formation that was disturbed more severely (a 4-fold reduction) by DNase I treatment compared to SE1457 and the complementation strain SE1457saec. Compared to SE1457 and SE1457saec, SE1457ΔsaeRS showed increased Triton X-100-induced autolysis (approximately 3-fold) and decreased cell viability in planktonic/biofilm states; further, SE1457ΔsaeRS also released more extracellular DNA (eDNA) in the biofilms. Correlated with the increased autolysis phenotype, the transcription of autolysis-related genes, such as atlE and aae, was increased in SE1457ΔsaeRS. Whereas the expression of accumulation-associated protein was up-regulated by 1.8-fold in 1457ΔsaeRS, the expression of an N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase enzyme (encoded by icaA) critical for polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA) synthesis was not affected by the deletion of saeRS. Conclusions Deletion of saeRS in S. epidermidis resulted in an increase in biofilm-forming ability, which was associated with increased eDNA release and up-regulated Aap expression. The increased eDNA release from SE1457ΔsaeRS was associated with increased bacterial autolysis and decreased bacterial cell viability in the planktonic/biofilm states. PMID:21702925

  14. Role of the SaeRS two-component regulatory system in Staphylococcus epidermidis autolysis and biofilm formation

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    Francois Patrice


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Staphylococcus epidermidis (SE has emerged as one of the most important causes of nosocomial infections. The SaeRS two-component signal transduction system (TCS influences virulence and biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus. The deletion of saeR in S. epidermidis results in impaired anaerobic growth and decreased nitrate utilization. However, the regulatory function of SaeRS on biofilm formation and autolysis in S. epidermidis remains unclear. Results The saeRS genes of SE1457 were deleted by homologous recombination. The saeRS deletion mutant, SE1457ΔsaeRS, exhibited increased biofilm formation that was disturbed more severely (a 4-fold reduction by DNase I treatment compared to SE1457 and the complementation strain SE1457saec. Compared to SE1457 and SE1457saec, SE1457ΔsaeRS showed increased Triton X-100-induced autolysis (approximately 3-fold and decreased cell viability in planktonic/biofilm states; further, SE1457ΔsaeRS also released more extracellular DNA (eDNA in the biofilms. Correlated with the increased autolysis phenotype, the transcription of autolysis-related genes, such as atlE and aae, was increased in SE1457ΔsaeRS. Whereas the expression of accumulation-associated protein was up-regulated by 1.8-fold in 1457ΔsaeRS, the expression of an N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase enzyme (encoded by icaA critical for polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA synthesis was not affected by the deletion of saeRS. Conclusions Deletion of saeRS in S. epidermidis resulted in an increase in biofilm-forming ability, which was associated with increased eDNA release and up-regulated Aap expression. The increased eDNA release from SE1457ΔsaeRS was associated with increased bacterial autolysis and decreased bacterial cell viability in the planktonic/biofilm states.

  15. Mass and Reliability System (MaRS) (United States)

    Barnes, Sarah


    The Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) Directorate is responsible for mitigating risk, providing system safety, and lowering risk for space programs from ground to space. The S&MA is divided into 4 divisions: The Space Exploration Division (NC), the International Space Station Division (NE), the Safety & Test Operations Division (NS), and the Quality and Flight Equipment Division (NT). The interns, myself and Arun Aruljothi, will be working with the Risk & Reliability Analysis Branch under the NC Division's. The mission of this division is to identify, characterize, diminish, and communicate risk by implementing an efficient and effective assurance model. The team utilizes Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) and Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) to ensure decisions concerning risks are informed, vehicles are safe and reliable, and program/project requirements are realistic and realized. This project pertains to the Orion mission, so it is geared toward a long duration Human Space Flight Program(s). For space missions, payload is a critical concept; balancing what hardware can be replaced by components verse by Orbital Replacement Units (ORU) or subassemblies is key. For this effort a database was created that combines mass and reliability data, called Mass and Reliability System or MaRS. The U.S. International Space Station (ISS) components are used as reference parts in the MaRS database. Using ISS components as a platform is beneficial because of the historical context and the environment similarities to a space flight mission. MaRS uses a combination of systems: International Space Station PART for failure data, Vehicle Master Database (VMDB) for ORU & components, Maintenance & Analysis Data Set (MADS) for operation hours and other pertinent data, & Hardware History Retrieval System (HHRS) for unit weights. MaRS is populated using a Visual Basic Application. Once populated, the excel spreadsheet is comprised of information on ISS components including


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    Erika Collischonn


    Full Text Available O trabalho que aqui se apresenta buscou avaliar de que forma o Geoprocessamento pode contribuir para compreender a relação entre crimes de Homicídios e de Tráfico de Entorpecentes na cidade de Pelotas, no período de 2012 a 2015. Como base de dados para as análises temporal e espacial foram usados os boletins de ocorrência da Brigada Militar. Os pontos de localização dos crimes foram definidos com base nos endereços constantes no boletim de ocorrência e posteriormente importados como feições de pontos em projeto no programa QGIS, conforme o número da ocorrência. Neste projeto já havia outros planos de informação, contendo atributos sócio econômicos e infra estruturais sobre a cidade. Com base nos dados constatou-se a concentração de homicídios em algumas áreas da cidade e também a relação com aspectos que a literatura de análise da violência e criminalidade urbana vem debatendo. A análise espacial, que apontou concentrações de ocorrências de homicídios na cidade, mostra claramente quais áreas e suas vizinhanças devem ser objeto de políticas públicas que devem ir além de medidas controle da oferta de drogas (repressão e medidas de controle do consumo (prevenção, ou seja, que devem envolver outros órgãos e agências que não apenas a polícia.

  17. Trajectories of maternal depression and offspring psychopathology at 6 years: 2004 Pelotas cohort study (United States)

    Matijasevich, Alicia; Murray, Joseph; Cooper, Peter J.; Anselmi, Luciana; Barros, Aluísio J.D.; Barros, Fernando C.; Santos, Iná S.


    Background Few studies have addressed the course and severity of maternal depression and its effects on child psychiatric disorders from a longitudinal perspective. This study aimed to identify longitudinal patterns of maternal depression and to evaluate whether distinct depression trajectories predict particular psychiatric disorders in offspring. Methods Cohort of 4231 births followed-up in the city of Pelotas, Brazil. Maternal depressive symptoms were assessed with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) at 3, 12, 24 and 48 months and 6 years after delivery. Psychiatric disorders in 6-year-old children were evaluated through the development and well-being assessment (DAWBA) instrument. Trajectories of maternal depression were calculated using a group-based modelling approach. Results We identified five trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms: a “low” trajectory (34.8%), a “moderate low” (40.9%), a “increasing” (9.0%), a “decreasing” (9.9%), and a “high-chronic” trajectory (5.4%). The probability of children having any psychiatric disorder, as well as both internalizing and externalizing problems, increased as we moved from the “low” to the “high-chronic” trajectory. These differences were not explained by maternal and child characteristics examined in multivariate analyses. Limitations Data on maternal depression at 3-months was available on only a sub-sample. In addition, we had to rely on maternal report of child’s behavior alone. Conclusions The study revealed an additive effect on child outcome of maternal depression over time. We identified a group of mothers with chronic and severe symptoms of depression throughout the first six years of the child life and for this group child psychiatric outcome was particularly compromised. PMID:25553403

  18. Perinatal and early adulthood factors associated with adiposity Fatores perinatais e da vida adulta jovem associados à adiposidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanda Maria Ferreira Simões


    Full Text Available We used body mass index (BMI and waist circumference (WC as fat indicators to assess whether perinatal and early adulthood factors are associated with adiposity in early adulthood. We hypothesized that risk factors differ between men and women and are also different when WC is used for measuring adiposity as opposed to BMI. We conducted a longitudinal study based on a sample of 2,063 adults from the 1978/1979 Ribeirão Preto birth cohort. Adjustment was performed using four sequential multiple linear regression models stratified by sex. Both perinatal and early adulthood variables influenced adulthood BMI and WC. The associations differed between men and women and depending on the measure of abdominal adiposity (BMI or WC. Living with a partner, for both men and women, and high fat and alcohol intake in men were factors that were consistently associated with higher adulthood BMI and WC levels. The differences observed between sexes may point to different lifestyles of men and women, suggesting that prevention policies should consider gender specific strategies.Utilizou-se o índice de massa corporal (IMC e a circunferência de cintura (CC para avaliar se alguns fatores perinatais e da vida adulta se associam com adiposidade na vida adulta jovem. Trabalhou-se com a hipótese de que os fatores de risco diferem entre homens e mulheres e também são diferentes quando a CC é utilizada como medida de adiposidade em vez do IMC. Realizou-se estudo longitudinal baseado em 2.063 pessoas da coorte de nascimentos de 1978/1979 de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil. Foi feito ajuste sequencial em quatro modelos de regressão linear múltipla, estratificados por sexo. Tanto variáveis do início da vida como atuais interferiram no IMC e na CC. As associações foram diferentes para homens e mulheres, e também quando se considerou o IMC ou a CC. Homens e mulheres que vivem com companheira(o e homens que têm consumo elevado de gordura e álcool apresentam

  19. RsComm User Manual. Data system for the control of continuous recording measuring instruments (monitors); RsComm brukermanual. Datasystem for kontroll av kontinuerlig registrerende maaleinstrumenter (monitorer)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marsteen, L.


    Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) has, as a part of the quality control systems, developed an automatic system of data recording. This report describes the installation and use of the RsComm software. Using RsComm and a NILU data recorder it is possible to run system tests on air quality analyzers via a telephone line. Test reports are generated. 17 figs.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richards, Mercedes T.; Sharova, Olga I.; Agafonov, Michail I.


    Three-dimensional Doppler tomography has been used to study the Hα emission sources in the RS Vulpeculae (RS Vul) interacting binary. The two-dimensional tomogram of this binary suggested that most of the emission arises from the cool mass losing star with additional evidence of a gas stream flowing close to its predicted trajectory. However, the three-dimensional tomogram revealed surprising evidence that the gas stream has an average velocity of -85 km s -1 relative to the central velocity plane at V z = 0 km s -1 , unlike U CrB in which the stream was prominent along this central plane. These unexpected V z motions may result from the interaction between magnetic activity on the cool star and the gravitationally induced Roche lobe overflow from that star. Evidence of a loop prominence on the cool star close to the L1 point has been found in the three-dimensional tomogram of RS Vul; hence, the magnetic field lines may have deflected the gas stream relative to the central plane. This result is consistent with earlier detections of RS Vul as both an X-ray and a radio source, and represents the first detection of a loop prominence in an interacting binary based on tomography. Moreover, recent radio images of β Per, the prototype of the Algols, show that the magnetic field of the mass losing star is asymmetric and extends well beyond the orbital plane of the binary, so it is now plausible that the gas flow between the stars in RS Vul could be deflected in an asymmetric way by the magnetic field.

  1. Crosstalk XVI, basic data communication and RS-232C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, Hui Yung


    This book is divided into three parts, which deals with compatible software of data communication with IBM PC XT/AT. The first part consists of an introduction to crosstalk XVI, getting start for user, crosstalk practice, call with crosstalk, terminal feature, switch of communication parameter, terminal emulation, capturing data, transmission of text file answer mode, file transfer, command file and script file, command summary and examples. The second part deals with basic personal computer communication, RS-232C and explanation of communication control : RS-232C interface, transmission device and interrupt controller 8259.

  2. Body composition assessment using DXA in six-year-old children: the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. (United States)

    Zanini, Roberta V; Santos, Iná S; Gigante, Denise P; Matijasevich, Alicia; Barros, Fernando C; Barros, Aluísio J D


    The aim of this study was to describe fat (FM) and lean body mass (LBM) in six-year-old children from the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort, stratified by gender. Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry was used to measure FM and LBM, FM and LBM indexes, and percentage (%) of FM and LBM. Mean measures of adiposity were higher among girls (6.3 kg, 4.2 kg/m(2) and 23.4% vs. 5 kg, 3.3 kg/m(2) and 18%) while LBM measures were higher among boys (19.3 kg, 13 kg/m(2) and 78.5% vs. 17.7 kg, 12.2 kg/m(2) and 73.2%). In both boys and girls mean measures of adiposity increased with socioeconomic status and maternal education. Mean measures of adiposity were higher among white-skinned children while %LBM was higher among black-skinned children. Preterm compared to full-term children showed lower mean measures of adiposity and LBM. Female sex, white skin color and higher socioeconomic conditions are associated with higher adiposity in childhood.

  3. Parallel data grabbing card based on PCI bus RS422

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Zhenghui; Shen Ji; Wei Dongshan; Chen Ziyu


    This article briefly introduces the developments of the parallel data grabbing card based on RS422 and PCI bus. It could be applied for grabbing the 14 bits parallel data in high speed, coming from the devices with RS422 interface. The methods of data acquisition which bases on the PCI protocol, the functions and their usages of the chips employed, the ideas and principles of the hardware and software designing are presented. (authors)

  4. Polymorphisms of Interlukin-1β rs16944 confer susceptibility to myelodysplastic syndromes. (United States)

    Yin, Congcong; He, Na; Li, Peng; Zhang, Chen; Yu, Jie; Hua, Mingqiang; Ji, Chunyan; Ma, Daoxin


    Genetic factors have been shown to be associated with Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) susceptibility. In recent years, the role of inflammation in the promotion of tumor growth is supported by a broad range of experimental and clinical evidence. But the relationship between polymorphisms in NOD-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome and MDS is rarely reported. Thus, we conducted a case-control study, and genotyped five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (NLRP3, IL-1β, IL-18, CARD8, and NF-κB) in MDS patients and healthy controls. The association of different genotypes with patient characteristics was analyzed. Comparing MDS patients with controls, GG genotype of IL-1β (rs16944) was observed to be associated with a significantly increased risk of MDS 78/166 (48.8%) vs 26/96 (27.0%), OR=2.1, CI (1.0-4.4). No significant association was identified regarding the rest of investigated polymorphisms and MDS susceptibility. Complex karyotypes were more frequent in patients with GG genotype of IL-1β (rs16944). Patients with IL-1β polymorphisms (rs16944) GG and GA had lower hemoglobin than those without. Patients with IL-1β polymorphisms (rs16944) GG had higher IPSS scores than those without IL-1β polymorphisms. In conclusion, our present data shows that the IL-1β polymorphisms (rs16944) GG were frequently occurred in MDS. IL-1β (rs16944) GG genotype might serve as a novel biomarker and potential targets for MDS. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Caracterización de las necropsias medicolegales realizadas en la regional Bogota del Instituto Nacional de medicina legal y ciencias forenses a población adulta mayor durante 2009


    Rosero Vallejos, Yaqueline Lucrecia


    Objetivo Se caracterizaron las necropsias médico-legales realizadas en la regional Bogotá del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses, a población adulta mayor durante 2009. Materiales y métodos Se realizo un estudio transversal retrospectivo, basado en la base de datos de las necropsias médico-legales realizadas durante el periodo en mención, caracterizando las causas y maneras de muertes obtenidas a través de las 981 necropsias registradas en el Instituto en 2009. Resultado...

  6. La experiencia de alfabetización de personas adultas como proceso de aprendizaje en la formación docente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz Emilia Flores-Davis


    Full Text Available Recibido 01 de febrero de 2010 • Aceptado 17 de marzo de 2010 • Corregido 30 de abril de 2010   El aprendizaje se construye en la significación, por lo que promover experiencias que generen sentido y gozo, constituye un reto en la formación docente. En este artículo se comparten las reflexiones emanadas de una investigación que recaba la experiencia de alfabetización de personas adultas que realizan estudiantes universitarias o universitarios en el marco de su formación, la cual crea un proceso de aprendizaje que propicia el respeto a la diversidad y la valoración de la lectura y escritura como liberación del ser humano. El trabajo evidencia los aprendizajes construidos, las formas de respeto a la diversidad que emergen de la experiencia de alfabetización, y el valor que el estudiantado otorga a la lectura y escritura como expresión liberadora.

  7. The prostate cancer risk stratification (ProCaRS) project: Recursive partitioning risk stratification analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodrigues, George; Lukka, Himu; Warde, Padraig; Brundage, Michael; Souhami, Luis; Crook, Juanita; Cury, Fabio; Catton, Charles; Mok, Gary; Martin, Andre-Guy; Vigneault, Eric; Morris, Jim; Warner, Andrew; Gonzalez Maldonado, Sandra; Pickles, Tom


    Background: The Genitourinary Radiation Oncologists of Canada (GUROC) published a three-group risk stratification (RS) system to assist prostate cancer decision-making in 2001. The objective of this project is to use the ProCaRS database to statistically model the predictive accuracy and clinical utility of a proposed new multi-group RS schema. Methods: The RS analyses utilized the ProCaRS database that consists of 7974 patients from four Canadian institutions. Recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) was utilized to explore the sub-stratification of groups defined by the existing three-group GUROC scheme. 10-fold cross-validated C-indices and the Net Reclassification Index were both used to assess multivariable models and compare the predictive accuracy of existing and proposed RS systems, respectively. Results: The recursive partitioning analysis has suggested that the existing GUROC classification system could be altered to accommodate as many as six separate and statistical unique groups based on differences in BFFS (C-index 0.67 and AUC 0.70). GUROC low-risk patients would be divided into new favorable-low and low-risk groups based on PSA ⩽6 and PSA >6. GUROC intermediate-risk patients can be subclassified into low-intermediate and high-intermediate groups. GUROC high-intermediate-risk is defined as existing GUROC intermediate-risk with PSA >=10 AND either T2b/c disease or T1T2a disease with Gleason 7. GUROC high-risk patients would be subclassified into an additional extreme-risk group (GUROC high-risk AND (positive cores ⩾87.5% OR PSA >30). Conclusions: Proposed RS subcategories have been identified by a RPA of the ProCaRS database

  8. Infrared observations of RS CVn stars (United States)

    Berriman, G.; De Campli, W. M.; Werner, M. W.; Hatchett, S. P.


    The paper presents infrared photometry of the RS CVn binary stars AR Lac (1.2-10 microns) and MM Her (1.2-3.5 microns) as they egressed from their primary and secondary eclipses; of the eclipsing systems RS CVn and Z Her at maximum light (1.2-10 microns) and of the non-eclipsing systems UX Ari and HR 1099 (1.2-10 microns). An analysis of these and published V data based on flux ratio diagrams (linear analogues of color-color diagrams) shows that G and K stars supply the infrared light of these systems. In AR Lac, the combined light of a G5-K0 subgiant and either a late F dwarf or an early F subgiant can account for the observed visual and infrared light curves. None of these systems shows infrared emission from circumstellar matter. This result is simply understood: dust grains would not be expected to form in the physical conditions surrounding the subgiant, and the corona and chromosphere (whose properties have been deduced from spectroscopic X-ray observations) should not produce appreciable infrared emission.

  9. Working in partnership to advance the 3Rs in toxicity testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holmes, Anthony M.; Creton, Stuart; Chapman, Kathryn


    Toxicological assessment of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical chemicals is a regulatory requirement to ensure all compounds likely to be exposed to humans or the environment are safe. These studies rely on the use of large numbers of animals and involve a number of assumptions and extrapolations that remain controversial in assuring consumer safety. The UK's National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) has taken a collaborative approach to identify opportunities for implementation of the 3Rs principles (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) to drive innovation and support animal welfare in toxicity testing. This review highlights the mechanisms by which the NC3Rs is working with the pharmaceutical and chemical industries and regulatory authorities to achieve these goals.

  10. PCSK1 rs6232 Is Associated with Childhood and Adult Class III Obesity in the Mexican Population (United States)

    Villalobos-Comparán, Marisela; Villamil-Ramírez, Hugo; Villarreal-Molina, Teresa; Larrieta-Carrasco, Elena; León-Mimila, Paola; Romero-Hidalgo, Sandra; Jacobo-Albavera, Leonor; Liceaga-Fuentes, Adriana E.; Campos-Pérez, Francisco J.; López-Contreras, Blanca E.; Tusié-Luna, Teresa; del Río-Navarro, Blanca E.; Aguilar-Salinas, Carlos A.; Canizales-Quinteros, Samuel


    Background Common variants rs6232 and rs6235 in the PCSK1 gene have been associated with obesity in European populations. We aimed to evaluate the contribution of these variants to obesity and related traits in Mexican children and adults. Methodology/Principal Findings Rs6232 and rs6235 were genotyped in 2382 individuals, 1206 children and 1176 adults. Minor allele frequencies were 0.78% for rs6232 and 19.99% for rs6235. Rs6232 was significantly associated with childhood obesity and adult class III obesity (OR = 3.01 95%CI 1.64–5.53; P = 4×10−4 in the combined analysis). In addition, this SNP was significantly associated with lower fasting glucose levels (P = 0.01) and with increased insulin levels and HOMA-B (P = 0.05 and 0.01, respectively) only in non-obese children. In contrast, rs6235 showed no significant association with obesity or with glucose homeostasis parameters in any group. Conclusion/Significance Although rs6232 is rare in the Mexican population, it should be considered as an important risk factor for extreme forms of obesity. PMID:22737226

  11. Role of ArlRS in autolysis in methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains. (United States)

    Memmi, Guido; Nair, Dhanalakshmi R; Cheung, Ambrose


    Autolysis plays an essential role in bacterial cell division and lysis with β-lactam antibiotics. Accordingly, the expression of autolysins is tightly regulated by several endogenous regulators, including ArlRS, a two component regulatory system that has been shown to negatively regulate autolysis in methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) strains. In this study, we found that inactivation of arlRS does not play a role in autolysis of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains, such as community-acquired (CA)-MRSA strains USA300 and MW2 or the hospital-acquired (HA)-MRSA strain COL. This contrasts with MSSA strains, including Newman, SH1000, RN6390, and 8325-4, where autolysis is affected by ArlRS. We further demonstrated that the striking difference in the roles of arlRS between MSSA and MRSA strains is not due to the methicillin resistance determinant mecA. Among known autolysins and their regulators, we found that arlRS represses lytN, while no effect was seen on atl, lytM, and lytH expression in both CA- and HA-MRSA strains. Transcriptional-fusion assays showed that the agr transcripts, RNAII and RNAIII, were significantly more downregulated in the arlRS mutant of MW2 than the MSSA strain Newman. Importantly, provision of agr RNAIII in trans to the MW2 arlRS mutant via a multicopy plasmid induced autolysis in this MRSA strain. Also, the autolytic phenotype in the arlRS mutant of MSSA strain Newman could be rescued by a mutation in either atl or lytM. Together, these data showed that ArlRS impacts autolysis differently in MSSA and MRSA strains.

  12. Factors associated with weight loss dieting among adolescents: the 11-year follow-up of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study Fatores associados à realização de regime de emagrecimento entre adolescentes: a visita de 11 anos da coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 1993

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samanta W. Madruga


    Full Text Available Evidence has shown the negative effects of unsupervised diets and those with excessive calorie restriction. The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of adolescents engaging in weight loss dieting and associated factors. This was a cross-sectional study of 4,452 adolescents born in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, in 1993. The outcome was defined as adolescents that reported having practiced some type of weight loss dieting in the previous 12 months. Prevalence of such dieting was 8.6% (95%CI: 7.7;9.4, and was higher in girls. Elevated maternal body mass index (BMI was associated with dieting among girls. The adolescent's and parents' view of the adolescent's weight, excess weight, and consumption of diet or light soft drinks were associated with adolescent dieting. There was a positive association between dieting and socioeconomic status. The findings provide important backing for policies aimed at improving adolescents' diet, since they express a major concern over weight and thus a significant percentage of individuals with erroneous and unhealthy behaviors.Evidências mostram efeitos negativos de dietas sem orientação e de alta restrição calórica. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar o percentual de adolescentes que realizaram regime de emagrecimento e os fatores associados a este comportamento. Estudo transversal incluindo 4.452 nascidos em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, no ano de 1993. Os adolescentes que relataram ter feito algum tipo de regime com a finalidade de emagrecimento nos últimos 12 meses foram positivos ao desfecho. A freqüência de realização de regime foi de 8,6% (IC95%: 7,7;9,4, sendo maior entre as meninas. O índice de massa corporal (IMC materno elevado associou-se à realização de regime entre meninas. O sentimento do adolescente e dos pais em relação ao peso do jovem, o excesso de peso e o consumo de refrigerantes diet/light mostraram-se associados ao desfecho. Encontrou-se associa


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alstrup, Aage Kristian Olsen

    This talk will give an introduction to the history of the use of laboratory animals with focus on the history of the three Rs (3Rs). We will see how animal experimentation has been performed early in our civilization, and how the suffering of animals has been justified. This will include Rene...... Descartes´s mechanical view of animals in the seventeenth century, and Charles Darwin's ambivalent relationship to animal experimentation, which he views as cruel but necessary. In the 1870s the Danish Foundation for Protection of Animals (“Dyrenes Beskyttelse”) and Professor Peter Panum discussed the use...

  14. Are physical activity levels associated with better health outcomes in people with epilepsy? (United States)

    Häfele, César Augusto; Freitas, Matheus Pintanel; da Silva, Marcelo Cozzensa; Rombaldi, Airton José


    The aim of the study was to investigate the association of physical activity in three categories (inactive, insufficiently active and active) with health outcomes in people with epilepsy. The dependent variables and the instruments used in the study were: a) quality of life - measured by Quality of Life in Epilepsy-31 for adults and Quality of Life in Epilepsy for Adolescents, b) side effects of medication - measured by Adverse Events Profile, c) depression - measured by Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy, and d) state and trait anxiety - measured by State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Physical activity levels were analyzed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) for adults in the commuting and leisure domains and Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A). Simple and multiple linear regression was used in the statistical analysis. The cross-sectional study with one hundred and one individuals was conducted in Pelotas/RS, Brazil, at the Neurology Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Pelotas. In the crude analysis, physical activity was positively associated with quality of life (pepilepsy for improving health and life conditions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Identification of rs671, a common variant of ALDH2, as a gout susceptibility locus. (United States)

    Sakiyama, Masayuki; Matsuo, Hirotaka; Nakaoka, Hirofumi; Yamamoto, Ken; Nakayama, Akiyoshi; Nakamura, Takahiro; Kawai, Sayo; Okada, Rieko; Ooyama, Hiroshi; Shimizu, Toru; Shinomiya, Nariyoshi


    Gout is a common disease resulting from hyperuricemia. Recently, a genome-wide association study identified an association between gout and a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs2188380, located on an intergenic region between MYL2 and CUX2 on chromosome 12. However, other genes around rs2188380 could possibly be gout susceptibility genes. Therefore, we performed a fine-mapping study of the MYL2-CUX2 region. From 8,595 SNPs in the MYL2-CUX2 region, 9 tag SNPs were selected, and genotyping of 1,048 male gout patients and 1,334 male controls was performed by TaqMan method. Eight SNPs showed significant associations with gout after Bonferroni correction. rs671 (Glu504Lys) of ALDH2 had the most significant association with gout (P = 1.7 × 10(-18), odds ratio = 0.53). After adjustment for rs671, the other 8 SNPs no longer showed a significant association with gout, while the significant association of rs671 remained. rs671 has been reportedly associated with alcohol drinking behavior, and it is well-known that alcohol drinking elevates serum uric acid levels. These data suggest that rs671, a common functional SNP of ALDH2, is a genuine gout-associated SNP in the MYL2-CUX2 locus and that "A" allele (Lys) of rs671 plays a protective role in the development of gout.

  16. SparkRS - Spark for Remote Sensing, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The proposed innovation is Spark-RS, an open source software project that enables GPU-accelerated remote sensing workflows in an Apache Spark distributed computing...

  17. TSHR intronic polymorphisms (rs179247 and rs12885526) and their role in the susceptibility of the Brazilian population to Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Bufalo, N E; Dos Santos, R B; Marcello, M A; Piai, R P; Secolin, R; Romaldini, J H; Ward, L S


    Intronic thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor polymorphisms have been associated with the risk for both Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy, but results have been inconsistent among different populations. We aimed to investigate the influence of thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor intronic polymorphisms in a large well-characterized population of GD patients. We studied 279 Graves' disease patients (231 females and 48 males, 39.80 ± 11.69 years old), including 144 with Graves' ophthalmopathy, matched to 296 healthy control individuals. Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor genotypes of rs179247 and rs12885526 were determined by Real Time PCR TaqMan(®) SNP Genotyping. A multivariate analysis showed that the inheritance of the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor AA genotype for rs179247 increased the risk for Graves' disease (OR = 2.821; 95 % CI 1.595-4.990; p = 0.0004), whereas the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor GG genotype for rs12885526 increased the risk for Graves' ophthalmopathy (OR = 2.940; 95 % CI 1.320-6.548; p = 0.0083). Individuals with Graves' ophthalmopathy also presented lower mean thyrotropin receptor antibodies levels (96.3 ± 143.9 U/L) than individuals without Graves' ophthalmopathy (98.3 ± 201.9 U/L). We did not find any association between the investigated polymorphisms and patients clinical features or outcome. We demonstrate that thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor intronic polymorphisms are associated with the susceptibility to Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy in the Brazilian population, but do not appear to influence the disease course.

  18. RS Ophiuchi: The Gift that Keeps on Giving (United States)

    Starrfield, S.


    RS Oph experienced its sixth recorded outburst in 2006 and was observed in virtually every wavelength region from hard X-rays to the radio. Each observation, especially those with instruments that have come online since its last outburst in 1985, provided new and exciting information about the explosion. As a result, some of us organized a second workshop on the RS Oph outburst and it was held in June 2007 at Keele University. I gave the lead off talk in which I presented a number of questions to be discussed during the workshop, a brief summary of what had been discovered in previous outbursts concentrating on the ultraviolet studies with IUE, and a few observations of the 2006 outburst concentrating on the results from Swift and HST.

  19. Lack of association between KCNJ11 (rs5219 and ABCC8 (rs757110 polymorphisms and sulphonylurea treatment response in type 2 diabetes patients in Novosibirsk region

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    Irina Arkad'evna Bondar


    Full Text Available Aim. Sulfonylureas (SU are widely used in everyday clinical practice in treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM. There is a considerable variability in SU effects, which may be caused by psychological, social, biological and genetic factors. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between rs5219 KCNJ11 gene and rs757110 ABCC8 gene polymorphism and long-term response to SU-drugs of second and third generation in the Novosibirsk region. Materials and Methods. 326 patients with type 2 diabetes in the Novosibirsk region were examined. Patients were divided into 2 groups, depending on HbA1c level. The first group included patients with target HbA1c levels on SU monotherapy. The second group included patients who did not reach target HbA1c levels on the highest dose of SU. Genotyping of KCNJ11 (rs5219 and ABCC8 (rs757110 was performed by TaqMan real-time PCR (ICBFM SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia. Results. Patients with type 2 diabetes with a good response to SU-therapy compared to the group of patients with a poor response to SU-therapy were older (65.8?9.1 years vs. 61.6?7.9 years, p

  20. Maternal low birth weight and adverse perinatal outcomes: the 1982 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study, Brazil El bajo peso al nacer de las madres y los desenlaces perinatales adversos: estudio de la Cohorte de Nacimientos de 1982 en Pelotas, Brasil

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    Maria P. Vélez


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To explore the association between maternal low birth weight (LBW and adverse perinatal outcomes and to discriminate between confounders and mediating factors of these associations in a population-based birth cohort of Southern Brazil. METHODS: Data from 794 female members of the 1982 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study known to have delivered a live-born singleton offspring up to December 2004 were analyzed. Maternal birth weights were recorded in 1982. The associations between maternal and offspring characteristics were estimated by Poisson regression. Confounding was tested for socioeconomic, demographic, and psychosocial factors. Maternal anthropometric characteristics and hypertensive diseases during pregnancy were considered mediating factors. RESULTS: An increase of 100 grams (g in mothers' birth weight predicted a gain of 21 g in their infants' birth weight (95% confidence interval (CI 13.0-29.0 g, P OBJETIVOS: Explorar la asociación entre el bajo peso al nacer (BPN de las madres y los desenlaces perinatales adversos y discriminar entre los factores de confusión y de mediación de estas asociaciones en un estudio poblacional de una cohorte de nacimientos en el sur de Brasil. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron los datos de 794 mujeres participantes en el Estudio de la Cohorte de Nacimientos de 1982 en Pelotas con partos únicos exitosos hasta diciembre de 2004. El peso al nacer de las mujeres se registró en 1982. Las asociaciones entre las características de las madres y sus hijos se estimaron mediante la regresión de Poisson. Como factores de confusión se probaron características socioeconómicas, demográficas y psicosociales. Como factores de mediación se consideraron las características antropométricas de la madre y la hipertensión durante el embarazo. RESULTADOS: El incremento en 100 g en el peso al nacer de las madres predijo un aumento de 21 g en el peso al nacer de sus hijos (intervalo de confianza de 95% [IC95%]: 13,0 a 29,0; P

  1. Intake of fat and fiber-rich foods according to socioeconomic status: the 11-year follow-up of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study Consumo de alimentos com alto teor de gordura e fibras entre adolescentes, segundo posição socioeconômica: a visita de 11 anos da coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 1993

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    Marilda B. Neutzling


    Full Text Available This study describes the food intake of adolescents participating in the 1993 birth cohort from Pelotas, Southern Brazil, according to socioeconomic position. We carried out a cross-sectional analysis of data collected in the 2004-2005 follow-up visit. Food intake in the previous year was evaluated using the Block questionnaire. Socioeconomic status was evaluated based on an assets index, divided into quintiles. Foods with the highest frequency of daily intake were white bread (83%, butter or margarine (74.6%, beans (66.4% and milk (48.5%. Intake of butter or margarine, bread, and beans was more frequent among poorer adolescents, and the inverse was true for milk. Intake of fruits and vegetables was low in all socioeconomic strata, but particularly low among the poor. In early adolescence, all socioeconomic groups showed high consumption of foods rich in fat and low consumption of foods rich in fiber.O estudo descreve alimentos consumidos por adolescentes pertencentes à coorte de nascimentos de 1993 de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, conforme o nível socioeconômico. Foi feita uma análise transversal com dados coletados no acompanhamento de 2004-2005. A freqüência alimentar no último ano foi avaliada pelo questionário Block. A posição socioeconômica foi verificada com base no índice de bens, dividido em quintis. Os alimentos mais consumidos diariamente foram: pão branco (83%, manteiga ou margarina (74,6%, feijão (66,4% e leite (48,5%. O consumo de manteiga ou margarina, pão e feijão foram mais freqüentes entre adolescentes pertencentes ao primeiro (menor quintil do índice de bens, e o consumo de leite foi maior no último quintil. Frutas, vegetais e salada verde tiveram baixo consumo principalmente entre os mais pobres. Todos os grupos socioeconômicos apresentaram consumo elevado de alimentos ricos em gordura e baixo consumo de alimentos ricos em fibra.

  2. Preparation and characterization of ketoprofen loaded eudragit RS polymeric nanoparticles for controlled release

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tuan Anh, Nguyen; Tuyen Dao, T P; Nhan Le, N T; Mau Chien, Dang; To Hoai, Nguyen; T Chi, Nguyen; Tran, T Khai


    Nanospheres containing ketoprofen (Keto) and polymer eudragit RS were prepared using an emulsion solvent evaporation method. The ultrasonic probe (VCX500, vibracell) was used as a tool to disperse oil phase into aqueous phase leading to water/oil emulsion. Nanoparticles were successfully prepared and their morphologies and diameters were confirmed by transmission electron microscope (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS), respectively. The result showed that particles were spherical with submicron size. The particle size was dependent on the RS concentration, emulsification tools and the types of organic solvents. For the encapsulation ability, Keto-loaded RS nanoparticle showed 9.8% of Keto in nanoparticle, which was evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Moreover, the drug release behavior of Keto-loaded eudragit RS nanoparticle was also investigated in vitro at pH 7.4 and compared to referential profenid. (paper)

  3. Maternal depression and bullying victimization among adolescents: Results from the 2004 Pelotas cohort study. (United States)

    Azeredo, Catarina Machado; Santos, Iná S; Barros, Aluísio J D; Barros, Fernando C; Matijasevich, Alicia


    Maternal depression impacts on several detrimental outcomes during a child's life course, and could increase their risk of victimization. This longitudinal study examined the association between antenatal maternal depression, postnatal trajectories, and current maternal depression and offspring bullying victimization at 11 years. We included 3,441 11-year-old adolescents from the 2004 Pelotas Cohort Study. Antenatal maternal depression, postnatal trajectories, and current maternal depression data were assessed during the follow-up waves. Bullying victimization was self-reported by the adolescents. We used ordinal logistic regression to estimate the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), for the association between maternal depression and offspring bullying victimization. The most prevalent type of bullying was verbal victimization (37.9%). We observed a positive association between antenatal maternal depression, postnatal trajectories, and current maternal depression and physical bullying victimization. Maternal mood symptoms during pregnancy were associated with physical (OR = 1.30, 95%CI = 1.11-1.53), verbal (OR = 1.29, 95%CI = 1.12-1.49), and any victimization (OR = 1.22, 95%CI = 1.05-1.41). Severe current maternal depression was associated with physical (OR = 1.34, 95%CI = 1.10-1.62), social manipulation (OR = 1.29, 95%CI = 1.08-1.53), attacks on property (OR = 1.30, 95%CI = 1.08-1.57) and any victimization (OR = 1.32, 95%CI = 1.12-1.56). Regarding maternal depression trajectories, the "chronic-high" group was associated with higher risk of social manipulation, attacks on property and any victimization, than the "low" group. Our results strengthen the evidence of association between maternal depression and offspring bullying victimization, and physical victimization appears to be the main component. Further studies are warranted to confirm our findings and to elucidate the theoretical pathways for this longitudinal association. © 2017 Wiley

  4. Formas de condicionar la verdad con el uso del montaje en La pelota vasca

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    María Antonia Paz Rebollo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar la construcción de sentido en La pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra (Julio Medem, 2003, el documental sobre terrorismo que más éxito comercial y más polémica ha generado en el cine español. A través de un análisis del montaje, este artículo busca descubrir las pautas, esquemas o estructuras narrativas utilizadas por el director para construir el texto fílmico y para influir en la opinión de los espectadores. Para ello se ha creado una base de datos que permite un minuicioso análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de todAs las intervenciones que hay en la película. Esta propuesta metodológica pretende servir al análisis de otros documentales con similares características narrativas. Las conclusiones obtenidas muestran que el director usa la estructura de parte del documental y las entrevistas a diferentes personalidades del País Vasco para configurar un sentido propio de lo que denomina conflicto vasco, que está muy cercano a las tesis nacionalistas. Queda demostrada la crítica a la acción del PP en sus años de gobierno y el deterioro de la imagen del Estado, principalmente a través de un 80% de referencias negativas sobre las fuerzas de seguridad del Estado. También se prueba que las personas entrevistadas son más o menos creíbles dependiendo de cómo quedan situadas dentro del montaje y de si otros personajes refutan o respaldan lo que dicen.


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    Tiago Schuch Venzke


    Full Text Available floristic survey of tree species was performed in a ‘Restinga’ forest, municipality of Pelotas, RioGrande do sul State, Brazil. The area studied is known as ‘Mata da Praia do Totó’(‘Totó’ beach forest,and comprises a remnant formed by a sandy and turf ‘Restinga’ forest. A total 65 native species weresampled comprising 51 genera distributed in 34 families. The family with the greatest number of specieswasMyrtaceae, with ten species, followed bySalicaceaeandRubiaceae.The most representative generawereMyrsineandEugenia,respectivelly sampled with four and three species. The analysis of similaritysampled that the sandy forest is floristically related to riparian and hillside forests and the forest peat isrelated to other forests located in areas of permanent water saturation of soil. Species richness of the siteis high for ‘Restinga’ forests in Rio Grande do Sul state, probably due to the influence of forests located inSerra dos Tapes and by diversity of the environments that make up the study area.

  6. Solvation quantities from a COSMO-RS equation of state

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panayiotou, C.; Tsivintzelis, I.; Aslanidou, D.; Hatzimanikatis, V.


    Highlights: • Extension of the successful COSMO-RS model to an equation-of-state model. • Two scaling constants, obtained from atom-specific contributions. • Overall estimation of the solvation quantities and contributions. - Abstract: This work focuses on the extension of the successful COSMO-RS model of mixtures into an equation-of-state model of fluids and its application for the estimation of solvation/hydration quantities of a variety of chemical substances. These quantities include free-energies, enthalpies and entropies of hydration as well as the separate contributions to each of them. Emphasis is given on the estimation of contributions from the conformational changes of solutes upon solvation and the associated restructuring of solvent in its immediate neighborhood. COSMO-RS is a quantum-mechanics based group/segment contribution model in which the Quasi-Chemical (QC) approach is used for the description of the non-random distribution of interacting segments in the system. Thus, the equation-of-state development is done through such a QC framework. The new model will not need any adjustable parameters for the strong specific interactions, such as hydrogen bonds, since they will be provided by the quantum-mechanics based cosmo-files – a key feature of COSMO-RS model. It will need, however, one volumetric and one energy parameter per fluid, which are scaling constants or molecular descriptors of the fluid and are obtained from rather easily available data such as densities, boiling points, vapor pressures, heats of vaporization or second virial coefficients. The performance and the potential of the new equation-of-state model to become a fully predictive model are critically discussed

  7. Identification and antimicrobial suceptibility profile of bacteria causing bovine mastitis from dairy farms in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul

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    C. H. Freitas


    Full Text Available Abstract Mastitis is an inflammatory process of the udder tissue caused mainly by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics fosters conditions that favor the selection of resistant microorganisms, suppressing at the same time susceptible forms, causing a serious problem in dairy cattle. Given the importance in performing an antibiogram to select the most adequate antimicrobial therapy, the aim of this study was to identify bacteria isolated from cow’s milk with mastitis, in dairy farms situated in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, and to determinate the susceptibility profile of these isolates against the antibiotics used to treat this illness. A total of 30 isolates of Staphylococcus spp., were selected from milk samples from the udder quarters with subclinical mastitis whose species were identified through the Vitek system. The susceptibility profile was performed by the disk diffusion assay, against: ampicillin, amoxicillin, bacitracin, cephalexin, ceftiofur, enrofloxacin, gentamicin, neomycin, norfloxacin, penicillin G, tetracycline and trimethoprim. In the antibiogram, 100.0% of the isolates were resistant to trimethoprim and 96.7% to tetracycline and neomycin, three strains of Staphylococcus spp., (10.0% presented resistance to the 12 antibiotics tested and 24 (80.0% to at least eight. These results showed the difficulty in treating mastitis, due to the pathogens’ resistance.

  8. Characterization of novel RS1 exonic deletions in juvenile X-linked retinoschisis. (United States)

    D'Souza, Leera; Cukras, Catherine; Antolik, Christian; Craig, Candice; Lee, Ji-Yun; He, Hong; Li, Shibo; Smaoui, Nizar; Hejtmancik, James F; Sieving, Paul A; Wang, Xinjing


    X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (XLRS) is a vitreoretinal dystrophy characterized by schisis (splitting) of the inner layers of the neuroretina. Mutations within the retinoschisis (RS1) gene are responsible for this disease. The mutation spectrum consists of amino acid substitutions, splice site variations, small indels, and larger genomic deletions. Clinically, genomic deletions are rarely reported. Here, we characterize two novel full exonic deletions: one encompassing exon 1 and the other spanning exons 4-5 of the RS1 gene. We also report the clinical findings in these patients with XLRS with two different exonic deletions. Unrelated XLRS men and boys and their mothers (if available) were enrolled for molecular genetics evaluation. The patients also underwent ophthalmologic examination and in some cases electroretinogram (ERG) recording. All the exons and the flanking intronic regions of the RS1 gene were analyzed with direct sequencing. Two patients with exonic deletions were further evaluated with array comparative genomic hybridization to define the scope of the genomic aberrations. After the deleted genomic region was identified, primer walking followed by direct sequencing was used to determine the exact breakpoints. Two novel exonic deletions of the RS1 gene were identified: one including exon 1 and the other spanning exons 4 and 5. The exon 1 deletion extends from the 5' region of the RS1 gene (including the promoter) through intron 1 (c.(-35)-1723_c.51+2664del4472). The exon 4-5 deletion spans introns 3 to intron 5 (c.185-1020_c.522+1844del5764). Here we report two novel exonic deletions within the RS1 gene locus. We have also described the clinical presentations and hypothesized the genomic mechanisms underlying these schisis phenotypes.

  9. Association between the rs7574865 polymorphism of STAT4 and rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Lee, Young Ho; Woo, Jin-Hyun; Choi, Seong Jae; Ji, Jong Dae; Song, Gwan Gyu


    The aim of this study was to determine whether the rs7574865 polymorphism of STAT4 (signal transducers and activators of transcription 4) confers susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in populations with different ethnicities. A meta-analysis was conducted on the T allele of the STAT4 rs7574865 polymorphism in 15 studies containing 16,088 RA patients and 16,509 normal control subjects. Meta-analysis revealed an association between RA and the STAT4 rs7574865 T allele in all subjects (OR = 1.271, 95% CI = 1.197-1.350, P rs7574865 T allele was found to be significantly associated with RA in Europeans and Asians (OR = 1.300, 95% CI = 1.195-1.414, P rs7574865 polymorphism is associated with RA susceptibility in different ethnic groups, and that its prevalence is ethnicity dependent.

  10. Aspectos ginecológicos e frequência de infecções do trato genital inferior em pacientes adolescentes e adultas: existem diferenças?

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    Juliana Barroso Zimmermmann


    Full Text Available Introdução: As adolescentes merecem atenção especial em saúde pública, pois ao iniciar atividade sexual se expõem aos riscos das DSTs, da gravidez indesejada, do câncer cervical e de outras doenças inflamatórias pélvicas. Objetivos: Avaliar os aspectos ginecológicos e a frequência de infecções do trato genital inferior em adolescentes. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de caso-controle, onde foram estudadas pacientes adolescentes (n=68 e adultas (n=112 atendidas em uma clínica privada, que presta atendimento em ginecologia e obstetrícia. Excluíram-se aquelas que apresentavam qualquer tipo problema que impossibilitasse a realização dos exames necessários (sangramento genital, uso de cremes ou gel vaginal ou relação sexual em intervalo inferior a 72 horas da consulta médica e as que não assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE. As pacientes foram submetidas à anamnese e exame físico, com coleta de material para a realização de citologia, exame a fresco e pesquisa do DNA do Papilomavírus humano (HPV, pela técnica de captura híbrida II. Quando necessário realizou-se a biópsia de colo uterino, guiada pela colposcopia. No teste de significância estatística das diferenças observadas na análise, utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado e/ou o teste T de Student, dependendo da natureza dos dados comparados. O nível de significância adotado na análise foi de 5%.                                                          Resultados: A frequência de infecção pelo HPV diagnosticada pela captura híbrida foi de 47,3% para as pacientes adultas e de 35,3% para as adolescentes (p=0,42. A frequência de neoplasia intraepitelial de alto grau foi mais frequente em pacientes adultas, mas as adolescentes apresentaram 19% de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical diagnosticada pela histopatologia. Conclusão: Identificou-se percentual elevado de neoplasia

  11. Adaptación y validez de contenido del cuestionario de envidia infantil a población adulta

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    Enrique Vila Abad


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se define la envidia como una emoción de particular complejidad, de carácter displacentero, caracterizado por sentimientos de inferioridad, hostilidad y resentimiento (relacionado con la percepción de injusticia, producido por la toma de conciencia de que otra persona o grupo de personas disfrutan de una posesión deseada (objeto, posición social, atributo. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido explorar la envidia en la población adulta. Para ello, se partió de un instrumento autoinformado de fácil aplicación, basado en el Cuestionario de la Envidia Infantil (CEI desarrollado por Carrasco et al (2004. Para ello, después de adaptar el contenido morfosemántico de los ítems, se realizó un juicio de expertos en el que participaron 12 jueces que analizaron la relevancia y representatividad del pool inicial de ítems. El acuerdo entrejueces se midió mediante el índice de Osterlind, seleccionando aquellos con mayor congruencia (Iik > 0.5 para constituir la versión del cuestionario de envidia en adultos (CEA con 24 ítems.

  12. ApoE rs429358 and rs7412 Polymorphism and Gender Differences of Serum Lipid Profile and Cognition in Aging Chinese Population. (United States)

    Zhen, Jie; Huang, Xiaochen; Van Halm-Lutterodt, Nicholas; Dong, Shengqi; Ma, Weiwei; Xiao, Rong; Yuan, Linhong


    ApoE gene polymorphism has been reportedly associated with serum lipids and cognition. However, very few studies have explored the combined effects of ApoE gene polymorphism and gender on serum lipid profile with subsequent impacts on cognition in Chinese population. A total of 1,000 Chinese community dwellers aged 55 years and above were recruited in this cross-sectional study. Demographic information of the participants was collected using well designed self-administered questionnaires. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test was employed to evaluate the cognitive status of the participants. Semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was used to obtain the dietary intake information. Fasting venous blood samples were taken for ApoE genotyping and serum lipid measurements. Significant gender differences in cognition, serum lipid profile and dietary fat-rich foods consumption were observed ( p < 0.05). Cognition of the subjects was found to be associated with ApoE genotypes ( p < 0.05). ApoE rs429358 and rs7412 variants demonstrated a significant effect on cognitive performance in the male subjects; especially within the attention and language cognitive domains as well as the total MoCA score ( p < 0.05), respectively. Serum lipid profile and cognition of Chinese adults are significantly linked with gender and ApoE genetic polymorphism. The ApoE variant rs429358 is found to be notably associated with cognition in aging male Chinese population.

  13. The RNA-binding protein HOS5 and serine/arginine-rich proteins RS40 and RS41 participate in miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Tao


    MicroRNAs are a class of small regulatory RNAs that are generated from primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) transcripts with a stem-loop structure. Accuracy of the processing of pri-miRNA into mature miRNA in plants can be enhanced by SERRATE (SE) and HYPONASTIC LEAVES 1 (HYL1). HYL1 activity is regulated by the FIERY2 (FRY2)/RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain phosphatase-like 1 (CPL1). Here, we discover that HIGH OSMOTIC STRESS GENE EXPRESSION 5 (HOS5) and two serine/arginine-rich splicing factors RS40 and RS41, previously shown to be involved in pre-mRNA splicing, affect the biogenesis of a subset of miRNA. These proteins are required for correct miRNA strand selection and the maintenance of miRNA levels. FRY2 dephosphorylates HOS5 whose phosphorylation status affects its subnuclear localization. HOS5 and the RS proteins bind both intronless and intron-containing pri-miRNAs. Importantly, all of these splicing-related factors directly interact with both HYL1 and SE in nuclear splicing speckles. Our results indicate that these splicing factors are directly involved in the biogenesis of a group of miRNA.

  14. Sporothrix schenckii in a hospital and home environment in the city of Pelotas/RS - Brazil

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    Antonella S. Mattei


    Full Text Available This study describes the isolation of S. schenckii in hospital and home environments in Brazil. Samples were collected from surfaces of a veterinary service place and at home. S. schenckii was detected in 1.5% of the samples from the hospital environment. However, this fungus was isolated from all sampled areas in home environments. The isolation of S. schenckii deonstrates that these surfaces could act as infection sources to anials and huans. Therefore, employees and pet owners could be exposed to this agent, and the contamination, through surfaces, could occur through the traumatic inoculation of the fungus or by direct contact with pre-existing lesions.Esse estudo descreve o isolamento de S. schenckii em ambiente hospitalar e domiciliar, no Brasil. Foram colhidas amostras de superfície de local de atendimento veterinário e ambiente domiciliar. S. schenckii foi isolado em 1,5% das amostras do ambiente hospitalar. Entretanto, esse fungo foi isolado em todas as amostras do ambiente domiciliar. O isolamento do S. schenckii demonstra a importância dessas superfícies atuarem como fontes de infecção para animais e humanos. Portanto, funcionários e proprietários de animais de estimação estariam expostos a esse agente e a contaminação, através das superfícies, poderia ocorrer pela inoculação traumática do fungo ou pelo contato direto com lesões pré-existentes.


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    Josiara Furtado Mendes


    Full Text Available The identification of the fungal species belonging to the healthy microflora in animals is a precondition for the recognition of pathological processes causing them. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of potentially pathogenic fungi in the feces of wild birds collected in Screening Centers. Samples were collected from the feces of 50 cages with different species of birds. The samples were processed according to the modified method STAIB and the plates incubated at 32 °C for up to ten days with daily observation for detection of fungal growth. The isolation of the following species was observed: Malassezia pachydermatis, Candida albicans, C. famata, C. guilliermondii, C. sphaerica, C. globosa, C. catenulata, C. ciferri, C. intermedia, Cryptococcus laurentii, Trichosporon asahii, Geotrichum klebahnii, Aspergillus spp., A. niger and Penicillium spp. Knowing the character of some opportunistic fungi is important in identifying them, facilitating the adoption of preventive measures, such as proper cleaning of cages, since the accumulation of excreta may indicate a risk for both health professionals and centers for screening public health.

  16. Phytosociology of a coastal peat forest of the Toto Beach, Municipality of Pelotas, RS, Brazil

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    Tiago Schuch Lemos Venzke


    Full Text Available Floristic composition and structure of the tree component were analyzed in a coastal peat forest of the Toto Beach, located in the southern region of Lagoa dos Patos (31º43’39”S e 52º12’04”W. The phytosociological sampling was conducted on a sample area of 0.1 ha. All trees with DBH ≥ 4.8 cm were included. The species richness found was equivalent to 23 species distributed in 20 genera and 15 families. Two endangered species were sampled. The total tree density estimated for one hectare was equivalent to 3,480 trees. The most important species in the forest structure were Ocotea sp., Myrcia multiflora, Psidium cattleyanum, Ocotea pulchella, Myrsine lorentziana, Citharexyllum myrianthum, Ilex dumosa, Syagrus romanzoffiana, Guapira opposita and Sebastiania brasiliensis. The species diversity estimated by the Shannon index was 2,174 nats.ind.-1 and evenness (J was 0.684. The forest structure, number of taxa and diversity are similar to other surveys carried out in swamp forests of southern and southeastern Brazil. These parameters must be considered in the environmental licensing and ecological restoration projects of this forest type.

  17. Resistência mecânica à penetração de um argissolo amarelo distrófico típico sob diferentes sistemas de produção em plantio direto Soil mechanical resistance to penetration of a typic hapludalf under different production systems

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    Claudia Fernanda Almeida Teixeira


    Full Text Available Determinou-se a resistência mecânica à penetração (RP de um Argissolo Amarelo Distrófico típico em 1997, em Pelotas (RS, Brasil (31º49'S e 52º30'W. O experimento consistiu de oito tratamentos envolvendo diferentes culturas de cobertura, em rotação e sucessão no sistema plantio direto. As amostragens de RP foram realizadas até a profundidade de 0,60 m e a umidade gravimétrica nas camadas de 0,00-0,10; 0,10-0,20; 0,20-0,40 e 0,40-0,60m. Os sistemas de produção apresentaram valores de RP mais elevados até 0,20m; no tratamento azevém/feijão, aveia/soja, ervilhaca/milho o solo apresentou os maiores valores de RP.The determination of the penetration resistance (RP of a typical Hapludalf was accomplished in 1997, in Pelotas (RS, Brazil (31º49'S and 52º30'W. The study consisted of eight treatments with different cover crops, under rotation and succession under no-tillage. The samplings were accomplished up to the depth of 0.60 m and soil water content were accomplished in the layers of 0.00-0.10; 0.10-0.20; 0.20-0.40 and 0.40-0.60m. Starting from the obtained results it was concluded that the production systems presented values of RP more elevated until to 0.20m; the treatment rye-grass/common bean, oat/soybean, vetch/corn presented the largest values of RP along the soil profile.

  18. SHBG gene polymorphism (rs1799941 associates with metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents.

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    Marquitta J White

    Full Text Available Metabolic syndrome (MetS is a complex disorder characterized by coexistence of several cardiometabolic (CM factors, i.e. hyperlipidemia, obesity, high blood pressure and insulin resistance. The presence of MetS is strongly associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD. The syndrome was originally defined as an adult disorder, but MetS has become increasingly recognized in children and adolescents.Genetic variants influence biological components common to the CM factors that comprise MetS. We investigated single locus associations between six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, previously shown to modulate lipid or sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG levels, with MetS in a Turkish pediatric cohort (37 cases, 323 controls.Logistic regression analysis revealed a significant association between rs1799941, located in SHBG, and MetS (OR = 3.09, p-value = 0.006. The association with MetS remained after sequential adjustment for each CM factor included in the syndrome definition, indicating that the identified association is not being driven by any single trait. A relationship between rs1799941 and SHBG levels, was also discovered, but it was dependent on MetS status. In control subjects, the A allele of rs1799941 associated with a significant increase in SHBG levels (p = 0.012, while in cases there was no association between rs1799941 and SHBG levels (p = 0.963.The significant association between rs1799941 and MetS in children is not contingent on any single CM trait. Additionally, the presence of MetS may abrogate effect of rs1799941 polymorphism on SHBG levels in children.

  19. Enseñanza científica de la actuación teatral para personas adultas mayores

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    David Rojas Lobo


    Full Text Available Este artículo surge a partir del trabajo del autor de cinco años trabajando en teatro con personas adultas mayores (PAM, tanto en zonas urbanas como rurales, a lo que se suma la experiencia académica en evaluación de programas y proyectos de desarrollo con énfasis en cultura, insumos desde los que reconoce la necesidad de diseñar con el enfoque gerontológico los procesos de enseñanza de la actuación teatral. El propósito es aportar una línea base para la academia e instituciones, mientras se identifica algunas de las debilidades y fortalezas de esta población, por tanto, es fundamental recopilar datos relevantes de las personas aprendices, tales como variables sociodemográficas y socioeconómicas pero, sobre todo, aspectos culturales como sistemas de valores, intereses, entretenimiento y creencias religiosas, entre otros. El fin es generar un fundamento metodológico pertinente para el análisis y la creación de las acciones actorales. Como resultados se encuentra una metodología aplicada a la enseñanza de teatro con PAM que aporta a una vejez digna y activa.

  20. Design of Bus Protocol Intelligent Initiation System Based On RS485

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    Li Liming


    Full Text Available In order to design an effective and reliable RS485 bus protocol based on RS485 bus, this paper introduces the structure and transmission mode of the command frame and the response frame, and also introduce four control measures and the communication in order to process quality of this system. The communication protocol is open, tolerant, reliable and fast, and can realize ignition more reliable and accurate in the intelligent initiation system.

  1. Fat phenotype, associated factors and rs9939609 polymorphism of the FTO gene

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    William Alves Lima


    Full Text Available The purpose of this work was to review the main results of studies that have analysed the relationship between the rs9939609 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP of the FTO gene and the manifestation of overweight/obesity with its associated co-morbidity, and to discuss the interaction of this polymorphism with the other factors which cause obesity. The search was performed using the MEDLINE, Highwire, Science Direct and SciELO databases, applying the following key words: FTO rs9939609, obesity genetic, gene associated obesity, FTO contributes obesity. Inclusion criteria were: original articles where the search was performed in humans and including the rs9939609. Articles that analysed the FTO gene associated with preinstalled hormonal diseases were excluded. Of the several SNP associated with the FTO gene, rs9939609 has been the most researched (studied. This SNP comprises the A and T alleles, with the A homozygote being most susceptible to the development of overweight/obesity in all age ranges, especially in the caucasian population. In this situation, the control of environmental factors (alimentation and physical activity can prevent the excessive build up of fats. Obesity is related to the development of non-transmissible chronic illnesses. Association of rs9939609 polymorphism with the lipidic profile and glycemia were observed. The practicing of physical exercise and feeding habits seem to be the main contributors in the development of overweight/obesity and its resulting co-morbidity.

  2. Familjearbetaren hos en ensamförsörjare : en kvalitativ studie om ensamförsörjarens livssituation och hur familjearbetet påverkas


    Sjöblom, Mikaela; Azimi, Diana


    Syftet med vårt lärdomsprov är att redogöra för familjearbetarnas åsikter om familjearbetet har specifika drag i utförandet av det hos familjer med en försörjare. I teoridelen tas det upp om familjepolitiken i Finland, familjearbete samt om hur en ensamförsörjares livssituation kan se ut. I undersökningen använde vi oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer. Undersökningspersonerna bestod av åtta familjearbetare från fyra olika kommuner. Intervjuerna gjordes både i grupper och som individue...

  3. A Nematode Calreticulin, Rs-CRT, Is a Key Effector in Reproduction and Pathogenicity of Radopholus similis. (United States)

    Li, Yu; Wang, Ke; Xie, Hui; Wang, Yan-Tao; Wang, Dong-Wei; Xu, Chun-Lin; Huang, Xin; Wang, De-Sen


    Radopholus similis is a migratory plant-parasitic nematode that causes severe damage to many agricultural and horticultural crops. Calreticulin (CRT) is a Ca2+-binding multifunctional protein that plays key roles in the parasitism, immune evasion, reproduction and pathogenesis of many animal parasites and plant nematodes. Therefore, CRT is a promising target for controlling R. similis. In this study, we obtained the full-length sequence of the CRT gene from R. similis (Rs-crt), which is 1,527-bp long and includes a 1,206-bp ORF that encodes 401 amino acids. Rs-CRT and Mi-CRT from Meloidogyne incognita showed the highest similarity and were grouped on the same branch of the phylogenetic tree. Rs-crt is a multi-copy gene that is expressed in the oesophageal glands and gonads of females, the gonads of males, the intestines of juveniles and the eggs of R. similis. The highest Rs-crt expression was detected in females, followed by juveniles, eggs and males. The reproductive capability and pathogenicity of R. similis were significantly reduced after treatment with Rs-crt dsRNA for 36 h. Using plant-mediated RNAi, we confirmed that Rs-crt expression was significantly inhibited in the nematodes, and resistance to R. similis was significantly improved in transgenic tomato plants. Plant-mediated RNAi-induced silencing of Rs-crt could be effectively transmitted to the F2 generation of R. similis; however, the silencing effect of Rs-crt induced by in vitro RNAi was no longer detectable in F1 and F2 nematodes. Thus, Rs-crt is essential for the reproduction and pathogenicity of R. similis.

  4. A Nematode Calreticulin, Rs-CRT, Is a Key Effector in Reproduction and Pathogenicity of Radopholus similis.

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    Yu Li

    Full Text Available Radopholus similis is a migratory plant-parasitic nematode that causes severe damage to many agricultural and horticultural crops. Calreticulin (CRT is a Ca2+-binding multifunctional protein that plays key roles in the parasitism, immune evasion, reproduction and pathogenesis of many animal parasites and plant nematodes. Therefore, CRT is a promising target for controlling R. similis. In this study, we obtained the full-length sequence of the CRT gene from R. similis (Rs-crt, which is 1,527-bp long and includes a 1,206-bp ORF that encodes 401 amino acids. Rs-CRT and Mi-CRT from Meloidogyne incognita showed the highest similarity and were grouped on the same branch of the phylogenetic tree. Rs-crt is a multi-copy gene that is expressed in the oesophageal glands and gonads of females, the gonads of males, the intestines of juveniles and the eggs of R. similis. The highest Rs-crt expression was detected in females, followed by juveniles, eggs and males. The reproductive capability and pathogenicity of R. similis were significantly reduced after treatment with Rs-crt dsRNA for 36 h. Using plant-mediated RNAi, we confirmed that Rs-crt expression was significantly inhibited in the nematodes, and resistance to R. similis was significantly improved in transgenic tomato plants. Plant-mediated RNAi-induced silencing of Rs-crt could be effectively transmitted to the F2 generation of R. similis; however, the silencing effect of Rs-crt induced by in vitro RNAi was no longer detectable in F1 and F2 nematodes. Thus, Rs-crt is essential for the reproduction and pathogenicity of R. similis.

  5. DeAnnIso: a tool for online detection and annotation of isomiRs from small RNA sequencing data. (United States)

    Zhang, Yuanwei; Zang, Qiguang; Zhang, Huan; Ban, Rongjun; Yang, Yifan; Iqbal, Furhan; Li, Ao; Shi, Qinghua


    Small RNA (sRNA) Sequencing technology has revealed that microRNAs (miRNAs) are capable of exhibiting frequent variations from their canonical sequences, generating multiple variants: the isoforms of miRNAs (isomiRs). However, integrated tool to precisely detect and systematically annotate isomiRs from sRNA sequencing data is still in great demand. Here, we present an online tool, DeAnnIso (Detection and Annotation of IsomiRs from sRNA sequencing data). DeAnnIso can detect all the isomiRs in an uploaded sample, and can extract the differentially expressing isomiRs from paired or multiple samples. Once the isomiRs detection is accomplished, detailed annotation information, including isomiRs expression, isomiRs classification, SNPs in miRNAs and tissue specific isomiR expression are provided to users. Furthermore, DeAnnIso provides a comprehensive module of target analysis and enrichment analysis for the selected isomiRs. Taken together, DeAnnIso is convenient for users to screen for isomiRs of their interest and useful for further functional studies. The server is implemented in PHP + Perl + R and available to all users for free at: and © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  6. 8q24 rs6983267G variant is associated with increased thyroid cancer risk (United States)

    Sahasrabudhe, Ruta; Estrada, Ana; Lott, Paul; Martin, Lynn; Echeverry, Guadalupe Polanco; Velez, Alejandro; Neta, Gila; Takahasi, Meiko; Saenko, Vladimir; Mitsutake, Norisato; Jaeguer, Emma; Duque, Carlos Simon; Rios, Alejandro; Bohorquez, Mabel; Prieto, Rodrigo; Criollo, Angel; Echeverry, Magdalena; Tomlinson, Ian; Carvajal Carmona, Luis G.


    The G allele of the rs6983267 single nucleotide polymorphism, located on chromosome 8q24, has been associated with increased risk of several cancer types. The association between rs6983267G and thyroid cancer has been tested in different populations, mostly of European ancestry, and has led to inconclusive results. While significant associations have been reported in the British and Polish populations, no association has been detected in populations from Spain, Italy and the USA. To further investigate the role of rs6983267G in thyroid cancer susceptibility, we evaluated rs6983267 genotypes in three populations of different continental ancestry (British Isles, Colombia and Japan), providing a total of 3,067 cases and 8,575 controls. We detected significant associations between rs6983267G and thyroid cancer in the British Isles (Odds Ratio, OR= 1.19, 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.11–1.27, P= 4.03 × 10−7), Japan (OR= 1.20, 95% CI: 1.03–1.41, P= 0.022) and a borderline significant association of similar effect direction and size in Colombia (OR= 1.19, 95% CI: 0.99–1.44, P= 0.069). A meta-analysis of our multi-ethnic study and previously published non-overlapping datasets, which included a total of 5,484 cases and 12,594 controls, confirmed the association between rs6983267G and thyroid cancer (P= 1.23 × 10−7, OR= 1.13, 95% CI: 1.07–1.18). Our results therefore support the notion that rs6983267G is a bona fide thyroid cancer risk variant that increases the risk of disease by ~13%. PMID:26290501

  7. Blending the most fundamental Remote-Sensing principles (RS ...

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    Blending the most fundamental Remote-Sensing principles (RS) with the most functional spatial knowledge (GIS) with the objective of the determination of the accident-prone palms and points (case study: Tehran-Hamadan Highway on Saveh Superhighway)

  8. Associação de variáveis sócio-demográficas e comportamentais com a gordura abdominal em adultos: estudo de base populacional no Sul do Brasil Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with abdominal fat distribution in adults: a population-based survey in Southern Brazil

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    Marcelo Castanheira


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a distribuição antropométrica da gordura abdominal em uma população adulta e o efeito de variáveis sócio-demográficas, reprodutivas e comportamentais sobre essa distribuição. O desfecho estudado foi definido como o maior perímetro da região abdominal, sendo entrevistados e medidos 3.464 adultos, de 20 a 69 anos, residentes na zona urbana de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As diferenças entre as médias de perímetro foram testadas empregando-se ANOVA e regressão múltipla, visando o controle de confundimento. Homens mais velhos, de cor branca, vivendo com companheira e com alta renda familiar (p This article describes the anthropometric distribution of abdominal fat in the urban adult population in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and the influence of independent variables on this distribution. In a cross-sectional population-based study, 3,464 adults from 20 to 69 years of age were selected in a multistage systematic sampling. They were interviewed and had their largest abdominal circumference measured. Means were compared using one-way ANOVA, while multiple linear regression models were employed to adjust for confounding. According to the study, older white married men with higher family incomes were more likely to have the highest mean abdominal circumferences (p < 0.001. Women at greatest risk for abdominal fat were older married mothers with a history of 4 or more pregnancies and less schooling (p < 0.001. Former smokers had the highest mean abdominal circumferences in both males and females, while other lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption and physical activity showed no association with the outcome after adjusting for confounding.

  9. Macroinvertebrados bentônicos como indicadores de qualidade de água na Barragem Santa Bárbara, Pelotas, RS, Brasil Zoobenthics as indicators of the water quality in the Santa Bárbara Dam, Pelotas, RS, Brazil

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    Sérgio Renato Noguez Piedras


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o impacto de dois afluentes da barragem Santa Bárbara sobre o ambiente da mesma, utilizando a ocorrência de invertebrados bentônicos e características químicas da água. Durante nove meses foram realizadas coletas e análises da água e de invertebrados bentônicos nos afluentes Sanga da Barbuda e Sanga do Passo do Cunha e também no interior da bacia de acumulação da barragem. Os resultados mostram que, embora a Sanga da Barbuda e a Sanga do Passo do Cunha apresentem características químicas abaixo do recomendável, no limite aceitável pela legislação que determina os padrões de qualidade da água para abastecimento público, estes afluentes estão, ainda, sendo diluídos de forma satisfatória na bacia de acumulação da barragem. O estudo das relações entre variáveis químicas e invertebrados bentônicos mostra haver correlação significativa entre os baixos níveis de oxigênio dissolvido e a presença de Oligochaeta, sendo que o aumento do número de Oligochaeta indica uma situação de anoxia na barragem Santa Bárbara.The objective of this work was to study the impact of two tributaries from the Santa Bárbara Dam on this environment using the occurrence of zoobenthics and some water chemical characteristics. Monthly gathering and analysis from the water and zoobenthics were done during nine months in the tributaries Sanga da Barbuda and Sanga Passo do Cunha as well as in the inner part of the accumulation basin in the Santa Barbara dam. The results demonstrate that, though Sanga da Barbuda and Sanga Passo do Cunha present chemical characteristics lower than the recommended but still in the limits acceptable by the law that regulates the water quality standards for the supply, these tributaries are being diluted in a satisfactory way in the accumulation basin in the Santa Barbara dam. The study of the relations between chemical variables and zoobenthics show a significant correlation between low levels of dissolved oxygen and the presence of Oligochaeta; moreover, the increase of Oligochaeta indicates a situation of anoxia in the Santa Barbara Dam.

  10. Fatherhood in adolescence: prevalence and associated factors in a community sample of youngsters. (United States)

    Oliveira, Milene Maria Saalfeld de; Branco, Jerônimo Costa; Souza, Luciano Dias de Mattos; Silva, Ricardo Azevedo da; Lara, Diogo Rizzato; Mota, Denise Marques; Jansen, Karen


    This article aims to assess the prevalence of fatherhood in adolescence (FA) and associated factors in a community sample of 14 to 35 year-old men. Cross-sectional population-based study realized in the urban area of the city of Pelotas-RS, Brazil. The sample was selected by clusters, according to the city census. This sub-study only comprised sexually active men. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire in the participants' homes. The sample was composed for 934 men. The prevalence of fatherhood in adolescence was 8% (n = 75). We verified higher prevalence of FA among those that reported paternal absence (p fatherhood in adolescence.

  11. Características sócio-culturais de práticas ginásticas e futebolísticas no sul do brasil ao final do século XX


    BRUNO, Giancarlo Bazarele Machado; Universidade Federal de Pelotas


    Com entrevistas, observações, quantificações e metragens, estudou-se as academias de Ginástica e os locais de Futsal e de Soccer em Pelotas/RS. Um total de 1.570 praticantes, 44,8 alunos/academia, 97 % mulheres, praticavam principalmente Ginástica Localizada, Aeróbica e Step, em 35 locais, área média de 205,4 m2. Pertenciam à iniciativa privada 91,4%, e as restantes a clubes sociais. A maior freqüência era no período antes do verão e entrel7:00 e 22:00 horas. O custo médio, para exercitação d...

  12. IL-1B rs16944 polymorphism is related to septic shock and death. (United States)

    Jiménez-Sousa, María Ángeles; Medrano, Luz M; Liu, Pilar; Almansa, Raquel; Fernández-Rodríguez, Amanda; Gómez-Sánchez, Esther; Rico, Lucía; Heredia-Rodríguez, María; Gómez-Pesquera, Estefanía; Tamayo, Eduardo; Resino, Salvador


    IL-1β is a primary mediator of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and it may lead to shock septic. Our aim was to analyse whether IL-1B rs16944 polymorphism is associated with the onset of septic shock and death after major surgery. We performed a case-control study on 467 patients who underwent major cardiac or abdominal surgery. Of them, 205 patients developed septic shock (cases, SS group) and 262 patients developed SIRS (controls, SIRS group). The primary outcome variables were the development of septic shock and death within 90 days after diagnosis of septic shock. The IL-1B rs16944 polymorphism was genotyped by Sequenom's MassARRAY platform. The association analysis was performed under a recessive genetic model (AA vs. GG/GC). The frequency of septic shock was higher in patients with IL-1B rs16944 AA genotype than in patients with IL-1B rs16944 GG/AG genotype when all patients were taken into account (63·6% vs. 41·8%; P = 0·006), cardiac surgery (52·2% vs. 33·3%; P = 0·072) and abdominal surgery (76·2% vs. 50·2%; P = 0·023). However, the IL-1B rs16944 AA genotype was only associated with higher likelihood of septic shock in the analysis of all population [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 2·26 (95%CI = 1·03; 4·97; P = 0·042], but not when it was stratified by cardiac surgery (P = 0·175) or abdominal surgery (P = 0·467). Similarly, IL-1B rs16944 AA genotype was also associated with higher likelihood of septic shock-related death in all population [aOR = 2·67 (95%CI = 1·07; 4·97); P = 0·035]. IL-1B rs16944 AA genotype seems to be related to the onset of septic shock and death in patients who underwent major surgery. © 2016 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation.

  13. P-bRS: A Physarum-Based Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Mingchuan Zhang


    Full Text Available Routing in wireless sensor networks (WSNs is an extremely challenging issue due to the features of WSNs. Inspired by the large and single-celled amoeboid organism, slime mold Physarum polycephalum, we establish a novel selecting next hop model (SNH. Based on this model, we present a novel Physarum-based routing scheme (P-bRS for WSNs to balance routing efficiency and energy equilibrium. In P-bRS, a sensor node can choose the proper next hop by using SNH which comprehensively considers the distance, energy residue, and location of the next hop. The simulation results show how P-bRS can achieve the effective trade-off between routing efficiency and energy equilibrium compared to two famous algorithms.

  14. Associations of the FTO rs9939609 and the MC4R rs17782313 polymorphisms with type 2 diabetes are modulated by diet, being higher when adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern is low

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    Ortega-Azorín Carolina


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although the Fat Mass and Obesity (FTO and Melanocortin-4 Receptor (MC4R genes have been consistently associated with obesity risk, the association between the obesity-risk alleles with type 2 diabetes is still controversial. In some recent meta-analyses in which significant results have been reported, the associations disappeared after adjustment for body mass index (BMI. However gene-diet interactions with dietary patterns have not been investigated. Our main aim was to analyze whether these associations are modulated by the level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet. Methods Case-control study in 7,052 high cardiovascular risk subjects (3,430 type 2 diabetes cases and 3,622 non-diabetic subjects with no differences in BMI. Diet was assessed by validated questionnaires. FTO-rs9939609 and MC4R-rs17782313 were determined. An aggregate genetic score was calculated to test additive effects. Gene-diet interactions were analyzed. Results Neither of the polymorphisms was associated with type 2 diabetes in the whole population. However, we found consistent gene-diet interactions with adherence to the MedDiet both for the FTO-rs9939609 (P-interaction=0.039, the MC4R-rs17782313 (P-interaction=0.009 and for their aggregate score (P-interaction=0.006. When adherence to the MedDiet was low, carriers of the variant alleles had higher type 2 diabetes risk (OR=1.21, 95%CI: 1.03-1.40; P=0.019 for FTO-rs9939609 and OR=1.17, 95%CI:1.01-1.36; P=0.035 for MC4R-rs17782313 than wild-type subjects. However, when adherence to the MedDiet was high, these associations disappeared (OR=0.97, 95%CI: 0.85-1.16; P=0.673 for FTO-rs9939609 and OR=0.89, 95%CI:0.78-1.02; P=0.097 for MC4R-rs17782313. These gene-diet interactions remained significant even after adjustment for BMI. As MedDiet is rich in folate, we also specifically examined folate intake and detected statistically significant interaction effects on fasting plasma glucose

  15. The miR-449b polymorphism, rs10061133 A>G, is associated with premature ovarian insufficiency. (United States)

    Pan, Hong; Chen, Beili; Wang, Jing; Wang, Xi; Hu, Ping; Wu, Shinan; Liu, Yunyun; Xu, Zuying; Zhang, Wei; Wang, Binbin; Cao, Yunxia


    To determine if the miR-449b polymorphism, rs10061133 A>G, is associated with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) pathogenesis. From January 2011 to December 2014, a total of 148 individuals with POI and 225 age-matched controls were collected from the Center for Reproductive Medicine, 1st Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University (Hefei, China). Genotyping of miR-449b rs1006113 was performed using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight-based mass spectrometry. Rs10061133 A>G is a highly conserved SNP locus in the mature area of miR-449b. Association analysis shows that the rs10061133 AA genotype is a risk factor for POI. Our study provides the first evidence that the miR-449b rs10061133 AA genotype is associated with POI risk.

  16. Propagation of ELF Radiation from RS-LC System and Red Sprites in Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide

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    M. K. Paras


    Full Text Available In this paper, two different mechanisms return stroke-lateral corona (RS-LC system and red sprites which excite Earth-ionosphere waveguide have been discussed. The electric and magnetic fields from RS-LC system and red spites in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide have been calculated. It has been found that red sprites contribute to the Schumann resonances (SR greatly as compared to the RS-LC system.

  17. IkappaBalpha polymorphism at promoter region (rs2233408) influences the susceptibility of gastric cancer in Chinese. (United States)

    Wang, Shiyan; Tian, Linwei; Zeng, Zhirong; Zhang, Mingdong; Wu, Kaichun; Chen, Minhu; Fan, Daiming; Hu, Pinjin; Sung, Joseph J Y; Yu, Jun


    Nuclear factor of kappa B inhibitor alpha (I kappaB alpha) protein is implicated in regulating a variety of cellular process from inflammation to tumorigenesis. The objective of this study was to investigate the susceptibility of rs2233408 T/C genotype in the promoter region of I kappaB alpha to gastric cancer and the association of this polymorphism with clinicopathologic variables in gastric cancer patients. A population-based case-control study was conducted between 1999 and 2006 in Guangdong Province, China. A total of 564 gastric cancer patients and 566 healthy controls were enrolled in this study. rs2233408 genotypes in I kappaB alpha were analyzed by TaqMan SNP genotyping assay. Both rs2233408 T homozygote (TT) and T heterozygotes (TC and TT) had significantly reduced gastric cancer risk (TT: OR = 0.250, 95% CI = 0.069-0.909, P = 0.035; TC and TT: OR = 0.721, 95% CI = 0.530-0.981, P = 0.037), compared with rs2233408 C homozygote (CC). rs2233408 T heterozygotes were significantly associated with reduced risk of intestinal-type gastric cancer with ORs of 0.648 (95% CI = 0.459-0.916, P = 0.014), but not with the diffuse or mix type of gastric cancer. The association between rs2233408 T heterozygotes and gastric cancer appeared more apparent in the older patients (age>40) (OR = 0.674, 95% CI = 0.484-0.939, P = 0.02). rs2233408 T heterozygotes was associated with non-cardiac gastric cancer (OR = 0.594, 95% CI = 0.411-0.859, P = 0.006), but not with cardiac gastric cancer. However, rs2233408 polymorphism was not associated with the prognosis of gastric cancer patients. I kappaB alpha rs2233408 T heterozygotes were associated with reduced risk of gastric cancer, especially for the development of certain subtypes of gastric cancer in Chinese population.

  18. IκBα polymorphism at promoter region (rs2233408 influences the susceptibility of gastric cancer in Chinese

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    Sung Joseph JY


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Nuclear factor of kappa B inhibitor alpha (IκBα protein is implicated in regulating a variety of cellular process from inflammation to tumorigenesis. The objective of this study was to investigate the susceptibility of rs2233408 T/C genotype in the promoter region of IκBα to gastric cancer and the association of this polymorphism with clinicopathologic variables in gastric cancer patients. Methods A population-based case-control study was conducted between 1999 and 2006 in Guangdong Province, China. A total of 564 gastric cancer patients and 566 healthy controls were enrolled in this study. rs2233408 genotypes in IκBα were analyzed by TaqMan SNP genotyping assay. Results Both rs2233408 T homozygote (TT and T heterozygotes (TC and TT had significantly reduced gastric cancer risk (TT: OR = 0.250, 95% CI = 0.069-0.909, P = 0.035; TC and TT: OR = 0.721, 95% CI = 0.530-0.981, P = 0.037, compared with rs2233408 C homozygote (CC. rs2233408 T heterozygotes were significantly associated with reduced risk of intestinal-type gastric cancer with ORs of 0.648 (95% CI = 0.459-0.916, P = 0.014, but not with the diffuse or mix type of gastric cancer. The association between rs2233408 T heterozygotes and gastric cancer appeared more apparent in the older patients (age>40 (OR = 0.674, 95% CI = 0.484-0.939, P = 0.02. rs2233408 T heterozygotes was associated with non-cardiac gastric cancer (OR = 0.594, 95% CI = 0.411-0.859, P = 0.006, but not with cardiac gastric cancer. However, rs2233408 polymorphism was not associated with the prognosis of gastric cancer patients. Conclusions IκBα rs2233408 T heterozygotes were associated with reduced risk of gastric cancer, especially for the development of certain subtypes of gastric cancer in Chinese population.

  19. The CHRNA3 rs578776 variant is associated with an intrinsic reward sensitivity deficit in smokers

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    Jason D. Robinson


    Full Text Available A compromised brain reward system has been postulated as a key feature of drug dependence. We examined whether several polymorphisms of genes found to regulate nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR and dopamine (DA expression were related to an intrinsic reward sensitivity (IRS deficit we previously identified among a subgroup of smokers using event-related potentials (ERPs. We examined genetic polymorphisms within the CHRNA5-A3-B4 gene cluster (CHRNA3 rs578776, CHRNA5 rs16969968, LOC123688 rs8034191, and CHRNA3 rs1051730, the ANKK1 gene (rs1800497, and the D2 receptor gene (DRD2 rs1079597, DRD2 rs1799732 from 104 smokers of European ancestry in a smoking cessation trial. Prior to treatment, we recorded ERPs evoked by emotional (both pleasant and unpleasant, neutral, and cigarette-related pictures. Smokers were assigned to two groups (IRS+/IRS- based on the amplitude of the late positive potential (LPP component to the pictures, a neural marker of motivational salience. Smokers (n = 42 with blunted brain responses to intrinsically rewarding (pleasant pictures and enhanced responses to cigarette pictures were assigned to the IRS- group, while smokers (n = 62 with the opposite pattern of LPP responding were assigned to the IRS+ group. Carriers of the protective minor T allele (T/T, C/T of the CHRNA3 rs578776 were less likely to be members of the IRS- group than those homozygous for the at-risk C allele (C/C. The CHRNA3 rs578776 polymorphism did not differ on questionnaires of nicotine dependence, depressed mood, or trait affective disposition and did not predict abstinence at 6 months after the quit date. These results suggest that polymorphisms of genes influencing nAChR expression are related to an endophenotype of reward sensitivity in smokers.

  20. The CHRNA3 rs578776 Variant is Associated with an Intrinsic Reward Sensitivity Deficit in Smokers. (United States)

    Robinson, Jason D; Versace, Francesco; Lam, Cho Y; Minnix, Jennifer A; Engelmann, Jeffrey M; Cui, Yong; Karam-Hage, Maher; Shete, Sanjay S; Tomlinson, Gail E; Chen, Tina T-L; Wetter, David W; Green, Charles E; Cinciripini, Paul M


    A compromised brain reward system has been postulated as a key feature of drug dependence. We examined whether several polymorphisms of genes found to regulate nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and dopamine expression were related to an intrinsic reward sensitivity (IRS) deficit we previously identified among a subgroup of smokers using event-related potentials (ERPs). We examined genetic polymorphisms within the CHRNA5-A3-B4 gene cluster (CHRNA3 rs578776, CHRNA5 rs16969968, LOC123688 rs8034191, and CHRNA3 rs1051730), the ANKK1 gene (rs1800497), and the D2 dopamine receptor gene (DRD2 rs1079597, DRD2 rs1799732) from 104 smokers of European ancestry in a smoking cessation trial. Prior to treatment, we recorded ERPs evoked by emotional (both pleasant and unpleasant), neutral, and cigarette-related pictures. Smokers were assigned to two groups (IRS+/IRS-) based on the amplitude of the late positive potential (LPP) component to the pictures, a neural marker of motivational salience. Smokers (n = 42) with blunted brain responses to intrinsically rewarding (pleasant) pictures and enhanced responses to cigarette pictures were assigned to the IRS- group, while smokers (n = 62) with the opposite pattern of LPP responding were assigned to the IRS+ group. Carriers of the protective minor T allele (T/T, C/T) of the CHRNA3 rs578776 were less likely to be members of the IRS- group than those homozygous for the at-risk C allele (C/C). The CHRNA3 rs578776 polymorphism did not differ on questionnaires of nicotine dependence, depressed mood, or trait affective disposition and did not predict abstinence at 6 months after the quit date. These results suggest that polymorphisms of genes influencing nAChR expression are related to an endophenotype of reward sensitivity in smokers.

  1. ApoE rs429358 and rs7412 Polymorphism and Gender Differences of Serum Lipid Profile and Cognition in Aging Chinese Population

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    Jie Zhen


    Full Text Available ApoE gene polymorphism has been reportedly associated with serum lipids and cognition. However, very few studies have explored the combined effects of ApoE gene polymorphism and gender on serum lipid profile with subsequent impacts on cognition in Chinese population. A total of 1,000 Chinese community dwellers aged 55 years and above were recruited in this cross-sectional study. Demographic information of the participants was collected using well designed self-administered questionnaires. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA test was employed to evaluate the cognitive status of the participants. Semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ was used to obtain the dietary intake information. Fasting venous blood samples were taken for ApoE genotyping and serum lipid measurements. Significant gender differences in cognition, serum lipid profile and dietary fat-rich foods consumption were observed (p < 0.05. Cognition of the subjects was found to be associated with ApoE genotypes (p < 0.05. ApoE rs429358 and rs7412 variants demonstrated a significant effect on cognitive performance in the male subjects; especially within the attention and language cognitive domains as well as the total MoCA score (p < 0.05, respectively. Serum lipid profile and cognition of Chinese adults are significantly linked with gender and ApoE genetic polymorphism. The ApoE variant rs429358 is found to be notably associated with cognition in aging male Chinese population.

  2. A survey of oral and maxillofacial biopsies in children: a single-center retrospective study of 20 years in Pelotas-Brazil

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    Giana da Silveira Lima


    Full Text Available Despite the large number of published cases about oral and maxillofacial pediatric lesions, the literature is scarce on epidemiological studies regarding the prevalence of these entities. This study retrieved oral and maxillofacial pediatric lesions from the Center of Diagnosis of Oral Diseases (CDDB at the Dental School of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL, comprising a 20-year period (1983-2002. From the total of 9,465 biopsies received in this period, 625 (6.6% were from children aged 0 to 14 years. Regardless of the histopathological diagnosis, patient data referring to lesion location, sex and age were collected. Diagnoses were grouped in 13 categories. As much as 89% of the cases occurred in patients aged 7 to 14 years (53% in females and 47% in males. Mucocele (17.2% was the most common type of lesion, followed by dentigerous cyst (8.6%. In the category of odontogenic tumors, odontoma was the most frequent lesion (64.2%. Malignant lesions were observed in a small section of the sample (1.2%. Generally, the results of the present study are in line with those reported in the literature concerning the most prevalent lesions in the pediatric population. Most lesions were benign, and malignant lesions were diagnosed in a very small part of the sample.

  3. A amamentação e a alimentação complementar de filhos de mães adolescentes são diferentes das de filhos de mães adultas? Are breastfeeding and complementary feeding of children of adolescentmothers different from those of adult mothers?

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    Maria L.F. Vieira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: estudar a amamentação ao longo do primeiro ano de vida, e o tipo de alimentos complementares utilizados no final do primeiro ano de vida em filhos de mães adolescentes, e comparar com os filhos de mães adultas. MÉTODOS: estudo tipo coorte, ambidirecional, no qual as crianças foram selecionadas nos arquivos do CAISM/UNICAMP e avaliadas com um ano de idade. Estudados 122 filhos de adolescentes e 123 filhos de adultas, nascidos a termo, pesando > 2.500 g. Entrevistas realizadas nas casas ou no CIPED/UNICAMP, quando as crianças tinham um ano. Foram usados teste do qui-quadrado e de Fisher, a=5%, análise de sobrevida da amamentação pelo método de Kaplan-Meier e teste de Wilcoxon (Breslow para comparar as curvas de amamentação exclusiva, predominante, completa e total. RESULTADOS: 94,3% dos filhos de adolescentes e 95,9% dos filhos de adultas saíram da maternidade amamentados (p=0,544. A mediana de amamentação exclusiva foi de 90 dias para ambos os grupos. Com um ano de idade, 35,3% e 28,5% dos filhos de mães adolescentes e adultas, respectivamente, continuavam amamentados (p=0,254: leite materno 11,5% x 8,9% e aleitamento misto 23,8% x 19,5% (p=0,519. Os filhos de adolescentes ingeriram menos carne diariamente, comparados aos filhos de adultas (13,9% x 26,0%; Fisher: p=0,031. Ovo não é consumido por 11,5% x 19,5% dos filhos de adolescentes e de adultas, mas sugere ser mais consumido pelos filhos de adolescentes (p=0,082. CONCLUSÕES: O tempo de amamentação e o seu padrão foram semelhantes entre os filhos de mães adolescentes e de mães adultas. A alimentação complementar também foi similar, com exceção de um menor consumo de carnes e um maior consumo de ovos entre os filhos de mães adolescentes.OBJECTIVES: to study breastfeeding during the first year of life and the kind of complementary food provided at one year of life to children of adolescent mothers. To compare these data with breastfeeding and

  4. Validation of the Persian version of the Schizophrenia Cognition Rating Scale (SCoRS) in patients with schizophrenia. (United States)

    Mazhari, Shahrzad; Ghafaree-Nejad, Ali R; Soleymani-Zade, Somayeh; Keefe, Richard S E


    The Schizophrenia Cognition Rating Scale (SCoRS) is an interview-based assessment of cognition that involves interviews with patients and informants. The SCoRS has shown good reliability, validity, and sensitivity to cognitive impairment in schizophrenia, with the advantage of brief administration and scoring time. The present study aimed to test the concurrent validity of the Persian version of the SCoRS. A group of 35 patients with schizophrenia and a group of 35 healthy controls received the Persian-SCoRS in the first session, and a standardized performance-based cognitive battery, the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS), in the second session.Our results indicated that the Persian version of the SCoRS was sensitive to cognitive impairment in the patients. The Persian SCoRS global rating was significantly associated with the composite score generated from the Persian version of the BACS and predicted functional outcomes as measured by Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) and World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHO QOL). A Persian version of the SCoRS, an interview based measure of cognition that included informants, is related to cognitive performance and global functioning. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Association of the GRIN2B rs2284411 polymorphism with methylphenidate response in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. (United States)

    Kim, Johanna I; Kim, Jae-Won; Park, Jong-Eun; Park, Subin; Hong, Soon-Beom; Han, Doug Hyun; Cheong, Jae Hoon; Choi, Jae-Won; Lee, Sumin; Kim, Bung-Nyun


    We investigated the possible association between two NMDA subunit gene polymorphisms (GRIN2B rs2284411 and GRIN2A rs2229193) and treatment response to methylphenidate (MPH) in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A total of 75 ADHD patients aged 6-17 years underwent 6 months of MPH administration. Treatment response was defined by changes in scores of the ADHD-IV Rating Scale (ADHD-RS), clinician-rated Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I), and Continuous Performance Test (CPT). The association of the GRIN2B and GRIN2A polymorphisms with treatment response was analyzed using logistic regression analyses. The GRIN2B rs2284411 C/C genotype showed significantly better treatment response as assessed by ADHD-RS inattention ( p=0.009) and CGI-I scores ( p=0.009), and there was a nominally significant association in regard to ADHD-RS hyperactivity-impulsivity ( p=0.028) and total ( p=0.023) scores, after adjusting for age, sex, IQ, baseline Clinical Global Impression-Severity (CGI-S) score, baseline ADHD-RS total score, and final MPH dose. The GRIN2B C/C genotype also showed greater improvement at the CPT response time variability ( pADHD.

  6. Dasyrhynchus pacificus Robinson, 1965 (Trypanorhyncha: Dasyrhynchidae description of the adult form Descrição da forma adulta de Dasyrhynchus pacificus Robinson, 1965 (Trypanorhyncha: Dasynrhynchidae

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    Sergio Carmona de São Clemente


    Full Text Available One out of four specimens of sharks, Carcharhinus brachyurus (Günther, 1860, captured off the southern Brazilian Coast, harboured cestodes identified as Dasyrhynchus pacificus Robinson, 1965, of which the adult form is now described and referred as ocurring in Brazil.Um entre quatro espécimes de Carcharhinus brachyurus (Günther, 1860, coletados na costa sul brasileira, estava parasitado por cestóides pertencentes ao gênero Dasyrhynchus Pintner, 1928. Os espécimes foram identificados como D. pacificus Ribinson, 1965, sendo este o primeiro registo da ocorrência desta espécie no Brasil. Nesta oportunidade, é pela primeira vez apresentada a descrição da forma adulta, embora sem o proglotide grávido.


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    J. P. Núñez Roca


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    El objetivo de nuestro estudio es comprobar la influencia de un programa de actividad física en la condición física de mujeres adultas (fuerza del tren superior e inferior, equilibrio estático, consumo máximo de oxígeno y la movilidad articular de tronco y ver si el tipo de programa condiciona la mejora de las variables analizadas. La muestra la componen 20
    mujeres de 30-50 años, formando un grupo de n =10 para la actividad de natación y un grupo de n =10 para la actividad de mantenimiento. Los programas de actividad física de mantenimiento y natación de 2 sesiones semanales, son suficientes para mantener la condición física general, pero no para mejorarla significativamente. El programa de actividad física de natación, produce incrementos significativos en el consumo máximo de oxigeno en
    las mujeres de mediana edad (30-50 años.
    PALABRAS CLAVES: natación, mantenimiento, adultos, condición física.

  8. Association of calcium sensing receptor polymorphisms at rs1801725 with circulating calcium in breast cancer patients. (United States)

    Wang, Li; Widatalla, Sarrah E; Whalen, Diva S; Ochieng, Josiah; Sakwe, Amos M


    Breast cancer (BC) patients with late-stage and/or rapidly growing tumors are prone to develop high serum calcium levels which have been shown to be associated with larger and aggressive breast tumors in post and premenopausal women respectively. Given the pivotal role of the calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) in calcium homeostasis, we evaluated whether polymorphisms of the CASR gene at rs1801725 and rs1801726 SNPs in exon 7, are associated with circulating calcium levels in African American and Caucasian control subjects and BC cases. In this retrospective case-control study, we assessed the mean circulating calcium levels, the distribution of two inactivating CaSR SNPs at rs1801725 and rs1801726 in 199 cases and 384 age-matched controls, and used multivariable regression analysis to determine whether these SNPs are associated with circulating calcium in control subjects and BC cases. We found that the mean circulating calcium levels in African American subjects were higher than those in Caucasian subjects (p calcium levels were higher in BC cases compared to control subjects (p calcium levels in BC patients were independent of race. We also show that in BC cases and control subjects, the major alleles at rs1801725 (G/T, A986S) and at rs1801726 (C/G, Q1011E) were common among Caucasians and African Americans respectively. Compared to the wild type alleles, polymorphisms at the rs1801725 SNP were associated with higher calcium levels (p = 0.006) while those at rs1801726 were not. Using multivariable linear mixed-effects models and adjusting for age and race, we show that circulating calcium levels in BC cases were associated with tumor grade (p = 0.009), clinical stage (p = 0.003) and more importantly, with inactivating mutations of the CASR at the rs1801725 SNP (p = 0.038). These data suggest that decreased sensitivity of the CaSR to calcium due to inactivating polymorphisms at rs1801725, may predispose up to 20% of BC cases to high circulating calcium

  9. The Physical Education in the process of permanent construction of the curriculum politics La educación física en el proceso de la construcción permanente de la política curricular A Educação Física no processo de construção permanente da política curricular

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    Full Text Available

    The study it searched to understand as the Physical Education comes if constituting as component curriculum, in the hierarchy of knowing them, the resume of the initial series of a school of the municipal net of Pelotas/RS, after the process of quarrel and construction of the Political-Pedagogical Project, Study Plan and school Regiment. It is a qualitative research and I concluded that the school, by means of its agents transforms, reorganizes and it modifies the official and also not official politics. The school directs its in accordance with politics its vision of education; the process of dispute in the construction and implementation of curriculum politics in its scope is not fixed and closed, being involved in constant relations of being able.

    El estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender de que manera la Educación Física viene ordenandose como componente curricular, en la jerarquía de los saberes, en el currículum de las series iniciales de una escuela de la red municipal en la ciudad de Pelotas/RS, después del proceso de discussión y construcción del Proyecto Político-Pedagógico, Plan de Estúdios y normas escolares. Es una investigación cualitativa y concluí que la escuela, por medio de sus agentes transforma, reorganizo y modifica la política oficial. La escuela dirige sus políticas de acuerdo su visión de la educación; el proceso del la construcción y de la puesta en práctica de la política no es fijo y cerrado, estando implicado en relaciones constantes de poder.

    O referido estudo buscou compreender como a Educação Física vem se constituindo como componente curricular, na hierarquia dos saberes, no currículo das séries iniciais de uma escola da rede municipal de Pelotas/RS, após o processo de discussão e construção do Projeto Político-Pedagógico, Plano de

  10. Bem-estar espiritual e transtornos psiquiátricos menores em estudantes de psicologia: estudo transversal Bienestar espiritual y trastornos psiquiátricos menores en estudiantes de psicología: estudio transversal Spiritual well-being and minor psychiatric disorders in psychology students: a cross-sectional study

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    Marina Bento Gastaud


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Religiosidade/espiritualidade e saúde mental parecem positivamente associadas. O estudo examina associações entre bem-estar espiritual e distúrbios psiquiátricos menores em estudantes de Psicologia. MÉTODOS: Uma escala de bem-estar espiritual, o Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20 e informações sociodemográficas foram utilizadas na totalidade (n = 351 dos alunos de Psicologia da Universidade Católica de Pelotas (RS, no ano de 2002. Foram comparados os escores atuais com os dos alunos de Direito e Medicina da mesma universidade em 2001 (n = 464. RESULTADOS: 84,6% dos alunos de Psicologia apresentaram espiritualidade negativa, comparados a 68,8% dos acadêmicos de Medicina e 68,5% de Direito (p DISCUSSÃO: Os achados coincidem com a experiência internacional. É preocupante que estudantes de Psicologia se mostrem mais distantes de questões espirituais/religiosas, levando em conta a associação espiritualidade/saúde-enfermidade. CONCLUSÃO: A religiosidade/espiritualidade se mostrou como fator inversamente associado a transtornos psiquiátricos menores em estudantes de Psicologia.INTRODUCCIÓN: Religiosidad/espiritualidad y salud mental parecen positivamente asociadas. El estudio examina asociaciones entre bienestar espiritual y trastornos psiquiátricos menores en estudiantes de Psicología. MÉTODOS: Una escala de bienestar espiritual (SWBS, el SRQ-20 y datos demográficos han sido utilizados en la totalidad (n = 351 de alumnos de Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Pelotas, RS, Brasil, en el año 2002. Se han comparado los rangos actuales con aquellos de los alumnos de Derecho y Medicina de la misma universidad, en 2001 (n = 464. RESULTADOS: 84,6% de los estudiantes de Psicología presentaron espiritualidad negativa, comparados con 68,8% en Medicina y 68,5% en Derecho (p INTRODUCTION: Religiosity/spirituality and mental health seem to be positively associated. This study examines associations between spiritual

  11. ChemiRs: a web application for microRNAs and chemicals. (United States)

    Su, Emily Chia-Yu; Chen, Yu-Sing; Tien, Yun-Cheng; Liu, Jeff; Ho, Bing-Ching; Yu, Sung-Liang; Singh, Sher


    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are about 22 nucleotides, non-coding RNAs that affect various cellular functions, and play a regulatory role in different organisms including human. Until now, more than 2500 mature miRNAs in human have been discovered and registered, but still lack of information or algorithms to reveal the relations among miRNAs, environmental chemicals and human health. Chemicals in environment affect our health and daily life, and some of them can lead to diseases by inferring biological pathways. We develop a creditable online web server, ChemiRs, for predicting interactions and relations among miRNAs, chemicals and pathways. The database not only compares gene lists affected by chemicals and miRNAs, but also incorporates curated pathways to identify possible interactions. Here, we manually retrieved associations of miRNAs and chemicals from biomedical literature. We developed an online system, ChemiRs, which contains miRNAs, diseases, Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms, chemicals, genes, pathways and PubMed IDs. We connected each miRNA to miRBase, and every current gene symbol to HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) for genome annotation. Human pathway information is also provided from KEGG and REACTOME databases. Information about Gene Ontology (GO) is queried from GO Online SQL Environment (GOOSE). With a user-friendly interface, the web application is easy to use. Multiple query results can be easily integrated and exported as report documents in PDF format. Association analysis of miRNAs and chemicals can help us understand the pathogenesis of chemical components. ChemiRs is freely available for public use at .

  12. Effects of VRK2 (rs2312147 on white matter connectivity in patients with schizophrenia.

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    Hoyoung Sohn

    Full Text Available Recent genome-wide association studies of schizophrenia reported a novel risk variant, rs2312147 at vaccinia-related kinase 2 gene (VRK2, in multiple Asian and European samples. However, its effect on the brain structure in schizophrenia is little known. We analyzed the brain structure of 36 schizophrenia patients and 18 healthy subjects with regard to rs2312147 genotype groups. Brain magnetic resonance scans for gray matter (GM and white matter (WM analysis, and genotype analysis for VRK2 rs2312147, were conducted. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and the Digit Symbol Test were assessed for schizophrenia patients. There was no significant difference in either GM volume or WM connectivity with regard to rs2312147 genotype in healthy subjects. In contrast, we found significant differences in the WM connectivity between rs2312147 CC and CT/TT genotype groups of schizophrenia patients. The related brain areas included the splenium of corpus callosum, the left occipital lobe WM, the internal capsule (left anterior limb and right retrolenticular part, the bilateral temporal lobe WM, the left fornix/stria terminalis, the left cingulate gyrus WM, and the left parietal lobe WM. Voxelwise correlation analysis revealed that the Digit Symbol Test scores (age corrected correlated with the fractional anisotropy in WM tracts that previously showed significant group differences between the CT/TT and CC genotypes in the rs2312147 CT/TT genotype group, while no significant correlation was found in the CC genotype group. Our data may provide evidence for the effect of VRK2 on WM connectivity in patients with schizophrenia.

  13. Estudo de competências básicas das populações jovem e adulta ECBP-1996: termos de referência do projeto

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    Fletcher Philip R.


    Full Text Available As transformações tecnólogicas exigem o domínio de habilidades cognitivas mais complexas. A pesquisa proposta desenvolverá novos instrumentos de avaliação das competências básicas usadas na compreensão de prosa e poesia, documentos e operações quantitativas. Os novos instrumentos deveriam ser aplicados numa amostra probabilística de base domiciliar no Rio de Janeiro (RJ e em Campinas (SP, para identificar potencialidades e lacunas no domínio das competências básicas da população jovem e adulta. Pretende-se treinar pessoal na elaboração de instrumentos novos , nos procedimentos do trabalho de campo e nas técnicas de análise em psicometria, permitindo ainda outros estudos das qualificações básicas de mão-de-obra brasileira no futuro próximo.

  14. LINC00673 rs11655237 C>T confers neuroblastoma susceptibility in Chinese population. (United States)

    Zhang, Zhuorong; Chang, Yitian; Jia, Wei; Zhang, Jiao; Zhang, Ruizhong; Zhu, Jinhong; Yang, Tianyou; Xia, Huimin; Zou, Yan; He, Jing


    Neuroblastoma, which accounts for approximately 10% of all pediatric cancer-related deaths, has become a therapeutic challenge and global burden attributed to poor outcomes and mortality rates of its high-risk form. Previous genome-wide association studies (GWASs) identified the LINC00673 rs11655237 C>T polymorphism to be associated with the susceptibility of several malignant tumors. However, the association between this polymorphism and neuroblastoma susceptibility is not clear. We genotyped LINC00673 rs11655237 C>T in 393 neuroblastoma patients in comparison with 812 age-, gender-, and ethnicity-matched healthy controls. We found a significant association between the LINC00673 rs11655237 C>T polymorphism and neuroblastoma risk (TT compared with CC: adjusted odds ratio (OR) =1.80, 95% confidence interval (CI) =1.06-3.06, P =0.029; TT/CT compared with CC: adjusted OR =1.31, 95% CI =1.02-1.67, P =0.033; and T compared with C: adjusted OR =1.29, 95% CI =1.06-1.58, P =0.013). Furthermore, stratified analysis indicated that the rs11655237 T allele carriers were associated with increased neuroblastoma risk for patients with tumor originating from the adrenal gland (adjusted OR =1.51, 95% CI =1.06-2.14, P =0.021) and International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS) stage IV disease (adjusted OR =1.60, 95% CI =1.12-2.30, P =0.011). In conclusion, we verified that the LINC00673 rs11655237 C>T polymorphism might be associated with neuroblastoma susceptibility. Prospective studies with a large sample size and different ethnicities are needed to validate our findings. © 2018 The Author(s).

  15. The 8q24 rs6983267G variant is associated with increased thyroid cancer risk. (United States)

    Sahasrabudhe, Ruta; Estrada, Ana; Lott, Paul; Martin, Lynn; Polanco Echeverry, Guadalupe; Velez, Alejandro; Neta, Gila; Takahasi, Meiko; Saenko, Vladimir; Mitsutake, Norisato; Jaeguer, Emma; Duque, Carlos Simon; Rios, Alejandro; Bohorquez, Mabel; Prieto, Rodrigo; Criollo, Angel; Echeverry, Magdalena; Tomlinson, Ian; Carmona, Luis G Carvajal


    The G allele of the rs6983267 single-nucleotide polymorphism, located on chromosome 8q24, has been associated with increased risk of several cancer types. The association between rs6983267G and thyroid cancer (TC) has been tested in different populations, mostly of European ancestry, and has led to inconclusive results. While significant associations have been reported in the British and Polish populations, no association has been detected in populations from Spain, Italy and the USA. To further investigate the role of rs6983267G in TC susceptibility, we evaluated rs6983267 genotypes in three populations of different continental ancestry (British Isles, Colombia and Japan), providing a total of 3067 cases and 8575 controls. We detected significant associations between rs6983267G and TC in the British Isles (odds ratio (OR)=1.19, 95% CI: 1.11-1.27, P=4.03×10(-7)), Japan (OR=1.20, 95% CI: 1.03-1.41, P=0.022) and a borderline significant association of similar effect direction and size in Colombia (OR=1.19, 95% CI: 0.99-1.44, P=0.069). A meta-analysis of our multi-ethnic study and previously published non-overlapping datasets, which included a total of 5484 cases and 12 594 controls, confirmed the association between rs6983267G and TC (P=1.23×10(-7), OR=1.13, 95% CI: 1.08-1.18). Our results therefore support the notion that rs6983267G is a bona fide TC risk variant that increases the risk of disease by ∼13%. © 2015 Society for Endocrinology.

  16. Chemical chaperones exceed the chaperone effects of RIC-3 in promoting assembly of functional α7 AChRs.

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    Alexander Kuryatov

    Full Text Available Functional α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs do not assemble efficiently in cells transfected with α7 subunits unless the cells are also transfected with the chaperone protein RIC-3. Despite the presence of RIC-3, large amounts of these subunits remain improperly assembled. Thus, additional chaperone proteins are probably required for efficient assembly of α7 AChRs. Cholinergic ligands can act as pharmacological chaperones to promote assembly of mature AChRs and upregulate the amount of functional AChRs. In addition, we have found that the chemical chaperones 4-phenylbutyric acid (PBA and valproic acid (VPA greatly increase the amount of functional α7 AChRs produced in a cell line expressing both α7 and RIC-3. Increased α7 AChR expression allows assay of drug action using a membrane potential-sensitive fluorescent indicator. Both PBA and VPA also increase α7 expression in the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line that endogenously expresses α7 AChRs. VPA increases expression of endogenous α7 AChRs in hippocampal neurons but PBA does not. RIC-3 is insufficient for optimal assembly of α7 AChRs, but provides assay conditions for detecting additional chaperones. Chemical chaperones are a useful pragmatic approach to express high levels of human α7 AChRs for drug selection and characterization and possibly to increase α7 expression in vivo.

  17. A Polymorphism in Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 Alpha, rs7310409, Is Associated with Left Main Coronary Artery Disease

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    Rui Liu


    Full Text Available Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the world. Left main coronary artery disease (LMCAD is a particularly severe phenotypic form of CAD and has a genetic basis. We hypothesized that some inflammation- and hyperhomocysteinemia-related gene polymorphisms may contribute to LMCAD susceptibility in a Chinese population. We studied the association between polymorphisms in the genes hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha (HNF1A; rs7310409, G/A, C-reactive protein (rs1800947 and rs3093059 T/C, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (rs1801133, C/T, and methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (rs1076991, A/G in 402 LMCAD and 804 more peripheral CAD patients in a Chinese population. Genotyping was performed using the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry method. When the HNF1A rs7310409 GG homozygote genotype was used as the reference group, both the individual, GA and AA, and combined GA/AA genotypes were associated with an increased risk of LMCAD. This single nucleotide polymorphism (rs7310409 is strongly associated with plasma CRP levels. In conclusion, the present study provides evidence that the HNF1A rs7310409 G/A functional polymorphism may contribute to the risk of LMCAD.


    Lindsjö, Johan; Fahlman, Åsa; Törnqvist, Elin


    The concept of the 3Rs (replacement, reduction, and refinement) was originally developed for improving laboratory animal welfare and is well known in biomedical and toxicologic research. The 3Rs have so far gained little attention in wildlife research, and there could be several reasons for this. First, researchers may prioritize the welfare of populations and ecosystems over the welfare of individual animals. The effects of research on individual animals can, however, impact welfare and research quality at group and population levels. Second, researchers may find it difficult to apply the 3Rs to studies of free-living wildlife because of the differences between laboratory and wild animals, species, research environment, and purpose and design of the studies. There are, however, several areas where it is possible to transfer the 3R principles to wildlife research, including replacement with noninvasive research techniques, reduction with optimized experimental design, and refinement with better methods of capture, anesthesia, and handling. Third, researchers may not have been trained in applying the 3Rs in wildlife research. This training is needed since ethics committees, employers, journal publishers, and funding agencies increasingly require researchers to consider the welfare implications of their research. In this paper, we compare the principles of the 3Rs in various research areas to better understand the possibilities and challenges of the 3Rs in wildlife research. We emphasize the importance of applying the 3Rs systematically throughout the research process. Based on experiences from laboratory research, we suggest three key factors to enhance implementation of the 3Rs in wildlife research: 1) organizational structure and management, 2) 3R awareness, and 3) research innovation, validation, and implementation. Finally, we encourage an interdisciplinary approach to incorporate the 3R principles in wildlife research. For improved animal welfare and increased

  19. FIRE, A Test Bed for ARIES-RS/AT Advanced Physics and Plasma Technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meade, Dale M.


    The overall vision for FIRE [Fusion Ignition Research Experiment] is to develop and test the fusion plasma physics and plasma technologies needed to realize capabilities of the ARIES-RS/AT power plant designs. The mission of FIRE is to attain, explore, understand and optimize a fusion dominated plasma which would be satisfied by producing D-T [deuterium-tritium] fusion plasmas with nominal fusion gains ∼10, self-driven currents of ∼80%, fusion power ∼150-300 MW, and pulse lengths up to 40 s. Achieving these goals will require the deployment of several key fusion technologies under conditions approaching those of ARIES-RS/AT. The FIRE plasma configuration with strong plasma shaping, a double null pumped divertor and all metal plasma-facing components is a 40% scale model of the ARIES-RS/AT plasma configuration. ''Steady-state'' advanced tokamak modes in FIRE with high beta, high bootstrap fraction, and 100% noninductive current drive are suitable for testing the physics of the ARIES-RS/A T operating modes. The development of techniques to handle power plant relevant exhaust power while maintaining low tritium inventory is a major objective for a burning plasma experiment. The FIRE high-confinement modes and AT-modes result in fusion power densities from 3-10 MWm -3 and neutron wall loading from 2-4 MWm -2 which are at the levels expected from the ARIES-RS/AT design studies

  20. Abuso físico y sexual durante la niñez y revictimización de las mujeres mexicanas durante la edad adulta Physical and sexual abuse during childhood and revictimization during adulthood in Mexican women

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    Leonor Rivera-Rivera


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Cuantificar la asociación que existe entre el abuso físico y sexual durante la niñez y la violencia durante la edad adulta en una muestra representativa de usuarias de los servicios de salud en México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizaron datos provenientes de una encuesta nacional, con una muestra de 26 042 mujeres mayores de 14 años, quienes acudieron a consulta a los servicios públicos de salud entre octubre de 2002 y marzo de 2003, en los 32 estados de la República. Se utilizaron dos modelos: a Modelo de regresión logística politómica múltiple para explorar las asociaciones entre violencia física y sexual por parte de la pareja y violencia durante la niñez. b Modelo de regresión logística múltiple para evaluar la asociación entre violación durante la edad adulta y violencia durante la niñez. RESULTADOS: Se encontró una asociación entre experimentar violencia física durante la niñez, y padecer violencia física y sexual por parte de la pareja o sufrir violación durante la edad adulta. Cuando la mujer informó que había recibido golpes "casi siempre" durante la niñez, era más probable que experimentara violencia física y sexual (RM=3.1; IC95% 2.6-3.7 y violación (RM=2.9; IC95% 2.4-3.6 durante la edad adulta. Además, mientras más frecuente había sido la violencia durante la niñez, era mayor la posibilidad de que la mujer sufriera violencia posteriormente. Asimismo, se encontró una asociación positiva entre violencia física y sexual por parte de la pareja y abuso sexual antes de los 15 años de edad. (RM=2.8; IC95% 2.2-3.5. La violación sufrida en la edad adulta también estuvo asociada al abuso sexual antes de los 15 años de edad (RM=11.8; IC95% 10.2-13.7. CONCLUSIONES: La violencia sufrida durante la niñez crea un cuadro de resultados negativos, tanto psicológicos como físicos, y uno de ellos es la revictimización. Es decir, las mujeres que son víctimas de violencia durante la niñez tienen

  1. Exploring multiple trajectories of causality: collaboration between Anthropology and Epidemiology in the 1982 birth cohort, Pelotas, Southern Brazil (United States)

    Béhague, Dominique P; Gonçalves, Helen


    OBJECTIVE: Although the relationship between epidemiology and anthropology has a long history, it has generally been comprised of the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods. Only recently have the two fields begun to converge along theoretical lines, leading to a growing mutual interest in explaining rather than simply describing phenomena. This paper aimed to illustrate how ethnographic analyses can be used to assist with the in-depth and theoretically-imbued interpretation of epidemiological results. METHODS: The anthropological analysis presented in this paper used ethnographic data collected as part of the ongoing 1982 birth cohort study, between 1997 and 2007 in Pelotas, Southern Brazil. Analyses were framed according to the results presented in two of the epidemiological articles published in this series on the determinants of mental morbidity and age of sexual initiation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The ethnographic results show that statistical associations consist of multiple pathways of influence and causality that generally correspond to the unique experiences of specific subgroups. In exploring these pathways, the paper highlights the importance of an additional set of mediating factors that account for epidemiological results; these include the awareness and experience of inequities, the role of violence in everyday life, traumatic life events, increasing social isolation and emotional introversion as a response to life's difficulties, and differing approaches towards socio-psychological maturation. Theoretical and methodological collaboration between anthropology and epidemiology is important for public health, as it has positively modified both fields. PMID:19142353

  2. [Exploring multiple trajectories of causality: collaboration between Anthropology and Epidemiology in the 1982 birth cohort, Pelotas, Southern Brazil]. (United States)

    Béhague, Dominique P; Gonçalves, Helen


    Although the relationship between epidemiology and anthropology has a long history, it has generally been comprised of the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods. Only recently have the two fields begun to converge along theoretical lines, leading to a growing mutual interest in explaining rather than simply describing phenomena. This paper aimed to illustrate how ethnographic analyses can be used to assist with the in-depth and theoretically-imbued interpretation of epidemiological results. The anthropological analysis presented in this paper used ethnographic data collected as part of the ongoing 1982 birth cohort study, between 1997 and 2007 in Pelotas, Southern Brazil. Analyses were framed according to the results presented in two of the epidemiological articles published in this series on the determinants of mental morbidity and age of sexual initiation. The ethnographic results show that statistical associations consist of multiple pathways of influence and causality that generally correspond to the unique experiences of specific subgroups. In exploring these pathways, the paper highlights the importance of an additional set of mediating factors that account for epidemiological results; these include the awareness and experience of inequities, the role of violence in everyday life, traumatic life events, increasing social isolation and emotional introversion as a response to life's difficulties, and differing approaches towards socio-psychological maturation. Theoretical and methodological collaboration between anthropology and epidemiology is important for public health, as it has positively modified both fields.

  3. Ser Irmão de uma Pessoa Surda: Relatos da Infância à Fase Adulta

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    Juliana Archiza YAMASHIRO

    Full Text Available RESUMO: o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a experiência de irmãos de pessoas surdas acerca de sua história de vida e das implicações da deficiência nos relacionamentos fraternos. Tratou-se de um estudo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, que contou com a participação de cinco irmãos de pessoas surdas com idade entre 31 a 44 anos. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: questionário de identificação e roteiro de entrevista em profundidade. Os dados obtidos foram analisados a partir do modelo de produções de sentido das práticas discursivas. Os principais resultados apontaram que a dificuldade de comunicação entre os participantes e seus irmãos surdos repercutiu em questões nos relacionamentos desde a infância até a fase adulta. Considera-se que as questões inerentes à deficiência trouxeram consequências a todos os membros da família, em especial nos quesitos relacionamentos e comunicação e que disponibilizar atenção especializada aos pais e irmãos destas pessoas auxiliaria no manejo das situações vinculadas à deficiência e fortalecimento dos vínculos familiares.

  4. Descrição metodológica do uso de acelerometria para mensurar a prática de atividade física nas coortes de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 1993 e 2004 Descripción metodológica del uso de acelerómetros para medir la actividad física en las cohortes de nacimiento de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 1993 y 2004 Methodological description of accelerometry for measuring physical activity in the 1993 and 2004 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohorts

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    Inácio Crochemore Mohnsam da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar a metodologia de coleta de atividade física por meio de acelerometria nas coortes de nascidos em 2004 e 1993 em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, nos acompanhamentos dos 6-7 e 18 anos, respectivamente. Ao visitarem a sede para um amplo estudo de saúde, esses indivíduos receberam o acelerômetro e a posterior busca foi realizada no domicílio por meio de motociclistas da equipe de pesquisa. Os modelos utilizados foram o GENEA e GENEActiv, estimadores triaxiais da aceleração da gravidade (g, utilizados no punho de crianças e adolescentes por um período de 5 a 8 dias. O número de indivíduos com dados de acelerometria nas coortes foi de 3.331 crianças (93,7% do acompanhamento e 3.816 jovens (92,9% do acompanhamento. Ao caracterizarmos a coleta de acelerometria em mais de 7.000 indivíduos, apresenta-se um arcabouço metodológico para o planejamento de novos estudos populacionais no tema, descrevendo situações específicas dessa experiência e qualificando a compreensão da atividade física no contexto de estudos epidemiológicos.El objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar la metodología de recolección de la actividad física por acelerometría en las cohortes de nacidos en 2004 y 1993 en Pelotas, Río Grande do Sul, Brasil, en un seguimiento de 6-7 y 18, respectivamente. Al visitar la sede de un centro de salud general, estos sujetos recibieron el acelerómetro y la posterior encuesta en el domicilio se llevó a cabo por los responsables del equipo de investigación. Los modelos utilizados fueron el Genea y GENEActiv, estimadores triaxiales de la aceleración de la gravedad (g, que se utilizaron en niños y adolescentes durante un período de 5 a 8 días. El número de individuos con datos de acelerometría en las cohortes fue de 3.331 niños (93,7% de seguimiento y 3.816 jóvenes (92,9% de seguimiento. Con el fin de caracterizar la recolección de acelerometría en más de 7.000 individuos

  5. Prevalência e fatores associados a sintomas depressivos em adultos do sul do Brasil: estudo transversal de base populacional Prevalence of depressive symptons and associated factors among southern Brazilian adults: cross-sectional population-based study

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    Airton José Rombaldi


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de identificar a prevalência de sintomas depressivos e examinar fatores associados em uma população adulta do sul do Brasil, foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional, incluindo 972 indivíduos, de ambos os sexos, idade entre 20 e 69 anos, moradores na zona urbana da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. A seleção amostral teve os setores censitários do município como unidades amostrais primárias e os domicílios como unidades secundárias. O questionário incluiu variáveis socioeconômicas, comportamentais e nutricionais. As prevalências dos sintomas depressivos tristeza, ansiedade, falta de energia, falta de disposição, pensar no passado e preferir ficar em casa, na população de Pelotas, foram, respectivamente, de 29,4%, 57,6%, 37,4%, 40,4%, 33,8% e 54,3%. Concluiu-se que as prevalências de sintomas depressivos foram elevadas e os indivíduos do sexo feminino, idade avançada, fumantes e obesos mostraram-se associadas à maioria dos desfechos. A depressão é um importante problema de saúde publica e o conhecimento de como a sintomatologia depressiva se distribui na população e os fatores associados à sua presença podem ajudar no melhor entendimento da fenomenologia dos transtornos depressivos e a traçar estratégias de prevenção e intervenção.To identify the prevalence of depressive symptoms and examine associated factors in a Southern Brazilian adult population, a cross-sectional population-based study was carried out, including 972 subjects, men and women, aged 20 to 69 years, living in the urban area of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. The sampling strategy relied on the census tracts of the city as primary sampling units and households as the secondary units. The questionnaire included socio-demographic, behavioral and nutritional variables. The prevalence of sadness, anxiety, loss of energy, lack of will to do things, thinking about the past, and wishing to stay at home were 29.4%, 57

  6. RS-SNP: a random-set method for genome-wide association studies

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    Mukherjee Sayan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The typical objective of Genome-wide association (GWA studies is to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs and corresponding genes with the strongest evidence of association (the 'most-significant SNPs/genes' approach. Borrowing ideas from micro-array data analysis, we propose a new method, named RS-SNP, for detecting sets of genes enriched in SNPs moderately associated to the phenotype. RS-SNP assesses whether the number of significant SNPs, with p-value P ≤ α, belonging to a given SNP set is statistically significant. The rationale of proposed method is that two kinds of null hypotheses are taken into account simultaneously. In the first null model the genotype and the phenotype are assumed to be independent random variables and the null distribution is the probability of the number of significant SNPs in greater than observed by chance. The second null model assumes the number of significant SNPs in depends on the size of and not on the identity of the SNPs in . Statistical significance is assessed using non-parametric permutation tests. Results We applied RS-SNP to the Crohn's disease (CD data set collected by the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC and compared the results with GENGEN, an approach recently proposed in literature. The enrichment analysis using RS-SNP and the set of pathways contained in the MSigDB C2 CP pathway collection highlighted 86 pathways rich in SNPs weakly associated to CD. Of these, 47 were also indicated to be significant by GENGEN. Similar results were obtained using the MSigDB C5 pathway collection. Many of the pathways found to be enriched by RS-SNP have a well-known connection to CD and often with inflammatory diseases. Conclusions The proposed method is a valuable alternative to other techniques for enrichment analysis of SNP sets. It is well founded from a theoretical and statistical perspective. Moreover, the experimental comparison with GENGEN highlights that it is

  7. Fatty acid translocase gene CD36 rs1527483 variant influences oral fat perception in Malaysian subjects. (United States)

    Ong, Hing-Huat; Tan, Yen-Nee; Say, Yee-How


    We determined whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; rs1761667 and rs1527483) in the fatty acid translocase CD36 gene - a receptor for fatty acids - is associated with oral fat perception (OFP) of different fat contents in custards and commercially-available foods, and obesity measures in Malaysian subjects (n=313; 118 males, 293 ethnic Chinese; 20 ethnic Indians). A 170-mm visual analogue scale was used to assess the ratings of perceived fat content, oiliness and creaminess of 0%, 2%, 6% and 10% fat content-by-weight custards and low-fat/regular versions of commercially-available milk, mayonnaise and cream crackers. Overall, the subjects managed to significantly discriminate the fat content, oiliness and creaminess between low-fat/regular versions of milk and mayonnaise. Females rated the perception of fat content and oiliness of both milks higher, but ethnicity, obesity and adiposity status did not seem to play a role in influencing most of OFP. The overall minor allele frequencies for rs1761667 and rs1527483 were 0.30 and 0.26, respectively. Females and individuals with rs1527483 TT genotype significantly perceived greater creaminess of 10% fat-by-weight custard. Also, individuals with rs1527483 TT genotype and T allele significantly perceived greater fat content of cream crackers, independent of fat concentration. rs1761667 SNP did not significantly affect OFP, except for cream crackers. Both gene variants were also not associated with obesity measures. Taken together, this study supports the notion that CD36 - specifically rs1527483, plays a role in OFP, but not in influencing obesity in Malaysian subjects. Besides, gender is an important factor for OFP, where females had higher sensitivity. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Can rs3767140 SNP of the perlecan (HSPG2) gene affect the diabetes mellitus through the dyslipidemia? (United States)

    Kurnaz-Gömleksiz, Ö; Tokat, B; Aslan, E I; Yanar, F; Ermiş-Karaali, Z; Öztürk, O; Yilmaz-Aydoğan, H


    Perlecan (HSPG2) play an important role in the lipoprotein metabolisms. The G allele of the HSPG2-rs3767140 may affect the binding of heparan sulfate (HS) chains and hence cause loss of HS from the basement membrane. HSPG2-rs3767140 was studied in 60 T2DM patients and 109 healthy controls. In diabetic patients HSPG2-rs3767140 T variant allele carriers (TT+GT) have decreased fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and serum LDL-C levels (p=0.071 and p=0.060, respectively) versus GG genotype carriers. Moreover, in both of the two groups in which the T allele carriers HDL-cholesterol levels tend to be high. We investigated that the HSPG2-rs3767140 promoted to the dyslipidemic phenotype in the type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. We suggest that the HSPG2-rs3767140 might be associated with the decreased FPG and LDL-C and with the increased HDL-C in diabetics. Therefore, the HSPG2-rs3767140 might be a protective for the diabetes mellitus due to its ameliorating effect on the dyslipidemic phenotype.

  9. Experiências de vida e sintomatologia psicopatológica (re)contadas na vida adulta: O que se conta? O que vale o que se conta? E o que conta para se contar?


    Azevedo, Vanessa Mourão Ferreira Sampaio


    Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Aplicada Introdução. As experiências de vida são um tema frequente quer na investigação, quer na prática clínica. Contudo, o atual estado da arte apresenta-se bastante fragmentado e polarizado, o que resulta em lacunas significativas. Mais especificamente, as evidências disponíveis limitam-se a um conjunto restrito de experiências, sobretudo aquelas consideradas negativas, e a fases desenvolvimentais específicas (e.g., infância vs. vida adulta...

  10. Calcium-sensing receptor gene polymorphism (rs7652589) is associated with calcium nephrolithiasis in the population of Yi nationality in Southwestern China. (United States)

    Li, Hao; Zhang, Jianhua; Long, Jiang; Shi, Jiarun; Luo, Yuhui


    The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) gene plays an important role in regulating the Ca 2+ balance and reducing the risk for calcium stones. In this study, we evaluated the association of CaSR polymorphisms with calcium nephrolithiasis in the population of Yi nationality in Southwestern China. Biochemical variables were evaluated in 624 calcium nephrolithiasis patients and 470 age-matched healthy controls without a history of nephrolithiasis. CaSR polymorphisms rs7652589, rs1501899, rs1801725 (Ala986Ser), rs1042636 (Arg990Gly) and rs1801726 (Gln1011Glu) were investigated between the calcium nephrolithiasis patients and healthy controls, using direct sequencing. Compared with the healthy controls, serum creatinine and 24-hour urine calcium levels were significantly higher in calcium nephrolithiasis patients. Among these five polymorphisms, the genotypic and allelic frequency distributions of rs7652589 SNP was significantly associated with the risk of calcium nephrolithiasis. However, there were no genotypic or allelic distribution differences for rs1501899, rs1801725, rs1042636, and rs1801726 polymorphisms between calcium nephrolithiasis patients and healthy controls. Moreover, the association between rs7652589 SNP genotypes and the biochemical variables was not found. Our study showed that CaSR rs7652589 polymorphism had a significant effect on the risk of developing calcium nephrolithiasis in the population of Yi nationality in Southwestern China. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/University College London.

  11. Inequities in maternal postnatal visits among public and private patients: 2004 Pelotas cohort study

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    Marco Paula L


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The postnatal period is the ideal time to deliver interventions to improve the health of both the newborn and the mother. However, postnatal care shows low-level coverage in a large number of countries. The objectives of this study were to: 1 investigate inequities in maternal postnatal visits, 2 examine differences in postnatal care coverage between public and private providers and 3 explore the relationship between the absence of maternal postnatal visits and exclusive breastfeeding, use of contraceptive methods and maternal smoking three months after birth. Methods In the calendar year of 2004 a birth cohort study was started in the city of Pelotas, Brazil. Mothers were interviewed soon after delivery and at three months after birth. The absence of postnatal visits was defined as having no consultations between the time of hospital discharge and the third month post-partum. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the association between absence of postnatal visits and type of insurance scheme adjusting for potential confounding factors. Results Poorer women, black/mixed, those with lower level of education, single mothers, adolescents, multiparae, smokers, women who delivered vaginally and those who were not assisted by a physician were less likely to attend postnatal care. Postnatal visits were also less frequent among women who relied in the public sector than among private patients (72.4% vs 96% among public and private patients, respectively, x2 p Conclusion Postpartum care is available for every woman free of charge in the Brazilian Publicly-funded health care system. However, low levels of postpartum care were seen in the study (77%. Efforts should be made to increase the percentage of women receiving postpartum care, particularly those in socially disadvantaged groups. This could include locally-adapted health education interventions that address women's beliefs and attitudes towards postpartum care. There

  12. MicroRNAs (MiRs) Precisely Regulate Immune System Development and Function in Immunosenescence Process. (United States)

    Aalaei-Andabili, Seyed Hossein; Rezaei, Nima


    Human aging is a complex process with pivotal changes in gene expression of biological pathways. Immune system dysfunction has been recognized as one of the most important abnormalities induced by senescent names immunosenescence. Emerging evidences suggest miR role in immunosenescence. We aimed to systemically review all relevant reports to clearly state miR effects on immunosenescence process. Sensitive electronic searches carried out. Quality assessment has been performed. Since majority of the included studies were laboratory works, and therefore heterogen, we discussed miR effects on immunological aging process nonstatically. Forty-six articles were found in the initial search. After exclusion of 34 articles, 12 studies enrolled to the final stage. We found that miRs have crucial roles in exact function of immune system. MiRs are involved in the regulation of the aging process in the immune system components and target certain genes, promoting or inhibiting immune system reaction to invasion. Also, miRs control life span of the immune system members by regulation of the genes involved in the apoptosis. Interestingly, we found that immunosenescence is controllable by proper manipulation of the various miRs expression. DNA methylation and histone acetylation have been discovered as novel strategies, altering NF-κB binding ability to the miR promoter sites. Effect of miRs on impairment of immune system function due to the aging is emerging. Although it has been accepted that miRs have determinant roles in the regulation of the immunosenescence; however, most of the reports are concluded from animal/laboratory works, suggesting the necessity of more investigations in human.

  13. VfrB Is a Key Activator of the Staphylococcus aureus SaeRS Two-Component System. (United States)

    Krute, Christina N; Rice, Kelly C; Bose, Jeffrey L


    In previous studies, we identified the fatty acid kinase virulence factor regulator B (VfrB) as a potent regulator of α-hemolysin and other virulence factors in Staphylococcus aureus In this study, we demonstrated that VfrB is a positive activator of the SaeRS two-component regulatory system. Analysis of vfrB , saeR , and saeS mutant strains revealed that VfrB functions in the same pathway as SaeRS. At the transcriptional level, the promoter activities of SaeRS class I ( coa ) and class II ( hla ) target genes were downregulated during the exponential growth phase in the vfrB mutant, compared to the wild-type strain. In addition, saePQRS expression was decreased in the vfrB mutant strain, demonstrating a need for this protein in the autoregulation of SaeRS. The requirement for VfrB-mediated activation was circumvented when SaeS was constitutively active due to an SaeS (L18P) substitution. Furthermore, activation of SaeS via human neutrophil peptide 1 (HNP-1) overcame the dependence on VfrB for transcription from class I Sae promoters. Consistent with the role of VfrB in fatty acid metabolism, hla expression was decreased in the vfrB mutant with the addition of exogenous myristic acid. Lastly, we determined that aspartic acid residues D38 and D40, which are predicted to be key to VfrB enzymatic activity, were required for VfrB-mediated α-hemolysin production. Collectively, this study implicates VfrB as a novel accessory protein needed for the activation of SaeRS in S. aureus IMPORTANCE The SaeRS two-component system is a key regulator of virulence determinant production in Staphylococcus aureus Although the regulon of this two-component system is well characterized, the activation mechanisms, including the specific signaling molecules, remain elusive. Elucidating the complex regulatory circuit of SaeRS regulation is important for understanding how the system contributes to disease causation by this pathogen. To this end, we have identified the fatty acid kinase

  14. [Wetland landscape pattern change based on GIS and RS: a review]. (United States)

    Kong, Fan-Ting; Xi, Min; Li, Yue; Kong, Fan-Long; Chen, Wan


    Wetland is an ecological landscape with most biodiversity in nature, which has unique ecological structure and function, and contains abundant natural resources to provide material guarantee for human's living and development. Wetland landscape pattern is the comprehensive result of various ecological processes, and has become a hot issue in wetland ecological study. At present, the combination of geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) technologies is an important way to study the wetland landscape pattern change. This paper reviewed the research progress in the wetland landscape change based on GIS and RS from the aspects of the research methods of wetland landscape pattern, index of wetland landscape pattern, and driving forces of wetland landscape pattern evolution, and discussed the applications of the combination of GIS and RS in monitoring the wetland landscape pattern change, the index selection of wetland landscape pattern, and the driving mechanisms of the combined action of human and nature. Some deficiencies in the current studies were put forward, and the directions of the future-studies were prospected.

  15. Synchronization, TIGoRS, and Information Flow in Complex Systems: Dispositional Cellular Automata. (United States)

    Sulis, William H


    Synchronization has a long history in physics where it refers to the phase matching of two identical oscillators. This notion has been extensively studied in physics as well as in biology, where it has been applied to such widely varying phenomena as the flashing of fireflies and firing of neurons in the brain. Human behavior, however, may be recurrent but it is not oscillatory even though many physiological systems do exhibit oscillatory tendencies. Moreover, much of human behaviour is collaborative and cooperative, where the individual behaviours may be distinct yet contemporaneous (if not simultaneous) and taken collectively express some functionality. In the context of behaviour, the important aspect is the repeated co-occurrence in time of behaviours that facilitate the propagation of information or of functionality, regardless of whether or not these behaviours are similar or identical. An example of this weaker notion of synchronization is transient induced global response synchronization (TIGoRS). Previous work has shown that TIGoRS is a ubiquitous phenomenon among complex systems, enabling them to stably parse environmental transients into salient units to which they stably respond. This leads to the notion of Sulis machines, which emergently generate a primitive linguistic structure through their dynamics. This article reviews the notion of TIGoRS and its expression in several complex systems models including tempered neural networks, driven cellular automata and cocktail party automata. The emergent linguistics of Sulis machines are discussed. A new class of complex systems model, the dispositional cellular automaton is introduced. A new metric for TIGoRS, the excess synchronization, is introduced and applied to the study of TIGoRS in dispositional cellular automata. It is shown that these automata exhibit a nonlinear synchronization response to certain perturbing transients.

  16. Expanding the three Rs to meet new challenges in humane animal experimentation. (United States)

    Schuppli, Catherine A; Fraser, David; McDonald, Michael


    The Three Rs are the main principles used by Animal Ethics Committees in the governance of animal experimentation, but they appear not to cover some ethical issues that arise today. These include: a) claims that certain species should be exempted on principle from harmful research; b) increased emphasis on enhancing quality of life of research animals; c) research involving genetically modified (GM) animals; and d) animals bred as models of disease. In some cases, the Three Rs can be extended to cover these developments. The burgeoning use of GM animals in science calls for new forms of reduction through improved genetic modification technology, plus continued attention to alternative approaches and cost-benefit analyses that include the large numbers of animals involved indirectly. The adoption of more expanded definitions of refinement that go beyond minimising distress will capture concerns for enhancing the quality of life of animals through improved husbandry and handling. Targeting refinement to the unpredictable effects of gene modification may be difficult; in these cases, careful attention to monitoring and endpoints are the obvious options. Refinement can also include sharing data about the welfare impacts of gene modifications, and modelling earlier stages of disease, in order to reduce the potential suffering caused to disease models. Other issues may require a move beyond the Three Rs. Certain levels of harm, or numbers and use of certain species, may be unacceptable, regardless of potential benefits. This can be addressed by supplementing the utilitarian basis of the Three Rs with principles based on deontological and relational ethics. The Three Rs remain very useful, but they require thoughtful interpretation and expansion in order for Animal Ethics Committees to address the full range of issues in animal-based research.

  17. PDYN rs2281285 variant association with drinking to avoid emotional or somatic discomfort.

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    Ulrich W Preuss

    Full Text Available One of the proposed psychobiological pathways of craving attributes the desire for drinking in the context of tension, discomfort or unpleasant emotions, to "negative" (or "relief" craving. The aim of this study was to replicate a previously reported association of the PDYN rs2281285 variant with negative craving using a different phenotyping approach.The TaqMan® Genotyping Assay was used to genotype the rs2281285 variant in 417 German alcohol-dependent subjects. The presence of negative/relief craving was assessed by asking if participants ever ingested alcohol to avoid unwanted emotional or somatic discomfort.The minor allele of rs2281285 was associated with an increased risk of drinking to avoid/escape unwanted emotional or somatic events (OR=2.29, 95% CI=1.08-4.85, p=0.0298.Despite the use of a different phenotyping approach to the measurement of negative craving, our results confirm the association between negative craving and PDYN rs2281285. Genetic markers of negative craving may help to identify subgroups of alcohol-dependent individuals vulnerable to relapse in the context of negative emotions or somatic discomfort, leading to the development of specifically tailored treatment strategies.

  18. Association between BDNF-rs6265 and obesity in the Boston Puerto Rican Health Study (United States)

    The objective of this study is to examine a functional variant (rs6265) in the BDNF gene interacting with dietary intake modulate obesity traits in the Boston Puerto Rican Health Study population. BDNF rs6265 was genotyped in 1147 Puerto Ricans (aged 45-75 years), and examined for association with o...

  19. Supervivencia adulta y dinámica poblacional del lauchón orejudo Phyllotis darwini en Chile central Adult survival and population dynamics in the leaf-eared mouse Phyllotis darwini in central Chile

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    Laurent Crespin


    Full Text Available A nivel demográfico, los resultados clásicos de los modelos matriciales separan a las especies de tiempo generacional corto de las especies de tiempo generacional largo en cuanto a la importancia de la supervivencia adulta para la dinámica poblacional. Específicamente, la supervivencia adulta no debería contribuir de manera importante en la tasa de cambio poblacional de especies de tiempo generacional corto. Sin embargo, Yoccoz et al. (1998, Research Population Ecology 40: 107-121 propusieron que la supervivencia adulta sería el parámetro demográfico más importante para determinar la tasa de cambio poblacional en pequeños roedores cuando se toma en consideración una escala de tiempo mensual. Con el fin de poner a prueba esta hipótesis en este trabajo, utilizamos cinco años de datos de captura-marcaje-recaptura para estimar la supervivencia y la maduración de las hembras del lauchón orejudo, Phyllotis darwini, en una localidad de Chile central. El análisis mostró que las probabilidades de supervivencia disminuían con el promedio anual de la cantidad de lluvia y que las probabilidades de maduración disminuían con la densidad poblacional. Basados en las probabilidades de supervivencia y maduración, construimos un modelo matricial estacional para medir la importancia relativa de cada parámetro demográfico en el ciclo de vida de la especie a través de un análisis de perturbación. A fin de reflejar la variabilidad estacional del ambiente, dos estaciones fueron incorporadas en el modelo matricial: una estación de lluvia de cinco meses y una estación seca. Se observó que la supervivencia adulta era en efecto el parámetro demográfico con la elasticidad más fuerte. Por lo tanto, estos resultados apoyan la hipótesis de Yoccoz et al. (1998Classic results of matrix models predict that, in species with a long generation time, adult survival should be the demographic parameter driving population dynamics whereas, in species

  20. Divergência genética entre populações de cebola com base em marcadores morfológicos Genetic divergence in onion populations based on morphological markers

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    Rosa Lía Barbieri


    Full Text Available Bulbos de 16 acessos do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Cebola (Allium cepa da Embrapa Clima Temperado foram avaliados quanto a peso, diâmetro, altura, coloração das túnicas externas, formato, uniformidade e conservação pós-colheita nas condições ambientais de Pelotas - RS, com o objetivo de estimar a divergência genética entre populações de cebola. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análises de agrupamento e de componentes principais. Foi evidenciada a presença de variabilidade genética para os caracteres considerados. Os acessos foram divididos em três grupos: o primeiro reuniu 13 acessos incluindo todas as variedades locais e as variedades comerciais com bulbos de coloração marrom; o segundo formado por uma variedade local de bulbos roxos; e o terceiro grupo reunindo as duas variedades comerciais de bulbos brancos. Os caracteres que mais contribuíram para a divergência entre os acessos foram a cor, o peso e a conservação pós-colheita.Bulbs of 16 acessions from Onion Gene Bank of Embrapa Clima Temperado were evaluated for weight, diameter, length, skin color, shape, uniformity, and post harvest conservation in Pelotas, RS, Brazil. The objective of this work was to estimate genetic divergence in onion populations. The obtained data were submitted to principal component and cluster analysis. There was genetic variability for evaluated traits. Acessions were separated in three clusters. One cluster had 13 populations including all landraces and cultivars with brown skin color; the second cluster had the landrace with violet bulbs; and the third cluster had the two cultivars with white bulbs. Skin color, weight and post harvest of bulbs showed the highest contribution to divergence among acessions.

  1. Prevalência de dor nas costas e fatores associados em adultos do sul do Brasil: estudo de base populacional Prevalence and associated factors of back pain in adults from southern Brazil: a population-based study

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    Gustavo D. Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar a prevalência de dor nas costas e fatores associados em uma amostra representativa da cidade de Pelotas, RS, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal que avaliou 972 adultos com idade entre 20 e 69 anos, de ambos os sexos, moradores da zona urbana do município. O questionário aplicado incluiu questões socioeconômicas, demográficas, comportamentais e de saúde. Dor nas costas foi definida como qualquer dor ou desconforto em algum local das costas nos últimos 12 meses, seja na região cervical, torácica ou lombar. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de dor nas costas foi de 63,1% (IC95% 60,0 a 66,1, sendo a região lombar a mais referenciada (40%. Sexo feminino 1,24 (1,12 a 1,37 e percepção ruim de saúde (pOBJECTIVES: To identify the prevalence of spinal pain and possible prognostic factors in a representative sample of Pelotas, RS, Brazil. METHODS: Cross-sectional study evaluated 972 adults aged between 20 and 69 years, of both sexes, residents in a urban area. The questionnaire included socio-economic, demographics, behavioral and health-related questions. Spinal pain was defined as any pain or discomfort in the spine somewhere in the last 12 months, either in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar area. RESULTS: The prevalence of spinal pain was 63.1% (95% CI 60.0 to 66.1 being lower back the most prevalent condition (40%. Female gender 1.24 (1.12 to 1.37 and poor health status(p<0.001 were the variables that remained associated with the presence of spinal pain in the final model. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of back pain is important as it is associated with activity limitation and with health care utilization.

  2. Evidence for STAT4 as a common autoimmune gene: rs7574865 is associated with colonic Crohn's disease and early disease onset.

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    Jürgen Glas

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Recent studies demonstrated an association of STAT4 variants with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE and rheumatoid arthritis (RA, indicating that multiple autoimmune diseases share common susceptibility genes. We therefore investigated the influence of STAT4 variants on the susceptibility and phenotype of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD in a large patient and control cohort. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Genomic DNA from 2704 individuals of Caucasian origin including 857 patients with Crohn's disease (CD, 464 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC, and 1383 healthy, unrelated controls was analyzed for seven SNPs in the STAT4 gene (rs11889341, rs7574865, rs7568275, rs8179673, rs10181656, rs7582694, rs10174238. In addition, a detailed genotype-phenotype analysis was performed. Our analysis revealed an association of the STAT4 SNP rs7574865 with overall decreased susceptibility to CD (p = 0.047, OR 0.86 [95% CI 0.74-0.99]. However, compared to CD patients carrying the wild type genotype, the STAT4 SNP rs7574865 was significantly associated with early CD onset (p = 0.021 and colonic CD (p = 0.008; OR = 4.60, 95% CI 1.63-12.96. For two other STAT4 variants, there was a trend towards protection against CD susceptibility (rs7568275, p = 0.058, OR 0.86 [95% CI 0.74-1.00]; rs10174238, p = 0.057, OR 0.86 [95% CI 0.75-1.00]. In contrast, we did not observe any association with UC susceptibility. Evidence for weak gene-gene interaction of STAT4 with the IL23R SNP rs11209026 was lost after Bonferroni correction. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results identified the STAT4 SNP rs7574865 as a disease-modifying gene variant in colonic CD. However, in contrast to SLE and RA, the effect of rs7574865 on CD susceptibility is only weak.

  3. Evidence for STAT4 as a common autoimmune gene: rs7574865 is associated with colonic Crohn's disease and early disease onset. (United States)

    Glas, Jürgen; Seiderer, Julia; Nagy, Melinda; Fries, Christoph; Beigel, Florian; Weidinger, Maria; Pfennig, Simone; Klein, Wolfram; Epplen, Jörg T; Lohse, Peter; Folwaczny, Matthias; Göke, Burkhard; Ochsenkühn, Thomas; Diegelmann, Julia; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Roeske, Darina; Brand, Stephan


    Recent studies demonstrated an association of STAT4 variants with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), indicating that multiple autoimmune diseases share common susceptibility genes. We therefore investigated the influence of STAT4 variants on the susceptibility and phenotype of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in a large patient and control cohort. Genomic DNA from 2704 individuals of Caucasian origin including 857 patients with Crohn's disease (CD), 464 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), and 1383 healthy, unrelated controls was analyzed for seven SNPs in the STAT4 gene (rs11889341, rs7574865, rs7568275, rs8179673, rs10181656, rs7582694, rs10174238). In addition, a detailed genotype-phenotype analysis was performed. Our analysis revealed an association of the STAT4 SNP rs7574865 with overall decreased susceptibility to CD (p = 0.047, OR 0.86 [95% CI 0.74-0.99]). However, compared to CD patients carrying the wild type genotype, the STAT4 SNP rs7574865 was significantly associated with early CD onset (p = 0.021) and colonic CD (p = 0.008; OR = 4.60, 95% CI 1.63-12.96). For two other STAT4 variants, there was a trend towards protection against CD susceptibility (rs7568275, p = 0.058, OR 0.86 [95% CI 0.74-1.00]; rs10174238, p = 0.057, OR 0.86 [95% CI 0.75-1.00]). In contrast, we did not observe any association with UC susceptibility. Evidence for weak gene-gene interaction of STAT4 with the IL23R SNP rs11209026 was lost after Bonferroni correction. Our results identified the STAT4 SNP rs7574865 as a disease-modifying gene variant in colonic CD. However, in contrast to SLE and RA, the effect of rs7574865 on CD susceptibility is only weak.

  4. Insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs): Important amino ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 29, 2008 ... nAChRs within the insect central nervous system has led to the development of insecticides targeting .... binding protein (AChBP), a homopentameric structural and functional homolog of ..... of the honey bee, Apis mellifera.

  5. The RS-485 communication system design of the waste steel radioactivity detector system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yongli


    The importance and schematic structure of the waste steel radioactivity detector system is given firstly in this paper, and then the RS-485 communication system design including the circuit and program of the waste steel radioactivity detector system is provided. The test result of RS-485 communication system is also introduced, that shows the design completely meets the requirements of the waste steel radioactivity detector system. (author)

  6. Percepção das paisagens da Floresta Nacional de Canela (RS pelos turistas / Landscapes perception of the of the National Forest of Canela (RS

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    Nara Rejane Zamberlan dos Santos


    Full Text Available ResumoUm estudo foi realizado com os turistas da cidade de Canela (RS, em quatro períodos do ano (julho-outubro, dezembro e fevereiro, com o objetivo de valorar 22 fotos (substitutos da paisagem da Floresta Nacional de Canela (RS, cuja escala de ponderação era variável de 1 a 5, correspondendo a classes de qualidade da paisagem de muito baixa a muito alta, respectivamente. Os resultados mostram que as mulheres são mais perceptivas do que os homens na análise de paisagens. Os menores valores médios valorados correspondem aos substitutos da classe baixa (2,74 e os mais altos, à classe alta de qualidade da paisagem (4,61. Por meio da Análise de Agrupamento Hierárquico, são observados dois grupos, sendo o primeiro, formado por mulheres de 15 a mais de 70 anos e jovens de 15 a 20 anos, do sexo masculino; e o segundo grupo, pelos demais homens.AbstractA study was carried out with the tourists of the city of Canela (RS, in four periods of the year (July, October, December and February, in order to value 22 photographs (landscape substitutes of the National Forest of Canela (RS, which weighting scale varied from 1 to 5. it was corresponding to very low to very high landscape classifications. The results show that women are more perceptive than men in landscape analysis. The lowest average values given correspond with low –class substitutes (2.74 and the highest with high quality landscapes (4.61. Through hierarchical group analysis were shown two groups, the first formed by women from 15 to over 70 years of age and young men of 15 to 20 years of age and second group by older men.

  7. Ocean-Continent Transition Structure of the Pelotas Magma-Rich Continental Margin, South Atlantic (United States)

    Harkin, Caroline; Kusznir, Nick; Roberts, Alan; Manatschal, Gianreto; McDermott, Ken


    Rifted continental margins in the southern South Atlantic are magma-rich showing well developed volcanic extrusives known as seaward dipping reflectors (SDRs). Here we examine the magma-rich continental rifted margin of the Pelotas Basin, offshore Brazil. Deep seismic reflection data displays a large package of seaward dipping reflectors with an approximate width of 200 km and a varying thickness of 10 km to 17 km that have previously been interpreted as volcanic SDRs. We examine these SDRs to explore if they are composed predominantly of basaltic or sedimentary-volcaniclastic material. We also study the thickness of the crustal basement beneath the SDRs. Additionally we investigate if these SDRs are underlain by thin 'hyper-extended' continental crust or if they have been deposited on new magmatic basement. The answers to these questions are important in understanding the structure and formation processes of magma-rich continental margins. We use gravity inversion to investigate SDR composition by varying the proportion of basalt to sediments-volcaniclastics (basalt fraction) which determines the SDR densities in the gravity inversion. By matching the Moho depth and two-way travel time from gravity inversion and deep seismic reflection data, we determine the lateral variation in basalt fraction of the SDRs. Our analysis suggests: 1) There is an overall pattern of SDR basalt fraction and bulk density decreasing oceanward. This could be due to increasing sediment content oceanward or it could result from the change in basalt flows to hyaloclastites as water depth increases. 2) The SDR package can be split into two distinct sub packages based on the basalt fraction results, where the proximal side of each package has a higher basalt fraction and density. 3) The inner SDR package contains reflectors that bear a resemblance to the SDRs described by Hinz (1981) corresponding to syn-tectonic volcanic eruptions into an extensional basin, while the outer SDR package has

  8. Religiosidade e estilo de vida de uma população adulta

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    Marli Rosangela Cres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil de religiosidade e estilo de vida de uma população adulta e analisar a associação entre essas variáveis. Métodos: Pesquisa descritiva, transversal e quantitativa, realizada com participantes (n=206 de duas Feiras de Saúde na cidade de São Paulo, em 20/10/2013 e 04/05/2014. Aplicaram-se dois instrumentos, o Duke University Religion Index (DUREL, subdividido nas dimensões Religiosidade Organizacional, Não Organizacional e Intrínseca e o Estilo de Vida FANTÁSTICO. Realizaram-se os testes Rho de Spearman para associação das variáveis “estilo de vida” e “religiosidade”, e Qui-Quadrado para análise bivariada entre sexo e religiosidade. Resultados: Encontrou-se perfil de religiosidade predominantemente bom nas três dimensões, com destaque para a Religiosidade Intrínseca, que alcançou 83,5% (n=167 nos três quesitos. Quanto ao estilo de vida (FANTÁSTICO, obteve-se a classificação de: 26,6% (n=34 “Bom”, 48,4% (n=62 “Muito Bom” e 12,5% (n=16 “Excelente”. Das 125 análises bivariadas, 13 (11,3% apresentaram correlação fraca (ρ< 0,30, porém significativa (p<0,05. Nas associações do Qui-Quadrado, a religiosidade se relacionou às dimensões do estilo de vida quanto ao uso de álcool e drogas, alimentação equilibrada e saúde mental. Conclusão: A religiosidade na população estudada, considerando-se as três dimensões analisadas, caracterizou-se como “boa” e “muito boa”; e o estilo de vida, segundo escore total do questionário FANTÁSTICO, pôde ser considerado saudável. Apesar de fraca, confirmou-se associação entre a religiosidade e o estilo de vida.

  9. Conduta na lesão intraepitelial de alto grau em mulheres adultas

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    Pauliana Sousa Oliveira

    Full Text Available O câncer cervical é a segunda causa mais comum de câncer entre as mulheres no mundo, apesar de apresentar grande potencial de prevenção e cura quando diagnosticado e tratado precocemente, o que pode reduzir a taxa de mortalidade entre as acometidas. Como não há consenso entre as medidas terapêuticas nas lesões intraepiteliais escamosas cervicais de alto grau (HSIL, buscamos discutir a conduta frente às mulheres adultas que apresentam HSIL e o seguimento após o procedimento adotado. Foi realizada pesquisa eletrônica no Medline (através do PubMed, National Guidelines Clearinghouse, Google Acadêmico e Lilacs. Os consensos identificados foram avaliados segundo sua validade e recomendações. Em relação ao acompanhamento após o tratamento, o Europeu acompanha por citologia de 6/6 meses; o Australiano, citologia e colposcopia de 6/6 meses; o Americano preconiza a realização da captura híbrida em seis a 12 meses ou citologia em seis meses. Já o Projeto Diretrizes do Brasil recomenda que reavaliações clínicas e colpocitológicas devam ser realizadas a cada três ou quatro meses nos primeiros dois anos de seguimento. Estudos comparando o método "Ver e Tratar" com os três passos (histologia, colposcopia, biópsia concluíram que este último é indicado em mulheres LSIL/ASCUS antes de se submeterem à exérese da zona de transformação (EZT, enquanto que o "Ver e Tratar" é indicado em mulheres com HSIL comprovada na citologia e sugestiva na colposcopia, pois apresenta como vantagens, o baixo custo e a resolução imediata. Todos os consensos são unânimes ao afirmar que frente à HSIL comprovada, retira-se a lesão por meio de ablação ou conização ou EZT.

  10. Células madre adultas en la terapia de enfermedades de la retina

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    Rosa María Pérez Guerrero


    Full Text Available En los últimos años se han publicado algunos artículos que plantean las posibilidades que puede aportar el uso de la terapia celular para el tratamiento de ciertas retinopatías. El presente trabajo pretende comunicar la factibilidad y seguridad de la implantación de células madre en pacientes con degeneraciones de retina, como la retinosis pigmentaria y la degeneración macular seca relacionada con la edad, a partir de un estudio preliminar, realizado en pacientes atendidos en la consulta de oftalmología del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de La Serna”, en la provincia de Las Tunas, Cuba. Los mismos fueron tratados con implantación de células madre adultas autólogas, procedentes de la médula ósea, y movilizadas a la sangre periférica mediante el factor estimulador de colonias de granulocitos. Se hizo aplicación local por las vías retrobulbar y peribulbar en ambos ojos, e intravitrea solo en el ojo más afectado. El resto de las células obtenidas se inyectó por vía endovenosa. Se trataron 30 pacientes en ambos ojos en el periodo de marzo a agosto del presente año. Las variables analizadas fueron: agudeza visual y complicaciones del método de implante. Se pudo comprobar que la mejoría visual en ellos fue en el ojo del triple implante, aplicación intravitrea. En ningún caso hubo reacciones adversas generales y se presentaron complicaciones locales en dos casos, debido a uveítis anterior ligera en un ojo, después del implante de células madre, con resolución a las 72 horas con colirios esteroideos. El estudio evidenció la seguridad del método aplicado y los resultados obtenidos son alentadores, pues crean nuevas perspectivas que pueden contribuir significativamente al tratamiento de estas retinopatías

  11. BRS Libra: cultivar de pessegueiro lançada pela Embrapa, em 2009 ‘BRS LIBRA’: peach cultivar released by Embrapa, in 2009

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    Maria do Carmo Bassols Raseira


    Full Text Available O programa de melhoramento genético da Embrapa Clima Temperado enfatiza a criação de cultivares de maturação precoce, produtoras de frutas de polpa não fundente. Isto é devido ao interesse dos produtores e da indústria conserveira, uma vez que tais cultivares têm mais baixo custo de produção e muito boa oportunidade de mercado. A cv. BRS Libra atende a esta demanda e já foi testada por produtores da área próxima a Pelotas, por vários ciclos, contando com a cooperação do serviço de Extensão do Rio Grande do Sul. Mais recentemente, os testes foram estendidos a outras regiões com a parceria de instituições de pesquisa públicas e privadas. A cv. BRS Libra tem baixa necessidade em frio, com floração precoce e maturação iniciando geralmente, no início de outubro e ocasionalmente, ao final de setembro, no município de Pelotas. A sua exigência em frio não foi determinada precisamente, mas por comparação com outras cultivares estima-se que seja entre 100 e 200 horas.The Embrapa peach breeding program emphasizes the development of early ripening cultivars which produce non-melting flesh peaches. This is due to the interest of growers and canning industry on these cultivars because of the lower production costs plus the market oportunities. The BRS Libra cv. meet this objective and has been tested by growers around Pelotas'area, for several years with the collaboration of the extension service of Rio Grande do Sul State, and more recently in other areas, thanks to the cooperation of other public and private research institutions. It has low chilling requirement, early blooming and the harvest generally starts by beginning of October and exceptionally end of September, in Pelotas, RS. The chilling requirement was mot precisely determined but by comparison with other cultivars, it is estimated between 100 and 200 hours.

  12. La vagina dentada: una interpretación de la Estela 25 de Izapa y las guacamayas del juego de pelota de Copán The dented vagina: an interpretation for Stela 25 of Izapa and ballcourt macaws of Copan


    Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos


    Las aves representadas en la Estela 25 de Izapa y el juego de pelota de Copán forman el punto de partida para un examen del tema mitológico de la vagina dentada en Mesoamérica, y sus expresiones en el arte y la narrativa. Un amplio conjunto de narraciones mitológicas recopiladas en México y Guatemala sirve como base para un examen de la historia de Siete Guacamayo en el Popol Vuh, la cual se interpreta como una variante de un mito ampliamente difundido, relacionado con el origen del Sol y la ...

  13. Simplified Antenna Group Determination of RS Overhead Reduced Massive MIMO for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Byung Moo Lee


    Full Text Available Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO systems can be applied to support numerous internet of things (IoT devices using its excessive amount of transmitter (TX antennas. However, one of the big obstacles for the realization of the massive MIMO system is the overhead of reference signal (RS, because the number of RS is proportional to the number of TX antennas and/or related user equipments (UEs. It has been already reported that antenna group-based RS overhead reduction can be very effective to the efficient operation of massive MIMO, but the method of deciding the number of antennas needed in each group is at question. In this paper, we propose a simplified determination scheme of the number of antennas needed in each group for RS overhead reduced massive MIMO to support many IoT devices. Supporting many distributed IoT devices is a framework to configure wireless sensor networks. Our contribution can be divided into two parts. First, we derive simple closed-form approximations of the achievable spectral efficiency (SE by using zero-forcing (ZF and matched filtering (MF precoding for the RS overhead reduced massive MIMO systems with channel estimation error. The closed-form approximations include a channel error factor that can be adjusted according to the method of the channel estimation. Second, based on the closed-form approximation, we present an efficient algorithm determining the number of antennas needed in each group for the group-based RS overhead reduction scheme. The algorithm depends on the exact inverse functions of the derived closed-form approximations of SE. It is verified with theoretical analysis and simulation that the proposed algorithm works well, and thus can be used as an important tool for massive MIMO systems to support many distributed IoT devices.

  14. Inmigración y maternidad en la transición a la vida adulta en jóvenes Latinoamericanas

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    Adolfo Pizzinato


    Full Text Available La teoría del adulto emergente es un marco de comprensión de los as- pectos psicosociales del desarrollo humano, considerando aspectos referentes a la globalización y sus efectos. El adulto emergente, según defiende la teoría, presentaría cinco características principales: inestabilidad; ambivalencia / sentimiento de frontera; foco en sí mis- mo; experimentación; y visión de posibilidades para el futuro. Con el objetivo de validar ese modelo para un grupo específico: el de jóvenes madres latinoamericanas, fue elaborada una investigación que analizó cualitativamente, con las premisas del análisis de contenido, entrevistas que fueron realizadas en Barcelona con veintidós jóvenes inmigrantes latinoamericanas en España. Los resultados muestran que la teoría del adulto emergente puede ser una herramienta útil para la comprensión de la juventud actual como fenómeno, sin dejar de lado las característi- cas contextuales,legales y económicas, que tienen mayor impacto en la transición hacia la vida adulta.

  15. The Use of Systematic Reviews and Reporting Guidelines to Advance the Implementation of the 3Rs (United States)

    Avey, Marc T; Fenwick, Nicole; Griffin, Gilly


    In 1959, Russell and Burch published The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique, which included concrete advice on factors that they considered would govern progress in the implementation of these principles (enunciated as the 3Rs [Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement in animal-based studies]). One challenge to the implementation of the 3Rs was identified as information retrieval. Here, we further explore this challenge—the need for ‘research on research’—and the role that systematic reviews and reporting guidelines can play in implementation of the 3Rs. First, we examine the 2-fold nature of the challenge of information retrieval: 1) the identification of relevant publications spread throughout a large population of nonrelevant publications and 2) the incomplete reporting of relevant details within those publications. Second, we evaluate how systematic reviews and reporting guidelines can be used generally to address this challenge. Third, we assess the explicit reporting of the 3Rs in a cohort of preclinical animal systematic reviews. Our results show that Reduction methods are the most commonly reported by authors of systematic reviews but that, in general, reporting on how findings relate to the 3Rs is limited at best. Although systematic reviews are excellent tools for resolving the challenge of information retrieval, their utility for making progress in implementation of the 3Rs may be limited unless authors improve their reporting of these principles. PMID:25836961

  16. A systems immunology approach identifies the collective impact of 5 miRs in Th2 inflammation. (United States)

    Kılıç, Ayşe; Santolini, Marc; Nakano, Taiji; Schiller, Matthias; Teranishi, Mizue; Gellert, Pascal; Ponomareva, Yuliya; Braun, Thomas; Uchida, Shizuka; Weiss, Scott T; Sharma, Amitabh; Renz, Harald


    Allergic asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease dominated by a CD4+ T helper 2 (Th2) cell signature. The immune response amplifies in self-enforcing loops, promoting Th2-driven cellular immunity and leaving the host unable to terminate inflammation. Posttranscriptional mechanisms, including microRNAs (miRs), are pivotal in maintaining immune homeostasis. Since an altered expression of various miRs has been associated with T cell-driven diseases, including asthma, we hypothesized that miRs control mechanisms ensuring Th2 stability and maintenance in the lung. We isolated murine CD4+ Th2 cells from allergic inflamed lungs and profiled gene and miR expression. Instead of focusing on the magnitude of miR differential expression, here we addressed the secondary consequences for the set of molecular interactions in the cell, the interactome. We developed the Impact of Differential Expression Across Layers, a network-based algorithm to prioritize disease-relevant miRs based on the central role of their targets in the molecular interactome. This method identified 5 Th2-related miRs (mir27b, mir206, mir106b, mir203, and mir23b) whose antagonization led to a sharp reduction of the Th2 phenotype. Overall, a systems biology tool was developed and validated, highlighting the role of miRs in Th2-driven immune response. This result offers potentially novel approaches for therapeutic interventions.

  17. Interleukin-21 gene polymorphism rs2221903 is associated with disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (United States)

    Malinowski, Damian; Paradowska-Gorycka, Agnieszka; Safranow, Krzysztof; Pawlik, Andrzej


    Interleukin-21 (IL-21) is a cytokine which plays a significant role in the pathogenesis and disease activity of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Genetic polymorphisms in the IL-21 gene may alter the synthesis of IL-21. The aim of this study was to examine IL-21 and IL-21R polymorphisms in patients with RA. We examined 422 patients with RA and 338 healthy controls. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the IL-21 (rs6822844 G>T, rs6840978 C>T, rs2221903 T>C) and IL-21R (rs2285452 G>A) genes were genotyped using TaqMan genotyping assays. There were no statistically significant differences in the distribution of studied genotypes and alleles between RA patients and the control group. To examine whether IL-21 polymorphisms affect disease activity in RA patients, we compared the distribution of IL-21 genotypes between patients with DAS28 ≤ 2.5 (patients with remission of disease symptoms) and patients with DAS28 > 2.5 (patients with active RA). Among patients with DAS28 > 2.5, increased prevalence of rs2221903 CT and CC genotypes was observed (OR = 1.54; 95% CI: 1.04-2.28; p = 0.035). The results of this study suggest that IL-21 and IL-21R gene polymorphisms are not risk loci for RA susceptibility, whereas the IL-21 rs2221903 polymorphism is associated with disease activity.

  18. Fatores de risco para internação por doença respiratória aguda em crianças até um ano de idade Risk factors for acute respiratory disease hospitalization in children under one year of age


    Silvia Elaine Cardozo Macedo; Ana Maria Baptista Menezes; Elaine Albernaz; Paulo Post; Marli Knorst


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar fatores de risco para hospitalização por doença respiratória aguda em crianças até um ano de idade. MÉTODOS: Estudo de casos e controles na cidade de Pelotas, RS. Os casos foram crianças de até um ano de idade, que se hospitalizaram por doença respiratória aguda, de agosto de 1997 a julho de 1998. Os controles foram crianças da comunidade, da mesma idade, sem hospitalização prévia por essa doença. Um questionário investigando exposição a fatores de risco foi aplicado às mães...

  19. Fatores de risco para internação por doença respiratória aguda em crianças até um ano de idade


    Macedo,Silvia Elaine Cardozo; Menezes,Ana Maria Baptista; Albernaz,Elaine; Post,Paulo; Knorst,Marli


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar fatores de risco para hospitalização por doença respiratória aguda em crianças até um ano de idade. MÉTODOS: Estudo de casos e controles na cidade de Pelotas, RS. Os casos foram crianças de até um ano de idade, que se hospitalizaram por doença respiratória aguda, de agosto de 1997 a julho de 1998. Os controles foram crianças da comunidade, da mesma idade, sem hospitalização prévia por essa doença. Um questionário investigando exposição a fatores de risco foi aplicado às mães...

  20. The rs1527483, but not rs3212018, CD36 polymorphism associates with linoleic acid detection and obesity in Czech young adults

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Plesník, J.; Šerý, Omar; Khan, A. S.; Bielik, P.; Khan, N. A.


    Roč. 119, č. 4 (2018), s. 472-478 ISSN 0007-1145 R&D Projects: GA MZd(CZ) NV16-29900A Institutional support: RVO:67985904 Keywords : CD36 * fat taste * genetic polymorphism * rs1527483 Subject RIV: ED - Physiology OBOR OECD: Physiology (including cytology) Impact factor: 3.706, year: 2016

  1. Fatores de risco para consultas em pronto-socorro por crianças asmáticas no Sul do Brasil

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    Chatkin Moema


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Traçar um perfil das crianças asmáticas do município de Pelotas, RS, conhecer o manejo da doença e os fatores de risco associados a consultas em pronto-socorro, motivadas por asma. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal aninhado a um estudo de coorte, realizado na área urbana de Pelotas, cidade de médio porte do Sul do Brasil. Participaram 981 crianças de 4-5 anos, pertencentes à coorte de 1993. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de asma encontrada na amostra estudada foi de 25,4%. A morbidade por asma foi elevada: 31% das crianças asmáticas haviam procurado o pronto-socorro no último ano, 57% tinham consultado médico e 26%, de 1 a 4 anos, foram internadas por asma. Na análise geral, escolaridade e renda familiar baixas associaram-se com consultas em pronto-socorro (RO=4,1 para 0 a 4 anos de escolaridade e RO=6,5 para menos de 1 salário-mínimo. Dormir em quartos com 3 ou mais pessoas também mostrou-se associado (RO=2,2, bem como severidade das crises (RO=2,7, uso de medicamentos para asma no último ano (RO=1,9 e internações por asma (RO=3,0. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de asma entre crianças pré-escolares em Pelotas é alta, levando a grande morbidade. Encontraram-se como fatores preditores de consultas em pronto-socorro por asma, após análise multivariada, a baixa escolaridade das mães, severidade das crises e internação por asma.

  2. Beta cell 5'-shifted isomiRs are candidate regulatory hubs in type 2 diabetes.

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    Jeanette Baran-Gale

    Full Text Available Next-generation deep sequencing of small RNAs has unveiled the complexity of the microRNA (miRNA transcriptome, which is in large part due to the diversity of miRNA sequence variants ("isomiRs". Changes to a miRNA's seed sequence (nucleotides 2-8, including shifted start positions, can redirect targeting to a dramatically different set of RNAs and alter biological function. We performed deep sequencing of small RNA from mouse insulinoma (MIN6 cells (widely used as a surrogate for the study of pancreatic beta cells and developed a bioinformatic analysis pipeline to profile isomiR diversity. Additionally, we applied the pipeline to recently published small RNA-seq data from primary human beta cells and whole islets and compared the miRNA profiles with that of MIN6. We found that: (1 the miRNA expression profile in MIN6 cells is highly correlated with those of primary human beta cells and whole islets; (2 miRNA loci can generate multiple highly expressed isomiRs with different 5'-start positions (5'-isomiRs; (3 isomiRs with shifted start positions (5'-shifted isomiRs are highly expressed, and can be as abundant as their unshifted counterparts (5'-reference miRNAs. Finally, we identified 10 beta cell miRNA families as candidate regulatory hubs in a type 2 diabetes (T2D gene network. The most significant candidate hub was miR-29, which we demonstrated regulates the mRNA levels of several genes critical to beta cell function and implicated in T2D. Three of the candidate miRNA hubs were novel 5'-shifted isomiRs: miR-375+1, miR-375-1 and miR-183-5p+1. We showed by in silico target prediction and in vitro transfection studies that both miR-375+1 and miR-375-1 are likely to target an overlapping, but distinct suite of beta cell genes compared to canonical miR-375. In summary, this study characterizes the isomiR profile in beta cells for the first time, and also highlights the potential functional relevance of 5'-shifted isomiRs to T2D.

  3. A meta-analysis of adiponectin gene rs22411766 T>G polymorphism and ischemic stroke susceptibility

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    Xiuju Chen


    Full Text Available Several studies have investigated the correlation between adiponectin gene rs22411766 T>G polymorphism and ischemic stroke risk. However, the results were not conclusive with each other. Therefore, to overcome this obstacle, we performed this meta-analysis to further explicate the adiponectin gene rs22411766 T>G polymorphism and ischemic stroke susceptibility. Case-control or cohort studies focused on adiponectin gene rs22411766 T>G polymorphism and ischemic stroke risk were electronic searched in the databases of Medline, Pubmed, Cochrane library, Excerpta Medica database(EMBASE and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI. All the potentially relevant studies were included in this meta-analysis. The association between adiponectin gene rs22411766 T>G polymorphism and ischemic stroke was expressed by odds ratio with its confidence interval. Publication bias has been assessed by begg’s funnel plot. All the analyses have been performed by Revman 5.1 statistical software. Finally, a total of six studies with 1,345 cases and 1,421 controls were included in this meta-analysis. Our results demonstrated that there was a significant association between adiponectin gene rs22411766 T>G polymorphism and ischemic stroke risk (p<0.05. People with G single nucleotide of adiponectin gene have the increased risk of developing ischemic stroke compared to T single nucleotide.

  4. Childhood and adolescent obesity and adult mortality: a systematic review of cohort studies Obesidade na infância e adolescência e mortalidade na idade adulta: uma revisão sistemática de estudos de coorte

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    Fernando Adami


    Full Text Available This systematic review addressed cohort studies on obesity in childhood and adolescence and adult mortality, published from January 1990 to March 2007. We searched the PubMed database with the following uniterms: obesity, mortality, child, adolescent; obesity and mortality; overweight and mortality. References were also analyzed. The age limit was 2 to 18 years. Quality of the articles was assessed, and eight were identified and reviewed. All used weight and stature for determination of obesity, and seven used body mass index (BMI. The quality score varied from 9 to 17. Evidence of association between obesity in childhood and adolescence and adult mortality should be viewed with caution. Use of BMI and potential confounders were discussed. Further research is needed to analyze the relationship between childhood and adolescent obesity and adult mortality.Esta revisão sistemática avaliou artigos de coorte sobre obesidade na infância e adolescência e mortalidade adulta, publicados entre janeiro de 1990 e março de 2007, indexados na base de dados PubMed. Os unitermos utilizados foram: obesity, mortality, child, adolescent; obesity e mortality; overweight e mortality. Referências bibliográficas também foram analisadas. Foi utilizado limite de idade entre 2 e 18 anos. A qualidade dos artigos foi determinada por meio de metodologia apropriada para avaliação de estudos de coorte. Foram encontrados e revisados oito estudos, e todos utilizaram peso e estatura para determinação da obesidade e sete usaram o índice de massa corporal (IMC. O escore de qualidade variou de 9 a 17 (escore máximo obtido = 24. Deve ser vista com cautela a evidência sobre o aumento do risco de mortalidade na idade adulta em indivíduos com sobrepeso ou obesidade na infância e adolescência, apesar de existir tendência dessa associação para o sexo masculino. Foram discutidos uso do IMC e variáveis de confusão utilizadas nos estudos. São necessários mais

  5. PDYN rs2281285 Variant Association with Drinking to Avoid Emotional or Somatic Discomfort (United States)

    Preuss, Ulrich W.; Winham, Stacey J.; Biernacka, Joanna M.; Geske, Jennifer R.; Bakalkin, Georgy; Koller, Gabriele; Zill, Peter; Soyka, Michael; Karpyak, Victor M.


    Introduction One of the proposed psychobiological pathways of craving attributes the desire for drinking in the context of tension, discomfort or unpleasant emotions, to “negative” (or “relief”) craving. The aim of this study was to replicate a previously reported association of the PDYN rs2281285 variant with negative craving using a different phenotyping approach. Methods The TaqMan® Genotyping Assay was used to genotype the rs2281285 variant in 417 German alcohol-dependent subjects. The presence of negative/relief craving was assessed by asking if participants ever ingested alcohol to avoid unwanted emotional or somatic discomfort. Results The minor allele of rs2281285 was associated with an increased risk of drinking to avoid/escape unwanted emotional or somatic events (OR = 2.29, 95% CI = 1.08–4.85, p = 0.0298). Discussion Despite the use of a different phenotyping approach to the measurement of negative craving, our results confirm the association between negative craving and PDYN rs2281285. Genetic markers of negative craving may help to identify subgroups of alcohol-dependent individuals vulnerable to relapse in the context of negative emotions or somatic discomfort, leading to the development of specifically tailored treatment strategies. PMID:24223163

  6. Aligning the 3Rs with new paradigms in the safety assessment of chemicals. (United States)

    Burden, Natalie; Mahony, Catherine; Müller, Boris P; Terry, Claire; Westmoreland, Carl; Kimber, Ian


    There are currently several factors driving a move away from the reliance on in vivo toxicity testing for the purposes of chemical safety assessment. Progress has started to be made in the development and validation of non-animal methods. However, recent advances in the biosciences provide exciting opportunities to accelerate this process and to ensure that the alternative paradigms for hazard identification and risk assessment deliver lasting 3Rs benefits, whilst improving the quality and relevance of safety assessment. The NC3Rs, a UK-based scientific organisation which supports the development and application of novel 3Rs techniques and approaches, held a workshop recently which brought together over 20 international experts in the field of chemical safety assessment. The aim of this workshop was to review the current scientific, technical and regulatory landscapes, and to identify key opportunities towards reaching these goals. Here, we consider areas where further strategic investment will need to be focused if significant impact on 3Rs is to be matched with improved safety science, and why the timing is right for the field to work together towards an environment where we no longer rely on whole animal data for the accurate safety assessment of chemicals.

  7. Association of rs662799 in APOA5 with CAD in Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Chen, Hua; Ding, Shifang; Zhou, Mi; Wu, Xiayin; Liu, Xi; Wu, Yun; Liu, Dechao


    CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) is a complex disease that influenced by various environmental and genetic factors. Previous studies have found many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the risk of CAD occurrence. However, the results are inconsistent. In this study, we aim to investigate genetic etiology in Chinese Han population by analysis of 7 SNPs in lipid metabolism pathway that previously has been reported to be associated with CAD. A total of 631 samples were used in this study, including 435 CAD cases and 196 normal healthy controls. SNP genotyping were conducted via multiplex PCR amplifying followed by NGS (next-generation sequencing). Rs662799 in APOA5 (Apolipoprotein A5) gene was associated with CAD in Chinese Han population (Odds-ratio = 1.374, P-value = 0.03). No significant association was observed between the rest of SNPs and CAD. Stratified association analysis revealed rs5882 was associated with CAD in non-hypertension group (Odds-ratio = 1.593, P-value = 0.023). Rs1800588 was associated with CAD in smoking group (Odds-ratio = 1.603, P-value = 0.035). The minor allele of rs662799 was the risk factor of CAD occurrences in Chinese Han population.

  8. Replication study of STAT4 rs7574865 G/T polymorphism and risk of rheumatoid arthritis in a Chinese population. (United States)

    Shen, Li; Liu, Ruiping; Zhang, Hui; Huang, Yong; Sun, Rongbin; Tang, Peifu


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) are common systemic autoimmune diseases with genetic and environmental predisposing factors. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (STAT4) transmits signals induced by interleukin-12, interleukin-23 and interferon-γ, which are key cytokines and play important roles in the development of autoimmune diseases. Previous studies confirmed the STAT4 rs7574865 G/T locus to be associated with RA. Thus we conducted a replication study to investigate STAT4 rs7574865 G/T polymorphism and RA/AS susceptibility in a Chinese population. We studied STAT4 rs7574865 G/T gene polymorphism in 520 patients with RA, 100 AS patients and 520 controls in a Chinese population. Genotyping was done using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). When the STAT4 rs7574865 GG homozygote genotype was used as the reference group, the GT or GT/TT genotypes were associated with the risk for RA. After stratification analyses, a significantly increased risk for RA associated with the STAT4 rs7574865 GT genotype was evident among the rheumatoid factor (RF)-positive patients, patients with higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) level and patients with higher RA disease activity score (DAS28) compared with the STAT4 rs7574865 GG genotype. A significantly increased risk for RA associated with the STAT4 rs7574865 TT genotype was evident among older patients and RF-negative patients compared with the STAT4 rs7574865 GG genotype. STAT4 rs7574865 G/T was not associated with susceptibility to AS. This replication study confirmed that STAT4 rs7574865 G/T polymorphism was associated with the risk of RA. STAT4 polymorphisms are associated with rheumatoid arthritis risk. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Focus and coverage of Bolsa Família Program in the Pelotas 2004 birth cohort. (United States)

    Schmidt, Kelen H; Labrecque, Jeremy; Santos, Iná S; Matijasevich, Alicia; Barros, Fernando C; Barros, Aluisio J D


    To describe the focalization and coverage of Bolsa Família Program among the families of children who are part of the 2004 Pelotas birth cohort (2004 cohort). The data used derives from the integration of information from the 2004 cohort and the Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais do Governo Federal (CadÚnico - Register for Social Programs of the Federal Government), in the 2004-2010 period. We estimated the program coverage (percentage of eligible people who receive the benefit) and its focus (proportion of eligible people among the beneficiaries). We used two criteria to define eligibility: the per capita household income reported in the cohort follow-ups and belonging to the 20% poorest families according to the National Economic Indicator (IEN), an asset index. Between 2004 and 2010, the proportion of families in the cohort that received the benefit increased from 11% to 34%. We observed an increase in all wealth quintiles. In 2010, by income and wealth quintiles (IEN), 62%-72% of the families were beneficiaries among the 20% poorest people, 2%-5% among the 20% richest people, and about 30% of families of the intermediate quintile. According to household income (minus the benefit) 29% of families were eligible in 2004 and 16% in 2010. By the same criteria, the coverage of the program increased from 43% in 2004 to 71% in 2010. In the same period, by the wealth criterion (IEN), coverage increased from 29% to 63%. The focalization of the program decreased from 78% in 2004 to 32% in 2010 according to income, and remained constant (37%) according to the IEN. Among the families of the 2004 cohort, there was a significant increase in the program coverage, from its inception until 2010, when it was near 70%. The focus of the program was below 40% in 2010, indicating that more than half of the beneficiaries did not belong to the target population. Descrever a focalização e a cobertura do Programa Bolsa Família nas famílias de crianças que fazem parte da coorte

  10. Children's eating behavior: comparison between normal and overweight children from a school in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Darlise Rodrigues dos Passos


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate differences in children's eating behavior in relation to their nutritional status, gender and age. METHODS: Male and female children aged six to ten years were included. They were recruited from a private school in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, in 2012. Children´s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ subscales were used to assess eating behaviors: Food Responsiveness (FR, Enjoyment of Food (EF, Desire to Drink (DD, Emotional Overeating (EOE, Emotional Undereating (EUE, Satiety Responsiveness (SR, Food Fussiness (FF and Slowness in Eating (SE. Age-adjusted body mass index (BMI z-scores were calculated according to the WHO recommendations to assess nutritional status. RESULTS: The study sample comprised 335 children aged 87.9±10.4 months and 49.3% had normal weight (n=163, 26% were overweight (n=86, 15% were obese (n=50 and 9.7% were severely obese (n=32. Children with excess weight showed higher scores at the CEBQ subscales associated with "food approach" (FR, EF, DD, EOE, p<0.001 and lower scores on two "food avoidance" subscales (SR and SE, p<0.001 and p=0.003, respectively compared to normal weight children. Differences in the eating behavior related to gender and age were not found. CONCLUSIONS: "Food approach" subscales were positively associated to excess weight in children, but no associations with gender and age were found.

  11. Acidentes de trabalho na zona rural de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: um estudo transversal de base populacional

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    Fehlberg Marta Fernanda


    Full Text Available São escassos os estudos de base populacional sobre a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho rural. Para investigar este tema, realizou-se em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, um estudo transversal com o objetivo de verificar a ocorrência e as características dos acidentes do trabalho rural. Uma amostra representativa da população foi obtida através de amostragem em estágios múltiplos, utilizando-se os setores censitários da Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Em quatro meses, no ano de 1996, foram estudadas 258 famílias, e 580 trabalhadores rurais foram entrevistados, utilizando-se questionários padronizados e pré-codificados. Os acidentes de trabalho nos últimos doze meses atingiram 63 trabalhadores (11%, que referiram, pelo menos, um acidente no período. O total de acidentes ocorridos foi de 82, e foram causados, principalmente, por ferramentas manuais (29% e por animais domésticos (27%. A principal lesão provocada foi corte (50%, seguida por contusão (13% e queimadura (9%. As partes do corpo mais atingidas foram as mãos (34%, os pés (29% e as pernas (18%. Em apenas 32% dos casos, o trabalhador rural acidentado procurou tratamento. Desses, 46% procuraram o posto de saúde, e 36%, o pronto-socorro municipal.

  12. Polymorphism of MDM2 promoter 309 (rs 2279744) and the risk of PCOS. (United States)

    Chan, Ying; Jiang, Hongguo; Yang, Xiaoling; Li, Dongya; Ma, Lan; Luo, Ying; Tang, Wenru


    This study aimed at evaluating possible association between MDM2 SNP309 polymorphism (rs 2279744) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). One hundred and twenty-five women with PCOS and two hundred and fifty women without PCOS were collected from the department of reproductive medicine of college hospital in this case-control study. Peripheral blood samples were collected from all participants and DNA was extracted, MDM2 SNP309 polymorphism (rs 2279744) was determined from the 125 cases and 250 controls. Women were grouped into PCOS (n = 125) group and control group (n = 250). Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used to evaluate the association between MDM2 SNP309 polymorphism (rs 2279744) and PCOS. The distribution of T allele was significant higher in PCOS cases than controls. MDM2 SNP 309 T allele is associated with PCOS.

  13. Lack of association between PKLR rs3020781 and NOS1AP rs7538490 and type 2 diabetes, overweight, obesity and related metabolic phenotypes in a Danish large-scale study: case-control studies and analyses of quantitative traits

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    Almind Katrine


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Several studies in multiple ethnicities have reported linkage to type 2 diabetes on chromosome 1q21-25. Both PKLR encoding the liver pyruvate kinase and NOS1AP encoding the nitric oxide synthase 1 (neuronal adaptor protein (CAPON are positioned within this chromosomal region and are thus positional candidates for the observed linkage peak. The C-allele of PKLR rs3020781 and the T-allele of NOS1AP rs7538490 are reported to strongly associate with type 2 diabetes in various European-descent populations comprising a total of 2,198 individuals with a combined odds ratio (OR of 1.33 [1.16–1.54] and 1.53 [1.28–1.81], respectively. Our aim was to validate these findings by investigating the impact of the two variants on type 2 diabetes and related quantitative metabolic phenotypes in a large study sample of Danes. Further, we intended to expand the analyses by examining the effect of the variants in relation to overweight and obesity. Methods PKLR rs3020781 and NOS1AP rs7538490 were genotyped, using TaqMan allelic discrimination, in a combined study sample comprising a total of 16,801 and 16,913 individuals, respectively. The participants were ascertained from four different study groups; the population-based Inter99 cohort (nPKLR = 5,962, nNOS1AP = 6,008, a type 2 diabetic patient group (nPKLR = 1,873, nNOS1AP = 1,874 from Steno Diabetes Center, a population-based study sample (nPKLR = 599, nNOS1AP = 596 from Steno Diabetes Center and the ADDITION Denmark screening study cohort (nPKLR = 8,367, nNOS1AP = 8,435. Results In case-control studies we evaluated the potential association between rs3020781 and rs7538490 and type 2 diabetes and obesity. No significant associations were observed for type 2 diabetes (rs3020781: pAF = 0.49, OR = 1.02 [0.96–1.10]; rs7538490: pAF = 0.84, OR = 0.99 [0.93–1.06]. Neither did we show association with overweight or obesity. Additionally, the PKLR and the NOS1AP genotypes were demonstrated not

  14. Effect of Tryptophan Hydroxylase-2 rs7305115 SNP on suicide attempts risk in major depression

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    Zhang Yuqi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Suicide and major depressive disorders (MDD are strongly associated, and genetic factors are responsible for at least part of the variability in suicide risk. We investigated whether variation at the tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (TPH2 gene rs7305115 SNP may predispose to suicide attempts in MDD. Methods We genotyped TPH2 gene rs7305115 SNP in 215 MDD patients with suicide and matched MDD patients without suicide. Differences in behavioral and personality traits according to genotypic variation were investigated by logistic regression analysis. Results There were no significant differences between MDD patients with suicide and controls in genotypic (AG and GG frequencies for rs7305115 SNP, but the distribution of AA genotype differed significantly (14.4% vs. 29.3%, p p p Conclusions The study suggested that hopelessness, negative life events and family history of suicide were risk factors of attempted suicide in MDD while the TPH2 rs7305115A remained a significant protective predictor of suicide attempts.

  15. Infant mortality in Pelotas, Brazil: a comparison of risk factors in two birth cohorts La mortalidad de menores de un año en Pelotas, Brasil: comparación de factores de riesgo en dos cohortes de nacimiento

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    Ana Maria Baptista Menezes


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To compare two population-based birth cohorts to assess trends in infant mortality rates and the distribution of relevant risk factors, and how these changed after an 11-year period. METHODS: Data from two population-based prospective birth cohorts (1982 and 1993 were analyzed. Both studies included all children born in a hospital (> 99% of all births in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil. Infant mortality was monitored through surveillance of all maternity hospitals, mortality registries and cemeteries. RESULTS: There were 5 914 live-born children in 1982 and 5 249 in 1993. The infant mortality rate decreased by 41%, from 36.0 per 1 000 live births in 1982 to 21.1 per 1 000 in 1993. Socioeconomic and maternal factors tended to become more favorable during the study period, but there were unfavorable changes in birthweight and gestational age. Poverty, high parity, low birthweight, preterm delivery, and intrauterine growth restriction were the main risk factors for infant mortality in both cohorts. The 41% reduction in infant mortality between 1982 and 1993 would have been even greater had the prevalence of risk factors remained constant during the period studied here. CONCLUSIONS: There were impressive declines in infant mortality which were not due to changes in the risk factors we studied. Because no reduction was seen in the large social inequalities documented in the 1982 cohort, it is likely that the reduction in infant mortality resulted largely from improvements in health care.OBJETIVOS: Comparar dos cohortes de nacimiento tomadas de la población en general a fin de evaluar las tendencias observadas en las tasas de mortalidad de menores de un año y la distribución de los factores de riesgo asociados con ella, así como los cambios sufridos por ambas cosas al cabo de un período de 11 años. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron los datos procedentes de dos cohortes de nacimiento prospectivas (1982 y 1993 tomadas de la población en

  16. Association of OPN rs11730582 polymorphism with cancer risk: a meta-analysis

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    He LL


    Full Text Available Lanlan He,1,* Yong Wang2,* 1Emergency Department, Zhenjiang First People’s Hospital, Zhenjiang, People’s Republic of China; 2Department of Interventional Radiology and Vascular Surgery, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, People’s Republic of China *Both authors contributed equally to this work Purpose: Several molecular epidemiological studies have investigated the association between OPN rs11730582 C>T polymorphism and cancer risk, but the results are inconsistent. Hence, a meta-analysis was conducted to determine the association of this polymorphism with cancer risk. Materials and methods: The related articles were searched in PubMed, Embase, and Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure databases. Pooled odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to evaluate the strength of the associations. A random-effects model or fixed-effects model was employed depending on the heterogeneity. Results: A total of ten case-control studies involving 2,749 cancer cases and 3,398 controls were included in the meta-analysis. In overall analysis, OPN rs11730582 C>T polymorphism was not associated with cancer risk. In a stratified analysis by cancer type, no significant association was found between OPN rs11730582 C>T polymorphism and the risk of glioma, gastric cancer, and other cancers. Conclusion: This meta-analysis suggests that OPN rs11730582 C>T polymorphism is not associated with cancer susceptibility. Keywords: osteopontin, polymorphism, cancer, risk 

  17. Avaliação da competição intergenotipica em misturas de cultivares de soja Evaluation o f intergenotypic competition in soybean cultivars blends

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    Dilson Antonio Bisognin


    Full Text Available Para avaliar os efeitos da competição intergenotípica em misturas de cultivares de soja - Glycine max (L. Merrill - foi conduzido um experimento em Capão do Leão, RS, no ano agrícola de 1989/90. Os tratamentos foram os estandes puros de IAS 5, Ivorá, Bragg, BR 8 - Pelotas e Ivaí e as combinações de Bragg com os demais cultivares, nas proporções de 20, 35, 50, 65 e 80%. O delineamento experimental foi o látice parcialmente balanceado 5x5, com quatro repetições. A competição intergenotípica foi quantificada pela variação percentual = 100 (PM - PEP/ PEP, onde PM é a média do caráter em mistura e PEP é a média do caráter em estande puro. As misturas produziram, em média, 3,8% mais que a média dos componentes em estande puro. Duas misturas, IAS 5 + Bragg e BR 8-Pelotas + Bragg, proporcionaram acréscimos no rendimento em todas as proporções de misturas. Concluiu-se que a competição intergenotípica pode ser utilizada no melhoramento da soja, visando a obtenção de misturas com rendimento e desempenho superior. Respostas diferenciadas à competição intergenotípica foram observadas em diferentes misturas e proporções e, proporção e características contrastantes entre os cultivares como capacidade de ramificação, altura de planta, ciclo de maturação e período de florescimento devem ser consideradas para a formação de misturas superiores.Intergenotypic competition effects on soybean -Glycine max (L. Merrill - cultivar blends was evaluated in an experiment carried out along the 1989/90 crop season, in Capão do Leão county, RS. Five cultivars, IAS 5, Ivorá, Bragg, Ivaí and BR 8-Pelotas in pure stand and the blends of Bragg with every cultivar, in the proportions of 20, 35, 50, 65 and 80%, were alocated to a partially balanced 5 x 5 lattice design with four repetitions. Intergenotypic competition was quantified by percent vanation 1 (PM - PEP/PEP, where PM stands for the vanable mean in the blend and PEP

  18. Activation of anthocyanin biosynthesis by expression of the radish R2R3-MYB transcription factor gene RsMYB1. (United States)

    Lim, Sun-Hyung; Song, Ji-Hye; Kim, Da-Hye; Kim, Jae Kwang; Lee, Jong-Yeol; Kim, Young-Mi; Ha, Sun-Hwa


    RsMYB1, a MYB TF of red radish origin, was characterized as a positive regulator to transcriptionally activate the anthocyanin biosynthetic machinery by itself in Arabidopsis and tobacco plants. Anthocyanins, providing the bright red-orange to blue-violet colors, are flavonoid-derived pigments with strong antioxidant activity that have benefits for human health. We isolated RsMYB1, which encodes an R2R3-MYB transcription factor (TF), from red radish plants (Raphanus sativus L.) that accumulate high levels of anthocyanins. RsMYB1 shows higher expression in red radish than in common white radish, in both leaves and roots, at different growth stages. Consistent with RsMYB1 function as an anthocyanin-promoting TF, red radishes showed higher expression of all six anthocyanin biosynthetic and two anthocyanin regulatory genes. Transient expression of RsMYB1 in tobacco showed that RsMYB1 is a positive regulator of anthocyanin production with better efficiency than the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) TF gene B-Peru. Also, the synergistic effect of RsMYB1 with B-Peru was larger than the effect of the MYB TF gene mPAP1D with B-peru. Arabidopsis plants stably expressing RsMYB1 produced red pigmentation throughout the plant, accompanied by up-regulation of the six structural and two regulatory genes for anthocyanin production. This broad transcriptional activation of anthocyanin biosynthetic machinery in Arabidopsis included up-regulation of TRANSPARENT TESTA8, which encodes a bHLH TF. These results suggest that overexpression of RsMYB1 promotes anthocyanin production by triggering the expression of endogenous bHLH genes as potential binding partners for RsMYB1. In addition, RsMYB1-overexpressing Arabidopsis plants had a higher antioxidant capacity than did non-transgenic control plants. Taken together, RsMYB1 is an actively positive regulator for anthocyanins biosynthesis in radish plants and it might be one of the best targets for anthocyanin production by single gene

  19. Associations of rs3918242 and rs2285053 MMP-9 and MMP-2 polymorphisms with the risk, severity, and short- and long-term complications of degenerative mitral valve diseases: a 4.8-year prospective cohort study. (United States)

    Balistreri, Carmela Rita; Allegra, Alberto; Crapanzano, Floriana; Pisano, Calogera; Triolo, Oreste Fabio; Argano, Vincenzo; Candore, Giuseppina; Lio, Domenico; Ruvolo, Giovanni


    Degenerative forms of mitral valve diseases (MVDs) are very complex pathologies. Thus, it is difficult to make generalizations about the disease pathways or genetic risk factors contributing to these diseases. However, a key role of metalloproteinases (MMPs) in their pathophysiology is emerging. Thus, we performed for the first time a perspective study to assess eventual associations of some functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in MMP-2 and MMP-9 genes with the MVD risk, symptom severity, and short- and long-term (4.8 years) complications. For this purpose, 90 patients and two control groups were genotyped for rs3918242, rs243865, and rs2285053 MMP-2 and MMP-9 gene SNPs, and systemic levels of pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (pro-ANP) and two enzymes were quantified and correlated to genotypes of MMP-2 and MMP-9 SNPs studied. In addition, associations between these SNPs and symptom severity and short- and long-term (4.8 years) complications were evaluated. Interestingly, rs3918242 MMP-9 and rs2285053 MMP-2 SNPs were significantly represented in cases than two control groups and were associated with a higher MVD risk, as demonstrated using dominant/recessive models. Cases stratified for NYHA symptoms and particularly those NYHA III+IV with rs3918242 CT+TT MMP-9 and rs2285053CT+TT genotypes also showed higher severity related to significant higher systemic levels of MMP enzymes and pro-ANP at enrolment and 4.8 follow-up times. In addition, cases with these genotypes and particularly those NYHA III+IV had a very significant percentage of complications, particularly at the 4.8 follow-up. Surprisingly, 20% of patient controls developed MVD at 4.8-year follow-up and were carriers of these genotypes. Thus, the associations observed seem to suggest that the two SNPs might represent useful biomarkers and targets for preventing and monitoring MVDs and developing personalized treatments, consenting a more appropriate management and outcome. Copyright © 2016

  20. The joint effect of the endothelin receptor B gene (EDNRB polymorphism rs10507875 and nitric oxide synthase 3 gene (NOS3 polymorphism rs869109213 in Slovenian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic retinopathy

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    Dejan Bregar


    Full Text Available Increasing evidence suggests that endothelin and nitric oxide synthase genes and their products exert biological effects on the vasculature via the nitric oxide or endothelin pathway. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association of rs10507875 and rs869109213 (alone or in interaction with diabetic retinopathy (DR in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM. We genotyped the single nucleotide polymorphism rs10507875 of the endothelin receptor B gene (EDNRB and variable number tandem repeats rs869109213 of the nitric oxide synthase 3 gene (NOS3 in 270 Slovenian patients with DR and T2DM and 256 controls with T2DM without clinical signs of DR. The genotyping was performed using either real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR or standard PCR. We found a significant association between the genotypes of NOS3 rs869109213 polymorphism and the risk of DR in the co-dominant model (4a4b genotype; 1.99-fold increased risk [1.09-3.65]; 95% confidence interval [CI]; p = 0.02, co-dominant model (4a4a genotype; 4.16-fold increased risk [1.03-16.74]; 95% CI; p = 0.04, and dominant model (4a4a and 4a4b genotypes; 2.22-fold increased risk [1.26-3.92]; 95% CI; p = 0.01 compared to the 4b4b genotype. Moreover, the joint effect of the two polymorphisms on DR risk was greater than the individual effect of each polymorphism in the analyzed genetic models. Additionally, adjusted odds ratio showed an increased risk in dominant × dominant (4.15-fold [1.40-12.26]; 95% CI; p = 0.01 and recessive × dominant (2.24-fold [1.25-4.01]; 95% CI; p = 0.02 genotype combinations of the two polymorphisms. In conclusion, our results indicate that NOS3 rs869109213 polymorphism alone or in a combination with EDNRB rs10507875 polymorphism may be associated with DR in Slovenian patients with T2DM.